goasknow · 2 years
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Here are some other facts that you may not know about the World Wide Web…
The first computer used by Sir Tim Berners-Lee as a web server was a NeXT computer.
This computer was also used to write the first web browser, WorldWideWeb.
It was announced that the World Wide Web would be free to anyone in 1993.
The launch of the Mosaic web browser in 1993 was a major turning point for the World Wide Web. It is credited with popularizing the World Wide Web.
While the first popular search engine is known as Yahoo! Search, it is believed that Archie was the first of its kind. This was the first tool for FTP archive indexing, enabling people to locate specific files.
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goasknow · 2 years
Facts! Do you think this applies to you?
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goasknow · 2 years
Improving the quality of life is one of the major concerns in modern times. Meditation can be the foundation of your awareness and preparedness to live a more fulfilling life. Here are some tips by Goasknow.
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goasknow · 2 years
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Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Guru Devo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshat Para Brahma
Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha.
Happy Guru Purnima!
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goasknow · 2 years
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From 1989 to 2005, Reshef served as Chief Executive Officer and then Chairman of the Kidum Group, a for-profit educational services and test preparation company.
In January 2009, Reshef founded the University of the People (UoPeople), a non-profit, accredited online academic institution that seeks to increase the availability of higher education by offering tuition-free degrees
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goasknow · 2 years
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What are my strengths?
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goasknow · 2 years
Five types of curiosity
1. Joyous exploration
You're filled with wonder and want to learn more about the world.
2. Deprivation sensitivity
You recognise a gap in knowledge and work tirelessly to master it.
3. Social curiosity
You love talking, listening, and observing to learn from others.
4. Stress tolerance
You love to explore new or risky experiences and are unafraid of a challenge.
5. Thrill-seeking
You get a thrill from taking risks and love the novelty of learning something new.
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goasknow · 2 years
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The creative process is the act of solving problems through innovation. It is a systematic approach to solving problems by finding new ways of looking at old concepts. This system can be executed by an individual or a team of people for personal, educational, or business purposes. The creativity process allows for new discoveries and understanding. The most common manifestation of the creative system is a series of steps that involve different types of thinking and problem-solving. These steps include: .
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goasknow · 2 years
Yoga is a great practice for both the body and the mind, it offers peace and mindfulness to its lovers and helps them get through daily stress.
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goasknow · 2 years
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In today’s highly competitive business world, it’s not enough to move forward on the assumption that progress is being made. An Agile approach demands frequent tests and measures to evaluate the quality of progress, and Chris’ research offers up the evidence of proven success from I CARE Leadership:
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goasknow · 2 years
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Set your sights on something better. Your intelligence is only one half of the equation, but you're a whole person too. Be smart, be curious, and don't forget to be kind.
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goasknow · 2 years
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The Role Of Our Subject Matter Experts!
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goasknow · 2 years
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If there’s one thing we could all probably use a lot more of, it’s the ability to focus. But telling yourself to stay focused on a task, especially a mundane one, is often a lot easier said than done.
#tip1 How To Focus.
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goasknow · 2 years
Learning is a lifelong process with 5 keys to becoming a better learner:
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goasknow · 2 years
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With careful planning and knowledge of your topic, you can be sure to craft a compelling research paper that will satisfy an academic panel.
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goasknow · 2 years
Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim, the better your practice, the brighter the flame. Happy International Yoga Day. Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience. Wishing you and everyone a Happy International Yoga Day.
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