#he had them on kamino and his batch helped but on Coruscant he doesn’t have them
spiralingemptyness · 7 months
I want more… clone hc pt. 2
why not more hc, I’m bored and wanna ramble… sorry if I repeated any.
99 is the best vode, he knows everything. If a brother is said, he’ll hug them, give words of encouragement and stuff and a mysteriously some illegal contraband that whatever the clone likes will randomly show up.
Shaak ti is buff and can hold her own if not demolish the Alphas on the training mats (The Rancor battalion found that out the hard way)
Jek, Rys and Thire became close after the mission with Yoda, Thire is still close with the commanders on Coruscant, but he’s even closer with the other two
While Hound may be a sergeant, he’s still an honorary commander member, he became the little brother of the group
…Thorn didn’t die on Scipio, nope, no way. Amidala saved him, always carrying a blaster or smth.
Dogma became really good at braiding hair because of all the time he braided Tups hair, so after Umbara when he definitely goes to Coruscant, Amidala finds out and sometimes ask him to do her hair.
Colt may essentially be Buir of Kamino, but all the alphas (especially 17) out Buir him, and it can be very comedic how a big burly alpha is hauling a ARC commander just to force them to sleep.
Fox absolutely denies or threaten to black mail shebse squad if they bring up the fact Fox was the first to fold and call Alpha-17 buir.
Colt and Wolffe have regular holo-calls just to shit talk Ventress.
Rex got adopted into Shebse squad after he bit Cody (Wolffe was proud)
When Kix is on shift in medbay, most of the time Jesse is there with him, he doesn’t have to be their but he’s a good batch mate.
Each shebse squad member have a quirk in fighting droids: Cody punches and spin kicks them, Wolffe bits them, Rex throws his blasters at them if they run out of ammo, Fox for some reason carry’s a high voltage taser, Bly drop kicks them, and Ponds throws rocks at them to catch them off guard
On multiple occasions animals like Loth cats and Tookas have been snuck on board the venators and multiple times have had to been taken off board
Fives has a girly scream, Torrent found out after he was caught singing in the barracks
Comet (and Plo Buir) can convice Wolffe to take care of himself (little brother privileges), unlike Boost, Warthog, and Sinker who have to sedate him of physically haul him away from the bridge
MEDICS GIVE STICKERS, if a your a good patient, you get a sticker. So there is a lot of vode with stickers inside or outside there armor
Colt keeps himself loaded with weapons, many different types of blasters, check. Lots of vibroblades and vibroswords (that he stole from commando droids), check. It will take a solid 10 mins for him to de-weapon himself
after Khorm, Plo threatened Captain Ozzel…. It was terrifying, Kit Fisto was both shocked and absolutely scared of getting on Plo Koons bad side.
Monnk collects different shells and rocks from the ocean floor and give them to different vode
kit fisto taught his battalion how to fish, just randomly, out of the blue he said they were going fishing and they went fishing
Ashoka definitely stole the ‘I’m no Jedi’ line from Rex.
everyone form the 212th and some 501st members were more traumatized by a bold Kenobi than the fact he faked his death to be a bounty hunter for a time period
kix has trouble staying warm after the cyro-freeze, like he’ll be bundled up in layers on tatooine
quinlan snuck into fox’s office once and was hit with a data pad on the head when he scared him and got himself a concussion, safe to say he doesn’t sneak up on fox anymore
clones have a sweet tooth
Once Hound got hurt while chasing a suspect and Grizzer went absolutely feral on the person who hurt him, it took Thorn and Stone just to separate him from the suspect, (fox and thire were just watching in shock as they helped hound)
padawans always use vents for travel (ex. Echo: where’s the commander. Fives casually: oh she’s in the vents. Echo: oh.. WHY IS SHE IN THE VENTS)
(Might be in the other one) The corrie guard have a bet everytime a battalion is on leave, the bet is: which members of what battalion will have the most in the drunk tank.
medics have to have a smex-ed meeting with every new shiny that boards
Bly (respectfully, cause he is a gentleman) asked Aayla to wear armor, the next day she was wearing Bly’s spare armor. Bly couldn’t stop blushing the whole day and it made his tattoos orange
When one or more of the Shebse squad is on leave, they bully fox into going to 79’s with them or to take care of himself. Safe to say, that whenever that happens the corrie guard can relax a bit
the most annoying patients for medics is any CO or jedis, all medics curse like sailors
when Kix was a medic shiny he hadn’t yet mastered the disapproval stare or the ‘shut the kark up and do what I say’ stare, so the vode listened to him just because it was so cute and funny, they quickly learned to stop thinking like that.
once after a battle Obi-Wan found Cody lying star fished on his back, he kicked a droid and broke his foot and collapsed once his foot gave out. Obi-wan just sighed, forced healed his foot a bit and carried him to the medics (Cody was turned into a sputtering and flustered mess)
Rex was already being corrupted by Skywalker’s tendencies when he was just a lieutenant in the 212th, Cody was horrified and wanted to bash his head into the wall.
Boil and Waxer secretly adopted Numa after Ryloth, each just co-parenting her
Kids on coruscant would sometimes come up to a guard member and hand them a paper of a drawing, ask for a hug, or just give them goodies. The guard now has a wall full of drawings given to them by kids in the barracks
the guard have stupid names for operations, it’s just a serious op about observing and trying to take down a drug ring (with vos’s help) and it has a name like “operation: too high to fly”
the cadets will hang off from any limb they can reach of their clone trainers and shaak ti
medics will lay on a cot with an injured clone on it to help them sleep, they’ll either be sleeping with them or doing data work
so yah… I’ll make more. Might make some of cod, fnaf , Dc, etc. as well and try to do art as well
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hugmekenobi · 9 months
S2: The Bad Batch (8)
Chapter Eight: Truth and Consequences
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Gif by @trapezequeen
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Series Summary: Some time has passed since everything that happened at Kamino and you and the Batch are trying to figure out your place in the rapidly changing Imperial galaxy. And you're having to do all this whilst figuring out where your relationship with Hunter fits into it.
Chapter Summary: An old friend reaches out for help and it sees you returning to a place you never expected to.
Masterlist for S1
<Previous Chapter
Genre: Friends (idiots) to Lovers (we're in the lovers stage now)
Chapter Warnings: Canon-typical violence, swearing, reader not knowing how to handle anxiety and things take a bizarre turn (I can't explain why my mind went that way, it just happened), use of a pet name (sweetheart), light angst and emotional hurt/comfort, more of me making up reader's backstory, very brief PDA (kissing)
Word Count: 5.4K
Author's notes: Back on the show plot now! Hope you guys enjoy! Also, I am going on holiday for a week and baggage allowance was small and unfortunately, my laptop doesn't fit so Ch9 will be a longer wait :( I have started it though so will get to work on it as soon as I'm back!
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Things, for the first time in a while, were peaceful and it had given you the perfect opportunity to work on your meditation skills. It may still be working for you, but you and the Force hadn’t quite gotten back into the harmonious rhythm you used to have when you were at the Jedi Temple. Gungi had been an inspiration to both you and Omega and it had become something you did together. As the ship stayed stagnant in the bay of Ord Mantell, the two of you had seen it as another opportunity and so together, the two of you retreated to her room.
Echo turned in his seat to look back to see Omega being like a mini you. She sat in front of you and you both had your legs crossed with your hands on your knees and your eyes shut in concentration. He got up and started to head over.
Gonky’s honks distracted Omega, and she opened her eyes with a sigh to see Echo sidestep the droid.
“Meditating again?” Echo asked.
“Trying.” Omega grumbled as she uncrossed her legs. “Gungi taught me, and (Y/N)’s been helping too, but it doesn’t work the way it does for them.” She half turned to see you completely still, your breathing even and you looked relaxed and at peace.
“They’re Jedi.” Echo said logically.
“I still like it though.” She replied. “You wanna try?”
Echo shook his head and leaned against the wall. “No. I don’t enjoy solitude. I had enough of that on Skako Minor.” He glanced back down the ship to where Tech and Wrecker were. “If it weren’t for this squad, I’d still be a prisoner there or worse.”
“Is that what made you join them?” Omega asked, realising she’d never asked that question before.
Echo grunted. “This was where I fit, where I was needed.” Tech’s voice then got his attention.
“We have an incoming transmission. It’s Rex.” Tech revealed.
Omega gently tapped your knee. She knew you wouldn’t want to miss this.
You opened your eyes and blinked a few times. “How’d you get on?”
“Better, but I can’t shut things out or keep focused like you can.”
“I had a lot of years to practice, and I still struggle.” You said kindly. “Don’t rush it, it takes time and patience.”
Omega nodded before the three of you peered down the hallway as the hologram of Rex appeared.
You and Omega quickly hopped down the stairs and the three of you made your way into the cockpit. You came to stand on Hunter’s right, assuming he had come in earlier when you were still in your meditation zone.
“Hey, guys.” Rex greeted. “Any chance I could use your squad’s expertise for a mission?”
“Finally. I’m tired of waiting around for Cid.” Wrecker said.
“What do you need, Rex?” Echo asked.
“I’ll explain everything when you get to Coruscant?”
You practically did a double take. “Coruscant?!” Why was the past suddenly coming back to haunt you right now? First Nal Hutta and now Coruscant. You hadn’t heard that name in years. You never let your thoughts linger on it for fear of what the memories would bring.
The planet you had been taken to when you were a child.
The planet you had lived on for most of your life.
The planet where you had been forged to be a Jedi.
The planet where you had used the skills you’d been taught to fight a war.
The planet that had the heart of your people in it- or at least it used to.
The planet you had abandoned.
You could be going back? The panic made your stomach turn and you had to take a deep breath to regain control of yourself.
Hunter picked up on your discomfort and he lightly grazed his fingertips against yours to help ground you. He wasn’t thrilled about going so close to Imperial territory either. There was too much to lose by going there. “That’s a big ask, Captain.”
“Why? What’s on Coruscant?” Omega asked innocently.
“It is the galactic capital and, thus, the heart of the Empire.” Tech answered.
“But the Empire thinks we’re dead.” Echo mused. “They won’t be looking for us.”
“I’d like to keep it that way.” Hunter argued.
“It’s a covert mission.” Rex stated. “A simple data extraction but a crucial one. “I’ll send over a flight plan to bypass Imperial security and coordinates to a safe landing zone.”
“We’re on our way.” Echo said.
You had mediated for the majority of the journey, but it had been an arduous process and you weren’t feeling much better for it. You came out of your last attempt with an irritated sigh as you sensed that you would be leaving hyperspace soon. The others were all geared up, so you reached under your bunk and pulled out your armour.
You were able to slide on your vambraces and blaster holster no problem but as soon as you started to work on your shoulder and upper arm armour, your hands started to shake. “Fuck off, not now. Get a grip.” You chastised yourself.
“Let me?”
You looked up to see Hunter holding his hand out. You gave him a resigned smile as you held the pieces out for him. “Thanks.”
Hunter took them and sat next to you. “You wanna tell me what’s going on inside that head of yours?”
“Just nervous about going to the heart of Imperial territory.” You said shiftily.
“No, that’s not all of it.” Hunter pushed gently. “Sweetheart, you need to talk to me about this. Please?” He finished up with one arm before he moved to your other side and got to work.
You sighed. What if it’s still there?
“The Jedi Temple?” Hunter asked delicately as he fastened the last part. He rested a hand on your thigh whilst he waited for you to talk.
You nodded. Or what if it’s not? I don’t know what would be worse.
Hunter didn’t really know what words he could offer that could provide comfort. Your situation was a rather unique one. He pulled you closer and let you lay your head on his lap and rubbed his hand up and down your side.
When I first made the decision to leave, it felt so simple, I didn’t regret it. Then the months went by, and the doubt crept in, and I started to second-guess everything, and it tore me apart. All those years I was by myself, I was never sure of what to do and that was going to get me killed. So, I decided to forget, I stopped thinking about the Jedi, the Jedi Temple and Coruscant and it got better but now we’re going back and… “Hunter, what if I can’t handle it?” You said aloud, your voice wavering. “I’m a wreck right now and we haven’t even entered the atmosphere.”
Hunter nudged you to sit up.
You did so but didn’t make eye contact with him and kept your head low.
He curled a finger under your chin.
You held his gaze. “This mission-”
“Is covert and that’s all we know which is the crux of the issue. We’re going into the heart of Imperial territory blind and that’s never easy, but we can do this, we’ve done similar stuff before, and you know this. You’re spiralling because you’re coming back to a hard part of your life, and you don’t know how things’ll go or what’s there and it’s scary but we’re all here for each other. It will be okay. Trust me on this?” He placed his hands on top of your shoulders. He knew when you needed a firm helping hand rather than a shoulder to lean on and right now, you were overthinking, and he needed to help you pull back.
You released a shaky breath but nodded. He was right, you could do it. It’s just a more personal location but you could deal.
“You have a team of people here. You’re not alone anymore, whatever you can’t handle, we’ll pick up.” He said tenderly.
You gave him a grateful smile before you leaned in and kissed him softly. “Thank you.”
“Anytime.” He murmured before he kissed your forehead and together, the two of you stood and walked to the cockpit.
You stood behind the co-pilot’s chair as Hunter in it just as the ship left hyperspace. You took in the familiar sight of the city-planet- the outside all lit and covered in the rings that signified the thriving city below.
“We are approaching Coruscant.” Tech said from the pilot’s chair.
Omega stood in between the two seats and eagerly stared out the window.
“Everyone, stay ready.” Hunter advised as the ship entered the planet.
You’re not going to look for it. You thought to yourself as the ship flew through. Keep your eyes forward and focused on what the mission actually is.
The Marauder touched down in a hangar bay on one of the lower levels.
Hunter opened the door and led the way out.
“Glad you made it.” Rex said as he came out to greet you all. He moved slightly closer to Hunter. “She okay being back here?” He asked discretely.
Before Hunter could say anything, you beat him to the punch.
“She’s fine.” You groused. “She had her moment earlier but is back to normal now so watch your tone, Captain.” You said firmly but your smile softened any unintentional hostility. It was then you realised exactly who it was standing behind him. “Senator Chuchi?!” You couldn’t help but exclaim.
“Uh, yes. Do I know you?” She asked, slightly surprised that you knew who she was.
You cleared your throat. She didn’t need to know that in your time here during the war, one of your main duties was assigning senator protection detail and hunting down threats- a job that kept you rather busy with regards to this particular senator. “No, just a fan of your past work, that’s all.” You said hastily before you took a small step back.
“This is Senator Riyo Chuchi.” Rex made the formal introductions to the rest of you. “These are the special clones I told you about.”
“Hello.” Omega waved at the senator.
“And you?” Senator Chuchi asked you, curious as to where you fit with this group. The squad in of itself was already an interesting sight. Special was right, she had never seen a group of clones like this, especially a group with a child in their ranks. And you were an addition that strengthened the remarkable nature of you all.
You shrugged. “We never really figured out a term for my spot here. I’m just a permanent helping hand.”
Riyo accepted that. “Thank you for coming.” She said to all of you.
