#happy hogan/may parker
peterpcrker · 19 days
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SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME 2021 | dir. Jon Watts
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spidergrotto · 11 months
peter parker who gets grounded for the millionth time decides that sulking around was not the best way to spend his time.
so he invests in beads and colourful string, and starts making stupidly complicated beaded bracelets, he got the hang of it pretty quick— and out of nowhere, making bracelets turned into a hobby, and a way to cope.
it didn’t take much to realize just how much anxiety sat in peters bones, aunt may would jokingly call him a walking ball of anxiety— his spidey senses only worsened it.
but for some reason— his senses, the anxiety, would calm down whenever he started making bracelets, it reminded him of working in the lab; the world would go quiet for a few hours a week and peter could finally breathe.
maybe it was because of the focus he puts into it, the attention to detail— he wouldn’t settle for a subpar bracelet, or maybe it had nothing to do with making them at all, he didn’t know, but it worked, and who was he to complain?
so he carries his bracelet kit with him wherever he goes, he pulls out beads and string when he feels a panic attack come on, or when his senses decide to drive him insane. but it was embarrassing, he was how old? making beaded bracelets instead of working on homework, or going to class, so he kept it to himself— it was a secret.
but when ned found him hiding in the schools bathroom stall— mid panic attack, hand shaking while he very carefully pulls a bead into the string, he sat down next to him and started making his own.
and when MJ see’s neds arm decorated with three new beaded bracelet, she demands her own set— and forces peter to teach her how to make the more complicated designs.
somehow, the new spreads within his inner circle ( was it that obvious how much it calmed him down? ) and all of a sudden may’s arm was covered in bracelets made by peter, happy has a few littered around his house ( he wears one, keeps it hidden under his sleeves because he loves it but, he was embarrassed. )
so peter shouldn’t have been surprised when at his next lab session, tony stark had a table full of beads and strings— demanding to know why he was being left out, and the two spend hours making different bracelets.
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fotibrit · 11 months
Peter Parker, one day, used the “you didn’t say i CANT <ridiculous thing that nobody would think to forbid> so i thought it was fine!” line.
Since then, Tony, Pepper, Aunt May, Happy, and even Uncle Rhodey have taken to forbidding things fro Peter without any context.
Some of the more memorable ones:
“Hey Pete, would you mind swinging by for pizza before lab night? And do not, under any circumstances, make friends with the sewer rats on the way here. Thanks, Kid!”
<call at 3am, waking Peter up> “Hello?” “DO NOT EVER SWING WITH A SUSPECTED BROKEN ARM” <click>
“Peter, honey, make sure not to crawl through the vents at school today. Not above them either, please.”
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God, now he's my same age... no way, NO WAY HE'S MY SAME AGE
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irondad3000 · 1 year
May: Peter no
Peter [internally]: Peter yes
Happy: Peter no
Peter [internally]: Peter YES
Ned: Peter no
Peter [internally]: PETER YES
Tony: Peter no
Peter [internally]: PETER FUCKING HELL YAS
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roennq · 4 months
Absolutely adored Charlie Cox's cameo as Matt Murdock in Spider-Man: No Way Home, and that was before I watched Daredevil.
Matthew "I'm a really good lawyer" Murdock
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> Extended version deleted scene (edited) <
Welcome to the MCU, DD
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irondadfics · 5 months
Hi, I really need to get better at finding lost fics. I'm looking for a fic where May has a new boyfriend that makes her a lot more distant from him. Eventually the boyfriend and May drive with Peter to another state (Massachusetts?) and leave Peter on the side of the road in the snow. Peter calls Happy who I think doesn't answer any of the calls for a while because it's really early/late. When Happy eventually answers angry because he only wants emergency calls, Peter cries and Happy is guilty
We know you found this yourself, but we’ll share the link anyway in case anyone is curious. ☺️
For What It’s Worth (You Have Me) by JAWorley
May and her boyfriend kick Peter out of the car on the side of the road in another state in the middle of the night. It’s freezing cold and Peter doesn’t know where he is or how to get home. He can’t call May, Ned isn’t home, and the only other number he has belongs to Happy, who has explicitly told him not to call him unless it’s a life or death emergency. And hypothermia isn’t an emergency, is it? Is it?? OR Peter calls Happy, he yells at Peter for calling so late at night, and Peter breaks down. Happy and Tony feel guilty for not looking closer in the two months since Germany and realizing that Peter needed help.
