#he doesn’t know how zhanna is I don’t think
sargetblu · 2 months
[She attacks you violently]
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singularsoldier · 1 year
Been re-reading the comics and one thing that’s been lingering in my mind is when Medic says the team won bc everyone else doesn’t have a soul
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Probably a throw away line, but its got me thinking. We don’t know exactly what Medic’s contract w the devil was. All we know is that Medic sold his soul and upon his death he would go straight to hell. One might think “oh he sold it for his medical abilities” which is good in theory, but then we have the Two Cities update. There, it describes Medic’s hometown of Rottenburg.
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Most important line here is “chasing the next in resident lineage of mad doctors out of town…whenever they swapped out too many super-charged baboon hearts”. Medic comes from a family of doctors/medical personnel. Its likely that he grew up with dissections, scalpels, and everything else that makes him the man he is.
So! What could possibly be the deal with the devil? My theory is that rather gaining medical abilities, he enhanced his own. I can very easily see a frazzled Ludwig on the brink of a miracle only to fall short due to costs/capability/fragility of the human body. Medic is definitely a smart man, but it wasn’t enough.
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See how the Devil says “you would have ended up here anyways”? Medic has always been a mad man. He just got the chance of a lifetime to make his wildest dreams a reality.
Now, why the extra souls? Again, Medic is a smart man, and he knows that under normal circumstances, the rest of the team would die from his experiments. Think of the Meet the Medic video. Heavy is fully conscious with his entire torso open. You can chalk it up to being silly game logic, but for the sake of my post, lets pretend he’d be dead any other way.
By removing his soul (and everyone else’s) Medic likely preformed a similar deal. He’s not the type of scientist to denounce the supernatural. The mercs can clearly use magic as seen in the Halloween gameplay, so how different can magic be from a devil’s powers? (Dont answer that). By taking their souls, Medic was able to enhance everyone else in a similar fashion. Whether it be durability, intelligence, or just a vague “they’re all stronger now lol” the mercs outlasted their predecessors. Despite being called jokes/loser mercenaries, they beat the tfc crew into the dust (with the help of Pauling and Zhanna ofc).
All in all, this is just a half baked thought i put together. Probably lots of holes in it if I take a deep dive, but its fun to think about!
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honkshoo-zzz · 11 months
How I see the Mercs within the LBGTQ+ Community
cause i keep seeing people posting things and EVERYONE KEEPS GETTING IT WRONG!! /j who cares i jus wanna make a funky list too
Scout: Def Bisexual, Trans ftm (can take or leave)
Probably has a preference for women
Probably doesn’t realize he likes men until he works with them 24/7 and all of his coworkers are hunky n sweaty and maybe a lil flirty
If trans, used Sex Bom tattoo to cover top surgery scars. Even though it’s definitely just worse than just having ts scars lmao
Soldier: Bisexual and Poly
I just love him dating Zhanna and Demo honestly
Fuck it, other mercs too, if they wanted
Tbh I also fuck with aro/ace vibes for him, he’s just kinda around for a good time with the homies in my mind. Both is good
I do see his preference being fairly equal though. Too busy thinking about his love for the US to think too much about tiddies/ass/etc.
Pyro: Def Ace, and either Aro or Lesbian in my mind. Also Nonbinary.
Either gender-fluid or just straight-up no gender enby. no in-between in my eyes.
I’m mostly all for Aro/Ace Pyro but I saw some Pyro x Ms. Pauling art and. love that. ugh, decisions…
Feel like they use whatever pronouns. Don’t gaf, will never gaf
Also no sex cause the suit just doesn’t come off. Also too busy setting shit on fire to care. More important shit to do.
Demoman: Pansexual and Poly
Again, dating Soldier who is also dating Zhanna
He’s also in a longterm relationship with Eyelander. Don’t ask too many questions about how that works though. But they are.
Also doesn’t have a gender-preference (obviously, he’s married to a sword). Semi-opportunistic in that sense, I guess (again he’s married to a sword. how many times do i gotta—)
Heavy: Bisexual, preference for Men
Idk man but Heavy and Medic have been married for a long time in my eyes
Also I feel like he participated in his sisters’ longing to “see another man” while living in Russia, had a similar reaction to meeting Medic upon taking the Merc job as Zhanna meeting Scout/Soldier
(For those who have yet to read the comics, that reaction basically just being: “you are man. I am horny. let’s bang.” and Medic would just be like o///o “aight” I think)
Biggest trans supporter tho, idk why but it just makes sense he would be the first to punch the teeth out a transphobe. Defends other mercs when confronted about gender shit 100%
Engineer: Bisexual, preferring Women; ftm Trans
The more top surgery art I see of him, the more I fall in love with trans Engie. It’s basically canon to me now. You can take this from my cold, dead hands.
Idk not much else to say. He’s a switch, though, if that adds much of anything HXSKFJEJX
No bottom surgery in my mind, either. Just makes his own straps n shit, cause he can (one of his 11 PhDs was in sex, actually, did you know?)
Medic: Gay, ftm Trans (again, can take or leave)
The most bottom-gay I’ve ever seen, personally (idk how else to phrase it, forgive me)
Again, I feel like he’s been married to Heavy for a long time
If trans, did his own top and bottom surgery, probably at the same time, cause he knew he could and he’s fucking insane (scars are a little wild as a result but he wears them with pride)
Sniper: Gay. das it HFSKFJEK
Gay, but the type of guy where you’d never know til his fuckin boyfriend walks out and kisses him or sum
Also he’s exclusively a top in my mind. Idk why but I feel like he’s got control issues HHEEKLEDP
Again, not super out-spoken about his sexuality, but *will* go out of his way to stab a homophobe. Not kill them from a distance, specifically stab. Shit’s more personal that way (is that too morbid? sorry)
Spy: Bisexual, Genderfluid
Another bottom, but will top if needed (like with most women, if he somehow gets with *another* bottom, etc.)
He’s also a whore. A slut, even. Good for him.
OH AND GENDERFLUID omg. Saw some stuff about that recently so it’s new to my pea brain but I like it.
Again, like Sniper, I feel like he wouldn’t really talk about his gender stuff a lot, but would discover this of himself when disguising himself as women and just feeling. Just as comfortable, if not more comfortable as them at times.
Kinda sensitive about it, though, probably. Will stab anyone who mentions it while he’s figuring it out. But gets better upon meeting the mercs and their gay-asses, lmao
“holy shit it’s not that crazy to like to have boobs sometimes” type-beat.
ok i’m done. again feel free to add stuff, fight me (like, as a bro), or whatever. Love talking about it cause I love these lil weirdos. Probably too much. oh well hdkafjejfk
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thetriggeredhappy · 2 years
what do you think we would've gotten in comic 7. like how on Earth were they planning to wrap everything up in one issue actually
i have a couple of ideas actually and i’ll list a few of them rapidly
the main threads that haven’t been tied up are 1. what the administrator is trying to do, 2. the relationship between pauling and the mercs, 3. what miss pauling will become after everything, and 4. the fate of the team. immediately, those last three seem more interconnected than that first one, but bear with me.
for the first thing, i believe the administrator, ultimately, wants Mann Co. for any number of reasons! she doesn’t have it yet. had no way of getting it, really. ultimately, saxton hale, while a dipshit, had more money and power than her. i doubt he’s somehow gone without assassination attempts, and i’d assume they were unsuccessful through a combination of security and his own brute strength. i’m guessing her ‘relationship’ with the mercs was another chess piece in that, giving them experimental weapons from the man himself to dissect for fundamental engineering flaws that she could exploit and also to test the weapons before giving them to better, more competent mercenaries, ones in training to eventually kill saxton to take the empire. perhaps because of an old stipulation in the will (there’s implied to be holes in it). then the thing with Grey Mann happened, and she was thrown off course, but saxton is now just about as defenseless as she is, albiet still physically stronger, unless of course she takes a lethal dose of australium and summarily curbstomps his whole ass. assuming she can find him in time, at least.
but she has one thing left to worry about, obviously. saxton is nearly defenseless. nearly. he only has himself, and mags (who she doesn’t know about, to my understanding). the administrator has herself and miss pauling. and in the middle, in a neutral space, almost, able to go either direction, are the mercenaries. ultimately, i think they’d want to side with pauling. but saxton is the one signing their checks, and clearly if they cared more about moral reasonings than money, they wouldn’t be in this business. that’s the administrator’s justification, at least.
so she asks miss pauling to go to the location she listed off. miss pauling, when she gets there, realizes as she’s walking in that these are familiar caves. she killed the Director here. countless television men. witnesses. politicians. policemen. anyone who the administrator wanted dead, she would send here with miss pauling. and now miss pauling is walking in, the entire team behind her, and she has to make a choice.
spy figures it out almost right away (he’s the paranoid type), and says nothing. because the fact that she didn’t carry out her orders right away means she’s considering something very hard. i think heavy figures it out quickly, too. but most of the rest of the team hasn’t noticed anything is wrong. pyro and demo are goofing off, soldier and zhanna are trying to get sniper to fight them, medic is taking care of the baboon and trying not to let it eat scout’s head except actually maybe that would be an interesting thing, a baboon that eats heads—
in my mind, she wanders off to think, and to try to contact the administrator to clarify what her orders are. the administrator relays the instructions clearly, saying she’s letting pauling off with a warning, only because she’s never gotten confused on instructions like this before, so it must be an honest mistake. she is to kill all of the mercenaries by any means necessary. time is limited. act fast, so they don’t have time to realize what she’s doing.
the transmission is cut, and miss pauling has to think about everything these men have done for her. some leaving peaceful lives behind, some experiencing grief unlike anything in the world, some willing to go to prison and die rather than rat her out, some actually dying in the process of fighting a war for her again, just because she asked them to. one they didn’t need to do, because they care about her. respect her. trust her. hell, even the engineer had stayed at his post, dutiful, just like her. they all tried so hard.
in my mind, the flashback is cut by the door opening, and in my mind, it’s scout, because he’s the unluckiest stupidest man alive and his timing is terrible. pauling tells him to shut the door, and he does, obviously. she pulls out a silenced pistol and aims it at his head.
scout isn’t all that scared, just a little nervous, because woah, this is a weird prank, miss p! what’s up? he promises he isn’t spy—they only have the one, these days, and he’s a dick but like, seriously. quit joking around.
and he’s still got a gut wound, so she knows he isn’t fighting back any time soon. he’s not even armed properly.
it occurs to her that they all were following her without any expectations of reward. scout hoped, maybe, that this would be the first step in her falling in love or whatever, but ultimately, they weren’t really promised much, just something to do. it occurs to her that this is what she is, to the administrator. a sap with a gut wound, who died, just because she was asked to.
i think miss pauling turns on the administrator. maybe not even because she cares about the team, but because she looks at this guy and decides she has to be better than this. better than smiling with shaking hands while a gun is pointed at her head. she spares scout, and off to one side spy calls her an assortment of things including a complete fucking sap, and they start formulating a plan.
maybe it’s a good plan. maybe it’s fucking stupid. almost certainly, it hinges heavily on the administrator being absolutely, completely convinced that there’s nothing the team can do to her, because they’re all complete idiots. but they succeed, because they’re idiots, but they’re also brilliant in their own way, they just need a little coordination. perhaps by someone even more brilliant than all of them named miss pauling yes i’m in love with her.
i think the administrator’s death would be unsatisfying and sad. miss pauling now trying to say something kind to someone in their dying moments instead of something terrible, and stumbling over it, and the administrator maybe admitting why this happened to her. what happened to make her so angry, so vicious, so cutthroat. and i think miss pauling realizes that actually, this shit sucks, and none of this bloodshed will ever be worth it if even the administrator was never happy—if even saxton was never truly happy, just trying to find someone who he could trust, just be with, just be happy with. she tries to pass over Mann Co to the Engineer, who maybe shares monetary rights with the other mercs (exclusively, he’s the one actually in charge they just make royalties) or maybe just pyro because they’re best fucking friends. everyone now has a ton of money. some of them use it to become even better mercenaries and some use it to just buy sour cream for their raccoons.
medic, of course, invests in his research. they’re all happy until the genetically modified baboon insurrection, cut to team fortress 3 logo roll fucking credits. directed by quentin tarantino
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tf2mybeloved · 2 years
Hey could you do the mercs with a chubby s/o who's kinda insecure about their body? 👉👈 (Btw I love your writing!!)
Thank you!
He’s genuinely confused at first, because he thinks his s/o is perfect. What’s got someone who is literally flawless so upset? When his s/o shares their insecurities, he explodes with compliments - and everyone knows how much Scout can talk. He ultimately just wants his s/o to feel comfortable and for them to know how much he loves them.
Also taken aback. Begins to “berate them with sweet nothings” like he did to Zhanna in the comics. Might get mad that he can’t physically punch his s/o’s sadness in the face. He’s trying to help, really. Hopefully his s/o knows that Soldier loves them very much, and their weight is not a factor to stop this love.
