#he didnt get his clothes back after getting them shot off
scolek · 8 months
akai "unfuckable" meganii
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loveandmurders · 2 months
Imagine Michael Myers ruined your life. He killed your boyfriend and your friends because you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. You have been able to run away just in time, but he left scars on your body.
You couldn't stop watching them and you couldn't stop thinking about him. You used to be such a normal and mentally stable person, but then... You grew obsessed with revenge. You were a wounded animal desiring to wound in return.
So you started to plan out how you were going to kill the big and frightening Shape.
Imagine you completely change your basement for it to become the most perfect prison. You could easily tie someone there, and you could even more easily kill them without anyone to hear anything about it.
Transforming your basement was the easy part, then you needed to get Michael Myers out of the asylum and to trap him there. But you were smart, ressourceful and ready to murder him and to be covered in his blood.
You did get him out of the asylum by briding a few guards and nurses. You patiently waited for him to go back to his house, where you were waiting for him. Gosh, waiting was driving you even crazier.
Imagine taking Michael Myers by surprise; you shot him and hit him on the head. No matter how strong he was, he collapsed. You painfully pulled him to your car and brought him to your home. Whenever people heard Michael was out of his cell, they were hiding so it was easy for you to go unnoticed.
You were quick to bring him to your basement, not caring about the way his head was hitting one step after the other, or the way his shooting wound was staining his clothes. You were quick to tie him down with chains even an elephant couldn't tear apart.
And then you waited again. You wanted for the man to see your face before hurting him and killing him. You needed him to know who was hitting him.
Imagine Michael waking up in your basement, half confused of what was going on. He quickly understood he wasn't back at the asylum. He had no idea who you were, not that he cared. He simply wanted to kill you, to dismantle you and to forget about you. He didn't show his surprise when he couldn't break free from his chains.
"I'm gonna kill you so slowly" you darkly promised him and it made him completely freeze. He recognised your cold anger. You started to interest him.
You didn't try to guess what he was thinking; no one could understand him anyways. You just wanted him to suffer. You tried to make him scream, but you could slice his skin, burn him, break his fingers... and yet he wouldn't show anything.
Imagine getting so angry, you had to leave the room. You didnt want to kill without him to experience true pain and you wanted proof he was in pain.
It was then he hit you. Physically hurting him was useless. You needed to play with something so deep inside of him, that it would break him. You needed him to fall in love with you and then to put him back into the asylum, so far away from you, driving him insane.
You read about Stockholm Syndrome a lot. You fed Michael, you took care of his wounds, and then you would let him rot for a few days alone downstaires. You were alterning between abuse and some sort of "tenderness".
You were patient and it started to pay off. Whenever you were coming downstairs, Michael was instantly trying to get free of his chains, but not to escape, just to touch you. He couldn't think, all he knew was that he needed you more than oxygen. When you were around, he was behaving like a dangerous puppy trying to please you. When you were punishing him and leaving him alone in the dark, you were only feeding his obsession of you.
Imagine one night, you got a little bit tired and hence not being as careful as you should have been around a monster like Michael. You have come too close to him and you haven't moved quick enough. He caught your wrist and easily made you fall on his lap. You found yourself straddling him. You tried to move from him but his big hands were around your waist, keeping you close.
He had never wanted to kiss or to pleasure someone before, but he would be on his knees in between your legs if only you had wanted it. Him. He took in your scent and nuzzled in your neck as his hands softly slipped under your top so he could feel how soft and warm your skin were.
"Michael" you warned him and he froze "Let me go, or I'll be very mad"
Imagine the most dangerous of killers, twice your size and three time your strenght, letting you go. You saw the shadow of a pout on his face. He was so disappointed. Everything felt so cold without you.
You quickly went upstairs, not caring about the wounded grunts echoing in the basement as Michael was desesperate to watch you go. It was then you understood he was ready. He was ready to be put back in the asylum, far far away from you.
You went to work and when the night came, you joined Michael with some meal. You watched him eat and drink his water. You praised him before settling on his lap on your own accord, but you forbidad him from touching you. And even if he was struggling he obeyed as you moved closer. You didn't really know why but you kissed him, and he instantly - and yet a little bit clumsily - replied to it.
"You're gonna be a good boy to me and you're gonna have a little walk near by your house, okay?" you told him. Michael didn't understand why you would ask him to go "But then you come back. I want to see if I can trust you without those chains" you explained to him and he nodded.
Imagine playing with fire and removing his chains. He didn't care about the bruises littering his wrists and ankles. He only wanted to touch you. He had been love and touch starved his whole existence, and if his lack of empathy helped him to pretend it was alright, now he was in need of you. You allowed him to roam your body and to squeeze your flesh with want.
Soon enough you asked him to go and he reluctantly obeyed. He left your house with the only desire to come back to you. But before, he knew he had to obey to you like he used to obey his mother. He went near his former home - because his home was now you. You called the police on him.
He fought like a lion, but there were too many cops and doctors, even for him. He got shot with sedative. Next time he opened his eyes, he was back to his cell in the asylum. And he quickly lost it. Doctors had to intervene, to sedate him again and to tie him up to his bed as he was destroying everything around.
Dr. Loomis had no idea why the usually quiet man, was getting so out of himself. Nothing could calm down Michael, who was absolutely going even more insane the more time he was being away from you. He couldn't stand a world without your warmth and presence. You were a drug, the only thing he ever desired, the only thing that made him feel something.
Imagine missing the flash news about Michael Myers escaping the asylum, as you were asleep on your couch.
Imagine waking up to your front door being torn apart. You ran to your kitchen, grabbed a sharp knife and was ready to dialled 911 when you saw Michael coming into view.
He took a few more steps before kneeling down in front of you, showing you he was no threat to you, and more importantly that he was all yours.
"Oh. You came back home" you whispered to yourself as he wrapped his arms around your mid section.
He was indeed back home.
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chiefdirector · 10 months
I'm feeling kinda sappy.
Could I ask for a story where Gibbs gets married to the reader and she moves into his house. Gibbs is away on a case and maybe she starts going through boxes in the basement and digs up pictures of his mom, dad, Kelly and Shannon. She hangs up a bunch of their pictures on a wall. Gibbs comes home sees it. He stares at it and is very quiet. The reader is nervous but then Gibbs tells her it's perfect and no one he's ever been married to wanted to honor them like this.
we keep this love in a photograph... | Jethro Gibbs | NCIS
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I know it isn't exactly how you asked, but i took a few liberties, hope you don't mind
(Y/N) knew she shouldn't have been snooping around, it could break the trust that she worked so hard to earn, but she couldn't resist. Jethro had recently asked her to move in with him, a big step considering the nature of their relationship. They had to work together and trust that their lives would be safe in the other's hands, but living together meant not only trusting your life with someone, but opening it up to them too.
She knew that Jethro had a past filled with too much sorrow for one man to carry alone. He had tried to bury it in failed marriage after failed marriage, eventually resigning himself to the bachelor lifestyle. He had tried to continue his ways when he met her, but she was something new, something unexpected.
Vance had given (Y/N) the day off to move her stuff in and get settled fully. She had spent countless nights and weeks here with her lover but had never really left anything here except a toothbrush and a spare set of clothes. She never really needed anything more. It was easy enough to part ways with most of her belongings, sofas and dinings chairs never meant all to much anyways. Managing to fit most of her stuff her a pick-up truck, she had set off to her new home.
It was only when she opened the old hallway cupboard to store her now empty suitcases did she find the box. It wasn't labeled, but the creases and fingermarks on the cardboard showed that it had been opened and shut rigorously over the years. The rest of Jethro house was meticulously organised, there wasn't anything that didnt have its own place. Nothing was stored where it wasn't meant to. Especially old boxes.
Slowly, she opened the box and peered inside, being greeted by several picture frames. Most of them were empty, or cracked. There was no reason to keep any of them. Still she flicked through the frames. Lifting the last, she made eye contact with a young redhead holding a small infant. Even though (Y/N) didn't recognise the faces, she knew who they belonged to; Shannon and Kelly.
Quickly, she put the box back, but left the final frame out. She placed it on the sofa before trekking down to the basement, her mind focussed on one thing only.
Jethro got home hours after the sunset.
The house was quiet and still, he had expected as much. After toeing off his shoes, made his was through the house, intending to set the coffee maker ready for the morning. One less thing to think about in the far too early hours of the day. He stopped before he made it to the kitchen.
Jethro wasn't a man that hesitated, but the sight of his smiling wife and daughter handing on the wall made him freeze. Her bright eyes and red hair was the last thing he had expected to see, but after the day he had, he couldn't be more thankful.
He took a moment, turning to his left to find (Y/N) laying on the couch, nails and hammer strewn messily on the coffee table. Her engagement ring shone in the moonlight. Gently, he shook her shoulder to wake her.
(Y/N) hummed tiredly. "You're home?"
"Thank you." Jethro said, ignoring her question.
She shot up at the memory of what she had done. Making eye contact with him, then the photograph. "You don't mind. I didn't overstep, did I?"
"Not at all." Jethro sat next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder to pull her onto his chest. "Not at all."
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bunnyreaper · 11 months
guy fawkes/bonfire night with the 141
(mild nsfw/18+, mostly fluffy though)
as the resident demolitions expert, you best believe johnny has that shit on lock. he refuses to go to an organised display because he just knows he can do way better. his job gives him the expertise and access to anything he might need (and ghost secretly helps him assemble anything else if they need to skirt the law just a lil)
he ends up with a massive cache of intricately rigged up fireworks all perfectly timed--johnny had been planning it on and off for half the year, working on preparing for all of october and pulling late nights leading up to november 5th.
he bonds/flirts with you by begging you to help him a little with the set up. of course you don't really know enough to help, but you hold things for him, give him encouragement and listen to his excited rambles after you make sure to ask questions to get him going.
when the big night finally comes, he's setting off remote detonators with glee, pulling you into his body as the two of you watch the display. you get lost watching the sparkle in his eyes--both his passion and the flurry of sparkling explosions.
the sex that night is even more frantic than usual, johnny filled with excitable energy after watching all the blasts.
simon is in charge of the bonfire and is very territorial about it. starts collecting huge amounts of wood early on and setting it all up in the field behind the barracks. the whole thing is stacked PERFECTLY, structurally sound as fuck and to go up in a barrage of flames.
he'd love to make "guys" to set up on the bonfire, leaning into his goofy side. some of them have masks just like him, some of them have printed out faces as your enemies, one of them has hastily sewn in features that look a LOT like soap... but simon swears it's just coincidence when the scot loses his mind looking at it.
he's happy you have to quietly tag along as he sets up, and occasionally indulges you in chat as the two of you carry piles of wood back and forth. of course he keeps jokes for the occasion in his back pocket.
on the night he lights the fire, steps back and admires his work as he hugs you from behind, cradling you as he rests his head on the top of yours and the two of you listen to the crackle of flames as they lick up the sides of the structure. as the night goes on, his hands start to wander over your body and his lips find their way to your neck, making you burn hotter than the fire did.
john is on general dad duty ensuring safety, but more importantly he's pn hot chocolate duty. his recipe is a special one (and yes there's a bit of whiskey in there of course) passed on from his mother and his grandmother.
he's insistent on everyone having a thermos filled with it, to keep you warm and to enjoy the start of winter properly. of course while handing out the flasks he tells stories of bonfires he saw as a kid.
he invited you along with him while he worked in the kitchen, allowing you to be the only one to know about his secret addition to the drink (you'd giggled and encouraged him to add more, as well as making him do a shot as he prepared the other drinks).
the two of you had a blast shoving the whipped cream can into the thermos to fill it up with the topping--and price had definitely squirted some on your face.
he also put you in one if his oversized jackets, wrapped a scarf around you and made sure you were covered in layers of clothes and hats and gloves. he didnt want you getting cold even for a split second. the coat smells just like him as he leads you out into the field hand in hand, his other holding a bag with your hot chocolate filled thermos' in.
when you make it back to your room after all the festivities, he makes sure to warm you up properly, pinning you to the bed making you feel drunker than the whiskey-filled beverage did.
kyle takes point on setting up a cozy space for you all, but especially for you. he knows exactly what he has in mind to make the night just perfect for you. he sets up a little lean-to or two, lays down a picnic spread and fills it with all the warmest and comfiest blankets and cushions for you to lounge on. he strings dimmed fairy lights across the top, lays some lanterns around the outside and creates the most enchanting little set up imaginable.
he does it all because he knows it'll make your night, your month, your year. yes the guys will be there two but this is all for you, because he knows something so pretty and aesthetic and cozy will make your heart so happy.
he makes sure to help you snap photos of the comfy space, making sure the memory is never forgotten, but mentions that he has one final thing before you all get comfortable and wrapped up in the blankets.
he has a stack of sparklers waiting for you, as he knows they're one of your favourite parts of the occasion. two two of you take cute photos with the sparklers, with kyle showing you how to make the trail show up by giving the shot a long exposure time, of course the two of you draw hearts together.
later on when you're cuddled up, maybe his hand sneaks under the blanket and finds your clit, making sure you really see sparks.
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peekawoocc · 5 months
P.s. decided randomly to make a part 2. There's prob gonna be 2 more parts. I'm already in the middle of writing part 3. To be honest, this feels more like part 1.5 instead of part 2, but oh well.
Cw: nothing really, this has fluff and just transitional plot between parts 1 and 3.
(And yes, true to theme there will be a cockblocking element in each part lol. The cockblocking in this is really just interrupted sleep.)
Cockblocked in Wano pt.2
You faintly come to your senses, feeling heat radiating your face. Sunlight.
As you yawned and rubbed away the sleepiness from your eyes you began to sit up. Until you felt something keeping you firmly laid down. The sunlight wasn't the only warmth lingering on your skin.
Looking to the thing keeping you bound to the firm ground you saw quite a beautiful sight.
Law looked like he was having the best sleep of his life. Little did you know, it was indeed the best sleep he's had in a while.
You watched the rise and fall of his chest as he slept, a little bit of drool on the corner of his lips. You quietly giggled to yourself and pecked a few kisses to his forehead and cheeks. You could stay like this forever. Maybe being his wife would be better than only pretending. Admiring the peaceful bliss on his face quickly came to a halt as the door to the makeshift house opened quickly and loudly. You and Law both shot up quickly, just to be met with Usopp's disapproving gaze. He looked like a dissapointed father. Sanji and Franky behind him, both of them with their jaws on the floor.
