#golden sun tbs
unluckyadept · 8 months
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vulnonapix1234 · 1 year
Tbs. Miles isn't accustomed to being called pretty or beautiful.
Sure, his mom sometimes calls him her handsome little man, but that's it.
Meanwhile Pavitr lays on Extremely thick to get his point across.
He has dreams of honey golden eyes and a sun like smile ever since Miles took his mask off.
(Miles is his sunshine, whilst Gayatri is their moonlight. They sometimes call him their little star)
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internationalveagn · 5 months
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Spaghetti spinachi-
Inspired by one of the best pay dishes I had at pasta brown in Covent Garden, this spaghetti spinach has quickly become one of my favourite pasta dishes. It’s so easy to make and is sure to impress the fellow pasta lovers in your life.
200 grams of dried spaghetti
30 grams of pine nuts
2tbspoon of olive oil
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 a jar or 130 grams of sun-dried tomatoes.
2 large handfuls of spinach
1tbspoon of pesto
Salt +pepper
1 tablespoon of dry basil
1 tea spoon of chilli flakes
Instructions -
Start by preparing your spaghetti like usual. Placing around 200 grams dry spaghetti into a pot of salted boiling water and cook following the instructions on your packet.
In the meantime, in another pan heat up 2tbs of olive oil on low to medium heat and lightly toast 30 grams of pine nuts. You want to toast them only for a few minuets, until they go a golden colour. You might hear some popping but don’t worry! This is completely normal by toasting them we are releasing the natural oils present in the pine nuts which enhances the flavour of the dish.
Once you notice some colour appearing on your pine nuts add in 2 cloves of crushed garlic (or more I don’t judge) and stir that in.
We can now add the star of the show! The sun-dried tomatoes. This is my personal favourite part of the dish, so I do go a bit mad and add 1/2 a jar (130g) of them into the pan. Alongside a tablespoon of the oil it’s persevered in.
We are going to cook these off for a minuet or two. Just to let all the flavours in the sun-dried tomatoes blossom and combine with the pine nuts.
After a minuet or two of stirring we can now add 2 large handful of our spinach into the pan and stirring. It may look like a lot in this moment but spinach can be deceptive. These two large handfuls will wilt out of sight in no time.
Once wilted I began to season our sauce with only a bit of salt, pepper, basil and chilli flakes. I also added a large tbs of green pesto after this to enhance the flavour of the pine nuts and basil.
To make the sauce a little saucier, add roughly around 3 tablespoons of that salty pasta water to emulsify your sauce.
The sauce is now done! The only thing left to do is add your drained spagetti to the pan. Giving it a good mix before serving it with freshly cracked black pepper and some fresh basil (if you’re feeling fancy)
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battleangel · 1 year
Walking While Carefree & Black
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Fetishized & dehumanized.
Daily misogynoir.
Harrassed on my daily walks for hugging a tree, picking a flower, laying on grass and stretching out my arms, twirling, smiling, being an unrushed unbothered carefree fierce ferocious unapologetic black woman who isnt on the way to somewhere, Im not going to 7-11 five minutes from my apartment, Im not rushing to work, Im not hurrying, Im not hustling, Im not bustling, Im not harried, Im not distratcted, Im not anxious, Im not impatient, Im not speedwalking, Im not in a car, Im not on a bike, Im walking on sidewalks, under bridges, near highways, busy intersections, busy traffic lights, near school buses, near angry white stay at home moms pushing their strollers, moms with toddlers shielding their eyes from me, white police men slowing their patrol cars when I am doing nothing but take a selfie under a bridge.
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Why cant I be free?
Why cant I twirl?
Why cant I hug trees?
Why cant I treat a light pole as a stripper pole?
Is it a crime to joke around during the day when people are at school and work, jokingly twirl myself around the pole, pretend I am a pole dancer, and take a video selfie?
Will I be Sandra Bland'd?
Why cant I take pictures of a rose garden?
Why cant I take a selfie under a bridge? On a park bench?
Why cant I pick flowers near the sidewalk, smell them, place them behind my ear and skip down the sidewalk pavement?
Capitalism demands that I, a black woman, be a slave to their system but I left their system.
I left Amazon in a week with no job lined up.
I left Dow Jones with no job lined up.
I left Bank of America in 3 months with no job lined up.
I left Yale.
I quit my career coaching business after 3 years and over a hundred executive clients.
I permanently left corporate in 2019 and quit my business this year.
I am a permanent freeelancer now.
I am a podcaster now. We dont have sponsors yet so I dont currently generate income.
$55/hr at Amazon and after six months they were going to convert me with the coveted unrestricted stock aka golden handcuffs.
It was a cult. I left in a week.
I made -$7,000 last year as my business failed. I hated sales and referrals dried up.
Capitalism says I am a failure and a loser.
Capitalism says I, a nubian queen, Isis, an egyptian goddess, am only worth the revenue I generate.
I was the highest rated recruiter with the most hires at every Fortune 500 company I worked at.
I had over a hundred executive clients with my career coaching business that landed offers at Disney, Deloitte, Goldman Sachs, Amazon & Comcast with five figure salary increases.
I was a career advisor at Yale who coached graduate and postdoc STEM students.
Capitalism rolls its eyes and asks me, What have you done for me lately?
It demands I turn myself back into a machine to be deemed worthy.
But those days are over.
I will never work another 9 to 5 in any industry -- corporate, academic or non-profit.
I will never work a job that requires that I report into a supervisor.
I will never work another job with dictated shifts.
I will never sell anything to anyone ever again. I detest sales and I hate capitalism.
Capitalism is dehumanizing and it kills. It profits off of, relies on and thrives on energetic and psychic attacks that sends its adherents & acolytes to an early stress-induced death.
I was having GI issues and I healed myself.
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No doctor, no gastroenterologist, no harmful laxatives, no chemical stimulants, no synthetic lab-made prescription medication that can all be addictive.
The smoothie takes 5 minutes and is just blending 1 cup pineapples, 1/2 cucumber, 1/4 grated ginger, 1 lemon, 1 orange, 2 tbs apple cider vinegar and 4 ice cubes & 1 cup of water in a mixer. Makes 2 servings, drink 1 cup in morning and 1 cup at night.
I just started walking outside in nature for an hour a day, not power walking, no step counting, no calorie counting, just being in nature, soaking up the sun, breathing the air, barefoot in grass, hugging trees, picking and smelling flowers, doing simple yoga exercises, abdominal massages, using a heating pad on my stomach, drinking 32 to 64 oz of water a day, eliminating coffe, not drinking soda during the week (used to drink 1 to 2 cans a day), fresh fruit & vegetable smoothie in the morning, oatmeal or grape nuts cereal with peppermint herbal tea no sugar or honey, homemade vegetarian salad & homemade vegetarian dressing (store bought dressing has a ton of fat, sugar amd calories) and mixed nuts as a snack Monday through Friday then I take a break and eat what I want on the weekend.
