#going with the flow and hopefully someone will pick me up eventually and explain
kdramacrybaby · 2 years
On episode 40, and I just realized I still have no idea what the deal was with that ghost train in the beginning? Either they haven’t explained, or I missed it somehow…
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helloalycia · 3 years
a bitch [two] // leigh shaw
summary: when you finally decide to confront leigh about the incident, things don't go to plan.
warning/s: cheating, arguing, confrontation
author's note: here’s part two! hope you like it :)
part one | masterlist | wattpad
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I refused to paint Leigh in the worst light, even if I'd seen her that way. She ended up staying the night at mine to pass out without being around her sister with her hangover, and I tried not to mind. I was patient for the rest of the evening and the following morning, trying not to assume the worst. But it was hard to do that when she continued to act like nothing was out of the ordinary.
My paranoia get the better of me, as whenever she got a text or slipped out for a phone call, all I could see was her and Abby making out at the party. Why hadn't she told me what happened if it wasn't what it seemed? The only explanation could be that she didn't want me to know, which meant she was hiding it, which meant she was cheating on me. Just like Alex.
It was later that following day after the party when I was sat on the dining table doing some work on my laptop and she was sat on the couch. Her phone vibrated, followed by a tone, signalling she got a text, and I tried not to writhe with discomfort in my seat. She scoffed before tossing her phone to the other end of the couch.
"What is it?" I asked, trying not to seem too interested, even though my heart was bruising.
"Nothing," she mumbled, eyes fixated on the telly.
I gave her all of my attention now, curious. "Go on, what is it? It's clearly not nothing."
She tilted her head to look at me. Sighing, she said like it was no big deal, "Drew wants me to work on a piece, but with somebody else. And you know I'm not a fan of collaborative writing."
Forcing a smile, I hummed in acknowledgement. "Who is it? The person he wants you to work with?"
Looking back to the TV casually, she shrugged. "Abby."
Just the mere mention of that girl's name in Leigh's mouth left a bitter taste in mine. And the longer I watched Leigh staring at the TV without a care in the world, oblivious to the fact that my heart was breaking because of her, the more I wanted to burst. And I eventually did.
"I know you're cheating on me," I blurted, making her look to me with a baffled expression.
Deciding to roll with it, I closed my laptop and met her confused stare. "Don't try to hide it, Leigh, I know. I saw you last night. At the party." She continued to play dumb, so I added with distaste, "You were kissing Abby."
Leigh opened her mouth, half-gasping and half entertained as if I was suggesting the most ridiculous thing. "You're kidding, right? That's– that's what you think of me?"
I stood up quickly, glaring at her through glassy eyes. "Don't act coy. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. I tried to wait for you to explain yourself just in case I misinterpreted, but you continued to hide it. No doubt hiding every other moment you spend with her, too, right?"
Leigh's confusion was quickly replaced with anger, as she stood up from her place on the couch and walked towards me, pointing a finger my way.
"How dare you jump to conclusions like that!"
"It's not jumping!" I shouted, unable to stop my emotions getting the better of me. "It's facts!" Smiling bitterly, I shook my head, vision blurry with unshed tears. "I always had my suspicions that she liked you, but I never thought it could be the other way, too..."
Leigh's glare was fiery. She clenched her fists by her side as she studied my expression, attempting to find an explanation for this accusation. And the fact that she was still playing dumb pissed me off.
"God, everybody told me that you could be like this," I muttered between gritted teeth. "You flip-flop between emotions. The constant mood swings, an explosion that everyone gets caught up in."
She crossed her arms, shrugging sarcastically. "Don't hold back or anything. Say what you really mean."
I clenched my jaw and stared at her, tears finally flowing. How could this be the same person I was in love with?
"I shouldn't have expected any different when it came to your partners," I finished with a hurt voice.
Her eyes narrowed as my words settled in. "Fuck you."
"Well, you won't be, will you? You're too busy fucking Abby!"
"You're not even giving me chance to explain!" she shouted with irritation.
"Explain what?! How you kept this from me? How you had all day to explain and you just didn't?" I scoffed, shaking my head. "You know, sometimes you can be such a..." I searched for the right word before my frustration landed on only one. "Such a bitch."
She pressed her trembling lips together as she glowered at me through teary eyes. It stung, knowing I was the reason she was upset. But she cheated on me. I had every right to be.
"Fuck off," she said harshly, before turning to grab her phone and jacket.
Slipping on her shoes, she stuck a middle finger in the air before leaving my house. I glared at the space where she was stood, heart pounding in my ears and chest tightening with discomfort. She deserved it. She did exactly what Alex did.
But this hurt so much more.
I woke up late the next morning since I didn't have work and I was too devastated to do anything but stay in bed. Last night was difficult, just like the night before, and when I finally found myself falling asleep, all I dreamt of was Leigh.
Even though I didn't want to, I felt a guilt thrumming in my chest when my words came back to mind. I shouldn't have reacted so badly... and I definitely shouldn't have called her a bitch. My anger just took over, pushing away my love for her, and attacked her without question. But God, it still hurt. Just thinking about her with someone else reminded me of Alex and the voice message and–
Staying in bed sounded like the best option. But of course, the world had other plans.
My phone dinged, signalling I had a text, and I reluctantly reached over to my bedside table to pull it off charge. Through sleep-filled eyes, I tried to make out the name on the screen.
           Leigh ♥️
Suddenly awake, I swiped to open the message and felt my heart drop as I read it.
          Leigh ♥️: Fuck you.
Attached was a video, and as much as I wanted to get pissed at her text, I was curious to know what she'd sent. Playing it, I soon realised it was CCTV footage from her workplace, outside the toilets. At first, I squeezed my phone, thinking she'd sent it to rub it in my face. But then as I continued to watch, I saw the moments I missed last night.
Leigh walked out the toilet and Abby pulled her to the side, attempting to talk to her about something. There was no sound to the clip, but it was clear that Leigh was trying to back away and go elsewhere. They talked, Leigh using that smile she used when she was trying to be polite, before Abby suddenly pushed herself on her, kissing her. I pulled a face at the sight, reliving it all over again, but then Leigh shoved her away with anger.
Again, there was no sound, but I recognised that familiar Leigh wrath she subjected people to when they pissed her off. Hands were waving around as she seemed to be shouting in Abby's face, her face set into a permanent scowl as she did. Then she turned and stormed away, and the video ended.
Lowering my phone, I stared at the ceiling with a lump in my throat. She hadn't cheated, I'd just walked in on the wrong moment. Every horrible thing I'd said to her... completely uncalled for. No wonder she was angry and upset when I'd accused her – she hadn't done anything wrong.
"Fuck!" I shouted to nothing, before throwing my phone to the end of the bed with annoyance.
How the hell was I to make this right?
I spent the remainder of the morning trying to think of what I could do. Leigh wouldn't want to speak to me, understandably, but I had to try. It would be a terrible apology, but I couldn't just leave it. I loved her and I could only hope she'd still love me, even after every nasty thing I spat her way.
Knowing she'd be at work, I gave her boss and best friend, Drew, a call. Hopefully she hadn't told him everything I'd done otherwise he was definitely going to ignore me.
After a few rings, he finally answered and I couldn't stop my fingers from drumming against my thigh nervously.
"Y/N, thank God you rang! I was just about to call you," he said before I could build up the courage to speak.
I furrowed my brows. "You were?"
"You should come pick up your girlfriend," he said, and I figured he didn't know. "I don't know what her problem is and, don't get me wrong, I love Leigh, but I can't condone violence at the workplace."
My eyes widened so much I was surprised they didn't fall out my head. "What?!"
With a mixture of amazement and disappointment, he answered, "She punched a colleague of hers, Abby, in the face. It was so out of the blue – a solid punch to the jaw. Broke her knuckles, I think."
Jaw dropping, I forgot how to speak.
"She's at the hospital," he continued. "Thankfully, Abby isn't pressing charges – no idea why not, not that I want Leigh to get arrested obviously – but damn, there's a lot of paperwork to do and–"
"Drew!" I cut him off, worrying myself with thoughts of Leigh at the hospital by herself. "Text me the address. I'm on my way."
The drive to the hospital was agonisingly long, but I reached it quite quickly. I did attempt to call Leigh, unable to stop myself from checking if she was okay, but she didn't answer. This did nothing to ease my concern.
After making my way through the hospital, I finally arrived at Leigh's room. I let myself in, seeing her sat on a hospital bed with an ice pack covering her hand, balanced on a table. At the sight of me, she rolled her eyes.
"What the hell are you doing here?" she muttered lowly, refusing to meet my gaze.
I stepped inside hesitantly, my guilt returning as I remembered everything I accused her off. "Drew told me what happened."
She clenched her jaw. "Well, I'm not a baby. I'm fine on my own."
Ignoring her rightful annoyance, I sighed quietly. "Really, Leigh? You punched her?"
As if realising how silly it sounded when I said it aloud, she looked the other way and stayed quiet. Her jaw was still clenched as she contained her anger.
"What's the damage?" I asked, hoping my concern wouldn't piss her off. As always, I was wrong.
"None of your damn business," she snapped, still not looking my way.
I frowned, approaching her bedside, but she still refused to look my way. "Leigh, I want to apologise, I do, but I need to make sure you're okay first."
She rolled her eyes before finally looking to me and glaring powerfully. If I hadn't experienced being in a fight with Leigh before, I would have definitely tucked tail and ran. But I'd known her long enough to know that the mask of anger she wore right now was only a cover for the hurt she felt. The hurt I'd caused her. 
"You don't need to do anything," she retorted, before nodding to the door. "You can go."
My heart pounded with guilt. "Leigh, please.”
"Sorry, I don't mean to be a bitch or anything," she cut me off bitterly, before looking away and frowning to herself.
The words I'd said to her in a moment of fury returned to mind and I'd never hated myself more than in that moment.
"You know, since Matt died, almost everyone I know called me a bitch," she revealed quietly, voice filled with pain rather than hostility. "Even my family. Especially my family. But you... you never called it me, Y/N. Not once. Not even when I deserved it."
The silence that followed her words was deafening. Why the hell did I have to call her that? Why?
Before I could even think of how to respond, the door to her room opened and in walked a doctor, holding what looked like print-outs of x-ray scans.
"Oh," he said with mild confusion as he spotted me by Leigh's bedside. "I'm sorry, I don't think we've met. I'm Leigh's doctor. Doctor Syed. And you are?"
"Her girlfriend," I replied, just as she also replied, "My ex."
I gave her a stern look, accepting if she wanted to break up, but definitely not leaving her here alone.
"I'd like to stay if that's okay," I told Doctor Syed, sensing his confusion as he looked between Leigh and I, attempting to make out whatever was happening.
To my surprise, Leigh didn't argue, even when the doctor looked her way to see if she had a problem. She simply rolled her eyes, scoffed quietly, and said nothing.
Taking this as a response, Doctor Syed proceeded to explain about Leigh's injury, particularly the broken bones in her knuckle. Apparently she'd punched Abby with so much force that she'd literally broken the bone with a crack. The x-ray proved just that and gave the doctor a perfect sight of where he could fix it, thankfully, without surgery.
I waited with an unusually quiet Leigh as he put a splint and cast on her hand there and then. He then spoke about recovery times and how she was to look after herself. After writing up a prescription for pain meds and handing it to her, he quirked a brow questioningly.
"Is that all okay, Miss Shaw?" he asked.
Leigh was too busy brooding to listen, so I smiled at the doctor instead.
"I'll make sure she does that," I answered for her. "Thank you, doctor."
He nodded and returned the smile before wishing us luck and leaving. I looked to Leigh, who was quick to get up and grab her jacket, being careful with her hand. The two of us said nothing as we left the room and hospital, making our way out onto the street. Before I could ask how she was getting home, she began to walk away from me.
I groaned inwardly before following after her, stopping her from going any further. She glared across from me.
"What?" she said through gritted teeth.
"I can give you a ride home," I offered. "I parked down the street."
She rolled her eyes. "I'm fine walking."
I gave her a knowing look. "Leigh, you just broke your hand."
Realising my point, she sighed. "Fine. I'll call literally anyone but you for a ride."
Okay, I deserved that, but it still stung.
"Fine," I said, before waiting with her as she made the call.
She took a seat on the bench to the side of the road, waiting for a taxi, and I joined her, making her scoff.
"Just to make sure you get home safe," I said, when she gave me an incredulous look.
"Whatever," she mumbled, before watching the road for her taxi.
When it finally arrived, she didn't even spare me a glance before getting in and leaving. I sighed with regret, glad she was okay but realising I still hadn't had the chance to apologise to her. I was still yet to make this right.
It was the next day when I'd deemed it enough time to have given her space whilst also deciding I had to tell her how sorry I was before it was too late.
Building the courage to approach her front door was one thing, but knocking was another. I'm pretty sure I stared at the wood for ages before actually lifting my hand to knock. And even then, my heart was still pounding nervously in my chest.
After a moment, the door opened and revealed Leigh. But as soon as she recognised me, she made a move to close it.
"Leigh, please, wait–!" I tried, and put my foot in the doorway so she couldn't close it.
"I have nothing to say to you!" she exclaimed with irritation, glaring at me when she noticed my foot in the way. "Move it, Y/N."
"You don't have to say anything," I said with a frown and apologetic eyes. "Just hear me out. Please."
She pressed her lips together firmly, disguising her hurt with frustration. But when her eyes met mine, the pain was there and I felt guilty all over again, knowing I'd made her out to be the worst.
"I never should have said what I did," I started quickly, not wanting to lose my chance. "And I definitely shouldn't have called you a–" I winced, hating the word more than ever. "A bitch. I know you get angry when you're upset and that should've been my first indicator to knowing something wasn't right. I should've heard you out."
"But you didn't," she cut me off with a terrifyingly calm voice. "You jumped to conclusions instead. When I've never given you any reason to doubt me."
I licked my lips and looked down shamefully. She was right. "I know."
"Do you?" she asked rhetorically, a hint of resentment in her voice. "Because you jumped on me so fast that I didn't even see it coming."
Risking looking up, I saw the defensive stance she took, arms crossed judgementally and jaw tensed with annoyance.
"For the record," she added, expression softening a little, "I didn't tell you about the kiss because it meant nothing and I didn't want to upset you for no reason."
I swallowed the rising lump in my throat, the guilt thickening and squeezing the life out of me.
"I can't believe you'd think I would do something like that to you," she admitted with a heartbreaking voice, uncrossing her arms. "I love you, Y/N. I'd never hurt you like that. Never."
Squeezing my eyes shut, I pinched the bridge of my nose, memories of Alex flooding to the surface. "I know, Leigh, I know. I do."
She sighed before me. "Then why?"
Releasing my nose, I opened my eyes and was surprised at the blurriness, tears having formed. I was losing the woman I love because of my stupidity and I couldn't. I couldn't lose her. She deserved to know the truth, no matter how much it hurt.
"Do you remember my last girlfriend?" I asked reluctantly, before clearing my throat. "Alex?"
Her brows creased together with confusion. "Yes. What about her?"
Letting out an embarrassed sigh, I avoided Leigh's gaze. "We broke up because she cheated on me. With... with someone from work."
When Leigh didn't say anything, I looked up and saw her shocked expression.
"What?" she asked with disbelief. "You said it was a mutual breakup."
I pinched the skin inside my palm to feel something other than hurt and awkwardness. "I– it was easier to say that than admit the truth because the truth was– is embarrassing." Unable to hold her gaze for much longer, I focused on the door next to her. "You were going through a lot at the time, Leigh. The last thing you needed was to deal with my bullshit, too."
She frowned, trying to meet my eyes, but I was too ashamed to look her way. "You should've told me, Y/N."
I shook my head slowly. "I shouldn't have. Just like I shouldn't have assumed you'd be like her. I just– I got horribly insecure and I know that you're not her. You're nothing like her. And I shouldn't have treated you like the villain."
"No...," she began, still adjusting to my words. "No, that makes so much sense." Her good hand rested on my cheek as she forced me to look her way. "I'm so sorry that happened."
I pulled back, her hand dropping to her side, and wiped away a stray tear. I'd never meant to earn her pity – I'd done something wrong. This wasn't me earning sympathy, I just wanted her to know the truth.
"I don't want you to apologise," I told her. "I just want you to understand that I'm sorry. So sorry, Leigh. I hate that I– I ruined something good, something amazing. I never meant for this to happen," I motioned to her hand, "and I don't want you to think of me like– like– like this. Like–"
She moved forward and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, pulling me close. "I don't. I really don't."
I closed my eyes and stuffed my head into her neck, holding her tightly. She stroked the back of my hair soothingly and pressed a kiss to the side of my head.
"I forgive you," she murmured, and just like that, relief spread through me. "I'm so sorry about what happened to you. I promise I'd never to that to you. Never in a million years."
I pulled apart, wiping my tears away sheepishly whilst nodding. "I know you wouldn't, Leigh. I'm sorry for even thinking that you would."
She cupped my cheek, using her thumb to swipe away a tear. Green eyes met mine, sparkling with unshed tears that made me feel guilty because I'd never wanted to make her cry.
"I know you are," she said gently, before offering me a small smile. "Come inside, yeah? You can make it up to me by watching movies with me."
I let out a small laugh and she smiled, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to my lips before holding out her hand. I rested mine in hers and let her lead me inside, hand tingling where her skin touched mine.
Leigh Shaw was anything but a bitch. She was the most caring, considerate person I'd ever met, and when she flashed me a reassuring smile as we headed to the couch, I knew one thing.
I was lucky to have her.
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astrella-writes · 4 years
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prompt | @ssoftlydreaming​ asked: nfjsja ok from sweet home can you do lee eun-hyeok and basically he has to decide if he should risk the danger of everyone in the apartment complex or save reader who is outside and struggling to survive.
warnings | female pronouns, angst, spoilers for episode one of the netflix adaptation of sweet home, if you haven’t watched episode one complete then this won’t make much sense, panic attacks, the general horror of sweet home, eun-hyuk being a logical pain in the ass, somewhat of an open-ending.
word count | 1.7K
author’s note | i hope this satisfies your masochistic desires! i’m honestly so happy to have angst as my first request, and that isn’t sarcasm at all.
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The sound of his descending footsteps echoing throughout the concrete stairwell became background noise to Eun-Hyuk as he stared at the unanswered messages he had sent you well over an hour ago. This was strange behavior coming from you, considering you usually responded back within minutes. Not wanting to jump to conclusions, he tried to think of a logical explanation to calm his increasing worries. Perhaps your phone died on your walk home, or you had to work over-time without a chance to inform him.
He was certain some minor inconvenience caused your abrupt absence, although he couldn’t shake off the unnerving feeling settling like a burden of tense muscles upon his shoulders. Realizing there wasn’t much more he could do, especially since all the calls he gave you went straight to voice mail, he decided to wait patiently for a reply from you and try to keep his thoughts clear during the meantime.
Eun-Hyuk stuffed his phone into his pocket as he finally reached the half-open double doors that led out onto the first floor, his ears immediately picking up on the commotion before he looked over at the front entrance that was blocked by the shutters. A group of people stood dispersed nearby, talking amongst themselves and watching one resident in particular as he tried tugging on the metal bracing that barely budged. The man sighed, dropping his arm and admitting defeat as he walked away from the shutters, mumbling to himself.
‘First the elevators aren’t working, and now this?’ he thought to himself, unimpressed with the current situation, especially since he had work that night. He wasn’t the only one annoyed by the circumstances as the surrounding people openly expressed their vexation. Although, unlike most of them, he remained calm and simply observed the scene with his hands in his pockets. Multiple residents spoke loud enough for him to catch on to the fact that the security guard was missing, which made little sense considering this was an issue for him to resolve.
“Excuse me?” a feminine voice sounded from behind him, causing him to turn around and look at the woman. “Do you have any service on your cell?” Despite having just been on his phone, Eun-Hyuk was so preoccupied with his thoughts regarding your whereabouts that he didn’t notice the minor detail of whether he had any service.
Pulling out his phone and unlocking it, he immediately dialed your number, taking the possibility to hopefully connect with you and find out where you were. When his ear met with a high-pitched ringing, Eun-Hyuk lowered the phone, lost in thought for a second before looking at the woman.
“I guess not,” he said, watching as her face dropped in disappointment and she turned to walk away, but he stopped her with a question. “What’s going on here?” 
The woman hesitated, wondering if anything was even worth sharing considering she would give him more questions than answers. She went on to explain how every main exit had been closed up, locking everyone inside. Although she speculated someone was behind this, she had no idea who it was and for what purpose it was done. 
The explanation caused Eun-Hyuk to swallow thickly before turning his gaze towards the concealed entrance. He stared for a moment, silently wishing for your safety.
A shrill ringing penetrated your ear, causing you to jerk your head away from your phone and hang up on your attempt at calling Eun-Hyuk. With a frustrated cry, you threw your cellphone upon the ground, hearing the shattering of the screen as it smacked face-first against the concrete.
On the verge of tears, you made yourself as small as possible in the alleyway's corner, pulling your knees up to your chest as you rested your forehead on top of them. Your breathing grew increasingly more labored as the sensation of dread and pure hopelessness consumed your mind.
Eun-Hyuk’s words repeated in your head during times like this, when you were at risk of having a panic attack. Stay still. Take slow breaths. Think of something nice.
You squeezed your eyes shut, allowing the gathering tears to flow freely down your cheeks as they gathered at the tip of your chin. Forcing yourself to take in deep breaths, your trembling body gradually stilled. Eventually, your thoughts morphed as you focused on your breathing, rather than the surrounding chaos.
Think of something nice.
Eun-Hyuk’s face filled your mind, the sight prompting a ghost of a smile. You recalled your first meeting which occurred almost a year ago, when you had just moved into Green Roof Apartments. Someone had suddenly removed the towering stack of boxes you were carrying from your hold, and just as you were about to thank the person for helping, you realized you recognized him.
It turns out that you both used to attend the same high school, although you weren’t in the same class, your friend group interacted with his friend group quite a lot. Seeing his face brought back all those times at lunch when you would sneakily try to steal glances at him without your friends noticing. They noticed, of course, and teased you relentlessly about your crush but they were nonetheless supportive. They even proposed setting you two up on a date, because a ‘little birdie’ told them he had been crushing on you too.
Unfortunately, you were in such denial that someone as handsome as him had feelings for you, and rejected the offer. He was simply unobtainable, the extent of your relationship never surpassing polite greetings and friendly smiles until you both graduated and never saw each other again. Or at least, that’s what you assumed would happen.
It seemed fate gave you two another chance, unsatisfied with your prior silent pining and not acting upon anything. Considering you both matured immensely, talking came easy, and it wasn’t long before a much deeper connection began blossoming between the both of you.
His sister reacted indifferently when she walked out into the hallway one day, only to witness the both of you moving suspiciously away from each other, as if trying to conceal something. She caught on immediately, especially since her brother had been mentioning you quite often.
“Seriously? He’s the best you can do?” She scoffed, eyeing her brother disapprovingly before pushing between the both of you and walking off. You stared at her retreating figure in shock, oblivious to the smile on Eun-Yoo’s face as she disappeared down the stairs.
Once his sister found out, Eun-Hyuk became increasingly more open in terms of your relationship. And eventually, after a long week of his sister degrading him for not moving to the next step, he asked you to be his girlfriend. It wasn’t the most romantic of set-up’s; he had knocked on your door and asked you so casually that you wondered if he was joking.
When he assured you he wasn’t, you almost knocked him off his feet from the abrupt hug you gave him, accepting his simple proposal.
The memory faded, and the realization hit you like a truck. Eun-Hyuk was waiting for you, and you couldn’t give up on him. Taking a deep breath, you got up from the ground, trying not to focus on the screams and sounds of destruction in the distance as you lightly jogged towards the entrance of the alleyway. You peered behind the wall and looked both ways. The coast was clear; it was now or never.
You raced around the corner, narrowly dodging the attention of a nearby monster as its head popped up from one of the many dumpsters lining the brick wall of Green Roof Apartments, the location you had been trying to reach from when this all started.
The sound of metal creaking, which you quickly recognized to be the shutters descending, urged your aching legs to run faster as the darkness before you faded the closer you got to the entrance. That’s when you noticed Eun-Hyuk struggling to keep the shutters open as a distraught woman crawled towards him. He reached out a hand towards her, just as he looked up and made eye contact with you. His eyes widened at the sight, although bloodied and bruised, you were very much alive. You smiled at him, relieved, feeling safe already.
That was until you heard a rustling coming from your right, along with animalistic groans, as if something was just stirring back to life after being immobilized and ready to lash out again. A flurry of panicked voices came from the lobby of the apartment, everyone watching in horror as the hunched-over silhouette of the monster with a snake-like tongue began recovering to its full height.
Luckily for you, the monster disregarded your presence as it ambled towards the entrance. You stood frozen in fear as the shadow of its body passed over you, the sound of its languid steps lulling you into a trance as your body trembled lightly. 
It was perceptible that trying to run past it would end in your demise, leaving you stuck on what to do. Your pleading eyes drifted towards Eun-Hyuk, hoping he would come up with a plan to distract the monster long enough so you could make a break for the gap underneath the shutters he had been holding open - a perfect enough size for you to slide under.
He stared you dead in the eyes as he dropped the shutters; the metal clanging loudly against the tiled floor. You blanched, staring back at him in disbelief. A semblance of guilt took over his features, and you shook your head in denial. 
Your eyes stung with tears, and you wondered whether to cry and beg for him to help you or keep the remaining bit of dignity you had left. The monster suddenly shot its tongue within the gaps of the barred metal and Eun-Hyuk disappeared from sight as he dodged; the trance you were in instantly dissipating as you came to terms with the situation.
He left you to fend for yourself, surrounded by a horde of monsters. You weren’t sure whether to give up or keep going, considering nothing seemed worth fighting for at the moment. 
Did he regret it? Of course. Would he do it again? Without question. Eun-Hyuk would sacrifice anyone to keep his sister safe, even you, and even himself.
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technowoah · 3 years
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THESEUS - a dsmp story ( DreamSMP x Queen!Reader)
Chapter Summary: You had gotten what you wanted, but at what cost? Nightmares ensue, and Dream’s true colors begin to show.
pairing: c!wilbur x queen!reader
an// IM BACK!! hopefully yall like this chaper cause this is the last one that I wrote in the past, Im writing chapter 6 rn so it might take a while. Also sorry for not posting requests I really wanted to get this chapter out there
⚠︎ swearing, dsmp spoliers(?), angst, arguing, smoking, explosions, gaslighting(?), not proofread.
Series Masterlist 
"Good job you two! This is all yours now.”
Dream had led you and Eret back to the castle, all of them still battered and bruised from the war they recently had. You had already taken off your armor and now you were wearing underneath your L'Manburg outfit that was torn and burnt showing some of your skin which was also burnt or cut. You had noticed on the way to the castle that Dream had kept on looking at the outfit that Eret and you had on with disgust, like a taunt.
You could finally relax in the huge castle that you apparently deserved because you and Eret had taken the first lives of the citizens of L'Manburg. In your heart you knew that L'Manburg was still a country. They all have two more lives and they will build the country up again with those two lives. You sighed then kept walking into the throne room. you looked at the two big thrones that sat next to each other. One for a king and one for a queen.
"Why are you standing there? Sit down! Relax!" Dream patted one of the thrones.
You and Eret had sat down on the thrones next to each other looking around the huge throne room and Dream smiling right in front of them. Once you both sat down you tried to sit up straight, but you wanted to slump down into the comfy, plush, velvet and gold chair. The two of them sat on velvet and gold thrones while in burnt and torn L'Manburg uniforms. It was a sight to see, and if someone didn't know the context of what just happened, this scene would've made sense to them.
"I'm happy you did this. You deserve all of this." Dream said while walking along the marble floor.
"It's beautiful, but I'm exhausted." You let your head fall to the side. You sighed wanting Dream to leave so you could finally get some rest.
"I bet."
"Eret are you okay?" You spoke up after Dream.
Eret had a look that you couldn't make out. He just stared off into space in his own mind. He shook his head after you called for him again.
"Yeah, yeah I am fine. I'm just thinking." Eret quickly responded.
"What are you thinking about?" Dream said in a monotone voice.
"If we did the right thing." Eret sighed.
You slowly nodded because you were thinking the exact same thing. They were traitors, you had built somewhat of a connection with those people you helped kill. And now what? you're living in a huge castle and apparently you "Shouldn't be feeling this way", Dream claimed.
"You two are overreacting. They are fine." Dream said bluntly while staring at them with a straight face.
That was a huge lie, their lives were taken today. They're not just “fine”.
"You two were never a part of that place anyways. This is your home! Why would you need to wear those hideous colors? They look bad on you, it's unflattering. There is no need to go back." Dream explained.
