#got to work by 9:30 (i normally clock in at 10:30)
incorrect-hs-quotes · 4 months
boy i accidentally clocked into work an hour early . what the fuc
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spencereidluver · 10 months
F is for First Date
september 15, 2008
summary: You and Spencer go on your first date to a little coffee shop before work. You convince him to try your coffee, and he finds he enjoys it.
word count: 2.8k
warnings: none. just fluff and spencer being a gentleman
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You roll over in your bed, throwing the covers off of your body. It was hot. Why was it so hot? You look over to your alarm cock: 8:03 a.m. You were running late. 45 minutes late, actually. Luckily, your apartment is only a few blocks away from the office, however, you typically left at 8:10. That left you 7 minutes to do your normal hour long routine.
You quickly jump up from your bed, letting the blankets fall wherever they pleased. Honestly, what’s the point in making the bed? You’re just going to tear it apart in your sleep tonight, anyways. You jog slightly to your bathroom, grabbing your hairbrush and multitasking as you did your morning pee. You brushed your teeth in record time, definitely not two minutes, but at least the morning breath was gone.
You went back to your room, slipping off your flannel pajama pants and gray “Harvard” shirt. You didn’t go to Harvard. You just liked the oversized shirt. 
You grabbed a nude-toned bra out of your dresser and clasped it behind your back. You slid a white lace top over your head and threw a tan fuzzy cardigan on. You put a pair of dark tights on and pulled a dark brown leather miniskirt over them, tucking the white top in. You slid on thick white socks on, ones that ended at your mid-shin, and put on a pair of black converse. 
Good enough, you thought to yourself, not bothering to put on makeup. You planned to stay in the office today. No meetings, and pray to god no cases. You just wanted a chill day.
You left your apartment at 8:15, not much later than you normally did, you’d just have to take out the coffee stop this morning. 
You nearly drop your bag as you’re rushing through the parking lot, trying desperately to enter the building before 8:30. Not only were you up late this morning, but traffic was a bitch. It wouldn’t be a big deal if you were a few minutes late, however you’ve been petulant in your 9 months and don’t plan to start truancy now. 
Of course, Derek, who 9 times out of 10 is fashionablly late, sees you speed walking through the parking lot.
“Hey Sweetheart, what are you doing in so late?” He jokingly cat-calls you through the lot.
“Slept late,” You respond in a yell, not slowing your step at all.
“Aw, baby needs her beauty sleep?” “Something like that.”
You rush into the building, crossing through the glass doors of the BAU office right as the clock struck 8:30, Derek somehow a full two minutes behind you. You walk over to your desk and place your knitted tote bag filled with personal items on the ground beneath you. Sitting in your chair, you plop the stack of paperwork in front of you, and look at the man across from you.
“Morning, Spence,” You say as you open the file.
“Goodmorning, y/n. How was your morning?” He asks curiously. 
“Well, I overslept and didn’t have time for a coffee stop, but luckily I was having a good hair day so it doesn’t matter. How about you?”
“Well I couldn’t even tell. You look great. My morning was alright. I got my coffee.” He mockingly takes a big sip before standing up and excusing himself. 
You didn’t know where he was going, though you had enough paperwork to let it pass through your mind. You quickly began scribbling through the papers and placing files where they needed to go. You forgot how messy you’d left your desk Friday when you returned from a case. You were in a big hurry to leave and go to dinner with the team, you just threw everything from the case on your desk and scrammed. It wasn’t a big deal though, it was just easy, boring paperwork. 
Spencer returned a few minutes later with a coffee cup in hand. He approached your desk. “Hey, y/n,” he says, you move your attention from the paperwork to him towering over you. “I made you a coffee. I um, I put two sugars in it, I hope that’s alright, I’ve seen you drink it like that before and-”
“It’s perfect, Spence, thank you.” You say, taking the cup as he hands it down to you.
He hurries to his chair and hides his face. You curiously turned the cup around. There, you saw the inscription of his homely handwriting. “y/n: do you want to go out for coffee tomorrow morning before work? -Spence.” 
You smiled, and went to look up at him, but he instinctively scurried away. Though, he’d left his half drank cup of coffee on his desk. You walk over to his, and flop down in his chair, it almost swallowing you whole as the leather back had fitted to his broader shoulders. You grab the coffee and a Sharpie marker from his pencil cup. “Spence: of course I do… 7:30? <3”
You get up and return to your  desk, almost on cue, Spencer returns. You were unsure of where he came from, though it didn’t matter. He sat at his desk, and you nodded your head to the cup. He looked confused for a brief second, before bringing it to his eyes to read it. 
He looked up and smiled at you. “ 7:30 sounds great, I’ll meet you there,” he says.
“Okay! I’m parking here and walking, if you wish to join,” you say, taking a sip of the special made coffee. It was no different than how you normally made it, but it tasted special because of who made it.
“I’ll meet you in the parking lot here, then. How’s that?” “That’s perfect, Spence.”
You return to your paperwork, unable to hide the smile on your face. You’d waited so long for this moment, you couldn’t believe it was finally happening. You caught Spencer smiling a few times as well. You wondered how long he’d wanted to ask you out. You’ve found Spencer attractive since the day you started working here. You were so beyond ecstatic something was finally happening between the two of you. 
You finished your coffee quickly. It was the best coffee you have ever tasted. You thought briefly for a second, before going to the kitchen to clean the styrofoam cup out. You made sure it was no longer sticky or had any coffee residue before drying it completely and taking it back to your desk. You open the small pencil drawer of your desk and pull out four sticky notes. Notes Spencer had left you in the past few weeks. You placed the four notes in the cup and placed a new lid on it. Putting the cup in the side drawer, you smiled to yourself. You’ve kept every note Spencer has ever given you. And you don’t plan on stopping any time soon.
‘7:28,’ the clock on the dash of your car read. You looked in your rearview mirror at the road behind you. There was Spencer in his old man car. You’d been early, nervous about your date, though you knew it would go good. You wore a fitted white turtleneck with a knitted tank top sweater vest of different shades of brown on top. You paired this with a khaki skirt and the same pair of black converse. You realized this was a very Spencer-esque outfit, and it was quite possible you and him could have nearly the exact same outfit on today.
Luckily, Spencer picked from the other side of his closet this morning. He approached you wearing dark brown slacks and black converse as well. He had his satchel pulled over his waist, drawing attention to the way he swayed as he walked. He had a dark, though not as dark as his pants, sweater that was open, and underneath was a collared off-white shirt and a diagonally striped tie. His left hand rested on his satchel, and his right was hidden behind his back. He did his little hoppy jog to your car, you having opened the door, grabbing your knitted tote bag, and beginning to make your way around to him.
“Good morning, y/n,” he says as he reaches you. 
“Hi, Spence,” You didn’t know why, but you were suddenly very shy. Maybe because this was a “formal date,” but you’d been on friend dates with Spencer so many times before. 
Spencer was clearly nervous too, though less than you. His hand from behind his back made itself known, in his fist was a single red rose. “I um, I got this for you. I know it’s only one, but I actually saw a flower patch on my way here and I didn’t want to take them all.” He was rambling.
“I love it, it’s perfect.” You grab the rose from his hand, letting your fingers run over the petals. They were smooth. He could see you were trying not to touch the stem too much, as you were trying not to touch the thorns. 
“I picked all the thorns off so you didn’t hurt yourself. I don’t have any water for it or anything…”
You examined the stem. You saw all the spots where thorns once laid. He was so sweet. Not only did he make a stop to pick you a rose, but he also safety coded it. You were going to keep this rose forever. You knew it. You planned on pressing the flowers once you got home from work that night. Maybe you could keep the petals in the “note drawer,” or maybe you could start a new drawer..
“Spencer, hey, I love it okay. Thank you.” You slid the stem of the rose between two knits of your bag, it poking inside and the flower on the outside like a pin. You saw Spencer smile. He was proud of himself. 
The two of you began to walk through the parking lot. Spencer paid careful attention to your feet, matching his gate exactly with yours. As you neared the end of the parking lot, reaching the sidewalk next to a fairly busy street, you felt a hand gently brush your waist. Spencer switched sides, him now being on the side adjacent to the road. First flowers, and now this? This boy was a true gentleman.
You smiled to yourself. Technically, the date hadn’t even begun yet, but you were already certain you wanted a relationship to blossom from this. You looked to the man to your left, the sun in a position to hit against his face in a way that made him look like an angel. You couldn’t help yourself. You reached over and took hold of his hand. He jumped slightly, before gripping a little too tight. He looked down at you and smiled. 
“You’re so pretty, y/n,” Spencer said. He’d been waiting what seemed like years- though only 9 months- to tell you that. You didn’t know where Spencer learned how to flirt, but frankly you didn’t care. You really liked this side of him.
“I think you’re pretty too, Spence.” You said. He smiled and ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it back from his forehead. Wow.
The coffee shop made itself known once you reached the top of a hill. The natural brick on the outside makes it look homey. It was about a 10 minute walk from the parking lot of the BAU, but Spencer and you were agents. You made the walk take a total of eight minutes. Speed walking isn’t a training module for the FBI, though it is definitely learned, and quickly. 
Spencer opened the door and allowed for you to enter first. Yet another gentlemanly move today. The smell of coffee filled your noses. It reminded you of Spencer. He always had coffee breath, yet not the nasty kind. He always seemed to smell so wonderful.
“Hello,” the barista at the counter cheerfully said as you and Spencer entered the small building. The two of you approached her. “What can I get for you guys today?”
You order your regular and Spencer orders a black coffee with a LOT of sugar. You retrieve the coffees from the pick up area and sit at a raised table in the corner next to a window.
“Why do you like black coffee?” you ask him. 
“I’m not sure. I always drank it when I was growing up and throughout college… and honestly, I’ve never tried it any other way.” He responded, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Really?” you said surprised. “With how much coffee you drink, I’m surprised you haven’t ventured into new territory even once.”
“Not once.” He took another sip. You noticed him kicking his feet beneath the table.
“Do you want to try a sip of mine?”
He smiled, crinkling his nose up. “Sure, do you want to try mine?”
“I guess I’ll give it a shot, though I will say I’m not the biggest fan of black coffee, so don’t be mad if I don’t like it.”
“I can’t promise anything, I can’t even say I’m going to like your girly drink.” He was teasing.
“I’ll tell you what Spence. You like my coffee and I’ll buy you a croissant. I like your coffee, you buy me a croissant. Deal?”
“It’s a deal, y/l/n.”
You switched cups. He gave it a sniff before popping open the lid to see inside. Tensley, he took a sip. You saw his eyes bulge. Licking his lips as he brought the cup down, he wrinkled his nose once again. He brought the cup back up, taking another sip. 
“You know what, I think you owe me a croissant.”
You smiled at  him, before taking a sip of his old man coffee, you cocked your head to the side. 
“You don’t like it, do you?” He laughed. 
You quickly sat the cup down and jumped up from your seat. You walked up to the counter, and ordered one regular croissant. Returning to the table with the plastic container in hand, you tossed in down in front of him. 
He opened the container, and tore a piece of the pastry off. He took a bite, and attempted to slide the container to you. In the process, it collided with his cup of coffee which was still situated on your side, causing it to spill all over your blouse. 
“Oh my god, y/n, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay, at least it wasn’t hot anymore.” You reach for the few napkins on the table, trying to dry yourself off despite knowing it wouldn’t do anything.
You were giggling, but Spencer didn’t find this one bit funny. He felt awful. You began to attempt wiping the table with the napkins, but were stopped by Spencer’s hand grabbing your damp-sleeved arm. 