Ohh no… their poor s/o. They don’t deserve to feel insecure, but Pyro can understand - they’ve felt insecure about plenty in their life. They don’t really have the words to express to their s/o how lovely they think they are, but they hope that a warm hug (if his s/o wants it) will show how they feel.
Will always be there to listen to his s/o about their insecurities. Sits next to them and wraps his arm around their shoulder and just holds them close. He wants them to know that they mean so much to him and that they shouldn’t feel self-conscious about their weight. It doesn’t mean a thing to him.
Gets it. He understands what it’s like to feel self conscious about one’s weight; he’s often berated for his. He lets his s/o know that no matter what, he’ll always love them; their weight is such a nonissue to him. If anyone ever gives his s/o a hard time about their weight, Heavy will punch them into the sky and into orbit.
Constant reassurances of his love. Just wants his s/o to know that he’ll love them no matter what, and wants to help his s/o with their insecurities. Lots of hugs, if his s/o wants them.
He doesn’t always know what to say, but he hopes that all the hugs and love he pours onto his s/o will let them know that they’re so loved by him. Gladly offers distractions if needed as well.
Like Engineer, he’ll offer a lot of reassurances, and like Heavy, he is extremely protective over his s/o. He doesn’t always know what to do or say, but he always lets his s/o know that he’s there to listen and to offer reassurance.
Like Sniper, he’s a good listener. Spy doesn’t want his s/o to feel self-conscious, of course; he lets them know that there’s nothing to be self-conscious about, and that nothing dissuades him from loving everything about them.
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hankwritten · 2 years
Everyone at the Team Defense Fort Wants to Know me Carnally
Day 7 - Valentines Pyro/Engie/Spy/ScoutMa, Pyro/Medic, Pyro/Demo/Sniper, Pyro/Demo/Soldier/Zhanna, Pyro/Heavy, Pyro/Scout, 4k
“I’m sure you’ve figured why I’ve called you all here,” Engie says with uncharacteristic seriousness. “I know none of us want to believe it but…I don’t think Pyro actually knew what they were doing when they gave each and every one of us a valentine’s card.”
The assembled mercenaries lounge around Engie’s in various states of disappointment—or in Demo’s case, out right despondency. Some of them are still holding their cards, having woken that morning with the belief that a warm and heartfelt confession of love had been slipped under their doors in the night, construction paper slightly smoldering lest there was any confusion who it was from. Things had fallen apart at breakfast, as each passed his coworker and—in turn—wondered what he was also doing with a valentine from Pyro.
“I don’t gotta freakin’ be here!” Scout complains. “Mine’s like, actually getting asked, the rest of you chucklenuts probably got some of those lame kiddy versions with Bugs Bunny on ‘em.”
“Nyet. Little Pyro writes down all ways they think Heavy is handsome. Is very detailed.”
“Mine is also quite personal,” Medic says, lowering his glasses down his nose to look over it again. “I have never been gifted organ themed poetry before. It is…quite sweet.”
Sniper snorts. “Face it mate, you’ve been bilked, just like the rest of us.”
“I didn’t say bilked,” Engie scolds, “honestly. Y’all think Pyro has a single malicious bone in their body? Hell, they even think the REDs are their friends-”
“Sure, doesn’t stop ‘em from burning ‘em to death…” Sniper mutters under his breath.
“-And to say they’re trying to be two-timing about this is downright uncharitable,” Engie finishes with a glare that might as well have started burning people to death. “We’ve obviously just got a misunderstanding on our hands. Or Smokey does at least. Someone must not have fully explained exactly what valentine’s is about, and they took it upon themself to make each of us as happy as possible.”
No one wants to believe it, all waiting for the others to budge and somehow become the last one standing. Scout, still sulking from Sniper’s jab, crosses his arms and curls away from the group. Soldier stands at attention, jaw firm, and Medic rubs his temples. Even Spy who, throughout this whole little impromptu meeting has been acting like he couldn’t care less, is visibly disappointed.
When no one caves, Engie sighs. “As happy as I know we’d all be to be Pyro’s Valentine, we- Demo are you crying?”
“No,” Demo sniffs, sitting on the ground and rocking his wounded pride back and forth. “What do I care what some bloody firebug thinks ‘o me…they can have ten boyfriends if they bloody want…I can use these gunshow tickets all by meself…”
“…Like I was saying, as much as we’d all hoped we’d been singled out, it’s clear Pyro just heard about the whole flowers and chocolates thing and wanted to spread the love. I’ll talk to them, and sort all this out.”
Demo sniffs loudly again. Sniper hands him a hanky, which Demo blows his nose into at an improbable volume.
The grumbles are, if not of acceptance, then of acquiescence, all except Scout who starts up his string of complaints as the mercenaries begin to file out.
Engie rubs his face. Who that little firebug could be such a heartbreaker. “Not how I thought this day would go,” he admits to Spy, still hanging around and gently messing with the various items in Engie’s workshop (specifically because he knows it drives him crazy.)
“How did you think it would go?” Spy asks, lifting a spud wrench and tilting it nonchalantly.
“For one I thought you’d be taking me to dinner.”
“Hm, that would be quite romantic, wouldn’t it now? Ah but it seems I haven’t made any reservations. Oh well.”
“Yeah right.” Like Spy would ever pass up the opportunity to flaunt his ability to acquire impossible dining reservations under even the most dreadful of conditions. “You mind getting Pyro for me?”
“Am I your errand boy today instead of your lover?”
“Oh quit it, you already went and got the rest of the team, what’s one more?”
With the most dramatic sign available to him, Spy sighs, and goes to collect the Pyro.
Pyro enters the workshop looking…quite festive. Although no stranger to coating their suit in stickers, the sheer number of glitter stamps is staggering. Crowding out the stickers are painted on hearts, acrylic not taking to the rubber well, most of them cracked and flaking off in pentagonal shapes as the flexible material moves beneath. Pyro doesn’t care. As they catch sight of Engie they bound up with the eternal optimism of youth and ask—nay, demand—if he got their letter.
“I did, I did.” Engie pushes up his helmet to scratch his head. “That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about, actually.”
This sets Pyro off into delight bubbling, which Spy, having followed them inside, leans against the doorframe and watches with barely concealed fondness.
“No, no I can’t be your valentine, Smokey,” Engie tries to fend off the mix of signed and mask-exponded questions. “You do know what a valentine is right? Or supposed to be?”
Pyro nods. Valentine’s are for someone you love.
This is going nowhere fast. “Yes someone you love, and you love the team a whole bunch, but you just can’t ask every single person to be your valentine. It’s…it’s romantic love. Specifically. And you don’t love say, me, in a romantic way, do you?”
Of course Pyro does. That’s why they sent the valentine.
“See now that’s what I- wait what?”
It should have been fairly obvious, but Pyro reiterates what they said in their letter, tells Engie he’s been such a wonderful and patient friend with them, and then begins to describe exactly what they’d like to do with him both in and out of the suit.
“Jesus Smokey stop! I get it!”
Engie reaches out and hovers both gloves over their signing hands, as though blocking out the sight will stop the embarrassment from reaching his brain. His face has achieved the color of rare beef, and he straight up can’t keep eye contact anymore. None too far in away in the splash zone of this mortification, Spy is smoking a cigarette between the middle and ring fingers of a perfectly flat hand, using that hand to hide any fit of laughter that may or may not exist.
“That’s…well that changes things,” Engie admits, still reeling, glancing at Pyro every now and again as he tries to push down some new and funny feelings in his chest. “I…suppose I like you too Pyro.” He clears his throat. “But that don’t mean you can send that to everyone on base.”
Why not? Pyro points out that Spy has a boyfriend and a girlfriend.
Spy’s possible-laugh because a definite-choking as he inhales a cloud of smoke.
A little schadenfreude is perfectly fine in moderation. So as Spy tries vainly to compose himself, Engineer grins slightly, and tells Pyro, “that’s because he communicates with us. It’s not just that he went around picking paramours like apples off ‘a trees; actually dating someone takes some work, darling. A card is nice, but it’s just the start.”
Pyro digests this. While their lenses shine emptily as the presence behind loses itself to thought, Engie glances over their shoulder to the recovered Spy, who rolls his eyes. Engie smiles and shrugs.
“Still want to confess your love to all your teammates?” Engie asks when they make a humming noise of conclusion. “Alrighty then. Go get ‘em, partner.”
He punches them lightly under the chin, knuckles grazing the bottom of their mask. They giggle. Turning, they walk right up to Spy, grasp both of his tiny hands in theirs, and ask if he’d do them the honor of being their boyfriend.
Even expecting it, he sputters. “Tch, boyfriend. So juvenile. I will not be your boyfriend ma chérie, however I will happily be your lover.”
There is some delayed giggling, which Engie can’t help but agree with, and then Pyro rises on their toes and ‘kisses’ Spy on the cheek. The sputtering resumes.
Pyro wishes them both goodbye, then goes to clear up that misunderstanding Engie so foolishly made.
Medic was, and always is, the most obvious choice when leaving Engie’s workshop. Many an off-hour is spent in Engineer’s room, sitting in the corner quietly burning stuff, so when that location grows tiresome they can simply walk across the hall and do the same thing over at Medic. Not that everything’s one for one. Engie never talks while he works, but Medic? Even when Pyro’s not there he talks to his birds, to his ‘patient’, to himself; it’s nice every once and a while to be an audience for something.
And Medic is always happy to have them. Even with the events of today, when certainly he must be upset with them, his surprise only lasts a moment before melting into a smile.
“Ah, Pyro,” he says as they push through the swinging doors. “The Engineer wished to speak with you, have you gotten a chance to see him?”
Yes they have, and they immediately launch into an explanation about why Engie is wrong.
They tell Medic they love him lots, that they adore how smart and silly he is. They like his funny laugh and his cute face and they forever appreciate how he was the first one to make them feel welcome when they joined the team. Just because they care deeply about everyone on BLU, doesn’t mean their love for Medic isn’t unique or special, and if he still wants to go on a date sometime the offer still stands.
The soft sadness that’d been clinging to Medic’s frame all morning melts slowly away as the cordially rehearsed speech goes on. When Pyro’s done, they politely tuck their hands behind their back and rock on their heels. Smiling, Medic steps away from his operating table and the less than optimal experiment he’s been bulldozing through, and puts a hand on Pyro’s shoulder.
“I would love that my friend. I have no qualms about sharing you with my teammates; in fact, you are such a treasure I would feel quite selfish to try!”
He laughs. Pyro laughs. It’s such a nice moment they don’t even mind that he didn't wash his hands first—the splatters of blood blend in with the paint-hearts anyway.
“Though-” Medic cuts off his own—always slightly manic—laugh, “if you truly wish to try the monumental feat of seducing every member of the team, I would suggest consoling Scout and Demo as soon as you can. Those two took it quite hard.”
Pyro hums sympathetically. It wasn’t entirely Engie’s fault about all of this—he’d talked some good sense about being more communicative, but there was no reason he’d had to go and make all Pyro’s friends so darn sad. They nod, squeezing their hand over Medic’s until it makes a funny *squelch* noise, and agrees to go find their boys.
Demo’s face lights up like a million sticky bombs going off at once.
Pyro nods. They hope that’s agreeable to him?
“Agreeable? That’s bloody fantastic you pint-sized dalmatian, c’mere!” This is the only warning Pyro gets before they’re lifted off the ground in a respirator-crushing hug. “Oh I love you too you wee devil. I even wanted to tell you, or was thinking about it maybe, but you beat me to the punch.”
There’s a bit of wheezing, but nothing Pyro can’t handle. Instead of struggling, they nuzzle further into Demo’s chest, wondering as they often do how one mortal man can give such good hugs. They kick their feet a little, letting him know they want to be put back onto the ground. He obliges, beaming.
Being in Demo’s presence…it’s comforting. If you’re not so unfortunate as to be a RED, he’ll always take the time for you, and try to cheer you up even if he doesn’t go about it in the best way. If Engie had helped them come out of their shell with gifts of crayons and a quiet corner to express themself, then Demo brought them into the fold by aggressively including them whenever their shyness took hold. There’s just something about him that makes one feel seen.
“Glad you said something,” Sniper says from a nearby fencepost, sharpening his kukri in the waning minutes before the first match of the day. “He’s been moping all morning. Bloody downer it was.”
“I wasnae moping.”
“You damn well were! Finds out his crush doesn’t like him back, ‘n he turns my shoulder into a wet towel.”
“Ach don’t pretend like you weren’t bummed out too. I know you Mundy, I know when you’re acting all aloof because you’re sour and don’t want to show it.”
“You would, considering you make me feel that at least twice a week.”
“Oh hardee har har.”
Pyro would love to sit here and watch them lovingly sling verbal arrows at each other all day, but Sniper Feelings are very important to tend to, especially since—as Demo pointed out—he tends to shuffle them away whenever he suspects he might be catching any. Abandoning the warm half-embrace of the demolitions man, they walk up to Sniper’s fencepost and gently guide his hands off the kukri and into their own. They tell him they meant everything they said in their valentine, that he is kind and handsome and thoughtful even when he won’t admit it to himself. That there’s no one they like spending peaceful nights at the campfire with more, and they’d love it if he'd be their boyfriend too.