Hunter nodded before he angled his head to Rex. “Why are we here, Captain?”
Rex signalled to the room behind him. “Inside. There’s something I want you to see.”
You had an eery feeling as you stared at the coffin on the table, and you stuck an arm out to stop Omega from getting closer.
Rex opened the hatch, so the head of the body was visible.
Your eyes widened at the sight of the dead clone.
“He’s an assassin.” Rex explained. “His identifying number’s been wiped.”
Tech was taken aback by that piece of information. “I was not aware that was possible.” He said, sharing a look with Hunter.
“Who was his target?” Hunter asked.
“A clone contact of mine named Slip. He said he was in danger. I came to Coruscant to get him out, but the assassin got to him first. Nearly got the senator too.” Rex replied.
Your eyes caught the faint flicker of both fear and regret in the senator’s eyes. You figured she’d been there trying to help the clone that got killed.
“Why would a clone be targeting another clone… or a senator?” Echo asked.
“To silence us.” Senator Chuci answered. “Admiral Rampart has the entire Senate believing Kamino was lost to a cataclysmic storm. Slip witnessed the truth.” She hung her head for a moment before she addressed the group once more. “I wanted him to testify to Rampart’s crimes.”
“We were there too, Senator. I can be your witness.” Echo offered.
“The Senate won’t listen to any of us.” Hunter said. “We’re deserters.”
“Hunter’s right.” Rex agreed. “But there’s another way to provide the Senate with the evidence of the Empire’s crimes. The command log on Rampart’s Venator.” He revealed. “Slip made a copy of it on the ship’s backup data banks.”
“Where’s the Venator now?” Wrecker asked.
Being retrofitted at the Imperial shipyard right here on Coruscant. Lots of security, but I know a way in.”
“Rampart’s Defense Recruitment Bill goes to a vote tomorrow.” Riyo said. “We must prove his crimes before it passes. I’ll return to the Senate and garner support where I can.”
“Senator, who’s on your security detail?” You couldn’t help but ask. You remembered a quite a few headaches being caused by this senator. You admired her to no end, but she had made your job rather difficult at times.
“She’s right. You could still be in danger.” Rex said, concerned.
“Then I must be on the right track. I have my guards, I’ll be alright.” She said bravely.
“I can go with her and keep an eye out.” Omega suggested.
Not quite what I would’ve gone with. You thought to yourself, but it would take Omega away from the main danger which was something. And it was a good way to ease her into handling more stuff on her own and see how the more lawful side of the galaxy attempted to operate.
“You can’t enter the Senate district without an Imperial security clearance.” Riyo said to the young girl.
“That will not be a problem.” Tech said confidently.
“Then let’s get to work.” Rex said.
Whilst Omega was being another set of eyes and learning the ways of politics, the rest of you began your infiltration.
The first part of the process involved a steep climb up a ladder beneath the belly of the shipping yard.
Wrecker groaned as his pack got shocked by the electric current in the space behind him. He risked a glance up to see that there was still a way to go yet, much to his dismay.
You all made it successfully through the first level but there was still another hatch to get through.
“I got it.” You said before you lifted a hand and used the Force as a guide as you searched for weak points in the hatch.
“Haven’t been in these maintenance tunnels since the war.” Rex reminisced.
“Gotta say, Rex. Coruscant’s the last place I’d expect you to be.” Echo said.
“It’s worth the risk.” Rex replied. “More and more of our brothers are waking up to what’s been done to them. I can’t turn my back on them.”
“How many have you reached?”
“Not enough.” Rex said with disappointment. “Troopers who know too much are a liability to the Empire. I’m working with a few contacts I trust, but we’re spread pretty thin. Help’s hard to come by these days.”
That struck something within Echo, but he pushed it to the back of his mind for now.
“Got it.” You called as you flicked your wrist and the hatch opened.
“Great. Ray shields.” Wrecker grumbled as he peered up.
“Leave it to me.” Tech said before he got to work on the control panel.
“And how are we getting onto Rampart’s Venator?” Hunter asked.
“I’m taking a lesson from your squad. We improvise.” Rex answered.
“Hey, we’re role models!” You said with an over-the-top cheery disposition that sounded foreign to your ears. You noticed the quizzical helmeted looks that were sent your way. “I can’t explain that.”
Hunter noted the change in your demeanour, and it definitely had a slightly different vibe to it, but he put it down to you handling your emotions about being back on this planet, so he didn’t press the matter. As long as he was sure your head was still focused on the job right now, he didn’t need to worry.
Tech stared at his datapad. When it looked like things were in place, he programmed it in and turned back in the direction of the ray shields and each one promptly deactivated.
The climb started again.
Wrecker opened the top hatch and led the way out.
Now’s where it for tricky. Being out of the tunnels meant less places to hide and with troopers patrolling the area, the chances of discovery increased dramatically.
You all ran as quietly and as covertly as you could, using the underside of ledges and hiding behind stands as cover.
You all paused to analyse the situation.
Echo peered out from behind a column and all he could see was open space patrolled by soldiers and droids. “There’s not enough cover. We won’t get across the shipyard undetected.” He said to Hunter.
An idea popped into Hunter’s head as he saw the smaller transport ships. “Not on foot.”
“Brilliant!” You admired before you mentally checked yourself. What the fuck were you doing? It was a good plan but usually you kept your appreciation more internal or at least more low key. It was then you suddenly realised that you went from nearly having a breakdown over coming back to replacing your nervous energy with exaggerated optimism and that was somehow more concerning.
“Thank you?” Hunter said. Yeah, you were definitely unsure of how to deal with whatever set of feelings it was you were working out right now.
“Everyone ignore me, please. Unless it’s urgent, I will be shutting up from here on out.” You mumbled awkwardly as you walked over to a column closer to the front.
“Is everything definitely okay with her?” Rex whispered to Hunter as he watched you walk away.
“Yeah, I think she’s just figuring out how to deal with how she’s feeling about being back here. She’s fine, she’s not a risk to the mission.” Hunter reassured before he saw the free moment. “Move.” He ordered.
The group of you dashed across to the next transport ship and clung on to the underside of it just as it took off.
Hunter stuck his vibroblade into a panel and it fell away which gave Tech the access he needed to become the pilot.
Rex glanced over to see Wrecker groaning and mumbling ‘don’t look down’ to himself. “He’s still not better with heights?”
“This is him better.” Echo said.
You risked letting a hand go to give Wrecker’s shoulder a sympathetic pat.
Tech fiddled with his datapad. “I have bypassed the controls. Hang on.” He took command and drove the transport in the direction of the Venator.
One particularly bumpy lift of the transport had you all readjusting your grips.
“Tech.” Hunter cautioned.
Tech quickly got the transport up and over the top of the Venator. He unplugged his datapad. “Now.” He signalled.
You all let go and a safe landing meant you all able to get up and run to the nearest way in.
Tech breached the system of the door panel and succeeded in opening it for you all to go through.
You all drew your blasters as you headed for the bridge of the ship. As soon as the first set of doors opened, Hunter and Rex led the way and stunned the first two troopers.
The main doors to the bridge opened and a quick scan told you all it was guard free, and you took up your watch positions.
Tech tapped into the system. “Well, that is unfortunate.”
“Wanna narrow that down?” Rex asked him from the position by the front windows that he and Hunter had taken.
Tech looked through his datatpad. “Energy conduits are offline. The only way to retrieve the data is the reroute power, which will most likely signal a security breach.” He finished, looking over at Hunter and Rex.
“How much time will we have?” Hunter asked.
Tech looked at his datapad once more. “Not much.”
“Then let’s make it quick.” Echo said.
Tech nodded and together he and Echo got the power back on.
The Venator bridge reactivated, and it was time to start the clock.
As the alarm sounded, you sensed the bodies on the other side of the door. “We’re gonna have some company.” You called over as you got your blaster ready.
“Seal the door.” Hunter directed.
You fired a shot into the control panel, but it didn’t do much, they started the override process quickly and the doors started to stagger open. “The door won’t hold much longer.” You warned.
“I am expediting the file transfer as quickly as possible.” Tech replied.
As soon as he finished his sentence, the door whirred open and troopers starting firing at you.
You, Hunter, Rex, and Wrecker took cover and fired stun blasts back, but you knew it wouldn’t be long until reinforcements arrived.
Hunter noticed the ships coming to provide support. “New plan. 14, 5, 86.”
“All of them?” Wrecker double checked.
“Yes.” Hunter confirmed.
You bit back the positive affirmation about to leave your mouth. It was most definitely not the time to start that up again.
“Echo, man the cannons. Deal with air support.” Hunter ordered.
Tech grabbed the datacard and put it in a case. “Data transfer is complete!”
“Plan 5, set!” Echo confirmed.
“Activate.” Hunter instructed.
Echo powered up the engines and the ship started to pull against its secure lockdown.
The resultant chaos gave you the opportunity you needed to make a break for it. With you firing off more stun shots and Wrecker barging through the remaining clones, you all successfully made it out of the bridge.
“Security teams will be swarming this trench. We need an exit strategy.” Rex said as you all sprinted through the ship corridors.
“Got one. We’re going over them.” You revealed.
“Over them?” Rex repeated.
The Venator smashed to the ground and the resulting vibration had you all stumbling for a moment which gave the Imperial troopers a chance to catch up, but you dealt with them swiftly enough.
Echo opened the hatch to the escape pods.
Rex paused outside the entrance to one. You all had confidently ran into one, but he saw a problem. “These escape pods are non-operational.”
“We only need them to eject. I can handle the rest.” Tech said confidently.
“This should be interesting.” Rex mused as he walked in and closed the door behind him.
Tech got the pod in the air and got in heading in the direction of the maintenance tunnels.
The pod crashed to the ground.
Hunter pushed open the door and examined the landing. “Not bad.” He complimented his brother before he stepped out.
“I was off by 6.4 meters. Not my best.” Tech disputed.
You did a light skip past Tech as you left the escape pod. “Don’t put yourself down, Tech. What’s important is that we all made it out safely.” It was out your mouth before you could stop it. “Shut up shut up shut up.” You mumbled in a panicked fashion to yourself as you reached the entrance to the maintenance tunnels first. Fuck, you skipped! Skipped! Force did you want some other outlet for the anxiety you were unable to channel properly.
You waved a hand and the hatch to the tunnels opened.
“It’s almost morning. We need to hurry.” Rex stressed.
Rex and Echo boarded the speeder and set off to the meeting spot.
Omega looked up to see them come around the corner. She dashed up and took the case from Rex.
“Get this to Senator Tuchi. Hurry!” He said.
Omega ran back into the senate building.
As Echo and Rex returned, it became a waiting game. You only hoped the information would be enough to stop Rampart.
Hunter removed his helmet and faced you. “Well, you managed it. You alright?”
You nodded. “Yup. Had a moment of channelling a terrifying alter ego but yeah, I managed.” You said with a light laugh.
“Wasn’t that terrifying. More… weird.” Hunter teased.
“Oh, perfect.” You said with a playful frown.
Hunter placed a delicate kiss to the wrinkle in your brow to soothe you. “Weird is good.” He murmured.
You smiled fondly at him but there was a glint of mischief behind your eyes. If a situation like this ever arises again, you’re my new outlet.
Hunter released a low sigh. That was something he could get on board with. He couldn’t help himself, he placed a soft kiss to your lips.
“Come on.” Wrecker complained. “We’re all still here.”
You stuck your tongue out at him.  
“Clearly I missed something.” Rex said with a knowing smirk. He’d called it all those months ago on Bracca.
“Just over 6 months and that’s all the information you’re getting, Captain.” You said with a grin.
“Wasn’t looking for much more.” Rex kidded.
A few comfortable beats of silence passed before Echo’s voice spoke up.
“Hey, guys. I… I need to talk to you about something.”
Having been successful in getting the information to Senator Organa- another ally in this fight- Omega hid and watched the replay of her home behind destroyed and the pain of that day came flooding back but the panic in Rampart’s face and the outraged cries echoing throughout the chamber made things a bit easier.
All of a sudden, an alarm started blaring throughout the room and the clamouring grew quiet.
Omega withdrew further into her place of cover as a deep chill went down her spine upon Chancellor Palpatine entering the chamber and the video of the destruction of Kamino ended. All she could do was listen and remain unseen as his advisor spoke.
“It would appear that Senator Chuchi’s horrific assertions are correct.”
Omega released a small, triumphant sigh. Maybe what she was feeling was intimidation rather than fear, it seemed like Chancellor Palpatine believed the footage and would do something about it. The advisor continued to speak.
“This unprovoked attack on Kamino was a cowardly act by Admiral Rampart to further his own personal agenda. Guards, arrest and detain the Admiral.” The yelling continued as Rampart got arrested and it threated to break out of control, and he knew his master needed quiet for the next stage. He banged his staff. “Order! We shall have order!”
When everyone quieted down, Chancellor Palpatine stepped forward. Sometimes it really was too easy. “I am deeply troubled by this recent revelation. My gratitude to Senator Chuchi for exposing a rogue element within our ranks. Many lives have been lost, but I assure you, Admiral Rampart will face consequences for his treachery. However, he did not act alone. The fact that the clones under his command so blindly followed orders, inflicting such carnage without hesitation, gives me pause.”
Omega listened on in nervous wonder. That tingling fear was creeping back in. What did he mean?
“Perhaps, it is time for a change.” Chancellor Palpatine proposed. “Now more than ever, building a strong galaxy requires protection and security. Due to the nefarious actions of Admiral Rampart, and the immediacy of the bill on the floor today, it is my opinion that this legislation is our future. With this momentous act, we shall usher in a new era. Heralded by the Imperial stormtrooper.”
No! Omega thought to herself, how could this have happened? What did they miss? The bill would be pushed through, and the clones would be cast aside and rejected. How had they failed them?
As Senator Chuchi and Omega finished filling you in, you found your natural demeanour returning and if you were angry, you couldn’t begin to imagine how the others were feeling. You thought you had the Empire this time, you thought you had finally found a way to cut through them, but it was all for nothing. You hadn’t helped protect the clones; you’d seen to their downfall.
“Palpatine was one step ahead of us during the war, and he’s still several steps ahead of us. We played right into his hands.” Rex said frustratedly.
“I don’t understand. We did the right thing. We told the truth.” Omega said.
“And he twisted it to his advantage.” Hunter explained, doing his best to keep his disappointment at bay.
“He knows how to manipulate the system, Omega. Doing the right thing doesn’t get you very far with him.” You said tightly as you remembered how he conducted himself during your time with the Order.
“The Emperor wanted us to implicate Rampart to get what he was after all along. Senate approval for his stormtrooper program.” Rex growled.
“The fate of all the clones is now sealed, because of us. What’s gonna happen to them?” Echo asked, concern and regret laced in his voice.
“I don’t know.” Senator Chuchi replied with a regretful sigh. “But I will keep fighting for the clones. You all deserve the same rights as every citizen.” She bent down to face Omega. “I won’t give up.”
Omega believed her. She’d proven she cared and that was what was needed.
