#god that was awful i almost cried when my other friend showed up 8 hours in
vitamin-zeeth · 10 months
Just had to third wheel for like 10 hours today if I see a single romantic "___ bf X ___ gf" post ever again I'm going to blow up a building
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thorne93 · 3 years
History Repeats (Part 8)
Prompt: Life’s hard, right? Well throw in a not so great job, a broken heart, and chasing a pipe dream in LA. But could someone come along to make all the bad shit disappear? Or is he just another heartbreak waiting around the bend?
Warnings: language, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, angst/heartbreak, adult themes (??)
Word Count: 1874
Note: Aesthetic made by @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​ because she’s absolutely amazing Beta’d by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes​ and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​ . Brainstorming from @carryonmyswansong​​
**Song Inspiration: Wanna Be by Betty Who
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Living with Hayden proved to be nowhere near as daunting and scary as you thought it would be. At first, yes, there were a few bumps in the road. The laundry situation got a little confusing, the chores got a little mixed around, the groceries were nearly a catastrophe, but after a few weeks, the two of you finally had everything all sorted out.
Once the small discrepancies were sorted, he was a delight to have. Nothing changed about your friendship, in fact, it made it a little easier. Rather than figuring out whose place you would head to to hang out, or worrying about someone needing to get back somewhere in time for bed...None of that existed any more. You went to work, and reconvened at night when you got home. 
Sometimes he was still up, waiting for you with a leftover plate of dinner ready so you didn’t have to cook. Other times, he kept a plate set aside with a note telling you how exhausted he was and he was in bed. To you, the notes were sweet. A lot of guys would just text something like “going to bed. Dinner on the counter. Night” or “didn’t make dinner. You may need to grab something.” But not Hayden, he always put thought into it. 
His notes usually consisted of a wishful note on hoping your day went nicely, a comment or two on his own day, and a description of what he made for dinner. One night you came home to a bottle of wine and a piece of chocolate cake he set aside for you, after a particularly bad shift. The gesture had made your heart melt. Another night, you’d mentioned craving cheese so he made extra cheesy garlic bread with spaghetti. Another night, he surprised you with a few chocolate truffles and a can of coke since your head hurt, along with the aspirin already set out. If you weren’t careful, he was going to make you gain weight.
But you didn’t care. Hayden was so caring and sweet and attentive. You tried to repay the favor on days you were off by making him meals, surprising him with his favorite candy, or queuing up the next episode of whatever show you two were currently in the middle of. If he wasn’t feeling up for any of that, you’d freshen his sheets and room.  
And if you two weren’t trying to outdo each other on the level of kindness, you would sit and play cards or a board game. Sometimes you worked on your writing and he worked on lines. Sometimes you even helped each other. You read lines with him and he helped you come up with smoother choruses. 
Life couldn’t get much better for you. Jason was pretty much completely gone from your mind, your work seemed to be getting better and if it wasn’t, you always had Hayden to light it up for you. Hayden’s rent was already helping and he seemed happy to have a space to call his own. 
Now, you were out getting groceries for the week and Hayden was just getting off work. He sent you a text to ask for a couple more things and you made your way to getting them. You grabbed the last bit of stuff that he wanted, the stuff on your list, you checked out, and made your way home.
When you got there, you were surprised by what you found. 
“Hey, there’s...a little person here,” you noted as you got in the door with some of the bags of groceries.
You stepped inside and you saw Hayden crouched on the floor, talking to a two or three year old blonde little girl, playing with her hands and smiling at her. 
“Oh hey, you’re home!” Hayden noted as he looked up at you and grinned widely, taking your breath away as it always did. “And your arms are full of groceries. Let me help.” 
“Oh, no, you’re fine. Keep playing.”
He just rolled his eyes and walked past you out to the car to finish bringing in the bags. You sat them down and went over to the little girl, kneeling in front of her.  
“Hey there,” you greeted softly as she smiled at you and put her fingers in her mouth. “I’m Y/N. What’s your name?” 
Hayden just stepped in and put the bags down before joining you two. 
“This is Briar Rose,” he informed proudly as he gazed at her, then looked back at you. 
His introduction triggered in your head and the realization hit you. His daughter. This is the Briar Rose you two had spent so much time talking about. 
“Oh! Oh my god! This is Briar!” you gasped. “It’s so lovely to meet you,” you said as you took her hand and shook it and she grinned and giggled.
“Briar, this is my good friend, Y/N. She owns this big house that we’re playing in and she’s nice enough to let Daddy stay here,” he said, pretending to press a button on her stomach, making her giggle. “Isn’t that nice?” 
“Yeah,” she concurred, nodding, a happy grin on her face. 
“When did she get here?” you asked, surprised and excited. 
“An hour ago. Rachel dropped her off,” he informed, thrusting his head over his shoulder.
“Ah, gotcha,” you said, nodding, her name bringing up a bit of jealousy. “Well I’m gonna put the groceries up. I’ll make your dinner and get out of your way,” you said.
“Get out of our way?” he asked as you stood up and walked into the kitchen.
“Well, yeah? Don’t you want some bonding time with Briar? I don’t want to impose. I’ll just go to my room and chill or sing or something,” you responded, shrugging him off with a wave.
“What? No. I want you out here with us. I’d love for you to meet her and get to know her. I’m sure she’d really enjoy it too,” he assured.
“You sure?”
“Absolutely. Go ahead and make lunch and I’ll get her changed so we can go to the park after.”
“Oh! Or I could make up a picnic lunch and we could take it with us!” you offered, excited beyond belief to be able to spend the day with a child, let alone Hayden’s little angel. 
“That’s perfect. I’ll meet you back out here in fifteen minutes?” he asked as he hoisted her up onto his hip.
At that, he took off to his room to get her changed and probably get a to-go pack ready for her, meanwhile you set to work on a nutritious lunch a toddler could eat, as well as filling items for an adult.
As soon as you were all set up, the food, plates, and utensils ready, you met Hayden back near the front door, Briar on his lap. 
“I’ll drive, so you can have time with her,” you said with a gentle smile at his beautiful daughter. 
“Really?” he asked, astonished, his blue eyes searching yours.
“Yeah, of course,” you assured, smiling up at him. 
“Thank you. Let me just grab the car seat from my car and we’ll get going.”
The three of you shared a wonderful day at the park. It was in the high sixties, warm, with a low breeze. Briar played on just about everything and Hayden joined her ninety-percent of the time, pushing her on the swings, helping her on the jungle gym, putting her on the teeter-totter. You looked on with such awe. Hayden possessed every facet of a father to you - caring, nurturing, fun, involved. So long as he was with Briar, he was smiling and happy it seemed, and it warmed your soul.
He joined you back on the blanket you’d brought. 
“Why don’t you join us?” he asked, excited anticipation in his face and voice as he grabbed a cracker and cheese. 
“Nah, this is for you and Briar. I’m just here to watch.”
“Nonsense, come here,” he said, grabbing your hand and hoisting you up.
“Hayden, no! No, Hayden!” you said, laughing and pulling away from him. “I’m fine. Really!” you said, chuckling so hard your argument was futile. He eventually let go of your hand and grabbed you around the waist and pulled you over to the swings, sitting you down right beside Briar. 
“You gonna swing wiff me, Y/N?” Briar asked with a happy grin on her face as her little hands gripped the chains of the swings.
“I suppose I am. Your dad seems to insist,” you said, laughing up at him as he pushed you once on the swing. 
“You need to learn to let go, a little,” he said as he walked over to Briar. 
“Oh? Just a little?” you asked with heavy sarcasm.
“Yeah, just a little,” he repeated with a wink.
“Push, Daddy! Push! Higher!” Briar squealed and you reveled in watching the two of them before you suddenly got an idea and hopped up from the swing.
You stood in front of Briar and caught her swing as she was coming forward.
“What happening?” Briar said as she seemed curious, scared, and delighted all in one.
“I’m the tickle monster, and I’ve caught you in a trap. The only way to get out of it, is to give me the secret code word,” you said with a fake, silly, sinister look and voice. 
“No!” she squealed and laughed.
You slowly acted as if you were gonna tickle her, letting go of the swing with one arm, the other slowly going towards her side. 
“No!” she cried out again.
“You gotta give me the password, then!”
“Pwease?!” she said, giggling.
“Nope!” you said, your hand inching forward. “Guess again!”
“Pwetty pwease!”
“Almost,” you teased as your hand was almost to her pink jacket. 
“Pwetty pwease with sprinkles!”
“Yep!” you cheered. “Now hold on tight!” You waited to make sure she had a hold of the swing before letting it fall back to her father. She squealed and giggled the entire way back before he pushed her to you again, where you would grab her and pretend to drop her a few times, before actually letting her go. She seemed to love the thrill of the idea of falling. 
The three of you continued to play, and run, and chase, and laugh all over the park. By the end of it, Briar was asleep in her carseat on the way home, and it was already growing dark. 
Quietly, on the drive, you told Hayden, “I’m gonna make you dinner, but then I’m gonna go work on writing.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that.”
“No, I want to. I had a blast today. It was amazing. But I think you need time with your daughter.” You glanced back at her in the mirror. “I know how much you miss her, I don’t blame you. So you need to have some time with her though.”
“Yeah, we need to have our traditional night of watching Trolls together,” he mentioned fondly. 
“Dinner in bed, then,” you corrected lightly as you glanced to him and smiled, him returning it with a warm grin, melting your insides.
Forever Tag:
Hayden Christensen:
History Repeats:
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minjoonie-song · 3 years
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0:00 “Hello! Welcome to Minjoon’s Kitchen.” “Who’s fucking kitchen?” Brandon’s voice off camera startled a laugh out of Minjoon, loud and squeaky; and that was it for the theme of the live. “Welcome to uh... Welcome to Minjoon in a kitchen.” “Welcome to not Minjoon’s Kitchen.” Brandon added, finally coming into view. “Welcome not Minjoon to Minjoon’s Kitchen, not in Minjoon’s kitchen.” “Featuring Minjoon.” “Welcome to Brandon’s kitchen!” “Welcome to Brandon is trying to get his car home because she’s parked in fucking central LA after we went for brunch and had so many mimosas that I legally wasn’t allowed to drive us home.” “Hi MTV. Welcome to Brandon’s crib.” “Look mom! I‘m on MTV and I didn’t have to be 16 and pregnant to do it!” The pair started cackling again, uncontrollably hysterical in their inebriated states. 8:14
“You should make that a thing.” ”What?” ”Not Minjoon’s Kitchen. Once a month you just show up at a random fans house, streaming and giving them no time to prepare for you to cook whatever they have in their house.” ”Absolutely not. You know I like to be organised when cooking.” ”You’re literally squinting at lettuce in the fridge, I think you’re past that.” ”That’s lettuce?” “Oh my god, Minjoon. You can’t cook like this.” “I can’t see properly. I don’t know where my glasses are.” “This is going to be the most disappointing episode of your show ever and it’s live. We can’t cook, it’s gonna be dangerous and messy.” “In the words of the awesome Jake Peralta. Title of your sex tape.” “Oh my god. No, mine would be called uhh.. Put that thing back where it came from or so help me.” “Nope. I already claimed that for mine.” “Joonie! I hate the accuracy.” The laughing continued, even as the pair complained that they couldn’t breathe.
After they’d finally calmed down they took the camera with them to the couch, after the executive decision that the pair were definitely in no state to try to actually cook anything and a too large order of pizza. “We have like half an hour to kill. What are we going to do now?” “Remember when I asked for a Q&A way back in the past when I thought I’d be sober at four in the afternoon? We’ll do that and then I guess I’m writing a formal apology on my notes app to anyone who was hungry and eager to learn. Just like a real celebrity.” Minjoon fished around in his pockets for his phone, handing it to Brandon once it was unlocked so he could read it aloud. “I just figured out the greeting. Welcome to the last ever episode of Minjoon’s Kitchen.” “My biggest mistake this time was too much Minjoon and not enough kitchen. Some people come just to see my organised spice rack.” “You’ve both upgraded and downgraded to Brandon’s Couch.” “Love it. I’ve re-branded. Put it on a T-shirt. Every episode I’m just going to show you how to order different pizzas. We’re a podcast now.” “You’re a dumbass. Alright! Let’s see what we got. Minjoon.. What is your favorite thing to cook?”  “Everyone I see with how hot I am.” The laughter started up once more, even despite their previous attempts to calm down. “I fucking told you! I knew you’d get that one.” “You owe me $50 for saying it!” “I’ll buy all the pizza you just ordered, how about that?” “Catch me outside?” “Stop! How have you made it this far in life as a meme?” “I wasn’t always like this, it’s part of my rebrand. Brandon’s Couch: Meme edition.” “I can’t believe we failed cooking and now we’re already failing the Q&A.” “No! No, I got this. My favourite thing at the moment.. I love making risotto. Mostly because I get to eat it afterwards and I love eating risotto but yeah! That’s my favourite right now.” “I don’t think that’s really answering.” “It’s my answer. This is still not Minjoon’s Kitchen featuring Minjoon for this last episode. Shh. Next question!” “This one asks if there is anything in particular that gets me inspired for designs? Yes! I love art so as soon as my bank account hits below a mil, I’m like.. Shit! Gotta doodle. No, I find inspiration everywhere. Sometimes it’s just a particular mood I’m in, sometimes I’ll see a net curtain blowing a particular way in a breeze and design an entire dress from how it falls. Sometimes I’ll see a colour that I’ll want to make an entire wardrobe out of. I’ve been painting a lot recently, not designs just.. things I like and I’ve been able to work from those. Gross, I know but yeah. Inspiration is everywhere. Disgusting. Unacceptable. I refuse to be inspired again that was too mushy.”
The boys were a giggly mess. Almost everything bringing them to hysterics even if it was just something said with the smallest hint of sarcasm, they were grabbing onto the couch and each other’s arms for support as they hiccuped their way through another bout of laughter. “Anyway! Next question is top 5 celebrity chefs. Mine of course is Joonbug and that’s it. Wait, no that dude from that thing we saw in England. Gordon’s friend.” “Oh! With the road trip?” “Yeah, the really funny one.” “I loved that. Mine is obviously Chef Ramsay, Remy.. Gotta give my boy a shout out. Chef Baek Jong-won. Oh! The um.. I discovered that dude during fashion week in London that time. The sciencey one. Hus.. Hes..? I don’t remember his actual name but he made some amazing things. I was in awe. I’m also throwing in whoever invented bulgogi. That’s my top five. I actually met Chef Ramsay recently!” “You did! You called me after. How was it meeting your hero?” “Oh, I cried. Like a big baby. Ugly sobbing and lots of I love yous in the middle of a cupcake shop.” “Classic Minjoon behaviour.” “He signed my T-shirt and I cried some more. I would have proposed through my tears but I was crying too much. Like the shaky inhale, full on breakdown kind of crying? I can’t even be embarrassed because he still talked to me.” “You’re a baby!” “I am a baby! 달콤한 아기. That’s what my eomma and momma call me and then they pinch my cheekies.” “Cute! Ooh! How does it feel.. no, fuck. That’s not.. shut your face. I can read. How does performing feel on stage versus cooking on camera? How did it feel being on stage?” “I refuse to acknowledge what that means. Stage? What stage?” “They’re talking about your big, gay musical re-enactment of your love for me.” “I wish I could use memes like in real life? Just the I do not see meme but my face. Honestly though? It’s different because I can cook. This mess obviously doesn’t count but I can edit everything I post and I know what I’m doing? I’m confident when I’m cooking. I know what I can and can’t do. Being on stage was just.. I was terrified. It was terrifying. I had fun though and I did work hard. Like.. I decided last minute and I had to learn choreo and remember lyrics to things I wrote years ago. I was scared I’d trip up and face plant the whole time. Like the entire time. I wanted to be included though and I couldn’t go to the festival because it was terrifying being around so many people. I just kind of listened from the side lines but it sounded good and you said you had lots of fun being up there.” “I did. You know me though. I’m that one line from that Mike Posner song about needing everyone’s eyes just to feel seen.” “Woah. Hashtag deep.” “Oh my god. You’re ridiculous.” “I did need the entire weekend to recover though. It’s.. it’s a lot to open yourself up like that.” “You mean serenading the town with love songs about me?” “You suck so bad.” “Is that how you talk to the former love of your life?” Minjoon snorted, slapping at Brandon’s arm. “You were so in love with me. It’s my greatest achievement, you know? I put it on my resume under my skills. Has given Minjoon boners.” The reaction was instant, Brandon’s loud laugh failing to cover Joonie’s shriek that soon turned into a laugh but even his amusement couldn’t mask how red he’d gotten. “No! I hate it here! You suck so bad! So bad! I can never show my face in public or make eye contact with another human being ever again!” “It’s a good job I put the age restriction thingy on this stream. I knew I’d be a fucking menace after the second drink.” “You’re not a menace! You’re a gremlin! God, end the stream before you really do end my YouTube career. Goodbye everyone! I’m gonna go eat my body weight in pizza and become a cave hermit.” “Bye little Joonie fans! Sorry about the.. Fuck it, I’m not sorry about anything. Peace out, bitches!”
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sparklydreamies · 4 years
Stray Kids 8 Part Series ~ (2) Lee Minho: Pride is Sinful
Group: Stray Kids
Member: Lee Minho
Genre: Light angst + hurt/comfort
Word Count: 5,300+
Summary: Accepting help from his younger brothers is hard for Minho, but it may be necessary in the case of an injury. 
Stray Kids 8 Part Series MASTERLIST
A/n: Hi guys!! This story was kind of inspired by Minho during Stray Kids’ survival show days, and the times when he said he shouldn’t need their help since he was older ;-; It kind of gave me the idea to create a story where Minho begins feeling prideful, but ultimately realizes that he can lean on others as well! Also, LEE MINHO IS MY BIAS AND I FEEL SO BAD WRITING ABOUT HIM LIKE THIS :( 
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“You have to make sure that your legs and back are straight when you land.”
Lee Minho is a dancer. Nothing in his life gave him the beautiful, euphoric feeling that he got when he moved effortlessly around the stage. Nothing was as satisfying as the feeling of the air hitting the thin layer of sweat on his face. Nothing felt more right than the feeling of his heart pounding and blood rushing through his body. 
Even as a child, Minho had never thought of himself as extraordinary in any way. Compared to his friends who were undeniably smart, funny, or good-looking, Minho had always thought he was rather average. Never nearly as good as others, let alone better. 
He was always told it was better that he thought that way. Pride was sinful, and according to his parents, an ugly trait for a young boy to have. They would tell him that being too prideful meant being arrogant and cocky. 
Maybe that was the reason he couldn’t take compliments without denying them. Never accepting any sort of praise without belittling himself. Maybe it was also the reason he was such a damn perfectionist. He never felt like he was good enough to be comfortable. 
That was, until he began dancing. 
To Minho, dancing wasn’t just his hobby. It was his lifestyle. He ate, slept and breathed dance. When he fell, he got back up. In some respect, the only time that Minho felt vaguely better than people was when he was dancing. 
It wasn’t wrong of him to want to be the best at something. This was what he was passionate about, which meant there should be no harm in wanting to improve and be special. Pride may be a sin, but ambition is the key to success. And what is ambition without acknowledgment of how far you have come and how hard you have worked? If anything, his ambition was only helping the team.
And for a while, his determination was doing nothing but pushing him to be the best he could be. That was, until it pushed him too far. 
Choreography practice had ended a few hours ago, and yet Minho told himself he was going to run through the routine a few more times. A few more times, and then he would leave. 
Minho had been exhausting every kink out of the choreography for days straight. As Minho watched the way his body contorted awkwardly in front of the mirror, he began to worry about his progress. 
Earlier that day, he had watched how Hyunjin led the team through a full practice effortlessly, the years of dancing skills shining through with the way that his body became fluid, accenting the music perfectly and hitting every beat. It was quite mesmerizing to watch. However when Minho saw himself attempt at the same routine of twists and steps, he found it was much different. 
It shouldn’t bother him that Hyunjin was catching on faster than he was; Hyunjin was the team’s dance leader after all. Of course he was going to be the best off the bat. 
But Minho was the oldest dancer in the team. He knew that it was immature and futile to feel resentment towards the other members who are working hard on their own, but his pride and ambition seemed to get the better of him. 
During the day’s practice, Hyunjin had spent his precious time teaching Minho how to safely practice the killing part in the song, which was a jump-slash-spin type move that Minho was having trouble grasping. 
The younger man had done nothing but show Minho how to practice it so that the team could benefit, however as much as Minho’s mind denied it, it felt so condescending. Minho could handle himself, why was Hyunjin acting like the hyung? Why was he acting like he was better than Minho? Hyunjin was already the visual of the group, why did he have to be the best at dancing too?
