#he has such overwhelming golden retriever energy
supermarine-silvally · 4 months
10, 23, 24 for Portada!! -🍂
Not me procrastinating on writing Portada by writing different, shorter Portada lmao
anyways welcome back to 🔥Portada Hour⚔️ !!
Ship Ask Game
10. Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together?
I dunno if this really counts as an interest or hobby but they train together! They both want to get stronger, and can go a little nuts (provided they're not using haki) because their Devil Fruits just happen to make it so neither of them can really hurt the other. They also love being out in nature together; Yara so she can collect her plants and Ace because he's a feral jungle boy who needs to be set loose in his natural habitat sometimes lol (he tries to impress her with his hunting skills like he'll just haul over some massive boar he managed to take down like "Yaraaaa!! Look what I brought!! 😁" And she'll pat him on the head like "That's nice, Ace. Thank you. 😌")
23. What are the defining characteristics of their relationship?
Loyalty and intense, dedicated, passionate love. They are so ride or die for each other. Probably the most fated lovers I've ever written tbh
24. How do their personalities affect their relationship? Do their characteristics compliment each other, or clash often?
They are somehow simultaneously very similar while being very opposites attract. A lot of their trauma comes from the same place of desperately wanting to be loved and trying to find a place to belong in the world, so even though they appear very different on the outside (Ace with his sunshine golden retriever personality and Yara with her disgruntled black cat personality), they understand each other on a fundamental level. Their personalities complement each other nicely in their day-to-day lives-- Ace gives love where Yara craves it, Yara gives affirmation where Ace needs it-- and the only time where things really clash is when Yara wants her alone/quiet time and Ace gets all 🥺 about it, lol
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wihellib · 1 month
Mammon was voted #1 in the Favourite H Scene poll here. Not really surprising. His H scene was quite good. Satan was 2nd and Foras was 3rd. I am surprised by Foras. I think there might be a bit of recency bias in this case.
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Under the cut is my completely biased, quickly-written, kinda summarized opinions on each of the H scenes.
Satan staring at you without blinking while kissing and sleeping still throws me off.
I like that Satan reassures you that he’s doesn’t just like you because you’re the descendant of Solomon.
I don’t like hair pulling or strangulation, so not very fond of this scene, even though I like Satan a lot.
The CG is nice. I like how he’s grinning and the glow of his eyes.
Only features a little bit of spanking even though that’s his kink.
It’s mentioned that we’re feeling the pleasure that Satan’s feeling. This is done in several scenes. I’ve never liked it. It feels like a cop out.
The scene ends abruptly with you blacking out. I much prefer when there a bit of follow up/pillow talk afterwards.
Sitri gives you tea to calm your nerves that makes your heart beat a lot faster and louder because of the caffeine… but I don’t think caffeine works to this extent, so creative liberty I guess.
His kink, hearing heartbeats, features prominently in this scene. Keeping his head near your chest, mouth on your chest, feeling your heartbeat through your intimate connection, and moving in time with your heartbeat.
You’re feeling turned on because he’s turned on, similar to Satan’s scene, still not a fan.
You feel more aroused as your heart beats faster and you think it might explode… I don’t see what’s arousing about that.
CG was good again. I liked that he’s showing a lot more emotion than his normal sprite usually does.
He calls you Solomon throughout, which is annoying, but does call you by your real name at the very end (the only time he’s done so).
Some pillow talk at the end which is nice.
Zagan blushes and turns away when he sees your naked body, which is cute.
He’s quiet like usual, but does speak when you ask him why he wanted to help you, and says he wanted to do it with you and give you devils energy, while blushing. Very cute.
You get to take a bit more of a lead, be a bit more assertive, in this one, you’re not just manhandled around, which is refreshing.
I like that he seems to have a praise kink.
He tries to increase his muscle use, get a better workout, increase movement, which is his kink, which arouses him more, which arouses you. Fine whatever.
The CG is fine. Your foot looks wonky with its finger-like toes but Zagan looks good.
Some pillow talk again. Zagan has been mostly silent, but does say it was a good workout and he wants to do it again at the end.
Leraye is completely overwhelmed by pleasure from hearing thunder, which is his kink. He basically tackles you onto the bed and glues himself on top of you.
I’m pretty sure this is the first time one of them play with your genitals during foreplay.
You are getting aroused from the thunder too, so we’re keeping the trend of whatever the guy likes you also like inexplicably.
MC comments he’s more like a growling wolf and not his golden retriever self.
I really like this CG. He’s completely on top of you, pressing you down on your stomach, while covering your eyes and biting your neck. His presence is overwhelming.
The thunder goes away and Leraye comes back to his senses. He’s so happy that it wasn’t a dream, smiling, lays down next to you, wishes you good dreams and kisses your forehead. I very much like this wind-down to the scene.
We go to Paimon’s room instead of ours for this scene, which is a nice change of pace. His room is full of mirrors, which feature heavily in this scene. His kink, which is blood, isn’t included at all.
We’re also not naked right at the very start, which I much prefer. I like the undressing phase.
Paimon rubs your genitals and forces you to look at what he’s doing to you in the mirror, which he continues throughout the scene. I was surprised how dominant Paimon was in this scene, but I wasn’t against it.
Paimon says he loves pretty things and looking at pretty things from multiple angles. He says that you’re pretty and a devilish human.
He makes you brace your hands against a wall mirror and stuffs your shirt in your mouth.
The CG is good. For the first time we are shown a different angle than us on a bed. Paimon’s face seems a little off to me, but overall it’s good.
Paimon throws the mirror on the ground, so you’re forced to look at a different, more revealing angle.
Just a little bit of pillow talk. Paimon kisses us and tell us to come him when we want to play more.
Back in Minhyeok’s room unfortunately. Mammon comes out swinging by immediately commenting on how skilled we look in accepting devil’s energy.
Mammon says that it was obvious since he first met you that he had to have you, but he also realized that he would just be one of many that would try that tactic. So, he decided to do something he’s never done before and let you have him. You will be his first master. He also reveals that he wasn’t as close to Solomon as the other Kings. You ask if he only likes you because you’re the descendant of Solomon and he replies that he just fell in love with you at first sight. This affection is clear throughout this scene, which increases its rank a lot for me.
Mammon’s kink is all about bottoms, and this scene reflects that. You’re both grabbing each other’s butts and getting more aroused.
Mammon picks you up and holds yours buttcheeks open while you wrap your arms around his neck. I like that Mammon is showing off his strength here.
I do wish that they had spent some time on Mammon using his fingers or tongue to prep you to take him. He is very large, evident by the fact that your first thought when he entered you was, ‘I am going to die’, so it would have been nice to see him care about making sure he doesn’t hurt you. He does hold himself still at first to let you adjust, but I still would have liked some prep beforehand.
The CG is good. No complaints.
Mammon flips you around, so you’re in a standing 69 position, showing off his strength again, and you give each other oral.
Longer pillow talk. He lays you on top of him, it was very nice.
Bimet changes his tune about you real quick when Mammon declares you to be his master. He kneels before you and informs you that you became the being that arouses him the most with that declaration. He cannot covet Mammon, but now he can covet you, the only one who owns Mammon, and he is ecstatic about that. He wants to serve you. Bimet’s kink is wealthy people and you’re the wealthiest of all.
I do not like Bimet and I do not like his reasons for favouring you. It is shallow and fragile. He would be back to contempt for you the moment Mammon lost interest. I’m not a big fan of this H scene simply because I don’t like Bimet.
He licks your toes, which no thank you. He does oral on you and puts his conniving tongue to good use.
CG is good. I like how wet his mouth is because of you.
Some pillow talk. He gives you the first thing he truly owned himself, a coin from Solomon, and tells you to give it back to him if you choose him. I would have preferred if the first thing he owned wasn’t from Solomon.
You go to wrap your naked body in a blanket like you usually do, but Belial stops you and says you’ll end up taking it off anyways. The immediate assertiveness was surprising but interesting.
