#gonna bet that person wasn't even mad
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I posted 9,533 times in 2022
That's 8,028 more posts than 2021!
24 posts created (0%)
9,509 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 496 of my posts in 2022
#oh my god - 12 posts
#amazing - 7 posts
#yes - 5 posts
#ofmd - 5 posts
#i love it - 4 posts
#*sigh* - 4 posts
#oh my gosh - 3 posts
#oops - 3 posts
#hey what the fuck - 3 posts
#izzy hands - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#so if you’re in a position where someone is being told “how are you going to handle being an adult” and you’re a trusted person can you just
My Top Posts in 2022:
My gender is Probably Not Just Female But I Don’t Have The Time Or Range Of Experience To Figure It Out Right Now So *shrug*
3 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
I made a lighthouse stamp for my favorite show!
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I will clean it up/make a better one later but I got home, looked at my new block printing kit, and looked at the lighthouse doodle in my notebook and the power of Stede’s Art Therapy took hold
9 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
Oh my god are there mosquitos on snowpiercer
11 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
*shuffling between you and the wall* Don’t mind me, I’m just *dodging around the table* doing my daily curation *peeking behind the painting* of my blog by reblogging everything new in *crawling under the chair* the Izzy Hands tag today *barely opening the door and squeezing through the gap into the next room*
18 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hey guys! I’m working on a college project and we have to collect peoples opinions on our product design concept. It’s entirely anonymous, we’re not collecting any data that traces back to you.
It would mean the world to me if you could fill this out, we were given a short deadline so we need responses in by Thursday evening, (Feb. 24) but earlier would be the best.
It’s supposed to be for people who are 25+, but if you fill it out and you’re younger don’t worry about it, we’ll filter your information out.
Thank you so much, and if you can boost this I’d really appreciate it as well.
35 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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colourful-dots · 2 years
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yorshie · 1 year
Hello, fellow raccoon here 🦝 If it’s not too much trouble, could you write about sharing a bed for the first time with the Bay!verse turtles?
Ah! Another raccoon! Thank you for the request, I had a lot of fun writing this one! I went with head canon style.
Bayverse x reader, SFW other than bedshare, set in 2023 so turtles are 24-25
Tags: @jackalope-in-a-storm @tmnt-tychou
This sweet turtle got his nest all ready when he heard you were finally spending the night. Brought in your favorite snacks, hunted down all his extra pillows from around the Lair, and restocked his mini fridge in case you got thirsty.
So when the time finally came and you go drop your bag off in his room, there is not a free spot to be found. His bed is a mountain of pillows and blankets, the small coffee table shoved in front of his tv has everything from pizza, microwavable food, and what looks like three different flavors of cookies piled on top of it.
Not gonna lie, its a bit intimidating. You might even have faltered, if sunshine boi wasn't right behind you with your toiletry bags, happy go lucky energy rubbing off until it felt like the spotlight wasn't directly on you.
the rest of the night is spent in typical Mikey fashion, a.k.a. a game and movie marathon. His brothers occasionally wander past his open door to say hello and to see what the two of you are up to. They might have a bet running on how much Mikey smothers you and how long you'll allow it. Even Splinter is in on it, thought the old rat refrains from making an appearance so his youngest doesn't feel like he's doing something wrong. He wants to marry his sons off eventually, after all.
When you eventually get tired and it's time to delve into the towering abyss of pillows that have taken over his bed, Mikey's territorial side makes an appearance. The door gets shut and locked to avoid anyone that might think it's a good idea to pull a prank (none of his brothers would but Mikey is paranoid because he is the prankster), and he wastes no time diving in after you for some cuddles.
oh. ok, maybe there's too many pillows, because now he can't find you! He's lost his significant other! Cue a mini chase where most of his bounty ends up in the floor in his search. You are not getting out of cuddles. No amount of wiggling or hiding will save you.
the actual cuddling is quite nice. Mikey's warm and his bicep makes for an excellent pillow. He likes to lay face to face, with your head tucked under his chin, limbs entangled and churring up a storm that you knew would have his brothers wincing in second hand embarrassment if they ever heard all the turtley noises he made when it was just the two of you.
He definitely snores, though. And farts in his sleep. Fact of life, don't get mad, because we all do it sometimes, most of us just aren't a mutated turtle man with a noxious gut fueled by pizza and sour patch kids. Dutch oven him with his own farts as payback.
in the morning you'll definitely wake up first, though as soon as you start to move Mikey will be alert. Call it sixth sense, but all the turtles are hyper aware of their own personal spaces and who's in them. I hope you weren't planning on getting an early start that morning, because now that Mikey's awake he's ready to continue the movie that you getting sleepy paused the night before. While getting more cuddles and eating breakfast in bed, of course.
he internally started creating lists as soon as you accepted his sleepover proposal. Panics a little and moved the date once to make sure his sheets are washed the day before. Everything in his space has to be perfectly so. If someone interupts his cleaning and prepping, they better expect to have their head bitten off. Will have a literal panic attack if you arrived early.
You, of course, notice nothing out of place when he presents his room for your inspection. Yes, you read that right. This turtle will practically sweat as he waits for your verdict on whether the nest is good enough. No, he doesn't realize what he's doing. If you pick up on it don't tell him or else he might start panicking again.
The two of you will actually not spend too much time besides sleeping in his room, most of your time will be hanging out in the main living area. This serves two purposes: as the eldest Leo wants you to get along with all his brothers, and two, the thought of his bothers coming by his room to say hi to you absolutely drives is reptile brain crazy. So you'll eat and hangout with everyone else, and try not to laugh at the subtle teasing you know your turtle is going through with the whispered jokes and laughter that seem to stop every time you turn around.
When it gets late enough and everyone starts peeling off to do their own thing, you'll have to let Leo know you are ready to go lay down. Hilarious if you think He's going to suggest it's time to head to bed to you, he's trying his hardest not to think of the words "you" and "nest - BED! he meant bed!" in the same sentence.
when you finish your nighttime routine and make your way back to Leo's room, don't be surprised to find him on a makeshift pallet on the floor. There is no way you couldn't have seen this coming, but don't worry, there's an easy fix. Simply get in his bed, close to the wall, and start shivering. Loudly. Ham it up. In no time flat you'll have a turtle sneaking up next to you to keep you warm, though at first he will be hesitant. Cuddling you in the privacy of his own room with the expectation of sleep is very different from just chilling with you.
despite Leo trying to be a gentleman during the beginning, leaving you a bit of space and trying his hardest not to crowd you, by an hour in he will be wrapped around you. As he slowly gets tipped closer and closer to the edge of sleep, the more loose he will become. And once he gives in and gets used to the cuddles, he will never want to stop.
He clicks and chirps in his sleep sometimes. You woke up thinking there was a baby bird or something in the room, only to discover the high pitched noises were coming from him, before he transitions into deeper churrs from his chest right in front of your eyes. If you keep very still and quiet he might not wake up, but he will be traumatized if he does and discovers he makes these noises
There is very little chance of you waking in the morning before Leo. This turtle gets up early, but maybe just for today he can slip back next to you, after morning training, just to feel close to you for a bit longer. When you wake up you could just spend the morning talking, he won't mind being lazy as long as it's with you
You'll most likely be the one making breakfast if the other brothers aren't up yet, as Leo is banned from making anything other than tea or using the strict guidelines Mikey placed next to the microwave. But, he is an excellent sous chef, and after you're both fed he will be quick to suggest an activity so the two of you can hang out longer. Just know he's already weighing his chances of getting you to spend the next night as well.
Dee had about 50 reminders set in the days leading up to your first sleepover, and a mental list he was practically grappling with in between projects. Anytime he'd focus on what was coming up too much, the butterflies would start going haywire in his stomach and he was likely to drop whatever it is he's holding at the time
Needless to say, he was in a bit of a panic by the time you showed up. Technically speaking, logically speaking, he knew his bed and room where both clean. And he knew you liked spending time with him, so why the anxiety? Why the nerves? He's so nervous, he doesn't even realize you've arrived, moved around his habitual pacing to set your bag on his bed, and now you're simply watching him with fond curiosity.
He shrieks when he finally notices you. Practically has a heart attack and knocks over at least four stacks of meticulously arranged cds and various technological components. Eventually joins in your laughter after he's calmed down enough to see the humor in the situation.
Just this once, Donnie has cleared his timetable of various projects to focus soley on you. That isn't to say that before he's blown you off or ignored you, but by now you are well aware how hard he has to work to contain his wandering mind, al lthe little tips and tricks he uses to keep his focus on the here and now and not bouncing from idea to idea.
The two of you will not be spending too much time out in the main area. The time it takes the two of you to procure dinner is more than enough brotherly interaction for the tall turtle. Not to mention, it turns almost awkward as the other's try desperately to not make prolonged eye contact with anyone else. They learned a long time ago not to tease the brother that controls all their devices and the access to the wifi.
Once Donnie and you are comfortable back in his room, the true hang out will begin. You'll play rock-paper-scissors to pick a movie, Donnie always lets you win, but he gets to pick the music that plays in the background. If you want, he'll access his computer and set up the program to make the lights in his room dance to the beat. Curled up in his arms, it is the easiest place to fall asleep, surrounded by fluttering lights that mimic being underwater.
Donnie may not actually sleep, but he stays with you the entire night. If you wake at all it might be to the idle scratching of pen on paper as he writes, his hand moving in your hair or along your back, or to his soft breaths caught in a light doze, a soft churr rumbling in his chest. If you're also the type to burn the midnight oil, you both might stay up talking long enough that the morning slowly creeps up on you before you both pass out.
Splinter often stops by the Lab in the morning on his way to meditate, if only to wrap a blanket over his son's shoulders and move his glasses to a safe spot. It's an ingrained habit, so much so that it doesn't even register that you spent the night until he quietly opens the door. He takes on look at the two of you holding each other close, and turns away with a smile.
Dee can cook, but most likely he'll order from the diner one block above their preferred manhole cover, and the two of you will sneak out for eggs, bacon and pancakes before secreting it away in his room so you don't have to share.
If the two of you are close enough for a sleepover, Raph is going to be the calmest of his brothers about you being in his personal space. Sure, he'll clean up, make sure all his dirty clothes are in his hamper and all the drawers actually shut on his dresser, but don't expect much in the way of fanfare.
He doesn't care where you wanna hang out in the evening, as long as you're comfortable. If you're out in the Lair proper however, get ready for some brotherly jockeying. Mikey almost can't help teasing Raph about having a guest over for the night, but the bigger brother will take it in stride as long as its only Mikey. Donnie tends to stay out of the limelight when it comes to teasing, but you better hope Leo doesn't so much as raise an eye ridge in Raph's direction. To be fair, the blue turtle is likely only drawing attention to how soft for you Raph is, but the two of them earning a trip to the Ha'shi might put a bit of a damper on the sleepover.
