#gus x marlon
dmfromtheblacklagoon · 5 months
It seems people really enjoyed the last headcannon post, so I have returned, this time with headcannons for the non-romanceable characters!
I love all of the characters in this game, and have created so many little dumb ideas for them, so here ya go!
We have confirmation that Linus came from a wealthy family, but put this life aside, donating his money to various charities and organizations to help others, and I like to imagine that he still enjoys working with these charities from time to time, whether this be shelter work, environmental care, or supporting other people!
Willy never had children, but took in Elliot as his own, teaching him everything he would need to know regarding the seas, and quickly takes in Farmer as well, after learning about their love for fishing.
Gus is a trans guy! I don't have any evidence for this, but I just adore Gus so much and need this in my life.
Gunther is a long-time DM, and runs a small group with some of the local teens, and maybe some of the adults! I feel like his fascination of antiques and old treasures has assisted his DMing skills, or possibly the other way around!
Kent has learned how to sew, knit, and garden in order to get closer with Jodi and the kids once he returned to Pelican Town. (He's trying to be a better dad, he already is such a good guy :])
Mr. Qi is quite close with both Sandy and Gus, considering them friends!
Pierre was a college dropout, yet still considers himself a "man of study", I'm sorry, I just can't see this man as anything but an arrogant asshole.
The Wizard is incredibly supportive of the queer folks in the town, and Farmer, and will offer help with anything. Gender change? He's got you. Voice manipulation? He's got the stuff. Just be careful if he invites you to share a pipe!
Marlon and the Wizard are the local salty gay couple, Statler and Waldorf style, and lurk in the back during the flower dance, taking the last dance for themselves.
Pam loves thrifting and going on antiquing sprees with Harvey, and she knows how to absolutely steal a deal, girlie would most definitely punch an old woman over an auction item.
This is all I have atm, but if you want more, please let me know!! I love making stupid little theories for the glorbos. :]
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admrlthundrbolt · 18 days
Therapy (Harvey x Chubby Reader)
With the over abundance of monsters cropping up in the mine. Marlon decides that it's time to bring in a capable monster hunter. What will Harvey do when the new strong woman in town needs a helping hand?
Hey guys, I'm back at it again. Stardew Valley has to be one of my favorite games of all time. I don't even want to think about how many hours I've put into it.
Anywho, I've recently realized how much I love Harvey. It's always refreshing to find a male character that's allowed to be vulnerable. Though Stardew Valley is great at making well rounded characters. So I decided he needed a strong reserved woman to c one into the picture.
I hope you enjoy.
Rubbing a hand across his face, Marlon let out a heavy sigh. Gus glanced his way and couldn't help but feel sympathetic. The old adventurer really had put in the years taking out monsters. His face always had a shadow of weariness to it. Lately though, it seemed as if the man could barely keep his eyes open.
Bringing him over another mug of beer, he shook his head as the guild keeper reaches for his wallet. “No, this one's on the house.” The man's mouth creased into a frown. “If you really want to repay me, then why not tell me why you look exhausted.”
Laying his arms on the bar counter, he sagged a bit. “That obvious huh?” He wasn't surprised at the knowing look on the bar keeper's face. “The monsters have been more than a handful lately. In fact I've had to call in a reinforcement.” His hands tightened into fist at the admission. It was bad enough to know he was aging out of being an adventurer. Another thing all together to call in for some young blood.
Gus dropped his gaze to the glass he was cleaning. He understood why the man would be annoyed by bringing in help. He was thankful for Emily's help, don't get him wrong. But he could remember the days when he would run laps around any of his customers. There wasn't time to dwell on that though. It was time to comfort his good friend. And maybe get a bit of gossip on the new monster hunter heading to town.
It wasn't long before word had gotten around the valley. Everyone was anticipating their arrival. Would they stay in town or the guild? What was their likes and dislikes? Were they hot? Not knowing that you were already in the valley. Spending nights in the mines and days resting. It wasn't as if you had time for socializing. You were here for a job, simple as that.
That was the plan at least, until Gil got involved. He made it his mission on this particular Friday to badger you out of the guild. “You're young, you should enjoy these years. Why if I had a nickel for every Friday I wish I had gone out, I'd be rich.” He scowled at you from the rocking chair. You knew the truth, that twinkle in his eye. The way his mouth couldn't quite stay down in the corners. He was goading you and having a great time while he was at it.
This continues for the next hour. How his voice can carry through the entire guild was an annoying mystery. Stomping over to the accursed rocking chair that he haunts, you all but snarl. “Will you give me a moment of peace if I go to the Saloon for an hour?” Your expression was more tired than angry. And he used it to his advantage.
“Make it two and I'll leave you alone. For now that is.” That was the best offer you were going to get. Huffing you begrudgingly made your way out. Only for his voice to ring out. “You're not going like that are you?”
Without a glance back you sprinted for the door. Trying to block out his high pitched cackles all the way.
You were going to kill Gil when you got back. These people meant well, at leasted they seemed to. But if you had one more damn drink bought for you, you were going to drown.
Your original plan to grab a beer and sulk in a shadowy corner was already taken. A guy in a patched blue jacket was less than pleased to see you invading his space. After a short introduction and a quicker screw off. You were thrown to the proverbial sharks. Without so much as a floaty in sight. Stuck in a bar stool and surrounded by curious locals was the last place you wanted to be.
The all to helpful waitress, you think her name was Emily. Smiled brightly as she refilled your mug. Your eyes narrowed at the drink, but you gripped the handle all the same. Promising yourself that you would sip this one.
“So you planning to stay around in the Valley? After you finish lending a hand to Marlon that is." She waited eagerly for your answer. With how the bar quieted down, it seemed that she wasn't the only one wanting to know your answer. It wasn't everyday that someone new came to Stardew. Especially someone that was so interesting. A true blue adventurer had come to help with the Monster issue. Who wouldn't be a bit curious about someone like that. Who was so soft, a plush body that covered some serious strength. It was something that was worth a fantasy or two.
You brought the glass to your lips to cover a wince. This seemed to be a question that followed adventurers around. Were you staying, if the answer was no there were always more. Where are you going? What are you doing there? Will you come back? It wasn't that you wanted to push everyone away. It was just for the best that people were kept at a distance. You didn't want to drag anyone into a life like this.
So you gave the same generic answer that got you a bit of peace. “I'm not sure yet. This is a great town though.” You relaxed as understanding smiles passed over the small crowd. Only to blink as the faces started to blur together. Looking up to the clock, you stared at the numbers as they merged. Glancing down at your empty mug, you couldn't help but glare. So much for sipping.
Harvey watched as you slid from your stool. He had seen the look on your face. He has seen it on Shane's many times before. It was always a sad time when the gruff man turned to the bottle rather than a friend.
He hadn't meant to stare at you throughout the night. But you were just so enchantingly different. Your soft and muscled form showing signs of your adventuring past. Scars here and there decorated your gorgeous body. And while you weren't the most talkative person. That didn't mean that the entire saloon wasn't hanging off of your every word. Including the doctor himself.
“Don't stop the good times on my account. But I've got a job to get back too. Need to be well rested and all.” Even as a few disappointed groans sounded out, no one could argue with you. It was important for you to help with the increased monster population. Making your way to the entrance, you focused on not stumbling. Which admittedly gave a odd step to your walk. Something that worried the doctor.
Looking down at his drink he couldn't help fretting over you. It was part of his job to keep the people in town healthy. Especially people who made a living doing such dangerous work. Honestly attractive people that he would love to get to know better.
Glancing down at his watch he was surprised to see that you had left only a short while ago. Well it wouldn't hurt to get some fresh air outside. And if he happened to come across you on say a walk towards the mountains. That wouldn't be so odd now would it. Summoning up his resolve, he left the Saloon. As he turned to head up past the General Store, he came to an abrupt stop. There you were, slupped under the bulletin board. You were holding your head and groaning. Rushing over, he kneeled down in front of you.
“(Y/N), are you ok?” He wanted to check you over. But scaring you was the last thing he needed. A frightened and drunk patient was a lot harder to deal with.
Head jerking up towards the voice, you moaned at how fast the world was spinning. It still didn't stop your hand from drifting to your belt. Until you realize that you had left your weapons at the guild. Which was a good thing. Sharp things and alcohol didn't mesh well together. Squeezing your hands around nothing, you sighed. Squinting up at the man in front if you, you tried to remember his name. He was the town's doctor, wasn't he? Yeah, did this mean you had injured yourself. Closing your eyes you did a quick inventory of your body. This was an important part of any adventurer’s training. Not feeling anything out of the ordinary, beyond the effects of the alcohol.
You looked back at the mustached man. He was pretty handsome. Seemed to take pride in his appearance, if not a bit dorky. But who were you to judge, you had enjoyed many sessions of Solarion Chronicles back in the day. Nodding your head, you winced immediately.
