#harry raises teddy
sitp-recs · 9 months
Hello! I really like your recommendations and I wanted to ask you: do you know any drarry fics where Harry raises Teddy?
Thank you, I’m happy you like the recs! I don’t usually read kid fics but I actually got a few recs for you. Haven’t read A Big Black Sky by alexmeg but I reckon it explores this trope. Also, Guest at Grimmauld by @caroll-in is a fantastic comic! Finally, I’d suggest checking this rec list by @thedrarrylibrarian. Enjoy :)
Our Ordinary Days by Lomonaaeren (M, 8k)
Two men, both fathers of sons, meet in a bookshop. And the rest is the kind of history that doesn't make history.
a convergence of inks by Booktopus (E, 21k)
It's taken two years, but Draco has finally perfected a replacement for Wolfsbane. He is overjoyed when Lavender, his initial test subject, reports her transformation as less painful, less stressful, and easier to recover from. Despite these obvious improvements, the request for a Ministry trial of the new formula goes poorly when a disgruntled director cannot see past Draco’s last name.
The Ties that Bind by phoenix_writing (NR, 60k)
Upon Andromeda's death, Harry and Draco are given custody of Teddy. Their lives will never be the same again.
Soup-pocalypse and The Great Curry Cataclysm by SquadOfCats (E, 104k)
Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
Other fics in which Harry is very much involved:
Harry Potter and the Werewolf Consultant by 0idontknow0 (E, 15k)
After Teddy transforms into a werewolf for the first time Harry and Andromeda don’t know what to do. They consult an adult werewolf to help Teddy adjust and that werewolf turns out to be one Draco Malfoy.
The Stars Above Us by create_serenity (M, 19k)
It started as an innocent day out taking Teddy to visit the local observatory. Somehow it became so much more.
Us, in Lieu by Tepre (E, 30k)
Teddy needs help and Harry needs funding. Draco sits in the other room and plays the piano.
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rockingrobin69 · 11 months
It was the hottest Saturday in July and Teddy had been climbing the actual walls before Harry broke and said, “Okay, okay, to the park then.”
(The wall thing was new. Ron said it was quite ‘Spider-Lad’ of him; Hermione laughed so hard she kinked her neck. Teddy’s magic, still so new and boundaryless, often manifested in ways that were either literal, or just plain wild).
And so to the park they went. To ride the stupid ‘pirate ship’ (“just one more time!”) and chase after dogs (“Teddy, no, it’s their ball!”) and get ice cream (“Please please please Uncle Harry”). Harry was, at his core, a big softie, and for Teddy all the more; so, yes, he located the nearest stand, and marched to take his place in the queue with all the resolve of a godfather on a mission.
Waited a veritable ever with Teddy’s order on repeat in his mind (chocolate with strawberry syrup, chocolate with strawberry syrup) until he was face to face with the ice cream display and—oh no, he felt faint.
Draco Malfoy should not be allowed to wear magenta.
Not because he looked bad, per-se (he looked ridiculous, like, fuck-me, ridiculous. With the hat, magenta, and the uniform, magenta, with his hair and his nose ring and a thick black choker). Mostly because the effect was a bit much, and Harry lost his ability to form speech when grey eyes finally deigned to grace him with a look.
“What can I get you, Sir?”
Blinked and blinked and sweated and blinked. “Malfoy,” Harry tried. “It’s me.”
“Indeed. So, ice cream, or…?”
Like a kick to the shin. “What? It’s—what are you even—it’s me. Harry Potter. Your, er, I mean, what are you doing selling ice cream in my park?”
One pierced eyebrow hitched. “My apologies. I wasn’t aware they’d made it your park.” With an overly-dramatic huff: “am I still allowed to work here, Mr. Potter?”
“What?” was really all he could give.
“Tell you what. Why don’t you order your ice cream, I’ll get it for you, and even refrain from spitting in it, as a personal favour. Then off you go on your merry little way and maybe get a new shirt because, sorry to say, but this one is painful on the eyes.”
“This shirt is painful on the eyes?” Harry growled, pointing at the magenta uniform, the magenta hat, the magenta backdrop of the cart.
“You’re right. Probably not the shirt. The face attached to it seems to be the problem. Now, Potter, there are people behind you, and it’s hot as fuck, so. Ice cream or sod off?”
For the longest moment he considered sodding off, but Teddy was sitting on that bench and looking very hopeful, and—charming little bubbles in rainbow colours all around him? Shit. “Erm, chocolate with raspberry syrup. Please.”
“Always were a man of high tastes,” Malfoy smirked, but he gave Harry a couple of scoops and a generous dousing of syrup, then charged him something exorbitant, then winked. Harry—had no time to deal with this.