“If you need anything, Rex, just say the word.” Hunter told the clone captain. “Senator.” He dipped his head in goodbye before he turned to Echo and rested his hand on his shoulder. “Wherever you end up, remember what I said.” He headed back in the direction of the ship.
“Don’t get into trouble without us.” Wrecker said with an affectionate punch to Echo’s arm.
“Without us?” Omega asked curiously.
Shit. You forgot she didn’t know and that made everything far worse. You took your moment to quickly hug him, and you didn’t just yourself to speak out loud. Be careful, okay?
Echo nodded at you as you stepped away.
“Best of luck, Echo.” Tech said sincerely before he followed you and Wrecker to the ship.
“Luck with what?” Omega asked him as you all left.
This suddenly became a lot more difficult than he had been expecting. “I’m going with Rex.” Echo revealed to her. “The clones will need our help now more than ever. I can’t turn my back on them.”
“You- You can’t leave.” Omega stammered. “We’re- We’re a squad.”
He knew she wouldn’t understand as clearly as the rest of you had and he knew he had to make this as easy as possible for her. “Omega, this is something I have to do. I’m going where I’m needed.”
She couldn’t fully accept that. “But we need you too.” She choked out.
Echo kneeled in front of her and placed his helmet down so he could lay a comforting hand on her shoulder. “It’s not forever. I’ll be back. Keep up with your training while I’m gone. Huh? Understood?”
Omega threw her arms around his neck and hugged him close.
Echo hesitated for a moment. This was a level of intimacy he hadn’t reached with Omega yet, but he didn’t mind it. He placed arms around her and returned the embrace.
Omega pulled back. “Yes, Sir.” She sniffed as she wiped away the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes.
Echo stood. “Keep an eye on them.” He directed with a slight smile as he signalled for the young girl to head back to the ship.
Hunter waited for Omega at the top of the ship’s steps. Another brother gone. But he was just grateful he wasn’t losing Echo to the clutches of the Empire.
“How are you doing?” You asked, entwining your fingers with his as you both watched Echo and Omega say their goodbyes.
“Fine.” Hunter replied briefly.
“Really?” You titled your head at him. “You don’t have to be.”
Hunter sighed. “I am fine. I just hope he finds what he’s looking for and that he stays safe.”
“We’ll see him again. Choices, remember?”
Hunter nodded. “At least this choice I understand.” He said quietly with a hint of sadness.
You squeezed his hand in understanding and kissed the corner of his mouth before you turned back into the main body of the ship, only releasing his hand at the last moment.
He let his hand fall back to his side and straightened up as Omega came up the steps. He placed a gentle hand on her back as she walked into the ship.
Echo watched as the ship lifted off. He knew it wasn’t the last time he would see you all, but it would take some getting used to. For now, though, his path was elsewhere.
Next Chapter>
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy, @fuckoffthanos, @tpwkcalli, @graciexmarvel, @arctrooper69, @nightmonkeysstuff, @brujaporfavor, @flyingkangaroo, @sunkissedclones, @ladytano420, @keep-calm-and-drink-caf, @yyourmotherr, @xxeiraxx, @starwarsnerd111, @skelllymom, @dorck26
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kaminocasey · 1 year
Life Finds A Way (Part 1?)
Summary: Fives finds out about The Bad Batch.
Warnings: None
Pairing: None
WC: 1k
A/N: Dropped this idea on tiktok and people seemed to be into it, so here we are!
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“I told you I would help you one day and now is the time.” Emerie tells him. 
He looks up from his less than comfortable bed, basically a cot. He’s lost track of how long he’s been here. A little less than a year, probably?
This woman told him she’s a clone too. He doesn’t know how that could even be possible. Of all the shocks in his life, having a possible sister is definitely high up on the list. But she had told him she’d see his twin again. Echo. She said she’d make sure of it. 
When she had told Fives about Echo being alive, he’d been in denial. Called her a liar. He had no reason to trust this woman. She’d told him about Echo joining Clone Force 99. That there was another girl clone, a younger one and she was a part of their batch. He ended up believing her. If only to have this hope to keep him going.
“Now. Come with me.” She throws some commando armor at him. 
He’s aware that this armor is gonna be a bit big on him. He’s definitely lost weight since being here. But it’s better than nothing. And not to mention, commando clones are literally built bigger.
“Where are we going?” He asks as he starts putting the armor on.
“That young girl clone I told you about is here on Mount Tantiss. Along with her brothers Tech and Crosshair.” Emerie tells him.
“Echo’s not here?” Fives asks, picking up the blaster. 
“No. Just the three.” She tells him, checking the coast.
When she turns back toward him, he raises the blaster to her. 
“What game are you playing?” He starts to question the things she’s told him.
After the shit that went down on Coruscant, he’s aware that it’s going to be hard to ever trust another person as long as he lives. How could he when his very own general turned on him? His brothers…
“No game. I’m trying to reunite you with your brother.” She shrugs. 
“Why now?” He asks. 
“Because I wasn’t sure before… Then I saw him on the doctor’s feed with the others and I knew.” She puts her hands up.
Fives sighs and puts the commando helmet on and nods. He’s shocked by how different it is than his regular armor. More advanced. More tech involved. He misses his old armor. His arc trooper armor. 
Those days are over now, no matter what, right?
“The girl, Omega… She's very important to them.” Emerie tells Fives, quietly.
“Echo was always good with the younger ones.” Fives recalls how they couldn’t walk down any corridor on Kamino without the kids always being drawn to them because of their arc trooper status. 
“Clones have something in them that seems to make them more paternal.” Emerie smiles softly. 
Fives chuckles. “Well, vod… I hate to break it to you. That’s not me.”
“Vod?” Emerie looks up at him, confused. 
“Brother or sister.” Fives keeps his eyes ahead. “It’s Mando’a.” 
“Interesting.” Emerie nods and continues to walk. 
As they walk, Fives can’t help but remember the day that she had told him that Echo was alive. 
“Echo is alive, Fives. I’m telling you the truth.” She tells him from beyond the red wall separating the two of them. 
How did this woman know about Echo? How did she know about any of them? 
“You’re lying.” Fives tells her, calmly.
I saw him die… Fives thinks to himself. I saw him in the explosion. There’s no way anyone could survive that blast…
“How can I make you believe me?” She asks.
She couldn’t. Everyone in this fucking place is a liar. 
“You’re a liar. How could I ever believe a word that comes out of your mouth?” He shrugs, looking down at the floor in anger. 
He wouldn’t let her get the better of him. He wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of getting a rise out of him.
“He’s with Clone Force 99.” She tells him, looking down at her datapad, to not raise suspicion, as she talks quietly. “A group of defective clones with enhanced skills.”“Echo is with them?” Fives looks up at her.
She nods. “They saved him on Skako Minor where the Skakoans had been doing some experimenting on him. He’s alive and well.” 
Fives’ heart shatters into a million pieces at the realization… He left his brother behind… His twin… He’ll never be able to live with himself for that. 
“We’re close.” Emerie’s hushed tones brings him back to the present and he follows her down one more corridor before he’s brought into some sort of lab.
Not another lab… He starts to panic slightly, backing up to the door, before he sees her. The young clone. The one that knows Echo. 
Omega looks up from the seat she’s sat in. The other two look up at Fives as well. Emerie wasn’t kidding about them being defective clones. They look nothing like him or any other clone he’s ever seen.
“Who’s he?” The bald one squints his eyes in disdain at Fives.
Fives takes off his helmet and Omega gasps slightly, immediately seeing the unmistakable ‘5’ tattoo on his temple. 
“Fives?” Omega asks, standing up.
“Fives?” The other one asks, confused. “Echo’s twin Fives?”
“So, he’s… alive?” Fives asks.
Omega grins and nods. “Echo’s just fine.”
How he doesn’t break down crying right then and there, he doesn’t know. He just needs to help get these three out of here and then he can see his brother again. 
“We’ve heard a lot about you.” Omega seems relieved to see him.
“Oh, probably all the bad things, right?” Fives chuckles.
“Do you count dying Captain Rex’s hair blue as ‘bad’?” Tech looks up from the screen he’s typing away at.
“I count that as an innocent prank.” Fives shrugs with a smirk, scratching the back of his head with the side of the blaster. 
Omega lets out an amused laugh and Fives winks. 
“I’m Omega.” The girl introduces herself and then her brothers. “This is Tech. And this is Crosshair.”
“Good to meet you guys.” Fives grins for the first time in a long long time. “Now, how can I help?”
TAGS: @twistedstitcher27 @misogirl828 @rebel-finn @grievouus @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @agenteliix @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @quigonswife8 @idlenesses @redheadgirl @dnxgma @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @brownstalebread @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaw @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana @erishimoon @witching3
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wantonlywindswept · 10 months
fox & rex ficbit
finally wrote some tcw! whoo.
tbh not entirely sure where this is headed (a lie: i know exactly where i want this to end up, and it is with alpha-17 storming coruscant in a fit of protective rage and also murder) and atm it’s just a lot of exposition ideas because...i still have no real solid feel for the characters?? so i’m kind of working through that.
it is exhausting. star wars fanon you are exhausting. why can my brain not just write with the tropes and be done with it
anyway basically rex and fox are alpha-17′s feral children/brothers/students/?? because all three of them are competent chaos gremlins. set vaguely after geonosis but before the GAR is actually properly structured, bc if star wars doesn’t know what its timeline is then why the hell should i
Growing up on Kamino, Rex and Fox had three things in common: a taste for the popularly-loathed blue carbohydrate cubes, an unstoppable compulsion to always be the best at anything they did, and the extremely dubious honor of being Alpha-17's favorites.
Fox was one of the earlier Command Class clones decanted, the eldest of a batch that boasted Wolffe, Gree, Bly, and Cody: possibly the strongest CC batch that Kamino would ever produce. He came out with a massive chip on his shoulder and left his tact in his tube, and made a sport of talking back to every single trainer in the Cuy'val Dar--which was why he once spent two weeks in Medical with broken ribs, a punctured lung, and Dred Priest's bootprints on his chest.
On the other hand, Rex came from a CT batch that was nearly flushed for genetic deviation, and of the original five, only he and Crys made it past cadet training. He clawed to the top of all his training modules fueled by fear and spite, and did everything by the book to avoid any kind of attention that might further mark him as defective: he kept his head down and his mouth shut, no matter what he actually thought about things.
Alpha's ARC training was good for the both of them, in the end: it taught Rex how to speak his mind, and it taught Fox how to shut the fuck up.
"15 - 5," Alpha announced cheerfully, leaning on his training staff without even the slightest indication of being tired. Fox, flat on his back at Alpha's feet, wheezed something that might have been a curse.
"I'm starting to think that those 5 were a fluke," Rex said blandly. 
Fox's next growl was definitely a curse, and he lifted trembling hands to sign something insulting and anatomically improbable in Rex's direction.
"Go on, stop whining into my mats," Alpha said, nudging Fox in the side with his foot. "It's time for me to beat the other little brat into the ground."
Rex watched, snickering, as Fox very clearly struggled to keep from offering Alpha a similar insult. 
It was good that he was finally developing a sense of self-preservation.
It was just the three of them left in the gym, long after most sane troopers retreated to lick their wounds and get some kind of rest before they did the same thing all over again tomorrow. Even Fox's certifiably unhinged batch had abandoned them after a couple hours of extra training; most of the CCs had been tagged for the ARC classes, but some were taking to it with a little more enthusiasm than others.
Fox peeled himself off the floor, using his staff as a crutch as he staggered to the deceptive safety outside of the training ring. He passed Rex along the way; his encouraging pat on the shoulder turned into more of an uncoordinated smack to the side of the head, which Rex magnanimously decided to forgive on account of knowing he'd probably need Fox's help standing up later. 
Alpha was brutal, and relentless, and more than a little bit of a dick, but he wasn't cruel. He pushed them hard, taught them everything he knew, and if sometimes Rex caught him looking at them like he was worried they'd vanish the moment they left his sight, well. 
The campaign on Geonosis had been a hell of a debut. They'd lost thousands of brothers, and now they were all on edge waiting for their official postings. There was no telling where they'd end up next. 
Fox would undoubtedly be deployed where the fighting was the heaviest; he came off Geonosis with a dossier of accolades and a near-spotless string of victories. The rest of his batch had done equally well--all save Cody, who'd been unwillingly left behind on Kamino with a grade three concussion and a broken orbital bone, courtesy of one of Isabet Reau's battle circles.
Rex was probably destined for something similar. He'd performed well enough that he was guaranteed an officer commission, and he'd been all but adopted into the Command class after taking control of a battalion that had lost their commanding officer. It would be an absolute waste to not send him to the front lines.
Once ARC training was over, once they got their assignments and shipped out, it was entirely possible this would be the last time that Alpha saw them both alive.
With that cheery thought in mind, Rex spun the staff in his hands, met Alpha's grim expression with a sharp nod, and launched himself into the ring.
(Later, after Alpha dumped them both in the showers and ordered them not to drown, Fox gave him so much shit for only managing to win three matches out of twenty. But he also hauled Rex into the closer barracks that he shared with his batch, shoved him into the empty bed, and immediately passed out on him, which was enough of a comfort that Rex figured he could put off his vengeance for later. 
Maybe in the morning.
Maybe after they came back from the war, and they could prove to Alpha that he hadn't just sent them off to die.)
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merlyn-bane · 6 months
never have i ever,, written a fic about young cody and young obi meeting? 🥺
Thanks for playing!! 🥰🥰
So I don't really have anything for a young Cody and young Obi meeting (which is kind of a surprise, actually) but what I DO have is basically the ~1k prologue for an AU where Jango comes to his senses on Kamino and takes the baby CCs and runs, and hides out in Little Keldabe on Coruscant where he ends up buying a restaurant.
(I'm obsessed with those little hole in the wall family owned restaurants that still serve traditional foods, and I loved the idea of the Boys<3 growing up in that environment. This is also Codywan, and the idea of Jango's fucking consternation at one of his sons dating a Jedi is hilarious to me. He would be so damn MAD)
Anyway! Here goes! :D
It’s the crying, that does Jango in.
Babies cry. Boba cries. All the time it had felt like at first. Still often enough now; when he’s hungry or when he’s tired or just because he feels like it.
The clones don’t cry.
Not 6454, when Jango watched one of the Kaminii’s two-bit trainers scream in his face for failing to complete a course in time because he’d stopped to help one of his vode despite being so small they’d had to kneel down to do it. He’d just gone quiet.
Not 3636, when the Kaminii realized he was blind in one eye and put him through a barrage of tests to see if he could function well enough that they didn’t have to invest in a new one. Jango hadn’t been sure if they meant the eye or the boy. ‘36 had just scowled and endured it. 
Not even Twos-Four when he’d fallen off of a platform running balance drills and carved his face open. He’d just sat there while the trainer sprayed it with antiseptic and stuck some butterfly stitches on it and then asked after his brothers.
And they’re not crying now, watching one of the longnecks try to take one of their brothers. 7567, blond as Arla had been and with a temper to match. Jango wonders which had done him in.
