#gut microbiome test
Labiome: Your Microbiome Specialty Store in Australia
Explore the fascinating world of your microbiome with Labiome, the premier Australian Microbiome Specialty Store. Discover microbiome testing, products, and personalized wellness solutions to unlock your unique superpower for better health and well-being. Visit us today to embark on a journey to a healthier you.
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Come through autumn fit and healthy
Unfortunately, autumn does not always show its beautiful side – the days get shorter and it is often dark, gray, and wet. In autumn, cold viruses are in high season and the number of flu patients also rises steadily – not least because our immune systems are out of practice due to wearing masks. Coronavirus numbers are also on the rise again because people are spending more time indoors.
But you can do a lot yourself to get fit and healthy throughout autumn!
Start boosting your immune system today to be armed against pathogens.
We show you how with the following tips!
Healthy and vitamin rich-diet
The intestines and immune system can be strengthened with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and secondary plant compounds. Many autumn vegetables such as fennel, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, pumpkin, kale, and the rediscovered parsnip contain these important vital substances.
Take a look at our blog section. Under the recipes section, you’ll find a lot of autumn recipes that help to boost your immune system!
Stay active even in autumn!
Defy your inner couch potato and stay active even in cold, wet weather – because that’s how you strengthen your immune system. In addition, moderate exercise in the fresh air increases not only the physical but also psychological well-being, especially in autumn.
Use every ray of sunshine
The body needs sunshine to produce vitamin D and the happiness hormone serotonin. Get out in the fresh air as often as possible, because even when the sky is cloudy, the body can produce vitamin D and serotonin.
Drink enough
Autumn marks the start of the heating season – the dry, hot heating air dries out the mucous membranes and thus provides an entry point for germs. In addition, the change of season from outdoors to indoors is strenuous for the body and causes the circulation to ride a roller coaster.
Drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day, preferably (mineral) water, unsweetened teas, or thin juice spritzers.
Start a healthy and active autumn today!
Healthy gut – Healthy body
Do you suffer from gastrointestinal complaints, headaches and migraines, skin problems, attention deficits, obesity and other chronic complaints. A chronic inflammation due to a delayed food allergy might be the reason. Delayed food allergies can be detected with the ImuPro blood test.
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claritywellbeing050 · 5 months
Our gastrointestinal system is home to a varied collection of microorganisms known as our gut microbiome, which includes bacteria, fungi, viruses, pathogens, and food particles. These microbes are essential for many physiological functions, including as energy, hormone, and immunological control, digestion, metabolism, and defense against infections.Numerous factors, including nutrition, genetics, lifestyle, and environmental exposures, can impact our gut flora. Gaining knowledge about how to attain microbial balance in people can improve our general health, lifespan, and well-being.
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myvitalhealth · 5 months
Nurturing Gut Health: The Key to Your Well-Being
In the bustling streets of Melbourne, amidst the vibrant culture and endless culinary delights, lies a silent hero crucial to our overall well-being: the gut. Yes, that's right! Our gut, often overlooked, plays a pivotal role in not just digesting food, but also in maintaining our immune system, mood regulation, and even influencing our skin health. So, how do we ensure our gut is in top-notch condition? Let's delve into the world of gut health specialists, leaky gut tests, and naturopaths right here in Melbourne.
First things first, understanding the state of your gut is essential. Enter the gut microbiome test. This innovative test analyzes the composition of bacteria in your gut, providing valuable insights into your digestive health. In Melbourne, these tests are readily available, allowing you to take proactive steps towards optimizing your gut health.
Now, let's talk specialists. Melbourne boasts a plethora of gut health specialists who are dedicated to helping you achieve optimal gut health. These professionals possess a deep understanding of the intricate workings of the gut and can provide personalized recommendations tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're struggling with digestive issues, and inflammation, or simply want to optimize your overall health, consulting a gut health specialist in Melbourne is a wise choice.
One common concern related to gut health is leaky gut syndrome. This condition occurs when the lining of the intestine becomes damaged, allowing toxins and undigested food particles to leak into the bloodstream, triggering inflammation and other health issues. Fortunately, there are leaky gut tests available which can help diagnose this condition early on. By identifying and addressing leaky gut, you can take proactive steps towards restoring gut health and improving your overall well-being.
In addition to conventional medical approaches, many Melburnians are turning to naturopaths for holistic support in nurturing their gut health. Naturopaths take a comprehensive approach to health, addressing not just symptoms but also underlying imbalances in the body. Through dietary modifications, lifestyle changes, and natural supplements, naturopaths in Melbourne can help you optimize your gut health and unlock your body's innate healing potential.
If you're ready to take charge of your gut health and embark on a journey towards holistic well-being, look no further than Vital Health & Natural Solutions. Our experienced practitioner is dedicated to empowering you to achieve optimal health through personalized, integrative approaches. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you!
