#he is falling behind and that saddens me. so we are spreading the good word
Okay everyone I have some Giant Rat propaganda on behalf of my friend (who has been rooting for him since the very moment i started this blog) so LISTEN UP:
The Giant Rat Who Makes All Of Da Rules is not getting enough love. My friend, the self proclaimed rat pope (10000x cooler than the human pope) is spreading the word of Giant Rat and implores you all to vote for the giant fuzzy war criminal himself. Perhaps this may help sway you?
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With hits such as We’re the Rats and Michael’s Birthday Mixtape, the Giant Rat could definitely fit in a band like Ghost
The bangers themselves can be heard here!
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lem0nshark-writes · 3 years
"The City of Ruins"
Thranduil x Male (elf) Reader
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Word count: 2344 Summary: Lost lovers reunite 🌙☄
Warnings: angst at first then fluff w/ smut later on, the begining of smut is marked tho so don't worry, reader's a bottom
🌙 ☄🌙 ☄🌙 ☄🌙 ☄🌙 ☄🌙 ☄🌙 ☄🌙 ☄
After the battle for Erebor you stayed behind in the city of Dale, it wasn't on your own accord, no. If it were up to you you would have returned to Mirkwood with your king, but you were banished from your home.
Such events came to be because you defied your king's orders to fall back and leave the dwarves to deal with orcs on their own. But you weren't gonna let your friends die, you weren't gonna let them fight on their own, even if it meant going against your king's will.
So you stayed behind, betrayed look on your king's face coming to haunt you more often than you'd like to admit. But you knew you did the right thing.
Many moons passed since the battle and you managed to fix yourself a home, it wasn't much, just a lower floor with a fireplace and a spot to lay on, but it's all you could muster up from the city in ruins.
You took it upon yourself to slowly clean and build around yourself, salvaging what you can of the city. And short trips to Laketown took care of your need for food and liquids.
It was a decent life, but terribly horribly lonely.
Your only friend being your thoughts and a bittersweet longing for your rín meleth*.
(*crowned love)
You feelings didn't come as surprise to you, they've been lingering for a while now but you've never acted on them, fearing he wouldn't feel the same and you'd cross a line. And besides, you were just a regular elf, no royalty, why would you ever be a match for him.
Dark stormy clouds gathered around the mountain and the city of Dale, heavy rain moments from being released.
You rushed to your small home in the heart of the city, arms full of twigs and branches, racing the time against the rain. And you made it in in the last second because just as you closed the door the sky came crashing down in big droplets.
You let out a sigh of relief and made your way to the fireplace, placing the newbrought wood at the side of it and started the night's fire. After making sure it's well lit and strong, you moved the remaining wood on the side for later.
You got up and took off unnecessary layers of clothes and your boots as the room started to fill up with warmth, setting them on their spot near the door.
Fixing your hair up in a messy bun you sat down on your bed and just as your were about to lay down for your daily rest, an unexpected knock on the door broke the comfortable silence mixed in with the crackling of the fire.
You looked up at the door and slowly got up, wondering who could it be as no guests announced themselves for the following days.
Creaking the door open your eyes widened in surprise. There in front of you, soaked in rain head to toe, stood none other than your ex king.
Your shock was soon pushed away by reminiscence of betrayal and old memories that came flooding your thoughts.
"How could you do that to me?.." pained expression pushed it's way through on kings face, trying to overcome the angry one that he tried so hard to keep.
"I already told you, but I guess you've gone deaf on your ears, I wouldn't and I won't let my friends die because you were too much of a coward to fight!" you started slow and calm but by the end of the sentence got louder and angrier, fire of the old argument rekindling fast.
"I am no coward! I did that to save the lives of our people! To save your life!" he growled back.
Anger gushed through your body but you said nothing, staring at his icy blue eyes.
"You might be-You maybe were my king, but my friends' lives are more important than your orders," you turned away, walking deeper into the house.
Thranduil followed, doors closing after him, and looked around a bit, feeling bad seeing how you lived since he threw you out of your home.
"You're so stubborn.." he sighed heavily, "What if something happened to you? What would I do then? What would I do without you??"
You turned around slightly and looked over at him. Worry of past events and what-ifs ridden across his face mixing with anger towards your stubbornness.
"You did just fine.." you muttered almost inaudibly, looking back away to hide your tears, old feelings starting to become too much.
He looked at you in shock for a few moments before regaining his ability to speak, "What… You think I enjoyed banishing you?? You think I enjoyed returning home without you and spending months an months with you nowhere in sight?? You think I like that?? .. When people ask me where you are?? .. Not seeing your face ever day??…"
"You think my soul isn't tearing into pieces without my meleth.." he looked at you, sadness twisting his face into a pained expression.
Your eyes widened at the last part and you turned around swiftly, standing there with your mouth agape for a few moments before speaking, " . . . Your meleth?.."
Thranduil's eyes widened a bit as well after he realized what he had said but then closed slowly as his expression melted into one of saddened agreement.
"You loved me?.." you asked softly.
He nodded, ". . . I still do.."
"Why didn't you say anything?.." you took a few steps towards the taller male, closing the gap between you two almost completely, and searched his eyes with your own.
"I feared you wouldn't feel the same.. and I couldn't bear the thought of losing you if that were true.." he finally gazed back at you.
"Silly king," you muttered through a slight smile forming on your face, " I loved you for hundreds of years, and I still do," you took his hands in yours and held them to your chest.
At your words his face lit up like forest in spring waking up from a long winter dream and he leaned I swiftly, locking his lips with yours, something he's been yearning to do for so long.
Without thinking you returned the kiss, wrapping your arms around him in a tight embrace and he did the same, his strong arms washing away all the worries and making you feel like the whole world around you disappeared.
"Return home with me my meleth, rule as a king by my side, let's never part again," he whispered into your neck.
Your lips spread into a warm smile as you gazed upon his eyes, "I'd like that very much."
((smut continuation from here on))
The two of you settled down on a crapet by the fireplace, setting your journey back to Mirkwood for tomorrow, when the storm hopefully calms down.
You forced the king to take off the outer layer of his clothes to put to dry by the fire and he undid his wet hair too, allowing it to dry easier on the warm air.
The two of you rested in each other's arms for a while, letting the fire warm you both up as you chatted exchanging some old stories and talks of your lingering feelings.
He smiled down at you, arms wrapped around your body as you rested your back against his chest. You looked up at him, returning the smile, "What?"
"Nothing. I just am wondering why we didn't confess sooner," he placed a warm kiss onto your jaw.
"Me too," your eyes instantly closed as he did that, "I guess we are two completely oblivious idiots," you added with a chuckle.
He let out a chuckle as well, "That we are." He grinned and kissed you deepy, passion spilling out from his lips.
You smiled into the kiss and returned just as passionately, cupping his cheeks in the process.
The bigger elf moved slightly, allowing your bodies to face each other, before wrapping his arms around you again.
The two of your kept on kissing, the kiss turning from slow and passionate to yearning and with a lot more tongue.
His hands started roaming your body and soon enough your vest was off, and shortly after your shirt too.
At the motion you parted your kiss and the two of you exchanged a knowing look. And just as quickly his lips were back on yours and your hands now undoing his top.
Once you won the battle with his shirt he moved his lips to your neck, tracing kisses and licks before the same turned into bites and sucks, leaving hickeys behind that ended up littering your neck and your chest.
You moaned on his actions, running your fingers through his hair and giving it a gentle thug on each bite he left on your soft skin.
He moved his attention to your lower stomach, leaving warm kisses there as he slipt your pants off with a single swift move.
