#goddamnit I wanted them to win
Honestly people who are good at challenges are so boring you can leave HUNTER
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yellowheartz · 4 months
Tiktokers out there having the most wildest family lore out there while my family lore has all the sweetest and most beautiful poetic shit ever.
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yandere! popular girl x gn!reader x yandere emo boy
A/n: "Mimi" is 18 years old and a senior! This post is nsfw so minors do not interact! Sorry for the shitty ending, I'm too sleepy
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💓yandere! Popular girl who first introduced herself as "Mimi", refusing to tell you her real name as she found you sitting alone at lunch. Riley having left to go and get a lunch for himself
"saw you by yourself and I couldn't leave such a cute thing all by their lonesome! What's your name sweetheart?"
🌺Mimi follows you everywhere, much to Riley's displeasure, she quickly becomes someone fun and reliable for you to hang out with. You never seemed to notice the tension she had with the aforementioned goth
🌷Mimi slowly pushes the boundaries of your friendship, Getting very touchy feely and claiming it was how she was with all her friends! Which isn't much of a lie since you've seen how she acts the same with them.. but still, you could swear she was more personal with you..
💓Mimi starts getting dirty thoughts of you 3 months into your friendship, desperately needing to touch herself to get some relief. It was such a problem since she had a high sex drive, just a horny virgin really
"ah.. hah.. babydoll.. fuck, wish you were here.. wonder how you'd take care of me.. ah..! cumming.."
🌺Mimi secretly has low self esteem and confidence, seeing you as her only saving light despite being surrounded by people who love her. She doesn't need them! All she wants is you.
🌷Riley and Mimi who start getting sexually frustrated because you're either so dense to their advances or you're just choosing to ignore the signs. They come to an agreement to satisfy eachother until they can get you, whoever reaches you first wins fair and square
"Riley! Slow down, w-wait not inside-!?"
"goddamnit Riley... You're so lucky I'm on the pill.."
💓Riley and Mimi who slowly start falling in love, their dates often involving stalking you and/or mutually masturbating to hearing you get yourself off in your room, through the camera Mimi hid under your bed one time when she was over
🌺Mimi has a big breeding kink, and loves it when she gets her clit slapped. Cumming almost instantly. Riley is more than happy to help. (They totally aren't planning on going 10x more roughly on you)
🌷Mimi and Riley who kidnap you as soon as you all graduate, keeping you locked in Riley's basement. Mimi moves in soon after and they both take turns going out to work or looking after you
💓if you're afab Mimi will beg Riley to knock you both up once you're financially stable. If you're amab Mimi will beg you to give her a baby. She's desperate okay
🌺5 years later they managed to forge a three-way marriage contract, keeping it under wraps as you're all now legally married! Congrats to the happy couple
🌷Mimi is incredibly happy, but she can also feel her grip on reality slipping.. hm,must be nothing, right?
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honey-milk-depresso · 4 months
Batfam x reader going to an escape room
Gesus I went insane from this, I was too lazy to do Babs and Bruce I’m sorry- 😭😭
***S/o is above 18, which means characters below are also aged up!
Batfam x S/o VS Escape Rooms
Dick Grayson
God forbid you bring him to a horror-themed escape room. He can fight Joker, Slade, almost get killed like three days a week but he’s scared of them nasty ass sound effects when you unlock a clue and begin jumping on you while screaming until he stops and goes “oh hey, a clue-”
Sometimes keep pointing at the wrong kinds of clues. Like the ones that have the sticker label that says “NOT PART OF ROOM” and can still ask, “is this a clue???”
If you’re scared, both of you can cling together although both of you would push each other to try to punch in the coordinates because you fear the whacky effects this escape room offers.
He will, however, do everything you tell him when trying to solve puzzles. Dick will sacrifice all his loud sound fear and do it for you. Otherwise if you’re brave enough (magically) he’ll just look from behind and clap with amazement.
Whether you two escape or not… usually not. You guys get stuck there most of the time although he wouldn’t be so jumpy and can focus if you two pick a non-horror-themed escape room. You two still had fun though and that’s all that matters. <3
Jason Todd
I felt like he might’ve destroyed the props inside the room out of frustration. Horror themed or not, this man can get frustrated over puzzles he’s failing at. Like one time this man was punching in possible combinations as stated in the piece of paper you two found (miraculously) that had a riddle to the password of the lock the two of you were trying to open and ends up breaking the lock with his bare hands out of frustration that the host had to rush in after catching all that on camera.
He keeps complaining, “that shit is more nonsensical than Riddler’s riddles, goddamnit!” He just wants to win and get out of here with you. That’s the whole POINT.
The one who keeps making sarcastic jokes about all the clues like “this guy puts ‘DEATH’ as the password, how original”, “wow. Who could’ve guessed the VAMPIRE out of the three options where the two others are HUMANS is the killer. Incredible.” You’ll never here the end of it-
If you’re scared, he’ll hold you closer to him (while he slowly loses his shit to colour coordinated buttons) and secretly likes how you cling to him if you are scared. If not, he’s appreciative you try to calm him down and help him stay focus.
You two would sometimes get out, sometimes not successfully, but all the time you’d usually get a bill to pay for the damaged props. Couple goals. <3
Tim Drake
He is full on lock mode INTO this escape room game. By this point, you two are just speed-running through this to get out and win.
Tim is a detective with an IQ of 142 after all, so most of the escape rooms are just easy for him that you complain isn’t fun anymore. Thus, you two go for the really hard ones and I mean those REALLY hard ones like “The Caretaker” kinda with a 1.5% success rate THEN would things get interesting.
Tim likes a challenge, and he gets even more determined to be successful in escaping. He’s not scared of the props, even in horror-themed because he’s super driven to win. If you get scared of horror-themed, and even more terrifying is that it has such a low success rate he’s still by your side trying to reassure you while trying to solve the clues to get the both of you to the next section. Most of the time, you two get out. He gets super salty if he was about to key in the code to get out but just that split second he ran out of time and the both you didn’t get out. Kiss his cheek so he’ll completely forget being salty and more red-faced. <3
Damian Wayne
Like Jason, might’ve break a few props in the process of being frustrated. He’s laser focused in winning and escaping, it’s just that he’s frustration bubbles up easily in an escape room when he come across a particularly challenging roadblock he might push away his rationality and break the lock with his bare hands like Jason (dude how??).
He’s not scared of escape rooms, and maybe for the cheaper ones he’ll think are lame: commenting on how fake the blood is or how plastic-y the skull is with his bad painting. If you’re scared though, he’s silently celebrating the fact he gets to hold you close all while having a straight face.
Yeah- pretty much just sums up the most chaotic experience for you or at least, whatever goes on his head.
Usually would get out with him, although sometimes you two would find a bill to pay for broken props but it’s not as bad as Jason’s count so don’t worry. <3
Duke Thomas
He’s pretty good at escaping actually. Well, he’s not as fast as Tim, but if given an hour on an average escape room, Duke can get out with you in maybe 50 minutes flat.
Of course, he’s not gonna try escaping an escape room with a success rate of 1.5% like Tim is, he knows his limits.
Has fun in horror and non-horror themed escape rooms alike. He’s mildly scared of the horror ones, maybe just be slightly jumpy but he won’t scream hysterically or anything. He’ll probably laugh it off and focus on figuring out the clues.
Maybe throw in a joke or two like, “wow, this guy just gives us the password through people’s surnames that are all colour names. If only it was that easy in stakeout mission-”
If you’re scared, he’s there for you and reminds you it’s fake. You’re not gonna die here (because this isn’t a twisted kind of escape room set up by Joker or anything like that, it’s an entertainment one so it’s okay-) and is pretty chill about the whole thing.
Pretty high success rate to escape for most escape rooms and definitely a lot of fun with him even if you guys fail! <3
Cassandra Cain
Also pretty high success rate of getting out of your average escape room, but she also might be another one to break the props but usually by accident.
She might be a little frustrated rattling with the locker and wondering what other possible the lock combination could work when she accidentally uses her strength and kinda… breaks the lock by accident. The two of you would look at each other as Cass slowly just… puts the lock away and gets to the next clue while the two of you act like nothing happened.
Very calm and collected and she’s just unfazed with the horror-themed escape rooms. She’s seen far worse and in fact, she thinks the horror-themed ones are fun that she’s seen smiling more while solving each clue.
If you’re scared of the props, she tried to reassure you they’re face by showing the blood is fake and the skulls are fake (and then accidentally breaks them somehow or drops the fake blood on the floor-) as she tried to reassure you.
Overall, 10/10 good time with Cass. <3
Stephanie Brown
Okay so… she’s focused, yes, but she takes a really long time to think. Just a tad bit. Might be like Dick: points to the prop that has a “NOT PART OF ESCAPE ROOM” label and goes “is this a clue???”
She’s trying, she really is. Has a pretty normal chance of escaping with you but usually with only 5 minutes left or less. I think the most insane one was when you and her finally broke out on the dot when one hour was over and it was time’s up. The host was just doing that white guy blinking meme thing and was like- “huh- okay-”
She’s kinda jumpy in horror-themed escape rooms, but she’s not like Dick to scream her lungs out. Maybe just let out a yelp or “HOLY SHI—” out loud and be like “goddamnit” when she quickly recovers.
If you’re scared, it’s okay she’s got you! Even if she’s a bit startled in the beginning, she’ll be your (mostly) knight in shining armour!
She jokes a lot about the props around like: “Lmao, this goofy horse painting’s like Jason”, “Why the skull look so poorly painted on the eyes”, “What is with that silly sounding witch laugh, lmao” to lighten up the mood.
Funny times with Steph in there so 10/10. <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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shoyoist · 1 year
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𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 — hanma shuji.