Running back to Teddy (“hey, buddy, so, those bubbles, are you making them on purpose or…?”) with an already-dripping ice cream cone and a strange, swooping feeling in his belly (not hunger). By the time he’d spelled Ted’s hands clean, he already forgot about Malfoy and the whole thing.
Only remembered that night after bedtime. The back of his eyes when he shut them shone oddly magenta.
Went to the park the following week without Teddy (spending some time with Remus’s cousin). On his own, in a fairly-nice shirt and smart shoes. Not because, erm, just, he had to make sure. Right? Had to make sure.
The cart wasn’t where Harry’d seen it last week. Possibly he imagined the whole thing? He was overheated and terribly sleep-deprived. But on his way back to the car park, a different ice cream stand, where the staff seemed to be dressed in neon-green, and one of them was flipping Harry off.
Oh. It felt just like that in his chest: an oh. There he was.
Marched over with wholesome indignation, fist ready for the shaking. But Malfoy stepped out of the cart, leaning in its shadow. “Back for another go? We’ve got a new apple-kiwi flavour.”
“What happened to the,” big hand gesture, “magenta place?”
“Hmm? It’s still there. I just think green’s more my colour,” head titled back, long throat bare. “What do you want, Potter? Don’t tell me you came here for ice cream.”
“What if I did?” asked Harry, who didn’t.
Malfoy sighed. His eyes opened, large and startling. “Then I’d recommend you get in the queue and leave me the fuck alone.”
“And—” hand reaching out to stop him, no, Malfoy can’t leave, that’s not how this worked, “and what if it wasn’t ice cream I came for?”
“Then you need to make a decision. If it’s a brawl you want, you’d have to wait till after my shift. If it’s—something else,” suddenly he was very close, huffing warm breath on Harry’s face, “then you should really get here earlier.”
“What? Why?” paralysed by the proximity, buzzing on Malfoy’s sharp smell, apple and citrus and—kiwi?
“Potter, this is the ice-cream world. First come, first serve.” And he was off, back to the cart with his choker and his arse, for which such tight trousers should be made fucking illegal. Put his arm around his coworker, winked again. Harry didn’t like it, didn’t know what to do with the whole thing, with any of it. Took himself back home and sulked at the walls until too late at night.
Decided. It was even fairly easy. Fell asleep and dreamed of a forest, of the sea.
Continue reading on Ao3 - or below the cut
“Brawl,” he announced when he finally found Malfoy, now wearing all yellow. “I want a brawl. You need to be punched, and I could take a few kicks, I reckon. Let’s brawl.”
“Hurray,” Malfoy smiled. “I finish at six. Meet me behind the pirate ship. And, Potter, you should probably wear something a little less nice if fisticuffs is what you’re going for.”
Not grinning (Malfoy thinks his shirt is nice?) Harry went back home, made lunch for Teddy, dreamed a little with his eyes open. Cleaned the debris of the cabinet Ted’s magic accidentally exploded, releasing candy flying everywhere, changed into joggers and a tee.
“Where are you going, again?” asked Ron, who came by to babysit. He settled down in the living room with a hand on the remote and the other around a huge bowl of popcorn.
“Nowhere special. Just a little walk in the park or something. Going to watch the new Spider-Lad?”
“Paw Patrol!” Teddy exclaimed, his whole face a toothless grin.
Ron rolled his eyes. “Paw Patrol? Again? Teddy, there’s a whole world of cinematic goodness for us to discover, and Auntie Hermione still thinks I’m full of it but there are whole films about animals who can talk!”
“Full of it,” Harry said.
“Shut up, mate, I’m serious! What do you say, Ted? A lion that can sing, or those pup detectives again?”
“Paw Patrol!”
“Okay. Paw Patrol it is.” A desolate, commiserating look to Harry: “Honestly, what is it tonight? You can’t stop smiling.”
“Nothing, nothing, I promise.” Nearly ran to the park, was there well before half-five, antsy and giddy and nervous. Walked around and around in circles, oblivious to the kids and families and shouts from the pirate ship. To anything that wasn’t—
Malfoy appeared, still in yellow, making him look slightly sallow and lanky. Coming closer. Harry’s heart was rioting in his chest, was going to deafen him.
“You came,” Malfoy said. He looked pleased. It was shaded behind the ride, a grassy area empty of trees. Malfoy dropped his backpack to the ground, pulled something out of it. Still crouched: “Do you want to count us down, or…?”
“Erm. Sure.” Harry’s never really done it like this before. Scheduled like a play-date or something. Malfoy was still on his knees near the bag. “Three… two… one?”
What attacked him was too soft and too cold to be hands—oh, Malfoy just dumped ice cream on his head, quickly melting into his hair, sticky down his throat, under his shirt. Tongue darting out to taste it: yuck, lemon.