You looked up at him, the two of you locking eyes, as you bit your lower lip. His gaze trailed around your body, taking in every bit of it, "Y/n.. you're beautiful.." he said, lust-laced desire dripping off his words.
The tone he spoke in made you shiver under his touch. He gave you a deep kiss and then proceeded to take his pants off too and soon enough both of yours undergarments followed.
He laid you down and got on top of you, kissing you deeply once again.
Your eyes stayed locked with his abs and, well, lower parts, being slightly taken aback by how good he looks.
He quickly caught up on your thoughts and smirked, making you in return blush like mad.
"Like what you see?" Thranduil smirked at his smaller lover who by the looks of it was about to burst into flames from the redness his cheeks reached caused by his words and that smug smirk Thranduil proudly wore.
He chuckled at his lover's sudden shyness and let his hand trail to his already errect memeber.
You gasped softly at the feel of his fingers on you and your eyes closed from pleasure, hand rushing to your mouth to silent the escaping moans.
Thranduil's hand reached for yours and moved it from your mouth, pinning it above your head, "I like your moans, don't hide them," he smirked and left kisses across your yaw and neck once again, as his hand worked magic bringing you all the way to the edge before abruptly stopping.
You looked up at him in wonder, unpleased and yearning for the pleasure to come back. He smirked softly at you and pulled you by your thighs closer to himself and his face went down.
You looked up at what he was up to and gasped in pleasure when you felt his slick tongue move against your hole. You fell back and your eyes rolled in sweetness as his tongue made it's way into you. It twisted and turned inside you, sending waves of pleasure all throughout your body, his hands squeezing your butt cheeks as they held onto them.
Once again you were on the edge of an orgasm and once again he pulled away just as you were about to reach it.
You whined slightly this time, pouting at his repeated action.
"Shhhhhh you'll like what comes next better-," he smirked at you and sat himself up again, grabbing at the sides of your thighs as he positioned himself at your now wet entrance.
You propped yourself up just enough to reach his lips and kiss him deeply, which he gladly returned, one of his hands reaching up to cup your cheek.
"Ready?" he smiled at you warmly as you two held your faces close to one another. You gave him a soft nod, bracing yourself for what's about to come.
He slowly started pushing in, giving you enough time in-between each little push to adjust to him in you, moans rolling off your tongue along with rugged breaths.
Once he was all the way inside you he kissed you deeply, distracting you from any lingering pain till it all melted away into burning pleasure.
Holding at your sides he slowly started moving his hips pushing his big length in and out of you, at first slowly before picking up the pace. Moans streamed out of both of your mouths mixed up with muffled breathing between kisses.
"Ahhhh hhhhhngggg…" moans left your mouth one after the other as he picked up the pace even more, hand back on your ass and squeezing it.
Your finger nails raked his back in pleasure causing him to moan your name out between paced breaths, "Y/n… ahhh-."
You moved your lips to his neck, leaving the tall elf an even bigger moaning mess as you left hickey upon hickey against his skin.
He slapped your ass in the moment as he pushed in even deeper, reaching that sweet sweet spot, making you moan his name out even louder than before. He picked up on that and started hitting that spot repeatedly with even greater strength making you melt completely underneath him.
He could tell you were very close and so was he, and with a few more strong thrusts both of you came hard, moaning each other's names and spilling, you on his and yours stomach and him inside of you.
Panting he brought himslef down and placed a loving kiss on your lips, exhausted with pleasure and still riding your orgasm you returned.
He gently pulled out and plopped down next to you, pulling you close into his warm embrace.
You two stayed like that for a while, hugging and unable to reach your breaths.
Once your breath returned to your lungs you snuggled up into his chest and kissed his yaw, "I love you my king."
He smiled down at you and hugged you tighter, placing a long kiss onto your lips, "I love you too meleth."
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Absurd ideas [Sirius Black x Reader]
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Title: Absurd ideas Pairing: Sirius Black x Female!Reader and Remus Lupin x Own Character Word count: 4.7k Published: 12 January 2021 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore  Notes: Not my best work, but I hope some of you will enjoy it. Summary: Sirius’ jealousy causes a misunderstanding which inevitably ends up with him getting worked up and everyone else being confused. Most of all you, when you realise he thinks he knows what you feel, but he couldn’t be farther from the truth. Bingo: [x] This is part of my Make me feel Bingo Card by @girl-next-door-writes​​
Square filled: Mutual Pinning
Harry Potter Characters Masterlist | Masterlists
Make me feel Bingo Masterlist
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it’s completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3
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You were seated in a room, rubbing your tired eyes on a bed that didn’t even belong to you. It wasn't just any room with any bed though. You were in the male dormitory of the Gryffindor House of Hogwarts, seated in the marauder's bedroom, specifically on Sirius Black's bed. Just like on every full moon, you waited for the boys impatiently, to make sure that they were in one piece as they arrived back from their wild adventures.
It was about 5am when the sun started to rise. You barely slept an hour or two, waking up almost every half an hour, concern and worry taking over you with a pinch of insomnia that you were used to on a daily basis. The boys should have been back already, but they took their sweet time, making you even more anxious, than you dared to admit. You took deep breaths to calm yourself down, just as the door opened with a loud thud hitting the wall behind it.
Looking at the entrance, you saw James first, holding up a barely conscious Remus, whose arm hung off his friend's shoulder, before you saw Sirius on his other side, helping James carrying the boy. You ran up to them and hurried them over to Remus' bed, wanting to check on the boy as soon as you could. They placed him on his bed as gently as they could and stood back, giving you just enough space. They stood silently with hunched backs, visible dark circles under their eyes and tired expressions across their face as they watched you.
You ran to the bathroom to fill up a bowl with lukewarm water and took a face cloth off the towel rack. You walked back to the room, balancing the water in your hands, the bowl wobbling unsteadily, splashing a bit of water on the floor. Silly you didn't bring your wand, so you had to improvise.
By the time you arrived back in the room, James and Sirius already undressed Remus and threw his clothes on the floor, on the other side of the bed.
You set the items down on the nightstand next to Remus and turned towards the other boys. Peter was already in bed, slightly snoring, which caused you to shake your head with a gentle smile. He must have been exhausted and you didn’t blame him for it. You couldn’t have imagined what they were going through each full moon, but from the stories you’ve heard and the state they always returned in, you understood most of it.
James was sitting on his bed, his back hunched, his neck hiding in between his shoulders, his face hidden behind his palms. The deep, tired sighs and the posture he took on screamed for a well-deserved rest, but the boy was restless until he knew his friend was safe.
Sirius however didn’t return to his side of the dorm. He was still standing next to Remus' bed with an exhausted expression, but more of a concern for his friend. He seemed to be the most worn out of all the boys, except for Remus. You knew he wouldn’t listen, but you wanted nothing but for them to finally rest.
"Sirius, Remus is going to be fine. So just go ahead and rest. Get some sleep," you told him as you nudged his shoulder, tilting your head towards his bed. “You too Mister, you need to recharge,” you pointed at James who let out a silent and exhausted laughter.
"It's fine, we have to take care of Remus,” Sirius turned back to you, but you had no intention of taking no for an answer. You got hold of his shoulder and started gently nudging him to his bed. He chuckled at your attempt, but you didn’t find it funny, not in the situation you were in. You pushed him down on his bed, in a sitting position and placed your hands on your hips, giving him a deadly glare.
"I get it, you are worried, but leave him to me. You need to sleep. It’s written all over your faces how exhausting tonight has been. So, please, just listen to me,” you didn’t wait for them to agree, you turned around and walked back to Remus. You started off by cleaning the injuries on his face first, before you continued with his arms and then legs as you crouched down next to his bed. Blood was still dripping from his body from some of the more serious injuries. He involuntarily hissed each time you cleaned an open wound and you apologised every time you caused him even more pain. You looked up at his face, feeling guilty for hurting him even more, but you knew it was necessary.
