#god ..... maybe i should just get on like mood stabilizers .
pnutsdotorg · 8 months
dear tumblr users... how do you talk about your ocs without feeling like A Dumb Piece of Shit Loser
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Foot Clan incorrect quotes bc why not
All quotes from perchance.org Anton: I typed "bitch" into my GPS and guess what? I'm in your driveway.  Chris: Anton: Vroom vroom, come out already.
Xever: Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool.
Baxter, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Ivan: Sorry I’m late, I was doing things. Anton: Hi, I’m ‘things’.
In the chip aisle at Walmart, doing a late-night grocery run. Tiger Claw: Minding their own business, looking for tortilla chips. Tiger Claw: Finds tortilla chips. Anton, to Ivan: See, they know what they're here for. They know what they're doing. Be more like them. Make a decision, Ivan!
Anton: Life could be worse, Xever. Xever: Life could be a lot better too!
Baxter: Chris is so… Anton: Annoying? Xever: Cute? Ivan: Funny? Tiger Claw: Weird? Baxter: I don't know, maybe if y'all let me FINISH for ONCE IN MY LIFE, I'd tell you!
Chris: Xever, what do you have?  Xever: A KNIFE!  Chris: Okay, have fu-  Tiger Claw: NO!
Anton: Ivan is too tall for me to kiss them on the lips. What should I do?  Xever: Punch them in the stomach. Then, when they double over in pain, kiss them.  Baxter: Tackle them!  Chris: Dump them.  Tiger Claw: Kick them in the shin!  Ivan: No to all of those! Just ask me to lean down!!
Anton: I see the red flags, I acknowledge that they're there, and then I completely ignore them.
Xever: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response.  Chris: Wow. They sound stupid.  Xever: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense.  Chris: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!”  Xever: I guess you’re right. Hey Chris, I love you.  Chris: See! Just say that!  Xever: Holy fucking shit.  Chris: If that flies over their head then, sorry Xever, but they're too dumb for you.  Xever: Chris.
Tiger Claw: The real treasure was the memories we made along the way.  Baxter: I almost died.  Tiger Claw: That... was my favorite memory.
Baxter: A pessimist sees a dark tunnel.  Anton: An optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel.  Ivan: A realist sees a freight train.  Xever: The train driver sees three idiots standing on the tracks.
Anton: What are you in the mood for?  Ivan: World domination.  Anton: That's a bit ambitious.  Ivan: You are my world.  Anton: Aww...  Ivan: Anton: Ivan: Anton: OH.
Ivan: Uh, Xever? Tiger Claw is in the pool and I don't think they're waterproof.  Xever: What?  Chris: I think they meant, Tiger Claw is drowning.  Xever: WHAT?!  *Meanwhile*  Tiger Claw: *is drowning*  Baxter: OH MY GOD, TIGER CLAW! KEEP SWIMMING!  Tiger Claw: I can't swim, dumbass— *sinks*  Baxter: TIGER CLAW!
Ivan, holding a gun: If the conspiracies about life being a simulation are true WHOEVERS CONTROLLING MY SIM I JUST WANNA TALK.
Anton: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the things you lost throughout your life.  Baxter: It would be nice to have my sense of purpose back...  Tiger Claw: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this.  Xever: My will to live! I haven't seen this in years.  Chris: I knew I lost that potential somewhere.  Ivan: Mental stability, my old friend!  Anton: Jesus, could you guys lighten up a little? 
Ivan: I'm so happy, I could kiss you! Anton: Um…Neat. later Anton, lying face down on their bed: I said "Neat," Xever. Who the fuck says neat these days? It's not neat to say neat but I said it anyways because I'm fucking stupid. Xever, reading a book: Don't beat yourself up too much, Anton. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what I did when Chris confessed their love for me? Anton: Didn't you thank them? Xever: closes the book and looks at the ceiling I fucking thanked them.
Tiger Claw: You were stabbed. Do you remember anything?  Baxter: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital.  Tiger Claw: That wasn't an ambulance, I drove you.  Baxter: But I heard a siren.  Ivan: That was Anton.  Anton: Sorry, I got nervous.
Baxter: Unfollow me if you think the Earth is flat.  Chris: *seriously pretends to be a flat-earther to antagonize the anti-flat-earther.  Anton: *neutral but makes polls to start fights, "Is the Earth flat? Let's discuss!"*  Xever: *not a flat-earther but makes "the Earth may be flat but this ass ain't" jokes for viral tweets*.  Ivan: *actual flat-earther.*
Tiger Claw: Good morning.  Ivan: Good morning.  Chris: Good morning.  Xever: You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit.  Anton: MORNING MOTHERFUCKERS!
Chris: *writing a letter*  Chris: Dear Santa,  I'm writing to let you know I've been naughty...  And it was worth it you fat, judgemental bastard. 
Tiger Claw: Hey Ivan, I’ve got an idea for how to solve this.  Ivan, pulling out a shotgun: Yeah?  Tiger Claw: Wh- No! That’s not the idea, Ivan!
Anton: Onion rings are vegetable donuts.  Xever, used to Anton being dumb: Sure...  Anton: Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed.  Xever: Okay?  Anton: Lasagna is spaghetti flavored cake.  Xever: Anton: Lobsters are mermaid scorpio-  Xever: Jesus, that one is a little-  Ivan, interested: No, no, Anton, keep going.
Baxter: Ah, yes. Here we have a beautiful couple...  Anton: I really care about your feelings!  Ivan: I really care about YOUR feelings!  Baxter, turning their head: ...and then there's the disaster couple...  Chris: YOU NEED TO PAY MORE ATTENTION TO ME INSTEAD OF BEING AT THE HOSPITAL!  Xever: I WOULDN'T HAVE TO SPEND SO MUCH TIME AT THE HOSPITAL IF YOU STOPPED INSISTING ON FIGHTING EVERYONE WHO COMES WITHIN A FIVE FOOT RADIUS OF YOU!
*when the Squad drops food*  Ivan: Eh, oh well.  Anton: FIVE-SECOND RULE!  Xever: FUCK!  Tiger Claw: *just gets more food*  Baxter: *drops to their knees and mourns the food*  Chris: *eats the food off the ground*
Chris: Nothing in life is free.  Ivan: Love is free.  Tiger Claw: Knowledge is free.  Baxter: Friendship is free.  Xever: Self-respect is free.  Anton: Everything's free if you don't pay for it.  The Squad: ...  Ivan: Anton, that's illegal-  Chris: No, let them finish! 
if I’m bothered later I might do more idk
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offwithhxrhead · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes ft. the Liddell-Van Dorts
. thought i'd give this generator a go and i absolutely am so glad i did .
Alice: Hello, I'm Alice. I work at a shop now. Here to help. Look, they gave me a badge with my name on it in case I forget it. Very helpful, as that does happen.
Shapeshifter: *transforms to look like Maddie* Maddie: Okay, are you like BLIND? You look nothing like me. First off, I'm way taller. Secondly, I DO NOT look so sleep deprived and lastly, if you could drag comb through that hair you're like a 7 on a good day and I've been told I'm a constant 10.
Maddie, writing in their diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands.
Victor: What can therapy do for me that screaming in my car for 30 minutes can’t?
Alice: If I can't cause tiny bits of chaos every day, I think my body will shut down.
Cop: You ran a red light. Alice: So did you, hypocrite. Cop: I was following you. Alice: That was dumb, I'm a terrible driver. Cop: Get out.
Victor: I've got a weapon, and I'm... admittedly VERY afraid to use it!
Alice: Remember, when burying a body, make sure to cover it with endangered plants so it’s illegal to dig up! Alice: Make sure to follow me for more gardening tips!
Victor: BEHOLD, the field in which I grow my fucks! Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren!
Maddie: What, I can’t be in a bad mood? It’s like people think, “Oh, Maddie is such a nice person, Maddie is so happy-go-lucky! Maddie can’t be in a bad mood!” Well, you know what? Maddie CAN be in a bad mood. And right now, Maddie IS be in a bad mood.
Alice: Social distancing says you shouldn't be within an elbow's distance of each other. *later, in a barfight* Alice: Social distancing doesn't say nothing about feet! *kicks opponent in the face*
Victor: Sometimes I wonder if I’m hearing voices. Victor: Then I remember that’s the last bit of sanity I have trying to get me to fall asleep at a reasonable time.
Maddie: Well, if you're not at least a little bit gay for your friends, then what kind of friend are you?
Alice: I apologize for saying 'fuck' in front of Maddie. Victor: You just said it again. Maddie: Alice: I am not a role model.
Alice: How long do you reckon it’ll be until Maddie finally snaps and commits murder? Victor: I’ve been going through life assuming it’s already happened at some point and it’s just that no one was ever able to trace it back to her.
Maddie: Victor, Alice, I love y’all and all, but can I ask what in the hell are you doing? Victor, trying to stabilize a tower of folding chairs that Alice is sitting atop: Oh nothing much. Alice: I love you too :)
Alice: Guys where did Maddie go? Victor: She got arrested. Alice: How the hell- Maddie: *bursts in through the window* The cops are after me, I thought it would be fun to steal crackers and throw them at people.
Alice: Maddie, what do you have? Maddie: A KNIFE! Alice: Okay, have fu- Victor: NO!
Maddie: Would you take a bullet for me? Victor: ...yes? *Alice angrily bursts into the room* Maddie: *running away* Great, thanks!
Maddie, washing the dishes: Who the fuck used this pan?? Maddie: Wait. I the fuck used this pan… Victor: It was you the fuck. Maddie: It was I the fuck… Alice: Who cooks rice in a pan? Victor: She the fuck.
Victor: Why would anyone want to harm Maddie? Alice: Maybe because they met her?
Maddie: Mom, that’s disgusting. You’re only giving free stuff to beautiful people. Victor: Yeah, you should be ashamed of yourself. Alice: Oh yeah? *gets really close to Victor* How about a muffin on the house baby? Victor, giggling: I’m pretty.
Victor: You know, it’s fine to admit you were wrong. Maddie: *Sipping their drink after accidentally adding salt* I just like the way it tastes.
Victor: If we lose, you’re out of the will. Maddie: I was in the will?
Victor: Am I right, Maddie? Maddie: I’m almost certain you’re not, but to be fair, I wasn’t listening.
Alice: What situation is not instantly improved by the addition of fishnets, I ask you. Maddie: Being a fish. Alice: Well, shit.
Alice: What the fuck is wrong with you?? Maddie: What? No good morning? Alice: Good morning, what the fuck is wrong with you??
Victor: *chokes on something* Maddie: Jeez, Victor, don't die on us. Victor: Don't tell me what to do, I'll die whenever the hell I want!
Maddie: You know what I’ve realized? Alice: Some thoughts are better left unsaid? Maddie: Nice try, anyways-
Maddie: Help! I’m drowning! Victor: Calm down. We’re only in six feet of water! Maddie: NOT ALL OF US ARE TALL!
Victor: Talk dirty to me, baby~ Alice: The dishes. Victor: Wh- Alice: They’ve been there for 4 days and it’s your turn to wash them. You still haven’t cleaned them and I have asked you to do so several times.
Alice: *sees someone doing something stupid* Alice: What an idiot. Alice: *realizes it's Maddie* Alice: Wait, that's MY idiot!
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thepancakewitch · 19 days
breaks my heart when people set up a bunch of rules for themselves on interacting with others because they think they're monsters
you have debilitating symptoms, dude, nobody should hold that against you and you shouldn't waive it over your own head in the same manner
this is different from taking accountability of your actions, symptoms or not, this is just unnecessary self inflicted cruelty learned from whoever told you that you aren't socially acceptable
I did this for all my 20s because I felt my outbursts and attitude harmed people, but thanks to therapy and a lot of self reflecting, uh it turns out I was just a person with ptsd being consistently tested by shitty people lmao.
yeah maybe I shouldn't scream in public but maybe you also should listen when I tell you no 20+ times, fucking moron
sorry I have so many thoughts on this and how neurodovergent people navigate the world compared to well, people with less mental health symptoms. Life can be very lonely because not everyone relates to our experience.
When you're able to connect and truly be apart of a community, that's really when you're able to start healing and learning you're a human and allowed to have a place with others.
I love my friends so much and nothing will ever change that.
My friends hurt me yesterday, I left, and immediately I got apologies in texts. This is how I know things are different than the abuse I suffered. It's little things like that.
God dude.
This started off about my friends but turned inward lmao, I mean maybe I wanted to talk about me so I will.
Last week, I saw a psychiatrist and he was great. He listened to me, waded through symptoms, he's like, "Wow you are so very interesting to speak with. You've given a lot of thought to these, haven't you?" I was like well yeah I'm the one who has to live with them, LMFAO. He laughed, fair enough.
I went from 4 diagnosis to 2. Severe, lifelong PTSD and autism. I like, was stunned. I'm like omg I spent so much time thinking I'm super broken and I needed to manage like 50 different symptoms.
Idk. It both freed me and severely injured me. I had always had this hope that if I just got on the right mood stabilizer or the right medication cocktail that I'd be able to be more palatable or do everything I wanted to do without symptoms.
But here we are.
Idk. I see my therapist this morning and we'll blab about it.
It is getting easier for me to be more open about my wants and needs, to be more assertive. It's been nice. I feel so seen and I am so grateful.
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lavienbleuuu · 10 months
thoughts about marriage from a woman in the age of marriage but not yet married
note: it’s an old draft ((by a week or two)) - 2022
could be it’s because of the other factors, or could be it’s just me, i’m in the mood to write a journal of some my current thoughts.
warning: this journal is gonna be a little woman-centered, specifically woman-in-the-age-of-marriage-but-not-yet-married-centered.
as i ran this morning, crossing the bridge, i thought just how i’m so worried about my future. i feel a little left out, as women my age are getting married and stuff, but i think i’m still so far away from it. so, anyway, as i ran ((walked)), i remembered yesterday’s conversations i had with my seniors at work. to give some context, they’re married woman. they told me their experiences with marriage, the happiness and the struggles. they asked me, why do i want to get married, which i answered,
“i want to settle down. i want to plan for my future, like savings and buying house or apart, somethings like that. i feel like it’s gonna be better if i’m married, so we’ll have two incomes. i also feel like it’s more sustainable living with a spouse (rather than endless flings).”
“if you’re only after the saving money, you can just save money by yourself, the expenses of being married is big”, she answered.
“but it can also be a reason to get married, mba”, the other senior argued, “i understand your point”, she said to me.
however as they told me their struggles in their marriage, i concluded it’s much simpler living alone. it’s not that i don’t want to get married, but i keep coming back to the question, why do i want to get married. truly, if you think about it, any of the reasons to get married have counters. like if you want to save money by getting married, the expenses of getting married and being in marriage are big. if you want to be with someone you love, that someone could stop loving you at any moment. for men, getting married could mean there’s someone who’ll take care of you and your kids, which is a very positive reason. for the old-fashioned man, getting married could mean having another mother you can fuck – well, it’s probably too hyperbolic, what i mean is that some men, old-fashioned and partriarchy ones, will think and expect his wife could do everything his mother can do for him. in addition, as it’s his wife, he’s legally able to fuck her. therefore for women, the question of why do you want to get married changed to are you ready to take care of your husband and your future kids. truly, the best reason to get married is for perfecting your religion, in which when you take care of your husband and kids you’ll wish that it’ll benefit you to get to heaven.
on some other occasion, when i said to my friend that actually i have a marriage target by next year, she asked whether or not i have found the guy. i always answered by “i prayed for it to God, so let God decide”, but she will said “noo, i mean you should find the perfect guy first before getting into marriage, don’t do it by target and in a rush like that”. i guess she’s so much right. getting married with a wrong partner could mean hell and would definitely waste so much of your time, of your youth, of your money, of your energy, just of so many part of you. but finding a good man – not even the one, just one heck of a good man – is like finding a needle in a hay. it’s undeniably hard to find.
in addition, the longer i live, the more i find love as an abstract concept with no fixed definition. my version of love would be different than yours, even my now version of love is no longer the same from my version two months ago. i don’t know is it because i’ve been single for some time now, you know this could be another factor, or maybe i’ve just come to terms with life. i used to think that love is a very big factor in being with someone – i used to love you know, the all sweet things – but now, really, i find myself asking what i’m looking for, is stability and constant would make me content in this everchanging world?
not only my families, i do wonder and wonder too, when will i get married? eventually i would get married, right?
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aftgsucks · 1 year
One Solitary Fuck Found, More At Eleven
A NMFTG one-shot Allison's POV, takes place between NMFTG chs 19 and 20?!?
This is the Foxes deciding to call BEtsy and get Andrew sober
AO3: chapter below cut
Allison Reynold’s could occasionally admit when she was wrong. However she made a point to only do so once a year. Yes, it kept her humble, but at what cost? And she’d already used this years up apologizing to Neil for hounding him about his sexuality. So, she wasn’t going to admit that there was a chance, however slim, that she was maybe, just a little, wrong about Andrew Minyard. 
But that didn’t mean she was going to do nothing either. 
It was the faces, the devastation and understanding that swept over Matt and Seth after Neil dropped his bomb, “Because he’s drugged out of his mind. Are you actually that dense or just willfully stupid when it comes to Andrew? He laughs at everything because he’s on court ordered medication and cannot help himself.” 
Matt changed the subject, Renee came back in from checking on Andrew and Neil took his leave. Leaving behind dead silence. Renee made a curious noise and started up the inquisition. 
“Do you?” Matt started and then stopped. “I mean Nicky said it at the Halloween party, didn’t he?” He said. 
“Andrew hasn’t been sober in years.” Seth repeated. 
That had been a real party. Free shots, a look at the Monster off his meds, Neil in a costume--as dreadful as the sheet had been. Nicky had said that and everyone had moved on, throwing back drinks and Dust and getting ready to dance. 
“Ah,” Renee said. “He really hasn’t.” 
And that’s when Allison fully grasped how bad it was. Sure, yes, the way Andrew acted was bad. Knowing that his general disposition had something to do with his medication was one thing. Seeing him laugh maniacally in the face of his abuser, that was another. Even hearing Nicky or Neil spell it out was almost ignorable. But Renee, Renee “Angel” Walker, grimacing and commenting on Andrew’s drug use. Instead of being graceful and 
That was a cause for concern. 
“I never even think about that,” Matt said. “I always figured it was antidepressants or something.”
Renee fiddled with her cross and Allison remembered that Renee was a fox. That Renee had been picked up for drug use before she’d found god and exy. “It’s an experimental mood stabilizer. If it wasn’t tied up in a court order and prison time, I think Betsy would have had him on something else the second she met him.” 
“He gets off of it in the summer, right?” Matt asked. 
“Fuck that,” Seth said. “He should just stop taking it now and we’ll cover for him.” 
“It’s not that simple,” Renee sighed. “Legally they can drug test him at any time and he already pushes the rules of his probation quite regularly.” 
“We have to do something,” Matt said. “I mean, the way he went about it sucked astronomically but he got me sober.” Matt slapped a hand against his mouth. “Oh my god, Andrew got me sober.” 
The Monster did, didn't he? And Allison had heard all the shit he gave Seth about his addictions second hand. 
“What would he even be like off his meds?” Seth asked. 
“We’ll find out next year,” Renee said. But she said in a resigned sad way that made Allison want to sue or tackle someone. It was the last straw. Besides, she’d already made her decision the second the words had left Neil’s mouth. 
"Fuck the court, fuck the law,” Allison tossed her hair back over her shoulder. “Between me, Matt's mom, and Kevin, we have enough money to be god. Let's call Betsy and see what it will take to get Andrew sober as soon as possible.” 
“Kevin thinks Andrew will suddenly give a shit if he gets sober, he’d probably do it,” Seth said immediately. “We might need to talk him down from an Exy panic and fist fight Riko but that’ll happen regardless.”
“Mom will help, she keeps trying to get me to bring the Monsters to New York so she can spoil them.” Matt said. 
“I think getting Andrew to agree will be the toughest sell,” Renee said. It wasn’t an outright disagreement, which Allison was taking as a what a brilliant idea Allison you sexy beast. 
“He likes Betsy,” Allison said, “if her word isn’t enough, then we can try Neil and Seth.” Allison had chalked Neil and Seth’s sway with the Monster up to him finding them both amusing. Amusing in the way that a child with a magnifying glass found ants amusing, but after today, she thought Andrew actually respected Neil’s opinions. Seth was probably still an ant to him, but as long as Minyard wasn’t stomping on Seth she didn’t care. 
“What do you think I am?” Seth asked. 
“Monster wrangler,” Allison booped him on the nose, mostly to irritate him.
“That isn’t even a little bit true.”
“At the end of the day it’ll be Andrew’s decision,” Renee said.
“Worst comes to worst at least we can say we tried,” Matt said. 
Allison pulled out her phone, she had a nice nest egg tucked away from photoshoots and runways that she’d been planning to use for Spring Break. But there would always be more money. Affluence ran in her blood like being a dick ran in her team. This would be worth it. Andrew wouldn’t give a shit, he’d definitely never thank any of them. But it was necessary. 
Allison was a plethora of things. Gorgeous, Bisexual, trendsetting, but the two most important things were always pragmatic and a defensive dealer for the Palmetto Foxes. To be happy she had to play exy, so she did. To survive on the team she had to make nice with Dan and Renee. And so they were her best friends. To keep that sad look off Renee’s face and that awful laugh out of Minyard’s mouth? Well, Allison would do whatever it took. 
She looked up at Renee, Seth, and Matt, three of the most important people in her life. Three people who had drug problems in their pasts and steel in their eyes. They had all worked tooth and fucking nail for their sobriety and they deserved it. Andrew Minyard was one of the most difficult motherfuckers Allison had ever had to deal with. But he was a Fox. 
Allison made the call. 
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silverdelirium · 3 years
SUMMARY ➠ ice cream man!james fucks you in his ice cream truck
WARNINGS ➠ fingering, dirty talk, semi-public sex, praise kink, humiliation (?), pet names, bit of a breeding kink, not proofread
A/N ➠ the long awaited ice cream man james smut ;) oh and this is for @hellounicorn <33
you were in that stage between dreams and reality when you heard it.
the small tune that you memorized since you started living in this neighbourhood— he always passed by in summer; and god, were you craving something cold and tasty to munch on when it was a thousand degrees outside.
you hummed in content as you lifted yourself from your bed, stretching your lips and rummaging through your closet in an attempt to find a comfortable and decent attire to meet james; as weird as it sounded, you wanted to impress the ice cream man and it was safe to say that you had developed a small crush— james had always been so nice to you, going as far as giving you free popsicles in exchange for a brief conversation.
the tip of your nerves went on fire as you stepped outside; spotting him buckling his belt. he was wearing a tight fit white shirt that had you drooling and shuddering.
“there you go, kiddo” chuckled james after delivering a chocolate ice cream to the last kid of the big crowd that had formed earlier.
he sighed in disappointment when he realized that you still hadn’t come out yet— he had purposely parked the van a few feet from your house, just so you could maybe pop by and have a nice chat with him.
truth is that james missed you. he hadn’t seen you since last summer and it had already been a shitty weather day, he knew you would be the only one to lift his mood up with that bright smile of yours.
james went back to the driver’s seat and as he finished buckling himself up he heard a small scream of his name upfront.
holy fuck— thought james.
you were wearing a small cute sundress that accentuated your figure in the best way possible, and when he let his eyes travel down to your chest, he caught a glimpse of your peebled nipples. leading him to get into the conclusion that you might only be wearing panties underneath that dress. his cock ached at the thought.
he stepped on the pedal lightly and drove closer to you, until the truck was right in line with your home.
“hi there, sweetheart!” he greeted, unbuckling his seatbelt and going into the back— where he was met with your face through the open window.
“hello james” you giggled “long time, no see, huh?”
“damn right you are, honey— i was starting to wonder if you moved out, what took you so long?” he spoke in a querying tone.
the tip of your ears and nose grew hot as you remembered struggling to find something cute for him. “oh— uhm, i was just— looking for my shoes you know?” you awkwardly chuckled, staring down at the five dollar bill in your hand as if it was the most interesting thing in the planet.
he gave you a bit of an amused look before shaking his head “whatever you say, pretty girl” your tummy fluttered as the nickname dripped from his lips like sweet honey.
“what would you like today, hm?”
“oh just— something sweet and creamy, like an ice cream popsicle” you shrugged, not noticing the effect your words had on james.
“i know something of yours that is sweet and creamy” he murmured under his breath. “what was that?” “oh, no nothing” he gave you a tight lipped smile, his cheeks dusting pink.
“right well uhm, the ice cream”
“oh shoot yeah— what uh” he paused to clear his throat “what flavor where you thinking of, petal?” and his sweet flirty persona was back on, as if the thought of having a face full of your pussy wasn’t replaying on his head over and over again.
“i don’t know” you groaned, almost embarrassed at your sudden indecisiveness.
“you can come in you know? take a look at the flavors and see which one catches your attention more” he offered, sparing you a small smile.
“won’t you get in trouble for that?” you cocked your head to the side. “i don’t mind” he shrugged, the corners of his lips still quirked up as he opened up the back door for you; already holding both of his hands out to help you climb in.
what a gentleman, you thought.
“there we go, honey. take your time.” spoke james as he patted your waist twice, sending a buzz of excitement all throughout your body that almost made you shudder on the spot.
the variety of flavours seemed so appetizing you started wishing you would’ve brought your whole wallet to buy all of them at once, but a peach flavoured ice cream would do.
as you went to give james the money he only chuckled and said “you know i wouldn’t charge a pretty little thing like you, your presence is enough” before handing you the sweet and throwing you a wink as he rested his back on the frame of the window.
the way his muscles flexed as he crossed them over his chest had you questioning whether you should’ve asked for his cock instead of a fucking popsicle—
and god… that damn shirt had your core clenching around air as your mind wandered about him fucking you in every position possible, he just looked so elegantly inviting.
“you done staring, sweetheart?”
shit. you didn’t even realize.
“oh my god, i am so sorry, i should probably leave” you nervously laughed, heading towards the back doors, only to have a large hand around your abdomen stop you.
holy fuck. james potter’s body was pressed against yours and you almost let out a moan as his breath fanned over the side of your petrified face.
“you can’t just leave me all alone in here, sweetie” his hand traveled lower down your mid drift. by now, your stupid peach flavored popsicle was long gone somewhere on the floor, melting. almost as much as you were against james’ hefty chest.
you swallowed thickly, blinking a few times to collect yourself as you turned your head to the side, it was hot breath against hot breath now; if only one of you made the first move—
“oh fuck this” he growled, disconnecting his palm from your pelvis and instead linking it with your jaw to have more access against your lightly chapped lips.
the lip-lock was vulgar and enticing since the start, both of you feeling the luscious sparks that it sent to your sex.
