#half rant half girly post today!!!
huellitaa · 4 months
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⊹˚. ♡ true beauty
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 what being kind does to you
heightened self esteem
increase empathy and compassion
tend to be healthier in all areas
helps form new relationships
better mental health
decrease blood pressure and cortisol
increase serotonin, dopamine & oxytocin
contrary to popular belief kindness is not something that should be overlooked. we've been taught to be kind hundreds of times and yet some of us never actually do it.
one epiphany i've had recently is that humans are such bigoted creatures. we think we have the right to do whatever we like just because we're the dominant species on this earth. we are top of the biological hierarchy, so therefore we have the right to do whatever we like.
another thing i've found is that that fact often bleeds into people's attitudes. people are so fucking rude nowadays honestly. maybe it's the fact i live in england, maybe it's the fact people are so entitled in this day and age they think they can do whatever they like to everything and everyone with no repercussions, but kindness seems scarce nowadays.
how is food made? by the people who take their time to make it for you, be it your local supermarket or your loved ones slaving away in the kitchen all day.
how do we sleep? because we care enough about ourselves to make sure we get rest to be energised and refreshed the next day and for the days to come.
how do we have clothes on our back? because people care enough to weave pieces of fabric together just so we aren't walking around bare and naked every day.
you want to become more likeable? be sweet. be kind. don't sacrifice yourself for anybody, but take the time out of your day to do something for someone. it will make their day i promise, even if it doesn't then you've still made yourself happy 😭 ♡
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🐰𓂃 ࣪˖ little kind things you can do
send a letter to someone
bake or make something for someone
compliment someone every day
have a clear out and donate to charity
smile at everyone and anyone
greet someone you might see often but don't really talk to
promote a friend's work
get someone to go on a spontaneous adventure with you!!!
hide a list of things you love about someone in their things if you're too shy to just give it to them
offer to take someone's photo if they're struggling like a couple or a family
do something sweet for your neighbours
learn how to say hello in multiple different languages
encourage and listen to someone even if you don't know them that well
talk to someone who looks lonely and chat with them, don't leave them out
make something random for someone who was nice to you for no reason
sit down and have a chat with someone struggling with homelessness
put a surprise note or cute drawing on someone's desk or workplace
we are so sweet at heart!!! everything we know is born from love!!! everyone is born good!!! it's only circumstances that make people stray from that.
please don't stop giving, please don't stop caring, please don't stop loving with your whole heart; hold the door open for someone, give someone something, smile at someone, pet an animal, do something just to bring joy and love into the world a little more. the world is filled with so many people who have strayed from the path of innocence and we need those people back.
to have a kind heart is to be beautiful. true beauty is not found in the skin, but in the mind. the more you give, the more you love, the more you learn, the more you smile, the more you enjoy, that is what makes the world beautiful, and that is what makes you beautiful <3
the most beautiful people are always the kindhearted ones who will live the most and make the most out of their lives. love is the only thing that holds this world together. please don't stop giving it, ever; it is the most beautiful thing this world has to offer
all my love 🫶💝
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liveblogsandthots · 6 months
this is my official coming out as a dean winchester girly post so here it goes
okay so something that i saw a while ago and has been bugging me since was a dean anti being like bla bla bla dean winchester is so pathetic for being upset and sad for his dad leaving him and doing his own thing when sam when to college like he was in his twenties he should have been fine it wasn’t a big deal whatever
im not going to come on here and say that dean was perfect and never did anything wrong or anything like that because boy howdy did the writers give him some questionable lines/plot points (kicking cas out of the bunker, how he first interacted with jack, three of the cheerleaders are legal) but jensen plays him in such a compelling way and his character is just really interesting but i just cannot get behind this take that he shouldn’t have been fucked up by this
we all know that if you look up codependent in the dictionary sam and dean would show up and john winchester is responsible for that. they grew up hoping from town to town barely staying long enough to make friends much less figure out how to keep in contact especially without social media and texting being what it is today. there were some other semi stable presences in their lives like bobby and pastor jim but they were still always temporary. now. when sam leaves for stanford he takes half the people in deans support system with him and he’s not good at staying in contact as we know from the pilot when they mention they haven’t talked in two years. also! deans not upset because his brother is leaving for college, he’s upset because thanks to john winchester’s a+ parenting he’s leaving for good, he’s not coming back for some weekends or for any other breaks, he’s leaving as in gone and planning on staying gone. but anyways when sam leaves that leaves john as the only person in deans life that he knows and is in contact with. he is not some normal twenty something living away from home for the first time and his complaining because he has to figure stuff out on his own, he is a deeply traumatized and lonely young man who literally has no one else in his life after his dad starts going on hunts without him. the only people he sees and talks to are strangers and it’s always small talk or maybe comforting the occasional victim and doing the occasional interview
he’s not being overdramatic for being hurt by being left by the only people he has left in the world. his experiences are not the same as a normal persons and obviously he’s not going to react the same way and that is okay! it is completely justified! also even if i did have a normal life with friends and coworkers and aunts uncles and cousins i would probably also be upset and a little depressed if my dad and my brother walked out on me and then barely contacted me after they left at pretty much any age??
anyways that was my little rant not sure if it makes sense to anyone else but just wanted to put it out there
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erwinsvow · 7 months
I’m so sleepy too!! I took the best nap but I woke up so now I’m just 🙁 and want to go to bed but now I’m so excited cause I’m going to a little jazz concert on Friday with a friend I haven’t seen in a while!! Worked all day today and it was actually pretty fun so I didn’t mind at all :) How was your day?? What is your pretty brain cooking for us🤨
- 💓
hi babe omggg!!!! ugh I need a good nap todayyy but omg so fun jazz! That sounds so fun keep me posted on how it was🩵 Aww that’s the best when work doesn’t feel bad love that for u <3 and it wasn’t terrible! I had a half day at work & then got dinner with my coworker girlies and had a good two hour rant sesh 😚and my lil freaky brain just wrote like 2k abt being rafes good girl <3 check it out and lmk baeee how was your day!!!!
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axelsagewrites · 5 years
Ship(s): Isabelle X female!reader
Request:  Via Wattpad
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 Masterlist HERE
Wattpad HERE
It's pride month so this month's posts are going to be LGBT themed
Her hair gleamed like a goddess and her smile was like sunlight that flowers craved to the human eye. When she laughed it felt like you’d went weightless on a roller coaster drop ride, loving the fear it brought like the idea of loving her. No matter what she said, snarky or sweet, it was the stuff to inspire poets. She was my perfect, the thing that would finally make me feel whole.