"Are you kidding me, y/n? Seriously?", Usopp said in an annoyed tone.
"What?" You asked innocently.
Usopp quickly grabbed you and pulled you to the side to whisper to you.
"So even after my reasonable warnings, you went ahead and slept with the biggest nerd in Wano last night?"
"HEY! I HEARD THAT!" Law interjected, the once peaceful expression covered in newfound aggravation.
You blushed at the word "slept" Usopp had spoken.
"Wait...WAIT! YOU DIDNT...DID YOU!?!" Usopp began, looking between your flustered face, Law, and the matching kimonos you were suddenly wearing.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY PRINCESS!?!" Sanji yelled, putting the clues together as he started grabbing Law's kimono and yanking him up off the ground.
"CALM DOWN! HER KIMONO GOT DIRTY! I HAD A SPARE ONE!" Law began, trying to save both your asses. Which would have been fine but you knew Law wouldn't lie, so you knew you needed to come up with yet another excuse.
Time to play lawyer again.
It's not that you were ashamed of what you had done together, but you couldn't deny that he'd much rather not have to deal with all of this first thing in the morning. You didn't want to lie to your crewmates, but you definitely didnt want to catch more hell than you already had. Especially when your newfound romance had just began.
"OH YEAH? WHY WAS HER KIMONO DIRTY, HUH?" Sanji asked looking like he was ready to kill Law, more angry with the tattooed man than he had ever been. Even with Zoro.
"Look...those stupid seeds Usohaci left for me went off for some reason. And it directly covered me, so Law offered to clean me up and give me his other kimono," you began, hoping they'd buy it. But as you paused they all stared at you, expectantly waiting for you to continue.
"He was being helpful to me in my time of need," you then looked to Usopp, "and he was there for me at a very vulnerable moment when I really needed him,".
See, he is trustworthy Usopp!
"Oh yeahhhh, then where's your 'dirty' kimono now?" Usopp said in a mocking tone, thinking he'd caught you in a lie.
"It went *poof*," you said expressing the action with hand motions. Which was completely true, because when you remove the clothing kinemon gives you, it poofs back into whatever inanimate object it originally was.
"Oh yeah, I forgot that was a thing with Kinemons power," Usopp said the gears turning in his head, turning in your favor of getting the 3 men off your case.
"Wait, but what about those marks on your neck? Are those...*gasp* HICKIES!?!" Usopp said, bewildered and you could see the electricity in the glare Law and Sanji held.
"No no no...the surprise of the seeds going off made me fall...and my neck just happened to land on some rocks...," you had nothing. However, Sanji seemed convinced.
Sanji sighed and dropped his hold on Law. Usopp just shrugged. If Sanji believed you why shouldn't Usopp follow suit?
"Well, thank you for taking care of our sweet lady. I respect you more, for what it's worth," Sanji said calmly as he lit a cigarette.
"Wish I could saw the same for some you damn straw hats," Law glared at Sanji.
"Well, regardless, I think its cute," Franky finally including himself in the conversation.
Everyone raised an eyebrow at him.
"Oh, you know, because y/n is pretending to be Traffy-dude's wife... and they're wearing matching kimonos. It's starting to look more legit," Franky grinned.
Just when you had gone through so much trouble to make your face deadpan to lie to your crewmates, here you were with a strong red blush on your face. While you were in your head finally realizing that everyone was going to see you and Law in matching kimonos, Sanjis expression turned depressed and Usopp palmed his face in dissapointment of how easily your face gave you away. Making your feelings ever more apparent to your crewmates.
As you glanced among the men, you could've of sworn you saw Law blush, even for just a moment.
You brought your hair to one side of your neck, realizing that you needed to hide Laws marks. This was going to be embarrassing enough.
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skyechild · 1 year
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𖤐 pairing: Seungcheol x Jeonghan x Reader (M/M/F) 𖤐 genre: a fuck of angst, smut towards the end, then fluff. 𖤐 warnings: bruises, Jeonghan being possessive with Cheol, dont have intercourse if youve had any alcohol at all, alcohol towards the end 𖤐 wc: 8.2k 𖤐trope/au: f2l, non-idol 𖤐 summary: It was only supposed to be an outing with the boys, nothing more. But what happens when you wake up in the bed of the one couple in the group, AND you can remember everything. this is also mostly for Ki bcuz its Jeongcheol <3 𖤐 notes: this was supposed to be small i promise...ITS FINALLY DONE 𖤐 tag list: @cultofdionysusnet / @stravvberrymilksan / @kwanisms
It wasnt supposed to end like this. With you waking up in Jeonghan and Seungcheol's beds not in your clothes from the night before. It was supposed to end with you under their covers between them while they slept. It was only supposed to be a small outing with the group. You were only going for a few drinks, let the stress from every day jobs go away for the long weekend it....not end up in the bed of the only couple in the group.
The silence made you nervous, anxiety spiking. The sound sound that could hear was silence. Your mind had stopped and restarted. There was no fan or anything, you could barely register the deep breaths of the two boys beside you sleeping. You knew Seungcheol was a deep sleeper. But Jeonghan was a wild card. He never slept in a certain way, not deep nor light. Oh my god what if Joshua was looking for you?
The silence is so loud.
You (somehow) managed to slide out of bed without waking either, grabbing the dress you wore last night and putting it on after stripping off the shirt. You looked around for you phone, a pang in your chest when you watched Jeonghan roll into Seungcheols arms. You grabbed your phone off the table. You looked at your wrists. Bruised.
You opened the door, cringing at the slight creak before you slipped out, noticing the two didnt wake. Now to get out of their apartment. God this was a mistake. Youre never going to be able to face them again, you wont be able to face the rest of the boys knowing that you fucked the oldest two. You ruffled your hair aggressively. You fucked up big.
You wanted to scream, yell and run out into the streets. Sleeping out of apartment after slipping on your heels, giving it one last look. Looking at the clock you sighed when you noticed it was 5am. Good, it was early enough that you didnt need to worry about the walk of shame. You made the quick walk back to your apartment, opening the door to Joshua sitting on your couch. He looked you up and down before he sighed. "They marked you up good."
That was all it took before you choked out a sob. You knew Jeonghan hated sharing, the bruises on your wrists from when he refused to let you touch Seungcheol still hurt. Every time you moved your wrist there was a dull pain that shot through your arms. The hickeys werent pretty. They werent there from possessiveness. No, Jeonghan bit you out of jealousy. Sure the other was tipsy, he was never that angry with you. The tone of his voice scared you. Why did he entertain you then? Why did he bring you pain instead of kicking you out?
You fell into Joshuas arms. "He bit me Shua." You hiccupped, hugging him as tight as you could, ignoring the pain. "Not like a dog. He was jealous." You pulled back from the other and smiled slightly. Joshua has seen you naked so it didnt bother you when you let your dress fall. The bruises on your hips were from Seungcheol, given from lust, some of the hickeys were from the eldest as well. "Jeonghan...im never going to be able to look at him again."
You phone buzzed and Joshua took it out of your hand as you put the dress back on. "Go change into one of my shirts." You rubbed your eyes and sniffled. "Ok." He looked at you again. "Take a shower too." You smiled slightly, a huff leaving you of weak laughter. You nodded and headed to the bathroom.
Joshua took your phone and unlocked it. The passcode was his birthday and his was yours. The best of friends you were. Looking at the notif as he watched more came in. All from the two you were just with. Seungcheol was confused as to where you went, he had looked everywhere and couldnt find you. Multiple texts from Seungcheol, texts from Jeonghan were after. First they sounded like forced apologies then they seemed genuine then they seemed urgent, snaps and texts kept coming in, each more rushed and panicked then the last. Then the calls started.
He sighed, letting each one go to voicemail. Turning your phone off he forced a smile once you came back from the shower. "Go sleep now. Im going to keep your phone for now." You nodded as you turned back around. "Can i sleep next to you?" He nodded before you both walked to his room, him following once he locked the door.
How was he to tell you everything that was going on? They wouldnt probably start with him next considering you lived together. You and Joshua may have been best friends since diapers despite being a year apart but he knew you well enough to think you probably panicked. Once you laid down he got a full view of all the marks on your body. "Im going to grab some bruise cream ok? Ill be back." You nodded, sitting up and waiting.
He wasnt gone long, grabbing the cream from his bathroom as he came back. "Where did they all mark?" You held out your wrists, tilted your neck and then motioned under your shirt. "Seungcheol's werent out of anger." You murmured and he smiled. "I know. I hate to say it, but you should probably let him explain." You shook your head. "Not yet." You whispered and he nodded, understanding.
Once finished covering your bruises you both laid down, you scooting into his arms. He smiled softly as he hugged you close, stroking your hair until you drifted off. Hopefully the two had stopped. Reaching for the phone he placed on the table he turned it back on, all the old notifs coming in. He thanked you and himself that it was on vibrate. He sighed, looking at all the texts and snaps that the two had sent you. The voice mails also seemed to get from confused to worried then to concern and panic. That last text was 5 minutes before he had turned the phone back on.
'We are coming over.'
"Like hell you are." He mumbles, happy that he did all the locks. The only had the main key to get in. To break in you would need a Halligan tool, be strong enough to kick it down or be able to pick locks. Which he knew the others had none of the above. He placed your phone down just as the knocks on the door started. He rolled his eyes, when you stirred he started humming, hoping it would help enough.
It didnt.
You woke with a start once the knocks got louder and more aggressive. "Its just Seungcheol and Jeonghan." You tensed and he shook his head. "All the locks are done, they cant get in." He had installed the locks after there was a break in while you were home alone. He strokes your hair again before sighing. "Ill tell them to go away and youll text them when youre ready." He soothes and you hesitate to release him, not wanting to let go of the one thing keeping you somewhat tethered to reality and not up in the sky with anxiety.
You let him go, biting your lip as he disappears into the living room. He unlocks the door and blocks the door before either of them can try and shove themselves in. He raises a brow, crossing his arms. "Can i help you?" Joshua doesnt get angry easily, so when he does theres a fear thats in everyones body. He only get angry when it comes to your safety and health. He tolerates a lot but this is the angriest Jeonghan has ever seen him.
"Can we talk to Y/n?" Joshua chuckled at the question, the image of your bruises coming to his mind. "No you cannot." He smiled brightly, though the disbelief was in his eyes. "The bruises on her that i put cream on from you? I know your possessive but. Jesus fucking christ Han." Joshua rolled his eyes as Jeonghan's eyes widened before he shifted his eyes to Seungcheol. "She mentioned that yours were ok."
His eyes went back to Jeonghan. "Should put a fucking muzzle on you like a dog. You bite..." He paused. "..and not in a good way." By now you have made your way to the hallway, peeking around the corner to see whats going on. Joshua huffed as there was no answer. "I ask nicely. Please leave. She will talk to you when she wants to." Seungcheols eyes flick over his shoulders, locking eyes with you and they comically grow wider. His mouth opens to speak but you go back to hiding. His mouth shuts, a slight pout on his lips. Hes going to take it that means you dont want him to call out to you.
He furrowed his brows before his eyes went back to Joshua. He wants to ask why he cant talk to you when the Jeonghan is the problem. But he purses his lips., he sort of understands though, Jeonghan is possessive- wait...
"Wait..." Seungcheol speaks up for the first time. "What do you bruises. I only left some on her hips?" Joshua turns his gaze to the oldest of the three. "Our dear Hannie here-" He says the nickname almost mockingly. "-left aggressive bruises on her wrists and other places." He states. "But if you dont mind, its currently six-thirty am and id like to sleep so if you wouldnt mind leaving...thatd be great. Thanks, bye." Joshua takes the moment they are both dumbfounded to slam the door and lock it. All of the locks.
He walks back and hugs you tightly. "Dont show Hao. He is worse then me when angry." He smiles teasingly. At the mention of your brother you shake your head rapidly. "I wont. You cant either." He nods, waddling you both back to his room to sleep again, not bothering to listen for their footsteps leaving.
Youve both been mistaken for dating, multiple times. You tried once, but it felt too weird. But the pack you both had made remains. You waddle back with him, walking backwards while he led. "Still sleepy?" You nodded, resting your head on his chest. "How are you always so warm?" He chuckles, kissing the top of your head before turning a bit so you both land on your sides when you make it to the bed. The sheets werent made from when you snuck out but he manages to get them up and over you both. "Sleep well Y/n." He whispers.
Its only a day or two later that you decided to message them back. You read all the texts, watched the snaps and listened to all the voicemails. You arent sure youll ever forgive Jeonghan. It hurt, and everyone was buzzed but that still didnt excuse what he did. You remember everything and from what Seungcheol admitted, he didnt know of the bruises Jeonghan left.
Joshua had told you that you couldnt go to the doctor because they would get suspicious. Bruises that dark and everyone would set off the doctors who would tell the authorities. That was not an option. You sighed, resting your arms crossed on the table and let your head fall on them. Your sleeves covered the slowly fading bruises and managed to cover up the hickeys on your neck with make up, luckily you brother hadnt noticed. You had to convince Joshua to let you go alone, but he told you hed be down the street should something happen. You had smiled and nodded.
You tense, colour draining from your face as you heard the seats in front of you move. You didnt want to look up, you could tell who it was when they cleared their throat. You clenched your face. "Y/n? Can you look at u-me?" Seungcheol caught himself. He knew you probably didnt want to see the blonde right now, he was right.
Shaking your head you kept your forehead against the table, jerking your hands back when you felt your sleeves being moved. You heard a sharp inhale, most likely Seungcheol's. He passed out right after he had cum. Jeonghan had smacked away your hands when you reached over to remove the condom. The hushed whispering wasnt hushed, Seungcheol was never good at it.
"Jeonghan what the fuck." He hissed you you peeked up from your cover of your arms. "I dont know how to answer." He whispered back. Jeonghan was better at whispering, but you felt like he was being louder for your sake. "Theres really nothing i can say and it not sound like an excuse." He mumbled and you lifted your head and sat up straight, putting your hands in your lap as you looked out the window.
You bit your lip, trying to gather the courage. Jeonghan spoke before you could. "Y/n. Im really sorry. Its not that i didnt want you touching Cheol, yes you squirming under him was cute, but...I dont know how to explain it. "I know im possessive and i went too far." He took a deep breath. "I just didnt know if i wanted you to touch me first or him." You frowned at the words. "So you let bruises on me and bit me because...you didnt want me touching him before you? Jeonghan that is the biggest fucking excuse ive ever heard. Youre not a fucking dog Jeonghan. You dont just bite people you dont like. Why did you even entertain the thought of us sleeping together if you were going to act like that?" He looked down, not meeting your eyes.
