#haters to ... stay tuned to find out
sunshinebingo · 9 months
The Things Autumn Did To Me
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Merry Christmas @thelov3lybookworm!!! 🎁 It has been so nice to meet you through @acotargiftexchange and I had a great time secretly interacting with you. I had a lot of fun experimenting with your gift too (you and I have a lot in common btw 😌). I really hope that you will enjoy the slight mess that is this fic 🤭
Synopsis: Two months into their convenient marriage and Gwyneth and Azriel still have very strong feelings for each other. Is it really the hate that they claim it to be, or something else? Not even they can tell.
However, another chance at tackling the failed mission that has led them to where they are will make the two spies face something that they have both been afraid of. After all, the line separating hate from desire can be very thin.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warning: None for this chapter
Find the Masterlist here
Read Chapter 1 on Ao3 or below the cut
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“Wife,” he sneered.
“Husband,” she sneered back.
Azriel walked to end of the table and sat down, carefully adjusting his wings behind him.
“Glad to see that you are still alive,” he said, pulling the plate that his wife had already filled for him closer.
“Glad to know that I am still the funny one,” Gwyn replied without looking up from her own plate.
Morning greeting, checked. Daily verification that his partner was still breathing, checked. What was left to do before breakfast? Ah right... Check the food for poison. His shadows made a sweep around the table, ensuring that nothing would lead to him dropping sick or dead.
When he finally raised his cup of tea to his lips after their quick inspection, his eyes landed on a pair of teal ones across the table. Azriel internally shuddered at Gwyn’s piercing gaze and at how her lips turned into a feline smirk.
“It will happen when you least expect it,” she said, then dug a knife into her pancakes.
Azriel snorted. As if she could sneak past his trusty shadows. They might have an odd affection for her – unlike their master – but they were still loyal to him. Many believed that, being a Shadowsinger, Azriel had full control over his shadows. He refrained from letting others know that they also tended to have a mind of their own. Like the little wisp which was currently ignoring him and was slowly making its way between the bowl of fruit and the teapot to reach her.
Gwyn’s eyes followed the movement of the shadow until it reached her hand and started swirling around her fingers, especially the one adorned with a silver band – a perfect match to the one on his own ring finger – that glinted against her pale, freckled skin. Her smile softened for the shadow in a way it never did for him.
While she watched the shadow, Azriel watched her. The rich copper hair that was put up in a very messy bun atop her head with random strands that escaped and which fell around her face, her pointed ears where she wore several simple studs, her nose and cheeks across which lay a scattering of freckles, as if someone had tossed them with a careless hand, her plump lips, her eyes. Those bright eyes that had unsettled him from the very first time he had looked into them. A depthless teal ocean that often seemed like they could see straight through him. Gwyn was a creature of cruel beauty and Azriel hated her more for it.
When she looked up from the shadow playing with her hand, Azriel lowered his eyes to his food before she could see the thoughts that he always tried his hardest to hide in her presence.
“Is there something on my face?” she asked.
“Yes,” he replied, stirring his tea despite having added nothing to it.
“Well,” she went on, unable to stay quiet for long, as always. “What is it?”
“You look...” the shadows whispered an assortment of words though none that he was willing to use. Instead, he responded with, “...like you slept in a tree.”
Gwyn let out a snicker. “That would certainly be better than trying to sleep while listening to your pacing all night.”
It took him a few seconds to understand and none more to feel stupid about it. The endless pacing had nothing to do with the work he did at this hour and everything to do with him trying to focus while also attempting to block out the sound of her thumping heart and that of her mumblings while she slept. His office was right above her bedroom on the third level and he had selfishly never stopped to think that she might hear him walking around on the wooden floor when he could hear her too. He had tried to work in other rooms instead but the pestering of his shadows and their insistence to be close to her was even more annoying. At least in his office they shut up and contended themselves with spreading on the floor while listening to her.
It was the first time in the whole two months since they had been living together that she was mentioning it. Surprising of her since she often found something to complain about him. He did the same but, unlike hers, his complaints about her were at least justified.
“Some Spymaster you are,” she mumbled around a mouthful, “Not even able to walk without raising the dead.”
Azriel looked up at her and smirked. “I do it on purpose to piss you off.”
Gwyn swallowed her food. Her face remained impassive when she spoke again. “You do that well enough by just existing.”
He did not respond. He only held her gaze, risking getting lost in her ocean eyes, until footsteps were heard entering the dining room and someone cleared their throat.
“A letter arrived from the Prince of Autumn,” Roslin, their maid and one of the very few persons aware of the truth behind their union, announced and handed an envelope to Gwyn. Roslin had been Gwyn’s trusted maid when she lived in the Forest House. She was also a spy and had helped Gwyn with maintaining her second identity in the Autumn Court by covering up her secret activities. She offered Roslin her thanks with a usual friendly smile before the maid left the dining room.
“What is it?” Azriel asked, eyes narrowed on the folded paper that Gwyn took out of the envelope.
“Hopefully something that will get me as far away from you as possible.”
Her comment suddenly made him want to spend his entire day being as close to her as he could. Not because he liked her company whatsoever. Their shared mission already ensured that they spent a ridiculous amount of time together. Including sharing a house and attempting to look like an oh so happy couple in public.
“I’m afraid, dear wife, that no one can get rid of me so easily. Least of all you.”
Azriel had learned a great deal since they sealed their marriage two months ago. He obviously learned a lot about Gwyn. And, surprisingly, a lot about himself too, especially his patience and tolerance of her.
Gwyn placed the empty envelope on the table, picked up a little spoon and brandished it at Azriel as though it was a dagger. “I could kill you with this,” she narrowed her eyes at him.
“I’m trembling,” he deadpanned. The shadows snickered around him.
He had always taken pride in his infinite patience. That was one of the qualities that made him the best at his job. But somehow, the female sitting across from him, reading her letter as if she wasn’t the bane of his existence, had found ways to challenge almost all of his skills, including his ability to remain calm under any circumstance, and also his ability to charm any female and male alike. That last skill would not be of much use anymore anyway since, to the rest of the world, all of it was now supposed to be reserved for Gwyn only. His wife. The one who made him lose his godsdamned mind in every possible way.
It was not as though he had ever seduced anyone in hope of anything more but a few hours of pleasure. His family thought that he refused to commit to a serious relationship, much less marriage, because his job was too dangerous to rope a potential partner in such things. Being the Spymaster and non-official torturer of his court made Azriel do things that most would cower to do and put him in dangers few were willing to face.
The reality was that Azriel did not want anyone to feel shackled to him. Although he had witnessed many successful relationships in his life, including the couples in his found family, his childhood had left more scars on him than those on his burned hands. He had witnessed what a monster his sire had been to his mother. For so long Azriel had feared that his resemblance to the cruel male might be more than physical. He feared that the beast he became when he tortured for the protection of his court might scare away a partner, or even worse, hurt them. So, instead of taking the risk, he preferred to block out the possibility of finding out altogether.
His several centuries as a spy might have made him an expert in the art of seduction, but he was empty handed when it came to true romantic feelings. Azriel doubted anyone with a bit of common sense would willingly stay with him if they knew how little he knew about love. Save for his family, the one with which he was related in every way except for blood, he had never let anyone close enough to his heart to feel such things. That was why he had been more than a little nervous when Rhysand and Eris had suggested this marriage, despite being aware that it was one of convenience. Imposed was a better word than suggested. Though even if Rhysand was his High Lord, Azriel could have still been opposed to his brother’s orders. But he did see the necessity of the situation, especially for Gwyn.
Since she was herself a spy, he knew that Gwyn had also seen her fair share of danger and blood. He knew what she also had to do to protect her court. Being from the Autumn Court and secretly acting with Eris against her High Lord for the greater good of Prythian, Azriel knew that her position had been more precarious than his. For Gwyn, this marriage was not just to keep plotting against Beron to put Eris on the throne. It was also to save her life. If the High Lord of Autumn found out that the lady who had lived in his home her whole life was a spy trying to bring him down, death would prove to be a small mercy for her.
For most, it might seem like their paths had crossed at one of the High Lord and Ladies’ meeting in Autumn, which also involved important members of all the seven courts and had fallen so deeply in love that they had been married in the same week. 
The truth was that they had met several times before that to exchange information about what Beron was up to behind closed doors. Gwyn was the one who Eris trusted to pass on information about his father’s secret plans. She had been like a beam in the night on their first meeting in a wood bordering her court. She had looked like she had been crafted by the capable hands of the Mother herself.