He steadied you and frowned. In the state you were in it would take a lot of effort to get you back to the guild. Chewing his lip he decided to take another chance. “It may not be the most comfortable option. But you're welcome to take one of the clinic beds for the night. No pressure of course.” He waited for your answer with baited breath.
Knowing that nodding would be a bad idea, you said. “I've had worse offers.” Placing a hand on the wall behind you, you braced yourself. Only to have shock corse through you. The doctor had placed his shoulder under your arm. Hoisting you up slowly and gently. Shooting an embarrassed smile in his direction, you made your way next door.
Your head was pounding before your eyes fluttered open. A queasy feeling lodged in the pit of your stomach. Even the blankets felt too heavy and scratchy upon you skin. It was a suffocating feeling, overwhelming and sickening. It took several moments before you could gather yourself enough to open your eyes.
Taking in the unfamiliar surroundings, you were on high alert. The room smelled sterile and held two beds. Blinding light blared from the ceiling. You blinked several times, trying to adjust to the brightness. Sitting up slowly, you could feel your stomach roll and churn. Bracing yourself, you held back from anything exiting your gut.
Flopping down on your back, you threw your arm over your eyes. Taking a moment to gather yourself. Only to jolt up as a door squeaked open.
“Oh good. I was hoping I wasn't going to wake you.” The man was just as put together as what little you recalled. Though the night before was a bit hazy, you weren't one to get black out. Under any circumstances, keeping your wits was top priority.
Wiping a hand down your face you tried to hold back a grimace. “Yeah. It would have been no problem if you had though. I've definitely inconvenienced you enough.” Slipping off the bed, you pulled yourself together the best you could. Not expecting the man to rush over to you. A worried expression flitting onto his face.
“Are you sure your well enough to go? You were quite out of it last night.” His worrying was equal part endearing and annoying. But that didn't stop him from hovering close to you. He would hate himself if you got hurt in his clinic.
“Nothing some water and aspirin won't fix.” Digging in you pockets you pulled out a beat up wallet. “What do I own you Doc?” You were surprised when he put his hand over your own. You forced yourself to ignore how much you enjoyed his warmth.
Shaking his head, he push your hand down gently. “I wouldn't dream of taking any kind of payment. Consider it neighbors helping each other out. And please just Harvey is fine.” He gave you such a sincere look that it made your heart leap into your throat.
Putting away your wallet, you decided that arguing with a hangover wasn't worth it. Though that didn’t mean that the attractive doctor was going get a favor from you. You weren't the type of person to leave debts unpaid.
Harvey wasn't sure how to feel as of late. He was hoping his kind gesture would make a good first impression. But it seemed to have the opposite effect. He had heard of your recent trips to town. While he hadn't seen even a glimpse of you. Not even at the Saloon. He could understand why you might avoid that location though. He didn't want to admit it, but your avoidance had been a blow to his self-esteem. Still he didn't give up hope that you might meet again. Even if was just for a more professional reason.
His downtrodden thoughts seeped away as the clinic door opened. It was time to get back to business. Waiting for a few moments, he started to wonder what could be keeping Maru. Looking through the window of the partition door, he froze. There you were, you were more dazzling than he remembered. It seemed that you had decided to dress more casually today. He couldn't help the way his eyes trailed down your form. Admiring the years of effort you put into your body.
You talked quietly with his nurse and patted a bag resting against your side. He would be more interested in the contents. If only he could rip his gaze from your face. Your soft smile warmed his insides. He could admire your enchanting features for hours. But as you nodded and squeezed the other woman's shoulder. He couldn't help feeling jealous. There wasn't much time to dwell on the rock in the pit of his stomach. Not with you walking his way. Darting towards his office, he tried to calm his racing heart.
Poking your head through the door, you looked around the room. Your eyes pinned him to his chairs as a grin settled on your face. “Hey Doc. You got a minute?”
Glancing at his schedule, he was glad for the moment to gather his thoughts. You were here, in his office, asking for him! Shuffling a few more papers, even though he knew he had no afternoon appointments. He nodded and turned towards you. “I have some spare time. What can I do for you.” His pulse may not be slowing. But he had at least managed to not make a fool of himself.
Stepping into the room, you leaned your hip against his desk. “Look, I know you said that I didn't owe you anything. That didn't sit right with me though. I like to know every debt I have is taken care of. So I asked around.” Pulling a bottle from your bag, you gingerly set it in front of him. “When I heard that you enjoy wine, I knew just the thing.”
He picked up the bottle and couldn't help the smile that took over his features. The label was hand drawn and had well thought out penmanship. It was a bit stain, that only added to the charm to him. He set it down gently and faced you. “This is to much, I can't accept.”
Your face dropped. Scrambling to point out the flaws on the bottle, you said. “No look, the label isn't even on straight. And uh, you can see where I spilled coffee on it too. Plus Gil had to help me brew it. So I didn't even do all of the work. It was the least he could do after all.” Your face flushes a bit as you focused back on the doctor. “Although I guess not everything about that night was bad.”
He took in your ernest expression and the blush crawling across your plump cheeks. While on the one hand it didn't feel right taking such a splendid gift from you. On the other he didn't want to offend you by not taking it. It wasn't that he was ungrateful. But you had asked about his interests and made him something special. Something that you could enjoy yourself, not give to someone you barely knew. This thought sparked a sudden idea. One that he couldn't stop himself from blurting out. “I would enjoy it more in your company.” He watched as the flush traveled down your neck. A look of confusion settled on your face.
“Are you asking me out?” You tried to hide your incredulous tone. It's not that he hadn't been on your mind. That this wasn't the first bottle you made. Deeming the first one as not good enough. As you take in his own appearance. Between his put together yet dorky clothes. The way he puts effort into grooming himself. Pair with his kind and caring ways. You believed you could look past your don't get to close policy.
It was his turn to become flustered. But as he tried to stutter out a friendly response, he had to be honest with himself. You were someone he wanted to spend more time with. And there was a part of him that hoped it could be romantic. Though he would settle for platonic if you prefered it. Gathering his nerve he nodded. “I am…. If your OK with that.”
Stepping forward, you placed a hand on his chest and grinned. “I think I'll take you up on that. I have the rest of the day off. If you're free that is.” You were happy that your feelings weren't one side. Why not make the most of your time here.
Your hand resting against him caused a warmth to travel over him, settling in the tips of his ears. “Yyyeah, of course. I don't have anymore patients this afternoon. I'm sure Maru wouldn't mind ending the work day a bit early.” Poking his head through the partition he was surprised to see her packing things away.
Turning towards him she smiled. “All packed up boss, I'll see you tomorrow.” She started for the door, pausing as he called out.
“How did you know?” He fumbled with his words.
Her smile widened. “Well, after she asked about you. Let's just say I had a feeling. Enjoy your date.” She closed the door and he heard the click of the lock.
His thoughts whirled as he realized that she must have heard. Still there were very few things that could take away from the excited thrum coursing through him. Making his way back to the office, he couldn't help the extra pep in his step. Seeing your face perk up as he returned cemented his descion to go with his instincts. Leading you up to his home, he knew this would be a risk worth taking.
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lily-alphonse · 2 months
Rarepair Challenge✨
Send me an ask of any wild Stardew ship pairing (base game) and I will make a convincing argument for how it would work / how I would write them. Even non-marriageable candidates are fine I want crazy pairings fr. I just love thinking about this shit and I love a challenge give it to meeee (pls only send 1 pair per ask, multiple asks are fine!)
If one gets popular enough I will consider writing it perhaps ;)
Alex x Elliott
Alex x Haley
Alex x Leah
Alex x Penny
Alex x Sam
Alex x Sebastian
Alex x Shane
Abigail x Haley
Abigail x Maru
Birdie x Willy
Caroline x M. Rasmodius
Elliott x Emily
Elliott x Gus
Elliott x Harvey
Elliott x Penny
Elliott x Sandy
Elliott x Sebastian
Elliott x Shane
Elliott x Willy
Emily x Leah
Emily x Sandy
Gunther x Willy
Gus x Linus
Gus x Marnie
Gus x Willy
Haley x Harvey
Haley x Leah
Haley x Maru
Haley x Penny
Haley x Robin
Haley x Sam
Haley x Sandy
Haley x Sebastian
Haley x Shane
Harvey x Shane
Leah x Sandy
Leah x Shane
Linus x Rasmodius
Marlon x Marnie
Marlon x Rasmodius
Maru x Sam
Morris x Pierre
Morris x Shane
Penny x Sam
Penny x Sandy
Penny x Shane
Rasmodius x Mr. Qi
Sam x Shane
Sandy x Shane
Sebastian x Shane
Shane x Mr. Qi
I have A LOT in my inbox rn, I will get to your ask as soon as possible lol If you are a writer yourself feel free to use these ideas with credit
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I make mini-comics and art of Stardew Valley characters!
