#hated the start of that book <3 he's back up to his usual antics (putting up façades and being ungenuine)
quatregats · 7 months
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They love each other so much <3
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Resolution - BTS CEO DRABBLE PT 3
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So I started this tumblr thinking I would post nothing and now I’ve posted three things in the last 24 hours, what was meant to be a one shot now has three parts lol. I didn’t think the second part was good enough so I’m hoping this part is x
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The doorbell rings an hour too early, but no one stands at the door when you open it... weird. Until you glance down to see the white box wrapped in purple ribbon. Taking it into your apartment you unwrap the bow and open the box, gasping at the beautiful black dress inside with a little note attached “wear me tonight?”
The butterflies in your stomach caused you to giggle, you try to settle your nerves as you get ready for your first date with the seven men that ruled your heart.
You’re finished getting ready far too early and now you pace the apartment in anticipation, what if it all goes wrong? What if they decide this was all a mistake? What would you do then, to dangle this hope in front of you and take it away would crush you.
Your nerves get the better of you, and the little butterflies turn into stinging bees, causing you to clutch your stomach in pain. Maybe you should call it off before you ruin it all.
In your negative headspace you don’t hear the light knocks on the door, 15 minutes too early to be the boys, but your ears catch the soft murmur of Tae’s voice on the other side of the door.
“Flower?” He calls for you. You hear more voices in the background, as Jimin and Jungkook start to speak.
“Maybe she’s still getting ready?” Jungkook mumbled, his own nerves getting to him as he nibbles on his bottom lip in habit.
“Angel?” Jimin says louder than the other two, knocking on the door loudly, but you’re frozen in place. You want to do this, the universe knows you do but the doubt that clouds over you is suffocating you as you breathe. Why would they possibly want this?
“Angel, Jungkook’s going to knock down the door if you don’t open up!” Jimin calls in loudly, voice clear as bells ringing through your apartment, and you wince hoping your neighbours are out.
“You’re worrying us pretty flower,” Tae chimes in after him.
Would it be the worst thing if they broke down the door? You could always bill them for it and hide underneath the bed...
“Bunny?” It’s Jungkook’s voice that makes you move, you always had a soft spot for the maknae, he was younger than you and you felt very protective over him. “Noona, are you there?” He only ever called you formally when he felt vulnerable or insecure and your heart breaks a little for being the cause of it.
You open the door with downcast eyes, the excitement gone as the cloud that looms over you swallows you whole.
The boys share a look, Jungkook stepping forward to bring your face into his soft hands. You look up at his doe eyes, swimming with stars inside, and he offers you a reassuring smile. Jimin wolf whistles next to him and you cover your burning cheeks with your own palms.
“Hyung!” Jungkook tells him off for teasing you.
“Couldn’t help it,” Jimin laughs before taking your hands and tearing them away from your face. “What’s got my sinful angel looking so sad?”
He bends down until his eyes are level with yours, and you look away hesitantly, hoping he doesn’t see through you.
“You look beautiful flower,” Taehyung smiles as he brings out the bouquet he hid behind him.
“Thank you,” you say quietly, feeling awkward at the compliment. Jimin tuts in front of you.
“I asked you a question Y/n, what’s wrong?”
It’s your turn to nibble your lips self consciously, before Tae presses his thumb against them to stop you. You try not to look at him, you know how well he can read you, and you’re not proven wrong when he hums in thought.
“I think my good girl is having some bad thoughts,” he says in his signature timbre. Eyes narrowing as you shuffle uncomfortably.
“Naughty thoughts?” Jimin smirks teasingly.
“Hyung,” Jungkook sighs at his older friend’s antics, but even Tae laughs a little, boxy grin on show.
“Let’s talk business Y/n,” Jimin continues, as you frown at him in confusion. What did he mean by that? “We are business men after all,” he says as if it’s the most obvious fact on earth.
“We know how to strike a deal that benefits both parties, so let’s make a deal.” His hands are still clutching yours as he steps closer to you, not letting you step back from his new intimidating stare.
“Come to dinner with an open heart, and let us show you how much we want you,” he whispers against your lips and you stop breathing. “We’ve been waiting for this for a very long time angel, and my patience is running out.”
You’re forced to swallow nothing as his eyes penetrate through yours, trying to lean back to get some room to breathe, but that’s not what Jimin wants. He wants you to drown in them until you give in.
You nod meekly, as Tae smirks beside you both.
“Good girl.”
The car ride did nothing to calm your nerves, you leg bounced so much that Tae put a big palm over it to steady you but it had the complete opposite effect as you felt the heat from his hand travel through your skin.
When you arrived, Jimin opened the door like a gentleman before grabbing a hand and pulling you out a little impatiently, a cheeky apology leaving his lips as he didn’t let you break eye contact with him. He literally would not let you live tonight it seemed.
You’d visited the mansion before, for official business of course, but tonight it looked a little more intimidating than usual. You felt a palm on your back as Jungkook walked beside you, smiling softly at you, crinkling his nose in excitement. That eased you a little and you reflected his smile back at him.
Namjoon and Hobi stood at the enterance waiting to greet you, you offer them a small smile and they grin in return.
“Wow sunshine,” Hobi looks you up and down, the dress hugged you in all the right places and he reminded himself to thank Tae later for picking it out.
He takes you from Jungkook with an arm around your waist, and leaves a small peck on your lips unexpectedly. Your heart rate skyrockets to the moon, you feel his warmth breath as he sighs, rubbing his nose softly against yours, eyes closed in content.
“Sorry sunshine, couldn’t resist,” he chuckles softy. Namjoon clearing his throat breaks you out of the spell Hobi cast you under and you step away a little embarrassed, you can hear Jimin coo and you hope your ears haven’t turned red.
Ever the gentleman, Namjoon takes your hand in his before bowing down to kiss it. He turns it over so your palm faces the sky before pacing another kiss on your wrist. He hums as if contemplating a difficult equation, before pulling you closer and kissing your arm before the juncture of your elbow. When he looks up at you, you feel your breath hitch in your throat. You definitely weren’t going to survive tonight going by the predatory look in your gentle boss’ eyes. He moves closer still, before placing his lips on the exposed skin of your collar bone, lingering there longer than he had before, humming contently. The next kiss is on your throat and you find the hand he’s not holding grab onto him to ground your self. You can feel the smirk against your skin, and it makes you shudder in anticipation through the warmth that envelops you.
He still hasn’t kissed your lips yet, you think. So when he pulls away slightly you act before you realise what you’ve done. It’s Namjoon’s turn to freeze as your lips move against his, the pillows of your lips so soft he thought he was imagining it, until you pull away with a soft moan and he nearly growls.
“When you’re done, there’s dinner on the table getting cold,” Yoongi scoffs from the door. You’re pretty sure you could contest hell for how hot your cheeks are burning, and the cool night air does nothing to cool them, not with Yoongi looking at you with his feline eyes.
“Is kitten done playing with her new toys?” He teases and you choke on air, causing Jimin to laugh into the air and Jungkook to rub your back soothingly. Yoongi’s gummy grin shows itself at your reaction, he could hardly talk with the way he always played with you.
“Ya Yoongi, if you kill my beautiful girl before she even tastes my food I won’t be happy,” Jin yells from inside.
Yoongi rolls his eyes but holds out his hand for you, an unfamiliar softness in his eyes, one that was always there when he looked at you, but made sure you never saw until now. You couldn’t help the smile as you walked up to him, never annoyed for too long, not when he made this warmth spread across your chest. When you take his hand he looks at you like every star is held inside your eyes, soft smile gracing his features. He was never a fan of stargazing until now, he hated any form of eye contact but with you he could hold your gaze forever.
He places a kiss on your cheek first, looking at you to make sure you were okay. He might tease you until you felt your soul burn but he always made sure you were okay. He tucks in a loose stand of hair the wind decided to blow out of place, before looking at your lips, leaning in to rid the space between you both. You felt a fire ignite as his lips met yours, Yoongi was a closed book most of the time but he always silently told you what he was thinking. You could feel everything he wanted to say in the way his mouth moved slowly against yours, and it took your breath away.
“Yoongi stop hogging her!” Jin came through the door, wiping his hands on a kitchen towel, no real anger behind his words. Yoongi groans as he pulls away, looking at you with a peaceful smile.
Softly he pushes you towards Jin, who wraps his arms around you expectedly.
“Hi princess,” he said unexpectedly, making you giggle. That one was new, and he loved the reaction it got out of you, biting swollen lips to stop yourself grinning.
“Hi handsome,” you blush as you try to flirt back, if they made you feel all fuzzy inside you could try to do it back right? You hear laughter behind you as Jin’s ears burn bright red and he stutters a little. You take the chance to kiss his perfect pillow lips and he swears he can feel steam leave his ears with how hot he’s feeling. Maybe he should call you dangerous girl instead.
“Dinners ready,” he says in a small voice, letting you go in a daze and walking through the house. It’s your turn to chuckle now.
“Told you she was having naughty thoughts,” you hear Jimin say to Tae, rolling your eyes at him as they walk past. As you move to follow them a hand on yours holds you back.
You look at Jungkook with confusion, his eyes are on the ground as he shuffles from foot to foot, waiting for his Hyungs to move into the next room.
He clears his throat before pouting, “Noona you’re really mean,” he whispers, and your heart beats with worry.
“Kookie?” You question, running a thumb across his cheek, as your palm held his face to look at yours. His cute pout contrasts the darkness in his narrowing eyes.
“I didn’t get a kiss Bunny,” he grumbles. You have to bite the inside of your cheeks to stop grinning at his behaviour but he can see what you’re trying to do, pout turning stern as his arms wrap around you, lifting you into the air.
“Kookie,” you squeal in surprise, but it’s his turn to grin. “Jungkook put me down!”
He shakes his head, “need a kiss first Noona.”
You sigh in faux annoyance, this demanding boy really was something else. You take his face in your palms, leaning down to kiss him. He drinks you in fervently, feeling your heat against his mouth. Your last doubts dissipate as the maknae grips your skin tighter, fighting with himself to pull away. He looks at you with hunger in his eyes, but as you smile at him, eyes full of love, he decides to smile back. He could wait a little longer to devour you, his eyebrows wiggle at the thought, making you giggle again, the sound music to his ears, calming his own heart down.
He starts walking towards where the others are waiting, still holding you in his grasp as if you weighed nothing.
“Kookie, I can walk,” you don’t know why you’re a giggling mess but it definitely has something to do with the man holding you. He hums dissaprovingly against your skin, nipping at your collar bone causing you to gasp. He was starving for you, a little taste wouldn’t hurt.
“Why do you need to walk Bunny?” He murmured against you, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, enjoying how warm your skin was getting at his actions.
You both enter the dining room, where six other men lovingly await. Their eyes and smiles on you, and you wondered why you ever doubted anything in the first place.
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avatarofdespair · 4 years
OM! Brothers with an odd wake up call
it’s 3:22 am idk what this is but i hope ya like it
cringe, cussing, and gn!mc
It was the morning after your arrival when you went to Lucifer’s study and asked if you could wake his brothers up
“Go ahead.”
He didn’t think much of it until he heard the sound of pans smashing against each other and a song being played
What in the Devildom is the human exchange student doing?!
He stepped out of his office only to find you running through the halls, smashing pans, and singing- no- screaming at the top of your lungs
Lucifer quickly put a stop to your antics before one of his brothers tried to kill you
You were dragged into his office and lectured for exactly 1 hour and 27 minutes
He hates it when he hears the sound of you screaming random words he doesn’t understand
It got worst when Levi started to join you
Great, now I have two idiots to lecture
That morning of your first wake up call, he had just gotten home from the casino to find Lucifer chasing the human who was screaming and clanking pans
“What the fu-“
Needless to say, you left a pretty good impression on him. He had a great laugh as you were dragged by Lucifer into his office for a long lecture
It was funny until he got a taste of your wake up call
“It’s Wednesday, my dudes!”
What is the human doing shouting in the hallway?
He opened the door and saw you. With goggles on?
You kept screaming. He saw Satan opening the door down the hall, a dark aura surrounding him
He pulled you inside his room and called you an absolute idiot
Mammon now uses your wake up calls as a distraction for when he steals from his brothers
He was awake when you first did your wake up calls and found it to be hilarious because he understood the memes
Although, he was rather surprised when you asked to borrow his loud speaker for another one of your wake up calls
Eager to see your next chaotic wake up call, he lent it to you
“You know you gotta do the cooking by the book, you know you can’t be lazy!”
A children’s song? Oh wait-
He was howling with laughter as you violently screamed the lyrics
He was also reprimanded by Lucifer for “giving MC a speaker to scream a vulgar song”
Levi always joins in whenever you do a wake up call, even if he gets lectured
Right off the bat, he absolutely despised your wake up calls
He was so invested in a beautifully written novel when he heard,
That’s true but would you sHUT THE FUCK UP-
If it weren’t for Lucifer’s and Mammon’s interferences, you would’ve been dead already
Then he noticed how much Lucifer hated your wake up calls
He stands to the side every time you get Lucifer worked up because of your screaming
And he absolutely adored that one time you ran away from Lucifer while yelling,
He’s on the borderline of hating and loving your antics
“This SCREAMING isn’t good for my SKIN!” Asmodeus screeched at you. How ironic
Your odd antics always wakes him up from his beauty sleep and he hates it
No- no, nOT AGAIN-
Levi?! You too?!
There is nothing he hates more than when it’s morning and he hears your voice
He honestly hates your voice
He was... So utterly confused when he hears you screaming for the first time
If anything, he was concerned and checked up on you
But Lucifer has already snatched you away to lecture you
Every time he hears your wake up calls, he always checks up on you to see if you’re alright
He was especially concerned when he heard you scream,
“I smell like beef... I SMELL LIKE BEEF!!”
“I-I don’t? Where’s the beef-?”
He’s genuinely worried about your yelling, try not to do it so often
His first time hearing your wake up calls was up in the attic
He was... Extremely confused.
First of all, that doesn’t sound like any of his brothers. Second of all, what the fuck is happening?
Nowadays, he usually sleeps through your loud wake up calls
On rare occasions, he’ll watch with Satan as you and Levi get chased by Lucifer
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fortisfiliae · 4 years
Promised Part 13 - Tom Riddle x reader
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Masterpost | Masterlist
Summary: In this story, Tom didn’t grow up as an orphan, but with his grandfather and uncle. Reader’s sister got very sick and the Gaunts offer their help. But not without asking for something in return.
Disclaimer: Please be aware that I don’t condone any of this in real life. (GIF is not mine)
Warnings: Arranged marriage
Word count: 3.1k
Part 13 - Pranks & Proper Paybacks
The quill in your hand scratched lightly over the parchment as you were taking notes for Astronomy in the library. It was quiet, as usual, except for the occasional questions and thereof resulting explanations between Ben and Camille. She helped him study for his upcoming Herbology exam, for which he clearly hadn’t revised enough yet. Silly boy.
Tom was there too and sat next to you, completing the quartet round the table. He tried his best not to hiss at them every time Ben asked something. You noticed from the corner of your eye, how he gulped down every thought that built up in his head when another word poured from Ben’s mouth. It was amusing, to say the least, seeing Tom battling with himself to keep his cool. He still didn’t like Ben very much and would much rather study with you alone. But the fact that he had voluntarily sat down with the three of you, tried to behave and didn’t yell at Ben whenever he opened his mouth, told you that he probably didn’t hate him as much as he pretended to.
“So, about the Fluxweed again,” Ben whispered, browsing through his book. “How many days does it have to grow?”
Camille was about to answer when Tom pressed his palm against his forehead and exhaled dramatically. “Sixteen, Ben. It’s sixteen. She’s told you that three times at least.”
Ben took a quick look at Tom, while still fumbling through the book. “I know, mate. I just can’t memorise it. Why do I even need to know that?”
Tom flung a piece of parchment toward him, pointing at the empty sheet. “Write it down, then. There are some things you must know. Get over it.”
“Alright, alright,” Ben grinned and didn’t seem to care about Tom’s tone at all. “I’ll write it down, see? Fluxweed takes thirteen days to grow. Happy now?”
“Sixteen,” Camille, Tom and you sighed in unison.
“Oh.” He crossed out the number and sloppily wrote the correct one above it. “Sixteen then.”
Camille and you chuckled to yourselves while Tom only shook his head slightly, his eyes back inside his own book. Ben certainly was careless, or to be more precise, a lot more careless than Camille, Tom and you when it came to grades. The way he talked about homework and even exams was astonishing. He hadn’t even studied for his O.W.L. in Care for Magical Creatures in his fifth year, and he still got an ‘Exceeds Expectations’. Or so he had told you. He had always found a way to talk his way out of things, which was reasonable. Teachers really seemed to like him. Or rather do anything to stop him from talking once in a while. 
“Oh, wait,” Ben said again.
“Just read your book,” Tom grunted.
“No, hang on.”
Ben stood up and stretched his arm out quickly, reaching and grasping for something to your left. You all turned your heads and saw him catching something that had been flying right at you.
“I might be bad at Herbology. But you’re lucky I’m a bloody good Seeker,” he said and twisted the thin thing between his fingers.
“What is it?” Camille asked. “Let me see.”
Ben put the thing down onto the desk, still pressing his index finger on top of it. “It’s a quill. But it appears to be jinxed. It was flying on its own and headed right for your face,” he said and looked at you. “Still wants to, I can feel it moving.”
The grey quill twitched eagerly beneath Ben’s hand, trying to escape and pointed its sharp tip right at you, ready to pierce into your skin. 
“Not again,” you mumbled.
Things, odd things, had been happening during the week. Someone had definitely played some pranks and antics on you. You hadn’t found out who it was yet, but it certainly had become pesky. On Monday, someone had left you a note that said Professor Merrythought wanted a word with you. Once you had arrived at the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom however, you were met with a confused teacher and had a hard time explaining yourself. Tuesday, someone had poured Rash Powder over your dinner. You had almost taken a bite but thankfully had noticed the unfamiliar smell in time. Wednesday was more subtle. There had been puddles and slippery spots everywhere you stepped. Avoiding them had been a tedious task. And now, on Thursday, this. The quill didn’t look like it could badly injure you, but its vivid nature was a sign for a hex, rather than a jinx. No matter who it was, all those things did tear on your nerves. Not only because the pranks got to you, but because there was a possibility someone had been following you without you noticing. Every time you had gone to the Come and Go Room you had turned around and checked if someone was behind you, just in case. That was the exhausting part.
“Just some pranks,” you explained. “I don’t know who or why, but it’s getting fairly ridiculous.”
“Could someone,” Ben puffed. “Stop this thing? It’s trying to escape.”
Tom pointed his wand directly at the quill and rolled his wrist. It lit up for a fraction of a second and crumbled to dust right after.
“Ouch,” Ben hissed and fanned his hand through the air hastily before putting his index inside his mouth. “Thanks, mate.”
Tom smirked complacently, partly for the spell he had just cast and partly for burning Ben’s fingertip. “Anytime, mate.”
Camille dragged her finger through the ashes, took a good look at them and rubbed it off between her index and her thumb. “Who would do that?”
“I don’t know,” you answered.
“Avery and Lestrange again, perhaps?” she asked.
“Unlikely,” Tom said. “I checked on them some days ago. They’re still with Carpe most of the time, scrubbing the floors and polishing trophies. And besides, they wouldn’t dare.”
“Who else could it be then?” Camille asked as she blew the remaining ashes off the desk with a quick cleaning spell.
The four of you exchanged looks around the table. “To be honest,” Tom began. “I was suspecting you for a while, Ben.”
“Me?” Ben asked wide-eyed. “Why would I do that? I just stopped that quill.”
“‘I’m aware, I’ve seen that now.”
Camille hummed, deep in thought. “Wait,” she said. “What about Freda? Freda Morris.”
“The head girl?” Ben asked.
“Yes,” she said. “She was so jealous at Slughorn’s party, wasn’t she?”
Tom looked at you, biting on the inside of his lower lip, then nodded. “That doesn’t sound too far fetched.”
“I wouldn’t have thought she’d be so creative,” you said while picking up your books. “Well, I’ll keep an eye on her then.”
Once you had gathered all your things, you got up and waited for Tom to do the same.
“Where are you going?” Camille asked. “It’s not even seven yet.”
“I have to,” you stopped yourself. You had to tend to the potion in the Come and Go Room again. Needless to say, you couldn’t tell them that. “I have to go and look after Nagini. The snake. She’s shedding at the moment. Talk to you soon.”
“Let us know if something else happens,” Camille said and waved you goodbye. 
Tom followed you silently. Of course, they didn’t ask him why he had to come and check on Nagini as well. The perks of being intimidating. Apart from this, Camille and Ben surely didn’t mind studying without him nagging all the time.
On your way out, right when you left the library and headed toward the grand staircase, Tom and you were halted by another student. Platinum blonde and blue-eyed, Abraxas Malfoy, who was one of Tom’s ever so devious sycophants, locked eyes with him. 
“Tom,” he greeted and stopped right in his tracks.
“Abraxas,” Tom replied.
Oh, what did he want now? There wasn’t a lot of time until the potion had to be stirred, so you hoped Malfoy wouldn’t keep you from going any longer.
“So,” Abraxas began. “I’ve seen, you like to keep new company these days.”
Tom frowned and looked over his shoulder. Clearly, Abraxas didn’t mean you. “What are you implying?”
“I’m not implying anything,” he said and chortled a sour laugh. “I’m just observing. You’re dealing with mudbloods now?”
He was talking about Ben. Malfoy and Tom’s other ‘friends’ had probably seen you in the library together. Or in the Three Broomsticks, some weeks ago. Abraxas must have felt really brave to talk to the head boy in this way. His chest was swollen with pride and the glint in his gaze spoke more than he could have ever said. He was out to get something from this conversation.
Tom only exhaled sharply and stared back at Malfoy, completely unconcerned about his reproach. “And how come that’s any of your business, exactly?”
“Oh, it isn’t of course,” Abraxas answered. “I was just surprised. Shocked even.”
“I do apologize,” Tom sneered, clicking his tongue in fake sympathy. “That the gathering of other people, who don’t concern you in the slightest, has ruined your precious day.”
Abraxas stared back at him, obviously trying hard to keep calm. His smile still sat neatly on his face; it were his eyes that betrayed him. “No need to worry about me. I merely started thinking, daydreaming, that your Grandfather might not appreciate that.”
Now he had gone too far. Tom took a step closer, his nostrils flared for a moment and a vein on his neck stood out. “Abraxas,” he whispered so spitefully, it almost sounded like he was talking in Parseltongue, words spilling out of him like pure venom. “I’d advise you to worry about your own life. Because if you don’t, wouldn’t it be tragic if your Mother found out what happened last year at your house? When the maid left and never came back? What was the reason again? If only I remembered. Oh, I do.”
Malfoy’s expression changed momentarily, his head sunk and his eyes darted across the floor, trying hard to think of what to answer.
“Do we understand each other?” Tom asked.
Abraxas nodded, lips thin and full of fury. He instinctively retracted and took a step back, keeping his head low and looked up at Tom through knitted brows.
“Good,” Tom said and left Malfoy standing there. 
Continuing to walk to the grand staircase with you, he appeared like nothing but a casual chat between two friends had just happened. 
“Well,” you said after Abraxas was out of earshot. “That was interesting.”
“They’re all so stupid, sometimes I wonder how they’ve lived this long,” Tom replied. “I have dirt on every single one of them. And they try to blackmail me. Ridiculous.���
“Idiots indeed,” you shook your head. “Do I want to know what happened to the maid?”
“I guess not. It’s a long, repulsive story.”
No doubt it was. Abraxas was known for his dreadful ways and how he had tormented younger students ever since. He wasn’t like Avery or Lestrange, a dumb follower, who had Hippogriff crap for brains. No, he was mindful, awfully aware of his surroundings and constantly seemed to brood about his next step. He reminded you of Marvolo, they both had the same aura, cold and demeaning, always looking for ways to take advantage of other people’s misery. It was no surprise that he had tried to intimidate Tom, maybe even pass him in their hierarchy by threatening to tell everyone about his association with a muggle-born. But he hadn’t thought it through. Tom Riddle wasn’t one to mess with and he had just made that crystal clear. Ben might have not been his friend, but still, he hadn’t let Abraxas speak ill of him.
“I wouldn’t have thought you liked Ben,” you said once you turned another corner.
Tom opened his mouth and looked at you in disbelief for a moment, as if you had just insulted him, before he started talking. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, it just seemed like it. You came to his defence so quickly. That’s why I assumed.”
“This wasn’t about Hilt. It was about me, Marvolo and that bootlicker Malfoy.”
“Whatever you say,” you replied teasingly while Tom rolled his eyes.
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Friday evolved to be the worst day of the week. Not only had you almost gotten detention for falling victim to a Knockback jinx during Defence Against the Dark Arts if Camille hadn’t come to your rescue. Professor Merrythought still hadn’t forgotten about your visit on Monday and thought you were trying to disturb her lesson again. But in addition, your curriculum almost hindered you from tending to your potion completely. It had become nearly impossible to handle everything at once. Your classes, homework, studying for the N.E.W.T.s, taking care of the antidote and on top of all that, those stupid pranks. It had been draining and your body ached for a bit of rest. 
On your way to Tom’s dorm, when the sun had already set and you were finally done with everything for the day, you heard the clink of a door handle turning behind you. It almost had gone overheard, the only thing you wanted to do was sit down for a moment and unwind, even if only for an hour. You had already reached the door to Tom’s room and could have just entered to forget about the world for a while. But there was this unsettling feeling inside of you and Camille’s words from the library ran through your head again. You turned around. And thank Merlin you did.
Freda Morris stood in her own door frame, smirking maliciously, with her wand pointed right at you. She must have been taken by surprise, it didn’t seem like she had expected you to look at her. Her wand sank in an instant before she hid it behind her back.
“You,” you muttered, taking some steps her way. “It was you all week, wasn’t it?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said smiling, trying to take the high ground, but you wouldn’t let her.
“Just admit it at least. Coward. You know exactly what I’m talking about and you were just trying to do it again, weren’t you?”
Freda shook her head and put a strand of hair behind her ear with her skinny fingers. “I’m head girl, dear. I would never do anything to harm another student if that is what you’re implying. I don’t know what could have given you the idea.”
“Oh shut up,” you spat. “Head girl, yes. An awful excuse for one at best.”
The door behind you opened and Tom appeared from inside. He looked out into the hallway frowning. “What’s all that noise about?”