“Bastard!” Harry cried, half-blinded with the soft substance, lunging at him with his eyes closed: “come here, you fucking, arsehole, let me,” found Malfoy’s hair and pulled. “You think this is funny?”
“Ow, ah, ha ha,” fucker, he really did, folded nearly in two in Harry’s arms, “it, gods, just too much—”
“Yeah? How would you like it if I,” scooping a dollop out of his hair and shoving it in the general area of Malfoy’s face, hopefully where the choking sounds were coming out of.
“Potter, stop, stop, I can’t,” laughing like a maniac, not even trying to kick Harry off. “Potter!”
Harry somehow managed to shove them both to the grass, where they’d started rolling, sticky and covered in horrible melting cream, both of them swimming in it, both of them laughing. “You’re such a git,” smearing as much as he could on Malfoy’s face, on his uniform, on his neck. Climbed atop him and pinned him down, laughing, laughing.
“You,” Malfoy sputtered, “P-otter, ha, I can’t, ow, ah—”
“Am I hurting you?” asked Harry, who only earlier today planned on punching him. Slid on top of Malfoy’s slimy clothes until he had one sticky cheek in his hand. “Malfoy, are you okay?”
He was still laughing. “Is this,” his chest heaving, “is this what you, ha, wanted?”
“No,” empathetically, laughing too. “You’re a lunatic. It’s—grand.”
“Honestly, when you came and, haha, brawl, I couldn’t—” wiping his eyes, it must sting, all this melted ice cream where it really shouldn’t be. “Ow, this was a terrible idea.”
Harry didn’t know if he agreed. Sticking his pinkie finger in the welling of liquid gathered under Malfoy’s collarbone, bringing it to his lips: “It’s actually not that bad.”
“Hmm?” looking up at Harry, those bright eyes. “Yes?”
“Here, have some.” It was half surprising, how gentle his finger was, tracing Malfoy’s bottom lip till it opened. How carefully he fed Malfoy his own ice cream. Half a surprise and half… not.
Malfoy licked his lips, made Harry’s whole body shiver. “Mm. Not the best. Come back tomorrow and I’d give you something really nice.”
“Can it maybe come in a cone?” this hopeful thing igniting in his belly. “You know, like normal ice cream?”
Malfoy was still laughing. Harry could feel it between his knees, where Malfoy’s ribs were shaking. “Sure. In a cone. You chicken.”
“I’m the—” incensed, Harry leaned down to swipe a big lick from Malfoy’s neckline all the way to his jaw. It tasted awful and slightly electrifying. Forgetting all about the rebuke, Harry did it again.
“Po—Potter,” a moan, when Harry sucked the salty-sweet skin. “Potter!”
“Sweet,” Harry said nonsensically. “You—it’s sweet.”
His smile, when it stretched in yucky, sticky lines on his face. Made Harry’s chest sort of spark. “I can be sweet, too. Just you wait.”
When he kissed him, he tasted like lemons.
The next day Teddy accidentally grew a tail and two ears while arguing another rewatch of Paw Patrol. The nice witch from Mungo’s said it was no issue, that they would probably spell off in a day or two. Gave them a very odd-looking hat and advised them to go out and enjoy this brilliant, sunny day.
What else could they do, then, but go to the park?
Walked around and around, rode the pirate ship three times, searched in every ice cream stand until, by total accident: “Potter,” with a tilt of his head. All in blue, a truly unfair sight. “And his little monkey, too.”
“I’m a pup!” Teddy shouted, running towards him. “Paw Patrol!”
“Indeed,” Malfoy agreed with a strange smile. “It’s good to meet you, Edward. I’m—”
“Draco Malfoy!” Teddy already knew? Somehow? “Uncle Harry talks about you all the—”
“Ha ha,” covering the whole little face with his hand, “he’s joking, of course. No, I, erm, probably told him a thing or two about the—ice cream, or something. Teddy, do you want some ice cream?”
“Mm-hmm!” from behind Harry’s hand. Pointing at a flavour that didn’t look much like anything, a blue blurb. 
Malfoy nodded, considering. “Excellent choice, young pup sir. Blueberry bubble-gum, coming right up. And for the gentleman?”
Teddy pointed at something that looked even less like it should be edible. Malfoy’s devilish grin told him he was correct in that assessment. “Hmm. Naturally, naturally. In fact, and if I might add—sprinkles?”
Ted started jumping up and down. His hat shifted slightly, showing what now were—
“Oh my,” Malfoy covered his own mouth, and what turned out to be laughter, “blue ears, Edward? That’s not something you see every day.”