Leo's right though, Raph is completely soft for you. You want something to eat? He'll go get it for you without even a huff. You want popcorn for the movie? He'll bring back soda as well. You ask how much he can bench? He'll toe the line between showing off and making sure he can actually handle the weight. You neck hurts from having to crane around him to watch the movie? He'll lay on the ground and let you splay across his shell. You blink at him and sleepily ask to be carried? You're already up in his arms before you can even finish the sentence.
When it comes time to sleep, Raph will insist you take the inside of the bed, close to the wall, but he's thought ahead and gotten you your own pillow so you don't have to share with him. Yes, technically its from Mikey's room, but don't worry he disinfected it with a shit-ton of Lysol and Frebreze and washed the cover. This doesn't mean he doesn't want to cuddle, but of all the things Raph understands in his life, the very first few are the difference in size between the two of you, just how much he weighs, and how strong he is. So he'll tuck you against the wall and lay out on his stomach in one of the few positions that makes it hard for him to tip over. There's just enough room between the lip of his shell and the mattress for you to slot yourself against him, and he'll take the opportunity to slide his arm around your waist and bury his snout in your hair.
He'll hold you there throughout the night, breath slow and even. If you wake, be prepared that any movement will rouse him. He can't exactly help it, and he tries not to make you feel guilty over it, but you can always make out the green shine of his eyes peering down to make sure you are ok before he drifts back off again.
This turtle churrs sometimes in his sleep, but it's not the cute or soothing churr of contentment. No, someone parked a diesel engine in his man and is revving it like he's driving up an inclined gravel mountain road. The only way to get him to stop is to poke the thin strip of skin along his side, repeatedly, until he snorts and shifts. 50/50 chance the shifting will stop the churring. If not, you'll have to repeat the process.
In the morning, he'll dip before you wake, and come back to the room with warm pastries and whatever he's seen you drink in the morning. If you want your breakfast right away however, you might have to bribe him with turtle smooches as he tries to steal back his spot and catch up on the cuddles he's missed being a good boyfriend. Yes, he's holding you hostage, unless you want to try climbing over him. You might succeed if you make him laugh.
At some point in the day, after breakfast and whatever morning routine you keep, Raph will ask you what you want to do. If you want to go home, decompress, he'll take you home, but if you want to stay again and hang out some more you'll get to see the sweetest, softest smile break across his face.
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chrissv4mp · 27 days
BabyyI really need angry sex with bullie and you are the right person to write it my god, i miss her soo much
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@livialifesblog @her-favorite @mseilishmwah @mxqdii @sophloveswomen @muchloveforhacker @br4ttyeilish @wiidfi0wer33 @xoluvx @slutforsturnioloss @devynscomet @loving1dsworld
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billie's hand gripped your hair harshly as she fucked into you from behind, chest heaving and hair sticking to her forehead and some sides of her neck. rough grunts fall into your ear as she thrusts into you hard and fast, her pace relentless just as her grip on your hair was.
you don't even remember how you got in this position; her body towering over yours as she she whispered the most dirty, degrading words into your ear as she fucked you from behind like some slut. all you can remember was the first interaction you had when she got home from work.
she had accused you of something that she knew was bullshit. it was just some stupid rumor online about you and your co-star having an affair. fans had speculated something going on between the two of you since the close relationship you both had on set. you and her had hung out a few times, but that was it, and now you were here.
"you want her like this, huh? you want her fucking you from behind, don't ya?" she breathes out, untangling her hand from your hair to land a harsh slap on your ass. all that you can respond with are whines and cries, your hands gripping the sheets harshly as you shake your head.
tears threaten to roll down your cheeks as she grasps your hips with both hands, pulling you back against the fake dick. the new angle almost makes your arms give out, a loud, desperate moan reverberating in the room as she hits your g-spot repeatedly. the wet, sloshing sound of your pussy made her head spin, tugging her lower lip between her teeth in a means to silence her own noises.
frustration and lust boiled beneath her skin as she continues to thrust her hips forward, ignoring the obvious warnings that you gave whenever you were about to cum. she wasn't gonna stop when you did, she wasn't gonna stop until you were utterly spent or until she thought you learned your lesson, "cum, cum on my dick, babygirl. bet this wasn't the first time you've cum today, is it?"
incoherent babbles fell from your red and swollen lips, tears rolling down your cheeks as you unraveled all over the silicone cock. her palm came down on your ass again, this time in a harsher motion, causing a loud cry of her name to escape your throat.
the way you tried to squirm away only made her more passionate about her goal, her nails digging into your hips as she held you tighter. her body towered over yours once again, lips only an inch away from your ear as she spoke, "no, no, you don't get to move away. if you wanna act like a dirty slut, you're gonna get treated like one." she muttered, nibbling at your earlobe softly.
"who do you belong to, mamas?" she spat, her voice raspy and hoarse. you couldn't respond, she knew that, and that's exactly why she asked right in that moment. she wanted to tease you, break you past point of no return until all you knew was her name and her dick, "fuckin' say it. don't make me ask again," her hand came down on your ass again, her handprint almost clearly displayed from the impact.
"you—fuck!—'m'belong to you, mommy..!" your voice was a quiet, strained whine, but billie heard. she heard it loud and clear and that only fueled the fire in her chest. her thrusts never slowed, though, her hips snapping against yours seemingly rougher than before.
a low chuckle fell from between her perfect, plump lips before she spoke. her hand snuck up your body, tracing the curve in your back before running along your back muscles, finally finding home wrapped around you neck, "ts' all i needed to hear, princess."
"but that doesn't mean we're done, yet."
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twig-tea · 2 months
I've been enjoying reading folks' theories about whether Vee is Vad; @lurkingshan has laid down bets that they are the same person, while @he-is-lightning-in-a-bottle made a great case for why they shouldn't be, @italianpersonwithashippersheart gave an explanation as to who she could be instead (a test), and @happypotato48 made clear he'd be mad if they are. @heretherebedork noted that it's likely Vee is Vad but even if this girl is the reincarnation of Vad, she's still not the same person. @babyangelsky made the point that whether or not they're the same person, what's important is San making the choice; but also it's likely this girl was sent by the villain who is likely not dead yet.
Gonna add my own clown theory to the mix: I think everyone is right (I remain on brand at all times). Vee is Vad because San prayed to a goddess and got his soul tied to theirs and the way the magic has been functioning, we would need another explanation if they weren't. But, at the same time, Vee is not Vad because people are not the same just because of reincarnation; They are no longer the same person. And it was important for San to fall in love with Vee for Vee; even though it was the magic/fate that brought them into one another's paths, San still had to choose to open his heart to him. I also think it's important for him to choose Vee over the memory of Vad. So I think this Vad doppleganger is a kind of test, though possibly from a mortal source (I like Leah's theory above that it was the villain who sent her and I thought the same when I watched the episode; having Anastasia vibes of someone being primed with info to pass as a lost relative lol). I am going to go a little more wild on the dreams to say I think the dreams are just his own imagination and insecurities and uncertainties. He thought he was sure, but then he wasn't. That's why it's important for San to make the decision to love Vee not because he thinks he's Vad, but because he loves him enough to be willing to be with him even if he isn't Vad.
As long as San wrestles with that question, I will honestly be happy no matter whether Vee is Vad or not. Because the point is, it doesn't matter.
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mackjlee9 · 1 year
hiiii! i hope taht you are having a good day! my suggestion is a Leon Slut Kennedy x SMR! where we punish him for being a jealous and dubius for our relationship with ada! GOodNight!
I- is this good enough?? I don't like how it turned out 😭😭
Leon Kennedy x Top!Male!Reader [Smut]
Warning; dubcon-ish(?, overstimulation, size kink, manhandling, dumbification, feminization, buff!taller!reader.
Resident Evil 4
(M/n) was walking ahead of Leon during one of their missions, and something prompted him to briefly glance behind him, in part just to make sure Leon was still there, when he caught a glimpse of red.
On instinct, he grabbed Leon's arm and dragged him until he was standing behind him, protecting him with his body, pistol in his hand, holding it up in the direction where the person was hiding.
"I know you're there, you can come out, Ada," she smirked behind the pillar she was hiding in, holstering her pistol, both hands up in the air as she walked out of her hiding spot.
"As sharp as ever, I see," (M/n) smirked and holstered his gun, taking a more relaxed stance at the sight of her. (M/n) and Ada used to work together for a short period of time, always assigned as partners and they got along pretty well -maybe too well- but eventually they parted ways, so they were close, perhaps not friends, but acquaintances. It's been years since they've seen each other.
Whilst (M/n) and Ada continue to have a small conversation, Leon is just silently observing their interaction, Ada hadn't even looked at him since she arrived, and it probably was because he was hiding behind (M/n)'s body, but he wasn't sure it wasn't because she was too focused on the (h/c) haired male, which she was. Ada had started openly flirting with him, taking a few steps closer and Leon couldn't stop himself.
He grabbed the back of (M/n)'s shirt, pulling on it, "We should keep going, (M/n)."
He looks back over his shoulder at Leon. There was nothing too obvious on his expression, but the way his brows furrowed and the look in his eyes when he glanced at Ada told (M/n) all he needed to know, and damn... He has never been the type to like a jealous partner, but the fact that Leon was jealous made him want to spoil him, maybe even tease him a little bit.
"Well, I see your puppy is mad at me, how adorable~," Ada spoke with a playful smirk, finding the current situation really entertaining, "See you around, (M/n)," and like that, she was gone.
For the next twenty minutes, Leon had been completely ignoring him, constantly responding rather coldly, and (M/n) had to ask him what was wrong.
Leon held back a scoff, "I bet you never had problems with Ada."
Confused, (M/n) frowned at his words, "What-?"
"Why don't you just go back to her? I'm just a bother to you right now," okay, now (M/n) wasn't having as much fun as he did when he realized Leon was jealous.
He gritted his teeth at the insinuation that he had feelings for Ada and enjoyed her company more than his, when (M/n) was painfully aware that wasn't the case at all.
His eyes caught sight of a familiar door, it was a room they had entered before since now they were retracing their steps, as it was usual in these kinds of missions. (M/n) grabbed Leon's wrist and dragged him inside the room, fighting against the blond's struggling.
"What the fuck are you doing-?!" (M/n) didn't appreciate his tone of voice one bit, and slamming the door behind them with his foot, he took Leon to the bed in the middle of the room, getting on top of him, holding him still and preventing him from running away.