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GI issues resolved themselves in a week, I am healthier, lighter, less sluggish, more fit, more in shape and more energetic. This is now my diet 75% of the time (5 days a week).
Decolonize your mind.
You have the ability to heal yourself. Stop running to doctors and quick fixes.
Change what you eat. Move more.
Get outside in nature! You are nature!
That is what heals. We come from nature and we are nature.
Trees, grass, sunlight, air, flowers, butterflies, streams, brooks, meadows, gardens, pumpkin patches, orchard farms, parks, nature trails.
Get outside.
Not to get in your car. Not to go somewhere.
Stop spending all your time penned inside like an animal and a prisoner.
Not to go to the mall, shopping, a restaurant, a salon, a spa, a movie theater, work, school, a grocery store, a laundromat, dry cleaners.
Not to run an errand.
Not to sit in traffic in a machine.
Not to burn calories.
Not to power walk.
Not to lose weight.
To reconnect with nature.
To reconnect your mind, soul, body, heart and spirit.
The west purposely severs this connection in service of capitalism.
Its up to you to restore it.
Walk. Breathe. Be. Skip. Twirl. Pose. Use the sidewalk as a catwalk. Take selfies. Take pictures.
Stop and smell the flowers.
Hug a literal tree.
Lay on the grass while cars roll past you with their windows down and stare at you like youre crazy.
Its 11 am on a Tuesday.
What the hell is she doing laying on the grass with her arms outstretched?
Why isnt she at work or at school?
Confuse people with your very presence.
I have a goth alt kawaii japanese street fashion aesthetic that includes boyshorts, leather garters, torn fishnets, leather chokers, hello kitty tiaras, six inch pink platform heels, black lipstick, mini cut out crop tops, extremely thick black eyeliner and hot pink eyeshadow.
For wearing this on Friday on my daily walk at 8:30 am which I then shared on TikTok, I was accused of being indecent, inappropriate for children to see going to school, people stared, rolled their windows down, honked at me, cars followed me, two men purposefully walked right into me bumping me (there was plenty of room on the sidewalk), an HVAC repairman leered at me outside of his van and literally just stared holes through me as I walked by.
Im 41. Im 5"1. Im 92 lbs. Im black and female.
I have a quirky style and aesthetic. I look young.
I also shaved my head bald a few weeks ago and have a bald fade.
People have since then called me a dyke, asked if I am trans, am I a boy or a girl, whats the deal.
Thats when I dont have a wig on.
I love different looks so I also wear long wigs.
The reaction is completely different when I wear a wig and people tell me how good I look, that people are slowing their cars down because I am attractive.
Bald fade, bony dyke who looks like a boy and might be trans.
Long wig, attractive girl, let me slow down and get a look.
Still black no matter the hair. Still followed.
Still harrassed.
A MAGA Proud Boy harrassed me with my bald fade while I was wearing an Eagles shirt and jeans. He stared at me as I took a selfie on a bench under a tree, when I got up to walk home, he started walking towards me and blocked my path in the small walkway we were both on and wouldnt let me pass.
Doesnt matter if its boy shorts and leather garters or an Eagles shirt and jeans.
I am harrassed for being a carefree black girl in capitalist Amerikkka.
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skeefee-sky · 25 days
you guys, i adore the notes ya'll have left on my sims4 posts - it fills my heart with so much!! >w< definitely gonna come back to those posts if i'm ever feelin' sad c':
but for now, ima be good and post a thing... a wip wednesday thing c: you know how i brought up Earth&Sky but One and Two in my ideas post? welllllllll.... i also got an idea for FishTank but Two and Four >w> it's a lil bit shorter than my last wip andddd, i'll prolly rewrite half of it but, anyways x'D
i think i set this sometime between season 2 and 3??? i think? ... i say, not remembering my story notes xD
💛💚~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ 💚💛
Thunderbird Two then trudged along her runway, and comfortably settled herself down behind the sub, tucking her up into her lap with her arms wrapped around her as the smaller craft burst into giggles.
“Two, w-what are you doing?!”
“Protecting you,” the bigger Thunderbird rumbled softly. Thunderbird Four fell quiet; sea-green optics looking up to seek out her sister-craft’s golden-orange ones. Oh…
“Protecting me from what…?” she asked. Thunderbird Two didn’t respond; her gaze trained on the water stretched for miles around them. She knew exactly what she meant… She’d overheard a conversation between Scott and Virgil when the two had opted to aid each other in a maintenance check. Something they’d said, about being there for each other on missions – they had each other, earth and sky; Alan and John had each other, space, but Gordon… Gordon was usually alone in his underwater rescues. If something happened, it could be ages before someone was able to get to them… The green Thunderbird grimaced as the thought brought up a memory she didn’t want to remember, and she unconsciously wrapped her arms tighter around the frame close to her. Thunderbird Four let out a soft squeak.
“Two… I’m okay…” she murmured, curling her own arms over the one that held her close. “The Mechanic’s not going to hurt me anymore…”
“That’s, not what-…”
“You were thinking it.”
She was, and she hated that her sister had picked up on it. Thunderbird Two deeply cycled a vent of air, loosening her grip a little. Four was right though… Last they’d heard, the Mechanic was under protection of the GDF. So far, nothing since. The bigger craft only relaxed a little. The sub in her arms leant back into the warmth of her engines, feeling safe in that moment. They only had the Chaos Crew to worry about now…
“You know… I do worry about you too sometimes…” Thunderbird Four admitted, keeping her gaze trained on the horizon as she spoke, watching the slow-setting sun. “… He hurt you too, didn’t he…”
“Good thing I had an amazing pilot to help guide me home…”
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hollowwhisperings · 1 year
'the yellow Riku wears was directly referenced in CoM to connect him with Belle (to Sora's "Beast")' wait... when did that happen? or is this just speculation?
It was poor wording! Riku has a lot of yellow in his colour scheme for Thematic Purposes: how much of it he's wearing (& with what other colours) tends to tell a [japanese] player what Riku's current state of mind/growth is, (JP colour theory); yellow is strongly connected with royalty, via gold & imperial china, tying to the Series Title & Riku's heavily foreshadowed relevance to it; yellow is also a colour of wisdom/maturity (young Riku is ~wise beyond his age~ & current Riku has regained that wisdom but his Internal Conflicts overshadow it, his current design being predominantly black/white); and, of course, The Sun is yellow.