Because of his throat injury, Belial talks very little and Jjyu is not there to help him, so he communicates with you by writing on your naked body, which is his kink. It is a very good, intimate solution. He writes lots all over your body while fingering you.
You are against the wall, facing Belial, while he penetrates and writes adorations on you.
The CG shows that everything he’s written is glowing red on you. It’s a nice picture, but I could have done without him licking your armpit. I think I would have preferred a kiss in the lips instead.
Some pillow talk, you fall asleep with him inside of you.
We have moved on from Minhyeok’s room, which is great. I felt it was much too restrictive, and caused repetitiveness.
Valefor reassures you and you tell him he is kind and reminds you of Mammon, which he approves of. When you see that he likes it, you lean more into the comparisons. Valefor is turned on by being compared to Mammon because he respects him greatly. You talk about Mammon a lot, but I wish it was a bit less, because this is supposed to be Valefor’s moment, not Mammon’s. His kink is supposed to be hearing explicit narratives, so I don’t think this really relates to it.
Valefor praises you for how well you know how to please a devil. And tells you to run away if you want to only know him as the kind relaxed Valefor.
Then we start going into exhibitionism territory, with him leading you to the closed door, where Bimet is just outside keeping watch. This is also not his kink.
Bimet leaves to check something, so Valefor increases the risk factor and opens the door while you’re both naked and penetrates you.
The CG is fine. The way you and he are positioned are a bit odd. It’s hard to tell whose body part is whose.
Valefor basically taunts you asking where Bimet is, then puts you in an even more embarrassing position.
Some pillow talk. He lifts you up, kisses your forehead, and you admire his chest.
Levi decides to give you devil energy even though he doesn’t like you. He hangs you and insults Minhyeok in an effort to make you mad so you hurt him, which will arouse him. So that’s what happens.
The CG is my least favourite of all of them. You start stomping on his lap and dick. Your toes are oddly long again and you have an oddly muscled thigh. Levi is not even naked. This is the only CG that doesn’t take place during some sort of penetration.
You straddle him and start strangling him and enough clothes have been taken off at this point that he penetrates you.
Then you kissed him for so long that you were both feeling oxygen deprived. He is in awe that you showed him there’s another way to suffocate. He thinks you’re talented. Only very little pillow talk.
I don’t like Levi. The way he acts and talks to you. I don’t like it at all. I also don’t like breath control, his kink, or anything to do with strangulation/choking, or beating people up. So this H scene was not for me at all.
Glasy’s kink is necrophilia, and they include his kink in the H scene by making you as limp as a corpse after kissing him. Oh boy. I’m not fond of Glasy and I don’t like the idea of not being in control of yourself and unable to move at all. So this scene ranks very low for me.
He licks your toes, not a fan. He plays with your chest and nipples. He spreads you open and just stares, then performs oral on you, while keeping you spread open.
He makes your limp hand jerk him off, then uses your slack mouth. This is the second time you performed oral on a demon. This is what the CG shows, though I would have preferred if they picked something else.
Then he manhandles you into position to penetrate you. He cums inside you. Then he moves to your throat again and comes there too. This is the first time the guy has come twice in an H scene.
There is pillow talk. He wraps you in his cape, holds you and kisses you as the limpness wears off. He tells you he’ll fetch you when you die, but it’s good you’re alive now.
You realize you need devils energy, but none are around you right now, so you start masturbating. You hear the door open, but don’t see anyone. Foras is invisible, which plays into his kink.
He starts playing with your genitals while invisible. You realize who he is and call out to him, but he ignores you.
Finally he tells you to take off your clothes, pose embarrassingly, and just sit there in silence while he watches while still invisible. The dominance he’s displaying is unexpected, but fine.
Foras puts his dick near your mouth and you suck him off.
He penetrates you, again while all the while being invisible, so it looks like you’re being fucked by a ghost.
The CG could be better. His expression looks a little wonky and you’re clothed in it even though you’re supposed to be naked.
Foras informs you that he was there for every H scene. He really liked that you never noticed him.
He doesn’t let you see him afterwards, which I think he should have. He gets your permission to keep watching you having sex. Then he inexplicably cums on your face after you fall asleep. No thank you sir. And for some reason you don’t even comment on it after you wake up.
I liked Leraye, Mammon, Belial, Zagan, Paimon, and Valefor H Scenes the most.
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merrybloomwrites · 7 months
Ants Are Going to Town in My Body
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Summary: Your boyfriend Shayne helps you through the roughest night of your period after getting a taste of cramps for himself.
Title taken from the video that inspired this story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kkn2dc4L7fE
Word Count: 1.7K
People could easily say that Shayne Topp has golden retriever energy. As his girlfriend of two years, you would completely agree with that statement, and you would say it as the highest compliment.
Shayne is the absolute best boyfriend you’ve ever had. It’s not uncommon for him to surprise you with flowers for no reason. He loves to cook. Sometimes you help him in the kitchen, and other times he kicks you out in order to surprise you with the new recipe he decided to try.
He gets excited to tell you all about the latest book he read or to watch a new movie or show with you. Day trips outside of the city happen a couple times a month, the two of you listening to music during the drive as you enjoy the fresh, non-LA air.
One thing that you found surprising at first is how much he dotes on you. It’s always in subtle ways, nothing overwhelming, but he does little things to show he cares. To show that he knows what you need, deep down.
He always takes care of you when you’re sick, grabbing medicine and making soup to help you feel better. If you’re sad or stressed he’ll go through the feelings with you. People often see him as a class clown type and might assume that he’d just do what he can to cheer you up and make you laugh, but that’s not always the case. He’ll meet you where you’re at. If you need to vent, he’ll listen. If you need to cry, he’ll hold you. He’s one of the most emotionally mature men you’ve ever met, and you can’t help but feel like the luckiest woman in the world to be able to call him your boyfriend.
He is also super supportive of you each month during your period. He has no problem picking up pads or tampons, not even batting an eye when fans recognize him in the feminine care aisle of the local convenience store.
He’ll make sure that you have pain medicine and a snack to take it with, so it doesn’t upset your stomach. He draws warm baths and makes sure your heating pad is ready for you. When you have cramps in the middle of the night you always go to the couch so that your constant tossing and turning to find a comfortable position won’t wake him. But without fail, he always comes to find you and bring you back to bed.
All that to say, he’s truly a perfect boyfriend. You don’t think it could be better than this. Until one day, he proves you wrong.
It’s day two of your period, and you’ve been curled on the couch since you got home from work. The pain meds haven’t kicked in, nothing is comfortable, and you’re extremely bloated. You’re debating if it’s worth it to drag yourself to the bathroom and take a bath when the front door of your apartment opens.
The very first thing Shayne does is press a kiss to the top of your head. The sweet gesture distracts you from the pain for a moment, but the relief is fleeting.
“Hey honey, how are you feeling?” he asks gently.
“Like it would be less painful to slice open my stomach and take out my uterus,” you reply through gritted teeth.
You finally look at him and see the most loving expression on his face. It immediately lightens your mood, and you say, “Sorry, that was a bit dramatic. I just hate waiting for the medicine to work. And I cannot get comfy.”
“I got something that might help,” he says before walking into the kitchen. You miss his presence next to you, but you’re also curious what he has for you. The microwave beeps and he’s crouched in front of the couch again. You look up and see him holding a stuffed rabbit.
“It’s one of those thingies that you can heat up and works like a heating pad. Plus, it’s your favorite animal so, I dunno, I thought it was cute.”
He hands it to you, and you place it on your belly, sighing at the immediate relief. “Thank you,” you say quietly.
“Of course, babe. I also have ingredients for your favorite meal so I’m gonna wash up and start making that, okay?”
You nod and smile, and he leans in to place a soft kiss to your lips. You’re comforted by the sounds of him preparing dinner in the next room and by the time the food is ready you’re finally feeling better.
“So, how was work today?” you ask as you dig into the delicious meal he prepared. You’d been too nauseas to eat lunch earlier, and you suddenly realize how starving you are.
“It was good, recorded a podcast, a reddit reacts and a challenge pit,” he replies.