Gwyn had also looked like she was not happy at all with the new secret alliance between the Night Court and the Autumn Prince. Azriel had not been either. Even now, he was still suspicious of Eris’ true intentions when it came to this alliance. Azriel despised the arrogant Prince. He despised Autumn Court and anything that had to do with it. He had never wanted to work alongside one of them, but fate had apparently decided otherwise.
“I bet you would read that thing faster if it was smut,” he complained when she remained silent while her eyes kept going back and forth on the letter.
Gwyn looked up at him with another scowl. “Shut up and quit distracting me.”
With a flicker of her hand, she summoned a small golden flame that she then ran across the ivory page. She read the hidden message that Eris had left there for her before burning the entire letter along with the envelope.
“It’s an invitation from Eris,” she finally explained. “Autumn Solstice is being held at the Forest House in a week.”
Azriel cursed. As a former member, it was natural for the redhead to be invited to celebrate with the rest of her home court. But looking at Gwyn, he saw what she was not saying. This event would be their second, possibly last chance to get a hand on Beron’s plans and avoid a possible war, or at least prepare for an eventual one. Something else also shone in his wife’s eyes. A determination that this time, they would not fail. They should not. This marriage had been a last resort to hide Gwyn’s secret identity. It had been the only plan that Eris could come up with to get his cousin out of reach of his father before this one could start questioning her presence so close to his private quarters and start to suspect her.
“Well, my broody bat.”
Azriel rolled his eyes. Gwyn picked a bunch of grapes from the bowl and observed one carefully before popping it into her mouth. “I hope you’re ready to have some fun.”
“We’re going there on a mission Berdara. Not to party.”
Gwyn shrugged. “Who says one has to exclude the other.”
The two of them had different approaches to spying. Azriel preferred to keep to the dark. His shadows allowed him to remain unseen and unheard even in plain sight. He had always been the quiet kind of person, picking up clues by silently observing while his shadows searched for what was out of his reach. Gwyn, on the other, was the complete opposite. While she could also hide in plain sight, her talent was that of deception. She could have been a shape shifter with how easily she could adapt to and blend into any situation.
“How do you propose we do that?” he asked.
She pushed her empty plate aside and propped her elbows on the table.
“Well your shadows could signal us when the time is right.” She lifted the hand where a shadow was once again twirling in between her fingers and down her wrist.
“We’ll then pretend to sneak away to do what we were doing last time.”
Azriel’s fork stopped midway to his mouth. His shadows circled him excitedly, chanting their glee at Gwyn’s plan.
On the evening that had led to their current situation, Gwyn and Azriel were on a common mission to infiltrate Beron’s quarters to try and retrieve some incriminating documents about the High Lord of Autumn. These would have been the perfect proof to put Beron on trial for his actions against peace in Prythian. Unfortunately, a few wrong moves had led to them being caught where no one should have been. The only thing that had saved them then had been to act as if they had been a second away from having sex.
Azriel still remembered every single detail of it, from the very first second that Gwyn had grabbed his shirt and had pulled him down against her. He remembered how it had felt to have her in his arms, how her lips had moved fervently against his as if her life depended on it, which it did. If he closed his eyes, he could recall how her hands had felt as she had glided them across his chest, his arms, on his neck and the way she had tugged at the roots of his hair. How urgent those same hands had been when she had pull him closer by hooking a finger at the seam of his pants. The sounds she had made when his tongue had tangled with hers had been louder than the approaching footsteps of the guards. Perhaps it was in that exact moment, where his mission had shifted from those documents to her, that his shadows had started to become obsessed with her. More so than they had been since they started meeting for a few brief minutes to exchange information.
Everyone knew that Autumn Court faeries had fire in their veins. But only then had Azriel learned what the rumours were truly about. If a kiss that was devoid of feelings and which was only meant to fool the guards was like that, then Azriel did not even want to think about what a real kiss from her would be like. He refused to imagine it. The fake one had burned a big enough hole in him. Glancing at the Autumn female across the table, Azriel cursed her for having ruined every kiss he ever had before and certainly all others that he could have had if he was not bound to her.
“Or,” he proposed to prevent himself from spiralling deeper into their backstory and what it was doing to him. “We can just pretend to leave.”
Gwyn looked at him like he had said the stupidest thing ever. The last time he followed her lead had resulted in them getting married. What would happen this time? Would Eris find a random child that they would be forced to raise together to keep up their disguise? Azriel’s thoughts quieted when a shadow rushed from where it was hovering beside his left wing to remind him of what had prompted her to kiss him and he reluctantly agreed to the reasoning behind it.
He went on explaining the paths that they could take around the Forest House to avoid running into anyone if they followed his plan and how his shadows would help in the process.
He waited for her opinion when he finished.
“Huh? Sorry, I wasn’t listening.”
Azriel closed his eyes and sighed. Fucking Autumn courts and their fucking hard heads. Fucking wife and her fucking stubbornness.
“You come up with something then, smart-ass.”
She started to open her mouth but Azriel cut her off. “Something that does not involve fucking in Beron’s quarters.”
Gwyn huffed. Her cheeks started to turn pink, probably from the fire coursing through her and which seemed to run hotter at every outburst. “I wasn’t about to say that, you dimwit.”
Azriel gave her another roll of his eyes before returning to his food. Gwyn said nothing more. Yet by looking at her face, the emotions that he was still learning to read there, Azriel could see the gears of her mind working. She remained like this for the whole time that he finished his breakfast.
When he was done, he rose from his chair and walked to her. He grabbed her chin between his thumb and index and lifted her head until she looked at him.
“We have a week to come up with a solid plan. There’s no need to fry up your head over this right away.”
He suspected that she was worried about going back while there were still talks about her. Leaving the Forest House was not so simply done without a proper reason after all, especially for someone who had been raised there. Several rumours had already rose about the lady who had so hastily left her home to settle in the Night Court with the infamous Shadowsinger. His reputation in Rhys’ inner circle alone had fuelled the suspicions of more than one person, including Beron.
Azriel dragged his thumb along the seam of her lips, right where a trace of the syrup from her pancakes was still glistening.
“You’ll need that brain of yours to come up with more creative insults for me. The ones you currently have are terrible,” he added.
Gwyn brought a hand to the one that held her face. She slowly wrapped her long fingers around his wrist without looking away from his face. More pink spread across her cheeks and made her freckles stood out. Azriel badly wanted to know what she was truly hiding behind those eyes in this moment.
“Can you please do something for me, my dear husband?” her voice came out like a soft breeze singing in the night. Azriel had the reflex to stop his wings from twitching.
“What is it?”
He convinced himself that his breathlessness had nothing to do with that voice which was sweeter than the sticky syrup on his finger. Her hand tightened around his wrist.
“Throw yourself off a cliff,” she gritted out and forcefully yanked his hand away. Gone was the sweet, melodic voice. Her chair made a loud screeching sound as she pushed it back and stood.
Azriel held in a chuckle when she raised her chin and stomped off of the living room. “See you later, my annoying husband.”
He followed her as he made his way to his room. “Sure, my petulant wife.”
They went up the stairs and reached the door to her room first. Gwyn paused with a hand on the handle. “Don’t miss me too much, my haughty husband.” She opened the door and walked inside.
Azriel stood at the threshold of her bedroom with his arms crossed and a smirk on his lips. “You wish, my Autumn witch.”
Gwyn’s returning smile was as wicked as a witch’s. “I know you will.” And she slammed the door in his face.
To Be Continued...
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mandarinmoon · 9 months
how i'm studying mandarin (in 2024)
as a low-maintenance language learner working a 9-6 office job, i've been muddling around how to improve my mandarin in my free time and keep it fun! And I've found what works for me (thanks to a lot of lurking on here - appreciate all you mandarin langblrs <3), so wanted to share :)
Evening lessons (or italki) - Self studying is great but I do need a kick up the ass sometimes, so these really help. Plus my teacher is great at giving tips here and there which I probably wouldn't pick up on on my own.
ChinesePod - Their podcasts are really well made and accessible, I can't recommend them enough!
HelloChinese - This is my 'I'm bored waiting for my train/bus but I still want to learn Chinese' option that isn't Duolingo. It's not perfect but it has fairly good grammar explanations and native listening segments. You do have to pay a subscription if you're over HSK1 level FYI.
I am an anki hater first and foremost, so here's the vocab learning / dictionary tools I use instead:
TofuLearn - It's straightforward, uses spaced repetition learning AND teaches you stroke order - so ticks all my boxes. Picked it up due to @marilearnsmandarin's posts about it!
Pleco - Obviously, everyone has it downloaded for a reason.
Yabla Chinese Dictionary - Not seen this one talked about so much, but would recommend! It sometimes has video examples of the hanzi in use, which I find helpful.