“Your fiancée’s throwing a fit.”
“Camille was right,” you said, still not taking your eyes off Freda. “It was her. The note, the quill and everything else. I just caught her right in the act.”
Freda heaved one single, shrill laugh at your words and straightened her posture. “I just told you, I would never do such things.”
“What were you doing then? Pointing your wand at me, when I have my back turned on you.”
She pondered, taken aback, while she looked at Tom beside you until her grin appeared back on her face. “You’re imagining things. I was just leaving my room to go and talk to Professor Dippet. That’s when you started to yell at me for no reason.”
She didn’t lower herself to even look at you anymore. Instead, she looked at Tom. “Is this really what you look for in a woman? Hysterical and hostile? I would have thought you had better taste.”
The need to go up to her and slap her across the face seemed almost unbearable. Your hands were balled into fists and it took all your might not to take out your own wand and pay her back everything she had done to you, times ten. Tom on the other hand stayed calm and smiled weakly while looking back at her.
“Don’t worry about my taste, Freda,” he said. “I’d rather worry about your memory. Maybe you haven’t been informed, which would be very unfortunate seeing that you are head girl, but Professor Dippet isn’t in Hogwarts today. He’s been called in by the Wizengamot. How could you have been on your way to him then?”
Freda’s smile faltered, her eyes darting back and forth between Tom and you. “I must have not gotten his owl then.”
“Certainly,” Tom said. “I want a word. Now.”
“No,” you intervened and he stopped his movements to look at you. “I can do this myself.”
Tom stepped back with a small smirk on his face. Freda was in for a treat. You walked up to her until there was only a hand’s breadth of space between your faces.
“Listen now,” you said, your heart pumping strongly inside your chest. “I don’t know what you were thinking. If you were thinking. But I swear, if you ever play another of your pranks on me again, I-”
“You what?” she asked and shoved you by the shoulder. “Do you think I’m scared of you?”
The moment she had touched you, you felt something moving by your feet. Nagini had slithered out through Tom’s open door and hissed louder than you had ever heard before. Freda gasped and took several steps backwards, startled by the snake. Nagini placed herself between the two of you and reared up, looking as huge and aggressive as ever. Her hisses were meant for one person only and when you looked back at Tom, you recognised that he wasn’t talking to the snake. She had come to your defence on her own.
“Take that thing away,” Freda yelled. “Make it stop.”
“Or what?” you asked. “You might have not been scared of me yet, but I promise you, give me one more reason and you will be.”
She didn’t dare answer, still looking down at Nagini in utmost panic and tried to foresee every move the snake was about to make. You savoured on the sight for a moment, fervently enjoying how Freda fumbled for the doorknob behind herself.
“Come Nagini,” you then said as you turned around. “Leave her alone. For now.”
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Masterpost | Masterlist
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reidsmemory · 4 years
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Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Genre: Fluff and some angst I guess
Warnings: Bugs...duh and blood (brief and only mentioned once or twice!)
Challenge: Day 1 - Spiders
Quinn Speaks: If you didn’t already know, I am doing a Halloween writing challenge. Anyone is able to participate! I hope y’all have a fun time with this :))
not my gif!
     Bugs. You absolutely hated them. Yes, yes, some of them were okay like lady bugs or butterflies, but some you couldn’t even look at without wanting to gauge your eyes out.
     No one at the BAU knew of your fear of course. How silly would that be? A profiler, someone who catches some of the worst people in the world, is afraid of bugs? They wouldn’t let you hear the end of it.
     On the occasion that there was a creepy crawly in your house, smacking it with a book was always your go to. When you saw one in the work place, speed walking away as you tried not shiver was what it had to come down to.
     It was officially October. Spencer’s favorite month of the year. 
     He’d usually go all out with Garcia and decorate the bullpen in cobwebs and cute little pumpkins every year since you’d been there. Once he had a little bowl of candy corn that he would share with you, as your desks were right next to each other. 
     Walking in to the office, you spotted all the decorations immediately and a smile came to your face. You looked around for Spencer to see that he was already looking at you with a smile that you returned. 
     “Do you like it?” he asked.
     “It’s great, Doc,” you said as you touched some of the mini pumpkins, “These are my favorite.”
     “I know,” he looked at you sheepishly, “you seem to gravitate towards them every year.” You blushed that the man had noticed this and quickly tried to compose yourself. 
     You liked Spencer and Spencer liked you. Everyone knew it, well except you two. You had always danced around each other, Spencer always giving you fun little facts and you giving them right back. The two of you were as compatible as can be and everyone was just waiting till the moment when one of you would grow up and spill your guts. 
     “Did Penny help you?” 
     “Yeah we stayed pretty late,” he said and then took a long sip of his coffee. 
     “Well only 5 more cups of that and you’ll be up and kicking in no time.” He smiled at your words and soon you began to retreat to your desk. 
     You set up your laptop and hooked it up to your monitor as well as getting out some files out of your bag that you had taken home and placing them on the desk. You spotted two tiny pumpkins at the edge of your desk and smiled widely, he was right, you really did like the mini pumpkins.
     Derek Morgan and Emily Prentiss watched carefully from behind the break room. Sure Spencer had his fun when it came to decorating, but why couldn’t they cause a little mayhem? 
     “This is gonna be good,” Derek said as Emily snickered. 
     Spencer soon noticed to two giggling like school girls and made his way over. “What are you up to?” he asked as they whipped around a the sound of the younger man. 
      “Don’t sneak up on us like that, Kid,” Morgan said.
     “Come here,” Emily beckoned as he complied and saw that they were looking right at you. 
     “What did you do?” he asked. Spencer could feel himself getting worried and even a bit mad at his co-workers all despite the fact that they hadn’t told him anything about their evil plan. 
     “Just watch, she should open it soon enough.” Spencer furrowed his brows and his heart rate began to race faster and not just because of the coffee. What the hell did they do?
     You scanned you desk for the file Hotch had said he needed by this morning. Sifting though the other beige folders on your desk you pushed your chair back and opened the first drawer on your right. 
     “Damn it, she’s so close,” Emily said with a grin that was also plastered on Derek’s face. The pair looked like Cheshire cats while Spencer was very much like the worrisome rabbit.
     You closed the drawer after not finding what you were looking for and then you turned your left and open the first drawer on that side. You swear to all things holy and sacred that you felt your life flash before your eyes. You sucked in a quick breath and widened you eyes at the sight in front of you. 
     Derek and Emily were already beginning to laugh, but it soon stopped as they saw your body lean forward and drop to the ground. It only took a few seconds for the trio to rush over to you as well as gaining the attention of everyone in the office that morning. 
     Spencer was practically fuming, but soon put away those emotions and started to care for you. Moving your limp body from being face down on the floor and now having your head in his lap as Derek now rushed to get JJ and Emily was leaning down on your chest, trying to see if your heart was beating.
     It was but very fast. 
     “What the hell did you guys do?” JJ practically took the words right out of Spencer’s mouth. 
     “It was just suppose to be a stupid prank, but I guess it freaked her out too much,” Emily said in a panicked tone. 
     “Oh, yeah. I guess,” Spencer snapped as the three older agents widened their eyes a bit at his outburst. 
     JJ pushed back your hair and saw that you were bleeding and then looked at the drawer that was pulled out and sure enough it had blood coating the corner. “We might need to get her to the hospital if this doesn’t stop bleeding.”
     “Oh my god,”  Derek cursed under his breath.
     “It’s okay, just get a towel,” JJ ordered as Derek rushed off.
     Your eyelids fluttered open and were met with the sight of 3 motherly JJs, 3 worried Emilys, and 3 compassionate Spencers.
     “It’s alright, honey,” JJ spoke in a caring tone, “just stay still.” You nodded and leaned back onto Spencer as well as noticing the steal tight grip he had on you hand. 
     JJ closed the drawer before you could see any off the contents inside again and soon enough Morgan had the towel. JJ pressed the wet side to your skin and began wiping the little streams of blood, then switching to the dry side and holding it to your head. 
     The blood stream had stopped and you sat upright on the floor, with support from Spencer as he held onto your hips and your back was still against his chest. 
     “JJ, I’m fine really-”
     “You passed out and hit your head,” she reprimanded, “you’re lucky your not at the hospital right now.” You didn’t dare say anything else to the woman. After a few minutes of checking just about everything so let you go back to work. 
     Clutching Spencer’s hand as you stood up and sat in your chair. Emily had gotten you a cup of water that now sat on your desk and Morgan took your file to Hotch, both extremely sorry, but you waved them off.
     “Seriously, Y/N we-”
     “I know, I’ll just have to find a way to get you back,” you said with a grin as you winked at them and turned back to your work. 
     Derek and Emily retreating as he whispered to the woman, “I don’t like this.”
     “Do you remember when when Spencer programmed her cell phone to go off whenever it was still?” Emily spoke in a hushed tone, “she didn’t talk to him for a week and then months later got him back when he didn’t even expect it!”
     “Shit,” Derek cursed.
     Spencer Reid watched you carefully from his desk, making sure there were not signs that this incident would cause any further panic. He didn’t even know what you saw as he was too concerned about your well being rather than what Emily and Derek had placed in your desk. 
     “Stop looking at me like that,” you said as Spencer snapped out of his trance and blushed a bit. “I know it’s dumb and stupid for me to be scared of those things, but I can’t help it, alright?”
      “Actually,” Spencer started, “I have no idea what you’re talking about. 
     That’s a first, you thought to yourself before speaking, “shouldn’t you know what causes fears or whatever and how they stick through adult age?”
     “Well in that sense, yes. What I meant is, I didn’t get to see what was in the drawer,” he told you as you met eyes, “I didn’t get to see what you were afraid of.”
     “Oh,” you said softly. “Well you don’t have to know, I think it’s better that way.”
     “What? That’s not fair!”
     “Oh, but it is, Doc.”
     “You know that I’m afraid of the dark and have been since I was a kid, now tell me yours!”
     “Why not?” Spencer pouted while you rolled you eyes at the man.
     “Because it’s embarrassing,” you whispered. 
     “Well so is mine,” he whispered back. You said nothing to that and Spencer took the initiative and rolled his chair over to right besides you. You could feel the man looking at you as you tried to focus back on the work in front of you, but he didn’t let up.
     Stomping on his shoe, he let out a pained cry and when to hold his foot and that when you kicked you leg up and tried to pushed his chair away. It didn’t move to far an he rolled back over to you and now was repeating the same words over and over again.
     “Tell me, tell me, tell me,” he chanted quietly as you just rolled your eyes, a slight smile appearing on your face at his antics. 
     This could go on forever if you let it. “Fine!” He smiled widely at your words. “But you repeat this to nobody and we will never speak of this again, yes?”
     “Yes, I understand.”
     “Good,” you said. Spencer looked at you with a slight grin and you huffed as you started talking, “when I was a kid my family went camping this one time and I had wondered off and somehow found my way to a cave dwelling type thing. I started exploring a little bit because at the time I wanted to be an archaeologist.”
     “I didn’t know that,” he said.
     “Yeah well it was kind of sort lived,” you spoke with grimace, “I was digging around and some little rollie pollies started to come out of the ground and I played with them, letting them crawl on my hands.” A shiver went down your spine and Spencer noticed your discomfort, mentally hitting himself for pushing you into telling him about all this. “Something must have bit me and I freaked out and started to run out of their only for the biting to continue and as I was running I wasn’t really looking where I was going, henceforth tripping into a spiders web and it got tangled all over my face.
     “My parents found me about an hour later covered in red bite marks and having spider webs wrapped around my face,” you told him, “we went to the E.R. and the doctors told us that I was very lucky to have come in so quickly because a certain type of spider had bitten me and it could’ve been deadly.”
     “It’s fine, Doc,” you said talking his hand into yours, “it was years ago and I guess it scarred me or some shit. Look in the drawer.”
     You turned you head as Spencer peaked in the drawer and saw handfuls of fake bugs that looked really realistic. He could definitely see why you had freaked out so much. 
     “Not a word, Spencer Reid!”
     He zipped his mouth shut and rolled back over to his desk.
Part two will be released so time this month for my Halloween writings!! Stayed tuned :))   
Remember to tag your pieces ‘QHC2020′ or ‘Q’s Halloween Challenge 2020′ if you are participating in this challenge!
Reblogs, notes, and comments are always appreciated!
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hazel-light · 3 years
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Chapter Two Word Count: ~8,500
Genre: (Wedding) Fake Dating, Friends to Lovers, lots of bed sharing and every self indulgent fluffy trope possible.
Warnings: None? Lots of fluff? Occasional cussing? Some suggestive themes, moments, and jokes I guess. No smut or anything!
Disclaimer: I am not Daniel Sharman, and I do not pretend to know how he would act, speak, etc. This is fiction okay, there’s a lot of creative license, and potential to be OOC. Ricky isn't mentioned because I started writing this before we knew he existed, so apologies for that. Also, if you’re DShar himself, please do us both a favor and don’t read this, okay???? Same if you know him 🙈
Title taken from the song Yellow Lights by Harry Hudson which suits this story quite a bit!
A/N: Thank you to everyone who sent me feedback on the first part! I really appreciate it :) Things pick up quite a bit here.... I hope you all enjoy! The third part will be up tomorrow, as promised. <3
It was finally time to fly back to Massachusetts. I had changed my flight so that Daniel and I could be on the same one and seated together.
It’s ridiculously early when I arrive at his apartment to pick him up in our shared Uber, since we have to account for the time difference on the East Coast. He opens the door to his apartment, looking super cozy and ready for travel, one suitcase behind him and a backpack by the door.
“Today’s the day,” I grin at him.
“Oh shit, is it really?” He feigns, rolling his eyes. “Good thing I packed early, then.”
“You’re a professional traveler by this point, I bet you have it down pat.”
“You would think that, wouldn’t you? I actually put a bit more thought into this trip than I usually do.... I need to make a good impression, and I’m making a lot of first impressions.”
I can’t keep my face from forming an endeared expression. “That’s really cute.”
He puts his hands up bashfully. “I take my roles very seriously, Lauren.”
I shake my head. “Well, it means a lot to me; not only that you’re doing this, but that you’re taking it seriously.”
He shrugs, softening his playful demeanor. “Even if we weren’t together in their eyes, I would care what your family thinks. They’re important to you, so it’s important to me.”
“Dannnnielllll,” I whine, “Please don't make me cry this early in the day.”
He laughs, picking up his luggage. “At this rate you’re not going to survive the weekend. I haven’t even turned on my boyfriend charm yet.”
God help me then, I think, making my way back to the car.
Getting through LAX is fairly easy, and remarkably Daniel successfully flies under the radar. He offers to let me have the window seat, but I let him take it, figuring the farther out of sight from the aisle he is, the better.
Like all flights, I fall asleep as soon as we hit cruising altitude; Daniel has his headphones in and spends the time working on something in a notebook. In what seems like minutes, I’m being gently shaken awake by a smiling Daniel.
“Lovely girlfriend of mine, it’s time to rise and shine. Our relationship starts,” he pretends to check the time, “now.”
“Oh thank you, handsome boyfriend. I’m ready.”
Daniel laughs as we stand and wait to exit the plane. Once we step off and onto the ramp, Daniel offers me his hand. “Ready?”
I lace my fingers through his and try to ignore the flutter in my stomach. “Ready.”
Getting our luggage from baggage claim is fairly painless, which leads us to looking for Ryan and Katharine, his longtime girlfriend, in the airport. They’re picking us up on their way to the hotel on the Cape, where the wedding reception is going to be held, and also where we’re going to be staying.
We walk through the airport hand in hand, as I check my phone yet again to see if Ryan has texted. Nothing. We stop for a moment, and peripherally I hear a girl’s voice from behind us,
“Um excuse me, are you Daniel Sharman? Can I get a photo?”
I glance at Daniel, whose face has gone blank. I move to let go of his hand instinctively but he tightens his grip as we turn around. I laugh when I realize the voice belongs to Katharine, who’s standing in front of Ryan, who is trying his best not to laugh.
“Not funny, you guys,” I say, biting back a grin. “We haven’t been recognized so far.”
I turn back to Daniel, who’s looking at me slightly confused. “Daniel, please meet Ryan and his girlfriend Katharine.”
“Oh,” he laughs, reaching out to shake their hands. “That was good. It’s nice to meet you both.”
Katharine knocks into Ryan, who’s still grinning. “It was this loser’s idea. He said he couldn't do it because you’d recognize his voice too soon.”
“A fair point,” I add, teasing. “Besides, women tend to be Daniel’s main demographic, so.”
Daniel scoffs and rolls his eyes.
“What?” I laugh, “It’s true.”
“I wanted to see if you’d drop her hand in front of a fan,” Ryan challenges. “You passed the test.”
“That’s a stupid test, Ry. I wouldn’t have been offended if he did, since this is our first public outing as a couple.”
Daniel looks at me like I’ve somehow insulted him. “I would never do that to you, Laur. That’s crazy; I wouldn’t try to hide you.”
“Okay, well, I’m just saying.” I look at Ryan expectantly. “Still trying to figure out why you haven’t hugged me yet.”
“It takes two hands to hug, I think,” he taunts, nodding towards where Daniel and I are still holding hands.
I blush. “Can you not be this annoying? We literally just arrived.” I let go of Daniel’s hand and step toward Ryan. Katharine and Daniel watch amusedly as Ryan and I hug, trying to see who can crush the other the most. “I missed you, dummy.”
“I missed you, too. You can let go now. Really.”
I let go of Ryan and narrow my eyes at him. “You’re a brat.”
“Whatever, let’s go.”
I grab the handle of my suitcase, smiling at Daniel, who smiles softly back at me. I glance at his hand and then back at him, and he chuckles softly as he meets me halfway in my attempt to hold his hand again. I blush and look away, turning my attention back to Ryan and Katharine, who are leading us out of the airport to where they’d parked.
The car ride to the hotel on the Cape is filled with small talk, mainly questions for Daniel, who takes them in stride. I watch him and smile as he is able to keep up with Ryan’s antics and provide thoughtful answers. He is anything but flustered, and I feel a sense of pride trickle through me. At some point, Daniel catches me watching up with a smile on my face and he just smiles back, continuing his easy conversation with Ryan and Katharine. I jump in where I’m needed, or when I can provide something interesting, but for the most part I bask in how well things seem to be going.
Once we arrive and park at the hotel, the four of us get our luggage and head inside to check in. Ryan gives our name to the woman at the desk and she looks us up.
“Got it. I see the mother of the bride reserved two king rooms on the wedding family floor, which is 3.” I see Ryan glance at us, but I just don’t look at him, I just squeeze Daniel’s hand.
“That sounds right to me.”
Daniel nods next to me. The woman nods and hands us each two key cards. We thank her and head to the elevator for our floor.
Katharine checks her phone. “Do you guys want to get settled and meet back up for dinner? The hotel restaurant has seating out by the beach.”
I look at Daniel who looks at me before shrugging. “Yeah, that sounds great. You want to meet in like 45 minutes?”
The elevator dings and we exit to our floor. Our room is farther down the hall than Ryan and Katharine’s.
“Sure, we’ll head over to your room then.” Ryan smiles before ducking into his room with Katharine.
Once I hear their door click shut, I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding.
Daniel huffs a laugh at me, stopping to unlock our door.
“You alright?”
“Great. How’re you doing with all this?”
“Good; they’re nice— Ryan is literally exactly what I expected.”
I laugh at that and follow Daniel into the room. I look around and admire the quaint decor. The bed takes up most of the room but there’s a closet and a bureau on the opposite wall, and tall windows that don’t open but overlook the beach below and the sea beyond. Opposite the windows is a wall covered in different paintings and signs— very boho beachy.
I sit on the bed and look at Daniel, who’s already unzipping his luggage to hang up his suit.
“This is cute,” I comment.
“Yeah, it’s nice.”
I bite my nail and watch as he turns around to face the closet.
“I uh, forgot that we’d be sharing a bed. Just didn’t think of it— sorry.”
Daniel laughs and gives me an incredulous look over his shoulder.
“You thought your aunt would book us two beds even though as far as she knows we’re super in love?”
I blush. “Well, no. I just— I don’t know, I didn’t even think about it is all I meant.”
Daniel rolls his eyes. “It doesn’t bother me. I quite appreciate a good cuddle, if I’m honest. Haven’t had one in a while.”
I raise my eyebrows. “Oh?”
“Why— do you hate that? Are you one of those women who like their space?”
I snort. “No, no, we can cuddle. You just surprise me, is all.”
“Surprise you, huh?”
Daniel turns around with a mischievous sparkle in his eye. He takes two strides so he’s standing in front of me, and puts his hands on either side of my face. He leans down so we’re eye to eye and I can’t help but glance briefly at his lips, wondering if he’s going to kiss me again.
“You know,” he says softly, “You should really unpack your dress so it doesn’t wrinkle.” He winks and pulls back, kissing my forehead.
I shake my head even though he’s facing away from me now, hopping off the bed to follow his advice.
“You’re trouble, Sharman. Such a tease.”’
“Sorry?” He looks at me innocently, batting his eyelashes dramatically. “Oh, were you expecting a kiss?”
I feel myself blush as I pull my dress out and walk around him to hang it up.
“I wasn’t expecting anything. Like I said, you’re full of surprises.”
He lowers his voice. “So, you don’t want a kiss?”
I turn around to face him, eyes narrowed, thoughts rushing, but before I can retort there’s a knock on the door.
I turn away promptly to answer the door, grateful for the exit. I hear Daniel chuckle behind me as I open the door to reveal Ryan, who clears his throat.
“Hope I’m not interrupting.” He peers past me, presumably at Daniel. “Katharine called the restaurant to make a reservation and they only had a 6:45, so she said we’d take it. I tried to text you but you didn’t answer.”
“Sorry,” I apologize. “My phone's still in my bag. We were unpacking.”
“That’s fine. Are you guys good to head to dinner, or...?”
I feel an arm wrap around my waist. “Yeah, we’re good. I grabbed your purse, Laur, and I have my wallet and the room key.”
I can feel Ryan watching me so I lean back against Daniel’s chest and look up at him. “Thank you,” I say sweetly, taking my bag from him before turning back to Ryan. “Let’s go.”
Dinner on the beach is lovely. There’s a subtle warm breeze and the food is delicious. The conversation is easy and I can’t help but feel an unusual sense of peace of bringing two of my favorite men together and having them get along so well.
I’m in a reverie when I feel Daniel’s hand lightly squeeze my thigh, bringing me back to reality. I blink, looking across the table at Ryan and Katharine, and try to ignore Daniel smirking next to me.
“Hmm? Sorry, I dazed out there for a minute.”
Katharine laughs. “Totally fine, I was asking how it’s been dating someone who's in the spotlight.”
“Oh, um.” I pause, taking a sip of water. “It’s been fine, you know, since we’ve been so low key about it. The public doesn’t know about us. I imagine it’d be different then.”
Daniel nods. “I think for the most part, the fans would be welcoming, but there are always going to be people who… aren’t.”
Ryan leans on his hand, looking between the two of us. “Isn’t it weird, though? The thought that there are so many girls thinking about getting with your boyfriend constantly?”
“I—” I look at Daniel, who looks mortified, but also curious at how I’ll respond. “I guess I’ve never really thought about it like that.”
Ryan makes a noise of indignation. “You watch his movies and shows and stuff, don’t you?”
I narrow my eyes at him. “Of course I do.”
“And it isn’t weird watching him make out with people on screen? Doesn’t it make you jealous?”
I open and close my mouth. I can tell behind his hand Daniel’s smirking, and even Katharine’s looking at me curiously.
“Well, of course I don’t love it— but I mean— it’s his job. There’s nothing I can do about it.”
I look at Daniel, who’s looking at me curiously.
“You never said it made you jealous.”
“I mean—” I shrug, at a loss for words.
He looks at me for a moment before looking away, clearing his throat as we’re interrupted by the waiter bringing our check.
Ryan goes to grab it, but Daniel beats him to it.
“I got it. I said I’d owe you a hundred bucks if you came with a real date, so,” Ryan teases.
I cross my arms. “Oh, and you believe me now?”
“After seeing how jealous you got in that conversation? Yeah.”
I scoff and Daniel and Katharine laugh while Ryan rolls his eyes.
“I’m just playing around, Laur.”
Daniel intervenes, sticking his card in the check holder and placing it at the edge of the table.
“I’ve got it, bro. First meeting and all that; but thank you.”
I look at Daniel. “You don’t have to do that, we all have our own jobs.”
Daniel shrugs. “I know, I just want to.” He places his hand on my thigh again, and leans in to kiss my temple. He whispers against my head. “Let me do this, please?”
“Okay,” I sigh. “Well, thank you.”
“Yes, thank you,” Katharine echoes, smiling.
“My pleasure.”
We’re back in our room, just finished brushing our teeth, when I bring it up again.
“You really didn’t have to pay for dinner you know.”
“I know,” he says. “But I don’t want him giving you money like me coming here was something that had to be bribed, or bought. I came because I wanted to— the details of which Ryan doesn’t need to know.”
I hum in thought.
“Besides, apparently I’m causing you bouts of jealousy, so really it’s the least I can do,” he teases.
I scoff, “Comes with the territory I guess…. along with apparently fighting off swarms of girls who want to jump your bones.”
It’s his turn to roll his eyes, folding down the bed covers, “Do people even use that expression anymore?”
“Doesn’t matter, you know what I mean.”
“And yet, you’re the woman in my bed tonight.”
I laugh, folding down the other side of the bed, “How scandalous.”
“Very. Cuddling is serious business, you know.”
Daniel settles into bed, looking at me where I’m still sat on the edge.
“You coming in?”
“Yeah,” I flush, hesitating.
He extends an arm, and I take the invitation, cuddling up against his chest.
“See, this is nice.”
“I never said it wouldn’t be.”
“I know." He pauses, "Try to relax, I promise this weekend is going to go smoothly, if I have any say in it. Not to sound too cocky, but I’m good at my job.”
I laugh at that, before sighing, “I know you are.”
“Good. Sweet dreams, then.”
“Sweet dreams," I echo, snuggling a little bit closer to him.
When I wake up in the morning, my chest is pressed against Daniel’s shirt, and I feel his fingertips lightly tracing up and down my back.
“Morning,” he hums.
“Good morning,” I answer, shifting slightly. “How long have you been awake?”
Daniel makes a noncommittal noise. “Not sure, didn’t want to risk waking you up to check my phone.”
I look up at him as best I can from my position. “You’ve just been staring at the ceiling this whole time?”