“i’ve been way too fucking patient” you heard him mumble as he took your lower lip in between his teeth, coaxing a whine as you felt your core drip with arousal. “bet you think about me when that pretty cunt is begging for relief, huh?”
“yes jamie, i do. i fucking do” you heaved, impassionedly grinding your bum against his bulging crotch. “i’m gonna fuck you nice and long today, baby. until all you can do is beg for more”
his words went straight to your sopping cunt as he waddled you forward, his mouth still on yours, to the window.
his lips detached from yours. “there we go baby, stay nice and loud for me, yeah? want the whole fucking neighbourhood to know who’s stuffing you full.”
your fingers gripped the edge of the window tightly as james nipped at your neck, his left hand bunching up your dress while the right one’s simultaneously prodded at your swollen button. “you came all bare for me, honey? bet you wanted me to fuck you good once and for all” he groaned, not giving you a warning as he slipped two fingers at once, leaving you a gasping mess as your knuckles turned white from holding on to the frame of the aperture you were leaned on.
“james!” you cried out quietly, rocking your hips back onto his fingers as the ones from his free hand made a path to your throat, lightly squeezing the sides.
his digits made wonders to your contracting insides, juices already making a sticky mess on your thighs as he curled them upwards, caressing your g-spot in a mouth-watering manner; the pad of his thumb made way to your clit, soothing it in tight figure eights as your legs shook, pulling small wails after wails from you.
feeling the thrill of the enticing orgasm building up, you brought one of your hands back to tangle itself on the male’s dark curls, only to have him tut at you as he removed his drenched fingers.
“wha— no! please!” you shamelessly begged, not giving a shit about anything else besides the ache on your heat.
james did nothing besides giving you a wicked grin as he let go of your neck, now focusing on lowering down his trousers— which quickly had you shutting up as you stared in fascination.
he was definitely the biggest you have had so far. a nice length with a thickness that would make a barbarous stretch feel so fucking delirious.
“i’m not sure if i can fit in that tiny hole of yours, precious. maybe i should just leave you like this” he fake pouted, a hint of amusement lacing his features as your bottom lip trembled at the thought of not having him inside you in the next fifteen seconds or so. “no! it’ll fit! make it fit” you mewled, rubbing your pooling cunt against his grith.
“so impatient” he chuckled, stabilizing your hips with his hands before forcing himself into you in one single unforgiving push, making you let out a small scream as your eyes shut tight.
james gave you a few moments for you to get comfortable before you rocked your hips backwards into his as a sign of consent. his hand travelled upwards to grope at your breasts as he thrusted deeply.
“my god, you feel like absolute heaven” he grunted, and even though you couldn’t hear him, the strain in his voice gave away that he was probably with his head thrown back, abs clenching and biceps flexed as his chest heaved, a sight for sore eyes truly.
your mouth stayed agape as his tip kissed your g-spot. your vision clouded with small black stars that had you genuinely question whether they were really painted in your house or not.
james started with a brutal speed since the start, the smacking of your skin against his was filthy and loud, you could only hope mr. benson wouldn’t go for a walk today.
the van rocked and lightly squeaked with every thrust of james’ and you tried your best to contain every loud moan and cry that might alarm the whole block. james had other plans though. “say my name baby, don’t hold back, i want to have your pretty moans fucking memorized”
you complied, throwing your last fucks out of the window and chanting his name like a prayer as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, his strong arms moving to hold you up by the bending of your elbows, causing your spine to arch in a perfect C as james continuously grunted in your ear.
“you’re gonna be absolutely cockdrunk after i’m done with you, honey” he groaned, speeding up the push of his hips and biting down on your shoulder as he brought you both closer to the edge.
“james! i’m gonna cum so hard, don’t stop please, don’t fucking stop” you sobbed, moaning uncontrollably as the coil in your stomach unravelled without any form of forewarning.
“there we go, cream my cock so nicely baby” whispered james, still fucking your quivering pussy through the orgasm with an aggressive pace. “oh fuck, this tight cunt is gonna milk me dry, yeah?”
you could only answer him with a whimper as your legs almost gave out on you if it wasn’t for him holding you up, a few more sloppy thrusts and he was spraying your fluttering walls with his cum, whines escaping his lips.
a breathy moan passed through your mouth as he pulled out, his load slowly flowing out of your puffy folds.
“you look so hot when you’re stuffed full of my cum, sweetheart.” rasped james, peppering your cheeks with soft kisses.
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versadies · 4 years
Hello!! I just read your Zhongli and Xiao poly headcannons and its just 🤌💖💖💖
I was wondering if youre willing to do Zhongli and Childe poly with a GN! reader perhaps? ;;w;; Maybe how they managed to pull reader into that wild mess haha
But regardless keep up the good work!!~ 💖
penpal: aww thank u so much, im glad you like my poly hc on xiao and zhongli! and can i just say omg what an even more chaotic pair 😳😳😳
warning/s: spoilers on archon quest (chapter one) and childe’s story quest, reader has a role (adventurer), not proof-read, wearing, and ooc (?)
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when you suggest a poly relationship:
-> it was hilarious when you three didn’t date yet.
-> listen, childe would literally be in a one-sided rivalry with zhongli— who isn’t even aware of this rivalry.
-> i honestly can see you and zhongli being friends for quite a while and he wouldn’t realize his feelings until childe comes in the picture and tries to woo you.
-> zhongli would have a hard time trying to figure out his feelings for you while childe is busy flirting with you. you’ll either be (or try to act) obvlivious or think childe’s flirting is just harmless flirting with no meaning to it.
-> basically, your pre-relationship is just complicated and full of misunderstandings.
-> once zhongli actually figures out his feelings, he’ll try to learn more on romance given that he’s very inexperienced with it and will plan on confessing his feelings to you.
-> when childe actually finds out about zhongli trying to confess to you— he’ll literally do so many things to make zhongli not try to confront you such as distracting you, have the wangsheng funeral parlor keep him busy, etc.
-> you’d caught on to childe’s scheming so you have to go confront zhongli yourself.
-> for some reason though— it ended up with both of them confessing you on the spot and let you choose who to be with in this scenario.
-> which resulted in you suggesting a poly relationship
when they’re the one who suggest it:
-> childe and zhongli have a... unique relationship per say.
-> in this scenario, i honestly see childe still being in a one-sided rivalry with zhongli when it comes to winning your heart.
-> for zhongli, he’s still unsure of his feelings but he’ll figure out later on that he wants to be more than just friends with you.
-> he’ll actually notice on how childe is starting to be more.. affectionate with you and just shrug it off as harmless. however, zhongli will start to notice how childe’s flirting has a hint of desperation and seriousness.
-> once childe finds out that zhongli is in love with you too, he’ll not do the same thing that he did in the scenario above— instead, he’ll actually confront zhongli about it.
-> i can actually see childe suggesting a fight and the person who wins will confess to you— but he knows it’s no use. he knows what zhongli is capable of given that he’s rex lapis, the previous god of war and the fact that childe is still recovering from using his legacy form in the teucer incident makes him know that the fight won’t end well.
-> i honestly think childe would make a “contract” with zhongli in confessing to you at the same time and if you don’t choose the other, they have to back off. obviously, zhongli would accept the contract given that he’s the god of contracts and all.
-> so this led to them confessing you in one of the best destination spots of liyue.
-> if you admit that you don’t actually know who to choose, then zhongli would suggest in trying out a poly relationship.
-> i honestly think childe would be against a poly relationship with you and zhongli since he immediately thinks of how chaotic it would be— but if you accept in trying, then childe might as well accept.
what it’s like to be in a poly rel. with them:
-> at first, it was a bit... awkward. neither of y’all don’t know what to do with the relationship but after a while, the three of you would went with the flow.
-> as i mentioned in my prev headcanons that has zhongli, he is inexperienced in dating and affection. he’s stiff when you give him hugs and kisses at first. however, after learning from childe, he would start holding your hand or give you forehead kisses (with permission ofc, this is zhongli we’re talking about).
-> childe is probably the most open when it comes to affection. he’ll always give you a hug or kiss whenever you’re around. he’ll even hug you and zhongli together if he’s in a happy mood.
-> while childe is the most open, zhongli is the most caring. if one of y’all have a hard time sleeping, he’ll get out from bed and make tea that helps you sleep. he’ll also make sure you and childe have eaten well and will happily try to take care of your injuries.
-> when it comes to dates— it’s laidback and partially adventurous. most of your dates always takes place in wanmin restaurant but on special occassions, it’s somewhere out from liyue harbor.
-> as for the public, neither of you really care if the whole nation heard winds of your relationship. childe would most likely prefer to keep his relationship with you and zhongli a secret given that he’s a part of the fatui.
-> speaking of fatui...
-> childe will not tell you anything about the fatui at all. zhongli may have dealt with the fatui as well but that does not mean he’ll tell you what he knows as well (not after a secret contract childe made with him during your first days of your relationship).
-> childe’s reason is that he does not want you to see his.. scary side. even though you know his potential along with the fatui’s, he never tells you his lust for battles. whenever you go on adventures with him, he’ll literally keep his insane addiction to fighting in stability in fear of making you run away from him and never talk to him.
-> he knows you would never be afraid fo him, yet he couldn’t help but just keep this side a secret just in case.
-> fights with them are seldom. the only fights you’ve fought is with childe and zhongli would be the peacemaker between you two. most of your arguments were about how careless the both of you are when it comes to adventuring or fighting enemies. thankfully none of the fights is very serious— just you and childe lecturing (angrily) back to back.
-> whenever you’re sad, they’ll do whatever they can to make you happy. whether it’d be childe making his wallet crying by buying your favorite foods and things, zhongli giving you the best hugs, or both taking you to a place with a comforting atmosphere.
-> whoever made you sad needs to run because they will get their ass kicked by a god and one of the most feared people in the fatui.
-> when it comes to joining you on your adventures, childe will be very happy to kill every single enemy by your side while zhongli would make sure the both of you are protected with his shields.
-> picnic dates picnic dates picnic dates—
-> the three of you are the literal definition of teamwork when it comes to adventuring around teyvat. your team is the kind that all adventurers want.
-> if you get hurt— oof rip to the enemy who hurt you because that’s the last time they’ll ever do before a hugeass whale and a fucking meteor crashed down on the enemy.
-> if one of them got hurt— oof rip to the enemy because they’ll get their ass kicked by an angry adventurer who just wanted to spend time with their boyfriends.
-> when it comes to being jealous, it’s childe who mostly gets jealous. if it weren’t for zhongli, childe would’ve ruined a lot of careers. he’s actually fine if someone flirts with you cuz hey, you’re hot and who knows, maybe the person will offer you a free drink!
-> however, should the person make you uncomfortable, childe’s carefree attitude went 0 and won’t hesitate to try to break the person’s arm if they won’t leave you alone. please pray that zhongli has childe’s back and won’t get you all in trouble for childe breaking someone’s bones.
-> one of the cons of your relationship with these two is they’re busy.
-> i honestly think that childe would be distant. since the fatui got what they wanted from zhongli, he’ll need to be sent back to snezhnaya for another task. he’ll def write letters to you and zhongli and send them every week— even if he’s too busy, he’ll find time to write them just so you two know he’s okay.
-> on regular days, it’ll just be you and zhongli— but then again, there were some days when zhongli would be busy as well due to his job. don’t worry, he’ll be with you by the end of the day and make up for his super busy schedule with cuddles and stories you’ve never heard of!
-> despite them being busy, they’ll actually try everything they can to speed things up just so they can go back to you. if childe has the chance, he would take you and zhongli to snezhnaya and meet his family while he’s doing harbringer works there— hell, he’ll even quit his harbringer work and join your adventure team if he could.
-> of course, as an adventurer— you are also busy with your commissions.
-> sometimes, you’d be gone for the whole day and come back home the next day. it’s not something these two aren’t used to but they do tend to worry whenever you’re gone for more than 2 days.
-> they’ll definitely be more clingy or affectionate when you go back to them from a long trip.
-> every time childe announces in his letters that he’ll go back to liyue, you and zhongli will immediately go visit to the docks and wait for a snezhnayan ship to appear. childe will literally be knocked out from you tackling him with a hug the moment he comes out from the ship.
-> after that sweet reunite, you and zhongli will definitely take him to wanmin restaurant and talk about what you two did while he was gone. childe will also make sure no fatui agent won’t bother you three when times like this happens
-> time is very precious in your relationship. you three really don’t get to be together everyday but whenever you can, you cherish your time.
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marvelous-harry · 3 years
Can you write something of where the reader has been busy with work the past couple of days and hasnt really gotten time to spend time with harry and harry gets all upset over it. and the reader comes home from work that day in a bad mood since she’s annoyed with her boss and she accidentally snaps at harry and he gets all emotional. and then he tells her that he missed her and then she takes care of him. sub harry pls and mommy kink. thank uuu
Making Up & Making Out Sub!Harry/Mommy!Dom!Fem!Reader Words: 2K Warnings: Sub!Harry, Mommy!Kink Summary: After an exhausting week at work your temper is fried and you take it out on Harry. You make it up to him though. A/N: Thank you so much for all the love and support. Hit 300 followers yesterday and I just can't believe it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Closing the front door with way too much force, I let my handbag fall to the floor as I leaned on the door and tried to calm down. Annoyance was bubbling inside of me as I thought about work. Slipping off my coat, I hung it up with a tired sigh.
“You’re home!” Harry said as he came running down the stairs. “What do you want for dinner? I can make anything you want!” he said excitedly as he came closer.
“Just give me a minute, Harry! I’m going to get out of these clothes and have a shower. I just need a second to myself, my boss has been a bitch all week and I just need to be alone right now, okay?!” I snapped at him as I marched up the stairs and into the bedroom. I barely heard the quiet little “yes, Mummy,” from Harry before I closed the door behind me.
Kicking off my shoes, I walked into the master bathroom and turned the shower on, letting the water get warm as I started taking off my clothes. Letting out a frustrated grunt as one of the buttons on my shirt was ripped off and bounced on the bathroom tiles till it came to a standstill just by the clothes hamper.
Sitting down on the edge of the bathtub, I sighed as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Harry’s quiet little “yes, Mummy,” was ringing in my head as his dejected look was in the forefront of my mind. The more I thought about it, the more guilty I felt. Hell, if Harry had spoken to me like that I probably would’ve spanked him for it.
Standing up, I turned the shower off and headed out of the bathroom. Walking down the stairs, I followed the noise into the kitchen. “Hey,” I said softly as I stepped over to Harry, pressing a kiss to his back and noted that he was wearing one of my hoodies.
“I thought maybe you’d like some tea after your shower so you could enjoy it in bed or something,” Harry mumbled quietly as he stared at the kettle he’d filled up and turned on.
Sighing, I gave him a little hug before turning him around. “Thank you, baby. That’s so sweet of you,” I told him as I looked him over. He was chewing on one of the strings to my hoodie, he had bags under his eyes and his eyes were slightly red like he had been crying.
“I’m so sorry I snapped at you, that was so rude of me,” I told as I took the string out of his mouth and stroked his cheek with my thumb.
“It’s okay, you had a bad day,” he mumbled as he closed his eyes and leaned into my hand.
“It’s not okay. That’s not how we talk to each other no matter how sucky our day has been. I am really sorry, baby. You just wanted to say hi and I shut you down,” I gave him a little smile as I pulled him in for a tight hug. “You look very pretty in my hoodie,”
Harry wrapped his hands around me tightly as he put his head on my shoulder. “I just missed you so much this week I started putting on your clothes so I could smell like you,” he said quietly.
I rubbed his back gently as I felt myself tearing up. “Mummy’s been very busy this week, hasn’t she? Not spent a lot of time with you,”
“Yeah. Very busy so I missed you loads and loads,” Harry whimpered. “I, um was so excited for you to come home today cause it’s the weekend now so you don’t have to work, and neither do I,” he continued.
“And I greeted you by snapping at you, oh honey,” I said sadly, feeling awful. “I’m so excited to spend the next few days with you though. Just you and me,” I mused as I pulled back slightly and stroked his cheeks with my thumbs. “I love you, baby. I hope you never doubt that for even a second,” I told him as I looked him in the eyes.
Harry gave me a little smile. “I love you too,” he replied before jumping slightly as the kettle started whistling, letting us know it was done. “Do you want your tea now or after your shower?” he asked as he turned around and reached out for my favorite teacup.
“You know what? I think I’ll have it after I shower,” I hummed as I grabbed his hand, stopping him from grabbing the cup. “But I also think we should probably get a little bit messier first. Make sure that we really justify having a shower,” I said, pulling him in for a kiss
Our mouths were open as our lips pressed together. Just small kisses at first, pressing our lips together softly, both of us keeping our eyes closed. But steadily our kisses grew greedier. Longer. Harder.
Moving my hand to his hip, I snuck my hand under the hoodie he was wearing and stroked his bare skin, smirking against his lips as he shuddered.
“Mumma,” Harry whispered, raising his hands as I grabbed the bottom of the hoodie and took it off him.
“God, you’re so beautiful, baby,” I said as I ran my hands over his muscly chest, my eyes darting from tattoo to tattoo. Pulling him for a quick kiss, I took his hand and laced our fingers together. “Come on, we need a bed for all the things I want to do to you,” I told him with a grin.
Heading up the stairs quickly, I dragged him into the bedroom before pushing him onto the bed. I kept eye contact with him as I started unbuttoning my shirt. He was biting his lip as his eyes would dart down every now and then to have a look as I slowly got my shirt off.
Letting it fall to the floor, I stepped closer to the bed and grabbed the hem of his shorts and his boxers before pulling them down and off.
“I love you like this,” I teased as I looked down at him. “On your back, legs spread, hands lying by your side, eyes watching my every move,” I said while unbuttoning my slacks and opening the zipper. “Your cock resting against your stomach. Leaking and twitching as it gets harder and harder, begging to be touched. But you won’t touch will you?” I asked, pushing down my slacks.
Harry whimpered as he shook his head. “No, Mummy. I won’t,” he replied quickly, taking a shaky breath as I teased my fingertips over his cock.
“And why is that, baby?” I asked as I wrapped my fingers around it, just holding it as I looked at his face.
“Cause it belongs to you Mumma, so you decide if and when I get to touch it,” Harry muttered out, a nice blush spreading up from his chest to his face.
“That’s right. Good boy,” I praised him while stroking my thumb over his cock head. “You’ve been so patient and so good,” I smiled as his cock twitched in my hand while Harry moaned.
“I’ve been trying,” Harry mumbled, looking up at me as I let go of his cock and pushed my underwear down.
“Move to the middle of the bed, stay on your back,” I ordered him and watched as he eagerly shuffled around to get into position.
Getting up on the bed, I straddled his hips and let my pussy rest against his cock as I leaned down and started kissing him again. “You can touch, baby,” I whispered against his lips before using my teeth to pull on his bottom lip before kissing him hard.
Harry’s hands went straight to my hips and stroked over my thighs and back up my sides to squeeze my breasts. “Please, Mummy. Need you,” Harry said with a groan.
I had started moving my hips slightly, dragging my pussy lips over his cock, making it wet with my slick. “You want to fuck me, baby? Have your cock inside Mumma?” I asked with a slight smirk as I continued rubbing off against his cock.
“Yes, please! Been forever, please, want to fuck you so bad,” Harry whimpered as he grabbed my hips but he didn’t try and stop my movement or speed them up.
“It has been a while, Mummy has been too busy fucking you to let you fuck me,” I chuckled as I rose up on my knees slightly and put my hand down, and grasped Harry’s cock. Angling it up, I bit down on my lip as I slowly lowered myself down on him.
“Forgotten how big you are,” I groaned when finally had all of him in me.
“Forgotten how tight and warm and wet you are,” Harry whimpered as he squeezed his eyes shut. “Feel like I’m going to cum already, Mummy,” he whined.
I couldn’t help but laugh at his whining. “Well you better not cum just yet, pet,” I said and started moving my hips, putting my hands on his chest for stability. Moving my hips faster, I closed my eyes as I tried to find the right angle and pace. “Fuck,” I whispered and pulled off him quickly.
“What?” Harry asked confused and sat up slightly.
“You’re going to fuck me like this,” I told him as I lied down and spread my legs, my hands fondling my breasts before I reached down and stroked my clit slowly. “Well come on then,” I said as Harry still hadn’t moved.
“Yes, Mumma!” Harry said quickly as he got up on his knees and moved in between my legs. He looked me in the eyes as he slowly pushed his cock back into me.
“Good boy, that’s it. Now fuck Mummy hard, want to feel you for days,” I said while pulling him down for a kiss while wrapping my legs around him. We both moaned as Harry managed to push in even deeper.
“Love you, love your pussy so much,” Harry moaned as he started moving faster, putting his hands down for support so he could thrust in as deep as possible.
“Making me feel so good, baby. You going to cum inside me? Fill me up with your cum?” I asked with a moan, rubbing at my clit quickly as I looked at him. His arms were all flexed as he leaned on them and there was a slight layer of sweat on his chest. He looked so fucking sexy.
“Please,” he moaned and did a little nod before putting his head down and capturing one of my nipples in his mouth. Sucking on it eagerly, Harry kept on fucking into me fast.
Moaning, I grabbed onto his head and tugged on his hair. “Fuck, so good. Going to cum, don’t stop,” I gasped.
Harry flicked his tongue over my nipple and sucked hard. “Fucking fuck!” I screamed as I tightened my legs around him and pulled his head against my chest as my orgasm ripped through me. “Oh my god,” I moaned and pulled Harry up so I could kiss him.
“Need to cum, Mumma,” He mumbled as he snapped his hips back and forth. “Please? Can I?” he begged in between kisses.
“Go on, pet,” I panted and watched him closely as his eyes closed and his brows furrowed slightly. Yanking on his hair hard I clenched my pussy around his cock hoping to bring him over the edge.
“Mumma!” Harry gasped as he pushed in deep and held still as he moaned loudly, shooting his cum deep into me.
“Good boy, such a good boy for me,” I whispered as Harry lied down on top of me, whimpering as he pressed his face up against my neck. “Shhh, I got you,” I said softly while stroking his hair and back.
“I love you so much,” he said quietly, letting out a little sigh as he relaxed.
Smiling, I pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I love you too, baby,”
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rueclfer · 3 years
calling the boy you hate pretty // Bakugou
a/n: don't talk to me i'm obsessed :'-)
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You called him. You knew you shouldn't have and if you didn't have fireball running through your veins right now, then you wouldn't have. You were stumbling down the dark street towards the dorms and slowly losing your sense of direction.
"Why the fuck are you calling me? What's wrong with you?" You hear the voice bite at you through the phone.
"God can you go one minute without yelling?" You hiccup. "I don't know where I am. It's late. I want to be in my bed."
"Are you drunk right now?"
"Well..." You began.
"No wonder why you're being dumber than usual. Bother someone who fucking cares. BEEP"
Well shit. He was the only person you felt comfortable bothering and annoying at this hour and from the looks of it, you were going to spend your night sleeping on a park bench- if you could find the park that is.
It was cold, you could see your breath in front of you with every exhale. You were wearing an outfit that barely covered the goods and your feet were killing you. Maybe you shouldn't have insisted that you were going to stay a little longer for another drink or two. You should've gone back to the dorms with Mina and Jirou when they asked.
You lightly kicked the pavement in front of you, squeezing yours eyes shut a few times to focus your vision.
"I wish I was sober..." You thought to yourself.
You were painfully self aware and could feel the knot in your stomach threatening to unravel with every step. If you haven't had your last few shots then maybe you brain would be clear enough for you to find a way back home, but everything seemed foggy.
You phone suddenly started buzzing in your hand.
"Hello?" you replied without looking at the number.
"Shut the fuck up. Tell me where you and I'll come get you." The familiar voice says in a low tone.
You couldn't help but smile a bit. "Uuuuhhh. I'm not so sure. Big liquor sign. Next to a McDonalds. Not too far from that one pub everyone goes to."
"Stay where you are and do not move. Don't talk to anyone. Get that through your head and I'll be there shortly. BEEP"
Rude, but you'll accept the help nonetheless. You leaned up against the street light, hugging your arms for warmth. How long will it take him to find you? What would be his excuse if he was caught sneaking out?
No one would be bold enough to question anyways. Not at this time of night. It was impossible to not walk on eggshells around him with his short fuse. Of course you weren't afraid to test his boundaries, but having to deal with an feisty brat like Bakugou is all too much to handle.
God it was cold. Maybe you should start walking toward the direction you think dorms are at? If you were going in the right direction you would at least run into Bakugou. Maybe you should take off your heels for the walk. The ground was probably freezing, but your shoes were starting to dig into the sides of your feet. Everything was fucked. You're freezing, your feet hurt, you couldn't think straight, your makeup was probably a disaster, if you take another step you might throw up, and-
"What did you get yourself into?"
You turn around to see a lanky figure, swallowed up in a large hoodie. His eyes pierced into your own with annoyance.
"Hi..." You murmur. You suddenly felt the embarrassment cloud over your head. "Thank you for coming to get me."
You take a few steps in his direction and began stumbling a little bit. He reaches out and grabs your shoulders to stabilize you.
"Idiot, can't you take those off?" He glares at your tall heels.
"Then my feet are going to get cold" You whine.
He deadpans and looks at you with a blank face.
"You know what, whatever. I don't care. Put this on." He shoves another large hoodie into your hands.
At this moment, it felt like he had given you the most valuable thing in the world. You effortlessly slid the soft material over your head and it felt like you were in heaven.
"Thank you. Can we go?" You ask. "I don't think I can handle standing up right any longer than I have to.
He turns around and squats down. "Get on."
You're taken aback. "Uh, no it's fine I can-"
"I said. Get on. I don't want to deal with you anymore tonight so just do as I say and keep your mouth shut."
You purse your lips. What a shitty attitude. You climb onto his back without a word and he starts making his way back to the dorms as if you weighed nothing.
"For someone who thinks they're the shit, you're so irresponsible and self destructive, you know that? It's this fucking late and out of all the people in the world, you had to call me. What the fuck is wrong with you. And you had to audacity to drunk text me earlier?" He goes off on you.
"Why did you come then? You didn't have to come get me if you were just going to be an ass and lecture me." You spit back. "For someone with such a pretty face, you have an ugly fucking attitude!"
"For fucks sake, y/n, stop saying that!"
"Why? You have a problem with it? You're PRETTY. When you're not trying so hard to be a whole BITCH to me, you're cute and admirable and strong and yeah you might have a nice fucking face, but if you're going to be so mean then what's the fucking point!"
"If you weren't so infuriating, then I wouldn't have to be on your ass all the time, do I? Stop being annoying, and maybe your pretty face can be enjoyable to look at too."
