#going to go on a following spree now hehe. :)
stanzasbysloan · 7 months
hi! sloan here. 25, they/he. long time tumblr user, first time writeblr blogger.
i write a lot of poetry and prose, which i'll probably share here, in various states of 'done'. i'm trying to get over the pressure i put upon myself to create perfect, polished work and enjoy the freedom of freeform and train of thought.
i'm also writing a few original works, leaning more toward the absurd. i'm incredibly interested in surrealism and absurdity and find it a great muse, so most of my work follows an atypical standard. i'm still trying to find a line between palatable, consumable work that is true to my style and inspiration!
i'd love to engage with the community and find other writers to mutually encourage and support to continue our art. please engage with me however you'd like, constructive criticism is just as helpful as compliments - just be nice about it, please!
i will do my utmost to correctly tag anything i post that may be triggering or squick inducing, and if i ever mistag or incorrectly tag please don't hesitate to let me know so i can rectify it.
i will post any poetry/prose under the tag #sloanzas and original work under #sloriginals. more will be added as i see fit!
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rayofmisfortune · 6 months
*confused crying*
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Rayyyyy they're being mean to the British baby againnn
Poor Sun trying to talk him down, too- @ikamigami was right (at least I think it was them) Moon is paranoid and going off the deep end
I'm on the verge of making a "the canon is not real if I do not look at it" AU so I can pretend the AU is canon and my babies can be happy
Blorbos confiscated. If they can't play nice with their own characters, then they can't play with them anymore :(
(insert free invitation to rant at me)
This'll be a little long so, the whole rant and ramble is under cut hehe
I refuse to accept canon as canon so- *drags over RJ AU Ruin Eclipse* THEY ARE THE CANON RUIN NOW I DON'T MAKE THE RULES
BUT TO BE FAIR... I've noticed a few things that should've been a glaring red flag to Ruin still being a little off the rails I guess-
It's a thing we love about them and it makes then unique i guess... but.. but THEIR ACCEPT STAYING THE SAME SHOULD'VE BEEN A GIVEAWAY THE MOMENT THEY CAME BACK ONLINE AFTER REBOOTING
We've HEARD the actuals Ruin Eclipse before on.. very few occasions.. BUT WE HAVE HEARD THEM! (In the episode where Ruin rescued Foxy and the first Interview with Jigsaw) it wasn't for a long time but... the ACTUAL Ruin Eclipse had talked through Ruin on few occasions.
Linking them below here
With this ^ one, I think that when they start chanting "save me" it was already Jigsaw back in full control.
BUT WHAT I MEANT! Do we hear a poor british accent in any of these instances? NO WE DO NOT!
With this one v
I'm not sure what this one meant. When the video first came out I thought we were hearing Ruin Sun and Moon talking through Ruin who was going on and on about needing to get back to connection and internet..
I mean.. from the Ruin DLC, we know they can probably seperate and talk for themselves?? As seen with Sun who thanked Cassie after being rebooted into Eclipse. (Yes I'm dragging the canon dca into this, Ruin WAS based on that DCA itteration after all..)
And what do we hear when Ruin gets rebooted?
RUIN'S BRITISH ACCENT! I'm probably looking too deep into just how their voice sounded at first vs now... by all means they could've changed their voice over time (as was seen with Puppet). But... I dunno... if they really were just playing everyone a fool this whole time.. I don't think the voice is something we should overlook.
Granted... I believe a lot of things with Ruin may have been retconned or rewritten after the DLC came out. (As canon Eclipse acte nothing like the teams Ruin at the time)
Because of a little theory and hc of mine I've slapped onto them! The antivirus DID NOT get rid of the virus as a whole. RJ Ruin Clipsy over here needs to take periodical dosages of the cure to keep the virus at bay and chip away at it to finally be rid of it!
That... that's what I'm gonna hold onto as the reasoning behind how Ruin acts. The actual Eclipse (and even Sun and Moon) is still somewhere in there. As seen in the clips listed above.
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Chapter 9
WC: 1918
TW: some blood. 
chapter 8 
A/N: HEHE I hope y’all enjoy the small parallelism!! Hehe..
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Noa (pov)
It has been over 6 months since the last time I’ve come near any zoldyck. I’ve been busying myself with missions to occupy myself. 
“ I’ll kill y—.” 
I pass by him and quickly jab my hand right into his chest and pull out the individual’s heart. I watch the bodyguard of my target fall to the ground, landing with a small *thump.*
When I say that I’ve been busy, I mean I’ve been on my little bloodbath spree. 
I’m used to just isolating my target and getting rid of them, but I’ve decided to now just get rid of anyone and everyone involved with the target, not that I get paid any more… I simply do it for pleasure. some call me the queen of hearts, I hope you know it’s not because of my loving nature… oh no my dear, it’s because I love the color red… the red that pulses through your hearts… and because I love hearts..
“ What was that? You’ll kill me? Well, it looks like I killed you first.” I throw the little heart to the side and wipe my hand against my outfit. I look around and notice that the floor I’m on is beginning to pool around with a bunch of blood. I guess I can jump into the puddle of blood.. too bad it isn’t raining blood. 
I jump around until I hear a small creek in the distance… someone’s here, I jump to the corner of the room and wait for my new target.. 
“ Hm, what a mess.” The figure speaks.
Silva?! What is he doing here? I come out of the shadows to reveal myself to the intruder of my little play ground.
“ if you’re looking for anyone in this building they’re all dead, so I probably already got to who you needed already, just go take your picture of proof.”
“ Noa, what a pleasure it is to see you. Did you make this mess?” Silva questions while folding his arm across his large chest. 
“ A mess? More like my playground. And I can't say the same. I’ll be on my way.”
“ hmm, I see. If I may ask why you haven’t visited in a while with your family.”
“ I’m busy with work, trying to dethrone your family from the title of the best assassins.” I sarcastically comment
“ and you think you’ll beat a Zoldyck.”
“ Without question, now Goodbye.”
I kick the small puddle of blood on my way out with a loud *splash*. I walk out and climb out of one of the windows, and jump my way down from balcony to balcony until I reach my getaway car. 
Once I reach home I’m greeted by my 3 brothers who give me a small side look but turn back to whatever it is they were doing.  
“ Noa, come with me, I need to have a word with you.” My father speaks, instructing me to follow him. I follow and match my fathers pace until we reach his office. His office is covered in maroon silk curtains, each chair and table made of mahogany wood. With cushions covered in elegant and soft designs that represent small flowers, each embellished with some gold threads on the side. 
“ Yes father, what is it that you need?” 
“ I heard about your last mission.”
“ Is that so, that was quick, was I caught?”
“ Silva informed me that he saw you.”
“ Yes he did, I killed his target I’m sure. You’d expect a zoldyck to be faster.” I laugh.
“Mm, did he tell you anything?”
“ No.”
“ I see…. Very well, you may go.”
“ Okay.”
“ Noa, you have another assignment, it’s in your room.”
“ Heard.”
As I walk back to my room I see my young brother Shaytan, what is he up to? I watch as he walks into my room and closes the door behind him. Hmm, what a little mouse…
well every slytherin snake needs to eat. I walk slowest to my door and conceal my presence. I open the door in one swift motion, being sure not to trigger my brother’s senses. I notice that he begins going through my files.. hm he wants to see my assignments?
“Shaytan, what are you doing?”
Shaytan looks up quickly and backs away from my files. “ Noa, what are you doing here?”
“ Shaytan i asked first, and this is my room, the question is… why are you in my room?” I step closer until I’m a few feet away from him. I rest my pointer finger under his chin and thumb against his chin in grip so that he may lift his head upwards. He stays silent and tries to pull away but my grip on his chin tightens.
“ Shaytan, I said, What are you doing.”
“ I just wanted to see your next assignment.”
“Why ? Wanted to join?”
“ uh yeah…”
“ mmm let me see what the assignment is first.” I walk over to the stack of files and read over the list. 
“ no you can’t it’s a mission that will require combat, and you Shaytan are not ready.'' I close the file and walk towards my vanity to start gathering the supplies I’ll need after my shower. 
“Father says I’ll need to start my own missions soon, so let me go with you!”
“ Shaytan, tell me, what skills do you have? In fact, show them to me. If you can land one hit on any part of my body, I’ll let you join me.”
Shaytan begins his attack by using the assassin skill ‘period deception’, This causes the individual's action or position to be delayed by the perceived individual. Shaytan had already gone for his hit, attempting to give me a punch to my ribcage, but to a normal person or untrained individual, they wouldn't have seen him move. I move to the side swiftly using ‘ cloud motion’ which gives the illusion of me gliding on air. This technique is usually used to help to conceal the sound of steps. Shaytan proceeds with his hits until he’s out of breath and he’s huffing and puffing. I looked at where I stood and noticed I haven't moved around much besides going left and right to dodge his hits. 
“Shaytan it seems as though you have failed, a pity really… This is why you can’t join me because you will be weaker than your opponent. What was the number one rule I always taught you?”
Shaytan looks past his fiery red hair that covers his eyes,” never go against a superior opponent.”.  
“ Bravo, now leave my room.” I clap and point towards the doors of my room.
Shaytan gathers himself back up begins walking towards my door before i stop him in his tracks. “ Shaytan.. Never ask to join me until you're actually ready.”
“ Okay Noa.”
“ I love you Shaytan.”
He looks back at me but shakes his head and continues his way out of my room. I laugh to myself and gather my things to head for the shower of the night, before my next assignment. 
Illumi ( pov)
I stood there taking deep breaths in with needs of sweat dripping down my forehead and torso. I watch killua bend down to catch his breath too. 
“ Killua, I don’t understand why you keep trying to fight me, have I not told you, never go up against a  superior opponent.”
“ Illumi you were trying to kill me!”
“ No, I was going to see if you were going to listen to me, it seems like I will need to use extreme measures. Maybe then you won’t defy me.” I put my hand behind my back pocket to pull out a needle. I focus my nen to the needle to activate my ability. Although it’s not ideal to use a needle on my little brother, this will be the only way that he will listen, where he won’t accidentally kill himself. 
“Big brother what are yo-,” Killua stops speaking once i jam the needle into his head. Small droplets of blood fall from where his skin was punctured. I begin reciting the famous words our father once taught me, making sure he doesn’t defy my words and will always remember these words when put in those situations.  
I pat killua on his head and instruct him to go take care of himself before dinner. He looks at me in confusion, not sure what happened before, as all he remembers is us fighting. He nods and runs as far as he can from me, I walk out of the training room and to my room. I wash myself and make myself suitable for dinner, while doing so I catch a small glimpse of something shiny under my bed. I lean down to see what it is, and I notice that it’s a butterfly crystal stone hair clip. I lift it up to examine it, till I realize it’s Noa’s hair clip.
It has always been the hair clip she wore, she said it was a moonstone, she always loved shiny things. She would always explain how she loved her moonstones, and how it signifies love and passion, too things she’s always wanted. She would go on and on and I would listen, trying to make sense of it all, of all her words.
I carry the clip to my desk and place it carefully in the corner and walk out of my room and into the dining room. I notice that Father isn’t here yet, I take my place in our assigned seat and wait. We were never allowed to eat until father arrived, even if it meant we waited hours.
It’s around 10 minutes when father walks in and we begin being served the meal for the day. Not they it was very appetizing, I believe mother had instructed the butlers to add a bit of arsenic, as the food was a bit bitter.
“Well I do have some very interesting news for today.” Father speaks after he takes his first bite.
“ Oh what is it dearest?” Mother asks.
“ I saw Noa today, quite the assassin she became.”
