#harry potter ss
livingtobethevillain · 2 months
Your "Always"
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My "Always"
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alisadraws · 9 months
Moonlight Solstice [Comic]
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Done for the p&p holiday prompt fest '23
"At Stonehenge during the Midwinter Solstice two peoples wishes come true"
I had a lot of fun doing this! It's not perfect but it's done and I loved the process of making a comic <3 I hope you all like it! Uploading here for better quality, but do give the Ao3 post your love too!
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a10ttion · 1 month
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💫﹐harry potter icons ! ★ lιkᥱ or rᥱbᥣ᥆g. 𖹭
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dark-tides-dungeon · 2 months
A Solitary Man - 27/34
In which the slowest burn I’ve ever written finally earns it’s ‘E’ rating 🙈
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rewritingcanon · 7 months
what exactly has jkr said that's bigoted? word for word, not just something you heard from someone else?
just look what shes posted on her twitter in the last 24 hours u fucking nark
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now i can hold ur hand and explain to you why these statements are phrased in hateful transphobia but u seem like u dont care so 👍
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acydpop · 1 year
Breaking News: The Headmaster of Hogwarts and the Wizarding World's Darling arrested for Indecent Exposure
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[ID/ An illustration of Harry Potter and Severus Snape getting their mug shots. Harry is on the left, looking shocked and dishevelled, as he holds a sign reading "Potter" with both hands. Harry has a couple of hickeys on his neck. Severus is on the right with a shit-eating grin as he holds up a sign reading "Snape" with his right hand. /end ID]
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ultraemwatson · 1 year
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harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone | 2001
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sybill-the-seer · 2 years
Counting down the days to Hogwarts, and deciding on a name for his new owl
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charlotterhea · 9 months
I wrote a story for the Potions & Parchment Holiday Prompt Fest 2023 and today is the day it finally got revealed. (Me? Impatient? Don't know what you're talking about... 😅)
When the damaged west wing of Hogwarts takes its toll on the wards, Severus has to realise that there's nothing that can be done about it anymore. The wards will crumble and since he is the Headmaster, they will kill him in the process. Hermione, however, is not ready to give up like that.
It's not as Christmas-y as it probably should have been but eh, it's written by me, what did you expect? 🤪
And now I'll take a look at the other stories, all of the prompts sounded amazing and I need some Snamione Christmas fun... ^^
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harryjpotter-shitpost · 3 months
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So I don’t know if this is common knowledge but has anyone noticed that the newscaster from the first chapter of the philosopher stone book is Ted Tonks?
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ka-phooey · 1 year
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I'll make a info post abt him in a bit but LOOK 😭😭😭😭😭
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Feel free to friend req me btw hfueufhehjsia
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me when vince ^
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knottgrass · 5 days
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My favorite professor and mentor, Eleazar Fig.
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chipartwork · 1 year
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Memento Vivere: an HP/SS Discord!
Memento Vivere is an open Discord server for fans of the Girl-Who-Lived/Severus Snape, otherwise known as HPSS, Snarry, Snarriet, and even R.M.S. Illegal Substances. It is an inclusive space for all creators and supporters—artists, writers, fans, and more!
The server was made in hopes of creating a community for everyone interested in fem!HP/SS, but is open to anyone who wishes to join, whether it is to discuss fem!Harry, Severus, or just Harry Potter in general.
Join the server to discuss and discover theories, fanfiction, and art or hang out and chat about whatever strikes your fancy.
If you're 16+, join by clicking here!
Thank you to zeiame for allowing us to use their art!
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gloves94 · 2 years
1891 [Sebastian Sallow] 1
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Sebastian Sallow stands accused of the murder of his uncle. With no family or friends, Georgeanna "George" Thomas, is the only one that has not given up on him. George is determined to prove Sebastian is innocent. But what happens when Sebastian's trial turns him into a national sensation? Will George be able to prove Sebastian's innocence and save him from life in Azkaban?
The Daily Prophet
Thursday, June 4, 1891
Hogwarts Student Murderer?
Hogwarts Student at Trial for Murder of Former Auror
By: Oleander Prince
A Hogwarts 5th-year student by the name of Sebastian Sallow stands accused of murdering his only uncle, retired Auror Salomon Sallow. The accuser and main witness that has come forward to report this heinous crime is none other than his twin sister, Anne Sallow.
