thetubthumper · 9 months
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soymilkeuu · 1 year
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filthyfucker · 9 months
Hantengu clones x wife! Reader
So since this option won my "first post" question I gotta do it- but like why are y'all so down bad for them???? WHY-
Also this is fluff 💖💖 I'll do smut if y'all request
“my love for you”
It was the peek of sunrise, the Sun rising, fast. You couldn't help but worry about the four emotional clones of hantengu whom you've grown to love. You were quite worried, they don't usually arrive this late.... Your worried thoughts were interrupted with a loud bang that came from the front door
“Y/N my beloved! We're home~”
Karaku-the manifestation of pleasure and one of your four demon husbands said, Karaku was always the first to greet you at the door. Occasionally Urogi but other than that Karaku's always first
“How wonderful~ how was the mission?” you asked them
Urogi- the manifestation of joy, chirped loudly at you with joy
Urogi was a great husband! except once he talks- he never stops…..
“Urogi stop shouting your making me sad….”
Aizetsu- the manifestation of sorrow and your favorite FINALLY shut Urogi up,you would definitely thank him later for this
“oh Aizetsu i missed you!” you said as you hugged him tightly,arms around his neck he’s ur fave no doubt about it
“wow so he’s the only one who gets a hug!?!” screamed Sekido obviously jealous that he’s not getting hugs
Sekido-the manifestation of Anger,quote on quote hard on the outside soft in the inside thats what she said-
“aww Sekido!” you said as you also gave him a warm and tight hug he was blushing the whole time obvi
“what about me Y/N?!”
Karaku and Urogi screamed, well Urogi practically screeched but whatevs
you love them all anyway
and that ladies and gentlemen is my very first post! sorry it’s short but i have a severe case of writers block and i am VERY sorry that it it short,anyway hope you enjoyed!!!
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"getting ready for his peepaw bedtime while reading Alice in wonderland"
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yinses · 1 year
pairing: gn! reader x hantengu clones (sekido, karaku, aizetsu, urogi) rating: explicit warnings: absolute filth with no plot. oral sex, creampie, unprotected sex. general demon shenanigans that i'll be speak to my therapist about under duress a/n: nobody @ me about this. blame this tiktok and many more that came before. i'm going back on hiatus before i embarrass myself more.
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they never split off with out reason or insentive. it certainly took you a few years to realize as shared body between several minds meant just as many twisted ambitions and desires. around you, they were rarely ‘one’. the singularity know as hantengu was meant to fold itself as a rouse inorder not to seem as a challenge to the other ranked upper demons; there was enough posturing within the top three alone.
but frankly, it was hardly an issue, because despite the ceaseless mission appointed by muzan, there was rarely every a need for them to be present as one. or as such had been the truth of the mater for nearly a century now.
it was in this instance, that four minds were better than one truly had the strongest effect. because whereas the rest of their brethren had to divide their time in order to achieve their assignments, the hantegu only needed to divide themselves in order to appease both muzan and you.
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with you sekido’s anger is compressed into the tightest ball of frustration as he tempers every urge to ruin you for himself and everyone else. a heavy groan blows past his lips as his grip on your legs flexes—once, twice and thrice more— as he regains enough clarity not to hurt you as he folds your body into a tighter mating press.
even this fucked out, this absolutely cock drunk and choking on the amount of orgasms he’s drug you through, you have the audacity to look like you could take more. how spoiled you have become during your journey to please all of his brothers. sekido’s fists the sheets above your head as he rolls his hips harder, balls slapping against your ass as he soaks in your soft sighs of pleasure. he absolutely knows you’d let him tears as many climaxes from you as he wanted and still roll over to the others after. the thought should make him so angry—
“am i doing okay, sekido? is it still good for you?”
sekido ignores you in favor of watching your eyes cross with pleasure as he pounds you raw. and more so, until you're mewling and involuntarily fighting against the firm press of his body as you spaz through the aftershocks.
for once, he wishes he were a lesser man so that he could relish in the scratches that would have surly marked anything other than the demon blood coursing through his veins. but for now, he was satisfied with the sight of his cum leaking from your entrance.