"Because i want you! Ive wanted you for years! I wanted you since Shua introduced us." He confessed. Even Seungcheol seemed surprised at the confession. It was silent for a while. Again.
The silence was so loud.
You choked out a forced laugh. "Dont lie." You locked with him. "Im not. I know Cheol feels the same way...We dont really...sleep with other people. Example being..." He motioned to you and your hands fell onto your wrists. "I hate you." You spoke and Jeonghan felt his heart crack. "At least I want to hate you." You continued, Jeonghan's head shooting up. "Dont look so hopeful Han." You confessed, watching his shoulders slump.
"Im gonna give you a chance. But i...i dont think i can bare you touching me..." You murmur, biting your lip. "You hurt me Han..." You whispered. "I've never seen you like that, and you scared me. I have never been scared of you, but that...that was someone else i felt i didnt know. You were some stranger that looked like my Hannie." You whispered before you gaze went to Seungcheol.
"Hi Cheol..." He smiled, nodding at you as he scanned you. "Can i see...can i see your wrists?" He whispered and you wanted to say no, you wanted to so badly. Seungcheol was your weak spot. His wide eyes and pretty lips. Your heart skipped a beat whenever he smiled and you saw his dimples. You hesitated, raising one hand for Seungcheol.
He held out his hand, waiting till you put you hand in his. "Can i say something funny?" You nodded. His jokes or things he thought we funny either ruined the mood or made you cry from laughing. "I felt like ii shouldve said 'paw' just now." You cracked a smile, a soft giggle leaving you as Seungcheol held your hand carefully. When you looked up at him after staring at your hand in his, his dimples made you smiled wider. You loved his dimples so much.
He moved the sleeve to see your wrist and he was quiet for a moment before he leaned forward, pulling your hand a bit closer as he kissed the bruise. "Im so sorry for that Y/n." He whispered. His heart had dropped when he saw the bruise. You pulled your hand back, eyes flickering to Jeonghan whos mouth had open in shock. "..i really did that?"
He wanted to reach out and copy his boyfriend. Reach out and hold you hand so gently and place a kiss on the skin like Seungcheol did. But he wasnt going to touch you. Not only did you not want him to touch you, but he was scared to touch you again. He thinks it will take a while for both of you to be ok touch each other.
You nodded, glancing at him. He hated to look in your eyes. It wasnt fear, it was something like caution and hesitance. You looked away from him quickly, looking back at Seungcheol who still had his lips on your wrist. Removing them he sighed. "Im sorry i didnt notice." He whispered. You should your head. "It isnt your fault Cheol." You whispered before you took your hand back. "It was all our faults. We shouldnt have had sex at all." You said bluntly.
"We all had some alcohol. I guess i should be happy im not pregnant." You let out a small laugh. "I think id rather had these..." You motioned to your wrists. "...then be pregnant. Sorry Cheol, i know you have a breeding kink." You watched his jaw drop and you laughed, a smile appearing on Jeonghan's lips. Both had forgotten how much of a menace you were. An ugly snort left Jeonghan as he thought about it again.
You brought your hands back to your lap. "Thank you for agreeing to meet me." You murmured and Jeonghan smiled slightly. "Thank you for letting me explain." You nodded, smiling a bit. "I'll text you guys later?" They nodded and watched as you got up, texting someone before throwing them a smile. "Do you need a ride?" You shook your head. "Shua is just down the road." They nodded and got up to leave as well, walking you out and waiting til Joshua got there and you got in. Both boys got a slightly dirty look from him.
They guess they will have to kiss Joshua's ass to get his forgiveness.
--- Three months after
You and Jeonghan were working on skinship slowly. You were no long flinching when he reached for you. It was a small twitch now. Jeonghan didnt look so shattered when you moved away from him. Seungcheol was the only one you didnt move away from. Jeonghan had become less possessive, he didnt blow a fuse every time someone touched Seungcheol. He was happy to give you space, happy to watch you hug Seungcheol, it made Seungcheol happy so it made Jeonghan happy.
A few days later is when you finally approached Jeonghan, arms tight by your sides as you cleared your throats. “Hannie?” You whispered, watching as he spun around to face you, surprise evident on his face. “Can i hug you?” A smile spreads on his face as he nods, opening his arms, smiling when you came in for a hug. “Hi angel.” He whispered against your neck, a soft smile on his lips, hands stroking your hair and back.
“Thank you.” He heard you mumble into his chest and he tightened the hug. “No thank you." He pulled back a bit, pressing his lips against the side of your head. "We should go on a date." He murmured against your hair and you were quiet for a moment and it made Jeonghan almost retract his words. "A date?" He barely heard you mumble and he nodded, smiling down at you.
The bruises have faded by now but recently since you started letting Jeonghan give you skinship he would leave kisses on both wrists. He never mentioned it but you knew he was apologizing in his own way. You had smiled whenever he had placed kisses on your wrists. A constant silent 'im so sorry' in his own words. He didnt know how to apologize for it in words so he went into actions. Whenever you held his hand he would stroke the skin, almost unconsciously now.
"Yeah, go get ready peach." He smiled as he pulled away, patting your butt as you disappeared into the bedroom to change only to peek back out. "Fancy or casual?" Jeonghan glanced over his shoulder. "Casual." He smiled at you as you disappeared back into the room to change, returning to finishing the dishes. You stole one of Seungcheol's hoodies. They were always big on you, the hem reaching mid thigh and the sleeves covering your hands. You decided on jeans under it followed by the shoes Joshua bought you.
Peeking back our you watched as the blonde put away the dishes. You walked up to the island behind him and leaned against it, watching him. Jeonghan was pretty, very pretty. You sighed quietly, not wanting to alert him to your presence yet. You wanted to admire him for a second, he got better on not being possessive, even if Joshua hadnt forgiven him still. He smiled lightly as he put the last dish away, turning around and gasping once he saw you. "Hi peach, you surprised me." He walked around the table and poked your cheek lightly.
You slipped into his arms. Seungcheol was out that day so you had some much needed alone time with the blonde. You couldnt run away and hide next to Seungcheol like you use to. You smiled softly at him, chin resting on his sternum. Skinship has been easier with him the last few days, it always use to be. He smiled widely, at the touch. "You look ready to go. Give me a second to get ready then we can go."
There was a small piece of you that didnt want to let go of him. He was always warm, almost like a human heater. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist and shifting his boy to pick you up, hands moving down to the back of your thighs. "If you dont let me go baby i cant change." You shook your head, legs wrapping around his waist and hiding your face in his neck. You missed being this close to him.
You heard his chuckle against your hair as he walked towards the couch, sitting down and sighed, leaning back. Jeonghan might not be the strongest but it seems like hes been working out. His hands came up to rub your back. "I thought you wanted to go on a date?" You nodded. "I do...i just missed hugging you like this." You heard the shaky breath he let out as he held you closer. "I missed you so much..." He confessed, biting his lip. "But i gotta change if you want to go on that date."
You pouted before you released him, cheeks pink as you moved to sit next to him. "Can you change quickly?" He chuckled, nodding as he got up, walking quickly towards their shared room to change. It was still hard to go in their room, flashbacks of that night always flashing at the forefront of you mind. He came back quickly and he reached his hand out. "Ready?" He whispered. You grabbed his hand before you even stood up, lacing your fingers together.
It was almost easy to go back to the usual touches you guys use to have today. You hope its not a one day thing.
Jeonghan takes you to a cafe around the corner after locking the door, hands never separating. His thumb is stroking the back of your hand, seems like its unconsciously. Once your both sitting down hes already ordered both of your favorites. His head is resting on his hand, eyes watching you fondly as you stare at the table, unable to meet his eyes.
"Youre adorable." He stated, smiling at you once you glanced up at him, cheeks still red. "Huh?" You were dumbfounded, confused. "I said, youre adorable." He grinned, one corner of his lips higher then the other.
He was smirking.
It made your jaw drop. "Uh...thank you?" He nodded, grinning softly. It was an actual smile, softer then usual. You bit your lip, returning the smile. "You...youre pretty." He grinned wider. "Thank you sunshine." You smiled a bit. His nicknames were so cute, you had to admit that.
The date ended nicely, him teasing as usual. Once you had gotten inside, Seungcheol was sitting on the couch. You had yet to go on a date with both of them. "Where have you guys been? You grinned, skipping over to him, releasing Jeonghan's hand. "We went on a date!" His eyes towards Jeonghan before he smiled, standing up, tugging you into his arms, kissing your forehead. "Did you have fun?" You nodded and he hugged you tightly. "Thats good."
Jeonghan slipped behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, landing on Seungcheols hips. He grinned against your neck, pressing a few kisses on the skin. "Im kind of tired now though." You mumbled, stroking the blondes hair. "How about we make a pillow fort, get some snacks and watch a movie?" Seungcheol spoke quietly, stroking the skin of your hip where your shirt had risen.
"That sounds fun!" You turned back around. "Make it pretty Cheol!" You teased, hugging Jeonghan tightly, eyes sparkling. "Hey thats rude!" You heard Seungcheol whine. Jeonghan loved teasing anyone, Seungcheol happened to be one of his favorite targets. Seungcheol snaked his arms around your waist before tugging you backwards into his chest before he dug his fingers into your side, a loud shriek leaving your lips followed by giggles as Seungcheol started the assault of tickles.
It was almost hard to keep you from wiggling out of his arms and reaching out for the blonde. "Hannie help!" He grinned, taking a step forward. The mischief in his eyes automatically made you regret asking for help. "I gotta help." He cooed and you made you wiggles more aggressively, trying to get away before Jeonghan could get his fingers on you. "Wait please, please i give! Merci meri!" You felt Seungcheol stop but Jeonghan didnt stop moving, causing you to drop from your spot against Seungcheol's spot in order to escape the heathen trying to get a hold of you.
You made a run for it. Running down the hall and hearing Jeonghan's footsteps right behind you, a yelp leaving your mouth when you glanced back. He was closer then you thought. Skidding around the corner you stumbled up the stairs and aiming for the bathroom at the hall. Only you barely made it up the stairs for a weight slammed into your back, arms snaking around your waist. "Gotcha!"
"Wait wait! Hannie please!" You yelped, fighting against the grip the other had on you. It wasnt a tight grip that you couldnt get out of if you actually tried but one that felt more like a playful threat. He didnt tickle you, now the only ticklish thing he had was the whisper of kisses against your neck. That was almost worse then the actual tickles.
Spinning you around he smiled bright at you, dropping a kiss on the side of your head. "Ok i wont. But lets go help Cheol set up." He released you from his arms except for your hand, lacing your fingers together as he walked with you down the stairs. He released your hand to start helping Seungcheol with the fort while you grabbed snacks and pillows, dropping them off by the couch. Seungcheol seemed to have gotten the extra blankets from the closet.
By the time you got back from gathering the snacks they had taking all the chairs and moved the table from the middle of the floor. Giving you three the whole living room space to work with. Placing the snacks on the moved table you came closer. "Any way i can help?" Jeonghan shook his head. "Nothin' right now peach." You hummed in response. "Actually, can you grab the laptop and charger please little one?" Seungcheol spoke as he stood straight up, a dimpled smile on his lips as you made eye contact.
"Theres also some alcohol in the fridge. I know you dont like beer so theres some cider. I also found some like, alcoholic monsters? Theres no caffine but when i tried one it was really good. You can grab some of those if you want." You nodded, disappearing into the kitchen to grab the desired alcohol. Placing some of the alcohol on the counter you grabbed the beer you knew Seungcheol and Jeonghan like.
Returning to drop off the alcohol you smile. The fort looked almost done. Running back up the stairs you grabbed the laptop you both normally used. Usually pillow forts happened when Jeonghan was out and ended with you in Seungcheols lap a complete mess. You bit your lip. You were a bit nervous, if it ended like it usually did, you were scared Jeonghan might get possessive again. But when he had seen you and Seungcheol together he had slowly stopped acting like a prick.
Coming back down you placed both items on the table next to the alcohol and snacks. You werent going to drink too much, you would make sure the others didnt drink too much, especially if the night would end with you one someones cock and the movie playing in the background, forgotten. Last time, Jeonghan seemed like the drunkest out of the three of you, Seungcheol not far behind. Why didnt you stop it?
You shook the thought away. Now wasnt the time to fall back into that moment. It wasnt time to take steps back after coming so far forward. You turned, watching as the two came out of the tent. You narrowed your eyes, suspicious with the way both boys lips seemed a bit more swollen then when you last saw them. "Did you guys kiss in there while i was busy running around and grabbing everything?" You pouted. "Aw, c'mere little one, ill give you a kiss." Jeonghan teased and you huffed, moving over to Seungcheol. "I dont want your wet kisses." You saw him gasp, a hand over his heart like he was offended. "I dont give wet kisses!" You rose a brow, glancing at Seungcheol's lips.
"Oh really?" You pointed at the others lips. "Then why are his so unnecessarily wet?" He rolled his eyes before coming closer and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. "See, not wet. Cheol is the wet kisser." You frowned. "No he isnt?" You cross your arms before Seungcheol wraps his arms around your waist. "Jeonghan uses tongue a lot." He whispered into your ear. "I like to use teeth." His words are breathed onto your ear. "But you know that." He whispers, nipping at your neck. "He doesnt use teeth with me, he uses his tongue. I however." Jeonghan continues. "I will use my teeth with you. I like to bite."
Jeonghan turns back around to finish the fort, leaving you with a dumbfounded face and Seungcheol snickering as he finishes tossing the snacks then blankets and pillows you guys were going to use. Then adding the alcohol, grinning once he came back out. "Ive been told before about how this turns out." He states, tugging you inside with him and placing you beside him. As Seungcheol crawls in he flops down on the opposite side of you, pressing his side against yours, his arm resting over your back, hand resting on Jeonghan's waist as he pulls up netflix.
"What should be watch?" You hum at the question. "Disney? Marvel?" Jeonghan nods. "Disney. We should watch Cinderella." He grins over at the both of you, your nod is agreement, Seungcheols seems more like exhaustion. "We watch this movie everytime." You wave him off. "But you dont watch it with me." You turn to look at him, a pout on your lips, Jeonghan making the same face behind you.
