#hc: shifting of the sands.
luminarot · 4 months
Pat’s the kind of guy to unironically say “jeepers creepers” in the same breath as “what the fuck.” & he’ll say both with his whole chest
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
I have a spooky Tim au that I think you would like.
Tim is not human and has never been. He knows this. His "parents" know this. The rouges know this. However, none of the Bats but one know this. When around the Bats, Tim looks like a Normal Human. His skin is pale but does look like flesh and his eyes are weirdly pale but they still look like eyes. His hair has a weird texture but its prob just his shampoo, so surely the slightly off texture in how his skin feels is just his lotion, right? His teeth are a bit sharp but still human teeth and his movements a bit odd, but what Bat doesn't move strangely?
However when they aren't around, it is a totally different story. His skin changes to look like porcelain and his eyes are so very clearly made of painted glass. His hair is made of string and twine died black and when its fist or foot lands a blow it feels like being hit by a sand bag and not flesh and bone. His teeth are made of shards of broken glass and his movements are far to Jerry yet smooth, like a puppet on strings that glides through the air in a horrible mimicry of walking. This Thing that wears the Robin Suit is Not a human, as long as it isn't around Batman or Nightwing. When either are there, The Rouges can see the shift. The way it suddenly looks so *human*. But once Batman leaves it shifts back into being a *thing*.
Tim is only a Thing when he is either scaring the rouges or Truly Comfortable. Young Justice knows that Tim is not a human and he doesn't hide it from them. There is never any fight about his civilian identity because he freely tells them, "I am a Thing made from Glass and Sand and Fabric and Magic. He is not a Person nor has he ever Been A Person. He is not some poor sap who was transformed into a Thing, he is a Thing that was created and then given life with Magic.
As for how Jack and Janet acquired a Thing like Tim, well. They're archeologists. They dug up an old tomb, found a coffin that was chained closed and bolted to the ground and like every White Person In A Horror Movie, they opened it without a second thought. Inside they found an ancient, cursed doll. It came to life when Janet cut herself trying to clean off one of its broken glass eyes to get a better look and the blood fell on it. The pair then decided this was a lot easier than child birth and kept the cursed doll, naming it Tim.
My gods. I love the ending of this cause it gives off the same vibes as "humans will adopt anything" tropes in space travel fiction.
I have one caveat with the Bats not knowing. I hc that Cass knows. Tim's body language is too strange for her not to notice something.
Everything else? Beautiful. It would be hilarious if people keep trying to tell the Bats. Here's a possible scene:
Goon: *points finger at Tim* "That thing beside you isn't human!"
Tim: *fakes having his shoulders drop as he turns slightly away in dejection*
Dick: *absolute fury as he beats up the goon*
Tim: *decides not to get revenge after seeing what Nightwing does to the person*
Rogue: "I'm telling ya, whatever he is got string hair, porcelain skin, and doll like movements to him."
Batman: *hums, takes them out, proceeds to Batcave*
Tim: "What's up, B?"
Bruce: "[] said that you look different when we're not around you."
Tim: *tilts his head* "I mean, I like playing up the rumors that the Bats are cryptids, demons from hell, spirits, or whatever when I can. I add effects to my costume to increase the spook factor."
Bruce: *nods and turns away to end the conversation for now*
Tim: *makes plots to ruin that rogue's life for a bit as revenge and a message*
I'm curious how wounds and scars look on Tim's porcelain skin. How does he heal? Does he even have a spleen?
I'm also down for two avenues:
Jason doesn't know like the rest of the Bats. After they start to become close to each other, Jason retaliates against folk who try to demean Tim. He tries to hide the comments from Tim until he learns that the teen finds it funny and ramps up the rumors on purpose. Then he switches to pulling pranks on people with Tim to create more wild theories and gossip.
Jason finds out at TT, and Tim ensures no one actually believes Jason. Perhaps he even starts the notion that Jason was affected by the Pit. It drives Jason bonkers that no one is trusting him or accepting his words for what they are.
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cranberryjuice-posts · 9 months
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Clarisse Larue Dating Head-cannons~
An: reader doesn’t have a set godly parent essentially but this is Clarisse x fem reader HC!
- before you two started dating she would constantly try to show off, be that in capture the flag regular sparing or bulling new kids
- could listen to you talk for hours
- type of person that can go from threatening someone in a harsh tone to immediately becoming gentle and loving once she sees you
- treats her spear like it’s her baby (especially her second one) once she trust enough she’ll let you train with it though she will watch over you like a hawk
-loves when you do her hair, if your not good with her hair type she enjoys if you’ll simply help her pull it back into a ponytail however if your skillful with hair she’ll let you do what ever style you want on her
-has and will threaten people for you
-one time while playing capture the flag the other team caught you and put you in “jail”, however you ended up getting hurt and injuring yourself in some way.. once the game was over she marched up to the other team and yelled around trying to find out who caught/hurt you
“Who the hell did it then?!” Clarisse yelled at a Hermes kid, the blue team shifted around trying to avoid the angry daughter of ares.
“Claire im Fine, It’s just a Cut I’ll live” you sighed grabbing clarisses arm trying to calm the angry girl down while ignoring the blood running down your shin as you had a cut in your thigh.
Clarisse Just scoffed and turned back to you kissing your forehead before giving the other kids a dirty look. “Whatever, when i find out which of you punks did this you’ll be face first in the dirt” she threatened and walked away with you in hand… since that day no one’s tried to put you back in “jail”.
-it’s cannon clarisse is good at wrestling so she most likely will teach you self defense moves that can help you no matter who your fighting (mostly because she’s worried that if/when the camp were to be attacked she would want you to know how to defend yourself)
-her love language is quality time and words of affirmation, so she’ll do whatever she can to spend time with you and be active with you, if you don’t really enjoy sports or training she’ll go on walks with you in the forest, pick strawberries with you and try to do other things like swimming or more
- now if your into sports no matter the sport she’ll gladly play or train in it with you so for example volleyball : shell take you down to the sand pit where the volleyball net is and play a few rounds with you, or if you do colorguard : she’ll watch as you spin flag or rifles and even try it out with you
- keeps EVERYTHING you give her, from a sticky note that you had written a reminder on for her to gifts like bracelets though if you asked her if she had any of the items she would deny it all
- Clarisse is nervous with PDA as she doesn’t want to seem weak so she’ll hold your hand or give the occasional forehead or cheek kiss but once you two are alone she’s like your shadow holding onto you actually kissing you and letting her guard down
- like I said before she loves having you around her so when she’s working out or busy sparing with her siblings or hitting a dummy she likes when you sit near by and watch her (she’s gonna show off)
- while working out she’ll let you try to lift her weights which you can’t and she’ll jokingly makefun it you for it
You groaned as she tried to lift the heavy weight with one hand. Your girlfriend laughing in the background wasn’t helping. “You can stop laughing you know” you shot her a look.
“Yeah I know” clarisse grinned and walked over picking up the weight with ease. “It’s Just cute to see you struggle”
You rolled you eyes and lightly hit clarisse who was still giggling.
-if your a medic clarisse will come into the infirmary on occasion giving you a fake sickness or injury just so she can have you take care of her
-one time a group of girls were shit talking about clarisse and normally she would of snapped at them but Chiron had told her that if she caused another scene that she would have to clean the Pegasus stalls.. as she tried to ignore them she saw you step up and yell at the girls telling them off. That’s when she realized she was in love with you
- Clarisse appreciates when you will give her words of affirmation. With how her father is you telling her that she’s good enough and that your proud of her helps her self confidence a lot
- after silenas death in the battle of Manhattan she became even more protective of you. She already lost one person she loved and gods know what she would do if she lost you to
Clafisse hugged you tight as the two of you cuddled on the bed in the empty ares cabin.
“Clair.. you ok” you asked softly while caressing the girls curls.
“I need you to Promise me something” she sat up and cupped your face looking into it with seriousness but also love.
“What is it” You asked with a soft smile, you knew clarisse was going through a lot and you also k ew you would always be by her side.
“Promise me your not gonna leave..” clarisse whispered, you could see the pain in her eyes. “Promise me your not gonna do some stupid shit in battle and get yourself killed” she spoke in a passive aggressive tone with her voice breaking and her eyes tearing up slightly. You knew clarisse still blamed herself for silenas death and all you knew to do was comfort the girl.
You let out a gentle sigh and sat up hugging the girl. You kissed her shoulder and nodded. “I promise..I’m not going anywhere”
- while they were preparing for the battle between the Greeks and Roman’s clarisses made sure you were placed as far away from the battle as she could get you (if your a medic this works out perfectly for her)
- after the battle of manhattan and the one against the Roman’s (idk what it was called) if your a medic she only wants to be nurses back to health by you
- something I can see clarisse doing is breaking up with you before the battle of manhattan, yeah she pulled out the war before it started but she’s the type of person that if she feels like she’s going to die she would want you to hate her so you won’t grieve over her however as soon as it was over and you were back at camp she would apologize and explain why she broke up with you and ask to get back together (you agreed of course but you told her if she ever did that again you two really would be over)
An: 💔 Anyways uh this is my first time posting something like this so if it sucks uhh 🤷‍♀️
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aggro-my-beloved · 3 months
Asher + Babe HC’s
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* after their first meeting, asher volunteered himself to do any and all miscellaneous errands involving paperwork and notarization if it meant going back to baabe’s place of work so he could chance running into them again
* they even timed each other’s schedules in order to squeeze in tens of lunch dates through the week before making anything official. one thing that took baabe by surprise during these rendezvous, though, was the same request asher gave to each waiter/waitress.
* baabe supposed hot sauce wasn’t that odd of a condiment to put on his burger, but amidst their fourth date when he was loading it on top of his mashed potatoes, they had questions.
* asher has grave mouth. his tastebuds are basically useless from all the sour candy he consumed as a child/teen. he can drink lemon juice straight without puckering. this info shut baabe right up, but left them satisfied.
* to ensure his meals aren’t entirely bland, he puts hot sauce on almost everything he eats. this has led to some questionable, if not disgusting combinations he has sworn against—including, but not limited to sriracha-topped waffles and red hot chocolate
* the pack beta also likes to skateboard, baabe disovered. cmon, they live in california—it was between skating and surfing and this man burns too easy at the beach. his mate would be lying if they said they didn’t admire his freckled face from time to time, though.
* give him a shovel on malibu’s finest sand though? he’d dig a hole so big it’d be considered a safety hazard. and he did, the one time he and baabe went on their shared day off. the lifeguard had to come and stop him, urging baabe to glance up from their magazine and gape at the trench a dangerous proximity from their beach chair.
* once they did leave, asher was sulking about how he could’ve made the hole so much bigger and deeper (hehehe) had he been shifted and able to use his paws and let primal instinct kick in. baabe consoled him with ice cream and an aloe massage later on, promising they’d try for a private beach and a higher spf sunscreen the next time around
* long-haired babe’s go to hairstyle is space burns. asher adores the style on them so much he asked for them to do the same to his hair. it didn’t turn out similar in the slightest (more like two tiny pigtails sticking out lopsided atop his head) but he was happy with the results and that’s all that mattered.
* “hell yeah, baaabe! you can’t even tell us apart!”