"I'm gonna make you realize how much I love you, Leon," he leaned down to kiss him, but Leon turned his head away, and (M/n) sighed, deciding this could work too, so he wasn't that angry yet. Slowly, he started leaving soft kisses down Leon's neck, tightening his grip around the blond's wrists when he felt him squirming underneath him, trying to break free, "Please, love, let me show you."
(M/n) moved Leon's hands above his head, holding them still with one hand as his now free hand sneaked under his black shirt, gently touching his warm skin, tracing the definition of his abs and up to his chest, lifting the shirt on his way up. His lips opened slightly, placing wet kisses down Leon's collarbone, gently nibbling on his skin.
"You're so pretty, Leon..." He whispered next to his ear, slowly grinding his hips down on him, letting him know just how much Leon drove him crazy with just being in his presence.
However, during this whole thing, Leon had been squirming around, tears gathering in his eyes and he could barely hold them in, deciding on masking them with anger, grunting and mumbling at (M/n) to let him go. And well, (M/n) was getting a little annoyed at that.
"Leon!" He exclaimed, observing how the blond stopped moving, looking into his glossy blue eyes, "You're all that matters to me."
Leon scoffed, ignoring the knot forming in his throat, "I'm sure you said the same thing to her."
A growl resonates in (M/n)'s chest as he gets off the bed, and when Leon thought he had finally broken his demeanor, he felt his hands down on his hips, turning him around on the bed, making Leon gasp at how rough he was when doing so.
"If words won't work, then maybe my cock will," Leon gasped at the feeling of (M/n)'s hard dick pressed against his ass, "She means nothing to me, and I'm gonna make sure you get that through that thick skull of yours."
Whether Leon got it or not, that wasn't something he could answer right now. Especially not when (M/n)'s hands were keeping a tight hold on his hips.
Leon's chest was pressed against the bed, his mind completely gone and drowned in pleasure, dizzy and lightheaded, fading in and out of consciousness as (M/n) continues fucking him hard, each thrust reaching deep inside, hitting his overstimulated prostate and making his body shiver. His legs had long given out but that wasn't something that would make (M/n) stop, ending up with Leon's trembling legs dangling off the ground, being manhandled easily by his boyfriend.
His eyes kept rolling into the back of his head, tears streaming down his flushed face, drool dripping down the corner of his mouth, his gloved hands weakly pulling on the bedsheets as he releases quiet whines and whimpers, his voice hoarse and raspy from all the moaning and crying he did minutes prior, he has no idea how long its been, and he honestly doesn't care.
He could feel his thighs all sticky with cum and he swears his insides had become nothing else but a pussy for (M/n) at this point, especially when (M/n) kept telling him how good his boypussy felt around his throbbing cock.
"You're all mine and I'm all yours, love," (M/n)'s thrusts stopped as he makes Leon cockwarm him, making his eyes open wide as his body twitches and trembles, "I won't ever be able to love anyone other than you ever again, fuck- my cock was made for you, and only you, baby," (M/n)'s arms wrapped around Leon's waist, lifting him off the bed, "Love you so fucking much," his words were breathy as he whispered them desperately, holding Leon's limp body with ease.
Leon blinked slowly, regaining his awareness of what was happening, the fog in his mind dissipating slowly, and he looked at (M/n) over his shoulder.
"Love... You t-too," he managed to say slowly, swallowing his saliva when he felt his throat dry.
(M/n) leaned closer and kissed him, pinning him down on the bed again, but now holding him in a mating press position.
"'M gonna make you take all my cum, like the good babygirl you are~," Leon looked into (M/n)'s dreamily, whimpering as he felt him resume his relentless thrusts inside his weak body.
"Please~ I'm... I'm your good, pretty babygirl, all... All y-yours, sir."
It took Leon a few hours to recover his energy and strength from all that.
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ldrfanatic · 6 months
sitting in the corner i haunt
Theodore Nott x Reader "13" Series pt 4 warnings - depression, angst, blood, theo gets the dark mark, mentions of suicide, cursing
this chapter is written entirely from theo's point of view
to be added to the taglist, comment; Also I was gonna include so much more in this part but then I realized I was already at 2k words and it was long lol
ps sorry stinks but now that the series is starting to really pick up there's gonna be a lot more angst before reader and theo get their hea
translator series masterlist <previous chapter next chapter>
slytherin boys masterlist works
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One thing Theo hadn't expected was for you not to forgive him. He'd figured you'd eventually find out about the bet, but he'd also noticed your crush on him a long long time ago. In all honesty, he'd been hoping and praying that you'd be able to forgive him and the pair of you could move past it.
Turns out those hopes and prayers were falling on empty ears.
He'd spent the remainder of the fall term secluded. At first, he tried to ignore Mattheo and Draco, still too mad at either of them for what they'd coerced him into. Finally he came to terms with the nature of his new relationship with you after what could have been was burned prematurely. Another thing Theo hadn't expected was for you to be the type that burned bridges instead of mending them.
Rather than feel his emotions, Theo had taken to drinking them lately. He tuned out of the various famous Slytherin parties and drank firewhiskey until it felt like his head was screwed on backwards. His groupies didn't stop chasing him, but he'd started hexing them in return.
Nothing serious just the occasional bat-bogey hex. And only at the ones that insulted you. Whether or not you wanted to be, you were still the girl that held his heart. And it was unacceptable for anyone to insult you. Mattheo and Draco had learned that fairly quickly following the incident.
As the Express chugged along the tracks and onto Platform 9 3/4, Theo tried to ignore the twisting in his stomach. Ever since his mother passed away in fourth year, his father had become an unbearable rotter. He knew that with the war looming, this break would be particularly unpleasant. As he retrieved his trunk from above his seat in the compartment, he didn't even bother with useless greetings to his friends. The children of Death Eaters were never cheery at the holidays. Everyone was returning to their own personal nightmare.
Theo used to feel bad for Mattheo's home situation. Used to. Until Mattheo really begun to live up to his father's reputation. Then all sympathy he had for the boy really flew out the window. Mattheo had been a perfectly fine bloke until Christmas of fifth year. When they'd returned in January, he was awful. No explanation, no more apologies. Just downright awful.
The moment his boot touched the platform, Theo apparated to his father's estate.
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Nott Manor was in the most horrendous part of England. It was ALWAYS dark and cloudy. The sun was shining so bright at King's Cross, it was nearly headache worthy. But the moment Theo twisted down in front of the gates of his childhood home, the skies were dark, and the air was cold.
To Theo's surprise, Nott Sr was waiting at the door when he finally approached the massive structure.
"Theodore, my boy."
Theo was silent at his father pulled him into an awkward hug. He was being unusual cheery and it was rather unsettling.
If Nott Sr noticed Theo's tone at all, he ignored it. A large grin was spread across his face. It wasn't the kind that Theo had been accustomed to when his mother was alive. This one was creepy and made Theo's skeleton want to climb out of his skin.
"It's time, son. The Dark Lord will be rising soon, and he's calling for us to strengthen our ranks to prepare for the coming war. You'll be getting your mark soon Theodore. Finally."
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Thunder rumbled in the sky overhead and Theo jostled awake. He hadn't sat with his friends on the ride back. With the burning in his arm and the screams of whatever poor bastard his father was torturing in the house, he'd barely gotten any sleep over the break. In fact, the burning hadn't stopped. His body was apparently just as unfond of the mark as his heart was.
What he hadn't expected was to see you. Sitting across from him in the compartment, reading a book. Your eyebrows were furrowed and you seemed pretty zoned in to the novel. Theo cleared his throat lightly and immediately regretted it as it sent him into a coughing fit.
You passed him a flask that you had. Theo accepted it with a quick thanks and drank, the cool water soothing his apparently irritated throat. "Not that I'm complaining cuore, but what are you doing here?" He tried to appear cool and calm but inside he was freaking out. How long had you been sitting there? What if you accidentally saw his mark?
If you had seen it, you made no indication. In fact, you didn't even look up from your book.
"I was just walking past and saw your compartment was empty. Astoria has taken a fancy to my dear awful cousin Draco and wanted to sit with him and that repulsive boy Mattheo. I'd much rather not for obvious reasons."
Even though you came from a pureblood family, you'd never taken a shine to that blood purity crap. It was something that Theo and you had in common. Something that he admired about you. Despite constant pressures from your other, darker side of your extended family, the Malfoys.
Finally, your eyes made contact with Theo's and he felt his breath leave his lungs. He could no longer hear the soft chugging of the train. He couldn't even feel the damn thing moving. Every sense in his body was tuned into you. Your voice still lingered in his ears even when you weren't speaking. His eyes feasted on every inch of you that they could catch. Your scent filled his nose and intoxicated his brain.
"I do miss you, Theo."
"I miss you too, cuore. I know that we were never really friends before, but the truth is, I'd gotten used to your presence. Without you..."
Theo didn't finish his sentence and you didn't ask him to. After you'd finished your chapter, you closed the book and set it on the cushion next to you.
"How was your break?"
Theo stared at you thoughtfully. He hadn't wanted to talk to anyone about his break, hence why he'd been avoiding his friends. At the same time, he'd take any excuse to talk to you. And with his father's words, he'd feared this was his last chance to really converse with you before you positively despised him.
"It was... uneventful."
You stared at him with a look that told him you knew he was lying. Disappointment flashed in your eyes briefly and felt like a knife in his gut.
"We both know that's not true. Draco was boasting about your entire little friend group finally getting their gifts from you-know-who." You shifted in your seat and then leaned forward. The look on your face was so intense, Theo felt that if he looked away, he'd simply burst into flames and die. "But even if Draco hadn't said anything to me, I've had a crush on you for almost as long as I've been alive Theodore Nott. I can tell when you're lying. Especially when you're lying to me."
Theo felt rage building up inside of him. How dare you patronize him like this? You had no right to judge him. You couldn't possibly understand what he was going through. "Whatever. You don't know me, Y/n." He sneered at you. In his heart, Theo was screaming at himself to stop. But even as he saw tears gathering in your eyes, he locked that part of him away. You'd shown him that Theo couldn't afford to be vulnerable. "You've no right to judge me. Following me around for years like some little fangirl. You've no idea what it's like when your father and uncle hold you down while you kick and scream and beg for them to stop. To let you go. To get away from a true monster while he carves his mark into your flesh."
Your face morphed into one of shock.
Theo scoffed at your empty question.
"What? That dear cousin of yours forgot to mention the excruciating pain? That he was there with my father and uncle and helped them hold me down so Voldemort could brand me like cattle?"
His questions were rhetorical but it didn't matter. He stood from his seat across from you and exited the compartment at the mark on his arm started to burn. It was time Theodore Nott learned. Feelings were and always would be a weakness.