The half of the best friend necklace that hung around her neck broke me though. The one around mine solidified it. 
I'd known Isabelle since childhood, often talking about being parabatai. Every time I discouraged it, saying we could decide when we were older, and we didn’t need a rune to best friends. It was bad enough she was straight, and I’d fancied her for years but the idea of it being actually illegal was too much.
The shadowhunter community was very accepting, choosing to hide all their ‘problems’ in a plastic tub and bury beneath their flower beds. Apparently not being straight was one of these problems. How dare you like someone of the same gender! Even though it wasn’t your fault and oh yeah screw you.
I wasn’t necessarily in the closet though; I just never spoke about it. plus, in the New York Institute, there weren’t many boys my age, so it wasn’t surprising I didn’t like any of them. The only person I had told was Alec because, well that boys lets straight than a circle.
Alec and I were closet buddies and despite both of us being heavily friend zoned we could at least whine to one and other. Isabelle figured out Alec was gay, which wasn’t too difficult since boys can’t hide their, um feelings? Too well. She hadn’t figured me out because apparently kissing girls in the club is something drunk girls just kinda did? 
Although it wasn’t what I wanted I was sort of content. Isabelle had boyfriends and hookups but so would Jace, so Alec and I were able to rant about this whenever they were out. Then Clary came. 
I don’t dislike the girl, but she is inconvenient for many reasons. It’s made Alec all grumpy since Jace is in love and Alec can literally feel it because of their bond. Isabelle also likes to go on about that Simon kid and he’s always around because clary’s always around. It’s a hellish cycle.
However, the biggest issue is Clary and Isabelle’s friendship. For the past 5 years, Isabelle and I were the only girls our age who lived in this institute for more than a month. This meant Isabelle only knew what it would be like to be friends with a girl who was in love with her. 
We didn’t do the normal things girls would; talk a lot about boys, change in front of each other, check each other out before leaving to make sure we looked okay. I was in love with the girl, there was no way I was checking out her butt to make sure she hadn’t sat in something. Hell no. but this was never an issue because she had no comparison.
We’d talk about fighting techniques, books, famous shadowhunters, and how annoying Alec and Jace were and how we’d get them back. For fun, we’d throw darts, do trick shots, spar, or made up silly games. 
Clary came and was letting Isabelle do her hair, makeup, outfit, and would talk hot boys and relationships with each other. Clary wasn’t that girly, but it still messed it all up. Know we were talking about first crushes and kisses and I had no answer. 
Coming out felt like less of an option. I barely knew Clary, so I didn’t want to tell her and now Isabelle was wanting to have the ‘girl sleepovers’ mundane kids had in the movies Clary showed her. I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.
Alec wasn’t having much fun either. Clary and Jace were a thing and Clary was beginning to catch on. Typically, Alec would train with Jace, but Clary kept pulling him in every other direction so when Alec came up to me and asked to spar I wasn’t surprised. Isabelle kept wanting to have Clary at all our training sessions so we could teach her and how could I argue with that?
As I held the punching bag Alec hit it with all the pit up anger he had, the chain holding it up clanging loudly with each hit. “A new girl shows up and you drop everything?” he ranted while punching. “Do you wanna know what he said when I complained he missed training today?” he stopped, panting. We switched positions and I nodded. “Get a girlfriend,” Alec held the bag for me.
I screwed my face up and not because of the stale smell of sweat off this training room. “That’s just idiotic,” I said as I hit the bag.
“Yeah well that’s the straights for you,” Alec rolled his eyes, “Crush aside, friend don’t ditch friends,”
“Tell me about it,” I muttered as my punches sped up.
Alec sighed “Isabelle?”
“Isabelle,” I confirmed, putting my back into the punches, “Her and Clary are always together. Doing girly things. It's bad enough but I don’t want to talk boys with them. It was fine before,” with every word the punches got faster.
“Slow down,” Alec said, and I did. He held the bag still, the metal chains finally quieting, “You’re gonna put a hole in it.”
“I know,” I sighed, taking the gloves off and throwing them down. “But I’m getting sick of this.
Everyone keeps asking if I’m seeing a guy or when will Mr right come along. My parents are actually concerned,”
“Ditto,” Alec groaned, “It’s so annoying. Its always brought up as if I’m just a piece of meat!” he said.
My eyebrow quirked up as I saw the irony “Alec, welcome to being a female.” Alec rolled his eyes and I punched his shoulder “I am not kidding. Whenever we go out guys are leering at me and Izzy on missions. We are used as bait Alec. Bait” it was true. Apparently dressing nice, as they called it, attracted demons but they forgot about all the sleazes.
“Sorry,” Alec said, dropping down onto a bench. I copied and took the water he handed me.
“I’ve got an idea…”
“So…you two are dating now?” Isabelle asked arms crossed staring at us with the look of ‘don’t you lie to me’.
Jace by Isabelle’s side seemed doubtful too, “Like dating dating?”
Alec and I looked at each other. “Yup,” Alec said before quickly wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me into his side. “Right babe?”
The words felt like spitting glass, “Of course…babe,” okay I officially wanted to die.
Isabelle and Jace shared a look but Jace shrugged, “Well at least you finally took my advice. Sorry (Y/N) but I need to steal Alec, we’ve got a mission,” 
Alec almost jumped at the chance to go on a mission with him. Then it was just me and Izzy. “You’ve never mentioned liking him before,” Isabelle said, clearly not buying it.
I scoff, trying not to stutter, “He’s your brother. That’s just weird Izzy,”
“In fact,” she continued “You’ve never talked about guys. Ever. Whenever Clary brings it up-“
“Clary’s a brat, Izzy,” I cut her off. Isabelle’s mouth gaped for a moment before closing.
“Seriously she shows up and thinks she knows everything. She gets everything on a silver plate, and everyone babies her,”
“She’s new!” Isabelle has an incredulous look on her face “She’s trying to navigate a new world. Give her a break!” I couldn’t hold back an eye roll. “What has she actually done to you?”
“What has she done to you?” I snap. “Before we’d talk about normal things but knows it’s all boy this and boy that. And she’s far to comfortable around here. You don’t ask people to check you out before you go out. It’s weird,” I cross my arms. “Plus, she always brings that Simon kid around.