You perked up. With your drunken state, it was hard to maintain your sour mood- especially when tough pretty boy Bakugo thinks you're pretty too. You couldn't help but let a giggle slip out, but you tried to muffle it in his hood.
"Shut up-"
"You think I'm preeetttyyy." You sing in his ear.
You could feel him adjust his grip on your thighs as he carries you on his back.
"I think you're annoying too." He mutters.
"I wish I was sober" You chuckle "Don't let me forget about this tomorrow okay? The night I got too much to drink and my hot rival came to my rescue...and called me pretty."
The rest of the walk to the dorms were quiet. Your breath warmed your face as your breath into the back of his hoodie. Bakugou had a consistent breathing pattern from the beginning of the walk to the end, having no struggle at all with your weight on his back.
At this point it was hard to read him. His face seemed as angry as always, but something in his eyes looked different. Maybe it's because the cold air has left a blush on the tip of his nose and cheeks and the late night wind had swept his hair out of place and he couldn't free a hand to fix it. Maybe it's because you were hyper aware of his tight grasp on your thighs because perhaps he couldn't trust you to have a secure hold around his neck and shoulder. Maybe it's because you felt oddly comfortable and warm being this close to him and hearing his light breathing.
Either way, he shined a little differently under the streetlights and he knew that if he could see your face right now, with your chapped blue lips and big glowy eyes, he wouldn't be able to remember you as the person he hated with everything in him.
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redpandaramblings · 3 years
Like Caramel For Chocolate- An Omega Bakugou x Alpha f!Reader fic. Part 3.
Part 1- Here
Previous part Here
Next Part Here
Content Warning: Negative headspace, omegaverse, self deprecation, depressive thoughts, pushy parental figures, ambiguous omegaverse reproduction, unhealthy relationships, relationship that could be easily fixed if idiots would use their words and communicate, Shinso/Denki side relationship
Where we left off-
You glanced up at the sound of the door. In came your parents, then the Yokomadas. You did a double take as the final person, the omega you were here to meet, entered the room. They looked equally as startled as your eyes locked.
You slowly walked through the teahouse garden, your electric blond friend oddly silent as he kept pace with you. Your parents and the Yokomadas had allowed the two of you a bit of privacy to talk. So far, neither of you had mustered the courage to break the awkward atmosphere. Neither your parents or the Yokomadas had seemed to pick up on Denki or your mood. If anything, they were thrilled you two already knew each other. With a sigh, you sat on a bench by the koi pond, not looking at the blond as to settled down next to you. After several minutes, he spoke.
“So. What are you doing here?”
You snorted, and gently dumped your shoulder against his.
“Right back at you, Pikachu.”
“I’ll tell you. After you tell me.”
You chuckled humorously, and tilted your head back to look at the sky.
“Would you believe me if I said I was just here to appease my mother?”
Denki considered for a moment before shaking his head.
“No. You’ve been saying no to her for years. So tell me, why are you here.”
You take a deep breath and let it out again slowly through your nose.
“I… I think I wanted to be here. Needed to.” You wrung your hands, throwing a sideways glance at Denki. “I… I want to be mated. Have a family. Have someone who needs me and lets me need them. I used to think Kat… I used to think Bakugou was my person. But I’m not sure anymore, Denks. You know what he’s like and so do I, but I’ve waited for years, and nothing, and I’m so tired, and I’m not even sure he even likes me anymore, and…” You’re stopped by Kaminari gently rubbing your back.
“Breath, Y/n. Come on. Deep breaths.”
You inhaled shakily. You hadn’t even noticed you’d been hyperventilating. Quiet settled again, aside from the sounds of nature and your slowly slowing breathing. After a few moments, you spoke again.
“I’m just so lonely, Denks. I see him every day, and I’m still so goddamn lonely. So I think… I think it’s time to let go.” Your lips twitched slightly upward as you tilt your head to look at him. “Am I terrible?”
Denki huffed out a breath and shook his head. “You? Never.” He sighed, removing his hand from you back as he began picking at the hem of his sleeve. “I wish I could say I didn’t understand. But I do. I’m kinda here for the same reason after all.”
You gave an encouraging hum and reached out, taking his hand in yours and running your thumb over his knuckles. He interlaced your fingers, giving a squeeze before continuing to speak.
“You know how I feel about Shinso, right?”
“I think everyone but Shinso knows how you feel about him.”
Denki snorted. “Yeah. Not surprised. But that’s the problem. I’ve liked him for years. Little bit of a crush but at UA, thought I could play it cool and it would go away; but then the agency paired us together and, well.” Denki gestured with the hand not holding yours. “It was so easy! I’d go boom! And then he’d go pow! Then shoom! It was amazing! He was amazing… And so I tried to get his attention. I tried so damn hard. And you know me.”
You snorted, giving his hand a squeeze. “You’re about as subtle as a brick through a living room window.”
“Exactly!” He shouted, pulling away to stand up and pace. “I flirted. I used all my best pick up lines. I asked him out to the club, and he said yes. But do you know what he said afterward? He said though it wasn’t his usual scene, it was really good being able to hang out with a friend. I… I asked him to spend my heat with me.”
You inhaled sharply. Kaminari looked at you with an expression you hardly recognized. He collapsed onto the bench, leaning heavily against you.
“He said ‘I’m glad you’re that comfortable with me, but it probably would be better for you to ask someone else.’” Denki whispered, sniffling.
“Oh.. Denki.” You wrapped your arms around the blond, squeezing him tightly. Half out of instinct, you tried to pump out soothing pheromones while you gently scented his hair. “He doesn’t know what he’s missing, sweetheart. You’re a wonderful omega!”
That was all it took for Denki to start sobbing heavily in your arms. You squeezed him tightly as tears filled your own eyes. The tears fell when Denki wrapped his arms around you, hugging you just as tightly as you held him. There in the tranquil garden you both huddled together as you finally allowed yourself to cry. Years of hurt and longing fell from your eyes one drop at a time.
You weren’t sure how long it had been when the two of you slowly pulled away from each other. You used your thumbs to wipe Denki’s cheeks. He gave you a halfhearted smile.
“So,” you asked tentatively, “what should we do? They’re going to expect an answer from us about this whole…” You waved a vague hand “Marriage date thing.”
Denki hummed, puffing up his cheeks as he blew out a breath. “God, I don’t know. Certainly wasn’t expecting it be you, you know? No offense.”
You drew back, gasping in mock anger. “Full offense!” You could only hold your expression a few seconds before you started snickering.
Denki grinned his first really grin of the day. “Well excuuuuse me for insulting your alpha sensibilities.”
“You’re excused. For now.”
You both chuckled. Looking out at the pond, you spoke again. “I just wish I had the right answers. And I really wish we had more time.”
Denki furrowed his brow. “Well… Technically, we could.”
“What do you mean?”
Denki bounced on his seat. “Okay. So. Hear me out. We both need time to process, clearly. Also clearly, our families are just not gonna give us that. So… Why don’t we do this?”
“Wait. Wait. We do this?” you asked, both curious and incredulous.
“Yeah! Think about it. One! They mainly want us in relationships they approved of. They set us up, so clearly, they approve. Two! If we say we’d like to try out this match, they obviously aren’t going to set up any more dates; therefore buying us time. And bonus of no annoying randos. Three! We can say we’re going to take the relationship slow because we’ve both been burned before and want to make sure. Four! Four…” Denki trailed off, looking at his feet.
“Four is maybe if we can’t find a love match at least we’re friends who work well together?” You murmured.
Denki nodded, glancing at you with a rueful smirk. “Yeah. Exactly. Vibe on the same wavelength. Hell, we even want similar shit in life.”
“Actual house, few pets, stability…”
Denki nodded again. “Sucks, but would make sense for us to consider it. As much as I fucking hate the ‘You’re not getting any younger’ speech, they are kind right. We can’t waste all our time waiting for things that aren’t gonna happen.”
You shook your head with a chuckle. “God, don’t you hate it when they’re right about shit like that?”
“You have no idea.”
You stood, stretching. “Well, I guess we go tell them, then.”
Denki groaned. “There isn’t enough saki in the world for that conversation.”
“And just so we’re clear, this stays between us for now, right? No one knows but us, our folks, and I guess your cousins.”
“Agreed. I don’t want to think about what anyone would say. Bakugou would kill me!”
You winced. “Unlikely. I doubt he’d care. But if Mina finds out, everyone will know.”
“You’re not kidding. No worries from me, I don't want this getting out any more than you do.”
“So… Engaged, I guess?”
Denki dusted himself off and stood. “Deal. Engaged.” Denki stuck his hand out, and you shook it.
You both turned and started making your way back to the teahouse, taking your time and going the long way to be sure to avoid and of the other patrons. This was fine. A good plan. Nothing could go wrong as long as no one found out.
And there you have part 3! Sorry the wait and thank you all for being patient! If anyone has any questions regarding the fic or how this particular omegaverse operates, please feel free to shoot me an ask. Also, please note that @snuggleyourredpandas is my main account, so it you see a message reply from them, that's me!
TAGLIST- @yzviea, @not-a-pushover, @thelilypieforever, @kumihayu, @aomi04, @ladybakugouu, @one-simp-more, @hakunamatatayqueen, @my-thoughts-are-weird, @left-alone-yuki, @officialtrashbusiness Just a reminder, if you want tagged make sure you have the ability to be tagged turned on; and I'd have to be informed if your blog name changes! Cheers, Darlings!
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oikadori · 4 years
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a/n: not me crying at 2am about an Oikawa edit, that was my twin sister not me at all...this is totally self indulgent so uhm...yeah. Hope you enjoy it tho!!
edit: i'm so sorry for reposting again but i really feel that the best exposure is int the first hours let's hope this time it stays 😔
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Oikawa Tooru x fReader
Summary: in which you are tired of hearing how is never enough for Oikawa Tooru.
Genre: angst, fluffy end tho, established relationship
Now playing ⊳ King by Lauren Aquilina ; Next to me by Imagine Dragons
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It had become part of your routine at this point, sitting on the couch for hours, staring bluntly at some program as you wait for your boyfriend to come home.
It was not the passion he has for volleyball that has you on a gloomy mood today. It was  not falling asleep on an empty bed as you heard the sounds of balls hitting the wooden floor coming from the speakers of his laptop in the living room, and it was not how  your throat becomes dry after you begged him to sleep.
But you were tired, that is the only way to express it, tired of feeling your heart clench at the way he neglects himself, at this point you didn’t even care if he neglected you, which wasn’t the case, but him.
Your phone always got texts from him, asking if you had breakfast, if you had lunch or simply saying a hello. He called you before coming home offering you to bring some sweet from that store you liked so much. But, when you asked him if he had a good lunch, those tests always seemed to get lost in his inbox.
Oikawa always gave you a smile as the same words came out of the lips that kissed you every morning.
“Don’t you want me to be the best, my love?”
That simple phrase always seemed to wrap your heart in a death cold no matter the sweetness in his tone, they made impossible for you to come with an argument that would make Oikawa’s stubborn head understand. Understand that he was slowly tearing himself up and hurting you in the process.  
However, none of that is what had you sitting on the couch right now, arms crossed over your chest and lips pressed together, but as soon as Oikawa crossed the door, he knew the exact reason.
“Y/N-chan? I thought you were going out with your friends today”, he drops the bag on the ground, the keys of your shared apartment hitting the floor in the process, “Shit”
Your eyes are trained on the way his face contorts as he reaches for the keys, making your heart sink.
“Anyways, how are you, cutie?”, Oikawa stands in his full height before displaying a closed-eye smile at you.
However, his trademark grin fades as he sees your brows furrowing together, the air suddenly charging with the accumulated tension.
“Is there something w–“
“You tell me”, when you look at his knee with inquiring eyes, Oikawa blinks before turning his face away from you.
“It is nothing”, his mouth twitches down, “I’m fine”
‘no you are not’
His answer only makes you sigh loudly as your mind goes back to the early hours of today, the scene that made your chest sting popping out.
Oikawa had kissed your forehead like every other  morning before mumbling a brief goodbye, he chuckled lightly at the way you babbled some sort of greet and  he walked to the door like every other day but he failed to notice how your eyes opened and gazed at him.
His eyes widened as he felt the burn on his right leg, not knowing you were watching in horror the way his knee falters, causing his leg to tremble before giving in to gravity. He held onto the handle tightly, gritting his teeth to capture the whine that threatened your sleep. However, when he turned around, he founded your half-closed eyes fixated on him, but before you could say anything, he rushed away hoping your mind was clouded enough with tiredness to forget about it.
“How long?”, you ask, standing up slowly and moving towards him.
“I don’t know, what–”
“When started hurting this bad?”
His gaze fixes on the ground, his fists clamp together, annoyance bubbling up in his stomach. He knows what’s coming, he has heard that discourse way too many times to not know how this conversation will go.
“Since always Y/N!”, he cries out almost in pain, his hair moving violently matching with his gestures, the gap in your mouth mirrors the shock in you.
“You need a break Tooru…”
“So they can found someone better? No, thank you”, he lets out a dry laugh as he looks down at you.
“What is the point if you end up not being able to walk without limping??!!”, your voice falters at the end as you picture him holding onto the handle for stability, “You are out of control…”
Oikawa’s nails dig into his palm as he frowns, eyes narrowing at you with dangerous intensity.
“As if you knew…” , the sharpness in his voice makes nothing but press the wound in your heart furthermore.
“Of course, I know, damn it! Tooru you are barely sleeping! I don’t know if you’re even eating properly since we almost never have any meal together!”
And then as if your words had hit the right nerve inside the setter, Oikawa snaps, the look he shoots at you makes your movements halt and your voice dissolves into silence. He was tired and frustrated but ultimately scared and the fact you couldn’t see how scared he was, only frustrates him more.
“No, you don’t know a fucking thing! I need to get better!!”
“Tooru you are their regular setter already!”, you scream at him your face getting red with anger as your tone fades into a bare whisper, “Nothing is enough for you, isn’t it?!”
Oikawa knew that the question itself wasn’t entirely related to his volleyball career. The pleading look you give him and the tremble in your lips tells him that you are not only referring to the all the medals and recognitions but about your relationship itself.
You were asking him if you weren’t enough for him…And maybe you weren’t.
“No!”, the word comes out rushed, his thoughts getting more and more clouded by frustration. You grit your teeth when Oikawa places a hand on his forehead as if he had a bad headache, as if you were the cause of the annoying hammering,
“You are so selfish…can’t you see all what you ha–”, your voice comes in low hiss and before you can finish he lets out a loud groan as the keys in his hand fly across the room landing with a loud thud against your living room table, making you flinch.
“Why can you just let me do what I have to? Is it too much for your head to understand?!”, he shouts, and you feel a sting in your chest, your eyes almost seem to fall from your face and your breath stops as you see how your boyfriend’s face contorts in malice.
“I could pick any of those girls who wait for me after the matches, you know?  I could have any of them and they wouldn’t be as half as annoying as you!”
Oikawa’s chocolate orbits are piercing at you in anticipation when he catches the redness saturating your eyes, causing his heart to drop to the ground.
“Go, pick a nobody who only wants to fuck with you,” you try your best to not flinch, but the venom in his words make a silent tear to roll down your cheek, “because I’m not staying to watch how you destroy yourself”
You walk past him, brushing his shoulder roughly, your steps to the door are so fast, he doesn’t get a chance to even try to reach for your hand.
The slam of the door makes a feeling of anguish settle on his chest. His feet move subconsciously to the door when a loud groan leave his lips, the pain on his knee makes his whole body shiver as he falls apart a meter away of the handle.
“Shit, shit, shit”, he whines as he manages to move his body until his back is leaning against the door, his hand travels to his pocket, desperately pulling out his phone, a pout cross his features when your name pops on his recent calls. The phone rings and rings but no answer comes, when the small device turns off, he feels himself growing numb.
And the minutes turn into hours, the night wrapping the city as Oikawa rests against the door.
Oikawa had never felt this desperate, the pain in his knee is unnoticeable compared to the ache swelling in his chest. One call, one message, anything that would let him know that you are safe, that is all he needs right now.
“What did you do for her to stay with you?”, Iwaizumi’ words ring in his ears, “You are lucky Oikawa”
He was lucky indeed, his head drops to the back, hitting the wood, his breath falters as tears stream down his face until they turn into uncontrollable sobs, the sting on his knee and the guilt mixing painfully together.
Suddenly, the door pushes his body to the side, hitting the back of his head causing him to grunt.
“Tooru?”, his eyes widen, he turns immediately to encounter your still glassy eyes gazing down at him in confusion, “What are you doing on the floor?”
Your voice is stoic however it is music for Oikawa’s ears, he quickly brushes the tears away from his face as he tries to stand up, a hiss slipping his throat.
“Oh god, Tooru!”, you quickly leave the store bag you are carrying and bend down to support him, “I bought some–
“I’M SO SORRY Y/N!! I-I DIDN’T MEAN TO–“, he groans as you try to lift him up but your small figure can’t do much to move the former captain of Seijoh, so you just drop him carefully back on the floor and kneel in front of him, “P-Please don’t leave…”
Your silence makes his heartbeat pace faster and he grabs your hands tightly, his gaze fixes on yours and you notice the fear his orbits hold. You have never seen him this vulnerable and your eyes don’t fail to show your surprise.
“Please don’t leave me Y/N-chan“, your lips press softly over his own before he says anything else, Oikawa’s brows furrow together as he squeezes your hands gently, sighing, relived.
“You should get someone better–”, he says,
“You are probably right”, you sigh, “you did hurt me, but– I guess I just love you that much”, he loses himself in the softness of your voice and tears threaten to come out again.
“I truly admire how hard you work but you have to take care of yourself Tooru–“,his glassy eyes look at you, still not able to believe you’re here, next to him, you bit your lip before cupping his cheek, “–you might not be the king of volleyball yet, but for what it is worth, you’re the king to me”
You blush violently but not even as close as the flustered red that tints Oikawa’s features, he leans in hesitantly to claim your lips and you both melt in the kiss.
He never thought such words would made him feel so complete and he realizes that all he ever needed was you by his side.
“Not gonna lie, I was hoping you’d say, ‘you are the king of my heart’ or something like that”
“I-Can’t you just take the stupid compliment?”, he chuckles with a husky tone but suddenly stops, he places a hand on your cheek his thumb making soothing circles over your flushed skin.
“Thank you”
“For giving me another chance”, your knees start to sore from kneeling on the floor but you can’t move as his chocolates eyes stare into your own brimming with emotion, “I love you so much, I’m so sorry Y/N”
“If so, stop overworking yourself, okay?”
Your fingers tangle with his brown locks as he whispers a silent yes, burying his face in the crook of your neck, his arms wrapping your torso tightly as if he was still scared you fade away.  
Oikawa doesn’t  have a  throne, but he’ll proudly wear the title you gave him, and he’ll do his best the be worthy of the crown that comes with it.
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❀ Please reblog if you like it! ❀
Thanks for reading ♡♡♡
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Pairing: Fem!Reader x Han and Fem!Reader x Bang Chan
Warnings: language, explicit smut, cheating, indecent affairs, very rich Bang Chan who can be exceedingly arrogant, mentions of alcohol and smoking; aged up characters (especially Chan)
Word Count: 11K
Genre: Marriage AU; Romance AU; Indecent Proposal AU
Summary: You love your husband more than anything else in the world, but the two of you have been arguing lately about your struggling financial situation. Things seem bleak until one night when your husband’s new boss makes you both an offer that you can’t afford to refuse.
A/N: If you’ve seen the movie “Indecent Proposal,” then you know how this goes, but I put my own little spin on the classic! Please enjoy!!
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“Are you happy, Y/N?”
It was a deceiving question, basic in its premise and expectation, but you couldn’t help but falter at the unexpected doubt coloring your vision.
“I guess,” you said.
But why shouldn’t you be? You were in your prime, employed as a freelance writer, and married to your high school sweetheart,
Oh, wait...How could you forget?
You were also preparing to turn thirty-years-old in less than a week, your job wasn’t delivering stable work, and you and your husband had been arguing about the single-digit amount of savings in your join account since last year.
“That’s good to hear,” your therapist said, and you nodded even though it felt misplaced.
You both knew that it was bullshit, but since this was the last session you could afford together, your therapist was clearly trying to use up the rest of your time to her advantage. Maybe it was for the best since you hated seeing her face every Sunday afternoon. 
“Jisung and I are going to Vegas with his company,” you said, startling yourself with the unexpected confession.
“That’s interesting,” your therapist said, leaving the “considering how bad off the two of you are” to fill the empty silence. “I hope you have fun. Take some time to reconnect with him.”
Because surely she had heard enough of you complaining about how your husband could turn into the world’s biggest asshole sometimes when things weren’t going his way. Or when the easy parts of your personal life were feeling far too stressful to be considered healthy. “It’s nice to get away,” you decided to say in place of anything less amiable.
“Feel free to reach out if you ever need me,” your therapist continued, offering you her business card.
“Thanks,” you said, taking it from her with a sigh. “I guess that’s it then.”
“For now,” your therapist agreed, and you left the sterile-white building feeling more burdened than when you had arrived.
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It was late when you got home, and you were even more exhausted than usual, laying next to Jisung in bed as soon as you had changed into comfortable night clothes.
“Do you want to fuck?” Jisung asked later on, taking off his reading glasses to look over at you as you concentrated hard on balancing next month’s budget, including all the money you had put aside for Jisung’s company retreat.
“Not right now,” you said.
“Whatever,” Jisung grumbled, and you ignored the pain in your heart as he turned around to face away from you, turning off his lamp to bathe half of the room in darkness.
“This is too important,” you tried to argue, but Jisung wasn’t listening, and it didn’t take long for him to start snoring.
But he never understood.
“Asshole,” you whispered, gathering your things to settle down in the living room instead. Where you continued working through the night, eyes glossing over from focusing on the numbers for too long, and you were drained the next morning, barely even comprehending Jisung leaving the house for work until you heard the car’s ignition from outside.
It was somewhat of a routine at this point, and you could feel the strain in your marriage, the distance between you and Jisung increasing the longer things continued to grow worse.
Your therapist would tell you to talk things out with him, but you really didn’t feel like arguing with your husband anymore. Instead, you pushed him out of your head and slept for a few more hours before getting up to start your freelance projects. It wasn’t anything difficult, and you finished most of the work by noon, leaving you to clean the house and wait by the phone in case a potential client called you with an assignment.
But the problem was the phone never rang, and you were hardly getting any work to support your shared household income.
It was a frequent point of contention, and Jisung had been begging you to take on a full-time position for months.
Maybe you should. 
Maybe it would make him happier.
But why did it feel like his happiness was always prioritized over your own?
Damn, you were starting to sound just like your former therapist.
“I made dinner,” you told him when he got home that evening, and even though it was obvious that he was wore-out, Jisung met you in the kitchen with a forced smile.
“It smells good,” he said, and there was a longing in his eyes, one that you also shared but could never fulfill.
And no amount of sex ever made it any better, but that sure as hell didn’t stop the two of you from trying to use it as an excuse to pretend that the problem didn’t exist elsewhere. “Shit, Sungie,” you gasped, nails digging into the smooth skin of his back as he fucked you on top of the counter, legs spread wide around his waist as he pummeled his hips into yours.
“Yes!” Jisung moaned, eyes rolling into the back of his head as your tight walls constricted around his length - pure, velvet warmth. “God, you’re perfect.”
“Harder!” you cried, trying to meet each of his thrusts, but finding it impossible to touch his animalistic pace, brutally stretching your pussy around him. The good kind of stretch that left you gaping long after you both came, lingering throughout the night and well into the morning as you limped around the house.
It ached and hurt, persistent and demanding, but there was always a desire for more, even when it was impossible to fulfill those empty places. But that didn’t stop you from trying, winding your fingers through Jisung’s hair to pull him closer, smashing your mouths together for a brutal kiss that only served to stoke the flames of passion sparking between the two of you. Something hot and raunchy, delicious in the exchanges of precious oxygen and the thin cord of saliva that remained when Jisung pulled back to look at you. “You’re the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen,” he said, parting your thighs around his hips as he studied the place where he was driving his cock between the delicate folds of your swollen labia. “Look at how well you take me.”
“Please,” you whimpered, unsure as to what you wanted from him, but it was always too much and never enough. 
“I want you to come first,” Jisung said, sucking the pad of his thumb into his mouth before bringing it down against your clit. 
“Oh!” you gasped because the secondary stimulation was proving to be the necessary catalyst to unwind you from the inside, and you could feel your orgasm growing stronger by the second. 
“That’s it, baby,” Jisung groaned, throwing back his head as he worked on moving his hips faster, thrusting his erection with as much power as he could manage while focusing on digging harsh circles against the tight little bud between your legs.
“Coming!” you cried, closing your eyes against the first wave of pleasure, moaning when Jisung lifted your legs higher around his waist, slamming his cock between your pulsating walls. 
It was a divine high, the kind that left a deep impression, riding the euphoria of your orgasm until you could feel your heart practically vibrating against your chest, leaving you breathless and throbbing in the place where Jisung continued to grind his cock. “I’m close,” he said, grunting as his hips stuttered in place, and you watched him fall over you as a familiar warmth escaped from where his cock was softening.
“S’ good,” you managed around a deep breath, trying to bring yourself back to Earth.
“You’re always so good for me,” Jisung said, eyes glossy with lust as he parted your lips around his fingers.
You puckered your lips, sucking hard and leaving him groaning. “I’m glad you’re here with me.”
“I know, Y/N, and I love you,” Jisung said, holding himself up while panting over you, eyes dark and devoted.
“I love you too,” you replied on instinct, keeping him close while the two of you basked in the afterglow of your passionate lovemaking.
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One Week Later
It was raining at the airport, but you were in a good mood while following Jisung through the crowded terminal. “Are you excited?” he asked you once you stood in line to board the plane.
“Of course,” you replied, accepting his gentle kiss before he held out your tickets for the flight attendant.
But why shouldn’t you be? You had never been to Vegas before, and you were beyond excited for the trip, even if it had been painful to budget with your lousy combined incomes. 
“I’m gonna treat you so good, baby,” Jisung whispered to you on the plane, finalizing his promise with another heart-stopping kiss.
“I love you,” you said, smiling when you heard the words in return.
It was always a promise that you could both keep, no matter how hard things got in your lives, and you could always rely on Jisung even when your own mind turned against you. Sure, it would be nice to have more financial stability, but the two of you would eventually achieve that goal, just as long as you kept working hard.
The idea of being happy all the time seemed impossible, and you were grateful for what you had, holding tightly to Jisung’s hand as he hailed down a taxi cab to take you to your hotel upon your arrival in Vegas.