“Busy day. What were the challenges?”
“Uh, it was a fun one. I’m gonna let it be a surprise for you when it comes out,” he says with a laugh. “How were the pups today?” he asks in reference to your job as a service dog trainer.
You tell him about the new dog that you’ve started working with as you both finish eating. Once you’re done you try to bring the plates to the kitchen. Since Shayne cooked you plan to do the cleanup, but he stops you before you can even stand. “I’ve got it babe, why don’t you choose a movie for us to watch tonight?”
You again wonder how you got so lucky to have someone who takes care of you and does so with a smile on his face. There’s a new documentary you’d both been wanting to watch so you pull it up and grab a blanket while you wait for him.
He joins you a few minutes later and hands you a bag of your favorite chocolates. You know that you didn’t have any in the apartment, meaning he’d picked them up for you. The kind gesture brings tears to your eyes, and you internally curse the hormones that make you more emotional than normal.
Shayne doesn’t comment on the crying, knowing that it sometimes makes you uncomfortable when he points it out. Instead, he just wraps his arm around you, pulls you in to cuddle against his chest, and presses play on the documentary.
His free hand moves to your belly, massaging and giving the type of pressure that always helps with your cramps. Even though they’re not bothering you right now, you appreciate how well he knows you and how he’s doing everything he can to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible.
For the next hour and a half, the documentary plays. You’re only half paying attention to it. The rest of your brain is focused on your wonderful boyfriend, who knows exactly how to take care of you. There’s no expectation, he doesn’t want anything in return. He just wants to make sure he’s doing everything he can to make you feel better.
The credits start rolling and Shayne turns off the TV before getting off the couch and reaching out to help you stand as well. The two of you get ready for bed side by side in the bathroom and you burrow under the covers.
It takes a couple of minutes for Shayne to join you, and you assume he’s checking that the door is locked as he does every night. But when he comes into the bedroom, you see he’s carrying the new bunny he got you. It’s warm, and smells of lavender, and you know he heated it for you in the microwave before coming to bed.
 You place it against your belly and Shayne gets under the covers, spooning you from behind. He places a kiss to the back of your neck and murmurs “I love you” against your skin.
“I love you too,” you reply, and fall asleep.
You wake in the middle of the night, your cramps coming back, so you quietly slide out of bed and walk into the kitchen. You find a snack already left out for you nearly cry again at how well Shayne takes care of you. After eating the food, you take more pain medicine and reheat the bunny. You notice a vase of flowers on the counter that weren’t there yesterday and immediately realize that Shayne must have picked them up along with the chocolates and the new stuffed animal.
Just as the microwave is about to finish you feel hands wrap around your waist.
“You okay?” Shayne asks, his voice groggy from sleep.
“I’m okay. Thank you. For the snack. And for the bunny. You truly are the best,” you say as you turn in his arms to press a kiss to his lips.
You grab the stuffed animal and lead Shayne back to bed. It takes half an hour for the pain medicine to kick in, and he rubs your back the entire time.
The next day is better, your cramps and bloating subsiding. But you can’t forget how well Shayne took care of you through the worst of it. He never diminishes your emotions or belittles the pain you feel.
A couple weeks later you get home from work and open YouTube to relax a bit before starting dinner prep. You see the new Smosh challenge pit video titled “Period Cramp Simulator Challenge” and you immediately start to watch it. The video begins with the rubber band chicken challenge which has you in tears with how hilariously ridiculous it is.
And then comes the period cramp simulator. You notice the outfit Shayne is wearing while he practically fights for his life experiencing cramps for the first time. Suddenly, his actions on day two of your last period make sense. Because that was absolutely the day they shot that video. He got a taste of what you experience every month and went even further in his need to take care of you. And for that reason, this video makes you fall even further in love with your boyfriend.
Thanks for reading! If you have any Shayne Topp story requests let me know!
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icequeenbae · 9 months
Hii! This is a more slow burn request so I’m sorry if it’s a little difficult, but could I request Heartsteel Ezreal x reader who’s knowledgeable and quite sarcastic and quick witted with their replies? I just wonder how their meeting would go with the whole Black cat, golden retriever vibe!
And maybe the reader sometimes suffers from low self-esteem and burnout.
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Pairing: Heartsteel!Ezreal x Reader ft. all members
Heartsteel AU, attempted humor, fluff
Warnings: grumpymanager!Reader, Kayn is annoying as fuck… language? lol
Word Count: ~1.4k
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Author’s Note: Hiii~ Thank you for the Ezreal request, sweetie! I do have my favorites in Heartsteel to write for, and he is definitely at the top of that list <3 Not sure if this is exactly what you wanted, but let’s give it a try! As usual, let me know via comments/ asks/ reblogs, I try stay on it~ P.S. The stuff I post for requests is usually not beta’ed, so pls bear with me…
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You rubbed your tired eyes and cursed, checking if your fingers had any mascara on them. There was an issue to resolve, and you had hoped to finish up before the Heartsteel members returned to the waiting room after their rehearsal. But your plan failed miserably.
‘Our dearest manager!’ Kayn appeared next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. ‘Always working, what a busy little bee!’
You raised your eyebrow at him and stayed silent until he cleared his throat and retracted his arm, while the rest of the members scattered around the room, minding their own business.
‘Someone has to work around here,’ you replied, typing away on your laptop.
‘You should take a break and go grab something to eat at least,’ Yone suggested.
His amiable comment made you release a desperate sigh.
‘They messed up the mic backup, Yone. Not to mention that we have the music video budget due tomorrow and someone screwed up the calculations. I cannot let you film without the drones or the special effects crew. If you do everything yourselves, you’ll be dead before you go on stage again, and I will be ripped into a million tiny pieces by the company or your fans. And I don’t know which one’s worse…’
‘If that’s Sett’s fans you’ll live. They all twinky as shit, look at Phel.’ Kayn cackled, and Yone glared at him.
Sett and Aphelios exchanged looks, probably deciding to give their most annoying member a proper thrashing another time just for the sake of your emotional wellbeing. At least someone understood how dire the situation was.
‘How can I help?’ The producer asked.
Although you appreciated the offer, you knew that they had to perform tomorrow, so Yone would have to supervise the last of preparations starting early morning. You could not allow him to spend the night helping you and then go straight into tomorrow’s work. The price of a screwup was too high on this one.
‘You can help by taking them out for dinner and making sure they’re tucked in later. I don’t want anyone out wreaking any havoc while I’m not around to settle everything.’
‘That I can arrange.’ Yone nodded, giving the rest of the members a solid onceover. ‘You heard Y/N, boys. No fun for you tonight, we have a very long day tomorrow.’
‘Ugh. Buzzkill…’ Sett sighed, and Phel pinched him on the arm, hard. ‘Ow!!’
‘I think we can live with one night in, guys,’ Ezreal interjected. ‘We’re so tired anyway.’
‘Speak for yourself, young man. I am full of energy!’ K’Sante retorted.
What a traitorous blow! You’d expect it from anyone but him.
Noticing your flabbergasted expression, K’Sante quickly continued.
‘…which I can spend by working some iron in the gym before bed time.’
You shook your head, trying to focus on your spreadsheet again. It was a little- no, it was extremely overwhelming, trying to fix several urgent issues at once, while running on a couple hours of sleep, half a sandwich (had to donate the rest to Sett – he’s still growing, after all… or so he thinks) and way too much coffee.
‘Are you going to stay here though?’ Ezreal asked, sounding too quiet for his usual bubbly self.
You assumed he was afraid to get the short end of the stick and make you explode with his question. But you were too tired to even yell at any of them.
‘Not that I have any choice,’ you answered dryly. ‘Not everyone can teleport, Ezzie.’
He pursed his lips, probably realizing that it was best to leave you alone before you gave him the same glare that Kayn had earned earlier. Unlike the demonic bastard, Ezreal was among the members who preferred to stay away from you when you were fuming, as opposed to irritating you further to poke some fun. Yone had already spent a week negotiating for you to take back your resignation once, so they were on their best behavior ever since. Well, the best they could muster, which wasn’t that great but in the grand scheme of things… you’d take what you could get.