"It’s been very hard to handle him tonight. Even before sundown he said he felt anxious and restless," James spoke up as he took off his trousers and got comfortable in his bed.
"It's over now, so don't think about it, guys. Get some sleep and by the time you wake up, all of you will be just fine," you smiled gently as you continued to apply a cream on Remus' wounds that Madam Pomfrey gave to the boy. You were so focused on your task to take care of Remus, you couldn’t even sense a presence behind you.
"Thank you for helping us," you heard and turned around to meet the most beautiful grey eyes. Sirius leaned down to you, his long black locks falling into his face and hinted a small kiss on the top of your head.
"You don't have to thank me. I feel better knowing my friends are in good hands," you replied with a tender smile. "And now go to bed, before I force you myself," you laughed softly.
"Now that makes me want to stay and wait it out," he chuckled playfully as you pushed his chest away from you.
"Shush, just get some rest, Sirius," you smiled, shaking your head, before turning back to Remus to continue his treatment.
You stole Remus’ wand to perform a couple of easier healing spells to speed up his recovery, before placing it back on the nightstand beside him.
It took you only a couple of minutes to finish taking care of him, but by the time you were done, you could hear mixed sounds of snoring coming from all over the room. You smiled at the idyllic moment, giving you a certain warm feeling to be able to see one of the most important people in your life being so peaceful.
You looked up at Remus’ face, whose painful expression has finally disappeared and has become more relaxed, somewhat content. You sat on the floor, beside his bed and laid your head on the edge, feeling exhausted. You could barely keep your eyes open anymore and before you knew it, they closed on their own.
However, you didn't realise the saddened grey pair of eyes gazing at you, as you decided to stay by his friend's side. He didn't want to be jealous, especially not in a situation where he knew his friend needed you more, but your presence so close to someone else beside himself made him feel uneasy. He shook the thoughts off as soon as he could, feeling guilty about his own emotions and tried to sleep, rolling from left to right. Exhausting, he was more than ever, but sleep didn’t take him immediately. Your sleeping beside his friend didn’t let him rest.
He got out of his bed and picked up the blanket laying at the foot of his bed, before he walked behind you and gently placed the cover over your shoulders. You sniffled in your sleep and scrunched up your nose, making him smile at your adorable expression. He removed a loose piece of hair from your face, adoring your sleeping form, before he went back to his bed and finally fell asleep. Your adorable expression being the last thing he saw before he fell into slumber left a small smile across his face.
You were seated in the Gryffindor common room, legs hanging over the arm of your chair as you looked over to the sofa from time to time, ignoring the book in your hands. You didn’t necessarily want to eavesdrop, but you were in the same space, so you couldn’t pretend not to hear the conversation between Remus, Sirius and James.
"When are you going to tell her?" James asked Remus. The boy’s face turned red, heavily blushing under his friends’ intense gaze.
"Can we just leave this subject?" He asked frowning, clearly unhappy about the conversation his friend initiated.
"No, we can’t. It couldn’t be more obvious that you like her. You can't keep avoiding it," James shook his head, heaving a deep sigh.
"I am not avoiding it. I can't tell her," Remus whispered, but his tone seemed agitated.
"And why in Godric's name is that?" James pushed, being tired of the same conversation over and over again. You have heard about Remus’ crush before, it wasn’t anything new, but Remus always found a reason, a fault within him that he used as an excuse not to confess his feelings.
"Because I would risk her life. Even if I took the necessary precautions, how would I explain to her that I had to disappear on every full moon? It's just impossible, James," he replied, heaving a sigh in defeat. “And why would she even like me? It’s just a lost cause, guys, so let’s just forget it,” seeing his pain, you couldn't stop the apologetic expression from spreading across your face. You felt sorry for him, for not having enough confidence in himself, for thinking so lowly of his personality and looks. He was an amazing person and you just didn’t understand how he couldn’t see that.
Without your knowledge though, someone else realised the change in your demeanour. He thought he was over feeling uneasy about you and his friend’s relationship, but to see you being upset about his friend talking about another girl, made his heart clench. He didn’t want to admit how badly your reactions to Remus affected him, but he couldn’t ignore the pain in his chest whenever he caught your eyes focused on his friend. He felt guilty, he knew he shouldn’t have felt the way he did, but he couldn’t control his feelings.
He knew you felt empathetic towards his friend, he knew you had a very close friendship, but from his point of view, he thought your side of the friendship was beyond what you should feel for a friend. He felt as if you were closer to his friend as if he was only second on an invisible list. He was hurt by the realisation that he came to find. That maybe, just maybe, you had feelings for his friend.
"Hi Remus,” a blonde girl walked down the stairs of the female dormitory, heading towards the exit of the Gryffindor common room with a shy smile across her face, eyes focused only on Remus. “Hey, guys,” she quickly added as she realised they weren’t the only one in the room.
"Hi Jane." Remus replied with a slight blush, watching as the girl offered him a soft smile.
"And there it is again," James quipped in as the girl left. He threw his hands in the air, worked up about his friend’s obliviousness. You giggled at the dramatic moment, finding James’ reaction funny. "Just do something already. She barely even realised our existence,” James groaned playfully, but before Remus could have replied, you interrupted.
"Let’s say that I know if she likes you or not. Would that change anything?” you asked as three pairs of curious eyes focused on you.
“Yes, it would,” James replied, making you giggle.
“I asked Remus,” you shook your head playfully.
“It wouldn’t change the fact that I have a couple of problems on my own,” he grimaced, clearly repeating all his faults in his head over and over again.
“You deserve happiness, Remus. We accepted your furry little problem, we love you the way you are. Do you really think no one else can accept that?” you raised a questioning brow, waiting for a reply, which never came. “So, would it change anything if you knew how she felt?” you pushed his buttons.
“Maybe- I think so-“ his unsure answer didn’t convince you, but the fact that he didn’t give you a straight up no, was a positive step ahead for you.
“Well, if it helps, she likes you,” a tender smile spread across your face as the words left your lips.
"As if," Remus shook his head with a gloomy whisper, once again trying to write himself down.
"Oh, I might have misunderstood the love letter she wrote you a couple of days ago. My bad," you shrugged acting as if it was your fault, trying to lift the negative mood.
"Wait what?" Remus looked at you in disbelief.
"Oh, now you care, huh?" you chuckled at his sudden interest.
"I mean..." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. You placed your hand in the pocket of your robe and pulled out a green envelope. You might have accidentally stolen the letter from your shared room, before Jane could have realised that it was undelivered. You weren’t necessarily friends, but she did ask you about Remus most of the time and you had quite pleasant conversations at times.
“It’s here,” you held the envelope in the air, between your index and middle finger, looking at it as if it was the most interesting object you have ever seen. Remus furrowed his brows looking at the letter, clearly concerned.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea. I shouldn’t open it unless she gives it to me,” he argued, but you just shook your head.
“I would agree, if she didn’t send this letter already. You see, technically she sent this letter to you 2 days ago and she thinks you already got it. But when her owl brought it back undelivered, she was out of the room, so I took the envelope from her owl. It, kind of skipped my mind until now,” you explained, trying to reassure him. He debated his options, before he jumped up from the couch, grabbed the letter out of your hand and ran upstairs. You chuckled at his eager behaviour which grew into a laughter as a curious James followed Remus up the stairs.
"Why would you do that?" Sirius asked, shaking his head, which made you confused.