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hanma doesn't know why he's so nervous about giving you chocolate on valentine's day. for fuck's sake.
he checks himself out for the seventh time in the reflection of the candy shop's display window, running a hand through the gelled locks of his dyed hair, fixing a strand that had fallen loose. chill the fuck out. he leans back against his motorcycle, hoping to god that he doesn't look awkward as he stands there, holding a heart-shaped box and a bouquet of flowers— starting to feel cold as the sun goes down in the distance, his leather jacket and skinny jeans doing little to protect him from the late winter chill. 
like, who cares if this is the first time he's spending a valentine's day with someone? he stares into the lidded, dusty gold eyes of his reflection. and who gives a shit that you're the first girlfriend he's ever had? the first person to ever sway his devil heart, to pull him down from the top of the world and dethrone him of the title of the lone reaper? … and who cares if he was over twenty whole fucking years old when you gave him the first kiss of his whole life? 
“shut up,” he'd hissed at hanemiya, who laughed at him while he was hunched over shelves of confectionery, unable to pick something for you. “shut the fuck up, b’fore i knock the teeth outta your fuckin' skull.”
“ooh, would ya really do that, now?” usually, anyone would cower and tremble in their pissy little shoes if the hanma shuji had threatened them like that. but hanemiya hadn't even flinched. 
“your little girlfriend might run from you, shuji honey,” kazutora had mocked, using the petname you always called him by. “can't risk that, man. not when she’s the first girl that's ever wanted your flat ass in your life.”
“can it, tora.” hanma had warned, voice low. “for a kid that sat in the class corner and got his shit beat in by every other kid in school, you sure have a sharp fuckin' tongue.”
“ouch.” hanemiya's wince was only fake. “hey, man. we're friends.”
to be fair, hanma had never thought much about love or first kisses or valentine's days, or even relationships in general. he was plenty amused and invested by kisaki's endeavours, sidelining his efforts to win over the woman of his dreams like it was a soap opera.
it was new, unwalked territory, and it made him nervous, made his heart flutter, goddamnit— to be in love with someone himself. and god he's fucking sweating despite the cold, as he stands there as patiently as he can and waits—
“shuji!” your voice calls him from behind, and he ignores the way his face and ears heat up as he turns around to find you. “shuji honey! i'm sorry i'm late!”
you wave at him as you rush over, your shoes clacking over the frosty sidewalk and your scarf fluttering in the breeze. the first thing hanma thinks is oh, fuck— because you're damn pretty, and also because your hands are full. of shopping bags that contain what he can only assume are valentine's day gifts for him.
suddenly, he feels embarrassed. the box of chocolates he spent so much time choosing for you, and the bouquet of roses (one of each colour to signify every kind and stage of love) feel suddenly empty. not good enough.
“hi baby,” he says, voice going rough as he softens it for you. leaning down so you don't have to get on your toes, he allows you to capture his lips in a kiss, parting his lips to give himself a sliver of your taste. “don't worry your pretty little head. i didn't wait long.”
“i went shopping.” you tell him, hanging some of your bags on the handlebar of his motorcycle, trifling through one of them for something. “shuji i knew you'd never dress correctly for the weather, so i made some last minute additions to my gift list and bought you these.”
you pull out a checkered scarf, very long in your hands — and you get on your toes anyway, slinging it around his neck and patting his chest before nodding in satisfaction and going back to the bag for something else. “that, and these gloves!”
you take out a pair of thick, black leather gloves and wait for hanma to finish wrapping his new scarf around his neck, before taking his large hands in yours and pulling the gloves on them for him. “aren't they nice?” you smile proudly, squeezing his gloved hands. “look at the silver buttons! you fasten them like this, and see! they're fitted perfectly.”
“i—” his voice cracks, and he blinks down at you in silence for a moment, feeling warm and fuzzy as you hold his hands in yours. “thank you, pretty doll. i love them.”
“and you better use them.” you huff. “i know you're freezing even now. it's a cold evening. you never learn, shuji.”
“i will, baby.” he has to grin at you then, because you're so fucking cute when you turn your nose up and frown at him, bossing him around like that. “promise.”
“kiss.” you pout, then, and his heart melts. he'd already put his flowers and chocolate down on the back of his motorcycle, so he wraps his hands and arms around your waist, pulling you in and enjoying the warmth you offer as he kisses you, his touch so gentle and tender even to himself. “love you, baby.” he says into your mouth, blushing again when he feels you hum happily against his lips. “i love you so much.”
when you pull away, your gaze wanders off to his motorcycle — and you look up at him, eyes somehow so adorable, sparkly and full of innocent joy. “are those for me?”
“who else would they be for?” hanma chuckles, snatching up the bouquet and chocolate, handing them to you. “happy valentine's day.” the words feel foreign, an inexperienced rasp to them as they leave his tongue.
he watches you hug the flowers to your chest, reading the label on the chocolate box, giggling as you notice your name carefully written in black marker on the pink ribbon tied around it. “it's not much,” he starts, but you don't let him continue. 
“i love them, shuji! these are my favourite kind of chocolate— and how did you know to pick these specific colours of roses, hm?” you raise an eyebrow, giggling even as you try to appear skeptical. “i bet kisaki taught you. you wouldn't know a thing about flower meanings.”
it's true — he didn't know. he'd asked kisaki for help himself. his little plant-loving genius of a friend had been delighted to oblige. “hey, don't be mean t’me now.”
“i love them, honey.” you smile, and hanma's heart flutters with the softness of your tone.
he knows you love him. you call him your honey, your sweetheart, your baby — as if he wasn't 6’4, tatted up and famous on the streets for being an on-and-off member of multiple gangs, a wild card and a lone reaper of souls that's never been defeated in a fight.
as if he wasn't quite terrible at giving you his love back. he stares again at his flowers and his measly box of chocolates, before glancing as discreetly as he could at all the bags you'd hung on his motorcycle's handlebar. “so, what's our plan?” he licks his lips. “we can go anywhere you want— name a place, i'll drive us there.”
“aren't you sweet,” you reach up to pinch his cheek. “hm, let's go to my favourite restaurant! you know the one. and after that we can drive around and head to the park you like. we can open the rest of your gifts there.”
fuck. “these all’re really for me?” he frowns at the bags — there are six of them, all tote bags in pretty pastel pinks and yellows.
“mhm.” you nod, utterly unaware of what you do to his heart. “i got you twenty presents!”
“the hell?” he mutters under his breath, running a hand through his hair and rubbing the nape of his neck, puzzled. “why the fuck would ya do that, now?”
“buy you twenty presents?” you blink. “well, i was trying to get you something really meaningful, you know? something special. that's practical but also mmm, sexy — because that's the kind of thing you like.”
“and you had to buy twenty of these … practical and sexy presents.” hanma isn't convinced. 
you put the flowers and chocolate into one of the bags and climb onto the back of his motorcycle, rolling your eyes at him. “listen, shuji— i got a little carried away, alright? i'm nervous!”
nervous? you? he walks the few steps required to close the distance between you two once again. “hah?”
“mhm.” you grab at his stomach through his shirt and pinch, earning yourself from him a hiss of pain and a swat from his hand. “i'm nervous, because…” you smile, leaning in like you're telling him a secret. “i have to show you a good time—a little birdie told me this is your very first valentine's day date.”
hanma's embarrassment is evident as he tugs the scarf up his chin and turns his back to you, leaping onto the motorcycle and making it jolt, your panicked squeak and the way you grab at his jacket to steady yourself making him chuckle despite himself.
“hey!” you slap his shoulder, and he ignores you, twisting the keys into the ignition and revving his vehicle up instead. “shuji! you're mean.”
“‘m not.” he scoffs, backing up off the side of the rode and to the yellow line. “you're mean.”
he peeks at one of the mirrors and sees your pretty face twisted into a scowl, and his own face cracks into a smile. “you'd be a real sweetie if you told me the rest of the stuff you got f’me, though.”
“those are surprises.” your scowl lifts, as he pushes off the road with one foot and drives out into the street. you wrap your arms around his waist and press your body to his back, cheek against his shoulder as you let the wind into your hair and relax as he speeds up. “you can guess, though. so funny when you guess.”
“cause i never get anything fuckin' right?” he laughs, and then you laugh too, and hanma feels all warm and fuzzy again. god, he loves you. he loves you so much.
people would assume about a man like hanma, that he wouldn't settle for a first love. he would want experiences! he would want to taste love, passion, regret, heartbreak, unadulterated lust, the poisons and ambrosias of other people— but really, he thinks he can do just fine with just you.
he can do just fine with only your love, your presence, your warmth and your kisses from your lips his whole life. if he wants experiences, he'll have them with you.
“hey.” he says, half hoping his words get lost in the wind— but you hum in response anyway, so he continues. “i know i haven't even opened those presents yet, but thank you. alright? i really do appreciate it, baby.”
he laughs at the end, a little awkward, because fuck— he sounds so stupid when he tries to be serious and express something that isn't a joke.
then you kiss his shoulder, and he feels that warmth and fuzziness all over again. “of course. anything for you, shuji. i'll make sure you feel just how much i love you.”
and god, hanma just might fucking cry. his eyes sting, and he blinks the sensation away before it can build — but he still takes a little too long to reply, takes too long to swallow down the lump in his throat. “i love ya too.”
“shuji,” your voice is teasing, and he feels you tilt your face on his shoulder to look at him better. “you're tearing up, aren't you?”
“baby, respectfully, shut the fuck up.” he smiles anyway, because your laugh is beautiful, and when you push yourself up just a bit to place a quick kiss on his cheek, he turns his head just in time to make it a kiss on his lips. ”now stay put.”
