#good for you sis xD
ladyofvoss · 2 years
of all the things to discover about my muse today, the fact that she likes it rough was not one of them.
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anemoflower · 5 months
Headcanon time:
Nerina sits in L.iyue Harbor looking at the Traveler and Elowyn talking about their family, fond memories and about finding their siblings again.
She gets quite sad, because she's an only child and always wished to have a sibling that could have kept her company while growing up.
"I don't have any siblings either." GaMing sits down next to her with a smile. "You know, I think your friendship feels just like that of a sister to me."
Nerina blinks. "Really?"
He nods. "Would you like to have some Dim Sum with me, Sis?"
And then they go have lunch and spend even more time together and grow a brother-sister-relationship and WAAAH
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stardestroyer81 · 1 year
I NEED to see that cute little magazine edit and concept art of your Koopsona!!! 👀👀👀💙✨💖💖💖💖💖
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✨💙Wish granted, sis! 💙✨
Prior to making the concept art, in spite of having been a huge Mario fan (And 'artist') as a smol lamb, I don't think I've ever actually drawn a Koopa Troopa, so this served as some good, long-overdue practice! You'll notice a few differences in her design which I touch on in its Image ID, and this particular art of her accentuates her rounder, more stout shell, mirroring my build in person.
And of course, we have the infamous 'Was that character really canon all this time' edit beneath it! This was actually an incredibly difficult edit to craft, mostly because it was almost impossible to find an image of Paper Mario's gameplay that was at its native resolution so I wouldn't have to guess. Luckily, I was able to find one and went straight into editing!
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This is what the screencap in the edit looks like in full resolution, just for funsies!
But would this mean that my koopsona would have an equally amazing koopa sister? 👀
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Part 3 of Shadow au, Syns making progress! I think! He thinks! We don't know! Also added some extra stuff to this one because I was inspired by the height chart art using Darkness' extra sharp design so woo! Enjoy your boy @seasidemew! This part was actually meant to be bit heavier but lmao I've changed the order of my canon it's fine lmao so you get another relaxing one
Conversations and Progress
The dark hued two delicately landed in the middle of the makeshift camp, the grass was soft and cool under her feet as she glanced wearily to the side, her pink toned brother snuffled in his sleep stretching wiggling made a mrrp and rolling over with an exhale returning to lightly snoring as she let out a faint sigh of relief. He didn't actually know her yet, they'd never met and frankly after what happened she intended to keep it that way.
The orange hued two lifted her head from where she sat leaning against a tree looking at her sister with dark bags forming under her eyes. She stood slowly motioning with her head and stepped out of the campsite walking a small distance before stopping and waiting for her taller sister.
"What has he asked then?" May hugged herself as she asked the question, thumbs rubbing her arms softly in self soothing motions as she turned her head to glance at her sibling.
"This and that, he still wonders how and why we know each other and he's suggested his own theories he thinks we have a truce or blackmail on each other. And he's been asking what we've been saying about him naturally."
The orange one hummed uncomfortably squeezing her own arms, "and are you still being safe? He's not threatened you or followed you back to your nest?"
"No, not yet, he's moved as if to join me on the flight home but I told him I needed my beauty sleep and my privacy and I didn't like a man that disrespected either of those." She shrugged casually, "it seemed to work."
"Citrine… you really must be more careful..if he, I don't know he might turn if he thinks you're just screwing with him or get real nasty if he gets bored of the games."
"I know.." Her tail swayed, "I know. I'm being careful don't worry so much May, you should be thinking of yourself more I mean look at those bags. Are they designer? You could steal a purse with them when did you last get a proper nights' sleep?"
May looked away squeezing herself, "not since I thought I saw him that night… not properly since finding out I was right.." She shook her head looking back at her sister, "But it's my JOB to worry about you and to worry about Matt. I'm the oldest, you're my baby sister and he's my baby brother. I can't just sleep peacefully knowing he might lurk into camp and slaughter either of you."
Darkness grimaced to herself "May.." She felt Mays hands grab her face reaching up with some difficulty for the height difference.
"No, don't you May me, you're family okay? And I care about you a lot so I'm gonna worry."
She sighed, moving to take her sisters' wrists, planning to move her hands off her face, "you're too forgiving all things considering with me you know."
"You've grown and you've changed, I know you feel bad over what happened because you push away any kindness thinking you don't deserve it, but you do. I mean you keep checking in on us and watching that, that guy for us even though he could be a threat to you. AND hush hush ehp not finished close your mouth, and you're trying to change your identity claiming a new name moving on from being Darkness, and I'm really proud of you for it. Maybe I am too forgiving but I think you've earned the forgiveness."
Darkness hummed awkwardly looking away with her eyes, "I mean the whole experimental new names thing is personal because the name was dumb not some, spiritual metaphor." She moved Mays hands to emphasis the denial of self flinching and pulling her hands away when May winced.
"Ah-!" May looked at the bloody little marks on her wrist and frowned before grabbing one of her sisters hands who tried to retract them pulling it close to examine, she squeezed one of her fingers hearing her hiss in discomfort as a jagged crystal protruded from her paw like a claw.
"What did you do…" her voice was soft and deeply concerned as she examined Darkness' hand noticing the spikes protruding from her wrist also, "Citrine…"
"Dont…that names too nice for me.." She sighed softly, "I saw him. During the day fighting a Mega evolved Aggron. It didnt stand a chance… I got, scared, and panicked so I added more to myself to be stronger so if he turns nasty, if I have to fight him it'll give me the edge and extra strength."
"That must hurt.."
"It's not so bad, rather ache now and win then avoid needed pain and lose."
"I don't agree with you doing this to yourself, but it's done now.. If it comes to it you know I'd fight by your side against him."
"You're such a mother sometimes." Darkness chuckled softly, "I suppose I like the sound of those odds." May gently released her hand.
"Just please don't do anything else like this to yourself okay? Cause I don't want it turning into a self punishment thing. I know you because you're like me, you're from me, I am your mother." Though her tone was stern it did end in a playful way as she offered her sister a comforting smile.
"Hm, fine sure whatever mom," Darkness laughed softly, "I should go entertain him then for a bit, don't want him getting too bored or jealous." Moving to step away.
"Please stay." She paused at Mays request, "I, want Matt to meet you and I just, I have a bad feeling tonight. I don't know I feel bad letting you leave to go to him. I worry you won't come back. So, stay? You can have my bed." Darkness swished her tail smiling softly to her sister, usually she'd argue about having to go but to some degree she'd been wanting to meet her little brother too even if she was anxious with his initial negative experience with shadow mewtwo. "and I might actually sleep better tonight with you both nearby and safe!"
"aah fine I guess you've convinced me," smiling casually she watched Mays shoulders drop in relief as they moved to walk back to the camp.
"I think Matt will love you once he gets to know you realize who you are...and I think you're wrong Citrine is a nice name for you you deserve a good name and I think you should get a name that's pretty. Like Crystal or Jewel or uh Diamond or Moonstone." Darkness snorted softly.