(animations and writings too if I'm up to it)
I post art on Monday and Friday and Wednesday is for everything else!
All my art will be tagged with -> #SDVBID art
QNA stuff and Answer archive!
inbox answers are tagged with #ask if you want to look through that!
Templates I use
Below is my Comics, Art, Doodles, and everything else organized and labeled with specific character appearances, enjoy!
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Vulnerability- Alex, Me???
A little jealous- Rasmodious, Farmer
Gossip- Caroline, Abigail, Pierre, Rasmodius, Farmer
"Experimental noise" they said.- Sam, Abigail, Sebastian, Farmer, Jodi, Vincent, Leo, Linus
Bots- My chicken
Golden Scythe!- Farmer
Hair cuts!- Marnie, Shane, Emily
You weren't supposed to do that- Elliott
Two types of winter players: Farmers
Double trouble bubble brew!- (part 3) Penny, Alex, Abigail, Farmers, Harvey, Maru, Sam
Trouble continues to brew!- (part 2) Harvey, Maru, Abigail, Alex
Trubble in the Spirits Eve Maze- (part 1) Abigail, Alex
A different point of view- Leah
A head cannon of mine...- Farmer
Stalker vibes- (2 panell) Farmer, Sebastian, Robin
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Happy 1-year anniversary/birth to me!🎉
Salad and Steaks- Farmer, Alex
Lewis in gold
Let me in! (animation)- Demetrius, Farmer
Marlon headcanon art
He would NEVER!... or would he?- Mr Qi
Harvey and his planes
Happy Valentine's Day!- Krobus
Not Invited- Pam, Willy, Marnie, Lewis, Robin, Gus
Haley's material girl arc
Here's a chicken animation I made- Chickens :)
High Score- Sam, Sebastian
Feast of the Winter Star- Jas, Farmers, Lewis, Abigail
Emily's old hairstyle
A pirates wife- Birdie
Say cheese!- Krobus
Scarecrows and Rarecrows- Farmers
Harvey- with bonus one pannel comic- BLOOD
Winter Jas
3rd time's the charm!- Farmers
Favoritism- Farmers
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How the Farmers Heal- Harvey- BLOOD/CUTS
Controversial Alex opinions
Emily in a jester outfit!
Favorite and least favorite- Krobus, Bouncer guy
SHADOW WIZARD MONEY GANG- Mr Qi, Rasmodious, Grandpa
Who has the longer hair?- Elliott, Farmer
Sam with check it face meme
Family Dinner night- Sam, Farmer, Vincent, Jodi
Shane's canonical birthday
Sick farmers characterization
He's just standing there...MENACINGLY- Sebastian, Jas
The smallest :)- Harvey
8th anniversary of Stardew- Junimos
Haley x Femm Farmer
Farmer Grandpa phone doodle
Haley holding lesbian flag
Mask Farmer doodles
Abigail bonus doodles
Halloween Ref for comic- Penny, Harvey, Maru, Alex, Abigail, Sam
Mr. Qi ref
Rasmodius ref
Shane ref
Penny and Abigail ref
Maru, Leah, Farmers, Harvey, Elliott, Alex, Sam ref
Old base farmer ref (Fem)
Old base farmer ref (Mask)
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i have a request! + a little bit of a ranting because i love talking about this game (if you don't want to see the long rant you can skip to the two last paragraphs with the actual request :3)
ok so, i played SDV multiple times (although i never did the 100% challenge, i played at least 9 to 10 different saves), and i noticed that, throughout the entire game, the farmer's parents only send 4 letters for them, and for you to even receive said letters, you need to obtain certain amount of gold. plus, another detail is that only one of the parents will send you a letter (depending of the gender option you chose in-game), while the other one is never mentioned even once.
additionally, i also found interesting how, whenever Harvey mentions having to do "an emergency surgery" on the player, the parents never even send a letter mentioning it or anything. i would assume that for something as serious as a surgery, a family member would be contacted in case anything went south, but that never seemed to be the case. you simply wake up from the surgery, go home, sleep, and your parents never even show sign of being alive.
i know Eric most likely did this to 1. keep the past of the farmer as vague as possible for people who enjoy creating OCs/sonas to not have to ignore canon details, and 2. in regards of the letters, to reward the player for reaching x milestone. however, my little brain could not help but assume that the reason the farmer barely receives any letters from their parents (and when they do it's only from one of them) it's because they bought some heavy mommy/daddy issues™ baggage with them to the valley.
and that's where my request comes from: how would the older villagers (preferably those with no children and/or spouses, like Gus, Marlon, Willy, Linus, etc) react to the farmer accidentally calling them mom/dad, because the farmer views them as the parental figure they wish they had in their life? would it be awkward? would they be flattered? would they comfort the farmer? i NEED to know.
additionally, i would prefer if you could make it a mixture of angst and fluff. plus, you can choose any villager you want, i just ask you to include Willy, since he's the one that i made a father/child relationship with my OC and who inspired this request in the first place.
thank you, hope it wasn't too much!!! and take care :3
I have to say, when I first played the very first save, I was also interested in the fact that only one parent sent letters, and even the letter itself didn't say "me and your mom/dad are proud of you", but just "I'm proud of you, with love dad/mom). Then the letters stopped coming altogether. My first guess and failed headcanon for my OC is that Farmer only had one parent (the other parent abandon family/dead), and when the letters stopped coming, the other parent passed away as well. And then I thought it was a pretty dark headcanon and scrapped the idea. Don't want too much angst, nope!
I really like this ask, because in my opinion, even if Farmer has living and loving parents, they will still see some people in Stardew Valley as a parental figure, because Farmer's family is far away.
I hope you enjoy the stories, I tried to make them both sad and fluffy at the same time. Thanks for ask and enjoy! ❤️
Willy, Marlon, Linus and Gil react to Farmer calling them dad.
Amazement, laughter and pride is what Willy felt as Farmer very emotionally showed how they caught the Legendary fish in the mountain lake, not forgetting to gesticulate. They and Willy were sitting on the docks on a late summer night when, a little tired from fishing, they began to tell each other their fishing stories over a bottle of mead.
"That fish almost tore the fishing line, but I still managed to pull it out. I swore and puffed, but I pulled it out! It was huge!" The farmer summarized his story.
"What a fisherman! Well done, lad/lass!" The old fisherman's heart rejoiced that young people were still interested in fishing.
"Thanks, Dad!" The Farmer quickly said the last phrase on emotion, but their smile quickly slipped and they slapped themselves on the mouth. Willy also sat silent, a little surprised at the last word. Dad... The sea wolf had his heart broken more than once in his youth, and he had already resigned himself to the fact that he would never hear that word. He wasn't sad, for fishing did bring him happiness. And still...
"Sorry, that was... Ugh, I didn't mean to-" The Farmer was already trying to get out of the awkward situation, except that they felt the old sailor's hand on their shoulder, Willy's eyes looking at them with pride and warmth.
"You're welcome, son/daughter. I'm really proud of you". Never did Willy think he could say such words, the words of a proud parent for his growing child. Willy did not have a wife or children, so he could not feel the pain of loss from something he never had. And yet, after that word, he felt as if a stone had been lifted from his shoulders, and a warmth flooded into the old sailor's heart when the Farmer, crying, hugged him back after his words.
"I'm fine!" The Farmer's voice came up from the bottom floor of the mine, letting Marlon know that they weren't under a rubble pile of rocks or in a nest of monsters. After a moment, Farmer was able to climb out of the hole in the floor on their own, unharmed, just a couple of scratches and with dirt.
Seeing that the Farmer was standing on their feet and unharmed, Marlon sighed in relief. But immediately, anger filled the old one-eyed adventurer's chest. Using a mega bomb on slimes - how did they even think of this!? The uppermost levels of the mines can collapse from a not too strong explosion, and then there's explosives of such power!
"Things went a little off plan, but we still destroyed those slimes. I call it success," the Farmer didn't have time to finish, as Marlon walked up to them quickly and gave them a not too strong, but quite painful smack upside the head. The Farmer immediately writhed in discomfort.
"Ouch! Why?"
"What were you thinking!?" It was the first time the Farmer saw Marlon so angry, the one-eyed monster hunter rarely lost his temper, "Have you lost your mind? Using a bomb, here! You could have died under that rubble!"
"But I-" Marlon interrupted Farmer again, raising his hand in a gesture.
"We have to think about every step we make in a fight, and what did you do?" Marlon was already speaking more calmly, but his tone remained the same steely. The Farmer had already feel ashamed and regretted their careless decision.
Yet, when Marlon calmed down and scolded the Farmer, taking their word that they would never act so recklessly again, the elder adventurer offered to return to their Guild, since it was getting dark. The Farmer breathed a sigh of relief, and on the exhale they said: "You're such a dad..."