A big goal for me this year is to consume mandarin content more regularly! It's all well and good watching Peppa Pig, but I need something that I actively want to engage with:
Bilibili Comics - Currently reading 肉店楼上的工作室 and able to understand a fair chunk, so would recommend as a "easier" option.
Mandopop - Not sure how much I'm picking up from listening, especially at my level, but it's fun to jam out to some good tunes. Faves include TIA RAY, Song Qian, Lexie Liu, No Party for Cao Dong & Shi Shi.
Dramas/Movies - Modern chinese dramas are a lot more hit-or-miss for me, especially compared to historical/fantasy. Recent faves include Accidentally in Love & Stay with Me (on Netflix/Viki). Currently watching Reset :) Any other recs, please send my way!
YouTube - I have a separate YT account just to follow Taiwanese/Chinese creators - it takes a bit of searching but you can find some great youtubers who talk about whatever hobby you're into (whether that's cute golden retriever vlogs, travel vlogs or reading vlogs!)
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tarotbymo · 2 months
What do you need to hear right now?
Pile one
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Pile two
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Pile three
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Pile one
(High priestess rx, five of pentacles, knight of swords, the empress rx)
Your intuition is strong at this time, so use it! Tune into any religious or spiritual practises, this is the time for it. The moon is in its first quarter so this is the time for new beginnings, and stop procrastinating! Just do the thing, lol. Something that was hidden may be revealed to you, so keep an eye out for that. You need to know that life isn’t so black and white, some of you may struggle with black and white thinking, all or nothing, you have to know that there is good in the bad and bad in the good. Eat lots of fruits, salads, light things would be good for you at this time. Look for the good in all situations, the light within, the broken rays filtering through refracted shards. Remember that even though life may be a struggle, there is beauty all around us. Pile one, you need to slow down and enjoy those fruits I was talking about! You may be receiving a letter or an email, so keep an eye out for that. Lastly, enjoy the summer while it lasts, some of you are highly fertile during this time and if you don’t want to get pregnant then be careful! Remember always that you are loved!
Pile two
(four of pentacles rx, five of pentacles rx, the wheel of fortune, eight of wands)
Pile two, stop consuming so much negative media! You’re trapped, enthralled in a maze and spiral of doomscrolling, lol. Stay grounded, remember your connection to the earth and everything around us, really for this pile I’m gonna say touch grass (but not in a mean way). Remember that whilst you’re climbing the ranks in society, you have to remain humble. Don’t let it all get to your head and be lulled by a false sense of grandeur. At the end of the day, we are all just humans trying to figure out this crazy and mysterious thing called life. Go for a hike, pile two! And remember to admire the beauty of nature, take in some deep breaths. Time is of the essence, really, for you, because you are working on something! It’s going to go well for you, I see. Beware of any deceitful people around you, and try not to be too cutting with your words generally. Now is a good time to get travelling if you want, if you are then know that things may be a little bumpy, but you’ll get there!
Pile 3
(six of wands, eight of pentacles, the sun, king of cups)
Pile 3, I feel that you’re really coming into your own. You’re at a point where you’re no longer phased by other people’s opinions and negativity, you’re on higher ground spiritually and you might even have gotten a raise or a promotion recently, so congrats! However, things may be a little thorny for you at present and you feel like your hands are tied in a specific situation. You can free yourself so easily if you just keep doing what you’ve been doing. Ignore the haters and keep on shining! I see your finances improving greatly, money is just stacking up. The path you’re walking is not a straight one, there are many peaks and troughs, but you will find that it will get you where you need to be. Soon you will be celebrating and celebrated, but for now don’t be afraid to dip your toes in your powerful emotions and cry, release it all if need be. Keep a tighter hold on your finances and remember to always remain positive, also fill your own cup before filling others’!
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sampofan28 · 4 months
pspspsp fellow bootheng fan… what are ur hcs?
Ok I got a few:
I like the idea that like them both having "strange" aspects of their body (Dan Heng's imbibator lunae/vidyhara form, and Boothill being a cyborg) is something they find comfort in, and they both feel comfortable showing those aspects around each other yknow, I THINK ESPECIALLY DAN HENG WITH HIS VIDYHARA STUFF
I like the idea (and maybe ill write a fic abt this if anyone would want to read) of Boothill going to the Xianzhou and really enjoying visiting with Dan Heng, expericing where he grew up. I also think he'd adore Bailu, and try to whisk her away from the little group she stays with that alwyas have to catch her(im zoning out on their name).
I really like the idea also that he affirms Dan Heng's identity seperate from Dan Feng, and is kinda a High Cloud Quintent hater. LIKE THIS IS COMING FROM SOMEONE WHO LOVES BLADE AND JING YUAN BTW I JUST THINK BOOTHILL WOULD KINDA HATE THEM, ESPECIALLY BLADE, IF HE EVER GOT TOLD ABOUT THAT STUFF.
I feel like they'd both really understand each other about their pasts, wanting to some extent leave their former identity in Boothill's case and wanting to leave his previous incarnation's identity in Dan Heng's case, and so they'd really be able to get each other in ways others might not.
I also feel like their the type of couple where Dan Heng almost never directly says they're dating, THEN BOOTHILL IS SUPER CASUAL ABOUT IT, just says boyfriend or nicknames 24/7 and it surprises people.
AND ONE MORE FOR THE ROAD: They occasionally sing together, or mainly Boothill enjoys humming tunes, and occasionally singing songs to himself he remembers or just enjoys, and Dan Heng ends up quietly joining. I IMAGINE THE FIRST TIME HE DID BOOTHILL WAS SURPRISE DAN HENG COULD SING RLLY WELL.
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Anyways the “essay” about the energy sword to character development pipeline below the cut
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Ok so like yea tucker-crunchbite-junior is, obviously, the first instance of the sword-quest-companion theme/trio that im like, rattling in my head rn
Tucker finds the sword, crunchbite shows up and theres the “quest” that challenges tucker both in the false intent (you need to be the hero) and the true intent (SA leading to Junior which is not handled well but it IS important) which is a push against tucker’s character thus far in that he’s the comic relief, make everything a sex joke archetype— he doesnt take it seriously, he doesnt see himself as important beyond getting just enough recognition to be “hot” and now he’s made to be the so called “hero” and the true plot puts him in the one position that he probably never thought could be him. Bc he wants to get laid so… yeah. Pushes his character if you give it like three seconds of critical thinking and not just the standard “haha alien baby bullshit” (that said, i do enjoy fics that explore crunchbite more and play with the potential of the “joke” shitty character into someone less sinister, but im doin my best to stick to canon rn)
And JUNIOR, oh man, because theres the thing that really solidifies this for me like
The dude who doesnt care doesnt bother is all jokes and ‘man whatever’ energy is a dad, and it starts with him trying to avoid it but he really fucking quickly steps the FUCK up for Junior and its the start of his development that people are like “oh he learns to be a leader on chorus” which i mean kinda yeah but he never struck me as a Leader even on Chorus even tho he does decidedly lead, its not the same as when kimball leads or when wash leads or carolina
He’s leads as a dad bc he is a dad
Not always a good one, but he’s trying and yea sometimes that means being the asshole, sometimes that means screwing up but it also means you fucking care and you take responsibility and you put yourself in danger first (the rescue mission, leaving the lieutenants behind)
And that doesnt start on chorus! Its the most evident there sure but
it starts with junior
It starts with him going after tex to protect his son, it starts with him trying to be a diplomat so they stay together, in sending junior away so he is safe while tucker buys time protecting the temple, it STARTS with him looking at church and going “leave my kid out of this” and yeah the way rvb was written and approached does Not take that seriously bc it wouldnt and if it did it would be a very different show but the implications are there and its acknowledged with tucker’s photograph of junior with his 5th grade basketball team (“i know right? Who carries actual pictures anymore” -tucker) which i could go on about THAT too but suffice to say its very clear that tucker cares so gd much about his kid and yeah his character development isnt super linear but you can basically pinpoint when it starts with the sword and junior
The second run of this trio of things is actually grif which is admittedly, a stretch, a big ol reaching for straws (okay, TECHNICALLY grif is the third run, but i’ll address that in a minute) largely a stretch bc grif… does the pattern backwards
This IS S16 stuff so if ur a shisno paradox hater i respect that, i however am gnawing on it with everything i have and will be going feral so this is your warning thank u for reading the tucker side of it mwah appreciate ya
Grif does his plot backwards during timetravel shenanigans
He gets the alien companion/friend who contrasts his character first in Huggins
Grif is a loyal friend, but he is lazy, even after s15’s breakdown and apparent change of tune, he’s still looking to take the path of least resistance, avoiding the call, trying to keep things from moving
Enter Huggins: zippy, full of energy, excitable and just so different in that she is not only so proactive she puts herself in danger (which helps everyone in the long run/plot but its the principle) but shes so fucking lonely
As far as she knows, her family is dead, except for muggins who is so dettached from her, he might as well be a coworker and not her brother
Compared to grif, who has a family even when he tries to push them away (the reds, the blues, KAIKAINA) but hates taking action
Huggins is the start for grif’s arc of “it sucks but someones gotta do it” which in their case is best shown as the trudge across the bottom of the english channel which is so fucking funny to me but it really pushes both of them and puts them firmly in the friends category
Huggins cant zip ahead without grif, grif cant stop moving because huggins wont let him, so they find their little balance of gas vs brakes and together they cruise along p well
The actual push of the “quest” is grif having to be the one who steps up (kinda like tucker but its to the left) he’s the one who starts getting everyone together again across the timeline, even if he is very,,,
Well he’s very Grif about it, but it is still fundamentally, the change in character
Tucker isn’t a always good dad, Grif isn’t always a good instigator of action
But theyre trying and theyre working on it and grif’s arc suffers a Little from being so late in the show and thus not having much of a parallel to pull on but you could argue he gets the parallel from s15 anyways with the refusal of the call (from fake church/loco) and rescue mission but i hesitate to call that a parallel bc its literally back to back but an argument could be made for it which i love
Enter part two: the alien quest giver
“Wait wasnt that huggins”
NOPE huggins was alien companion! The Bestie in grif’s case,
The alien fetch quest comes from atlas, in that stupid wishing sequence but cmon it wouldnt be rvb if the character development wasnt sandwiched inbetween obnoxious gags and stupidity
The quest is less important here admittedly bc again, with grif doing this in reverse its not the challenge to his principle character that it was for tucker, his connection to huggins was the challenge, and this becomes the final push into the development, the “you have a role, now play it” that gives grif the final shove into Doing Things literal!! And his prize? For this character development arc? An alien sword
And thus the inverse version reaches an end, sort of (im pissed that technically he loses his sword, im also ignoring that he loses it in canon bc he fucking earned it okay this is a bit of canon i will ignore and loophole my way around it)
And now we track back to Chorus and to the second iteration of the sword-quest-companion plot
Now okay i will admit this is conjecture and pepe-silvia-on-corkboard-with-red-string fuckery at this point but hear me out okay!