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By the time the middle of the second term rolled around, Theo had come to terms with the dynamics of his feelings for you. He'd learned to push them down and away, and he'd grown accustomed to doing so. Instead, he focused on the task given to him by his father to prep Hogwarts for the Dark Lord to take over. You could still get to him in his dreams and he often awoke with nightmares. You'd appeared to him many times and spewed various levels of nonsense. How you'd never forgive him for this and the like. Usually they ended with Theo consuming enough firewhiskey to put down a horse and then falling into a drunken slumber only to wake up the next day with a hangover from hell.
This continued for a few weeks longer until finally, Pansy Parkinson had enough of his shit. She'd never been a best friend of yours or Theo's, but as a close friend of Draco's she heard constantly about the depression the pair of you had fallen into without one another. She'd figured that she'd have an easier time getting through to Theo than you most likely.
And there she sat. Across the Slytherin Common Room from Theo fixing him with a stare that would make even Nott Sr. rethink his life choices. If monsters were capable of that sort of thing.
"What the hell is wrong with you Theodore?"
"What do you want Parkinson?"
Pansy sighed frustratedly and whacked Theo with her potions textbook before resuming her homework as though she hadn't just left him with a fresh bruise. "I want you to stop being such an idiot. What happened to winning Y/n over?"
"It wasn't working out. Found a new hobby."
"What? Cohorting with the likes of Mattheo Riddle and serving as the Dark Lord's newest little bitch?" Theo glared back at the girl but she continued undeterred. "Besides, if it wasn't working then how come she was in your compartment on the train? That is until you lost your shit on her like a rabid animal."
"She doesn't understand. She never will. Not my fault and certainly not my problem."
"What she understands, Theo, is that she loves you. She always has. And now that she's finally coming back to that, you've gone back to being the insufferable twat that you always are."
Theo lit another cigarette. Pansy eyes rolled so far back Theo thought they might actually get caught at the back of her head.
"She took too long to get there. I've moved on from her."
"Moved on so much that you drink just to sleep and smoke a pack of those disgusting things a day? Moved on so much that when you think no one's looking in potions, you stare at her like she's the only girl in this whole school? Why is it that she waited years for you, and you can't even last a few weeks?"
Theo sat forward and stomped his cigarette out on the cold stone floor. He'd officially had enough of whatever little intervention Pansy thought she was throwing. "Listen Parkinson. This isn't really any of your concern. My feelings for Y/n are a weakness. She's better off without me anyhow."
"Your feelings for her are not a weakness. They are the strength that one day will be the reason you wake up from whatever spell you let your father put you under. You fucked up, and it sucks. But now it's time to grow a pair, and fix it. Or don't. Suffer for all I care but please, if you're gonna die, do it quietly."
Pansy shut her potions textbook and stood from her seat. She marched silently up to the girls dorms. But by the time she'd made it halfway up the stairs, Theo was already gone.
wc 2059
-- taglist - @moonlightreader649
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jazzymarie1006 · 5 months
Logan and Ororo in the two parter episode "One Man's Worth" are still so very great!
Warning: Long post is LONG!
First there's this gem of a scene. Not sure which is better. Logan believing that Ororo called him beautiful, Ororo telling Logan he's beautiful in his own way, or the implication that they've had more than one picnic (with or without Charles).
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The apple scene was great. Ororo knowing that Hawk would make a "Garden of Eden" parallel is too great.
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When the Timeline is being absolutely DESTROYED, Logan and Ororo run into each other's arms as Charles disappeared from existence.
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Which brings us HERE! A timeline where Magneto is leading the mutants in a war against machines and super humans. And Logan and Ororo are married! Also Logan took Ororo's last name, that's the only right answer.
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The close-up on the the rings was great! But it had me thinking... how were they even married in the first place sense Mutants clearly aren't treated as people? Did Morph turn into the Justice of the Peace again?
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Logan catching Ororo and making sure she's safe is great! Love to see it.
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Absolutely LOVE how Logan puts the claws away when Ororo says she believes Bishop and Shard. The fact that they weren't together in the main timeline had Logan so upset. You know he was just looking thoroughly through what Bishop and Shard were showing them!
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Ororo: My Dearling... would you condemned the whole world just to keep our love.
Logan: You bet I would. Why would I care about anything else?
This man didn't even hesitate! The kiss Ororo gave him was brief, but it of course shows that she’s also going to miss their marriage.
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Of course Logan was gonna go if Ororo was going. That's a no brainer!
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Later we get one of the BEST scenes in the show! Logan and Ororo are snitched on for being an interracial couple in the 1950s. And Logan immediately jumps into action when Ororo's insulted!
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Ororo is also the only person able to stop him. She couldn’t even stay mad at Logan!
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Logan coming in the save again! Ororo can NOT be in any form of danger around this man!
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After the mission to save Charles fails, Wolverine's ready to go back to where he and Ororo were before (this man said fighting a war alongside Magneto wasn't so bad!). Of course Ororo knew Logan wasn't going let Bishop and Shard down and he knew too!
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These two weren't apart from each other for few seconds while in the bad future!
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Logan really pretended to pass out JUST TO STEAL A KISS!
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How he wiped her tears!! I can't with them!!
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Just gonna get this outta the way... Charles fainting when Logan threatened him was hilarious! He regarded it immediately! He does NOT like it when Ororo's upset with him!
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After Charles reads their mind, he quickly reveals that someone (Logan) doesn't want the mission to succeed! Of course this has Bishop ready to start blasting. Which gives us this line (which Charles most likely remembers later on).
Logan: I feel the way I feel bub. That don't mean I'd turn traitor!
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Watching this now should NOT have still been able to make me tear up!!
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After Logan says "Don't you leave me", the two kiss and the timeline is restored. The two are even seen hugging!
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The bit of flirting near the end!! The writers KNEW what they were doing!!
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Then Charles pulls up, reveals to us that he remembers what happened with the Alternate Duo and watches them briefly before leaving them alone. He knows that these two are willing to give up happiness with each other to do the right thing for the world!
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I love all of this so very much!
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ryoshudoodles · 1 month
What's your favorite Ryoshu ID? :>
Oooooh hard to say. Every single Ryoshu is my favourite Ryoshu. Let me make an ID tier list
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First. They are all S Tier. But allow me to explain my choices
Starting on Hold hands tier
Seven Ryoshu- She looks lovely, I just can't find a use for her in any of my teams so I haven't gotten as attached to her as I have to other IDs. I still love her tho. She's the coffee shop AU Ryoshu.
Warp Ryoshu- I use Warp shu a LOT. She was one of the first truly good IDs I got and has been carrying me ever since. I just don't find her as conceptually interesting as other IDs. She's simply a version of herself that is constantly free to give into her base instincts and violent tendencies.
I love you tier
Liu Ryoshu- It is no secret that I find Liu Ryoshu extremely sexy. And that is just one of the reasons why I like her. It's fun to imagine what kind of interactions she would have with the Ishmael and Rodya of that mirror world.
Yurodivy Ryoshu- The hottest things a woman can be is: deranged and a communist.
Chef Ryoshu- Chef Ryoshu is a really fun ID. Just like warp, it's an ID where she's even more enabled than base Ryoshu but I find the tone of it immensely comedic simply because of her complete inability to cook. I like to imagine that it takes a dozen tries before one pie eventually comes out right.
Sweet awful princess tier
Base Ryoshu- Base Ryoshu is the Ryoshu that made this all possible. I just adore her to bits in ways I can't explain. She's such a fun twist on the edgelord lonewolf starving artist gone mad archetypes all in one.
LCCB Ryoshu- I wrote a whole fanfic about this one. Naturally, I've grown attached to her to an unnatural degree, even if I don't actually use her that much in game. Besides being straight-up adorable, gun shu is very interesting under a narrative microscope. She's way more calm and obedient, and I think that is caused by her not being as close and personal with her art.
Kurokumo Ryoshu: She's the first Ryoshu ID I ever got. I used her for a long time because I was SO HAPPY that I finally had one ID of her. Again, very violent ID, but there's so much room to imagine what it would be like for the Gang of idiots to interact. Besides, her design is just gorgeous. I want more tattooed IDs for her.
Maid Ryoshu: This ID is really an outlier among all the others. It's Ryoshu's kindest self, but without losing what makes her Ryoshu. She's still scary, violent and strong, but it really shows that even she can be caring. Before TKT it was one of the few things we could point to to demonstrate that she wasn't just a one note character (since not everyone reads the source material). Also I made a really... really silly bet with one of my friends because of her and I don't know what I'm gonna do now.
Thanks for asking :D
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meowsforyujin · 7 months
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“I can’t keep doing this” Yang Jeongin ff
Jeongin x fem reader
(Warnings!! Contains: fluff, smut, angst, fwb, best friends to lovers, spanking, demeaning talk, fingering, jealousy)
The feeling of rejection was all too familiar to you, but this one hurt. It’s the FIRST time you’d found someone that piqued your interest other than the man you were hopelessly in love with, but could never be with. 
Lucky for you, you had good friends. One of your closest friends, sophie, decided you invite you to the club with her other friends. 
“The best way to get over being rejected is to act like a total slut and spend the night in someone else's sheets.” 
You decided to invite your best friend Jeongin, who also happens to be your current “fuck buddy”. 
“That way we can both finally find someone that isn’t each other.” was the hardest message to send in your life, but it was your idea anyway. 
Jeongin had been your best friend since middle school, always doing everything together. You and Jeongin were not very popular romantically, to say the least. You both went through the entirety of high school single, no first kiss, no first date, no intimacy, nothing. Until one day, 6 months ago you were both drunk and decided to be each other's first. It was quick to become a pattern, sex with your best friend. The sex was great, great, that’s not the problem. The problem is you’re hopelessly in love with him. That's why this most recent rejection hurt more than usual, it was the only person you actually liked other than jeongin, and that's a problem.  
—time skip—
Jeongin regrets coming immediately. You looked so fucking hot and he couldn’t do anything about that. Tonight’s sole purpose was so that he WONT fuck you. But you’re making it so hard. He shouldn't be mad, he really shouldn't. But you flirting with a guy that wasn't him made his blood boil. The way you smiled when you laughed, that was something he didn’t want ANYONE to cherish other than him. He didn’t want to share. 
You yelp feel your arm being grabbed harshly. 
“Let’s go y/n, were leaving.” 
“Jeongin! What the fuck is your problem?” You try to pull your arm away. 
It's embarrassing how fast you feel your arousal creep up on you when he turns around and gives you a furious look. In that moment you decided it wasn’t worth arguing, not with that gorgeous stupid fucking face of his. 