After they all vacated the premises, you finally managed to send the updated budget numbers for approval, and made a few calls about the mic replacement. It was unbelievable, but you really had to find someone to get the necessary equipment and fly in to bring it on time. So you stayed at the venue to be able to check whether everything worked fine right away.
But later that night, a mystery visitor woke you up while scooping you off the chair to get you onto the sofa.
‘Mhm- what… Who’s here??’ You jerked up from your uncomfortable sleeping position, accidentally hitting someone in the face with your head.
‘Ow!’ You heard someone squeak and turned around, finding Ezreal in pain, holding his hand to his nose.
‘What on Earth brings you here??’ You instinctively pinched the bridge of his nose as if that would help with the pain. ‘Wait, what time is it? Where is my phone??’
‘I took it,’ he said, wiping under his nose to check for blood.
Thankfully, there was none, and he was okay. Your nervous system, however, was not as lucky.
‘What do you mean, you took it??’ You frantically checked the time on your laptop. ‘3:23? I was supposed to meet someone an hour ago! Why didn’t you wake me up?!’
You grabbed your phone from blabbering Ezreal, but he clung to you like a koala.
‘Y/N, I-’
‘I know. You didn’t think properly, and now I will have to find a way to get that guy to come back if he isn’t sleeping in his hotel already… Shit, Ezzie, you fucked up! No, I fucked up. How could I have fallen asleep?? Stupid, stupid, stupid!’ You knocked on your own head with your knuckles to make a point, and Ezreal caught you by the wrist with his two hands, looking as if you had hit him and not yourself.
‘Y/N, I already met with him and took the mics. We ran a test downstairs with some of the overnight technicians. Everything is set up and working fine.’
You blinked at him a few times, still confused.
‘Uh- You… did?’
‘Yes. I came back earlier and you were asleep. Then someone called you, so I figured- And then I went down and checked everything,’ he delivered anxiously. ‘I also brought you a sandwich- but I didn’t want to wake you, so…’
He grabbed a paper bag from the sofa and shoved it into your hands. You looked at it, and then back at Ezreal, your sleepy and stressed-out brain still catching up with everything.
‘Um- so you brought me… a sandwich?’ You asked.
‘Yes,’ he nodded, strangely bashful. ‘And a juice box.’
His cheeks became rosy, and you couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Ezreal looked like a stray puppy, unsure about whether it was safe to express his affection.
As your laughter settled, you finally exhaled. Everything was okay, thanks to your unexpected little helper for tonight. And now that he’d mentioned the food…
‘I hope you got me an extra-large one.’ You hummed, sitting your butt down.
‘I got two,’ he beamed. ‘And a chocolate bar.’
‘Good. You look like you could have some chocolate right about now.’
And of course, after such an eventful night, as well as the previous few days, having a full belly made you dozy again. Although you did notice Ezreal’s head slowly tilting towards your shoulder through the layer of drowsiness, you didn’t catch your own head leaning onto his.
Due to your carelessness, you were in for a rude awakening in just a few hours.
‘Now, isn’t that adorable?’ Even from the depths of hell you would have heard Kayn exclaim in the most obnoxious voice possible.
‘I’m taking a picture. For the family album!’ K’Sante announced, quick to utilize the camera on his phone.
‘Or future blackmail…’ Kayn sneered evilly.
‘Maybe I should post that picture of you stuck in the vault with your pants down, Shieda Kayn.’ You mused out loud, eyes still shut.
There were a few sounds resembling muffled cursing, and then Kayn walked it back.
‘Hey man, we shouldn’t take pictures of people sleeping. It’s illegal or some shit. Let’s just go check on the preparations, come on.’
And so, they went back to where they came from. ‘Manager…’ You heard Ezreal whisper, head still laying on your shoulder. ‘You’re amazing.’
Non-EXO masterlist
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A/N: Thank you for reading and happy holidays my sweethearts!! I have just a couple more requests to go~ I don't think I will take more for the time being but I might come up with another requests event for 900 or 1000 milestone! Please don't forget to comment and reblog if you want to support me 💜 And check out my masterlist for more of my HEARTSTEEL and kpop content 💕
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theyluvangel · 2 months
Biggest Subs in the Groups I Stan - enha, skz, SVT, bts, shinEE, nct, atz, txt, p1h
This is literally which member(s) of these groups I think would be the most submissive in bed!
warnings: probably grammatical and spelling errors, femdom themes, female reader
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biggest pillow prince there is
he just wants you to take over and do with him as you please
he's sensitive so you have to be gentle with him :(
loves praise
loves taking anything up his ass - that being your strap, fingers, a vibrator, or anything else you can think of
some people disagree, but have y'all seen this man???
he wants you to take complete control over him - tell him what to do and he'll do it
he can be really bratty, but he's usually your good boy
likes some light pet play, nothing too extreme
please finger this man, he adores how close he feels to you when you finger his ass
if he's had a particularly rough day, or if he's just in the mood, he'll let you rough him up a bit - hit him, degrade him, ect.
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Stray Kids:
he's a mommy's boy
lets you do anything you want to him
super loud, he has no shame
loves a bit of pain
horny all the damn time, its up to you to figure out how you want to deal with that
definitely has a bratty side, but he tries can be good
so cuddly
the sunshine twins - two big bottoms
he's just so soft and fluffy if you know what I mean
he cry's usually from pleasure all the time, when he gets so overwhelmed he can't not cry
not at all afraid to try new things
slap him around a bit, jerk him off in public, sometimes he just wants to feel like a toy to you
but also please be nice to him, sometimes he also just needs to have some nice lazy cuddle sex
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"wdym this over 6 foot tall extremely buff man is a big sub?" well let me tell you
he is there to do whatever makes you happy, and he can't do that if you're not telling him what to do
sososo whiny
loves being overstimulated
again i'll bring up the clip of woozi saying Mingyu likes to be degraded and embarrassed by his members
loves when you degrade him, but also gets so cute and shy when you praise him
loves seeing the marks you leave on him
I'm not going to specifically write out the rest but I think Dino, Seokmin, Seungkwan, Jun, and Hoshi are all switches that would love to be submissive under you
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jimin gives of switch with a sub-lean vibes
he's a mommy's boy as well
can be really bratty but he can also be really good
loves restraints, impact play, really anything that will leave a mark
loves trying new things
he's just a really kinky guy
also super loud
could suck a titty all day
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anyone who has heard his music knows how submissive he is
he has a lovely song called "Criminal", where one of the lyrics is "destroy me more"
this man is a performer, the energy he presents on stage he'll present to you in the bedroom
loves pain play - hit him, scratch him, bite him, literally beat him and he will thank you for it afterwards
loves when you're able to bring him to tears
big masochist, exhabitionist, and voyuer
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theres several bottoms in this group so the formatting is gonna be a bit different
NCT 127:
Taeyong - mommy's boy
Haechan - brat
Jungwoo - tries to be good
NCT Dream:
Renjun - pillow prince
Jaemin - golden retriever
Ten - brat + hella kinky
winwin - good boy, so soft for you
Xiaojun, Hendery, and Yangyang are all switches in my mind
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holy shit, this man is the brattiest being to ever walk the planet
he loves riling you up so you'll be rough with him
at this point he's just about admitted to having a degrading kink
he's literally such a bratty whore
he NEEDS you to punish him
sometimes he can be good and he'll want you to be gentle with him, but that's rare
literally imagine bending him over your knee and spanking him for being a brat all day (I'm feral for this man)
+ I think both San and Mingi are switches that can be super submissive
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i think he's naturally a shy+nerdy guy, so he's attracted to people that can take control over him
a bit more of a switch lean
i think he'd really be into having you humiliate him, but he also loves praise
I think he's a bit of a perv, he'd steal your underwear and jerk off into your panties
he might be just as bratty as Wooyoung
is always a brat, its hard to get a moment of peace
super kinky and always in to trying new things
He likes to feel so weak underneath you, if you can make him cry and get his legs shaking - you've officially made him want to marry you
he knows he's a brat, so he needs someone to tame him
he'll take anything you give him, even if that means not letting him cum for a week
omg he'd look so pretty with tears running down his face, hair stuck to his forehead, all whilst you edge him until he loses touch with reality
he's such a good boy
i feel like he's kinda inexperienced so he'd naturally fall into a more submissive position
he's really vanilla, all he wants is to cum and be praised
if you're mean to him in the slightest he might cry
he doesn't mind edging and overstimulation, but its a rarer for those to occur
+ I think Yeonjun and Taehyun are both switches, but they aren't the most submissive in the group
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(honestly everyone in p1h gives off some sort of subby vibes)
he's so puppy coded
he's there to serve and please you
he loves when you praise him and call him your "good puppy"
he will act out occasionally, but he feels bad afterwards and always accepts his punishment
he'll absolutely do anything you want him to
he seems to me like a bratty pillow prince
he will talk back
enjoys a healthy amount of both praise and degradation
he kinda acts like a princess in the sense that if he gets too dirty or sweaty, he'll complain until you clean him up
lets out the most beautiful moans
bondage is a must for him
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writing this took me a lil bit but I hope you all enjoy! if you couldn't tell I prefer to write from a dom!reader perspective, but I'll write both dom and sub reader. please send me requests because the writers block is crazy rn!