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note: inspired by an ask left to me by @vivianette. thank you for the idea, beloved<3 interactions, reblogs & feedback are much appreciated!
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twincovesgame · 4 months
Romance in Twin Coves
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Something I've been thinking about while working on the script for Twin Coves is how the romance works. I think I've talked before about how the romance in the game isn't just about flirting with the ROs enough. It's about who the MC is as a person, and thus not all ROs are going to fall for every MC. (You will know about halfway though the game if your MC has caught your desired RO's eye.)
I read an article awhile ago about treating romance in games like kindness coins vs a house of cards. (The article was here, but it now directs to a 404 page sadly.) With kindness coins... you just say the "right" thing the correct amount of times and voila romance unlocked. And that's a fine way to do romance. Certainly makes it easier on the writer. But that's not really how romance... works.
Saying the "right" thing to someone 15 times in real life doesn't equal romance. What about who you are as a person? What about who they are? Do you have things in common? How do you treat other people? Just complimenting someone, saying flirty things, and giving them a gift isn't how real love works.
Something I'm trying (emphasis on trying) to do in Twin Coves is have the romances be based on more then just saying a nice thing to get a point towards winning over the RO of your choice. The choices the MC makes throughout the game outside of the romance also effect the romance. Even little things like the song they pick in the car.
Of course, some ROs are easier to woo than others. That's true to life as well. Some ROs already have feelings for the MC, so there is probably very little the MC could do to ruin that. Some ROs are quite determined to keep their feelings out of it, and will take more effort. Not just flirting, but getting to know them and them getting to know the main character back. Building up a sense of trust. There is one RO who is very difficult to romance. I think it may even make some players mad as there is a very strict requirement for entering into a romance with him I don't think some players will want to make. (Actually, there's probably a couple that fit this description.) However, that's also true to life. Some things are deal breakers, for either the MC or the RO. Good news: there's eight other routes to pick from!
And, in a similar vein, not every route is going to appeal to everyone. You may have thought Eli was hot, for example, only to realize he's not for you once you get to know him. Or maybe a route you thought you'd hate will surprise you. That's definitely happened to me a few times. I put off a route thinking I wouldn't like the RO... only for that route to become my favorite.
This is also why there are no flirt indicators in the game. Because there are no kindness coins. I don't want players to think about choices as right or wrong - only as what's true to their MC. You may be surprised as to who you attract. Also, any option that is romantic is going to be pretty obvious. I also don’t want players to feel they have to make a certain romantic choice to win their RO over. Whether you go in for a kiss or feel it’s more true to the MC to wait… the RO isn’t going to be secretly keeping score on you.
(I am keeping score though. Just don’t look too far behind the curtain. Point systems are the only way I know how to program. I just don’t want it to feel like a point system, ya know?)
And for those who just wanna kiss everyone, goddamnit!! There is always the walkthrough 💙
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leviathanspain · 1 year
don’t let me go
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carmy berzatto x reader
synopsis: you had hoped he would never know, but what was carmy if not complicated
carmen had been ignoring you all day. it wasn’t like him, but you also never cared before. but that was before, and this was now.
you wiped your brow with the back of your hand, the spatula in the sauce still moving at a furious pace. you looked over at sydney, glancing at what she was doing before you tried to call her over. “yo syd..” you waved a hand over and pointed to your sauce, “try it. let me know what you think.” you stepped back to lean on the counter behind you. sydney smiled slightly as she stepped up to the plate, bringing the spatula up, she let her finger swipe just slightly off the top, before tasting it.
her eyes lit up as she nodded, “holy shit.” she looked at you, “that’s really good- oh my god. what is that?” she looked down at the sauce, and you laughed, “just some-“
“carm’s gotta try this.” sydney glanced back at you before picking up the spatula, “where is he?” she looked at you but didn’t even bother for an answer as she walked around the kitchen.
“syd- maybe it’s not a good idea, yknow carm-“ you tried to explain why it really wasn’t a good idea, but the girl had already started running off with your sauce, getting the rest of the kitchen to taste it.
tina had given her nod of approval, though she avoided your eye. richie had refused to try it, and even if you hadn’t planned for anyone to try it beside syd, you still slipped him a ‘fuck you’.
carmy had been in the office, staring at the mountain of paper work when he looked up, seeing sydney in the doorway with a pot, and you, not even looking at him but hanging around behind sydney. he raised his eyebrows, “what?”
“y/n made this amazing sauce, everyone’s loved it, and you should really try it-“ sydney brought the pot close to him but carm shook his head, “i’m good, i’m good.” his response created disbelief in sydney’s face, but you wanted to scream ‘i told you so’ to the girl. god you wanted to slap him, and you wanted to slap him good.
sydney and carm exchanged a private couple of words until sydney looked at you sympathetically. she took your sauce and you stood there, seeing just carmy’s arm as he moved around in the office.
taking a good breath in, you walked into the office, slamming the door behind you.
“ignoring me is one thing, but refusing my food is another thing.” you stared at him, but carmen instead stared at the wall. silence met your words and you inhaled, “goddamnit! stop being like this, for fuck sakes carmen, it was one time! one really fucked up time.” you threw your hands up, running them over your hair.
carmy stood up suddenly, the sound of his chair being thrown back into his desk met your ears, and you blinked, “you should’ve told me.” he looked at you, “you should’ve been the one to tell me. not tina, not richie, no one.” carmy looked at you and for once, the look in those big blue eyes was something more.
you sniffled, feeling your face get hot at the confrontation. you hadn’t expected it to go like this, but it was carmy, and things didn’t always go as expected.
you shrugged, “what do you want me to say? apologize? i don’t have to because this,” you pointed between you two, “is nothing. we are nothing but coworkers, carm, you’re the one-“
carmy shook his head, “no- this isn’t about that-“
“then what is it about? what else could me sleeping with your brother be? it was one time, carmy.” you kept repeating it, but the words were beginning to lose their meaning. carmen was frustrated, and it was building up in this tiny room.
he laughed, almost like he couldn’t believe it. “fuck this.” he grabbed at the door handle but you threw yourself against the door, “we’re not done. and i refuse to have those assholes hear any of this.” you paused, staring at the floor, “i didn’t know you then, carm. all i knew was that mikey had a kid brother who was this award winning chef. then,” you shrugged, “that award winning chef suddenly became my boss. and my boss became something more.”
carmy was looking at the ground, as if afraid to face the truth.
“carm-“ you called his attention, feeling tears well up in your eyes, “carm. fuck, carmy,” you wiped them away but you couldn’t control the sob that escaped your lips. it was loud, a guttural noise that left you wondering if you had even made it.
carmen looked up, and saw you, red faced and teary eyed, “fucking hold me, carmen.” you demanded, and immediately felt his arms wrap themselves around you.
you let your hands tie at his waist, feeling the cotton material of his ridiculously expensive white shirt, a remnant of the life he had lived in new york.
carmy held you for a while, even tried to let go once but you had yelled at him, “don’t let me go.” the words felt gritty, but so did most things. carmen was most things, whatever it was between you was as electric as it was complicated. you both ignited a drive in the other that normally would’ve caused disfunction between normal people, but you two were different.
except moments like these. moments of true emotion that left you wondering if you weren’t different, if you two were superficial in your hate and anger, and if you truly despised the other.
you heard him mutter your name, “y/n..” you looked up, and carmen kissed you suddenly, a quick kiss that you hadn’t had time to blink, “finish your fucking sauce,” he breathed into your lips. you pulled away, inhaling and fixed your apron, “yes, chef.” carmy crossed his arms, “and get started on those potatoes. i don’t wanna see some mashed up shit anymore, get it right.”
“yes, chef.”
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enhyblur · 2 days
Not yours, Not mine
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“Is this really necessary guys?” Chan shouted, watching the two who used to be close friends beat each other up over a single girl, you.
They’ve know each other for years, basically since high school. So why are you the one getting in the way, are you that important? So much that in the blink of an eye, they began to compete for your love and attempt to win you over? Were they that thirsty to have your heart?
“I loved her first, I held her first, I saw her first.. why are you getting in my way?” Hyunjin held the collar of seungmin’s shirt in a heavy breath. It began to rain awhile ago so Chan would have already been leaving them alone. He tried his best to stop what was already happening, but there was nothing he could do.
Chan had been there from the beginning to see it all happen, to watch as you walked through the door. Ordering at the cafe everyday to the point where the both of them would memorize your order everytime. Though when it came to realize their feelings and time came to confess… things got tricky. Chan warned you of this but it was token lightly, you were sure that they’d never think of you as more than a friend. We could all conclude that you were indeed incorrect.
“Getting in the way? Did she make anything official, or do you just love to claim everything as yours?” Seungmin bit back with a scoff, wiping the blood from his lip. He in fact did not care for their brotherly bond anymore, as you were all her wanted. Though the same goes for hyunjin too huh?
Hyunjin punched him for the last time, stepping back to look up into the sky, letting the rain drop onto him. He was so frustrated with himself, what’s wrong with him? You’re just a simple girl who happens to shop at the cafe they own. You happened to catch his eye and maybe seungmin’s too but that didn’t matter to Hyunjin.
Neither did you catching hyunjin’s eye matter to seungmin, so much that he didn’t care if he got beat up for you. He let himself get hit, all with not a care in the world. He’d take all the punches for you if it meant having you at the end, if it meant being able to hug you again. You’re the only air he can breathe. “Can you breathe? Does her presence make you lose air? Does she make your heart drop everytime your eyes meet eachother?” Seungmin spat out, lying there on the ground. “Shes not your property, neither is she my property. But goddamnit I wish she were mine.”
