#gravity falls is on another level to me
puhpandas · 7 months
Love how Gregory and his friends are basically just Gravity Falls characters.
Tony is Dipper (no doubt there), Cassie's sass sounds similar to Pacifica's but she has a different (and totally more modest/cautious) personality, Gregory's like Wendy (full sass, but cares a lot about people he loves), and Ellis is like a more mature version of Dipper.
As a fan of both fandoms, I see this as peak character creation.
YES DUDE the similarities between tony and dipper. when I tell u guys I've taken so much inspo from dippers character I've studied like hell to write tony I mean it. the only difference is that tony isnt an asshole sometimes. (actually scratch that he is but in a different way. dipper is an asshole to women sometimes and tony is an asshole to his friends sometimes because he hasnt learned to get past caring more about answers than his friends sometimes(at least in my head))
tbh I can more see ellis being a calmer version of mabel. carefree but he knows what he wants and is content to be his age like tony said he was in ggy (and can I just say tony feeling like hes more mature and is growing past being 12 while ellis is content to 'stay a little boy' is so 'things change summer ends') (and ellis knowing where he wants to be and what he wants and being content with it makes him more mature than tony in his quest for maturity like dipper and mabel)
and Gregory being wendy is so funny with tony being dipper. dipper definitely saw wendy as a girl to chase but tony definitely sees Gregory differently. tbh it would more be like dipper with Ford with Tony and Gregory than anything even though it doesnt really fit. it's less that dipper looked up to wendy and more that he literally had a crush on her
which is interesting because (at least I think) tony doesnt feel that way. he just somehow sees Gregory as being mature and cool and deep when he is in a way but not how tony imagines him. gregory is like ellis as in hes content with where he is and is cool with just living life as he is, but he knows when to get serious and can definitely think and talk about deeper things. and all at the same time he knows how to relax and have fun. I dont think tony is jealous but I think he wants to be like him, even if what hes aiming for isnt even what Gregory is
and that makes Gregory more mature than tony like he thinks he is, but not at all in the way tony actually sees him
just know I've thought about this exact thing many times. I've compared tony becker to dipper pines more times than I can count
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laufire · 3 months
there's this brand of ship that's. divorced parents of main character (ymmv) with a thousand and one unresolved issues and hostility but who still have the finger on the pulse when it comes to the other, and whose decisions can alter the course of nations, planets, universes... I'm thinking about liv's parents on scandal, on some level. about marisa and asriel in his dark materials, obviously. about khlyen and yalena in killjoys (the ones who prompted this post). bruce and talia could be that, in a story about damian. anyway yeah, absolutely killer dynamic, gonna work on crafting one like it of my own.
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veetri-bitcrush · 1 year
Alright! Let's actually talk about this waterfall thing. It is an amazing showcase of many things that I adore from late 90s graphics. I am replicating this in Blender, through mere observation of the final game, so some things might not be exactly accurate to what the PS1 does.
First off, this is what I started off with, straight from the Noesis exporter into Blender.
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"Looks boring!" "What are those weird gradient quads?!" Oh we'll talk about those too, don't worry.
Let's start simple, figuring out the Layers.
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We've got the base level geometry, then two layers of water, each with a different texture.
Let's focus on the bottom Water layer first. A waterfall's water falls, and the age old trick to replicate that behaviour is to scroll the texture along the mesh by offsetting the texture coordinates every frame.
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Simple enough. Not too convincing yet.
Let's do the same with the other layer.
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Look at it goooo!
An often-used trick to enhance the waterfall effect is to increase the distance between vertices (or squash texture coordinates) as the geometry goes down.
This affects the scrolling velocity for the texture in each section, making it look like gravity is accelerating the water.
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MGS pulls yet another trick on top of that:
Vertices are subtly animated to oscillate, making the water flow seem more irregular.
It seems to be something similar to what is done to geometry when the camera goes underwater in the docks or vents area.
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One opaque layer of water on top of another is no good.
Alpha Blending is an expensive technique and it'd not give the desired effect.
Additive Blending is used instead. The lower layer is rendered first, the second layer is then rendered on top, adding the color values together.
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Now we get to talk about those weird quads.
They are darkening gradients! Instead of using Additive Blending, they do the opposite, the color value from the texture is subtracted from the scene that was rendered below, effectively creating shadowed areas.
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Who needs HBAO+ anyway?
Lighting pass!
I just threw a few point lights to try and replicate the original vibes of the scene.
MGS, instead, uses lighting information baked into the vertices of the scene to create this mood. And what a mood it is!
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Here's an additional example of the same techniques used in the bottom part of the same scene. Although the game seems to be rendering that water mesh as (almost?) completely opaque, there is an actual floor mesh under it.
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There, I fixed this post. If you enjoy my posts, shit or not, consider supporting me on Ko-fi, I will appreciate it a lot 💞: https://ko-fi.com/parametricpalta
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shibaraki · 9 months
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tags: GN reader, newly established relationship, gojo carries the reader, alcohol consumption (you’re both tipsy), fluffy fluff, sharing a bed, using pet names for the first time (reader receiving)
wc: 1K
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There's a pleasant buzz under your skin. Insides softened by liquor, you are reminiscent of a puppet on strings as you stumble into your apartment.
Vaguely, you can recall the soft clink of shot glasses meeting in the centre of the table. The fuzzy image of Satoru throwing back his shochu and shuddering at the clean, dry taste, before quickly shoving some fried chicken in his mouth to chase it.
Titters follow behind as you kick off your shoes and subsequently trip over them. It sharpens the senses, brings you to the present—to the firm body at your back. Satoru hooks his chin over your shoulder. The flush on his face is prominent now, even under the poor lighting, and after a long pause staring at one another you dissolve into quiet laughter with him.
“You steady, baby?” Satoru murmurs, syrupy and low. Hot are the fingers at your waist, squeezing intermittently as though to commit your shape to memory. “I think—” he hiccups, frowns inwardly at the interruption, and then shakes his head, as though shaking them off. “You know, I think that the shochu might’ve been a bad idea”.
“And whose idea was that again, I wonder?” you try to level him with an unimpressed look that is no doubt betrayed by your tone. “Should make it up to me”.
Satoru near mewls. Using the sway in his gait, he leans to gather you into his embrace. Then abruptly, and in one fell swoop, he has lifted you into his arms, as easy as scruffing a kitten with a colourful vocabulary.
“Fuck—Satoru! You dickhead, put me back down!”
Obligingly, Satoru dropped both of his arms. Your limbs wrapped around him before gravity could drag you to the floor, and you proceeded to cling to his torso like a front-facing backpack. “Wait I didn't mean—don't just drop me here!”
“S’what you told me to do,” Satoru grinned. “Then where to?”
Your mouth wobbles as heat prickles over your face. He’d be remiss not to notice the way your breath hitched as his fingers flexed around your thighs. It’s a fragile physical thing that feels unusually momentous. “Bedroom,” you tell him, aiming for authoritative and landing squarely on flustered.
“Mn, I can do that,” Satoru replied. You squinted at his face, at the tentative, coy beginnings of a grin curling into appled cheeks. “That mean I’m staying over tonight?”
Expression pinched, you duck your chin to hide how your mouth sets into a thin line, trying not to smile back. You exhale, palms sliding over the broad expanse of his shoulders, behind his throat to tangle fingers in the soft hair there. “You’re staying. Now stop trying to be cute and take me to bed”.
He staggers through the living room, a large hand laid flat and sliding along the wall to feel for the bedroom door, navigating your home with an ease that warms you. After all these years, and against the odds, he still carves out space for you in the flotsam and jetsam of his life.
You drop onto your mattress, springing in place before you settle into the cushions and begin to strip yourself of your clothes. Satoru stands at the bedside a second longer, swaying somewhat, watching you get comfortable with half lidded fondness heavy enough to feel like touch. There’s a familiar tingle. Somewhere in your belly, at the base of your spine. Giddiness.
He tracks the movement of your arms as they stretch out to him, and your thighs fall open, making space for him to fit. “Get over here,” you say.
Satoru doesn’t need to be told twice. The corded muscle in his arms bulges when he reaches back to pull his shirt over his head, ivory hair fluffing in every direction. Your attention drifts lower to the fingers working open his belt buckle to reveal porcelain skin, a trail of downy hair.
His belt loosens, hanging down. Metal clinking in the quiet. The zip almost breaks as he tugs open the top button and shoves his jeans down over his thighs, fabric straining. Satoru kicks them aside, but not before making a show of hopping on one leg, exaggerating his struggle to amuse you.
The mattress yields under his weight. As do you, when he drapes his body over your own, kissing from the corner of your mouth to your jaw until his head is nestled into the crook of your neck, mouthing at your pulse. He’s making satisfied little noises that sound suspiciously like sweetheart and angel and love. He’s been doing it throughout the evening, letting the odd endearment slip and feigning ignorance, carefully discerning your reactions; rolling words around his teeth just to taste them.
Your legs bracket his narrow hips, arching off the bed an inch so he can wrap his arms around you. Only then does he truly give. Contentment spreads throughout your body like the golden hour.
Knuckles brush gently over Satoru’s pink cheek. You whisper his name and he tilts to look at you. Though the curtains are closed moonlight filters through the cracks and you see it reflected dimly in his eyes, displaying tenderness you scarcely know what to do with. It’s all encompassing and yet not—as if you’re full and starving at the same time.
“What’s with all the sudden pet names?”
A beat passes. You expected a muffled whine, or an embarrassed hum. There’s neither. “Decided I like them,” Satoru slurred. He turned to rest his cheek on your shoulder and the chub creates a soft crease beneath his eye. A lazy smile hung on his lips. “Want to be sweet to you. Problem?”
Slowly you feel a welling up of affection. Your heart is running away from you. “Don’t have to y’know. You’re already the biggest cheeseball I’ve ever met”.
“Don’t want to be cheese, want to be sweet,” Satoru reiterated with a huff, because their distinction is very important. The warm puff of breath brushed along your collar. You can hear the grin in his voice. “I’ll let you act like you hate it if you let me keep using them”.
Seized by a passing urge, you bend your neck to nip at his mouth, and kiss him twice over. You can taste the beer lingering on his tongue. “Deal,” you murmur.
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smoft-demons · 4 months
What if pacts gave you spells
I’ve had another idea!!
Demons in this setting are pretty fuckin magic. MC as well, has some funny magic going on in the late game iirc. What if the magic started showing up sooner, specifically because of the pacts?? What if the avatars have specific themed abilities and you get powered down versions of those powers through the pact? Ive been having Ideas about it!!
In pact order:
Mammon is the avatar of greed. Money and stuff is his thing. So I think his pact, at a low level, should give you a heat metal spell. I imagine HE has a summon-molten-metal ability that he can use in combat, because that’d be awesome. It’d be a real no holds barred type of move, because like,, being burned to death in molten metal is a REAL brutal way to go. He’s a demon tho. I think it would make some sense for him to be able to do it.
Gravity magic also makes sense for Mammon. Black holes be greedy. The vibe seems right. The dunamancy spell Ravenous Void is pretty much what I’m thinking.
Mammon’s really fast too. So maybe he can give you haste, longstrider, misty step… maybe blink.
Another thing in Mammon’s wheelhouse is gambling. Luck, stacking chances in your favour and all that. So let’s have him give you something like silvery barbs too. Something that lets you skew chance in your favour when you need to.
I’d say the list of spells you get from him goes like: heat metal and longstrider at first. Then you get stronger after season 1, and you get misty step, something along the lines of silvery barbs, and haste (to make others faster I think is a higher level thing than making yourself faster). When you’re MUCH stronger, you get ravenous void. Maybe you get a weaker version earlier.
No matter what tho, no one’s version of that black hole spell is stronger than Mammon’s.
Then you pact with Leviathan. He’s a sea serpent, and he’s the grand admiral of hell’s navy. I’d imagine he’s crazy good with navigation and has a sea monster form, on top of the other abilities he canonically has (summoning Lotan, making floods, etc)
I’d say Levi’s pact gives you: create water, find familiar (because Lotan), breathing underwater and some magical ability that helps you not get lost. At a higher level, you get to summon a powerful water elemental. Maybe even a wildshape-esque ability that is specifically for turning into a sea serpent.
I would also say it’s Levi’s pact that gives you darkvision. You really need it if you’re going in deep water. Also, if ANYONE of these seven can give you the classic warlock spell Eldritch blast, it’d be Levi. It’s not very high level, you can have it early on.
Beel’s gluttony, and honestly black holes fit him too. But I think that’s such an absurdly OP thing that it HAS to go to Mammon.
Beel is also a tank. He’s a protector. He’s real strong and resilient and he’s the type to purposely take damage in order to save someone he loves from having to. In the game he makes the pact with the implication that he wants you to have it so he can protect you next time. So I think he wouldn’t WANT to encourage his human to do the same tank thing as him, but still I think his pact would help you do that. It would just make you stronger and more durable I think.
That bit is less a spell and more an ability score increase. Raises your strength and constitution.
Of the actual spells tho, there’s gotta be something abjuration. Some magic shield spell kind of thing. Also, obviously some way to create food. Maybe when you’re stronger you get hero’s feast. Some way to summon a swarm of locusts is on theme for Beel. Also, his telepathic connection with Belphie makes me think of message.
I think Beel wants you to have feather fall. I think that might be one of his first priorities.
So his list would go: feather fall, some magic shield, message, and the constitution increase. Then at a higher level, the strength increase, summon locusts, and create/summon food. Even higher, hero’s feast or something like it…
The summoning food spells is not really a thing I think Beel can do/an ability he can share through the pact, but I think he deserves to be able to give you that. He would just like to be able to do that. Why not let him.
Next pact is Asmo. The most obvious thing for him is a charisma buff.
Then in terms of spells, suggestion makes a lot of sense. So does friends, disguise self, vicious mockery, and minor illusion. Later on, mass suggestion and crown of madness.
He’s not usually the very aggressive sort, though of course I don’t put violence past him at all. Bloodlust is still lust, after all. Passion is kinda his whole domain. No, Asmo is VERY capable of violence I’m sure, he just doesn’t indulge in it often because he likes his pristine image and others’ tendencies to underestimate him far more.