Ms. Sallow stated in an official report that Sebastian Sallow in fact used the unforgivable killing curse on their uncle. In the statement, Ms. Sallow wrote the intention behind Sebastian Sallow's malevolent actions root from the "obsessive pursuit of the Dark Arts." The accused, Sebastian Sallow, is currently being retained at the Ministry of Magic's withholding cells. Sallow is to be tried on Thursday, June 25 of this year.
You can read a touching memoir about the life of Salomon Sallow and his service to our world as a seasoned Auror, including a few words from our Minister of Magic, Faris Spavin, in the Obituary section.
"Absolutely preposterous!" I folded up the newspaper and slammed it on the counter. Ominis Gaunt's eyes were frozen on my face with a blank stare. I wish Ominis could read this trash himself. I wish he could see the stupid photograph they had chosen for Sebastian.
I saw him take in a deep breath. He brought a porcelain cup of tea to his lips and exhaled after drinking the hot substance. "I did what I could to keep Anne quiet," he said quietly without a hint of remorse.
'Really?' I wanted to say. 'Did you even try?' I wanted to scream at him.
"He might go to Azkaban! How can you be so apathetic? Did you not hear me? Ominis, he's your best friend!"
The thought of Sebastian sitting isolated in a cold, wet cell while Ominis and I sat comfortably in the warmth of his family's lavish parlor room haunted me.
"Was," he corrected coldly. "Was my best friend. Frankly, I have no interest in ever seeing Sebastian Sallow again in my lifetime."
I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. A house elf nudged at my side and raised a dish with a freshly baked croissant. I waved my hand dismissively at the elf. I was too riled up to think about eating or anything else really.
"Ominis…" I gave him a pleading look. Maybe he couldn't see it due to his blindness but maybe he could hear the pleading in my voice.
"This is your fault, George." He said sharply. "You encouraged this. You enabled him to pursue the Dark Arts. And all for what? You see what you've caused!"
"What I've caused?" I repeated. I could not believe what he was saying. His words wounded me. Again, the house elf pushed the tray to my face. Without thinking- I slapped the plate out of my face making the elf flinch. The loud crashing sound of fine porcelain shattering made Ominis head turn in its direction. "So you're saying this is my fault?" I rose to my feet.
"Unbelievable…" I chuckled while gathering my belongings.
"Everything Sebastian did.. Everything was for Anne! The only thing he wants more badly than anything in the world is to cure his sister and this is the treatment he gets?" I licked my lips shaking my head. "You know what Ominis? He would've done the same and more for you. He loves you. He sees you as his brother. He trusted you!" My voice cracked at the end.
It was silent between us. Ominis's expression was unreadable. The only sound in the large room was the poor house elf cleaning up the pasty on the floor and the pieces of broken porcelain. Poor thing, I immediately regretted taking out my anger on him. I raised my wand and cast a silent reparo to help him. The elf looked at me with large fearful eyes, I lowered my head apologetically before turning to Ominis.
"Goodbye Ominis," I said, void of any emotion as I strolled out of the parlor room, down the hallway, and ducked past the large wooden door dodging one of his older brothers. His brother glared at me as I skulked past.
I could hear Ominis calling my name as I left. I hoped never to have to speak to Ominis Gaunt again.
I apparated in London. Smog covered the sad gray skies, and countless carriages, and men on horses were dragged by the crowded city. The Elizabeth Tower stood a stark contrast to the layout of the grand city.
It smelled like sewage. A muggle bumped into me. "Oi! Watch it!" He sneered.
I shot him an ugly look, he had no idea who he was talking to. I explored the city, trying to smooth my anger. I could not believe that nerve Ominis had, let alone Anne, turning in her brother like that - after everything he'd done for her! Unbelievable!
Sometime later, I entered the Ministry of Magic for the first time. It was a subterranean hallway with emerald green brick and dim lights. It almost reminded me of the Slytherin Common Room. Dozens of witches and wizards passed by dictating notes to enchanted pens or looking at their pocket watches. It was just as busy here as it was in the muggle world.
I found it intimidating being in the Ministry of Magic. This was the pinnacle of government and rules that dominated the Wizarding World. Everyone around me was also extremely well-dressed. I had done my best to put together my best ropes to visit the Gaunt Manor, but it paled in comparison to Ominis robes or other wizards surrounding me.
After asking a woman sitting at an information desk for guidance, I made my way down several pairs of stairs until I reached the area were
Dodging by the passerby I made my way down the stairs to an austere corridor. There was a locked door and a miserable-looking woman sitting behind a desk that I just knew had complete authority over who or what made it past that heavy-looking door. No doubt where the holding cells would be.