Minho had always thought that dancing was his thing. The thing that made him special. It wasn’t wrong to want to be the best. It wasn’t wrong to want to succeed. It wasn’t wrong to feel jealous. 
Minho grunted in frustration as he counted his steps again, using his emotions to push himself harder, promising himself that he would show Hyunjin how he can handle his own problems. 
The music was pounding Minho’s eardrums at a sonic volume, almost mocking how he was unable to monitor the beats well enough. The sound alone was enough to drive him mad. 
Countless tries after countless tries, Minho launched himself into the air, twisting his body and snapping his joints in seemingly the same way that he remembered Hyunjin showing him. Yet, as he carefully watched his body in the mirror, it was still too awkward and stiff. The muscles in his thighs were in excruciating pain as he willed himself to jump again and again, repeating the same mistakes. 
Why was he even a dancer? Hyunjin was a more fluid and swift dancer, Felix was more charismatic and memorable, but what was Minho? Every day that he spent exhausting himself just trying to keep up with the others was another day where he felt unworthy of his career. 
It should not be this hard to be mediocre. 
And anyways, it wasn’t as if Minho could ask anybody for help. As soon as he asks for help in the field that he was supposed to be good in, people will start questioning his abilities. Maybe the boys would spare him the judgement because he is their friend, but how could he be sure? He was supposed to be the oldest dancer that helps the younger boys learn and grow, and yet here he is, practicing the same move over and over again for hours on end. 
If anything, Minho’s moves were only deteriorating in quality as time went on. His movements were sloppier and less precise. He wasn’t paying attention to anything that Hyunjin had told him earlier. His mind kept drifting away from the task at hand, which was practically automatic at this point. Minho wasn’t focusing on his footwork and where his weight was placed. His head was pounding and he felt hot all over his body, yet he couldn’t tell if it was from the hours of dancing or the frustration. He felt like he wanted to rip his hair out, or his skin off, or scream at the top of his lungs, but he just kept jumping and twirling and twisting and leaping and spinning until he found himself falling towards the ground. 
Minho let out a loud yelp as his hands shot out to try and break his fall as best as they could. Shooting pain spiked up the bone in his forearms as he let himself fall slack on the cool studio floor.
Panic had set into Minho’s mind as he had heard it before the adrenaline in his brain had let him feel it. The sickening pop sound that had come from landing on his left ankle at a weird position. 
Minho sat up frantically and suddenly felt the god awful pain in his foot. He cried out a little bit when he tried to move it a little bit. 
Of course he had to fuck up his ankle. 
Without touching his foot, Minho worked to untie his shoelaces and stretch his sneaker out as wide as he could so he could inspect his injury. He didn’t know what he was expecting, but he could already feel the muscle begin to swell. 
Minho took a deep breath and whimpered a little bit as he slowly inched his sneaker off of his injured foot, wincing at the tenderness of the ankle. 
He sighed in relief as the sneaker slid off of his foot, and he rolled his pant leg up. Minho was relieved when he saw that the visual damage was minuscule, only resulting in a bit of swelling and slight bruising. Minho’s trembling fingers moved to press down on the skin lightly, gasping at the explosion of pain. 
Timidly, Minho shifted to stand on his injured foot. His overworked muscles were trembling as he faintly transferred his weight from his right foot to his left. There was no pain for the first second, but as he slowly pressed on the tender foot, a shooting pain flared up his leg. 
Minho cried out in frustration as he sat himself back down to the ground, burying his face into his hands. Hot, unwanted tears began to escape his eyes and wet the skin of his palms. 
There was no reason for him to cry, so why was he still sniveling like a child? Minho sniffled a few times before wiping his tears onto the back of his hand. 
The clock suspended high up on the studio’s wall read 10:47. Minho swore to himself when he remembered he promised Chan to be home before 10:30. 
Minho took a shaky breath as he stretched the discarded sneaker out as much as he could, already wincing at the thought of restricting his aching foot in it. 
By the sickening mess of raw, swollen flesh that rested at the bottom of his leg, Minho figured that the injury was a sprain. Sprained limbs are not uncommon for dancers, but they could be dangerous. 
It was about 11:00 in the evening when Minho hobbled into the dorm, fully expecting the scolding he was about to endure from Chan. Surprisingly, the space seemed fairly quiet, save for the faint sounds of video games coming from Felix and Hyunjin’s shared room. The dorm still smelled like whatever Changbin had brought for supper, which seemingly lured Minho right into the kitchen. 
Minho heated up some of the take out that was left in the fridge for him, sighing as he found himself an ice pack for his ankle. 
He ate with his leg propped up on another chair, covered with ice. Although it felt uncomfortable, it also felt oddly nice. 
“Where the fuck have you been?” Chan slurred as he stumbled into the kitchen. 
Minho moved his leg from the chair to underneath the table. His ice pack fell onto the floor with a soft thud, but Chan seemed to not notice it. This must have been some sort of reflex; almost like Minho’s mind rejected the idea of anybody knowing about his injury. Especially not their leader, who had an abundance of other problems and issues that he has to deal with. 
“I was practicing and lost track of time, I’m sorry.” Minho explained, returning his attention to the noodles that were starting to cool off in his bowl. Chan sighed and sat down at the table. 
“I’m glad you’re okay,” Chan said, “I was starting to get a little bit worried.”
Minho scoffed at the older boy. “You know I can take care of myself, you don’t have to worry.” 
Minho saw Chan smile tiredly behind his fingers. It wasn’t until Chan looked up that Minho saw the dark bags underneath the other’s eyes. Chan had lines of worry stretched across his forehead, his hair was messy and looked like it hadn’t been washed in a while, and his eyes looked exhausted. 
Minho knew about Chan’s habit of putting the team’s success above his own health, and he knew about how dangerous it could be. Judging by the rough looking pile of a leader sitting across from him, he could guess that Chan hadn’t slept in a while.
“You look like a sick old man,” Minho cautiously jokes, leaning across the table to push on Chan’s shoulders. Minho winced slightly as he put some more pressure on his ankle. Luckily, the tired leader didn’t notice a thing. “You should go to sleep,”
“I can sleep when I’m dead,” Chan said, cracking a wide smile at the younger. 
Minho giggled at him. “With the way you look right now, that day will come sooner than you thought.”
Chan gave an amused huff towards Minho. He rubbed his dark eyes, and leaned forward in his seat, resting his head on his hands. “I thought you knew me, Minho,” he said with a small chuckle. 
“I’m just saying you shouldn’t overwork yourself,” Minho retorted, eating some of the noodles Changbin bought, “you look like a zombie.” 
“Changbin and I spent all last night in the studio,” Chan yawned, “I had to pull him home because he passed out at the desk,” 
“That doesn’t surprise me,” Minho said. 
“By the way,” Chan shifted in his seat, “how is the choreo coming? I noticed you were having some difficulty today,”
Minho felt a weight crash on him. Chan was giving up his sleep and sanity to help the team, and Minho isn’t even able to keep up his own workload without breaking himself. 
“Uhm,” he started, shifting his gaze back down to his noodles to look unbothered, “it’s coming along. I’ve almost got it down, I think,”
“Just take care of yourself too, okay?” Chan asked, his aura becoming a little bit more serious, “we can’t have you injured right before a comeback,”
That was it. Minho felt his anxiety build at that one sentence. If Chan only knew the irony of that statement. There was literally an ice pack beneath the table to soothe an injury that might prevent Minho from making any progress with his improvements, and yet Chan didn’t know a thing. 
Minho played his dread off with a little chuckle. It felt too awkward, and he was sure that the leader knew something was up. Yet, being the tired and clueless boy that he was, Chan didn’t notice anything. 
“Well it’s kind of late, and I can barely keep my eyes focused anymore,” Chan stated, getting up from his seat, “I’m going to go to bed. Make sure you get some sleep soon, okay?”
Minho hummed a yes before Chan bid another goodnight, leaving Minho to finish his food and shower before heading to bed. 
What was he going to do? The logical thing would be to tell Chan or a manager or someone that he accidentally hurt himself, but he was too damn prideful. It would be embarrassing to admit to Hyunjin that he ignored the advice he gave him, or to let Chan down by taking a break to heal his foot. He didn’t want his company, members, or fans to think that he was fragile or weak.
If it was any other member, Minho wouldn’t hesitate to suggest time off for healing, but he couldn’t admit to needing the same thing. 
The next day, Minho woke up feeling even more soreness in his ankle than he had before. He was sure that it was a sprain, which conflicted him. He didn’t know if he should tell somebody and risk giving up practice and work until it healed. Then again, if he didn’t say anything, he risked causing an even worse injury. 
Minho made his way to the kitchen, trying to walk as normally as possible with the aching feeling spreading up his leg. If he could make it to the kitchen and snag some painkillers without anybody noticing, he might be able to soothe the pain enough to make it through the day. 
Without anybody in the kitchen, Minho limped over to the cabinet above the coffee machine, where the boys kept all of their medicine and bandages. For good measure, he pocketed the bottle just in case he felt more pain later. 
“G’morning,” Felix grunted, stumbling into the kitchen towards the coffee pot. 
“Morning, Lix.” Minho ruffled the kid’s messy bed-head before looking for something to eat. “Did you sleep well?” 
Felix gave a small nod as he poured himself a cup of completely black coffee. Felix looked very tired; Minho assumed it was probably from playing video games all night like usual. 
“You should take better care of your health, Lix.” Minho said. “Spending eight hours playing computer games is bad for your brain.” Minho sat down at the kitchen table with a granola bar in his hand. 
Felix chuckled and sat down too, “Maybe for you, but I’ve adapted myself to spending hours online.” 
Before Minho could scold him any more, he was interrupted by Hyunjin yawning as he walked through the door. He was dressed in his usual workout clothes, which surprised Minho, since they didn’t have choreography practice again until the next day. 
“Good morning,” Hyunjin said, seating himself down beside Felix.
“Morning,” Minho said, “are you going to the gym today?” 
Hyunjin shook his head. “I was thinking maybe we could go work on your move? You and I? Chan told me you didn’t get home until late last night.” 
Minho felt the anxiety build in his chest. How could he say no to practice? He knows that he isn’t that good and therefore shouldn’t pass up an opportunity to improve. But on the other hand, Hyunjin had taught him how to be safe while training, and he ignored the advice. He could barely walk on his ankle properly; Hyunjin would know something was up immediately. 
“Also Felix, you have to cool it with the games, you kept me up all night with those stupid little gunshot noises.” Hyunjin complained. “So we’ll leave in twenty?” 
Maybe it was a reflex or an instinct, or maybe Minho was just used to agreeing to practice time when offered, but before he had the chance to figure out a way out of it, the older boy was agreeing to working one-on-one with Hyunjin on their day off from practice. 
A while back, Jisung had twisted his ankle badly. He was out running, and hit a crack in the pavement. It wasn’t that bad of an injury, but for good measure, he had bought himself some support socks. 
Minho excused himself away from the table, trying to walk as naturally as possible, yet feeling what felt like the eyes of a hundred people burned into the back of his head. 
Minho sifted through Jisung’s sock drawer before finally pulling out the black and silver support socks from the very back, where they had been discarded and forgotten about ever since Jisung healed from the incident. 
Wincing, he carefully pulled the stiff fabric over his foot, almost letting a noise out when it moved his ankle. Once he stood up from the bed he was perched on, he took a few test strides. He was surprised at the way that the expensive fiber backed up his muscle. 
Minho quickly changed into some fresh workout clothes, and met Hyunjin by the door. 
“Ready?” Hyunjin asked, already opening the door. 
Minho hummed a yes and followed the boy out. The two of them made their way out of the dorms and down the street towards the studio. Minho was trying to distract himself with the uncomfortable pressure on his injured foot, and contemplated telling Hyunjin about it. Yet, as they walked, he began to worry again about his progress. Isn’t it natural for an idol to push through injuries for their careers? 
“So how did practicing it on your own feel yesterday?” Hyunjin asked as they walked, Minho trying his best to look as normal as he could, thanking god that he had the socks to help. 
“Uh,” he started, “it wasn’t bad, I think I’m improving,” 
Out of the corner of Minho’s eyes, he saw Hyunjin smile. It seemed unlike a smile of amusement, but more like a smile of fondness. 
“You improve everyday, Minho.” Hyunjin said, “You’re a hard worker. I know you’re going to get it,” 
Minho scoffed at Hyunjin before he could register it and stop himself. Hyunjin bumped his shoulders as they walked. Minho winced at the pain that sprouted from his foot, but kept moving nonetheless. 
“Don’t make that noise, you’re doing fine,” Hyunjin assured. Minho hated the way that he wanted so desperately to argue with Hyunjin because he can’t take compliments well. “It seems tough because you’re not getting it right away, but that’s what I’m helping you for,” the younger boy smiled brightly as they walked.
Minho was so happy knowing that he has a team of brothers that are willing to help him whenever he needs it. As much as he knew that he was lucky to have Hyunjin, he still felt that heavy pang of unnecessary jealousy. His mind was screaming at him to resent Hyunjin for making him feel inferior. 
“Thanks,” Minho said rather quietly, wanting to change the subject or end the conversation quickly before he felt even more awkward. 
“Ah don’t be like that,” Hyunjin sighed as he opened the company door for Minho. Minho made a confused noise as he passed the younger. “Just accept my help.”
Even though Hyunjin’s words made him sound upset, he was still speaking in a rather calm and light-hearted voice. It made Minho undeniably angry. 
“I am accepting your help, that’s why I’m here,” Minho countered, “let’s just practice, okay?” Minho was walking slightly ahead of Hyunjin on their way to the dance studios, when he stumbled slightly. He must have put pressure on a weird part of his ankle, because he felt a new wave of soreness in his bone. 
“Hold on, are you limping?” Hyunjin suddenly asked. Hyunjin instinctively grabbed onto the older’s arm, trying to help him regain his balance. 
Minho shook Hyunjin’s hand off of him, trying to play it off as easily as possible. “I just stepped on something,” he said, but Hyunjin was not easily fooled. 
“No it wasn’t that. You’re walking weird, Minho. Come over here,” Hyunjin gestured, leading Minho towards the practice room. 
“I swear I’m okay,” Minho awkwardly laughed. The dread of his ignorant mistake set into his chest when he realized he was found out. Hyunjin wasn’t an easy member to fool about anything. 
Hyunjin was staring at Minho with hawk-like eyes. “There’s something wrong and you’re not telling me,”
Minho avoided Hyunjin’s gaze by moving towards the bench at the side of the room, where he normally changed into his workout shoes. “I already said it’s nothing,” he sighed. He started taking the shoe off of his uninjured foot, feeling a little bit nervous to take his left one off in front of Hyunjin. 
Even after Minho thought he ended the conversation, Hyunjin still stared at him skeptically. Hyunjin knew that something was up, and Minho couldn’t hide his foolishness from him any more than he already has. 
Mentally groaning, Minho reached down to his left ankle, and untied the laces. Hyunjin sat down at the bench directly beside Minho so that he could change his shoes as well. Minho stretched the shoe out as much as he could to avoid the pulling motion on his sensitive flesh. He could not hide the way that his face contorted ever so slightly from the discomfort. 
“Mhm,” Hyunjin hummed. “Let’s take a couple laps around the room to warm up, okay?” he suggested, practically springing out from his seat, light feet bouncing him with ease. 
By now, it was a game of cat and mouse. Hyunjin was the cat trying so desperately to catch Minho, who was trying to escape the other’s claws. Hyunjin already knew what was up, yet of course, he wanted to force Minho to confess. 
Minho huffed as he rose himself from his seat, trying to give Hyunjin nothing to worry about. “You want to run?” he asked, walking away from Hyunjin, “Fine.” he said. Minho took off in a light jog down the side of the practice room. He was cringing with the amount of stress it put on his leg, yet he focused himself on remaining stone-faced. Damn all of these mirrors. 
Behind him, he heard Hyunjin take off in a jog as well, catching up to Minho fairly quickly. 
“I say we should do this every time we practice, don’t you think so, Minho?” Hyunjin teased. It made a pang of anger burst in Minho’s head.
Minho kept running and running, trying to keep up with Hyunjin’s slightly increasing pace, putting one foot in front of the other over and over and over again, until--
“Fuck!” Minho yelped after he landed himself weirdly on his left ankle. He fell to the floor with a thud, and clutched his leg to his chest. The pain of the fall mixed with the embarrassment of Hyunjin’s gaze made him so frustrated that he let out a growl like noise. 
“Holy shit! Are you okay?” Hyunjin asked, crouching so that he could examine Minho. His eyes were as wide as saucers, and full of worry. 
Minho groaned out a “Yeah,” as he moved his trembling fingers to untie his shoelaces. Stretching the material once again, he slipped it off of his foot, wincing at the pull. 
“No you’re not, oh my god,” Hyunjin’s hands were fidgeting. He wasn’t quite sure what he should do to help Minho. He watched as Minho rolled up his pant leg, exposing a ball of swollen and bruised flesh. “Is it sprained?” he asked, reaching his arm out before pulling it back, not wanting to touch what he figured was a very tender and painful limb. 
“What the fuck does it look like?” Minho growled. The hostility in his voice took Hyunjin aback. 
“Well c’mon, we’ll call someone and get it checked out,” 
“No,” Minho ran his fingers through his hair as he felt the frustration bubble in his chest. 
“What do you mean, no?” Hyunjin looked concerned, to say the least. As calm as he tried to seem on the outside, his eyes gave away his panicked state, and he was as pale as a ghost. 
“I mean I don’t need to get it checked out!” Minho said in such an exasperated tone that it made Hyunjin cower like a dog. 
Minho shifted onto his right foot to push himself up off of the ground. It felt degrading to sit like that with his younger brother crouching beside him. 
“Woah, what are you doing?” Hyunjin asked, “And... Why are you so hostile today? I think that you should have someone look at it. What if it gets worse?” he said, as he stood up as well, grabbing onto Minho’s arm to keep his balance. 
Annoyance clouded Minho when Hyunjin put that hand on his arm. In a harsh movement, he yanked away from his brother’s grip. 
“Just fuck off!” Minho yelled. 
Hyunjin was so shocked that he couldn’t think of anything to say back. He saw Minho’s eyes begin to fill with tears of frustration. 
Minho was upset beyond his control. On a normal occasion, he would never say these things to any of the members. But as Hyunjin remained calm, acting mature, Minho felt anger pile up and fog his mind.
Minho grabbed his hair, trying to ground himself. He was trying to keep himself from flying off the handle at Hyunjin. 
“I don’t know what your problem is, but you should figure it out before you talk to me like that,” Hyunjin said, a quiet tone contrasting to the loud outburst that the older boy created. 
Minho snapped his head around. “Will you stop treating me like that?” 
“Like what?”
“Like you’re my hyung!” Minho shouted. 
Realization dawned on Hyunjin. He chuckled dryly to himself. “I get it.” he whispered coldly. His expression was like ice, and his gaze was overwhelming to Minho. “You’re so mad because you’re too immature to take criticism. Not just that,” he said, his voice slightly rising in intensity, “but you can’t handle the fact that you can learn from someone younger than you,” he accused. 
Minho was outraged. He wanted to scream at Hyunjin and rip his hair out, but what was the point? Hyunjin was right. No matter how well he knew that, he couldn’t admit it. He couldn’t let Hyunjin win. 
“You have such a goddamn age superiority complex that you can’t accept help from someone younger than you, isn’t that right?” Hyunjin asked, stepping forwards. 
Minho took a step backwards from the boy, only to cry out in pain again and fall to the ground. This time though, Hyunjin didn’t crouch down. 
“All I’ve been doing these past few days is help you because you’re my friend, and that’s what friends do,” he said. 
Minho felt his cheeks heat up with embarrassment as he realized he was sitting while Hyunjin was towering over him. He felt that there was a power imbalance, yet he didn’t deserve to try and even it out. He was childish and petty. Minho felt guilty for everything, which only contributed to the pool of unshed tears in his eyes that refused to be blinked away. 
With a lowered head, Minho whispered “I’m sorry.” 
There was a brief beat of silence before Hyunjin finally sighed in exasperation as he crouched down again. 
“I just...” Minho sniffed and took a breath, finally feeling a hot tear run down his cheek. “I just want... to do well. And I’m jealous.” 
“You can’t be jealous of people like this, it’s not healthy,” Hyunjin said. 
“Yeah I know, but...” Minho dabbed his eyes with the hem of his shirt, not wanting his face to be all red and puffy, “I am the one who was supposed to help you. I was supposed to help you, and Felix, and Jisung, and Jeongin and everyone else, but all I’m doing is being a fucking child.” 
Hyunjin brought his hand out to rub circles into Minho’s back. Minho wanted to push him away, not deserving the comfort of his friend, but he couldn’t help the way he leaned into the touch. 