With that in mind, maybe some kind of slow acting necromantic curse makes sense for the offensive move he’d give you. Some way to magically give someone a dose of venom in their veins just by touching them.
Canonically in the game Asmo basically uses dominate beast (on Henry 1.0 in the catacombs under the demon king’s castle) but I can’t help but associate that more with Lucifer (because Cerberus) so I kind of want to give it to him instead… but Asmo literally DID it so…
I think Asmo’s list goes: suggestion, vicious mockery, friends, disguise self. Then the charisma increase, casting illusions (minor or otherwise), and crown of madness. Then mass suggestion, dominate beast, and the venom spell. That seems right.
Then it’s Satan’s turn.
Ok so the most obvious thing for him as the avatar of wrath is giving you a whole ass level in barbarian. The rage ability. And like,, that works, but like… doesn’t super match his personality. Controlling his wrath is more what he seems to care about.
If the spells he can give you are chosen by him, then I think you’d get comprehend languages, speak with animals, legend lore, that kind of thing.
But if it’s not his choice, then the ability to rage. In terms of spells, stuff like blight, finger of death, fireball, meteor swarm, disintegrate. Dramatically destructive kind of thing.
I’m gonna say it’s probably somewhere in between. You don’t get rage or disintegrate from him, nor all the best of the curious nerd spells. But you DO get: prestidigitation (can start fires OR quickly clean messes, up to you, be smart and crafty to get the most out of it), comprehend languages, firebolt. Later, you get fireball (upgrade for firebolt!) blight, and lets say something electric. Like, being able to electrocute someone by grabbing them.
Now for Belphie!
I can’t help but think of him less in D&D terms and more like,, psychic type Pokémon. That just seems like the right vibe for him.
I wanna say you’d get two necromancy spells after the whole lesson 16 thing—specifically, toll the dead and chill touch. The vibes of toll the dead just seem fitting for some reason, and come ON, chill touch couldn’t possibly be more perfect! It makes a spectral, skeletal hand that clings to your target (around their neck maybe?) to (and I quote!) “assail it with the chill of the grave” which deals necrotic damage and delays healing. It’s PERFECT, okay, except for… it doesn’t make any sense to get those from the pact with Belphie. They have nothing to do with HIM, and everything to do with what he did to you.
Maybe you can get it from the weird resurrection thing that happens instead. All kinds of weird shit can happen when timelines and your life get all fucky like that, I guess. You met a ghost and got shoved back to life and then time got weird, I’m sure at that point anything can happen.
Actually FROM Belphie, the obvious spell you’d get is sleep. Put some bastard to sleep, make them unconscious, that’s his main thing.
I think the list goes: sleep. Then later, with more power, you get confusion (like the Pokémon move)and phantasmal force (the one that projects an illusion only visible to the target, that is able to deal damage to them. Many very creative applications of this spell are possible). At the highest possible level, power word kill. The quickest and laziest possible way to do a murder, as long as you use it right.
Finally, Lucifer.
Big strong powerful Morningstar! Proud bastard that everyone can’t help but listen to.
So OBVIOUSLY you get dominate person from him! (yes, all seven of them have the ability to force a non-MC human to obey them magically but shhh. Lets say only Lucifer can GIVE that ability to a human.)
I think he’d be the one who can give you classic demonic abilities like fire resistance and hellish rebuke. I can’t imagine Lucifer not having some disintegrate-like ability, as the third most powerful demon in the realm.
He can’t give you a whole ass pair of wings, he can’t change the structure of your body, but I think maybe he can give you the fly spell. Or even just something like a double jump and a fully controlled fall. I think that suits him.
Yknow what else suits him? Meteor swarm. Super powerful, dramatically destructive, only the strongest can cast it… flaming destruction falling from the sky… Fall imagery weaponized into an absurdly high damage spell. Seems like Lucifer!
So let’s say his spell list for you is: hellish rebuke and fire resistance (not a spell, but still). Then, dominate person, the flight-adjacent spell, and disintegrate. Then finally, meteor swarm. That seems right.
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darkworkcourier · 1 year
I was wondering, could you write Ghost x fem!reader hand to hand combat training that leads to them making out
reader doesn't have a nickname or any identifying features other than, idk, having hair i guess? also no real warnings except for making out and some suggestive stuff. y'know, promises on the horizon. 👀 i didn't want to go much further in case all you wanted was just makeouts.
"No. Hands here. Right. Just about level with your chest."
It's hard to focus with Ghost's hands on your wrists, guiding you into a stance that feels off. You're accustomed to one particular style of defense, and he shifts you into another that makes your muscles ache.
You furrow your brow. "Is it supposed to feel like this?"
"Like what?"
"Like I'm about to throw my rotator cuff out?"
He shrugs, resuming his original stance—one where his hands are lower, parallel to his waist, arms spread like he's going to hug you. "Just means you're using muscles you're not accustomed to exercising," he replies.
"You saying I don't exercise?" you joke.
"Just hold your hands there."
You do, and he gives you about two seconds of warning before he comes at you.
Going up against Ghost in hand-to-hand combat is terrifying. There's no other word for it, no way to describe it outside of using terms like 'pants-shittingly scary'. He's a wall of muscle garbed in black, mask cementing the vision of a very buff Grim Reaper launching himself at you, dragging you into death in some judo move. You're still not accustomed to it, even this many months into your assignment with the 141. The second he moves, that fight or flight instinct screams flee, idiot! and you flinch.
He stops before touching you, sighing like an overburdened elementary school teacher. "You did it again," he says.
You fall out of the stance and raise your hands helplessly. "What do you expect me to do? You ever see yourself in a mirror?"
He ignores that latter question. "I expect you to defend yourself," he replies. "You're gonna meet people far bigger than me out there."
Doubt it, you think. You don't need to remind him that you have gone into the field before, and that you earned your place in the 141 through skill and tenacity. However, at this point, you still haven't seen someone like Ghost out there.
"Okay," you say, rallying yourself and raising your hands again. "I got this. Big, scary dude coming at me. No problem."
You think he raises a brow at you. Not something you can see, but you feel it. "You sure?"
"Yeah. Yep. Totally good."
Ghost goes back into the first pose with his arms out. He hunkers down, looming at the edge of the mat like a very large specter of the imminent end, and yet all you can think is can you use those arms for something else, please.
Which is why you miss the two second warning, and promptly get knocked off your feet by a skeleton-garbed missile of a man.
Because it turns out that he only corrected your stance from the waist up, and you completely forgot what to do with your legs. You didn't brace, didn't set your feet shoulder-width apart to lower your center of gravity and make you more solid. That, and Ghost has such a size advantage of you that it feels a hell of a lot like someone shooting a grenade launcher at a lawn chair.
All to say, you topple and hit the mat hard. Air whuffs out of your lungs, compressed under the sheer weight of Ghost. Sparks dance in your vision for one hot second before you come back to yourself, registering aches in brand new places and the feeling of one of Ghost's (impressively beefy) thighs between your legs.
Unfortunately, robbed of all oxygen, all you manage to eke out is a sad wheeze.
"Fuck," Ghost groans. He manages to hoist himself up on his forearms, lifting the stone weight off your chest so you're not getting compressed like a panini. "Ugh. You okay?"
It takes an embarrassingly long time to get your breath back, and a moment longer to work around the ache in your ribs from having a bulldozer of a man on your chest—not even in a sexy way. "Yeaaahhh," you force out, gritting your teeth and blinking away the last jittery sparkles in your vision. "Gimme a second."
He does, but you register that he's not getting off of you. In fact, he's holding pretty damn steady and not doing something in the name of good teamwork like, say, standing up and helping you off the mat, or asking if you need medical assistance, or making fun of you. Instead, he's most definitely staying quiet, and when you look at him, you suddenly feel pinned anew.
Because he's staring, and it's made so much more intense by the greasepaint around his eyes, drawing out his dark eyes by contrast. You feel his gaze like added weight, and it keeps you still, unable to scoot out from under him even though he's given you room to do so.
Your breathing's back online, but it's not steady, and your mouth is very, very dry.
"Um," is all you can say, and you're proud of yourself for getting that much out.
His eyes flick down, watching your mouth move. They widen when you lick your bottom lip to give it some reprieve.
There's no training for to do in this situation.
And there's certainly no training for— for lifting up his damn mask and revealing a mouth that you're pretty sure you've had wet dreams about. Plush lips, faint silvery scars, fine stubble. God damn, and he was keeping this a secret.
"Ghost," you try again, searching for anything to say. Any word, any question, any kind of affirmation that can give you a litmus test on what the hell is going on here.
Rather than explaining himself, his eyes find yours again and he says—in the lowest of low rumbling voices, "Is this okay?"
How do you say yes or, perhaps, fuck yes without sounding desperate? It's like he reached into your head and plucked out those fantasies you've kept under lock and key since you joined on and saw him for the first time. Hell, you're not totally sure this isn't one of those dreams right now.
So you nod. Just two quick jerks of the head, fabric on the mat definitely fucking up your hair. You can hear the static next to your ear, but you could care less.
Because once Ghost's lips are on yours, nothing matters.
He's so warm, lips deceptively soft (what did you think, they were going to be as calloused as his fingers?), the tang of sweat on his skin, his forearms bracketing you. He's in every direction, kissing you and siphoning out the air again, leaving you gasping when he pulls back.
One breath.
And he kisses you again, like a confirmation that yes, this is very real and it's happening to you. He didn't trip and fall and kiss you on the way down. His right arm comes up so his fingers brush against your cheek, and then he cups the side of your face with his enormous palm. You open your mouth against his, tasting him, hearing his heavy breathing in tandem with your own.
At the same time, your mind rushes to make all the connections to figure out how you got here, how Ghost is on top of you when he's supposed to be teaching you how to defend yourself. How—
How you missed all of those signals.
Too-long glances at meetings; hands brushing yours when he passed you documents, ammo, rations, a radio; the way he kept close to your six so it was never undefended; every nickname from him teeming with a little more whimsy than you thought him capable of. Never once did you stop and consider if that was how he treated everyone in the 141, or if that was saved for you.
You never asked the question, but you're sure as hell getting an answer.
His tongue brushes against yours, sealed between your lips, teasing whines out of you. He hums in satisfaction, or possibly pleasure; vaguely, you wonder if he's wanted this just as badly, or if this is a spur of the moment decision and he's enjoying the payoff. Regardless, you can't ignore the slight pressure of his thigh between your legs, riding up higher and higher until—
Until you get an incredibly stupid idea.
He doesn't get a two second warning. What he gets is your arms around his back—the hug you wanted and now he gets—and the sudden upward jerk of motion that sends him flailing backwards. In a move you had no idea you were capable of, he's now on his back, mask still riding up to his nose, eyes wide, expression damn near cartoonish.
"Wh—" is all he gets out before you're kissing him.
You're the one bracketing his hips with your thighs. You're the one pinning him down and making him breathless. And, damnit, once you pull back enough to get a look at his face, you're the one getting him to look up at you like he's seeing you for the first time.
You grin, leaning in close and whispering, "Is it supposed to feel like this?"
He licks his lips, and your eyes trace the trail of his tongue. "Like what?" he asks, quieter now than you've ever heard him.
Your answer is another firm kiss, the ache in your muscles shifting course and alchemizing into something far hotter, liquid heat settling between you. And you pull back one more time, dropping your head so your lips brush his ear. You swear you feel him shudder.
"I think we have a few more forms to go through," you say.
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sanakimohara · 4 months
“Go Go Dancer +” B.C. +L.M. +S.C. +H.J.
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Can you tell I wrote this sleep deprived, worked up, and angry? 🖤 No? Well music will do that to you I guess.. 🖤 Enjoy this Drabble…
[ MDNI ]
Dancing to these songs with Chan, Changbin, Jisung, and Minho after drinking all night with them. 
They don't know what to do with you, are too drunk to stop you from going wild, and are in awe of how you move so effortlessly with alcohol drowning your veins. You go from one man to the next, flirting with them as giggles bubble in your chest, and your confidence grows when they get handsy with you. 
Chan is the first to have you, swaying his hips in rhythm with yours as he hugs you from behind. 
You're all smiley when he wraps a hand around your throat, tilting your head to look at him, "You're acting like a slut…you know that right, baby girl?" His voice is low, almost drowned out by the music, but you hear him clearly. 
"So what if I am Channie. You seem to like it," you respond cockily, biting your bottom lip to keep from kissing him as his grip on your neck tightens. His amber-brown eyes darken at the sight, and you hum triumphantly, feeling his clothed cock twitch against the curve of your ass.
"I love it, actually," he corrects you with a heavy breath, slowly losing his mind as you reach behind to drag a hand through his soft hair. "Mmm, I can tell, daddy…." You mumble matter-of-factly, smirking as he groans at the familiar title falling from your glossy lips. Just to fan the flames of his leering restraint, you sighed a soft moan out in return.
Chan swore he saw red as the heavenly sound hit his ears, but he didn't get to enjoy it long as Minho stole you away.
"My turn…" he cooed at the older, smirking as he held your hands in his and pulled you straight into his chest. You laughed loudly as the world spun for a second, "Shit, Min…. you're getting me all dizzyyy!…" you whine playfully, wrapping your arms around his neck while he encircled your waist.
"Like you care," he chuckled as you pressed closer to him. He was right; you were too far gone to care, and the longer you two grind onto each other, the less gravity seems to matter to you. Minho is incredibly fluid with his movements, entirely in control of your hips and practically letting you ride his thigh for everyone to see.
Everyone was the three other members who were either watching you with hungry eyes or pouring themselves another drink while doing so.
They all knew you could be….' messy,' but this was another provocative level.
They loved it.
You didn't care what you looked like to them at this point, body buzzing with energy from an obscene amount of spirits, and your throat for physical touch rising dangerously high in their company.
How could anyone think straight, grinding on Minho's thigh? What could a girl like you do when her cunt was already slick and begging to be touched?
Ignore them? Act as if they weren't there for your comfort?
No….that just wasn't right.
Every single one of them knew what they wanted from you. Their role in your satisfaction was purely transactional for the time being, and they were keeping you from going to waste.
Minho was caught in a trance, watching your lips mouth the words to the song and your eyes sliding shut in bliss as he squeezed your ass. "Chan hyung was right….you turn into a real whore fast.."
