#grimoire info
January Week 1
Welcome welcome to the 2024 Grimoire Challenge! Time to really get started everyone! This week will have a lot of stuff all jammed in. So buckle up, grab your grimoire and your supplies, and let’s get to work!
Name your book - this may seem silly and you definitely don’t need to name your book. Not properly at least. Other than “my grimoire” or “book of shadows” or what have you, which is totally fine. But some of us might feel the need to give it a proper title. “The Basil Grimoire” or “Hazel’s Handwritten Workings” something, anything, that ties the book to you and your craft. Make a title page! If you feel so inclined. If not, that’s fine too.
Definitions (New Page) - ritual and spell. Let’s define a few things. Make a page specifically for definitions, that we’ll add to through the challenge. Let’s start with a couple simple definitions. Define spell. And define ritual. Within the confines of magic, witchcraft and your practice. What is a spell? What is a ritual? What are the differences?
Study (herb) - Pick another herb from that list we made, and dig into the details. Make a page for it on its own, or add its info to another page! Whatever works for your craft. The questions to ask for these study prompts are going to continue to remain the same. Where did it come from, where does it grow, how does it grow, what are its mundane and practical uses. What are the myths and legends and stories surrounding the herb? What are its magical properties and why/ how do you think the other information you've learned about it have influenced its magical associations?
Outline/ index (New Page!) - it helped me a great deal to have an index or outline to my grimoire. I started this as a file on my computer as my grimoire grew and changed I could more easily manage it and rearrange it as I saw fit. Then eventually I could make it into a handwritten copy.
Study (gem) - Like our herb prompt, the gem prompts are going to always use the same outline and questions. Where does the gem come from? What is it used for in a practical and mundane sense? What are its physical properties? What are any myths, legends or stories? Where and how does it form? How does all of that relate to its magical correspondences and what does the herb mean to and for you in your craft?
Spellwriting 101 (New Page!) - make a new page dedicated to spellwriting. This is going to be one of those prompts that is focused on you and your craft. How do you write spells? How do you set them up? What components do you use? What is the format? How is it done? What does it require? From materials to timing and circumstances? Write it all out in your lab notebook. Make it a work in progress. Not all spells are going to work out the same or function the same as you perform them, but having a general layout and method helps to focus your practice.
Common tools - What are the common tools in your craft? That is, you don't need to have a list of every single tool ever used in witchcraft, just the tools that you use in yours. Both regularly and less regularly. What are they used for specifically? What purposes do they serve in the magical and practical sense? Are they ceremonial and symbolic or do they serve an actual physical purpose? (i.e. a wand used to direct energy serves many purposes, while an incense burner could literally just be that, an incense burner)
Year outline/ calendar - not everyone celebrates the same days, holidays or even the same holidays the same way. What are the special occasions and days in your calendar? Mark them and when the proper season/ holiday comes around, we can make pages dedicated to those days. This week this will simply be a list of these days, while later we will actually make pages for them individually. Think of it like the Wheel of the Year, Yule to Midsummer and so on. What days are important to you and your practice? Are they actual holidays? Or simply days of power like the full moon? Or is it simply days that are significant for other reasons, like the anniversary of the day you began practicing witchcraft?
Practical - tool usage - practice using your tools. For example if you use a wand. Practice using it to direct energies or whatever it is you utilize it for.
Altar design/ work space (New Page!) - make a page dedicated to your altar and its setup. Why are things where they are? The reasoning can be simple as “that’s where it fits” or you can give it a more meaningful reason. Candles in front of or behind something to represent some purpose. Do you have items that represent the elements? Deities? Different sources of power or directionality? Different colors for different meanings? Why is your altar the way it is?
Practical - cleansing space - practice cleansing your space and tools. This is of course a physical and 'energetic' cleansing. Tidy it up, redecorate your space, clean the tools if they have dust or ash or anything on them. Sometimes it is good to have a clean start.
Personal practices - this is just a thought provoking prompt tied in with the Journal prompt below. What are some of your personal practices that you've brought into your witchcraft? Anything from little habits from your every day life to things brought from religion or family traditions. No matter how hard we try, we carry within us echoes of things not related to our practices into it. And that is totally okay. Recognizing them, acknowledging them, and truly incorporating them can be a huge step toward understanding ourselves, our beliefs and our practices all around.
