#guys he said a slur that he can reclaim!!!!
legendoftherisingtide · 6 months
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catboyieejeno · 1 year
don't kiss and tell: 2 ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
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other parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
pairings: best friend! mark + best friend! jeno + best friend! hyuck x female! reader summary: a week after the events of the kissing bet, you and the boys are having a game night. everything is going smoothly, but it seems the problem always arises when hyuck starts insisting he’s the best at something. content: non-idol au, explicit smut, cursing, pet names, drinking (everyone is tipsy), oral (f! receiving), slight poly action wc: 4.8k
18+ minors do not interact !
your eyes shut tightly as though the simple gesture would make the beer you're chugging any more appetizing. from the couch, your friends whoop and clap, cheering you on.
despite their enthusiasm, you grimace at them, hiccupping.
“hyuck cheated!” the back of your arm comes up to wipe your mouth. with an exaggerated gasp, hyuck's hand flies to his chest as if your accusation could not have offended him more.
“whaaat? i did not cheat- actually, yeah, i definitely did.”
the boy yells out when you reclaim your seat beside him, landing a couple of half-hearted blows on his arm that he weakly blocks.
mark quickly recoils away from your fight, trying to protect both his red solo cup full of fizzy beer, and his last few playing cards from everyone's eyes.
"you have to drink too, then, cheater," droopy-eyed, jeno points this out from his spot on the floor where he sits, shoulders slumped and knees tucked into his chest. he lays his head onto the coffee table that has been repurposed into the night's designated gaming area, covered by an array of different cards, board games, console controllers, salt, beer cans, and a few too many lime wedges.
hyuck only whines in protest, shaking his head no, "i'm tired of playing cards," he tosses them onto the table, leaning back into the cushions with his blood-shot eyes closed.
"what? no! i was gonna win for sure this time!" mark groans.
"boohoo. you snooze, you lose, mark.” his words are somewhat slurred, spoken mockingly in a sing-song tone, “let's play another game.”
"mmm," you hum, intrigued, "like what?" the latest drink you had to chug just moments ago, thank you, hyuck, has made your cheeks glow hot, and while you're not yet drunk, you've definitely been tipsy for the last hour or so.
tiredly, you rest your head onto mark's shoulder and pat his back as he huffs, leaning in to show you his perfect hand that would have surely won him the game.
"i know! truth or dare." hyuck snaps his fingers as the idea comes to him, looking between all of you. mark finally gives up on the cards, discarding them on the table as he turns to you younger boy.
"dude, what are you," jeno snickers, "twelve?"
"jeno, truth or dare?" he pushes.
with a sigh, jeno decides to humor him and gives in, "truth," he replies, leaning back on his palms.
"is it true that you’ve been single for two years because yeeun cheated on you?”
“haha,” he mocks, “fuck your game. i’m not answering that.”
“if you don’t wanna answer, you gotta drink.” hyuck practically beams with satisfaction.
“fine.” jeno takes a swig from his cup, slightly furrowing his brows at the bitterness. he points back at the boy, suddenly more confident as an idea comes to mind, “truth or dare.”
as self-assured as ever, lee donghyuck smirks, “dare,”
“i dare you to call miyeon.”
immediately, mark snorts, taking a sip from his drink as he eyes hyuck, awaiting his reaction. as you pair the name with a face, you lift your head, gasping, “is miyeon the girl you made cry after you guys had sex?”
“that’s exactly right.” jeno nods mischievously, reaching for donghyuck’s phone and handing it to him.
“dude, no way.” he pushes it away, grabbing his cup instead, “i hooked up with her twice like four months ago and that was that.”
mark raises a brow, ”damn, were you that bad at it?”
“no!” he says incredulously, as if his question was beyond far-fetched, “i wasn’t bad at all, moron. in fact, she said i was the best head she’s ever had.” he gloats, eyebrows wiggling.
at this, you laugh. and i mean, really fucking laugh. hand-covering-your-mouth and on-the-verge-of-tears type of laugh, “yeah fucking right,” you breathe out in between giggles.
mark and jeno were just about ready to laugh in hyuck’s face too, ridicule him for bragging about something they doubted to be true, but following your reaction, they immediately bite their tongues.
hyuck turns to blink you, just as shocked as the other two boys.
"y/n... you're officially cut off." jeno pulls all the beer cans toward himself and away from you but you can only shake your head and wave him off with your hand.
“sorry,” you apologize, wiping the corner of your eye.
hyuck scoffs, “what’s so funny?”
you look between the three of them, lips parted. when you speak, your voice is bouncy with amusement, like your next words are the most obvious thing in the world:
“everyone knows guys suck at giving head.” ...cue the chaos.
“woah, what?!” jeno chokes on his spit, eyes widening.
mark puts his cup to the side, leaning in as if he might've misheard you, “there’s no way you seriously think that.”
“who the hell’s been giving you head?” hyuck retorts, sitting up straighter like he's suddenly very interested in what you have to say.
“every girl knows it." you explain plainly, "my ex was only okay at it and even then, i had to tell him what i liked a few times before he eventually got that hang of it."
now, it's the guys' turn to laugh.
hyuck chuckles in disbelief, "is that the only guy who's given you head?"
"no, there's been others." you reply with a shrug, a bit more shy with all of their eyes on you.
"like, how many, though?" the liquor was blurring all boundaries of friendship between the four of you; normally, mark would be too shy to even bring something like this up, yet here he is asking how many guys have eaten you out.
and jeno? way too respectful and modest to ask about something this, but now his eyes bore into yours, gaze unfaltering as he hangs on your every word. even lee donghyuck had never been so keen on knowing the details of your sex life.
there's a redness flourishing on your cheeks, and it's not from the beers, "...a few? i don't know. it's not like i keep count."
"none of those guys knew what they were doing, believe me."
"why should i? because one girl said you were the best she's ever had?" you mock, eyebrows raising in disbelief.
"oh," he smirks, "i'm pretty fucking good," you scoff at hyuck, crossing your arms. his eyes relax, looking at you teasingly. a line of white appears below his dark irises as he tilts his head, "what? you don't believe me?"
"no." you reply quickly.
"in all fairness, neither do i." jeno adds.
mark leans back on the couch, one arm across the top, "yeah, i gotta agree with them. sorry, man."
his tongue presses into his cheek, "alright, fine. it's my turn right? y/n, truth or dare."
you shrug, "dare."
"if you don't think my head is incredible then i dare you to let me prove you wrong."
your eyes widen. "truth." you quickly amend.
he laughs, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees, "okay, i'll bite: y/n, is it true that you've never come from head?"
you debate not answering, but your mouth moves before your brain can finish the thought, "that's true." you're speaking barely above a whisper.
"then let me have the honor of being the first guy who-"
"well, hold on a second,” alas, you can always trust jeno to be the voice of reason, "hyuck, i'm not letting you represent. I'm definitely better than you," or not.
"i've lived with you for four years, jeno, and i never once heard you pleasuring yeeun when you were together. besides, it's been forever since you last went down on a girl. you're rusty, dude."
"i don't know. i think the best out of us is me," mark pipes up, liquid-courage taking over, "but i happen to be biased."
"woah," as the gravity of the situation registers, you hold your arms out, "you're all talking about me like i'm not here."
"you're right, princess," at hyuck's pet name, your clit pulses and you suddenly feel that much more intoxicated, even though you're barely even tipsy anymore, "so tell me, who do you want to eat you out?"
if you were completely sober, you would probably have said something along the lines of "what the fuck? ew! none of you." or maybe "who says i want any of you to eat me out?"
some snarky comment—or any comment at all, really—would've suited you just fine! but, the reality is: the mere possibility of your three best friends going down on you is causing your thighs to squeeze together subconsciously.
so of course, your words betray you, and what you end up pathetically muttering is "i-i'm not sure."
"hey, wait a second." hyuck turns to mark, then jeno, "this feels familiar, doesn't it?" the boys catch on to what he's saying, snickering quietly, "we all think we're the best right? so, why don't we make a little bet?"
you instantly whine in protest, "no, no way. i don't want you guys to make me pick a winner again."
"oh, don't worry," jeno brings a hand up to your knee, thumb rubbing your skin, "we'll definitely know who won this time around." he looks at hyuck, "trust me... we'll hear it," and you think, this may be the first time they so easily agree on something.
instinctively, you turn to your other side in search of mark who is already looking back at you through half-lidded eyes. he knew by your gaze exactly what you needed to hear.
"if this is something you want to do," his hand comes down from the top of the couch and onto your back to rub it soothingly, "then just say it, baby. we won't think differently of you. i know i speak for all of us when i say," his tongue swipes at his lips, "this will be as much fun for us as it will be for you."
you nod slowly, hips squirming, and let out a little breath. "okay. yeah, okay."
hyuck's eyes light up at your response and he shuffles back to make room in front of him, "lay down, pretty girl."
your stomach does a flip, unaccustomed to the collection of pet names hyuck is trying on you tonight, and you’re entirely sure there will be more coming from him, not to mention the other two boys.
you scoot down toward hyuck, brushing your hair to one side. behind you, mark pats his lap twice and you lie back, head resting on his thighs. when your eyes blink up at him nervously, he can't help but smile crookedly, captivated by you— so much so, that his pants get a noticeably tighter when he realizes he has the best view in the house.
"let me know if you wanna stop," mark reassures you.
"i don’t,” you mumble, keeping your voice steady despite the nerves and excitement bubbling in your stomach, “i don’t wanna stop.”
jeno sits a bit closer, "okay, but if at any point you're not sure, just let us know, yeah?"
"god, i can't wait to watch you fall apart." your head snaps back up to mark, and you clench around nothing at his words. there’s no way you haven’t pooled your panties by now, especially with the way you’re cunt is throbbing, edged on by the alcohol content in in your bloodstream.
"alright, baby. can i be honest?" hyuck asks.
you look down at him and nod your head yes, shivering when his fingers brush the hem of your shirt up a to reveal the button of your shorts and some of your stomach. a gasp leaves your lips as hyuck leans in, lips hovering over your exposed skin, breath tickling you with every exhale.
"i've imagined doing this to you many times," he continues, "you're so fucking hot." as he undoes the button and slides your zipper down, he places a single kiss above your bellybutton.
with one hand, he tugs off your shorts. they’re quickly discarded somewhere along on the floor and you're left in nothing but your panties.
now, the only thing left to cover your core from their hungry eyes is a thin, black strip of lace and cotton, and hyuck has to purse his lips to avoid drooling at the sight. his mouth is salivating, two fingers hooking around the material, "can i?" when you wordlessly nod, he purses his lips.
"tsk, tsk. try again."
"yes, hyuck. take them off.” you whisper.
he hums in approval and bemusement, removing the fabric in one smooth motion. your panties join your shorts on the floor.
every part of you is buzzing with sensitivity. the cool breeze that hits your slick makes you let out a shaky breath, and jeno chuckles from beside you.
both of hyuck’s hands slide up your bare legs and stop at your knees to gently guide them apart. he then settles between your thighs, sucking in a breath at the looks of you. your pretty folds are covered in your arousal, glistening, begging to be touched.
you can't help but feel small under the gaze of all three boys who gawk at you, growing hard in their pants at the way you're so pleasantly displayed for them.
"fuck, your pussy is so pretty." hyuck's eyes finally meet yours as he leans in to press a kiss to your thigh, one of his arms wrapping around to hold it in place, a preemptive measure, “i’m gonna make you come so hard,”
“we’ll see,” you tease, wiggling your hips slightly as if testing his grip and patience.
he only manages to scoffs at you, committed to doing it right; he wouldn’t bother to argue your lack of faith with words… as promised, he would simply prove you wrong.
you suppress a hiss as his tongue pokes out to lick a clean stripe from your entrance to your clit, eyes locked on yours and watching the way your lips part. teasingly, he kisses your sensitive bud a few times, tongue flattening against it as he seeks out how every action provokes a new reaction from you.
softly, just to test the waters, he attaches his mouth to you and sucks. when your hips slightly buck up, he takes a mental note, pulling back to lap at you again.
your core is buzzing eagerly, receptive to each new touch and sensation. everything felt fucking good, and he’s barely even begun. for the first time tonight, you think you’re definitely in over your head.
your first moan surprises you when he dips his tongue into you, fucking you with it at a passive pace, and you can’t help but lean up onto your elbows to get a better view of his face pressed into your cunt.