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buckslafdhoodie · 3 months
i love tommy and buck’s cat dog dynamic.
i mean, think about it.
tommy’s totally the shelter cat, a knowledgeable feline that’s hopped around a few different places, slowly getting into better environments for itself, being less shy and cagey and more cautiously accepting and open yet definitely Not into change at all, except when it comes to the seemingly electric golden retriever pup’s sudden entrance. it’s all new and overwhelming at times and endearingly honest affection and the cat can’t help but want to watch and wait for more and more.
buck is the young golden retriever, a former stray with so much optimism in humans and the world and just wanting to make the most of it, see some cool places, sniff some cool shoes. He is too excitable and mischievous and full of energy, wagging his tail even when he’s hurt and always pushing the boundaries in search of new, fun experiences, with the exception of this shelter cat who has seen a lot and, buck realizes, he wants to befriend. so he tries to act cool and chill and less like himself when secretly, the cat enjoys his silly attempts at playing and wacky antics much better.
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calciumcryptid · 2 months
I need more MattMick/MickMatt... please?
Of course!
Mick and Matt met before canon, but not in person. They met online in the gaming space. Mick played competitively. Matt didn't, he played for fun, but is ridiculously good. It drove Mick up the walls and everytime he saw Matt's username he'd go for the kill.
He was over it by college, and when he found out Matt's username he nearly died laughing.
Matt prefers older games and vintage consoles while Mick keeps up with newer games and modern consoles (along with the competitive scene).
Since I have my Mick is secretly really snarky headcanon and Matt is canonically snarky, they are both snarky and judgemental together but only Matt says anything to anyone's face.
They cosplay and attend conventions together, and they fight over who gets to dress as the female character during their couple costumes.
Cosplay is incorporated into their sex life too. This has led to many shenanigans.
They aren't switches, but they are vers.
You know they're laughing during sex.
They got together pretty quick.
It took Matt a little bit to realize he liked Mick beyond the basic admiration a junior has for their senior, but once he realized he went to confess because he was not going to be Toey.
The confession was really straight forward, like, ridiculously so. Matt confessed and Mick sat him down to talk about the expectations.
This might be controversial, but Mick didn't have (or at least didn't realize he had) feelings for Matt, but goes out with him on a date to see how it goes. When he realizes he would be okay with taking the relationship further, he asks Matt to be his official boyfriend.
The rest of the group were shocked they moved at a reasonable pace in a reasonable manner. Beer makes a joke about them never seeing a traditional relationship trajectory before.
That is kind of the running theme with their relationship which is that it is devoid of the typical romance drama boys love nonsense (affectionate). They are just two men who happened to like each other and are now dating.
Matt basically moves in with Mick after graduation, and Mick is so happy about it.
Abstract Painter Matt
Computer Engineer Mick
As a little side hustle, Matt paints video game landscapes and makes them into prints.
They adopt two dogs.
It is up to the person to decide whether they see them as having kids, but if they did they'd have a son and they would adopt him later in life (they're the last ones to have a kid).
Mick isn't the best cook, but he is a good baker and Matt adores the bread he bakes.
Matt retains his play dead response, and Mick finds it adorable. Early in their relationship, Matt would play possum when he got overwhelmed by their relationship, and Mick tucked his head into his side until Matt rebooted. To this day, Matt likes resting his head in Mick's lap.
They watch Esports competitions.
Mick knows more about QToey than he'd like to know because Toey calls Matt for everything and is so loud he can hear the phone call down the hall. Ironically, this has led him to walk by and drop unasked for advice constantly.
Mick soaks up the gossip like a sponge and feeds it back to Matt. Sometimes he'll even liveblog it to him.
Mick is always paying attention which is great when it comes to the romance in a romantic relationship, but it can get annoying when MickMatt have fights.
Phum may have whimpering golden retriever energy, but Mick has guilty boxer energy. Which is more devastating? Peem and Matt are arguing about it until this day.
Their snack game is the best in the group.
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takabinaryy · 2 months
My Headcanons for Ghost & Soap
okay so i know i'm pretty new to this fandom , however I've thought of a bunch of headcanons that i wanna share, no it's not age regression surprisingly i know. Anyway I'ma share my headcanons now. Also remember you don't have to agree with any of them or say "no that's not right" again if you don't like it simply don't interact hon. And i know a few of these will be maybe , be your own. Good for you then , people think alike and share the same idea
(This one is deeply inspired by Mindie_arts's "I like you alive" art from 2023)Ghost has nightmares of Soap almost dying and will sometimes watch john sleep just to make sure it's not a dream. Or if Soap wakes up, Simon will immediately just hold/hug John for a while and because Soap knows how much it hurt his boyfriend to see him like that. He to will hold on to Ghost and sometimes just ramble about positive/happy things to maybe get the nightmare off of Simon's mind in that moment
Soap and ghost will hold hands the sleep sometimes
Ghost has heterochromia also known as having two different eye colors, his right eye is blue while his left is brown
Ghost is a blondie cuz the fanart is hella cute
Soap & Ghost wear each other's dog tags and if they are married the rings will be put on the chain next to the dog tags
Simon will use black eye shadow around his eyes under his mask
John will sometimes get startled in the middle of the night because Simon forgot to take his mask off before bed
Only alone with Soap, Simon will take his mask off. Sure it gets taken off during a shower but that's different of course
There is always a knife under Ghost's pillow
Under the mask Ghost has scars on his face
On good days Soap is a golden retriever always full of energy
Soap can't play the game "Simon Says" without Ghost being present
Under Ghost's gloves are black and white painted nails
As a joke John has to have Simon with him during any movie that has ghosts in it
Soap will randomly have a pack of yellow smiley face stickers and when ghost is just being pouty or having a bad day. John will stick the stickers on all over Ghost's face
Ghost and Soap are switches for bedroom activities, yes they have a safe word incase one or both of them get overwhelmed. Or just want it to stop all together.
....i have more if you wanna read about them...?
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pixelchills · 1 year
What kind of headcanons or silly scenarios do you imagine for Sun and Moon (totally virus free) in their daily life? I like to think that Moon tends to the most introverted kids during playtime, and Sun listens adoringly while Moon tells bedtime stories and sings lullabies during naptime, even when he's already heard them a million times. They sneak in a little kiss once every kid is asleep.
If we're talking about the (f/c)anon boys, I usually imagine them in the same body, but I can share some sweet headcanons I have, and sone of them also work for separate body -Sun and Moon!