Sniper always has the oddest blush, an incredibly deep maroon that stripes across the top half of his head. It now colors his otherwise tanned face from ear to ear, just like Mann Co. Brand Instant Sunburn!
“I’d like that,” he says quietly after a while and several ‘go on’ motions by Demo.
Pyro squeezes his hands in delight.
“Ten minutes until mission start!” the Voice declares, because she’s a huge killjoy.
“Let’s get to it then!” Demo declares with a glee they haven’t seen in ages. “Last one at the starting gates buys drinks tonight!”
“Buys? We’re going somewhere?”
“It’s Valentine’s Day boyo! We’re all going out in honor o’ Pyro de-singling us!”
“We weren’t single-”
“Oi, sounds like your voice is getting further awaaaAAAaay~! Must because you’re getting that much closer to that last one at the gaaaAAAaates~”
It hadn’t felt quite right to single people out while they’d all been crammed shoulder to shoulder in resupply, and Pyro finds no free moment as sentry fire and rockets swarm overhead. What they do find is Soldier, and they settle for extinguishing him with a puff of compressed air—it’s not like they were going to find a non-turbulent moment with him anyway.
“Thanks Smokey,” coughs, patting out the last flames on his sleeves.
They wave instead of replying, indicating they want more than a salute and a departure back into the battle. Soldier cocks his head, then reaches to turn his hearing aid up.
Most people on base have learned for Pyro’s sake, but Soldier’s the only one who knew ASL before they’d even met, and the only one Pyro can have a fluent conversation with. Despite that, holding their flamethrower severely limits what kind of dialogue they can have in the middle of a match, so they have to rely on talking through the mask unless they want to set it down.
And, when given the option, they prefer not to set it down.
“Report private.”
Pyro thinks they should talk about the letter.
Soldier holds up a hand. “No need. I know what you’re going to say. I did not believe for one second that your letter was not the gen-u-ine artifact! The toymaker can spill all the theorems and hypotenuses he likes, but I thoroughly checked that valentine for any signs of enemy scrambling.”
Only taking a moment to parse that, Pyro’s excitement grows, since it sounds like Soldier took their confession at face value.
“Affirmative. But! Before you begin kamikazeeing into the battlefield of love while mighty and ablaze, this old war dog is going to have to burst your bubble. I may share your affections, but I simply cannot agree to the terms of your truce.”
Ah. Shoulder’s hunching, Pyro accepts they probably should have seen that coming. After all, it would be a little too much to hope that everyone would be comfortable with an open relationship.
“Yeah! Whatever that thing was you just said! But mainly for the fact that it would be too confusing.”
“Correct. You could not be my wife. I already have a wife! Nor could you be my husband. I already have a husband! If I started calling you my husband or my wife it would become unclear who I was talking about in the chain of command and this whole unit would fall apart.”
Pyro asks him to clarify if that’s his only hang-up about the arrangement. And if it is, they’re not ready for marriage! They don’t want to be Soldier’s husband or his wife, they’d like to just be his partner.
“Hmmm.” Soldier shoulders his rocket launcher more firmly on his shoulder and rubs his chin. “Clever…ingenious even. Very well! We will enact your plan, and I will happily accept your invitation of a romantic evening. If this all goes well private, expect to see a few more bars on that rank of yours.”
Pyro doesn’t think privates get bars, but finds they don’t care much when Soldier leans over and kisses them zealously on the top of the head. It leaves them with a spring in their step when he rockets over the horizon.
Even without the added reason to visit Heavy today, it’s always nice to curl up next to him after a long battle. When BLU had first arrived on base the ‘library’ was the proprietor of one sole piece of literature, the 1965 edition of the Mann Co. Meat-Adjacent Products Catalog. Even still, the library had gotten some use, the inhabitants pawing over the catalog’s content a few times if only to see some different rations, but not until the Heavy Weapon’s Guy had applied his signature touch did the room become somewhere like home.
Pyro makes no pretense when they slide against Heavy’s side, sighing contentedly as they exhale the day’s efforts like so much smoke. And maybe exhaling a bit of literal smoke too. The arm not holding The Seagull swings over Pyro’s shoulders and drags them closer across the cozy but firm-enough-to-support-a-man-like-Heavy couch.
“Heavy hope little Pyro visit,” he hums.
With their ear pressed to his chest, they can hear the way his voice rumbles, and the last bits of tension leave their shoulders. They pull off their boots, and set them next to the plush carpet as they explain their proposal for the members of BLU team. Heavy listens as they wiggle their socked feet, looking down at them through his comically small reading glasses. No, not comically small. Even with how tiny and round they are, Heavy somehow manages to make them look refined.
Heavy thinks for a moment. “It will be difficult to have many partners. You will do this? How? Only so much time in day with killing little baby men. Also—laundry and dish rotation, time for weapon cleaning…Heavy cannot imagine one lover. Eight very hard.”
Honestly? Pyro hasn’t thought about the logistics of it. It certainly feels like they spend time with every member of the team equally, but what if they start putting in the numbers and it turns out they’ve been neglecting someone this whole time? Should they designate one day of the week for each person? Oh, but then what if it’s someone else’s day and they’re stressed or something and all they want to do is go relax in Heavy’s library, would that be unfair?
Thankfully, this spiral is halted as Heavy notices their jittering and plants a firm hand on their shoulder. “Was not critique. Not say ‘bad idea’. Pyro worry, but that is good, it means Pyro is thinking. That is all. Think.”
Pyro takes a steadying breath, and lets their head fall back against his chest, gazing at the crowded walls of bookshelves that lean in on them. Every inch is festooned with Heavy’s favorites, so much love and joy squeezed into those volumes.
Engie had insisted on communication. This was the inevitable extension of that.
The mask never tells if they’re lost in thought or truly distressed, so Heavy prompts them again when their silence stretches thin. Sheepishly, they ask him if he’d be willing to help them try sorting out a calendar.
Heavy smiles. He agrees with the trust of someone who lets a pyromaniac loose in their library, and expects that same trust to be given in return.
“I have not seen him since the end of the match,” Medic admits.
The rest of the team, those that haven’t already left for pre-arranged Valentine’s plans, corroborate this. Pyro’s turn at the dishes is spent fretfully speeding through their turn at dish duty, leaving quite a few still sudsy in the drying rack. Scout’s not in his room, or practicing shots out in the training yard. Sometimes he likes to go way out into the desert and hit baseballs until his arms get tired, but if he’s actually left to spend his Valentine’s somewhere…
Their panicked heart stills as they find themself before the badlands stretching dark around the base, and spy a familiar campfire sparkling on the horizon. It’s almost narcotic how the sight of one of their favorite people combines with the smudge of fire to prove a guaranteed dose of relief. They’re glad they checked the desert after all; they hadn’t expected a fire tonight, not with so many of their number out fetching dates.
Dates without fire are poor ones indeed, but Pyro lets their teammates make their own choices.
“Oh, uh. Hey Mumbles.” Scout can’t find anywhere to put his eyes when they take their usual spot mere inches from the fire. “Didn’t think you uh…I was actually trying to get out of the base for a bit but I guess I shouldn’t have lit a fire you know haha. Moth to a…y’know what never mind.”
Pyro hums. In between the leaps of flames they can see their best friend scratching his neck. The fire has distracted them briefly, but there’s still a lot they want to say, and their hands hesitate before forming the words.
Scout beats them to the punch. “Py, I gotta-!” He swallows. “I gotta tell you something. I like you. A lot.” He scratches his neck again, so hard his nails leave streaks in irritated skin. “This morning was…jeez this is so embarrassing. This morning I thought your valentine was a come on or something, but then it wasn’t, but I still gotta tell you how I feel even if you don’t like me back or nothing. Because it’s important. And. Yeah.”
They pull back. They can’t say they’re not a little surprised; not from the confession itself, but that Scout would muster up the courage to tell them even after he figured they didn’t like him back. If their soft spot for their fellow teammate could grow any larger, it would have.
And they do like him back.
Scout cocks his head in that puppy way he does, and Pyro falls in love with him all over again. They may go to the others for comfort, for help, for acceptance, but Scout is fun incarnate—their bosom buddy, their amigo, their partner in crime.
“I…” Scout stutters as they explain all this. “I mean…really? Like I get why you’d fall for the other guys, they’re cool ‘n all. But if that’s who you’re into I’m not really…like them.”
Although it costs them a few extra feet from the fire, Pyro stands and walks over to his side. They sit, and link their hand in his. After all, ‘being like’ doesn’t matter so much as ‘liking’. They ask again if he wants to be their valentine.
Scout grins. “Sure pally. Whatever makes you happy.”
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karuuhnia · 3 years
How about a Dad!AU? How do you imagine the mercs as fathers?
Oh, that’s cute! Let’s see.
Scout: He had seven brothers he had to compete with and wouldn’t want his kids to go through something like this. So I think he’d only have one kid, maybe two maximum. He would raise a son to be a huge popular sports fan and a wanna-be womanizer just like him. A daughter he would treat like a princess and shield her from any kind of male attention, threatening potential boyfriends with a gun (not seeing the irony and double standard there lol). But no matter what, he would try to be the father to them that he never had himself.
Soldier: I can see him and Zhanna raising a kid in a stinky barn alongside raccoons and other animals, being dirt poor but energetic and happy. Soldier would cry tears of joy when his kid’s first word was “bread” or “America”. Having the combined genes of Soldier and Zhanna, the little one would possess super-human strength at age 3 already and handle his first rocket launcher to shoot hippies or throw furniture. The parents are overjoyed and proud, unlike Uncle Heavy who would just stare in shock probably and try to control the damage. lol
Pyro: Is a child on the inside himself. He wouldn’t have children himself, but happily play with the children of his friends.
Demo: Seeing how he suffered from the Demoman traditions (being abandoned in the mountains at birth etc.) I doubt he would do anything like that to his own children. I think he would be a great dad if you don’t let him feed scrumpy to the babies. lol I can see him building a little toy grenade launcher with colourful rubber balls and telling his kids old folk tales and teaching them songs. He would also insistently keep them away from evil wizard castles.
Heavy: He would be the kindest, softest and most patient dad of all time, putting up with every game the little ones want to play. He would do everything to provide for them and keep them safe, to the point of being overprotective - not that he’d have to worry: A kid with his genes could punch a bear in half without breaking a sweat. lol I can imagine Heavy reading (or even writing) stories to his kids in front of a huge cozy fireplace, all of them wrapped in blankets.
Engie: He’d be a great father too (I mean, he pretty much adopted Pyro already anyway). His child would probably be incredibly smart and kind, but maybe a bit shy and insecure at school. But Engie would provide all the love and support to boost their self-esteem. He’d spend hours with his kid in the workshop, tinkering, building, repairing and occasionally blowing things up. They’d have a great relationship throughout their lives.
Medic: Honestly, I just can’t see him as a father. If anything he’d probably create a clone of himself on accident and then he’d not know what to do with it. lol Then he either gives the clone away to someone who is more suitable to raise a child - or he puts it in a test tube to transplant his conscience into it when his old body is about to die.
Sniper: I can’t really see him as a father either. If it ever happened, it would probably be on accident. He’d be shocked and probably anxious about the whole thing, but still be try to be a good, responsible father somehow. He would probably only get to see the kid at the weekends and not know what to do with them or what to talk about. He’d take them on long hikes, explain plants and animals to them, teach them how to hunt for food and survive in the wild. The things he’s good at. He doesn’t know his kid really enjoys those activities and accepts and loves their father for the taciturn, uncommunicative person he is.
Spy: Now that is interesting, since he is the only one of the mercs (as far as we know) who actually is a father .That means for the purpose of this headcanon I’ll think of several scenarios: 1st scenario: When Spy found out that he got Scout’s Ma pregnant, he immediately bailed on them. He didn’t think of them for about 20 years or so and only learned of his son when he joined Mann Co. We don’t know how and when he found out (see the references to the DNA-tests lol), but when he did he was certainly not that enthused about the whole deal, to put it mildly. He doesn’t particularly like Scout, but maybe he secretly blames himself for not being there to shape him into a better person. As time passes Scout slowly grows on him. Spy is still annoyed by his antics, but he also wants to help him, even protect him. Do nice things for him in secret. Of course he’d rather die than admit that. 2nd scenario: Spy bailed on Ma when she got pregnant, but secretly kept an eye on her and baby Scout, never revealing himself, but watching over them, sending them money and sometimes gifts. Ma knows who it’s from, but Scout has no idea. Years later Spy and Scout meet again at Mann Co. and their relationship is just like in scenario 1. According to Meet the Spy, Spy and Ma seem to have a relationship again and it’s apparent Spy cares for her and her well-being. 3rd scenario and please hear me out: What if Spy then gets her pregnant AGAIN somehow? lol Scout would be absolutely furious and chase him out of the house (still not knowing that Spy is his father as well). Spy thinks about bailing again, but this time he’s a lot older and more mature and ready to take responsibility. He has a serious talk with Scout about the matter and Scout reluctantly agrees to Spy being around more and talking care of his Ma and the baby (”But don’t expect me to start calling you ‘dad’ or some stupid crap like that, ya dingus!” - “Y-Yeah. Of course not. *cough*”). As soon as his baby sibling is born, Scout becomes the best big brother and both Spy and Ma are happy and proud to see what a good young man Jeremy has become.