The other boys surround him in a circle, standing in ready stances they’ve only just barely begun learning. To a man they’re all snarling; except ‘67, for once, who just looks scared.
And still not so much as a whimper.
Jango only came down here because he—he doesn’t know, actually. But he has a decision to make now. 
He knows his buir wouldn’t approve of—anything he’s done here, really, once he took that Ka’ra-damned contract, but. Letting them kill an adiik? Just barely more than an ikaad?
Jango watches the Kaminoan rear back as 2224 snaps at their hand with his teeth, and knows that his decision is made.
The alphas don’t come with them. They’re all young adults, technically, Jango thinks. The very first batch. The trial run, he thinks with a twisting stomach, before they started looking to begin operations in earnest. Boba and the first CC batch had only come once the alphas reached adolescence without any major ‘complications’. 
They’re young adults, and they barely know Jango because he hadn’t had Boba yet back then and still took other jobs frequently. He’s not totally sure how he managed to convince them to trust him with the Littles, but eventually, they do. 
He takes the boys—all seven with Boba, Ka’ra—and runs to the first place he can think of where they would be near impossible to find even with Tyrannus’s connections: Coruscant. There are an uncountable number of people inhabiting the city-planet, making it incredibly easy to vanish among them. 
And everybody always forgets about Little Keldabe.
The boys need names. Have needed them, really, but there’s little he can do about it now and he certainly can’t call them by number around civilians if he wants them to stay under the radar. 
Clones are illegal in the Republic, after all. They prefer all of their slave trade money filtered through shell corporations first. 
‘24 is easy. Jango calls him Kote, for glory. ‘67 can’t say it yet; it comes out closer to Co-dee, and ‘67 is ‘24’s favorite, and so Cody it is. 
‘67 gets Rex, whether they can pronounce it yet or not. He’s bitten Jango no less than five times since he took the boys from their dorm. He wishes Arla could’ve met the little terror. 
The next three all come from childrens’ stories Jango pirates onto a spare datapad. Something about a boy, Ponds—‘54—and his animal friends. Wolf—‘36, who continues to grumble until Jango finds a spelling he apparently approves of despite his inability to read—and Fox—1010, which does not surprise Jango as much as it should. The little shit is fucking stealthy. 
‘52, well. Jango gives up and reads all kinds of stupid shit off of those cheesy holonet Mommy pages until something sticks and the newly-dubbed Bly starts fucking responding to something. 
Money is, blessedly, perhaps the one thing Jango doesn’t have to worry about right away. He was maybe the most infamous bounty hunter in the galaxy before he went to ground—that’s why he’d been sought after for the clone job in the first place—and his rates had reflected that. 
And he never was stupid enough to keep his funds where a dissatisfied client of a high enough profile would be able to find them. 
He buys them an apartment first; outright and in cash, and on the condition that the previous owner forget he ever owned it. It doesn’t have enough rooms for all of the boys to have their own—such a thing does not exist on Coruscant, he’s fairly certain, and especially not in the only district therein that he’s willing to live in—but the bigger boys refuse to sleep unless they’re in a big pile on the floor at first anyway. Boba is developmentally young enough that he sleeps in Jango’s room with him. 
Figuring out how he’ll continue to support them all is the next concern. Even his not insubstantial holdings won’t cover him and seven boys forever, and it’s not like he can take bounty hunting back up with all of them needing him here. 
And then a restaurant goes up for sale just weeks after they get settled in. It’s one of those rare freestanding ones, an ugly little pill-shaped building hogging up valuable space on the concourse. It used to be a café, apparently, but the native Coruscanti owners apparently couldn’t hack it in Mando Town. Jango doesn’t know the first thing about fancy caf, but he does know good Mando food—and he’ll have seven hands to help him, soon enough. 
He calls it Evaar’yaim. Their new home.
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sun-roach · 9 months
Hey There! I hope you're doing well.
I keep getting confused. Can you answer this ask by briefly describing your OCs? or you can link the post where you have done that. Also, how do you keep track of so many different OCs? I tried to do that and it did not go well. I kept getting everyone mixed up :(.
Hello there🧡✨
Ofc I can briefly describe them or at least try to make it brief😂
I think I once posted a short description of some of them, but I forgot to put it on the masterlist (grrr i really need to update that list😂)
Okay so I will start with Rainbow squad first.
Rainbow squad is a special force squad of the Coruscant Guards lead by Sergeant Strife under Thorn's command.
They do investigations, clear the lower levels of Coruscant, take care of terrorists and drug cartels, but they also help out guarding Senators or accompany Thorn's other squads as reinforcement.
They are a squad for any mission. Fox threw the squad randomly together.
The name 'rainbow squad' comes from Sticker, because he really wishes to see a real rainbow and the other’s didn’t care much about their squad name.
Now to the squad members:
Sergeant Strife:
Strife is a former arc trooper and operates under Thorn's direct command. He likes harmony and peace, but everyday he somehow finds himself in a strife, hence his name. But since he likes harmony so much he will try his best to solve anyones problem… with his bare hands. He won’t shy away punching anyone to the ground just to have some peace again. Strife is very caring of others, which makes him appear like the buir of his squad. He loves stars, likes to sew and crochet and is the only squad member who can cook okay.
Now Redd:
Redd is the sniper of the squad and an arc trooper. He loves red and will collect anything red he sees. He is also a kleptomaniac so better hide any jewelry if you are near him. Most often no one notices being robbed by him. Redd loves to flirt and embarrass himself at 79's. But despite his flirty nature he is very loyal to the one he decides to commit to. Redd had several traumatic experiences (being almost sexually assaulted and another time being tortured and whipped for informations). He doesn’t talk about and instead drowns his memories in alcohol.
Next is Cuyan:
Cuyan wasn’t a Corrie. He was part of the GAR, a normal trooper. He lost his whole battalion to an explosion caused by Separatists. Half of his body burned and it’s a miracle that he survived. But because of that he was sent into prison with the assumption that he sold critical informations to the separatists. He didn’t. Someone wanted to just get rid of him. He doesn’t know who and doesn’t know why. What he knows is that no one really cares about clones. Cuyan got bailed out by Fox who took him into the coruscant guards since they need more men. He is stubborn and closed his heart away from anyone. But his new squad started to grow on him anyway and he would do anything for them.
The second arc of the squad is Sticker:
He is Redd's batch mate and got his name for sticking to his brothers like a Sticker. He is very optimistic, clingy and energetic. But also a little naive, trusting, loyal and smart. He is the one liked by anyone. Not even anti-clone Senators want to harm him. There is barely anyone who hates him. He loves to create new weapons and finds creative solutions when his brothers don’t see any way out. Sticker also always has a holo of a tooka with him to show it to anyone looking sad. That tooka isn’t even his.
And the last member of rainbow squad, Stitch:
Stitch is a clone medic. He got his name because his face is covered by stitches, which he got during his time on Kamino. Stitch is very anxious since he got out of the tube and always fears the worst. But he is a very skilled medic and always tries to get better. He often forgets the time, ending up skipping sleep because he was fixating on his studies. Stitch is the one who gives anyone a little kiss or hug after any treatment.
Now the other three.
I will start with Kavi since he is an honorable member of rainbow squad.
Kavi is the right hand of a Senator from a wealthy planet. Like the clones he hasn’t rights and was born to serve his Senator. The only reason why the republic doesn’t see him as a slave is him getting paid. Though he doesn’t have much choice but to work as the right hand and do what he is told. Kavi got taught in many things such as combat, piloting, sewing, cooking, anything that would come in handy for his Senator. His biggest dream is to become a pilot. Kavi loves weird things, can be weird and chaotic himself but he is very loving and fights for justice while looking pretty in any dress or suit. And he is Strife’s boyfriend
Now Patcher.
Patcher was in a batch with Neyo, Bacara and Gree before he got put into medical training. He is the chief medic of the coruscant guards and one of the oldest clones. Patcher is the Ori'vod of the guard and the only one who can give Fox medical treatment. The chief medic is victim to several abuses and assaults. His whole body is covered by scars , and he lost one of his eyes, having it replaced by a cybernetic one. His colored his other eye red by himself to make himself look even more intimidating, so no one would dare to get close to him again. He fears of trusting, fears everyone except the vode. Which is why he stopped leaving the corrie headquarters. Patcher can be very rough but he is also very cary and he loves blue milk.
And then there is Fork my precious bby.
Fork is the lieutenant of the 107th attack battalion. He is Strife's batch mate and actually got promoted to commander, but he refuses to take the title since the previous commander was dear to him and he still hopes for him to return. Fork got his name because he loves forks. He would even eat soup with a fork. He got teased a lot for it but his batch mate always loved and accepted him for who he is, making himself accept his name. Fork has severe survivors guilt, believes that his batch mates died because of him, thinking he should have died instead. In his battalion he has no one he is close with since everyone mostly teases him, sees him as a 'freak', because he doesn’t talk. He only talks if he is either comfortable or if his job demands him to. Otherwise he will use his hands to communicate which is easier and more comfortable for him. Fork feels immensely, is very aware of others emotions and actions and all he wants is to save innocent people. Keep as many alive as possible. I could talk more about him but jfjdjdnnd this is getting very long😂😂
As for how i keep track of my ocs…
They live in my head. I forget a lot of stuff about them too but the core of them lives in my head. They all have some part of me in them which probably helps keeping up?
Strife has my need for harmony
Redd has my loyality
Cuyan my loneliness
Sticker my inner child
Stitch my anxieties
Kavi my weirdness and love for energy drinks
Patcher my trust issues
And fork the feeling of being an outcast and also the heaviness of emotions, making talking very difficult
I also smt make notes to remind myself about other details i assigned to them.
But most often everything is just very intuitive for me
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Title: fox on the run
Fox on the Run
This would start off with Cody and Fox as cadets who run away from Kamino. They snuck onto a ship or maybe hid in Jango’s ship when he went on a mission or something but they got off planet.
Once off planet, they realized it was a lot harder to get by so they stuck to stealing and living on the streets of whatever planet they’re on (probably Lothal or Coruscant).
However, the Kaminoans notice they’re missing so they send Jango Fett to grab them. Jango tracks them down and Cody, who is the oldest, stalls long enough for Fox to run away while he deals with Fett.
Fett takes Cody back to Kamino and trains him, seeing potential within the young cadet however he is brutal and Cody’s punishment from the Kaminoans is 24/7 surveillance along with more eyes on his progress.
Kamino is lonely for Cody even after being put into a new batch, since no cadet really wanted to be friends with the clone who is constantly watched.
Fox lives on the street and learns to survive the hard way. His upbringing parallels with Cody’s on Kamino because he’s also alone, except his is based on paranoia and fear. He still believes Cody would come back.
Years pass and there comes a point where Fox realizes Cody isn’t coming back. So he decides to free Cody instead and comes up with a plan.
Back on Kamino, the war started and Cody wishes luck to his batch. He is stationed with Obi-Wan and throughout the war, Fox comes and visits him, trying to convince him to desert. When Cody refused the first few times, Fox changed his tactics and asked just for one night to spend with his brother. During each night, he’ll show him what the world has to offer with food and shows and clothings and trinkets, and always ask again to stay with him.
Cody always denies, refusing to leave the Vod’e behind. Fox decides if the Vod’e need to be free for him to get his brother back, so be it. Here he turns to finding out information for missions and about potential targets or about the enemy and leaves messages behind discreetly to Cody.
It becomes a problem when the Jedi notice and think Cody is being stalked (which he is but it’s not dangerous) and send Quinlan Vos after the stalker.
It also becomes a problem because Palps notices as well and starts to send his apprentices and bounty hunters after Fox.
Cue Fox trying to help Cody end the war and gain rights for clones all so he could have his brother back.
Also, Cody doesn’t think to tell his batch any of this considering they never knew he had a batchmate before them. So Rex thinks it’s a stalker; Wolffe thinks it’s an obsessed fan; Bly thinks its a Vod playing a prank; Ponds thinks it’s just an exaggeration and Cody doesn’t have anyone following him; and Gree thinks it’s a long lost brother whom Cody left behind on a campaign and they’re trying to get back into the 212th.
Yea that’s all I got for this title but hope you like it!!
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one-real-imonkey · 2 years
More Fox biting his lip…
He used to nibble at his lower lip as a cadet, but it was only once he was stationed on Coruscant he started unconsciously biting right through it, to Fix’s annoyance. His batch don’t know, but thanks to Palpatine, there’s a lot they don’t know…
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image-thot · 3 years
Bad Batch Imagine - Meeting S/O For The First Time
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Would of most likely met you on a mutual mission or on the planet of a mission
He wasn’t going to lie you did throw off his game
He wasn’t sure if he could trust you
His heightened sense was not helping with that as he found more of his time was spent keeping them focused on you
However, once the mission is finished his view changes
That time spent focussing on them was worth it
You had proven yourself a good warrior in many ways
And the way you moved on the battlefield, he was impressed (and that in itself was hard)
He requested your subspace comm strictly for professional contact on missions in the future (is what he tells everyone)
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He would most likely meet them off mission
As his job is very detailed orientated when he first meets you he takes in everything about you
Concludes from this that you are way too beautiful to be working in this line of work (won’t admit it and blushes just thinking of it.)
If you take interest in something he talks about, he is going to be both ecstatic (on the inside) and suspicious of you
Afterall in his mind why would someone so beautiful take an interest in such a boring subject (boring to his brothers not to him)
He Will get distracted talking to you and forget about his purpose, it’s not every day he finds someone to not complain about him talking.
If he has to go off will apologise but request to continue it later
Doesn’t need to ask for your personal coms as he might have already gotten them through his own means
But so he doesn’t seem like a creep, he will ask you for it and might be fighting off the blush forming on his cheeks when you give it to him.
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Whichever way he meets you it probably won’t change the outcome or his views
Like any distraction, he finds you annoying
You might be a good looking distraction but he isn’t going out of his way to make conversation
He Will more likely just stare at you, he thinks he is subtle about it (honestly doesn’t care if you catch but if one of his brothers do he will not hear the end of it)
He may unnerve you but it’s up to you to strike up a conversation with him
Is definitely going to be harsh with whatever he says back
If you happen to be a good shot will definitely “insult you” into having a shoot-off with him
Mainly so he can prove how inferior you are to him but if you can keep up with his shot or even if you completely fail the fact that you were bold enough to accept his challenge puts a smirk on his face
Will somehow (most likely through tech) get some form of your private comms to talk with you, most likely to insult you over your poor form or something.
He does look forward to getting to know you more even if it is to get some form of upper hand over you (it’s just because not that many are will to converse with him outside of missions.)
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The first thing he says to you is “Fuck you are small” your simple reply would be “I would imagine everyone is to you.”