“ Oh I have heard such interesting things about that girl, I believe she’s known as “ The queen of hearts.” She doesn’t leave any souls after a mission, and leaves such a huge mess after I heard.” 
“ Yes, I walked right into a bloodbath, by what I counted, she killed every single person in the building, 58 to be exact.”
“ Well we only know that it’s her because of the assassin network, but not a single person outside knows what that girl really looks like, let alone who’s the cause of all these mass killings.” Mother jumps in.
“ Ah that young girl that would visit and be with Illumi, A very interesting girl.” Grandfather laughs.
We all continue eating our food and father mentions a new assignment for me,” Illumi son, i think you should do the hunters exam, many of the upcoming cases need some information that you would only be able to maintain with a hunter’s license.”
“ Yes father, I’ll be on it.”
 We all get up finally and go our own way, I go back to my room and the others to wherever they wish. Once I’m in my room I look around at my room and begin to picture all the places I would be with Noa. Yet somehow all I could feel was this empty void. Ever since the day I told Noa I didn’t want to see her again, I haven’t felt anything. Even at the thought of her, I can’t remember the feelings she’d make me feel.. it was like anything and everything I had ever felt was ripped away.
No matter how hard I tried to focus on the emotions and feelings I felt at those past moments, I felt nothing. I shake my head and begin getting ready for bed. Once I’m done I walk back to my desk and grab the small clip, I walk and lay in bed and just turn the clip around, memorizing every little detail. With a last glance I lay it on the side table by my bed and turn the lights off. A small aura of light illuminates the room, which is coming from the small night light that Noa had once gifted me. She always knew I hated the dark.
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ms-kio · 3 months
Um... No? It's Not A Quirk
Uta (Tokyo Ghoul) X My Hero Academia! 1580 Words
(Insert interesting Uta photo here [Tumblr didn't let me add one])
Uta was miffed. And by miffed, he meant falling from the sky. Literally. Uta twisted his torso, spotting strange looking people who were looking at him. The ghoul decided to play it safe and grabbed a manhole cover, dove in, and swung it closed. There was a man with a squirrel head. The shock didn’t last long though. As he ran down the sewers, Uta heard the sounds of a struggle. The ghoul rushed to the scene, to see sentient sludge suffocating a teen. Uta immediately lunged forward, snatching the sludges' eyes and tossing them in his mouth. Yum. The sludge dropped the boy, screaming and writhing in pain. Weak. He then reached inside the sentient slimes head, pulling out its brain, taking a bite, and smashing the rest under his boot.
With the slime dead and brain remnants sticking to his footwear, Uta decided to be nice, walking up to the boy. “Cough it up greenie.” Uta said as he smacked the kids back, initiating a coughing spree. “You don't want that stuff in your lungs.” Once the greenie finished (mostly) emptying his lungs, he quickly checked his surroundings. Uta could tell the boy knew exactly what he did, if the subtle glances and fearful expression was anything to go by. The sludge was an absolute mess by now, and greenie looked and acted about as strong and confident as a mole, so Uta had nothing to worry about as he walked up to the boy. “Kudos to you, keeping your cool kiddo. Need a hand-” “I am here!” The manhole Uta emerged from suddenly blew open, launching at Uta and greenie and revealing a large, loud blonde. Thankfully, Uta was a ghoul, so he easily caught the manhole cover. “You should really be more careful, sir.” Uta chasted as he sets the cover back in its rightful place. “The boy could have gotten hurt.” “You’re—“ the man looked over the scene, “what did you do to that villain!?” Said man’s face was now clouded with rage, his eyes seeming to glow blue as he realized the situation. Uta grinned, picking brain gunk from between his teeth. “I made his innards a snack, what else?” The man threw a punch, which Uta easily caught, grabbing onto the kid with the other hand. “Something wrong?” The ghoul teased, looking over his sunglasses to reveal his scarlet eyes. “Let the boy go!” The blonde roared. Hehe, he looked positively enraged! He came in with the other fist, so Uta let go of greenie and caught it. This punch was significantly stronger, so the boy tumbled back. “Run my boy, get out of here!” Uta glanced back, and the boy wasn’t looking at the blonde, he was looking at the ghoul, and he was curious. The boy was more intuitive than the muscle brain, eh? He had a look in his eyes that said ‘I know you're not human.’ “And get yourself checked into a hospital!” Uta would find him after he got out of this mess. Greenie had run away, so all Uta had to do was lose this guy. “Ya know, I wasn’t exactly planning on getting in any fights today.” Uta commented, as if he wasn’t currently wrestling a powerhouse. He reached the strength of a mid upper-end ghoul. A-rate maybe? “Who are you!?” Was all the man asked/said. “Oh! My name is Uta. Yours?” Now that caught him off guard. Clearly Mr. FruitSmash wasn’t expecting an answer. “Buh-bai!” And that was Utas Genki Girl side coming out. He dove back into the sewers, leaping off the rubble that came from the fight. Surprisingly, blondie didn’t follow.
~ ~ ~ Izuku sat at his desk, muttering frantically as he wrote in a notebook, a black one this time. Titled: ‘Villain Quirk Analysis’. There were only a few entries in this one, including Stain (Chizome Akaguro), Overhaul (Kai Chisaki), Mr Compress (Atsuhiro Sako) -plus a few others-, and the Tattooed Man. The entry he was working on now. Izuku had taken ‘apprenticeships’ under Stain and Overhaul in exchange for information on heroes with a less than stellar track record. He hated himself for it, but Izuku couldn’t help himself. He’d always been the trash, why couldn’t he take it out for a change? “M-Mr. Izuku?” “Yes Eri?” The greenette had taken custody of the girl, in exchange for a free hero’s death warrant and some hacking services, on the condition that he send some blood over to Overhaul once a month. “Can I go see Ms. Tsu?” The girl was his babysitter and blood-drawer, they lived in the same apartment complex. The front door opened, and Izuku inhaled sharply, opening his window. “Yes, go to her. Mum got home early, grab your things quickly.” Eri understood the urgency, grabbing her bird mask as Izuku stuffed his black notebook under the floorboard in his closet. Izuku ushered his little candy apple out the window and watched as she pounded on the upstairs window, quickly being whisked into the room by a pair of familiar hands. Izuku then yanked out his study book, barely settling back in when his mother opened the door. “Oh, good job Izuku! I would have hated to see you not studying.” Inko said with a happy smile. Izuku threw a grin over his shoulder, praying the woman didn’t notice his panic. *close* *click* and that was the lock.
~ ~ ~
All Might, or Toshinori Yagi, doubled over and reduced to his small form, seething. The man had been toying with him, and got away so easily! The hero pulled out his phone, dialing Tsukauchis phone number. The detective picked up in a single ring. “Tsukauchi, we have a problem. I’ll send you my location.” “Alright, I’ll be there as soon as possible.” It didn’t take long for the man to arrive, quickly taping off the scene and calling some reinforcements to block the route. “Toshinori, what happened over here?” The detective asked, the veteran hero, turning to his old friend. “There was another man here. Albeit it wasn’t a full power punch, he caught my fist and killed the villain. I managed to get the boy he was holding away, but I doubt that’ll be the end of him.” Tsukauchi got the memo, his face turning grave. “A villain that can catch any of your punches is a problem. I’ll send out a PSA to all the heroes in the area.” The detective pulled out a recording device. “Can you give a description?”
~ ~ ~ Uta took the metro to where his old mask shop would be, to find it in a run down district. The buildings were obviously less well kept compared to the central cities. Downtown Musutafu, home sweet home. His building was still underground, exactly as he remembered it. Plus, it looked like no one owned it. Inside, it was barren, the dust serving as a good indicator of its lack of use. However, when he opened the back door, he found it connected to a network of… Alleyways? The sky wasn’t visible from the back door, and the place reeked of blood and salt. After a moment of wandering, Uta began to hear sniffles. He followed the sound to see a blonde girl, curled up and crying. "Hey. Kiddo. You need help?"
: : : Uta couldn't figure out for the life of him why the girl- Himiko Toga- was now calling him 'Best Friend'. Here she was, draining a body dry of blood, while Uta himself was munching on an arm. “I’ll do pretty much anything if I can help other people with flesh and blood eating quirks. So all I need to do is wear a mask and spread the word?” “Mhm.” Uta confirmed through a mouthful of flesh. “I still need to refurbish my shop and get supplies, but that shouldn’t take long.”
And so began a week of cleaning and freelance work. Neither of them needed to buy food, seeing as both of them could survive off bodies. Eventually, Uta started making masks, starting with hers. It resembled a cat, yellow and black in color, with feathers extending from the cheeks. Where the roof of the cats mouth would be on her nose, the lower jaw was cut off and altered as a jaw guard, leaving her mouth available to eat with. The mask was truly exquisite, And Himiko ended up praising Uta more than needed to the people she found needing flesh and blood. In fact, on her way back to HySy, she had a group following her. Why? Because they had nowhere else to go.
Traumatized children. That's who Himiko brought him. However, Uta couldn’t say he was surprised. The thing that caught him off guard was the sheer quantity of people, they almost filled his shop. The group ranged from six year old's to teenagers, with one four year old in the mix. "Alright." Uta started, sitting in his chair as the kids sat on the floor in front of him. "First, let's lay out some ground rules." He said. "First, none of you will be able to help me out until I make you a mask, starting with the oldest. Second, no discrimination. I know not all of you have flesh quirks, and I will not tolerate bullying. There's alleys connected to the back of the shop that have functional rooms for you guys. First thing I want you to do is wash up and get some rest, we'll be cleaning that place tomorrow."
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prsk-krow · 2 years
Well, we gotta to get the whole gang together now!
(Mizuki x Reader) Mizuki tricks you into going to a clothing shopping spree at the mall because you pulled a Kanade and decided wear the same, dull clothes whenever you two saw each other.
How evil of her.
{Shopping spree with Mizuki and dully clothed reader!}
Hmhm... Perhaps, this is the moment I had been waiting for since I began to write here... Heehee, Caw.
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Since Mizuki became your friend, they always tended to tease you for your lame style of clothes. They couldn't help it! Just like with the shut-in of their group, it was quite something to see someone with the exact same clothes every single day... Because yes, they noticed fast!
However, every time the topic of buying clothes for you came up, you tended to dismiss it for some comfort or simplicity related excuse. Usually it was fun for them to hear whatever you came up with this time, but there were times when they thought that your stubbornness could be a little annoying...
Today, that was about to end, and Mizuki had a plan to see to it that it was done! You were used to their normal, upfront way of asking for basically anything, so when they suddenly messaged you for a 'surprise', you couldn't help but be intrigued... So you headed to the location.
You arrived at the middle of a plaza under their instructions, however, their messages never gave you any answers, only more directions to follow and cryptic coldness. It was weird, but you just assumed that they were trying to creep you out by acting unnaturally. You couldn't just let them get the better of you, so you fearlessly played along!
You headed inside a restaurant, a gamer shop, a furniture shop, another restaurant, and an accessories shop, all the while those texts they sent you were looking more and more like a kidnapper's orders to confirm your obedience and to stall for time. You were far too stubborn to stop, however, and you headed for the next seeming unimportant location they suggested; the clothing's shop right behind you.
You passed through the front doors per their command, and walked inside as far away from them as possible, per their command. It was there that they finally took action, coming out of hiding, grabbing your arm deceptively strongly and smirking at you with a smug look only they could pull off!