"I can be one all the time if you pay me.." you snap back with a sultry smile, unable to hear him respond before a soft hand snakes around your waistline and drags you into another warm chest. 
Jisung's, to be exact.
"Hi, pretty girl," he muses in your ear, licking his lips as you reach for his hands and trail them up your sides. "Hi, pretty boy," you tease him back, turning to peck his lips once, then twice. Jisung whines at the sudden affection, gaze softening as you stare into his eyes, dazed out of your mind. He'd forgotten to breathe for a second, losing his own train of thought as you hooked two fingers under his belt to drag him closer for another quick kiss.
"Ah fuck," he groaned into your mouth, eyes slightly rolling as you traced your middle finger up the entire length of his dick imprint. Jisung was painfully hard, almost as needy as you, when a drop of alcohol entered his system, and you found it cute.
"Awe, Hannie…should I help you out, hm?" You taunted him, palming his cock shamelessly and achieving your goal of flustering him in front of the others. He nodded slowly, starting to pant as you giggled and narrowed your eyes at his pleasured expressions.
He always looked so cute begging…
Fortunately for him, Changbin stepped in just before you could make him come right where he stood.
"Noooo… Binnie, I was havin' so much fun with Hannie!" You whine as the older male plucks you from the ground with one arm around your waist. The drink he poured himself a moment ago is still in his free hand, and by the time he settles on the couch with you on his lap facing him, the liquor in his glass is gone with one gulp.
"I wanted a shot too!" You pout at his lack of sharing, and he smiles in return. "I'll pour another one then…" Changbin obliges you, sitting up and leaning forward to reach behind you. His large body engulfs your smaller one even while sitting in his lap. It's a mesmerizing comparison, and you get wetter from the realization.
He could fuck you onto his cock all night and never break a sweat…
You suspected that experience wasn't too far away from happening as he rested his chin on your exposed shoulder while pouring your drink.
Changbin took his time, enjoying the way you squirmed in his embrace to try and bounce to the beat of the music innocently and acting as if his erection wasn't brushing your inner thigh.
"Here we go," he announced, sitting back slightly to hand you his refilled glass, and you reached for it without hesitation. Changbin avoided your gesture, staring you down intensely as he clarified his action, "I never said it was yours, baby."
“….Binnie pleaseeee!…”
"Please, what?.."
You huffed, starry eyes glossing over with desperation as you begged him, "Please let me have the drink…"
Changbin studied your expression briefly, smirking unapologetically as a blush flushed your cheeks and your brows knitted together in frustration.
How could he say no to you?…
"Since you asked so nicely," he gave in to you, but instead of handing you the glass, he downed the drink himself. You were seconds from leaving his lap and storming over to one of the other members but scrapped that planned tantrum as he brought you in for a heated kiss.
Changbin held the back of your neck firmly, his other hand resting under your chin as he let the liquor in his mouth seep onto your tongue. You moaned gratefully, and the bitter taste flooded your throat, his tongue continuing to play with yours as he dropped the hand on your chin to grip your thigh and shift your lower half directly against his.
You smiled at the friction, eyes rolling the sloppier the kiss became, and your hands traveling over the expanse of chest. Changbin groaned every time your nails dug through his tight white shirt, switching to tug at his dark hair as you broke away from the kiss to breathe.
Everything was blurry for a moment. You could hear the members laughing, speaking to each other about you, but you had no control of your five senses anymore.
All except touch.
You felt them as clearly as cold rain hitting your skin in the early morning. Their hands rain your body, stripping you down bare and playing with your most intimate areas.
The burning stretch of each of their cocks sank into for what felt like hours upon hours.
That distinctive sticky residue of their cum glossing your skin in a relentless cycle…
Every breath, moan, and whisper they let out while using your body for all it's worth.
You could feel it all….
And you regret none of it the following day.
I’m going to bed now….🖤
I couldn’t find an edit with the hyung line and JISUNG I’m sorry but this’ll just have to do cause I’m tirrreeeddd… 🖤 credit to the creator 🖤
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wonder-kid-pugh · 11 months
Falling for me... literally? - Alessia Russo x reader
It wasn't a secret that off the football pitch Alessia wasn't the most graceful person. Hell even on the pitch Alessia struggled to stay on her feet the entire time.
It was a running joke with the team that Alessia was quite possibly the clumsiest person alive. So the blonde did her best to prove her teammates wrong.
Although it didn't quite work out most of the time.
But overtime Alessia had made peace with it. As embarrassing as it was it was true. That despite her profession she wasn't the best on her feet. Even if she had accepted it, it didn't mean that she sometimes hated that fact.
Especially now.
"Ella shut up!" Alessia groans as Ella continues to cackle beside her as they enter the hospital.
Ella tries to stop but it only turns to giggles instead. "I'm sorry" she says not really sounding sorry at all. But another grin over takes her face as she falls into laughter again. "I just can't wait for you to explain what happened".
Alessia blushes crimson as Ella bursts out laughing again gaining the attention of other people. Alessia ducked her head down not wanting to drag anymore attention to herself.
Alessia instead busiest herself with admitting her details all while trying to ignore Ella who continuously teased her.
Surprisingly they weren't waiting all that long before someone came and saw her.
Alessia was in the middle of rolling her eyes at her best friend as she poked more fun at her when someone flew into the room.
"Sorry about that" you apologize when you see how the blonde jumped at the sudden entry. Sending her a quick smile hoping it would help her calm down. "I'm still new here. Still trying to find my bearings".
But Alessia couldn't answer. She was too busy staring at how beautiful you looked.
She was jolted out of it by a swift elbow to her side from her teammate. Her face pinkened as she gave you a sheepish smile. "It's...It's fine".
You return it and Alessia swears that if she was hooked up to one of those heart monitors she would have been screwed. "Well what brings you here today?"
Alessia rolls her eyes contemplating hitting her friend when she hears her failing to hide her chuckles but instead settles for focusing on the pretty nurse in front of her.
But it seems she's saved from explaining when your eyes flicker up to her eyebrow.
"Mind if I take a look?" You ask as you get gloves on. Alessia nods quietly as you walk closer to her. Even with the blonde sitting down you were just barely at her height standing up. But you were thankfully able to get a clear look at her eyebrow coming level with her eyes.
Which you struggled to not pay attention when her blue orbs were fixed on you.
You kiss your teeth as you look at the small split right off her eyebrow. "Ouch what happened here?"
Alessia blushes furiously which she blames on the fact that Ella once again bursts our laughing instead of how gently your touching her face. "Um".
"She has an ongoing fued with gravity" Ella teases thinking that her best friend is currently flustered due to her teasing not the pretty girl checking out her split head. "Less can't seem to stay on her feet for long periods of time".
Alessia glares at the brunette hoping that it would shut her up.  But she doesn't get the hint. She opens her mouth to tease the blonde some more but she's cut off by her phone ringing.
Ella takes out her phone and sends the striker a small smile. "Sorry it's Joe".
But Alessia waves her off almost as if relived for the reprieve. "It's okay go take it".
Ella looks over her almost as if to make sure it's okay before she ducks out of the room to answer the call.
"Sorry about her" Alessia sighs softly.
But you just chuckle as you shake her head. "Don't be" you reassure her as your raise an eyebrow at her, "we all have that one friend".
Alessia laughs and nods but immediately stops when pain shoots through her head and she winces.
You frown at the girl's visible pain. "So what really happened?" You ask as you focus back on the wound. Careful not to cause her anymore pain.
Alessia pursues her lips before sighing rubbing her hands on her thighs nervously.
"I..." Alessia starts but relents when you smile softly at her. "I tripped" she admits with a small shrug, "I tripped and I hit my head off the corner of the couch".
You raise an eyebrow at her, "So there's some truth behind what your friend was saying?"
Alessia blushes and lets out a small cough trying to deflect. But you just give her arm a gentle squeeze. "It's okay. It's cute" you wink and giggle when you see how red the blonde gets.
You give her a grin before going back to her wound. You were so focused on her wound that you didn't see how she looked at you. How it gave Alessia the perfect opportunity to check you out while you were so close and so focused on something else.
If you had been paying attention you would have noticed all of that. Especially how big her grin was when she saw how you had to go on your tippy toes at times.
"So how are you feeling?" You ask as your eyes flicker down to hers.
Alessia's eyes widened thinking she was caught but eventually stumbled back an answer. "oh uh...fine just a headache really". Almost as if to prove a point she winces once more as you gently prod a tender area.
You raise another eyebrow at her as she smiles sheepishly at being caught. "Okay and maybe a bit sore".
You hum as you look her over putting your hand to her forehead to check her temp as she was incredibly flush. "Any dizziness? Nausea?" But that just earned you a small head shake from the girl.
"How long ago was this?" You ask as you take off your gloves.
Alessia shrugs, "Not long. We came straight here cause Ella was worried about a concussion. And we weren't waiting long. So I'd say a little over an hour ago?"
You grin at her as you cross your arms and you lean back against the wall. "Yeah that was me. I saw you in the waiting room and said we better get you out of there before people realized who you were".
Alessia nearly chokes on air. "You know who I am?" Already blushing at the fact that the pretty girl knows who she is.
"Yeah my niece adores you guys". You give her a sly grin. "I brought her to some of the Euro games. We were there when you scored you backheel". You rolled your eyes lightly but judging by your smile it was playful, "After that my niece wouldn't shut up about you after that. So thanks for that".
Alessia bites the inside of her cheek but that doesn't nothing to stop the smile blooming on her face. "Sorry about that".
You shrug, "It's fine. I guess there's worst things to talk about than a pretty girl".
Alessia can't do anything but blush unable to say anything in fear of coming off like an idiot. But she's saved when Ella barges into the room again.
"So what's the verdict Doc?" She asks oblivious to the conversation she interrupted.
You give her an amused look before focusing back on the blonde. "Well it looks like you are very lucky Miss Russo". Your arms cross and Alessia has to force herself to focus on what your saying rather than how look they look in your scrub top. "You have no signs of concussion. And the wound isn't deep so that's good which means we could probably do strips rather than stitches".
Alessia nods along but it's Ella who answers. "That's great news Less". Alessia nods along thankful that it's not serious enough for her to miss the end of the season.
"Perfect. I'll get you sorted out and then you'll be good to go" you nod as you move around collecting what you need.
Ella throws her thumb over her shoulder, "I'll give Mark a call and update him".
Alessia nods and waves her off as the midfielder once again leaves.
Alessia once again fixates on you as you put back on gloves and begin to work on her wound. "So you came to the Euro's games?"
You smile your eyes flickering down to hers briefly before focusing back on the task at hand. "Yeah my niece it seems inherited my love for football and her mother doesn't see the appeal so I took her to the games".
"Unfortunately I was working for the final though so her mom had to take her" you sighed as you gently put on the first steri strip to hold the wound closed and allow it to heal. "But I got a blow by blow from my niece about how amazing the Lionesses were".
Alessia smiles seeing how you talk about your niece. "How old is she?"
You smile grows thinking of your niece, "Lucy is eight and in love with anything Football and will probably combust when she hears I met you today".
Alessia goes to nod but immediately stops when you tisk her and hold her head in place as to not disrupt her work. What you didn't notice was how you stopped her by cupping her face which immediately stopped Alessia in her tracks.
Alessia clears her throat as she tries to deflect from her definitely reddening face. "Who does she support? The blonde asks with a grin.
You pause briefly to grin amusedly at her, "Why are you going to ask for someone else to treat you if I say I'm a city fan?"
Alessia despite knowing (and also hoping) that you were joking can't help but play along. "Maybe" she says cheekily as she smiles at you.
You scoff but can't help but let the smile slip through as you pull off your gloves. "Well then. Too bad cause I'm already done".
You hold up a small mirror, "If you look closely I spelt out City in the strips".
Alessia rolls her eyes. "Haha very funny".
"I know I am" you quip back with a wink and a grin.
Before either one of you can continue your banter Ella enters the room again. "Well that's you all sorted out". You look at Alessia, "Someone will be by to tell you anything you need to know about looking after them for the next day or so. And they'll also get you sorted with all the discharge work".
Alessia nods and smiles at you losing all her words at that moment.
"Well I hope you have a nice evening and don't have anymore fights with a couch" you tease with earns a snort from Ella.
"No promises" Alessia quips back which shocks her friend but ignores it for the moment.
You smirk as you head to leave the room, "Good luck with the rest of your season".
Alessia bites her lip seeing your about to leave. But she needs to know. "Wait!" She starts which honestly scares her best friend not expecting it. She takes a breath as you stop and turn around in the doorway. "What club do you support?"
You shrug playfully crossing your arms once more as Alessia forces herself to keep focused on your eyes. "I am a fan of the Gunners" you say as Ella lets out a loud groan. But right before you leave you wink at her. "But I don't know. United have been looking pretty good recently".
And with that she leaves not notice the love sick look Alessia is left with as you walk away to carry on with your day.
Alessia can't help but stare after you hoping to catch another glimpse but it seems her best friend is focused on other things. 
"What does she mean recently? We're always good!"
Two days.
It had been two days and you still consumed Alessia's mind. So much so that when she went back to the hospital under the guise that she just wanted to be sure she was fully fit to play again she couldn't help but ask for you.
Which she was only disappointed to hear that you weren't working today.
And thus her plan failed.
So for the past 2 days she has had to suffer Ella telling the entire team how she slipped and ended up going to the hospital and got flustered when she had to explain everything to you.
Thankfully she didn't know that the real reason she was so flustered was because of you, so she was saved from the constant teasing from her teammates.
A small mercy she supposed.
So when she told the team that she couldn't go to practice because she had to get checked up at the hospital it was really a plan to hopefully see you.
And if she could manage it maybe ask you out.
Only she didn't consider that it would be your day off when she thought of it. Which meant she was now alone with the day to herself.
So she went for a run.
She hadn't been training since she had split her head. And she was starting to get restless from not doing anything and decided a small run wouldn't hurt anyone.
She was only gone an hour before she was coming back up to her house. But as she was coming up to her house she started to slow down as her attention is on the massive moving truck.
Curious as always Alessia alows down to try and get a peak and what kind of stuff her new neighbors has.
But of course as if the universe was punishing her for being nosey. Her foot catches on the curb sending her tumbling. Alessia staggers forward her hand held out to try and catch herself. And right as she's sure she's about to eat the pavement, someone catches her.