“A couple’s retreat?” the driver asked when you were both settled inside.
“Something like that,” Jisung agreed, and it was half-way true, even if Jisung’s company was the main reason you were both enjoying the unfamiliar sights of the Vegas strip - blinding lights, crowded streets, and loud music. Everything was organized chaos, and you could see why so many people loved it.
“It’s beautiful,” you said to Jisung when your taxi cab arrived at your hotel.
“What do you want to do first?” Jisung asked, taking both of your suitcases as you led the way to check-in.
“Do you have to meet with your co-workers?” you asked, reminding yourself that this trip had a larger reason behind it.
“Not until the morning,” Jisung laughed, and he signed the copy of the room notice before dragging you to the elevators. “It’s you and me tonight, baby. Wanna check out the poker tables?”
You rolled your eyes because you both knew that Jisung had no idea how to play cards. “Looking around sounds nice.”
“Whatever you want,” Jisung promised, and after your things were settled in your lavish suite, he made good on escorting you around the impressive gambling floor - nothing but slot machines with bright color sequences and a vast expanse of tables with every kind of game you could want. 
It was almost too much to look at, and you were grateful to focus on one thing when Jisung paused next to the craps table. “Do you want to try?” you asked, smirking at the curious look in his eyes.
“Yeah,” he said, giving you a quick kiss before exchanging a twenty for some chips. “I’ll put it all on Pass.”
“Pass!” the dealer said, dragging Jisung’s chips closer. “Your roll.”
Jisung grabbed the dice from the table, bringing them closer to you with a smirk. “Kiss for good luck?”
You rolled your eyes, but entertained his request, brushing your lips against his knuckles before pulling back and watching him flick his wrist as the dice bounced across the table. “Seven!” the dealer announced, and you and Jisung were both surprised to win, watching as two piles of chips were pushed in your direction. 
“Holy shit!” you gasped, and Jisung nodded his agreement, taking all the chips before bidding the dealer a good night. “Did you see that?” you asked, unable to stop yourself from giggling as Jisung pocketed the chips. 
“I guess I have enough to treat you to a drink,” he said, and you followed him to the bar where he ordered you both something strong.
“Are you trying to get me drunk?” you asked him, feeling far more jubilant than before as you downed most of the contents, wincing at the sting.
“You need to loosen up,” Jisung said. “I know you’ve been planning for the trip, so I want you to enjoy yourself.”
“Cheers to that!” you said, tapping your glass against Jisung’s and enjoying the rest of your drink.
And for a while, you actually found yourself letting go of all the worries leading up to the vacation, drinking and laughing with your husband as you played on some of the slot machines and observed some of the more serious poker games. 
The alcohol sat pleasantly on your stomach, and you were losing yourself to the buzz dulling most of your anxieties. “Jisung,” you said at one point, leaning closer to him as you sat together outside by the pool. “You look really good tonight.”
Jisung smiled, bringing you in for a kiss that turned heated despite the people surrounding you. “Slow down, baby,” Jisung said, breaking your exchange and ignoring your pout.
“Let’s go to the room,” you said, lowering your tone as you trailed one finger down his toned arm.
“Maybe later,” Jisung said, but he dangled the key in front of you. “If you want, then you can go upstairs.”
“You don’t want to come?” you asked with a pout.
“I’ve been watching,” Jisung admitted with a shrug. “I know we’ve been having a lot of problems with money, but I think I can take what we brought and turn it into enough to end most of our debt.”
“Jisung,” you said, sobering up in an instant. “What if you lose?”
“Don’t worry,” he said, and you could tell that he had already made up his mind. “I know when to stop.”
“Okay,” you agreed, but it was a reluctant acquiescence because you wanted nothing more than to have him in your arms. “I’ll see you later.”
“Have fun, baby,” Jisung said, and you frowned when he slid you his credit card. “Call room service and take care of yourself.”
“Sure,” you agreed, pocketing the card since you had no intention of using it. “Call me if you need anything.”
Jisung nodded, waving you off as he rose from his chair, and you watched with an overhanging sense of dread as he rejoined the crowded gambling room.
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You waited for as long as you could, but midnight trickled by with no sign of your husband returning to the room.
Eventually, you must’ve fallen asleep from the excitement, and you only woke-up again the next morning when you attempted to reach out for Jisung in bed next to you, only to discover empty space.
“Sungie?” you said, filling the empty room with your voice.
But you could’ve sworn you had heard the door open at one point, so you dressed yourself and ventured out of the bedroom.
Your Vegas suite was fairly large, and the bedroom was connected to the main room by a narrow hallway with another room on the opposite end. Maybe Jisung had slept in the wrong room on accident?
It seemed plausible, until you heard the sound of someone moving around in the kitchen, and you quickly followed the noises to find your husband bent over the counter, head hanging low.
“Jisung, what’s wrong?” you asked, approaching your husband to soothe a hand down his back.
But you were completely unprepared for the way he began to lash out.
“I lost it, okay?” he snapped, jerking himself into an upright stance. “All the money we brought, I blew it on the slot machines.”
“Fuck, I can’t believe it!” Jisung shouted, interrupting your attempt to speak. “I was doing so well, and I didn’t even realize things were going bad until I almost used our bank card to pull out more money.”
You exhaled harshly, realizing that if Jisung had spent all of your money, then he also accessed some of your savings since you had brought extra cash in case of an emergency. “Oh my god.”
You stumbled back against the wall, holding your chest because you could feel the start of a panic attack taking root. But how else were you supposed to react to Jisung’s confession? He had spent all the money you would both need to pay rent and buy important necessities.
“This is so screwed up,” Jisung growled, rubbing a rough hand across his disheveled face. 
“That was everything,” you said, swallowing hard as your detail-oriented brain attempted to come up with an alternative, but you saw no light on the other end.
“Y/N,” Jisung said, and his voice was calmer as he looked at you. “I’m so sorry. I thought I could make things better.”
“But you made them worse,” you said, closing your eyes against an onslaught of tears, feeling as if your entire world was crashing down around you.
“Baby, no,” Jisung said, hurrying over to catch you before your body crumbled to the floor. “We’ll be okay, you know? I can always take out a loan.”
“To pay for the other loans?” you asked in a much harsher tone that you usually reserved for your husband.
“I promise I’ll make it better,” Jisung said, and he groaned when his phone started ringing. “It’s my boss again. He wanted to meet me in his room this morning.”
Jisung silenced the call, holding your face between his hands. “I promise nothing bad will happen to us, and maybe I can ask my boss for an advance on my next paycheck to help cover expenses.”
Your brain knew better than that, understanding that one paycheck wouldn’t cover those lost savings, but this was Jisung. Your sweet and kind husband, and you didn’t feel like arguing. “Okay,” you said, accepting the gentle kisses he pecked along your wet lashes.
“We’ll figure this out,” Jisung said. “But let’s not worry about it until we get back home. Can you put some clothes on for me, baby? I want you to come meet my boss with me.”
“Yeah,” you said, nodding your head as you allowed Jisung to lead you both back into the bedroom.
“Everything will be fine,” Jisung said, and you allowed him to delude your mind even though nothing could be further from the truth.
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Jisung’s boss was a powerful man named Mr. Bang, and his net-worth made Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk pale in comparison.
You were nervous to meet him, and it didn’t help that you were still upset from earlier.
“Deep breaths,” Jisung instructed you when he knocked on Mr. Bang’s door. “Don’t worry about anything.”
It was easy for him to say since everything was his fault, but you swallowed down your anger and pasted on your best smile when the door opened - revealing an older gentleman with dark brown hair and eyes, wrinkles edging some of the corners of his features, exposing the effects of age.
But he was still undeniably handsome, and his eyes took a long moment to gloss over you. “Mr. Han,” Mr. Bang said, finally looking away from you. “I’m glad you could make it.”
“Of course, sir,” Jisung said, placing his hand on your lower back as you were both invited inside. “It’s been a rough morning.”
“Oh?” Mr. Bang questioned, following you both into the main room. “Why is that?”
You held your breath when Jisung hesitated. “Just some money stuff.”
“Ah,” Mr. Bang acknowledged. “It’s personal.”
“It’s nothing to worry about,” Jisung insisted, and Mr. Bang shrugged off his coat as he accepted the reassurance, reaching for a pack of cigars.
“Well, I’m excited to talk with you this morning. Would you both like to join me in the other room? I heard that Jisung enjoys playing pool.”
“Absolutely,” Jisung agreed with a smile - one that managed to disguise all the horrible realities that existed outside of this impeccable suite.
You took another deep breath, fixing a smile in place when Mr. Bang turned to look at you. “This must be your wife.”
“Y/N,” you said, holding out your hand for him, and trying not to feel disconcerted by the obvious interest in his gaze.
“Y/N,” he repeated, looking back ahead of himself as he brought you both into a far simpler room - sparsely furnished with the exception of the pool table in the middle of the area. “Do either of you mind if I smoke? It’s a bad habit.”
He chuckled at the end, waiting for your combined approval before lighting one of the cigars and bringing it to his lips.
“You’re welcome to go first,” Mr. Bang said, selecting one of the pool sticks against the wall. “I’d love to be informal with you.”
“That sounds great,” Jisung said, and you watched him bend over the table as he broke the balls at the center, sending them flying in all directions. “I was really honored to receive your invitation.”
“Were you?” Mr. Bang asked with a smile. “I’m glad to hear that.”
“You’re a bit of an enigma around the office, Mr. Bang,” Jisung said, and his boss chuckled in response.
“Please, call me Chan,” he continued, taking his turn at the table after Jisung missed his shot, cigar dangling from his lips. “How are you both enjoying Vegas?”
“I think we’re having a lot of fun,” Jisung said, and the response irritated you a little as you cleared your throat, nose wrinkling as some of the cigar smoke reached you.
“It’s quite beautiful,” you said, and Chan found your eyes after landing his first shot.
“Yes, it is,” he agreed. “You know, Jisung, you talk about me being an enigma around the office. Why is that?”
You flinched at the sound of the balls smashing together, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you focused on your husband. “Well,” Jisung shrugged. “I think it’s because you have so much more than the rest of us. Not that it’s a bad thing.” 
“Really?” Chan asked, standing up straight as he shot you a knowing look. “You do have something that I don’t have.”
You found yourself blushing at the comment, and Jisung studied his boss with narrowed eyes. “I guess there’s a limit to what money can buy.”
“Not mine,” Chan said, putting out the cigar with a satisfied smirk. “I can afford anything.”
You didn’t like his attitude, finding yourself jumping into the conversation without being provoked. “Some things aren’t for sale,” you said, watching as Chan bent over the pool table once again.
“Like what?” he asked.
“Well, you can’t buy people,” you said, and he stood tall again with a sigh.
“That’s naïve of you, Y/N,” he said. “I buy people everyday.”
“I don’t mean in business,” you argued. “I meant something more like...when your emotions are involved.”
“So, you can’t buy someone’s love?” Chan questioned, and you didn’t like the way he was laughing. “Jisung, I hope you don’t feel the same way.”
“Of course,” Jisung said, shaking his head. “I agree with Y/N.”
“Really?” Chan smiled. “Then, maybe we should put that to the test.”
“What do you mean?” Jisung asked, and he exchanged a quick look with you - one filled with uncertainty.
“How much?” Mr. Bang asked.
“How much?” Jisung repeated, and he studied his boss with a confused expression. “What do you mean?”
Mr. Bang chuckled, and you frowned at the obvious condescension. “I mean, how much for one night with your wife?”
“Oh...” Jisung trailed off, and the room quickly filled with silence - awkward and heavy.
“Why so tense?” Chan eventually asked, and you shook your head because he knew exactly why the two of you were suddenly less than enthusiastic.
“You can’t be serious,” Jisung eventually said, reaction surprisingly neutral.
“I’m completely serious,” Chan continued, never breaking a sweat as he continued to take his turn at the pool table. “I’ll give you $1,000,000 dollars,” Chan said. “That would be enough to keep you in a life of luxury.”
“Sir,” Jisung said, and you could tell that he was caught off-guard, trying to find the right words to prevent offense to his boss, but you didn’t have to extend the same courtesy.
“No,” you said, keeping your tone firm. “He would tell you to go to hell.”
“I didn’t hear that from him,” Chan said, and you fixed Jisung with the sternest glare you could manage.
“Yeah,” Jisung said. “I’d tell you to go to hell.”
Chan sighed, pocketing the coveted eight ball with a quick motion. “I guess that proves me wrong, then,” Chan said. “But I’ll at least say this: $1,000,000 dollars is a lifetime of security. Think about it, talk it over first, and then you can forget all about this conversation.”
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It should’ve been over after that without any further consideration, but you were disappointed to see that Jisung was still distracted as you sat together in your room later that night - long after leaving Chan’s suite.
“You’re still thinking about it,” you said, drawing his attention.
“Of course not, baby,” he said, but it wasn’t convincing.
“Would you seriously be okay with me spending the night with some pompous billionaire? you huffed. “He would obviously want to fuck me.”
“Well, I can’t say I blame him,” Jisung tried to joke, but the situation was far too serious.
“Look, I get it, Y/N. Marriage is sacred, and I respect you for that, but we both can’t ignore how much this would change our lives! It’s a million fucking dollars.”
“He’s an old perv,” you growled. “Would you seriously sell me out?”
“That’s not what this is,” Jisung argued. “I’m not selling you out.”
“Sleeping with a stranger for a million dollars is selling me out,” you said. “I don’t even like him...”
“It’s fine,” Jisung interrupted. “It was just a made-up scenario, and I would never force you to do anything.”
“Good,” you said, turning on your side to switch off the lamp. “He can’t just expect that from someone. It’s crazy!”
“I know, baby,” Jisung whispered quietly to you, and you knew that you were both exhausted from the chaos of your day together.
Sleep was what you needed, but it wasn’t coming. 
Instead, you were loathe to admit that your mind had returned to that indecent proposal from Jisung’s boss, thinking about the last thing he said.
One lifetime of security.
You would never have to worry about money again...but what about your relationship? Would it suffer because of such an illicit affair?
You tossed and turned all night, feeling Jisung do the same thing.
Think about it.
God, that’s all you were doing, and when the sun was starting to rise again from the coverage of your blinds, you rolled over to look at Jisung, unsurprised to see him wide-awake. “If we do this,” you said, “it wouldn’t mean anything.”
“Of course not,” Jisung said. “It would still be the two of us against the rest of the world.”
You nodded, studying the gentle brown of Jisung’s eyes. The weight of such a consequential decision hung over both of your heads, and you sucked up every last ounce of pride you had when you came to a conclusion: “Call him,” you said, and Jisung’s eyes widened. “Tell him we’ll take the money.”
“Y/N, are you sure?” Jisung asked, and he was cautiously reaching out for his cellphone.
“I’m sure,” you said, although you didn’t feel as confident as you would like, turning onto your back to study the ceiling overhead.
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The date and time were arranged for the following evening, and you could barely meet Chan’s gaze when he met you outside his suite.
“Just relax,” he whispered to you, inviting you outside onto the extended balcony attached to his penthouse where he proceeded to pour two glasses of champagne.
The cold air of the night hit you in the face like a firm slap, forcing you from the haze you had surrendered to when you first walked into the room. A wake-up call that this was happening, and the man next to you was not your husband.
You nearly drained your first glass of champagne, feeling the alcohol give you some much-needed courage. “Y/N,” Chan said, standing next to you in a suit that likely cost more than your and Jisung’s last paychecks combined. “I want to ask you what your expectations are of this evening.”
You shrugged, staring out over the bannister. “I thought we were just gonna fuck,” you replied, even if the words were a little crude.
Chan laughed at your comment. “Is that so?”
“I don’t see what’s funny,” you said. “You’re the one who has to buy women.”
“You think I have to buy women?” Chan asked. “Because that couldn’t be further from the truth.”
You hesitated, sensing him growing closer. “Why me, then?”
“I bought you because you said you couldn’t be bought,” Chan replied, stepping closer to drop his hand on top of yours.
“I can’t be bought,” you argued, even though everything leading up to this moment was proving the contrary.
“Really?” he asked, and you begrudgingly shook your head.
“I don’t know why I’m doing this.”
“You might enjoy yourself,” Chan said with a seductive smirk. “This isn’t meant to be a punishment.”
“I know that,” you said, holding your breath when his lips touched the shell of your ear.
“Damn, you’re unbelievably gorgeous,” Chan said, and his free hand was trailing down your spine. “Come with me into the bedroom.”
You gave him a shaky nod, following him back inside while taking in several deep breaths as you greeted the darkness of the room, discarding your champagne on the side table. “What now?”
“Take off your dress,” Chan said, and you squinted your eyes to see him falling down into one of the chairs.
Despite the cold air of the night, everything inside was heating up again.
“Okay,” you whispered, reaching back for your zipper, and holding it between trembling fingers as you unhitched the material, allowing it to fall down your body like an avalanche of blue as it pooled around your ankles.
You heard Chan’s sharp intake of breath, feeling his eyes trail over every inch of your lingerie-clad form. “Get on the bed,” he said, and you obeyed at once, trying to make yourself comfortable on top of the mattress.
But it was hard when you noticed Chan approaching the bedside, removing his jacket and shirt to reveal a lean, muscular torso - one that had undoubtedly been built after long hours in the gym. “This is my favorite part,” Chan said, shoving down his jeans and boxers without shame, and his cock sprang up against his abdomen with an impressive girth. “I like to see the way a woman’s eyes look at me. How their breath hitches when I touch them for the first time.”
He followed through on his promise, sliding his fingers down the smooth skin of your stomach with a feather-like touch before they paused at the waistband of your panties. “Take these off,” he said, and you did your best to wrangle off the flimsy fabric, pushing it aside with your toes as Chan’s eyes zeroed in on your delicate mound. “When I fuck a woman, I make sure she comes...several times.”
You shivered at that, hearing his tone grow huskier as he instructed you to open your thighs, giving himself enough room to crawl on the bed and settle down between your open legs. It was already so revealing, and you couldn’t believe you were in this position, exposing everything to him. “Do you use protection?” he asked, and you nodded. “I’d like to fuck you raw, but only with your consent.”
You nodded again, gasping when his long, thin fingers started to carefully penetrate you, scissoring around your entrance - teasing curls that did nothing but trigger your body’s instinctual arousal. Especially as the room around you continued to grow warmer, almost as hot as Chan’s lips as they scalded your skin, lifting one of your legs higher against his arm.
“You deserve to be worshipped,” Chan whispered against your thigh. “If I had a woman like you, I’d do my best to make you happy.”
“Fuck,” you couldn’t help but curse, feeling him use his other hand to start moving his fingers even faster, gliding them against the greedy walls of your pussy as your body demanded you for more of the sweet addiction.
There was already a light sheen of sweat forming on your skin, and your heart was beating faster and faster, matching the pace of his fingers. Eventually, he leaned down to take your clit between his lips, dropping your thigh back onto the mattress before sucking hard and swirling his tongue around the sensitive bud. 
You gasped, hips arching without your approval, grinding closer to the source of that immeasurable pleasure. It was wet and sensual, creating the gentlest of sensations that traveled all the way to your toes.
You could feel Chan smirking, lips barely touching your clit before he properly opened his mouth wide to lave his tongue across the throbbing area. It felt so good, and you were practically humping his face to gain more of his delicious mouth.
He was learning your signs, hands holding your waist as he listened to every hitch of your breath, knowing when to speed up and slow down. It was like a well-rehearsed dance, swipes of his tongue across your folds, pressing firmly against your clit when he returned to the delicate organ. 
It felt like pure heaven, bringing you higher and higher to a much-needed release, and it had been a long time since a man had made you experience such white hot lust from just his tongue.
“Cum for me,” Chan whispered, and he nipped at your clit, and the tinge of pain was enough to send you spiraling into your first orgasm of the night.
“Oh!” you groaned, grabbing his hair to pull him back when his sucking was starting to feel too painful right after coming so hard.
“What a good girl,” Chan said, looking down at you with a sheen of arousal coating his lips. 
It was obscene, forcing you to close your eyes against the image, but you cried out when he pinched one of your nipples, causing you to open them again. 
“Do me a favor and look at me while I’m fucking you, Y/N,” Chan murmured, hooded gaze meeting your struggling one - trying not to succumb to his advances, even though he was making it incredibly hard, wrist almost imperceptible with the way he was stretching you open again, pussy gaping as you felt yourself leaking uncontrollably.
“I’ll try,” you whispered, heart thundering against your chest as Chan removed his fingers only to align his cock with your entrance, dipping just the tip into your eager heat.
“Moan for me as much as you want,” Chan said, and he was bottoming out without hesitation, moving slow to prevent any pain while you got used to the stretch.
It was different from how Jisung fucked you, thrusting into you impossibly fast from the very first moment he impaled you on his cock. 
There was something caring about it, and you adjusted quickly to Chan’s girth, grinding your hips subtly just to feel very inch of his generous erection. “Good girl,” Chan cooed, and he brought his cock to a deeper roll, moving back to leave only the head before forcing himself inside once again, picking up speed as your moans continued to grow louder in volume, signaling your approach to a second release.
It was beyond amazing, and you swallowed down your embarrassment from the noises he was punching from your lungs, opening your eyes as he started to move even faster, thrusting his cock between your legs at a rhythmic pace.
He was hitting your g-spot on every deep penetration, granulating in and out at a steady pace that was so unbelievably fulfilling.
You never expected it feel this good, slick from your pussy gushing at an embarrassing rate, creating an even smoother slide. But the squelching sounds were incredibly loud, filling your ears just like his cock was filling your cunt...the best kind of fullness.
You were being stroked just right, moaning when Chan shifted his hips to thrust into you at a new angle, holding your legs over his shoulders as he practically bent you in half.
His lips were warm when they connected with yours, and there was a strange desire to sink into the kiss and lose yourself there forever. But your pussy was throbbing with need - an impossible want for the man reaching all the way to your cervix.
It felt amazing when his fingers brushed across your sensitive clit, rubbing generous circles against the tight nub. He started snapping his hips at a faster rate, slapping against your hips with every thrust, holding onto your hips with a bruising grip that would leave reminders of him for days. 
But maybe that was his intention.
Chan growled, plunging into your sore cunt time and time again. He was practically pounding you with how hard he was going, like he was trying to prove a point, and maybe he wanted to since nothing could have ever prepared you for how euphoric his cock was making you feel.
“Are you gonna cum again?” Chan whispered, gazing so fondly into your eyes.
You couldn’t speak, only managing a nod when he started to rub even faster at your clit, and you let out the loudest moan of the night when you were unraveling yet again, sinking into a third orgasm that left you drained.
It was a rollercoaster of overstimulation, and Chan realized this and gave a few stuttered kicks of his hips before he was filling you up with his cum, groaning and grunting as he leaned over you.
Your legs were numb from being spread wide for so long, and you weren’t sure that you would ever catch your breath, listening to the sound of Chan whispering sweet endearments from next to you as you realized that nothing would ever be same after this.
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The next morning, you woke-up alone, but there was a note waiting for you on the nightstand.
Join us in the kitchen when you’re ready.
- Chan
“Us?” you repeated aloud, feeling a sense of dread as you stumbled on weak legs to gather your clothes.
You were incredibly sore between your legs, a reminder that last night actually happened, and you had slept with your husband’s boss for a big paycheck.
“It’s worth it,” you tried to reassure yourself, walking from the bedroom and into the kitchen with a subtle limp. “Nothing will change.”
But hindsight is 20/20, and you can’t predict the future. Still, your first sign should’ve been the strange image of Chan and Jisung sitting together in the kitchen, like they were having a casual breakfast together,
“There you are!” Chan greeted you upon your arrival, but you barely paid him any attention, eyes immediately finding Jisung’s.
Your husband was sitting next to Chan at the table, and there was a buffet of food displayed on elegant kitchenware. “What’s going on?”
“Breakfast,” Chan said, indicating towards the empty chair next to Jisung. “Please join us.”
You nodded, finally breaking your intense stare-down with Jisung to carefully sit down next to him.
Suddenly, it was difficult to acknowledge his presence, memories of last night resurfacing and causing you to blush at the obscene images. “I hope you slept well,” Chan said, and his plate was completely covered as he ate without a single care in the world. “Last night...it was amazing, Y/N.”
You could feel Jisung shift from next to you, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to look at him. “Chan-”
“As promised,” Chan interrupted as he reached into the pocket of his expensive suite jacket, producing a thin slip of paper, and he slid the check in Jisung’s direction. “Thank you both for everything.”
“Sure,” Jisung said, and his tone was short as he grabbed the check and immediately stood from the table. “We should get going.”
“So soon?” Chan questioned, mouth stuffed impossibly full. “You’re more than welcome to anything you want.”
“We’re fine,” Jisung insisted, and he took your hand with a firm grip. “I know you’ll understand, Mr. Bang.”
“Ah!” Chan grinned. “Formalities again?”
But Jisung ignored him, turning to look at you with a gleam in his eyes that you couldn’t decipher. “Let’s go home,” Jisung said, and he tried for a smile which you couldn’t match as he led the two of you as far from Bang Chan as you could manage.
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Tragically, your return home was nothing triumphant, and it should’ve felt so good to finally pay off so many bills and debts.
But it didn’t.
Everything felt hollow inside.
You also couldn’t help but notice that it was becoming increasingly difficult to talk to Jisung. Because every time you looked into his eyes, you were reminded of your impassioned affair in Vegas. It wasn’t fair to either of you, but you had no idea how to fix your relationship.
How could this be fair? You no longer had money problems forcing that divide between the two of you? In fact, you had no problems at all, and you were both entertaining the idea of moving into a bigger place and quitting your jobs.
So, what was missing? What was wrong with the way things were now that your joint account was filled to the maximum?
The answer was obvious, but you both refused to talk about it, and every second spent in each other’s company only served to carve an even deeper rift. Something so painful that you could barely share the same bed as your husband.
You couldn’t believe that things were so bad, even a month after your night with Chan, and nothing was going right. But what could you do? There was no easy solution, and it certainly didn’t help when you received a phone call from an unknown number one morning, accepting it with hesitation, only to be greeted with a strikingly familiar tone: “Hello, Y/N,” Chan said from the other end, and you immediately sat down on the edge of your bed.
“How are you?” Chan asked with a pleasant tone. “I thought I might check in on my favorite couple.”
You frowned at his mocking tone. “Thanks, but we’re fine.”
“I’m glad to hear that! And I hope the money goes a long way for you and Jisung,” Chan said, and you clenched the phone tighter between your hands.
“It’s been helpful,” you said, even though the words didn’t seem to match the life you were currently living.
“Well, I’m in town for lunch this afternoon,” Chan continued. “I thought it might be nice just to catch up with you. Would you care to join me?”