“I don’t know what’s going on inside your head to make you think that you can’t tell us when you’re injured or having a hard time, but I hope that you can find it in you to believe me when I say that...” Hyunjin paused, only starting again when Minho raised his head and they made eye contact, “you are talented, and you are special. Nobody thinks anything less than that.” 
Minho’s mind was telling him no. it was telling him that Hyunjin was lying, and that he shouldn’t believe what he said. Minho was an awful dancer and didn’t belong in the team. 
Yet, seeing the emotions in Hyunjin’s eyes, Minho felt himself beginning to believe it just a bit. 
“I’m sorry I exploded,” he murmured. 
Hyunjin gave him a gentle side hug. “Although it was shitty, I know you’re just stressed. The Lee Minho I know wouldn’t do this.”
Minho took a second to appreciate the lovely boy beside him. The boy that is more mature than his hyung. 
“I’m an awful friend, aren’t I?” Minho asked. 
Hyunjin chuckled softly. “Just a little bit,” he said, before pulling Minho’s head towards his chest. 
Minho sighed as he lolled himself towards Hyunjin. For once, it was nice to not have to be the hyung. It was kind of nice to not have to show his strong side. 
“I let my pride get the best of me,” Minho whispered. 
“I could tell that,” Hyunjin was rubbing soothing patterns on Minho’s hip, “just don’t let it happen again, okay?” 
Minho nodded against his shirt. 
“Hyunjin?” he asked, “Do you think... that you could take me to get my ankle looked at?” 
Hyunjin pressed his face against Minho’s head. Minho looked up into the mirror in front of them to see himself, red-eyed and puffy faced, curled up against Hyunjin, who had a lovely smile on his face. 
Again, it wasn’t an amused smile, but instead, it was a smile of fondness. A smile that one friend would give to another after they’ve settled a rather childish argument. 
“I was planning on taking you anyways.” 
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iggy-of-fans · 5 years
Of Being a Ladybug part 2
So, Paris is about 6 hours ahead of Metropolis . So if Marinette sent the message at say… 8 pm, and Jagged got it at 9 because he was at dinner, then getting lawyers straightened out and all that ...say Marinette starts school at 10 am, then it would be approximately 4am in Metropolis. It would be a 7 hour flight, meaning she'd leave at noon on Monday, and arrive at 2am on Tuesday. 
The cons of being a reporter. 
Lois was as excited as she was exhausted. Paris! She'd always wanted to go to Paris. As her taxi drove her past the Louvre and she could see the Eiffel tower in the distance, she couldn't help but remember the call she received yesterday. 
"I know it's early, Lois, but I have a job for you in Paris" Bruce said from the other line. 
"I'm listening." 
"The satellites from the Tower have been picking up irregularities. Burning buildings, the Eiffel Tower toppled or completely missing, then the next pass everything is normal. Hal even claims he saw a giant baby on cams once. I've gone over all the pictures of the last year, a couple of weeks ago there… I can't explain it. I'll send you the images and we'll try to find a believable cover story for going in the middle of the school year like this"
"I understand, thank you Bruce. I'll book the earliest flight I can." Burning buildings? The Eiffel tower toppled? Nothing had been said in the news. If something on a grand scale like that were happening, they would already know. 
"Thank you, Lois. I will of course pay for your accommodations while there," Bruce offered. A consolation for sending her around the globe for film effects. 
She barely got a "thank you" out, before he hung up. She flopped back onto the bed, Clark raising an eyebrow at her. Of course he'd heard both sides of the conversation, so he obviously had his own opinion to share. 
"Well? What do you think?" she asked him. If Clark gave it some weight, she might take it more seriously. 
"A video was sent by the Mayor of Paris about a year ago, asking for help because his city was being overrun by stone monsters and their only hope lay with a couple of kids. I watched it and it looked like some cheap special effects and deleted it like the other publicity stunts people pull. Diana was the one to notice the inconsistencies with the Eiffel tower, and she swears she saw a couple kids flying on rooftops. It's why Bruce started investigating. But he has no reason to be in Paris at all, since Wayne Enterprises doesn't have an hq there, and he wants to save that excuse for if there IS any trouble. Anyways, try to enjoy your little vacation while you're there" Clark smiled. 
"... Does Bruce know the mayor called for Justice League intervention?" Lois asked slowly. This… Was… Not… happening. 
"No? I mean, just some publicity stunts, Lois. We get 20 of them a day" Clark dismissed. Lois was beyond words so she got up and started packing, and turned on her civilian phone to call for a flight. Before she could get dialing she got a call incoming. 
"Penny? Is everything okay? WHAT? YES! Of course I do! That's huge! Yes, let me just call my boss…. Oh? Oh wow! Thank you! Yes, I'll see you tonight… Or I guess tomorrow for you…yes. I understand. Thank you" Lois couldn't believe her luck. She grabbed her JL phone and called Bruce. 
"Bruce! I've got a cover! I've been asked by an old college friend to interview her client and a few others on Parisian TV. Yes, totally legit, she just called me… Penny Rolling. Yes, yes Bruce! I will keep my eyes open. Did you know the Mayor tried to call for JL intervention a year ago? No? Clark told me there was a video but thought it was a publicity stunt. Maybe try to find it and give me a heads up… okay… Thank you Bruce. That'll be perfect! I'll get to the bottom of this… Okay, thank you."
Finally done with the update she rushed to call the airline. 
" NOON?!"
Before she could take in the breathtaking view any longer, the cab stopped. Lois paid the fare and stepped out and looked up. It was a beautiful hotel, owned by Mayor Bourgeois. The cabbie was loading her bags onto a trolley with a Bellhop waiting stoically by the doors. Just as Lois went to inquire about Penny, the door opened and out she came. 
"You cut your hair!" Lois exclaimed, giving her friend a hug and a LA Bise. 
"You, my beautiful ginger, are late! Had you arrived a few hours earlier you would have had quite the show!" Penny said with a smile. She'd always been jealous of Lois's hair. 
"It's Paris, Penny. How exciting could it possibly be?" Lois asked jokingly, wondering just what her visit here would truly reveal. 
I was going to end it here, but I believe I owe you all an action scene 😉 
Ladybug flew over buildings in the direction of the explosions. She really wished she'd had a chance to see the classroom before leaving to see if she would have to once again go up against Alya. Or Lila. 
Maybe if she was lucky it would be another unfortunate soul altogether. One she hopefully didn't know personally. Because it was starting to really take a toll on Ladybug, every time she came face to face with a friend or loved one. 
Before she was ready she was at the scene. And she was shocked. The Akuma of the day was a barely visible outline of a woman. She had a flowy garment on and only became visible when she touched a person. The person would immediately admit to bad deeds, anything from finishing the ice cream container to more horrible crimes. 
Ladybug watched as a couple hid behind a vehicle to escape the fate, only for the akuma to lift and throw the car, one handed, into another vehicle, creating another explosion. The akuma drifted ghost like towards the couple and became fully corporeal as she touched them, first the man ("I tapped your phone! I hated how much time you spent always going out!" he blurted out) then the woman ("I  can't stand being with you!" she screamed back). Ladybug swallowed. This was not good. A non corporeal being with the strength of ten men and the ability to… Spill secrets? Ladybug wasn't sure, but didn't want to get too close before she had the full story. She went to grab her yo-yo to call Chat, only for him to pop up, baton swinging. 
"What have we here? Another scary movie victim?" Chat asked, drawing all eyes to them. Ladybug wanted to scream. Or toss him off the building. Once! Just. ONCE! 
"I… am Guilty Conscience. That voice that should tell you not to do bad… It Is too quiet in most people's heads. So therefore I shall make you scream your misdeeds to the world. No longer shall there be hiding behind white lies for innocence" the ghost whispered, yet to Ladybug she may as well have screamed. 
"Che, you're out of your league! I have a picture perfect record!" Chat smirked, ever brash and fearless. Without a second thought, he jumped off the building towards the ghostly form. And just as Ladybug predicted, went right through her. She did not become solid upon contact with a human unless she so chose to. Great… 
"Chat! Fall back, we need a plan!" Ladybug called, stepping back from the roof and readying her yo-yo. 
"Just lucky charm her and we can go out for coffee!" Chat yelled back, swinging his baton uselessly through GC. Ladybug shook her head. She was almost 90% sure they'd need more backup. 
"Lucky Charm!" she cried, throwing her yo-yo high. Down fell a teapot. Back up it is, she sighed. 
"Chat! Fall back, I'm going for backup!" she called out again. 
"Awe, but M'lady, I thought I was the only one you needed in your life!" she was sure he thought he sounded charming. She cringed. 
"Not now Chat. I'll be back in a while, keep her from following me but keep your distance. No need to waste your energy for now." 
Had she looked down, or paid more attention to her surroundings, she may have seen Lila hiding in an alley not far from the akuma. She may have noticed her trying to follow her. She may even have taken another route to get where she was going. Later she would regret not being more vigilant. 
To be Continued...
Looks like me tag list is officially full. I'll try to send the rest in the comments!
@sidd-hit-my-butt-ham @kuroko26 @northernbluetongue @zelladane @chez-pezeater @luciferge @vixen-uchiha @bluerosette23 @mochinek0 @krunchy-tuna @treebrosha @geekydragonyt @vivilakitty @sassy-spocko @bluefiredemon-blog @mindfulmagics @thornangelic727 @sidefrienda @xxmadamjinxx @thepeacetea @pandocatxd @whomthefyck @lamestplaceintheworld @miraculous-ninja @mikantsume @unabashedbookworm @kandi-pie @2sunchild2 @redsparrow12 @shamefullove @cadencehood @thatonechickathottopic @yin-390 @tazanna-blythe @bb-basbusa @zazzlejazzle @fanfictionaddict13 @royalchaoticfangirl @god-is-dead-and-so-am-i @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @slytherinsheashire @imanerddealwith @tinybrie @angelisalise @graduatedmelon @trickstermiraculous @ayuchan07 @thatrandomfandomsgirl @sweatyruinsstudentbored @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay
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Devotional Hours Within the Bible
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by J.R. Miller
Awake, My Glory
"My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music. Awake, my glory! Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn!" - Psalm 57:7-8
The fifty-seventh Psalm is attributed to David. The time to which it is set down in the title is, "when he fled from Saul in the cave." The writer cries to God for refuge. His soul is among lions. His enemies have prepared a net for his steps. Then he cries as if to arouse himself to joy. "Awake, my glory! Awake, harp and lyre!" The verses of the Psalm which follow give us the music which flows forth from the awakened strings. "I will praise you, O Lord, among the people.. .. For your mercy is great unto the heavens."
Many of us need at times to make this same call upon ourselves to awake. The harps are hanging silent on the walls. The figure of instruments of music sleeping is very suggestive. They are capable of giving forth rich melodies - but not a note is heard from them. There are two thoughts suggested by this prayer. One is that life is meant to be glad, joyous. It is pictured as a harp. The other is, the splendor of life, "Awake, my glory!"
It is to a life of joy and song we are called to awake. Life is a harp. There is a legend of an instrument that hung on a castle wall. Its strings were broken. It was covered with dust. No one understood it, and no fingers could bring music from it. One day a strange visitor appeared at the castle. He saw this silent harp, took it into his hands, reverently brushed away the dust, tenderly reset the broken strings, and then played upon it, and the glad music filled all the castle. This is a parable of every life. Life is a harp, made to give out music - but broken and silent until Christ comes. Then the song awakes. We are called to awake to joy and joy-giving.
Christ's life was a perpetual song. He gave out only cheer. He even started to His cross singing a hymn. When He arose He started songs with His first words, "All hail!" "Peace be unto you." What music did you start yesterday, as you went about? What song is in your heart singing today? "Awake, harp and lyre!"
But there is something else. "Awake, my glory!" Glory is a great word. It has many synonyms and definitions. It means brightness, splendor, luster, honor, greatness, excellence. Every human life has glory in itself. Did you ever try to answer the question, "What is man?" It would take a whole library of books to describe the several parts of a life. Merely to tell of the mechanism of a human hand, to give a list of the marvelous things the hand has done, would fill a volume. Or the eye, with its wonderful structure; the ear, with its delicate functions; the brain, with its amazing processes; the heart, the lungs - each of the organs in a bodily organism is so wonderful, that a whole lifetime might be devoted to the study of anatomy alone - and the subject would not be exhausted!
Think, too, of the intellectual part, with all that the mind of man has achieved in literature, in invention, in science, in art. Think of the moral part, man's immortal nature, that in man which makes him like God, capable of holding communion with God, of belonging to the family of God. When we begin to think even most superficially of what man is, we see an almost infinite meaning in the word "glory" as defining life. "Awake, my glory!"
No one, even in the highest flights of his imagination, ever has begun to dream of the full content of his own life, what it is at present; then what it may become under the influence of divine grace and love. Even now, man redeemed is but "a little lower than God." Then, "it is not yet made manifest what we shall be." The full glory is hidden, unrevealed, as a marvelous rose is hidden in a little bud in springtime. All that we know about our future - is that we shall be like Christ. We are awed even by such a dim hint of what we shall be - when the work in us is completed.
The call to awake implies that the glory which is in us - is asleep. It is a call to all that is in us - of beauty, of power, of strength, of good, of love - to be quickened to reach its best. We are not aware of the grandeur of our own lives. We do not think of ourselves as infolding splendor, as having in us the beauty of immortal life. We travel over seas to look at scenes of grandeur, to wander through are galleries, to study the noble achievements of architecture; while we have in ourselves greater grandeur, rarer beauty, sublimer art - than any land under heaven has to show us. Let us pray to be made conscious of our own glory. "Awake, my glory!"
We are to call out these splendors. The harp is standing silent - when it might be pouring out entrancing music. The hand is folded and idle - when it might be doing beautiful things: painting a picture, that would add to the sum of the world's beauty; doing a deed of kindness, that would give gladness to a gentle heart; visiting a sick or suffering one and winning the commendation, "You did it unto Me!" The power of sympathy is sleeping in your heart - when it might be awakened and be adding strength to human weakness on some of life's battlefields, making struggling ones braver, inspiring them to victory.
Suppose, now, that all the capacity for helping others, lying unawakened in each one's heart and hand, were brought out for just one week and made to do their best - what a vast ministry of kindness would be performed! Suppose that all of each one's capacity, for praising God were called out, that every silent harp and every sleeping psaltery should be waked up and should begin to pour out praise - what a chorus of song would break upon the air! One of the Psalms begins with the call, "Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name!" That is what this call, "Awake, my glory! Awake, harp and lyre!" means. If we truly wish our glory to be awakened, we must seek to have the best in us called out to its fullest capacity of service.
This story comes from Japan and tells how only the Bible can prove itself true. A man had obtained a Bible and became much interested in it. After reading it, he said, "This is a fine thing in theory - but I wonder how it would work in practice ." On the train on which he was traveling was a lady, who, he was told, was a Christian. He watched her attentively to see how she would act, how her conduct would illustrate the Book in which she believed. He said, "If I can see anything in her conduct like this Book, I will believe it." Before the day was over he had seen in her so many little acts of unselfishness and kindness, so many examples of patience and thoughtfulness, so much consideration for the comfort of her fellow passengers, that he was deeply impressed and resolved to make the Bible the guide and inspirer of his whole life. Thus it is that the glory of our life should be awakened.
In one of Paul's letters to Timothy he gave this young man an earnest charge. Timothy was not living at his best. Paul bade him to stir up the gift of God that was in him. Timothy had abilities - but he was not using them worthily. God had put into his life spiritual gifts, capacities for great usefulness - but Timothy was not exercising His gifts to the full. The glory in him needed to be waked up. "Stir up the gift of God that is in you," bade Paul. The picture in his words, is that of a fire smoldering, covered up, not burning brightly, not giving out its heat. Timothy was bidden to stir up the fire that it might burn into a hot flame. Many Christians need the same exhortation. They have the fire in their hearts - but it needs stirring up. "Awake, my glory!"
Do you think you have been doing your best? Can you think of a day in the past week, which you made altogether as beautiful as you could have made it? Could not the artist's picture have been a little more beautiful, a little broader and nobler in its technique, a little finer in its sentiment? Could not the singer have sung her song a little better, with a little more heart, a little more sweetly! Could not the boys and girls at school have done a little better work and have been a little gentler among their schoolmates? Could not the men have been a little better Christians out in the world; and the women better, kindlier neighbors? The best day any of us ever lived - might we not have made it a little holier, a little fuller of divine love, a little more sacred in its memories? Must not every one of us confess that the glory in us needs awakening?
No doubt the body is a clog to the mind and the soul. Many of us have burning desires for holiness in our hearts - but somehow we have not the power to express the desires. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote to a friend, "You cannot sleep; well, I cannot keep awake." In the lethargic condition of his body, his magnificent intellectual powers were held as in a stupor. No doubt many men with great spiritual fervor are unable to express their earnestness of soul, because they are hampered by an unwholesome somnolence. We need to call upon our souls - to wake up! We need to call upon God - to wake us up.
"Awake, my glory!" The word gives dignity, splendor, honor, greatness, divineness to our life. It calls us to make our lives worthy of the name. The lowliest human life - is glorious in its character, in its possibility, in its destiny.
Recently a Sevres vase, some sixteen inches high, was put up at auction. It was dated 1763. No history of it was given. No one knew where it came from, who made it, or who its owners had been. But the vase was so exquisite in its beauty and so surely genuine, that it brought at auction twenty-one thousand dollars. Yet this rare and costly vase, was once only a mere lump of common clay and a few moist colors. The value was in the toil and skill of the artist who shaped and colored it with such delicate patience and such untiring effort. He did his best, and the vase today witnesses to his faithfulness.
If we would only always do our best in all our work, we would live worthily of the glory that is in us.
The Parthenon at Athens was encircled within by a sculptured frieze, five hundred and twenty feet in length. It was chiefly the work of Phidias. The figures on the frieze were life-size, and stood fifty feet above the floor of the temple. For nearly two thousand years the work remained undisturbed and nearly in its original state. By the explosion of a bomb-shell, the frieze was shattered about the close of the seventeenth century and fell upon the pavement. Then it was found that in every smallest detail the work was perfect. Phidias wrought, as he said, for the eyes of the gods - for no human eyes saw his work at its great height. It is in this spirit, that we should do all our work - not for men's eyes - but for God's. We should do perfect work, for no other work is worthy of the doer. "Awake, my glory!" Do your smallest task as beautifully as if you were doing a piece of heavenly ministry, and were working for the very eye of the Master Himself!
Let us set higher ideals for ourselves. We are not merely dust - we are immortal spirits. We are children of God - and this dignifies the smallest, lowliest things we do. Sweeping a room for Christ - is glorious work. Cobbling shoes may be made as radiant service in heaven's sight - as angel ministry before God's throne. The glory is in us - and we must live worthily of it. Let us call out our best skill, our rarest power, for everything we do. Our days should be ascending days in the scale, each one made more beautiful than the last. We never get to the best opportunity - tomorrow will bring us into a more heavenly atmosphere, than today's.
This is the call to us in all life. There is no end to life. There is always something beyond. Life is immortal. When our glory awakens and presses on, it will always find something beyond. Only heaven is the end.
"Awake, my glory!" Shall we not make this demand upon ourselves! We are asleep - and cannot wake up. Yet we must wake up - or we shall perish spiritually. The parable speaks of those whom their Lord had set to watch - but whom He warned against sleeping. "Lest when he comes and finds them sleeping ." We need to pray for nothing more earnestly, than for power to keep awake.
We must get awake first ourselves. "Awake, my glory!" Then it is a great thing to be an awakener of others. Some men have this power in large measure. Everyone who comes near them is quickened, becomes more widely awake, is inspired to live better. Christ awakened the glory of His disciples. They were plain men, without the education of the schools, without the art of eloquence; but they lived with their Master, and He taught them, put Himself into their lives, then sent them forth. Every particle of the glory in them - was awakened, and they went out and woke up the world. That is what God wants us to do. Get awakened yourself, and then wake up your friends.
Shall we be content to stay asleep any longer? Must our harps still hang silent on the wall, giving out no music? Must the glory in us continue to sleep? Shall we not rather call upon ourselves to awake and then call upon God to awake us? Then our lives shall open into beauty and into power. Then shall we be the people God wants us to be!
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~Ocean Eyes~ (Benny Weir x Reader) Part 8
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Series Masterlist  //  Official Masterlist
Summary: Time’s running out, and Benny and the gang are stuck in a room of dead and alive animals in the home of the wicked witch Victoria Price. They need to get out and with that antidote, but how will they be able to achieve that goal?
Warning/s: lil bit of angst, fluff at the end
The smell was starting to get on his nerves. The smell of animals using the bathroom and rotting. Benny couldn’t take much more in here, in a room filled with not only animals, but also his paralysed friends. He yanked at the chains violently, not caring how much it began to wear his shoulders and bruise his wrists and only caring about saving you. 
