#greek criminal lawyer
chterzidislaw · 16 days
Το Δικαστήριο αθώωσε τον ανήλικο κατηγορούμενο εντολέα μας!
Εάν αντιμετωπίζετε και εσείς υποθέσεις Ποινικού Δικαίου...
Καλέστε  μας  σήμερα  στο  6977424779  για να σας βοηθήσουμε να διευθετήσετε τα νομικά σας ζητήματα.
💼 Το Δικηγορικό μας Γραφείο διαθέτει πολύ μεγάλη εμπειρία σε υποθέσεις Ποινικού Δικαίου και ναρκωτικών.
Ο δικηγόρος Χρήστος Μ. Τερζίδης, διδάκτωρ Νομικής ΑΠΘ στο αντικείμενο των ναρκωτικών  και  μέλος της ομάδας δικηγόρων του ΚΕΘΕΑ,  διαθέτει πολύ μεγάλη εμπειρία στο Ποινικό Δίκαιο, ενώ εξειδικεύεται στη νομοθεσία περί ναρκωτικών.
Δείτε εδώ τις νομικές υπηρεσίες που προσφέρουμε σε υποθέσεις Ποινικού Δικαίου και ναρκωτικών...
ή δείτε ορισμένες από τις επιτυχίες του δικηγορικού μας γραφείου στο Ποινικό Δίκαιο!
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nemonclature · 3 months
GUYS. I HAVE A THEORY. IT’S SUCH A GOOD THEORY. ACTUALLY IT’S THE BEST. Actually I’m just gonna go ahead and call this canon. I’m staking my entire identity on it.
So, I was gonna do an in depth art post bouncing off this excellent bit of research. I was expecting some thematic hints a la Hannibal and much fun to be had.
I decided to start with this:
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Francis Bacon’s Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion, which hangs on the wall in the Dubai apartment.
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Let’s sidestep the Christian connotations of the crucifixion* IMO the Christ bit is misdirection (mostly. We’ll come back to that)
Armand: Witnesses to Christ’s agony. Mr Bacon also referred to these as the Three Furies.
Who are they? The Furies/Erinyes are Ancient Greek Goddesses of vengeance. "The Erinyes, that under earth take vengeance on men, whosoever hath sworn a false oath" ... They are traditionally depicted as … preoccupied with avenging patricide and matricide by hunting down and killing violent criminals ... Their task is to hear complaints brought by mortals against the insolence of the young to the aged, of children to parents, of hosts to guests.” (wiki)
Kinda on point for a vampire that tried to kill his maker, no? Or for a vampire that’s abusing the guests in his home? Or an old man shit-talking two much older vamps. (lol jk not you Danny boy, you trash them all you want bb).
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Armand: We’ve received an aggressive offer for the Bacon triptych.
Louis: Oh? I didn’t know we’d made it available.
Armand: It’s a new name, so I’ll have to run due diligence.
Hmm, who could possibly be being setup to enter late season under cover as some innocuous buyer? Who would Armand let into his theatre home in order to wreck it? Who’s presence/interest/existence would he keep from Louis? Who better to complete Bacon's intention and provide the crucified final figure of the set, but...
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YES! Our favourite victim of patricide. The ultimate Daddy Vampire. Lestat de fucking Lioncourt.
Guys there’s a reason I’ve been calling him White Vampire Jesus and it’s not (just) because I find myself hilarious.
Real Rashid: The lawyer for the buyer is ready for the teleconference.
Not a massive deal, rich people make lawyers do things for them. But so do VAMPIRES WHO DON’T WANT TO BE IDENTIFIED.
But yeah, lets’ get into that phone call. Mr Philips, the lawyer, is introduced to Mr du Lac (like, in case anyone was wondering how Lestat knew it was Louis who owned it, just fucking use your real name Louis, sure.) The buyer wants it for her husband (GUYS. HE WANTS IT FOR LOUIS).
This is episode 2.03 and, guys, Lestat is EVERYWHERE in this episode. We get Armand opening up, but not about his full past, just about his past with Lestat.
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Dreamstat dogs Louis’s footsteps
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Louis admits to Armand that Lestat was his maker in this episode.
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And the scene directly before the lawyer calls?
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Louis and Claudia are talking about Lestat, it moves on to Bruce, but it starts with Lestat.
We could also talk about how, this season, as the focus has moved away from Loustat to Loumand, the action has moved away from the main room with the Triptych, to the tree room and the dining room.
Lets start with the tree room, where Armand (the clinging vine) reaches, but never touches Louis (the tree).
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"For woman is a branching tree, and man a clinging vine. And from your branches carelessly, he’ll take what he can find."
(Let no man steal your thyme, trad)
Too much? Then how about the dining room of equally symbolic paintings. (and, side note. Paintings have been IT this season. This is the Armand season, the Amadeo season, the Louis photographer season, the breaking into museums to look at or steal art season. If S1 was music, S2 is art).
The dining room where we find the Ron Bechet, Transformation (A TREE AND VINES FFS), representing Louis (or Loumand) and the (stolen - can we take a moment to appreciate the hilarity that is Louis and Armand dressing up as police officers to carry out one of the biggest art heists in recent history?) Rembrandt, Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee representing Daniel (Fear and Faith).
You can see them more clearly in the S1 scene where Dan and Louis are at either end of the table, each before their own painting.
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But also in S2 in combo with the Marius christ-and-demons, representing Armand (or representing Armius?? Lol do they have a ship name? kill me now). I find it very interesting how Armand is sometimes framed with Dan's painting behind him and at other times with Louis', almost like he's being pulled between the two.
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Anyway. Point is the GIANT RED ORANGE LESTAT CHRIST SYMBOLISM is suspiciously out of frame this season.
See the difference in framing here in Season 1: (note, this is DanLou first meeting. It's BEEN THERE FROM THE BEGINNING)
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And this itty bitty corner shot in Season 2:
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And when does the triptych come back into frame? Oh just DIRECTLY AFTER THIS BIT OMFG:
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Me too, Dan. Me too.
The triptych has been on the wall from the start of the show. Looming over everything, haunting the narrative, like a giant bleeding meta signpost.
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Spoiler stands on a building ledge singing with her communication device off. She liked singing alone in fear that her family might mock her if she sounded awful. Being alone, watching the building lights illuminate the city.
Spoiler (singing): 🎵I can take the suffering from you. Let-🎵
Golden Glider (melodious singing): 🎵Let me take the suffering from you. 🎵
Spoiler spun around to see Golden Glider behind her. The ice skating villain waved, with a warm smile.
Golden Glider: Great singing voice and perfect song choice, I love that song so much. Not too into Greek mythology, because you know only the Lord is truth, but I love the musical.
Spoiler (elated): Oh my gosh, yes! It's such a great musical. Did you listen to the wisdom saga?
Golden Glider(nodding): It was amazing right?
Spoiler: As usual! I wish they'd get to the next saga- Pause, you're a criminal!
Golden Glider (pridefully): Aww thanks. Glad I'm getting recognition. No worries, rival. I haven't broken out of prison or anything. I'm on probation actually and just gliding around the city.
Spoiler: You're- You are on probation?!
Golden Glider (making prayer hands): Good behavior, plus a great lawyer. I'm a model prisoner. My baby, soon to be hubby and future father of my children will be out soon.
Spoiler: Man, every time I remember you said yes to... Kite-Man I just have to do a double take. Then realize I'm single.
Spoiler pouts, her mask hiding her mouth, but her eyes looking sorrowful. Golden Glider places her hand on the girl's shoulder supportively.
Glider: Your perfect man will come in due time or a woman. Whatever you prefer, no judgment.
Spoiler blinks.
Spoiler: Are you under mind control? Is that how Kite-Man got you? Blink twice if you are.
Glider shakes her head with a giggle.
Glider: Chuck is a good man when you get to know him. A good man with the best aspirations. That's why I love him.
Spoiler: Aww, that makes no sense to me, but I'm surprisingly happy for you two. And if you're not breaking the law tonight I won't arrest you or anything.
Glider: Thanks, girlie. I can see why Chuck enjoys having you as a rival.
Spoiler's eyebrow twitches as she forces a smile.
Spoiler: Yup, yup, yup. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to... This.
Glider nods.
Glider: Oh and the wedding is in three weeks. Chuck said he'll hand you a save the date invitation when he gets out. Byeeee!
Glider flies off with her gliders. Spoiler stands still shocked.
Spoiler: Um, I'm not- And she's gone. His name is Chuck?! I'm not even sure how to handle that information, but like, the name fits.
Spoiler hears a ping on her phone about a jewelery store break in. She looks up at the night sky with a smile.
Spoiler: Thank you, Lord. I can only hope this is Quilt Man. Yee-haw!
Spoiler uses her grappling hook gun and lands on the ground then runs in the direction of the jewelry store.