Journal/ introspective/ meditations - Think about the above and write any of it down that you come to terms with. Self understanding is important in and outside of witchcraft.
Thank you all and I hope this week's prompts aren't too overwhelming! Stay tuned next week for the next set of prompts!
-Mod Hazel
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thehazeldruid · 11 months
As wonderful as this hellsite is (was? Kind of….) for finding witchcraft and pagan information….
Always double check sources. Always look in more than one place. Search for answers, sure, but always check and double check, and find more sources for your information elsewhere.
I’ve met some great and knowledgeable witches and pagans on here
I’ve also met some pagans and witches on here with shit for brains
Discernment. It’s important.
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khajiithaswitchywares · 5 months
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wildflowercryptid · 6 months
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made some visdev doodles for my fancase & have gotten way too invested in characters that aren't even alive during the story, oops.
also, since some of the text in the last drawing is hard to read, here's the plain text version of the letter under the cut! ⤵
Dearest Ramona, Disregarding the ache in my heart whenever my thoughts linger on your absence, I have received your letter in good health. My recent expedition to the lake has borne quite the bountiful fruit, as I stumbled upon one of the mystids from the book you had shown me. It appears that a flock of Inkdips roost amongst the lake's spires and they are truly magnificent. When I gaze upon their elegant and beauteous visage, I am reminded of you. Enclosed is an Inkdip feather to serve as a memento. May it also be a promise that, one day, I shall share their splendor with you. I await your reply with bated breath. Yours forevermore, Reimund Remington
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witchyinfodumps · 2 years
Storm Water ⛈️
Storm Water is water that is infused with the energy of a Storm!
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You can make Storm Water either by filling a container of water with the rain coming from a Storm (With intention), or by leaving a container of water by a windowsill, or outside, during a Storm with the set intention of the water being infused with the Storms energy.
Storm Water Energy ⛈️
Though the energy can vary depending on the type of Storm, there are common themes.
Intense Power | Anger | Intensity | Confidence
Uses: Hexes, Curses, Shadow Work, and any spell you want to add a lot of extra power into.
Advice for Making Storm Water:
Whatever method you choose, set your intention in whatever way works best for you.
If you believe Storms have a spirit, ask the spirit of the Storm to infuse your water with all of its energy, and thank him too.
Pop a smoky quarts or black crystal into your container to use as a magnet to draw this energy in.
Visualize or watch the storm vividly, then imagine it's energy as a grey light, wrapping around and filling your container until it shines brightly.
Try to collect your water soon after the storm.
💫 Follow for more witchy info dumps, I'm an experienced witch and I'm going to cover loads of different topics 💫
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purplewitchycat · 27 days
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phae-undergrove · 2 years
Herbs to avoid for a viable pregnancy.
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With everything going on in the US right now I wanted to offer some resources that may help people in need of them, so, let's talk,
penny royal tea will destroy your liver, don't drink it. it's also important to know that a strongly infused oil should NOT be rubbed on the pelvic area as it may, with repeated use, cause loss of pregnancy
Cotton root bark this one should never be drunk as a tea, it has a long history of being problematic during early pregnancy. It also has a capacity to thin blood so women who accidentally ingest this will need to counter this with something like shepherds purse, please do you OWN research before consuming.
Black cohosh, blue cohosh, & angelic root should absolutely NEVER be taken during pregnancy especially alongside one another. These three have the capacity to disrupt hormone development & will typically cause bleeding to begin in just a handful of days in very early pregnancy
Queen Anne's lace should be avoided by anyone who's trying to conceive, it has a tendency to make the uterine wall slippery & prevents the precious egg from implanting. It's important to know that during pregnancy if the egg can't implant the pregnancy won't continue
Mugwort should be avoided as small amounts consumed in early stage pregnancy may cause uterine contractions, it's also worth noting that infused body oils may have the same effect but be a bit safer for the liver
Rue, while not often a commonly used herb, it shows up more in tea blends. This one can also be really problematic during pregnancy so much so that women for thousands of years have known to avoid it during pregnancy
Parsley, while safe in food level amounts, should be avoided in large quantities such as broths as it may cause spontaneous loss of pregnancy. Especially if the person happens to be taking larger doses of vitamin C which can also endanger an early pregnancy
Tansy, It's a fairly toxic plant containing the chemical thujone which causes uterine contractions but is also a brain stimulant. Whilst this herb must be used with caution, it is safe as long as doses are not exceeded.. It is possible (although unconfirmed) that tansy and vitamin C cancel each other out, so they shouldn't be used together. The amount of thujone present in tansy is highly variable and some plants can contain no traces of it while others produce oil up to 95% thujone. So each batch must be started at a low dose
These are just a handful of herbs that may disrupt hormones, cause uterine contractions, & that should be avoided by anyone wanting to keep a pregnancy viable
Keep learning and researching about these & the other herbs you may have access to and in your area that cause these effects. Of course please do your own research before consumption!