Seungcheol sighs but agrees as Jeonghan finds the movie and presses play. He reaches for a remote you furrow your brows. When he flicks it on you gasp. You didnt notice him grabbing fairy lights. You feel warm inside...and outside. With the way the boys were pressed against your sides. "Pretty right?" You nod, eyes falling on the blonde side, watching his side profile.
You guys managed to finish Cinderella with only a few hitches, hitches meaning a hand often sliding too long on your back or up to your neck. The next movie you didnt make it far. You barely noticed it was some hallmark Halloween movie as Seungcheol's lips on yours distracted you, pulling you towards his chest and man handling you on top of him. "Aww i thought we were going to actually watch this movie."
Jeonghan doesnt even know the movie thats playing, or how it got played. Pulling away from Seungcheol you press a kiss on each dimple before sitting up on his lap, looking at Jeonghan. None of you had actually had any alcohol. 'You dont drink while watching disney movies.' You couldnt agree more.
"Are you complaining because you want a kiss?" His pout turns into a smirk as he shifts, shuffling closer to drop a kiss on Seungcheol's lips then yours, dragging you over onto his lap and under him. "Are you ok with this?" He whispers, eyes searching yours for any hesitation or panic. You take a second, searching his own face. Jeonghan looks worried, needy but wanting to pull the truth from you.
"Just go slow." You whisper, nodding. "Word is bumble." You raise a brow. "Bumble?" Jeonghan nods, hands by your head. "Dont question it. We can do the traffic light system if you want that more." You nod, scanning his face, barely noticing Seungcheol coming closer. "Im ok with this. Just dont touch my wrists or neck." You whisper, hands reaching for the others face, pulling him into a soft kiss. Your cheeks stroked the skin of his cheeks. Soft.
You pull away, letting him kiss your jaw before he sat up, thighs on either side of you pulling your hand to his lips as he pressing kisses up your arm, watching as Seungcheol takes his place to kiss you. You sigh softly into Seungcheols lips. A tap against your hip makes you pull back. "Can i take these off?" You can barely see Jeonghan from behind Seungcheol. "Yeah." You whisper. You can feel when Jeonghan moves, your pants and panties going with. When Seungcheol pulls back your eyes fall on his lap.
Bless boys in sweatpants. Bless whoever made sweatpants a thing.
You reach out for his thigh, gripping it tightly. "Use your words little one." You pout up at Seungcheol, huffing at the cocky grin on his lips. You dig your nails into his thigh, watching as he tenses the muscle, a soft groan leaving your lips at the feel, another leaving at the feeling of Jeonghans hands on your thighs, stroking the soft skin before hes pulling you up and towards Seungcheol. "I want to see how wet you can get his thigh. Ride it."
You blinked a few times but Seungcheol still had a grin on his lips, sitting on his but with his legs out. "C'mon." He coos, patting his thigh. You bite your lip before crawling over to him, sitting on his thigh. A soft whine leaves your lips as he tenses the muscle again. The material of his sweats make the feeling even better. They arent as scratchy as your own but theyre soft.
"If you can soak his sweats ill eat you out." You hear Jeonghan speak, Seungcheol humming as he placed his hands on your hips. "Hes good at giving head baby. Better soak me." He encourages, helping you move your hips along his thigh. Your hands rest on his shoulders, giving you extra stability to grind your hips. The fabric brushing against your clit just right, a soft whine leaving your lips. Soft encouraging words leaving Seungcheols lips. Seungcheol loved giving praise, and receiving. You whimpered into his hair, moving your hips harder.
"Baby likes praise ok Jeonghan? No name calling." You had told Seungcheol more about what you didnt like. You liked degredation, but you didnt want it from Jeonghan, and Seungcheol doesnt like giving it. Jeonghan hummed, his chest suddenly against your back, hands resting above the others, pushing you down and forward. "I know you can do better." You let out a moan at the feeling, hips stuttering. You were close to soaking through Seungcheols pants.
You were growing addicted to the feeling of his sweats brushing against your clit. It made your head dizzy and your body feel fuzzy. Jeonghans breath fanning across your neck made you shutter. "Can i?" You nodded. "Just not touching with your hands." He nodded, a wet kiss being pressed against your throat before there was a brush of his tongue.
When your moans got louder and more often he smirked, jerking you up Seungcheols thigh, leaving your orgasm there. "No!" You whined. "I want you to cum on my tongue. Trust me youll be having more to make up for just that one." It was going to be a long night. Was the lost coherent sentence you thought before you were moved onto your back, thighs spread and blonde hair tickling your innerthighs.
You knew once Jeonghan got his tongue on you it would be over. Your orgasm was ebbing away, a soft pout on your lips at the thought of a missed orgasm. But your mind went blank as soon as you felt his tongue brush against your clit, mouth dropping open. Jeonghan moved his arms, wrapping them around your thighs, palms resting against your stomach as he happily proceeded to eat you out.
His tongue slid through your slit, gathering all of your wetness. "Jeonghan can get messy while eating." Seungcheol spoke, eyes bright as he watched you squirm on his boyfriends tongue. You couldnt see Jeonghans eyes whenever you looked down to watch. You wiggled a bit, to get away or closer you dont know. All you wanted was more.
Your body jerked when his mouth closed around your clit and sucked, eyes rolling back and mouth opening, a broken call of Jeonghans name leaving you. You whined loudly, hand shooting down to grip his hair tightly as he continued. "Fuck...So good." Seungcheol moved, lips pressing against yours to muffle your cries as Jeonghan slipped his tongue inside you the same time Seungcheols hands slipped up your shirt and removed your bra.
His fingers quickly followed his tongue, slipping one inside as he pulled away, eyes dark with lust as he stared up at you. Pressing his thumb against your clit he rubbed it quickly and you pulled away from Seungcheol to grasp, gripping Jeonghans hair with one hand and one in Seungcheols. "Please please..." Please left your lips, wanting Jeonghans mouth back on you.
"Told you he was good, isnt he?" You nod rapidly as the blonde added another finger. "Cum on my tongue." His voice deeper then you heard before, lips spreading into a grin as he spread his fingers, quickly sticking his tongue between his fingers, tongue pressing against warm walls quickly before he moved his head back again, adding another finger and curling them up, searching for your sweet spot.
He knew he found it when your leg kicked out followed by your legs closing around his hand. "There?" You nodded quickly, whimpering and crying as he massaged the spot quickly. "Fuck fuck, Hannie please, can i cum?" He hummed. "Shes begging so prettily Han." Seungcheol pushed your hair back from your face, sweat making it stick. "Ok peach, you can come." He pressed his fingers against the spot hard, rubbing it quickly.
Your orgasm hits you like a train, back arching and legs twitching. "You used your manners, good girl." He soothed, hand stroking your hips. "I think Cheol deserves your attention now, look at him, he looks like hes in pain." He didnt look like he was in any type of pain, you scanned his face, just noticing the tick in his jaw. So it was painful. "Why dont you help him out?" Jeonghan hummed, helping you move. "Can you do that? Ill even reward you with another orgasm." The thought of coming again so soon made your body of seize up.
You nodded before you sat up, helping Seungcheol move his sweats (that were still soaked with your wetness) down his thighs. You loved Seungcheols size. He was a perfect mix of length of girth. He filled you up nicely, hitting that sweet spot everytime he fucked you. You struggled taking him down your throat however. For your mouth, it wasnt a perfect fit. You could barely get half his length into your mouth before his tip hit the back of your throat and his girth made the corner of your lips hurt the smallest bit.
But god if you didnt try every single time. You practiced your gag reflex often, hoping one day youd be able to take him. But by the glance you got at Jeonghan's pants he wasnt much better. "Only if you take off your pants too..." Currently he was the only one that still had his pants on. He nodded, removing his pants and his shirt, Seungcheol following with his shirt.
Licking your lips you watched Jeonghan strip. He was pretty, lean and slim. a deadly trio for your heart. His cock was as pretty as he was. he was a bit slimmer then Seungcheol, but they were the same length. You turned your head back to Seungcheol once his hand landed on your head. Smiling up at him you laid between his legs, taking your time to drag your tongue up the vein on the underside of his cock, seeing the chill go up his spine that you loved. Taking the head his cock between your lips and sucking gently at the tip, not noticing Jeonghan getting closer until your hips were pulled up, hands stroking the backs of your thighs.
Jeonghans hands were soft on your skin, not an unforgiving scratching or an aggressive smack. He smiled as he watched you relax, as much as you could with Seungcheol down your throat. You hummed around the elders cock, fighting back a gag as his hips jolted up at the vibration. "Fuck, you cant do that." He huffed, stroking your hair, pushing it back from your face. Seungcheol smiled as he made eye contact before it dropped as you took more of him, tears forming as you felt him hit the back of your throat.
You arched your back, legs spreading as you felt Jeonghan nudge them apart with one hand, the other pressing against your lower back, humming at the sight. "What a pretty sight." He cooed, smiling. "Cheollie look at this." Said males eyes flicked up from your face, seeing the way your back arched prettily. "Pretty." He trailed off. Youhollowed your cheeks, causing him to groan. "But i think this is prettier. Come see."
Pulling back from your back side he went around, looking down at you, lips tugging into a smirk. Your face was red, eyes teary with drool dribbling down your chin. Messy. You were messy. Jeonghan loved it. His fingers itching to touch. He watched as you pulled off, wiping your lips before sucking on the side of his cock, nipping at his pelvis. "No mar-" Jeonghan stopped himself. It was fine if you did. You werent going to be leaving after. You already had a space in Seungcheol's heart, you had to know Jeonghan had a you size shape in his heart too.
You smiled, a hand gripping his thigh. "You can fuck my face." Both boys stopped, the hand in your hair turning from stroking to gripping, tugging your hair back to lock eyes. "You sure?" You gave Seungcheol a smile. "Yes please." He took a breath before pulling you back towards his cock. "Tap my thigh twice for stop, and once to slow down." He waited for your nod. You had no problem touching Seungcheols thigh in any manner.
You took a deep breath before exhaling. You had been working on your breathing with your mouth full. Not full of cock but you made do with what you could. He let you get settled as Jeonghan moved back around to his spot. Stroking the skin of Seungcheol's thigh you hummed as a go ahead. He starts off carefully, the first gag had him groaning. The feeling of your throat constricting around him made his hips jerk more, speeding up his thrusts.
The hand gripping your hair and the cock assaulting the back of you throat distracted you from Jeonghan. Your attention was quickly taken by him as you felt his cock grind against your clit. Youre not sure when he had put on a condom but you werent about to complain. You didnt want a kid, at least right now. You groaned loudly around Seungcheol as both snapped their hips. You whined softly.
You felt them both stop, letting you get use to the intrusion on the opposite end. The feeling of Jeonghan's hands stroking the skin of your back made you relax more, eyes closing. You fleeting wonder if you could fall asleep like this. Filled from both ends and warm. You hummed, mind hazy. Pushing your hips back was the go ahead they both needed. Seungcheol restarting his thrusts while Jeonghan started his. It was a wonderful feeling. Being so full of both boys.
It wasnt long after that you started getting squirmy and Seungcheol's pace got erratic. "Little one 'm gonna cum..." He released the grip he had on your hair, giving you the chance to pull away, only for you to swallow him down, groaning as his cum filled your mouth, coming around Jeonghan once he rubbed your clit quickly.
Jeonghan let you ride out your high with slow thrusts. "Can you hold on for me? Gonna let me cum too?" You nodded, resting your head on Seungcheol's thigh. Jeonghan started slow, the oversensitivity made your body feel like pins and needles were in it. You whined unconsciously as he sped up, letting him take what he needed as the sound of skin slapping fill the living room as Seungcheol strokedd your hair. Feeling his hips jerk you did your best to help him, clenching around him a few times before you whined as your second orgasm hit you just as Jeonghan's hits him.
He rubbed your sides softly as he slowly pulled out, letting you down as he moved to clean everything up and throw away his condom. "I know you dont want to get up..." He starts and you groan in response, not liking where the conversation was heading. "But you need to wash up. My sheets are expensive." You roll your eyes. Jeonghan was back to himself. "C'mon ill carry you." You looked up at Seungcheol, huffing as he stood up, picking you up and chuckling as you winced.
"Hannie did a number on you didnt he." You knew Jeonghan went hard but you werent sure if was hard enough to hurt. You guess it was. "T-throat." Your voice was shot. A cocky grin grew on his lips. "Aw, did i fuck your voice away?" You huffed, looking towards the bathroom where you assume Jeonghan had disappeared to.
He was in there, adding bubbles and his favorite bath salts. You noted that he was sharing and a soft smile grew on your lips before you were glaring at Seungcheol as he spoke. "Hannie you fucked her pretty well. I think i was better though. Her voice is gone." He smirked and Jeonghan rolled his eyes. You thought was going to be on your side. But this was Jeonghan, he was on his own side or whichever benefited him most. "This time maybe."
Your jaw dropped. Were they going to make this a battle? Whoever made you unable to walk or talk the most wins?" You sigh but let yourself be lowered into the water, looked up at Jeonghan with wide eyes, a pout on your lips. "Do you want me to join you?" You nod and Jeonghan sighs dramatically. "I have to make sure Cheol doesnt burn the kitchen....but its fine, he will probably stay in here." A glance at Seungcheol had him nodding his agreement, sitting on the toilet lid as he watched Jeonghan slip in behind you, hugging you to him.
"Can you grab our baby some water please, carefully make some tea for her too?" Seungcheol pouted. "Why should i leave..." He mumbled as he disappeared for a few moments to grab some water and bringing it back to you. "I dont wanna be away right now." He confessed, coming back to sit next to you both. "Ok?" He asked and you nodded, giving him an ok sign as Jeonghan washed off the sweat from you. "Im going to wash your hair, then we can lay down ok?" You nod, eyes closing.
You could live like this. living in the warmth of the two and their love. Maybe you could learn to love some of Jeonghans possessive tendencies. You, you could definitely live like this. Like a princess.