"Ahahaha, what an obedient partner I have! You followed my instructions so perfectly! Or, did you? I don't really know, I wasn't looking. Hehe, your responses after every accomplished task made everything SOOO much easier for me! And now, look around you! It's my favorite clothing shop in the area! So beautiful, so big, so... CUTE!! And now I have you here, in my grasp! There's only one thing to do now, riiight~?"
You literally just walked into an open near trap willingly, and you felt utterly disgraced, as Mizuki enjoyed their absolute victory. You couldn't keep track of the time as they held onto your arm firmly and dragged you from stand to stand as they puts you next to almost every outfit they take interest in, which turns out to be more than 3/4 of the shop. Their smirk never faded from their face throughout the day, not even once.
Then, out of those more than 3/4, they take almost every single one of them and drags you to a changing room, where you basically become a human mannequin for their amusement and pleasure! They, sadly, also take too many photos. Your legs actually started to get slightly tired from standing and walking so much, as they cheered and cooed, and giggled to their heart's content!
However, once they showed you the photos, you were left speechless. That honestly didn't look like you! Now you understood why they nagged you so much about your outfits, the new ones changed your appearance so drastically that it was almost like a different person was looking at you in your photos!
"See?? See!? What have I been telling you all these weeks?? Your body and face have so much potential to be paired up with the most cute of sets there exist in the world!! You were just too stubborn to listen to me and give me a chance! So, as payback, you're gonna help me choose whatever you're gonna bring back home. Because you're NOT leaving if we don't buy you at least 10 of these!"
You took the chance to sit and rest as you both decided which ones out of the pile of clothes you should buy. As much as they wished to buy them all, they didn't have the guts to ask for you to pay half, especially since this was completely their idea. And besides, the less clothes you bought, the more you'd want to return to buy the rest! It was devilish, and they weren't ashamed!
After paying for the suits that you chose after so much whining and indecisiveness of their part, and you headed home with them, their radiating energy definitely making you regret not coming here sooner. Besides, now they would use this event to tease you even more for sure, especially the part of your obedience... You could already tell from the smirk that was back on their face far too easily.
Wait... So you regretted not listening to them, yet that's because you obeyed them so thoroughly... Somehow, Mizuki was also able to throw your train of thoughts into disorder with ease as well. 2 sneaky 4 you.
So... Here they are! Probably one of the biggest reasons why I seriously considered making this blog a legit thing, is them. Them... Probably my favorite prsk character. Caw.
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cloudcountry · 11 months
my first impression of you was reading the paint chip project! and i thought your writing was sooo good (and you characterized cater super well 🤩) and my current impression of you is that you're a total sweetheart & very silly
honestly thaht part hasnt changed but i think youre really kind now ^^ and i loved seeing you go a little follow spree a few days ago(?) JHAGFSDHAGS
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garetlomodag · 1 year
August 2023: “August slipped away into a moment in time..”
Hi, friends. I know I am two days late, but know that I had been thinking of how to write everything in one go! I was just living in each moment and as T. Swift’s song goes: August slipped away into a moment in time, August sipped away like a bottle of wine!
This month went by so fast. I felt the most disconnected (outside of work), but also felt the most uncertain, AND AND AND felt like the most ‘I lived in the moment’ this year!
So many things happened and it’s all etched in my heart. 🤍 I don’t know how to best share in detail, but my 🇦🇺 trip was the highlight of Aug (maybe this year too?? Too early to say hehe). I seriously can’t even remember where I left off before the trip LOL I will recollect myself when I land tomorrow night.
I had so many firsts this trip and here are the only things I remember now:
1. Trimmed the people I am following. I did a deleting spree during the trip and it felt so good. To date I unfollowed more than 300 accounts already, and I am not yet done! Sweeepppp! Even my screentime’s down since I left. I didn’t even need to intentionally lessen it. Wow. 👌🏼
2. My best 40-min walk and 1:1 with God this yr. Royal Botanic Garden will now have a special place in my heart. My favorite key takeaway (cos I have several) is this: deeper grasp of Jesus, so I can let go of what’s in my grasp. Haaaaa so freeing. I love You Lord. Thank You for not letting go of me and for being personal and intentional in my life.
3. First solo trip for a week before everyone else arrived. I’ve done 1-2 days headstart in my travels before so this one’s the longest solo flight for me. I had a lot of praning moments and weird encounters with homeless people (I’ll probably post my thoughts on this one some other time), but I had a major realization: I enjoyed some parts where I owned my alone time (Stillness Is The Key daw eh!), but company is really critical for me. HAHAHA at some point I told a friend I might go insane if my other colleagues don’t arrive yet hahaha don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind eating alone, I CAN do it. I just PREFER having more interactions with actual people. Hehe tours got me going hehehe
4. First wedding overseas - this should be part of Sept highlights, but deserves to be part of my August review! It was so good from pre-wedding activities to the wedding itself. Very well-planned, everything was very well-thought of 🥹. All the details were just amazing. Special shoutout to my DMT BBs! Thank you for letting me witness it and for letting me participate in the program! I love you!
5. All the other firsts!!!! I posted some already but there’s a whole lot more. Acccckkk. Thank You God for the whole new experience hehe
6. August songs! I would always have a song I will keep replaying until I get tired of it, but this August I had two! It’s still with me now this Sept, but let’s see. I love Sarah G’s Your Universe version and also, I only did a serious listening of T. Swift’s Daylight this August. I love both so much. 🥹🤍 so good. Well mostly because of the lyrics hehe but the tunes and melody sobrang bagay sa lyrics huhu ganda. Plus I feel like this month’s theme is all about sunlight, sunflowers, and wonders. And I agree with Taylor, it feels like a golden hour for me!!! 🥰🌻☀️✨
I can go on and on, but this is it for now. I am so excited it is a BER month na when I get back! I love Christmas In Our Hearts! Yeheeeeey I hope they play it on the plane 😅
See you all in the 🇵🇭 I love you and am with you in prayers. 🥰
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ace-malarky · 2 years
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ok! nano project time! are we still doing comic sans powerpoints and do I actually care
it's mostly words like. I don't really do pictures and you should know this by now.
... did I mention anywhere that Selene and Solaris are dual viewpoints or did I just say "hey here are two protags"
I'm not editing it again
Anyhow yeah Soul of the Party! I'm slightly hype for this thing! If you want on some sort of taglist for updates which I am fully planning on doing through the month. Let me know. There are bits and pieces under either "The Soul of the Party" or "Dichotomy" tags because I haven't fully swapped them over yet.
I may also be doing some writing streams on twitch over the weekends if you wanna hang out there? idk. We'll see how it goes.
I am also SCMalarky over on the Nano site if we aren't already following each other over there <3
oh wait. picrews used; baydew's, androgynous, poicon, character maker, and kahuna929, and of course Elise was drawn by @loopyhoopywrites bc that's rad af and also from this wip hehe
image description for all of them under the cut! (it got long I am so sorry there are so many words on this thing)
a series of powerpoint slides, all white backgrounds with comic sans font.
slide one; The Soul of the Party (formerly known as Dichotomy) [line break, smaller font] (I just thought it was a rad word. It sort of fit) [line break, smaller font] Sir is that a pun in the title [line break] Yes? Maybe what of it [line break] Goddammit Ace I thought you were better than this [line break] No you didn't <3
slide two; Can I get a Uhhhh fucken plot? [line break, smaller font] God you and me both buddy
crime [in all caps]
Theft. Theft is happening
It looks as though people are stealing from their own houses, but they have no memory of the act
It's been going on for a while. Local authorities have no clue
Dedicated task force are brought in to look into it because of the annual summer tournament going on
Solaris was coming to stay so he could enter the tournament, but Selene's parents decide that isn't safe
He and Selene decide to investigate instead, because that's perfectly safe
Most of everyone gets dragged along in their wake
The Magic Thieves are here for their own Crimes, but UHOH they're the target for these ones
slide three; So basically [in all caps]
The Soul Mages would like their fucked up experiment back, thanks
Elise has a Green Witch's soul stuck in her body as well. It's a time-share thing
The Soul Mages were the ones to stabilies it, but they weren't too happy when said Green Witch broke them free
The Soul Mages know she's with the Magic Thieves bc. Well. Someone had to work it out? Elise's soul buddy has a Very Distinctive MO
It's called destroying the fuck out of everything
Elise's Soul Buddy is not very nice
So they go on a magical crime spree
enact a lot of crime that looks like the Magic Thieves.
Count on them coming in to see who's stepping on their toes
Take Elise back
(for the record, Elise saw this coming)
What could possibly go wrong?
one nosey motherfucker and her friends, that's what
Slide four: The Protagonists
image one; a digital image of a white girl with brown shoulder length hair, gold hooped earrings, and a flower tucked behind her left ear. She's wearing a pink top with white edging, and a sheer gold shawl, and a red pendant. She's smiling.
Selene Taskeral
The young lady of the house
Curious to a fault
Investigating amongst the nobles
Knows her way around a sword
Image two; a digital image of a white boy with brown hair tied up in a bun, with thick strands falling over either side of his face. He's wearing a green poloneck under a black coat with a heavy fur collar. He's smiling slightly.
Solaris Taskeral
The out-of-town cousin
Investigating in the streets
Doesn't always think decisions through
A distinct lack of self-preservation
They share a secret!! The family is in on it! It's a surprise for later :3
Slide five; The Noble Team
image one; a digital image of a white girl with blonde hair tied back in a plait. She has a gold wreath of leaves placed on her head and is wearing a blue tunic with a gold collar and a gold cloak clasped over her shoulder, with gold droplet earrings. There are sparkles in the space about her. She has an open, almost innocent expression.
Abigail Gaulivant
Selene's best friend
Local gossip
butter wouldn't melt in her mouth
Has a crush on Saro
image two; a digital image of a white boy with short, slightly scruffy brown hair. He has round glasses and is wearing a red tshirt under a black jacket. He looks despairing.
Saro Taskeral
Selene's older brother
The sensible one
Protective of Selene
Image three; a digital image of a white girl with long red hair tied back in a ponytail that is swept to the left. She has freckles scattered across her face. She is wearing a black and dark grey tanktop and a gold pendant. She is grinning and has one eyebrow raised, and there is a small speech bubble leading to her with an exclamation mark in it, against a green background with a lighter green circle.
Llinos ferch Rhydderch
Feral mage; unbonded
Hired to keep an eye on Selene
Archer, handy with a dagger
Tumbled to Selene's secret within minutes of meeting her
Slide six; The Street Team
Image one; a Heroforge figurine of a cat person with light yellow fur and black spots, with black tips to his ears. He's wearing red-brown leather armour and a dark brown cloak flowing back over his shoulders. He has a sword at his side and is stepping forward with one hand outstretched in a welcoming gesture.
Jasper sa Adrassa
Feral mage; lynx (fire)
Was looking for some peace and quiet gdi now he has to babysit some kids
Image two; a Heroforge figurine of a fox person with black fur and white tips to his ears and eyebrows. He's wearing a warm yellow and orange shirt and trousers under a green waistcoat. In one hand he holds a slingshot, and his other is held across his waist.
Tadg ap Saril
Feral mage; fox
Tamhas' twin
A Gentleman(tm)
Plagues Jasper
Image three; a Heroforge figurine of a fox person with pale sandy fur, though his throat, hands, legs and ears are all black. He's wearing an open dark green shirt with yellow cuffs, a low brown corset with blue string over dark green trousers with a yellow sash. He stands at the ready with a pouch in one hand.