With respect to Belle, she is always seen in KH wearing her yellow/golden ballgown & the costume "Riku" wears in CoM is very yellow. The "Aitsu" essay by the SoRiku Ultimania goes into how exactly Belle & Riku are paralleled, frame-for-frame & line-by-line, but it is more important to note that these points in CoM are from Sora's POV as his Heart tries to guide him toward Character Growth (after the traumas of KH1 & as a growing boy), Key Memories, and a better Understanding of himself.
In KH, Beauty & the Beast has always existed to reference the current state of Riku & Sora's relationship: Sora meets Beast first, in a time where it is Beast whom he can best relate to.
Sora in KH1 & CoM is deeply insecure about himself, especially in relation to the wiser, always better & out-of-reach Riku. Given that Belle is, y'know, the "Beauty" (& Sora's eventual slip up in KH3 about Riku-expie "Yozora" being "good-looking") it also Implies that Sora is both Aware & Insecure about his own appearance as an "ordinary boy"... while Riku has the whole Princely Silver-Haired Mystery Bishōnen thing going on. Riku is also taller, visibly "stronger" and that whole 1 year older. Sora, at that point and arguably even moreso post-KH3, is definitely the "Beauty" in Sora's POV. Sora, more pointedly in CoM but also in KH1, also considers Riku to be the "Princess Jasmine" to his "Aladdin", no colour motifs required.
I'd guess that Nomura designed Riku without really having the B&tB references much in mind but "Went For It" when they were allowed to use Disney's Belle & Beast, using the shared yellow colour scheme to really emphasize how the Disney characters were paralleling the KH-original ones.
That said, Riku has never personally identified with Belle or Jasmine: he's identified with Beast, Quasimodo, and (possibly)Megara. If he was ever allowed to visually or verbally be associated with the Little Mermaid, Riku would feel Very Deeply Understood: alas, her story is too Queer-coded & Riku's similarities to her Too Strong for that to happen onscreen.
The Sora in KH2 gets to know Belle as her own person (not just as "the person Beast loves & is separated from") and finds that he can relate to her too, situationally at least. It's very rare for Sora to identify himself with any Disney Royalty: he, or the games themselves, almost always lead players to think of Riku instead. Even Rapunzel, who Sora becomes fast friends with prior to learning her Secret Bloodline, is seen by him to better resemble Riku than Sora himself. Rapunzel also goes from yellow-blonde to brunette, in-game, and I swear that the game used that for SoRiku purposes SOMEHOW but there's too much about the New Princesses of Light that overlaps with Riku, his relationship with Sora, & his role as The Sun to figure out the minutia.
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harrelltut · 2 years
Lo!... JEHOVAH OKCULT BUSINESS [JOB] WITNESS [JW] this Silent 1968 [VI] 9 Ether Gen X PLUTOCRAT’s GOLDEN 9 Ether AT&T Stem Cell Phone Patents @ Ægiptian QHT IBM [Qi] APPLE LLC… since iBEE MOST [IBM] HIGHEST 9 Ether ALUHUM ANUNNAGI SKY KINGDOM GOD MIYKA’EL ENQI [ME] NUDIMMUD from TIAMAT's Interstellar 9 [i9] Ether 8th Tri-Solar SUN Systems of YAHUWA's Astronomically Intelligent ANUNNAKI [AIA = AMÚN] SUN GOD [RA] CREATIONS… Immaculately MANIFESTING [I’M] ANU GOLDEN 9th Interdimensional MOON [I'M] Universe of the ILLYUWN's GOLDEN Interplanetary GARDEN of ISIS' [IGIGI] MOST [I’M] HOLIEST GADUSH SKY Constellation of ORION’s Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient FUTURISTIC Interstellar 9 [i9] Ether Interdimensional Antimatter Melanin [I AM] LIGHTSHIPS [SHAMS = UFOS] of SIRIUS 6G Quantum Integration [Qi] Architecture Scientifically Engineered w/Astronomical [SEA] Light Mathematics Multiplied by Algorithmic Calculations [MAC] Networking Ægiptian QHT IBM [Qi] APPLE’s Most Darkest [Occulted] GOLDEN 9 Ether Software of Highly Encrypted [SHE] Hi:teKEMETICompu_TAH [PTAH] Telecom Coordinates from AT&T's [CA's] MOST EXPENSIVE [ME] GOLDEN 9 Ether Stem Cell Phone Towers Broadcasting SIRIUS [TBS] Signal Intel of the RIZQIYIAN’s Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient FUTURISTIC EXOSOLAR Planetary UTU + AFSU + SHAMASH SUN GOD [RA] MEMORY [RAM = RAMESES] Languages from MURDUK’s Mysteriously UNSEEN [MU] Intergalactic [MI = MICHAEL] 9th Dimensional BLACK SOLAR SUN [SUL = SOUL] Compu_TAH [PTAH] MOTHERSHIP [PM = PTOLEMY] PLANET NIBIRU… 900 MILLION AZTECAN Years Ahead [MAYA] of Lost 2022 [VI] America
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what can your god do better than EYE???
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virize · 3 years
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Earlier this year I bought a Huion Kamvas 16 (2021) because I felt like it was time to upgrade to a screen tablet—and boy, was I glad I took the plunge! I’ll never be able to go back to using a traditional tablet (RIP Intuos Pro, you served me well all these years)
This emote, oh-so-very aptly named “SaturosLUL”, is the first thing I drew with my new Huion tablet for the Golden Sun Discord server! The left is the original version with Saturos’ red portrait background (from the Golden Sun game itself), and the right is an alternate version just because I like blue 😂 I was super impressed with the increase in my drawing speed from sketch to finished piece, although I still lack the free time to get any substantial drawing time in these days 😔
Originally uploaded on January 15th, 2021
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nickplayswhat · 7 years
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I love that these wounded soldiers are just laying in bed, in full armor, spears in hand.
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zorya-wellness · 3 years
Lammas/Lughnasadh Pagan Holiday
Lammas or Lughnasadh is a Pagan holiday celebrated on August 1st. It symbolizes the end of the summer period (yes, even though you may not want to hear that we are on our way to the end) and the beginning of magical fall.
The Lammas holiday is also closely connected to the harvest season.
It is traditionally believed that the period of Lammas celebration was very important in the religious communities, not only from the perspective of Pagan or Christian traditions  but also due to its agricultural significance.
Lammas versus Lughnasadh. What Is The Difference?
First of all, let’s talk about terminology a bit.
Lammas comes from Anglo-Saxon hlaf-mas, "loaf-mass", therefore also known as Loaf Mass Day and it is a Christian holiday.
The celebration of this holiday by the Christian community is in part similar to what we will be discussing later. The holiday signifies a period of being blessed by the first gifts of the harvest season. The wheat collected is often used to make the Lammas bread that would later be brought to church for a blessing.