Isabelle’s face is distorted into one I’ve never seen aimed at me; anger. “Really? Maybe I like talking about boys and I like knowing I look alright before I go out. Oh, and I’ll have you know I like Simon. He’s one of the nicest guys I’ve ever spoken to,”
“I’m nice!” I almost yell, “You don’t talk to me anymore and I’m just as nice as Simon is. Oh, and I’m your best friend not that you seem to care,”
“Well you don’t seem so nice right now,” Isabelle says, crossing her arms, “In fact, you just seem jealous. I’m allowed to have other friends. If it bothered you that much you should’ve talked to me,”
“You’re always with Clary,” Mumbled, feeling defeated already.
“Woah you really are jealous. Is that why you’re with Alec now?” she asked. “You and I both know he’s gay. If I’m honest I was starting to think so were you,” 
There was no good way this conversation could go. The floor seemed to sway from under my feet and the lights seemed brighter than before. My heartbeat was loud like the chains from the punching bag. Clang clang clang.
If it wasn’t for the air whipping my face I wouldn’t have realised I was running, and it wasn’t till I stopped I felt the wetness on my cheeks. I opened the door to my room and quickly slammed it, ruining it to be locked. 
All I could do was pace till my feet were sore and I feared holes would burn in the carpet. I sank onto the floor, leaning against my bed. normally when I ran away from my feelings it wasn’t physically, 
When Isabelle knocked I didn’t get up. Her angelic voice couldn’t move me this time and was drowned out by fear. My parents, Isabelle, my higher-ups, they could all find out. Shadowhunters were still very backwards. 
We’d had the pleasure of meeting a warlock when Clary first came called Magnus who was obviously gay or bi or something and openly proud. With no shadowhunters to teach me, it had been him I’d gone to about it. he was surprised, to say the least, that I'd gone to him though apparently, his gaydar had been right.
Id texts him in a panic for his advice. Isabelle’s pounding on my door had stopped when I got the text back; tell her, the closet isn’t comfortable forever.
I read the text over and over again. I didn’t have to tell Isabelle I liked her, though she’d
probably guessed that. She must know now. she had to know, and I should be telling her.
My bones felt stiff as I stood but I persevered. I sighed, running my hands over my face. I looked up from my hands and my eyes fell on a photo frame on my bedside; Isabelle and I on my last birthday. She insisted on making my cake though even I couldn’t fake eat it. this could make or break that.
I opened the door without hesitation, figuring I'd at least have a breather before I saw her. But there she was, sat on the floor across from my door. When my door opens she sprang up, “(Y/N),” I couldn’t hold it back. I looked down and couldn’t help a couple tears, “Talk to me,” Isabelle put her hands on my shoulders and shivers went down my spine.
For once I didn’t want to see Isabelle’s face, but I looked up, “I-I.” I had to take a deep breath “I love you,”
Isabelle smiled a little “I love you too. You know I do,” without giving me a chance she hugged me.
“Not in the same way,” I mumbled but I knew she heard. 
She pulled back and looked me in the eyes. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t love you. I’m in love with you,” it was out there. There were no take backs.
Isabelle glanced down and I just felt my heart clench, “I-I-I know I’m not gay,” she started off, stuttering slightly, “but I have been with girls,” for this first time Isabelle blushed, “I just never really clicked with any but then again I never clicked with a guy either. But if I'd ever clicked with anyone, it’d be you,”
“You like me?” my words were slow and unsure.
“I think so?” hers were more like a question. “I’ve never really understood the romance part but when I’m with you, I feel safe. And I’d be lying if I said you weren’t hot,”
Okay, this time I blushed. A lot, “So…do you wanna try?”
She nodded “I do. Guess your switching lightwoods,” Isabelle joked, laughing at her own joke like usual.
I grinned a little, “Well you are much prettier than Alec.”
Isabelle grinned, “So maybe we should try well,” she motioned to my lips.
I nodded and we moved closer, bumping noses and tilting the wrong way. We laughed awkwardly but soon our lips met. it was slow, hesitant, and we were barely touching. Years of pent up feelings led me to stepping closer, making it harder, passionate. Soon it was fast and hard, and her hands were in my hair. 
Somehow I forgot to breathe, so we pulled apart as breathless as I get when Isabelle walks in the room. “So,” I said.
“So,” Isabelle copied. She looked up and down the corridor before saying, “Maybe we should try you know that again but,” she pointed past me, into my room, “in there?”
A grin overtook my face which soon etched onto Isabelle as well. My arms wrapped around her, leading her back into my room. The door shut tightly behind us and everything felt right.
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trickkombowerskru · 6 years
Hii I hope you are okay today! For the ask thing: 39, 37 and 3! Have a nice day 💖
fThis was taken from a lost of questions on a post I reblogged which can be found here if you would like to ask me something 😊
Aw thanks hon. And it’s as nice as it can be while I’m doing reading for school  shit at almost 3 am lmao.
3. Rant. Just do it.
Alright I will try to keep it short and sweet because if I go IN I could type for hours but here some damn tea.  I wanna know what the hell was going through Jason’s mind when he was writing S5 we had so many opportunities to get closure and flashbacks and the characters learning about what changed in eahc other. But instead we got a half assed messed where most of the characters -especially Bellamy- are almost completely different people and we get no explanation besides It’S a TiMe JuMp  PeOpLe ChAnGe. The only good parts were Octavia’s story line and Diyoza. Everything else was either ruined or  just not interesting to begin with such as the worms, Abby’s pointless plot line when Jasper  would’ve been better for an addiction recovery story line (I mean TBFH if  Jasper  was here all of S5′s issues would be fixed, but that’s another rant for another day), barely giving Monty and Harper screen time, Completely ruining  most  friendships,Especially Kane blaming Octavia for everything, keeping Echo when she outlived her purpose as an antagonist in S4 and trying to shove her down our throats as “a good guy”, the flame still being around, Becho  existing, and  most of all  THE DAMN BAIT SET DOWN FOR BELLARKE! I mean we had the radio calls, which barley  got brought up then lead to nothing, “She is” “The Hostage Taker  and his girlfriend” And especially  “A traitor who you love” ugh I am a bitter bitch and with no promo for S6 I can already tell it’ll also be a mess 😷 And like I said this is the short version of all my issuees with S5 lol.
37. Have you ever been called down to the principal’s office
I  have not. I am good noodle lmao.
39. Describe your aesthetic
I  guess like edgy pink if that makes sense like sarcastic princess. I like some girly things, but then I also fall under a  bit dead inside aesthetic at the same time  lol. 