You hang your head not knowing what to say to the man, there wasn’t really anything to say but you spoke up hoping the words will come to you.
"I don't-"
"You don't have to say anything, it's okay. You're safe now. Did you get hurt?" Dream asked.
The bruises and scars said differently.
"Remember when I said that?" Dream pushed the question.
You rubbed a burn mark on your wrist and laughed a bit. "No! Actually I don't. We're safe now, but that doesn't mean we aren't hurt." You chuckled in disbelief.
"Well maybe if you listened to me you wouldn't be so anxious. If you listened you wouldn't have been so hesitant. You're safe." Dream said sternly.
"Maybe you're tired, Dream. We're all tired. Shall we go to bed?" Eret stood up and held out his hand to help you up from your seat.
You accepted his hand and started to follow Eret through the huge castle making your way through the huge, high ceiling halls. The three walked towards the king's and queen's room in the castle, Dream kept a slower pace and walked behind the two wanting to get one more word in before leaving the castle.
"If you two are ever in doubt just remember that you are on the right side of history." Dream said then turned around to leave the two alone.
You both stopped and turned around to see Dream’s back facing the both of you as he walked away. You and Eret eventually made it to your new bedrooms. There was a big door which held a huge room made for the both of them to sleep in and two separate rooms next to the bigger door which were made for one person. Eret and you stood in front of the bigger door staring at the intricate designs on the door not speaking to each other.
"So?" Eret laughed.
"So!" You exclaimed while chuckling.
"Are you okay sleeping in that huge room tonight?" Eret asked.
"I'm not totally comfortable with that, but it would be weird if we slept in the same bed. Don't get me wrong! You're a great friend, but-"
"Y/N/N stop! I'm okay with that too. I wasn't looking to sleep in the same bed. Yes we're married, but we're just staying friends, hey we might get a divorce later." Eret explained.
"If I do, we won't be king and queen anymore." You said softly to your husband.
"Is that what you want? To be "queen"?" Eret asked while putting air quotes around the word queen.
You paused for a moment then answered his question.
"I don't know where I'm supposed to be, Eret." You looked up at him sadly and he pulled you in for a hug. It took you everything you had to not cry into the L'Manburg uniform Eret was wearing. Today drained you mentally and physically, your hands were raw from shooting arrows, you had burn marks on your skin and your feet hurt from running through the kingdom. You weren’t sure about where you would go, because this didn't feel like your home.
"Let's go to bed and we'll talk in the morning. Rest on it because I'll happily divorce you so you can find your place in this huge kingdom." Eret laughed and let you out of his arms.
You chuckled and then let him go walking into what was supposed to be the queen's room and right next to it was the king's room which they both walked in after saying goodnight and closing their doors finally having time to themselves after a long day.
You finally took off the L'Manburg uniform and laid it on a velvet chair in the corner of the huge room. You stared at the uniform before going to the nearest closet and picking out something to wear for that night. The queen's room was basically the huge couple's room that you found before, but just with a smaller bed. There were still trinkets, jewelry and even clothes in the closet. you took a nightgown out of the closet and sat on the plush bed. You ended up laying down staring at the high ceiling thinking of the predicament Eret's question brought.
You finally retired for the night and crawled into bed and got under the soft covers. The window was open so a soft cool breeze was blowing through the room letting the curtains flow with the breeze. If you left you wouldn't have anywhere to go except back to L'Manburg, they would never let you back even if you tried. They probably hated your guts by now, so maybe divorcing wasn't a good idea. You had a set home here, you had food, clothes, and you weren't under attack every minute. you didn't have to watch your back for any enemies.
Your mind slowed down as you finally lulled yourself into a deep sleep forgetting the troubles in your mind for only a moment.
The sunset fell over the horizon making it a gold, red color. It was beautiful. The trees were illuminated and the lakes had a certain glow to them. you could see mobs began to crawl out of the ground and caves, but you was safe up here.
You looked down and saw the familiar obsidian walls. It seemed like a faint memory, but in reality the walls were real. It was like you could feel the stone underneath your feet at this moment. you could see inside L'Manburg.
you saw Tubbo and Tommy laying in the grass talking to one another. you saw Fundy sleeping in the grass next to them. There were two new faces you had never seen before. It was a woman with short pink hair and another man with a shaved head. It might've been your mind putting people in your dreams to fill space. Then you saw Eret sitting by a small river letting his bare feet flow in the water. It was a peaceful scene.
"Beautiful sunset isn't it?" A voice showed up beside you.
It was Wilbur. He had his uniform on, it was clean like the war didn't even happen.
"It is really beautiful." You agreed watching the sun continue to lower over the trees.
"You know everything the sun touches is yours? It's all of ours. It just so happens that you can see the sunset and sunrise from L'Manburg. You can do anything as long as you see the sun rise and fall." Wilbur said, keeping his gaze soft at the sunset.
You hummed but stayed quiet admiring his words and the sunset.
"Let me tell you what I wish I'd known when I was young and dreamed of glory. You have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story. After you took one of my lives away I understand now. You can't control other people and their motivations."
You hang your head in disappointment, but then Wilbur continued.
"But I know that we can win. I know that greatness lies in you, but remember from here on in that history has its eyes on you. History will forever have its eyes on you no matter what you do." Wilbur looked into your eyes as the sun set on the two of them the stars began to shine.
The light brown eyes Wilbur had turned darker because of the sunlight being gone. You looked out back at the mobs in the forest and the huge towers in the sky made the kingdoms members. you turned around and looked into L'Manburg. Or what was considered L'Manburg.
There was no one there anymore, instead of people there were huge amounts of TNT that filled the walls behind them. you could hear faint voices around them, people that you didn't know. It sounded like chaos. you whipped your head around to Wilbur who was dressed in a brown tattered trench coat, brown pants, and a white shirt instead of the L'Manburg uniform.
He had a cigarette in his mouth and matches in his hands. He smirked at you as the voices around you got louder and your head sounded like you were in the middle of a tornado. your head was buzzing as your eyes couldn't focus on Wilbur in front of you. It felt like these moments were happening right in front of your all at one time.
"You want to be a hero Tommy?"
"You know if I die, this country goes down with me."
"if respect is the only thing protecting you from a knife in the back, then respect is nothing, right?"
"Kill me, Phil. Phil, kill me, Phil kill me! Phil, stab me with the sword, murder me now, kill me! Look-"
"You know Y/N" Wilbur started next to you. He lit a match and turned around to L'Manburg which was now filled with TNT.
"Somethings. Somethings were never meant to be." He threw the match into the huge pile of TNT and all in a second the obsidian underneath your feet disappeared as you fell into the explosion beneath you.
"Fuck! Where am I?!" You shot up from your sleeping position in a cold sweat.
You frantically felt around the bed trying to convince yourself that you were physically at the castle in your bed. You finally caught your breath and laid back down in your bed finding yourself staring at the ceiling again. Even with the window open blowing cool air into the room, your skin still felt hot. You ended up tossing the covers off of you and making your way towards the entrance of the kingdom to get some air.
That dream was so much stuff in it you couldn't comprehend all of it. It was like Wilbur was there as if he was talking to you directly and it wasn't a dream and it made you second guess yourself and think that it may have not been a dream. You finally made it outside and sat on one of the steps that led people up into the kingdom. you sighed and breathed in the fresh air and it immediately relaxed your body and mind. You were alive, you were here and sadly Wilbur wasn't there. You closed your eyes and felt the breeze around you until you were startled by a figure beside you.
"You're up late. I thought you said you were mentally tired." Dream chuckled sitting beside you.
"I had a bad dream." You sighed.
"Hey don't take my name in vain like that" Dream laughed trying to bring up your mood.
Dream sighed and stood back up when he didn't get a response from his companion.
"Come one, let's go. Let's get your mind off of the one bad dream." Dream held his hand out, gesturing to you to take it.
You took his hand and then released it letting him lead the way to wherever the wind may take them. The dream is currently still stuck in your head. The voices from different people confused you and made your head spin.
"You want to be a hero Tommy?" What did that mean? Was someone threatening Tommy? Will someone threaten Tommy? You grew to care for that kid.
Who said "If I die, this country goes down with me"? What country. L'Manburg?
"If respect is the only thing protecting you from a knife in the back, then respect is nothing, right?" That one stumped you the most. you didn't even know if this was being spoken to you or to someone else. All of them except for the Tommy one.
Were they all even dreams? The one that haunted your mind the most was the one where someone was telling a man named Phil to kill them. Were you there for that moment? Did Phil kill the person? Who was Phil? All these thoughts and questions plagued your mind so much that your feet mindlessly carried you wherever Dream led you to.
"Here we are." Dream led You on top of a hill, a tall enough hill to see the main attraction. The place you missed the most, L'Manburg.
Tears started to form in your eyes and you tried blinking them away. All the moments of that dream appeared in your brain, but even stronger. you never felt these emotions before. Maybe L'Manburg was your home all along. you missed seeing Tubbo, Tommy, Eret and Fundy doing their own thing while your and Wilbur had a deep talk inside the van. you had spent weeks with them growing too attached to them and then ended up becoming a traitor.
"That place. You never belonged there. You're too good for them." Dream started and you stayed quiet watching the stars begin to disappear.
"Do you trust me?" Dream asked.
You stayed quiet not having the answer he wanted to hear. He wanted to hear you say that you trusted him when in reality you couldn’t, you weren't fully there yet, not anymore. 
"They lied to you. It's not your home." Dream continued on letting you listen and not talk.
"How did you know if someone said it was my home or not?" You asked, startled.
"I might've been keeping an eye on you. I wanted to make sure my flower was okay." Dream kept his gaze on L'Manburg.
"Stop calling me that." You sighed.
"I never started. This was the first time I said that. Who called you flower?" Dream suddenly got serious, staring at you.
you kept your sights on the obsidian walls, not sparing him a glance. The stars began to fade and the sun peeked over the horizon. As they stayed longer the sun rose over the walls of L'Manburg. You started to remember the words in the dream you had.
"You know everything the sun touches is yours? It's all of ours. It just so happens that you can see the sunset and sunrise from L'Manburg. You can do anything as long as you see the sun rise and fall."
L'Manburg stands for independence. Independence. That word kept ringing through your head like a mantra until a few voices below the hill and near the walls alerted you.
"HEY! Hey Wilbur! Give me back my shit!" Tommy yelled as he stomped after the older man.
"Wilbur get Tommy to stop shouting and give him his swords back please!" Fundy yelled trailing behind the two.
"No not until he learns not to go start stabbing shit!" Wilbur yelled back at the other two.
You missed that. you missed the bickering and the nonsense they all shared. you were upset that Tommy still hadn't learned his lesson and you wished you were there beside them at that moment.
Dream spoke up giving you a look you couldn’t quite get. "You are never allowed to step inside those walls again.
"What gives you the right to tell me what and what not to do? Who does that make you? Who do you think-"
"YOU ARE NEVER ALLOWED TO GO IN THOSE WALLS!" Dream yelled getting dangerously close to you.
You continued to stare at those blue eyes as the bright sun rose over the dark walls of L’Manburg. you didn't say anything but descended down the mountain alone with the sounds of Tommy, Fundy, and Wilbur bickering in the background, wishing you were there and not next to the man next to you who was staring at you angrily.
"I know what’s good for you! I know what's good for this country! Just trust me Y/N!" Dream yelled starting an argument
"Would you calm down! You came here to be all quiet and now you're yelling at me. You might want to be quiet before Wilbur hears you. Or do you want me to get him myself?" You yelled back, getting furious.
"Oh you wish! He doesn't care for you as much as me, Sapnap and George do! They agree as well!"
"Don't put words into his mouth!" You accused
"Oh! So if he cares so fucking much he would've help save you. And do you know what would happen if he saved you?! You would've died! I saved you! You were in a perfect situation and all you had to do is not complain! You're always overreacting." Dream ended with a huff and rolled his eyes while turning away..
you were speechless at this point. Overwhelming emotions consumed you. you couldn't believe you were overreacting. Maybe Wilbur wasn't everything you needed. you were overreacting, you were being selfish too. Dream was right. Dream walked over to you pulling you in a hug with L'Manburg was still in your sights.
"I did everything because I love you. You're too precious for them, you're not for them. They don't deserve you, you deserve someone who wants the best for you. A flower that needs a home and I'm here to give it to you." Dream softly explained.
Your eyes kept tearing up at the words and different emotions flowing through you. The sights on L'Manburg make your memories and questions come back. Where did you belong? But more importantly who was telling the truth?
Taglist: @hi-imuwu @k-l-a-w-s
93 notes · View notes
laurenairay · 4 years
What Love Feels Like - S. Crosby
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Summary: your boyfriend Sidney, the surprise romantic?
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: established relationship fluff, cheesy romance, essentially a 4+1
A/N: I’ve been in an absolute writing rut since before Christmas, so I just want to thank @danglesnipecelly​ for reminding me how much I love soft sexy sid 😘 also, how have I never written for him before?!
No-one ever said dating Sidney Crosby was going to be easy.
They also didn’t say how much of a romantic he was either.
It was like at every turn, he had a new way to make your heart beat a little faster, to make you face heat up warm, to make your stomach fill with butterflies. Whether it was buying your favourite sweet treats as a pick me up, or the kisses that would leave you breathless in passing, or even the way his tongue flicked at your bare body just right, Sidney always kept you on your toes.
But it was his words that affected you the most.
You hadn’t expected much verbal affection from him at the beginning of your relationship, the rumours of his hockey robot status the main thing you knew about him – but you were quickly proved wrong. Maybe it was the media training that kept him so hockey-bland in interviews, because the minute he wasn’t in hockey mode, he immediately turned sweet, suave and so sexy. And it wasn’t just flirting talk, to prelude to sex (although the first time he murmured all the things he wanted to do with you after the team event you were at, you almost lost your mind then and there) – it was the sweet loving statements that sent your heart pounding.
How could you ever have known about his way with words?
Today had been a stressful one. Work had been full-on without any warning, and you were just about done with people. You’d even hesitated when Sidney offered to cook you dinner at his house – but eventually the temptation of being pampered by your boyfriend had been too good to resist. Maybe he’d be able to turn your day around. It couldn’t hurt to try, right?
And as you suspected, Sidney had taken one look at the exhaustion on your face and ushered you to the sofa, only disappearing to come back with a large glass of wine for you.
“You are an absolute gem,” you groaned, tilting your head back to look up at him.
He just grinned, taking the silent cue for what it was and leaning down to kiss you gently. Yes, this was just what you needed.
And the evening had only gotten better from there. Sidney had made the two of you a simple but delicious coq au vin dinner (the recipe definitely came from Vero Fleury, and you knew that you would definitely need to text her your thanks later), followed by a chocolate tart that you swore was the best thing you’d ever tasted (that one was from a local bakery, and you knew it wouldn’t be the last time you’d get something from there now!). And all throughout the evening, Sidney had kept the conversation flowing, telling you hilarious stories of grumpy Geno and naïve rookies from the recent road trip he’d had, as well as about the cute dog that his neighbour had recently adopted, and you felt yourself relaxing more with each passing moment.
Sidney had indeed turned your day around just like you’d hoped.
After eating, Sidney had insisted on clearing the plates by himself, making you roll your eyes fondly but accept a gentle kiss as he walked past. You could at least get the two of you a fresh glass of wine each. You were tired, not incapable. So with that in mind, you picked up the two empty wine glasses and followed your boyfriend into the kitchen, opening the fridge to pick out the open bottle of white wine he’d opened earlier.
But just as you finished filling the glasses, you felt a pair of arms slide around you from behind, making you jump slightly, earning a soft laugh.
“Menace,” you complained fondly, putting the wine bottle down on the side.
“Couldn’t help myself, I needed you in my arms,” Sidney said simply, squeezing you in a little hug.
You leant back into his chest, smiling to yourself. How could you say no to that? The two of you stayed silent for a few more moments, just enjoying the comfort of this embrace, until Sidney sighed softly.
“You make me want things I didn’t think I could have,” Sidney murmured, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
What the hell?
You spun around in his arms straight away, the frown on your face making Sidney laugh softly.
“What things? And who says you can’t have them?” you demanded.
“Always so protective,” he mused.
You batted at his chest, rolling your eyes. “I’m serious Sid! What do you mean, things you can’t have?”
He bit his bottom lip, making your frustration soften a little. This was something he’d really thought about, wasn’t it?
“I just…I never expected to find someone while I was still playing hockey,” Sidney started.
What the hell? He was just going to wait, until he eventually retired? What?! But as you opened your mouth to protest, Sidney pressed a finger to your lips, a fond smile on his.
“No, I know what I’m like. My routines are so set in stone, I’m away so often, I have so many more responsibilities as Captain and well, just because I’m me. I was told from a young age that anything other than hockey was a distraction. So I just…shelved the idea. Didn’t even let myself hope,” Sidney explained.
“Sid…that’s so sad,” you said softly, clutching at his sweater with both hands, “to just resign yourself to being lonely, I can’t…”
“Hey, it’s okay. I can’t say it hasn’t paid off with hockey,” he mused, “and besides…I met you, didn’t I?”
You bit your lip, your face heating up warm, Sidney’s hand rising to run a knowing thumb over your cheek.
“So I wasn’t a distraction?” you asked hopefully.
“Oh, you absolutely were,” Sidney said, laughing softly, making your heart sink a little. He saw your hesitant expression, and shook his head. “It was a distraction that I didn’t know I needed. You help me break out of my intensity, to separate the rink from home. Without you, I would just eat, breathe, sleep hockey, and meeting you made me realise that I can have hockey and love. You give me a reason to live, and I couldn’t be more grateful for that,”
You couldn’t stop the tears that sprung to your eyes, nor the smile that spread across your lips. “Sidney…” you murmured helplessly.
“Thank you. For making me whole. For making me a better person,” he said seriously, hand still cupping your face so you couldn’t do anything but look into his eyes.
Your heart clenched at his words, and there was nothing you could think of to say that needed to be added. So you just lifted your head and pressed your lips to his in a kiss that said everything.
A good run of games, with far more wins than losses, always put your boyfriend in a good mood. So good, that after the latest game, which was another win where he’d gotten 2 goals and 1 assist, he’d even suggested going out for drinks. You were more than happy to agree – not that you didn’t love your evenings in with him, but sometimes it was nice to go out and try something new, y’know? These plans quickly turned into a couples’ drinks with Kris and Catherine, and Geno and Anna, and the six of you ended up in a private booth in a fancy cocktail bar.
You’d immediately ordered some lethal manhattan cocktails with Anna and Cath, leaving the guys to their own devices as the three of you toasted to the success of the men in your lives. As you surveyed the bar around you, you felt yourself relax a little. This was exactly you needed, with exactly these people. These two women had welcomed you so quickly into the Better Halves group, and you couldn’t be more excited to spend time with just them. Well, them and your rapidly tipsy partners. 
It had only taken the three men a couple of hours to be giggling messes. 
Kris, the troublemaker that he was, had indulged Sidney’s sweet tooth with so many sugary cocktails, that he was already pretty far gone, eyes glassy and skin flushed. Sure, he was going to feel it tomorrow morning, but the fact that he actually got the chance to let go, to just relax with his just closest friends? That was the most important thing.
How often did Sidney get the chance to do that?
The six of you were still in the booth, Geno having just come back with a fresh round of cocktails, and Sidney was started to lean against you a little heavier, making you frown slightly.
“Hey, are you good?” you asked softly.
Sidney leaned back to look at you properly, hair a little ruffled and his top two buttons undone, distracting you slightly.
“You’re the most beautiful thing I have ever seen…and I’ve held the Stanley Cup three times,” Sidney slurred, his lips stretched in that beautiful crooked grin.
Kris, Cath, Geno and Anna all just burst into laughter, making you laugh too.
“I’m serious! The cup is so beautiful…but you, you are the most,” Sidney said firmly.
“He’s serious,” Kris snickered, “crisse Sid, what a romantic,”
The sarcasm just made Sidney pout. Bless him.
“Okay I think it’s time for some water,” you giggled.
“Oh no please, let him carry on. It’s been so long since drunk Sid made an appearance,” Kris grinned.
“Drunk Sid is most fun!” Geno added, nodding enthusiastically.
You looked back at your boyfriend to see him still smiling at you like the sun, and you couldn’t stop the butterflies erupting in your stomach. How were you supposed to react, when he looked at you so brilliantly? You didn’t have to look at Cath or Anna to know that they were smiling fondly at you – you’d had enough wine nights with them to know how sweet they thought Sidney was with you.
“He may be fun now, but he’s going to be an absolute grump tomorrow and you know it,” you mused, shaking your head.
“Won’t be grumpy,” Sidney insisted.
Oh jeez. “Yes you will,” you teased, “But you’re cute, so I’ll let it slide,”
“You think I’m cute?” Sidney said happily, before looking at his teammates, “she think I’m cute!”
That just sent Kris and Geno into fits of laughter again, making you sigh fondly. Oh he was definitely going to feel this tomorrow.
Worth it though.
The summer brought you back to Nova Scotia with Sidney. Well, you’d taken two weeks off work in August to be able to spend Sidney’s birthday with him, but you were so glad you did. Spending some proper time with his parents and with Taylor was so worth it, and you didn’t miss the little smiles he sent your way when he thought you weren’t looking – Sidney loved you being home with him just as much as you loved it.
The best part though, was definitely waking up to that sleepy morning sunlight, the lake only a stone’s throw away, Sidney warm and content and at peace. 
“Mm happy birthday Sid,” you murmured sleepily, curling further into his body.
“Shh, if my body doesn’t know that I’m getting older then I won’t get any more grey hairs,” Sidney groaned, not opening his eyes.
You just giggled, running a hand over his bare chest. What a drama queen.
“I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work like that, baby,” you teased, “you know I like your grey hair, the little grey of it that there is,”
What? You did!
Sidney lifted his head to look down at you incredulously. Of course that was what made him wake up properly.
“You like it?” he frowned.
“It makes you look…distinguished. It’s…sexy,” you shrugged. There was no reason to lie to him after all.
“Sexy?” he laughed, rolling his eyes.
Oh now that wouldn’t do. You slotted your leg between his thighs, moving to hover him slightly where he was lying on his back, waiting until he was looking at you properly. He swallowed heavily at the seriousness in your expression. Good.
“Yeah, Sid. It’s sexy,” you said softly, “you’re sexy. Clearly I need to tell you that more often,”
Sidney’s tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip, his eyes never leaving yours as he processed your words.
“If I’m so sexy, then why haven’t you kissed me yet?”
The desire in his voice sent a shiver down your spine, and you couldn’t help but to grin. You leant your head down to kiss him softly, leaning up on your elbow for a better angle. Sidney groaned softly at the sweet kiss, one hand sliding into your hair with the other resting on your waist. You kept the kiss slow, gentle, intense, with only light brushes of your tongue, taking your time to enjoy yourself. You loved early mornings like this, when it was just the two of you with nothing to do for hours, and today you had nowhere to be until well into the afternoon, so you were going to indulge yourself with these kisses while you could.
Eventually you broke away, lips feeling as swollen as Sidney’s looked. Wow.
“Is that better?” you mused, stroking the hair at his template.
“Hmm, I don’t know. That’s all I get?” he murmured, “on my birthday?”
Tease. You licked your bottom lip, Sidney’s eyes flashing darker, and you rolled off of him, tugging your sleep-top over your head and lying down sultrily on your back. Sidney’s eyes immediately fell to your bare chest, yours flicking down to the hard line of his cock in his boxers, before you grinned.
“Get over here birthday boy…” you purred.
Sidney didn’t waste another second.
Sometimes things weren’t perfect. Sometimes Sidney had a string of bad games where he got too much into his own head. Sometimes he wouldn’t communicate in any more than a couple of words or grunts. Sometimes you had to prioritise a work deadline over time with him. Sometimes things between the two of you were extremely tense until one (or most often, both) of you cracked and talked it out.
But that’s what made your relationship work – the talking. Being with Sidney meant being in such a mature adult relationship, and it was refreshing to be able to work through things with a guy that wasn’t just going to fly off the handle or sulk around. Sure, Sidney had his faults, but he always tried not to take his frustrations out on you. You knew that the highs of dating a hockey superstar came with the lows too – you knew that when you agreed to go on that very first date way back when, but he’d proved time and time again that he was worth it. He was always worth it.
Right now, Sidney…no, the Penguins had been on a bad luck streak, and you could see the pressure piling up on your boyfriend, from management, from the press, from the fans, from himself. But not from you. There was no way you were going to add to his stress, not when he needed your support more than anything.
And you knew he appreciated more than anything else.
Like today, for example.
Sidney had turned up at your apartment a couple of hours earlier than you thought, having come straight from the airport rather than going to his house first, just looking bone-tired. So you’d immediately drawn him a bath with your favourite lavender-vanilla bath bubbles, Sidney insisting that you join him too.
Well, you weren’t going to deny him that.
So that’s where the two of you were now, you lying between Sidney’s legs, your back leaning against his chest, your hands clutching at his forearms where his arms were wrapped around you.
“Thank you,” he said quietly.
You just smiled softly, tilting your head back to press a kiss to his jaw before leaning into him again.
“I’m just sorry we’re doing this in my shitty apartment rather than your lovely bathroom,” you shrugged.
“It doesn’t matter whether we’re at your place or mine. You’ve always felt like home,” Sidney murmured.
Oh god, if your heart could be any more full it would be. Wow.
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” you said softly, not wanting to break the moment, “I’ll always be here for you,”
Sidney smiled into your neck, pressing the lightest of kisses into your skin, making you shiver despite the temperate of the water.
“I mean it, you are my home and I couldn’t be more grateful. You’ve shown me what love feels like, sweetheart,” Sidney murmured, “I love you,”
You tried desperately to blink away the tears that sprung to your eyes, squeezing his hands. “I love you too Sid. So much,” you whispered.
As his arms held you a little tighter and he buried his face in your neck a little more, you knew there was nowhere else you would rather be.
Another morning, another day waking up in Sidney’s arms. No matter how many roadtrips he went on, countless by the point, it still felt weird sleeping in your own bed without him. Your apartment felt cold, felt empty, despite it holding all your possessions, but you knew that was just because it didn’t have him in it. When he was home in Pittsburgh, whether it was in your apartment or at his house, you had never slept better than when you were with him. You could only hope he felt the same.
“Good morning,” Sidney said softly, breaking you out of your thoughts.
“Good morning,” you replied, smiling up at him.
He smiled back, leaning over to press a few gentle kisses to your lips before leaning back.
“That was a real serious face you had a moment ago,” Sidney said, lying on his side with his head propped up with his hand.
Busted. “I was just thinking,” you shrugged.
“What are you thinking about?” he mused.
“Nothing much. Just…”
You trailed off, biting your bottom lip. Sidney’s hand slid to cup your face, his thumb brushing over your trapped lip until you let it free.
“Just…” he prompted.
“I could get used to waking up beside you,” you blurted,
Sidney’s face looked a little stunned. Damn it. Was that too much?
But then his face shifted into the biggest smile you’d ever seen, making your hopeful heart beat a little faster.
“Why don’t we make that a reality?”
Sidney saw the confusion in your expression and hesitated, before turning and reaching into the bedside drawer beside him. He paused slightly, as he grabbed whatever it was, making your heart beat a little faster. What was going on? But after a couple of beats, he rolled back over to face you, hand clenched in a fist.
“Move in with me?” he murmured.
He opened his fist, revealing a shiny key, making your jaw drop a little. Oh wow.
“For real?” you whispered, eyes not moving from the key.
“Yeah, for real,” Sidney mused, although you could hear the strain of nerves in his voice, “I would really love for this to be your home too. You already have a ton of your clothes here as well as make-up and your shower stuff…so why don’t we make this full time?”
You choked out a laugh – he did have a point there.
But was it too soon?
“If it makes a difference, I’ve wanted to ask you for months,” Sidney admitted.
“You have?” you asked, surprised.
“Yeah, sweetheart. You’re it for me,” he said simply.
He really did have such a way with words.
“I would love to, Sid,” you said softly.
“Yeah?” he grinned,
“Yeah. I want to build this life with you. So let’s do this,” you nodded.
Sidney whooped, making you giggle, and he dropped the key into the bedsheets in favour of pressing a deep kiss to your lips. Yeah, you could get used to this.
708 notes · View notes
hangovercurse · 4 years
I’ll Be Here
Colson tries to take you out for a nice dinner, but things don’t go exactly as planned.