* the only way baaabe can remember to practice self-care is when asher reminds them. sometimes he’ll point out a soothing face mask in the store’s cosmetic aisle or run them a hot bath, but the only way for baaabe to fully indulge is if they offer asher to join them in the activity. and he always says yes, otherwise the task will be long forgotten on his mate’s part. and asher would be caught in a lie to say he didn’t want to see how that one bath bomb in particular fizzled out into the water.
* when the weather starts cooling down in the fall, asher likes to take walks in his wolf form. so baaabe can join him in public, they modified his spiked choker to act as a dog collar that baaabe can add a leash to, so no unempowered humans get suspicious at the sight of him. that’s right. asher is babe’s scary dog privelage.
* he gets a little too eager and excited on these walks though, best believe he’s pulling his mate down the sidewalk 90263692634962692 mph to take in everything while baabe tries not to stagger or fall flat on their face
* after several failed attempts at this, they repurpose ash’s skateboard as a mode of transportation for baabe to safely ride on as asher pulls them down the sidewalk. a much better solution than their twelve-year old heelies shoes that were falling apart at the seams.
* asher and baaabe are the only couple in the pack that collectively like horror movies/games/media. the only exception for baabe is haunted houses, which both discovered one fateful october at Dahlia’s local amusement park. one of the scare actors frightened baabe so badly, they left with a broken nose, and baabe with a bruised set of knuckles on their right hand.
* asher was quick to comfort them during the embarrassing ordeal, but just as quick to laugh and tease them about it later on. he’d be saying shit about how “you should’ve dressed as rocky with an uppercut like that”
* once they did leave, baabe sulked, arguing that “zombies are a different type of scary than werewolves and vampires—it was all self defense!” asher consoled them with ice cream later, promising no more haunted houses in the future for the sake of baabe’s hands and innocent workers’ noses alike.
〈 TLDR: baaabe and asher are adorkably sweet together and both love ice cream 〉
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dozing-marshmallow · 1 year
OKAY OKAY, hello again!! loved the nibling reader you wrote and just had to write it again!!! (if you couldn't tell im a sucker for platonic family hcs <3)
this time, this request is quite angsty?? ig nibling!reader getting their feelings hurt (either by duncan, heather, or whoever you decide to choose!) you can decide if they either run to chris to cry to, or if they run away to a more.. deserted(??) area of the island. (bonus points if after reader feels better, leshawna comforts them <:]) thank yeww!!
HIYAAA!! Lovely seeing you again with another appreciated request, and to hear that you are happy with how I interpret a Chris nibling reader! It means a lot ! <3 
As always, have an enjoyable reading experience! 😊
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Heather was on the chopping block.
She needed to do something urgently. The day wasn’t getting any earlier. Everyone was itching to cast her name out of the competition.
Immunity wasn’t in her favour this time.
She needs to find a reason asap to not be kicked out tonight. That there was actually someone around that was a much bigger threat to everyon-
“You know that...toy Chris’ nibling has? I need you to get it for me.” Heather beseeched bluntly to Lindsay, hours before the elimination ceremony, in the whistling privacy of the forest.
“Um, sure?” The blonde’s voice high pitched from stupidity agreed,“But why can’t you go ask yourself? (Y/N) doesn’t bite! Not people!”
“Because Lindsay...I...gotta make sure I’m presentable! My hands need to be in perfect condition.” It was a strange excuse, but Lindsay was narrow.
“Ohh, right! Gotcha.” If anything, she found relatability in such empty words.
Too easy,“When you get it, come straight back here. You can remember that, can’t you?”
“Ohh, totally! In geography, I-“
“Go get the teddy.” Heather interrupts dismissively.
“Okay...” she watches moody Lindsay’s height get smaller and smaller as she disappears more and more to carry out one last request.
You were sitting on the sand with your legs spread out when you saw the pretty blonde girl approach you,“Hi Lindsay!”
“Hii (Y/N)! Is that Mrs Maple?” She pointed at the stuffed bear, dressed in a shirt of the Canada flag.
You nod,“She’s having a suntan!”
“Oooo, she’s a lot like me! We both love being trendy!” Ask to get the teddy, ask to get the teddy,“Could I hold her? I...wanna see if we’re really on the same wavelength!” She zealously asks.
You hesitate. You never really let that happen.
You hold Mrs Maple by her underarms and stare far into her black eyes, before you nod and hand her over.
“Thanks! Aww... It’s such a cute bear!...Oh...wait...” She remembers her objection,  and gawks back at you,“I think I hear her talking! She said she wants me to uh, get some syrup for her! Gotta go!”
Before you could protest, she races away. 
That’s weird... Mrs Maple is shy when she meets new people...
Oh! It must be a coverup for a game of tag.
Thus, you got to your feet and ran the same way she did, following her footprints in the sand, smiling. Challenge accepted!
“Hey...! Heather!” She wheezes, holding the teddy to her,“I got it!”
“Good.” She hears a distant “Wait up!” which melts a glare on her face to Lindsay,“You let them follow you?”
“Ohh... I didn’t know they would. But they sound like they’re having fun!” Lindsay found much virtue in it.
“Yeah... A lot of fun.” The wicked glimmer of Heather’s smile shifts to the blades of a pair of scissors she sharpened out, offering them to Lindsay,“Cut the head off.”
Lindsay is mortified.
“Wh-What?!” She stutters, clearly having the full ugly picture confidential to her up until now,“I don’t understand, I-I thought you wanted it to see it!”
“Yeah, and to mutilate it.” She snaps the scissors together,“Take.”
“I can’t! I won’t!” She yelled, holding Mrs Maple to the other side,“This teddy is (Y/N)’s whole astronomy, and she didn’t do anything to deserve decapitation! Besides, I-I was the one that took it so, it’d make it look like it was my idea!”
“Right on.” Heather snarled, Lindsay’s out of nowhere refusal not being part of the plan- she could threaten her position in the alliance, but eh, not much of a point if... Oh well. She did do the difficult part so there was nothing hard about snatching the teddy right from Lindsay’s hands and rapidly tearing the head off faster than she could blink.
“Heather! What are you doing?!” She screeched.
The sick image of stuffed cotton overflowing from both ends of the teddy to the ground.
Mrs Maple’s head was now a teddy of its own.
“There.” She pushes the two pieces back into Lindsay’s shaking hands,“Now you can give this back. Or should I say, these.” A malicious smile raises on her pale lips.
“Oh my God... You’re gonna be in so much trouble!” 
“No. You’re gonna be in so much trouble.” Heather reiterated victoriously,“Later!”
She sprints away.
“Hey! Come back, this is your doing!” official that Heather wasn’t going to come back, Lindsay bites down on her bottom lip as she desperately tried useless methods of fixing it such as seeing if the head could stay on the neck by itself or licking her finger to try stick the separated body parts together.
Nothing worked.
I...I didn’t know bears bleed white fluff!
The one voice she wished she didn’t hear then.
She swiftly hides her hands behind her back and faces the small child, whose shoes and hands were dirty from running and falling, twitching on a nervous smile,“(Y/N)! Y-You’re here! That’s so...great!”
“Could I have Mrs Maple back now please? Her social battery must be so dead by now...” you asked, coming towards her wobbly from running so much.
“Oh um, well, see uh...” her falling on her words didn’t help her case. Hey! She can’t do these things under pressure!
Your face drops,“You...lost her?”
“No! She’s...” she sighs, divulging her heavy hands,“Here. I-I can explain-!”
Immediately, your eyes stung deeper than a wasp’s.
She was showing you your worst nightmare.
Someone you trusted.
“What...?” It was rather unsightly. It... This couldn’t be happening...
“I promise I didn’t do it! It was Heather! It was Heather’s idea, I swear! I didn’t know she wanted to do that!” Lindsay broke down to plead her innocence, guilt stronger than her mascara.
Pulse bellowed in your ears,“Heather...did this?”
A sweet baby returning lifeless by the neglect of the babysitter. Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry,“I...It’s okay...It’s...okay.”
Proving wrong after five seconds of eerie silence, by the destructive wave of your cries. Before Lindsay could try consoling you (try being very needed), you ran away.
How could you do that? Trust Lindsay of all people? You’ve never had a greater ocean of self hatred flood your insides.
Oh man it did not feel nice.
Chris didn’t predict his nibling to run to him bawling, so he was very caught by surprise. It took him time to properly ask what was wrong given that he had to fully acknowledge that you were hurt, tremendously.
You’re so overwhelmed, you can barely speak. Your wails hold you by the throat and your face never more pinched. All Chris could do is hold you and wait for you to calm down enough to vocalise the root of your distress; whoever was responsible for that was done for.
You hiccuped,“M-My ted...ted... H-Hea...Heath...Heath...”
“Yeah, I can’t understand you,“ he nods at Chef to get a cup of water. Once obtained, he gently urged you to take your head off his body so you could drink it.
Already, your breathing was restoring back to normal and your mouth was empty.
“Better? Alright.” He pats a tissue to your face,“Tell Uncle Chris what’s gotten you all choked up.”
The evocation of it was enough to get you bawling again, and you felt that you had already burdened your uncle enough by disrupting his chat with Chef. So you decide to put the first line of context into words,“I gave Mrs Maple to Lindsay and...” then deciding to show him the pieces. He could figure it out, he’s smart.
“Oh sweet child.” he takes them in his hands, wrinkles forming under his dilated eyes in pure perturbation from what he was seeing. No wonder you were so devastated! He’ll admit, he kinda expected something like this, but not by the intention of other people,“Lindsay did this?”
“I... I don’t know...” your head is light,“She kept saying it’s Heather’s fault, but... I’m still upset I gave it to her in the first place...”
“We’ll check the camera footage, but either way, somebody isn’t going to go through just elimination tonight.” He’ll make sure of that. He takes his sight off you to place the parts of your beloved teddy down on the table, being very gravely mistaken for something else.
“Don’t throw her away!” You shriek, pulling onto his shirt of dark turquoise to prevent him from such,“Please, I’ve had her for a long time! Don’t make me get rid of her!”
He’s once again dismayed, but his tone grew resistance this time,“We won’t be doing that. It’s just the head that came off, soo we’ll sew it back on and maybe clean her. She’ll be as good as new.”
You wipe your nose,“Really?” Thank God.
He nods, stroking the top of your head,“I’ll have Chef work on it right away. As for me, I have other business to attend to. It’s all gonna be solved, I promise.”
Your tears were no more,“Thanks, Chris...” you’re serious. You don’t know what you would’ve done if he wasn’t there,“Do you think we could...play board games tonight?”
“Totally!” Best uncle ever,“We’ll do all your favourite games and we can stay up allll night. How’s that sound?” 
See? Chris wasn’t exactly the best at people comforting, but when it came to the very few people he held dear, that’s when he’s serious.
Knowing how teenagers were, especially of Heather’s textbook, he couldn’t expect a lecture to turn her heart.
But he did enforce a warning to them that harassment was off limits on those who weren’t participating.
You don’t want to know.
“Hey sweetie.” Leshawna came and sat next to you during your wait for your uncle to tell you he’s free to begin board game night,“How are ya? Feeling a little bit better?” By this time, Mrs Maple was one piece again. 
You’re way too disturbed to treat her the slightest of play,“Yeah... I just... I never felt so sad in my life. I practically watched someone close to me die. When...I saw that...she was torn in two, so did my heart.”