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omgwhatchloe · 4 months
MODERN AU: the girls love to go get midnight snacks together only to giggle hysterically while trying to make their food. until tilly leaves a fork in the microwave and blows it up. it’s really not funny then. because within SECONDS, it is pure chaos.
jack is crying because john shot up so fast he catapulted the kid off him, not to mention the giant bang that woke him. dutch, arthur and bill are ready for WAR. they will defend their family from the pinkertons until they drop. and then they are furious and so relieved because there are no pinkertons, just three girls stood in the kitchen crying because everyones running around and yelling at them. arthur then goes head to head with the fire, trying to put it out while jack sobs theyre all going to die and micah confirms this as true (fucking micah)
lennys looking in sheer horror because he PAID FOR THAT MICROWAVE AFTER THE LAST ONE STOPPED WORKING!! kieran is freaking out in the hallway, and even though he has been told multiple times it was just the microwave, he will not calm down. mollys perfectly calm but somehow making comments that accidentally make things worse. uncle didnt stir, and strauss is just stood with his arms crossed. hosea is trying to calm every upset person down, checking in on them all and trying to reassure the girls not to cry while miss grimshaw pops a blood vessel making them cry.
but chloe! what about sean?! well, you know i saved the best for last.
he is woken up by a loud bang and the sound of pure chaos, and knows its time to leave. hes 12, the men have blown up his da’s car in a final warning to get the fuck out of his home, and hes ready to run for his life. hes grabbing a few bits of clothes and money in a sleepy lady macbeth-like haze (macbeth is excellent plz make sure u read that) and is shooting out of his room. tears are falling his eyes and his breathing is heavy. its only when he runs right into dutch that he realises…hes 22. his da is dead. and hes not awake properly. before long, the fire is put out and hes sat on the sofa, giggling about what he’s just done even though its not funny?? at all?? but lenny’s also there laughing with him in that hyper, over-tired state. (theyre seconds away from bursting into tears)
its hard work, but everything everyones back to bed and calmed down thanks to hosea, miss grimshaw and arthur.
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blood-grove · 6 months
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The Hunt
part 1 -> next hunt
x tws; violence , blood , injuries , gore , slight suggestiveness , sickness. <- more will be added possible depending on the part.
x pairings; soap x male!reader (😲)
x characters; soap , ghost , price , gaz + (others will maybe be added? idk ive never written a whole lot of characters cuz i get confused in my own head)
a/n; i may make art for this series! and i will also possibly making art for my merfolk au.
Alarm bells rung threw out the small town the yells and panicked cries of the townsfolk as the huddle and ran into houses under carts under anything.
You let out a amused chuckle that came out as a growl to everyone else.
You were admittedly showing off a bit more than usual today pushing your self up with another flap of your wings as arrows shot past your head.
Christ John had to get better aim.
You dove letting out a bone shivering roar it was getting boring doing the same exaggerated display but it paid well.
John or Soap as the guild nicknamed him all those years back was your very lovable boyfriend.
To say what you both did was wrong would be true.
If it didnt bring so much coin.
Slaying dragons was a respected craft and admired by many and all, The demand for dragon slayers was high since such a feat was beyond dangerous and mostly ended in death.
Dragons were usually hunted by groups who set up traps of sling shot nets , big crossbow contraptions meant to pierce threw thick hide and scales.
But Soap didn't need of that,
Not when he had you.
Speaking on which you felt something dig into your side as you let out a fake cry of pain as your turned away from the village you couldn't hear anything they were saying from up here but you could imagine Soap's heroic rant as he chased after you away from the village a few more arrows stuck too you as you decided to close your act for today.
A final dramatic cry as you dived down intentionally losing control as you crashed into the ground.
A few taps to your face.
"Heyy wake up bonny boy"
You grumbled huffing.
"C'monn- You need to get up so I can pull the arrows off ya daft-"
You peered a eye open to him shifting as you got up shaking off a few branches and leaves from your head.
"Ye wanna know what name they gave ye today?"
You grunted as you got up shaking off any remaining stray debris before laying back down as Soap went to work with tugging off the arrows from you they never pierced your flesh magical properly imbued inside of them made them stick painlessly to the target more like tracking tag than real damage arrow.
"White Death, Ah think that's cooler than yer lest name na? whit wis it again.." Soap pulled off another arrow storing it back into his quiver.
White Death certain was a better name than your pervious infamous nicknames.
"Ah I remember was it Snow Scales or Ice Lizard-" Soap grinned as your growled looking away embarrassed.
Soap chuckled.
"I got 300 coin from you today- We could head somewhere nice grab some pastries from that Village a bit west I know ye loved there cinnamon rolls."
The suggestion had you perked up at the mention of the sweet which Soap grinned at.
"We should get all washit up na? Ye juist haed tae land in the mud—"
You flicked your tail at him sending him off balance and falling back into the ground as well as yo letting a raspy soundalike laugh.
Pushing your claw against the amulet that sat tight around your neck it glowed for a moment before you started to shift and change shrinking as Johnny complained about getting his satchel and clothes dirty.
Once it stopped glowing you were human size albeit a bit taller than Soap, You still had some draconic features your eyes still dilated into slits under the sun, Scales around you arms and back that were easily hid with clothes and gloves, and horns that were luckily short enough to be hid with hair or hoods.
You walked over to him holding out a helping hand only to be yanked down onto the ground by him.
"Payback-" Soap flicked your forehead as you huffed.
"Whatever you're not the one that takes the daring crashes and falls in out little acts-"
Soap just rolled his eyes. "I never said 'Oh and at the very end make sure to get covered in mud!'."
You huffed flicking his shoulder as he grinned as he retold his fake little heroic story he told to each village rambling on about these couple of cats he saw as you just listened fondly.
You visited villages with him sure when you were in your human form but it just always made you feel antsy the odd stares you'd get were enough to make you visits to cities, towns, and villages very sparse.
Soap had noticed of course the observant caring bastard that he is and wouldn't stand for it of course not forcing you but you both went out for little walks, for supplies, and for getting you and him clothes and gear.
That's what you loved about him, He brought you out of your shell his voice and mannerism really just made a part of you melt.
To think when you both met when he was going to kill you.
a/n; not very confidence in this but i wanna commit to it </3 my nerves r all over the place makes it hard to write.
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secret-smut-sideblog · 8 months
Prey Drive
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Astarion x F! Dark Urge
18+ violence, death, dark urges (duh), bloodlust (literally), fingering (f!), roughness, deranged shit and I'm not sorry, tenderness
Her violent needs going unfed for too long, Astarion has an idea to help...
"Hunting..." She sighed, exhausted. Then seemed to consider. "Would that even work? Animals?"
It had been a long time since their last battle, her last bloodshed. Consumed with more mundane but equally important tasks.
She hid it well but he could see the strain in her body, the circles under her eyes. Knew she hadn't been sleeping, faking until the rest of the their companions fell under. Getting up to walk the perimeter of camp in circles, far from them. Far from him.
It hurt him to be away from her but he understood. If there was anything he understood it was hunger.
Pulling her reluctant to his tent, just for a moment, he promised. He had an idea.
"Honestly, I dont know." Laying on his bed roll he looked up at her, her gentle hand smoothing one of his curls back into place. Her eyes dark rimmed, tired. Sitting openly but limbs stiff.
Recognized so many of his own long nights in her exhaustion.
"But Gods, It's worth a shot right? Besides," Sitting up to reach her, putting on a fake pout. "I get so lonely out there most nights."
She rolled her eyes, smiling. "Oh you poor thing." Nuzzling into his neck. "How could I desert you in your time of need."
"Ready?" He asked, the glow of her eyes uncertain. They stood together on the treeline outside camp. The night air still.
"I guess so." She murmured. "It feels weird to be out of my armor." Smoothing her hands down her camp clothes.
"We'll be much quieter this way, darling."
"Yes, yes, you've explained." She huffed, the slightest tremble in her hand.
"Nervous?" He whispered, voice kind.
Her eyes fell shut, a dejected sigh. "Yeah."
He threaded his hand in hers. Thumb brushing the inside of her soft wrist.
"You aren't going to hurt me." A command, a blessing.
"I'm not going to hurt you." Gripped his hand in determination.
Though they had been careful, stealthy, there was little in the woods that night. He tried not to show the desperation on his face. He wanted to help, really wanted to help.
Between the two of them he was rarely the one to offer solutions. Often bringing in new problems. Needing to prove himself. He knew she would huff at him if she knew but it was important to him.
Her eyes didnt betray any despair as they stalked the empty forest, if anything she seemed more focused. Moving just as quiet as him, steps sure. Always thrived under pressure.
His ears picked up voices, seeing the faintest glimmer of light on the trail far beneath them. Hooded figures moving in the dark. Cultists, of course.
He sighed, no wonder there was nothing. These imbeciles stomping their way through like rothe in heat.
Turned to her to reassure her, they'd try again tomorrow.
A flash of silver hair.
Running. She was running.
Startled, he almost called out to her but had no time, planting his feet to take off after her. Ducking and weaving through the underbrush.
Gods, how was she so fast.
Like a bat out of Hells she burst from the treeline, leaping down onto one of the figures. Heard a startled cry. The three other robed men turning sharply in shock. Pulling daggers from their sides.
Glad he had the foresight to bring it he readied his bow. Firing down shot after shot into the chests of the men attempting to descend on her. The sound of many arrows hissing through the air.
His eyes still trained on the pierced men, assuring they stay dead, he stepped down onto the gravel.
A wave of blood struck the ground below the cultist she was straddling. Another. Another.
He hadnt seen her pull her dagger, had he?Confused he stepped closer. On tip-toe he skirted around her side, curious.
Her entire front drenched in blood, her sharp teeth ripped into flesh. Head wrenching side to side. Clawed hands gripping the soil. Moaning and slurping.
Gods, was she..? She was. She was drinking.
Heat spread like a fever from his pelvis, eyes wide.
She groaned in ecstasy, talons digging into the wound. Pulling open for more.
The whole front of her face, her hairline stained dark. Grinding her hips into her prey.
Unbelievably aroused he watched her, dumbstruck.
Lifting the limp body up she ripped and ripped with her talons, eyes closing as the last of the blood struck her. Leaning back on her haunches in a scattered puddle of it. Eyes closed she slicked it back into her hair. Throwing the body down, chest heaving.
Gods he needed her. Badly. But had no idea if she was sated. If he could be next if he tried to touch her. Surely one couldn't be enough.
Taking the dagger from the dead he plunged it into a chest. Sternum cracking against his force.
Glowing eyes whipped to his work. Up to him.
"Take more." He urged, his voice a pant.
Descending on fresh meat she kneeled next to the body, plunging her hand inside the hole he made. Other hand wrenching, cracking the ribcage open.
He moaned, straddling around her back. Pulling her hair from her neck. Licking long stripes up the still warm viscera coating her.
Crack, crack, crack. Her hand caressed the still heart, viscera coated up to the elbow. Expertly spinning the discarded dagger in her free hand she cut into the valves, freeing it.
Reaching his hand around her front he pushed his hand into her waistband. Finding her drenched. Plunging his fingers inside with a groan. Oh this was very wrong.
Her prize in hand she bit into it, a garbled whine of pleasure. Hips rolling into his hand, knees pushing out to give him more access.
Trailing messy kisses down her neck he was entranced. Pulling her collar from her shoulder, groaning at the line of clean skin that it revealed.
His free hand cupped her breast, the blood squelching against her, pushing between his fingers. Watching her bite and tear in awe, unbearably hard. Grinding into her lower back to get some relief.
Turning her head she caught his mouth in hers, her desperate whine filling his mouth. His other hand coming to rub hard on her clit. Blood soaked hand reaching up behind, talons digging into the back of his neck. The pain sharp, delicous.
She was already almost there, he could tell. Death, despite her best efforts, her strongest aphrodisiac. Her body rolling in waves, rising onto her knees. He kept pace with her, not letting up.
Ripping her shirt open, needing to see her breasts move with their riding. Biting and suckling on her earlobe.
"I'm, I-" She whimpered.
"Dont you dare hold back." He growled in her ear. Hand gripping her hair taut. Fingers unwavering.
Going rigid against his pull she muffled a moan. "No." He pulled her hair hard. "Louder."
She whined a handful of desperate moans, clenching hard on his fingers. Buckling into him, a huge wave about to hit her.
Teeth gnashing, a guttural growl erupted from her that slid into a shriek, her whole body erupting, shaking. Gripping his neck so hard she drew blood. Driving the dagger hard into the ground, just barely grazing his thigh. The slick gushing out of her onto his waiting fingers.
He came along with her, shocking himself. Shuddering hard against her gore slicked body. Hips stuttering against her back. Groaning a cry into her neck. The inside of his trousers a mess.
She turned to face him, catching his mouth in a hungry kiss. Fingers tangling in his hair.
The inside of her mouth still lined with blood. Licking it out of her with a growl.
The sound of many unfamiliar voices coming down the trail broke his trance, hers too it seemed.
Body stiffening she came back to herself, grabbing his hand and leaping up, moving like lightning to the cover of the forest.
Running again, he wanted to laugh. Watching both his feet and her. His love stained all red. Both of them a joined bloody blur in the moonlight.
Reaching a clearing she released his hand, fell to hands and knees. Dry heaving, coughing. Wrenching forward.
He fell in front of her, cupping her face in his hands. "Its okay, I'm okay, you're okay." A chant. Forced her eyes on his. "You're in control. You're right here."
She gripped his hand against her face, eyes wild. Took big shaky diaphragm breaths, trying to steady herself. He breathed in tandem with her, encouraging.
"You've got this, I'm here. I'm here."
She buried her face in his shoulder, gripping his shirt. Breathing him in. Relaxing into him. Coming back.
"How do you feel, Bhaal-babe?" He teased.
She groaned at the name, but he knew she loved it. "All spawned out, if I'm being honest." Paused, getting serious again. "Better, much better." She muffled into his shirt.
"I'm so proud of you." He smiled into her wet hair.
Heard her laugh. Pulling him further into her. "You're the only person who could ever say that about what I just did."
"Well, did I die?"
She snorted into his shirt. Sighed into him, body fully releasing. His hand trailing in her hair. Nuzzling, his voice soft into her. "You're so much stronger than you think."
After a moment she took a deep breath, pulling away. Smiling up at him. Her eyes so full of light it made his chest ache.
She looked down and groaned.
"Oh Gods, I'm going to have to throw these clothes away, arent I?" She pulled at them, dejected. "I like this shirt..."
"Oh please, we'll get you a new shirt. A better shirt."
"...Were we actually just fucking?" She groaned in embarrassment.
"That was my favorite part."
She hit his back in protest. "And our companions think I'm the deranged one..."
"Was it your favorite part?"
"Of course it was, you degenerate."