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adviceformefromme · 5 months
Cheat codes #1
Remove the idea that your value comes from your looks, your achievements, the clothes you wear, the car you drive, the Van Clef necklace. If you can remove all of those external factors, and look in the mirror and realise that you stripped down to your core is worthy, you without the mask is enough, from this place you will have a confidence that allows you to thrive in this world that leeches on women's insecurities. 
Root yourself in spirituality. Because ultimately life is better with God than without. Knowing there is a love, protection and care that comes from this relationship and acknowledging and strengthening this bond is how you remain grounded in a world that can so easily have you lost in the darkness, when there is so much light waiting for you to feel. God is waiting for you. 
Daily exercise. Your body is your temple, treat it as such. The movement / stretches / cardio and weights in light moderation allow a layer of protection to your health and wellbeing. You feel energised, your energy is moving through your veins. It’s an act of self love and care that doesn’t require a fancy gym membership. Just commitment of 30 mins per day. 
Prioritise your gut health. Your gut is your second brain, it’s communicating with you always. Start listening, start noticing what foods it needs, what foods affect your energy levels, if carbs are making you sleepy, re-assess, if the coffee is giving you the jitters, reassess. Stop ignoring what your gut is telling you, notice your bowel movements. Keep getting the shits? Take fucking note. Read books, get tested, learn about your gut microbiome. Having excellent gut health is how you thrive in this life, unfortunately the western diet creates quite the opposite and so its on you to rise above the status quo.
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allmystuff · 10 months
Doggy Biome: Best Dog Microbiome Test and Gut Restore Supplement Review
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frownyalfred · 3 months
I learned today that apparently kissing is a known method to expose people to a new gut microbiome. I have taken this newfound knowledge and applied it to superbat, for obvious reasons.
1) Bruce studies his own microbiome routinely (largely because of space travel and pathogen exposure in Gotham)
2) after dating Clark for an extended period, he notices a change in said test results
3) Kryptonian microorganisms make their way into his gut microbiome
4) ???
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thedrcom · 2 years
Use of Biocidin GI Detox Bio Botanical Products
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Biocidin is a natural solution that can help you get rid of the bacteria, fungus and viruses that are causing your autoimmune condition. It can also help to support your immune system and help you fight off any infections that may be lurking in your gut. Biocidin drops has anti-inflammatory properties, which means it can help reduce inflammation in the body, which can lead to reduced pain and discomfort.
If you're tired of feeling sick and tired, it's time to try Biocidin drops. The first step in the process is a detoxification diet that will help you cleanse your body and boost your immune system. Then, take one or two capsules of Biocidin every day. It will help you get rid of those toxins that are causing your symptoms. Biocidin drops and gi detox bio botanical is best combination of the autoimmune solution.
Biocidin is one of the most potent detox formulas on the market, which uses botanicals and other natural medicines to flush out your toxic overloads. Biocidin drops are taken orally, while the gi detox bio botanical can be applied topically. It's not a quick fix like most detox supplements may be, but it certainly gets the job done. A lot of what goes into your body comes out waste as well, so it's important that you're getting rid of these toxins for good—and Biocidin helps you do that.
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Dr. B, RD asked if our journal club group of students for today questioned whether leaky gut is real. She said the conclusion is generally (these days) that leaky gut is a symptom side effect of something else. (e.g. IBS, anxiety, IBD, etc. could be the reason a person is having “leaky gut”)
Dr. B, RD really emphasized that leaky gut is not a disease itself, but a secondary symptom of something else (e.g. IBD, IBS, anxiety, chronic illness), and that people make money off of these types of tests (e.g. lactulose-rhamnose test, zonulin test, etc.). And you DON’T need these tests to help someone and improve their gut health.
So, don’t say to clients: “Your problem is leaky gut!” WRONG!
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roselinel690 · 2 years
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dineshpawar27 · 2 years
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Pumpkin & ginger soup
Vegan, gluten-free and tasty.
Soups are bound to be something for everyone in every season.
One of our favorite healthy soups is a vegan & gluten-free tasty PUMPKIN & GINGER SOUP packed full of nutrition in every serving.
1 kg pumpkin
2 shallots
75 g ginger
a few sprigs of fresh herbs: such as chives or mint
extra virgin olive oil
1 liter organic vegetable stock
125 ml coconut milk, plus extra to serve
½ tablespoon chili powder
1 lime
Deseed and roughly chop the pumpkin, peel and chop the shallots, then peel and finely grate the ginger. Pick and finely chop the herbs.
Place the pumpkin, shallots, ginger and some oil in a large saucepan and sauté until soft.
Add the stock, coconut milk and chili powder. Season, then bring to the boil and simmer for 40 minutes.