“Aww.” she curves her hand around you and rests her head on yours,“Sorry you went through that, some people can be so miserable. You ain’t meant to be feeling all this sad, gloomy things we teens do. You just a kid!”
“I’m never giving Mrs Maple to anyone again.” Your decision thrived of bitterness.
“And that’s completely fine. She’s your toy, no one should force you to do anything you don’t wanna with her. It’s alright to be hurt, but you gotta make sure that the way you handle it is the best way to let you move on sooner.”
“Is...Is Heather going home tonight?” you needed to know. It may have been there, but you needed to hear it.
“Oh, totally. Girl dug her own grave and now, she may need to retake her passport photo.” Leshawna chuckles at the thought,“I mean, to go after a kid who did nothing and still be too much of a chicken to own up? Way out of line.”
“Will I always have to meet someone as nasty as her...?” Your puffy eyes set back to the newly placed stitches on Mrs Maple’s neck.
Leshawna sighs, rubbing your shoulder,“Unfortunately in this world we live in, there’s all kinds of sick freaks and Heather is just one of them. But you shouldn’t waste your life worryin’ about them, because there’s also really great people in your life that will always wanna look out for you, and it’s them you really wanna spend time on, ain’t it?”
“Like you?”
She smiled,“Come here, sugar.”
You felt safe enough to let Mrs Maple join in. Leshawna...she’s amazing. And would make a great big sister, if she wasn’t one already.❤️🩹
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bolilloquemad0 · 2 months
While talking with my dear friend @i-like-cats-and-stars36, he came with a crack idea. Damian's love language is free cats. If he likes you enough, or considers you as part of the family, he would gift you a cat that is personally selected.
I, cat lover, obviously said that yes, that's him. 100% Damian behavior. So when the question of what type of cats would Damian give to his family, I went a bit frantic to be honest 😔👊. And that ended in a list of cats that suddenly got to powerful and now we have, kind of, an Au for your entertainment.
We called it: Picking up Strays.
(This family has a problem, dear god)
So, buckle up Batfam lovers. I'm not kidding. (Btw, credits to all the lovely people who took pics of their cats and ended in pinterest, you're life saviors)
LET'S BEGIN (this is only pt 1, the rest of the family will come soon) (pt2 is up now!)
The first person I feel he would give a cat to is Dick, we all know why. Since Dick already has Haley and she is the precious energetic baby she is, I feel like Damian would give him a more relaxed cat. So maybe a 5 years old cat could fit, they're not as crazy as the young ones (my cat is nearly five years old and he only knows the activity of sleeping) and probably they could handle Haley without problems.
So I landed with this; a gray mixed between tabby and russian blue with blue eyes, obviously. Is a male and 5 years old. He fits the aesthetic.
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Dick arrives at his loft in Bludhäven one night, probably after his shift, to find a cat calmly sleeping on his couch next to a, now awake, Haley. There's food, a bed, some toys, sand, and a note. Something something I know you would take good care of him something something.
Dick is clearly confused, "Damian, wtf are you doing in Blud?!", but upon seeing the cat on his couch (that now was looking at him) Dick just, well, he has a cat now.
He calls the cat Zbor (romani for fly or flying) and Dick's phone is full with how many photos and videos he takes of Zbor and Haley sleeping or hanging out. Zbor would occasionally smack Haley on the head while playing and Dick finds it utterly adorable. All his socials are full of Haley and Zbor.
Next is Jason. I'm a firm believer of the hc that Damian and Jason meet at the League, maybe they didn't bonded that much, but still knew eachother. So maybe Dami has a different kind of respect for Jason.
Jay ended with a cat by accident. Damian found this 1 month old baby, lost and hungry and probably hurt and Jason's place was the closest so he bringed the baby to him. At firts it was just for a few nights meanwhile Damian found her another place.
So this 1 month old moggies ends at the care of Jay. How many nights has to pass before Jason falls in love with her. Four? Six? A whole week? Wrong. Two nights. She yawns and falls asleep on top of Jason's jacket by accident and that's it.
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Jay is a father now. Congratulations!
Later that week, when Damian goes for her Jason invents the most stupid reason for Damian to let her stay, surprisingly Dami doesn't insist, he's just like "Okay." The reality is that Damian's plan worked just fine.
He names her Cat. That's it. Cat. Everyone thinks he's pulling a Jonh Wick situation, and Jay rolls with it. Truth is (thanks Astro) that Cat is the short version for Catherine, as his mother. Jason never calls her Catherine when other people are around, but wait until he's alone in his room with Cat in his chest and Jason would scratch behind her ears while saying, "You're so beautiful, Catherine."
Cat, as she grows, becomes a chaotic good. I also feel like she would LOVE sleeping inside of Jason's shoes until she doesn't fit anymore. Lian and Cat would become best friends, and she would occasionally sleep on Lian's bed too.
Next is Cassandra. (This one is Astro's favorite). Cass comes back from a trip, probably, and the first thing Damian does is give her a black cat. Not any cat, a brainless stupid cat. Cass, eyes landing on yellow ones, and they have a connection.
Brainless eyes upon seeing Cass (with the tongue out): Mother.
Cass, looking at her cat: Stupid. No brain. Lover her.
Cass names her Blob. Is a british shorthair of 2 years old and likes to headbutt Cass. Have you seen those special bags for chihuahuas?, Cass gets one for Blob, to take her in all of her trips like the spoiled princess she is.
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(Credits of the photos and fanart to Astro ♡)
Blob follows Cass blindly everywhere. This often ends with her getting lost on some street meowing loudly until Cass finds her and carries her home calling her stupid affectionally all the way.
Blob is probably the must unproblematic cat of all of them, but I don't recommend leaving her without supervision.
When Bruce gets his cat, the rest of the family already has the idea of why Damian suddenly is giving cats to everyone. Dick cried for two hours knowing he was the first.
Anyway, with Bruce's cat is a bit more difficult. The grey turkish angora Damian gets to rescue has been a stray for a long long time. He's 6-7 years old and fights. He doesn't trust humans and Damian has a big scratch in the cheek to prove it with more adding up. No one understands why he brings him to the manor, but Damian is determined.
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A few days passes and the old cat finally seems to settle, but he's still wary of them. Nevertheless, Damian claims that the cat is Bruce's. He argues, he doesn't want a cat, he doesn't need one. In the end, Bruce treats the cat carefully. He doesn't know how to handle him nor exactly what to do.
Slowly, the cat seems more at peace at Bruce's side. The kids starts pestering him with a name but Bruce doesn't know. He doesn't know how to name things, by god's sake he named the Batcomputer. Dick jokes about Batcat as a name, you know, for the aesthetic and the Theme. Bruce turns them down while everyone laughs at him.
The problem is that the cat needs a name, he can't keep calling him The Cat and is not like Damian's constant glares makes everything better. So, for now he would call the cat Batcat. Just for now. Until he finds a better name.
He doesn't.
He never finds a better name. And all his children laughs at him. It's Batcat now.
+ Bonus story of Bruce and Batcat
One night, after a rough patrol, Bruce's arrives at his room and nothing feels quite real. Sitting in his bed, maybe a panic attack starts. Everything is too much. Bruce tries to calm himself but he just can't. Hw breathing becomes labored. A warm, heavy and soft something places himself on his lap, and slowly starts purring, Bruce puts his hand on the cat, slowly petting him. And as the purring grows he can finally calm himself enough to come back.
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lqfiles · 1 year
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nct dream as tropes / aus. (mk / rj / hc / jm)
mark summer.
late summer nights spent walking or playing outside while the sun has yet to set. getting to know each other gradually as the summer progresses, enjoying each other’s company. fun evenings spent at the beach with both your relatives as the sand gets stuck between your toes, enjoying what summer had to bring. developing a crush, knowing it won’t go any further than that. enjoying how no strings are attached to whatever relationship the two of you have built. becoming each other’s summer acquaintance and fling that you will look back on in a few years, wondering how that boy named mark lee was doing. exchanging kisses under the sunset and heat that summer comes with, knowing it will all eventually be stored as another memory of what summer was like. “this will be a memory i’ll look back on in a few years, and i’m glad it will be filled with you.”
renjun academic rivals.
bad mouthing each other to your friends, yet feeling weird when they instigate on the bad mouthing. an unspoken battle going on with each lesson that you attend. taking sneaky glances at each other while in class. searching for one another when your test results come back, wanting to taste the sweet victory that is beating one another. bragging about your scores, knowing that neither of you truly care. silently being there for one another without having to tell, you can just tell from each other’s change in behaviour. being rivals in public but friends once you reach your own homes. using your work as an excuse to text each other, knowing you’re just looking for a reason to talk. a romantic tension that almost everyone can sense, including you, but choose to rather ignore it. “i know you would die to beat me for once, but don’t actually neglect your body like this, it worries me.”
haechan best friends.
knowing almost everything there is to know about one another. being the person other’s associate you with when they think of either of you. having almost no boundaries and being comfortable with each other. being there during each other’s best and most vulnerable moments, reminiscing the laughs and tears in a few months. being the first person the other calls for anything because you can always depend on them. the line between flirting and playfulness being thin. there always being an underlying romantic tension between you two making it painful for your own friends to watch the both of you interact. mistaking each other’s flirt attempts for being affectionate. platonically confessing to one another, knowing that both of you secretly mean your words. despising the idea of getting with someone else, because deep down you want it to be each other. “i don’t get why you would settle for less when i’m literally right here.”
jaemin college.
you had never noticed him, too occupied with your studies and personal life. he never noticed you, focusing on improving his grades. you met each other in the library which had become a regular meeting spot. slowly but gradually you’d feel more comfortable around each other. studying together, even though the both of you took different courses. studying until the librarian had to tell you it was closing hours and to leave. spending your afternoons treating each other with food to celebrate your improvements. crying together as stress only built up during exam season, yet being near each other was enough comfort. secret longing gazes at each other’s side profile as the other is busy revising. spending time together outside of college, as something other than school mates. hanging out in each other’s room for revision studies but never complying with the plan, watching movies together instead. sharing an impulsive kiss after the both of you had completed all your coursework, leading to a shift in your relationship. “you again? i’m starting to believe that you’re stalking me.”
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15-lizards · 1 year
Hi! I absolutely love your thoughts on Planetosi fashion and the culture aspects and changes in fashion over the time periods. It’s such an aspect of world building that I don’t think gets much focus in media and it gives a look into so much of a richer world that we didn’t see as much in the show (in my opinion).
I know you mentioned a bit about the Daynes style of dress, but do you have any more HCs on Dorne? I know you mentioned the the amount of layers would change according to the region because of the heat.
Yes I love thinking ab dornish fashion!!
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Starting from the north, near the Dornish marches and by the Red Mountains, where those with the most Andal blood live, we have a little bit of a mix between influences. Either because they live so close to the edge of the kingdom, or because Andal traditions trickled down. Clothing is thicker bc it is a (slight) bit colder for where stony dornishmen live. Textiles are also a combo of thicker fabrics they get from the stormlands/reach and traditional airy fabrics from Dorne.