“Hey, don’t worry about the table. I got it.” He gets up to go get napkins from the counter, before stopping in his tracks. He turns around and comes back to you, sitting in the chair using the sleeve of your sweater to stop the liquid from pouring onto your skirt and the ground. “Y/n, do you want to wear my sweater?”
This takes you a bit off guard. For a second, you forget your soaking wet with warm coffee. Your voice catches in your throat as you try to speak, but Spencer is already unbuttoning the two fastened buttons and sliding the sweater off his shoulders.
“You can go to the bathroom and change. I’ve got the mess, okay?” He hands you the sweater and makes room for you to move around him. You rush to the bathroom, trying not to leave a trail of coffee droplets through the lobby.
Turning into a stall, you immediately begin taking your sweater and white shirt off, tossing white one in the small garbage can. There was no way you’d be able to get the coffee stains out, and plus, the shirt was only $4 on sale at WalMart. Only left in your wire bra, you slip the brown sweater on. You button it all the way up, but as it’s a men’s sweater, it’s a little more of a V-neck than you’d like, especially since you were going to work soon. You tucked one side of the sweater into your skirt, letting the other side hang over to create dimension in your outfit and make it less simple. You toss your damp sweater vest over your shoulder and exit the bathroom.
Spencer was waiting for you when you came out. He’d gotten the mess cleaned up and was ready to leave. He grabs your hand, leading you outside the doors to begin your walk back to work. 
next chapter: G is for Girlfriend
other parts: Spencer Reid A-Z Masterlist
view the masterlist in a calendar version! 
a/n: sorry it took so long on this chapter, i've been pretty busy. hopefully i can get the next few out quickly as i hope to release part m (the christmas themed) on christmas day.
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taglist: @universallyblizzardlove @ms-ks-world @justlivinginadaydream @dij-ology @lotus-ignis @sammy-4103 @ktssstuff @ada--44 @moongirl27 @monfleurr @shycreationdreamland @cultish-corner @ariianelle @iiheartbowie @spencerreidismybitch @traderjoesmints @ivyflowers13 @hades-disappointment-child @aceofspades190 @taygrls @hookergutss @random-3455 @nmw-am @bookworm124 @hizzielover @jem08 @cherrybowbabby @theofficialfunk
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bingbongsupremacy · 9 months
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Reader
Warnings: reader is able to get pregnant, pet names, argument, idk what else.
Summary: It's getting harder and harder to spend time with your husband and you have some really important news. (Pre-Outbreak)
*Not Proof Read* TLOU Masterlist
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The room is silent, the only noise coming from our TV. Light bounces off of the walls, casting a small glow on the coffee table that moves.
I curl deeper into the couch, watching as the clock ticks by.
Finally I hear keys jingling from the front door.
" You're still up? " Joel's voice is tired and raspy. He pulls off his boots, leaving them near the front door. " Is Sarah still up? "
I shake my head, rubbing my heavy eyes. " No. She's over at Gina's, down the street, for a sleepover. "
Joel wanders into the kitchen, pulling a can of beer out of the fridge. He takes a swig before heading towards the living room. For a moment, neither of us talks.
" You were supposed to be home at 6. " I glance over at the man. I take in his appearance. His eyes are dark from clear exhaustion. His shirt is covered in grime. It's obviously been a long day.
" I was. " He agrees, not saying anything more. He takes another sip of his beer. Condensation forms on the can, dripping down his hand.
His answer doesn't satisfy me. " Why weren't you? Why didn't you call? " I press.
This has been happening often. Every few days he stays out later than normal, most of the time, he 'forgets' to call.
Joel lets out a sigh, obvious frustration filling his expression. " I got caught up in my work. It wasn't supposed to go past 6, but stuff happens. You know that, babe. "
Irritation fills my body. " And you couldn't have bothered to, I don't know, check your watch and maybe call me? I was worried sick, Joel. I stayed up even though I have to be up at 6 for work tomorrow. " I push myself up, looking towards his face. Looking for something, something other than annoyance.
I was really hoping he'd be here at 6.
" I didn't ask you to do that. You could've gone to bed. Don't blame me for your decisions. I told you, I lost track of time. I don't have my phone on me when I'm working. " Joel's gaze meets mine.
Anger runs through my body. Usually I'm not this quick to anger but the hormones are driving me insane. The stress of unknowing along with Joel's careless attitude sends rage flowing through my body. " You really could give less of a shit about Sarah and me, huh? " I seethe, not thinking through my words.
Joel's eyes narrow. " What the fuck do you mean? " He starts getting defensive. " Of course I give a shit about you! I fucking work my ass off, for you two! " Joel's tone rises.
" Then why do you keep doing shit that makes us worry? " I exclaim. " You could have called at any point and it would've helped me feel better. I understand that you don't keep your phone on you while working, but is it really that hard to take a five minute break to call me? God-you need a break anyways! You'll fucking hurt yourself if you're constantly working. " My heart pounds. I stand up, trying to get some space between the man and I.
Joel stands up as well. His eyes burn into mine, sending a shiver of discomfort down my spine.
I hate when we get into arguments. My hormones and his exhaustion are mixing together to create a toxic cloud of anger and frustration.
" Like you'd even answer the fucking phone. " Joel rolls his eyes. " You've been so busy talking to your stupid fucking friends that it's nearly impossible to call you sometimes. "
He isn't wrong. I found out I was pregnant a few weeks ago, and I wanted-no I needed to tell someone. I wanted to make the announcement to Joel and Sarah important, something memorable. At the time, I just needed to tell someone else.
They've been there for me this entire time, helping me plan tonight. Helping me plan the dinner and gift for Joel.
A gift he never got to open and a dinner he never got to eat.
" Well I gotta talk to someone, Joel. You're never around anymore. " I snap.
" I'm working! " Joel lets out a breath.
" Your unbelievable. " I shake my head. I let out an angry laugh. " You know what, fuck this, Joel. You're not even listening to me. The point isn't that you're working late, it's that you don't bother to call home and tell me about it. I care about you, Joel. What-What if you got hurt? What if you got into a car crash or fucking died somehow? I'd have no idea because you don't bother to call me. All I want is one call, and that's too much to ask of you. " I push past the broad shouldered man. " Your dinner's in the fucking oven. It's your favorite. "
With that I storm upstairs, grateful Sarah wasn't here to witness the fight. I barely close the bedroom door before the tears start to flow.
Downstairs I hear Joel curse as he drops something on the ground. I lean against the door, doing my best to listen to the man below. His footsteps die off as he most likely settles onto the couch.
I just want him to call home.
The next morning I leave before Joel wakes up. I send a quick text to Sarah, letting her know there's some food in the fridge.
My day seems to fly by. Piles of paperwork seem to disappear in minutes. Before I know it, it's time to head home.
An unsettled feeling wracks my stomach, surely not a good feeling for the baby. I'm still pissed at Joel. I just wish he understood where I'm coming from.
I unlock the front door and am immediately met with silence.
No one's home.
I let out a small sigh, walking towards the kitchen. My eyes widen in surprise when I spot Joel sitting at the kitchen table, a pair of small shoes in his hands.
He found the gift.
Of course he did, I left it on the dresser last night.
" Surprise. " I state while making my way to the fridge. " You're gonna be a daddy. Again. " My voice is unenthusiastic. Not the way I planned telling him at all.
" I'm so fucking sorry. " Joel blurts out. He runs his rough fingers over the small white laces, following the rhythm of the string. " I'm an asshole. "
" That you are. " I agree.
Joel finally looks up at me. His sad expression breaks my anger. Suddenly, I'm torn. Do I keep acting angry or do I feel bad for him?
" I deserve that. I-I shouldn't have yelled at you last night. Pregnant or not- You didn't deserve that. I took out my anger on you. I've...fuck I'll just tell you. I've been working late to try to make some extra money for us. I wanted to take you somewhere for our anniversary. "
I take a seat next to him, shock filling my body. I had no idea.
" You're right, I should've called you. That was a dick move. I...I don't know why I didn't. I guess I was just scared I'd be tired and I'll accidentally tell you something? It doesn't fucking matter now. "
" Oh Joel..."
He continues. " I'm sorry about dinner last night. I should've come home. " He finishes, finally setting the shoes down into the small gold box I put them in originally.
I don't say anything. I wrap my arms around the man, sinking my head into the crook of his warm neck. " Yes, you should've called, but I shouldn't have have been so aggressive. My emotions have just been all over the place. " My eyes begin to tear up. I feel a tightness in the back of my throat as I pull away from Joel. " I feel so much angrier than I usually do. "
Joel pulls me back into his embrace. " It's okay, honey. It's the baby. It's okay. " He tries to sooth me. " I love you so much, and I promise, I'm going to cut back my hours. "
" And you're gonna call, right? " I look up at him from my spot against his chest.
" Yes, I swear I'll call from now on. I have to, what if something happens to you and the baby. " He furrows his brows in worry. " I'll call you every hour. I promise. "
I let out a small laugh, wiping a tear away. " I think every few hours is okay, babe. "
" No every half hour. Who knows what could happen. Your office has steep stairs-we should see if the elevator there is fixed yet. " Joel mutters.
" Okay that might be a little overkill. " I crinkle my nose. " How about you just call when you're going to be late. Alright? "
" I can do that. "
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countrymusiclover · 7 months
1 - First Name Basis
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Part 2
Feisty Coffee Girl
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Seattle is known for one thing: tons of rain and anyone who comes here always complains about it. Now that's not to say that those who have lived here their whole life don't get annoyed by it too. Nobody likes walking in the rain. Most find enjoyment in it because it means you get to stay in bed all day or you're a farmer and your crops desperately need some water. Anyway to the point of my ranting of rain is that I would find enjoyment in it on a particular morning. The morning I met the particular surgeon who would change my whole life forever….
The morning started out like any other; the news reported a heavy chance of rain. Jumping out of bed I missed my alarm and one of my friends who was supposed to babysit today was running late. Holding my phone up to my ear I was running around like a mad woman. “Caroline, please hurry. I need you to please be here.”
“I'm coming up the stairs now. I got stuck in traffic. Why is today so important exactly?” My best friend from home who I had moved with here asked me.
My sister Izzie and I grew up in a trailer park in Chehalis, Washington. Our mother basically raised us on our own until Izzie told her she wanted to go to medical school. Our mother spent up the money that we had saved for this to some psychics she went to see. I didn’t really understand why she needed the appointments but I could assume it was because both her daughters got pregnant young. Yet only one of us kept the baby….and I was the one who did it. “It is important because my boss said I would be getting my promotion today. The only requirement is that I come in earlier than normal.”
“Okay now I remember. And calm down, I am outside your door.” She knocked on my apartment door three times while I tossed my phone on the coach, heading to open the door letting her inside.
Caroline Brooke, my childhood best friend, smiled at me. Her curly blonde hair falling over her shoulders when she sat down at my kitchen island. “Why don’t use ask your sister to watch Eve?”
“Because she works 40 hr shifts and she’s only just an intern. She can’t afford to miss a day.”
“And apparently neither can you.” Caroline sent me a half glare. “Have you ever thought about giving your mom the spare room so she can watch her?”
Shaking my head I knew she had a good heart but she didn’t grow up around my mother all the time. My mother was happy I kept my baby up until the point when I had started working at the diner near our trailer park and I wouldn’t give her my money that I had earned. “Caroline, I love you. But my mother only cares about herself nowadays.”