Blitz in a food processor then serve with the fresh herbs, lime juice and a splash of coconut milk.
When eating the “wrong food” the immune system produces specific IgG antibodies which can lead to inflammatory processes. The symptoms appear on a delayed basis, up to three days after the consumption of a trigger food, making it virtually impossible to identify a trigger food without testing.
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
"An international research team has found almost a million potential sources of antibiotics in the natural world.
Research published in the journal Cell by a team including Queensland University of Technology (QUT) computational biologist Associate Professor Luis Pedro Coelho has used machine learning to identify 863,498 promising antimicrobial peptides -- small molecules that can kill or inhibit the growth of infectious microbes.
The findings of the study come with a renewed global focus on combatting antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as humanity contends with the growing number of superbugs resistant to current drugs.
"There is an urgent need for new methods for antibiotic discovery," Professor Coelho, a researcher at the QUT Centre for Microbiome Research, said. The centre studies the structure and function of microbial communities from around the globe.
"It is one of the top public health threats, killing 1.27 million people each year." ...
"Using artificial intelligence to understand and harness the power of the global microbiome will hopefully drive innovative research for better public health outcomes," he said.
The team verified the machine predictions by testing 100 laboratory-made peptides against clinically significant pathogens. They found 79 disrupted bacterial membranes and 63 specifically targeted antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.
"Moreover, some peptides helped to eliminate infections in mice; two in particular reduced bacteria by up to four orders of magnitude," Professor Coelho said.
In a preclinical model, tested on infected mice, treatment with these peptides produced results similar to the effects of polymyxin B -- a commercially available antibiotic which is used to treat meningitis, pneumonia, sepsis and urinary tract infections.
More than 60,000 metagenomes (a collection of genomes within a specific environment), which together contained the genetic makeup of over one million organisms, were analysed to get these results. They came from sources across the globe including marine and soil environments, and human and animal guts.
The resulting AMPSphere -- a comprehensive database comprising these novel peptides -- has been published as a publicly available, open-access resource for new antibiotic discovery.
[Note: !!! Love it. Open access research databases my beloved.]"
-via Science Daily, June 5, 2024
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For fun, I wanted to think through which organs Darth Maul is actually missing. This gives us clues as to which bodily processes he just doesn't have anymore, which ones he's using sith juju to make up for, and what Talzin or Death Watch might've done for him with the prosthetics. To be fair, humans have about 70 to 80 possible organs systems (don't ask), but who knows what zabrak have, and where they truly are located. We can only guess.
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✓ Means he probably has this.
X Means he probably doesn't have this.
O Means he probably only has some.
(Checklist and conclusions below the cut.)
✓ Adrenal glands (above the kidneys)
X Anus
X Appendix
X Bladder
O Bones
O Bone marrow (spongy part of the bone)
✓ Brain
✓ Bronchi (tubes in the lungs)
✓ Diaphragm (muscle of breathing)
✓ Ears
✓ Esophagus
✓ Eyes
✓ Gallbladder
X Genitals
✓ Heart ( 2 of them!)
✓ Hypothalamus (in the brain)
O Joints
✓ Kidneys
O Large intestine
✓ Larynx (voice box)
✓ Liver
✓ Lungs
O Lymph nodes
O Mesentery (Nerves, vessel, & fat storage in gut)
✓ Mouth
✓ Nasal cavity
✓ Nose
✓ Pancreas (hormones/enzymes)
✓ Pineal gland (in the brain- hormone production)
✓ Parathyroid glands (hormones, in the neck)
✓ Pharynx (back of the throat)
✓ Pituitary gland (in the brain, hormones)
X Prostate
X Rectum
✓ Salivary glands
O Skeletal muscles
O Skin
O Small intestine
O Spinal cord
✓ Spleen (big blood filter)
✓ Stomach
✓ Teeth
✓ Thymus gland (immune training, in the chest)
✓ Thyroid (hormones, in the neck)
✓ Trachea
✓ Tongue
O Ureters (Kidney to bladder tubes)
X Urethra
O Ligaments (connect muscles to bones)
O Tendons (connect bones to bones)
✓ Blood cells
✓ Hair (Uhhh... horns? I guess he has eyelashes?)
✓ The vestibular system (of the ear)
X Testes (unless zabrak locate them internally)
✓ Nails
X Vas deferens (testes to genitals tube)
X Seminal vesicles (semen fluid production)
X Bulbourethral glands (makes preejaculate)
X Penis
X Scrotum (if zabrak keep the testes externally)
✓ Parathyroid glands (neck, hormonal)
O Thoracic ducts (Where lymph flows into veins)
O Arteries
O Veins
O Capillaries
O Lymphatic vessels
✓ Tonsils
O Nerves
O Subcutaneous tissue
O Olfactory epithelium (nose)
✓ Cerebellum
Long story short, besides just his legs and genitals, Maul lost most of his digestive and urinary systems.