He gets the sword with Felix’s death. We know this. What we dont know is how the fucking hell he gets off Chorus! We just see him show up later with A’rynasea. The vaguely alien (maybe sentient?? AI? Its implied with the way he addresses her but we literally have her for like two episodes) ship that seems to be the driving force (literal) (bc shes his ship) behind his chosen redemption arc where he pushes himself to help others at no apparent benefit to himself, but because it is, and i quote “the right thing to do”
Arguably, Santa could be Locus’ quest giver, seeing as how he is the one who triggers the whole shift in view for Locus in the first place and that is, technically, what crunchbite does and what atlas finalizes for grif! But the problem is we simply dont have enough of A’rynasea to draw the parallel between her and Locus as personalities, as companions for it to work for me??? But that might just be me overthinking? But it does make Locus’ version is a bit messier depending on who you consider his quest-giver but as far as I’m concerned, he’s still on his quest snd its just up to interpretation if A’rynasea is his companion?? or if theres a secret third alien for Locus that we never wouldve seen even if they planned for that bc its red vs blue and im just delusional about locus and his role in plot and this is just me firing concepts blindly into the sky at this point like - yeah i could still theorize what kind of companion characterization i think locus would work well with bc its more about the wielder than the companion in this sense (sorry junior and huggins i love yall i promise) but thats a completely separate rant at this point and not nearly coherent enough at this exact moment to add it PLUS its ridiculously self indulgent and only marginally canon compliant/adjacent but i will never not be amused by this very specific plot beat happening enough to draw these parallels, as tenuous and vague as the parallels are
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p-redux · 8 months
Follow up to #samarah aka the two SH's aka Sam Heughan and Sarah Holden...
Thanks Team for the multiple DMs here and on X/Twitter letting me know that Sarah is posting she is back home in Scotland with her son. Even though she posted part of his face, I'm choosing not to since he's a minor, and I don't need the drama from my haters.
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And Sam posted from Austria 👇
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As someone pointed out in DM, if Sam's recent trip to the Canary Islands had been a work or charity trip, he would have tagged he was there, but he did not. He is tagging his Austrian location, but he didn't tag his Canarian location...because it was a personal trip. And we know there is proof positive he was staying WITH Sarah Holden. More on that later...
One of the Team also pointed out to me that on the new social media app, Threads, Sam is ONLY following 16 people and Sarah Holden is one of them! AND she is the ONLY woman he is following on there. 👇
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Threads is linked to your Instagram account. When you sign up for Threads it asks you if you want to import all your follows from Instagram. Sam didn't do that. He follows 2,911 people on Instagram. If he had clicked on Import your Instagram follows, he would be following those same 2,911 on Threads. But he didn't do that, he CHOSE who he wanted to follow on Threads...and Sarah Holden is 1 of the 16 accounts he manually chose. The last time he posted on Threads was 13 weeks ago. So, he doesn't use Threads very often. Make of it what you will.
Sadly, I have to get ready for a dental procedure. I won't be back for a few hours. But when I return, I'll post more info that I don't have time to compile and post now. But I'm finding this SH SH #samarah romance verra interesting. Could Sam have found something special with a Scottish lass who is also a mum to a wee lad? I do love me a good plot twist. Stay tuned...
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 3 months
hey tweam, i know it's a bummer but it's time for a pinned announcement post due to the insane amount of hate messages i am receiving daily regarding natalie. if you're a normal, decent person, feel free to scroll past, disregard, and tumblr on…
since some of you non-tweam members like to thrust your ugliest inner musings anonymously into my ask box and seem to think that's okay, let me make one thing clear: i don't tolerate hate. and i won't tolerate unfair criticism and negativity towards natalie, because up to this point, not one of you have brought forth a legitimate critique. no, natalie posting evan on instagram, going with him to events, just publicly existing as a couple.. is NOT ''using him for fame''. that's called being his girlfriend, and those are all normal things for couples to do. you wanting evan to either not date at all, or do so in utter secrecy to protect your jealous heart is NOT a legitimate reason to dislike natalie. if she does something problematic, then yes, you have every right to voice your feelings and i would absolutely allow that (civil) conversation - until then, i suggest that you print your message out on the thickest, roughest card stock you can find at your local office depot, wipe your ass with it, and then throw it in the trash where it belongs as i won't be entertaining you.
i remember all too well the slippery slope with frances, and the way people justified terrible behavior towards that woman by pointing to perceived ''wrongs'' that apparently meant it was okay to bully her, not just on here, but on her own social media. was there some fair, due criticism somewhere underneath all of that? absolutely, but it was never truly about that. some ''fans'' simply want evan to date villainous women so that they can ''legitimately'' hate on them without being called a hater - and if the woman isn't an actual villain, they will create a narrative that paints her as one. that's why they have all this smoke for fran, haley lu, now natalie.. but it's crickets for emma, who is well-known for being awful. even gftwd, who would've told you frances was satan incarnate, defended emvan. why? because deep down, they like evan with emma because she's an overtly bad person and they could hate her freely if emvan got back together. oh, they'd change their tunes quick.. but they aren't together, so they focus elsewhere. yet fran, whose worst offense was being an internet troll and edgelord, had multiple hate blogs, discord servers, instagram accounts, etc. all dedicated to tearing her down and actively encouraging other people to join in. and that's exactly what some of you unstable weirdos are preparing to do to natalie, which i can't stop you from doing - hell, rosa already posted the address to a place natalie was staying and endangered her safety and potentially evan's. once you cross a certain line, good luck going back. some of you never learn.
we're all here because we are fans of evan, not fans of the women he dates. you are not obligated to like natalie and talk about her, not with me or anyone else. in fact, i encourage discussion that deviates from the relationship chat and my hope is that as evan and natalie settle into a long-term relationship, a sense of normalcy can begin to form where people do not feel so tense about something that really should not be our concern. it can be background noise. if he's happy, she's not causing problems, and they appear to have a healthy union.. what's there to hate? we're here to support the man, not tear him down. this is a major reason for the disdain i have for the tarot blog(s) currently running - your sole purpose for being on this app and engaging in fandom should not be to incessantly, repeatedly, multiple times a day be putting out undeserved negative commentary about evan, his relationship, and the woman he is dating. how would YOU feel if, completely unprompted by any controversy, someone decided they were going to make it their job to obsessively post negative things about YOUR relationship? hell, at least be fair! if any of you just need an outlet, idk, maybe start shit talking the woman evan dated for nearly a decade who has shown herself to be a literal demon instead lmfao at least she is deserving of your ire. i understand that this is a gossip and discussion blog, and by default, it can turn intrusive in nature. but it does not have to be negative in nature.
again.. can you imagine if you were just minding your own business, living life, dating someone.. and a stranger who has no reason to speak out against you decides to take offense to another person calling you gorgeous, to the point they have to log onto tumblr and anonymously message a blog to announce that they think it's ridiculous someone has called you attractive.. oh, and by the way, your current boyfriend's ex? now, SHE'S gorgeous! not you though, you're mid. yeah, i'm pretty sure you would realize real quick just how fucking uncouth that message was.
anyway, if this miserable behavior happens to be your jam, your IP address will be blocked from sending me messages and any that i do receive will be promptly deleted unless it's juicy enough that i will derive pleasure from roasting your ignorant ass.
to all the truly funny, kind-hearted, intelligent folks who frequent this blog and brighten my day with your messages and discussions.. love ya.