“you’re so beautiful,” jeno praises. his hand reaches up to hold your face and you lean into his touch, panting slightly as hyuck swipes at your folds. jeno trails his fingers down to stop at the hem of your shirt, eyes blinking at you for permission.
you nod, grabbing his hand and guiding it to push up the material of your shirt, revealing both of your breasts that sit covered by your bra. with a low groan, he squeezes one softly, still with your fingers over his, and brings the other to his pants to rub himself over the material.
mark grabs your other breast, whispering a quiet ‘wow’ in appreciation. you turn and he leans in, face properly close to yours now that you’re almost sitting yourself up. when his lips meet yours, you whine into his mouth, kissing him feverishly.
so much is happening at once, so many eager touches brushing your skin, so many sounds to listen for.
mark moans into your mouth at your kiss, jeno moans as he palms himself, and hyuck grinds into the couch, moaning into your core, shooting vibrations through you.
when you pull away from mark's soft lips, it’s because hyuck starts to pick up his pace, requiring some of the attention back on him now that he’s paid attention to and noted what you seem to like.
“oh, my god,” you mumble, letting your head fall back as your best friend works his tongue into you. your panting turns into whimpering, hips involuntarily grinding down into his mouth. the sounds get louder as he gets messier, shaking his head, arms holding your thighs down when they threaten to close.
hyuck smirks against you as he senses your desperation, taking one finger and slipping it into you as his mouth focuses on pleasuring your clit.
"how does it feel, baby?" mark whispers into your skin, lips trailing your neck and shoulder.
"so—fuck, hyuck, it feels so good," you moan out, no longer holding back. you're so close, and he knows it, so naturally, he adds another finger.
as you come, sputtering a string of incoherent pleas and praises, mark watches your face, admiring every expression you make. jeno has to stop palming himself at the risk of coming in his pants; instead, he focuses on gripping your breast and waist, squeezing occasionally.
hyuck keeps his pace up until he sees you're coming down, and only then does he slow down with you. when you recover, you're left panting, looking down at him in awe, and he feels his dick twitch. he crawls up to you, a mix of his spit and your release dripping down his mouth and chin, and kisses you. it's lewd, obscene, but you kiss him back hungrily, savoring your taste on his lips.
“not bad, huh?” he mumbles into your kiss.
“not bad at all,” you reply shakily, sitting up all the way. hyuck moves back, wiping his mouth with his thumb.
unable to wait any longer, jeno gets up from the floor, “my turn, doll. ready for round two?” he holds his hand out, which you take, standing up despite the wobbling in your knees.
“can this come off?” he tugs at your shirt. you quickly nod, pulling it over your head with his assistance. his lips find your chest and immediately, he's biting and kissing the part of your boobs that spills from the cups of your bra.
"bend over," he pulls away.
"bend over the couch," by your hips, he spins you around, and you kneel on the cushions as instructed, grabbing onto the top and arching your back for him. when his hand comes down to land a slap on your ass, you cry out.
donghyuck, watching with intrigue from beside you, calls out to his friend, "she tastes so good, man," while he brushes your hair behind your ear.
"i'm sure she does," jeno lowers himself so that he's right between your legs. before his mouth even attaches to you, his fingers pull and tug your skin, playing with the way your thighs feel in his grip.
"are you ready, babe?"
"jeno," you start, "why do you always have to warn me before you-aah, shit," in less than a second, he's lapping you up, spitting and sucking at your folds. maybe its because you're still sensitive from your last orgasm, or maybe it’s jeno's eagerness to please you, but you find yourself writhing and squirming with every touch, much more than with donghyuck. and—when his nose bumps you in a particularly delicious way, all the while his tongue is massaging your clit—you whimper, arching even more.
he's moving his head up and down, something like a nod, to provide you with more friction, to taste more of you at once, gripping your skin tightly to hold you still or otherwise guide you where he wants you. it’s sloppy and messy, and you can’t resist moaning out his name.
“jeno, please, please don’t stop,”
you swipe your tongue at your lips to wet them and mark catches it. how could he not? his eyes have been on you all night. he reaches up, prodding at your bottom lip with his thumb. when your eyes meet his, his jaw goes slack and you mirror him, opening your mouth just enough for his digit to slip past your lips.
everything feels so overwhelmingly good in this moment—your lips wrapping around and sucking on mark's finger, hyuck pulling your bra down enough so he can pinch one of your nipples, jeno's tongue pushing into your entrance, two fingers coming up to rub your bud in quick circles—god, you feel like you're on fucking fire. each touch stands out as much as the other, each one makes your head spin and your eyes roll back.
jeno's pace hasn't let up once, and you spare a second to wonder if he's even breathing at this point.
"are you close, baby?" when you nod, mark takes his finger back, "then, say it, baby. tell me how close you are."
"i'm close, i'm so close. i'm-"
and then, it hits you.
you moan loudly, letting your head fall as jeno's fingers speed up. the sensation is almost too much, but when you try to recoil, his large hand that sits on your waist holds you still.
he's groaning into your cunt and it only makes you come harder. your toes are curling at the feeling, eyes squeezing shut. he doesn't stop or slow down like hyuck did; in fact, he keeps going until you're gasping out for air, legs squeezing together in desperation. he drives you until you're so intensely overwhelmed that you're seeing the stars behind your eyelids.
when he finally let's you go, you lean forward and prop yourself against the back of the couch as you catch your breath.
you feel him come up behind you, moving your hair out of the way to blow cool air on your neck, "y/n, that was the hottest thing ever," he mumbles and kisses your shoulder, resting his head on it.
"that was insane," you whisper, lifting your head to look at him. instinctively, he leans it to kiss you, tangling his fingers into the root of your hair. it's short and breathy, and when you pull apart to look for mark, he's no longer sitting on the couch.
your head pans around, "mark-?"
"i'm here, babe," a second after he calls out to you, he jogs over from the kitchen carrying a cold water bottle that he hands you, "drink some water, baby."
you twist the cap off and tilt the bottle back, replenishing your thirst, then handing the bottle to jeno, who chugs some down, also.
"thank you," you sigh out.
"yeah, course,"
jeno finishes the bottle and of course, hyuck instantly complains, "damn, dude, thanks,"
"you're welcome," jeno sighs sarcastically, tossing him the empty container. hyuck throws it right back, and they get distracted by that for a moment.
meanwhile, you turn to mark as he sits on the couch beside you, giving you some time to recover, which you don't bother to take. you're too interested in him, leaning in and pressing your lips to his soft ones hurriedly.
he wastes no time in kissing you back, just as delicately as he did earlier today, and just as passionately as he did last week. you crawl over so that you're closer, sucking on his bottom lip, swiping at it with your tongue.
mark hums into your mouth when your hand lands on his fully hardened bulge, "today's about you, sweet baby," he brushes your hair back, "come on, i want you to sit on my face."
your eyes widen slightly and he laughs, pulling you by the arm as he lies back and guides your hips up to his face.
"fuck, you're so pretty like this," he mumbles, eyes raking up and down your body as you hover above his face. you giggle, reaching behind your back to snap off your bra. as it comes off, you notice him staring, lips parted and teeth pressed tightly together to sound out a hiss.
"c'mere," his arms wrap around your thighs to tug you closer and you lower yourself until his mouth lightly brushes you. a shiver goes down your spine. you're so sensitive right now, on the verge of falling apart, but you need to feel mark's mouth on you.
his tongue licks you once over, then again, lingering for a moment on your clit. he kisses you there a few times, pulling away only to admire how swollen and wet you are from the events of the night.
you're starting to realize how much mark likes taking his time with you, savoring the taste of your lips before and now, relishing in the taste of your pussy. so, you intend to tease him a bit, just because you can.
one of your hands comes up to squeeze your boob, toying with your nipple, the other one running down and through his hair, nails scratching at his scalp.
he hums in appreciation, watching the way you play with yourself and stare down at him, bottom lip between your teeth.
he breathes hot air into your core when he chuckles. then, he lays his tongue flat against your core, guiding you to grind on it. you moan out quietly, practically whimpering as he sets your movements to a pace. the slurping sounds get progressively louder as his brows furrow in concentration.
"do you like that?" his voice is muffled, but you understand him nonetheless.
"yes, baby, right there," you whine, squirming a bit when his tongue moves side to side, a gesture so delectable that you react by tugging on his hair. at the pet name, falling from your lips so sweetly, exclusively for him, mark grunts into your core. he lifts his head off the couch slightly to rock you against him with more ease.
you lose track of jeno and hyuck and you can no longer hear them behind you. the only sounds now are the wet sounds coming from between your legs and the strangled moans coming from your throat.
it’s so intimate and intoxicating, the eye contact he holds with you, determined to catch every hint of desperation on your features. when he pulls away for air and you whine at the loss of contact, making him laugh yet again, "you make such pretty noises for me," one of mark's arms unwraps itself from your thigh, right hand reaching up to cup your breast. "i want you to come on my tongue,"
he attaches himself to you once more and his words send you over the edge, "mark, i'm-" the only reason you don't fall over is because as you reach for something to hold onto, mark takes your hand into his hold, intertwining your fingers. he moans into you, letting his tongue explore in you and against you until your juices are dripping down the sides of his face and his chin.
the pleasure is white hot and so unbelievably intense, melting your thoughts to mush. you’re trembling above him, bottom lip quivering from the waves of ecstasy that hit you full force.
and mark? he’s staring at you, his own hips slightly tilting up as he imagines all the other ways he could make you come. his own release is so close, the black jeans he’s wearing lending him just enough friction to groan in you again. he could come untouched just from the view you’re giving him.
when you finally still your movements, he kisses your bud and you shake a little, "you did so good." his voice is hoarse, lower than usual from the way he just devoured you.
"that was amazing," you whisper weakly, lifting yourself off of him. he pulls you in so that you're lying down, your face is level with his, "please kiss me," you plead innocently.
incapable of denying you anything, especially when you ask so politely, mark pulls you in by your jaw, kissing you softly.
"did you have fun?"
you nod, "yeah, i did. did you?"
"fuck yes. i literally almost came in my pants." he admits. you laugh and nuzzle your face into the material of his hoodie to hide the way your cheeks are turning bright red.
at the sound of feet padding against the floor, the two of you break apart slightly and turn to see jeno coming in from the kitchen, water clutched in his right hand.
"where's donghyuck?" you wonder.
"bathroom," jeno snorts, "said he had to rub one out."
"of course he did," mark sighs.
"yeah, uh, so do i... so," he clears his throat, "i'll be in my room," awkwardly, he walks away, one hand cupped over his crotch as if you and mark didn't know he was obviously turned on.
when jeno disappears behind his door, you turn back around to look at the boy you're laying on top of and- oh shit.
"oh, my god-sorry!" you rush out in a panic, lifting yourself up, "sorry, sorry!"
"no, it's fine, bab- i mean, y/n."
"i-uh, got caught up in the moment." you quickly explain, apologizing again. when you grab your shirt and panties and slip them on, mark turns around to give you privacy.
"no, you're good. it's fine, i got caught up, too, i-"
"mark, you don't have to turn around like you haven't seen me, i just sat on your face."
"right," he spins back around slowly, but not before fixing himself in his pants a bit, "do you," he sighs, calming his heart, "do you want me to get you some of my clothes so you can take a shower? you can sleep over, too, if you want. it's kinda late."
"yeah," you nod, "that'd be great."