Tamhas ap Liram
Feral mage; fox
Llinos' brother
A Menace(tm)
Plagues Jasper
Image four; a heroforge figurine of a bird person with black feathers and red scaling on her feet. She's wearing a green gilet over a red shirt and yellow trousers that only reach her knees. She has a large sword attached to her back and holds a ukulele ready to play
Feral mage; raven (speech)
Local bardcore lesbian
Dating Llinos
Pintsize badass
[in smaller font] Also plagues Jasper
Slide seven; The Magic Thieves
(... not the actual thieves this time)
Image one; a digital drawing of a white woman in a purple edwardian dress that has large puffs for sleeves over her upper arms. She has blonde hair tied up behind her head, with some strands trailing past her face. She's resting one hand on her hip and looks disbelieving.
Elise Teekeros
Thief/con artist
Really doesn't want to be on this world
Ready to throw hands
Image two; a digital image of a light brown skinned man. He has close cropped brown hair and wears glasses, and looks unamused. He's wearing a dark purple suit & tie with a white shirt.
Skir Aracel
Arch Mage
The money
What he says goes
Too much pride for one man
Image three; a digital image of a white woman. She has blonde hair tied in a low bun and a frint that covers her forehead. She wears round glasses and has a slight smile. She's wearing a grey polo neck under a brown cardigan, and a necklace of pearls.
Skir's family servant
Costuming department
Image four; a digital image of a brown skinned boy. He has floppy dark brown hair that ties into a small ponytail at the base of his head. He has small antlers with three tines protruding from his head and looks worried. He's wearing a loose dark brown shirt.
Older than he looks
Scared of most things
Slide eight; Featuring Brief Appearances From;
Image one; a digital image of a dark brown skinned person with short light brown hair that's combed back. They have a slight smile and a beauty mark on their cheek. They're wearing a white shirt under a tan waistcoat.
Carlin Everglade
Saro's best friend
A flirt
Entered the tournament
Image two; a digital image of a white skinned boy with fluffy blonde hair. He looks worried. He's wearing a high collared green shirt and a gold waistcoat.
Abban Gaulivant
Abigail's twin brother
Likes to party
Little bit naive
Image three; a digital image of a brown skinned woman with almost shoulder length brown hair. She has white stud earrings and is wearing a grey kimono patterned with cherry blossoms and thin branches. She's smiling in a way that suggests she knows more than you
Drassa sa Enser
Jasper's mother
Mysterious(tm) but well thought of
Slide nine; I'm sorry you said tournament?
Local generic tournament! Sword fights! Jousting! Group battles
Jasper entered on a whim
He was looking for something simple to do on his break from Llinos and Kaua
Physical skills only, magic isn't allowed
In the main events. There's a magic part now I [in all caps] have decided
... not that I know how that's going to work yet.
It's mostly a backdrop
Sometimes you just wanna write flashy low risk fights alright
There are some less flashy higher risk fights involved. That's how Selene meets Kaua
It comes with parties and Events for all the family! People travel to take part and see this thing! Whole lotta strangers in town if you catch my drift hmmm
Slide ten;
Hey what even is your world building
... yeah, sorry about that
Welcome to...
[in bigger, orange print] The Mist Worlds!
image description; the spongebob imagination meme
19(ish) interlinked worlds, most have their own magic type, people can travel via the Mist Gates
[at an angle, leading from "19(ish)"] Some have been destroyed, One is split in two
[In increasingly smaller font] The Gates are grouped in a couple of places in each world these days, anyone travelling by them needs the correct papers before a guide will take them. Originally they were unstable and dangerous and under the whim of the Fair Folk. Anyone walking through couldn't control where - or when - they'd come out. That's how Skren got lost! A couple thousand years ago the Arch Mages sealed the gates in place at the expense of locking a couple of worlds [The text cuts off]
This story is set on Tatariel! Magic type is Soul Magic
It's not one of the nicer ones
They can control people. Mostly it's about using the "power of their soul"/energy of their life to enact change
Other magic types mentioned;
Feral Mages - have animal companions! Can bond and become furries! [in increasingly smaller font with each parenthesis] (they were probably furries anyway (don't tell Jasper that))
Green Witches - destruction. Death by water.
Arch Mages - OP af at the expense of their sanity
Slide eleven; [in all caps] anyhow
... actually that's it
At least one masquerade ball!
Sword fights!
[in all caps] crime
A fair amount of nonsense I'm gonna make up on the spot!
Should be fun, you should come with
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s3ungm1nxxl0ve · 18 days
Pretty Pet // Lee Minho
This is a fanfiction!! It is NOT real!
Warnings: reader having money problems, readers mother leaving her, mean leeknow ( forgive me pls 😞🙏) , reader becoming a pet for leeknow, sort of blackmailing?? (Idk the word, im not english sryy), kissing
Let me know if I forgot
Not proof read!
I rlly like it hehe might make part 2!!
Lee minho.
That was his name, the richest boy on campus
He was rich, filthy rich.
Yet also a mean person who never cared about others
He always comes to school in a limo or a rolls-royce, while you on the other hand, weren’t so stable when it came to money.
Your mother had left due to an argument when you were little, and you father was left to provide for the both of you.
You worked a few part-time jobs to bring more money in, yet it wasn’t always enough.
Which is why you vowed to study hard and become rich later, and to spoil your father for staying with you when your mother had left.
One day, he invited you to a party of his.
He walked up to you and said:”Hey (y/n)!! Im throwing my birthday party this weekend on sunday! Wanna come?”
You were surprised but agreed, since you didn’t have money to buy nice clothes you just wore a normal, simple dress to his party.
As soon as you arrived, Leeknow’s friends started laughing really hard.
You just stood there, clueless, while Leeknow came up to you.
“Are you serious? I give you an invitation to my party and you actually have the audacity to show up like this?”
“What?!” You were quite annoyed,
“Your too broke to buy nice clothes?” He mocked.
You just stared at him angrily.
“Well not everyone is born with a golden spoon yknow?..” you mutter out.
“I made this money myself, you peasant.”
And then the others laughed at your mistake, while you stood there embarrassed.
“Gosh youre so dumb.”
And that was it.
You snapped as you slapped him and ran away.
The guests were all flabbergasted.
It was so silent you could hear a pin fall.
You just got to the exit and dialed a taxi to brung you home.
Little did you know, it was probably not a smart choice to do that..
The next day came, you got ready and left for college.
Everyone was whispering about you and giving you mean glances.
You simply chose to ignore this and went up to your locker.
You opened your locker and out your stuff in it.
But then as you turned around you noticed someone behind you.
You looked up and saw Leeknow starring daggers at you.
“You think you’re going to get away with embarrassing me at my OWN party?”
You then pushed him away and went to your class.
After all your lessons you went to the school bathroom.
Leeknow silently followed you in the hall and before you got inside the bathroom he pinned you to the wall besides the door.
He whispered.
“Please stop” you said.
“Ill make your life a fucking hell, I’ll make sure your dad gets fired” he then answered.
“What?!- who do you think you are? You can’t just do that?!”
“Yes I can and I will.”
He gripped your wrist so hard it was painful.
“O-Ow.. you whimpered out
You started tearing up.
“Aww, is the little brat gonna cry?” He cooed.
After a while he said this: “you know what? Let’s make a deal, you become my pet and listen to every single thing I tell you to do, and in return I will spoil you, make sure your dad will keep his job.
I’ll let you have a little taste of how it is to be rich.”
He said.
“Y-Your pet?..” you mutter out confused.
“Correct, if you become my pet nothing bad will happen to you, trust me, I will spoil you and you can spend my money all you want.” He smirks.
Gently tucking your hair behind your ears and leaning in closer.
“C-Can I give some of that money to my dad?..” you whispered.
“Hmm, if you’re a good pet then I guess it wont hurt to do so.” He shrugged.
“Okay then..” you agreed…
“Good, now come with me, we’re skipping school to go on a.. what was it?.. a shopping spree or sum.”
You silently complied and walked behind him as he led you to his car.
You stepped in and immediately noticed the expensive smell of wood and vanilla mixed together.
Leeknow gave his driver a location to go to as you put on your seatbelt.
Soon you guys were driving through the city, with the sky a mix of orange and pink, the clouds looking beautiful.
Oh boy… was this a good idea?…
I wanna make part 2 sooo bad, I just hope people will see and read this thoughhhh
Anyways, if you read it all then thank you so so much!! ✨
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cursedcola · 2 years
Prompt: What would they do to celebrate your birthday? Part(s): Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Scarabia, Octavinelle, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, and Diasmonia You're Here: Pomefiore! A/N: Hey everyone. I know I have requests backed up to the nines but was my birthday and I need some comfort teehee (I am also SO mad that twst doesn’t have a thing for the MCs birthday >:( ). Some are longer than others because the inspiration train hit, but I really don't care. I love me my boys, what can I say? I hope you guys can read this for your birthdays and be happy :)
Vil Shoenheit
The weekend following your birthday is very eventful. Vil's a man of passion and glamour. I hope you are ready to be tossed from place to place, because you will be living quite lavishly for a few days.
Your wardrobe situation has been bothering him since you both became close. What better time to fix it than this special occasion? Vil treats you to a shopping spree, acting as your personal consultant and forcing you to model his hand-picked outfits
Some of which coincidently match his own. He may or may not discover how you matching his tie + cuff-links makes him ‘excited’
Whether he likes the outfit or not, you receive many compliments.Some come out as snarky quips with a sultry smirk, but that is expected from Vil
Did someone say spa treatment? Darling, you have stress wrinkles from being Crowley's lackey. Give him a few hours and you'll feel like liquid gold. The days go by quickly, and you sleep better than ever before. Who wouldn’t in a high-class hotel with sheets more expensive than anything you have ever owned? Vil notices the improvement by the end and his ego somehow heightens further in pride.
On that note...are you camera shy? Because for the grand finale Vil arranges for you to have a birthday photoshoot with his personal photographer.
The first half is only for you. He stands on the sidelines, hyping you up and critiquing the stylist's choice in clothes and makeup. Only the best is allowed, he swears it on the Shoenheit name!
Second half? He's in there posing at your side. The scene is set as a garden birthday and pictures are taken as you both cut through a triple-tier cake . This is when Vil presents you with your gift: a personalized eyeshadow pallet. He crafted each shade himself, and they're named after things that he loves about you.
The photographer perfectly captures your surprise as well as Vil's rare moment of genuine affection. The photoshoot was meant to be private but somehow that picture ends up trending on Magicam.
“I had hoped to selfishly hoard your beauty, yet it seems the media could not resist in taking it's share. Hehe…at least everyone can see that you are mine this way. Forever my little potato,”
Rook Hunt
Rook can be very mischievous when he wants to be. They say not to play with your food, but he’s always lived for the thrill of the hunt rather than the catch itself
Your birthday is made into a game: a hunt. He wants to shower you with presents yet simply handing them over would be too borish. So, what’s he do? Hides them across campus, that’s what. The first can be found in plain sight outside your bedroom door. Attached to the wrapping is a clue as to where you can find the next!
And so begins your scavenger hunt. To the cafeteria, the alchemy lab, the courtyard, training tower, etc. you’re sent around with Rook acting as your shadow the entire time. He ensures your safety while also admiring your reaction to his presents the entire time.
The last note sends you to Pomefiore, and when you reach the gates Rook appears out of thin air at your side. He’ll lead you in, and inside is your final gift.
It’s your very own bow! Since you cannot use magic, he will be taking it upon himself to teach you self defense and archery. There have been so many close calls that Rook does not feel safe letting you remain defenseless anymore.