Teddy came forward to watch how Malfoy scooped up the ice cream with the big spoon, eyes round. “Can I do that?” he turned to Harry. “Please, please, can I—”
“Why not? Hop in. I’ll show you how to do it so even your Uncle Harry is impressed.” And he guided Teddy’s hand to scoop up Harry’s ice cream, in what had to be at least twenty different health-code violations. “Do you want to do the sprinkles too?”
Was how they all ended up covered in sprinkles, and Malfoy closed off the stand (“smoking break, something, whatever,”) and they took a walk around the park till they found a slightly shaded area.
It really was a brilliant day. Teddy was happy enough even with the weird, itchy hat, and Malfoy was—bright blue. This thing melting in Harry’s chest felt uncomfortably close to ice cream.
On his lunch break the next day, Malfoy was wearing orange. He wondered if it was his ice-cream business, and he’s the one who changed colour every day; or if there truly were so many rivalling stands, each with their own theme. It didn’t matter. None of it did, besides for Malfoy’s lips, which stretched into a smile, and his eyes, crinkling with it too, and his hands, reaching out for Harry.
“So?” he asked when Harry was close enough to take one. “Did I pass. The test. The—dogged deliberation.”
“What are you talking about?” Harry laughed, pulled him closer.
“Teddy, of course! You brought him as your expert judge, I expect. What did he say? Am I allowed to do this?” brought Harry’s hand to his mouth, kissed it. “And, this?” pinched his side painfully.
“Ow! Bastard! I didn’t—Teddy was just off because of the whole, ear thing. I didn’t bring him to judge you or whatever.”
“So why did you come here?” eyebrow rising, rising. With that piercing that made Harry want to lick it. “I mean, there are many other things you could do on a day off, but you keep coming—here.”
“This is my park,” Harry reminded him gently. Malfoy scoffed, turned his face away. “Hey—”
“No, no, you’re right. Your park. I suppose that makes me your employee? Kinky shit, Sir.”
“Malfoy.” Tugged his chin up, made him look. “I keep coming here because I like you. Because you’re deranged and I don’t get you half the time and I like you. Is that enough, or do you want the whole song and dance?”
This half-smile he kept chewing on springing loose. “Ooh, there’s a dance?”
Harry kissed him, helpless with it. “You’re such an arsehole,” into his neck, and today Malfoy smelled like orange blossom and like mango, something addictive and crushing, unbearable. “How do you even,” inhaling deep, deep, “do this?”
“Magic, of course,” Malfoy laughed, and kissed him back.
The problem was it was magic. The problem was Harry couldn’t get enough. The main problem was, he couldn’t remember why that was a problem.
The next day he couldn’t go to the park again (something about staying an hour past his lunch break? Something about barely showing up to work in a week. Something about being an adult and having responsibilities, something silly). Harry texted the number Malfoy gave him, which might have been a joke, or a hoax, didn’t hope for much.
Got a reply a little too quickly. A photo of an ice cream stand, all in pink. Then an emoji with the tongue sticking out. Harry thought: this man is mad, and I might be head over heels for him. Smiled into his coffee cup and thought about what to cook for Teddy tonight. Maybe he’d invite Malfoy over? Maybe it could be a thing. God, could he make it a thing, could he build something out of it, this colourful whirlwind of a spark?
Closed his eyes: everything was pink, like a mouth puckered for a kiss, like cartoon hearts. Decided, and it was even fairly easy.
“You have to try the lavender.”
“Yes, Uncle Harry, try it, try it!”
Harry rolled his eyes, prayed for mercy. “Awfully suspicious, the two of you are being.”
“What! Teddington, I think your uncle just insulted us. Show him how we feel about that.” Teddy tried to pout, but he was smiling too much. “Very good. Now, come on, Harry, we made it especially for you!”
It was purple. The whole cart, the whole world, behind his eyelids and the silly suit Malfoy was wearing. Harry opened his mouth and let them stick a spoon in. Swallowed: lavender. Oddly nice, just a little sweet, just the way he liked it.
“You both are,” Harry tried, couldn’t find the word. Mad and brilliant and purple. “Ach, come here.” Wrapping his arms around all the sticky limbs he could find, this rumbling in his chest still, to this day, close to toppling him over.
It was very colourful, being alive.
In the distance Ted’s bubbles were distinctly purple, too. 
For the brilliant @purplehotmess who gave me such a sweet prompt! 
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oxydiane · 2 years
headcanon that after the war lee jordan carries out potterwatch as a like, silly little thing to make everyone smile because now he’s just alerting about the stupidest shit that happens in harry’s life. harry despises press and turns down every interview he is asked by anyone, except for the quibbler and potterwatch. he stars in the show whenever he feels like it, which becomes at least once a week by his eighteenth birthday and most of it is harry gushing about his godson and talking about terribly domestic scenarios that have happened. “i never thought i’d find myself cleaning baby vomit from my couch, didn’t think i’d live long enough to be taking care of a baby, you know? okay that’s morbid. anyways point is i loved cleaning that baby vomit and you know why? because i got to hear walburga black’s painting cry about her precious couch being ruined. and at that point i just said, shut it or your curtains will be next.” ron snorts.