“Sorry," I asked. Hey uh we should probably get Eve to school soon.” She clasped her hands together in her lap.
Looking back over my shoulder to the clock I saw it was almost 9:30 and I needed to be at work before 10:15am. Sliding on my feet I went down the short hallway to my daughter’s room creaking it open. “Everly, we need to get going. Caroline is here to take you to school.”
“Okay, mommy.” Everly came out wearing an orange sweatshirt with an orange on the front and some blue jeans and tennis shoes. She ran past me hugging my best friend sweetly. “Caroline!”
Grabbing my bag by the front door I slipped on my brown boots. I had put on my black leggings and a long green sweater that was required for our uniforms at the coffee shop. Caroline walked towards the door with me and so the three of us headed downstairs. Entering the store my boss Mandy came around the back corner. “Stevens, I need you to work the orders for a few hours until our meeting.”
“I'm on it, boss.” I called her from the back room. This had become our busy morning with the heavy rain everyone wanted a warm drink to fight off the cold. Scrambling around with a tray of coffee I handed them to each one in line who had already prepaid.
I heard someone call my name to head back to the front cash register. “Y/n! Somebody’s at the register waiting.” Della, my work friend came around the corner throwing her brunette curly hair in a ponytail switching jobs with me.
Moving back to the register seeing a guy with green eyes and brown hair. He also had a good scruff going on his chin. “Well now my day just got a whole lot better. You’re the first beautiful thing I have found in this city since I flew in last night.”
“Oh wow. I was not expecting this to start my morning off. Uh what can I get you?” I chuckled, tucking some loose hair behind my ear avoiding his gaze.
The stranger sent me a smile. “A bone dry cappuccino. Unless you have any other recommendations.”
“I’ve had the blueberry scones here and they are pretty good.” I tilted my head to the side.
The stranger reached into his jacket pocket. “I’ll take one of those too.”
“That’ll be $8. 05.” I finally lifted my gaze up to his. Blinking my eyes I just stood there for a second as he handed me some cash and I saw it was a twenty dollar bill. “Uh this is too much. I’ll give you change back.”
The stranger sent me a smirk shaking his head no. “You can keep the change, little blonde.”
“The names Y/n for your information since you didn’t choose to read my name tag.” I rolled my eyes at him, slightly turning around to make his coffee. Pouring the different liquids in a cup focused on my task until he spoke up again.
“My name's Mark. Mark Sloan even though you didn’t bother to ask me. “
Putting the lid on the cup I faced him once more sliding the cup to him. Opening the food case I slid the blueberry scone in a paper bag and handed it to him too. “Ah first name basis already. Next thing I know you’ll be asking me out on a date for just giving you your coffee.”
“I mean I am a lot of fun on a date. I could be down if you’re interested, especially for a night in bed.” Mark smirked at me, raising his coffee cup up and taking a long drink.
My face heated up quickly at the way he just blurted that out in public. I haven’t dated anyone since I had gotten pregnant back when I was thirteen. Izzie would get pregnant two years later. I felt it had become too hard to date or all awkward with me having a young kid. “Oh I don’t know about that. I am not great with dates.”
“You seem like you’d be pretty fun to me.” Mark chuckled, picking up his paper bag. He reached across the table writing down something on one of the comment cards we had near the register. He holds out the note in front of me.
I knitted my brows together confused at what he was holding out towards me. “What’s that for you already paid me?”
“It has my phone number on it. If you’re interested you should call me later.” Mark offers still waiting for me to take it from his hand.
I paused briefly just staring into his eyes. He was obviously attractive there was no doubt there. Della rounded the corner tapping me on the shoulder. “Y/n, our boss wants to see us in the back.”
“You seriously think I am going to go on a date with a stranger?” I ignored Della standing there.
Mark kept his gaze focused on mine. “We’re on a first name basis, Y/n. We wouldn’t be strangers if you take me up on my offer right now or sometime later.”
“Y/n?” Della called my name again.
I didn’t turn my head away when I lifted my right hand taking the note out of his hand smiling before Della was tugging me away from him by my forearm. “I’ll think about it. I…I’m coming. Hey I’m coming - I’ll think about it, Mark.”
“I’ll be waiting for your call, little feisty blonde.” Mark chuckled watching me and my coworker going around the corner and he found himself wanting to see you again the next day.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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joka13 · 1 year
FANFICTION: Weasley Twins x Reader (Slytherin Girl) - Part 10
"When and where should we meet to work on your nougat?" you ask Fred and George after an excruciatingly long class of nothing but reading. You've pulled them off to the side in the middle of the hallway.
"Y'know, I haven't really given that much thought..." says Fred, clucking his tongue.
George casually leans against the wall on your right. "We normally work up in our dormitory," he says. "All of our equipment and materials are there. I just assumed you would sneak in late in the evening."
Your eyes widen in disbelief. "'Just sneak in'?" you scoff.
"Like the slippery Slytherin that you are!" Fred says, grinning widely. "Perfect! You should have no problem with that."
"Oh, but I do," you say. "I don't think I'm comfortable with going into the Gryffindor boys dorms."
George waves a hand of dismissal. "Aw, there's nothing to worry about."
"The two of us wouldn't try anything, of course," says Fred seriously. "We aren't like that at all. And we wouldn't want to get on your bad side anyway. You're going to be our savior."
You snort.
"And as for the others sharing our room, they wouldn't dare mess with you. You belong to us now," George reassures. You raise your eyebrows at this and Fred laughs.
George chuckles awkwardly as his ears turn red. "That came out wrong. You know what I mean."
"Just know that you can trust us, y/n," says Fred. "You'd be completely safe."
You agree to meet the twins in their dormitory at 9:30 that evening. You wait in the Slytherin common room, bouncing your leg anxiously. Everyone else has gone to bed, so you sit alone in the echoey dungeon. You jump at the smallest noises, already feeling guilty for breaking the rules before you've even done it. But, you are also excited. You've never done anything like what you have planned, having always been a goody two shoes throughout all of your school years... Before you know it, you glance up at the clock above the fireplace and it reads 9:25. Time to go.
You silently exit the dungeon and start for the Gryffindor common room. You tiptoe through the halls, once having to hide around a corner when Peeves the poltergeist comes floating about. You barely slip past a prefect who's marching up and down the moving staircases like a guard on watch, and then you've made it to the Gryffindor common room entrance. You approach the portrait of the sleeping fat lady and give her the password that the twins gave you.
"Mimbulus Mimbletonia," you say. The fat lady startles awake.
"What?" she asks in a daze.
"Mimbulus Mimbletonia," you repeat. You begin to worry that you got the password wrong as the fat lady stares down at you. Then you realize that she's looking at your robes, specifically your green, Slytherin neck tie. But she can't stop you because you said the password. The fat lady reluctantly opens her painting to the Gryffindor common room.
You've lived with the green and silver Slytherin common room for so long that all of the red and gold in this one feels excessive. You take your time in gazing around the room until you hear a low, gravely sound and you freeze.
Someone is fast asleep and snoring on one of the couches that faces away from you. A head full of shaggy red hair lays on the armrest. Thinking it's one of the twins, you go to wake him up. You lean over the back of the sofa, but stop yourself just before you touch his shoulder when you realize that he is not one of the twins but their brother, Ron. You quickly pull away, covering your mouth with one hand to prevent a giggle, then move to head upstairs to the boys dormitory.
Your heart beats fast as you open the creaky door to find Fred and George sitting crisscross around a cauldron on the floor in the center of the room. A strange, blue, syrup-like liquid bubbles inside the cauldron. The only source of light comes from a lantern hanging from a bed post and a chimney stove filled with red coals.
"Y/n!" the twins exclaim quietly so as not to disturb the other three boys sleeping soundly in their beds.
"Hello!" you whisper, grinning from ear to ear. The twins scoot over so you can sit down, the three of you making a triangle around the cauldron. You let out a long sigh. It feels good to finally be able to relax. The twins watch as you stretch your arms above your head.
"Everything go alright?" Fred asks.
"Well, I'm here, so... yeah," you reply, making it sound like it wasn't a big deal that you had managed to get all the way from the dungeons to the Gryffindor tower without getting caught.
George rubs his hands together excitedly. "Good, good, good. Now let's get started!"
You study with the twins for about two hours, flipping through dusty old records and potion books, taking notes, and trying not to fall asleep. It's around 11:45 when you really start to nod off, and the twins decide that you'd better get leaving.
"Thanks a million, y/n," George whispers as he and Fred follow you to the door.
"No problem," you yawn. "Just wish me luck in getting back to my own dorm. Now that I'm all tuckered out I might not be as 'slippery' as you say I am," you snicker, looking at Fred.
"Good luck," Fred chuckles. He opens the door for you.
"Same time tomorrow?" George asks.
You nod. "Sure, sure. As long as I'm not struggling to stay awake during the day."
"You get used to it," says Fred.
You hear a shuffling down at the bottom of the stairwell and Ron emerges from below, rubbing his sleepy eyes. He comes to a halt at the top of the stairs when he spots you.
"Oh... you again," Ron says, walking to the twins' doorway. You open your mouth to spout an explanation, but he holds a hand up to stop you. "I don't care. Just leave me out of whatever it is you're doing." He holds his open hand out toward Fred. "Give me back my wand," he grumbles.
Fred laughs. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that." He reaches into his robes and pulls out a battered wand. He places it in Ron's palm. Without speaking another word, Ron turns around to go to his own dorm room.
"He gets grumpy whenever he's tired," George says.
"And when we steal his things," says Fred.
"Ah... Well, I best be off. G'night," you say, stepping out of the room.
"Nighty night," the twins respond together. "Take care." They blow kisses and wave at you like your mother would if you were leaving the house.
"Will do, thanks," you laugh as they close the door behind you. You are so sleepy that it is, in fact, by sheer luck that you make it back to the Slytherin common room without getting caught.
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samcscreams · 1 year
Chads homework Crisis
It’s about 7:30 on a Thursday. Sams just getting home from work to an empty apartment. Tara and Mindy have their film studies class tonight which goes until about 9:30. Sam isn’t too keen on a night class but it was the only film class with two vacancies. As Sam was getting out of her work clothes and into something more comfortable she’s startled by panicked knocking at the front door. “Sam, Sam, Sam. Oh please be home” she heard Chad say from the other side. Her heart dropped why would Chad be freaking out at their door. Her mind immediately goes to worst case scenarios involving Tara. She opens the door quick as if she’s now in a panic. “What. What happened. Is someone hurt?” She said wide eyed looking at Chad as he hurries inside. He turns to look back at her confused he says “what no. I need your help. I know I normally go to Tara or Mindy with this but they have class and you’re the only other person I trust.” He said sheepishly. Sam sensed his embarrassment. “Hey it’s okay what can I help with?” She asked calming down. “Well I have this paper due. And I pretty much have it done but well you’re the only one who’s available and actually knows I’m dyslexic so I was wondering if you could help me finish it.” He said with a dopey grin. Sam thought to herself for a moment. I mean ya she’s helped him before but it was with minor stuff. she would spell a word for him or read something to see if it makes sense. Shes never actually sat down with him to fix his papers. Tara and Mindy were always around to do so. I mean she only has a high school diploma what if she can’t help him enough to pass. An expression of worry crossed her face. “Hey if it’s too much of an ask I can just try it myself. Don’t worry about me” Chad said as he headed for the door. Sam grabbed his arm before he could even take a step. “Oh no we’re doing this. And we are gonna get you that A” she said as all her doubt turned to determination. “Fuck ya” he said. They both sat at the dining room table. Notes and paper covering every inch of the table. Lap top open with a million tabs and it’s already on a charger. 9:45 hits and Tara comes back from class. “Sam I’m home” she says as she walks through the door and stumbles upon Sam and Chad super focused on a lap top screen. “Um hello?” Tara says again as she didn’t get a response the first time. “Oh sorry hi. wait what time is it? I didn’t make dinner yet. How was class?” Sam said in a fluster looking around for her phone. “No worries I ate before class. What are you two doing?” Tara asked extremely confused. “Paper” Chad said as he finally broke concentration from the laptop. “Ahh I see I’ll let you get back to it then” Tara said as she walked to her room. Chad looked to Sam who was already back at it. “Maybe we should ask her for—“ Sam cut him off before he could finish “No we got this” Sam said as she gave Chad a look that sent chills through his spine. They spent hours checking sources and proper MLA formats. Reading the paper back and forth to each other to make sure it made sense. Around 3am though blood shot eyes and shaky hands Chad looked to Sam. “I think this might be the best paper ever written” he said. “It fucking better be.” Sam added before putting her head down on the table and passing out. Chad walked to the couch and crashed.