“Mon amor, it is perfect! Not only will we spend much time together but now I can cease losing hair from worrying over you. It will be difficult at first but rest assured that I will be your guide on this perilous journey,”
Epel Felmier
Long before you became lovers, Epel was a simp. A big heckin’ simp that buried his feelings because falling in love was not very, “manly,” in his eyes. With an appearance so delicate, what would make you want him? Sure, he was not ugly or intolerable…but he had so much to “fix,” before allowing himself anything like romance.
This did nothing for how he craved you. Your attention, presence, great seven even your scent. The moment you would walk in a room his back would go straight and his well-crafted act of decorum would slip. Vil would then chide him for staring and for his vulgar language after being caught.
It was humiliating how quickly you were able to scramble his well-crafted mask. Just the thought of you deflated all his defenses. He was screwed.
In an effort at defiance, Epel swore himself off of whatever spell you cast on him. If you entered the room then he would leave. If you talked to him then he would only reply curtly. If anyone mentioned you then he would dismiss them.
During this phase he was still hopelessly in love. It was a moment of weakness when he found himself carving your face into one of his apples. Staring into it with displeasure, he wanted something more concrete to work with than fruit. So he grabbed some wooden logs from the fire place and got to work
Fast forward time, and many months later there is still a wooden carving of your likeness stashed underneath his bed. He could not bring himself to toss it, especially so now that you are lovers. So it sits there: until today. Your birthday.
Epel isn’t the type to plan an event. He got you a small gift, a sweet, and asked for you to hang out in his room for a time. His upperclassmen decided to join and were being nosy. Long after all celebration had ended, Rook was snooping and noticed something wooden peaking out from underneath the bed. Before Epel could stop him the figurine was pulled out.
You wanted it. Of course you did. Why would he expect anything less? It’s not like he can say no when you’re blushing and staring at his hand-crafted work in awe. He just keeps quiet until his upperclassmen leave, observing as you admire it. Silently letting his embarrassment get the better of him until he bursts.
“Y’know, that don’ mean nothin’!! What’eva weird thought you got goin’ on in that head o’ yours— quit it! You can keep it but don’ go paradin’ it around either. I—I’m warnin’ ya!…you’re lucky I like ya,”
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ticklystuff · 2 years
Hello!! I'll be nice if you write a fic/ficlet with lee Loid Forger, and ler Franky Franklin (For context, Franky Franklin is Loid Informant, and Franky really look like a good ler). Trust me the anime was super interesting XD
hewwo anon! thanks for the request and for getting me into the show hehe i hope this turned out okay!
Loid flipped over the several documents laid out in front of him, rubbing his temples with his fingertips as he did his best to cram all the information needed for the mission. Adopting a child and ensuring their entrance into Eden Academy all within one week was already an extremely tall order, but Loid would also have to act as a father figure for the child to avoid suspicion, placing him in an unfamiliar situation that his years of spy training would be unable to aid him with. It's not like being a father should be a problem for him, though, as it would just be another role for him to play, but tricking a child with a falsified father image just felt wrong, not to mention that the child would be used for such a dangerous mission…
The sound of a sudden knock on the door broke Loid out of his thoughts. The singular knock was followed by two rapid ones, a pattern that Loid recognized as Franky's. "Come in," he said from the other side of his small hotel room.
The door soon opened and Loid watched as Franky walked in with a happy grin on his face, placing two large grocery bags on the table. "There are so many fancy stores around! I was able to pick up some candy for when we meet them. Oh and let's see.. I got a doll and a racecar as gifts."
Loid sighed to himself  and crossed his arms in annoyance as his informant went on about his day. "Franky, I told you to familiarize yourself with the surrounding area, not go on a shopping spree."
"Well, lucky for you, I was able to do both," Franky scoffed proudly, still unpacking the contents from his bags. "Besides, I wanna be the cool uncle!"
"Franky, there will be no 'cool uncle'" Loid said with air quotes as he spoke, receiving an eye roll from the other. "The less people getting involved with the child, the better. Now, go and return everything you've purchased today."
"No way," Franky shook his head, pushing the bags in Loid's direction. "You can at least use this stuff for yourself. It'll help the kid bond with you."
"I doubt I'll need stuff like this," Loid said, picking up the toy doll, before placing it back in the bag. "Besides, Eden Academy is a highly prestigious school with rigorous coursework. There will hardly be any time for these because of all the studying they'll need to do."
Loid watched as Franky immediately facepalm, creating an audible slap that nearly echoed throughout the room. "Do you know anything about parenting?" the informant asked in shock.
"Of course not," Loid replied matter-of-factly, "but I know nothing about dating or relationships and I was able to pull those off in the past. I'll just put on an act like normal."
"Nononono," Franky shook his head vigorously, giving Loid a disapproving glare. "Kids are surprisingly perceptive. They'll see right through you if you're not genuine."
"Franky, I think you're overesti-"
"Nope!" Franky cut him off as he quickly grabbed Loid's arm, dragging him out of the chair and towards the bathroom. Normally, Loid would have put up some kind of resistance, but Franky could be especially stubborn when he wanted to be. Sometimes, it was best just going with whatever he had in mind for the sake of saving time.
"Okay, just stand here," Franky pointed to the front of the bathroom sink, right in front of the wall mirror, stepping behind him once Loid was in place, "and just give your best smile. Remember, they can tell when you're being fake."
Loid sighed to himself at having got caught up in this, but did as he was told, flashing a charming smile at the mirror, one that he had used many times when treating a date to dinner.
"No- No, dummy!" Loid cried out from behind. "You're not trying to seduce the kid! More wholesome, less flirty."
The urge to walk out and just ignore Franky for the rest of the day began to bubble to the surface, but Loid pushed that idea to the back of his head and gave the best smile he could, doing his best to fill his mind with warm thoughts and happy feelings, hoping this would reflect in his appearance.
"It's good," Franky trailed off for a moment, "but it definitely still seems fake."
"It's fake because you know it's fake," Loid snapped, nearly losing his cool.
"Hey, I'm just trying to help," Franky said with a shrug of his shoulders, clearly unfazed by Loid's sudden change in expression. "Here, let me give this a shot."
Loid waited for Franky to step to the front and show off a smile to the mirror for both to see, but his expectations were soon subverted at the sudden feeling of two hands at his hips. Before he could even ask, the two hands began to squeeze away at the unexpected and unfamiliar sensations that soon followed.
"Wh-What are you-?!" Loid's body jolted from the sudden pressure, his body crumpling forward in front of the mirror. From the reflection, Loid could see a devious grin spread across Franky's face and he would have quickly wiped the smirk off his face, but his hands were already preoccupied with covering his face and keeping the laughter that threatened to bubble to the surface.
"Hey, come on, put your hands down," Franky said from behind, giving his waists a few more pinches before moving his hands upwards to Loid's sides. "This is supposed to help with what I was saying earlier."
"Y-You're just ticklihihing mehehehe!" The giggles began flowing freely and once they were out, Loid found it nearly impossible to stop them. If Franky wasn't his colleague and friend, his arms would be in a vice grip by now, but alas, as annoying as he was, Loid would never actually harm him. Instead, Loid redirected every ounce of sheer force to keeping his hands to himself, doing his best to control his involuntary reactions and twitches.
"But tickling is the best way to get a genuine smile out of anyone," Franky replied, digging into Loid's sides with gusto once his muffled laughter made its presence, a sound that was seldom heard by anyone. "Besides, I wouldn't have to do this if you would just laugh at my jokes from time to time."
Loid didn't even know what to say as he was too busy gritting his teeth, bracing himself for every wave that traveled from his nerves to his brain, but inevitably failing to heed his laughter. His body waved back and forth in place in an attempt to avoid Franky's hands, but the other was too fast, clearly skilled from some prior experience. The thought of how ridiculous he most likely looked plagued Loid's mind as he continued to laugh, avoiding eye contact with his own reflection in the mirror the best he could.
"Hey hey, just relax." Franky clearly noticed the amount of effort that Loid was putting into resisting the tickling, but Loid couldn't help the natural reaction. "Open your eyes and just let yourself laugh. You won't look as stupid as you think you will."
"Nghehehehaha!" One hand was removed from his mouth and was soon followed by the other as Loid heeded Franky's advice, unclenching his jaw in the process for a smoother flow of laughter. He still had a hard time looking his own reflection in the eye as his own eyes were squeezed shut due to the tickling, but every now and then Loid was able to catch a quick glance. His cheeks red as a cherry and bits of perspiration had made its place on his forehead. He looked just as ridiculous as he thought he would.
"There we go," Franky observed with clear satisfaction, allowing his hands to move up to Loid's ribs. "You've almost got it." This time, Loid relaxed his body and muscles, allowing his laughter to flow freely without hesitation. His struggling had come to a minimum, letting Franky really get at his upper-body, but the tickling this time felt almost lighter, somewhat cathartic, somewhat alleviating the stress that was brought on from his assignment to Operation Strix. Loid allowed himself to open one eye, noticing the difference in his features than from the start. That tenseness from before no longer ran through his body and his face had unstrained, almost as if he was enjoying it. He honestly couldn't be sure at this point.
"Hehehehahahaha! Ahahaha!"
"Alright, I think I've tortured you enough," Franky said as he removed his hands, giving Loid one more poke to his side. "See, it wasn't that bad."
Loid breathed heavily in response, recuperating for the strength exerted during his ordeal. He never knew that something as tickling could be so taxing. When was the last time he was tickled?
"So, now that we're done," Franky said as he opened the door to the bathroom, stepping out of the way to let Loid out first, "just think of this moment whenever you're with the kid." Loid shook his head in response, hoping to forget this moment in time. "Absolutely not."
"Ah, then I guess I'll just have to show the kid you're ticklish then," Franky tutted with a cheeky grin, earning a sigh from Loid. 
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00hj · 4 years
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ happy holidays ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
 i’m extremely grateful for all my mutuals & friends since joining tumblr 6 years ago. this isn’t my main blog nor is it my first blog but it is my most active haha (^◇^;)
|ω・)و ̑̑༉ hi, i’m karen or k ! you may know me as the residential hyunsung stan or the woozi enthusiast over on my main @/himeaegyo 
i’ve made such supportive, precious, and amazing friends & the fandoms i’ve been apart of have been such a great adventure.
this is gonna be probably my most emotional/sappiest follow forever because this year has just been so emotionally straining that we need more positivity !
