#grimm: imma make a friend
mageofseven · 1 year
The Boys and Therapy
Let's face it; there's not a single man in Obey Me who couldn't benefit from therapy. At least three of them have daddy issues, about six of them still grieve Lilith's exit from their life (since Satan wasn't a physical person yet, I don't think he hurts over it as much as the others) at least three of them have issues non parent family issues, three of them at minimum are constantly under stress, and almost ALL of them have been through some sort of trauma.
Honestly, this list could go farther, but Imma just jump into the post~
Please enjoy 🥰
Therapy In the Devildom
First off, I would like to explain how I see therapy in the Devildom. It's a relatively new practice in the realm, brought in by the cultural exchange program started in the first game (I cannot imagine therapy being a thing here during the time of Nightbringer since things are so chaotic and the people were still so closed-minded).
Devildom is a place where secrets are treasured more than grimm. Even a greed demon, when given the choice between a vault near-bursting with grimm or a single secret about some demonic duke, would choose the secret every time because it's intrinsic value is so much more in this realm.
So when therapy was beginning to become a practice here in the Devildom, they simply could not afford to go about it the same ways humans did; laws simply were not enough to keep the client's secrets safe.
The job of a therapist is considered a prestigious one in the Devildom, carrying with it the status of being a staunch member of the Aldatu faction (a political party in the Devildom dedicated to change and the chaos that comes with it, the 'true demon way'; they oppose the Traditionalist faction and are backed by Diavolo himself).
Such prestige made it easier for the demons pursuing these jobs to accept the innumerable amount of curses placed on them so they couldn't reveal their clients' secrets. Of course, there were checks and balances to this though. If any secret involved a severe law being broken or if the client revealed plans to hurt themself or others, they had assigned curse breakers to help them through the process.
This process helped a lot of demons feel comfortable enough to seek their services.
This is how the Boys found themselves seeking such services as well.
This man was pushed into it by Diavolo.
The Avatar of Pride was more stressed at this time than the prince had ever seen and that is saying something.
Honestly, Dia was worried his friend was on the verge of popping out another Satan so attending therapy was non-negotiable.
His brothers were so weirded out by this turn of events. I mean, Lucifer? Talking about his feelings? To a complete stranger??? In what realm could this actually work out?
The pride demon spent most of the first couple sessions in silence; he told Lord Diavolo that he would attend such meetings, not that he would truly participate in such unnecessary--
Ok, this demon was good. Too good. The therapist had somehow tricked him into talking about some basic stressors. Nothing from the core of the oldest's pain, but some surface level things like dealing with piles of paperwork taller than himself and his brothers' usual hijinks.
Lucifer found himself looking forward to the weekly sessions, but would adamantly deny it if anyone asked.
Diavolo could tell that it was doing his friend some good though and for that, he was grateful.
I don't know if Lucifer would ever talk about anything important to the therapist and if he did, it would probably take decades a least to bring up topics like his Father and Lilith.
Still, therapy ended up being a good experience for this pride demon.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Seeing his brothers as grown ass men who need to make their own mistakes in order to learn.
This is something the pride demon struggles with. Sometimes, he has no issue letting his brothers handle their own issues; others, he hovers over them and lectures them profusely like a concerned and angry mother.
Realizes that, on some level, he doesn't actually want his brothers growing up. He's been raising them since he himself was a child after all so for them to grow up and not need him anymore...what would he do then? His life has been surrounded around them all this time. A life where they don't need him...it sounds empty and not a life he'd know how to live.
Was dragged there by Lucifer, who was honestly done with him after the 1200th time he tried to steal from the castle.
That was the surface reason anyway, the 'straw that broke the camel's back' so to speak
But the older brother had been thinking about sending the second brother there for a while now.
Behavioral issues aside, Lucifer knows his brother suffers from some self esteem issues and wants him to address them.
Mammon complained and treated it like a pain, but in truth, he had been thinking about going for a while, but was too embarrassed and didn't want his younger brothers giving him crap for it.
When he went to his first session, the greed demon was awkward as all hell
But his therapist really had a way of making him comfortable.
Unlike his older brother, there really wasn't a lot that was off the table for him to talk about, though the deeper topics took some cajoling from the professional.
He talked about a variety of things, from the crap he gets from his brothers and their 'scummy' comments, Lilith, memories from the Celestial realm...
Lucifer himself.
Main issue he works on in therapy: his relationship with his older brother.
As much as he cared about Lilith, this man never fought in the Celestial War for her; he fought for Lucifer. There is nothing his brother could do that he himself wouldn't jump in and help him with.
Mammon fucks up a lot and while some of those fuck ups are genuine...
Some are on purpose. For Lucifer.
I think Mammon is the only brother who truly understands the oldest and to a level that even Lucifer might not fully be aware of.
He knows, or maybe just senses, his older brother's need to be needed and gets in trouble so Lucifer will have to punish him, have to feel like Mammon still needs direction in life.
Not only that but...the second brother has come to realize just how much he needs his big brother's attention, even when it's negative.
When you boil it all down, Mammon and Lucifer's relationship has never really been that healthy.
The two depend on each other more than they are willing to admit and a lot of it isn't in a healthy way.
This was an incredibly painful realization for this man, but an important one
And one he still isn't sure if he wants to change.
One of the brothers whose asses got put in therapy as soon as the practice became stable enough to be safe in the Devildom.
Agoraphophic, socially anxious, extremely low self esteem? This man needs it.
Fortunately, he was allowed to attend therapy virtually in the beginning.
He was still pretty quiet during the first session, but managed to open up a bit towards the end and had an easier time as he attended more sessions.
Levi grew to really like going to therapy because his therapist would let him talk about the things he enjoyed; he wasn't just restricted to talking about the bad and that made him feel really comfortable with the other demon.
He could start by talking about TSL and Ruri-chan before sliding into topics like his insecurities and things his brothers do on a regular day that make him feel bad about himself.
He talked about The Fall and the life he lived before it; what he missed, what he hated, what he desperately wished he had back...
And came to the conclusion that he didn't so much miss or even care about the Celestial realm. It was nothing more than a controlling, hypocritical place after all.
What he did miss was his childhood, where being his awkward, silly self was encouraged instead of judged.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Loving himself despite whatever other think or however he perceives their opinion of him to be.
Leviathan is great how he is and the main person who needs to understand that is himself.
Oh boy, this man was difficult to drag there 😅
Anything Satan thinks might insinuate that he is 'broken' is too big of an insult to tolerate.
It took some real encouragements and long talks with MC to even humor the idea of going
But he did, eventually.
Was very adamant about not speaking to the therapist during the first session, but his anger got the better of him and he said a lot, some actually being productive and not just name calling and threats slewed at the poor therapist.
Another brother whose first sessions were online, though more so for the therapist's safety than Satan's own comfort.
Eventually, Satan realized the sessions were actually beneficial for him and liked how much lighter they made him feel
So the threats towards the other demon diminished and the sessions became calmer.
Occasionally he would snap at the poor therapist again and would actually feel bad about
But the therapist would forgive him because look! Progress!
Avoids talking about Lucifer for the longest time, but eventually brings up his issues about his...father with the other demon.
His existential issues and his feelings about his father where all twisted together, making him so very sensitive about it all.
By being born the way he was, Satan was brought into this world as a complete mess. Emotions so strong that even a grown man couldn't deal with suddenly forced upon a small and helpless babe.
Satan grew up tortured by anger and pain that wasn't even his and it formed him into the man he was today; it wasn't fair, but he grew to accept that Lucifer truly didn't do it on purpose
But those thoughts just led to him feeling unwanted, a burden thrusted upon Lucifer and his brothers that they had to deal with.
That only made the blonde even more compelled to find himself an identity outside of Lucifer, outside of being the a life who was forced from his body with all of the former trauma he carried.
Just who was he? For years, he collected knowledge and hoped it'd bring him purpose, bring him respect from others and be seen as his own person, but it never made him feel more complete.
He still didn't understand most emotions that he wasn't born with, even when they overwhelmed him.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Understanding his emotions, both what he's feeling and why, and also becoming more comfortable with himself.
Told his brothers he was going to therapy to keep himself "just as beautiful on the inside as he was on the outside"
But in truth, he started going because he wanted to be a good influence on his brothers and show them that therapy really isn't all that scary and it could help them too.
In truth, Asmo didn't realize just how vulnerable it would make him feel though.
When he got too uncomfortable, he'd change the topic or try flirting with them to distract them, but his therapist always kept him on track.
He spoke a lot about the Celestial realm, all of the great times that he had there, but grew to understand that it wasn't truly the place he missed, but the time.
After all, it was a lot easier to keep smiles on his on his siblings' faces back when they were all kids and Asmo himself was the Jewel of the Heavens.
Since moving to the Devildom and losing Lilith...it's become so much harder to make his brothers happy and even he himself has to force himself to be positive for their sakes.
That's always been his job, raising his brothers' spirits and he took it just as seriously as Lucifer took his job of protecting them and Mammon and Beel took supporting Lucifer.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Learning that its okay to not be okay sometimes, both in regards to himself and his brothers, and that he's not responsible for his brothers' emotional states.
Sometimes people just need to be sad and that's okay! No one can be happy all the time and if his brothers are going through a tough time, he can support them without taking responsiblity for the rough time they're in.
Joined a couple days after Asmo did; he understood his other man's message and signed up for therapy himself in order to be a good influence on their other brothers.
Their family was a mess; Beel knew this all too well.
If going to therapy and talking about the mess from his perspective could help his brothers in any way, especially with encouraging Belphie to do the same, then this man will go with no hesitation.
This demon is naturally the quiet sort so it's a bit difficult to truly start the process despite his willingness, but he eventually gets into the flow of all of it.
Mostly talks about The Fall, how he lost his sister and the guilt he feels towards both her and Belphie.
Sometimes he wonders if he made the right choice in saving Belphie despite knowing he never truly made one; when he saw what that Celestial archer was about to do and Belphie's eyes met his own...he just ran to his brother without thinking, causing the archer to choose to shoot Lilith instead.
That moment changed everything for his family and so much suffering followed...
He's grateful that event led to MC's eventual birth, but the guilt he carries from pain he caused his brothers is immeasurable.
If only he could have saved both, if only MC could have still been born if he did...
There was so much he wished.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Trying not to carry the past with him every second of the present. Though tragic, the past is the past and he has so many reasons to be happy in the present.
It will take a long time working on this issue to make some good progress with it, but what matters is that he is trying just like he hopes his other brothers will.
Another brother who was forced into therapy by Lucifer.
This man has been extremely depressed in the most obvious way possible for centuries so of course he needs therapy.
Really, really fought it to the point where he was escaping the therapy sessions out the bathroom window and Lucifer would have to track him down at a shop or sleeping on bench in a random park.
It made things easier when Beel started to go therapy though. Seeing Beel take the time to work on his issues made the younger twin feel like he should be trying too...
But he still didn't like it.
He was very, very slow in opening up. Like, I'm talking months of just talking about trivial shit till finally he grew more comfortable to truly speak his mind about what he's gone through.
His survivor's guilt was strong and he truly believes he shouldn't be alive, not when his little sister was gone...
Therapy really cut open some old wounds and for awhile, it seemed like this man was more depressed than ever.
Slowly though, he became stronger from it all and the past started to hurt just a little less.
He loved Lilith with every ounce of his being, but carrying this guilt was not going to bring her back nor would she have wanted him to feel guilty.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Letting the dead rest and himself truly rest as well. Yes, Lilith is gone, but she lived a happy life as a human with the person she loved. His loss was her gain and if you have to lose at all, isn't this the best scenario? That someone you love was happy and free and had their dreams come true?
This issue might take a demonic lifetime to work through, but little bits of progress are made every day and his brothers grow to see that in him
And for now, that's enough.
Attending therapy was something stuck on this prince's mind for some time now.
It stayed that was for a long time without even speaking it aloud.
Eventually, he did bring it up to Barbatos and his friend heard him out so patiently.
Barb has always sought to be a comfort to the prince, but recognized that he was not a professional so there was very little he could do in the long term for him.
The butler told him that therapy sounds like a good idea and that believes Dia could get a lot out of it.
Though Diavolo is usually a pretty expressive guy, that really didn't extend to strangers who he was paying to listen to him.
He went slow with the therapist, first only speaking about his workload and how almost every moment of his life was planned out for him because of said workload
Then it lead to his father's deep slumber, the very cause of all the responsibility that was dropped on him
And eventually led to him talking about the strict childhood that his father gave him and how he grew up without his mother
And just how incredibly lonely he has always been.
The arrival of Lucifer definitely helped with that last part, but the prince still wished he wasn't so sheltered and alone while growing up.
Main issue he works on in therapy: time management and how to make the most out of the present.
There was so much of life he missed out on when he was younger, but it didn't have to be like that forever.
With the help of both his therapist and Barb, he was able to manage his time a lot better and make the most of his time off by trying new experiences.
It was easier to handle his past when his present became so much more fulfilling.
Only really went at Diavolo's request.
In truth, the butler felt that therapy was unnecessary for himself, but wanted to give the prince some peace of mine so he agreed.
His opinion of therapy doesn't change no matter how long he goes.
He starts going once a week at Diavolo's insistence
And mostly talks about the stress he feels with looking out for the man.
He looks young so even other demons assume he is either about Diavolo's age or younger.
In truth, he is older than the prince and has been looking out for him since Dia was a small child.
Barbatos has essentially filled the roll of second parent since Dia's mother died in childbirth.
Though a butler, his role used to be more of a nanny; he cared greatly for the man who was currently drowning in the responsiblity and has spent so long just trying to make life easier for him
Resulting in Barbatos neglecting himself over the years for the sake of the prince.
Main issue he works on in therapy: setting some time aside for himself.
Because of his job, Dia will always need Barbatos to some degree
But the prince is also a grown man now and can function as such without Barb being there 24/7
Starts taking one day off a week and attends therapy once a month, something that makes both Barb and Dia feel better.
Honestly, most people don't know he attends therapy and that's how he prefers it.
He never really thought much of therapy, not in regards to himself anyway.
For other people? It was a useful tool. For him? He simply believed he's been around too long for it to help.