"okay, uh, i'll take the couch. let me," his mouth is exceedingly dry, "go get you something to wear."
you finish putting on your shorts, just so you can be decent for now, as mark leaves, somehow more nervously than jeno had just moments ago.
exhausted, for more reasons than one, you lean against the couch, hands covering your face. everything that went down flashes before your eyes as you sigh heavily, busy with your thoughts.
there's simply no way you'll be able to sleep tonight.
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The housewarden's reactions to Yuu forgetting their names and calling them "that faggot over there" ? Please and tank yew :]
→ prompt :: housewardens and their reactions to being called “that faggot over there” by mc/yuu
→ custom req :: n/a
→ content warnings :: use of the f-slur, reader is assumed to like to draw in azul’s, very light spoilers for ch. 2 (not anything too big) ch. 5 (only what the arc is about), mc/yuu curses a lot
→ word count :: 1,852 words
→ A/N :: this sure is a request to start out with AGSKJASHJK but this was very fun to write <3 even if it's kinda badly done (also yes i can reclaim the slur, otherwise i wouldn't say it)
•———••✦ <3 ✦••———•
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riddle rosehearts
it happened in heartslabyul’s lounge.
riddle was helping deuce study magic history while you and grim were with ace.
you’d been talking about riddle but you’d forgotten his name in a brief moment of brain lag.
you were trying to figure it out when you saw him in the lounge helping deuce and pointed directly to him. “no, i mean that faggot over there, the red hair, what’s his name??”
almost instantly after you said this, ace snorted and both him and grim burst out laughing.
riddle, who’d overheard your conversation, whipped his head up and furrowed his brows.
he was absolutely flabbergasted.
you actually just called him that.
his face turned almost as red as his hair when he glanced at deuce and saw him trying not to laugh.
(a futile effort on deuce’s part that only made riddle angrier).
he slammed his hand onto the desk that deuce was currently cackling leaning against and stomped over to you and ace.
he gave you a firm talking-to about the use of that word in his dorm but you couldn’t really make out what he was saying because of ace’s laughter.
probably ended up ranting about it to trey about “can you believe the prefect actually called me that!?” “honestly yeah, i can.” “WHAT?!”
ace now brings this up every time you two pass riddle, no matter where you are (and it makes him extremely angry).
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leona kingscholar
you and ruggie were in the cafeteria during lunch.
the two of you had been talking about your opinions on random students in the cafeteria.
it was now your turn and you glanced around to find someone to talk about.
“that guy, over there, you know him, right?”
ruggie turned to see who you were pointing at, and turned back with furrowed brows. “jack?”
“no, not jack.” you gestured. “the fuckin’- the faggot lion.”
ruggie snorted and got the attention of the table next to you. “LEONA??”
you nodded.
leona, even if he was completely across the loud cafeteria, could pinpoint ruggie’s voice from anywhere, to be completely honest.
he growled to himself as the cafeteria went quiet, several students turning to face him.
“yes, i called leona a faggot. i couldn’t remember his name, what did you expect me to call him?”
ruggie started cackling and so did half the cafeteria.
leona’s ears went back and he snarled. this bitch.
he knew letting ruggie hang out with the prefect was an awful idea.
he took his food with him and left the cafeteria.
this wasn’t something he was awake enough to deal with.
ruggie mentioned it earlier and leona had to physically restrain himself from using the king’s roar on the little shit.
he avoided you for like a week before he decided it was too much work and just gave up, but he still isn’t happy with you and will not let this go.
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azul ashengrotto
happened at mostro lounge on a really slow day.
you were doodling in the lounge while you were eating.
jade and floyd, finding entertainment in your art, were watching with interest, floyd standing behind your seat and jade standing next to you, watching over your shoulder.
they watched as you flipped to a new page and began to sketch what looked like a person.
“what’cha drawin’ now, shrimpy?”
you hummed as you looked up to say something but you stopped, forgetting his name. fuck, what was it?
“your boss. i can’t remember his name.”
jade held a hand up at floyd, who was about to tell you. “no, you can do it, prefect. try to remember.”
conveniently, azul had come out with the drink and food you’d ordered at that moment.
you pointed at him. “him- the- that faggot right there!”
azul nearly dropped the platter he was holding.
floyd was cackling and you even heard jade snort trying to hold back a laugh.
azul, meanwhile, turned bright red in the face and set the platter down on your table.
“that’s rude and uncalled for.” azul would say before turning on his heel.
“jade, you’re in charge. don’t come get me.”
and he ran off into the VIP room in the lounge.
floyd couldn’t breathe. even jade was chuckling.
you had just said what popped into your head, why was azul so flustered over it?
later, however, jade and floyd were teasing azul about it.
azul, pacing, shoved his face into his hands.
“how did mc know?!”
neither of the tweels have let him live this down.
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kalim al-asim
you and jamil had been studying together, and were now on your way back to scarabia.
somehow, the conversation had made it’s way to talking about some of the crazy things you’ve done at this school so far.
“and then one time, me and this guy accidentally tripped floyd in mostro lounge and we had to run so fast to shake him, which was absolutely terrifying. i can’t remember his name but i wish i knew him better.”
jamil shook his head. “how do you not know this guy’s name? it sounds like you’ve done quite a lot together.”
“no, i can describe him, you know his name. he has like, white hair, and he’s in scarabia, i think.”
“you’ll have to be a lot more specific.”
you were about to keep trying (and failing) to describe this guy, when you saw him talking to another scarabia member.
you pointed at him. “that faggot right there! that’s who i’m talking about!”
jamil furrowed his brows as kalim turned around and pointed at himself.
“are you talking about kalim?”
“yes! that’s his name!”
“and you just called kalim a faggot?!”
kalim, upon hearing this, snorted a laugh.
he was not flustered in the slightest.
if anything, he thought it was hilarious that jamil was so surprised.
“yes i did, and you can’t deny it!”
jamil’s jaw dropped as he stared at kalim, who was now laughing heartily.
“i can’t believe you.”
kalim followed jamil into the kitchen as he stormed away.
you left scarabia giggling to yourself. you hadn’t seen jamil that surprised ever.
meanwhile, with the other two, as jamil began to get ready to cook something for kalim, he sat in a chair and kicked his legs.
“jamil, you’re smart, what’s a faggot?”
jamil almost tripped over himself. that was not expected.
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vil schoenheit
probably happened while you were practicing for the SDC.
vil had the idea that maybe some makeup might tie together the look for the actual performance.
so, he pulled you and epel off to do your makeup.
he was out in the lobby while you and epel were waiting with your bangs tied out of your faces in the bathroom, awaiting vil’s return.
there was a bit of an awkward silence until you turned to epel.
“so, does this always happen?”
“wha’ddya mean?”
“like, do you always get your makeup done like this?”
epel raises a brow. “huh?”
you sigh. “like, does what’s-his-face pull you off to do your makeup a lot?”
epel snorts. “what’s-his-face?”
you groan. “i can’t remember his name, the fuckin’-”
vil, conveniently, enters at that moment and you turn to him.
you point and look back at epel. “this faggot.”
epel snorted and you couldn’t help but snicker too, until you looked at vil.
that man looked so offended.
he set the makeup bag on the sink and turned to face the both of you.
“what did you just call me?!”
epel’s giggling doesn’t help when you try to answer seriously.
“you heard me.”
“you do realize that is highly disrespectful? especially for someone so much better than you?”
epel can’t stop laughing.
“sorry, vil.”
man’s angry but he’s really good at covering it, being an actor and all.
he makes you and epel sit in silence while he does your makeup and then makes you practice extra for the SDC, which you and epel were both complaining about.
he would hold a grudge against this for the rest of the time you attend NRC.
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idia shroud
you were on a voice call during a multiplayer game idia had asked you to play with him.
it was you, idia and someone who goes by the username “muscle red”.
muscle red and idia were both muted but were in the call while the three of you were playing.
idia almost didn’t make it to you to heal you and you began to shout about it in the microphone.
muscle red had messaged you in the private group chat you three were in, asking what you were shouting about.
to which you spoke aloud that “this fucker almost didn’t get to me in time!”
you three weren’t the only ones in the game, so muscle red had asked who you were talking about.
“i can’t remember his name,” you began, but you @ him in the chat. “i mean this faggot.”
the chat was flooded then with keysmashes on idia’s part and several LMAO’s from muscle red (who had, thankfully, began to pick up how to text in online spaces).
most of idia’s messages were as follows;
quite frankly, it was hilarious.
meanwhile, idia was screaming in his room so loudly that ortho had entered and asked him what was wrong.
he ended up telling ortho in absolute dismay.
muscle red sends screenshots of this occasionally and idia hates it every. time.
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malleus draconia
it was late at night outside of ramshackle.
you were with ace talking about some of the housewardens compared to riddle.
he’d been talking about them for a while and you cut him off to bring up one of them.
“i haven’t actually met him really but i’m sure you know him, shit, what’s his name…”
“you haven’t met like half of the housewardens. that’s not specific enough.”
you sighed and made gestures with your hands. “he’s like, okay, i think he’s the housewarden? but like, i can’t remember his name, shit-”
ace begun to chuckle as you struggled.
“he comes around here, he might be here soon enough and i’ll just show you-”
sure enough, someone familiar caught your eye. you pointed and ace turned to look.
“that faggot!”
ace covered his mouth to try not to laugh as malleus tilted his head.
“is that the name you’ve decided on calling me, child of man?”
ace’s soul nearly left his body right then and there.
“you just called malleus a faggot,” ace whisper-yelled.
“yes i did, and i’m not wrong.”
malleus watched the two of you argue about this with intrigue.
“what exactly is a faggot?”
ace’s eyes widened and you snorted as ace grabbed your arm and pulled you into ramshackle.
he dragged you off too soon, in malleus’s opinion. that was a fun conversation to witness.
he went to lilia, who was more up-to-date on current terms, and asked him what a faggot was.
he was extremely confused when lilia burst out laughing and left saying he “had to tell sebek and silver about this”.
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mulletmitsuya · 1 year
Toman Groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestive language, might be offensive idk (lmk if it is so i should take it down if necessary) , mentions of birth, mentions of alcohol and weed, gayness
Desc: it's Mitsuya's day of birth
Baji: what's up with the emoji's
Mitsuya: thanks Chifuyu
Baji: happy getting out of the pussy day
Mitsuya: 😐
Kazutora: didn't he get circumcised?
Mitsuya: man what
Baji: ...
Baji: fuck that gotta do with what i just said
Baji: you just say shit
Kazutora: i'm talking about his birth method
Kazutora: keep up, Keisuke 😐
Chifuyu: you're so fucking stupid
Kazutora: Mitsuya's mom was circumcised
Kazutora: it wasn't a vaginal birth
Kazutora: he was essentially removed, rather than birthed
Baji: "he was essentially removed, rather than birthed🤓👆"
Mikey: bro how do you even know that?
Kazutora: i hate talking to stupid mf's 🙄
Baji: i don't understand why people say i'm the stupidest
Draken: *most stupid
Draken: you honestly proved everyone's point
Baji: fuck off
Mitsuya: ok you guys can shut up now
Draken: happy birthday Takashi
Draken: my sworn brother
Draken: my other half
Draken: my twin dragon
Draken: love ya man
Mitsuya: thank you Draken🙂
Baji: did u have socks on
Draken: ...?
Baji: you can't say "i love ya" and "my other half" without any socks on
Baji: it implies a sense homosexuality
Baji: but if you have socks on then it's fine
Draken: i'm sick of you
Baji: bro doesn't have any socks on 💀
Mitsuya: you guys can shut up now x2
Mitsuya: also
Mitsuya: you don't all have to say happy birthday just say it when we meet up cause i feel awkward saying thank you to every single one of you
Mikey: hope you enjoyed my birthday present 💪😎
Mitsuya: yeah...