Marlon stopped after that, turning to face the Farmer, who seemed to be surprised at their own words. And Marlon himself was surprised at how he snapped at the shout: he knows that the life of an adventurer is a constant risk, but Farmer had become a close person to him to let them risk their lives so recklessly. Just like... Just like his own child. And then they call him dad...
After Farmer's words, the one-eyed adventurer hummed playfully:
"In that cases, I, as a 'dad', officially declare to you: once again you use a mega bomb at the first levels, or do another stupid act, and I will flog you with a belt so that you won't be able to sit for a week, let alone swing a sword", Marlon is unlikely to ever carry out his threat, but he must make it clear to the Farmer that he is not joking.
"Ok, ok! I won't do it again! Sheesh...", Not wanting to argue with their mentor any further, the Farmer quickly followed Marlon to the exit of the mines. Before they left the cave, Marlon put a hand on their shoulder.
"Stay vigilant, adventurer. I've lost many people dear to me to let this happen again..."
Linus hadn't noticed that the Farmer had managed to doze off by the camping fire. After all, a hearty supper of fried mushrooms had put the Farmers to sleep and made them fall into the realm of dreams. Early fall had already rewarded the Stardew Valley with cool nights, and so Linus decided to wake the Farmer so they could head to their warm home. The task was not an easy one: besides the delicious food, the Farmer had been very tired lately, and so he slept like a dead man.
"Get up, my friend, it's time for you to go home," alas, all of Linus' efforts were unsuccessful, and then stopped altogether when Farmer sleepily said: "Dad, please, five more minutes..."
Linus heard many words for himself: homeless, crazy, wild man, freak, stinker, weirdo. But Dad...?
While Linus was processing the information, Farmer had already managed to fall back into a deep sleep. The wild man decided to let Farmer finish his sleep in peace here near his tent. He took out a warm blanket from the tent, which he had made himself from fur, and covered Farmer, who was shivering a little from the cold night.
"Sweet dreams, my child", Linus had never thought that Fate would let him consider someone his child and pass on his wisdom, even if they were not related by blood. He made a promise to himself to always keep an eye on this kid and to help them in any way he could, whether by advice or deed.
The knocking of stone against stone. Bang. And another ban
Another failure.
"Ah, damn it..." The Farmer cursed, throwing two geodes at their feet.
"Try it again, kid, you'll learn in time. See, you do it like this..." Gil again demonstrates how to open the geodes by himself, without Clint's hammer. With movements that had been honed over the years, he again held two halves of a split geode in his hands, from which amethyst and rock crystal druzes glistened.
"You didn't get into farming the first time either, yeah? You told me yourself, kiddo". Gil was absolutely right - to achieve a prosperous farm, the young Farmer had to work really hard, and success did not come immediately. So Farmer, sighing tiredly, took the geodes in their hands again in an attempt to open the mineral. Knock, knock, knock.
Crash.... Pop.
It worked!
"Told ya, kid", Gil smiled at the excited Farmer, who, twisting the two halves of the open geode, couldn't believe their own eyes.
"Yo, I finally did it! Thanks, Papa!"
It took the Farmer about ten seconds to realize what they had just said. Their cheeks flushed. Oh...
Gil, on the other hand, was quite ok to such a word in his address. In fact, he did not even miss the opportunity to tease the young adventurer a little.
"Papa, huh?" Though deep down Gil was touched by the fact that he had become this kind of father figure to Farmer, he wouldn't miss the opportunity to have a little fun. Especially since he knows that Farmer, though embarrassed by their confession, will also catch Gil's mood.
And the old adventurer is not mistaken.
"Well, should I call you mom then?" The Farmer was not in debt, deciding to play along with Gil as well.
"And that's how you talk to your papa, kid?" Gil rewarded the Farmer with a playful slap on their shoulder, "Come on, get outside. There's a whole bag of geodes lying by the supply boxes. Bring it over here and we'll practice some more," Farmer nodded and ran merrily toward the Guild exit, almost hitting Marlon, who was just entering the building.
The one-eyed adventurer, seeing his cheerful friend (it was rare to find Gil in such a good mood):
"Did something happen while I was gone?" Marlon hummed favorably and waited for Gil to stop snickering and calm down.
"You can congratulate me, brother," Gil said, "I just became a dad."
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sdv-polls · 19 days
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fadingplaidlibrary · 5 months
hiiiiii :D
welcome to my library! you can call me ven. i’m in my 20s, bi. minors be warned: i will block you for interacting with any 18+ content on here. i block blank/empty blogs. radfems and zionists not welcome here (choke <3). currently obsessed with stardew valley and criminal minds (spencer reid specifically), so expect a lotttt of content on that. masterlist is below, all my work is under the tag [#ven be writing] and other posts are under [#ven speaks]. requests are currently closed while i get through my wip list :P be patient w ya girl. have fun, reblog, baiiiii :D
#stardew valley
maru headcanons
penny headcanons
harvey headcanons
gus headcanons
maru x penny
harvey x farmer
wizard (rasmodius) x farmer
wizard (rasmodius) x marnie
double rarepair: wizard x gunther // clint x elliott
marnie x marlon
villager friendship headcanons part 1 / part 2
villager full name headcanons
sunshower ☀️⛈️ (sdv!harvey x ofc!farmer, series in progress)
use your words 💋 (sdv!harvey x gn!reader, 18+, drabble)
love, lube, lessons learned 🍑 (sdv/harvey x fem!reader, 18+, drabble/anon request)
sweet dreams 🔮 (wizard x sub!male!farmer, 18+, drabble/anon request)
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ladygreywritesstuff · 9 months
WIP Round-Up
Ty @aislingdmdt for the tag!
Tagging anyone who'd like to play!
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
Game of Thrones/ASOIAF WIPs
Falsehoods -- a re-telling of True or False from Roose's PoV (Roose Bolton x OC of House Frey
Aftercare -- sequel to Therapy (Roose Bolton x Fat Walda Frey)
Untitied trilogy of three intersecting stories:
Sprung from Good Seed -- Barristan Selmy x Perriane Frey fic that begins during the Greyjoy Rebellion and extends to the end of ASOIAF
Above the Rest -- Jason Mallister x OC, overlapping timeline with Sprung from Good Seed
Family, Duty, Honor -- Brynden "Blackfish" Tully x OC of House Frey, overlapping timeline with Sprung from Good Seed
What Storms May Blow -- Barristan Selmy X OC of House Frey, I started this in 2017 and it is probably 80% done. I'd really like to finish it!
Stardew Valley
She Walks by Moonlight -- werewolf AU, Marlon, Gil, Farmer story narrated by Gunther
Kink -- one-shot follow-up to Dig Deep featuring Marlon/Riley.
Stardrop -- Marlon/Riley one-shot for Lilyy on GFS. Marlon gets Riley a Stardrop for her birthday.
Untitled Sequel to Dig Deep -- Several years after the events of Dig Deep, Linus passes away and Marlon and Riley help guide Gil through his grieving
Untitled Wizard fic -- OC Natasha comes to Pelican Valley to work as the editor of the new paper, the Pelican Times. Same universe as Dig Deep. Natasha explores the more supernatural storylines of SDV as Riley doesn't have a supernatural bone in her body. Rivals to lovers trope featuring Wizard x Natasha
Special Ballot -- Marnie/Willy fic. Willy teaches Marnie how to fish, Lewis gets jealous and raises the taxes on the beach, making it impossible for Elliott and Willy to live and work there. There's only one thing Marnie can do -- run for Mayor in the next election.
One Weekend in Spring -- Leah needs a fake boyfriend to attend Kel's wedding with her. Who better than Elliott?
Good Soup -- Jodi/Gus fic. Jodi and Kent divorce. Jodi takes a job helping Gus in the kitchen. Romance ensues.
Untitled Pam redemption fic -- Pam finishes a rehab program in Zuzu City and decides not to return to Pelican Town feeling she is too much of a burden on Penny. Pam moves to Castle Village and buys a small horse ranch. She rents off various parts of the property in order to make mortgage payments, and finds a companion in the widower who rents the old barn for his woodworking endeavours.
Rings of Power
Respite -- either Elendil/Reader or Elendil/OC, takes place after the fall of Numenor as Elendil is establishing the kingdom of Arnor
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blueboybracket · 1 year
Round One of the Ultimate Blue Boy Bracket has officially started! The first round consists of 90 match-ups, which will be split up into two halves over the course of the next two or three weeks
I'll be posting 10 matches per day for Round One across the next couple of weeks, all matches will run for a week each!
The second half of Round One will begin on the 22nd of May!
Here are links to the current on-going matches! I'll add the rest as they are posted
Jack Power/Mass Master (Power Pack) vs. Jaime Reyes & Khaji Da (Blue Beetle)!