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afangirlwashere · 6 years
Risk pt.4 (Peter Parker x superhero!reader)
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(gif is not mine all credit goes to the creator)
Summary: History class is surely boring but what if (Y/N)’s life turns upside down while sitting in one? What can Peter do about it?
A/N: I thought this was going to be a four-part fic but SEEMS LIKE I WAS WRONG!! This was supposed to be the last part but I was in the middle of it and it was so long and then I added something and if I really wanted to stick with the four-part thing it could have gone to like 8k or more?? The next part is probably gonna be a bit longer I think?? I have a little bit written for the fifth part BUT this week is unbelievably busy in school and the next one is gonna be even crazier so I’m just praying to survive. Of course, I was in the mood to write everything when I had to study so... that’s why the quick updates. Most of both the fics I released recently were already half written quite a long time ago maybe you can tell by the way I write? IDK... I’ll stop rambling now. All likes, reblogs and mainly feedback is very appreciated! 
Warnings: Infinity War spoilers! do we still warn for those? I guess I’ll do it anyway
part 1  part 2  part 3
(while reading this part of the story I recommend you to listen to this song)
“Mr. Stark?” the doors to the lab opened and closed as the young superhero slipped inside.
Tony was buried deep inside his luxurious armchair that was almost two times his size clutching a glass of bourbon.  His gaze was set on the projector which had the words “fin” written on it. He started studying the liquid in his glass not bothering to even look at the girl.
“I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I should’ve been more careful... I know you’re responsible for me and it wasn’t fair from me to throw myself in front of Thanos.” (Y/N) fondled with her sleeve and stepped a little closer “Thank you for giving me another chance Mr. Stark... I appreciate it.”
Tony stayed silent for a bit longer. 
“Peter Parker.” the name rolled off his tongue perfectly as if he has said it a million times before “Sixteen years old... student of the Midtown school of science and technology. Otherwise known as Spider-Man.” 
(Y/N) stopped next to a little coffee table to get a better glance at Tony. 
His face had no emotion whatsoever when he took the little remote control, pushed a button on it and the video played somewhere in the middle. 
There was a boy on the screen now “This is the best thing that could have ever happened to me!” he shouted excitedly “Mr. Stark is amazing! He’s the best!” his face was covered by some kind of a mask but (Y/N) was sure he had the brightest smile on his face. 
Tony stopped the video abruptly. 
“He disintegrated to dust in my arms when Thanos decided to get rid of half of the civilization. Just like that.” he snaps his fingers and takes a big chug of the alcohol. 
(Y/N) swallows loudly. She couldn’t think of anything better to say then “I’m sorry...” and she truly was. 
This Spider-Man, Peter or whatever he called himself seemed like a nice guy. It was a shame he met that fate. 
He was just a kid. 
Just a kid...
Watching Tony torture himself over what happened was heartbreaking even for someone who didn’t know him that well. 
Maybe even more than for the others.
The Tony Stark (Y/N) knew from the media was so Extra, a joke here a joke there, partying, full of sarcastic remarks even in the worst situations he could keep that spark. 
He didn’t have it now. 
(Y/N) never saw Tony Stark like this.  Not on TV, not in the news... 
“Do you know why I’m showing you this?” the man looked over at the younging, his beard and hair a lot grayer with all the worries “Why I’m telling you this?” 
“Because you don’t want to lose any more people to Thanos...” (Y/N) almost whispered. 
“You’re damn right (Y/N)! Especially not another kid! That’s why I’m so mad!” Tony almost smashed the glass on the table “You’re off the mission... You can help around but when it comes to Thanos you keep down and leave that to the adults.” 
Her eyes widened “But-”
“No buts! Those are my last words! Come talk to me when you find a way to undo all this mess...” he slowly walked out of the lab not knowing how close to the home he hit.
Tony had no idea (Y/N) was working on a possible way to maybe get everybody back. What he said was just supposed to be another act of mocking from him but he just made the young superhero think about a lot bigger danger.
The chances she could survive bringing just one person back were so little that she always refused to even consider the option. But now it was settled. If she wants to get Tony back on her side... If she wants to get back to the real action...
The first person she has to bring back is Peter Parker. 
(while reading this part of the story I recommend you listen to this song)
Sitting in history class is the next level of boring.
(Y/N) is so ahead that the teacher just ignores her when she stares blankly at the chalkboard and doesn’t work on her worksheet because she knew the not so new kid anymore already finished it. 
Yesterday night was tough.  (Y/N) has no idea how Peter does this almost every day. She started going with him on a lot of missions or just small patrols but they had a big action last night until 3AM which made today even less enjoyable than it already could be. 
Not only is she alone in history class... she has two history classes and this was just the first one.
The only person that is familiar here is unfortunately Flash.  He’s been secretly scrolling through his phone probably looking for answers. He frowns on the screen seeming very confused.
“Alright class the bell is going to ring in a minute let’s go through the first question quickly and we’ll finish the rest in the next period.” Miss. Miller claps her hands. 
In that same moment, the door to the classroom opens wide and all the concentration is lost.
(Y/N) forgets how to breathe for a minute when her eyes land on Happy. 
It seems like he’s out of breath trying very hard for them to not notice. His cheeks are bright pink and he has a gun case very visible right at his belt. 
“I’m sorry to interrupt but I need (Y/N) (Y/S). Right now.” he shows a little pocket with some badge.
“Pardon me,” Miss. Miller walks closer to him “Who are you?” 
“Harold Hogan, head security in the Stark Industries madam. I have orders and I’m here to fulfill them. The kid is going with me right now, (Y/N) pack your bag.” Happy looks past Miss. Miller.
“What is going on Happy?!” (Y/N)’s heart beats faster than ever.
“I’ll explain it on the way we have to go. Now!” his hard expression doesn’t help (Y/N)’s catastrophic spiral of thoughts at all.
“Wait you know this man?” Miss. Miller asks confused. 
“Yes. It’s okay I’ll be fine Miss.” (Y/N) nods and throws the bag over her shoulder running out of her class.
The kids around her start getting very curious so she quickly closes the door to the classroom walking right behind Happy.
Miss Miller is still looking after them not sure if she should allow her student to leave. 
“What’s going on Happy you’re scaring me.” this also roughly translates to Is Peter alright? Please don’t tell me something happened to him. Please tell me he’s fine. 
“Pictures got leaked. Your identity is out (Y/N). Everybody knows because you and Spider-Boy weren’t careful enough.” Happy keeps a calm tone even though it seems a little rough but he doesn’t want any teachers coming out of their classrooms to see who’s making such a fuss. 