“yes, you were good. always so good for me.”
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the only thing karaku was obsessed with more than the sight of you, was the image of you watching yourself from your position bent over with him seated behind. karaku split through his own commands as his hand curls into your hair with a tug, drawing you back just enough where you hovered off the ground. it was a precarious position for you, vulnerable, as you couldn’t rely on the hands tied behind your back to rescue you should he decided to unceremoniously let go.
of course, that was the last thing on your mind as his lips brushed against your ear.
“such a pretty thing you stay. it’s amazing the integrity you manage to cling to despite taking all our cocks.”
he doesn't expect an answer. how could you with how hoarse and wrung out your throat was from the weight of him and the screams. so maybe it was a touch cruel the way his hand landed a harsh slap against your ass when you didn't even try.
“no gratitude for me? after all i’ve done for you?”
what you do release is a strangled moan as he slips out of your heat, while his hand taps the sloppy weight of his cock against the red swell of your backside. his amusement clear as he jerks his fist again to remind you to open your eyes. as expected, those tears came bubbling free the moment your lids opened.
“see that’s what i mean.” with no warning, he slides his cock back home, shoving your face back into the mat. “so.” he pistons again. “fucking.” and again. “pretty.”
you may not be able to speak, but he still manages to make you sob. and for them that is enough.
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he had the echoed memories of his 'brothers'. how they molded your body to be pliable to their needs. it certainly made for an arousing cinematography—seeing you laid out, bent over and put on display for their pleasure. it help him soak in the uniqueness of his own preferences even more as he kept himself upright against the wall.
in his own personal opinion, he thought you looked best like this, tongue lolling sloppy against your lower lip as you slammed down against his thighs. you were an absolute mess as you bounced up and down, finding a rhythm that suited you both. it left aizetsu entranced as he reached out to cup your chest and squeeze.
“you’re beautiful.” and he means it as he pants, running his other hand along the curve of your torso in an offer. eventually your legs would give out, they always did. compared to the fire coursing through your veins as exhaustion strained your muscles, he had not even scratched the surface of his stamina.
and yet despite the glaring facts, you urge yourself through it all, ramping up the intensity as your nails dig into his shoulder for purchase. it’s obviously too much for you and you're bound to pass out at his rate, but you don’t stop. aizetsu can feel the determination emanating from you pushing on regardless, wanting this for more than yourself, for him.
his eyes rolled back and a whimper escaped his lips as he sat back and let you take. its intoxicating everything, your body against his, the way you clench so desperately around his heavy length. and the sounds; sloppy, squelching sounds from the concoction of his releases and yours. his brother’s might call him weak for scumming to something as human as overstimulation.
but if this was what letting you have a sliver of power gave him, then it only strengthened his inclinations.
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he was aware that each and everyone one of them pushed you past the brink of exhaustion. it couldn’t be helped, even if it was only one of them, you were already facing a steep obstacle. so with this knowledge, it wasn’t necessarily him taking an advantage. you were equally as eager to please as he was to receive.
sometimes he can’t properly handle his need for you. it starts with the possessive arm wrapped under you to bring your slumped form back to your knees as he fucks you through your last peak and into another. he’s relentless as he mouths and bites against your shoulder and neck, fingers stimulating you further as they twist and pinch at your nipples.
at this point, he’s sure the pleasure is numbing; he lost count after ten and didn’t see an end point yet. it could be accounted as cruel, the way he angles his hips to reach even deeper inside. but even as the perpetrator, you would never complain. instead, tears roll down your cheeks as you clench around him anyway, soaking in the endless strings of curses falling from his lips.
“you want more don’t you? you always do.” had to, no doubt conditioned from their attentions to only want them and nothing else.
urogi still gets you to scream, every time beyond this point, as he picks up the pace until he’s pounding into you. you were amazing, always exceeding their expectations despite the way they were surely running you into the ground.
and maybe in, perhaps not. to him, you’d already earned your worth. pephas with time, it would amount to something above mortality.
you’d already given up on humanity after all.