“Mind telling me what this is about?” You didn't dare look at him.
Jeongin laughed and his grip on the steering wheel tightened. 
What was this about? What WAS his problem? He doesn’t know. 
“Just keep that pretty mouth of yours shut until we get home.”
You walked after him, slowly and nervously. You had absolutely no idea what was in store for you.
“Go strip and get on the bed, hands and knees.”
You blinked at him, frozen in your tracks. Sure, you and jeongin have fucked, LOTS of times, but not like this. He’s never demanded anything from you. You couldn’t complain, the arousal told you this was a good thing. 
You nodded at him before rushing to his bedroom, taking your clothes off as fast as possible. You got on your hands and knees like he asked, but it was so so so nerve wrecking. You were so exposed, you weren’t used to it. 
“I fucking knew it, look at you slut, soaking wet. Bet it wasn’t even for that asshole back at the bar hmm?”
You moaned feeling him smack your ass, something he’s also never done before. 
“Tell me y/n, who are you this wet for? Me or that dickwad from the bar?”
You whined as his hand made light contact with your throbbing cunt, shortly followed by another smack on your ass. 
“You, fuck. You jeongin.”
He hummed in satisfaction, pushing a finger into you. You were already a moaning mess, relishing how his long slender finger made you feel. When he added another one, you subconsciously began pushing back your hips, trying to meet his fingers pace. 
“You gonna cum for me? Like the slut you are?”  
You helplessly nodded, moans getting higher and higher pitched. 
“Say my name.” 
You didn’t have to even think before chanting his name over and over while you finished. It was easy. You forgot everything but him, and you finally had to go ahead to vocalize that. Something about this made your orgasm so much more pleasurable.
He left you with almost no time to come down from your high, before thrusting his dick into you. Your cries filled the room, begging for more. How couldn’t you? He hit you spot so so so deliciously perfect from this angle. 
“This is what you get for making me jealous baby, you should know better. You’re just mine, only mine. No one else can have you.”
You groaned into the pillows hearing his words, too lost in the pleasure to even register everything he was saying. 
–time skip–
You stared at the ceiling, watching the fan as your mind went wild. The things jeongin said just hours ago, finally starting to get to you. You turned to see sleeping jeongin, his arm wrapped around you still. Did he mean what he said? Surely he did because he was jealous of you and the other guy. But he shouldn’t have been. That was the point of going out. In fact, that was the point of this whole “relationship”. You two were simply just placeholders until you found someone else. But no one else wanted you, not even jeongin. He probably only brought you back because he couldn’t find anyone else. After all, you are always the last choice. 
Jeongin woke up to your sniffling, but didn’t find you next to him. Instead, he found you on the floor of the living room, curled up in a ball crying your eyes out. 
“Y/n? What’s wrong?” He went to hug you but you swerved away
“I can’t keep doing this jeongin.”
“You wha, what do you mean?” he searched your face for any kind of answer. Did you mean fucking? Or being friends? All he could tell was that he had never seen you this hurt before.
“I can’t do this to myself anymore, nobody wants me, not even you.”
“What are you saying? I never said that?”
“Save it jeongin. you only took me home because you couldn’t find another girl. I’m always the last option, and I don’t want to be that anymore.”
“Y/n, that’s not true.”
“No! I don’t want to hear it! I’ve been spending 6 whole fucking months trying to get over you, and NOBODY wants me. The rejections hurts. It’s taking a toll on me and I can’t do it anymore.”
“Get over me? What do you mean get over me?”
“Do you really want to know?” You stood so close to him he could see every color in your face from crying, he hated seeing you this sad.
“I’ve been in love with you since the beginning. I THOUGHT the first time we slept together it was because you felt the same way! Do you know how much it hurt? When you told me your “idea” ?”
his idea, the idea that you would sleep together to fill the empty voids you both had.
“I was just a void filler. Nothing else. I can’t do this to myself anymore Jeongin. ESPECIALLY when you send mixed signals by lying, “I’m only yours” and making me feel like MAYBE you wanted me the way I wanted you.” You rushed past him in attempt to leave, but of course, he stopped you.
“I wasn’t lying. And I never said I didn’t want you that way. I only came up with my dip shit ‘idea’ because I thought you only slept with me because you were drunk. I thought you’d be disgusted if you found out I had feelings for you, so I came up with that. Because it let me atleast get a hint of what it would be like to have you as mine. Maybe that’s selfish but I never thought I’d get a chance to experience the real thing.”
Tears were uncontrollably falling down your face, you didn’t want to believe him. What if he was lying? You don’t want to get hurt
“You’re lying, you just want me to stay so you can get your dick wet once in a while. You don’t love me.”
Jeongin eyes softened and filled with tears hearing you say that. How could he make you feel this way? Feel so unwanted.
“How could I not love you? Everytime I see you I feel all my troubles float away. Your smile is my favorite piece of art in the world. Your laugh is my favorite song in the world. I don’t want anyone else to get the privilege of hearing or seeing you ever. I want you all to myself. You’re the one person who knows me better than everyone else. You’re the only one I’d ever want to spend my life with. I love you so fucking much it’s insane, and no it’s not just to get my dick wet. I’d give up sex all together if it meant you’d stay.”
you nearly fell to the floor. You must’ve been dreaming. Jeongin never used words like this, especially when it comes to feelings
“Please stay.” He held your hand with pleading eyes.
It took one slow nod and his face lit up, like he was never even sad in the first place. He pulled you into a warm hug, placing a light, loving kiss on your forehead.
—time skip—
It’s been 2 months since you and jeongin started dating, and you swear you’ve never been happier. You basically live at his place. Most of your clothes are there, much to his dismay. (He’d rather you wear his clothes). To your surprise, jeongin and you didn’t have sex for a month. When you asked him why, he said it was because he wanted to assure you he didn’t just want you for that reason. You felt like melting on the spot from his sweetness, you loved him so much.
Sometimes you and jeongin lie awake at night staring at the ceiling fan, entangled in each other’s arms and just talk. Jeongin often said in times like those that you both were meant to be, there was never anyone else.
“Also, there’s something I should tell you..”
“Yes what is it jeongin?”
“Well, it’s not like nobody ever wanted you…I just threatened everyone to stay away from you or I’d put them in the hospital.”
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Slave Of Duty: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Summary: You're pulled away for a case in the middle of Haley's funeral. Spencer is still mad at you that you didn't let him see you while in prison, but how can you explain to him that whenever you look into a mirror, you hate the person you see? You're far from being okay and Spencer is the kind of comfort you're desperately looking for.
Season Five Masterlist
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them.
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After gathering everything you can in Erika's house, your team heads back to the station where you immediately get a strong cup of coffee. No sleep plus that horrifying vision is draining you quicker than you'd like. Emly is watching you like a hawk after what you said to her but you try to ignore the holes she is burning in the back of your head. Derek has the detective and his men looking into the whereabouts of the first three victims and Grant to see where the unsub might have met them.
"There has to be something in the victimology," Derek sighs.
Emily continues to look at you before turning to Derek. "If Grant hadn't come home when he did, Erika would probably still be alive. So, how did the unsub miss him?"
"It says he was out of town last week visiting family in Indianapolis."
"Still, the violence of those kills indicates he knew both victims because the longer the victims are with the killer, the more desperate the attack. The unsub stabbed Erika seventeen times in the face and Grant thirty-four times to the face and genitals."
"It makes sense," Spencer says. "The more he perfects his routine, the more invested he becomes."
"Detective Kaminski, have your men had any luck canvassing the victims' last known whereabouts?" Derek asks.
"None. I'm thinking of pulling them off for the night."
"That's a mistake."
"Why is that? The victims are dead. If he sticks to the pattern, we've got another week before he strikes again."
"He's never gotten this far before. He's desperate to play out his fantasy. A man like this isn't gonna stick to any timetable. He's gonna try to finish this tonight. JJ, we need you on the news to narrow victimology. Let people know that he's out there right now."
"I'm on it," she nods and leaves.
"We still don't know where he's finding his victims," Emily points out.
"We do know that Erika lived in Green Hills. Including the other two areas for the first two victims, we have three points. We have our geographical comfort zone. It's a good bet the unsub lives somewhere In this area, and Erika is our key to figuring out where they met."
JJ comes back into the room with someone on speakerphone.
"Garcia's got something."
"I'm a real genius because this is what I do. I took the travel logs from the GPS systems and overlaid their routes against the geographical profile to reveal what the paper trail could not. While Erika is the only victim who didn't visit a private club, a concert, or go to a fancy restaurant in the days leading up to her death, she did spend a couple of hours at Cheekwood Botanical Gardens on Tuesday."
"Did either of the other victims go to the park?" Spencer asks.
"I don't know if it's relevant, then."
"It is when her navigation system reads in a straight line. To work, back home, to work, back home. I don't think she ever left her house. She even had her groceries delivered."
"What was she doing on a Tuesday?"
"Let's find out," JJ says.
You need a break from working so you decide to stay back in the station and take a breather. Derek can see you're not doing too well so he allowed you to do that given you work on the geographical profile, which you can do.
You profiled that the unsub recently experienced a loss, possibly from a loved one. What if love wasn't the only loss? You assumed that because the unsub can easily navigate the victim's upscale lifestyle is because he like shared the same financial resources as his victims. What if he learned this behavior as a child and not as an adult? Like he grew up in the rich life instead of doing it as an adult? Maybe he has a rich wife instead?
If he didn't have his own financial independence but was still trying to keep up his social status, he'd be hemorrhaging funds. You've been going about this the wrong way. You've looked at maids, gardeners, pool cleaners, and anyone else who might have had access to the house.
You didn't even bother to look at spouses.
Penelope needs to check employment records at each of the venues the victims visited in the week prior to their death, like for men who are spending beyond their means. This man would have racked up a lot of debt so she needs to look at cars he might have spent money on, clothes, or something that doesn't fit this current income level.
While she did that, Spencer and JJ went to the park to canvas the area. Any normal park attracts a variety of patrons like older couples, walkers, and tour groups. They even host weddings and concerts if the price is right.
Last Tuesday, there was a corporate fundraiser between four and seven at night, which is when Erika was there. The only thing is that someone who wears heels all the time would have a hard time going to something like this, especially if there is a small walk just to get to the heart of the park.
Well, it would be hard if the park didn't have valet parking for high-end clients. Most of the private events hire valets to drive the cars down to the base of the park so clients won't have to hike up and down the hill to get to it.
Whoever took Erika's car tapped into her GPS system since dealerships program the home address into it before the customer leaves the lot. The unsub would not only have the means to get to her house but the keys to get inside.