"I'm noticing a theme here," smirking as May floundered.
"Well you said Citrine was a gem so like eehh was trying to think of other gem things I thought you liked it for that?"
"Well, it's like a yellow gem and it's kinda pretty..though it was his suggestion before he swapped to Citrus cause I got the two confused."
"Ah yes orange scented," May lightly bumped into her sister playful as they walked into camp, "I mean you're a pretty gem, it's up to you what you choose."
Darkness hesitated for a moment, "I, was thinking of maybe looking at M starting names…since like you and Matt..but that's probably intruding.."
May smiled at her comfortingly, "Hey that'd be nice, or if you pick an A starting name we could become M A M." Darkness lightly hit her face shoving her away as she laughed.
"Never mind I'm never taking suggestions from you ever," but she laughed fondly as May chuckled in mischievous motioning for Darkness to take her bed, a few leaves carefully arranged on the ground for padding against the dirt just as cushioning the best they could do considering they were out in the wilds with no equipment.
Darkness moved to sit but pointed at her in play threat, "you better sleep." With May putting her hands up in surrender before moving to find a spot to sit to sleep as Darkness awkwardly tried to get comfortable. She missed her cot back at her nest but she appreciated the gesture and that her sister wanted her there. She stretched out and then curled up using the middle of her tail as a cushion. May found a tree trunk to lean against, she looked up past the treeline scanning the sky for a moment before taking off her glasses carefully placing them down on the grass besides her before as she brought her knees to her chin crossing her arms over her knees and nuzzling her cheek into her arm crook to sleep.
From far away higher up, Syns tail swayed and thumped aggressively into the tree trunk of the branch he was sitting on. He scanned over the area where the pair had made camp watching the other shadow pokemon join them as his brows furrowed in frustration and confusion, why was she staying there?? What about their chats? His tail thumped the tree trunk in frustration again.
He moved to stand and stepped casually from the branch he was stood on to fly over, if she wasn't going to come see him he'd go see her. He felt the air shifting as he grew closer, a subtle but tangible building of energy as he approached causing him to slow but not stop. The air shimmered and he stopped before he flew right into the shining white dome that materialized feeling the sharp gust caused by its sudden creation. He watched it glisten a shine of white before fading and wondered what that was, he reached a hand out with practiced caution feeling his fingers collide with something solid the white shimmer reappearing where his fingers made impact.
"A protect huh…" He pulled his hand back and the glow faded but as he observed where the dome had originally formed there was a slight haze to indicate it's existence that it wasn't gone just simply blending into its surroundings. He started to wonder how a protect this large and powerful could form as his eyes glanced to the campsite, Mays whited over eyes stared forward without seeing glowing with psychic energy. He should've guessed.
Judging by the size and strength of the protect, he theoretically COULD smash his way through it if he really went for it but watching her eyes roll back and her body slump to the ground gave him the impression it was a subconscious move and breaking it might actually wake her. Besides, there's no way it'd last forever. He'd wager by morning it would've weakened or faded. Sighing just a little annoyed he moved to go find a new perch to watch them more closely he supposed.
Syn grumbled as rays of light beamed offendingly right into his face, he squinted at the sun with a faint growl lazily moving his hand to shove a cloud over it for five more minutes as he wiggled his shoulders to readjust himself against his tree trunk. As he tried to return to his sleep his brain became aware of the lack of psychic tension that had been present the night before practically dragging his thoughts around to force him into an awake state to which he groaned softly squinting to the side of camp, he blinked his tired eye momentarily mistaking glistening droplets of water as the haze around the protect before realizing it was in fact gone.
Slightly unhappily he sat up to properly peer at the campsite, it was early first light and they were all still asleep. He could've easily approached but also he didn't want to trigger another protect, he'd wait till May was at least conscious deducing she'd be less likely to do anything spontaneously powerful with an awake brain.
The Pinky one, Matt or something had managed to roll off of his makeshift leaf bed in the night and had contorted himself into an obscure position with his head touching his lower back nearly, legs stretched backwards and tail wrapping around the tip resting near his chest. Citrine meanwhile had curled herself up quite small into a ball much like other feline creatures. And May was still flopped out on the floor, chin in the grass body twisted so her legs were still up as she was sat which would probably put an ache on her spine.
The sun won its battle against Syns block cloud and the sunlight gently warmed the leaves and grace dancing over the sleeping lot in the campsite with only May grumbling her legs finally falling in a flop as she rolled over to hide her face from the sun before clumsily sitting up and promptly bashing the side of her head into the tree trunk she'd originally been leant again with clearly no spacial awareness. Syn did a mock flinch to himself quietly chuckling as she quietly groaned rubbing the side of her head with a soft "ow" as she slowly got to her feet grabbing her glasses and waddling off to the side.
Syn contemplated walking into the camp with her gone, maybe he could grab her brother as a bargaining chip or drag Citrus away to find out why she abandoned their usual talks but he knew that wouldn't really help him get closer to his goal. He couldn't force May or Citrus to reveal their secrets, couldn't intimidate or threaten them into wanting to join him because they could attack him and would likely reject him. He had to play it calm and he had to be approachable, he was a charming guy he just had to let May see that like how Citrus did.
He sighed softly collecting himself with an inhale and exhale running a hand past his eye to clear away any sleep and smoothly feeling up his horn, he was quite the specimen after all he's sure they could both see that. He moved casually to glide along to see where May went, he didn't want Citrus mad that he ruined her beauty sleep after all.
He was glad by the lack of energy in the air it meant his theory was correct and it was subconscious otherwise another barrier would have appeared as he passed her siblings. He found her knelt by a small stream, her glasses carefully placed down beside her, her head was currently under the water and making bubbles with her head slightly shaking before she sat up and breathed and shook her head again to shake the water off. She squinted past the water on her eyelashes making opening her eyes and seeing kind of difficult. In her side vision she could make out a darker colored shape before she brought her hands up to rub her eyes to clean the sleep away and to clean her face from the grass and mud stuck under her chin.
"G'morning sis," She yawned past her hands cleaning her face, "sleep well?"
"Oh," the male voice that reached her ears caused her to stiffen in terror, "so she's your sister?" Mays head whipped around as she shoved herself quickly against the floor to half stumble and half throw herself backwards scrambling away from Syn as he drank water collected in his hand from the stream. He turned to look at her as she fell into a sit at a distance from him, he could see her eyes were wide and breathing rapidly.
He couldn't deny feeling a bit disappointed at the reaction, the fight had been a while ago surely she would've gotten over it by now and besides he knows Citrus and her have been talking so he didn't get what the reaction was for. He moved his hand to pick up her forgotten glasses holding them out to her.
"I think you need these, right?" Her eyes were trained on him watching his every move down to the flick of his tail. "Look I don't want to fight, I'm not here to hurt you I just wanna talk." He offered one of his dashing smiles and the sight of his sharp teeth sent a feeling of dread through her.