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multitasker101 · 2 months
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Urogi + hantegu clone doodles
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zoi3e · 5 months
"call me later?"
- how you meet.
Requested by: no one
Warnings: mentions of suicide(Dazai), implied Mori's weird ass shit (Dazai), light mentioning of drugs (Dazai), mentions of kidnapping (Tetchou)
Charecters: Atsushi, Osamu, Chuuya, Ryuunoske, Ranpo, Kunikida, Poe, Fukuzawa, Sigma, Nikolai, Fyodor, Tetchou, Jouno,
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Nakajima Atsushi
• you both met when Kyouka ran off one time while they were buying crepes.
• Kyouka kinda scared you as she stared at you bluntly while you just nervously smiled back before Atsushi found her and apologized profusely for her in-politeness.
"I'm so sorry! She uh... isn't very good with manners.."
"Oh, it's alright...'"
"YES! Uhm, I'm Atsushi Nakajima and this is Kyouka."
• He insisted on buying you some crepes in apology. You said no, but he really insisted.
• I geuss Kyouka was a wing woman.
Dazai Osamu
• Unfortunately, you two met through Mori.
• Mori at the time had found you before he got Dazai after his suicide attempt. He took you in at a time of weakness and you just wanted someone to give you attention. You'd later regret it.
• You worked alongside Mori when Dazai was given to him after his suicide attempt.
• You basically watched over him while Mori was in meetings, making sure he ate, and took his pills.? You were dead silent most of the time until after a few weeks and you warmed up to him.
"What was your name again?"
"... (name)..."
"Cool name! I'm sure you already know mine. Thanks for taking care of me I geuss. Mori Sensei's pretty weird...."
• From then you two beame friends and you usually patched him up after missions and Mori's weird shit.
Nakahara Chuuya
• You also trained under Kouyou when he came to the Port Mafia so you two met from her.
• He believed you to be a polite and calm person compared to other people he's met. COUGH COUGH DAZAI COUGH! Pardon me!
• You were actually squealing in your mind of how pretty you thought he was compared to your calm demeanor of what he saw. (ITS TRUE)
• You two and Kouyou would have tea often.
• Somehow you and Dazai were really close which blew his mind from the polar opposite personalities between you two.
• You 3 would often get put on missions together.
Akutugawa Ryuunoske
• You two met through Chuuya.
• Chuuya thought Akutugawa needed someone to be around and one of his subordinates (you) was perfect!
• And plus, you were good friends with Gin!
• Akutugawa was sort of angry at first but after a bit, he calmed down and you two just got fig tea together at a local tea house in Yokohoma.
• He sort of ghosted you after but you both worked on missions together from time to time.
• He'd get closer to you through Gin and your's friendship. Other than that, originally, he wanted nothing to do with you.
Edogawa Ranpo
• You were from the guild. (RAHHHHHH 🦅🇺🇸🍻🇺🇸🦅 MY PRONOUS ARE USA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🍻 WHAT THE FUCK IS A KILOMETER?!?!?!??🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅)
• Poe would talk about you like a all mighty being and he'd talk about Ranpo the same way to you. So you both were really interested in eachother.
• One day, Ranpo came into Poe's house unexpectedly while you were there.
• You both looked at eachother up and down, tilting your head to the side at one another before introducing yourself to one another. It was sort of like the interaction between Nezuko and Muchiro before Hantegu showed up.
"So.... You are (Name), right?"
"Yes, I am. And you must be Ranpo Edogawa, correct?"
"Of course I am! I'm the best detective in the world, you must know me!"
"Poe said you enjoy sweets. I brought some chocolate-chip muffins over if you'd like some."
"That would be great!"
• Poe and Karl kinda just watched in silence before Karl followed you and Ranpo into the kitchen to try and get some crumbs that Ranpo would drop while eating.