"Hello Ms…" I began with as much charisma as I could muster under these circumstances. "Pinch." I read her name tag.
Ms. Pinch looked at me with heavy-lidded eyes, a bored expression on her tired face.
"I'm here to visit a- prisoner?" Sebastian wasn't a prisoner but I couldn't think of the appropriate word. She didn't bother correcting me.
"Only family or next of kin are allowed to visit the withholding cells strictly during visiting hours."
I opened my mouth but she didn't stop speaking.
"If you're here to pay bail you must have a money order from Gringotts of the exact amount that was posted. The order must be made in the legal name of the trial or convicted offender. No pet names, it must be the birth name and surname. No exceptions.." She raised two fingers in between which she held a sickly long cigarette.
"I'm here to visit- my brother." I lied. "Sallow, Sebastian Sallow."
Pinch raised an irritated eyebrow. "Surely you brought identification Ms. Sallow?"
After an unsuccessful performance that did not convince Ms. Pinch I was Anne Sallow, I was now standing outside of the door from the holding cell. My hand sank into my pocket, I held my wand tightly as I debated if I should use the imperio curse on Ms. Pinch. Just how far was I willing to go Sebastian? But using an unforgivable curse inside the Ministry of Magic… No, I couldn't, it was too risky.
I thought of Sebastian… He was completely alone. Isolated from the world. No family or friends to support him. All of this could've been avoided… All of this was in self-defense. I was there. I had seen him defend us from his uncle's wrath! If Sebastian hadn't done anything neither of us would've made it out of that cave.
"Muggle-Fucking-Troll-Shit.." I cursed angrily and hit the wall with my closed fist.
"Woah, language! Language!" A familiar voice interrupted with a scolding tone. I turned to see someone holding a tower of leather binders with airplane-folded papers hovering over. The binders and documents hid the tall person's face.
"Wait- Georgeanna, is that you?" Garreth Weasley poked from behind the tower of binders.
Garreth's red hair, freckled face, and mischievous smile were unmistakable as he poked his cheeky face from behind the tower of documents.
"Garreth? What are you doing here?" I asked completely taken aback by his presence. "I should be asking you the same question."
I shot him a hostile look. Had Ominis sent him to stop me? Was he reporting on Sebastian's detainment? I thought suspiciously.
"I work here," He explained. "Figured it was a good way to make some extra galleons over the summer holiday. Let's me afford more rare ingredients for my potions."
Merlin. I feared whatever it was that Garreth was experimenting with nowadays. The Gryffindor should not be allowed near any type of cauldron. "Aunt got me the job." He finished explaining with the smile he often wore.
I realized he was looking at me expecting my answer. After all, this was how conversations worked.
"I'm here to see Sebastian. Or at least try to." I sighed, my shoulders slumping in defeat.
"I see." Was all he said. Garreth tried to keep his tone neutral but I could see his distaste as the edge of his mouth turned down with distaste.
Garreth eyed the door behind me. "Real charmer ain't she? Ms. Pinch." He huffed sarcastically. "I've seen a boggart show more emotion. That is what working for the Ministry for 30 years does to a person." He joked. I couldn't help but laugh lightly.
"Even the hero of Hogwarts couldn't make it past Pinch." He clicked his tongue. "Tell you something," Garreth began. I could immediately see his eyes narrow making him resemble a fox. No doubt he was hatching a sly plan in his twisted imagination. "I'll do my best to help you get past Pinch."
My face lit up.
"However-" Garreth raised a finger still struggling to balance the tower of binders. "You owe me one."
I couldn't thank Garreth enough. "Follow my lead. You have your wand?"
I used evanesco and slowly followed after Garreth as he entered past the door to the holding cells. "Good Morning Ms. Pinch!" He said loudly as he wobbled in. "You sure are looking fine this morning ma'am." He flirted with the older woman. Ms. Pinche didn't spare a smile, she shot Weasley a glare. How could she not even smile back at Garreth? I wondered.
"It's you again." She crooned bitterly. "The errand boy." She said in disgust, sounding almost as if she had a personal vendetta against the Weasley. She waved her wand and the heavy door next to her desk opened wide. Slowly, still under the charm of the evanesco spell, trusting I was invisible I followed behind Garreth.
"Not for long. One day I'll be the Head of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes."
"I highly doubt that," Pinch said in her raspy voice after taking a drag from her cigarette.
I highly doubted that too. If anything Garreth was the one causing the magical accidents and catastrophes.