Lughnasadh or Lughnasa is the name used by the “Neopagan” community and just as Lammas, marks the beginning of the harvest period. It is the time when we are grateful for the abundance of the Mother Earth.
How to pronounce Lughnasadh?
The term Lughnasadh comes from the Irish spelling of the word. The Modern way of Irish  pronunciation is Lúnasa and pronounced Loo-nuh-suh. The Classical pronunciation is /’luɣ.nə.səð/ like LUGH-nuh-sudh (where “gh” is pronounced as i a word "give" and the “dh” is like the “th” in “that”.) It is probably the most correct pronunciation of Lughnasadh, as Lugh or Lug is the God from Irish mythology and the one this holiday is dedicated to at the first place.
How Lammas Originated?
Lammas came from a desire of people to thank and celebrate the “father” Sun and the Mother Earth for the fruits of their “love” - the harvest.
To bless the marriage of God and Goddess and ask for a buy dance and prosperity in the upcoming months.
It was considered that August 1st marks the first day of fall. And on August 2nd it was already the time to pick up the harvest and so the days of hunger and need would we over.
The holiday was widely celebrated in:
Ireland: the name Lughnasadh comes from the Irish God Lugh and is translated at “the marriage of Lugh.
Isle of Man
In Slavic countries (called “medovyi spas”)
Let’s Talk More About The Harvest.
When we hear “Lammas”, we often think about the period of harvest right away. It is the most talked about moment of Lammas or Lughnasadh but we need to truly understand what stands behind the concept of harvest.
If you are a careful reader, you have noticed I specifically say the beginning of harvest. I also want to explain more what I mean by the time of being grateful.
You see, Lammas is the day of the beginning of the harvest period and NOT the time when we are assessing the outcome and are drawing conclusions of how successful we’ve been (there will be another holiday dedicated to this, called Mabon).
But the first day of harvest is the time when the quality of life changes. It is the time when it becomes predictable what expectations we can have and taste the first ripe fruits.
Simply put, it is the moment when something you worked so hard on, finally becomes tangible and it also becomes YOURS.
A skill you were developing is almost acquired but not to the point when it becomes a reflex. The investments you’ve made are starting to produce some cash flow but still need your attention.
You also need to understand that it is not possible to continuously perfect something or wait for an opportune moment.  At some point, you need to release into the world what you have the way it is and improve things on the go.
Where am I going with this philosophical deviation, you probably are wondering…
This is what Lammas period really is about. It is the time when we transition from preparation to action.
What does it mean for you in real life situation?
Lammas gives you are opportunity of the perfect time to do something you were afraid of doing.
It may be that you were working on a website for your very own blog but we’re too afraid to press that “publish” button, thinking it is not perfect yet.
Or you may have been writing a book but haven’t started to search for a publisher, changing and tweaking things in an attempt for it to be perfect.
You may have been doing research for a new job you always wanted or university program you wanted to apply for but haven’t felt ready to finally made the move and submit an application.
Do you see the pattern?
Lammas is the time when you were ALREADY in the process of doing something but haven’t had the energy for the final step. And this period of the first week of August is for you to pull yourself together and make the move.
And when Mabon comes, we will be assessing the results of our actions.
"Can I celebrate Lughnasadh if I’m not pagan?"
First of all, like I mentioned in my other Blog posts related to the Wheel of the Year, you don’t need to be Pagan to celebrate or acknowledge Wheel of the Year holidays.
RELATED: What Is Pagan Wheel of the Year and How to Celebrate It? Beginner Pagan's Guide
You need to be aware of the existence of the energy of the Mother Earth, it’s changes and shifts and how this affects our lives.
So, What Can You Do To Celebrate Lughnasadh/Lammas?
Lammas/Lughnasadh Traditions and Rituals
Do Some Lammas Divination Work
The period from July 31st to August 6th is the perfect time for divination work. Tarot, Runes and oracles will provide with great messages, especially in career/money (material) and love questions (especially compatibility related).
Don’t forget to show gratitude to the Universe and Mother Earth. It is important to maintain the energy exchange, at the very least with the well known gratitude and love practices.
Show gratitude towards others too, don’t forget to show acknowledgment and say “thank you”.
Make Lammas Bread
During this period, it is the great time to infuse your food and drinks with the energy of love and gratitude, as well as thank the Source and the Planet for its generosity. Of course, the best way to celebrate this holidays is to make Lammas bread. I am giving you this quick bread recipe that does not require a lot of products or special skills
Lammas Abundance Bread Recipe
For this little Ritual you will need to make (not buy!) corn bread.
Lammas Bread Ingredients:
1 1/2 cup of corn flour
1 1/2 cup wheat flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup of sugar 2 tbs of cooled down melted butter
4 cups of milk
2 tsp of baking powder
Mix flour and salt together in a deep bowl.In a separate bowl with milk add baking powder;  then add sugar and butter.Mix all the ingredients together in one bowl until the consistency is that of a sour cream. It will not be similar to regular bread dough you may be making at home.
*While you are mixing, talk into the bowl anything you want to accomplish that is related to the abundance. Whatever the abundance means to YOU. It does not have to be financial. Maybe you will feel abundant and complete when you have a large family. Then go for it.
Pour the Lammas bread dough into a baking dish (don't forget to butter the dish). Bake for about 40-50 minutes at 360 degrees F.When the colour is nice and golden, take the bread out and let it cool.
When you sit down for a meal, break off (not cut) a large piece of Lammas bread and say: "Large piece of bread in my hand will bring me abundance and plenty." Don’t forget to share your food with the Gods (leave some bread in nature, the way you see fit and depending on the type of deity you are working with.)
Lughnasadh Home Blessing and Abundance Ritual
This ritual can be done during the same time as you are making your Lammas bread.
It is done to invite luck and abundance into your home. BUT. You can change your intent to protection, if you’d like.
All you need to do is to set aside some dough when you are making it for your break and create a figure of an animal. My personal suggestion is to select a farm animal due to the nature of the energy of this holiday.
When you are done, you will need to follow basic figure talisman activation steps. I have adapted the suggestions of Vadim Zeland for this.
*If you are interested in who Vadim Zeland is, click here to read more about him. His book Reality Transurfing has changed my life forever.
Animal activation steps:
Come up with a name for your animal
Take a deep breath. Now breathe into the animal, imagining giving it energy and life.
Tell the animal its name. Tell it that you love and care for it and, in exchange, it's helping you with (whatever you want to ask for).
Place the animal anywhere in the house, depending on the task you give it.
Don't forget to revisit daily and remind the animal of your love and the important task it is doing for you.
Don’t forget to check out complete Blog Post on my website for more information on Lammas traditions, as well as my other Blog posts on Pagan holidays, Rune Meanings and more.