I mean, he was literally born in 990 B.C.E.
He was older than even some of the demons he interacted with.
He was unique, but that didn't feel as much of a good thing as he pretended it was.
His existence was a lonely one, but he hid such thoughts away.
He started going to therapy because of Simeon, because of his angel friend's gentle nudges to do so, and eventually he caved.
He went to weekly sessions and was honestly more uncomfortable than he directly expressed to his therapist.
The sorcerer always kept a light smile on his face, even when he talked about the immortality that he never wanted
Because he didn't want it.
In truth, he doesn't really remember much before he became immortal. A side effect the experiment gone wrong, he assumed, because surely he didn't purposely do this to himself.
He vaguely remembers being a king in the Human realm, a job he never wanted but was thrusted upon him buy the angels' Father, who Solomon himself worshipped at the time.
Other than that...his memory of that time is very fuzzy and it's always bothered him.
He just carries around this feeling that...that he's forgetting something important
While also carrying another, even greater feeling, that he doesn't want to know
But at the same time, he does! It's been driving him mad for thousands of years.
It felt like he had lost part of himself when he became immortal and it hurt just as much as the pain he felt from loosing others in his life from time.
Main issue he talks about in therapy: Stressing himself out about the past won't help him now or in the future. Yes, his life is long and he is tired, but the best way to cope is by seeking new experiences that make life worth living
Which he tries hard at...but can't help the tug at his brain that seems to want him to remember the past
And whoever 'Naamah' was.
Decided to go after convincing Soli to do so.
Simeon as his own problems, same as his human friend, and worried he might be perceived as a hippocrite if he didn't try to work on his own as well.
Very much wanted to be seen as a person who takes his own advice, so to speak
But therapy wasn't an easy thing for him.
I mean, he's an angel. It's his job to help others, guide them into making safe and healthy choices for themselves
So to be the one being helped instead of the helper was really new to him and felt very unangelic of him.
Main issue he talked about: growing so attached to the Devildom.
I mean, this place was as different from the Celestial realm as anything could be and he was taught that it was such a bad place because of it
But that didn't match his own experience here and that caused him to feel so conflicted.
The Devildom was a place of freedom while the Celestial realm was a place of order
And though, like most angels, he found comfort in that order, he also saw beauty in the chaos of the Devildom
Simeon has to grow to understand that life isn't in black and white, that things don't have to be only one or the other.
Both the Devildom and the Celestial realm can be good places despite being opposites
And it's a lesson he was so grateful for learning, feeling like he was really helping himself grow as a person and as an angel too.
After being in the Devildom for a while, the small angel had become more quiet, distracted even
And it worried his guardian, especially when the child wouldn't talk about it with him.
Simeon eventually enrolled Luke in therapy, something that was so new to the child that his curiosity made him open to trying it.
Since he was still just a child, his sessions weren't the same as it was for the men on this list.
Instead, Luke was brought into a room full of different toys and told he could play with whatever he wanted as long as he answered the therapist's questions as he did so.
The angel was a bit apprehensive at first, but so grew to enjoy his visits to the therapist.
He often chose to make fake sweets out of play dough or draw while the therapist talked to him
And would often bring the drawings home to PH as gifts for Simeon and Solomon.
Simeon always hung the pictures on the fridge with a proud smile on his face
While Soli would hang them up in his room on the wall to the point where he was taking down the expensive paintings that came with the room in favor of giving the child more space to fill with his art.
Main issue he talked about: growing to like the demons around him while also worrying Michael won't like him anymore if he knew Lukey was friends with them.
The child tried so hard to keep to the belief that demons are bad just like Michael taught him. He really, really tried
But he had a lot of fun here in the Devildom, especially baking with Barbatos, who the small angel started to see as his best friend, but was too scared to admit it.
Would Michael not like him if he found out Luke is friends with the demon butler?
His therapist ends up helping him see that it's always good to make friends and often the bad reactions we think those around us would give about something is often just our brain scaring us.
Ends up talking about this Simeon when he gets home after this session.
The older angel held him close and told him that the therapist is right, that it's always good to make friends and that he has nothing to worry about.
The next time he bakes with Barbatos, he tells the demon how he feels, how he sees him as his very best friend and how he looks up to him.
Barb smiled at the child and patted his head, telling Luke that he sees him as a good friend as well
And the child spent the rest of the baking session blushing and hanging off the older man.
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mammoney-y · 1 year
Hi hi! May I request how you think the brothers would react to a trans (gender neutral) Mc? Or just your favorites, I don't mind.
Please feel free to take your time or/and ignore the ask.
I didn’t know if you wanted the reader to be transitioned before they went to Devildom, but imma assume that the reader went into Devildom pre-transition I hope you don’t mind
🫐The Brothers Reacting to a trans mc
Pairing(s) platonic! Demon bros x reader
Genre: Fluff
GN reader (they/them prns used)
CW: small mention of transphobia on Beel’s parts, cringy dialogue
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☆ Lucifer
When you told him he definitely made a little shocked face then regained his composure
But you better believe that it fueled his feelings of pride when you told him first
He will Never misgender you…..like he will not do that
If you’re not out to the rest of the bros, and you’re not ready to tell them yet he’ll refrain from using pronouns and he’ll use your name… like I said once he finds out he won’t misgender you
If you are ready to tell them but you feel anxious he’ll give them a super long lecture about the lgbtq+ and about your identity
He’ll punish them if they misgender you even if it’s done accidentally
Like if Belphie was half awake and accidentally slipped up he’s hanging upside down and Lucifer is forcing him to stay awake
Even worse if it’s a low ranking demon 💀
Luci can and will tear a low tank demon apart if they dare misgender you
If you ever feel dysphoric Luci will comfort you but it’s a bit awkward since he can’t really relate
Lucifer will contact Solomon (much to luci’s dismay) to see if he can cast a spell on you so you can get your ideal body or something
☆ Mammon
He acted like he knew what it was (he did not) then researched all night
Mammon will not look stupid in front of his human!
His search history consisted of this:
Trans human
What does trans mean?
How much Grimm is transgender?
Is it expensive being trans?
Trans merch
Trans people simply explained
You’ll wake up with pride merch in your room…..it’s the cringy target merch 💀
When you walk in his room he’s wearing a shirt that was the words “my friend is a transformer” or something like that and he looks at you with a goofy grin
“Hey! Human don’t ya feel honored? I, the great Mammon bought ya gifts!”
he tried it’s the thought that counts
If you’re not ready to tell the others he’s confused
Like you told him so why can’t you tell the others??
He starts blushing when you told him that you trusted him the most
Then he gets all cocky like “of course you wanted to tell the great Mammon first! I’m amazing!”
He chews out low ranking demons if they misgender you
He probably outted you to the brothers accidentally
Like one of them uses the wrong pronouns and Mammons sees the upset look on your face and he snaps
“Oi! MC goes by they/them! Ya got that?!”
Instantly feels bad and locks himself in his room because he thinks he upset you
He gasses you up if your feeling dysphoric
Constant praise and love from him to make you feel better
“Of course ya pass MC! Those low ranks don’t got nothin’ on ya! You’re amazing!”
He expects the same when he’s feeling sad
☆ Levi
Please explain it to him in anime terms if you don’t wanna be there for the rest of eternity
Since he won’t understand he’ll think your pranking him or making fun of him
“Of course you’re pranking a yucky, gross otaku like me….”
After like 100 anime references he’ll understand
“Ok so like the TSL side character Yuki! They accompanied the lord of the shadow in the live action adaptation and they were trans like you and-”
Levi will also get really blushy and flustered that you told him first
Like you wanted to tell a gross otaku like him your secret?? He’s honored-
He compares you to other trans anime characters to make you feel cool….it works?
He also buys cosplays of said characters in hopes of you cosplaying with him (you’ll never hear him admit that)
Once you tell the others he feels weirdly jealous? Like he knew it was bound to happen but he liked having a secret with you-
He’s constantly telling the others that he knew first so they shouldn’t think they’re special lmao
He Rages when you get misgendered like almost Satan level rage
Like those worthless low ranks think they can say that to you?! Hell no
He’ll mutter insults towards them under his breath and will probably get Lotan to deal with them
He gets in trouble the next day but it’s worth it
If you went to him feeling dysphoric he won’t know what to do
He’s the worst at comforting out of all the brothers
He ends up cuddling with you in his tub? Bed? He’s blushing the whole time
☆ Satan
He likes to read about humans and such so when he read a book about the trans community he suspected something about you
Satan knows what you are
When you told him he had a grin on face glad that he was right and glad that you trusted him more than Lucifer
“Hmm..you’re trans? I had a suspicion but I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. Oh you didn’t tell Lucifer yet, you trust me more than him? That’s amazing.”
Although he already knows a lot about the subject he’s always reading up on the subject because it intrigues him
No one dares talk bad about you or misgender you when satans around
Like they wanna live to see the next day💀
But if they do…may the lord forgive them because Satan won’t
Threatens the brothers when you tell them
Rubs it in Lucifer’s face that you told him first
He gotta kill that pride somehow 🤷🏽
If you go to him feeling dysphoric he reads to you while you rest your head in his lap
Or he’ll make you some tea and lets you rant about your feelings
☆ Asmo
Asmo was ECSTATIC when you told him
He was probably the only brother to make a big deal out of it tbh
“Ah! Darling you told me first? Hehe I’m so glad, come to me if you ever need help♡~”
He’s already giving you makeovers based on your preference, he can make you look femme or masc, whatever you want
He takes you out to get a new wardrobe the moment you tell him
If someone misgenders you accidentally he’ll correct them passive aggressively
“For someone that claims to know MC you don’t seem to know their right pronouns, maybe pay more attention, hon.”
But if it’s on purpose he’ll tear that demon’s confidence down to the ground, like if that demon thought highly of themselves they definitely don’t when Asmo’s done
He also buys you pride merch but it’s not cringy like Mammon’s dw
Asmo will never let you feel dysphoric, the moment he suspects something you’re bombarded with compliments and the two of you are having a spa day
☆ Beel
Poor Beel nearly choked on his food when you randomly told him-
He looked at you shocked, smiled and then gave you some food
“You’re trans? Mhm thanks for trusting me enough to tell me. Here have some food you look tense.”
He already knows about the lgbtq so no explanation was needed
He won’t tell the brothers if you’re not ready, but he’s ready to be there for emotional support when you are
Most demons think that Beel won’t do anything about you being misgendered because he’s chill but they’re so wrong 💀
Beel gets pissed if someone misgenders you
If a demon is blatantly being transphobic to you Beel’s chill demeanor does a complete flip
He was just munching a second ago and now he’s standing right beside you glaring at the demon, menacingly
“It’ll be better for you if you apologize to MC, I don’t wanna hurt anyone…well in front of MC at least.”
He likes to make you food when you’re feeling dysphoric because “delicious food can make anyone feel better”
☆ Belphie
When you first told him he was half awake so he murmured something and went to sleep
“Huh? Oh..good for you, come lay with me.”
So when you told him again when he was actually awake he gave a better? response
“Ok? That doesn’t change the way I feel about you..now let’s take a nap”
Out of all of the brothers his reaction is the most nonchalant
That’s not to say that he doesn’t care, he loved that you trusted him enough to tell him
He just doesn’t want to make you feel weird by acting differently because you’re trans
He would actually kill anyone who misgenders you, he doesn’t care who it is
You’d have to rip Belphie off of the demon to get him to stop
He’d just stare at you innocently before saying that “they should’ve thought before they spoke, so it wasn’t my fault”
You probably don’t wanna go to Belphie if you feel dysphoric cause most likely he’s sleeping
But if he finds out he’ll play with your hair, eventually falling asleep
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bluegekk0 · 10 months
Manifesting the biggest hug for you. I don’t know if you’re still having a hard time, but just in case, I’m going to offer some words of encouragement. I’m not the best at this sort of thing, but imma try. Just know this: everyone who’s stuck around for this long adores you and what you contribute to the Hollow Knight fandom. We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t. You’re loved and appreciated, and while we are simply the gay little people on the other side of the screen or even the other side of the world, we’re here to back you up and support you in whatever you do.
What was the design process behind the modern clothes for the FPK family? Lewk in his onesie is absolutely adorable. Holdable. I’d love to know how you arrived at each fit! They all look amazing!