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Stranger Knight
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Name/Link: Stranger Knight
Fandom: HPverse
Inspired By: Stranger Knight
Individual Challenge(s): Picture This; Moody Moods
Representation(s): Desi & Fem Harry Potter/Blaise Zabini; Harry Potter Raises Teddy Lupin; Omegaverse; Autistic & Omega Harry Potter; Alpha Blaise Zabini; Chim Song Prompt
Ship: Harry Potter/Blaise Zabini
Team: Heroic Shadow
List (Prompt): Sp WD (Autism); Sp Set (Dark); Sp Con (Pie/Tart); Sp Items (Flower; Yarn)
List (Prompt): SpBig (Flower; Pie/Tart; Yarn); SpMic2 (Pink; White)
Space Address (Prompt): SpB [1B](Frog/Tadpole); TrB [1D](The Damsel); Ship [2C](Flirting with Food/Drink)
Warning(s): n/a
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Teddy Lupin was raised by his grandmother, Andromeda TONKS. The woman who lost her husband, daughter and son-in-law in less than six months. Teddy was all she had left and people are here wanting to hand him off to a traumatised 17 year old.
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y0url0verb0y · 11 months
Regulus: James...where's Harry?!
James: ...
Sirius: ...
Regulus: JAMES!?
Sirius *whispering:* play dumb
James: Who's James?
Sirius *whisper yelling*: not that dumb!
James: if it makes you feel any better Sirius doesn't have Teddy either...
Regulus: Why would that make me feel any better?!?!
-meanwhile, Harry and Teddy jumping on the neighbor's trampoline while they're out of town-
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functionalbidisaster · 10 months
the scariest thing a mauraders fan can see…..
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a mother with her child 😱😱😱🤯🤯
no but seriously you guys need to stop acting like harry and teddy don’t have mothers who they miss dearly and would do anything to be able to meet
also, lily and tonks would 100% be involved in raising them even if wolfstar and jegulus were a thing so PLEASE stop acting like they don’t exist and only using them to give your mlm ship a kid
so you can write fics where wolfstar raises teddy or jegulus raises harry, i don’t care, have fun, go crazy. just stop erasing lily and tonks completely because they WOULD be in their children’s life
also also, because i’m feeling extra petty here’s more mothers and their children for the drarry fans who do the same thing
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😱😱 frightening i know
it’s like everyone forgets that mothers exist
(also i don’t support jkr or am really in the hp fandom, i just decided to scroll through some of the tags because i was bored) (also be thankful because i could of been a lot more petty if i wanted to be)(i also know not all fans do this but a lot do)
art credits:
tonks and teddy - rielles96 on instagram and tumblr
lily and harry - cableknit_remus on instagram and tumblr
ginny, lily luna, james sirius, and albus - beeyoungkah on instagram and tumblr
astoria and scorpius - upthehillart on instagram and tumblr
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kaaaaaaarf · 6 months
Hey you, I'm here for Wolfstar raising harry recommendations 🤗
Hello!! I'm also going to tag @imsiriuslyreading because I know Lana was also looking for some recs!
This is by no means a comprehensive list, but these are some of my very favs:
Wolfstar Raising Harry
Ten Reasons (To Go To Michigan) by @greyeyedmonster-18 (I also love these two unrelated wolfstar raising harry microfics by the same author) — This is a Sirius raising Harry and meeting recently divorced Remus (who happens to be a writer) on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. A must read! that's the art of getting by by sarewolf — Remus becomes Harry's guardian and they move to a muggle village in the middle of nowhere. Eventually, Sirius is freed and comes to stay with them, but can they get back what they once had? Honestly, majorly obsessed with this one, but watch out for the angst! Stealing Harry by copperbadge — In an alternate universe where Sirius Black never went to Azkaban, Harry divides his life between the Dursleys' house and Mr. Black's bookshop -- until Sirius realises what the Dursleys are doing to him, and takes him away from their care. This series is fucking amazing and actually spans several of the books!! Mr Mouse by TracingPatterns (which continues in their wolfstar raising harry series) — A lovely little piece in which a young Harry learns about grief.