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wildglitch · 6 months
More ideas for the What if...Zombies Spidey X DC AU
I wanna expand from this a bit cause I thought of it the other day and it wont leave me alone 💀
Anyways, these are just some points I have decided to add to this AU starting with Peters background and what I think he went through. Since this is mostly Marvel stuff, you can even ignore the DC aspect of it
Buckle in cause its a long one
-The Zombie apocolyps started when Janet got back, and canonically, that was about a month before Bruce showed up. So we have a month to play with and get everyone together, but honestly, that too little time for me man. So Im changing the timeline so that everything started 7-8 months earlier. That gives our heros time to find eachother at diffrent times and overall really let Peter live in a full blown Zombie apocolyps
-Peter, totally spent like a full month and some alone. He was told by Tony to "stay put and help the little guys" and just never saw him again. Poor guy.
-All his friends and familly died within the first week. Some lasted a bit more then others but all of them ended up getting infected. So by the second week Peter had lost everyone he ever knew and loved
-Peter spent his month alone searching New York for survivers. He was so deaspreate to find people and protect his city that he would go days on end without sleeping or eating.
-In his attemps to find any living being, he made all of Queens and later the rest of New York into his web, so he could know whenever anyone got caught in it ( like how Andrew Spider-Man tracked the Lizard in his movie but way bigger) He also has help from all the surviving spiders helping him in his search
-Adding to that- his webs? Zombies dont like it. Peter upgraded the formula to make some that dont disintigrate, but Its not that it hurts them, they just avoid it. he thinks they can tell they shouldnt touch them.
-A month alone has gotten Peter to see things. Thing he wishes no other person has to ever whitness ("Holy fucking shit the rats got infected!")
- Peter made himself a guide for this like in Zombieland. Rule 7. Dont go into the sewars
- Peter killed 9 Zombies in his time alone and he hated it
-We could either do "Bucky arrives to the webbed New York and finds feral spider child who attacts him cause Peter hasent sleeped in many days and hes scared shitless of the first human he finds" or " Hope is informed by the others that they havent gone into New York cause something is guarding it. But when she enters to investigate, insted of finding some eldrict Zombie horror, she finds a small scared teen in his web that just wants a hug from a matrnal figure" pick your favorite, (it could also possibly be both tbh)
-Momma Wasp > Mother Potts (Im sorry but its true 😔, the content dosent lie)
-Peter was one of the last if not the last person to join the group before the episode happend and when he saw all of the people that were there, insted of being sad of how few they were, he cried tears of pure joy over the fact he wasnt the last person alive
-Peter Hugged happy and he didnt get pushed away :)
- Peter hasent showerd in weeks Parker: Im so happy Im not alone!
The adults, who havent had as nearly as bad as a time as Peter: Have you meet soap????
- Peter had already made the base we see in the episode long before the others arrived. He had hoped it would be one of many safe houses for the survivers he would find, but that quickly become a broken dream. He was so happy to be able to use it, and no ones had the heart to reject his base even though they had their conserns about the saftey of it. (the base never once fell due to Peters care)
- Peter was super deppressed even though he tried to hid it, so Kurt, being the only semi-normal person there, told Peter to make videos for future survivers they find. And thus, his guide become digital!
-I like to think the group had like 4 or 5 more people at the begining, but over the course of the months, they ended up dying and getting infected before the episode.