In the morning Tara walked back out into the living room to see Sam still alseep at the table and Chad sprawled out on the couch. Knowing both of there schedules she grabbed a pot lid and wooden spoon. She bangs them together “Wakey wakey we got places to go and people to see” both Sam and Chad jump to there feet “What the fuck Tara” said Chad as he try’s to rub the sleep from his eyes. Sam glares at Tara but doesn’t say anything as she technically wasn’t in the wrong. However as Sam realizes the time she looks to Chad. “Chad your paper. your class is at 10” she exclaimed. The clock read 9:45. Chad scrambles to check his phone which had died in the night. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” He said as he ran around the apartment collecting all his things. Sam helped as best she could. And before anyone could saying anything else he was gone. “Thanks for the wake up call. Even though…” Sam said gesturing to the pot and spoon still in Tara’s hand. “You’re welcome” Tara said with a shit eating grin.
About a week and a half pass. Mindy, Anika, Tara and Sam are at the apartment watching a movie. When Chad busts through the front door. “SAM, SAM, SAM!” He says trying to catch his breath. He looks as if he ran all the way there. “Whoa there big guy” Anika says as she goes to pause the movie. Sam gets up and walks towards Chad who is now on the floor digging through his back pack. As she gets closer he hold a paper in his hands as if he was presenting her with an Award. She grabbed the paper from his hands and she scanned it over. In big bold red pen read A+ 100%. “You got an A!” She beamed at him. “Oh no no no. WE got an A” he said as he went in for a hug but then hesitated knowing Sam isn’t too big on physical touch from anyone, but Tara. Sam however was to happy to care she met Chad half way for the biggest celebratory hug in the world. Just then Mindy walks over and snatched the A+ paper from Sam’s hand. “My brother got an 100% on a paper? In college? Oh my god it must be the end of the world” she said being extremely over dramatic. Chad snatched the paper back “ya with no thanks to you” he said giving her a little shove. “I have the perfect spot for that.” Sam said as she grabbed the paper and headed towards the kitchen. “Ta Da” she sings as she backs away from the fridge with Chads paper hanging proudly as a parent would hang their child’s drawings. “Aww that’s so cute” Tara added “Wow what an honor.” Said Chad as he walked closer to the fridge. “ I just want to thank my mom and dad for giving me this opportunity. And most importantly Sam for sticking it out through the night.” he says as if he’s giving an award acceptance speech. “Well it looks as though you don’t need us anymore” Tara said “Yep I don’t need either of you anymore. I got Sam for every assignment now” Chad said happily as he puts his arm around her. Sams eyes widen realizing what she’s gotten herself into. “Haha have fun with that” Tara teases as she and Mindy walk back to the living room. Chad looks confused and turns to Sam. “What” he says looking at Sam. She sighs taking pity on him “Nothing buddy come on” she says as she walks Chad to the couch to finish the movie.
Disclaimer* I am also actually dyslexic. So if anything is spelled wrong or if I have poor grammar, Cut me some slack plz. But anyway hope you enjoyed this!
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sunoopsis · 8 months
meow :3
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6) macy's - written (1.1k)
warnings! : mention of suicide (jokingly), unnecessary yapping by me im sorry
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<september 30, saturday, 8:30 am>
Woken up by your alarm, your day was forced to start… You had to get out of the house by 9:15, any later and you’d be late. You sat on your bed, trying to regain your consciousness. Last night, you went to bed overjoyed from your small, but meaningful conversation with Jaemin. Fun fact, you tend to overthink in the morning. Sometimes, its a blessing, other times a curse. Your topic of overthinking this morning was Yizhuo’s message. Something about best friends, romance and Jisung not having the right to comment on it. What did it mean? Maybe it doesn’t concern you.. Oh, but what if it did?? Maybe you shouldn’t think so hard about something so unnecessary. No, seriously! You wasted 15 minutes thinking about this! That's, like, 5 more minutes than you normally waste! Before you can think about the topic again, you get up and wash your face, do your skincare, normal morning stuff. Now, you have very few tasks left, doing good!
You went back to your room and packed your bag. You packed your uniform instead of wearing it. Normally, back in middle school, you always wore tights and a shirt under your uniform, so you were super-protected. But, wow.. The high school uniforms were just TOO pretty to ruin by wearing something underneath. Last week, your team had a half-practice, which was just to set the basics for the team and get to know each other. And last week, you just wore your uniform as is, just with short-tights. You realized that it was actually pretty uncomfortable, soo… nevermind! You decided you’d just change when you got there. Because of this decision, you just wore a short-sleeve and sweatpants and headed to the kitchen.
You shot your team’s groupchat a text asking them their coffee preferences then treated yourself to some cereal. By the time you were done eating and brushing your teeth, everyone’s orders were transferred to your notes app. Finally, you put on your rollerblades and headed out. Since you lived quite close to the school, you and your brother skated to school and just kept a pair of shoes in your lockers (skating to school? wtf is this, cardcaptor sakura??). You took a little detour to the nearest cafe and ordered everyone’s coffees. Clutching the bags of coffee, you continued your way to school. Some people’s orders, you had already memorised from earlier years. Like Yizhuo’s(duh), and the captain, Minjeong’s.
Your team had 2 consistent captains. It was either Minjeong, or it was you. Whichever one of you guys was the senior, that is. You had a lot of respect for Minjeong, she’s very passionate and hardworking, she’s also a very dependable leader, she’s always been like that, for at least 4 years. You felt quite thankful for the Koreans in your school. Jisung, Minjeong, Jaemin…the list goes on. You’re thankful, because its not usual for Koreans to attend an international school. Ugh, are you really overthinking again?! Well, I can’t say I’m exactly against it, check the clock! Its 9:15! Can you believe it? Normally, you’d barely be out of the house by now, I’m proud of you! I’d love to explain the rest of your day in detail but.. Saturday wasn't actually supposed to be this long.. Because this chapter is about sunday… sorry.
<October 1st, 2023, Sunday, 9:00 am>
Good morning! You slept half an hour more than yesterday, impressive how you limit yourself, I’m jealous! Mark’s friends will arrive around 10 am. That means here's an hour until you get to see Jaemin again~ but it also means an hour until you have to work on your project…  Its fine! You're quite prepared. You have all the supplies ready, plus 5 seniors to help you! (actually 4, but unfortunately you had no idea donghyuck wasn’t coming. but its fine cuz his help probably would’ve been useless.)  You went on with your normal routine, wore something cute (not too cute cuz then you’d be overdressed), and went downstairs. You were greeted by your brother and annoying news.
“Good morning, (n/n)! Bring whatever you have prepared for the project here, its better for you two to work here.”
how unnecessary…
“What? why?” you were obviously confused, as you had no knowledge of this beforehand?
“Because then, Chenle doesn’t get left out, plus you get to see Jisung, yeah?”
(translation : I’m gonna keep an eye on the both of you and don’t forget Jisung is here so you don’t focus on Chenle too much)
You hesitantly threw him a thumbs up and went to get the stuff. Sometimes, you’d wonder… why the hell was your brother this overprotective?! Did he want to be the only popular-with-the-opposite-gender Lee? Or does he have some really confusing but genuinely good intentions? Yeah that mystery’s got a lot of time until its solved…
You waited patiently, occasionally gossipping with Mark to pass time. Time passed, and passed… And everyone slowly started arriving. Jisung came first, who you ended up spending time with until the second guest, Chenle arrived. Obviously, after Chenle arrived, you two were redirected to the table, And you started working. Both of you were so invested in your work that you didn’t even notice the others coming in at first. Time went by as you worked your hardest. Did you argue a lot? yes. Did you ask Mark and Renjun for help like a million times? yes. But did you get half of the project done in 3,5 hours? oh absolutely. You were impressed with yourself. Normally, if you were paired with Yizhuo (like you constantly have been for the past 9 years, with some exceptions), you barely would’ve gotten anything done. Considering that, maybe Chenle wasn’t so bad, after all.
You excused yourself around 15 minutes before 2pm, barely before they had left. You dressed nicely, of course! You were meeting up with your best friend, and there was a 90% chance of jaemin seeing you… When you went down to get out, they’d left, just as you’d planned. You dressed in a casual, but fashionable style. Simple tank top with a design and a tennis skirt. Normally, Mark isn’t quite fond of you wearing tennis skirts in crowded places, since he’s afraid of others thinking its a regular miniskirt, but you were just feeling like taking risks today :3c 
You arrived at the mall around 2:10 pm, all that was left was to wait for Yizhuo to arrive. Your plan was pretty simple. Treat yourself and Yizhuo to (a very late) lunch, and then look around to find and surprise your brother. Well, you… only managed to get half of the plan done.
because your brother was at macys and you fucking despised macys and would rather kill yourself than enter one ever again.
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jeno is a vulgar lottle man plz forgive me im writing these half awake
no bc truly what were mark and chenle doing in macys😭😭
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not really a taglist but taglist: @thisisnotjacinta
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inkribbon796 · 1 year
Egotober 2023 Day 14: Relative Time
Summary: Logan knew lots of things. That the world was unfair, that things didn’t work out the way he wanted them to, and that five years was a very long time.
A/N: We get a prisoner two-fer special. One today and Yancy’s visitation Day tomorrow.
Logan’s brother is Orange, I am calling him Dante here. It may be subject to change any time I feel like it, or when we learn Orange’s name.
Prompt: Time
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Four years. Four months. twenty-two days.
That’s how long Logan had before he could pick up brother, and Logan was certainly counting. He had a clock timer in the bedroom he had shared with his brother, a little paper manual flip timer in the kitchen to make himself feel better, and then the one on his phone.
His older half-brother, older by almost ten whole years, had always been there for him. Their mom had never been around and then when Logan was almost thirteen their father just didn’t come home after work. Leaving Logan and his brother alone.
To this day Logan had no idea what had actually happened to him. If he had just abandoned them, or if the various gangs and enemies he’d had run-ins with had done him in. The end was the same, and honestly Logan wasn’t ready to actually go looking yet.
But today was very important for Logan, he was taking the bus down to the correction center to visit his brother. He did it every month like clockwork and it made him feel less hopeless.
Logan made sure that he didn’t have anything dangerous on him before leaving and got there right on time like always. He had to be, he couldn’t emotionally afford to be late.