God, you were his only thought at the time. The fact that if he didn’t get out of there soon then you’d die began killing him on the inside. He wanted to think of a plan but at the same time he was so caught up in worrying about you, thinking about you. And, if even you fell into the woman’s trap, then there was a very low chance of him getting out.  He didn’t want to lose hope, he cared too much about you, he promised to protect you. But he was stuck, and all he managed to do was start to cry. 
When Benny started sobbing, he thought of the times that you started sobbing. You were so beautiful when you cried. The way your tears glowed and sparkled blue, and your face became red, and your lashes seemed to shine...he’d never get to see you again. That was when it really hit him. He was never going to see you again, all because he made a wrong move. If he knew this was how it was going to end, he wouldn’t have ever involved his friends. He only felt worse when he looked across their paralysed bodies, seeing an occasional twitch from each of them. 
That was when he spotted something he couldn’t believe. It was a small feather from one of the birds that’d long died, and it was just in reach from him across the floor. Why was this feather so important? Evelyn had told Benny that specific species of bird had poison in each one of it’s feathers, poison that can render a witch magic-less for an hour and could even make her unconscious for that time too. And another convenient thing? A witch would never own one of these birds unless she didn’t know of it’s powers, but because she thought it was beautiful. They weren’t sold to witches by witches, but rather caught from the wild and kept as pets. It was unfortunate that Price seemed to lose interest though, otherwise the bird would still be alive. That wasn’t Benny’s problem as of now though, his only thought was getting the feather, attracting Price, and somehow jabbing her with it.  He tried desperately to think of a spell from his book that could break the chains, but then he figured that that was too risky and could’ve ended in him breaking his arms instead. Then he remembered an enlargement spell, at least if he accidentally enlarged his arms, they’d break the chains and it’d wear off in time.
So, Benny moved one of his legs from a kneeling position to an outstretched one, and he caught the feather under his shoe, dragging it back so that he’d be able to grab it once the chains were off. Then he looked back slightly, and held the cuffs as best he could since they were round his wrists.
“..Fac quod teneat confractus....” He whispered, seeing a small glow of magic surround the chains that he was holding.
But instead of enlarging, the cuffs shook before they broke, creating a small echo in the room. He must’ve said the spell wrong, but how lucky was he that it turned out to be the right spell all along? Benny heard footsteps and almost panicked. But he managed to calm himself and quickly grab the feather before hiding his arms behind his back again, making it look as though he was still chained up.  That was when the door burst open, and surprise surprise, it was Victoria Price.
“Stop pulling your chains!! It’s annoying!!” She screamed, stomping up to the boy and grabbing him by the collar of his shirt roughly, “I’ll have you turned into the soup humans came from if you’re not careful.” This was it, this was perfect. Without thinking, Benny’s hand quickly swung around from behind his back and went in to stab Price in the neck. Unfortunately, she anticipated his move, and caught his wrist. He had screwed up again.
“I’m impressed that you were able to break those chains. But then again, I wouldn’t expect any less from a grade A spellcaster-”
Price’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she fell into Benny. And behind her was...Rory holding a dog bowl? But how? He became even more bewildered when he saw Erica and Sarah helping Ethan up, who was still mostly paralysed. That was when he came to a realisation. Price must’ve used a paralysis hex that was designed for humans, which meant that it would only last half the time it was supposed to on his vampire friends. Benny quickly stabbed Price in the neck with the feather for safe measure before he pushed her off of him and stood up and immediately hugged Rory.
“God, thank you Rory.” He said to the slightly surprised blonde.  But Rory only smiled as he returned the sweet hug. “I’m just glad she didn’t end up turning you into soup.”
It was a sweet moment, especially since they’d been at each other’s throats ever since (Y/n) showed up. The two boys leaned back slightly, still holding each other’s arms and smiling at each other.
“Let’s save the princess, my friend.” Rory said, Benny smiling deeper as he nodded.
The two rushed to the unconscious body of Price and searched her pockets for the antidote. There was no sign of it, it wasn’t in any of her pockets. Then Benny realized something, and he cringed.
“Alright Rory, I’m about to do something really gross.” Benny mumbled, Rory’s face twisting into confusion and concern. “Wait, what do you mean?” He asked. Benny ignored him, and his fingers drew Price’s mouth open. “Da mihi intra praecordia,” He mumbled before slowly reaching into her mouth and down her throat. “Aw, Dude! What the heck!” Rory squealed in disgust as he cringed. The two girls who were on the other side of the room cringed too, and Ethan would’ve if he wasn’t still paralysed.  Benny hated the feeling, but the look on his face changed from disgust to relief when he was able to grasp the bottle and pull it out. And once he did, he looked at Rory, who looked beyond mortified.
“It’s an ability witches have, to store things in a compartment inside of them separate to their stomach,” He stood up and wiped his arm, “gross, but efficient.”
“Now c’mon, we really gotta get outta here. (Y/n) needs us.”
The five supernatural teens burst into the Weir house. Well, technically four since Ethan was being carried by Sarah, but that’s not the point. The point is that they had little time to save you, and they needed to be fast. 
When they all barreled into the living room, they saw you lying on the couch with Evelyn at your side. But the scene wasn’t normal. The room was noticeable much colder, so cold that when one of the teens breathed, you could see it. And then there was you. Your skin was almost completely covered in ice, and you were visibly shivering. Beside you, Evelyn was covered in a good layer of coats due to the cold you were bringing with your sickness, and in her hands was multiple bottles of potions she had been giving you to slow down and control the process. But obviously it wasn’t working, and she looked relieved when she saw the teens.
“Did you get the antidote?” The old woman asked frantically.
But Benny said nothing as he pulled the bottle out of his pocket and tore the cork off with his teeth, starting to approach you. He took the liquid into his mouth and leaned over you, tilting your head up by your chin even though it hurt him.
He pushed through the pain, and without another thought, pressed his lips to yours and allowed the antidote to fall into your mouth. It took him a small while to make sure you actually swallowed it, and some of the liquid even leaked out from the corner of your mouth. But once you did, Benny pulled away so he could look at you.  You began coughing as the ice on your skin melted and your skin began returning to it’s original color. It took you maybe half a minute to calm your breathing and to open your eyes. And when you did, you saw Benny leaning over you, looking right back. He looked different to when you last saw him. His skin was pale, and there were dark bags under his eyes indicating lack of sleep. His hand was rested against your cheek, and it felt so warm and loving. You instinctively wrapped your fingers around the hand that was holding your face.
“...Benny?” You almost asked in a soft groggy voice. And when you did, small tears began pooling up in his eyes as he smiled sweetly. “Welcome back, my dear.” He whispered. All you could think of doing was wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into you for a sweet hug, and that’s what you did. He was slightly surprised at first, but soon fell against you tiredly and hugged you back. When the two of you hugged, the rest of the group all collapsed onto the floor in relief, finally being able to rest themselves from that awful mission.
It was all over, you were safe...for now.
“Now, you’re sure you don’t need anything else?”
This was at least the sixth time the boy had asked if you wanted anything before you went to sleep, and it wasn’t annoying, it was just he really didn’t need to worry so much now that you were feeling much better than you were before.
“I’m fine Benny, really. You don’t need to worry so much.” You reassured him from under your bed sheets, the boy sighing as he lifted the blanket and tucked you in properly.  “I’m sorry, I’m just still feeling a little uneasy from everything. I wanna make sure you’re really okay.” He confessed. “I am really okay, I promise.” You said as you sat up in your bed and grabbed his wrists so that he could sit down, “as for you, you don’t look so great. And these bruises, they’re no good.” You took your thumb into your mouth and bit down until you drew blood, and the smell of your blood filled the air. Benny was, however, used to it’s intense smell now, and didn’t end up breaking into a coughing fit. Carefully, you spread your blood over the bruises on his wrists from the handcuffs, and as it sunk into his skin, the bruises soon disappeared. Once you’d finished, you sucked on your thumb until the wound sealed back over and there was no trace of it ever being there. 
“Now,” You gently placed a hand on Benny’s shoulder, “Go get some sleep, you could use it.” The brunette smiled at you, before standing up and beginning to head out.  That was when you remembered something that Ethan had told you, and grinned like the devil.
“Oh, Benny. Aren’t you forgetting something?”
He turned around when you asked, staring at you like a moron as he tried to think of what he was forgetting. When he couldn’t figure it out, you pointed to your forehead, and his face flushed red.
He was gonna kill Ethan.
A/N: God, I am so sorry that I wasn’t able to get this out sooner! I had a lot of real life issues, including the fact that a boy I really liked lead me on hecking bad and i was really sad for a long time. But now that I’m in self isolation I’ve got all the time in the world to write and forget about that dumb boy. Stay tuned everyone!
I’d also appreciate it if you went and looked at my characters list and made requests based on the characters provided. I need something to take my mind off of the dude that broke my heart, so it’d really mean a lot to me :)
@bisexualprinxexx​ @realityshifter111​ @fandom-imagines1​ @floppytheprofessionalflopper​ @libellule2001​ @hayleythahuman @aziggya
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aam-loves · 4 years
So I guess that’s my submission for Riverdale Reindeer Games.
I really couldn’t decide what theme it suits, so I picked theme 8: blitzen.
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There is a belief about New Year
“Happy New Year ladies and gentlemen! And don’t forget to kiss your loved one when the clock strokes midnight!” the cheerful voice declared from the TV.
“That’s bullshit” Betty mumbled and switched to another channel.
Bullshit was a perfect word to describe her holiday season this year.
She spent Christmas with her friends, but that was a little uncomfortable as Veronica and Archie retreated to their room and she and Jughead didn’t feel comfortable doing something with their friends in such close proximity.
It was New Year’s Eve now and Betty was alone at her tiny studio apartment. She sat in her festive pajamas and ate delicious dinner that she cooked for herself. A bottle of champagne sat chilling, waiting to be opened while Betty watched various tv shows.
Veronica and Archie left to celebrate New Year with Lodge family, they offered her to come with, but Betty didn’t feel comfortable to intrude on a family gathering.
Her mother was with Polly at the farm and Betty suspected that Alice was going there not only to visit her daughter and grandchildren, but to flirt with farm’s leader.
And Jughead went to Riverdale to celebrate with his father and the Serpents. But even if he was in the city, he probably wouldn’t want to meet New Year with her alone. That’s what couples do and they are not a couple.
What even was that thing they were doing? Some kind of friends with benefits situation.
Everything started during their summer break after the freshman year of college. They were attending Cheryl’s pool party when Betty overheard some girls referring to Jughead as “hot”. Betty almost scoffed and rolled her eyes. Like what? Jughead Jones hot? The broody, sarcastic Jughead, that always went into enormous monologues when they were discussing movies, wore his beanie all year round and ate like a pig? Nah, that was probably not about him, but nobody else could have the same name.
Betty then searched him with her eyes in the crowd. He stood on the opposite side of the pool, talking to Sweet Pea. And damn... he changed. Had they met during the last year so rarely that she hadn’t noticed? He obviously filled out, the muscles of his arms and chest became more prominent, his stomach was toned too and the v of his hipbones dipped deliciously into his swim trunks. He’s got more tattoos and damn, why he wasn’t wearing his usual white tank? But he would probably look sexy in it too. The water reflected in his eyes making them even bluer and he abandoned his beanie, leaving his luscious dark locks in the open.
Betty didn’t know if that was summer heat giving her sun stroke or the fact that she was so busy with college that she hadn’t had sexual encounters for the whole last year, but she suddenly found Jughead Jones incredibly hot while he was licking his long nimble fingers after eating chips.
As if feeling her gaze he turned his head and connected their eyes. Her thoughts were probably showing on her face and he raised his eyebrows and smirked. And damn, Betty almost swooned from that smirk on his full lips. She lowered her eyes to her lap and properly blushed.
Betty still blamed those girls and some liquid courage she consumed , when next morning she woke up sore in all the right places with a memory of her and Jughead fucking in the pool house. Well, he was hot and incredibly good at sex.
They didn’t talk about how and why that happened, but continued doing it from time to time, the frequency of their encounters increasing as of last time. And they started spending more time together, sometimes they watched movies, eating takeout food, or Jughead helped her with her assignments. But they were not dating, just two friends having casual sex.
It all could be pretty simple, if only not for the fact, that somewhere along the way Betty had caught feelings. She realized it just before Christmas, when they all very discussing their plans for New Year and Jughead announces that he was going to Riverdale. Betty understood that she had no right being upset that he didn’t want so stay with her and she hadn’t even asked him to. She then attributed the uncomfortable feelings in her heart to feeling lonely, but then her stomach started doing flip flops when he smiled at her softly while giving her the signed first edition of her favorite book for Christmas. She suddenly wanted to hug him, canoodle on the sofa watching Christmas movies, go on a date, hold hands and do all that disgusting sweet stuff the couples do.
Betty snapped out of her thoughts by a sudden knock on her door.
Two hours earlier
Jughead sat at the bar in the White Wyrm, surrounded by his friends and family on New Year’s Eve. The party had already started, but it just didn’t feel right.
Something was missing and he couldn’t quite place what that was.
His father was there, sober, FaceTiming Gladys and Jellybean as they went back to Toledo after Christmas. Things between his parents were looking good, maybe they could be one happy family again.
Jughead’s friends were there too. Sweet Pea and Fangs were laughing with other Serpents, Toni behind the bar. He just spoke with Archie and Veronica, and Betty... wait, Betty wasn’t with them. Where was Betty? Oh, Betty was at home. Was she with her mother? No, Betty complained to him about some farm bullshit. So, she was alone. Oh, shit, Betty was alone. Why wasn’t she with him? Oh, right, because she wasn’t attached to him, she wasn’t his girlfriend. But she couldn’t be enjoying staying alone, right? They could be together at this moment, cuddle on her couch and kiss on midnight. Oh, not again.... he was dreaming of dating Betty again, as if it was possible.
Jughead didn’t know how it happened, but he’d got to have sex whenever he wanted with the most amazing girl in the world. He always liked Betty, thought she was beautiful, but unapproachable, too clean and perfect for him. But that summer night at Cheryl’s he saw her sexy and seductive side, the side of Betty Cooper he explored and enjoyed for the last 6 months. And combined with her kind soul, sweet character and beautiful mind, she was perfect for him, even if she hated this word.
Jughead fell in love, but was to scared to tell Betty, as he thought she would put distance as not to take things further. Because Betty Cooper didn’t like hurting people’s feelings. So he enjoyed what he could have.
But, really, was she enjoying spending the holiday alone?
Just as he contemplated the thought of calling her the bar doors slammed announcing appearance of one and only Cheryl Blossom.
She glanced around the bar and strode right to him.
“What are doing here, hobo?” Cheryl glared at him.
“Um... sitting at the bar...?”
“Let me rephrase, what are you doing here while my dearest cousin Betty is sitting alone at her apartment in New York?” Cheryl crossed her arms.
“What that has to do with me?” Jughead wanted to be there actually, he just didn’t understood where Cheryl’s insinuations came from.
“Oh, the rest of the world may be blind, Jughead, but I couldn’t miss you two looking at each other with heart eyes after my pool party in June, after which I had to pay for cleaning the pool house, by the way.” Cheryl smirked.
Jughead gulped and blushed, Cheryl obviously figured everything out. He glanced at Toni and by her compassionate gaze he understood she knew too.
“I... I don’t think she wants me there” he said lowly.
“Why would she not? Did you have a fight?” he heard Toni’s concerned voice.
“It’s not like we-...” Jughead was interrupted by Cheryl’s voice.
“Oh my god! Don’t say me you two idiots actually thought you had some friends with benefits situation and not just been sneaky!”
“Actually... yeah” Jughead squeezed his eyes, it seemed like an awful idea right now.
“But, you do love her, right?” Toni asked softly.
“Right...” he sighed.
“What are you waiting for, then?” Cheryl seemed to calm down.
“What do you want me to do, Cheryl, it’s two hours till New Year.”
“And just one hour drive to the city” Toni countered.
“And if she-...” he tried to argue, but was interrupted again.
“She feels the same” Cheryl persuaded him.
“You can take my truck” Jughead heard his father’s voice behind his back.
They all were looking at him expectantly, so he decided that was worth the risk. Betty was worth the risk. He grabbed the keys from his father and rushed to the truck, thanking god he decided to be a designated driver and hadn’t drunk. An hour later he was knocking on Betty’s door.
Betty looked at her door confused. Who could it be just two hour before midnight on New Year? Everyone she knew was out of town. Maybe neighbors.... she raised from the couch and went to open the door.
When she opened it, she couldn’t believe her eyes. There, on the other side, was standing leaning on the doorframe Jughead Jones in all his glory, leather jacket, beanie and combat boots.
“What...” Betty didn’t manage to finish her question as Jughead grabbed her face and crashed her lips with his. He backed her further into the apartment and shut the door with his foot.
Betty snaked her arms around his neck, holding him to her, as if afraid that he will disappear like a fantasy.
When they broke apart for air, he leaned his forehead to hers.
“I want you so much” he breathed.
“Jug, we need to...” Betty tried to reason.
“Talk. I know. We will talk, I just need you right now. I need to feel you close to me. Skin to skin. Heart to heart. I need you to be mine.”
Jughead’s words made Betty dizzy. She understood he meant much more than sex, that he wanted more. So she let him do everything he wanted with her, especially when his every touch was turning her brain into mush.
It’s been all naked bodies, tangled limbs, heavy breaths, low moans and cries of pleasure for the next hour. He can’t explain what provoked such strong passion in him, but he needs to claim every inch of her body, make sure she is his and she seems to have nothing against it.
When she is on top she looks at him with such mix of want and genuine love that he can’t believe someone can actually feel that way about him. That’s all too good to be true and they both are afraid to be awaken from this heavenly dream.
Then they lay in her bed, minutes before midnight. She is in his arms and he can’t be happier, but there is no certainty yet. They have to talk. He has to tell her about his feelings. He makes a move to raise from bed and she curles into him closer.
“Where are you going?” Betty mumbles against his chest.
“I just thought to get the champagne” he waves his hand in the direction of coffee table where a bottle of champagne still sits in a bucket, ice melted. “It’s almost midnight. We can celebrate it in bed, with champagne. What do you think?”
His smile is so beautiful and a little bit shy, Betty can’trefuse him anything “Yeah, that would be great.”
Betty tugs a blanket over her chest and sits leaning on the headboard. She looks at Jughead, still naked, grabbing flutes from her kitchen cabinet, bottle of champagne from the bucket and switching tv on a channel she knows will translate the count down. In a minute he slides under the sheets with her, pops open the bottle and pours sparkling liquid into their glasses.
She takes a glass from his hands “You know, there is a belief that you will spend the year with the person that you meet it with”.
He hears the countdown has began “Then it’s gonna be the best year so far” he smiles.
Betty can’t help the words as they rush out.
“I love you”
“I love you too”
They are so happy. It’s everything they both ever dreamed of. Then it’s midnight and they are kissing. They are gonna spend the next year together. And the year after that. And many years after.
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Jungkook Scenario: You get in an accident and forget him (angst with a happy ending)
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Ow this one hurt and made me cry while I was writing it but, it has a happy ending so no worries everyone. 😭
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“Please leave your message for-” You had heard that damn robotic voice 10x in the past 3 hours. Jungkook was supposed to have been home from practice 4 hours ago. It was midnight and you were worried sick. You had tried calling the other members but all they told you was that they weren’t sure where he was. 
“He left practice on time y/n. He seemed really happy to come home to you I don’t know where he would have went.” Namjoon explained. 
“Did he seem upset at all today?” You questioned. Why wasn’t Namjoon more worried about him? Had he done this before? You were frantically pacing around your apartment, a sickening feeling in your gut that something terrible had happened to him.
“He was having trouble getting his vocals and dancing down for the new track. Jungkook takes his title as the golden maknae a little too seriously and when he messes up he really takes it to heart.. Maybe he just went for a walk to clear his head.”
“But it’s been 4 hours Namjoon. Where would he-” Suddenly you hear someone putting keys in the front door and your heart leaps. “I think Kook’s here now Namjoon. I have to go.” You were expecting your boyfriend to be covered head to toe in bruises or worse. Why else would he have been home so late? So imagine your surprise when he enters the apartment without a scratch on him.
“Jeon Jungkook where have you been?! I was worried sick about you!” He doesn’t say anything to you, he just brushes past you on his way to the bedroom.
“Jungkook where the hell are you going?”
“To bed.”
“Not before you tell me what the hell is going on.” 
“I just went for a walk, okay? Get off my ass about it. I’m fucking exhausted and I just want to go to sleep.” You’ve had enough. You grab his wrist and yank him back over to you. 
“And you couldn’t call me to let me know that?! I thought something horrible had happened to you. I thought you got in an accident or something I was beside myself worrying about you and you can’t even give me a simple phone call?” He roughly pulls his hand out of your grasp and continues on his way to the bedroom.