;; thank you so much, this really means a lot to hear. i really do appreciate everyone who's here to support my silly little au, and words like these really brighten up my mood. thank you
as for the question, i think it all mostly came down to finding combinations of clothes that would fit their personalities. in general, most of them prefer comfortable clothes, so that's why you see a lot of loose shirts and pants. also, most of them have buttons or zippers on their clothes, primarily because it would be difficult for them to squeeze their large heads with all kinds of horns and spikes into a regular tshirts or other clothes like that
i'll start in the order they appeared on the drawing, so that means lewk is the first one. i had a lot of trouble with his outfit due to his wings. they connect to his body all the way from the shoulders to the tail, and that significantly limits clothing options. i couldn't give him pants with a built in tail sleeve or a band extension/back hook, like i did with fpk, since the wings would get in the way. similarly, the top part of his outfit was just as problematic, especially since pants were out of the equation. so instead, i chose a zipped onesie with a tail sleeve, and two long slit type sleeves for the wings. and i'm very glad i did, not only does it fit the fact that he's the kid of the family, but it also makes him look really adorable hahah
as for grimm, i knew from the start that i wanted him to wear a loose, half unbuttoned shirt. it's just what he's like, he's the flirtatious type, of course he's going to go for this kind of look. i imagine he'd wear suits quite often, but since this is what their everyday clothes are like, he instead opts for something more comfortable. not sweatpants kind of comfortable, that's not his style, but still relatively loose. comfortable, but stylish. that's what he aims for
for fpk, it had to be something that would make you go "yeah, he's an awkward nerd". my friend suggested suspenders, and my mind immediately went to the 11th doctor. and so that was my man inspiration, particularly for the colors. naturally i left out the bowtie, cause that would be too on the nose, but the colors are very similar to one of his outfits. as for his pants, they include a tail sleeve with buttons at the top
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(something like this)
now, holly. i knew they would like very comfortable clothes, so i went with a loose shirt and sweatpants. i also knew i wanted the sleeves to be quite wide, so that they have no trouble putting it on with their prosthetic arm on (since it has the junk aesthetic as opposed to a more sleek and modern look, it has a lot of parts that would inevitably get in the way). and, of course, the shirt is buttoned. there's no way they would fit that giant head into a button-less top hahaha. as for the colors, i wanted to keep the green of their regular cloak, so i went with greenish brown pants and a light shirt to give it a nice contrast
hornet is definitely a bit of an outlier. she's a bit of an angsty teenager personality on the au, she's never really matured past that point, so this kind of outfit fits her. she's a bit of a skater type i imagine, she would without a doubt shred it on a skateboard. additionally, i always saw her as someone who would dislike feminine clothes and aesthetic. mostly just a personal preference, but she has a reason to. the white lady and her weren't very close, but she would still try to force hornet into more elegant and royal clothes, usually fancy (and uncomfortable) dresses. not surprising that she ended up hating anything that even resembles a dress, and why she was very insistent on calling her previous outfit a cloak as opposed to a dress. it also explains why her new outfit looks the way it is, and i wanted to reflect that in her modern clothes as well. plus i think it just really fits her personality haha
zote was a bit troublesome. i wasn't exactly sure what kind of clothes he would wear, it's hard to imagine him in anything else than his purple cloak. i wanted to find something that would give the impression of a "wannabe cool guy who gets bullied a lot", and somehow ended up with this sans-esque fit. not complaining, i think it suits him lmfao
also, both hornet and zote have shoes. it's something that's also present in their regular designs. as for the reason why, i'm not sure. part of it is probably because i don't know what their feet would look like (for hornet, i imagine it's a mix between fpk's cat-like feet and something closer to spider feet, but i have no clue about zote), but i think it also fits their outfits. who knows, maybe their feet are just more sensitive than the rest hahaha
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Oki now I'm curious about your Alfred (on totally normal and not simp wise levels) like does he always need to do deals and how does his lamp work and does he usually carry it with him?? Etc etc I need to know everything abt him pls 👀👀💚💚
All righty!! Imma be rambling a lot so first off I totally love him as well like he’s so messed up in a positive way OK well yeah I was mainly inspired by this Thomas fan film called MYSAERY-The Engine Prideful by Tines Sensahthe(where Alfred gets them glowing eyes) on the downfall and prices of greed, pride jealousy and envy of him being able to grant wish, anything you can imagine and desire. and then he wishes he wants, with it getting lost in translation or too straightforward it’ll happened instantly but at the price of him having your soul in five years or if you die earlier or within those five years/before they end he’ll come and drag you to hell.
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The wishing tunnel is that he was literally the spirit of it and I like that idea so much so it’s basically the same concept except he’s one of “Proteus” ‘successors’ cause Proteus (he’s kinda like Gabriel) is an entity who came around the time Lady appeared and he’s kind of messed up entity who’s thinks humanity should be erased and recreate the universe again where he and Lady avoid each other, but he screws both Alfred and Kyle up really badly though they handled it differently albeit terribly more so on Alfred’s side.
Proteus comes in around the time Alfred gets booted out of Sodor for his behavior and nearly killing Cecil among other things(he’d doesn’t try and kill Gordon and Henry here cause he’s friends with Gordon cause family issues and lner solidarity go brrr until everything falls apart) and offers him magic and abilities to get payback for a price of course but then lady steps in and she’s like nope and as punishment, she puts Alfred in the tunnel so he doesn’t cause any harm but Proteus’s magic is still inside him so he acts like a jinn which is a big inspiration for his version cause he’s the opposite of Kyle so he’s a foil to him in their views on life and letting folks live or die and unlike Kyle who’s invisible to the naked eye and only seen by other spirits and that Kyle can’t really grant wishes while Alfred can be seen but he can only do deals and grant wishes to actually get out of the tunnel for a certain amount of time till he is forced to return cause he’s bound to it and later the teakettle he’s in.
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Alfred’s for his part agrees with a majority of proteus’s views that they are selfish and this isn’t helped by people/humanoids whi when they find him got many greedy self-fulling demands that he will grant despite the consequences of their actions (he gets a thrill to see them fail and burn to the ground) plus a majority of the time they perished before the 5 years end and he gladly swoops in for his end of the bargain cause they’ll never escape if they even try and back out. On terms on how he gets along with the others he’s got rather mixed loyalties with Proteus cause he senses that he’s hiding some secrets well so is he he’s good at reading folks like that, he gets along well with Godred over bonding being trapped in one place for so long even when they fight and argue, torn between nervous and frustrated around Timothy he gets unnerved by him and got the worse relationship with Lucy,Kyle and Lady as they’re constantly telling him off over his treatment of the souls he keeps locked and trapped in jewelry(like the beads broach and earrings he wears)where Lady offend visits him and judges the souls he has so that they could peacefully pass on if they wish much to his annoyance though he’s too intimidated to do much he’s tried before it didn’t end well for him so sly remarks then.
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Lucy is the Grimm Reaper, shed’s like Death from Puss and Boots Alfred’s messing with fate he’s taking advantage of others cause it makes him feel powerful and he’s doesn’t care about how harmful his actions are,she’s constantly trying to cut him off a few legs and both make arguments over how the other is literally burnt up and rotting (the glowing green and shadow hands Alfred has is from Lady, a punishment and warning while the scars are from fights he’s gotten overtime). Kyle, wowie they don’t get along Kyle will jump him whenever he has the chance cause Alfred and Godred kidnapped Stanley(narrow gauge/msr his boyfriend) and Alfred has tried to convince Kyle that’s all humans are terrible, cause they both fought in wars and that’s how Kyle perished right by the hands of humans (and how humanoids were more likely to be sacrificed and mistreated in humanoid au) and Kyle focuses on the positive aspects of life and he’s treated with much more respect and loved but Alfred constantly reminds how he’s bound to the lucky lamp and unable to be heard or seen by anyone they throws jabs at each other and poke holes in their views and he and godred constantly calls him proteus much to his annoyance and anger.
For for the lamp or teakettle part, he does need to carry it around but he mainly has others do it for him cause he’s kindave petty and mainly cause of the deal he and Thomas did cause Thomas was in a near-death experience but he can’t teleport around like Kyle does with the Lucky Lamp much to his chagrin but hey babysteps with unlearning unhealthy mannerisms.
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insomniakisses · 2 years
HI! I've been very busy bc i just moved in w friends and moving's a bitch but i had free time again today and caught up w my favorite blogs (as one does) and i just HFJDJDHDHDH if it was physically possible for me to foam at the mouth i would've because
The alpha!twice reactions to 'too bug's practically had me biting my knuckles i love those girls so much.
Werewitch!Pen is a GODLY idea i just fjfjjdjdb yes.
I hadn't thought about Grimm in years but i loved that show! Only con was that I'm a big dragon fan and their dragons were. Meh.
The Katherine story... I love her so fucking much. Her confidence just. Does me in. And her caring so much and her being rough but w soft aftercare i just 🔥
A hybrid omega being bred by Bonnie bc she wants a tribrid baby... Fuuuuck. (Made me think of an arranged marriage type of thing bc both families are involved in a tribrid baby with Bennett blood and neither part is into it but seeing how hot the other is... it couldn't hurt to try)
And the cherry on top that made me literally bite my knuckles... Bear Josie 🐻
The trapping you under her and fucking her until you pass out (and wake up and she'd still be going)... 🥵 Also i just Know she'd have hairy arms and a happy trail and she'd be So Strong. Easy enough to manhandle you however she wants to... 😶‍🌫️
Welp! So how've you been?
- 🌀
Ah moving seems stressful tbh, im moving into uni halls in september than next year renting a place wi ma friends!
Twice r my babies honestly i love them sm
Jus like this cocky witch with wolf strength and deep growls. 😳
Its so good and bad at the same time 😂🤷🏻 i hadnt either and then a tiktok edit came to my fyp and i subsequently brought a £50 boxset and started simping over rosalee and adalind 😳🥺. Yeah the dragons sucked ass tbh.
Ah miss patrova is a cocky alpha but shes so ao loving ans the last thing she wants is you hurt
Jus the idea makes her hard and while u two argue alot it makes great angry sex and she jus breeds u until u give her a whole covern of tribrid babies
Bear josie holds my heart 🥺 imma make a fic like i did introducing shiva ryujin. Bc bear josie has a bad past too. Her last owners abandoned during her hibernation 😒
She jus has so much cum to give and ur gonna take it. Non stop shooting cum deep into u as she wakes up. YESSSS 😳 the happy trail and arm hair snsjsjsjs she so manhandles u
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deivorous · 4 years
@hewhoprotects reblogged your post and added: “@hewhoprotects answered your ask To say he shrieked wouldn’t be…”
Too much to hope for an avoided confrontation,…
The impact of glass against broad shoulders and the sudden appearance of a shoulder in his gut is barely enough to drive a breath from Grimmjow’s lungs, though the shards do dirty his jacket (annoying, it even tears at one seam, Grimmjow likes this one and he’s a shit seamstress).
Kurosaki not really attack - more like one of the playful wrestling moves Edrad used to bust out - only sends the pair a few short meters from the den before Grimmjow catches reishi under his feet and slams the pairs inertia to a halt. He shimmies his shoulders to dislodge Kurosaki’s grip around his side.
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“Get yer fuckin’ shoulder outta my hole,” he exaggerates, Kurosaki has got maybe a centimeter or two of muscle before he touches that, and Grimmjow wouldn’t be so kind as to ask. He’s remove the shoulder for him.
His blue eyed glare at the smaller man is saturated with a dangerously calm as he processes the words. Figures Kurosaki’s just a piece of shit liar like the rest of the shinigami. “You goin’ back on yer word?”
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fire-kitty-lol · 2 years
I know nobody asked but imma give out some Hollow Knight headcanons!
- Gods have their mortal selves and their true selves, they don’t often show their true self, as it could blind mortals or drive them mad to witness such raw power. The true self also has a few personality differences from the mortal self.
- Pk is unnaturally cold, so much so that unless water is hot enough to cook a bug alive, it will freeze to his shell.
- Pk talks in whispers, as being a the god of mind/soul gives him a powerful voice that can influence mortal bugs.
- Radi is a poodle moth
- Pk and the Nightmare King were buddies at some point in time! Grimm only really knows PK from what NKG has told him.
- Wyrm’s are born intersex, and don’t really have a concept of gender or sexuality.
- Hornet inherited a small bit of PK’s foresight, it comes in the form of strong feelings about places or people
- Speaking of foresight, Pk’s foresight, while it can be used on command, can also be triggered by touch. Making it so that he can see a specific person’s future if he is touching them while using his future sight.
- Gods can change the temperature of a room to match their moods
- Gods have magic themed around elements that represent them, but are capable of other magics (Grimm is a fire mage, PK is a frostmancer, Radi had light magic, Root can do plant magic, etc)
- The vessels have a form of telepathy between each other, but have to use sign language to speak to anyone who doesn’t have a connection to the void.
- each god has their own realm, the realm contains their memories, but mostly take the form of environments that best fit them, and deteriorate or change depending on their physical health or state of mind
- Pk doesn’t like his more brutal instinct, but does trust it (it’s never steered him wrong in fights or hunts)
- God are more physically frail the more powerful they are. Extremely powerful gods will have very defensive fighting styles, with lots of ranged attacks.
- Bugs have always had minds, as instinct is a part of the mind, when PK got to Hallownest he didn’t give them a mind/intelligence, just greatly enhanced what was already there.
- Pk had ADHD, hence the meticulously clean palace versus the messy workshop (he has a system, okay?)
- Pk is a socially awkward recluse, many people find him intimidating due to the fact he doesn’t talk very much, and when he does it’s in cold, echoey, whispers. Truth is he has no clue how to socialize
-Root forces PK to socialize with the dreamers and the five knights (He and Ogrim became good friends due to this)
-speaking of the dreamers, Lurien admires the king, but more like how a kid would admire their older sibling, rather than some one sided crush.
- He and Herrah have a “you don’t bother me, and I won’t bother you” relationship. It’s not hostile, but it’s not peaceful ether, (pk is not great at first impressions) (and Herrah does not give second changes)
- PK did his best to be a good father to Hornet, but was clueless about children, though they are easier to interact with than adults (children are so genuine and easy to read, adults have so many social rules)
- Root did most of the talking when she and pk were in public
-Pk and Monomon get along well, they’re friends, but they aren’t particularly close (mostly because they both get so absorbed in their work they never leave their studies)
-The great knights are loyal to a fault, but do have some gripes with the royals
- Hegimol thinks PK needs to be more aggressive and assertive
- Dyraa has a one sided crush on the Queen, both royals know, Root thinks it’s cute, PK doesn’t care because in the end Root chose to marry him
- Isma believes that a little patience and kindness is all the push the king needs to get out of his shell, and admires the queen for her kind heart. She is also vegetarian
-Wyrm’s cannot eat vegetables, they will make the Wyrm sick, (PK forced himself to eat Isma’s cooking anyways because she worked hard on it)
- Le’ Meer (did I spell that right?) has no opinion on the queen, just didn’t interact with her often, did think that Dryaa’s obvious flirting was unprofessional, and Hegemol needed to stop being so forcefully in his attempt to spar PK, also had little to no opinions on PK. The royals were just Le’ Meer’s employers. (I do not know Le’Meer’s pronouns)
-Pk did not commission the statue of him, or the idols, but though it was a nice gesture
-Wyrm’s are born blind, pk is no exception, he just uses his other senses to navigate, and memorized each persons footsteps, speech patterns, and tells them apart based on their voices. (It get hard with people he’s not around often)
-Monomon is a jellyfish, and cannot leave her little tube/tank (?)
-Hornet was named after Herrah’s first kill
And that’s it! For this post anyways, it’s getting long
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dendro-bunny · 2 years
Normal pt. 4
Sakusa x FEM!reader
Genre: angst to fluff, ex-best friends to lovers(?), Slow burn
Synopsis:Life has a strange way of being people together and apart. For you and Sakusa it's a rollercoaster of leaving each other and coming back together. Can the two of you mend your broken friendship and go back to normal... Whatever normal is.