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Moving to the actual deserts of Dorne, this is where you see full coverage clothing. Usually this consists of a singular long and loose shift, with added robes for added protection. If you pass a sandy dornishman in the desert, you will hardly ever see their face. Clothing is almost solely made up of cotton and linen (they’re the most breathable fabrics) and there is always going to be a turban or hat of some kind while they ride or herd or work
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And “Salty” dornish fashion (so around the coastlines) still has strong remnants of their Rhoynar ancestors. Both in patterns/accessories and the fabrics they use. They can afford to have both light and heavy fabrics since they live near the water and weather will cool during winter, unlike the rest of Dorne. Their patterns and textiles still reflect the intricate artistry of the old Rhoynar cultures, and has striking similarities to the free cities, mostly Myr
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The Martells themselves :D very much drippy. Despite the fact that Dorne is a notoriously brutal climate, their clothes reflect the fact that they are not only wealthy enough to survive but also have extravagance. I’m obsessed with the idea of gilded and embellished clothing for the Martells, especially for ceremonial/traditional clothing to show off power (the left pic is Doran and Oberyn at an important Sunspear ball is it not) ALSO I like to think that princesses of Dorne will wear their bride price on their clothing as a sort of “I’m expensive” type thing, embellishing their dresses with silver coins and charms that equal the cost of their bride price
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BONUS sand snake fits: I think the girlies like to match, especially when they need to go intimidate someone. Still fairly practical most of the time for riding around and fighting but still indicative of their royal blood despite their bastard status. Other times I think they fully dress practically and essentially like a commoner (when they need to stay hidden for ~espionage~ reasons) and it’s just easier to move around in whenever they’re in rough terrain. Probably favored by resident butch Obara
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Ahh, I love your writing so so much! I know you're busy but thought I'd still try to send in a request in case it sparks inspiration. I was wondering if you could write "Can you warm me up, I’m cold." with Daemon Targaryen? Thanks, and keep up the amazing work!
keep sending requests!!
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Dragonstone wasn’t as cold as the northern territories such as Winterfell, but it gave you the shivers come nightfall. You had grown up with the sun goldening your skin and sand on your feet. Getting used to the new weather was going to take time.
Fortunately, you had the warmth of your husband keeping you warm and toasty during the night.
You shifted under the covers, reaching to your right for your Lord husband to cuddle up to, but his side of the bed was empty – and cold. A frown crease between your eyebrows and you opened your eyes, already knowing where he was.
Whenever he could not sleep, Daemon would go to the library and read the same books about legendary dragon riders over and over. The stories must get stale after reading them so many times, but he loved them. They brought him a sense of comfort.
You stood with a shiver, bare feet on the cold stone floor, and slipped on an embroidered robe over your nightgown. You wandered to the library, a smile curling on your face when seeing a candle lit.
‘’What is it that’s keeping you up, my love?’’ you asked, gliding a hand on his shoulder and kissing his temple.
Daemon closed his eyes under your touch, absentmindedly leaning into it. He turned his head and sweetly kissed your hand that was on his shoulder.
Lately, Daemon had been spending a lot of nights in the library. Each time you tried to get him to open up about his late-night demons, he would push you away. You tried to not let his dismissal get to you, Daemon was simply a closed-off person, but it still hurt to be left in the dark.
‘’You should be sleeping,’’ he said, lifting his eyes to the small swell of your stomach before kissing it. Gods, he loved to see – and feel and talk to – that bump. ‘’Both of you.’’
A soft chuckle left your lips. ‘’The bed was empty…and we were cold.’’
‘’Of course you were.’’ He was only teasing, a glint of a smile at the corner of his lips. ‘’Since you arrived at Dragonstone, I recall you complaining about the weather at least five times a day.’’
You rolled your eyes and bit back a smile, knowing he was right. ‘’The transition has been difficult, but I’ve gotten better,’’ you admitted. ‘’Now, can you warm me up, I’m cold.’’
Daemon laughed, nodding.
Taglist: @taylordaughter  @gillybear17 @liltimmyst @eos-princess   @Kaitieskidmore1 @instabull  
House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones taglist: @anastasiaxsworld @lollypopcrazylover @fin-never @dkathl @ayamenimthiriel @nerdy4itall @rraindrops @glors3 @beelanie @hc-geralt-23 @sweetybuzz25  @uniquenightsheep @kaywsworld @i-yam-awesome @caspianobsessed @kelssssxd @dilfsarebetterthanyou @missyviolet123 @leakycauldrns @brezzybfan @khaleesihavilliard @vexedvalerie @lollaa-puff @my-dark-prince @chevelledahuman @caspianobsessed @ayamenimthiriel @yor72 @mirandastuckinthe80s @newtsniffles @cleverzonkwombatsludge @justaproudslytherpuff @ren-ni @green-lxght @anginoguera @bubblebuttwade @comicsol1999 @rockerchick05 @baelavelaryonwp @tnu-ree @beccawinter @alexisabirdie @persage @hayleighloatx @kindaslightlyacidic @perdynerd @elsyyie @puffycreamcakes  @thirsty4nonlivingmen  @naty-1001 @xannybabyxx  @katiepie67 @kjones375 @moshpot24x @hc-geralt-23 @lovelynerdytraveler @saturn-sas  @zgzgh @sssjuico10 @tabloidteen @timetoten @deekaag @wondxrgurl   @queenofshinigamis @aerangi @strmborns @astridyoo15 @Wehi02 @daemonslittlebitch @queenbeestuffs @severewobblerlightdragon @agentstarkid @msliz   @cayleecook38 @yoyopolloobamadaddy @hayleighloatx @vane1999-blog @smptxx @fairyfolkloresposts @yassi-world @todaywasafairytale07 @ESobilal @otomaniac @zgzgzh @thebeardedmoon @golden-library @kikyrizuki @hnslchw @camy85 @winxschester @khaleesihavilliard @domoron @ididliquorice @lover-of-helios
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leopardmask-ao3 · 5 months
Day 7 - Mumbo
Drabble for @hermitadaymay!
After an incident with soul sand sickness on HC-8, Mumbo finally took it easy until the symptoms passed. Theoretically, his soul and body shouldn’t have stayed as volatile as that, shifting to match whatever was consumed, forever. By the time Grian summoned him back (...should Grian have been able to do that? Had Mumbo always been summonable?), he was pretty sure he was fine.
Mumbo stood in an underwater cave, just outside an air pocket, watching the glow squid, oddly unconcerned. The veins in his hands and face glowed with borrowed bioluminescence.
Soul volatility could be a very persistent problem.
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tortugatalks · 1 year
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𝗧𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗠𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 #𝟭 - 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗞𝗿𝗮𝘁𝘁 𝗕𝗿𝗼𝘀. 𝗕𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗱|ᴴᶜˢ
in which you and your favourite kratt share a rather domestic moment. the subject? the tiny pricks of hair that have begun to poke out from the lower half of his face <3
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a.n. tfw you write "hcs" but they're literally just bullet point outlines for oneshots - GAH!! ...anyway, GOSH such lovely weather we're having today, huh? =]
𓆉 gender neutral reader
𓆉 established romantic relationship
𓆉 no warnings!
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Martin Kratt
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━ if you're gonna get a good and thorough shave out of him, it's gotta be first thing in the morning when the rest of the gang is asleep; which is nice for him, being the early bird and all. you? mmn not so much.
━ you'll have him sit on top of the toilet lid before you work your magic with the mini razor at hand, his lower face already covered in fluffy white shaving cream. he tries his best to stay still for you, honest! but when your fingers grab the other side of his jaw and leave ghostly touches on his neck? he's bound to get ticklish! and cue the chuckles reverberating in his chest.
━ very smiley and shifts quite a lot. it's very hard to keep the razor steady when he's squirming, and your stern chastising can only do so little to keep him still. he's softly laughing—telling you through wheezes that he'll calm down, just give him a sec! yeah, nooo, once this guy has got his smileys on, it's nearly impossible for him to undo all that.
━ it's way too early for this; six in the morning to be exact. you're half asleep and the last thing you wanna do is end up slitting his cheek on accident. let out a sigh, pull his chin gently towards you and he, with a teasing grin, will joke about how serious you look right now. your eyebrows are furrowed in deep concentration, tongue poking out through your lips and to him, it's the cutest thing ever! thing is, you have no intention of paying him any mind as you continue on with your cycled movements (perhaps you'll retort back with a quip or a small hum, perhaps not.)
━ there'll be a brief silence—eerily calm—and it doesn't take long for you to feel that inkling of suspicion, and so? you lift your gaze from the skin near his jaw to meet his eyes of ocean blue. he'll look at you as if your eyes were specked with the morning stars—his sun bursting with life, bringing him warmth in the form of serenity. when your eyes meet his own, his lips form a soft, amused smile. he'll instantly press them together tightly, like he'd rather bite them than smile as if to not interrupt your concentration, but of course, a snicker escapes him, and so does a sweet “hello," (save for the wiggle of his eyebrows.)
━ realize that theres no point in trying to stop his antics. he's the wave at high tide; cathartic and consuming. he's the crash that kisses the sand; urging you to take a step forward before it swallows you whole. realize this: that'll do it. swipe a glob of shaving cream off his cheek and smear it across his nose. his eyes will widen in surprise, every laugh of his resonant and unapologetically carefree soon after! he'll grab a handful of cream off his face and smudge it across your own cheek and yep, you two are now officially at war. he's quick to think, will grab the shaving cream canister and will plan on chasing you around with it. you can try reaching for the canister all you want, but he'll block you with his body at every chance! so caught up in trying to get the shaving cream to pour away from your hands that the dork forgets to look where he steps and falls butt-first into the bathtub, letting go of the canister and pulling you down with him. nobody gets hurt, but it does elicit a boom of uncontrollable laughter. he'll tightly encircle his arms around your waist and lean his head into the crook of your neck, completely disregarding the leftover shaving cream on his face thats rubbing off on you. his laughs tickle you silly, and just before the energy simmers down, he'll tilt his neck upwards to meet your lips in a chaste kiss, the palm of his hand cupping your cheek! with all that said, you two will get back to tending to his face... eventually.
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Chris Kratt
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━ yet another early bird, but unlike his brother, he's a bit more easier to cooperate with. though, that doesn't necessarily mean that there won't be any mishaps along the way. on the contrary!
━ sit him down on the toilet lid and his natural instinct is to rest his hands on your hips. he knows you're tired, and holding you like this is the least he can do. keeps you still, keeps you close. but then? he's slightly red in the face when your fingers tenderly touch the skin of his neck, chin and cheek. he chuckles a bit, but it's more of a hum than a full on laugh. apply the shaving cream to his face and he'll jolt in his seat—cold! his eyes will slip shut, instantly leaning into your touch though; once again, anything to make it easier for you.
━ when he opens his eyes, however, he is faced with a rather embarrassing predicament: where is he supposed to look? he could keep his eyes on you, yes, but wouldn't that be distracting? he'll opt to look to the side opposite of you, but it's more than obvious to you that he's having quite the difficult time. his actions beckon you to gently laugh, and your laugh beckons him to raise a brow at you; a slight hiccup in the way he's snickering out a light "what?" with a small tug to your hips.
━ call him out on how's he's acting like an awkward mess and all this guy can do is playfully roll his eyes and come clean. advise him to not think about it too much and that if he'd like, he can keep his eyes on you—now and whenever he'd like. alright then, he'll muse aloud, he'll keep that in mind.