"Hey, is everything okay with you and Y/N?" JJ asks Spencer once they're done a the park.
Spencer lowers his head and tries not to think about the situation too much.
"I'd rather not talk about it."
"Spence, don't you think you're being a little unfair?"
"What's unfair is her seeing everyone else but me. Can't I get a little space to think?"
Spencer and JJ are silent the entire ride back to the police station. JJ texted you what she and Spencer found out so you're working with Penelope over video chat about it.
"Culpepper Valet Company handled the fund-raiser on Tuesday, and the same company had contracts with the hotel lounge that Bethany frequented and the country club Melissa was a member at."
"That's our connection."
"JJ, get Rossi and Prentiss to talk to the owner," Derek says.
"Right away," she nods and leaves.
"Alright, baby girl, talk to me. I need employee records and a list of venues that Culpepper contracted out to this weekend."
"Sugar, check your email. It hit your inbox sixty seconds ago."
"Thanks, Penelope." He looks at his phone. "It looks like Culpepper was contracted out to three venues this weekend. Two are today. We might be able to catch this guy in action."
"Unless he's with another victim," you say.
Rossi and Emily went to talk to the owner of Culpepper Valet Company so they could see who was working at Cheekwood Park on Tuesday. According to the owner, six men were contracted to that event that day. Based on the profile of the unsub, the owner singled out Joe Belser who broke up with his girlfriend a few weeks ago. They were engaged because he was head over heels in love with her, but she was sleeping with his best man.
Now that you know who the unsub is, you, Spencer, and JJ leave to go to the Vonner Street Lounge where Joe picked up a shift. Emily, Rossi, and Derek are going to go to Joe's apartment with the SWAT team just in case he is there.
"Garcia, did you find anything else on Belser?" JJ asks.
"Okay, he attended Southern Charleston Preparatory Academy on scholarship, his parents died in a boating accident six years ago, and he lost his inheritance in the stock market. Since then, he has been racking up debt faster than he can pay it off. He was engaged to society magazine editor Rose Smith until six weeks ago when it was called off. The chapel was already paid for."
"So, he spent his entire savings trying to live in the world of his fiancee. She was his lifeline only to have her leave him and wind up penniless."
"Garcia, I don't suppose Belser's car has a Lo-Jack system on it, does it?"
"No such luck, Boy Wonder. I need potential victim names."
"We'll get back to you."
There has to be a meaning of the rose petals Joe is leaving behind. When Derek and Emily got to his apartment, they found boxes of universal garage door openers. That's how he's getting into these women's houses. Some people who use valet are smart enough to use a valet key and not their actual car eyes, but no one thinks to take out their car garage door openers.
You, Spencer, and JJ meet with Landon right before talking with a manager at the VIP lounge Joe took a shift for. JJ quickly explained the situation to him but Joe was nowhere to be found. Knowing he might have found another victim, she decides to ask about the people who used the valet service tonight.
"She is a beautiful brunette in her late thirties or early forties. She would have been driving a high-class SUV or Sedan. She only buys high-end."
"Let me check the register logs." The manager takes out the paper logs. "This is a list of all of our customers who made charges in our VIP section tonight. They have their own attendant."
"There are fifteen names on here, six of them are women."
You take out your phone and call Penelope who answers immediately.
"Pen, I have six women who used credit cards at the Vonner Street Lounge in the past three hours. Jennifer Ketelson, Kiegan Murphy, Heather Aldridge, Meg Natraj, Ann Herron, and Katie Gotshall."
"Okay, I'm cross-referencing the geographical profile with financial records. Got three names that look good, and one of them is a brunette. Ann Harron. She lives at 431 Pyle Street."
"We got him," you say to your team.
Derek, Rossi, and Emily meet you at Ann's house which is dark. However, you know he's inside. You can feel the panic come from her. You follow Derek and Emily inside with your gun raised, catching Joe in the act of murder. He hasn't killed Ann yet but is in the process of doing so.
"FBI! Get down on the ground!"
Derek and Emily yank Joe away from Ann who Rossi checks on. She is crying and begging for her life but Rossi is taking good care of her. You're standing in the doorway with tears in your eyes. God, you hate crying. You hate it so much, You wish you could never cry again. You've shed so many tears for people who don't deserve it.
Emily pushes Joe to the ground so she can handcuff him.
"Fantasy's over, Joe. Is that what you did to them? You hit them to shut them up? You force them to play along with your sick delusion?"
"I love them," he says desperately.
"You're finally gonna meet your soulmate, Joe. In prison. Only you're not gonna be able to push him around the way you did those women. When he comes for you In the middle of the night, when you're least expecting it, do me a favor. Play along."
She yanks Joe up and has Landon take him away. The paramedics come to check out Ann who you know is going to be alright... physically.
"How is she?" Derek asks.
"She's strong. She'll make it, but you don't survive something like that without scars."
You can feel eyes on you.
"Scars remind us where we've been. They don't have to dictate where we're going."
You can't help but touch your face where your bruise once was. God, this is so suffocating. You want it to stop. You want to pain to go away. Why can't it just go away? A single tear escapes your face that no one but Spencer notices.
Now that you don't have a case to keep you distracted, you're not sure if you can fall asleep. Spencer is still mad at you and sleeping in a bed with someone who is pissed at you is worse than sleeping alone. Spencer has been in bed for twenty minutes waiting for you to come to it when he gets up in search of you.
He finds you in the living room sitting on the small bench by the window.
"Come to bed. We can talk in the morning." Spencer walks closer to you only to realize that you're silently sobbing. "Are you okay?"
"I'm sorry, Spencer," you sob. "I'm sorry I didn't want you to see me. I'm sorry I turned you away. I just didn't want you looking at me with pity. You have such a beautiful mind that won't allow you to forget. I didn't want to see myself like that through your eyes. I wanted to keep some normalcy here. I'm so sorry."
Spencer knows he's being an ass and that stops now. He sits next to you on the bench and pulls you into him.
"I forgive you."
"I'm so scared to go to sleep in fear I'll wake up back in that cell."
"They can't try you again on those murders. You're free, Y/N."
You lift your head and look at Spencer with blurry vision. "No, Spencer, I'm not."
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
Okay, so, I don't know if I'm typing this out to make myself feel better because I can't believe THIS is the thing I'm gonna be right about in this fucking show BUT back in May last year, I added some tags on a post about how Buck is in Eddie's season 5 arc, so he would break up with Natalia pretty early on and Eddie and Marisol would go off to build stuff together (It's the only post I can find that proves I had the thought before all this because I don't know if I put that in a meta or not, I think I did on a post talking about how Buck and Eddie mirror each other narratively, but I cannot find it) but the thing is, season 6 for Buck mirrors season 4 for Eddie, which would put them in season 5 but from Buck's side. It was the main reason I kept saying I believed Natalia would have the same treatment as Ana, and go away early on in the season to open space for Eddie's journey of self-discovery, which is what happened, Natalia went away to open space for Buck's self-discovery journey. I was betting on a Buck breakdown, but bi Buck works. Why did I had that thought the second Eddie called Marisol in the s6 finale? Well, Buck and Eddie are literally running parallel to each other but slightly misaligned. You have tiny things like the way the first loss on the job for both of them is someone falling to their death, but Devon didn't want to live and the gross dude did. Or the shaky relationship with their parents that runs opposite because Eddie had too much responsibility placed on him while Buck was literally treated like he was invisible. Or more aggressive things like the way the well mirrors the lightning (set on that if you need help visualizing), with the way both of them volunteer into the rescue, the well is in the middle of nowhere, Buck gets struck in the middle of the street, Buck is in the sky, Eddie is underground, the rain aspect, the 118 as audience, they are even on mirrored sides of the frame, and I think even the way Buck needs to choose to get out of the coma mirrors the way Eddie saves himself. There's also the breathing things since Eddie almost drowns and Buck's lungs stop working. The well mirroring the lighting put Buck in season 4 for 6b, the "'I'm fine' *narrator voice* he wasn't fine" era, which would put Buck in season 5 now, the "I'm dealing with what makes me who I am" era, which he is, go Buck.
Well, this works with love interests on a ridiculous level. We have the ABSOLUTE MADNESS of the way Shannon comes back, next episode Ali shows up, Shannon dies, next episode Ali is gone, Eddie meets Ana, Buck keeps complaining about the struggles of being single (while Maddie totally sets him up with Josh, because now that Buck is canonically bi, the fact that they are in blue and green is too on the nose for me to ignore), nothing comes of Eddie and Ana, they both stay single, Eddie asks Ana out, next episode Buck is dating and Taylor comes Back, Buck starts dating Natalia, Eddie starts dating Marisol. The only ones who are not aligned are the breakups with Ana and Taylor, because Buck chooses to hang on for too long. We also the way they have the first love who left them and never really gave them the closure they needed, we have the inconsequential girlfriend they only got because people kept telling them they had to move on. Shannon works for Eddie the same way Abby works for Buck. Ana works for Eddie the same way Ali and I guess Natalia do for Buck. That means Eddie needs a Taylor. Someone he meets on a call who comes back later on. Check. Someone he's supposed to work with in theory but never had a real fighting chance. (I say that because if Taylor were as intense about Buck as she is about the job, they could've been a very interesting installment of golden retriever boyfriend/black cat girlfriend, but they never try). Something about their personal journeys is that Buck tends to take longer to learn, while Eddie tends to need a stronger hit. Buck's takes more time and Eddie's tends to be more intense in a sense. Like the way Shannon dies and Abby just leaves, but they actually kinda paint Buck as hung up on Abby all through seasons 2 and 3. Or the way Taylor goes away for a whole season, just to come back and stay for 3 half seasons. So the Marisol of it all. Taylor had more dept in the helicopter than Marisol has right now, but sure, let's say the point here is to make Eddie do something stupid in the name of not being alone. Because that's what Taylor is. The whole time, Taylor is about Buck being scared of being alone, even hooking up with her the first time is about how he didn't have Abby to hang on to anymore. Taylor and Buck are also fundamentally incompatible.