- Sun has a big golden retriever energy. He's a bit less anxious, gets scared easily, yes, but tends to be more hyper and more of a pushover and forgetful of personal space rather than overly thoughtful like Sunrise :D
- Sun and Moon fight and argue playfully like an old couple
- Moon has 2 moods: he's just a very sleepy guy with little to no worries, and seems to take everything with no stress or worry. In the other hand, he is a prankster gremlin who loves lovingly tease Sun a lot and scare the other animatronics.
- Moon is kind of quiet, and tends to just listen or talk with few words. He naps a lot and takes care of those kids who need a quiet and less overwhelming environment.
- Moon draws his S's when he speaks
These are more of a same body hcs, but:
Moon and Sun both love having plushies of each other to hug and play with.
They can somehow give partial control to the other, either by choice, or by tricking the lightning. Like imagine Sun being active when the lights are on, but giving Moon access to one of his hands. This could also be received by covering the said hand with a glove. and then Moon can touch Sun's face for example.
Only Sun's sensors are connected to the rays, but you know you can technically touch them inside the faceplate even after retracting inside? Imagine Moon being active and putting his fingers carefully in-between there, the only way he can feel Sun is to touch his rays like this. (Image)
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And for Sun to hold Moon: Moon is the only one with sensors around the hook on their back. You just see Sun "scratching" his back or holding the loop with his fingers; his way of "holding Moon's hand".
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rosypenguins · 6 months
🧡🍂Luke Headcanons🍂🧡
Because him and Zander are my favorite Music Club members (besides Jake) and I feel Luke is incredibly underrated. I get he doesn’t have much to his character compared to the others, but I personally find his character really sweet and comforting. I just wish we had a little more, so I wrote these.
🧡Luke has either already taken a culinary class, or is currently taking one.
🧡Similar to Sean, Luke can also do the cooking and the cleaning.
🧡Prefers baking over cooking. Knows everyone’s favorite desserts and does his best to make them often.
🧡Tends to make hot chocolate for the Music Club during winter.
🧡Always has a stash of Reeses candies.
🧡Luke is probably known for having a terrible spice tolerance.
🧡Has younger siblings. (Specifically, younger sisters. This is less of a headcanon and more of a prediction. He just gives off older brother energy.)
🧡Tends to personify inanimate objects. (Like his drums.)
🧡The best at remembering birthdays.
🧡Known for having stupidly good luck.
🧡Loves watching romance movies. (And will watch them with Jake and cry.)
🧡Sean has taught Luke some cool broom tricks.
🧡A bit of a pushover. Always trying to make those around him happy, even at his own expense. (Zander is working with him on telling people ‘no’.)
🧡Will send Zander the cheesiest ‘Good Morning’ messages.
🧡Uses the pleading eyes emoji way too often when texting.
🧡Always getting Zander little gifts. (From little trinkets to giant plushies he won in claw machines.)
🧡Will give Zander little love-bites randomly when they’re in private. (Zander was flustered the first few times it happened, but got pretty used to it.)
🧡Gets the dumbest grin on his face whenever Zander’s in a room.
🧡Has been begging Zander to write a duet with him.
🧡Golden Retriever Boyfriend.
🧡Tries to avoid venting to Zander in case it pushes him away. (This is not the case. Zander actively tells Luke to talk to him if he’s stressed. Luke tells himself it’s okay to vent to Zander. Luke’s intrusive thoughts tell him otherwise.)
🧡Can get overwhelmed a little easily due to academic or social pressure.
🧡Has high grades, but still wonders if he could do better. (He often holds himself to very high standards.)
🧡Cuddles with Zander is enough to ease like 60% of his worries.
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grimy-cat · 1 year
hi! can i rq kel & basil bf headcanons with a s/o who is extroverted n sweet? (kinda like kokoro tsurumaki or pinkie pie) separate pls :-)💓
**of course!! first omori request <33
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Kel and Basil with a bubbly GN reader
- You two fit so well LMFAO
- Kel is SUPER energetic, extroverted and easy to talk to!
- You both have the same thinking process, it’s like you both share one brain cell.
- Always coming up with the dumbest stuff to impress you
“Hey S/O wanna see me do something amazing??!”
- He ends up with a twisted ankle, a fractured wrist and a bloody nose. He’s probably in the family guy death pose too
- But don’t worry, Kel has you to take care of him!
- You both have way too much energy and it often gets you two in trouble because of how reckless you can get.
- I wasn’t kidding when I said you guys share one brain cell😭
- You both make each other laugh with your stupid antics though.
- Just a golden retriever boyfriend with his golden retriever partner.
- But then again, they do also say opposites attract
- Your sweet personality is what attracted Basil to you. Aubrey constantly bothering him and Kel treating Basil like he’ll break, it’s quite a relief to have you with him.
- Whoever is above the clouds knows the poor kid needs a break in his life, somebody to be nice to him
- Basil is envious of how extroverted you are. He wishes he could just say what’s on his mind without getting scared or stuttering most of time.
“Excuse me, he asked for no pickles!”
“Thank you..”
- He enjoys how curious you are, Basil likes that he can ramble to somebody about his plants without them getting bored or annoyed.
- Ok, PDA.
- I imagine you would be more open about it while he’ll immediately get flustered from a slight brush of your hands in public.
- The most he can do in public is hand holding, cheek kisses are pushing it.
- It overwhelms him in public and he just can’t handle that kind of stress.
- In private, it’s a different story.
- Basil is all over you, cuddling, holding your hand and playing with your fingers.
- He’s always shoulder to shoulder with you if he can’t cuddle at the moment.
- Loves cheek kisses or any kind of kiss from you really.
- He does keep secrets from you unfortunately. Basil attempts to hide his anxiety attacks from you like trying to excuse himself to the bathroom.
- Of course, you walk in on one of his panic attacks.
- And instead of being scared or annoyed like he’s a burden. You help him.
- This is when Basil realizes that he can rely on you. That he has someone to fall back on and somebody he KNOWS won’t leave him.
- Overall, he’s glad that he’s your boyfriend and has someone so sweet to take care of him.
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callofdudes · 2 years
Really love the one with ghost so so much,
He’s the biggest comfort character to me right now and reading the head canon made me so so happy (like just imagine being best friends with him)
If it’s not too much trouble could I leave another headcanon request.
Same as ghost but with soap this time
Please and thank you
You're so welcome! He's one of my comfort characters as well so I get it. I'm glad I was able to make you happy 😊
On to Soap!
Platonic! Soap x Reader headcanons
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Golden retriever energy.
Johnny is a very eccentric person but I think, like all of us, he'd be a little nervous his first day. He was a buzzing ball of nerves when he stepped foot onto those training grounds. If was a whole new world, new things to explore, people to meet. He was overwhelmed by all the things going on around him.
Trying to make friends hasn't been an overly hard task for Johnny. In fact, he's yet to meet a person who hasn't taken a keen liking to him.
You two meet during the classic lunch room scene. He was eating alone when he noticed you were struggling to find somewhere to sit that wasn't to full. He waved over to you and the rest in history.
"Hey, we're in the same bunk aren't we?" And the two of you started to talk about your new drill sergeant and what you were looking forward to learning.
Johnny learned very quickly that not everyone wants to be his friend. He thought he'd known this reality but after someone made fun of the way you were throwing your punches, he stepped in. And being on the smaller side he was also made fun of. The classic, "Getting your boyfriend to stand up for you? How cute." Tease and taunt. Johnny was mad. You had been nothing but kind to him since you'd met, how could they be so mean?
Needless to say whatever little skill he did have he used on them. They attempted to fight back but he managed to punch them into the ground with all the fury of Scotland.
Everyone got in trouble that day. Johnny was put in charge of cleanup for the rest of the year including the toilets, bunks and mess hall. You tried to apologize but Johnny immediately brushed it off with a smile. "I'm just glad you're ok. Hopefully they won't try that again." You just rolled your eyes and said you'd help him bandage his battered fists.
For the next year Johnny always brushed off how you tried to apologize. When he would stay behind to clean up trash or wash the walls. He hosed down the dusty training grounds and eventually earned his call name Soap for just how fast he was at cleaning. He wanted to prove that his punishment was nothing for helping you out.