Hyunjin sighed, making his way to seungmin, lying down next to him with his head on seungmin’s arm. “Me too.. I need her.”
Seungmin cleared his throat, playfully punching hyunjin’s shoulder. “We need her.”
(Idk what this was, i just thought of that one commercial they did and ig wrote down in my own way. 🤕)
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zeroducks-2 · 1 year
I was thinking of something my gf said about Under The Red Hood, about the whole "did Bruce hit Jason in the neck or shoulder" conundrum.
I hadn't really wondered about it too much previously, I just assumed Bruce is a fucking asshole because he threw a batarang at this boy who supposedly was like a son to him, after getting him back from the dead, at the very high risk of killing him. Like idgaf of the circumstances okay? Fuck off Bruce. So it's not like I really cared if that was the shoulder or the neck (even if it does look like the neck) because it's the principle that's fucked up.
But anyway, recently my gf said something and I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I went back to UTRH and looked for panels and GODDAMNIT SHE'S RIGHT-
So, the answer to the question "did Bruce aim for Jason's neck or shoulder when he threw that batarang?" can be answered with BOTH. Let me explain.
The scene is Bruce and Jason's last confrontation in UTRH, and they just started to fight. It's a brutal fight made even more desperate because chemo has just been dropped on Bludhaven and Bruce cannot physically go check on Dick because Jason is preventing him, so they're both desperate, no one is pulling the punches.
it starts out like this:
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With a batarang thrown behind Jason that bounces back from a close distance, and which allows Jason to choose his wound, because it's aimed to his shoulder and head.
Sounds familiar? Basically this blow is thrown in a way that takes away someone's balance, forcing them to move from a spot if they want to avoid a potentially fatal blow. Jason dodges of course and gets hit on the side of the shoulder, giving back with one of "his tricks", and the fight continues.
Now take a look at how the fight ends:
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with the same opening blow, a batarang thrown behind Jason, aimed at his shoulder and head. Clearly aimed to destabilize Jason and make him let go of the Joker, but Jason does not move and does not let go until after he's been hit.
The implications of this are huge. It's a known fact that Jason does not think he's going to walk out of this alive, but here he actively chose to let Bruce hit him in the neck, solid on his position until the end.
There's also a bit, a few panels prior, regarding how both Jason and Bruce wouldn't fall for the same trick twice:
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Never twice.
Bruce used the same move twice with that batarang throw, and again it implies that Jason should have seen it coming and he did. Bruce won, in the sense that he managed to not do what Jason demanded - shoot him through his face or watch the Joker die - he "managed to find a way to win" and keep his conscience relatively clean because he didn't shoot a gun, and it was Jason's decision not to move and to let that batarang hit him in the neck when he could have dodged it. And everybody still loses.
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DC writers do have a tendency to depict Jason having suicidal tendencies. I'm pretty sure at this point that it comes from this, and that whatever the fuck happens in RHATO when Bruce beats the living hell out of him, and Jason does not defend himself, is supposed to be some kind of parallel to this particular dyamic of UTRH (a bad parallel but still).
I rest my case.
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kiriiqt · 2 years
- yandere tighnari drabble.
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characters: tighnari x reader a/n: brain rot go fucking brr I had to cut an entire section of this bc it was too long. I have so many more thoughts about him I might need to make a part two goddamnit. warnings: extreme manipulation, mind games, predator/prey comparisons, drugging/poisoning.
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Normally; manipulative, stalker-ish, appears harmless
I think Tighnari is up there in the ranking of which yandere would be most terrifying or difficult to deal with, though the terrifying aspect comes in later…
For now, picture Tighnari; quick-witted, smart, sassy, but overall good-natured Tighnari. Devoted to his job, to the forest, and to taking care of all forms of life - including you. Oh, and he’s so sweet too - always so worried for your wellbeing. Even when scolding you for being careless, there’s this charm to him, and it’s like he’s completely unaware of it.
The way he greets you with a soft smile, how his ears twitch when he’s alert, and how his tail swishes behind him absentmindedly… Archons, he’s adorable, you think, eyeing him absentmindedly. It’s hard not to fall for him; you’re sure that you’re not the only one with somewhat of a crush on the forest ranger…and from the stories you’ve heard, he’s been quite popular for a while, even back in his Akademiya days. Yet he’s so…clueless. It’s infuriating, really; no matter what you do, he doesn’t see through your actions, doesn’t realize how you truly feel, despite how close you are. You’d think that common sense would win at some point, that he’d finally see through you - he’s so good at reading other people, tricking them, with a smirk breaking out on his face, sly as he is…
…Sly. Tighnari laughs when you, jokingly, call him that one day; oh, as if you even have a clue. Really, you’re the adorable and clueless one, with how your eyes nearly sparkle whenever you gaze at him, head snapping the other way when he catches you. And he knows that it’s mean, but the frustrated expression that washes over your face when your flirting goes ‘unnoticed’ is just too cute to him, so he keeps up the oblivious act. He enjoys observing you; observing how hard you’re trying to impress him, clearly worried that someone is ahead of you in the race for his affection. A race that doesn’t even exist, mind you. As if any of those scholars and researchers could compare to you.
But alas, it’s a necessary evil - to him, anyway. He needs to lure you in; the oblivious nature is an act perfectly designed to fool you; act suspiciously close with someone here, sprinkle a few rumors there; he’s got you stumbling around, as if you’re a helpless prey in the middle of one of his Vijnana-Khanda Fields. He’s tempted to taunt you, but oh no, he can’t let the facade slip just yet.
He is getting a bit impatient, though. He was sure you would have slipped long ago; right into his arms, and he would have been able to snap the trap shut and keep you there. Playing around with your prey is only fun for so long. And he can’t be the first to confess; how much he thinks about you, knows about you, how obsessed he is with you. No, you need to do it first. He needs to maintain the upper hand in this; needs to keep you inside his little field, surrounded by his taunting, to make you believe that he’s so easily lost, like a sneaky fox slipping away in the night. Better hurry up and give in, before he loses his patience…he’s already given you so much time, hasn’t he?
Essentially, Tighnari is the type to play mind games with you; make you believe that you want him more than he wants you. It’s a powerplay, of sorts, and a sadistic part of him enjoys seeing you absolutely out of your mind when he comes back from an ‘outing’ with a fellow researcher. His words are vague on purpose, and he feigns ignorance to see just how far he can push you. At the same time, he’s careful to never let anything slip, because one wrong move, and you’d see through it; and he’d absolutely hate to resort to other methods…
If his plan fails, and you simply take too long to confess, he’ll have to take the first step, a fact that annoys him. He amps up his tactics, pulling you in and pushing you away, so you break. And then you finally, finally, come to him in tears, explaining how confused you are and how unfair he’s being. He could cry, that’s how relieved he is; but he won’t. Instead, he’ll gently shush you, bring you into an embrace and apologize. Tell you that he didn’t know; that he didn’t realize just how you felt. That he’s willing to give it a try. It’s a cruel, half-promise, that leaves you overjoyed but also terrified that he’ll regret his decision and leave. Of course, he wouldn’t be able to; you’ve got him, hook, line and sinker, because fennec foxes mate for life, after all. But you don’t need to know that.
Tighnari’s always had the upper hand. You’ve been at a checkmate from the beginning; moving around carelessly, each turn just a method of stalling while he slowly, but surely, ensnares you completely.
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Snapped; controlling, possessive, manipulative x10.
Snapped Tighnari is probably one of the most dangerous yanderes, but not in the sense that he’ll hurt you (we’ll get to that later), more in the sheer power he holds over you. While Tighnari obviously couldn’t compare to someone politically influential like Ayato or Ningguang, he’s got his own strengths; an incredible amount of knowledge and respect. A stainless reputation, that he’s built up by himself. He can’t bypass the law easily, and sure, he doesn’t have an army of subordinates who can do the dirty work of tracking you for him, but with his skills, that’s child's play anyway.
Tighnari is a pretty stable yandere, so I don't see him ‘snapping’ most of the time. If all goes according to his plan, he’s got you wrapped around his finger for life. But if it doesn’t…. Let’s say, Tighnari’s plan failed. Maybe he miscalculated, or pushed you too far; his hypothesis was incorrect, and there you are, in the arms of another person, seeking comfort from them because of his actions. And Tighnari is furious; the guilt and sorrow from hurting you masks itself as anger, as fear, and he realizes he needs to act fast.
Desperate times call for even more desperate measures…and Tighnari does feel bad, really, it’s never nice to watch your beloved choke on a dish that’s been meddled with. But, he didn’t give you a lethal dose, of course; the finely ground powder was only enough to make you pass out for a few hours, waking up with what seemed to be symptoms of a flu. A flu that is just bad enough for Tighnari to whisk you away to the safety of his hut, so it doesn’t get worse, or spread to your other friends. You’re so thankful for his help, unaware of the fact that he’s actually adding the powder into your breakfast every morning. The dosage dwindles every few days to avoid any lasting damages (and suspicion), but it keeps you in bed long enough for Tighnari to… pull a few strings.
Collei is the first to see you once your fever finally fades, and she can’t contain herself for very long; the finally and i’m so happy for you two spilling out of her, as she’s almost falling out of her seat; and you, confused as you are, ask her what she means. A discomfort spreads through you at the sight of her wide eyes and gaping jaw; and it soon turns to panic, when she asks you if your head feels okay; if your memories are muddled. She chalks it up to the fever - it was really bad, you probably don’t remember much - and finally explains. You confessed to Tighnari while he was taking care of you, yes, really, he told Cyno himself! Collei overheard it by accident; she swears she didn’t mean to, as apologies spill out from her lips, she was just in the other room when he said it; and he knew that, actually… How odd. She finally snaps out of it, asking if it was a lie? The worry and hurt in her eyes makes guilt wash over you, and you reassure her that no, you would never lie about such a thing; you wonder how you’re going to explain this to Tighnari - oh Archons, poor Tighnari - and then it hits you; you do love Tighnari, truly, even if the fever has made you forgetful…and Colleis behavior suggests that he feels the same way…you can just explain it to him; explain it, and the two of you could pursue a relationship, just like you’ve wanted for so long. But… it feels like you’re forgetting someone. Yes, someone who comforted you, who was there for you when the heartbreak, the heartbreak Tighnari caused, had you at your lowest point…that wonderful person…
Who? You…can’t seem to remember them anymore.