"What do you mean?" you asked, trying to understand your friend. "I want him to be happy," you chuckled as you walked up to the couch he was seated on and sat down beside him.
"Isn't it painful?" he frowned, which caused you to return his expression, feeling as if you were supposed to know about something that you didn’t.
"Why would it be? I don't understand you Sirius," you shook your head. “Hey, what are you on about?” you tried again, but instead of talking Sirius seemed as if he was in pain. You threw your arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug, one that he has not given you for a while.
He has been rather distant, and you didn’t know how to interpret his behaviour. The boy was the closest to your heart, you could always share everything with him. If you were down and needed a shoulder to cry on, he was there. If you were excited and happy, having the best day of your life, he was the one who was beside you, enjoying your happiness first-hand.
He hid his face in the crook of your neck, pulling you closer to him, enjoying your warm embrace. He wished he could hug you more often, but it hurt him to think he was just a replacement instead of his friend.
“Hey, Sirius, talk to me,” you tried again to understand what was going on in his mind, but he just shook his head and heaved a heavy sigh. You kept running your hands through his soft hair, soothing the boy. “You know you can talk to me about anything, right?” you asked, which he responded to with a nod.
"Just forget it. Don’t mind me,” he spoke as he let go of your embrace and leaned back. “I was talking nonsense,” he smiled at you, but you could see through it. It wasn’t a genuine, happy smile; it was phony and forced. “I will go and check up on the boys,” he said and after placing a small kiss on the top of your head, he walked over to the stairs leading up to the male dormitory and disappeared behind the wall, leaving you with an utterly confused expression.
You have had a crush on Sirius for as long as you could remember and the thought of him distancing himself from you hurt. He was the only person you felt accepted you with all your faults and weaknesses, even more so than your friends and to think he was pushing you away felt like a stab in your chest.
Days passed by and Sirius' unusual behaviour didn't stop.
Remus and Jane finally started dating and you couldn't have been happier for them. Remus decided to push his worries aside, give it a go and experience love. What he didn’t expect was to feel content, relaxed, recharged as if he was always in a happy bubble. You were proud of him for choosing happiness.
However, as much as you wanted to see the new couple and sit down with them, have a fun little conversation, tease them a bit about being so oblivious to each other’s feelings, you didn't have much opportunity to do so. Sirius made it his mission to drag you away from the couple every single time you were in the same place or anywhere near them.
Whilst you loved spending time with Sirius, his usually slightly cocky and playful behaviour became dull and mostly upset. You tried to talk to him about it, but he didn’t give in. He always tried to shake you off with a ‘whatever’, ‘never mind’ or ‘doesn’t matter’. As if he was incapable of opening up to you. Which has never happened before.
You were sitting beside the Black lake, leaning against the trunk of a tree with Sirius next to you and the happy couple cuddled up to each other in front of you. It could have been a romantic little double date if you dared to confess your feelings for Sirius and if he didn’t wear that dark, dissatisfied expression of his.
Sirius sat beside you with a book in his hands, which in itself made you feel strange. Not that you had a problem with him reading, it was just a slightly unusual sight to see.
You leaned your head on his shoulder and looked up at him, wandering your gaze over his long, dark lashes, plump pink lips and unusual frown in between his brows. He was a beautiful man, but as much as you wished to be able to look at him as a friend, you just couldn’t.
Occasionally you caught his gaze wondering to Remus and Jane with his frown growing deeper, his jaw clenching as if the happy couple disturbed him in some sort of way.
"Is everything okay?" you asked him, lifting your head, placing your palms on his shoulder and crossing your fingers, laying your chin on the top of your hands. "You seem troubled," you concluded.  
"I'm fine," he replied, shaking his head, once again looking at the couple as they giggled happily about something. "Are you okay?" he asked as he looked into your eyes, as if he was trying to read you. You nodded in reply, a small smile spread across your face, feeling happy about being so close to him once again. You turned towards Remus and Jane, their happiness making you feel even more content.
"I'm all good," you replied looking back at his handsome features. His eyes however left you once again as the couple chuckled at something funny.
"Can you stop?" he growled in anger, causing you to pull back from your position, your eyes wandering between him and Remus. Jane and Remus looked just as confused as you, unable to understand Sirius’ problem.
"What is wrong with you?" Remus asked, but Sirius shook his head.
"You! I’m just fed up with you!” he groaned, clearly agitated. “Can’t you see how much pain and suffering you’re causing?" he hissed in anger. You’ve never seen Sirius act in such manner with his friends and from what you could read off Remus’ face, he was unfamiliar with this side of him too. Sirius seemed to be disappointed in his friend, which further confused you all. You looked at Remus, who also glanced at you, but both of you seemed to be clueless about what he was talking about.  
"Who is suffering because of me?" Remus asked, trying to understand his friend.
"You really are dumb, mate," Sirius retorted. "You’re cuddling your little girlfriend, while Y/n is suffering because of your ignorant behaviour," Sirius gestured towards you, causing your eyes to widen in surprise. “You should feel ashamed. How oblivious can you be? How long are you going to keep hurting her?” you were lost by his words. You had no idea what was going on and by the look on Remus' face, he was as confused as you.
"Wait, me? Am I suffering?" you interrupted your fuming friend.
"Don’t act like you know nothing. I understand you didn’t want to tell him about your feelings, but I can’t watch you being hurt over and over again, whilst he is cuddling with his new girlfriend,” he replied as if he knew your feelings more than you did yourself.
"Oh..." your eyes grew wider at the realisation, before you turned to Remus, whose facial expression changed and soon started laughing at the scenario. You didn’t mean to join him, but in the end, you couldn’t stop giggling about Sirius' absurd thoughts, leaving the boy with a dumbfounded expression.
As soon as the laughter died down, Remus stood up, gently pulling Jane into a standing position beside him and turned to you with a determined expression. "I think now it's your turn to clear things up," Remus offered you an apologetic smile and left you behind with a frowning Sirius.
You silently sat beside each other for a good few minutes, before you gathered the courage to finally open your mouth and talk. "Why would you think that I like Remus? How did you end up with such an absurd idea?" you asked as you turned your whole body towards him, playing with the grass under you, fearing to establish eye contact.
"Well, you seemed different around him," he answered, but you could still hear in the tone of his voice that he didn't understand what was going on.
“What do you mean?” you tilted your head in confusion.
“When we were talking about Moony and Jane in the common room and he talked about his crush on Jane, you seemed so upset,” he attempted to explain.
“You are going to have to be more specific. It was a quite common occurrence that we talked about Remus and Jane in the common room,” you raised a questioning brow.
“When you gave him the letter,” he added.
“Oh,” you paused for a second to recall what he could have misunderstood, when it finally all clicked in. “Wait, is about me getting upset, when he said he didn’t deserve to be loved?” you asked with wide eyes as if everything finally made sense.
“Exactly. I saw how upset you were and that’s why I asked why you decided to give him the letter,” he explained. As if the weight fell off your shoulder, a wide grin appeared across your face as you massaged your temple.
“Sirius, you can be really daft sometimes,” you chuckled. “I don’t like Remus like that. He is like a brother to me. I was upset, because every time he talks about himself, he doesn’t seem to see his good qualities, only his flaws, his problems. It upset me,” you shook your head and offered a tender smile to Sirius as you leaned closer and pulled him into a hug. “You owe him an apology,” you chuckled as he scrunched up his nose. “Thank you for worrying about me, Sirius, but it’s honestly not what you thought,” you added, pulling away.
"So, then you don't like him?" he asked, waiting for further reassurance.
"No, I like someone else," you answered emotionless, waiting for his reaction.