Once there he went through his usual routine, went into the little visitor’s side, checked in his bag and agreed to get searched, and then waited on one side of the visitation area.
It took a bit for his brother to come out in his orange jumpsuit. There were guards all around the room and Logan was not the only person visiting someone. But Logan did his best to pretend.
“Hey,” Logan said. “Dante.”
“Sup,” his brother said. He had a new little scar over his eyes and Logan was terrified of losing him.
“What happened?” Logan asked.
“Relax, it’s nothing big,” Dante said. “How’s school?”
“It’s,” Logan faltered, trying to be normal about this but he couldn’t. His brother shouldn’t be . . . no he couldn’t think like that here. “It’s fine.”
“Good grades?” Dante said, a hint of pride to his voice.
“Yeah, if I keep going I’ll be valedictorian of my year,” Logan said.
“Good,” Dante said.
“I miss you,” Logan said.
“I know,” Dante said. “Don’t it’ll make it harder. Time moves slower when you want something. Focus on your schooling, and you know where to go if you need anything right?”
Logan nodded. His brother was talking about one of his brother’s old friends who was essentially helping Logan by finding him a job and keeping him living in the apartment. “Yeah, Jan found me a job at his restaurant.”
“Good, should be enough,” Dante said. “Make sure you take care of yourself, don’t get in with the wrong crowd.”
Logan wanted to make a joke but he just couldn’t. “I might have found some apprenticeship for college.”
That got a bit more of his brother’s interest. “Really? With who?”
“Optical Engineering and Robotics,” Logan said, it was Bing’s civilian front. Well known for just giving internships to normal people and then passing them off to college. Logan working with Bing’s little engineering company was to be expected.
“Huh,” Dante said. “Well, you’re smart. Figures someone would see how smart you are.”
Logan smiled.
They would get to talk just a little bit more before his brother had to go. Logan couldn’t stay and that was how things worked.
Time moved on for Logan. Maybe Bing had something for him to do to take his mind off things. He’d try and take his mind off things until next month.
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Eddie The Wingman - Eddie Munson X Female Reader - November 15th
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Title: Eddie The Wingman
Eddie Munson X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Fred (OC) (Mentioned), and Fred's Ex (Mentioned)
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
WC: 1,861
Warnings: Reader goes on a bad date, slight angst, fluff, small insults, confessions, mention of murder, and fear of rejection
"How do I look? Cute?" You asked, spinning around to show off your outfit for your date. "Not too much right?"
Eddie shook his head, "Nah, you're beautiful, babe. He'll love it." He spoke, watching as a smile lit up your face and you headed back to your bathroom to fix your hair.
"What's this guy's name again? Frank?" Eddie asked, falling back on your bed with a sigh as he stared up at your popcorn ceiling.
"His name is Fred, Eds." You called out, "He's from my math class."
"You don't normally go out with people from school," He thought out loud, slightly confused. "When did that start up again?" He asked, looking over at your bathroom door curiously.
You shrugged, "I dunno. I guess he and I just started talking more recently. And then, well, one thing led to another." You smiled shyly, as you looked at yourself in the mirror one last time.
Eddie was quiet for a long time, not saying anything else until you looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. "So what do you think? Hair good? Too much hair spray?" You asked and Eddie sat up slightly, resting on his elbows as he tilted his head towards you.
"Y/N, you're gorgeous. Chill out." Eddie tried to calm you down, seeing how you were beginning to fidget where you stood. "If he doesn't like you, he's missing out on a total babe."
You sighed and nodded, "I know, I just..." You paused and looked down at the floor, biting your lip momentarily. "I just want this one to work out."
Eddie scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, trying to get rid of the nervous feeling he had when he was around you. Eddie had been your best friend, and wingman, for years. Helping you pick outfits and fix your hair before you went out with one boy and then another. It wasn't like you were that type of girl. Eddie knew you longed for a lasting relationship. Someone who was king, sweet, compassionate; who would open every door for you. Eddie could give you that. Eddie knew he could give you that. Yet... You never really saw him like that.
"Just... Try to have fun tonight, yeah? And don't worry about anything," He said, putting his hand on your shoulder reassuringly after he got off your bed. "You know that if he's a jerk you don't have to stay. You aren't obligated to stay just because she asked you out. He should be lucky to even be in your presence." Eddie finished in a funny accent, making you laugh.
You smiled up at Eddie and nodded, "Of course. I'm royalty, Eds. I can do whatever I want." You teased and he rolled his eyes. "Alright, I'll see you later then. I don't want to be late."
"Later, babe." Eddie grinned, giving you a quick good-luck kiss on the forehead before you grabbed your bag and rushed out your bedroom door.
Pausing, you quickly turned back to Eddie, "The spare bedroom is free is you wanna stay the night. I should be home before nine." You offered before rushing off, not even waiting for his answer.
Eddie's shoulders dropped as you left, a frown creeping on his face. Sitting back on your bed in a huff, Eddie looked at your bedside table, reading the clock. Three hours. He could wait three hours. He should stay. He thought to himself. It was the right thing to do. What if the date goes wrong? You come home crying, he'd be there for you. And... If it went well? Well, he'd be happy for you. If you were happy, he was happy.
Eddie rubbed his hands on your soft quilt blanket below him, feeling the bumps and grooves of the patches and stitches before he glanced at your pillows. You had four. And, when Eddie first asked why you did, you had reasoned that it's good to back support when watching movies. And, you were right, they were.
... And... It's not like you were going to miss one tonight... Right?
You were going to come tired and not even notice if he just took one. Besides, if you did ask him, he'd just say it was for back support. There was a tv in the guest room after all. It's not like Eddie was stealing your pillow because he felt lonely and it smelled like you... No.
Shaking his head, Eddie grabbed the pillow and headed to his guest room for the night. Clutching your pillow to his chest, he kicked off his shoes and plopped on the bed. Staring at the blacked-out tv screen, Eddie thought about going to bed, but he didn't want to miss you coming home. So, he dropped the pillow beside him and got up, opening the small wooden desk the tv was on and picking a VHS tape from inside. Choosing The Three Amigos. One of the less rom-comy movies you had in store there. Sliding it in the VHS tape slot, Eddie climbed back into the bed and waited.
Eddie's eyes opened wide as he heard the front door slam shut. Jolting out of bed, Eddie ran the banister, watching as you angrily kicked off your shoes and tossed your bag on the small table near the door. In a huff you leaned against the door, placing the plans of your hands on your eyes; rubbing them a bit.
"It went south, I presume?" Eddie spoke up, making you look up at him with wide eyes before you sighed and nodded.
"So south. Like so south that I swear I saw penguins while he was telling me all about his ex-girlfriend." You spoke with sarcasm, climbing up the stairs to meet Eddie there.
So you, using sarcasm to hide your real feelings.
"Oh, that's a number one no-no." Eddie cringed and you nodded, "Wanna talk about it?" He asked and you sighed, nodding.
"If you don't mind... Yes." You spoke, as the two of you headed to your bedroom.
You both sat down on the bed and Eddie waited for you to speak, letting you take as much time as you needed. Eddie watched as you fiddled with your hands, immediately taking one of them in his. He squeezed your hand gently, offering comfort and reassurance.
"He was a jerk." You muttered, "The biggest one."
Eddie frowned, eyes narrowing slightly, "What did he say? Or do?"
You frowned, "He didn't do anything to me, Eds..." You shook your head, "He just mostly talked about the differences between me and his ex-girlfriend."
Eddie sighed and shook his head, "Idiot."
You nodded, "And he didn't even offer to pay for dinner. Once the waiter sat the bill down he just wordlessly passed it to me." You scoffed, glaring down at your hands in Eddie's.
"A complete nincompoop, if you ask me," Eddie commented, earning a chuckle from you.
"And... And... He had the audacity to tell me that my clothes didn't fit my figure." You huffed, "Like, seriously?! How dare someone insult me and my style. It's mine for a reason." You cried out, making Eddie look at you with such admiration.
Eddie chuckled lightly and squeezed your hand, comforting you in a way only he could. "Want me to go and find that peasant and give him a piece of your mind for you?" He asked, and you raised an eyebrow at him.
"And why not I?" You asked, squaring up your shoulders, "I want to give him a piece of my fist- I mean mind."
Eddie chuckled and shook his head, "Precisely why you're not. I don't want my best friend to commit a murder… It’s rather un-ladylike." He joked as you nudged him gently.
You sputtered a dark laugh, shaking your head as you looked back at your lap, "He deserves it that bonehead, blockhead, can't even make his own bed, heart made of lead, better off dead... That... That no good jerk!"
Eddie smirked, "You good?"
"Yeah... Well..." You paused, your frown deepening. "No. I feel stupid." You suddenly spoke up.
"You are not stupid." Eddie quickly assured, bringing your other hand into his and turning you to face him. "You are the smartest person I know." He said softly, squeezing your fingers. "And you've done nothing wrong here, Y/N. Fred isn't worth losing sleep over."
Eddie's words seemed to ease some of the tension in your chest, but you still felt anxious. "That... Not what I mean, Eddie." You let out a shaky sigh.
"What do you mean then?" Eddie asked, tilting his head to the side a bit.
"I... I feel stupid because I didn't know what was right in front of me... Until now. And... I feel so blind that it took me so long to realize it." You confessed, looking down at your hands in Eddie's grip.
Eddie's brow furrowed and he frowned, "Wait, what? What exactly did you not know?" He asked, his heart racing, hoping he wasn't falling for any false hope.
You shook your head, "That I was in love with my best friend." You quickly confessed, looking up at Eddie and his wide brown eyes.
He froze at your words, mouth slightly agape as he stared down at you.
"I've always liked you Eddie and I only really went out on dates because I was trying to get over you. But, I knew I would never be anything else but your best friend... I couldn't chase telling you back then." You admitted, biting your lip.
"Y/N." Eddie breathed out, gripping your hands tighter, "Stop saying these things. I... I don't understand, are we... Do you like me too?" Eddie asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.
You quickly look up at him again, "Too? What do you mean 'too'?"
Eddie let out a breathy laugh, "Y/N, I've had a crush on you since the moment you gave me those homemade blueberry muffins of yours on our first study date. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. The way you smile, the way you laugh, the way you act, and all the little quirks you have that you never realized made you so cute." Eddie grinned, "You're beautiful. A queen among us peasants and fools, really." Eddie asked, fear evident in his voice.
You laughed, "Well, I think you might be right about that last part." You giggled nervously before you stopped laughing abruptly, "Wait, wait, wait. Hold up. So we both liked each other, and for years apparently... And we aren't together? Where did we go wrong?"
Eddie shrugged, "I guess we were both blind." He said simply, "But... If you are willing... We still have the rest of our lives together."
"All of our lives together..." You said, "That's a rather long time." You spoke quietly, glancing back up at him with a small smile.
"I know," Eddie reassured with a smile of his own. "I think we'll make it. Don't you?"
You couldn't help the smirk on your face as you leaned closer to him, "Of course I do."
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lothedon · 2 years
Hiatus Thoughts Part 1
1. Go see a doctor. Preferably a black female doctor but go see a doctor. I recommend Dr. Sabrina Williams.
2. I’m finally getting help with my ADD. 🥂 Here’s to better focus.
3. “Anniversary Reaction” is a real thing. Mentally you may think you’re past it but your body has its own memory.