“It hasn’t been that long. Plus I’m resting, and enjoying our cuddle.”
I turn away blushing and snuggle back into him. “You are very warm; makes me not want to get up.”
“Our alarm hasn’t gone off yet—” He’s cut off by the alarm on his phone doing just that. “Nevermind.”
I make no effort to move from my cozy position.
“Come on,” He urges, pulling my hair lightly. “We have to get up and brush our teeth. I have a feeling there’s some kissing in our future, so.”
“Oh? Is there someone you have your eye on?” I tease.
“Just my fake girlfriend. I think I’ll probably need to demonstrate to her family how in love I am.”
“Demonstrate, huh? I’ll tell the children to shield their eyes.”
I feel Daniel’s laugh rumble through his chest, and I grin.
“Come on, we have to get ready and we have to make a good impression!”
I groan, rolling off and away from him. “I’m going to complain the whole time.”
“I’d expect nothing less.”
I don’t have to turn around to know he’s smirking.
Daniel showers first so I can use the bathroom to style my hair and do my makeup once I’m done with mine.
When I’m done, I find Daniel suited and sitting on the edge of the bed, scrolling on his phone. I walk up to him, standing in between his legs, and he looks up at me, taking in my appearance.
“You look beautiful.”
I reach my hand up to smooth his collar. “And you look very handsome; it might be a hard sell for anyone to believe you’re here with me,” I joke.
He shakes his head, smiling softly. He reaches up to take my hand, pulling my wrist up to his lips where he leaves a gentle kiss.
“I don’t think anyone will have any trouble believing that, actually.”
My heart stutters in my chest, and I swallow.
“Are you ready to meet everyone?”
“I am. Are you nervous?”
I look at him for a minute and really think about it.
“No,” I say, shaking my head. “With you, I’m not nervous.”
He smiles. “Good; let’s get going.”
As we exit the hotel, we take a right before descending down the stairs to the beach ceremony hand in hand. The sun feels warm on our skin, but the soft breeze keeps it from feeling overbearing. I can feel some family members’ eyes on me as I smile and wave with my free hand, sure I’ll have plenty of time to talk to them after. We pick our seats and I look up at Daniel, who is already smiling down at me. I smile back as he places our clasped hands in my lap, his thumb gently brushing back and forth over my skin.
“It’s a beautiful day to get married,” he states, looking around.
I hum in agreement, wrapping my free hand around his bicep.
“I always wondered about summer weddings— I’d worry that I’d sweat off all my makeup if I was the bride.”
Daniel huffs a laugh. “Yeah. I assume most grooms are sweating buckets before they even reach the reception.”
My eyes wander down to where he has the first few buttons of his shirt undone to accommodate the heat.
“My eyes are up here.”
My eyes flash back up to his, and he smirks. I shake my head and try not to blush at getting caught. He leans down to kiss my temple.
“You’re cute when you blush,” he murmurs against my hair, squeezing my hand.
I turn to him and raise my eyebrow. “Diving right in are we?”
He shrugs and diverts his attention back to the altar.
“Ryan looks so much older in his tux.”
I look to where Ryan stands next to Nick, Rachel’s soon-to-be husband, as one of the groomsmen.
“Sometimes I forget he’s only 18, but then he’s still a baby to me in some ways.”
Daniel shakes his head. “Just imagine, one day we’ll be sitting at his wedding.”
“I can’t even think about that— though, to be fair, he may beat me to getting married. He and Katharine have been dating since they were 13.”
He lets out a low whistle. “True high school sweethearts. Do you think they’ll stay together through college?”
I sigh, looking over at Katharine a few rows ahead with my Aunt Judith. “I hope so, I think they’re a good fit. She’s already part of the family.”
It’s quiet for a moment before something hits me.
“You said we’ll be sitting at Ryan’s wedding.” I tug on Daniel’s arm. “Plan on sticking around?”
“Well, I—” He opens and closes his mouth a few times, not sure of the right response.
I giggle and lean up to kiss his cheek before pulling back just enough to whisper, “You know, you’re really cute when you blush.”
He turns to me before I can pull away entirely, placing a quick kiss on my lips, leaving me blinking up at him.
He smirks. “Touché.”
There’s something to be said for attending a wedding with someone.
I’m not sure if I’m emotional because it’s Rachel, my cousin who I’ve grown up with, or the fact that when something particularly romantic happens, I look at Daniel, who will smile and squeeze my hand in solidarity.
We’re both a little teary eyed by the time the ceremony ends. I reach my free hand up to wipe a stray tear from his face. He laughs, embarrassed.
“It’s okay, I’m feeling it too. Easy to feel a little sappy on a day like today.”
“Mmm. Really sets the mood for the start of our relationship.”
I roll my eyes good-naturedly.
“Speaking of…” I trail off, eyeing a few family members approaching over his shoulder.
“Get ready, because introductions start now.”
The members of my family that are introduced seem to welcome Daniel with no hesitations— and far fewer questions than I anticipated. He handles them all smoothly and I’m thankful we discussed some things beforehand. Eventually, we part ways, excusing ourselves with promises to catch up more later.
We don’t get too far before a little girl runs up to us. She can’t be older than 4 or 5.
“Hi,” she giggles. “I’m Marnie.”
Daniel and I share a smile, and I bend down a bit. “Hi Marnie, I’m Lauren, and this is Daniel.” He waves. “Are you here for the wedding too?”
She nods bashfully. “Nick kissed her! Now he’s a husband.”
Daniel laughs. “He is.”
“How do you know Nick?” I ask.
“He’s my cousin,” she says, kicking some sand with her sandals.
“Ahh, the girl he kissed is my cousin Rachel. Now she’s a wife!” I exclaim.
She looks at me curiously. “Is a wife like a mom?”
Before I can answer, we hear someone call her name, and we look up to see a couple around our age standing on the patio about 10 feet away.
“Is that your mom and dad?” Daniel asks.
“Yeah, I gotta go— see you later!”
She dashes off, and we wave at the couple who wave back, calling out an apology.
“It’s fine— she’s super cute!” I smile.
We watch as they head back toward the hotel, and presumably the reception.
We walk along the stone wall lining the patio, watching from a distance as bridal party photos are taken.
I look at him. “Should we take our own photo to celebrate the occasion, and how nice we look?”
Daniel laughs, pulling his phone out of his pocket. “Sure.”
He bends down so we can take a selfie, before shaking his head.
“Wait.” He sits on the wall, and pulls me so I’m sitting on his lap. I try to mask my blush as he looks at the phone screen. “Better. More natural angle.”
We take one selfie smiling and another with silly faces.
“Do you two want me to take a photo for you?” A woman passing by asks.
I hesitate, but Daniel’s already handing over his phone. “That would be great, thanks.”
We stay seated with his arm around my waist. And I turn to lean into him, putting my hand on his chest.
We grin and the woman takes a photo.
“Boooo, boring,” Ryan heckles, walking up behind the woman out of nowhere. “Give us something good.”
I roll my eyes, and feel Daniel chuckle.
“Aren’t you supposed to be taking formal photos?” I query.
“I finished.” He shrugs, taking the camera from the woman, who excuses herself. “Now give me something good.”
“Alright Ryan, since you asked so nicely,” Daniel drawls. I feel his hand on my neck tilting my head up. “Give the man what he wants.” He smirks, eyes sparkling, leaning in to kiss me.
I can’t help but grin into the kiss as I hear Ryan quickly change his tune. “Okay gross, this is excessive. I got it, you can stop.”
Eventually we pull away, and I turn to Ryan innocently. “Sorry, were you saying something?”
“I’m starting to regret pushing the whole plus one agenda.” He frowns, handing Daniel back his phone.
“No you aren’t,” I tease.
“I’m going to go find my girlfriend,” he rebuts, stalking off.
Daniel shakes his head. “He’s funny.” Lowering his voice, he says into my ear, “One kiss down, many to go.”
I shove him playfully and slide off his lap, turning back towards the hotel to hide my blush. “If any of those pictures came out good, send them to me, please.”
“Okay, but wait.” He stands and pulls my elbow gently, and as I turn back to him his lips meet mine.
“What was that for?” I ask as we finally pull away.
“Just making sure we found our rhythm.” He shrugs. “Besides, as your boyfriend, I technically don’t need a reason.”
I bite my lip. “Is that so?”
He looks at me innocently. “It goes both ways, you know, these lips are yours for the day.”
I bark a laugh. “That sounds so weird, but, okay, noted.”
He grins, lacing our fingers together and pulling me back toward the hotel and the reception.
Inside the reception, each table seats 6; we’re seated at one of the family tables with Ryan, Katharine, and my Aunt Judith. Aunt Judith is my late grandmother’s sister. She has a sharp tongue and rarely minces words when she speaks, a trait that suited her long career as a lawyer in the city. She’s one of the family members who I’ve been most nervous for Daniel to meet, as I know she’ll be critical and her eagle eye will be looking for weaknesses between us. I’ve seen her do it to Rachel’s boyfriends over the years, and even to Katharine when she and Ryan started dating.
“So, Daniel…” Aunt Judith begins. “Ryan here tells me you had… concerns, about Lauren telling us about you.”
Here comes the interrogation. I glare at Ryan, who shrugs, before looking at Daniel who appears unusually calm.
“Not concerns, really,” he starts, “We were friends for a long time, as you know, and I think we were both just nervous—“ he looks at me, “and trying to take our time in figuring out the transition into being together romantically.”
I nod, “And it was only like a month before I told Ryan. You guys know I tell you everything.”
Aunt Judith watches as the others laugh knowingly, and Daniel grins at me.
“Are you planning to keep your relationship private from the press?” She pushes.
“Well,” Ryan interjects, “At the airport they were holding hands, even when Katharine approached him pretending to be a fangirl.”
I roll my eyes, “That was so unnecessary, you guys. Daniel and I both like our privacy so I wouldn’t say we’re hiding it, but we aren’t flaunting it all over either.”
“I’m definitely not ashamed or trying to hide Lauren, if that’s what you mean.” Daniel jests lightly.
“I should hope not,” she says, looking at him over her glass, as she takes a sip.
Katherine turns to Daniel, “What is it about Lauren that drew you in?”
Ryan snorts, “Yeah, how’d she escape the friendzone?”
I put a hand over my face, embarrassed, which Aunt Judith seems to interpret to mean something else entirely.
“Please tell me you did nothing scandalous, so help me, Lauren….”
“What,” I look at her, “No, of course not, why would you assume that?”
She shrugs and Daniel intervenes, “It wasn’t something sudden… I always knew she was beautiful, and obviously as we became friends I saw how kind and thoughtful she was. Funny too,” he says smirking at me.
“Hmm,” she says taking a sip from her drink again, but I can tell she’s secretly pleased with his answer.
Once dinner is finished I excuse Daniel and I from the table, so I can introduce him to Rachel, her new husband, Nick, and of course my Auntie Kim.
I feel Daniel’s hand squeeze mine and I turn back to look at him, smiling.
“Getting tired of all these introductions yet?” I ask.
He shakes his head. “No, I’m fine.”
“Such a good sport,” I tease, and he rolls his eyes.
We wait for the last people currently talking to Rachel and Nick to clear, and when Rachel sees me she squeals.
I laugh, “Hi Rach, congratulations!”
“Thank you,” she beams, looking over at Nick briefly.
“And welcome to the family, officially, Nick.”
He grins and motions behind me, “Who’s this guy you’re towing around?”
“Right,” I blush. “Rachel, Nick, this is my boyfriend Daniel.”
“It’s a pleasure,” Daniel greets, sticking out his hand to shake theirs. Neither Nick or Rachel do a great job of hiding their surprise.
“No offense, Laur, but when Ryan told me you were bringing a boyfriend I thought he was messing with us.” Nick interjects.
I force a grin on my face, feeling Daniel’s hand comfortingly move to my back.
“I’m all too real, I’m afraid.” Daniel interjects. “Sorry to disappoint.”
I lean back into him, and watch as Rachel smacks Nick on the arm.
“No, no, we’re very glad you’re real Daniel. Just surprised is all. Don’t mind Nick.”
Auntie Kim approaches saving us from the awkward encounter.
“This must be the infamous Daniel, who has won our Lauren’s heart.”
I blush, as she moves to hug him.
He smirks, “Well, she’s won mine as well.”
“You two are so cute. We are so thrilled you could come today, Daniel.”
“I was too, it is really great to meet you all after hearing this one talk about you all nonstop.”
The group laughs.
“We are very much looking forward to getting to know you better, hopefully this will be the first of many visits.”
He smiles, “Definitely.”
At some point much later in the evening, I lose Daniel. He steps away to use the restroom and I get pulled into conversation with a family friend. I keep my eyes peeled for him but somehow I don’t seem to see him anywhere.
I’m standing by the bar waiting for a drink when I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist.
“Hi, darling.”
My stomach flutters at the pet name.
“Oh hello, I was wondering where you ran off to.”
His arms tighten around my waist. “I was having a riveting conversation with one of your aunts, actually.”
I turn my head to look at him curiously. “Which one?”
“Aunt Judith,” he smirks, waving the bartender over to order a drink of his own.
“Oh boy,” I laugh. “What did you guys talk about?”
Once he places his order he leans down to whisper in my ear, “She wanted to know if we were using protection, and after that, we went over the unexpected costs of raising children.”
I turn around in his arms, horrified. “No! —She didn’t.”
“Oh yes,” he laughs, grinning. “She did.”
“What did you even say?”
He pretended to think. “I told her, diaper prices are definitely outrageous, and I agree, college costs are inflated beyond belief—” I glare at him. “Oh, and that it was very important to me that we practice safe sex, but, if anything ever did happen, I would be there for you every step of the way.”
“Oh God.” I bury my face into his chest, and he laughs, affectionately stroking my hair. “I’m so sorry, that’s mortifying….”
“I’ve been asked weirder things, just being an actor in LA.”
“Still.” I look up at him. “Your answer was very sweet, though.”
“Well, it’s the truth. I’ll always be there for you— fake pregnancies and all.”
We’re staring at each other now, his fingers still running through my hair, his other hand on my lower back. Time seems to slow down and my eyes flicker to his mouth, his words from earlier echoing in my head. It goes both ways. Before I can talk myself out of it, I reach up to kiss him, because it feels right.
“You’re the best fake boyfriend, you know that?” I murmur against his mouth.
He pulls me closer to him, brushing his nose against mine. “I might need another kiss to convince me.”
The bartender behind us clears his throat. “Excuse me, sir, ma’am? Your drinks?”
We break apart, and as our moment ends I try to quell the butterflies in my tummy.
Daniel smiles politely at the bartender, passing me my drink before taking his glass in one hand and my hand in the other.
We make our way back to our now vacant table. He lets go of my hand to pull his chair closer to mine as we sit down, draping his arm over the back of my chair. I lean into him as we sip our drinks, people-watching the other tables and the crowd on the dance floor. I feel his fingers start drawing shapes on my shoulder, causing me to look up at him.
“Are you having a good time?” he asks.
“I am, largely thanks to you. Are you having a good time?”
“I am; everyone has been really welcoming. It’s nice to meet the people you’ve told me about, and hear the stories everyone has to tell me about you. There have been some good ones, I have to say…”
I roll my eyes, smiling. “I’m sure.”
“The only way it could be better would be if they had baby pictures.”
“Listen, I’ll be the first to say I peaked in preschool. I was much cuter then, I peaked—” Daniel laughs. “I’ll get some and show you. You’ll be so disappointed this is how I’ve turned out.”
“No, I don’t think so. I mean I bet you were cute but, I couldn’t be disappointed.”
I shake my head, blushing. “Don’t be so sure— you haven’t seen them yet.”
“I am sure…. I’m looking at you right now.”
I start to smile despite myself. “Oooooh, that was smooth, Sharman.”
“No, no, no," he protests, smirking, "it’s easy when you tell the truth.”
“Have you always been this cheesy, or is this a boyfriend exclusive privilege I’ve unlocked?”
“You know—” He’s interrupted as the little girl from earlier runs up to us.
“Hi,” she says bashfully.
I smile, “Hi Marnie,”
She turns to Daniel and taps twice on his knee. “Can I sit?”
Daniel looks at me, and then around the room. Marnie’s parents are nowhere in sight.
“Sure, angel. Where are your mom and dad?”
She shrugs before he lifts her into his lap. The three of us smile at each other as Marnie gets shy. She leans up to whisper in Daniel’s ear, cupping both of her tiny hands around his ear. I can’t hear what she’s saying but I watch as Daniel’s eyes twinkle in amusement.
“Not yet,” he answers to whatever she asked, and she giggles before whispering again, and he laughs. “Mhm, I do.”
Marnie pulls back and looks at him with amazement, whispering even more excitedly. This time he pauses before smiling at me, before turning back to her.
“What do you think?” She looks at me quickly before back at him, nodding shyly. He nods along with her, before leaning in and whispering in her head with his hands cupped secretly like hers had been. Marnie is absolutely beaming now. It’s easy to see how smitten she is with him.
Curiosity gets the best of me. “Do I get to know a secret, too?” I ask, teasingly.
She looks unsure before Daniel swoops in playfully. “Nope, these secrets are for me and Marnie only.”
“Darn it.” I sigh dramatically.
The music changes to something Marnie clearly recognizes as her face lights up, as she tugs on Daniel’s sleeve. “Can we dance? Me and you?”
Daniel looks at me. “Will you be okay here?”
“Absolutely, I’ll be watching.”
He puts his drink on the table as I pick mine up to take a sip, watching as her tiny hand fits in his and she drags him out to dance. The two of them are so cute and my heart feels like it’s going to burst.
Ryan slides into Daniel’s seat a minute later.
“You know, if you and Daniel had a daughter, she’d probably look just like Marnie.”
I glance at him, realizing he’s right. Dark brown curls and bright blue eyes, with a toothy smile and a loud laugh.
“Don’t let my ovaries hear you. I’m not having any children until I have two rings on this finger,” I say, waggling my left hand at him.
Ryan laughs and we watch as Daniel is so good with Marnie, letting her swing his arms around and move them to the beat.
“I like him,” Ryan says definitively.
I look at him, surprised. “Wow, I mean I obviously like him too, I just thought you’d be more skeptical.”
“I did too until I saw you guys together. I just…” He looks emotional all of a sudden. “Shit.”
I laugh softly. “It’s okay, Ry, it’s an emotional day.” I rub his shoulder as he pinches his eyes.
I see Daniel glance over, concerned, but I give him a thumbs up. He nods and goes back to spinning Marnie around.
“I just...” I turn back to Ryan as he speaks, giving him my full attention. “I can see that he loves you— really loves you. It’s all I ever wanted for you.”
I feel my heart squish uncomfortably in my chest. I feel guilty that my cousin is so happy for me, so proud and vulnerable over a relationship that’s just for show. I swallow.
“Me too, I— thank you, Ryan. I love you, so much.”
The song changes again into something slow and I watch Marnie shriek, horrified, before running off into the crowd. Daniel looks after her, humored, before looking at me, gesturing with his head that I come join him. Ryan must see it too because he kisses my temple.
“I love you, too. Go get your man; I should find Katharine.”
Like I’m in a trance, I don’t take my eyes off Daniel as I approach. He smiles and reaches his hands out for me, lacing our fingers together.
“May I have this dance?”
“You may, I was getting a little jealous over there.”
He drops one of my hands to wrap it around my waist, and I bring mine around his neck as we begin to sway, staying close together.
He chuckles. “Well, don’t be, I think everyone here knows who I’m going home with.”
“Yeah, you’re stuck with me.”
He smiles softly but doesn’t answer. I feel my eyes flutter shut as he moves closer pressing his lips to mine gently, tenderly. I kiss him back and for a second I swear I feel it— that all-encompassing love Ryan says he sees between us. When we pull apart, he keeps his head dipped down, pressing his cheek to mine for the remainder of the song. I close my eyes and nuzzle into him, letting myself pretend this is real, just for another moment.
Eventually I break our silence.
“Hey, what did Marnie ask you?”
“Hmm?” He murmurs, the sound vibrating against my cheek.
“During your super secret whisper time.”
“Oh,” he laughs breathily. “She wanted to know if we were married.”
“Ahhh,” I chuckle. “I see. What else did she want to know?”
He pauses as the song starts to fade out and our swaying slows down. “I don’t know if I can tell you that. Some secrets need to stay secret, after all.”
While it was clearly meant to be a joke, he says it a bit too seriously, so I drop it and smile tightly as we pull apart.
He tugs my hand playfully. “Nothing bad, I promise.”
I make a face at him. “Well, I guess I’ll never know.”
He laughs. “You’ll just have to take my word for it.”
A little while later, we’re watching Rachel and Nick leave for their honeymoon as the wedding party begins to disperse.
“I suppose we should say our goodbyes,” I say, tearing my eyes away as their car drives off.
I hug my Auntie Kim goodbye and tell her I’ll see her at Christmas. She fawns over Daniel, telling him to watch over me, and how happy she is to have gotten to meet him. It makes me smile to see how well he gets on with her. It’s hardest to say goodbye to Ryan. I hug him fiercely, and he returns the hug just as vigorously.
“I wish I could take you back with me.”
“I know.”
“We need to FaceTime more.”
“We will.”
When I step back, Ryan and Daniel go to shake hands, and I see Aunt Judith sitting at the bar by herself. I excuse myself as they chat and take the seat next to her.
“Aunt Judith, I’m afraid I leave again tomorrow.”
She turns toward me, swirling the scotch in her glass. She disregards what I’ve said and instead looks past me into the crowd.
“Where’s that man of yours?”
“He’s saying goodbye to Ryan at the moment.”
She hums.
“What?” I ask.
“He’s a looker.”
I chuckle. “So I’ve been told.”
“I think he could be husband material though. Not as dense as men usually are.”
I suppress a smile. “Huh, I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you.” I give her a kiss on the cheek goodbye, walking over to rejoin Daniel who seems to be finishing a serious chat with Ryan as I approach. As I join his side, Ryan shakes his hand one last time before walking away. Daniel glances at me, placing a hand on my back, looking back towards Aunt Judith at the bar.
“Should I go say goodbye to her?”
“I think you’re alright.”
Aunt Judith waves at us, and Daniel waves back.
”Was everything okay with Ryan?”
“Oh, yeah, yeah; just talking.” He shifts, interlacing our hands. “Ready to go back to our room?”
I nod and we head towards the elevators, hands swinging between us. While we wait, I subconsciously start swaying to the soft music playing from the hallway speakers. Daniel glances at me smirking, and I look up at him giggling, “What?”
“Nothing. You want to spin, like Marnie?” He teases, lifting our joined hands. I spin twice before bumping into his chest, giggling more. “Ooops.”
He shakes his head at me as the elevator doors open. He wraps both his arms around me, walking me backward into the elevator and I laugh into his tie. I turn around so we’re both facing the doors as he reaches around me to press the button for our floor. The mirrored doors slide closed and I meet his eyes in the reflection. We’re both grinning.
“You’re absolutely ridiculous,” he taunts, and I stick my tongue out in the reflection. His arms tighten around me and I press backwards into his chest.
Back at the room, we start to get ready for bed. We share the bathroom to brush our teeth and do our nighttime routines, playfully brushing and bumping into each other. I drag my feet, trying to make the evening last as long as possible, trying to stretch out this daydream I’m living in before we have to go home tomorrow.
I get into bed first, lying on my back and watching as Daniel pads across the room to his side of the bed. He shuts off the overhead light as he passes, leaving only the soft blue moonlight from the window covering us.
He climbs into bed next to me but stays propped up on his elbow. I look at him and he begins tracing my face with his other hand. I crinkle my nose at him, and laugh softly.
“What’re you doing?”
“For what?”
He gestures behind me to a decorative sign on the wall.
I turn my head to look at it. “I can’t read that without my contacts.”
His fingers trace over my lips, and I hold my breath at the intimate gesture.
His voice drops even softer. “It says always kiss me goodnight. So I’m waiting.”
I look back at him, expecting him to crack a joke, but he doesn’t; his eyes are sincere. I run the arm closest to him up behind his neck, catching my fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck. He takes the hint, letting my touch guide him as he leans down and kisses me.
The kiss is sleepy, soft, lips tenderly pressed together, moving slowly against each other. It ends with a few gentle kisses that drift from my mouth to my cheek, up to my forehead. His gaze is already fixed on me when my eyes flutter back open.
I start to think about how final that kiss felt, how this is the end of our weekend of pretend; how it doesn’t make any sense that we’re kissing when no one’s here to see us, but maybe we’re both lonely and already missing the comfort, the closeness of this façade. I run my hand up from the nape of his neck to scratch gently at his scalp and his eyes flutter shut, finally breaking our eye contact.
“That feels nice,” he whispers. Wordlessly, we shift so his head is on my chest, his arm around my waist, my nails still soothingly sifting through his hair, quietly lulling him to sleep.
tagged: @rogershoe @heyrowena @yunsh-17
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gretavanfanfic · 4 years
Noisy Neighbor
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Pairing: Josh Kiszka x (F) Reader
Warnings: Smut! 18+ only
Word Count: 5000ish
Summary: The walls in your apartment are a bit thin and Neighbor!Josh likes to make noise.
You can’t deny that you have a bit of a crush on your neighbor, Josh. From the day he moved into the apartment next to yours, you were immediately attracted to his looks. And then, a few weeks later, he introduced himself to you in the hallway and you found out that he’s actually the sweetest person in the world. Your attraction intensified tenfold. Now, every time you enter or leave your apartment, you can’t stop yourself from hoping that you’ll run into him in the halls.
Though you’ve only spoken to Josh on a handful of occasions, you feel as though you know him on an intimate level due to the paper thin walls of your home. You’ve concluded that your living rooms must share a wall, because you can hear absolutely everything Josh does in the main room of your suite. You weren’t surprised when you discovered this though, considering the low price you pay for rent each month. What did surprise you was that you found it didn’t annoy you in the slightest. Josh makes quite a bit of noise, but honestly, you very much enjoy the chaos that regularly flows out of his apartment. 
You hate to admit it, because you know it’s creepy, but sometimes you intentionally eavesdrop on the goings-on in Josh’s apartment. A lot of the time, it’s more entertaining than anything you could watch on TV. Josh has 3 friends (or maybe brothers, they look like they may be related) that visit so often, you frequently wonder why they all didn’t just move in together. When they’re over, the shouting and laughter is constant, and you get a major kick out of listening to their stories and antics. And then there’s Josh’s singing. Whenever he’s home alone, you can hear his angelic voice belting out song after song, some that you recognize and others that you don’t. His voice is so gorgeous, you’re sure he could sing the phone book and make it sound amazing. Why would you listen to music on your speakers when you have a front row seat to Josh’s beautiful live performances? You feel a bit guilty for your snooping, but you figure it’s harmless. If Josh didn’t want anyone to hear him, he’d quiet down.