Kaito (VOCALOID) vs. Kyle Marlon (Evillious Chronicles)
Inkling Boy - Default (Splatoon) vs. Lancer (Deltarune)
Darington (Blaze and the Monster Machines) vs. Blue Robot (Bomb It)
Goo (Inanimate Insanity) vs. Leonard McCoy (Star Trek)
Michael J. Caboose (Red vs. Blue) vs. Santa (9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors)
Sniffles (Happy Tree Friends) vs. Ludwig von Koopa (Super Mario Bros.)
Genie (Aladdin) vs. Rex (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
Titan (Show by Rock) vs. Seragaki Aoba (DRAMAtical Murder)
Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 the Infinity) vs. Adolin Kholin (Stormlight Archive)
The above matches conclude on the 15th of May 2023
Blue M&M (M&M's) vs. Every male Sentai Blue (Super Sentai)
Toy Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's 2) vs. Whirl (Transformers)
Rimuru Tempest (Tensura) vs. Equius Zahhak (Homestuck)
Stitch (Lilo & Stitch) vs. R2-D2 (Star Wars)
Leonard L. Church (Red vs. Blue) vs. Gus Porter (The Owl House)
Reed Richards (The Fantastic Four) vs. Pegitan (Healin' Good Precure)
Gil Webber (Monster High - G3) vs. Dr. Manhattan (Watchmen)
Vanitas (The Case Study of Vanitas) vs. Ed (Get Ed)
Romero (Zombie Land Saga) vs. Nagisa Shiota (Assassination Classroom)
Shuichi Saihara (Danganronpa V3) vs. Makoto Yuki (Persona 3)
The above matches conclude on the 16th of May 2023
Beast (X-Men) vs. Quirrel (Hollow Knight)
Falco Lombardi (Star Fox) vs. Grimmjow (Bleach)
Johan/Jesse Andersen (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX) vs. Caspar (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
The Blue Guy ("I'm Blue (Da Ba Dee)" - Eiffel 65) vs. Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Kaladin (Stormlight Archive) vs. Rei Suwa (Buddy Daddies)
??? (The Binding of Isaac) vs. Branch (Trolls)
Captain Haddock (The Adventures of Tintin) vs. Flik (A Bug's Life)
Riliphin (Witch Hat Atelier) vs. Ice (Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia)
Glossaryck (Star vs. The Forces of Evil) vs. Sam the Eagle (The Muppets)
Lo'ak (Avatar: The Way of Water) vs. Sigma Klim (Virtue's Last Reward)
The above matches will conclude on the 17th of May 2023
Tailgate (Transformers) vs. Shay Volta (Broken Age)
Leonardo (Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles) vs. Wirt (Over the Garden Wall)
Ice King (Adventure Time) vs. John Egbert (Homestuck)
Continued in reblog
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mossysmolboy · 2 years
caregiver sebastian x gender neutral regressor reader???? he's my favorite stardew valley character!!
Omg! I love Sebastian him and Elliott are my top favourites equally, Sam is second. For who you can marry anyway lol. 
Also because I think Sebastian really likes Halloween and I do too, so I made a Halloween date-like thingy.
Spirit's Eve and Spooky Movies
Sebastian x little nonbinary reader 
Reader pronouns: They/them 
Word count: 774
I heard a knocking on my door and I rushed over to it, dressed in my Halloween costume. 
I smiled and saw Sebastian dressed in his vampire costume, ready for our date to the maze. I'd been through the maze a dozen times before in previous years, it was so much fun! 
"You ready to go baby boo?" He asked, I smiled "almost," I said and let him inside, walking into my bedroom and getting my bag, putting a few more things in it. 
Sebastian smiled at me and said, "your costume is cute" I smiled and looked at myself in the mirror, "thank you, you're a very handsome vampire" I said as I moved over to him and kissed his cheek, "you ready now? Got everything?" He asked and held my waist, "yup" I said smiling as he let me go. 
"You have your keys?" Sebastian asked and I nodded, knowing he was going to go down a list, "phone?" He asked and I nodded, "Mhmm! I also have my wallet, a snack, and a small stuffie just in case!" I said and he nodded, gently cupping my cheek and kissing my temple, "let's go then" he said holding my hand. 
I smiled as we got to town, the walk from the farm to town wasn't that long, "I heard a few people from the city were coming" Sebastian said as we walked into the festivities holding hands. "I hope it's not anyone I know," I said and Sebastian chuckled, "I wouldn't think so boo" I smiled at the nickname. 
When it's just us he calls me things like "baby boo" and other cute names, I think he's hoping that I'll regress when he calls me things like that. 
"So what we doing first?" Sebastian asked, swinging our hands slightly, "maze!" I said excitedly. "Okay bub," he said, walking me over to the maze. 
In the maze, we ran into Alex, Abigail and Sam. I noticed that the maze this year was pretty similar to last year and would have a secret way to get the prize at the end. 
I'd gotten my well-deserved prize, and Sebastian was thrilled to see that Marlon had the skeletons again, I glared at them and I swear they glared back. 
Sebastian was watching the skeletons and I was talking to Marlon about some of the things I'd been finding in the mines. "Can I ask why you choose to bring one of the worse monsters in the mine?" I asked and Marlon shrugged, "they seem more appropriate for Spirits Eve than slimes," he said and I nodded. 
"I do have to agree with you that they definitely are difficult" "definitely" I nodded and we spoke a while longer, I like Marlon, he's nice, plus I don't want to make the head of the adventures guild mad at me, I don't want to know what would happen to me. 
"Come on boo, it's getting late" Sebastian said to me, grabbing my hand. I nodded and stood up, "bye," I said waving to Elliot and Gus as we left and the two waved back. 
"You have fun?" Sebastian asked and I nodded, "yeah, I liked it," I said letting go of Sebastian's hand and walking ahead. "Are you staying the night?" I asked, letting my head fall to the side, "yeah" he said, taking my hand again. 
We got inside, and Sebastian and I changed out of our costumes. Sebastian had some clothes at my place so it wasn't anything new, a few times he'd come over and see me wearing one of his hoodies that were in my draw. 
"You wanna be little and watch some spooky movies baby boo?" Sebastian asked and I nodded, "how about you get some blankets, your stuffies and anything else you want and I'll get us snacks, hmm?" Sebastian said and I nodded again, "okay, Papa!" I said excited and went to go get the blankets off my bed, my blankie, my favourite stuffie and my pacifier, and took them into the living room and on the couch. 
"You get yourself comfortable little one, I'll be there to set the movie up in just a minute," he said and I nodded and started getting comfortable with the blankets. 
Soon Papa came over with snacks and my sippy filled with juice, he handed me my sippy cup and put the snacks on the coffee table as he started to set the movie up. 
I got cuddled up with my head on Papa's legs and he was running his fingers through my hair and after a few movies, I'd fallen asleep.
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stardewremixed · 2 years
Masterpost for My SDV Headcanon & Original Fanfics (WIP)
I had some difficulty logging everything here, so I’m redirecting to my hashtags. Since I wasn’t consistent in the beginning, I included multiple hashtag links below. Most posts will be the same on the pages, except for my early days. 
Original Headcanon 
Making Beds - SDV version - SVE version
Weeding the Garden - bachelors - bachelorettes 
Justice for Stardewies (includes other townies)
Friends (Shane, Elliott, Leah) 
Traveling Cart (bachelors) 
What each Townie adds to the Community Center once complete 
Flower Dance (Emily) (Haley) 
After Christmas Sales (SDV + SVE) 
Do they believe in Santa? 
Christmas Cookies (Abigail and Alex) 
First Day of Winter 
Favorite Holiday Treat
Favorite Holiday Movie 
Favorite Holiday Tradition 
10 Birthday Headcanons for Sebastian
Favorite Christmas Carol 
Favorite Christmas Ornament 
Adulting (bachelorettes only)
What would the Stardewies/Stardudes be doing instead of sleeping?