 so thank you again for following me/liking my content/popping into my inbox/just accepting me ( ˊᵕˋ )♡

while i wasn’t that active this year on this blog, it’s been very entertaining & motivational seeing people interact & still supporting @/straykidsupdate (the amount of love that blog gets, i’ll forever be in awe/shock and will never be able to express enough thanks for)
to my mutuals & fellow ccs, this is just a big thank you/hug for everything you’ve done !! 🐻💓 
i may not follow you now (or i might have followed during the making of this post) but know that i’m in the process of cleaning out my following list !! i’m not ignoring you 🥺 i’ve just been semi inactive this year :c
these are just a couple special shoutouts/messages ! if i didn’t write you a message, please don’t take it personally 🙇🏻‍♀️ i do love & appreciate every single one of my mutuals but the post would get super long o-o; 
@realstraykids hi em 🐹💕 we exchange these words nearly ever end of the year, but thank you thank you thank you for being one of my first true online friend & mutual 😊 it’s just filled me with so much joy seeing you make it big with the love you have for your groups. i love how engaging you are, how supportive you are of fellow creators & friends, how you’ve been able to do your academics & juggle stan life (mad respect) (i would also like to mention that my phone’s predictive keyboard still recommends ‘hellohwiyoung’ after i type hello out & i refuse to reset it)
@3rxcha hi iri 🌻🧚🏻‍♀️ my canadian love bug. it’s been such a blessing that we were able to meet up & hang out irl ! thank you for being there for the ups & downs in my personal life haha, i really unloaded a lot on you in the past. i’m glad you’re back into stray kids !! it’s been such a joy being able to send you fantakens over on discord when i update/queue >:3 i love how unapologetically honest you are, how articulate you are, and how you’re just a pastry chef 🥧
@chrisbangs hi li 👼🍡 hehe another canadian dream girl. i think you’re my only moot/few friends that i know who listens to tmg & it’s was a great shock when i found that out haha. i absolutely adore the way you’re so creative yet always challenging yourself to push yourself further. being able to see your creative journey has been a blessing & i truly believe you’ll be able to achieve great things with your skills here
@hyunnie hi katarina 🌿🍒 first & foremost, i don’t think i’ve ever confessed that i totally freaked out when i saw that you had applied for the gfx position for sku. it’s been such a privilege working together, though things have been slow because there’s nothing much to do ;;;; i knoooow we’re in the server together but i’ve admired your dedication & work ethic that i’m kind of like intimidated to talk to you (?) haha fears but !!! it’s so admirable how dedicated you are in finishing series & how you’re always trying new things with your creations
@chngbok hi red 💞✨ honestly, you’re the backbone of the sku queue lmao. i vividly remember that one time you went on a spree & filled it to like 200 posts,,,,that’s a literal talent. i’m very excited to get into genshin impact & i’m excited to know you’re into it !! i know like one person irl who’s actively been playing it & another irl who’s interested so this bubble is small OTL,,,though i may suck, i’ll be honoured to be able to play together with you! thank you for partaking in the shenanigans we create in the server sometimes, i really do truly appreciate you 🥺
@straybell hi nina 💒💞 another canadian buttercup! i remember stumbling across your dating sim edit & your district 9 edits back in 2018 & just falling completely in love with how you were able to manifest such ideas perfectly. it’s one thing to be able to visualize & conceptualize it but to pull it off with the proper assets & the amount of details,,,,,completely in awe with your talent. you’re so humble, down-to-earth, loving, and you have such a big heart. you make people feel welcomed, warm, and loved & i just hope you’re able to feel the same way 
@tuanzie hi joanna 💓🐣 i remember one day i checked tumblr again & saw a new url & was just completely confused who you were because i was so used to your old url lol i know i don’t really talk to you but you always seem so cool & well kept together whenever you’re on my tl ^^;; you radiate this confident older sibling energy & sometimes i’ll just stalk your blog to see what new things has happened with some of the groups we mutually stan. i truly admire how you’re able to keep up with all your groups and !!! make content for them, truly inspiring work ethics
@wonstal hi louise 💝🍒 i truly don’t know how to explain this but you just radiate this very pretty vibe & aesthetic. your blog, your content, your colouring, your everything is just so pretty to me. i don’t talk to you but i’m admiring from the far distance,,,,,,you’re just so cool & your stan list is just wonderful. i don’t think we’re online at the same time much but !!! i hope you’re staying safe, getting some rest, drinking your fluids & just staying occupied :)
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my moots & recs !! (these are skz. svt, multi blogs & more)
@hanjin @hyunknow @ji-sungs @avocadomin​ @hyunjinz @kimsyohans @3norachaa @l0vepaint @cpalice @bbchae​ @changbinie​ @changbeanie​ @blueprintskz​ @han-jisung​ @felixies​ @binnies​ @ifbin​ @hwanghaes​ @sunnykids​ @yangjeongin​ @dyewithyou​ @seoschangbin​ @luvknow​ @seungminsmile​ @gukooky​ @abcdskz​ @seungminhos​ @yyuwins​ @deobistay​ @hyyunjinn​ @hyunjins​ @eternallys​ @jinlix​ @ljhz​ @hoshees​ @absix​ @berethosh​ @bbaksu​ @leeknown​ @jisungism​ @joshuahong​ @lovehui​ @shuvee​ @cafewoozi​ @pdwoozi​ @bangchanmix​ @honeyboyfelix​ @hoodiehan​ @kkvmi​ @914m​ @miniwaves​ @leeminho-s​ @sparkly-minho​ @myoneandongly​ @holyakaashi​ @2miin​ @jisungsings​ @bangchans​ @02print​ @spearbin​ @gyuwus​ @jonghan​ @xums​ @strgaykids​ @soocculents​ @liinos​ @asterocky​ @hanwooz​ @tswoondere​ @guksuu​ @jypestraykids​ @leeknowism​ @go-saeng​ @agibbng​ @creker​ @saniest​ @strayhags​ @pdracha​ @defgyus​ @seo-changbinnies​ @youngke​ @cotccotc​ @stray-but-okay​ @jjsungie​ @chogiwow​ @hwjins​ @hyunsung​ @1eeknows​ @jeonginx​ @choihans​ @hyunllx​ @minhou​ 
have a nice holiday !!! i hope you’re warm & safe 🎄💓 i’m still working on a rec page but it’ll be over here when it’s done !!
 (。>∀<)_畄q(>∀< 。)
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anotherbeingsworld · 3 years
the promise of happiness
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x F!MC (Alessia Lyxienne)
Book: Open Heart
Rating: G , TW: mentions of surgery.
Prompts by @choicesjunechallenge2021 Day 1 – plot twist
Summary: Alessia's ex is in town, and its quite a reunion. <3
A/N: hiii, so I decided to participate in the challenge and well, write lots of Bryce before we have to say goodbye to him soon. So, this is kinda (hopefully) become a writing spree for me - like a Bryce appreciation-ish of my own. I have some plans already - and, I can't wait to share them! Also, a huge shoutout to @appiomofchoice for a lot of her help on this fic and the upcoming ones! Enjoy! (also, I will start to use a new mc name! however, she is who casey is but, with a new name instead hehe) // i dont own any characters except mc and brian lewis. (and, i apologize for grammar errors and any errors in this story)
It was supposed to be a normal day, however, the gasped that escaped her signals that the day is going to be an adventure. As she stood beside Bryce, both of them were facing a familiar face who she knows all too well. Brian Lewis, the Brian Lewis. The knowing smirk on his face as his gaze falls onto her brings back all the memories during her time at med school before.
He was a senior, a few years older than her. As they started to get to know one another through a mentoring session with Dr. Lisbon in her anatomy class. They started to go out in a matter of months, as their study sessions become quite intimate in the past – before, breaking up as Brian left for an opportunity to continue his residency in London. They were on good terms, and seeing him again in front of her brought back old memories.
“Dr. Lyxienne, are we clear?” The sound of Harper’s voice pulled her out of a trance, as she was pulled back into reality.
“I’m sorry, would you repeat that once more?”
Harper nods, before introducing him to her – as Bryce raised an eyebrow at the man.
“This is Dr. Brian Lewis from John Hopkins – and, he will assist us in one of the diagnostics team cases.” Brian takes his hand out towards her as Bryce took it before Alessia could do anything.
“Nice to meet you, Dr. Lewis, I’m Dr. Bryce Lahela and this is…”
“The Dr. Lyxienne of course! How have you been Alessia?” He said with a huge smile on his face, as Alessia froze, not knowing or mentally preparing herself where her boyfriend met his ex.
“I’m doing fine, thank you, Dr. Lewis.” The formality makes him take a step back as the atmosphere around them becomes awkward.
“Well, Dr. Lewis – we will see you at the diagnostics office soon. It’s nice to meet you.” Harper shook his arm again, with a smile before leaving the room.
The three of them stood awkwardly, before Alessia’s pagers started to beep – as she quickly runs away from the scene any further.
The two men stood quietly before Bryce left the room as well – leaving a sighing Brian in the office.
Bryce’s pager started to vibrate, as he was called into the diagnostics office as he finished with an appendectomy. With a satisfied smile on his face, he was met with a full office – consists of Dr. Emery, Dr. Ramsey, Alessia, Dr. Carrick, and Brian who are discussing their new case.
“Bryce, welcome. Dr. Lewis, this is one of our top surgeons in our department– Dr. Bryce Lahela.” Harper stated before Bryce taking a seat beside Alessia who looks nervous upon the encounter.
“It's good to see you again Dr. Lahela.” His voice was rough with a hint of softness in it.
Bryce nods before he was passed with a copy of the case itself.
“Based on the check-up we did, we found that the patient has suffered from spinal osteomyelitis. It is known as an infection of the vertebrae – it is a rare case, however still dangerous overall.” His presence is commanding as the others listen to it intently.
“How dangerous is it?” Alessia’s voice can be heard as all eyes fall on her.
Brian smiles, as he explains.
“Infections on the spine can be extremely dangerous along with the surgery on that are can be risky with the probability that may lead to a case of paralysis or even more infection.”
She nods intently, as the room went quiet once more.
“When will the surgery be performed? I’m guessing the sooner, the better right?” Tobias adds along with the conversation.
“I suspect we kept her in for a couple of days, to make some additional check-ups. But, if a timeline was needed – definitely as soon as we could.” He concludes before taking a seat.
After a while of discussion – the team was dispersed.
“Dr. Emery, I have to ask why was I picked by Dr. Lewis for the surgery?”
“Dr. Tanaka recommended your name and he wanted to take you in this round. I have to go now for a meeting, but – if you have any questions, Dr. Lewis can answer it for you about the surgery.” He nods as Harper was out of his sight.
Alessia sits on her own, as the dish in front of her remains uneaten due to the textbooks on the table. She was quite occupied with the text in front of her without realizing she had some company awaits her.
Her gaze falls onto the familiar gray eyes looking at her – with the familiar smile since before. Brian was sitting opposite her.
“Yes, Dr. Lewis, what do you need?”
“It’s me Alessia, can we talk – why are you avoiding me?” His voice somewhat remains strong, as Alessia tries to avoid the question.
“I…don’t know. It's weird seeing you again after all these years.” She begins her argument, as Brian nods in understanding.
“I can quite say the same, you look as beautiful as years ago.” He compliments her, as she smiles and lets out a chuckle.
“Thank you. I gotta say – you look as good as you did years ago. But, why Edenbrook, what are you doing here even?” Alessia shuts the textbook, as she looked him in the eyes.
“Dr. Emery was a colleague of mine before, and she requested me to come by for the surgery. I didn’t expect you’d be here.” His gaze falls down upon his hands.
She nods, not knowing how to reply as the silence follows for a moment.
“I know it's an unexpected encounter. It might be weird seeing your ex after all these years, but…I am glad that I got to see you again Alessia.” He says with a smile on his face, the genuine expression she knew all too well from years ago.
Before she could reply, she saw Bryce making his way to her. She smiles at him, as Brian follows her gaze meeting his eyes. He waved at him, before glancing his way back to her. The wide smile on her face still presents on her face, as Bryce took a seat beside them.
“Dr. Lewis, Alessia.” He greeted them both, as Brian's gaze fall onto them both. How comfortable they looked together before he excuses himself from the table.
“I’ll see you in surgery Dr. Lahela, and Alessia.” He smiles before leaving the cafeteria.
Bryce’s gaze follows his trail until he left the cafeteria.
“So, I think I have been out of the loop as your boyfriend – but, who is he?” His eyebrows were raised at Brian’s empty seat.
She lets out a small chuckle,
“He is…my -ex in med school actually.” She lets the truth set free, as Bryce looks at her in awe actually.
“Well, you certainly had upgraded.” He jokes as a wink followed before she elbows him playfully.
“Very funny Bryce.” She says before opening her textbook again.
She feels his eyes on him, as she glances his way. He somehow looked nervous suddenly.
“How do you feel when you see him again?”