This particular evening, though, your eavesdropping doesn’t seem quite as harmless as usual. You’re not deliberately spying on Josh. At first. You’re just settling in for a night of Chinese takeout and Netflix when a noise through the wall catches your attention. A...sexy noise. It isn’t loud, definitely more quiet than most of the sounds coming from Josh’s unit, but you hear it nonetheless. Curious, you turn the volume on the TV down and lean closer to the wall behind your couch, waiting to hear if it happens again.
A few moments later and there it is once more, an unmistakable moan. Just that small sound makes your entire body feel hot, and you press your ear even closer to the wall. Is he doing what I think he’s doing? You can’t hear anything else that would give you any more hints, but why else would he be letting out little moans here and there? The image of Josh touching himself causes wetness to build between your thighs. 
Then you’re struck by another thought, one that lessens your desire slightly. What if he’s with someone? If you’re being honest with yourself, you would probably be devastated if that was the case. Though you wouldn’t even really consider Josh a friend, you’ve held out on the hope that maybe something would happen between the two of you someday. You never thought that he may have a girlfriend, or even about him sleeping with other girls.
You begin to feel dejected, until you realize that you’re getting ahead of yourself. You’ve been home for hours, and not once did you hear Josh’s front door open or close. You also hadn’t heard him talk to anyone during the day. He had been singing for a bit earlier, and his TV was on briefly, but that was it. If a girl had been there, you’re sure you would have heard her at some point. And so, you allow yourself to believe that Josh is in his apartment alone, scratching his own itch.
Another low groan sounds a few moments later, and you squirm in your seat, getting wetter and wetter by the second. Invested now, you mute the TV altogether so you can hear Josh without any background static. Voyeurism is not something you engage in on a regular basis, so you can’t help feeling a little dirty listening in on his “personal time.” But you can’t make yourself turn a blind eye and resume your show on Netflix either. All you can focus on is Josh and the arousal he’s brought on.
Josh’s moans are becoming louder and more frequent now. Some are small grunts, whereas others are drawn out and higher in pitch, almost whiny. You’ve never heard anything hotter in your life, and before long, you’re practically aching for him. You want to see his body, which you’re certain is toned but not overly muscular, and run your fingertips over every inch of his skin. You yearn for him to kiss you, so you can glide your tongue over his luscious lips and feel the vibration of his groans in your mouth. More than anything, you want to fuck him. Feel the pleasant stretch as he thrusts into you over and over, filling you up and satisfying your needs.
Unable to stop yourself, your right hand travels past the waistband of your leggings and into your underwear. Using your middle finger, you gather some of your wetness and drag it up to your clit, rubbing slow circles over the sensitive nerve. Your eyes fall shut at the feeling it elicits. 
This isn’t the first time you’ve thought of Josh while getting yourself off. He’s been a staple in your fantasies ever since the day he introduced himself. Pretending it’s Josh and not your vibrator working you to orgasm makes the whole process go much more quickly. The toy has seen a significant increase in action since he moved in.
Listening to Josh masturbating on just the other side of the wall has you hot enough that you don’t even need your favorite toy right now. You’ve just barely started stimulating your clit and you’re already ridiculously close to orgasm. You can feel your heartbeat in your ears and a light sweat has broken out across the back of your neck. You’re so wet, you can feel it leaking out of you and into your underwear. Only a few more circles and you know you’ll be cumming harder than you have in a long time.
And then it happens. From the other side of the wall, you hear Josh’s husky voice whine, “Oh fuck, Y/N!” 
Your hand stills in your pants and your jaw drops open in disbelief. Did he just say my name? You had to have heard wrong. Or maybe you were just so horny and caught up in the moment that you imagined it. 
But then, there it is again.
“Y/N! Fuck, oh my god,” followed by a much louder and lower groan. 
This time, there is no mistaking it. Josh Kiszka just moaned your name while he came. 
Your body is absolutely rigid, with the exception of your legs, which are visibly shaking. Being so close to the edge and then abruptly stopping stimulation will do that to you. 
Inhaling deeply, you attempt to center yourself and process what you just heard. Which is impossible; you’re too turned on to even have a chance of thinking rationally. The only thing going on in your mind is: Josh! Josh! Josh!
As badly as you want to just shove your hand back down your pants and finish yourself off right now, Josh’s utterance of your name has brought out a carnal desire in you that you’re positive can only be fulfilled by actual physical contact with him. And you can’t wait for it. You need it now.
So with a stroke of courage like you’ve never experienced before, you quickly get up and wash your hands in the kitchen sink, then march toward your front door and swing it open. Foregoing shoes, you walk swiftly toward the door to Josh’s apartment and rap your knuckles against the dark green wood emblazoned with the number 201.
There’s no response at first, and you’re not really surprised considering you’re calling on him right after he finished jerking himself off. So you knock again, and this time you hear him shout, “Just a second!”
As you stand outside his door, waiting for him to appear, you begin to feel butterflies in your stomach. The worries that should have popped into your head earlier are now showing themselves, and there’s a lot of them. What if he really is with a girl? What if I’m not the Y/N he’s thinking about? Why did I not change before coming over here? Is my hair a mess? Did I even put on deodorant today? What if he’s not interested?
And then the door clicks open and there stands a pink-cheeked Josh, shirtless with a pair of black sweatpants riding low on his slim hips. You can tell you’ve caught him off-guard because his eyes widen significantly when they land on you. Unable to exercise any form of self-control, you allow yourself to examine his bare torso, eyes dancing from his pecs, past his toned abdomen, to the wispy happy trail that disappears under his low-slung pants. On your way up, you ogle his muscular arms. He catches you staring, and you see the blush spread down to his chest, small red patches cropping up as he takes you in.
Clearing his throat, he says, “Y/N! Hi! Sorry, I- uh, I wasn’t expecting any visitors.”
“Yeah, that’s my bad. Sorry,” you apologize, bouncing from foot to foot. “Are- are you busy?” 
You figure this is a safe way to start the conversation. Not being too straightforward, but also making it clear that you’re here for a reason and it may take up some of his time.
Josh looks even more surprised and you can hear the shock in his voice when he too loudly exclaims, “No! No, come on in.” He moves backward and opens up the door wider, allowing you to step through the frame. 
The door shuts behind you, and you and Josh stand awkwardly in his entryway for a moment. Taking the opportunity to see how Josh lives, you glance around the living area and note that it looks exactly like you expected it to. With a layout identical to yours, it is messy, but not overly so, and cozy, with personal touches like photos and knick knacks spread throughout the room. Every inch is reminiscent of Josh. Then you catch sight of Josh’s phone, lying upside down on the sofa, like it was thrown down quickly when he got up to answer the door, and a dark green t-shirt crumpled into a ball on the floor.
The shirt reminds you of Josh’s current state of undress, and your eyes flick back to his half-naked frame. His body is more gorgeous than you imagined, and you long to put your hands on him. You feel almost predatory as you gawk at him and lick your lips.
Breaking the silence, Josh asks, “So what can I do for you, neighbor? Need to borrow a cup of sugar?” He grins at you, making eye contact for a moment, then glances away and rubs his palm along the back of his neck. 
You let out a nervous giggle at the cliche and greedily take in the sight of his newly exposed underarm. He’s so pretty, you think to yourself. 
Shaking your head, you answer, “No, um, actually I had a question for you.” 
Before you make your move, you need to be absolutely certain that Josh doesn’t have a girlfriend. You would never forgive yourself for unknowingly moving in on someone else’s significant other.
“Okay,” Josh shrugs his shoulders. “Shoot,” he says, sticking his hands in his pockets. 
You know you’re being forward, and you know this could end up being a very uncomfortable situation, but you force yourself to question, “Are you single?”
It’s not what Josh is expecting to hear. His back straightens and his eyebrows shoot up, shock evident. He hastily recovers, however, and begins to nod rapidly. “Yeah, I am. Why do you ask?” Once the words leave his mouth, you watch as he bites his bottom lip, then soothes where he bit with his tongue. The action makes your clit throb with want.
What do you say now? “That’s great, because I want to fuck you?” Definitely not. You scour your brain for a way to casually bring up your attraction to him, beginning to lose the burst of confidence that brought you here in the first place. But then, you look up to Josh’s face to see that his eyes are black, pupils fully dilated despite being in a well-lit room. Really, the only explanation for it that you can think of is desire. And you’re sure if you were to look in a mirror right now, your pupils would be dilated as well.
At last, your hunger for him overtakes your nerves and you state, “You know, the walls here are pretty thin…”
Josh’s eyes practically bulge out of his head and you watch him nervously run a hand through his hair. He doesn’t make eye contact when he finally breathes out, “Oh.”
Feeling bold, you walk a few steps forward so that you’re almost toe to toe with Josh. He audibly sucks in a breath, taken aback by your close proximity. His eyes search your face for an explanation for your closeness, while yours eagerly examine his impeccable features. You allow yourself a moment to study his nicely shaped eyebrows, rich, chocolate eyes, nose that is perfectly sized for his face, plump, pink lips, and his skin, dotted with a small number of acne scars, but glowing nevertheless. You’re dying to reach out and touch him.
Instead, you admit, “I heard you a few minutes ago...it sounded an awful lot like you were moaning my name.”
Looking up at him from under your eyelashes, you see Josh’s cheeks flush bright red. He doesn’t reply right away, just darts his eyes around the room with noticeable tension in his jaw. His hand rises up again to run through his hair, then falls to his chest where he uses his short nails to scratch across the skin there. His palm stays splayed across his chest as he focuses his stare on his feet and confesses, “Listen, I’m sorry. I know it’s weird, but I didn’t realize I was being that loud. I really hope you don’t think I’m some disgusting creep. I just- I find you really attractive and my thoughts just sort of naturally land on you when I’m je- when I’m doing that.”
Truthfully, you were not expecting Josh to readily confirm your suspicions, but you’re definitely pleased that he did not hold back. A thrill runs through your body at his words, and again, you feel a rush of wetness between your legs. Fidgeting back and forth on your feet, you unconsciously rub your thighs together.
You know that Josh witnesses the motion because he openly gawks at you and the hand on his chest abruptly falls to his side. Your eyes follow his arm, and on their way down, you notice a sizable bulge has formed in his sweatpants. A shiver runs down your spine and your heart flutters knowing he’s just as turned on as you are right now.
Ready to relieve yourself of the tension you’ve been feeling for at least 20 minutes now, you close the distance between your bodies and firmly set your palms on Josh’s chest. Not allowing him time to question your closeness, you divulge, “Actually, I thought it was pretty hot. I, uh, I wish I was able to witness it with my eyes and not just my ears. But it kind of looks like you’re ready to go again, and I know I cou-”
Josh doesn’t let you finish your sentence, placing both hands on either side of your face and crashing his lips to yours. You respond readily, tracing his full lower lip with your tongue until it parts from his top lip and allows you entrance. Busying your tongue with his, you both relax into the kiss, and he combs some hair out of your face with his fingers. Driven by pure lust, you slide your right hand down his chest, fingertips combing through the happy trail that quite frankly, makes your mouth water, then break the kiss. In a whisper, you ask, “Can I?” and gesture towards his prominent bulge. He answers with a quick nod, and you cup the tent in his pants in your palm.
Groaning into your mouth (like you hoped he would), Josh grips your ass and tugs you forward so there is no space between your bodies. Your hand is sandwiched between both of your groins, but you do your best to stroke his dick through his pants, and revel in the small sounds he emits. 
Pulling away from your mouth, Josh kisses a trail over your jaw and down your throat, lightly sucking your pulse point, then soothes the area with his tongue. Meanwhile, his right hand snakes under your shirt and lingers on the skin of your waist for just a moment, before venturing higher and cupping your breast through your thin bralette. The pad of his thumb locates your nipple through the fabric and begins rubbing slow circles, causing you to inadvertently let out a small squeal. 
Josh chuckles against your neck at the noise, but the laugh turns strained as you increase the pressure your hand is applying to his very hard member. In retaliation, his left hand finds its way under your top and lightly pinches your other nipple, both of them now achingly stiff and sensitive. Each time his fingertips make contact, you feel the pleasure shoot straight down to your pussy. 
Craving more skin to skin contact, you suddenly take a step back and yank your shirt over your head, followed directly by your flimsy bra. Josh hungrily inspects your exposed breasts for just a minute, then drags you back into him so your naked torsos are flush against each other. Pressing his lips back to yours, your tongues again battle for dominance. 
Not even a minute later, Josh begins shuffling the two of you backwards, until you find yourself in his bedroom with your legs hitting the edge of his bed. There, he encourages you onto the navy blue comforter and you scoot up so you can lie back against the soft white pillows. You’re surprised to find that his bed is neatly made, and his room is free of clutter. You kind of expected it to be a pig-sty. 
Josh steals your attention again by crawling up your body and settling himself between your legs. Instead of kissing you, he attaches his lips to your collarbone, where he sucks for a second, then works his way down to the swell of your boob. His mouth closes around your nipple and sucks, causing you to breathe out a sigh of satisfaction.
You wrap your legs around his waist and buck up into him, hoping he’ll get the hint and return the favor by grinding down into you. He does, and you close your eyes and throw your head back against the pillow. 
Josh switches sides and begins lavishing your other nipple with his tongue, while you find the waistband of his pants and reach inside, quickly discovering that he decided against wearing underwear today. You’re not disappointed by the easy access he’s provided to his thick cock. 
Grasping it in your palm, you give his dick a few strokes, then run your thumb over the tip in circles. Josh appreciates this, as indicated by the slow, “Fuckkk,” he breathes out. You continue your motions, loving watching Josh react to your touch almost as much as the feel of his mouth on your bare skin. 
When he’s had enough of torturing your nipples, Josh’s mouth descends down your torso, kissing a circle around your belly button, and continues lower until he reaches the top of your leggings. He silently asks for permission with his eyes, and when you give it to him, he slips his fingers under the waistband and slides both the pants and your (very damp) underwear down your legs. The movement forces you to let go of his cock, and you mourn the loss of contact. 
You’re not upset for long, however, because, after Josh tosses your clothing to the ground, he positions himself on his stomach between your thighs, face lined up with your dripping heat. He lets out a deep groan at the sight of your exposed lower half. Teasing you, he attaches his lips to your inner thigh, kissing down it and toward your center before moving to the other side. This time, when he reaches the top of your inner thigh, he begins sucking on the skin, causing a gasp to escape your lips. He doesn’t let up until he’s left a dark purple bruise, which you’re certain will sting tomorrow and remind you of the fantasy come true that’s occurring right now. 
After he’s satisfied with the hickey, Josh pushes your thighs apart so you’re spread wide open in front of him. You see a small smirk form on his lips right before he leans forward and licks a slow stripe up your slit. As soon as his tongue touches your clit, your back arches off the mattress and a quiet whimper sounds from your mouth. He grins against you at your response and repeats the gesture multiple times in quick succession. When he adds his fingers to the mix, one gently probing your entrance while his tongue’s attention stays on your clit, your hands fly to his head and clutch his curls in bliss. 
He continues licking and sucking your bundle of nerves in perfect time with the thrust of his fingers until you’re panting and absolutely desperate for more. You know he’s also craving more, because he’s begun grinding his hips into the mattress in dire need of friction. 
Giving his curls a small tug, you watch as he lifts his head and darts his tongue out to lick your wetness off his lips. He stares back, waiting for a queue from you on what you want next.
Once you catch your breath, you pull him up for a kiss, tasting yourself on his lips, then practically beg, “Josh, I really, really need you to fuck me right now. Please.”
Not wasting a second, Josh scurries off the bed and speedily removes his pants, his rigid cock springing free from its confines. You shamelessly stare as he strolls over to his nightstand and retrieves a condom, then kneels next to your body on the mattress. 
It’s in this moment that it dawns on you that you’re about to sleep with the boy you’ve had a crush on for months now. The thought makes your stomach do a flip-flop in your abdomen. You allow yourself to hope that something else may bloom from this, that this isn’t the last time you’ll be naked in Josh Kiszka’s bed.
Once Josh has finished putting on the condom, he nudges his way back between your legs and leans forward so that your body is supporting most of his weight. You delight in the feel of his naked form crushing yours. Holding himself up with one hand on the mattress, he reconnects your lips and licks into your mouth, giving you the most sensual kiss yet. As he kisses you, he reaches down and grabs hold of himself, tapping your clit with the tip of his dick and making you let out a soft moan.
Lips breaking away from yours, Josh looks you directly in the eye and asks, “Are you sure?”
Appreciating his need for explicit consent, you smile at him and wind your arms around the back of his neck. Playing with the curls there, you reply, “Yes, definitely,” and pull him down so you can busy your lips on his neck. 
While you’re sucking your own hickey onto his skin, he lines himself up with your entrance and slowly pushes in until you can feel his balls against your ass. You mewl against his neck at the feeling of fullness and fist the comforter in your hands. He feels so good you could cry.
Once he’s fully seated in you, Josh blows out a shaky breath, eyes nearly rolling to the back of his head. He stays still for a moment, giving you some time to adjust to his length, before pulling out slightly and thrusting back into your heat. His rhythm is slow at first, but you don’t mind since it gives you some time to just feel him. And he appears to be enjoying himself, if his eyes being clamped shut and his mouth wide open is any indication.
When he does decide to pick up the pace, the noises your bodies make as he slips in and out of you amplify. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t find it hot. Looking down to where you are connected intensifies the experience even more, the sight of your slick all over his cock and in his pubic hair making you clench around him.
Josh groans at the sudden tightness and follows your line of sight. “Holy shit, you’re so wet. Oh my god,” he whimpers. Then, he drags the fingers of his right hand down your body, runs them through your wetness, and begins massaging your clit. 
You’re on cloud nine, and you never want to leave. You truly didn’t know sex could be this fantastic. Josh is attending to your every need like no one else has before, and you’re beyond happy that you made the decision to knock on his door.
His pace picks up even more and you lift your hips off the beds to meet his, thrust for thrust. Hoping to pull him in even closer, you dig your heels into his ass and use it as leverage for your thrusts. Doing this changes the angle just the smallest amount, but now there’s a delicious pressure being applied to the perfect place inside you every time Josh fills you up. This combination of his cock hitting your g-spot and his thumb on your clit has you quickly approaching climax, your face inadvertently scrunching up and your breathing becoming more labored.
Josh notices the changes in your facial expression and breathing and lowers himself to plant a kiss on your lips. Speeding up his motions on your clit, he kisses over to your ear and whispers, “That’s it, baby. Let me see what you look like when you cum.”
The words set something off inside you and you reach your peak, your hands gripping his shoulders tightly as a loud gasp leaves your lips. Eyes screwed shut, you moan out, “Josh! Fuck!” and feel yourself gush around him. Your orgasm is prolonged by Josh continuing his movements, making your legs shake and sweat bead at your forehead. The feeling is so intense, you have to swat at Josh’s hand to get him to stop petting your clit and overstimulating you.
Your orgasm has caused your pussy to clench around Josh, and you know he’s affected because his thrusts start to become more erratic. Even though you’re absolutely spent, you reach up to nibble on his ear and run your nails down his back, encouraging him to let go. He plunges into you just a few more times, and then he’s letting out a low grunt and calling out your name in a strained voice. 
Josh doesn’t pull out right away, remaining inside you while the both of you come down from your highs and catch your breath. He kisses you, slow and gentle this time, making you feel all sorts of things that it is definitely too soon for you to be feeling. When he finally pulls away, he smiles down at you, then pulls out and gets up to dispose of the condom. 
He’s back a second later, flopping beside you on his bed and tossing an arm over his forehead. Still grinning, he turns to you and says, “God, that was so hot. Definitely better than I imagined.”
A contented hum sounds from your lips. “Yeah? I’m glad. You can go ahead and add that to your spank bank.”
Josh chuckles at your joke, then extends his hand to play with your hair. Looking at him now, you know that you can’t allow this to be your last time together, and so, you decide to make a little confession of your own.
“I think about you, too, sometimes. When I- when I touch myself, I think about you, too.” 
Josh looks surprised for only a second, and then a light giggle leaves his mouth. 
“Do you happen to own a vibrator, Y/N?” he questions, a smirk etched on his face. 
Cheeks burning, you look away in embarrassment, but still confirm his suspicions with a small, “Yes.”
At your answer, Josh’s face lights up in a full blown grin and he drapes his body over you once more, lips hovering over yours. With a mischievous gleam in his eye, he playfully jests, “You know, thin walls go both ways. The sound of small appliances, say, vibrators, travels pretty easily. And it sounds like yours gets quite a bit of use.”
You know it’s stupid to feel embarrassed, since you’re naked in his bed, but you can’t help averting your eyes from his.
Now giggling at your awkwardness, Josh taps your nose with his to get you to look at him again. “Hey,” he laughs, “Next time you’re thinking of whipping that vibrator out, you can just come see me instead. I’ll take care of you.”
Laughing along with him, you jokingly whisper back, “I’ll keep that in mind,” and seal your lips to his, feeling unusually grateful that you were given such a noisy neighbor.
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lacharcutiere · 4 years
i’ll take u to the coffee shop
words: 2.3k
atsumu miya x fem!reader, feat. suna rintarō & kita shinsuke // sfw, fluff & coffee shop au obvs
ahaha the title is a play on 50 cent’s candy shop, get it ???
a/n: this was supposed to be hcs. or a drabble. but it ran really long (& also barely took me any time to write???) so here we are. enjoy @nkhachuuya​ <3
general masterlist // haikyū!! masterlist
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· i ·
there’s this adorable, tiny little café a block away from your apartment, and you take pride in being one of their few regulars—it’s kind of niche, undiscovered, and a wonderful place to study. it’s got a single bar against the wall opposite the counter, and you’re almost always the only one there. it’s not that business is bad; it’s just that it sits right next to an office complex, and most of its other regulars don’t have much more time than it takes to pick up a coffee and a croissant and leave. so you’ve almost always got the place to yourself. and by now, you’re familiar with most of its employees.
the weather is kind of disgusting this morning: there’s a light rain, and it’s chilly but not cold enough for snow, and it’s a little too windy for an umbrella to be anything other than an inconvenience.
your head is dipped, your bag is tucked tightly under your trench coat, your hair is damp when you walk in. and there’s a new barista, one you’ve never seen before—tall, hair bleached blond, big brown eyes, and... not unattractive. he must be new, you think.
as it normally is at this hour, the café is otherwise empty. his elbows are leaned on the counter and he’s on his phone, and the jingle of the bell on the door seems to startle him; he jumps when you walk in. you hide a laugh, but badly.
he snorts. “what a way to start my morning.”
“embarrassing myself in front of a pretty girl like you?” he says, shoving his phone in his pocket. before you can get a chance to respond, he continues, “what can i getcha?”
“uhm,” you say.
he grins. “yeah?”
“large, uh, caffè vanilla. with, uh, extra sugar ‘nd almond milk. for here.”
“you got it, pretty girl,” he says, and turns to grab a cup and get the milk out of the fridge.
“you’re not gonna ask me to pay?”
“oh, shit. um, yeah. four seventy-seven, you can insert your card whenever you’re ready.” while you give the chip reader a second to process it, he looks up at you, running a hand through his hair. “two for two?”
you laugh as you return your card to your wallet. “i haven’t seen you before, ‘s it your first day?”
“nah,” he answers as he returns to measuring out the milk for your coffee, “but i was supposed to. i started the other night. suna—you know him?— yeah, he had me fill in for him.” he pauses briefly, turns back to you. “i take it you come here a lot?”
“yeah,” you nod, and then add jokingly, “so you’ll definitely be seeing more of me.”
his face lights up at that. “yeah?”
“huh,” he laughs, “well, i could get used to having you around.”
it’s awkwardly quiet as he finishes pouring the drink into a mug for you and you walk over to set your things down on a chair. when he calls you back over and hands it to you, he says, “i’m atsumu, by the way. in case i’m ever not here and you wanna ask when my next shift is.”
you laugh and introduce yourself back.
“‘s pretty.” he smiles. “it suits you.”
and you take your drink and have a seat, your back to him as you fish your laptop and a book out of your bag. you can feel his eyes on you almost the entire time you’re there, though—and you don’t hate it.
he speaks to you once more when you’re heading out the door, calling out your name and handing you scrap of an old receipt with a phone number written on the back, which you can only assume is his.
“can i take you out sometime?” he asks, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“i don’t even know you,” you say, to which he responds:
“sure you do. i’m atsumu.”
“right.” and you give him one last smile and leave.
you don’t text him.
· ii ·
atsumu isn’t working when you come in the next afternoon—instead, you’re greeted by kita, who says to you as he makes your usual: “he was here this morning.”
“atsumu. he told me to tell you.”
“oh,” you say, and try to hold back a smile as you wonder why that bit of information has just about made your day.
“he works thursday morning, if you wanna come by then.” as kind of an afterthought, he laughs and adds, “i think he’d like that.”
“oh, please,” you respond sarcastically.
· v ·
but then it’s thursday morning, eight forty-six a.m., and you’re on your way to the café.
when you get there, he’s not even behind the counter—instead, he’s sitting in one of the barstools, his feet kicked up on the table.
“you’re gonna get fired,” you greet him.
“hey,” he responds with a grin.
“hi. i’ve got an order, if you wanna take it.”
“yeah, yeah, of course.” as he rushes back to where he’s supposed to be, he says, “i’ve got another thing i wanna take.”
you give him an eye roll.
“you. on a date.”
“that wasn’t as smooth as you think. large caffè vanilla with extra sugar and almond milk, please.”
“for here.”
“i was gonna take it to go this time, actually.”
“that wasn’t a question.”
“i’m making it for here.” he smiles, and turns to the fridge.
“i haven’t paid,” you point out to him, but this time he doesn’t stop.
“on the house,” he says. “i’ve got a new policy for hot girls: in house, on the house.”
“you’ve been working here for like, a week.”
“so i don’t think you get to have policies.” the last word is in air quotes for further emphasis, but it doesn’t matter since his back is to you.
when he hands your drink to you, he says again, “date?”
and you say, “no,” with a smile and another eye roll.
you make sure to leave while he’s taking care of another customer.