━ now in theory, that should've been enough for you to proceed with smooth sailings, but, you're with a kratt brother—there is no such thing as "smooth sailings". he'll look at you as you glide the razor under his chin, and then you'll look back up at him which will instantly prompt you two to chortle and cackle at each other. your laughs dance with one another before they fade. for a minute, it seems like everything is back to normal, but take one quick look at him and that's all it takes for you two to become a giggling mess again. goof around and tell him that he's making it hard for you to concentrate and he'll respond with a lively "me?", stating that he hasn't even done a thing! if anything, you're the one making it difficult!
━ he'll talk on and on trying to defend himself with pointless reasoning, the smile he has on display never faltering. at this rate, you'll get nowhere with him constantly blabbering. gently smush his lips together to get him to stop talking, and he will… but hear him out! nonno, listen, listen! and theeere he goes again :') playfully and softly pat his cheek to the side and he'll chuckle out a hearty "fine, fine. you win." with the both of you having agreed to keep your guys' composure, and him having compromised to keep his eyes shut in the meantime, you're off tending to some finishing touches. it's quiet, but your silence isn't empty. it's the kind that allows you to bask in each other's presence. his hands are still planted firmly on your waist, one hand tracing patterns into your hip while the other keeps your body close enough to feel your warmth. once you're done, press a kiss against the corner of his mouth and his eyes will practically shoot right open! he's all set and ready to start the day, but before that, he'll make sure to reciprocate the gesture and give you a quick smooch on the lips—a symbol of his gratitude! <3
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luminarot · 5 months
also i harp on about pat's Loud and iconic clothes all the time but. i dont think i've ever talked about the friendship bracelets floating around his pinterest board!!! which is a Crime bc they're a vital part of his Forever Fit ™!!!
he has two of them that he Never takes off & his sister made both (: he thinks they're outta sight. he almost lost one once at a festival and spent hours scouring the mud and dirt to find it
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abeinginsand · 9 months
Some hcs and snippets For Hot Glenn Holidays
(there's an idea for each prompt of the week)
Sweets and Baking:
Glenn likes spicy hot cocoa and coffee. It never occurred to him to look up a proper recipe for it, so usually he tossed a few drops of hot sauce in the beverage of choice and called it a day.
He does this with ready-made cookie dough as well. Both Darryl and Ron were appalled by this info but Henry seemed excited to ramble about some related family recipes.
Fun in the Snow (Post S2 AU):
It snows in hell all year so snow ball fights are pretty common. His favorite ones are yearly though when--most of the family (including Hermie) are wrangled into participating (compared to dragging over unsuspecting demons in the area). He also has an ice rink set up down there and is a DJ for it.
Caroling (Teen High School Band AU):
As the school's band teacher, he's always excited about performing with his students during the local parade. Its a performance mix of instruments and holiday tunes. One part rock 'n roll and the other being a mix of anime and traditional stuff. The anime music is courtesy of his grandson Taylor, also in the band. One of his old Glenn Close trio band mates always drives the truck for their float and of course the whole thing has protective guard rails on it. A few students and himself sit in chairs within big cardboard present boxes with no bottoms or tops. During certain cues in the songs, they are supposed to stand up to pop out of the box and then sit back down. Its a big hit with crowds and the candy canes others hand out seal the deal too. Little candy bags that even have coupons to local shops inside too.
Caroling and Saint Nicky:
Back when Morgan was still alive, she'd work some pretty long shifts sometimes. It was rarely around Christmas, but if it was, Glenn and Nick would do some caroling around the neighborhood and surprise her with a holiday serenade when she got back.
Present Wrapping (cw self harm):
Glenn's gotten into the bad habit of scratching his wrists to chase away the phantom feeling of cuffs and chains. He should stop but its easier to try and keep it a secret instead. Until he's at Darryl's holiday party and the sight of Jesus strapped to the cross makes his stomach flip. And he's off to the kitchen to get away from it all, wrists stinging as his nails-- But...with the sound of footsteps, he realizes Ron followed. The shorter man doesn't call out the obvious or ask any related questions to the red marks peaking out from under his baggy ugly christmas sweater. Instead, his friend asks him something else: "Can you try this ribbon on for me?" He doesn't remember if he even said yes or 'mhm' but the soft feeling of the present ribbon is nice. The thin fabric is warm from Ron's hands, tied loosely so Glenn could slip out of it at any time. He lets go of the breath he was holding, flexes his fingers, and stares at the pink ribbon now around one wrist "This looks dumb."
Ron doesn't hold back his little laugh at all and pats his shoulder. "Sure does. How does it feel though?" It was a thinly veiled 'How do you feel?' that Glenn decided to answer. Maybe because they were alone or because Ron was willing to laugh at him instead of assure him. Or a bit of both...
Glenn felt himself smirk and say a tired but honest, "A little better."
Christmas in the Sand:
Before the divorce, Bill used to take the family to the beach at least once a year. It was to have fun and make some business while he was down there. Getting a hotel at the beach was a lot cheaper in winter too. He'd often wake up earlier than his wife and son each morning to go browse the boardwalk. Again, there was money to be made with talks and setting up new gigs or busking.
But, regardless of the deals, his favorite part was waking up little Glenny and showing him the bag of trinkets he bought or traded for that day. The three also played out in the sand. Mostly Christine and Glenn burying a napping Bill in the sand. Christine wasn't one to laugh much except when looking at her sand mermaid husband snoozing away. Both were awake to play with their kid in the waves later on too. Glenn and Morgan took Nick to the beach as well, but they all tended to wander the city instead of play in the sand most of the time. It was so hard to get sand out of everything when they did go over there. Also having to convince their son not to munch on said sand was a whole other challenge! Still a lot of fun though and so many great pictures too.
Trees and Ornaments:
Since that blunt existed in the close family mail box regardless of the timeline shift, lets go with the thought that some other misc. items stayed behind too. Like a few worn family pictures from old vacations mentioned above. Glenn has a giant Christmas tree set up in hell and the beach day photo with Morgan by his side, an arm around his waist, and Nick on his shoulders always goes at the top instead of a star or other ornament.
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coconox · 1 year
rambling abt nocti (again)
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long post, just to let out my delulu thoughts
warnings: sands of wrath spoilers, cerberus event spoilers, nsfw near the 2nd half of the post, cerberus!skk x nocti (oc x canon), lots of hc, no proofread, i wrote this all on my phone i'm desperate to scream into the void about all this
it's pretty noticeable how nocti acts like he's more human compared to the other constructs he's worked with. he only brings up the fact that he is a construct if he wants to intimidate someone desperately negotiate with someone, but otherwise everyone treats him like he's just some guy and he totally rolls with it. it's been mentioned a few times how he heavily pants, which is something completely unnecessary for constructs to do, but it feels natural for him. huzi mentions how the way he passes knives is something that was only remembered in the golden age, in which nocti shrugs it off saying it's just a natural instinct (even tho that kind of basic information seems long gone at this point)
he cares about people a lot more than what he tells them. there's been both er5 and cerby event where someone gets roped into some mess he (+ sometimes cerberus) is in and wants to help them even tho there has been a few arguments between him and vera on whether or not the person should be left alone. the person also almost ends up dying and nocti franctically tries to find a way to delay or stop their inevitable death. i'm suspecting that the cerby event does take place some time after er5, since he did eventually learn how to provide a bit of first aid through finally observing vera on how she does it
he also cares a lot about his team despite all the slander thrown at him. he was willing to shift the blame onto himself during 21's incident or concerningly asks if vera's sick (even tho constructs can't get sick, again emphasizing how nocti reacts a bit more like how a human reacts)
when off-duty, to get away from 21 and vera, nocti would probably chill a lot in coco's room office. they don't mind the company since all nocti does 70% of the time is sleep, the other 30% is complain on how bored he is or he just straight up does his workout in their office
as much as he shits on bad movies, he loves them. coco doesn't mind if nocti starts playing some movie in the background while they're working, and might even join in on watching it with nocti after they're done with work
once it became established that coco has a sweet tooth, nocti wouldn't stop giving them new receipes he's found in wgaa archives. not that they're complaining, it's free food, and nocti is surprisingly good at baking despite being an idiot outside of things he's genuinely good at
taking note of the first point mentioned, if a makeout session happens between him and coco, he will ocassionally break it not just for them to take a breather, but he also takes a breather as well. even tho it's absolutely not necessary considering he's a construct, it just feels natural for him to do so
because all coco does is focus on work, nocti does crave some attention from his commandant. a lot of times they just ignore nocti's sad puppy eyes of wanting affection, and he ends up moping around till coco's done. if coco does eventually give in while they're working, nocti both mildly regrets it and heavily enjoys it as coco teases and edges the living daylights out of him. he got the attention he's been asking for, but at what cost?
nocti can either be extremely gentle during sex, or go extremely feral about it. he wants to be as careful as possible knowing how fragile humans are, but in the end he would always lose control of himself, constantly trying to chase after the high of how good it feels being inside his commandant
loves marking them, he often feels the need to mark them even tho it's not really necessary, they are cerberus's commandant after all. but nocti wants to make it clear that they're his and his alone. but often feels a little bad after noticing how deep of a mark he imprinted onto them, since bite marks would be so deep they end up bleeding a little
loves eating out, to the point where he's pussydrunk even. there's times where he would desperately ask if he could eat coco out while they're working, to which they normally reply with no, but there have been a few exceptions
he goes absolutely insane when he's praised. it's not everyday he gets to hear he's done a good job, but when he gets praises from his commandant, it's like he's on cloud nine. in normal circumstances he doesn't know how to react to praise, he's often confused since for most of his life he's always gotten the bad end of the stick. but when he's intimate with his commandant, getting praised is another high he'll constantly be going after. the soft expression coco gives while gently caressing him, whispering sweet nothings over and over again is something nocti will never have enough of
nocti goes all out for aftercare. he'll be adamant about cooking for them all day and would help tend to easing any pain they're feeling. he'll also take the time to cuddle with them all day and refuses to get up unless they tell him to
nocti will always be the one to initiate any romantic gestures first, and often would be thrown off guard if coco would decide to be the one to initiate first
he gets very overprotective, basically becoming a guard dog for his commandant
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woman-of-balnain · 2 years
You Don't Form in the Wet Sand (I Do) - Part 2/2 (Alpha Rick x Omega Reader)
Prev. Part | Masterlist | AO3 Ver.
Pairing: Rick Grimes/Fem!Reader
Request: You and Rick share your first heat/rut together.
Ok so if anyone reading this hasn’t read my other story ‘the Claim’ (specifically referring to chapter 5) then I don’t do knots in an alpha’s rut. I mean you can always request that, but I have my own version which was requested here (and which I use in my original ideas). Basically Rick stays hard and cums multiple times before he’s sated. At least for a while before he’s ready to go for another round lol. - Because heats and ruts are basically designed for the sole purpose of reproducing, my hc is that the bodies of omegas are biologically equipped to handle it. Still, since this is the reader’s first time with an alpha, she is a bit overstimulated and Rick eventually gives her a bit of a break in the middle. -
Just a reminder that Rick is behind the reader at the start of this chapter (his chest pressed up against her back) -
Let’s just hc that the gun holster is detachable from Rick’s belt… (safety is important lol) -
There’s too many clothes in the beginning of this chapter, hopefully it doesn’t stall things too much. -
I also added a little bit of insight into Rick’s thoughts during the smut. If it’s weird lmk and I won’t include it again in future smut. -
Warnings: Smut, a/b/o dynamic (some non-traditional), established relationship, dominant Rick, possessive Rick, unprotected sex, creampie, spanking (both with hands and belt), multiple male and female orgasms, independent omega Reader, female Reader.