Warnings: depictions of serious injuries, emotional and psychological damage, ignoring of one's own health. (Probably missed a bit but the general gist)
(a/n): oof lost motivation for this series but imma finish it I swear, i just need... To not... ???
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"Is anyone here for (L/n) (Y/n)?" The male nurse's voice rings in Sakusa's ear. The moment he hears your name he jumps up and races towards the man. Aswell as your parents.
"We are! The both-" your mom turns to Sakusa. He was always well mannered, and a handsome young man. However the red puffy eyes and pale face makes her pity him. "The three of us are here to see her, We are her parents and this is her friend."
"well it's nice to meet you all, I'm nurse Kūujo, You're daughter is alive, though we had to do emergency surgery. She broke the bone in her left arm and righ hip, and the worst of them was her rib cage, a few were damaged but not broken but one was dangerously close to puncturing her left lung." He continued with a remorseful look on his face.
Sakusa felt as if something punctured his lungs. Why must all the bad things happen to the people he cares the most about. When he looks over your mother is stunned, her hand over her mouth tears threatening to fall.
"I-is she gonna be ok?" You step father asks, his hands on both Sakusa and your mother's back. It's oddly comforting, nothing like Sakusa felt before.
"Yes, doing any activity that requires a lot of strenuous work should be brought down to a minimum till a week or two after her casts comes off. Also avoid bright lighting or harsh movements as she had suffered light brain trauma. But she will make a full recovery and will be required to take certain pain meds, aswell as bi-weekly check ups." He nods looking down at his sheet flipping through notes the doctors left.
"when can we see her?" Sakusa's voice came out small and quieter than normal. He couldn't stop imagine the bruises that may litter your body, or the white awkward cast on your arm. The scene of your body hitting the ground, playe over and over again in his mind. Wishing it was him, wishing he was the one who's blood eas rushing from their body, barely able to breathe, he wished all the pain you had to endure went to him instead. But that wasn't possible.
"Right now she is resting, we will allow you to see her when she wakes up. However during the procedure she did come too just enough to ask if someone named Sakaka(?) Was here with her." Sakusa and your parents just look at each other.
Your mom starts chuckle. "Sakaka?"
"Well i could be wrong it was hard to hear with she was mumbling." He starts to chuckle softly.
Sakusa deadpans at the two trying not to laugh. But he sighs and looks past them. There was the corridor that lead to the E.R. The same one where some people enter and are never seen again. Sakusa's blood runs cold the more he thinks about it. Never seeing you again, and not because of his own stupidity and you just ignoring him. No because of his own incompetence and not being able to keep you safe.
"is it ok if we stay here till she does?" Your step father asks.
"Yes we have a separate waiting room in that part of the hospital that you can stay in till she does. Though after a certain time all people besides family can stay." He tilts his head side to side in contemplation.
The three nod and follow the doctor to the waiting area. Sakusa never liked hospitals. The draining feeling of death and disparity. The desperation of people wanting to live. The grimm reaper was watching over the place.
Nevertheless he pushes on. He's the reason your here so he's obligated to stay. For now though he pushes the thoughts out of his mind, and focuses more on you. How you may be sleeping peacefully and not in pain. How tored you must be, all of this on the first day of school. Sakusa himself feels exhausted, he sits down and closes his eyes. Just for a second, to colect himself. Your parents beside him talking about how to prep your home for your arrival. All of that doesn't matter, though the chair is uncomfortable it still brings him to a world of lullabies and dreams. He wonders what you're dreaming of. Maybe a world where he never met you, or him never existing, because he was, he was thinking of a world where you would be happier without him. Like you were before.
Almost as if constant bad luck is around him. If only he knew what you were really dreaming of.
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AYOOO ANOTHER EAH LOVER!! Glad to see this fandom isn't dying anytime soon. Loved your EAH Headcanons! Could you possibly share some more, more specifically about The Narrators?
The Narrators:
The only reason Brooke is still allowed to narrate is that only two people can actually hear her try to change the story
Maddie still narrates from time to time (after A Wonderlandiful World) and nobody stops her because she's just trying to make sure her friends have goo days.
the Narrator (original, male- imma can him NM) has been around since the beginning of stories
the Narrator (female-NF) has been around only as long as the Storybook of Legends
They take shifts on who gets to Narrate what
If they had physical forms that would look like giant blobs that are constantly chaining shape. They would look different for everybody, and every story.
Brooke is the only narrator that can control her physical form to be consistent for everyone
The Narrators (all) actively try to keep Grimm (Milton) from having too much power by making subtle changes to the system
NM can see the glimpses of the future, but only if it endangers the Narrators.
Despite having all this power, NM is still just a low level Narrator
The Narrators above him assigned him (and then NF and Brooke) to the Ever After world/ this version of the story book as a test run for them to get their own stories
The reason that Brooke isn't the only one there is because the Head Narrators forgot that Ever After was supposed to be a test, and think it's their actual story.
If they were people, NF would be allergic to latex, and foods that connect to that (avocado, banana etc.). NM doesn't like chocolate.
Brooke has a brownie obsession. She can't bake though.
Brooke likes to cause chaos when she narrates, and is nearly directly responsible for the day where everyone went through the day backwards (walking, talking and time wise.)
NF is the no nonsense one, and NM pretends he is.
NM enjoys chaos, hence he hasn't taken away Maddie's narration privileges (and ignores Kitty's occasional narrations). It's also why Brooke keeps getting to narrate
Maddie and Kitty can hear the narrators because NM got bored and started narrating their dreams when they first came to Ever After. He didn't think they could hear the narration until Maddie started talking to him, and then he couldn't stop it.
Milton and NF would get along for like four minutes before she destroys his self-esteem and basically erases him from existence
Milton would not survive if Brooke got hands on him.
NM barely tolerates Milton, but he's a professional, and he can ignore whiny old men
NM and NF would get married for tax benefits. And then they don't pay taxes.
All Narrators are obnoxiously, and inhumanely tall. I'm talking several feet taller than they should be at any moment in time
Watching the problems the characters have is fun for NF because she thinks that all their issues are so trivial compared to the Narrators issues.
Everyone who comes into contact with Maddie and Kitty when they narrate, or even when they talk about the Narrators have to deny their existence or they get hit with an existential crisis.
We're being watched? By who? We can't see them. What do you mean we're not real? etc. etc
Brooke hopes to get her own story to narrate one day.
The Narrators are an interesting bunch. Imagine how scary it would be to know that someone could change and control the way your life goes just by changing how the story goes.
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kob131 · 2 years
Okay. Imma level with you. I don’t like rwby. I jumped ship after volume 8 tore something in me. But even I think that but you described from IceQueendom sounds stupid, like blatantly out of character. Does.. does Japan just have a thing about being an “adult”?
Okay, now that I'm on a laptop, I'd like to walk everyone through the whole thing. Because the issue here is a lot bigger and more complicated than what I mentioned.
Okay, to really understand the gravity of the issues here, I'm gonna need to widen the scope a bit...or a lot depending on your view.
So, back during the second attempt to save Weiss, Ruby and co. made it to the Nightmare Grimm in the dream and try fighting it. Nightmare-Weiss interrupts them and causes Ruby to cut herself on the thorns of the Nightmare, which Shion said they shouldn't. Why? Shown later.
So after getting rejected and leaving, everyone goes off to recoup and encounter Penny, Sun and JNPR individually. Through their talks, they come up with a plan. That being that they save the train from being robbed, use that to change the dream and get deeper within. From there they open up one of the cages housing Dream-JNPR, showing it to be a fun little carnival inside while keeping the door open. Jaune (who went in), snags a Relic that was inside, leading to a bunch of Kid-Weiss' running out.
They proceed to rush out of the cage, talking about a bunch of kiddy desires and touching the dream constructs, making them spout the same kiddy desires. Including a living statue of Jacques. ... This is important. All's well and good...until the Kid-Weiss' turn Kaiiju sized and everyone turns into...'freedom' zombies? I dunno. Nightmare-Weiss retaliates by doing some Mary-sueing combat and teleports them all back in while animating what looks like a giant statue of Jacques Schnee to fight them. Oh and the Jacques Statue got turned into the Arma Gigas.
Shit gets fucked, Ruby loses the Relic, we get shots of the places that once had the Relics being taken over by the Nightmare, Jaune and co. escape to the train which the Nightmare can't attack because Jaune's Big Dick Energy keeps it at bay and Ruby stumbles aboard. Ruby wonders why 'Weiss' didn't want the Kid-Weiss' running about. Jaune barfs up that speech about controlling your emotions and Ruby, having been infected by the Nightmare, succumbs.
Okay so-unpacking time.
For some stupid reason, they focus on Ruby being hurt by the Nightmare after indicating that it's bad. Then...never bring up why no one mentioned her clear injury.
But the big issue here is the Jaune speech. The Kid-Weiss' are portrayed as being rather disruptive and destructive...but the latter is only dangerous due to the Nightmare's influence and the former fails because they are disrupting what is clearing a metaphor for the destructive influence that her family has on her and how it has damaged her. While Jaune talks about controlling your emotions- Weiss clearly does that TOO MUCH. She's so restrictive that she's bound to snap and break without relaxing.
And wanna know what doesn't help this point at all? The Kid-Weiss' demands not being all that bad. There are some obviously selfish ones like 'I wanna eat candy all the time' or 'I wanna play all the time'. But considering Weiss' backstory and her family...these aren't all that bad. Some even take on darker tones like 'I wanna play with my friends' or 'I wanna go outside when I want' or the mantra of 'I wanna be free!'
Remember Mirror Mirror? That song Dream-Pyrrha sung? Yeah, it's sequel song 'Mirror Mirror Part II' is all about how Weiss yearns for freedom and independence. Which makes those supposedly childish desires kind of...you know...deserved?
Oh and we haven't the worst yet. Because we have three other lines- "I wanna have fun talking to my family', 'I wanna have fun talking to Mommy and Daddy' and 'I want them to spoil me'. So, who says these? One of the Kid-Weiss'? One of the machines?
No, the Jacques Statue. Whose last words before transforming into the Arma Gigas in a fucked up parody of Weiss' summon is 'Da...ddy...Mo..mmy...'. And the thing the Nightmare is guarding? Weiss' Volume 4 dress. The writers knew what they were working with and at no point during Jaune's speech did anyone go, "Uh...this is kind of self-defeating. Can we do another draft?"
But as if the Weiss side wasn't bad enough, they decided to fuck up the Jaune and Ruby side. Jaune is a boy inspired by the stories of his heroic family and desires to live up to their legacy. And Ruby is a girl inspired to be a hero by the fairy tales she grew up with, motivated by pure altruism and tries to stay true to who she is. These characters DO NOT WORK with this idea of locking away your childhood desires and emotions. Their arcs and motivations ARE their childhood dreams and desires.
And to truly kill any chance that this could work- Ruby is angsting over her inability to be a good leader. Something she already went through in Badge and the Burden. Which she then used to help Jaune with his own issues with leadership. So surely, Jaune. Ruby's first friend. Her foil. He could return that favor, right?
Nope, none of that works in IQ. They fucked Badge and the Burden by making Weiss into a shallow bitch and completely removed Jaunedice and thus that moment of bonding and support between them...AS WELL AS THEIR FIRST MEETING.
They put two close friends from the original discussing the issues they had from the original...and fucked it up so much that the only way to make sense of this is to substitute the original for IQ's setup...in this story aimed at new fans.
So far, as of Episode 8- the good to come from this is an example of professional writers fucking up RWBY, reminding me how lovely Ruby looks and Nightmare-Weiss' attire, showcasing her hips and legs.
Everything else? Getting shanked by Volume 1.