· vi ·
you come by in the morning again, and atsumu’s working. there’re a couple people in line ahead of you, graciously saving you from the greater part of his antics.
you don’t think you mind them, though.
and when he winks at you and says, “here ya go, pretty girl,” as he hands you your drink—to go, this time—your gaze snaps to the floor, hoping he won’t see the flush in your cheeks.
· ix ·
you have class early monday morning, but find yourself craving a danish after lunch, so you stop by the café on your way home.
“hey suna,” you greet him as you walk in, and he gives you a nod back.
“not today,” you say, “just a danish. cream cheese,” and pull your card out of your wallet.
“so.” he grabs one out of the fridge and sticks it in the toaster for you. “i hear you’ve taken a liking to atsumu?”
your eyes go wide. “huh? no way. other way around.”
suna shrugs. “‘s just what he said. i wouldn’t go for it if i were you, though. he’s kinda... i dunno. doesn’t take most things seriously, y’know?”
“yeah,” you say, as he slips the danish into a paper baggie and hands it to you. “yeah, i figured.”
· xi ·
atsumu knows your order.
it’s only the third time that you’ve come in when he’s working, and he knows your order.
he asks you on a date again, too, and you turn him down again. this time, it’s less because you don’t know him and more because what suna told you is echoing in your head.
and you’re not gonna lie, you wish you hadn’t heard it.
· xv ·
he always works mornings, you find out, unless he’s covering someone else’s shift.
“i kinda hate it,” he says, and continues with a smirk, “but not when you come in.”
“okay, atsumu.”
· xxi ·
and so that becomes your routine. when you do stop in, you try to make it a point come by the café in the morning.
you’re there more mornings than you’d like to admit.
atsumu doesn’t have to know—you’ve been a regular since before he started working there. he doesn’t need to know how much more frequently you visit now.
it’s your new routine: stop by before class. atsumu recites your order, large caffè vanilla, extra sugar, almond milk, before you can. sometimes it’s for here, sometimes you get it to go. “four seventy-seven,” he’ll say, and he’ll ask you on a date as you wait for the chip reader to process your payment. you always turn him down. and he never seems down about it—suna was probably right.
· xxxiv ·
and then, one day, atsumu doesn’t ask.
everything else is the same; he meets you with the same bright, mischievous grin, he still gets your order ready without you even having to say what you want. still tries to convince you to have it in house.
but he doesn’t ask you out.
you don’t mention it at all, and get him to put your drink in a to-go cup after some brief back-and-forth.
as you walk home, though, you can’t help but to feel kind of disappointed. is he taken? was he ever actually interested?
all this time you’d been trying to convince yourself that suna’s words didn’t apply to you. you were going to say yes. you were. but now it really seems like you were no exception, and as much as you don’t want to belive that, it’s hard not to when the proof seems so plainly laid out in front of you.
· xxxvii ·
it’s that strange kind of hurt that’s easily bearable, but that eats away at your thoughts with each passing day that you don’t get an answer.
you still stop by the café in the mornings, when he’s working. you do your best to hide whatever strange thing it is you’re feeling. he doesn’t seem to be any different than when you first met him, more than a month ago now.
well, aside from that he doesn’t ask you out every time he sees you anymore. but you’re gonna just try to ignore that.
· xl ·
apparently, there’s a first time for everything: you have never run into atsumu outside that café before. but then today, you’re heading home from the on-campus library after some late-evening studying, and you see a familiar blond-headed figure leaving the gym.
it seems he sees you too, in the yellowy glow of the lamps lining the walkways, and he waves and jogs over to you.
“what’re you doing out so late?” he asks when he reaches you.
“i could ask you the same thing.”
“i just got done with practice,” he says, and you notice that his hair is, in fact, still damp from the shower. “you?”
“writing papers.”
“ha, yeah.”
and then he stops, and he looks at you for a bit. you fight the urge to turn away.
“it’s kind of late.” that, it is. “do you, uh, want me to walk you home?”
“no, no, ’s fine,” you say, too quickly.
“no,” he responds, “i’m walking you home. don’t want you to get, like, kidnapped or anything, ya know?”
he’s right. you hate that he’s right, but yes, walking the five city blocks back to your apartment alone after dark is kind of terrifying.
so you thank him, and you let him walk with you.
he’s talkative, at least, so you never end up having to ask the burning questions that have been at the back of your mind for a few days now. except, you want to know the answer.
so you figure, i’ll ask him when i get home, and then too soon, you’re home.
“this is it,” you tell him.
“alright.” he doesn’t move.
and then you both start at the same time:
he laughs. you laugh too, nervously.
“you first. ladies first.”
“uhm.” just say it. “why’d... why’d you stop asking me on dates?”
and he doesn’t say anything for a moment. you watch his eyes go wide.
and he laughs again. “i was gonna— you never texted me.”
“i— you— i gave you my number, remember?” he pauses. “but enough of that, what?”
your face heats up. you’re glad it’s dark. “you stopped asking me out,” you whisper.
you look at the ground. the next words are barely audible; just breath. they’re not even for him; they’re for yourself. “—was gonna say yes.”
but he heard you, and next thing you know, his arms are wrapping around your shoulders and you inhale sharply, shocked.
“atsumu?” you breathe.
“you were?”
you nod into his shoulder, and then he pulls away. you want to pull him back to you, but you don’t.
“why did you stop asking?”
“well,” he says. “after, like, a month i figured i didn’t have a shot.”
“oh my god, i thought you had a girlfriend or something.”
“no, i—”
that’s it, that’s it. all your patience is gone; it’s not needed anymore. you don’t even let him finish before taking his face in your hands and pressing your lips to his.
he melts into it almost immediately, bringing his hands to your waist and pulling you flush against his chest. he’s warm, very warm, and you almost forget it’s november.
impulses spurred on by this new thing, you invite him back up to your apartment.
and it’s funny, he points out from his place on the couch, how this time, you’re the one who makes him a cup of coffee.
he likes his with extra sugar, too.
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finnoky · 4 years
AU where Quirin takes and raises Eugene after the DK falls
•| Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts |•
Oh you have no idea how much this enables me - I stand by Quirin raising Eugene until the end of time bc it’s what they BOTH deserve
1) Oki so, here we see Eugene taken away as a baby without disclosing an EXACT location — that will not stop Quirin though, who had a stance against cutting him off completely despite it being Edmunds orders [It made sense to send the boy away but to send him to an ORPHANAGE was another story] Quirin finds Eugene a month or so after they get separated, during that time he found a house and a stable farm to raise a kid on [Gotta have an income] and then promptly goes to the orphanage and adopts Eugene.
By then, Eugene’s name has already been changed and frankly... Quirin thinks it suits him, though he occasionally slips up and calls him Horace. He feels a duty to raise the Prince but also kinda has a “My son now” mentality! Disagrees with Edmunds choices + decides... His kingdom is doomed, so he’s gonna ensure Eugene gets a stable upbringing with KNOWLEDGE of the Dark Kingdom without necessarily telling him “Oh BTW you’re the prince”. Being a father is hard and he struggles a lot, esp in early days, it’s a whole new challenge from being a knight but... Not one he really regrets?
Cue some fluff! Knight-dad trying to raise a baby and establish a life in a new country — Over time he grows and becomes Village Leader + Develops a bond with the monarchs based on his knowledge and previous high-rank in society from being a knight! Gets offered a guard position but turns it down in favour of spending time with his toddler son. Eugenes first word is Dada and Quirins never felt so content. Baby fluff of Eugenes milestones — Quirin has Eugene helping on the fields as soon as he can toddle without tripping (tho it’s mostly Eugene playing and running around while Quirin works) Toddler Eugene is a little darling and knows exactly how to use his cuteness to get praise and sweets
2) Eugene starts thievery / acting out soon after Quirin dates and marries Ulla, though it soon become a hobby he usually indulges in with his friend Arnie [though they take on the names of the coolest book characters Flynn Rider and Lance Strongbow!] Quirin thinks it’s just a phase and leans into the whole calling Eugene ‘Flynn’ because... He really loves the books, that’s not too odd? Though he doesn’t know of crimes + just thinks they go out to play a lot. Eugene ignored Ulla for the first few weeks because he doesn’t like the idea of someone new staying around — He doesn’t hate her, it just raises a lot of questions about his mum that Quirin doesn’t know how to answer... He resolved on the explaination that she was very sick and couldn’t take care of him anymore, though loved him dearly — it’s enough to placate him.
Eugene doubles down on stealing when he’s 10 and suddenly there’s gonna be a new baby in the house. [He doesn’t WANT a sibling + worries Quirin will love the baby more than him since he knows he’s adopted & all that though is too scared to ask] Eugene grows an attitude and Quirin finds himself exhausted and constantly caught in petty bickers as Eugene keeps running away + acting up, especially to his wife (Who loves Eugene very much, of course) ‘Flynn’ declares he wants to travel the world and be far away from step-mums and nasty babies, uhhh Domestic fall out stuff?
Things change when baby gets here and suddenly Eugene is a big brother and Quirin is MORE distracted, sometimes they forget to even read him a story and he can’t stand the squirmy little creature... All it does is cry and take what little attention his misbehaviour had earned him... So naturally, petty crime continues + Eugene starts caring less about getting caught, so it becomes more risky. He and Lance befriend some bad influences and start taking Big Kid Crime. It’s fun! Until Eugene is brought home by a guard and Quirin gives him the silent treatment for the next week. Quirin... He loves his sons, both of them, but he just isn’t sure how to handle a distressed 11 year old and a baby, it feels like there’s not enough hours in the day and Eugene is SET on making life harder for everyone.
Eugene stays against ‘Varian’, frequently makes the baby the villain in his games and makes him cry on several occasions. It gets even worse when he starts crawling bc now he can’t get anytime alone, it’s just frustrating! The solution probably comes when Varians starting to talk and he says ‘Oo-gee’ as one of his first words — ‘Lisa’s first word’ style — and Quirin and Ulla admit that Varian is obsessed with Eugene. It’s sorta a wake up call for Eugene to start trying to get along with the kid, and it works! He finds it fun to teach him things & have someone to talk to (even if he just babbles back) By the time Eugene is 12 he’s calling Ulla mum and love spending time with his little brother
3) Right! When Eugene is about 18 he picks up theiving again, mostly because he isn’t suited to the farm life and it’s easy money (Plus how else is he gonna achieve his dream of financial independence?) He moves out the farm under the guise of finding a new life with his best friend, though they quickly realise it’s not amazing when they get tangled up with the Baron + his antics. Eugene visits home every so often and claims everything is fine, it’s going great, he doesn’t need any extra help + his life is just dandy. His dishonesty mostly bc he doesn’t wanna worry Quirin and there’s been a bit of a strain since Ulla passed away.
Life keeps on like this. Eugene ages, steals alchemy supplies for Varian and hides his true income source because he wants to make Quirin and Varian proud! Varian grows up to be more headstrong in what he wants because he has someone standing up for him and telling him he’s proud, though the longer Eugene spends away the harder it gets? He loves it when Eugenes here! But the house feels empty without him, and Quirin is so busy + stressed from Varians experiments that there’s still that desire to do more, prove himself.
4) Movie diverts a bit! Eugene finds out about the hair glow and thinks... If one person knows about this then it’s him, and takes Rapunzel to Old Corona over night rather than a campfire. Varian is ecstatic to see him though gets confused by a random girl Eugene claims to have just found — He’s about to ask questions when Eugene asks if Varian could do his magic thing to find out about her hair. Varian insists it’s alchemy and agrees, dragging Raps down into the lab! Boop gothel talks to her when Varians gathering all the equipment and talks her ear off about how cool Eugene is and asks how they found each other since the story is weird... Experiements start!
Meanwhile Eugene is talking to Quirin, when Quirin pulls out a wanted poster and puts it on the table. He finally found out about how bad Eugenes crimes are and wants answers. Now. Eugene sits and tries to explain its not what it looks like, but Quirin doesn’t wanna hear it. The disappointment is evident and Quirin criticises “I thought you grew out of this, what role model is this for Varian?” Eugene doesn’t have an answer but argues his case that it was to be reliant — and he doesn’t wanna do it anymore anyway! Quirin accuses him of using the girl, while Eugene insists her name is Rapunzel and he’s just helping her, get the crown, be set for life and never have to bother him again.
Their argument is cut short by a Varian coming back upstairs looking frazzled, says there’s something about the magic that’s familiar but he can’t place it — sure is strong tho, and continues gushing and asking Eugene for all the details of what he’s been up to. Eugene... Explains, his usual light-hearted rendition of a great quest, while Quirin leaves and stays upstairs the rest of the night.
Varian sees them off in the morning! Hours after they’re gone Vari is still looking into the magic thing — that’s when he remembers the old legend about a sundrop... about how it saved the Queen... About the Princess. Varian sneaks out the house and heads up to the lantern festival to tell Eugene and Rapunzel his revelation, but he gets there just as Eugene is being lead away by guards. Varian finds Max and tells him how they need to free Eugene + basically... Helps him escape with fewer pub thugs and more alchemy. When they get to the tower Eugene tells Varian to stay on the floor and climbs up to help Raps - Varian stays at the bottom of the tower for approx 10 minutes before finding the back entrance and climbing up. Figure he gets there just as Gothel deages, it’s suddenly and before anyone knows it Varian is the one pushing her out the window bc he saw a stabbed Eugene and put two and two together. Then! Cue New Dream scene, except Varian is sitting on the floor in shock a distance away... After New Dream hug Eugene looks at him and Varian admits that “Ok, magic isn’t that bad”
5) Oh god the series! First off — Raps is closer with Varian in this (that’s becoming a theme...) so doesn’t just throw him out into the blizzard when he comes asking for help. Instead he and Eugene go back to Old Corona together after the storm, Varian isolates himself from guilt + has a tough time dealing with what happened, but he lives in the castle as Eugene starts getting angrier with the king and wants answers for what happened. He’s the one that finds Dark Kingdom stuff and he and Varian work on it together... Eugene has a suspicion he came from the Dark Kingdom so when the rocks start pointing there he’s like dope!
No villain Varian joins them on the trek to the Dark Kingdom + it’s all fun and games, Eugene tries to get more answers from Adira as they travel but she says it’s not her place to say... All he needs to know is the kingdom fell, and everyone was evacuated... She’s almost annoyed as she explains it, then Hector is treble annoyed when he finds out Eugene was raised by QUIRIN since that went against the direct orders... Though Adira defends it and says he was doing his duty of keeping Eugene safe, it’s basically a rift between them that’s confusing until they get to the DK and the revelation happens.
I feel... Moongene could be a thing in this AU? but since I’m running out of points I’ll leave it with Cass taking her canon role! I will point out! when Quirin is freed initially only Varian runs into his arms... Eugene hadn’t really spoken to Quirin properly since their movie fallout & he’s not sure he belongs... Until Quirin holds and arm out to him and pulls him into the hug too (PARALLLELS) and we get a happy reunited family (tho with some issues to work out regarding somethings... they need to rebuild trust, but work on it slowly. Edmund stays ‘Edmund’ to Eugene. He sees Quirin as his father & doesn’t push as much to reconnect with Edmund... Though that makes it easier in a way. There’s less pressure once Edmund understands and they form a friendship, but Quirin is Dad 100% (Sometimes Edmund gets called Dad 2))
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jensungf · 4 years
summary: your mother always told you a lot as a child — about how you should always be kind to others, to always watch out for stray kittens in dark allies on your way to school and most importantly, to not judge a book by its cover. you didn’t always listen to her. yet you would have to say your biggest weakness would come in the form of cats. and maybe lee jeno as well. 
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pairing: shy!reader + badboy!lee jeno genre: high school!au, fluff<3 word count: 1.8k warnings: language, mentions of disease
author’s note: another one of my blurbs that accidentally turned into a really long drabble hehe i hope the anonnie who requested this enjoys! <3 as always constructive criticism is appreciated and you can request after checking my prompt list.
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  just like every other caring parent, your mom went on and on about what she deemed to be important life lessons during your childhood, and even now — about how you should always be kind to others, to always watch out for stray kittens if you pass by the alley next to the flower garden on your way to school and most importantly, to not judge a book by its cover.
you tried your best to listen to her. you really did. but sometimes, people had weaknesses and besides your more than often bouts of procrastination and incessant affinity for watermelon sour patch candies — 
(“if i was your dentist, i’d probably hate and love you,” jisung snickered as you shot him a look of confusion. “‘cause you must have hella cavities but that would mean i could charge you more money! i’m so sm- ow, that hurts (y/n)!” you rolled your eyes after picking up the bag of watermelon sour patches you had thrown at his forehead and ripping it open to pop one in your mouth) 
—  yet you would have to say your biggest weakness would come in the form of cats. cute, fluffy, insanely adorable stray cats.
    although you had your fair share of friends, you preferred to stray away from human interaction (honestly, it was too much of a hassle, you were never really the type to approach people first anyways, your shyness getting the best of you and you preferred it that way), you preferred the company of much smaller, fluffier animals. although your mother always warned you about the dangers stray animals possessed, whether it be how they could carry rabid diseases or put you at risk of bad luck, you stopped hesitating to bring some snacks for the poor, small kittens years ago on your daily walk to school.
    you paused as soon as you heard a small mewl followed by some rustling and shuffled your feet forward, peering into the dark alley before you felt something nudge against your leg. you jumped back, but let out a sigh of relief. you crouched down, holding your hand out for the tiny kitten to nuzzle against.
    you cooed and reached into your backpack, bringing out the cubes of watermelon you had packed earlier before gently offering a piece to the black and white kitten. 
    “what do you think you’re doing?” a gruff voice asked, causing you to flinch and jump back. your head snapped up, only to find the source of the voice to be someone who scared you a lot more than you liked to admit.
lee jeno.
    everyone who knew anyone knew that lee jeno fit in with the cliche archetype of a bad boy. he hung out with his troublemaker friends in a group of seven (including jisung, but how you still managed to be friends with that giant noodle without encountering his friends, you will still never know), with rumors spreading like wildfire amongst your peers of them always being late to school, stirring up mischief with their motorbikes and causing ruckuses during detention. 
you didn’t expect him to be here out of all places.
     he was never the center of all of the attention, preferring to stay behind his loudmouth friends and observe quietly, laughing whenever donghyuck or jaemin would make a joke and joining in with his friends’ antics whenever he felt like it. but make no mistake — the moment anyone saw his muscular arms and the glint in his eye, they knew he wasn’t going to be one to mess with.
    you realized he was staring you expectantly, waiting for an answer but your brain seemed to short-circuit from surprise. you opened your mouth, desperately trying to rack up a response with your pea-sized brain (stupid y/n, why did i have to forget how to speak an entire language right at this very moment?, you groaned internally) before closing your mouth and averting your eyes to the very interesting concrete ground.
“cat got your tongue, sweetheart?” he teased, smirking almost flirtatiously. (you never noticed it but jeno’s ears flushed red, not knowing where this sudden confidence came from. he usually wasn’t the type to flirt… at least not like this in broad daylight with a random pretty stranger. he’d be damned to say jaemin was finally rubbing off on him.)
   you bit your lip, unsure what to say back and cursed yourself for being so awkward. you glanced briefly at his figure, his broad shoulders donning his signature outfit of a black leather jacket, low cut almost hawaiian-looking shirt and ripped skinny jeans (it was literally so sunny outside, how was he not sweating in that? also, did he ever wash that jacket? you could’ve sworn you had never even seen him without it) before pressing your lips into a firm, thin line.
  your eyes fluttered down to the kitty, ignoring him, yet you were struggling to remember how to breathe properly. your friends had always called you shy, albeit approachable, but you never realized how difficult it was for you to just simply talk to someone you actually sort of wanted to talk to until this very moment. why was just saying a single word so hard? and why did it have to be the school’s notorious bad boy here with you out of everyone in this town?
  he frowned, not used to girls blatantly ignoring him, but it wasn’t the first time it happened. he tried to search your face for any sign of recognition, but you were too invested in the cat, or rather, his cat to pay him any attention.
(he’s never been jealous of a cat before but he’d never admit that at this moment, he would’ve liked to switch places with nal. what a nice life it must be for a cat to be fed watermelon all day and be coddled with attention and affection from a pretty girl.)
“how’d you know she liked watermelon?” he asked before bending down. your eyes flickered up until you realized how close he was to you, only a few mere inches away from your body. you shrugged, not trusting your voice to speak.
“nal,” he whispered, bending down to your level, whistling to coax her towards him. she meowed, licking the last bit drop of watermelon juice on her paw before pouncing towards jeno, her fluffy tail looping around his beat-up hightops. his usual stoic expression curled up into a boyish grin as he started petting her and murmuring praises of how adorable she was.
   you could hardly believe your own two eyes. lee jeno, everyone’s picture-perfect example of a bad boy who looked like he walked straight out of the  cheesiest teenage rom-com flick was ... a softie for cats?
never in a million years would you have pictured this in your mind.
   you tried to stifle the laughter bubbling in your chest, but jeno looked up to catch your eyes. heat crept up your spine and consumed your face, causing you to look back down at the kitty who was nuzzling against him again.
“what’s so funny?” he asked, cocking his head and raising his eyebrows.
   you couldn’t help it if your heart decided to do somersaults seeing his innocent expression, resembling that of a confused five-year-old child.
you shook your head before softly asking, “she’s yours?”
   he bit back a grin at finally hearing your voice and reached into his jacket pocket to pull out a silver chain collar with a charm (engraved with “nal”), the silver bell attached to it lightly jingling. how ironic yet fitting, you thought.
“i can’t take her home with me because i’m allergic, so i let her roam around here and visit every day until i can find a place for her to stay,” he explains as he scratches her behind the ear, earning a delightful meow before slipping the chain over her head.
   you took a step back, mentally taking a snapshot of this moment. you couldn’t help but giggle lightly once you realized that jeno and nal looked almost exactly alike, as if nal was jeno in cat form, with her black and white fur adorned with a chain collar looking exactly like his usual monochromatic outfit and worn black leather jacket, not to mention the silver chain bracelets and necklace he wore all the time.
jeno’s head snapped up once again to watch you laugh.
his heart thumped a little harder than he would’ve liked to admit.
“bad boys don’t take care of stray cats,” you say, finally locking eyes with jeno. “especially the bad boys who are allergic to cats,” you smile.
   he shrugged, his boyish grin still etched on his handsome face. (screw handsome, you couldn’t lie — you’ve wondered on more than one occasion how blessed his parents must be to have a son whose looks could rival a professional model’s face.)
you couldn’t help but notice how different he seemed now, looking more like a carefree and lovable child rather than a reckless troublemaker.
“don’t judge a book by its cover, sweetheart,” he said before giving you a wink, starkly contrasting with the way he tried to hide how he scratched his reddening nape afterwards.
he gave one last gentle rub to nal’s head before standing up, getting on his motorbike. he looked back, with a glint of something in his eyes. “need a ride, sweetheart? or the cat still got your tongue?”
you froze in your spot, feeling your face turn hot with embarrassment. you weren’t used to this. it was the school’s bad boy after all.
but you could get used to it.
mustering all the courage inside of your shy mighty heart, you look down at nal and gave her a gentle kiss on the top of her head, letting her nibble on one last piece of watermelon.
“my mother always told me not to judge a book by its cover,” you mused, a hint of playfulness in your voice. “i guess i was wrong about you.”
“i’m y/n,” you added shyly.
jeno’s eyes crinkled into crescents, a genuine smile forming on his face.
you walked hesitantly up to his bike, and took a seat behind him gingerly.
you let your arms fall to grip the sides of the seat, before jeno shook his head and lifted your hands up to wrap your arms securely around his toned torso. “hold on tight.”
guess your mother was right after all. 
+ bonus blurb!
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fluffymcu · 4 years
The Date (Bucky x reader x Steve)
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@il0veyoujk requested: Heyyyy, can you write a ff where Buck (your older bro) and Steve are back from a mission but you're not home and they somehow discover you're on a date and when you get back home they tickle you with tickles (mouth tickles mostly) to make you admit it and give them more details?? (If you don't want to it's okayyyy) Also your ACC is A-MA-ZING!! Keep going!!
Sure! This idea is cute! Ill try my best. This is ModernAU! Bucky and Steve. But they still kinda have the same 40’s past, but Bucky has short hair here and two fresh arms. Don’t get me wrong I love Bucky just the way he is but I felt like modernAU Bucky fit this fic better.
If you haven’t already, the second part to my Letting Loose series is out, but didn’t show up on tags and it’s not getting much love :( if you haven’t read it you might wanna check it out :)
Your boys were out on a mission for quite a few days now, and you...were on a date!
No you had not told them about it. Why? Because the were EXTREMELY overprotective! Especially your older brother, Bucky. He denied the accusation that he hated when you went on dates, but you knew deep down he would always not like it when you'd go out with someone. Steve was overp too, but it was really Bucky that would start the fire and Steve would ride along with just as much passion. So when a cute guy you'd met at a coffee shop yesterday asked you out, you said yes, deciding not to tell the boys. Besides, you didn't know how it would go; maybe it would just be a one time thing. They didn't need to know. And you definitely didn't need them bugging you the whole day, bombar you with questions about the guy and how he treated you and what kind of guy he was and so on.
So you just decided to leave it at that and keep it a subtle secret. You went to your room to go get ready in your shared apartment with Bucky and Steve, and put on some light makeup and picked your outfit. Once you were satis with your look, you grabbed your wallet, keys, and phone and drove out to meet Jackson at the new pizza joint a few blocks away.
Unbeknownst to you, Bucky and Steve has come home from the mission early. Just your luck. They came home to an empty apartment and to be honest they were a bit confused.
"Y/n actually left the bed? Why would she be out, it's not like she has a life," Bucky said carelessly, looking around the apartment for you. Steve chortled and shrigge, partly agreeing with him. You hardly ever went out. You loved staying inside your room and the boys would often tease you about it. But you didn't know why they were complaining, they dont even like it that much when you go out. It makes them ""nervous"".
You were having a lot of fun on your date. Jackson was a pretty nice guy and definitely surprised you with his kind personality. You had expected him to be... well, you didn't know. But he really did surprise you. Back at home, Bucky thought to look on the Life360 app to see if he could know where you're at. His jaw dropped and He looked at Steve incredulously.
"This girl really just turned off her location!" Steve's brows furrowed as he stepped closer to him to grab the phone from him.
"What? Why would she do that?" Steve hummed. Bucky presses his lips in a fine line while looking at Steve with an unamused smirk, taking the phone back in his hands.