Word Count: 6,387
Divider by: @cafekitsune
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You let out a startled moan as Rick pushed you up against the nearest wall. Your hands automatically lifted up to press against it as his own moved down to your lower stomach. His lips continued to tease your mating gland while his fingers worked to unbutton your jeans and before long, he was tugging them - and your panties - down your legs. Then he was pulling off your boots, letting your jeans be completely tugged off too. Rick was still behind you, as you faced the wall. But you started to turn when he remained stepped back and away from your body.
“Don’t move, ‘mega,” he ordered, stopping you.
“But –”
You were cut off as Rick’s hand slapped down on your ass and your words morphed into another moan. The sound of him unbuckling his belt could be heard and then the tell-tale noise of him unzipping his own jeans followed. You had become hot all over in record time and you knew that his rut had triggered your own heat. The fact that slick was rapidly pooling between your thighs just confirmed it. Then Rick was pressed up behind you again, his bare thighs against yours as one of his hands pushed down on your back.
“You’re gonna listen for once,” his tone was dark and heated. “Bend over for me, omega.”
“And if I don’t?” You challenged again, as a deep and previously undiscovered part of you was secretly loving this new side of him.
You moaned shamelessly, even louder now, as he spanked down on your ass again. Only this time, he used his belt and the sting on your skin was more prominent. Your heat made everything feel different though, so the contact felt good more than it did painful.
“That’s it,” Rick used his fingers to gently soothe away any last remnants of the slight ache. “That’s the only thing I wanna hear from you, baby. How much you love being good for me. You know what’ll happen if you keep talkin’ back, right?”
His accent, that southern twang you loved so much, only seemed to become more noticeable as his desire grew – as well as his impatience. Part of you wanted to bite back some more, but the need for him to just fuck you was greater, so you nodded eagerly.
“Good girl,” he praised you, voice husky and addled with lust. “Now bend over for me, sweetheart, and spread your legs.”
You let out a sound that was between a whimper and a sigh of need as you shifted, doing as he’d commanded you to. Your hands were pressed hard against the wall, since it was the only thing you could use for support. As you bent over, legs spread wide and presenting yourself to him, you felt your slick trickle down your thighs as your body yearned for him needily.  
“Fuck, baby,” Rick moaned, his fingers falling between your thighs and spreading your folds. “Your pussy’s so wet. You’re ready for me, huh?”
“Mmm,” you moaned.
“That’s my good girl,” he praised you.
He seemed to take your moan as all the confirmation he needed, because then he was thrusting into you, deep and hard. He let out his own sound of deep gratification as he pushed himself in to the hilt.
“You’re so tight, ‘mega,” Rick grit out, taking a moment to just enjoy the way you were wrapped snugly around him. “Baby, you’ve been wasted on betas. I can tell I’m your first alpha.”
You had told him as much; he was just getting cocky about the fact that you’d never taken anything so big before.
“And I’m gonna be the last,” he continued, promising that after this you’d never want anyone but him. “Ain’t I?”
You didn’t answer, too wrapped up in the way he filled you so perfectly. All you wanted was for him to start moving again and stimulate you further. But he kept himself torturously still, teasing you until your mind was frazzled with an aching sense of need.
“Answer me, omega,” Rick grit out, his voice more demanding now.
“Maybe…” you replied, intending to tease him just as much as he was you.
But then you felt the force of his belt on your ass again and all that left you was another sound of blatant desire.
“You’re mine,” Rick reminded you. “And I’m the only alpha you’re ever gonna need or want.”
He spanked you once more, as if to prove his point because it was like he just knew how you’d respond. Your back arched and your pussy spasmed in reaction, showing that he was right, even if you didn’t verbally confirm it. Your body was already desperate for him and only him. But Rick still wasn’t satisfied, and he began to pull out of you.
“I’m yours,” you told him hurriedly, feeling like the worst thing imaginable in that moment would be if he refused to fuck you.
“You’re only mine, omega,” Rick reminded you.  
“Yes,” you breathed out in agreement and then he slammed back into you. “Oh god…”
You felt his long and thick cock stretching you out and suddenly all you could do was moan helplessly and wantonly, as he began to set a ruthless pace moving in and out of you. His hands were holding onto your hips tightly and if it wasn’t for that, you likely wouldn’t still be standing. He made your mind dizzy with lust and your entire body responded to him.
Rick’s scent was wrapped around you, and you realized that the slight difference you’d picked up on before signified his rising desire and the fiery escalation of his rut. All you could think of or feel was him, and as the symptoms of your heat increased rapidly, the only thing you wanted was the sweet and blissful sense of release.
You could feel every inch of his cock as your walls wrapped tightly around him. The velvety skin that covered the steel hardness underneath, the veins which protruded and provided further stimulation, the precum spilling out and deep into you. It was as though you were hyperaware of every single aspect, as his hips smacked against yours and you felt him going in and out, in and out, over and over and over again.
That familiar sense of rising warmth and desire, low and deep in your belly began to form and you knew that you were getting closer to where you so desperately wanted to be. Apparently, Rick sensed it too. He pulled you back against his chest, changing the angle of his thrusts and you felt his cock press against the bundle of nerves inside you, driving you crazy.
When one of his hands moved to trail down towards your pussy, you clamped down around him, and he groaned out but didn’t stop his torturous descent. When his fingers spread your folds and his thumb came into contact with your clit, you let out a strangled sound of pleasure.
“Need you to cum for me, ‘mega,” Rick murmured, his tone betraying how close he was too. “Need to feel you cumming around my cock.”
You had never heard him sound so open and desperate; it turned you on completely, because he had never seemed sexier to you.
“Will you cum inside me?” You begged.
“Fuck baby,” he moaned. “You want that?”
You just nodded eagerly, and he continued to rub his thumb against your clit as his head tilted to tease your mating gland again. Your pussy spasmed around him, stimulating him even more and Rick let out a sound that was filled with unrestrained lust. Then his lips were sucking down hard, on the spot where you ached to feel his teeth sinking into you. If he hadn’t already left a mark before, he would now, and you relished in the possessiveness of the action.
You tightened even more around him, desperate to cross that threshold which was only just out of reach. The action caused Rick to bite you – still not in the way you wanted, but enough to drive you over the edge. The way his teeth teased your sensitive spot caused your entire body to feel like it was in a state of complete euphoria. As your orgasm washed over you and your pussy squeezed down, milking him with everything it was worth, you felt him push in even deeper before he let out the sexiest sound you’d ever heard.
Rick was completely caught up in how you were stimulating him and the iron tight grip your pussy had on his cock. He came hard, deep inside of you, his cum spurting against your cervix and filling you up with its warmth.
“Oh my god!” You moaned out, the sensation only prolonging your own orgasm.
It was like nothing you had ever felt before and when he began to thrust slowly into you again, you realized that he was still fully hard and not even close to being sated. He fucked his cum deeper into you, his cock still throbbing, and you remembered what you’d always heard about alphas and the stamina they had during their ruts. But that was nothing compared to experiencing the way he continued to tease your sensitive pussy, not even giving you time to recover from your first orgasm before he was ready to go again.
You already knew he was right. There was no going back after this. A beta would never be able to satisfy you again and the only alpha you would ever want was Rick.
“Feel how full you are of me, baby?” He groaned.
Your mind was a lust addled mess, but if there was anything you were aware of, it was how completely fullyou were, just as he had pointed out. It wasn’t only his cock stuffing and filling you now, but his cum too.
“Rick…” you breathed out. “I can’t – I need…”
He didn’t seem to mind how incoherent your words were. It was like he already knew what you wanted, and he moved back to gently pull out of you. The action caused further friction to your already sensitive walls, and you made a sound that conveyed your slight discomfort. But then his cock slid completely out, and Rick stepped away from you, leaving you to hold yourself up on wobbly legs.
Your hands were still pressed against the wall and that was the only thing keeping you upright. You turned around slowly, letting your back be supported by it instead and you looked at him through half-opened eyes, already feeling spent. But Rick just smirked, his own gaze intense and fiery as he took in how it was obvious that you’d just been thoroughly fucked. He was slowly unbuttoning his shirt, eager to get rid of it as his rut continued to get worse and the material scratched at his skin.
“Baby, I ain’t even close to being done,” he told you like it was a promise. “You sure you can handle it?”
Your only response was to pull your own shirt up and over your head, before throwing it off to the side, followed by your bra. When you were both completely naked, Rick moved closer to you again, caging your body under his and trapping you against the wall. He lifted up one of your legs and wrapped it around him before pushing himself slowly back into you.
Your pussy still felt almost hypersensitive, but it also gave you a strange sense of completion to feel him deep inside you again. Your eyes fluttered shut and your head fell back to rest against the wall as he gradually picked up the pace again, still feeling mostly pleasure but also like it was all too much. Then you felt Rick move closer until his chest was touching yours and his lips pressed an affectionate kiss to your cheek.
“You’re okay, ‘mega,” he murmured. “I’ve got you, just let go.”
You turned your head until his lips met your own and Rick reacted instantly, molding his mouth to yours and kissing you deeply. His lips were always so soft and yet also passionate whenever he kissed you, and this time was no different, there was just the added addition of him thrusting into you at the same time. You tried to do as he said, allowing yourself to just open up and forget about your reservations, but with the way his movements were now a lot gentler, your fears came crawling back in.
Your inner omega wanted nothing more than to just be vulnerable and take comfort in how he was soothing the burning ache of your heat. While your mind was still stubborn and afraid to show any kind of sensitivity around him. Rick must have picked up on it, because he slowly pulled his lips from yours and your eyes fluttered back open, only to find him intently looking at you.
“Y/N,” he murmured. “What’re you so scared of?”
You looked away, down at his shoulder, but then Rick’s fingers were on your chin and coaxing you to meet his gaze again.
“I don’t want you to see me as weak,” you admitted softly.
“Baby, I know you’re not,” he assured you.
“I want to be your equal,” you continued.
“You are,” Rick promised, a small smile curving up on his lips. “But it’s okay to let go. I’m gonna take care of you, give you what you need.”
He gave another deep thrust into you and your eyes rolled back from the force of it and how it caused a wave of euphoria to roll over you. Then Rick was pressing kisses along your neck, and it was almost like they were a soothing balm, washing away the discomfort from what had happened earlier.
“You don’t have to be in control all the time,” he spoke against your skin. “Let me help you feel good, ‘mega.”
As his teeth nipped down playfully against your skin, your body seemed to make the decision for you. Your back arched again, pressing your chest right against Rick’s and your mind seemed to finally release all the doubts and reservations you had, allowing you to just feel.
You felt the way his cum and your slick mixed together, coating both his cock and your walls as he pushed it deeper and deeper into you with each smack of his hips against yours. You experienced the way his scent mixed together perfectly with yours, the fiery elements of his rut and your heat entwining within them. You reveled in the way his skin soothed the burning sensation of yours as it touched you and how his lips and tongue lavished your mating gland with attention.
Rick was calmer now, with his initial anger and frustration being vented out after he came for the first time. But something about his gentle and affectionate touch still brought you towards that peak of pleasure you craved and when he bit down a little harder on your scent gland, all reason started to leave your mind, becoming replaced only with a deep sense of want and need.