He actually kept almost all of his life-critical organs, so whatever sith voodoo he was doing to stay alive on Lotho Minor was probably focused on fighting off sepsis (due to the unclean end points of his digestive system. Remember he got cauterized by a lightsaber so assume he had to make... new holes. There may have also been some self-done surgery to reconnect what remained of his large and small intestines.)
The loss of his testes, if he indeed had human typical location for them, could have proven a growing problem, considering that they make 90% of a man's testosterone, and that's needed just to have normal amounts of energy.
The digestive track is also a problem, as the gut microbiome is where a lot of neurochemicals are produced. For example, 95%~ of the body's seratonin is produced in the gut. Lacking huge chunks of his small and large intestine means that Maul had poor absorbtion of nutrients, and probably needed to eat all the time just to get a fraction of the calories and nutrients from his food.
So. He lived on the edge of starvation due to a truncated digestive track, had low energy, mood imbalances like you wouldn't believe, and constant sepsis. I'm sure the acid rain being the only source of fresh water was also just, so helpful.
I assume, by the lack of black veins on him afterward, and (sort of?) stable mood, that talzin might've regrown some of his gut and fixed the end point issues. Later on, Death Watch (being mandalorians) might've given him more robust life support systems that included testosterone replacement and cybernetic genitals. Seems like what they would do for their own people.
Possible lingering complications? I assume he has a VERY weird relationship with food. He had spider legs for twelve years, so bipedal motion probably fails him sometimes. Back pain. Phantom leg pain. Nerve junction issues. Immune system weirdness (from all that missing marrow, and a long stint with sepsis). Issues storing fat. Talzin yoloed his brain back to sane-adjacent, so mental health is... I mean. Yeah. Triggers. Teeth prone to chipping and cavities (from malnutrition and acid water). Possibly goes to the bathroom once a day and urinates like a race horse. Issues with being touched, myriad phobias, and a squirrelly libido.
Did I miss anything?
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darkmaga-retard · 6 days
Scientists are sounding the alarm after laboratory testing found that Covid mRNA vaccines “accelerate cancer” in all those who received the shots.
Lioness of Judah Ministry
Sep 19, 2024
By Hunter Fielding September 18, 2024
Scientists are sounding the alarm after laboratory testing found that Covid mRNA vaccines “accelerate cancer” in all those who received the shots.
Back in February, U.S. Republican Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin held a roundtable discussion titled ‘Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?’.
In attendance at that forum was an internal medicine specialist and medical doctor named Sabine Hazan, who conducts and supervises clinical trials for cutting-edge medical research, including that based on gastroenterology.
Dr. Hazan investigates Big Pharma companies for corruption, a very daring and courageous effort to help the world realize how much fraud and insidious planning Western Medicine engages in, especially the Vaccine Industrial Complex.
The key component that makes up 90% of our biological seat of immunity for fighting diseases is KILLED OFF by spike proteins from mRNA jabs that travel to the gut. Anyone who got Covid vaccinated could be catapulting cancer, IBS, autism, dementia, and catching Covid or the next pandemic of Bird Flu, Monkeypox, or whatever other gain-of-function lab-made virus Big Pharma releases into the wild.
Gastroenterologist Dr. Sabine Hazan tested the microbiomes of doctors who volunteered to be tested BEFORE and AFTER getting Covid vaccinated with spike protein prion-creating mRNA jabs and discovered that their most important gut bacteria were wiped out within 30 days to almost non-existent.
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realcleverscience · 9 months
interesting microbiome research:
"To investigate this, researchers at the University of Oxford tested 100 different gut bacteria strains individually and in combination for their ability to limit the growth of two harmful bacterial pathogens: Klebsiella pneumoniae and Salmonella enterica. Individual gut bacteria showed a very poor ability to restrict the spread of either pathogen. But when communities of up to 50 species were cultured together, the pathogens grew up to 1000 times less effectively than when cultured with any individual species. This 'community protection effect' was seen regardless of whether the bacteria were cultured together in vials, or in 'germ-free' mice (which had no resident gut bacteria at the start of the experiments).
Author Professor Kevin Foster (Departments of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Oxford) said: 'These results clearly demonstrate that colonization resistance is a collective property of microbiome communities; in other words, a single strain is protective only when in combination with others.'...
The researchers demonstrated that protective bacterial communities block pathogen growth by consuming the nutrients that the pathogen needs. By assessing the genomes of the different bacterial species, they found that the most protective communities were composed of species with highly similar protein compositions to the pathogenic species. They also used metabolic profiling to demonstrate that the protective species had similar demands for carbon sources as the pathogens."
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