#hardy potter x you
thesweetestofdreams · 14 days
The Gold and the Rust
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How It Shines (part 1/??)
pairings: poly!marauders x reader (eventually)
warnings: drinking?
a/n: A teaser anyone? I've been working on this story behind the scenes, and I finally had the motivation/ courage to start posting some of it. I'd love to hear your thoughts and welcome to my latest obsession.
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In a sea of scarlet and gold stood a fraud, a coward. Every year you returned to Gryffindor house, and every year reminded you it would never truly be your home. You watched as hopeful first years squirmed under the sorting hat. You watched to see the flicker of pride, relief, disappointment before raucous applause and acceptance. That night when the prefects tricked the first years into bed early the real ceremonies would begin. Ceremonies which for Gryffindors meant spiked punch and the regalement of Summer holidays. 
The plan never changed, to wear the lion’s costume, to drown yourself in a red sweater, and exchange stinging pleasantries until an acceptable time of escape. Unfortunately for you, true Gryffindors rarely stick to plans. 
At the center of particularly loud merriment, as was usually the case, stood James Potter. Marauder one, as you sometimes thought of him, had miraculously grown even larger over the holiday and was already orchestrating bets on the upcoming quidditch season. On his left sat Marauder two, Remus Lupin, balancing his drink with a loving smirk as James jostled him with the story of his fastest run to date. And Marauder three, well he was nowhere to be found. Nowhere being that he wasn’t melting into the side of either of his boyfriends. 
“Did you miss me?” Sirius Black, Marauder three, appeared just over your shoulder. You would have jumped if not for years of practice. 
“Miss you sneaking up on me? I think I’ll have to say no,” you said. Sirius stood before you obviously waiting for you to take him in. His hair seemed longer, cheekbones maybe a touch sharper, and on his neck a fresh stain of purple proudly worn. You moved his hair to the side, an incredulous parting of your lips dared to betray you. “Already? When do you boys even find the time?”
“It’s an awfully long train ride, doll,” he said, a prideful grin and mischievous eyes so familiar it bordered on dangerous. “Speaking of the train, where were you? You could have joined us.” He wrapped an arm over your shoulder turning back to watch the show of a freshly reunited lions’ den. 
You allowed herself all of one second to fluster, Sirius just kept grinning. “I was about. Mostly I was failing at trying to find good tea,” you said, occupying the rest of your lie with sips of nearly gone punch. 
“Mmm,” he nodded before finishing his own cup, “but what if there had been something sweeter just around the corner?” 
“Alright, Black, that’s enough of that,” you said, pulling his arm up from your shoulder, letting it swing overhead as you took a step back.
“Leaving already?” He tilted his head to the side, a flicker of what might have been disappointment in his eyes, like a sad dog. 
“Despite James’ example, classes do start tomorrow.” You spared one last look towards the couch. James was now fully occupying all of Remus’ personal space, a ruddy tinge to his brown cheeks. “Don’t make Remus put up with two hungover boyfriends.” 
“Enjoy your night (y/n), and try to be about more this year, yeah? You might have some fun.” He took another hardy drink, clearly ignoring your comment. As you retreated to your dorm, part of you stayed down in the common room. The part of you that wondered if Sirius Black, the first in his family to be sorted into Gryffindor house, ever saw through you, if he ever felt like a fraud. But then, how could a Marauder, a golden boy of the house of splendor ever feel anything less than belonging?
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sitp-recs · 16 hours
you got me hooked on harry x teddy !!! ive, hand on my heart, never before even considered that ship as a possibility and here i am now swiming in fresh waters of moral deprivity. much appreciated <33 a whole new batch of previously undiscovered fics just opened for me wohoo
on that note, could you please rec some of your favorite harry x teddy fics? thanks <33
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ahhh I’m so very happy to hear this anon! I live to serve the small but mighty Hardy nation so I’m feeling very accomplished right now. hopefully I’ll convert even more readers into moral deprativity one fic at a time 😌 here are my top favorites, a special shoutout to LQT for their service as always 🫡 I also got a Tedrarry list if you’re interested :)))
grasp by onbeinganangel (E, 1k)
Teddy has wanted Harry forever. Of course he wants to be good for him.
Love is a Verb by @wolfpants (E, 1.7k)
The summer after Teddy graduates from Hogwarts, Harry takes him on a trip to the remote beaches of Land's End.
Coming Up for Air by @lqtraintracks (M, 2k)
I could have died of it, your tenderness toward me. Instead I decided to live.
so slide back down and close your eyes by lqtraintracks (E, 3k)
When the magic goes out at Harry’s place, and no one can get home, and it’s cold as a witch’s tit outside… well, what else are you going to do?
Beneath a Foreign Moon by lqtraintracks (E, 3k)
Harry visits Teddy in the middle of the night.
Simple As It Is, Complicated As You Need by lqtraintracks (E, 4k)
It's not something they do often, this whole 'Daddy' thing. But to be fair, they don't even have regular sex as often as Teddy would like either. It's not as though they've even admitted they're doing anything. One of the benefits and curses of both of them being Legilimens actually: Nobody ever has to talk.
Surface Texture by @the-starryknight (E, 5k)
I've drawn a hundred portraits, but none quite like Harry's. In the early hours of the morning, I lay him bare in charcoal and paper.
Waiting Under Vain by supergrover24 (E, 5k)
Teddy wants to know how sex really should be. Harry can't resist, no matter how much he tries.
When It Alteration Finds by lqtraintracks (E, 7k)
Teddy thinks this is the way to finally get what he wants. But there is more than one way to Harry's heart.
Holding Out for A Hero by @writcraft (E, 7k)
Even as he says no, Harry’s hands push into Teddy’s hair. Even as he protests, his lips connect with Teddy’s. Before Teddy can offer any reassurance his heart’s thumping wildly in his chest and Harry Potter’s kissing him as if there’s no tomorrow.
Seven Years Gone by suitesamba (E, 7k)
Seven years after his partner’s death, Harry has rebuilt his life with his friends’ help, but hasn’t managed to move forward romantically. Teddy Lupin, 28, is back in London for good after years of studying and working abroad. When he finds himself in need of some extra space at his new shop, he consults with Harry and Hermione, who have built a successful business around creating Wizarding Space.
Game, Set, Match by Writcraft (E, 13k)
Teddy is smitten, Harry is lonely and tennis seems like a great way to avoid dealing with this thing between them.
Putting Out Fires (with Gasoline) by lqtraintracks (E, 13k)
Teddy stays with Harry for a summer to help him figure out his life, or maybe to figure out his own, or to seduce his godfather, or maybe to fall in love.
Darling, Don’t Think Twice by @shiftylinguini (E, 18k)
Leaving the Aurors, and then England, after his divorce with Ginny was finalised was the best thing for Harry, and for Ginny, too ― but not for the godson who worshipped the ground he walked on. Now that he’s back, all Harry wants is to set up his own place, and to spend time with Teddy as he tries to fix their fractured relationship.
Bonus: a Drarry fic with some Hardy kissing
Wield Me by @tackytigerfic (E, 10k)
Draco Malfoy, blacksmith, is renowned through the magical world for his skill and exquisite creations. He could quite easily spend the rest of his days making pretty trinkets for the fae court, and being handsomely rewarded for the privilege. But why take the easy route when instead he could get involved in a dangerous mission with Unspeakable Harry Potter (who also happens to be Draco's... well, he's something, isn't he?).
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anewe9 · 1 year
My black mage is too cute... (and a carboncopy, too)
If you like Spy x Family (SxF) you might find this somewhat interesting. A plus if you are a wee bit familiar with Harry Potter (HP)
If not, skip this.
Warning: Chapter 1 Spoilers for My Black Mage is too Cute under the cut. Long post, too.
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Yes, the above is official. It is not fanmade. The chap above is a student actually saying "I will kill you" whilst thinking "I like you". The pink-haired girl is a classmate, shocked as SHE CAN READ HIS MIND.
So... what can I say? The boy looks suspiciously like a teen SxF Damian, and the kawaii girl looks like a teen SxF Anya. Browse the damianya tag and you will see how similar they are.
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Other than being students in a magical school (hi, Hogwarts), and girl is a prefect (hi again, Hogwarts) the rest does look like an AU Damianya to me... sans the Damianya/SxF charm.
My Black Mage is too Cute (such an unimaginative title but on par with other shoujo titling standards) launched in the August 2023 Hana to Yume issue 17/2023.
The premise is quite damianya simple: Tsundere boy, named Jade, with a rather obscure family, is hiding romantic feelings for your standard bubbly, chirpy pink haired shoujo heroine, named Aria Popwell. She is a senior (third year) to him (first year), and prefect at their School of Magic.
-Aria, the female lead-
Seriously, "Aria"? Nothing to connect with certain Anya, right?
Anyway, chapter starts with introducing Aria, the female lead. She is a prefect (whatever this means) at Hogwarts Hardy Quartz Magic Academy, "where apprentice magicians attend classes" We don't know where this Academy is (Japan, I suppose)
Aria is in her third year (no sure if this is a grade, and in fact, how many grades there are if any). She also teaches other junior students (perhaps for being a prefect, this is not confirmed) Her first words are to let us know that Kafugori are big bad wolfs that are very dangerous and how to face them. This is important to the plot (more on this later) It also sets some expectations. To me, I am led to believe that Aria is proficient and competent in whatever she does as a magician or at least, as a student in a Magic Academy.
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Yes, let's have a closer look at our heroine... Yep the ^_^ shoujo trope.
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Oh no no... that is not a damian jade-shoujo-filter yet. This is how WE are meant to see her. The shoujo flowers are absolutely necessary to help you understand that she is the cutest, loveliest creature on Earth. Unfortunately, we have seen the same face, same flowers and same cheerful shoujo attitude hundreds of times.
-Jade, the male lead-
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Yes, this is Jade. Probably if Damian's puberty makes him... agonisingly emo teenager whilst keeping his mysterious and irresistible good looks. Or else. And Yes, Anya Aria just read his thoughts for the first time, much to her shock. Apparently until now, she did not know she can read thoughts when she touches people.
-Giving Tsundere a bad name...-
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In case the first time's insults (pushy bitch) were not clear, he escalates his attitude. (Note: I appreciate that the fan translation might not be that harsh, so probably bitch is not what the original Japanese intended to sound) As he is such a cute and charming misunderstood black magician, he has to make sure his prefect is well aware that he is not only terrible at throwing unimaginative insults... he is also proud to announce he will kill her. Why? I do not know.
If you are a hopeless 13-year-old romantic teen that finds that charming, I hope you grow up out of this as soon as possible. If not, please stay away from handsome, dark, mysterious boys/men who might feel the opposite when they say "I'll kill you" Good looks are not worth it and I bet you do not have mind-reading abilities.