She thought about it,
“It feels like nostalgic, yet – the story between us has ended years ago. You don’t have to worry alright.” She winks at him, as Bryce lets out a mock laugh – as a response.
“I’m not worried! Never, nope.”
“Whatever you say, Bryce.” She said before leaning in for a kiss, as they continue to spend the remaining time together studying about the upcoming surgery.
It was days later, as Bryce preps for the surgery alongside Brian. The OR was quiet, as they were the only ones there. A few seconds later, the surgical assistant arrives alongside the on-lookers consists of other surgeons.
He took a deep breath before they began the procedure, the gallery above them was filled with doctors – as Bryce could recognize a few to name. Dr. Emery and Dr. Tanaka are whispering subtlely, Dr. Ramsey alongside Dr. Carrick and even Dr. Banerji are there. As his gaze moved towards the left, he was shocked to see Alessia sitting by the end of the gallery – as she waves his way. He smiles, before resuming his role alongside Brian.
The clock was ticking slowly, as he observes Brian’s work and was impressed by his handiwork. They switched tasks in between the surgery – and he felt alive at that moment.
“Dr. Lahela, pass me the lancet.” Bryce nods as one of the nurses passes it his way.
Brian was focused on his work before he blurted a question in the middle of the surgery itself.
“So, you are the boyfriend I assume.” His voice is low as Bryce look at him with wide eyes.
He nods, as Brian continues on the surgery with such ease in his work.
“How long have you been together?”
“We just made it official, but…almost three years.” He says proudly behind his surgical mask.
There was a pause in between before he says.
“Years ago, I knew that smile on her face – along with the look in her eyes, she really does loves you. And, when Alessia loves someone - she will go over mountains for you.” He said suddenly – as it felt like a promise for him.
Bryce nods and smiles to himself, remembering the moments they had gone through together.
“I know.” I will, an unspoken promise was said between the quiet atmosphere of the OR. As, a smile was visible on Brian's face - somehow he got the message.
As the procedure goes on, a couple of hours had passed – they survived the procedure after a couple roadblocks along the way. The patient has the last resort on the surgery – Bryce took the lead to amputate the affected limb to stop the infection from spreading further. And, at that note – the surgery was over.
They cleaned up from their dirty scrubs as the night has grown late for them both.
“Dr. Lahela – you did an exceptional job today.”
He smiles, feeling the glowing pride in himself.
“Thank you for giving me the chance to join in the surgery, Dr. Lewis.” He replies as Brian nods before they both started to go on separate ways.
It’s the day after the surgery, as Alessia stumbles upon Brian who is hugging Dr. Emery – somewhat as a gesture of farewell. As they went their separate ways, his eyes met with hers – a smile on his face.
“Hey.” He begins to conversation.
“Hi, leaving already?”
“Yeah, unfortunately, I have an emergency meeting with the head of surgery at John Hopkins in a few hours.” He explains as she nods in understanding.
“Well, it's good to see you again which is… very weird to say.” She lets out a laugh as Brian lets out a chuckle.
“It's good to see you too. It's been years, and I’m glad to see you thriving here Alessia.” He smiles as they hugged.
“Thanks to your pop-quizzes on anatomy that's what keeping me here.” She winks at the joke, as they let go of the hug.
“Well, I’m glad I could play a part in the memoir of Dr. Alessia Lyxienne then.”
She nods, as he checks on the time.
“I have to leave before the traffic gets insane – but, say ‘hi’ to Bryce for me? And, if he ever hurts you – just know I’ll be ready to kick his ass for you.”
“No need, I think he’ll make me happy.” She said wistfully, as Brian smiles even wider.
“Don’t forget to invite me to the wedding then.” He winks before leaving the hospital grounds.
He stopped in his tracks, as he gazes back at where he was before. Bryce and Alessia were seen happily smiling together, he smiles – feeling happy for them both.
At that moment, Bryce’s eyes met with his as he waves to him. Brian waves back, as in a second – he was gone out of their sight.
“He said ‘hi’ by the way.”
Bryce nods, as he remembers the words during the surgery – it felt like a promise for him to make her happy. He smiles, as he will keep that promise and make Alessia the happiest woman in the world with him.
tags: @bitchloveskcbaseball , @mvalentine , @storyofmychoices , @princess-geek , @lahellacute , @annekebbphotography , @mrsbhandari, @dcbbw , @choicessa , @fantasyoverreality98 , @baltersome , @ofpixelsandscribbles , @thundergom , @starrystarrytrouble , @kelseaaa , @choicesficwriterscreations , @lalizah , @drethanramslay , @eleanorbloom , @openheartfanfics , @brycesgirl , @freckles-spangledvampire , @agentnolastname , @robintora , @adriansbiss , @appiomofchoice , @ariondevereux , @natureblooms24
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sequelkilled · 3 years
this is literally just me being emo about a choice in the costume design department for 902 words you do no have to read this i needed this out of my system this is my mental illness coming through rfhrgrifhdife its not even formatted hehe
he’s getting ready for class that morning , actually ahead of schedule ; a rareity for him , especially with classes this early . so randy’s only half paying attention to the tv as he’s grabbing his bag , thinking he might actually have the time to eat something besides half a bagel when a report of two dead windsor students catches his ears . he normally wouldn’t give it a second thought --- ( plenty of people are just killed , before and after what billy and stu did ), but as randy glances to the screen as sees a picture of the movie theater promoting the preview of the new stab movie fills the screen , his stomach drops and his appetite is long gone .
he has half a mind to call sid , to know if she’s heard anything , but he stops himself last second . she might not know , and randy does not want to be the one who tells her , who scares her about this . they’ve both been on edge about the movie premiere this week , and this isn’t going to help either of them .
this might not even have anything to do with them . it could just be a coincidence . some movie fans could be weird , maybe it was someone wrapped up in the moment . this has nothing to do with them .
and maybe if it wasn’t two people from the college , he’d believe himself more .
he’s writing in his notebook , putting everything he knows about horror movie sequels , their own set of rules , the common tropes and expectations . 
sid is safe , she almost has to be . she’s the final girl of the last one , and no good movie just kills their final girl off in the next one . 
gale is probably safe too ; she was instrumental in stopping the killings the first time , she literally wrote the book on these murders now . 
dewey’s the fun , good natured cop who made it to the end , a fan favorite in the media stories about the murders for that alone . 
check , check , check , all three of them were safe from this . they had to be . 
and he wants to put himself down there too . he’s the funny friend , he’s the voice of the audience in the theaters , he’s the one who can help them out of this because he knows how these tropes work . 
but he’s also alive by sheer luck , like dewey , never really a target in the first place ( he’s pretty sure ) , he’s the side character of this story . and in these sequels , you want to kill off someone close enough to the main group to show them how serious things were , but also someone expandable to the main story . he would work ---
randy slams his notebook closed quickly . no , no . this wasn’t a movie . this wasn’t friday or halloween . there’s no tropes or expectations . this is real life , there’s no reason a second spree of killings would follow rules or tropes . 
this might not even be a spree . it might have nothing to do with them . it doesn’t have anything to do with them . they were all fine .
still , out of the corner of his eye he sees his camera on the edge of his desk , the wires in the drawer under it . he checks the time ; he doesn’t mind bagels for breakfast that much . maybe filming something would be weirdly calming , quell this anxiety in his stomach . he can make it a just in case . in case this is bad . in case he doesn’t make it . in case these killings happen again when he’s gone .
a trilogy ? no way . but maybe ?
it doesn’t take long for him to set everything up , get the right angles for the room , and he’s pretty sure his roommate shouldn’t be back for a few minutes . nobody would know if he was overreacting . so randy stands in front of the camera , hitting the record button before he backs himself into the frame .
“ told you i’d make a movie someday ! ”
he was happy to just leave that tape alone , buried in a desk drawer , like it was some weird therapy session with himself .
but then sid was attacked by someone in the ghostface mask , and derek was in the hospital with a slash on his arm ( suspicious ? ) , and cici is dead . he liked cici too --- she’s was friendly and nice and knew what she was talking about in their class , and she didn’t deserve to die . 
randy opens his desk drawer and finds the vhs tape he recorded the video on , laying it on the desk as he grabs tape and a marker . maybe its a combination of everything that happened tonight along with the drinks from the party that makes him feel like it’s the most urgent thing right now , or maybe all that is making him clear headed enough to know he has to do this . he labels it “ SCARY MOVIES 101” and finds something to wrap it in , before putting it with the rest of his stuff , easy enough to hide so someone like paul doesn’t just grab it , but easy to find for someone who has to go through his things . 
( it actually makes his stomach drop , to think someone in his family would probably find it and watch it and know he had an idea of what was going to happen , but he has to do it . he has to leave some sort of legacy , just in case . )
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dawn-of-tomorrow · 3 years
shoutout to @punishing-gray-raven-ocs for this ask game~!!
original post is here
god, this became much longer since i now i have 5 PGR OCs, ahahaah :'DDDD
1) Are you excited about Autumn starting? Why or why not?
Yoko: Of course~! After all, who wouldn't be excited to either sleep an extra hour in or just be around the people you love, all cozy indoors~.
Higetsu: Looks like things will become noisy again, but I don't mind it. After all, it's fine to have fun every once in a while.
Artemisia: I personally do not mind it. What comes and goes, will come and go. Such is the seasons, after all.
Pollux: Halloween~! Hot cocoa with 'mallows~! Food~! Hehe, so many things to choose from, wonder what I'll prepare for Castor~. Maybe if I ask Teacher for an extra day off, she wouldn't mind.
Castor: Uncertain. Castor has no opinions regarding the changing of seasons. It is simply a natural order of the world.
2) If you are excited about Autumn, what is your favorite Autumn activity?
Yoko: Seasonal activities aren't complete without any festivals~!! You name it, I'm gonna try out everything! Halloween is definitely a part of the fun~.
Higetsu: I'm already expecting both Yoko and Kamui to drag me into any and all celebrations they can join and come across, so scratch sleeping an entire day off from my list.
Artemisia: In the past I used to bake seasonal pies to share with my friends and family whenever Autumn arrived...... haaah. It's been so long. Apologies, don't mind my answer.
Pollux: Castor and I used to roast chestnuts whenever we could, hehe~. Even to this day, I can still remember the smell of the last chestnuts we roasted as humans. Ah, of course, I'm pretty confident in my pumpkin carving skills-- you'll regret doubting my abilities, haha~!
Castor: No comment. Castor has no preferences for any activities. ... However... it might be nice to... attend an Autumnal festival along with brother, Teacher, and everyone........ no, it is nothing. Do forget about it.
3) How would you like to enjoy Autumn once the war is over?
Yoko: Of course, I'd invite everyone to a slumber party back at home. There's a lot of guest rooms that we haven't used in a long time, so everyone can either share a room or have their own~! ... Ah, but I'd probably have to ask dad, er, father about that.
Higetsu: After the war Autumn celebrations, huh.... haven't really thought about that. ... Maybe, I'll sleep an entire day away? Then plan out a relatively small get-together between Gray Raven and Strike Hawk.
Artemisia: ..... I have no plans yet. But... it would be nice to just spend the day with the kids(Pollux and Castor), taking them on an outdoor trip, or even just a peaceful stroll and shopping spree in the stores
Pollux: Mhrrmmm.... Argh, too many things to decide on~!! I'm decide then!!! But I'll definitely make sure Castor survives until then, so we can experience an Autumn where he can live a peaceful life again.
Castor: I....... Castor is.... uncertain. After the war... Castor has never thought about what to do after the war. What does Teacher and brother have to say about this? ....Is that so? Then I will follow their guidance.