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l0vergirlatheart · 1 year
can I get a twst Dorm leaders headcanon with a student that wears their headphones a lot bc they're sensitive to loud noises?
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Have this image too
this is so me wtf (both the req and the image lmfaooo)
didnt do anyone esle because im lazy and tired and its nearly midnight AAAAAAAAAAA
anyways as always, start under cut
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he is old
im not a hater i swear
but when he sees you with things hanging out of your ears, he's slightly concerned.
whether it's normal headphones or earphones or earbuds, it just doesn't seem normal
so of course, he informs you of this
you stare at him for a second before you take an earbud out and stare at him again, with a following "what'd you say?"
he thinks it's harming your ears for a moment because you couldn't hear him
please reassure baby that it's not an infection or something
he'll be confused for a moment but he gets the hang of it rather quickly
he jus luvs any classical tunes but..
i actually honestly think he's also like hard metal... don't ask me why
overall 10/10 good boy
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he KNOWS what it's like to have sensitive ears
so believe it or not, he totally understands u wearing earbuds an (probably) won't rip on u for it
he might start talking to you w/o u knowing because you have your eyes closed and youre just vibin w ur music
and he knows that so he takes that chance to say some sappy shit w/o anyone hearing him at all
he could never say it to your face
so he opts for this instead
fuckin big ass ego mf /affectionate
he'll probably never ask to listen to the music w u no matter how much he wants too
so if you wanna have a silly lil romantic moment w him, you'll have to ask him first
he'll probably scoff an roll his eyes before he sees you pout and he just turns away as one of his ears flicker
that's your sign to put the earbud in
imo i think he'd really like MSI, POPPY, and for some reason Mac DeMarco
mindless self indulgence because their music jus slaps
POPPY because i think he'd like the guitar in the background and the solos and her voice
Mac DeMarco because he's nice to listen to when you wanna pass out fr
overall 8/10 good boy
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okay dont come at me but at first i have a feeling he might try to use it to rope u into some kind of contract...
but later on he just accepts it
he's sometimes annoyed when he's talking to you an u havent heard a thing he said
but one confused look from you makes his annoyed frown turn into a small, hard-to-keep pout
has to remind himself that your hearing is different from his
he tries his best to keep monstro lounge quiet at times and lets you stay after hours when it's all quiet and empty
it has a certain comforting charm
i swear the first time you asked him to listen to music with him
he turned into stew i swear his face was extremely red and he was just like
he accepted ofc, tried to play it off, (failed)
i have a feeling he'd like Ricky Montgomery, Steve Lacy, and girl in red
Ricky Montgomery because he's got a nice voice and his lyrics are really relateable,
Steve Lacy because the instrumentals are just so!!!
and girl in red because he finds it romantic listening to her w you
lean against him as you two listen to music i promise he'll explode
overall 9.5/10 good boy
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oh boy
this boy is super loud (/affectionate)
but once he learns about you and your sensitive hearing, he tries his best to keep it down
from lowering his voice a bit to trying to make "quiet times" at his dorm,
he tries his best to make sure you're as comfortable as possible and it's not too loud for you
he likes to talk to you even if you're not listening to him, he could ramble for hours
as long as you're next to him, he could talk until his voices dries out and withers away
he'll probably be the one to ask you to listen to music first
i think he'd also like Mac DeMarco, Alec Benjamin, and Conan Gray
all of them because of the instrumentals and vocals!
but he doesn't mind listening to anything as long as he's with you
he might fall asleep while listening though
he's smiling all the way through though :)
overall 15/10 good boy
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theres probably some bs rule about music n shit but like
lets pretend there isn't
he'll probably be trying to reprimand you for doing some stupid shit
and then you'll just take out an earbud and be like "huh??"
he'll just stare up at you, face slowly getting redder from slight anger but mostly embarrassment
like?? how dare you ignore him???
but either way, you're his favorite so you get a pass
he just sighs and shakes his head
but then you tell him why you wear your earbuds so often and he immediately gets it
he himself used to really sensitive to loud noises before he just got used to them (thanks to his mom)
so he does his best to go easy on you about it
hand him an earbud, he'll be confused for a moment or two
but he puts it in w a red face and vibes w u
i think he'd like Mitski, Tally Hall, and Pastel Ghost
they all are just so... soothing yet relatable
fall asleep listening to Liquid Smooth with him, hug him as you listen to Hidden In the Sand, just hold his hand as you two sit in the garden while listening to Silhouette...
he loves it sm
overall 9.3/10 good boy
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whyse7vn · 2 years
[ot7 x reader]
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one direction 😜
8 participants — 8 online
jin: don’t laugh but
y/n: laughing
jin: fuck you
hobi: but what?
jin: found a grey hair today
namjoon: young in spirit !
y/n: can i be on your will?
jungkook: still love you bro 💜
jimin: he cried for an hour
y/n: LMAO
jin: and you dare ask to be on my will ?
y/n: 🥰🥰🥰
jungkook: have you guys listened to the song mad at disney ?
tae: bye
hobi: …
namjoon: are you okay now jin?
jin: i knew you were my favourite for a reason namjoon !!!!
i’m ok … i’m coping i guess there is not much i can do
i’m just gonna sit here and accept death as it comes
just know namjoon your name is on first line in my will ❤️
namjoon: thanks?
jin: you are most welcome
tae: can i be visual now?
jin: no.
anyways y/n…
jin: again no.
yoongi: lol
jin: y/n i fear we are going to have to reproduce to save my bloodline and fill my gap in the group
y/n: YOU FEAR ???
jin: i mean ur not the best person to reproduce with…
y/n: what’s that supposed to mean ??
jin: i said what i said.
y/n: i’ll have you find i’m a GREAT person to reproduce with
jin: really?
y/n: really
jin: i’ll guess you’ll have to prove me wrong.
yoongi: gross
tae: omg wait… i’m dying too
y/n it’s the only way
save the kim bloodline
jungkook: im mad at disney disney
namjoon: bro…
jungkook: they tricked me tricked me 😔
y/n: jay park so ugly omg
hobi: i pass the mic pass the mic
jungkook: wtf don’t talk about my bff like that
jimin: BFF 😨⁉️
tae: god forbid…
yoongi: hell naw 😟
namjoon: oh
y/n: and that’s your problem….
always saying dumb shit that make me want to hit you
jin: did he not steal from you? or did someone make that up
jungkook: moving on lol
yoongi: LMAO
hobi: 😭😭😭😭😭
jungkook: it’s not even that funny it was an accident.
namjoon: what did he steal?
jungkook: just some headphones nothing major
namjoon: the studio ones?
jungkook: yeah he said he’ll bring them back they accidentally fell into this bag
yoongi: are you fucking dumb?
namjoon: did you get them back?
jungkook: he says been really busy lately
hobi: wow…
jimin: you deserve it idc
jin: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
jungkook: shut up
y/n: you ain’t never getting them shits back so sorry my love
yoongi: fr
jimin: i hate enhypen
y/n: omg ?!
tae: same lol
yoongi: who
hobi: fever fever fever
namjoon: what did they do to you?
hobi: love them
jimin: idk i just felt like being a hater
namjoon: ok??
y/n: sunoo is great
jimin: no fuck him
y/n: fuck you
hobi: do you think enhypen hates us?
jin: we are bts ofc they don’t tf
tae: true
namjoon: …
jin: what
sorry i didn’t lie
y/n: no comment.
yoongi: also no comment.
jin: also no comment
hobi: ???
namjoon: you made your comment already jin?
jin: no
namjoon: whatever
tae: i stand by what i said
jimin: i honestly couldn’t give a single fuck about what they think
y/n: omg who crawled up ur ass today
jimin: 🧍🏻‍♂️
yoongi: crazy
jungkook: i think we should give jay park a chance guys
jimin: bye.
tae: peace ✌🏼
y/n: …
hobi: out.
namjoon: tired of this bs
yoongi: 👋🏻
jin: bitch.
im back omg ???? this is literally just a draft that i never finished that’s why it sucks so bad 😭😭 freeing everything from my drafts so stay tuned for that !!!
