#great thoughts darling 💕
spicybunni · 9 months
Hello Darlings! This is an imagine I had in my drafts about a husband who just loves his wife so much he wants to care for and impregnate her💕 Hope you like it!
WARNINGS ⚠️: NSFW!! (Minors do NOT interact), NSFW descriptions, fem!darling, controlling husband, pregnancy mentions
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-You’ve been Married to your husband for a year now and it’s been great. The biggest change was your last name changing to his and having a big rock on your finger. The second was him asking you to be a stay-at-home wife…
-You loved your job but…how could you say no to all your needs being met by a man who worships and adores you? He just wants to take care of you and be comfortable. “Is that so bad of me to want for my little wifey?” He would ask while kissing the knuckle of your hand.
-He told you if you didn’t like the lifestyle that you could go back to working. (As if he was gonna let that happen.) which made you feel better about just being at home all day and spending his money. And also letting you believe you had some control. But of course that wasn’t the end of his plans..
-Before having unprotected sex your husband would always gush about having babies with you and how great of a mother you would be. Your face would turn red at the thought at first but then you brushed it off as your husband having baby fever. It’ll pass right?
-Ha. If only it was a phase.
-This man has been wanting to impregnate you since the first year of you two dating. He loves you so much and think life would be even more amazing if you carried and raised children together. He wants to see your big belly and be there for when you get needy and become oh so helpless with the excessive hormones.
-But despite not using protection you always tracked your period for your health. Your husband started to get into it as well to lookout for your ovulation week. His favorite time of the month.
-He would low key get a little bummed out when you would start your period. But it gave him motivation to try harder…go harder… cum inside you harder…
-Perhaps he could just do that position you liked a few days ago….you were really squeezing him and begging for more.
-Yeah by the way, this man keeps track of what positions are best for making a baby and what makes you cum hard on his cock.
-You are no dummy to his antics. It takes two to tango. You knew your husband wanted a baby and…let’s just say he was very convincing in his actions to want a family.. 👀
-Plus you were married so there really wasn’t anything to be worried about right?
-So why do you shake with anxiety as you look at the test in your hands? The reality of it hits you hard in your bathroom. You feel good but also nervous to tell him. Even though he always claims he’s wanted kids with you just couldn’t help but prepare for the worst. But you also knew this would happen eventually when you let him cum inside you.
-A week prior when you two went out for dinner, your husband was the most possessive man ever. He hated when other men would even get to look at you. His grip was tighter and gaze so dark. On the way home he was holding onto your thigh as if you would fly away.
-That night you had 3 hours of raw heaven. By the end of it you remember being sticky and a bit sex drunk. Not being able to move your legs to your butt feeling sore. Your husband did not waver. You felt so full of him and content you couldn’t even complain.
-“My perfect wife, taking her husband’s load so good…”
-A week and a missed period later your husband in question is downstairs cooking dinner for you both. He figured since youre in the shower (and taking a pregnancy test) that he would surprise you!
-You come down in a bathrobe, hand griping on the tie. “Hey honey?”
-He turns his head to you, immediately becoming worried at your facial expression and appearance. Turning off the stove burners he comes over to you. “What’s up baby? you okay?” He puts a hand on your waist and another resting on your cheek to look at him.
-“I-I’m pregnant..” you stutter out. You back up from him to get his full expression. His face would be surprised but then he would become red in happiness and embrace you. You blinked a few times not saying anything before your husband exclaims with watery eyes “I’m so happy!!”
-You both embraced the news and continued into the night gushing about this new chapter you started. For your husband it was more of a marker that you’re finally all his. And he can’t wait for the little rascals he’ll continue to fill you with.
-That night after dinner you both lay in bed with your husbands hand holding your stomach protectively. You place a hand over his, smiling and drifting to sleep before you heard your husband mumble “Now you’re all mine..” in his sleep…
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 23 days
i've been having a couple of downer days recently, and i kept looking for a verse i haven't read thrice yet for some comfort, but you're age! gap verse has been a pleasant escape even though its not what i was looking for. you're writing never fails to make me feel better ari 💕💕
Here's how they met 💜
Bruce sighed. He was starting to hate talk show appearances, but at least this one had never been too bad. Angelique was chatty and fun but not grating. Her show ran as school let out. So grannies watched after their naps and kids watched getting off the bus. She ran a little something for everyone.
He assumed he was here for the grannies.
"I'm so sorry I'm late the shoot ran over and I couldn't get away."
The voice caught his attention. Not the fake starlet over dramatic gushing, but genuine distress. And he half turned to look. You looked like you came from a shoot. Straight off the pages of a glossy magazine.
"No worries, Miss Y/L/N we got your call in enough time. We'll just touch up your face and you'll be good to go," the manager greeting you, said.
Bruce smiled a little. Clearly, you were a frequent guest. You thanked him profusely and trotted off. Not needing to be told where to go. And as you go, there's several crew members you can greet by name. You've either been here a lot or worked with them before. Or both. But, it's endearing.
He turned back around listening to Angelique get her updates on where production was. "-And Y/N is in hair and makeup as we speak."
"Oh, bless her heart," Angelique said. "That's what I get calling her last minute." She turned to Bruce and held out her hand, "Are you ready?" she asked.
"As I'll ever be," he chuckled taking her hand, "You know these sorts of things aren't my forte. My oldest on the other hand-"
"Don't you worry about a thing," Angelique reassured him, patting the hand she was holding before letting it go. "Y/N is an old pro- Ah! speak of the devil!" She swooped over and kissed you on either cheek. "You look absolutely divine, is that one of yours?"
"You know it is," you tell her laughing, returning the gesture. "As if I could walk in and NOT wear my own design, you'd never let me live it down."
"So true. Darling," she said grabbing your hand and pulling you over to Bruce, "I want you to meet Bruce. You'll be on stage together today. You know it's charity week and I though it would be great to highlight all the work you do for school arts programs along side the Wayne foundation," she said.
"Hello," you tell him, holding out your hand.
"Pleased to meet you," he said, taking the hand you offered warmly. Giving you his most charming smile. You did look good. And he could tell they hadn't done much to your face or your hair. "I'm a big fan of your work," he commented.
Your smile didn't falter but your eyes narrowed slightly. And Bruce cringed internally Shit. She thinks I mean the Playboy spread, he thought. "Your last movie, the drama, especially. The range of emotion and the depth- It really was incredible."
"Thank you," you tell him. "It was challenging but I really enjoyed it."
Bruce felt his face heat when Angelique coughed and he remembered hearing that you had the ability to make someone feel like they were the only person in the room. He'd forgotten for just a second. In just that brief moment that he was waiting for an appearance. "It showed I uh- my kids made fun of me when I cried at the end-"
"Aww, Angelique gushed, "This is amazing. you guys keep up this chemistry. It'll go totally viral." She bounced on the balls of her feet and kissed your cheek again, "I'll have someone bring you a coffee, sweetie. You're going to start wilting soon."
And before you could say anything or Bruce could offer to go and get it for you himself, Angelique had bustled off to find and assistant to give marching orders to.
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pinkmirth · 1 year
I think we need some headcanons of cowboy Reiner
— ( save a horse, ride a cowboy! )
༉‧₊˚. — synopsis: just a cluster of fluffy and smutty headcanons for none other than the love of my life, cowboy reiner!
༉‧₊˚. — contains: (2k words of…) cowboy!reiner x fem!reader, (black coded), fluff, nsfw/smut, modern au, southern setting, established relationship (married), fantasies of having a child, breeding kink (‘cause this is reiner we’re talking about duh!), mentions of pregnancy, bondage kink, oral (m!receiving/blowjob), cowgirl position, doggy-style, creampie, reiner calls himself “daddy”, use of the petnames (mama, sugar, darling, honey, cowgirl), reiner calls you “woman” once, lowercase intended, minors shoo!
༉‧₊˚. — mira’s note: oh absolutely, nonnie! here are some thoughts I have on cowboy rei-rei 💕 (check masterlist for other reiner fics!)
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this man is always covered head-to-toe in classic cowboy attire— embroidered cowboy boots, blue denim jeans with a lasso hanging from his belt loop, and a trusty old cowboy hat. he’s got the whole getup, and he looks even sexier in it every time you see him! though, his best look by far is the shirtless one. it’s the highlight of your day when whenever it gets too warm outside, because he’s soon to peel off his top. from across the farm, he can feel your eyes burning into his lightly-tanned skin as he does the most mundane chores. his muscles tense and flex with every move, pecs gleaming with sweat. he shoots you a smirk, folding his arms across his bare chest. “y’like what ya see, honey?” you pray the weather’s even hotter tomorrow.
it warms his heart whenever you come around to watch him do his daily chores around the farm. your presence motivates him to work harder, so he can continue to provide for you and sustain your comfortable lifestyle. you try not to be too much of a distraction, but you can’t help wanting to be closer to your husband; so you tug at his leather belt and pull him in for a kiss. that gets him giddy like nothing else. “ya know how much i love it when y’do that… gimme another,” he puckers his lips, and you giggle. “i don’t wanna keep you sidetracked for too long, rei. you were busy before i got here,” you caress his stubbled cheek and he pouts in response, leaning forward to receive another pillowy kiss. “jus’ one more, mama.”
cowboy reiner loves to cook and bake! he often goes on farmer’s market dates with you, walking hand in hand as you help him pick out the freshest ingredients and spices. you chat and laugh amongst one another, dropping carrots and apples into the hand-woven basket that reiner made for you. after arriving back home, he allows you to relax in yours and his shared bedroom while he whips together a hearty southern meal for the two of you. he shouts from across the house, adorned in nothing but a short pair of checkered boxers and a flimsy apron, “supper’s ready, darlin’! come on down ‘n eat!”
he’s great with animals! reiner cradles an adorable month-old horse in his strong arms, feeding milk to the baby with a soft smile. it’s just about the sweetest thing you could ever see! all the little foals follow him around the ranch because they love papa reiner just as much as you do <3 he’s built something of a connection between himself and his beloved herd, which is why he’s able to bring the horses over to their stables with no hassle whatsoever. this man could practically be a veterinarian with all the animal knowledge he has!
he’s a locally known rodeo champion! reiner wins the prize for longest bull-riding every single year. he should allow someone else a fighting chance, at least 😭 but he’s just effortlessly good at anything he puts his mind to! he skillfully rides the beast with such ease, leaving the crowd in awe. courtesy of his natural-born strength, he hardly ever gets tossed off. reiner’s got medals galore hanging on his wall from every competition.
as a southern man, he’s very family-oriented. his loved ones are of the utmost importance to him, and he’ll always put family first before anything else. he utterly adores you, and can’t wait to start a tiny lil family of his own with you <3 when I tell you this man cannot wait to be a papa, I mean it! there’s no denying that reiner would be an amazing father, considering that he’s so caring and attentive. he knows the best tickle spots to target, and the silliest faces to make to get a child cracking up (both of which he discovered through spending lots of time with gabi when she was small.) he constantly daydreams about dressing up his little one in tiny boots and overalls and carrying them up on his shoulders. (yes, I’m pushing the daddy rei-rei agenda on this fine weekend!)
cowboy reiner has manners like none other— the epitome of a true gentleman! he’s a great listener, is always so patient, opens doors for you, pays for your things without hesitation, gives frequent massages, carries you when you begin to feel tired; the list goes on! he’s just so kind and selfless, and never fails to show it. cowboy rei-rei is truly the perfect husband. “your feet hurt? well c’mere, sugar. i’ll carry you. it ain’t too much for me, y’know i can handle ya! jus’ hold onto me. i gotcha, okay?”
cowboy reiner is a grown man who can wholly appreciate your body and every striking detail about it. he scrutinizes the small dotted beauty marks scattered across your skin, your cutely patterned stretch marks, the curves and crevices of your soft tummy and thighs, and he fucking loves it all. makes it a habit to kiss up and down your body, just to give you a well-needed confidence boost. this man right here surely knows how to make a woman feel special! “listen t’me— you’re so fuckin’ gorgeous, y’know that?”