4. At this big old age, I still hate needles. POKE-ahontas got my blood work done as SOON as I sat down. Barely a connection or nothing, Jeezus. She was smooth with it too. Quick & no pain. Great work POKE-ianna. Just sweet talk me a little before you put it in, aight!? 🤝
5. Ear worm: Thotianna Cardi B & YG remix
7. I want Indy to stop going viral for the WRONG reasons. WE make the wrong shit go viral.
8. The Last of Us is FINALLY a movie! 🙌🏽
9. I want to lose 14 pounds before Pardi Gras Ball.
10. My favorites songs from Drake’s “Honestly Never mind” are ‘Jimmy Crooks’ & ‘Calling My Name’. There were other good ones but those are my “go-tos”.
11. Sweet Nothing - Calvin Harris (Diplo + Grand Theft Auto Remix)
12. I need workout gloves.
13. Back work outs are my favorite! I want a sexy back 😜
14. Making sure my nieces & great nieces hear Destiny’s Child’s “Writing On The Wall” is imperative. My nephew needs to hear it cause he’s a natural musician.
15. I need to attend some theater plays.
16. Venus in Pisces requires us to spend more time recognizing our emotions, enforcing boundaries, & receiving love. 🥰
17. One thing I loved about myself in my early 20’s is that I marched to the beat of my own drum music wise. On a regular, I didn’t listen to what’s popular with those around me. You’re guaranteed to hear something new.
18. My goal is decorate my room & bathroom to be like an expensive hotel & spa.
19. I need a full time job that I love.
20. This book about boundaries is bomb. The beginning of chapter 5 lets me know a conservative white man is writing it though 😒.
21. Focalin got my hunger suppressed like a mug! No more random snacking.
22. 👉🏽Results are always in the work we avoid.
23. Twerking over Squats. I’m working these thighs at all the parties/events I attend. I need to be twerking for at least a good HOUR!
24. 👉🏽Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.
26. This tetanus shot is IRRITATING! 😣
27. I’m contemplating going back short & blonde 😩
28. Ain’t nobody engaged with me or reach out since I deleted the app. Ain’t no point in me having the app anymore. I put too much effort into engaging with folks for them to not want to engage with me. Time to become more exclusive.
29. Eargasm: Broken Clocks - Sza
30. Marc Jacobs need to come out with mini backpacks 😒
31. Progress. My legs are not shaking while skating.
32. Adding skating to my workout regime.
33. Feminine & Flirty.
34. Playing video games until 3am is a lot 😫
36. Everybody needs to get back on Tumblr
37. Hopped on FB for a zip, did a quick scroll, & remembered why I need to keep the app deleted. Smh Too Much.
38. I’m about to just get a regular degular job somewhere. I’m tired of the emotional roller coaster with these jobs.
39. Sit ups/Crunches in variations REALLY makes a difference in one week with your normal work out. 🤯
40. I’m not even vegan but Tabitha is about to get all my coins.
41. I really miss the EDM & Hip Hop days.
42. I can’t date a man that doesn’t prioritize his sleep. You don’t care about your health at all.
43. Before I get back active on FB I need to unfollow a BUNCH of folks for various reason. The only way I’ll be happy online is if I see stuff that makes me happy.
44. 👉🏽Anger lets us know our boundaries have been violated.
45. The Lat Pulldowns gonna slim this waist. 😜
46. I want y’all to stop walking up on peoples cars unless you asking for help because it’s an emergency.
47. Stop paying non-existent debts with folks & do what’s best for you!
48. So y’all going to Target in robes and house shoes????
49. 👉🏽 Sometimes the answer is in the process. - Megan Brooks
50. 👉🏽 Proof of desire is in the pursuit. - Megan Brooks
51. I know Vasa is all the rave but what I do love about Planet fitness is that when I go, it ain’t packed.
53. Emily In Paris makes me want to move to another city SO BAD! Or at least travel & stay for a week 😭
54. Got my STD/STI/HIV test results back & they were all negative/non-reactive. 🎉🙌🏽🤩
55. Emily in Paris IS the “Sex In The City” -ish show I needed.
56. If I can get my vitamin D levels elevated in normal range I can lose weight, get rid of my asthma, calm my allergies, & have better focus. 🙌🏽🤩
57. I’m really gonna lose this weight & get the breast reduction. I want to go down to a C cup.
58. Before I die, I have to see Paris, France.
59. Who is this fine caramel man in Emily In Paris???😍
60. 2023 = Overdressed, Mix Match Print, Polished, Out The Box, Head Turning, Main Character, Neutrals & Pop Of Color/Colorful
61. For every sandal/heel purchase I must buy a tennis shoe. Build your sneaker collection.
62. Black, Brown, Purple, Cobalt Blue, Green, Orange, Dusty Pink, White, Navy, Yellow, Red (order in that order). For every black version order the color version. For every color version order black.
63. The Husband & Wife of Mielle Organics are still the CEO & COO of the company. They have NOT stepped away from the brand.
64. Can someone bring Fabulous back to Indy? He’s my favorite toxic.
65. This year I’m twerking to Back That Thang Up Juve every time I hear it.
66. Emily In Paris gives me “Sex In The City” + “Devil Wears Prada”.
67. I’ll never forget how “Go DJ” by Cash Money Records had y’all in a chokehold in middle school.
68. If Erykah Badu had “punk” or “goth” baby it would be Rico Nasty.
69. I wonder if the offspring of Vietnam veterans that were effect by Agent Orange are the ones who also have ADHD & Autism as well. (Of course not all people with ADHD & Autism)
70. Done is good. Good is extra. Completion over Perfection! For people with ADHD it’s better to half ass it & get it done versus never starting due to procrastination/fear of not doing it perfect!
71. If you want to see some black father & son content, watch 2Chainz & his some on YouTube as well as another black father & son duo called Daddy Seed. I’m here for the black father & son content.
72. I also love the black man luxury self care content too.
73. I’m learning to not be afraid to ask the “stupid” questions. And to ask people to be patient with me.
74. Yagi World is giving me Baby Phat track suit popularity trend in the early 2000s.
75. Not being apart of anything going on with the NBA ALL STAR 2024 makes me feel like I’m not enough or haven’t done enough. Personally, I’ve been feeling both simultaneously for years & I think I’ve had enough. Im ready to let it all go & pivot to the nothing related to marketing, PR, communications, ……nothing. Im 31 going on 32. I’ve been working in this since I was in college around the age of 21. Altogether 10 years. I have nothing to show for & no more doors are opening. It’s just not in me or for me anymore. I quit.
76. I hope to be out of town All Star Weekend. I don’t even want to be in the city. Hell I hope to have moved out the city.
77. I think I’ve been fighting depression and it’s caught me.
78. Mental Healness on Tik Tok is a great guy. It’s refreshing to see a black male open up about his mental illness to help others. He is a diagnosed narcissist & has so many men & women in his comments who has narcissism that are getting help because of him.
79. Values over goals. Ex:. Instead of “I will work out 3-5x a week.” You will say “I value movement. I value being pain free in basic tasks such as walking. I value energy. I value an able body.”
80. I want to go on a cruise for NYE 2024.
81. Prostate cancer is on the rise due to low testing. Fellas start getting tested as early as 40.
82. Beyoncé - “Church Girl” should be played more often.
83. It takes one day to get married but a lifetime to stay married.
84. I got all y’all looking at my story to see this light chick with the big butt. With the amount of attention y’all ran to my story with, I don’t want to hear y’all say anything about chicks who get BBLS, wear make up, &/or brighten their skin. YALL LIKE THAT VISUAL! 🤷🏽‍♀️
85. I’m unfriending a lot of men when I get back on Facebook. If we not family, genuine friends, you’re not inspiring me, we not hunching, or making money together….then I don’t see the point of remaining Facebook friends.
86. I may be single but I ain’t out here physically fighting a significant other. 🙌🏽
87. Everyone should watch “Bao” & “Red panda” 🥹
89. Stop having relationship conversations with people you’d never consider dating or that are not on the same wave length as you. You’re wasting your energy.
90. I feel some type of way about the “hot Cheetos girl” trend in Tik Tok.
91. RIP Grandma Holla 🙏🏾
92. Teaching kids to set boundaries, how to respect other people’s boundaries, & supporting them while they are practicing is important. It is also important for them to watch YOU set boundaries, respect other people’s boundaries, & see you receive support from your tribe.
93. “It’s clear that I’m not feeling you & you not feeling me. On the G, what comes after A? Just let that let that Nigga B.” - Freaky T
94. Sunday is not a rest day from the gym or from moving the body.
95. Go watch “Shadow In The Cloud” on Hulu.
96. I got new bras! 🎉
97. If they make you anxious when they’re around then they don’t need to be around. Id have to say that is one time I realize my anxiety was actually the way my body is telling me something is wrong.
98. 🔑 “Sometimes your point is in your silence.” - Megan Brooks
99. “High value but no core values.” 🚫👎🏽
100. “Drake wants a Ayesha Curry but is Drake a Steph Curry!?” - KnoForSure Podcasts
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serialfirstdater · 13 days
London #9: The Hotel Interior Designer
At the last Thursday Dating event where I met the Lebanese Solicitor, I obviously met other people. That included two guys, one of them was interested in my friend whom I was with. I ended up chatting with his friend who was standing beside him. The friend was a hotel interior designer who grew up all over the place but primarily lived in Shanghai before coming to London. We hit it off and I thought we got along well as friends, primarily cause he seemed a lot younger than me and I thought he clocked that I was older.
I told him about the Asian meetup groups I was a part of and he said he was down to check them with me. We exchanged Instagrams and I thought this could be the start of a cool, casual friendship.
We chitchatted on and off throughout the next couple of weeks. He originally wanted to go find some Vietnamese restaurants to try out but I went to one already so we agreed to try another Asian restaurant in Chinatown. After all, it was a chill friend hang so I wasn't thinking too deeply about it.
We met by a tube station and walked over to Chinatown. He suggested we either try Korean or Japanese. I looked at the menu and saw that the Korean restaurant was slightly out of the price range I was willing to spend. So I settled for Bone Daddies, a popular Japanese ramen chain in London.
I asked the Hotel Interior Designer about his dating experiences in London.
"So have you gone on any dates from Thursday events so far?" I asked, scooping into my ramen bowl.
"...Isn't this a date?" He asked in surprise.
Cue my surprise Pikachu face. To be honest, I thought this could've been a date earlier but then he said his friend was gonna join. Which made me assume that this was a friend hang instead. I only found out that when we met up, he meant he was with his friend earlier in the day, and in the end, it was just the two of us.
"This can be a friend hang if you want!" He said, gesturing that he was fine if this wasn't a date.
"Do you want it to be a date?" I asked incredulously.
"Either way works for me!"
"I rather you tell me what you prefer," I pressed. I personally wanted it to be a date cause, hey, I wanted to hit my weekly date quota. But I wasn't going to tell him that.
He finalized it as a date and we continued on. About 10 minutes later or so, we came across the topic of age.
"You're 25 right?" He asked. I made a face, and he realized his mistake.
"26?" I shook my head.
"27?" Nu-uh.
"28?" I thumbed up to tell him to keep going.
"30??" Still didn't land.
"31???" Yep.
He was shook and it didn't take me long to guess he was 25, like I suspected originally. Though I did hope for a second once I knew this was a date, he was around 27 years old, but nope. The Hotel Interior Designer successfully became the youngest guy I have ever gone on a date with thus far.
He paid for my ramen and we headed to a cool Asian-inspired bar called Lucy Wong. I pondered over the cocktail options they had before I selected one that sounded interesting. Though they all did because I love anything Asian-related. Once the drinks were ordered, we continued to get to know each other.