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backburnerdio · 2 years
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TB Drabbles – My Name is Ives
@sleepy-night-child had wondered about Ives and Ryker meeting, which happens before TB begins, but it got me thinking, what did that look like? Gay panic, that's what.
Words: 1070 Taglist: @everlastinq, @waysofink, @ashen-crest, @spacetimewraithwrites, @stormharbors, @dustylovelyrun, @idreamonpaper, @abalonetea, @jaimistoryteller, @kaiusvnoir, @writeouswriter, @reininginthefirewriting (Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed)
2031, 10 yrs Before The Main Plot
"Ryker," he looked up from his desk finding Captain Thatcher in the door, "c'mon, BT's here." With a knock on the jamb, he started down the hall towards the back parking lot. Everyone turned to look but no one got up. Not surprising considering no one else was exactly partial to the idea of bringing on Synthetics.
Locking his desk, Ryker got up to follow Thatcher. He almost ran smack into Garnet at the door. Sometime over the weekend, he'd exchanged his locs for cornrows, grinning widely as he peered around Ryker. "Did I miss it yet? Are they here?"
"They're in the parking lot," Ryker sighed, slipping past him.
"Yess," Garnet hissed, following him with rapid, harmless punches to his shoulder. "Oh-ho, this is great. Can't wait to see this. I hope you get the most bugged one they got."
"C'mon, Garnet, really?"
"I'm talkin' dialup days. Lag everywhere. Watch'et come with a power cord."
"Don't come out here."
"Y'know I gots'ta." He even hurried ahead, backing into the door to hold open. Ryker squinted in the sun, shooting Garnet a glare as he stepped out into the parking lot. Beneath the solar panel canopies, a number of sleek cars were parked, each adorned with BloomingTech's golden logo. A woman in a white pantsuit stood beside Thatcher and the station's Commander, holding an umbrella as she chatted.
Beside her stood a short humanoid A.I., with most of its mechanics showing from under the panels that made up its upper face. They were similar to most units Ryker had worked with while in the military, having partial human-like features with either transparent paneling or lacking sections, hair, and too large of eyes.
Wearing a suit as well, they stepped forwards, passing a case to their Commander before back in line with the woman with the umbrella. He recognized her now, Ms. Duras, CEO of BloomingTech who had offered the opportunity.
"Ryker," Thatcher waved him over, stepping aside with a hitch as he noticed Garnet. "I'm sure you remember Ms. Duras."
"I do. How are you, ma'am?" Ryker offered her a hand.
"Wonderful," she took it, shaking firmly. "I'm so excited and thankful for this opportunity. I'm also honored to have you on board with this, I know you've had experience with A.I. during your service. I couldn't ask for a better match!"
"Thank you," Ryker chuckled, glancing over at the A.I. "I don't think there's going to be any issue at all. I'm familiar with these kinds of units."
"Oh, no," she giggled, "this is my personal assistant. One moment." She turned to the line of cars, waving. Another suit-wearing man stepped out from the lead car, rushing around to the back door to open. "IV5 was designed on a commission base, originally designed for military use, but, with the relatively stable situation of the world, there isn't necessarily a need."
Ryker had gone deaf.
The BloomingTech agent stepped aside, holding the door open as IV5 ducked to get out of the car. At first, Ryker thought they were just another agent, nothing about their initial appearance giving clues that this was a Synthetic. It was his movements that gave him away.
Fixing the black blazer of his suit he scanned the parking lot, pale and blank-faced, something a little too smooth and level about the movement. He was tall, dark hair slicked back to neat standard, face square and clean-shaven.
Well, duh. I doubt he shaves. Ryker mentally scolded himself, realizing he was staring and trying to avert his attention back to Duras.
"Oh, shit..." he heard Garnet mutter behind him.
"We've adjusted the initial programming to better suit him in de-escalating confrontation. IV5 is programmed to be logical, pragmatic, and preventative. Cataloged with the understanding of all weapon and vehicle grades, his top priorities are civilian and team safety. He has infrared, with a lift range of up to 1.5 tons and a top speed of 55 mph." Duras waved this away with a wrinkle of her nose, turning to look at IV5 as he stepped up beside them.
"IV5, this is going to be your new team here at Station Six. This is Captain Thatcher," she motioned to him. Thatcher offered out a hand, IV5 looking at it for a moment before extending his own.
Up close IV5 was somehow more and less human all at once. His face looked like a face, not silicone or paneling. He had pores, individual eyebrow hairs, eyelashes. Eyelashes for days. But there was something off about his eyes, possibly too large. If only just barely. But they were blue, vivid, like cornflowers.
"And this is going to be your partner, Officer Ryker."
Ryker barely heard his name, stuttering as IV5 turned to extend the gesture. "Oh, uh, yeah –hey," It took him a moment to remember he had hands, catching the first, faint note of expression on IV5's face as his brows rose, staring expectedly. "Nice to meet you," Ryker finally shook his hand. His grip wasn't too tight and far too real.
"There is no need to be nervous, Officer Ryker," IV5 spoke, clear and low. "I'm sure my presence will take time to become accustomed to, but I assure you there is no reason to be anxious."
I am made of anxious, bright-eyes.
"Alright," Ryker chuckled, remembering he was still shaking his hand and quickly let go.
"Might as well go ahead and take him inside," Thatcher sighed, nodding in the direction of the building. Ryker turned, surprised to find Garnet was nowhere to be seen. His absence was quickly explained, however, at the many faces plastered in the window, scrambling over one another once they were spotted.
"Y-yeah, come on in and meet everyone," Ryker waved IV5 on, having to keep waving him along to walk beside him. "So, you got a name?"
"I have no designation."
"Oh, well do you have one you want me to call you?"
"I will respond to whatever you prefer."
"Well, okay then," Ryker paused at the door, not yet opening it. "What about Ives?" He tried a smile in case a joking tone was needed to avoid insult.
"Ives?" IV5's mouth turned down faintly.
"Yeah, like IV5, but you... like you make the 5 an S?" IV5's eyes became distant, Ryker not entirely sure IV5 wasn't X-raying through the wall.
"Ives," he announced with a nod. "My name is Ives."
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tallpagan · 4 years
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☀️ Lemon Lavender Litha Cookie RECIPE! ☀️
This was highly requested so here we go! I hope you enjoy this recipe, and I also wish all of you a beautiful and bright Litha!
• 1 cup room temperature butter
• 1 1/4 cup powdered sugar (regular sugar is fine, but powdered is recommended for a fluffier cookie)
• 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
• 2 cups flour (i actually ended up using around a 1/4th of a cup more, but it depends on how wet/dry your dough is)
• Splash of coconut milk
• 1 large lemon’s worth of zest
• Half a lemon squeezed
• 1 1/2 tbs dried lavender
Add your butter, powdered sugar, vanilla, lemon juice and zest to a large mixing bowl. Mix together until smooth.