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zero-rider · 4 years
A grim truth
This wasn't supposed to happen
His original idea was to face Salem as much as he could so his friends could leave Atlas before it fell in Mantle, which it was okay with him, since all the civilians were evacuated from both Atlas and Mantle and were being staying in many Atlas ships by the order of the new general of Atlas; Winter Schnee, they were also being protected by what remains of the Ace-ops and Penny with her still newly winter maiden powers. He also planned to fall along with Atlas and Salem if he didn't make it, but if his Aura and semblance could take the fall, then he would be more than fine in his book, it also would be more than fine if she just struggle to get out of the debris of Atlas while they escape,
But in just some minutes, his plan failed. His Aura could only took 5 hits form her magic, 4 if you didn't count an ice stalactite that was tanked by his semblance and reduced his Aura to 1%. Atlas was falling faster than he though and he just got a call from Ruby that everyone of his friends were searching for him, so the idea of them leaving Atlas in one piece was a colossal no right now. There was also the factor that three Seers were keeping him in the ground with his face on the dirt and in front of the queen of the Grimm, he was still panting and searching for an opportunity to escape from the Seers tight hold
"don't fight it, they will tighten their hold on you the more you fight" Salem smiled while holding and inspecting Jaune's sword, the same shining and sharp metal that cut her head four minutes ago "an excellent blade for an incompetent huntsmen, looks like Ozma has been lowering his standards about his soldiers"
"funny you say that, because i remember this incompetent huntsmen cutting your head minutes ago. With that said, i think i'm a pretty good huntsman" smugly replied the blond before he was kicked in the face by the pale woman
"you bragging about that little mistake? oh my, Ozma really has really lower his standards. I'll admit, you lasted longer than the previous Ozma pawn who faced me, i'll give you that" she chuckle, then she walked slowly to the almost broken shield from Jaune, just a short distance away from him
"why, thank you. i would have last longer, but i wasn't prepared to face a magical old hag" the blond said, before he was slapped by one of the seers and caused a little cut on his right cheek
"do you have a death wish or something?" she shook her head in disapproval, holding the faced-downd shield "youngsters these days. anyway, i know from two certain agent of mine, that you are quite close to that silver-eyes spawn, so i believe that i can ask a certain question. how do you activate the Relic of Knowledge"
"you have to say immas ucke-uuughh!" the seers tighten their hold on Jaune and he was lifted to the same level as Salem's face, whose red and black eyes were looking straight at him
"wrong answer, i will say it one more time and slowly so you could understand. How. do. you. activate. the Relic. of Knowledge" Salem took the shield and inspectione it, it surprised her the weight a little, but the Arc family emblem was what took her attention. It was like certain emblem in that tower she used to live, but inverted, before she was what it was now. Sadly for her, her blond prisoner still had enough energy to insult her again and suffer the consequences, and took her away from her memories momentarily
"fine, i think it was ligma-AAAAAAAHHHHH!!" this time he was meet with a little (in her words) thunder from her. She didn't even looked at him when she fire it, she just looked again to his shield and with some hand moves, a diamond was put in his shield, in the middle of the inverted emblem
Something hit her in that moment, it was a still existing pain in her chest that was later replaced with joy for a few moments, then sadness took the joy's place. If what she thought was true, then her daughters (or at least one) could have lived after that explosion of magic that take them from her. Many thoughts came to her mind about what could had happened so one or all her daughters could have survived in that moment, many were about Ozma hiding their daughters from her. Just a few were about none of them knowing that their children were alive, and they left them before checking if they were alive. But that could take her mind another time, right now it was about her descendant and how she was torturing him
She droped the shield, and the Seers released a confused jaune, who touched his jaw to feel any other damage apart from the kick from her and kneeled to recover from the still fresh thunder he received. Salem, on her part, was having an internal struggle. She was just looking at him, the way his eyes and body were showing fear for the first time, the way he was trying to comprehend what was happening and why Salem didn't used a Grimm to turn him in nothing more than just a pile of flesh, and how he was screaming mentally at himself to run. It got worse when she began to cry
"my family... i'm trying to kill my family again... just like thousands of years ago" tears leaked from her eyes, just as her bloody red eyes looked deep at his sapphire blue ones. Nostalgia came, it was like watching at her youngest daughter again, only turned into a boy, but the resemblance was evident
"your... family? what. what are you talking about?" his question was not answered, for something worse than a truth was now to take place
"it can't be... Ozma, he... Ozma!" hell broke loose, she released all kind of spells destroying constructions and even creating more craters in the destroyed streets of Atlas "HOW DARE YOU USE OUR CHILDREN AGAINST ME, OZMA?!!" what she did was like a light spectacle. Fire, thunder, ice, earth, wind and any other elements where shooted to all directions from her hands, mouth and eyes, she didn't even spare one of her Seers, but strangely, not a single hair was touched from him, but that didn't took the possibility of a stray attack coming his way, after all, he didn't had Aura and an attack with that kind of magnitude would kill him immediately
After what it felt like an eternity, she calmed herself enough to give a mental order to her seers to leave them alone or dissapear, which they did the second with out an objection and left after their labour was complete. Jaune for his part, was still scared and on his knees, the sovereign of the grimm used all her power to vent for her anger at Ozpin in front of his face, she decimated an entire block of Atlas in her anger with just one of her spells, the other only did craters deeper than the previous one in erratic shoots of magic. All that show of her power made him understand a little the ex-headmaster of Heaven academy, if her power scared him for almost destroyed Atlas in her irrational anger, then what a rational Salem could do with all that magic made him tremble
and suddenly, his worries and fears were lost after a single question from her part "what's your name, my child? i need, no... i must know the name of my family"
"fa... family?" he was lost of words, scared of the implications and he was hyperbelint
"yes, my child. You are my family" Salem, for the first time in millenia, truly smiled, a bright smile showed and more tears filled her eyes, this times were tears of happiness
"that, that's impossible. Ruby and, Ozpin said-" he was cut from his rambling, as his belief were being proven by Salem, who was now walking with her arms spread, waiting for a hug he didn't wanted, but was too shocked to even try to fight it
"oh please, Ozma always liked to keep his secrets well hidden. Just look at me, if people knew about my existence, do you think we would had this conversation? Would you be alive or would you be dead?. Who knows? Maybe you could have had a good life if it wasn't for Ozma's silence, but not anymore" she broked the hug and stroked his hair, like his mother used to when he was a younger and more tiny, now he recieved from his many-greats grandmother "your name, darling, tell me you name"
"Jaune... Arc" certain memories inside him made sense in that moment, why he was admitted in Beacon even with his fake transcripts in first place, why was he named team leader and why Tyrian was interested in him. Was he there because Ozpin wanted? Did Ozpin made him team leader for a master plan he had in the moment? he didn't knew it, but... a part of him told him that he did
"then, Jaune Arc, accept this gift from me" her ivory hand came to his chestplate and without much effort, she tear it from his body, then she put the same hand in his chest "AWAKE!"
His chest began to hurt and some weird black liquid enraptured his body, he felt good, it was relaxing and for some reason, he forgot why he was afraid, so his mind just sleep, he was safe, he was fine and he would obey. Then, the black liquid over his body become a black under suit, his white and gold gloves changed to a white and red armored gloves that covered all his arm and with sharp nails that resembled claws on his fingers. His foots also got white and red armored protection that covered all his legs and toe caps that looked like feets of a beast, with a white armored belt over his waist with the Salem/Arc emblem in the middle painted black instead of yellow. His chestplate came next, this one was more stylish than his previous one, the area of the pectorals were bulky and had red pattern over them that looked like roots and a yellow gem bellow the pectorals
Just when he was about to receive his helmet, a well known voice for him came to his ears "JAUNE!" it was Ruby, who first looked at her friend with a worried look, then she looked at the Grimm queen with hate "leave him alone!!" the red tipped haired girl sayed before she deployed Crescent Rose and taked a shoot at Salem's head, who recieved with a smile
"a silver-eyed girl descendant of Ozpin trying to save my descendant. Ironic" she said, still with her hand in the armored chest of her descendant, whose look was in the floor
"desc- Jaune's your descendant!?" Ruby lowered her weapon a little, shocked but not fully believing the words of her enemy
"that's right, silver eyes, your beloved... friend, i guess? is my family. Please, show her, my child" Salem patted his armored shoulder and stood from her previous posture, letting Jaune stood
"yes, mother" Ruby gasped at his face, his previous saphire eyes were now blood red eyes with black sclera and black veins coming from his eyes. there was also some white hairs in his previous blond hair and his hair was the same when she meet him for the first time, long and messy, instead of his spiky short hair
Before she could even mutter a word, his face was covered by white helmet with sharp fangs, long wolf like ears, some simulated fur made with the same white metal coming from the sides, it was practically a wolf helmet showing his fangs with yellow eyes.
He would later took his sword from the floor and gave it a new form with the black liquid, it was more longer, had black root like patterns in the blade and the guard of the sword was replaced with what it looked like bat wings
This wasn't Jaune anymore, not the one who was always for her when she feeled down, the one who cried when they meet again in Argus and not the same vomit boy she was falling for. this was... as much it broke her heart, another Grimm, one she didn't and hoped never to face. His sword was lifted in order for a horizontal strike, but his target moved faster than him and avoided his attack to recover the shield of Jaune, with the diamond shape thing out of the arcs of his emblem. She hugged the shield and gived the armored man a last look, before the tears could leak from her eyes and used her semblance to get away
"Ru...by..." his distortioned voice was the last she heard before flee from there at the max of her speed, with Jaune's previous shield in her hands and her heart breaking on her chest
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sunnysunsins · 4 years
RWBY volume 8 opening analysis. Obv, spoilers
Ok, so. Imma do what I do best: overanalyze the shit out of every frame i find interesting. AGAIN SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS
We start off with Then-Now cut of Mantle and Atlas being overrun by Grimm. Nothing new here. Then we have our girls with their past selves.
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Interesting things: while RWB are prepared to fight (with Ruby being confident, Weiss - careful and Blake - serious), Yang is just hugging her arm with a smile. Also notice the glowing dots around them. I’ll bring it up later We also have that effect with Ironwood and Atlas
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Which burns to shit as that light in Iron’s eyes is gone. Also small detail, but note that Atlas starts to burn as Clover’s hand is shown.
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Clover let’s go of his pin
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And it shows the AceOps. Elm is serious
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Vine is praying
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Marrow is sad and remorseful
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And Harriet is pissed. And note how she shares her shot with a sullen Qrow. If i may throw some bullshit, i have two thoughts: 1.Harriet was close friends with Clover. 2.She is going to take his place as the leader of AceOps
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But back to Qrow. He is offered a hand by Robyn
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And he takes it, both wearing serious looks. 
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Remember that Robyn needs to shake a person’s hand to activate her semblance. Maybe she used it and knows that Qrow isn’t lying about Tyrian killing Clover.
And now we got The Boi.
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In a cage, tormented by Grimm. Some have said it could be an illusion created by Emerald, but honestly I want this to be literal. Mostly because it will be a great way to develop Oscar. And it also remind’s me of “It’s Venomous” by @shadowsnowdapple​ and it’s always a great thing. 
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Oooo spoopy Mommy Salami. Imagine she really CAN grow wings tho! Also her caging and intimidating Oscar is just- everything I wanted, honestly. 
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Next we see Jaune. Notice how his sword splits the screen in the middle
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And when the camera pulls back, we see why - Ren and Nora
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Ren looks back at her with a sad look 
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And she does the same, but unlike him, she turns completely - 
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And the pink lightning crosses her eyes along with the snowstorm.  As we know, Nora was supposed to have her backstory in vol.7, but it got pushed back.  While lightning is her power, it is also in the skillset of the maidens. And notice how the snowstorm picked up when the lightning crossed the screen. I am a strong believer that “Fria is Nora’s grandmother” theory is still possible.
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Next we have the Schneesters. They walk across the SDC snowflake like preparing for a duel.
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Winter with her old clothes - passes Weiss - new clothes
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She looks at Weiss with seriousness and maybe anger -
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And as they are back to back, she drops the act and let’s sadness and maybe remorse show
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Whitley is worried, Willow is just sad
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And the SDC logo shatters, giving rise to Salem and her army of Grimm. Funny how it was Jackass and his stupidity that let Salem get into Atlas without much of a problem.
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I find it interesting how both Salem AND Ironwood are Queens in this chess match 
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Watts is a smiling motherfucker. I couldn’t find any easter eggs on his screen
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And his reflection turns into Pietro(s). While he is working, his reflection is worried about Penny
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And she still tries to come to terms with her being the Winter Maiden
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And as the glass shatters, one Penny is trying to calm herself, while the other is worried, looking for something offscreen. We will get to this later
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Next is a single snowflake landing on Ren’s palm
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That turns into a pink petal, color similar to Nora’s
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Ren holds it with a sad/determined look as Jaune comforts him
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The Mantle Squad is here. Team JOYRide ready for action
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Another petal floats by
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And Nora tries to catch it
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But can’t. 
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But hey, the Amity Squad is also here!
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Everyone looks onto the 3 tasks at hand: protect Mantle, get Amity up and running and get Salem out of here. Also, I love the composition of this shot with dawn sky transitioning into red clouds around Grimm
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And notice how when the squad is ready to fight, Penny floats up and turns to us, hovering under Amity with her blades out. Remember that too 
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Ruby and Yang nod to each other
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And get to working on the Grimm. 
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Nothing to see in the fight. 
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But then Cinder walks by, taking a casual stroll through the frozen in time fight
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Neo is not amused at all (BACKSTAB BACKSTAB BACKSTAB)
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Emerald raises her hand to great Cinder, but get’s ignored
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And she doesn’t like that.
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Cinder get’s tormented by her grimm arm, with solemn Emerald in the background
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From Cinder’s fire come our other bad guys. 
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Hazel looks sad... with his weirdass muscles and weirdass clothes..... 
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Tyrian is always a delight
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Mercury looks like he’s about to drop the thiccest diss track
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And THICC indeed
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Oh my queen~ I get why Ozma wanted to smash even after she fell into a lake of bleach
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And nice contrast of her red eyes with the Relic’s blue glow
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And they BOTH have smoke trailing out of them! Could this be the Staff also has a being inside it? 
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Whatever it is, it makes Ruby’s eyes turn brown in this shot
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Or it’s just the sunrise, lol
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Notice how her scythe split the party into the two squads. ALSO NOTICE WHO ISN’T IN THIS SHOT. (I’m getting to her, just wait a bit) 
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The ground breaks
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And the girls fall into abyss, reminiscent of Volume 3 opening
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AND the fall into the motherfucking pool of Light that Salem got dunked in by the gods
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Notice how the waves on Ruby’s face are the same as what Salem had. And also notice those glowing dots that i mentioned at the very beginning
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Ruby is reaching for the Staff
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But a certain grimm hand pulls her back. The only hand with 5 fingers.  Remember in volume 6 Cinder fell into a lake below the Haven vault?  Also I’d like to point out that she gently pulls Ruby’s hand away. Seriously, look at it in the op! She doesn’t grab her and tries to rip her arm off. She just takes her hand like “no, don’t do it.” and gently holds it back while all the other grimm arms reach up towards the staff. And then we have two messages:
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And, on the contrary:
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And all of this is interwoven with those sketchy images:
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The bloodhound grimm that Salem sent after Oscar
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Penny being hacked. Come on, this one is obvious. And i did say to keep in mind some other sus scenes with her.
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And as the weapons fall...
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Only one remains standing.
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palbabor-writes · 3 years
hi hello friend ! (о´∀`о)
hope youve been doin well! its been a hot minute but i just came thru to ask a few of those weird meme qs if thats ok w you lol
30, 55 and 61 seem interesting ٩( 'ω' )و
any hoot, hope youre takin care of yourself!
cheerin you on, 🌱✨
hi my friend! i’m so happy to see you in my box  ( o˘◡˘o)
i’ve been doing good! busy, busy, but that’s springtime for you! 
of course it’s alright! i’m excited to play so let’s see what we got here.
30. Places that you find sacred:
oooh! i like this question! the first spot that comes to mind is a pond that’s out in the piney woods. 
i used to walk out there everyday when i was younger, no matter the weather. i loved when it was misty and cool, or when there was a breeze that made the tops of the trees groan and snap. our family dogs would often come with me so it always felt like i was going on some kind of adventure & at any second i could step over the threshold to another world. once i reached the pond i’d sit beside the banks for hours, just skipping rocks, reading, or jotting down my ideas into my little notebook. 
even now, being at the edge of that murky water makes me feel like time has fallen into some kind of suspended state & i can just be me again.   