(nsfw) — reiner loves when you treat him to a surprise blowie during work. he’s up to the usual, arranging things around the barn and tending to the animals. you then make your entrance, wrapping your arms around his waist to hug him from behind. your plump lips curve into a sensual smile as you ask him, “can I steal you for a moment, baby? it won’t be for too long, I swear it.” in an instant, he's allowing you to pull him away from his duties, unknowing of where you’re taking him, but also uncaring because he’d allow you to do whatever you please. he follows you with the goofiest smile plastered on his charming face, because he knows that he’s about to receive the most knee-buckling blowjob of his entire goddamn life. you bring him into the hayloft, pushing him against the red-painted wall until he’s flat against it. you drop to your knees and bring his jeans down with you. “fuck, darlin’… kiss the tip ‘fa me.” he moans lowly. you do as he wishes, suckling on his cockhead with the most beautiful, glistening eyes. you’re so eager to please, and it makes him throb on your tongue. with a hand at the back of your head, he guides you further onto him until you’ve swallowed the entirety of his fat dick. reiner ruts his hips, fucking into your wet mouth. you always know just how to make him feel so good, so loved. he adores you like nothing else. “oh, that’s it, honey, right there… atta girl.”
(nsfw) — the bondage kink on this man is insane, I tell you! cowboy reiner loves to keep your hands tied behind your back and watch you squirm against the rope. “rei,” in a breathless whine, his name falls from your plush lips. you wiggle your ass in the air for him, anticipating his next move. he takes you from the back, raw-dogging your pussy with a merciless pace. you truly wonder where he gets all this unparalleled energy to drill you into the bed, especially considering all the hard work he puts into maintaining the farm every day. one large hand of his stays planted on your waist, hastily grabbing, while the other holds onto your tied hands for leverage. he delivers harsh, deep-reaching thrusts, with his firm hips sharply smacking against you from behind. your wrists struggle against the rope, and he can tell just how desperate you are to touch him. his gaze is fixated on your soft body; every jiggle of your ass and ripple of your thighs is more hypnotizing than the last. you mewl for him, stuttering out something along the lines of ‘t—too much!’ … reiner leans down until his chest grazes the arch of your back, so that he can say, “quit alla-that whinin’, woman.” he clicks his teeth, flooding your ears with that sexy southern drawl of his. “y’can take it all, you’ve done it before.”
(nsfw) — we all know it, the entire goddamn fandom knows it: cowboy reiner has a massive fucking breeding kink! he wants nothing more than to get you pregnant by stuffing your pliant womb with his thick loads of cum. giving you a creampie makes him go completely wild; he watches his seed drip down your slit with hitched breath. a sight such as that is enough to get him hard all over again. the lust takes over, and he’s thinking with his dick for the next three rounds. plowing into you and rubbing at your puffed clit with calloused fingertips, reiner asks, “want me to come inside you? hm?” he gently holds onto your chin, directing your gaze to him. you dazedly look at your husband, pulsing around his thick cock. seeing how fucked-out you are makes his chest swell with the utmost pride. his greatest achievement is being able to please you. “tell me how bad y’fuckin’ want it, baby.” he rasps. your pleading moans urge him to release for you. his warm, pearly arousal seeps into you for the nth time that night. all he wants is to fill you up until you’re walking funny, with your leg shaking from all the stimulation. or, at least until that little stick comes out positive one day. having you grow plump with his child is his ultimate fantasy. “you’d look so stunnin’ as a mama, carryin’ my baby… don’t’cha think so, sugar?”
(nsfw) — reiner likes to let you wear his cowboy hat while you ride him. mounting onto your husband with your legs on either side of his hips, you straddle him. your dainty hands are planted on his broad chest for balance. he pulls off his iconic hat, hair cutely tousled from wearing it all day, before sitting up to place it on your head. “since you’ll be the one ridin’ tonight. giddyup, cowgirl.” he teases with a slick grin. you tip the hat with a breathy laugh before sinking down on his fat dick, maintaining sharp eye contact with him as your throbbing cunt takes him in little by little, until your clit’s grounded and snug against the dark-blonde tufts of his happy trail. his warm palms rub along your body as you swivel your hips, slamming down on all nine girthy inches that he has to offer. he watches your tits bounce, one manicured hand of yours squeezing at your left boob while the other holds onto his hat that rests upon the crown of your head. you rock back and forth with fervor, and he swears he can feel every spongy ridge of your contracting pussy. he throws his head back onto the pillows and gazes at you with the prettiest set of honey-golden eyes, hooded and lust-blown. gravelly moans fall past his agape lips as he spurs you on, giving your ass a thorough smack, “bounce on it, jus’ like that— yeah, fuck daddy’s cock.”
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Hi, there! :D 🌼
First of all I must say that your blog was one of the first blogs that I discovered and read when I just entered the TWST fandom and I must say that I thought your fics and drawings were great. So seeing that this blog was taking requests again made me excited as you have no ideas. So I won't waste my shot, I'll try to make a request here (I hope I do it right)
Reader: Female. Type: Headcanon or Fic (Romantic). Scenary: Inspired by the fic of the first year boys simping the reader. In this scenario, a boy from another class slowly becomes so close to the reader that he decides to ask her out. She innocently accepted without knowing that the boy wanted to steal a kiss from her on that date. But the first-year boys won't stand by, they'll spy on her date.
I think it would be good angst and comedy material. xD But well that would be my request, if my request does not convince you you can discard it without problems but if not take your time and without pressure. Thank you so much💐💕
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╭───────────────── ╰──➤(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ FLUFF ♥
┊❥ First things first, they, the five of them, are a literal mess. The first person to spread the news to the other four was Ace. The redhead caught a glimpse of you talking to another student who seemed way too giddy for his own. Of course, he had to stay and listen in to the conversation; who knows what trouble you've dug yourself into
┊❥ Ace's jaws turned slack right at the moment you happily accept the date, the other student gleefully thanking you before walking off. Did he heard that right? You're going on a date? With some rando that he or the others didn't even know about? 'This won't do, this can't happen!' is what runs in Ace's head as he scampers back to tell the others
┊❥ The redhead is out of breath the moment he arrives at the designated spot after having call the others on his phone while running. The moment they picked up the phone, he just shouts 'NO TIME TO EXPLAIN! JUST COME OVER! IT'S AN EMERGENCY!!' and hangs up. The desperation and urgency present in his voice is what convinced the others to get moving to the regular hangout
┊❥ Once the five of them had gathered, Jack and Epel had to repeatedly ask Ace to slow down because of how fast he was trying to explain the situation of you going on a date with some guy; the redhead choking on his own spit and breath from watching the incident unfold an hour ago
┊❥ It was only after that Ace (finally taking the time to explain word by word) explained, the other four faces' were drained of colour. Deuce is panicking, Epel is furious, Jack is in denial and Sebek has half the mind to scare off the other guy (or more like, lecture the guy's ears off until he decides to leave you hanging on the said date)
┊❥ They settled on the idea of spying on your date is much more preferable than having to maul the guy alive (there's a chance that you might be upset at them for interfering with your romantic life) so with courage and jealousy in hand, the five of them sought out to set the plan in motion
┊❥ Your date with the close classmate of yours was in the greenhouse, right after the bell for lunch had rung too. The bastard really had to pick such a time because he knew that there weren't that much students hanging around outside of campus in fear of food running out. Luckily, the gang waited and hid among the plants, their eyes following your every move as the both you chat up a storm
┊❥ Sure, they agreed on not interfering with your date but they didn't say anything about one of them sabotaging just a little bit (newsflash, they all lent a hand in sabotaging the date without realizing. Dumbasses.) When the guy wasn't looking, Ace would purposely stick out his feet so the guy would fall head first on to the soil-oh wait, he didn't fell into soil, he fell face first into chicken fertilizer!