Again, I know nothing about Marisol. They gave her no dept beyond being a glorified babysitter. Nothing in her relationship with Eddie so far has been about Eddie and her. Even their dates seem to be something that will be about watching other people. I don't wanna say buddie canon, because Lucy is her own category (I miss her) but, Eddie looking at Buck and Tommy and making the very harsh decision of asking her to move in "I'm gonna die alone" moment, I don't wanna say makes sense, but could work, even more considering that the Buck/Tommy/Eddie/Marisol date seems to be mirroring the colors of the Buckley-Diaz family + Taylor dinner in outside looking in, and the next episode is a madney episode. It's the same progression of events. I doubt Eddie is gonna cheat and panic ask Marisol to move in, but they are not so on the nose with the actual storyline parallels. I don't have the brainpower to come up with any theories about what he might do, but considering how rocky his relationship with Buck could be, considering the last episode, I can absolutely see Buck triggering that (that would make me accept I am right and Eddie is aware of his feelings and I won't give that up even if the show explicitly says he wasn't) because Eddie's abandonment issues make him overcorrect. And that's never a good thing. Do I think Marisol is going past the season finale? No. Eddie's understanding arcs are usually shorter than Buck's. How would she leave? No clue. The fact that Taylor hurt Buck's family, in a literal sense with Chim, and the focus on her relationship with Chris as someone taking care of him, also the ominous shots of Chris and the whole theory that Chris would get hurt last season makes me scared tho. It could be something that's not her fault that she doesn't reach Eddie instantly, like, Chris cuts himself or something and she doesn't call, that can even work to push Buck and Eddie closer, and put buddie explicitly in a parental role together. My brain keeps saying appendicitis for some reason, but no idea why, maybe I just don't want to believe the show would make someone purposefully endanger Chris. Eddie kind of snapping in a hospital makes sense? Let's say Chris gets sick while at school and someone calls the house trying to reach Eddie because he's not answering and he chews her off. But that's just like, the only thing I can come up with with the correct energy.
So, yeah, Marisol is Taylor. I'm too tired to keep typing, but I can't believe the one theory I don't fully type out is the one the universe is gonna give me oaksoaksoaksoaksokasa
If you read this I love you. I don't know how this made you feel, but I hope it makes sense.
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sotwk · 2 months
Hey! I hope you're having a blast with your summer campfire event, it's such a cute idea!! You already wrote a very sweet love letter from Boromir for another ask, so I'll humbly request a love letter from Eomer instead! <3 (I'm an easy customer, my real-world love life is so garbage I'll be happy with anything lol) Happy birthday again!
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Oooh girl. GIRRRRL. Have I got Tea to Serve.
Now I hate to be that busybody town gossip (oh who are we kidding, everyone in Edoras knows exactly what I am), but last night while I was picking up after them eored boys I saw the Marshal, yes that Marshal, toss a ripped and crumpled up sheet of paper into the fire. He'd spent the whole evening scowling and scribbling away at that thing, you'd think he'd forgotten his letters. (Personally, I didn't even think the man knew how to work a quill.)
Anyways, he must have been so frustrated and tired cause he missed his throw and you can bet I fished that lil' nugget up and stuck it in my pocket before anyone could see.
I know, I know, I could get in SO much trouble, he's the Marshal and he's probably got loads of army secrets and stuff to write about, but I could just TELL this wasn't anything business related. And OhMyBema my instincts were right, why do I ever even doubt myself?!
Anyhoo, I am just about halfway done taping the pieces back together like a Ravensburger 1,000-piece (boy was he mad at this letter!) but I can already tell it will be worth the loss of my eyesight. It's a letter FOR YOU, GIRL. AHHHH. I know. I know. And I TOLD YOU.
Once I'm done I'm gonna sneak it into your room--keep an eye on that letter box thingie you have on your desk. If you see a hot mess of a paper in it--it's not garbage! And neither is your love life because GIRL. GIRL.
I gotta go scream into a pillow now before I get back to the Scotch tape.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 6 months
Eyes and Ears
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: An AU where Barbara finds Jason instead of Bruce.
Chapters: 6/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Sheila Haywood, Original Character(s)
Relationship(s): Jason Todd/Original Character(s), Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Older SIbling Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd-centric, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Jason Todd is NOT Robin, Jason Todd Has Issues, Jason Todd Has a Crush, Adopted Siblings
Chapter Six: 10-42
Jason woke Barbara out of her sleep that night, and she sat up and looked at him. He seemed far away. "What's wrong?" Barbara asked. Jason sat on her bed next to her. "Jason?"
"You didn't say anything to me when we got back home... Do you want me to leave?" Jason asked. Barbara shook her head. "Then why won't you speak to me? Are you mad at me?"
"No, I'm not mad. I just—. You've been here almost three months, and I've never once seen you act like that," Barbara confessed. Jason hugged his knees.
"I just didn't want him to hurt anyone," Jason explained, "And—."
"Why didn't you stop?" Barbara blurted out. Jason's heart sank into the pit of his stomach.
Barbara didn't realize the weight her question carried. All Jason could think about was how it felt to watch his father in a blind rage and how nothing could stop him when he was angry. Jason hoped that wasn't what Barbara saw in him. He wondered if he was becoming Willis.
Barbara turned to Jason, waiting for an answer, but he didn't have one. She sat there staring as he wrung his trembling hands. "What makes a person evil?" Jason asked.
"You're not evil. Jason, everyone makes choices," she whispered.
Jason lay his head on Barbara's shoulder. "Don't get mad at my next question... Have you ever thought of going to a therapist?"
Jason pulled away. "A shrink?" he asked. Barbara nodded.
"You'd be surprised how many people throw on a costume and fight crime simply because they didn't go to therapy—."
"Then why don't you train me to fight crime?" Jason asked. Barbara shook her head.
"No," she half-yelled, "One, you're too young. Two, you don't have self-control for crime-fighting. Three, you see a lot of—."
"I've seen a lot of messed up shit, Barbara," Jason whispered. His tone worried her.
"Jason," she whispered. He looked at her with his big intense eyes, and she couldn't say yes, but she couldn't exactly say no either. "I'll train you if you agree to go to therapy."
"What's the catch?" Jason asked.
"The catch is that you don't go out until I say you're ready... But, I'll teach you everything I know, and I'll let you pick your therapist," Barbara replied. Jason leaned forward, his chin resting in his palm as he considered her proposal.
"Okay... Sure, and I know this is a way for you to shut me up and that you might never let me do what you do," Jason yawned, "But, I don't care. I'm gonna make you and Pop proud. I will." He lay back and stared up at the ceiling.
"Pop? I bet he eats that up," Barbara smiled. She looked over at Jason, who looked up pensively at the ceiling. Barbara lay back next to him. "You still having trouble sleeping?"
"Just tonight," Jason whispered, "I couldn't sleep. Kept wondering if you had second thoughts about letting me stay."
"No, I think you're meant to be here... And I hope you stay. I also hope you know I'm not always gonna be soft on you. I'm gonna be tough, and I might even seem like I'm being mean, but that's because I care about you," Barbara whispered. He didn't answer. She looked over at him, and he lay fast asleep. She took the blanket from the foot of her bed and draped it over him.
She turned on her side facing the door and drifted off to sleep. It eased her mind to talk to know Jason was okay. She woke up that morning to Jason still sleeping soundly, holding onto her arm. She tapped him lightly on his nose with her finger. Jason pushed her hand away. "Can I have my arm back?" Barbara asked.
"Barbara?" Jason asked. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Can I ask you a question?"
Barbara sat up and put on her glasses. "I'm listening," she whispered.
"Do you think people can be fixed?" Jason asked.
Barbara looked at him, and when she saw how serious he was, she answered with a soft, "It depends... If you're talking about yourself, I don't think you need to be fixed. I just think you need a little guidance... Maybe therapy—."
"No," Jason interrupted.
"Jason, just think about it. It's not as bad as it sounds. There's nothing wrong with getting a little help. Maybe you can talk about your childhood and what it's like here and—." Jason climbed out of her bed and left her alone in the room.
She covered her face and groaned. Jim knocked on her door, and she got up and let him in. "What happened?" Jim asked.
"I said the wrong thing. I know I did... Things were going fine, and I messed it up again," Barbara sighed. Jim didn't say anything. "I suggested that he go to therapy."
Jim made a pained noise. "I'll talk to him... Wait, did Jason sleep in here?" Jim asked. He held back a smile.
"He thought I was mad at him, but yeah, he slept in here. I don't think he planned on it," Barbara whispered. She wouldn't admit it, but she slept a little better knowing that Jason was close by.
"I'll talk to him. Besides, I think it'll be nice to do some father-son bonding," Jim replied, with a proud smile on his face. He kissed the top of Barbara's head and left her to get ready.
Jim went about the rest of his morning, and Jason eventually came out and made himself a bowl of cereal. "Want to go on a ride with me after breakfast?" Jim asked casually. Jason nodded. Jim smiled and messed up Jason's hair as he walked past. "Do you need me to change the bandages on your face?"
"No thanks. I changed them a minute ago," Jason replied before drinking the milk in his cereal. "Hey, Pop? Can I still call you pop?"
"Of course you can," Jim answered, "On one condition... I can tell anyone who asks that you're my son."
Jason put his bowl in the sink so that Jim couldn't see him smiling. "You've got a deal, Pop," Jason whispered, "So where are we going?"
Jim chuckled and playfully scooped Jason under his arm and carried him to the car. Jason laughed with him. "It's just a ride, Jason," Jim replied once he put Jason down, and they both got in the car. They rode around in silence for a few minutes until Jim felt it was the right time to speak. "Jason... You know Barbara didn't mean any harm this morning, right?"
"She told you what she said to me?" Jason asked. Jim nodded.
"And I have to admit, I felt that way when I was young too... But I see a therapist now," Jim explained.
"How come?" Jason asked as he stared out of the window.
"I see a lot of things in the field. But I also have trouble sorting through my day-to-day emotions sometimes... But that's okay, Jason," Jim paused to take a deep breath, "How would you feel about me going with you?"
"I never said I'd go," Jason replied. Jim shrugged and bounced his head from side to side.
"Well, do you want to tell me what your childhood was like?" Jim asked.
Jason shook his head. "Why does it matter?" he questioned in reply.
"Your past makes you who you are, good or bad. Your past is important. What about your past hurts so bad that you can't talk about it?" Jim asked.
He didn't expect an answer from Jason, so he was surprised when Jason broke the silence with a soft, "What if I say it out loud and no one listens? What if no one takes me seriously?" Jason answered.
"It's hard keeping all those thoughts and memories inside yourself. Jason, you've got to trust someone at some point. We love you, and we just want to understand you... It's a weight off your shoulders when you know someone really understands how you feel," Jim explained softly. Jason's chest was tight as he held back tears. "Besides, if something bothers you, it's serious to me. You don't seem like the type of kid to exaggerate."
"Okay... But you promise you'll be there with me?" Jason mumbled. Jim nodded.
"I'll be there with you for as long as you need me to be," Jim whispered, "Jason, I know exactly how strange it can feel to open up to people that you barely know... But it does help."
"Do you like going?" Jason asked. Jim nodded.
He turned on a street that Jason wasn't familiar with. "It's okay. You're gonna have good days and bad days with therapy, like with school. Treat it as a challenge to do your best because it'll really help you," Jim explained.