"I'm starting to think you're doing this on purpose..."
Alessia immediately perked up as her head snapped towards the voice.
"Like I mean there's no possible way someone could be this clumsy without it being on purpose" you tease as you grin down at her.
Alessia was too in shock to even respond as she just dumbly stared at you.
But it seems that you catch her stare as you raise an eyebrow at her with a teasing smirk. "Or maybe you just wanted another excuse to come see me at the hospital?"
Alessia was sure that her face was as red as the jersey she wore. "I uh I don't..."
But you just shook your head as your crossed your arms as Alessia busied herself with straightening herself up. "I'm new but I'm already the talk of the nurses station apparently". You tilt your head at her, "I suppose that what happens when one of the Lionesses comes in and asks for you by name".
Alessia bites her lip knowing that she's been caught. "Uh...". But when she sees the smile your trying to contain she relaxes even the tiniest bit. "Okay yeah. I did".
You hold you hand to your chest as your face morphs in mock shock. "God I'm honored. Truly!"
Alessia scoffs lightly but smiles in good humor. "Well maybe I should be the one that's worried" Alessia teases trying to turn it back on you. "I mean your the one that's following me".
But it just earns a smirk from you as you lean up against the moving truck. "Actually no I'm not". You jut a thumb at the truck, "I'm using my day off to move into my new place".
Alessia's eyes nearly bugged out of her head. Her mouth dropped as you giggled at her.
"You...your going to be living....here?" Alessia says as she points to the apartment building right beside of them. When you nodded, her smile seemed to widen.
"Judging by your reaction, I guess I'm talking to my new neighbor?" You ask.
Alessia just smiles widely at you, "Hi".
You chuckle but can't help but notice how cute the forward is.
This seems to enbolden her as her chest puffs out a bit in confidence. "Do you need a hand with all your stuff? She asks as she leans over to look into the truck.
You lick your lips as you bite your lip before shaking your head. "No...I couldn't ask you to do that. I'm sure that's not how you would want to spend your day off".
But Alessia is quick to wave you off as she moves to grab one of the boxes by the edge of the truck. "Not at all! Seriously it's fine. Beside it looks like you already have most of it done. I'll just help you with the last of it". She flashes you a smile which makes your heart soar. "Consider it a thank you for helping me out the other day".
Now it's your turn to blush at the praise while Alessia internally cheers at the achievement.
"Well it's nice to know it's healing up nicely" you say as you brush some of the loose hairs out of her face to have a look at the old wound.
And if Alessia wasn't scared of dropping your stuff, she definitely would have dropped the box.
It seems like you catch yourself in the moment as you blush again before backing up thinking you were making the blonde uncomfortable.
You clear your throat as you grab another box and nod in thanks. "Thank you".
Alessia smiles back at you as she nods her head towards the building, "Lead the way".
You lead the way up to your apartment but of course the lift isn't working meaning the two of you have to trudge up and down the stairs with the last remaining boxes. It took about another 5 trips but the two of you got the job done.
"Thank you so much for all your help" you thank her as you flop back down to the couch.
Thankfully that came with the apartment so it was one of the few things you didn't need to carry up the stairs.
She takes a deep breath as she puts down the box on the ground with the others. "It's no problem" she says as she drops down onto the couch with you.
You give her a look, "Really it was". You playfully groan as your head drops onto the back of the couch. "I don't think I would have managed another trip up and down those stairs".
"The benefit of having a professional athlete as a neighbor?" She offers with a smile.
The two of you fall into laughter before you check the time. "Well the least I could do for taking up your evening is offer you dinner". You see her open her mouth most likely to argue but you just take her hand which was in-between you on the couch.
"It will be no hassle at all and I was planning on getting a takeout anyways. I have nothing in the fridge and even if I did I don't think I have the energy to make anything" you add. It seems that Alessia contemplate for a second before sighing and nodding.
"Great!" You smile as you squeeze her hand before getting up from the couch. "Pizza okay with you?"
Alessia nods also standing up. "Yeah that's perfect". She points her thumb over her shoulder at the door. "I'm just going to go freshen up is that alright?"
You nod before realizing you probably need to do the same. "Yeah that's fine. I probably need to do the same". You peel your shirt off you only realizing now how it was slicked with sweat.
Alessia laugh at the disgusted look on your face to which you roll your eyes. "What apartment are you? Will I come up to you when it's here or...."
Alessia nearly winces thinking how messy her apartment is right now. "No. Uh I'm right about you. And I won't take long so I'll come back down".
You grin as you nod, "Alright but if your not down in time I'll just bang the brush on the roof".
Alessia laughs as she walks out of the apartment. The moment she hit the stairs and knew you couldn't see she bolted up the stairs. Knowing how long it took her to get ready, she had the quickest shower of her life before rushing around to get ready to meet you back downstairs.
But she made sure to grab something before heading back down again.
She knocked on the door as she rocked on the balls of her feet waiting. You opened the door with a smile as you nodded you head in, "Perfect timing it was just delivered there".
She smiled as she followed you in as she hid the bag she brought drop beside the couch as the two of you tucked into the pizza.
There never seemed to be a lull between you. The conversation just flowed effortlessly. As much as you tried to turn the conversation to Alessia, she made it clear that she was interesting in your life as she asked about being a doctor. She was also surprised to find out you were a former field medic.
Although that did explain your physique.
But you remained adamant that you wanted to learn more about her as well. But not the superstar Alessia Russo. The questions were aimed more towards how she go into soccer as well as her family. Not wanting to pry into her professional life in fear of overstepping.
It was so easy to talk to her. So easy that you didn't realize how late it was getting.
"God I can't believe it's 10:30" you say shocked when you see the time. Due to it being the summer, the sun always set late which always gave off the false illusion of time to you.
"Yeah it's crazy" Alessia nods as she puts the wine glasses over in the sink.
It was only as you were cleaning up did you realize the bag that Alessia had hid when she came back. "What's this?"
Alessia blushes as she scratched the back of her head. "Uh well it's kinda the real reason I came to the hospital to see you?" She motions for you to open the bag only to find a Manchester United jersey with her name and number on the back signed.
"I thought that you could give it to your niece?" She said slowly before adding, "And I was thinking that whenever your free I could get you tickets to a game?" Her eyes widen, "Only if you would want to now! I wouldn't want to force you to!"
You shake your head as your heart once again soars at the sweet gesture. "This is amazing Alessia. Your too kind. Thank you".
But you smirk as you couldn't help but tease her. "What about me though?"
She tilts her head at you and you have to hold yourself back from audibly awing at how cute she is. It almost resembles a puppy to you.
"What? No jersey for me?" You ask wiggling your eyebrows at her letting you know your teasing.
But she seemingly plays along with you. "I didn't know if I would be able to convince you to wear it. Seeing as your a Gunners Girl".
You let out a little laugh as you moves towards her. Most people would be intimidated by the height difference. But you were used to it in your years with the army and had grown used to tougher situations. "Well I mean it would take some convincing I mean..."
By the way your eyes had flickered down from her eyes to her lips and back up again, Alessia took that as her sign.
"Maybe a date?" Alessia chances as she hopes she didn't read the situation wrong. "Would convince you I mean?"
You bite your lip but it does nothing to hide the smile on your face. "I mean" you start with a grin. "It would have to be a pretty amazing date with someone pretty special". You wink at her, "I mean I don't wear just anyone's jersey you know?"
Alessia smiled at your banter. "Well I hear that number 23 for United is pretty good".
You nod with a smile, "Hmm I heard that too". You tilt your head up at her. "How about we settle this with a little wager then?"
"I'm listening" Alessia agrees.
"Well if that number 23 can score again in their upcoming game against Arsenal...then I guess I'll agree to going on a date with you".
Alessia couldn't help but feel both competitive and giddy. "You should know that she has a good track record for scoring against Arsenal" she challenges raising an eye at you.
But you just nod subtly licking your lips as you look at her before looking back up at those gorgeous sky blue eyes and breath out.
"That's what I'm counting on".
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mactavsh · 2 years
Watching Over
Synopsis: Price tries to keep you awake while captured.
Relationships: Father Figure!Captain John Price x Female Reader, John “Soap” MacTavish x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.5K
Warnings: violence, swearing, mentions of blood/injuries
Note: Debated posting this one because it is quite self serving, but maybe someone else needs their fictional father figure to tell them they're proud of them too. The title was inspired from this song.
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If it was an Intel mission that required a certain level of finesse, Laswell always knew who to send. You and Captain Price worked seamlessly after the many years of training he'd given you. He scouted you early on in your career quickly becoming a mentor in your eyes. He had also easily fallen into a paternal role, unbeknownst to him. 
However, Laswell knew how Price had a habit of adopting kids. As a joke, she kept a running list of his “next of kin”. It started with you and has grown over the years to include Gaz, Soap and Ghost. 
The mission required the two of you to go completely dark, Laswell was sending you to Mexico at the behest of Alejandro. You would both have to be in zero contact until the mission was complete. You both understood the gravity of the situation - there would be no backup.
You were given a month to track down an emerging cartel that was responsible for a rise in weapons trading. Los Vaqueros couldn’t yet make a move against them so Alejandro reached out to Laswell and Price for assistance. 
When you landed in Mexico you had a brief meeting with Alejandro and Rodolfo to learn what they knew. After that you and Captain Price set out to see what you could find. By then end of your first week you had figured out the names of the higher ups and the locations of a few meeting spots.
However, when you had gone to infiltrate the meeting, there were more men than expected. The two of you certainly made quite a dent in their numbers but were eventually overpowered. You had been knocked out by someone who snuck up behind you. Price heard you fall and was distracted just long enough for someone to sneak up behind him, subsequently knocking him out next.
When you woke up you were both chained to metal chairs. You were situated on opposite sides of the room but facing each other. The cold metal dug painfully into your ribs with every breath. There were no windows, no way to tell how long you had been there.
Hours blurred into days then weeks. The daily torture had worn the both of you down. They gave you just enough food to keep you alive and looking at how Price’s features had grown sunken in you assumed yours had as well. 
They had learned early on the dynamic between you two as much as you both tried to remain stoic, so they focused their torture on you hoping it would get Price to talk. What they didn't realize was that both Price and you would sooner die than tell them anything.
You were sure the check-in date Laswell had set had long since passed and you could only imagine the hell Soap, the 141, and Los Vaqueros were raising trying to find out what happened. 
Your captors had just left after another bout of torture trying to get information out of both of you. Bruises began blooming on Price’s bare chest, emerging blue and red tones mixed with already yellow spots. Your arms sported new deep gashes atop barely healed scar tissue. Blood slowly trickled down your arms as your chest heaved. Your mind was dizzy from the pain and it was taking everything in you to stay awake.
“Stay with me, kid.” Price spoke from the other side of the room voice even and calm as it always was.
“I refuse to die at the hands of some random fuckin’ cartel member.” Your voice was firm despite the exhaustion you felt.
“That's my girl.” Price's chest swelled with pride that turned to worry as your head lolled downward. “Tell me about why you joined.”
You groaned and slowly brought your head back up to squint over at him. “Haven't I already?”
“You like to call me an old man.” He smirked, ”I forgot, tell me again.”
You huffed, if your brain wasn’t so foggy you would have immediately realized it was a tactic to keep you awake. “My dad served, his dad served, felt like I had to keep the legacy going. My grandfather also said I’d never outrank him so I had to prove him wrong.”
“That why you’re my youngest Staff Sergeant?”
“You bet your ass it is.”
Price forced out a laugh. “Out of spite, eh?“
“It’s how I do most things.”
“He still around? Your grandfather?”
“Passed a year or so after I was promoted.”
“Sorry to hear that.”
You shrugged as best you could with the chains restricting your movement. “He lived a long happy life.” Price didn’t press further about your family, he knew your parents were also passed and you didn’t have any siblings. The 141 had become your found family and he was happy that you were no longer alone. 
“You remember the day we met?” Price pressed, trying to keep you awake.
“Yeah,” You breathed out, exhaustion dancing in the corner of your eyes. “you called me a muppet.”
Price smiled recalling the day. “You looked bloody ridiculous under all that gear. Five feet tall wearing gear in Ghost’s size.”
“My CO did it on purpose when we got word you were coming to scout recruits for some secret spy shit. He wanted his golden boy to be picked.”
“Bastard's plan failed. When I saw you running the course like that I knew you were the best for the job.”
You looked down at your feet, you weren’t sure you could ever put into words how thankful you were for all he's done for you. “Thank you, for choosing me. You pulled me out of a dark place that day though I didn't see it at the time.”
“You’ve got nothing to thank me for. Hell, you’ve saved my life more times than I can count. I’m proud of you, Y/n. You’re a whole lot more than you give yourself credit for.”
You weren’t sure if it was the praise or the blood loss but tears began to well in your eyes and you were powerless to stop them.
“When we get out of here we are going on leave.” The Captain’s voice was firm, an unofficial order.
“That so? Don’t think my husband would let me go on holiday with another man.” You joked half-heartedly, the day you told Price you were officially dating Soap he had called the sergeant into his office. An hour passed before you saw either of them again and for a week after that Soap could barely make eye contact with the captain. When you and Soap had gotten married it was Price who walked you down the aisle. 
Price rolled his eyes. “All of us. Been too long since we had a day we weren’t fighting for our lives.”
“Would be nice.”
“Thinkin' a lakeside cabin deep in the woods. I’m going to teach everyone how to fish-” Just then the sounds of distant explosions rocked the room you were in. Concrete dust fell into your lap and you stared at it for a moment.
“I hope that's our favorite demolitions expert.” You spoke as you looked back up at Price.
“Wonder how they found this shithole.”
“Alejandro?” You proposed as another explosion sounded, this time closer.
“Maybe. These idiots probably got cocky and sent some bloody ridiculous ransom note to Los Vaqueros.” 
The sound of gunshots grew near, gradually getting louder until they stopped altogether. Price looked at you then you both looked at the door. What felt like an eternity passed until the door was broken open. A familiar masked face entered, gun at the ready until his eyes settled on the room’s occupants.