Mitsuya: the half eaten taiyaki
Mitsuya: appreciate it
Mikey: anything for the homies ❤
Mitsuya: 😒
Draken: where's Hakkai
Draken: surprised he hasn't said anything about your birthday
Mitsuya: he's planning a surprise birthday party
Baji: surprise🤨?
Mitsuya: he told me not to not text him cause he's busy with my surprise birthday party
Mitsuya: i don't think he realized that he told me
Mitsuya: i don't wanna bum him out so i'll still act surprised
Mitsuya: i appreciate it either way
Chifuyu: Takemitchy, Angry and I have been helping him plan this for weeks, and he just fucking told you😐
Mitsuya: i guess lol
Mitsuya: also said he has a surprise for me
Baji: he's gonna tongue you down, i just know it
Mitsuya: stfu
Mikey: are y'all together or not
Mitsuya: don't know what you're taking about
Draken: bro's taking his time
Mikey: Mitsuya you're 21 now
Mikey: it's been 8 years???😭
Smiley: i may not have a birthday present but i'll bring queer and weed
Smiley: since y'all follow the law or whatnot and you're legal now
Smiley: hypocrites
Draken: what's wrong with following the law?
Smiley: you think beating people half to death was fucking legal, Draken?
Draken: well... no
Draken: doesn't mean we should abuse substances, underage
Smiley: ❤H Y P O C R I T E❤
Smiley: and a lot of the people we know smoke so idk why you're all the way in my ass rn
Draken: yeah but cigarettes aren't drugs
Smiley: weed >>>>> cigarettes
Draken: the ability to breath when i'm in my thirties >>>>
Smiley: fair
Baji: wdym you'll bring a queer and weed🤨
Smiley: why would i bring a queer when Mitsuya is literally right there
Smiley: i meant beer
Smiley: pride month changing my damn autocorrect😒
Kazutora: stop saying slurs
Smiley: bro the gays reclaimed that shit
Smiley: it's a blanket term for the ABCDEFG community or whatever the fuck
Draken: i feel like you're being homophobic
Smiley: nuh uh
Smiley: dude look
Smiley: 👬 👭
Smiley: see?😁
Smiley: am i still homophobic?
Baji: he got us there
Draken: wha-
Draken: what the fuck is that supposed to prove?
*Hakkai has gone online*
Hakkai: could you please come over to my place for no particular reason?🤔
Hakkai: hmmmm, it kinda feels like i'm forgetting something
Hakkai: maybe like, a public holiday?
Hakkai: who knows?🤷‍♂️
Hakkai: anyway
Hakkai: let's hang out like the regular days in which we are normal 🤗
Hakkai: see you soon 😁
Mitsuya: ...
Mitsuya: yeah sure Hakkai
Mitsuya: be right over
Hakkai: ❤
*Hakkai has gone offline*
Mikey: 💀
Chifuyu: i hate him
Baji: did he even fucking try
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junk-whunk-punk · 4 days
Unasked for pet peeve but y'all keep calling him "Mairon" and the older (and homosexualer) I get the more I see that as a straight up deadname. Like you do you champ I'm glad to see new silm fans popping up on here but I was saying this 10 years ago and I'm saying it the fuck now: his name is Sauron, his identity is reclaimed from an elvish slur and like the nietzchean ubermench he makes his own definition of what is good, based on that which his lessers call "evil". And I can't help but see the name Mairon as a name for weakness. This guy isn't pining for his old self in the sick light of Valinor, or for the name his old master called him. He has no master but himself and he's too busy manipulate manwhore man-slaying his way across Middle-Earth and choking the sky with fumes from his volcano-forge. Respect him 😤
Ö😳😳 Thanks for an interesting take for discussion💋
First of all, it's the case of a person's taste. Usually one uses the name that seems more valid for them personally, plus Sauron has handful of names. А wide range of choices for every taste💁‍♀️ After all, why not? (I believe mostly Sauron-centric people call him Mairon)
As for me, I call him Mairon not because of his potential extra-homosexuality or disrespect(???) or some other reasons like this, but because my art is based on my AU where I show the characters just as I see them. Imho Sauron was made with name Mairon, so even after years he stays Mairon. His first, basic name doesn't go anywhere away. So, Mairon is like a base, a fundament (yeahh I know you said he wasn't pining for his old self BUT) And if one wants to talk about some exact situation, they can use a more 'appropriate' one of his names, to make their thoughts more clear for the others.
In some way, I agree that 'Mairon' sounds more domestic, more 'comfy', like it's a name that his kind grandma would use. And Sauron is used for The Dark Lord title (Like 'Mairon the former Maia of Aulë' and 'Sauron the Dark Lord', it sounds like two different personalities) So your nagging has its roots, and in general you are right about it. (I also noticed that people who fight for extra-queer Sauron always call him Mairon. Your wrath is understandable at some point🫡)
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aliorsboxostuff · 10 months
can I request Javier Peña x ftm reader ?
Like reader maybe works at the us embassy and he becomes friends with javi and tries not to fall desperately in love so fluff angst smut whatever all is good idk or care what happens haha I will do anything for that man 😓 tysm for being another male writer i am so sick of Pedro universe characters being written about with only women :((
and if y are not in a fixation (am the same way with that too) of Peña I would love maybe Tim Rockford +ftm reader or Joel if u are into them at the moment. just Pedro simping out rn it’s insane
thank u so much again ! am stoked to see this or any other fics yu write!!
Holy SHIT this took a while!! I'm so sorry but i literally finished Narcos s3 and fell into a writing slump T-T I finally got this out tho and tbh, i like this one, so i hope you all too! Tysm for requesting, I hope this is a good enough Javier Peña fic! If there are any mistakes please don't hesitate to tell me! <3  Remember to Reblog!
Tags: Javier Peña x FtM!reader, Javier Peña x m!reader, Javier Peña x agent!Reader, Steve Murphy, Connie Murphy, Colonel Carillo, other DEA personels, First Meeting, Fluff, Slight smut, making out, Kissing, EXCESSIVE eye contact, Slight OOC, Smitten Javier, Javi is DONE FOR, Bisexual Javier Peña, supportive Steve, He’s an ally!, I dont understand how police ranks work okay, so sorry if theres mistakes about those!, Period typical Homophobia, Period typical Transphobia, Use of queer slurs, sorry guy!, Hurt/Comfort, Healing, Patching up, All English, Gunshot, Alcohol, injuries, No one dies! (Note: I can reclaim the slurs used in this fic as I am in fact a queer, trans man.)
Javi’s breath got caught. The man simply meets his dark browns, thick lashes blink slowly before he promptly tilts his head. Then he breaks eye contact, turning back to Carillo, continuing their conversation. The colonel said something which made the man laugh, creases on the edges of those captivating eyes, the way his lips curled with a professional laugh. Javier finds it hard to rip his attention away. Only when Steve promptly cleared his throat did Javi blink, glancing over to his workmate, who was fixing him with a glare. 
Javier scoffs, turning away. 
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Javier was at his desk when an unfamiliar face came waltzing into the department. The guy seems to follow behind Steve, a confident smile on his lips. The agent takes a sip of his coffee, following the man with his eyes before he disappears into Carillo’s office. He blinks, promptly places his mug back down and rereads the passage before he got distracted.
A minute later, Steve walks out without the mystery man and makes his way to his desk, facing Javier. Curiosity got the best of him, so when his friend went to take a seat, he leaned over his desk enough to whisper to him.
“A new guy? One of yours?”
Steve blinks, before he huffs. “Yeah, the embassy sent him over, apparently he’s got a record with tracking down slippery dealers back in the US, and thought we need more help,”
“Sure, more mouths to feed,” That made Steve scoffs. Javier sits back down, still eyeing Careillo’s office, which makes the blond raise a brow. 
“Don't break him Jav’s,”
“What are you even talking about?” The agent picks up his cup, taking a gulp. 
“You know what I mean,” Steve simply replies, already pulling up his file folder and looking into it. Javier shakes his head, backing up into his chair and resuming his work.
The new guy spent half an hour in the office before he came out, shaking Carillo’s hand with a firm nod. Seems like he already got the guy on his side. Carillo talks to him out of earshot, then suddenly points to Javi’s and Steve’s direction, which makes Javi meet the guy's eyes. 
Javi’s breath got caught. The man simply meets his dark brown, thick lashes blink slowly before he promptly tilts his head. Then he breaks eye contact, turning back to Carillo, continuing their conversation. The colonel said something which made the man laugh, creases on the edges of those captivating eyes, the way his lips curled with a professional laugh. Javier finds it hard to rip his attention away. Only when Steve promptly cleared his throat did Javi blink, glancing over to his workmate, who was fixing him with a glare. Javier scoffs, turning away. 
“Gentlemen, meet our new field agent,” Carillo stands next to their desks, beside him the man stood, button up and in casual pants as he hugs a briefcase, a dark denim jacket over everything. 
“This is Agent Javier Peña, and you’ve met Murphy,” He continued. The man nods at Steve before extending his hand to Javi, which he shakes easily. He notes the calluses on the man's hand before he lets go. 
He introduced himself, stating his purpose. And Steve was right, the embassy did send another agent they thought could help on the hunt. “Pleasure meeting you, Agent Peña,” 
He smiled, a small nod before he moved back beside the colonel. Javier only ran his gaze up and down the man, before promptly nodding. “Welcome to the hunt,” 
Agent Peña looked at you up and down, before he nodded. “Welcome to the hunt,”
The colonel smirks, before he pats you on the shoulder. He turns, presumably to return to his office, which leaves you in front of the two agents. On Steve's left, there's an empty desk, which must've been cleared out for you. You gave Agent Peña a once over, the man currently blowing smoke from his lips, before you cleared your throat. “Good luck on today, agents,” 
And with that, you left the two to set up your own space. You heard a huff from one of them, you couldn't pinpoint who, which made you roll your eyes. The embassy entrusted you to help the Search Bloc on locating Pablo Escobar, or at least find more of his sicarios and drug kitchens in order to stop and raid them. You did your job well back in the US, easily finding many drug distributors, often leading the raids there. Seeing your rapid success, you’ve been transferred to the DEA, which you took with pride. In the midst of all the wars, the good guys need all the manpower they can get. 
You begin to open your case, pulling out files you brought from the US of what leads you’ve gathered even before getting assigned to Bogota. After setting them out, you slide off your jacket and drape it over your chair. Maybe it was your mistake of wearing denim to a hot climate, but there wasn't as much time as you anticipated when Steve picked you up from the apartment you were staying in, so you picked the jacket you arrived with the day before, which resulted in a steady gathering of sweat near your collarbones. After securing your jacket, you begin rolling up the sleeves of your beige button-up, exposing your forearms to what air is still available in the stuffy office. You sigh, before taking a seat at your desk, beginning work. 
The brunette swore under his breath as he saw their new agent standing meters away from him, just behind Steve. He begins to roll up his sleeves to combat the heat, which exposes his forearms, the soft smattering of hair running up the lengths of them. Javier could keep his thoughts to himself when the man only took off his denim jacket, which Javi almost snickered at and almost commented on the ‘rookie mistake’, but when he peeled the jacket off, it reveals the way his pants hugs the swell of the man's ass, which raises heat under Javier's collar.
He tried to look back down to the important paperwork he should be pouring work into but he’s long abandoned that when steady hands reveal entracing arms. When he sat down, Javi instead bit the inside of his cheek before taking a long drag of his cigarette. There's no way Steve didn't notice, but he appreciates the silence he gives him instead of an accusatory glare.  
Javier had his fair share of experiences with women, mainly his valuable informants around the city, but aside from that, men are unfamiliar territory for him. That doesn't mean it deters him, Javi is anything but exploratory on that side of the spectrum. But finding interest in a co-worker is new, especially a fresh face that showed up mere hours ago in the compound. It worries him, something small in the back of his head telling him to reel back, to run away from those hypnotizing eyes and soft smile, but another part urges him to know, to be curious. Javier stands, pocketing his cigar packets.