"Oh-" he breathed with a heavy tone.
"You seem disappointed. Should I like Remus?" you teased with an innocent look.
"No!" he replied way too quickly. As you connected the dots and realised Sirius might just feel something for you, you decided to push his buttons.
"Do you maybe want to know who I like?" you asked with a fake curiosity, playing your part. He didn't know how to reply and for the first time you saw him searching for words. He wanted you to be happy, to be loved, to be treated like the most precious person, but he didn't want to see, didn't want to hear about you getting close to someone else beside him.
"Erm-“ he was not the cocky Sirius anymore. He wasn't as confident as he usually acted and Godric knows how much you enjoyed the situation.
"Maybe I should ask him out," you said more to yourself and stood up, wearing a determined expression. Before you could have even taken a step, Sirius jumped up from his place and got hold of your wrist, pulling you flush against his chest. His sudden attack surprised you, but you certainly didn’t complain. You enjoyed being close to him and you were somewhat glad to be in such proximity with him.
"No," he whispered, looking at your face, his breath fanning your lips, slightly tickling you. “I don’t want to see you with anyone else, but me,” he confessed, but from the blank expression across his face, you weren’t sure if he realised his own words. The only thing he seemed to be concentrating on were your lips and you certainly found his just as intriguing.
"Are you sure you don't want me to ask him out?" you smiled softly, your voice hitching as he pulled you impossibly close to him, his lips almost touching yours.
"No- Wasn't I clear enough?" he asked, seemingly defeated.
"I think you would be really happy if I asked him out," you added, crossing your arms behind his neck, completely confusing him with your actions as a deep frown grew across his brows. You silently giggled at his expression, before you gave him the last push. "Would you like to go out with me, Sirius?" you asked, placing a small peck on his lips, but he didn't react, his initial shock leaving him frozen. His eyes were wide open, his jaw hung low, his lips parted in disbelief. "Should I perhaps take that as a no?" you raised a questioning brow as you ran your fingers through his soft hair.
"You’re such a tease," he exhaled finally as a small smirk spread across his handsome and relieved face. His eyes wandered down to your lips, gazing at your mouth for an impossibly long time, before attaching his lips to yours while running his hands along the small of your back, pulling you closer. You chuckled into the kiss welcoming his usual confidence back, missing his cockiness. However, before you could have even given yourself into the kiss, Sirius pulled away and with a swift movement grabbed you under your butt and threw you over his shoulder, making you squeal.
"Hey, put me down, it's not fair," you started hitting his back, but he didn't budge.
"Your little game wasn't either," he grinned, slapping your butt as he walked towards the castle with your swearing form hanging over his shoulder. "By the way, yes I would love to go out with you," he added, making you grin at his reply. Although you were cursing him, hitting him, kicking him wherever you could and as much as you could, you were still the happiest person and even the fact that you were hanging upside down couldn’t ruin it.
Notes: If you enjoyed reading this little piece, please don’t forget to leave a like, comment and/or reblog. Your opinion matters and gives us motivation. Thank you ^^
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hellotherekenobi · 3 years
───flowers in the sun.
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summary: you know fandral well enough to know how much of a flirt he is, but when he asks you to join him on a picnic one day, it turns out he has a reason behind it all with you.
a/n: dedicated to the one and only @megmeg-chan for fueling my daydreams of this man. this goes out to all my fandral lovers out there. i respect you. song i listened to while writing: flowers by in love with a ghost.
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Days like today were always lovely, where the sun shining made everything gleam and sparkle and the breeze were gentle, not too cold but just the perfect temperature. Of course, days like today were always lovely when they’re spent with someone equally as such, but perhaps that’s why he was given the name “dashing.” You weren’t always that interested in him, nor the warriors three, but he slipped through the cracks and you didn’t put up much of a fight once you realized how far you had fallen for him—and who could say no to a picnic out in the Asgardian fields with Fandral, anyhow?
When he had asked you earlier today, you weren’t expecting much but as soon as you had seen the spread—fruit baskets and crystal glasses, a fine linen blanket with golden patterns etched into the fabric—you knew that, once again, he managed to slip further past the cracks you’ve never bothered patching up, and probably never will with him being so close to your heart already.
“These are delicious,” the strawberry in your hand drips down your finger as you wipe your lips.
Fandral chuckles, leaning his head further back to close his eyes up at the sun, resting on one hand where he lays. “I made sure to get only the best for you, darling.”
You don’t react to the nickname, having heard that from his lips countless times before directed at many a fair maiden. “I can tell, with all the food you packed. Must have taken some convincing to sneak this out of the palace.”
“Oh no,” he smiles, tilting his head to look at you. “Not at all, my dear. Only so much convincing for you to join me.”
You smile, wiping the strawberry juice off of your hands with one of the serviettes packed. “I’ve never taken you for the picnic type.”
“Well, what is it they say? A moment is only as good as the people you spend it with.”
“And this moment?” You tease, leaning on your elbow closer to him. “How good is it?”
He doesn’t hesitate to say, “Far greater than any I’ve spent before.”
It makes you smile, looking down at your lap as you fiddle with the serviette in your hands. The confidence in his words could make anyone swoon, but you’ve always been more hopeless than hopeful as a romantic for him. Yet you still cling to it, smiling wider and letting out a chuckle, looking up again.
“Always such a charmer.”
He nods in agreement, pursing his lips slightly as he grabs his glass for another sip. There’s a moment of silence between you two, where you simply sit basking in the sun and listening to the rustling of the flowers amongst the grass as the wind blows gentle and cool. Fandral was right about moments, since this one wouldn’t be as pleasant if he weren’t beside you, but you are still wondering why you’re with him here to begin with—not that you’re complaining but time spent with Fandral was always giddy at most, throwing quips each other’s way and believing his flirts to be mere fun. Hopeless not hopeful, you remind yourself.
“When are you leaving?” you ask finally, seeing as the question was danced around before the food was even brought out.
He sighs, something tired. “Tonight.”
“And you’ll be gone for...?”
“I don’t know—” he sits up—“I’m hoping no more than a month, should everything go to plan. These things don’t usually turn out that way, however.”
You hum in agreement, knowing how long his last campaign with the warriors had been—and how you waited to see him ride back home almost everyday. “I thought you enjoyed fighting battles? I hear so many stories.”
“All in truth, I assure you.” he wags a finger for emphasis. “But when I go, I’ll miss moments like these. I’ll miss you.”
Your cheeks burn by his words. “You won’t have any time to miss me.”
He shakes his head. “I’ll think of you always.”
Hopeless. Remember it. He’s a natural born flirt, and a good one at that, but this doesn’t mean anything to him. You keep telling yourself that but the more you do, the more you think differently. Or maybe you’re just trying to deny what he might feel because of the way you feel. Cutting your thoughts short before you lose yourself, you lean over to pluck a flower from the field, twirling it in your hands to have something other than the serviette to fiddle with in the hopes that Fandral won’t notice how nervous you are. He doesn’t leave the topic unfinished, though.
“That is why I asked you to join me here. If I’m to leave tonight, I want you to be the last person I spend my day with.”
“I know,” he chuckles lightly. “Everything will be alright. I know that more than anything.”
“Because of your bravery or your silver tongue?” you joke, expecting a laugh from him but only getting a smile.
“Because I have something worth fighting for.”
“What is that?”
You think you know the answer already, most likely for Asgard or his companions—something noble—yet you don’t expect his answer when he leans over to take the flower from your fingers, twirling it once before he fastens it behind your ear, looking at you softly to say, “You.”