He could see she was thinking locked in place unable to decide what to do, he in this moment kind of held the glasses over her because she needed them so she couldn't flee safely without them but he could see she didn't feel comfortable staying either. It was frustrating he was hoping for a warmer reception but he kept his face steady letting his brows fall in a sad kind of way rather than displaying frustration, acting sad instead of showing his real emotions.
"I'm sorry, I must have really hurt you huh?" He copied the tone of someone genuinely apologetic quite well, he didn't necessarily feel bad about the fight or aftermath. She was a rival, a meal at the time. How was he to know she was interesting? He lifted the glasses with his purple psychic energy and moved them over to her as a peace offering.
She hesitated before slowly taking them and he watched her at least pause to put them on as she looked at him again rather than immediately bolting. He kept the sad look on his face lowering his head as if ducking in apology or embarrassment as she watched him uncertainly.
She didn't move for a moment watching him as he moved to look at the water as if he was unable to bear looking at her, internally impressed with his acting skills. He heard her quietly shifting but it didn't sound like she was standing, she adjusted from her terrified position into a slightly more comfortable sit making sure it was a position she could easily move from. She watched him blinking a bit in confusion as she observed him.
Darkness had said he was much more civilized when she spoke with him, flirty even but not looking for a fight and not aggressive. She'd assumed he only acted that way because Darkness had a crystal too, but he was acting kind of normal now.
"Uhm," May uncertainly coughed into her hand to clear her throat, "I'm, gonna, go…" She moved to awkwardly stand saying, "enjoy the, water?" then cringing to herself as she turned to return to camp awkwardly. He turned his head to look at her watching her go, part of him having wanted her to stay to be fascinated by his good behavior to want to know all she could and he was a bit annoyed she didn't seem to care. He did also know it was to some degree a win, had she attacked him it meant she still saw him as a threat so clearly she must be somewhat intrigued by him.
"May?" She froze a bit at him knowing her name it felt so strange coming from his mouth uncertainly turning her head to look at him, "I am genuinely sorry for what I did, I'm trying to do better with this," he touched his shoulder around the crystal feigning pain and sorrow, "so I hope I can make it up to you and your brother someday." He gave her a smile that seemed genuine and she almost found herself fully believing him. With a shy smile she nodded unsure how to answer that at all and walked away to camp.
When her back turned Syns smile fell into a disappointed scowl, he put his head in his hand and he wrinkled his nose in frustration knowing no more than he did for trying this. He only hoped that he'd planted the seeds and he'd be able to reap the harvest later, if she did believe him then he could start to worm his way in. If her and Citrus were sisters and had a rocky past he's sure he could work it out with her too.
May walked back to camp feeling confused and anxious, her heart was still thumping despite nothing having happened but she knows it could've. And yet he seemed quite sad… She couldn't deny she did in fact feel a bit bad just abandoning him there on his own lonesome but what could she even say to him? And how could she justify just sitting being friendly with the Pokemon who tried to murder her brother? She sighed a bit to herself and stopped, she should've maybe at least asked his name. Should she go back? Would it be weird to? If he was sorry and did want to fix it wouldn't it be polite to be able to address him by name? Mutually extend the opportunity of healing? If he's just 'that Mewtwo who tried to kill Matt' in her mind isn't that a bit cruel?
She groaned to herself debating and awkwardly walking back, he was still sat by the water and he seemed to be lost in his own thoughts, after some more mental debating she cleared her throat making him quickly look towards her, seeming a bit startled which in turn startled her.
"I, uh, sorry, I… never got your name?" She felt awkward just saying it she should've just kept walking. He looked at her and she could only imagine how much he was judging her, meanwhile Syn had to hide the want to break into a victorious smirk, she wanted to know his name and there's no way she'd want to know that if she wasn't thinking about him.
"Syn, you can call me Syn." He smiled at her giving another dashing smile and it weirdly didn't fill her with dread this time, she smiled a bit nodding at him in understanding.
"Syn..well, um nice to officially meet you, you already know my name but uh I'm May." She felt awkward as he looked at her smiling, but it felt a bit weird not introducing herself back. She thought about what to say next until she heard Matt yelling in the distance.
She flinched a bit at the volume with an oof, "I gotta go do uh damage control, bye!" She moved to run back to camp, stopping to lean back into view, "Syn." giving a wave before sprinting back to explain everything.
Syns' tail swayed up and down, content with the turn of events. He grinned satisfied to himself as he stood up thinking that May was indeed very interested in him. He'd be back later though it seemed like the pair was becoming a trio and the change in chemistry may cause difficulties. But, he counted this as a win overall. Maybe Citrus had put in a good word for him.
#My writing#@seasidemew oc#@seasidemew syn#I don't think this needs any tags for once holy moly#But like if you feel it needs any let me know obviously#Darkness choose a name challenge 2023 XD#She's experimenting lmao I'll let her be actually but I think I'm funny that when he's thinking of her he calls her Citrus#Also sibling moments she loves her sis a lot#And Darkness just there like secretly terrified of Syn#Also lmao Syn is so grumpy in my writing. Mad Citrus doesn't do their usual talks mad at sun mad May isn't infatuated with him#Life is SO unfair for Syn XD#He's just here like um excuse me I'm being a sad little meow meow here you're meant to forgive me and be interested in me now#Like what do you MEAN you're still negatively affected by that fight we had that was like 4 months ago why aren't u over it XD#Syn wants her to be interested in him so bad XD like hello??? I'm interesting?? Be interested!!#But also what a manipulative lying lil fucker just oh :( oh Yea I feel awful :(#May: *asks for Syns name because she wants to extend an olive branch believing his acting*#Syn: god I just can't keep the woman off of me#This is also important like building blocks for the next fic lmao because now the idea of Syn actually being a good boy has been planted m#And since she was just earlier talking about how darkness has redeemed herself she'll be thinking huh maybe he can be redeemed too#Spoilers he cannot probably who knows but he lie and fib and May unfortunately sees the best in people#Tw blood mention#Dangit XD
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signedmio · 4 months
Hello! do you know avatar? If you've watched it, you probably know Toph. So, can I have headcanons on Husk, Angel and Platonic!Vaggie with reader (reader is adult!) that is fallen angel and acting like Toph. She's just as good at fighting as Toph and likes to joke about her blindness. ( can use any pronouns, I'm just used to female one)
here links if you didn't watch it!
thank you!!! sorry for mistakes, english isn't my tirst language❤️
okay so the very unfortunate truth of this is i wrote this once and i clicked post and it didn’t post or save and this came back into my inbox so if this posts twice that’s why😭
also this is a very butchered version of the character you’re talking about as i don’t watch avatar😭😭 but basically what i’m getting is blind + fighter who’s also a fallen angel so i’m gonna stick with that haha
also i’m gonna stick with a gn/possibly masc reader due to the fact that angel dust is canonically gay, and i don’t wanna take away any representation from the mlm community !!