“What? How? When? What?” (Y/N) stops in her tracks fairly confused.
Happy stops and takes one loud breath “Last night. They saw you taking off your mask late at night when you were crawling in through the window. God! I told Tony to not only install those movement sensors at the doors but windows too!” Happy rants off the topic for a second “They know where you live (Y/N). They know your full name, where you go to school, how old are you, that you’re under Tony’s wing, they know everything!” he whisper-shouts. 
(Y/N)’s blood turns cold “Only me? They don’t know anything about Peter right?” 
“No. Nothing. They know you’re linked to him but they don’t know he’s Spider-Man. They also know you’re linked to Spider-Man but they don’t know he’s Peter Parker.”
Thank god.
“The article got posted fifteen minutes ago. We got here first but I can promise you if we don’t hurry up people from all the newspapers are going to be here any minute.” Happy starts walking again. 
“We?” (Y/N) scrunches her nose.
Happy nods “Tony is outside in a limousine.” 
“Oh... That’s a good way to not bring attention right?” (Y/N) bitterly laughs “And what did you mean by the door sensors?”
The bell rings and the halls get filled in a second. 
All the eyes are glued to the two.
Happy glances around “Oh great... Let’s go girly we need to leave before anyone checks their phone.” 
The moment he finishes his sentence (Y/N) sees Ned walking out of math class. 
They make eye contact and (Y/N) prays he knows what her look means. Thankfully, Ned is smart enough to recognize the situation and he starts heading the way she wants him to. 
MJ is the next one to walk out of the class looking bored as ever.  When her eyes land on Happy and (Y/N) she bears the same confusion Miss. Miller did. She grips her books and shoots a curious look to (Y/N). 
And a cherry on the top is when Flash runs around the corner shouting “She’s one of them! She has powers! She’s a superhero! She knows Spider-Man! Just check the news!” he keeps on getting closer and closer to them. 
Happy’s eyes do a master eye-roll “Oh my god that’s exactly what I didn’t want to happen. Let’s go (Y/N)!” 
(Y/N) watches Michelle look over someone's shoulder and read something off their phone.  Her eyes glance back to (Y/N), filled with betrayal. This is the most emotion she ever saw on her friends face. 
No. It’s not like that MJ. I trust you but I couldn’t... I just couldn’t... 
Before her mouth speaks her legs are already making their way to her but she starts to walk away fast. 
Flash finally stops in front of (Y/N) and grabs her hand.  He says something but she can’t hear him because her ears fill with white noise. Her stomach feels as if a metal hand was squeezing it. 
Flash sees something glisten in the young superheroes eyes and at first, he thinks it’s tears.  She’s about to cry. 
But no. 
His hand feels a little too warm out of a sudden and when he looks at it his fingertips are lit up like little knots in a candle.  He screams and lets go of (Y/N) but she takes him by the collar. 
“I told you to never touch me again!” filled with fear, helplessness, and anger she lets out a tiny bit of the mix of these raw emotions and Flash flies 10 meters away from her.
All the trash from the garbage bins flies through the hall along with him and a few hit Michelle’s back and she turns just soon enough to move out of the way to let Flash hit the ground next to her.
MJ stares at both of them startled.
Ned is still there. He couldn’t get past all the people crowded in the hallway so he stared at (Y/N) with his mouth wide open.
The hall is almost silent. 
(Y/N) is drowning in herself and the only thing that brings her back to reality is Happy’s tight grasp at the strap of her backpack.
“That was enough let’s go! We need to go! Now!!” Happy pulls her harder. 
(Y/N) keeps staring at Michelle and Flash, stumbles a few feet and then starts walking fast to the exit of the school. 
She tries to not look at any of the faces in the hallway.  Some kids are screaming, some are crawling closer to her with their phones in hand some of them are running away in fear. 
They finally walk out of school just to get in more mess.
Ned trips over a few students before he gets to Peter’s locker which is on the other side of the school. 
Peter looks like he’s almost half asleep meanwhile rummaging through his locker “What’s up Ned?” he asks without even looking up at him.
“(Y/N)!” Ned screams in the middle of heavy breaths.
“Yeah what about her?” Peter’s lips curl into a soft sleepy smile at the mention of his girl.
“(Y/N)! Some guy from-the Stark industries I think- They are taking her- I don’t know what’s happening- I think I’m going to faint...” Ned starts coughing. 
“Taking her? Who’s taking her?! Mr. Stark? Why? Where is she?!” Peter closes his locker his pupils dilating making his eyes look almost black. 
“Outside.” in a blink of an eye Peter is gone sprinting with all his superhero might to get to the school's exit as fast as possible “Goddamnit Peter...” Ned runs after him. 
Stepping outside felt like a red carpet event.  Without the actual red carpet. And the royal treatment. 
Actually, it felt more like a Justin Timberlake concert. Or Bieber. Or Shawn Mendes. Actually, any big star these days.
Happy tried to give as much space as possible so (Y/N) could walk to the obviously expensive limousine with black windows. 
All the press-people were screaming questions, putting microphones or dictaphones her way and made her almost blind by all of the flashes while taking pictures. 
(Y/N) quickly opened the door and almost jumped into the limousine. 
“Thank you, principal Morita I apologize for causing this inconvenience. I’m very grateful for your time and don’t worry about my sponsorship of your school it still stays.” Tony sat in his seat as comfortable as he could be.
He had yellow glasses on, a suit and boots he could probably pay a few rents with.
After ending the phone call with the principal he looked at (Y/N). She was expecting to see anger and annoyance. Instead, he seemed... Tired and... And something else. Something she was afraid to see in his eyes from the moment she met him.
“I’m not angry at you (Y/N).” 
Oh please don’t say it.
“I’m... disappointed.” 
(Y/N) heard the engine start when Tony started explaining how many things in her life are about to change forever. 
Peter wasn’t sure how he survived until the end of the school day. 
When he ran out of school the only thing he saw was a limousine that was speeding down the road followed by ten news vans. 
It was definitely Mr. Stark. 
He didn’t find out about the whole thing for a while.  Then MJ came over to their table at lunch.
“Did you know?” she gripped at her tray. 
“Know what?” Ned’s voice was unnaturally high.
“Did you know (Y/N) has superpowers? That she’s ´one of the Avengers´?”
“She’s not.” Peter almost barks at her while his foot taps relentlessly. 
Her face changes into something the boys never saw before “So you knew? She told you but not me? She trusted you two idiots but not me?!” 