You hesitated, looking around your empty bedroom with desperate eyes. “I don’t know if that’s the best idea...”
“Oh, please it’s just one lunch,” Chan said, and it was almost impossible to resist him. But that must be why he was such a good businessman. “One lunch.”
You sighed, already feeling yourself giving in to him. “One lunch,” you agreed, parroting back the response because it felt like your body was moving on auto-pilot, having lost the familiar spark ever since you came back from Vegas.
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Chan’s chosen location was a gorgeous downtown restaurant that had more Michelin stars than the places you sometimes watched on TV.
It was beyond elegant, and you found Chan waiting for you at the door after having a car bring you to him. “Good morning,” he said with a cheeky tone, meeting you halfway as he offered his arm to you - the perfect gentleman.
“This was unexpected,” you said, allowing him to escort you inside, greeting the man at the front who seemed to instantly recognize Chan, leading you both to a private room away from the others.
“I wanted to do this,” Chan said. “I thought we could talk a little.”
“Is that it?” you asked, taking the menu and gaping at the immense prices.
Chan seemed to notice, smiling at your awed expression. “Have anything you want,” Chan said. “I’m buying.”
“Oh, I can’t possibly let you do that...” you said because then it would feel like a date, and that was as far from what you wanted as possible.
“Don’t concern yourself,” Chan said. “Everything is good here, and you deserve it.”
You weren’t sure that you liked the sound of that, but you didn’t complain as you requested that he order something for both of you instead of trying to interpret the gauche-sounding entrees. 
“Now,” Chan said once your waiter left the room. “Let’s talk about you.”
“Me?” you questioned, sipping gingerly at your water glass. “What about me?”
“I want to know everything,” Chan said. “All of it.”
“Everything?” you repeated, shrugging as you blushed. “There’s not much to tell.”
“I can hardly believe that,” Chan said. “What about your job?”
“I’m a freelance writer,” you said, nodding when you realized that he was genuine. “Kinda hard in the city though.”
“But you’re doing what you love?” Chan asked, and he grinned at your confirmation. “Then that’s all that matters.”
Could it be so simple? you wondered, remembering all the countless arguments you and Jisung had shared because, according to him, your job was hardly considered career-worthy. “I love writing.”
“Then you must be a big reader,” Chan remarked. “All the best writers are.”
You swooned at his smooth conversation. “I have shelves full of the classics.”
“What’s your favorite?” Chan asked.
“Jane Eyre,” you admitted, and Chan raised a brow.
“I like that about you,” he said. “It fits: the idea of a bright young woman falling in love with the enigmatic billionaire.”
You met his gaze, recalling how Jisung had aligned the term “enigmatic” with Chan on the night you made your unholy deal. Was there a deeper meaning, then? “I love the prose,” you replied instead, thinking the subject might return to Chan. 
But it never did. In fact, Chan kept all the questions about you, engaging you in a way that you had never experienced with another man. Like he cared so much about the person underneath, and his probing gaze was seeing past the outside in a way that spoke to your very soul.
And you couldn’t help but compare him to Jisung: a very dangerous thing to do.
“That was nice,” you said after you had both eaten. “It was good to see you again.”
“I agree,” Chan said, ever the businessman as his hand fell low around your waist, taking you back outside the restaurant. “Should we make plans for tomorrow?”
You almost laughed, until you read his expression and realized that he was serious. “What?”
“Y/N,” Chan said, and his tone was intense. “I can’t stop thinking about Vegas.”
“Chan,” you whined, trying to pull away, but his hold was firm. 
“If you were with me,” Chan purred, and it was a lethal sound that was as smooth as the hand traveling up and down your back. “I could give you everything you wanted and more.”
“I can’t,” you insisted, and there was an image of Jisung in your head when you managed to escape him. “That was only one time.”
“I think you and I both know that it meant more than that,” Chan said, and you could deny it all you wanted, but there was an insistent throbbing at the back of your skull.
“I don’t know what you mean,” you lied, ignoring the scoff that escaped him while calling for the valet to bring the car Chan had organized for you.
“At least take my business card,” Chan said, and he was holding the small piece of printed paper out for you, but you knew that going down that path would only make things worse.
“I can’t accept it,” you said, returning your attention to the valet as he opened the back door.
“That’s a shame,” Chan said, but he was as persistent as ever, leaning close to press a kiss across your cheek. “You can always call me. If you ever need anything.”
You nodded, feeling somewhat disoriented as you sat down against the leather seat, swallowing hard when you could still see Chan from the rearview mirror.
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By the time you returned home, it was already late, and you were glad to see Jisung when you sat your purse down onto the counter. “Hey,” you said, and Jisung glanced up from where he was reading the newspaper.
“Hey,” he replied. “How was lunch?”
You swallowed hard because you hadn’t told Jisung who you ate lunch with. “It was good.”
He nodded - a short dismissal, and it you decided to freshen up in the bathroom, taking a quick shower just to wash off the lingering traces of Chan.
But maybe it was foolish to think that water could wash away everything that had happened - those traces would never simply vanish.
When you walked back out into the main room, you were stunned to see Jisung putting on his coat. “Jisung,” you said, watching your husband rush around the living room. “Are you busy?”
“Just gong to meet some friends,” Jisung replied. 
Distracted. Uninterested in you.
“Oh,” you said. “I thought we could spend some time together?”
“Yeah?” Jisung snorted, and you were shocked to hear him sound so abrasive...at least until he marched up to you waving around a business card. “And what the fuck is this, huh? I found it in your bag.”
He flung the card at you, and you sighed when you saw Chan’s name at the top - he must’ve snuck the card into your purse when you weren’t looking. “It’s nothing,” you said, but Jisung only laughed - a sound devoid of all humor. “Why the fuck are you going through my things?”
“Does it matter?” he huffed. “You can’t get enough of him, can you?” he asked, and you were like a tea kettle that had been sitting on the burner for way too long - practically erupting from the top.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“What do you think?” Jisung smarted back. “You’re obviously still seeing him, spreading your legs for his cock like a bitch in heat. I guess one night wasn’t enough for you.”
“How dare you!” you yelled, getting right in Jisung’s face. “You want to know what happened? He slipped the card into my purse when I met him for lunch today, but I had never even spoken to him until then.”
“You expect me to believe that?” Jisung spat, narrowing his eyes. “You’re a fucking whore, Y/N. Throwing yourself at a rich man like Bang Chan just because he can buy you nice stuff.”
“What’s money got to do with anything?”
“It obviously means everything!” Jisung shouted. “It’s what got us into this fucking mess into the first place.”
“You mean, the mess you made when you gambled all our money away?” 
“Are you really going to throw that back in my face?” Jisung seethed. “I was trying to make things better for us!”
“Good job,” you snickered. “Since we’re so fucking happy together.”
“What do you want from me?” Jisung asked, throwing up his arms. “I’m obviously the biggest asshole in the world.”
“I’m glad you can admit it,” you said. “Did you ever stop to think that all that I’ve done up to this point has been for you?”
Jisung paused, opening his mouth to retaliate, but then wisely deciding to let you continue. “Did I want to go to Vegas?” you asked. “No, but I went because you wanted to impress your company, and I know you wanted to do things right, but we should’ve both known better than to bet against the house. We lost everything, and in that moment of desperation, you pressured me into sleeping with another man, and I can’t think about anything else but him whenever I look at you.”
Jisung was stunned at the admission, all traces of anger gone from his expression. “Y/N,” he said. “I had no idea.”
“Yeah?” you said, voice quivering as you wiped away your tears. “Well, now you do.”
Jisung bowed his head, and you decided that you were done waiting for something to change, marching into your bedroom to grab your phone and dialing the first number you remembered.
“Chan,” you whispered when he greeted you on the other end. “Can I come over?”
There was only a split second of silence before Chan’s voice was soothing the raging storm inside of you. “I’ll send a car.”
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It was almost midnight when your driver pulled up outside of a lavish home in the suburbs: huge, towering columns and Greco-Roman architecture making the place seem more like a mausoleum.
But it wasn’t the home itself that brought you comfort; rather, the people living within it who always made things seem safe and welcoming, and Chan was sure to greet you at the door, opening his arms wide to accept your embrace. “Was it a bad fight?” he asked, and you nodded while wondering how he could’ve possibly picked up on the fact that you and Jisung had been arguing again.
Maybe he just had good intuition when it came to you, and you appreciated the understanding, allowing him to bring you into an enormous den, settling you against the couch next to him while a fire blazed in the background. “I made tea,” Chan said, reaching for the two cups waiting on the ornamental table filling the empty space at the center of the room.
“Thanks,” you said, finding your eyes drawn to the neat stack of papers that had been sitting next to the cups.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Chan asked, relaxing one arm around your shoulders, bringing you against his much-needed warmth.
“We just don’t get along anymore,” you said. “I thought having money would fix things, but everything is worse.”
“Really?” Chan asked, and he seemed to consider your words. “It might seem like a good thing, and from the standpoint of a businessman, money is a very powerful motivator.” He smiled, looking down at you with eyes glowing from the flames. “But money isn’t the solution when it comes to the people you love.”
“Yeah,” you agreed, but you had also started picking up on that yourself. “Were you busy with something?”
Chan followed your gaze, reaching out for the papers that had drawn your attention from the very first moment you sat down. “These?” Chan chuckled, and he slid them to the edge, allowing you to read the fine print across the cover. “Divorces are complicated, aren’t they?” Chan asked, and you hesitated when you realized what he was implying. “But if you have enough money, then anything is possible.”
“Chan...” you trailed off, vision blurring at the edges and making the letters bleed together - a cacophony of meaningless jargon. “What are you trying to say?”
“You’re unhappy,” Chan said, and it was an observation that wasn’t difficult to make after all that had happened. “I guess I just don’t want you to be associated with the person causing that unhappiness.”
“You want me to leave Jisung?” you said, breathing in and out because it wasn’t a simple decision that one could make on the spot - not after years of living with someone who had become a central part of your existence.
It was too much to bear, and Chan’s presence was almost suffocating, breaths heavy against the side of your neck as he whispered in your ear. “Why should you stay with him? With or without money, he can’t seem to make you smile.”
You trembled at his closeness, choking around a sob even though the atmosphere between the two of you was suddenly charged with something electric. “And then what?”
“Well, after Jisung signs them,” Chan said, and his tongue traced the lobe of your ear. “I’d love to have you for myself.”
“O-oh,” you stuttered, closing your eyes as he took you into his arms, doing nothing more than holding you, but the feelings bubbling below the surface of your skin told you more than actions or words ever could.
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The next morning, Chan had his driver take you back to the apartment you shared with Jisung.
The apartment was strangely quiet, and you left the divorce papers on the table in the kitchen while you went to shower, wanting nothing more than the scalding water to provide a temporary numbness to the confusion you felt in every fiber of your being.
It was a much-needed reprieve, and when you walked back into the kitchen, you were surprised to see your husband at the table, eyes downcast. “Come sit with me, Y/N.”
You swallowed hard when you realized he was searching through the divorce papers, but you weren’t met with his anger; instead, Jisung just seemed really sad, and that was much worse. “You weren’t supposed to see that,” you said, but your husband just smiled and shook his head. 
“I knew you wouldn’t come back home for nothing,” he said, sliding out the chair next to him as an invitation. “Why should you? I treated you like shit the other night.”
“We both said some really cruel things,” you said, joining him with a sigh. “Things spiraled out of control.”
“I can see that,” Jisung said, tapping his fingers against the papers. “Let’s talk about what happened.”
You shivered at the thought. “I don’t think we should-”
“No,” Jisung interrupted, but it was a gentle chide. “It’s important, so hear me out.”
It would be so hard, but you still agreed. “Okay.”
“The whole mistake in Vegas wasn’t the money,” Jisung said. “No, money might’ve caused our problems, but the mistake wasn’t wanting something to make our lives better. The real mistake was me thinking that I could just forget about it after we left. That I could easily forgive us both...What’s that old saying? What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?” Jisung laughed, but it was bitter sounding. “Bullshit, right?”
“Yeah,” you agreed. “Bullshit.”
Jisung smiled. “People in love stay with each other, not because they try to forget the wrong parts, but because they’re capable of forgiving the bad. And I couldn’t do that because I thought you would want Chan after that night...that you would be right to want him. He’s so much better in every way, the better man for someone wonderful like you. But by the time I realized that it wasn’t true, that he was only better because he had more money, everything had spiraled.”
He was quiet after his confession, struggling to hold back his tears as he clicked open one of our pens and brought the papers closer. “If you really want the divorce, then I’ll give it to you,” Jisung said. “I just want you to be happy.”
Why should you stay with him? With or without money, he can’t seem to make you smile.
“Jisung...” you trailed off, unsure if there was anything you could do to change the look in his eyes.
“I’ll always love you,” Jisung said, and it was the same promise as always, but you watched with a heavy heart as he signed his name in cursive as the bottom of the form.
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The divorce papers felt like an added weight in your bag as you marched into the office building of SKZ Enterprises.
It was ridiculous, really. They were just papers, made in a factory and mass-produced to be sold in stores.
But it was the symbolism they carried, the significance of Jisung’s name scribbled at the bottom of the final page that had you faltering.
Your heart was hurting, and you forced a smile when you greeted Chan’s secretary at the corner next to his big, corporate office. “I’m here to see, Mr. Bang,” you told the secretary. “Tell him my name is Y/N.”
“Of course,” she said, and you watched her disappear into the office, giving you a few critical moments to collect your thoughts.
Until you heard his voice again:
You startled at the sound of Chan’s voice, seeing him standing in front of you with a million-dollar smile on his weathered face. “Come inside?”
“Yes,” you agreed, following him into the office with the door shutting firmly behind you.
“This is a pleasant surprise,” Chan said, grabbing you hand and pressing a kiss to your lips. “Is something wrong?”
“We need to talk,” you said, and Chan’s smile disappeared.
“That doesn’t sound good,” he said, chuckling as he invited you to sit down in one of the expensive chairs next to his desk. “Do you need anything? I can call for some tea.”
“No,” you said, deciding it was better to get straight to the point as you reached into your bag to bring out the divorce papers stapled together.
“This could either be good or bad,” Chan remarked, accepting them from you and quickly turning to the last page, expression falling. “I see.”
“I can’t sign them,” you said, and there was something powerful in your tone that had even Chan admitting defeat.
“Damn,” Chan sighed, eyes boring a hole into the pages. “This is the worst news I’ve gotten.”
“I talked to Jisung,” you explained. “Just looking at him and entertaining the idea of leaving forever...I couldn’t do it.”
Chan finally tore his gaze from the papers, meeting yours with disappointment. “I take it he said something to change your mind.”
“I don’t know if he changed my mind,” you admitted. “Rather, I think his love and forgiveness made me see reason with what I was doing.”
“Ah,” Chan said. “I think we’ve come full circle, Y/N.”
“What do you mean?”
“When you told me that all the money in the world couldn’t buy your love,” Chan said, and there was something that resembled respect reflected in his eyes. “You were right all along.”
You ducked your head, unable to maintain such intensity. “I’d like to give you that money back, Mr. Bang. My husband and I can manage on our own.”
“Oh, please, I’d be insulted if you did that,” Chan said, and he held out his hand for you to shake. “You know I’m a good businessman, so consider this an opportune long-term investment in something I’m supporting.”
You were full of gratitude, swallowing back tears as you nodded. “Thank you.”
“”There’s no need for that,” he said. “I’ll always be here for you.” The sentiment was matched by the gentle brushing of his lips across your cheek, and you could feel the last reminder of Chan even after leaving his office for the first and final time.
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You were carrying takeout up the stairs, feeling lighter on your feet than you had in months.
The weight of your burdensome worries was gone, and you knocked with a little too much enthusiasm on the front door to your apartment.
“Y/N?” Jisung questioned, and there was an obvious look of surprise on his face when he opened the door. “What are you doing here?”
“I live here,” you reminded him with a cheeky smile. “I brought food.”
Jisung’s eyes moved to the bag in your hand, nodding once before allowing you inside. “I thought you were going to see Chan.”
“I did,” you said, leading him into the kitchen. “There were some things to discuss.”
“I see,” Jisung said, watching you with a wary expression as you presented him with his favorite Italian special.
The suspense was killing you, and you desperately wanted to see the frown leave his lips. “I didn’t sign the papers,” you said, sitting down at the table with a wearied sigh. “I couldn’t.”
“Really?” Jisung asked, clearing his throat at the hitch in his voice, but you were just trying to hide your smile at his boyish charms.
“Have I told you that I love you recently?” you asked, looking at him with way too much fondness.
Jisung paused, chopsticks poised in hand. “You do?”
“Always,” you affirmed, and you were unprepared for the first of Jisung’s tears to fall, endearing him even more to you if that was possible. “I’m happiest with you,” you told him, reaching out to wipe away those rebellious tears.
“I’ve always felt that way,” Jisung said, getting himself back under control as he pushed away his food and patted his lap. “Come here.”
You were more than happy to oblige, climbing into his lap to wrap your arms around his neck, playing with the ends of his hair while searing your lips together in a kiss that promised so much more from the one true love of your life.
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404 notes · View notes
mcfreakin-bxtch · 4 years
Sleep and Other Things
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Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT, Grinding, Fingering (with them metal fingers babbbby), Oral (f), Mentions of Masturbation (f), Sergeant Kink, Praise Kink, Cockwarming, Light spanking, Sub/Dom, Hair pulling, Pining, Sexual tension/frustration, Language, Classic Tropes (I will not apologize), Fluff
Word Count: 11K+ (I really went on on this one I’m sorry)
A/N: It’s been TOO long since I’ve written for my bby I apologize
This sucks.
Royally, royally, royally sucks. 
And if you could choose from any supernatural powers at all known to man, you’d choose the power of sleep. 
Because for the past few nights, it just hasn’t struck you. You’ve tried everything you can think of: punching and kicking away at the bag in front of you in the training room until your knuckles started to bruise, drinking a nice, hot cup of tea, hell even meditation. None of it seemed to work in your favor, and you wanted to punch the force that was holding you back from a full night's rest. 
Please God, or you know, whatever is out there listening. All’s I’m asking a normal fucking sleep schedule, is that too much to ask?
The blaring flashes sting your eyes with every white, vicious transition of another rerun on TV. It’s the only light in the otherwise dark room, and it’s dimmed with the volume low so that every stupid little background laughter is dull instead of blaring. And judging by the big red 3:30 on your alarm clock, you’ve been awake for approximately ten hours with no hope of a fulfilled slumber. You believe this is your third night in a row. 
You sigh for what seems the hundredth time, flopping onto your right side and shoving your pillow under your arm. The soft fabric and the fresh smell of your favorite laundry detergent is doing nothing to soothe your mind and your body alike, but maybe keeping up the facade that it does will lull your eyes to remain shut and your brain silent; in the back of your mind, annoyingly, you already know that it will not work. 
“Fuck it.” You mutter to yourself and throw your covers off. The floor is slightly chilly against your bare feet, but not too terribly cold, and the compound is stable and quiet; more alone time for you, more time to watch the clock slowly tick by as yet another night—day you should say given the time—drags by thorough dark circles and irritable mood swings. 
The door is silent as you creek it open, though it doesn’t make one sound and you’re grateful for that. No use dragging everyone down with you. 
You’re not exactly sure on what you’re looking for, but it feels right to be where the food is. It’s a start, at least. The good news, too, about going to the kitchen is that it’s not that far from your room, a blessing to you now. 
The hallway is dark, too dark for you weak eyes you realize as you stub your toe on a corner of a wall. “OW—oH fuckfuck what the fuckity fu—”
“Shoulda paid attention, doll.”
You whirl around mid-tantrum, hopping on the uninjured foot rather ungracefully towards the raspy voice you recognize in a heartbeat. 
The root to your problem is sitting there—short, chopped dark hair, eyes that are sometimes grey and others times blue, like a storm and a ocean living and correlating together to create a beautiful color that you often dream of, and built, toned body hiding behind a black tank top and you’re going to assume matching sweatpants—with a coffee mug in his hands, sitting by the kitchen island and stifling a shit-eating grin as you wallow. 
Normally, you’d be very happy to see Bucky. Over the year that you’ve been on the team, Bucky has been nothing but kind to you, even after a rocky start to the friendship. As quiet and closed off as he is, you had managed to weasel your way into his circle; you leave him alone whenever you sense he needs it, not wanting to overwhelm him. Watch TV with him on the couch when it’s just the two of you; sometimes you’d barely say a word to each other at all, happy with the comfortable silence. He jokes around with you if you manage to burn another pancake or whatever concaussion you could scramble up or he’ll invite you to have drinks with him and the others—others being Steve and, despite the pranks and banters, Sam, and so, so much more. It’s as easy as breathing, just being with him, and the comfort and stability that you find in him never fails to put you at ease. 
But it’s like somewhere down the road something shifted. You don’t know when or how it happened, but when it did it hit you like a freight train. There’s a pull towards him when you catch yourself paying extra attention to the way his body moves, alerting yours with a sudden new and ferocious need; the daydreams that come from it are even better. The soft, barely there brushes as you pass by or the barely fingertip touch when you’re standing next to each other. The longing stares that makes you wonder if there ever could be more. There’s no denying that you can’t stop looking at him differently now, as more than just the friend you cherish deeply, but as someone who could become more than just. 
Sometimes, you even dream of his hand between your legs. 
What makes this even worse is that you’ll occasionally catch Bucky doing the same thing to you; he may be faster than you in oh so many ways thanks to his enhancements, but there are moments where you catch him looking quickly away and towards whatever was in front or next to him, eyes glaring like he’s—he’s scolding himself.   
“Sexual tension.” Wanda told you when you first explained your worries to her. “That’s what’s happening.”
You shook your head, laughing it off. “Nooo it can’t be Wanda. We’re just—”
“Friends?” She smirked. 
“Yes.” You defended. “Just friends. I mean maybe—maybe we’re just going through a phase, and everything will soon go back to normal.”
Wanda rolled her eyes with a smirk. “We’ll see.”    
Deep down, you knew that she was right. And that terrified you. Still does, actually. Why would you want to ruin such a good thing over what may be just a stupid, silly crush?
Now, exhausted, frustrated, and hopping around like a moron in the dark, the smug look on his face heavily annoys you more than ever. 
“Thanks.” You snarl. 
He puts his hands up in mock surrender, easily taking in your disdained mood. “Sorry.”
You finally let your foot drop back to the ground, your toe still stinging. Bucky continues to watch you as you limp towards the cabinets and reach for your favorite mug, setting it too harshly down on the marble counter before opening the fridge. 
“Try drinking tea,” he says. “It’ll be better than…Dr. Pepper.”
You shrug as you uncap the bottle and pour the sweet soda into your mug. “I’ve already tried that.” You mutter. “Nothing’s been working.”
You hear Bucky shift in his chair, hear the clicks of his metal arm as he stretches it out; he rarely does it when there’s too many people around, letting himself be free with the metal prosthetic. You feel special knowing that he’s comfortable enough to be free in your presence. 
“How long has this been going on?” He asks quietly. 
You lean your back against the counter and bring the cup to your lips. “Almost a full week now.”
You see him nod from your peripheral vision, straightening his back and taking a sip from his own up you didn’t realize he had until now; it smells like green tea, with a hint of something sweeter. Honey, most likely. 
You expect him to ask you more questions but he stays silent as you both take small sips of your drinks. Your eyes are heavy and your body is on the verge of completely slumping against the small space behind you, but you’re still too wired to sleep—okay, Bucky was right on the soda, but you’re not going to admit that to him. 
“Why are you awake?” You ask him. 
He just shrugs. “Same reason as you.”
That gets you to snort. Yeah right, buddy. 
“Tried sparring?” Bucky suddenly breaks the silence, causing you to jump from the intrusion. 
“Sorta.” You iffley say. “Still didn’t help me much…I really don’t know what my problem is.” Liar.
He hums softly. “Well,” he puffs as he sits up from the stool. “Let’s go then.”
You raise your eyebrows. “Really?”
For such a heavy man, it still surprises you when he walks silently towards you, so quietly that if you weren’t looking you’d had no idea if he was moving at all. The familiar smell of his soap overwhelms your senses as he leans in, his left arm stretched to put his cup in the sink. You can’t help but inhale the alluring musk, which causes a shiver to run through your body. 
“Sexual tension.” Wanda’s voice rings through your head. 
God he really does smell good and he’s warm...stop it! 
“So?” He scares you again out of your thoughts, and when you look up he’s close. He’s really close—well, closer than you anticipated for only putting away a dish. He’s looking down at you with an expression you can’t quite decipher, but that smirk of his returns and your heart flutters at the close proximity of it. 
You set your now empty mug in the sink next to his with a sigh and nod your head. “Take it easy on me. I’m not exactly coordinated right now.” 
Bucky only chuckles, hearty and gruff, at your warning. “Whatever you say.”
You really like the way he says it. It sounds stupid, but you do. 
He leads the way to the training room, turning every now and then to make sure you’re still following—and that you don’t stub your toe again. 
“Turning the lights on.” Bucky warns you just seconds before the lights blare your vision, making you wince and blink against the onslaught. 
When you can finally make out the shapes moving around, Bucky is already standing in the middle of the mat, watching you with his signature smirk. You can’t help but give him a small closed lip smile of your own as you make your way towards him. 
“I’m totally gonna kick your ass.” You tease with a slight slur.
He grunts, face squished as he rolls his eyes playfully. “Yeah yeah, hurry up.”
“Don’t act like you don’t want to be here, Barnes.” You chide as you start to wrap your knuckles. “You’re the one who suggested this.”
“Doesn’t mean you gotta be a turtle about it.” 
You give him the best glare you can muster as he struggles to hold in his laughter. Your grimace deepens when they finally escape, and his face is really fucking adorable when he laughs like this; without a care in the world. That makes you stare at him longer than necessary as he recovers. 
“Okay I’m sorry!” He gasps, putting his hand up. “I’ll stop, I swear it.”
The scowl doesn’t disappear even as you start to adjust the strings on your sweatpants; tightening them. You know you look like a child right now with the way you’re stomping dramatically heavily towards the ex-assassin, but you’re too tired and slightly agitated to care. 
“Alright,” he huffs. “Just come right at me and don’t hold back. Think you can handle that, doll?”
You smirk despite yourself and prepare a simple stance; attack. “Sure, ice bucket.”
Bucky doesn’t flinch from the playful tease. What he does is pat his chest with a closed knuckle and says, “I’m waiting.”
You watch him, take in his posture and immediately go for the legs. You’re a good agent, not the best, definitely in need of improvement, but you’re good. What you’re sort of forgetting here, a habit with him it seems, is that he is. in fact, a super soldier. 