"Cause she's bein' sneaky, that's why. We're gonna find out what she's been doin when she gets home." Bucky sighs, taking a seat on the couch to wait for you. He sighs deeper and pulls out his phone again to text you.
Your laughing at one of Jackson's jokes when your phone buzzes. "Oh, excuse me this'll just take a second." You smile, taking out your phone. Your shocked at the text you receive.
Where are you?? And why is your location off?
You don't even realize you let out a loud breath until your date calls your attention. "Is everything alright?" You look up at him before softening your features and giving him a smile.
"Of course! Just my brother being annoying." You chuckled, texting back a quick reply before shoving your phone back in your pocket.
None of your business :))
Bucky gasped offended, growing more and more suspicious of what you were up to. For the next 20 minutes of your date, your phone was buzzing every 3 seconds, getting on your nerves. You inhale deeply, feeling bad that you had to cut Jackson off in the middle of his story. "I'm so sorry, I have to sort some things out in the bathroom. That sounded weird. No, I just have to take care of somethi- I have to use the bathroom!" You sighed, shaking your head and getting up. "I'll be right back." You leave after Jackson nods and smiles.
When you're in a bathroom stall, you get out your phone and roll your eyes and groan in annoy at all the texts your brother has been spamming you with.
None of my business?
It is my business
Answer me
I know you know I'm texting you. Answer the phone dummy 👁👅👁
Answer the phooone 🤪
I'm not gonna stop until you answerrrrrr
Knock knock :)
Helloooo darling sister???
Where are youuuu?
“Ughhh.” You groan, texting him back before heading back out to your date.
Stop being annoying!! It’s not healthy ;)
The date went well, until your brother decide to annoy the crap out of you, but overall, you really liked Jackson. You thanked him for the date and made your way home. You really didn’t want the date to end, because you were now dreading coming home, knowing you were going to be interrogated to death.
You prayed to god as you got closer to your floor that the boys were in their room so the you could slip in and sneak into your room with out being seen. But as fate would have it, they were waiting for you right in the open living room. You rolled your eyes and stepped into the apartment, setting your bag on the floor. Bucky and Steve immediately stood from the couch and put their hands on their hips in synch. “Where were you?” Bucky asked with a brow raised, looking you up and down noting you were pretty dressed up. The date had been pretty casual, but it was obvious that you put a little more effort than you usually put for doing random errands. You stayed there for a moment, standing there and feigning innocence before booking it to your bedroom. “Hey!” Bucky yelled, quickly running after you and catching you before you got to your bedroom.
He scooped you up quickly and dropped you on the couch, ignoring your weak threats and protests. He quickly straddled your waist to prevent you from escaping and Steve stepped closer to tower over the both of you. “Get off me!!” You spat, pushing at Bucky’s chest and punching his knees to get him off you.
“Tell us where you were.” Bucky said, brushing off your punches.
“Get OFF!!! I’m not telling you, it’s none. Of. Your. Business!” You growled, grabbing at Steve’s jeans to use him to crawl out from underneath your brother. Steve pulled away briefly to stop you and looked at you expectantly.
“Tell us where you’ve been, y/n.” Steve hummed. You pursed your lips and shook your head stubbornly. You were and adult and you could do your own things without them knowing about every little aspect in your life.
“I don’t need to tell you anything!” You yelled, pushing harshly at Bucky’s chest again. Bucky smirked and tased your side to warn you about what was about to go down. You flinched harshly and slapped at his shoulder, eliciting another squeeze at your side. You snorted, not wanting to give him the satisfaction but not being able to contain your laughter either. Bucky’s smirk grew as he began to pinch at your sides and ribs sporadically, making your laughter bubble up. “Quihihit it you jeheheherk!” You whined, failing at protecting yourself.
“Tell us where you went then, y/n!” He chuckled, keeping up his antics, using a hand to scribble into your belly. You couldn’t help the squeal that left your mouth as you turned side to side to try to distract yourself from the torturous feeling. Steve smirked and sat in the couch, next to your head and looked at you mischievously. “Still not gonna break?” He asked, grabbing your wrists in one hand and scratching lightly into your armpits. You shrieked at the feeling, pulling desperately at your arms and letting out loud belly laughter.
“STOHOHOHOP IHIHIT! IHIHIM NOT TELLING!” You yelled, cackling when Steve started moving his fingers faster.
“So stubborn. And ticklish.” Bucky hummed, lifting up your shirt and blowing a long raspberry on your belly, making sure to rub his stubble in it. You shriek, kicking your legs out, your stomach cramping a bit from all the laughter. Steve chuckled at your reaction and started fluttering his fingers under your chin and around your neck. It was hard to protect your neck because your arms were held above your head, so you had to just lay there and laugh it out. “She can never stand raspberries.” Steve chuckled fondly, laughing when you try to crane your neck down to bite him.
“She really can’t!” Bucky laughed, blowing another one right above your belly button to prove their point. “Now, think you’re ready to tell us where you went y/n? Or you wanna take some more?” He chuckled, giving you a break to breathe. Steve let your arms go for the moment and you panted, letting out residual giggles.
“Nohoho! I don’t have to tell you every little thing about my lihihife!” You whined, grabbing his hands to keep them at bay. Bucky tsk’ed and and shook his head at you before suddenly gasping.
“Did you go on a date?!” He asked, looking at Steve, his expression changing as well when he began to think about it.
You hesitated a bit before replying, giving it away instantly. “Nooo!”
“You did! You so did!” Bucky sang, starting you tickle you again, shaking into your ribs. You fell back in a fit of loud laughter and you shook your head side to side. Steve scoffed, still surprised at the discovery and stood up to sit at the opposite side, near your feet. “Tell us who he was! Where did you go!!” Bucky yelled, rubbing his beard up your side, all the way up to your ribs before nibbling on the skin. You let out an inhuman scream and began to push at his shoulders, but he wouldn’t move much. You went limp when you felt someone grab your feet in a headlock and start scribbling their fingers on your soles. Steve turned to look at you with a smirk and continued to torture you.
“It’s not hard, y/n, all you have to do is tell us where you’ve been and who’d you go with.” Steve sang, scribbling is fingers under your toes. It was no use trying to kick your feet out, you knew you weren’t getting out. Bucky decided to blow several tiny raspberries along your ribs and sides, switching over to the other side and doing the same.
“I HAHAHAHATE YOHOHOU!” You cackled, pulling at his hair. Bucky laughed and growled loudly before nestling his stubble in the crook of your neck and making nomming noises, just like he always used to do when you were younger. You let out a bunch of squeaky laughter, making Bucky chuckle.
“But you loved when I would tickle you!” He teased, mumbling into your neck. Your laughter was getting hoarse and with Steve spidering his fingers up to the spot behind you knees, and pinching your lower thighs, you knew you’d go insane if they didn’t stop soon.
“GUHUHUHUYS! STOHOHOP IT I MEHEHEAN IT!!” You squealed, kicking your legs out as much as you could. Steve chortled and stood up, motioning for Bucky to scoot over. Bucky stood up and you made your way to roll off the couch but Steve only took Bucky’s spot, straddling you and digging his fingers into your hips. You arched your back and let out a long squeal before bursting into hysterics, pushing at his hands. You were so desperate, that you actually looked to your brother for help, as if he was gonna help you. “BUHUHUHUCKY MAKE HIM STOHOHOHOP!”
Steve and Bucky looked at each other and laughed, Bucky shaking his head. “Geez, you’re tough to crack today! This must be some pretty interesting stuff that you wanna keep hidden from us... don’t worry though, we’ll get it outta ya eventually. We can stay here all night if we have to.” He sang, smirking when you shook your head at him.
“NOHOHO PLEHEHEASE! ILL TELL YOHOHOU!” You cried, knowing that they really weren’t going to stop until you told them. Also it was to the point where you couldn’t stand another second of this. You had to give in at some point. The boys cheered and got off of you, waiting patiently for you to catch your breath. “Gohohod. You guys ahahalmost killed me!” You yelled exhaustedly, sitting up a bit and holding your stomach. The boys looked at you with smirks and only shrugged.
“Yeah yeah. Anyway, tell us about the date. Was it a date?” Bucky asked. You sighed, rolling your eyes before telling them about Jackson and the date, and where you’d met him.
“He’s not good enough for you.” Bucky grounded. You sucked your teeth and groaned.
“You say that about every guy! No one is gonna be good enough for you. You’d be happy with me just being single my whole life!”
“Exactly! No one deserves you!”
“Bucky’s right! I mean, he didn’t even walk you home or anything. Did he buy you flowers? Did he come to pick you up? He’s not a true gentleman!” Steve exclaimed, Bucky nodding and agreeing with him.
“Guys! This isn’t the 40’s anymore! You know things are different. Even dates. I have my own car now. We just meet at the place and have our date. It’s not as... I don’t know it’s just not the same as the 40’s.” You sighed.
“Yeah, because romance and chivalry has been dying recently. Dates used to be so special and meaningful. Now it’s all just casual and no one even appreciates the quality of a good date anymore.” Bucky says, putting his hands in his hips. You sigh, looking away. Yes, that was true, but there was nothing you could do about it. Things change, sometimes even the best things. But the key was to adapt. And it was always easier for you to adapt to the modern world than it was for the boys. They had made many improvements, but they still had a few habits that stick with them to this day.
You just had to accept the fact that Bucky and Steve would always be protective of you no matter what, especially if it included dating. “Okay, you guys are right. Whatever. Can we just call it a night?” You asked, raising your eyebrows. Bucky rolled his eyes before nodding, offering a hand to help you off the couch. When you stood up, he pulled you into a hug and kissed your forehead.
“Goodnight dummyhead.” He smiled. You clenched you’re jaw and punched him lightly on the arm.
“Night, jerk.” You spat, giving Steve a hug and kiss as well before crashing on your bed and knocking out.
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chocoluckchipz · 4 years
Will You Help Me, Marinette?
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                                  Read it on A03, FF.net, WattPad
Halfway into her walk to work, Marinette’s phone chimed. An amused smile tugged at her lips. A new record. Usually, he’d text her first thing upon waking up. Had been for years. She was already starting to suspect something had happened.
Adrien: Help!
She rolled her eyes. If it were anyone else, she’d panic. But it was Adrien, an overgrown man-child to whose overly dramatic, exaggerated ways she was used to by now.
Marinette: I’m bringing you croissants. Don’t worry.
Adrien: U rock!
Adrien: But that’s not it. Can I ask you for a favour?
She stopped at the lights, looking around for cars and quickly ran across the street.
Marinette: Coffee? I’m about to walk by our café.
Adrien: Thanks, but not today. My photoshoot relocated at the last moment, so I won’t be in until much later in the day.  
Adrien: I’ll still meet you at our cafe for lunch. Don’t order without me.
Marinette: :thumbs-up:
One end of her scarf got loose and seeing as Adrien was still typing, Marinette stole a moment to fix it, swaddling her neck away from the crispiness of cool air on the early April morning.
Adrien: Marinette, you’re my best friend and the luckiest girl I know, and you’re super smart and creative, so if anyone, you’d know what to do, and I really can use help now in something super important.
Adrien::puppy eyes: Please?
She didn’t bother suppressing a giggle, attracting a few glances from a morning crowd around her. Turning the corner, Marinette inhaled a warm aroma of fresh baked goods from a nearby café. She grew up and still lived in a bakery. She should've been used to this kind of thing. Yet this one was special. It was close to Gabriel’s office, and Adrien and she loved to frequent it during their lunches.  
One of the servers waved at her, wishing her a good day. Marinette waved back, asking how their new kitten was adjusting. A brief exchange later, she walked on, a buzzing device in her hand reminding her of an unintentionally abandoned friend.
Adrien: T_T
Adrien: Are you ignoring me?
Adrien: Five minutes had passed. No answer. :sobbing:
Adrien: I thought we were friends? Friends help each other.  
Adrien: …
Adrien: You do still like me, right?
She couldn’t hold back a chuckle. Such a drama queen and an incorrigible dork. Though, no one would ever believe her if she’d say that out loud that because in the public eye a supermodel, part-time CEO of a fashion empire Adrien Agreste was perfect in every sense of this word. Only his closest friends knew better.
Marinette: I beg your forgiveness, Your Highness. I was distracted by Pierre. How can I help you?  
Adrien: :D You like me after all!
Marinette: I wouldn’t put up with your insufferable antics otherwise. Now, spill because I’m about to walk into the office and you’ll lose me five minutes after that.
Adrien: Okay.  
Adrien: So…
Adrien: I’ve decided…
Adrien: To confess to the love of my life.
Marinette froze in her path, her heart sinking. Tightening her grip on her cellphone, she stared at the screen in shock. Adrien was in love with someone? Why didn’t she know about that? They’ve been friends for years, so how did she miss that the love of her life was in love with someone else? Her quickening-its-pace heart ached as Adrien continued to type.
Adrien: I tried to confess to her on my own many times but chickened out every single one of them because I’m terrified of ruining what we already have if she doesn’t feel the same for it’s amazing and wonderful and absolutely beautiful, but I’m also at a point where I NEED more. It’s getting too hard to be just a friend.
Adrien: So, I’m risking it and I need you to help me. As my oldest and best-est friend ever you must help me. Please, say you’ll help me?
A knife Adrien didn’t know he’d stuck into her heart twisted, ripping through tender flesh. Marinette bit on her tongue and closed her eyes, breathing in deeply. She needed a moment before she could reply, so walking into Gabriel’s building, she proceeded to the elevator and didn’t check her phone until she was safely in her office, settled in her chair.
Adrien: Marinette?
Adrien: I hope I didn’t ask for too much. You’re the only one I can trust with this.
Adrien: If you’d rather not, though, it’s fine. I’ll figure this out somehow.
Adrien: Are you upset with me? I’m sorry. I didn’t think this would be a big deal.  
Adrien: … Please, say something.
Marinette read over the messages a few more times before dropping her head in her hands, propped on the table. This hurt. It ripped and crushed and devastated her, but as much as she’d love to run away and scream her pain out right now, Adrien was her friend first of all, and as his friend, she’d be supportive of him even if it hurt her.
Marinette: Sorry. I got distracted on my way. In my office now, so you have my full attention.
Adrien: T_T Don’t scare me like this. I already thought you hated me.
Marinette: Why would I hate you?  
Adrien: Idk. Just a thought. So, you’re in?
Marinette: Are you sure you want me involved? Love confessions are kind of personal.
Adrien: Mari, please. I’m twenty-three. I don’t want to die an old maiden because I’m too chicken to confess to the most amazing, gorgeous girl around.
Marinette stared at the phone. She was also twenty-three, and ten of those years, she’d spent loving Adrien. All in vain, it seemed now. And yet, she couldn’t find it in herself to regret a single moment because Adrien had been brightening her days ever since their mothers became friends at a random book club meeting all those years back. She couldn’t desert him now, even if she wanted to.
Swearing under her breath, she cursed her inability to say No to him once again and typed.
Marinette: Alright. Let’s start with the name of the lucky lady.
Adrien: Can’t tell you.
Marinette: Seriously?
Adrien: Yes.  
Marinette: How can I help you if I don’t know who she is?
Adrien: Keep me accountable. Bug me until I confess. Remind me every freaking minute that I can do it. Idk, threaten me or something. We’ve been friends for what? Almost fifteen years now? You know how I work and how to make me do things. That’s why I’m begging you and not Nino.
Marinette wished he’d asked Nino instead because helping Adrien confess to some girl was the least of Marinette’s desires.
Marinette: It’s going to be hard to suggest anything specific if I don’t know who she is, but fine. We’ll think of something. I get the front row seat at the wedding, though.
She wanted nothing less but Adrien couldn’t know that.
Adrien: Thank you! I’ll save you the best seat in the house… IF she accepts.
Marinette: Oh, please! You’ve got looks and money. Who would refuse you?
Adrien: See, that’s the issue: she knows me too well. She won’t be swayed by my looks or money. T_T Why do you think I’ve been stalling?  
Marinette: Your dorkiness is finally catching up with you?
Adrien: Meanie.
Marinette: :P I’m sure everything will be fine. Now, is there anything you can tell me about her?
Adrien: She works at Gabriel.
Marinette tried to swallow the knot in her throat. Of course. Adrien must be in love with one of the models. He worked amongst the most beautiful girls in France every day, and who was Marinette? A junior designer in his father’s company? Not ugly or a failure per se but she was nothing to be proud of also. Marinette was just a girl whom he’d known her for most of his life and whose every fault he’d witness more than she’d like to admit. Nothing new and exciting to catch his attention. She was an idiot to ever dare to dream of him.
Yet, gritting her teeth together and pushing the thought aside, Marinette typed a response because he was her friend and he needed her help.
Marinette: You can ask her out to lunch for starters? Take her to our cafe. I’m sure she’d love it there.
Adrien: …  
Adrien: But we always have our lunches together. I can’t betray you like that.  
Marinette: I’ll be fine. I have a few designs I need to finish today, so I’ll eat at the work cafeteria.
Adrien: They don’t have your favourite.  
Marinette: I can survive one lunch without an eclair. Or I can call Alya and meet up with her.
Adrien: Shoot. Gtg. Ttyl.
Marinette: Good luck.
Adrien: <3
Marinette put the phone away. dropping her head onto the table. They’ve been so close for years. How could she have missed that Adrien was in love with someone? Was she that blinded by her own feelings for him? If she wasn’t, maybe then she would’ve noticed and could’ve prepared herself and not feel this excruciating pain in her chest now.
Her phone chimed again. This time it was Alya, reminding her of their Friday night plans. Marinette briefly responded, not paying close attention to what she was saying, adding an invitation for lunch at the end. Not that she was eager to be in anybody’s company today, but it was better than sitting alone and obsessing over who Adrien’s lady-love was. She knew herself and right now she needed a distraction not to fall apart. So, pushing misery aside, Marinette pulled her work files and started on finalizing her sketches due by the end of the day.
Closer to noon, Adrien texted again. As he always did.
Adrien: Guess who’s all done and who’s so nervous about today, it showed in pictures and drove my photographer insane?
She bitterly chuckled. Classic Adrien.
Marinette: Nothing to be bragging about. I thought you were a professional?
Adrien: I am. That’s why I’m done already. All you have to do is to imagine spaghetti. :3
Marinette: Dork.
Adrien: Proudly so.
Adrien: Marinette, thank you. I REALLY appreciate you being with me on this one. Honestly, I just can’t do this alone, and I wanted to do this for so long now, I’m desperate. So, your help means a lot.  
I don’t want to help you, Marinette grumbled to herself.
That’s what friends are for, right? she wrote instead.
Adrien: She’s just so amazing, it terrifies me to lose her, but I can’t imagine myself being with anyone else. We’re perfect for each other. I hope you’ll agree with me once you’ll see who I’m talking about.  
Adrien: Okay, I’m downstairs. I’ll drop by after I see Father.
Marinette: Cool. See you soon.
She put her phone on the desk, pushing her designs away. Tears, successfully withheld by the distraction of work, surfaced at the corners of her eyes, as the reality of what was going on hit again. Adrien was in love with someone and that person wasn’t her despite Marinette’s most daring hopes because otherwise, Adrien wouldn’t be asking her for help.  
Someone opened the door, walking in without an invitation. Marinette quickly wiped away the lingering moisture in her eyes. Adrien couldn’t see her crying or he’d know she was less than happy about this confession of his. She was heartbroken, but for his sake, she'd keep a brave face and smile until the end.
“Didn’t except me?” The woman walked closer and settled in a chair opposite Marinette, a mug of coffee in her hand.
“Not really,” Marinette replied coldly. She hated Lila for lies and manipulations. Why M Agreste hired her as a model was beyond her. “What do you want?”
“I’ve come to warn you,” Lila said, ceremonially checking her nails.
Marinette quirked an eyebrow. “About what?”
Lila smirked, putting her mug down on a table. “Adrien and I are going public today, and we’d like you to stay out of it.”
Marinette inwardly growled. There was no way that could’ve been true! Yes, Lila was not so subtly trying to get Adrien’s attention for a while now, but as far as Marinette knew, Adrien was tolerating her antics only out of innate politeness and kindness of his heart, not affection.
“You’re lying,” she seethed. “Adrien had never mentioned—”
“That’s because he knew you don’t like me, and he wanted to spare your feelings since you’re his friend and all.” Lila shrugged. “But we’ve been secretly dating for a while now. Not anymore, though.” She smirked. “Adrien’s taking me out for lunch on our first official date today. But, to make it easier for everyone, I thought I’d warn you”—Lila’s face became stone-cold, her voice and glare matching—“stay out of my boyfriend’s life or you’ll regret it, Marinette.”
“What if I won’t?” Marinette barked without thinking twice. “He’s my friend. I have a right to—"
“You have absolutely no rights when it comes to my boyfriend.”
“I won’t believe it until I hear it from him personally.”
“You shall see it on the news tonight."
Lila’s sly smile promised nothing good as she stood up, picked up her coffee, and turned around to leave. Her hand swayed. Marinette’s blood ran cold because the mug in Lila’s hands tipped over, all of the coffee inside spilling all over Marinette’s desk, her sketches and her outfit. “Oops! Clumsy me.”
“You!” Marinette rushed to save what she could of her work.
“Stay away from Adrien or this will only be the start,” Lila whispered, leaning closer. “He’s mine.”
“Oh my gosh! What happened here? Marinette, are you alright?” Adrien suddenly appeared by her side.
“Adrien,” Lila cooed. “You’re just in time. We have to help Marinette. She spilled her coffee all over her hard work.” She picked up a few coffee-drenched papers, making a show out of trying to save them. “You’re such a klutz, girl. Let me help you before you do any more damage.”
Marinette glared at Lila, pressing her lips into a thin line.
“Marinette, are you okay?” Adrien took her by the shoulders and turned to face him.  
“Of course, she isn’t,” Lila interfered. “Just look at her: the poor thing’s all soaked. And doesn’t she look pale to you? She might be getting sick. We should ask your father to give her a day off. Or better yet send someone to do that. We don’t want to be late for lunch. I'll go call someone.”
The moment Lila stepped out of the room, Marinette looked at Adrien and asked, “Are you really taking her out for lunch?”
Adrien pressed his lips together, looking away as he nodded.
Lost for words, lost for actions, lost for anything, all Marinette could do was to stare at the ground.
“It’s not—”
“Oh my gosh! Marinette, what happened?” Alya pushed Adrien to the side and took her friend by her shoulders. “You’re all soaked.”
“Found her wandering down the hall,” Lila looped her hand around Adrien’s arm. “She’s here to pick up Marinette for lunch which reminds me that we need to go now or we’ll be late for our reservation. The girls can take care of this mess by themselves, right Marinette?”
Marinette wanted nothing more than to slap Lila and take Adrien away. He deserved so much better! How could he fall for Lila? Didn’t he see what kind of a person Lila was? Didn’t he know how she felt about her? How could he ask her advice on this? Tears pooled in her eyes. Adrien was her best friend. She loved him, but this hurt too much. It felt too much as a betrayal, and if Adrien cared for her so little as to ask her for advice on how to woo her enemy, then Marinette didn’t want him to see how much that pained her.
“I’ll be fine with Alya.” Marinette turned away to gather her papers. “This is my mess; I’ll clean it up. You should go.”
“What’s going on here?” Gabriel Agreste himself appeared behind them.
“Marinette spilled coffee all over herself and her work,” Lila rushed to explain.
“Father, I think—”
“You should clean up and take a day off,” Gabriel interceded. “I’ll give you an extension on those. Now, Adrien. Why are you still here? Don’t you have lunch to go to?”
Adrien glanced at Marinette, then to his father. His lips pressed into a thin line. “Yes, I do.”
"Then off you go. Mlle Dupain-Cheng would be fine without you.”
“Right.” Adrien reached forward to lightly touch Marinette’s elbow. “I’ll call you later,” he mouthed and walked out the room with Lila Rossi on his arm.
Adrien didn’t contact her until the very evening when exhausted from the day, Marinette put the work she took home away and went for a stroll.
Adrien: Hey. Sorry, I had a few things to settle. How are you?
She closed her eyes for a moment, before looking back at the Seine. The gentle lure of waves calmed. It mesmerized and relaxed. Marinette always came here when she was stressed, or tired, or needed a pick me up. She couldn’t explain it, but there was something soothing and healing about gazing at the passing-by waters of the Seine. Her own safe haven, a little oasis in the desert of stress and chaos. Today, Marinette needed it more than ever.
Adrien: Marinette? Is everything okay?
No. Nothing was okay, and she’d rather not talk to him now, but… years of friendship and her treacherous heart demanded otherwise. He hurt her, but it was also him, who she wanted to comfort her right now. Pathetic, she knew that, but better texts than face to face.
Marinette: Everything’s fine. Taking a walk.
Adrien: Where are you off to?
Marinette: [image 1509]
Adrien: Pont des Arts?
Marinette: You know your Paris well.
Adrien took five minutes to reply, but when he did, he did so in person. “I know you well. You always come here when you need to calm down or to think things over.”
Marinette whipped around. Adrien was standing just a few meters away. Trying to catch his breath, he ran his hands through his dishevelled hair to fix it back in somewhat decent shape.
“Adrien? What are you doing here?”
“I need to ask you something.” He walked closer, stopping only when Marinette was pressed flash against the bridge, his hands on either of her sides, his face inches from hers. "Why didn't you expose her?”
Marinette blinked. “What?”
“You didn’t spill that coffee. Lila did. And don’t even try to deny it. You never bring drinks in your office unless it’s in an air-tight container because you think you’re too clumsy.”
Marinette shifted her eyes to the side. “I am clumsy.”
“Just a tiny, adorable amount. Nothing serious.” He cocked his head to the side. “So? Why did you let her get away with it?”
Marinette looked away. She hated Lila and Adrien knew that. What did he expect her to say? Why did he even come here? He should go back to that liar girlfriend of his.
“It’s so unlike you. I want to know what’s going on.”
She didn't know what to answer him, so she remained silent.
“Marinette, please? What’s wrong?”
“You’re lying.”
“I’m not.”
“Then look me in the eyes and repeat that.”
She tried and failed. Adrien sighed and pulled her into his arms, whispering into her ear. “Marinette, please. Why did you allow her to walk all over you? You never did that before. What’s happened? You know I won’t leave you alone until you tell me.”