Like Real People Do by third_crow (part of the coffee shop au series) — Sirius raising Harry, when he starts falling for local barista Remus Lupin. This is also a beautiful story about what it's like to live with epilepsy and I am extremely obsessed with this series. The Things I Did by Lolo_row — canon compliant, Remus gets custody of Harry and works to get Sirius out of Azkaban. A bit of angst, but tasty! the dogfather au by hollimichele — Harry was raised by his adoptive muggle family, when one day a big black dog shows up. His parents just thinks he's a stray, and Padfoot becomes the family pet (to keep an eye on Harry, and protect him from Voldemort). Eventually this morphs into Remus also coming into the picture.
Wolfstar Raising Teddy
the mayors of simpleton by @fruityindividual — Divorced wolfstar are co-parenting a very mischievious Teddy who is not about to let his dads stay divorced!! Honestly this fic is so funny, so heartfelt, so fucking lovely. It also features the most beautiful portrayal of a blind character that I ever seen. A must read! Of Memories and Milk Thievery by @mayescapade — Divorced wolfstar raising Teddy again! Wolfstar have been co-parents for years and they wont stop terrorizing/pranking one another. An Infinte Ocean by orphan_account — Single dad Remus. Remus Lupin knows two things--working and caring for his son, Teddy. When his babysitter sets up crowdfunding so Teddy can go swim with the sea turtles at the local animal rescue, Remus doesn't realise how completely their life is going to change. Especially when he meets Sirius Black, the weekend merman in the aquatic show, and someone who might convince him of love at first sight. Honestly a lovely piece, and it also features the Potter clan.
Other (raising both teddy and harry, wolfstar girldads)
Let's Play Pretend by MsAlexWP — My current obsession!! I can't tell you how many times I've read this. Single parent Remus and single parent Sirius meet at a play date and end up pretend dating so that the old women in Sirius' building (who basically stalk him) will stop trying to set him up. Neither of them can date at the moment, so what could possibly go wrong?? Ultimate comfort fic. Of Quiet Hearts And Thundering Dreams by TracingPatterns — This is single parent Sirius and single parent Remus, both having moved to a small village and meeting at Harry & Teddy's school. A Cup of Sugar by MsAlexWP — Again, they are both single parents. Harry Potter is recovering from surgery and facing the worst summer ever until a guy with the same crutches as Harry moves in across the street with his son. So lovely!! Hide-and-Seek by onehundredflamingos — Wolfstar girldads raising their adoptive daughter Cassie, who is also a werewolf. This is the story of her first transformation. It's soooo sweet! @industrations has done a bunch of wolfstar and Cassie art, which you should absolutely go and cry over!
For supplementary material, feel free to check out my Wolfstar Raising Harry, Wolfstar Raising Teddy and Wolfstar Girldads tags!
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empressgraytea · 2 months
“Why does Teddy wear dresses?”
(Word count 584)
Regulus was sitting on the couch with his feet in James’s lap, a worn book in his hands. He heard the pitter patter of little feet down the stairs mixed with the pitter patter of the rain. Harry didn’t come closer though. Regulus knew sometimes when he had something on his mind, he tended to be more shy, unlike the normal energetic little six year old he loved. James and Regulus made eye contact, both knowing they could wait and Harry would come when he was ready. Regulus flipped through a few more pages before the pitter patter got louder.
“Papa?” he heard a little voice hesitantly ask. “Hey Mon Chérie, what’s up?” Regulus asked as Harry came around the. “Do you know that today Teddy wore a dress? And I know that Mrs. Loveheart told us that boys can wear dresses too but Teddy was wearing shoes with a little bit of a block underneath his foot and he was wearing sparkly glitter on his eyes and yesterday he was wearing a pair of shorts and a Cars shirt and-” “Mon ange slow down sweetheart” Regulus interrupted Harry and reached out a hand to rub his back, soothing his anxious ramble.
“Papa is Teddy a boy or a girl?” Harry finally asked, getting out what was eating away at him inside. Regulus took a deep breath and made eye contact with James, before moving his legs off of James’s lap and patting the space on the couch he made for Harry. Regulus looped his arm around Harry’s shoulder so Harry could snuggle into his chest. “Remember how your Dadda and I have told you that when I was a little kiddo just like you I realized that I was born into the body of a girl but I really felt like a boy?” Regulus asked as Harry nodded his head. “Well, Teddy is genderfluid. That means Teddy was born into a boy’s body, but sometimes doesn’t feel like a boy. Some days Teddy feels like a girl, some days Teddy feels like a boy, and some days Teddy doesn’t feel like a boy or girl at all. Does that make sense?” Harry nodded, and then asked “But how do I know when Teddy is a boy or a girl?”
Regulus responded with, “Well I like it when you say I love Papa, he is the best. Not “she” or “they.” But, Teddy’s preference for how you talk about them depends on the day, so you can just ask them when you see them. Does that make sense?” Harry nodded and then climbed out of Regulus’s lap, grabbing his hand and looking at James saying, “Yeah it’s just like how he can change his hair with his feelings. Can we get some ice cream now?” James met Regulus’s eyes and they shared a giggle that they both turned into a cough before saying, “Sure kiddo, go get some shoes and then we can go.”