There is a kind of cute tsundere (Damian himself, though he is just a young boy), this is not one. There is absolutely nothing sexy, romantic, attractive or remotely interesting in a guy that pretends to hate you, says he will kill you, when they actually like you. Insulting is no praise either and I detest this trope.
Some tsundere fail to recognise or deny (again, Damian, he is too young); some are a bit embarrassed and these pass soon. Insulting and threatening is not charming.
-No, we don't need to see your fantasies (part I)-
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Is he really fantasising / wishing to be kissed by her???
Yep, he is. What a creep.
It is bad enough that this guy thinks Aria is cute/hot/pretty and admits (to himself) that he likes her, when in actuality he is insulting her (a charmer). Wait, why would she kiss him? Because she is flattered she is called pushy bitch? Slow poke? Because she likes to receive death threats?
I was truly hoping Jade wanted her to kiss him to destroy that stupid crush. Only an idiot would kiss such a jerk. That would be his eye opener, at least, to realise he cannot possibly like someone so daft. Otherwise, this is ridiculous.
-She is adorably clumsy... NO. She is not.-
Moving on, good news is that the story goes to the point, way too much. Does not waste time with world-setting, simple when/where/why/how/what...
No, we meet cheerful Aria, and dark Jade like that. Other characters do not have any names, and do not really matter. Simple and lazy storytelling.
As Aria is completely shocked she reads minds, she has some little insights/flashbacks about this newly (and conveniently) found ability. No creativity, no build-up, no surprise, nothing. It just happens. Maybe this will be developed later, but it is just dumped like that.
Next panels are a few random examples of him pretending not to care about her, but actually saving this clumsy Aria girl. Too fast and again, no time to digest anything.
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First time Jade stops a magic lab accident by destroying a hazardous chemical aimed to that foolish girl.
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Second time, he appears to be shoving Aria off his way when in reality, he was saving her from being poisoned.
Why is she even a prefect???? How come she is not aware of the hazards around school??? Why are there hazards like those in a school no matter how magical this is???
Frankly, instead of being charmed by Jade's apparent indifference (yet saving her arse), to me this is a disservice to the girl that started the story being introduced as a prefect. We meet this shoujo heroine explaining useful tips as to how to defend yourself from big bad magical wolves. Sets a bar, you expect some proficiency even if you are not (yet) explained her merits or how she got the prefect status. By being this dumb, requiring the hero to save her, we have to lower our standards. At some point, even Jade himself wonders how she even became a prefect in the first place...
Back to the story, as now Jade inadvertently picked Aria's interest after saving her, we have Aria determined to know him better because, and I quote "Is Jade actually a really good kid who's easily misunderstood?"
So she joins him for lunch. Basically now she is trying to connect with him which only makes him complain and insult again. Now I have to agree with Jade, and I hope these attempts to connect with him help him realise his crush is as dumb as Aria.
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How many times have we seen the kawaii heroine with that exactly same pose??? Eye wink + finger + cute smile + shoujo flowers. This is supposed to charm boy who (for no reason) is already charmed by this standard shoujo/magical girl trope.
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The highlight of the chapter is when dark boy saves clumsy useless girl from being eaten by a Kafugori. Yep, the same beast she started the chapter talking about. Too bad, I would have appreciated getting rid of this ridiculous FL.
Why is a prefect unable to defend herself when chapter started with this lady mentoring others? I've no idea.
Why is the first year student able to save her? Other than a convenient plot device, I suppose we are led to believe that (1) he is powerful (more than her, but this is not a high bar at this point) (2) as he is a dark mage or comes from a family of dark mages, then his abilities are better. Or both.
She is again pushy, wants to understand why he saved her again (and yes, we want to know too) The pacing and rhythm are confusing, he declares he does not want her around because he is dark magician and would stain her reputation. There is a flashback when they meet, on his first day at school, and apparently, how he started his crush on her.
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Again, the same shoujo-face, with shoujo-flowers, with naive shoujo-girl that smiles at sad kid declaring she does not care about his dark magic nature.
-No, we don't need to see your fantasies (part II)-
After the flashback to understand (?) why he seems to like her so much, Aria insists she will help clarify that he is actually a nice kid so that everyone knows.
Then she touches him again, and so she reads his mind.
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My face mirrors Aria's. D:
Why does he have such ridiculous fantasies about her?? Marry her??? WHY??? Even poor Damian, being six years old, did not even fantasise about marrying Anya (and it is overkill, yet so appropriate for the comedic tone of SxF) With panels like this one, I wonder if this is actually a parody of shoujo fantasies, inspired by damianya doujins, or the author is really serious about this romantic trope.
To be honest, there are damianya doujins that are ridiculously charming, and follow the comedic style that SxF has and it is so refreshing. Here, those fantasies seem so serious I am inclined to believe it is just feeding shoujo readers.
Yes, there are fics and doujins that do a much better job at using the crazy and hillarous setting of a tsundere boy crushing on a mind-reader... A tsundere's worst nightmare.
However, this story has not earned that tone yet. It feeds from the premise of Hogwarts with a teen damianya... but both worlds (HP and SxF) are set and well-constructed. This one not yet.
This is a confusing setting instead, I am reading this as a (serious) romantic story (shoujo) with some supernatural/magic environment and bits of comedy. But also, perhaps it is just a comedic shoujo with a HP/damianya parody; a parody of both shoujo and HP/damianya ship; an homage to SxF damianya... Or simply a confusing combination of shoujo tropes with zero creativity (nothing we are presented tries to be original) The humour/comedic tone is just not good either.
Speaking of... and considering that Damian and Any are in primary school and are just little kids, these two have so much charm. She can read minds, yes, but she is young (it is implied she is 4 or 5 and not 6 like Damian and the rest of her little classmates) Therefore, Anya cannot identify that Damian has a crush on her, and Damian, as a little boy, does not know how to deal with a crush. The insults are not cruel, they compete with each other and they also care for each other in a naive, adorable way. But here... Aria just unlocked this mind-reading ability, so maybe it would have been more interesting to see her confused by his feelings towards her, as a first time mind-reader, making the comedy more intriguing. But no, she clearly reads him and concludes he is misunderstood and wants to help him (?)
The fantasies he has (kiss, carrying her bridal-style) are so disconnected... Even with the lame flashback, we have no reason to understand why he seems so infatuated other than Aria being pretty and choosing to ignore his dark reputation. He does not even know her (ok a boy crushing on a pretty girl does not need more) And when Jade gets to know her just a bit, it is to realise she is useless. And the crush seems to be at least the same or worse (wedding!!!) But again, I cannot help to remember how Damian started his crush: it was earned. We see him noticing Anya at the student ceremony and smugly believes she is the one crushing on him. Such a conceited brat. Then she punches that very smug face (priceless!) and you cheer for Anya. And then she tearfully apologises for punching him. Damian realises he does like her, we are shown his now celebrated damian-shoujo-filter... and we have to adore this kid. Poor Damian runs away embarrassed and disgusted (he is a child) And then their friendship develops, with comedy and nice moments that do progress their connection (keeping it in line with their age) Anya does not take advantage of Damian's feelings for her, as she is clueless about these.
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But with Jade and Aria, I found no chemistry, nothing to really empathise with Jade's feelings towards her other than she smiles too much and has the standard kawaii looks. Compare that to how badass Anya is, she stood her ground, yet she was such a sweetie when she genuinely felt sorry for punching him. She is not necessarily pretty all the time, but Damian's shoujo-filter sees her as such a cute girl. I insist: the crush is earned. I would have crushed on Anya, too. With Jade? Not really.
Conversely, I also struggled to understand why would Aria care for such a jerk, no matter how pure his actual feelings are. Yeah, we need to wait for him to realise, and publicly accept he is not actually a killer and he has this heroic streak blah blah. But I am not even intrigued by this potential either. Moreover, I mentioned that Anya did not take advantage of Damian's feelings as she is not aware of these. Aria declares this mind-reading ability will make her "feel guilty" and "she will not touch anyone again"... yet she definitely touches Jade, and does use his secret to approach him. How noble.
Regarding this mind-reading ability, with Anya, we don't know much (yet) other that she was experimented on since birth (or was she born with the ability?) With Aria, we are shown a simple flashback of her Mum mentioning this ability as "high level magic only used by some bloodlines with excellent magic manipulation skills" and that some Popwells have the ability. Being so useless, Aria is not in the Sue category yet... but I hope being such a special snowflake with such great blood and the cute shoujo clumsiness does not make her one.
Probably this Story has not found its place yet, and I am definitely not the target group. But I would have never considered myself the target group for the crush of a 1st grader like Damian, and here I am. I will read the next chapters until I confirm my suspicion, but this is definitely not my cup of tea.
If you like this, it is okay, too. It is simple (very, very simple), easy to read, and does not seem to deceive anyone: Aria will eventually fall for the misunderstood tsundere with a secret heart of gold, and probably more shoujo tropes will be added to the story (boy saves girl, exes, competitors, jealousy, his family of evil magicians...)
1/5 only 1 for some decent artstyle. Zero/few backgrounds making the art super amateur and lazy (only faces and people) And lack of originality.
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dani-says-stuff · 2 years
Robert the Doll
❥ Back to the Control Center
❥ Nate Hardy Masterlist
❥ Link to Part 2: Your Very Own Attachment
Nate Hardy x fem!medium(?) reader
Summary: You follow the boys to Key West and visit Robert the Doll.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: creepy stuff, hauntings, some language, Robert the Doll, probably an inaccurate spirit box session, inconsistent capitalization, and ok writing
Dialogue Key:
Spirit Box
“Hey, all I’m saying, is if I get cursed by doing this, I’ll personally murder the both of you and take over your channel” you spoke with a sickly sweet smile while approaching the large glass case where Robert the doll was sat.
The boys had decided the perfect way to start the night, was to do the very thing you were all warned not to. what could possibly go wrong?
unlike the boys, you decided to smile in your picture. candids rarely look good, and if you’re getting cursed tonight, you’re going to look great doing it.
Nate stood infront if you ready to take your picture. If you focused hard enough, it almost felt like one of the cute impromptu photoshoots he’d insist on during dates, not taking a picture with a creepy doll. Well- at least until you heard it.
Your smile strained and eyes widened, “Nate- are you done yet?”
the flash finally went off and he pulled the camera down, looking to you with furrowed eyebrows, “yeah… why?”
you whipped around, facing the glass. “I just heard- please tell me you heard that” you spoke turning to the two boys recording off to the side.
Sam and Colby looked at each other, then back to your panicked face, “uh, no? what did you hear Y/N?”
you quickly backed up next to nate, who quickly wrapped his arm around your shoulders. ”It sounded like someone was tapping against the glass.”
Colby was stunned for a moment, dropping the camera down and looking at you with wide eyes, “are you serious? right before the picture?”
Sam, on thé other hand, quickly took the camera and rushed to the case, trying to figure out whatever it was you’d heard.