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nephilimeq · 1 month
100 AU Prompts
100 AU Prompts
Historical AU
Royal AU
Modern AU
Coffee Shop AU
Bar/Restaurant AU
Bookshop AU
Florist AU
Hospital AU
Dance AU
Airport Travel AU
Neigbor AU
Roommate AU
Detective AU
Bodyguard AU
Criminal AU
Prison AU
War AU
Circus AU
Summer Camp AU
Teacher AU
Dystopian AU
Space AU
Performer AU
Soulmate AU
Fairy Tale AU
Massage Fic
Sick/Injured Fic
Proposal Fic
Wedding Fic
Holiday Fic
Angel/Demon AU
Ice Cream Shop AU
Rockstar AU
Monster AU
Steampunk AU
Western AU
Superpowers AU
Hunger Games AU
Zombie Apocalypse AU
Business AU
Harem AU
Hooker AU
Alien Invasion AU
Mafia AU
Pen Pal AU
Pirate AU
Wonderland AU
Vampire AU
Werewolf AU
Mermaid AU
Retail AU
Co Workers AU
Time Travel AU
Kids AU
Radio Host AU
Maid AU
High School AU
Hogwarts AU
Firefighter AU
Tattoo Artist AU
Greek Gods AU
Celebrity AU
Fake Dating Fic
Pacific Rim AU
Red String of Fate
Blindness AU
Theater AU
Hated Rivals
Artist/Model AU
Sitcom AU
Horror AU
Siren AU
Scientist AU
Pornstar AU
Boss/PA Fic
Writer AU
Comicon AU
Deaf AU
Single Parent Fic
Influencer AU
Ice Skating AU
Masquerade AU
Office AU
Vineyard AU
Sex Shop AU
Athlete AU
Olympics AU
Road Trip AU
Ghost AU
Trailer Park AU
Band Groupie AU
One Night Stand
Photographer/Model AU
Yoga Class AU
Disney AU
1950s AU
Scientist AU
Hitchhiker AU
Las Vegas AU
Lawyers AU
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wardenparker · 1 year
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Dating Your Ex - Epilogue
Marcus Pike x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst​
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When Marcus unexpectedly runs into his ex-wife he is plunged into a world of complications where rekindled attraction and deep-seated insecurities reign. Unfortunately for him, it is also a world where his ex-wife is not the only ‘ex’ around, as a new case crosses his desk that will require all hands on deck. ✨💖Inspired by and based upon absurdthirst’s Tequila. 💖✨    
Rating: General audiences for pure fluff, but this blog is always18+ Word Count: 6.8k Warnings: **Blanket warnings for this series include: divorce, break ups, collegiate Greek life, underage drinking, food/alcohol consumption.** Pure fluff with just a passing mention of pregnancy kink. It *is* Marcus, after all. Pregnant reader with mentioned cravings. Summary: Glimpsing a few years into the future, the life of the renewed Pike family is rocked by a new adventures at every turn. Notes: This little story has brought us so much joy, and hopefully it has brought you some as well, dear readers 🧡🧡 Thank you for coming with us, and check out the writing schedule that went up a little while ago to see what’s coming next!
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7 ~ Ch 8 ~ Ch 9
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French court has been distinctly different from the one time you ever served on jury duty in a US court, and if you weren't uncomfortable from the hard benches, needing to pee constantly, and the very tiny foot currently lodged in your ribs, you might be more inclined to pay attention to the differences to chat to Angie about it when you get back the DC again.
You and Marcus have been giving witness testimony for over a week in Henri Aubel's criminal trial. It's been a long time coming, since you went undercover for that auction two years ago, but justice apparently takes time. This time you're staying in a moderately priced hotel in Montmartre and enjoying your down time at a more leisurely pace, while Marcus fusses over every step you take to make sure that you and his little boy always have everything you need. He's sitting beside you holding your hand as you listen to the lawyers give their final statements, smoothing his thumb over your hand and wishing just as hard as you are that this afternoon could be over so that you can go back to the hotel and order some room service to just have a little quiet time to yourself.
“Are you doing okay, sweetheart?” Marcus notices you squirming slightly, knowing the baby is more active right now. He doesn’t seem to like you sitting for too long before he starts beating you up from the inside.
“He’s bored,” you whisper back, nodding that yes, you’re okay, it’s just the baby moving around. Gently, you move his hand to the side of your belly so he can feel where his son’s other foot is pushing insistently. “I’m okay, I promise.”
Just like every time he feels his son kick in your stomach, Marcus softens. His eyes turning warmer and even more loving as his hand brushes over your bumping flesh. It feels like he’s trying to play soccer or have a party. “Calm down buddy and I’ll take you and mama out for ice cream after this.” He promises softly.
To your absolute lack of surprise, that seems to soothe the baby more than anything, and you always tease that he’s going to own an ice cream shop one day due to the way it has been your number one, never ending craving for the last seven months. Of course the baby is just responding to Marcus’s soothing voice, but you like to imagine that childhood years full of ice cream truck adventures and inventing new flavours at home are in store for all of you. “Works every time,” you hum under your breath, trying not to grin in the middle of the court room.
“Mhmmm.” He smirks slightly, curling around you. “I know what my wife and son want.” He’s been so proud of where you are during this trip to France. Enjoying when Aubel’s lawyer had tried to discredit you by calling you ‘Madame’ Pike to insinuate that you held a personal grudge over his client. The entire courtroom had tittered when you had very sternly corrected him with ‘Doctor Pike’ and an introduction into your qualifications to speak on this case beyond your own undercover involvement. Marcus had been a peacock during the next break, so proud of you.
When the courtroom is dismissed nearly an hour later, you stand to stretch your legs and give Marcus an apologetic pout. Before you run off to find ice cream, you need to use the bathroom. Again. “I’ll be right back, my love.”
Marcus stands and moves over towards the agents who were crowded around the prosecutor. "We are going to slip away." Marcus tells Ducasse, aware that you and he could be called back for more questions, but it wouldn't be today. He holds his hand out to the agent. "Baby needs a walk and some ice cream."
“We will see you again Monday morning.” Ducasse gratefully shakes Marcus’s hand and glances behind him, smiling knowingly when you’ve already disappeared. His wife was the same way during all three of her pregnancies. “You have plans for the weekend?”
"I think we are going to do whatever my wife wants." Marcus grins. "This is sort of being used as our 'baby moon' since in a few weeks she won't be able to fly anymore."
“We would love to have you over once more before you leave.” Ducasse’s wife had been very fond of you when you visited last time, and he and Marcus have always gotten along well. The four of you had played cards for hours after their boys went to bed. “Chloe has asked if I would invite you, so please. Anytime.”
He nods. “I’ll talk to her and let you know.” He promises, knowing that you would say yes. Either tonight or Sunday night. “Hopefully you have a good rest of the day.”
“We are near the end.” He nods, shaking Marcus’s hand once more. “It will be good to put this behind us. Although I hope it will not keep you from coming to Paris again?”
"No, never." Marcus chuckles at the mere thought of never coming back. "My wife honestly wishes we could move to Paris. If only the FBI operated outside the US beyond special cases." He muses. "She would have our house packed up tomorrow."
He can see it, knowing how you love France, and chuckles softly at the image. “La Louvre would be lucky to have her.”
“What about the Louvre?” You sneak up behind Marcus, slipping your arm into his as he stands with René. That bathroom trip was very necessary, but you feel rejuvenated.
“How much you would be an asset to work there.” Marcus answers easily, shifting his shoulder so he can throw his arm around you. “And if INTERPOL would hire me, you would be packing us up to move to Paris in a heartbeat.
“It would certainly be a conversation to have.” Just because you would love it doesn’t mean Marcus would, and your lines of communication have smoothed out considerably over the years. “I wouldn’t mind, but our families might riot if we cross an ocean with this little boy being so new in everybody’s lives.”
The Frenchman laughs and nods. “I can imagine. It is your first. So it is especially sweet.” Marcus nods and Ducasse steps back. “Enjoy your afternoon, I am getting a coffee before we have to go back in.”
“Ready for ice cream?” It’s summer in Paris, so when you step outside the streets are packed with locals and endless amounts of tourists alike.
“Of course I am.” Indulgently smiling, he casually leads you away from the government building. While he wasn’t as confident in his ability to move around the city like you, he was becoming more acclimated. “You know, that could be something we look at down the road.” He offers, slipping his hand into yours. “Moving here.”
“Would you really want to leave the US?” He’s happy here, you know. He likes Paris and his French has improved measurably with every trip. But you’ve never talked about living here - it’s just your favorite vacation spot. “We’ve never discussed it, so I’m honestly asking.”
“It could be interesting.” Marcus admits, shrugging slightly. “Obviously not something we do now, but it could be something to talk about if the right opportunity came along.”
“We definitely wouldn’t consider it without the right work.” It does make you smile, though, and you lean into his side as you stroll down the sidewalk together. He wouldn’t continue to pose the question if it wasn’t something he was considering. “Is it…maybe worth enough thought that we give an extra thought to how the babies’ names would sound with a French accent?”
Marcus laughs and he knows that you are intrigued by the idea. “We can do that.” He promises. “Although let’s not name the baby Henri.” He teases with a wink.
“Oh god no.” You cringe at the very idea. “I’m not saying give them French names. I’m just saying…if it’s difficult to pronounce or unattractive with a French accent…maybe it gets bumped a little further down on the list?” Considering you haven’t had any luck whatsoever in narrowing down your son’s name, it might actually be helpful. That’s what you tell yourself, at least, so that you don’t get too excited.