Mon Cherie-my dear
Mon ange-my angel
Thank you to @my-castles-crumbling for looking this over!
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impishtubist · 2 years
the twin conundrum
I wrote this in like 20 minutes and it’s all @battlehamster‘s fault.
“Remus.” Regulus’s head appears in the fireplace, making Remus jump. “I need you over at the Manor. Quickly, please.” 
Remus doesn’t hesitate, grabbing his cloak and his wand and hurrying through the Floo after Regulus. Sirius is supposed to be picking up Teddy from the Manor right now. James and Regulus had agreed to watch their boy for the day while Sirius worked a shift at St. Mungo’s and Remus put together his lesson plans for the coming semester. If Regulus is calling him now, then something has gone horribly wrong. 
Not to mention the fact that Regulus never calls him by his given name. He’s always Lupin to his brother-in-law. 
James is there to greet him when he comes stumbling through the fireplace, offering him a hand to steady him. Remus glances around the room, and warm relief rushes through him when he spots Sirius on the couch. Sirius gives him a tiny smile, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.
“What’s going on?” Remus demands. “What’s happened?” 
It’s then that he notices that Regulus is holding Harry… and so is Sirius.
Remus blinks several times. No, his eyes are not playing tricks on him. There are two Harrys in the room, and not a sign of Teddy.
Oh, dear. 
“I see,” he says. “Teddy, change back, please.”
He addresses the child in Sirius’s arms, who protests, “But I’m Harry!”
“Yeah!” says the child that Regulus holds. “Me, too!”
Remus pinches the bridge of his nose. “Boys, this isn’t funny. It’s time for Teddy to go home. He’ll be back here at the weekend, you know that.” 
Both Harrys look puzzled. Regulus and Sirius both appear faintly annoyed, but James seems to be on the verge of tears. 
“I need some tea,” Remus declares, “and then we can settle this properly. James, give me a hand?”
He forcibly steers James into the kitchen and props him against the countertop. “Right, what’s wrong?” 
“I can’t tell them apart,” James says in a rush. “I’m his dad, I love him more than anything, and I can’t tell you which of those boys is my son!” 
“Neither can Sirius or Regulus, and they love Harry and Teddy just as much,” Remus soothes, squeezing James’s arms. “You brought me here to sniff out which was which, yeah?”
“That was the idea.” James rubs the back of his hand under his nose. “Can you do it?”
“Yes, of course.”
They return to the sitting room. Remus plucks the child from Sirius’s arms and gives him a good sniff--the toddler giggles as Remus inadvertently tickles him. Remus does the same for the child in Regulus’s arms, and then wrinkles his nose. 
“What on Earth did you have them doing today?” he demands of James and Regulus. “They both reek.” 
James flushes, and even Regulus looks a bit sheepish. “Er… we might have gone flying. And gone to the park. And jumped in some mud puddles.” 
“That’s what I thought,” Remus says, exasperated. “I can’t tell the two of them apart when they’re like this. They’ll both need to be bathed before I can figure it out.” 
James holds out his arms for one of the Harrys, and Sirius hands him over. “Right. We’ll get these two menaces cleaned up. Back soon!”
He and Regulus hurry off with the boys. Sirius gets up from the couch and comes over to Remus.
“You know which one is Teddy, don’t you?” he says.
“Oh, yeah. James was holding him.” Remus shrugs. “This means we don’t have to do bath time tonight.” 
Sirius grins. “You sneaky bastard.”
“That’s why you love me.”
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pt. 4 of the wolfstar raising teddy gc
teddy : i can not get water nor clean cause ziggy has decided to sleep on my leg
remus : too bad. bed time.
teddy : too bed. bad time.
remus : i
sirius : i snorted outloud actually
sirius : okay sleepy time ted
@oddbrainedtboy @remuslupininskirts
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Next Steps? (1/1) (jegulus | raising Harry)
"Haz! Let's go we're going to be late!" James called from the door. Regulus was quickly packing some snacks for the car as James grabbed the "entertainment" bag.
"Does he really need all this?" James said to Regulus who met him in the doorway.
"Yes James he does. He's 5 years old and I'm not going to listen to him cry for 3 hours about being bored and the last time we did screens in the car he threw up."
James nodded, and kissed Regulus' cheek. "The right words are this is such a great idea and you are a wonderful parent who thinks of everything," James said trying too hard to save face.
"A bit rehearsed but the sentiment is right," Regulus teased with a smile.
