#happy birthday shade
fawn-eyed-girl · 4 months
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Onigiri for Nothing, Kisses for Free
An OsaKita birthday story for @shade-without-color!
Hi everyone! And a very happy birthday to my friend Shade! I know how much you like OsaKita, so I hope you enjoy this little story!
Osamu has a boyfriend, and Atsumu’s annoyed, but not for the reasons you might think.
Or: Atsumu can’t believe his brother gives someone other than him free food.
A little preview below the cut!
It’s another Saturday night at Onigiri Miya, and the MSBY Black Jackals are occupying several tables in the corner of the tiny shop. Their bodies are bulging with muscles and with food, and their voices are loud and boisterous. 
They’re celebrating another victory, but Miya Atsumu, starting setter for the team and twin brother of the founder of Onigiri Miya, can’t concentrate on the celebration.
He’s too busy watching the counter at the back of the shop, where Osamu is standing, making a custom plate of onigiri for one Kita Shinsuke, former Inarizaki captain. And when Osamu places the plate in front of Kita, and Kita takes out his wallet to pay, Osamu waves his hand away, as if the food is going to be free. Kita blushes, and Osamu smiles at him before handing him several napkins.
Again. Mr. Perfect Kita is receiving free food again.
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chiliger · 10 months
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You know he’s gonna get away with it.
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rib-rabbitmask · 2 months
⚔ Twin Runes ⚔
(Click 4 better quality!)
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It was supose to be a gift for Akanemnon b-day but- uh... yeah, i was on a lack of motivation in that time-
WHATEVER- HAPPY (reeally late) BIRTHDAY Akane 💖
I finally could finish that danm fanart, and i could never be more happy with it since i was testing and praticing shading and ligthing with it...
( i wanted to do more but i just can't 💀)
Hope y'all like it!! <3
Twin Runes (Kris) by: @akanemnon
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kasterarts · 24 days
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Moving Forward. (Spoilers for YTTD up through 3-1b)
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sketchingstars03 · 2 months
HAPPY (very late 😭) BIRTHDAY INK SANS!!!!
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WAUGH I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS PIECE INK BC I SPENT WAY TOO MUCH TIME ON IT (despite forgoing lineart in an attempt to make things easier for myself 💀)
Either way, I’m really proud of how it turned out! 😅
Happy belated birthday to the guy who started it all for me! And here’s to all the fandom memories that were and will be made!
(credits and more 👀 under the cut)
Ink and Aster (ZT! Gaster) by @/comyet
Dream by jokublog
Swap/Blue by the community
Cross by @/jakei95 (slight outfit change by me)
Undertop Gaster by @/undertop
…Acrylic??! by @hexcia
and we all know who made Splatter here ;3
Anyways, some silly tidbits about this piece
The different papers don’t represent AUs, but fanart and fanfic that’s been produced by the fandom! The very thing that keeps Ink going!
I snuck in a couple subtle references to a few Ink-centric fics that I hear are pretty good 👀. Look for the initials
There’s a couple classic UT references in here as well, golden flower, save star (behind the text) and a doodle of the human and monster from the intro cutscene!
Also you can probably notice the silly cameo of Acrylic from my friend’s AU, Hexverse!
The final paper Ink is holding, the rainbow heart doodle, sorta represents the idea that art, creativity, the fandom itself is their “soul”, and also it signifies the love we’ve given to this super cool character! <3
If you’ve read this far, tysm for listening to my rambles!
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seagull-scribbles · 10 months
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But they’re out of their head when Splinter’s not around
<prev [6/7] next>
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sentientstump · 10 months
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two cakes from sickland! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 happy bdays
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temiree · 7 months
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Today's my birthday! And this year Ryan has something a little more normal in mind for my cake. Almost.
This is a reference to my Halloween 2022 post!