Request: “hey there !! i absolutely love your work and was wondering if you'd consider writing something where the reader struggles with an ED? and Colson finds out? Just an angsty hurt/comfort-y kind of thing maybe? If you aren't comfortable/don't have the time then no worries !! I hope you have a lovely day ♥️🐇”
Colson x reader
Warnings: Eating disorders (explicit), cursing, vomit
A/N: If you are struggling with an eating disorder, there is help. The National Eating Disorders Association Hotline is 1-800-931-2237 and the national hopeline (for any and all crises) 1-800-442-4673. It gets better, I promise.
A/N part 2: This is really personal to me, as I am currently in treatment for an ED and still very much suffer from those impulses. If you are struggling and need to talk to someone who has been where you are, my dms are always open.
Word Count: 3107
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Friday nights were always date nights. They had been since you and Colson had gone out on a Friday for your first date, 3 months ago. And tonight was no exception, but you wanted nothing more than to cancel.
Colson had announced he would be taking you to a very fancy restaurant that would be serving you both a five-course meal. “Babe, I won’t be able to eat all of that.” You told him, being completely serious.
He laughed it off, thinking you were just being overdramatic. “Don’t worry, I’ll eat whatever you don’t.” You pretended to laugh along, but in reality, your stomach was churning with the thought of how much food you’d be eating come Friday.
And now it was here, and you felt no more confident in yourself. You hadn’t eaten in almost two days to prepare for this, even though you’d gone longer for less before. You had been trying to eat more whenever Colson was around so he wouldn’t pick up on anything, but he was starting to be around a lot more, and it was getting harder to fake normalcy.
You were getting ready at your house, your hair and makeup done. You pulled the dress you planned on wearing out of your closet, a loose black dress with gold accents on it. You were hoping that it’s flowing would hide your figure. You caught a glimpse of yourself in your mirror, only a bra and underwear covering you. You scowled in disgust at your figure, sucking in your stomach and straightening your posture to try and flatten yourself out, but it didn’t help.
Before you could get more upset with yourself, you turned away from the mirror and put the dress on. “Tonight is going to be a good night.” You chanted to yourself.
Colson picked you up, looking sexy as ever. He was in a pair of blue pants, a plain white t-shirt, and a blue jacket. “You clean up nicely.” You smiled as he pulled you in for a quick kiss.
“You look fuckin’ incredible, babe.” He told you as he separated your lips. “Like, seriously, how did I get so lucky?”
You rolled your eyes, cringing internally but externally walking to the other side of his car. “If anyone here is lucky it’s me.”
The restaurant was, as he promised, hella fancy. The hostess led you both to a table in the far corner of the restaurant, away from peering eyes. You were handed a menu with five course headings on it and 3 options under each.
You looked at Colson with wide eyes, only to find him grinning at the menu. You decided not to say anything, not wanting to ruin his good night with all of your problems. You knew he would find out eventually, but you determined that tonight would not be that time. So, you gave the waitress your orders. Colson ordered a bottle of white wine for you two to sip on.
Before you know it, the first course had arrived. It was small, thank goodness, as it was only hors d’oeuvres, but you usually only ate that much food in a day, you couldn’t imagine how the next courses would go.
You had to admit, despite your hatred for food, the shallot and pancetta tortilla crisps were good. You figured this could be easy if you just let yourself relax. You let yourself fall into easy conversation with your boyfriend.
Then the appetizer came out, stuffed mushrooms. You struggled your way through, eating very slowly so that Colson would hopefully not notice that you were only eating half the amount that he was.
You got about halfway through your salad before your entire body said “stop.” You physically couldn’t eat anymore, the thought of holding your fork made you want to throw up. You got distracted by trying to calm yourself down that you were completely ignoring Colson.
“Y/N, are you listening?”
You snapped your head up from your plate to meet his eyes, a sorry expression coming onto your face. “Yeah, sorry. I just got distracted. I’m good.”
Colson eyed you wearily before continuing whatever he was talking about. The waitress brought out the fourth course in the meantime; your main meal. You had gotten Chicken Francese, hoping it would be the lightest thing on the menu. You were wrong.
The chicken was huge. You tried to smile at the waitress, but you couldn’t even look her in the face, too focused on how the hell you were going to pretend to eat this chicken. Colson sent a look in your direction before giving the waitress a polite, “thank you.”
Once she had left, he glared at you. You looked up once again, “what?” Your voice was quiet.
Colson grumbled, “nothing.” You gave a small pout when he looked away from you, cutting into his food. You decided it was better not to respond to him.
Instead, you returned your attention to the food in front of you. The tossing and turning of your stomach reminded you how disgusting you already felt. You could hear the faintest whispers of the devil in the back of your mind.
You’re gonna eat all that? Think about everything else you’ve consumed already! No wonder you’re so fat.
He’s never gonna stay with someone who eats as much as you do.
You shooed them away, taking your fork and knife in your hand. You cut the chicken into a few small pieces, taking nibbles at them, and pretending to enjoy it. You and Colson had stopped talking, and you could feel his irritation building.
You looked up to see his plate almost half empty, Jesus how could he eat so fast? He met your gaze, glancing down to your plate and scowling. “Why aren’t you eating?”
You looked down, a small sigh escaping your mouth. “I’m just not that hungry, I guess.” You bit your lip, about to continue when he cut you off “I told y-“
“Do you not like it?”
You shook your head, “No, it’s no th-“
Colson let out a frustrated sigh, “well, sorry Y/N. Tried to do something nice for you but apparently even this isn’t good enough for you.”
You wanted to scream at him, “that’s not what this is about you fucking idiot!” But you were in a very nice restaurant and the patrons would not appreciate that at all.
If you kept pushing, it would end up going in that direction, so you decided not to explain yourself. Instead, you forced the food down, showing Colson that you were eating it. He scoffed every time you made a show of putting the fork into your mouth and chewing the chicken.
Every swallow felt like an anchor dropping into your stomach. Your stomach was bubbling like some kind of witch’s brew.
When dessert arrived, you wanted to get up and walk out, but Colson was already on edge and you didn’t want to make it any worse. You both hadn’t spoken much, but you could tell he was getting frustrated with you. It was the worst feeling in the world.
Your stupid insecurities are ruining his life.
You can’t even stop thinking about yourself for one night to let him have a good time?
Talk about selfish.
You pushed the thoughts down, taking a small bite of the apple crème brûlée. It felt like a tipping point, like if you ate anything else you would throw up right then and there.
You placed your spoon down onto your plate, harsher than you had hoped. You mumbled out a quick, “I’ll be right back.” Before standing up and making your way to the restrooms.
Luckily, there was no one inside, though you knew that could change at any moment. You locked yourself in the stall furthest away from the door, crouching down in your heels.
It only took a few moments before the food you had just eaten came up, your vomit filling the toilet bowl. You tried to keep your gags quiet in case anyone were to walk in.
He tries to take you on a nice date and you’re in the bathroom, puking.
Like I said, selfish.
I don’t even know why he stays with you, honestly
You’re not pretty, you’re not very smart, you’re not much of anything at all, really.
You’re a drama queen!
Maybe you should just stop eating for good
Then this wouldn’t be an issue
You don’t know when the tears started, but they were streaming down your face. You grabbed a handful of toilet paper, softly dabbing your face to hopefully clear your skin of any makeup that may have run off.
You flushed the toilet, piecing yourself together haphazardly. You stood up, stumbling out of the stall, and facing yourself in the mirror. Your eyes were slightly puffy, but none of your makeup had smeared, luckily.
You sighed, glancing up to prevent more tears from falling. You put a fake smile on your face, walking out of the restroom and to your table. When Colson saw you, he stood up abruptly. “I already paid, let’s go.” His voice wasn’t loud, but it was harsh enough for you to know he was angry.
He walked in front of you as you made your way to the car. His hand never found yours like it normally would, there was no warmth coming from him, only a cold distance. The car ride to your house was silent. You wanted to say something, but you couldn’t quite find the words. At one point you’d reached out to place your hand on top of his, but he jerked his hand away, his other hand gripping the wheel tighter.
When he finally pulled into your driveway, you sat there for a few moments, studying his face as he looked straight ahead. “Colson,” You whispered.
You sighed, your eyes filling with tears again. You hated almost everything about yourself, but you hated when he was mad at you even more.
You don’t deserve him.
You nodded to yourself, opening the door and stepping out of the car. As much as you wanted to explain yourself and beg him to forgive you, you knew what was best for him. If you let him leave now, he wouldn’t have to bear the burden of your problems. He could be free to find something better. Someone better.
So, you went inside, tears falling down your face the entire way in.
Colson almost didn’t catch the glossy look in your eyes, or the red swelling around them. But he did, and it made him feel all sorts of weird inside.
Why did he have to get so mad?
It was just a stupid dinner.
He knew he was being too hard on you, but he was just trying to do something romantic.
Is that too much to ask for?
Apparently so.
But he shook off his thoughts, turning his car off and making his way to your now closed door. Even if he was upset, he needed to make sure you were alright.
When he walked in, the lights were all off, the house very dark and very quiet. You had only gone in a few moments before him, where were you?
His questions were answered by small gasps coming from your guest bathroom, mixed with sobs. He ran to where you were, throwing the door open and turning on the light.
He found you sitting over the toilet, your bile in the bowl. A look of worry immediately flooded his features, and he kneeled down beside you. He wrapped one of his arms around you loosely, his other rubbing your back. You leaned back into his chest, sobs shaking your entire body. “I’m- sorry.” Your words were very choppy, interrupted by your gasps for air.
“It���s okay, baby.” He sighed, resting his chin on the crown of your forehead.
You shook your head, determinately. “I tried,” a sniffle, “really hard.”
His arm on your back joined the one around your waist, rubbing circles into your stomach. You pulled away from the motion, but he kept you firmly in his grasp. “I couldn’t do it.”
Your whispers sounded so weak, so pathetic. Colson wracked his brain for an explanation. This had to be more than just the food not tasting good. Maybe you were sick?
“Shhh, baby. It’s okay. I’m not upset.” He whispered, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your temple. You both sat like that for a while, your chest heaving and his soft words calming you down.
Eventually you were able to collect yourself enough to form coherent thoughts. “I’m sorry I ruined date night.” You mumbled, your hand moving to stop his from their movement.
“It’s okay, babe. You can’t control this shit.” He whispered.
“You shouldn’t have to deal with this shit though!” You shouted as best as you could, your hoarse voice making it sound more like a whine. “If I weren’t so-“ You cut yourself off, wanting to save him the burden of knowledge. If you told him he would either feel disgusted with you and leave or feel sorry for you and stay. You didn’t know which one you were more scared of.
Colson brought his lips to your temple again, “Babe, it’s okay. You should’ve told me you were sick. We could’ve rescheduled.”
His words made you let out a dry laugh, “I’m sick alright.” You mumbled, tears rolling down your eyes again. “But not that kind of sick.” You whispered.
You looked back at your boyfriend, turning so that your entire body was facing him. You could see the confusion in his features. “I want to help you, but I have no idea what’s going on. I can’t read your mind, babe, you gotta tell me.”
You shook your head, looking to the floor. “Trust me, it’s better if you don’t know. You don’t want to know.”
He took your chin in his hand, guiding you up to look at him again, “I do wanna know, Y/N. I wanna help you.”
Your eyes looked everywhere but his, shutting momentarily as more tears fell. You took a deep breath in through your nose, trying to find where to start.
“I have an eating disorder.” You whispered, trying to get the words out as possible so you couldn’t take them back. Colson’s eyes went wide with realization, “I was diagnosed with a purge disorder when I was like, 16. I think it’s morphed into anorexia since then.” Your entire body was shaking with nerves.
He’s gonna hate you now.
You’re disgusting.
Colson grabbed your face with both hands, cradling it gently. “Baby, I’m so sorry. I never should’ve taken you-“
“You didn’t know.” You shut down his thoughts. He shouldn’t blame himself for your problems. “It’s not your fault. I thought I could just suck it up and get through it but, obviously I couldn’t.” You shrugged, letting out a frustrated sigh.
His hands fell from your face, grabbing your hips and lightly dragging you closer to him. He moved your legs to rest on his outstretched ones as he spoke, “I shouldn’t have gotten so mad about it, though. I was so frustrated because I thought you didn’t like it. I was embarrassed because I just wanted to impress you.”
You reached your arms up to wrap around his neck, holding yourself up. “I was very impressed, and it’s not that I didn’t like it. Food is just really hard for me. I’ve gotten so used to eating next to nothing. I didn’t realize how hard it would be to eat like a regular person.” He nodded, a frown on his face. “I’m sorry.” You whispered.
“You don’t have to be sorry; you didn’t do anything wrong. This is just part of who you are.” He looked into your eyes, deeply.
You sighed, “I- I guess. But I didn’t want to have to burden you with all this shit. You shouldn’t have to put up with all this. You deserve better.”
He scrunched his face, “Woah woah woah. Y/N you are not a burden. I told you, this is just part of who you are, and I love who you are. I’m not putting up with anything, I’m accepting you for every part of who you are. I don’t want anyone else; I just need you.”
His words made your heart race. He sure knew how to string lines together. “You love me?” You asked, softly. He’d never said those words to you before. Sure, you had thought them, but you were scared he’d think it was too soon.
He smiled, leaning to kiss your forehead, “yes, you dummy.” He chuckled against your skin.
“I love you.” You whispered. “I’m sorry.”
“Stop saying that.” He mumbled and you sniffled.
Your first thought was to apologize, but you knew he’d stop you in your tracks. “I just don’t want you to feel sorry for me or think I’m weak. I’ve been dealing with this shit for years now.” You paused, a thought crossing your head. You whispered it to yourself before you even realized he would hear, “maybe I am weak.”
“Hey,” he kept your head in place when you started to drift towards the floor, “you are not weak. This just proves how strong you are. You’ve lived with this for how long now? And you’re still fighting. That’s not weakness, babe. That’s strength.”
“Sor-“ You cut yourself off, “If I was really strong, I’d be over this shit now.”
“It’s a disease, baby. It’s just like a broken bone. It’s not gonna get better unless you treat it. You’ve been trying to hide it for so long now, let me help. We can get you a nutritionist, and a therapist, and we’ll stock up on whatever food you can eat, and we’ll work on it together. Whatever you need.”
“Are you sure? That’s a lot of work, Cols. I’m not sure if I’m wor-“
He cut you off, blue eyes staring deep into your own. “You are worth all of this and more. Don’t think for a second that you’re not. You deserve to be happy and healthy and I am gonna be here to support you for as long as you want me here.”
You paused for a moment, taking in his words. “Thank you.” You whispered, “For tonight and for all this. Just, thank you. For everything.”
“I love you.” He pulled you closer to him, hugging you tightly. “Thank you for telling me. I know it wasn’t easy.”
“I love you too, Colson.”
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dweetwise · 3 years
some fluffy adamkate for @neilusgrey because this ship is adorable <3 i used some prompts from this post while writing. it fit them too well!
word count: 3320
Adam X Kate: Turn your face to the sun
“So? What do you think?” Kate asked.
Adam looked around their surroundings. They were attending a folk concert held in Kate’s hometown, and even though it wasn’t Adam’s usual scene, he’d been quick to accept when Kate had invited him.
The sun was shining bright in the sky and nearly everyone was smiling, the sound of music getting louder but nowhere near unbearable as they approached the small stage in the middle of the park. There weren’t as many people as Adam had feared, only a small crowd forming in front of the stage.
“It looks nice,” Adam said. “I’m glad you asked me to come.”
“Of course!” Kate said. “It’s about time we—”
“Kate! Over here!” someone shouted from behind them, effectively interrupting their conversation.
Adam watched as Kate turned around to face a group of people, her face cracking into a brilliant smile once she seemed to recognize them.
“Hey, y’all!” Kate beamed, hugging one of the women. “Long time, no see.”
It was strange to see Kate so in her element. Just walking across the park and to the event area, they’d been stopped several times as people wanted to catch up with Kate and a few even asked for her autograph.
“It’s so good to see you! Where have you been?” one of Kate’s current admirers asked.
“Oh, I did a bit of soul-searching,” Kate explained. “Kinda needed to drop off the grid for a while.”
Adam could tell Kate was struggling with the lie. It had been a couple months since their escape from the Entity and they were only just now getting used to the normalcy of the real world. Standing here, being alive and well and surrounded by happy people with the sun shining down on them was almost too good to be true.
“This is my date, Adam!” Kate introduced him.
But the best thing about the situation was that Adam was here with the most incredible woman he’d ever had the pleasure of knowing.
“Nice to meet you,” Adam said, giving a polite nod to the group.
“Likewise!” one of Kate’s friends said. “We’ll leave you to it, but let’s catch up sometime, okay?”
“That sounds lovely!” Kate agreed, before turning to Adam. “Come on, let’s find a good spot!”
Adam followed Kate closer to the stage, almost transfixed on the way her long dress swayed in the gentle breeze. With her flowy sundress and the daisies in her hair, Kate looked like a personification of summer, and Adam was honored to be allowed to bask in her warmth.
It also reminded Adam how overdressed he was for the occasion. He’d chosen to wear a suffocating button-up and stiff chinos that already felt too warm for the weather. Hopefully he’d manage a few hours in the Pennsylvanian summer.
“You wanna stay farther away from the stage?” Kate asked.
“Yes, please,” Adam said with a grateful smile.
Kate knew how much of an introvert he was and she had never appeared to see it as a big deal. The concert was already out of Adam’s comfort zone, so getting some relative privacy would be very welcome.
They found a spot away from the commotion but with a relatively unobstructed view of the stage and Adam pulled out the picnic blanket he’d packed earlier and spread it over the soft grass. All the while Kate kept looking at him in intrigue, making Adam wonder whether he’d done something wrong.
“Is something wrong?” he asked.
“You have a really good smile, you know that?” Kate said, making Adam realize he’d been smiling the entire time.
“Oh. Thank you,” Adam said, scratching at his neck self-consciously. “I guess I don’t tend to smile that much. Especially after…”
He didn’t need to explain further. Kate nodded in understanding, knowing they all had their own demons to battle after their capture and subsequent escape from the creature that still haunted their nightmares.
“Let’s make some better memories together,” Kate said with an adorable, soft smile.
Adam felt his face heat up and he merely offered a stiff “yes” as they started unpacking their bags.
They’d never officially decided what this was between them. For what felt like years, they’d been closer than friends but not quite lovers. None of the other survivors had batted an eye when Kate sought comfort in Adam’s arms by the campfire every time the trials became too much. There were jokes about them being a couple, sure, but to this day nothing had actually happened between them. Adam had never wanted to push and regardless, a world of violence and death wasn’t exactly the best setting for romance.
But now they were free and Kate had wasted no time in asking him on a date. He didn’t want to get his hopes up, but he was certain that it had to mean something.
“I brought snacks!” Kate's triumphant grin snapped Adam out of his thoughts.
Adam watched as she retrieved a small box of strawberries as well as a packet of cookies from her beach bag.
“I wanted to have a picnic but didn’t know what you liked, so…” Kate explained.
“That was very thoughtful of you,” Adam said. “I didn’t realize to bring anything…”
“And I didn’t expect you to!” Kate reassured. “Come on, have some!”
They sat down to enjoy the snacks together, catching up on the brief period of time they’d been apart. Adam had been busy with a pile of paperwork about his disappearance in Japan and Kate had temporarily moved in with her parents. It became clear that neither of them were certain what the future would bring.
“There’s so many opportunities!” Kate said. “We can do whatever we want. The freedom is amazing.”
“It is,” Adam agreed. “But also a little overwhelming.”
He had no idea what he would do or where he would even go. All he knew was that he wanted to be near Kate; she was his rock and no matter what happened, he was sure he’d be okay as long as they were together.
Of course, he couldn’t say that out loud. They weren’t a couple and it was a little too intense to place so much importance on their friendship.
“We’ll figure something out,” Kate said, and just her smile was almost enough to reassure Adam.
They sat together and finished the snacks while enjoying the music, until the crowd seemed to get even more invigorated as people got up to dance. Adam watched a small group form in front of the stage with people twirling, jumping and laughing as they danced to the upbeat music.
"Let's join them!" Kate suggested almost immediately.
Adam shouldn’t have been surprised. Kate’s love for music knew no bounds, and even now she was nearly shaking with the boundless energy she always seemed to possess.
"We can't just leave our things," Adam tried to reason. "You go on, I'll stay here."
"Aw, you can’t get rid of me that easily! I wanna dance with you!” Kate said. “Nobody's gonna take anything.”
"I'm not much of a dancer," Adam protested, abruptly feeling the nervousness start to kick in.
"You'll be fine, hun—I promise!" Kate smiled at him and extended her bracelet-clad hand. 
Before the fog had swallowed him all those years ago, Adam would have declined in a heartbeat. But he wanted to believe he had changed. During the last few years, he’d learned he was much more capable than he could have ever imagined—a little dancing surely wouldn’t kill him.
So he grabbed Kate’s hand and let himself be briefly pulled into her world of sunshine and spontaneity.
While they approached the stage, Adam tried his best to learn the choreography by observing people dancing. To his mortification, there didn’t seem to be choreography, all of the dancers seemingly able to effortlessly improvise a professional-looking routine.
By the time they reached their destination, Adam’s hand was sweating where it was holding Kate’s. She didn’t seem to care, only turning to him with a bright smile before settling closer to him in a dance position.
"Don't worry hun, just follow my lead!" Kate said.
Kate started leading him into a dance and Adam followed the best he could. He stared at her feet to try to get the hang of her movements, focusing too hard and completely ignoring the beat—
It was only a matter of time before his foot landed on Kate’s much smaller sandal-covered one.
"Sorry!" Adam apologized, embarrassed over his mistake. “Did I hurt you?”
"Don't worry so much," Kate said. "Look at me and just go with the flow."
Adam lifted his gaze to Kate's face and some of his tension melted away under her familiar smile.
Gradually, he got the hang of it. The song changed but the rhythm of Kate's movements stayed the same, and eventually Adam's clumsy steps got more confident and mirrored the spring in Kate's. He learned to read her ques, changing directions when she did and twirling her around when she wanted to. Kate laughed and giggled while they danced, the smile never leaving her face, like this is what she was made to do.
Adam realized she might not have gotten the chance to dance with anyone before this, not since their escape. Kate was never meant for the dull grey world of the Entity; she was meant for this, sun and music and dancing without a care in the world. And Adam was honored to be able to give it to her.
He lost count of how many songs they danced to. Previously, he might have been embarrassed of letting Kate lead, but any worries about arbitrary gender roles had disappeared during the years where their lives were nothing but survival.
Worrying about the past was the last thing on Adam’s mind as he followed his ray of sunshine into another dance. He was sweating something fierce but he didn't care, absently popping a few buttons on his shirt and rolling up the sleeves to try to cool down. Kate seemingly didn’t tire of dancing, but Adam spotted the redness on her cheeks and the more pronounced breaths she took as they picked up the pace and the exertion started to kick in.
At some point, people started forming a ring in some sort of group dance, and Kate didn’t hesitate to guide them to join in. The choreography was easy to understand this time, Adam effortlessly keeping up as everyone danced in a ring, before partnering up and switching every so often. Even though he stumbled a few times, Adam had always prided himself on being a fast learner.
When Kate twirled herself into being his partner for the finale, Adam found himself laughing. He was having fun.
"See? I knew you'd like it!" Kate said.
“Only you could convince me to do something like this,” Adam said.
Kate laughed with him, the sound radiant and inviting. She was beautiful and so full of light, turning heads even on the makeshift dance floor. He didn’t think he’d ever quite understand what she saw in a nerd like him.
Once the song ended, Kate let out a sigh.
"Whew, I'm beat!" she said.
Adam couldn't agree more. No matter how much he enjoyed the dancing, he was starting to get winded and his shirt was now drenched in sweat.
"Let's go drink some water," Adam suggested.
They returned to their spot and, to Adam's surprise, everything seemed to be exactly the way they left it. He'd completely forgotten about his worries while they danced.
Adam got out his water bottle from his backpack, when Kate's voice interrupted him.
"Aww, no!" Kate said, clearly disappointed when she peered into her bag.
"What's wrong?" Adam asked.
"I didn't close my bottle properly," Kate said, pulling out her wet, empty water bottle. "It's leaked all over."
She showed her bag that contained some now-soaked cookie crumbs and her keys bathing in water.
"I'm so sorry," Adam said. "We should hang it to dry somewhere—"
"It's not a big deal," Kate said with a smile. "It's just gonna smell like soggy cookies for a bit. That's what I get for being a klutz."
Adam's full water bottle felt heavy in his hands.
"Here, have some of mine," he said, extending the item.
"Are you sure?" Kate asked.
"Absolutely," Adam said. "We need to stay hydrated in this weather."
"You're the sweetest," Kate said and Adam felt his face heat up from the compliment.
Kate accepted the bottle, and only took one prim, small sip before holding it out for him.
"Come on, take a proper drink," Adam encouraged. "We’ll split it in half."
Kate gave him a sheepish smile, before tipping her head back and taking big gulps of the beverage, drinking nearly half of the bottle.
"Whew, that was refreshing," Kate said with a happy sigh. "Thanks, doll."
"My pleasure," Adam said.
He followed Kate's lead and emptied the bottle with similar gusto. The water felt heavenly in his dry throat and overheated body.
Afterwards, Adam insisted on setting up Kate's bag to dry in the sun.
"It should dry in no time," Adam said. "It's really hot today. I wish I was dressed for the weather."
"But you look so snazzy," Kate smiled. "Feels like I'm with royalty."
"I don't know about that. You look incredible today. I mean—err, you always do, but..." Adam floundered. "Your dress is beautiful."
"Thank you," Kate said with a shy smile, doing a little twirl. "It's good for dancing."
"I still can't believe you got me to dance," Adam said, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Admit it. You had fun back there!” Kate was positively beaming at him.
"I did," Adam admitted. "And I never would have tried it on my own. Thank you."
"Thank you for doing it for me," Kate said. “I know this ain’t your thing, and I didn’t wanna push too hard. But I knew you’d be great, and…”
Kate trailed off, and Adam followed her gaze to an ice cream booth at the foot of the hill.
"Do you want to get ice cream?" Adam asked.
"I was just about to ask!" Kate grinned.
They walked to the kiosk, only standing in a short line as most people were still busy dancing. Adam took some time to browse the list of available flavors while they waited.
"Do you know what you're getting?" Adam asked.
"Not yet—there's so many to choose from!" Kate said, almost as in awe.
Adam hummed in agreement and focused back on the list. He was a little disappointed to not find matcha flavor on the menu, as it was his favorite from his time in Japan. Most of the options looked sickly sweet, and Adam skimmed over the cookie and candy flavors until eventually settling onto pistachio.
He glanced over at Kate who was still staring at the menu. If Adam had to guess, she was choosing between some of the more strange flavors—maybe even thinking about mixing them into a daring combination.
"Okay, I'm done!" Kate said once it was their turn to order. "You go first."
"One pistachio, please," Adam said.
"And for the lady?" the vendor asked.
"Chocolate," Kate said.
Adam turned to look at Kate in surprise.
"I ain't that adventurous with food," Kate explained with a sheepish grin.
After Kate's usual spontaneity and boldness, it was incredibly endearing to find out that she was a picky eater. Adam was suddenly eager for an opportunity to introduce her to Japanese and Jamaican flavors in the future.
"You can't go wrong with the classics," Adam assured.
"Here you go," the vendor said, handing over their orders. "That’s $3 a piece."
Kate started fishing out her wallet, but Adam beat her to it.
"It's on me," Adam said, already paying for their orders. “I owe you for the snacks.”
"Well, ain't you a gentleman," Kate said with a mischievous smirk.
Rather than stay closer to the stage, they returned to their spot to enjoy their ice creams.
"How is it?" Adam asked.
"Love it!" Kate beamed. "Do you wanna try?"
Butterflies danced in Adam's gut when Kate extended the treat to him. He nodded and carefully took a bite out of the ice cream. The chocolate flavor was not as rich as he'd normally like, but the texture was creamy and it didn’t taste too sweet.
"It's really good," Adam said. "Do you want to try mine?"
Kate regarded his green ice cream skeptically.
"Sure!" she eventually decided.
Kate hesitantly tasted the ice cream with the very tip of her tongue, before her face twisted into a grimace and Adam found himself laughing.
"Not for you, huh?" he teased.
"No, sorry, it's…" Kate said. "It tastes weird. Why is it salty?"
"Different strokes, I suppose," Adam smiled, digging back into his strange-tasting dessert.
They ate in companionable silence, watching the music performance and the people dancing to it.
"Thanks for coming with me today," Kate broke the silence.
"Thank you for inviting me," Adam said. "It's not my usual type of event, so I hope I didn't make too much of a fool of myself."
"What are you talking about? If anything, you're too cool for a place like this," Kate said.
"That's definitely not true," Adam protested. "I am not ‘cool’ in the slightest."