"Harry let's go, or we will leave without you!" Regulus called up the stairs as he walked out the door with several of the bags.
Tiny steps were heard running down the stairs. "Nooo, Papa I want to see Teddy!"
"Alright then in the car please," James said as he followed Harry out of the house.
After they all settled in the car, Harry in his seat and James driving. Nearly as soon as they got on the highway, Regulus dozed off as usual. About an hour in, Harry whispered quietly to James after poking Regulus' head from behind.
"Dad, do you think uncle pads and uncle Moony are going to be happy to see us?"
"Of course they will be sweetheart, why do you ask?"
"Well last time uncle pads cried when he saw us" Harry said.
"Oh I see. I think uncle pads was sad because he missed us." James said.
"I wish we didn't live so far away so we could see them everyday and uncle pads wouldn't be sad anymore," Harry whispered.
"Me too son, me too. It's okay to be sad sometimes, Yeah?" James said.
"Yeah... I'm going to give him the biggest hug and and uncle Moony too!" Harry decided.
When they got there, Harry nearly jumped out of the car and ran right up the porch to where Sirius and Remus were waiting with Teddy.
Regulus held James back for a moment. "Do you need a hand?" James asked.
"Do you want to move back here?" Regulus asked quietly.
James cocked his head, then thought about it for a moment. "Sometimes yes, but Regulus I love our life." James explained.
"Well what if I wanted to move here too?" Regulus suggested.
"You never cease to surprise me love," James said as he kissed his forehead. "Let's talk about it some more later, okay?"
"I'd really like that," Regulus replied before heading up the path to his brother's home.
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Centered Journey
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Name/Link: Centered Journey
Fandom: HP
Inspired By: MC4A Fall Fest
Challenge(s): Ship; Garden; Harvest
Ship: Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood/Blaise Zabini
Team: Lunar Lion
List (Prompt): A&B (Cuddling; Kissing); AUs (Single Parent; Cafe); Items (Ceramic Mug); Relationships (Adopted Family; Godparent; Parent); Settings (Foggy; Windy)
List (Prompt): Fa WD (Atheism); Fa Set (Foggy/Misty); Fa Con (Coffee); Fa Items (Glass/Cup)
List (Prompt): Yard Tools (Cuddling); Shipper (Lunar Lion); Tropes (Found Family); Moar Tropes (Poly Ship); Trellis (Large City); The Zoo (Cat)
List (Prompt): FaMic2 (Brown); FaMed2 (Single Parent); FaBig (Ceramic Mug; Festival/Fair); SpMic2 (Blue)
Space Address (Prompt): Ship 1B (Physical Touch) | FaB 1A (Candle) | Set 2E (Zenith)
Warning(s): n/a
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sliebman10 · 1 year
"Want to feed the ducks, Harry?" Sirius asked, as they walked through the park. The little boy nodded and pointed at the group of ducks waiting expectantly in a small pond.
"Ducks!" Harry exclaimed, letting go of Sirius's hand and running toward the pond. The ducks flapped in surprise and scattered. Harry stopped short, bumping into another kid and knocking him down. The other kid started to cry. 
Sirius caught up with Harry and looked around. "Harry, you can't run away from me like that," he admonished, gently. He could still hear the other kid crying. Taking Harry's hand firmly, he approached the kid and his father. 
"I'm so sorry," Sirius said. "Is he alright?"
The other parent looked up from where he was crouching in front of his son and gave a warm smile. "No harm done. Teddy was just surprised."
"Ok," Sirius said. He couldn't help staring at the other man, whose gaze made his insides tighten.
He stood up and offered his hand to Sirius. "Remus Lupin. This is Teddy."
Sirius shook his hand, and said, "Sirius Black…and Harry."
"Pleasure to meet you. Hopefully the ducks come back."
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writer-of-sorts · 1 year
written with @wolfstarmicrofic prompt: scallywag
“Drat the scallywag!” Harry cried, the black tie wrapped around his head swinging in front his eye as he brandished his toy wand like a sword, “Send him to the plank!”
“No!” Sirius gasped, falling to his knees on the L-shaped sofa. “Not the plank!”
“You heard the captain,” Remus growled, using his wand to prod his husband across the bend of the sofa.
Resigned to his fate, Sirius hopped onto the arm of the sofa, swallowing heavily when he reached the edge.
Running across the floor of the living room with his hands clasped over his head like a fin, was Teddy. His hair alternatively flashed from white to blue, and his teeth looked unnaturally pointed.
Sirius turned to Remus, eyes shining with silent imploration. Please don’t do this to me.
Remus grinned. Oh honey. He pushed his husband, thrashing and wailing, off the side of the ship and into the shark-infested waters below.
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Teddy introducing Remus to Sirius whos a single parent to Harry
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