“I can agree with that.” In a perfect world, he would try to find a way to move over here now, but his father’s health is failing and he wants to be stateside for the time being. “I still like Archer.”
“And I still say that Archer Pike sounds like a position on a medieval battlefield.” It’s never escalated to so much as a disagreement in your entire pregnancy, but your and Marcus’s very different taste in baby names has made for some interesting conversations. “This week I think I like Jonas or Elias best.”
“Jonas.” Marcus winces. “That sounds like our son is going to be in a boy band.”
“Alright, maybe not Jonas.” Both of you laugh as you turn down the bustling street. “Adrian is good. Or Elliott.” Trying to stay away from what you’ve termed the ‘normal’ names like Charles, Daniel, William, Thomas, Alexander, Jonathan, or anything like that has made naming more of a conversation. And more of a challenge. But that’s the good kind of challenge.
“Maxime?” Marcus suggests. “We can call him Max? Max Pike.” He rolls the name around and looks over at you to see what you think.
“Is that a French name I hear from you?” Pretending to be shocked, you gasp audibly and clasp one hand to your chest in mock shock. But something in the back of your mind makes you pause, and your laughter turns to a soft sigh just a moment later. “You know what Maxime sounds good with?” You tilt your head back to look at him and bite your lip, unsure how he’ll feel about the suggestion. “Theodore.”
“Really?” Marcus swallows, aware that his hand tightens around yours. He’s aware that his father doesn’t have many more years left and he hates that he won’t see his grandchild grow up so this is something to honor the man who had taught Marcus how to be a man. “I— baby, I would love that.” He had been careful not to voice that before because he doesn’t want you to agree for him alone.
“Do you like the names together?” He looks like he’s going to cry, which wouldn’t be a surprise from Marcus. As his father’s health declines, he’s been more open with how the impending loss is affecting him. “Theodore is a great name, even if you don’t like Maxime with it. Maybe…” you hold his hand tightly in support. “If you like it for a first name, we could call him Theo?” His father has always gone by Ted, and it’s a way to pay homage to the man without forcing an identity on your son or putting pressure on him the way family names so often can.
“I think –” Marcus exhales roughly and blinks, trying to get ahold of his emotions. “If you like it, I think that we have found our son’s name.”
“Then I think we have it.” After so much debating and searching and consideration, to actually have agreed on a name makes your heart feel like it’s grown three sizes all at once. “Because I actually love it.”
“I love it too.” Marcus smiles dreaming, imagining calling to his son when he comes home from work. “It’s fitting.”
“We can spend the next two months working on a middle name.” The look of immense joy on his face is all you need to see to be sure that you made the right decision. “We should call your parents this weekend to let them know that we finally decided on the first name.”
“Why don’t we do that in person?” Marcus suggests, knowing how proud his father might be to learn that his grandson is named after him. “Maybe have a little onesie made? And a shirt for him?”
“We can do that.” The wheels in your mind are already spinning about how to get it done before you have to stop flying. “What if we order them tonight and have them shipped to your parents, and we can change our flight when we’re done here to be to Florida instead of DC? Take a couple of extra days to see your folks before we go home?”
“Yeah?” He lights up at the idea and nods. “The case should be done by the time the shirts get there and I can tell mom not to open the package.”
“It would be nice to tell them in person.” You agree, reaching up to touch his cheek as you both pause on the sidewalk outside the patisserie that you know makes the best ice cream in this part of the city.
“It would be.” Your mother has been a little better since the wedding last winter, and excited when you announced you were expecting. Marcus rubs the back of your hand. “Maybe we can invite your mom out? See the baby’s room?”
“We can have my folks come to us once I’m grounded.” That’s how you had been referring to it, at least a little bit. “My sister said she’d wait to bring her crew out to visit us until after the baby is born.” With your free hand, you caress the side of your belly and nearly tear up. “Until Theo is born.”
He will defer to you on this, nodding in agreement. “Whatever you want baby, I want this to be as easy as possible and a good experience for you.” He grins and presses his lips to your temple. “I kinda like you pregnant.”
“Oh yeah?” Although you raise your eyebrows at him, you’re not surprised by it. Marcus hasn’t exactly been subtle in the way he’s heaped affection and indulgence on you since the day you came home from the doctor with the news. “Thinking you might want the second pretty quickly, or maybe a third?”
“Doesn’t matter how many you have.” Marcus promises. “I do love you just like this.” His hand slides across your burgeoning belly. “But if you don’t want any more, I will be happy with you and Theo.”
“And Cat Benetar.” The highly opinionated Siamese kitten you had adopted after returning stateside from your first joint trip to Paris has turned into an even more opinionated grown up cat, who also happens to love her namesake’s music. “No, baby. The only reason Theo won’t be a big brother is if the doctor advises against it for something medical. I…actually kind of like being pregnant. Which is something I never thought I would say.”
He snorts and moves closer, pressing his lips to your jaw line. The past two years have been the best of his life and the idea of having even more happiness makes his heart soar. “You like being treated like a Princess.” He scoffs playfully. “Foot rubs every night. Ice cream whenever you want. Doting husband ready to make you cum whenever you need.”
“And in exchange I have said goodbye to my ankles, given up my entire body to the growth of a tiny human, and gladly sacrificed increasing amounts of my own independence for that same tiny human.” The first day you had had to have Marcus help you out of bed was a very rude awakening, but right now you just sigh in contentment at the feeling of his lips on your skin. “I think that’s a fair trade.”
“You will get your ankles back, I insist on at least one ‘me day’ for you a month, where I take care of the kids and you go pamper yourself, and your body is even sexier.” Marcus insists.
With your arms around his neck and his hands gently cradling your sides, the two of you are the perfect picture of a couple very much in love. These last seven months of being married again have been such a blessing and you wouldn’t trade them for the world. “I think you might have a little bit of a pregnancy kink, babe. Not that I’m complaining.”
Pursing his lips thoughtfully, he finally shoots you a smirk. “Maybe a little bit of one, but you can’t blame me.” Marcus huffs. “The woman I love, carrying my baby that I planted inside her?” He groans quietly and knows you are aware of what does for him. “Good shit.”
“Suddenly feeling a little less like ice cream and a little more like you want to be back at the hotel?” You know you are, but that’s mostly a side effect of the way his voice has dipped down so low it sounds like it’s coming from his toes.
"I always want to be back at the hotel with you." Marcus chuckles. "But I promised our Theo ice cream and I'm not going to start breaking promises now." He hums playfully, leaning in and kissing your nose. "Besides." He moves his mouth over to your ear. "I can always eat your pussy while you eat your ice cream." He whispers softly, aware that it will make you drip with need.
“How do you expect me to act normal when you say things like that?” You pout at him fiercely, but only because you’re too big now to just climb him like a tree anywhere you want. “Inside. Right now. Before I decide to drag you into a cab and order ice cream from room service.”
His laugh trails behind you as you both enter the shop, groaning when the smells hit him. Nothing smells as good as fresh pastries and ice cream. "We can have it to go." He poses, his hand on your back sliding down to rest innocently on your ass.
"Yes. Yes we absolutely can." It's possible that Marcus has grown to love real Parisian patisseries as much as you do. There's nothing quite like it in the world. "Do you want to bring some things back to the room for our breakfast tomorrow since we're here?"
“Unless you want me to run back here while you are asleep?” Marcus offers, knowing how amazing everything is fresh. You have taken to lying in just a bit longer because of the baby.
"If you're willing, I'm never going to say no." Not that you would ever ask him to, but Marcus does like to make a fuss. And it's not just for you - he loves fresh bread and pastry with a fiery burning passion. "Pan au raisin right from the oven is almost as sexy as some of the dreams I have about you."
“You have dreams about bread that are sexier than me?” He pouts playfully and huffs at you.
"I said almost as sexy." You promise him, stepping up in line with him so that the two of you are next. "I know you eye the curves on those croissants, Monsieur Pike. No shame in loving carbohydrates in our family."
“It’s because they match your curves.” Marcus teases, sliding his hands lovingly along your sides.
"Mmhmmm." Your expression is dubious and fully amused. "And it has nothing at all to do with all those flaky, buttery, beautifully light layers in the croissants you love?"
“Mmmmh.” He ducks his head and kisses your neck. “You have buttery beautiful light layers.”
"I'm going to totally bypass how silly that sounds and go straight to sighing lovingly." Not that it's much of a stretch. Marcus putting his lips on any part of your body always makes you sigh. "But we should probably order," you nudge him away reluctantly, not trusting yourself to behave with the way pregnancy has you craving him even more than usual.
Snickering slightly, Marcus moves up to the counter and orders your ice cream and one of the pan au chocolates that he knows you will want, along with his own order. He’ll come back tomorrow for your breakfast and some tea.
The creamy, dreamy caramel ice cream is worth every single second you spend fighting the hot summer sun to lap it up before it melts on the walk back to your hotel. Marcus's free hand tangles with yours as you walk and even though your feet are going to be killing you by the time you get there, you're enjoying just being able to soak up the beautiful weather with him.