I mean how else would we avoid accidental miscarriages?😉💛
If you’d like to read about some more herbs and their dosages+ saftey please check out this pdf! It’s got an amazing array of info on this subject.
I’ve also included a link for a clinic locater should anyone need it! 💖
We’re in this together.
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noweyesee · 9 months
 Let’s talk about ●●●
●●● Glamoury III
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— How to use Glamor
● Affirmations: In this way, you will be affirming to yourself whatever your illusion about yourself is. Do you want to look kind? Affirm that you are being kind, that you are kind. Act like you're someone nice. You will emanate energies of kindness as you think and affirm yourself this way, and that is how other people will see you.
    Although it is a little simpler, it needs a lot of dedication and training, as it will not be done overnight, and it will also start in a simpler way. It may not seem to work at first - and it probably still won't - but over time and with practice, you will really be laying this illusion on yourself.
    ● Visualization in the aura: It usually needs silence and a lot of concentration, but with time and with training it can be improved and you will be able to perform it in everyday situations. It basically consists of you visualizing what you want directly in your aura. Want to put energies of attraction? Visualize your aura glowing, glowing in shades of red. Do you want protective energies instead? Visualize yourself being protected around your aura in a shield shape. Is your intention to go unnoticed? Then visualize your aura as protecting you, as if making you invisible.
● Enchantment: By combining the Glamor technique with the incantations, you can develop a simple rhyme or poem that, when recited, activates the desired illusory effect on you. And, in the same way that one will be created to activate the illusion, it is recommended that you create rhyme or some other way to deactivate it as well.
    When you create the rhyme, you will need to consecrate it so that it is connected to the specific illusion. This can be done by activating, even if momentarily, Glamory on you.
   For example, I will create an illusion of being protected from eyes, camouflaged, so that I can get home safely during the night. So, during a moment when I'm calm and peaceful, I choose the rhyme "To the magic that is due to me, I wish to go unnoticed!". When I say it aloud (or mentally), I visualize myself with a protective shield that makes me invisible, as if I weren't there. I envision this taking effect on me, and I affirm to myself that every time I repeat the rhyme, the illusion of invisibility will be activated, as it is activated at the moment.
    Now I will define the way I will disable Glamoury, and decide that when I snap the fingers of my right hand, the illusion will be disabled. That way, I snap my fingers and visualize that I'm being noticed again normally, in my normal state.
    ● Use of runes or symbols. It is similar to aura visualization, but with the addition of specific symbols or runes. In this case, you will choose a symbol that has to do with what you want to create illusory about yourself.
    For example, I go to a job interview and I want to convey confidence, to make the impression that I am someone who is successful in life. I can choose the Sigel rune, shown in the image to the side, so that it is providing its characteristics to my energies. Then I will visualize her above me, as if bathing in her radiance and her energies, and bringing this as an illusion.
The choice of the Sigel rune in the example is given because it is a rune of success, victory, shine - it is the rune of the Sun. In other words, it carries these energies of joy and motivation, which is exactly what I crave. But of course you can use any rune or symbol that has to do with your wish.
   In this case, to create Glamoury with symbols, runes and other representations, you will follow the way mentioned in the aura visualization, but instead of visualizing a color or a characteristic in your aura, you will visualize the symbol and its properties. Regardless of the symbol, sigil or rune you choose, you need to get into the rhythm of the symbol, understand its properties, and feel its energies to shape them in order to achieve the illusion about you. That is, you will have to be able to vibrate in the same energies as the symbol. And this you get through the energy training mentioned above, with practice and time.