The air leaves your lungs with an oof as you land flat on your back. His hand, warm flesh that feels like is scorching your skin through your shirt, holds you down by your upper chest. You blink dumbly up at him as you struggle to catch your breath, your body jolted from its heavy, sleepless form. 
“C’mon,” he says your name disappointingly. “You know better than that.”
You roll your eyes and grunt, swatting his hand away and standing yourself up. “I don’t see the point of this.” You complain. “If anything, I feel more awake than tired.”
“Oh you know what the point is.” Bucky scoffs. “Stop complaining and fight me.”
“Fine!” You growl. 
The next charge at him, you honestly thought that you’d get the upper hand. Where he goes to block, you quickly change course and go for a punch. It all happens in a blink of an eye, and suddenly his metal arm is wrapped loosely around your neck in a lock, the other locking your wrists in his wide grip.  
“You’re not even trying.” He breathes in your ear. 
“I am.” You say through gritted teeth. 
He finally lets you go with a small chuckle. It makes you angry. “If you’re just going to keep laughing at me then I’m—”
Bucky lunges at you. Your body reacts on instinct and ducks away from his attack, bouncing on your feet to the other side. The muscles in his back strain as he runs his fingers through his hair, flashing you a grin as he turns around. 
“There ya ‘re.” His brooklyn accent runs thick through his praise. 
That praise—and it’s not like you’ve never heard it from him before, always in playful banter—raises goosebumps and there’s no way he doesn’t notice it. You fight the rush of blood flooding to your cheeks. 
“Here,” you try, bouncing around him and playfully trying to grab him, distracting yourself from your own confusing thoughts. “Just stand still and let me punch and kick at you until I pass out.”
He laughs with you and dodges your weak attempts with liquid ease. “Oh I’m sure you’d love that.”
“I would, actually.” 
“You’re jus’ bein’ a sore loser.”
“So what—��� You grunt as he slides to his right and pushes your hit lightly away from him. “—if I am.”
You do this for some time, aimlessly throwing weak kicks at his shins as he teases you—you’re really fucking jealous at how he seemingly floats with each bounce to his dodges. You finally manage to knip him around the ankle, causing him to wince and curse. 
“Ha!” You cheer. “I bet that hur—”  
Bucky takes your short moment of victory to sweep around you and kick your legs out from under you. You land ungracefully yet again on the hard mat, but this time you quickly recover and loop your legs around the arm closest to you and pull him down with all your strength. He flips hard on his back, gasping as soon as he makes contact and now you’re the one laughing at him as you have the upper hand. 
“Well Barnes,” you tsk. “Looks like you’re losing your touch.”
“Don’t get cocky.” He warns as his hand flexes still in your grip. “Or else this happens.”
You blink and feel a harsh tug at the back of your neck. Everything is a blur as you feel yourself being lifted and flipped into the air, like you weigh nothing at all. Your eyes automatically shut and your body awaits for the hard impact. 
It doesn’t come. 
Bucky softens your fall by quickly rolling his body into yours and wrapping his arms around you, practically caging you in. Your hands reach for the first solid thing they can find, which happens to be soft skin and hard muscle. His legs cage yours between his, his hair lightly curled and there’s a strangled noise coming from somewhere and holy fuck he’s—
“You alright?” He asks, panting. 
Your breaths mix together as you stare into each other’s eyes. You hear what he says, the words playing through your ears but your brain doesn’t register the nerves to actually respond to him. It feels like you’ve never been this close to him before, not like this anyway. It feels… suffocating. In such a good, intoxicating way that you don’t want him to move. 
And then you realize that the reason why he must be asking that question is because he thinks you’re hurt; that strangled cry was from you. 
He shifts, just slightly to adjust, that gets his arms to tighten around you for a split second. Your jaw clenches as you struggle to hide the hitch in your breath and the pool of arousal flooding between your legs. 
“Y-yeah.” You finally answer, swallowing thickly. His adam’s apple bobs as he does the same, and that gets your body tingling with a familiar sensation that has your eyes widening. “I think I’m tired now.”
The second those words escape your lips you want to take them back. His eyes fall as he shakes his head and chuckles, looking shyly down as he sighs. He unwraps himself from you and holds his hand out for you to take. It takes you a moment, still reeling from—well from whatever the hell that was. 
Now it feels awkward. You both can’t keep your eyes on each other, looking anywhere’s else like it’s fucking interesting. You gotta stop this. 
“Can I—”
You both say at the same time. Bucky’s soft, harmonic—in your very humble opinion—chuckle joins yours and you shake your head to clear away the fuzziness clouding your brain. 
“Sorry, uh what were you going to say?”
Bucky hesitates, and there’s something in his eyes that tells you that he’s nervous. It worries you, and instinct takes over to walk to him and comfort him. 
“No it’s—,” he inhales sharply. “It’s okay. We can talk about it tomorrow, when you’re more…awake.”
“I’m plenty coherent, Bucky.” You scoff. “Just tell me. I’m your friend.”
He smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes; it goes without the same brightness that usually greets you and that makes your stomach drop and your heart clench with an uncomfortable grip. 
“I know.” He says softly. Then his eyebrow raises in a mischievous arch. “Need me to walk you to your room?”
This time it’s you who hesitates. On any other circumstance, you would’ve immediately said yes and that would be that; no awkwardness, no tension or—or whatever the fuck is going on between the two of you.  
“Um… yeah. Yeah s-sure.”
You curse yourself mentally and berate yourself to keep it together. The walk back is quicker than the walk to the training room, and a part of you is entirely grateful for it. Bucky stays close as he paddles softly through the hall until your door is in sight, and you’re standing with one hand on the handle while chewing on your bottom lip. Now what?
“Goodnight,” he says your name softly, so softly you can barely hear him. 
“Goodnight Buck.” You whisper back. 
He gives you one last smile and walks away, and as simple and normal as this is, it feels wrong. Like he shouldn’t be walking away, because there’s something obviously going on between the two of you and you have no idea how—well, you know one way—to fix it because you’re a goddamn coward and that smile isn’t the same smile he gives you.
You lean against your bedroom door as it shuts. Your eyes sting with unshed tears and the aching pressure between your legs is long gone, but the evidence of it sticks to your panties. Ignoring it, you hop onto your bed and fling yourself against your lush pillows, and the rest of the morning is spent with you staring at the tv screen overthinking every interaction you ever had with the man responsible for your turmoil, and fall asleep with frustration seeping through your veins.
When you come to, early afternoon you think, the ache in your pussy is too much to ignore and you cum with Bucky’s name a sigh from your ecstasy. It’s the first time you do. 
“You look…better.”
“Thank you.”
“So what was the trick?”
I masturbated thinking about my best friend. “Training. With Bucky.”
That gets her eyebrows rising up as she ahhh’s at you. “How are things between the two of you?”
“Good.” You feign. “Really good, actually.”
“I’m serious.”
“Just fuck already.”
“Seriously, I’m getting pretty sick of watching you mope around like this. You’ve got to talk to him.”
You sigh through your nose, throwing your head back against the couch cushion. “I know.” You groan. “It’s just—I don’t know how, you know? I mean, what if this ruins our entire friendship? I can’t…I can’t live with that.”
Wanda purses her lips and rubs your shoulder comfortably. “I know,” she coos. “But don’t think you’ll feel better getting it off your chest? How do you know that he doesn’t feel the same way?”
A pause. “No.” Yes. Another pause. “And no.” One more.  “How did this happen?” 
She understands what you mean when you say it in a whine. She opens her mouth and is about to reply when—
“Did what happen?”
You freeze, eyes going wide as Wanda stares back in equal horror; you also detect the glint in her green eyes that spells nothing but trouble for you. 
“She just agreed to have a movie night with Vis and I. My pick, which she’s still sulking about.” She throws in, so casually that you’re kind of surprised and impressed. “We were just talking about asking you to join us.”
You should’ve seen this coming. Really, you should have. It pisses you off. 
‘Calm down.’ Her voice whispers in your head, a skill she’s been working on. ‘I’m sorry, but this is for your own good.’
“Yeah?” Bucky says, all rich honey. “When?”
You roll your lips and force a smirk as you turn towards him. “Tonight, around nine.” If she was going to force you into this and pick the movie, you wanted to at least have some control over this situation. 
His eyes meet yours and the crinkles around them washes away the annoyance that was starting to build. He nods while shoving his hands into his jeans pockets and grins towards Wanda. 
“Alright. Pick a good movie, would ya?”
Wanda laughs. “I will!”
Your fingers twinkle in a wave as Bucky awkwardly waves back. Once you’re sure he’s gone and out of earshot, you nudge Wanda’s leg with your foot. “What the hell was that?” You hiss. 
“Oh hush,” she clicks her tongue. “I just gave you an opportunity, and who knows maybe something good will happen, and you’ll be thanking me after you fuc—”
“Alright alright I get it!” You stop her, a part of you still scared that anyone will just waltz in and hear. “I’ll stop complaining under one condition.”
“Okay.” She says suspiciously with narrowed eyes. 
“I get to pick the movie.”
Your legs hurt. 
Curled up crookedly under your blanket, back at an awkward angle as you stare at the moving faces and listen to the screams as they run through the forest. 
The Blair Witch Project has always been one of your favorites, and you figure there’s no sex, no nudity, nothing that could put you in a weird position with the man you can’t stop thinking about sitting right next to you on the plushy loveseat. Yeah, why not?
But of course, Wanda had to be Wanda, and insisted that the two of you lounge on the small couch while her and Vision take over the other, bigger one. As if they needed the space. 
Bucky, although, doesn’t seem to sense your discomfort, and if he does he’s kept quiet about it. He seems just as stiff as you are, but more relaxed and attentive. 
It’s been almost an hour of this. 
There’s a little giggle from the couple to your left, and when you look over you see Wanda putting her finger to her lips, shushing Vision as she holds in more of her laughter. 
Glad she’s having fun. 
Stop it. You’re doing this to yourself. 
You let out a soft sigh and shuffle to your right, closer to Buck as you gingerly uncurl your legs and sit them criss cross. Much better. You can pay attention to the movie better now that you’re more comfortable, so lost in the panic on the screen that you don’t hear him move but rather feel the brush of his thigh against your knee. 
Once you realize it you decide to ignore the onslaught of the electric shock rushing through your core—it’s embarrassing that a touch of his leg of all things gets you going. 
You gasp and jump, gripping onto the first thing your flying hands find. It happens to be Bucky, naturally. 
“Sorry!” Wanda whispers yells. 
You roll your eyes with a loud, annoyed sigh and settle back into the loveseat. Your hands still grip onto his bicep, and it’s his subtle clear of the throat that brings your attention to it.
“Sorry.” You flinch and let go of him. 
“It’s okay.” He sounds off, a little dejected. 
You’re about to over analyze it—because that’s what you do best—when Bucky scooches closer to you and hands his arm up to rest on the back of the couch, the tips of his fingers barely reaching your shoulder. Willing yourself to relax and focus, you don’t notice the side glances he’s throwing you or the hushed whispers of your friend, who is no longer paying attention to the movie at all, but rather at you and Bucky. 
“We’re gonna turn in.” Wanda announces. 
Your mouth opens in a small o as you stare at her in disbelief. “Are you sure?” It’s hard to hide the plea. “It’s almost at the end!”
Vision gives you an apologetic shrug and mouths ‘sorry’ as Wanda drags him away by his hand. “Yeah, we’re sure. Don’t have too much fun without me!” Her accent thrums with pure tease and you can only blubber like an idiot while watching them disappear to their room. 
“Well,” Bucky sighs and shifts lower until he’s more comfortable. “Just us.”
You don’t mean to sound so annoyed. You can tell it hurts his feelings because his arm moves back to his side, effectively putting more space between you. Your heart clenches at the fact that you’re the one doing this, no one else, and seeing him now, eyebrows furrowed and teeth gnawing at his bottom lip as his leg starts to bounce anxiously, makes you feel even worse. 
“I think I’m going to bed, too.” Bucky says. 
He stands up before you can say something, though you’re not exactly sure what you want to say to him; there’s so much and your brain is in too much of a scramble of self wallowing and fear that it’s hard to put them coherently together. 
“Goodnight.” He doesn’t say your name, or give you your smile. An awkward wave and heavy steps is all you get, and when they become more faint do you curse yourself and fight the stupid tears clogging your throat as you sit there in the dark. 
It’s been a week since that night. 
Wanda, much to your relief, has left you alone about Bucky, but you know with every look when he enters the room that she’s still thinking about it; still scolding you for not taking the leap of faith into what could lead to so much more.  To be honest, you don’t blame her; you’d be doing the same if you knew she’d be happy. 
This time it’s so bad that the rest of the team starts to notice yours and Bucky’s sudden thrift. Steve, bless him, has been the most frequent next to Wanda. 
“You know you can tell me anything Buck,” Steve’s voice rang through the empty room. 
This was the night after the movie incident. Restless once again, you decided to punch out your feelings and frustrations at two in the morning with the hope that you would be alone. You almost walked in on them, not paying attention, when you heard him. 
“I know.” Bucky said. “But I’m telling you, it’s not going to happen. There’s nothing there.”
Your heart leapt in your chest and your stomach dropped. Somehow, you knew they were talking about you. 
“What do you mean?” Steve asked; you imagine he did so while crossing his arms.
A bang, followed by a grunt. “Nothing. Just as I said it.”
A stab deep in your heart with a jagged edge made your knees nearly buckle. 
“Listen punk,” Bucky interrupted. “I know you’re just looking out for me and I appreciate it, but I don’t want to…I want—“
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” FRIDAY interjects robotically. “But I’m afraid Rogers has a call waiting for him and it’s very urgent.”
You heard Steve sigh and something moved or fell, but you hurried away before you could get caught. 
Ever since, you can’t get those words out of your head. They play over and over like a broken record, chasing you to insanity. 
Why oh why did FRIDAY have to say something?
It was like a sign from the universe itself. Whether it was good or bad, you weren’t quite sure yet.
Tonight is a particularly warm night, which you’re not complaining about, especially with Stark’s AC. It looks to be another night of staring blankly into space until you get tired of that; covers thrown haphazardly across the room, cool air breezing against your bare skin, a new set of dark bags under your eyes brewing. A typical night for you. 
This time you debate on whether you should move. It’s getting old, just sitting here but you’re too afraid of running into—well into anyone at this point. You just don’t think you have the energy for it. 
So you decide on sitting by your window and watching the cars drive by, lights flashing through the busy city. Count the stars that barely shine through in the dark sky, too many city lights blocking out the natural brightness. Finally, after several long and agonizing minutes, you throw on a pair of shorts and quietly open the door, peering at the hallways to the best of your ability without any light with ears straining to detect any type of sound no matter big or small, and once you’re satisfied that you’re alone you close the door and blink. 
Where to this time?
You could try the training room again, but the last time makes you hold out on that. The living room maybe? Kitchen? Game room? 
Suddenly it hits you, and you want to wack yourself on the head for not thinking of this sooner. Quickly tiptoeing back to your room, you grab the fluffiest blanket you own and wrap it around yourself. 
You usually prefer taking the elevator up, too lazy for the stairs, but it’s too late for that so, stairs it is. Thankfully, it’s not that many flights and when the first breeze of fresh, cool air hits your skin you immediately sigh and inhale deeply. The night is filled with miscellaneous noises of the common city, but after being here for so long you’re more than used to it. You can see the moon now, hiding behind slivers of a dark cloud, and to your right a gruff, 
“What’re you doing up here?”
It’s not unwelcoming, just a question out of curiosity. You turn to him, shocked to find him up here. 
“Uh.” You drawl, mouth hanging open as you think of something to say. “Well—well I…” Why is this so hard?
“Why are you up here?” You ask instead, wrapping the blanket tighter around you. 
Bucky shifts in the lawn chair—a cheap brand that creaks a little under his weight—and offers you a timid smile. “Don’t you remember?”
You shuffle through your memories, trying to understand the meaning behind his question. He’s patient with you, even shuffling deeper into his stance as you stare quizzically at him. What the fuc––oh. Oh you know what he’s talking about now. 
“Oh Jesus Bucky I’m––” you run a palm over your face in shame. “I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to say sorry for,” he assures you. 
But you do. You do because he’s your friend, one of your best friends even, and with all of this going on, he deserves to have a good friend. 
So it makes you feel terrible that you forgot the quite frankly huge significance of this roof, and even more specifically the very spot he’s sitting in right now; this is where he goes when he has nightmares. When he wants to be alone. This is where your friendship started. 
You had snuck up to the roof in the middle of one of Tony’s parties, clad in a simple short blue dress and an armful of drinks and snacks for yourself. 
It wasn’t that you weren’t having fun, you were never one to turn down a good party. But that night you had just wanted a little alone time, and the roof was one of your sanctums of escape from the world and its responsibilities. 
Balancing everything awkwardly and praying that you wouldn’t have to bend down and pick any of them up, you finally twisted and pushed the door unceremoniously. 
It should’ve banged against something with the amount of force you excurted—out of pure annoyance—but instead it was stopped by flashy, shiny fingers, curled against the rim of the door with quiet clicks. 
“Fuck!” You gasped. “I’m sorry, didn’t know anyone was up here.”
Bucky stared down at you wearily, eyes full of surprise and wonder as he eyed you up and down, particularly taking in the overflowing variousity of items in your arms.     
“Yeah,” he grunted. “Just needed…to get away for a moment.”
At this point you already knew how Bucky was with large crowds; you didn’t blame him for coming here, especially on warm summer nights such as this. 
“Yeah,” you repeated. “Me too.” You looked down at your feet, shifting your weight. “Do you… would you like to join me?”
He froze. The blood to your cheeks was prominent, you could feel that from the heat of it. You shifted again, lifting a foot to help shove a box back into your arms.
You smiled then, bright and toothy. “Here,” Bucky said, reaching for the snacks. “Let me get that.”
That night was filled with nothing but small talk and laughter, and it was one of the best nights of your life in a long, long time. From then on, you and Bucky grew closer and closer until you started to dream about riding his cock until he screamed your name and you started to push him away. 
“Buck.” You sigh, shaking the perverted thoughts away. 
“Just come here,” he says, reaching his hand out. “I want you to see something.”
You hesitate, but only for a split second before you find yourself walking towards him. His eyes, grey tonight, bare deep into yours like he’s trying to see into your soul; to figure you out, more likely.
Once you’re within hand’s reach he gently tugs at your blanket and your heart skips a beat at the sheer…domestically of such a minuscule motion. He tugs again, gesturing with a tilt of his head to the armrest. 
“That chair is gonna break as soon as I sit on it.” You argue. 
“It’s not,” he defends gently. 
He still senses your hesitance and clicks his tongue disapprovingly. “Can I—?” He scrunches his eyebrows and carefully wraps his arm around your waist, guiding you to the left side of him. You let him guide your body until you’re half seated on his lap, legs practically curled over his thighs while his arm stays wrapped around you. 
The heat from his body is searing, even through the extra layers of fluff you have on you. His breath ghosts over your cheek, casting a whiff of something sweet and minty on his breath. The hard, metal muscles dig into your back, although not uncomfortably, but enough for you to have to fight the urge to rub your thighs together at the thought of his arm tightening around you as he pounds into you—
“Look up.” He suddenly whispers in your ear, husky and deep. It causes a delectable shiver to run down your body and your pussy clenches around nothingness. 
Keep it together. 
Bucky must mistake it as you being cold because he pulls you tighter against him, which for you only makes it harder to control your thoughts. Your heart pounds and your ankles cross to try and relieve the increasing pressure growing in your pussy; thank goodness you brought your blanket out here. 
You finally muster your eyes to follow his pointed finger and squint. “What am I looking at?”
He shifts a little more to the left. Closer to you. “There.”
You try to ignore the way his words literally hit your lips. A brush of his breath that feels like an imprint on your pink flesh and gets your mouth watering; you start to wonder what he tastes like. 
“That?” You stick your hand out to the pointed stars. 
“You know what that is?”
Your eyebrows furrow as you think. You’re not an expert in astronomy by no means, but you took a few classes back in the day, and somehow this piece of information resonates high and mighty in your memories. 
“No.” You say before you can stop yourself. 
He smiles again, that toothy smile that you love. “Cygnus. The swan, I believe. Mostly comes out during summer months and it forms this triangle,” he traces the stars. “See?”
And that is why you said no. The way he describes it, giddy and excited because he learned something new and he’s telling you…you hate yourself even more for the way you’ve been trying to avoid him. 
“It’s beautiful.” You murmur. 
Bucky hums in agreement. Your eyes scan for any more constellations, but you can feel him staring at you. You want to look down, your neck is even starting to strain from it, but you just… 
He says your name. It comes out a whisper, and he sounds… scared. You slowly, very slowly, look down and find a swirl of gray and blue. Facing him like this makes you realize you’re closer to him than you thought; tilt your head a little down and you’d be kissing him. 
As if he read your mind, he licks his lips and, unconscious or not, you start to lean forward. 
This is it.
Bucky’s leaning up and holy shit you’re about to—
“Hey, lovebirds!”
The both of you jump and turn towards the intrusion, you with shock and Bucky, a murderous glare. Both his arms are around you, as if to shield you from the outsider. 
“Emergency meeting.” Tony smirks. “I don’t like it either but,” he shrugs. “Duty calls. Let’s go.”
Bucky’s jaw clenches out of your peripheral vision, and you find yourself filled with the same agitation because fuck you were so fucking close. 
“We should go.” You tell him, like it’s not obvious that the moment is already ruined. 
“Yeah.” Bucky grits out.
You miss the safety of his arms as soon as you leave them. 
This time you find him on purpose. 
You start by going to his room. It’s late, but not too late this time. You knock softly against the door once, then twice and wait. 
“Bucky?” You call out softly. 
A sharp, defined meow answers you back from the otherside. You grin and give the knob a try, twisting it open slowly as you glance around the room. 
“Buck?” You try again. 
Alpine, Bucky’s white feline, greets you with a purr and rubs against your legs. You bend down with a coo and pick him up, scratching his head as he closes his eyes and continues to purr. 
“Where’s your daddy?” You whisper to the cat.
He meows like he understands you, making you chuckle. The cool floor feels nice against your bare feet this time, a nice contrast to the heat flaring through the summer air. Alpine settles himself in your arms as you search for Bucky. Everything is quiet, no signs of anyone up and moving around, and you start to wonder if Bucky is up on that roof again when you walk by the kitchen. There’s a dark figure by the corner of your eye, but you don’t register it until Alpine starts squirming and you do a double take. 
“Hey.” You put Alpine down. 
Bucky nods at you and follows Alpine with his eyes as the cat rubs up against his owner, adding an arch to his spine. 
“I was looking for you.” You explain when Bucky doesn’t say anything. 
“Hmm.” He hums nonchalantly.��
You nod, because you don’t know what you want to say now that you have him and twindle your fingers together. This is… a lot harder than you expected it to be. 
“Soo,” you start out. “How… are you?”
He shrugs. “‘M alright.”
Okay. You got that out of the way. Now let’s—  
“Let’s go to my room.” 
He’s whizzing past you before you can even blink, Alpine in tow. It takes you a moment before your muscles move and you’re following him. Your heart thuds wildly against your ribcage and you take a deep breath when his door comes into view. 
Bucky has always been in a state between organized and messy. Most days you can’t even call it an organized mess, it’s more separate if you can make any sense of it. You’re reminded of this as soon as you walk in, stepping over a t-shirt and combat boots. “Sorry, sorry.” Bucky mumbles as he quickly ducks down to pick them up. The rest of his room is about the same, but it’s not too bad to make a big deal of. 
“Can’t really sleep.” He offers an explanation. 
“Ah.” You nod. “You got my problem now.”
He smirks mischievously and it shamefully sends a wave of blazing arousal through your body, ending at the pulsing ache quivering in need. 
“It seems I do, doll.”
Is this—is this a double entendre? Is Bucky messing with you right now? Enjoying the way you’re trembling with a hold that’ll give everything away? 
If so, he’s doing a fantastic job.
“So,” you clear the lodge in your throat. “S-so do you want to, uh, train? Like last time?” Okay, that might not be such a good idea—you won’t be able to control yourself then, you’re positive of it—but you genuinely do want to help him, so you’re willing to fight your animalistic pulses for the sake of your friend. No that—that doesn’t sound right. Just calling him your friend. Now, it’s leaving a distaste in your mouth.   
He sits down on the edge of his bed—dark covers that match the aesthetics of his personality—and plants his elbows on his knees as he, dramatically you have to add, thinks thoughtfully with a slight pout to his perfect lips. 
“Push ups.” 
You raise an eyebrow. “Alright?”
“But I’m gonna need a little help.”
He leans forward, just a bit more, and—and maybe it’s just your uncontrollable imagination—his eyes are dark and blown wide. 
Okay, your pussy is throbbing now, the pulse achingly worse in your clit. “O-okay.” You lick your dry lips. 
His smirk widens and stretches to put his cup onto his nightstand, making his shirt pull up, showing you a sliver of chiseled abs on his toned stomach. 
Holy fuck. You’re not going to make it. 
Bucky catches your eye before he gets down on the carpet, the muscles in his back straining deliciously and mouth watering as he stretches his legs out and holds himself up by his palms. 
“Sit on my back.”
“Wha—” You sputter with a slight giggle. “What just…just sit on you?”
“On my back, yes.” Bucky teases and glances up at you. “It’ll tire me out faster.”
It makes sense. Logically. And he does have more of an immunity than most. But you just can’t help but feel that this is part of a game of his, thinking of any and every way to torture you and watch you squirm in your helpless state. 
You’re silent as you take short steps towards his crouched form and place a hand steadily on his broad shoulder. You check on his face, still as lucid and beautiful as ever, and carefully settle your weight atop his. 
“Good?” You ask. 
“Yes, so you can relax sweetheart.” He says without a strain. So you do as he says, sitting more comfortably on him and crossing your legs. 
He bends his elbows and leans down, your fingers automatically gripping his shirt to gain more balance, and pushes himself back up at a steady pace, barely a noise coming from him. Each time he moves you feel his muscles stretch and tighten beneath you; you have to bite your lip to stop from digging your nails into his skin.  
Alpine watches as Bucky continues the workout, all the while you’re sitting on him wondering just what you’re supposed to do other than sit here, anything to clear your head and appease the burning ache coursing through you.
“Say something.” He grunts.
“Like what?” You scoff despite yourself. 
“I don’t know, talk about anything.” Up, down. A heavy breath. “Count for me then.”
“I don’t know how much you’ve done already.”
“Ten.” He answers immediately. Up. Down. “Eleven.” Up. Down. “Tw—“
“Twelve.” You interject with a mimicking tone. “Thirteen…fourteen…fifteen…sixteen…”
Up. Down. You highly doubt he’s even breaking a sweat right now as your body hobbles on the muscles of steel. Up. Down. A tick, sounds like from a watch, sounds lowly in the room, but to you it sounds like it’s echoing loudly through your ears. Up. Down. You need to tell him. Up. Down. 