Doppo Kunikida
• You two met in high-school, actually.
• He was a literal delinquent at the time and you were the student council president and you had to tutor him in math, algebra. (Lmao it's what he taught before the ADA if you didn't know.)
• You hated him a bit in the beginning.
• You both bonded over your abilities you two had that no one else.
• You two got out of high-school and didn't stay in touch.
• You ended up at the ADA and than boom! He was there after a few years too!
• Which rekindled a few things both of you thought you buried deeper than Oda.
(I have a headcannon that Kunikdia used to be a delinquent in highschool but got some big reality check that made him how he is now.)
Edgar Allen Poe
• Karl saw you in the book store while with Poe and for some reason really liked your scent. So while Poe was distracted, he ran after you which lead to paniked Poe and a racoon running after you because you had a danish in your pocket.
• Karl ran after you into 2 different stores until you sat down at a cafe and he jumped into your lap, breathing in your scent like it was cr@ck.
• Anyways, Poe put a tracker on Karl because of how much he runs off (lmao) so he found him at the cafe you were at.
• You were frozen because a racoon was just chilling in your lap.
"Karl! Kar- Oh, there you are Karl!"
"I-I'm so sorry Mx, t-this is Karl and he must have chased after you, ple-please forgive me for h-his behavior..."
• He was litterially a blushing mess talking to you because he thought you were really pretty/handsome.
Fukuzawa Yukichi
• Yall met durring his training when you were younger.
• You, him, and that fossil man (Fukichi) became a friend group and you'd sneak out of your fancy private school that was across the street from their training building to go out on the Town.
• Later on, the school found out, and they told your parents so you were sent back to Tokyo away from them.
• So no more Yukichi.
• Until one day, you were working at your little bakery and then a man and a younger looking boy came in.
• The younger one ordered like half of your store but the older man caught your eye. It was like you've seen him before.
• And then you overheard the younger boy talking to the older man and said the name "Fukuzawa!"
• I looked over in curiosity and while the two paid I asked:
"I-is that really you Yuki?" (Nickname lmao)
"(N/N)? Is that you?"
"Ew get a room you two...."
• Anyways you two exchanged numbers and decided to talk more later
• It made him really happy lol
Sigma bbg
• You are Nikolai's bestie ofc.
• However, he liked you because you'd annoy everyone except him. Wonderful!
• Anyways you two met when Nikolai and him first met so (just a hc) they met at a meeting for the Decay of Angels
• You were honestly playful with him while he was a literal school basketball; sweaty.
• You realized that you should be a little more calm while Nikolai didn't give one shit. That motherfucker was all up in his face and crap like a Spirt Halloween animatronic..
• Anyways you two became friends because you liked card games!
Nikolai Gogol
• So you work at the Sky Casino and for some silly little reason Sigma left for "business" and left the manager position to you! (You don't know about the DOA yet lol)
• One of the workers while you were on break came and said that someone was cutting through the roof from the top of the building
• So you were like "mkay fuck you I'm on break give me a second." And by the time you got there he was already goofing around and there was a square cut out to the outside on the roof where he cam in.
"Uhm, sir, you could have used the door."
"Oh, but it's more fun."
"Sigh, fine. Just don't do it again, and your gonna have to pay for the roof fixing by the way."
"Just put it on Fedya's bill!"
• You then learned when Sigma came back that he was banned the first time he came here a few years ago and does this about every week. The roof gets broken every time.
• So now he breaks in and tries to get to you while Sigma cries in a corner bc he got pranked by Nikoali.
Fyodor Dostevesky rat man
• jsjsjsjs okay so to sum it up you and rat man met bc you and Nikolai were siblings and Nikolai wanted to go back to Ukraine for you
• Nikolai one day sort of just disappeared from backstage at the curcis you both worked at together. You were like wtf where'd did his goofy ass go??