"Yeah you are," Kate insisted with a smile. "You're always so calm and polite and know exactly what to do. It feels like I'm just a dumb country girl in the presence of a prince or something."
Adam couldn't believe his ears. All this time, he’d thought Kate was too good for him, and she’d felt the exact same way about him?
"You are anything but dumb, Kate," Adam said. "To be honest, your charisma and talent sometimes overwhelms me. I often wonder what you see in me."
Kate laughed; not a mocking one, but a laugh that told Adam he was being absurd.
"Guess we're both kinda dumb, then," Kate smiled.
Adam returned the smile, feeling immense relief. He now knew that—for some crazy reason—Kate was just as fond of him as he was of her. Neither of them broke eye contact, and for a while they merely looked into each other’s eyes while their ice creams slowly melted.
"Can I kiss you?" Adam found himself asking.
It was barely above a whisper, finally having the courage to ask the words he hadn’t been able to during all these years.
"Thought you'd never ask," Kate said just as softly.
They both leaned into the kiss, and feelings of affection for this woman bloomed in Adam's chest when their lips met. Kate's lips were chilly from the ice cream but there was an underlying warmth in them that spread through Adam's body, like he was basking in the glow of the sun.
Their lips moved slowly against each other’s, hesitant at first and then finding a shared rhythm; just like when they danced together earlier.
When they pulled away, Adam was breathless, but it wasn’t not from a lack of air; it was from everything that was Kate.
"Hmm," Kate said conversationally.
"Hmm?” Adam repeated.
"Guess I don't mind pistachio flavor when it's mixed with Adam flavor," Kate smirked.
Adam threw his head back and laughed, and Kate did too.
They finished their half-melted ice creams while listening to the last songs of the concert. They talked about anything and everything, Adam no longer feeling like he had to hold back or keep up appearances. He placed his hand on Kate's and Kate insisted on trying some more ice cream from his lips.
It was the best date of Adam's life and he couldn't wait to see what their future might bring, knowing that Kate would be right by his side.
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btsqualityy · 4 years
Assuage: Chapter 7
Yoongi x Reader
Genre: ABO (Alpha/Beta/Omega) dynamics, angst, fluff, smut, enemies to lovers
Warnings: None to note.
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By the end of the week, Yoongi had gotten upwards of 15 more offers from multiple Omegas and even a few Alphas. On one hand, he was annoyed because after turning down a few, he would’ve thought that word would spread around the pack that he wasn’t looking for anything serious right at that moment. However, on the other hand, he kind of...liked the attention. 
It’s nice to feel wanted and desired, and after receiving the explanation from you and the others as to why everyone was all over him now, he couldn’t help but to feel proud of himself and how he had proven himself to be a capable Alpha. If only his old pack could see him now. 
“I’m sorry, but I’m not looking to date anyone right now,” Yoongi murmured apologetically to an Omega named Yeji, who had stopped into the hardware shop to offer Yoongi a pair of mittens that she had knitted for him. 
“Well, you could still take them anyway?” Yeji suggested hopefully. “Winter’s approaching and I’d hate for you to be too cold.”
“I appreciate it, but I couldn’t,” Yoongi shook his head. 
“Alright. Have a good day Yoongi,” Yeji whispered, turning around and swiftly walking out of the shop, not even giving Yoongi a chance to say goodbye before she was gone. 
“Ok, what was wrong with that one?” Kibum demanded to know, and Yoongi looked over at him.
“Nothing. It’s just like I said, I’m not interested in dating or mating,” he shrugged.
“You’re a fool, boy,” Kibum chuckled. “If only I were 40 years younger, I would’ve snatched her up.”
“She was pretty and everything, and her scent wasn’t terrible but I just wasn’t interested,” Yoongi shot back.
“Alright, alright, no need to get defensive,” Kibum sighed. “All I’m saying is that Yeji was what, the 5th person to come in here just today to try and offer you a gift? You keep turning them all down and you’re not getting any younger Min.”
“Oh, I didn’t think you would even know what younger looked like, considering that you haven’t been it for so long,” Yoongi snickered, yelping when Kibum smacked the back of his head in retaliation. 
“How about you stop running your damn mouth so much and go cut us some wood down from those trees on the edge of the territory?” Kibum suggested. 
“Yes Sir,” Yoongi laughed, quickly skirting around the counter before Kibum could hit him again for laughing. Stepping out of the shop, Yoongi made sure to grab the axe that sat on the small porch before he set off across the territory, past the Head Hall and the school house. A few people spoke to him as he passed and he replied, but no one else came up to him with anymore gifts. 
Once he made it into the woods, he continued to walk until he made it to the small cluster of trees that Kibum had showed to him. These trees were specifically for the purpose of wood for the pack and were the only ones that Yoongi could cut down. Just as he lifted the axe and was about to swing downwards, the smell of white peaches stopped him. 
He followed the smell, his head instantly turning to the right where he saw you. You were sat on a rock, looking down at the small stream that ran along one end of the pack territory. 
“Hey,” Yoongi called out as he began to walk over to you and you looked up in surprise, your body relaxing when you saw that it was only Yoongi. 
“Hey,” you replied, your eyebrows raising right after when you noticed the axe in his hand. “Damn, I know we haven’t really gotten along but you don’t have to murder me.”
“I was just about to cut some wood for Kibum,” Yoongi chuckled. “What are you doing way out here?”
“I had to work all morning and I finally got a break so I decided to come out here,” you answered him. 
“Is this your little hidden spot?” Yoongi questioned as he leaned against the rock that you were sitting on. 
“Yeah, or at least it used to be until you found me,” you rolled your eyes, making Yoongi scoff as he shook his head. “I guess it was bound to happen eventually though, since you’re a part of the pack now. Have you been settling in ok?”
“Yeah, actually I have,” Yoongi replied. 
“Good,” you nodded, taking a deep breath before continuing. “I’m sorry for being a bitch, by the way.”
“Wait, are you apologizing to me?” Yoongi smirked as he turned to fully face you, and you rolled your eyes at him.
“I’m trying to but don’t make me regret it already,” you snapped, even though there was a small smile on your face. “But being in an all new pack is probably really hard and I didn’t really give you the benefit of the doubt.”
“You know what, don’t even worry about it,” Yoongi shrugged. “If someone came into my old pack talking shit about the way we did things, I would’ve reacted the same way.”
“What was your old pack like?” You wondered. “You don’t talk about them much.”
“That’s very much on purpose,” Yoongi chuckled bitterly. “But long story short, they sucked. It was a pack full of mostly Prime Alphas and Alphas, and there were constant fights and just general dumb assery.”
“No Omegas or Betas?”
“A few, but their only purpose was cooking, cleaning, getting fucked and having pups,” Yoongi told you, not missing the way your scent soured a little bit. 
“What else is to be expected in a pack full of mostly Alphas?” You huffed in annoyance. “It makes sense why you say the things you do though, about Omegas and their place within a pack. That’s what you’re used to.” 
“Yep but if I’m honest, I think I like the way you guys do things better,” Yoongi admitted and you smiled. 
“Good, because we are better than them,” you nodded knowingly, making Yoongi laugh. “Hey, are you coming to the full moon party tonight?”
“Full moon party?” Yoongi repeated. “What’s that?”
“Tae didn’t explain it to you?” You wondered, and Yoongi shook his head. “Well, as I’m sure you already know, full moons used to be when a person’s wolf was at it’s strongest and the full moon party was a way of celebrating that. Now that we’ve evolved to the point where we can’t shift anymore, the party is literally just an excuse for us to have some fun before snowfall comes.”
“Uh, I don’t know,” Yoongi wavered. “I’m not really the party type.”
“Come on. If you’re gonna be a part of the pack, you have to participate in the pack traditions and the full moon party is a pack tradition,” you smiled. “Plus, there’ll be good food, games, music and alcohol.”
“Alcohol?” Yoongi echoed, his interest suddenly peaked. 
“Yep, the really good shit that the elders make that’ll have you on your ass,” you smirked. Yoongi pouted lightly, realizing that he didn’t really have anything to lose by going to the party especially since he was still so new to the pack.
“Alright, fine,” Yoongi relented. “I’ll be there.”
“Great,” you grinned. 
“Do you want to knot my sister hyung?” Taehyung wondered curiously.
“Taehyung!” Both Yoongi and Jungkook exclaimed, staring at him in amazement at how he could ask such an obscene question. The two of them had stopped by Yoongi’s cabin to pick him up on their way to the full moon party, and Taehyung had bombarded Yoongi with that question as soon as Yoongi had let them inside. 
“What, it’s a valid question,” Taehyung shrugged.
“Please excuse my rude ass boyfriend,” Jungkook said to Yoongi, wincing when Taehyung pinched his arm in retaliation. 
“Don’t apologize for me, I said what I said,” Taehyung snapped. “And he still hasn’t answered me.”
“No, I don’t want to knot Y/N,” Yoongi chuckled. 
“You’re lying,” Taehyung instantly shot back. “Because last time I checked, the two of you argued anytime that you were in the same vicinity together and now, all of a sudden, Y/N-ah is inviting you to the full moon party?! And before I had the chance to?!”
“It’s literally not that serious,” Yoongi laughed. 
“Yeah, stop being so overdramatic Tae,” Jungkook added, letting out a scream when Taehyung full on punched him in the upper arm.
“Keep talking baby Alpha, and you’ll be spending your next rut alone,” Taehyung threatened him. 
“Ok, can we go please?” Yoongi interrupted them. 
“Not until you tell me what happened between you and my sister,” Taehyung demanded. 
“Nothing happened,” Yoongi shrugged. “She apologized for being so quick to judge me, I admitted to being a dickhead about judging the way you guys did things, and that’s all.”
“Mmhmm. Ok, well I’ll let it go for now,” Taehyung said. “But I’m watching you.”
“Nice to know,” Yoongi chuckled. “Do I look ok though?” Yoongi hadn’t exactly been sure what to wear for the party, given that he wasn’t sure if it was formal or not, but he had settled on a thick, plaid button up shirt and blue jeans, with black boots.
“Yeah, you look fine hyung,” Jungkook nodded. “Let’s go.” After locking up his cabin, the three of them walked down to the center of the pack’s territory. 
There were multiple large tables surrounding a large bonfire, since it was late October and getting pretty chilly out. There were also large speakers set up around the space, with upbeat music flowing through them. It seemed as though every member of the pack was present, even the pups and elders.
“Hey look, there’s the others,” Jungkook said as he pointed to a table where you, Namjoon, Hyorin, Jin, Hobi, and Jimin were sitting. Yoongi then followed behind Jungkook and Taehyung as they led the way over to the table, everyone exchanging greetings.
“I have to admit, I’m a little surprised to see you Yoongi,” Namjoon admitted with a smile. “I told Tae that you didn’t seem like a party type.”
“I’m not, but what do I have to lose by showing my face?” Yoongi replied and Namjoon nodded in understanding. 
“Babe,” Hyorin called and Namjoon looked down at her. “I hate to interrupt but me and this pup are hungry.”
“I’ll go make you a plate then,” he chuckled, leaning down and pressing a quick kiss to her forehead before turning to look at the other Alphas. “You guys coming?”
“You hungry?” Jungkook asked Taehyung, who nodded. “I’m coming hyung.”
“I’ll get you guys food,” Hobi said to Jin and Jimin, who just smiled thankfully. Yoongi then turned to look at you, feeling the need to make sure that you ate as well.
“I could get you food,” he offered quietly and you looked over at him in surprise. “I mean, if you’re hungry.”
“If you’re already going, then sure,” you agreed. Yoongi then nodded, getting up from the table and following behind Namjoon, Hobi and Jungkook as they walked over to the buffet table.
“Is this love I’m smelling?” Hyorin teased you as soon as the Alphas were out of ear-shot, and you just rolled your eyes in response.
“Of course not. He’s just getting me food.”
“And you like the fact that he’s getting you food,” Jin spoke up. “Your scent’s telling on you.”
“You like the lone wolf,” Jimin giggled excitedly.
“I do not!” You exclaimed. “Besides, even if I were interested, he has every other Omega in the pack going crazy over him.”
“Hey!” Jimin and Jin both objected. 
“Every Omega in the pack except Jimin and Jin,” you corrected yourself. “He’s probably really enjoying that attention too, with him being Prime and all.”
“I don’t know,” Taehyung hummed listlessly. “I overheard Joon hyung talking to Kibum and Kibum told him that Yoongi has turned down every Omega and Alpha that has come into the hardware shop trying to offer him a gift.”
“Turning down a gift doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s turning them down, and you guys know that,” you shrugged. “He could still fuck them.”
“He doesn’t seem like the fuck around type though,” Hyorin observed. “He honestly seems really sweet.”
“He’s Prime though Hyo,” you smiled gently. “They’re all fuck around types.”
“Oh, that’s rich coming from you,” Jin snickered, making you cut your eyes at him. Just then, all of the Alphas came back, multiple plates in their hands. Yoongi set yours down in front of you before taking his seat across the table from you.
“Thank you,” you told him and he just shrugged his shoulders before beginning to eat. You, as well as everyone else, did the same and began talking to each other as usual. Yoongi didn’t participate much in the conversation, like normal, but he still enjoyed being around everyone and laughing silently at the lame jokes Jin tried to tell them. 
“Oh my gosh, I love this song!” Jimin exclaimed as he abruptly stood up from the table, reaching down and grabbing Taehyung and Hobi’s hands as a new song began to play from the speakers. “Let’s go dance!”
“You need to finish eating,” Hobi pointed out and Jimin just rolled his eyes playfully.
“I’ll finish later,” he promised. “Now come on!” Hobi stood up and allowed himself to be lead away from the table, while Taehyung stood up and looked down at Jungkook.
“Please?” Taehyung pleaded, pouting just enough to look genuinely sad. Jungkook didn’t even say anything, choosing just to stand up and allow himself to be led away. You watched silently as Jin, Namjoon and Hyorin all got up as well, leaving you and Yoongi alone together.
Yoongi continued eating his food silently, watching with a soft smile as everyone began to dance together. 
“Hey,” you called out, making Yoongi look up at you. “You want some tea?”
“Sure,” he shrugged. “But I didn’t see any at the buffet.”
“No, not that kind of tea Yoongi,” you laughed while shaking your head. “Tea is like gossip.”
“Gossip about who?” He asked.
“Look at the dance floor again, specifically at Jimin,” you told him and he did so, noting how closely Jimin and Hobi were dancing together. Jimin reached up and wrapped his arms around Hobi’s neck and Hobi buried his face into the Omega’s neck where his scent gland was, which made Yoongi’s eyebrows raise. 
“When did that happen?” Yoongi wondered as he looked back towards you.
“Technically, it still hasn’t yet,” you said and Yoongi made a noise of confusion. “Basically, they're trying to be sneaky about it.”
“Because Hobi is hesitant to mate with anyone because of his position as Head Fighter,” you explained. “Especially with all the tension lately between packs, you never know what might happen.”
“But they can’t seriously think that no one sees that,” Yoongi chuckled as he gestured to the two of them. 
“Truthfully, no one else does see it besides us,” you replied. “Jimin is a very wanted Omega and it’s almost expected for him to flirt so no one thinks any differently of it.”
“How do you know that they’re even interested in each other then?”
“Because for the last three months, Jimin has been wearing a necklace that looks eerily similar to the same one that Hobi swears he lost,” you smiled. 
“I mean, it makes sense,” Yoongi noted. “Their personalities seem similar.”
“They are. I just wish they’d get out of their own way,” you huffed, making Yoongi chuckle at how invested you were. Just then, the song changed again and your eyes brightened as you cheered.
“I’m guessing this is your favorite song?” Yoongi said and you nodded your head as you stood up from the table.
“Come dance with us?” You offered, frowning a little when Yoongi automatically shook his head.
“I don’t really dance,” he muttered.
“Well, you’re gonna have to start,” you smiled, holding out your hand to him. Sighing heavily, he reached out and grabbed onto your hand, allowing you to pull him up and over to where everyone else was dancing. 
The song playing was another upbeat one, but it was more R&B than anything else. Turning around to face him, you grabbed Yoongi’s other hand and began to dance slowly. Yoongi followed your lead, dancing slowly as he got into the rhythm. You smiled at how he was slowly letting go, and Yoongi found himself smiling just because you were.
The two of you danced through three more songs, becoming effectively out of breath by the end of the last one. By the time that you and Yoongi managed to pull yourselves away from your group of friends, both of your chests were heaving as you attempted to regulate your breathing. 
“And you said that you don’t dance,” you giggled. 
“I don’t,” Yoongi repeated.
“Didn’t seem like it out there,” you pointed out and Yoongi chuckled.
“Do you want something to drink?” He asked you and you nodded your head thankfully. Turning away and walking over to one of the buffet tables, Yoongi made quick work of grabbing two cups and filling them up with ice cold lemonade. However, when he turned around, his eyes widened when he saw you talking to another man.
He recognized him as Minho, one of the Alphas that he had met while hunting with Hobi and Jungkook. Yoongi looked closer and saw that Minho was extending something out to you, and it didn’t take long for Yoongi to realize that he was trying to give you a dating gift. An involuntary sigh of relief escaped Yoongi’s mouth when he saw you shake your head and push Minho’s hands away from you. Feeling a little happy (although he didn’t know why), he watched as Minho nodded before walking away. 
“Here’s your drink,” Yoongi said as he walked over to you, extending his hand and giving you the cup.
“Thanks,” you smiled, taking the cup from him and taking an immediate sip from it. You made no mention of Minho trying to give you a gift and Yoongi decided not to either. He figured that it wasn’t a big deal because you didn’t accept it and he was still trying to figure out why he even cared if you did or not.
Once the party had finally managed to break up (at a modest 1am), Yoongi offered to walk you back to your cabin and you thankfully accepted.
“So, did you have fun tonight?” You asked him.
“I did actually,” Yoongi chuckled. “You guys definitely know how to have a good time.”
“Well, living out here in the woods, it’s a craft that we’ve perfected,” you told him.
“I see that,” Yoongi smiled. “Question though, does Jungkook get so drunk that Taehyung has to literally carry him home at every party?”
“Every one,” you confirmed with a giggle. “I told you that the elder’s make those drinks really strong.”
“They definitely do, because I had one cup and felt as if I had four,” Yoongi huffed, making you laugh. 
“You know,” you spoke up suddenly, making Yoongi look over at you. “I hope you don’t take offense to this, but you’re actually pretty cool to hang out with when you’re not spouting sexist bullshit.”
“Some offense taken,” Yoongi laughed. “But I get what you’re saying. Me acting like that was kind of what was expected of an Alpha in my old pack but I don’t really feel like I have to do any of that here.”
“Yeah,” you hummed in agreement. After another minute of walking, you and Yoongi walked up to a cabin that was painted blue and you stopped in front of it.
“This is me,” you announced and Yoongi nodded his head. “Thanks for walking me back.”
“No problem,” he shrugged. “I don’t mind.” A few seconds of slightly awkward silence passed between the two of you before you suddenly spoke up again.
“Did you mean what you said about my scent?” You questioned him, and his eyes widened slightly. 
“What?” He chuckled in confusion. 
“You said my scent smelled industrial,” you reminded him and he shook his head. 
“No, I didn’t mean that,” he told you. “We were arguing and you know that a good way to get a jab in at someone is to go for their scent. I admit though, it was a cheap shot.”
“I mean, it’s not like I didn’t talk about your scent too,” you pointed out. 
“True,” Yoongi muttered. “But no, I don’t think that your scent smells industrial. I actually...like your scent.”
“You do?” You asked in surprise, and Yoongi nodded. 
“Yeah,” he replied sheepishly. 
“I like yours too,” you admitted. “You smell like the stream that I like to sit by, the one at the edge of the territory.”
“I remember you acting like my scent was bad,” Yoongi teased you.
“It’s not,” you rolled your eyes playfully. “It’s stable, and that’s good.”
“Good,” he smiled softly.
“Well, good night,” you told him. 
“Good night,” he responded, watching as you unlocked the front door and opened it, walking inside and then shutting the door behind you. Yoongi then turned around and walked away, smiling to himself as he headed back to his own cabin.
Tag List:  @jikook-enthusiasts
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nugnthopkns · 3 years
dance me to the end of love (iv)
word count: 4.1k
warnings: fem!oc, cursing, alcohol consumption
series masterpost: here
a/n: my apologies for the delay!! life got crazy for a bit but i'm back with my two favourite idiot intellectuals
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Magdalene stays busy to keep the loneliness at bay.
All of her friends have left Denver, doing whatever it is that hockey players and their partners do in the off-season. She never expected them to stay to keep her company, and would certainly never ask. Besides, they were all so excited to go home and visit family. How could she disrupt their happiness just so she wouldn’t feel so alone? It isn’t her fault that Ryan, Bette, and company aren’t estranged from their families like she is. At twenty-five she should be a little more self sufficient than what she currently is, but Magdalene is working hard at being kinder to herself.
To combat the pervasive loneliness Magdalene spends a lot of time in the heart of downtown Denver. Under normal circumstances she would hate the crowds, but now they comfort her. The swaths of tourists walking the streets and approaching her to take family photos make her feel like a part of something bigger than the pity she finds herself wallowing in often. Barn Owl Books also becomes a frequent retreat when she has downtime, and the owners enjoy when she brings Caligula around. Other patrons adore the white cat and he loves the attention.
One day as she’s leaving work, once again offering to stay late so June doesn’t have to, Magdalene’s phone rings. She contemplates not picking it up, wanting nothing more than to curl into bed with the novel she picked up at Barn Owl the other day, but she knows it must be important. No one ever calls her around this time unless it’s absolutely necessary. Digging the phone out of her pocket, she sees the number of her building superintendent Paul flashing on the screen.
“Miss Stevenson?” he asks, voice tinged with the toughness that comes with dealing with upset renters on a regular basis.
Magdalene chuckles at the formality, pointing out he hasn’t called her by her last name since she moved in five years ago. “Yeah Paul, it’s me. What’s up?”
There’s the crackle of static on the phone line as the man clears his throat. “So, uh, some bad news.” Magdalene’s stomach twists into an intricate knot. She knows she paid rent on time and can’t think of another reason he’d call her. “A sprinkler main on the floor above yours burst about an hour ago, and it’s pretty bad. Your place definitely got hit the hardest because it’s directly under where the pipe burst. You’re going to have to move out for at least two months while we gut the place and start from scratch. How quickly can you come and get the things that are salvageable from your apartment?”
“Fuck.” This is the worst news Magdalene has ever received. “I can be there in fifteen minutes,” she panics, “But Paul, you’ve gotta go inside and check on my cat. He’s going to be freaking out.”
Paul agrees to visit Caligula after some prodding, and Magdalene drives much faster than she ever has before through the neighbourhood. It’s far from reckless, but she knows that it isn’t the safest course of action. A police officer stops her about three minutes from her final destination but lets Magdalene go after she explains the situation as calmly as possible.
Other tenants affected by the flood are already moving boxes down the stairs when Magdalene pulls up. Everyone is understandably grief stricken, but she can’t find it in herself to console them like she would under normal circumstances. All Magdalene cares about is making sure Caligula is okay. She sprints up the four flights of stairs and doesn’t even break a sweat, adrenaline flooding her veins. Her apartment door is ajar, most likely from Paul entering a few minutes ago, and she flings it open with more force than probably needed. It swings back violently on its hinges and makes a spectacular crash when it hits the wall.
“He’s in the bathroom,” Paul sighs. “I can’t get him out of the tub but he’s still breathing. Is he not scared of water?”
Magdalene lets out a breath of relief she didn’t know she was holding in. She treads deeper into the apartment, casually assessing the damage, before reaching the room in question. There, pressed against the far corner of the tub, is the fluffy white cat that Magdalene’s heart beats for most days. Paul is there too, leaning against the sink and shaking his head.
“Thank you,” Magdalene says sincerely. “I’ve got it from here.”
The superintendent exits the unit with a solemn goodbye and heads to the lobby, no doubt going to direct traffic flow and answer questions. It takes a few minutes but Magdalene coaxes the cat out of the tub and into her arms. She holds him tightly and whispers words of praise, knowing it will help to calm them both down. After an uncounted amount of minutes Magdalene moves them into the bedroom, that looks surprisingly intact upon first glance, and changes out of her work clothes and into something more suitable for rummaging around her destroyed home. Caligula climbs up her body and settles gingerly into the hood on her sweatshirt. She starts in the bedroom, and finds that the only thing that’s actually salvageable is the clothes in her closet. Grabbing the suitcase from the top shelf, Magdalene shoves everything inside of it and wheels it into the living room.
She spends the next few hours going through every room in a meticulous manner, desperate to keep relics from her life in Denver. The water did a number on her space and destroyed almost everything. All the furniture is a write-off, and most of her books and records are ruined. Two things that withstood the damage are faux marble busts of Augustus and Marcus Aurelius, which Magdalene packs into one of the boxes Paul dropped off. Everything else fits in three other boxes and they’re tucked into the trunk of her car before the sun sets. Paul insists that the demolition company will get rid of everything else and ensures her she won’t have to pay rent while the construction is going on. It isn’t much of a consultation, considering that Magdalene has no idea where she’ll be staying, but she thanks him anyways as she makes the final trip to her car with Caligula.
Once inside, Magdalene breaks down. She has no idea what to do – no one is in Denver to help her out and she can’t afford to stay in a hotel for however many months this is going to take to fix. Tyson and Bette will be back in just over a month, but Magdalene doesn’t want to bother them or guilt them into coming back early. She cries in the driver’s seat of her car for a while, Caligula on her lap and doing his best to lick up the tears streaming down her cheeks. Not knowing what else to do, she dials Ryan’s number. Though they haven’t been talking as frequently due to the time difference and Magdalene’s insistence he enjoys his time with family, she knows he’ll pick up and listen intently. He’ll also hopefully talk her down from the imaginary ledge she’s found herself on.
He picks up on the second ring. “How’s my favourite girl?” Ryan asks, and Magdalene can hear the smile in his voice. The combination of his voice and the words spoken has her choking on another sob. “Hey, hey, breathe.” Concern is now the primary emotion expressed through the phone line. “Mags, what’s the matter?”
It takes her a few seconds and multiple pads of Caligula’s paws into her stomach for Magdalene to calm down, but she eventually tells Ryan what happened. He listens just as she thought he would, and keeps her breathing steady with his voice. She cries a bit more before running out of tears, but Ryan keeps her focussed on anything but the shitty circumstance she’s found herself victim to – detailing how he skated with Nate earlier in the day and just how many times his teammate kicked his ass. Hearing the mundane story helps more than Magdalene thought it would, and when Ryan asks her where she’s going to stay she responds with a relatively strong voice.
“I’m just going to sleep in my car.”
“Fuck no you aren’t.” The certainty in which Ryan utters the words takes Magdalene by surprise. For someone so far away, he has a lot of opinions on what she should be doing.
She sighs. “There isn’t another option Ry. I can’t afford a hotel for the months my apartment is going to be out of commission and there’s no point in renting another place.”
“Stay with me.”
A series of flabbergasted noises come out of Magdalene’s dropped jaw, but she can’t form any words. Ryan continues, “Think about Caligula. Being cramped in a car isn’t going to be good for him. Or for you. I have an extra bedroom you can call your own for as long as you need. Please Mags.”
Truthfully, it’s the best she’s going to get. Bette and Tyson offered to house a couple of rookies this season, meaning their spare rooms are filled, and there’s no one else she’s close enough with to think about asking. “I don’t want to intrude,” she sighs, but it isn’t a very convincing deflection.
“I want you there,” Ryan insists, “And little boots too.”
It takes them a while to work out the logistics, but Ryan makes a couple of calls and lets the doorman of his building know Magdalene is moving in. He also books a flight for the next day, and ensures her that he’s more than ready to come back to Colorado. They talk for a few more minutes, and in that time she gets directions to her temporary home. Once Ryan hangs up with well wishes and a see-you-soon, Magdalene looks in her rear-view mirror and sets out for a part of Denver she never thought she’d live in.
When Magdalene calls Bette to fill her in on what’s been going on while on the way to pick Ryan up from the airport, the blonde is taken aback by the surplus of information. “Hold on,” she breathes, “Ryan’s coming back to Denver?”
“What part of ‘I’m on my way to the airport to pick up Ryan’ was confusing?” Magdalene laughs.
Her friend doesn’t find the jest funny. “Fuck off.” The comment only increases Magdalene’s laughter, but Bette forges on with the conversation. “Can you recap the events that led to Ryan leaving home nearly three weeks early?”