Warnings: Swear words, S1E6 spoilers, butchered asf version of Toph!Reader from Avatar, not proofread cuz I do not feel like rereading it again after I lost the first one 😭
Husk and Angel x Blind!Fighter!Fallen!Angel!Reader w/ platonicVaggie
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Husk and Angel
Angel and Husk come from the same stand points when it comes to your blind eye, but they handle it differently
Obviously, they both help you when need be due to your blind eye, but Angel tends to dote on you a lot more. Husk can only do so much before he’s reached his ‘kindness meter’ for the day XD (jk obvi)
They both care about your safety, but honestly, Angel loves the fact that you’re a fighter, it makes ya like a badass hottie. But Husk still is sure to warn you about maintaining safety, even with the blind eye.
But at the end of day, as long as you not hurting him, he could give less of a shit, and if you tried? Angel’s turning into a shield haha
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You two became friends back in Heaven, and reunited in Hell, as you both fell from Heaven for roughly the same reason
After losing your eye from Adam and Lute, you were scared to fight again, but Vaggie pulled you right back in !
She trained you basically every day, constantly throwing spears or punching a punching bag or literally anything
You two became a role model for the other and you really looked up to and cared for eachother as friends
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laceresadelpastel · 9 months
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💌
💌 Envía esto a las doce personas más agradables que conozcas o que parezcan tener buen corazón y si recuperas cinco, debes ser increíble 💌 xd
Umm diría que estos usuarios :
Umm I would say that these users:
@chubbky @marcosvargas97 @mightybeck @nadiiarroligatoons @elartedepao @serentiydraw5678 @naimahtaylor @quatugraffy @qnatoslimesandfriends @the-annoying-moth @marly-12-owo @anaguel-bianca-34x @waltdiegi-theartist @kendalluchoarts @demonarttsblog @hialeisanimation
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Skeleton's S/O notices a car following them as they walk in the street. Suddenly, the car speeds on them with the clear intent of knocking skeleton over. S/O pushes Skeleton out of the way and Skeleton can't do anything but watch as the car rolls over his partner. For the main 10.
I swear I answered a post like this before, or I asked a similar thing on Ratsoh's blog I don't know xD Anyway, here's your angst.
Undertale Sans - His soul stops beating briefly as he watches his S/O get hit and fly several meters away. Sans quickly recovers from the shock and runs to rescue his S/O. He doesn't care about the car and teleports the both of them to the nearest hospital, screaming for help. The next hours are the scarier of his life as he has no idea how bad are the injuries, and he has to call his brother, his S/O's family, and then Undyne to report what happened. He's quite shaken, but luckily, his S/O got out of it with only a broken leg which could have been way worse. Sans refuses to leave their side while they're recovering, and he's going to have nightmares of this for weeks.
Undertale Papyrus - In a vain attempt to save his S/O, he summons a barrier of bones in front of the car. It didn't stop the car but slowed it enough to prevent his S/O from being seriously injured. By doing that, however, he injured seriously the car driver as a bone pierced the front window and impaled them. Papyrus quickly calls for an ambulance before sitting with his S/O to comfort them. He doesn't give a shit about the man crying for help in the car. Other people are already helping them. Papyrus is just glad you're more or less ok. You get out of here with only bad bruises.
Underswap Sans - He tries to grab your arm to pull you above his head and slams you into the floor behind him, but got too slow. Blue got dragged along with you, still holding you, and he heard several of your bones break. He's horrified and struggles to keep his calm as you're screaming in agony. He calls an ambulance for you and the driver, in a good state still. For now. Blue is enraged and drags him out of the car. When the rescuers come, the man is in a coma, and Blue is compressing his S/O's wounds, covered in blood. He doesn't care if there are consequences. His S/O is severely injured but will heal after long months of recovery.
Underswap Papyrus - He gasps in shock as his S/O is violently thrown into a wall. Honey meets the eyes of the driver, who is quickly not done with them, and he just reacts instinctively, running to protect his S/O with his own body. He takes the second hit bravely as a lot of people starts recording the scene and calls the cops. Poor Blue arrives right to see the man going for a third hit, but he doesn't have time to do it as Blue absolutely destroys the car with blasters. Honey has a few broken ribs and just lays unconscious on his S/O's unconscious body. They both survived with serious injuries, but the doctors said him putting his body in the way definitely saved his S/O so he doesn't care.
Underfell Sans - He goes full protect mode and jumps in front of his S/O with hundreds of bones ready to attack and two huge blasters. Red is eyes in eyes with the guy and he's furious. If the man makes any threatening gesture, he attacks and kills them. Once sure they're not a danger anymore, he goes to check on his S/O and calls an ambulance. He's extremely protective during their recovery, nervous and jumping at any sound.
Underfell Papyrus - He's horrified and immediately feels guilty. He should have been the one protecting you, and yet here you are. Edge has a strong healing magic though so he can quickly relief your pain while the ambulance arrives. He never leaves your side, not even one second. However, as soon as he's sure 100% you're alright, he's leaving for a few days to hunt the man who hurt you down and kill him. An eye for an eye.
Horrortale Sans - He's in shock and triggered by all the blood. No one can approach his S/O as he's attacking on sight, completely distressed and panicked. Despite the pain, S/O slowly manages to calm him down and convince him to let the rescuers get close. He's growling at any suspect gesture, but he lets them help you. He's so worried he even comes to the hospital despite how much he hates the place. The doctors try to make him leave the room sometimes but, uh, that's not going to happen. He's protective during your recovery.
Horrortale Papyrus - He fell on his back and got stuck there, watching in horror as the car hit you. He's crying and screaming your name, unable to move to help you. He's more and more distressed as he sees the blood, and even though kind people try to help, Willow can't calm down. He's freaking out completely and eventually starts to have hallucinations of the Underground because of the pain. The rescuers had to sedate him to calm him down. He's so relieved when he wakes up next to you, alive and fine despite your broken legs. Toriel is already helping to heal them faster with her magic, so you're in safe hands. He goes back to sleep with a light sigh.
Swapfell Sans - No hesitation, he attacks the car with all he has to defend his S/O's life. He empties all of his magic on it actually, before collapsing, panting heavily. He then crawls to his S/O to check on their injuries and calls an ambulance. He then takes off his jacket to put it under your head and talks to you to keep you awake and comfort you.
Swapfell Papyrus - He jumps on the car to avoid you being hit. You manage to get out of the way, but Rus gets carried away at a scary distance before the car violently crashes into a tree, making Rus fly in the air. Luckily, he ends up in a big pile of leaves and doesn't even have a scratch. He's the luckiest bastard ever and he can't believe he's alive. S/O still insists he goes to the hospital for a check-up. The guy of the car got the most serious injuries, but who's going to cry for them.