“I don’t see anything.” the blonde called back to you, “i mean there are finger prints but it’s also a museum” he shrugged, “a ton of people probably touch the glass.”
you hummed, “yeah, can we move on now?” you laughed nervously, “i’m good with ghosts and stuff, but dolls have always freaked me out.”
nate reached a hand out to the doll, knowing how superstitious you could be, “no offense of course-”
“oh of course not!” you spoke quickly cutting your boyfriend off, “You’re, uh, you’re a beautiful doll! i’ve just never- look i even thought barbie’s were creepy!”
the room was quiet for a second before you began to laugh, finally realizing the ridiculousness of your mini word vomit. to a doll.
The boys began laughing as well, “oh my god” sam whipped his eyes, “I really wish i hadn’t turned off the camera now-”
The four of you laughing harder as you left the room, Sam turning the camera back on and angling it to get everyone in frame, “Ok, I don’t know if that was a bad idea-”
“It was definitely a bad idea” you scoffed.
“Yeah, N/N heard somethings while taking her picture.” nate grimaced.
Sam looked back guilty, “yeah- definitely was a bad idea… but we did that at the beginning of the night to see if the curse was real.”
“i bet you $10 it’s real” you whispered up to nate.
he laughed softly before leaning down, planing a kiss on the top of your head, “yeah, absolutely not, no chance it’s not real.”
“yeah, 10,000 stories? no shot it’s not real.”
“I also heard that this was the Harry Potter portal-”
“no way in hell dude!“ you yelled out, “old fireplace with creepy attachements? oh yeah that definitely screams harry potter to me.”
Colby simply shrugged, getting in a stance to run straight into a brick wall.
“hey” you quickly spoke up after your friend face planted the wall, “if i do that, can you edit me going through the wall? please?”
They did. Later on the video would colby running into the wall, falling with a groan, and then you jumping straight through. you may have gotten an attachment from it- but hey, you only live once.
“well- at least it smells a lot better in here.” you looked around, “and it feels a lot less crowded that’s for sure.”
Colby looked at you like you were insane, “dude i don’t know what you’re talking about it still feels creepy in here.”
“i didn’t say it wasn’t creepy- just less crowded”
“Oh that’s right,“ sam turned the camera, placing himself in the frame with you behind him, “if you’re new or haven’t seen our other videos with Y/N, they’re a medium-”
“i wouldn’t exactly say that” you laughed softly.
“ok… not like Amanda, they can’t see anything like she can and stuff, but Y/N is hypersensitive to these things. You can see in other videos, and probably this one as well, that a lot of her feelings end up matching with what our equipment will say.”
You left the boys downstairs to fill in the viewers on the history, going up the stairs to look around until they catch up.
“alright,” nate called out as he climbed the steps, “how’s it looking?”
you turned to the boys, “well- pick one” you pointed to the stairs and the door behind you, “Robert or Anne?”
“which one do i want to know?” sam asked nervously.
you shrugged, “neither is too horrible yet, one just gives off a lot more energy than the other. The stairs to the attic just feel heavy, almost foreboding? Meanwhile when i walked in Anne’s room it felt very sad and scared. a bit like- retained or constricted too.”
Nate nodded quickly, “that makes sense, she wasn’t allowed to play her music, she would feel sorta constricted.”
“True imagine having to spend youre entire life unable to do the thing you love because your spouse wanted to be the center of attention.” colby spoke up, “that must be horrible.”
Nate looking down to you with a raised eyebrow, causing you to scoff, “Babe, as much as i love being the center of attention, i’d never do that to you.”
he smirked, throwing an arm around you and leading you through the door, “just making sure.”
after a promising conversation with anne that confirmed most of what you thought, you all made your way to the attic.
Even after Sam’s weird chest pain, which you insisted he take a moment for, the blonde was persistent.
You walked up to the stairs, barely placing a foot on the step before nate grabbed your wrist, “absolutely not” he muttered, moving you behind him, “you’re not going first.”
“i’ve done enough stuff like this before, it’s fine.” you sighed, watching him go up.
“yeah, but this is an old building with an old attic, we don’t know how stable it is up here.”
you flushed a bit as you climbed up behind him, grabbing his hand as he helped you up. Sam and colby’s abnoxious ‘awww-ing’ behind you was definitely not helping to relive your embarrassment.
You looked around, “yeah i definitely don’t like it up here.” you muttered to yourself, moving to investigate a further section with nate basically glued to your side.
unfortunately, the boys overheard your words. standing back at the entrance and whispering to the camera with matching mischievous smiles, “well, Y/N is definitely not going to be a fan of the solo investigations then“
After going over to check out the hospital, the four of you went back to check on the polaroids you’d all taken earlier that night.
They flipped the four over, all of you momentarily forgetting about the extra photo you’d taken. The false sense of security you’d gained seeing four photos placed perfectly on the bannister evaporated the second the fourth picture was flipped, revealing a second photo of Colby.
You’re face paled, “guys… where’s mine?“
nate grabbed your hand, “did we just knock it over on accident?“
colby flashed the light, catching a hint of white peaking out from the banister. “Oh, found it. at least it landed face down so it could still develop.“ He spoke trying to find a bright side to this. especially since it had landed directly against the glass.
Sam walked over when Colby had frozen, rapidly turning the photo over. Colby had reached over showing it to him. The blonde quickly gasped, “no way.”
“what?“ you looked between them frantically, “what is it?“
“turns out the photo didn’t land upside down.“ Colby looked up at you, flipping it so you could see as well, “it’s just blank on both sides.“
“Ok, so, now that we’ve done our little portraits“ you spoke up from the floor, “where are we going for our solo investigations. I just know you two have something planned.“
“What?“ Colby gasped offended, “What would make you say that Y/N? we would never!”
you raised an eyebrow at the boy, “the way you and sam are looking at me right says otherwise.”
Sam stepped forward, camera in hand, “ok, so you may be right.“
“i’m always right.“
“damn straight”
“We thought, while i go to the tunnel and colby goes on his own… both you and nate could investigate robert.”
you turned to your boyfriend, both of you wearing wide smiles, “oh, that’s not too bad.”
“we get guest privileges!“ nate cheered.
“oh no no no“ colby laughed, “you’re not exactly doing it together.“
Sam smiled mischievously, “since Robert and Gene had a bond-”
“oh no.”
“-and you both also have a bond… we thought we could replicate that tonight.”
“oh no.”
“Nate, you will stay with robert, and Y/N will go back up to the attic.”
your jaw dropped at the blondes words, “you’re kidding.”
“nope, wouldn’t it be cool if your answers aligned? like through a spiritual connection?”
you sighed, moving forward and ripping the large flashlight from Colby, gathering some equipment, “i hate you two.”
you moved to your boyfriend, hugging him tight before you left to go to the attic. “i love you, be safe.“ nate quickly parroting the words back and kissing the top of your hair.
you turned on the small camera you brought, filming blair witch style as you climbed the stairs, “this fucking sucks.”
you sat in the most central part of the attic you could after setting up a music box by the entrance, your drawing to your right, spirit box in hand, and camera facing you.
“Hello to any and all spirits that can hear me right now. There’s a music box over there that will go off if you pass by it, and i have a spirit box right here. It uses radio signal to piece together words and allow you to talk to me. You can use either of these things as well as any other medium you wish, like knocks or thuds, to answer my questions or you can completely ignore me if you wish. I do not want to make you uncomfortable so only do what you want to, there is no pressure.“
you turn on the spirit box, and wait. you turn, addressing the camera, “guys, we said it earlier“ you spoke fanning yourself, “but it is so incredibly-“
your eyes widened looking to the device, “yes, hot. it’s hot very hot in here”
a hum came through the box next, seemingly agreeing with your words.
“ok“ you breathed out, “so there’s someone in here?“
“who are you?“
your brow furrowed, “are there many spirits here.“
am many.
then it clicked. the doll. one robert, but many spirits inside of him. “Am i talking to robert right now?“
no answer. you we’re about to rephrase you question when the music box went off behind you.
“hello? has someone else joined us.“
“what is your name?“
“A?” you tilted your head in thought, “Anne? is that-“ the music box went off.
you smiled in the direction of the music box, “Anne if that is you thank you for coming up and joining me. i appreciate it.”
“are you stuck here?”
you sighed sadly “are you stuck here with robert and gene?”
“then how are you stuck?”
the same words came through the radio, closer this time.
you sat, back facing your camera, surely colby will have a blast editing the sound to make it less muffled, but if Anne came to the attic to speak to you, it only felt fair to generally in her direction.
with you
once again a soft smile graced your features, “you’ve stuck with me tonight?” you questioned
the box spat out immediately
“Anne, am i right when saying youve been following us tonight and protecting us?“
you nodded, “saying that you’ve been following me and protecting-“
you smiled softly at the word, “thank you anne, i really appreciate that.” you paused, allowing anyone to speak if they wished, “Anne, was that robert? before you came up?“
“robert left?”
“where did he go? do you know where he went?”
black jacket
“black jacket man?” nate. nate was wearing a black jacket earlier. “Are you talking about nate?“
left to talk
you made a mental note in your mind, making sure to ask him if he ended up getting anything in his investigation. you we’re about to ask another question to the woman, but she cut you off first.
she was just talking with you so nice and calmly and then just- go?
you reached back picking up the camera and facing it in the direction of the music box, which seemed to go off periodically as if someone was pacing.
“i don’t understand.”
“a-are you saying that something is coming here? i should go?” you could feel your heart beating fast. the spirit box rapidly spitting words and increasing sense of stress in the room wasn’t helping.
you almost jumped out of your skin when you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, and basically did when the robotic voice said the word right as you read it off the text message.
it was a message from sam, something had happened and to please come back and meet up so he could explain.
suddenly the music box stopped, nothing came through the radio, and the feeling of anxiety dissipated, leaving only the eerie heaviness you felt the first time.
you quickly gathered all your equipment, and rushed down the stairs and back to the museum.
You have a strong feeling you were being followed the entire way back, but you didn’t worry now that you knew it was only anne, rushing along side you as you went to your friends.
you eventually found him sitting in the grass, “Yo! Sam, are you alright?“
“i think i just had a new experience…“
you sat next to him, out of breath from running, “slightly random question” he nodded, “did you get sick?”
Sam looked at you wide eyed, “how in the hell…“
you smiled, spinning in a small circle to look at the empty space near you, “thank you Anne!”
the blonde raised an eyebrow, “anne? what? what are you talking about?”
you only smiled, “i have some absolutely ridiculous footage to show you all”
after sharing experiences and comparing footage you all decided, before you left, it would be for the best to apologize to Robert.
“Robert, do you accept our apology?“ you asked last.
Get out.
you hummed nervously, ”o-ok, uh, we understand and we’ll be leaving now” you spoke ushering the boys out of the room, “once again we are sorry for crossing the line.”
you walked to the door way, “oh- and thank you anne, if you’re still here, for coming with me tonight.” those were the last words you spoke before booking it out of the building.