“Where are you going?” Steve glances toward his friend, brows furrowed.
“Out, smoke,” Javier simply says before he leaves his partner. Steve only stares at him incredulously before shaking his head, turning back to his papers. 
It had turned late. When everyone in the office had decided to retire, some of the guys invited themselves to one of the bars near there, and somehow Javier found himself roped in with the others. To be fair, Steve was the one that invited him, and Javi doesn't really refuse a chance to get himself drunk, maybe pick up a gal before bringing her home for the night, but all his plans went straight out the window when he heard that they also invited the rookie. 
He was standing beside Steven when the man decided he has had enough of socializing with the others and excused himself, heading to the bar. Javier has already started to miss his short laughs and nods as if he understood what his co-workers said. It would surely surprise him if he knew Spanish, maybe basics and everyday words, but unlike Steve, he only arrived in Bogota this week. But it’s rude to assume, people come with varying background knowledge, so Javier turns to the group instead. 
“I heard some gossip about the new guy,” One of them says, eliciting a curious glance from Javi. “Something about him not being a man?”
“Like one of those queer freaks?” 
“Apparently they're called a tranny now,” Some laugh, others shudder before muttering the Lord's prayer.
“God save them,” A couple drinks to that. Steve meets eyes with Javier, something wary in his glance. Javi only rolls his eyes before finishing his shot. He has no business spending time with the likes of these men, if they even deserved to be called men. For all he knows, the man that currently has his back turned toward the table is more of a man than any of them. 
He’s glad to have Steve as his partner. Maybe it's due to the nature of having grown up somewhere like the USA, but the first time Steve found out that Javier has an interest in men, he only shrugged and never saw Javi in another light. From this conversation, Javier also clocks how tired Steve is over the homophobic bullshit their co-workers have. The brunette sighs, blowing out smoke. He goes to take another sip but realizes his empty glass, and pats Steven to indicate his leave to the bar.
He saddles up next to the rookie, the man's fringe slightly blocking Javi to those addictive eyes. He orders another drink, which catches the man's attention. 
"Peña,” He nods and takes a gulp of his drink. Javier is momentarily distracted by the long column of the man's neck, before he shakes his head, resting one arm on the counter. 
"So, what's a handsome man like you doing here?” Javi tries to smile, which might have worked, judging by the grin that appears on the man's lips. He looks down, the condensation coating those lithe fingers, Javier notices. 
“Just trying to pass the night,” He shrugs with a small smile, deciding to humor him. He swirls the alcohol in his glass and Javier follows the movement. He hadn't realized how close he was sitting next to the man. “Listen, Agent Peña-”
“Javier- Javi,” 
Javi’s response made him chuckle. He sips at his drink, before fully turning to face the brunette. “Isn't there a rule against fraternizing with a fellow co-worker, Javi?” 
“Not when it’s outside of work,” That makes the man grin, subconsciously leaning into Javi’s space. 
“I’ve noticed that you’ve been following me with your eyes,” He says, glancing briefly at Javi's lips before returning to his eyes. Javi gulps.
“What can I say, I have an eye for attractive people,” 
“Well, considered me flattered,” Javi tilts his head just so, breathing in the tang of alcohol in the man's breath. They’re dangerously close, too close for just ‘co-workers’. Regardless, Javier finds himself entranced by those deep eyes. 
“But,” He suddenly leans back. “You’re gonna have to try harder than that,” The man picks at his breast pocket before putting down some bills, already reaching for his draped jacket. He swiftly pulls it on, making Javi scramble out of his seat, before he pats his shoulder twice, a dangerous glint in his eyes. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Peña,”
Javier is left starstruck. He stays in his seat, following the sway of the man's hips as he walks across the bar, waving to Steve, before exiting through the door. Javi swears, his brows furrowed as he gulps down what's left of his drink. He turns in his seat, spotting Steve still at the table with the others, an accusatory brow raised. 
Steve drives back to the apartment with Javi. They share an understandable silence. 
It's the second month since your arrival. 
To your disappointment, progress was slow. To no one's surprise, it seems, but from your prestigious work back in the US, the expectation that you’d help with the hunt was high. To just be another field agent with no lead on Escobar in the compound would be a failure to you.
Though the search hasn't gotten any easier, your relationship with your co-worker has. Mainly with Murphy and Peña, and at this point they’ve insisted on you using their first names, so it's Steve and Javier now. They've invited you to drink more than once, spent late nights with you when the paperwork came down like an avalanche, and most of the time, Steve always brings back three boxes of food when it comes to lunch. 
Somehow, Steve has grown closer to you than you expected. When you were overcome with work, Steve would make sure you and Javi weren't missing your break time. He’d pull the both of you out into the cold night air when it turned too late. He fusses over your choice of fashion more times than you could count, commenting on your choice of jacket or shirt, reminding you of the weather and how it’ll be affected with heat. On stakeouts and recon missions, Steve would be the one to pat your jittery leg softly, an encouraging smile beneath his stache. You’d nod, inhaling deeply before releasing the air alongside your tension. 
Then there is Javier. Though you met Steve before him, Javier had caught your interest since the first day. His constant sharp eyes and the lingering smell of nicotine become addictive, the memory of that night at the bar in constant repetition. You could still remember his scent, a combination of something heady, a touch of smoke and sun underneath it all. You were a breath away from his lips, the dimmed light of the bar didn't help to distract you from his captivating brown eyes. 
Ever since then, thankfully, you’ve gotten closer to him. Javi spends more time with you than Steve. Some nights, he’d stay behind when Steve needed to retire earlier. He’d give you a ride back to your apartment, which turns out just a couple blocks down from where he and Steve stayed. Some nights you’d stop by, from Javi’s invitation, and chat about nothing and everything while sharing a couple of bottles of beer. He’s good company, and you always find yourself hoping for an invitation from him whenever it gets too late. 
This week was different.
There was a shootout. While raiding one of Escobars many drug kitchens, a stray bullet from one of the guards shoots your arm. You screamed and dropped to the floor, immediately gripping your upper arm. You were sure the bullet was still inside which doesn't make it a clean shot. The pain shoots throughout your upper body, making you wheeze out every breath, sweat gathering on your crown. A minute later, Steve was crouched beside you, hauling you up, putting most of your weight on him. 
He brought you outside and into the awaiting medical group. You were rushed into the emergency room, and you shortly passed out. 
Buzzing fluorescent lights woke you up. Blinking away the groggy sleep, you notice a heavy weight on the back of your arm and realize it must've been the IV. Finally regaining enough strength to fight against the blaring lights, you open your eyes to find Javi slumped on a seat next to your bed, a thin blanket draped over him. Seeing him asleep, clear lines of exhaustion under his eyes, something wells inside your heart. You quickly dismiss the feeling as dehydration instead and try to turn your body to reach for the glass of water on the tray next to you. The noise must've awoken your partner, because as soon as you try to stretch your arm for the glass, Javi quickly fills it up with water and hands it to you. You blinked, before slowly accepting the cup and taking big gulps. 
The water extinguishes your drought, but not the other growing feeling. The cup sits on your lap, both of your hands holding it while you catch your breath. Javi has taken his seat again, the blanket draped over the back of the chair. “How are you feeling?”
“Like shit,” You scoff, glancing at your currently bandaged hand. Javi looks at the tiled floor. “But, not my worst,”
“You’ve been shot before?”
“Yeah, on my calf once, the other near my ass,” You chuckle, remembering those years prior before officially gaining your Agent title. “Almost made my legs not work if it weren't for the surgery,”
You found yourself looking into Javi’s deep browns, his brows knitted. “This is just another day on the job,”
“Yeah…” Javi nods solemnly. You were back to staring into the half-empty glass before you felt your partner's warm hand wrap around yours.
It had been a couple of days after that.
Your arm was sadly still in a light, and you were lucky it wasn't your dominant one. Menial tasks are made difficult by the pain that still spreads sometimes, which also raises your annoyance. 
Javi has graciously allowed you to crash in his apartment until your arm has properly healed up. The doctors said it’d take another week or two for your arm to sort itself out, so you're stuck doing things one-handed for the time, sometimes helped by Javi. You've been given orders to stay out of the office because you were insistent on finishing work there, but Javi and Steve brought back your paperwork into Javi’s apartment against your wishes. 
The clock reads 8 PM. Javi has decided to come home earlier than his usual shifts, his excuse; is to help you prepare dinner. Javi has gone as far as to get a cookbook with the help of Connie, making dishes he’s familiar with. 
The sound of the door clattering pulls you away from your paperwork, and you spot the brunette bringing two whole bags of groceries inside. You quickly stand and rush over, prying one bag from his hand. 
“Javi, what's all of this?” The man only blinks as he hauls the bag onto the countertop.
“We can't really survive with just beer,” He shrugs, which makes you chuckle, and bring the other bag, putting it next to it.
“What were you working on?” He continues, pulling out groceries from the bag. You leaned on the counter, caressing your bandaged hand. 
“Just finishing up the report from our last bust,” You wiggle what you could of your bandages arm. “Y’know,” 
Javier solemnly nods, pushing a can into the cupboard. You've moved on pretty quickly from the incident, but something hangs around Javier, making him hard to reach sometimes, especially if you bring up the subject. You know trying to pry the reason out of him would result in coming up empty, so you've decided to wait until he's come to his own term. 
“I'm gonna start on dinner,” He turns, hips leaning on the counter so he faces you. Your eyes impulsively trace the languid way he sways before turning your head slightly, not meeting Javier's dark browns. 
You nod quickly, already feeling the blush forming. “Yeah, sure,” You add before walking back to the couch. 
Dinner went by quickly, Javier whipped up something easy for you to digest and quick to make. When you were writing down other notes in your report, Javi calls you to eat and spends the rest of the time talking about his day in the office. Apparently, Steve was worried, asking Javi if he’s been taking care of their partner correctly. He’s had to shrug off Steve’s insistent questions the whole day, which made you chuckle.
After cleaning up, Javi joins you on the couch, bringing two bottles of beer. He hands one to you which you accept with a thankful nod. The couch dips as Javi takes a seat, his head tilts back as he takes a gulp. You blink before taking a short sip, averting your eyes. 
When the man beside you shifts, you half-heartedly thought he was reaching for his pack of cigs. He hasn't been smoking since you crashed in his home, and it slowly became odd, watching Javi’s relaxed posture whenever you both sit together without silver smoke framing his profile. But you've been expecting wrong, because he only shifts to adjust his seating before settling back, his usual pack of cigarettes nowhere in sight. You worry slightly if he stopped because of your presence, even though you enjoy sneaking glances whenever he inhales, the muscles on his neck almost prominent, the way he’ll tilt just the slightest to reveal the expanse of skin, most of the time glistening under the Columbian heat. 
“Listen… About the last week,” Javier’s tone sobers you from your daydreaming. The man is hunched over, arms on his knees, one hand swirling the alcohol. Something in the air sours. 
“I should've been there, I should've- Shouldn’t have gone for that fucking guy, I should've stayed behind-”
“Javi there wasn't any way we could've known-”
“But it shouldn't have been you.” His hand lands on your injured arm, his body facing you. He hesitates; the movement seems accidental, but your hand covers him before he can move it away. You can't keep letting Javi get away with blaming things on himself. 
“Javier, it wasn't your fault. Like I said,” Your head tilts, mustering a small smile to coax Javi from staring at the floor. He notices the pause and meets your eyes. “It's just another day on the job,”
The air hangs heavy, only mere inches sitting between you and Javi. His brows furrowed slightly, hand tightening beneath yours. Your eyes follow the minutely twitch on the man's lips. Javi gulps when his eyes go to your lips fleetingly. Your breath catches. You feel yourself quiver. 