“Jungkook if you don’t tell me what the hell is going on then I’m leaving.” He snorts at you and when he turns around to look at you the light is completely gone from his eyes.
“Good. Go ahead, leave. Maybe I’ll get some peace and quiet then. You really just don’t know how to take a hint that I don’t want to talk to you can you?” His words cut deep, and they hurt. When that bedroom door slammed and locked behind you it broke something inside you. You had no idea why he was acting like this. Did he not love you anymore? Was he tired of you? Were you too clingy? You didn’t dwell on your thoughts too long. You grabbed your phone and threw it into your purse and stormed out the front door, a gut wrenching sob leaving your mouth before you slammed it shut behind you.
Jungkook heard your cries, and he almost ran out after you but he was just so tired. He had been working all day to try and get his vocals and choreography right but he kept messing up which was holding up his other members. They were starting to get mad at him. It wasn’t until almost 8 o clock that they decided to call it quits for the day.
“Go home Kook. Your head obviously isn’t in it. Just go clear your mind and come back with a fresh start tomorrow.” Jin had told him. So he did. He turned his phone off and went for a walk. He didn’t even realize how long he had been wandering until he was about ready to collapse on his feet. He made his way back to the apartment, dragging his feet the whole way. He knew you were going to be upset with him, but he wasn’t expecting to be bombarded with your anger when he walked through the door. It was the last thing he needed right now. The only thing he had wanted was to come home to your comforting and loving embrace but clearly, that was not going to happen tonight. His mind was too exhausted to think rationally and he had lashed out at you. His mind was screaming at him to stop being mean to you but his mouth wouldn’t listen. He just wanted to be left alone. He didn’t want you to see him in this state, didn’t want you to think you were dating a failure who can’t even get one song right for their comeback. When he collapsed on the bed and heard your sob ring out into the apartment he willed his body to get up and go after you, but he was too exhausted. He let it overtake him as he fell into a restless sleep without you by his side.
Next thing he knew he was being roughly shaken awake.
“What the fuck?!” He yells out, feeling completely startled.
“Wake up you moron! Y/n was in accident and she’s in the hospital! They’ve been trying to get a hold of you for hours but your phone was turned off so they called the company instead. Get your ass out of bed Jungkook now.”
Y/n was in an accident. She’s in the hospital. After that he heard nothing coming out of Namjoon’s mouth. He felt darkness start to cloud his vision and he felt like he was going to pass out. Namjoon put a hand on his shoulder to steady him.
“Hey, Jungkook come on pull yourself together.. Y/n needs you.” Y/n needs you. He snaps himself out of his daze and immediately runs out the door with Namjoon. 
“Kook! Slow down! Acting recklessly isn’t going to help anything!” Jungkook ran over to the car and threw the door open screaming at their driver to get to the hospital as fast as he could. Alarmed, the driver turned back and looked at him to take in Jungkook’s frantic appearance. His hair was a mess from where he had been gripping it so tightly trying to keep a hold on himself. His eyes and face were bright red and puffy from how much he had been sobbing. Just then Namjoon got into the car and pulled Jungkook into a hug. Namjoon made a motion for the driver to head for the hospital. The cries that were coming out of Jungkook absolutely broke Namjoon’s heart. 
“It hurts so much hyung. And it’s my fault. It’s all my fault. If I wouldn’t have been such an asshole she never would have left.” He’s starting to hyperventilate now and Namjoon is trying his best to comfort him.
“No, it’s not your fault you can’t blame yourself.” 
“It is my fault! I told her to leave! I was awful to her. Oh my god what if she dies? What if the last thing I said to her is that I wanted her gone? I didn’t mean in Namjoon.” He’s almost having a full blown anxiety attack now. Namjoon grabs Jungkook’s face forcing him to look at him.
“Jungkook! You need to calm down. Panicking isn’t going to help anything. You need to breathe, okay? Y/n is going to be fine. Remember she promised she would never leave you, okay?” That seems to calm him down as his breathing starts to slow. 
“You’re right Namjoon. She promised. Everything is going to be fine.” Just then the driver had pulled up to the hospital and Jungkook was out the door before the car even came to a complete stop. He burst through the door and began shouting your name, asking where you were. One of the nurses came out to try and settle him down.
“Y/n y/l/n. I need to know where she is please, I need to know if she is okay.” He didn’t think it was possible for him to cry anymore but here he was, absolutely hysterical thinking the worst had happened. One of the nurses gently placed a hand on his shoulder and moved him to sit down.
“What’s your name sir?”
“It’s Jeon Jungkook.”
“Okay, Jungkook. She’s in surgery right now so I can’t let you go see her just yet. But I promise as soon as she is out I will go get the doctor to talk to you and bring you back to see her.” His sobs have now quieted down and he’s trying to catch his breath.
“B-but she’s a-alive right?” 
“Yes, she’s alive.” He breaths out a sigh of relief and finally relaxes back into the chair. 
“Thank you.”
You were so worked up after what happened and you knew you shouldn’t be driving but you didn’t care. The only thought on your mind was getting as far away from Jungkook and your apartment as possible. You had thought the worst. Did he cheat on you? Is that why he was so defensive and angry? Why else would he have just cast you aside so easily like you meant nothing to him? It hurt you so badly. After almost a year of being together the fact that he could just disregard you feelings so easily broke something inside you. Tears were steaming down your face, blurring your vision as you made the drive to your friend’s house. You knew that she would let you stay with her, no matter what time of night you showed up. No matter how hard you tried the tears just wouldn’t stop coming. You were furiously wiping at your face trying to will yourself to stop crying but you just couldn’t. You reached for your phone to call her and let her know that you were coming over. While you were grabbing your phone you didn’t see the truck barreling through the stop light. You heard the horn, immediately looking to your left and seeing nothing but bright lights and hearing a sickening crunch before your world went black.
“Mr. Jeon?” His head snaps up and he’s immediately awake after hearing the doctor call his name. He rushes stands up and runs towards the doctor along with Namjoon.
“Are you family?” 
“No, sir I’m not. But her family lives out of the country. We’re the only family she has here. I’m her boyfriend please let me back to see her.” 
“You can see her but I just want you to be prepared. The truck hit her side of the vehicle and she has a head injury. She had a few broken ribs and some internal bleeding which was why she needed the surgery. Y/n is currently sedated while she is on the ventilator.” Jungkook’s head has that weird swimming feeling again. You’re basically in a coma? Are you going to wake up once they take you off the ventilator? His vision starts to get cloudy when the doctor and Namjoon firmly grab him to keep from toppling over.
“She is going to wake up though, isn’t she?” Namjoon asks. The doctor asks the nurse to grab Jungkook a wheel chair so he can sit. 
“I don’t want to lie to you. I can’t say for sure. But, I’d say she has a pretty good reason to wake up knowing she has at least two people that care about her so much. She’s in the ICU, room 2206. Follow me and I’ll take you back to see her.”
Namjoon pushes the chair with Jungkook back to the room. When he enters the room he just blanks. He can’t physically cry anymore but god does he want to. The sight of you hooked up to all those machines, all those wires. He feels his heart breaking every time that machine has to take a breath for you. 
“Y/n will only need to be hooked up to the ventilator for tonight. We can take it off tomorrow and then wean her off the sedation. She should wake up after that. But I must tell you with a head injury like this we don’t really know what state she will be in when she wakes up.” 
“What do you mean?” Jungkook asks. 
“She could have personality changes, she could have amnesia.” 
“Amnesia? As in she won’t remember who I am? Who any of us are?” 
“I can’t really say for sure Mr. Jeon. She can hear you though, talk to her. Make her feel comforted by your presence and I have no doubt she will wake up and come back to you. I must go attend to some other patients now but if you need anything just let me know. I’ll leave you two with her.”
Jungkook stands up on wobbly legs and sits in the chair next to your bed. He reaches out and takes your hand and presses his lips to each one of your knuckles.
“Baby, it’s Jungkookie. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean anything I said. I love you so much. Please.. wake up tomorrow. I need you y/n I can’t lose you please don’t leave me.” 
“Hey, Kook? I’m going to go call the others and let them know what’s going on. Are you going to be okay?” Jungkook looks at Namjoon, any emotion completely devoid from his eyes. 
“As okay as I can be with my girlfriend basically being in a coma because of me.” Namjoon sighs and walks out of the room. 
Namjoon went home that night, practically begging Jungkook to come with him so he could rest but he refused. He stayed by your side the whole night, watching your heart monitor and listening to the steady beeping. The next day they take you off the ventilator. Namjoon came back first thing in the morning to stay with Jungkook and make sure he was doing okay. You’re breathing just fine on your own but they are keeping a close watch on your vitals. Your steady breaths are the only thing comforting Jungkook and keeping him from losing his mind right now. 
“Why isn’t she waking up?” 
“It might take some time Jungkook. Give her a few hours for the sedation to wear off.” Jungkook tries his best to stay awake, he really does. But exhaustion is slowly taking over and every time he starts to fall asleep he panics. Namjoon can see how tired he is and feels terrible.
“Jungkook? Why don’t you go to the cafe and get something to eat and drink. I promise I’ll call you when y/n wakes up.” 
“I can’t leave her Namjoon.” Namjoon puts on his stern leader voice and Jungkook knows that this isn’t a request.
“It’s not going to do us any good to have two members of our family in the hospital Jungkook. Go get something to eat.” He sighs but pushes himself out of the chair and makes his way to the cafe. He can’t stomach the idea of eating anything right now but he can at least get a coffee to make sure he’s awake for the moment you get up.
What’s that beeping sound? You wonder. You slowly blink your eyes open and take in your surroundings. You’re in a hospital? Why? What happened? You look over and see Namjoon resting on the couch across from your bed.
“Joon?” He jumps at the sound of your voice. 
“Y/n! You’re awake! Oh thank God we’ve all been worried sick about you.” He runs over to the bed and places a kiss to your forehead. “How are you feeling?”
“What happened?”
“You were in a car accident. Some idiot went through a red light and hit your car. Jungkook has been worried sick about you I have to call him and let him know you’re awake.” 
“Who’s Jungkook?” Namjoon swears his heart dropped into his stomach. He studies your face hoping that you are just joking, but when he sees the genuine confusion on your eyes he knows. 
“Um. Jungkook is your boyfriend. You two have been together for almost a year now.” 
“I don’t know a Jungkook this isn’t funny Namjoon.” 
“I’m not joking y/n, look.” Namjoon pulls out your phone and you see your lock screen. You’re kissing this man, but your mind doesn’t remember the feeling of his lips, doesn’t remember his face. Your heart rate starts to increase causing the monitor to alert your nurse to come in and check on you.
“Oh! Thank goodness you’re awake! The doctor is going to want to check in and run some tests to make sure you’re okay. That young man Jungkook is going to be so happy too. How are you feeling?” 
“Confused.. scared. I don’t know. I don’t remember Jungkook.” You start crying because you’re so frustrated with yourself that you can’t remember him.
“Oh.. sweetheart that’s okay. It might take some time but your memories will come back. I can tell how strong of a love you two have and that bond will never be broken.” 
“Can I see him? I mean.. Maybe when I see him I’ll remember.” 
“Let me go get him.” Namjoon offers. The doctor comes in to do some tests while Namjoon goes to find Jungkook. He finds him slumped over in the dining room chair, sleeping soundly. He gently shakes him awake and Jungkook jumps.
“Did she wake up? Is she okay?”
“Yes Jungkook, but-” He shoots out of the chair to go back to you but Namjoon places a firm grip on his shoulder and pushes him back into the seat.
“Jungkook there’s something you need to know. I don’t even know how to tell you this. She doesn’t remember you..” Jungkook blinks a few times before he bursts into laughter.
“Right. Funny joke Namjoon.” His expression turns serious.
“I’m not joking Jungkook. She doesn’t remember who you are. I’m so sorry.” He goes to place his hand on his shoulder but Jungkook smacks it away.
“What the fuck do you mean she doesn’t remember me? We’ve been together for almost a year there is no way y/n would just forget who I am!” 
“Kook I’m sorry. The doctor did warn us about this..” At that he gets up and takes off running back towards your room. When he throws the door open and you look at him, with no recognition on your face he knows Namjoon was telling the truth. He walks over to the bed and tries to hold your hand but you pull it away, staring at him like you’re afraid of him. He’s trying to hold himself together, but the fact that you don’t remember him? That hurts him so much worse than if you were still in a coma. 
“Baby, you really don’t remember who I am?” Your heart is calling out to him, but your mind just can’t remember. Seeing him crying hurts you so badly and you can’t help but cry with him.
“I’m so sorry... but I don’t. I don’t remember anything. I mean, I looked through my phone and I see all the pictures of us together. But it means nothing to me.”
It means nothing to me. The last piece of Jungkook’s sanity has broken. And he’s sobbing hysterically with his face buried into your bed. You feel so badly for this man. You know how badly you’ve hurt him but no matter how hard you try you just can’t remember. You reach your hand out and card it through is hair to try and comfort him, but that just seems to make it worse as he’s crying even harder now.
“I’m.. so sorry Jungkook I wish I could remember I really do. It seems like we were really happy together... Maybe... maybe if you bring me something? Something that meant a lot to the two of us. It’ll help me remember?” That very thought seems to comfort him as he lifts his head up to study your face. 
“I can do that. I’m going to go back to our apartment and grab a few things. I promise I’ll be right back. If you don’t remember... I’m not giving up. I’ll do everything to try and have you fall in love with me all over again. Just.. don’t give up on us please. I love you. I love you so much and I can’t handle you just being gone from my life please..” You don’t have to promise him anything. But with the way he’s staring up at you with those big doe eyes you can’t say no.
“..Okay, Jungkook. We’ll give it a shot.” He smiles at you through his tears and kisses your palm. 
“Thank you, y/n.” 
Jungkook calls their driver and quickly runs around the apartment looking for objects to help you remember. He grabs some photos of the two of you, the very first love letter he had written you, all of these things he hopes will help but he doesn’t know if they are good enough. He’s practically tearing the bedroom apart searching for that one object that will help you remember. He turns around and sees the plushie sitting on your bed. The very first present Jungkook had ever got for you. He smiles to himself as he knows, if nothing else works, this has to.
Back in the hospital Namjoon has been talking to you while Jungkook is gone.
“I feel awful Namjoon. I can tell that he really loves me.. But I feel nothing when I look at him.” You start crying and Namjoon sits at the foot of your bed placing a comforting hand on your knee.
“It’s okay y/n. You loved Jungkook so much. You used to tell me he was your moonlight, because he came to you during the darkest time in your life and lit it up so brightly. I know you don’t realize it but, you loved him just as much as he loves you. And he’s not going to give up on you. So don’t give up on yourself, okay?” You nod your head and at that moment Jungkook comes back, looking more hopeful than when he had left you. 
“I have a few things I’d like to try first.” He hands you the photos of the two of you. He tells you that they were taken on your various dates you had went on together. You stare at the photos trying so hard to remember to the point where it gives you a headache. 
“Anything?” You shake your head with an apologetic look on your face.
“It’s okay y/n. There’s still two more things we can try.” Next he hands you the love letter. All of the emotions and feelings he poured into this note and you feel nothing at all. It is starting to make you feel like such a shitty person for hurting the man who obviously was so head over heels in love with you. You shake your head again and the tears are flowing more freely now. He moves his hand to wipe away your tears and you flinch away from him.
“I-I’m sorry y/n. It’s a habit..” 
“It’s okay Jungkook. What’s the last thing you have there? You’ve been hiding it behind your back this whole time.” He pulls out the plushie and an intense feeling hits you in the gut. Your head starts to ache even worse. You bring your hands up to either side of your head and groan in pain as the memory comes back to you. 
“Come on y/n we’re at the fair! You have to let me win you something.” Jungkook had asked you to go to the fair with him for your first date. It was literally the perfect and ideal first date and you had told him so yourself. He had smiled proudly to himself at your praise. He had been whining all night begging you to let him try and win you something.
“Jungkook those games are rigged and it’s a waste of money!” 
“It’s not if it makes you happy.” You smile at him fondly and reach out to grab his hand.
“Come on, just one game.” You sigh and reluctantly agree. He runs over to the booth where you throw the darts at the balloons. 
“Pop five balloons and you can pick any prize you want kid.” He huffs and puffs out his chest a little bit at the worker calling him a kid and it makes you giggle. With a newfound determination he manages to pop 5 of them. 
“Which prize do you want baby?” You blush at the pet name and glance around the booth until you see the perfect one.
“I want the bunny. Because it reminds me of you and your sweet bunny smile.” You walk away from the booth tightly hugging the plushie in your arms. 
“What are you going to name him?” 
“Kookie? Oh my gosh I remember. You won me him on our first date.” Suddenly even more memories start flooding back to you. You look up at Jungkook and he’s staring at you with so much hope in his eyes. Now when he looks at you, you feel the intense butterflies. You feel the warmth in your chest that comes along with deeply loving someone.
“Jungkookie come here. Please.” You make grabby hands at him and he practically dives into the bed with you, burying his face in your chest and sobbing openly. When the nurse heard you crying they all rushed in, thinking something was wrong. But seeing the sight of Jungkook in your arms gives them a hint to what happened. Your nurse smiles at you. 
“I told you y/n. You guys have such a strong bond that would never be broken. I never believed that soulmates were a real thing, but. Looking at you two I think maybe there may be some truth to it.” You’re pressing kisses to the top of his head. She smiles fondly at the two of you and walks out of the room.
“I love you Jungkook. I love you so much. I remember everything. I can’t believe I forgot you I’m so sorry.” He lifts his head up and smiles at you so warmly it makes your heart ache.
“It’s okay y/n. You don’t need to apologize for anything. I should be the one saying I’m sorry. If I wouldn’t have been so mean to you, you never would have left.” It’s at that moment that you remember all of the questions and worries you had bout him that night. 
“... Jungkook. What happened that night?” He takes a deep breath and tells you everything. About how he kept messing up at practice, how he didn’t want you to think he was a failure and be disappointed in him, how he was just so exhausted and how sorry he was for snapping at you like that.
“So. you mean you weren’t with another girl? You aren’t sick of me?” He looks up at you as fresh tears are falling down your face.
“What? Baby, no of course not. I would never cheat on you and I would never get sick of you. I love you and only you.” His words bring you comfort and all of your insecurities are instantly gone from your mind. How could you think even for a second that this sweet man would ever hurt you in such a way?
“I’m sorry Jungkook. I just.. I don’t know I just thought the worst.” 
“I shouldn’t have even put you in a position where I made you feel that way in the first place y/n. When you come home.. we’ll work on things okay? I won’t just leave you in the dark and make you worry about me. I almost lost you and that hurt so much y/n. I’m going to spend every damn day for forever making sure you know how much I love you, how much I need you, how much I can’t live without you by my side.” You smile warmly at him and tug him back into your arms. 
“Forever is a long time Kook.”
“But there’s no one else I would rather spend my forever with than you y/n.”
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nostalgiabones · 5 years
hi pumpkin, can you 9 and 14 from the dad!sos prompt list with like any kiddo from the family of 8 pls? i wanna cry lmao thank you lauren❤️❤️
09. “I think it’s broken.”
14. A child getting injured whilst under one parent’s supervision and then needing reassurance that they aren’t a bad parent.
Luke was confident in his parenting skills. After 13 years of being a parent to six different children, he felt like there was nothing that would faze him or surprise him, as he’d literally experienced everything that he thought he could as a parent.
But one thing that never got easier as a parent, was seeing any of his children in pain. Especially if it was something that he couldn’t easily fix, and all he could do was reassure them that he was there. And this was made even worst when he was taking care of the kids alone, as he didn’t have you to help him when he was freaking out about them being in pain.
The day was going smoothly so far; he had been alone with all six children for at least three hours, and nothing had gone wrong yet. Theo was down for his usual nap, and he’d managed to get all of the children in the garden to burn some energy. It helped him out that Grayson and Poppy were a little older and they could take charge of the games too, as it took a little pressure off of him, so he could also keep an eye on Theo.
They’d taken to playing a game of tag, which was fairly harmless, but Luke had already warned the twins to be careful with Willow, as they tended to forget that she was little and didn’t like playing games as rough as they did. But he trusted them, and knew they’d never intentionally hurt their little sister. At the same time, Theo’s cries had started up through the baby monitor that he had brought into the garden with him. He knew he shouldn’t really leave them unattended, but he trusted Grayson to keep an eye on them, and he’d only be gone for a minute.
“Hi, Teddy. Did you have a good nap? Come here, bubs.” He cooed to the sleepy bundle, lifting him into his arms and resting him again his chest. He kissed his temple, grabbing the blanket from the crib to wrap around Theo’s back, making sure he wouldn’t get too cold when they went outside. “Shall we go see what your brothers and sisters have got up to?”