That was of course, until the four of you stood in front of the building, firmly stating that nothing was welcome to follow you back to your homes.
…well, you did give anne some leeway incase she ever felt like stopping in again.
Part 2: Your Very Own Attachment
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atlasthegreatest · 1 year
- Atlas Masterlist - [Requests are open]
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▪️Male reader
▫️Female reader
🔲 Gender neutral
🔳 Male/ Female Oc
Avatar: The Legend Of Korra:
Asami Sato:
🔳 - War of Hearts- I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, XI, X , XI
Avatar Korra
Lin Beifong
Iron II
Suyin Beifong
Percy Jackson:
Annabeth Chase
Percy Jackson
Jason Grace
Thalia Grace
Piper McLean
Leo Vasquez
Hazel Levesque
Nico DiAngelo
Sally Jackson
Silena Beauregard
Drew Tanaka
Harry Potter :
Hermione Granger
Harry Potter
Narcissa Black
Lily Evans
Bellatrix Black
Narcissa Black
Ginny Weasley
Fleur Delacour
Penny Haywood :
- Baby Problems
James Potter
Cassandra Vole:
▪️- Unexpected Surprises
▪️- Tme Wrap: Bizarrely Adventures!
Sirius Black
Sidney Prescott :
- ▪️ Flight or Figth
Tara Carpenter
Gale Weathers
Sam Carpenter
Fairy Tail:
Erza Scarlet
Natsu Dragneel
Grey Fullbuster
Lucy Heartfilia :
🔲 - Friends…? Friends.
Mirajane Strauss
Laxus Dreyar
Juvia Lockser
Irene Belserion
Attack On Titan:
Mikasa Ackerman:
-▫️ Fake It ‘Till You Break It - I
Eren Yeager
Historia Reiss
Annie Leonheart
Pieck Finger
Jean Kriestean
Sasha Broast
Hange Zoe
Marvel Universe:
Natasha Romanoff
Laura Kinney
Jean Grey
Emma Frost
Wanda Maximoff
Maria Hill
Cindy Moon:
▪️ The Bat, The Spider, and The Mutant
Gwen Stacy
Felicia Hardy
DC Universe:
Cassandra Cain:
▪️The Bat, The Spider, and The Mutant
▪️The Super’s Bats
🔲- Silent Glances and Secret Smiles
🔲- Shadows of the Past — Birds of a Feather pt.2
Helena Bertinelli
Barbara Gordon:
▫️- Cards on the Table
Dick Grayson
Poison Ivy
Kara Zor-El
Wonder Woman
Cassandra Sandsmark
The Vampire Diaries/ The Originals:
Caroline Forbes
Katherine Pierce
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hayley Marshal
Bonnie Bennett
Hope Mikaelson
Davina Clare
Freya Mikaelson
The Witcher:
Cirilla of Cintra
Geralt of Rivia
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Feyre Archeron
Nesta Archeron
Elain Archeron
Throne of Glass:
Aelin Galathynius :
- 🔳 In Each Others Arms
Rowan Whitethorne
Manon Blackbeack
Elide Lorchan
Navier Trovi :
- 🔳 Honor me of this dance
Penelope Eckart
Samantha Wilkins/ Atom Eve
Mark Grayson /Invincible
Fate: The Winx Saga
Choi Namra
Daphne Blake
Iori Utahime
Laura Croft
Haley Carter (Stadew Valley):
🔲- Daylight
42 notes · View notes
y = young, a = adult. Bold means I love writing about them
I write soft NSFW, love triangles, social media au, modern setting and I’m willing to follow any trope, you can be specific if you want.
(I’m sorry if I haven’t included your fave, I just write about the ones I like)
Pedro Pascal, Oscar Isaac, Tom Hardy, Ewan McGregor, Cillian Murphy, Jake Gyllenhaal, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Andrew Lincoln, Norman Reedus, John Bernthal, Evan Peters, William Zabka, Jensen Ackles, Antony Starr, Karl Urban, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Jack Nicholson, Matthew McConaughey, Enzo Vogrincic, Harrison Ford, Alain Delon, Marlon Brando, Bruce Springsteen
Rick Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Negan Smith, Michonne, Carl Grimes
Rick x Michonne, Rick x Daryl, Abraham x Sasha, Rosita x Tara, Daryl x Connie
Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Jon Snow, Sandor Clegane, Oberyn Martell, Stannis Baratheon, Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister, Petyr Baelish, Tywin Lannister, Sansa Stark, Robb Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Ned Stark, Robert Baratheon, Jorah Mormont, Asha/Yara Greyjoy, Brienne of Tarth, Benjen Stark, Euron Greyjoy, Beric Dondarrion, Daemon Targaryen, Harwin Strong, Aemond Targaryen, Aegon II Targaryen, Jacaerys Velaryon, Cregan Stark
Jaime x Brienne, Sansa x Theon, Jon x Daenerys, Jon x Sansa, Stannis x Davos, Robb x Theon, Jon x Satin, Ned x Robert, Robert x Lyanna, Cersei x Oberyn, Tyrion x Oberyn, Jaime x Oberyn, Sansa x Margaery, Daenerys x Asha/Yara, Daenerys x Jorah, Daenerys x Euron, Stannis x Davos, Melisandre x Stannis, Rhaenyra x Daemon, Rhaenyra x Harwin, Rhaenyra x Alicent, Daemon x Laena, Jaecerys x Cregan
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Han Solo, Din Djarin, Boba Fett, Shin Hati, Darth Maul
Han x Leia, Han x Lando, Anakin x Padme, Obi-Wan x Satine, Obi-Wan x Darth Maul, Obi-Wan x Cody, Finn x Poe, Din x Luke, Din x Cobb Vanth, Shin Hati x Sabine
Eren Yeager, Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun, Annie Leonhart, Porco Galliard
Erwin x Levi, Jean x Marco, Eren x Mikasa, Mikasa x Annie, Eren x Reiner, Reiner x Jean, Eren x Jean, Mikasa x Jean, Pieck x Porco, Reiner x Porco
Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Nanami Kento, Toji Fushiguro, Megumi Fushiguro, Maki Zenin, Nobara Kugisaki, Mahito, Choso, Yuta Okkotsu, Shiu Kong
Gojo x Geto, Sukuna x Megumi, Yuji x Megumi, Nanami x Haibara, Maki x Yuta, Mahito x Geto
Johnny Cage, Kenshi, Liu Kang, Kitana, Bi-Han
Johnny x Kenshi, Liu Kang x Kitana
Johnny Lawrence (y/a), Daniel LaRusso (y/a), Miguel Diaz, Eli Moskowitz/Hawk, Tory Nichols, Sam LaRusso, Terry Silver
Johnny x Daniel (y/a), Miguel x Sam, Miguel x Tory, Tory x Robby, Miguel x Robby, Eli/Hawk x Moon, Kreese x Terry (y/a)
Harry, Draco, Ron, Hermione, Cedric, James (y/a), Sirius (y/a), Remus (y/a), Albus (y), Lucius (y/a), Barty
Harry x Draco, Ron x Hermione, Sirius x Remus (y/a), Harry x Cedric
Frank Castle, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor, Loki, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Stephen Strange, Peter Parker (any version), Felicia Hardy, Carol Danvers, Peter Quill, Gamora, Wanda Maximoff, Vision, T’Challa, Victor Von Doom, Erik Lehnsherr, Matt Murdock, Elektra, Maria Hill, Reed Richards, Johnny Storm, Susan Storm, Ben Grimm
Tony x Bruce, Loki x Mobius, Sam x Bucky, Tony x Bucky, Bucky x Natasha, Natasha x Yelena (non mcu), Yelena x Kate, Peter x Gamora, Scott x Hope, Frank x Matt, Frank x Karen, Victor x Tony, Victor x Reed, Victor x Stephen, Reed x Susan
Bruce Wayne (any version), Selina Kyle, John Constantine, Diana
Bruce x Selina, Bruce x Harvey Dent, John x Zatanna, John x Bruce, Roman Sionis x Victor Zsasz, Harley Quinn x Diana
Thomas Shelby (Peaky Blinders), John Shelby (Peaky Blinders), Ragnar Lothbrock (Vikings), Joe Goldberg (You), Joe Goldberg x Rhys Montrose (You), Tyler Durden (Fight Club), Rust Cohle (True Detective), Kai Anderson (AHS), Tate Langdon (AHS), Tate Langdon x Violet Harmon (AHS), James March (AHS), Lalo Salamanca x Nacho Varga (Breaking Bad), Billy Butcher (The Boys), Soldier Boy (The Boys)
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devilsmenu · 1 year
I was doing some drafts since I do have a lot but finally could manage to do some starter and plotting call for the event. Under the cut I'll list the ones that was dragged by magic or entered willingly. You can reply for starters or hit the like here and I'll go to your DMs to discuss event plots!