She closed her eyes. The gentle tone of his voice, the comforting wrap of his arms around her, his body’s warmth so close to hers… It stirred those damn butterflies at the pit of her belly, ripping through her heart at the same time… because he’d betrayed her. He’d fallen in love with the only girl whose guts Marinette hated more than anything and there was nothing either of them could do because who could control their heart? Adrien couldn’t help loving who he did… which, however, didn’t mean he could be so inconsiderate of her. He knew she hated Lila!
She pushed him away. It hurt to remain in his embrace any longer.
“Leave me alone. Go to your girlfriend.”
His eyes widened as he stared at her in shock. “My girlfriend?”
“Yes, Lila,” Marinette huffed, turning her back to him, her face to the Seine. “Can’t believe you had the audacity to ask me of all people for advice on that. You know how I feel about her!”
Her eyes focused on the rolling waves as Marinette waited for an answer that didn’t come for a few moments and not until Adrien walked to stand beside her, searching her face with his eyes.
“Just to make sure I understood you correctly: you think I’m in love with Lila?”
“Aren’t you? You took her to lunch just as you said you would.”
Adrien laughed, leaning on his arms to rest on the bridge. “Marinette, you know me better than that. I took Lila to lunch only because my father blackmailed me to do so.”
Marinette rolled her eyes. “A likely story.”
“No, really. He said Lila dug some dirt on him and her price for silence was me. And Father, knowing you’re my friend, threatened to fire you if I won’t comply.”
Marinette looked at him, her eyebrows knitted into a frown. “What?”
“Don’t worry, your job is safe, and I made it clear to both of them that I’m not taking part in any of their bullshit. If Father wants her silence, he’d better pay for it some other way.” Gently, Adrien cupped her shoulder, turning Marinette to face him. “Seeing what she did to you… it made me angry. I wanted nothing more than to protect you at that moment, and the best way to do that was to deal with the cause once and for all. So, I trusted Alya to take care of you, and I went with Lila only to ensure she won’t be troubling you again. And after that, I visited Father and we had a long talk about the situation. He won’t be bothering either of us again as well.”
Marinette stared at him for a few seconds before muttering without thinking. “What did you do?”
“Nothing significant. I explained to Father how serious I was about quitting Gabriel the moment you’re fired and we both know he can’t afford me walking out. Not with me owning half of the company in my mother's shares. Lila, though, was harder to get through. She kept dismissing me until I pretty much avenged you. Then she got the message loud and clear.”
As in a haze, she echoed, “What did you do?”
Adrien grinned. “I might have placed my plate of spaghetti in a strategic place for it to be accidentally tipped over and end up all over Lila.”
Marinette gasped. “What?!”
His grin widened. “I only placed it in the spot. She did all the job herself, and”—he leaned closer—“there might have been a reporter close by and he might have taken pictures if you are interested.”
“What? How?”
Adrien chuckled. “Lila hired someone to ‘witness’ and report on our ‘first date’. The guy reached out to me later to see if I wanted to buy the embarrassing pictures of ‘my girlfriend’ from him. I wasn’t interested, but I saved his card in case you are.”
Marinette stared at him for a moment, then erupted with laughter. “You’re horrible.”
“She deserved so much more after what she did to you.”
“Still, spaghetti?”
“Just using her own methods against her, and only because she wouldn’t listen to me when I was nice.”
Marinette chuckled. “Dork.”
“And you like me that way, don’t you?”
“I do,” she smiled, relaxing against the railing. She looked up at the stars and breathed in. So many worries for nothing. She should've trusted Adrien more.  
She hummed, turning to him.
He looked hesitant, moving closer. “Were you jealous?”
Marinette squeaked, her face flaring crimson, as she shook her head. “No! Why would I be jealous? I—”
“You looked like you were jealous.”
“No, I wasn’t!” Her face burned hotter with every moment.
Adrien chuckled before turning serious and reaching out to cup her face in his hands. His touch, gentle and warm, sent electrical current down Marinette’s body. He slowly started to lean in. Her eyes widened with realization, fluttering close the moment his lips hesitantly brushed against hers.
“The girl I’m in love with is you, Marinette,” Adrien whispered, searching her face for a reaction. “You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met, and I’m the fool who couldn’t find the courage to confess to you for years without asking you to keep me accountable because I’m terrified my feelings will ruin our friendship, but I can’t keep it in anymore. I love you, Marinette.”
Dumbfounded, Marinette stared back at him wide-eyed. “Me? You love me?”
His lips tugged in a hopeful smile as he nodded. "Will you give me a chance? I promise I’ll make you happy if you’ll let me be more than just a friend.”
Marinette forgot how to breathe. “Adrien—I… I don’t understand. You said—I thought—”
She froze, seeing his face saddened, and shook her head. No! What was she doing? She’d dreamed of this moment for years and now that it was finally here, why was she stalling?
He slowly pulled his hands away.
She couldn’t let him misunderstand her even if her reaction was puzzling to her herself, so she grabbed the collar of his coat and pulled him down, crushing her lips against his.
Adrien stilled. Then wrapped his arms around her and angled his head to deepen the kiss. She let him press forward, pushing her against the railing of the bridge as their lips moved heatedly in tandem, years of pinned-up love and desire spilling out. It was only when the air became a necessity, she pulled away breathless and smiled at him.
“I love you too, Adrien. Have been for years.”
His face lit up.
“And just like you, I was too scared to confess. Looks like we’re both hopeless idiots.”
Adrien pulled her closer, burying his face in the crook of her neck as he pressed a lingering kiss to a patch of exposed skin he found there.
“I’ve wanted to do this for years,” he whispered.
“You could’ve if you’d asked,” Marinette replied, running her fingers through his hair.
He leaned into her touch, almost purring from the pleasure. “Can I now?”
He growled lowly, tightening his hold on her. “Mine.”
She giggled, wrapping her hands around his neck. “Possessive much?”
“Very.” He grinned. “Marinette?” Without letting her go, Adrien pulled a key with a ladybug keychain on it out from his pocket. “Will you also consider moving in with me?”
“What?” Marinette blinked. “Right away?”
He shrugged. “It’s not like we need time to get to know each other better. We grew up together. We know what makes us tick and what we like. Why wait?”
Marinette smiled. Adrien was right. They did know each other well. And it wasn’t like she hadn’t dreamed of sharing her days, her nights, her happy and sad moments, her dreams and fears, her life, her everything with him for years. Why wait indeed? “I’d love to move in with you.”
Adrien grinned harder and pulled her in for another kiss. Slow and sweet, filled with longing, and need, and desire.
“In that case,” he added, his voice raspy as he drew away and, pulling a small box out of his pocket, dropped on one knee. “Will you also consider marrying me?”
Marinette gasped as Adrien revealed a gorgeous ring inside.
“Adrien, you’re insane. What are you doing?”
“I thought I’ll ask everything in one go,” he admitted. “It took me years to confess, and I don’t want to wait that long for the next step. So why not? We can have a long engagement if you want, or you can say No now and I’ll ask again la—”
“No, you really are insane,” Marinette kneeled beside him, cupping his cheeks and kissing him slowly. “How can I say No to you?”
He grinned. “Is that a Yes then?”
“That’s a Yes.”
He held her gaze for a few moments, giving her that goofy, happy smile of his before shaking off his stupor and sliding the ring on her finger. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy in my life.”
“Me too.”
“I already looked up hamsters in my local pet store. They’re keeping a few for us to choose from until next week,” Adrien murmured. “You did want a hamster, right? Three kids and a hamster. We'll start with the hamster and add kids later—"
Marinette laughed and grabbed him by his coat’s collar again, pulling him closer.
“As much as I’d love to talk kids and hamsters with you,” she whispered. “Right now, I need you to kiss me senseless. Leave the rest for later.”
A lovesick smile tugged at his lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Marinette echoed, weaving her arms around his neck, losing herself to the caresses of the man she loved more than anything.
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.9
a/n: yall ready for the date? >:)
warnings: this cannot be read solo, a bit of harassment
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8
Masterlist to my other fics: here :)
Overhaul’s waiting list: @jjk-biased​​ @infinite-universe-love​​ @dirtypride​ @blackymomo03​ @azzie 
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You usually loved it when the hours would pass by. However, for this particular time, you hated it. One moment you were facing your desk; Typing and answering emails, documenting files, calling a few people, and praying for a miracle that something would happen in order to cancel the dinner date. The word ‘date’ made you want to puke.
Now, you were on your way home. Hands clenching the steering wheel. The music blasting through the speaker in an attempt to calm your disturbed soul.
The restaurant your chief had chosen was an hour away from the city. It was situated in the mountains. It had a nice view of the city. Even though it was a one star restaurant, the reviews were relatively nice. Their steak was the most recommended dish. The question now was whether or not you would find an appetite.
Opening the door to your unit, you threw yourself to your bed. Hair sprawled everywhere as you suffocated on your mattress. Resting on your cheek, you glanced at your closet and tried to think of obnoxious outfit combinations to wear for tonight. Besides, the chief would never know what you were outside the office.
A buzzing sound came from your pocket. Taking your phone out, you sat down and answered it.
“Yes, Nao?”
“I managed to dig into one of your major cases. The arson one.” He said rather proudly. Letting him proceed, he continued. “So, I looked into the shareholders to see if there were any similarities. It might be me pulling straws, but try to set a meeting with Endeavor.”
“Endeavor?” You repeated. Making sure that you heard him right. “Are you sure?”
“I back tracked the previous establishments. And all of them had a lot of shareholders in common but his name stood out.”
“Nao. That’s like a very thin straw…” You stood up and turned your laptop on. “But I was at a dead end so I appreciate your help.”
“Anytime, (Y/N). How’s the yakuza case?” Him asking questions at this time meant he was on break. It had been a while since you last gossiped with him so you gave him some attention.
“I still have to set a meeting with Birdman. Crud. That reminds me. I have to buy an earpiece.”
“The chief tagged along last time, right?”
“He did. Lucky for my ass, the meeting was short.”
“He was fuming when he arrived back at the precinct. What happened?”
“Birdman somewhat threw a fit since he cut me mid sentence.” The mere memory of it made you chuckle. But, there was this feeling that you shouldn’t have said that. It became second nature to always keep your guard up when you talk to Tsukauchi. It felt as if you had lowered it for a millisecond.
“No wonder.” He breathily replied. “Be careful, (Y/N).”
“With the chief or Overhaul?” You sighed and massaged the bridge of your nose. “Because honestly speaking, I’m not sure who the villain is among those two.”
That statement was rather strange. He was used to your antics but a comparison like that? Tsukauchi on the other line had not been using his quirk on you. Although, he had always felt something off whenever he and the chief talked about you. He was never one to pry but perhaps this would have to be an exception.
“So what are your plans for later?” He asked. Carefully choosing his words.
“Dinner with some dude.” Heading over to your closet, you scanned for some hideous apparel. “You think a Bee Movie sweater will make him cringe?”
“If you cleared your schedule for him, I think your ‘I come with background music’ shirt would do the trick.”
“Damn, you’re right.” Looking for that shirt, Tsukauchi could hear you opening and closing your drawers. That gave him enough time to do some of his research. “I HAVE FOUND THE SHIRT!”
“Would you really wear it, though?”
You wished but you had already given your 3 men cases, Tsukauchi had given you a new lead, and the yakuza case was more than enough you could handle. Casting the shirt aside, you flopped to your bed.
“Any chances you can send a hero later?”
“Give me a name and I’ll see what I can do.” He teased back. “Anyway, my break is over. Enjoy your dinner.”
“So long, farewell.”
You did not wear the shirt, sadly. However, you did wear clothes that hid every single inch of skin your body had to offer. Turtleneck, high waist jeans, knee length boots, and a coat you wouldn’t mind being overhauled.
Taking one last look at yourself in the mirror, you fixed whatever was needed to be fixed.
“You will not go to the restroom. You will not leave your bag unattended. You will put on a fake smile and give him hell.” Hearing the knock on your door, the night was now starting. Inhaling deeply, you swallowed every single ounce of pride.
“You’ve dressed nicely.” The chief greeted you. He wasn’t wearing his standard get up. Instead he wore a plain black shirt with a leather jacket. White pants with complimentary gray shoes. He half expected you’d dress like you always did. Seeing you in your get up made him want to take his phone and snap a picture.
Moments later, you were standing outside your building. The chief had instructed you to wait for him at the drop off area. More than willing to follow, you scrolled through your phone for any messages or emails. The honking of a horn caught your attention.
A Koyota Figo was now parked in front of you. Forgetting that your chief owned a hatchback, you opened the door and began sending out prayers for any gods or telepathic heroes in the vicinity.
The drive was silent. Your gaze fixated on the lights the city had to offer. Wanting to be in a neutral mood, you let your thoughts wander.
Tomorrow, you would schedule a meeting with Endeavor. How? You weren’t sure but hopefully his assistant would let you get 5 minutes with him. An update from Takashi and the rest was also in line. You began to enumerate the stores that sold earpieces that you could purchase for Overhaul to use. Maybe you should buy 2, just in case it fails.
Feeling something resting on your thigh, you stared at the chief’s hand. Biting your tongue, you held on to your breath as well as the want to jump out of the car.
“We’re almost there, sweetcheeks.” He stated. His hand began to pat the area he just infected. “And since we’re outside the office, feel free to call me Yokai.”
“Aight.” There was no way in hell you would.
“Or daddy would be fine.”
That made you wonder. Would it be professional if you would ask Birdman to overhaul your ears and repair them back to normal. Cringing at the statement, you held on to your bag for dear life. Taking your phone out, you began to scroll through your social media.
“No phones, darling.” He warned. Abruptly hitting the brakes.”Wouldn’t want any unwanted people ruining our date. Now put that phone away before we arrive.”
Maybe a trip to the restroom in the restaurant didn’t sound half bad. Doing as told, you leaned on to the seat and closed your eyes. It was getting dull, a bit boring, and a little creepy. Keeping your senses sharp, you fell into a very light sleep.
Feeling that the car had come to a stop, you unstrapped your seat belt and immediately stepped out of the car. Waiting for him to lead the way, you trailed behind him as he told the usher his reservation. For a minute, you forgot that he had booked a private room.
Entering the small room, you were met with a candle lit dinner. The chairs beside each other.
“For a change, you know?” The chief commented. Putting his hand on your back, he pushed you towards the table and let you sit down. Watching as he pulled out his chair, you copied his actions and managed to inch your body away from his. “I have already ordered so for now we can simply chat.”
“Sure.” Your eyes remained glued to the plate.
“So, when was the last time you went on a date like this?” His voice proud of the place he had chosen.
“Years ago.” You forced a smile. “I’m not a fan of fancy restaurants.”
“Well, better get used to it.” He rested his arm on the back of your chair. Moving your back away from the back rest, you fixed your coat to make it less obvious. “How’s your cases going?”
“Fine. Recently got a new lead.”
“You’re using your yakuza ties, aren’t you?”
Finally looking at him, you focused on his glabella, you cocked an eyebrow.
“For the cases I’m handling right now, I had to work 3 of my cases with them.”
“Your side or his side?” He tilted his head.
“I’m sorry. I thought this was a dinner, not some kind of interrogation.” “Always admired how feisty you are.” The chief remarked. “Why are you single?”
Before you could answer, the doors opened and your food was served. The food was being served by two waiters. One of them had blonde hair and the other had blue hair with arrows at the end. Your eyes followed the blue haired man since he wore a white face mask. It made you think of Overhaul.
Pasta was served in front of you while the chief got his steak. Observing how he opened the wine, you took note that both of them wore white gloves. The wine bottle opened with ease and you saw the label. It was one of those wines that Gei didn’t really recommend due to its uneven taste. Once the glasses were filled, you thanked the waiters. When the door closed, you felt the air grow cold.
In all honesty, the pasta was good. And the wine he had chosen, despite it being too bitter for your taste, matched the sauce pretty nicely. The soft classical music somehow calmed your spirits.
As you were quietly enjoying your meal, the chief put his steak knife down and began to brush his pinky with yours.
“Is the food to your liking?”
“I’m liking the pasta. The noodles are cooked just right.”
“How about a toast then?” Taking his wine glass, he turned to face you. “For this new found partnership.”
Sighing, you took yours and merely stretched out your arm to clink your glasses. Sipping on the wine, you savored the flavor a bit and swallowed. Glancing at the chief, you saw him furrowing his brows at his drink. Checking his food, he had only eaten half of the amount. Compared to yours, the food was almost gone.
“Are you okay? You’ve barely touched your food, Yokai-san.” Saying his name made the pasta slither up your throat.
“Don’t worry about me sweetcheeks.” He set his glass down and let out a burp. Thankfully, he had covered his mouth. “Let’s continue where we left off. Why are you still single?”
“I’m not really into dating.” You replied. Eating the last bit of your pasta, you placed the fork down and wiped your mouth with the napkin. “I have too many cases to even think about that.”
“You interested in someone?” He hiccuped and burped. His hands rubbing small circles on his stomach.
“Where’s the fun if you know who I’m interested in.”
“Oh. So now you’re flirty. Wine works wonders.” He took his glass and sipped once more. This had to be one of his favorite wines but it tasted different. Perhaps it was the steak. Seeing that you were still taking yours, he deduced that you had nothing to do with it.
“No. It’s just that you have no business regarding that matter.” By now, you were fully facing him. The sudden change of his facial features showed signs of discomfort. The room was comfortable yet you could see sweat forming on his forehead. His chappy lips were now pale. The constant rubbing of his stomach only made your suspicions grow. “Are you really sure you’re okay? You look like shit.”
“Okay. Ya got me.” Pressing the buzzer on the side of the table, he waited for the waiter to arrive. Not a moment too soon, the door opened and the same waiter from before appeared. “Boy, the food you served is making me sick. There’s no way in hell I’m paying for this.”
“I apologize.” The waiter with arrow-tipped hairs responded.
“Useless employee.” He leaned in and whispered to your ear. All you could do was lean away. “May I speak to your manager?”
“Unfortunately, the manager is still in a very important conference.”
“To think this place has a 1 Michelin star.” He mumbled as he took his wallet. Fumbling for his card, his stomach let out a rather loud sound. Biting your inner lip, you tried to suppress the smile forming. When he took his card, he tossed it to the table and demanded. “Swipe the card. We’re leaving.”
Taking his card, he excused himself but left the door open.
“You’re not playing tricks now, are you (Y/N)?” He held your wrist a little too tightly. “You know what happens when you mess with me. I can give you more than 10 cases if this little incident is caused by you.”
“In my defense, I have never set foot in this restaurant.” You fought back. “And if you even wanted to impress me, WcDonal’s or even just Burger Queen would be more than fine. If you think these kinds of things would do the trick, sorry but you’re terribly wrong.”
You closed your mouth shut. Anger had somehow taken over and the words you said were not the best. Biting your tongue, you cursed at the sight of his mind moving and plotting as to what to do next.
The blonde waiter came with the receipt and apologized once more for the issues. Standing up, the chief told you to wait for him in the lobby. Leaving you alone with the waiter, you took your bag and bowed to him.
“I’m sorry about that person.” Your eyes darted to the men’s room where he entered. “But, if it helps, the pasta was really nice. Just sucks he had to experience that. Though he deserves it if we were to be honest. The amount of times he’s invaded my personal space is just revolting.” Shocked that you had uttered your last sentence, the wine must be a little stronger than you had expected.
The blonde waiter chuckled and went off to the kitchen.
While you were waiting at the lobby, checked your phone and saw messages from Gei. Smiling at the story he had to share via message, you quickly put your phone away once you heard a door closing followed by a burp.
“Looks like I’ll have to take you home now, love.” The chief said.
Not wanting to waste another second, you lead the way back to his car.
Chrono and Nemoto stared at the window. Undivided attention as you stepped into the car with a happy face. In Nemoto’s hand was a glass vial. When the vehicle was now out of sight, they walked towards the manager’s office.
“It’s been a while since we had this kind of fun.” Nemoto commented.
“Agreed. Did you actually down the whole bottle into the sauce?”
“It would be a waste if we didn’t empty this. And, the boss would be most pleased to know that the laxatives work well.”
Knocking on the door, Overhaul gave them permission to enter. He was seated on the sofa with a stained cloth wiping his bloody hands. A huge splatter of blood painted the wall beside him. Next to the sofa, the two men saw a pair of legs lying lifeless on the floor.
“It went smoothly, I presume?” He leaned his head on the sofa back. When he heard the grunts of his men, he stood up and faced the decapitated body. Squatting on the floor, he could feel the hives starting to form. “Nemoto. Prepare the propranolol. Kurono. Give the drug to the two waiters as well.”
With a disgusted look, he touched the leg of the deceased body. The blood on the walls began to morph and the next second, the manager’s body was whole once more. When the manager’s eyes opened, he was face to face with the masked man who had just killed him a while ago. Just as he was about to scream, Overhaul knocked him out.
Instructing Nemoto to administer the drug, he began to itch on his forearm. Cursing at the mess he had just made and fixed, it took a lot of his willpower to push those thoughts aside. Instead his mind focused on one thing.
The memory of you smiling and the want to make sure no harm comes to you.
Besides, he could care less about the consequences.
propanolol- a drug that supposedly erases memories
and yes, Chisaki to the rescue ;) just had to write the trio cause they deserve love and all of them are hot. 
do you guys have any questions? feel free to comment and ill gladly answer them :) take care and i hope you guys like this chapter <3
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1. What is the colour of your hairbrush? I don’t have a hairbrush but I have a comb 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
2. Name a food you never eat. Seafood because of allergies. I can eat fish and crabs though. Basically anything that stores sea water (apart from fish).
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? IT’S ALWAYS TOO HOT HERE. I miss the UK where I can just layer up if it gets too cold.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? I just woke up 😂😂
5. What’s your favourite candy bar? Are there candy bars which are not chocolate???
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? Does esports count? I went to Kuala Lumpur DotA 2 Major in 2018. Otherwise, I didn’t go to any.
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “I’m printing it!”
8. What is your favourite ice cream? Strawberry. Life is already bitter as is.
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? Tea. I just had breakfast.
10. Do you like your wallet? Indifferent.
11. What was the last thing you ate? Fried rice. Not Uncle Roger’s style because I am not Chinese.
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Big fat nope.
13. What was the last sporting event you watched? DotA 2 online tournament. I have a team I have been supporting since I started watching it in 2015 and their game started really late last night (time zone thing)
14. What is your favourite flavor of popcorn? Just the plain one.
15. Who was the last person you sent a text message to? I texted my friend (whom I managed to make him watch his first kdrama) from school to prepare a box of tissue before watching episode 15 of More than Friends.
16. Ever been camping? Camping was an annual thing back in my primary school.
17. Do you take vitamins? I don’t go out under the sun, if that’s what you mean. But no, I don’t take supplements because I am too lazy.
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship? Not since the pandemic.
19. Do you have a tan? At this rate, I call it sunburn. But I haven’t gone out much (apart from going to work as and when needed, groceries, and taking my car for a spin) since the pandemic so the tan line is becoming fader.
20. Do you prefer chinese or pizza? Pineapple on pizza. Sue me!
21. Do you drink your soda through a straw? I pour it into a glass and drink it like a champ. But I also try to reduce single-use plastics in my daily life.
22. What colour of socks do you usually wear? Black is always the safe option (yes it tells a lot about my personality huh)
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? Yes, but only where the speed limit is stupidly too low. Otherwise, I rarely drive above 100 km/h.
24. What terrifies you? The list is too long, it should probably be a separate post. I project my issues on the shows that I watch so every now and then you would see me analysing characters or incidents while projecting my issues.
25. Look to your left, what do you see? A broken mirror (in my bedroom), just the perfect metaphor for my twisted perspectives in life.
26. What chore do you hate most? Scrubbing the toilet.
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? Please talk slowly so I can understand you (also applicable to any other languages tbh).
28. What’s your favorite soda? Carbonated lemonade.
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? I prefer hitting the Drive Thru so I can eat my food in front of my laptop in peace.
30. What’s your favourite number? 3 and its first 3 multiples
31. Who was the last person you talked to? My brother, when I passed him the printed material he asked me to print early in the morning for his chess coaching session (he’s a chess coach, yes).
32. Favourite meat? Chicken, because it’s the easiest to be eaten.
33. Last song you listened to? Late Regret by Ong Seong Wu (More than Friends OST). I even listened to the 1-hour loop on YouTube while editing my screencaps last night. And it took longer than the editing process so I also listened to the video with hangul and English lyrics afterwards. I am more comfortable with hangul than the romanisation so I guess my pathetic Korean lessons paid off.
34. Last book you read? I can’t even remember the last time I read a book. Probably mid last year?
35. Favourite day of the week? Saturday.
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? Haven’t tried 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
37. How do you like your coffee? Latte. But I am not a coffee drinker and only started drinking occasionally this year due to the amount of work I had to put in during the first half of this year (yes, even during the pandemic)
38. Favourite pair of shoes? I only have 2 pairs of shoes to even have any favourite. 1 pair for work and another for casual wear.
39. Time you normally get up? Half past 6 if I have to go to the office. Otherwise, I’ll wake up for morning prayer and continue sleeping until half an hour before I have to clock in. On weekends, I continue sleeping until closer to 10 o’clock. If I stayed up the night, probably closer to noon.
40. Which do you prefer, sunrise or sunset? Sunset all the way, because it’s the beginning of my favourite time of the day. Yes, I’m a vampire who loves the night. I also love necks
41. How many blankets on your bed? One and only. It’s too hot to wear even a thin blanket but it gets cold around 3 am so I have to be prepared.
42. Describe your kitchen plates. I like the design of Portmeirion table set from the early 2000s.
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment. It’s not photography material, but it’s not dirty or messy or anything.
44. Do you have a favourite alcoholic drink? I don’t drink.
45. Do you play cards? No. I don’t play anything that requires other people to join me (yes, I am a lone ranger).
46. What colour is your car? The Nissan partner and distributor in my country calls it Dark Metal Grey. It does look nice.
47. Can you change a tire? I can, but I wouldn’t. With free towing service, why should I bother?
48. Your favourite state or province? I was practically born and raised here so I cannot pick a favourite.
49. Favourite job you’ve had? I would say my previous job, because our team had a fantastic working relationship, and everyone was crazy enough to entertain my antics as the maknae.
tagging: @kdramastuff (I know you don’t do this stuff but I just wanna tag you :p) @becausenothingtodo @aromaticcedarwood @dramaintherain @dohyunsoo @kuronekonerochan @park-joonyoung @psalm40speakstome @myechoecho @ambedoanxiety @outside-seoul (that is 10 tags right because I only tag the first one to annoy her :ppp)
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timelordthirteen · 4 years
In All Things 18/?