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aettuddae · 4 months
goodmorning, goodevening and goodnigth! this is your host chiro and we are back with another addition of business matter updates to spice up your dull life!
before we get to the spicy section, we have a sour update for our dear readers, karina of black anaconda was seen with jennie from paris's ex (the rover one) leading to dating rumors which were later denied by sm
idol kim jennie was seen taking a flight from paris to england and a rumor has it that she will be meeting harry styles in england for some investigation.
latest episode of "azza time" with serim was aired on 21 may featuring lay cellophane. the newly debuted big hit group has two members from the ex-group "eyes are one" and mina from twice.
idol serim was seen getting drunk with idol kyungsoo late at night and bystanders reported that she was talking about not being an animal hater.
insiders have reported that yujin is heavens baby while yves is their neglected dog. this left the netizens wondering if serim was talking about yves while being drunk. stay tuned to find out.
local woman reported seeing chaeyoung from oe and rover sending protest trucks to sm and oe. reason unknown.
another local woman reported seeing a weird woman sobbing while folding clothes from her apartment window.
last but not the least, ryujin of itzy was seen terrorizing serim during in recent azza time episode. fans dismissed the interaction saying that it was just how homosexuals interact with each other.
this was all for todays update, stay tuned for the next edition and dont forget to follow k!
i can't with how we're progressively losing more and more the names of these groups like BLACK ANACONDA i'm dying, that should have been the real title. and jennie from paris is actually canon
also, will jennie from paris finally confirm larry? STAY STUNNED
me, the 3 eyes are one fans and all once's tuning in to lay cellophane's debut oh they're about to go big with their first song faceless
this one's true i saw the trucks while passing by 🤷🏼 also saw the girl crying and folding clothes, that cloth softener must have smelled so bad 😔
if your homosexual bestie doesn't harass you is it really your homosexual bestie?
thanks for my favorite section, life doesn't make sense without it 🫂
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aeferkssr · 2 years
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— let's go below zero and hide from the sun!
SYP. a wonderful way to stay warm against freezing frigid winds, with the one to whom you love the most
CHARA. aether x gn!reader
NOTES. lets pretend that the picture isnt blood guys, this is literally fluff it was the only picture i could find. also haters would say its spring, bro its literally december🤨
art creds.
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“im so cold” you complain to your traveling companions. when you didn’t get a response you continued to pester them “im so cold im starting to smell colours and taste-“
“we get it, [ name ], you’re cold!” paimon interrupts you before stuffing her face back into aether’s scarf. aether chuckles as he pats the fairy’s head. focusing back on trekking the snow covered mountain.
around a certain part of each year, something goes wrong in dragonspine. you and aether had made it a habit to patrol the icy mountain to see if these incidents can be prevented. so far, your little group hasnt come across anything noteworthy and decided to rest in a nearby valley of pure white.
you were never adapt with the cold, constantly sticking your hands between the fabric of your clothes and your bare skin to avoid frostbite. but your boyfriend seemed unfazed, proudly wearing his usual top that gave you a pleasant view of his midriff. how was he not shivering? you’re wearing twice as much clothes as he was right now!
you sneak up to aether as he lights a nearby pot to make soup, wrapping your arms around his face and snuggling into his scarf. he still carries the same star-like scent that he did when you two first met.
“cold?” he asks before successfully lighting the fire. he turns around to face you as you bury your face into his chest and grumble. “don’t worry, dear, i’ll warm you up” he hugs you closer, placing his chin on your shoulder as he continues to prepare the soup. as he worked, he hummed a sweet tune, one that seemed to fit the snowy weather you two were surrounded by.
when you asked about the song, he placed a kiss on your forehead then explained that it was from a world that he and his sister visited. it was a land of snow and ice, a barren wasteland with little civilisation akin to snezhnaya. this patch of white simply reminds him of it. they had rich culture full of sports and dance that aether finds fascinating. he wonders that if dragonspine had as big of a population as mondstadt, would the people be doing similar things?
you listen to him talk about the world with open ears and a soft smile on your face, aether has always seemed to light up while talking about his previous adventures. maybe thats why he doesn’t seem to be as affected by the cold as you are.
“was the place as cold as dragonspine?” you ask, lifting your head slightly
“oh no, much colder. as soon as we landed, we both sneezed and huddled together for warmth”
“like what we’re doing right now?”
he chuckles as he kisses you again “kind of, with much less kissing definitely”
you two laugh together, the way he talks about his sister makes you miss her as well, despite having only met her once. being alone must of been hard for him, yes, he has you and paimon — speaking of paimon, where is she? — but he was missing his sister, his flesh and blood. you could only imagine what he went through before meeting paimon.
“paimon! soups ready!” aether calls out as paimon pops back to where she was previously, quickly snatching the bowl from his hands and chowing down while being careful as to not burn her tongue. you turn around in his lap as he hands you a bowl of radish and veggie soup. you thank him with a kiss to his jaw, and take a sip of the heavenly soup your lover made.
not even halfway into your bowl, paimon sighs as she finishes her 3rd bowl:
“that was too good, traveler! im sure you’re the best cook in teyvat!”
“she’s right, aether. thank you so much for the meal”
aether giggles at your praise, his hand rubbing his nape in embarrassment, while hiding his face in your neck.
“well, im gonna leave you two alone. have fun on the rest of your patrol!” paimon says before poofing away to where she usually goes. she suddenly pops back in with a stern look on her face and her small hands pointing at you two menacingly: “and no funny business, you hear me?!” she poofs back.
“what exactly does she mean by ‘funny business’?” you question
“i have an idea…”
he gently pushes you off and takes your hand, leading you to the middle of the feild. the snow falls around you two as he pulls you to his chest, wrapping his right arm around your waist and having your fingers entwine with his left. you two slightly sway, being led by the soft melody of the song aether was singing before. the lyrics you couldn’t understand, but the meaning transcended between barriers such as language; being with you in the winter, is as sweet as the summer.
you arm raises to his shoulder as he spins you around with a shared grin, weaving through each other as you were led by your lover felt like second nature. the gaze that was filled with adoration never left, it only softened and or scrunched up as he smiles at you, you were either looking down at your feet to avoid stepping on him, or getting lost in his golden, lovestruck eyes.
he repeats the chorus as he slightly dips you, and indulges in a passionate kiss. when you two parted, you giggled as the both of you still felt euphoric from the sweet moment you two shared.
aether sneezes, he rubs his nose with the tissue you provided him as he opened his mouth to be fed the miso soup you had prepared earlier
“i thought that you had experienced worse than dragonspine, hmm? what happened to the experienced traveler whom i love oh so dearly?” you teased
aether’s nose wasn’t the only part of his face that was dusted with a rosy hue, as he shamelessly opened his mouth to welcome another spoonful of your soup into his mouth.
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© aeferkssr.
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bylertruther · 1 year
It's that time again! Tell me about some of your favorite blogs, why they are your favorite, and tag them to fill the dashboard with positivity and love!
a selection of some of my faves in no particular order, of course 💌
@heroesbyler — my wife, my dearest, and my mike. one of my first friends in this fandom and someone that i trust so much i'd give her my social security number if she asked. stav is super intelligent (in so many ways), kind, funny, thoughtful, brave, and observant. her analyses punch me in the tit and kill me dead. she speaks clearly and with conviction. she stays true to her beliefs and doesn't say or do things just to appease the masses, which is, for whatever reason, a rarity in this fandom. a lovely person inside and out, really and truly—her kindness and empathy blows me away, and makes my heart feel all fuzzy. my mom's a big fan based on what i've told her dfjdshb. a great blog to follow if you want to take a deeper look at the characters on our screens, not just will and mike, and how all of the themes, messages, and journeys in this show reinforce each other. also if you like to laugh. :')
@miwism — mal is the most creative person i've had the honor of meeting in this fandom. super kind, super funny, and super inventive. one of the very few people that have managed to make me laugh out loud—and not just once, but repeatedly. so many posts that i'll randomly remember months later and bust out into giggles over. best fics, best art, best posts, best ideas, and best additions to your posts, too. seriously, mal, i've secretly wondered if you've ever done improv before because your ability to take an idea and expand on it is just that great. i love them, i want to hug them, and if they asked me to drop everything on a thursday to go to publix with them, i would. idec if it'd take me hours to get there, i Would and it'd be worth it. 💚
@wiseatom — just thinking about her fics makes me tear up on the spot. i've cried after reading her work multiple times, even on rereads, because a) they were so good that i felt devastated that it was over, and b) i would never experience that magical First Time Reading feeling again. thea's just overall talented out the fucking wazoo—like, it's actually insane. she's a talented writer, a talented artist, a true creative, so eloquent, so charming, and such a delight. i could never meet her irl and keep my composure because i would just be on my fan behavior without a way to turn it off. she'd try to talk to me and i'd just be staring at her dreamily like this: 😍🥹😊🥰💕.