55. Favorite fairy tale:
gosh. ok, so imma give the obligatory: “Beauty & the Beast” & “Sleeping Beauty”, but there are a few others that i love just as well.
one (and imma give some trigger warnings here, just in case you opt to read it yourself: tw.child abuse, tw.murder, tw.cannibalism - like, this story is brilliant, and a cool example of a more mature & developed fairy tale, but it’s dark) is the “Juniper Tree.” It’s sort of an amalgam of a bunch of other stories and it certainly doesn’t shy away from some of the other themes that the Brothers Grimm often toned down or censored in their other sets of fairy tales, but i love all of the symbology, the nastiness of the villain, and that payoff at the end is well worth the read.  
the second is another bummer of a story, but the “The Pied Piper of Hamelin,” has always fascinated me because there is a ton of real life evidence to back it up. there’s a manuscript from the 1400′s that talks about how a colorfully dressed piper came to town & seduced away 130 of the town’s children and supposedly a stained glass window (i think it’s gone now...so, this one is less concrete) even bore an inscription that described the events. like, whether or not there was a real flesh and blood piper that took the youth of this town, this event likely happened & it haunted this town.  
61. Favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show...
the other day i said i kept my old & marked up copy of Wuthering Heights. well, i took a peek in it & i stumbled on this quote:
“We must be for ourselves in the long run; the mild and generous are only more justly selfish than the domineering.”
like, this woman only wrote one book in her lifetime & this was it. what i wouldn’t give to create raw lines like that & this work is absolutely littered with other hard hitters too.
alright! just as an aside & since i have you, i am working on your other ask! i’m hoping i’ll get it (& others, don’t worry! i see yew) out in May!
hope you have a beautiful day & are staying safe out there! lets talk soon (´꒳`)♡
Thanks for playing! Weird asks that say a lot     
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toysoldiers-rwby · 4 years
[SYT] 8. the lion’s pride
Show Your Teeth
Characters: Fiona, Winter, May, Robyn, Joanna Rating: Mature Tags: civilian casualties, self harm, angst Word Count: 6,042
Summary: Failure is a matter of perspective. Maybe five years from now May will see it differently.
Read on AO3
A/N: gentle reminder that this is the prequel to Cutting Strings and takes place five years before that, so if yall wanna see Glade and Silvio all grown up read that! though... don't @ me. Imma draw some KDA!Happy Huntresses stuff to recenter myself now
After almost an hour of arguing, everyone was tired. Fiona was getting scared. Her ears were straining low, lips almost baring back in snarls but thankfully Joanna and Robyn was there to calm her down. Silvio made a face at the trio.  
A small breather before everyone started arguing the plan again. Thank the Goddess the apartment was soundproof.  
May and Winter was swept up in it at first. Yelling over Silvio, trying to get him to realize that he couldn’t just scramble the Military’s network. That May could sneak them into an airship and they could save as many miners as they can and keep the Grimm at bay. They all yelled and yelled until May realized someone wasn’t.  
Glade watched them, quietly behind their shades. Faunus ears just poking out of their hair. They tried to hide it but they were just as scared as Fiona.
So May quieted down and sat besides them. She stopped yelling, just speaking angrily. But the conversation just went around in circles so just watched, eyes carefully glancing to Glade from time to time. Eventually Winter noticed and walked towards them with a worried look.  
“If you have concerns, say it, Glade,” Winter said harshly but quietly. Fiona’s ears flickered at it but she was too busy trying to convince Silvio that hacking into his uncle’s unstable death robot was not a good idea.  
“Don’t talk as if you know me, Schnee,” Glade mumbled. They didn’t look up from the helmet in their hands. Their posture, voice, it was all hallow and defeated. Something about it irritated May more than the stupid argument.  
Glade might be reclusive but that doesn’t mean they were a mystery. If they were sneaking Silvio and Weiss out to be real kids, May and Winter kept a damn good eye on them. Their behaviors and mannerisms screamed rich blood. A Marigold’s fool hardy temper and a Schnee’s cold stubbornness, and unfortunately their combined arrogance. Carefully planned words, never saying anything they didn’t meant to but also in a way that meant too many things. And May has been dealing with rich assholes like Winter all her life…  
Winter who was always ready to sacrifice herself for her beliefs-  
“It doesn’t matter,” May said softly, still trying to grasp the realization. Whatever the Thief was planning followed Winter’s stupid self sacrificing white knight ideology.  
Glade flinched, closing their eyes and looking away, fingers faltering on the smooth surface of her helmet and the horns on it. May’s heart beat, once, angry. The adrenaline of the argument quickly returning. This time Fiona heard them, the little lamb’s attention snapping to the trio and abruptly stopping the argument.  
“What?” Fiona asked in a small voice. It broke May’s heart to hear her so scared again. It made Glade flinch even harder. They tried to get up but May shoved them back down. Fiona caged the Thief in from the front. The Thief bowed their head so low they could see their eyes were tightly shut behind those reflective shades. "What does she mean, this doesn’t matter?"  
“Glade already made a decision,” Winter explained. She sounded as furious as May felt. She practically leaned in and growled. “What’s your real plan?”  
“… One last game,” Glade said softly. They wiped the tears from their eyes and gave a sad glance over the shades. Their eyes were too expressive. Too hurt, conflicted, so damn scared. Even without those fucking shades, Glade mirrored May’s expression back at her. But May was too fucking angry to comfort the Thief. “If you two think you know me so well, guess my plan and I’ll stop it.”  
May’s heart dropped. Boiling anger froze for a second. Of course it was already in motion. Of course this manipulative idiot wouldn’t even give them a fair chance to change their mind!  
Winter looked around the room. Everyone with a personal connection with the Thief was in this room. “It involves all of us together,” Winter said quickly.  
“… Warm.”  
May’s mind raced for the next part. What would a lonely, kind brat do? What would Winter do to protect her? Besides taking on a fucking suicide mission solo.  
“You’d use any means necessary to protect us.” May said. They gave the group a sad smile, slowly taking off their shades and slipping on their helmet. Winter grabbed their wrist before they could run off. Fury and anger cracked with a kind of desperation May rarely saw.  
But they made no motion too. Instead they bowed their head in an apology. “Hot. Who have I been playing all along?”  
“… The Military.” May whispered again.  
Suddenly the window shattered, but it didn’t explode or fall to the the ground. It swirled into the apartment, surrounding the group. None of them heard the sounds of sirens and airships due to the apartment’s sound proofing. None of them noticed the Bullhead Aircraft Carrier with Glynda Goodwitch at the side door.  
Winter checked her phone and angrily shoved it into May’s hands with a shout. Once again, Glade sent a false message. One directly to Atlas’ Military Operators.  
Winter Schnee: Vigilante apprehended. Requesting immediate assistance.  
May looked at Glade who only hung their head. They ripped their wrist free from Winter only for hards of glass to circle them and trapped them in. Glade slowly raised their hands.  
Slowly dropped to their knees in surrender.  
“Good job, ladies,” Goodwitch said. Somehow her heels clicked on the bridge of broken glass. “Though I doubt General Ironwood or Dr. Watts would appreciate using one of the youngest scientist in the military as a bait.”  
No one spoke. Everyone too startled, too confused. One wrong word and the military know they’d been harboring a criminal. One wrong word and they’d make Glade sentence ten times worse. Goodwitch was too focused on the criminal that slipped through her hands countless of times to notice.  
Just… What?! May’s mind quickly spiraled into overdrive. She was the backup, the brains when Winter got too hotheaded and Fiona took on more than she could handle. She was the support but she could do nothing! She couldn’t use her semblance this time. The Bullhead with cameras would catch her. Goodwitch was too close and would be in the Field. Winter couldn’t sneak Glade off with her summons. Fiona couldn’t throw a smoke bomb… They couldn’t help their fucking friend!  
Because Glade planned it that way.  
I promise I’ll keep you all out of trouble, Glade said about two months ago. When their ribs were still broken after wrangling those twisted monstrous Grimm. After baiting real Huntresses into killing them instead of using trainees who probably would have gotten hurt.  
It took nearly the entire ride to Atlas for May to realize what Glade had done.  
The Thief turned themselves in and stagged it as a capture.  
Her body was on auto-pilot. It almost felt like an out of body experience with how her senses was dulled. It was like a movie May didn’t want to watch. By some miracle Goodwitch let Winter strip Glade of all the Dust. The Schnee kept that Ice Queen persona. The only crack in it was when Winter had to remove their helmet. It felt wrong. May wanted to scream, chest and throat squeezing tight as she could do nothing.  
For the first time they saw Glade’s face, it was heartbroken. That glimpse of beautiful sea-green eyes she saw once, so alive and playful was now completely bloodshot and fighting tears for the security cameras and countless of security personal.  
Winter glared lightly, struggling to keep that cool soldier appearance. It never cracked again as she slipped the necklace off. Strangers didn’t notice the lingering touch as Winter removed their earrings next. Embroidered with Dust, was removed next. Winter made a show of emptying her pockets before draping her coat around Glade’s form and buttoning it for some of decency.  
In actuality, May and their little group noticed how her hand lingered on Glade’s chest. Winter didn’t said anything about the fire Dust barbel in their tongue.  
The movie slowly grew into horror as Clover and Marrow passed them in the hall. Clover let out a proud laugh, patting Winter’s shoulder. “Congratulations on doing a Huntresses’ job! Maybe General Ironwood will move you up a year or two,” The man winked.  
Goodwitch rolled their eyes, “I can always set them free and see how you fair, Mr. Ebi.”  
“I’m sure General Ironwood would love that, ma’am.” Clover said with a grin. Marrow smiled bright, giving May and Fiona a thumbs up, tail wagging happily and enthusiastically at their… accomplishment.  
May wanted to throw up.  
This was wrong. This wasn’t how things went for their group. Since their teenage years, May and Winter was groomed into playing the rules. The right words, the right handshake, the perfect timed glare or smile. What’s the fucking purpose of all that when they ended up losing the game?  
Joanna was at her side, pressing into her shoulder. Not Winter. Comforting her. As her partner and girlfriend escorted their friend like a criminal.  
The horror show didn’t stop, May’s consciousness didn’t return until Joanna pulled her and Fiona into the bathroom. Until she found herself wrapped up tight in arms that was too warm, stronger than usual and not Winter’s.  
“It’s gonna be alright-” Joanna started but May cut her lie.  
“No it’s not!” May pushed herself free. She blinked back tears of stress and anger and… and betrayal. The brat they protected for months really just… threw it all away!? May found her scalp burning as her hands clawed through her hair, “How could they do that?!”  
“I’m sure they had a good reason-”  
“Good?! If it was good they would have talked to us about it!” May’s fist flew, shards of glass grazing her Aura protective skin and falling into the skin and ground.  
Fiona let out an angrily sigh, wiping away her own tears. “Getting mad won’t help them!”  
“They don’t want our help,” Joanna stressed. That made the younger trainee’s stop and glare at her. Joanna didn’t cower. Never did to Goodwitch and she wasn’t starting now with women several years younger than her. “They choose this guys. We need to respect that.”  
“Well… their a dumb shit!” May yelled, crossing her arms and puffing up. She could feel some shards of glass in the folds of her clothes but with Aura it didn’t matter. She could punch holes in the metal walls and barely feel it right now.  
The rest of their small break was filled with tense silence. The younger pair fidgeting with too much energy. The unknown of what they were facing was gathering and twisting into anxiety in May’s gut.  
All too soon it was time to play the role, Glade forced them into.  
Brilliant, semi-obedient soldiers.  
They rejoined Winter on the observers side of the interrogation room. Inside was former detective Hill and two licensed Hunters. The General himself and Goodwitch. The ‘criminal’ was cuffed to the table.  
“We’ll start with the basics,” Robyn said. Due to her heroic persona, she was able to keep her voice playful. The smile wasn’t an act and May could tell when Robyn grasp Glade’s forearm, her grip was gentle and kind. “What’s your name and place of birth?”  
“Aurora. Born outside of the four kingdoms.” Green.  
May scoffed. Of course it would take an official interrogation to get the bitch’s first name.  
“Details. First and last name,” General Ironwood. His stern voice was heavy and cause Glade to flinch and jump and suddenly there were scared again and May wanted to break this fucking glass too.  
“Aurora… Glade.” Green. May heard the room take in a soft and gentle gasp. Fiona let out a choked sob, curling into May’s side for a moment, grounding her. Robyn tried her best to hide her surprise but she was lucky General Ironwood was too focused on the criminal that jeopardized his kingdom and Goodwitch was too busy adding the information to her Scroll.  
The stray completely adopted their new short life with the rag tag group of elites and rats. Maybe… the months weren’t a complete waste.  
“Born in Menagerie.” Green.  
“Okay… harder questions.” Robyn mumbled looking at the list on her Scroll. She swallowed hard. “You raided your way across Anima over the past year?”  
“… Yes.” Green.  
Winter sighed, rubbing her temples, “Shit.”  
“You repeatedly snuck into the Argus base to steal information and eventually stole an aircraft to make your way to Atlas.”  
“I only snuck in to fix that stupid giant mech and the hard-light fence,” Glade correct, almost insulted, “Your tech is outdated and worthless to me. I made better shit out of trash. I did steal the airship though.” Green.  
May couldn’t help but smile, leaning in comfortingly while Winter and Joanna chuckled in surprise. The sound help May relax enough to see that Ironwood looked surprised and… even a little amused?  
“So…” Robyn didn’t look back at her Scroll for the question she was ordered to ask. She gave Ironwood a measured look, “You didn’t want the people of Argus to get hurt?” May’s heart jumped. That was the angle they needed. If Winter and the others would let her, she’d kiss her. Ironwood and Goodwitch raised a brow.  
Glade looked down at the table. At their joined hands, “I don’t want to hurt anyone. I did what I did in Anima to survive! The system is broke, it’s too slow! If I hadn’t done anything all those Grimm would be-”  
“Enough.” Ironwood said. His voice irritated May but to a lesser degree now. He was confused, probably just realizing they caught the wrong criminal. “Next question, if you would Ms. Hill.”  
“Are you responsible for the Grimm infestations?”  
“No. I’ve been hacking the system to make sure the recent Grimm reports in Mantle was made a priority so they would be delt with faster.” Green.  