Magdalene indulges her friend, explaining for what feels like the hundredth time that her apartment was destroyed in a flood and that Ryan offered her his spare bedroom and that he was coming home so she wouldn’t be alone in the unfamiliar environment. Bette listens in silence, and Magdalene imagines she has a shit-eating grin plastered on her face. She’s made quite a few comments about how friendly the two of them seem, but Magdalene does her best to shrug them off. Ryan can just be her friend, a great one even, without Bette projecting her need to have her best friend to have an identical lifestyle to her. Even if she’s right, and Magdalene does want there to be something more between her and Ryan.
“Hold the phone.” Magdalene hears Tyson shout, no doubt getting closer to his girlfriend so he can join in on the conversation. “Gravy’s letting you stay at his place?”
“Yeah…” she trails off, unsure about what wasn’t clear this time.
Tyson hums as though he’s an old-school anthropologist who just made an astute observation about the group they’re studying. “Interesting.”
“How so?”
“Well for starters, he barely lets us hang out at his place,” Tyson explains. “I think I’ve been there maybe twice. So that’s new. Is Caligula staying with you?”
Magdalene is completely confused. “Why wouldn’t he be? He’s my cat.”
“How does Gravy feel about it?”
“What the fuck are you getting at Tys?” Magdalene asks, but there’s a bite to the question. She’s tired of the impromptu interrogation he’s providing. “Because Ryan was excited to have him around. Last night I sent him a video of little boots prancing around the condo like he owned the place and he thought it was hilarious.”
Bette, who had been silent for several minutes, gasps loudly. Tyson laughs, but Magdalene can tell it’s riddled with disbelief. “Mags,” he says gently, though with more than enough teasing laced in, “Gravy isn’t a big pet guy.”
The comment hits Magdalene like a tonne of bricks. What is she supposed to do with that information? There’s only ten more minutes until she gets to the airport, and she needs time to push Tyson’s comment to the back of her brain and collect herself. Magdalene gives a rushed farewell before hanging up the phone and checking her rearview mirror and blindspots. The radio filters back through the car speakers, but she doesn’t hear it, too caught up in what Ryan allowing Caligula to share his space means. There’s little traffic on the off-ramp and before she knows it Magdalene is pulling into a parking space and killing the engine.
She grabs the messily scribbled welcome home banner from the back seat before locking the doors and heading inside to the arrivals section. The inside of the airport looks similar to the empty parking lot – it’s a Tuesday after all. Only a few others wait with her for the plane, and many chat idly amongst themselves. Magdalene stays off to the side in an attempt to not get sucked into a conversation about the upcoming thunderstorm. Passengers slowly trickle through the open door, and Ryan is easy to spot. He towers above everyone and is carrying a rather large bag of hockey equipment. Magdalene smiles at the sight of him, unable to help herself. It’s been nearly a month and a half since she’s seen him and being apart for that long is something she never wants to do again.
“Hi,” she breathes as he approaches, waving awkwardly while she speaks. It’s as though she hasn’t spent countless hours talking with him about every possible topic her mind could dream up.
Ryan doesn’t feel the tension, or if he does he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he wraps her in a tight hug that lasts a touch longer than one with just a friend should, especially in public. Magdalene tries hard not to melt into his side but it’s nearly impossible – Ryan has a magnetic pull that tugs on her heartstrings and makes her insides feel fuzzy. Others bustling around the terminal start to give them strange looks, and it’s only then that Ryan clears his throat and untangles his arms from Magdalene’s waist.
He smiles down at the strong-willed brunette with kind eyes and shoulders his bag once more. “Let’s go home.”
It takes a few days to settle into a routine, but once they do it’s glorious. Training camp doesn’t start for another three weeks, so Ryan spends his day doing light workouts and chilling with Caligula while Magdalene is at work. Once she gets home they make dinner and watch West Wing reruns on the cable network Ryan didn’t know he was even paying for. Their lives fit together seamlessly and it surprises Magdalene just how much she missed having a roommate – Bette moved out after their sophomore year of college, and it’s been just her and Caligula ever since. Though the personal space is nice, she likes being able to hear Ryan laugh at the meme she just sent or knocking on his door in the middle of night to ask if he wants ice cream.
Magdalene wakes up one Saturday to complete silence. It’s unsettling considering she hasn’t heard that since adopting her pet – Caligula sleeps next to her head and breathes loud enough that she’ll never have to buy a white noise machine. She notices her door is slightly ajar and hears soft noises coming from the living room. Ryan must be taking a day off, Magdalene notes, because he’s typically out of the house by seven and it’s currently five minutes past eight. She rolls out of bed and stumbles into the ensuite, brushing the tangles out of her hair and washing her face.
Not bothering to change out the pyjama pants and hoodie she stole from Ryan, Magdalene pads into the sunlit living room to see her roommate doing yoga. On a tiny mat beside him is Caligula, stretching his limbs like he’s following along with the tutorial. The sight is adorable, and before she can think twice about it Magdalene is snapping a photo of the two of them and posting it to her Instagram story.
“You trying to whip my cat into shape Graves?” Magdalene teases, weaving around them and plopping onto the couch, bringing her knees to her chin and holding in a yawn.
Ryan laughs, loud and care-free, and Magdalene wishes he could record the sound and play it on loop. “He kept trying to sit underneath me and I didn’t want to hurt him. I read somewhere that if you give a cat something similar to what you’re doing they’ll leave you alone. Guess it really works.”
Her heart constricts in the best way possible. Ryan continues to go above and beyond to make her and Caligula welcome and doesn’t seem to mind they’re the ones invading his space and not the other way around. There’s still twenty minutes left on the YouTube video he’s watching, so Magdalene pushes herself off the expensive leather sectional and into the kitchen. The least she could do is make breakfast. Deciding on pancakes, Magdalene gets to work prepping the batter and warming up the frying pan. She hums absentmindedly to the Joni Mitchell song playing on the small radio she placed in the kitchen window. Music always made cooking more enjoyable for her, and Ryan doesn’t seem to mind the device taking up space.
The island is set and the food ready by the time Ryan slides into his seat, small beads of sweat lingering on his forehead from the workout. Magdalene resists the urge to wipe them away and instead busies herself with placing the right amount of berries on his plate.
“Mags,” Ryan calls softly, pulling her out of her mind and back down to Earth. “That’s more than enough. Sit down and eat before it gets cold.”
They eat in silence until Caligula appears, meowing for whatever scraps he can get his hands on. Against Magdalene’s pleas Ryan feeds him a blueberry. The cat sniffs it inquisitively before swallowing it, though it comes up again a few moments later.
“You’re cleaning that one up bud,” she laughs, bending down to make sure Caligula is okay before rinsing her plate in the sink.
Ryan does as he’s told and helps Magdalene with the dishes before getting ready to head out for an unofficial team meeting. Camp starts in a few days and Gabe wants to get together and make sure they’re all on the same page before barreling head-first into the season. He promises to pick them up a late lunch of sandwiches from Barn Owl and Magdalene follows him to the door to say goodbye. It feels natural, like they’ve always shared this routine, and she knows that Ryan feels it too because he wraps her in a tight hug before petting Caligula one last time and slipping out the door.
Bette calls soon after he leaves and grills Magdalene on all the details of her new living arrangement. She’s still in Canada, spending a few more days there than Tyson to help his mom and sister finish unpacking their things at the house they recently purchased.
“So, have you kissed him yet?”
The question is asked in such a casual, Bette-like manner that Magdalene barely chokes on her water. “Bee, what the fuck?”
“Oh come off it Mags,” she sighs, “You like him. He likes you. The two of you live together now. It’s only a matter of time before the friendship turns into something more.”
The blonde is right about at least one thing – Magdalene has developed a steady crush on Ryan. She should have known being in such close proximity to him all the time would put her feelings into overdrive. However, she didn’t have another option other than to accept his offer when it was proposed nearly a month ago, so Magdalene is now being forced to deal with the repercussions.
“I have, in fact, not kissed Ryan,” Magdalene huffs. “But I’ve thought about it once or twice.”
A squeal tears from Bette’s throat and she forces her friend to share the details. Magdalene obliges mostly to get her off her back, but it does feel good to talk about it with someone. It’s a very long time since she’s had romantic feelings for anyone, and Magdalene is nearly giddy with excitement over the possibility of new-found love by the time Ryan gets home. She says farewell to Bette and promises to come over as soon as they're both in the same city again.
It’s later than both of them expected, so they decide to forgo lunch and instead cook an early dinner. Ryan wants chicken and Magdalene wants spaghetti, so naturally they compromise on a carbonara without the pork. The radio is cranked to the highest volume as they work, both singing along and in their own little worlds. Magdalene is in charge of cooking the pasta and Ryan sets about making the sauce, and more than once she catches him looking at her while he’s supposed to be stirring the mixture. She can’t be too mad, however, because each time their eyes meet she’s supposed to be doing her job too. Before too much time has passed the meal is ready. It cools on two plates while Caligula is fed and wine is poured – the former done by Magdalene because the cat still isn’t quite comfortable enough with Ryan. Once sitting, they raise their glasses in a silent toast and dig in. The pasta tastes heavenly, and Magdalene makes sure to say so.
“Oh my god this is delicious,” she nearly moans, “You have to make this like every night.”
Ryan laughs and raises his fingers in mock salute. “You got it boss.”
Conversation flows into how they spent their hours apart – Ryan gushing about how good it was to see his teammates again and Magdalene talking about how she caught up with Bette on the phone. She of course left out the part where she confessed feelings for her best friend to her other, more senior best friend. Dinner passes in the blink of an eye and soon the two of them are standing side by side at the sink, elbows knocking occasionally as they do the dishes.
“Want to watch a movie tonight?” Ryan asks nonchalantly. “You said earlier this week you wanted to see Clueless again.”
Magdalene smiles – of course he would remember this offhand comment she made a few days ago about the classic. “That sounds fantastic. Can you finish putting these away? I’m going to pop a couple blankets in the dryer to warm up and see if I can get a nice picture of the sunset for Bette, she mentioned on the phone that she’s missing it.”
“She literally hasn’t changed time zones!”
Laughter tumbles from Magdalene’s lips as she slips out of the kitchen. Two fluffy blankets are pulled from the back of the couch on her way down the hall and tossed into the machine. Grabbing the same sweater of Ryan’s she was wearing earlier in the day from the foot of her bed, Magdalene heads for the balcony door and slips through the glass.
The city is nearly silent. Cars pass under Ryan’s balcony like blips in the night, but they don’t dare touch the peaceful atmosphere radiating from Magdalene. She’s had one of the best nights of her life, just her and Ryan laughing over glasses of wine and the pasta dish they cooked together. It’s all so domestic and charged with stolen glances and soft smiles that Magdalene knows it’s more than two friends living together for a short period of time. There’s been a fundamental shift in their relationship but she doesn’t know how to address it, or if she even wants to despite her looming attraction. Being with Ryan is so easy that she forgets it’s only temporary. Realistically she knows it can’t last forever, but she finds herself hoping each day Paul will call and tell her the rebuild is taking longer than expected.
Ryan calls her inside, informing her the blankets are out of the dryer and the movie she picked out days ago is queued up on the television. Magdalene takes a deep breath and finishes her glass of wine in one gulp. Hopefully he won’t notice when she casually leans in and rests her head on his shoulder halfway through the film.
taglist: @scrunchmakar @marcoscandellas @toplinetommy @samsteel @lovethepreds @cutiesara23 @hockeyallthetime @stlbluesbrat21 @denis-scorianov @danglesnipecelly @c-tangerine @stormingroses @spine-buster (add yourself to the taglist!)
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satan-chillin · 3 years
Spirited Away
Wei Ying, abandoned and homeless in the middle of a snowstorm, is spirited away by an entity that must have been the White Ghost.
He's brought home.
(Or WenZhou adopts WWX. The Fic.)
Also available in Ao3
Wei Ying exhaled hotly against the cusp of his palms and shivered.
The snow had raged for days without letting up, and the cold did nothing on the itchy scabs of dog bites on his arms and the hunger squeezing his stomach. Wei Ying hunched into himself further. This would pass, though whether it was the snowstorm or the pain of his wounds or the hunger, he couldn’t say.
Carefully, he broke half of the molded baozi and then broke the half again into two; this way, the baozi would last him another three days. Hopefully, the remaining pieces wouldn’t be spoiled by then.
He was thirsty after a single bite that it took him to eat. Nothing filling, as usual, but it would be enough for now and something that sleep could improve through the night. The upside of having a snowstorm was the lack of nocturnal predators also hunting for food, therefore less to worry about whether he’d wake up mauled on the sidewalk. Curling himself into a ball in order to preserve what little body heat that he could, he prepared for sleep. He tended to sleep easier these days, tired and worn out as he was even without moving about much.
Wei Ying must have fallen asleep immediately that night and was quickly lulled into a dream because the next thing he knew, he could make out a vague shape of someone approaching him.
White. White as the storm of snow. Long white hair and robes billowed in the harsh wind. A ghost, Wei Ying thought immediately. He had heard of tales of a white ghost around the town, one that would eat unruly children who strayed out of their beds late at night. He used to believe that the white ghost had yet to find him, though now that he was found, oddly enough, he was not afraid.
Not when a pale hand reached for him, tender atop his head. Blearily, Wei Ying stared at the face and couldn’t seem to focus on anything else aside from the sudden warmth coursing from his head to toe. If the White Ghost would eat him, he wouldn’t mind as long as he got to be this warm forever.
“Sleep, little one,” came from a voice that was seemingly carried by the wind. “I’ll bring you home.”
Home. Wei Ying would love to go home.
Wei Ying woke on an actual bed and with a man hovering over him by the bedside.
“You’re awake,” said the stranger with a tentative smile. He made no move to come closer, looking unsure the longer Wei Ying stared at him, the silence spanning between them. “I brought food.”
Wei Ying did not shy away from the tray laid before him. He took a bite out of the bread and drank deeply from the cup of tea. He almost choked if not for the man’s sudden alarm, gently patting his back and encouraging him to eat slowly. He reached for the soup before Wei Ying could, taking a spoonful and blowing before feeding it to him. Wei Ying obediently opened his mouth, delighted at the right temperature of the soup.
By the third spoonful, the man sheepishly brought down the spoon, murmured an apology, and asked him if he’d rather eat by himself. Wei Ying did not mind one bit, did not understand what the apology was for, and boldly requested to be helped with the soup. Something shifted on the man’s expression, his previous smile turning soft and sure when he assisted Wei Ying with the food, occasionally pausing to let him drink the tea or take a bite of the bread first.
“I’d get you more, but maybe later, once your stomach settles,” the man said. “It’ll hurt if you suddenly eat too much.”
Wei Ying remembered the baozi he kept under his robes, though upon touching his clothes he discovered that they were no longer the dirty ones he had slept in for as long as he could recall. The one he was wearing felt nice and soft and clean, something new and in the color of light blue with long sleeves that hid the bite marks on his forearms. He checked on his scabbing wounds and stared at them in wonder seeing as they were almost gone.
“A good friend of mine is a healer. He came by last week to take a look at you,” the man told him. “And Lao Wen made sure to apply medicine on them every day.”
Wei Ying did not know this Lao Wen—and what did he say? “Last week?” he asked, voice hoarse from sore throat. Wordlessly, the man handed him a cup of lukewarm water.
“What do you remember?”
“Snow,” Wei Ying answered. “Lots of it.” He frowned to himself, mind clicking on a significant memory. “The White Ghost came for me last night.”
The man blinked, a hint of amusement in his raised brows. “White Ghost?”
Wei Ying nodded eagerly. “It must be him because of his white hair. He also wears white. They say he eats unruly children who don’t return home in time.”
That earned him a snort, a grin lighting up the man’s face. He had a pleasant face, Wei Ying realized. “Ah, Lao Wen doesn’t eat unruly children, I assure you, not when he can be unruly as a child himself,” he said with a shake of his head. “He brought you here roughly three weeks ago. From what I understand, it was a long journey back from where he picked you up to here, and you had a fever during the trip.” He glanced at Wei Ying’s thin wrists peeking from his sleeves. “Ten days later, he arrived home with you.”
Oh. So this was the home the White Ghost was pertaining to. Wei Ying’s eyes darted around the room. It wasn’t cold here despite the snow he could see still falling outside the window that painted a night sky, and there was food.
“You’re in the Four Seasons Manor,” the man said as if reading Wei Ying’s mind. “Forgive my manners, my name is Zhou Zishu. Later, you’ll meet Lao Wen. What do I call you?”
“Wei Ying. My name is Wei Ying.” Wei Ying liked Zhou Zishu already for the sole reason that he did not ask where his parents were; he honestly had no idea. “Can I live here?”
“Of course,” Zhou Zishu said without hesitation, though his palm hovered uncertainly over Wei Ying’s head as if silently asking for permission. Wei Ying beamed up at him, inching closer to his side that had Zhou Zishu smiling. “This can be your home, Wei Ying, if you want.”
“I do!” It wasn’t as if Wei Ying had anywhere else to go, and it must have shown in his face judging from the flicker of Zhou Zishu’s expression. “I will help around, I promise!”
Zhou Zishu tsked amusedly. “Don’t make that promise when you haven’t seen the entire place yet.” He stood. “It’s better if you go back to rest, but I won’t stop you if you want to stretch your legs.”
Wei Ying felt the length of time he spent lying down on the bed through shaky knees, and Zhou Zishu was instantly there to carry him instead in his arms. Wei Ying automatically circled his neck, hooking his chin on Zhou Zishu’s shoulder.
“Right. You can stretch your legs later. I’ll carry you for now. Is that alright?” Zhou Zishu asked him. “If you fell asleep, then I’ll bring you back here.”
Wei Ying gave him an affirmative, liking the sound of that. Zhou Zishu swaddled him with a thick blue robe that was twice Wei Ying’s size before bringing him outdoors where the breeze swept the last dredges of snow. A firm hand stroked Wei Ying’s back comfortingly as they took a sedate trip around the manor. Zhou Zishu explained to him which was which, whose room was whose, pointing at specific locations. Later, he would let Wei Ying pick out his own room.
Wei Ying could not pinpoint what hour it was in the evening. It was quiet enough that he’d think only Zhou Zishu originally lived there; he did mention that he had some disciples and that if Wei Ying wanted he could join them once he recovered.
“But I already recovered,” he protested. “I can join them tomorrow.” He looking forward to meeting other children that he couldn’t wait to play and train with them.
“Not yet, brat. Give it another three days at least.”
Wei Ying pouted. “A-niang said my golden core is strong so I heal quick.”
“Golden core?” Zhou Zishu paused, thoughtful. “Your parents are cultivators?”
Wei Ying nodded. “They left for a night-hunt. They never came back.”
A frown creased Zhou Zishu’s forehead before a sigh escaped him. “I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sure they were good people.”
His parents were never called ‘good’ by anyone who took one glance at Wei Ying, who was a homeless boy anyone would take pity in and promptly forgot once they crossed over to the next street.
“Do you want to be a cultivator like them someday?” Zhou Zishu asked.
“Maybe,” Wei Ying muttered. “I don’t know. Are you also a cultivator?”
“No. The Four Seasons Sect is not a cultivation sect. Not that kind of cultivation, at least. Though I can teach you its foundations: martial arts and the way of the sword, and help you develop your own body and spirit in order to prepare both for cultivation.” Zhou Zishu peered at him. “How about that?”
If Wei Ying couldn’t learn cultivation here, then that meant he would have to eventually leave and learn somewhere. Wei Ying did not want to, not so soon. His hold tightened, though Zhou Zishu hardly minded.
“Don’t overthink. You’re young, it won’t happen for years,” Zhou Zishu reminded him. “I’m a strict teacher, Wei Ying. I won’t deem you ready unless I say so.”
“Okay,” Wei Ying whispered elatedly. He would be a good student… or not if it meant staying here longer.
“And there’s also Lao Wen. He also teaches here.”
Wei Ying blinked at Zhou Zishu. “The White Ghost?”
“White Ghost doesn’t sound bad as far as titles go.”
There was a new voice from behind. The same white robes and the same flowing white hair from Wei Ying’s dreamlike memory. Like a floating ghost, he was quiet when he approached them, and Wei Ying stared at how the faint moonlight was caught at the White Ghost’s head.
The White Ghost pursed his lips at Zhou Zishu. “Isn’t it past bedtime for sightseeing?” At Wei Ying, he smiled fondly. “How are you, little one?”
“I’m good!” Wei Ying said, perhaps with a cheer that the White Ghost did not expect. “A-Shu toured me around the manor.”
“ A-Shu?” Delightfully, he addressed Zhou Zishu, “I see you already endeared yourself to the child you thought I kidnapped.”
“You—Do you even know his name before you picked him up?” Zhou Zishu demanded. He sighed exasperatedly at the shrug he received in return and the conspiratorial smirk the White Ghost shared with Wei Ying. “This is Wei Ying, Lao Wen. Wei Ying, that man you called the White Ghost is Wen Kexing, but he’s known as Lao Wen.”
“Wei Ying,” the White Ghost—Wen Kexing—Lao Wen—tested his name. “You have a good name, little one.” Delicately, he tucked a stray lock of Wei Ying’s hair behind his ear. “You can call me Lao Wen.”
“But you don’t look old,” Wei Ying pointed out. “Can I call you A-Xing?”
Wen Kexing’s laugh rang like a chime in the silence of the evening. “This little one is not shy at all.” He grinned. “I think we’ll get along really well.”
“He has a name,” Zhou Zishu interrupted. “And don’t encourage him to be troublesome!” he reprimanded. “He’s going to be a promising student of mine.”
“Aiyah, A-Xu, can’t he be both? Besides, he’ll be my student too, and I’ll teach him the ways of a proper gentry.” Wen Kexing winked at Wei Ying. “Would you like that, little one?”
Wei Ying believed he would. His father had mentioned studying before, though his mother would rather he play instead, so he never had the chance to actually sit down and learn, either alone with his father as his tutor or with other children.
He wondered for a moment whether this was also a dream. The last time he closed his eyes to sleep, he was alone outside the cold, freezing and starving and with no one to call; then he woke up somewhere warm and big and comfortable with two nice people, and more he’d meet tomorrow.
A part of him thought he might have been truly eaten by the White Ghost that night, though if he was, it would not be A-Shu carrying him but his quiet father who preferred smiling that private smile of his than speaking, and the one with the nice-looking face and draped in all white would not be A-Xing but his mother from his vague memories of her.
Maybe someday he’d see clearer faces of his parents, but not anytime soon when he had just committed A-Shu and A-Xing’s faces to memory and when Wei Ying started to picture himself growing familiar with them instead.
Wei Ying grinned excitedly at what tomorrow would bring. “I’d like that.”
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stay-midnight · 4 years
Halloween of SKidz 1
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Serial Killer! Hyunjin x MALE Reader
Word Count: 3.8K Words
This does not represent Hwang Hyunjin, JYP or any of the Stray Kids members and are only for fictional and entertainment purposes.
TW //: Explicit Smut, Murder, Blood, Reader’s death at the end, Angst and Death.
Kinks: HARD DOM! Hyunjin, WHINY SUB! Reader, Slight Exhibitionism, Toys (specifically a vibrator), Handcuffs, Orgasm Denial, Degradation, Marking, Spanking, Eating Out, Unprotected Sex (wrap it up), Creampie, Master Kink, Slight Nipple Play and Spitting.
Please ignore any grammar or spelling mistakes..
a/n: sksksks, This is my first work here on tumblr, It isn’t halloween yet but i’ll hopefully post 4 of these in this month while the other four on october. I’ll do one for every member and they’ll all be male reader cuz we need more of those uwu!
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Laughter is echoing around the dark and empty road, the streetlights flickering on and off.
“99” the man named Hyunjin spoke in a deep voice as he pulled out the knife out of the person that stopped breathing seconds ago.
“One more, I just need to kill one more and I’ll reach triple digits!” he laughed out as he swung his knife, removing the blood from it.
He laughed as he looked at the body that is lying on the cold and hard road, still and unresponsive. He squatted down and poked the body with the edge of his knife, “Pathetic human, it wasn’t even fun trying to chase you, who knew someone could be as stupid as to go on a silent road, not even a car is passing by.” he mocked the dead human.
He sighed and got up from his squatted position, he placed his hands in his pocket and lifted his hood. Even just after killing someone, he already wants more bodies to hit the floor. He grins evilly, excited for his next victim.
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You blink your eyes open as the sound of an alarm bounced around your walls. You groaned and tried to hit the alarm with your eyes closed.
In the end the alarm fell down, “That’s the fourth clock that I broke this month!” You whined out before sighing and picking the broken alarm clock and placing it in the trash bin near the door of your bedroom.
You rubbed your blurry eyes and walked to a side of the room, turning the knob and opening the door to the bathroom.
Sighing, “I have no classes today but I still have to revise for my finals..” You said to yourself as you opened the cabinet and you reached out to grab a toothbrush as you started to do your morning routine of bathing and eating breakfast.
. . .
Chewing on the bacon as you sat on your couch bored, you decided to turn on the tv as to see if there is anything interesting. Kid’s Cartoons started playing, you immediately switched it to the news channel.
“News just in: Another dead body was found this early morning.” The male newscaster started, you were perplexed as it was the 11th dead body this month and they haven’t caught the killer yet.
“Mhmm.. They were found dead with a cut that pierced through his heart but the blood was already dried out when it was found, the forensics recently said that they were killed atleast 7 hours ago, meaning that they were killed at about 1AM at midnight.” The female newscaster explained.
The male frowned, “We advise all of you to stay at your homes as much as possible until the killer has been caught.” He advised seriously.”
She nodded, “That’s all we have today for the case about the killings, sadly the police haven’t found that many evidences and the other towns lost the trail on the killer. We’ll keep you updated as best as we can, but until that, this is goodbye for now.” She finished and waved at the camera.
You sighed and closed the television, “Hopefully the killer gets caught soon.” You mumbled before taking a sip of your water.
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You yawned as you entered the small cafe, the bell ringing. You blink away the tiredness in your eyes at the lack of sleep last night, the small cafe was seemingly packed and you heard murmuring around you, catching a few words like “killers” and “bodies”.
You walked over into the counter and squinted your eyes while looking at the menu. Nothing really caught your eye so you just went with ordering a Strawberry Cheesecake with a creamy cafe.
After taking your order, you walked into a corner and sat on a empty table there. You took out your laptop and started studying for your finals.
. . .
The once packed cafe is now mostly empty and deserted with only 4-5 people around.
You have been revising and studying for 2 hours already. You were struggling with some parts from Mathematics and Physics, you heard the hanging bell ring for the umpteenth time but of course ignored it again.
. . .
Hyunjin looked around and saw it a bit empty, he was planning to kill the cafe barista for annoying him last time but he wanted a special one for his 100th. He was about to leave until he saw a focused male at a corner of the cafe. He furrowed his eyebrows and walked closer to take a look, his mouth hung agape at your mesmerizing facial features.
He decided to take a seat in front of you, you were snapped out of your focused trance as an attractive stranger took a seat in front of you. “Uh.. There’s many seats around available..” you trailed, “I know.” he said in a bored tone,
“You seemed interesting so I decided to approach you.” he smiled and pushed your books to clear the table a bit. He placed his chin on his hand and studied you more, how cute you look focusing on your studies or how pretty you were thinking.
You sighed and closed your laptop, rubbing your tired eyes in the process. noticing the stranger in front of you with his gaze studying you. “Uh.. Hello?” You said, waving your hands in front of his face.
Hyunjin broke out from his trance and answered, “Hi..” he started, “What’s your name?” he asked boldly,
You were taken aback by his boldness and confidence seemed to flow in him. You slightly blushed, “[Y/N]” you answered, “A pretty name for someone pretty..” he smiled seductively at you while you blushed more.
“What about you? What’s your name?” You asked him meekly,
“My name is Hyunjin, pretty boy.” He winked at you suggestively. “Pretty boy? Really though?” You awkwardly giggled out.
“Of course, like I said you are really attractive.” He smirked looking at you, his finger drumming his cheek. “Well, you are too..” you smiled as you placed your laptop back to your bag.
“Mhmm~ In that case, would you like to get dinner tonight?” he asked grinning.
You contemplated for a bit before nodding slowly, “Can I have your number then?” he asked, grinning wider. You once again nodded “Sure..” You opened your phone and going to ‘Add Contact’.
You hand your phone over to him and smiled, standing up and grabbing your bag hoisting it over your shoulder, waiting for him to finishing inputting his number in it.
He hands you your phone, “Thank you Hyunjin? Or was it Hinjin?” You furrowed your eyebrows. He chuckled “It’s Hyunjin but Master sounds better.” He winked one last time and stood up to leave, leaving your flustered self standing there.
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You were out of it on your way home that you hit your head on a street pole, it’s not really everyday that you get asked out by someone attractive.