Part 4
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whumpshaped · 11 months
What if Helle found Beck after a night of drinking and didn’t know how to act when Beck is overly comfortable with seeing them? Sorry if ooc for Beck
i didnt know whether itd be ooc so i just started writing and let it take me wherever it wanted to lol i hope u enjoy!!!
tw vampire whumper, intimate whumper, alcohol and drinking and being drunk, dubcon kissy on cheek
He deserved this. He had been living in terror for the past month, and all he wanted was a bit of fun. Spending time with his friends. Normalcy.
Beck downed his third shot way too quickly, eager to forget about the fact that he was a vampire chewtoy now, and it was likely only a matter of time before Helle decided to escalate. This could've been his last free night! So why not make it a stupidly drunk one?
"I've never seen you drink like that," Sofie said with equal parts awe and worry in her voice. "Is this still about that bite scare?"
"I just wanna have fun," he whined. "Can't I? I'm fine."
"I'd never dream of prohibiting that." She still looked nervous, making Beck groan.
"I haven't been out at night for weeks. I just wanna... relax. I just wanna feel normal for a second." He briefly thought about switching his and Noah's shot glasses while he was in the bathroom and drinking his share too, but he wasn't drunk enough yet to trade mouth germs. "Is that such a crime? I won't, like, drink myself into oblivion."
"You're right," she conceded. "I'm not your mother or anything. I'm sure you can look after yourself."
"Thank you. I'll be responsible."
He ended up being less than responsible, buying and consuming at least three more shots. There was no stopping the constant whirling and swirling of the bar anymore, and he barely had the strength to keep his eyes open — but the spinning got so much worse whenever he closed them.
He somehow managed to pay for everything before sliding off the bar stool and heading towards the exit, never considering that it was well past midnight and the crowd outside was thinning. Thoughts of vampires were drowned out by a sudden desire for some pizza, and he decided to try to get to a restaurant he'd been to exactly one time before and gotten lost on the way. He had even been sober, then.
"Oh, goddammit... It should be right here," he muttered, staring at the closed clothing store. "Would it even be open at this hour..?"
The vampire's voice cut through the drunken haze like a dagger, and he spun around to face them with such momentum that he almost lost his balance entirely. "Helle!" His back hit the locked glass doors of the shop behind him, and he was grateful for the added support. "I'm– I'm looking for the pizza place. You wouldn't happen to know where that is, huh?"
Helle tilted their head at him in curiosity, and he really wished he could've waved a magic wand and sobered up instantly. They had already fed for the night. They were supposed to leave him alone for the rest of it. "Do you drink often?" they asked, completely disregarding his question.
He couldn't help it when he just... laughed. It was an involuntary reaction, a result of his anxiety and the absurdity of the situation. "I don't think that's any of your business!" He flinched back immediately after saying it, cursing himself internally. "Well, I mean, it's not like– y'know, I'm just saying..."
"It is definitely my business. Do you even know how bitter alcohol makes the blood?" They stalked closer, and Beck quickly tried to slip away and continue walking down the street.
"Nope! And you absolutely don't have to put yourself through that!" He almost cursed out loud this time when Helle caught up to him, casual as ever. "Really, I'm just gonna– you know what? I really don't want pizza anymore. I'm gonna– I'm gonna head home. It was great seeing you–"
He did a swift 180, swift enough to stumble and trip over his own feet again, for real this time. Helle was quicker, catching him by the arm before he even realised he was falling. "Humans baffle me sometimes," they murmured. "Your solution to being pursued by a dangerous predator is to make yourself even more vulnerable?"
"No, no, I drank all that alcohol so you'd hate the taste of my blood. I totally knew about the bitterness. This is like– this is advanced, I wouldn't expect you to understand." He pulled on his arm weakly, not even surprised when it did nothing to make Helle release him. "Sorry, I'm just saying anything at this point," he added with a nervous little laugh. "I always do that. I shouldn't be allowed to drink. Hey, how about– what if you let go of me, and then, then I went home, and we just forgot about this?"
"I wish I could." They pulled him even closer, their amused smile greatly undermining their semi-serious tone. "But you are just adorable when you cannot shut up. Not to mention how warm you are right now... flushed... I think you should drink more, actually."
Beck could feel his face getting even warmer at the closeness. A misguided, touch-starved part of him recognised Helle's words as almost flattery, and desperately wanted to just lean into it. The other, rational, sober part of him wanted to run — but it was difficult with his limbs not complying. "You d-don't actually think that," he stammered, still making futile attempts at pushing the vampire away. "I get so annoying."
They must've realised how much he wanted them to deny that, because their smile widened, red eyes gleaming with mischief. "I do think that," they purred. "I always think you are cutest when you tell the truth. When you let that blatant need for praise shine right through."
"I don't– I don't... huh?" He was properly flustered now, so much so that he forgot he was supposed to be struggling. "Stop mocking me," he said without any conviction, so quiet that it could've easily gotten lost in the noise of the street. He knew they heard it, though. A perk of talking to vampires.
God, what was he thinking?
"I would never dream of mocking you. Not when you look so pretty and desperate." His breath hitched when they leaned in, pulling him closer by his shirt to press a kiss to his cheek. "Unless you asked me to, of course. But I thought you were trying to get away," they whispered. "Why are you clinging now?"
Beck had no idea when his fingers had gotten tangled up in the fabric of Helle's sweater, and he pushed them away instantly, thoroughly embarrassed and confused. "I'm g-going home," he exclaimed, waiting for Helle to stop him, or say something that would've made him change his mind, or... something. But they didn't. They just stood there, smiling, letting Beck look like a complete idiot.
"Do you secretly live here?" they teased. "Or would you like to spend some more time with me?"
"Absolutely not. I'm– I'm going. Bye." He turned to leave, getting out of there as fast as he could. He rubbed his cheek absentmindedly with the sleeve of his hoodie the entire way to the bus station, trying to get rid of the feeling of soft lips against his skin.
He really, truly shouldn't have been allowed to drink.
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @florissimps @nicolepascaline @oliversrarebooks @the-cyrulik @pirefyrelight @there-will-always-be-blood @pigeonwhumps @echo-goes-mmm @whumpycries @morning-star-whump @d-cs
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lust4life01 · 1 year
I wish I was your girl. chapter 1
First chapter is a little short, just to introduce the story and move it along! Set around the early seasons :) -please check out this post for warnings.
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You dont know my mind.
Your head laid on House's bare chest, as his fingers drew soft circles on your shoulder, while you both listened to each other's heavy breathing from the highs you both just came down from.
Breaking the sweet silence, House couldn't help but ask a provocative question ruining the simplicity being held in each other's company.
“Are you sure you’re not a porn star?” He asks with a huge grin plastered across his face.
“Ha, ha, very funny. And anyway you'd be so lucky, old man.”
Your tone sarcastic yet playful as you try to hide the smile creeping onto your lips, while staring up at him with doe eyes.
House dramatically places a fist to his heart and lets out an exaggerated hiss.
“Ah, ouch! God I hope you weren't this mean to all your other bosses, or well pimps.”
“Mhm only the ones I was sleeping with.” You shot back immediately, earning you a proud smirk from him.
As he goes to get up to grab hisvicodin, and break from your touch, you let out a whine in protest, not wanting to feel the loss of contact.
“God, you're so needy, better keep you away from Wilson. Actually speaking of Wilson he's meeting me here in about half an hour, and quite frankly I wouldn't like to sit and explain why a member of my team is on my couch in her underwear.
You can't help but take his last statement to heart, you knew it was stupid as you were sleeping with Greg House, what more were you expecting? However the desire to be more than a fuck buddy had been creeping up on you lately and you simply wanted more. Was you just an employee with a nice set of tits and a nice arse to him?
“Actually, I was thinking maybe it wouldn't be terrible if people knew about us.”
You lowered your head and your voice was quiet and consumed with seriousness. House didn't reply for a few seconds until you lifted your face to meet his eyes.
“What? You can't be serious.”
After a moment he realised you in fact were not joking and let out a frustrated laugh.
“Oh my god. I don't see how you dont think its a terrible idea, (y,n), we agreed that we would just have great mindless sex, no strings attached. Why ruin that?”
He was defensive which just pissed you off even further.
You became more enraged and hurt the more you thought about the words spilling from his harsh mouth.
“That was then, this is now. Maybe I don't want to be your dirty little secret, who is chucked out everytime there's a threat of someone seeing us, forever. I'm not asking for the moon here House, I just don't see why you're so scared of a little commitment.”
“Yeah well maybe I didnt think by fucking you I was signing up to be husband for god sake. Did we sign a prenup?”
House's voice was mean as he spoke and his hand rested on his forehead out of frustration.
You let out a scoff of shock and disgust.
“Fine. I won't be bothering you anymore, you know unless a patient is dying, if that's even worth bothering you for.”
As fast as the words travelled out your mouth, so did your clothes appear on your body and feet step out of his apartment.
Tears filled with rage brimmed and finally spilled from your sad eyes once outside his apartment door. Thankfully spilling outside of House's sight despite them threating to stream from your face as soon as his vindictive words hit you.
— 2 days later —
Hostility wasnt near close enough to explain the feeling and tension between you and House. Snide comments and brooding stares were exchanged but other than the differentials and generally doing your job you didn't speak or acknowledge House.
House was being more of an ass than usual and it was obvious the team were starting to pick up on it as for the past couple of months he had seemed relatively happy. They ultimately knew there was no point trying to figure out Greg House.
Your best friend Foreman on the other hand had no problem trying to figure out why you had been acting strange. He was worried you might be slipping back into past habits.
He came to look for you while you were in the common room, where you were finishing up paperwork but mainly hiding away.
“Hey, how come you're in here instead of the office?”
He asks the question already knowing the answer, he just wanted to know why exactly you were hiding away,
Feeling slightly defensive not wanting to unload all your problems and thoughts on to your best friend, you did the only thing you could think to do. Lie.
“Um, I don't know, it's just quieter I guess. You gonna join me?”
You try to give him a convincing smile, although it definitely didn't work all that well.
He let out a sign of slight annoyance seeing straight through your lies, not understanding why you weren't being straight with him.
“Quit the bullshit (y,n). I can tell somethings up with you. You've hardly been yourself and believe me I know when somethings bothering you.”
You hated shutting Foreman out but you couldn't be arsed to explain that the reason you had been distant was because Greg House only saw you as a cheap fuck. I mean it's pathetic.
“Okay, yeah i've been a little off lately and im sorry, totally nothing of your doing. I just stopped seeing this fling but i don't know I was delusional to want to take it further. It's dumb really.”
He nodded his head to make sure you knew he was listening before finally giving you a sympathetic smile.
“Not to sound like a jerk but yeah that is pretty dumb. But he'd have to be even dumber to not want you.”
He let out a chuckle and you smiled trying to act like you agreed, despite knowing it was far deeper and more complex than you let on.
“Look, come for a drink with the team after work. Have a few drinks, or a few kisses and forget about whatever idiot you were screwing.”
You nodded your head in agreement.
I mean sure you know that getting out will dull the hurt you feel but the alcohol will only spur on your self destructive manic side.
What could possibly go wrong?
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simplygyuu · 2 years
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Nouvelle Crown- 006 : Bus Stop
synopsis : choi beomgyu, the second prince of the royal choi family doesnt have much of a life outside of his duties. even then hes not allowed to do much, his brother is the crown prince after all. but when he meets you, a regular commoner girl, through his brothers friend soobin he cant help but be intrigued. commoner life is so different from what he knows and you are the only person to treat him like the normal teenager he always longed to be. with you he gets to experience the normal, teenager life behind the backs of his overbearing family.
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Beomgyu nervously chewed on his bottom lip as he followed Yeonjun out of the palace, just like Kai had told him to. What could he say, he's a bit of a pushover. It was pretty anxiety inducing knowing that not only did he need to worry about his guards or father finding out, but now he also had to worry about his brother. Yeonjun isn't mean per say, but he assumes that the older boy wouldn't appreciate his younger brother following him around.
Thankfully, he had mastered the art of being quiet. Perhaps the years of him sneaking into the kitchen for that extra cookie had payed off. It wasn't hard for him to follow Yeonjun off the palace grounds and down the familiar street Kai had brought him down.
"Yeonjun hyung! There you are!" A familiar voice suddenly cut through his mind and Beomgyu couldnt help the way his head shot up. Was that.. Soobin? He hadnt seen or even spoken to Soobin in a good two years. (It was his own fault though, Soobin had been nothing but kind and caring).
Beomgyu stayed a decent distance away, sitting down at a bus stop right next to the familiar 7/11. No busses were running at this time, but at least he didnt look like a creep stalker from here. For a few moments he peeked over at his brother to see him with none other than Soobin and many other people. Since when did Yeonjun have so many commoner friends?
Then, his eyes landed on someone who was extremely familiar. It was you, the girl from inside 7/11. You were friends with Yeonjun?! How did that even happen? He had a look of disbelief painted onto his features for a few seconds before turning away from them.
Laughter filled the night air as Ningning laughed her signature high pitched laugh, unable to sit still as everyone else laughed with her. Your mind was wandering a bit though, you didn't exactly know why.
Going a bit quiet you just blankly scanned the area around you before your eyes fell onto a familiar looking figure. A teenage boy with weirdly fancy clothes and a black mask, sitting at the bus stop and looking down at his phone.
'Gyu!' Your mind supplied easily and you couldn't help but smile. What is he even doing out here? You knew how shy he was and didn't think your friends would be able to tone it down enough for him to join, but you wanted to go talk to him while you had the chance.
"Ill be back!" You said with a smile, standing as Sana and Taehyun looked up and nodded at your words. They didnt feel the need to ask where you were going, none of them were very clingy and they trusted you to take care of yourself.
With quick steps you approached the bus stop where Gyu sat, smiling as you got close enough to knock on the plastic wall. Gyu jumped in surprise, a quiet yelp like noise leaving him before his eyes landed on you and he visibly relaxed a bit, bringing a hand to his chest.
"You scared me.." He mumbled in that soft, deep voice of his and you watched as he closed his eyes to calm his racing heart. You couldn't help but fondly smile before sitting down next to him.
"So, whatcha doing out here?" You curiously asked as he turned off his phone politely so he could give you his full attention. It was cute.
"I dunno.. I got bored I guess." He broke eye contact yet again to look in front of him at the trees across the street. There werent many, it was a small park it seemed.
You elbowed his side playfully, a gentle thing as you smiled. "You were bored and didnt even think to text me? Invite me to hang out? Wow... I see how it is."