┊❥ The male student wretched in disgust when bits of it accumulated in his mouth, feeling embarrassed under your apologetic gaze as you offered up your hand for him. If you listened closely enough, you can hear Epel snickering in one of the bushes nearby. Hoo boy, it gets even worse from there. Jack would make you split up with guy just so Sebek could turn on a dirty water tank on the student, the brown stained water coating him from head to toe
┊❥ The final nail on the coffin was when Deuce made one of the pots break directly on the guy's head (No life threatening injuries, don't worry!), leaving a painful bruise appearing on the centre of his hair. After having to fall flat and even tasting chicken fertilizer, his pristine uniform stained with smelly water and a lump forming on his skull, the male student just had enough; abruptly telling you that he's had enough of the date and storming off without even batting an eye to your confused state
┊❥ Looks like they scored this one, fellas! Don't worry, they'll slip away from the greenhouse and act too smug for their own good while simultaneously trying to play off that they're oblivious to what transpired during the date ! The five of them are likely to do jabs at the poor sod aloud from time to time in the next classes they're in
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jade-green-butterfly · 8 months
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Oooh, my Harmonia...just got back from watching Trolls Band Together and my GOODNESS!!🤩✨🤩✨🤩Words cannot describe how amazed and engrossed I was into the whole movie!!💖💖💖Was it worth the seven month wait?😗TOTALLY!!😍😍😍It was absolutely fantastic, and I LOVED and enjoyed every single moment of it!!🥰
I was really getting into scenes, got quite a few laughs out of some scenes and was touched the wholesome ones~💕Branch's brothers were just as enjoyable on screen - John Dory still being my fave as he grew throughout the movie (LOVE Rhonda too!😁) Spruce/Bruce is such a lovable family man, Clay was (serious)ly awesome in his scenes and the tender moments between Floyd and Branch really got me...especially with the flashbacks...🥲 It was so great to see Grandma Rosiepuff again, though I do wish there was more feeling shown when her death was mentioned, hopefully the brothers will come to terms with it more in time...and Branch's bunker plan for them all, d'awww...~🥺So he DID build the bunker for all his family...😭 Viva was such an amazing character as well as she adorably bonded with Poppy (ooh, dear King Peppy, I know you were heartbroken at the time but c'mon...😅) and finally braved out of her comfort zone, and Tiny Diamond going through his big boy phase was real cute and funny😂Bridget and King Gristle were great too, it was lovely seeing them again along with the Bergens!😊 I had a feeling Velvet and Veneer were luring BroZone to them, they were such good villains with their goals and personalities but I am glad Floyd got through to Veneer in the end, and he saw the wrong he and his sister were doing, and came clean to everyone. And Crimp was a cutie and deserves better🫂(glad she got a hug from Poppy and stood up to Velvet and Veneer in the end😌) And it was also great to see some of the Snack Pack again too, including Prince D and especially my darling Cooper too, eeeee~!😍💗💗💗He looked so dapper!💝🥰 Speaking of Poppy, she was just as darling as ever~!😚I seriously LOVED her relationship and her undying love for Branch blossom so much here whilst supporting and fangirling for him all the way as they interacted, bless her~😊And that sweet BROPPY KISS!!🤭...🤩I was going 'YES!! FINALLY!!' under my breath, grinning from ear to ear in that moment~💙💖And that moment when I thought he was gonna pop the question during the performance during the end...hehe, maybe another time~😉But I certainly didn't expect *NSYNC to show up in their trollsonas near the end...what a twist!😮
The chase scene and perfect family harmony scene were truly epic and it really shows, it doesn't have to be perfect as long as we're altogether~💞💓All the locations of the brothers were stunning to look at, with Vacay Island and Spruce/Bruce's family, the creepy abandoned Bergen golf course with the Putt-Putt Trolls, and finally Mount Rageous - a whole lot of wonder to take in!💖Walt Dohrn, Gina Shay and the DreamWorks Animation Crew did such an fantastic job on everything!✨🌟✨And that huge BroZone hug...again, d'aaaaww~!😭
As for the songs...I'll be downloading the rest of the album now because they were all wonderful to listen to!🎧🎶Real boyband and 90's nostalgia~✨I know they're gonna be stick in my head for a long time, hehe!😆I have so many faves, especially all versions of 'Better Place'~😚
A greatly HUGE thank-you in a million to everyone Trolls for such a fantastic movie, which I wonderfully enjoyed all the way through, from start to finish!🌟👏👏👏🌟AAAHH!!💓💗💓I JUST LOVED IT ALL!! 😍🤩😍I give it a solid 9.5 out of 10!!😊👍✨Totally made my weekend~!🫶🥰
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Your work is AMAZING! I hope you're proud of yourself! 💕
I was wondering if you could write how the brothers would react to finding out you're insecure about your body/ looks? I feel like Lucifer and Beel would be so so sweet to MC 🥰
Have a wonderful rest of your day and stay safe!
Thank you!!! 🥺 Sorry for the wait friend, I nervously kept rewriting this for a while 😆♡
MC Feeling Insecure (Obey Me!)
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"The truth is...I've always been insecure about my body and how I look." You say, confiding in your favorite demon one day.
»Characters: Demon Bros
»Tags: GN Reader, Fluff/Some Humor, Bulleted Style, Levi being down bad in his weird sweet way, Satan with the rizz™️
»Notes: I use beautiful+gorgeous+darling so if that bothers you then you should probably skip this!
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"You like to give me headaches." (Affectionate)
He just thought you knew how beautiful you are, he was surprised
The avatar of pride was going to teach you a lesson, it's what he does best after all
"We'll work through it together. I'll show you what I love about you."
And show you he did; he kissed every part of you that he loved- which was everything
He would tell you how great you looked, even in front of others
He took pride in that; it comes in many forms you see
He gave you daily affirmations and was patient with you on your bad days
One day he held your face gently and made you look at him: "I've been around for centuries and have had the opportunity to see all the realms...and I'd never met someone as beautiful as you." ♡♡♡
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He got real quiet...he was mildly annoyed
Actually, he started getting a little mad
How could you not see how perfect you are!?
Fine! Tch!
He took both your hands and looked at you intensely, knowing his face was burning
"Listen here-!"
"You'rePerfection! ICantKeepMyEyesOffYou!"
Although his face was burning, he hoped in his heart that you understood how beautiful you are, it hurt him to think you thought otherwise
From then on he made an effort everyday (he hoped it helped) to tell you something he liked about you in his own Mammon way
Usually via text bc in person was too much for the tsundere sometimes
(1) New text from Mammon: Look all I'm sayin' is I know beautiful treasure when I see it, got it?
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He was not having it!
He thinks you're the most perfect thing ever!
The most precious thing to have ever graced his disgustingly bleak life!
He felt a little bad at his outburst, he didn't mean to disregard your feelings
He knows a thing or two about insecurities after all
But he just cannot have you thinking that way and wanted to help you if he can!
The demon otaku pulled out a ready made powerpoint on why you're the absolutely perfect 3D partner
"L-look... all in all...you're beautiful! And I'll do a-anything I can to help you see that!"
He made it a point to worship you every day no matter how nervous he was
Yes he started a fan club, yes everyone else joined
Even Henry and Cerberus were a part of it
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"Hm. To think, I didn't expect someone as gorgeous as you would actually give me the time of day."
Tbh he also understands insecurities with one's self
He didn't know you also suffered through the same; and he wasn't going to let you go through it alone
"For what it's worth, I think you're absolute perfection." He said placing a kiss on your forehead
Brought out some self help books and the two of you went through them together
He would leave you daily positive handwritten notes
That didn't stop him from telling you how gorgeous you are in person though
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"What!? I think you're absolutely gorgeous...Do you want to talk more about it?"
He was familiar with insecurities too, unbeknownst to...nearly everyone, so he sure as hell wasn't going to let you go through this alone!
He lent an ear and reassured you that you were so perfect and that you'll see it one day like so many others do
"Do you know how many demons and monsters we have to chase off everyday!?" "What!?" "Nevermind! But darling you are downright gorgeous down to your soul!"
Your personal hype man
Started hyping you up every morning before RAD...eventually everyone started joining in, even Lucifer
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"You're perfect the way you are?"
This big guy was confused, he didn't mean to sound rude or anything to your feelings
He just wasn't prepared for your confession
He thought you were divine; if he didn't know any better he'd think you were from the celestial realm
No matter-- he was going to help you see your beauty one way or another
He hugged you tightly, "Thank you for trusting me"
He held your hand as the two of you talked and he tried to reassure you the best he could
He covered you in kisses and, if you were okay with it, gave extra attention to the parts you hated
"You're delicious in so many ways. You're really beautiful."
Looked up ways to make you feel better and made you a jar with little daily affirmation notes ♡
Like everyone else, also told you personally everyday how beautiful you are
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"...That's dumb."
Okay, even he thought that came out a little harsher than intended...leave it to him to be blunt
"I mean, I literally dream about you and when I'm awake you're better than any dream. You're beautiful."
He hugged you in hopes of making you feel better
"Look I'm not good at these things but I'll remind you everyday how amazingly gorgeous you are, alright?"
If you happen to nap/sleep together, he will whisper sweet stuff into your ear
"I'll keep saying these things until you believe it. And continue to, even after you realize it yourself."
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⬦You might also like: You ARE The Father︱Giving Him Flowers︱Only You (Lucifer) ︱Radiant (Beel)
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belit0 · 10 months
First of all, I love your scenarios 😭🖤
And second, I would love an Uchihas react of their s/o telling them she's pregnant, thanks in advance :3 🖤
Thank you, darling, I do my best😭💕
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- Not even all the feigned indifference in the world can hide his genuine happiness. Indra is so consumed by his stupid curse that he hasn't felt such deep feelings in a long time, and the bliss he experiences when finally learning he's going to be a father breaks down all his inner walls. For the first time, (Y/N) sees him cry, of nothing less than joy.
- Crying, of delight, without restraint. As I mentioned before, creating heirs, children, family, for Madara is like redeeming himself, cleaning all the blood from his hands and being able to bring life with them, kindness, love. Hearing that his (Y/N) will give him a son is the first step in that direction, a future of fulfillment.
- Surprise, anxiety, uncertainty. Izuna does not imagine himself as a father, he never entertained the idea because he thought it to be impossible, and he did not expect anything like that to happen soon. Knowing there is a child on the way, his baby, and having only a few months to adapt to it terrifies him.
- Many doubts, mainly about how everything will turn out once his little creation comes into the world. Obito has a very negative view of himself, always remembering all the mistakes he made and not being able to see the good, he has great concern about transmitting that to his son.
- Positive panic, Shisui is desperate to meet his baby from the moment he finds out it is inside (Y/N). He will start talking to them even when she does not yet have a prominent belly, trying to forge a bond with them from moment zero. He's more than ready for it.
- He secretly looked forward to it, but now it's real, and that scares him. Like Obito, Itachi carries a dreadful image of himself, always feeling defined by the darkness of his past and not allowing much light into his future. What would happen if his son became infected with that? Scary.
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fangsp1der-2099 · 7 months
Young!Coriolanus Snow x Fem!reader
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| Warnings‼️: Coriolanus is a bit possessive and a bit crazy also gets a bit suggestive at the end but that’s all folks. |
| a/n : first time writing for a character like Coriolanus but I hope I did him some justice because I’m in love with him. Enjoy 💕. |
| tags 🏷️: @knight-of-flowerss @thethreeeyed-raven |

exercising unscrupulous control or influence over a person or situation.
A word commonly used to describe Coriolanus Snow. Almost anyone who wasn’t under his influence would call him that word. Not you though, how could you? He was sweet and kind and could never hurt you. He bought you nice clothes, gifted you bouquets of roses that were coloured a white of the purest snow and gave you anything a lady of the Capitol could ever need. However you still got the feeling that something was wrong with him. What if the people were right?
You were looking in the mirror at yourself. Was it yourself? The eyes that stared back at you didn’t feel carry the same warmth as they once did. Your curves, didn’t feel like they were yours, too full for a person who had been through war. You glide your hands down your newly bought satin dress. Coriolanus had bought it for when you were feeling down a few days ago. He could never see his lady sad.
You hug yourself, arms snaking around your stomach. Why did you feel this way? A silent sob racked your body. Tears spilled down your blushed cheeks and dropped onto the dress. You tried to wipe away the tears but they fell like an everlasting waterfall. The mascara that had sat on your eyelashes were now smudged across your eyelids and the cherry lipstick that once graced your lips was now smeared across your chin. You looked as disgusting as you felt. At least you thought so.
The front door of your penthouse clicked open. Was Coriolanus already home? You grab a handkerchief and you wipe off as much of the ruined makeup as you could and replaced it with a faux smile.
“Darling? Are you here?” You hear Coriolanus’ soft voice behind the door. “Yes I’m here Corio.” Your voice still shaky but hopefully not noticeable. He opens the door and he looks straight at you and smiles. “There’s my beautiful girl.” He’s wearing his deep red coat with a pair of black gloves. You try to keep some distance from him. As he steps forward you take a small shuffle back. After a few steps he notices. “Darling? Are you ok? Did something happen while I was away? I’m telling you if one of the butlers tried anything I will fucking-“ “No! No I’m fine!” You cut him off. “Just not feeling great that’s all.” You chuckle slightly, trying to play it off.