Possible characters could be:
Matt Murdock: survived cause he could tell when someone got turned (he's canon now so it counts lol)
Any of the Barton kids: They where pretty isolated, so maybe we could have one of them survive and be rescuede by a S.H.E.I.L.D agent and end up with the group (+2 angst points for losing their sibilngs)
Jack Lockly: And only him. The rest of the group see this random cabie surviver wondering "how tf?", while in reality, he was minding his own business at the back of the mind and is now forced to front 24/7 cause they are in constant danger with the Zombies and he has no idea what to do. (The others are not responding, he has a big ass bird yelling at him, and he has no clue what to do with the body or how to fully take care of it)
Darcy Lewis: She was in her 2 broke girls era when shit hit the fan and now she's here
Kamala Khan: *Looks into boxs grandma brough during visit* *takes bangle while running from Zombie* *Puts it on* *Survives* *Suprised Pikachu face*
You could posibly add other characters you like, but dont forget that these guys have to die by the time the episode rolls around so keep that in mind
-adding to that last to point:
1.Matt and Peter became close and would go on suplie runs together. Matt trained Peter a bit, and Peter would acompany Matt to church. Not cause he has too, but because he wants to be there with him. Something happend and Matt sacrificed himself to save Peter. Achevment Unlocked: The Sensei always dies
2.Peter, Becomes friends with the other Surviving kids: *Insert happy spider*
His friends end up dying: *insert depressed boi*
3. Pete: Sooooooo
Jake: ?
Peter:... Have you ever had to deal with this old Dominican lady named miss Sanches that lives between 7th and 8th?
Jake: Thats really racist, yk that
Peter: OH! No- I just
Jake deals with horibble passengers Lockly: But Yes! jfc she was the worst!
Peter deals with the little people Parker: RIGHT!?
4. Darcy Lewis: *determend to save this poor kids love life*
Peter fought his dates dad Parker: Boy do I have some bad news for you
5. And saddest one: Whenever one of them died, Peter would take their belongings and burn all but one thing a keep it on him to remember them by. I'll let you sit with that
Remember, That up there is in the gray bettween canon an non-canon. I'll let you guys pick.
-Hope became a mother figure to him. We always have the "Oh so and so is his dad" or "Hes totally *Insert characters* son"- NO! HE IS A MAMAS BOY! Look at Him! That boy was raised by a woman, to respect women and Im teird of people ignoring it! (Lmao)
He bonds with her over science, their experiences with super heroing, bugs, and their want to save those who they have lost. When she found him, he was so teird that he mistaked her for his aunt May and cried into her arms. they dont talk about it much, but Hope put in the effort so that he dosent have to do to many hard things.
-You ever seen any of the marvel cast interveiws? ya, thats Peter and Buckys relationship just more in character. sure, dose Bucky see a bit of Steve in Peter? Sure, but not enough to stop him from throwing that lil' shit to the wolfs (Zombies) . Remember how in another post I mentioned how Peter would be thrown out the window? Ok, now imagien them having to be roommates because of how the base is set up (Every one must share a bus with another).
Peter may have lived with the others. But Bucky was his Roommate, and they both know shit you can only learn by sharing a room. Its a constant game of blackmail and horror.
-Happy's additude twords Peter turns from Homecomming to Far from home In this time.
-Every Holiday was celebrated.
-And Finally, Every death hit much harder due to all of them being much closer
Do I have more? Yes. Is this post way too long? Most definetly. Do I regret it? Kinda, but its fine. Will I make another post focusing more on the crossover side of things? Of most definetly and that is a threat.
But for now, I give you Zombie! Peter AU "Content". (Not the comic, but thw What If episode) (Can you telling I'm having fun with this AU?)
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thena0315 · 28 days
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Underrated MCU Couples
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 11 months
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The Hoax by happyaspie
No Archive Warnings Apply | Rated T | Chp. 1/? | No Powers AU, OOC May Parker, Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Happy Hogan, Ned Leeds. Warnings for Gaslighting and Emotional Manipulation.
Summary: Even after years of no evidence, Tony Stark refused to stop looking for his kidnapped son. Some people called it false hope, others called it fatherly love. But May Parker called it an opportunity.
“You and that kid share quite a few similarities, and the case has so little evidence. With your help, I really think we could use those things to our advantage.” Peter was dubious. “How, though?” he asked, his tone teetering toward sarcasm. It was a natural impulse that he couldn’t consistently avoid. No matter how hard he tried. “What do you want me to do? Knock on Tony Stark's front door and pretend to be Arno?” May said nothing as she stared at him from across the table. Initially, he didn’t understand. But as she elevated her eyebrows and tilted her head, it clicked. That was exactly what May wanted him to do.