You practically cheered when you arrive at your apartment then you heard your phone ding, you read the message and smiled. “Hi, pretty boy~ The venue for our date is the bar across the road from the cafe earlier, don’t be late tonight~ ;)” You giggled slightly at the wink emoji.
You responded with, “Of course, I won’t~ What’s with the wink emoji?
“I don’t know~ maybe we’ll do something after our date?~” he messaged back,
You blushed as you walk to your room and lay down bed, feeling the soft sheets and letting out a sound of satisfaction.
“Maybe?~” You flirted back,
“Aww, are you eager pretty boy?” he sent back,
“I’m not! Anyways let me get my rest so I have atleast enough energy tonight.” You heard your phone ring loudly which made you yelp and accidentally threw your phone into the air landing softly at your lap.
You gulped and answered it, “H-Hello?” you cursed under your breath at your stuttering.
. . .
He smirked when he heard your stuttering, “Pretty boy needs enough energy for tonight? What for?” he teased, thoughts of you riding him going through his head.
His tongue licking his bottom lip at his thoughts, He heard you pout through the phone, “N-Not for that, I need energy to converse with you and I’m tired from revising and studying.” You explained,
“For what? I didn’t say anything,” he chuckled, “Go to sleep then, you clearly need it for tonight.” he said, ending the call. You swear that you heard him smirk and that made you a bit aroused especially at his sexy tone of voice.
You sighed, setting an alarm, placing your phone at the nightstand and laying back down on the bed, thinking about the possibilities on what’s going to happen on the date.
You smiled, thinking optimistically. You fluttered your eyes closed, eventually falling asleep.
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You blink your eyes open at the sound of the more soothing alarm sound than this morning, You checked the time and you still have 1 hour and 30 minutes to prepare.
You dragged yourself out of your bed and walked inside to the door at the corner of your bedroom.
You stripped yourself off your clothes and took a hot shower, feeling the warm water flow down to your chest and the bottom part of your body as you sigh at the calming sound of the shower.
. . .
You got out of the shower about 20 minutes and wrapped a towel around your waist, humming a tune. You walked out of the bathroom, checking the time. You still have 30 minutes. You got dressed in casual clothing, a blue t-shirt and tight jeans.
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You arrived at the bar, you only brung a phone with you. You noticed that the bar was slightly empty possibly due to the fact that a killer is on the loose. You looked around for a tall and attractive male with a headband.
You spotted him at the corner of the bar and walked over to his table, “Hello pretty boy, on time I see?” he smirked, “Of course, It would be rude to arrive late..” you said shyly.
He hummed and asked, “Do you want any drinks?” he asked looking at you, you shook your head “I have really low alcohol tolerance so I’d prefer not to.” you said looking at him with a small smile.
He nods and stood up to walk over to the counter to order. You sat down and waited for Hyunjin to walk back as you played with your fingers, a bit nervous.
. . .
Hyunjin came back with 2 glasses of water and a pie, “Ooh~ What pie is that?” You asked smiling from ear to ear. “Pumpkin.” he said nonchalantly as he placed the food in front of you.
You hummed in approval and satisfaction of your order, You grabbed the fork and cut a small piece before placing it in your mouth, “It’s really good!” You said after swallowing it.
While the both of you are eating, you asked him questions as he asked you some as well and you got to know him better. “Do you have any deep dark secrets?” You asked looking at him with a small smirk,
He flinched and looked at you seriously, “You don’t hav—” You started, he cutted you off saying, “I don’t have any pretty boy, unless you count me wanting to do dirty things to that innocent body of yours, a deep dark secret.” he smirked leaning closer to you.
Your face immediately turned to that of a tomato and you fumbled around your words, “I- Uh-” are the only things that came out of your mouth.
“What is it hmm? Cat’s got your tongue pretty boy?” He teased, you felt a hand sneak on your thighs, rubbing and trailing it softly, seemingly getting closer at the middle of your legs.
You bit your lips as he kneads your thighs, which made you let out a breath shakily. “Are you liking this pretty boy?” You nod your head slightly and he noticed it. “Needy slut, you have no shame at all do you? I bet you wouldn’t mind if we get caught fucking in public.”
You let out a low whimper, “Answer me, you dumb slut.” He slaps your thighs which made you yelp from your seat, “I-I” was all you could say.
He clicked his tongue and grips your thighs harshly with his large hands.
“Do you want to leave now?” he smirks widely at you. “Y-Yes..” you stuttered out shyly but a sudden bad feeling arose on your stomach.
He chuckled and stood up, grabbing your hands and leading you out of the bar.
He leads you to his car at the parking lot and seated you on the shotgun seat.
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He drives with one hand on the steering wheel and his other hand placed on your thighs squeezing and slapping it a number of times making you bite your bottom lip preventing those lewd sounds from coming out.
You still felt that bad feeling at your stomach, somehow telling you to leave and run but ignored it due to your spark of arousal and ignorance.
. . .
He parked his car at the front of his house, it was a small and cozy house at a very silent part of the neighborhood. You got out of the car and he did as well.
After getting out of the car, he walked over to you and dragged you inside his house.
As soon as you enter through door and walked inside his house, he closes the door behind him and pins you against a wall, his tongue slid on his bottom lip before kissing you against the wall roughly.
Low moans left your mouth and when you parted your lips slightly, he inserted his tongue forcefully, tasting every corners of your mouth as you gripped his shirt tightly.
He slapped the side of your hips signaling you to jump, you complied and jumped, wrapping your legs around his waist.
He pulled you off the wall and he made his way to his bedroom, keeping both your lips tightly locked.
Once you both arrive at his room, he placed you down the small bed and walked over to his closet. Grabbing a black box and looking at you lustfully. You sat up, blushing and eyed the box curiously, “What’s inside that?” You said and pointed at the box.
“Some interesting stuff..” he trailed off and looked at you smirking.
You watched as he pulled out a vibrator and handcuffs. You blushed redder as he pulled out those items but anticipating on what’s about to happen.
He walked over to you and placed the items on the nightstand. “Strip.” he commanded.
You nodded shyly before removing your shirt and tugging your pants off, leaving you on your boxers. He clicked his tongue, “All of your clothes.” he said in a deeper tone.
You shook your head, disobeying him. He growled before forcing you on your hands and knees on the bed, which made you whimper at the rough treatment.
“Dumb slut, can’t even follow simple orders, disobey me again and I’ll make sure you’ll never cum tonight.” he said to you as he handcuffed your hands behind your back.
“I’m sorry Hyunjin..” you said, he spanked you harshly through your boxers which made you release a loud moan. “Is that what you should call me?” he growled out as he spanked you again more roughly.
“M-Master..!” you moaned out loudly, “That’s my good slut.” he said smirking.
You squirmed a bit at your handcuffed hands behind you. “Don’t move, you slut.” he said as he spanked you again.
He pulled down your boxers roughly and licked his lips at the sight of your hole, he spat on your hole before placing his face between your cheeks and spreading it wider.
You were fully red at being exposed to him, “Ah~ M-Master f-fuck..” you moaned out loudly, echoing around the room.
He shoved his tongue down your hole and spreading your cheeks wider to go deeper while you let out a string of lewd moans at the feeling of his wet muscle exploring your walls.
You felt that you could cum any second but then he pulled his tongue out which made you whine. He flipped you over on your back, which made you a bit uncomfortable at the position because of the handcuffs.
He looked down at you and chuckled at your squirming, his eyes move from you to your hard cock, your tip angry-red. He jerked it you off slowly making you whine, “Go f-faster p-please..” you breathed out shakily.
He slapped your thighs again harshly, “Don’t speak unless I tell you to.” he said darkly, you whimpered at his tone of voice and closed your mouth.
You look up at him, still fully clothed. Which formed a pout on your lips, you wanted see all of him as well. He noticed the pout at your gaze. He unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off him, revealing his well-toned abs which made you eye it like a candy.
He then unbuckled his pants and pulled it down, revealing a huge tent in the middle of his boxers which made you moan at the sight.
He chuckled and grabbed the vibrator off the nightstand. He then trailed the vibrator down your chest on the highest setting, which made you whine at the pleasure.
He placed the vibrator on top of one of your nipples, you let out a very lewd moan which turned on Hyunjin even more.
He then trailed it down even farther until it reached your cock, he placed it on the tip of your cock which made you scream at the pleasure, “M-Master~! T-That feels so good~” he saw your cock twitch which made him pull the vibrator away and smirking. “You won’t cum unless I want you to, you slut.” you led out the loudest whine which made Hyunjin smirk even wider,
“Cute. You look so cute like this, slut. So fucked out, I wanna hear you beg for me to let you cum and for me to pound into you like the cockwhore you are.” he said looking at you lustfully.
Hyunjin kissed you passionately with a slight hint of roughness. He pulled away and inserted his fingers into your mouth, you licked his fingers—swirling your tongue on it. Hyunjin pulled it out before reaching down and pushing a finger into your hole.
You moaned at the entry, clenching tightly around his finger. “Relax, slut.” he said, leaning down to kiss you to distract from his finger being inside you.
He inserted a second one which made you moan against his mouth. He inserted a third one immediately, fucking you at fast pace with his long and slender fingers.
You felt a coil at the pit of your stomach, “M-Master, I’m going to cum..~” you moaned out, muffled by his tongue being inside your mouth.
He pulls away from your mouth and stopped thrusting his fingers. “You’re not gonna cum until I do.” he strictly said as you whined loudly once again at your orgasm being denied a second time.
Tears formed in your eyes, looking away from him at your once again ruined orgasm, “Gonna cry now?” he smirked as he grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him “Stupid slut, look at me when I’m talking to you.”
You looked at him, your eyes brimming with tears. “I’m sorry m-master..” you whimpered out,
He leans down to your right ear, “I said what I said, I’m gonna make you beg for me.” he whispered to you, biting the lobe of it.
You whined silently at this and nodded. “Now, Is my needy slut ready for my cock?”
“Y-Yes, m-master..” you stuttered out, “Beg for it.” he said, smirking again.
“M-Master, P-Pound into me like the w-whore that I a-am and f-fill me u-up with your cum.” you begged desperately.
He smiled, he lifted one of your legs and licked his lips once again at the sight of your needy hole clenching around nothing. “Look at your hole clenching, pathetic.” He said before slamming into you deeply, not giving you time to adjust before pulling out and slam back with as much force.
You screamed at his actions, clenching tightly around his cock. “M-Master!!!” you screamed out, squirming—trying to break free from the cuffs.
He repeatedly slammed into you, he found your prostate and hit it with every thrust as all you could do was let out screams and moans at the overwhelming pleasure.
“I’m c-close.. Please p-please let me cum~ Fuck~!” You moaned out. He groans and nodded, “Cum for me, pretty boy.”
You moaned loudly as your cum shot out to your chest and some reaching Hyunjin's chest.
He continued his harsh pace, overstimulation you, which made let out a loud whine at your hole and prostate being abused by him.
“Tell me how good I’m making you feel.” he groaned out. “S-So good m-master...” you gasped out as he hit your prostate for the umpteenth time.
His thrusts went sloppy, meaning he was close. You felt that familiar coil at your stomach. “I-I’m close again~..” you whined out as he leant down and placed some visible hickeys on your chest. “Cum with me.” he breathed out as he slammed into you faster and harsher.
You screamed as you came undone a second time, your body shuddering at your second orgasm. He came deep inside you a second later.
You moaned at the feeling of his cum staining your walls. He pulls out of you as he watch the cum drip out of your abused hole. You whined at cum dripping out of you but relaxed.
You blink twice, trying to blink away the tiredness but fell asleep as Hyunjin heard your light snores. He smiled but soon turned to a frown as he snapped back to reality.
He realized that you’re supposed to be his victim. “Just another hour atleast..” he was happy with you but he needed to kill you.
He turned you over slightly to uncuff you, he pulled the cuffs and placed them at the nightstand, next to the vibrator.
He got a damp towel and wiped your cum off his chest. He walked over to you and cleaned your own cum from your chest as he lifted your legs carefully to wipe the cum dripping out of your hole.
He laid right next to you and closed his eyes, sighing sadly as this was about to end.
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He woke up at the middle of the night and got up, frowning. he grabbed a knife from the black box earlier and looked at you as he tried to calm his breathing down.
He walked over to you, “I’m sorry [Y/N]..” he said as he leaned down to give you a soft peck on the lips. He raised the knife up, his hands trembling “I’m really sorry..” he said as a single tear slipped down his cheek.
He brung the knife down to your heart and red stained his bedsheets. He sobbed silently because you’re the only one that made him feel that kind of way.
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americancowgirl19 · 4 years
Her Soldier
Summary: Sam gets drafted for the Vietnam war a couple days after he turns 18. Right before he leaves, he meets you.
Warnings: Angst, death, fluff, small age gap (like 2/3 years), 
Reader: Female Reader
Pairings: Vietnam Soldier Sam Winchester x Female Reader
Word Count: 4,565
A/n: Based off the song ‘Travelin’ Soldier’ by Dixie Chicks.. I swear I almost cry every time I hear this song so hopefully I can make others cry
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The café you worked at was dead. The only customer in the whole place is the old man at the bar sipping on his coffee rereading the newspaper for the hundredth time. You didn’t mind the old man lingering around. He’s sweet and just wants to be around people instead of his empty house. So, when he asks for a refill for the dozenth time you give it to him with a small smile and begin a short conversation with him.
When he returns to looking at his newspaper you begin wiping tables down. Nobody’s sat at them since the last time you wiped them down but it gave you something to do. 
As you reached the last table, the doorbell rang signaling someone coming in. You turned around to great them but the words die in your throat. The customer that had entered is a tall broad man dressed in an army uniform. He shed his hat and sets his bag down.
His eyes scan the place before falling on you. You’re taken back by the color in his eyes. They’re captivating along with the smile that spreads across his lips.
“Can I uh... Just sit anywhere?” He asks, fiddling with his cap in his hands. His question snaps you out of your daze.
“Oh, yeah, of course,” You nod quickly, a light blush coming to your cheeks. “Wherever you like,” You tell him. He nods to you before taking his bag and choosing a booth by the window. 
You take a deep breath, thankful his back is to you. You take a moment to calm yourself knowing it’s useless. The moment you regain his attention you’ll be a stuttering mess. 
You work in an old rundown café, not many attractive men come in. When they do come strolling in another waitress always snatches them before you do. Although, you don’t put up a fight seeing that you’re anxiety usually keeps you from actively approaching them. However, today you’re the only waitress.
“What, uh.. What can I get you?” You ask, thankful you didn’t stutter too much. He flashes you a smile, although you notice a been of nervousness in his posture. He shifts in his seats and gives you his order.
You bring him is water and leave him be. You wait by the bar for his food to finish cooking. You try not to stare but your gaze keeps falling on him. You watch his leg bounce under the table and how he shifts every few seconds. His head turns from looking outside to down at the table.
You felt bad for him. You knew what was going on in the world and you knew that where he was going is dangerous. You older brother had been drafted to the army. Plus, at night, you heard your parents talking to each other about all the bad stuff going on over seas.
“Order up!” The cook snaps, breaking you from your thoughts. You grab the plate and carry it to the handsome man.
“Here ya go,” You say, feeling even worse when he jumps. You give him a small smile setting the plate in front of him. “Enjoy,”
“Hey,” He says, quickly when you turn to walk away. You look at him, smiling a bit when he struggles to find his words. “Do you mind sitting with me?” He asks, shyly. “I could use someone to talk to,” He tells you, pressing his lips together. Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t say no to him.
“I’m off in an hour,” You tell him. “If you have time, I know a place where we can go,”
“Perfect,” He nods, quickly.
The next hour dragged on. You refilled the old man’s coffee, you wiped the tables down, and you exchanged a couple of words with the guy in the booth. When you finally clocked out, you slipped your jacket on and walked outside with the handsome stranger.
“I’m Y/n, by the way,” You introduce yourself as you lead him down the sidewalk.
“Sam,” He introduces himself, holding his hand out. You shake it, enjoying the warmth of his skin. “So, where are you taking me?”
“The pier,” You tell him. “It’s where I like to go when I need to get my head straight or if I’m feeling a little low,” You explain.
When you get to the end of the pier, you both snag your favorite bench. He sets his bag beside him and looks out into the water.
“I turned 18 a couple days ago,” He mutters, looking down at his fidgeting fingers. “Day later and I get a draft notice,”
“My brother got drafted too,” You whisper. He glances at you, a small smile on his face.
“So, did mine,” Sam says. “He got drafted about 7 months ago... We knew I would be next but when it came it just... it felt surreal,” Sam looks back at the water. “I feel like I’m living a nightmare and I won’t ever wake up,” He whispers. 
You bite your lip when you hear the shakiness in his voice. Unable to help yourself, you reach over and grab his hand. He clings to it tightly. You shuffle closer to him and lay your head on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry you have to go, Sam,” You whisper.
“Maybe I’ll see my brother,” He hopes optimistically. “We’re all each other has. My mom died when I was a baby and my dad was never around... It’s always just been me and him,”
“Well, when you come back, find me,” Sam turns his head to you. You lift your head off his shoulder. “I’m not going anywhere, I’ll still be working at that café, I’ll be real easy to find,”
“If I come back,” Sam whispers.
“When,” You correct him. “When you and your brother come back, come to the café,” You order him. “I’ll make sure you both have a free meal,” Sam smiles, relaxing on the bench.
“When I come back,” Sam whispers, releasing a slow sigh. “As soon as I got that notice... I never thought of the possibility of coming back,”
“Well, now you have to,” You tell him. “Because if you don’t, you’re gonna make me real upset,” Sam smiles, laughing a bit. “We’re friends now, Sam. You’re stuck with me and that’s just how it’s going to be,”
“Is that so?” He asks, looking at you with a half grin.
“Exactly so,” You nod. The two of you didn’t say anything for a while. Eventually, you got tired of the silence and filled it with stories about your life. You told him about the school you went too only to find out that he had gone to your rival school. You talked about your parents and how they supported everything you and your brother did even when it was something beyond stupid. 
You learned that the two of you were nerds but different kinds. He loves to read and had wanted to go to college to become a lawyer while you were passionate about music and were currently in your high schools marching band. You told him how you weren’t sure if you wanted to become a professional musician or a teacher, perhaps you would try to become both.
The conversation flowed easily between the two of you. When you ran out of things to say he talked. He told you about all the trouble he and his brother, Dean, used to get into together. His stories mad you laugh and cry.
The both of you sat on the pier for what seemed like hours. You had sat down together as strangers yet at this point you couldn’t imagine not being his friend. You hated that he had to go into the army because now you couldn’t spend more time with him.
Sitting next to him, hearing him laugh and talk, you knew if he were to stick around you would fall hopelessly in love with him. He’s beyond attractive but on top of that he’s sassy and so very smart and kind. You loved listening to him and you couldn’t help but wish you could take all his pain away. You wished you could take his fear away and protect him from the world but you just couldn’t. You felt useless but at least you were able to get him to relax before the army bus comes to pick up the recruits.
As the day passed on you noticed more army men coming to the area. You both knew that it meant the bus would be arriving soon. You both knew Sam would have to leave and you didn’t want him too.
“I should go wait with the others,” Sam mutters, looking at the group of soldiers gathering together. You frown but release his hand. He stands and slings his bag over his shoulder. He bites his lip obviously wanting to say something but looks hesitant.
“What is it, Sam?” You ask. You’re barely able to finish your question before he’s spitting out whatever he wants to say. 
“Look, I know you probably have a boyfriend, but I don’t care,” Sam shakes his head, turning toward you. “I’ve got no one to send letters to, would you mind if I sent some back here to you?”
“I was hoping you would,” You smile at him. You push yourself off of the bench and pull him into a tight hug. “I expect letters as often as you can,” Sam smiles, tightening his arms around you.
“I’m gonna need your address,” He mutters. You grin pulling away from him. Your eyes glance behind him and you instantly smile.
“I’ve got an idea, come on,” You grab his hand and yank him down the pier. He laughs, following you willingly.
“Really?” Sam asks, noticing where you’re pulling him.
“Oh, come on!” You beg him. “It’ll be fun,” You turn to him and wink. He rolls his eyes but nods. You pull him into the photo booth. He sits on the seat and steers you onto his lap when you go to sit down. He grins as you blush. “Smile,” You whisper, turning to the camera.
There’s a flash as the picture is taken. Only problem is that in the corner of your eye you notice Sam still looking at you. You turn your head to him, your arm wrapped around his shoulders.
“You’re supposed to look at the camera,” You whisper.
“I’d rather look at you,” He whispers back. You nibble at your lip, a blush painting your cheeks as another flash brightens the booth. “You’re beautiful,” He mutters.
“You just had to walk into my café when you’re about to leave didn’t you?” You pout. His hand comes up to caress your cheek just as the flash comes again.
“I’m sorry, I’ve never been good at timing,” Sam whispers.
“I don’t have one,” You whisper to him. He frowns his eyebrows and tilts his head. Gathering up your courage, you press your forehead against his. “I don’t have a boyfriend,” Sam smiles a bit.
“I’m gonna have to take you out when I get back,” He whispers. You smile at his word choice. You close your eyes, resting your other hand on his chest as the final flash comes.
“Come back, Sam,” You whisper, your eyes opening to look into his. Sam closes his eyes, clenching his jaw. “Please come back, Sam,” You whisper to him.
“I’ll try,” He whispers back. You want to demand that he promises to return but you don’t. Your head moves to his shoulder as you hug him tightly. When the two of you finally slide out of the booth, you pick up the photos. You reach into your pocket and pull our a pen.
“My address,” You said writing it on a couple of them. You slip the first picture into your pocket and let him keep the other three.
“I have to go,” He whispers, seeing the bus coming to pick up the soldiers. You sigh slowly and pull him into another hug. “Thank you,” He murmurs. “For staying with me,”
“It was my pleasure,” You smile up at him. The two of you pull away. You stay still, watching him walk away. He only gets about five steps away before he stop and turns back to you. You smile widely when he come strutting back. He extends his arm and cups your cheek.
“Can I...?” He whispers and you just nod. He grins, lowering his head to yours. You lean into him as your lips press against each other lightly. 
“I really wish you would have found me sooner,” You whisper. He smiles hugging you tighter than before.
“I’ll come back and I’ll take you on a date and we’ll do this the proper way,” He promises, pulling from you.
“I don’t care how we do this as long as you come back to figure it out with me,” You tell him. He clicks his heels together and gives you a salute.
“Yes, ma’am,” He winks at you. You blush smiling at him. “I’ll be back before you know it,” He promises before forcing himself to go to the back to the bus. You force yourself to smile and wave as the bus drives away with him and a dozen other soldiers on it.
His first letter came about a week later. He talked about his training and the other guys he’s bunking with. He talks about what they plan to do with his group in the future. Then he asks about you and your day. Your favorite part is when he mentions about how much he wants to come back home and go back to that pier with you.
The instant your done reading the letter, you pull out paper to write one to him. You talk about mundane things. Things that will hopefully distract him from the world he was forced into, even if it’s just for the few minutes he reads the letter.
Towards the end of your letter you tell him that you miss him. You talk about the possible dates the two of you could go on. You tell him that you look forward to him coming home.
For the next few months, the letters between you two are frequent. You learn more about each other. Every day you find yourself racing for the mailbox hoping that he had sent a letter.
“Who have you been sending letters too?” Your mom asks you one afternoon. You were going to lie and say your brother but she would know it would be a lie. While you and your brother are close you don’t get as excited for his letters as you do Sam’s. 
“I met someone a couple of months ago,” You tell her. She arches an eyebrow. “He came by work before getting on the army bus.. I talked to him for a while before he had to leave. He asked me if he could send letters, he doesn’t have anyone else to talk to,”
“Oh?” She says. “And how is this man?”
“His names Sam,” A wide, effortless smile comes across your lips. “He was drafted a couple days after he turned 18,”
“He’s 18?” She asks. You slowly nod. “You’re only 16,” She states.
“So, isn’t he a little old for you?”
“It’s only two years mom,”
“Yeah and you’re barely a junior in high school and he’s going off to a very ugly war,”
“I don’t think any war is pretty,”
“Y/n,” Your mother states. 
“He has no one else, mom,” You tell her. “I’m just talking to him, giving him someone to come home too -”
“Someone to come home to? Are you two dating or something?”
“No, not yet at least...” You mutter. She sighs, rubbing her face.
“You barely know him,” She tells you.
“We’re learning about each other, what’s the big deal?” You ask. “Nothing bad is going to happen,”
“He’s going to war, Y/n... He might not come back,”
“He will,” You snap. “And when he does, I’m going to be there for him.”
“You’re only 16, Y/n... You’re too young to be waiting for a soldier to come home, you’re too young to be worrying about stuff like that,” She tells you.
“It doesn’t matter if I’m too young, I’m waiting for him and I’m going to worry about him no matter what you say or what you think. Sam, needs someone and I’m gonna be that person,” You state before going up to your room.
While that’s the first argument over Sam, it’s not the last. Neither of your parents liked the fact that you were mailing and receiving letters. You were too young. You didn’t understand the world. You need to focus on your future. You heard all that and more. 
Word spread and your entire family soon knew about Sam. None of them were on your side but you didn’t care. You still looked forward to hearing him from him and you didn’t let anyone stop you from replying.
The closer time got to him being shipped over seas, the darker the letters became. Sam was scared. He’s terrified and it showed in his letters. He spoke on and on about the fears of war. He talks about how he would pray to be sent back home, back to you instead.
He tells you about how he lays in bed, staring at the photos of you two, and imagine life back home with you. He imagines holding you, kissing you, and falling in love with you.
You reread the letter a hundred times, a shit eating grin on your face. He was practically confessing to you about falling in love and you couldn’t help but to reciprocate the feelings.
When you went to reply to him, you couldn’t find the right words. You wanted to give him something to look forward to. You wanted to give him a little ray of sunlight in the darkness surrounding him.
When you finally started to write, you couldn’t stop. You made sure that he would have no doubt that you felt the same way, if not more, for him. You promised him that you would be waiting for him to come home to you and that when he did, you’d be all his.
You knew your parents thought you were crazy for falling in love with someone you only met once and talked to through letters. Did you care? No. You fell for Sam, you fell hard. 
You found yourself laying in your bed at night, staring at the one picture you have of him. The picture of you staring at the came, a wide smile on your face, while he’s staring at you, a gentle grin on his. You didn’t want to read too into things but you wondered if you believed in love at first sight. Every time you thought about it, you’d smile a little wider.
Eventually another letter from Sam came. It was the last letter he wrote before being shipped over seas. By the time it reaching your house, you knew he was no longer in the U.S. He told you not to worry, he told you he might not be able to write for a while. He told you he loved you and he’d do anything to come back.
You wrote back to him, begging him to be safe. You promised you’d still wait for him. You told him that you’d be here to welcome him back to America. You told him you loved him.
Even though you looked for his letters every day, they came sporadically. He stayed true to his word and wrote whenever he could, it just wasn’t often. He didn’t go into details about the war but you knew it was horrible. Even after being over there for almost a year, he was still scared and wanted to come home. You didn’t blame him, you wanted him home too.
He wrote about how his platoon came across another one. You smile as you read about the fact that he and his brother were reunited. You couldn’t help but feel relief as you read his own words of relief over the fact that his brother’s still alive.
Towards the end he talks about how when it gets rough, he thinks back to the day the two of you sat at the pier. He explains how he closes his eyes and imagines your smile. He yearns for another kiss, another hug. He wishes he could just be with you.
You reply to him and assure him that his wishes are the same as yours. You wish for him to come home safe. You promise that even though it’s been over a year since you last saw him, you still love him and that you’re still waiting for him. You promise to wait forever as long as he returns to you. 
You tell him about how that day at the pier has become your favorite. You promise to recreate that day with him when he returns only you make sure he knows that you won’t let him leave next time.
After you sent the letter, you wait for his reply. A few weeks pass then a month with no word from him. You try not to worry because it’s not the longest he’s gone without sending word. You know how hard it is for him over there. Even though he hasn’t sent you a letter, you continue to send some to him. You pray every night that when you wake up there will be a letter from him.
“Hey, Y/n, are you alright?” Your best friend asks. “You seem a little distracted?”
You were. You were completely distracted. It’s Friday night, you’re in your marching band uniform at the football game. You love football games and you’re usually the most pumped in the bad. Only tonight you’re quiet. It’s been three months since you last hard from Sam.
“I’m fine,” You promise her. “I just haven’t been getting sleep lately,” 
Your friend accepts your answer and doesn’t force you to explain or talk. You’re thankful. You stand with the others and slip out the picture of Sam. You keep the picture close to your chest. You completely ignore yourself and just focus on Sam. Oh, what you wouldn’t give to see that smile in real life. What you wouldn’t give to simply hold his hand, to hear his laugh and be beside him.