It’s said so sincerely that you do nothing but stare at him, watching for a furrow in his brow or the crease in his smile to tell you that he was only fooling, but he just continues to look at you, something so genuine and intimate that it could tip you over if his hand weren’t still by your ear and gently brushing along your cheek.
You don’t know what to say, so you change the topic. “Does it look alright?”
It almost takes him a moment, but he doesn’t even look at the flower, instead staring so wistfully at you that you can feel his gaze, noticing the way his eyes flicker between your own and he swallows the clearing of his throat. “Yes, well... you are always beautiful.”
You can feel your heart racing against your chest, you’re scared it might rip right through the skin. What could you reply with that won’t end in a stutter? He’s captured your heart, though you try to deny it, and maybe now you’re about ready to tear down the wall after all these years. But even when his fingers brush along your jaw so tenderly, working their way to your chin, you need more before you can let him in completely.
“I need to know,” you say so quiet like the breeze, placing your hand on top of his to still his movements. He looks at you with those swimmable eyes of his, brows furrowed in a way that makes him look like he’s been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “All of this... how you are with me... is it anything more than just Fandral the Dashing?”
He leans back slightly, like your words had shoved him backward. The look on his face changes to disbelief but so fractionally, so soft-hearted, that you could almost think he was saddened.
“Do you truly believe I have no feelings for you?” he waits for you to tell him he’s wrong, that all this time you’ve known, and when you remain silent he says, “All that I do for you, it’s all of me. Every word I speak, every touch I give, it’s a reflection of how much I care for you. My dear, I have loved you ever since we were young.”
For as long as you can remember, you have wanted to hear those words from him. Every moment you spent wondering ‘what if?’ has come to a standstill, telling you so clearly that all your doubts were for nothing. Fandral loves you, but more than that he has loved you for the beginning. It’s so much to take in that you sit there, frozen, balancing on the edge of happiness and surprise, your thoughts being too loud for you to even choose how to outwardly react.
He’s known you for so long and chuckles breathlessly when you make no move, knowing how many words must be swirling inside your head. “Must I prove myself once more for you?” His thumb rubs gently at your chin as he leans closer, smiling when he notices the way you hold your breath. “Very well.”
You can’t think to close your eyes when he leans just that much closer and presses his lips to yours—the feeling alone being too good to be true, you have to make sure you’re not dreaming. Then just as softly, all at once, you fall into him. The wall comes crumbling down as you close your eyes and kiss him back, your hand reaching out to hold onto his shirt so that this moment doesn’t drift away from you. He smiles against your lips, tilting his head to kiss you deeper and feel you press against him. As he wraps his arms around you, he begins to peck kisses along your jaw, beneath your earlobe, and scattering featherlight kisses along your neck just to hear you laugh as you squirm in his arms.
“You laugh so sweetly, I might have to kiss you more just to hear it.” he has the biggest smile on his face as he speaks, leaning in close to bump his nose against yours. You giggle as you push him back lightly, hearing him chuckle along with you. “I’ll take the sound with me until I come back home to you.”
can i get an uwu in the chat: @moonlight-prose @rebelledjester @aw--heck @americancowgirl19 @xxpoptarts @alwayssleepingforreal @awesomeri14 @karedevil4ever
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yelena-bellova · 3 years
Safe Haven: tftaws!Bucky Barnes x fem!reader - Chapter Eleven (final chapter)
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chapter ten - Chapter Eleven: Safe Haven
Series Masterlist
Plot: Y/n and Bucky enjoy their time off in Brooklyn and make decisions about their future.
Warnings: FLUFF, very little angst for once, talk of torture, reference to suicide, open ended plot twist that I'm not sorry for...all the fluff, seriously...
Word Count: 7.3k
A/N: Here we are...part of the journey is the end, and we've arrived. Even though there's another a/n at the bottom (with an important announcement so don't tap out too soon) I want to iterate just how thankful I am for the response I got on this series. I had the most amazing time writing it and loved getting to meet and connect with so many of you through it. ENJOY!!
It had taken all the strength Bucky had in his soul to knock three times on Yori’s door. He didn’t know what reserve he had had to tap into to actually make his long-hidden confession but once the words had fallen from his lips, he felt both freed and all the more burdened. Watching his friend’s eyes become overtaken by heartbreak, the desperate, confused utterance of ‘why…?’ By the end, Yori wouldn’t even look at Bucky. Bucky didn’t blame him, he was surprised that the man wasn’t yelling him out of his apartment. Instead, he calmly told Bucky to leave, surely holding back the majority of his emotions until he was by himself. The door shut on their friendship and Bucky was by himself on the other side of the door once again, drawing the shaky breath he’d held while he was inside Yori’s place. Out of every person he’d gone to see, every heart he’d had to crush, this one had hurt the most. In the dauntingly long hallway, his eyes sought out the gift the universe had given him, so undeservingly.
His guiding light.
Bathed in the blue light that flooded through the dirty windows of the aged building, Y/n stared down at her feet as she paced. For as open as they’d become with one another, Bucky found himself unable to ask her to accompany him to his last opportunity to make amends. The two of them had become so skilled at reading each other that with one look in his saddened eyes, Y/n had squeezed her phone into the pocket of her jeans and stood by the door waiting for him to ready himself. Bucky was starting to make peace with his past, but he still didn’t know what he had done in his wretched life to have such an angel in his life.
“Hey,” she greeted soothingly, turning to face Bucky as he approached her, “How’d it go?” Bucky wasn’t ready to speak yet, he wasn’t even sure how he could describe what had just transpired. He simply sighed and allowed Y/n to wrap him in her arms in the embrace that was quickly becoming his favorite place to be.
As I woke with a groan, stretching my arms over my head, I was immediately aware that one side of the bed was cold. I blindly reached a hand over and felt around for Bucky’s missing body, sitting up when my search was unsuccessful. I blearily scanned the bedroom, our suits laying in a pile that had been kicked to the corner of the desolately furnished room. The few articles of clothing I had gone to the nearest department store and purchased for my impromptu stay in New York still lay folded on top of Bucky’s dresser. It didn’t dawn on me until that moment that I was beginning to spread across Bucky’s apartment without even trying.
It had been four days since the Flag Smasher’s final stand and while the world may have been spinning, mine had never been more steady. Bucky and I hadn’t left his apartment for more than running necessary errands. Other than that we’d spent the time enjoying our slice of domestic heaven learning about one another. I had discovered that Bucky was a good cook but only when it came to breakfast food. He had found out that I needed to sleep with the windows opened slightly for background noise. I had learned that his Spotify consisted strictly of music from the ’40’s and nothing else, contrary to what he’d told Sam about diving into Marvin Gaye’s discography. He’d learned that I got cold easily which led to both me stealing his hoodies and being on the receiving end of many bear hugs. We could tell what the other would do in combat or how they’d handle a concerning matter, but it was finding out the little things about James Buchanan Barnes that made me fall a little bit harder for him with each revelation.
The unlocking and opening of the door followed by quiet footsteps alerted me to his presence. I heard a few muffled noises before the floorboards outside the bedroom creaked, the door opening directly after. Bucky was careful and nearly silent as he came into the room until he saw that my eyes were open. We shared a lazy smile as he approached the bed.
“Did I wake you up?” he asked.
I shook my head in reply, he came to kneel at my side of the bed and pulled the hand he’d hidden behind his back out revealing a bouquet of daisies. “Just when I thought you couldn’t get any cuter,” I chuckled, reaching out to grab the bouquet, “I don’t think anyone’s ever bought me flowers.”
“That’s a crime,” Bucky said as he stood up, shedding his leather jacket as he walked around the bed, “In my time, you always brought a girl flowers on the first date. It was just what you did.”