(And now I’ll stop the cheesy nonsense and bid farewell for tonight lol)
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arttuff · 4 years
Nightmare Dads by ninja-kitty-more-like-no
LOOK AT THIS CUTE FIC WRITTEN BY @ninja-kitty-more-like-no!!! I AM SO SOFT
It’s not unusual, in a place like this, for people to have nightmares. God knows Heavy’s woken up enough times hearing his doctor gasping awake in the sheets next to him to know that the next step is to gently pull him to his chest and murmur pieces of poetry he can really only half-recall until he slips back into sleep. And honestly, everyone had looked so pitiful watching them that it had seemed like the next logical step when they’d started to appear on their own bad nights, watching nervously from the doorway until either Heavy or Medic had moved over to make room for them.
He remembers his sisters doing the same thing, first when they were little, and then when they were suddenly grown-ups, dealing with terrifying grown-up realities in their fragile child bodies. He wonders what that makes his team, now.
Monsters, he is supplied, and he clutches Medic closer to his chest and disavows his mind.
Part of the issue is that everyone is so quiet about what’s wrong. They never say anything, just bottle it up until they can’t anymore and someone ends up with a knife buried in them.
Usually from Spy. Especially from Spy.
Spy is a menace.
It’s late some January night when he hears small noises coming from the entry to the base while he’s getting water. He thinks perhaps it’s Pyro, at first, but the room is dark when he looks in. The sound resolves into a soft clicking, backed only by the howl of the wind outside. On nights like these, everyone is usually bundled up in their beds, trying to stave off the cold. No one should be awake.
He flicks the lights. The clicking stops. Ms. Pauling points a gun at his head.
He doesn’t move back, because this is not entirely unexpected, but he takes his hand off the light switch. She drops the gun as soon as she realizes who it is. “Heavy- I’m so sorry, I-”
“Is fine,” he tells her. She’s curled up on the floor with her pistol by her side. Her eyes are red, and her hair is around her shoulders. She’s even wearing pajamas. Clearly, something terrible has happened. “Why you are here?”
She sniffs quietly, rubbing one of her eyes under her glasses. “The roads got too bad for me to leave, so the Administrator told me to stay here tonight, and- did I wake you up?”
“No.” He nods towards her pistol. “Why is gun out?”
She’s quiet for a moment. “I… I still have to work tomorrow.”
“The roads-”
“I know,” she murmurs. She rubs her eyes again, dropping her glasses by her pistol. “I know.”
He hesitates for a moment before sighing and stepping closer. “Heavy has idea.”
She blinks up at him. He holds out a hand and helps her up when she takes it before gently leading her back to his room.
Medic is already awake when he comes back, fumbling for his glasses. To his credit, it hardly phases him when he sees Ms. Pauling. He raises an eyebrow at Heavy, but he only pushes her forward towards the bed and goes to find the kettle that Medic keeps by his knife sharpener. She wraps her arms around her torso as he sits up to make sense of the scene. “Guten abend, Frau Pauling. Is there any particular reason you’ve come to join us tonight, or did Heavy simply herd you up here like ein Schaeferhund?”
She opens her mouth to explain, but Heavy interrupts as he turns on one of Medic’s bunsen burners. “Bad roads. Work tomorrow. She won’t sleep.”
Medic nods. “Mm. I see.”
“I’m fine-”
“You are dying,” Medic says simply. He throws back the covers and hisses as he makes contact with the floor. “You cannot work if you are dying. I’ll call the Administrator and let her know.”
“What are you talking about.” Heavy can hear the frustration in her voice. “I’m not dying- I’m not hurt, I’m- I’m fine, I’m just busy, and I don’t-”
“When was the last time you slept a full night?” Medic asks before she can continue. “How much water do you drink on a normal day? Ms. Pauling-” He looks at her with narrowed eyes as he pulls on his slippers. “When was the last time anyone hugged you?”
She stares blankly for a long time. “Medic, what the hell does that have to do with me dying.”
Heavy smiles as he pours a mug of hot water from the now whistling kettle. He’s heard this speech before. He does so love it when his husband bullies someone into self-care.
“A human being needs at least seven hours of sleep a night to remain productive. At your size, you need to be drinking roughly two point seven liters of water a day to stay hydrated. People need to be hugged four times a day in order to survive. You are not receiving these things. Therefore, you are not surviving, and, therefore, you are dying.”
Heavy plops a teabag into the mug and turns back around to give it to Ms. Pauling, who is still standing next to the bad. He considers, then grabs one of Medic’s bone saws, too. “I have work tomorrow-”
“Work will wait,” Medic insists. He glances at Heavy. “I’m calling the Administrator. You can have one of my days off if she requires one. You are going to drink something hot and sleep until nine in the morning. Doctor’s orders.”
She sniffs quietly. She looks a little bit teary. “You’re not a doctor.”
He stops, then takes a deep breath. “Then as your friend, Ms. Pauling., please get some rest.”
There’s maybe a second before she just starts crying.
Heavy is at her side in an instant, pushing the mug into her hands as he draws her up onto the bed. He sits down next to her, and she immediately rests her head on his shoulder as saltwater drips down her nose. He’s seen this before. He knows what to do. He lays the bone saw next to her, in case she needs the security, but she shakes her head and curls into him. She trusts him.
She reminds him so much of Zhanna that, for a moment, it hurts.
Medic steps into his office to use the phone. When he returns, it is to his husband gently stroking back Ms. Pauling’s hair as she rests half on his chest, snoring quietly. He smiles quietly and sits down next to them. “I can go use a cot if she would feel more comfor-”
Without waking up, she gropes around and squeezes one of Medic’s hands. He smiles softly and squeezes back. “Ah.”
“Cleared it,” he reassures Heavy, gently letting go of her hand. “I just have to ride along on one of Ms. Pauling’s jobs, presumably as bait. Nothing I haven’t done before.”
He hums assent. Medic takes off his slippers and pulls the covers back up. Ms. Pauling sighs quietly in her sleep as Medic leans over her and kisses Heavy on the cheek. “Gute Nacht, Schatz.”
He turns off the lamp. Heavy hears him sigh contentedly as he snuggles back into his covers, looking, as he does every night, for all the world one of his fluffy little birds.
Heavy closes his eyes and thinks of Alexander Pushkin’s Talisman, of his sisters, of the cold night and the fragile weight next to him.
“Spokoynoy nochi,” he murmurs, and the gentle night closes in.
OMG THANK YOU @ninja-kitty-more-like-no!!! THIS IS SO GOOD I LOVE IT
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fruit-teeth · 3 years
Matters of Time and Fate (Chapter 26)
When Olivia looked into the metallic surface of the coffee pot, she remembered something she had buried years before: at three years old, her father brought a malfunctioning robot into his office.
Little Olivia, still sucking her thumb at the time, looked the slender robot up and down. She couldn't recall her thought process, but the prospect of sitting on the robot's shoulders piqued her interest. She rose up and slid across its lap without thinking, grasping for the shoulder to help herself up.
Right at that moment, the robot sparked, glitched, and grabbed her by the arm with no warning. Olivia shrieked in terror as it loomed over her, weapon in hand, preparing to strike.
Her father appeared out of nowhere, and all she could do was watch as he sank a screwdriver into the robot's cranium, thus stopping it in its tracks. It made a popping noise and sparked again, before crumpling to the floor.
“Why would you do that!?” Gray snapped at his three-year-old, yanking her to her feet. “I’ve told you never to touch my robots when I’m not around!”
Olivia only bawled, unable to form words as she rubbed her teary eyes, her body still shaking with fright. Gray pursed his lips together. “Oh, stop crying,” he sighed. “You’re all right, Olivia…”
When she continued to cry, he laid the screwdriver down and scooped her into his arms, hugging her close. She still remembered the smell of his cologne as he held her, mixed with the faint scent of metal. Even as the years would go by, she would never, ever forget that smell, or the comfort her father’s presence gave her.
That had been three years ago. Olivia moved her gaze away from the rusted coffee pot in Sniper's van kitchenette and back to the window.
“They’ve been taking too long,” she spoke up. “We need to go look for them!”
Zhanna looked up from her spot at the table, brow furrowing. “What? Olivia, they will come spoon. I say what I say before, do not worry.”
Olivia frowned, climbing up onto the seat beside Zhanna. “But what if something happened? We need to go help if…”
Zhanna shushed her, smoothing the girl’s hair back. “Misha is with them. So is Jane. My brother and husband are strong. No reason to be scared.”
“I guess…” Olivia hugged her knees. “I feel small again…”
“I am sorry,” Zhanna sighed, giving Olivia a little half-hug.
Lar-Nah then approached the table with a bag of chips in her hand. “What are these?” she asked Zhanna, showing her the bag.
Zhanna glanced at the bag. “Spicy cheese chips. From there,” she said, motioning to the gas station they were parked next to.
Lar-Nah opened the bag and stared into it for a few seconds, before reaching inside and pulling out a chip. She took a bite, chewed, before she coughed and spat the chip into the waste basket. “Oh, my god, that’s disgusting!” she wheezed and tried to compose herself, a look of horror on her face. “People eat these on purpose!? I hate this country!”
“You are wimp!” Zhanna scoffed at her, taking the bag and pulling a chip out to eat.
Olivia looked back out the window, just in time to see the headlights of Engie’s truck pull up. “They’re here!” she exclaimed, leaping from her seat and running right to the door.
Olivia stood in the parking lot while Engineer's truck and Miss Pauling’s car came to a halt. Everyone stepped out of either car, and within moments, Helen emerged. Her hair was down and soaking wet, and her makeup was smeared in the dim light of the gas station. Upon seeing her, Olivia was reminded of the night Helen had the water spilled on her.
“Look who we got back, Liv!” Scout greeted Olivia as he bounced out of the truck, stopping to ruffle her hair.
Olivia couldn’t help but giggle when Scout ruffled her hair, and she swung her hands at him. “Yeah!” she glanced back up, her eyes meeting Helen’s.
Engineer stepped out of the truck, pausing to talk to Helen. “Need anything else, ma’am?”
Helen just shook her head. “No, I’m quite all right.” She looked back to Olivia. “May I be alone with Olivia for a moment?”
“Sure, you don’t gotta ask,” Engineer assured. He took a moment to smile gently at Olivia. “I’m gonna stop at the station for some stuff, okay? Be right back.”
He followed Demoman and Heavy to the gas station, leaving Helen and Olivia in the parking lot alone. It was dark out by this point, and crickets could be heard chirping in the surrounding bushes.
For a moment, it seemed as though Helen wasn’t going to speak. Yet then, she knelt down carefully to Olivia’s level, maintaining eye contact with her.
“I just want to let you know…” Helen took a breath. “I’m – I’m deeply sorry for leaving you like that. I can understand how upsetting that must have been for you.”
Olivia stared down at her shoes on the pavement. The pavement looked damp, as if it had rained at some point, though she didn’t remember hearing any rain. “Yeah,” Olivia admitted. “I got sad. I cried.”
Helen nodded. “I see. I apologize…” she reached out to stroke Olivia’s hair, but stopped herself, pulling her hand back. “I want to make it very clear to you that you do not have to accept me as your mother. You do not have to forgive me, either. But…I will protect you always, for as long as I’ll live.”
“You promise?” Olivia asked, looking up into Helen’s eyes.
“Yes – I promise.” Helen affirmed. “I won’t put you into a stranger’s arms like I did before.”
Olivia did not quite know what she was referring to, but it didn’t matter. She was comforted by the fact that she'd been apologized to, yet she was still a bit sad. She gave Helen a nod before taking a step forward and resting her cheek against her shoulder.
Helen sat still for a moment, a little surprised, but she wrapped her arm around Olivia. They held each other in the darkness for a little more than a minute before Helen cleared her throat and stood. “W-well…we should get you back home, it’s getting awfully late for you.”
Olivia nodded in agreement. “Yeah…okay.”
Miss Pauling, Helen, Olivia, Spy, and Scout were the first to board Pauling's car, followed by Zhanna, Soldier, Demo, Sniper, and Lar-Nah in the camper van, and Heavy, Medic, Pyro, and Engineer in the truck. The plan was to return to the townhouse to relax and figure out what to do next, and everyone felt relieved for now.
Olivia sat in the back of Pauling’s car, tucked between Spy and Scout as they headed on their way home. She felt rather sleepy, now, and she yawned, her head coming to rest on Scout’s arm.