Fellswap Gold Sans - As the car tries to flee, Wine shoots in the tires and watches coldly as the car rolls over down a hill. He then sits next to his S/O and starts to heal them waiting for an ambulance. He doesn't tell them about the second car, pretending the guy ran away. Once S/O is taken care of, he walks calmly to the guy who hit his S/O, then drags them to his home, never to be seen again.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's completely paralyzed with shock, staring at the blood. His hands are shaking as he tries to wake his S/O up, more and more distressed. He eventually starts to scream for help, not even realizing he's doing it. Some people passing by quickly come to help him. Coffee completely breaks down and calls his brother for help, because he has no idea what to do. Wine quickly joins him to calm him down, then asks Coffee to explain what happened. Of course, knowing someone tried to kill his brother is not going to please Wine, who immediately starts to hunt the driver down. Someone is not going to have fun.
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bigassmoonchild · 9 months
ima need that fucker to survive or i might go feral myself XD
as a request how does the reader react to the boys getting bullied by eachother { we all know that soap and ghost brutally roast eachother}
reader being ghosts S/O and bulling soap {lovingly} because ghost is ill for the day and soap gets no peace from a light roasting if si cant bully his gremlin of a girl will
(quick a/n, i almost did have simon die oopsies 🫣)
(p.s; they might mildly be ooc but i like how it turned out. please keep requests coming!!)
when you’d first joined the 141, you had been expecting professionalism. not all the little jabs everyone made to each other. ‘johnny, you’re stomping around like an elephant on stilts, figure it out’ had been the first words you’d heard for hours into the stealth mission.
you’d been taking a sip of water, what good timing, when ghost had made that quip. you’d choked on the water and had to have a silent coughing fit, completely appalled at how the lieutenant spoke.
‘i can hear you huffing from down here, ghost, so don’t start talking’ soap had quipped back. you stared, wide eyed at gaz over all the commotion. he shrugged, peeking around a corner and ducking through.
you heard a huff into the mic, probably from ghost still climbing to his vantage point. ‘i’m surprised no one’s heard us coming, with you yapping like puppies,’ price spoke over the coms. it was quiet then, for a few moments.
‘what’s red, rectangular and flying at your face?’ gaz whispered into the coms. you heard price groan. ‘a brick,’
‘that’s my job, sergeant. leave the shitty jokes to me,’ ghost snapped back. gaz looked at you and have a mocking laugh.
‘that’s my job, sergeant,’ gaz mocked through the coms in a squeaky voice. you stared at gaz, wondering where the audacity came from.
ghost huffed. ‘i don’t sound like that, you prick,’ he said. gaz spun and shot down two people advancing on you, where you’d been trying to collect the data from the computers.
something about plans to destroy major landmarks with nuclear weapons or something, you hadn’t been paying attention. and you could almost blame it on soap trying to play footsie with you.
‘ghost is always whining about something, he just uses that deep voice to hide his true self,’ gaz whispered to you. shaking your head, you pulled the drive out of the computer and stashed it in your vest.
leaving the room, you saw a man get shot across the hall. ‘good shot, ghost,’ gaz said and moved along. running through the halls, you listened to little comments and quips through your earpiece.
‘why do cows wear bells?’ ghost asked through the coms. ‘because their horns don’t work,’ you huffed a laugh.
looking and gaz, you have him an eye roll. ‘hadn’t realized i joined a team full of comedians,’ you said through the coms.
‘don’t worry, there’s more where that came from,’ ghost responded and you groaned.
‘this is the big bad ghost? telling shit dad jokes and bullying his teammates,’
‘it’s not bullying if they do it back,’ you choked back a laugh and ducked around the corner, sweeping for more enemies.
as you came outside, you glanced around for more enemies before following behind gaz. ‘if people think ghost is scary then they haven’t met me,’ soap quipped through the coms.
‘that’s like being scared of a goldfish,’ price finally spoke back up. you heaved an almost disappointed sigh.
when you’d gotten to an exfil point with gaz, you looked at soap, ghost and price. from here, you thought they’d be talking professionally, about how the mission had gone. as you drew closer, you realized it wasn’t.
‘hey,’ soap called your name. ‘settle this for us,’ you sighed heavily, staring blankly at him. ‘are there more doors or more wheels in the world?’ jesus fucking christ, you were on a team with children.
you looked around at the three. ‘how are you allowed to carry guns?’
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devildom-doll · 9 months
The Obey Me characters at MC’s Latino/Hispanic Party 🫠
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A/N: Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!!¡¡!¡ I am not sorry for this. The only thing I’m sorry for is my grammar. Remember this is joke, okay? ùwú
Word Count: 625 words (I think, idk, didn’t count)
TLDR: just read the title, man xD
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-Lucifer be talking with MC’s relatives, eating his pan con cafésito; probably telling them about how much his pendejo brothers don’t let him sleep at night. But also, he unintentionally brags about them cuz he loves them so damn much.
-Mammon be gambling with some of the drunk tiós; probably playin Lotería or somthn. He’s gonna lose, of course, and they’re gonna trash talk him but he speaks fluent Spanish so he’s gonna tire himself out and have nothing left. He’s gonna have to ask your abuelita for some dinero.
-Leviathan is playing video games with the primos who like anime, then he’s gonna realize interaction with people is a pain and he’s gonna lock himself in the room where someone’s baby is randomly sleeping.
-Satan tried learning some Spanish before coming to the party, but then he realized Lucifer is fluent af, now he tryna hunt Luci down with the piñata bat, jejeje. Then he’s gonna get drunk with the cool primos… drunk to the point where he’ll be fluent by morning.
-Asmodeus be dancing to Shakira and Daddy Yankee, and probably get concerning stares from your religious abuela telling you he needs el amor de Cristo. He probably gonna flirty with the tiás and brag about you being his amor. (he just learned how to say “te amo,” and he tryna find you… he drunk too)
-Beelzebub ate eveything he ate the pozole, y los tácitos, y los tamales, y las pupusas, y las empanadas… el come de todo.   El taquero is probably tired of seeing him and he keeps asking the relatives what each food is called and how to make it.
-Belphegor tomando siestas con el bebe y con Levi porque interaction is painful. Actually, he was with Beel earlier, and he takes note of the food Beel eats so both of them can find the recipes when they get home… if they actually do go home…
-Diavolo talks to all the relatives, like all of them, he says goodbye to all of them when it’s time to leave too. He probably is the drunk tío. Also, he speaks fluent Spanish. He probably plays games with the family and plays with los primitos too. Lord Diavolo doesn’t exist anymore; he’s Señor Diavolo now.
-Barbatos be helping in the kitchen making the food that the family is gonna eat (Beel too). Family be impressed, he makes some good ass food and knows damn well that Dia is gonna demand Hispanic human food to be served at RAD. He’s got the hands that perfectly shape las tortillas, people be impressed. (Also, he says sí mi Señor cuz mega lul)
-Luke is playing with los primitos, he got on the jumper, hit the piñata, and he had some pan dulce con leche. Then he got tired, and he be laying, stomach down on the couch or some random room waiting to leave. (Luke was the baby in that room btw jeje)
-Simeon also be helping the the kitchen, making the sweet stuff and preparing the coffee. 100% got along with your religious abuela; oradon y hablaron a sus vidas porque Simeon es un abuelo también. Your family loves him the most, probably, next to Luci and Barb.