“Javi….” was the last you breathed out before the man pulls at your shirt, closing the gap and pushes his lips against yours. Javi’s staches tickle the top of your lips, the slide of his slightly chapped lips against yours. Your hand holds his jaw, before brushing at the short hair on Javi’s neck. He shivers, shifting himself to press harder against your lips, his hand releases your shirt but moves to hold your hips, eliciting a gasp from you. He uses the chance to slip his tongue between your lips, making you shift until you hit the back of the couch. Your hand travels down from his jaw to brush over his chest, you stored the slight hitch in Javis' breath inside your memory, before you find the man's waist and he moves to straddle your thighs, aware of your healing arm but somehow not breaking the kiss. 
When the need to breathe finally separates you and Javi, his chest heaves, pretty lashes flutter against his cheek. A steady hue of red spreads on his face down to his neck. You manage to regain your composure slightly, one thumb pressing slithy into Javi’s hip, making him drop to your shoulder, burying himself between your neck. You grin, now patting Javi’s hair softly. Your mind focuses on the unsteady beats of Javi’s heart that matches yours, still trying to tap down your adrenaline. 
“I should be careful about your arm,” Javi suddenly says, sitting upright on top of you. It makes you laugh slightly, which Javi smiles at. 
“I’ll be alright, Javi,” You grin, cataloging the way the dim light reflects in his dark irises. “We’ll be alright.” 
Requests are open! Remember to reblog! ^-^
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w1nters0ldier20 · 3 months
I’ll give up everything just to find you.
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Stucky fic🤍
A/N : this is my first fic so if its bad im srry😭
Warnings — angst, happy ending, language, a slur(I CAN SAY),
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Steve was panicking, shaking and every scared action you could possibly imagine. Bucky, his bucky had just got shot and taken by HYDRA. Steve had screamed “NO!” As he was forcefully taken back to the hellhole he had just escaped. But steve didn’t give up he started to chase the car down, but it was too late and too fast. He fell to his knees and sobbed.
Natasha walked over”steve..” steve shushed her”i don’t wanna hear it” he said in choked out sobs, “we’ll find him steve, come on back to the jet and lets get you healed.” Natasha replied and steve wobbled back to the jet crying into Natasha. “it’s my fault”he says in muffled sobs. “No, no steve it isn’t, its gonna be ok we’re going to find him” she says emphasizing the word going.
Bucky’s POV:
He woke up in a panic, breathing heavily as he slowly came back to reality realizing where he was. His mind overwhelmed with thoughts “nonono please no” “is steve ok?” “Is everybody captured” “fuck not again please..” he cried silently as these thoughts rushed over him. “If it isn’t the winter soldier.. back to reclaim your place?” The HYDRA agent spat. “First of all, im not the winter soldier anymore. I’ve changed, moved on, and hell i even found a fucking boyfriend. Secondly you forced me to be here you asshole.” Bucky spat back as the HYDRA agent smirked
“Still feisty aren’t ya?good you need a little fire to ignite the soldier”the agent chuckled as Bucky was paralyzed in fear. “Oh steve.. please please find me”
Steves POV:
Nonstop work. “Gotta find him, gotta find my buck”his mind screamed as he tried to find every HYRDA location. 2 days, 2 fucking days since Bucky was shot and captured and it had been all his fault. He was in sobs and practically murdered with guilt. Tony walks in to see him sobbing trying to find clues to as where Bucky went. “Hey cap.. it’s 4am, get some rest i’ll continue for now until you wake up.”tony says sadly”you’ve been at this nonstop let me help.”he trys to smile. “Thanks tony, but you really dont have too, i got this.” He says, his voice husky and barely there since the screaming and crying. Even so he fakes a smile.“Fine, if you don’t want to leave me to it lemme help cap.”tony sits down and starts to help pinpoint locations”
Buckys POV:
“Ready to comply?” The HYDRA agent says with a clenched jaw. “Nope.” Bucky chuckles emphasizing the p. The agent punches him again, “say no again see what happens faggot.” He scoffs at Bucky as bucky spits out blood.
The agent leaves the room and Bucky’s mine rushes over thoughts of steve and their last conversation.
“Lost your game buck?” Steve laughs playfully at him.”you wish Stevie” as buck throws a snowball at steve but misses again.”oh you have.”steve throws a snowball and hits Bucky in the chest.” Oh im so getting you back for that doll”he smirks
He would do anything to go back to that right now.
Steves POV:
“Oh my god tony, we did it” he sobs, “thank you. Thank you so much” he cries happily”im going now, i cant wait till morning.” He sniffles as tony snaps back”woah slow your roll you need to sleep first and eat AND get ahold of yourself before you go sweetheart” he looks at steve concerned, “ill eat and drink but im not sleeping till i see my Bucky again.” So tony takes that and makes him waffles and gives him water.”here we come Bucky..” his mind races with happy thoughts of getting him back
“So when can we go?” Steve says as he finishes his meal, all the avengers awake and ready to go get Bucky away from those stupid HYDRA agents. “Now i guess, right guys?” Natasha says trying to boost the mood. “Alright lets go”clint says smiling softly
Buckys POV:
“Your fuckin dead, you hear me? dead.” As he slaps bucky another time. His face is full of bruces and cuts. 10 minutes ago, atleast he thought it was ten minutes ago, Bucky spit 3 times on the hydra agent and now he’s taking his anger out on him, he swears hes gonna pass out or die or anything. “Steve..” he says before passing out.
Steves POV:
They are trying to sneak around the agents of HYDRA, “goddamn they have this place well guarded.. gotta hand it to the bastards” tony states,”shame we have to kick they’re ass!” Steve says before running out dodging bullets left and right beating them up fiercely with his fists, feet & his sheild
“Well fuck.” Natasha curses before running out to help him, “always running on impulse” she mutters under her breath laughing. “Im going in.” Steve states on the comms
“Bucky, oh Bucky where are you..” he whispered as hydra agents bombarded him with bullets(of course his shield blocked them). Steve starts to beat them off one by one, asking “wheres bucky?” To all of them, which none answered as they just replied”hail HYDRA”as they died
He runs until he sees a cell, and he sees.. bucky. Bloody, bruised and hopefully asleep or passed out. Steve runs inside breaking down the cell, that wakes bucky up.” Please sir no more..” he wakes up realizing its steve, “oh my god doll” he says as a tears slide down his face”i got you buck im here baby, can you walk?” Steve says as he breaks the refinements off him. “I think..” bucky wobbles but eventually starts to walk with steve, “need a gun?”steve chuckles as Bucky nods. Steve hands him a gun as they start beating the shit out of agents.
“Fuckkk yea! Revenge bitches!” Bucky screams as he shoots them. “Lets get out of here buck.” As they start to run to the jet. “We’re in the jet, make your way back” steve says to the comms.
Bucky’s POV:
“I missed you Stevie..” he purrs in Steve’s ear and kisses him, steve kisses him back and giggles, “how did you.. prevent the winter soldier thing you know?” He asks, “oh its not in “programming” anymore i guess” Bucky replies, “no more questions though just shut up and kiss me before they get back” he smiles and kisses him and it turns into a make out session “fuck Bucky..”steve whimpers, as if the worst timing the rest of the avengers start to come into the jet. “Get a room you animals, it hasn’t even been 5 minutes and you to are getting down dirty in the jet” tony remarks scoffing, “yea whatever grandpa” bucky snorts and kisses steve one more time, “oh yea, back of the jet now we need to clean these up” as he eyes the bruises on his face.“Finee” bucky sighs and walks to the back of the jet,
Oh how happy he was to be home.
A/n : AHHH I FEEL LIKE THIS IS A GOOD LENGTHED FIC?? For a first timee pls lmk if you like it!! :3 the title was based off an evanescene song!! Love her songs sm❤️also pls lmk how to see a word count😭 i cannot find it
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griancraft · 7 months
Being manic and under the influence of weed/alcohol is awful and you are not in control of your faculties. I have been manic and high. The people around me didn’t like it, I was cruel and uncomfortable to be around. I never said anything like gumball did but I was also in optimal circumstances for someone in crisis.
Gumball was manic and under the influence of alcohol and potentially weed, in an unfamiliar environment with people we don’t know if he knew that well. He was in crisis. From what I can tell he only said slurs he can reclaim and various comments that came off insensitive but to me also really seemed like manic thought patterns that he may not have realized were bad.
He should be criticized, and I’m not defending what he said and I genuinely hope he apologizes. (Though it feels a tad weird to apologize for something said in private shared with the public much later.) From what he said he tipped the driver good and apologized and the driver was the one affected aside from dream. I’m just asking you to think before you say he’s this terrible awful irredeemable person when he was 19, manic, and maybe high.
Mania isn’t quirky it isn’t just acting crazy it’s an altered mental state. You think irrationally and have delusional thoughts. You have disturbed thought patterns and are over confident. some of the comments I’ve seen on twitter n stuff are bordering on ableism at this point and I just want people to understand it’s not as simple as bad guy said bad things while drunk. Also. He was under the legal drinking age and was CLEARLY way too drunk.
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susiehunsecker · 5 months
im new to the terror so forgive me for this v broad question but ... what are The Ships here ... i know fitzier is big but what else is ... jopzier? is that what they're called? i wanna b in the kno so bad lol also feel free to use this space to talk about dynamics (romantic or otherwise) that ur rly interested in ^_^
AGH OKAY.. trying to wrackmmy brain into remembering all the relevant pairings . it's 4am forgive me if i forget.
fitzier - self explanatory, fitzjames and crozier. somehow speedrun being worstie coworkers to being in a 10 year long tender marriage over the course of a two/three year long expedition. my favorite to read fics for / talk about. they look like this to me 🦭🦙
joplittle - jopson and little. i will be real i don't care for them as much just because i care too much about jopson and crozier but i do get it. what if we were both busting our ass for a guy and only one of us got the praise from him for it ❤️ what if we we became responsible for an entire ship's worth of men on a doomed arctic expedition becahse our captain was too sick to think...together ❤️
bridglar - bridgens and peglar. one of the two canonical couples on the crew. very in love very married i'm not big on them but i understand why. they'll only resort to cannibalism if it means they'll both survive they fit together perfectly and when they die they'll wake up in the afterlife with the other in their arms. what's there not to love!
jopzier - jopson and crozier! dutiful steward and the captain he's dedicated himself to out of sheer love and respect And also because he sees him as a mother figure but i won't get into that. okay this one's my actual favourite i can't even pretend i'm not batshit about them. crozier does not deserve that man but it's okay whatever makes jopson happy ❤️ also when i mean jopson sees him as a mother figure the Him in question is himself. i don't believe in that He Wants Crozier To Mommy Dom Him line of thinking. anyways. what was this thread about. oh yeah pairings.
goodsilna - goodsir and lady silence/silna. i wish i could talk about these two more but i'm not articulate enough to convey what i think about them. they're traumabonded siblings they're the only ones who truly see the other for who they are they're completely incompatible they're all the other has they couldn't have possibly loved the other but they did. i need to rewatch the show just to solidify my feelings on them more but god they're one of the best dynamics the show has
hickeygibson - gibson and hickey! RAT MARRIAGE and the cause of most of my mental anguish ❤️ my two beautiful wives who love each other fiercely until the need to survive tears them apart what's not to love
hickeytozer - tozer and hickey. cop boyfriend with the mr beast haircut and his frequently unemployed gay boyfriend that puts his cigarettes out on tozer's arm. they're great i love hickey and his stupid dog he feeds chocolate to for fun
hickeycrozier - hickey and crozier. um. well. what if your captain loved your men more than god loved them but just fucking hated you in particular and used you as a scapegoat for all his frustrations and failings as a captain leading you to become the gay racist joker of the seven seas. and also what if you said a slur you couldn't reclaim in front of him and like 2 years ago he gave you a drink all flirty. well this all happened to my friend cornelius so you can imagine how he feels about that.
fitzfranklin - sir john + fitzjames. This is a sneak they're not at all popular but I have to shove them in somehow. You know how jfj is constantly trying to get older men to praise him like. Haha best walker in the service i told sir barrow that without blushing ❤️ Hey francis can I talk to you about how my dad didn't care about me and also how we're like brothers ❤️. This is the natural culmination of that to me especially considering how hard she dickrides for franklin in the beginning. Please consider them even though they barely exist. For me.