He sighs. “Please doll, if anything is wrong ,tell me.” He walks over to you and places a soft kiss on your forehead. “I know.” A genuine soft smile appears on your lips. He always had a way to cheer you up. “Are you going to tell me why you look like that?” he raises his brow, obviously noticing your red puffy eyes and the smudged make up. “Nothing important.” You wave your hand around trying to exaggerate that you were fine. “Tell me darling. You’re safe with me.” He places his hands on the sides of your face, softly caressing your cheeks with his thumbs. “Please.” He pleads in a soft whisper.
“Fine…I just feel wrong?” You confess, you feel like crying again. “Wrong?” He questions. “Yes wrong. My body feels like not mine.” You hear an almost sadistic laugh come from him. “Darling please. Your body is mine.” What? You look at him confused. He kisses you again but this time on your lips. He invites his tongue in between your lips and into your mouth where both of your lips danced together in a harmony of passion and lust. He leaves your mouth and works down to your neck leaving a trail of kisses. Slightly nipping your skin with every kiss trying to mark you to show that you were his
You let out a soft whimper. You didn’t know whether it was out of fear or pleasure. “Tell me that you’re mine.”He says breathlessly as he leaves your skin just before he continues to kiss you. Your hand reaches for his hair as he reaches the neck line of your dress. “I’m yours Coriolanus.” You moan into his hair and he chuckles into your skin, you can feel his voice vibrate against your skin. “I’m glad to see that you finally realise who you belong to doll.” His voice laced with authority. He slips down your dress before carrying you to the bedroom.
Maybe the people were right but you wasn’t going to listen.
A/n: hope you enjoyed and have a good day lovelies 💕
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moonlight-prose · 11 months
ahh hello lovely!! Your Sinful Soiree is gorgeous and looks so fun! So excited to read what you make for it.
And would love to send something in! I think about your kinktober Obi-Wan all the time, would love to please request something for him + this prompt: “shh. there’s people in the other room.”
Hope you have a great day! 💖💕
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a/n: so i sat on this for a bit trying to find the inspo for obi-wan again. but i seriously didn't expect to get it back to this degree. i wrote this quickly and possibly not even paying attention to what i was putting on the paper because my mind was going a mile a minute. so this is probably extremely messy, but i hope you enjoy it darling. (also thank you for reigniting my love for this man. i am now swooning again).
summary: "he’d want the last thing he ever heard to be the sound of you tipping over the edge, falling into a bliss you both craved."
word count: 1.6k+
pairing: obi-wan kenobi x f!reader
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS DNI, oral (f receiving), p in v sex, bad explanation of the force, cumplay, cumeating, obi-wan being a tease, possible exhibitionism (if you squint with a magnifying glass).
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If you could scream, you would. You would allow every sound you pushed down, every whimper you bit back, free. In fact you wanted to hear it echo around you. Until he went deaf with it. Although knowing him, he’d want that too. He’d want the last thing he ever heard to be the sound of you tipping over the edge, falling into a bliss you both craved.
“F-Fuck. Obi—” Your head fell back against the wall behind you, nails digging into the rough fabric of his robes.
His eyes met yours, the brilliant blue still stealing your breath after so many months of seeing them like this. Darkened with a lust that reverberated through your entire body. A feeling unlike any other. When in fact it was you that showed it to him first. You who got to watch as he discovered what real pleasure felt like—what it did to his psyche.
“I know darling,” he whispered, his lips glistening in you.
One hand gripped your leg that was slung over his shoulder, the other focused on prolonging every little sensation that coursed through you. His fingers curled, brushing against a spot that he always found with astounding accuracy every time. And he watched—a small smile playing on his lips—as you nearly crumpled in on yourself. A sharp gasp leaving your mouth.
“I can’t…” Oh but you wanted to. You wanted to dig your hands into his hair and drag him back to your cunt that practically pulsed with each shift of his hand. You needed to fall off that cliff.
“Yes,” he said, his voice slipping into a tone you were rather familiar with. A demand that only came from a general in war. “You will.”
Nodding without another thought on the matter, you felt his tongue slip back through your folds. A sound clawed up the back of your throat as heat filled your stomach, spreading to the very tips of your fingers. But you fought against it. Did whatever you could to hold it back in your chest. Except then he sucked your clit into his mouth, a soft moan reverberating through your entire body.
A cry tore from your throat, your thighs shaking in his grip. You were right there. And you tried to drag it closer, allowing it to fill your entire being with that white hot burn you loved. You craved it. Desperately needed the sweetness that only he could give to spread along your tongue, but you felt it began to fade. Whatever licked hotly at the edge, sunk back into the darkness.
“No,” you gasped. “No, please. Please I want to—”
He rose to his feet, his hand covering your mouth with fingers that were still covered in your slick. “I know. I know what you want.”
A muffled whine echoed beneath his palm. You hoped that the sound would spur him on; show him how much you needed him to continue. Yet it only made him smile. A light in his eyes that told you he wasn’t done with you yet. Far from it.
Shuffling with one hand, he pulled at his robes with a speed that suggested he wasn’t as calm and collected as you expected him to be. In fact, seeing you like this—tasting you on his tongue—drove him to the brink of a madness he could no longer deny. A state of being he’d happily settle in permanently.
He gripped your leg, hooking it around his hip as the firm head of his cock swiped through your folds. Sending a shiver through your entire body. A broken moan escaping you. He nudged at your clit, his hot breath panting across your skin, and you nearly told him to get it over with. To finally give you what you both wanted. But the feeling of him sinking into you completely, until his hips met yours, sent your head flying back. A ragged cry slipping free.
“Darling,” he grunted, his forehead falling against your temple, eyes squeezed shut.
You couldn’t even get coherent words out, a muffled sound coming out louder than you intended. That only made him press his hand down harder, his lips coming up to your ear, the soft grunt he let out shaking your entire being.
“Shh. There’s people in the other room.” He kissed the spot beneath your ear that sent a shiver down your spine. “I need you to be quiet for me. Can you do that? Can you be good?”
You’d go out onto a fucking battlefield with no weapons at this point. As long as he continued with whatever he had planned. Obi-Wan controlled your entire being, bending you to his will, and you happily allowed it. What more could you want? When he held you like the most precious thing in the galaxy; when he looked at you like you were his north star. His eternal light in the battle against darkness.
Nodding, you felt him pull out slightly, only to press back in with a stunted thrust that had his head falling forward. Neither of you would last very long—not with the prospect of possibly getting caught hanging over your heads. Whichever of you thought fucking in the Jedi Temple was a good idea was certainly not thinking about the consequences.
“So tight,” he gasped, his other hand pulling your leg up higher, allowing him to sink in a bit deeper.
His body shook, teeth digging into his bottom lip, as he realized just how quickly this would be over. Obi-Wan—though a little more experienced than last time—still found himself unable to hold on at times. Not when your walls were so tight around his cock. Each flutter sending him a little higher, the self control he prided himself on, slipping further and further away.
“I’ve got you.”
Another short stunted thrust caused your hips to hit the wall softly, but it did exactly what you needed. His cock pressed against that blinding spot that had your eyes welling up with tears. Your fingers dug into his shoulders, eyes rolling back as the release he had built up suddenly came roaring back.
“So fucking perfect,” he muttered, his speed quickening to chase that feeling he felt build up in the base of his spine. “So good for me darling.”
A whimper was pressed into his palm, your hips canting up to match his thrusts with weak movements.
“I’ve got you.” He gasped, his forehead falling to yours. “I want to feel it. Please. I need it.”
He slammed into you, feeling your cunt clamp down around him as you clawed at his back. Ripping his hand away, his lips pressed against yours, swallowing every sound you made and giving you his in return. He grunted with each thrust, your slick coating the coarse hair at the base of his cock and giving him a chance to perfectly grind against your clit.
“I-” You pulled away, a string of spit connecting your lips together. “I’m—oh—”
 “Yes,” he panted, his tongue sliding against yours, hand moving down to grip your hip. “Let me feel you.”
One final grind of his hips against yours sent the wave of bliss you’d been grasping for through you. A sob of his name was swallowed by his fervent kiss, your spine arching until you were pressed fully into him. Something burst forward, enveloping him whole, and it was only when he shuddered finally reaching his own peak, did you realize it was you.
A bright light of a feeling you could only define as purely Obi-Wan shoved into your body, sending you higher than before. He cried into your mouth, his hand slapping against the wall beside your head as he shook, sinking into the heat of the Force that you drowned him in.
“Fuck,” you sighed when you finally began to come down, your head spinning from the high that still lingered in your body. Sparking up and down your spine.
He chuckled, remaining as close to you as possible, even as his cock softened inside you. “I believe we got a bit carried away.”
You smiled, cupping the back of his neck. “So much for being quiet.”
“I can come up with an explanation for the noise.”
You scoffed. “And what pray tell is this explanation? I apologize for the noise but I couldn’t stop myself from eating out my lover in an empty room.”
His cheeks stained red until it crept up to his ears. “Something of the sort.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“I’d much rather prefer the term intelligent.”
You laughed, feeling his lips press against your neck, his own smile curving against your skin. “Whatever you say General Kenobi.”
A soft growl echoed in his chest at the sound of you using his title, his teeth digging into your throat. You sighed softly at the feeling of his cock twitching in curiosity, the knowledge that you wouldn’t be leaving this room any time soon now dawning on you.
“Say it again,” he murmured, his hips pushing forward, eliciting a high keening moan from your throat.
“G-General—” His thumb spread the mixture of your cum along your swollen clit, pressing down until your hips jerked forward—painful sparks shooting up your body.
“Good girl.” A wide smile curved on his mouth, the thumb that had been against your clit, now running along your bottom lip, opening you up. “Now.” He moaned at the feel of your tongue against his finger. “Where was I?”
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mymelodymia · 7 months
HELLO, hope you're having a great day. can I request a loki x daughter reader (age 16) where she has many insecurities and worries and he realizes it and helps her? If this is a hard limit, please ignore it 💘
Here for you // Loki laufeyson x daughter reader
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Summary: loki comforts you after finding out your insecure :(
Warnings: insecurities, hating body, being mean to loki (kinda),
Age: 16
🩰˚˖𓍢ִ໋ ♡🎧✧˚.🎀༘⋆+•°+💕*°•+
You frowned as you lifted your shirt up slightly in front of your mirror. Turning to see your side profile. Staring at your stomach.
You thought no boys/girls would ever show interest in you if you looked like this. Although your body was completely normal for your age. Sighing as you felt a tear fall down your cheek.
You continued staring at your body, to which you hated, when your father, loki, suddenly burst through the door. Usually he'd knock and you'd have a second to jump into your bed and put on a fake smile. But you didn't this time.
You took in a sharp breath, whipping around to face him. With his eyebrows scrunched, he tilted his head in confusion as to what you were doing.
"Ww-What are you doing?" He asked as you felt your cheeks turn red. With your head downcast, you felt tears come to your eyes. You backed up slowly until you sat down on your bed.
Your father walked over and sat down next to you. placing his hand over yours in order to comfort you. "What were you doing darling?"