It wasn’t until he heard a cry of pain, that went straight to his heart and made his blood run cold, that he was suddenly very concerned.
“Daddy! Willow’s hurt!” He heard the voice of Oscar, making him look over in the direction of where his children had ended up, at the other end of the garden, and it was then he noticed that Willow was curled up on the floor and crying. With Willow being his softest baby and the biggest Daddy’s girl out of all of the children, Luke’s heart broke as he made his way over to her, still with Theo in his arms.
“Hey, what’s happened, baby girl? Come here, it’s okay.” He tried to soothe her, even though his heart hadn’t stopped racing since he realised she was hurt. He hoped so badly that it was minor, that he could easily fix it, and that he wouldn’t need to call you and distract you from your day out with a friend. “Gray, can you take Theo?”
He passed his youngest baby into the arms of his oldest child, as he tried to focus on seeing what was wrong with Willow. She was sobbing, almost hyperventilating, and it made his heart ache as he panicked at what could be wrong. “Show Daddy where it hurts, baby.”
“Ouch, daddy.” She kept crying, and his heart hurt more with every word. It wasn’t until he sat her up properly and she yelped out in pain as soon as he touched her arm. She was holding it close to her body, and wouldn’t let him look at it.
“Can I see your arm, Willow? It’s okay, bubs. Just let me look at it.” His stomach turned at the sight when she reluctantly held it out to him. He wasn’t a doctor, but he didn’t need to be to know that her arm definitely didn’t look right, and a feeling of panic took over him, knowing she’d need to go to the hospital.
He could just about handle looking after six children when he was at home. But taking six children out to a hospital alone, when he knew they’d be waiting around for a long time, was just not going to happen.
“Okay, sweetheart. I’m gonna call Mumma and your Uncle Ash, then we’re gonna go and make sure your arm is okay, yeah? Come here, we’ll go sit inside.” He tried to stay as calm as he could, trying to ignore the sick feeling that had taken over his stomach. He couldn’t help feeling that if he hadn’t gone inside for Theo, and would’ve been watching, it wouldn’t have happened. Kids always had accidents, and he knew that, but he couldn’t ignore the guilt knawing at his mind.
“Is she gonna be okay, Daddy?” Arlo asked, as the rest of his siblings followed Luke back to the house, with Willow in his arms, crying against his shoulder.
“She’s just bumped her arm Arlo. But we’re gonna go get it all fixed up, and she’ll be just fine.” He reassured his son, as much as telling himself that she would be okay.
He got them all settled on the sofas inside, Willow still whimpering into his chest, her uninjured arm wrapped around his shoulder and playing with the curls at the back of his neck to distract herself. Luke pulled out his phone, first dialling Ashton, hoping he was available to watch the kids whilst he took Willow to hospital.
“Luke? Hey, what’s up?” Ashton’s familiar voice came through the phone and it calmed Luke down a little immediately - he felt less alone. He explained the situation, that you were out for the day and he was in charge of the kids, and that Willow had gotten injured. Ashton agreed to head over as soon as he could, leaving Luke only one job, to call you.
“Babe? There’s been a bit of an accident.” He admitted, as soon as you answered the phone.
“An accident? Who? What do you mean, Luke?” You asked, your heart rate increasing immediately at his words.
“They were just playing in the garden and Theo was crying so I went to get him, and I was only gone for a minute, but then I came back and Willow had fallen and landed on her arm.” He explained, his heart heavy as he recalled the events of the last 10 minutes. “I think it’s broken, babe. I’ve called Ashton to take care of the kids whilst we take her to get it checked out.”’
“Oh my god, we need to take her to the hospital. I’m closer to there than home, can I meet you there?” In your heart, you knew they were only children and accidents happened, but you were upset knowing Willow was injured and you weren’t there. The tone of Luke’s voice broke your heart, knowing how guilty he would feel that this happened under his supervision. “She’ll be okay, Lu. And bring Theo with you, we don’t want to end up taking Ashton to hospital too.”
Moments later, Ashton arrived at the door, sensing the stressed atmosphere in the house. “Look whose here, guys! It’s your favourite Uncle.” He was greeted with lots of hugs from his nieces and nephews, but he felt sad seeing Willow hiding against Luke’s shoulder.
“I’ll keep you updated, Ash. Thanks for coming over.” Luke told him the main things he needed to know, but as the twins were old enough to know where everything was and there were no babies left in the house, he knew they’d be fine. He bundled Theo into his car seat, making sure he had everything he needed as well as balancing Willow in his arms, trying not to move her anymore, to avoid causing her anymore discomfort.
She cried more as he settled her into her car seat, gently shushing her and promising that they were going to fix her arm. He felt uncomfortable and anxious the whole car journey, knowing she was in pain, and hating that he couldn’t do much about it. He couldn’t wait to see you - although he felt awful that he had ruined your afternoon with your friend, that you much deserved. He hoped you’d understand, and that you wouldn’t be annoyed at him, even though he felt annoyed at himself.
“There’s my baby.” You felt relieved seeing them enter the hospital waiting room, where you had already signed in to tell them why you were there. It was just a waiting game. Luke handed Willow to you, letting you comfort her as he got a better grip on Theo’s car seat, in which the baby had remained unfazed and managed to fall asleep in. “I already told them why we’re here, Lu. We just have to wait.”
It wasn’t long before her name was called, and the four of you made your way through to the doctors room. She confirmed it was broken, and after painkillers and many more tears, Willow found herself with a yellow cast fitted onto her arm.
“It looks funny, Daddy.” Willow commented, not taking her eyes away from the bright yellow cast that adorned her broken arm. “It feels funny too.”
“I know, baby. But this will make it feel better.”
A few hours later, all of the commotion was over, and after the children’s excitement of “wow Willow! Your arm is yellow!” and finally releasing Ashton, you’d managed to get everyone into bed. Luke had wanted Willow to sleep in your bed for the night, wanting to keep an eye on her, and mainly just wanting to hold her - so he knew she was okay. Her pain medication had worked and she had crashed in between the two of you, her head in Luke’s neck.
“She’s okay, Lu.” You reassured him, answering all of the worries in his head, without him saying a word. You could see it all over his face. He felt so guilty, that under his supervision, she had gotten more injured than she had in her whole little life.
“I should’ve been watching them.” He replied quietly, running a hand through her soft curls that were tickling his jaw.
“We have six children, Luke. That’s a lot of kids to handle when there’s two of us, never mind on our own.” You told him, trying to ease the guilt in his mind. “Theo was crying, so you went to get him. If you’d have stayed to watch them, no one would have got Theo. You can’t be everywhere at once, love.”
Your words eased his anxiety, reducing the fears in his mind that he was a terrible dad, and Willow would blame him forever. He felt much better now that she was calmly sleeping against him, no longer in pain.
“We’re both doing the best that we can, Lu. She loves you. She won’t even remember this, I promise.”
He reached over, careful not to jolt Willow, who was using his chest as a pillow. He kissed your lips softly, several times, which always calmed him down. “I love our crazy family. Even if we can’t handle them a lot of the time.”
You laughed softly at his words, and it made you happy to see him smile a little, the worry seeming to leave his expression. “Goodnight, superdad.”
Send me a number (and whether or not you want a blurb from the hemmings family of eight AU) from this list!
(gen!! I love you so much, thank you for requesting this!!♥️ @i-calumhood)
Taglist: @irwinkitten @i-calumhood @gorgeouslygrace @luckyduckydoo @letstaketheups-and-downs @jazzyangel242 @cashworthy @babylon-corgis @norawashere @monsteramongmikey @late-nightdevil @ashtonsghoul @fivesecondsof-mee (message me to be added!)
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cilliansaccent · 4 years
The Peaky Designer - Cillian Fanfic, Chapter 8
Hello, welcome back. Below is the next instalment of my fanfiction!
Leave a like or a comment if you liked it, or if I can do anything better! Please, it would mean the world and to understand if anyone is enjoying my writing. Also, sharing/reblogging would be even better.
I will not be including Cillian’s family as it’s kinda weird since he has children lmao. Just a mention of his parents and a previous lover.
I will indicate in a chapter if there is smut in the beginning and before the actual scene!!
I will add trigger warnings if there is any!!
There is a variety of levels of swearing during a chapter, I will not hold back, everyone swears.
The timestamp for the Fic is now 2016 and onwards!! 
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Background: Gabrijela Babic is a Croatian girl from Sydney, Australia. She is born in the year 1991 on the 24th of December. She studies a Fashion degree in a University with a major in Game Design as well. Her teacher in the fashion designer class managed to nail an Internship on the set of Peaky Blinders with the shows very own Costume Designer, Allison McCosh. There, she travels to London for under a year to learn how to be one, working alongside the actors as well the man she admires, Cillian Murphy. But, her platonic feelings for the man begins to grow into something more, and she wonders whether she should pursue them or let him go for fear of her strict parents and her three older brothers…
Swantje Paulina as Gabrijela Babic (swalina on Instagram)
Cillian Murphy
Word Count: 1,860
!!Warnings!!: None.
Date: End of July, Early August 2016
Chapter Name: Bestfriends are Forever... 
Brief Chapter Outline: Gabrijela says goodbye to the Cast and Crew as her last day as an intern before she gets an interesting surprise at the end of the day... 
——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——-
Since the day out in Bath and the kiss Gabrijela shared with Cillian, working with him was strange. There was this unspoken thing between them, they both wanted each other but they had no idea what to do with that thought. 
The fact that she was a worker and he was her employer, it was not right to dwell on those feelings. But it was so hard. 
And then there was Logan, who was making it even harder. He was proving himself to be a wonderful man, he treated her kindly, took her out for dinners whenever they were free. The sex was magical, he made sure she was feeling fine during each session as she had come clean about her hell with her ex. Logan had been understanding and kissed her long into the night and worshipped her body. 
She started to like Logan a lot, he had bought her little gifts such as books or music for her to listen to since she had a CD Player in her apartment thanks to Logan. 
Gabrijela found herself smiling whenever he texted her, checking in if she was okay after her trip back home. Or even after a very stressful day, he would call her up. 
Now that filming was at its halfway point, there were times where she would have to travel further and spend the night at a motel, sharing a room with Logan. And somehow word got out they were a couple, Gabrijela blushed when her friends teased and poked at her. And yet, the pair seemed to just... go along with it. 
And not too long they ended up calling it official. They celebrated the day with a night out with the group, spending it at a local pub as their weekends began to be clogged up with filming and preparing major scenes. 
Cillian found out one morning when he had overheard some girls chatting about Logan and Gabrijela being a thing now. It broke his heart, or well, made him upset... No, it broke his heart. But what was he honestly supposed to do? He should be happy she was with someone closer to her age. He had caught the pair behind low traffic areas on set all over each other, kissing and touching... 
He kept on walking, away from it. But when she was close to him, helping him put on his shoes or vest or jacket and fixing up anything out of place... He couldn't help but touch her hip. 
And she didn't back away or push his hand. She looked up at him and saw the desperation in her eyes. The want and need she had for him, but the moment Logan's voice filtered in, she turned away and all that emotion for him was gone. As if she didn't want to let him see it anymore, as if it was a sin. 
Cillian cherished the small moments they had together, she had still managed to keep their friendship strong. When she had time, she made sure she had time for him and invited him to her apartment so they could listen to a new song or old songs from their favourite bands. Or go out of her way to buy lunch for him or she bought it for most of the cast with the help of some friends of hers when the day became terribly busy. 
Her kindness and care for him remained, it never wavered. Cillian never felt so drawn to someone as fiercely as ever, Gabrijela had shown genuine interest and love, there was no faking it. She was tentative to his needs and was always there when he wanted a good chat when things became stressful. And he reciprocated the feelings back and he always loved the look on her face. 
The worst was whenever they spent a day or a few hours together, even during lunchtime she had come over, his feelings for her grew each and every day. 
All he wanted was to gather her in his arms, kiss her and whisper sweet words that would make her freckled cheeks blush and bring upon that goddess of a smile that would light up her eyes. 
He wanted to lay with her, on their sides and facing each other, staring longingly before he would kiss her and take her gently. He'd drag out a moan from her, pulling their bodies in and be locked with her. 
He wanted to wake up every morning with her at his side, turn over and whisper the words that seemed to settle deep within his heart. 
He wanted to take her on an adventure around the globe, spend every waking moment with her. 
He wanted a life with her, despite the age gap and every other possibility that could hinder their relationship. 
But Cillian would appreciate the small moments he had with Gabrijela even when another man made love to her body and made her smile in a way no one would. Not even him now. 
He would work with her, be as close as friends in the months that passed. He would do whatever it takes to make her the best person through this internship of hers. There were some days where she did not show up, he had learned she was to take some online exams and she had been studying full out while she was here. 
Gabrijela had not just worked on the set of Peaky Blinders either, there were times where Allison had trusted her enough to handle smaller projects for small plays and send her off to other parts of London to work with other people. It was fantastic, she would be working another four months after she would leave Peaky Blinders. She had to extend her stay here, her parents seemed iffy but they saw how happy she was. So they let her stay. 
Even began to pay for her rent despite she was being paid for the four months she was at this play. Even the extra month and a week for free time for herself. 
But it came the time for Gabrijela to say goodbye to the cast she had called family. It was a crazy madhouse but she enjoyed every moment of it. 
The cast all gave their farewells to her, hugging and giving her a large poster of all the cast before and now and it was all signed. The back of it had a heartfelt message. Gabrijela would cherish it, she wasn't the type to be annoyed. She loved anything that was given to her, but just no food. That was something she didn't like. 
They had even taken a group photo all dressed up and in the famous street, Watery Lane. 
Once the goodbyes were said and last hugs, she finally left with the giant poster and a cap signed by Cillian. She smiled as she sat on the train and hugged the cap to her chest, Logan beside her and playing on his phone. 
She hoped she would see Cillian sometime during the next few months, especially before she'd leave. He really had an impact on her, soul, body and heart. She realised, despite being with Logan, she would always love Cillian. And not just as a friend. 
Once they got off the train, they walked down the street together, hand in hand. "Have a good day?" Logan asked her. 
"Yeah, I did. I'm gonna miss it." She said, looking up at her boyfriend. 
"I'm gonna miss you and our fun." He nudged her, she giggled. 
"I'll come by and visit." She leaned up and kissed his cheek. 
As they neared her apartment, someone was sitting at the stairs. 
Gabrijela squinted and saw the familiar wild black curly hair and the pink fluffy jumper.
"Oh, my god. Lucia?!" Gabrijela gasped. 
The black girl turned and beamed, "GABBIE!" She cried and ran to her, the two girls clutching each other and laughing. 
"Oh my god!! Lucia!" Gab cried again and hugged her tightly. 
"Hello! Finally! Oh my god, am I glad to see you!" Lucia cupped her face and giggling. 
"Oh, its good to see you too, beautiful." Gab was almost in tears. 
Lucia spotted Logan walking over, carrying the things Gab had dropped. 
"Damn, who is this hunk of a man?" Lucia smirked and pulled away, holding her hand out. "Lucia, nice to meet you..." She trailed off. 
"Logan." He laughed and shook her hand, "Gab's boyfriend." 
Lucia gasped and looked at Gab, "Boyfriend?!" 
"Oh god, Logan." Gab pouted, "Yeah. We clicked." 
"Oh my, lucky girl." Lucia giggled. 
It started to rain, "Let's go inside. I'll make us tea or something." Gabrijela said. 
"Oh, no. I better head home. It's another long day tomorrow." Logan shook his head, handing Gab her stuff. 
"Aw, come on. I need to hear the details." Lucia said. 
Gabrijela sighed and gave a look to Logan and it convinced him. 
"Only for a bit, then I gotta get going." He said. 
The trio got into the apartment and got comfy. Gabrijela made tea for them all as Lucia began to shoot questions left, right and centre. Lucia explained how she wanted to surprise Gabrijela by coming here for two weeks and to travel around with her since she was now free. But then it came to how Logan became Gabrijela's boyfriend soon enough. 
Gabrijela answered briefly when it came to the sex and Logans... size downstairs. 
Logan seemed to not want to answer to much about it either, "I don't find that appropriate." He said to Lucia who looked pouty. 
"Why not? It shouldn't be too shameful." Lucia said sipping her tea. 
Gabrijela sat beside Logan, a hand on his thigh. 
"Well, I don't like to talk about it." Logan quipped, scowling a little. 
"Fine, how long have you two been dating then?" Lucia asked, scoffing. 
"Almost a month now," Gabrijela replied, not really liking how Lucia was behaving childishly. 
"Nice. Let's hope it lasts." She said with a hint of annoyance. 
"What did you say?" Gabrijela glared at her. 
"I just said let's hope it lasts." She shrugged and put her empty cup down. 
"Lucia, what's wrong, huh? I thought you'd be happy." Gabrijela seemed upset. 
"Hey, okay. I think uh you best be going, Lucia." Logan said, keeping an arm around Gabrijela. 
"Why? Am I bothering you?" She stared at him with a hard look. 
"No, but you are making your best friend here clearly upset." Logan shot back. 
She sighed and stood, "Fine. I'll go." She said and just... left like that. 
Gabrijela sighed heavily, "She does this all the time. And not just with you, with my other friends." She said, looking up at him. 
"Doesn't seem healthy. Or good behaviour." He kissed her forehead. 
"I'll see what's up tomorrow." She said and stood up with him. "You don't want to stay?" She wrapped her arms around his waist. 
"I'd love to, but I got an early start tomorrow." He leaned down and kissed her deeply, "I'll stay tomorrow night." 
She smiled, "Okay. You take care." She murmured and kissed him once more before he also left as well. 
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eddie-boii · 5 years
Never Let You Go (part 4/14)
Fic info: Both Eddie and Stan live because I do what I want. Multichapter.
Rating: Teen and up (may change). Language, drinking.
Pairings: Reddie, Benverly.
Ao3 link: here
Summary: The Losers prepare for a wedding. Drunken Bachelorette party shenanigans time my dudes
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14
Beverly’s bachelorette party was a blur of laughter, loud music, and alcohol. A lot of alcohol.
Eddie was sensible when it came to drinking. He drank as much water as alcohol to keep hydrated and he measured his intake of units carefully because he liked having a working liver, thank you very much. The other Losers had no such qualms and Eddie suspected the night would end with one of them in the ER getting their stomach pumped.
Richie was hosting the party at his place, a huge modern house in the suburbs of Los Angeles where the local law enforcement was likely to get a noise complaint about Richie from about three famous actors and a musician who lived on the same street.
Though there were only six of them - Ben being absent for obvious reasons - they created enough chaos for a party of six hundred. Richie had ordered a male stripper which Beverly was thrilled with. She ended up taking body shots off the guy’s bare torso while the others cheered, and when she finished, tequila dribbling down her chin, she turned the stripper on Richie and Eddie tried to keep down the boiling jealousy rising in his stomach at Richie’s dark red blush and flustered expression. Eddie ended up grabbing the bottle of tequila from Mike and chugging half the remaining alcohol, unit intake be damned.
“Oh my fucking god!” Beverly cried out suddenly. “We should- we should like- like play kids party games! Like spin the bottle an’ shit!”
“Truth or dare!” yelled Stan.
“I fucking hate truth or dare!” Richie yelled back, shoving Stan’s face clumsily and nearly tripping over his own feet.
“I will give you this donut!” Stan declared, grabbing one from the food table Mike had layed out before the party as though it wasn’t free for all.
“Truth or dare, Trashmouth?”
“Dare! Lay it on me, Stan-the-man!”
“Striptease for Eds,” Stanley said immediately and Eddie felt his face go bright red.
“No fucking way!” he said. “I don’t wanna see that.” That was a lie.
“Do it! Do it! Do it!” Bill, Mike and Bev chanted as one and the stripper joined in.
“Get fucking ready, Eduardo!” Richie declared as Bill shoved Eddie into the closest seat. “But if you get a boner on me, I’m outta here!”
Eddie could not promise that wouldn’t happen and he clamped his hands over his eyes as Richie started taking off his jacket to Bev wolf-whistling.
“Oh, come on, Eds, you gotta look!” Stan cried.
“That wasn’t the agreement!” Eddie yelled back, squeezing his eyes shut as someone - probably Bill - tried to wrench his hands away. His mind, however, would not stop picturing what Richie was doing, and that was almost worse than the actual show.
“Aww, come on, Eddie’s uncomfortable,” Mike said sympathetically and Eddie was eternally grateful for his thoughtful friend. “Give Rich the donut before he takes off his boxers. No one wants to see that.”
“Worried all my size jokes were true?” said Richie, and Eddie opened his eyes to see him wink at Mike as he pulled his trousers back on. His chest was still bare and Eddie looked away quickly before his dick really did betray him.