“You’re mine,” Rick murmured, fingers digging into the skin of your thigh as he continued holding it up and thrusting into you. “Mine, ‘mega.”
“Am I?”
You couldn’t help but question his declaration, as frustration overcame you. If you were his, then you wanted him to just bite down properly into your mating gland already. Your retort had the desired effect to a certain degree though, as he bit down harder and sucked around the skin in retaliation. But then he was pulling back and looking at you with so much heat in his gaze, that you became transfixed.
“You know you are, baby. Don’t deny it.”
Rick moved his free hand to the back of your head, letting his fingers tangle into your hair and tugging it back slightly. The last of your resolve faded and all you cared about now was making it undeniably true.
“Prove it,” you challenged him.
Rick hesitated for only a few seconds, before he saw that you were serious and then he was pulling your head back even further and tilting it to the side so that your neck was offered up to him. Your eyes fluttered shut again, right before he bent his head and sunk his teeth deep into your skin, causing a deep and guttural moan of satisfaction to escape you.
You had never felt anything so intense and primal as him possessively staking his claim on you. The sensuous feeling it elicited spread out from where he was leaving his mark on you and extended throughout your entire body. You squeezed down around him as he thrust into you again, feeling another orgasm wash over you from the intensity of it all. Rick’s hips stuttered against yours in reaction to the way your pussy spasmed around his cock, attempting to milk him dry again of everything he had to give you.
He groaned with rampant desire, the sound vibrating against the tender and sensitive skin on your neck that he had just bitten into. Rick held himself still for a moment, his cock pushed to the hilt inside you and his teeth buried into your mating gland. But then he was cumming once more, filling you up again and moaning out sounds which conveyed his immeasurable pleasure. He released his tight grip on your hair, running his hand down your back and pulling you as close as he could possibly manage.
You weren’t quiet either, your voice becoming hoarse from how you couldn’t stop moaning and you wondered briefly if the way your nails dug into his skin hurt him. But Rick didn’t make any protests, seeming like he was too absorbed in the way you were wrapped around each other, and how your scents seemed to collide and become one.
Eventually, his teeth loosened their grip on your flesh, and he lapped his tongue around the wound to soothe it further. Your body had become weaker though, from both the force of your orgasm and the new sensations running through you from being claimed by him – your alpha.
“Rick…” you breathed out. “It’s too much…”
He pulled away from your neck, leaning his head back to look at you and his gaze softened as he regarded how utterly ravished you were.
“It’s okay,” Rick calmed you.
He carefully pulled out of you again, before setting your leg back down gently. You felt the mix of your slick and his cum trailing down your thighs, but barely paid it any mind. After giving you a moment to recover, he led you over to the bed and let you lie down. Your mind was in a bit of a daze as he climbed on top of you, and you wondered if he was just as desperate to keep you close as you were feeling about him.
Rick’s fingertips moved to trace soft patterns around your claiming bite, his gaze transfixed on the spot like he couldn’t believe he had actually done it. But you were more focused on the way your body grew uncomfortably hot again, still unbelievably desperate for more. Now that you were lying down and no longer working to hold yourself up, your inner omega demanded for you to continue.
Your legs were spread, and Rick was settled between them, so when your hips thrust up and your dripping wet pussy brushed against him, he turned his gaze back to yours with clear amusement.
“Omega…” he murmured, tenderly brushing his fingers along your cheek. “You sure you’re ready for more?”
“Yes,” you breathed out. “I mean… no… I don’t know, but I need something.”
“Okay, darlin’. Just relax.”
Rick seemed to understand what you couldn’t put into words, and he pressed himself closer to you, lowering his head to kiss along your neck again. His lips didn’t linger there for long though, and he kissed a path down to your collarbone as his hands moved up your sides. Then, simultaneously, one of his hands squeezed your breast as his lips enclosed over your nipple on the other.
His lips were gentle at first, lightly sucking on the sensitive peak as it hardened from his attentive touch. His fingers teased the other, gently pulling, tugging and then caressing so softly that it felt like sweet torture. You squirmed underneath him, conflicted between so desperately wanting more and yet also feeling like you wouldn’t be able to handle it.
Rick sucked down harder on your nipple, letting his tongue flick out and stimulate the tip of the delicate and hardened nub. Your back arched yet again and you squeezed your eyes shut, feeling so hypersensitive everywhere and all at once. Then, Rick let his free hand move down your stomach, until it fell to that eager place right between your thighs, running tantalizingly over your clit.
You didn’t think you could take more of his cock for the moment, but your clit was aching for more attention and from the enthusiastic sound you let out as he made contact, Rick seemed to realize exactly what you needed. You felt his lips curve up into a smile against your breast, as he continued to spoil them both with attention. His teeth playfully, but ever so gently nipped at your nipple and you squirmed beneath him again.
So, then Rick lifted his body slightly, so that he could continue rubbing his fingers over your clit, back and forth. The movements were languid at first, gradually working to increase your desire. His long fingers just kept gliding over you and stimulating your sensitive nub repeatedly. But then he picked up his rhythm, little by little until your hips were bucking wildly and the sound of his skin moving against your wetness reverberated all around you.
He was relentless, moving his mouth to your other nipple, bringing it between his teeth and then licking at it fervently. The mix of the pinch from his teeth and the sweet licks of his tongue drove you wild. And as his hand rubbed against your clit enthusiastically, you felt another orgasm approaching. You were moaning constantly, your wanton cries echoing through the building, but you didn’t care. All you wanted – needed – was to cum again.
Rick must have sensed it, because he pulled his hand away briefly, before bringing your clit between his thumb and forefinger, pinching down slightly on the sensitive nub.
“Fuck!” You practically screamed out.
A sense of ecstatic release finally washed over you and you swore that you could see stars. Your entire body seemed to spasm and tense as it crashed over you like a tidal wave. Your legs shook and your fingers found their way to his thick hair, gripping onto him desperately. Rick never let up, continuing to tease your nipples and gently running his thumb over your clit.
You didn’t even get a chance to fully recover, as he then began kissing further down your body, and continued to stimulate your sensitive skin. As his lips descended further and fell to your lower stomach, your hips seemed to buck up of their own accord and Rick let out a light, amused laugh. You opened your eyes again when you felt his mouth leave you and saw him looking up at you affectionately.
“You’re so impatient, baby,” he teased you.
“It’s your fault,” you practically whined out in response.
You were so caught up in the unrelenting sense of lust and desire your body was subjecting you to, that you didn’t care anymore if you were being vulnerable. You trusted Rick and you knew that he wouldn’t treat you any differently because of it.
More than anything, the bond you now had with him after he’d claimed you, made you certain of that fact because you could feel the way he was so unrestrained and open in how he felt about you. But that new bond also told you that your words had unintentionally made him cocky again, and the smirk that crept up on his lips only confirmed it.
“Tell me what you want, ‘mega,” he requested.
“You know what I want,” you moaned out with desperate need.
“No, baby,” Rick denied. “I need you to tell me.”
You threw your head back in frustration, but you could tell that he wouldn’t give up until you gave him what he wanted.
“I… I want…”
“Go on,” he coaxed you, fingers now gently caressing your inner thighs.
“I need your lips, your tongue…”
You trailed off, feeling embarrassed, but Rick didn’t mind. He loved the way you had come undone and seeing this new side of you.
“Where?” He spurred you on. “On my pussy…” you finished telling him, raising a hand to cover your face self-consciously.
He didn’t torture you any further because you felt his tongue give a light lick to your clit and then your hand lowered down to cover your mouth, curling into a fist and slightly stifling your desperate moan. Rick acted like he was testing out what your reactions would be, now giving another, firmer lick from the bottom and then directly over the sensitive nub until he reached the top.
“Rick…” you were definitely whining now. “Oh god, I can’t…”
He buried his head between your thighs then, his lips sucking down while his tongue gave fervent and relentless licks to your clit. Your fingers found their way into his hair again, holding him there, like he actually would have tried to pull away. But Rick was too lost in the sweet taste of you and the swell of pride he felt within him over the fact that he was making you react like this.
Rick didn’t have any plans to stop until you were cumming again. Within the fog of his rut and the way his cock throbbed and pulsed, aching to be inside of you again, he never wanted to stop. In that moment, he felt like he could have fucked you endlessly, brought you over the edge over and over without ever getting tired.
His fingers moved up your thigh, gently testing how sensitive you were as he carefully pushed two inside of you. Your only response was another moan, and he felt the way you clamped down around him, giving him the answer he needed. Rick began to thrust them into you at a steady pace, curling his fingers up occasionally to stimulate the bundle of nerves within.
You bit down slightly on your curled fist, as your hips moved wildly, thrusting upwards in desperation because your body still wanted more. Rick’s free hand moved to steady them, and he continued his torturous licking, sucking and the thrusting of his fingers. You were getting closer and closer to the edge again and he knew it, so Rick refused to let up. When his fingers curled inside you again and he rubbed them sensually against that spot, your legs spasmed once more, and so did your pussy.
“Fuck!” You cried out, like you couldn’t comprehend much else than that word. “Rick!”
And his name of course…
He gave a playful but gentle tug to your clit before he pulled his head back. You were breathing heavily as the euphoric feeling of release continued to rush through you and then you looked down at him. His lips – especially that bottom, more prominent one – were slightly moist with your slick and you felt yourself already aching for him again.
“I love the way you moan out my name baby,” he grinned, tongue darting out to lick his lower lip.
Your eyes were transfixed to the movement, and he just got even more smug.
“That good, huh?” Rick asked, the grin forming into a satisfied smirk.
“Shut it, cowboy,” you quipped, and he just huffed out an amused laugh.
“Move over a little,” he requested then.
He wanted to lay down beside you, and you shifted over so that he could. But you also saw that he was still hard and while his stamina left you both shocked and amazed, you’d known what you were getting yourself into. Besides, your own body was still desperate for more, so you sat up.
“Where’re you goin’?” He asked, reaching out to take hold of your arm.
You turned your head to look at him with a devious smile.
“Just relax,” you repeated his earlier words to you.
Rick frowned in confusion but relinquished his hold on you. Lifting yourself up to rest on your knees, you turned and swung one of your legs over him until you were straddling his thighs. You looked down at Rick – your alpha – and loved the way his hands seemed to automatically come to rest on your thighs.
“Baby, I know you’re tired,” he acknowledged. “You don’t have t– oh, fuck…”
You cut him off by rubbing your pussy along his still hardened length, teasing you both. His eyes drifted shut and his fingers dug into you, telling you how much he wanted it, despite his attempt to give you more of a break.
“Alpha,” you murmured.
Rick’s eyes snapped open, because it was the first time you’d ever called him that and he loved the way it sounded coming from your lips.
“I need it too,” you continued, reassuring him.
That was all the confirmation he needed, and Rick was quick to move his hold to your hips, lifting you high enough so that he could thrust right into you. You both let out eager moans and when his hips settled back onto the bed, you placed your hands lightly on his lower stomach to support yourself.
You could feel his muscles flexing under your hands and the way his cock throbbed inside your pussy. He was so god damned sexy, stretched out beneath you, with his body on full display. You loved how toned he was, the rise and fall of his chest as his breathing quickened with lust, the strength of his arms as they held onto you tightly.