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Ally Liddell - Descendants - Entered willingly (not open to death)
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Alison Blaire - X-Men - Entered willingly (not open to death)
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Astoria Greengrass - Harry Potter - Dragged by magic (open to death)
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Chad Charming - Descendants - Entered willingly (open to death)
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Chris Hartley - Until Dawn - Dragged by magic (open to death without memory change)
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Daken - X-Men - Entered willingly (open to death without memory change)
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Felicia Hardy - Marvel - Entered willingly (not open to death)
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Francis Barton - Marvel - Dragged by magic (not open to death)
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Harriet Hook - Descendants - Dragged by magic (open to death without memory change)
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Heiya Akane - Alice in Borderland - Entered willingly (open to death)
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Irene Adler - X-Men - Entered willingly (not open to death)
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Jamie/Nine - Stranger Things - Entered willingly (not open to death)
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Kim Jihyo - Stranger Things - Dragged by magic (not open to death)
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Choi Junwoong - Tomorrow - Dragged by magic (not open to death)
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Jordan Kyle - TMI/Shadowhunters - Entered willingly (open to death)
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Kono Kalakaua - Hawaii 5 -0 - Dragged by magic (not open to death)
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Li Lonnie - Descendants - Dragged by magic (open to death)
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Lorna Dane - X-Men - Entered willingly (not open to death)
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Noah Foster - Scream - Entered willingly (open to death without memory change)
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Rafael Lightwood-Bane - TMI/Shadowhunters - Entered willingly (not open to death)
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Romeo Montague - Romeo & Juliet - Dragged by magic (open to death without memory change)
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Jeon Pildo - My Name - Dragged by magic (open to death)
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Satana Hellstrom - Marvel - Entered willingly (not open to death)
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Sally Ragdoll - The Nightmare Before Christmas - Entered willingly (open to death without memory change)
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Kim Sun - Goblin - Dragged by magic (not open to death)
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Tony Wyzek - West Side Story - Dragged by magic (open to death without memory change)
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dhr-ao3 · 2 months
Folklore (My Favourite Couples Version)
Folklore (My Favourite Couples’ Version) https://ift.tt/3IA7a14 by That_One_Dwarf "Most of the things I had planned this summer didn't end up happening, but there is something I hadn't planned on that DID happen. And that thing is my 8th studio album, Folklore.". - Taylor Swift A compilation of folktales *nudge, nudge, wink, wink* of my favourite couples featuring all the songs to one of the greatest albums to come out of the year we do not speak of and when the Earth stood still. For real, this ties with Speak Now as one of my favouite albums from her and one of my favourite albums of all time. I present to you all, Folklore! Featured Couples: May x Steven (Daiharu) - Pokemon ORAS Daryl x Beth (Bethyl) - The Walking Dead Rapunzel x Jack Frost (Jackunzel) - Tangled & Rise of the Guardians Jane x Loki (Lokane) - Marvel Steve x Natasha (Romanogers) - Marvel Luna x Theodore (Lovenott) - Harry Potter Draco x Hermione (Dramione) - Harry Potter Charlie x Astoria (Chastoria) - Harry Potter Daphne x George (Gaphne) - Harry Potter Simon x Daphne (Dimon) - Bridgerton Alec Hardy x Rose Tyler (DetectiveRoses) - Broadchurch & Doctor Who Words: 1029, Chapters: 1/17, Language: English Series: Part 3 of My Favourite Couples' Version Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Pocket Monsters: Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire | Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Versions, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Main Video Game Series), Tangled (2010), Rise of the Guardians (2012), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies), Black Widow (Movie 2021), Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn, Broadchurch, Doctor Who (2005), Doctor Who, Doctor Who & Related Fandoms, The Walking Dead (TV), Taylor Swift (Musician) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Haruka | May, Tsuwabuki Daigo | Steven Stone, Daryl Dixon, Beth Greene (Walking Dead), Rapunzel (Disney), Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Jane Foster (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Luna Lovegood, Theodore Nott, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Charlie Weasley, Astoria Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass, George Weasley, Simon Basset, Daphne Bridgerton, Alec Hardy, Rose Tyler Relationships: Daryl Dixon/Beth Greene, Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood)/Rapunzel (Disney), Jane Foster/Loki, Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov, Luna Lovegood/Theodore Nott, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Astoria Greengrass/Charlie Weasley, Daphne Greengrass/George Weasley, Simon Basset/Daphne Bridgerton, Alec Hardy/Rose Tyler, Haruka | May/Tsuwabuki Daigo | Steven Stone Additional Tags: Romance, Drama, Drama & Romance, Angst, Fluff, Slice of Life, Developing Relationship, Established Relationship, Families of Choice, Folklore, Album: folklore (Taylor Swift), Folk Music, Based on a Taylor Swift Song, Title from a Taylor Swift Song, Inspired by Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift References, Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Crossover Pairings via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/Z4WVdzU August 11, 2024 at 08:06AM
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I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Word Count: 1847 Rating: Teen
The Nice List Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Word Count: 1190 Rating: Gen
Santa Bring My Baby Back Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 3208  Rating: Mature
Wrapped Around My Finger Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 3492  Rating: Teen & Up
Fist Fights and Silent Nights Pairing: Austin Butler x  Female Reader Word Count: 1827  Rating: Mature
Santa Tell Me Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader Word Count: 1956 Rating: Teen
Will You Marry My Daddy? Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Reader Word Count: 999  Rating: Gen
All I Need Pairing: Zendaya x Reader Word Count: 2323  Rating: Teen
Early Christmas Present Pairing: Ben Hardy x Female Reader Word Count: 1289  Rating: Gen
Santa Stole My Girlfriend Pairing: Chandler Bing x Original Character x Joey Tribbiani Word Count: 1558 Rating: Teen
I’ll Be Home For Christmas Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 2091 Rating: Gen
Free Beer and The Festive Season Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 1043  Rating: Mature
Last Christmas Pairing: Nick Miller x Reader Word Count: 1974 Rating: Teen
All I Want For Christmas Is You Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 1430 Rating: Gen
Baby It’s Cold Outside Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader Word Count: 1446 Rating: Teen
A Perfect Christmas Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader Word Count: 1260  Rating: Teen
Santa Baby Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Original Female Character, Draco Malfoy x Valentina Fleamont Word Count: 1867 Rating: Teen
What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve? Pairing: Harry Potter x Reader Word Count: 1347 Rating: Gen
A Little Magic Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader Word Count: 1300  Rating: Gen
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) Pairing: Ron Weasley x Reader Word Count: 953 Rating: Teen
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threehours-aday · 7 months
hiya, folks!
i'm not new to tumblr, but i might be new to you, so here's a tiny bit 'bout myself:
i go by minee (pronounced the same as meanie) but you can also call me min, allie, or plainly alex
you may find me on social as alexander phung, which is my pen name, but i don't actually like being referred to by that
i am still underage at this moment, so no nsfw contents (and no sex jokes, if you may; i've had quite enough of those)
my fandoms: mcu, broadchurch, x-men (film series), good omens, wilde (1997), sherlock holmes (downey films), sherlock (bbc), harry potter
my favourite artists/actors so we can hype together: james mcavoy, benedict cumberbatch, jude law, michael sheen, david tennant, tom hiddleston, robert downey jr., anya taylor-joy, bitter ruin (band), exo (boy band), seventeen (boy band), billie eilish, finneas, lorne balfe
i love rice because i am asian, but i eat more pasta than rice tbh
i was one of those twelve-year-olds on wattpad
i don't take requests
i adore some pairings more than others:
mcu: stuckony, ironstrange/strangeiron, frostiron, pepperony, clintasha, black pepper, strike team delta, spideypool
broadchurch/masters of sex: bill masters/alec hardy, alec hardy/ellie miller
x-men: cherik, cherigan, jeanororo
good omens: ineffable husbands, vinylatte, ineffable bureaucracy
wilde (1997): robbie ross/john gray
sherlock holmes/sherlock: johnlock, mystrade
harry potter: drarry, dramione, krumione, pansmione, blairon
i also have some no-goes:
mcu: st*rker, iron w*tch
x-men: ch*ven, max*cest, myst*to
harry potter: lup*rry, h*rbus, h*rrius
sherlock: h*lmescest
list of my works by fandom and language
1, broadchurch/masters of sex
of unburnt toast and unmicrowaved tea (🇬🇧)
no more apples (🇬🇧)
frigid (pull me down) (🇬🇧)
2, marvel cinematic universe
series: the things i let die (and what else i find) (🇬🇧)
needles and pinches
child in a seacave (cold, cold, cold)
beware (it's heading our way)
nếu mai này mình không thức giấc (🇻🇳)
3, wilde (1997)
smitten (loved) (🇬🇧)
4, good omens
angel (🇬🇧)
5, x-men (film series)
antartica (🇬🇧)
6, sherlock
demolished (🇬🇧)
7, original works
tối qua lạnh một ý thơ nhạt nhoà (🇻🇳)
give me love, give me pain (🇻🇳)
yours (🇬🇧)
enquiry of us (🇬🇧)
trên bờ sóng vỗ (🇻🇳)
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 2 years
How about a museum security guard!Tom Hardy x Art student!Reader story?
Here’s a rough outline of the plot.
After he finally properly introduces himself to her, he either sits next to her or stands guard nearby to watch her work, fascinated by how she can turn paint and pencil into art. Over the span of a few weeks, the two grow closer, harbouring feelings they shouldn’t.
They filter through in her art. In the way he twists his wedding band.
He’s a married man, father of two kids. And yet, there’s a part of him he can’t deny.
And neither can she.
A cup of coffee can help a lot, solve problems instantly. But, this time, it might only make things worse.
Now, before anyone is gonna step on my toes,
It also involves THE look. You know the one.
Yes, that’s right.
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Working title (that I only just thought of): A Portrait of Happiness.
“There she is again, the little raven who flutters between the galleries.”
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Oh boy, this is gonna be quite the project.
Also, I might decide later on to use Tommy Conlon or Leo Demidov instead of our Tommo, but I just really want to use the ‘puppy snout shirt’ look and can’t fathom any of his characters pulling it off like he himself does. To be honest, none of his characters match with my aim for this story as well.😅
So, yeah, I guess that’s one more project to add to the pile.😹
For now, though, I’ll be focusing on the smutty writer!Alfie piece I started last night (yes, THAT piece) as well as the other on-going projects. But this certainly isn’t the last of it!
Tag list: @buttercup32sstuff @potter-solomons @zablife @vir-tual @ilovemanypeople @hecatemoon87 @liliac-dreamer
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Characters I Write For ~ 2022 - 2024 ~
I will only write for these characters at the moment.
Italics = I have already made fanfics on this character if you want to read them
My Masterlist
DC/Gotham - Bane (Hardy), Bruce Wayne (Bale), Dick Grayson (Robin), Garfield Logan (Beast Boy), Jack (Heath) Joker, Jaime Reyes, Jonathan Crane (Gotham), Johnathan Crane (TDK), Kori (Starfire), Maxwell Lord, Orm Marius, Roman Sionis, Victor Stone, Victor Zsasz
Disney - Christopher Robin, Cruella de Vil, Gaston LeGume (Beauty And The Beast 2017), Jasper Badun, Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid 2023)
Kingsman - Eggsy Unwin, Hamish Mycroft (Merlin), Harry Hart, Jack Daniels
Marvel/X-Men - Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Charles Xavier, Eddie/Venom, Erik Killmonger, Everett Ross, Harry Osborn (TASM), Heimdall, Helmut Zemo, Johnny Storm, Kurt Wagner, Logan Howlett, Loki Odinson (Not the Series), M'Baku, Natasha Romanoff, Otto Octavius, Peter Parker (Andrew), Peter Parker (Tobey), Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Scott Lang, Steve Rogers, Thor Odinson, Tony Stark, Wade Wilson
Star Wars/The Mandalorian - Anakin Skywalker, Armitage Hux, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Din Djarin, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi
Stranger Things - Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckey, Steve Harrington
The Hobbit/Lord Of The Rings - Bilbo Baggins, Boromir, Dwalin, Faramir, Fili, Kili, Haldir, Legolas Greenleaf, Pippin Took, Samwise Gamgee, Thorin Oakenshield, Thranduil
Miscellaneous -
American Psycho - Patrick Bateman
Barbie - Ken (Ryan)
Beetlejuice The Musical - Beetlejuice
Doctor Who - Ninth Doctor, Tenth Doctor
Five Nights At Freddy's - Mike Schmidt, William Afton/Steve Raglan
Indiana Jones - Indiana Jones
John Wick - John Wick
Jurassic Park - Ian Malcolm
Scooby Doo (2002) - Shaggy (Norville) Rogers
Spiderverse - Hobie Brown, Johnathon Ohnn, Miguel O'Hara, Peter B. Parker, Peter Parker (Noir)
Supernatural - Castiel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes - Coriolanus Snow, Lucy Gray, Lucky Flickerman, Sejanus Plinth, Tigris Snow
The Last Of Us - Joel Miller
The Pirates Of The Caribbean - James Norrington
The Phantom Of The Opera - Erik Destler
TRAP - Cooper Adams
Twisters - Tyler Owens, Javier Rivera
The Witcher - Geralt, Jaskier
Pride And Prejudice - Fitzwilliam Darcy
Uncharted 4 - Sam Drake, Rafe Adler
Walking Dead - Daryl Dixon
Wonka - Willy Wonka
X-Files - Fox Mulder
Celebrities - Chris Evans, Harry Styles, Justin Timberlake, Pedro Pascal, Timothee Chalamet, Tom Holland
Requests are OPEN
Fandoms that have gone to Fandom Heaven:
Harry Potter
2022 - 2024 © justsomerandomfanfic
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wandawiccan60 · 2 years
Part 5: Feral Love
Tommy Conlon X Belinda(FemOC)
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A/N: Hey everyone and happy late weekend I am back with another new chapter on my other stories I have finally come back to continuing writing. I hope you all enjoy this new part I know it has been a very long pause in this story I was thinking about these last few days and I decided to come back to this story that I also have to give some attention and love. But as always guys thank you for reading my stories please comment, reblog, and follow for more Tom Hardy stories. And as always I appreciate the follows and likes you guys rock and I can't wait to continue writing these stories for you guys to read and enjoy. As always thank you for reading and Enjoy see you in the next post. See Ya!!!