-Solomon speaks fluent Spanish… cuz there’s a spell that makes him do that. He talked to some relatives, he probably scared your religious abuela con la brujería. Simeon and Barb kept him out of the kitchen. He’s just vibin tbh, probably sitting with you as you watch your demon/angel harem interact with your familia.
MC (tu 🫵🏽) is watching your demon/angel harem interact with your familia. Also, you comforting the sleepy boys telling them, “si ya vamos, solo un poquito mas…”
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nerdylilpeebee · 3 months
First of all, that question was not bait or for "gotcha" moment. I was seriously curious because you seem really racist. And by supporting israel, it means death to Palestinians. No bait, no "gotcha". I just cannot understand how you can just be so "LOL XD PALESTINE LIES iSRAEL IS RIGHT<3<3". The "lol XD" part is not a good look. Again, no bait. I was curious. But go off sis.
No it really doesn't, actually. XD Supporting Israel does not mean death to Palestinians. Israel's goal is not genocide. They'd have already wiped out Gaza if it was.
And Honey, acknowledging that Hamas and Pro-Pals spread a LOT of propaganda and blatant lies is not saying Israel hasn't lied ever. The level of manipulation from Hamas and Pro-Pals is IMMENSE. Even if Israel has a few lies here and there it doesn't make the one in the wrong. They were attacked. Brutally and had been attacked consistently for over 20 years at that point.
I'm not racist just cuz I don't side with the people who started this war. Them losing and their government using them as human shields (while Israel actually protects it's people) does not make them the side that should win the war. Nor does it make me racist for not supporting the narrative that this war is a genocide and Israel is evil.
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mcfallen-god · 1 month
Tagged by @zaegreus thanks bestie ✨💜
Do you make your bed?
I often make the bed when I leave for a couple of days, or for a night over, so when I come back home I feel comfy and all hehe.
What’s your favourite number?
Yub, 3
But why? Eh.. The shape? The 'color'? The vibe? Occurrences in my life liked to the three? Idk, just 3 and all the 3 related numbers (33, 333 etc)
What is your job?
Student is not a job, because I am the one losing money, but yeah
If you could go back to school would you?
Probably, I'd like pre-school/middle-school, when I could learn new but easy things lol and I loved the smell and things at my school back then. I'd like to go back in whatever you call that period between 15-18 yo school time, but not for all aspect, let's say I was in a school specialized in art and it was a lot of fun to have a class like that. And for some reason too (but definitely NOT ALL ASPECTS) I'd like to be back to study literature, a part of it...
Can you parallel park?
Yub kinda but I don't like it, and I think it is easier to park on the left part of the road than the right (note: my country drives with wheel on left and road on right)
A job you had that would surprise people?
I didn't had any real job, but maybe the fact I study English literature... Because when I was a kid, until hmm 13/14? I had a deep hatred for English language xD don't ask me why, it is just a fact... This, and me studying literature to begin with, when I barely ever read.. (note: I love to read, but due to other reasons I have a very, very hard time to read even things I really really wanna read :( sed)
Do you think aliens are real?
Sure, but not in the sci-fi kind of way. I think it is absurd to think Earth is the only planet in the infinity of space that met the right conditions for life to develop. But I doubt these forms looks like... humanoid-green/grey skin beings or that they look anything as we know on Earth. I don't even know if there's any 'developed' (in human's terms) form of life, but definitely things that feed and live. (Once again, I doubt they come on Earth with super technology and such... if they do, I really hope they see their mistakes before making first contact and go far far away, before getting involved with the toxic humanity...)
Can you drive a manual car?
Lol of course I can (this question sounds very American oriented question(?) but in my country, manual car is base, we have many non-manuel, but majority is manual) but yeah, I can drive it
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Uh... I don't really know... Some shows? Some I don't even 'like' but more because it reminds me of my youth? (Glee, Ugly Betty, Bones, etc) Idk if it is count as guilty pleasure... If anything else... uh I have unspeakable kinks (only in fictional/role play dimensions, nothing sicko irl), collecting PopMarts figurines? Fried chicken with spicy sauce?? Chocolate biscuit with chips??? I DONT KNOW
Not yet, I wish to have some one day, but first I need to find *the one* I have many artists/kind of tattoos I like, but eh
Favourite colour?
Green and Purple (mostly all the hues) but also: pale mint, pale yellow, pale peach, pale pink, pale bleu, pale lavender, black, white and orange...)
Favourite type of music?
I literally can enjoy anything, from rock, pop, electronic, classical, ethnic/traditional, etc... I have some issues sometimes with some form of Jazz or RnB, but I still enjoy songs from these genres, so I can't say I hate it... I would say rock is always a go-to?
Do you like puzzles?
Most of the time yeah, if it is like puzzle board game 🧩 or puzzle video games 🎮 or riddle games ❓I love it all (Im not saying I am good at it, I say I like it)
Any phobias?
Won't say it is phobia? But I feel grossed at any .. milling bugs? Like colonies of ants or when baby spiders get out of mother spider 🤢 This and I'd say it is more anxiety, but I have a hard time being in crowded place/windowless places (a bit agoraphobic/ claustrophobic but since I can manage to deal with these situations sometimes, I won't call it phobia)
Favourite childhood sport?
Maybe archery🏹 ? Or hmm basketball 🏀 and badminton🏸 ... And I kinda like to play football ⚽ but the toxicity around that sport is making it annoying and boring
Do you talk to yourself?
Rarely out loud, but pretty often in my own head. I feel dumb when I hear my own voice/sometimes it is even stressful because I grow aware of silence around me after I spoke....
What movie(s) do you adore?
Hmm tough question... Many for many different reasons.. But let's say: Legally Blonde (the vibe and the topic, go girls, can be barbie and have a brain), Princess Mononoke (base), FFVII: Advent Children (thirst), Nanny McPhee (chiiill), Crazy Kung Fu (top tier), Ne Zha (2019) (bery nice), ... That's it for TODAY's pick, what about tomorrow..?
Coffee or tea?
Both but ✨☕C O F F E E☕✨(even if Earl Grey Yin Zhen is honestly DOPE)
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
🤔 Idk which come first, but I remember I had the mad project to do "all my dream jobs at once", so I'd have been: a painter, going around the world with a circus where I'd be acrobat and magician, and yet, using the world-travelling to heal any animals I find on my way 😂🤣
A forever go-to @davi-doo
I tag... *go through mutuals*
@beardedladyqueen @kales09 @chinchilla-7 @astraluxe @general-kalani @alladeline @chromium-siren
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bananadramaaa · 1 year
hey im a beginner artidt and i was wondering how did you get your style? As well as how you do such good and fluent body positions!I have no idea how your so good at accurate bodys! Also your art is jaw dropping!!!!