He would instantly be telling you to say more funny things
Doesn’t even pay attention to how you look just that you are hilarious
Almost dislocates your shoulder from hitting it in a ‘playful’ manner after one of your jokes
Will try to get his brothers all to listen to your ‘jokes’ they totally understand you are a hostage in this situation and it kinda amuses them to how oblivious Wreker can be
Gets Tech to get your comm information so he can get more jokes off you
Not until you are walking away, that Crosshairs comments on your ass and he agrees without realising he was talking about your ass. (Made everyone but him laugh because he didn’t ‘get’ the joke)
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Meets you off mission, either on Coruscant or Kamino
Doesn’t even notice you are trying to talk to him until you wave a hand in front of his face
Apologies and asks how he can help you
After he helps he is curious as to why you don’t immediately go on your way
After saying you hadn’t seen him around here before, and him telling you that he’s out on missions most of the time
Its starts off as a mutual conversation
Since Skako Minor no one aside from his brothers in the bad batch had taken to talking, that was until you
If you seem impressed by anything that he says he may find himself blushing
Will try to steer the conversation towards you as he would rather know more about the beautiful person spending what little time they may have with him
When you offer your personal com info he is confused at first and when you tell him if he wants to continue the conversation later as you are sure he is a busy man
He gladly accepts, feeling giddy as he says goodbye to you watching your perfect form walk-off
It then only hits him that he doesn’t actually have anything he was supposed to do and he feels like a complete idiot
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priortoallthoughts · 2 years
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Does anyone else think about Fives and Echo and just get really sad?
For a long time they’re the last of their batch because Hevy, Cutup, and Droidbait all died on a moon that was supposed to be a safe assignment for shinies, considering how much they complained about how boring it was. They’re lucky Rex folded both of them into the 501st because I don’t think they would have survived without each other. They go through the war always with the other by their side and they become scarily proficient because of it. So much so that Rex makes them ARC troopers together. And let’s think about that for a second too. All of Domino squad had wanted to be ARC troopers since they saw Colt, Havoc, and Blitz on Kamino. That was their dream ever since they graduated. Now Fives and Echo are the only ones left and they’ve finally made it. Rex and Cody are probably so proud of these shinies that they found on Rishi, except they’re not shinies anymore. So they all get a picture together because they’re more on par with them than ever. Echo becomes so trusted by Rex that they draw up innumerable battle plans together probably in the dead of night when neither of them can sleep.
But then Echo dies. Of course he doesn’t really, but they don’t know that. Fives had to leave his best friend, his closest brother, his last batch mate behind not knowing that he was still alive. And you know what? If he had known Echo survived, Fives would have died before abandoning him like that, orders be damned. Now Fives has to navigate his life without Echo and he probably slips up so many times he loses count. He looks over his shoulder to say something to Echo, except he’s not there. He sees or hears something and thinks he has to tell Echo about this, except he’s not there. Maybe he even messes up in a battle because he knows Echo will have his back during one maneuver, except he’s not there. Echo’s not there anymore and he never will be again and Fives almost can’t handle that.
He finds friendship with Jesse, Kix, Hardcase, and Tup and they help a little. They understand what it’s like to lose brothers and batch mates. Other clones are the only ones who can really truly understand. He even dares to call Tup his best friend too after so long not having one. But then Tup dies. Tup dies and Fives finds out about the chips and all he wants is to save the rest of his brothers from that fate too. Only what he gets is skepticism and lies when he thinks he has a chance to tell someone. He’s drugged and dragged to Coruscant under false pretenses and is hunted through the streets like a criminal just because he wanted to save his brothers. He finds Kix and tells him something’s happening. You think he would have said anything to Kix if he’s known the repercussions it would have on him? What it would lead him to? Absolutely not. Even Rex and Skywalker don’t believe him. Sure Rex does eventually but it’s too late because Fives is dead.
And then Echo wakes up and he doesn’t see Fives. He knows in that second that Fives is dead because nothing else could have stopped him from being there. So now Echo has to go on without Fives and he knows exactly how much Fives struggled without him because he’s feeling the exact same thing. Echo doesn’t just have to deal with the PTSD, the cybernetics replacing more than half his body, his new squad he has to acclimate to, and feeling completely out of place with everything. He has deal with all of that knowing the one person who could have actually helped him, his best friend, his closest brother, his last batch mate, was long gone.
All he wants is Fives back at his side.
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cyberfeather · 2 years
Time to meet my OC Murmur, Cendre’s batchmate!
Once out of Kamino, Murmur integrates the 501st. He’s named that way for being a soft-spoken, very polite vod. (Obi-Wan meets him once during a joint mission with the 212th and is impressed by his manners, to the point where he asks Anakin “Are you really sure he’s one of yours?”) For a while, he also struggled getting heard by his siblings during training simulation for not shouting loud enough over the sound of blaster shots.
Cendre always acted as the ori’vod of their batch, convinced he had to be the strong one among his siblings because of how the Kaminoans pushed him to be a troop leader like Rex. Therefore, Murmur used to rely on him for help, and so he struggles a bit to find his place within his new battalion without his brother to guide him. Without Cendre, he falls back into his bad habit of often being too quiet.
He also can’t help but get sad whenever his captain’s around, because Rex inevitably reminds him of Cendre. Rex notices this behavior and ends up asking Murmur what’s wrong, fearing he’s done something that upset the shiny without realizing. To which Murmur apologizes, telling the captain that he’s just getting nostalgic because Rex looks so much like the batchmate he was separated from.
Rex becomes understandably confused, because, you know, vode all look the same, until Murmur clarifies: “You’re his template, sir. My ori’vod was created after you, and so he shares your hair color.”. As you might expect, the Kaminoans didn’t deem necessary to warn Rex they were using his DNA to make clones of him, so he goes through quite the internal crisis, which only gets worse when Anakin overhears their conversation and goes: “Holy Force Rex, does that mean you’re a father?” (This happens around the time Anakin learns about Padmé’s pregnancy, so yup, someone’s projecting. Also, Rex doesn’t remember his actual first meeting with Cendre, because he was too focused on covering up for Anakin at the time.)
The concept of biological fatherhood is something foreign to the vode, so Rex struggles to comprehend it, and Murmur feels a bit guilty for bringing up the topic since it seems to be making his captain uncomfortable. Still, Anakin is adamant that Rex should meet his “son” and well, there’s no stopping that man when he has his mind set on something, so off to the Coruscant Guard they go.
Once there, Fox refuses categorically to leave Cendre alone with them, because he’s spent too long helping him accept himself for them to wake up his old insecurities and ruin everything. Cendre quickly mimics the “tired retail worker having to deal with an annoying customer” attitude Fox adopts when dealing with Anakin, and the moment he sees this, Rex just chuckles, stops worrying about this whole “being a father thing” and tells his General to drop it, because “Sorry to disappoint you, sir, but that one definitely isn’t mine.” He does tease Fox about becoming such a buir, though.
Meanwhile, Murmur is just happy because he gets to visit his batchmate and see how cherished he is by the rest of the Guard. His new scars worry him a bit, but he can see how his ori’vod is acting happier than he ever has on Kamino. He’s especially reassured after meeting Detail, who also seizes the occasion to bribe Murmur so he’ll tell him all the embarrassing stories about Cendre’s cadet days.
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jessiebanethedragon · 3 years
White Sands Warm the Cold Sea
Star Wars, The Bad Batch Pirate!au (Hunter x Reader
Summary: the reader, betrothed to a disgusting Coruscanti Lord flees her home world and lands herself in a plethora of trouble, a ship of clones, and one pirate captain whose cold exterior needs much more than the tropical seaside sun.
Warnings: Swearing, takes place in time periods where women have dowery's and suchlike. The readers dad and bothered are asses.
chapter one
Chapter two: The Stowaway
It is a disgusting day on Coruscant. Hot, humid and you can’t help but feel something sinister in the air. You feel hollow, and it is only partly due to the tightness of your dress. The yellow and green material wraps around you in layers. Your face is blank but your mind is racing, if you cannot convince your father to call off the marriage, how else can you put a stop to this?
Very few people talk about the war, and so how Lord Nython made his fortune is a mystery to you. What you have gathered from whispers of those in your household it was through a lengthy siege that devastated republic and seperatist forces alike.
“And the weather today is perfect for sailing, I bet those ships at the docks will be itching to set off.” Your handmaiden Seil says to you, and you frown, since when did she have an interest in the docks. But she continues playing with your hair.
“I'll get you the most expensive jewelry in the house,” She says with a smile you’ve grown up with. Perhaps carer was a more accurate term, considering she seemed to be the only person in the world that wanted the best for you. She returns with a pouch of all kinds of gold, silver and gems.
“There is a way to the docks, it is so lovely for a stroll. Away from the busy streets and such like.” You frown at her obsession with an area crawling with pirates.
“Seil what in the name-” You start saying, turning around to slip your flats on. And you stop, in her hands are your boots, made for riding as you had done so many times before.
“I thought these would be fitting, as they are your favourite.” She’s talking about all the times you told her how much you love how sturdy they feel around your feet. And how when you would run the fields, how powerful they made your legs feel.
And then it clicks. The docks, the boots. The tears in her eyes. While you were planning on an escape from this marriage, Seil had been planning an escape from every marriage your father would force on you. She ties the boots tightly, and places a hand on your cheek as you both take shaking breaths to compose yourselves.
And with your father still passed out in bed, and the sun barely rising, you slip into the streets and into the areas less traveled, sprinting off towards the ocean.
The docks are infused with the smell of fish, and the workers barely turn a glance your way as you shift through the swarms of people. You come to a halt at a clearing in the crowd, and your brain catches up with itself. What are you going to do now? With no money, skills, or plan, you begin to second guess yourself. You have time to make it back to the household with no one being the wiser. But you remember meeting Lord Nython for the first time.
His hand latched to yours like a monster squid to its prey, you notice that unlike some men he doesn’t ask ‘may I’ before touching you, and you briefly wonder what about you invites his hand onto your own. But your fake smile remains plastered on as he looks you up and down like a farmer regards the sale of livestock.
Your gut had told you then that all he could bring you was bad news, confirmed by rumors and stories of his wartime expeditions, and when he told you about the war, and the pathetic Grand Army of the Republic he spared no detail in his murder of an entire army.
Of course it's not the same as killing someone like you or me, those kaminoans are devils, and those freaks are just the same. Like hunting the same dumb peigion over and over again. We surely must have downed hundreds of them that day, but they are rats you see, you have to kill every last one in order to rid yourself of the infestation.
Education had not taught you about the Kamino Clones, but experience had, every sepratist man who held power despised them. ‘Scum of the earth’ your father had said when you asked about them. Telling you they had their emotions removed, and blindly followed orders given by the highest bidder. And when the G.A.R had fallen, they scuttled into exile.
And now you stand on the docks of Coruscant, two paths in front of you. Surely if you left Nyhon would send someone after you, he never seemed to back away from a fight, and given his reputation for always getting what he wanted, you doubted he’d take to your absence kindly. So that left you with leaving the only home you’d ever known, and given that you cannot sail, nor pay for passage, stowing away was your only option.
You briefly wonder about the procedure of stowing away, does one pick a certain ship or choose at random?
“Can I help you miss?” A Togruta man asks you, only his blue face visible from underneath his hood and cloak, but the markings give him away, as well as the point in the fabric over his head.
“I...I…” you pause to gather yourself. “I’m fine, thank you.” and you quickly turn away from him, walking down the docks at a purposeful pace. There are so many ships all looking to either load or unload supplies, but none of them seem to be leaving shortly. You need escape now, and not later. The longer you dwell the more the bad feeling in your stomach grows. You must lose yourself again because before you know it a man is rushing past you and shouting
“Sorry miss!” as he goes, you catch the clanking of metal and a glimpse of eyeglasses as he disappears up the ramp of a large dark oak ship, the name Havoc Marauder painted in red at the back.
Perhaps you have found your escape after all.
You very quickly decide the ocean is terrifying. After having snuck up the ramp and into the depths of the ship, you found yourself in your current spot. Huddled behind stacks of crates sitting on the wooden floor and being violently rocked around as the water crashes into the side from all sides. More than once you’ve had to close your eyes in panic when something particularly bad happens, but you refuse to appear weak - even if you’re the only person to witness it.
And the footsteps, even though the men seldom come below decks but you can hear them step ferociously above you. They sound like an army and considering you didn’t get a good look at any of them, you had no idea how many people you were hiding from. They’re loud, and kept busy by the Sea, you have no idea where you’re headed, but as long as it’s far, far away from Coruscant you couldn’t care less. And there are no windows here, so you have no idea how long you’ve been traveling for.
Footsteps start to make their way to the set of stairs leading down into your hiding spot, the small nook of the ship that resides in the belly of the beast. The steps you hear aren't as heavy as others, but they seem to keep most of their weight on their toes, you never quite hear their heel make contact against the wood. And you press yourself tighter to the wall, a tall frame passes you by, lean and with ashen hair the man halls a crate away from the other end of the room, and turns to leave. Your panicked eyes can do nothing but stare back at him through the gaps in the boxes, and they watch him squint for a moment, before he turns and heads back up the stairs. Crate in hand, and your heart in your chest. He cannot have seen you, if he had, why turn away? Panic consumes you.
☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠
“Sarge,” Crosshair says, thumping the crate of bread and dried meat down in front of him. Hunter simply raises an eyebrow at his vod, and it confirms Crosshair's hypothesis. The captain is in one of his moods again, when shaking off the nightmares is impossible and the hate inside him grows and simmers at fantastical measures.
“There’s a woman on board.” He tells him, casually popping a pick into his mouth. And watching as Tech’s and Wrecker’s heads snap up.
“A woman?” Tech asks with judgement. Crosshair rolls his eyes.
“Yes a woman, you know, the things that look almost like you except for their b-”
“I know what a woman is!” Tech cuts him off before things get graphic. His brother never having the politeness nor the decency to hold his tongue.
“There’s a woman aboard the Murader?” Wrecker tries to confirm, and underneath his wide captains hat, Hunter’s eyes darken.
“Listen very carefully.” He growls, the midday sun shining its way onto an unforgiving face. “If there is a stowaway. I do not care if you have to drag her to me with her intestines hanging out. Get. Her. Off. My. Ship.”
“But…” Wrecker starts, taken aback by the aggressive imagery.
“But what?” Hunter snaps, standing up and seeming small compared to his brother, but nonetheless intimidating. “I want her found and I want her off my kriffing ship.” He demands one last time before stalking back to the captains quarters.
Below deck you hear the slamming of a heavy wooden door, the sound makes your skin jump crawl with dread. Something has gone very wrong indeed, and it is not long before you see boots standing at the top of the steps down into the hold where you thought you were hidden. It is difficult to tell how many, two for certain, the change in foot size tells you that much. None of them talk, making it even harder for you to mask your panicked breaths. But just as one foot begins to descend the stairs, a voice from afar distracts it.
“Ship off the starboard bow!” it’s enough to get the men turning away from your concealment, and towards the voice.
“What does she fly?” Another voice shouts, much closer to you.
“Looks Weequay to me!” comes the response, which causes someone else to grumble something about eyesight and crowsnest. Frankly it’s all gibberish to you, starboard could be another hyper-ocean speedway let alone a part of the ship, and while you are sure you’ve heard the term Weequay before, you can’t place where or in what context you heard it. Laughter breaks you from your thoughts.