“Bloody hell,” Ghost said as he dropped his weapon and pressed the button on his communication device. “I’ve got Price and Y/n. Second-floor northwest corner.” He grabbed the bolt cutters off his back and moved towards you, quickly snapping the chains that were holding you in place. He put a hand on your shoulder and you grabbed his forearm, both gently squeezing the other before letting go, a silent reassurance. He then stood and moved toward Price to free him.
You stayed seated and rubbed your wrists, you knew if you stood now the blood loss would likely make you pass out. The sounds of footsteps in the hallway made your body tense before Soap’s frantic form stepped through the doorway.
“Thank fuckin’ Christ.” Soap spoke as he ran toward you. He kneeled in front of you, gently placing his gloved hands on either side of your face. He rubbed his thumb along your cheek, careful of the small cut there. “You alright, love?”
You stared into his eyes for a moment, basking in the blueness that had come to feel like home. A tired smile crossed your face as you leaned into the gentle touch. “Better now.”
Soap smiled back and you and then slowly helped you stand. He kept a gentle hold on your arm as you regained your equilibrium. After you were sure you weren't going to pass out you walked over to Price, immediately wrapping your arms around him.
“We made it, old man.” You spoke into his chest.
Price placed his chin on your head and gently rubbed his hand along your back. “Knew we would, kiddo.” 
“Should I be jealous?” Soap whispered jokingly to Ghost as they watched the exchange.
“Shut the fuck up, Soap.” Ghost rolled his eyes before swatting the back of Soap’s mohawk.
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Ok so now that I've spent some time thinking about the whole "Chuuya was never a vampire" twist, I... still don't like it. For many reasons.
Here's my explanation; if you want to read it, please do. I strive to be fair. I want to wait for the manga release before making a verdict on whether it's bad writing or not, and I also want to see the start of next arc to see where they're going with all this.
If you don't want to read it, and you're having fun with the twist (it is funny. I will admit that much), then skip this and keep having fun! I don't want to ruin anyone's enjoyment.
First of all. It makes no sense. There are things that just do not add up. There was never an indication this was a possibility.
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Bro. Did you put on costume makeup for the texture under your eyes? Did it wash off after nearly getting drowned and you had to frantically reapply it behind Fyodor's back and that's why we couldn't see your face for several chapters. Did you take it off again for your dramatic reveal here at the end? I demand smeared undereye makeup Chuuya in the manga when it releases hbfsdjhbfv
Ok this was more a joke. But here's what really irks me.
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From what I can recall, this is. True. He needs to have made contact to manipulate gravity. It's also re-established in this very arc.
Great. So how the fuck did he slow the elevator? He was with Fyodor in a separate room! This makes no sense. Did he leave to stop the elevator and Fyodor was like "oh chill. ok come back soon"??? What?!
Here's another thing I want to address:
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@ticklinglady I had this same question. However, on thinking on it again, I do have an answer that makes sense - they had to buy time for Sigma to use his ability on Fyodor, to gain knowledge on him about what he knows, and what his ability is. <-I feel confident in saying this is going to be important later. Sigma will still have a role to play and we will find out more about Fyodor!
Alright. Moving on to the themes, and why this also doesn't work (at least for me).
The theme in this arc is very much to do with the contrast between trust vs control. This is Fyodor's failing when it came to Dazai, and it is established very early on as the major contrast between them, in the Sky Casino arc. The vampires, though it seemed silly and random, fit nicely into that theming. And the conclusion, where Dazai showed extreme faith in Sigma and the Agency members (and what an interesting contrast that is; to have someone show faith in ordinary humans when his foil is a man who has faith in god but not humanity), that fits into that theming also. Ok, so this was an extension of that right? Showing faith in Chuuya, as always.
Yeah, no. I want to direct your attention back to this here.
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This line is the one that had everyone going "oh man skk is going to fuck you up for that". I made an entire analysis back when this chapter first came out about the themes that we saw, and Fyodor's utter devaluing of the effectiveness of people beyond just their skills and abilities (it's here, if you're curious). This is why I suspected that, since Dazai and Fyodor are intellectually matched, it would have to be Sigma and Chuuya to catch Fyodor off guard - because he only values what people can do, not who they are.
Well, we got a little with Sigma, before Fyodor took control of the situation again. (Rip buddy.) Sigma's tenacity and unwillingness to fall for Fyodor's manipulating him away from helping the Agency was based off his personal choice and free will. He managed to shoot him! Fyodor was reduced to a cheap trick to get close enough to stab him! There was a certain level of payoff.
But Chuuya? I want you to think for a second. What did he actually do? Not a single part of this was Chuuya's idea. It was Mori's - he was at the very least sent undercover under orders, if not sent to Meursault under orders. He didn't even glue his own fangs in apparently. Now let's go over what he did. Why was it so necessary that it be Chuuya there? Well, obviously because gravity manipulation was needed to slow the elevator and the bullet. Oh... hm. So. His ability. Was what was needed, huh?
But it was necessary for it to be Chuuya because of the bond between him and Dazai, right? Oh. Wait. So, Chuuya's personality and goals don't matter - only his ability to read Dazai.
This twist makes it so Chuuya as a person doesn't actually throw a wrench into Fyodor's plans at all. All that matters is that he is Mori's executive and Dazai's partner. I guess he was "utilized" after all. I thought, with his characterization in Fifteen and Stormbringer, that we were moving away from this characterization of Chuuya only by his bond with Dazai. Do you want to scream.
You might be saying, okay, but at the very least it showed the depths of Double Black's bond! ...did it? Not really, at least not to me. The only impressive part of any of this was Mori's preparedness. This was barely an skk plan. It was a Mori plan. Double Black placing their lives in each other's hands is a Tuesday for them. This is nothing we didn't already know. And truthfully, it goes nowhere near the level of sheer trust we saw in Dead Apple. Mori sent Chuuya in sure, but it was only after everything settled down that he realized that Mori suspected Dazai would need help. Before that point, it seemed everyone thought Dazai was dead except Chuuya. Chuuya chose to jump out of that plane. Chuuya chose to risk his life. It showcased his personality, his free agency, and the level of trust they had far, far better. And it was emotionally satisfying! Dazai was extremely grateful that his trust paid off! Chuuya was somewhat conscious during Corruption, enough to weaken his own punch and shout Dazai's name! Dazai prevented Chuuya from having his ability be separated from him by the fog! They are an unbeatable team... but they were still left exhausted, and had to rely only on each other. How does what happened in this latest episode compare to that in a way that makes me believe they've actually outmaneuvered Fyodor?
Listen. I'll take twists that don't really have a great build up if they further the themes or character development, or it just makes for good drama. There's an interesting pay off, at least, so I say "okay, okay. Could've been done better, but I'll let it slide for the intrigue." But here? Nothing. It was boring. Are you bored.
Anime watchers were probably more fine with it. Maybe it was a little disappointing, but oh well. But manga readers have been having this plot dragged out for years. A lot of said fans (including myself) were excited to see Chuuya become main series relevant and receive present day development - and it seemed like we were going to get that with the recent publication of not one, but two Chuuya backstory novels, and the drama of this arc pitting Dazai and Chuuya against each other. Instead, this did absolutely nothing of interest for his character. Why was he even here?
Which brings me to the last point, which is the characterization.
Going back and re-reading this entire arc now, it becomes one big stage performance. Ok, fine, it's a little funny. But now there's hardly anything of value to these interactions. The only ones that actually matter are Fyodor and Sigma, and Fyodor and Nikolai. All that buildup to drama between Double Black, to another incredible display of trust, to something shifting and changing from the status quo... all that build up, and nothing has changed for Chuuya, or for Double Black. The show of trust wasn't even that dramatic really. Are you bored still.
This also weakens Fyodor's character to me. Fyodor witnessed their incredible show of trust in Dead Apple. I assumed he was prepared for skk-typical bullshittery, you know, being a genius on par if not greater than Dazai. You're telling me he was so overconfident he completely missed that Chuuya wasn't a vampire? Really? Fyodor really had nothing in place that would verify whether the vampires were actually under control? He wasn't constantly checking for a plan? It really was just red eyes and fangs, and he thought that was fine? That's it? Ok.
Truthfully, I was kind of :| about several of the preceding twists in the Meursault arc, particularly the dagger Fyodor pulled out when he started acting to Sigma, and the door railing being preemptively crushed by Chuuya before the drowning started. The dagger was actually ornate in the manga, which raised several questions - it couldn't have come from a guard. It made me think there was more to that interaction than just Fyodor pretends to have a split personality and that there was actually something to that knife. Well, it was made to be a regular knife in the anime, so I guess theorizing across those lines are dashed.
What bothered me the most though was the crumpling of the rail to stop the door from completely closing. There was no indication of this in the manga. None. No one could've predicted that - because it's stupid. The water filled so fast it couldn't get out of the crack in the door, even though it was huge??? Dazai was in the control room - you're telling me that there was no security camera focused on the door??? You know, where you would position a security camera??? It was dumb to me, but I was willing to roll my eyes and move on because I was expecting a good payoff to all this, and well, it was funny.
But now, the whole arc is one extended joke skk were playing on Fyodor. And you're telling me that's how our major antagonist goes out? Our major antagonist of several arcs? Be for fucking real.
And depending on when Dazai figured it out, it may even cheapen earlier scenes. If he found out after the elevator slowed like people have been theorizing, I could accept that. That's fine. But I need people to recall: in the actual episode he states "it was all an act".
Is Dazai probably lying to save face? Sure. But as of this moment we actually have no evidence it wasn't an act from the beginning. Remember that Ango was communicating the whole time with Dazai. Remember that Mori was involved and helped Tanizaki and Kenji get to safety. It's entirely possible it was all premeditated.
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One last suggestion: the plan name was "Good-bye" as suggested earlier. This means that even if Dazai didn't know from the beginning, he knew by the time of his speech to Chuuya as he was drowning.
This means that his whole scheme with Sigma was not an extremely dangerous, life-risking play on his part at all (@daz4i has gone to explain why this sacrificialism isn't good for a suicidal character, which I recommend reading, but nonetheless it was still notable characterization for Dazai). And what about this?
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Even his own flashbacks and memories were, what? A lie? A performance? For whom? Not for Fyodor, that's for sure.
For us. The readers. For the people who are invested in these two and their dynamic. For the people who wanted development between them, because there are actually issues there that have not been resolved. People wanted Dazai to show real concern. Chuuya is still bitter, even if Dazai thinks everything is fine and the same since he left. There was a tease that we're going to get how Chuuya felt when Dazai left the Mafia at some point in the future. People were making angsty art and writing and getting really excited because all the prior interactions had appeared to be set up for the payoff of this drama.
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We get an introduction in the dungeon. We reveal their partnership and fearsome reputation during the Lovecraft fight. They perform flawlessly in Dead Apple. Throughout all this, they need no communication. They read each other and respond in tandem, always... but there's still an underlying tension in the way they do not talk to each other. I, and many others, had thought the prison escape arc was the breaking point for some development, since their prior appearances were all meant to establish them as a team, and this arc dealt heavily with the breaking of established things.
But no. Deus ex skk is perfect. They have no issues or flaws. Do you want to scream again.
Anyways. I recognize I'm probably just very disappointed right now and by tomorrow, I probably won't care anymore and will just roll with it. I think I was extra disappointed because while I tempered my expectations for, say, Yosano and Kyouka's involvement (sigh...), I fully expected skk would be handled well, being the fandom faves and where the money is at, so I guess I took the disappointment that much harder.
However, I'm eager to see how the manga tackles the ending, and if we will get any extra cues or better pacing there that may make me not quite so bitter. If it's any consolation, I do think we'll be getting Chuuya focus at some point in a future arc, and while I do think Fyodor is dead, I doubt he will have stopped haunting the narrative. He'll be back in some capacity. I'm pretty certain he's still the mastermind.
And I'm curious about the next arc and what's happening there. Maybe some things will be revealed later that will help smooth out the flaws here.
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marlynnofmany · 9 months
Stars and the Slapping Thereof
If the last spaceport had been a flat parking lot kind of place, this one reminded me of a hollow skyscraper made for birds. I don’t know how the whole thing stayed up, honestly; the walls were more open air than anything else. Spaceships parked at every level. Elevators and gravity tubes zipped around vertically, while moving sidewalks spun in opposite directions.
From where our ship sat, I had a fine view of a mixed-species group in teal uniforms all trying to crowd onto the inner sidewalk ring at the same time. They moved off to the right with only minor awkwardness. Behind the ship, I heard the unmistakable sound of a human falling over and swearing about it, most likely after stepping on the other ring accidentally.
Not that I’ve ever done that, mind you. Nooooo, not a bit of personal experience with undignified pratfalls.
“Is that— No, that isn’t them,” Paint said, paying attention to something completely different. “I hope there will still be a spot near us when they get here.” She rubbed her knuckles together in agitation, orange scales clicking.
Zhee flicked an antenna. “Kamm is always punctual,” he said. “It will be fine.”
I leaned out of the ship’s shadow to count the empty spots. “We can always go stand in one to reserve it for her.” I reconsidered. “Right? Or do the pilots land too quickly here?”
Zhee was saying something disparaging about the general population’s safety awareness when a hoverchair separated from the crowd and whirred up to us. The driver was a pale human with glittery star crystals in his dark hair, thin legs that clearly didn’t get much use, and bare feet. The toenail polish was even more galaxy-patterned than his hair. Stylish. He called out as soon as he was within polite speaking range.
“Is this the Unflattenable?” he asked, pointing at our ship.
I looked up and back. “Oh! No, but it’ll be here soon. We’re waiting for it too.”
“Ah,” he said. “Sorry. Your ship looks a lot like it.”
Zhee didn’t move, looking in both directions with his big bug eyes. “Same manufacturers,” he said.
Paint was more enthusiastic. “We haven’t seen them in forever!” she told the man. “They’re going to help us deliver a bunch of stuff in one trip.”
The man nodded. “They’re bringing cargo for me. I hoped they’d be here by now.”
“Should be soon,” I said, peering around at the many directions a ship could approach from. No sign of another lemon-looking craft with solar sails.
He nodded again. Everyone was awkwardly silent for a moment. A distant ship landed with a thump of faulty thrusters. Pedestrians on both sidewalks held loud conversations as they slid past.
“So what’s your ship called?” the man asked.
Zhee straightened up. “This is the good ship—”
Paint beat him to it. “Slap the Stars! Isn’t that a great name?”