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Hi! Thank you so much🙏✨ I'm flattered✨
To your questions:
🪶Often, your artistic style is a combination of elements that you like in other people's works, for example, and your visual experience (films, art, etc.). In many ways, my artistic style has been shaped by my analysis of the artists I like. My big five: Edward Gorey, Tim Burton, Patrick McHale, Allan Gilbert and Rene Magritte.
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I've looked up some visual techniques in their works, how they used shapes and colours, and tried to take advantage of them. I'm a self-taught artist; I didn't go to art colleges or schools before university(I'm finishing my degree in visual design and animation these days🙌). So analysing artworks of other artists really helped me and shaped my drawing style.
Of course, as well as practice. Don't be afraid to use references. From them, you can understand how our body works. And, accordingly, your knowledge of anatomy, colour theory and compositional techniques will only simplify your artistic path.
I usually "warm up" before I start drawing anything. Especially when I haven't drawn for a while. It's just quick sketches of different poses or emotions.
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Again, it's good practice. Then you can easily draw different poses without reference because you've had experience with them before. Something like a muscle memory XD Also a good thing to draw every day for 5-10 min, even something simple.
🪶 Aaand for Spotify playlist. I've made one with songs that I usually listen while I'm drawing Wittebros. So here you go✨:
Thank you for your questions!
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Hello! Long time lurker! I got a prompt for you~ Can you do a close ally to the hero revealing to the captured/chained wild (ex-?)villain that they (the ally) are actually uber evil and are planning to betray and kill the hero. And maybe the villain responses with an 'I'll kill you,' (because potential ex-big bad actually gaf about the hero. Platonically, of course. But STRONG platonicly XD) Sorry if this is randomly too-specific. ^.^' I understand if it is!
"I know you care about them."
The villain's gaze flicked up, spearing through the sidekick standing on the other side of the prison cell bars. They raised a sceptical eyebrow, which made the sidekick smile.
"The hero," they said. "It's how you got taken in. I saw the moment where they were between you and freedom. You could have killed them and fled - you didn't."
"You're deluded." The villain's expression remained cold.
"Perhaps." the sidekick slipped their hands into their pockets, and gave as small casual shrug. "So you won't mind if I kill them, then?"
The villain was on their feet before they'd even fully registered the movement, only the cruel chink of chains keeping them from clawing through the bars.
The sidekick smiled.
The villain's jaw clenched, before they wiped the emotion hastily from their features once more. As if they hadn't already betrayed the rapid thudding of their heart. They tilted their head, in mock curiosity.
"What have they done to offend you, so?"
The sidekick shrugged, again. "Cared about you? Loved you?"
Once again, the emotion slipped through the cracks of the villain's mask. Hope. Disbelief. An icy slither of fear and fury.
"It's pathetic, really," the sidekick said. "They should have killed you when they had the chance. They would have let you escape - if you'd only been smart enough to realise it, you know."
The villain's mouth felt very dry. "If you lay so much as a hand on them..." Their voice was a whisper, but no less deadly for it. "I will kill you."
"Oh, yes." The sidekick stepped closer, just on the other side of the bars, inches out of the villain's reach. "You're going to stop me from this cage you let yourself be put in. Big bad wolf with all his teeth willingly offered over to the hunter. Is that it?"
"They'll stop you."
"They trust me," the sidekick said. "They won't even see it coming, but ohh...it will be exquisite. I'll make sure to take a photo of the corpse for you. I mean, it probably won't be recognisable, but it's good to get what token keepsakes you can, right?"
The villain lunged, feral, so at odds with their normal veneer of unfeeling control.
The sidekick jumped back with a squeak, as the chains gave an ominous creak, before laughing as they held. The laugh was something wilder, shriller.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to get caught or killed, once I realised our hero had no intention of doing the job." Abruptly, any amicable amusement the sidekick had been projecting was gone, replaced by disgust and hatred. "I knew you'd try and stop me. I knew..."
"From one villain to another," the villain said. "You need to work on your urge to monologue. Your need for attention is pitiful."
"And," the sidekick snarled, sharp with irritation, "once they're dead, there'll be no one to stand against me killing you too."
In chains, still, because they both knew that was the only way the sidekick would manage such a feat.
The villain squared their shoulders. They jutted their chin, looking down at the sidekick with withering contempt. Because the hero being alive, their care for the hero, was the only thing that had ever stopped them from slaughtering the little rat.
The sidekick glared back at them, apparently seeing that point quite clearly in the villain's expression.
"Anyway." The sidekick found their pleasant voice again, with difficulty, and an affected sigh. "Things to do. Heroes to kill. I just wanted you to know."
"You will die screaming."
"Mm. We'll see."
With a last, triumphant smirk, the sidekick left.
They weren't so triumphant, the villain imagined, when the escape bells began to wail.
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louisandjade · 9 months
spuffy fic rec, pt.1
figured all the time i spend scouring EF and ao3 might be useful to someone!
part 1 - part 2 - part 3
Scooby Crew, Where Are You? by Twinkles [9k]
In a not comics-compliant post-series universe where spuffy have been reunited and everyone else is drifting apart, chaos drops by for a visit. Or a nefarious scheme. I guess we'll find out XD
To Apprehend Air by Quinara [19k]
Two days after LMPTM, Spike's soul is stolen. But that's OK; they can get it back, right? Simple. How hard is it to hop dimensions, anyway? Or storm a castle…
Wild and Wonderful by solstice [23k]
Dawn is nine and three quarters. She is resilient, strange and sharp as a tack. She's a credit to her big sis. But she's just been kidnapped by one of the most notorious vamps of all time - Drusilla. Things look bad. Enter Spike, her very unlikely hero. Spike's relationship with Drusilla has been on the rocks since the Acathala debacle and the morsel in the crate is her double-edged gift to him: a chance to make things right, and a chance to be really bad. Kill the girl and make it hurt. But for some reason he. just. can't. Instead, he tosses the niblet into the trunk of his Desoto and hits the road, leaving his one hundred year relationship in tatters, and grinding his reputation into the dust. Buckle your seat belts nice and tight. We're in for a bumpy ride.
World Enough, and Time by toooldforthis [23k]
“You came back wrong,” he told her, all those years ago. He was right, but it took them a very long time to realise exactly what that meant. It meant a hundred more apocalypses, a thousand battles. It meant a journey, a prophecy, a war. They’d lose one other, and find their way back, and choose, again and again. And all the while, the earth was failing. There are a lot more people than you think who are here for the long haul – like, the really long haul. This is a story about two of them.