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Mr. Gold/BelleFrench, Explicit (eventually)
Summary: A Rumbelle arranged marriage AU.
Chapter Summary: After the incident with Milton, Gold makes peace with Belle.
Notes: Look at me with two updates! :D I hope after the chaos of the last chapter that you all find this one a bit cheerier.
Previous: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
Gold watched as Milton climbed into the back of the carriage.
He had a noticeable limp that he was doing his best to mask, but Gold had experience with such things and the awkward movement of the man’s leg was a dead giveaway. The box lurched forward, and Milton wobbled in his seat, which made Gold smile. He hoped the road was riddled with ruts and holes the entire way to the palace. A bruised backside and stiff limbs was the least the bastard deserved for the way he spoke about Belle, and for the blatant disrespect he’d shown to Maurice. There was no doubt some associating between Milton and the King or he would have never dared make such comments. Gold would have Jefferson put a man on it as soon as they returned to Thornhill.
Sighing, he turned away from the window and eyed the paper on the desk. It was a standard land contract awaiting the relevant signatures, but just looking at it gave him a sick feeling. Later, Maurice would sign one side and he would sign the other, and Avonlea would become part of his entitlement, effectively transferring all debts, leases, and rights, and blocking King George from whatever he’d been plotting to do with it. Normally, he would feel a rather smug satisfaction at that, but instead there was only a hollow guilt that his last minute plan had upset Belle. He didn’t blame her, and if he had been in her place he would have been angry as well, but she had left before he could fully explain his proposition.
He had hoped to do that sooner rather than later, but when he’d gone to her quarters after lunch she was nowhere to be found. A maid informed him that she had taken Baeden for a tour of the grounds, which pleased him, but also delayed the inevitable. He was thankful that she hadn’t been so out of sorts that she was keeping to her room, but he knew that the longer he waited to explain himself, the worse the outcome might be.
He smiled ruefully and slipped the contract into his ledger book, and tucked it under his arm before taking up his cane. The first step around the desk had him sucking in a breath as the stabbing pain in his leg traveled up from his ankle and knee, and radiated across his hip. Attacking Milton had been foolish for multiple reasons, including that it had exacerbated his condition. His knuckles went white as he gripped the handle of his cane tight, breathing slowly through the sensation until it subsided.
Once it had, he took a cautious step and was met with only the usual ache and stiffness. Letting out another heavy sigh, he left to find Maurice.
Gold dropped his ledger on the desk with a muted thud that seemed much louder than it sounded.
It was done. Avonlea was his, officially, and he hated himself for it. The rest of the process would take some time, and would need the King’s approval, but the first step was done. Getting that royal approval would likely be difficult, particularly if Milton got his story to the King before Gold, but ultimately, George wouldn’t dare withhold it, not if he wanted to remain in power.
Gold knew that continually relying on his knowledge of the King’s secrets to get his way was dangerous, but it was effective. At least it was as long as he was alive. Perhaps there was something he could do about that as well, something to further protect Belle and Bae. He put the thought aside, and checked the time, wondering if he should wait until after dinner to talk to Belle, before deciding that it was best not to wait any longer to face her wrath.
Bae came out of Belle’s room, and Gold stopped in the middle of the corridor, frowning. His son came towards him, shaking his head.
“Whatever you did, Papa,” Bae said, “you should tell Belle you’re sorry.”
Gold smiled. “Well, that’s what I’m here to do.”
Bae nodded. “Good.”
“I heard Belle gave you a tour of Avonlea.”
The boy’s face lit up in a wide grin. “Yes, it was fun! She showed me the garden and the stables, and introduced me to her horse, Philippe.”
His eyes widened. “Her horse?”
Bae nodded again. “He’s big and kinda slow, but she likes him very much. And then we rode out to the cliffs so I could see the ocean!”
Gold nearly fell over. “You - rode? To the cliffs? With - with Belle?”
The boy gave him a funny look, as if he had questioned the sky being blue. “Yeah. Why? Am I in trouble?”
He shook his head and patted the boy on the shoulder. “No, no of course not. I’m just - surprised.”
Bae’s head tilted to the side. “Why?”
Belle having a horse was not some great shock, every noble did, and most of them could at least stay on one without falling off. He didn’t understand why the image of Belle riding out on a horse with his son, to the southern cliffs at the edge of Avonlea that looked out over the water, was such a strange thing. He supposed it was because he had never seen her riding, and that because of that he was unsure of her skill on horseback, though he knew she wouldn’t put Bae at risk.
He frowned again. “I - I don’t know, actually.”
Truly he didn’t, and the more he thought about it, the more the notion delighted him. Even if she was cross with him, it clearly didn’t interfere with her relationship with Baeden. Ultimately, that was what mattered.
“Papa, are you coming down for supper?”
Bae blinked up at him, and he nodded. “Yes, uh, I just need to speak to Belle first. We’ll - we’ll come down together, all right?”
The boy bounded off down the hall, and Gold watched with a faint smile before turning to the matter at hand. He hoped that after he said what he needed to say, that his reply to Bae would be the truth.
Belle was pacing back and forth from the sofa to the window when a knock sounded.
She paused and stared at the door, knowing Gold was on the other side. She had expected him to come to her earlier, which was why she went to find Bae after she’d calmed down. Facing him so soon after the confrontation in the study felt like too much, and she needed to think through what she might say. Walking the grounds with Bae and telling him about her home had been the perfect distraction, but when they rode out to the coast, with the snowing shining around them, it had hit her harder than expected.
The cliffs had always been a sanctuary for her, a place to retreat to when she needed to be away from the prying eyes of servants and her parents, and, later, a place to be alone with thoughts of her mother. She had always loved the ocean, the sound of the waves and the beauty of the sunset reflected across it, but it was the harshness that spoke to her the most. The water was so dark, especially in the evening or in the short days of winter, and there was no tangible horizon, no soft edges, only a vast and endless void. The ocean didn’t care about anyone.
Poets might romanticize it, but it was cruelest of all creations, holding a seething, incomprehensible mass of life in its depths, life that it seemed to actively try to extinguish sometimes. There was no mistress like the sea. She’d heard a naval officer say that once, with a tone that spoke of things which could not be described, of places she couldn’t even dream of seeing. It chilled her and soothed her all at once. There would always remain one thing in the world which men could not claim or tame, and she longed for that kind of freedom.
Sighing, she smoothed her hands over her skirt and walked to the door, holding her breath as she pulled it open.
The way he said her name, with that soft sense of surprise, made her want to smile, but she tamped it down and pressed her lips together, acknowledging him with a sharp nod.
Gold winced at her cool tone. “May I come in?”
She stepped back and held the door open, motioning with her hand for him to enter. He moved stiffly, leaning on his cane more obviously than she’d ever seen, and she assumed that his antics with Milton had caused him some discomfort. She wanted to be pleased by that, but she wasn’t. Angry as she was, she still didn’t want him to suffer.
“Can we sit?” he asked, gesturing to the sofa.
She shrugged and came to stand at the opposite end. “You may.”
His shoulders dropped and he seemed to lean forward, bearing his weight on his cane in front of him. “I’ll stand if you are.”
She wanted to roll her eyes at his stubbornness, but she supposed she was no better at the moment. “Fine. Say what you came to say.”
“Belle, please -”
“Please what?” she snapped, her hands going to her hips. “Please excuse me whilst I lie and swindle your family home right out from under you?”
Her words were harsh, but he had resigned himself to deserving them. “That’s not what this is.”
She shook her head. “Well, then I must be stupid, because that’s what it looks like from where I stand.”
“You are far from stupid,” he said, sighing and twisting his cane against the floor.
“Is it done?” She crossed her arms, holding her elbows with her hands.
His reply was quiet, and she swallowed. Her face felt hot and her head started to throb as she fought back her tears. That was it then. It was all done, without a word from her, without any discussion or explanation.
“I thought it was best to get things in order immediately,” he explained, “before Milton has a chance to tell the King whatever it is he’s going to tell him.”
Belle nodded. “I see.”
She watched as he shifted his weight and squeezed the handle of his cane. He was clearly hurting, and she hated herself for making him continue standing there just because of her own hurt pride. While there were things they hadn’t talked about yet, truths that were deeply held, he had given her no reason to distrust him or his intentions.
Gold huffed and turned away from her for a moment, gritting his teeth as the sharp pain crept back into his leg. “It’s not - I didn’t mean it the way you’re thinking.”
“Then tell me!” she exclaimed, letting out a heavy sigh a moment later and touched a hand to her forehead where a vague throb had started. “Be honest with me. Don’t - don’t tell me you’re going to save my family home, and then snatch it away.”
He frowned at her. “So you would rather I let the King do the same instead?”
“No! I - I don’t -” Belle exhaled and
He looked up, watching as she moved around the end of the sofa and then back against the tufted cushions. She reached out and patted the space beside her. “Please?”
He gave her a small, grateful smile, and barely suppressed a groan as he sat. His hand rubbed at his upper thigh, pressing into the muscle until the twitching and throbbing abated enough that he could ignore it.
“Are you in pain?”
Her hand covered his, and he nearly jerked away from her touch in surprise. “Only a little.”
The look she gave him conveyed her disbelief, but she didn’t press the issue, and for a long moment they stayed like that, near each other, with her hand on his. He didn’t turn his hand over to hold hers, though he wanted to he didn’t feel he had the right to, not now, not until they had sorted things between them, but her palm was warm and soothing. It was enough for now.
“You scared me,” she said finally, exhaling and pulling her hand back to her own lap. “I was already angry at Milton, and at my father, and when you said -” She took a breath, blowing it out between her lips as she shook her head again. “I’d never seen you like that before, so angry and - and violent.”
“I know,” he said softly, his gaze fixed on the moonstone ring on his left hand. “Please believe me that had he not said those - those things - about you -”
“Don’t,” Belle interrupted, twisting to look at him. “Not for my sake, never for my sake, not that. All right? I will not have that on my conscience.”
Gold nodded in understanding, though he couldn't promise that his reaction wouldn’t be the same should anyone else decide to harm her. He had very recently become aware that, where Belle was concerned, there were lengths he was willing to go to in order to protect her, and he wasn't entirely certain that it had only to do with her commitment to Bae.
She shifted closer and frowned. “He didn’t hurt me, all right? What he said -”
Her mouth felt dry as the words replayed in her head, the implications, the shame. It didn’t matter what she had or hadn’t done with her husband, which was nothing at all, but to have any of it made public and connected with what happened between her and Gaston was a step too far.
Gold swallowed. “Physically, perhaps not, but words can damage just as easily as my cane.”
He lifted the aforementioned object and let it drop, the end thudding softly on the rug by his boot. She knew what he meant, but it was still different in her mind. Her faults and secrets were her own, just as his were. Whatever Milton knew, or assumed, it wasn’t worth the effort or energy of beating him senseless, however much he might deserve punishment.
“What will do with it?” she asked, tentatively. “With my - with Avonlea.”
She kept wanting to call it her home, but that wasn’t true anymore.
“Give it to you.” He shrugged and gave her a quick, sideways glance. “If you want it.”
Belle blinked and leaned back a bit as she stared at him, trying to process what he’d just said. “Wha - how - um... to me? You’re giving to me?”
“Is that a yes?”
His mouth curved slightly, clearly amused by her confusion, and she frowned. “Why?”
“You don’t seriously believe I want it, right?” She looked immediately affronted at the question, and he sighed. “That’s - that’s not what I mean. I mean, I don’t - I don’t want to own it, I don’t want to take it away from your family.”
“Then why - why -” She shook her head, tilting it as she looked at him. “Why do this at all? Why have the papers signed already?”
“So the King wouldn’t beat me to it.” He gave her a small smile. “If he orchestrated any of this, used Milton to push your father into more debt... I didn’t want to risk it, and I knew the law was on my side. My claim would have the highest standing.”
He shrugged, and twisted the cane in his hands, sliding them back and forth and making it spin against his palms until Belle’s hand came to rest on the handle, making him stop.
“You think he would do that? Send Milton to - what? - to give my father ill financial advice?” She huffed, her lips pursing as she pulled her hand away from his cane. “That seems so - convoluted - so much effort for something that was bound to happen on its own.”
Gold’s eyebrows lifted. “You think?”
She matched his expression, and then let her gaze drift to the fireplace. “I love my father, but I know he’s not very good at running an estate, especially not one so large. My mother, she - she was the one who kept him straight, who knew how everything needed to be done. She understood how to estimate the crop yields, how the land leases were managed, all of it.”
The smile she gave him was sad, and he didn’t miss the way her lips wavered as she spoke.
“And she passed that knowledge on to you, didn’t she?” he asked, quietly.
Belle’s gaze met Gold’s. “Some of it, yes.”
He smiled fully then and reached for her hand. “Then it shall be yours.”
“You - you can do that?” She glanced down at his fingers as they curled over hers, holding them gently.
“Yes,” he replied simply, pleased when her hand turned over to hold his. In that moment he felt a sense of forgiveness, and the relief it brought was stronger than he’d expected, like an unwinding of something in the center of his chest.
She licked her lips and looked up at him. “How?”
“Your father has signed Avonlea over to me, so as of a half hour ago, I am the legal Lord of this estate.” He took a breath, her gaze inscrutable and making him shift in his seat. “As such, I have the legal right to name a Steward, which can be you if you like. And when I - when I die -”
He paused to clear his throat, pushing past the lump that had formed once he acknowledged what must inevitably happen for Belle to retain her family home. She squeezed his hand, and the look on her face was strangely stricken.
“When I die, I may bequeath these lands unto any of my heirs. Including my wife,” he continued. “But until then, you may help me make all the decisions where Avonlea is concerned.”
Gold returned the pressure on her hand and ran his thumb over her knuckles. She could scarcely believe his words. There were only two women who were positioned as the legal executives of their own estates, left to them by their late husbands, who had passed without children. Lady Ghorm, a severe and eccentric woman Belle couldn’t stand the sight of, and Countess De Vil, of whom there were untold rumors stories of the wild, unhinged parties she was fond of throwing every season.
She managed a nod. “You’d just - give it to me? Like that? You wouldn’t keep it for Bae?”
He nodded. “Bae won’t need it. He’ll have Thornhill and other assets, and I think - I know - he would want you to have it.”
Her chest rose and fell slowly as she took a steadying breath. She would have Avonlea, her mother’s wish would come true, and in the meantime he said she could be the Steward if she liked, and make all the decisions. She could run her own estate, even without it being fully hers, something she’d been trying to do for her father for years. It felt so overwhelming that even contemplating it was threatening to give her a throbbing headache.
She twisted on the cushion to face Gold, her lips pressed together as she tried to summon the right words to express what she was feeling. In the end she settled for something easier, and threw her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug.
Gold sputtered and let out a soft cry of surprise as Belle practically leapt at him and gripped him in a fierce embrace. She was warm and soft, and her skirts were covering his lap as she shifted closer, pressing her knees to his thigh. He felt her fingers brush his hair where it lay over the back of his collar, sending a tingle down his spine, and breathed in the scent of her perfume. Her actions were so intimate and startling that by the time he made his own arms move enough to return it, she was already withdrawing.
She leaned back, keeping her hands on his shoulders which kept her face near his, and smiled widely. He looked utterly shocked, and she bit her lip as the realization of what she’d done sunk in. Abruptly, she pulled her hands away and she shifted back on the sofa, putting some space between them.
“Sorry, I -” She shook her head again.
“No, don’t be,” he said quickly, fighting the urge to close the short distance she’d reestablished between them. He was almost as surprised at how much he missed her proximity as he was at the embrace itself.
Belle wiped at her eyes which had begun to feel watery, and blew out a breath. “Sorry, um, we should - we should speak to my father, yes?”
Gold nodded. “Tomorrow, after breakfast, the three of us will review all the ledgers and papers. We’ll get a full accounting of everything, and we can decide where to go from there.”
“Good,” she replied, giving him another small smile. “Good.”
“Now,” said Gold, using his cane to push himself to his feet. “I promised Bae before I came here that I would apologize to you, and that we would join him for dinner. So to that end, I am very sorry for upsetting you, my Lady, and I most humbly beg your forgiveness.”
He offered her his arm and a cheeky grin, and she smiled as she stood, laying her hand over his forearm. “Apology accepted.”
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x1musings · 5 years
“has anyone ever told you that you have really nice hands?”
☆pairing: wooseok x reader
☆request: #13 from 101 prompts by anon
☆genre: fluff (with a bit of angst, sorry!)
☆word count: 2.3k
☆a/n:  anon, i’m so sorry, i know you requested fluff but this turned out more angsty than i intended. if you want me to redo it, let me know.
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you had no intention to get drunk last night, but when has anything ever gone the way you expect it to? you groan as the light streams through your curtains, straight into your eyes, making you curse yourself for the 100th time since you woke up. why did i agree to go to a party on a school night? you think to yourself as you hear your alarm blare. you switch your alarm off quickly, as you feel the throbbing in your skull worsen. you had less than an hour until your lecture started but you couldn’t bring yourself to get out of bed. you consider calling your best friend to get him to write notes for you, but you decide against it, remembering the last time you had asked him to do it. you love wooseok, but his handwriting was so hard to read that it made studying his notes a nightmare.
with a groan, you push yourself out of bed and walk to the bathroom. you look up into the mirror and wince at the sight of your hungover self. the ever-prominent dark circles under your eyes seemed bigger today than it had this entire semester, and your makeup was a mess, lipstick smudged around your lips and mascara streaks down your cheeks. what the hell happened last night? you couldn’t remember a thing, but the way you looked made you think the worst. as your mind came up with the possible scenarios, you will the earth to open up and swallowed you whole.
you splash water on your face, hoping it would wake you up a bit or at the very least get rid of the terrible thoughts swirling around in your head. you quickly cleanse your skin of yesterday’s makeup and brush your teeth, before taking a quick shower. you pull on the first clean clothes that you could find, not caring about how your outfit looked. even in your worst outfit, you would blend right in with the rest of the stressed-out, barely coping students at your university. you put the bare minimum amount of makeup you need, trying to get rid of any visual evidence of your lack of sleep and hangover.
you glance at the clock, and curse as you realise you only have 10 minutes to get to the bus stop. you quickly grab your bag, phone and books, before running into the kitchen to get a bottle of water. you yell a goodbye over your shoulder to your parents, as you hurriedly pull on your sneakers. you run out of the house, towards the bus stop. you heave a sigh as you see the bus arrive at the bus stop just as you get there. you take a seat back of the bus, trying to hide how out of breath you are. you hate running with a passion (why should anyone run, unless it’s for survival, you think to yourself), but with your lack of organisation skills and your inability to get out of bed, you find yourself rushing every morning, barely getting to the bus stop before the bus arrives. 
as you walk to you class, you take the time to scroll through the unread messages you have from last night. most of the messages were from your friends, asking if you had gotten home safely, which you quickly respond to. as you were looking at your phone, you bump into someone.
“y/n!” yohan says, as he grabs your shoulders to stop you from falling. “you look like hell.”
you roll your eyes, “gee, thanks pal. that’s what everyone likes to hear first thing in the morning.”
he scratches the back of his neck, “i’m just shocked that you’re even standing right now. you partied hard last night. i kinda feel sorry for wooseok. he probably had a hard time taking you home.”
your eyes widen at the new information. “wooseok took me home?”
“yeah… you don’t remember anything from last night, do you?”
you nod your head. “complete blackout.”
the half-smile on yohan’s face is scaring you. he looks like he is debating to tell you something that he knew would upset you, or at the very least embarrass you.
“yohan tell me. what did i do last night?”
he smiles at you, but it doesn’t calm your nerves at all. “i’ll let wooseok fill you in. sorry y/n i have to get to class.”
“yohan-” you try to grab his hoodie to pull him back, but he manages to duck out of your reach. you curse your friend as you watch him run away from you.
you couldn’t decide whether you wanted to know what you did last night. on one hand, if you didn’t know, you would always wonder, and you knew your anxious mind would come up with the scariest situations. but on the other hand, if you knew exactly what stupid thing you did, you would have to deal with the consequences and embarrassment of your actions.
you glance at the time on your phone, cursing as you realise that you have 5 minutes before your lecture started. you start running towards your classroom, hoping that you get there in time.
by some miracle, you arrive at the lecture hall minutes before your lecturer. you scan the hall, looking for your friend. when you find him, you can’t help but grimace at the sight in front of you. wooseok sits in his usual seat at the back row, but there’s no empty seats near him. he is surrounded by his fangirls and fanboys, all staring at him with awestruck expression. you knew he was attractive (anyone with eyes can tell you that), but sometimes you hated how much attention he got from the other students.
you sink into the first empty seat you find in the middle row, thinking about your friendship with wooseok. you two had first met in primary school, and you had been attached by the hip since. he is your closest friend, the person who knew everything about you and still stuck around. well, actually, he didn’t know everything. at some point, your platonic feelings for him had turned into a crush, and you never wanted him to find out about that. you couldn’t pin-point the exact point when you realised your feelings, but ever since you realised, you did everything to hide it from him. you knew that telling him about it could ruin your friendship, and your friendship with him was more important to you than the possibility of a relationship.
your phone vibrates against the desk, pulling you out of your thoughts.
[txt] are you ok? how’s your hangover?
speak of the devil, you think to yourself. you don’t turn to look at him, but you feel his gaze on you. you send a quick response before putting your phone down, taking your laptop out of your bag to prepare for the lecture.
[txt] i feel like shit. how much did i drink last night?
it wasn’t long before you got a response from wooseok.
[txt] i stopped counting after the 4th drink.
[txt] do you remember anything from last night?
you sigh quietly. you consider lying to get out of the lecture he will definitely give you if he knew the truth, but you decide against it knowing you could rarely get away with lying to him. he knew you too well, which made it hard for you to lie to him successfully. how you had been able to keep your feelings for him a secret from him was a damn mystery.
[txt] no… did i do something stupid?
the minutes that passed as you waited for the response painstakingly stretched out. you gnawed at your nails, a nervous habit that you desperately wanted to get rid of. you had to use all of your self-control to stop yourself from shaking your leg. when you finally get the response, your heart sinks to your stomach.
 [txt] can we meet after class? we need to talk
you couldn’t tell if the nausea you felt in your stomach was because of your hangover or the text. you send a quick ok and put your phone down, turning your attention back to your lecturer. but you couldn’t concentrate.
you search your memory, trying to remember anything from last night. you remember taking a drink from hangyul, which might have been your 3rd or 4th drink that night. you had taken it, even though you knew you were past your limit, but for some reason you couldn’t bring yourself to care.  something had made you want to get crazy drunk, but you couldn’t for the life of you remember what it was. the more you try to remember, the more frustrated you get as you continually hit mental blocks. by the time the lecture ended, you had a raging headache, and a sick feeling in your stomach.
it wasn’t long before wooseok stood next to you, patiently waiting for you to pack up your stuff.
“where do you want to go? have you eaten yet?”
you smile, despite yourself. “no, but i’m not sure i’ll be able to keep anything down right now.”
you could see the concern in his eyes, and your heart warms at the sight. “still, you need to eat. let’s go to the cafeteria.”
you nod, gathering your belongings and following him out of the lecture hall. as you walked to the cafeteria, there’s a somewhat awkward silence between you two.
“what did you want to talk about?” you ask as you fall into step with him.
he looks at you with a small smile. “let’s talk after we get some food in you.”
before you could respond, wooseok suddenly wraps his fingers around your upper arm and pulls you closer to him, as a cyclist zips past you, dangerously close to where you had been standing. you barely notice him yell at the cyclist, as a memory flashes in your mind.
wooseok grabs your arm, trying to stabilise you as you stagger through the park towards your house. you stop when you get outside your house and turn to him. you could see the humour in his eyes, as he tries to stop himself from laughing at your drunk antics, and your heart melts at the sight. the words ‘i like you’ are at the tip of your tongue, but you can’t bring yourself to force them out of your mouth. so, you turn your attention to his hand that was still wrapped around your arm. you could feel the warmth radiating from his hand on your bare arm, and you stare at his long fingers, loving the way they looked on your skin.
“has anyone ever told you that you have really nice hands?”
“wow does little y/n have a hand kink?” wooseok teased, laughing as you feel your cheeks getting warm. “and here i thought i knew everything about you.”
“you don’t know everything about me,” you whisper under your breath.
unfortunately, wooseok was close enough that he caught what you said.
“hmm, what else don’t i know about you?”
“a lot,” you lie through your teeth. 
wooseok scoffed, not believing a word you say. “ok, prove it. name one thing i don’t know about you.”
you stare at him. would it really be that bad if you confessed? it’s your best friend, he wouldn’t do anything that would hurt you.
before you could talk yourself out of it, you let the three little words fall out of your lips. “i like you.” you pause, knowing you had to clarify. “as more than just a friend.”
wooseok froze, not even blinking. he opens and closes his mouth, clearly not knowing what to say.
you pull away from him, watching as his hand falls to his side. you push a smile on your lips as you feel tears prick your eyes. “see, you don’t know everything about me.”
you turn towards your house, pushing the heartbreak down. you walk away from him, or rather stagger away, not wanting him to see the tears falling from your eyes. he hadn’t said anything, but the look on his face told you everything you needed to know.
“earth to y/n,” wooseok says, waving a hand in front of your face. you blink as you focus on him. “from the look on your face, i guess you remember what happened last night.”
“i-” you didn’t know what to say. how could you have confessed to him? why did you do it? what do you say now? should you backtrack, and play it off as a joke? the thoughts swirl so loudly in your head that nearly miss what wooseok says. 
“i like you too.”
“what?” the shock radiates from you as you try to comprehend what he said. am i still drunk, you think to yourself.
wooseok smiles, “i said i like you too. yesterday i was just in shock. i wasn’t expecting you to confess. and then you walked away before i could say anything.”
“yeah, well you looked like you were about to throw up, so i took the hint.”
“it was just shock. i didn’t think you felt the same way.”
you laugh in shock. wooseok, the boy that had his own fanclub and could have anyone in the world, has feelings for you?
wooseok smirks, “and, now you look like you’re going to throw up.”
“but, why me of all people? ”
wooseok smiles brightly, as he cups your face, bringing you closer to him. “i like you because it’s you. i like everything about you, even the weird and dorky parts of you.” he laughs as you glare at him. “go on a date with me, y/n.”
you can’t hide the smile that plays at your lips. “ok. let’s go on a date.”
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