@sayyourprayers — if nobody got me, i know they got me. 🫂 even when i think i'm being sneaky, they still know exactly what i'm talking about, which i am choosing to believe is a part of our superior warriors bond as well as them being very smart, and not just me being as easy to read as a toddler book. they're very funny and very straightforward. no bullshit whatsoever. i always read their tags and replies, and find them to be really insightful and witty. they're another individual that has their own beliefs and interpretations and doesn't change them based on what's currently popular or not. i like that, because i personally hate when shit starts sounding like an echo chamber. overall, i just really love their blog! i always, always tune in to see what they have to say and i find myself smiling whenever i see them in my notes.
@googoogagaeyes — doozy's another real one. she describes herself in her intro post as a lover and a hater and i couldn't agree more (in the best way possible, of course). i think she has a very text-focused and holistic way of tackling the show: she talks about the good, the bad, and the neutral, which i find to be refreshing and desperately needed. i always read everything she writes, whether it's in the tags or in the post itself, and either learn something, laugh, or, as is usually the case, do both. speaking of which, her analyses are always to the point and written in such a way that the reader feels respected. she doesn't drone on or fluff it up, which i appreciate. super eloquent, intelligent, and funny. very much a necessary follow if you enjoy this show and excellent commentary tbh.
@alastyearonearth — alfreddddd ✋🥺 (<- me putting my hand on the screen like the wives of soldiers at war do in dramatic movies)....... oh, alfred. if there's anyone i'm normal about, it's him 👍 (lies) (biggest lie i've ever told in my life actually) (my pants are currently on fire right now) (🚒🧯👨‍🚒 <- they're here to put me out). i feel like my feelings for him and his blog can be summed up by the fact that when i realized we both went on vacation at around the same time, i was ecstatic because that meant i wouldn't miss his posts. bdfhjbsdkj. he's one of the biggest brains and most generally knowledgeable people here, and it rocks my world every time he says anything. he has an appreciation for canon and the real people whose stories are represented within it that this fandom sorely, and ironically, lacks. also, while i'm on my fan behavior right now, allow me to admit that i would go through his blog sometimes for months before i finally put on my big kid pants and followed him. i'm very much not beating the parasocial allegations and tbh i think it's understandable bc Hello !!!! look at him!!!! (gesticulates wildly in his and his posts' direction). 10/10 would ruin my sleep schedule for him, submit myself to the torture of a 24hr flight for him, go on a museum marathon together, and slather myself in superglue right before hugging him so that we're stuck together forever afterward. necessary follow for anyone that likes to not get pissed off when they log on and enjoys canon, esp will. alfred please can we hang out please alfred whenever you're free please if you'd like to hang out can we please hang out when you are free ple—
@motherthroat — you know that andrew garfield "(you didn't know me at thirteen) i really wish i had" quote? it applies here, because i so wish i'd met him last summer. liking canon will, mike, and byler used to be so lonely and frustrating, but now it isn't anymore and that's largely because of him. if you haven't caught on by now, i like following people that are very frank, and mori's no different. he's not afraid to be bold either. i love his art, his AUs, and his takes. he's funny, treats you the way you treat him, and has a great eye for aesthetics. well. a great eye in general, i think. not to get #deep (or repetitive), but i think he sees more than he lets on, and it really comes out in his art, his headcanons, his interpretations, and the way that he speaks to people. he remembers things and really ponders them. there's a kind of carefulness there that i admire as someone with as much grace as a bull in a china shop. just a cool cat, really.
@cosmobrain00 — MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX! (screamed the same way that will screamed for mike on halloween night). they're literally so talented that it's not even funny anymore. like, their writing is next level and the fact that we can read it for free (wtf!!!!) feels like a crime. their art is so pleasing to look at and i love their style so much. their thoughts on this show and these characters are superb, too. so passionate, so kind, and so loving—and it shows in everything they do. it's always a good time whenever they decide to share their two cents and spit some divine wisdom on us plebs, so i definitely recommend everyone check them and their content out!
@drangues — arush is literally [starts snarling and hissing and snapping and howling at the moon and other cuteness aggression-related things]. sorry, i meant to say he's so bhjfbkdsjhfbdks grrrrrrrr bark bark bark awooooooooo. just unbelievable. unreal. the blueprint. he's my cousin and my friend and my son and my stinkie squishie and also my greatest enemy and bully (he's only consented to two of these, but they're still true). seriously... arush is SO funny. his headcanons are wonderful and #real, his artwork is insanely good and creative and colorful, he's so sweet and silly, and thoughtful and merciful, too. just !!!!!! squishing his face in all ways except physical right now. if you're not following arush drangues then you deserve to get sent straight to the scorpion pit, i feel.
@givehimthemedicine — effortlessly hilarious, kind, bright, and oh so talented in a variety of ways, both creatively and intellectually. and they have the nerve to make it look easy!! like wtf!!! they're also the most likely to drop the most insane observations ever and act like they didn't just change the trajectory of your life forever. pure insanity, i say. they're my favorite blog outside of the byIer bubble and their el's first haunted house post is easily in my top three and i still giggle over it.
@mikeandwillel — when sandy speaks, i listen and take notes. simple as that. a true mike understander and knower. she's posted wonderful analyses on many topics, all of which are super concise, text-based, and show a thorough understanding of storytelling. i love hearing her thoughts on this show and her interpretation of things. i'm especially excited to see what she thinks once we start getting s5 crumbs! oh, and she also posts great edits! :D
@aemiron-main — if loving em is wrong, then i don't wanna be right. if it becomes illegal tomorrow, then call me el because my ass is going to jail asap. he's one of the kindest, funniest, most genuine people on this website. he's always open to discuss things, look at them from a different angle, and share his knowledge. i can't even say that he treats people the way they treat him, because he treats them a lot better. if anything, he's extremely merciful and forgiving lol. he has a wealth of knowledge on a multitude of subjects, an extremely keen eye, and seemingly endless creativity / an open mind. literally a modern day sherlock, but much cooler. also very resilient and tough. and an outstanding artist, too! (what can't he do, sheeeesh!). he's written analyses on what feels like everything about the show at this point, so i'd definitely recommend going through those if you haven't already.
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miscellaneousjay · 10 months
I watched “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” yesterday for the first time in a long time and, watching as an adult and truly paying attention to what’s being said, really following the plot and not just the fight scenes, I realized that this entire movie is low-key messy and the core of all of the main characters’ conflicts is lack of communication and being dishonest with themselves. The male and female leads Li Mu Bai and Shu Lien (played by Michelle Yeoh) have been pining for each other for about 20 years, but because she was initially engaged to his brother who died in battle right before the beginning of said 20 years, they just stayed friends even though they both wanted more. Tradition was like “no.”
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Then, Li Mu Bai’s deceased brother’s killer Jade Fox, a notorious female thief and assassin who specializes in poison, took on an apprentice through becoming a governess in a noble household. This apprentice is none other than Jen, the daughter of the nobles.