When it got closer to kick off, a prayer was said before the band was instructed to play the national anthem. When the last note was ended, a man came over the speakers again. Everyone in the sands practically froze.
“Folks, would you bow your heads,” The man spoke to the crowd. “For a list of local Vietnam dead,”
This isn’t the first time the schools done this. It’s their way to honor the lives lost. Every time they do it, you feel like you’re going to be sick. Your heart races in your chest. You feel like you’re going to pass out as he goes down the list.
“... Benny Lafitte... Sam Winchester... Adam Milligan...” He continues to read off the list but you don’t listen. All the sound around you just dies.
Sam Winchester
Sam Winchester
Sam Winchester
Sam Winchester
Before you know it, your pushing through the crowd and hiding under the bleachers. Nobody gives pays any attention to you. You’re ignored but you couldn’t care less.
You collapse to your knees and wrap your arms around yourself. You’re trying so hard to be quiet but a sob escapes your lips. You want to scream, you want to punch at the ground, you want to just lose yourself in your grief.
All you can think about is his dorky smile as he gives you a salute before walking on the bus. All you can think about is how you should have begged him to stay with you.
“I’ll be back before you know it,”
 His words repeat in your head which only causes you to cry even harder. You rock slowly on the grass. You want to disappear, you want to home and cry yourself to sleep.
Slowly, you pull the picture that’s clutched to your chest back. You sniffle, your eyes glued on Sam. You bring the picture to your lips and kiss him softly. You leave the picture against your lips, your eyes shut tightly as tears continue to seep through them.
“Sammy...” You whimper. “Oh, my Sammy,” You cry, curling into yourself again. “I love you so much,”
You’re working at the café. You refilling the old mans coffee and preparing to wipe down tables. You force a smile at the old man before walking away from him. The doorbell rings when you grab a rag.
“Go ahead and sit -” Your words die in your throat when you see who’s standing at the door. You’ve never met this man but you know exactly who it is.
“Uh, hi,” He says, slowly walking up to you. “I’m Dean,”
“I know,” You whisper, offering a small smile. You hated it but seeing him brought tears to your eyes. It’s been six months since Sam was read off the fallen soldiers list. You were still struggling with the fact that he’s no longer coming home.
“Sammy talked about you all the time, couldn’t get him to shut up,” Dean laughs a bit. You bite your lip knowing this was hard for him. “You meant a lot to him,”
“He meant a lot to me,” You whisper, a tear falling down your cheek.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t bring him home to you,” Dean chokes up. “God he wanted to come home to you,” Your feet move before you realize that you’re walking up to him. The two of you instantly bring the other into a tight hug. When you pull away, he reaches into his pocket and gives you a warn and torn letter. “He asked me to give this to you,” You’re breath hitches when you see red smears on the paper.
“Th-thank you,” You whimper.
“Yeah...” He mutters before backing away. His movement snaps you out of your daze.
“Hey, Dean?” He hums, wiping his eyes. “Don’t be a stranger,” You smile at him. “I know you don’t know me but you’re family... If you ever need anything, I’ll be around,” Dean smiles and slowly nods.
“I’ll see you,” He whispers before walking out of the café.
The instant he’s gone, you walk straight to the bathroom. You cry, barely holding in the sobs. A few minutes later, you pull yourself together long enough to look at the letter.
You can barely read the shaky hand writing but his words bring fresh tears to his eyes. You could tell that he had written this the day before he died. He talked about how scared he was, how he didn’t know if he’d be able to come home. He promised he would do everything in his power to be with you but in case he couldn’t he wanted you to know just how much he loved you. He promised that if tomorrow is to be his last day then his final thoughts will be of the two of you sitting at the pier. 
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honey-dewey · 4 years
Somewhere That’s Green
Pairing: Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels/Reader
Word Count: 3,220
Warnings: None
Jack’s always known his girlfriend was big in musical theater. He’s heard her practice, listened to her sing, and driven her to the theater more than once. But this is his first show of hers, and boy is he in for a shock. Between the on-stage kissing and the death of his girlfriend’s character, Jack Daniels has never been so invested in musical theater. 
“And you’re sure you’re okay with missing work?” You asked, picking up your coat from Jack’s coat hook. “It’s a long show.” 
Jack smiled, grabbing your waist and pulling you close to him. “Darlin’ I wouldn’t miss this show for anything. I’ve been waiting two months to see this play.” 
You grinned, kissing him slowly, almost teasing. “Just promise not to murder my costars, okay?” 
“And just why would I be murdering your coworkers?” Jack asked, keeping his arm around your waist as he walked you out to the parking lot. 
Stepping into the parking lot and following the familiar trail to Jack’s car, you took a breath. “The show gets kinda dark. My character is abused by her sadistic boyfriend.”
“Oh.” You could hear Jack’s jaw tightening, hesitation filling your chest as you thought over inviting him to the show. Again. 
“Babe,” you said softly, trying to console him. “If you want, I can introduce you to my co-star Alex who plays the character. He’s a sweetheart, I promise. Wouldn’t hurt a fly and y’know how Stevie is my best friend? Well, Alex is like the cool big brother I never had. He’d never even think about touching me. And he knows I’m totally off limits. Stevie does too.” 
“Stevie’s the one who’s playing your nice fictional boyfriend?” Jack asked, opening the Bronco’s door and helping you up. 
You laughed. “Yes. Stevie is the one who gets to kiss me on stage and his character isn’t a huge dick. Alex is my first fictional boyfriend, and Stevie and I get together halfway through the show. He gets to kiss me.” 
Jack’s eyes darkened behind his sunglasses. “Does Alex kiss you?” 
Reaching across the center console, you took Jack’s hand. “No. Alex does not get to kiss me.” 
As Jack drove to the theater, you mulled over this decision. Since dating Jack, you’d done three musicals, but this one was your biggest and proudest role, as you’d finally managed to get the female lead in a musical after countless ensemble roles and smaller name characters. 
“And what’s the show called again?” Jack asked, squeezing your hand. 
You smiled, lifting his hand and pressing lazy kisses into his knuckles. “Little Shop of Horrors.” 
Jack hummed, his face scrunching as he thought. “Ain’t that that movie with the crazed talking plant?” 
“It was adapted from a musical,” you explained. “And then they redid the movie in the early 2000’s and put it back on Broadway.” 
“Ah.” Jack turned to look at you as you pulled up to a red light. “I’m sure you’ll kill it. You got the voice of an angel.” 
You smiled to yourself, the fate of your character entirely unknown to Jack. “I know I’ll kill it.” 
Upon reaching the theater, you hopped out of the Bronco, looking at Jack. “Wanna meet Alex and Stevie? I think Yvette and Eva are here too, and I know for a fact Amber’s been here for an hour, at least.”
Jack shrugged. “Why not. I’ll go park, you go get your friends.” 
You eagerly headed into the theater, practically jogging around as you looked for your costars. 
“Eva!” You shouted happily, hugging Eva and seeing Amber around the corner. “Is Yvette here?” 
“Nah,” Eva said, gesturing to the empty dressing room she shared with Yvette and Amber. “You know she always gets here at the last damn minute.” 
“And she’s somehow always ready to go first,” Stevie said behind you, causing you to laugh and spin around to hug him. “Heya Auds!” He used the nickname he’d given you based on your character, causing you to punch him lightly. 
“I want y’all to meet someone,” you said, walking towards the entrance, where you knew Jack was waiting. “Jack’s finally coming to see the show.” 
“Ooooo,” Amber said, coming out of the costume closet. “We finally get to meet the mystery man!” 
You waved them off, looking around for your final costar. “Where’s Alex? He didn’t call in tonight, did he?” 
“Of course not,” Eva scoffed, drawing her coat closer around her. “He doesn’t call in unless he’s like, bleeding out.” 
Laughing, you pushed open the door, seeing Jack leaning against the Bronco. “Jack!” 
Jack drew closer, smiling and looking at your friends. “Alright. Who’s who?” 
You introduced everyone, the chatter flowing easily until someone came up behind you, lifting you off your feet with a happy growl. “There’s my girl!” 
“Alex!” You squealed, squirming and laughing. “Alex you absolute fuck! Put me down before Jack murders you!” 
Alex put you down, grinning and holding out a hand to a very shocked Jack. “So you’re the mystery man our darling has been swooning over for the past three years. Nice to meet you.” 
Jack shook his hand. “Their darling?” He asked you as you stood by his side. 
“That’s what they always call the female lead,” you explained, tucking yourself under Jack’s arm. “Alex, Jack has promised not to kill you upon seeing the show, which is a damn relief because I don’t think we can do next year’s show without you.” 
“What’s next year's show?” Jack asked, looking at you. 
You shrugged. “I heard from the director that they were seriously considering School of Rock.” 
Alex whistled. “Auds, that’s been a rumor for years now. They aren’t gonna do it.” 
“Okay Dewey,” you said jokingly, reaching out to give Alex a light punch. “You wanna talk about people who were born to play certain roles? Alex is a spitting image of Broadway’s Dewey Finn,” you explained to Jack, who had gotten very lost very fast. “We’re all just waiting.” 
“Oh, so you wanna talk about that, huh?” Stevie said, raising an eyebrow. “I swear that voice of yours is identical to Audrey’s.” 
You flushed, checking your watch and looking up. “An hour,” you explained, extracting yourself from under Jack’s arm and heading back to the theater’s entrance. “I’ll see you after babe!” 
Jack grabbed your hand, kissing you deeply and nipping ever so slightly at your earlobe as he murmured a teasing “break a leg darling,” into your ear. 
“I like him,” Alex said, coming up behind you and smiling. “He’s good for you.” 
You rolled your eyes, grabbing Alex’s white jacket out of the costume closet and handing it to him. “Go get dressed, dork. We can talk about my boyfriend later.” 
Alex shrugged. “Just saying. You have my blessing.” 
“I don’t need your blessing!” You called after him, seeing him disappear into his dressing room. “And where’s Jake?” 
“Where he always is!” 
You sighed, heading to your own dressing room and sitting down, beginning the long yet calming process of caking your face in stage makeup. It took forever and made your face feel heavy, but the results were worth it. 
Eventually, by the half hour call, you were ready, having pretty much cemented your hair into beautifully picturesque curls and shimmied into the tight cheetah print dress that barely covered the tops of your thighs. Thank god you were able to wear tights. 
You tossed a fluffy cream colored faux fur cropped jacket overtop your dress and adjusted your black heels. With your makeup and your sufficiently warmed up voice, you were entirely ready for the night. 
Picking up a picture frame, you gave the glossy photo of Jack a kiss, slipping a worn out penny he’d given you when he’d first heard you did theater into your bra. It was a symbol of luck, and the magic would hopefully continue into tonight. 
“Knock knock,” Alex said, knocking on your doorframe. “How’s the princess?” 
“Good,” you said, raising your voice to get the perfect breathy innocence that was needed for the role. “How much time?” 
Alex checked his watch. “Ten. I think the girls are on stage already, and Jake’s having his fun on the beams. Are you sure you’re ready?” 
“Just nervous,” you mumbled, fiddling with the sleeve of your jacket. “I dunno what Jack’ll think.” 
“Does he know the ending?”
Alex whistled in a breath. “Damn. Ten bucks says he cries.” 
You scoffed, slipping past Alex and smiling, your heels clicking on the worn out flooring. “Twenty!” 
The opening of the show, as was the rest of it by now, was a familiar chaos to you. The fanfare that signaled the beginning spurred you and Alex to your places, tucked just outside of view but still able to see the show. 
The ensemble and the girls rushed past, filling the stage and giving life to the purposefully worn down set. You craned yourself neck, heart swelling when you saw Jack, his hat off, sitting in the front row. 
“Front row, fifth seat in, stage left,” you whispered to Alex, who nodded, spotting your boyfriend as well. 
Stevie joined you at that moment, grinning as Alex told him where Jack was sitting. “He got a good seat, huh?” He said with a wink, sliding past you to take his place on stage. 
As the second song started up, you adjusted yourself, tugging on your dress and asking Alex for help with your mic. 
“Break a leg,” he said, watching you rush behind the set to the section that was your fake apartment. 
At the cue, you opened the door, slipping out and beginning to sing. It was easy to lose yourself in the role now that everyone else was singing too. Stevie came out, singing his part as you sat weaved in and out of the ensemble members, climbing up a ladder to a fire escape on one of the building fronts. Leaning on the railing, you sang along with Stevie, spotting Jack beyond the stage lights and grinning as you finished out the song. 
The next four songs went smoothly. You left the stage after the next one, when Stevie got his first solo song. Standing next to Alex, you checked your phone. 
Jack: You’re amazing doll. Love the dress.
You smiled, slipping your phone back into your pocket. Stevie was, as usual, doing great on stage. Everything was running perfectly. 
While the songs you weren’t really in ran in the background, you helped prepare the other sets. The apartment set you were about to use was ready to go by the time your first big song was about to start, and you walked back out on stage, reciting lines you’d memorized months ago. As the set turned, revealing the inside of the apartment, you began to sing. 
The song was a nice one. Maybe a bit of strain on your voice as you pitched it upwards, but otherwise easy to sing. You poured a certain mournfulness into it, taking your jacket off and hanging it on the coat hook. 
Every so often, you’d see Jack out of the corner of your eye, grinning like a lovesick fool at you. When the stage rotated again, showing you leaning out the small balcony, singing about your character’s dreams for a brighter future, you watched Jack carefully. His eyes never left you, winking when he realized you were watching him. 
The song ended, the audience clapping as you slipped out, grabbing your coat on the way. 
One quick change and bit of makeup adjusting later, you were cycling through another song. Nerves began to bundle in your stomach as the introduction of Alex’s character drew closer. You always drew a few gasps when he roughed you up, but it never made you this nervous. 
Thankfully, it was a short scene, as the focus shifted to the introduction. His touch was always professional and careful, never actually harming you. You slipped off stage as his character began his song, settling down on a beat up old couch and loosening your shoes. You didn’t have to be on stage for a while, so you half listened to Alex and half focused on checking your phone. No texts from Jack. 
“Hey hon.” Alex flopped onto the couch next to you, shocking you a bit. “C’mon.” 
You quickly tighten your shoes, standing and taking Alex’s hand as he tugged you towards the stage for another small scene that you knew would make Jack’s jaw clench. 
The scene was, yet again, not harmful. You moved in perfect tandem with Alex so neither of you got hurt, stumbling a bit as you walked off stage after only two minutes. 
“You okay?” Alex asked, steadying you and checking your wrists where he’d grabbed you. 
“Everything good up in here?” He asked, knocking gently on your temple. 
You smiled. “Haven’t been this nervous about a show in, gosh I don’t even know.” 
“You’re doing amazing,” Alex promised, pulling you into a hug. “I’m sure he’d love it even if it all went to shit.” 
You nodded, tightly hugging Alex back. “Yeah. He would.” 
You two got ready for your final scene together, the one where he ‘hit’ you. The slap had been practiced until it was instinct, until it was a guarantee Alex’s hand would never even touch your face. 
Watching the stage and slowly moving behind the set pieces, you bopped a bit to the song, looking up and seeing Jake having the absolute time of his life above your head, singing for the plant. 
“Ready?” Alex asked, squeezing your hand. 
You nodded, hearing the cue and starting your nervous babbling conversation with a shouting Alex, stumbling through the door and smiling at Stevie. “Hey Seymour! I left my sweater here before.” 
Immediately, Alex followed you, still shouting. You couldn’t see Jack’s reaction when he called you a slut, or when he slapped you, your pitiful voice breaking as you and Alex headed off stage.
As soon as you were out of sight, Alex hugged you, murmuring the apology he always gave after that scene and heading off to act his death. 
It was a favorite scene of yours, and you watched as Alex ‘died,’ unable to leave the scene until the lights went dark and he hurried off, Stevie taking a bag of fake limbs and grinning to you as the lights rose and he headed back out. 
During intermission, you left the couch, allowing the girls to collapse into the frankly disgusting crease. Instead, you curled up in the oddest place that shouldn’t have been comfortable, the antique dentist’s chair from Alex’s scenes. 
Which was where he found you, settled into the leather and adjusting your makeup. You were humming along to some music playing out your phone, carefully wiping away your black eye and touching up your foundation. “Good job. You absolutely murdered it.” 
Alex smiled. “Thank you. Still nervous?”
“Nah.” You closed your makeup bag, spinning the chair lazily. “No more than usual now.” 
You two just hung out, as usual, until the signaling music began to play. You shook yourself out, standing and smiling. “Halfway there!” 
Alex laughed and took your place, grabbing a book. 
You were significantly more involved in the second act, breezing through the first few songs, feeling an uncomfortable tingle of guilt in your stomach as you and Stevie kissed during the second song. It was an emotional scene that was immediately followed up by a murder. Not your murder. You weren’t set to die until later. 
Of course, your next big scene was your death. You ran over the process in your head, just in case. Stevie would throw you into the giant plant puppet, and you’d slide past Jordan, who was the puppeteer inside, and out through a hole so you didn’t have to sit inside the cramped puppet. 
However, you had to die first in probably the most heart wrenching scene in the play. 
You walked out as Stevie walked in, alone on the stage aside from the plant. Sitting on the couch in your fake apartment, you began to sing, wandering over to the florist’s shop set and talking to Jake, who was still sitting above your head. 
And then it all went to shit. 
Jordan, inside the puppet, grabbed you with a vine, tugging you close as the song finished out, and you fake struggled as he pretended to eat you, the voice and the body working in perfect tandem as you got deep enough and struggled enough to open a buttoned up tear in your dress, smearing fake blood all over and making it truly seem like you’d been bitten, all without the audience knowing. 
Stevie pulled you out, revealing the wound to the audience. He carefully set you down, going through the musical motions as you poured everything you had left into your final few minutes on stage. Your voice broke, the gentleness fading slowly as you did your best to imitate someone who was dying, actually starting to cry with your last line. 
When the music swelled, Stevie wiped your tears and lifted you, slowly and gently placing you in the plant puppet and allowing Jordan to grab you and pull you in, helping you down and out the other side. Immediately, Alex helped you up, handing you a change of clothes and a pack of wet wipes. It was easy to remove the blood and toss the stained dress into the wash as soon as it was off. By the time the last plot important song was over, you were completely ready for the finale. 
You were unable to spot Jack as you and Alex walked out together, singing one final time for the night and taking your bows. It was a giant group number, everyone happy and very much not dead. Jake came down, singing and throwing an arm over you and over Stevie, dragging you two forward to take the first bow. 
Amidst the clapping and the people leaving and the actors heading off stage, you didn’t see Jack until he met you and Alex at the Bronco. 
He scooped you up, laughing and firmly kissing you. “Holy shit babe! You couldn’t’ve told me that would happen at the end?” 
You laughed, wiping tears off Jack’s face. “Alex! He’s crying!” 
“Well fuck.” Alex leaned against the car, smiling. “Guess I owe you.” 
Jack put you down, still holding you tight. “Y’all did good. I almost got up to smack you halfway through the show.” 
You rolled your eyes, squeezing Jack’s hand. “I’m exhausted.” 
“Alright,” Jack said, opening the Bronco’s door and helping you up. “Pleasure to meet you Alex.” 
“Same,” Alex said, stepping back. “You be good to our girl, you hear?” 
Jack snorted. “I will.” 
The drive home was quiet. Now that the adrenaline of the show was gone, you felt limp, every part of your body in pain. Jack, the ever sweet and loving boyfriend, carried you inside, setting you down on the bathroom counter and grabbing your makeup wipes for you. 
“Anything else?” He asked once you were done, cuddled up in your favorite pyjamas. 
“Well,” you hummed, getting down and heading over to the bed. “I seem to be missing my boyfriend. C’mere.” 
Jack, now eager, took his shirt off and crawled into the bed next to you, pulling you close. “You were amazing tonight, truly.” 
“Thank you,” you murmured, already falling asleep. 
“You’re welcome.” Jack shuffled so you’d be more comfortable, stroking softly up and down your back as you fell asleep properly, safe with the knowledge that Jack’s first musical theater experience had been a good one.
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elisaphoenix13 · 3 years
Once Upon A Summer (Ch.4)
Tony woke the next morning...on his own? It was nice to sleep in a little since Peter had woken up a few times throughout the night and he wasn't about to complain. He didn't even feel like getting a few more minutes of sleep, so he sat up and looked over at the crib. Only to find it empty. Either Peter had regained his ability to climb on the walls, or Stephen had once again walked into his room to retrieve the infant. After a quick glance around his room and finding it devoid of a spider baby, Tony rolls out of bed to go confirm his suspicions. He made sure he looked somewhat presentable before he left his room because he still had an image to maintain... although, then again...Stephen saw him drooling.
What he saw when he walked down the stairs to the kitchen was nothing short of heart warming. Stephen had indeed taken Peter from Tony's bedroom, and he was in the middle of trying to feed the baby some puree which proved to be difficult if the sorcerer's shaking was anything to go by. Stephen looked determined to get his trembling under control, and Peter was sitting there with his mouth open and clearly all the patience in the world.
Maybe deep down his teen self understood Stephen's struggle and forced his baby self not to fuss? This all happened because of magic so it wouldn't surprise Tony if his kid had some semblance of control over his six-month old self. Even from a few feet away, Tony could see Stephen's full mug of tea that he would bet money had gone cold ages ago.
"Any requests for breakfast?" Tony finally asks and winces when the younger man jumps and misses Peter's mouth. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."
Stephen sighs and lowers the spoon to wipe his missed attempt off Peter's face. "It's alright. Maybe you're better off taking over. He's gotten maybe five spoonfuls since I started feeding him."
"Nonsense. Pete was happy that you took the time to try." Tony says and walks over to kiss the top of the baby's head. The giggle he got in response was a nice way to start his morning. "I'll make breakfast and you can keep feeding him. Don't think too much about it."
"Tony, I have permanent nerve damage that causes me chronic pain every day." Stephen sighs again and Tony frowns.
"Sorry. I didn't realize the pain was that bad." Without thinking, the engineer gently takes one of Stephen's hands and balks at the feeling of cold skin. "Yeesh! Your hands are like ice!"
Tony starts to gently rub his thumbs along Stephen's hand to help stimulate some blood flow and hopefully warm up his hands, and the doctor remains silent. He didn't even realize the situation they were in until he was almost done with the first hand and ready to grab the other to give it the same treatment. Tony didn't stop though. Stephen didn't protest and already his mind was coming up with something he could make that would at least help with Stephen's pain. Maybe some gloves? Nothing too fancy. The sorcerer seemed more humble than his previous life as a famous neurosurgeon.
"Your noses are similar." Stephen suddenly mutters and the seemingly out of the blue comment makes Tony falter for a millisecond before he continues his massage.
"Just so we're on the same page here…" Tony starts and then trails off in the hopes that Stephen will explain what's going on in his head.
"Yours and Peter's." Stephen elaborates. "I noticed it while I was trying to feed him but once you came down...I saw it on you too."
"It's just a nose Doc."
"There are other similarities." Stephen says and Tony meets his eyes.
A grey-blue that looked right back at him with... curiosity? Stephen was studying him. And then the baby in the high chair. And then back at him.
"Please don't take this the wrong way...but did you ever have women claiming they had your child?" The doctor suddenly asks.
The bluntness of his question definitely sent Tony reeling for half a minute.
"Uh...yeah? Kind of comes with the territory of being me and my past." Tony finally answers, though he wasn't sure why he did in the first place.
"Do you remember every woman?"
Tony winces. No...he didn't. There were times he definitely had company but he had no memory of taking them home or to his hotel room, and sometimes even woke up alone. There may have been a small possibility that he got someone pregnant and she actually didn't claim to--
"What are you getting at?" Tony sputters out and then clears his throat once he realizes how ridiculous he sounded.
"Is...there a chance you may be Peter's father?" Stephen asks carefully and Tony feels his mouth go dry.
"What? No. He had a dad. Peter's parents died in a plane crash when he was little. Like 5 or 6." Tony shakes his head.
"His father could easily be someone who took responsibility for Peter's care because he loved him and his mother." Stephen points out.
Tony looks at Stephen flatly, but he had to concede to the sorcerer's point. He doubted Peter shared any of his DNA, but he could understand where Stephen's train of thought was going. What if Peter really was his son? It wouldn't change much since he kind of already thought of the kid like his own...but related by blood still made his mind spin. Peter was an amazing kid. Smart enough to keep up with Tony, and weirdly adorable for being sixteen. Of course he was overly obsessed with Star Wars and a chatterbox but Tony was able to overlook that. Peter always tried to do what he thought was best.
"I think whatever similarities you see are just a coincidence." Tony says. "He's my kid, but he's not my kid."
Stephen raises an eyebrow before grabbing his cold mug of tea and getting up. "Maybe...but I think you should take the paternity test."
"Will it get you to drop the subject?" Tony turns to finish feeding Peter. The baby boy really did have all the patience in the world if he sat in his highchair and waited for Tony to finish with Stephen's hand without a fuss.
"I guess it doesn't matter either way. You did say he's your kid." Stephen replies as he dumps out his cold tea and goes about making some more.
Tony never thought he would have tea in his house. He didn't even drink it when he was sick. But it was what Stephen preferred and Tony couldn't help but make sure the doctor had everything he could ever want. He'd heard of Stephen and even saw him at a few galas and the doctor had an ego on par with Tony's. But after Stephen's accident and the man was said to have disappeared, he came home humble...and broke. It made Tony wonder how Stephen was affording food.
Did he do birthday parties…?
"Bah!" Peter yells out and smacks his hands on the tray of his highchair. It effectively broke Tony out of his thoughts and turned his attention to the baby. Covered in food.
"Alright, alright. Let me get a washcloth." Tony chuckles.
"Here." Stephen holds out a wet washcloth before Tony can get up and then sips his hot tea. "Thank you again for ordering the tea."
"Sure. Like I said, you can get whatever you want. The chocolate I ordered for you should arrive today."
Stephen glances at Tony over his mug as the engineer wipes Peter's face clean. "Umm... chocolate?"
"Yeah. You like chocolate don't you?" Tony asks and gets up to pick up Peter from the high chair. "There you go Underoos. How are those gums huh?"
Tony persuades the infant to open his mouth and inspects his gums. Peter giggles when Tony obnoxiously turns his head this way and that and then toward Stephen. Baby laughter was probably one of the best things Tony ever heard, but he was also a little biased since it came from Peter. He really loved the kid. Teenager or baby.
"You see anything yet?" Tony asks.
"Hmm...nope. Maybe another day or two." Stephen replies after leaning closer to take a look.
Tony had to keep himself from inhaling. Stephen smelt good and it wasn't any kind of cologne. In fact, Tony wasn't sure what it was. Everything Stephen could want was available to him to use but Tony didn't buy anything that smelled like Stephen did right now. Maybe it was those sticks that the sorcerer liked to burn when he got a chance to meditate? Or the tea? Or his books?
Maybe all of the above.
"There's a teething ring in the freezer if you want to preemptively give it to him." Stephen continues as he straightens. "So what are your plans for today?"
"Baby rocket packs." Tony grins and gets a swift smack to the back of his head, making Peter laugh again. "Ow! I was kidding."
"Have you actually played with Peter since he got turned into a baby?" Stephen asks and Tony cringes.
"Uh...no. I was kind of preoccupied with learning to change diapers and figuring out what Peter could eat." Tony admits.
Stephen simply raises an eyebrow at him before walking over to the couch and sitting down. While he got comfortable so he could read, Tony carried Peter over and put him down on the floor before pulling some toys down for him. Peter liked the large Legos that Tony, of course, got for him, but he also liked slobbering all over the wooden blocks. Tony placed both options down by Peter and waited to see what the baby would choose and snorted when Peter picked up a block.
He sat on the floor with Peter and did his best to keep the baby entertained and stimulated with a few blocks and some plastic. It wasn't hard, Peter enjoyed every moment Tony spent with him picking up and placing the wooden blocks in the typical tower fashion. But eventually Tony started to get bored. He loved seeing Peter smile and giggle...and drool, but he wasn't used to spending time with kids like this. Wasn't used to being fully responsible for someone's well being. Teenage Peter could at least feed himself.
So Tony almost sang hallelujah when Peter started to rub his eyes.
"Nap time kiddo." He says softly and gets up with Peter.
The baby did his cute little yawn as he laid his head on Tony's shoulder, and the engineer found himself lucky. Peter was asleep before he even made it up to the master bedroom, so it was easy to lay him in the crib, make sure Friday was watching him, and then slip right back out to rejoin Stephen down in the living room.
"Reading anything interesting?" Tony asks as he sits on the couch next to the doctor.
"A novel actually." Stephen responds and turns a page.
"Here I thought you only read those stuffy magic spell books." Tony jokes as he reaches for the remote. "You mind?"