Gradually add your flour. When it comes together, add in the lavender and kneed dough with your hands until all flour is combined. You’re looking for a soft, pliable dough that’s still moist but dry enough to roll.
Roll the dough into desired thickness, cut out your shapes (i did circles and stars, just because 😊). Bake these yummy cookies for 8-10 minutes, or until golden brown on the bottom. Cool completely and serve with a glaze. I made my glaze with powdered sugar, lemon juice and concentrated lavender tea.
To make this magickal, it’s important to know the key ingredient correspondences!
Lavender is used for calmness, serenity, purification and rest.
Lemon can be used for sun and moon magick, happiness, aura purification, rejuvenation and longevity.
Feel free to add other herbs or spices to make this recipe unique to your practice!
I meditated a lot while making this recipe, and invited my deities to be with me while I worked. I put my personal intentions for rejuvenation, serenity and happiness for the upcoming summer months. I lit some candles, cast a circle before starting and spent some time really focusing on my desired outcome.
I hope you enjoy this Litha recipe! Have fun with it, and have a blessed sabbat ☀️
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shittybundaskenyer · 3 years
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐈.   — 𝓖𝓻𝓲𝔃𝔃𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓔𝓪𝓼𝓽      |     𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟏  — The Goddess of War, Morrigan Marlowe I.
pairing: Arthur Morgan x Morrigan Marlowe (OC)
summary: She saved him and with that he saved her in return. It was a strange symbiosis, like wildflowers in a fruitless garden, alluring curious bees. He made her garden bloom.  —  Arthur Morgan thought he was done with living, but in a gentle golden sunrise, on that cursed mountain, he's rescued by a mysterious woman. 
warnings: descriptions of injuries and sickness, blood, Arthur has TB, some self-hatred and unkind thoughts
There’s a wolf. 
Between gently swaying raspberry vines and dried grass its eyes glint. Golden, with a hint of forest green. He can see it clearly, even though his vision is getting cloudy with stinging tears that are forcing their way through until they can escape from the corners of his eyes. He was never a man who cried easily but the happenings of those last few hours are starting to clear in his mind, and loneliness is slowly sinking its sharp claws into his barely beating heart. 
The wolf scents the air, maybe it smells his fear now, or the lingering gunsmoke the wind stirs towards its way. Will it rip his throat out? That would be at least quicker than slowly choking on his own blood. 
But the wolf doesn’t move like it would attack. It just watches him, cautiously stepping closer until he can feel its fur brushing the torn up knuckles on his right hand. It brushes its muzzle over the ripped fabric of his shirt where a bullet grazed his shoulder and where Micha's punches start to bruise a dark reddish purple. 
He feels blood mingling with the tears on his cheeks, a salty copper taste lingering in his mouth as he gasps for air. The wolf snarls, but not threatening, drawing closer to his face. 
Their eyes meet and the sun slowly creeps over the horizon, painting the landscape purple and golden in the early morning mist. Arthur's chest hurts, so much that he can barely catch his next breath. The wolf sniffs his face and for a second they inhale the same air. Its ears flatten, golden eyes meeting his. 
There's something in its gaze, a warmth almost, like when he would look at sunlight filtering through the canopy of a forest on a hot summer day and let it gently caress his face.
Arthur struggles for another breath, even more desperate now. He starts shaking, wrecked by sobs and pain and the need to fill his lungs with the air that is barely pushing past his throat. The wolf nudges him then, places its head between his collarbone and neck, bares its teeth and he thinks now, it will tore his flesh open. 
He tries to reach for the light fur that grows on the wolf's head but he doesn't have that power in him anymore. His hand lies limp over his stomach, absentmindedly pressing down on a wound to slow the bleeding. Not that it would mean too much. 
His vision starts to go black around the edges but it's not from the wolf's attack. It just… rests there, like it would listen to his breathing, the slowing beats of his heart, until it rises and stomps its large paw on his chest, flaring up the pain from broken ribs again. He wheezes and the wolf growls, almost annoyed. It circles him and pushes its head under his arm and shoulder and turns him to his side. It's even worse now, the pain and the lack of air, and he moves as the wolf pleases, too weak, so goddamn weak.
The wolf rams its head into his back, making him cough until a thick patch of reddened spit and phlegm leaves his mouth. He can feel blood trickle down from his nose and he retches, helpless, and spits again.
There now, he can gulp down a breath. 
It doesn’t let him rest. Hits him with its paw and nose, bares its teeth when their eyes meet after the reddened saliva dribbles down his chin. He’s too tired to do this, too weak to keep on breathing, but the most animalistic instincts of him and the wolf doesn’t allow him his final rest, not yet. So he wheezes and coughs and chokes until he calms down, until the wolf looks at him once more, with the rising sun glinting in its eyes, and rests its head on his aching chest, huffing a warm breath over his jaw. 
Sunrise paints the landscape golden and under, the misty forests a warm reddish-purple. The world is quiet, only his tired breaths are mingling with the quietly whistling wind that twists and turns around the Grizzlies and the old, crooked pine trees. A whitetail buck grazes not too far, the sunshine glinting on his antlers. He raises his head and Arthur and the wolf stare back at him until he turns and jumps, disappearing between frost-kissed blackberry bushes. 
The wolf and the sun warms him, caressing his face and pained body, gently lulling him until the sky turns into pink, purple, and then a brilliant blue. 
He can’t keep his eyes open anymore. 
 When he wakes the wolf is gone but there's a woman. 
He's in a room, laying in a bed that is covered with something soft, maybe a pelt. His senses are still muddled, but they slowly creep back to him. The ache in his body is still present, breathing is still a struggle. The light coming from a hearth and a kerosene lamp is making him blink back tears, but with his hazy vision he notices the woman quietly busying herself with brewing something, and the air is heavy with the sweet smell of burning herbs. 
And then he coughs.
The coughing fit wrecks his body, makes him gasp for air between spitting up blood and choking on it. It stains the fur he's laying on, and drips down the corner of his mouth, disappearing in his beard. 
The woman drops the kettle she was holding and rushes to him, carefully pulling him by his uninjured arm to lay on his side. He spits again, the blood finally clearing from his mouth while she holds him in place with one hand and hits his back with the other until he coughs up the mucus that's choking him. 
Arthur goes limp when it's over, wheezing in painful breaths while she regards his face and the stained pelt under his head. She reaches for his overgrown hair and brushes it out of his face, her gaze meeting his. She has doe eyes that glint golden in the light of the dimmed kerosene lamp placed on his bedside. He doesn't recognize her but somehow he feels he knows her at the same time. Maybe from another life. 