[Exceprt Below the Cut]
Peter sat down at the kitchen table and twirled some spaghetti around his fork. Of all the things his Aunt May attempted to cook, pasta topped with a jar of tomato sauce and some cheap parmesan cheese was his favorite. He considered not mentioning his backpack had given up on him part way through the school day. He knew she’d be disappointed and didn't want to ruin the pleasant meal. However, no amount of pleasant conversation was going to make it any easier to get around his giant high school without a bag. He sighed nervously and glanced down at his plate. “I, uh, I need a new backpack,” he mumbled under his breath.
May brought her finger up to her ear and tapped it, her face one of disbelief. “Excuse me?” she questioned. “What was that?”
Peter swallowed hard and forced a smile. “I need a new backpack?” he repeated louder and with more clarity than before.
A huff of annoyance escaped May’s lips as she dropped her fork and crossed her arms over her chest. “I bought you one right at the beginning of the school year,” she replied.
“Yeah, but one of the seams ripped,” Peter attempted to defend, then pulled his lip between his teeth. May has asked him to quit the band, Academic Decathlon, and robotics club so he could get a part-time job. He’d easily complied, eager to contribute to the household income. Although he didn’t actually know how much he was actually helping. Each week he signed his check over to May, and she deposited it into her account. He never asked where it went after that. “If you would-” he began but quickly backtracked. “I mean, If I could just use a little bit of my paycheck from Delmar’s, maybe-”
“Peter. Sweetie,” May gently interjected. “You know that money is supposed to help us pay the bills. You don’t want to be the reason we can’t afford rent next month, do you?” she asked, her smile not quite meeting her eyes. “This neighborhood is expensive. Every little bit counts.”
“I don’t know. It’s a lot of books and stuff,” he unsurely replied. Even though his best friend was kind enough to allow him to use some of his locker space, Midtown was a specialized science and technology school. His schedule was rigorous and required a lot of materials. He wasn’t sure carrying everything around was all that reasonable.
“Don’t be selfish, Peter,” May mildly scolded. “There are only a few weeks of school left to go. You can get by with one of my reusable shopping bags until then.”
May was right. Peter knew she was right. There wasn't too much school left. Carrying his supplies around in a stupid cloth shopping bag wouldn’t kill him. Even if there were a handful of students who would never let him live it down. Starting with Flash Thompson. But he could handle that if it meant making things easier for his aunt. “Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m sorry. You’re right. It’s fine,” he swiftly agreed. He glanced at his half-eaten dinner and bit back a sigh. “May I be excused?”
[Continue Reading On AO3]
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spidergrotto · 11 months
philosophy student peter who forces the avengers to sit down and read oedipus for their monthly “book club” and at the end they make a family tree because of how ridiculous it is.
“ does that make his brother in law his… uncle? ”
“ he had sex with his uncles sister? ”
“ no it was his MOM— wait. ”
( it doesn’t work out, they end up burning the books and the family tree, peter isn’t allowed to recommend books after that. )
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krystalklear21 · 5 months
What If...? Spider-Man No Way Home Edition
What If...? Spider-Man No Way Home Edition by krystalklear21 - Multifandom https://archiveofourown.org/works/33653119 via @ao3org
Chapter 1: What if... May Parker rescued Doctor Octopus?
As Otto Octavius confronts mortality beneath the waves, a mysterious light beckons him into the unknown. Meanwhile, Doctor Strange's attempt to assist Peter Parker unleashes unforeseen consequences, prompting the silent Watcher to observe with concern. May Parker and Happy Hogan find themselves in an unexpected rescue mission, thrust into a chain of events with far-reaching implications for them and the world at large.
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addywaddy · 6 months
yeah so i only just now got a vpn and was able to watch spiderman no way home on netflix (i know im late 💀) and it completely fucking ruined me im heartbroken
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sicktember · 15 days
“They were only forty-five minutes into the trek, and May had to say it again, “I can’t believe he’s making you do this.”
Tags: MCU, May Parker & Happy Hogan, tw: vomiting, chapter 2 of 2
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digglesthedickerfly · 2 years
Aunt May: The stars look really beautiful tonight.
Happy: They do.
Happy: Y’know what else is beautiful?
Peter, sitting in between them: Me.