The man burst into laughter, then apologized at the angry tilt to Zhee’s antennae. “Sorry. I love it. I’m not much of a spacer, and I keep being surprised by some of the names that ships have around here.”
“That is a perfectly normal name,” Zhee told him with an abrupt motion of one pincher. “Strongarm manufacturers. It is human ships that have the truly absurd titles.”
I grinned at him. “You’re still not over the droid jousting ship Hold My Beer, are you?”
Zhee’s tone was extremely dry. “I will never be over that.”
“I saw some great ones earlier!” Paint said, unfolding a screen and connecting to the port’s public information hub. “Let’s see, there’s the Glorious.”
“A fine Mesmer name,” Zhee put in.
“The Deep Thrum; I like that. Might be Frillian? Oh, and there’s the human warship Funwrecker.”
I laughed. “Yup, definitely human.”
“And the Better Than You.”
“That could really be either human or Mesmer,” I said with a look at Zhee.
Zhee flexed his pinchers, looking haughty. “It all depends on whether it is true.”
Paint kept reading. “What about the Solar Flare? That could be anybody.”
“Heatseeker,” Zhee said. “Solar flares are hot.”
Paint, a Heatseeker herself, scoffed quietly. “Not everything is about heat.”
“Don’t most Heatseeker ships have food names?” I asked with a glance at the other human, who was following all this with open curiosity. “Pretty sure Captain Sunlight has family with a ship called the Worm Jerky.”
“I guess they do,” Paint said thoughtfully. “It’s a good luck thing. I didn’t realize it was that common.” She looked back at the screen. “Oh, and that might explain this other ship called the Raw Flesh.”
The human spoke up at that. “The what?”
I held up both hands. “It’s got to be a translation issue. A food thing. Some specific uncooked dish. Like sushi?”
The human just shook his head and made a face like he’d tasted something unpleasant.
“There’s also the Conqueror of the Next Ocean,” Paint offered. “That one’s probably Strongarm.”
“Yeah, that makes sense,” I said. “They’re so proud of crawling out of their first ocean.”
“Strongarms are the ones with tentacles, right?” the human asked.
“Right,” I told him. “They look kind of like an octopus or a squid.”
“You said your ship was designed by Strongarms? What was it called again?”
“Slap the Stars,” I said. “Strongarms do slap a number of things with those tentacles. It’s a fun bit of sass in a ship name.”
“It’s not sass,” Zhee said scornfully. “It’s an intent to master all things, whether the things want to be mastered or not. Very admirable confidence.”
Paint looked up in distress. “I thought it was a game!” she said. “Something with pebbles on a table, right? Isn’t that a thing?”
The door to our ship opened to admit the scaly yellow form of Captain Sunlight. I turned to her for answers. “Hello, Captain! Can you tell us what the name of our ship actually means?”
Unflappable as ever, the good captain barely quirked a browridge as she walked over to join us. “Something about slapping stars, I imagine,” she said. “I always thought of it as a nod to the way damp tentacles can put out sparks of flame without getting burned.”
I threw my hands skyward in mock exasperation.
Captain Sunlight kept talking. “But then, I’m not a Strongarm. Let me ask one.” She spoke into her communicator, addressing the pilot on duty. “Wio, what is the Strongarm association with slapping stars?”
Faint and tinny, Wio’s voice said, “Pretty sure it’s something about gathering food. Spiky ones. I don’t know; I’m from a different planet.”
The human was chuckling quietly to himself at this point, while Zhee looked grumpy and Paint scrolled through more names for clues. Captain Sunlight glanced at me.
“Looks like we’ll just have to ask someone who was actually there when the ship was named,” she said, nodding toward the next dock. “Here she is.”
A bright yellow ship with folded solar sails came in to rest beside ours, remarkably stealthy when I wasn’t paying attention. The other human said a quick goodbye to us before scooting over to wait for the hatch to open.
As eager as we were to see the crew again after long last, we kept a professional distance while they did business. A pair of Heatseekers brought out the human’s crate — a fancy model with its own hover engine — and a Strongarm tactfully proffered the payment tablet.
Then Captain Kamm herself appeared, in all her deep green glory, with a polite greeting for the human and an enthusiastic wave of several tentacles toward us. “Hello over there! It’s been too long!”
“It has!” Captain Sunlight said, strolling over while the human handed back the tablet and hitched the crate to the back of his chair. I followed, with Zhee and Paint right behind. Captain Sunlight continued. “We’ve got a burning question for you. What was the original meaning behind our ship name? We seem to have come up with several. I’d ask Pockap, but…”
“But he’s far away, and also an idiot,” Captain Kamm finished, speaking about her cousin with complete honesty. He’d only been in charge for the very beginning of my time on the ship, and “idiot” was generous.
“As you say,” Captain Sunlight agreed.
“Well, if I recall correctly, it was actually inspired by a human thing,” said Captain Kamm.
“What?” I blurted. In my peripheral vision, the other human paused before going on his way.
“That thing you do,” Captain Kamm said, waving a tentacle. “Slapping each other in camaraderie.”
“We what?” I repeated, sharing a baffled look with the other guy.
Captain Kamm waved the one tentacle again, then flopped two against each other, making a wet sound. “You know,” she said. “You slap hands. Very friendly. The idea was to bring that kind of cheerful energy to the stars.”
I held my hands apart, thinking of applause, then it hit me. “Oh! Do you mean a high five?” I turned and demonstrated; the other human matched it perfectly.
“Yes!” Captain Kamm said. “That! That’s what your ship is named for!”
I laughed; I couldn’t help it. Zhee made an opinionated hiss while Paint exclaimed that that was much better than the game explanation.
“Glad I could be a part of this,” said the human. “See you around! May you slap many stars.”
“The same to you!” I said, waving as he steered onto the walkway. “Hooray for solving a mystery that we didn’t realize needed solving.”
“Those are the best kind,” said Paint, and I had to agree.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come!
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woah-uhuh-uhuh-uhuh · 8 months
NOTE: spot check me!
It was the Two Rivers script, but I still haven't read the whole Two Rivers script so if I mention something I noticed that’s actually just… in the script… lmk!
Also: if you also saw the BAC production (or if you are the BAC people???) and I missed something, let me know!!! Literally anything at all I will put it here I’d love to approach comprehensiveness!!
ALSO: Spoilers! If you plan on going to Jake’s Halloween Party maybe wait? Or don’t!!
Putting Madeline here because the first thing I noticed in the whole show is she’s ACTUALLY A FRANCOPHILE and it’s so funny ldksjfjsfksdlf. She wears a beret, and people put on a stereotypical French accent whenever they quote her djslkfjsfkfds And during the play backstage someone (I think Chloe?) runs up to her, smacks her beret off and yells “You’re not French!”
OH oh oh oh oh. Bac Jeremy my beloved…. I swear like 30% of Christine’s autism was generously donated to Jeremy for this production jlkdsfjdls
He has this habit where he’ll put his hands in his cardigan pockets and push his them around in front of him or on his body to feel the tension of the jacket stretching. Patrick said this quirk was based on a neurodivergent kid he knows. I don’t have photo evidence and IDK how to describe it perfectly but i did draw it here (x). It wasn't exactly like that though OTL
He does it whenever he’s nervous (so almost CONSTANTLY) up until BMC P.1 when the SQUIP tells him to take his hands out of his pockets. During that song you can see him trying to put his hands back safe in his pockets but afterwards he never does it again, even after The Play. He also doesn’t do it when he’s with Michael, even at the beginning, so I take it to mean it goes away when he’s comfortable. 
I think he flinches and cowers a lot (compared to other Jeremys, that is). Whenever Rich surprises him, Jeremy jumps and protectively throws his arms over his face. I think he reacts similarly to other people a few times - I don’t remember when exactly though… There’s also several times where he’ll stand totally petrified out of fear, like when Rich is writing “boyf” or when Chloe’s coming onto him. By all of this I basically mean it’s really obvious he’s been physically abused (presumably by Rich).
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Just in general, his freakouts are very physical, he’ll kinda do these stiff arm movements or cover his face in his elbow etc. Off the top of my head this happens during Upgrade and also at the end of The Play when Christine’s singing to him.
All this to say he has a very very visible physicality to his awkwardness and I love it. I don’t just mean that on a character acting level, I also mean like if you’re sitting behind him in class your attention will actively be caught by his awkwardness. 
He also has a deeper register which he uses mostly in a joke context? He used it in normal conversation a few times too, I think more towards the end.
I noticed him standing just a little pigeon-toed near the beginning. I don’t know if this carried through the whole thing though.
Clothes: his cardigan is blackish with a blue outline, and he wears it over a green shirt with a question mark (I perceived it as a Gravity Falls shirt but might be wrong). The eminem shirt is black and I dont remember what he wears it with…. At the party he has a cyborg shirt and a visor, and after the party he has a white shirt with a flannel and khakis (or maybe light corduroys). In VIMH he has another fandom shirt on but I don’t remember what it was sorry it was 11pm ljfsdlkfjdslkfs
Its so obvious I’m a Jeremy stan this entry is the largest one sorry 🧍
Mr. Heere
He seemed less depressed and more just out of touch in this one? During Two Player Game, he seems decently chipper, if annoyed, though of course he’s still unable to dress himself and unwilling to put genuine effort in with his son. 
When he says “Good talk” he gives Jeremy a friendly shoulder punch. Right before Pants Song, as usual, he says “I could ground you!” Jeremy says “I don’t think you could,” and gives his dad the same shoulder punch while saying “Good talk.” AAAAAAH.
He seemed less frenetic and anxious than the Troy!Michael I’m used to (sorry that’s my only reference for Michael lol). 
He was generally loud and exuberant. A very excitable but down-to-earth Michael. 
MITB was amazing. I was nervous because it’s obviously (obviously) the best song so there’s a lot of pressure but no it was done perfectly. Sad as fuck. Perhaps moreso because this Michael was especially normal until now. (Also because pre-MITB Jeremy was extra mean in this production)
For some reason, I found it easier to picture this Michael being a childhood & school friend? Maybe just because this production seriously pulled my psyche straight back to highschool in a way the others haven’t been able to lol. 
I maybe got the sense that he’s really trying to act like he doesn’t care as much about Jeremy as he does. 
BTW I’m obsessed with the fact that his idea of a creeper costume is a mask and a shirt that just says creeps on it. I know that’s kinda textual at this point but taken together with the mask its lkesdjfsdjflksdf
Amazing ballet (?) choreography going on during her intro. I think that might be standard Christine choreo but still! Stunning.
I could actually picture her as an averagely popular girl in this one? Not sure why. Maybe more nervous in her relationships but more confident in other contexts, but I could be pulling that out of my ass. 
I could also be thinking this because she has cool hair (space buns!) and likes Taylor Swift in this one. 
Some of her songs had these really melancholy notes where I didn’t expect them - particularly in GTIKBI Reprise (/pos! I was like oh shit!!! every time)
He has painted nails! They’re black. 
He had fruity energy the whole time but it got progressively more intense. No I can’t elaborate actually I don’t know why I perceived it like this but I did sldjkfsf
After he comes out it gets more explicit; he starts wearing a pink headband in VIMH (he also gains glasses I think? Unless they’re still Michael’s) and during bows he flashed a paper fan that had the gay flag inside. 
IMO, it was implied that the house fire was a suicide attempt. I say this for purely textual reasons -  because he doesn’t mention trying getting the SQUIP out of his head, and because Jeremy’s SQUIP later implies it was a suicide attempt. But his behavior around the fire - looking dazed while rhythmically flicking a lighter - could also indicate squipzophrenia. (Maybe it’s the same amount of implied as usual - To be fair, I’ve never really understood why Rich set a fire in the first place…)
Very wholesome and I love her. IDK Broadway Brooke is very campy, and BAC Brooke is more like a normal sweet girl but maybe that’s just me 
Compared to Broadway, way more respectful of Jeremy’s space. She doesn’t really try to physically seduce him in upgrade instead they just have a cute lil conversation. Also when she tells Jeremy she got cheated on, she doesn’t initiate contact by petting his hair (like in Broadway) - instead the roles are reversed and they hold hands comfortingly, and Jeremy is the one to escalate that by rubbing her hand in a slightly forward way. 
Her French was awful!!! sdjkfldjsfkdsf It was the whole time but Tres Magnifique = "Trays Mag-nuh-Fike" is the one that really killed me
Not to be backhanded… but she was really good at being a bitch??? Especially the scene where she’s giving Christine advice
Maybe closetedly wlw based on the delivery of “I like gay people” and the events of The Play??
The Chloe Jenna friendship intrigues me so much… what’s going on there…
Sadder than Broadway Jenna… 
When Chloe mentions her in play rehearsal she jumps up from across the room and says “I’m here!!” to no reaction.
Later in Smartphone Hour -  J: “....because you are my closest friend-” C: “No I’m not” J: “Yeah I know….” Jenna sounds kinda genuinely bummed lol. Either she wasn’t expecting that or she’s *very* aware of it and it’s making her sad. My impression was more the latter.
During VIMH she’s wearing a sweater that’s colored like the lesbian flag??? (EDIT: the actor, Diana, said this was intentional and her Jenna is a lesbian!)
Idk idk actor so good she made me care so much more about Jenna dsfljdf
Maybe a touch more upfront about the fact that he feels a lot of pressure in his life
He was dumb <3
Mrs. Reyes
She’s a woman in this one!
She has a hippie thing going on i think?? Like a boho mom (affectionate)
Pronounces Reyes with a (several second long) rolled R at the beginning
Doesn’t do the stiff announcer-like angle that the broadway guy does. Her comedy is more crazy cat ladyish
The hot pocket breaks were preceded by an actual alarm sound I think???? bonkers fkljd
BIG ENSEMBLE WAS SO FUN…. They had so many funny bits going on in the background it was soooo good and another reason I wish I could watch it over and over because I couldn’t be paying attention to everything at once OTL
Scene by scene
Organized by song, but scene notes are in there too!
More Than Survive
"Madeline was all like-" *bad french accent* "ohohoho, I'll only sleep with you if you beat me at ze pool~"
“Oh my god he is like totally getting off on that” ← right before this Jeremy starts pointing at them awkwardly from a distance, I think in an attempt to get to his locker?? 