"Better now?" she asks quietly while she places his hand on the bed and gently lays him back. 
Arthur tries to speak but only a tired groan leaves his lips while a string of bloodstained saliva dribbles down his chin. He tries again.
"Not much," his voice is so quiet that only a whisper of a gentle breeze could blow the words away. But she listens and lays her palm flat on his forehead. His skin is clammy there, probably the result of a fever, and she clicks her tongue disappointedly, confirming his assumption. "If—If I may ask," he rasps out, trying to be polite, even if speaking feels like being stabbed in the throat every second, "where am I, Miss?"
She pulls back her hand and glances towards the window on the far wall for a minute, where blinking stars and an inky black sky is visible through the glass, and then back to his eyes. 
"Found ya half-dead while I was huntin'. You're in my home now, up in the Grizzlies." 
Arthur just nods and closes his eyes, not having the energy to keep them open anymore. The woman pulls back for a little and when she returns he feels a cool, wet rag on his forehead, and soon after, her hands again, sneaking under his head to keep him upright while a tin cup is lifted to his lips. He forces himself to look up at her when he feels the fresh water hitting his tongue. 
She’s a bit surprised when he grabs the cup she’s still holding, his palm wrapping around hers so he can drink all of the water. When he’s done she doesn’t pull away immediately, but regards his face, the scars and blackened bruises still lingering there. The blood on his chin over an old, jagged scar. 
“Why did ya bring me here?” he rasps, every word a stinging pain to form. She looks down for a moment, at his bruised hand that carefully releases hers. The tin cup is empty. 
“Guess life ain't done with you yet.” 
That's all she says and he sighs, regretting it the next moment as his lungs try to expand, so tired, so weak. He stifles another cough into the fur he stained with blood earlier.
“You’re wrong, Miss. I’m as good as dead.” 
Her face turns a bit worried, but she tells him she saw him fighting on that mountain. That after all he did she couldn't let him die while those other men in black swarmed the place like rats to search through the dead. 
His face falls at that, a frown drawing his brows together while she watches him. He tells her that she got herself into something that could kill her. She answers with a sad, bitter smile and that she knows exactly how cruel men could be. He doesn't ask her how or why, he only nods and turns his head to the side where he can see the stars glinting silently outside the window. He knows women who met cruel fates. 
If the Pinkertons didn't find his body, they'd track him down. Milton assured him that he would be hunted to the ends of the earth until the end of time. Agent Milton was dead now, shot down by Abigail when Arthur's strength failed in fighting him off. Still, his voice whispers in his mind regardless. 
Arthur is sure that they'll hunt him down and shoot him like a dog, or make it last like they did with Mac Callander. The sick bastards .
And this woman, they will kill her too. There's no mercy after what happened, no offer for amnesty. Just a gun and a finger on the trigger. 
"If they turn up… They'll kill us, Miss."
"They can try," is her only answer.
She lifts the rag from his forehead, puts it in a bowl of water he can't see from where he's laying, but he can hear it splashing as she wrings out the cloth. The cool touch of the fabric is back in a few seconds while she rises from the chair next to him and her pinky finger accidentally brushes his scarred knuckles as she lifts up the tin cup from his weak grasp. 
Arthur doesn't feel like talking anymore.
 He spends a week sweating out his fever. The woman brews him herbal teas that taste awful and knock him out cold within five minutes. She feeds him broth when he's too weak to even lift a spoon and she tends to his wounds and bruises. 
Arthur tried to refuse her help, the food she made for him, the care she gave so willingly. He never could defeat that kindness in her, however stubbornly he tried. She just gave and cared and made sure he was living day after day, not letting him succumb into that self-destructing hole he dug for himself. Arthur marveled at how such a pure soul can still exist in such a cruel world. She told him it's easier when she's alone in the mountains, and that people are kinder here than stuck up city folk. That, he agreed on. 
And now, after each passing day he feels vulnerable. He never had to rely on someone else when he was wounded or sick—he always managed on his own, even stitched his own wounds sometimes. They always left a jagged, ugly scar, but he never had to bother someone else with them. Now, he's furious. But his anger is directed only at himself, his weakness, his foolish self that got himself sick, that worked himself to the ground, that didn't die on that mountain. 
He asks her to stop once, when she's taking out spoonfuls of broth into a bowl. She doesn't understand. Arthur looks at her when she comes closer with the bowl in hand, sitting down next to him on an old wooden chair. He tries to sit up but his broken ribs protest and he sinks back into the bed with an annoyed huff. 
"Why're ya still doin' this?" he asks while she lifts the bowl to his lips. He drinks it, his body fighting, not as stubborn as his stupid mind—it fights to live, because it always fought for that. 
"'Cause you're not gettin' better."
"You know what I mean."
"We're more similar than ya think. I was in your place once. A stranger helped me, and now look at me. I live. And you'll live too," she manages to be so openly honest with him without revealing any real detail about her past. Arthur's beyond curious, but he just takes the bowl from her now, gulps down a mouthful because he feels, for the first time in a month, truly hungry. 
She watches him while he finishes the food, smiles at him when he pulls away the bowl and his upper lip and beard is smeared with the broth. She has a kind smile, a lady's smile that was not born to live in the wilderness like this. 
He wipes his mouth with the back of his palm, the ache in his shoulder flaring up like gasoline poured onto embers.
Arthur realized a few days back that she was the only person who lived here. One night, when he couldn't sleep from the nightmares and his aching chest he listened how she walked around the house, checking the doors and lighting the lantern outside, on the front porch. 
But no one was coming home in the late hours of the night. 
He asks her then, that she lives alone or her family is just away. She looks down, a hint of sadness softening her features before she can hide it behind a fake, barely there smile. They're not coming back. 
"I'm sorry."
It's not pity, not when he's lost so much too. It's more like a deep understanding, a knowledge of hidden wounds that never can heal fully. She looks at him again until their eyes meet and he's confronted with an honesty that usually only mirrors can muster. 
"It was a long time ago now," she tells him while she takes the bowl into her hands, leans back on the creaking chair. Arthur follows her movements with tired, bloodshot eyes. She looks outside, through the small window where the curtains are only half-open, the early morning sky burning behind them in a deep red and purple. 
She rises then, takes the bowl to the washbasin in the other corner of the room. She brews coffee, its familiar scent awakening a comforting warmth in his still aching chest. She offers him a cup, leaves it on his bedside to cool a little while she takes her own and steps out to the front porch, into the sunrise in red.
 She asks his name the next week, when he still doesn't start to heal. Arthur answers her with a bitter smile and his name, so strange now on his tongue that still tastes of coppery blood after coughing. 