“That’ll be Hondo’s ship then!” A loud shout settles in your bones. Not one in anger but perhaps more so simple loudness. And whoever or whatever a Hondo is, it is enough to carry the shoes away from you and rush to another, more pressing task. Which makes you think you just may owe this Hondo your life.
Taglist: @the-mandalorian-clone-lover @peacefulwizardfox @rex-meshla @s1st37 @and-claudia @kamino-mermaid @thelambandthewolffe @starwarsmeninhelmets
@bronvin @myeternalsin @sweetsunflowerkisses
comment to be added!
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nibeul · 3 years
Please I want to know more about your clones 🤔🤔
I am so late to responding to this but GLADLY!! I love gushing about them though I have so many (like 50 I think) so I will try to stick to my main group ahh :)
Cross (he/him): Cross was my first clone OC ever, so he holds a very special place in my heart even if I do not draw him often enough. He’s a commander (CC-0044) and was present on Geonosis, though later returned to Kamino to help Alpha with the CC training program.
He got his scar in 21BBY and it’s actually not from the battlefield (none of his scars are actually from the battlefield). The scar comes from being whipped by a lightsaber hilt, which sounds funny out of context, but it wasn’t an accident.
He’s batchmates with @katanrocksketches ‘s OC Asch! The two were pretty close when they were in training, and Cross got his name before leaving Kamino. It was given to him because of his kind of uhhh, “cross nature” or disposition pfft. He softens up a bit between 22BBY-20BBY though the walls go up again after that :’)
Coming off Kamino, he was a stickler for rules and was not a big fan of clones tattooing themselves/dying their hair and whatnot (he didn’t even like having a name at first though his batchmates used it enough that it begrudgingly stuck). After meeting Sunny though, he lets him do one tattoo and ends up getting his number underneath his left eye. It is like, staying to how he believes they should be while also accepting that it’s ok to be individual.
Cross’s favorite color is red because for him, red represents Ando (my Padawan OC) and they are very close (NOT IN A ROMANTIC WAY. He sees Ando as his little brother or kih’vod to protect).
Cross actually does not know a lot of Mando’a because of his belief that they should not try to be seen as individuals. He distanced himself from anything that he considered “individualization”, and Mando’a was included in that. Sunny teaches him a little bit later down the line, and Ando also teaches him and Ten (another clone OC of mine) some Togruti, too
Part of Cross’s strict disposition comes from being subject to Priest’s death circles on more than one occasion (I might retcon that to Adral—a mando OC of mine—because I hate KT Ugh).
By the end of the war, he carries a lot of guilt. He loses a lot of the people he’s closest to because of his actions/orders, and he uh. Doesn’t live past O66 :’) he does get a very quick.. redemption.. arc.. kinda..
Sunny (he/him): Sunny was my second clone OC made around the same time as Cross, and he also holds a very special place in my heart :) I really love clone medics, there is just something about them that makes my brain go brrrr. I also think the irony of his name is great
Sunny’s name was originally Sers, but after writing him for a few weeks, I changed it because I thought Sunny fit better. His name was given to him by his batchmate, Aran, and while he vehemently protested against it, the name ended up sticking. He won’t admit that he actually likes it (though the tattoo and painting of his armor say otherwise anyway)
Sunny is the CMO of the 409th Corps (my OC military group basically). He’s a Lieutenant (or at a rank around there, definitely a CO at the least) and he does not back down. Ever. Even the people who outrank him will fall into line if he tells them to, Jedi included. He is not afraid to pull rank as a Medic, and his resting bitch face can be very scary
On the same line of thought as the rbf, he is basically perpetually scowling. He does not look approachable at all
Sunny loses the entirety of his batch on Geonosis, including Aran who he holds onto while he is dying. The Jedi leading Sunny’s company was.. not accustomed to war and failed to adapt when it was needed. Because of this, Sunny doesn’t necessarily harbor a dislike of Jedi, though he does not really trust many of them in leading positions. He also does not like that there are kids being put in the role of commander, he does see many Padawan deaths (he later comforts a dying Padawan that he was close to, I think I wrote part of that scene for myself and it was kinda upsetting oof) —> he gets his tattoo/paints his armor in order to honor his dead batchmates
Throughout the war, Sunny gets seriously injured only once after going down in an LAAT (where he nearly ends up dying too). Boost finds him, though he’s kinda accepted that he’s not gonna make it (I mean he does but it doesn’t look like he will for a bit). After Flip (younger clone OC) dies, he doesn’t really care if he kicks the bucket either :’)
Sunny is the only one out of my main gang to make it past O66. His chip doesn’t work at all, though he has to fight through his brothers (aha, the only ones who are still alive that he is close with) in order to save a Jedi youngling that was in the medbay at the time. After that, he goes on the run with the kid (clone dad clone dad) and offers his services as a doctor in the outer rim in order to keep them afloat
Boost (he/him) (she/her) [either or, there is no real preference]: Boost has gone through a lot of changes design wise. He started out as Dax, but then Dax became another OC, then she was Boost, though she had kinda short hair that was pushed back by a headband, then his hair was buzzed, and now we are finally at long hair Boost. Idk how to describe, but she is very shaped I think
Boost for his nickname from bear hugging his batchmates and lifting them off the ground when doing so. Also from fucking around in training where he threw another one of his batchmates in order to get from one ledge to another. All around just a name with silly origins that she liked and decided to keep
Boost and Sol are batchmates!
Boost is very tactically intelligent. She’s good at thinking on her feet, sees the bigger picture before focusing on details, good problem solver, etc. He is an ARC after all, there is good reason for his status and rank as a Lieutenant. That being said, he can also be very very stupid in the sense that off the battlefield, he’s oblivious. He does enjoy being the jokester of the group, and he sometimes plays up his dumbassery for jest, though yeah, a lot of people assume that he is not smart because of his demeanor which is very wrong
Boost is terrible. Terrible at braiding her hair. Sol is the best at braiding it, though she would never admit that even if everyone knows it. He started growing his hair out once they were off Kamino and hasn’t stopped since despite the fact that is technically not within regulations. Cross turns a blind eye and Ko (Jedi General) could not care less for inconsequential regulations like that
Boost is really good with kids, but good in the way a uhh.. chaotic uncle/auntie is. He’s a lot of fun to be around with, and being around kids makes him even more rambunctious than usual. He can be what is considered “childish”, pulling pranks and everything but like, he is very emotionally mature and knows when to be serious. Again, a lot of people kinda just boil her down to “dumb” which is really wrong, though it doesn’t bug him a lot.
Boost has a big sweet tooth!! He loves getting sweets when they’re on Coruscant, which they actually tend to visit frequently enough because of Ko’s status as a Sentinel (and also because Ko benefits what the Republic sees as the “propaganda machine” as a prominent General with a good track record).
Boost is romantically involved with @buttsalsa ‘s civilian OC Esta. I reblogged some art of them the other day, they are very cute :D
Boost doesn’t make it to Order 66 :’) I actually wrote out his death and cried after going back to read it LMAO It was rough
Sol (he/him): Sol was made as a package deal with Boost, and I feel bad because I think he gets overshadowed a lot but he is kinda like the rock for the group. When he dies, things really start to crumble but uh!! That is a sad thought for another time. Anyways, like I said, he is basically the rock and also a voice of reason for Boost’s shenanigans
Sol got his nickname after reading through some flimsi that their trainer had given him. He didn’t know if it had any meaning, but he liked the way it sounded and immediately began using it. Boost quickly picked up on it and the rest of their batch was very supportive
Sol loves reading. He specifically likes reading history, and Ando slips him what he can (fun fact, when Sol dies, Boost returns to their bunk to find a couple of holobooks that Ando had left and breaks down aha.. pain). Whenever he doesn’t feel like keeping Boost from causing trouble, he just sits in a quiet corner and reads his books while everything erupts in chaos around him
Sol’s favorite beverage is tea which Ko introduced him to. He has a few boxes he keeps with him when he can, and he shares them with Boost sometimes though he has to add a lot of sugar/honey in order to do that. If he could drink tea all the time, he could. On the flipside, he absolutely loathes coffee and doesn’t understand how Sunny can drink multiple cups on a day
Sol is kinda like the person that everyone is friends with even if they don’t realize it. He’s like.. the perfect emotional pillar, kinda the therapist friend in a group that desperately needs therapy. He’s more of a listener than a talker which is why it’s easy to overlook him, but he insists that he doesn’t mind much. That being said, it’s only once he’s gone that people start to realize just how much he did (aside from Boost who already thought the world of him)
Sol is also an ARC trooper, having gone through the training program together with Boost. He doesn’t have the same tactical knowledge that Boost does, but he’s good at mediating, long range combat, and also working through plans (he’s pretty meticulous). He and Boost balance each other out well, since he is like the “slow and steady” one out of them.
Sol is the first to go out of the main four (second out of my bigger group of six). He and his entire platoon are wiped out in a massacre as a result of false intel.. man :’)
Anyways, thank you for enabling to ramble about my ocs ToT I honestly just needed to infodump shdjf
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superhusbands4ever · 3 years
The Chain - Chapter 4/15
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Full Work | AO3 Link
Fandom: The Bad Batch (Star Wars)
Characters: Crosshair, Hunter, Howzer, Rex, Wrecker, Tech, Echo, Omega, Various Clones
Relationships: Crosshair & Howzer, Crosshair & Rex, Crosshair & The Bad Batch, Crosshair & Omega, Hunter & Rex, Hunter & Omega
Additional Tags: Redemption, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Found Family, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Graphic Violence, Eventual Happy Ending, Angst with a Happy Ending
Summary: One year after the events of The Bad Batch, Crosshair struggles to reconcile his choice with the harsh truth of the world around him. He finds enlightenment in the most unlikely of places and realizes he may have made the wrong decision. But is it too late to do something about it?
Two years after the events of The Bad Batch, Rex reluctantly agrees to allow Hunter and his squad to help him rescue a man who's been captured by the Empire, an Imperial double agent who's cover has been blown. What Hunter thought to be a simple extraction ends up having far greater consequences for their squad than he could have ever anticipated.
Chapter Warnings: None
Right actions in the future are the best apologies for bad actions in the past.
Tryon Edwards
Rex never struck Hunter as the type to let his nerves get the best of him. That one attempted fist fight with Crosshair when rescuing Echo notwithstanding, Rex was always calm and level headed when they worked together in the past. Skako Minor, Anaxes, on Bracca - it was clear why Rex was the Captain of the famously wild Torrent Company and essentially the de facto commander of the infamous 501st Legion. His calm and steady presence along with his cool confidence made him exactly the kind of guy people naturally gravitated to, naturally turned to for leadership.
Which is why it was weird that Rex seemed fidgety in a way he’d never seen from the man before. Anyone who didn’t know him wouldn’t notice, but Hunter could see the way he kept fiddling with the buttons on the controls needlessly. He could hear the leather of Rex’s gloves squeak as he clenched and unclenched his hands periodically. And only Hunter would be able to hear the way Rex kept consciously making an effort to unclench his jaw and stop grinding his teeth.
After the fourth time in as many minutes that Rex flexed his fingers, Hunter finally spoke up.
“Are you alright, Captain?”
Rex glanced at Hunter, hands deliberately stilling in his lap as he sat up straighter.
“Yes,” he said. “Just restless, I suppose.”
Hunter nodded, staring out at the streaking blue and white light of hyperspace through the viewport of the freighter’s cockpit.
“This operative of yours,” Hunter said after a moment, “you two are close?”
Whatever response Hunter was expecting from the other man, it wasn’t for him to laugh. Even Rex seemed startled by the response, looking sheepishly over at the sergeant.
“Sorry,” Rex said, rubbing a hand over his head. “I just- I certainly never expected to be, but… yeah. Yeah. I suppose we are.”
“You don’t get along?”
“We didn’t at first,” Rex said, crossing his arms across his chestplate. “ Manda , I used to hate the guy. But… he’s a good man. The more I worked with him, the more I spoke with the people he helped, I realized that. He’s done a lot for our brothers.”
Hunter nodded slowly. “How did you two meet?”
“Oh, uh—“ Rex twitched again as he went to fiddle with the pilot controls. “We met back during the war.”
“You served together?”
“Ehh,” Rex hedged, “Only a couple of times towards the end.”
Hunter waited for Rex to elaborate but the other man was silent, continuing to mess with the controls. The ship was on autopilot, so he wasn’t actually doing anything. He listened as Rex’s heart rate slowly started gaining speed.
“So… who did he serve under? Maybe I’ve heard of—“
The navicomputer beeped and Rex’s shoulders slumped nearly imperceptively.
“Why don’t you go back and check on the others?” If Hunter didn’t know any better he’d say Rex sounded… relieved? “We should be arriving soon and we still need to rework the plan now that you all are here.”
Hunter frowned. Rex studiously avoided his eyes. He wasn’t ignorant to the fact that Rex was purposefully trying to get rid of him - the man was apparently as good at lying as Wrecker - but he wasn’t sure why.
Finally Hunter nodded. He tapped his bracer against Rex’s pauldron and made his way out of the cockpit.
Rex mumbled something under his breath as the doors slid shut, but the hydraulics were too loud over the man’s voice for Hunter to be able to make out what was said.
He found everyone in the hold, Tech, Wrecker, Boil, Echo, and Omega sitting around the floor in a circle, with Gregor on a bench in the corner cleaning his blaster. He walked in just as Echo laughed at whatever the reg had said.
“Still, I’m glad to see you,” Boil said as Echo’s laughter died down. “Cody mentioned that Rex had found you, but I didn’t get the chance to reach out before… well…”
Echo smiled sadly, resting his flesh hand on Boil’s shoulder.
“It was always entertaining to listen to Rex rant to Cody about all the shenanigans you and Fives got into.”
“Yeah,” Echo agreed, voice gruff. “Though from what I hear, you and Waxer certainly kept Cody on his toes.”
Boil laughed.
“True. Usually it was Waxer making the plans. I somehow always ended up getting dragged along.”
“Yeah, I know how that goes.” Echo sighed. “I’m sorry, by the way. I read about Umbara. I can’t even imagine--”
“Don’t be,” Boil sighed, rubbing at the red scar on the side of his shaved head. “It felt unbearable at the time, but… sometimes I… sometimes I’m almost relieved? Force, that sounds horrible but it’s true. Sometimes I’m relieved he was gone so he wasn’t forced to become monsters like we were. Sometimes I can’t help but wonder if they were the lucky ones.”
“You’re not a monster, Boil,” Gregor piped up from the corner. “Whatever the chip made you do wasn’t you. You had no choice.”
Boil nodded slowly, fingers lingering on his temple.
“I still did it, though.”
“I know what you mean,” Wrecker said quietly, eyes on the ground. “When my chip activated I nearly killed my squad. If Rex hadn’t been there to stop me, I would have.”
Omega scooted closer to Wrecker and grabbed his hand, leaning her head against his shoulder. He smiled down at her.
Boil looked sympathetic. “It’s a good thing Rex was there, then. Rex was the one who picked up my ship when I left Corellia. I wish I could say I was surprised to see he’d made it out, but I don’t think I was, really. Cody always believed Rex would survive all of this.”