Tighnari relishes in how you almost beg him for forgiveness, and how you look so relieved when he reassures you that it’s alright; that he’s just happy you’re feeling better. But his expression changes when you begin to ask questions; that person, the one you forgot, they’re someone important, but who? Surely Tighnari would know…but all he does is gaze at you, alarmed, before pressing his palm against your forehead, then looking into your eyes, asking if you’re okay? He explains that there was no such person… Maybe the fever was worse than anticipated? Maybe you have a strange illness? Maybe you hit your head while passing out?! You shush him, assuring him that you feel fine, and gently caress his face to dwell his panic. He asks you to stay; stay with him a while longer, just in case. He’d hate to have anything bad happen to you; and don’t worry, he’s knowledgeable about many illnesses, he’ll take care of you…and of any pesky delusions that are now plaguing your confused mind. Just trust him; he’s your boyfriend now, after all.
And finally, you embrace him, your eyes full of mirth as the worry melts away, and he smiles at you, while his arms wrap around you. Tightly, like thorny vines trapping you in place, and the sly fox finally biting into its prey.
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Clarification; Tighnari did not drug, poison, or make Collei hallucinate in any way- whether you confessing to him actually happened, or not, is up to you to decide. Regardless, truth or not, he tells Cyno about it when he’s sure that Collei will hear by accident.
Is Cyno in on it? Hm, who knows?
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nabwastaken · 1 month
Morning Mood
also known as a little ficlet i posted in blinky's rewatch party that i have decided to put on Tumblr for funsies as like. a bonus yall deserve it
The clock read 7:15 as Dan pressed a soft kiss to Donna's cheek. She turned slightly at the movement and made a small sound. "Mornin' Sunshine.. time to get up.." He said, in a soft tone. "5 more minutes.." She responded. "Fine, I guess I'll have to have these pancakes all by myself-" That got her attention. Her eyes opened and met his. "Nevermind, then." He chuckled. She punched his arm playfully. "Cmon! Who am I to refuse the great Dan Reynolds's pancakes?" She laughed. Goddamnit, he loved that laugh. Dan was usually the one who got up earlier. He'd make the two of them breakfast and then sneak upstairs to wake his co anchor- no, wife up. Man, it felt so good saying that. He recalled the day he dipped her on the altar has he brought her in for a passionate kiss. He recalls Ted remarking that Dan's a 'loverboy' as he did so. But all Dan was focused on in that moment was her. The love of his life. The moment he had told himself that he was going to spend his entire life devoted to her, and only her. Oh well. Back to the present. She had playfully squirted maple syrup onto his face during breakfast, which resulted in him getting her back with whipped cream. Eh, they'd clean it up eventually. They would head to the bathroom where Dan would lay his head in her hands and she would gently shave off the stubble grown on his face. He recalled the morning following the first night they spent together- where she had caught him accidentally cutting himself while shaving and she made him swear up and down he'd let her shave him the next time. The next time eventually turned into every time, however.
He looked through his ever growing collection of ties in his closet- Donna shook her head at the option he had picked out. "Dolphins? Really?" "Hey! They're cute dolphins!" She then positioned it on the back of his neck to tie it for him- Dan always struggled with tying his tie. She looked up at him with a soft smile before quickly stealing a kiss on his lips and turning around. Dan shook his head with a smirk as he noticed the unzipped back of her dress. She rolled her eyes. "Just do it, Reynolds." He zipped up the back of her dress and patted her back. He checked his watch. It read 7:40. Time to head out. For the two of them, driving to work together could be dangerous. Most of the town still had no idea that their two top news anchors were married at this point, and they intended to keep it that way. But they still did it anyway, it was thrilling. "I'm driving," She remarked. "Oh no you aren't!" They liked fighting over who drove the other to work. They didn't want to give the other that responsibility, after all. However, this time Donna proved victorious as she quickly grabbed her keys and bolted out the door. Dan ran after her only to be met with Donna leaning against the driver's seat of the car with a cheeky grin on her face. "Try beatin' that, Reynolds!" But he didn't. No, he'd let her win this time. After all, he'd do anything to see that smile on her face. She made him feel like the greatest damn man on Earth, and he was gonna repay her for it. So all in all, just another regular day. Of Dan loving Donna. And Donna loving Dan.
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gophergal · 13 days
Author Commentary - I Know Where To Look (Chapter 2)
Howdy, y’all! Welcome back to another commentary post, this one will be a lot shorter than the last (probably?) I know that’s ironic given the extra length of the chapter, but this one just required less interesting research and decisions.
When does the fic take place, by the way?
So, I have a very specific headcanon for when canon materials take place in TF2 that may slightly contradict actual canon. Because of that, I am of the opinion that the Mercs were hired in ‘64, and this fic starts in May of that year. All of the Meet The Team videos take place between 64 and 68.
For your convenience, a list of relevant (and not so relevant) HC ages for characters as of 1964:
Heavy is 40, as mentioned in the chapter (his birthday is in October)
Medic is 46, though he looks young for his age despite going grey (This is relevant. Also his birthday is in March)
Scout is 19
Sniper is 22 (wear some fucking sunscreen, man)
Spy 42
Engineer is 38
On that note, I’m also taking advantage of the fact that MtT is in universe PR, so keep that in mind when characterization and events contradict them. I see the mercs’ personalities in MtT as exaggerations of what they actually have going on, and I think that is somewhat supported by the way they are presented in the comics, but I would never claim that is 100% the “correct” interpretation.
For example, Pyro at this point creeps almost everyone out, but only scares Scout. The fact that their own team is terrified of them in MtP is an exaggeration. Also Pyro related: you might notice that I typically use they/them for them, but in dialogue and prose, he/him is used. That will change, it’s just a result of the team assuming that Pyro is a man, since the rest of them are men. It’s just something that will change as the team gets closer.
Heavy’s backstory memory in the shower was just something I came up with on the spot. It felt right. Might have been projecting a bit about the whole “seeing your deceased parent in your reflection” thing. Who knows. Either way, every time I’m reminded of the characters’ who’s backstories we know, I’m just reminded of how if tf2 wasn’t comedic the damned franchise would just be a drama.
Also, the “victory round” (I’m blanking on what it’s actually called in the game, but you know when the winning team gets crits at the end?) fills me with genuine rage and I almost want to punch my laptop whenever I play tf2. However, if I did that I wouldn’t be able to write/draw more Red Oktoberfest queerness.
That Kotlet cooking scene is based on this recipe. I’ve never actually made it myself because meat has gotten really expensive, but it does just remind me of meatloaf. That’s all
“Horse Feathers” is something my maternal grandfather used to say all the time instead of “bullshit” or “goddamnit.” I thought it would be funny to make Engie talk like my papal *shrugs*. Speaking of Engie, he ISNT HOMOPHOBIC I PROMMY. That man is aspec and an eternal third wheel. He’s just uncomfortable with being involved in non-practical problems.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 17 days
Anyway, have this cut scene
(It takes away from the actual story in the CleganMarge I'm writing, so just enjoy it as a slice of life).
Marge doesn't bother giving names. The only other person Clarie might be interested in is Jack Kidd, and while he's coming alone, he has a room done up at Chick's house like he sleeps in it when he very much does not. Marge had clocked it on her and Gale's first visit and made sure to mention it vaguely over dinner. 
"Jack, I know you and John don't always see eye to eye, but it's funny to see how similar your rooms are. Well, your room and our guest room. Although, honestly, I think we're the closest thing John has to off-base housing."
Jack meets placid smile with a bland expression. "I hate to say it, Mrs. Cleven, but I'm sure that's not the only thing we have in common."
"Please, call me Marge, both of you," she says, glancing from Jack to Chick, who is sitting very still and seemingly unsure of what to do.
Next to Marge, Gale clears his throat, then folds his napkin. "Honey, I think--"
"Goddamnit, Jack, I guess I do owe you two dollars," Chick says before Gale can finish his sentence.
And the quiet tension in the room disappears, replaced with four people all giving each other amused, knowing looks around a lovely dinner.
"How do you put up with both of them at the same time?" Jack asks. "I wanted to knock their heads together. Hell, I still do."
"Oh, that's easy," Marge says. "I just knock their heads together."
Jack chuckles and nods. "Makes sense."
Gale clears his throat again. "If I might ask," he says, "How did you two, um, figure it out?"
"Whiskey," Jack says at the same time Chick says, "Drunkenly."
Marge giggles, cutting Gale a look. "Oh, so we're not the only ones."
"Buck doesn't drink," Jack says.
"I dabble a bit now," Gale replies, and Marge isn't surprised to see Jack look shocked. She was rather shocked the first time she saw him take a drink herself, though she's glad he finally let go of his fear of it after everything he's been through.
"I've always enjoyed a drink or two," Marge says. "One night, John and I each had three, and at the end of the night, as we were all walking to the car, my mouth got ahead of my good sense, and I blurted out how much I cared about them both."
"We'd talked about it before," Gale says. "How we both felt about him, but we hadn't planned on telling him."