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braveclementine · 3 months
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Warnings: None. (Will however be a 18+ reader book)
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
This is the updated version. New Characters are added at the bottom:
Y/N soulmates: Thor (Gold), Loki (green and black), Nick Fury (black), Steve Rogers (red, white, and blue), Bucky Barnes (silver and red), Stephen Strange (blue and green), Tony Stark (red and gold), T'Challa (black and purple), James Rhodey (silver), Clint Barton (purple and black), and Sam Wilson (pink and brown)
Thor Soulmate: Y/N (Jade/Turquoise/Periwinkle)
Loki Soulmate: Y/N (Jade/Turquoise/Periwinkle)
Nick Fury Soulmates: Maria Hill (purple and pink), Y/N (Jade/Turquoise/Periwinkle)
Maria Hill soulmates: Nick Fury (black) and Phil Coulson (Yellow)
Phil Coulson Soulmate: Maria Hill (purple and pink)
Steve Rogers soulmates: Bucky Barnes (silver and red), Sam Wilson (pink and brown) and Y/N (Jade/Turquoise/Periwinkle)
Bucky Barnes soulmates: Steve Rogers (red, white and blue), Sam Wilson (pink and brown) and Y/N (Jade/Turquoise/Periwinkle)
Stephen Strange soulmates: Tony Stark (red and gold), Y/N (Jade/Turquoise/Periwinkle)
Tony Stark soulmates: Stephen Strange (blue and green), Y/N (Jade/Turquoise/Periwinkle)
T'Challa soulmate: Y/N (Jade/Turquoise/Periwinkle)
James Rhodey soulmate: Y/N (Jade/Turquoise/Periwinkle)
Clint Barton soulmate: Y/N (Jade/Turquoise/Periwinkle)
Sam Wilson soulmate: Steve Rogers (red, white, and blue), Bucky Barnes (silver and red), Y/N (Jade/Turquoise/Periwinkle)
Y/S/N soulmate: Ben (orange)
Pepper Potts soulmate: Happy Hogan (yellow)
Happy Hogan soulmates: Pepper Potts (blue), May Parker (purple)
May Parker soulmate: Happy Hogan (yellow)
Peter Parker soulmates: MJ (olive green), Ned (blue)
MJ soulmates: Peter Parker (black and red), Ned (blue)
Ned soulmates: MJ (olive green), Peter Parker (black and red)
Wanda Maximoff soulmate: Vision (in human form- maroon)
Vision soulmates: Wanda (red and orange), Elizabeth (red, green, yellow, blue, black)
Scott Lang soulmate: Hope Pym (yellow)
Hope soulmate: Scott Lang (silver)
Natasha Romanoff soulmate: Bruce Banner (green)
Bruce Banner soulmate: Natasha Romanoff (white)
Stacy soulmate: Jackson (blue)
Jackson soulmate: Stacy (poppy pink)
Okoye soulmate: Shuri (gold), W'kabi (blue)
W'kabi soulmate: Okoye (Indigo)
Shuri soulmate: Okoye (Indigo)
Jessie Soulmate(s): Pietro (silver)
Katherine soulmate(s): Pietro (silver)
Pietro Maximoff soulmate(s): Elizabeth (red, green, yellow, blue, black), Jessie (Aqua and gold), Katherine (blue and silver)
Elizabeth soulmates: Pietro (silver), Vision (maroon), Hogun (blue)
Hogun soulmates: Elizabeth (red, green, yellow, black, blue), Sif (silver and pink)
Fandral soulmates: Sif (silver and pink), Volstagg (orange)
Volstagg soulmates: Sif (silver and pink), Fandral (red and silver)
Sif soulmates: Hogun (blue), Volstagg (orange), Fandral (red and silver)
Katerina soulmate: Heimdall (gold and black)
Heimdall soulmate: Katerina (seagrass green and pink)
Peter Quill soulmate: Gamora (purple and red)
Gamora soulmate: Peter Quill (blue and green)
Nebula soulmate: Kraglin (brown and blue)
Kraglin soulmate: Nebula (Nebula blue)
Drax soulmate: Mantis (green and cream)
Mantis soulmate: Drax (red)
Soren soulmate: Talos (green)
Talos soulmate: Soren (purple)
Carol soulmate: Maria Rambeau (olive green)
Maria Rambeau soulmates: Carol (gold and blue), Daniel (deceased)
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