You sniffed before letting out a small sob, loki threw his arms around you as a reflex to this. You continued to sob into his chest for a while. He rocked you back and forth as ran his fingers through your dark wavy hair. Shushing you from time to time.
Eventually you calmed down. Pulling away from your father, you looked at him tearfully. He looked deep into your emerald green eyes before asking the question again.
"What were you doing?" He asked in a soft tone, his asgardian accent ringing in your ears. You took in a deep breath before confessing.
"I...really, hate the way i look." Loki looked surprised at this, brushing a strand of hair away from your face. "Why?"
"Im afraid that if im too fat I'll never get a partner...and if i dont loose some weight no boy/girl will love me..." you said sadly. Your father again, looked shocked at this.
"Y/n, darling, your not fat, your not even overweight in the slightest...did, someone tell you these lies?"
"No, not really i just...i want boys/girls to like me, and i just, I just dont like the way i look. Its ugly and-"
"I beg your pardon?" Loki interrupted, 'Ugly' he hated that word. "Tell me, why in the world you would think that?"
"I dont know! Okay!?" You shouted, "i dont know why i feel this way! Just go away!" You yelled in frustration. He placed a hand on your shoulder. Remaining calm as your mood switched quickly.
He sighed and pulled you close to him, you again started to sob into him. He pulled away from this gentle touch for a moment to lie down on his back, extending and arm to invite you in.
You rested your head on his chest as he held you close to him as you both continued to stare at the ceiling.
You allowed yourself to drift off in his arms, your chest rising and falling as you slept.
He had a maid draw you a warm bath when you awoke from your deep slumber. He also made you your favorite meal when you got out of the tub.
Over a few weeks, you felt at peace with your body, with your soul, with your mind.
🩰˚˖𓍢ִ໋ ♡🎧✧˚.🎀༘⋆+•°+💕*°•+
A/N: i hope you liked this loveeeeee! P. S, please ignore my inactivity lol
@animealways // @white-wolf-buckaroo // @tonystark-au // @yummyangy // @zebralover // @carellmcu // @mariasabanahabanabana //
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Hello there! Someone asked for some middle- and lower-class fashions, and I think I have an ok resource? This website (https://www.soundsurvey.org.uk/index.php/history/street_cries) has digitised a lot of books that were popular in the 19th century of "old street cries," which documented (idk how accurately) different street sellers and their jingles they would use to attract customers. They have wonderfully lively illustrations of working-class garb, mostly in the 19th century. Some of the books on this website were produced much later than the period they illustrate (i.e. published in the 1860s but about street cries of the 1700s) while others were produced more at the same time. There's a lot of material but the search thingy on the left hand side is pretty handy!
Hope this helps! I'm a big fan of both your blogs and look forward to seeing what variety happens with the fashion polls 💖💐
hello my darling!
thank you for reaching out! and thank you so much for your sweet words 🥰🥰 I'm really glad you're enjoying my blogs!! ☺️☺️
and omg thank you for this fantastic resource! "street cries" were a genre I was aware of, but I hadn't thought of using them to source fashion images, so this is brilliant! 💕💕
the school where I got my masters degree had a really amazing special collections library, and they had a great collection of street cries, chapbooks, broadsides, and other ephemera documenting the popular culture of london throughout the 19th century. and while I was there, they had put on a little exhibition of some of that material, which led me to a chapbook about a sensationalized murder with some really wild images in it. anyway, that led me to develop my final research project for my art history theory class where I focused on depictions of criminals - specifically murderers - in the late victorian london press and the ways in which they constructed the visuality of "criminality." I didn't actually end up using any street cries in that final paper, but I still thought it was a cool connection!
but thank you so much again! I'm very excited to put some of these into a poll!! ☺️☺️
have a fantastic day! 💕💖💕💖
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avocado-writing · 9 months
Omggg i hear your requests are open again??? Yayyy so excited so excited. I’ve been thinking ab smth angsty with Crowley where the reader has serious abandonment issues and Crowley accidentally triggers them. I would love it to be angsty but fluffy at the end bc I don’t want Crol to be sad :(
Tysm and i hope you have a fucking great week💕✨
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notes: a phenomenal meme, thank you. I hope reader seems in character enough for abandonment issues!
pairing: crowley x reader
rating: T
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He’s gone, and you’re worried it’s forever.
He’s had to go and do some work. Some demon work. When the two of you properly began getting together he had to tell you about his true nature; you were surprised and secretly a bit thrilled because, well, how many people have a demon in love with them? It made you feel very special indeed. And Crowley does love you so very deeply, you’ve never had a love like it before. Which made it sting all the worse when he had to go.
You were bickering about him leaving. He had to go to bloody Spain to perform some sort of temptation, and he knew you couldn’t get the time off work to come with him. You were begging him to stay, he was insisting he couldn’t, and as neither of you could see the other’s point of view voices began to get raised. It ended with him leaving you in your flat, slamming the door behind him in frustration.
You’ve not seen him for a week. It’s been driving you mad. He’s gone, hasn’t he? He’s gone forever. Just like every other person who’s walked into your life with claims that they love you only to disappear when things got difficult. You are unloveable, you are not worthy of anyone’s time. You do not deserve to experience anything other than heartbreak.
When he comes home he knows he’ll need to apologise. It doesn’t come easily to Crowley, admitting that he’s wrong, but he’ll find a way to force it out of himself for your sake. He shouldn’t have left how he did. It was unkind. Petty. A relationship shouldn’t be about trying to get the last word in an argument, and he feels very small indeed.
He knocks at the door to your flat and, when it isn’t answered, he miracles the lock open and walks in. Maybe he can get started on dinner. Maybe coming home to the smell of cooking and him being all grovelly will make things better.
This plan is stopped in its tracks when he finds you curled up in a blanket on the sofa. You look terrible. Tired, miserable, and ever so small. You take one look at him and recoil.
“What do you –”
“I’m sorry,” Crowley says. It’s not forced or uncomfortable as it usually is when he’s made to apologise, but sincere. An apology is not a plaster, though, and you still look raw and wounded as he sits on the opposite end of the couch. You wince as he reaches out to touch you.
“I thought you weren’t coming back,” is all the explanation that you can muster.
“Oh, darling. I’m…” he wracks his brain for something that’s a suitable apology, but can come up with nothing better than another “I’m sorry.”
Tears begin to fall down your cheeks and you seem furious at them, wiping them away with the edge of your blanket, but still unable to get them to stop.
“I thought you were done with me. That you hated me.”
“Come here,” says Crowley, bundling you in his arms and pulling you onto his lap. You cry a little, at him, at yourself, at being so stupid. “I don’t hate you. I’d never hate you. I think it’s impossible, actually. I was just being a twat. I’ll even do the dance if you want me to.”
You laugh into his shirt and he’s relieved.
“No, keep that dance for Aziraphale. I think he’d be annoyed if he found out you did it for me.”
You look into his eyes, and he moves his sunglasses up so he can meet your gaze properly.
“Don’t leave me,” you whisper, voice trembling a little.
“I won’t. I swear.”
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Taglist: @angiestopit @dazed-soul @foolishprincipalitee @smile-eywa @staygoldsquatchling02 @underratedboogeyman @specter-soltare @cool-ontherun-world @emilynissangtr @willbedecided @cool-iguana @this--is--music @ilyatan @lxsm2 @clarina04@wtfhasmy-lifecometo @mrgatotortuga@wereallbrokenangels @night-affiliate @kimqueenofhell @chewbrry @bajablast23 @h3k3t @am-i-obsessed---maybe @bakerstreethound
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m-jelly · 3 months
hey! hope ure doing well!
can i get a fic where reader is a very well know supermodel, is maybe even in VS, and is like considered very badass and iconic...and shes dating levi, and shes in rwality, compared to how others see her (alluring, confident, etc...) is actually just a sweetheart and is very shy and kind?
(also! absolutely adore ur account and work, truly! i hope u continue doing what u do, whenever u post something, it instantly brightens up my day, believe it or not💕 ur work is a huge comfort for me and im sure it also is for many others🫂 u deserve every last bit of recognition, jelly!)
Thank you so much anon. I've been feeling very negative these days, so it means a lot to know you're enjoying what I make.
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Behind the camera
Levi x fem!reader
Modern AU, fluff, romance, being a couple, model reader, no body specific reader.
Levi is a fashion designer and you are his personal model.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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Confidence rolled off you as you posed for the cameras. People commented that the clothes were just made for you, which they would be very right. Levi was the designer and every single thing on your body was made just for you.
You had started off as Levi's assistant, then he asked you to model his clothes because you inspired him and then he realised that you were so inspiring because he was madly in love with you. Levi confessed his love and you became a couple. Most would be shocked at Levi because it took you two about four months to become a couple.
Levi had moved fast, which wasn't like him. However, he knew he wanted you, he knew he loved you, he knew you were his forever and he wasn't just gonna let that slip through his fingers. Now you were a year into your love and he had already picked out a ring for your engagement, he just needed to set up a perfect day.
He made a few notes on your outfit and thought about something else he could dress you up in. He gave you a gentle smile as you posed in such an alluring way, it just drove him crazy with love. He could see you were enjoying yourself as you worked.
The photographer ended the shoot and showered you with praise. As soon as he started talking to you your true adorable nature came out. He shook your hand. "Thank you so much. It's been a joy working for you."
You felt your heart race. "R-Really? You're too kind. Umm. It was an honour to have you as a photographer. You're incredible. You make anything look beautiful." You fidgetted a little. "C-can I get you a drink or something to eat? You must be so tired."
He blushed at your words. "Oh, I'm okay, don't worry."
You hurried over to the small fridge. "I've got an ice cold water here or a diet coke?"
He chuckled. "A coke would do great."
You opened it and handed it over. "You should get some sugar in you too. Have a cookie."
"You are so sweet."
Levi made his way over to you and called your name. "Don't forget about yourself."
You gasped in shock. "Oh! You're right."
He opened a can for you and handed it over. "Drink this. You should also take a seat as well, okay?"
"Ah, but everyone..."
He ushered you to a comfy seat. "Focus on yourself, okay?" He knelt and slipped your heels off. "You're important." He massaged your feet. "It's a good job I'm very focused on you, otherwise you'd be very sick."
You hummed a laugh. "You care so much about me."
He leaned up and kissed you. "Of course. You're my world."
"You're mine. I wouldn't be doing this job if it weren't for you. I count my blessings every day."
He glided his hands up your leg. "Darling, you are more magical than you think." He smiled a little at you. "We're going out for dinner tonight. I'm going to take you to the place we went to on our first date."
You squeaked. "Yay! I love that place."
Levi took your hands and showered them with kisses. "I love it too. We'll make tonight special." Tonight was the night, he was going to ask you to marry him.
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makeyoumine69 · 20 hours
I Like It Rough
— PAIRING: Patrick Bateman x Fem!OC (Angel💋)
— SUNOPSYS: "There is something special about this girl. Something I have always wanted to unravel."