“I guess we can consider my little extended stay a first date,” I dipped my nose down to smell the flowers, “Although I’m pretty sure in your time you wouldn’t allow a girl into your bed so soon.” Bucky snickered to himself, “A gentleman would never let a lady sleep on the floor. And selfishly,” he tugged his second layer, a grey long sleeved shirt off over his head, and looked down on me lovingly, “I sleep better with you here.”
It was true. He’d told me how he’d only used the bed once since he’d moved in, having slept on the floor instead. I was familiar with the phenomenon, Sam had gone through the same thing when he’d returned from the service. I’d told him that if he had a nightmare and needed to move out to his living room, I’d join him with no hesitations. Shockingly, it hadn’t happened yet and we’d slept in a peaceful tangle of limbs each night that I’d been with him.
Kicking off his boots, he slipped under the duvet and sat up against the headboard, looking over at me and patting his jean clad thigh. I set the flowers down and crawled over to him, sinking down onto his lap and sliding my hands around his neck.
“I like this,” he complimented me with a smirk, tugging at the material of his henley that I was wearing, “Looks better on you than it ever would on me.” “Clearly you’ve never seen you,” I scoffed, I’d also learned that the man had no idea just how attractive he was, “What were you off doing?” “Grocery store,” Bucky answered, gesturing to the sidelined bouquet, “Florist. Dr. Raynor’s office…” “Oh, I didn’t know you had a session this morning.”
Bucky took a deep breath, his hands firmly secured around my waist and his thumbs rubbing at my hips. “I didn’t,” he answered, “I, uh, I crossed off all the names in my book. Thought I’d drop by and let her know.” I gave a breathy laugh, “All of them?” He nodded, “All of them.” Surprised and proud, I placed my hands on his cheeks and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips. “I never doubted you for a second” I said softly, our lips almost touching, “I’m proud of you.”
Bucky gave a small smile, not yet ready to take as much pride as I could in his recovery. I could tell that he was lighter, while his personality was silent and stoic there wasn’t as much sadness lurking beneath it. To those who knew him, the difference in his behavior was visible. The days that I’d been in New York were the happiest I’d seen Bucky since I’d known him.
“So…” I sighed, my hands sliding down to his shoulders, “No more therapy sessions, no more battles to be fought…What do we do now?”
The dreaded question that we’d been avoiding since we’d isolated ourselves from the outside world. There was no doubt as to whether or not I wanted to make it work between Bucky and I, but we hadn’t even discussed what “it” was. What should have unfolded over the course of a couple months had happened as a crash course over two weeks. I didn’t regret it, I just needed to know where Bucky’s head was at regarding our future. “Look,” Bucky averted his gaze downwards, “I’m not…I haven’t done this in a long time and I can’t promise that I’m gonna be good at it. I can’t even promise that I’ll know what I’m doing some of the time. But,” he shyly raised his eyes to meet mine, “I want this. I want you.”
His earnestness was so genuine, I thought my heart might burst from the emotion in his ocean blue eyes. “Bucky, I don’t want perfect,” I said, “And I’m pretty sure that a 106 year old with a robotic arm and a girl who can fly using blue energy from inside her wouldn’t even know what to do with perfect,” I earned a single laugh out of him, “Whatever we have right now, that’s what I want. I want to fight with you by my side and make a difference in the world, then I want to come home with you and teach you to cook something other than pancakes.”
He furrowed his brow, “What do you got against my pancakes?”
“My point is,” I giggled, my hands drifting back up to each side of his neck, “I want you exactly as you are. I haven’t done this in a long time either, I thought that after my dad died I was too broken to ever let myself be happy like this and you know that I’m coming in with more baggage than before. You’re not the only one who doesn’t know what they’re doing. But there’s nobody else I’d rather figure this out with than you.”
The long stare he gave me was reminiscent of the first moment we’d been alone together, standing before the 200 foot drop in Munich. It was the first moment I’d appreciated his beauty, maybe it was the first seed planted in what was now a full-blown relationship in the making. This time, instead of sassing me with those hardened, slightly amused eyes, he surged forward and kissed me, cradling the back of my head in his Vibranium palm. I returned the kiss with just as much fervor, gripping the tight blue t-shirt tightly in my fists. Unlike the kisses we’d shared at 1AM in the kitchen of my house, this one carried a different weight. It was a promise of a future. Movie nights introducing Bucky to the classics that he’d missed. Lazy mornings in bed turned passionate as our bodies surrendered to one another. Protecting each other on whatever battlefields we’d inevitably end up on. Frustrating fights over something we’d inevitably admit was stupid to argue over. Whispering soothing affirmations to help Bucky come down from a violent nightmare. I could taste it all, the good and the bad, in that one kiss and I wanted every bit of it.
“Two weeks…” I said after we’d parted, shaking my head in amazement and laughing, “That’s all it took.” “Crazier things have happened,” Bucky reassured me with a smile, running his hands up and down my back, “My folks always said they knew in a week and they were together for almost forty years.” I bushed my lips against his softly, basking in the euphoria of knowing that the two of us belonged wholly to one another. To think that I’d been willing to throw all of it away mere days ago, I was ready to deprive myself and Bucky of the love we’d craved all our lives. I thanked God that my resolve to stay away had weakened long enough to let Bucky in because now, wrapped in his strong arms with his lips begging for a deeper kiss, I knew that I had something truly spectacular in my hands.
“Well, since this is official,” Bucky said, a little breathless, “There’s something you should have.” He took his hands off of my body and reached behind his neck, pulling off one of his dog tags. Understanding what he was doing and the significance of it, I moved my head to allow him to place the necklace over it, the cold metal of the ball chain settling against my neck. The tag fell between my breasts, I picked it up and read Bucky’s name, his service number, the name of his sister, their address and his birth place. He’d given me, a part of his future, a piece of his history.
“Bucky…” I whispered, not trusting my voice enough to come out steady.
“A lot of soldiers gave one of them to their girls before they shipped out,” he recalled, watching me examine the piece of metal, “At least I know if I ever do ship out anywhere, you’ll be with me.” I bit my lip and smiled, looking up at him with misty eyes. When the first tear fell down my cheek, Bucky was quick to wipe it away and did so with a smile of his own. After all the pain we’d both suffered through in life, we were finally allowed tenderness. Our hearts were scarred, our bodies worn, but no amount of trauma could lay a hand on the way we felt about one another. There’d be many more fights, some with forces bigger than the ones we’d spent the last two weeks taking a stand against. But at the end of the day, I had Bucky, my safe haven to come back to.
“It’s getting late,” I observed after a few minutes of sweet silence, the morning hours were slipping away from us, “Are you hungry? I can make us something.” “Yeah, but,” Bucky’s hands found my arms and he rubbed his palms against them, “Let’s stay here just a little while longer…”
A grin spread across my face, one that I was finding only Bucky could bring out in me. “Okay,” I replied, settling my face in the crook of his neck and resting against his chest, the only place I wanted to be.
“You ready, Barnes?” “I’m ready.” “This is the most dangerous mission we’re ever going to face.” “I wouldn’t have come if I couldn’t handle it.” “Then why are you sweating?” “I’m not…sweating.” “Well, at least I know you’ll never lie to me. You suck at it,” I smirked just before smoothing out the shoulders of his jacket, “Follow my lead, you’ll be fine.”
Bucky blew out a breath, his cheeks loosing their puff as he exhaled, “Here goes nothing…” I gave three sharp knocks on the door before entering, seeing the familiar face waiting in a chair by the window. “Hey, Mama…” My mother smiled deeply at the sight of her daughter, alive before her. “Baby,” she whispered as she slowly rose to embrace me, “Oh, you’re here.” “I’m here,” I smiled, trying to fight the tears threatening to fill my eyes. My mother had been my first call after the battle in New York, realizing that my face was flashing across every news channel in the country alongside Sam and Bucky. This was the first time I’d seen her since before I’d left Louisiana with Sam.