“Are you gettin’ tired, Liv?” Scout asked, ruffling her hair.
“I guess…” Olivia rubbed her eye. “But its not my bedtime…”
“You’ve had a lot of excitement today,” Spy replied, looking out the window and watching the scenery pass by. “We’ll get you straight to bed.”
In the passenger seat, Helen suddenly exclaimed, “The Australium!”
Miss Pauling looked up from the road ahead. “Huh?”
“I lost the briefcase in the water,” Helen groaned, burying her face in her hands. “Dear lord, how could I have—”
“I got it for you, ma’am,” Spy assured her from the backseat. “It washed up on shore while we were waiting for Dell to bring the truck. I put it in the trunk.”
Helen sighed with relief. “Thank you…you have no idea how much better that makes me feel…” she looked over her shoulder, seeing Olivia curled up next to Scout. She couldn’t help but smile a little. “You are very good with her, you know,”
“Oh,” Scout glanced up. “Thanks, I’m trying to be…she hasn’t tried to stab me again, so we’re good,” he laughed a little.
Olivia cracked her eyes open at that. “Oh…yeah. I forgot I did that.”
“Hey, its okay,” Scout patted her shoulder gently. “You wouldn’t do that again, though, right?”
Olivia pursed her lips in thought. “Um…hm…no, I wouldn’t try it again,”
Spy let out a snorting laugh, quite amused. “She had to think about it!”
Scout made a face and swatted at Spy. “Hey, c’mon, man! You know she wouldn’t do that, I’m her cool uncle! Or…whatever…” he clearly wasn’t angry, though, as he smiled a bit after he said it.
Olivia covered her mouth and snickered, curling her legs up in the seat. It seemed to her in that moment that everything would be okay.
And then it wasn’t.
The car suddenly screeched to a halt, and Miss Pauling grunted out, “Oh, god,”
When Olivia looked up, she saw a huge, unmarked white van right in the middle of the road, blocking both lanes. As she sat up taller to get a better look, she couldn’t see anyone inside.
Scout frowned. “Who the hell parks there? What are they, nuts?”
“There doesn’t appear to be anyone in it…” Spy observed. “Drive around on the grass, Miss Pauling,”
The walkie-talkie Pauling had on her dashboard came to life, with static and the voice of Engineer pouring through. “Everything okay up there?” he asked, sounding concerned.
Pauling answered, "Yeah, Engie, it's fine... There's an empty van blocking the road, but no one appears to be inside—"
Before she could finish her sentence, she could hear other cars revving in the distance, as well as motorcycles roaring and screeching. Within seconds, all three cars were surrounded by cars and motorcycles, their headlights almost blinding.
Olivia froze, and she could feel her heart drop immediately. Beside her, Spy tried to remain his composure, reaching for one of these guns. “Who are these people?”
Helen’s eyes scanned the surrounding people through the windows, and it was then she noticed letters painted on the front of one of the cars: SR. Security Republic.
Sage had found them.
Sure enough, there he was: stepping out of one of the cars and slowly approaching Pauling’s car. His eyes locked with Helen’s, and he grinned a wicked grin at her.
Helen’s eyes narrowed, and she knew what she had to do. She unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the car door. “Stay here. I’ll handle him.”
“But—” Pauling started to plead, but Helen had already closed the door.
Olivia moved towards the window to try and see what was going on, but Scout held onto her, keeping a protective, vice-like grip on her.
As Helen stepped out onto the grass, Sage met her in the middle. “Hello, my darling stepmother,” he greeted her with a voice like molasses. “It pays to have security cameras installed around town, doesn’t it?”
Helen clenched her jaw. “So, that’s how you’ve been tracking us down? You sell security cameras to people in this town just to use them for your own espionage?”
Sage shrugged. “It’s all business, Helen. Don’t act as though you have the high ground, we’ve all done the same thing…”
“Just…” Helen took a long breath. “I know who you’re after, Phoenix. I know Olivia was the target of those bounty hunters you sent after us.” She leaned in to look him dead in the eyes. “What is it you want with her?”
“I just want to talk,” Sage replied, almost sounding innocent. “I have some business ideas in mind, and I know how her father raised her. I think—”
Helen held up her hand to stop him. “Are you looking to get Mann Co.’s rights from her? Because you should know, she does not have them,”
“Who said that was what I was after?” Sage snorted. “Just tell your friends and her to come to my office, and we can forget this whole thing even happened.”
“Olivia will not be going anywhere with you.” Helen asserted, crossing her arms. “Call off this futile mission, Sage. Go back to your mansion, or I will not hesitate to rain hell upon you.”
Sage’s demeanor switched to one of pure rage, and he furrowed his eyebrows. “Why can’t you just hand over Olivia, Helen? She’s the last daughter of the Manns, what do you care what happens to her?”
Helen said nothing, staring directly into Sage’s eyes. It was then, though, that it seemed to click for Sage, and his face fell.
“Is Olivia…” he began, trying to form words. “Is she…your daughter? Did you and Gray—”
“That will be all,” Helen raised her voice at him. “Call off your team and go home this instant.”
A look of pure rage formed on Sage’s face, and without warning, he pulled out a long knife and thrust it towards Helen’s stomach. Helen acted fast, covering her midsection with one arm and using the other one to grab his wrist. The knife nicked her, however, drawing blood across her forearm and causing her to yell.
From the car, Pauling saw this and cried out, “Helen! Oh, my god!” within seconds, she leapt out of the vehicle with a pistol and aimed at Sage’s head. Sage ducked out of the way, but it wasn’t enough, and the bullet shattered his shoulder within seconds.
The scream he made sounded like a wounded animal, and Pauling grabbed Helen, yanking her to the car. Once in the car, Pauling snatched up the walkie talkie and alerted those in the other cars, “Guys, we gotta get out of here! Follow my car and just drive as fast as possible!”
“What happened?” Olivia wanted to know, looking out of the window in a mix of fear, excitement, and confusion.
Helen pulled out a tissue from the glove compartment, pressing it to her wound as Pauling sped through the row of motorcycles and onto the grass. “We’re going to be all right, Olivia! Lay low and don’t let them see you!”
The van and truck followed suit, speeding off into the green countryside. A few of Sage’s guards swarmed him to tend to his gunshot wound, and Sage yelled out, “Well!? Go after them, idiots!”
Men on motorcycles and in cars soon sped after the group, engaging on a chase through the grass and thicket.
Olivia didn't realize what was going on at first: she could feel them speeding down the road, and when she looked out the window, the scenery passed by so quickly that it made her dizzy.
Out of nowhere, a masked person on a motorcycle caught up to them, a baton in their hand. They began to try and smash the window, but before they could get very far, Scout rolled the window down and punched the attacker directly in the face. They yelled, then tried to steady themselves to attack Scout, but Scout let out a string of expletives as he punched him again, this time hard enough to knock them off the motorcycle.
Within seconds, another rider zoomed up and began shooting directly at Scout. Spy acted quickly, yanking Scout back into the car and exchanging gunfire with the attacker. He managed to hit them, sending them flying backwards.
“God – thanks, man!” Scout panted, watching as Spy zipped back into the car and rolled the window up.
“There’s more coming up,” Spy informed the others, the gun still in his hand. “What should we do!?”
Miss Pauling gripped the steering wheel, knuckles white. “I…I don’t know! There’s a lot of them, is it worth it to stop and fight them!?”
“Keep going!” Helen urged. “We have to try and lose them, all of you seem woefully underprepared for another fight!”
“Well, that’s ‘cause we were going to help you!” Scout barked, feeling a little offended. “
“I know!” Helen rasped, still wincing as she tended to her wound. The car rounded a sharp curve, jostling everyone inside, and Helen glanced back at Olivia. “Lay down! Olivia, lay low! I mean it!”
Olivia obeyed, laying flat on her stomach in the backseat, though she kept her head lifted to watch and get a sense of what was going on. Her heart pounded wildly in her chest – none of this felt real. They'd been ambushed by strange attackers twice in one day, but her mind kept returning to the same scene: being held helpless, the robot arm holding her down while the weapon glinted above her.
Her father wouldn’t be here now, though. What if the other adults were not as strong as him?
The car shook, and Olivia heard Miss Pauling scream. She looked up, alarmed, just in time to see a man leap onto the hood of the car and lower himself down to smash the window with a baton. He was successful, the glass showering the backseat of the car.
Spy whipped out his gun again and began shooting, but the man acted faster and grabbed Olivia by the arm. Olivia shrieked, only able to watch as Scout wrapped his arm around the man's throat and began to choke him. They only struggled for a few seconds in the backseat before Spy yanked them apart and jammed the gun into the man's throat. The man wrestled with him, though, gripping his wrist and tussling with him while trying to keep a grip on Olivia. He pried the gun away from Spy’s hand, letting out a triumphant laugh. Helen whipped off her high heel and began furiously attempting to stab the man with the sharp angle of the heel, causing him to turn the gun on her. She ducked out of the way as the bullet shattered a portion of the windshield and littered more glass throughout the vehicle.
For a brief moment, Olivia felt as though she wasn’t in her body, as if she’d stepped away just to observe what was happening from a different angle. In those few seconds, she thought back on what her father had said in that dream – how she had forgotten herself, how she had become passive and afraid…
Olivia returned to herself just as the attacker got Spy’s gun away from him and aimed it at his head.
In a split second, Olivia spotted the knife that had fallen out of Spy’s pocket, and she snatched it up. Before anyone noticed her, she struggled to reveal the blade before springing up and jamming it into the man’s eye.
He may have screamed – she thought she heard him scream. His blood ended up on her hands, there was so much more than she thought there would be. As she fell back into the seat, Scout flung the car door open, kicking the attacker out onto the pavement of the road as they sped into the oncoming town.
As the door slammed shut, Helen leapt out of her seat, rushing into the back to Olivia’s side and wiping the blood off her with a napkin.
“Did I kill him?” Olivia panted, eyes wide as she shook. She’d fought grown men before, but she had never drawn blood. She’d never done…whatever that just was.
“I have no idea,” Helen confessed, wiping Olivia’s hands down. “How do you feel?”
The adrenaline still flowed through Olivia’s body. “I don’t…I don’t know…” she confessed.
“You were very brave,” Helen released Olivia once she was clean. “Now, stay down. I mean it,” she gave her daughter’s hand a light squeeze, her other hand taking a moment to brush her cheek.
Olivia nodded, curling in on herself again, but this time there was a different feeling in her. Not a helplessness, but a hope.
Behind them, the truck and the van stayed close by, blocking off the Security cars and motorcycles the best they could. All of the sudden, something in Engie’s truck popped, and smoke began billowing out from under the hood.
“No, no, no, no!” Engineer cried out, exasperated. “Shit, it’s the motor! God, no, I had a feeling this would happen!”
“Can you fix it!?” Medic asked, looking out the window with anxious eyes as another Security car approached.
Engineer kept his foot on the accelerator, eyes locked on the road ahead. “I have a generator in the back, but I can’t hook it up while I’m driving – someone else needs to!”
Pyro waved their hand around, mumbling out an offer. Engineer glanced over at them, before nodding frantically. “Okay! You know how to do it? It’s in the bed of the truck, you just hook the blue wire to the red one! The whole thing’s already hooked up, just be careful!”
Nodding, Pyro climbed out of the back and out into the truck’s bed, steadying themself as they began to work on the generator. They were instantly noticed by another agent on a motorcycle, who zipped up to the truck and pulled out a gun. Pyro did not see this, however, as they were too busy with the instructions Engie had given them.
Heavy noticed the potential attacker through the rear-view mirror and smashed his hand through the window, grabbing the agent by the throat. The agent gagged in shock as Heavy lifted him right off his motorcycle, and within seconds, he tossed the man into the path of one of the oncoming cars.
As the affected car swerved off the road to deal with the unexpected hit, Heavy fell back into the truck, grunting and picking glass out of his fist. Medic sprang to help him right away, cleaning out his wounds.
“Gott, I love you,” Medic whispered, still in awe of what he witnessed Heavy do. Heavy just smiled, briefly, before glancing back out the window to watch for any more attacks.
Pyro then switched on the generator, slipping back into the truck and signaling to Engineer that they’d done it.
“Good work, Py!” Dell praised breathlessly. “Now let’s get the rest of these creeps off of us!”
Everyone tried their hardest to get away from their pursuers, but the chase was becoming increasingly difficult. The rural areas disappeared and very soon, the pursuit continued into the town.
Sniper’s voice crackled over the walkie-talkie. “What now!?”
Miss Pauling grunted, laying down on the gas pedal. “Keep going, I guess! Try and throw them off our path!”
From inside the van, bottles rattled in the cabinets above as Sniper sped up faster to try and lose the attackers. Out of nowhere, a skinny form leapt from one of the cars, shattering the front window of the van and tackling Sniper.
Sniper let out a yell, the van swerving as he fought his assailant off. When he threw her to the floor of the van, he recognized her right away: it was Shell, one of the bounty hunters who ambushed the house before.