Auctions (Gunther & Olivia) 
Stardewies as kids (Abigail)
Black Friday shopping (SDV + SVE)
Thanksgiving (SDV + SVE) 
Shower Thoughts (SDV + SVE) 
Shane sings 
Misc thoughts (includes townies) 
Random Saturday morning headcanons (includes townies) 
When they were younger (Marnie) 
National Philanthropy Day (SDV + SVE)
National Pickle Day (Harvey + Farmer) 
Stardewies Favorite Desserts (SDV + SVE) 
Veterans Day headcanons (includes townies + SVE) 
Amusement Park Dates with Stardudes (includes SVE) 
How do the Stardudes react to getting injured 
More random Halloween headcanon (includes townies + SVE) 
Halloween headcanon (includes townies + SVE) 
Favorite Halloween treat (bachelorettes only, includes SVE) 
Social Media 
Random Pam headcanon 
Stardudes Favorite Desserts (SDV + SVE) 
Some SVE headcanons
Breast Cancer Awareness Month (includes townies) 
Pasta Headcanons (bachelorettes) 
Pasta Headcanons (bachelors) 
Stardewies at their time of the month
Happy International Archaeology Day (Gunther) 
Villager vacations (includes townies) 
Stardew Valley Neighbors (Part 2, Part 1) 
Date Night with Bachelorettes 
Elliott’s Fall Birthday 
Teach Me (Elliott, Sebastian, Sam, Abigail, Harvey) 
Favors for Farmer 
Favorite tools 
Stardew Valley Coffee Shop
Dates with Bachelors 
First Day of Fall (includes townies) 
Random headcanon 
St. Paddy’s Day
Random Haley headcanons
International Women’s Day (includes townies)
Going to Zuzu City (bachelors/bachelorettes) (townies)
Random headcanons (includes townies) 
Game Night 
Social Media platforms
Haley headcanons 
Random headcanons (includes townies)
Harvey B-day headcanons
Elliott headcanons
Sam headcanons
Original Fanfic Stories 
First Kiss with Shane
First Kiss with Harvey
Alex and Abigail 
Sebastian x (easily blushing) Farmer strolling through the snow
Gus gives Pam a job 
Alex and the Ice Cream Stand
SDV + SVE Pairings 
In defense of Sam Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 
Would you rather? (bachelorettes) (bachelors) 
Linus’ conspiracy tent theories
The leaking roof 
Stray thoughts about Mayor Lewis
For all posts about a specific bachelor/ette or townie, you can find their links here: 
Abigail | Alex |  Elliott | Emily |  Haley | Harvey |  Maru |  Leah |  Penny |  Sam |  Sebastian | Shane 
All Tags:
 Caroline |  Clint | Demetrius | Evelyn | George | Gunther | Gus |  Jas | Jodi | Kent | Leo | Lewis | Linus | Marlon | Marnie | Morris | Pam | Pierre | Professor Snail | Mr. Qi | Robin | Sandy | Vincent
My TS4 Remakes (and HC) 
SDV: Abigail | Alex | The Bouncer | Caroline | Clint | Demetrius | Elliott | Emily | Evelyn |George | Gunther |  Gus | Haley | Hat Mouse | Harvey | Jodi | Kent | Krobus | Leah | Maru | Mayor | Mr. Qi |  Linus | Pam | Penny | Pierre | Robin |Sam | Sebastian | Shane  | Vincent | Wizard | UPDATES 1 
Claire | Jadu | Lance |  Magnus/Wizard | Olivia | Sophia | Suki (Traveling Cart) | Victor 
See also Master Post for Borrowed/Adopted/Altered HC’s written by others 
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all-things-sdv · 29 days
Stardew Valley Municipal Office
Welcome to All Things SDV! This post is your way to navigate all the tags and links and other shenanigans that happen when you visit my page.
About Me:
My name is Cam and my pronouns are she/her. l got into Stardew Valley this past fall on my Nintendo Switch and ended up buying it for my laptop so I could play with mods (specifically, wanted to checkout Stardew Valley Expanded and Ridgeside Village).
My favorite LI in the game is Haley, and I am currently writing a Haley x F!Farmer fanfic that I would love to have a beta on if anyone is interested!
My main blog is @crookedsailing, so feel free to give that a follow if you want (warning: it’s an ~aesthetic~ blog, so it’s very superficial).
The Valley Times
Continuity Catches
Deep Dives
Fan Art
Fan Edits
Fan Reviews
Incorrect SDV
Marriage Candidates:
Pelican Town:
Calico Desert:
Ginger Island:
Mr. Qi
For the Press:
0 notes
Stardon’t Valley
By Obsequious_Numina
A series of slice of life scenes set in Stardew Valley highlighting the gameplay quirks that make the game and characters so lovable. Starring: gender neutral Farmer/Player character and eventually all of the villagers/NPCs.
Words: 28548 Chapters: 33/33 Language: English
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Fandom: Stardew Valley (Video Game)
Relationships: Harvey/Player (Stardew Valley), Lewis/Marnie (Stardew Valley). Sam/Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
Characters: Farmer. Robin (Stardew Valley), Lewis (Stardew Valley), Penny (Stardew Valley), Maru (Stardew Valley), Pam (Stardew Valley), Gus (Stardew Valley), Sebastian (Stardew Valley), Marnie (Stardew Valley), Gunther (Stardew Valley), Marlon (Stardew Valley), Shane (Stardew Valley), Evelyn (Stardew Valley), Willy (Stardew Valley), Harvey (Stardew Valley), Wizard | M. Rasmodius, Abigail (Stardew Valley), Sam (Stardew Valley), Leah (Stardew Valley),Clint (Stardew Valley), Pierre (Stardew Valley), Linus (Stardew Valley)
Additional Tags: Slice of Life, Gameplay Humor, Romance, Humor, Gender-Neutral Pronouns
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lily-alphonse · 11 days
SDV Rarepair Challenge Update ✨
I am closing submissions! It's about time I think, I've been at this a couple of months and got a TON of responses. The masterlist is insane.
What happens now?
I have 10 more asks in my inbox to get through. Once I get those posted, I will put together a poll with the top pairings by number of notes. If you want to see a particular pairing on the poll, make sure to like and reblog! I'm currently thinking I will do 2 rounds of polling, unless the voting is very obviously pointing to one. Here are the ones I have already done:
Alex x Elliott
Alex x Haley
Alex x Leah
Alex x Penny
Alex x Sam
Alex x Sebastian
Alex x Shane
Abigail x Haley
Abigail x Maru
Birdie x Willy
Caroline x M. Rasmodius
Elliott x Emily
Elliott x Gus
Elliott x Harvey
Elliott x Penny
Elliott x Sandy
Elliott x Sebastian
Elliott x Shane
Emily x Leah
Emily x Sandy
Gunther x Willy
Gus x Linus
Gus x Marnie
Gus x Willy
Haley x Harvey
Haley x Leah
Haley x Maru
Haley x Penny
Haley x Robin
Haley x Sam
Haley x Sandy
Leah x Sandy
Leah x Shane
Linus x Rasmodius
Marlon x Marnie
Marlon x Rasmodius
Maru x Sam
Morris x Shane
Penny x Sam
Penny x Sandy
Penny x Shane
Sam x Shane
Sandy x Shane
Sebastian x Shane
Shane x Mr. Qi
And the ones I still need to get to:
Dr. Harvey x Shane Wizard x Mr. Qi Morris x Pierre Haley x Sebastian Elliott x Willy Haley x Shane Emily x Penny Clint x Sandy Emily x Shane Sam x Elliott
I am so sorry if your favorite isn't on this list! But 55 is already well over what I can include in a poll anyway lol.
If your favorite is in my TBAnswered list, you can check back within the next few weeks for that. I have the masterlist linked in the pinned post on my blog, I update that with fresh links every time I post a new one. Honestly though, if you are dying for one in particular that's on the TBA list I could just tag you, let me know in the comments and make sure your tag is enabled.
An additional note about the poll: I will not be writing for a pair that I have already written in the past, such as Sambastian and SebAlex. Click here to see a list of all of my Stardew Fics . SAM X ALEX IS ALREADY WRITTEN AND COMING SOON TO AO3.
The winning rarepair will get a oneshot fic that will be a direct expansion on my Tumblr post. The poll will be posted a week after I respond to the last ask, to give it a fair chance with notes.
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sdvharveybby · 4 years
It’s all just a waiting game...
(F!Female farmer x Harvey)
Ha ha! Another angsty “farmer is missing and mangled” fic! Honestly I genuinely enjoy this scenario because its the trials between a husband and doctor and how he handles his emotions. 
I will be making a part 2 though, but it would help if I could get criticism or perhaps a bit of popularity for this post just to see if I did well. In any case, I hope you guys enjoy it! 
Words: 2338
“Mayor Lewis, please listen to me- she has been missing for four days now. That’s not like her at all. Something’s wrong- something happened to her.” With desperation in his voice, Harvey gripped the phone harder in his hand. There was a brief pause from the other line and finally, “Okay, I understand. I will contact Marlon and Gil now, and we’ll make up a search party to look for her.” With that Harvey whispered a thank you and ended the call. He paced the floor of the home that he and the farmer had been living in for several months now- he hadn’t showered, his clothes were disheveled, and he hadn’t slept. It was nightmarish and thousands of thoughts ran through his head, he could hardly hold back the worst thoughts. That the farmer could be gravely injured- or worse… dead. He felt hopeless and cursed himself for not being able to do more- besides wait. ‘Be patient, she’ll turn up’ rang in his head that Lewis had told him two days prior. ‘She’ll turn up- you know she’s a busy girl!’ “Just foolish.” Harvey spoke aloud as he sat down in a chair and held his face in his hands. The farmer had never been this late, sure, she may have gone to bed late or turned up early the next day, but nothing like this.