You thought the joke was pretty obvious but it seems Beomgyu didn't take it that way. His eyes widened and he quickly met your eyes again, brows a bit furrowed. His eyes were expressive enough that you didn't need to see the rest of his face to figure out how he was feeling.
"Im sorry, yn! Im just not used to this whole having a friend who's free thing.. yknow? My best friend is always busy.." He rushed to explain himself and you could just imagine the worried pout he wore underneath the mask. You couldnt help the giggle that bubbled out of your chest, quiet and soft.
"Im just joking with you, Gyu." You reassured him, playfully reaching out to ruffle his hair. On instinct he whined and tried to duck away from the attack on his hair, used to having an older brother who would absolutely tangle it all up. Even his eyes conveyed the pouty look he must've sported under his mask.
"Stop it~" He whined, bringing up his hands to cover his hair. "You'll make me look stupid.." He mumbled grumpily as he tried his best to straighten out his hair without being able to see it. Laughter left you yet again at his sulky actions, making you snort the smallest bit.
You both fell into comfortable conversation afterwards, it was something new for him being this close to someone thats not immediate family or Kai. Yet something about you made it so easy to talk.
The time flew while the both of you sat together in the run down bus stop. It wouldnt even be an exaggeration if Beomgyu said it was one of the best times hes had in a while.
previous masterlist next
notes : hi! i hope this doesnt feel like its too much from beomgyus POV.. if it bothers you then please let me know :)
reblogs and replies are really really appreciated and motivating! it makes my day to see what you guys have to think about this au
taglist (open) : @mazeinthemoon @pokyloky @run2seob @bluebearybeom @wonioml @rikismiel @yumilovesloona @captivq @soobin-chois @thisisnotjacinta @silvsie @mjdoesstuff
send me an ask or message to be added to the taglist!
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dairy-farmer · 1 year
Bringing you a smutty AU and wanna know what you think about it! O/ am trying to get back into writing and am using smut to do it! Pls tell me what you think? Decent outline? Trying to do flash ficlets to break my writers block like bane broke the bat lol
You know that hentai trope? The Time Stop? Where someone finds an object that let's them stop time and do naughty things to someone, but when they START time the sensation of everything they did starts to register? Etc?
Imagine Bruce finding one on his adventures as batman. Knowing he should hand it over to JLD... but giving in to his paranoid "but what if I NEED it..." thoughts and not mentioning it.
And of course, the reason such objects are so Dangerous? Is because of the temptation to USE them. But Batman has SUCH a strong will doesn't he? HE won't give in~
Then Tim becomes Robin. Jason is dead. He refuses to lose any hours of the day on paranoid thoughts such as "But what if somethings happened to him?". And in one world? He ignores them. Pushes them down. Blames Tim for the constant anxiety tormenting him on TOP of the grief he's already feeling. Is harsh and uncompromising.
But in THIS world? His thought drift to that object. Maybe it's a pocket watch, maybe a switch attached to nothing. It IS just sitting there... he... he doesn't HAVE to lose any "time" checking on Tim. No one would even know. He could concentrate again. He finds his hand drifting to it.
It's just next door after all, hardly even a hike. It's even good exercise. But... but instead of soothing his thoughts? Drake Manor just sets his instincts off. Too easy to break in. Too empty. Looks like a show room. Where is the staff? Somebody IS looking after Tim, right? He KNOWS the Drakes are in Morocco. Maybe it's a one off, he came at a bad time. At least he can confirm Tim is safe.
But? Once you give in once? It gets easier to do it again. Especially if you are avoiding actually TALKING to people. Admitting you care. He keeps checking. It keeps being empty. Tim... Tim looks so alone. So small. Hurt.
And no one WOULD know...
He could just... rub his back for a while. Run his fingers through his hair. Tuck him close and just... just BREATHE after that too close call. He can let himself care. Like he did with Jason, with Dick. Just.. just for a bit. No man is an island forever after all. The chance to have that warmth again? It's so impossibly strong. He can fight it.. he can! He just... he just needs this moment... to... to rest...
But then a run in with Ivy. Tim's terrible habit of hiding injuries. He immediately jumped in a pond to get the Pollen off, he justified to himself, no need to tell Bruce. But exposure is exposure, it works fast even if the effects aren't immediate. And for this stain? Without a male partner's "proteins", he'll slowly cook.
But he doesn't know this, because he didnt tell Bruce he got hit. All he knows is the unbearable need in his gut. The one that made him shuck his pants and drag up his shirt before time stopped, made frustrated and desperate tears, and a fumbling hand urgent in its quest for ANYTHING.
And Bruce, looming frozen at the door way in this frozen world of unmoving time? Knows EXACTLY what he needs. There are... dubious but ethical ways to cure it. He could jerk off and use a baster or dribble it down Tim throat. Start time and use a shot glass. It would be awkward. Or impersonal and coldly medical. He COULD do that...
Yet? His Robin NEEDS him. Is alone and afraid, having their body betray them. He can make it better. He finds himself letting go of the door frame. Shucking clothes. Cupping tear stained cheeks and a developing sensitive little chest. Doing far more then is strictly necessary. Because... because his Robin's first shouldn't hurt.
And when time starts later? Tim is going to be incoherent with it all. The feeling of a mouth for what must be hours, fingers that stretch and find, then tease and tease and tease until he sobs, something big splitting him apart and going deeper then he though possible and just...
And dawn finds him a gushing, twitching mess. Long since cured of the Pollen but unable to move as SOMETHING pounded him near mindless. Unable to escape being made to get off again and again and again. Passing out briefly only to wake with it STILL HAPPENING.
He misses school that day.
He's more careful about Pollen. Doesn't get hit if he can avoid it. But somehow? There must be aftereffects. Because it keeps happening. Tim will go to bed or starting a shower or just be watching TV at home and suddenly? It will be like someone decided to eat him out for hours. Or bent him over and fucked him hard. Or used each and every toy on him from his toy box he keeps hidden in his room, one after another without mercy. Just... just all sorts of things...
He should tell Bruce. But how to even bring that up? Hey, I lied to you? Withheld important information? Now I might have a medical condition? Not to mention... it's BRUCE! His father figure and kinda crush! Because things aren't messy enough.
Then? The Drake's die. And Tim's "condition" gets worse. Because now? Bruce can set up cameras. Can watch the aftermath of starting time. And he hates that he loves it so much. Is able to customize it better and better to what makes Tim squirm and lose his mind. Is able to catch him at all hours of the day for a quick fuck, then gets to watch later as Tim gasps and twitchs as his hole is pounded by something he can't see.
Gets to make him such a MESS some nights.
Finally Tim cracks and tells him. A delicate matter of course. Private. Of course he'll keep it between them. He does pointless tests, promises to look for a cure. He's in too deep and he knows it. Couldn't let go of his boy if he TRIED.
Tim doesn't want to be alone, Bruce promises he can sleep next to him. "Somehow" this "hardship" has "brought them together". Wouldn't you know it, it feels like someone rolled over and is trying to fuck him through the mattress. Tim clings to Bruce, pants and whimpers as he rides it out. Bruce holds him, his boy, warm and wonderful in his arms. And let's him catch up. They have all the time in the world.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANON THIS IS SO GOOD!!!!!!!! THIS IS SUCH A GODTIER CONCEPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this was all so good!!!!! the escalation of bruce's actions the way that when the opportunity presented itself with the combined possibility that he would/could get away with it bruce did it!!!! the ENDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the implication of bruce continuing to do this while framing it as helping tim!!!!!!!!
bruce would absolutely 100% pull a 'i know better' if he found a time stopping device. he thinks he's above the temptation but he's NOT!!! because he's sad and he's lonely and neither of his children are present and he can't funnel those feelings away like he used to by holding them close and stroking their little back and burying his nose into their lilac shampooed hair.
but with tim it's different. it's...inappropriate because tim isn't his child. but that doesn't mean bruce's concern never bubbles up. after jason bruce's paranoia and irrational thoughts get worse. they keep him up and haunt him and...bruce can't just call tim to check on him. because tim will ask question, inquire why bruce is calling him in the middle of the night and of course tim won't believe him if he tries to dismiss it so he'll get up and try to come to the manor and....bruce's worries are just inconvenient to everyone involved.
until he recalls the little device he keeps in the cave under careful watch. the one bruce has always squashed down the selfish uses it could serve (letting him get more sleep, giving him more time on cases-). but....if it's for tim then it's not really selfish.
at first, it's just checking and then double and then triple checking and each time tim is always in the same position. eating dinner at a table by himself, sitting on the edge of his bed and staring blankly at his feet, listening to music with headphones while he worked on some homework. simple mundane things bruce has done a million times but on tim they just seem....lonelier.
the few times bruce had been to drake manor he never lingered long but with all the time in the world he finally sees how...big it is. far too big for tim who is all by himself.
bruce...at some point...starts stopping time not just to check on tim but because the itch under his skin won't go away. an itch that tells him he's gone too long without holding another person. with the device bruce can stop time and...split off from himself. like a phantom and wander around in this frozen world while his body remains seated and stroking the side of the rectangular, gear-like device.
bruce knows he can still experience sensations even as a sort of phantom. its why he shivers when he climbs into tim's bed while he's asleep in drake manor and holds tim close. bruce curls around his little body, hands practically shaking as he strokes his downy soft hair and nuzzles the back of his neck that warms bruce down to his toes. bruce chose a time when he knew tim would be asleep otherwise tim might get frightened at phantom hands toughing and feeling him so suddenly.
it continues like that. bruce sneaking affection and then behaves as if nothing is wrong when he returns to his body and time progresses as normal.
bruce visits only a few times a month, then it becomes weekly, and then every night bruce is waiting for tim to head home to fall asleep until bruce can't stand the trek to tim's house anymore and offers him a bedroom in the manor for easier access.
it's that access that ends up saving tim's life when bruce goes to tim's room for their nightly cuddling only to stop at the sight of tim red cheeked and sobbing and desperately rubbing at his reddened clit sitting sweetly above his glistening, puffy folds.
bruce nearly punches himself with the realization that tim had been hit by a particularly vicious strand of pollen. the kind that would raise his core temperature until his brain was getting cooked by the heat....unless...unless his body received a very specific combination of citric acid, free amino acids, fructose, enzymes, phosphorylcholine, prostaglandin, potassium, and zinc.
and bruce...has options. unstopping time and confronting tim and dragging him down to the cave. walking over to tim's parted mouth where his pajama dress is pushed all the way under his neck exposing soft little tits with one starting to bruise from tim's desperate abuse for pleasure. he could save tim the humiliation and he would never have to know what bruce did. but...bruce stares at tim's naked body. more exposed than he's ever seen if despite the fact that his hands have made homes to tim's waist, hips, thighs, and the small of his back.
bruce's heart aches at the sight of tim suffering so much. it was his job to ensure tim didn't suffer, tim was his robin and it was his job to keep him safe but if it hadn't been for the little time stopper and bruce's selfishness bruce would've awoken to tim's corpse cooling on a bed.
and...maybe bruce has slowly been working towards this, maybe he was just looking for an excuse to be selfish again, or maybe he was trying to make up for nearly fucking up so horribly-
but...he decides to do everything to make sure tim doesn't continue suffering. he goes slow. he's gentle.
bruce has never fucked a virgin before so all he can do is carefully press his finger into tim's little hole and pump it in, warming the cunt up more by adding another finger. tim's hole loosens marginally, he can see as more slick gets developed the more he works over this cunt with his decades of experience. he presses his tongue in, letting the flat of it lick a stripe up and press meanly to tim's clit. tim's body doesn't give a responsive jolt in return but bruce knows the effect that move has on pussies. bruce strips off his own clothing slowly. his real body is a few rooms down already in bed and handling the device allowing bruce to do this.
he pushes down his pants and underwear, taking hold of his throbbing and leaking cock. he hums against the sweet taste of tim on his cunt and continues sucking gently on the little clit that's so exposed from tim's fingers spreading his lips open for bruce.
bruce leaves wet, stringy trails of saliva on tim's virgin pussy. he collects a wad of saliva in his mouth as he rises to his feet and his knees sink into the mattress of tim's bed.
he presses to throbbing cockhead into tim's hole and pushes the wad of spit out, watching as it hits bruce's cockhead sinking into tim's warm, heavenly heat.
bruce lets out an audible groan as he sinks in, watching himself get swallowed by a red, flushed little cunt. he lets out a quiet curse at the sight of tim's hole stretching to accommodate bruce sinking in all the way to his womb.
even though he's frozen, bruce can still feel tim's heartbeat pulsing around his cock as he drags his sweat and cunt slicked cock out of that hole and thrusts gently back in.
bruce is gentle for tim's first time. he rocks in and out of a slow beat. his thumb rubs circles into tim's clit and he snaps his hips a little harder everytime tim's hole give in a little more until he's got a good pace and is grunting into tim, fucking his hole until he's spilling and filling him up nice and good.
bruce's guilt isn't satiated by just doing it once. bruce fucks tim for the rest of the night. or rather for hours because the sun never comes up and the moon never goes down. bruce fucks tim's hole fast and slow and he keeps going, cumming again and again and again. tim's cunt is frothy with cum, it spills out of him in a steady, thick drip. tim's body is almost certainly cured and even if the cum disappears once bruce returns to his body he knows it will have been enough.
bruce stops only when he feels like he's on the verge of a heart attack. he's covered in sweat and panting, his cock is spilling almost constant dribbles of cum. bruce presses a gentle kiss to the crown of tim's head and returns to his body where he is suddenly clean and dry with none of the earlier muscle aches. but he also feels....so deeply satisfied. the same feeling he always gets after a nice fuck.
tim feels sick in the morning. that's what he claims. bruce lets him stay home from school and tries to tell himself that he'd done his job. that tim was alive and he'd more than made up for his failure as a mentor.
but then...bruce comes home one day. tim is in one of the sitting rooms laying on his stomach and watching the tv while his homework is spread around him.
his legs are spread in a perfect 'V' allowing bruce to catch the slightest peek of pink cotton underwear under his skirt and...bruce remembers the bone-deep satisfaction that morning after he woke up. he'd stretched and yawned and felt better rested and lighter than he had in decades.
and...it would be pure selfishness but...bruce goes to his room where he keeps the device and just a few short minutes later he's huddled behind tim and moving the crotch of his underwear to the side so he can fuck his fingers in and even though it's been a few days bruce quietly marvels at how tim's cunt stretches to accommodate him.