   ● Magic shield: If you have a shield of protection, instead of visualizing in your aura, you can visualize directly in your magic shield the Glamoury you want. In this case, you can envision your magic shield taking a different shape according to the desired illusion, or coloring it with other shades, having specific details related to the illusion.
    This case is usually more experimental, with each practitioner having to see how they adapt to the energies, and how other people react to it. It is also a more practical way of using Glamory for everyday life, which can be changed according to the day, mood or need.
● Ritual: Of course you can develop numerous rituals for this purpose, however, I will mention one that is quite common and is often adopted for the development of Glamoury. I will quote the basics of the basics; if you want to use more elements like incense and other candles, feel free to increase it as much as you want. This ritual is often used to create illusions about features, such as the size of the nose - but it won't change anything physically! It will only create the impression that there has been a change.
    You will need a mirror and a candle (which can be any color). First, get silence and tranquility. Yes, this is essential, and it is not recommended to use music - at most ambient sounds, such as rain or forest. Turn off the lights and light the candle next to the mirror.
    Notice what you want to change about your face. Focus on it, see it in every way possible. Feel the energy emanating from all your cells that are in this place. Do you feel them alive, working every moment?
    Envision what you want to change. Increase, decrease, attenuate, disguise; no matter what it is, simply envision it happening. Incorporate this visualization into your image, as if it were already a part of you. Stay like this until you feel like you've had enough for the day, or until you can't concentrate anymore.
    Repeat the ritual on a specific routine - for example, daily, three times a week, etc. The more you practice, the more Glamor will work. The more training there is, the better the results. And remember that the illusion is not permanent, so it will only stay for as long as you are nurturing it and putting it on yourself. 
★ Glamour I | Glamour II ★
☆ Get Witchy |  Tip your witch ☆
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imp-thing · 1 year
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Reminder they have the same voice actor
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witches-grimm · 2 years
Want a Question Answered?
Need a Symbol for Motivation or Peace?
Have a Love for Poetry?
Well good news for you!
I am offering tarot readings, sigils and poetry commissions at this time. If you are interested I have written the process and the prices down below.
Service Request and Process
1.) If you are interested in my services, you can either DM me here, on Facebook or email [email protected] with what service you want and the details.
2.) Once I've confirmed your decision, I will send my Cashapp name for the payment...I will NOT provide any services until the full payment is made.
3.) Once the payment is made, then I will continue with my services through email or DM; whether that's writing what the cards revealed, sending the download of a sigil or the document of the poem. As for which one I would use, I prefer email but it is all up to you.
Please do keep in mind that it will sometimes take at most a week depending which service you choose;I do have another job and a life to keep up with. If anything happens to slow the process, I will keep you updated.
1 Card Read: $1
3 Card Read: $3
Celtic Cross Tarot Spread: $6
Six Month Spread: $8
Relationship Spread: $10
Twelve Month Spread: $12
The price of any special request spreads can be negotiated.
Simple One Word: $2
Complex One Word: $5
Simple Phrase: $8
Complex Phrase: $15
If there is a specific style you want or just want me to style it myself, we can talk about those details.
I charge $1 every 8 words up to 120 words. After that every 4 words is $1 with no max limit. We can always talk details on what style of poem you want and what you want it to be about, if there is a specific word used, etc...
Tarot reading is subject to interpretation and should not be taken as absolute. A tarot reading is never 100% accurate.
All tarot readings done by me are for entertainment purposes only, and no guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of a reading.
A tarot reading and/or sigil does not replace professional medical/legal/business opinion and advice. It will not force you to follow a particular course of action, or attempt to exert any form of control over your free-will and common sense.
The contents of a tarot reading are not legally binding. Any decisions made, or actions taken by you as a result of your tarot reading are your sole responsibility and have not been forced upon you, by me, your tarot reader.
I assume no legal liability for any damages, losses, or other consequences of any client decisions, subsequent to, or based on, my tarot readings or sigils made.
Please use your own common sense and judgment at all times. It is only with the complete understanding and acceptance of the above that your reading will take place.
I will not be held liable if the future depicted in the tarot card reading has not come to pass, or if it has. The future is ever changing, a single action can shift everything that could occur and so readings are only a glimpse at a current future that could change at any moment; because of this any number of futures exist and I cannot be held accountable if the one depicted did not come to pass.