“Did you…” Echo trailed off, rubbing his neck awkwardly. “Did you… work with Cody while--”
“No,” Boil said firmly, shaking his head. “The GAR structure reorganized surprisingly quickly after the order went out. The 212th was recalled back to Coruscant and was divided up after that. Ghost Company went to Grand Admiral Tarkin while Cody and the other Marshal Commanders were sent to work directly under Palpatine. I haven’t seen Cody since we arrived on Coruscant after Uptapau.”
They were all quiet after that, heads bowed in remembrance of both their fallen and lost brothers. Besides Omega, everyone in the ship had worked under Cody’s command at some point and respected him for the great leader and big brother to all clones that he was. To imagine the strong willed, compassionate, selfless man under the direct control of someone like Palpatine was almost too much to bear.
It was thanks to Cody that Hunter and the others had even been allowed off Kamino. He’d been able to pull rank and convince Nala Se and the other Kaminoan scientists and trainers that the Unit 99s, of which Hunter, Crosshair, Tech, and Wrecker had been the last of, could be useful in the war. If it weren’t for Cody, they would have spent the rest of their days toiling around in Tipoca City, completing test after test until they were finally deemed too “defective” and decommissioned like the others in their unit, or put on janitorial duty like 99.
“What about you guys?” Boil’s quiet voice sounded overly loud in the solemn silence of the ship's hold. “How did you survive the order? Did the Commander get you guys out too?”
“No,” Tech said, adjusting his goggles. “Our chips were never activated. They malfunctioned due to our deviant nature from the other, regular clones.”
Boil cast Wrecker a sidelong look.
“But I thought—“
“His activated later as an effect of repeated head trauma to the chip’s implantation site.”
“Well, I’m glad you guys didn’t have to experience that. Though, I imagine it must have been a very difficult situation for you surrounded by everyone else.”
“Heh, you could say that again,” Wrecker grumbled under his breath.
“We’ve essentially been on the run from the Empire for the last three years,” Echo said. “The vod’e pretty much attack us on sight.”
“You said the Commander helped you escape recently?” Omega piped up from under Wrecker’s arm.
Boil nodded slowly, gaze trained on the ground.
“I’ve only been on Yavin for about a day and a half,” Boil said. “The Commander got me out just a few days ago”
“And then he was discovered,” Tech said succinctly. Echo smacked his arm.
“Yeah,” Boil said quietly, running his hand over his hair. “Extracting me was a risk, from what Howzer said.”
“It was a different op than the usual extractions,” Gregor said from the corner. “Typically he just gave us foot soldiers that he could say were killed in action on missions. Two or three at a time, buried under flimsiwork and red tape. He’d splice the system and mark them as KIA. Apparently the Empire doesn’t care much if they lose one or two rank and file clones.”
“I was higher up in the command structure, though,” Boil added. “I was a lieutenant on Grand Admiral Tarkin’s security team. He was attending some diplomatic event in Corellia and I was assigned a protection squad. The Commander caught me as I was coming off my shift and took me to some tiny infirmary in the hotel. Stunned me and took my chip out. I barely knew what was going on when he told me that he was getting me out of the Empire and we needed to hurry.”
“A natborn Imperial officer helping clones?”
“No,” Boil shook his head, “he is a clone.”
Everyone was silent and Hunter frowned. A clone commander working from within the Empire?
Gregor paused his cleaning and looked up at the group, eyes flickering from them to Hunter, who still lingered in the doorway.
“A clone spy within the Empire?” Tech asked skeptically. “Without his chip?”
Boil nodded. “I wasn’t sure at first, either. He never took his helmet off and he didn’t sound like any clone I’d ever met. But he understood what it was like when I woke up freaking out, asking questions, getting angry. He talked me down, told me that he knew it was disorienting to wake up suddenly in control of your own body after so long but we didn’t have time for an existential crisis so I needed to get myself together.
“So what has he been doing?” Echo questioned. “Just… pretending his chip is active?”
“I guess so. Howzer confirmed it later. They’re pretty close, I guess  - I thought Howzer was going to lose it when the distress signal went off.”
“How did the Commander get his out?”
Boil shrugged. “I didn’t ask.”
The room fell silent at that.
Something about the situation prickled at the back of Hunter’s mind. Maybe it was just the similarities to their own brother. Crosshair had chosen to stay with the Empire as well, even when out from under the chip’s influence - though there was no denying that Crosshair’s motivations and this Commander’s motivations were extremely different.
Crosshair chose to stay, to leave the team, their family, behind for selfish reasons - ego and power and a place in the new galactic order. This Commander chose to stay not for himself, but to help those who couldn’t help themselves.
The knowledge burned something inside him, but Hunter buried it down.
This is who I am. .
“We all thought he was crazy when he reached out to Rex,” Gregor piped up, his blaster discarded on the bench next to him. “The whole thing was his idea. We warned him it was suicide, but he didn’t care. Rex thought he’d be dead within a month, but he’s been helping clones get out for nearly two years now. Howzer kept telling him it was time to get out before he got caught, but he wouldn’t listen. Now here we are.”
“I tried to get him to come with me. Told him if they found out what he’d done, they’d kill him.” Boil snorted. “You know what he said to me? He said ‘ stop being a noble di’kut and get in the ship before I stun you and put the chip back in. ’”
They all frowned at the threat, Gregor giggling from his place in the corner.
“I’m glad to be going back for the Commander,” Boil said. “Obviously I wish it were in better circumstances. I know it was his decision to stay behind, but it still felt wrong leaving him there, you know? Colt always said we never leave a man behind.”
“Yeah,” Echo said quietly, eyes meeting Hunter’s across the room. “I know the feeling.”
Hunter held Echo’s gaze, same as he always did when the topic came up over the last two years. And same as every other time, in the face of Echo’s admonishment, Hunter said nothing in return. There was nothing to say that hadn’t already been discussed at length.
Wrecker and Tech glanced at each other over Echo’s head while Omega averted her eyes to the ground.
The ship shook as it dropped out of hyperspace and Hunter took that as his que to get moving.
“Rex said we’ll be touching down soon,” he said, stepping fully into the room. “We should start getting ready.”
As the others moved over to Gregor to begin gearing up, Echo stood and held Hunter’s gaze a moment longer. Hunter shook his head and Echo sighed before moving to join the others.
He had a feeling they’d be having that discussion once again once this mission was over.
Hunter felt a hand in his and he looked down to meet Omega’s eyes. She smiled sadly at him, squeezing his hand. He squeezed back, but couldn’t quite drudge up the willpower to smile in return.
“C’mon,” he said instead, “let’s gear up.”
She nodded and walked over to the group, helping Echo loop his pack over his scomp arm. Hunter watched them all and tried not to think about the weird feeling lingering in the back of his mind.
“Alright,” Rex said as the ramp to the ship lowered. They’d landed in the forest, hidden at the bottom of the mountain the same as they had last time. Gregor helped Tech and Rex navigate the ship to an area below the mountain where there was a hidden entry point similar to the vents they had escaped through last time.
“Echo, Hunter, Tech, Boil, and Gregor - you’re with me. Wrecker, stay with the ship.”
“Wha- oh, come on!” Wrecker said, slipping his helmet up to stare at Rex with wide eyes. “I can help!”
“You will help,” Rex held his hands up placatingly, “we need someone to stay with the ship that can meet us at the exit. I get a feeling we’re going to need to make a quick get away.”
“Aww, why can’t Tech do it?”
“We need Tech to help Gregor and Echo hack the systems,” Rex explained calmly. “This is a stealth mission, Wrecker, and those aren’t your, uh… strong suit.”
Wrecker groaned, pulling his helmet off and slunking off to sit on a crate. Omega patted his hand.
“Sorry, Wrecker. But I just can’t take any risks with this.”
“Nah, I understand,” and to Wrecker’s credit, he did sound like he meant it.
Rex nodded and gestured for the others to follow him off the ship.
Before Omega could get far, Hunter grabbed her elbow.
“Omega.... I want you to stay on the ship with Wrecker.”
Omega frowned.
“Why? I can help!”
Hunter sighed. She stood with arms crossed as she leveled a glare at Hunter and her eyes filled with that stubborn indignation she’d been showing more and more since she’d reached her teenage years.
As she got older, every time she glared at him like that she looked more and more like--
“We’re walking straight into an Imperial base,” Hunter said, trying to keep his tone as even as possible. “You remember what happened last time.”
“It was my idea to help on this mission.”
“It was,” Hunter conceded. “Though, you didn’t exactly talk it through with us before offering.”
She had the grace to look a little chastised at that.
“This is dangerous, Omega. High level stuff, not what we usually do. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
He trailed off and the fire seemed to go out from under Omega with her disappointed sigh.
“Fine,” she said. “But I don’t like it. If you get caught again, we will be having words.”
Hunter chuckled. “Noted.”
Her eyes searched his face a moment longer before she flung her arms around his waist, burying her face in his chest.
“Be careful.”
“I will,” he rested his chin on top of her curls. “I promise.”
Hunter’s commlink beeped and Rex’s voice filled the room.
“Hunter, let’s move out.”
Omega pulled back and crossed her arms as Hunter pulled on his helmet. She waved to him as he walked down the ramp, her and Wrecker both watching as the group started making their way toward the base of the mountain.
Hunter stared up at the mountain as they worked their way through the forest, his mind jumping back to the last time they had been on this planet, attempting a rescue from this exact base. Hopefully this time went better than the last. Hopefully no one was captured again. Hopefully they could get in and out without alerting anyone, though his squad was never that lucky.
Hopefully Crosshair isn’t here, Hunter thought as they climbed into the vent shaft. They hadn’t seen nor heard from Crosshair since the day they left Tipoca City. The Empire was large and the Galaxy even larger, so the chances were slim. He hoped. He really wasn’t in the mood to deal with a family reunion today.
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crispyjenkins · 4 years
Thot obiwan... just him being a thot and happy (it’s what he deserves) pls no obitine lol
(went a poly route with this cause i wasn't sure how to write thot!obi without making myself uncomfortable, so instead have poly obi and his seven partners! it’s like scott pilgrim except obi’s still dating them all. a mix of triads and Vs here! because i’m soft for big polycules
couldn’t get to more detail in such a short fill, but all ships are tagged if there’s any confusion! (ノ*´◡`) i will absolutely be returning to poly!Obi in the future.)  
Rex promptly, and calmly, chokes on his first sip of tea.
  Cody sighs, because he isn't exactly clear on the details either. "Yes, all of them. "
  "Is that... Is that... allowed?"
  "High General Ti is also on the council, it must be." The last twenty five hours since rescuing his general and the rest of Ghost Company from Ventress’ latest plot have been rather confusing for Cody, from Obi-Wan’s debrief to the holocall with the council, to Obi-Wan’s four other holocalls that Cody isn't entirely sure he was meant to see. He supposes he should feel grateful that Senator Organa had recently returned to Alderaan, or it could have been more. 
  Rex's eyes go distant as he does the math, a couple of brothers ducking around them where they've stopped in the middle of the hall. "That's... five people, Cody."
  "Yes, Rex, I can count." He grabs Rex's elbow to start steering him towards the hangar again, where they’re supposed to be greeting some new Shinies in less than five minutes. 
  "But what about Ventress? And isn't General Fisto—"
  "With Bly and General Secura? Yes. As for Ventress, as far as I can tell, the General... is simply like that with everyone he fights." It certainly calls into question quite a few "interactions" Cody has witnessed in his two years at Obi-Wan’s side, anyways. Fett's left sheb, does he have to worry about Ohnaka?
  For all that Rex had been CC track just by being smart, he doesn't seem any more sure of the situation than Cody is. "Fett's left sheb," he agrees, bewilderedly tossing his flimsi cup of tea into a waste receptacle without actually having drunk any. "Bly never said anything."
  Cody grunts and thumbs the edge of the helmet in his hands. "He isn't involved with General Kenobi."
  "Cody, brother, that doesn't make sense." He punctuates the notion with a wild swing of his hand, narrowly missing a tech clone, who takes one look at the two of them and decides he isn't going to try and go toe-to-toe with two war heroes. "Where did you hear this? If it was Fives, you should know by now–”
  “The General told me himself.” Sort of, anyways — Obi-Wan is rarely blind to his surroundings, and he had not dismissed Cody after the debrief with the council, so he must have meant for him to see. Why he had been meant to see is still up for debate, especially when Cody had waited all of four hours before telling Rex; no secrets among brothers, or what have you.
  “I suppose what the generals do in their spare time is their business,” Rex mutters. “And it’s not as if the Jedi are anything the longnecks said they were, anyways. But Kote...”
  He could do without the pitying look Rex gives him. “As you said: it’s their business. It wasn’t, and isn’t, any of mine what the General does off the field.”
  “If you say so, brother.” He pats Cody’s shoulder, far gentler than the situation perhaps warrants. “What a way to find out, though; I don’t know what I’d do if I knew Skywalker was romancing around with half the council.”
  Cody sort of wishes Waxer hadn’t tossed out the rotgut Wooley’s had cooked up the last time they were planetside. “I won’t tell you about Senator Amidala and Senator Mothma, then,” he sighs, just to see Rex turn as white as Shiny armour.
  Senator Organa breaks away from the little party that had greeted The Negotiator in the Temple hangar and approaches Cody with a smile perhaps even kinder than his general’s. 
  “Welcome back to Coruscant, Commander,” he says pleasantly, folding his arms behind his back and settling next to Cody to observe General Ti fuss over Obi-Wan’s injuries.
  “Thank you, sir.”
  “I think I can speak for everyone,” Organa nods to Obi-Wan’s entourage, “when I say we are indebted to you yet again.”
  Cody blinks at him, thankful he can hide his incredulity inside his bucket. “Sir?”
  Turning his smile back to Cody, Organa puts a hand on his shoulder not unlike a brother would. “None of our positions allow us to watch his back, and certainly not as well as you do. I’m sure you can understand our worry.”
  “I suppose so, sir,” Cody says carefully, not convinced that Organa isn’t trying to catch him up in a lie. “If I may, sir,” Organa waves for him to continue, “I’m not entirely sure I know what we’re talking about.”
  “Hm, perhaps that’s fair,” Organa chuckles. “I apologise for having to speak so mysteriously, but one can never be too careful. I merely meant to thank you, and to encourage you to talk to him; for all that the Jedi are not hierarchical, he worries about his position above you. And Obi-Wan is no blushing Alqull, but he would not impose himself on you.”
  “... Sir.”
  “Yes, yes, more mystery. Just talk to him.” Organa leaves him with one last smile and a pat on the shoulder, and Cody wonders if Waxer had spiked his caf that morning. 
  The 212th had lost enough brothers in their last entanglement with Ventress that they return to Kamino immediately after Coruscant, General Ti all too happy to join them aboard The Negotiator; the brothers are delighted to learn she prefers to stand against their general’s back, lekku and arms absolutely dwarfing him, and Obi-Wan lets her. 