I mentioned how I normally dated older. He said he didn't mind dating an older woman as long as she was okay with it. He saw my hesitation and said, "That's not you though, huh?"
I shook my head and smiled feebly. I just knew that younger men were not where I wanted them to be financially in life for me to be comfortable dating them. Not unless somehow they came from money, but even then, the age difference shows. Even throughout this date, I could see his age through his actions, making him less experienced in the world and less attractive to me as a romantic partner overall.
I asked him about his goals in life and he said he was eager to start his own interior design company. His plan was to start while he was young, where he could afford to make all the mistakes now. Then he could be financially stable with his business in his 30s. I thought that was admirable. But also I wanted him to be in that position now and be 10 years older. I do not want to suffer when the guy is still at his "building" stage. I want my man to be fully built, in his career, relationships, experience, and finances.
After drinks, we headed to the tube station. We agreed that we were better off as friends. I thought he was still cool regardless and would see if there was a future opportunity for us to hang out again.
So that concludes how I ended up on a date without realizing I was going to one.
0 notes
1. Does your family have any traditions on New Years Eve or New Years Day? If so, what are they? 2020: Not really, we usually watch the ball drop if we’re not out somewhere
2021: Not really, again watch the ball drop
2022: Not really
2023: Not really, but I have my personal traditions of doing these surveys in the lead up to new years, and then on new years day or after doing my moment calendar and alphabetical playlist
2. What is the best thing that you’ve accomplished this year? 2020: Bought a car
2021: Got a full time film job
2022: Technically I worked on it last year but Good Night Oppy premiered this year
2023: Made my Detroit: Become Human jacket
3. What is one thing that you want to do next year, that is on your bucket list? 2020: Get a job
2021: Stop worrying about covid
2022: Finish the Harry Potter spellbook
2023: Get in shape before I'm 30
4. If you had to use one word to describe this past year, what would it be, and why? 2020: Covid, you know why
2021: Unending, because it feels like we’re never gonna get out of this
2022: Catch-up, because I was catching up on everything I missed during covid
2023: Taylor, because Taylor Swift was a big focus for a lot of the year
5. What is one word you could use in order to describe how you hope the next upcoming year will be? Why did you choose this particular word? 2020: Relax, because I feel like I won’t be able to really just breathe and relax until I have a job, an apartment, and a vaccine, so i hope I can get those things because I’m so exhausted
2021: Normal
2022: Friends, because I hope to keep doing things with my friend groups
2023: Confident, because I would like to gain confidence
6. Do you make any sort of New Years resolutions? Are they the same from year to year, or have they changed? 2020: I make new ones each year
2021: I made a few new ones, some are always on there like losing weight
2022: Some are the same, some change
2023: I made a few new ones but a couple like losing weight are always there
7. How long do you typically stick to your New Years resolutions? If you don’t make New Years resolutions, what is your reasoning behind this choice? 2020: It’s more goals than things to stick to, and I usually don’t accomplish most of them
2021: Same
2022: Same
2023: Same
8. Why do we celebrate New Years? Do you or anyone you know celebrate the Chinese New Year also/instead? If so, what is that like? 2020: To mark the passage of time and put a narrative onto it. I don’t know anyone who celebrates Chinese New Year
2021: Same, and to have an occasion to celebrate
2022: To have something to look forward to
2023: For tradition and to have a party
9. Do you use alcohol or a sparkling beverage in order to ring in the New Year? Any special sorts of snacks that are prepared? 2020: I like to, this year I will probably use moscato
2021: I’ll probably use moscato again
2022: I’ll probably have some sort of alcohol
2023: My friend is making cocktails
10. Do you watch the ball drop on television? (or perhaps in person) 2020: Yes, on TV
2021: Yes on TV
2022: Yes on TV
2023: Yes on TV
11. Do you watch the fireworks display on television? Do any of your neighbors shoot off firecrackers late into the night? Are they even legal to buy in your area? 2020: Not really, and they are not legal
2021: If it’s on the same channel, and I probably will have some neighbors that do even though it’s not legal
2022: I’ll be in Breckenridge this year so who knows
2023: Not really, and not legal but people do anyway
12. How would you feel if the clock struck 12, and then this entire year started all over again? 2020: I would feel relieved and hope that meant it was all a dream and we would get a normal year
2021: I would throw shit
2022: I would be frustrated, I feel like I have made progress this year
2023: I think it might be nice to get one more year of my 20s
13. Do you do any sort of countdown to New Years? If so, when does it begin for you? 2020: 10 seconds before
2021: 10 seconds before
2022: 10 seconds before
2023: 10 seconds before
14. Do you stay up in order to ring in the New Year with family and friends, or are you the type of person who will fall asleep early and miss everything? 2020: Dude midnight is early for me
2021: I will probably be up till like 2am
2022: Midnight is not even late
2023: I regularly stay up till like 2am so it would be weird if I didn't
15. When we’re not in the middle of a pandemic, how do you celebrate the New Year with your family or friends? What do you do? 2020: Usually I don’t get around to making plans in time and end up just hanging out with my family
2021: Same
2022: Same but this year I will be with friends
2023: I usually just do something small with friend or my parents
16. Have you ever been midnight bowling before on New Years? 2020: No
2021: No but that sounds fun
2022: No
2023: No
17. Do/Does you/your family eat anything specific meal-wise for New Years Eve or New Years Day? If so, what is it? 2020: No
2021: No
2022: No
2023: No
18. What is the most exciting thing that you’ve done this past year? 2020: Went to Harry Potter World in January
2021: Went to homecoming with the marching band
2022: Had Good Night Oppy premiere
2023: Went to the Taylor Swift concert
19. What is your one wish for the world in the New Year? 2020: To get rid of covid and get back to normal
2021: To get back to normal from the pandemic
2022: To have a normal year without any new bullshit
2023: To stop the wars
20. What is something that you enjoy doing on a yearly basis, or at least once a year? 2020: Making my sticky note calendar, my alphabetical playlist, and taking my new years surveys
2021: Same
2022: Same
2023: Same, and Comic Con in the summer
(made by:  tickle-my-pickle)
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silasbug · 2 years
so i think i finally realized why i've been waking up earlier and earlier.
yesterday i woke at 6:30, the days prior i'd been waking at 7:30-8:00. my alarm is usually set for 8:30 during semester break. normally i'd snooze until 9:00.
today.. well, today i woke up at FIVE-fucking-thiry.
i've never been much of an early riser because of my intense dreams and because i need a lot of sleep to not feel like a total zombie at the end of the day (which i currently feel like, i'm operating on 4 hours of sleep right now and i'm not having a good time lmao). generally, i'm a very sleepy person.
during the winter, i got fed up with my old alarm clock app and tried to find a new one- for a brief period, before i settled on the one i used now, i was using one which did not allow for custom sounds. the only thing i could tolerate was a sound profile which essentially consisted of gentle water drops, wind and bird souds. i used that for a little while and was actually surprised that it worked (i'm always deathly afraid of sleeping through my alarms).
i mean, my alarm usually is already very calm and serene (i've been waking up to the same, calm instrumental/classical piece for.. 8 years at this point? now that i think about it, that's kinda crazy, but it works and i love it) anyhow.
but.. i basically spent the winter priming myself on waking up to bird noise. and now the birds are singing again in the mornings. and i've been leaving the window open for fresh air since it's been around 5-10°C...
i've conditioned myself to rise with the birds. and once i'm up, i can't go back to sleep.
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vmeemo · 2 years
T0 - 5, 8, 11, 15, 20, 30
T1 - 2, 5, 10 (im guessing like the kamabo fight), 16, 19, 27
T2 - 1, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14
5. I would say mainly biological clock for her schedule. Other times because Celia feels the need to get up and work on something in the morning.
8. Shooters. Good, all-round weapons with for the most part good kits.
11. For Celia, her artwork is a way to freedom from home. Something to express herself with through bright colours and vivid imagery.
15. Her main would be the hero shot replica. She picked it because its the closest thing she has to her hero shot one back home, so it'll have to do. And no it's not customized.
20. She's 5'6. So pretty short. Very likely below average for how I got things set up, but that just means she's fun sized /j.
30. I'd say so to a degree. Not laughing at everything kind of amused, but when someone does something stupid, it gets a chuckle out of her.
2. Celia is not exactly a social squid, but when she needs to talk to people she'll make an attempt at least.
5. Art commissions on the side mostly. She may be a graffiti artist, but that's not entirely you know, legal. So she does that on the side. Her money situation is at least not poor. She can afford her apartment and not be homeless.
10. You'd guess right with the Kamabo fight. Something like that would trigger that state and a half, providing she's properly equipped like that again. And no she doesn't get pumped, not often.
16. Likes fresh foods but doesn't mind fried every now and then. As for her favourite kind, I would say something sour, but not too sour.
19. Any food they REALLY don’t care for?
If I had to say, probably star fruit. Not the biggest fan of it.
27. Coffee maybe, alcohol not at all.
1. She doesn't really have a dream house. And even if she did, Celia is realistic enough to know that won't happen anytime soon.
5. Again, no. Really need to work on that though... One of these days.
7. Train I would say. Cheaper than a car and most of the time if she needs to get somewhere there's also a bus stop nearby.
10. How often are they in swim form? How does it feel to them?
Not often enough but when she is it's like an extension of her body. Nothing more or less then that.
12. She sleeps on her back with her head notched to the side. And she sleeps for about 9 hoursish.
14. Celia I can say that she has a good eye for inking spots that most people wouldn't normally go after. Of course this is also a downside by her tunnel visioning at times on those spots. Then again its turf war so whatever.
0 notes
joka13 · 9 days
FANFICTION (REQUEST): George Weasley x Squib Reader (Female) - Empathy - Part 3
The wait was only a few days, but Thursday couldn't come soon enough. And by the time it did come, you were more than ready to go with George to Diagon Alley.
You sat in the dining room at 9:30 a.m. with your shoes on and purse hung over your shoulder, staring at the clock on the wall. George had said he'd pick you up at 10:00, but you wanted to be prepared in case he arrived early.
You anxiously fiddled with your hands. You were certainly excited for what the day ahead might hold, but, of course, you couldn't help but worry something would go wrong. You wished you could talk to Mum to distract yourself, but she was at work.
You then realized that George wouldn't pick you up in a car. He was a wizard, after all, and would travel by other means. This made you even more anxious as you anticipated how you might get to Diagon Alley. Would you apparate? You remembered that was your father's preferred method. Could you use floo powder? You once saw your father use it in the fireplace. Should you get a fire started just in case? George would need to bring his own powder...
Three knocks on the front door startled you. You quickly got to your feet, but stopped yourself from rushing and took in a deep breath to calm your rapidly beating heart. You tried your best to walk casually to the door and put on a smile as you opened it.
"Good morning, y/n! You ready?" George greeted you enthusiastically. You were pleased to see him wearing fairly casual clothes: a pair of blue jeans, a light sweater, and walking shoes. You had wondered earlier as you got dressed for the day if he would wear something more... wizardy because you'd be going to a wizarding place. You had worried that you'd stick out in your muggle clothes, but seeing George's outfit made you much less concerned about that.
"Good morning, George!" you replied, grinning wider. "I am!" You then noticed a little, blue car that was unfamiliar to you parked by the curb. "Is that... your car?" you asked, puzzled.
"Indeed it is!" George laughed. "Though, I don't know how to drive it... legally. According to muggle laws at least. It flies, but I thought we... you could drive it the normal way if that'd make you more comfortable."