"Wait, was this before you shipped over?" Jack asks.
"The night before Bucky flew out," Gale says.
Jack looks stunned, then he laughs so hard he has to lean on the table for support. "Wait. Wait."
"Yes," Gale says before Jack can catch his breath, "I'm pretty sure that's why he broke that narwhal tusk and nearly lost an eye winning me a bike."
"As you know, John is terribly dramatic," Marge adds just to see if she can make Jack laugh harder. He does.
"Wait. Narwhal tusk? What's this?" Chick asks. "I heard about the dart game. Thank goodness Tommy really is that good a shot."
"John sent a package to Gale to give to the bartender in Greenland," Marge says.
"It was a unicorn figurine," Gale says. "It's his favorite extinct animal."
Jack's still laughing.
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eggtartz · 2 years
Kakucho meeting his childhood friend. And I'm not talking about Izana, but remember when Kakucho met Takemichi before when the were kids? Let's just say that he also met Y/n before meeting Izana.
And so she meets him again because she was looking for her cousin who turned out to be a Tenjiku member, he was fighting some guys from the rivaling gang and so she finally found him in the middle of the fight, so she stepped in and beat up a lot of guys and started dragging him out of there.
She was so gorgeous and strong and everyone was looking at her shocked by her strength and how gorgeous see was, and so then she spots Kakucho and realized who he was, so then he remembers her and the others start to feel jealous that she knows him. ;)
a/n : thankyou for requesting anon and enjoy this kakucho brainrot of mine 🫶🏻
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summary : meeting kakucho when he's older was way more different than you imagined
happily swinging, children laughs could be heard from the neighborhood. "no fair kaku-chan! you're stronger than me of course you'd win"
"then that means you'll have to be stronger than me y/n. ooh it's the ice cream man c'mon!" you two ran after the ice cream man and the memories became a little bit clear now since you've returned to the neighborhood you grew up in. back then, you had to transfer school suddenly and didn't had the chance to tell kakucho so you basically disappeared. but never in your life, you forgot about him. you tried a few times to return but your parents forbids you to, saying the neighborhood has became a deliquent's playground.
even your cousin that lived nearby has became a deliquent according to your parents.
now you finally came back to the place, the place that holds so many memories most of them with the scarred boy.
"on one condition y/n, go and look for your cousin. if he's there at least he can fight bad guys from you" your parents said. for the few past years, you have been wondering how kakucho would look like. he must be taller now right? huh, he might not even remember me you thought. deep in your thoughts, you dragged your baggage and knocked on your cousin's doorstep. he wasn't home so you entered anyway, him telling you before he would home late at night so make yourself at home.
you took off the annoying cardigan and took a shower after placing the bags and belongings in the vacant (and hopefully) clean room. you and your cousin has always been close, you two being the only one who has the same age in the family. after showering, you take new clothes from your bag and wore them. you put on some sunscreen and wore your sneakers before heading out into the streets that you've become familiar with.
strolling through the streets, you walked pass your old home where someone else has moved in. you stopped for a moment but kept walking just to reminisce the old memories you hold dear to your heart.
"asshole c'mon it's not hard to follow us isn't it?"
"tenjiku member my ass, you're too weak man"
you heard loud shoutings came from the alley nearby, hesitantly you peeked through the walls and saw huge men towering some more men who were on the ground. your eyes widened a bit more when you spotted your cousin, all bloody on the ground. out of instinct you came out from your hiding "oi, what do you think you're doing?"
"y/n? y/n goddamnit i told you i'd be back didn't i?"
"yeah come back all bloody and dying like that? what would aunt say huh? want me to spread this to the family group chat or what?"
"oi girl. you're not supposed to be here you know? these streets aren't made for you" one of the men said while slowly approaching you, you stand on your ground and grabbed the wrench you saw nearby. "shut up will you?" you swinged the wrench to his head, his head now bloody and the wrench flying across the alley. the remaining men was startled but wasted no time to tackle you. you tripped the trash can so they stepped on in and slipped.
you stomped on their groin areas and they both winced in pain, clutching their below regions. sighing you told your cousin's friends to go home and treat the wounds while you tried supporting your cousin's weight by slinging his arm on your shoulder.
hearing another commotion, you thought the guys bought more of their members but you were surprised that the men that caused the commotion was wearing a red coat, the symbol of a ying yang and written tenjiku underneath it.
the same coat your cousin was wearing. more surprising, you saw those mismatched eyes staring back at you. "k-kaku?"
"y/n? y/n is that you?" you wanted to drop your cousin and run towards kakucho to hug him but you thought that would be inappropriate since you two haven't seen each other in so long. some of his friends kicked the men on the ground, them still wincing
"what the hell? did you do this miss?" one guy who had braided hair asked you. you nodded.
"you know her kakucho?" the white haired man asked kakucho while inspecting the rivalry members. "yes izana" he replied still staring at you. "well, miss. this your brother?" he gestured to your cousin.
"she's my cousin izana, im truly sorry. this is embarrassing that me a fellow tenjiku member got beaten up by-"
"no, no. it's fine. you just need to train more if that's the case. im sure one of our heavenly kings won't mind to do that do they?" the white haired man, or izana said while slightly looking back.
"now you miss, can we help you and send both of you home?" he said and you quickly nodded. in the car, you shared the same car as izana and kakucho. you were in front while izana and your cousin was at the back seat. "so kakucho? i wanted to ask how are you but i think it's really rough that you're in a gang now?"
"tch y/n what's with the formality? we've been friends for years, drop it"
"yeah we haven't seen each other for years too" the car went silent after that. guilt washed over you. "im sorry kaku, i left you." you lowered your head and tears started to swell that is until kakucho took your hand and kissed it.
"i could care less about that now, you're here now are you not? that's the only thing that matters to me" he stated while his eyes was still on the road, you shyly looked away and you swore you thought you caught a glimpse of izana smirking.
arriving at your cousin's house, he went to his room while you went back to kakucho, intending to talk more about him but you stopped. he's in a gang now, a powerful one at that he must busy isn't he?
"y/n? can we talk?" he said snapping you out of your endless monologue. he patted the space on the sofa beside him and you sat there. minutes passed by and neither of you said anything. "im sorry. you must be surprised to see me like this" he said, still averting his gaze.
"what? no, that's not it. it's just that, i feel so bad that i left you just like that and come back without feeling guilty whatsoever like this. makes me feel like im a bad person or something" you said, swiping your palms againts your shirt as it got sweatier.
"but you came back. if you were a bad person, you'd never come back y/n" he looked up and watched your face that he missed so, so much. he was crushed the day you changed schools. he thought the teacher that informed that was joking but when he went to your house, it was already empty the "for sale" sign on the gates. he never blamed you because he knew, you'll come back so until that day he would wait for you.
the face he missed so much, the person that has carved so many memories in his memory is right in front of him, breathing. "if you feel bad could you do this one favor for me then?" he tried to lift up the mood. your teary eyes looked at him and you nodded aggressively.
"go on date with me" he said while piercing your eyes with his. you turned away as his stare got intense, so with a blush you said "y-yeah sure". he ecstatically kissed the top of your head and hugged you while you hugged him back.
meanwhile outside,
"KAKU-CHAN?!" ran accidently yelled when izana told him and the others that you called him that. "im gonna call him that from now on no one can stop me" rindou stepped in, excited to tease the man. "yeah kaku would kill you first before you get to call him that" mochi butted in the conversation.
then they collectively peeked through the window and saw you there were hugging and said a long "aw" while izana smirked softly, finally kaku. you found her. he thought.
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francesminos-tt · 11 months
Since ao3 is down, here is more oneshot I wrote per curiouscat prompt.
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1. Joffron Enemies to lovers
Joffrey was one of the realm’s best dragon riders. Daeron was one of the realm’s best swordsmen. They came from the same house, but from two fractions that were constantly at war. Even if the two fractions were at a temporary truce, Joffrey and Daeron would fight at any chance they got. They fought over whores (who they lost interest in after the fight), over lands (they were both third sons with no inheritance), over who was the better fighter (there was bet pool going on). In short, they hated each other’s guts.
“Move over.” Joffrey rudely shoved Daeron to the side, “I want to use the pot.”
“You can just say you want to take a piss.” Daeron sneered and mimicked Joffrey’s tone, “use the pot. What are you, a princess?”
“Fuck off.” Joffrey spat as he turned his back to Daeron and pulled his cock out.
“Just because you said fuck, doesn’t make you a tough man, princess.”
Daeron was the only one who called Joffrey a princess. He said it to get under Joffrey’s skin. Everyone knew Joffrey was tough as fuck, but the tease worked, every time. Joffrey would lose his shit on the battle field if Daeron called him princess in front of his men. Joffrey hated Daeron for it.
But it didn’t matter now. They were trapped in this cramped cell for days. They were both captured by their house’s common enemy. A group of pirates ambushed them when they were busy fighting each other. What a laugh. Joffrey only knew they were on a desolated island; it would be impossible to flee without their dragons. Fortunately, their dragons managed to fly off when they were overwhelmed by the enemies. Joffrey wouldn’t want Tyraxes to die with him. His uncle’s she-dragon, too. Joffrey loved Tesserion, even if he hated her rider.
To be honest, Daeron wasn’t so bad a company. His tease was the only thing that kept Joffrey sane. The hate for Daeron was like an anchor that kept Joffrey in the present. The cell was so hot that Daeron had took off his shirt on day 1. Only a pair of loose pants on him now, his pale torso covered with old scars, dirt and dried blood. Joffrey left his shirt on, another reason for Daeron to call him princess. Joffrey had trouble sleeping in his own piss with all the bugs and rats, the bags under his eyes must look ridiculous by now.