Peter wanted to hit himself in the head so hard... 
“No, wait! MJ!” he calls after her but she just screams a really bad swear word and leaves.
“It’s out Pete.” Ned slowly pushes his phone with the news opened to him.
Peter clutches Ned’s phone in his hands and reads a few articles. 
And guess who...
Peter put the phone slowly down and buried his face in his hands.
She’s going to hate me. She hates me. I ruined her life... It’s all my fault. If it wasn’t for me and my stupid, STUPID late night missions! I should have never let her go with me! It should have been MY identity. I should be the one who has to go through this NOT HER! 
“Peter I’m sure this will get sorted. It’s going to be in the news for a few days but it’ll pass.” Ned tries to calm him down the best way he can because he’s not dumb.
He sees very well that Peter’s brain is taking the worst possible scenario in his head and making it a reality. 
“I need to talk to her. I need to apologize. She probably won’t want to see me but I have to tell her something.... something.” Peter searches in his bag and quickly throws it on his back. 
“What are you doing?” Ned’s voice breaks.
Peter doesn’t answer and just leaves the table. 
Tag list: @adventurousbooknerd @yafriendlyfangirl @royalestrellas @daringbanshee
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astraea-writes · 7 years
To Kiss A Girl- Davey Jacobs x Reader
alright so i guess im just gonna post davey fics until ben fankhauser falls in love with me??
requested by anon, so sorry for the delay! these go alongside my college headcanons from the other day, and i most definitely am going to rewrite this in the future with better structuring, but i wanted to get this out asap!
please listen to "to Kiss a Girl" when you read bc itll make so much more sense i promise
as always my inbox is always open
warnings: drinking
Hey! Y/N! Get a pape from your favorite newsie?" Jack yelled from across the quad. You laughed and made your way towards him. winter break was over, and today was the first day of the last quarter of the school year. Your last class of the day had just gotten out, and you were already exhausted from the amount of work you knew you'd have before this year was out. "Katherine's still got you passing out the school newspaper for her?" you asked, taking the paper and sliding it into your bag. "My girl just made rising editor in chief for next year" he beamed, and you smiled at how in love with her he was. You were quickly pulled out of your thoughts, however, when you felt an arm wrap around your waist and turned to see Davey. "Hey, study night at the library?" He asked and when you nodded he dropped his arm and blushed at the instinctive contact. It was a common occurrence for the two of you to spend countless days studying and talking while the rest of your gang was out getting into trouble somehow. Jack chuckled at the awkward exchange. "Well well, if it ain't the other half of the loveboids" he greeted Davey, winking and slugging him on the shoulder. You rolled your eyes. "Shouldn't you be off fawning over Katherine like a lost puppy somewhere?" you teased and Jack playfully shoved you. " ah come on, you two knows there's something goin on here! You twos have even kissed!" He accused, waving his hands around wildly, gesturing to the small space between you and your best friend. You couldn't help but look down and smile at the memory, but you quickly recovered as Davey went still. "It was New Years, Jack. And I seem to recall you getting us tipsy on champagne, and then pushing me into him as the ball dropped" "I elped a little, but you twos were the one who did it!" He protested. You smiled and shook your head. "I know there's no point to arguing with ya, even if I'm right, so I'm just gonna leave now" you laughed. Jack smirked at the glare Davey gave him and you pulled him away before he could get too annoyed. "Sorry i wasn't much help back there" he muttered once you were out of Jacks hearing range. "Don't worry about it. I can take care of myself" you laughed. The rest of the walk was full of conversation about how Davey finally got to see Les during winter break and your crazy family stories. The two of you instinctively made your way to your table, in the back of the library by the law books no one ever needed so no one would bother you. You hadn't even bothered to stop at your dorm and grab any textbooks, you knew that you and Davey would probably wind up talking so much that nothing would get done-it was rare for the two of you to have been apart for this long. "Why'd you want to study?" you asked as Davey pulled out his laptop. "Have you even been assigned anything yet?" "No" he admitted, "Im just stressed. You know how I took that music composition class last semester?" You nodded and he continued "well our final project was to write a full length song but our class was struggling so much that the professor gave us winter break to finish it. But now, I have to perform it in a week and it's no where near good enough" You laughed as he ranted. "Davey, you're an amazing writer. I'm sure it's amazing, even though you refuse to let me hear it." He shook his head. "There's no way you're hearing it" "at least play it for me then?" You countered, and knowing that you wouldn't stop until he did, Davey slowly got up and made his way towards the piano in the lounge of the library, where students were free to relax and play anything they wanted. He sat down and began to play the most beautiful melody you had ever heard. You stared at him as his hands moved all over the keys and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. You thought back to what Jack had said, about New Years Eve.
You and the gang of boys Davey and Jack had gathered had decided to go home for Hanukkah and Christmas, but come back to school for a New Years Party to end all New Years Parties (according to Spot Conlon). You had showed up to a pretty little club to find the boys drinking like no tomorrow, save for Davey who was in the corner waiting for you. As the two of you spent the night in conversation, Jack got more antsy as the night went on, telling the both of you that tonight was the time to finally get together about every twenty minutes, and the two of you had rolled your eyes and laughed his drunken shpeals off each time. Two minutes to midnight he had pressed glasses of champagne and probably something else into your and Daveys hands, and pushed the two of you together. You fell into Davey and his hand went to the small of your back as your hand grabbed his shoulder for support. Taking a sip of champagne and setting the glasses down, the two of you maintained eye contact, still pressed against each other. You couldn't speak, mesmerized by his eyes, by the way he was looking at you like you were the only person in the room. As Jack screamed the countdown, you decided to screw it and quickly pressed your lips to his. It was only for a moment, a single kiss, but he kissed you back and you felt every firework and sparkle that had been promised to you by corny love songs and cliche movies. The Newsies yelled and cheered once the two of you pulled away, staring at each other like you were meeting for the first time. Once the boys finally dispersed to go and taunt Jack and Katherine, who were very publicly making out in the middle of the dance floor, you turned to go with them, but Davey grabbed your hand and pulled you back to his chest. Before you could ask what was wrong, he cupped his hands around your face and kissed you. The two of you stayed like that, kissing painfully slowly, lips moving together in perfect sync, knowing that once you pulled away this would all end. After several minutes you had to break the kiss, and when your eyes met there was absolutely no denying that you were in love with this boy and always had been.