Garreth let out a laugh. As he turned to face Ms. Pinch, he stumbled on the back of his shoe falling face forward dumping the tower of leather binders, folders, and paper on top of Pinch and all around her desk. "Oh, Merlin. I am so sorry!" Garreth said insincerely, he turned back to look at my silhouette and pointed his head toward the end of the corridor. With his cue, I scurried away barely dodging a security guard.
I scurried past the corridor looking into the bars of the cells on the floor but Sebastian wasn't in any of them. All of the holding cells were pretty much the same. A small table with a water pitcher, a bowl, a rusty chamber pot, and a torn mattress on the floor. Descending down yet another pair of stairs I continued looking for my friend until I reached the end of the cells.
There he was. The last cell on the left.
Sebastian Sallow was sitting on the cement floor as I had never seen him before. His arms were propped on his knees. His expression was crestfallen and his eyes bored into the floor. His hair was unkempt, clothes were torn and dirty no doubt from the struggle to get him in here. He was miserable. I could see dampness and mold seeping from the ceiling, the old cell bars were rusty and there were no windows.
"Sebastian," I said quietly from a crouching position. He didn't react. "Sebastian!" I said his name a little louder. He turned his head in my direction and I revealed myself to him with a disenchantment.
It took him a moment to realize I was standing outside of his cell. That I was real. That I was here in the flesh. That I was here for him.
"George!" He exclaimed. He moved faster than I'd ever seen him before crawling toward me. "George! By Merlin, I'm so happy to see you!" His smile was so wide. Despite his momentary joy, I could still note the dark circles underneath his eyes... I couldn't help but wonder when had been the last time he slept or smiled. What were they feeding him in this place?
"Sebastian…" My hands tightened around the bars. My knees gave and I collapsed into a sitting position. It had been such a long time since I felt this powerless.
Why was the only thing I could manage to say his name? "Oh, Sebastian." Tears started to stream down my face. "I can't believe you're in here." I cried trying to wipe the rivers off my face with the back of my sleeve. "It-It isn't fair!"
"Hey," He knelt in front of me. Despite his circumstances, his voice was calm, he sounded collected. "Hey, don't cry." He whispered in a comforting tone. "Don't cry," He repeated with so much care. Why was he the one comforting me? He had already been through enough and now he felt responsible for my emotions. His hands reached for my face and he held it for a moment. I could feel his thumb caressed my cheek and wipe away a stray tear.
I looked at him and suddenly felt embarrassed at our closeness at my behavior. My heart began thumping in my chest.
Sebastian's honey colored eyes were still kind. He was still my right-hand man. My best friend. His uncle's death had changed everything but not him. He held my face for a moment. "I knew you would come." I could hear the sincerity in his soft words.
He let go of my face and placed a hand on my arm, another over my hand that was tightly gripping the bar. His hand felt warm over mine. I couldn't help but turn and hold it tightly in mine.
"You were in the Daily Prophet this morning. They've made you off to be a Dark Wizard, your uncle a saint." I spat bitterly. "And Anne-" I choked on my words. "After everything you've done for her." I shook my head. I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from cursing Anne Sallow's name.
"Figures," Sebastian said calmly. "Nothing new there, the Daily Prophet glamorizing a story to turn a profit. Did they at least use a good photo of me?"
I wanted to punch him. This was no time for jokes.
"Sebastian. I'm going to get you out of here." I looked at him intensely. I squeezed his hand. "My family is not rich but I'll find a way. I'm going to get you out of here no matter what. Prove your innocence."
"What about Ominis?" Sebastian asked and my heart sank. How could I even begin to explain to him that Ominis wanted nothing to do with him in the absolute. I think he could tell by the desolate look on my face.
"Who's there?" A deep voice interrupted. It was time to go. I jumped to my feet. Sebastian still held my hand tightly in his. His body pressed against the bars pulling me close. The only space between us being the dividing cold metal.
"George. Promise me." He whispered. "Promise me that you'll write."
I don't think I had ever been so close to Sebastian Sallow. I looked into his brown eyes breathlessly. It pained me to see him like this. To see him behind bars, trapped like a rat, and being treated worse than the scum of the street.
"I promise you, Sebastian." I swore to him with every fiber of my being. "One way or another, I'm getting you out of here."
Chapter 2: Coming soon...
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dark-tides-dungeon · 5 months
Actually obsessed with this sevmione fanart from the incredibly talented Daniela!
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Posted with permission! You can check out her other works here: https://www.instagram.com/daniela_rencova_art?igsh=MWU1MGt0dmc4cm5mZQ==
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siriuslygay1981 · 1 year
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