There was a commotion outside their cell. First time in days. Both Joffrey and Daeron got on their heels and were ready to fight. The pirates came and dragged them out to an arena. The stand was filled with excited people who were thirsty for blood. Joffrey saw his dragon, Tyraxes, chained to the ground, one of its wings was torn. Tesserion was also there, in better condition than Tyraxes. At least the she-dragon was still able to fly.
“Welcome to the arena, princes. I hope you can put on a good show for the audience.” A bold pirate said.
“What do you want us to do? Fight?” Joffrey looked around, but the arena was empty except for him, Daeron and their chained dragons. “With who?”
“Each other.” The man said with a cruel smile. “The winner can leave his dragon. Not a bad deal, is it?”
“Why would we believe you?” Daeron spat.
Before the man could answer, Joffrey landed a blow on Daeron’s face. Daeron was shocked for a second but he soon fought back out of instinct. He was so used to fight Joffrey that it came as second nature.
“Are you fucking mad? You believe him, princess?” Daeron said between punches.
“Of course not. I am not a fool.” Joffrey whispered back as he tackled Daeron to the ground, “listen, I will let you win. Once you get to Tesserion, fly off. I know the chains can’t stop her. And, don’t call me princess.”
“What about you?”
“My dragon can’t fly! Goddamnit. You think I will let you win if Tyx can fly?”
“I am a better fighter than you.”
“You wish.”
Daeron used his knee to hit Joffrey’s stomach. Hard. Joffrey groaned in pain and fell to the ground. Fuck. Daeron was doing this on purpose.
The audience cheered. Joffrey was still on the ground when the pirates panicked and shouted for each other to stop Tesserion. But it was too late. Joffrey could tell from the sound of wing flapping what Tesserion had successfully escaped.
Joffrey had the cell to himself now. It didn’t make him feel better. The bruises he suffered from the fight with Daeron hurt like a bitch. Some of the cuts must have been infected. Joffrey could feel the fever. He was weak, tired, nauseous but couldn’t sleep. He was slowly losing his mind. He knew it because how could he miss Daeron’s teasing smile?
Joffrey heard another commotion but this time he was too weak to get up. Joffrey thought it was the pirates again until two strong arms wrapped around his body and picked him up. Joffrey smelled a familiar scent of steel and dragon flame.
“Why are you back?” Joffrey managed to say, shocked at Daeron coming back for him. He thought Daeron would take the opportunity to let him rot in this godforsaken place. But Daeron smiled and brushed the tangled curls from his face.
“Let’s get you out of here, princess.”
2. Joffrey was being harassed. Daeron took revenge for him.
It started as an annoying colleague at work. Joffrey was a charming young man, so he was well liked by others. But there was this new guy from IT that creeped him out. Joffrey had some complications with his computer so he filed a ticket to IT. The new guy came and fixed Joffrey’s computer, but he stayed a little too long, he spoke a little too soft that Joffrey had to lean in to hear what he was saying. He squeezed Joffrey’s shoulder out of the blue before going back to his floor. Joffrey met him again at the cafe. Joffrey usually took his own lunch to work but his boyfriend Daeron had gone on a business trip so Joffrey was too lazy to make himself lunch. He depended on cafe sandwiches and pizza. The guy sat beside Joffrey as if they were good friends, while in fact they were barely acquaintances.
Joffrey’s didn’t think too much of it. Sure, the guy was creepy but that was it. Joffrey had never thought that he would get himself a stalker. The guy went to Joffrey’s office one day well after work hours, only to find Joffrey dozing off on his chair. Joffrey was awoken by a disgusting tongue on his hand. He punched the guy out of instinct, but the disturbing feeling never went away.
Joffrey went home and took the next day off. Daeron came back from the business trip early only to find Joffrey sleeping on the couch in Daeron’s sweatshirt. Daeron wanted to surprise his boyfriend so he kissed Joffrey on the lips. Joffrey was jolted awake. He swung a punch but Daeron dodged it.
“What’s wrong, joff? Bad dream?” Daeron asked worriedly as he looked at Joffrey’s scared face.
“Daeron? Why are you home? You are supposed to come back tomorrow.” Joffrey swallowed and rubbed the back of his hand unconsciously. The phantom feeling of the disgusting tongue just wouldn’t go away.
“I took an early flight.” Daeron knew Joffrey was holding something back but he didn’t push. He knew Joffrey too well. Pushing would only make him defensive.
Fortunately, Daeron didn’t need to wait long to find out the truth because he noticed Joffrey was washing his hands every 10 minutes. He didn’t confront Joff head on. He just wrapped his arms around Joffrey’s waist and hugged him from behind. He kissed the side of Joffrey’s neck. Joff was silent for quite some time before he began to talk. He told Daeron about the creepy guy and the tongue incident. Daeron listened patiently and kissed away Joffrey’s tears in the end.
“Why don’t you take a few days off?” Daeron led Joffrey to the couch and cuddled him. “I can stay with you. Like a little staycation. I can get up early to get the cinnamon roll you like. What do you say, Joffrey?”
Joffrey nodded and rested his head on Daeron’s chest. He fell asleep listening to Daeron’s steady heart beat.
When Joffrey went to work again, the receptionist looked at him as if he had grown two heads.
“Joffrey! You sneaky bastard. You never told me you had a hit man boyfriend!”
“Because I don’t? What are you talking about?” Joffrey was genuinely confused. If anything, his other uncle, Aemond, his brother Luke’s husband, was more like a hit man than his investment banker boyfriend Daeron.
“Then who’s that handsome man in suits that came to the office yesterday and beat that creepy IT half to death? He told the IT to get lost and said he had already filed a restraining order. I think the boss was too shocked to call the police.”
Yesterday? Yesterday Joffrey had woken up late, around 11am. Daeron greeted him with a kiss and a tray of donuts, all Joffrey’s favorite flavor, chocolate sprinkle. Joffrey had no idea Daeron had come to his office and avenged him. Joffrey must be smiling too hard because the receptionist rolled her eyes and muttered idiots in love under her breath.
3. Insecurity Joffrey + charming prince Daeron
Joffrey was cute kid once. He had big eyes, round nose and a childish smile that everyone loved. However, growth spur in his teen years erased every last bit of his cuteness. He was tall and muscular from all the boxing training. It was fine to ask for cuddles and kisses if you were a cute little boy, but it was an entirely different thing to ask for public affection if you were a 6’2’’ grown man.
Daeron, on the other hand, was the epitome of Prince Charming. He was handsome, polite, fun, respectful but at the same time easygoing. He was always the center of attention, especially from girls. Boys liked him too, not in the way Joffrey liked him, but they respected Daeron as their friend.
So Joffrey stopped taking his uncle Daeron’s hands. He used to do it all the time and was secretly very happy that Daeron never pushed him away. Daeron was his childhood crush that carried on to adulthood. They hang out a lot. Daeron took him to movies, theaters, theme parks, even surfing trips. Today, Joffrey was to help Daeron buy a new pair of sneakers. Daeron insisted Joffrey, as an athlete, was an expert to pick the perfect pair for him.
“…Personally I prefer petite and cute. It makes me want to hold them and never let go.”
When Joffrey arrived at their rendezvous point, he found Daeron talking to a petite girl with long wavy hair. She was petite and cute, just as Daeron described. She wore a pink flare dress and was dangerously close to Daeron. Joffrey could smell her sweet perfume meters away. Daeron kept smiling to her, and she smiled back.
This was the moment when Joffrey realized how utterly foolish he was. He hoped, oh, how he hoped that he was special to Daeron. It was just his delusion.
Joffrey didn’t have the courage or the heart to interrupt them, so he ran away. He came home early and locked himself in his bedroom. His phone kept buzzing with messages and calls from Daeron but he ignored them. Joffrey wasn’t ready to face Daeron yet.
At some point, Joffrey fell asleep(with tear stains on his face and later drool on his pillow). When he came to, it was already dark. His stomach growled loudly because he skipped lunch. Joffrey heard a chuckle.
“Overslept?” Daeron asked. Joffrey had no idea why Daeron was here and why mother had let him in.
Joffrey rubbed his face and said nothing.
“What’s wrong Joff? You never showed up and your mother said you came home early. Are you not feeling well?”
Why he had to be charming to Joffrey? Joffrey didn’t need that. He’d rather Daeron tell him the truth that Daeron never liked him, that Joffrey was just an annoying nephew who never got the hint, that Joffrey was no longer the cute boy he once was.
“Go away.” Joffrey snapped. “Go to your petite and cute girlfriend and leave me alone!”
Daeron looked genuinely confused. The audacity!
“What are you taking about? I don’t have a girlfriend…god, Joff, you heard the conversation between me and Beth, didn’t you?”
“So her name is Beth. Cute name.” Cuter than Joff, apparently.
Daeron sighed and moved closer. Joffrey tired to move away from him but, damn, why did he decide to put his bed against the wall? Slowly, Daeron trapped Joffrey between him and the wall.
“We were taking about cats. You told me you wanted to have a cat when you moved out.” Daeron said. He was so close that Joffrey could feel his breath.
“Why does that have anything to do with you?” Joffrey refused to meet Daeron’s eyes, choosing to focus on Daeron’s hands, which were moving inch by inch to Joffrey’s thigh, instead.
“Because I want to live with you.” Daeron’s hands finally made their way to Joffrey’s thick thigh. “Don’t you think I should have a say in the type of pets we are going to keep?”
Now Daeron wasn’t making any sense. Why would he want to live with Joffrey?
“Why would you…” Joffrey looked up, only to find Daeron was looking at him with a fond smile. The kind of smile that was different from his usual polite one. There was no social etiquette, only affection and a hint of possessiveness.