  They keep separate quarters, though Cody isn’t sure how much of it is for keeping up appearances. 
  As high strung as he is after his conversation with Senator Organa, Cody is relieved when they finally dock in Tipoca City and he can hand babysitting the 212th over to Waxer. He loves his men, truly, but being cooped up with them for a tenday in hyperspace is far from his favourite pastime.
  When Cody joins Obi-Wan for their trek to the training levels, Obi-Wan takes one look at his harried expression and laughs — Cody would like to believe it’s because he knows what Cody’s thinking, rather than any sort of Jedi-mind-reading-nonsense.
  Taun We meets them on the way, prattling about the “improvements” they’ve made since the last batch, and Cody pays attention because he has to, but the general’s little smile aimed in Cody’s direction does nothing to help him concentrate.
  Alpha-17 greets them as soon as Taun We opens the door to one of the training rooms, and Cody finds he’d actually missed the old hardass; it isn’t every brother that can call High General Yoda a toad to his face and get away with it, just by virtue of being Alpha-17.
  And then Alpha sees Obi-Wan and actually smiles, and Cody updates his mental counter to six. He had forgotten how much time Alpha had spent with the 212th before Cody was assigned, forgotten that it was Alpha with Obi-Wan when Ventress first kidnapped him; perhaps the holodramas are right, that shared trauma is a simple step away from romance.
  Kriff, he could have gone his whole life not picturing Alpha trying to romance absolutely anyone.
  “You haven’t asked,” Obi-Wan observes, hands folded under his chin across the desk from Cody. The teapot between them steams gently, filling Obi-Wan’s quarters with a haze of shiso and ginger that settles Cody’s nerves rather than stokes them.
  “Come now, Cody: we’ve worked together far too long for that.”
  And Cody snorts a laugh, even as he turns back to the datapad in his hands. “I did not think it my business, sir.”
  “Hm, and your conversation with Bail?”
  Cody glances up. “Are you laughing at me, sir?”
  The soft smile from Kamino is back on his general’s lips, making Cody all too aware of his helmet on the other side of the room. “Perhaps a little, Commander – your play for stoicism is as amusing as always.
  “I don’t know what you refer to, General, I did not lie: I have not asked because it is not my business, and if there was more to discuss, I knew you would bring it up again.” With an inhaled sigh, Cody sets his datapad back on the desk and faces Obi-Wan properly, because he isn’t a cadet, and he isn’t what-are-emotions-what-is-responsibility Skywalker. “Clearly you have more to discuss.”
  “Bah, you make it sound like a chore, Kote.”
  He raises a brow. “When I was assigned to the 212th, General Vos warned me of your politician-speak, sir. Any conversation with you is a chore.”
  Obi-Wan startles out a laugh, eyes crinkling at the corners as if just to remind him that there are lines on his face from more than just war. “Captain Rex tells me you get that snark from Alpha, but I must say I think it is a family trait.” Smiling behind his fingers, Obi-Wan tilts his head as if Cody were an especially endearing puzzle. “I’m afraid I don’t quite know how to navigate this conversation, my friend: I don’t believe I was the instigator of any in the past.”
  “More politician-speak,” Cody chides without heat, but knows what he means anyways. “And you thought I would instigate, if you left it long enough?”
  “Well, I hope I’ve created an environment where you and your brothers may speak your minds–”
  “General,” Cody interrupts boldly, and Obi-Wan just keeps smiling at him, “I have it on good authority that none of my brothers have been the one to broach this subject first.”
  “Mhm,” he chuckles, “Yes, I did hear about Commander Bly and Kit, and about Commander Choke with the 202nd.” Poor Shiny, Cody thinks, fresh out of ARC training when she met her general for the first time; the other battalions hadn’t stopped laughing about it for months.
  “Sir, the freedom the Jedi have given us undermined nearly everything the longnecks brought us up to believe; if you are unsure of what to say, I’m hardly going to be more prepared.”
  “Hm, perhaps we ought to be blunt with each other, then? Avoid the politician-speak entirely?”
  “Yes, perhaps that would be better, sir.”
  “Then, Kote, I would very much like to kiss you.”
  “Only if you’ve brushed your teeth since you kissed Alpha.”
  Obi-Wan throws his head back and laughs.
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Without a light I fear that I will stumble in the dark - missing scene
This is a missing/extra scene from Without a light (my Force Sensitive Fox fic) that I wanted to write, but wouldn’t fit into the main story as it is about my medic OCs Manner and Scalpel. Scalpel has had mentions in Without a light and one of my fics for Codywanweek2021, but this is his first main appearance. 
This is set just before the war starts (during chapter 5 of Without a light) and before Scalpel and Manner are assigned to their battalions. 
Warnings for mentions and discussions of medical treatment.
Scalpel watched as Cadet-Commander Fox left the Medbay with Alpha-17, the Alpha staring at Fox in concern. While Fox forced himself not to scratch the stitches Scalpel’s batchmate Manner had used to help Fox’s new injury above and below his right eye. Scalpel watched the pair leave the Medbay, a hint of longing in his gaze, he often wondered what it would be like to be in a CC batch and assigned to an Alpha to train with. Scalpel and his batchmates were just ordinary CTs, and left to the mercy of the trainers, the Alphas would sometimes assist with their training and they were always the days they looked forward to, getting to be treated like they were sentient beings. Like they were valued. Added to Scalpel’s wishful thinking was how Fox’s batch was still together, while it was known by every brother on Kamino that the CCs would be separated from their batchmates once the war started, Scalpel’s batch had already started to be separated, unusual for a CT batch but it did sometimes happen. Scalpel, Manner and Patch had all scored high in aptitude tests that marked them out as potential medics, leaving Fixer and Xerus in the usual CT training sessions. Over the past couple of years, Fixer had also demonstrated high skills with machinery and so he had been moved into engineer training. Meaning he didn’t spend all of his training with Xerus. Patch and Manner, the two oldest of the batch, were now worrying about Xerus, wondering how he was coping without his batchmates around him all of the time. Thankfully, CT-8914, or 14 as he was known, was good friends with Scalpel’s batch and had adopted Xerus into his batch.
Hearing a sigh, Scalpel turned to find Manner rubbing a hand over his face, causing Scalpel to smile. Manner, the second eldest of their batch, had always been gruff, despite how highly he scored in the aptitude test that made him a medic, it was widely assumed you had to be nice and caring to be a medic. Recently Scalpel and the others had been worried about Manner after Attitude died last year. Attitude was Manner’s best friend outside of their batch and Manner had taken Attitude’s death hard, blaming himself and retreating from everyone he was close to in an attempt to protect himself from further loss. Scalpel had been the first batchmate Manner had let get close to him since Attitude died and Scalpel was aware, that the war could start anytime, and as they were ten, their batch would be deployed as soon as the war started. And he didn’t want there to be any risk of their batch being separated while Manner continued to isolate himself.
“Kriffing CCs,” muttered Manner, casting a glare towards the door of the Medbay where Fox and Alpha-17 had left.
Scalpel rolled his eyes, “Fox was actually a model patient. He only tried to talk to you.”
Manner turned his glare on Scalpel, unlike the other medics who would flinch if Manner so much as glanced in their direction, Scalpel just smirked in response. Well used to his batchmate’s mannerisms. “CCs are more trouble than they’re worth,” scowled Manner, his look defiant as if daring Scalpel to disagree. Well what else were vod’ika for?
“I think the CCs are great! Especially Fox’s batch. I hope to get assigned to the same battalion as one of them!” enthused Scalpel, a blinding grin on his face. Manner’s eye actually twitched at that. Scalpel smirked and added, “you are going to be assigned with one CC Manner. You might as well get used to the idea now.”
His ori’vod’s glare intensified, as if Scalpel was voicing Manner’s worst nightmare. “Just so long as it’s not Commander ‘a blaster pack exploded in my face’, I do not want to deal with that regularly.”
Scalpel rolled his eyes, “from what I’ve heard, Fox doesn’t get hurt that often. And I also heard a blaster pack did explode in his face.” Manner just sighed in response causing Scalpel to smile. It was obvious to Scalpel that Manner didn’t dislike Fox nearly as much as he was letting on, Scalpel just knew most of Manner’s opinions on Fox came from not knowing how much Priest’s attention on Fox had affected the CC. Deciding to tease his ori’vod some more, Scalpel smiled sweetly at Manner, noticing his batchmate tense as he began cleaning away the supplies, he used to stitch the cut on Fox’s face. “Honestly Manner, Fox is a little gruff himself, I think the two of you could be great friends.”
Manner turned around so quickly that Scalpel was almost concerned his batchmate got whiplash. Manner glared at Scalpel, “don’t ever say something that offensive again. Fox and I do not have anything in common, and we will never be friends! Got it?” Scalpel held his hands up in surrender but opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Manner was stalking over to him and hissed. “You say another word about me being friends with that CC and then everyone will find out why we now have to carry more than one scalpel in our med-kits.”
Knowing Manner was serious and would make good on his threat if Scalpel let word get out Manner was friends with Fox, Scalpel didn’t say anything. (Why that was such a problem Scalpel could only guess. Maybe Manner didn’t want to make friends and the best way to stop that happening was to make sure he had no known friends outside of his batch.) Manner didn’t want friends, that was sad but Scalpel had self-preservation instincts and he didn’t want to push Manner. Scalpel didn’t want the other medics, even Patch his eldest batchmate, knowing why they had to pack at least two scalpels into their med-kits. The reason being that Scalpel had kept misplacing his scalpel during field exercises, and therefore being unable to treat the fake casualties he had to practice his skills on. It was not the reason he was called Scalpel, as much as Manner liked to tease him about it. He had actually chosen the name Scalpel because he had recently been put into surgical technician training.
Checking the time and seeing that his and Manner’s shifts had been over for three minutes, Scalpel gestured towards the door to the Medbay. “Want to head back to the barracks?” Manner nodded, and after they had both signed out, they were leaving the Medbay. Scalpel was glad to be away from the sharp chemical smells, he actually liked medic training, but he could do without the smells of the disinfectant and other chemicals used in the Medbay. They soon returned to the barracks that their batch shared with a few others, unlike the CCs who lived in one batch to a barracks, the CTs were well used to mixing with other batches. They reached their sleeping pods, Scalpel sighed, Patch’s shift in the Medbay was two hours longer than theirs, while Fixer and Xerus were still training together with 14’s batch. Manner flickered his gaze over to Scalpel, a hint of worry in his eyes at Scalpel’s forlorn sigh.
Shrugging Scalpel smiled slightly at Manner. “I like being a medic, but I wish our batch could still spend most of our time together.”
Manner sighed and nodded slightly, “I get it.” He then started to make towards the ladder, but Scalpel reached out and lightly grabbed his arm. “What?” asked Manner, turning to look at Scalpel in consideration.
“Just…look…can we double up?” Scalpel asked quietly. He scuffed his foot on the floor, not quite looking at Manner, but not fully looking at the floor either. He jumped slightly when a gentle hand landed on his shoulder, Scalpel looked up to see Manner directing his version of a smile at him while he nodded. Scalpel felt his spirits lift, and eagerly followed Manner up the ladder, waiting while Manner opened his pod. Seconds after Manner situated himself into his pod, lying on his back, Scalpel was lying in the pod next to him. Manner closed the pod and then Scalpel lay on his right side, positioning himself so that his head rested on Manner’s chest. His ori’vod wrapped one arm around his waist, and placed the other in his regulation length hair. Scalpel sighed again, “I don’t want our batch to be separated.” It was his worst fear, but he had the sinking suspicion that Patch and Manner were being considered for Senior Medical Officers, meaning they would be separated.
A hand started to gently run through his hair. Manner’s silence was telling, his ori’vod also knew about the potential ranks of command that could be placed on himself and Patch. “We’ll have commlinks, we’ll all be able to stay in contact,” murmured Manner.
“It won’t be the same,” scowled Scalpel. He wasn’t whining, he wasn’t.
“It’ll be alright vod’ika,” promised Manner. Scalpel almost argued against his ori’vod’s words, but then he felt how tense Manner was underneath him and then he realised that Manner was trying to convince himself as much as he was trying to comfort Scalpel. So, instead Scalpel just hugged Manner in response, nuzzling his head against Manner’s chest. There was a snort of amusement from above him. “We should have called you Tooka,” commented Manner in amusement.
“You don’t even know what a tooka is,” protested Scalpel, his voice faint and slightly slurred from the tiredness pulling at him.
“Pretty sure they’re like you,” stated Manner quietly. The hand in Scalpel’s hair slowed, but continued to card through his strands of hair, making Scalpel’s eyes droop.
Not long later, Manner found out he was indeed being made SMO, assigned to the Coruscant Guard. Scalpel had been there when Manner found out he was going to Coruscant with the newly promoted Marshall Commander Fox. Manner had been left swearing so vigorously 99 had ushered away nearby little Cadets, much to Scalpel’s amusement.
A year and a half later, while Scalpel was sat in the mess of the Negotiator with Fixer and Patch. They were discussing how nice it would be for the 212th to meet up with the 501st in two days, allowing them to see Xerus and see how he was doing as he was an ARC Trooper now. Then Scalpel looked down to see he had gotten a message from Moonshine (formerly CT-8914). Fixer and Patch seemed to have gotten the message as well going by their smiles and chuckles. Scalpel opened up their batch group chat and sent a message to Manner.
Scalpel: @Manner nice to hear you’ve officially become friends with Commander Fox! :D
Manner: What are you talking about?
Patch: Don’t deny it vod’ika. Moonshine told us you’ve just admitted to Commander Fox you’re friends now.
Fixer: This is too sweet. I think I’m going to be sick.
Xerus: Who are you? And what have you done with Manner?
Manner: Moonshine is a dead man.
Scalpel: I hate to break it to you ori’vod. But you are a medic, and an SMO at that. You can’t go round killing vod’e.
Patch: Also, I hear Moonshine supplies Commander Fox with moonshine. I don’t think your new best friend will thank you for upsetting his moonshine supply.
Manner: I hate you all.
Xerus: We love you too Manner!!! <3
Fixer: We love you and miss you!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
Scalpel: Admit it. You miss us!
Manner: No, I karking well don’t! You are all a pain in my shebs, a pain I could do without!!!
Patch: He misses us. I can tell. Love you Manner!! <3
Scalpel sniggered to himself as he watched angry message after angry message arrive from Manner. Patch had told him about the skirmish between the Separatists and a group made up of some men of the 91st and the Guard. Word had gotten out that Commander Fox had almost died, and Scalpel had known Manner had been worried. The fact that Manner had basically told Commander Fox that he thought of him as a friend said how worried Manner had been. Scalpel was just glad that Manner had a friend on Coruscant. He, Patch and Fixer were assigned to the 212th, and Xerus to the 501st, meaning the four of them saw each other regularly. Manner on the other hand, never left Coruscant, and Scalpel always felt bad that Manner was so far away from the rest of his batch. But it seemed Scalpel didn’t have to worry so much anymore. Much to his relief.
End note: The last part is set just after chapter 11 of Without a light. In that chapter it is explained how Attitude died.
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