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However, Jen is actually quite the martial arts prodigy and had surpassed Jade in skill for quite some time. Out of anger and jealousy, Jade resigns as Jen’s governess and leaves the estate. Naturally talented and easily bored, Jen seeks council and friendship from Shu Lien while concealing her other identity as Jade Fox’s (former) apprentice and quietly rebelling against the arranged marriage her parents set up for her. Enter Lo, aka Dark Cloud, the handsome thief who had robbed Jen and her mother’s caravan some time earlier.😏😝💕
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She returns home of her own free will thinking that she could just fall back into her every day life like she and Lo never happened and go through with the arranged marriage. But that doesn’t happen either. She runs from her groom and Lo and goes to the Wudan Temple on her own to fine tune her skills…and her self by figuring out what she wants to do with her life. Li Mu Bai offers to take her on as a disciple to continue her training at Wudan after they fight (again) and he spared her (again), but she wanted to find her own way…only to get snatched up by Jade Fox, who, during her time away, had made up her mind to kill her old charge! But Li Mu Bai decided to save Jen yet again and ended up getting himself killed. Shu Lien stayed by his side while Jen went back to Wudan for the antidote. She didn’t make it back in time. But Li Mu Bai did manage to tell Shu Lien that he had always loved her.😒
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That blew me soooo bad!!!! Like, y’all had 20 years! Everyone knew about them digging on each other and was just waiting for one of them to buck up and make the first move!😭 I wouldn’t be surprised if there had been bets placed! But she was bound to her deceased fiancé. So because he died, Shu Lien’s love life had to die too? They hadn’t even wed yet! Next, you had Jen out here being a brat starting fights with people, some of whom actually wanted the best for her and could’ve helped her ease her way out and/or around tradition, but out of pride and arrogance, chose to stab these people in the back and even got one killed.😒😒 Like, she and Lo could’ve been warrior boos training at Wudan Temple together. I’d like to say that if she stood her ground against her parents, she would’ve been fine and they would’ve accepted her life choices; but given the time period, and how traditional her parents were (and society was as a whole), I don’t think so. Then, you had Jade on the side being a hater because Jen was a natural at martial arts while she struggled to teach herself for years. So instead of being proud of the person she helped raise surpassing her in skill, she drugged her and tried to kill her because she knew she couldn’t take her on fairly. Like, this movie is so messy but in the best way!!!! Lastly, the end was always kind of murky for me: when Jen jumped, did she fly or did she die? I wanna believe she flew and was finally able to enjoy her freedom. But given that she jumped from the top of a mountain, that doesn’t seem likely. For the sake of optimism, let’s just go with the former.☺️
P.S. While all of Jen’s fight scenes were bomb, my favorites were anytime she fought Shu Lien!🥰 Especially when they fought at Wudan Temple and Shu Lien showcased her skill by showing out with like seven different weapons!!!!
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zainnbug · 9 months
so ….i’ve been rewatching “The Spectacular Spider-Man” and i just wanted to give my lukewarm takes on it (just my own personal opinions!) prepare for horrible analysis and alot of words!!!!!
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i say this with an open mind because Spectacular Spider-Man is a kids show… but the villains are not good. I feel like there is very little build up on these characters origin stories and why the way they act like they do. For example electro, an ordinary repair guy who is involved in a work accident while working on machinery next to genetically altered eels. for me i just couldn’t understand where all his hatred was coming from except for the fact that he is never able to go back to his life. Like this guy is traumatized and now has to adjust to a new life that harms everyone and then boom he’s evil and hates Spider-Man (Too much Spider-Man hate and not enough I-hate-the-world kind of hate! ). There just wasn’t more of a build up to it, like i wished he tried to be like a hero just like Spider-Man then completely fucks everything up while trying to do good. I know certain life altering changes completely changes someone but i still wish he tried to cling onto his human characteristics (like his morals he once had from who he used to be). It would’ve been cool if he tried to be himself again more mentally and then threw that out the window cuz it was never gonna work out)That’s also one thing i see recurring with the villains is that they just hate Spider-Man…. But I still try to keep an open mind as it is a really short show and apparently electricity is the main source for all evilness in this show (literally).
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2. He’s a hoe
heavy on this one cause pete cannot choose from liz, gwen, mj, black cat or that bugle secretary. He went from that shordy who worked at the bugle to mj to liz allan to black cat then to liz again then gwen then LIZ AGAIN then gwen again? it was like every 5 seconds he was switching sides …like oh man! liz is into me.. oh and gwen too!! and then he just wouldn’t make up his mind. This guy is a man whore I STILL REMEBER THE SCENE WHERE HE FINALLY DECIDED TO TALK TO GWEN AFTER THEIR KISS AND SHE BLEW HIM OFF SO HE STARTED THINKING ABT MJ WHILE SHE(MJ) WAS TALKING TO HIM. even she told him to get it together 😔 do better peterman
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3. Mjs incredible personality✨
this one’s not too much of a big deal and i can tolerate it but it still irks me. Throughout the entire time of Mjs screen time is her personality which kind of ruins her character in this show. From the way she talks to how she flirts with everyone in the show bothers me. She flirts with nearly every guy in the show and she’s just… too flirty LIKE IT DOESNT FIT HER CHARACTER. It’s not the Mj i know but i still do luv. It’s just not in her character to act this flirtatious. It’s like she has no real personality other than being hot.
-the villains in this show were still enjoyable like otto octavius and venom, which are my personal favs. Also seeing marko stick up for a child being bullied and saving innocent people really did it for me. I also thought he was just some mindless spider-man hater but there’s a little more to it.
- despite peter being a hoe….erm i actually cannot find something good to say abt his hoe side srry y’all….
-despite Mjs flirty side, Mj is like the number one supporter for most of the characters in this show. She’s the one constantly checking on gwen and peter while also giving them relationship advice or just advice in general. Also she’s the first person to notice something is wrong. I like to call her a girls girl cuz she really looks out for the girls in the show.
thanks for reading my horrible takes i will be posting more like follow and subscribe if y’all actually read me yapping away and stay tuned y’all 🙏
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p-redux · 1 year
PSA: I'm not allowed to get more info yet, but HEADS UP, Sam Heughan is doing something with fans, TOMORROW-Saturday, August 26! Stay tuned for details when I'm allowed to post them. 🤗 And no, this isn't speculation, this is something that's actually taking place. So, haters, don't bother coming at me. It's happening for sure...and you'll all find out in a few days. Trust.
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A GENBU fan's guide to using GENBU Lite SynthV (no one asked)
Download SynthV Basic (it's free)
Download Genbu Lite (it's free)
For the most part that's it. You know have husband material in your computer for free 👍
But if you were here for some advice on how to make the best out of it, since it's a free Standard voicebank - and the only masculine one at that...
I personally recommend the following:
If you're using a VSQx, UST, svp or anything that was originally sung by a feminine voicebank, lower it by one octave. You can do that easily by selecting all notes (Ctrl+A) then pressing Ctrl+D. (Ctrl+U does the opposite.)
Ctrl+A when it's like this:
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And Ctrl+D will do this:
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This is not mandatory. This is a step to try out if you were confused about his voice being too high pitched. However, it is okay to use a higher octave if that's what interests you for your project! Not only that, but because GENBU Lite's range is fairly small, you will most likely find him easier to use in a range between C3 and C4 - and no lower.
If your project is mostly within his range but requires some lower notes, my personal Tip and Trick is to lower the fuck out of the Breathiness parameter.
For example, my cover of "Orizuru" had an overall breathiness parameter of -0.130, but for notes that reached C3 and lower, it looks like this:
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On other files, for other songs, I didn't bother to do it note by note and just did this for the entire file:
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It will instantly make him sound clearer. You can then adjust loudness, tension and such note by note if you'd like.
One last tip would be. Keep in mind that he's a standard voicebank. You might be tempted to use Mai, or Sora, or Teto's auto tuning on him; but it might not sound very good. Standard voicebanks, especially their Lites, may require "flatter" tuning to sound their best. This is coming from someone who loves her AI voicebanks and their auto tuning 👍You should DEFINITELY try what you want and have fun with it, but sometimes they won't stick the landing and are better off staying safely on-key.
I don't think I'm the best at using GENBU Lite by a long shot - some people have me jealous, and I'm in fact not that good with masculine voicebanks, though I love them so much and they inspire me to practice - and most importantly, even the biggest GENBU stans will tell you that his SynthV Lite isn't the best. Still, I honestly like it. Testing it out is what made me fall in love with GENBU and his himbo-core loudness; I'm very thankful to have him as a free product, especially since he was the only masculine Lite voicebank for a long time and still is the only Japanese masculine Lite; and I think that with the habits I mentioned above and with practice, he can actually sound really nice, even raw (and even better if you're good at mixing).
Is it the brainrot talking? Maybe. But in case you hadn't considered trying GENBU Lite at all, I think you should! You might have fun! He's a funny guy and he looks good!!!
I'm still seriously looking forward to a potential GENBU AI and I obviously hope he sounds closer to his VP, and even to his VOICEVOX TTS voicebank. I also assume it would have better range and be easier to use. Still, GENBU Lite exists right now; it can sound nice; it's free; it's an option. Even if we get a more accurate GENBU AI in the future, I will keep a soft spot for the sound of his old standard Lite. SynthV AI haters should be with me on that one... But tl;dr: yes GENBU can have a voice of his own that is worthwhile without randomly trying to make him sound like Teto.
And tl;dr: the way to make him sound "less like a chipmunk" is not to mess with his gender parameter but to make him sing in an octave more within his range.
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