May smiled returned but she was trying to squash down the hope in her chest. Glade was still dangerous. She just admitted to several crimes even if it was for good intentions. Ironwood won’t just let someone capable of hacking into the network roam free but… but perhaps Winter was right?  
Ironwood takes care of his assets at least.  
“Do you know who is?”  
“No.” Glade answered honestly again. At the green glow of Robyn’s semblance, General Ironwood sighed, rubbing his temples. With all the questions answered, Robyn’s hand slipped free from Glade’s. The Thief looked at the one-way glass then to Goodwitch. “But they are sending the Grimms to an SDC mine.”  
That caught Ironwood and Goodwitch’s attention.  
The odd group of rats and elites was dismissed so Goodwitch and Ironwood could talk to Glade in private. May gave them a worried glance. They weren’t in cuffs anymore but… the unknown scared her. May felt powerless, heart twisting as Ironwood finally lead Glade out sight.  
The group was tense, waiting in the mess hall. Eventually Silvio wandered in, taking a seat a small distance away from May, eating the meal they all skipped during the hour of arguing and interrogation.  
“Are… you okay?” May asked softly.  
Silvio sent a vicious glare at her, “No. My friend fucking played and betrayed me.” He was quiet, taking spoonfuls again before speaking. “Uncle knows Glade has been messing with his code and shit.” He mumbled nervously.  
“Glade’s too much of an asset for Watts to fuck with,” May quietly reassured, ruffling his blue hair. Silvio relaxed a little but the fear never quiet left his eyes. It made their table nervous.  
Slowly the other ‘Accelerated’ students walked into the mess hall, grabbing a drink and snacks, or a meal in Elm’s and Harriet’s case. The women laughed and cheered, sitting next to Joanna with a loud clap to her shoulder.  
“Congrats on catching the vigilante!” Elm said with booming voice. “Saved my skin there. I had so many people breathing down my neck just because they stole my old weapon.”  
“Haha… no problem,” Joanna mumbled, trying hard not to flinch. It came out horribly awkward but the other students didn’t know her well enough to notice.  
Harriet gave Fiona a smirk, “Didn’t know you had that spunk in you Thyme.”  
“That’s because she doesn’t like you,” Robyn huffed. A possessive arm slung over Fiona’s shoulder. Harriet made a disgusted face and Fiona relished in it, snuggling into Robyn’s side.  
May gave an irritated sigh. She could feel Winter tense up beside her. Just another thing she needed on top of all the conflicting and swirling emotion, hurt, betrayal, hope that Glade really will be okay and the fear that they will never see them again. Now to add to that, Envy. In Atlas, Winter was her family rival, partner and leader. They didn’t hide their relationship… it was just not the priority here. Their image was.  
“I’m going back to our dorms,” May said standing up.  
“Ugh, I don’t blame you.” Harriet mumbled, “How do you deal with that all the time,” The ace student mumbled gesturing to Fiona who had her head against Robyn’s shoulder. Fiona needed the comfort. But May needed it too-  
“We deal with it like this,” Winter said standing up and walking out. Harriet and Elm threw their heads back laughing. Oblivious as the couple made their escape, leaving poor Joanna to entertain them. At least Joanna gave her a small smile, so May didn’t feel too guilty.  
May and Winter didn’t know how long they had till Ironwood called the ‘Accelerated’ students into a briefing. She had a hard time relaxing into Winter’s arms as they cuddled on her bed. Was it always so cramp or were they just spoiled with all the space Robyn’s old and new apartment had?  
… The apartment Glade had given them.  
May groaned, burring her face into Winter’s neck and shoulder, “I can’t believe they did that.”  
“I can,” Winter mumbled. She grunted, May’s fist landing a solid hit against her ribs before May realized she hit her.  
“Of course you would, you’d probably do something worse,” May huffed.  
Winter hummed, pulling May up from her chest. She found cool lips on hers and… was so desperate to melt into them. May sighed into the gentle kiss. For a moment she truly felt like she was in the clouds.  
“Of course a Marigold would fail to see reason and logic,” Winter teased. The familiarity was nice, even if it was a little hallow. Another kiss soothed over May’s lingering pain and doubt. But only as long as they were kissing. “Good thing I have you to stop be from being stupid.” Winter mumbled onto her lips.  
Before May could say anything or even kiss the stupid knight back their Scrolls pinged. An alert from the great General Ironwood. May groaned as Winter easily sat them both up, even if May gave half heart attempts to push them back down. May caught a glimpse of Glade and Silvio as they left the meeting room. They didn’t look as scared but she didn’t like the scene. With a group of soldiers and Arthur Watts escorting in the genius pair in the direction of Research and Development department.  
May wanted to follow. Worry and fear lodged deep in her chest. Winter was the first one to take a step in their direction and May nearly sprinted after them but Joanna and Robyn stepped between.  
Robyn gave Winter’s should a tight squeeze while Joanna ruffled May’s hair. Their eyes said one thing May hated, pointed out something May noticed but didn’t really notice until she spent so much time in Mantle.  
They were all powerless in Atlas, the fucking greatest soul sucking kingdom.  
Ironwood and Goodwitch debrief the overqualified trainees. The mines and security reported no sightings of Grimm. Absolutely none in a place that harbors a lot of stressed out people where their lives were just one trip up from ending.  
If these mysterious villains were collecting Grimm from different continent, they probably could capture Solitas’ Grimm as well. A sudden overwhelming force would ensure less people would survive rather.  
So while they were building up a small army of Grimm, the Atlesian Military was slowly transport the civilians to a different mine.  
They couldn’t just send them home. No that would be bad for Atlas’ pocket. It would cause a riot. Some would fight to leave, others would fight to stay. Would their pay be deducted or was this a paid leave because it was forced? The other mine had less lien, so how would it affect their paycheck?  
It was scenarios Ironwood didn’t even think about until May and Winter asked them. Some part of May was worried at his lack of foresight. Most of her was pissed off. So in the end… maybe Winter was right, Glade turning themselves in was their the best choice they had.  
That thought haunted her as the days turned into a week. They underestimated how large the mine was. How many Faunus Winter’s stupid father stuffed into it. Atlas didn’t expect the financial desperation of the miners.  
The odd group of elites and rats watched as Harriet’s temper was starting to show. They were suppose to leave minutes ago but Fiona was worried so they stayed to watch. The argument escalated to shouts as the workers refused to leave.  
Less people in this mine meant more hours for those that stayed. More overtime. More lien. Better food, medicine, high chances of survival.  
May’s gut twisted.  
Even at the start of her transition, she was the pride of the Marigolds… even if it was just as a show pony. May put all those gold medals on the walls. She was the reason their names were in the papers. Building connections always started with the Multi-Champion May Marigold. Her family might not approved of her but they needed her and so she still had access to the family cards…  
Perhaps it was time to leave that too.  
May was in deep bored thought when she saw it. Things between the military, miners and SDC security escalated to the breaking point. Fiona was already running but there was no way she could make it in time.  
A Faunus with small odd horns, possible deformed or not fully grown, finally punched Harriet.  
SDC retaliated with a white hot burning iron.  
It was pressed deep into his face. For a moment May only heard the Bull Faunus’s yells and begging. Then a deep roar echoed within the mines. May could have sworn the ground echoed with it. Screams following and crowds of running out.  
In seconds the secret evacuation skipped riot control and went straight to Perimeter Defense.  
The following hours stretched on and repeated for next few two days. Screams. Falling rocks. Dust Explosions. And so, so many Alpha Grimm.  
Back to back fights, the smell of blood and Dust. This wasn’t their first dead body, wasn’t their first rescue mission, but this was the first time they couldn’t bury the bodies.  
May’s heart sank as her footing dig deep into something soft. She closed her eyes tight, whispering apologies and prayers as the young miner in her arms held on tight. The King Taijitu was smaller than usual, faster than usual, specifically chosen for the mines and it was gaining on her.  
Her friends yelled and yelled, Joanna and Robyn fired bolts to distract it but neither could get a good shot on its eyes.  
She heard the Glyph come to life behind her. Judging from the way the King Taijitu was lunging… May ducked. Winter shot forward and into the snake’s mouth. One of her rapier’s deep in its skull. Joanna used herself as bait and just grabbed those long talons, wrestling it still long enough for Robyn too shoot an an explosive arrow into it’s mouth. Joanna quickly closed it before it went off, containing the explosion as the Grimm hissed and thrashed.  
Then it turned to ash in Joanna’s hands.  
Fiona rushed out from hiding with the other miners, checking on the straggler’s ankle. It was deemed minor, at least until they got to the surface. Fiona lead the… the teenage miners back to the surface. The group followed as best they could with the flicking lights and Dust explosions that shook the mines. It was getting closer, a few rocks was shaken loose above them. May stumbled a few times but Winter quickly pulled her back up and didn’t let go.  
May stared at their hands. When was the last time they ate? Which restaurants have they been kicked out of and which can they bribed to let them back in? Has she ever seen Winter eat greasy as fuck fast food? Who was still keeping Grimm count and what exactly was that bet about? May was certain it was another movie date. A real double date.  
She continued to list the things she wanted to do, trying her best to ignore the burning her legs.  
She wanted to see Silvio and Weiss grow. She needed to help him with his first shot. She promised Winter a real dance during one of the Schnee’s stupid parties. She wanted to give Fiona back two years the Academy took from her. She had to get Robyn and Joanna in a really cute feminine outfit at least once.  
“Fuck!” May screamed, tucking into Winter’s chest as the wall burst open and everything was flying everywhere. It settled quickly. A Geist emerged between the group, possessing some rubble and metal and agitated Dust.  
“Shit…” Joanna lowered her weapon and gave the pair a desperate look. “We can’t-”  
“We got this!” May yelled back. As the Dust explosions was growing closer and longer and louder. The floor wouldn’t stop shaking now. Joanna didn’t look doubtful but frustrated. With a nod she scooped up one of the straggler into her arms and ran. Fiona threw them a scared glance, blinking away tears as May tried to sooth her worries with a smile and a thumbs up.  
The Geist didn’t try to follow the other. It looked right at Winter and let out a wail. It definitely sounded like how she was feeling right now.  
May stood close to Winter, bringing up a Field as two Beowolves were summoned from the Glyphs. Winter had to stand still to take careful control of her summons. One miscalculation and the Beowolves would bright too hard around the Dust and well…  
May wasn’t sure if she ever saw Winter eat grease fast foot. The kind that had oil covering your chin in one bite.  
It was probably a hilarious sight to see and May moved it to the top of her list-  
“Agh!” May hissed a hot sting making her Aura flare. She looked down, slamming the end of her staff into a Sulfur Fish. She looked around for the others. Those tiny things were cowards alone. Meaning a horde would be close… “Hurry up, Win.”  
“I’m trying!” Winter growled. The Beowolves were dodging back and ducking the Geist swings. Trying to find a place to latch on so their jaws could grab the Dust.  
May glanced at the floor, killing three more Sulfur Fish.  
Then another horrible noise. Loud hissing… as if the cold air was boiling. May turned towards deeper level of the minds. A twist of the Dust chamber and a full cartage of ice was loaded. May could at least create a barrier. A horde of Sulfur Fish would just melt it but-  
The hissing was a machine hiss. A… One of Watt’s prototype rounded the corner, grinding the horde of Sulfur Fish beneath taloned feet.  
“Incoming!” May warned grabbing Winter and shoving her against the wall. The mech barely had room in the cave and all it could do was hold the Giest in place. Finally the Beowolves grabbed the agitated Dust and ran deep into the tunnels. The pilot didn’t have room to punch the Grimm but it grabbed the mask face and struggled to squeeze hard enough to break it.  
It cracked and shed it’s possessions. Smart enough to retreat rather than die.  
The pilot sighed and the mech got to its’ feet. “Schnee, Marigold. Mines collapsing, jump on!” Winter created a Glyph under them, boosting their tired bodies onto the sleek and almost hot metal as it dashed forward.  
The best was definitely a double date. But was it a game night or movie night? May tried to remember, holding on to the unpolished seems in the armor. When her gripped slipped, just a little, Winter moved to pin her in.  
“How are you colder than a giant hunk of metal,” May mused softly.  
“Is that what you want to be asking yourself right now?” Winter scowled down at her.  
“We’re already a Grimm magnets thanks to our family and we’re trying to save people,” May frowned up her. Winter blinked a little surprised but sighed and relaxed a little.  
“Glade once told me our Aura’s have Dust like properties. Mine just… happens to be ice. Keep laughing and I’ll let you fall, Marigold.” Winter mumbled with a small pout.  
May only smiled, trying to ignore the bodies they were leaving behind. The bodies they wouldn’t be able to come back for.  
“Isn’t that from that Dust religion?”  
“If it grants them that much control over Dust, I’d become the most devote worshiper,” Winter drawled, tone flat. May raised a brow, something deep within her almost believed it.  
Their escape wasn’t an epic movie escape like in that fucking picture Glade put up during Weiss’ recital. Fire wasn’t at their heels, Grimm wasn’t prying May off the mech. No, they were all on the Bullhead and May was instead on the floor, to tired to hold up Fiona and Joanna’s weight on her.  
Robyn laughed, propped against Winter’s shoulder in the most public affection the group could give her on Atlas grounds. The Bullhead was barely off the ground as the explosions finally reached the top. Light crawled out first, followed closely by fire. Some bolts of lightning almost hit them before the structure finally imploded.  
When they finally landed, Marrow walked a crying father to the group. The miner gave a bright but broken smile, hugging his two daughters. Marrow’s tail wagged and he gave the team a thumbs up before trying to reunite the other survivors. If…  
May tilt her head back and took a deep breath of Solitas’s cold air. Just a debriefing and she could just… let the day hit her. She tried desperately to go back to her list.  
Fiona would look adorable in a suit. She wanted to play with that giant dog Tank a little more. She wanted to kiss Winter’s lips again. May and Robyn still had to get their revenge on the trio for the shopping trip.  
Just an hour more till she could feel guilty and sad and just cry for all those Atlas failed.  
May was about to walk off when Silvio’s stupid bright blue hair caught her attention. It was a surprise, the mech was his uncle’s project. But Author Watts wasn’t beside him. Instead it was Dr. Peitro.  