It was currently 7pm, just an hour after his phone call with Lewis, and he put on his jacket to go look around town and Cindersap forest for any sign of the farmer. He walked these areas many times since her disappearance, but he always thought, ‘What if I missed something?’ ‘What if she was lost?’ As he entered into town, attempting to wipe the sleepiness from his eyes, he saw a group of people standing in the center with heavy jackets and flashlights. As he approached, he recognized them as Jodi, Kent, Gus, Lewis, Abigail, Pierre, Caroline, and a few others. “Harvey… you look awful. When was the last time you slept?” spoke Pierre as he walked towards Harvey. Harvey looked to his feet through saddened eyes, “I don’t remember…” Everyone looked to him mournfully until Lewis broke the short tension, “Okay, everyone… Our farmer has been missing for four days now. Let’s split into teams of two and scan the area for any signs of her.” Everyone began adjusting their coats and checking if their flashlights worked. “I’m talking- Cindersap forest,” people began walking, “The beach, by the railroad tracks- we have to find her.” Harvey stood there, watching everyone disperse in their teams, and relief and stress both washed over him. If they find her, what state would she be in? He feared the worst as he had done since the first day she went missing. Lewis approached Harvey and put a hand on his shoulder, “I know you won’t like this, but please go get some sleep at your clinic. When we find her- we don’t need our only doctor exhausted. I have Marlon looking for her in the caves and Gil checking the quarry, okay?” Harvey nodded without saying a word- he was a bit crestfallen, but too exhausted to argue. “I will call you when we find her.”
           Approaching the clinic Harvey unlocked the main door and stepped inside. It was dark and foreboding as he tried to imagine the farmer in one of the beds passed out. He shook his head from his constant thoughts and began prepping the area in which he would work on her if they found her. ‘IF’ they found her is a thought that occurred to him continuously since the search party dispersed. And with that, he finally stepped into bed- passing out from his lack of sleep.
           Awoken by the sound of his phone ringing- Harvey shifted in bed. Disoriented and groggy he rubbed his face when realization struck him. It was currently 4:23am and he shot up from his bed- his blanket flying behind him as he stood and stumbled to his phone. Hastily grabbing it he put it to his ear, “Yes, hello?” “Harvey… It’s Lewis. Marlon found her in the mines on floor 107. Look… she’s really not in good shape- we need you to be ready to perform surgery right away.” Without a reply, Harvey slammed his phone down on the receiver and stood up. It was surreal. They actually found her! But a dark feeling entered his stomach and he tried to swallow the lump that formed in his throat. He felt sick to his stomach almost unable to move, “S-surgery?” he whispered- stunned and emotionless. ‘Sh-she’s so badly hurt I need to perform emergency surgery on her.’ He thought to himself- finally he slapped himself awake and tore open his door and down the stairs into his clinic.
           Turning on the lights and working on preparations for the surgery, the sting in his cheek from when he slapped himself hardly bothered him as adrenaline ran through his body- his nightmare may come true. Thoughts began in his head more profusely this time, ‘What if I can’t save her?’ ‘What if I have to watch the one I love die before me?’ ‘Why couldn’t I protect her?’ As he finally finished what he had to do- the door to the clinic burst open. Whipping around he stood to face Marlon holding the farmer bridal style with Lewis behind him- the darkness from the outside pouring in. Harveys eyes shifted to the farmer and he couldn’t breathe. The lump in his throat grew stronger, the dark awful gut feeling grew stronger, and he could hardly look at her. Her body was mangled, she was caked with blood, and she wasn’t moving. ‘She’s not moving- why isn’t she moving’ he repeated in his head over and over again. Harvey rushed to Marlon and motioned to put her on the bed, “Place her on the bed- I’ll get the IV’s ready.” With a deep gruff- Marlon shifted the farmer in his arms as he had carried her for quite a while- he placed her on the bed and moved her arms beside her. “Harvey… Harvey you need to make sure she’s still alive first…” Marlon sounded grave as he whispered words that rang through Harvey like a loud bell. “I- w-what? What are you saying?” Marlon turned to face him and opened his mouth when Lewis came to put a hand on his shoulder. He closed his mouth, looked away, and stepped aside- folding his arms as they were weak from carrying the farmer. Harvey almost threw up at the thought alone, ‘Make sure she’s still alive first…’ He walked to the bedside of the farmer and pulled out his stethoscope- he was slow- shaking as he put it to her heart and listened. His eyes were wide, and he began to sweat- unsure of what and how to handle the situation. She was the worst he had ever seen, using his eyes to navigate and analyze her body from the surface- he saw multiple fractures, broken bones, cuts, bruises, and a large laceration running down the side of her left arm. Along her left side was a large third degree burn on her upper thigh- having burned through her clothes and began to blister. Blood caked her hair and down the right side of her face- her eyes closed and pained. It looked like she hadn’t slept in days and her body was shutting down. Then… *thump… thump* Harvey cracked a small and worried smile, ‘She’s alive! She’s alive!’ he thought, and he quickly began grabbing IV’s, bandages, ointment, anything to help ease her pain. Harvey heard a short gasp from behind and he turned to face everyone form the search party standing behind him. They looked out of breath and tired, but also relieved that the farmer was found. He looked at Caroline who had given the short gasp and saw Maru fighting through the people to get to him. Through analyzing the farmer he didn’t even hear anyone walk in- and through teary eyes and cracked voice he spoke, “She’s alive, but as you can see- is gravely injured. I…” he gave a short pause and looked away- fighting back tears whilst also knowing he has a job to do, “-need to stabilize her and get her through the night. If she can make it throughout this day then I believe she’ll make it, but if not…” He couldn’t finish his sentence- Maru moved past him and began unwrapping the needles for the IV’s and rummaging through the drawers for antibiotics. Lewis cleared his throat, “We all need to leave and let them work.” Those in the search party were stunned and never broke their gaze from the mangled farmer- hardly hearing the words that Harvey spoke. It wasn’t until Marlon moved in front of them that they realized they needed to leave, and they all quickly herded out of the clinic.
           With just Harvey and Maru they both began disinfecting her words and sorting out her injuries. Maru began working on the farmers right side while Harvey began on the left- analyzing her head injury was his first priority. “Dr. Harvey… You may want to see this.” Pulling back the farmer’s burned clothes from her upper thigh revealed how bad the burn was, “Okay, once we put her on antibiotics and pain relievers, we need to begin debridement.” She nodded in response and began disinfecting the laceration on the farmers arm, instead, to prepare it for stitches and bandages. The blow to the head, Harvey surmised, seemed to be from a fall onto a rock from within the mines- the blow itself didn’t to seem bad, but the blood loss was.
           The process to stabilize the farmer took hours- it was a sigh of relief and her checking the clock that Maru said, “Dr. Harvey, it’s almost 5pm. D-Do you think she’ll be all right?” After scanning over the farmer several times looking for anything they could have possibly missed, satisfied, Harvey sat in his chair just bedside the bed and rubbed his face with his hands. He gave a long-drawn-out sigh, contemplating and reviewing all the steps they did in his head. “By this point,” he began, “It’s all up to her. With the feeding tube, IV’s, and bandages- there’s nothing more we can do but watch her hopeful progress.” He didn’t like the uncertainty towards the farmer and he silently cursed himself for allowing her in the mines time and time again. He felt like he could have stopped her, and this time- he really wished he did. Deep in his mind, he acknowledged that there was no way he could have known, but he tossed them aside. If only he was more persistent or sent her with more life elixirs or-, “Harvey- I know you’ve been in your head quite a bit, but we have done all that we can.” Maru broke through his unhealthy absorption of thought,  “Let her rest… and you should too.” Maru began grabbing her coat, “I’m going to head home. If there’s anything you need… Please call me. I want her alive just as much as you do.” Starring intently at the farmer, he gave Maru a silent nod and she left the clinic. Ever-so-hopeful Harvey wasn’t sure if he should scold the farmer or just be happy she came back in one piece. It was a mixture of both. As much as he loved the farmer with all his being- she continuously neglected the dangers of the mine. Always coming back with scraps and bruises that he’d see when he would give her a massage at night. Most of it he would ignore because they were easy to treat, but over time the scars on her body became clear- by this point, through all the physical therapy and treatment she’ll need, the farmer will likely never be able to go back into the mine again. The thought of that also saddened him though… He knew she loved going into the mine- fighting new creatures and grabbing ore or foraging for rare materials. It was just what she wanted to do and she enjoyed it- she sought out danger, but unfortunately it sought her out too. Looking up her body, it looked like the farmer was a mummy. Wrapped up in gauze with an IV in her arm and feeding tube in her mouth. Even for a doctor it was a rather scary and intimidating sight- it was all just a waiting game. It was all just seeing if she would decide to pull through- there wasn’t anything he could do by this point. Cracking the knuckles on his hands and stretching out his neck, he walked over to one of the nearby beds and scooted it as close to the farmer as he could get it. With the heart monitor in the way, it was a bit difficult, but her slow heart beats gave him a peace of mind. She was alive, and he was going to see to it that he sees all of this to the end. He laid down on the bed and finally took off his “doctor hat”- facing her and realizing the situation he… began to cry. It’s one thing to look at her as a patient, but another looking at her as his wife and the mess that she was in. He couldn’t do anything but watch and be patient- and that was his least favorite thing. Through his quiet sob he reached out his hand to gently stroke her arm, and spoke, “Honey… please come back to me….” He gave a pause to blink through his tears and continued, “It’ll be all right- I’ll take good care of you… Let’s just get through this together, okay? Please?” He kept his hand on her arm, gently stroking it with his thumb- blinking away the tears as best as he could. It’s all just a waiting game…
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auburnfamilynews · 5 years
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Vasha Hunt-USA TODAY Sports
Gus Malzahn and the boys made their way to Hoover today!