"Guess I owe Barbara an apology," Jason whispered. Jim messed up Jason's hair.
"I'd wait a little while if I were you. Surprise Babs. If you change your mind right away, she'll know it's because I talked to you. Let her have this one," Jim replied. Jason nodded, and Jim changed the subject. "I got an email from your history teacher. She said you've got an impressive grasp on the content. Not sure what the content is, but I just want you to know I'm proud of you. I know homeschool is weird and that you're working really hard to catch up... I just want you to know you're speeding along just fine and that I'm not only proud of you. I'm amazed." Jim smiled, only when he noticed his commendation made Jason smile.
Jim's phone rang, and he nudged Jason. "Answer that for me," Jim sighed. Jason put the phone on speaker. "Jim Gordon."
"Ten-forty-two at the Opera House," the officer replied. Jim cursed.
"I'll be right there as soon as I drop my kid off," Jim answered, and Jason hung up the phone for him.
"Pop, what's a ten-forty-two?" Jason asked. Jim didn't want to answer because he didn't want Jason to worry. Jason asked a second time.
"It's a bomb threat," Jim took a deep breath, "I'm gonna drop you off with Barbara—."
"No, you can't," Jason replied. Jim shook his head.
"Actually, I have to. Jason, I'm gonna drop you off with Barbara, and the second I'm done with work, I'll come back and take you out for ice cream—."
"I don't want ice cream. I don't want you to go. Just tell everyone you can't go," Jason started to raise his voice.
"Jason, take a deep breath—."
"You can't go! Let someone else go!" Jason yelled.
"I have done things like this before, I will do this again, and I will be fine. Call Barbara for me," Jim commanded in a stern tone of voice. Jason obeyed. "Hey, are you at work?"
"Yeah, what's wrong? I thought it was your day—. What is it?" Barbara asked.
"Ten-forty-two. I'm dropping Jason off with you," Jim replied. Jason turned away from Jim and crossed his arms. Jim knew Jason wasn't angry, but it still hurt to make him so upset. "Jason, I'm gonna take you out for ice cream as soon as I can get away."
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angel-of-the-moons · 1 year
Part of the same ask from 💐 anon: Link
Love, Your Biggest Fan
Pavitr Prabhakar x Super Fan!Fem!Reader
TW/CW: There is an attempted mugging, but mostly fluff
A/N: Tumblr was stupid and erased the whole fic I wrote the first time so I have to attempt to rewrite it from memory, now. Thanks, phone.
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"I bet he's really handsome underneath that mask of his!" Your best friend sang as the two of you walked, eating your shaved ice as the sun began to set.
"Eh." You shrug noncommittally, eating the last scoop of your flavored ice.
"Oh, come on!" Your friend groaned. "I bet he's suuuuuuper handsome! What do you think he looks like?"
"I don't see why you're so hung up on him, he's just some guy." You scoff softly.
"Just some--" She shook her head and looked at you like you grew an extra set of eyeballs and a pair of antlers.
"He's Spider-Man!"
"Exactly. He's just some guy with superpowers. These days, they're a dime a dozen." You say, rolling your eyes, dumping the empty cup in a trashcan you passed, your friend doing the same as you come to a stop, a fork in your paths where you must separate.
"Ugh, you are the only person I've ever met that isn't interested in him!" She said, shaking her head. "You're probably the only woman I know who doesn't wanna see his face under that mask!"
"Like I said..."
"Just some guy in a costume, yeah yeah yeah." Your friend snorted, shoving at you playfully.
"See you at the lecture on Monday. Don't forget to bring your notes. You know that Pavitr guy is gonna forget his again, and ask you for yours."
"Yeah yeah." You grin as she walks away.
You couldn't tell her. How could you? What would she say? Would she make fun of you?
You did care. You cared about Spider-Man a lot.
You had an online forum on a website that you ran. You even did some amateur investigative journalism, writing columns on him and delving articles to quell the lies that the press tried to smear his reputation as a "potentially dangerous vigilante" with a "disregard for proper law".
You hope, if he'd ever seen your posts, that he considered you an ally in a sea of people who tried to dismiss him as reckless.
You cursed your absentmindedness when you realized just how late it had become. You watched as shops closed, and people filed into the safety of their homes for the night; streetlights buzzed to life, casting an eerie orange glow as the sun disappeared beyond the Mumbattan skyline.
You were still a good ways away from home.
There was an alley you could take, that cut a shorter path to your apartment building... You could take that. It would be faster.
Taking the alley was a stupid, stupid move.
You never take a dark alley when the sun went down. Especially not in this neighborhood.
That was how you found yourself in the situation you were currently in; pressed against the wall, a hand over your mouth and a large knife pressed to your gut.
"Shut up and give me your bag. Now." The man growled.
You felt panic rise in your stomach as the knife glimmered too brightly in the dimly lit alley.
You became frantic, and bit down hard on the man's hand, making a mad dash in an attempt to escape as he reeled away, cursing at you.
You let out a shriek as your feet pounded the pavement, and we're suddenly yanked back hard by the straps of your backpack, thrown to the ground so hard that it knocked the air out of your lungs.
"I was gonna let you go." The man growled. "I wasn't gonna hurt you. But now, I'm gonna teach you not to mess with me, missy!" He raised his hand, the knife poised to strike at you as you tried to desperately skitter away on your hands and feet.
But as you watched the knife swing down, it snagged on a string of silken white. It was suddenly ripped out of his hand and tossed back into the alley somewhere, clattering uselessly to the ground.
"Now didn't your mama ever teach you it's not nice to harass a nice lady minding her own business?"
Your jaw dropped when you saw him. Here he was. In the flesh. Up close.
He was hanging upside down, suspended by a web that appeared to be coming from one of the golden bracers on his wrist, his other hand pointed and ready to fire another wad at your attacker.
But frankly, the man looked like he pissed himself as he ran away, panicking.
"Ha! Talk about a coward! Not so big and scary without your knife, huh?" Spider-Man called out, jeering the man as he did a magnificent flip and landed on his feet.
He walked over to you, leaning down and he held his hand out for you to grab.
"Sorry that had to happen to you, but lucky for you I was here to stop that jerk!" He said, his voice bubbly and happy.
"Oh! I... Th-Thank you..." You peeped, taking his hand.
It was very warm. Or maybe it was just you. Was your hand sweating? Oh god, don't make an idiot of yourself, don't faint. Don't make an idiot of yourself--
"Anytime! I--heyyyyy! I know you! You're that girl who writes all that nice stuff about me online!"
Don't faint. Don't faint...
"I... You... You know who I am?" You balk.
"Yeah! Your writing is good! You should consider doing it professionally!" He giggled, his chocolate hair bouncing.
"Oh, I..."
"Hey, do you have a phone?"
Yeah. You were gonna faint.
"I... I do?" You say, fishing it from your bag and holding it out for him.
"Can you unlock it?" He hums.
You enter your pin and hand it over to him, blushing slightly when he sees that your home screen wallpaper is fanart of him, and he giggles softly.
He finds your camera app and opens the front-facing camera, hooking his arm around your shoulders and points the camera at you.
"Here! Say chaaaaaai!" He sings, smiling widely beneath his mask.
"Um, chai?" You say, grinning into the camera.
He snaps the selfie, and promptly hands your phone back to you.
"Here you go! A little thank you for being so nice online!" He chirps.
"Oh, um, it's no problem, I... You didn't have to..."
"Hey hey! Anything for my biggest fan!" He winks at you.
You stow your phone away in the confines of your bag.
"Do you want a lift home? I wouldn't feel right leaving you to walk by yourself at night, especially after what just happened to you!"
You didn't have a moment to process before he scooped you up, princess-style and flung out his wrist, swinging you through the sky of Mumbattan.
You laughed as Spider-Man set you down on your balcony, your legs almost like jelly as you wobbled.
Spider-Man was laughing too.
"Now, was that, or was that not way better than taking a taxi?" He joked, his hands on his hips as he bounced on his heels.
"Way, way better." You smile at him.
"Hah! Knew it! The Spider-Man express!" He winked.
You brushed your wind-touseled, untamed hair out of your face, tucking a strand behind your ear.
"Thank you." You say. "For everything. Not just saving me, but... Like, everything you do. I... I know not everyone thinks highly of you, but..."
"Oh! Uh..." He bounces on his heels, swinging his arms a bit awkwardly. Wait. Was he embarrassed?
"Anytime! It is my job after all!" He chuckled.
"Thank you." You say again.
"Well, uhm. I, uh... I should go!" He says, turning away.
"Wait! Will I... Will I see you again?" You ask, grabbing his arm.
His eyes go to where you gripped him.
"Without a doubt. Gotta pay the gal who says good things about me a visit from time to time, right?" He giggled.
"I... I'll hold you to it." You nod.
He winked and did a backflip off your balcony, swinging on a strand of silk with a loud whoop.
As he disappeared into the cityscape of Mumbattan, he reminded himself to forget his notes on Monday.
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dreamypurplesky · 9 months
you know what's the most common experience of growing up as a girl? being made fun of. right since the moment you start having your own interests and preferences, people start making fun of you. it could be about something as small as the way you sit to bigger decisions like your career etc. I'm not even exaggerating but literally everything you do is a potential roast. i remember people would make fun of me because i liked to take selfies. i wasn't even taking too many but just the fact that i liked to take photos of myself was funny to people who were close to me. i got laughed at for working out cuz..."working out on a yoga mat is not actual workout" apparently. people literally don't let a single thing slide. your fashion sense, your hobbies, your music taste, your diet, your art, your opinions, the way you carry yourself, your daily routine, your social media presence and literally everything about your personality can and will be made fun of. growing up as a girl means having so much rage inside you. "oh you like taylor swift? ew that's so basic." "you dyed your hair blue? you think you're so edgy lol" "you like F1? name 5 drivers." "you have a best friend? i bet they will leave you." what makes me even more mad is that boys get praised about the same fucking things that you get made fun of. if he likes remote control cars then awww he's gonna be a racer someday let's buy him more. if he likes watching nat geo then wow he's so smart he has a bright future ahead. if he doesn't eat junk food then damn he's so health conscious i wish everyone could be like him. but god forbid a girl tries to be her authentic self she'll get crucified for it. and it's not even random bullies who do this, everyone including your parents, siblings, relatives, teachers, partners, coworkers, and everyone else will pick on you at some point. and then people wonder why most women don't know 'their worth' and get stuck in toxic relationships. i wonder why... and then if you stick up for women you get called a crazy feminist bitch while men sticking up for other men is just 'honoring the bro code'.
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