•You two were like Lyney and Lynette from Genshin Impact btw lol
• While you were backstage alone you were pulled into a more secluded area of the circus where you saw a man and your brother together
"Koyla?! W-where have you been?"
"Ehe, sister, meet Fyodor. He's going to help us be free!"
"What? But...."
"No! No! We're going with him."
• Anyways Fyodor was interested by you and that's why he let Nikolai come back for you instead of just letting you die or something.
• From then, Fyodor burnt the circus down and brought you two back somewhere. Imma geuss Russia.
Tetchou Suehiro
• You were a hostage.
• Yes. Superman babygworl.
• Basically your like rich person's child (NOT FITZGERALD) And some rival people took you and your parents called Fukichi (the fossil) for help.
• He's sent Tetchou and Juono to go and bring you back safely
• By the time he and Juono came to the building you were being held hostage at you were stumbling out before fainting with a giggle.
"I geuss aunties lessons helped...." *BANG*
"Did you see that Juono?"
"I'm blind you dumbass."
• Anyways Tetchou carried you while Juono complained of how loud your heartbeat was.
• You woke up, looking around confusingly.
• You three stopped at a coffee shop and you saw his strange soy-sauce-coffee.... yeah.... 💀
Juono Saigiku
• Juono felt like a full on third-wheeler, making snarky comments here and there about you and him.
• Fukichi invited you over for one of their fancy military annual parties and introduced you to Juono
• Though he couldn't see your face, he liked how calm your presence was and thought that your breathing and heartbeat wasn't as annoying as others.
• Until someone infiltrated the party.
• You were bait by the fossil. That's the whole reason.
• Anyways the group threatened everyone until sort of holding you with a knife to your neck.
• Still, Juono sensed how you were still calm which for some reason made him... worry...?
• Anyways you beat the shit out of the guy which was cool ig
• He liked your methods so he stayed in touch just in case you wanted to help him in torture time for criminals. :)
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takkarulz · 1 year
The Upper Moons order pizza for dinner head cannons!
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-He just ordered it because his wife and his kid wanted it.
-He orders a bit of everything the restaurant offers since he can pay it. Even the overpriced drinks and desserts.
-As soon as the pizza delivery man arrives he transform him into a demon, just for the fun of it.
-"What happen with the pizza guy daddy?" Ask his daughter confused after seeing the delivery guy trying to eat their neighbors. "Oh, don't worry, he must be just a bit confused, that's all. Anyway, who wants pizza?"
-A few moments after that dinner the Demon Slayer Corps arrive and kill the pizza delivery demon.
Daki and Gyutaro
-They actually did not order any pizza at all, they just stole it from a Daki co worker that already paid for it. Daki pretends to be her and gives a little tip to the delivery guy to apear a nice girl.
-Daki is actually disappointed when she discover that the her coworker had ordered pizza with pineapple on it and cries about it (she hates pineapple pizza).
-Gyutaro calms her down and says that he is gonna eat all the pineapples of her pizza and give her all the ham that his pizza has (he loves pineapple pizza a little too much).
-They fight for the last slice; until Gyutaro decides to just give it to Daki (he does not like to see her angry).
-After a while the woman who actually ordered the pizza try to ask Daki what the hell happen with her pizza. Daki just kills her and eats her.
-If anyone asks for that woman Daki will claim that she ran away with the pizza delivery guy.
-He orders it just because he found a discount coupon on one of his victims pockets and wants to try a new experience.
-He asks for all the ingredients posible to be included on the pizza.
-The pizza delivery guy faints after seeing Gyokko's twisted face getting out of a vase.
-Gyokko, does not care about it; he just eats the delivery guy and uses the pizza for a new artistic project.
-He is shaking and crying of fear while ordering the pizza at the phone.
-He does not know what kind of pizza to order and every suggestion of the menu just confuses him more.
-After one hour he chooses the first option they suggested him (pepperoni pizza).
-He does not want to get out of his house when the delivery guy arrives with the pizza. He is too afraid to get out.