“What do you want to do when we get back to the room?” Marcus asks, knowing that despite your need for him at times, the baby sometimes makes the need for a nap greater.
"Dream scenario?" You bite back a grin and lick some ice cream off your finger. "Exhaust ourselves, take a nap, and have room service in our pjs later tonight."
“Reality?” Marcus asks with a grin.
A small laugh of admission passes your lips, and you shrug. "Reality is that I'll get exhausted a lot faster than you will, but it still sounds like a fun night."
“Doesn’t matter. Although, I told Ducasse that I would let you know that Chloe wants use to come over sometime this weekend.” He hums. “You let me know when you are feeling up to it.”
"How about I call her in the morning and set up dinner for Sunday night?" The last time you had had dinner with René and Chloe Ducasse and their kids, you had spent leisurely hours upon hours at the house enjoying their company. Somehow that seems like a perfect Sunday night to you.
“I thought you would choose Sunday.” It sounded like a perfect way to end the weekend and Saturdays have been reserved for just the two of you if work doesn’t interfere.
“As long as that’s okay with you.” Of course you would never pressure him, but if he didn’t want to have dinner with his colleague - your friend - and his family, then he would have said so.
“It sounds like a great way to end the weekend.” He assures you, happy to see the hotel in sight. He knows you love walking around Paris but you get so tired now and he doesn’t want you hurting yourself.
“Perfect.” Both dinner and the hotel on the horizon qualify as perfect, in your mind, and you hum contentedly. “I can’t wait to get out of these shoes.”
“I’ll give you a massage.” Marcus promises. The room has a small sitting area and he likes to sit on the love seat with you and rub your feet while you watch tv.
“What kind of massage?” You throw him an exaggerated, salacious grin and raise your eyebrows like a Marx brother.
“Well….” His own gaze turns lecherous, and he licks his lips in anticipation. “I was going to say foot massage, but I think your pussy looks really sore. Sitting down all day.”
“Oh yeah?” If you could, you’d practically be skipping up to the hotel in eagerness. “Is that more up your alley? Giving my poor little pussy some attention?”
“If you want.” Marcus leans in to nibble on your shoulder lightly. “Spread you out on the soft pillows and see how long I can slowly lick you until you cum. Soft and sweet.”
“And maybe more?” It’s less frequent than it used to be, with you more often being uncomfortable as the baby - and therefore your belly - gets bigger. But tonight, you know you wouldn’t be satisfied with just his tongue.
“Oh baby, I want to lay you on your side and put your leg over my hip.” Marcus promises you. “Let you feel how much I always want you.”
"Then why are we still two blocks away and not in our room?" The grin splitting your face is incorrigible, and you tug on his hand. "You know, exercise is very important for pregnant women."
His laugh is light and easy, happy that this is still palpable between you. He had heard that some women hated being touched during their pregnancy and he would have respected it, even if he hated not being able to touch you. Your pace speeds up, but he makes sure you aren’t trying to run back to the hotel. “Have to make room for dinner tonight.”
"Yes, exactly." You nod wisely, giggling as you shorten the distance between the two of you and your hotel with every long stride.
He can’t believe his luck. Here in the city where you had proposed to him, where you had conceived Theo on your honeymoon, you are now rushing back to your hotel room to spend another evening in each other’s arms. He grins at the street performer playing for tips and wonders why he ever thought it wouldn’t be Paris where you end up. He should have followed you then, but you could be damned sure he would follow you now.
It's supper time by the time you pull your car into the garage, tired from an extra day at work that wasn't supposed to happen. Since leaving the photography department of the Smithsonian to a director position that dealt with preservation of paintings, there have been significantly more 'emergency' days just because of the increased size of the collection that you oversee. But it doesn't matter that your back is screaming from bending over a worktable. It doesn't matter, because as soon as you get inside you'll have dinner with your husband and your kids and hop into your Halloween costume to take Theo and Amelia trick-or-treating. The fact that your kids' favourite holiday is on a Saturday this year means that the family is going all out, and even Marcus is getting dressed up to come out with you.
“I hear Mommy.” Marcus whispers to the kids, watching them giggle and their eyes widen happily, knowing you would be surprised. Even if Marcus knew that you knew the kids would be in their costumes, the kids felt like it was a surprise. Especially since Daddy had decided to dress up like Prince Charming to their Mommy’s princess costume.
Coming in through the front door, you sigh as you drop your purse on the table in the entryway and pull off your coat to hang on the rack. "Anybody home?" You call without turning around, never even seeing the house full of decorations. The only thing that's caught your attention is the smell of Marcus's homemade beef stew and possibly fresh bread - unless your nose is lying to you, which it never does when it comes to baked goods.
“In here!” Marcus holds up a finger to his lips to quell the torrent of giggles coming from the three- and two-year-old. “In the kitchen!”
His voice is coming from the opposite direction that you are facing, and you happily trudge a few steps in that direction before finally realizing what you're looking at. There are cardboard pumpkins decorating the archways, construction paper ghosts hanging from the ceiling fan, orange and black electric candles everywhere, and fake spiderwebs on the stairwell banner as well as dotted around the doorways with little plaster spiders inhabiting them like beacons of the holiday. When you turn the corner into the living room, Marcus is dressed head-to-toe in a full Prince Charming costume, little Theo is dressed as a bonafide medieval knight, and Amelia is wearing her sparkly red and orange dragon costume that will have a matching fire-themed trick or treating bag when you go out after dinner. Everyone is dressed to the nines and giggling with excitement when they shout "Surprise!", and you nearly fall over with delight at the sight of your beautiful little family. Even Cat Benetar is wearing a little cat-sized witch hat, though she is currently lazing in her bed in the corner.
"Ohhhh, look at all of you!" Your little girl is the first to leap forward, arms up and begging for a hug before you even get all the way into the room. "You all look amazing!"
“I a dragon – RAWR!” Amelia growls in your face, her little expression twisted up to be menacing but she just manages to be adorable. Marcus laughs and judiciously grabs the sword Theo is waving around so he doesn’t knock the flowers off the table.
"You're my favourite dragon in the whole world, baby girl." You promise her, laying a kiss on her cheek since her costume's head dress is covering the customary spot on her forehead. "And your brother! Such a valiant looking knight, Sir Theo."
The little boy beams at you despite temporarily losing his sword, seemingly unbothered by it at the moment. "Daddy matches you, Mommy!" He informs you excitedly, in case you haven't noticed.
"I can see that." When you turn your smile on your husband it's nearly blinding. "Prince Daddy looks very handsome in his costume."
“Hey sweetheart.” Leaning in, he gives you a kiss that has Theo huffing territorially and Amelia squealing in your arms. “Kiss me, daddy! Kiss me!”
“Kid swap.” You grin, pecking Marcus’s lips again before letting your wriggling daughter climb into her father’s arms and leaning down to pick up your pouting son to smack a kiss on his forehead. The sound of it always makes him giggle, and your children’s’ laughter is undoubtedly the best sound in the whole world. “The house looks amazing, guys! Did you have fun helping Daddy decorate?”
The chorus of “yeahs” are enthusiastic and loud enough to make your ears ring but Marcus had grown used to it. Not upset with his kids for being kids, loud and excited. “Now, we have to eat dinner before we go trick or treating.” That inspires pouts but Marcus winks at Theo and kisses Amelia’s cheek again. “Good thing too because I heard Mrs. Johnson is giving out fudgesicles.”
“Weawwy?” Amelia squeals in delight, as the toddler seems to forget that she was ever upset in the first place.
“Thank you for this, honey.” The dining room is barely seven steps away but you all take them slowly, both kids hanging on to their parents as you and Marcus move. “A museum visitor poked a painting with their glasses before the guard could stop them and a flake of paint came off. The staff panicked and went straight to calling me instead of any of the other staff.”
“Baby, how many times have you had to shoulder doing things because I got called in on a case?” Marcus scoffs, and sends you a reassuring smile. You are a team and sometimes it means he picks up the slack, sometimes it’s you, “all that matters is that you’re here for dinner and the candy haul.” Theo cheers at that, having been assured he can pick out a few pieces to eat tonight. Candy anytime is a celebration to a three-year-old.
“That doesn’t mean I can’t say thank you. This is exactly what I didn’t know I needed to come home to.” You lean over to kiss him before telling both kids that it’s time to wash up. All three of you wash your hands together in the big kitchen sink and you carry the tray of dishes and silverware into the dining room. It’s a long-practiced dance now, and within five minutes you’re all sitting down to Marcus’s amazing meal.
“After dinner, Mommy’s going to change into her Princess outfit while you guys and I get the wagon ready.” He tells the kids. They had insisted they didn’t want to look like babies with a stroller, but he knew that they would be tired within a few blocks. So the solution was the wagon.
“We’re going to go all around the neighborhood tonight, and then tomorrow we’re going to Auntie Angie and Uncle Harry’s house to watch movies and have dinner.” Your best friend said she didn’t want to do anything major for her birthday, but sitting the kids down in front of a Disney movie and making a stack of grilled cheeses with a vat of tomato soup for dinner was good in everybody’s books.
“Kick off for soup season.” Marcus grins at you, eager to tell you his news, but he wants to wait until the kids are distracted. Get your honest opinion.