You two also took to studying together. Johnny had a smaller notebook at the time that he wrote notes and training moves in, and sometimes after hours you'd sneak out to train. And inevitably your giggling, bumbling selves would get caught by a drill sergeant or a hall tenant. But you were never in too much trouble. Eventually they had to start giving the two of you separate punishments because nothing would get done with you both in a room.
It was all very lighthearted for you two. That was until the two of you were promoted and sent on your first field mission. It got messy and the enemy managed to run off with you. You had tried to get away but they were much more skilled and much bigger than you. They tied you up and hauled you into a truck.
Johnny has never been so quiet in his life. When they got back he cussed his team out for not listening and letting that happen. He was mad and scared. He talked to a lieutenant and begged them so send him out again so he could get you.
"Please! My friend is out there probably scared and being interrogated or hurt or worse! Please, I can't stand by and let it happen!"
A more skilled missions team was sent out and you were brought back in good health. When you jumped out of the helicopter with two lieutenant's Johnny ran over to make sure you were alright. "What happened? Did they touch you? Damn them if they hurt you!"
"Johnny. Johnny- I'm ok." He sighed and hugged you tightly. "I thought you were going to get seriously hurt. If I had been paying attention-" You slapped his back. "Are you crying? You goon." He scoffed. "Sorry for caring dumbass." You had a couple bruises but Johnny was just glad to see you alive.
When you two recieved your first set of medals Johnny can't stop looking at it. You just roll your eyes as he takes your and compares them. "Hey! You're is bigger than mine!" He cried in disbelief. "I got rewarded for something else Johnny." He paused. "Oh yeah."
When the two of you were promoted and recognized as the two overtly skilled sergeant's on your listing, you caught the eye of Captain John Price. You two were a giggling mess when you found out you were being recruited into the 141 Task Force. You couldn't stop talking about it for weeks.
You told Johnny you wouldn't go if he wouldn't. You wanted to be on the same Task Force as him. He reassured you that he was going to follow you everywhere. Who else would eternally bug the crap out of you eh?
When you got to meet Lieutenant Simon Ghost Riley you both knew you were going to team up and crack him down. Of course, you enjoyed Ghost's silent nature and didn't realize just how loud Johnny really was.
You were a bit jealous at first when you met Gaz considering the two men clicked like puzzle pieces. But your spirits lifted when Johnny eagerly introduced you and Gaz was soon accepted into the group.
When Johnny gets his new journal to replace the old one, the first drawing he puts in there is you. Of course he has to put stickers and sparkles all over it with the big words BEST FRIENDS FOREVER all over it as well.
He grows his hair out at one point and you jokingly braided it. He wore it with pride and didn't take it out until he was forced to wash his hair.
There are times when Johnny puts the giggles away though. And one of those times was when you were with another Task Force group and one of the recruits started eagerly hitting on you. And you didn't look very comfortable. So he'd pull you into a side hug and smile. "I know! Isn't Y/N the most amazing person you've ever met." You chuckle and pat his arm, but he stays on guard. If there are any unwanted advances this little man will bark. Scotland's fire reign if someone obviously making you uncomfortable attempts to make a move.
However, if you are comfortable with the advances Johnny will kindly watch. He doesn't want to be annoying or put anyone off, so he'll make sure he's on standby just in case.
When either one of you does get a partner, Johnny is the type to try and annoy the shit out of you two. You're trying to kiss? Johnny will put his head between you two and hug your shoulders. "Hi guys, what're you doing?" In a playfully obvious tone.
He's like a big (or little) brother. Even though you and said person are official he still exists and he'll make sure you're safe throughout.
He'll pull your S/O aside and smile kindly. "Hi, I'm John MacTavish, see this right here?" Pointing to very obvious C4 charges and a very large grenade launcher. And he just smiles. " Don't make a wrong move. Ok? Alright, glad we had this talk." And he'll walk off and start talking to you like nothing happened while your S/O is peeing their pants.
Johnny is protective in his own way. When you and him get stranded with Ghost in Las Almas Soap has Ghost promise to check in on your location twice for every time he talks to Soap.
When the two of you go on leave Soap goes back home to Scotland while you rejoin your family. And every night before bed you made a promise to talk on the phone for at least a half hour. Just because.
I love this boy with all my heart. I can't even tell you.
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yantalia545 · 2 years
Yandere  Axis with a motherly S/O
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It will take him a while to figure out that he obsoletely loves this. Mostly because he’s even though he’s the younger brother, Germany is usually the one who has to look out for his brothers. Not to mention Japan and Italy too.
This is a nice change of pace for him once he finally let’s you in though. For once, he got to feel like he was being taken care of instead of constantly worry about the well being and safety of others. 
Don’t think he won’t stop worrying about you though. If anything, this only makes him want to protect you more. You’re too caring for your own good. Someone is bound to take advantage of that. Not only that, but he doesn’t want this warm feeling that he gets whenever you’re around him to go away.
He’s never once thought of finding love or starting a family before, but the day he sees you holding a friend of yours's baby he can’t help but let his mind wonder to these possibilities. The way you held the baby with such tenderness and care made you glow 1000% more that day and he couldn’t help but begin to desire that life with you. 
Eventually, his feelings to protect you and the future he desires will become too much for him to control. There’s just too many things out there that could hurt you or possibly take you away from him that he will resort to kidnapping. It will hurt him to see you fear him when you wake up, but the reassurance of knowing that you’ll aways be safe now will help him overcome it. 
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Japan will be another who takes a bit of time to figure out his feeling for you. He can't help but get a feeling of nostalgia when he’s around you. You’re very calming to be around for him, which is saying a lot since he’s more of the loner type. He’s never found much peace when around others so you’ll most certainly be a breath of fresh air.
Your tender nature also stirs something inside him that Japan has been ignoring for a long time now. He can actually feel like he’s being taken care of without someone trying to take advantage of him like China did growing up. How could he ever let this feeling go?
You being away from him makes him feel cold and empty and he wants to be the only person you’re this affectionate to. Seeing you care for anyone other than him fills him with such unimaginable rage so kidnapping will most definitely happen in this situation. 
He obsoletely loves the feeling of being pampered and cared for by you and will quickly put you to work once he has isolated you. You’ll be tasked to do all of the housework while he’s away and have dinner ready for when he comes home. 
I can also see him pushing the idea that you must also sing to him while petting his hair or laying his head in your lap whenever he’s tired. It’ll almost always be a nightly routine for the two of you.
Japan just wants to be cared for in a way that he’s never been cared for before and he’ll do whatever it take to preserve it.
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You’re doing this because you love him, right? You caring for him is your way to show that you love him just as much as he loves you. Much like he does with Germany, he’s going to quickly rely on you for everything. It pretty much turns into a golden retriever puppy following their owner around all day type of relationship with him.
Everyone will find it adorable and assume that the two of you are already together. After all, how can you not when you have an adorable Italian by your side 24/7? Germany may find annoying that Italy is constantly choosing to skip training because Italy would rather hang out with you, but at the same time he feels relived that someone else in looking after Italy besides himself. However, that’s just because he can’t see how all of this constant hovering makes you really feel. 
Even though you naturally find joy in caring for others, you’re still a human being who needs a break from constantly looking out for others. Italy can be very overwhelming to you sometimes when you’re feeling low on energy. If you try to voice your concerns with Italy, he’ll break down into tears and just cling harder. “How could you say such things?! You love me! Don’t leave me!” 
The thought of losing you will be too horrible of a thought for Italy to handle. After just the first time of you asking for some space, he will either drag you to his home or keep you there based on if you’re already there or not and refuse to let you go. He may not the most sharpest knife in the draw and mostly acts on impulses, but don’t think for a minute that you have the upper hand. You can’t plan or attempt an escape if he’s never out of reach from you. Plus would the others really believe that harmless little Italy is even capable of anything menacing?
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hi! i see your requests are open. can i ask about a headcanon where reader is a volleyball player in kaijo and just like kise, is also really popular, but reader is a huge introvert, doesn't really like the attention they're getting and gets overwhelmed by it from time to time. much like a black cat x golden retriever couple energy. thank you so much!