“Alp,” Bucky sighs annoyingly. 
You look over and see the white glob bend its head down by Bucky’s wrist, and when Bucky leans down the cat boops his nose against his and sits. 
“Oh no, c’mon.” Bucky complains. “Move.”
He tries to sweep Alpine away with one arm but you’re moving too, not holding on to him and when he leans most of his weight onto his left side, your body goes with it. 
“Woah!” Your hands fly wildly as you attempt to grab onto something. That something happens to be soft and you mistake it for his shirt and pull. 
You freeze. He does too. 
Did that…did that just happen? 
The air is thick, so fucking thick, you’re not sure if you can breathe properly under the weight of it. 
Now what the fuck do you say?
“Um are you—” you’re breathless, like you’ve been the one doing the push ups. “Are you okay?”
He still keeps his stance, Alpine long gone by now towards his bed most likely. You don’t care about that right now. All you can think about is how his arms flex as he keeps you up and how you can see his jaw tick; it shouldn’t turn you on, but that groan does nothing to help you as it echoes through the air silently. 
There’s a tug on your calf and suddenly the room is a blur. You feel yourself being pulled down and flipped onto your back, and again you brace yourself for impact but it’s—it’s just the soft carpet, and he’s leaning over you, legs between his now open ones with a dangerous look in his eyes that you can’t tear away from. A bead of sweat dribbles down the tip of his nose until it drips down onto your cheekbone, but that’s not even enough to break the spell you’re currently in. It breaks Bucky’s, however, because he curses and wipes the small line from your cheek and wipes the front of his face with an open palm. 
You should say something. A word. Just something. He turns back to you and just…looks at you. And you look back. Breaths mix together, like it’s the most natural thing in the world, and there’s a battle waging in his mind, you can see that in his eyes; they’re barely recognizable now, no blue or gray. 
“Can I kiss you?”
It takes you a second to register what he said. It’s soft, so fucking quiet and gentle that it pierces straight through your heart. Your stomach erupts in nerves and your legs tighten together on their own accord, pussy fluttering at the question. 
Bucky waits patiently, never once moving a muscle. You lick your lips and that’s when he moves, a flicker of his eyes and a part of his lips. 
You don’t answer him with words. You don’t think you can trust your voice enough to. Don’t think at all, actually. Instead you nod and wait with baited breath as he nods back, leisurely, and starts to lean in. It’s tentative, careful but eager. You never take your eyes off his, only when you feel the soft press of his lips against yours do you indulge yourself. 
The kiss starts off slow. Barely even a kiss, just lips against lips. You crane your neck up and back a little and press harder against him, making him moan softly in the back of his throat and shit that’s one of the most beautiful sounds you ever heard; you need to hear more of it. 
Sensing your eagerness, he presses back and kisses you like you’re sure he did back in the 40’s, slinging every gal and wooing them with just a wink of an eye. His tongue traces the outline of your bottom lip and you open your mouth with a gasp, inviting his curious tongue into your warm crevasse. He sighs at the taste of you, swirling his tongue with yours in a fight you know he’ll win. Your hands lift up and wrap around his shoulders, pushing him down on to you. He presses down on your knee and you spread your legs for him to settle in between.
“Why—” He breaks the kiss, a string of saliva connected to your lips trailing along as you whine from the loss. “Why did we wait so long to do that?”
You giggle, deep and low and he joins in with his own, harmonizing perfectly. “I don’t know,” you say. “That’s sorta my fault, I guess. I just—” you look away shyly. 
Bucky places two fingers underneath your chin, prompting you to look at him. “Didn’t want to risk our friendship.” He finishes for you. 
You nod. Your chest feels lighter now, a new sense of…of an increasing, raw excitement growing inside you. He must feel the same way, too, because he swoops back in for another kiss that’s all teeth and tongue. Your arms flex as you hold him still, running your hand up the nape of his neck and into his locks, gripping a handful of it to stable yourself. Bucky moans again and drops his hips into yours, where you feel the hardening outline of his cock through his sweatpants, grinding purposefully against yours. 
“Bucky,” you gasp, moaning when his lips trail down your jaw and stop at your neck. 
“I’m so sorry we ever waited this long,” he groans into the skin, planting a kiss on your rapid pulse. “You’re so fucking beautiful, малышка.
You don’t understand much Russian, but Bucky has been trying to teach you on and off and this one you understand; babygirl.
“Fuck.” You moan. He sucks a mark on your neck and bites down on it, making you whine and arch your back into him. He pushes back down, and his cock feels impossibly harder and you know he can feel your hot, dripping cunt, too. 
“Please,” you don’t know what you’re begging for. “I-I need…”
“What?” He asks sweetly. When you continue to sputter at him, he gives a hard thrust against your clothed cunt. 
“A-ah fuck.” You keen. 
“Tell me what you want.” He orders. “Tell me and I’ll give it to you. C’mon.”
It feels like you can’t breathe. He hasn’t even been inside you yet and you’re already on the edge, chest heaving and thighs quivering with the anticipation. 
Bucky suddenly drops down to his forearms, leaving a searing kiss that has you whimpering for more. “Want me to taste you?” He whispers huskily. “Like I dreamed?” His hands slide under your shirt, skimming against your sides. Your breath catches, caught in your throat as your skin breaks out in goosebumps. “Kiss that pretty pussy of yours? Fuck you with my fingers? Get you alll—“ He palms your breasts and pinches your nipple; you bite down on your lip hard, indents digging sharply through the tender flesh. “—nice and wet for my thick, fat cock? Would you like that, doll?”
Would you like that? You’d fucking kill for it. 
“Yes!” You moan loudly. “Oh please Bucky, please.” 
Bucky loves to see you beg. His dick twitches in response in his pants and you dig your nails into his back. 
“Okay baby,” he says against your open mouth. “Get on the bed for me, legs spread.”
You don’t hesitate as soon as he lifts off you. You crawl on the bed with shaky limbs and lay on your back on his pillow; it smells distinctly Bucky, filling your senses with fueled desire. 
Bucky looks at you like you’re fucking treasure. Like you’re the sun, the moon, everything to him, and it makes you blush and flutter under the intensity of it. You hold your arms out with a slight pout. 
He huffs a chuckle and reaches behind him to pull his shirt over his head. Your mouth waters at the beautiful specimen before you; you want to kiss the faint scars that littler his body. He pulls down his pants next but keeps his boxers on, the outline of his hard cock prominent and strained through the fabric; if it’s bothering him, he’s doing a pretty good job at hiding it. 
Bucky crawls towards you, slow and with a curve, like a predator capturing its prey. You reach out for him and grab his shoulders, pulling him towards you for a kiss. His lips, slightly chapped but otherwise soft, move against yours in perfect synchrony, as if your bodies are already so in tune with each other. He breaks the kiss, diving back to lick your top lip, and slides the palm of his hands back up under your shirt, this time pulling the fabric with him. You help him slide the shirt off and throw it casually across the room; your nipples perk under his wandering and trumpeting gaze. 
“Fuck, doll,” he whispers. 
Before you can react he leans down and envelopes your nipple in his mouth, tongue swirling around the perky bud. You gasp and hold his head to your chest while his hands grip down on your hips, hard enough to where you know there’s going to be bruises. He bites down on the bud, causing you to roll your hips against his and your toes to curl. 
“Bucky.” You whisper, just because he’s all you can see and feel and smell…
He lets go of your breast with a pop and trails his kisses down the valley between your breasts and to your stomach, stopping at the pant line. 
“Yes.” You say before he can ask. “Please, Bucky. I need you to touch me.”
“I already am, sweetheart.” He replies innocently. 
You don’t want to argue right now. “James.”
He laughs and dips his fingers inside the waistband, the cool metal making you shiver. “You know,” he says as he drags your pants down your legs at an agonizing pace. “I kinda like it when you say my name like that.”
You chuckle, but it comes out weird and without much air. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” He bites your hip bone, making your hips jump and your pussy clench. “James.”
Keeping your eyes on him—somehow, you know that he wants you to keep watching him—Bucky licks the very same spot he just bit and catches his teeth on the lining of your panties, pulling back and tugging at the flimsy fabric. The act alone almost makes you cum. 
You moan lowly and lift your hips to help him pull them down your legs, kicking them off once they’re at your ankles. 
“Jesus.” He murmurs, his breath hot against your pussy; if it weren’t for his broad shoulders, you would’ve closed your legs to relieve the pressure. “You’re fucking dripping, baby. Did I do that to you?”
You swallow and open your mouth, but no words come out. It’s like your brain is short circuiting, cut off from oxygen. Bucky grimaces and slaps your thigh with his flesh hand, making you cry out. 
“Answer me.”
“Y-yes.” You stutter. “Fuck, Bucky yes, only you.”
He grins and kisses the top of your pubic mound, gripping your thighs tighter and scooching closer to the bed. “Gonna taste you.” He whispers, almost as if he was talking to himself rather than you. 
You wiggle your hips impatiently, waiting for him. You think he might slap you again if you continue moving, so you will yourself to relax and…and wait. Because he can’t stop fucking staring at you, and kissing everywhere but where you want him the most and it’s so frustrating you’re going to cry. 
His hot, wet tongue slides up the strip of your folds and settles around your clit, circling the sensitive bundle. You preen into his mouth and clutch at the bedsheets, already writhing against him. He immediately throws an arm—his right one—over your lower stomach and pins your hips down, preventing you from moving an inch away or towards him; you’re completely under his will. 
Bucky explores the velvety slit of your pussy, humming all the while like it’s the best thing he’s ever tasted. The groans that are escaping you doesn’t sound like you, doesn’t feel like they’re coming from you, but they are and it finally catches up to you—James Buchannon Barnes, your friend, best friend, your co-worker, is eating your pussy like there’s no tomorrow. 
“Oh fu—” He nips carefully at your clit. You can’t focus. Not on your words, your surroundings, nothing but Bucky and the sensations he’s bring you. Every lick and suck on your pussy has you keening into his unbreakable hold, whining and clutching the sheets until you’re sure you’re going to tear right through them. This is too much, way too fucking much but you’re so close, so desperate for him, that you’ll—
He slurps lewdly and loudly, making you throw your head back and choke on a moan. “Bu-Bucky I—I need…”
He pulls back just slightly enough to say, “I know.” And he shifts, getting ready to switch arms. 
No. Oh no no no no. 
Your hand darts out and stops him. Gulping, you wordlessly place his flesh arm back on your stomach and reach for his metal fingers. Bucky’s eyes widen as soon as he figures it out and stares at you like you’ve just grown a second head. 
“R-really?” He asks indubely. “You want me to—Jesus baby you—fuck.”
“Please.” You whine. “I can take it.”
He—he snarls and buries his face back into your weeping pussy, attaching his lips around your clit. You gurgle out a low curse and feel his cold fingers prod at your gaping entrance. 
“You sure?” He asks cautiously. 
“If you don’t I will literally—OH!” One thick, wide finger breaches through your hole and slides into your cunt with ease, curling as soon as he’s knuckle deep. Your body spasms, like you’ve just been electrocuted, and your fingers curl in his hair. 
“Taste fucking delicious,” he begins to babble. “Sweet like candy. Nevr’ gonna get enough of it, doll, never.” He pumps his finger in and out of you, curling each time he slides back in, brushing up against your sweet spot. After a few pumps, he dips another in, stretching you. 
“Bucky I’m—” The coil in your lower stomach tightens, your pussy fluttering against his fingers painfully, but in a way that’s everything pleasurable. “Oh fuck I’m gonna c-cum.”
His lips are around your clit again, fingers pumping faster now to the point where you can hear the squelches from your cunt, and without any warning he sucks. Hard. 
“Fuckfuckfuck.” It comes out of you without preamble, mindless babbling that doesn’t even make sense at all. Your thighs cage his head, shaking and quivering as your orgasm approaches. “I’m g-go-gonna—” Your pussy clenches harshly around his thick digits and you’re gone. White flashes behind your eyelids, a numbness searing through your entire core as you shake and gush around his fingers, and a strange sound emanates through the room again; you don’t have to question who it is. 
Bucky works you through your release, moaning and lapping at everything you have to give him. Eventually you come down when it becomes too painful to bear and you push his head away from you. Giving your clit one last kiss that makes you whimper, he stands up and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, smirking down at you all the matter. 
“You did so good, baby.” He praises you; you shutter, legs jumping slightly as your body flexes. “Gonna let me fuck you? Huh, babygirl?”
You’ll let this man do anything to you. Your limbs feel like jello, but find enough strength to keep your legs open and open your arms invitingly to him. He makes a show of pulling his boxers down, your eyes following the patch of dark hair and bulges at the long, thick cock that slaps against the hard plains of his stomach, precum smearing from the red angry tip. Next time—and you really fucking hope there will be a next time—you’re going to put him in your mouth. 
“Like what you see?” There’s more of that cocky, playboy Bucky Barnes you’ve heard so much about. 
“Yes.” You answer honestly. “Kiss me.”
The bed shifts slightly and creaks under his weight as he crawls towards you and locks his lips with yours; you can still taste yourself on his lips, sweet and tangly. The tip of his head brushes against your clit as he lays down on top of you, hot and smearing more of his precum across your stomach. 
“Fuck me,” you moan into him. 
Bucky groans lowly and you reach down to grab his cock; it’s hot, thick enough to where your fingers don’t reach and pulsing in your hand. “Shit.” He hisses, hips stuttering in your grasp. 
Nex time, you’re going to tease him, too; give him a piece of his own medicine. You would now, but this has been a long time coming and you’re tired of waiting, so you line him up at your entrance and keep your hand on him as he slowly pushes in. 
He moans your name the same time you moan his, looking down to watch himself sink into your warm depths. He stops when he’s balls deep, and you feel so full that you’re positive the tip of him is about near your cervix. 
“Bucky.” You wiggle beneath him. “Move.”
“I got you, princess.” He croaks. “I got you.”
Pushing himself down on his forearms, Bucky pulls out painfully slow, his dick already wet and slick with your juices, and pushes back in. You roll your hips into his thrusts, taking him deeper. Every single muscle in his body flexes under your touch as you wrap your arms around his back, rolling into you with perfect thrusts that hits a spot deep inside you. You're too wired, too engrossed with the fact that it’s him, that your still overly sensitive pussy clenches around his cock. 
“Baby,” his voice presses sweet and deep in his throat as he gasps. “I’m not—fuck I’m sorry I-I’m not—”
“It’s okay.” You tell him breathlessly, pressing your forehead against his and giving his lips a quick peck. “Just fuck me, Bucky. Use me, like I’ve dreamed of.”
Bucky chokes, eyes wild and neck red, and pulls almost all the way out until the tip is barely in and thrusts back in harshly. You cry out and dig your nails into his bare skin, leaving angry marks in their wake. He grabs your leg and hitches it over his hip, bringing his arm back down to wrap around you. 
“You ever touch yourself thinking about me, doll?” He grits. “Huh? Have you?” 
How—oh Jesus fuck how are you supposed to answer that when he’s fucking you so deep that you can barely remember your own name. Your pussy clenches in answer to what he already knows, and that gets him to grind down at you; the curls of his hair brush heavenly against your clit. “Yeah, you have, haven’t you?”
Pleasure rips through as his hips meet your harder and faster, the slap of skin against skin becoming louder and louder, as is your cries, but you don’t care if the whole fucking world hears you. 
“You’re tight,” he gasps, closing his eyes. “How are you s-so fucking—fuck tight?”
You don’t know if he really wants you to answer that, but the only thing you can do is bring him down to kiss you again, clashing teeth as you moan and cling to him. He breaks the kiss and buries his head in the crook of your neck, breathing heavily. His arms slide back down to grope your ass cheeks and lift your lower half up to meet more of his heavy and hurried thrusts. 
“I’m not going to last much longer,” he warns you in a moan. 
You kiss his neck while your hand slides down his back to grope at his ass—as if you can push him even more deeper inside of you—and you lick his earlobe, tugging at the end with your teeth until he shivers. 
“I want you to cum,” you whisper seductively in his ear. “Sergeant, please.”
Sergeant. Sergeant. You have no idea where it came from, but as soon as the words leave your mouth he growls and starts to plow you, fingers digging into your flesh as his hips snap into yours. 
“Shit. Oh fuck babygirl I can—I can’t.” His rhythm falters, your pussy fluttering and clenching around him, trying to get his cock to say within you after each delicious drag against your walls. He whines—a pitiful, deep whine that resonates throughout the shocked nerves—and you can’t—
“I’m cumming.” You manage to break out. “B-buck—fuck.”
Your ankles cross around his waist, and it takes his teeth in your neck to have you cry out onto the ceiling as your pussy pulses around him, sucking him in and clenching until your muscles feel spent and sore. 
“Oh God,” Bucky whimpers and it sends another wave through you, making him sputter and choke as his hips slam into you unevenly. “Shit shit, fuck.”
“Please baby.” You encourage softly. “Cum.”
He abruptly pulls out, your protest lodged in your throat as you feel the hot, thick ropes of cum spurt out onto your stomach. 
“Fuck, fuck.” Bucky continues to gasp, his hand flying to his weeping cock and fisting it. 
You moan as a few more land on your chest, painting your body with his pearly white cum; you know it’s over when he starts to slump. Without a second thought, he pushes back into you. “Bucky.” You can only say in slight confusion and pain.
“Sorry, I’m sorry I just—“ he winces as his hips connect with yours again. “—just wanna feel ya. Too good.” He slurs. 
He kisses you then, slow and unhurried unlike earlier. This kiss says so much more in its language, lost in the dance of your lips. He trails his lips up to your forehead and places the softest and faintest of kisses there before settling on your chest. 
You hum and rub his back soothingly. You’re both sweaty and sticky—Bucky doesn’t seem to mind this fact as he presses himself closer to you—and your body is satisfyingly numb and exhausted. Finally exhausted for what seems like ages. 
Once the haze evaporates from your mind, questions start flying: what does this mean for you and Bucky now? When and how do you tell the others? What does this mean for missions? What does—?  
“Stop thinking.” Bucky mumbles, voice covered by the breast he’s laid his head on. “Too loud.”
He’s right. This time, it can wait. 
You smile and whisper an apology, snuggling deeper into the hug. You try to get comfortable, but the sticky evidence is drying uncomfortably on your skin. 
“Bucky,” you sigh. “We gotta shower.”
You feel his nose squint. “Few more minutes.”
You fall asleep before those few minutes are up.
Tags: @scarlett-berserker​, @justlovetoreadfics​, @lil-baby27​, @mando-vibes​, @beepbeepyabitch, @that-void-witch​, @im-the-music-whore​, @certifiedhunter​, @softpedropascal​, @domino-oh-damn​​, @okaydacre​, @lemongrove​, @appreciating-chase-brody, @iwontforgettheapplepie, @mybabyboytony​, @olyamoriarty, @pcrushinnerd​, @elusive-ivory​, @dizzydazed​, @bluejeancntrygrl​, @dadzawas-eyebags​, @moonstruck-witchy @our-mrlangdon, @parody-the-emi​, @evalynanne​, @purplewaterbird​, @vikingqueen28​, @tedpicklez​, @blunt-cake-yes​, @agoldin​, @lustriix​, @readsalot73​, @kateb013​, @eupphoriaaa​, @imalovernotahater​, @everything-lost-and-unsaid​, @dlmafa1, @hoodedbirdie​, @drunkenliterary, @fioccodineveautunnale​​, @fangirlfree​, @amarvelousmandalorian​, @ironheart-hanako​, @sando-rann, @meganoid1997​, @adikaofmandalore​, @cahooter​, @charliepeaceout, @dreamgirl-67, @phoenixhalliwell​, @acrylics-and-sunshine​, @sunkissed-winter​
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kairos-polaris · 3 years
A schism of magic
Chapte 1
Marinette finds a golden watch. Opening it changed a lot in her life.
She remembers being eight and looking at the Untempered Schism. She was prepared to see everything but not magic and gods the size of her hand. The image left a lingering need to run in her bones but she was very good at resisting the urge.
Marinette was tired. Exhausted. Worn out. Bone-tired.
Why? Well, studying, working on commissions, and saving Paris from Hawkmoth at the same time wasn't easy. Her schedule was packed so tightly, she hadn't slept more than four hours for almost three months.
Maybe, I should close commissions. This will give me more free time. I can also work more on finding Hawkmoth. And focus on my education,' Marinette thought. She looked around her room. Everything was calm. She narrowed her eyes in suspicion. Kwamis were similar to kids in one aspect: if they're quiet, they're making a mess somewhere. Marinette sighed and rubbed her forehead. She really was too tired to clean up anything.
Marinette sighed again and got up. Apparently, being awake for 64 hours straight wasn't good for her health because Marinette felt her head spin and everything went dark for a moment. "I need to take a nap," she muttered to herself while swaying softly. "Maybe consuming so much caffeine isn't good for me".
Finding kwamis turned out to be relatively easy. They were all sitting on her bed, next to a golden fob watch with engraved circular designs. It was a beautiful watch, Marinette had to admit.
"Where did you find it? I don't remember having anything similar," Marinette frowned. "Did you steal it?"
Judging by kwamis' guilty looks they did steal it. The next questions were how, when, why, and from whom? Marinette sighed inwardly. It wasn't going to be easy.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" Marinette asked after several minutes of silence. Wayzz flew forward as the most responsible one.
"We wanted to explore a little bit," they've started, "and we accidentally flew into your parents room. Immediately after I realized where we were I made them leave. But in my hurry I didn't notice that Fluff did not go with us. And I think Fluff can tell more now."
The kwami of evolution had the decency to look guilty under Wayzz's glare. Fluff flew closer to her, trying to appear innocent. "I'm not sorry, Guardian. I had to do this for the stability of timelines. You will understand it later. This watch contains your consciousness. It is you, Guardian."
"What do you mean, Fluff?" she asked, a small frown forming between her eyebrows. "How can a fob watch be me?"
"You're a Time Lady. This watch is a part of the mechanism called the Chameleon Arc. From what I know your people use it as a perfect disguise. Chameleon Arc changes your biology and creates false memories. You have to open it," Fluff didn't wait for her answer and just dropped it on her knees.
Fluff's words seemed to be too unlikely to be true. Why would she want to change her species or create false memories? Why didn't Tikki say anything if it were true?
"Are you trying to pull a prank on me, Fluff?" she asked tiredly. She wasn't in the mood for games.
"Just open it, Guardian. I used the Burrow to make sure this is the right time. It's very important for you to open this watch."
It didn't seem real. More like from a tv show with aliens. But she was the Guardian of multiple gods. She knew that aliens existed (hard not to, considering how everybody talks about Superman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lanterns and others). So there was a chance that Fluff was telling the truth. The only way to find out was to open the watch. If she wasn't a Time Lord, nothing would change. And if she was … well, they would deal with it later.
A small click of the opened clasp and a bright golden light blinded her. Several seconds later the room was filled with her pained screams. And then she blacked out.
Tikki wasn't panicking. She wasn't! Nothing Plagg says can be trusted. So don't believe him when he says that Tikki was flying around her Chosen and babbling 100 words per minute.
But what if Marinette didn't wake up? What if she forgot about Tikki and the time they've spent together? What if she didn't want to see them anymore?
"Urgh, it shouldn't have hurt so much. I shouldn't have blacked out," Marinette's voice interrupted Tikki's inner monologue. Kwami immediately flew to her face to assure herself that Marinette was alright.
"How are you feeling? What has gone wrong?" Tikki asked worriedly while flying around Marinette's head.
"I'm okay, Tikki. I just didn't expect it to hurt so much. I didn't completely believe this watch could do anything to me." She breathed out to regulate her heartbeats. "I'm just happy… my parents aren't home. I don't know how to explain this to them."
Fluff flew closer and nuzzled into her cheek. "I'm sorry, Guardian. I didn't think something like that would happen," Fluff said, their eyes shining with regret. "What is your name, Guardian?"
"My name is Morana," she answered slowly, her head still pounding from the pain. Using her full name felt somewhat wrong. Her entire family was dead. Her home planet was most likely destroyed in the War, because the Universe was standing and Rassilon wasn't the type to change plans.
"Why did you use this thing in the first place? Was it because of the Time War?" Fluff asked before every kwami flew to them in an attempt to close their mouths.
Morana stayed silent. She trusted kwamii, she even loved them. But the Time War changed her so much that she couldn't recognise herself. Seeing death every day and being aware that your people sacrificed civilisations to win just one battle wasn't easy for her. And she didn't want to relieve everything she had seen or done.
Kwamis seemed to understand this, giving her time to collect her thoughts. She opened her mouth to start talking, but… she couldn't say anything. Every word felt too weak to describe why she had used the Chameleon Arc and what had led to this.
"It's not so easy," she started again. "I.. A lot of things featured in my decision to use it. I wasn't technically running away from the war. I was ordered to leave. You can call me a backup plan. But I was attacked while leaving. My Time Capsule is still young so she was heavily injured. And because of it I was injured, too.
Then I finally was in this Universe. Heavily bleeding, I decided that regeneration was my best choice. Something went wrong, again, and I looked like a six years old. Using the Chameleon Arc was part of Lord Rassilon's plan so that's what I did."
Kwamis stayed silent. It was clear that Morana didn't want to talk about it and they would respect her wishes. Some wounds should be left alone so they heal properly.
"You should go to sleep. You were running on sheer spite, and becoming a Time Lady again was hard for your body," Wayzz said. He was always the most responsible and caring kwami. Morana smiled at him and silently went to her bed. She had a lot of work cut out for her. She could only hope she wouldn't wake up from a nightmare.
Waking up a Time Lord again felt strange. Utterly strange. It must be because she had used the Chameleon Arc immediately after regeneration. Not everything was set and she should have waited a little bit. Well, what's done is done. She couldn't change anything.
What she could do was moan to kwamis about aches in seemingly all her body parts. Her head felt close to exploding from all the pressure. She could feel neurons snapping into place. It would go much easier if she were on Gallifrey. Or at least in the Zero Room. Regenerating anywhere else was awfully painful.
Due to her newly discovered heightened hearing she heard Sabine's steps. The woman most likely wanted to wake up Marinette so she wouldn't be late for school. Morana didn't want to move, less go to a public place before she could actually control her body.
"Marinette, you are going to be late if you don't get up right now," Sabine said from somewhere in the room. Morana was too overwhelmed with the amount of new smells that came with Sabine.