-The pizza delivery guy thinks it was a prank and goes away, leaving Hantegu without pizza.
-Hantegu uses his clones to chase him down and letting him eat the pizza.
-The clones kill the delivery guy and get the pizza for Hantengu but then they all star fighting between themselves for it.
-Hantengu cries in the corner unable to eat his pizza.
-He orders something big, full of meat and veggies.
-Also he asks for hot sauce and many complements, like chips and garlic bread.
-He won't eat the delivery person if is a woman. Instead he will tip her the 50% and thank her for her services.
-Even if the pizza delivery guy is male, Akaza will probably not eat him because it will be a boring way to eat someone.
-Since demons don't actually need to eat anything aside of humans, he would give the pizza to a women's shelter or an orphanage.
-However he would probably eat the garlic bread with hot sauce because it is way too tasty.
-He orders like 20 boxes of pizza, each one of a different flavor.
-When the pizza delivery man arrives, Doma just smiles and compliments them for arriving fast.
-Tries to make them join his sect (but he is rejected).
- Anyway, he eats the pizza delivery man before he gets any chance to go away.
-Doma gives the pizza away to his cult followers claiming that it is a miracle that he made.
-The cult praises him, while Doma laughs inside thinking that now his followers will get more fat and tasty to eat.
-Probably he would just grab a slice of one pizza to see if it is tasty.
-And it is, cuz it is pizza Margherita and that is the best pizza in the fucking world!
-Kokushibo picks the pizza backwards making himself 100% that the pizza man wasn't able to see his six eyes.
-Kokushibo just eats the pizza in the dark meditating about the past.
-For some odd reason he ordered the vegan pizza option and lots of garlic bread.
-Does not tip the pizza delivery guy.
-Strangely enough, the pizza delivery guy gets away unharmed.
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kyojurismo · 1 year
Please don’t kill me [cue small Hantegu]
(Gosh giyuu is so beautiful)
-Kyojuro who definitely internally cried when you first gave him any gift of your choice since the only ones who do are his brother and some of his friends, he’ll deny that he wanted to cry but he most definitely did
-Kyojuro who loves it when you sit on his lap and he get to slither his hands around your waist and place his calloused hand on your thighs singing you praises that make your face go red , and if your facing him he’ll kiss your face all over
-Kyojuro who may give you random notes and kiss your cheek from time to time just do you know he loves you so much
-Kyojuro who gets flustered at your praises weither it’s his body, hair, intelligence, skills, eyes, his fair skin, anything and he’ll be on his knees (take that sexual and not sexual ways)
-💌 anon has amazing brain juices and will tell you more when they aren’t busy
you sent them in !! 🥹
i’m loving them all, really. i think kyojuro enjoys physical contact and he’s at peace whenever you two are close. 😭
he has a praise kink for sure lol
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reine-uls · 7 days
Would would be a part of this harem?
…I’m sorry what?
From what I understand to your question, the harem with reader is probably with Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Hantegu (clones), Gyokko, Gyutaro, Kyoujurou, Sanemi, Uzui, Tamayo, Gyomei, Giyuu, and Shinobu. These are not final. Might change but yeah. So many characters. There’s a possibility of Kagaya as well but idk.
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filthyfucker · 9 months
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Going back to the pestilence fic georgette while trying to keep up a positive and warmth persona towards anyone at the end of the day because of her drastic change to demonhood and the power she now holds has made her feel she is not worthy to hold any form of beauty and constantly feels ugly once she activates her pestilence of any desease her form suffers Greatly from it and refuses anyone to see her in a decaying state
No matter how many times sekido, karaku, urogi or previous past lovers have told her she is beautiful she never truly takes the compliment no matter how much she tries to her fake smile is all she can do to show them her appreciation for it.
Because she shares the blood of merihem the red death her madness only consumes her more and more with there shared thoughts and personality that combined with her already slow self esteem that part of her feels that there already shows sign of merihem taking manefestation of her beauty that she has to wonder if what she sees in the mirror is true? Or just mad thoughts? If what the mirror shows is true then truly what a horrible fate her second life has brought upon her.