“That’s… unusual,” Winter mumbled beside her. Glade snuck them to Dr. Pietro’s clinic a few times but Dr. Watts hated Dr. Peitro.  
They watched Silvio climbed onto the mech and undid a few latches. He yelped, falling to his ass as steam almost hit his face. Winter and May chuckled and sneered at it a little.  
The pilot sighed, shaking their freshly buzzed head. Faunus ears flicked towards the group as they climbed out and helped Silvio up…  
Glowing bright blue eyes flickered towards them before cautiously watching the approaching General and Goodwitch.  
From the distance May couldn’t see the details but she knew the a machine’s LED lights anywhere. And they definitely had it bolted to the back of their head. Ironwood started talking and Fiona’s scared and horrible gasp confirmed May’s fears.  
The only real feature they had on Glade was their light-green hair. So the Thief was nearly unrecognizable. Ironwood completely stripped them bare. No Dust, stuffed in an Atlesian uniform, head buzzed down for that experimental tech bolted on their head.  
“Glade… Oh kid, what have they done to you.” Just before Fiona’s voice could completely break down Robyn had her in a hug.  
Joanna tried to comfort May the best she could but… but Glade was walking away. Everything about her was too controlled. At least until Glade threw a glance at their rag-tag family and their semblance faltered.  
For a split second they were completely scared. May wanted to scream as her semblance smothered her emotions to an almost eerie theatrical calm.  
May threw Joanna off, semblance turning on as tears finally slipped past.  
May went over her list again. A dance with Winter. A real double date with the Mantle Rats. Silvio’s first HRT shot… Getting the fuck away from Atlas.  
Getting Glade free from Ironwood.  
To back everything Atlas stripped from them.  
May’s chest was about to explode. She had to hold her breath just a few more hallways Her barrack door hissed closed behind her and she screamed. May punched the metal walls until her Aura broke. Until blood was dripping down. Until Joanna had to hold her down with Fiona crying and begging to stop into her chest.  
They had dinner in their room that night. It was the ‘students’ last trip back to the mines. Tomorrow they would all be sent back to Atlas with two weeks to recover and prepare for the new semester.  
Robyn and Winter kept glancing at each other the entire time. May didn’t even realize they disappeared during her outburst until Winter finally kissed her out of her numb angry haze.  
May sobbed into it, falling back and letting her girlfriend push her into the sheets. The familiarity was comforting. Cool lips kissing aware her tears. Strong arms pulling her into a tight hug and the smell of fresh air finally pulling her mind together.  
For her sake Winter tried to act normal. “Welcome back,” She whispered teasingly. It was a little too gentle. A little too forced.  
May sat up, hugging Winter onto her lap. It was usually the other way around but… “Your allowed to break too, Win.” May whispered.  
Winter and Robyn looked at each other again. Winter moved, sitting behind May and tucking her head into her shoulder and neck. May could feel her throat flex, jaw opening and closing as the words failed the Schnee for the first time in their lives. Winter gave Robyn a helpless look.  
Robyn cleared her throat, trying to even out her tired voice, “Ironwood… is rearranging teams.” Robyn explained. That’s right, May skipped the last debriefing. “Winter chose to graduate early- To keep an eye on Glade and Silvio.” Robyn quickly added.  
Winter’s grip on May tighten. Now she could feel some tears on her neck and shoulder.  
“The rest of us will be on a team.” Fiona finished softly. May swallowed. She reached behind her petting the stupid white hair she loved so much.  
That wasn’t fair.  
“Cool,” May said. She wasn’t Winter, she wasn’t strong but May could pretend to that everything was normal if it helped the women she loved, “We get to fuck a Huntress in her office.”  
Winter snorted out a broken laugh. It was honest so May let herself smile a little. “Your the youngest person to ever graduate from the Academy. How are we celebrate?” May asked.  
“Fireworks,” Robyn said immediately. “I heard rumors of springs outside of the walls not to far.”  
“Or we can go to Argus’ and hit the beaches,” Joanna said. Everyone hummed and sighed at the thought, “I think its still warm in some places in Vale.”  
The group kept chatting aimlessly about things they could do outside of Atlas for a week or two. No one tried to pull Winter into the conversation as she snuggled into May and cried softly.  
At least Ironwood takes care of his assets…
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capriciouswrites · 4 years
So, show of hands, who thought I just ceased to exist? Am I the only one raising my hand? Rude. 
Right, so most of you will remember the insanity that gripped me last year, where I decided to (AND SUCCEEDED!) post something written every day of October.
Imma do it again. Or, well, I’mma try. I’m semi-optimistic because I did successfully do it last year...but also 2020′s goal seems to be [REDACTED] so I can’t make any promises. Well, I promise to try. 
I did decide to try to pre-write some beginnings of things this year. I honestly don’t know if that will turn out to be a good idea or a HORRIBLE idea. But I’m sure we’ll all find out. 
I still can’t believe no one talked me out of it either -- I’m looking at you @ilosttrackofthings, @shineyma, and @borndeaddd any of you could’ve prevented this...and yet. Also, shoutout to the Haruno Sakura Discord Server and the poor suckers the lovely friends who are also attempting their own fictober! I believe in them! 
Like last year I have a tentative list for prompts that I’ll edit with links as things get written. The words are all Halloween-y, but the fills won’t be necessarily. Length is...more than 100 words on anything and I’ll count it a win. Also, not necessarily doing these in the order they’re written here (it’s alphabetical). 
Wish me luck, and feel free to yell at me with things you wanna see written. There’s absolutely no promises, but it can’t hurt to ask, right?
Broken (Day 2: Sakura time travel, part 1)
Candle (Day 8: Sirius/Hermione)
Cauldron (Day 3: Sansa/Ellaria/Oberyn)
Creature (Day 11: Hermione/Draco)
Cryptid (Day 26: Sakura & Mist)
Death (Day 9: Sakura/Itachi)
Decay (Day 27: Sakura to Suna)
Eyes (Day 7: Sakura time travel, part 2)
Grave (Day 16: Soma)
Grimm (Day 30: Hermione/Sirius)
Horns (Day 1: Kastle)
Jack-o-lantern (Day 15: Otabek/Yuri)
Midnight (Day 4: Zutara)
Monster (Day 19: Sakura werewolf)
Owl (Day 24: ANBU)
Poison (Day 6: Sansa/Oberyn)
Pumpkin spice (Day 5: Sakura/Temari/Tenten)
Puppet (Day 25: Sakura/Minato)
Raven (Day 17: Vax’ildan)
Runes (Day 18: Hermione/harem) 
Samhain (Day 31: Tobirama/Sakura)
Shadow (Day 20: Sakura and team Taka)
Skin (Day 13: Jonsa)
Snake (Day 14: Sakura and awkward teammates)
Spider web (Day 29: Tobirama time travels)
Stitches (Day 28: Sakura/Sai)
Stranded (Day 10: Hermione/Remus)
Tower (Day 22: Hermione & Slytherins)
Villain (Day 23: Sakura time travel, part 3)
Wicked (Day 21: Katara & Zuko)
Zombie (Day 12: Shikamaru/Sakura)
P.S. Gonna probably be weirdly Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, and Naruto heavy you guys, idk either. 
P.P.S. expect more notes as I slowly go insane this month.
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helihi · 5 years
The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty: RWBY Vol 6 Ep 8
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Overall rating: 5/10
Spoilers Ahead
The Good
One thing that the CRWBY had gotten right since day 1 was the family dynamics and the depiction of abuse in the Schnee household. I don’t say this lightly: I personally know what is to grow up in an abusive household. When I heard Weiss be so hard on herself in Forever Fall during those first episodes, I knew she likely had an abusive parent.
When analyzing a show, especially when one touches on very delicate subjects, it’s a huge sign of disrespect not to dive into them and extract everything you can from the themes. In this case, it gets personal.
Tumblr is an odd place: a site where anonymity and honesty blend together in an odd way. For years, I used this username as a way to put myself out there without endangering myself, but as I grew up and started using the internet to find a job, it was hard to separate this personal little hole I dug for myself and the projects I had in mind for the future. Today, I make choice while doing this review, and that choice is sharing with you part of my childhood, and the reason behind it is to state my bias: I don’t feel empathy for Willow, even before she was introduced I felt she was the worse mother in team RWBY. That, in the short future might change, but here are the reasons why:
Jacques Schnee is an awful person. He’s a terrible businessman, an abusive husband, and an abusive father. He left a mark on all of his family members: his wife turned to drinking, his oldest daughter joined the military to escape him and put herself in harm’s way to protect her younger sister, her second daughter hated herself and didn’t trust anyone around her, and his son mirrored his behavior to protect himself.
However, an abusive household can have more relationships than just “an abuser and his victims”, it can also be “an abuser, an enabler, and their victims”. I don’t mean to say the enabler is not a victim themselves, but their secondary role has an important impact in the life of children.
So here’s my truth: my mother is abusive and my father is an enabler. I don’t know how it happened, but my mother’s violent and hurtful behavior was first downplayed by my father, then it was dismissed, and, in odd times, it was mirrored. A while ago, Lindsay Ellis made a video about Guardians of the Galaxy 2. There’s one quote that always resonated with me:
“The dynamic between Gamora and Nebula might read as familiar for people who grew up in households with abusive or addicted parents, and that is the displacement of anger from the abuser (...) to an older sibling or parent that failed to stop the abuser or the addict. (...) It can be even harder for people to forgive a sibling or a parent who failed to stop abuse than it is to forgive the abuser.” - Lindsay Ellis on Gamora and Nebula’s relationship.
That being said, I don’t, in any way shape or form, believe that Willow is worse than Jacques. However, before you’re quick to defend her or “protect her” remember that she allowed her husband to harm their children as much as he could. At no point did she ever stand up, or seek help; maybe it was because of shame or the need to uphold an image to the outside viewer, but the truth remains: she failed her children.
I’m not saying that Willow was in an easy position, due to her dependency on alcohol and her lack of confidence in herself, we all know that she’s a victim herself, but that will never excuse her behavior in my eyes. When my grandfather became dangerous to my mother and aunt, my grandma packed everything and disappeared with her daughters despite her fear. She made a very risky choice: to move to another province with no job offer and without knowing anyone, but she kept herself and her daughters safe.
My father never put a stop to my mother, and if he ever did, he never was there to make my brother and I feel better or to tell us that we weren’t at fault. I never knew my household was toxic until I started spending more time at my friends’ house (something that my mom wasn't a fan of). It was then that I realized my friends were not scared of their mother’s “wrath” as I was with mine. It was after years of learning this that I realized the reason why I suffer from an anxiety disorder and had suffered from several panic attacks.
Now, I want to draw your attention to a very important scene of this episode, the most important for me: Winter breaks and shouts at her father when under pressure. We’ve never seen her like this. Even her petty quarrel with Qrow didn’t have the same weight to it, and I can tell you why because I’ve lived through it myself:
When you can recognize your abuser’s tactics, and see how they try to gaslight/hurt you or the people you care about after being outside of that toxic environment, you go back to the child you were when you had to live through that. It was like time had never passed. You may get scared or, like me and Winter, you explode.
Winter might have found a surrogate father and a plan outside the Schnee name, but in reality, she’s still at Jacques mercy, more so than Weiss, like I said before. Though it feels great to be right, I cannot describe how miserable seeing the Schnees makes me.
With that finished, I want to move on to what Willow said to Weiss about her and Whitley:
She’s able to recognize that’s better for her children not to be at home, but just like time and time again, she’s an observer, not an active player. She likely saw Weiss leave with the help of Klein, but at no point in time was there for her daughter. So, thanks Willow, for nothing.
Willow is right about Whitley, however it is infuriating that she’s putting his life on his sisters’ shoulders. “You left him here with us.” For fUCKS SAKE. I am doing my best not to go on a rant here, but this whole phrase truly angers me. WHITLEY IS NOT WINTER OR WEISS RESPONSIBILITY, IT NEVER WAS.
I always tried to shield my siblings from my parents’ wrath, but this is not a responsibility you should put in a child. I don’t fucking care if Winter and Weiss are adults, they are victims dealing with their trauma, and though we are all sure Weiss is going to help her brother, that’s not her job. It shouldn’t be her fucking job.
For me, if there was any way for Willow to be somewhat “redeemed” in my eyes, it would be by protecting at least 1 of her fucking children. Say what you want about Raven, she’s an asshole, a manipulator, and a coward, but at least she was there to protect Yang when Neo was about to murder her.
Also, Imma add this here: A kind anon informed me that the vodka that Willow drinks is labeled “Six Swans”, which is a fairy tale written by the Grimm brothers in which a Princess (later Queen) works in silence for years to set her family free from a curse.
If that’s true, then Willow’s cameras will bring Jacques down for treason and the Schnees will be free of him.
So, after all of that, I’m fucking delighted that Winter spoke out during the meeting. People pointed out that Robyn was happy at that, which means that she likely now knows that Ironwood doesn’t trust Jacques, and she will trust on the bees word more than she did last episode.
Don’t think I miss the flirting between Qrow and Clover. It’s so good to see Qrow opening up and refusing alcohol.
The Bad
Fancy dinner everyone! Except no one in the gang is dressed for the occasion.  It makes sense for Ironwood, Winter, and Clover to go in uniform, but the kids have no freaking excuse. Everyone was wearing dresses/suits, except for them. Was it too expensive to suit the gang up, CRWBY?
I don’t like the exaggerated movements of the whole JN_R operation. They could’ve gone the classy spy way, but I guess we need cheap laughs.
Unfortunately, after having a steady episode duration, the writers pull a move from their old books and cut a possible whole episode/special into two for cheap cliff hangers. There’s no reason this episode had to be only 15 minutes and end in the middle of the dinner party. It’s just stupid. This episode only has buildup, no middle, and no end.
I’ve taken a lot of points off this episode because of that cheap trick, I can’t believe they went back to it after doing so well previously.
The Dirty
A long as table and barely anyone there, the fuck???!!!!!!
Also where the fuck is KLEIN IF HE’S NOT SAFE I FUCKING QUIT.
Overall rating: 5/10
AN: We don’t talk about the Schnees.
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