Kise + Volleyball star reader
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Kise is of course always excited to get attention.
Luckily he is popular, but even then he stacks the deck sometimes to get more attention.
When this happens s/o is less thrilled to be around him than usual. They hate crowds.
He tries to be respectful of this but often forgets as he’s a little self-centered.
As an extrovert he just can’t understand why anyone so pretty, and talented, and all around great wouldn’t want people to tell them about it.
Does admire their ‘keep your head down’ work ethic to their sports craft.
Since he’s always had Copy, he’s never really had to work that hard; unless it’s with the GOM or Serin.
Their dedication and spirit is something very attractive to him.
Makes an absolute scene at their matches. Brings banners. Blow horns. Has a ‘Go [Y/N]- cchi’ headband made.
Doesn’t mean to embarrass them. He’s just so excited and wants to show his support.
Appreciate that s/o comes to his games. Even if they cheer a little more quietly.
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jamesdeerest · 2 years
Hii! I am so glad you are back!! May I requests headcanon about sirius or james (you pick which one you want to do) falling in love with someone who has never dated someone and has trust and intimacy issues and how they would try to get the reader to be more comfortable and how they’d convince the reader to give it a chance? Thanks im advance
hi babe!! i picked james because i feel like he is such golden retriever energy and this is giving me black cat energy reader if you get me lol :D also bc i am a james hoe. i also have never dated anyone so this is very close to my heart hahaha
james with reader who's never dated anyone hcs (golden retriever x black cat vibes)
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i feel like when james first starts to be interested in you you are very oblivious. like have no clue whatsoever
you literally are like new friend :D great :)
then after some time passes, and he is very... involved, lets say, you're a bit suspicious?? why is this man talking to you so much?? he has been obsessed with miss evans for multiple years now??? is this just a tactic to make her jealous?? hmmmmmm
and you sort of pull away from james a little
not completely cut him off,, but just a little, to get some headspace you know, to figure out the situation
because this is all new to you
however if there is one thing mr james potter has not learnt from years of chasing after lily is how to give girls space
james sees you pulling away and LATCHES ON
like a leech
like whatever attention he was still giving to lily he like beams it all onto you
however you get a bit frazzled by this? its so much at once and you really don't want to be discarded in a couple weeks once lily misses the attention yk
so you pull away even further ! and james is sad :( this man is definition of golden retriever energy and he just has so much love to give and you're just so cool and and and
very hyper boy
so he gives you space. jamie understands he has to approach the situation differently.
this gives you time to think through things! and so after a week you approach him and sort of quietly talk things through
because as much as you were overwhelmed with all his attention focused on you, you do enjoy some of it. just in small doses :)
once jamie understands it was all a bit much but you do like him and you just want some reassurance he is THERE
'i like you a lot,, but i understand why you might be a bit nervous because of the whole lily situation? it is definitely over between me and her but i'm happy to take things slow ,, whatever you need i'm here :)'
soft jamie makes my heart go brrrrr
so you've been dating for a couple weeks, just doing low key dates in library and around the castle
you and jamie are hanging out in the gryffindor common room with his friends
the girls have come over as well
you and jamie are on the sofa, and he slides his hand into yours
normally you'd be fine, but you freeze up a bit, and drop his hand- you feel like there are so many eyes on you and its suffocating
he looks at you questioningly, but you ignore him and keep listening to everyone else speak
after everyone's cleared off to go to bed, james nudges you
'you okay?'
'yeah.. i just wasn't really comfortable with it around other people yet? i'm sorry .'
he nudges you again to get you to look at him
'don't apologise, sweetheart. i won't do it if you're not comfortable,, i just want to make you happy .'
you smile at him, and squeeze his hand
sweetest boy
a couple more weeks go by, and you guys are just taking it easy
one day at a time
james holds off on affection when you're in public
you notice him going to take your hand, and then catching himself and moving back
then, gryffindor wins against ravenclaw, and there's a big party in the common room
you've had a couple drinks, and are just a little bit more confident than usual
you see james in the corner talking to frank and marlene, sipping his drink, red and gold splashed over his cheeks mixing with the flush from the firewhiskey
literally ethereal
you finish your vodka/juice monster mix, take a deep breath, and walk over, hugging him from behind
he startles a bit, then sees you, and just softens
his eyes sparkle, and he tugs you closer, pressing a kiss to your hair, as he nods along to frank gesturing enthusiastically about the game
at least you think that's what frank is talking about
you couldn't really care at the moment
you're a bit too distracted with your golden boy :)
requests are open ! :)
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withahappyrefrain · 1 year
Venus and Jake are very much a one cat, one dog family. I get the vibe from Venus that she loves all animals, but she just vibes with cats better and Jake is so dog coded. Definitely one to get a pure bred golden retriever or bring home a stray. No in between.
So when he tells Venus "I'm ready for a new addition to our family."
Which of course screws with Venus a bit because she just got used to the idea of being known, and now he just expects her to say 'yes' to having a child???
"I was looking at some dog shelters-"
She definitely has to be the strong one while he's planning a jail break. "Jake, I'm sorry, but we can't take them all."
"V, we can just buy a house on a piece of land, it'll be the dream. They can roam free. Look at their faces..."
And all she sees is his eyes and pure white smile next to a chihuahua that's vibrating into the next dimension. "Don't do that."
"Got you to cave once. I can wear you down again. And I've got some adorable friends this time."
And when he finally does take one to a room so that way they can play with them for a bit, he definitely tells the dog "go to your mama." And venus will never admit to the way it made her feel.
Not a thot, but a th❤(gh)t
I love this th♥️ght!
Venus loves all animals, but is drawn to cats due to how independent and selective they are. She and Jake adopt another kitty and name them Pastrami. Pastrami and Rugelach instantly bond.
Jake grew up on a ranch, so he loves any and all animals. I see him and Bob bonding over that (I headcanon that Bob grew up on a farm in the Midwest).
Oh God, he would ask it that way.
"Jake, that's a huge commitment and we just got married, don't you think we need some time to settle?" Venus asks, trying not to lose her shit.
Jake just nods like it's no big deal, "I get that. But I was looking at some dog shelters-"
Venus doesn't listen to the rest of his sentence because she's just thinking oh thank God he's talking about animals.
More cuteness underneath
"We are starting with one dog Jake. Our townhouse isn't big enough-"
"We can just buy a house," Jake shrugs as he continues to pet the German Shepard who has made their home into Jake's lap.
"You seriously want to buy a house just to have more dogs?"
"Not just more dogs. Eventually," Jake's cheeks begin to turn red, "Kids too."
Venus is doing everything not to appear flustered, "Slow down cowboy. Let's focus on a dog today."
They find this pitbull terrier mix. She had puppies before, and now that her pups have been adopted, the shelter wants her to find her forever home. Her name is Nellie and Jake is already thinking of what Jewish food they can rename her.
"That means she'll be good with other dogs and kids," Jake points out.
They take Nellie/Bagel (Jake's idea) into the playroom. Bagel is very curious about Jake (it's his Golden Retriever energy), whereas Venus is more calm and gives Bagel some space so they don't get overwhelmed.
"Alright Bagel, go to your mama!" Jake points to Venus and all of a sudden, she feels her stomach fluttering and a warm feeling washing over her.
Bagel's eyes perk up and she immediately goes over to Venus, who stretches out an open hand to let her sniff.
They take Bagel home that day.
Six months later, Jake comes home carrying a little black Labrador puppy.
"Jacob Seresin, why do you have a dog?!" Venus asks. Bagel's tail is wagging as she waits at Jake's feet.
"They were running along the highway and I knew a big storm was coming! I couldn't just leave them out there!" Venus can't even get mad because the dog is super cute and Jake's actions are secretly making her melt.
They do take the dog to the shelter but no one comes first the sweet little thing. And after seeing Bagel take such good care of them, Jake and Venus really have no choice but to adopt Lox.
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