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zenongeremek · 2 months
Innocence pt. 3 (Clone!Reader)
Word Count: 866
(Y/N) was running happily in the forest around their base, Aizetsu not far behind watching them. After realizing that their new clone had strange powers, along with a tendency to reckless and impulsive actions, the other clones decided that they had to drag the child wherever they went and one of them was always to always keep an eye on them so they wouldn't get another scare like when the little one went out in the sun. This time, Aizetsu was the one chosen (more like bullied) to follow the child clone around while the others hunted some humans for them to eat.
"Aizetsu! Aizetsu!"
The small clone called him out, pulling his hand.
"Yes, (Y/N)...?"
"How was it when you first appeared?"
"When I... First appeared...?"
"Yeah! When you first came out from Little Mister! How did it happen?"
"Ah... That... It was... Complicated..."
"Complicated? How so?"
The sorrowful clone hesitated for a moment before picking the child and carrying them around the forest.
"You see... Hantengu took a while before he awakened his blood demon art... He was always scared of slayers... So he was always overly cautious..."
(Y/N) laughed while nodding.
"Little Mister is scared of his own shadow."
"Yes... But one day... He entered a house to eat... But he didn't know the house belonged to a slayer... When he returned home, he found Hantengu there... He didn't hesitate to cut off his head..."
"But... He survived... Didn't he...?"
Aizetsu nodded.
"Cutting off a demon's head is the means to kill them... However, in a split moment... He awakened his blood demon art that was triggered by his decapitation... The result was me, Sekido, Karaku and Urogi..."
"And you all protected him and defeated the evil guy, right?"
Aizetsu nodded slowly. It was better to leave the child with their delusions rather than tell them that they were bickering and arguing with one another until they realized that Hantegu was almost getting killed and that they were supposed to protect him.
"Aizetsu... Why do these slayer guys want to hurt us...?"
The youngest clone asked, keeping their head low, almost whispering.
"Because we eat people, (Y/N)... To them, this is seen as a bad thing..."
"But... It's not like we can control it... We just get hungry... Don't they get hungry too?"
"They do, but they don't eat one another... How would you feel if a creature ate any of us...?"
"I... would be upset..."
"That's how they feel about us... It's impossible for them to understand us, and we can't understand them either... It's that complicated..."
The little clone nodded, resting their chin on Aizetsu's shoulder, before mumbling.
"I wish we could all be friends..."
Aizetsu didn't say anything, just continued walking. Then, a message entered his mind.
"Aizetsu! We found slayers! Be alert!"
Immediately, older clone became alert after Sekido's warning. He placed held (Y/N) in one hand while summoning his spear with the other.
The sorrowful clone remained silent, his senses focused on the surroundings. He could hear it. The flap of wings from the slayers crows. He placed the smaller clone on the floor to yield his weapon properly.
"(Y/N)... Listen... Find a place to hide... Don't come out until I come find you... If you see a human, run... Understood?"
(Y/N) looked at Aizetsu uncertain, hesitating before running off to high bushes to hide themselves. Aizetsu sighed to calm his racing heart and prepared to fight the slayers.
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Over one hour had passed since Sekido's warning. It didn't took long before the slayers found Aizetsu. He was outnumbered, but no matter how many times they cut his head, he wasn't the real one, so he just regenerated time and time again until he killed them all. Usually, he would take his time to eat the feats before him, but he was worried about the little clone.
“(Y/N)... You can come out...”
He called, but he was answered with silence.
Silence. Despair took the features of the sorrowful clone. He began running through the forest.
"(Y/N)...! (Y/N)...! Where are you...!?"
"Oi~! Aizetsu~!"
The other clones appeared along with Hantengu, having followed his voice.
"What's the matter? You look more like the despair clone now! Kyakakakakaka"
"Slayers found us, so I told (Y/N) to hide, but I can't find them now...!"