"You wanted something to write on my gravestone, ain't ya?" 
"Don't be silly Arthur," she scolds him, walks closer from the stove where she's brewing some new kind of tea. He likes how his name sounds when it rolls down her tongue. It's soft. Strange. After so many other people had said it with hate and anger, it's nice to hear it like he could be a normal person. Not a no-good ugly bastard like him. It's also nice hearing his first name, the one that is stained with a bit less blood than Morgan , the one that shines inky black on every wanted poster from Blackwater to Annesburg.
She sits beside him, on the bed this time, and she checks the cool rag that's draped over his forehead. Her hands smell like various kinds of herbs, of the outside, of the wilderness. Arthur inhales it deeply, fights down a cough while he ignores his aching chest. He misses the outdoors. It's nicer dying in a forest than a bed. It's more fitting for him, too. No outlaw deserves the warmth of a home in his last days. 
"It's still burnin'," she sighs and pulls back her hand. 
"I'm not gonna get better, Miss." Arthur turns towards the window again, where he can see the pine trees basking in the early afternoon sunlight. Frost glimmered on their branches earlier and painted the cobwebs in the corner of the windowframe a shining silver. "I have consumption."
Admitting it to her feels like a mistake, just like being in her house, eating her food, accepting her care. He doesn't deserve all this, not when he has taken so much from kind people like her before. He tried to do good in the end, he tried , but—
"I know," she nods, a hint of sadness sparkling in her eyes. "My Pa had the same symptoms. He had it as well."
He starts to understand now, the things she said about her family. He wants to ask but he bites into his lip instead and nods. She watches him for a moment, her eyes following the tired lines of his face. 
She tells him her name then. Morrigan. Arthur remembers the Irish tales and legends Hosea used to read for him when he was still young and somewhat careless and happy . A Celtic goddess, war and fate and doom and death. How fitting for him. But not for her, not when she's so gentle. She reminds him of Boadicea, another kind soul named after women of war. 
"I've seen enough death, Arthur," she whispers and she stands up from the side of his bed, walks towards the whistling kettle on the stove, but she turns back for a second to look into his eyes and say "I don't wanna see yours too."
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theburntleaf · 4 years
Experiment in formulation
For the upcoming winter holiday I wanted to create blends using local flavors but also incorporate some of the more traditional resins that I recently acquired. Considering the winter solstice celebrates both the longest night and the Sun’s return to the north I thought it appropriate to have two separate recipes. These blends are primarly (for pleasure) aesthetic driven and will be used for holiday celebrations.
Solstice Incense (part 2)
Victorious Sun: unusual for me, I focused this blend on mostly foreign ingredients. To honor the Sun returning north, unconquered by the growing nights, I wanted to stay heavy on the solar influence but keep some reminders of winter. Since blend will be resin heavy I decided to keep it loose but implement some light binders to have a granola style loose blend (my favorite).
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From my newly acquired resins I wanted to highlight Copal Oro which I think embodies a winter’s sun nicely. Cool and fresh like snow, sweet and bright with touches of citrus and pine. It powdered a little more than I wanted it to but that’s fine. And of course I had to include Frankincense, the brighter counterpart to myrrh in the longest night blend. It gives the blend a sweet resinous solar scent.
Orange peel is the main player in this blend offering nice bright citrus top notes that were at first over powered by the warming woody cinnamon that was added so I had to increase the proportion of orange. I was wondering why I didn’t just buy powdered cinnamon instead of whole sticks but then was happy to have some different texture to give the burn some complexity (the larger pieces will burn slower). A bit of powdered clove was added to the mix for some more winter spice and solar influence. I had to include a little arborvitae leaf for it being the tree of life and its cedar qualities but in a small amount because of the thujone it contains.
Before mixing the “herb” blend with the resins I did a test burn and thought the blend could benefit from another winter touch so I experimented burning it with a bit of white pine wood it rounded off the mid/base note with a nice coniferous woody touch. I was happy so that got included as well. The resins were mixed in and I gave the mix one last test before adding the the binder and liquid. I was happy the orange made it through, the resins buffer the heat nicely (and the binder will help even more). The scent resolves from citrus into a warm woody spice. It ends a bit charred but that is expected.
A small amount of guar gum lends assistance to honey dissolved in water to hold the blend together. These were gradually added until the desired the granola/brown sugar texture formed. This lets the powdered ingredients mingle and clump together. I then added some yellow birch bark cut up into small pieces for a golden decorative addition. The blend then gets dried before burning again and put away for further curing.
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Test batch recipe*:
4 tsp frankincense, 1 tbs copal oro, 3 tbs orange peel, 1.5 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp aborvitae leaf, .5 tsp clove, 1 tsp white pine wood (material ground but in varying consistencies), 1/4 tsp guar gum, 3/4 tsp honey in 4 tsps water
*this made quite a lot for just a test formula so in the future I hope to remeber to make less of my test blends.
Test burn
After drying, I placed a small amount of the mix on a piece of aluminum and put that on the hot woodstove. This is a heating method to experience the aroma before combustion. A warning citrus spice is realsed from the mix very subtlety. As it sits longer, the resinous sweet spice of frankincense and copal start to show through. Both cinnamon and orange peel are great enjoyed this way, the gentle heat really lets them shine. On the hot charcoal, the bright orange citrus hits as a quick top note that succumbs to a smokey cinnamon wood aroma. The resins cut through the smokiness and adds their own spice and sweetness ending the blend with their heavy base notes. In the future I think this recipe could benefit from a bit more honey and even maybe more of the pine wood. But I am happy with this warming spicy solar blend.
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virize · 5 years
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“Felix, could I borrow your cloak? It’s a bit chillier than I expected this morning.”
“Of course. Just give me a moment to-”
“W-Wait, Sheba...!”
After all he's been through, this is one situation Felix doesn't entirely mind finding himself in... 💞
This is an impromptu collab between myself and the wonderful eLTeh! I had some unfinished lineart and flats sitting around for months and she wanted to take a crack at some shading, and voila! The result is this lovely piece 💖 Please give her lots of props and kudos!
I aged up Felix and Sheba by about 3 or so years, and gave them alternate outfits that remain fairly true to their original designs. Please pardon the background, I'm tired and lazy and couldn't think of anything else so take this gradient and enjoy it
Oh, and before I forget! This year marks the 9 year anniversary of the release of Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, and the Golden Sun community is celebrating its third Golden Sunday of the year on Sunday, October 27th! If you're a fan of Golden Sun or you're interested in seeing what the series is about, take a look at the r/GoldenSun subreddit or its Discord server!
We're all cool peeps, come discuss some Fire Emblem Golden Sun with us ☀️
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