"Not at all."
Tony nods and turns on the tv to let something play quietly that he only paid half attention to while the other half of his attention was directed at Stephen. At least the art of subtle attention. Tony couldn't help but admire the younger man. If it wouldn't be taken as creepy, he could probably do it all day. Stephen was... beautiful. His high cheekbones, the ever changing color of his eyes (something Tony noticed just recently because he was a sucker for pretty eyes), and just remembering the expression on Stephen's face whenever he took care of Peter.
And the fact that Stephen looked content right now. Content and relaxed. Tony wondered when Stephen did that last. The doctor looked the type to run on fumes.
"Do you sleep?" Tony blurts out, clearing his throat to hide his... embarrassment. "I mean... you're always up early and something tells me you don't go to sleep the moment you go to bed."
"My body sleeps." Stephen answers.
Tony looks at him flatly. "Your…body. What about your mind? Wait. How exactly does your mind not sleep when your body does?"
"Astral projection." Stephen says and looks over at Tony.
"Hey, can't believe I'm going to say this considering my rap sheet...but maybe get some real sleep? Shut it all down for the night. How about tonight?" Tony suggests.
"Are you offering to help?" Stephen asks and Tony waggles his eyebrows.
"You coming onto me Doc?"
That earned him a smack with the book. Fortunately it was a paperback.
"Hey! It was just an idea!" Tony laughs. "Get a little oil--okay, ow!" He rubs his head when he gets smacked with the book again. "That's starting to hurt. How many pages is that? Four hundred?"
"Five." Stephen sniffs and puts the book on the coffee table. "How about an early lunch since neither of us have eaten yet?"
"Sure. Need any help?"
"I'm just making sandwiches."
Tony got up to help him anyway, opening the refrigerator to pull out whatever they may want in a sandwich and letting Stephen put them together. It was kind of nice doing something as mundane as making lunch with the doctor. Tony liked seeing him relaxed (compared to the irritated expression Stephen had on his face back at the Sanctum), and even enjoyed hearing him laugh. Even if it was because Tony spectacularly failed at eating his sandwich without dropping a glob of mustard on his pants once they finally sat down. Stephen called him a slob as he laughed and handed Tony a napkin.
Tony was a little in love but he wasn't actually aware that's what he was feeling. He was just...more than happy. Like he could see himself doing this with Stephen every day. The younger man was smart, quick to snark back, clearly adored Peter even if he didn't realize it, and the best part? Stephen seemed to enjoy Tony's company, and the engineer liked to believe that it wasn't just because of Peter. If he really wanted to, Stephen could leave and keep to his promise with the bare minimum like Tony had originally expected.
A quick check on Peter to make sure he was alive and well and then leave each day. But Tony tried not to think about that.
"Boss, Peter is awake." Friday suddenly says just as Tony throws the last of his sandwich in his mouth.
"That wasn't a very long nap. Maybe I should've given him the teething ring earlier." Tony sighs and wipes his hands before getting up. "I'll be right back."
Tony heads up the stairs to his room, opening the door quietly so he doesn't startle the baby, and then freezes at the sight that greets him. There was no longer a six-month old baby in the crib. In fact, it looked like Peter was at least two years old and he was standing up in the crib, looking over at Tony in excitement and adoration. His clothes and diaper somehow grew with him and remained on his little body, but Peter was more alert now. He could stand and...
"Daddy!" Peter screeches happily.
Tony forgot to breathe until black started to cloud his vision and he finally took a breath. Stephen wasn't lying when he said the magic would take time to wear off, but he wasn't expecting this. The discovery still had his head swimming so he did the only thing he could think of.
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lightininglydia · 4 years
We’re the same you know- T.T
Pairings: John B x Reader, Topper Thornton x reader
Warnings: cheating, mentions of sex, swearing
I hope you enjoy reading this :)
You smiled as you happily skipped over to the chateau with a few bags in your hands. You hadn’t seen your boyfriend in a few days due to your busy work schedule but today you both finally had the day off. There was supposed to be a party tonight that the two of you were going to meet at but you figured you'd surprise your boyfriend earlier so you could spend some quality time together.
You had bought yours and John B’s favourite take out food and a few of John B's favourite films, having a cute little day planned out for the two of you. You had definitely been longing to spend some alone time with him and figured today would be the perfect day to do so.... Pope and JJ were hopefully busy and Kiara was working all day so you knew there would be little to no disruptions to your perfectly planned day.
You walked into the chateau and called out your boyfriends name but didn't get a reply. You looked outside and saw the HMS Pogue and the Twinkie so he couldn't possibly be out with the boys. This caused a small frown to settle on your face. you shook your head slightly and made your way to his room. Your heart swelled when you saw him fast asleep but quickly broke when you noticed what was next to him.... a mop of blonde hair you knew all too well.
Sarah Cameron.
" What the FUCK " you yelled causing both John B and Sarah to shoot up out of bed and look at you, the two of them barely in any clothing and marks spread across their bodies, giving away what they had just done. John B's face softened when he saw yours and he jumped up and quickly began explaining it to you.
" it just happened " and " I'm so sorry baby " but you couldn't even really hear what he was saying. Everything was in slow motion just like in the movies as you tried pushing him away from you, tears falling down your face as you pushed past him, desperately trying to get out of the chateau and as far away from him and Sarah as possible.
Once you were out you were met with Pope and JJ, their faces quickly showing a look of concern as they rushed over to you but you pushed them back not trusting anything or anyone.
" did you know " your voice broke as you prayed the answer was no but by the looks on their faces they did.... they knew
" does Kie know? " and they shook their heads no which made you let out a sigh of relief
" I caught them the other day.... I knew I couldn't tell Kie or she'd tell you " JJ mumbled
" so what? You were just going to cover for John b JJ? For how long? How long were you going to fucking LIE to me " you shouted at him but you instantly felt bad. This wasn’t his fault.
" I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled... I'm sorry " you quickly apologized knowing he gets enough of that when he's at home but JJ shook his head
" no... I deserve it " he mumbled and your heart clenched... how did you end up feeling like a monster in this situation?
" no JJ you don't.... John B's your best friend. This is on him not you and I shouldn't have yelled no matter how angry I am " your voice was soft as you spoke to JJ.
While what JJ did was fucked up you never wanted to hurt him or make him feel like he wasn’t worth it or like he deserved all the pain he experienced because he didn’t.
" I'm sorry (Y/N) JJ is John B's best friend but I'm not... I have no excuse as to why I didn't tell you. I guess I just wanted to protect him " Pope whispered feeling guilty
" protect him? What about me? Your best friend.... if it was you getting cheated on....I would have told you " you said to Pope but directing it at both boys
You said nothing else to the two boys as you got into your car. You drove straight to the wreck ignoring the calls from John B. You knew Kiara was working today and to be honest all you wanted was to see her, hoping she could provide you a sense of comfort and happiness. You knew how much she hated Sarah Cameron so hopefully she'd be equally as pissed as you at John B and the guys.
You parked your car and made your way inside, sitting at your usual table. Kie saw you almost immediately and smiled but her face dropped when she saw your state. She turned to her dad and pointed at you probably explaining something was wrong and that she needed to take a break.
He just nodded and offered you a small smiled. He hated the boys, thought they were dirty and troublesome but both him and Mrs. C loved you. You knew you were always welcome at their house and if you didn't already have a job as a cart girl at the country club you would have been offered a job here.
" What happened " Kie asked as she placed a large plate of fries on the table along with two glasses of soda. You smiled softly at her actions and looked up at her as she sat down across from you. Your small smile quickly faltered as you knew how hard this was going to be. She hated Sarah.... and everyone knew that especially John B. This betrayal would hit her too and you knew it.
" You're going to hate this " you mumbled as you tried to prepare the girl, she nodded and motioned for you to continue.
" I went to see John B today.... brought his favourite food and movies hoping to have a couple-y day but when I found him he was in bed.... with Sarah Cameron. I guess they've been sleeping around for a while and the guys knew " your voice broke again as you looked down at your hands trying to somewhat hold it together.
" What? " she asked in disbelief feeling like she didn’t quite hear you right
" yeah " you laughed bitterly as tears flowed down your face
" (Y/N) I'm so sorry " she whispered as she reached across the table and took your hand in hers. You just nodded as you tried not to cry any harder, this was embarrassing enough you didn’t need to be sobbing at the wreck.
" The worst part is he didn't even sound sorry as he listed his excuses.... he almost sounded relieved that I caught him.... relieved that he no longer had to lie to me and pretend that he loved me “
" Pope and JJ knew? JJ is expected but Pope? How could he do that to you? And why didn't they tell me? " she asked feeling confused by the situation at hand
" Pope said he didn't have an excuse... he just wanted to protect John B which is really fucking shitty because why did he need protecting? He was breaking MY heart and lying to me.... They didn't tell you because they knew you'd tell me " you answered
" Damn right " she muttered suddenly feeling very angry at her best friends
" I left the chateau and came straight here.... you're the only person I want to see for the rest of my life and our parents too but still " you said
" God I'm going to kill him! All of them actually... for him to cheat on you when you were the best girlfriend EVER with Sarah Cameron is the worst thing he could have ever done.... you're our best friend (Y/N) and I can't believe those two idiots knew and didn't say shit " Kie spat starting to get really angry
" I honestly don't even know how to feel about it.... I want to say I hate them I really do but I don't. I yelled at JJ and instantly felt horrible and apologized! At the end of the day Pope and JJ are still two of my best friends which really sucks because it doesn't seem like they feel the same way " you sighed as you looked down at the floor
" Well I do... you're my best friend (Y/N) out of all of them I would pick you every single time okay? If I would have known I probably would have beat John B up before coming to tell you " she said in a matter of fact tone which made you laugh
" You're my best friend too Kie.... I'd pick you every single time without a doubt... i'm gonna let you go back to work but you can come pick me up before the party later " you said to her
" wait you still wanna go? " she asked slightly confused as to why you would want to go to a party where John B would most definitely be at with Sarah on his arm.
" you've been looking forward to it for days and you can't go by yourself when you hate all your friends.... so I'm going to come with you and we can't hate all our friends together okay? "
" okay " she said as she let go of your hand and went back to work. You knew the fries and drinks were on the house but you never left the wreck without slipping at least a $20 to Mr. C who tried to refuse it every time but eventually caved.
So you made your way up to him and gave him the bill. He didn't protest as he saw the state you were in.
" You okay (Y/N) " he asked
" no.... teenage boys suck but I'll get over it eventually " you said weakly
He said nothing as he pulled you in for a hug. He considered you to be another daughter just like your parents did with Kie.
Mr. Carrera and your father had grown up on the cut together, they were best friends so naturally when they had daughters around the same time they decided that the two of you would also grow up together and be best friends.
You pulled away from the hug and gave him a smile and a wave as you made your way to your car. You drove home and went straight to your room ignoring the calls from your parents and cried.... you cried and cried and cried until you couldn’t cry anymore.
Thankfully you always had spoons in your freezer so when it was time to get ready you showered and then held two ice cold spoons under your eyes to depuff them. You didn’t need the whole island knowing you just had your heart ripped from your chest and stomped on.
You then put on your usual jean shorts and oversized Tshirt on, tucking the shirt into your shorts because it looked nicer in your opinion. You then added a few necklaces and let your now dry hair down.
Normally girls would go all out to try and show their ex what they were missing but you didn't have the energy to do that nor did you care that much about John B.... the moment you caught him was the moment he became dead to you, you had nothing to prove to him because he was no longer worth it.... especially because you had caught him with Sarah Cameron someone you had grown to hate over the years due to her constant attitude with you and Kie.
You heard a car honk from outside and you knew that was your que to leave. You said goodbye to your parents and made your way downstairs and out the door. You greeted Kiara with a smile and small hello as you got into her car.
The drive was short and before you knew it the two of you were pulling up to the party. You took a deep breath and tried to calm your nerves. You knew John B would be here with Sarah... Pope and JJ by his side as if his betrayal was nothing... as if you were nothing.
" we can turn around and have a girls night instead " Kie whispered as she turned to you
" no... it's okay " you stated and then got out of the car
Kie grabbed your hand in hers as the two of you walked to the beach.
" I'm scared " you said to her
" I'm scared too... "
" why are you scared? " you asked
" because I don't know what I'm going to do when I see John B parade around here with Sarah as if he didn't just absolutely break your heart like it was nothing.... it doesn't help dumb and dumber are going to be with him instead of us either " she said and you laughed
" I love you ya know "
" I love you too (Y/N) .... I'm gonna go get us drinks which you know they are probably in charge of so go sit over there " she said as she pointed towards a large open spot on the beach.
You just nodded and let go of her hand, both of you going opposite ways. You sighed as you sat in the sand feeling sad.
" mind if I sit next to you " a familiar voice asked from behind you
" sure Top " you said using his nickname.
The two of you weren't friends but you also didn't play into the kooks vs Pogues with each other. Topper admired how cool and honest you were so he was always kind to you. That was something you appreciated. He respected you enough to leave the boys alone when you asked and even somehow got Rafe to back down from a few fights with JJ and in return you would defend him to your friends. The relationship you had with each other was odd and very unexpected.... a kook and a Pogue having a pretty high level of respect for one another was practically unheard of if you excused Kiara from her kook title.
" you okay? " he asked knowing all too well what you were feeling
" No... are you? "
" not really.... it just sucks that she cheated on me with a- " he stopped himself
" sorry " he apologized
" don't apologize.... there's a lot of mean shit I could say about kooks too right now " you laughed lightly trying to make him feel better about what he had just apologized for.
" You didn't deserve it.... you're so kind and caring John B didn't deserve you " he mumbled
" You didn't deserve it either.... yeah you kinda suck sometimes but you've always been nice to me and from what I saw you were pretty good to her too so Sarah didn't deserve you either " you said as you leaned your head on his shoulder
" Maybe they are perfect for each other then " he muttered as he turned his head, eyeing John B and Sarah.
" when did you find out " you asked him noticing he was sad but definitely not as sad as you which lead you to the conclusion he had found out before you and obviously not today
" Midsummers " he responded and you sat up faster than you ever had before suddenly feeling sick to your stomach, this made Topper look at you with concern written all over his face.
Midsummers was three weeks ago.
" I found out this afternoon " your voice broke as you realized just how long this was going on for and you couldn’t help but wonder how long it was going on for before midsummers.
" he promised.... he promised me he'd tell you " Topper whispered more to himself than you
" what? " you asked turning to look at him
" when I caught them... I lost it, yelled and screamed at them and then I said I was going to find you.... he stopped me and promised he'd tell you in the morning " Topper said in disbelief
" wait.... your first thought was to yell at them and then come and find me? Why? " you asked
" because I care about and respect you.... I admire how honest and cool you are if I'm being honest I like you and respect how you're always quick to call me and my friends out on my shit so yeah when I found out one of my first thoughts was to come find you " he mumbled as he looked down at the sand feeling slightly embarrassed by his own confession but it was true.
He cared about you.
" Thank you " you whispered to him really meaning it and feeling grateful at least someone who knew seemed to have your back.
" Topper? (Y/N) ? " Kie asked as she approached the two of you with drinks in her hand, confused as to why the blonde haired kook was siting next to you
" Kie I know you just got these but I need them both" you stated with a look of determination on your face. She didn't say anything as you stood up and took them from her hands and just watched as you marched over to John B and Sarah.
" (Y/N) - " Pope started but your harsh glare was quick to silence him. You tapped John B on the shoulder causing him and Sarah to turn around and before either of them could even register it was you the drinks ended up being thrown in their faces
" You're a real piece of shit John B.... Topper caught the two of you at midsummers? That was THREE weeks ago and god knows how long the two of you were sneaking around before that.... I was good to you! always so good to you and this is what I get in return? You promised him you were going to break up with me the next day but instead you decided to string me along? For what? Your own selfish enjoyment? For the thrill of sneaking around? " you spat and he was speechless so you turned to Sarah
" and you.... did you enjoy sneaking around behind my back? Stealing my boyfriend? Cheating on your own? I hope you guys are happy together because you truly deserve one another.... " you spat and then turned around storming off back towards where Topper and Kie sat
" sorry about the drinks " you mumbled as you sat next to Kiara
" don't be.... three weeks? That's fucking disgusting " Kiara scoffed feeling even angrier than she had before.
" I'm really sorry (Y/N) I thought you knew.... I swear to god I would have told you " Topper said, guilt laced in his voice.
" I know Top.... don't worry about it " you reassured him as you moved closer to him, resting your head back on his shoulder.
Being near him right now was oddly comforting.
" I don't think I want to be friends with John B anymore " Kie announced as she looked over at you and Topper
" are you sure Kie? " you asked
" yeah.... I love the carefree lifestyle of being his friend but he hurt you (Y/N) and he hurt me and it doesn't even seem like he cares " she mumbled as she looked down at the and you nodded as you realized just how much this was hurting her too.
" we don't need em.... we can live a mix of a kook and Pogue life just the two of us like it used to be " you said
" I mean.... I know we kinda suck but you could always hang out with the guys and I " Topper said which caused both you and Kie to snort
" Top... you and Kelce are fine but Rafe? He hates us" you laughed
" yeah... my bad but hey maybe we can change that " he laughed with you and you just smiled at him feeling grateful he was trying his best to make you feel better.
" (Y/N) can we talk " JJ asked as he approached the three of you. You looked over at Kie asking for her opinion and she just shrugged. You patted Topper on the leg before standing up and following JJ
" I didn't know it was that long " he mumbled
" I know " was all you said as you walked down the beach with him
" are we gonna be okay? " he asked feeling scared of your answer. He didn’t want to lose you
" eventually.... but things are never gonna be the same. I'm not gonna be around anymore and by the looks of it neither is Kie " you said
" I get it.... soooo you and Topper looked pretty cosy" JJ joked which caused you to roll your eyes and laugh
" I've always enjoyed Topper's company and I mean.... he gets it more than anyone else does so I guess having him as a friend won't be the worst thing ever " you mumbled
" I can't stand him but he's always been nice to you so there's no reason not to be his friend " JJ huffed still not liking the idea
" Where's Pope? " you asked as you scanned the crowd looking for him
" after you threw drinks in John B and Sarah's face and yelled at them he yelled at John B and then left.... he feels horrible " JJ sighed as the two of you turned around and began walking back towards Topper and Kie
" It's okay.... you've both been friends with John B longer and you didn't know how long it had been going on for " you stated simply
" I went after him but he said he needed space so I let him go.... I'm sure you can expect him at your door sometime tomorrow "
" I hope so because you and Pope are still my best friends despite all this shit "
" good.... I'm really sorry (Y/N) "
" it's alright JJ.... I'm not about to flush several years of friendship down the toilet over this. At least not with the two of you. In John B's case he'll be lucky if I ever even look at him again "
The two of you were now back in front of Topper and Kie. You gave JJ a hug and a quick goodbye before sitting back down next to Topper and then watched as he returned to where John B and Sarah stood, Sarah looked to be having a mini melt down as her makeup ran down her face. This caused you to laugh a little bit enjoying her current state.
" we're the same you know " Topper mumbled which caused you to look away from Sarah and over at him
" yeah but that's okay because we have each other. We'll get over this.... together " you smiled softly
" You're really pretty " Topper said suddenly which caused Kie to snort
" dude.... she's been single for like 6 hours I think you might wanna give it at LEAST a day or two before you make your move " Kie said while laughing which caused you to lean over and whack her arm.
" You're really pretty too Top " you giggled as you looked at him
He just rolled his eyes and leaned into you and you couldn’t help but feel as if this was the start of a beautiful friendship..... maybe even something more.
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Sweeney Todd: Revisted
Lol I can’t post this on any of my other socials just yet because the official cast list hasn’t been posted, but my tumblr isn’t linked to my Instagram or Facebook or anything like that, so I felt I could safely post here without getting in trouble. Warning now that this is a LONG post because I overwrite a lot lol
If you’ve been following me a while, you might remember last spring I was supposed to be in a production of Sweeney Todd as a soloist/ensemble member. We got through about a month and a half of rehearsals before everything was shut down by Covid, but the company kept promising we would do the show once everything opened up again, just a little while longer and we’ll do it, we’re pushing for October instead of May, this is going to happen. Honestly, once we hit the school year and no updates had come, I thought this would have to be a show I shelved until an entirely new production came up- until April this year we got an email asking who was still interested in returning.
Somehow we had gotten approval to move forward with the show again after all, and we were being moved to a larger space to accommodate a larger audience to boot! But with the new dates and location, naturally some cast members had to step down from their roles due to conflicts. In fact, pretty much the entire main cast had to step down; our Sweeney had moved in October, our Beggar Woman wasn’t comfortable coming back to live theatre just yet, Mrs Lovett would be on her honeymoon during the new show dates, our main Johanna would be working a new job further away, a lot of our younger cast was going to college out of state, like our Anthony and I believe both Toby’s.
In the initial email we were told that if we were willing to return, we could keep our roles and not have to reaudition, but as roles opened up we were also given the option to audition for the new openings. Our understudy Johanna was returning, so I figured they would bump her up into the main role, and I hoped I could squeeze in and maybe get the understudy spot this year, since last year I hadn’t made the cut for Johanna at all. I picked my music (Soon from A Little Night Music if anyone was wondering) and my monologue (fairly certain they wanted monologues just to hear that we could do accents because the audition listing said they preferred we did our monologue in accent), and set to preparing again to hopefully have a shot at Johanna this year.
A friend I met doing virtual shows was also auditioning, and when she mentioned she heard the new director didn’t want to have any understudies for the main cast, I grew worried, remembering our understudy Johanna said she was returning. Since I didn’t know how the director would go about distributing promised roles regarding understudy positions, I continued to prepare to the best of my ability with the slim hope I might get Johanna, but that hope was fading with the knowledge of the former understudy’s return.
A few days before the audition however, she posted in our private group that she too would have to step down, as she had just gotten accepted into her dream school and would be out of state during the production’s run. Suddenly the grey area barring me from Johanna dissipated, and all I had to worry for now was the new auditioning pool- this was one of the first in person shows to open in our area since the lockdown, so there was bound to be a lot of new faces trying to get back into the game.
I went in on Sunday feeling far more prepared than I did last year (I almost didn’t audition last year because I had only just gotten my voice back from a horrible flu strain), and funnily enough, my friend I had met doing virtual shows had signed up for the same time bracket as me without either of us knowing. Entering the audition room, I immediately felt good; everyone had such a welcoming atmosphere, the director was friendly as could be, but I could also tell he was very professional. I performed the best I could, waited for my friend to finish her audition afterwards, then we went to go talk and catch up while desperately waiting to possibly get a callback.
We chatted for hours about theatre, our virtual theatre group, life, all while keeping a vigilant eye on the time for when that day’s auditions would end and calls would be made. Eventually we both decided to go home, wishing each other the best and hoping to see each other again at callbacks.
I was only halfway home when my phone rang; they loved my audition and wanted me to come in on Tuesday to read for Johanna at callbacks. I was so excited that I started crying behind the wheel, and from the way my phone was blowing up with messages from my friend, I knew she had gotten a callback as well.
Luckily they asked me to prepare Green Finch and Linnet Bird for the callback, because I have known the song for about two years now- I had put it in my audition book about a month before my Sydney trip in 2019, and the hope to perform it in the original production had been the reason I auditioned in 2020 in the first place. I found out there was two other girls they were looking at for Johanna, so I worried day and night that what if they already knew the song too, what if their resumes were better than mine, what if I cracked, what if, what if, what if…
Tuesday came and I could only hope I’d get another burst of energy after a long day at work. I showed up about forty five minutes early (the drive usually took about half an hour, but the traffic had been forgiving), hearing snippets of the Anthony’s and Beggar Woman’s upstairs, and then the first of the other two Johanna’s showed up. She was so nice, and with time the second Johanna showed up. We all chatted as the Sweeney’s, and Beggar Woman’s came down, and soon enough, they were calling the Johanna’s to head upstairs.
The Anthony’s were still upstairs when we got there, certainly so we could read our audition scenes together. The director explained we’d be singing our song first (ALL of Green Finch, since there’s no good natural spot to stop in the song), and then taking turns reading with both Anthony’s. Since I volunteered to go first, the director said he’d let me go a second time after the other two girls, that way I could adjust any slip ups since I was basically test running the sound and space for the other two girls. The speaker was as loud as it could go, but once I started singing I quickly realized that I drowned out the music and couldn’t hear my accompaniment anymore, so I relied on my muscle memory of the flow of the song and my internal meter to get me through to the end. I only messed up on the trill before the final verse, it was so much longer than I anticipated, but I knew I’d be able to fix that after hearing the other two girls. Turns out the other two had only started looking at the song once they got called back, so I had an edge on having it memorized, but once I heard their voices I grew worried because they both had such beautiful tones, trying to react quickly to when they missed something in the music. I went through my second time, correcting my mistake with the trill (which all three of us made the same mistake there) and tweaking a few small things to my blocking, and then we were given a scene to read with the Anthony’s.
We would all get a turn with both Anthony’s to get a sense of chemistry, as well so we could all make adjustments (the director reminded us the context of the scene we were reading after we all finished with the first Anthony, and guided us on a better direction to what Johanna would be feeling in that moment for our second time through). I felt I really connected well with both Anthony’s, familiar with the scene and story so I wouldn’t have to be buried in my lines. It was during our read-throughs that I realized the other two Johanna’s were likely a few years older than me based on how they played her; more mature, more sure of themselves. I finished my second read-through, hopefully keeping to the context of the scene better than my first run-through, and we were all told that we could head home, that we’d be hearing from them in a day or two regarding final casting. Before I hit the door, the director paused me, asking if I still had my original script from the prior production. Heart pounding at the implications his question could be loaded with, I told them I did, and in fact I had it with me. “It felt like good luck to bring it,” I said, and they all laughed with me at lugging around a four hundred page script for luck.
When we got downstairs, the Johanna I was particularly worried about asked me if I studied opera, which I admitted I did have an associates degree for music. We all talked a while longer before they all headed out, and I sought my friend in the lobby to confide in her; I think I’ve got Johanna.
After talking with her a bit about our auditions, explaining how I thought I had an edge, I headed home, hardly able to sleep as I picked my audition apart in my head and awaited some kind of phone call.
The next day at work I jumped every time my phone buzzed, waiting to see if it was a call. When I was upstairs heating up my lunch, my friend asked if I had heard anything yet, mentioning how she and our Judge thought the director would start making calls after work. I assented- it made sense, plus it’s so much better to actually be able to receive the call than to come back to a voicemail about your casting.
As I waited in the hall for someone, my phone started buzzing with a call, and my heart rate shot up. It was still so early in the afternoon, not quite 3:30, and with everything I had knew was good about my audition, I allowed myself a flicker of hope. I knew I had a few minutes, so I quickly answered- and there was our director on the other side.
“Hi, is this Shelby? This is (director), from Sweeney Todd.” I responded back, asking how he was, trying not to lose my nerve. “I’m great, thanks for asking. We’re just starting to call everyone about casting, and we were just so impressed with your auditions, your first and your callback; we were interested if you’d be willing to accept the role of Johanna?”
I was trying not to cry on the phone as I excitedly responded YES, I would LOVE to play Johanna- I had wanted to play Johanna for a year and a half at this point, and here was my moment at last. After a few more logistical questions, he bid me a good day and hung up to call the rest of the main cast. I was just bubbling over with excitement, the first thing I did was message my friend that I’d gotten Johanna- she had found out the night before that she was going to be the Beggar Woman since she stayed late at callbacks to discuss a miscommunication with the director (she was accidentally twenty minutes late because her email had the wrong callback time listed, and when the director was made aware, she asked if she could sing again, and he said “we don’t need you to, we saw all we needed your first time through- you ARE the Beggar Woman”), then I messaged our Judge Turpin, who was one of the other few returning cast members.
My coworkers were all so excited for me, asking me when the show was going to be, that they’d all make a group to go see it together. When I got home, I tricked my parents into thinking I was still nervous about casting, saying “I don’t know, I’m just nervous… I mean, my first kiss is going to be on stage.” And when it clicked that I had gotten the part, my mom screamed and my dad laughed at my mischievousness at tricking both of them, congratulating me.
I’m still waiting on the go-ahead so I can post about this on my main socials, but I’ve just been so excited that I had to find a way to post it secretly somewhere, just so I wouldn’t burst at the seams holding this in. Our first rehearsal is in August, so my rehearsal stories series will be returning once those start (I theorized there’s a gap between auditions and first rehearsals because the cast has to be vaccinated for legal reasons, so the handful that aren’t can have time to get their vaccines).
For now, I get to wonder who my other fellow cast mates are, who my Anthony will be. Until then, if I cannot fly, let me sing 🕊 -Johanna (Shelby)
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