Once You Eliminate the Impossible by yellowb [30k]
Icelandic noir. Inspector Summers of the Reykjavik police force has finally got her big chance: she’s in charge of a murder case.
sometimes enough by taxicab12 [35k]
“Tell me everything,” Willow said, not sounding particularly like she’d been asleep. “Are his friends cool?” Buffy blinked. “Some of them. There was this one British guy—” “Ooh, accents, hot.” “—who wouldn’t stop staring at my boobs,” she finished. “Ew, men, gross.” “Spike,” Buffy said with a scoff. “What kind of name is that?” Or, Buffy falls in love and in love and in love. For some reason, life keeps happening anyway
ever waiting airports (full of the love that you deserve) by womanaction [41k]
Buffy catches up with Riley's helicopter, solving one problem and introducing a host of others. How is she supposed to rebuild their crumbling relationship in the face of an angry hellgod out for blood, an emotional teenage sister who spent millennia as a glowing ball of energy, and a weirdly helpful vampire? Season 5 rewrite from "Into the Woods" on.
GTFO by Girlytek [54k]
Spike doesn’t take the extra hundred bucks to be the decoy. Ethan doesn’t hang around to gloat. With the Initiative on their tail (just a little one), and Ethan needing a good being killed, Spike and Fyarl-Giles get out of town. There’s nothing like a road trip to put your demons in perspective.
Care by Sigyn [72k]
While under her Will Be Done spell, Willow just happened to say “I don’t care about anything,” and as a result, wanders blithely off as a vengeance demon. Spike and Buffy are left to protect a threatened Xander and a blind Giles while under the effect of a powerful love charm. But all is not happy in paradise – they’re still constantly fighting, and Angel is determined to end the spell they’re under. In a desperate attempt to collect the tattered remains of all their lives, ex-watcher Wesley Windham-Pryce is called in to try and play marriage counselor between the vampire and the slayer.
The Soul Lies Down by the_moonmoth [73k]
"As a child, I used to dream of a man in black and white, spinning in the desert like a dervish, sword flashing in the moonlight as he danced with death." Dawn travels back in time to save the vampire who saved her life. It's not purely out of sentiment, though -- the fate of the world is at stake (again) and somehow Spike is at the center of events. If only he can stay on the right side of Buffy. A sequel to Angearia's "Fin Amour".
Summer’s Lease by Iamblichus [86k]
Buffy thought it would be just another night of slaying lame-ass campus vampires, but one green demon, some unexpected help from Spike, and a spurt of fluorescent blood later, she finds that her world has acquired a novel complication.
Indigo Overture by Rikki_oko [119k]
Spike's just a drummer, content to live in lead singer Angel's shadow. But when a certain blonde strolls in on Angel's arm, will Spike be content to take the backseat forever? Loosely based on the eighties song, Jesse's Girl.
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deeptrashwitch · 2 months
Hiyya! Was about to take a nap but suddenly got a brainwave for Alicia and Alejandro so I came here as fast as I could.
If you've watched Toy Story (forgot which one), there's a scene where Buzz (the astronaut) got his Spanish button mode on accidentally and started to do some sort of dance (mating call) to Jesse (the cowgirl.)
... somehow I imagined it as one of Alejandro's antics when he's drunk and Alicia was there to fetch him. (⁠/⁠¯⁠◡⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠◡⁠)⁠/⁠¯⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
Anyway, have a nice day, buddy! Heheh.
Hi Smol ^^ I hope you had/have a good nap!
Dear...are we connected? Bc I was just thinking about Alejandro dancing with Alicia and that scene came to my mind too xd but the drunk part makes it better! Hehehehe let's write!
Alicia was sitting in front of the bar, with a glass of whiskey just poured on her hand, trying not to laugh right there. That night she went to drink with Alejandro after many years, and well, he went a bit overboard with the vodka for some reason. Now Alejandro was looking at her with his usual lovesick expression, but also with a sly shine inside his eyes, almost like he was purring.
"What is it, Alejo?" she asked with a little smile
"Quiero enamorarte" he said with a chuckle (I want to make you fell for me)
"You did before"
"Entonces quiero hacerlo de nuevo, amor" (Then I wanna do it again, love)
Then the Colonel took a hair strand, playing slightly with it before kissing it, looking at Alicia in the eyes. She scoffed with a little smile, holding the stare until Alejandro winked and stood up, kissing her cheek before going away. Meanwhile Alicia chuckled going back to her drink, waiting to see what he would do, and raised an eyebrow at the bartender's look.
"So is he drunk? Doesn't look like it" the bartender said with curiosity
"He is, he just get flirtier when he's like that" she admitted with a soft smile "I guess I'm lucky he's like that"
"Yeah, lucky you"
Then a bachata started to sound all over the bar, and between some giggles and cheerings many couples went to dance, filling the dance floor. At the same time, Alejandro walked towards Alicia with a side smile, while she giggle a bit. He extended a hand in a silemt invitation, just like the old times, and without a second Alicia took his hand before they went to dance.
Following the rythm, they started to move just staring at each other with soft smiles, at the same time Alejandro put his hand over Alicia's hips and she crossed her arms around his shoulders. It was slow and the song gave everything a sensual air, that they used on their favor, getting near and near from each other. And at some point, Alejandro hid his face in the hollow of her face, starting to pepper some kisses there, making Alicia giggle.
She passed a hand carefully over his hair for some minutes while they danced, then tugged it slightly, making him look at her with a little whine. He was already a bit dizzy and his eyes gave him away, but smiled with coquetry anyway, just for Alicia to move away using the rythm when he tried to grab her again.
"This isn't the place, cariño" she said with low voice
"¿Qué importa?" he asked, hugging her from behind as they continued dancing "quiero que todos sepan lo afortunado que soy" (why does it matter? I want everyone to know how lucky I am"
"Quiero toda la atención sobre ti, mi amor, que vean la maravillosa mujer que me ama" (I want all the attention over you, my love, let them see the marvellous woman that loves me)
"That's such a sweet gesture, but tonight isn't the night" she said moving her head a bit back, to kiss him over the jaw "she should go home"
"Por favor, aun es muy temprano~" he whined, just to shut up when Alicia turned around and grabbed his chin as she looked him directly and making him look at her (please, it still early~)
"We are going home"
"Si, amor" (Yes, love)
She let him go and walked to pay the drinks, with Alejandro following her close behind, but she said nothing for a second. Alicia had to hold back her laugh when the bartender, with who she already had a friendship, smiled and raised both thumbs. After that, they went to Alicia's house in the city...
This went away a bit from what I expected, but I like it *cackling irl* that happens when you hear bachata while writing HAHAHAHA
This isn't my especiality to write, so please tell me your opinion!
Anyway, I hope you like it @justasmolbard ! It was really funny to write! Although, Alejandro's antics didn't work as expected *wheezing*
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ninjakitten1699 · 4 months
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Day 15 of NinjagoVDay2024
I know I fell way behind on these but that’s because I finally updated my fic “Hidden Among the Wind” a while ago. I’d say it’s going well.
Anyways, Sam is definitely the kind to throw herself into danger to protect others so of course, Big Sis Sam had to be shown here. She gets hurt and Cole’s the one patching her up and saying “you know.. you were actually kinda cool out there.”
This would be some time before Cole ever confesses to Sam and he just sounds like Shang from Mulan with the same “you fight good” line. XD You know he would.
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