"And birfday cake?" Theo's eyes widen at his father, not because of the small portion of beef stew that is being ladled into a bowl for him but because of the promise of cake tomorrow.
“I’m sure that Auntie Angie will have the most delicious cake for you to have a slice of.” Angie and Harry had been amazing friends to have close by and it was going to be sad to have to say goodbye.
"Yaaaaayyyy!" Both two little cheers make both you and Marcus laugh, and you tear a fresh roll in half for the kids to share before putting one in front of Marcus and taking one for yourself.
"So you guys had a good day?" Once your children start eating they are hyper focused, so it's a short chance for you and Marcus to talk.
The kids grunt, too busy eating to answer so Marcus decides to broach the subject. “I got a call today.” He tells you quietly “From Ducasse.”
"Oh?" Sometimes it's work and sometimes it's pleasure when you hear from René or Chloe, but either way it's nice to hear from friends. "Business or pleasure?"
“Business.” Marcus squirms slightly, adopting a slightly guilty look.
"Do they need you for a case?" It would be a shame for him to be away from home for a little while, but it isn't the first time he's had to travel for a case since the kids were born. He had brought back a Paddington bear stuffed animal for Theo from London while you were pregnant with Amelia, and goodies for the kids from Rome just six months ago. He was working more and more with INTERPOL and seemed to really enjoy it, so you fully encouraged it every time. Even if it meant missing him for a little while.
“More than a case.” Marcus draws out slowly, wishing that he had more time, but the kids will be done with their food soon. “René has been promoted.” He reveals softly. “And he wants me to join INTERPOL to help him.”
"Oh my..." You can barely keep yourself from cursing or shouting or even exclaiming, knowing that if you do the kids will immediately start asking questions. "Are you serious? Is it...is it a good position?" Breathless, you feel absolutely breathless. "Do you want to take it?"
“I would be the assistant director of the Paris INTERPOL division.” Marcus nods. “I’m never going to advance past my position here and it’s good, but the position is a twenty percent increase and we can live in Paris.”
"It's how much?" Practically hissing to keep your voice down, you can feel your eyes widen and the excitement start to build, and a quick glance at the kids shows that they couldn't care less about paying attention to you. "Baby, th—that...that's amazing." You place your hand on this thigh under the table and give it a gentle squeeze. "But do you want to take it?" If he says no then it's the end of the discussion. Even if you had spent plenty of time dreaming about living in Paris together over the last few years, the reality of anything is always different from the dream.
“I do.” Marcus has given it a lot of thought since the call, especially since the kids are still young enough to soak up a second language quickly. The idea of being able to travel across Europe on the weekends and let the kids live in historic places is a heady thought. “If you still want to go. I know you have your own career to think about.”
"There is a lot of work for conservationists in the area." It's not as though Paris doesn't have its fair share of museums and galleries, and private collectors to boot. But you bite your lip a little and squeeze his leg again, excitement starting to leak through. "But I've been thinking about going back to teaching." He knows that you loved the classes that you taught at GWU a few years ago, but you hadn't really brought it up recently. "The munchkins will be school age soon and I could have summers off with them. Even if the Sorbonne is a pipe dream for a professorship, American University of Paris has a wonderful art history program."
“I do think that professorships pay more in Europe.” He jokes. “Plus we will be able to travel around the continent on the weekends.”
"Look at you." He is lit up, giddy happiness written all over his face just like both times you told him you were pregnant. He's beaming with barely contained excitement. And although your voice is quiet, you know you're smiling a lot harder than you were just two minutes ago. "You've already been looking at real estate, haven't you?"
“No.” He huffs defensively, giving a small shrug. “René already said there is an apartment that’s about to go on the market in his building. I just asked how much it was going for.”
"René is trying to sweeten the deal." The building that the Ducasse family lives in is a converted mansion that has been split into three family-sized 'apartments' that are basically good-sized condos. They're stunning. "And he knows how much I love that building."
“He really wants me.” Marcus admits with a grin. “Even hinted that if I pushed, a housing allowance would be thrown in to sweeten the deal.”
"Holy...sugar." You swallow thickly and lean over to press a kiss to your husband's cheek. The gears are turning in your head, and you know what a move of this magnitude will take a lot of organization. "How soon does René need you? It will take a little while to get everything squared away here."
“Honestly?” Marcus grins. “I was thinking about us ringing in the new year in our new home?”
The smile that spreads across your face is gleaming, and when you glance at the kids you get just a snippet of their very involved discussion of whether or not knights ever ride dragons into battle or if dragons are strictly fellow soldiers. "Then I guess I better update my resume," you murmur, feeling the pull of undeniable excitement. "And we should start teaching these monkeys some French."
“Yeah?” Marcus’s matching grin gets even brighter. “It’s a good thing my own French has improved. As well as my Spanish.” He knew it wouldn’t take much to convince you, but he’s still excited about the prospect of starting a new adventure with you.
"It means the holidays will be a blow out this year." The last American holiday season will be one that both of your families will want to make a big deal out of. Especially if you're going to be moving before New Years. "It's going to be an amazing new chapter."
“I am thinking we invite mom and your parents here?” Marcus’s dad had passed away while you were carrying Amelia, but he was happy that his father got to meet his namesake.
"Definitely." In your seat it's easy to lean against him, breathing in the promise of something new. An adventure you'll take as a family. The family you were always meant to be. "I love you so much, Marc. And I'm so proud of you. Being headhunted by INTERPOL is a huge deal."
“It’s a notch in my professional belt for sure.” He won’t deny that. His time at the FBI has been very fulfilling, but he wants to balance work and life a bit more than the Bureau allows and INTERPOL allows for that. “But nothing is as important as the three of you.”
"The three of us are with you." You promise him. "Always."
He reaches for your hand, a habit that he has no interest in ever breaking. “Just one question.” He poses, staring at you seriously. “Do they have tequila in France? Or are we going to have to smuggle it in?”
"No, my love. We won't have to smuggle it in." It takes everything you have not to burst out laughing at the table, and you barely stifle it long enough to lean over and press a kiss to your husband's lips. "They definitely have tequila in France."
“Good.” Marcus winks at you. “Because you know I’m supposed to stop smuggling, not participate in it.” For a long time, he hadn’t been able to touch it, too much of a reminder of you. Since you’ve stormed back into his life like you had the first time he met you, Marcus loves the taste of tequila again. Almost as much as he loves you.
------ Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @katheriner1999 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @hardc0rehaylz @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle    
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My Masterlist!
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thursdaygrl · 2 months
i'm eager to get some more things going, so here's a muse specific wishlist of plots. i'll be crossing anything out that i don't wanna double up, just like and i'll come to plot with you!
aurelio — arranged marriage, possibly with the families being in the mafia for the drama of it. / normal people plot.
beatrice — dark academia gay obsession PLEASE, bonus for lili fcs but not necessary at all
crash — angsty opposites attract with someone far too good for him / vampire rockstar verse pls i need it badly, preferably against a human but i'd also take a witch.
cricket — rivals or enemies to lovers / the sneaky journalist being played by someone who is secretly writing a story about her/her family while getting close to her and the fallout of what happens when she finds out.
dawson — figure skater/hockey player im BEGGING you. / accidental pregnancy also.
ford — i have a starter up for this somewhere but i really would like to write him saving a muse from a serial killer/slasher and the two of them healing each other over time. also lowkey want an age gap he protests to cause lol.
grayson — best friend's girl cause i'm a sucker for it. he doesn't treat her right and he's sick of it. lots of drama ensues, preferably.
james — best friends to lovers, specifically with an unlikely friendship so preferably someone a lot girlier/soft.
letha — a little nathan/haley inspired thing, pls.
luther — weird strangers meeting on the road and there's a sudden spark, would absolutely prefer if she was a little crazy cause he'd be into that. could be just intense or a murder, we don't mind. / two members of a band that both write songs and clash cause the chemistry is off the charts, pls.
maren — college campus murder mystery solving aka one of my favourite genres. alternatively, college campus slasher.
moira — a journalist or detective she comes across working the same case in a small town, they clash and also probably bang cause that's fun.
river — something jess and rory inspired cause i'm a sucker for that and i want river against someone bookish and cute.
rory — i really want a girl who thinks she's straight to discover otherwise through rory mostly bc i think it'll be funny. rory will not be trying to romance her at first and she'll do a poor job of it but we'll get there.
sosie — i'd like to play her against someone who works for or with her father, e.g. campaign advisor, fellow politician, bodyguard etc, ya girl loves something forbidden. / cappie and rebecca from greek inspired.
six — sleeping with her boss's girl, 'nuff said / would love to play this little criminal against a successful woman, maybe a lawyer or something who she gets to dominate and help relax.
sully — roommates who cannot stand each other but… :) very much jess and nick from new girl inspired pls.
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plethoraworldatlas · 4 months
Humanitarians reacted with outrage on Tuesday after former presidential U.S. candidate Nikki Haley wrote and signed an arguably genocidal message on an Israeli artillery shell while visiting an Israel Defense Forces post.