— CONTAINS: Smut, Patrick's POV, toxic relationship, aggressive foreplay, hair pulling, unprotected rough sex, degradation kink, praise kink and maybe something more :D
— A/N: This is for my beloved @mothhmannn! It was such a pleasure for me to write about your OC! 💕
— SONG REC: Lady Gaga — I Like It Rough
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The roar of the city was barely audible in the opulent interior of the limousine, and I could care less about the angry expression of the girl sitting next to me. Angel, my beloved, but a spoiled brat. Maybe it was not her fault at all, since I was the one who allowed her to feel special. As if she was not just one of the hookers I used to sleep with.
"Darling," I began, placing my warm palm on her knee. "I know things can be complicated between us, but please don't sit there with that face. It doesn't suit you at all."
Angel, sighing in frustration, just crossed her arms over her chest and turned away from me. 
"Oh, come on, baby, don't be like that," I urged in a stern voice before grabbing her wrist, causing the girl to whimper in pain. "Look at this beautiful bracelet. Do you think you will ever be able to acquire such luxury without me?"
This time, the blonde didn't dare ignore me and locked her big, sad eyes with mine. "Fuck you, Bateman," she hissed through her white teeth. "If you really think you're the only Wall Street man I sleep with, you're delusional and sick," she spat in my face, forcing the blood in my veins to boil, but I didn't allow myself to hurt her. Not yet. "And pathetic."
"Say it again." 
Angel trembled under my grip. I could feel the turmoil inside her, reflected in the way she stared at me, desperate and broken. "You..." she almost whispered, glancing down at the gleaming jewelry around her thin wrist, then raising her eyes to my lips. 
"...are so unbearable."
"Oh, I know, little one," I bridged the distance, snuggling into her like a snake in one swift motion, finding that sweet spot on her delicate neck. "And you love it, don't you? You've always loved that about me."
Whereupon, I kissed her hard, letting go of her wrist only to put her arms on my shoulders. Angel didn't respond to my initiative at first, but then, with a muffled moan, she got on top of me, letting me grope her great ass and pull up the hem of her dress.
"Ah, Patrick," she gasped into my ear as I pressed her harder against my groin, making her feel how much I wanted her. Angel squirmed on my lap before she kissed me again, plunging her wet tongue into my mouth, which I gladly sucked without shame. "Mmhm, fuck!"
With a cheeky grin, I relished the way Angel was grinding on me like a fucking bitch in heat. "That's it, sweetheart," I crooned in a husky voice, my cock straining against the confines of my Valentino pants. "You just need a firm hand."
At my words, I noticed that Angel's humping became less and less vigorous until she stopped moving at all. "Tell me," the obvious pain in her voice. "Tell me what happened last night was just an accident."
The lewd memories came to my mind faster than I could actually think about Angel's words. Closing my eyes, I indulged in the obscene image my brain produced: me lying on the bed with three beautiful girls, Angel being one of them. While two of them were busy with my cock, I sat Angel on my face and made her buck her hips towards me as I stuck out my tongue for her to use.
"Patrick!" A stubborn female voice pulled him out of the tantalizing haze. "Why did you do this to me?"
"Did what?" I asked, assuming she meant the way I slapped her face several times until her lower lip began to bleed. "I thought you loved pain, my fallen Angel."
The girl scoffed as I grinned. "Why did you treat other chicks better than me?"
Was she really jealous? Such an idea made my smirk widen and I couldn't help but squeeze her cheeks, forcing her to claw at my large palm. "How many times do I have to say it?" I whispered against her swollen lips. "No matter how many girls I have, you will always be special to me."
That was only half true, or at least I wanted to believe it, because Angel was just a hooker. But a very hot one. At some point I even wanted to tell her that I didn't want her to sleep with anyone else but me. I wanted to, but something inside me stopped me every time I opened my mouth. Angel kept bubbling something in my ear, but my own thoughts were louder.
As the limousine pulled up to a not-too-fancy looking building in Lower Manhattan, we both realized that this was a breaking point, but this time I let her decide if she wanted to be alone tonight or have my company. The blonde carefully got up from my lap and took a moment to fix her slightly disheveled hair, then she adjusted the hem of her short dress and looked at me with hope. But I didn't understand what she wanted.
"See you next week, I guess," I mumbled, pulling out a thick stack of $100 bills. "Buy yourself some new lingerie for the one I ripped off."
Perplexed, Angel took the money but she didn't move, so I opened the door for her, implying that no one was forcing her to stay. A cold breeze blew into my face as I did so, but the girl just clutched the bills in her hands, on the verge of tears—I could smell her desperation in the air.
"I hate you, Bateman," Angel hissed, her eyes devoid of emotion, shimmering like broken glass. "You…you just don't understand."
Annoyed, I looked at her indifferently, then at the pile of bills. "I think I pay you enough. You should be grateful, you know?"
The moment I heard her muffled sob, I knew it was over, so when she grabbed my hand and forced me to follow her, I was not surprised. Not even a little. Everything was going according to my plan, as usual.
In a few minutes we were in Angel's small apartment. Overwhelmed by the consuming last, I didn't pay attention to the surroundings, I only cared about the place I was going to fuck her while I was holding the girl in my strong arms and she was kissing me if I was about to vanish.
"Fuck, you're gonna stain my suit," I grumbled as she wrapped her legs around my waist, her wet panties rubbing against my expensive suit. "You're such a dirty little whore. My little whore."
"Patrick," Angel whimpered as I bent her over the back of the couch I saw in the living room. Being too impatient, I couldn't wait any longer and my hands were already undoing my belt with practiced ease. "Put on a condom-arhhh!"
Her loud moan echoed through the small room as I slammed into her supple body without any preparation, as I was sure she didn't need it, since she was soaking wet. 
So fucking needy for me. 
"Just like that," I purred with my eyes closed, reveling in the blissful sensation of her warmth enveloping my thick dick. "God, you're so fucking perfect for me, doll."
Blushing, Angel sobbed, but she didn't let a single tear slip down her beautiful but sad face. Even when I yanked her hair, fucking her really hard and forcing her to look at me. Her bright eyes stared at me without any judgment, all I could see was a pure, raw desire that I so eagerly wanted to fulfill.
"Spread your legs wider," my command was obeyed almost instantly. "Good girl," I snaked my fingers between Angel's thighs to tease her blushing clit before pulling down her lace panties and removing them completely. With a guttural growl, I rolled my hips against hers, hitting the most sensitive spot inside her pussy and indulging in the way she screamed for me. "I'm... I'm close, babe."
Arching her elegant back, Angel opened her mouth so invitingly that I couldn't stop myself from sliding a finger inside. "Mhmm," she moaned around my digit as I refocused my attention on her swollen little bud, rubbing it in sync with my thrusts, I could feel her inner channel contracting around me, about to milk me until I was dry. "Pat-Patrick..."
Panting, I pulled my digit out of her warm mouth to wrap both hands around her slender neck, ramming into her with all my might, her small form shuddering with each stroke. Angel was the first to fall apart, she could barely stand on her feet, clinging desperately to the couch, shaking as if from the electric shock. 
This girl. She was perfect. At that moment, she was mine, completely mine. And if I ever found the courage to tell her I wanted her forever, I would probably be free of the obsessive thoughts that had haunted me since I met her. 
My little fallen Angel. 
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weirdworldofwinnie · 9 months
A Darling Distraction
Cillian Murphy as J. Robert Oppenheimer x Female Wife Reader NSFW 18+ only Oneshot
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(Mood board by Selene Shelby @forgottenpeakywriter, this fic is especially for you, so I hope you enjoy! Thanks for the initial idea and support💕)
Summary: Robert's been married to you for a while and now in Los Alamos, after the last few years of hard work and a 'successful' Trinity Test, he desperately needs something he won't admit: his wife in pink satin lingerie and sexual stress relief.
Word Count: ~3,703
Warnings: Smut, unprotected and oral sex both ways, light daddy kink + breeding kink, some angst, mention of infidelity, period stereotypical gender roles, unspecified age gap (less than 10 years)
Disclaimer: Obviously NOT historically accurate to real life and is inspired by Cillian Murphy's portrayal of Oppenheimer in the film. It isn't supposed to be in total support and a complete reflection of the man's character, only my interpretation. Scroll away and DNI if you are uncomfortable or take issue with this; it is primarily for entertainment purposes only and it is just fantasy/fiction!
This is strictly a one shot story, no more will be added to it. If you want to read other Cillian!Oppenheimer fanfiction, check out my Masterlist
Tags: @happysparklingshadows (@forgottenpeakywriter wanted me to tag you), @frozenhuntress67, @immyowndefender, @szde8-blog, @bypurple, @irenethewoman, @noirrose21-blog, @gridmouse86
It had been less than 24 hours since the denotation of the gadget and Dr. Robert Oppenheimer's eyes had been engulfed in fire; the aftermath of a hot white flash as bright as a hundred suns blowing out his pupils, followed by a colorful mushrooming cloud that was somehow simultaneously beautiful and horrific. Between the hours before and after Trinity, he had thought of Jean and her influential poetry, and you of course, but now the bomb had become him and only that one vision filled his mind, haunting him.
All day he had been at the lab and offices, but mostly at the main mess hall celebrations that flowed with chatter and too many drinks shared amongst the military and scientists alike whom many believed had been witness to a great success, a miracle, but also the worst of humanity had just been born into creation. Oppenheimer had become what he supposed he had been destined to be all along: Prometheus, doomed to bring great power and advancement to humanity at a steep cost. He was the destroyer of worlds, but not technically yet, and that was the worst of it. The early morning test was exactly that; a trial, a preview of what was to manifest, and very soon would the world get to see such power he had helped birth. He desired peace, but the trick was he was only attaining that through warfare like never before. The stress was far from over and he was afraid to become a nervous wreck by the end of the decade with all these dark pervasive thoughts and doubts. Depression was nigh on the back of pressuring anxiety and there was no way anything would ever be the same again. He had changed, the world had changed, seamlessly overnight.
As he clumsily unlocked the front door to his home with slightly shaking fingers and stumbled inside, reaching up to remove his porkpie hat and hang it up on the coatrack, he called out your name hoarsely. After a beat of listening and there was no response, he sighed... Maybe you'd already gone to bed or were tucking in the children, whatever it was he didn't know and didn't care because he was too wrapped up in his own emotions. He felt ecstatic that all the hard work had come to fruition and they cemented history, but he was also at a paradoxical point of great accomplishment and great moral failure; the duality of man. But most importantly: it worked. Now what they would do with it was another matter he couldn't quit thinking about.
He reflexively twitched for a cigarette in his shirt pocket, but he was empty, so he walked to the bedroom single mindedly and fumbled for a box in the side table, yanking out the drawer and shifting through to pick up a pack of Chesterfield's.
He jumped, spinning around with a huff and hand on his hip to see you standing in the shadows of the entryway and draped in a pink robe snug around your frame and he noticed your feet were bare as if you'd just been dressing.
"Y/N, I thought you were... Are the children in bed?"
"An hour ago, they were fussy and very insistent with missing Daddy, but once I read to them they finally settled down. You've been absent all day because of the test, what made you actually come home?"
He shook his head, finding relief and refuge in taking a long drag on the cigarette and blowing the smoke out, gesturing at you with the butt of it.