“Put the tits away before Eddie bursts!” Bev said, smacking her hands on Richie’s chest as though she were playing the bongos.
“Like what you see, babe,” said Richie, sticking out his chest.
“Oh, you know it, babe,” Bev replied.
“Leave Ben and run away with me, sugar-boots.”
“Oh, sweetums, I’d love nothing more.” Bev leaned up as though to kiss Richie, then stole his glasses instead.
“Hello, I’m Trashmouth Tozier,” she said in an exaggerated weedy voice then immediately started cackling.
“Gimme, gimme!” yelled Bill, snatching the glasses from Bev before Richie could get them. “Hey, Eddie-ssspaghetti,” he said, voice even weedier than Bev’s impersonation as he turned to Eddie. He didn’t stutter much when he was drunk, but he slurred something awful. “I fffucked your mother even though I’mmm a huge virgin and allll I do isss play street-fighter!”
“I do not fucking sound like that!” Richie yelled, trying to snatch his glasses back but missing as a result of his slowed reflexes, impaired vision, and Bill dodging out of the way.
Bill whipped the glasses off and tossed them to Mike. “Hide them, hide them!” he yelled and Mike shot out of the room. 
Richie tried to chase him but tripped over a chair leg, faceplanting the floor. He didn’t bother getting up and just rolled over pitifully.
“What happened to truth or dare?” he whined. “You guys are fucking bullies.”
“We love you, Richie,” said Beverly, still giggling.
“I don’t. I fucking hate you,” said Stanley.
“You love him, you fucking liar,” Beverly shouted, tackling Stan into the couch and smushing his face into a cushion until he cried out, “Okay, okay! I love you too, Rich!”
Eddie just shook his head at his friends’ antics, then set about clearly away some empty bottles because a vision-impaired Richie could well end up bumping into or breaking some, and broken glass was just a huge safety hazard. 
When he finally located Richie’s kitchen with his arms full of empty bottles, he found what could only be described as a fucking dumpster. There were dirty dishes piled up in the sink and takeout containers lying around, and when he opened the fridge half of the stuff inside was growing its own ecosystem. The place was just a health and safety hazard, so he pulled out drawers and opened cupboards until he found rubber gloves, dish rags and bleach, and he set about cleaning the entire kitchen.
He returned to the party an hour later smelling faintly of lemon dish soap to find that the stripper had gone home and his friends were, if possible, even drunker than before. Richie was stumbling around still looking for his glasses and the others were huddled together in a corner giggling about something.
“Oh hey, Eds, Richie’s been looking for you,” Beverly said when Eddie approached them and the others instantly burst into another fit of giggles.
Eddie narrowed his eyes at them. “What’s so fucking funny?”
“We’re renaming the club,” Mike wheezed, eyes watering.
“We’re the ‘had Richie Tozier’s tongue down our throats’ club now,” Stan said.
“You gotta do the initiation, man,” said Bill.
“Oh for fuck's sake,” said Eddie, eying the still stumbling Richie. “How drunk is he?”
“So fucking drunk,” said Beverly between giggles.
“I gave him a bottle of vodka and told him it was water and he drank half of it before he noticed,” said Stan, snorting.
“You are all fucking terrible friends,” Eddie told them before walking up to Richie. “Hey, Rich, come on, man.”
Richie turned to him, squinting, then his face split into a wide grin. “Eddiieeeeeee!” he practically screamed. “Eddie, my love, I love you so!” he was singing now and very out of tune. Eddie hated that song.
“Yep, come on, Rich, we better get you to bed,” he said. He tried to take Richie’s shoulder, but Richie stumbled forward and Eddie caught him reflexively. “Woah, careful, Trashmouth.”
“Eddie, Eddie, Eddie-spaghetti.” Richie reached up to poke the scar on Eddie’s cheek, making no move to pick himself up. ”You’re so goddamn pretty, Eds.” He pinched his cheek affectionately. “Cute, cute, cute!”
“That’s nice, Rich,” said Eddie, swatting Richie’s hand away and blushing slightly even though he knew this was only the alcohol talking. He pulled Richie into a standing position, hands at the ready to catch him if he fell again, but he only swayed slightly, staring at Eddie with a stupid grin on his face even though Eddie was probably just a blur to him.
“Eddie, Eddie,” Richie slurred again, then without warning, he lurched forward and jammed his tongue in Eddie’s mouth.
It took an enormous amount of effort for him to push Richie away, partly because Richie was very insistent and partly because he didn’t really want him to stop. When he finally managed, Richie let out a low whine that made Eddie want to push him up against the wall, but he would not take advantage of a drunk Richie. 
He caught sight of Stan holding up his phone camera out of the corner of his eye and stuck his middle finger up at him.
“Come on, Trashmouth,” he said, guiding Richie to the stairs. “Bedtime.”
Eddie helped Richie up the stairs and, after trying several doors, found what he could only assume was Richie’s bedroom as it was the only room covered in piles of laundry with an unmade bed. It also had Richie’s glasses set neatly on the bedside table because of course Mike wouldn’t actually hide them.
Eddie gathered up the bulk of the laundry and put it in the hamper so Richie wouldn’t trip over it, then turned to find Richie had wrestled himself out of his jeans and jacket. He grabbed Richie’s wrist before he tried to take off his shirt or, god forbid, his boxers.
“I think that’ll do, bro.”
Richie just shrugged, murmuring something unintelligible, then collapsed onto the bed. Eddie pulled the sheets up over him, then returned downstairs to fetch a glass of water and aspirin. He returned, made Richie sit up to sip the water, then refilled it in the bathroom sink and set the glass on his bedside table beside the aspirin and the glasses. He turned to leave but stopped when Richie called out to him.
“Eddie?” Richie was half asleep now, his speech even more slurred then before. He looked up at Eddie, his eyes bleary. “Eds, I gotta tell you s’mthin’.”
“What, Rich?” said Eddie, turning back and kneeling beside the bed.
Richie reached out and grasped at Eddie’s shirt, his hand bunched in the fabric right over the spot where Eddie sported a huge scar courtesy of a certain clown.
“Eds, ‘m so glad you're alive.”
Eddie smiled. “Me too, Rich.”
“You’re m’ favourite person.”
“Don’t let Bev hear you say that,” Eddie joked, though inside his heart was trying to rip its way out of his chest.
“Really, Eds,” Richie slurred. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Rich,” said Eddie because it was true, though not in the way Richie or any of the Losers loved him, and that broke his heart just a little.
“No, no, no,” Richie whined. He turned slightly and buried his face in his pillow. “You don’ un’erstan’.”
“What don’t I understand, Rich?” said Eddie, heart beating a little too quickly, but Richie didn’t respond, and when Eddie gave him a nudge, he let out a huge snore and Eddie realised he’d passed out.
He sighed, then manoeuvred Richie to the recovery position so he wouldn’t choke on his own vomit in the middle of the night. He paused, then pressed a kiss to Richie’s temple, mostly because there was no way Richie would remember it even if he wasn’t passed out. He stood, then jumped when he turned and saw Bev standing in the doorway, his face immediately flushing when he thought of what she might have just seen.
“Heyyyy, Eds,” she said, grinning at him. She kissed his cheek then moved passed him and heaved herself onto the bed, tucking herself in beside Richie who gave a grunt at the movement but didn’t wake up.
“There are spare rooms, Bev,” Eddie said pointedly but she stuck her tongue out at him.
“I don’t have Ben and Richie is cuddly,” she said, wrapping her arms around Richie’s back and snuggling up to him. “The sleeping arrangement was agreed upon this morning.”
Eddie shook his head at the pair but smiled slightly, wishing he could be that close to Richie but knowing he couldn’t without giving himself away. Richie and Beverly had a special sort of friendship that they could be close like that while remaining completely platonic, but Eddie knew if he let himself get that close to Richie, if he let himself touch him like that knowing that he could never really have more, that they could never be more, then he’d break.
“Night, Bev,” he said, softly.
“N’night, Eddie Bear,” she said, her speech slurring even more with sleep. “Love you.”
“Love you too.”
Eddie closed the door softly behind him, then set off to find a spare room he could sleep in, trying all the while not to think of Richie or his drunken kiss or the things he’d said while half asleep and barely in control of his verbal filter. It didn’t mean anything, after all.
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thewritingstar · 4 years
Ah well were all at home better ask all 200 questions g, don't really know much about u
hope you enjoy me spending an hour answering all of these :) 
200: My crush’s name is: N/A 199: I was born in: 2000 198: I am really: nice 197: My cellphone company is: idk 196: My eye color is: Hazel, can turn dark brown or light green sometimes 195: My shoe size is: 8 194: My ring size is: 7 I think 193: My height is: 5′3 192: I am allergic to: penicillin  191: My 1st car was: Toyota  190: My 1st job was: Baskin Robbins  189: Last book you read: Suicide Notes (highly recommend)  188: My bed is: galaxy bedding and is currently on the floor in my bed fram cause my friends broke it... 187: My pet: Black cockapoo and a white cockapoo named Abby and Molly 186: My best friend: is a hoe 185: My favorite shampoo is: herbal essence color me happy  184: Xbox or ps3: I perfer Wii, Wii U or Nintendo switch  183: Piggy banks are: cute, Mine is a ducktales cup  182: In my pockets: nothing rn 181: On my calendar: nothing rn 180: Marriage is: a good thing but not a necessity for a happy life 179: Spongebob can: get it  178: My mom: is a queen  177: The last three songs I bought were? i only buy cds for my car so: Lover, Hozier, Blink 182 176: Last YouTube video watched: The Office deleted scenes 175: How many cousins do you have? 8 but I only see four of them and two of them are adults with kids so i consider them more of aunt and uncle figures 174: Do you have any siblings? One older sister  173: Are your parents divorced? Nope  172: Are you taller than your mom? Nope 171: Do you play an instrument? Nope 170: What did you do yesterday? Sat on ass and watched youtube 
[ I Believe In ] 169: Love at first sight: ye why not 168: Luck: yes  167: Fate: yes 166: Yourself: kinda 165: Aliens: yes 164: Heaven: mmmm yes i guess 163: Hell: yes 162: God: uhhhhh yes and no, kinda indifferent 161: Horoscopes: yep 160: Soul mates: yesss 159: Ghosts: ye 158: Gay Marriage: WHO THE FUCK DOESNT BELIEVE IN THISS?? ITS REAL  157: War: think it does more harm than good 156: Orbs: ye 155: Magic: ye i wanna be a wizard 
[ This or That ] 154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs 153: Drunk or High: drunk, i dont do drugs and i dont drink yet but ill prob get drunk  152: Phone or Online: oo i use both but Online i guess 151: Red heads or Black haired: Black hair 150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes 149: Hot or cold: HOT 148: Summer or winter: Summer 147: Autumn or Spring: Both 146: Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla  145: Night or Day: Day 144: Oranges or Apples: Oranges 143: Curly or Straight hair: I have straight hair but curly hair is also beautiful 142: McDonalds or Burger King: BURGER KING..I HATE MCDONALDS 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: MILK 140: Mac or PC: Pc 139: Flip flops or high heals:...High heels prob 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: SWEET AND POOR, IM ALREADY UGLY 137: Coke or Pepsi: NEITHER 136: Hillary or Obama: obama  135: Burried or cremated: cremated 134: Singing or Dancing: love both but maybe dancing rn 133: Coach or Chanel: Coach  132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: idk who they are 131: Small town or Big city: Big city, i grew up in a small town 130: Wal-Mart or Target: TARGET 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Adam 128: Manicure or Pedicure: Mani 127: East Coast or West Coast: West Coast 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas  125: Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate 124: Disney or Six Flags: DISNEY  123: Yankees or Red Sox: eww sports 
[ Here’s What I Think About ] 122: War:....does more harm than good  121: George Bush:....dont know enough to say but im pretty sure he was an awful human  120: Gay Marriage: It should just be called marriage, just because you’re gay doesnt make it any less or any more, its equal to other marriages  119: The presidential election: 118: Abortion: Pro Choice, no one has the right to tell someone what to do with their body 117: MySpace: i never used it cause i was too young but i bet it was lit 116: Reality TV: its funny af  115: Parents: are nice if they care about their child but if they are abusive or horrible then they dont deserve respect  114: Back stabbers: should be stabbed  113: Ebay: its nice  112: Facebook: full of idiots and boomers  111: Work: a scam  110: My Neighbors: they fine 109: Gas Prices: A SCAM 108: Designer Clothes: a nice but really $200 for socks, no mama 107: College: SHOULD BE FREE 106: Sports: fun but no one needs to make that much money for throwing a ball 105: My family: i like them 104: The future: is wild and idk at this point 
[ Last time I ] 103: Hugged someone: my mom like a few days ago 102: Last time you ate: at 11 today! 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile:  100: Cried in front of someone: my mom after i yelled at her 99: Went to a movie theater: i saw Onward when we were allowed outside 98: Took a vacation: went to disneyland last October  97: Swam in a pool: like almost two years sadly  96: Changed a diaper: when i was like 8  95: Got my nails done: never got them done because my mom wouldnt take me cause i was a ‘tom boy’  94: Went to a wedding: never  93: Broke a bone: when i was three, my big toe 92: Got a piercing: my nose in January  91: Broke the law: i guess i sped the other day  90: Texted: literally as im doing this 
[ MISC ] 89: Who makes you laugh the most: my friend 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: the silence of being alone 87: The last movie I saw: Princess and the Frog 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: Moving for college 85: The thing im not looking forward to:  84: People call me: Deanna (real name), Dean, Star (what yall call me) ton of others 83: The most difficult thing to do is: idk  82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never 81: My zodiac sign is: Aries 80: The first person i talked to today was:  79: First time you had a crush: Ive had  78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: my best friends 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: my friends over ft  76: Right now I am talking to: no one 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: hopefully being an animator  74: I have/will get a job: at disney  73: Tomorrow: doing nothing 72: Today: doing nothing  71: Next Summer: hopefully not on quarantine  70: Next Weekend: nothing special  69: I have these pets: 2 doggos 68: The worst sound in the world: ICE SCRAPING OR MOUTH BREATHING 67: The person that makes me cry the most is:  66: People that make you happy: my friends 65: Last time I cried: few days ago  64: My friends are: my world 63: My computer is: a Dell  62: My School: is a community college  61: My Car: it goes 60: I lose all respect for people who: are bigots, dehumanize people, republicans  59: The movie I cried at was: Onward had me sobbing  58: Your hair color is: Brown rn 57: TV shows you watch: theres too many 56: Favorite web site: tumblr or youtube 55: Your dream vacation: every disney park  54: The worst pain I was ever in was: i think when i cut my finger or when i went to the hospital for my chest  53: How do you like your steak cooked: Medium rare  52: My room is: disney themed and my safe zone 51: My favorite celebrity is: Tara Strong  50: Where would you like to be: Disneyland 49: Do you want children: ehh maybe  48: Ever been in love: nope 47: Who’s your best friend: my neighbor that ive known since i was 4 46: More guy friends or girl friends: more girl 45: One thing that makes you feel great is: making cake  44: One person that you wish you could see right now: my cousin 43: Do you have a 5 year plan: not really  42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: ye 41: Have you pre-named your children: kinda 40: Last person I got mad at: my mom 39: I would like to move to: La 38: I wish I was a professional: animator
[ My Favorites ] 37: Candy: Kitkat 36: Vehicle: Cars 35: President: 34: State visited: California, Nevada, Texas, Hawaii,  33: Cellphone provider: 32: Athlete: n/a 31: Actor: Colin O'Donoghue 30: Actress: Lana Parrilla 29: Singer: Joe Jonas, Taylor Swift  28: Band: Big Time Rush 27: Clothing store: Hot topic, Ross,  26: Grocery store: Safeway  25: TV show: Once Upon A Time or PPG  24: Movie: Princess and the Frog and Ratatouille  23: Website: tumblr  22: Animal: elephant  21: Theme park: disneyland  20: Holiday: Halloween  19: Sport to watch: hockey  18: Sport to play:..i do not play  17: Magazine: i dont read mags  16: Book: Kingdom Keepers  15: Day of the week: Friday  14: Beach: one i went to in Hawaii  13: Concert attended: Jonas Brothers  12: Thing to cook: chowmein and strawberry shortcake  11: Food: Chowmein  10: Restaurant: my fav Chinese restaurant  9: Radio station: I don’t listen to the radio  8: Yankee candle scent: Vanilla  7: Perfume: Vanilla  6: Flower: Rose or Larkspur  5: Color: Black or blue  4: Talk show host: umm i dont watch many but i guess Jimmy Fallon  3: Comedian: Jaboukie Young-White or John Mulaney  2: Dog breed: Pomeranian  1: Did you answer all these truthfully? ye 
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meacamara · 4 years
*Your P.O.V*
I ran out of my car and started fishing for my house keys in my purse once I successfully found it. I unlocked the door and wasted no time rushing up the stairs because I only have two hours to get ready for my date with Richard tonight.
I took a very quick shower because I still have to pick out an outfit and do my makeup but first I have to do my hair which didn't take long because I only added a bit of product in it
  now it was time for the most difficult part which was finding an outfit I scanned through the closet and threw things around until I found something that might work and It was very comfortable
After I FINALLY got on my outfit I sat in front of the vanity that Richard brought me for my 20th birthday and started working on my makeup. which came out amazing and cool
once I was satisfied with how I looked I out on my black heels and ran out Richard and I's room and walked down the stairs almost falling because the heels were six inches tall and hurried back into my car and drove to the restaurant we will be meeting at.
Once I got there I realized he still wasn't here I got confused but shook it off and just walked into the restaurant and DAMN it was beautiful
I walked up to the host area and waited until a girl came up to me "Do you have a reservation?" she asked sweetly
"yes um Camacho...?" I replied with a tone of confusion at the end "yes ma'am, follow me please" she asked politely while getting two menus
I smiled and followed her to the back corner that had two seats in it I slide into one of the seats "Ok. your waitress should be here any minute now" she said smiling at the end
as she left me alone I grew bored and started scrolling through social media and decided to post something on Instagram
@y/n l/n
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 2,000,000 likes 3,480 comments
when Bae is late to your date
Christophervelezm: wait y'all had a date today?
Joelpimentel: wait a sec if you guys had a date...why is he with me in the studio?
@y/n l/n: @Joelpimentel wait. what. did he forget?
I got off of Instagram and looked at my watch to see the time and I HAVE BEEN HERE FOR 30 MINUTES 
well I guess he is probably still home getting ready so I guess I'll stay here for a bit until he's ready
*2 hours later*
I got out of my seat pissed and stomped out of the restaurant with tears in my eyes and it was blurring my vision but I didn't care
I got in my car and got out of the parking lot I put up the radio and tried to stop the tears from streaming down my face but it didn't work.
I was so caught up in doing this that I didn't notice the bus coming my way and before I could register it my car was bumped into the air and was rolling everywhere.
and then all I saw was black then a few minutes later I saw a bright white light and stairs...I’m In Heaven? then I heard a voice from no where and It startled me “Come fourth my child, you’ve done good...welcome back home, don’t worry everything will be ok” I started Crying when I heard the voice then I rcognized it....it was God I looked at the stair case and said “I’m ready God...take me but let my children live...please” I begged him. “very well my Child...they may live but you have family members that have been waiting for your arrival” he said back to me. I nodded and continued my journey up the stair case. Once I got there I saw my entire family and friends who have passed waiting there with their arms wide open. 
Good bye Richard, I had a surprise for you but I guess I can’t tell you now. I will always love you and our children.
*Third person*
as soon as Y/n was in the car crash notifications kept buzzing Richard's phone while he was at the studio along with the other boys.
then their phone was blowing up with DM's and Posts and tagged photos. Zabdiel being...Zabdiel decided to check all his notifications. Once he saw all the notifications that were mentioning Y/n's name.
he grew curious and decided to click on one only to be met with a horrifying photo
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@cncodaily Y/n Y/mn Y/ln was caught in a huge car crash and is currently unconscious with a very slow heartbeat  the paramedics are doing the best they can and some witnesses say that what caused this was y/n and her boyfriend Richard Camacho earlier scheduled a date night and Richard apparently stood her up or forgot about their date so she waited two hours. Before she got up with tears in her eyes and walked out and she was distracted that she didn't notice the drunk driver coming her way she's on her way to Mercy hospital. please keep her in your prayers  
by the time Zabdiel was finished reading the paragraph he was already crying without noticing he was all the others already saw it
Including Richard,
without a word or goodbye, all the boys got up and left they all had tears but Richard was crying the most. the guilt was eating him alive as well as the regret.