4) Do you enjoy Pumpkin Spice-scented foods and/or products?
Yoko: Hehe, yeah~. Ah, I'm not a glutton though! Even I can't eat too much without hurting my stomach, uuuh.
Higetsu: Just to an alright amount. I'm not so crazy over such things that I'd eat them almost constantly you know.
Artemisia: Hm, perhaps just a little. It's fine to enjoy such delicacies every once in a while.
Pollux: ALL OF IT~!! Ahaha, sorry sorry~. But the more the merrier, right, right? Plus, that means there's all the more I can pretend I can't to eat anymore so I can give to both Castor and Teacher~.
Castor: No comment. It is simply a matter of which is the most appealing to my taste and smell regulations, that is all.
5) Are you going to decorate your dorm for Autumn or Halloween?
Yoko: Naturally~! Gray Raven will celebrate Autumn, and I'm already planning out our Halloween decor layouts with Lucia, Liv, and Lee.
Higetsu: Kamui already begged me and Chrome earlier if Strike Hawk could also decor the base with seasonal decorations. I didn't mind it, and though Chrome needed just a bit more pleading, he was fine with it so long as everyone cleaned up the place once the season is ending.
Artemisia: I've already given Pollux and Castor permission to decorate the base as they see fit. I trust that they won't go too overboard.
Pollux: That's such an obvious question with an obvious answer~. Of course we will! Teacher's already given us the go-ahead to decorate the Aegis squad, and we already have the decor ready~. Castor and I'll begin right after this interview.
Castor: Affirmative. Brother wished to celebrate the Autumn season and Halloween, thus we are to put up decorations in our base soon.
6) Hot cocoa or pumpkin spice latte. Which one would you pick, and why?
Yoko: It's gotta be pumpkin spice latte! Hehe, the foam one reason, but the taste is the best part! I hear people say it's too sweet for them, but personally I think it's fine? Mhm, well, everyone's preferences are different after all, so I don't judge~.
Higetsu: Hot cocoa, although pumpkin spice latte is alright too. It's nothing much really, I just prefer the taste of cocoa over the latte.
Artemisia: I have no preferences for either. If anyone were to offer me one of the two, then I'd take the one they're willing to give away.
Pollux: Both! Because Castor likes both, I can just buy either of the two and we can just have one of each. Hehe, don't tell Castor this, but I can tell that he enjoys having hot cocoa with 'mallows, so I often sneakily put in at least a few of them in his drink when I can~.
Castor: .............both. I... Castor is uncertain. The flavor of the beverages simply taste exquisite. That is all. ....but hot cocoa with marshmallows dipped in... I am uncertain as to why, but my chest is heating up at the thought of it.
7) If you're a Commandant, are you throwing any Autumn or Halloween related activities for your squad?
Yoko: Naturally! Lucia, Liv, and Lee all deserve to have have fun and enjoy the season too! They keep pushing themselves to do a lot, and I wanted to give them even just a bit of fun before going back to work.
Higetsu: ....So what if I am. Everyone at Strike Hawk has been working hard, so is it such a surprising thing that I want them to also take a time-off and enjoy themselves? ... Don't you dare tell them though.
Artemisia: Certainly. Although it's been a long time since I threw any Halloween or Autumn-related parties, even a simple celebration of the seasons would suffice. ... But if those two want a grander celebration, then, I suppose I could ask "that person" for a favor or two.
8) What would be the perfect Autumn-themed date for you?
Yoko: Hmmm, there's so many choices for that~.... but spending the day inside the cozy indoors with Lee doesn't seem like a bad idea either... hehe~. But it would also be nice to go out and have a picnic with everyone, just having fun.
Higetsu: Making jack-o'-lanterns, having a horror movie marathon night, going shopping for Halloween costumes and other related stuff, making seasonal pies and donuts.... What? I'm only saying these because Kamui's a huge bubble of energy, so he most certainly would wanna do a lot of things for a "date". ...It's not that I wouldn't enjoy it either though.
Artemisia: A date? No comment. I have no time for such things. Besides... I'm not qualified for such normal and mundane peaceful activities.
Pollux: Bzzzt-!! Nobody will be taking anyone on a date here~! Ah, but an outing with Castor and Teacher word be nice though. I wanna see those two happy, since they're... bah, nevermind. You heard nothing~.
Castor: Negative. A date is an event one goes with a lover, is it not? Then Castor is unable to go to one. ....Hm? You can go on a date with either friends and/or family instead? Is that so. ... Then, perhaps going to a carnival would be nice with brother and Teacher would be nice...
9) Do you enjoy rainy weather, or does it make you gloomy?
Yoko: Well, so long as it's just a light rain or a heavy rain that doesn't last long. The best part of the rain is afterwards, provided the weather didn't disrupt the surroundings too much, aha~.
Higetsu: I don't have any particular feelings towards the rainy weather to be honest. ...Except for the fact that it makes me feel a bit drowsy, damnit.
Artemisia: The rain, huh.... the weather has given me both joyous and grieving moments. I don't hate it, but I don't like it either.
Pollux: I hate the rain. ...Shut up, I won't elaborate why. Move on to the next question before I tear your throat out.
Castor: I.... I don't have fond memories of the rain. But if a mission requires to trudge through even rain, then so be it.
10) Cuddling up next to your favorite partner, on a rainy afternoon, while watching your favorite movies. Would you enjoy this activity? Why or why not?
Yoko: Ehehe~. Is it that obvious I'd enjoy experiencing that with Lee? Honestly, anything I get to experience with Lee would become a good memory, because it means that we're still together, by each other's side then.
Higetsu: Yes. Ah, wait, no I didn't mean to answer that so quickly-- oi, what's with that smirk on your face!? Quit it, you--!! And don't you dare tell Kamui anything I've said here!!!
Artemisia: That sounds like a lovely scenario, I'm sure everyone would enjoy for that to happen. ...That is why I must work harder for that future, for everyone's sake. ...Hm? What about me then, you ask? .... It matters not. So long as I can preserve the happiness of others and their loved ones... then I can get through anything.
Pollux: Something so mundane and tranquil as that.... heh. Not everyone's deserving of that~. But, it would really be something if Castor were to ever finally experience something like that, Teacher too. 'S why I want them to find even the smallest bit of happiness in this crappy world. ....Oi, cut out that footage afterwards and don't share it, else I'll kill you. Heh, am I joking or not~ that's the question~.
Castor: Negative. This scenario requires a lover for this to occur. As Castor has none, then Castor cannot answer this question. ...Hm? Then choose someone close to you instead? A fine alternative. .... would it be alright if I answered a group? Specifically.... the Gray Ravens, Strike Hawks, brother, and Teacher....
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vancilocs · 3 years
Are shyn and hafza friends? If yea then half and half with them and kazim and falco hehee
sure they are, hot bitches causing trouble
1. What is their relationship to each other?
Close friends
2. How did they first encounter each other? What did they first think about each other?
At the club Shyn frequents (Supernova), have some drinks, meet an interesting looking girl, very soon find out you both have a habit of beating up people who harm others
3. What is their relationship like now?
They're close and they're confidantes, able to talk about anything and everything
4. What will their relationship be like in the future?
They will remain friends and get even closer, Hafza's perspective on having parents with an unusual relationship helped Shyn with her own thoughts on parenting and having two partners
5. What traits does each person find endearing in the other?
Both are determined and strong-willed, Hafza finds Shyn very funny and Shyn likes Hafza's headstrong but calm demeanor, she finds her reliable and wise while Hafza thinks Shyn is spontaneous and wild
6. Which traits does each person find annoying in the other?
Sometimes Shyn's wildness comes off as irresponsibility to Hafza, please be careful you have a whole ass kid later on. Shyn in turn sometimes thinks Hafza's a party pooper
7. How often do they see each other? How often do they talk to each other?
Pretty often, they frequent the same areas and know each others' hangouts, they text a bit more often than they see each other
8. Could they live together easily? Why/why not?
Pretty easily, both are laid back and usually spend a lot of time outside their apartments anyways
9. How much physical contact would these characters have with each other?
Shyn is quite cuddly, Hafza less so, but hugs are common enough and when having serious conversations Hafza tends to place her hand on Shyn's arm while Shyn will outright hold her hands
10. What would they get for each other as birthday gifts?
Booze, candy, face/body/hand creams, cute socks or undies, bullets, a new knife, girly stuff like that
11. What hobbies do they share, if any?
Vigilantism, more or less
12. Do either of them have any hobbies or interests which annoy the other?
Not really, they jive well
13. Do any of their beliefs (religious, moral, or otherwise) differ? Do they conflict strongly?
Nah, they live by simple morals (RESPECT WOMEN OR DIE) and agree on thems things
14. Who is the better cook? Who is better at general household tasks?
Shyn will end up being the better one because of baby, but both sustain themselves on takeout pretty much (and Hafza grew up on truck/gas stop meals anyways)
15. Which of them is more adventurous? Is the other adventurous enough to go along with them?
Shyn is more adventurous in her abandoned mansion shenanigans, Hafza would come along sometimes but not often
16. Would they go on holiday together, and where would they go?
A big city anywhere, with clubs and discos and places to have fun
17. When one is feeling down, how does the other respond?
Do anything to make it better honestly, have some time off man it's fine go spend time with your family let's go for a walk let's talk what's up
18. If one was in a difficult life situation, what would the other do for them?
Falco half-forced Kazim to take some time off when his daughter died, despite having no idea how to lead despite it being his duty as the captain
19. Has one ever had to stop the other from making a very foolish decision? And did the other listen to them?
Kazim had done his dumbest things before they met, he does listen to Falco in everything and values his opinion above all else but he didn't have to intervene in anything
20. Has one ever strongly encouraged the other to make a big decision? Did they go through with it?
Falco was a big influence alongside Junayd in getting Kazim to talk to Baseema
21. How would one feel about the other being in love (with them or with someone else)?
Best keep any fond feelings to oneself. A bit of a relief for Falco actually to have Kazim love someone else, slightly less torturous that way (and his wife is a wonderful, wonderful woman)
22. Are there any other people who are a part of both their lives, e.g. friends or family members they share?
Pretty much all of the barracks, especially Adalric are close with them both.
23. How does each person feel about the other person’s family members and close friends? Do they get along with them?
While Falco sees Kazim as a friend, he'll always see Junayd as commander so they're not as close but they do get along. Otherwise their families have also grown very close even if Aqila doesn't appreciate Kazim much. Falco was an uncle to Kazim's kids, too.
24. Do either of them get jealous over relationships the other one has with friends/family/romantic partners/other people?
Falco loves Baseema like a sister and a friend but sometimes it hurts so bad. he's fine
25. Is either person jealous of the other’s wealth or possessions?
No, Falco may have grown up poor but he doesn't let that hinder him as Kazim has never made it a thing
26. If the pair of them had to look after a young child or pet, what would happen?
They'd do fantastic with either
27. How far would each go to protect the other?
Straight-up die, no question
28. Is there anyone else that each person would protect over the other, if they had to make a choice?
Kazim would pick his wife and kids first, while Falco would pick his sister and her family (the other would 100% be behind this decision)
29. If one died, how would the other respond? What would happen to them afterwards?
Kazim cried and threw up and then went on a murder spree
30. How far would each person follow the other? Would they trust them enough to commit crime because the other asked them to?
Falco committed identity fraud and theft for Kazim but that's about it
31. If one wronged the other badly, would the other forgive them easily?
They trust and love each other so much I think that if that was broken I don't think there's anything strong enough to fix it
32. Is there a song or music piece that makes you think of their relationship?
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