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keiksy-cake · 8 months
Hetalia Poll Results Pt 1: Character Whose House You'd Like To Visit
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Finished this one super quickly! Thanks again to the donator who requested! 🥰
As promised, here are the other results for now that I may or may not get to:
Character Who You'd Want To Be Your Boss: Germany (Hima's recc: Germany)
Character Who Would Make The Best Friend: Japan (Hima's recc: Italy)
Character Who You'd Like To Eat With: Italy (Hima's recc: France)
(These next few ones are just by Hima I think)
Whose House You Should Visit: Singapore
Who Would Be A Great Host: India
...Be A Popular Youtuber: America
...Be A Popular Comedian: Spain
...Be The Heaviest Drinker: Russia
...Have Light Feet: Wy
It's also my birthday today so I would appreciate any thanks in the form of happy bday messages ❤️
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[Please note, I’m actually an amateur in Japanese and have to use various resources and translation machines to help me. If you notice a possible mistake or want clarification, please bring it up to me *politely* and not aggressively or hostile.]
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m0thcl0wn · 7 months
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happy birthday zoro 🎉
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pixelatedraindrops · 2 months
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It’s Vivia’s Birthday (veeva fiesta? Lol im funny)
So, have a Kokolight comfort snuggle~💜💚
Enjoy your soft warm pillow Vivia.
…oh wait, thats just a blanket wrapped Yuma x’D
…even better~ 👀
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antaripirate · 10 days
this scene always get me
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because firstly, every interaction between kell and alucard is fucking gold, and the concept of them tolerating each other to find lila is perfect. (i could write essays about alucard and kell’s relationship in tftop because it is so fucking entertaining).
but also alucard trying to look after kell for lila’s sake and lila’s sake alone (because this isn’t a pain that could hurt rhy) is so funny to me.
because the implication that at some point lila sat alucard down and explicitly told him there would be hell to pay if he ever let kell hurt himself is gold.
the image of lila bard threatening her best friend over the idiot she loves (who he hates) is just so fucking funny. and i can see alucard thinking it’s hilarious how soft bard actually is, but also being mildly irritated because he knows she’s actually deadly serious and he now has to look out for kell.
and then there’s literally just the fact of how much lila worries in this book. she’s literally never not thinking about kell. i could talk for days about this. they’re so in love it hurts.
this scene is just such a perfect mix of tension and humour, which V always does perfectly.
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butchvashwood · 11 months
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Because I'm Vash the Stampede! ☄️💜
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1dklikesthings · 2 months
happy birthday to raniel taniel game!!!!! this is my part of the cupcake collab held this year :3
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artistlara · 10 days
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Techno Support ❤️👑
Got reminded of this really old drawing I did for a small collab I joined on twt. It's like- years old (way back in 2020 I believe?) but thought I'd post it here now just for the occasion
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sawyer-is-eepy · 14 days
ahh, outer wilds, my love. it is your fifth birthday today!
you have brought me. so much. you taught me everything i hold dear, all the values i keep close by everywhere i go. you showed me so many beautiful and tragic things, inspired me to create so much, you have brought me tears through music and love and friendship and a silly little story.
you were so much more than anyone thought you'd be. you were just a little thesis project but then you became a life changing game that has touched so many people in such specific ways.
you have counseled me through grief and through confusion and taught me that really, the most important thing is that we are here right now on this massive but oh so small rock in an even bigger and scarier and uncaring universe.
so many quotes that i live by, so much symbolism, i could get lost in the pages of your story for hours(and i do)
you have made me a happy, loving person. for that i will forever be thankful.
thanks to alex beachum and kelsey beachum for creating such a beautiful story(and for weaving it into a game in such a perfect way)
thanks to andrew prahlow for giving me the gift of music that i will forever cry to
thanks to all the writers, the artists, the animators, the programmers, the playtesters, and the backers at mobius, thanks to all the people at annapurna who helped produce it, thanks to everyone who had an impact on this game.
you have brought a game that is truly remarkable. i will never have enough words to truly show my appreciation, so i must hope that this art will suffice.
happy birthday, outer wilds.
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"our curiousity goes with you on your journey. you walk in the footsteps of those who came before you, and your path guides those who will follow later."
(inspired by @ciearcab's piece here (beware of dlc spoilers!) )
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