But you hadn't done anything about it. Davey walked you to your dorm, made sure you got to your bed safely, and left. When you woke up the next morning, there was a glass of water and an aspirin on your desk and a text message on your phone from Davey, apologizing for leaving so soon but he had to catch his train back home, and apologizing for last night. You had stayed in bed, silent tears moving down your face, because the boy you loved was sorry he kissed you and there was nothing you could do about it. "Y/N?" Daveys voice pulled you out of your thoughts, and quickly wiped away a tear you hadn't realized was forming. "Sorry," you laughed softly. "Just, God, Davey, that was beautiful. So so beautiful" He blushed and thanked you, quickly walking back to your table. "So when do I get to hear the actual lyrics??" you asked slyly. "Never." He responded flatly. "Come onnnn Davey, Im your best friend" you pouted, making him laugh. "Its just, personal, okay?" he said defensively. "Mm hmm, okay. But there's nothing that you can't write amazingly, and nothing you can't sing because I have 100% heard you singing in the shower so there's no denying that Davey Jacobs. And if you don't want me to listen to it, then fine, but nothing is going to change the fact that it's probably already my most favorite song ever" you told him sincerely, and he blushed, still not used to your compliments after years of friendship.
But it really wasn't fine. Because you couldn't let it go.
"Okay just tell me what it's about" you begged, lying upside down on Jacks bed as Davey cleaned up his side of the room. "Nope" he smirked and you groaned in agony. "Davey come on there's nothing I don't know about you" "You don't know what I'm gonna sing" he laughed and you threw one of Jacks pillows at his head. "Davey come on I'm literally dying. Is it about me? About Jack? About your hidden love for girly Starbucks drinks?" you jokingly guessed, standing in line at your local Starbucks. Davey recited both of your orders and then turned back to glare at you. "Y/N I'm seriously not telling you. It's personal and stupid and once I get my grade I'm never speaking of it again, okay?" he sighed as the two of you walked to class. "That makes me incredibly sad because I know everything you do is ridiculously amazing" you smiled, and he only rolled his eyes.
After a week of begging and unsuccessfully bribing, Davey's performance day was here and you still weren't even told where it would be. That was, until Jack came pounding on your door. "Y/N! So a friend of Katherine's is in Daveys music class and a friend of hers is the stage manager for the theatre they're using and if we go right now then we can get there in time to sneak in!" he yelled, and you had barely grabbed your coat before you were out the door. Jack was the only person as impatient as you, and Daveys secrecy had been driving him crazy as well. The two of you made it to the school theater in record time, sneaking in to the back entrance that had been left open for you. You two made your way to the back of the house, and ducked into the last row of seats as Daveys name was called. He shyly walked up to the piano, and began to play the melody you had heard just the week before. His face slowly relaxed as he calmed his nerves, and hesitantly he began to sing. You were immediately stunned. His voice was pure and perfect, echoing off the walls. And then he got to the chorus. You felt Jacks eyes land on you, but you couldn't look away from Davey. Was he really singing about you? Could he really have felt the same way? You barely blinked, smiling wider than you thought possible, tears pooling in your eyes. And right before the final chorus, Davey turned to look out into the crowd and your eyes met. With a mix of both fear and confidence that only he could have, he belted out the final notes, and as he finished the song, you ran up to the bottom of the stage as the professors and the rest of the class burst into applause, Jack cheering the loudest. Davey made his way down to you from the stage, and all of his embarrassment melted away as he saw the look in your eyes. He ran up to you and you didn't hesitate to grab his collar and pull him into you, kissing him like you had been waiting to for so long. His hands wrapped around your waist and he deepened the kiss, the applause growing even stronger. There was no countdown or champagne, but you knew this was a new beginning for the both of you.
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0poole · 5 years
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Good God.
I finally managed to watch the final episodes of the show, and even though it wasn’t the most pitch-perfect ending ever (and even though I skipped like all of the final season), I still gotta dish out my thoughts on the whole thing. It’s not my tippy-top most favorite show, but it’s definitely the one with the most lasting impact on me. I mean, considering it created one of the biggest fandoms of all time, I’m pretty sure I’m far from alone there.
Obviously have to start from the beginning. I think I got into MLP around the 2nd season, maybe in the middle of it but definitely before the 3rd. I don’t exactly remember, since it was so long ago, but the first two seasons might hold some of the most saccharine, mindless nostalgia of all. Every single episode holds some spot in my memory, even the filler episodes with the cheesy notes to Celestia at the end of them. Honestly those were adorable, even if they were the classic kid’s show trope of “Let’s explain the moral to the kids who don’t have half a brain” but it’s actually pretty charming. That’s nostalgia talking, by the way. Obviously. If I found a new show today that did that, I’d roll my eyes a little, and I probably did when I was first watching the show. 
But, it’s an understatement that this was my life. Of course, I was at that time of my life where one thing could very easily become my entire world, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t matter to me. The pretty solid, unchanging artstyle gave me an opening to try and draw it, and for years I exclusively drew ponies, and even when I had a human character, I’d only be able to draw them in pony form, so I ended up meshing their stories into fanfiction on how they could become ponies. My “Icon” character at the time, Satyr, was probably the first original character I drew, and I can still remember the exact drawing I made of him. Obviously a pony, he was sort of larger and masculine, conveniently blinking eye so I didn’t have to deal with that, basic hair/tail styles, and for some reason a jagged zig-zag pattern going laterally across his body, like those “How would a horse wear pants?” memes. I thought it was really good, so I kept going, and here I am ages later still drawing stuff. I couldn’t even bare to fully ditch the shitty characters I made (and I’m going to explain them without context because I just feel like it): Satyr got split into his immortal and prince-ly side; Diane, a manic serial killer, shrunk down but kept her impossibly anxious personality; Gaseous is basically all the same, except he doesn’t meet the rest of the crew in what parts of his story I know about; Sistenagon (here we go with the weird names, they don’t mean anything) still kept his (her? Don’t actually remember which I called it) wasp-y nature, except in the form of an insect-based fairy tribe leader; Stelerachyt, who I drew as a Diamond Dog, is still a big, fluffy, dog, but turned into a more regal and kingly type of person; and Myriad Alloy (the only one with an actual pony name) got a complete makeover, and actually became my favorite end result after all is said and done.
Like, I love ranting about these guys. They were basically my own Mane Six. And yes, Satyr TOTALLY dated Twilight. Why wouldn’t he? Main character a Main character. Plus, he was supposed to be me, and I totally wanted to hit that. I’m not ashamed to admit it.