Word Count: 3,276
WARNING 18+ ONLY!!!: Some Mentions of Abandonment, Some Cussing, Father Issues(Belinda not having a dad figure), Masterbation, & Some Fluff
TAGS: @i-love-th-characters1, @hecatemoon87, @potter-solomons, @omgeternal, @kittycatcait219, @jarvisrocks, @ao3feed-symbrock, @annisse, @theshelbyslimited, @theshelbyclan, @tomhardyspinkyfinger, @edwardthomashardy1, @star017, @evita-shelby, @thealmightybitchgoddess, @ninja-potato-shelby-solomons, @professor-alfie-solomons, @solomons-finest-rum, @tea-atfive, @rikki-b-lake, @veddieiscanon, @symbean, @jollysoulfestivalfreak, @mollybegger-blog, @97freaknik, @twvstedsouls, @weirdgirl16355, @bubblyani, @buttercup32sstuff, @raincoffeeandfandoms, @queenofthefaceless, @queencoraline3, @quarterpastmidnight, @thefics-that-drip, @lovebitesimagines, @alfiesolomons-treacle,
“So how are you and this young man been doing, honey? Any special sparkle going on between you two?” Margarete jokingly said with a smirky face and arched eyebrow towards her daughter Belinda just rolled her eyes in annoyance with a smile on her face.
“Mama, we have only known each other for a few days and you expect me to fall head over heels for Tommy already? Didn’t you use to say before that getting to know someone takes time until you are sure he is the right one? But no Ma we are only friends ok? Hehe, but he is well… he is a nice boy to be fair,” Belinda said folding her lips together and trying her best to focus on the road ahead of her thinking about the night she kissed Tommy’s cheek.
Belinda never acted this way before, since she had never once in her life would catch feelings for someone this fast. In her teenage years, she never thought of boys and dating, mostly at least. She instead focused on her studies to become a singer and musician, hang out with her friends after school, take care of her mother, and get the college degree that she knows would make her mama proud. Accomplishing a goal that Belinda has worked long and hard for and making it a dream come true. But there were times and moments when she would stay up late at night in bed. Wishing for a supportive and loving partner to hug, talk about anything while the world kept moving, and just share a life together. Belinda never had luck with any guy when she was in high school, especially the “normal” guys. Seeing how they would only look from the outside, then really see how she is on the inside personality-wise. But now that Tommy had come into her life and being around him made her feel a sense of hope that maybe he could be the one she had been waiting for. Only time would tell how things progress between Belinda and Tommy. She would rather wait and see if he is that “special sparkle,” as her mother says. In the distance, up ahead, there stood a dirty gray factory with long pipe-like chimneys with smoke coming out of them. Belinda then slowly pulled up next to the sidewalk, putting the car in park next to the side doors of the factory.
“Well, all I want to say is whatever this young boy is, I just hope he treats you respectfully. And I pray he could be possibly the “love of your life” you have been waiting for,” her mother said. Belinda just let out a small chuckle, knowing full well her mother was just messing around.
“Ma, can you quit it hehe it’s not like he is going to take me away to a faraway place and live happily ever after. I told you he is just a friend, and that is all, and believe me, he is the best friend I have ever talked to in a long time. Besides Morticia and everyone, you know already.”
“Very well then, but again if he ever treats you unkindly he has to deal with me and you know how my mama bear side could act out,” Margarete said making bear claw hands while letting out a “grrr,” sound which Belinda laughed out loud.
“Mama, please stop. It is already your going to run late for work already before your asshole boss yells at you or something. But I’ll see you later and please let me know when you get dropped off by Jack later on, ok? I love you, Ma,” Belinda said as both mother and daughter exchanged kisses on the cheeks as Margarete made her way out of the car. 
She walked her way towards the sidewalk and before going for the door, Margarete then called out to her daughter.
“And also, honey, have fun at the gym with this boy and try kicking some butt too, yea?” she said with a wink and side smile towards Belinda, which she just smiled and nodded her head.
“Ma is just exercising and nothing serious, but I will I love you and see you later,” she said giving her a small wave of her hands and seeing her mother entering the door and making her way inside the building awaiting another stressful day in the factory.
Alright lets get this over with again…
Tommy was getting himself ready while waiting for Belinda to come to pick her up. Feeling his heart jumping for glee, knowing that he will see and be with Belinda again. But this time it would be just the two of them alone, which Tommy felt nervous to look forward to. After all, it is Belinda and not some type of stranger going to the gym with him. Once Tommy puts his green sweatshirt on his phone, then vibrates on top of his brown nightstand. Seeing on the lock of the phone screen shows Belinda’s name with her message attached to it.
hey Tommy Im outside of your house 😄 
Ill be out in a sec 🙂
Tommy made his way downstairs after sending a text back to Belinda. On his way downstairs, he picked up his black gym bag and water bottle and he finally put on his gym shoes. Once he tied his shoelaces, Tommy made his way to the door while picking up his keys next to the side of the door. Closing and locking the door behind him, then saw Belinda leaning back against her black Chevrolet car. He gave Belinda a heartwarming smile while walking down the small stairway. 
“Good morning Werewolf Boy, that is quite a bag to take to the gym there,” she said, pointing her finger at his gym bag, making Tommy chuckle nervously, feeling his face become warm.
“Yea right? Hehe but good morning to you too Dracula Girl. You ready for your first day at the gym or you goin’ to chicken out?” said Tommy, giving her a cheeky smile which Belinda chuckled, looking down at the floor.
“Chicken out, you say? Hmm, wait until we get to the gym and prove to you I won’t quit so fast. Bet you $20 that I’ll not give up on the first 10 minutes. Deal?” Belinda said cheekily, extending her hand out to Tommy, making him smile at her request.
“Instead of the 20, how about I take you to dinner instead? Does tha’ sound a bit fairer to you, Dracula Girl?” He said, arching his eyebrows at her with his hand out.
Belinda looks down at his hand and, with a smile, she accepts his offer, sealing the deal closed.
1 Hour Later
“Come on, Tommy, one more set, yea? I’m actually quite enjoying this than I thought,” said Belinda, feeling the top of her forehead drained of sweat, her hands placed above her hips, inhaling through her mouth. 
Tommy lay flat on the black mats also trying to catch his breath with his eyes closed, letting out a small chuckle with a big smile on his face.
“Hold on Belinda, let me have a break for a sec and we can continue again. But glad to hear you like it so far makes me feel joyful,” he said, bringing himself up and crossing his legs together, leaning his back against the large mirrors.
Belinda then sat down next to him, crossing her legs in front of her and resting her chin on her knees. They went quiet for a moment as they played some workout music in the background, seeing the outside of the gym in front.
“You owe me 20 bucks,” Belinda said some moments later, making Tommy look in her direction with a confused face.
“Wait what?”
“I said I would not chicken out in the first 10 minutes, so now you have to give up the $20 that we shook hands-on,” said Belinda, giving him a cheeky smile and extending her hand towards him, gesturing to him to give her a reward.
“Oh shit, I totally forgot about it. Are you being serious about me giving up the $20? I mean, wouldn’t it be best if we could just maybe go to the park or something else?” said Tommy, leaning his head back while Belinda snickered, covering her mouth with her hand and making a confused look.
“What’s so funny?” He continued on, letting out a small smile. Belinda stopped snickering.
“Tommy, I’m just joking. Why would I ask for money? I’m more glad to take this opportunity with you than just a couple of bucks. I’ve been having nothing but fun all this morning with you, knowing that this is something you love to do. Especially that you run the gym with your brother and dad, which I think it’s very nice to see,” said Belinda, looking back at Tommy with a smile also leaning her head against the wall mirror.
“Hehe, I thought you were being serious but I’m relieved you were just fooling around,” he said, placing a hand against his chest which she found funny yet cute as he continued speaking. “And yea, I mean, after the whole tournament fight, we thought it would be such a good idea to open a business of our own. Brendon was up to it, and so did my dad. And look at where we are now. Ever since then, the place has been running smoothly and it just feels great, you know?” 
“It sounds nice. You three have a closer bond than you once did before. Must be nice to have that father and son connection,” said Belinda. Her smile slowly disappeared as she looked down at her hands, knowing she never experienced a daughter-and-father relationship.
Her biological father left when she was only 2 years old, but there was an ugly reason. Turns out that he had been secretly seeing another woman until her mom found out about it. Enraged, Margarete and her dad got into an ugly fight that same night while Belinda curled into a fetal position in her room. Hearing them cussing each other out while they both scream at the same time. Belinda, at that moment, felt scared and didn’t know why they were acting in that manner. Now that she was older, she understood the hurtful truth of why her dad was never in the picture after that incident. And since then, he never at some point thought of coming back into her life. Belinda couldn't care less, knowing that what he did to her and her mama was such a pathetic and backstabbing decision. 
“Hey Belinda, you ok?” Said Tommy, suddenly making her come back to her senses, not noticing that he placed a gentle hand against her left shoulder.
“Yea sorry I just remembered something, but it’s nothing important,” she said with a small smile, knowing deep down she really wasn’t, “but you are ready for another round because I am.”
She then sat on her knees trying her best to look alright. Tommy felt something wasn’t right. Before he could speak again, the front door of the gym opened seeing his brother Brendon along with Tess coming in. 