“I like gay people” - the way Chloe says this is kinda like “idk what the big deal is because *i* think gay people are soooo neat” which got a lot of audience laugh. I think she was talking to Jenna but I don’t remember 
“I don’t wanna be a baller” (or whenever the class scene is) - Jeremy’s sitting in the back of class and everyone turns to throw paper balls at him. I was like oh my god he’s being genuinely bullied so hard in this one…. Then again maybe that’s just how he feels?
There’s this awesome chair choreo at the end where everyone’s laying down chairs in front of Jeremy for him to walk on and taking them away from the back to put back in the front as he makes his way downstage.
Scene: Michael's "You don't have to do this!" kind of came across as a shout of protest. (But of course still tempered with, "of course i'll make fun of you forever if you don't)
Play Rehearsal
"This is where you meet for the swim team" --- Instead of looking confused, Jeremy immediately acts like ok byeee - he might be eager to back out of the conversation and/or immediately accepts her answer as literal and wants to leave asap out of embarrassment.
“I also have a touch of ADD” - she trails off and stands there kind of in a daze for a moment, before remembering that she’s in the middle of a song. 
“And can I mention that was really one of my best roles, DID YOU SEE THAT?!" She shouts this very proudly. And after her 'do you find that?' bit she doesn’t give Jeremy time to even try to respond, so it’s a little less rude lol. 
Jeremy was very anxious, and somewhat in a bad way? As in the exchange was a bit off-putting to him.
Scene: “thank god the popular kids are here” - there are SO MANY kids entering. I’m not sure what to make of it! Popular as in everyone’s popular compared to Jeremy and Christine? Or is this a whole clique? Or is Reyes just talking about the popular kids and the other guys also just show up? 
Mrs. Reyes: ~"Our funds will be diverted. To the frisbee golf team. What even is frisbee golf?" Across the room, Jake holds up a frisbee and silently points at it, trying to get Reyes' attention. She doesn't notice.
After scene: Jake’s “pressure to be the best at everything” is said very genuinely, not for laughs at his arrogance which is how I usually read it
Squip Song
Rich actor KILLED it just gotta put that out there
“So it’s like….” Jeremy takes an extended moment to walk to the edge of the stall and look behind to make sure nobody’s there - “...drugs?”
In the end of the song, Rich rubs his dirty hands all over Jeremy's arm.
The Squip Enters
Scene: Payless: “Wolverine” was great djklsfjdsf I’ve never thought about him before. (It was also the actor’s birthday!) When they enter he’s playing the knife-finger game. He threatens Jeremy with the knife at some point (either “400 dollars” or “all sales are final!” I think?). I can’t really describe the character acting but he was very entertainingly unhinged. He's called “Scary Stockboy” in the script & playbill and I thought that was a misnomer until the scene happened lmao. No that was accurate. 
Scene: when they enter the food court there’s like a photo of a mall food court on the back wall but not from the perspective of the scene at all it was like a background that abstractly tells you where you are?? As someone who loves kitsch I enjoyed this, it happens with a few other scenes too 
There’s a couple making out obnoxiously at the mall that someone (I think it was Michael?) had to step over to get to the table. I think they had some great thematically relevant background acting in this scene but I cannot remember it exactly I am so sorry OTL
Michael is buying Ecto-Cooler! It tastes like ghosts.
Jeremy “mourns in his chili fries” by laying his head down on the table. Jake and Christine sit at the table together without noticing him. Then Jeremy pops up and they have the usual exchange (“I didn’t see you!” “Yeah, you’re kind of hard to notice”). I thought that was a really neat staging!! And it makes more sense why he even tries to talk to her in this scene lol
Mild discomfort - The first half Jeremy just stands next to the table and kinda screams in pain. Then the second half he falls to the ground and is thrashing, again mostly just in pain. (Pretty sure that’s how every production goes but I think the intensity of the spasming is pretty variable so I’m describing it here)
When the SQUIP first appears, he offers to appear as Kermit the Frog, Barack Obama, and Gilbert Gottfried, and does a little impression for each one:
The imitations the Squip does are as follows: Kermit the Frog “hi ho Kermit the frog here, we’re gonna fix your life Yayyyyy”, Obama “My fellow Squip, if sync up we can change this loser” and Gilbert Gottfried “So Grandma and the dog are on the table…” - Courtesy of director Chris Guell because I couldn't remember them OTL (thank you!!!)
Also in the middle of this Jeremy says "That's a terrible Obama impression..."
Be more Chill p.1
Brooke and Chloe are shopping on the upstage side of the clothes rack; when Jeremy picks out the girls shirt, Brooke appears through the gap in the clothes and surprises him.
After the song, one of the ensemble steals the clothes rack and the mall cop chases him off stage in a very cartoonishly stiff sprint.
Do you wanna ride?
After the first rejection, Brooke goes to Chloe, who points out the satchel she has belted around her waist. As she starts to sing again she slowly unbuckles it and holds it behind her back. 
Jeremy is very into it by the end and the girls have him dancing along with the music. I think you can see that in one of the promo videos too :P
Be More Chill p.2
Scene: When Jeremy’s going to bed after the mall, instead of sleepily singing, he uses a silly deep voice to say something like “yeah be more chill i’m gonna be more chill i’m gonna be so chill that ice is relatively warm”
After Rich talks to Jeremy (“hey, tallass, where’s my money?” and then they sync up) he spots a girl across the stage and yells “Hey, where’s my money?” then chases her down the hall. 
Guy that I’d Kinda be Into
Scene: during the rehearsal - JR: "Bring me patient zero!" Then Chloe, sitting on the ground, looks through her script for like 45 seconds until finding her line: "Cough!"
At “I’ve been activating your pheromones” - Jeremy starts and looks at his armpits, then as the song continues he slowly pulls his arms up to rest behind his head, it was very comedic djflkdsf. He also uses one hand to waft from his armpit before returning to that position. Guy...
I think this is also the scene he uses a script to hide his boner??
They were so cute at the end!!! Just sitting next to each other in rehearsal and kinda leaning in towards each other. Very real very high school. 
Scene: While Jeremy and SQUIP argue about Eminem, Brooke is (silently) describing the accident. She mimes hitting a hockey puck, then being impaled in the guts repeatedly.
Instead of literal bleachers (at least visually), Brooke and Jeremy go sit on the top of the stairs that lead off of the stage and into the audience. They kinda playfully walk around the railings and stuff, and at the point in the Broadway version where they start aggressively making out, instead they just sit next to each other and talk and it’s very cute :) 
Jeremy’s freaking the fuck out in the middle and it’s so obviously sensory overload auauuauuauaugh. He was like contorting to cover his head in his arms. Guy…
Brooke’s costume is a sexy dalmatian! She has an eyespot and a black and white skirt + other spotty white clothes. Jeremy’s cyborg costume only extends to the shirt & a visor. I think it matched with the squip’s visor?
THE PROJECTOR…. On the background was the funniest background it could possibly be it was like a graphic of a cartoon skeleton holding a wooden sign that said “Jake’s Halloween Party”. IDK if that’s a poster he got printed or if it’s an extremely camp way of abstractly giving us the setting or what but I WAS LOSING IT SLKDJFKDSJFSD 
I WISH I had a picture of it, but in lieu of that I recreated it for you and I swear it was like 95% exactly like this. just projected on the wall behind the stage.
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Do you wanna hang?
Right before this scene, there’s a huge group choreo where people dance with partners, and in the last move one partner spins the other one down, who lands on the floor looking up at them. Jeremy ends up on the floor and Chloe walks up and stands over him while inviting him to come with her. 
TW - This scene is always sexual assault, but the tone felt especially dark this time – maybe it was just seeing it live, though. 
Jeremy’s standing frozen still as the song starts and kind of visibly recoiling as Chloe walks around him. She walks behind him and shoves her hands into his coat pockets, which makes him flinch. Extra upsetting because like I said before I think his coat pockets are kind of a place of safety for him :(((
Pretty sure the SQUIP's Japanese was different from the Broadway. Wasn't sure quite what he said, but it I think it *didnt* include these from the Broadway one: お腹が空いた (I'm hungry) and お疲れ様 ('pleasure doing business with you,' i think?)
Michael in the Bathroom
Scene: Jeremy seems very shaken after DYWH and sits on the bathtub sadly; when Michael reveals himself Jeremy flips out.
Michael talks about “his clever disguise” and makes monster growls (meant as creeper hisses?) - I think with the tone that he’s trying to get Jeremy to respond to the joke, or point out the reference or something. When that fails, he starts getting serious. 
“Get out of my way, loser” is delivered very confidently. 
After Michael says he’s on his period, Jenna opens the door a crack to hand him a tampon dsjfkldsjflkdsjf. He throws it in the bathtub later at “I’m a creeper in a bathroom….”
Also of course, he’s in a creeper mask lol
Song: WONDERFULLY done. Honestly don’t have much to say it was just great. I get desensitized to that song after hearing it so much, but seeing it live definitely brought a spark to it.
“And I look in the mirror and the present is clearer…” section is like the *key* part of this song to me and Connor Introna did it really well. His voice started breaking at mirror, and of course he did the little sob and everything it was just chefs kiss
Guy that I’d Kinda be Into Reprise
When Jeremy asks why Rich didn’t give him a warning and Rich starts saying “warning” over and over, he says it at a steady rhythm until he gets off stage. Then Jeremy tries to rouse a drunken partier to say “So that was weird…” and Rich’s “Warning” randomly interrupts Jeremy like 3 times to comedic effect before he can get the words out
"Popular people are messed up" - less in response to Rich & more in response to the guy Rich is talking to passing out drunk (iirc)
This is just a 2R things but it hit me so just pointing out she just says “I’m not Juliet” in this one (rather than we’re not romeo and juliet) and auuauguughghg poor Christine :(
Weird noises: it’s kinda like a dinosaur impression in this one? They both go like RAAHH and make claw hands in the air. Then Jeremy stands up and pretends to be driving a car (I think???? lol) and Christine copies him
Christine starts standing up while Jeremy’s still asking her out. As soon as he finishes the question she immediately rejects him. That is to say, she saw where this was going and already knew her answer.
After the scene, Rich walks back across the room, flicking a lighter on and off in a daze. 
ALSO: Ensemble were very entertaining in the whole party! During this scene there were 3 of them playing spin the bottle downstage left and it had like a whole arc to it sdnjkfdfdsf Also guys passed out on the floor and on the couch 
Smartphone Hour
Starts w/ Jenna sitting on the edge of the stage, dangling her legs over the pit. 
Brooke is sadly eating Rich’s loaf of bread. (After she forgives Chloe she passes it to some other actor offstage which I probably wasn’t supposed to see but it was funny lol. communal machete bread)
THE PROJECTOR….. Everyone was holding phones and in the background was footage from their front-facing cameras (prerecorded, but it synced pretty well with the live actors). Then you could see the GUI of them typing some of the lyrics (“rich fled to bombay!!”) into imessage and twitter
AND THEN you see footage of the house burning down on an insta reel…. An unremarkable suburban house where you can see flames consuming the roof. This same footage plays on a few people’s reels, then there’s also footage of firemen coming and putting the fire out and its SO REALISTIC i was losing it 
Around “Changed my profile pic to you” it shows a bunch of (presumably) instagram photos of Rich like in his house and at school or wherever and i wont lie it made me feel for him a lot more. They were like actual full staged photos :( like thats a real guy in there… 
Pitiful children
Scene: When Jenna asks if the SQUIP is a drug, she does the same extended thing of checking to see that nobody’s watching that Jeremy did in The Squip Song
The Pants Song
Scene: see my notes on Mr. Heere aaaaaauguh
Michael’s sitting on his front steps while smoking weed from a tiny green bong. You can tell it’s his front steps because there’s a mailbox next to him labeled MELL BOX in big letters dslkfjdskfjs
Michael’s wearing pants - I think that’s just textually accurate but reporting it anyway
When Mr. Heere comes over (“do you love him?”), he puts one leg on the top step and Michael is eye-level with his crotch. Michael has trouble tearing his eyes away. This happens a few times. In my opinion, it made him come off as a lot more high than he usually does lol
If I remember correctly, they get very intense and like shoulder-grabby at one point. Could’ve been a different scene though I dont remember OTL OTL
The Play
Michael comes out of the audience!!! It was cool it was meta lol
PINKBERRY CANON SDLKFJDKLFJKFJLSF. Brooke and Chloe have the Two Rivers dialogue (He didn’t sleep with you? He didn’t sleep with me!) then after Sisters forever! they do these actions to the rhythm of three staccato beats: “Jinx!” *high five(?)* *KISS ON THE LIPS* and instantly pull away. They're extremely normal about it and are just standing there afterwards without moving or acknowledging it. 
Despite being in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, Jeremy is dumbstruck and stares at them for a few beats before moving on to the next line. It was amazing. No notes. 
Jeremy is horrified when Christine starts singing to him. She walks robotically over to him and speaks kind of like she’s reading off a script (hehehe). Jeremy is backing up against a wall and freaking out almost like he’s trying to get away from her. No implication at all that he’s tempted. 
When everyone starts screaming in pain, Michael is screaming in triumph. (Or at least he looked very triumphant, I don’t remember if he screamed lol)
Voices in My Head
Rich is in a wheelchair. Also he doesn't have a lisp.
Rich is wearing Michael’s glasses. When he starts asking about Michael, Michael shows up and takes his glasses back. I think Rich steals them back at some point too? 
Michael acts a lil flirty with Rich - approximately "I'm sure you'll find something very special," then in a tiny high voice: “but not with meeeee…!” and he pushes Rich’s wheelchair so he rolls offstage jdsfkldsfkfd
At “Tell her that she excites you sexually” Rich does a little wheelie to (presumably) represent a pelvic thrust (all of these Rich moments were excellent I loved this Rich sm)
Christine’s squip was Taylor Swift this time!
At “I know the last thing I deserve is another shot, but…” He trails off and there’s a pause before “Just say what’s on your mind, Jeremy.” I know they get together obviously, but it felt like it could go either way! Maybe because it was live.
(And then they cccccome on lets go and do bows, in character i think, and it was amazing the end)
I was gonna write a TLDR here but honestly all of it was amazing and if you want the highlights it’s pretty much just the stuff I bolded!