"I'm sorry, Maman. I have a really bad headache. Everything hurts," she said, desperately trying to tall like Marinette would. Her usual speech patterns were too proper for a teenager. However, it was a problem for later. At the very moment Mora just wanted her head to stop pounding. A very tiny part of her wanted that pain to last, this way she would not have to be confronted with silence. No telepathic specie deserved to be completely alone in their heads.
"Do you need something, sweetie?" the woman was clearly concerned, more than her actual mother ever was. Morana felt a small pang in her chest, but brushed it off immediately as an aftereffect of regeneration going wrong. "I'm going to be in the bakery, just call me when you need anything, okay?"
Kwamis flew out immediately after Sabine had left. They looked very concerned for her health, and it warmed her heart a lot. Time Lords were too proper to care for anyone other than themselves. Morana sighed inwardly, because doing so outwardly would be too painful. She was so used to resenting her own people that she forgot that they are dead. Properly dead. No crossing time streams would let her see even her most annoying cousins. And it pained her more than she wanted to admit.
"Can we help somehow, Master?" Wayzz asked softly, adjusting his voise tone so it wouldn't hurt her head. Marinette appreciated the effort. She really did. She did not appreciate being called Master.
"Plese, never call me Master, Wayzz," she said weakly. "I know a Time Lord who call himself that. He's one of the biggest annoyances Gallifrey had ever known. He had also destroyed my lab once so I don't like being reminded of him," she explained, seeing kwamis' wondering gazes. She didn't mention that reminder of the home she had lost hurt her a lot, but judging by Tikki's and Wayzz's reactions, they understood her without any words needed
"What can we do to help you, Morana? You never answered," Tikki said, carefully gouging her reaction. Morana sighed, outwardly this time. She hoped they moved on from the subject.
"Nothing, unless you can get me Gallifrey," she let out a bitter laugh. "Or my Time Capsule. Even just being there would help me greatly. But, alas, I don't know where she is. I can't move to get there anyway."
"I can try to search for it, Guardian," Barkk offered. Morana stayed silent for a moment. It would seem like a great idea if she didn't know that her Time Capsule couldn't be detected if she herself didn't approve. And Morana couldn't possibly do it from her bedroom in Paris. That's what she explained to the dog kwami. It, apparently, insulted the god a lot, because they started loudly explaining how nothing could hinder their search and that they were the best in it before remembering about Morana's headache. It seemed to shut them up pretty fast, but Morana just appreciated the silence.
"Let's tall about this later, when my brain won't try to explode and my body will be more used to… a lot of things, actually," she offered, because she really didn't want to argue with anyone. Especially with kwamis. "I'm going to sleep. Hope it will help me."
Sleep didn't help. Painkillers didn't help. Which was obvious, because human medicine could never help a Time Lord. Especially after regeneration.
But Marinette did feel better. Tea, apparently, helped, because after only one cup her head stopped hurting so much and she could do anything without being overwhelmed. Marinette appreciated it, but was too baffled by the realisation. She even regretted that they never had it on Gallifrey. It would help a lot of Time Lords. Especially during the Time War, because everyone was burning through their regeneration like… like Doctor!
"What are we going to do now?" she asked kwamis. Morana knew they considered her too weak to do anything and it irritated her a lot. Time Lords were a superior species, regeneration was their strength, not a weakness.
"You have to understand one thing, Guardian," Wayzz started, always the peacemaker. "We don't think you are weak or anything like that. But I personally believe that you need more rest. And you won't get it while fixing your Time Capsule. It would take a lot of time and effort to get her into proper shape, considering that you had to regenerate from all the damage," Wayzz explained slowly, like one would to a child.
Morana knew his words had logic. If she saw her Time Capsule, she wouldn't rest until everything was fixed. And it would cause major problems in the long run for her health. It could even force her to regenerate and she wasn't keen on changing her bodies like gloves. She still hated it.
"Okay, we will wait," she said after a long moment of silence and kwamis started cheering immediately. "For now we have to think how I am supposed to act." She was met with bland and confused looks. "My speech patterns, my behaviour and even the way I hold myself is drastically different from Marinette. Some things have stayed, like my intellect, curiosity and need to learn more, but a lot of Marinette was influenced by growing up as a human. I was raised completely differently."
"I can take you wherever you want, Guardian," Kaalki courteously offered. "You can change their memories a little bit, take some money and leave. I believe that you know how to hack computers."
Kaalki's offer made a lot of sense and in any other situation Morana would agree immediately. But it wasn't any other situation. "I can't leave because of Hawkmoth," she said quietly.
Mora was also ashamed of the fact that she still hadn't caught the man. It was embarrassing for a Time Lady of her status. At least she had another reason to not leave immediately to find her Time Capsule. She would be too tempted to leave and never return. Time Lords aren't meant to meddle with humans and history in general. "But the Doctor did so," a traitorous voice, the most rebellious part of her, whispered. You envy his freedom but yet you are unable to let go of Time Lords's ideals. You have to choose one day.". And that was a conversation for another day.
The next hour was spent discussing Marinette's behaviour and how Morana could start slowly changing, so her classmates (she had graduated from the Academy years ago and she still had to go to a human school and she hated that) wouldn't notice. It wouldn't be very hard, considering they could only see Lila and her pretty tales.
There was also an issue of Marinette's crush on one Adrien Agreste. It was borderline creepy and hurt Marinette's mental health. Thank Rassilon, her Time Lord consciousness was woken up just in time. In the back of her mind Morana could feel possible outcomes of the situation with Adrien and Lila and she liked none of them
Lila and her lies were another reason for Morana to burn bright red from shame. Marinette losing her composure and completely not being to defend herself was unbecoming for a Time Lady. Her parents and Academy teachers had taught her better than that.
That liar was a completely different issue. On one hand, she would keep attention diverted from Morana. On the other, she wasn't sure the liar wouldn't try to discredit her even further. Morana preferred staying hidden rather than attracting unnecessary attention. And the repeat of her infamous expulsion would do exactly that.
There was also a matter of pride. Her Time Lord part was enraged that a human girl thought herself better than her. Morana wanted to destroy the liar, make her reap what she had sowed. But deep down she knew that destroying a minor would not help her feel better.
"I want to deal with Lila without exposing her myself," she said out loud. Voicing out her thoughts sometimes helped. "I have to make someone else do it, but who?"
"You can subtly help your classmates find the truth," Tikki offered. "You are more eloquent and confident than Marinette. You wouldn't lose your head if someone started doubting you."
"It would work if I didn't change so much. I don't want to attract attention but talking to them will make them notice me. No, it won't work," Marinette shook her head. She stayed silent before a small spark ignited in her eyes. "I can make teachers expose her! I will get rid of Bustier and Damocles. This way not only will the Lila situation be resolved, but it will prevent something similar happening in the future!"
"That's an amazing idea!" Tikki exclaimed. "How do you want to do this?" But Marinette was already deep in work, cursing human technology every now and then.
Not even two hours later Morana got up with a triumphant grin. "We have to wait and see the results for ourselves now," she said.
"What did you do, Guardian?" Wayzz asked, tilting his head slightly.
"Wait and see! It will be much more interesting!" Morana didn't wait to see kwamis's reaction and just bolted out of her room. Buying computer parts was high in her priority because there was no way she would ever work with human technology without adjusting it to her needs. She also wanted to change her bedroom. Pink was a lovely colour but a completely pink bedroom was too much for Morana.
Morana skipped two more school days, because of fatigue and random headaches. Every time she shut her eyes from pain she was reminded of Gallifrey and Zero Room. It wouldn't hurt so much if she were there.
On the third day Morana decided it was time to go and assess the situation. She also needed proof of Bustier's unprofessionalism and her enabling bullies. She also wanted to know if anyone saw through Lila's lies. It was highly unlikely but a Time Lady could hope.
Dressing up was a major problem. Morana and Marinette had as different tastes in clothes as it could be. One preferred soft lines and pastel colours, another favoured strict forms and traditional colours. Marinette's style was too casual for Morana, who was used to stuff robes and gigantic headpieces.
"I guess I have to work with what I have for now, and then buy more when I can," Morana thought.
"You look very different from Marinette, Mora," Tikki said after Morana finished getting dressed. "But it suits you. I bet you are used to completely different clothes."
Morana decided to change Marinette's style a little bit, forgoing pigtails and usual clothes. Instead, she chose a white shirt and dress pants. She put her hair up in a bun. It was just the perfect combination of casual and formal. Morana would still do anything to wear robes from Gallifreywhich she didn't even have because her home planet was destroyed.
"I am ready. Who is going to go to school with me today?" It was a tradition at that point for Marinette to take kwamis with her to school and Morana didn't want to change it. It was decided that Trixx and Wayzz would come with her.
Morana already felt a growing headache. Unfortunately, it wasn't because of her less than stellar regeneration, but knowing what kinds of troubles Trixx could trick Wayzz and Tikki into. Hopefully Tikki would reign them in.
"Do you think Chat Noir will be suspicious when he sees me?" she asked, causing Tikki to nervously gulp. Kwami of creation wasn't a good liar. Just like Marinette.
"No! You were always very serious and strict as Marinette! I am sure he wouldn't notice the difference!" Tikki ranted, nervousness obvious in her small movements. Did she get that from Marinette too?
Morana sighed and smiled as softly as she could. "I wasn't sure that Chat was in my class but your poor lying skills just admitted it," Tikki just looked away, embarrassment and shame of exposing Chat's identity were noticeable in her eyes. Morana bit her lip, contemplating whether she should stay silent or cheer up kwami. She didn't think long. "Hey, it's okay, Tikki. It's not your fault that I know that Adrien is Chat. Human and Time Lord brains work differently, so I could imagine how Chat's face looked without the mask. I'm sure magic would help protect his identity if you always knew that I'm a Time Lady."
Tikki wasn't convinced, guilt still lingering in her little body. The previous guardian being so against Ladybug and Chat Noir knowing each other's identity has influenced kwami more than Morana thought previously. Tikki more than Plagg, obviously. "The previous guardian was a coward and not the smartest man," Morana stopped, trying to pick words that wouldn't offend the old man too much. "We don't know what would happen if Ladybug or Chat Noir were akumatized. Knowing who the other is would help us a lot. We could work together as civilians."
"Yes, you are right, Morana," Tikki said, stifling a sob. She nuzzled into Morana's cheek with a content sigh. They stood like that for several long moments. Luckily, there was still time as Morana had got up earlier to not be late.
"We have to go now, Tikki. We don't want to be late." It pained her to refuse Tikki so obviously needed comfort. But Morana couldn't allow herself to be late. Unless
"You know what? We can stay for a little bit longer. I planned everything so I would be the first in the class. We have full ten minutes for ourselves," she said with more confidence than she felt. Changing plans to make someone feel better wasn't something Time Lords would respect. But Tikki was important for her and Morana would be damned if she left her dear friend sad and hurt.
Tikki squealed happily before taking Morana's finger and leading her to the chaise. Over the course of the next several minutes every kwami flew to her. Morana thanked them mentally as being with her friends made Tikki feel much better.
Morana was ashamed to admit that she, a Time Lady with very precise time senses, had lost track of time. Instead of ten minutes they've spent almost twenty cuddling and listening to everyone's stories. And because of her tardiness she was running late. But what was unusual for Morana was normal for Marinette.
"Well, at least nobody will be surprised. Everyone expects Marinette to be late. Never expected that being late will have good sides," she thought while running to school. Fortunately, the building wasn't too far from the bakery and her physique allowed her to run faster and longer.
Morana stopped running just mere meters before her class' doors. She had two choices: enter like a mess aka Marinette's usual way, or go in calmly and confidently. She would attract less attention if she chose the second option, but it can possibly attract more attention later. But it would work if she ran away immediately after dismantling Lila's empire. Yes, that was her best choice.
Morana took a deep breath and entered her class. Everything was just the way she had expected: everyone sitting around Lila and listening to her tales, Alix and Kim were arguing about something. What she hadn't expected were Rose and Juleka. They were sitting away from everyone else, talking in hushed voices. They were also looking at Lila and her court every few seconds, which was even more suspicious. Morana sighed, knowing that she hadn't predicted everything. Again. Great.
Everything was too calm. Lila continued entertaining class with her stories but never mentioned anyone famous. Juleka and Rose spent the whole day whispering about something, but they were talking too soft for Morana to hear anything. And, in the name of Rassilon, did that frustrate her
Judging by Bustier's calm demeanor, Morana's plan hasn't reached her yet. The same must have been true for Damocles, because the man was acting as usual. He was also too much of an awful actor to pretend everything is fine enough to fool Morana. No, she just had to be more patient. She had more than enough time for that.
The day turned out to be utterly boring considering Lila didn't try to start a drama, or force Adrien sit with her. Juleka and Rose weren't confronted despite acting suspicious the whole time. Nobody approached "Marinette". The worst part was trying to pretend that she didn't know everything better than teachers. Her eyes twitched every time Mendeleev said something proved wrong years ago. "Patience, humans still have to disprove that and you know it. You can't compare the Academy with even the best human university. Even ones in the 51st century weren't as good,". Being the smartest person in the whole school wasn't easy, as you can see.
"Marinette, we wanted to talk to you," Rose said timidly, Juleka holding her hand. Well, apparently she had been wrong about nobody approaching her. "Can we talk in private, please? I… We have something to tell you. It's very important."
Morana contemplated refusing them. They had believed Lila but something she really wanted why they had been acting so suspiciously the whole day.
"Yes, I don't mind," she said cautiously and immediately saw tension leave Rose's body. It was so easy to read her. "We can go to the bakery. I promise that my parents won't intrude."
Juleka and Rose started nodding frantically, obviously not wanting her to change her mind. It was proving to be very interesting.
Fortunately, the walk to the bakery was short because Rose looked like she would blow up from the need to spill all the information.
Morana led them to her room, stopping briefly to greet her parents. They were so busy they didn't even notice her. Hm, not surprising.
"Well, what did you want to tell me?" she asked when they were finally sitting in her room. Rose bit her lip and started fidgeting with her fingers. She looked at Juleka with a silent plea to start talking.
"We know that Lila is a liar," Juleka said so softly Morana wouldn't hear if not for her enhanced hearing. "Rose mentioned her while talking with Prince Ali and he explained that he had never met anyone named "Lila Rossi" or that his charity work is directed to children, not pollution. He also mentioned that Lila could be sued for using his family name in her own gain.
Rose then immediately ran to our class and told everyone just that. But that liar somehow managed to save herself by saying that she had mistaken Prince Ali for her another celebrity friend. Rose then got so angry she told everyone about a possible lawsuit and that shut up Lie-la pretty quickly. After that she stopped mentioning celebrities and started focusing on herself."
That explained everyone's behaviour pretty nicely. And she didn't even have to think for herself, everything was given on a silver plate. Just use the information however you want to.
"I am so sorry, Marinette! Forgive me for not believing you!" Rose exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes. Morana hugged her, pressing Rose's face into her chest, allowing her to cry and let out all of her emotions. She could be colder than ice sometimes, but she would never let a child cry. Especially one her human self considered a friend.
"It's okay, it's okay. I forgive you," she whispered into Rose's head, while drawing soothing circles on her back. "You know the truth and that's all I wanted."
That wasn't a lie per se but not completely a truth. Marinette only wanted her friends to believe her over Lila, but Morana wanted them all to pay for their foolishness. Fortunately, her maturity and those parts of her that still were Marinette won out and it was pretty easy to forgive Juleka and Rose.
"You are so nice, Marinette! I don't deserve your kindness!" Rose sobbed into her shoulder. "I was worried when you didn't come to school and wanted to visit you but Lila said that you wouldn't want to see me. And I listened to her! And I left you! Instead of me begging your forgiveness you are comforting me! I'm so so so sorry!"
Morana knew that Rose was a soft and nice person. She even expected her to be the first who apologized to her. She did not expect her to be so upset about it. She took a deep breath and took Rose's face in her hands. Tears were running down her red cheeks and she let out an ugly sob with every breath.
"It really is okay, Rose. I understand you and why you wouldn't believe me. I have not the best track record when it concerns Adrien," she said with a self-ironic smile, hoping it would make her feel better. And Rose did have a small smile. "I actually am happy that you have found the truth by yourself and went immediately to tell everyone. It shows how much you care about them."
"But… but you did the same!" Rose protested. "You knew that she was a liar and immediately decided to tell everyone! You knew how harmful her false promises were and acted to protect everyone! But they just thought you were jealous and it's so unfair!"
Morana smiled softly and wiped away remnants of Rose's tears. "You were very brave, Rose. You had seen them not believing me and still acted to protect them. Some part of you knew they wouldn't believe but you trusted them enough to ignore that voice. It's not your fault Lila knows how to change your words to fit her narrative."
"I'm also very sorry, Marinette. Luka likes you and I doubt he would if you actually stole necklaces and pushed people down the stairs," Juleka chuckled before realisation dawned on her. It looked like a lightbulb in her head was turned on. "If you actually pushed Lila down the stairs, she would be seriously injured. And she would require medical attention anyway."
Juleka continued listing Lila's most obvious lies but Morana didn't listen. She just grinned. Apparently, some of her classmates did have more than one brain cell. And it was the most fascinating thing seeing one of them use it properly. Was it why the Doctor spent so much time with humans? Was it the reason he took them to see the Universe? To see them grow and change? To make them see the world in a different light? If so, then Morana could finally understand why the Doctor had so many human companions. Maybe, after getting her Time Capsule back she would invite someone to go with her. It would be fun.
"... Marinette? Marinette? Are you listening?" Juleka's worried voice drew her out of her thoughts.
"I'm sorry. Could you repeat the last bit again?" she asked, trying to look as sheepish as possible. Juleka and Rose exchanged a look that could be translated to "Marinette being Marinette and getting lost in thoughts as usual". Morana tried her hardest to not be offended, considering they weren't wrong but she did huff causing both girls to start laughing. At least Rose wasn't crying anymore.
"I asked what we could do to expose Lila. We could ask Jagged Stone to come. Or Clara. Or call Prince Ali," Juleka said after she stopped laughing.
"I don't think it's a good idea," she started. "Media would twist everything to fit their narrative. Why would a famous rockstar or a pop singer or an actual prince come to disprove lies of a teenager? A lot of people lie about knowing celebrities but nobody pays attention to them. Media would ask "what's so special about that girl?" and I'm sure Lila would use it to her own benefit," she said with a small sigh. They were Marinette's thoughts, her trying to not call Jagged to solve the Lila problem.
"You are right," Juleka said after thinking for a minute. "But how do we expose her?"
"It's simple. We won't," Morana simply stated. Juleka and Rose shared a confused look before looking at her expecting an explanation. "New teachers will. I want Damocles and Bustier fired. I believe new teachers won't be so lenient in their responsibilities and would look into Lila's medical history. They would also contact Lila's mother every time skips school or doesn't hand in her assignments."
"That's smart," Juleka admitted. She then frowned. "We are putting a lot of faith on those possible new teachers. How can we know they won't be the same as Damocles and Bustier?"
Morana slowly blinked. She hadn't considered that before. Now, she had no choice but to ensure new teachers would be chosen correctly. More work for her. Great
"Don't worry about it. It will be my problem anyway," she said with a small shrug. The girls didn't look convinced but they didn't argue further and Morana appreciated it. They didn't stay longer, there was homework and band practice for them so they couldn't lose more time. Another thing Morana appreciated because she wasn't sure how to make them leave. She needed some time alone. There was a lot of planning to do.
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justatinysprout · 3 years
Little List of Haikyuu Fanfics on AO3 [iwaoi edition]
To Be First, To be Best - chanyeol
Hajime is apparently something of a masochist, and as he stares down at the tie-dyed AREA51 T-shirt in his hands, he thinks “I’m totally in love with this asshole, aren't I?”
iwa realizing he is in love with oikawa. little angst but dear god why u so dense iwa-chan
words: 26,404 (1/1) 
The PDA Jar - orphan_account
“What is that thing for?”
“I’m glad you asked, captain. This… is the Public Display of Affection jar. Or PDA jar for short.”
“Now whenever you do something that may hurt our children’s innocence, you’ll have to put money in the jar as a punishment."
all fluff and protect kindaichi at all costs/ why are u 2 so dense. so adorable and oikawa and iwa not even not even realizing how in love they are with each other
words:10,480 (1/1)
The Great Photo Race - reginagalaxia
Oikawa realizes that he doesn't have a single terrible photo of Iwaizumi on his phone, and challenges the volleyball team to get the worst photo possible in a week.
tooth-rotting fluff we deserve/ iwa is too hot for his own good  
right person, wrong time (and how long it took for the time to be right) - bbkutosan
“If the first person you loved was standing in front of you, what would you say to them?”
Or: Iwaizumi finds himself being interviewed by two YouTubers and realizes that for some reason, Oikawa Tooru has changed his life far too many times.
mic guy and camera guy are some real mvps. they figure it out though. very proud of iwaoi. 
words: 5,070 (1/1)
inside, this place is warm & outside, it starts to pour - enisle
#1 - inside, this place is warm
But still. Texting Iwaizumi to come over shouldn't be terrifying—none of the things he's been doing with Iwaizumi for the past two weeks should be terrifying. And yet here he is, so overwhelmed with the knowledge that while he and Iwaizumi have always done everything together, there were superlatives they never dared to acknowledge, and being together in every sense of the word entailed an everything that was much more vast, much more limitless.
Oikawa is still trying to deal with the intricacies that come with dating your best friend.
words: 6,557 (1/1)
#2 - outside, it starts to pour
Or maybe, just maybe, it was simply Oikawa—the boy who cleaves the air with a swing of his arm and the friend who eats half of his lunch and the lover who makes him feel invincible and weightless and weak all at once.
Iwaizumi loves him. Iwaizumi loves him and it’s terrifying how that love consumes him just so.
Iwaizumi has had many firsts with Oikawa, but what's one more?
honestly pure fluff, deserved fluff dear good i love this. happy fluff, for a good day or a mood lifter
words: 9,906 (1/1)
I’m Cupid Stupid - OIKAWAHAJIME13
Oikawa Tooru (aka Cupid) and Iwaizumi Hajime (his loving husband) are tasked with getting four couples together this February. Needless to say, things do not always go to plan in the game of love.
they are married and this is so soft and sweet. It just makes my heart warm up at the thought. 
words: 8,737 (5/5)
From Your Mortal Enemy (with Love) - duskglow
He takes a step closer to Iwaizumi and says, “You’re going to have to pry this gym away from my cold, dead hands if you really want it, Iwa-chan.”
Iwaizumi leans in and grins without any humor. “Bring it on, Pretty Boy.”
Or, five-ish times that Oikawa Tooru has the grave misfortune of encountering the very annoying hot asshole of a baseball captain.
baseball player iwa is amazing and i love how slow kawa can be during this. 100% worth it. I love them. 
words: 11,272 (1/1) 
Blood Runs Blue - flourishstars 
“He’s got a gun!”
Oikawa freezes. He doesn’t want to turn his head for the fear of what he might see, but he does. As he turns his head, his heart nearly stops.
A group of people stand at the door, with masks covering their faces. Oikawa’s eyes trail down, and his heart rate quickens as he realizes that they’re all carrying guns.
Oikawa has never feared for his life, but fuck, he does right now.
(Or, publicist Oikawa Tooru assists a jaded detective in solving a case, but they’re up against the clock, because time is running out.)
ugh just *chef’s kiss*. stuppendous, flawless, oh i loved this. It’s a bit violent so be wary. Definitely check the tags. 
words: 27,623 (12/12) 
I Choose You - TripsH
There's a tiny clock on his wrist, bright red numbers. It's supposed to tick, supposed to move, supposed to tell him when he'll meet his soulmate. The time will run to zero when they've met, moving numbers will become stationary—the ticking that signified uncertainty transforming to the silent stability of forever.
Iwaizumi Hajime's clock hasn't ticked for as long as he can remember.
Honestly this is a bit angsty (okay maybe more than a bit) but it is honestly very worth it. It’s a really nice soulmate au and it’s fun watching them grow. Though you might want to yell at them a bit to actually talk. 
words: 9,315 (1/1)
The Lifespan of Asters - russianpotatofarm
20 Theme Challenge day 2: reading quietly “What do you need?” Hajime asks. The patient’s eyes light up. A little, anyway. He looks like he doesn’t have much left in him, and if he does, it’s either caffeine or heavy drugs. “Great! So, what does glioblastoma mean, anyway?” or, "god damn i never should have gone to med school," a novel by iwaizumi hajime (forward by yachi hitoka)
Okay so this does end with a Major Character Death so if that is not your thing don’t read it. It is very well written and I honestly had to stop and cry in my pillow for a bit. 
words: 7,813 (1/1) 
Shatter the Heavens - papaya_oyl 
“Hey Iwa-chan, do you know the legend that if you die, you become a star? Your soul flies to the sky and there’s a place for you to stay. Everyone has their own spot that's been reserved for them since the moment they’re born, and the galaxy extends to hold every single person. You stay up there to watch over everyone else forever.” Oikawa turned his head and looked into Iwaizumi’s eyes. “I bet there’s someone up there watching us right now.”
Oikawa and Iwaizumi have moved to Tokyo together for university, and are living their lives playing volleyball, and spending almost all of their waking moments together. Everything is perfect. Until it isn’t, and when everything starts to fall apart, it’s up to Iwaizumi to fix what is broken.
Iwaizumi gazed into the eyes that shone with tears, seeing the galaxies that sparkled in those beautiful chocolate orbs.
“Make it go away, Iwa-chan. Please, make the pain go away.”
The stars weep and cry. The heavens destroy and ruin.
I won’t lie about this, I began crying about a 1/4 of the way through this. This HURTS so so so much but it is written incredibly. Iwa and Oikawa’s relationship is so wonderfully built and I’ll say it the end kills you for more than the reason you think it should. (Does have a Major Character Death.)
words: 30,390 (1/1) 
Time - kylar 
"Time takes. Time corrupts. Time destroys. Time is greedy and ruthless and uncaring. It rips through your life and takes everything you’ve ever cared about. It ruins everything it touches. It doesn’t care about love, it doesn’t care about promises. It mocks, it taunts, it teases us with promises it has no intention of keeping. It wrecks havoc, and even if you can see it coming, you can’t stop it. Time is pain. So don’t tell me time will heal my wounds. Time gave me these wounds."
Alright this is written in a different way but it’s incredible. And yes I bawled like a baby. Though it might be because of the Major Character Death. But yes an amazing read and 100% worth the tears. 
words: 4,973 (1/1) 
How Iwaizumi Hajime Got A Boyfriend - beemother 
Maybe, just maybe, that hot pink dildo wasn't the worst gift.
or Iwaizumi finally tells his best friend that he loves him.
This is my shameless self plug. Yes it’s the iwaoi fic I wrote. 
words: 2,998 (1/1) 
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