They all ran into the van and Joel showed the driver the address and they took off. Once they got their Richard's eyes were bloodshot red from holding the tears and the sobs in.
once they got in Richard wasted no time in going to Y/n's room and ran to her side grabbing her hand "Mi Amor, I'm an s-so sorry baby, I was so caught up in my career while you were trying to be the b-best girlfriend in the world if you can hear me. Please believe when I say that I love you so much "
After all of Richard's comments, the most painful and worst sound in the world came to his and everyone else's ears and to Richard it was the worst thing to see happened
Richard tried rushing to your body only to be blocked by his crying band members and the doctors that were trying to revive Y/n back to life
it was all in slow motion for him when he saw her chest coming up and down 8 to 10 times until it didn't move anymore at all
Richard was crying and sobbing so much that he was coughing and shaking he didn't know what to do the love of his life was just taken away all in one night
"Mr. Camacho" the doctor called
Richard calmed down and he looked at the doctor "yes" he asked in a shaky breath "I'm so sorry to say this but your girlfriend has passed away but she left a little gift" the doctor said smiling a bit
"what is it?" Richard asked impatiently while sniffing "she's passed on but she gave you beautiful daughters" the doctor said smiling sweetly
"w-what" Richard stammered. Chris came up to him and patted his shoulder while crying "you're going to be a father again" he said smiling through his tears
"where are they?" Richard asked  smiling a little "In the machine (forgot what it was called) but you can see them now if you would like" the doctors said smiling
Richard nodded and followed the doctor to the room when he got their his two babies were separated but he decided to name them anyway
he put his finger in the hole where his daughter's cheek was and stroked it "Hello Beautiful I think your name should be...Hope Elizabeth Camacho Y/l/N" he said smiling before glancing at his other daughter  
he slowly pulled his finger out of the little hole and moved to where his other daughter is "and you....how about.... Faith Ella Camacho Y/l/N" he said smiling at his other little creation  
just then the boys came in.
they all 'awwed' at the sight of the girls "what are their names?" Erick asked while looking at Faith "well the one you're looking at it is Faith Ella Camacho Y/l/N and the other one Zabdiel is looking at is Hope Elizabeth Camacho Y/l/N" he said smiling.
'Today was a bad day but ended up being a good one' Richard thought looking at his girls
*two weeks later*
It was time for Y/N's funeral and Richard was bringing his kids including Aaliyah and Yocelyn was going to because her and Y/N were good friends
He got the twins dressed and gave them to Yocelyn to take care of them
The band was going to perform 'Cometa' which is one of Y/N's favorite songs from them so they all got dressed and headed to the funeral home
they each got a balloon that was Y/F/C and started to sing Cometa
once they were finished they all one at a time let go of the ballon that held messages in them after everything was done  Richard took his three baby girls and brought them home.
He gave Hope and Faith a bath first then he helped Aaliyah with her bath once all the baths were done he put Faith and Hope in their onesies and Aaliyah in her Pj's
He kissed Aaliyah's head before she went to sleep and kissed his other two daughters until he went to bed
In the middle of the night Richard woke up to crying twins along with Aaliyah "he scooped up both twins from their cribs into his arms
"what's wrong my baby's" he cooed Hope laid her head on Richards chest and Faith did the same thing he placed them both in his king-sized bed and went to Aaliyah's room where she was crying and whimpering from the nightmare she just had
Richard calmed her down and was about to put her back in her bed until she said "No I wanna sleep with you tonight Papa" she said sleepily
Richard chuckled and picked her up and brought her to his room where the twins were knocked out in the middle of the bed snuggling.
he smiled at the cute sight before getting into bed along with Aaliyah and they all fell asleep,
Richard woke up in the morning to find Aaliyah asleep on the left side of his chest and Hope on the right side while Faith was lying on his stomach
Richard once again, smiled and closed his eyes again falling asleep with is baby girls. However one last though ran through his mind. 
‘I love you y/n I wish you were still here but I hope your happy and I miss you’.
From that night on to every night Richard would always think that last thought before falling asleep. 
ok I'm just going to admit it
I cried while writing this
anyway, hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry if I made you cry
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kachinnate · 5 years
as you all know, the only venting i ever post on here is reblogged subtle depression feels *sparkle emoji* or an explosion of all the shit that’s happened to me like every three months because i cannot take Any More under a read more 
the three month deadline has come now 
triggers below, check the tags please
this year has unabashedly been the worst year of my life. 
and that sounds dramatic, and i know i could have it worse, and maybe i’m being selfish because literally all the things that have happened this year have been all inner turmoils and i’ve literally had years where my family went through financial struggles + death and stuff and even that doesn’t compare to the emotional toll i’ve went through this year but it’s just. bad. it’s so bad. 
i don’t know how or why but my depression seemed to just fucking turn itself up 8 notches after january hit to the point where i had to tell my dad that i needed medical help lmao... and i got my first diagnosis, my first perscription.. and it didn’t work, so they upped the dosage, and that didn’t work, so now i’m on a new medicine which has a starting dosage of 150mg, and my doctor told me if this one didn’t work she’s going to refer me to a psychiatrist, and i must have looked so broken and on the verge of tears when she said this because she immediately had to reassure me that this wasn’t a failure on my own part, which logically makes sense right, but at the same time it’s just so?? fucking disheartening?? after months of my upper dosage not working i just cold turkeyed them until my next appointment which probably wasn’t the Best Thing because shortly following that i realized that i wanted to k*ll mys*lf more in a two week period than i’d have ever in my entire life, and i thought that suicide idealization was an issue i struggled with since forever, but boy howdy was i wrong because these past couple of weeks have been sooooooo fuckin bad lmao. like i struggle opening my medicine because sometimes i dump like all of it out and just. look at it. in my hand. i never actually do it because i’m way too scared of having a seizure or my dad doing something stupid if i were dead but what if. what if what if what if. it’s more of an intrusive thought than me planning on it, but. what if. my new medication has a specific warning that it’s dangerous for overdoses which is. genuinely kind of scary. what if. 
i realized that i don’t have anyone friendwise irl anymore over the course of this school year. to save you and myself the retelling of the most bullshit high school drama i’ve ever been apart of, i realized that all my friends in my Group (tm) couldn’t care any less about me than they already do. i’ve always adored them and loved them with all of my being, and yeah i am not endowed to their appreciation back i guess, but watching them slowly and gradually ditch me and exclude me and ignore me and go out of their way to show me that they don’t care about my existence has been the biggest fucking emotional blow. people outside of this group told me that they were awful people and bad for me and so incredibly toxic and guess what? i defended them and now the fact that i was wrong makes me want to tear my fucking guts out. i spent three whole years with these group of people only for them to decide in the past six months that i’m not worth it. i feel so fucking empty. one of those people was supposed to be my best friend of nine years. and i still fucking love him despite all of that, y’know? i love all of them even though they have made me sob every night over the latter course of a school year and feel unsafe in a club that i was once prominent in and that’s so bullshit and so unfair but it’s fine it’s whatever. and like, i should have seen it coming, because the build up was them treating me so fucking badly. it’s an ongoing joke that despite being rank 1 in my class, i’m.. an idiot? like it’s a joke that haha i’m short and haha i’m stupid and haha i can’t interact with people and i have debilitating anxiety and i make mistakes all the time and i’m the ditzy lesbian of our friend group, even when i express that i hate being called stupid but they just insist that they’re joking with me and that i’m too sensitive. i can count on one hand the amount of times they picked at me for my eating habits even though at least one of them knew i have a pretty bad ED. they picked and picked and picked at me and then when we have our first fight they all immediately fucking drop me, and i still love them and i still try to fix everything but suddenly i’m not worth the effort anymore. it’s draining. i’m so, so tired. outside of the toxic group(tm), anyone that was close to me as i friend (or otherwise) i ended up pushing away or drifting away from or fucking up the relationship on my own, and even if it’s ‘Okay’ on objective terms, to know that i fucked up something that was once really really nice and now i can’t even feel comfortable opening up a message first because i know i’ll get left on read or, even worse, have to read a one-sided, hardly caring/pitying conversation makes me just not want to bother at all. it’s so hard to reach out to the few people i know do kinda sorta care for me, but the fact that i’ve been absent for this long? it makes the few relationships i have strained and forced so i can’t even bring myself to put myself out there knowing that it’s only going to make me feel worse
working makes me?? so miserable ????? i worked at pizza hut up until the beginning of june and while i was good at it and i had friends there, i didn’t get paid enough so i had to quit. i started a new job. i fucking hate it. i actively dread going there. people refuse to train me or are incredibly fucking disrespectful/unfriendly to me if i ask for help or just don’t know how to do something. i feel bad ranting about it because every single person i’ve asked for advice from just says that i’ll get used to it or it’s in my head, which.... regardless of whether or not it is, making me feel like it’s my fault or that i’m being crazy makes me feel sooo fucking sick and like i’m actually insane. i heard it enough from my friends this year. i’m so tired of being blamed for things happening that, while they might be worsened by the anxiety in my head, it isn’t JUST THAT. sometimes things are just BAD but they’re not because I’M making them seem bad, they genuinely just are!!!! not everything is in my head !!!!! things can be upsetting with it being solely because i’m fucking anxious every moment of every fucking day !!!!! regardless i need money so i can’t quit but goddammit i hate every minute i’m not at my house. 
all in all, i just feel so, so fucking alone. i have friends on here, and i’m so thankful for them - i’m so grateful to every lovely message i’ve gotten on anon and i’m so thankful for my buds on discord and i’m so thankful for streams and my stream team and i’m so thankful for people who follow me for musicals or art and actively talk to me about them - but it’s just.. here. when i log off and step back from my computer, i’m just immediately fucking alone again. if i were to disappear one day, no one would know what happened to me or where i went, and eventually no one would even care, given that anyone even noticed my absence to begin with. i’m so replaceable. i’m literally just another fucking face on here. another cutesy musical blog ran by a very, very fucking dysfunction kid
anytime i’m shown any shred of kindness, i just. start sobbing. like i cannot even interact like a person, or hell, like the person i was a year ago. this girl i’d been talking to momentarily told me that for as much as i’m there for other people, i need someone that i can jsut lean on and have care about me, and like. i cried. so much. when was the last time i had that? when was the last time i just had someone, anyone just to be here for me? and again, not saying it in a way like i deserve that or am entitled to that, but god fucking damnit i haven’t just rant on and on or spilled my feelings to someone without worrying that they’d get upset with me or deflect it back onto themselves in so, so long. i just want someone to listen. i just want someone to care. 
and it’s who i try to be, all the time. the person that cares, the person that listens, and that just might be part of the problem. i say this all the time, and it’s a mantra and probably one of the main highlighted points that comes with my depression: i put so, so much out, so much energy and love and time, and i get almost nothing back. and it takes suuuuch a fucking toll. in such, it causes me to retreat and suddenly just cut people off or distance myself because i’m scared of letting myself get hurt again because the emotional turmoil i go through genuinely, genuinely almost fucking kills me every time. when that whole thing happened with my friend group, i went days without eating and just. wouldn’t talk. wouldn’t do anything other than school. because school is my safety, i can always rely on school, school will always be there - so i threw myself in school and overworked myself and overmaxed my credit hours and like. if i didn’t have that, if i didn’t have my classes, i really don’t know if i’d be here right now. and it sounds dramatic and i’m sorry, i hate it too, but it’s just the fucking truth.  but - yeah again, i’m the person that’s always there. that’s why i never fucking rant like this on here. i don’t want to be triggering, and i don’t want to cause people distress, and i want people who are having a hard time to see my blog and maybe feel a little bit better and feel happy and have fun. but in the end, this is the only place i have to scream out into the void because i genuinely don’t have a space to do that in real life anymore. nothing. there’s nothing else. 
i’ve always said that when i go to college, i’m just going to do a hard-reset and change up everything. reinvent myself. but sometimes i really don’t see myself getting out of this year alive, or at the very least in one piece. i’m already fucked in so many regards. i��m predestined to be an alcoholic. my brain is actively trying to fucking detonate itself. i’ve never been in love, and sometimes i worry that i never will be. i cry and cry and cry out, but i can’t get help. my solutions to problems is just working until i forget or sleeping until i forget or just finding an alternate way to fucking forget. everything that i’m looking forward to is so incredibly temporary or so short lived or so pathetically small in the grand scheme of things. i have to stay alive to see my AP scores on july 5th. i have to stay alive because i promised my friends i’d stream on this day. i have to stay alive because i promised addie i’d go see this show with her in september. but it’s not for me. it’s never for fucking me. i couldn’t care less. 
i’m not going to ever kill myself because i’m too scared of the pain or the symptoms that i’ll feel right up to it. but otherwise, i really don’t know why else i’m obligated to stay here. 
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All the personal asks plz
Alrighty then!
1. Any scars?
Mhm, pretty much all the scars I have are burns. One is from burning the side of my arm on an iron my mom had  standing upright that I brushed against trying to reach something on the counter behind it and I’ve got one or two other scars from my culinary class on my hands from trying to put a tray in the oven and bumping it on the rungs above the ones I was putting it on. I burnt my hand day one of actually cooking. Yes I’m a disaster.
2. Self harmed?
Absolutely not. One, I’m too scared of pain, and two, I have uh… An unpleasant history involving someone else threatening self harm to make me do what they wanted, so… It’s a really sore spot for me.
3. Crush?
I honestly have no idea.
4. Kissed anyone?
5. Coke or Pepsi?
Neither they make me physically ill
6. Someone you hate?
There’s a LOT of assholes at my school but the person I hate the most is probably my dad for reasons.
7. Best Friends?
Mhm! I’ve got a handful on this site but my IRL best friend is @theansweris-a. She doesn’t really get on tumblr anymore but if you’re reading this I love you friendo and have a good day! :D
8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs?
hahaha fuCK NO. I’d rather not get addicted to something that can and will kill me and throw my money at people to sustain it. If someone offered me either I’d probably flip them off whilst slowly backing up and getting tf out of there because NO.
9. What’s your dream job?
Author/Illustrator with some VA work and Video Game directing on the side.
10. Ever been in love?
I have. It was with someone I didn’t have a chance with and who would be an absolutely awful lover to me since we weren’t compatible emotion-wise so I let it go. It was hard, but I did it.
11. Last time you cried?
Last Sunday trying to explain to my mom why our preacher and the church we go to has completely fallen out of my favor for it’s very loud blatant ‘LGBT people are bad abortion is evil insert other white conservative stuff here’ ‘cause she doesn’t know I’m LGBT+ (and it’s going to stay that way) and I was trying to explain to her why I would never say invite my LGBT friends to church because they would be mercilessly persecuted by people who call themselves followers of God then spit in his eye by doing the exact opposite of everything he’s asked of them. Yes I still feel really strongly about this.
12. Favorite color?
13. Height?
How coincidence, I just got it measured today! 5′6, FINALLY OFFICIALLY TALLER THEN MY MOM MUHAHAHAHAHA
14. Birthday?
November 17th!
15. Eye color?
Milk chocolately-brown
16. Hair color?
Dark brown
17. What do you love?
this is so open ended hjkfjfjkhgkjh okay then I love girls, video games, anime, writing, drawing, reading, and animals.
18. Obsession?
My top 3 in order of obsession; Kill La Kill, RWBY, and Kingdom Hearts.
19. If you had one wish, what would it be?
For every single illness, disease, syndrome, disorder, and so on to have a cure. From Cancer to Asthma. Both because I have so many incurable diseases/disorders and because I know there are people out there who have things so much worse than me in that department.
20. Do you love someone?
I love all my mutals, friends, and most of my family including extended family. 
21. Kiss or hug?
I’ve never been kissed so I don’t know anything about how that would be so I’d say hug because I love hugs!
22. Nicknames people call you?
Derpy, Slurpy, D-Slur, Resident Cinnamon Roll (That’s my actual nickname on a Revue Starlight discord)
23. Favorite song?
this is like asking me to pick my favorite child uhhhhh… This Life Is Mine by Jeff Williams, it just means a lot to me.
24. Favorite band?
i know no bands by name
25. Worst thing that has ever happened to you?
….Okay, uh, this is gonna be really hard to decide because a LOT of bad things have happened to me. I’ll go with the more physical choice because I’d rather not dump too much of my emotional baggage onto yall. One time I was being prepped for surgery and they needed to get the IV in. (for the record I’m shaking pretty badly right now from thinking about this) They had to stab my arm with what they called a ‘Bee sting’ (it wasn’t a bee sting it goes almost down to the bone) that had numbing stuff in it and they were trying to find a vein they could put my IV in but they couldn’t find one (okay now i’m typing really fast so I don’t have to think about this for long) and they kept stabbing my arm over and over again. The thing is I have a serious phobia of needles that sends me into panic attacks, I’ll go lightheaded I’ll lose my hearing and so on. So I was trying to put a brave face on despite my parents not even being there but they would. not. stop. They didn’t give me a break. It was one stab then another then another then another. I was having a full blown panic attack, I was almost crying. Then they seemed to get it. They left me for a bit and my parents came in. My arm started swelling. They HADNT got it. My arm was being filled with whatever my IV was. They came back in with the beesting. They started stabbing me again but on the other arm. I couldn’t keep a brave face anymore after thinking they were finally done. I started to cry and sob and the panic attack I had that day was the single worst I have ever had. It got worse. They missed a vein entirely and instead hit a bundle of nerves. My hand started involuntarily twitching as pain unlike any I’ve ever felt before or until now wracked my arm. I had actual trauma from this, the night after the surgery I kept feeling ghost pains of the stabs in my arms, I had to sleep on my stomach with my arms wrapped around my front just to make them go away. I’m still extremely traumatized of this to this day. I never want to have surgery again. I never want an IV again. 
Okay that got away from me there I’m sorry I kinda was having a panic attack while writing that. Anyways moving on.
26. Best thing that has ever happened to you?
This is gonna sound cheesy but meeting @theansweris-a. She’s the sweetest and kindest person I have ever met in my entire life and I feel so incredibly lucky to call her my friend, though knowing her she’ll see this and reply with ‘No U’ because we always end up in a shouting match of ‘YOU ARE A WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING’ ‘NO YOU’RE A WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING’ 
27. Something you would change about yourself?
I definitely would lose weight. Not because of societies bullshit but because I legitimately want to lose weight so I can actually get strong and build up some muscle, I WANT TO BE ABLE TO OPEN GATORADE BOTTLES GODDAMNIT
28. Ever dated someone?
Nope, I’m closeted and have no interest in even pretending I’m straight by dating a guy, I mean I know some genuinely nice guys (all of them dorks) but they’re all just my friends though they are massive goofballs and I love them very much. (Entirely platonically)
29. Worst mistake?
I… Don’t think you guys wanna know that. It’s nothing bad its just depressing and I don’t wanna be more depressing then I already have been.
30. Watch the movie or read the book?
Depends on which is better, like I’d rather watch the Chronicles of Narnia than read the books because the books are honestly terrible but I’d rather read Percy Jackson than watch the movie because the movies are incredibly unfaithful to the books.
31. Ever had a heartbreak?
32. Favorite show?
Kill La Kill!
33. Best day of your life?
My cheesiness never ceases but the first time I actually hung out with @theansweris-a IRL at the mall. I remember being SO excited for it but also nervous that how easily we talk to each other wouldn’t translate into real life and I remember spotting her walking up and practically shouting her name before running up and giving her a big ol’ hug whilst crying happy tears (I know i’m sappy shut up) and then when we were let loose to walk around we quickly discovered that we clicked almost immediately and incredibly well it was just the best thing ever. Like, in that one day alone we spent six hours in that mall just chatting and buying stuff and having fun and we left the mall with like three different inside jokes despite it being our first time meeting in person since we first met. Hi my name is Derpy and I’m a big ol’ sap.
34. Any talents?
I’m pretty good at writing, I can type really fast, and I can play the harmonica.
35. Do you wish you could ever start over?
Absolutely not. Things are the way they are for a reason, and even though I’ve been through a LOT it’s because of all that that I’m the person I am today and I wouldn’t trade that for the world.
36. Any bad habits?
Yeah, I’m a nail biter.
37. Ever had a near death experience?
Yes actually, when I was 3 or 4 we took a plane to California to visit some relatives and I almost walked out of the air hatch one the way out, I remember this vividly even though it was a long time ago. If it wasn’t for the flight attendant grabbing me before I fell out, I wouldn’t be here today.
38. Someone I can tell anything to?
@theansweris-a and @my-words-are-light, they’re both really good listeners and have helped me through a lot of stuff.
39. Ever lost a loved one?
My Great Grandpa Ritch died shortly after I was born, there’s a lot of pictures of him smiling and holding me while in a hospital bed and hooked up to oxygen.
40. Do you believe in love?
Oh absolutely, 100%. I mean if you know me you already know that I have just ABSURD amounts of love in my heart and I genuinely believe that it exists.
41. Someone you hate/Dislike?
Wasn’t this already a question?
42. Are you okay?
Mostly, yeah. I have some stuff to work on but I’m honestly at the best i’ve ever been!
43. Relationship status?
I’m a Single Pringle
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