I will not be held liable if a sigil requested by a client is used with malicious intent. How a client decides to use their sigil is of their own accord.
All information exchanged between my client and myself during readings and/or emails shall remain confidential. No personal information shall be passed on to anyone, including third parties. I will not discriminate against any client due to their questions.
Due to the nature of my work, I will not refund tarot readings, sigil commissions or poem commissions. I will share drafts, if asked, with my watermark, to prevent theft, so we can work out details that need to change to better the product.
The final product (and rough draft) is for personal use only and may not be edited in any way for commercial use. Removal of identifying features to credit me of my work will result in a permanent ban of my services and pending further action, which may include legal action.
In asking for my services and accepting my services, you agree to everything that is disclosed in this post.
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grey-sorcery · 2 years
Conlang making Services: OPEN (0/1)
This service entails the commission of a constructed language for use in witchcraft and/or world building. Due to the complexity of this service and the timeframe required, I can only handle one commission at a time. If placed on a wait list, the wait time may range from a month to a year. This service does not include a script. If you’d like a script made for your conlang, please click the link below.
Script Making Services
Consultation: $40 (does not include discussions of what service entails)
Down payment: 50% of total + $20
0-99 word lexicon: $10/5 words
100 word lexicon: $150
200 word lexicon: $250
300 word lexicon: $400
500 word lexicon: $650
600+ word lexicon: $700 (+ $10/10 words over 600)
This type of commission may take a lot of time to complete. My pricing reflects just how much labor goes into a commission. There cannot be any guaranteed time frame, but I will provide bi-weekly progress updates in which we can discuss details of the commission and its direction. Conversations may include some linguistics jargon. If you aren’t familiar with words I ask about, I may be able to rephrase the questions. However, a working understanding of this jargon will make the process go by faster.
DM me for payment and consultation.
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January week 4
Deeper into the Elements
Monday - Fire
Study prompt/ New Page - look into aspects of fire. What is fire? What does the archetype of fire mean to you and in your practice? How do you utilize this element? How do you utilize its energy? What are some associations, plants, gems, metals etc.
Practical/ Hands on - connect with fire. Light a candle or sit by a fire (safely!) and stare into it. Feel its heat. Connect yourself to the element. What does it feel like? What do you feel like? What does it mean? Journal about the experience.
Study prompt - pick another of those herbs from your list and study it! Everything from practical uses, mundane uses, cooking uses, medicinal uses. How do those things play into its magical associations? How do you grow or propagate it? As much info as possible.
Tuesday - Earth
Study prompt/ new page - look into aspects of the element of earth. What does earth mean to you and in your practice? What associations does it have? What does the archetype of earth feel like and mean to you? How do you utilize and use energy from this element or this element itself in your practice?
Practical/ hands on- connect to earth. Sit in the grass or on the bare ground (if you can, it is winter where I’m at after all) and connect to the earth. How does it feel? How do you feel? Journal about the experience.
Study prompt - pick a gemstone off your list and study it! From its properties to how it is formed and where it is from!
Wednesday - Water
Study/ new page - look into the element of water. Like the above, look into as many aspects of water as possible. What does the archetype of water mean to you? How do you utilize its energy? What are some associations of water? How does this element fit into your practice?
Practical - connect to water. Take a bath or shower, drink a healthy amount of water, go swimming, sit in a hot tub. How do you connect yourself to water? How do you feel and how does it feel? Journal the experience.
Thursday - Air
Study/ new page - look into the element of air. What does the archetype of air mean to you? How do you utilize air in your practice? What are some associations of air? Think about the four winds, what are those archetypes and where do they stem from?
Practical - connect with air. Sit in front of a fan or outside in the breeze. Breathe deep. Connect yourself to air and feel it, think about it, what does it mean to you? Journal the experience.
Practical - write a spell or ritual! Any kind is fine, but if keeping with the above prompts, one pertaining to one or all of the elements! A ritual to connect to and call on them all or a spell that utilizes one specifically. A water cleansing or a fire banishment or releasing spell. Whatever works! Put it in your lab notebook to use and rework later if necessary.
Friday - Secondary
Study - secondary elements what are they? Think of abstract concepts. Light, shadow, time, order, chaos. Do those things have elemental value? I know @stormwaterwitch has a series on some of these concepts.