"You brought in the sheets like I told you to?"
"Of course, I knew."
He moved to the edge of the bed and sat down heavily, rubbing his forehead and you noticed the tiredness he exuded for a man who usually was so attentive with higher energy levels, and how sunken in and sad his wide ocean eyes were. These past few years had taken a tremendous toll on his wellbeing more than ever... His jutting cheekbones and general gauntness were more pronounced with the unhealthy loss of weight and crinkles of wrinkles were all he truly kept gaining in eventual amounts; crow's feet, forehead lines, nasolabial folds, and etches under his eyes. His dark hair, kept meticulously cut short, was greying at the sides. Even his teeth, if inspected closely, were on a fast track to faintly showing signs of aging decay from all the smoking and drinking he did on a daily basis.
Robert was not the picture, nor rarely the temperament, of boyish youth you remembered from Berkeley.
Truthfully, you and him hadn't had proper sex in many months; it just wasn't very desirable or convenient between his never ending work that created distance between him and anyone who wasn't a scientist, the continuing socializing and parties with many other faces in town, and you personally spending days cleaning up and minding after little (often crying) children who did not have a clue of what their parents were doing out in the middle of the New Mexico desert surrounded by barbed wire fencing and uniformed men always patrolling. Life here was anything but boring, but the bedroom sure had become so. More often than not, Robert couldn't sleep soundly while you kept to your designated side of the bed and tried to ignore his tossing and turnings until eventually he doped himself up on sleeping pills to cope. He also hadn't been the same since the news of Jean Tatlock's passing and you highly suspected - no, knew - he had an affair during his trip to California once he had his security clearance approved. Of course it upset you he could be so idiotic and unfaithful, yet it wasn't shocking given his womanizing track record, but what made you more concerned was knowing how psychologically troubled Jean had been and if Robert thought he could offer her some consolation, he may have just made it worse and partly done her in. If he blamed himself for her death, you couldn't imagine carrying around that kind of guilt in addition to what he spent his time creating to end the war.
He stood now, restless, and began to pace an invisible groove into the flooring as he continually smoked and muttered to himself. You drifted away into the bathroom and shut the door, shrugging off your robe to the floor. You were completely nude underneath, coming off of a fresh bath and you had spritzed yourself with the best perfume you owned, hoping to surprise Robert, but something was clearly missing here.
Yes, and you know obviously what it is. It's his happiness, the spontaneousness that he has lost ever since he ran those calculations and went to Albert Einstein about a chain reaction igniting the atmosphere and blowing us all to bits. It was less than 0.1% chance, but it reminded him of the bigger issue... creating such a weapon with the power to destroy oneself was mighty weighty on any half decent man's conscience and even a rotten one's, for he too would be annihilated in the process if ever taken far enough. Everything these days was pure existential dread, no doubt about that, and no wonder Robert wasn't in the mood for love. His heart was being drained of it daily and you wanted to help, to fill him again even if just for once. It was difficult to watch him continually self-destruct and negatively affect those around him.
So you plucked up the ready matching pink folded satin lingerie he'd gifted you for the fifth wedding anniversary off the countertop and slipped into it, banking on the fact that it made you look sexually irresistible... And oh, it certainly did dial the appeal up to ten. You sauntered out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom where Robert was now seated on the bed, nose deep in a book and paperwork, clearly engrossed and a permanent frown was driven into his skin between his sculpted eyebrows.
"I have something for you, love," you announced softly as you leaned in the doorway, letting your body be on full display in such a loose, risqué little number.
"Hmm?" he murmured distractedly, haphazardly fluttering pages.
"Are you even reading any of that?" you asked flatly and he accidentally dropped it to the floor, hands still quivering and he tried to get up, wavering on his feet as you watched him in a strange state of both nerves cracking and drunkenness. You ached to make him better and by golly, tonight you would even if you had to throw yourself at him.
"Robert, don't you want to look at me? I have a surprise on..."
"I should pick this up and go to bed with a pill," he said to only himself, bending over and scooping the paperwork and book into his arms before standing unsteadily and he turned his back, carelessly dumping the materials onto the side table. You quickly strode up behind him and slid an arm around his waist, fingers drumming on his metal belt buckle splashed with a tinge of turquoise design.
He froze as you wound a bare leg around one of his and he reached behind his back, brushing your scantily clad silky bottom, fingers gliding over the fabric and making you moisten.
"The lingerie, you're wearing it," he stated and you couldn't quite tell if he was delighted by this or not.
"So I am, I know it's been a while since you gifted me with it, so tonight I thought I'd finally return the favor after the amount of stress we've been under, especially you."
"You-you're proposing I need... oh no. No, I don't know if I'm, uh, ready-no, I don't know if I-I can, I mean do-handle it-" he stuttered out and you fought a laugh. Oppie the great improviser, the genius, the man always in control of the proverbial cockpit was ironically clearly not thinking all that straight tonight and for once in his life, absolutely tongue-tied. You may not have much power as a housewife (that earned psychology degree had been so far deemed useless once you moved with him and had children) in this godforsaken place, but you had this way of melting your husband to molten lava that no one else was capable of. His mouth utterly agape, you ran your hands around the leather of the belt and snaked another leg around his, squeezing gently into his side as you put your lips close to his ear, murmuring.
"You know that we both need it, so just let me work my magic like a good old fashioned whore..."
He bristled, catching your hand still fondling his belt and pushing away lightly.
"I would never refer to you as that," he said, completely unamused and perhaps with a veil of disgust too that you thought seemed unnecessary.
"What am I, then, just the stoic scientific director's wife who will be at your side when you receive a Nobel for your work in stopping the world from global conflict with explosions and implosions?"
His sharp jaw clenched and in one swift motion, he abruptly fell over sideways onto the bed and you startled, leaning over and gripping at his shoulder, worried.
"Oh, Robert, are you sick? I was just being a bit sarcastic."
He closed his eyes, obviously in some sort of internal turmoil that didn't merit sharing fully.
"No, I just... We don't need to do this, not now, not when I'm having a pretty bad time. I'm fatigued, probably drunk, and I should talk to the General tomorrow about the schedule. I'll be wanting to fly to Washington soon; the President will be expecting a briefing and they need to determine the exact target and then once it's all over we'll need to settle somewhere else and..."
He began to murmur anxiously about all the engagements he was expecting (postwar and not) and you shook your head, pushing down on his chest.
"But don't you want a distraction, a temporary all consuming joy for one night?" you pressed and he finally looked up at you, really gazed at you, and a genuine buttery smile spread across his mouth.
"Come here, my love," he whispered while tugging at the lingerie panty bow unsuccessfully and you clamored onto the bed beside him. He paused, licking his lips, and then spoke too briskly.
"We'll get straight to it and once I finish, it should help me sleep naturally better than those prescriptions."
You sat up, shoving him playfully and scowling.
"That has to be the least sexist statement you've ever said to me in the bedroom. Don't you want a marathon, not a sprint? Enjoy me, Robert. That's what I'm really here for anyhow, your darling distraction."
He took this in, then rolled over on top of you, his hot alcohol and nicotine infused breath on your cheeks as he breathed heavily, and you made a cringing face.
"How many drinks have you had today? You smell of a bar and I'm thinking you should rinse your mouth out before you get the luxury of having me."
"You do, hm? I guess that's a command, Mrs. Oppenheimer," he smirked and sat up, shoving off to the bathroom and you went to go put on a record on the turntable in the living room. The classical music crackled through and you walked back to the bedroom, laying into a seductive position onto the bed, one leg propped up with a bent knee and your arm draped across the headboard.
When he came back, his eyes widened at the sight of you as though it was finally registering and he wet his lips again, unapologetically hungry. He moved to the bed, shrugging his suit jacket off to drop to the floor, taking off his black tie, and mindlessly undoing the buttons on his white shirt. That was quickly discarded as you waited for him to remove his socks and shoes, pretending to be impatient by switching position to cross your legs and checking your manicure.
"Hurry up, Oppie, I have a time limit here."
He shook his head disapprovingly, kicking the shoes under the bed and whipping off his belt, tossing it to the floor with a clunk before wrestling out of his trousers and you stared at his boxer clad skinny frame, the cock not even engaged yet... Looks like he's making you do all the work again. A petulant sigh escaped when you rolled your eyes and he pointed a finger, chastising.
"Patience, my love. Hasn't Daddy taught you anything at this point?"
You bit your lip as he leaned over and his bare chest collided with yours... You pulled him into an antsy kiss, mouths crushing each other needily and he tasted of tobacco and toothpaste, a strange combination, but better than before. You felt the slight sheen of cold water he had splashed on his skin transferring to yours and you gripped his neck, fingers splaying across the back of his head.
His own hands went to fondle your covered breasts and you pulled away from his kiss for a moment.
"You are divinely doll like in this, I love such feminine expression," he murmured in a kind of rapture.
"Shame it has to be stripped of me," you whispered with raised eyebrows.
"It's only garments, what really counts is here..." He suddenly squeezed both your breasts and you let out a spurt of high pitched noise, allowing him to remove the top, shimming it off your body in one motion and tossing it over his shoulder where the strap caught on the bedpost.
He thumbed over one nipple and then transferred to the other, teasing you to rock hard nubs. He moved to your panty, slipping it down and off to expose you, and you kicked it to the end of the bed. Then, in turn, you yanked down his underwear and his cock sprung out into your ready grip. You began to pump on it and getting him to a more erect state, rising up. He groaned lightly and you pulled the oozing tip to your mouth, parting lips and flicking your tongue out to carefully lick a strip along the length before taking head, making him grow stiffer and wetter by the minute. Your mouth popped of his length, swallowing, and he gripped your waist as he focused hard on you over his throbbing member.
"What do you want, my love? Do you want me?" he whispered huskily and you shivered in anticipated arousal.
"Yes, darling, I want you... I need you, you own me and I own you."
"Sounds like a fair arrangement," he breathed before crushing into you and began to rub, purely animalistic, all over your smooth body. His head burrowed down into your freshly shaved pussy just like how you and him liked it clean, licking at your folds and massaging your lower abdomen in a desperate frenzy. You dug nails into his hair, curling, and bucked your hips to meet his appetite when he slowly slithered on top. You groaned as you took him, all of him, and let his penis expand and stretch out your core to the fullest extent, clenching instinctively around the shaft as he thrust repeatedly until you were sent easily right over the edge in freefall.
"Mmm, Robert!" you squealed in ecstasy and he muffled you, hand slapping down over your mouth and shushing insistently.
"Shh, don't need to wake the children now. God knows they'll find Mommy and Daddy intimately together one of these days and be scarred for life at the sight." He chuckled as you whined behind his palm and grooved further at a pace you both knew very well. After years of marriage and sensual exploration, he knew all your sweet spots and sensitivities, when was too much, and yet it was taking all his self control not to completely plow you apart right now. His skin smacked against yours as he ground into you, hands everywhere at once and he peppered wet kisses all along your jaw to nape.
When his warm cum finally jetted into you, flooding in your cervix fully, you were unable to constrain a loud moan and he growled primally, his whole small frame shuddered through his own climax as you gripped his back, using his boney spine as placeholders for your fingers as he rocked further at a steady pace, not going to come out right away.