Also end note the actors were all soooo nice and they let me ramble to them about jeremy for several minutes Q____Q it was amazing im so happy about this still I wish I got their signatures sjdlfkjdsfkdsf
I hope everyone gets to watch the show at some point but otherwise I hope this can be useful to someone!!
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
perv thirteen making traps with rope and other things that bind people specifically for mc because she loves watching them struggle against the binds and pout/beg to be let out. even better if they end up upside down and she can give them a spiderman kiss
Okay sorry for the delay on this, anon, but I had to write a little something because I loooove this idea!! I am supposed to be taking it easy with writing but you guys keep giving me these good ideas & I can’t help myself. Anyway I hope it’s okay that I wrote a little blurb about this. It’s still sfw but maybe I should do a nsfw version lol.
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You were walking down the hall at RAD, minding your own business, when suddenly you felt yourself falling. There was a zip! and a clunk! and gravity seemed to remove itself from the world entirely.
You struggled as you felt ropes tighten around your body. You were hanging upside down somehow. You couldn’t tell what the rope was attached to, but you were able to swing yourself back and forth in an attempt to get free.
A pair of black boots came into your line of sight. You looked up as much as you could, taking in the fishnets on one leg and the skull tattoo on the other. This was not the first time you had found yourself in one of Thirteen’s traps.
She came closer until your face was level with hers. She was smiling at you.
You pouted at her. “Come on, Thirteen. Let me go. You caught the wrong sorcerer in your trap.”
Thirteen grinned and leaned toward you. “This trap caught exactly the sorcerer it was made for,” she said. “So I can’t let you go until I get what I caught you for.”
Thirteen put her hands on either side of your face, keeping you still so she could kiss you. You forgot about the fact that you were upside down in the hall at RAD. The way she so effortlessly entwined her tongue with yours fogged your mind and made you even dizzier than you already were.
When she pulled away, she was clearly pleased by the dazed look on your face. With another clunk! and zip!, you were falling again.
She caught you before you hit the ground. You frowned as she set you carefully on your feet.
“You need to stop making traps for me,” you said.
“You need to stop getting caught in my traps,” Thirteen replied.
A look passed between you and Thirteen’s eyes sparkled as you blushed before walking away.
For the rest of the day, you were distracted by the memory of her kiss, remembering the way her ropes felt around you. You knew it was only a matter of time before you found yourself bound again.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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pizzaosaurs · 1 month
Currently playing in my friends campaign and we worked on a character set up based on being able to pop in and out of existence due to me having kids.
My character is a dreamwalker class with the following traits:
- she can pop in and out of existence for no reason.
- She can only teleport within 15ft of two players who have an item on them.
- the players were not and still not aware why she can teleport to them yet and it's making a fun d&d roleplay mechanism for why she's constantly popping up.
- she has two HP's, her dream hp which is just a little lower to the other players. It takes all damage except phyc. Her second HP is her real body hp which is very low and only impacted by phyc damage. When her dream hp is gone, she'll pop out of existence and will not be able to pop back for a set amount of time set out by the DM (we have it this way so if I suddenly have a kid based emergency I can accidentally get squished by some thing and then instantly pop back vs also having some risk in terms of time my character would be able to come back. She's waking up so this could be a dice roll to whether she instantly falls back to sleep or if she can't get back to sleep.
- Any revive spells will effect her real body. Healing will only effect her dream body so if she takes phyc damage, she needs to wake up for a long period to reset it.
- as she's making a dream self appear, she feels no pain so walks into stupid situations. She also believes it is a dream but if things go really sour that it's a nightmare and either will pop out of existence or start to take phyc damage. My character is a kid who believes everyone is just in her dream so she just pops out of existence thinking the other characters will just be fine, when she works out they are real but just in another plane, she's going to probably start sticking around.
- because she's dreaming, she can't take items with her when she pops out of existence. It will just fall to the floor. Means the players can game break by having her carry things.
- when she appears she can appear wearing whatever she wants so I will often have her appear in an array of crazy hairstyles and hats. None of it has magic capability. It also means she can shapeshift but she doesn't get changes to her stats. As she's dreaming, she can fly or float but it has to make sense or she'll feel gravity. Means when she appears sometimes she'll appear sat upside down on the ceiling or stood on a wall and fall when seen as she realises gravity.
- she can't feel pain but it also means when she takes damage she bleeds ice cream or rose petals and other werid things. Makes it fun for the DM to mess with their minds but also have a character who appears to have no physical pain but is very emotionally vulnerable.
- she can't upgrade her weaponry or skills unless levelling up because she can't carry anything with her and it's her own dreaming capacity. If other dream based things give her things but this is very rare.
- as she believes that the other players are just in her dream, she keeps going "ohhhhh You're aunt Sally... I can tell because of the big noise" or "you totally must be my mum, I love you!"
We went through a lot of ideas to why she could be dreaming and how this came about and I won't share my character but you could have lots of fun.
Love it though because I can pop in and out instantly with kids, it doesn't break the game and causes a lot of roleplay with the other characters.
If you have a parent who has kids so has to flit in and out of sessions, I definitely recommend a dreamwalker character.
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Gravity Falls Thoughts: Ford and Trauma™ (Part 01; because I know I'm turning this into a multi-part series)
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So...when you start to think about it, Ford has been through a lot. Because of Gravity Falls' nature as a 2-season Disney cartoon, I feel that we've only scratched the surface of all the crap this man went through.
And thanks to the fandom...good Lord in Heaven, all the flippin' Trauma!!! Sweet Moses...
I mean, other than Bill Cipher and Weirdmageddon, Ford has a level of trauma that not a lot of people have.
Of course, Ford isn't the only one with Trauma™. Really, all four of the Pines are traumatized in some way. I mostly want to focus on Ford for now.
Now, most of the trauma Ford is given is fan speculation/interpretation. The thing is though, is that these traumas would make sense if Gravity Falls was given a more serious direction. (sort of like Steven Universe, a show that is more emotionally driven)
Okay...first things first, nutrition.
In a previous post I've made (I think it was about the Feral Ford headcanon; which I may or may not go into further detail in this series), I said something along the lines of how Ford wouldn't be all that bothered by weird looking food or could even stomach strange food combinations.
While a part of me still thinks this, another one thinks of something else thanks to reading a lot of fanfics of his essentially living off of nutrient pills.
This is from Ford having to be constantly on the move to avoid Bill's reach during his travels. I'd imagine it's a rare occurrence for him to be able to sit down and have a decent meal, either at an establishment or even hunting for food. Not only that, but you have to remember that a lot of the places he went to probably don't have food suitable for humans.
So, Ford has probably taken to nutrient pills so that way he's always on the go, among other foods he's able to preserve and carry.
The thing is, living on mostly nutrient pills could only take you so far before it could be more of a bad boon. Nutrient pills wouldn't exactly give you the appropriate amount of calories a human adult male needs. Especially if they are constantly in danger.
This can lead to some malnutrition.
Yes. I took time to research this so we can properly make Ford's life more like hell.
Signs/Symptoms of Malnutrition (according to NHS)
(Other than the main concern of weight loss and BMI being low)
reduced appetite
lack of interest in food and drink
feeling tired all the time
feeling weaker
getting ill often and taking a long time to recover
wounds taking a long time to heal
poor concentration
feeling cold most of the time
...feeling cold most of the time...
"feeling cold most of the time"
...And who wears a turtleneck sweater/trench coat combo during the summer?
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And, lastly, Low mood, sadness and depression.
Furthermore, it would seem that Ford would have developed a low tolerance to actual food (other than bland, mushy stuff) and is probably incapable of eating a whole meal without throwing up.
It's a struggle to be sure, especially if Ford already has a history to forget meals, even as a child (may or may not be projecting here as someone who forgets to eat)...not to mention the months of paranoia due to Bill prior to being sucked into the Portal.
I'm honestly imagining a scene in which Abuelita (bless her soul) tries to feed Ford when she sees how skinny he is...or at least what she perceives as skinny. And no one (no one) can say no to Abuelita Ramirez. And it's Mexican food. There is absolutely nothing bland about it. And Ford does his best to eat it...only to scurry into the bathroom after three bites. He didn't mean to be rude. It was honestly very delicious. Ford's body just couldn't handle it at the moment.
At least Abuelita is understanding of the situation and becomes Stan's right hand woman on his quest to help Ford with his eating habits.
...Great, another idea for an upcoming fic...I had a title in mind but I feel like I should call it *Trauma* Ford Edition.
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thefourchimes · 2 months
lots of encanto AUs i want to talk about so here you go
so uh, i've been brain rotting and hyperfixating on encanto for a bit now, and its been very fun
tho i've barely talked about some of the ideas and aus i have and want to share, so i guess i want to do that now in a way, so uh... (mirabel voice) lets go lets go
List of AUs here:
Time Travel AU
Big Hero 6 AU
[Redacted] AU (not the au's actual name, hidden for reasons)
Ghost Cocoon AU (fusion idea au i came up with of the cocoon au by @raefever and ghost grandchildren au by @jerseyk112, both found in @gamerbearmira's blog)
Giftless Grandkids AU (idea by anon, also found in @gamerbearmira's blog)
Undertale AU
Gravity Falls AU
P.S. some of these au ideas are not originally mine, but i've contributed to them in some way, and i've credited and tagged the creators
More information of the AUs found below
1. Time Travel AU
first au i've ever thought about, cool hue sisters centered, because i love them sm and i was still finding my footing in encanto and the fandom when i thought of this au, and yeah
its where isabela and luisa get sent back to the past after going after and protecting mirabel as casita falls
i gained the idea after seeing how the two older sisters were still so terrified of alma and disappointing her that they couldn't stand up for mirabel and for themselves, but as casita was falling, they weren't about to let their baby sister go, not after everything
despite this being the first au, its also still really vague and barebones in a sense, not much planned yet and its all just vibes, plus i just really wanted a cool sisters au because i love them sm
2. Big Hero 6 AU
ah yes, big hero 6 au, my beloved
came to be when i figured out bear aka @gamerbearmira's reference in one of her encanto one shots, the scooby doo one where they got arrested, and she used bh6's aunt cass' rant for alma's rant in said one shot, and then it led me to realize the potential of encanto big hero 6 au with bear, so that was fun
there's a post in bear's blog for the au, so you can check it out
there's a bunch more info that we haven't shared yet, but it's all written up in the docs for it, so yesyes
honestly been a bit since i touched the au personally, as i keep getting distracted by the other ones below
but yeah, planning on exploring of this au soon <3
3. [Redacted] AU
ah yes, this au, the 120 and counting pages one in my docs
and the 120 pages are mostly just details and planning for the au, not a single written thing yet
this au is not called redacted au, but the name itself is redacted because the word itself is a bit of a spoiler and im still trying to find a better name for it in general
i have no idea how to explain this au
first thing to mention is how its very much inspired by Take Back the Kingdom by @optimistic-violinist and @impossiblefangirl0632 (sorry for the tag, i can take it out if you'd like) and i really really recommend this fic, its so so good and it changed my brain chemistry on so many levels
so yes, i really got inspired by this fic, and it will very much be shown in this particular au with some things and tropes, but ofc im doing my own spin on stuff and the details, and from what i have rn, i think it really evolved and is still evolving as time goes on
another thing to note about this is how the idea came to be because of TBTK inspiration and a dream i had on the day i was taking a metaphysics midterms exam (this is completely unnecessary to mention but oh well, i still remember that moment so vividly)
the dream impacted just exactly how this au is going to go
what is the dream about? you'll find out whenever i get to write this au
all i can say without spoiling much is that there are lots of memory shenanigans and angst, plus the very fun trope of "your found family is your actual family"
also once more, read take back the kingdom, very good fic, 11/10, much recommend, will reread again
4. Ghost Cocoon AU
this au is the fusion of the Cocoon au and the Ghost Grandkids au, both still found in @/gamerbearmira's blog
ghost grandkids au is from @jerseyk112 and cocoon au is from @raefever, and ofc bear has a lot of ideas and thoughts for these aus in her blog
i was rereading bear's cocooned fic for the 17123723507 time and while i was at it, i remembered the ghost grandchildren au, so i decided it would be pretty fun to fuse the two aus together in some way
and so i did (first ask, second ask)
basic premise of this au is really just the ghost kids' healing and them protecting their younger selves and their family
this fusion au interested me so much that it got to the point where i actually wrote a 3683 word first chapter of sorts(?) for this fusion au already (bear has seen it but i havent posted it at all)
planning on continuing it when i feel like it tho hehe
so yes its been wild with this one
5. Giftless Grandkids AU
giftless grandkids au, my beloved
just as the name says, au where all the grandkids are giftless
all i can say is everything and nothing changes all at the same time with this
this au was sent and suggested by an anon in bear's blog
this is also the one where bear and i went wild on for the past few days
pretty sure bear is gonna be writing this au, if im not mistaken? so its very exciting
there's a lot in store for this au and it'll be fun
6. Undertale AU
undertale au yesyes
not the type where the characters are these characters tho
this idea is where we'll be throwing the grandkids into the underground for an adventure of a lifetime!
so basically characters of one media meet characters of the other media type
and the kids are gonna be going through the plot of undertale, technically in frisk's shoes here
this au is still very vibes and not much planned, there's lots of potential to play around tho, so im thinking of exploring this at some point soon
7. Gravity Falls AU
gravity falls au this time!!
now this au is the one pure vibes one, absolutely zero planning or thoughts, just vibes and aspirations for it
not even sure if it'll be like the undertale au where characters of one media will meet characters of the other media or if it'll be characters from this media are gonna be these characters of that media in this au
i just thought it would be fun to have an encanto gravity falls au idea, but still dont know where it'll be going in general
So that's about it, there's actually a few more ideas i havent mentioned yet, but let's just say these ideas are exactly like the gravity falls au vibing no planning, except much worse in a sense, so i have no idea what kind of footing there will be at all with those aus
but anyway, i digress, these are some of the ideas and aus i have and would love to share and write and uh, yeah
if you have any questions on these aus, feel free to ask if ever, my asks are open (this is the first time im saying this in a post omg help)
but anyway yes the brainrot and hyperfixation is real
if you got here to the end, congrats have a pic of my dog for your effort and dedication <333 see you around <3
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