Shell struggled to her feet, pure rage in her eyes. “I knew I’d catch up to you bastards! For what you did to my team, I’m gonna fuck you up!” she lunged at Sniper, but he blocked the attack, grabbing her by the hair and smashing her face against the dashboard.
Demo dashed to the driver's seat door, and when he flung it open, he was met by Shell leaping back onto Sniper and attempting to claw his face.
Right away, Demo pulled the woman off, securing her arms behind her back. Shell twisted and snarled in rage, shouting at Sniper, “I know it was you! I know it was you who killed Grudge with the microwave!”
“What!?” Sniper exclaimed, startled to learn that she apparently knew what happened. Before he had time to ask questions, though, someone else had appeared at the doorway.
“You’re wrong!” Lar-voice Nah's drew Shell's attention, and when the two women locked eyes, Lar-Nah simply stated, "I did it, not him!"
Instantly, pure rage filled Shell’s face, and she twisted her foot around to kick Demo in the gut as hard as she could. He lost his grip on her with an audible 'oof' and couldn't regain it as she tackled Lar-Nah to the ground and began attacking her like a wild animal. Lar-Nah, on the other hand, managed to deflect her attack by slipping out from under her and sprinting back into the van's living area.
Shell gave chase, pulling a knife out of her pocket and catching up to Lar-Nah. Before anyone could react, Shell shoved her up against the wall and sunk the knife into her chest.
“Bitch!” Shell spat at her, pulling the knife out but holding it with the intention to stab again. “Any last requests!?”
Lar-Nah coughed, startled by the blood beginning to pool out from her chest. Still, she looked into Shell’s eyes and only glared. “Go to hell,” she spat through clenched teeth, her hand struggling to grip Shell’s wrist to keep the knife away.
Before Shell could make another stabbing attempt, Zhanna yanked her away from Lar-Nah. Shell tried to attack her as well, but Zhanna just knocked her in the head with her hand. The force was enough to cause a sickening crack, and Shell crumpled to the ground with a broken neck in seconds.
After checking to make sure Shell had indeed died, Zhanna rushed to Lar-Nah, helping her up but then noticing the blood. “Oh!” Zhanna exclaimed, panicked. “Stabbed!”
Demo took over driving, and Sniper came sprinting to the scene. “Mom! Oh, my god, oh, my god!” he examined her wound, wincing at how deep it looked. “Bloody hell—shit!”
Lar-Nah tried to catch her breath, wiping blood from her mouth though clearly getting weaker. “I’m fine…I’m fine…” she gurgled out another cough, pressing her eyes shut in pain.
“Is she dying!?” Soldier asked, rather blunt as he stared in alarm.
Zhanna looked her over. “No, did not stab her heart. But maybe she hit throat…I cannot tell,”
Sniper leapt up to his cabinets, pulling down a medkit he’d had stashed there. “Mom—hey, you’re gonna be okay! Okay?” he tried his best to reassure her, but it looked as though she’d fallen unconscious.
The car jolted and swerved, and more gunshots could be heard outside, but Sniper drowned it all out as he used the supplies Medic had packed in the kit to treat her wound. He silently prayed she would survive – even after everything, he couldn’t watch another parent die.
Once he’d bandaged her up, he tried to figure out what to do next. “We need Medic here! Can one of you flag him down or—”
All of the sudden, Lar-Nah coughed and gasped loudly, eyes flying open wide. Zhanna quickly assisted her in sitting up, patting her back and allowing her to resume normal breathing.
Sniper let out a breathless laugh of relief. “You’re alive! Oh, my god, I thought you were gone for good!”
Lar-Nah composed herself, swallowing and taking another long breath. “I’m alive,” she observed, sounding shocked by that fact. “I thought for sure I’d died for a minute! I saw…angels or something…”
Before kneeling to continue speaking with her, Sniper looked out the window to make sure no one else was trying to break in. “Yeah? You saw something?”
“Yes—I saw…” she thought hard for a few seconds, trying to make sense of it. “I saw a man and a woman—I didn't know them at all—but...they were very kind to me and told me to go back to keep you out of trouble,”
Sniper let this process, and when he realized who she’d met, he had to fight away the tears he felt welling up. “Yeah,” he sniffed, putting his hand on her shoulder and pulling her in for a hug. “Yeah, that sounds like something they’d say…”
The hug took Lar-Nah by surprise at first, but it soon clicked for her, and she slowly brought her arms up to hug him back. “I’ll listen to them,” she promised.
Sniper pulled away, wiping his eyes with his wrist. “Okay…thank you.” He smiled at her a little, but it was then that something shattered outside.
Soldier ran right to the window. “We’re in town, now! We’re going right for those stores!”
“What!?” Sniper leapt up, watching in horror as Demo drove the van right through the parking lot of the shopping plaza.
“Sorry!” Demo apologized from the driver’s seat. “I’m following the others, and that’s where they’re headed!”
Sure enough, the chase had continued into the shopping plaza. Several people were around at this point, watching the chase in terror as they scrambled to get away from the cars and motorcycles. The attention of pedestrians made Helen exceedingly uncomfortable.
“Get us out of this parking lot!” she shouted at Miss Pauling. “People are staring!”
“I’m trying!” Miss Pauling desperately jerked the wheel, looking for a way out. She spotted an area that led into a backroad, and she headed straight for it, searching for an escape.
However, she’d failed to realize that with the attention of pedestrians also came the attention of police.
Within seconds, police cars swarmed them. Someone yelled over a megaphone for everyone to step out of their vehicles as sirens blared overhead.
From the backseat, everything else felt like a blur to Olivia. There was yelling, and she watched as an officer tried to pull Scout from the car, while Spy desperately tried to pry him away, only to be apprehended as well.
She saw, for a brief moment, one of the security guards pull the sheriff aside and whisper something to him. Whatever he had said made the sheriff order his men to load the mercenaries into security vans rather than their own police cars. This included Olivia – someone carried her to one of the vans, handcuffed her, tossed her in the back and slammed the door.
Helen was beside her, though. Just as everything sank in and Olivia began to panic, Helen hushed her gently and pressed close to her.
“We're going to be fine,” she said quietly, resting her chin on the top of Olivia's head, unable to hold her due to her handcuffs. Helen was visibly unnerved, though – her body was trembling, yet whether it was fear or rage Olivia could not tell.
Olivia still felt afraid, but she pressed close to her mother, trying her best to calm down. She could vaguely see the shapes of the others being loaded into the vans through the dim windows, but she did not know for what reason.
All she could hope was that they would have the strength to escape when they could.
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lemmylemons · 3 years
I was talking with a friend of mine, and we both decided to come up with backstories for the misfits and their relationships with their parents. And since I don't really feel like writing out full paragraphs, here are tones down smaller versions
Enguarde: His relationship with Spy is... Alright. The two don't always see eye to eye, but they care for each other and can tolerate one another. But being on the run for so long with a stinky old man can REALLY have an affect on the way you see people.
Now, his relationship with his mother... She was never there for him. Sure, she was there for what? Like 2 or 3 years, but she was never a huge part of his life. Spy and her weren't a dream couple by any standards, and they surely weren't meant to last. She was abusive and manipulative and he just couldn't seem to keep his eye off of other women... Especially a certain someone.
Alice: Her relationship with Sniper is basically perfect! She was raised by him solely and she never had any problems with him. The two were pretty much inseparable. The only issue that ever got between them was Sniper's profession, but it never affected them big time.
Alice never met her mother sadly... She left shortly after she was born, leaving Mundy alone with the poor baby. Alice yearns to learn more about her... And desperately wants to punch her out for leaving an 18-year old with a baby to raise by himself.
(Now we're using Sniper's canonical age!! Which is 32, born 1940! Alice is 14 as of 1972, and 1972 - 1940= 18.)
Cayden + Redgie: These brothers are HELL, for both parents. Medic has a wife! They've been happily married for almost 20 years now.
Shortly after getting married, the two had their first child, Cayden and 2 years later they had twins! Redgie and, his sadly still born brother Jonathan.
Their relationship with Medic is... Confusing to say the least. They really don't know as much about their dad as people may think.
Their mother on the other hand. She's a kind woman, and she cares so much about her little boys! She'd die for them if that's what it would come too! And important thing about their mother, you already know who she is! Just not what she looks like...
To sum it up... Redgie and Cayden need to stay as far away from matches as possible.
Radigan: Radigan and Engineer are as close as Engineer was with his own father! Radigan's been taught everything by Engie and he desperately wants to be as great an engineer as he is!
Radigan's mother is extremely close with him too. Engie and her are divorced sadly, but that never bothered Radigan, sure he was upset, but he knew it was coming. His mother keeps close contact with her son and will for as long as possible!
Jane: Here it comes... Soldier's not quite the ladies man per se. It's a suprise he landed someone like Zhanna! But that wasn't really him... Jane and Soldier are as close as father and son can get! They know EVERYTHING about each other, and Jane's practically a miniature version of his father!
Sadly, Jane's never met his mother either... She passed away shortly after he was born, but Soldier will always be there to tell him stories of how excited she was to finally be having a baby.
Millie: Now... Demoman's not really the type of guy that really should be having kids. Millie's his only daughter, but they are very strained. She's 18 and wants to start her own life, but she's worried about Demo and his health and safety. She's always yanked side to side by wanting her own life and wanting to help her father...
Millie and her mother haven't talked in a while. With her mother being a powerful business wan, she's quite busy and doesn't really have time to sit down and chat with her daughter.
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sunnixsunshine · 4 years
Tf2 gasstation/truck stop AU
Heavy works the Cinnabon counter. But that doesn't mean he does a good job. He's in student debt. He just needs a paycheck. That doesn't mean he's going to ALWAYS fucking box the possibly stale treats correctly.
Pyro is almost always the cashier. Only there's a problem: They cant fucking count change very well. So they just,,,, give out 100 dollar bills even when the amount paid was like 20$. Get them off register oh my fuck.
Sniper works at the little corner Pizza Hut next to the cash registers. He's always seen eating the gasstation food and not Pizza Hut even when serving customers. Okay hold on minute Karen, let me just finish this questionably edible hotdog with the stale bread real quick.
Spy is the manager and is the only reason why both Scout and Pyro still have their jobs. Scout is his son. Pyro is his wife's friend's kid. He's just trying to not get nagged. "Scout go sweep the asphalt. Pyro go do... Something. I don't care."
Medic works cash register with Pyro. He also sort of buys out all the medicine on the shelf. No one is sure what he does with it but Engineer is somehow involved.
Soldier works in the Pizza Hut with Sniper. But he seems to think he works at a Taco Bell. No one corrects him because its hilarious how he keeps calling the pizza "broken tacos". He doesn't even refer to the fucking menu. He's wearing a fucking Taco Bell uniform. Someone tell him. I'm begging you.
Engineer is just this handyman that comes in every day to flirt with Medic not knowing Heavy is Medic's husband. But who cares, the tiny man is cute with his endeavors. They'll tell him some day. It's not like he's slowly working up the courage to actually ask the man out. What's more is he fixed the soda machine! Now the root beer isn't coming out of the ice despenser!
Demoman was fired like two years ago but he keeps coming in because he was fucking wasted when he got fired. He's almost always drunk, either that or sleep deprived because of his other 5 jobs, so it's fine. Spy always sneaks a personal check of $3.07 to him every payday. Demo sees no issue.
Miss Pauling is a CEO's secretary that comes in every morning and evening for donuts and advil. They're for her. She's stressed and deserves it. Sometimes she comes in early and chats with everyone before having to head to the office.
Zhanna comes every Monday for shipments. She embarrasses her brother and brother-in-law. She flirts with Soldier. She mixes the foutain sodas and the slushies together and watches Sniper cringe in disgust. A job well done.
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alaughingfreak · 4 years
Okay okay okay hear me out: I wanna make a swap au. imma spill abt it under the cut
Okayokay SO: They’re the same person, but they’re in a different class and have been from the start in this au.
(person) > (class)
Heavy > Demoman > Engineer > Sniper > Pyro > Spy > Scout > Soldier > Medic
Just imagine. 
Heavy doesn’t like big guns; he likes big explosions. He’s a chemical engineer and is extremely good at what he does, but many mistake him for just a crazy dude that likes explosions but he doesn’t mind.
Demoman’s an engineer, though he calls himself an inventor more than anything. He had created countless inventions but could never keep a job until his merc work. Eyelander’s a wrench now (maybe a different tool?)
Engineer is a sniper. He’s still a conagher and was pressured into the sciences, but ultimately settled for a love of guns and shooting. He got into mercenary work much earlier than he worked for Mann co, but mann co of course paid much better than his typical contracts. He’s still a very smart man, just in...a different field, essentially.