"Finish them! America [loves] Israel always," Haley wrote on the shell Tuesday, signing her name. She was accompanied by Danny Danon, a member of the Knesset, Israel's parliament, who posted photos from their tour on social media. Haley, who was the ambassador to the United Nations under then-President Donald Trump, has been an ardent supporter of Israel's war in Gaza and has ties to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a pro-Israel lobby group.
"Nothing to see here, just AIPAC's favorite politician, Nikki Haley, celebrating death and destruction in Gaza with an autographed missile," IfNotNow, a U.S. Jewish group that supports Palestinian rights, wrote on social media.
"Just disgusting," wrote Alon-Lee Green, director of the Jewish-Arab Movement for Peace, Equality & Social Justice in Israel. In the post, Green pleaded with Americans to take back their "filthy death-promoting politicians."
Alec Karakatsanis, an American civil rights lawyer, wrote that the Haley's message was "one of the most depraved things I have ever seen."
The timing of Haley's autograph of the weapon of war heightened the outrage. On Sunday night, Israel bombed the tents of displaced Palestinians in a "safe zone" of Rafah, killing at least 45 civilians, mostly women and children. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the strike a "tragic mistake," but the Israeli military then killed at least another 21 Palestinian civilians in a similar attack on a refugee camp in the southern Gaza Strip on Tuesday.
Haley "spent Memorial Day not commemorating fallen American service members, but visiting Israel as it conducts a brutal massacre in Gaza," The New Republic's Hafiz Rashid reported, calling her autographed message "sick."
One commentator suggested that Haley's act encapsulated the attitude of America's leaders. The most powerful members of both major parties, including President Joe Biden, a Democrat, have supported Israel's war in spite of condemnation by the United Nations General Assembly, the International Criminal Court, and the International Court of Justice, which ordered Israel to "immediately halt its military offensive" in Rafah.
"Biden provided the shells, Republicans autograph them," Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek minister of finance and pro-Palestine public intellectual, wrote on social media. "The U.S. political class is united in its complicity with this genocide."
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licncourt · 1 year
ive been thinking about your modern au claudia for days.. do you have any crumbs about Her by any chance
Claudia my baby girl 🩷 I always have thoughts about her!!
Little Claudia is her parents' baby genius, partly because she has two uppity micromanagers for dads. She knows piano and violin, speaks perfect French, reads Latin and Greek, took classical voice training, art lessons, and ballet, and sees a tutor twice a week to make sure she gets straight A's through all her schooling.
She's not as much of theater geek as Lestat, but she takes pretty quickly to ballet. Claudia is a beautiful dancer, but she has her dads' competitive streak (times two) and is constantly on the edge of pushing her competition down the stairs. Though even if she did, Louis and Lestat wouldn't hear a single bad word about their baby anyway.
Despite the fact that she's a mini Lestat, Louis is Favorite Dad (and default parent). He's her book reader, Ken doll operator, snack maker, game player, and everything else. There is no rest for the wicked or for the Louis EXCEPT when it comes to her hair and outfits. Only Lestat is allowed to dress her and touch the curls.
Above all she's daddy's little girl and gets whatever she wants whenever she wants it. Her childhood bedroom is filled with princess dresses, dolls, jewelry, stuffed animals, blankets, and every shiny thing she ever saw. A pink pony that farts rainbows? Sure, why not. They'll do their best.
Starting at puberty, she gets a little boy crazy (emphasis on the crazy). She's the tiktok of the girl who threw dead birds at her crush's window when he was with anyone else. Lestat understands this intimately and helps her social media stalk her men when she's old enough.
She's kind of a bully until Louis makes her Be Nice (her one weakness is her papa's disappointment). She definitely gave some kid an eating disorder first though.
As a teenager she's a pageant girlie (Lestat would’ve had her in there way sooner but Louis put his foot down). This is the best possible outcome for Lestat and even when she's mad at him she has him do her hair just like when she was little. Louis doesn't love the whole thing but deep down he enjoys that everyone knows HIS daughter is the prettiest, smartest, and most talented.
She studies law in college and gets into an top university as Louis' nepo baby (she's a star anyway though). She becomes a very unscrupulous but well paid criminal defense lawyer. Louis is very proud.
The boy she ends up with is a sweet guy, golden retriever bf with his tiny, angry wife who tells the server he asked for no pickles. He gets along well enough with Loustat but tbh Claudia wouldn't give that much of a shit if he didn't. They're not the boss of her. No grandbabies either. Claudia didn't like kids even when she was a kid.
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danjaley · 1 year
The Bold the Facts tag
The Rules are simple! Tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. Easy! The person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
I was tagged by @kimmiessimmies for Jonathan. Thank you! Answers under the cut.
Tagging @puffkins2000 for one or both of the Pirate Pair (have their names been mentioned? I actually went back a bit but couldn't find them.)
@descendantdragfi for Hecate
and @windermeresimblr for Kolfinna
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty (He lives more modest than he’d have to for several reasons: He’s not going to start a family and servants increase the risk of gossip spreading. Also he only takes on projects that interest him and makes the money last in between.)
✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other (Second son of a wealthy lawyer, cousin-by-marriage and lover of an aristocrat.)
✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other
✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed (By the law of his time, that is. Also not counting Matt walking in on him.)
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◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased (He sees Matt more as a brother than Richard.)
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◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
♦ disorganized / organized / in between
♦ close minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between (anxious about his own problems, but calm when it comes to helping others)
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
♦ cautious / reckless / in between
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
♦ leader / follower / in between
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
♦ traditional / modern / in between (Modern in 1785 would still seem traditional to us, but he was interested in Greek antiquity before everyone was.)
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between (He works less than he absolutely could, partly because he likes his freedom, partly because he sometimes has demotivated phases. When he’s on a project though, he’s diligent enough.)
♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic (Officially a protestant, which he sees more as a political statement. Builds or renovates churches occasionally. Secretly believes in Greek mythology/philosophy.)
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care (As a real Scotsman he grew up with stories of ghost-sightings from friends and family. He’d never doubt those, but hasn’t had supernatural encounters himself.)
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✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care (Believing in ghosts involves some kind of belief in afterlife, but he has no ambitions to become a ghost himself. He’s convinced that hellfire-threats are a social construction but otherwise he’s an architect, not a priest.)
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care (The idea of life on the moon or on other planets was mainly popular in satire in the 18th century. Everyone knew this was actually a commentary about life on Earth. Elements of this are used in Gulliver’s Travels, so perhaps this would be a better question for Matt :)
✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
❀ Philosophical: yes / no
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable /naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious (He’s not looking for more/other experiences besides Nicolas. If he hadn’t met him, he’d have been okay without sex and romance in his life, just as he lives without it most of the year.)
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
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☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none (He used to be good at imaginary swordfights and one time he punched Matt's nose as a pirate. Actually, the one time he physically fought someone, he seems to have been victorious. That was possibly the most painful thing he ever did for Matt though. So altogether, he's not a great fighter.)
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≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
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☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic
☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / Chain-smoker (Rarely shown because poses, but at the time it was usual for Gentlemen to smoke a pipe together after dinner, especially when it was an invitaiton. Not that Jon is a passionate smoker, but it helps securing commissions.)
✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater (He never eats 18th century unhealthy food, like bread with sawdust. I imagine he sometimes goes to a coffee-house with Matt to drink hot chocolate. Their main concern about this would have been the price though, not the sugar :)
$ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
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womanofwords · 5 months
The Poisoned Prodigy (Chapter 5)
I woke up to James shoving a phone in my face first thing. "Your friend's on the news," he sang, in the stupid way he always did.
"What?" I asked, rubbing the blurriness out of my eyes. "Did he die? Oh, god, this should not be the way that I find that he's dead!"
"He's not dead, they got the guy who poisoned him!" James laughed. "Look at his freaky little mugshot, man! He looks like an insect with those massive bug eyes!" He scrolled down to a picture of a mugshot of the boy from the awards ceremony.
The blond hair I'd recognised from earlier now looked stuck to his head. One side of his face was already bruised, a wine-red colour compared to the Greek yoghurt hue the rest of his face was. That had to be from Sally tackling him to the floor.
I took the phone from James and started reading it aloud. "Ernest DuBois carried out the murder attempt on Patton Reynolds by spiking a water bottle with a toxic substance and placing it in a convenient place for the announcer to get to if Patton were to need something for his throat. Upon searching the school for the source of the poison, a supply was found in the accused killer's school locker. In the meantime, Ernest DuBois proclaims his innocence and has the support of his family."
"Good thing you don't go to one of those fancy schools," James laughed. "Those rich kids are . . ." He twirled his index finger next to his temple and sniggered as he left the room. Rich kids might be crazy, but was Ernest DuBois really a rich kid? Maybe he was a scholarship kid with a fancy name.
A quick Google search confirmed that Ernest DuBois actually was rich. From several generations of oil money, no less. Apparently, it all started when his great-grandfather, Sylvestre DuBois, who had bought land previously assumed to be worthless and endeavoured to build a house on it. Somehow, this culminated in him tripping over his own feet and falling on a soft path of earth that erupted into an oil geyser. Ridiculous, but true.