Then there was the light but coarse hair covering his chest and below his stomach, trailing down to the place where your bodies met. The curls on his head stuck to his brow, meeting with his sweat slicked skin and his lips were slightly red and swollen from both kissing you and teasing the most sensitive parts of your body. Everything about him drove you crazy, but in the best possible way.
You began to grind your hips, slowly at first, as you enjoyed being the one in control. He let you fuck yourself onto him, only slightly guiding you where his hands still held your hips. You gradually picked up the pace, now letting your pussy slide up and down his cock as your hips continued to move in circular motions. But as your movements became more rapid and desperate, you felt the need to be closer to him again.
So, you leaned forward letting your hands come to rest beside him on the bed and the new angle caused more friction inside you. Your head bent down to kiss him and Rick was just as eager, meeting your lips enthusiastically with his own. They were still slightly swollen, so it felt different, but no less good. And when his tongue met your own, sensually pressing against it, the motion reminded you of what he had just been doing to your clit and your pussy clamped down on him at the memory.
Rick moaned into your mouth, one of his hands sliding up your back to pull you even closer. Now he was the one in control again, raising his hips to thrust into you wildly and you were forced to pull your lips from his as a cry of desperation left them.
“Oh god,” you moaned.
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as all you could feel was the way he was stretching and teasing and pleasuring you again. He fit inside you so perfectly, like his cock was meant for your pussy. The only thing you could hear was the slapping sound of your skin smacking together. The only thing you could smell was his scent, perfectly entwined with yours. The only thing you could feel was Rick – all of him.
Your head fell against his shoulder as he continued his ruthless but no less perfect pace. Then, you tilted it until your face was pressed against his neck and your lips were right against his scent gland. You kissed against it tentatively at first, before becoming more passionate, licking and sucking as well.
“You’re driving me crazy, ‘mega,” Rick breathed out, never letting up with his quick and enthusiastic thrusts.
“Please, Rick,” you moaned against his neck. “Please let me…”
You didn’t have to elaborate. He knew what you were asking.
“Look at me, omega,” he gently asked of you.
You reluctantly pulled your head back to meet his gaze and found it filled with unrestrained desire, but also affection.
“You sure?” Rick asked.
“Yes,” you replied without hesitation. “Can I?”
“’Course you can, baby,” he assured you. “I’m yours too.”
The affirmation only made you want him more, so you didn’t waste time and brought your head back down, briefly scenting him one last time before you sunk your teeth into his skin. Rick groaned from the intensity of it, likely feeling what you had when he’d done the same to you. A feeling of warmth and completion overcame you and your teeth continued to press into him possessively.
Rick pushed into you again, holding himself deep inside you as he let out those sounds of complete and utter pleasure, which you were quickly realizing meant he was about to cum. His cock twitched and pulsed inside you, bringing you closer to the edge as well. When he came again, that familiar and delicious warmth filling you up once more, you finally felt the fire within you burst and your walls contracted around him.
You relaxed your jaw and pressed kisses to the new claiming mark you had left on him as you both reveled in the ecstasy of another shared orgasm. Rick finally seemed to be getting to the point where he would be sated, but you weren’t done yet. You lifted yourself back up, his cock still spurting the last of his cum inside you, and you leaned back. Then, you began to thrust above him again, teasing his cock even more.
“Baby…” Rick groaned. “I can’t stop…”
You just smiled, glad that he was just as desperate for more as you were. You continued your movements, slowly getting faster and slamming down on him harder. It felt so good; you’d barely felt that incessant inferno that was always present during your heats. The constant stimulation and multiple orgasms were keeping your body satisfied. You almost felt like the rest of the world faded away, and the only thing left was your body and his and the way they joined so perfectly together.
You were bouncing up and down on his cock now, still unsated, still needing to cum just one more time. Rick was reaching the end of his limits for now, so it didn’t take long before you felt him cumming again. But you still needed more, like you had become addicted to the feeling – addicted to him. So, you didn’t stop and just leaned back further, resting your hands on his thighs.
The new position caused his still throbbing cock to hit that bundle of nerves inside of you and you cried out in ecstasy, feeling your own release washing over you again. You became mindless amongst it all, like your body was reacting out of a sense of pure, primal instinct. Because you just kept fucking yourself onto him and thankfully, Rick didn’t seem to mind.
“Y/N…” he groaned out. “Fuck baby, I can’t–”
“Please don’t make me stop,” you begged, desperate for just a little more.
“No ‘mega,” he managed to say, encouraging you to keep going.
He held on tightly to your hips, grinding you down against him and you both let out a simultaneous moan. His cum was leaking out of your pussy again, covering his cock as you were completely stuffed full. You continued to grind down against him, your walls squeezing around him and coaxing him towards another orgasm.
It didn’t take long, but it was less intense this time as your pussy drained Rick greedily of the last of his cum. You threw your head back, enjoying the mixed sensation of the warm liquid and the way his cock pulsed deep inside you. It felt like your mind was separate from your body, just briefly, as your own orgasm washed over you, just as intensely as the last few times.
Your body seemed almost stiff as it contracted with unmatched pleasure. Your breaths came out in heavy pants and your entire body was covered in droplets of sweat. You kept your eyes squeezed shut as your legs quivered and your pussy continued to spasm, while your hips just kept grinding against him, albeit less frantically. Slowly, the sensation died down though and you felt blissfully complete, in a strange way.
It took a while for both your mind and body to completely settle, but when you came back to yourself, you realized that he had finally begun to soften inside of you. Lifting your hips up, you let him slip out of you and then carefully moved to lay beside him. Rick turned onto his side, looking thoroughly spent and satisfied. Yet, when his gaze met yours, it became filled with adoration, and you smiled tiredly at him.
“Get some rest, ‘mega,” he told you gently, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you closer to him.
You just nodded and let your head rest against his chest as you let out a content sigh. The insatiable lust and desire you had felt just moments ago began to melt away and your eyes drooped sleepily. Rest sounded good and being wrapped up in Rick’s arms felt even better. So, you let yourself begin to drift off, now finally feeling utterly sated.
A/N: Sorry that the end is kinda abrupt lol but these rut/heat smut chapters take A LOT out of me lmao and I’ll be doing it again for my next Rick request haha but that one is very different (involving a sheltered virgin omega reader) so hopefully it will feel new and different too. Anyway, I hope this wasn’t repetitive or too much like the Claim.
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Alex Blake Couple's HC's
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Alex Blake x reader warnings: language, mentions of alcohol, mentions of smut if you squint. Just some nice little headcanons to try and help spark some creativity for this week!! Feel free to send in some requests!!
Gives nose/forehead kisses
Alex is the *queen* of forehead/top of head kisses. Little ones in moments where you’re busy doing something, on the phone, working, cooking, she likes to press little kisses to your head while passing by, just as a small reminder of how much she loves you without having to distract you from whatever you’re doing.
Gets jealous the most
Neither. You’re both incredibly secure in your relationship, you care about each other and trust each other.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk
I’m giving this one to alex. While she’ll have a glass of wine or two with dinner, or a few more to celebrate special days she’s not the biggest drinker, especially out of the house. But she’ll always make sure to come pick you up after a night out, helping you home, making sure your make up is off, you’ve changed into the coziest pyjamas, and have a glass of water on the bedside table.
Takes care of on sick days
Quite obviously Alex. She has a million home remedies that she’ll bring out the moment you start to feel the tickle in your throat. Most of the time she manages to get it before it morphs into a full blown cold/flu, but when she doesn’t she’ll take a few days off work to take care of you. She’ll make sure you’re getting enough sleep/rest, proper nutrition, likely make chicken noodle soup from scratch, the ultimate comfort food that always makes you feel a million times better.
Drags the other person into the water on a beach day
This one goes to you, though Alex enjoys it. She usually expects a beach day to just sit in the sun, catch up on some reading that she’s been dying to do for ages, and for once it’s not related to work.  You’ll start with a nice little walk along the waterline, letting it cool your feet in the sand and next thing Alex knows she’s letting out a playful shriek as you’re tugging at her arm and pulling her deeper into the water.
Gives unprompted massages
Alex. It just comes with the very nurturing personality. If you’re on the couch after dinner she’ll likely have your head in her lap where she’ll play with your hair gently, or your legs draped across her lap where she’ll massage your feet/legs and often gesture for you to shift so she can work on your shoulders.
Who drives? Who rides shotgun?
It swaps back and fourth, generally just whichever car is closer to the street/accessible, whoever’s car it is drives. If it’s a long, out of the city trip, you’ll usually offer to drive, letting Alex get some work done while you do so. Alex also doesn’t like driving at night much anymore.
Brings the other lunch at work
You. Alex is always busy, and often would end up working through lunch, or at least eating at her desk so she welcomes the days that you pop up at her side with food. You always come knowing that she could be whisked away in a moment, or not have the time to actually break for lunch, but you’ll happily sit at her desk with her to eat. You also keep her go bag stashed with snacks for the longer flights and tough cases with not as much free time.
Has the better parental relationship
I’m gonna go with you on this one. While Alex doesn’t have a bad relationship with her family, she still kinda avoids them unless she can’t avoid it kinda thing.
Tries to start roleplaying in the bedroom
Neither of you. It’s not something either of you are really into, especially any more intense roleplay. Alex is usually a very tender lover, gentle and soft, though she will drag things out for as long as she possibly can, watching you come undone as many times as possible.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer
This one’s gonna go to Alex. She doesn’t drink often but occasionally a bottle of wine with dinner at home will lead to some after dinner drinks, which leads to giggles and joking, starts off with some cute dancing in the living room and then the next song that comes on is something faster paced and next thing you know you’re laughing so hard you’re crying.
Still cries watching titanic
You. Alex does have a soft spot for classic romantic movies, but she prefers the older ones. She’ll sit through titanic for you, but finds herself being very bored in the first half of it.
Firmly believes in couples costumes
This is either you or neither of you. You’re at the stage of your life that dressing up for random parties doesn’t happen, and Halloween is just about giving out candy, there might be a headband with cat ears but that’s about as far as you’re going.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
Neither of you. Alex’s gifts are always super personable, sentimental and from the heart. She’ll craft something together that means the absolute world to you without having to be expensive or fancy.
Makes the other eat breakfast
Both of you. Most mornings you’ll have time to eat together, but if things are moving quickly, it’s often Alex ends up just having coffee on her way out the door (and it’s those days that you’ll definitely be showing up with lunch or shoving a muffin and a piece of fruit into her bag for when she realizes she’s starving in an hour). Weekends are when she’ll cook up a big brunch for the two of you, pancakes or waffles, bacon, fruit, hashbrowns, the works!
Remembers anniversary
Both of you. Most of the time you do something more lowkey, just a nice takeout dinner at home accompanied by your favourite movies and a nice bottle of wine. Alex will put a little more into the substantial ones, your first year together you celebrated more, and then it lay kinda quiet until you hit five years, and so on.
Brings up having kids.
I think this is a neither of you. You’re completely happy with just the two of you, you’re both busy with work all the time and enjoy spending what free time you do have with each other, there’s no desire for kids.
@svulife-rl @clarawatson @hbkpop @momlifebehard @alexusonfire @itisdoctortoyousir @temilyrights @alexxavicry @leelizzzle @mysticfalls01 @evilregal2002 @alcabots @ladysc @dextur @disneyfan624 @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @lex13cm @prentiss-theorem
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