“Tommy, how long have you been here for? It’s surprising to see you here at these hours?” said his older brother while Tess placed her bag on top of the front register.
“Hey Brendon, yea I know weird righ’? Tommy said as he and Belinda got up from the black mat as he continued, “I brought my friend here, Belinda, to give her some lessons.”
“Oh, really nice, and sorry. I’m Brendon, Tommy’s older brother. It’s very nice to meet you, Belinda,” he said as he extended his hand to her, to which she returned the gesture.
“Likewise, it’s great to meet you, too. Tommy has told me about you. Since of course he is your little baby brother,” she said, Brendon let out a small chuckle.
“Yes, he is indeed, and this is my wife Tess,” Brendon then said. The older woman extended her hand toward Belinda, and they both shook hands together.
“It’s nice to meet you honey, wow you’re a prettier girl than I imagined,” she said. Belinda let out a small chuckle and was flattered by the woman’s compliment, but it was a good feeling.
“Oh, you're very sweet, ma’am, but I’m just me, nothing special you know but thank you,” said Belinda with a shy smile towards the older woman.
“But you are dear and please, for future reference, call me Tess because it makes me feel old,” Tess said along with a chuckle which Belinda only nodded her head in understanding.
The rest of the morning went well as more people came, and Tommy wished it was still empty. However, it didn’t stop him from working out with Belinda, when they were at the end of their workout routine of the day. While Belinda was having a hard time doing some barbell squats, Tommy was punching some hits in a black punching bag. He noticed Belinda struggling, stopping mid-way and removing his right glove between his teeth. Once he removed the gloves from his hands, he walked up to her. With her not noticing Tommy’s approach, she put the weight down in front of her feet, inhaling a long breath through her nostrils.
“Hey, you good there Dracula Girl?” 
“Yeah… just I don’t know if I’m doing this right,” she said with a huff, placing her hands on her hips.
“If you like, you can use another technique instead. Here, let me show you,” said Tommy, lifting the steel bar weight, positioning his stance as he went on, “so just feet apart right and then just grip the ends here and just lift them inward towards you.”
Belinda watched on as Tommy lifted the weight up and down, noticing how his big biceps flexed, seeing a few of his veins popping out. She suddenly bites her lips together, trying very hard to focus on the exercise. But the way his arms moved as he lifted the steel bar made her feel many butterflies inside her. She never felt that way before in her life until now. Once Tommy was done, he gently placed the bar on top of the mat. Belinda didn’t realize that he was still talking to her.
“Now you try it. Belinda? Hey, you good?” Tommy said, placing a soft hand against her right arm, making her come back to her daydreaming thoughts. 
“Yeah, yeah I am sorry just… I feel tired suddenly,” she lyingly said, knowing that she was more intrigued with Tommy’s physique than the exercise demonstration, “but I’m good I’ll just do one more set and might go hit the shower. I feel quite drained to be fair.”
“I mean, if you’re ok doing another round, go for it, but if you’re saying you, then we can pick it up on another day. I just don’t want to see you forcing yourself or worse, get hurt, you know?”
“No, yeah, you’re right. We should pick this up another time. And again, thank you for everything. I really appreciate it you brought me. It has been wonderful and I would like to continue coming if that’s ok with you Tommy,” she said with an unsure tone, hoping it wasn’t too much to ask.
“No yea, of course, we can keep coming. Why would I say no? And to be honest, this is the most fun I’ve ever had in a while. I’m more glad it’s with you Belinda truly,” Tommy said, giving her a small smile.
“Aww, I’m delighted to hear that and I also haven’t had this type of fun either in years. Besides my friends, I never thought of going to the gym, but this has been an experience. And I can’t wait to come here with you more too. Thanks again.”
“It’s my pleasure. Do you maybe want to… get something to drink? Or do you need to go somewhere with your friends?” Tommy said as he lifted the steel weight bar, placing it back with the other weights.
“No, not really. My friends are mostly working or at school today. But sure we can get a drink. I’ll invite you as another way to say thank you. By the way, do you have showers I could use?” said Belinda, untying her ponytail and letting her semi-wet hair down. 
“Yea, we do and I’m going to shower, too. Here I’ll show where they are,” said Tommy as they both made their way toward the back of the gym.
Passing by the restrooms, they made a right turn with the sign that read “Showers” on the wall. 
“Alright, I’ll see you in a bit Werewolf Boy. Thank you again, ‘’Belinda said, giving him a quick smile.
“Don’t have to thank me again, ok? And I’ll see you too have a good shower,” he said, returning a smile back at her as they both now parted ways to take a shower. 
The warm stem water of the shower washed around Belinda’s body, feeling the soap rinsing off from her body. While she stood under the faucet, she suddenly thought back to Tommy and his flexible arms. The way they looked and moved made Belinda feel fluttery on the inside. Normally, she never thought of such a thing from a man before, since it never was a thing she would chase. But with Tommy, it felt right and different, which made her feel uneasy. But as she continued seeing that same image in her head, she felt a warm jolt between her legs. She pressed her hand against her sensitive spot until feeling something wet. Belinda gently bit her bottom lip, trying very hard to not think about Tommy. But that same picture would appear in her mind and it made it worse. She let out a low, quiet gasp, leaning against the shower wall until she let it in. 
I feel so guilty for doing this… 
She then slowly caressed her folds between her fingers, biting her lips together this time. As she thought about how she imagined Tommy shirtless, showing his big large biceps until she thought about something more. Belinda fantasized about Tommy, all fully naked, picturing what his big member would look like downstairs. She slowly inserted a finger inside her hot walls, letting out another quiet moan. She tilted her head back while, with her other hand, caressed her left breast. 
“Tommy…” she moaned out, sticking her finger in and out, continuously erotically thinking of him playing with himself.
She felt her insides coming to her peaking point as she inserted one more finger inside of her. She bent her legs, closing her eyes, trying her best to keep herself in balance. But some time later, her orgasm exploded, feeling her wetness drip down upon her fingers. She breathed in slowly while the shower still dropped water above her head. Once she felt more at ease, she turned the faucet off. Only the steaming fog surrounded her. Belinda stood in the middle of the shower, thinking about how she let herself do such a thing. Feeling disgusted at thinking of Tommy inappropriately, since they are only friends and nothing else. But she tried to ignore it as she then wrapped herself with her towel, making her way to get some clothes on. 
Why did I let myself do that… I feel like such a fucking idiot…
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findroleplay · 1 year
my pen name is artemis. i am new to tumblr roleplaying, but i have been roleplaying for eleven years now. i am 25, so i request my interactions be with 20+ and up, especially for romantic themed roleplays.
i tend to write lengthy replies/starters, so expect up to three to four messages on discord, as i tend to write novella style. i do not mind writing here or discord, just let me know your preference!
i am looking for ships, but also family and found family dynamics. i feel like all of these categories help the story grow, as well as the characters within the story. i am also oc friendly!
Characters I would play are Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, or Remus Lupin.
For Harry, I am looking for Hermione, Draco, any of the Weasleys, Sirius, Remus, Lily and James (AU), any members of the Order of the Phoenix, or any of the staff members of Hogwarts.
For Hermione, I am looking for Harry, any of the Weasleys, Draco, or any of the staff members of Hogwarts.
For Remus, I am looking for Harry, any of the Marauders (Lily, James, Sirius), any staff member of Hogwarts, or any member of the Order of the Phoenix.
Characters I would like to play are Theseus Scamander or Leta Lestrange. I will also do Newt but by preference of my writing partner.
For Theseus, I am looking for Newt Scamander, Leta Lestrange, Albus Dumbledore, any member of the Ministry of Magic, or any staff member from Hogwarts.
For Leta, I am looking for Theseus Scamander, Newt Scamander, Albus Dumbledore, any member of the Ministry of Magic, or any staff member from Hogwarts. (I would also like to do AUs where she lives).
Characters I would play are Peter B Parker or Miles Morales. I will ONLY do age appropriate ships here. So Miles x Gwen or anyone Miles' age would work. Peter B Parker can be shipped with anyone around his age.
For Peter B Parker, I am looking for Mary Jane or Felicia Hardy (Black Cat) for ships. For friends, I would be looking for any of the Spidermen within the Spiderverse. As far as student and mentor vibes, Gwen or Miles would be really good dynamics!
For Miles, I am looking for Gwen Stacy for ships (the one in Into the Spiderverse). For friends or mentors, anyone in the Spiderverse works but I'm mainly looking for Peter B Parker, Miguel O'Hara (for frienemies???) and Hobie.
Character I would play are Lorenzo de Medici and Francesco de Pazzi.
For Lorenzo, I am looking for Francesco de Pazzi, Giuliano de Medici, Clarice de Orsini, really anyone of the Medici's, Lucrezia Donati, Jacopo de Pazzi, Ippolita Sforza, or any member of the Priori.
For Francesco, I am looking for Lorenzo de Medici, Giuliano de Medici, Guglielmo de Pazzi, Jacopo de Pazzi, Clarice de Orsini, Novella Foscarri, or any member of the Priori. (I am definitely also down for some AUs for him!)
Characters I would play are Jaime Lannister and Jon Snow.
For Jaime Lannister, I am looking for Cersei Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Tywin Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Robb Stark, Catelyn Stark, Elia Martell, Rhaegar Targaryen, Ned Stark, Robert Baratheon, Barristan Selmy, or any of the Kingsguard.
For Jon Snow, I am looking for any of the Starks (especially Robb, Ned, or Arya), Stannis Baratheon, any of the Wildings (especially Mance Rayder, Ygritte, or Tormund), Ser Davos, Daneyrs Targaryen or any of the Night's Watch (especially Sam, Ed, or Maester Aemon).
TRIGGER WARNINGS: i will not roleplay and they are as following: incest, graphic depictions of sexual assault of any kind (brief mentions are okay), or pedophilla. i will not tolerate any of these and will block you if you attempt to send them to me.
sorry for the long post, i just wanted to be thorough!
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alpurrtwhizkersss · 2 years
a little introduction [2023]
hey, my name’s Alpurrt, otherwise known as alpurrtwhizkersss here on Tumblr :)
i decided i’d do an introduction post because i’m thinking of starting to write on here. 
Masterlist: https://www.tumblr.com/alpurrtwhizkersss/698998070518644736/i-love-you?source=share
i’ll be writing on my own, so i don’t rely on requests but they’d be really great to recieve!
you can find my pronouns in my bio, they may change quite often so i’m not going to put them here because i can’t be bothered coming back to edit this post every week :’)
i do lots of things! my main passion is art, but i’m not sure how much of that i’ll be posting on here, so i’ll mainly be posting about my other passion, which is writing!
here’s the good bit that you all probably care about, what fandoms i write for! okay, actually, first i’m going to tell you my rules for writing:
feel free to request things using the ask box! i’ll always have in my bio whether my requests are open or closed, and i’ll try and get to requests (if i get any) as soon as i can, but since i’m currently at school they may take a while, so please be patient with me :D
I will not write:
Smut, requests concerning serious mental disorders/issues, very dark topics, anything which could insinuate a lack of consent in a relationship, other’s OCs/self-inserts, canon ships (I only write X Readers!)