That didn't mean the rest of the family was resting on their ancestors' morals. Multiple family members had gone on to be doctors, lawyers, business owners, and other impressive job titles. And then there was Ernest, the family criminal. Mommy and Daddy must be so proud.
I texted Sally a link to the news article. Not the best way to start a conversation with your best friend's possible crush who was now helping you solve his poisoning, but I had to start somewhere. Underneath the link, I had a question.
What was Ernest like with Patton in school?
She answered back in ten minutes.
When Patton arrived, Ernest immediately hated him. He kept snarking about how Patton was nothing special and got himself a pity scholarship because of the false leg. Clearly projecting.
Did Ernest do anything to Patton?
Verbal bullying, stealing his stuff, putting thumbtacks onto his chair. One time, he was caught sabotaging Patton's goggles by Dr Jacobs, the headmaster, and his own parents.
That was weird. People's parents don't typically wander around their school, unless they're helicopter parents.
Why were his parents in the school?
Ernest's parents were rich and paid for new science equipment. The headmaster was bringing the school's investors on a guided tour around the school to show them what their money paid for and they all got a front row seat to their precious baby stabbing another student's safety goggles with scissors. It was a big scandal.
So Ernest had been bullying Patton at school. He'd clearly told his aunt and uncle, but he'd never told me. He did mention that Ernest didn't like to be upstaged, so maybe that was important somehow.
Was Ernest anywhere near as smart as Patton?
No. He was an awful student and didn't understand a lot of the stuff in class, despite being in the advanced classes. Mommy's money indeed.
That was an interesting thought. Ernest wasn't as smart as Patton, and hated him for it. That could be proof that he just wasn't smart enough to poison Patton the way he was. But we'd need to find someone who would be able to tell us exactly how Ernest could have poisoned the water Patton drank.
Is there anybody that could tell us more information?
Dr Jacobs. He's the head of science and wrote literal books about poison. He's a safe bet.
The next time I walked into Sandalwood Institute, I didn't feel as lost. Sally was with me this time. "I've already got us an appointment with him. When I say everyone loved Patton, I mean everyone loved Patton," Sally said.
"How much are we talking?" I asked. Sally pointed to a shrine with flowers laid at the bottom. Patton's picture was affixed to the wall, a soft smile gracing his face. It had to be a school photo. "Whoa."
"See what I mean?" Sally looked at it with a mixture of shock and sadness, which changed to a small, smug, smile. "Ernest DuBois wishes he had this kind of love and loyalty."
We went up some stairs to the science block and I knocked on a door that read Dr Jacobs. "Come in," he said.
Dr Jacobs' office smelled like books, mainly because it was full of them. I saw some were written by him, Dr Oliver Jacobs. "Miss Kinley, Mr Song. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"We're trying to figure out what Patton was given," Sally said. "On the night of the awards ceremony."
Dr Jacobs looked at Sally and I with sadness. "Oh, Miss Kinley. You're not trying to use Patton's hospitalisation to play at being a detective, are you? Because there are much better ways of working through grief."
"First of all, Patton Reynolds is not dead yet," I pointed out. "People keep forgetting that fact. Second of all, we're trying to figure out if . . . maybe Ernest gave him something that looked worse than it actually was."
His features softened, and the teacher adjusted his glasses before he spoke. "Apologies."
"How did he do it, though? The poisoning, of course. I know Patton was poisoned with the water, but what poison?" I asked.
"Cyanide," Dr Jacobs said, straightening up. "Found in plants such as apples, peaches, and cherries, specifically the seeds and pits. Suffocates the body from the inside out by interfering with the normal course of oxygen in the body."
Sally and I took a step back. "How do you know this stuff?" I asked.
"I used to be a head toxicologist before I decided to slow down and give back to the community," Dr Jacobs explained. He shook his head slowly. "Never thought my previous line of work would overlap with this nasty business."
"Where would Ernest even get cyanide?" Sally asked. I wish I'd been the one to ask questions like that. "That must have taken a lot of effort. How many peaches or cherries or whatever would he have needed for such a task?"
"We have some cyanide in powdered form in the science cupboard. I keep it under lock and key, but Ernest must have gotten it somehow. Oh, it's all my fault." The teacher put his head in his hands and moaned like a dying animal. "I should have had tighter security measures so Ernest would never have been able to break in."
"Don't blame yourself, sir," I said, feeling awkward.
"No, no, I should have expected something like this." He began to cry, fat wet tears leaking from the gaps in his fingers. "Ernest was always so cruel to poor Patton. If I had just cracked down on it more at the time and had been more of a disciplinarian than a mediator, maybe Patton would be going to school as normal and we'd all be going on with our lives."
"Thank you for all your help, sir," Sally said, dragging me out.
"That was awkward," I said, once we were definitely far away enough that Dr Jacobs couldn't hear us.
"Awkward, but useful. It explains how the poisoner was able to get a hold of toxic substances so easily."
"And I guess Ernest was in the science labs a lot if he got nominated for an award in scientific advancements," I said, a sleepy memory of that night pushing and shoving its way to the front of my brain.
"Hmm." Sally looked up at the ceiling, then at me. "Vincent, where did the news report say the poison was found?"
"In Ernest's locker. Why; is that useful?"
"Absolutely. He never normally used his locker. He just walked around with all his books in his bag at once. People used to call him The Turtle because of how much slouching he did underneath all that weight."
"So it could have been planted there by someone who hates Ernest and Patton!" I gasped. "Or maybe just Ernest. Patton doesn't seem to have any enemies other than Ernest anyway. But who in this school could have hated Ernest?"
Sally laughed. "Why don't we make a list of people who like him? It's a shorter list."
"How short?"
"We could use a sticky note. That was ripped in half."
"Vincent, what's wrong? You haven't eaten your bulgogi," Umma said.
"I've been thinking about Patton," I said. "He could die in the hospital because of some evil person."
Umma got quiet. "Of course. You should still eat, though."
"Who's Patton? Appa asked.
"Long hair boy with fake leg," Umma told him.
Dinner was quiet until I went upstairs to the room that James and I shared. In reality, James' stuff crept into what was supposed to be my space like fungus on bread. The only sign of it being my room was the bright green skateboarding helmet that I kept hanging off the headboard on my bed.
The one Patton got me for my birthday.
If you want to read the other chapters, see Masterlist.
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allisluv · 5 months
could i get a 🫶🏻 for criminal minds??
i’m a hufflepuff & infp. i listen to a lot of taylor swift, lana del rey, and fleetwood mac. i love to read, my favorite writers are sylvia plath and jodi picoult. my greek god parent is apollo i believe. i play piano and paint, i hope to one day become an artist or lawyer or poet or really anything. i’m a retired dancer & im quite short :)
and i’m bi !!!
oooo anon i think you’d fit with elle greenaway or aaron hotchner!
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chterzidislaw · 4 months
Επιτυχία του δικηγορικού μας γραφείου σε υπόθεση Ποινικού Δικαίου!
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⚖️ 🏛️ Το Τριμελές Πλημμελειοδικείο Θεσσαλονίκης έκανε δεκτή την αίτησή μας και ανέστειλε την εκτέλεση προηγούμενης απόφασής του, με την οποία είχε επιβληθεί σε εντολέα μας ποινή φυλάκισης πέντε  (5)  μηνών, μετατραπείσα σε χρηματική, για το αδίκημα της κλοπής.
📝 Η αναστολή εκτέλεσης εδόθη υπό τον όρο της συνέχισης της παρακολούθησης θεραπευτικού προγράμματος απεξάρτησης του ΚΕΘΕΑ και μέχρι την ολοκλήρωσή του δεχόμενο το Δικαστήριο ότι η κλοπή συνδέεται αιτιωδώς με τη χρήση ναρκωτικών ουσιών.
Με τον τρόπο αυτό,
✅ απετράπη ο κίνδυνος να συλληφθεί ο εν λόγω εντολέας μας 
✅ και να οδηγηθεί στη φυλακή προς έκτιση της ποινής του!!
🤔 Αντιμετωπίζετε και εσείς υποθέσεις Ποινικού Δικαίου..;
📞 Καλέστε μας  στο  6977424779   για να διευθετήσετε τα νομικά σας ζητήματα.
💼 Εμπιστευτείτε το δικηγορικό μας γραφείο για τις υποθέσεις σας σχετικά με Ναρκωτικά και Ποινικό Δίκαιο. Ο δικηγόρος Χρήστος Μ. Τερζίδης, διδάκτωρ Νομικής του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης στο αντικείμενο των ναρκωτικών και μέλος της ομάδας δικηγόρων του Κέντρου Θεραπείας Εξαρτημένων Ατόμων  (ΚΕΘΕΑ), διαθέτει πολυετή εμπειρία και εξειδικεύεται σε υποθέσεις που αφορούν όλο το φάσμα του Ποινικού Δικαίου.
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mariacallous · 1 year
The Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, CPT, in its new report about Korydallos Psychiatric Hospital for prisoners in Greece, found that patients-prisoners are hospitalized under dire conditions.
After an ad-hoc visit to the hospital from 8 to 11 November 2022, the CPT found that the hospital remains a prison in design and functioning. Despite the government’s promise to transfer the hospital’s responsibility to the Ministry of Health, it remains under the Ministry for Citizens Protection.