Auburn’s cadre of Gus Malzahn, Derrick Brown, Marlon Davidson, and Prince Tega Wanogho arrived at the Wynfrey Hotel for the final day of SEC Media Days this morning, and while nothing super groundbreaking was made known, there were some interesting tidbits nonetheless.
If you recall, during bowl preparations and after the supposed move to replace Gus as head coach of the football team, the head man got a little... uh... fiesty at times. He became cocky Gus, Swaggy G, Arthur Gustavo if you will, and it paid off in the Music City Bowl as Auburn set record after record in the obliteration of Purdue.
Maybe he knows something that we don’t know. Maybe he sees the ghost of Cameron Jerrell Newton in Joey Gatewood’s eyes and knows that #Greatwood is destined for something huge. Maybe he sees the senior leadership in the trenches on both sides of the ball. Maybe he sees the schedule with key home games dotting the landscape of a slate that’ll never be easy. This quote says a lot about being more self-aware than people have given him credit for recently:
“I’ve got a job that expects to win championships, and I expect to win championships,” Malzahn said. “I knew that when I signed up for it. In the years that we win championships, it’s good. The years we don’t, it’s hot seat this, hot seat that. ... We expect to win championships. I’m very excited about this year.”
Either way, Gus has broken out of his shell a little bit. Maybe he’s pissed off. Maybe he’s mad at himself for giving up the playcalling. He was the guy making the calls during the hugely-successful early run of his time at Auburn, and he took over again against Purdue. The result? 63 points.
SEC Media Days Follow along as the Auburn Tigers take over #SECMD19! #WarEagle X #RidefortheBrand pic.twitter.com/FxjhvBRc8g
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) July 18, 2019
See: Swaggy G.
Let’s dive in to what he had to say in front of the press today...
First question comes in regard to facing one of the toughest schedules in the country without having the quarterback battle settled.
Gus says that we’ve had to play the toughest schedule in the country pretty much every year, but that he hasn’t gotten too much into the actual starting QB yet because we have a chance to be really good around him, whoever he is. Thankfully there’s room to learn at the start of the year provided the Tigers can get by Oregon.
We get a question about not beating LSU in Baton Rouge since 1999 almost right off the bat.
And Gus refers to the 2017 game, which was one of the most heartbreaking losses that he’s experienced. Then he talks about last year. Both of those losses were ones wherein Auburn held a double-digit lead before LSU made a comeback. Personally, a win over the Bayou Bengals in Baton Rouge to break that ridiculous losing streak would go a long way for Gus to keep his spot even if we didn’t beat some of the biggies down the stretch.
Does it invigorate you going back to your roots in calling plays, and what’s the back story about reaching that decision to take over the responsibility?
Gus mentions that he’s been calling plays his whole life, but bad advice led him to relinquish control. Once Chip Lindsey left, Gus pretty much took the mantra of “IF YOU WANT IT DONE RIGHT, YOU GOTTA DO IT YOURSELF” as he got back into the groove and got back to being himself.
Someone wants to follow up about a new offensive coordinator, asking about Kenny Dillingham.
Gus needed to find someone who had a similar philosophy when it came to offense that he did, and Dilly was in the same situation advising a play-calling head coach in Mike Norvell at Memphis, so the fit was perfect.
Now we get a question about comparing Gatewood and Bo Nix and how the offense will change when each is out there.
Apparently there’s not much difference (at least publicly) at this time in their skill sets. Both can run, and both can extend plays, and Gus mentions that it’s always easier calling plays for a running threat. Now, based on what happened in 2010 and 2013, when Gus had his only two true dual-threat guys, it took a few games to warm up into what really became the offense. This year we’ve even got a bit of a quarterback controversy, so I’m very interested to see exactly what happens if Gus’ play-calling isn’t quite in the groove yet and we don’t get to see the offense that complements one quarterbacks skill to the highest potential.
Linebackers are being replaced, but we have seven starters back on defense.
Gus talks about the defensive line first and how good they’ll be, and that the linebackers aren’t going to experience a ton of drop-off thanks to guys playing some in relief last year and having good springs. There’s also a chance to have the best defense he’s had since his time at Auburn. This is a sentiment I can get behind. All we need to see is pretty solid play from the linebackers and this unit is going to be tough to move on. The defensive line will eat nearly everyone on the schedule, and there’s experience in the back end with speed to burn.
Next we get a question about the improvement of the running game.
Here’s an area where Auburn simply wasn’t great last year, due in large part to injuries and inexperience on the offensive line. However, Gus turns it around and talks about how throwing the football down the field — no more screen passes :-( — is an important element of what they want to do. He points to the bowl game again as evidence. In 2017, the deep ball was a huge part of the offense, and it was a backbreaker in many of the wins. We didn’t see it much last year with any success, Get back to the long ball and we’ll be a force.
Now we have a question about tuning out the external noise.
Gus talks about the leadership and experience that guys don’t allow that kind of stuff to happen.
Here’s a Kevin Steele question about how his relationship with the defense encouraged guys to come back for another year.
Gus tells the assembled media that the big idea behind Brown and others coming back was unfinished business and getting degrees. He does say that the core of the team is rooted in the group that decided to come back and eschew the NFL. You don’t come back just to play another year, but to have a successful season.
Any rising players that are becoming leaders on and off the field?
Auburn hasn’t had any real off-field issues in quite some time, and Gus says that there’s a good group of leaders, especially seniors and guys that have taken starting jobs already.
Any time table for naming a starting quarterback?
Not really. This ain’t Jarrett Stidham in 2017 when everyone knew that he would start.
Quarterbacks football IQ? How does Bo Nix compare being so young?
Everyone is hungry to learn, and there’s a healthy relationship between Bo and Joey. They’re both desperate to be the best they can be, but whichever one starts against Oregon won’t have any college football experience. That’s why it’s important to have the support around the quarterback position.
In other statements, Gus made sure to note that everyone was running some form of the HUNH that he popularized over a decade ago. Even teams that poo-pooed those that wanted to go quicker in the past made changes and are implementing hurry-up techniques. We’re basically one step away from Gus foregoing “Bullcrap” as his go-to curse, and slapping Nick Saban with a string of profanity that would make Will Muschamp blush.
I'm not sure anyone is catching this stuff, but Gus is firing some shots at people during this press conference. Just mentioned hurry-up offenses and how teams even with "health issues" now run it.
— Brandon Marcello (@bmarcello) July 18, 2019
Elsewhere, everyone from this latest recruiting haul is on campus, including grad transfers from Youngstown State and Arizona State —
Auburn HC Gus Malzahn told local media earlier that Youngstown State transfer WR Zach Farrar will report today + OL signee Kamaar Bell arrived earlier this week. Arizona State HB/TE transfer Jay Jay Wilson has been on campus for "a month or two." Auburn's incoming class is set.
— Justin Ferguson (@JFergusonAU) July 18, 2019
Stay tuned here for a depth chart look, courtesy of AU Nerd, because the first string can play with anyone in the country. We need to know how depth is going to be established during fall camp before we can predict some really special things for this team.
To finish up, we got one piece of nice news that’ll help to put the Tigers on the map if they can take care of business against Oregon in Arlington.
Can't wait for this one @CollegeGameDay Week 1: @AuburnFootball x @oregonfootball pic.twitter.com/87Ko93WWLh
— ESPN (@espn) July 18, 2019
It’ll be the 19th time that College Gameday has been present for an Auburn game, with the last one coming in 2017 for the Iron Bowl — you know, the “Kick Ass”. Let’s get more of that in about six weeks.
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2019/7/19/20699617/sec-media-days-notes-and-reaction
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