In a split moment, they all began running the forest, looking for (Y/N).
Zohakuten and Urogi used their loud voices and their abilities to search for (Y/N) from above while the others searched bellow at ground level, checking any hide spots they could be in.
"(Y/N), please...! Come out...! It's safe now...!"
"(Y/N)~! Come here, sweetie~! I got some eyeballs for you~! Your favorites~!"
"(Y-Y/N)...! P-Please...! C-Come o-out...! A-Answer u-us...!"
"You'll be a bad influence for them if you keep swearing like that, Sekido."
That voice made the anger clone freeze and look in that direction. When he looked, he saw Akaza, the Upper Moon 3, looking at him with a serious glare. In his arms, fast asleep, was (Y/N).
"Lord Muzan wants to talk to you."
"Oh, fuck..."
Part 4?
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nanamiczi · 10 months
i saw people post art here so i decited to post some of mine
i'll color them some day and i didn't draw Aizetsu yet
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please ignore my try at giving urogi claws you know what just ignore the legs for everyone
the longer i look at this the more of a mistake i see the longer i stare i see the ugliness in this
Link :
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mothxliinaa · 5 months
Hellloo! I'm shy to show myself so I'll leave my question anonymous :'D, I'm curious to know, do you ship the hantengu clones together? Or do you like any ship of them? Like Aizetsu x Sekido, Karaku x Urogi or reverse?
The truth is I don't like them being shiped, I hate them people who ships them, I don't like how people can ship them together and some of them say that it's just selfcest or selflove. No, it doesn't make sense at all 😩
Some say it makes sense, but not to me! They are clones, and they are versions of hantegu when he was human. No offense, but the people who ship them should think better before creating such weird and stupid ships, I normally stay away from the people who ship them! But unfortunately I have friends who ships them and that's a little frustrating for me, but I always try to control myself :'/
But what can I say? They probably don't care about my opinions and they're going to keep shipping them so there's no way ╥﹏╥
I also hate Sekido being shipped with someone of the anime, like why him? Or the other clones too 😩
They don't love no one, no one!! 😔
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solarlunarsstuff · 6 months
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🎀 Demon Slayer 🎀
Kagaya Ubuyashiki
Giyu Tomioka
Mitsuri Kanroji
Obanai Iguro
Sanemi Shinazugawa
Gyomei Himejima
Shinobu Kocho
Kyojuro Rengoku
Shinjuro Rengoku
Tengen Uzui
Tanjiro Kamado
Zenitsu Agatsuma
Inosuke Hashibira
Genya Shinazugawa
Muzan Kibutsuji
Hotaru Haganezuka
Hantegu (Clones)
🧼 Jujutsu Kaisen 🧼
Satoru Gojo
Yuji Otadori
Megumi Fushiguro
Nobara Kugisaki
Maki Zenin
Kento Nanami
Suguru Geto
Takuma Ino
Sukuna (all forms)
Toji Fushiguro
Shiu Kong
💋 The Hunger Games 💋
Coriolanus Snow (young)
Senjanus Plinth
Peeta Mellark
Katniss Everdeen
Finnick Odair
🌷 Billy The Kid 🌷
William H. Bonney/Billy the Kid
🪱 Anne With An E 🪱
Gilbert Blythe
Anne Shirley Cuthbert
Cole Mackenzie
🌺 Genshin Impact 🌺
Arataki Itto
💄 Honkai Star Rail 💄
Dan Heng
Jing Yuan
🍡 South Park 🍡 (AGED UP)
Kyle Broflovski
Stan Marsh
Kenny Mccormick
Tolkien Black
Wendy Testaburger
Clyde Donovan
Craig Tucker
Pip Pirrup
Damien Thorn
Kevin Mccormick
🍥 Fnaf 🍥
Mike Schmidt
Steve Raglan
Vanessa Monroe
💌 My Hero Academia 💌
Shoto Todoroki
Tenya Lida
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You may recommend anything but I probably won't do it if I don't know it !!!
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