Patients are held in overcrowded and dilapidated rooms and their treatment is based almost exclusively on pharmacotherapy. Prison officers run the hospital without relevant background or training on mental health issues. Some important issues that CPT underlined are the lack of a resident psychiatrist, the presence of only one nurse for 170 patients, and the way the patients’ deaths are investigated.
“Finally, what is really happening today in psychiatric departments in the public and private sectors is what we learn from the competent committee of the CPT. Despite the committee’s long-standing recommendations, the problems presented and the violation of the rights of the mentally ill continue to exist and even worsen, due to the lack of staff,” Yannis Alexakis, a lawyer and former member of the special monitoring committee for the protection of rights of people with mental disorders, told BIRN.
The CPT also visited the recently established transgender unit in Korydallos Women’s Remand Prison. The CPT noted good living conditions but also urged Greece to develop a clear policy framework for transgender persons in prison.
The CPT visited the Special Wing C in Korydallos Men’s Prison. Although the authorities had responded promptly to CPT’s previous recommendations, the cells were still filthy, dilapidated and severely overcrowded; each prisoner had less than 2 metres square of living space.
“More generally, the CPT reiterates the importance of taking vigorous action to tackle overcrowding in many of the prison establishments. The CPT also highlights once again the necessity to develop a revised Strategic Plan with clear timelines and financial costings,” it said in a press release.
Greek authorities informed the CPT of measures taken to improve prison living conditions while noting the constraints under which the prison administration is acting.
BIRN asked the secretary general of the anti-criminal policy of the Greek Ministry for Citizens Protection for a comment on the report but did not receive an answer by the time of publication.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 2 years
For all the French speakers who want to cringe with a famous Greek lawyer (mr. Demetrakopoulos) pretending to know their language in a pan-European trial statement. He said he knows French but I think he speaks Demetracopoulenne ✨
(Let's not discuss right now that he was defending a corrupted criminal)
If we have any French speaking Europeans here, tell us if your national or local news made fun of him, please 😂
(Obviously having an accent is not bad. But this guy claimed to know the language very well, well enough to go to such a big case and court where the whole process was in French. And I bet he was paid in dozens of thousands of euros, if not hundreds. So his case is not the same as someone who tries to learn the language)
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
VATICAN CITY (AP) — A Vatican court convicted two environmental activists of aggravated damage Monday and ordered them to pay more than 28,000 euros (US$30,000) in restitution after they glued their hands to the base of an ancient statue in the Vatican Museums in a protest to draw attention to climate change.
The two members of the Last Generation environmental activist group, Guido Viero and Ester Goffi, also received a nine-month suspended sentence and were fined 1,620 euros apiece. A third activist on trial with them, Laura Zorzini, was fined 120 euros.
The trial stemmed from an Aug. 18 protest in the Vatican Museums, during which Viero and Goffi glued their hands to the base of the Laocoon statue, one of the most important ancient works in the collection that is believed to date from the 1st century B.C. They hung up a banner reading “Last Generation: No gas and no carbon,” as Zorzini filmed them.
Their action was part of a wave of Last Generation and related activist protests around Europe that have targeted museums and other cultural institutions, tied up traffic for days and otherwise caused disruptions in a bid to draw attention to what the activists say is the failure of governments to take action to fight climate change.
In closing arguments, the lawyer for the Vatican City State accused the defendants of exploiting Pope Francis’ known concern for the environmental cause by causing “inestimable” damage to a piece of the world’s artistic and cultural patrimony.
Attorney Floriana Gigli said Viero and Goffi knew their protest would damage the artwork, citing their decision to glue their hands to the base, not the statue itself, and yet never expressed regret at the damage caused.
None of the defendants was in the Vatican criminal tribunal for the verdicts.
During the previous hearing May 24, Viero and Goffi told the court they never intended to damage the statue, but also strongly defended their cause. Viero told the court he felt an obligation as a father and grandfather to draw attention to Italy’s failure to halt global warming. Goffi, for her part, recalled she had brought a glue solvent in her purse, but Vatican restorers used a different acetone-based substance to unglue their hands.
Vatican Prosecutor Catia Summaria had asked for convictions: she sought a sentence of two years and a fine of 3,000 euros apiece for Viero and Goffi and a sentence of one month for Zorzini. But she said if the court decided on suspended sentences, the defendants should be ordered to repay the full cost of the damage to the statue.
Gigli said the actual cost was impossible to estimate given the statue is a priceless artwork and is permanently damaged. She asked the court for an appraisal to come up with a figure, saying the restoration work alone had cost 3,148 euros.
In the end, the court quantified the restitution owed to the Vatican City State at 28,148 euros. There was no immediate word on an appeal.
During the last hearing, the head of the Vatican Museums’ marble restoration laboratory, Guy Devreux, said the damage to the base was ultimately less than he had anticipated but was nevertheless permanent. He stressed that the marble base of the statute was “absolutely” to be considered an “integral part of the work.”
Last Generation has said it targeted the Laocoon statue, which is believed to have been carved in Rhodes in 40-30 B.C., because of the symbolic story behind it. According to legend and the Vatican Museums’ own website, Laocoon warned his fellow Trojans against accepting the wooden horse left by the Greeks during the Trojan War. The group said the climate crisis is the modern-day warning that is being unheeded by political leaders.
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hotpotrandomfics · 1 year
Riordanverse OC Profile: Emilio Victor (V.) Silverio-Azarello
Full Name: Emilio Victor (V.) Silverio-Azarello
Alias/Nicknames: Em, V., Dark Knight, Styx's Problem Child, River Boy
Godly Lineage: Styx (mother), Kymopoleia (ancestor), Guabancex (ancestor)
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Birthday: August, 7th
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Species: Demigod
Language: English, Spanish, French, Portugues, Cantonese, Ancient Greek
Hairstyle, Hair Color: Undercut with Medium Fade, Obsidian Black
Eye Shape and Color: Upturned and Obsidian Black
Lip Shape: Bow Shaped
Nose Shape: Straight
Face Shape: Oval
Body Type: 
Swimmer-toned physique
Extra Traits: 
Left Cheek Bone
Right Collarbone
Left Shoulder
Right shoulder, hydra claw
Left oblique, sword
Height: 5'10
Skin tone: Almond Brown
Ethnicities: Puerto Rican, Dominican, Brazilian, Spanish
Style of dress: Natural, relaxed but functional. Jeans, running sneakers or hiking boots, t-shirts or plaid long sleeves, a pair of rings in one hand with one ring on the opposite. Colors of olive green, forest green, black, grey, and white.
Personality: At first glance, they appear self-centered or intolerant but on closer inspection, they're pragmatic, honest, and compassionate, especially to those who've been harmed or wronged unjustly.
Strengths: Adaptability, Perseverance, Humility
Flaws: Pushes others away, self-confidence
Fatal flaw: Excessive Personal Loyalty
Likes and Hobbies: Latin American and Italian coffee, medium-rare cooked meats, martial arts tournaments, dogs, cats, and otters
Dislikes: Promise breakers, liars, heavy sweets, and people pleasers
Voice: Crisp and ethereal
Fears or Phobias: Atychiphobia 
Favorite Color: Sea Green
Favorite animal: Otters
Favorite possession: N/A
Favorite food: Churrasco steak with rice, beans, and fried yuca root
Least Favourite food: War Heads
Love interest: N/A
Best friends: N/A
Friends: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Rivals: N/A
Hydrokinesis (Includes):
Water Immunity
Water Solidification
Water Empowerment
Toxikinesis (limited)
Atmokinesis (Includes):
Storm Spirit Communication
Oath Binding (Includes):
Umbrakinesis (Includes):
Shadow Travel
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Stamina
Oath's Bane (multi-formed weapon, Kali/Eskrima sticks initially form) 
Kali/Eskrima Sticks: Stygian Iron/Silver
Baat Jaam Do (Butterfly Sword): Stygian Iron/Silver
Luk Dim Boon Kwun (6 & 1/2 Pole) Stygian Iron/Silver
Fighting style(s):
Wing Chun
Pencak Silat
Jiu Jitsu
Wing Chun
Pencak Silat
Backstory: Born to a reformed criminal turned lawyer, Emilio grew up in Tampa, Florida, and was raised by his father, Enrique, who served in the state attorney office of the city. Emilio didn't care for much as his father provided all he needed but never allowed his son to have anything without fulfilling some promise or obligation. An effective method to prevent his son from becoming a spoiled brat, Enrique enrolled the young boy in multiple martial arts schools to help him develop discipline and mental fortitude especially given that he could potentially become a target because of his father's past. 
During hurricane season when he was seven, Emilio saw three women from his window in the middle of the bay. They appeared to be arguing as the hurricane became more violent so did the body language of those women. To his surprise, they all pointed in his direction and he ran to his father as he was in the middle of going over a case. Comforting his son, Enrique assured Emilio he was safe and that his eyes were playing tricks on him. Eventually, the young boy would peer into the veil that was the Mist and question what happened during that storm and why one of the women stared at him with a mix of pain, contempt, and something else...
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