it doesn't take as long to fuck tim this time. bruce only fucks him for an hour, pounding his wet folds and growling his release into his cunt for a few rounds before getting up and zippling his slacks back up. he's back a few hours later after dinner. he fucks tim as he's standing up and getting dressed for patrol. bruce squeezes tim's hips in his hands while he bends his knees to get his cock to reach tim's cunt to fuck him again.
a few times bruce doesn't even fuck tim. when tim is in the shower bruce groups him, squeezing the cheeks of his little ass, thumbs pushing against tim's nippes and feeling out the soft tissue of his developing breasts. he strokes hands down tim's waist. he just likes touching tim.
when bruce gets horny he'll take his clothes off and gently rub the head of his cock against the soft skin of tim's lips. both pairs.
bruce eats tim out at his leisure, mapping out every bit of his insides with his tongue and humming against the sweet taste of his young pussy that's only ever known one man. him.
bruce fucks tim hard and fast, gentle and soft, bruising and vicious, tender and sweet. it changes depending on bruce's mood for the day or desires. tim is the best pussy bruce has ever had and he has no intentions of ever giving it up.
bruce starts putting cameras in tim's room. in his shower. he's curious to see how tim acts once bruce is finished and starts time again. he watches tim's nose wrinkle, his brows furrow, his body hunch over. he listens to tim's squeaks and moans, and muffled whines as he gets phantom fucked by bruce for the second time.
bruce strokes his cock to the sights and sounds then stops time and goes to fuck tim for some relief because ever since bruce started doing this he hasn't masturbated even once.
the drakes pass away and bruce doesn't even give tim a chance to voice an opinion before bruce is taking him in (no way is bruce letting a pussy like tim's get away).
bruce continues as he was until...tim comes to him. shameful eyes cast down, red staining his cheeks, and biting down on his fat bottom lip. bruce is almost tempted to stop time and fuck tim while staring at his face struck with such a sweet and innocent look.
bruce listens to tim admitting that he'd lied to bruce months ago. that something had happened with ivy's pollen that...something was STILL happening.
and bruce pretends to be angry, pretends to be sympathetic, pretends to assure tim he'll get to the bottom of this. he collects blood, saliva, hair, and, much to tim's humiliation, a swab of the inside of his cunt. why he's so embarrassed bruce doesn't know- it's nothing he's never seen before after all.
bruce comforts tim...he holds him close for the first time...the first time where he hasn't needed to stop time.
tim's crying face is just too arousing. bruce fucks tim again that night. only instead of basking in the afterglow after retreating to his body his door bursts open with tim tearfully asking if he can stay in bruce's room with him that...it happened again.
bruce welcomes tim. he lifts the cover and...bruce enjoys have tim is his arms while his heart slows down to a normal speed after his orgasms. tim cuddles close and his hair smells nice and minty from his shampoo as bruce buries his nose in it.
the next night bruce doesn't need to make the trek to tim's room a few doors down. he just rolls over tim in bed and fucks that hot little cunt until he's satisfied until his thumb and fingers have brutally squeezed every little orgasm out of tim. that's when bruce stretches, lays back, and breathes steadily as tim whimpers at his side and squirms closer. bruce comforts tim, weaves fingers into his hair, and gently strokes his back while listening to all the sounds that would get his dick hard if he wasn't so spent.
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2braincellslz · 2 years
My Prize
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Ship: Corinthian x male!reader
Warnings: Corinthian shit, nothing really.
Desc: yn works at a Burlesque show as a bartender but he envies the girls on the stage. He really wants to be able to do what they do. While hes working, a mysterious blond man makes himself known and makes it clear that he isnt here for the girls.
Notes: I'm so deeply in love with the Corinthian. I'm begging yall, send in The Corinthian requests-
You were working your ass off, filling up order after order. Billy, your co-bartender, had left you for some girl. Probably one of the waiters that also wasnt doing her job. His ass was getting payed for flirting while you were going non-stop.
Any second you would get a brake, you would watched the dancers. Swinging their hips and jumping around like they owned the place. Technically, they did. Everyone came to see them.
You envied their style and glamour. You envied their flirtatious nature. You envied the eyes they got from all the attractive men, then men you could only glance at in passing.
On a lucky day. The owner, Chrissy, would ask you to play in the band if one of the guys was out sick, then you would get a lick of what the girls had.
It wasnt like the girls treated you bad. You were THE bartender they would go to if they had a problem and couldn't find Chrissy or Shawn. Whether it was a costume malfunction or a guy that was getting a little too close or a fight that broke out in the back. They invited you to activities too. Last week, they all took a poll dancing class and invited you. Whenever they would got out for pizza or sushi after work, they would invite you. Sometimes, they would try and hook you up with one of the big rollers that would come in. Saying "you deserve someone that will treat you like a prince." Never worked out but you appreciated their efforts.
"Excuse me." You herd a voice speak over the loud music and chatter of the people.
You turned around and there standing infront of you was another example of something you could look at but never thouch. Kinda ironic for the place you worked at.
The man was tall, blond hair, warm brown stylish clothes, a smile that could talk him in to everything, dark sunglasses. How could he see anything right now?
"What do you recommend?" The man leaned forward, forearms resting on the counter.
"Shots of patrons are always very popular. So are Martinis."
"I'll have a martini then."
You hummed in approve as you pulled out a martini glass and started making the mystery man a drink.
"So, what is a pretty boy like you doing working in the back and not up there?" He asked, pointing to the stage.
You had herd that one before.
"Listen, if you are trying to get cheap drinks, you cant talk your way in to it." You smiled, not even looking up from the drink. You couldn't say his comment didnt nothing for you though. A blush creeped up on your face along with a bit of hope that was quickly shoved down.
"Who said I was trying to get cheap drinks, darlin'"
You couldn't help but cough out a suprised laugh, chewing on your lip.
"Right, because any guy like you would be hitting on a guy that works behind a bar with more eyeliner on then most of the girls because you want something other then free drinks." You smiled to hopefully lessen the tension of your mini rant.
"I'm guessing you get a lot of guys flirting for free drinks?"
"More then you would expect." You slid him his drink.
"And how do you know they are only here for drinks and not to talk with a cute boy?" He hummed, sipping his drink.
"Because they leave after they get their drink."
You and the mystery man stared at eachother. You were waiting for his to prove you right. You were waiting for him to leave the stool chair and go back to whatever date he brought here. Yet, he didnt. Maybe he wanted to prove you wrong.
"I havent left yet."
"So you haven't. Would you like a reward?"
The man laughed and you cursed yourself for letting butterfly's fill your chest.
"Reward would be nice. What do you have to offer? A free drink?"
Now it was your turn to laugh. "Not a chance. But if you stick around long enough, I'll give you a prize. And no, it's not a free drink."
"Alright, that type of prize then?" He finished off the drink.
Then came the next wave of orders. As you worked, filling up the different trays, you half expected the handsome man to leave. It was boring here. More boring then watching the show. But to your suprise, when you were done, he was still there.
You shighed and went back to the man.
"You look great in that outfit. It complements your eyes."
"Oh, thank you." You chuckled, whipping down one of the glasses and placing it with the others. "Not as good as them."
The man swiveled in the chair, turning to look at the dancers. "Are you interested in one of them?"
"No, I dont exactly swing that way."
"You want to be up there, then."
You didnt say anything but you could tell he knew. It was obvious by the way you stared in awe at the girls. Someone who didnt know would probably think you wanted a piece of one of them.
"Have you ever thought of auditioning?"
"I wouldn't be able to do what they do. I would just be a backup dancer for the true stars."
He hummed, turning back to you. "Well, I think, the best view in the place is you."
You looked back at the guy, laughing off his comment. "We may not have any windows but we do have the best view in Hollywood."
"I never got your name, pretty boy."
Corinthian. That sounded oddly familiar but you couldn't place your finger on it.
"Its nice to put a name to a pretty face." You smiled, leaning on the counter.
"Oh, I could say the same for you." His confidence never wavered. Its was very hot. It brought a stronger blush to your face.
The club was emptying out. The last patrons were emptying out. And the blond man was still keeping you company.
"I stayed the whole time." He said, getting up and grabbing his jacket that he shead some time during yalls conversation. "Wheres my prize?"
"I was just joking about that." You chuckled. "But what do you want."
"Leaning over the counter and close your eyes."
You did as he said. You knew what was coming. It was kinda obvious. And you were right.
A quick kiss was pressed to your lips. It was too short. After all this time you spent with the charmer one small kiss was not enough to feed your need for him.
"I'll see you tomorrow." He hummed and he left.
You shighed and glanced over, seeing all the dancers staring in awe.
"YN! " one of the girls practically screamed, running over and hugging you over the counter.
"And I thought you were a lost cause." Another girl smiled.
"I owe Chrissy 30 bucks."
"It was a quick kiss!" You defended yourself but god, did you hope the blond man had more in store for you.
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skyistheground · 2 years
Same anon that sent the Shamura au ask again. Quick question: would like to hear some thoughts I had about it? Just some details and stuff.
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narinder and the lamb have slight redesigns-- narinder is a bit fancier and, of course, under blessing of shamura, the lamb gets new clothes
leshy, heket, and kallamar don't get much chages, except they aren't injured. shamura didnt do anything to them
backstory stuff under the cut
in this au, narinder is sort of the impromptu leader because his control over death is what makes their cult work-- followers fear death, he can secure a lot of loyalty and secure the old faith's rule for many millennia to come
narinder would often go to shamura for visions of the future so he could plan ahead, always plan ahead
the problem is, the visions for shamura are draining, physically, mentally, and emotionally. they sit through and watch distressing things, then relive it by having to talk about it. not all of narinders plans to subvert or plan around the future even work, and the blame often falls on shamura for not telling him enough, even if that was all they could see. plus, over time, it seemed like narinder only wanted to talk to them for visions, not for being his sibling
they didn't tell him how they felt, though. in fear of making things worse. shamura can sometimes choose when to have visions, but not what is in them.
the final straw was a peculiar vision about a lamb wearing their crown-- something that may spell bad news for themselves if shared. it just didn't look good.
so they tried fleeing, vanishing away from their family. it didnt last too long-- they were caught and dragged back
narinder secured them in an isolated cave of their own domain to prevent them from running away again and tried to convince them to share their visions-- saying that it was for the good of the old faith
shamura, stubborn as they are, still refused to talk. frustration rose within them with passing time, it was a bottle waiting to explode
narinder got his hand a bit too close one day and they lashed out, chomping down, refusing to let go, tugging and shaking until it tore off
so their mouth was caged. narinder made a few attempts to get them to speak after, promising forgiveness and freedom, but they still refused
he eventually stopped visiting.
silk cradle was then used as a place of exile-- heretics and nonbelievers are cast far away from the lands of the old faith to either struggle in the wilderness or die horribly, hunted down by spiders
the lamb was one of these heretics. by coincidence, they managed to find shamura in their cave
and after millennia of standing around, and recalling their past, they decided to take a shot at freedom
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garyroachsanderson · 2 years
Will never not get over the bestfriend hcs pls bless us with more🛐 Also love your writing!!
hi thank you!! here’s more
141 - best friend hcs
long periods of silence where neither of you say anything, but its comfortable. you’re both doing completely different things but it qualifies as hanging out
if you have a personality similar to him: you didn’t approach him at first, you both kind of orbited around each other. he eventually just started hanging out more, being closer to you in battle, until you both decided to hang around each other. you have his back, he has yours.
if you dont: you probably approached him at first. his personality off out you, but you continued your kindness until he saved you during a mission. from that point on, you became inseparable. he has a soft spot for you and you only.
soap probably tried to befriend you at some point, to which ghost scared him off. its not that he’s obsessive or anything, he just wants soap to piss off and find his own friend, because he knows if you were friends with him he’d get you mindlessly injured at some point.
you passed out during a mission after being shot, and it was the only time the team had ever seen ghost cry. you were fine of course—he just thought you were dead because he didn’t know if you could take a bullet.
awful jokes. terrible jokes, even.
one day, you decided to retaliate.
“ay, l.t.?”
“what do you call a soldier who shits himself often?”
“a LOOtenant.”
“go right to hell.”
blood brothers (siblings?). there has definitely been a point where you shook hands and shared blood
you’re the one who gave him his haircut. he trusted you with a razor, and you buzzed it into a terrible mohawk. he thinks it suits him, and tried playing it off by saying he loves it. now, he chooses to cut it like that
many “why are you buying clothes at the soup store” incidents
as the only one who can understand his accent, you often have to translate for him. though, if you have an accent, it has the same effect as putting two phones with ‘talking tom’ installed on them next to each other.
“i dare you to shout that over comms”
“you always fucking win at uno” (he doesnt know how to play and gets angry)
you unintentionally learned scottish
he definitely wanted to be bffs the second he saw you. he simply thinks you are cool
you are a literal teachers pet
you consistently stand up for him when the conversation turns
def a niece/nephew and crazy uncle type relationship. “(reader) gets to hold the guns because i said so”
you two play so many card games you dream of aces and spades
“and why does (reader) get shotgun? i called it first”
“because they’re better than all of you combined”
terrible old man jokes but kind of funny. you know a lot of like 1960s lingo
if you were to ever be injured it would definitely be a NO NO NO SOAP NO NO NO moment
the reason hes taken such a shining to you is because he thought you were stupid when you joined the ranks. when you saved his ass from SEVERAL attacks, his opinion changed.
rock, paper scissors is your favorite game to play together. he cant often beat you, and spends a lot of time trying to get better, which is why when he hits his head he plays rock paper scissors with himself
you helped him instead of crack jokes when he was a newbie, which is why you’re each other’s favorite. he reminded you of yourself when you were younger
alternatively, you were the newbie after roach. he didnt want you to feel the same shame that he did when he joined, so he protected you from the higher-ups jokes, and you never drifted apart
you’re the only one hes ever actually gotten to tell he was transgender. price saw it in his file, and wanted to name him ‘cockroach’.. but he didnt have one. hes kept it a secret from everyone else, though.
on the day of shepherds betrayal, it was you in ghosts shoes. you actually managed to get a bullet in shepherds heart, but he got you as well. you managed to drag him away into the treeline, and you somehow managed to fucking live.
once again, same room! price thought it was only fair.
he has a sewn on patch of whatever your callname is, and you have a sewn on patch of a roach on your shoulder.
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