Sniper? A pyromaniac? It’s more likely than you think. No siblings and living in the middle of no where sure left this guy too much time on his hands and a few too many matches. He’d crafted his own flamethrower in his mid teens, fascinated with the various ways he could work with fire. Do not let him grill food though. Or have anything fire related really-
Pyro a spy? Unlikely, right? Well, they do wear a mask constantly...and their life is quite a mystery, no? They’re perfect for the job. No face to be attached to, no voice to easily recognize (but can still be understood by some), no background known. They always seem to sneak up on the others though- even when not intended. They’re just really quiet.
This is where it gets juicy though, because I can’t decide which is best.
Spy as Scout, running around and being an annoying asshole to everyone? Constantly hurling insults on the battlefield that would cut deep and not care about consequences? Constantly hurling his stinky rat ass body at heavies and engineer nests without a second thought? Definitely. Is really just trying to impress his son and be a cool dad.
Scout is a soldier, and a real one- well, he completed training before jumping off of that wagon. Or maybe not, his stories about the military are always different and contradictory. He still loves to talk out of his ass though, but is much more annoyed with spy than ever. He definitely knows spy’s his dad but absolutely refuses acknowledge his existance. He just despises the man. Scout’s definitely a jumper, though and getting into the weirdest, stupidest places to kill people.
Soldier...god he’s a horrible medic, how did he even get this job? No one quite knows. He never even got a medical license and any documentation he has is crudely forged. He’s extremely rough when it comes to healing and will refuse to treat “sissies”, since treating someone with only half life left is just too much life to bother with. He created uber completely by accident- stealing things from the other mercs and shoving them together has got him that far, at least.
I don’t think I need to explain Medic as a heavy in the slightest, but...just a crazy fucking madman with a giant ass gun? Sign me the FUCK up. He knows how to take care of himself, but his bloodlust usually clouds his judgement. He still has his doves though, of course, they just tend to be a little less bloody.
Now, another ounterpoint:
Imagine graymann and admin switching, and pauling and bidwell switching.   Saxton and darling switching places? Maggie and Zhanna? Admin destroying the brothers because of this stupid war? amazing. I hate how invested I am with this concept now.
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uber-den-pyromanen · 4 years
Sniper X Reader Ch. 10
TBH don’t remember what’s happened up until this point and I’m afraid to ask.
    When I awoke I was missing a shirt. I shook my head, Mick could easy out smart a Spy if he wanted to. I stood and walked back to my room. I opened the door to see Miss Pauling. "This is my fault..." She was standing at my desk. "It has nothing to do with you. Honestly I think it's the enemy Spy trying to get under Sniper's skin." Miss Pauling turned to me, her face had tears on it. "Sweet heart..." I went to hug her, she pushed me away. "...It's ok, we're dealing with it." She hushed her sobs. "I want in." I smiled to her. "I'd go talk to Spy then." I walked to my bedside table and picked up a tissue box. "Here." I held it out to her, she quickly took one. "I refuse to watch another teammate die..." I looked at her puzzled. "Who died?" Her expression changed. "Doesn't matter... he's alive again... some how." Miss Pauling tossed the tissue into the trash, walked by me and out of the door, closing it behind her. I took this time to shower and change for today training. I walked into the common room to see a handful of our teammates. "Who died?" Medic looked from his chess game and with a crazed smile. "Sniper! My worlds greatest achievement!" I was confused. "So... Mick replaced..." I was cut off by Demo. "No... He died and was brought back by Medic... who killed him in the first place." I was very confused. "I didn't kill him, I was just their when he died." My shock and confusion must have been plastered to my face. "I should explain..." Medic stood. "The Blu team before this one's Sniper killed our sniper, I just happened to be working for them since their medic died." I was lost for words. "Of coarse this was the Administrator's idea, I was to sabotage them... Unfortunately Sniper died in the process... So I brought him back... He was only dead for a few hours..."
"I was gone for 12 hours!" I looked to Mick who was nonplussed about the conversation. "And you weren't their to sabotage them, you needed the money for organs!" I deadpanned. "What the fuck!?" I looked between Medic and Mick. "No way in hell I'm believing that Medic is Doctor Frankenstein." I walked away from the group and out side. I walked a few yards from the base and leaned against my car. "You hurt his feelings." I turned to Mick, he was lighting a cigarette. "It's impossible!" Mick chuckled. "That's what everyone thought till they saw me." I removed myself from my car. "I just..." Mick took his shirt off and flung it over my solders. "See these." I looked to the deep scars on his arms. "There's what Medic calls a 'y' incision on my chest and another nasty one where I got shot." I touched the scars on his arms. "I... I can't honestly believe it..." Mick shrugged to me. "Me neither. I'm why you can respawn." I shook my head and looked up to him, he was smiling a cocky grin. I sighed and smiled back. "This has to be the most weird thing that I've ever heard." Mick chuckled; "Try not to think about all the weird organs that Medic's stuck into while you were sleeping..." My eyes went wide. "What!?" Mick put his shirt back on and walked away.
    I suck my way into the training room. Everyone was working at their own thing. Most of them were running. Except Spy and Sniper they were sparing. I pulled my hair up and joined in on the running. I was able to keep pace with Solly. He didn't shout at me like he did the other day. He glanced to me, and went to speak. "I will protect you like I protect my Zhanna!" I looked to him; his jaw was clenched and his knuckles were white. Zhanna? Did this idiot have a woman to go home to? Solly began to speed up his pace. I was soon left running on my own. "Sharpshooter!" It was Spy. I stopped running and headed towards him. "Do you know hand to hand combat?" I looked to the boxing ring, Mick was sitting in the floor of it leaning against one of the poles. "I know enough to defend myself..." Spy let out a single 'Ha!' "That's what your Copain said." I furrowed my brow to what he said, the lack of speaking a foreign language back stabbing me. "Alright, lets see if you're the better fighter." I hopped into the ring and squared up to Spy. He took a sing at me and I threw my arms up in defense. "At least your fighting reflexes are better." Spy shot a glance to Mick, and I took the chance to knock him in the face. Spy gracefully grabbed my fist. "Although he may be better at offence." Spy released my fist and turned back to me. "I'm long distance..."
"Not anymore." Spy adjusted his suit and got into a fighting stance. "Right." I got myself into a fighting stance and began to spar with Spy. It was all over in a flash...
    ...I awoke in the infirmary. "What..." I heard someone throw back the curtain. "Spy accidentally knocked you out..." I looked at Mick, he had gotten all his bruises fixed up. "Don't worry I made sure Medic didn't add any more organs." Mick was teasing me. "Although I can if you want! I do have a few spare bamboo..." Mick cut him off by cursing at him; "Oi! Leave her alone you wanker!" Me and Medic laughed. "Oh! I did save something from when I brought you back!" I heard a fridge open. "Where did I put it..." Medic rummaged around in the fridge for a moment; "Ah! here it is!" I heard him close the door and start walking towards us. I looked to Mick kinda worried, he had his head in his hands. "Here!" Medic dropped something into my lap, I dared not look at it. "It's Sniper's old heart!" I put my hand over my mouth and tried not to barf. "No thanks, Medic... You keep it..." Medic picked up the mussel from my lap and walked back to his fridge. "Well it's always here if you want it." Mick handed me a bed pan, I pushed it away. "I'll take his heart, in a metaphoric manner..." I heard Mick shuffle in his seat, I turned to him. "...It's less weird that way." A blush dusted his face, and I reached up and grabbed his hat. "Oi!" His blush deepened, as I placed his hat onto my head. "Suits me doesn't it?" Medic let out a gagging sound. "What haven't ya ever been in love Doc?" Jeremy joined the party. Before he could inter the make shift room Mick grabbed his hat back. "The only love that I know ist mein work." Jeremy threw the curtain open. "I think it's discount organs and not work..." I smiled to Jeremy. "...Glad you're awake (Y/N)." I nodded and went to get out of bed. "Same, what time is it?" Jeremy shrugged, he was never one for keeping time. "I think it's about dinner time... I believe Demo ist cooking tonight..." Medic made a sound of disgust. Jeremy gave a cheeky grin. "Hey Snips, why don't ya, spare our friend here Demo's cooking and, oh, I don't know take her out?" Jeremy proceeded to nudge Mick's arm with his elbow, hoping he'd get the point. "Ja! Scout has a good point Herr Sniper." The room soon became very awkward. I looked to Mick, he seemed confused. "I guess, but it's not my fault if we get hung by them crazy towns folk." Mick stood and walked away. I gave Jeremy a confused look. "Don't worry about it... They won't hang you guys." Jeremy helped me out of the bed. "I can make it back to my room just fine." I left the med bay and headed back to my room.
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elliepassmore · 3 years
The Black Coast review
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4/5 stars Recommended for people who like: high fantasy, multiple POVs, dragons, intricate plots I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review TW: some homophobia I really enjoyed the world of Black Coast and the clear world-building effort that had been put into it. Each of the different places and peoples/cultures were unique without being unrealistic. The religions and histories were well thought out, and even the language(s) had their own backgrounds. Some of the cultural practices seem strange, and indeed they do cause tension between the Tjakorshi and Naridans, and I found the manner of identification (referring to oneself as 'your son,' this warrior,' etc.) to be a bit unwieldy at first, I got used to it and barely noticed it the more the book went on. Each part of the book is prefaced by a short 'scholarly' passage describing some aspect of the world's languages, cultures, or creatures. While I'm sure these are meant to be helpful and give background/foreshadowing info, the only one I actually read all the way through was the very first one, which described the meanings of the six gender pronouns used by one of the book's languages. That one actually was helpful, since two of the POVs utilize that language and it's helpful for remembering how people are referring to one another. I really liked the two main plots in the book: one of the Tjakorshi settling in Blackcreek and the other of the Naridan royal family attempting to assassinate the Splinter family. I generally liked following the characters of each plot and learning about the people, places, and politics, however I think each plot would've been better served getting its own book. While there are obvious implications for how the Splinter assassination can impact the Tjakorshi-Naridan settlement, there are less clear implications for the reverse. Further, the two plots and sets of characters do not actually come together in this book and I think they could've been served better each having their own book, then coming together in a later one (as I assume will happen), especially since the POVs got somewhat unwieldy. In terms of the POVs, there's about four major ones, with another handful of minor ones bringing the total up to, I think, 7 POVs. Now, four main POVs isn't bad and I've read a number of books with this number of narrating characters. The problem arises when we begin adding the others into the mix and giving them a handful of chapters here and there, and then it gets very complicated keeping track of who's who and where. I can understand adding some additional POVs for moments that will have a later impact but for which none of the main characters are present, though I think I'd prefer if it was 3rd limited rather than 1st, but that was not the case here. We started out with our main four...then we add Rikkut, then Evram, then Zhaana, and while these characters have important roles to play I question whether those roles, perhaps with the exception of Rikkut, really required their own chapters. Evram and Zhanna probably could've been given one or two chapters to fill in some gaps, but I didn't need to know past the bare details of what Evram was up to or that Zhanna was bored in the palace (especially since it didn't tell us anything new about her character or relationships). So, due to the confusion I had for the first 30% of the book due to POVs, I had to knock down the score slightly. In terms of characters, there's a pretty hefty cast, but Brooks does a good job giving each their own personalities and feels, so it didn't really ever feel like I was reading a Daimon chapter when I was reading Tila or Saana, or like Jeya had the same voice as the others. The side characters were also distinguished well, though I'm really only going to hit on these main four characters since, again, the cast is pretty large. Tila is an interesting character to read. She's the first POV we're exposed to in the book and, at first, I really did not like her. However, as the book went on and she went on her own plot adventure I began to like her more. Tila is part of Plot B, which centers around the Naridan royalty (aka Tila and her brother, Natan) deciding to assassinate the Splinter family, who claimed to have more of a right to the throne and as a result needed to flee to another country. She's not really a good person but she's certainly good at what she does and has decent reasoning behind why she does what she does (not that I agree, but I can certainly see how she got to where she did). It's obvious she cares for her brother, whom I would've liked to see more of, and is loyal to her family and country. Something I thought Brooks did cleverly was to switch around the 'masked vigilante' character by having the princess be the one who was masked the the vigilante wall around bare faced. Tila definitely walks a tricky line and I'm curious to see how that will play out for her. Daimon is, I think, the next narrator and is less likeable. He's fine in his first chapter, but later on he does and says stuff that makes me feel apathetic toward him...but at the same time I didn't want him to die, so maybe I don't totally dislike him, but still. He certainly has a lot of weight on his shoulders trying to make the Tjakorshi-Naridan melding work, which is Plot A, but I also feel like if he maybe didn't still have the mindset that they were no-nothing savages that it might go a bit better, especially at first. I understand that he can't change everyone's minds, but I do think Daimon has a responsibility to correct people when they say in front of him, and especially in front of any Tjakorshi, that the Tjakorshi are uncivilized or savages. Like, it's not that hard and would go a long way toward reinforcing the idea that that kind of behavior is unacceptable. I think one of my problems with him is that he's so stuffy for most of the book. Anyway, he definitely has his flaws but there are times when I do like him and enjoy reading his POV, especially when he's around his brother. Saana is the Tjakorshi chief who brought her people across the ocean to flee from The Golden. She's already done a lot of hard work by the time the book opens and hopes everything will work out but also isn't totally confident it will. I liked Saana better than Daimon and I think she might be one of my favorite characters in the book. She lets things roll off her fairly easy and is pretty determined to make things work. Saana also, admittedly, has some negative thoughts and words about how the Naridans live, but I also feel like she's more willing to give, perhaps because she knows they don't have any other option other than to play nice. One thing I really didn't like about her was the homophobia, which I have many thoughts about and will get into below. Overall I like most of Saana's character and empathize with the struggles she faces trying to get everyone to work together when the Naridans and Tjakorshi of the town end up at odds with one another again and again, but I'm not a fan of the homophobia aspect, even if she has vowed to change that. Jeya is the last main narrator and is my other favorite character in the book. She is a thief living in Adaba and happens to steal from (and is promptly caught) a very rich person whose identity is kept 'secret' for most of the book but whose identity is also, at the same time, totally obvious. Anyway, she has an interesting way of looking at the world and I enjoyed reading through her eyes. I almost feel like she's a younger character, but her mysterious friend is referenced as an adult by someone else and she has a younger friend herself, so I assume she's at least majority age, if not older. I could actually probably stand to read a whole book about Jeya's adventures, screw the other plotlines, and hope things turn out well for her considering the mess she's inadvertently walked into. And super quick, since it is relevant, Rikkut works for The Golden, a draug that is attempting to do...something...with the world. I'm not quite sure what. He's terrifying enough that he slaughters towns and sent Saana and her people running across the ocean, but he also claims he's trying to save people. Right. I'm not entirely sure what he's actually doing, but I doubt it's good. Rikkut is an unpleasant character. Definitely my least favorite narrator, and I kept hoping throughout the book that he'd die. But he does make a good character for seeing what the villains are up to. Now, back to the homophobia. Narida is LGB friendly (idk about T it doesn't really come up) and Tjakorsha is not. Several characters explain it as a need for survival (one that oh-so-coincidentally got caught up in their god), but that doesn't make it any better and there's a couple of scenes where that really comes to a head. I especially don't like how it comes up the first time: a gay man gets drunk and kisses another man without consent. Like, this couldn't've come up literally any other way?! Two guys taking care of their kid or the scene later in the book, perhaps? The trope of the predatory gay plays so heavily into homophobic narratives and into the history of LGB representation that it feels very icky here, particularly since it was the first encounter with an openly gay character in the book. So, while the homophobia is addressed (Daimon actually handles this fantastically and is willing to go to bat for LGB Naridans and Tjakorshi) and there's is a proposed attempt to start overcoming it, I did not like it and knocked the score down. Overall I enjoyed the book, though Plot A had somewhat of a deus ex machina ending, in my opinion. The Narida-Tjakorsha settlement is the heftier plot in this book and as such we get to know more characters from that plot than from Plot B. I liked Tavi, Zhanna, and Darel, who all come from Plot A, but really only liked Galem and Natan as side characters from Plot B.