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synthena · 7 months
Automation of hate-speech policing will inevitably hit the minorities before it hits the actual purveyors of hate speech, because euphemisms exist.
Like. a gay person can call themselves the f-slur as either reclaiming or a just a joke, and get fucking obliterated. Some cishet white guy will say "yknow I just think marriage is between a man and a woman and we should maybe cut back the perception of marriage between two of the same sex" and the filters won't pick it up because he's not explicitly saying "I hate gay people" he's just implying it. He gets to stay, despite spreading actual hate speech.
Had a youtube video get obliterated off the site because one of my friends said "I hate gay people" as a joke in-character line as a shitlord army dude, and youtube is now trying to teach me what hate speech is like I'm a baby. Bitch I'm trans, disabled, and fruitier than the flies. I know what hate speech is because I experience it. Often.
We need to start pushing to cut back on this kind of automation because eventually we're not gonna be able to say anything of substance, and the actual purveyors of this shit will keep burying everything they say under euphemisms and keep reaching more people. Nuance and straightforward talk is killed under a system like this.
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sissa-arrows · 5 months
i saw someone try and argue that sephardic jews in north africa are actually european because they originally came from iberia.. then i suppose most iberians are amazigh, by that logic lmao
(never ask an american to look at a person from algarve/andalusia/algeria/tunisia/etc and try to guess where they're from - they can't comprehend it's not about how one looks)
Sephardi means “Spanish”. The reason people think it’s a way to designate European Jews in North Africa is simply because that term is used to whitewash and deny the arabness of North African Jews. The term was coined to designated the Jewish people who left Spain after the Reconquista. Except while some of them were indeed of European decent a lot of them were also indigenous North Africans who came in Spain during Al Andalus as it was thriving and just went back to North Africa. The majority of the people called “Sephardi” today actually have no tie to those Jewish people who had to leave Spain.
That being said I personally stopped using Sephardic or even Mizrahi to talk about North African Jews after reading “When we were Arabs” by Massoud Hayoun. Those terms are a way to whitewash and deny the “arabness” of North African Jews so I won’t be using them.
To quote the book “Like my ancestors for as long as my family can remember, I am Arab. Of Jewish faith. I am not Sephardi or Mizrahi. Those are two fairly recent but popular polite-society terms for what I am. They are certainly better than slurs, but I won’t settle for them.” […] “In large part, I identify as Arab because reclaiming my place in a broader Arab world—an aspirational Arab world, in solidarity with itself—scares our foes who have, for so long, taught us to fight against ourselves. I am an Arab because that is the legacy I inherit from Daida and Oscar. It is how they remain, for me, immortal. My Arabness is cultural. It is African. My Arabness is Jewish. It is also retaliatory. I am Arab because it is what I and my parents have been told not to be, for generations, to stop us from living in solidarity with other Arabs.”
(Regarding Americans once I said I was Algerian a guy asked where it was and I said in Africa… he replied “oooooh you mean Nigeria that’s how it’s pronounced in English” and then asked if I was mixed cause I was clearly not black so how could I be African… that day I gave up on white Americans. Also there’s this girl born and raised in Algeria who went to study in the US and when her schoolmates realized she was Algerians they googled it and started romanticizing colonialism and calling her the “French girl” and honestly I do have the French citizenship but If I was called the French girl in that context I would punch the person in the face. White Americans would look at North Africans siblings and be so confused because of how different we can look.)
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indecentpause · 4 months
Find Five Lines Tag
tagged by @jezifster thank!
Rules: find a line in your WIP (can be dialogue or not) that fits the parameters given by the person who tagged you. Then change one of the parameters and tag five or more people. Can be lines from multiple WIPs. If you can't find a line that fits, feel free to change the prompt.
These are all from The Black & Blues!
cw: reclaimed homophobic slurs
Find a Line That:
Is about Light:
Sara plucks at her strings, the melody of the Inspector Gadget theme song. Just as abruptly, she goes quiet, shoots a thumbs up at the sound guy. You can barely see him, behind the bright lights, but he knows what he’s doing, and that’s all that matters. You open your mouth. Your tongue sticks to your teeth, dry with nerves. Stage fright? Never heard of her.
Is said in Anger:
“Hey, fuck you!” “Fuck you!” You snap back. You stand, pushing Josselin behind you. “You think you’re tough shit because you’re bigger than me? The thing people like you don’t get about fags and dykes is that we’ve been fighting our whole fucking lives and we are not afraid of assholes like you!”
Mentions Texture:
The three of you settle down in the pile of soft things, Josselin sitting with his head on your arm and Danny with his ankle flung over yours. You eat, and you talk, and within an hour you’re ready to crash again. Normally you wouldn’t be up until 6:30 or so, unless it was a practice day.
Shows Tension:
“Meara, can I ask you something?” [Crystal asks.] You’re going to have a heart attack. You’re going to die in this car without ever escaping this shitty town. “Yeah?” you choke. “Are… are you gay?” You force a laugh, even though your face is bright red in shame. “What? Why would you ask–” “Don’t give me any bullshit,” she interrupts gently. “That’s what happened last year with your face. That’s why you’re staying at Danny’s.” She pauses. “Is that why you didn’t want to kiss me? Because you like him? “I, I don’t, it’s, I–” “Meara.”
Mentions Heart or Heartbeat:
Okay?” [Josselin] asks hopefully. You nod. “So okay.” He lets go of your wrist and spreads his fingers out over your chest. Can he feel how hard your heart is pounding? He kisses your shoulder, gently, then pulls back a little. He’s so, so warm.
Sending it forward and replacing mentions of heart and heartbeats with something said with or showing sadness!
tagging @winterandwords @kaiusvnoir @eyes-talks-ocs @swifthazed-academia and YOU
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averygaystay · 11 months
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boys like you
(warnings: lgbtqia+ ish, homophobia, the f-slur (yes i can reclaim it.) cursing, fighting, bullying, reader is a male|| If you are sensitive to any of this topics i'd recommend finding another story)
Many times have i went through this cycle. University hasn't been fun. Not one time have i woke up excited to go. I'd rather stay home. It's all just wake up, get ready, go to university, and get thrown around. I just don't understand what i've done to them. Life is life but i'm staring to feel it's not worth it.
I walk through the doors of hell and take a deep breath. "Here we go.." I complain while putting on my headphones. Before i can even take another step to the lockers, i feel myself being thrown against the wall. "You actually decided to come? We told what would go down if you decided to show your face!" A guy had said before kicking my side. I glared at him before attempting to get up. One of his friends pinned my arms down while another pinned my legs. I tried fighting them away but i could barely move. "I had no choice but to come. I'm trying to get an education." The guy laughed. "Like a f@g like such as you can get a job! Nobody would ever hire you." I got fed up and eventually got one of my arms free. I punched him in the jaw. "I work. You sit on your ass all day and talk to girls online. We all know you won't ever see one in real life."
He punched me harshly before kicking me repeatedly. His friends then joined in. I pushed on of the guys legs but i felt my arm get pinned again. "Fucking fairy. No wonder why you're so quiet and annoying." One guy said. I then passed out. I woke up in the nurse's office with sharp pains everywhere on my body. I then look down, noticing the did more than punch and kick once i passed out. "Babe, are you awake?" Minho said and walking over to the cot i was laying on. I look at him with a sad expression. "What happened to you..?" He sounded so concerned for my wellbeing. I then just couldn't hold it all in anymore. I started to cry. I felt so bad. The love of my life shouldn't have to see me like this. "I'm so sorry." I croaked out. "You shouldn't have to see me like this." He sat down next to me and cuddled me extremely close. "Love, It's okay. Don't apologize.." He said, wiping my tears and giving me a small kiss on my head. "Do you need some time? We can talk once you're ready." He said and i gave him a small nod. I leaned against him and took a deep breath. "Babe?" "What is it sweetie?"
"Thank you for being here for me. I love you." I said with a small smile. Boys like you are angels sent from heaven.
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tottymatsuno · 8 months
three of my favorite homophobic todomatsu headcanons ranked
3. queer but homophobic - hates seeing other people happy to the point where hes telling lesbians, “can you do that at home?” Posting on gender reveals “nobody cares that you guys had sex.” Telling dudes who look better than him, who are open and proud, “pack it in, fruitcakes.” Would beg and pay for lick any of their stomachs.
2. homophobic, not gay, but but trans. I think this is a funny flavor bc totty being trans is so canon to me, you cannot explain that gender as cis. Anyways an added layer is being homophobic but trans like, “you’re doing too much.” “This is annoying.” “You’re really loud and this the womens section, so you shouldn’t be here.” And constantly in the same way he tries to one up his brothers goes, “idk who these ppl are but im not one of them” (is clearly one of them) just hating to hate and being annoying bc he wants to be one of the good trans. Absolutely transmed, anti tucutecore. Wants women so bad it makes him look stupid.
Cishet - its just so funny to me. So you look like THAT. Talk like THAT. Dress like THAT and you wanna be a pussy slayer, and you hate gay people? I have to laugh. If this dude said a slur i’d automatically assume he could reclaim. I would throw up dying, if i knew him and he was being homophobic i would never take him seriously and if someone called him out for it id always defend him like, “thats todomatsu, he’s literally wearing earrings, pink, with hearts and capri pants you know hes not cishet.” And he’d be like “i am. Im cishet, robin i keep telling you im not trans and i want to have sex exclusively with wonen” and id pee laughing at him bc who tf says that dressed like that. Id be patting him on the back like, “its so funny every tine you say it.” He wouldn’t even know what to do. He’d be so conditioned that like if he tried to be homophobic around real homophobes he’d get scared and be like “wait i just think penis is ugly and hate anyone else who has sex or is happy :(“
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submalevolentgrace · 2 years
can you explain your relationship with the word trap? i am into reclaiming slurs big time but that one always felt a step too far. I associate it with the tropes that trans people are deceptive, the trans panic defense, and reactionary trans ppl who i feel like kind of sell us out. But i also know that reclaiming can be really powerful, and that other slurs imply similarly horrible things. Would love to hear your thoughts!
gonna be honest, i don't have particularly strong feelings about the word 'trap' these days, i mostly just threw it on the list to round it out, and replace a few other words i didn't want to imply were slurs. i used to like it but i've grown up and kinda left it behind, i usually only ever call myself a trap if it makes for a funny joke among friends
you're right that it has pretty awful connotations, and i think it's perfectly understandable to find it particularly bad
for my personal context: in the era and corners of the internet where i spent my late teens and early 20's, around the time i came out for good, the words 'trap' and 'futa' were absolutely everywhere and had a mostly positive aura about them; politically incorrect yes, fetishistic yeah often, sometimes used derisively yeah ofc; but on the whole, used in the context of desire, approval, and goals. traps were cute and beautiful, but also usually overtly gender noncomforming and obviously trans; something that brought me great comfort as i struggled with passing and others' perceptions of myself. things have obviously changed since then, 'futa' seems to be universally understood as negative nowdays (unless it's being wilfully misrepresented to use a 90's nintendo power interview with a minor sprite artist to twist facts); while 'trap' has become impolite at best in mainstream, but seems to be relatively evenly split between alt right memers using it to couch hate, and being used with pride and love by that genre of hypersexual intentionally subversive 'fuck gender' femboy/tgirl crowd; and all the power to them for it!
the answer the broader question though, in general i think that the 'slur vs reclaimed' way of looking at words is.... bad and unhelpful at best, and a tool to disguise horizontal violence more often than not. it presumes that there's a monolithic "us" that can be defined in opposition to a "them", and that "we" can achieve consensus agreement on a single lexicon of words that are good and bad... which is basically false assumptions all the way down! but constructing a monolithic "us" and aggressively enforcing language use is a good tool for those that want to erase certain people/identities/cultures they don't like, by subsuming them into approved boxes withing the monolith.