More orgasms came fast and one after the other, especially as you rolled over and he took his place beneath and you rode his cock in a fervor, letting the peak hit all over again and he watched in a dazed nirvana as you pleasured. When he finally pulled out from your used leaking hole, you could tell how satisfied he was having been able to hopefully successfully seed you and that signature smugness was so evident.
You laid panting at his side as he took up another smoke, struggling to keep his eyelids from closing and drifting off to sleep. You interweaved legs, soaking wet with combined fluids dripping onto the sheets, and he flit a free finger down to your soaked pussy, groping and nearly overstimulating you with another orgasm you didn't think could be as strong as the first. He grinned at the effect and cupped your mound with his palm, dominant of it as he spoke softly.
"Groves pointed out that I have no knowledge of birth control, which is true. By this rate, you'll be having yet another baby in nine months and I can only hope we are far from this current landscape and political climate then, never to return. You know, I'm hoping for another boy this time."
You sighed with a smile, rubbing your belly and his hand joined yours, rubbing circles over your navel.
"You make a wonderful mother," he commented in praise and you laughed lightly, bitterly, and glanced at him.
"I'm not perfect, I can barely hold it together these days when they're hungry, tired, and upset for no reason I can physically see at all... Sometimes I wish to wring their necks quite honestly. And you're very hardly the model father yourself when you are always away and hardly take care of them. I know the work is everything, but they need genuine paternal love more than your science to save them."
He shrugged, nonplussed, and then set his wispy cigarette to the ashtray before leaning his head against yours.
"We are probably horrible people, but I wouldn't have it any another way. To create life with you is more than I could selfishly do alone, for obvious reasons untold."
You laughed again at his dry humor and intertwined your body with his own, wishing you could crawl inside his skin and live in his bone structure. He was absolutely everything to you, even on bad days, and maybe his prestige and stability contributed to that, but there was real love underneath his flaws.
"Whatever you face, I'll be here to try to mitigate it," you whispered seriously and he nodded, appreciative.
"I trust you and I love you, Y/N. It won't get easier for me, for us, and I'm afraid the future may be as horrifying as I imagine it."
"That's why we have sex, to stave off the inevitable for a little while," you told him, tears pushing out and slipping down your cheeks. He caught one with his finger and wiped it clean off, staring at the translucent wet spot at the tip of his fingernail sadly. It wasn't unusual for you to weep after sex, but this felt different.
"Kiss me," he murmured and you leaned forward as he grabbed the back of your head and smooshed in, tongues writhing together for a few seconds before you both pulled away, breathing in the same air together.
"Tonight is good enough for me," he decided and you snuggled into his neck, closing your eyes to succumbing exhaustion.
In an uncertain frightening world full of variables, you vowed to be his one constant for life.
Thanks for reading 🖤
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crazyk-imagine · 11 months
Hey! I just read your Jamie Tartt fic where the reader is pregnant and I freaking loved it! It kind of got me thinking about Jamie bringing his little girl, cause he’s totally gonna be a girl dad, to the pitch for practice. She’s like 4 or 5, really young and wearing a Tartt jersey and has the entire team wrapped around her finger, especially Roy.. bonus if her favorite player is someone else on the team, any of them, and Roy and Jamie get jealous… if you could write it great! If not no worries! Thanks for the consideration! 🥰🥰
Abdicated Family Issues
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Pairing: Jamie Tartt x Pregnant!Reader
Characters: Jamie Tartt, Pregnant!reader, Tartt Toddler, Baby Tartt, Roy Kent, Dani Rojas, Jan Maas (briefly mentioned)
Warnings: Fluff, Jamie being a dramatic bitch, Jealous Roy and Jamie, Toddler Tartt bouncing off the walls because of her fun day at dad's work, Roy didn't ask for this, he didn't plan on being involved, Jamie being a sad little baby thinking his baby girl doesn't like him (anymore), Jamie and Roy need comforting, reader becomes their therapist for a second, Dani being a sweetheart (ofc)
Word Count: 1,432
A/N: Ahhh, love, love, love it!! I thought who better to make Jamie just a little jelly than Dani aka the other ace on the team. Roy being involved and jelly is a plus.
You smile when you get a text from your boyfriend.
Baby 💕
"Leaving now. Will be home soon" 2:19pm Sent Read
Darling 💓
"See you two soon 💕" 2:27pm Sent Read
As soon as you get comfortable your boyfriend lays beside you. “How am I supposed to feel?” Jamie whines to you, crawling onto your lap.
“Can you back-up to the beginning of your story? I have no idea what’s happened, and you pretended like I came onto the field with you," you tell him, rubbing your slowly growing belly.
He smiles and adjusts himself so he lays by your side, head resting on your shoulder so he can also rub your belly.
"Tell me why you look like my sad Jaim."
"Dani is so cool!"
You glance away from your excited and jumpy daughter to your even more depressed boyfriend.
"Why don't you tell your mum what you told me?" Ron's voice echoes throughout the hallway as he closes the front door.
"Dani did this really cool move and- and-"
You try and shush, "babes. Babes." You sigh when you don't get her attention. "Honey, take a breath and breathe. I want to hear about your exciting day, but you can only do it if you talk a little slower."
She stares at you.
Roy grabs a seat on one of the chairs you keep out for company (because the team comes over more often than you'd like, right now being pregnant; they take a lot of you). "Why don't you tell her more about the fun you had today?"
"Jan's really tall and gave me piggyback rides while dad was practicing, even though he should have been too."
"You made it fun, Baby Tartt."
You furrow your brows, unsure of who said that.
Roy shrugs and mouths, "phone."
Jamie slumps further into your side.
You open your arms, wanting to pull your baby girl in for a hug and make a poor attempt at trying to get the phone before your chatty girl drops it.
Meaning you two would need to buy another phone (your goal is to make it last six more months).
The screen shifts to the ceiling before Dani's face pops up. "Hi. How are you? Do you need some of my family's special pregnancy soup?"
You smile and shake your head. "No, thank you, Danny. I appreciate the offer though."
"Of course, of course."
"So, how was today's practice? I hope it was alright."
"Oh, it was great. Baby Tartt shows promise to follow in her father's footsteps."
"Oh, does she?"
He nods, "yes, yes. I showed her a few moves and-"
"More like took her attention from me," Jamie grumbles.
Roy scoffs.
You shake your head, wanting to listen to what Dani's saying without commentary from the peanut gallery.
It only lasts two minutes longer until you can't take it anymore.
"Dani- dani- I'm sorry, I'm feeling a little nauseous and I don't want to keep you any longer. I know you have other things to do. I'm sure we'll talk more soon."
"Alright, I’ll leave you to rest. I know how much a woman in your condition needs her rest, especially with Jamie’s baby.”
Your boyfriend beside you grumbles, “what does that mean?”
“You are a good football player, meaning you have strong kicks.”
He doesn’t respond but you do know that Dani’s comment uplifted his mood just a little bit.
“I hope you have a good rest of your evening and get plenty of rest,” the excited player waves to you.
Your daughter leans in, waving. “Bye, Dani! I’ll come by so we can practice more.”
“That is good to hear. I can’t wait until your next visit.”
You end the call and look up. “Sweetie?”
Jamie and your daughter look at you; you pat your boyfriend’s shoulder.
“Not you, J.” You glance back at your adorable baby girl. “Can you go get me my special blanket? I’m feeling a little cold.”
She nods, “okay.”
“I can help-”
You shake your head, “nope. Neither of you are leaving this room until you confess.”
“Confess? Confess what?” Jamie asks.
“You know what. You two have never looked more upset and depressed at the same time. I want to know why so I can help you.”
Roy clenches his jaw.
“You don’t have to say much, Roy. But you, my dear Jaim, have to give me something so I can figure out whether or not a hug will suffice for right now.”
He groans and removes himself from you, throwing himself onto the other side of the couch. “She likes him more.”
Your head snaps over at the gruff man. “What?”
He sighs, “your future athlete, liked Dani more than she liked her dad on the field today.”
“And you,” Jamie points at him. “Don’t throw me under the bus and expect me to just sit here and let you-”
You grab Jamie’s hand, intertwining your fingers, “stop it. There’s no need to fight.”
The older man crosses his arms. “But it’s not fair.”
“What’s not fair? I need you to explain to me because I have no idea what it is or how to help you.”
“She wanted to practice more with Dani than she did me. I mean, how does that make sense? How is that fair? I’m her fuckin’ dad, you know.”
A small smile tugs at the corner of your lips. “Jaim, you shouldn’t feel that way.” You brush away the hair that falls in front of his eyes.
“How else am I supposed to feel? Made me feel like- I don’t know.”
“You do know but I won’t push you because I know it’s the fact that Roy’s here. But please don’t worry about that-”
“Well, how else am I supposed to feel?”
You sigh. “Jamie, she’s wearing your number and has your name on the back of her jersey. She may want to hang out with him a few times but you’re her dad. You’re her number one player.”
Roy clearing his throat makes you roll your eyes, “and you as well, you big baby.”
The gruff man smirks in return, not wanting you to know how that makes him feel (special).
You return your attention to your boyfriend. “You are the reason she loves the sport, without you, who knows what she’d be obsessed with other than her toys, you know. I mean, you helped her find her future.”
He finally looks at you for the first time since he got home. “I did?”
You nod, smiling at him. “Of course, you fucking did because you are Jamie Tartt. Best girl dad ever, Jamie Tartt.”
He cups your cheek before leaning in to kiss you.
You pull back with a gasp as a wide smile dances across your lips.
“What is it?”
“Someone’s also trying to show you that they’re your number one fan with their strong kicks.” You grab his hand and hold it over the spot.
The exciting moment between you two is broken when a certain ex-player’s hand hovers over your belly.
“Come here, you quiet old man.”
You raise a brow at him.
“I’m not that old.”
“I found it.”
You all turn to find your daughter trapped underneath the blanket.
“Roy, go help her before she trips, please.”
Your boyfriend takes this opportunity to whisper sweet promises to the baby.
Once your daughter is free and can see properly, she watches the two of you. “What are you two doing?”
“Your sibling is kicking,” he tells her.
Her eyes widen and she rushes towards you, wanting to feel the kicks as well.
Jamie grabs her hand so the two of them can feel the baby kicking together.
You glance over at Roy, who’s set the blanket off the side; he waves at you before leaving.
“Are you two having fun?”
They nod, not wanting to break their concentration.
You groan, throwing your head back.
“What? What is it?” Jamie asks, worried something’s wrong.
“You two keep pushing the baby onto my bladder and guess what?”
“I’ll help you up.” He gets you up with no problems. He leans closer to your ear, whispering, “all you need to do is ask, darling.”
You narrow your eyes to him. “Really? You really want to get cheeky with me, Tartt.”
He only smiles and walks with you to the bathroom.
“Go spend time with your daughter before she’s old enough to go out on dates.”
“Don’t do that to me.” And he’s back in the living room.
You chuckle, finding it too easy to rile him up.
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