Journal/ introspective - your connection to the elements. Now that you’ve connected to all of them, really look inward and see how these elements affect and influence you. How do they relate to your life and how do you relate to them?
Again, if you’re not into herbs and gems, feel free to study literally any topic on the days that those prompts pop up!
Thank you all again and happy crafting!
-Mod Hazel
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m0e-ru · 1 year
why did you give izanami nullity? is that even an actual arcana?
oh shit I never explained this at all here ever have i 🤯
short answer: no it’s not a real tarot, however it's somewhat derivative of The Fool and the reverse of The World (you get where this is going).
long answer sponsored by moel oil gas corp
It was all the way back when I started thinking of this au making it the first few things I ever thought about in the lens of gameplay and lore wise. I figured I’d follow how they implemented Adachi’s SL and mimic that-ish.
In the way that Social Links and Arcana are affected by the Velvet Room’s guest’s perception of their bond, the nature of the relationship itself etc etc. It’s what gives them strength and in P4’s context, helps bancho find the truth.
By definition “nullity” could mean “nothingness” “insignificance” “nonentity” “a thing of no importance or worth” where I just hoped it would be the opposite to “anybody” or “everything”
that being said if this social link was ever implemented into the game players would fucking hate it for how stupid volatile it is <- thought about gameplay
while it’s incredibly easy to garner points since whatever the fuck you say to their face wouldn’t really matter, the schedule is so intertwined with the story itself if you missed the dates to rank up one rank the whole social link would just be gone from your SL menu and it would’ve been like there was never an attendant to begin with
you keep the attendant part time job just . without the attendant. they even stop showing up when it rains they’re just fucking out of there they’re done with you
not only is there a strict schedule but also dumb prerequisites to each rank like initiating Justice or getting Jester to rank 3 not only do you have to worry about the day but if you’ve gotten those ready or not <- dumbass hypothetical game mechanics <- is the one that thought of the game mechanics
BUT if you do it all right and get it to rank 9 you’re technically fine and Yomotsu-Hirasaka becomes Yomotsu-Hirafuckedup and is worse than the Hollow Forest itself gamefaqs worst jrpg dungeon of the decade. If you choose the right dialogue options maybe you’ll a good bad ending where someone theoretically dies but it continues like the game’s True ending or maybe you get Nullity to rank 10 and it becomes the Universe and you get a special key to unlock episode izanami on persona four arena ultimax for free and the whole story completely diverges from there
moving the hypothetical gameplay aside, i make mim go through their own’s fool’s journey if you know a thing or two about the actual tarot. that makes three clowns and a judge at the gas station it’s a circus at that point (gave Namatame Adjustment tarot, Thoth equivalent of Justice)
while i also understand the weight of the World and Universe arcana in the Persona-verse itself i like to mess around and give mim the universe hehe (i am pulled off stage probably) i think it’d be cool to see another fool complete their journey and receive the world
i probably mentioned this 10000 times or never times on this gas station i don’t know but my plans for mim at least is that. well. they’re quite literally nothing
sure they’re a god sure they have a duty they have a face they have a name they have the power to manipulate the manifested world of a collective unconscious—but it’s anyone else’s bond with the attendant, it's the gas station attendant social link. nothing more than a role they play to put their plan into action. like acting as a manager for a bunch of amateur teenage show hosts or puppeteering Teddie’s poor Shadow or governing an entire reality
something meant to be disposable and forgettable—something empty. like a weirdly crocheted pouch you think you wouldn’t use and probably end up unraveling to reuse the yarn but you used it so much, put things in it, decorated it even, that there’s sentimental value to it now and you can just toss it out or unravel it anymore <- has been crocheting
that’s no longer nothingness that’s no longer nullity there’s essence and something and ego that yes maybe this bond will change dramatically from both parties’ view
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Hello! It's my first time opening commissions outside of my usual community so I'm a little nervous. 😅
Commissions are open!
If you have any questions or you want to order, feel free to contact me on any of my socials!
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wildflowercryptid · 6 months
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art by catherine unger
losing it over the fact that fitz's room was originally gonna have a small shrine dedicated to penny in it, he was so freaking head over heels in love with her oh my god???? 😭😭😭
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celticbogwitch · 1 year
blessed beltane all who observe!
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