i'm much more fond of the idea of 'words of power': that because of cultural use, certain words are particularly strong and sharp and impactful: faggot, dyke, cripple, crazy, whore, slut... a bunch of racial and ableist words i personally don't feel comfortable saying.... but you get the idea. words that, for no reason other than how they are and have been used, land in a sentence with the impact of a brick, no matter the context.
and if they're going to hit powerfully no matter what.... why not use them ourselves? some guy on the street shouting "fucken dyke!" at me and my girlfriend as he walks by has selected that word for its power, in his mind its power to hurt. i could cower from him and exhaust myself trying to 'educate' people that word is a 'slur' and fight an endless battle that said man won't ever care about, and constantly update the list of unspeakable words as he finds some new thing to shout hatefully instead... or i could snap around in an instant a shout back "fucken right i am!", sticking up two fingers and licking in a crude combination of "fuck you" and "i eat pussy" at the same time... and the power is mine again. he doesn't know how to react, he fumbles his words and his feet, and i'm gone by the time he gathers himself. it's not even that i've taken the word back from him; it wasn't his to begin with because i was already holding it. he tried to come at me with a sword, and not only does he find it doesn't hurt me, he suddenly sees that i'm fucking made out of swords! i'm not some self loathing, fearful target anymore. i'm a fucken dyke! a queerass ladyfaggot bitch! oh you wanna stab me? i'm a goddamned sword golem, motherfucker!
obviously there's a time and a place. the above not-hypothetical guy shouted at me on a busy melbourne street where i was confident enough i'd be defended and/or a sympathetic victim if he turned violent; and that's not always assured. but when it's safe, holding words of power, words meant to hurt me, definitely makes me feel safe powerful and and strong... especially compared to constantly running on a treadmill of ever changing "acceptable" terms mostly invented years after i came out.
i mean, i've had a crucifix-wearing psychiatrist say "LGBT person" at me with such dripping hatred that i knew she would lock me in the psych ward as punishment for my sin if she had the slightest chance... anything we call ourselves will become a word of hatred for people that hate us. and let me tell you, being able to turn it back around and say "actually i prefer to be called queer" at her, and seeing the shock in her face contrasted against the stifled smirk of her subordinate next to her.... it feels good! real good. a sharp word of power deployed tactically at the right time can teach a bigot that they can't control you, because you've got the courage and anger to fight back.
of course, words of power have to be wielded willingly. i'm proud to be queer, but i know that word doesn't sit right with everyone (the word gay doesn't sit right with me, i get it), so i try to keep mental tabs on my friends and keep words to myself depending on company. (people that insist i change my beloved identity because they don't like it get cut out of my life). and if some abled shithead is trying to force """help""" on me i'm happy joke about my "cripple skills", but i'd never call another disabled person that word unless i'd heard them self identify with it first, because it's up to each and every one of us what we're comfortable with.
anyway, i think i rambled away from the original point a bit... but yeah, hope that kinda answers.
TL;DR i think trap is a fine word if people want to use it, because despite its literal etymology being pretty awful as you describe, it also has some positive cultural use, and words always exist in some context; there's no such thing as a word without context. i wouldn't die on the hill of defending that specific word, but i do have a fortress on the hill of "let people use whatever words they want for themselves, even and especially 'slurs'" that i will defend to the death.
also. if i could psionically project a gif of admiral ackbar in midair every time a radiologists asks me if i there's a chance i'm pregnant, i 100% would.
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
Wanted Man ~ Chapter Nine
Summary: A price on his head, Loki of Asgard finds himself stranded on Earth and in need of one woman's help in order to free himself from the bounty and try to reclaim what he sees as his rightful throne in Asgard.
McKenna Carlin just wanted to put a horrible day behind her. She had no idea that things would get worse before they get better…
Pairings:  Loki Laufeyson x ofc McKenna Carlin
Characters: McKenna, Loki, Shannon
Warnings: None
Rating: T
Word Count: 1.6
Tag List: @fizzyxcustard @court-jobi @guardianofrivendell @piggledy-higgledy @evenstaredits
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here! 
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The boardwalk was just as crowded as McKenna thought it would be, and Shannon ended up dropping them off by the pier while she went in search of a parking space. Almost an hour passed before she called McKenna to find out just where they were, and by the time she reached them at the Shack, she looked as if she’d hiked five miles.
“I swear, I’m parked up in Asbury,” she groaned, plunking down onto a cracked red leatherette stool. “What is that?” she asked, gesturing to the red plastic cup in Loki’s grasp.
McKenna chuckled. “I bought him a milkshake because he’d never had one before and now, I think he’s in love.”
“He’s never had a milkshake before?”
“That’s what he says.”
“What flavor did you get him?” Shannon asked, trying to peer into the tall cup.
“Chocolate,” McKenna chuckled as Loki didn’t so much as pause in his sipping. “It’s his third one.”
“His third?!” Shannon’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets. “Careful, big guy, you’re not gonna fit into your jeans come tomorrow.”
McKenna glanced over at him with a wide smile. When he took the first pull on the straw, the expression on his face suggested a man experiencing the greatest pleasure he’s ever known. She thought for a moment he might actually cry. After the second one, he immediately demanded a third. Hopefully she’d be able to convince him to stop before he made himself sick.
He lowered the cup and smiled at Shannon. “I don’t think that will be a problem.”
“What can I get for you, miss?” The guy behind the counter approached them with a smile.
McKenna swirled her straw in her Coke as Shannon said, “A Diet Coke, please.”
Loki held out the cup to McKenna. “Try this. You must see for yourself.”
“I’ve had chocolate shakes before.”
“You have?”
”Loki, you can find them pretty much anywhere, so yeah, I have. Trust me.”
“Please,” his eyes softened, “try.”
“Fine.” She leaned over to sip. The Shack’s shakes were good, but if she had one, she probably wouldn’t fit into her jeans. She already felt guilty about the Coke. She should’ve ordered water, instead.
Still, the shake was delicious and Loki must have seen the pleasure on her face, because he said, “One more of these for the lady.”
“Oh, no,” McKenna waved off the suggestion, “I shouldn’t. But thank you.”
To her surprise, Loki leaned over and whispered, “You have a ways to go before you need worry about fitting in those jeans, McKenna.”
What the—? She gave him an odd look. “Are you all right?”
He sat back, all wide-eyed innocent, and sipped his shake some more. 
The guy behind the counter set the shake in front of her and she couldn’t help but lift the straw to her lips. Delicious.
Shannon gave her a look over the edge of her glass, but then she winked and McKenna rolled her eyes. Maybe sugar was to Asgardians what alcohol was to human beings. How funny would it be, if Loki was drunk because of three milkshakes?
But if he was, he hid it well and when they finished, he rose from the stool without the slightest hint of a stumble and his words weren’t at all slurred as he said, “So, where do we go from here?”
Shannon smiled. “Let’s just walk around and kill some time. Plenty to do on the boards.”
They spent the remainder of the afternoon walking the midway, Shannon insisted on going on the carousel so they did that. Turned out that was a poor decision, as those three milkshakes came back to haunt Loki and when they got off the ride, he looked decidedly green. But thankfully he held the shakes down by collapsing onto a bench and sitting with his head between his knees while Shannon ran for a ginger ale.
McKenna sat with him, outwardly sympathetic, inwardly hoping like hell he didn’t throw up while they waited. But the ginger ale did the trick and a short while later, they were back to roaming about, although he shunned any more rides, which was fine with McKenna. 
Finally, it grew dark and Shannon shoved through the crowd that gathered to watch the fireworks. They moved toward the back of the masses, which was fine with McKenna. She hated crowds. They always made her feel like she was about to suffocate.
She stood next to Shannon, Loki stood behind her, and when the first fireworks were shot off, the sky exploded into a shower of pink and purple sparklers. Then came a burst of brilliant white, cascading sparklers that reminded her of the butterflies that had flittered about in her apartment. Damn. It seemed like a lifetime ago that Loki made the snow fall and butterflies flutter, and yet, it was only a couple of days.
She glanced over her shoulder at him. He stood rigid, arms folded over his chest, eyes trained at the black night sky. As the green and gold sparklers lit up the night, the colors reflected against his skin, the sparkles reflected in his eyes. Green and gold. His colors.
He didn’t look at her. Didn’t look anywhere but at the sky, and a sense of sadness crept over her. It was silly, but more than anything, she wanted to reach back and slip her hand into his, to lace her fingers with his. It really sucked, wanting someone who made it so plain they didn’t want you back.
Purple and white burst overhead and she blinked back unexpected, annoying tears. What the—? How annoying. How absolutely annoying.
Then, she felt movement behind her, and Loki's right arm came from the shadows to slip about her neck. He tugged gently, bending her slightly backward, and his voice was a gentle breeze against her ear as he whispered, “I apologize for my words last evening. I meant not a one of them.”
She peered over her shoulder at him. “What?”
As red and white stars rained over their heads, Loki's eyes softened and the corners of his mouth curved upward into a sheepish smile. “I am sorry. I was unnecessarily harsh. I should like a chance to rectify that.” 
As he spoke, his left arm came about her as well and he pulled her firmly up against him. For a moment, it was so much like how he held her in her dream, that she looked up at him again and said, “You did this last night, didn’t you? I wasn’t dreaming, was I?”
“About what?”
“I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about. I spent the night crammed onto that tiny sofa.”
Shannon twisted about, and beamed when she saw Loki with his arms about McKenna. She winked and mouthed, “Told you,” before turning back to the fireworks.
McKenna didn’t feel much like arguing. Besides, it didn’t really matter if she’d only dreamed it or not. This felt wonderful enough in its own right, as the coolness from his body made the sticky heat of an early July night far more bearable. But that wasn’t the only reason. Not by far. Amazing, really, how someone’s arms about you could feel so perfect.
She leaned more into him, and he responded by tightening his hold on her. His fingers swept gently along her arms and she sucked in a sharp breath when she felt her ponytail swept aside and Loki's lips brushed the side of her neck, just above where it sloped into her shoulder.
They were cool and gentle, and a bit playful, as he lightly nipped her. She shivered. She couldn’t help it. He did it again, and this time, she let out a soft laugh and managed to turn and smile up at him. “What are you doing?”
“You don’t seem to mind,” he replied over the burst of purple and green sparklers. “Should I stop?”
She eased her arms about his waist, her hands flat against the solid planes of muscle on either side of his spine. “Is that what you do in Asgard? Bite?”
“Did I do it too hard for you? I can be gentler, you know.”
He towered over her, his dark hair falling forward, made even curlier by the damp ocean air. A smile played at his lips, his eyes sparkled with mischief. The God of Mischief, and she was falling under his spell as easily as an undertow could sweep her out to sea.
“I thought you said you didn’t want to kiss me?” she asked softly.
“And I thought you were going to remember your place?” he asked with the same flirtatiousness he’d used on Shannon.
“I can.” She moved to break his hold on her.
“Absolutely not,” he growled, yanking her back. “It’s not in my nature to deny myself of something I want so much.”
Those words rippled through her with enough force to make her toes curl into her flip-flops. And with those words, he leaned into her. This time, he would kiss her and she urged him into it by pressing into his back as hard as she could with only her hands.
She never heard the crowd move. Never heard anything over the burst of fireworks overhead. But then, there came a bright flash, a burst of white light, and Loki was ripped out of her embrace with a loud groan as he shot across the boardwalk and crashed into a game stand.
“What the fuck?” Shannon snapped as two men clad entirely in black rushed to them and grabbed both her and McKenna by the arms, tugging them even further away.
A third man stepped up, holding what looked like a bazooka in both hands. Unlike the other two, he was not dressed in black fatigues, but in a staid blue or black suit. He raised the gun, pointing it squarely at a still-very-stunned-looking Loki and said, “Shall I do that again?”
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