I mean, I guess a big part of why I actually went down that path was because of the large fanbase. I didn’t begin with the beginning of the show, but I guess I came in with the first large wave, so all of the stuff I made got just enough attention to make me think people wanted to see what I was making. If I started out with OCs, no one would’ve cared, and I very well could’ve stopped.
Even apart from that, this show definitely kick started my downward spiral into femininity. I mean, it’s pretty self-explanatory. Everyone “knew” MLP as being something super shallow, only to be enjoyed by shallow little girls, then they pumped out Friendship is Magic and everyone else loved it, so I gave it a shot, and I loved it too. Obviously every fandom has the people who openly, irrationally hate them, but the whole thing was welcoming enough to keep it solidified in my mind, and bish bash bosh, it kept going and will probably keep going into eternity. It’s funny, even then I drew Satyr with the more feminine pony design (not entirely because drawing the male pony type was harder), so I was setting myself up for the future.
I guess this kind of gives me a window to talk about My Life as a Teenage Robot, because for as long as I could remember before actually watching the show, I seriously despised any instance of XJ9 I could find. If an image of her popped up on screen, I would close it faster than if it was porn found while around my parents. I don’t know why she was so harshly ingrained in my mind. You could argue I just hated “girly” stuff before I realized I actually loved it, and didn’t want to face my emotions, but I wasn’t exaggerating at all about that porn thing. I actually couldn’t look at her for more than a second. But, one day I decided to cave in and see what was up, and soon enough she became one of my favorite cartoon characters of all time.
Back to ponies, some of the content produced by the fandom also had some extremely fond memories in my mind. I think I still have some songs by The Living Tombstone and WoodenToaster on my MP3 player (partially because it’s just good stuff) and for some reason playing on MLP-themed TF2 servers was actually really fun too. Some notable fandom people reacting to recent episodes was a spectacle I always looked forward to, and I still am subscribed to Saberspark and Ratchet on Youtube after all this time, probably as well as various other people who are still there but haven’t posted anything since the settling of the fandom. I just remembered, Hotdiggetydemon probably qualifies for all that too, since his .Mov series was the talk of the whole fandom. That, and Friendship is Witchcraft. I had to re-look up the name of that one though, but I still loved it.
I guess I should play favorites, huh? Favorites was the one game everyone in the fandom played. 
Favorite episode: Can’t not be a tie between the 2-parters of Season 2. Discord is a riot, and Chrysalis is actually one of my favorite villain designs of all time. I’m a sucker for both shapeshifters and bugs, so you can’t expect me to not like her. Glad she rode the villain boat till the very end, although reformed Discord is definitely fine too. Plus, the rest of the Changelings turned anyway.
Favorite song: You expect me to not tie things up here? The Flim Flam brother’s Super Cider Squeezy 6000 is great, as are the brothers themselves, and I also love This Day Aria, since it’s the focal point where people realized this show seriously wasn’t just colorful, cute ponies. The Art of the Dress is also pretty catchy. 
Actually, just remembered. Under Our Spell might be it. Took me a while to remember the EQG stuff, but that song is seriously good, and unironically better than the generic dribble that somehow magically beat it.
Favorite background pony(ies): Vinyl and Octavia are a pretty cute duo, and with the killer duet in the Slice of Life episode, ya gotta love em. Funny thing, though: There’s this background pony that looks almost identical to my current self-insert pony OC, with purple hair and a grey coat, with a seemingly writing-based cutie mark and green eyes. He’s even a unicorn too. It wasn’t intentional, I swear.
Favorite CMC: Sweetie Belle is too much. Her little squeaks are too pure. I can’t take it. Applebloom has nice colors, though.
Favorite Princess: If you don’t say Luna you’re a cop
Favorite non-pony species: Obviously Changelings, but after their reformation the honors actually switch to the Kirins, just because of how cool they look. The Yaks are pretty fun too. Speaking of…
Favorite nu-Mane Six (or are they called the School Six? Whatever, you know what I mean): All Yona. And yes, I had to look up her name was, who cares? She’s adorable.
Favorite of the Pillars of Equestria: I honestly love that they made Starswirl an actual character in the show. For the longest time, people just assumed he would stay in the form of Twilight’s Nightmare Night costume forever, but then they actually made him real! That’s really cool.
Favorite Equestria Girls design: Once again, Sweetie Belle steals both this spot and my heart.
And, of course… Favorite of the Mane Six:
Honestly, it just depends on the mood I’m in. Not even remotely lying there.
Fluttershy would’ve been my answer way back then, since I was into the shy types. There’s definitely something still there. You can’t deny that she’s the most cuddly of them all.
Twilight might’ve been a tie for the top around then too, since I was also the too-smart-for-humanity type. That leads into you liking the “smart” ones. Plus, in the latter half of the series, she did feel like she was put one step above the rest of the cast. That kinda makes her feel slightly off, I guess. Still like her, though.
Pinkie Pie’s one of those that I can imagine liking, but if I ever actually had to deal with that much energy I might actually melt. And, not in that I’m-totally-in-love kind of melting. Literal, actual melting. 
Rarity, in terms of concept, is easily my favorite type of character for the show. On the surface, she’s the generic fashionista type that every girl’s show has, but instead of her being someone who “just makes clothes” she’s actually seriously hard working and goes through all the regular motions you’d expect from an artist. Turning such a cliche on its head and giving it a much more realistic image is perfect for this show. Also, she’s purple. I like purple.
Not much really needs to be said about Applejack. She really seems like the most logical one of the group, even at the very beginning. That’s great to have when everyone else is acting like spoiled/sheltered brats (at least, when she’s not acting that way either).
But, I really gotta be honest… I’m never really in the mood for Rainbow Dash. She’s like the opposite of AJ, where she’s always some degree of arrogant, and even though watching her achieve her dreams is nice, her big head gets a little annoying for side gags. Also, if you showed me a plain picture of the Mane Six, I would’ve told you she was the main character instead of Twilight, just because she stands out so much more. I mean, the show isn’t called “Twilight Sparkle: Friendship is Magic,” but still.
If you really want a straight answer, I’m in a Rarity mood right now, so I’ll go with that. It’s probably the safest bet, because, like I said, I do love purple. Not just purple, but purple AND white put together. One of my favorite color combinations. Just add a little gold, and you’re, well, you know...
But… Yeah. All good things had to come to an end. I feel like its time came. Plus, they ended the show with the little story book thing they did in the very first episode, so as far as I’m concerned the series is complete. It did its job, anyway.
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