“Silly boy. Silly Joffrey.” Daeron’s smile widened when he found Joffrey’s cheeks began to burn. “I am asking you to be my boyfriend.”
“What?” Joffrey was lost. Why? Daeron didn’t like him. Daeron liked cute and petite things. Prince Charming should like cute and petite things.
“One would think all my invitations are enough clues. Even your family knows I am asking you out all this time. When I arrived today, your mother asked me what had I done to hurt her baby boy.”
Joffrey opened his mouth to say something but never got the chance to finish his sentence because Daeron sealed their lips together into a kiss.
“I love you, Joffrey. I will repeat it ever day until you believe me and believe in yourself.”
4. Joffron soulmate au
Daeron walked in the house. The spare key was at its usual place, under a flowerpot near the front door. Neither him and Joffrey was good at gardening. They couldn’t even keep a cactus alive. The flowers in the pot wilted and died after two weeks, leaving only the empty pot behind.
“Now everybody knows where we put spare key.” Joffrey joked. “Who would keep an empty pot at the door if not to hide a key under it?”
Daeron forgot how he replied to Joffrey. He only remembered they ended up kissing.
The house was silent, as it should be for not being occupied for two years. To Daeron’s surprise, the house seemed to be well maintained. There was only a thin layer of dust on the inner door knob, indicating that someone visited to the house regularly.
Everything was the same as Daeron remembered. The house itself was like a time bubble, locking the fondest memories of Daeron’s life inside. Daeron had been a happy man. He had found and married his soulmate at a young age. Both of their soul marks were on their inner wrists. Daeron’s said what do you want, while Joffrey’s said hey handsome. That was how they had met in the bar where Joffrey worked as a bartender.
All happiness ended the day Daeron lost his left arm when trying to save a young girl from a shark attack. The beast had bitten his whole arm off, along with his marriage ring and his soul mark.
Since then, Daeron had become a different man. He stopped laughing. He felt the phantom pain of his lost arm constantly. He got addicted to pain meds. He snapped at Joffrey more times than he could count.
But Joffrey stayed. Joffrey tired to hold their family together. He would make Daeron meals and take him to rehab. Joffrey was not a good cook, but he tried. Daeron could tell from the bandages on his hands how Joffrey had struggled in front of the stove. But Daeron’s depression had messed with his mind. Instead of feeling loved, Daeron felt useless. He didn’t want Joffrey’s pity. He didn’t want to be that disabled guy who everyone stared at. Joffrey deserved better. Joffrey should leave him, once and for all.
So Daeron pushed Joffrey away. He snapped at every thing Joffrey did, from overcooking the oatmeal to refusing to indulge Daeron’s addiction.
“Get out!” Daeron shouted after Joffrey once again refused to give him more pain meds.
“No. I am not leaving.” Joffrey said stubbornly despite tears in his eyes.
“Then I will!” Daeron stomped out of their bedroom.
The next day, Daeron left. He had packed all his things and called a Uber to the airport. When Joffrey came home, he was greeted by an empty house and a divorce paper.
Daeron hadn’t spoken to Joffrey in two years. He knew Joffrey had moved back to Driftmark soon after Daeron had left. A sick part of Daeron felt triumphant. He was not the only one who had left.
But now, after two years, Daeron finally understood what Joffrey meant by saying he would never leave. All of Joffrey’s things were still here. His mugs, his favorite book, his game console his blanket and his fluffy cushions. They had been here the whole time, waiting for the other half of their souls that might never return.
Daeron didn’t know how much time had passed, but he found himself sitting on the loveseat with his elbows on his knees. He was better now. He was no longer an addict. He took depression meds regularly and had made huge progress according to his therapist. Funny how a stranger could make him follow the right rules. Daeron realized he had said all the cruel things to Joffrey because he knew Joffrey loved him. He knew Joffrey wouldn’t just walk away. He had taken advantage of Joffrey’s love and forced his own grief on his soulmate.
A click of the door jolted Daeron out of his thoughts.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t think you would come early.” Joffrey said from the door, a neat file folder in his hand.
Daeron didn’t answer. He was mesmerized by the image of Joffrey, the real Joffrey standing in front of him. Joffrey looked just like how Daeron remembered him. Simple shirt, jeans, and sneakers. He didn’t even change his hair style.
“Daeron? Do you need a minute?” Joffrey frowned in concern but he didn’t move any closer. “I can leave you alone if you want. I can come back later.”
Daeron’s mind stopped working at the word leave. No. He could not let Joffrey leave. He had a feeling if he let go now, he would never have Joffrey again.
Before Daeron realized what he was doing, he had run to the door and wrapped Joffrey in his remaining arm. He would never be able to give Joffrey a proper hug again, but Daeron tried with everything he had.
“Don’t leave. Please.” Daeron whispered as he buried his face on Joffrey’s shoulder.
Joffrey hugged him back after a long pause.
“I am not leaving. It’s you who left.”
“I know. But now I have come home, I will never leave again.”
Daeron caressed Joffrey’s cheek with his single hand and kissed the boy he fell in love with. The boy he still loved now. His soulmate.
There was thud and Joffrey kissed back, the folder lying on the floor, forgotten.
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kingsnake101 · 8 days
I'm curious about all your WIPs (Four is one of my favorites) but I'm particularly interested in the one about Blue.
SO this one is based on the idea that at his root, Blue is the protecter. The premise of this one is that Wind and Four get dumped into the middle of a monster camp near a bridge in Wild's hyrule. Four splits, and shit hits the fan when Green gets whacked really hard and doesn't get back up. After that, Vio gets knocked off the bridge and Wind goes after him, since I headcanon that Vio is the worst swimmer. Red and Blue retreat with Green and blow up the bridge.
Red has an arrow in his shoulder so Blue carries green while they try to find a cave. After they do, Blue leaves to find Vio and Wind. They both end up getting sick and Wind hit his head on a rock.
I think an excerpt best explains the next part so here it is!
After this part the chain finds him, and Blue is quite delirious so he doesn't recognize them at first. He then passes out as soon as he makes sure his brothers are safe.
Wind blinked blearily at the ceiling, although ceiling was a generous term. It looked more like the ceiling of a cave. He winced pain shot through his skull. What happened? Where was he?
There was… a battle, then he jumped into a river? He was swimming after someone. And then there was a rock…
The pain in his head spiked again. Ah. That explains the rock. And why the ceiling kept moving. Concussion, probably. He also felt weirdly warm, and yet cold at the same time.
Warm bodies surrounded him, and he couldn't remember why. It was nice, though. If something was laying on him and hadn't eaten him yet he was probably safe. Probably.
As he snuggled back into the pile, the soft sound of a sword meeting a whetstone met his ears. His ear twitched. Who was that? Their movements were methodical, almost like a metronome or the rocking of a boat. Was he on a boat? He felt like it, with the way his world swayed back and forth.
Just as he had almost gone back to sleep, the sound stopped. A deep snort rung throughout the cave, sending a spike of fear through Wind. What was that? He knew the answer, but his thoughts moved like molasses and by the time he remembered a pained squeal filled the area. Bokoblins.
Someone was fighting, that was for sure. Wind wanted to join them, but he felt too weak to move, much less push the other bodies off of him. His hands itched for his sword.
Sounds of battle raged on, filled with monstrous growls, pained squeals and strangely hylian shouts of anger. Wait, that was a hylian. And by the sounds of it, they were winning.
Wind began to squirm, trying to escape as air failed to reach his lungs. He was trapped, stuck under a rolling sea of stone and heat. He needed to escape, he needed to fight-
A face popped up in front of him, causing Wind to freeze. A familiar one, although he was having trouble remembering the name.
“Hey, Wind, calm down. You're okay, they're gone,” the figure reassured him, snapping his fingers in front of Wind’s face. Wind whined in response.
“Goddamnit, where's Red when you need him,” the figure muttered. “What’s wrong?”
“Mmmmonsters,” Wind slurred, trying (and failing) to push himself up. “Too ‘ot.”
The figure nodded. “It's fine. The monsters are gone,” it explained, before shoving at one of the walls surrounding Wind. Wait, not a wall. A person. “Come on, Vio. You gotta move. He's overheating,” it muttered to something else.
The wall grumbled, but allowed the figure to push it away from Wind. Wind sighed in relief. He felt less suffocated now.
“‘ank uuuu…” Wind slurred, his eyelids suddenly getting heavy. He didn't stay awake long enough to hear its response.
Blue sighed heavily, pushing his hair out of his face. His headband was currently being used as a bandage, so he was left to deal with a mop of greasy hair. He tried to ignore how the monster blood on his hands wiped off on his locks.
He glanced over at the pile of heroes in the back of the cave. It had been a week since the battle, a week since he dragged all of them to this cave. Wind and Vio were still deliriously sick, Green had yet to wake up, and Red was on strict bed rest orders. They still couldn't remove the arrow, and he didn't want to risk Red losing even more blood from re-opening the wound.
Wiping the four sword on his ruined tunic, he checked on his quickly-bruising shield arm. Quite a few monsters had stumbled upon their cave, and Blue made quick work of them. Sure, he had gained a few cuts and scratches, but it was nothing compared to what his brothers were going through.
Blue hadn’t slept in a few days. His brothers were defenseless, and he was not about to lose them because he was tired. Sure, he had gotten a little sloppy and he pulled his sword at every sound, but who wouldn't? He had to be careful.
He had fallen into a routine of sorts. Sharpen swords, kill monsters, check on brothers, rinse and repeat. At this point, all of their swords were wickedly sharp. The action kept him awake, every tired slip up giving him a new cut on his hand. It snapped him back to focus, back to the task at hand.
Protect his brothers.
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