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yeetfort · 5 years
Mercs with a pregnant lover,,,please go ham on quirks or protective behaviors i would die for paternal mercs
Oh my god. Ooooh my god. OoOooOOOhHHHMy GO
- you know that stupid happy grin he pulls in the comics? It’s that, every time he thinks about it
- It almost...grounds him a little bit? He’s more sane and down to earth now that you’ve got a little one on the way
- Starts trying very hard not to randomly yell all the time
- Still says the same stuff tho, but he says it to ur pregnant tum
- Shushes other people if they’re being too loud around you
- Secretly hopes you have a girl
- This fucking guy. He can’t shut up about it. Tells his friends, absolutely boasts about it
- When you told him you were pregnant he just whispered “Oh my god we’re having kids” and got all teary eyed about it
- Will gladly indulge your weird cravings (chocolate covered pickles or some shit) and uh...might actually join in because let’s face it he’ll put some questionable stuff into his mouth
- Tends to your every need, offers to do literally anything and everything for you
- You were already his queen but this is a new level of dedication
- Total adoration. He’s so excited.
- Shocked because?? What the fuck he never imagined being a dad
- High key sobers up and gets clean because he wants to set a really good example for his kid(s)
- Supports you throughout pregnancy, sits with you and will rub your back when it hurts
- Sings to you and the baby
- Paints the nursery room and decorates it with you
- “Oh, you’re pregnant? Well here let me draw up plans for a whole fully-equipped crib that is entirely safety proofed and-“
- Way overplans for everything!
- Bought the exact same baby clothes in several different colors, baby-proofs the entire house....you’re only like four months along.
- Honey slow down
- If you didn’t want to have the baby sleep in a crib in your own bedroom he would literally have built an entire one-room extension on the base with soundproofing and everything (it almost happened)
- Definitely sets up an extra sentry outside ur window...just in case
- Picks you up and holds you and is like “mess with my s/o and you fucking die”
- Tells his family; they are so happy for you!!!
- He’s kinda overprotective, doesn’t like for you to be by yourself for too long
- Side note: Zhanna is the BEST sister in law and offers to babysit in the future. Somehow you don’t foresee it ending terribly well.
- He wants to teach his child how to read very early on in life and gets both English and Russian children’s books
- As the due date comes closer he gets more and more excited and you talk about it more often
- Just.....family
- *muffled “HUDDAH!!”*
- Paints the room into pyroland; rainbows, unicorns, cotton candy clouds - you name it, it’s in there
- Except that uh...it was all just straight up murals of fire at first. Some of it stayed, but you worked the nicer stuff in
- Super excited when your baby bump becomes more noticeable
- Full of love
- initially, he is extremely nervous about having a kid
- After all....last time he did, it didn’t go so well. He’s still very shameful about it.
- However, when he sees you light up talking about your future together with a child he can’t help but smile and encourage your vision
- He is determined not to repeat his past mistakes and stays by your side the whole way through
- He adores you and will always be ready to protect you and your baby
- Gets all sniffly and just brings you in wraps his arms around you and tells you how much he loves you
- He doesn’t think that he’s fit to be a dad, but nearly every day you tell him how great he’ll be, and he feels just a little more confident
- Will off a motherfucker if they say anything to you that makes you even mildly upset
- Buys so many animal books. So many.
- Cleans and cooks for you especially on days when it’s a little worse
- Still in total disbelief that he will be Dad Man™
- Usually he’s not all touchy feely but after you tell him you’re pregnant this changes drastically
- Lifts you off your feet in a sweeping, strong hug and giggles while kissing you
- Becomes...very soft....
- Unless someone tries to fuck with you and then wow that is far too graphic to go over in a cute fluff post
- He checks your health very often and makes sure you get everything you need
- Very good at helping thru morning sickness, and afterwards he sits with you for a while and pets your tummy absentmindedly while you rest and he reads
- Somehow, the entire situation calms him down as a person and he’s just kind of mellow and lovey.
A/N: I may be going on a temporary hiatus for about a week or so to get settled into college. I am not leaving you!!! I shall be back shortly. Thank you all so much for choosing to follow me, and I look forward to writing more for you soon!
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if requests are open! can i have hcs of each mercs ideal type for a s/o, like personality or looks wise, (if its matters to them!) im biased but i think medic, scout and sniper would really like a short partner for the feel and maybe aesthetic ansjsj
This boy can’t be picky considering only a select few people would actually want to date him
Likes short dark brown hair, it feels and looks nicer to run his hand through
Can’t get enough of green eyes
Prefers shorter partners. Taller ones only bruise his ego
Likes slim thicc partners. Thick thighs and ass but still slim
Loves when his partners wear glasses
Wants someone who is assertive
A jokester. Someone who can help him pull pranks on Spy
Someone patient. He knows he’s a handful so he wants someone who can tolerate him at least
Definitely wants someone who is athletic or enjoys sports
Zhanna is the ideal
Really likes long wavy blonde hair. Especially if it can be braided
Can stare into a pair of gray eyes all day if he could
Wants a partner that just towers over him. Tall partners make him weak in the knees
Obviously prefers someone who’s muscular but also has some fat on them Zhanna
Any kind of obvious scars are gonna attract him to you. He equates them with you winning some type of battle
Wants to date someone who’s down for any kind of crazy shit
Please be an animal lover. He can’t date someone who dislikes his precious raccoons
Would like to date someone who’s super competitive and ready for any challenge
Wants someone who is very extroverted and loud. Someone who’s not afraid to announce their love for him
Is so lonely and desperate that they’ll date anyone to feel whole again
Really loves any kind of hair that’s been dyed a bright color
Amber eyes are so beautiful to them
Height doesn’t matter but prefers taller partners most of the time
Wants a chubby partner. They’re just so warm and soft to hold
Is drawn to people who have a pastel or pastel grunge aesthetic 
Just be a sweet and caring person. That’s all they want
Wants a non judgmental partner. They’re very insecure about their body so they only want a partner who won’t be repulsed by them
Someone who’s very affectionate is needed! Just wants to be showered in love
Wants someone with a sweet tooth so they can feed them their baked treats and goods
He’s pretty easy to date since he believes in giving everyone a chance
Goes nuts over someone with curly red hair
Brown eyes are the best eyes to him
Likes shorter partners
Actually likes thin scrawny partners. Makes it easier to tease them
Did I mention that this man adores freckles?
Gonna want someone who’s energetic. Someone who can drink with him all night long and still have energy in the morning
Be compassionate. Really wants someone who really cares for him and the team
Loves a partner who’s easy to tease or embarrass 
Enjoys himself someone who is shown to be a little feisty
Medic is the ideal
Loves black hair that can be styled in different ways
Really likes the look of hazel eyes
Can’t really find anybody that is taller than him. So he prefers partners that are almost as tall as him
Actually prefers a plus size partner or a muscular one (why not both?)
Loves a good smile. Even if it is a maniacal one 
Definitely wants a partner who’s a bookworm or enjoys reading
Intelligent or clever partners are a must
Wants someone who is a survivor. Someone who has survived certain situations (whether they be physical or psychological)
Be a good listener. His English may be broken but he still enjoys talking to you about things
Just like Demo, he’s open to dating just about anyone
There’s something about short light brown hair that just appeals to him so much
Sucker for blue eyes
Wants a smaller partner since he’s already so insecure about his height
Oddly enough he wants a thin partner. Just so he can keep feeding them and watch them plump up (weird I know)
Dimples are the cutest thing to him
Definitely wants someone who’s just as or even more smarter than him. Keeps the conversations interesting 
Wants someone carefree and maybe just a bit naive. Someone who can help him relax more
Wants someone who loves being pampered. He just wants to take care of them
Most of all, he wants someone who’s kind to just about everyone
Heavy is the ideal
Loves medium length red hair. Especially if it’s a bright shade of red
Enjoys how vibrant green eyes look
Prefers shorter partners (for the aesthetic!) but isn’t opposed to slightly taller lovers
Prefers someone who’s an absolute unit. Openly drools at the sight of muscle people Heavy 
Gotta like his doves. If they don’t, it’s not gonna work out with him
He enjoys shy partners. They’re so cute and that cuteness inspires a sadistic desire in him
Wants someone who is interested in his work. This would also mean they’re not too squeamish 
Oddly enough, he wants someone kinda clingy. Just so they could drag him away from work cause they’re feeling left out 
Just like Demo, he wants someone who’s easy to fluster and embarrass 
This boy doesn’t even know if he has a type
Really likes long dark brown hair. Especially if it reaches down to their butt (so super long in other words)
Dark brown eyes are just so radiant to him
Likes shorter partners. It feels nice to just lean down and kiss them
Chubby partners are a must! He likes to hold them and just use them as a pillow
Freckles are everything to him
Oh my god please be a animal lover
Wants someone who’s sleepy and chill. Someone who considers napping together a date
Someone who can respect his boundaries
Really wants a partner who’s not afraid to go feral sometimes
This bitch is so damn picky about his partners
Adores medium length black hair that can be styled into updos
Blue eyes look so sweet to him
Wants a partner who’s almost as tall as him
Just like Scout, he loves himself some curvy partners
Just be Scout’s Ma and he’ll date you for a while
Demands that his partners know basic etiquette and manners. Just be classy
Prefers someone who’s not overly emotional or can process them well
Likes someone with a sharp wit. Someone who’s always ready with a comeback
Secretly though, he wants someone who can make him laugh during the worst of times
Miss Pauling-
She doesn’t have time to have a type
Loves medium length blonde hair. Wants to style it into a bun if she could
Hazel eyes are so rare and special to her
Doesn’t mind at all if her partner is slightly taller than her
Loves a bit of muscle on them and prefers if they were more slim than anything
Just wants someone who considers working with her a date
Wants someone who’s okay with being alone and on their own
Prefers someone who can crack stupid jokes that might make her crack a smile
Likes if their partner is just as hard working and dedicated as her 
Overall, just wants someone who’s gonna enjoy going to a gun show with her 
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