George's thoughtfulness touched you, and much of your uneasiness slipped away. "Thank you... I really appreciate that actually. Wait one moment while I get my driver's license." You went back inside to grab your license. When you came back out, you locked the door behind you and eagerly exclaimed, "Here we go!"
George smiled. "Off we go!" He led you to the car, opening the driver side door for you, then walked around to sit in the passenger seat.
Out of habit, you first fastened your seatbelt. George copied you with his own, though you wondered if he knew being without a seatbelt in a moving car was illegal.
From that point forward, George directed you as well as he could (knowing as little about road laws as he did) for about twenty minutes before you arrived at an inn and pub called the Leaky Cauldron. You parked down the street.
"Well done," George complimented as you both got out of the car. "I don't know much about it, but driving seems complicated without magic."
You laughed. "Thank you!"
You followed George to the front of the inn. He stopped before entering, looking about the area.
"Something the matter?" you asked.
"We've got to be clear of muggles," George said. There weren't any that you or him could see, so George went inside with you nervously on his heels. "To them, this building appears to be nothing but a solid wall. If you weren't used to such things, you can imagine our entrance might look rather... odd."
You giggled at the thought. "That's an understatement."
As you took in your surroundings (which weren't much to behold; the pub was dimly lit and musty), you silently appreciated being able to see the inn from the outside. It was something that separated you from muggles and (sort of) included you with the rest of wizardkind. You became distracted by a couple of bottles floating slowly back to their shelves as the bartender finished preparing a drink, and you accidentally bumped into George's back.
"Sorry," you apologize.
"No worries. I thought you'd like to see this," George said, stepping to the side so you could better view the brick wall in front of him.
"Er..." You weren't sure what he was talking about, and you began to wonder if he meant the rubbish bin at your feet, until he lifted his wand and tapped its tip against the wall.
You jumped back in surprise when the bricks began to move on their own, clicking against each other as they went apart to create a doorway that revealed an entire street with buildings and people.
George laughed at your reaction. "Welcome to Diagon Alley, y/n!"
"Wow..." you breathed in amazement as you stepped out of the pub and onto the street.
Witches and wizards bustled around you, and you quickly turned around to hold George's arm as you worried you'd be split up. He seemed to enjoy this, but didn't say as much.
"What would you like to do?" he asked, gazing contentedly out over the crowd.
You noticed the brick wall closing back up behind you and felt there was no turning back. "I don't really know where to start..." You took in another deep breath to calm yourself. "Oh!" you gasped excitedly, remembering that George owned a joke shop here. "I want to see your shop!"
George smiled. "Then we'll go see my shop!"
You continued to hold onto him (though you had to remind yourself to loosen your grip sometimes) as George happily strolled through the marketplace. As you walked, you began to recognize some things that your father showed or told you about when he was still around, though most of what you saw you couldn't help but gape at. You saw talking, moving gargoyles. There was a store selling potions and elixirs. An advertising wizard performed a jig with mini fireworks. A strange, furry, ball-shaped creature rolled on the ground instead of walking or flying.
You didn't want to bother George but wanted to ask so many questions at the same time. He realized this this, and he insisted that you ask away.
"That's a puffskein," George said, referring to the rolling animal. "They make very low maintenance pets... though they should be put away at night. They enjoy eating bogeys and find that easiest to do while you sleep."
You snorted. "That's hilarious...! It'd be nice to have a clear nose in the morning if the cleaning process wasn't so disturbing."
You and George laughed together.
He went on to answer any questions that you had. He was in no rush to show you his shop, kindly letting you wander around as your attention was had by one thing to the next. During this time, George's name was called out now and then by regular customers or friends of his.
"It's almost impressive how many people you know," you said as George waved to an old wizard who apparently worked with his father.
He looked back at you with a crooked grin. "'Almost'?" George teasingly repeated.
"W-well, I can see that it comes easily to you," you chuckled, becoming flustered and looking away. You pretended to be captivated by a store with brooms sitting in the window. "It is impressive, really. I myself find it difficult to make friends... or even talk to strangers."
"I can understand that," George said, and it surprised you. "All throughout my schooling years, it was easiest to just talk with Fred. He was my... permanent friend," George laughed. "I never needed to wonder if he... might leave me..." You glanced up at George. His expression was tired for only a moment before he put on another smile. "So, I never had any practice making friends. Well, real friends anyway. Fred and I were the biggest class clowns; we had other students lining up to watch or get in on our jokes... Speaking of which, here we are!"
You goggled at the vibrantly designed structure in front of you. It was themed with bright purples and oranges and was welcoming in a lively kind of way. You read, "Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes" below a large, grinning, mechanical man with red hair (who you assumed was supposed to be Fred, George, or both). The mechanical man popped off his top hat to reveal a white rabbit. The hat was donned once more, but when the hat lifted again, the rabbit was gone.
"M'lady..." George held the door open for you, bowing low as you walked passed.
"Thank you, my good sir," you giggled.
What you had already seen so far in Diagon Alley was plenty magical, but all that seemed like nothing when compared to the contents of George's shop.
TAG LIST: @tomhockstetter7-111 @jasm-1ne @costheticbabe @luthien-elvenia-asher @megablonde22 @thecuteavocado @weasleylady92 @websfromallthespiders @rubyintheforest @weasleylover4eva @georgeweasleyslostearhq @im-coolrat @them-cute-boys @xmadigurlx @keirasinbin @huayan @deathtonumber7 @elmolovesw33d @coffeebeans11 @dumb4person
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marauder-exe · 4 years
Self care- p!Tommyinnit x reader
i wish i was bsfriends w tommy :’)
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings:themes of depression, nothing too deep
A/N: Taking Tommy and Wilbur requests!! u cant tell me tommy doesn’t do the classic british X’s on txts to his friends
It had been a rough stream, 8 hours sat in the same chair putting on the same happy face, it was unbelievably exhausting some days. You took of your headset and set it down after pressing ‘end stream’, you ruffled your hair and took in a deep breath, throwing a glance at the clock on your computer. 5am. You tried to throw caution to the wind, maybe it was an off day? But no, you could feel it, deep inside, another episode. You looked directly into the webcam, your face scrunching up as you take note of your appearance, your ruffled hair, your dark eye bags. It felt like hours, just staring at yourself, your famous thousand-yard stare painted across the screen. Suddenly, your phone vibrated from its place on the desk. You lethargically picked it up as the bright screen illuminated your otherwise dark room. It was Tommy.
Big T: ‘bedwars stream tmrw? : ) x’  
You really didn't feel up to it in all honesty, but you didn’t want to let Tommy down like that, he loves bedwars. A sad smile made its way to your face as you drafted your text back.
Gremlin: ‘only if were on duos together : ) x’
Big T: ‘5pm? X’ You responded with a simple yeee.
You discarded your phone to the side and stood up for the first time in hours. Your bones ached as you outstretched your limbs. Pain. You walked over to your bed and sat on the edge, eyes scouring the room, even though you weren't sure what you were looking for, an escape maybe? It wasn’t even like you had anything to be upset over, great friends, successful streamer, everything was going great, but alas, depression does not give a shit. You crawled into bed, putting your phone on charge and grabbed all of your covers over your head, a long sigh making its way from your lips.
The next day/  
Tommy loaded up minecraft on his computer, reading to slay game at bedwars with you. He got unusually excited when he played minecraft with you, even more excited than normal. There was something about you man, but he just couldn’t figure it out. Youd met in high school, same town and everything, and since then you were like a drug. Not a day had gone by since year 9 that you didn’t talk. He decided to drop you a message as you hadn't texted first. He asked if you were still up for bedwars. Surprisingly though, he didn’t receive a response. He waited. Just 5 minutes he said. And then 10. And then 20. Then 30. He decided to ring you just to check. Plus, he wanted to hear your voice. It rang thrice and nothing. His eyebrows drew together in confusion. You were almost always online. He tried not to overthink, but this is Tommy were talking about. Maybe you were still asleep? He wanted to believe that, but there was an itch, in his brain, that told him not to. Just to make sure, he decided to ask some of your mutual friends on the server. He clicked onto the group discord and noticed Wilbur, philza and Nikki in a vc.  
“Hello Hoes and Homies alike” He bellowed when he joined the vc. Wilbur drew a confused look.
“I thought you were doing duo bed wars with (Y/N) today?” Tommy scoffed.
“Well yah, Wilburrrrr, if you let me get a word out” He joked light heartedly “No seriously though has anyone heard from her since her stream last night” They all looked confused and shook their heads. This made him even more concerned than he was. He quickly thanked them before disconnecting. His mind was running rampant. He quickly decided to throw his shoes on, you didn’t live that far, only a bus ride away on the otherside of town. He grabbed his keys and his jacket and rushed down the stairs.
“Going over to (Y/N)s for a bit” He shouted to Motherinnit as he slammed the door shut.  
You were straing at the roof in a pit of self loathing when you heard your phone ring. Ugh. It seemed so much work to pick it up. Your hand made its way from under the mountain of covers and snatched your phonr from the side. Tommy. You felt a sting in the back of your eyes and tossed your phone on the bed, turning over and curling up in the covers. You stared at the inside of your covers for minutes on end. Your doorbell sent a sharp chime through the house as your mother went to answer it.
“Hello Tommy, what a surprise" He threw her a quickly greeted her and got straight to the point.
“Is (Y/N) in?”
“Shes upstairs I think, I havent heard from her all day though. Go on up” She stood to the side and let him pass.
You heard the entire conversation through your open window, and let out a heavy sigh, although you were secretly thanking Tommy in uour head for checking up on you. You heard his converse hit the steps as your door was threw open. Tommy immediately regretted his actions, wondering if you were asleep as he took note of the heap of covers on the bed. He let out a quiet whisper.
You didn’t really feel like talking, but you let out a quiet ‘yeah’. He rushed over to your side upon hearing your weak response.
“is everything alright? We were meant to be playing bedwars like an hour ago” This prompted you to pull the covers off your head and look at him. He took note of your puffy red eyes, and the dark eye bgs lying underneath. He looked around your room, empty energy drink cand and food containers littered your room. It suddenly clicked to him. You weren't doing okay. He looked back at you deeply, something about that look just caused the floodgates to open. Your eyes were glassy, as Tommy practically melted. He hated seeing you like this. Sure he had the bit of him being a big man with no emotions, but you where his weakness. “Hey, cmon don’t cry” He whispered as he opened his arms, welcoming you into a hug. In an instant you where in his arms, leaving tear stains on his TShirt. He didn’t seem to mind though. After a moment of silence, only broken by your sobs, he piped up. “How about, we forget about the stream for today, and ill go to the corner shop and get us some snacks, and marshmallows and whipped cream, and we can have those killer hot chocolates your mom makes. We can watch a bunch of movies, and ill even let you put one of those stupid facemasks on me, yeah?” This caused a laugh to pierce your sobs, which started to lighten up. You sniffled and pulled back from his hug, a huge smile making its way onto your face, the first genuine smile in a while.
“Thats my girl, that’s what I love to see” He matched your smile. You quickly threw your arms around him and pulled him into a long hug.
“Thank you Tommy” You said sincerely.
“Anything for my favourite girl” He smiled, as he pulled back from the hug. “Maybe while im gone you could try to shower?” He knew how tough some simple things where when you felt like this. You nodded smally and sat up. He leapt from the bed and smiled. “Okay, I wont be long!” And with that, he dashed out of the room.  
You lay back on your bed. You werent okay, but that’s okay, because Tommyinnit is your best friend :)
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