I will write:
Angst, fluff, making out, hurt/comfort, injury/violence descriptions (this does not mean self harm, I’m sorry but I don’t feel comfortable writing about this topic.), X Reader write from prompts if you give me a prompt and a character, platonic!reader, familial relationship!reader (NOT ROMANTIC) and LGBT+!Reader/Ships!
If you have any questions about these rules/want to clear anything up, drop me an ask!
NOW! Fandoms I write for (With the characters!)
Star Wars:
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Poe Dameron, Finn, Rey Skywalker, Padme Amidala, Han Solo, Leia Organa-Solo, Qui-Gon Jinn, Lando Calrissian, Satine Kryze- All of the clones, I’ll really write for anyone from Star Wars, apart from Rebels- since I haven’t seen that yet! But I will update you all when I have :)
Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers, Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson, Shang Chi, Katy Chen, pretty much all of the Eternals apart from Sprite, Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Foggy Nelson, and Matt Murdock.
I will write for pretty much every X-Men character, I also write for the Fantastic 4 :)
I write for Gotham as well as other DC canons, so literally send ‘em all in, but if you want specifics:
Every Young Justice character, the entire Batfamily (Damian is questionable, depends what the request entails.), most villains apart from The Joker, most Arrowverse characters, characters from the Sandman, The Suicide Squad (2021), Peacemaker, and John Constantine. There’s probably many more I haven’t thought of, so like I said, just send them all in to me :)
Resident Evil: 
Leon S Kennedy, Ada Wong, Albert Wesker, Claire Redfield, Chris Redfield, Ethan Winters, William Birkin, Annette Birkin, Sherry Birkin, Jake Mueller, Lady Dimitrescu, Donna Beneviento, Karl Heisenberg, Rose Winters, Joseph Frost, Richard Aikens, Forest Speyer, Luis Sera, Ashley Graham.
Finally, we have some other fandoms that I write for but that aren’t my mains! I won’t be listing names of characters I write for these fandoms so just send a request in and I’ll likely do it :)
Lord Of The Rings
Star Trek
Doctor Who
His Dark Materials (I won’t write for Lyra unless she’s older)
Criminal Minds
The Lost Boys
BBC Ghosts
The Umbrella Academy
The Matrix
Final Fantasy 7
Harry Potter/Marauders
Power Rangers
Les Miserables
Nancy Drew Video Games
The Hardy Boys
Assassin’s Creed
Stranger Things
It (2017/19)
The Walking Dead
Dirk Gentley’s Holistic Detective Agency
Six of Crows
The Walking Dead
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polyamorouspunk · 2 years
1. Favorite TV show from the 80s?
2. Favorite TV show from the early 2000s?
Criminal Minds
3. Favorite TV show from the 2010s +?
Prodigal Son
4. Favorite female TV show character?
Angela Montenegro
5. Favorite male TV show character?
Malcolm Bright
6. Favorite TV show of all time?
7. If you could watch one TV show for the rest of your life what would it be?
8. Favorite TV show soundtrack?
9. Favorite guest-star appearance on a TV show?
RL Stein on Halloween Baking Championship OR Steven Amell on WWE
10. Least favorite character on favorite TV show?
Agent Perata
11. Favorite character on your favorite TV show?
12. Best cliff-hanger
Prodigal Son because it never gets resolved 😂
13. Saddest death scene?
They didn’t show it but in Bones they put down a dog she wanted to adopt
14. What TV show would you like to be a regular on?
Bones or Criminal Minds
15. What TV show would you like to guest star on?
Masked Singer
16. A show you hate to love?
Masked Singer
17. A show you love to hate?
Keeping up with the Kardashians
18. Name an episode from a show you will always remember
Hero in the Hold- Bones
19. Name an episode from a show you wish didn’t happen
The Lady of the Lake- Merlin
20. Spin-offs: yes or no?
Used to be VERY into spin-offs, mainly The Flash spin-off of Arrow, but now it just feels like a cash-grab.
21. A show you started watching but then stopped? What was the reason?
I started watching The Walking Dead right before season 10 came out but I stopped because I needed a break from all the dark vibes and switched to like a baking show or something. I meant to go back to it after that break but I didn’t, so at this point I would probably just rewatch the 8 seasons I did watch.
22. Name a show that means something to you and why
Queer Eye for obviously highlighting 4 wonderful gay men and one queen, and also because I’ve used their advice in my day-to-day life to help me feel better about myself and in my body and with my gender.
23. A show that you fine relatable to your life
Maybe Glow Up because I relate to wanting to create content and wanting to post it online and wanting to get attention for it like how a lot of them post their makeup on Instagram/TikTok
24. A show that makes you cringe
Any family show like John and Kate + 8
25. Favorite TV villain?
Martin Whitley
26. A show you will continue to rewatch over and over again?
27. Name a show that had the worst series finale, in your opinion
Can’t think of one right now
28. Favorite 80s movie?
Lost Boys
29. Favorite 90s movie?
Silence of the Lambs
30. Favorite early 2000s movie?
Treasure Planet
31. Favorite 2010s + movie?
32. Favorite movie villain?
Magneto from the new X-men series
33. Favorite male movie character?
Eddie Brock
34. Favorite female movie character?
Sally from A Nightmare Before Christmas
35. Favorite movie of all time?
Stand By Me
36. Favorite director?
Peter Jackson
37. Favorite series/saga/trilogy/etc.
X-men (both old and new)
38. Favorite universe?
Do slashers all count in the same universe?
39. Favorite comic-book movie?
40. Favorite Disney Movie?
Treasure Planet/Brother Bear
41. Favorite Pixar movie?
42. Favorite animated movie?
Anastasia/Robin Hood
43. Best voice-casting?
Casting YouTubers for things
44. A movie you can watch over and over again without getting tired?
Stand By Me
45. A movie that made you cry uncontrollably
I can’t think of any but Lord Of The Rings makes me cry usually. I’m sure there’s a war movie that’s made me cry a lot though.
46. A movie that had you laughing thoroughout
47. A movie or trailer that made you think “I HAVE to see that”?
Guardians of the Galaxy
48. Rom-coms or dramas?
49. Thrillers or comedies?
50. Horror or psychological?
51. Favorite book-turned-movie
Back in the day I think I would have happily said Harry Potter.
52. Favorite Actor?
Tom Hardy
53. Favorite Actress?
Bex Taylor-Klaus
54. In your opinion, a well-deserved Oscar win?
55. Favorite Oscar speech?
Tumblr media
56. Most memorable movie ending?
Rouge One
57. A movie death that shocked you?
Also Rouge One
58. A movie you thought was going to be good, but wasn’t?
Don’t shoot me. But Spirited Away.
59. Biggest Oscar upset?
I literally don’t give a shit about the Oscars
60. A movie you hated but everyone else loved?
I guess Spirited Away
61. Do you cry during movies?
Not if I can help it
62. Do you prefer classic movies or newer movies?
I really think it’s a case by case basis.
63. Best character casting?
Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool
64. Think of a movie you really love, how many times have you seen it?
I’ve seen Stand By Me over 10 times for sure.
65. Do you like to rewatch movies?
66. Have you ever been to a midnight screening?
Yes, Deadpool
67. Ever attended a movie premier?
68. An actor you love that nails it in both television and film?
Tom Hardy
69. Actress you love that nails it in both television and film?
I don’t know if I’ve seen any of Bex’s movies tbh but I know they are in at least one horror film on Netflix
70. Why is your favorite movie your favorite movie?
Honestly I couldn’t tell you other than it has Corey Feldman in it.
71. Movies based on real life/facts or made-up stories?
Going to say movies based on real life, specially war movies.
72. Favorite movie genera?
Viral outbreak movies
73. A movie that made you feel proud?
74. A movie that scared you/made you paranoid
Monster’s Inc.
75. Indoor movie theater or outside drive in?
Indoor movie theater because I’m near-sighted and it’s a lot easier for me to see the screen
76. Are you a snacker/drinker during movies?
Yes, only because my mom offers to buy me candy for movies and I’m not going to turn down free candy. If I’m going by myself no.
77. Where in a theater do you prefer to sit?
78. If you could have a role in any movie ever made, what role would it be?
I think playing Jean Grey in the new movies would be fun
79. An underrated movie
October Sky
80. Overrated movie
Avengers Endgame
81. Movie you felt attached to after watching it
Probably Venom again
82. A movie that was relatable to you and your life
I don’t really watch relatable movies?
83. Name a movie that made you go “wow” after it
84. Action-packed or lots of dialogue
Action-packed to a certain degree
85. Fantasy movies or normal life movies?
Possible in extreme scenarios movies
86. Have you ever walked out of a movie theater mid movie?
87. Worst movie experience?
So my library used to hold movie nights and every movies she picked for us was on par, it was mostly Marvel, Harry Potter, Star Wars, things like that. But one night she put on some movie and it was SO BAD we came and got her and begged her to turn it off. It got sexual REAL quick and we were middle/high schoolers and HIGHLY uncomfortable.
88. Have you ever spoiled a movie for someone by accident?
I left a discord server because mods told me I had to spoiler talking about Avengers Infinity War 2 years after it came out. 2 years. Because some people hadn’t watched it and didn’t want spoilers. If you haven’t seen it 2 years later that’s on you. Deal.
89. Ever spoiled a movie for someone on purpose?
Probably but not one they were going to see
90. A movie that made you feel all the feels?
Maybe the original Avengers when it came out.
91. Pick a movie, any movie. Now tell your favorite scene.
X-Files movie Mulder/Scully kiss
92. Perfect movie length?
1 hour and 45 minutes
93. Do you get bored easily during movies?
94. Worst acting you’ve ever seen in a movie?
Jupiter Ascending, but to be fair the whole movie was bad the acting was just part of poor writing partially I think
95. Can you think of a movie where one scene ruined the whole thing?
It doesn’t ruin the movie but because I’m somewhat sex-repulsed I’m not a huge fan of the sex scenes in American Psycho and I would watch it more if not for that.
96. Are you a “Tommy-texter” during movies or a “shhhing Susan”?
What the fuck does this even mean. If I’m at home with my mom sure I’ll text and so will she but if I’m at the movies I won’t but I’m also not going to shush people I have anxiety. If I’m watching movies with friends we’ll talk during it.
97. Think of a positive movie experience you will never forget
Watching movies with my friends at the library
98. A movie or performance you thought deserved an Oscar?
Tom Hardy in Venom.
99. Best movie soundtrack?
Stand By Me
100. A block-buster movie that deserved all the hype and more?
The original Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Venom, and Deadpool
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