“And you brought someone?” she asked over my shoulder, pulling away to wipe her cheeks.
“I did,” I turned around and looped my arm through Bucky’s, who was looking vaguely nauseous, “Mom, this is James.”
Bucky stuck out his gloved hand towards my mother, “It’s wonderful to meet you, Mrs. Y/l/n.”
“Wonderful to meet you too, James,” she responded, shaking his hand and looking over to me, “I’ve been waiting a long time for Y/n to bring somebody home.” I forced a chuckle, “Thanks, Mom…” “Well, I’m honored that I’m the one she chose,” Bucky beamed, his bright eyes seeking mine out.
“Well, sit down,” my mom gestured to the two free chairs in the room, “I want to hear all about how you two met.”
Bucky and I exchanged a nervous look as we pulled up our seats to join her by the window. How were you supposed to explain that you’d fallen for a 106 year old who just happened to have once been the world’s deadliest assassin? “Um…James is one of Sam’s friends from the military. He came with us to Munich and things just sort of,” I slipped my hand into one of Bucky’s that sat in his lap, “Happened from there.” “We didn’t like each other much at first, but,” Bucky chimed in, rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand, “She definitely snuck up on me.”
“Oh my,” she looked at me amusedly, “How’s Sam taking this? Has he threatened you yet, Bucky?” “Yeah, I, uh, got a text from him the other day, and it read something like ‘I’ve got access to government weapons, don’t make me use them.’”
I covered my mouth and snorted as my mother got a good laugh herself, “You didn’t tell me that.” Bucky shook his head, a small smile on his lips, Sam and him had been getting along swimmingly since his last visit to Louisiana. But no friendship could eclipse Sam’s overprotective nature when it came to his family, it was only a matter of time until Bucky was on the receiving end of its ugly side.
“Truth is,” Bucky turned his gaze to my mother while keeping a soft grip on my hand, I could feel his nerves radiating through his touch, “I’m crazy about your daughter, ma’am, I think she’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.”
Mom sighed, an ear-to-ear grin painted across her face. It was the same one I’d seen when my sister had first brought her now husband home to meet us. “I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to hear that, James,” she replied, “I’m looking forward to getting to know you more.” “Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” I questioned, “It’s been so long since the whole family was together.” “I wish, but I’m a little too tired to make the trip there,” Mom answered, settling into her seat a little more, “You don’t need an old lady there slowing you down.” “That’s ridiculous,” I gently pushed back, “But since Sam and I are back home for a while, we’ll make sure to bring everybody up one of the weekends.” “I’d like that,” she smiled. A phone buzzing interrupted the conversation, Bucky let go of my hand to reach into his jacket pocket. “It’s Sam, probably wants an ETA,” he announced, rising from his seat and looking between both me and my mother, “Sorry.”
Both of us shooed him out of the room to take the call, turning back to one another once he was gone with shining smiles. “Honey…” “I know…” I tried to hold back a giddy laugh threatening to erupt.
“He seems wonderful…” I shook my head, semi in disbelief that things had turned out the way they had. “You don’t even know the half of it, he’s just…I’m crazy about him.” “That much is obvious,” Mom gestured to my face, “You haven’t stopped smiling since you walked through that door. I’ve never seen you this happy. Just one thing…” I furrowed my brows as her smile turned to a knowing smirk, “Did you honestly think I wouldn’t know who he is?” I sighed, leaning forward in my seat and propping my elbows on my knees. “We weren't trying to hide it, he just doesn’t like to advertise it. Once people know, they usually can’t look past what he was. But, Mom, we’ve been glued at the hip for the last two weeks and I can promise you, what you’re seeing is what you’re getting. I wouldn’t be with him if I thought there was any chance he could hurt me. He saved my life and so many others last week...” “Sweetie, you don’t have to try and sell me on him,” Mom said soothingly, reaching out to touch my knee, “I trust your judgement and I also know what happened to him, it was tragic. The fact that he has a second chance at his life makes me happy, especially since it’s with you. Watching the two of you, how at ease he is with you…And those eyes,” she stopped to chuckle, “The way he looks at you is something special, it’s something magical. The two of you fit.”
Eventually I would tell her the whole story of how Bucky and I came to be, but it was better saved for another day. If she only knew how challenging it had been to get to something so simple and how Bucky and I valued each other all the more for it. “He fought for me, Mama,” I said with tears brimming, letting out a laugh, “Literally and metaphorically. And I just couldn’t let him go, he’s everything I’ve wanted but what I thought I could never have.” Mom placed a hand on my cheek, “You deserve him, my love. After everything you’ve been through, you deserve happiness.” And for the first time, I believed her. I believed that through my suffering, I had played a small part in helping Bucky through his. We deserved something more than what had happened to us and we had found it in one another.
“Your father would be proud of you,” Mom said, her face flashing with a different emotion than joy for a brief second. “I’m not sure about that…” I mumbled, dodging her eyes in favor of staring down at my hands, a different reaction than I’d ever had when talking about my father.
“Sweetie,” she coaxed me, tapping at my hands until I looked back up at her, “Do you…do you know something?” My heartbeat started to quicken as I struggled to contain the information I was withholding from my mother. It was taking everything I had not to tell her that her husband had been a part of one of the cruelest organizations the world had ever seen. The pain must have reflected in my expression. “Yeah,” she whispered, biting her lip and closing her eyes, “You know…” “Mom?”
She sighed, sitting back in her chair and supporting her head in her hand. “I didn’t know anything about that part of your father’s life when I married him, he didn’t like to talk about his time in the ‘service’ and I never pushed it…It wasn’t until the night that he died, before he left the house, that he sat me down and confessed it all.” “He…” I moved to the edge of my seat, “He told you?” “Mmhmm,” she nodded, a distant look in her eyes like she was transported back in time to that very moment, “I didn’t know how to process any of it, how could I? This man who I’d shared my life with and he’d made his living off of inflicting pain on innocent people. Hours later, he was gone and any chance to delve deeper into it was gone too. It’s taken me a long time to come to terms with everything, but I made it. You’re free to draw your own conclusions, Y/n, I’m not telling you how to feel. All I’ll say is this,” Mom drew a breath before continuing, “Your father’s guilt over what he did, to Bucky specifically, overwhelmed him. He told me how HYDRA manipulated him, a young and ambitious man, into coming to work for them, lying and telling him they were creating a better world with their work. He thought he was fighting for what was right…I’m not making excuses for him, believe me, I’m simply telling you what he told me. Do you remember when he’d wake up from a nightmare?” I nodded grimly, the shrieks of my father’s always strained vocal cords still haunted me decades later. “Do you remember what he used to cry when he woke up?” Mom asked.
I silently shook my head in reply, when I’d be awoken by my fathers blood curdling screams as a child, I’d always bury my head under my pillow in an effort to block it out, shedding tears at knowing I couldn’t help him. “Soldat…”
My head perked up, the word was familiar to me after hearing Zemo call Bucky the same thing when we were undercover in Madripoor. “Of course by the time that your James was free, your father had been dead for over a decade but,” Mom paused, looking out the window as memories hit her, “Your father’s guilt over what he did ate away at him every day. As far as you went, he told me that the reason he wanted to keep your powers hidden was because he was afraid HYDRA would come for you. It’s the reason I moved us to Delacroix after he died, I didn’t want to take the chance of somebody finding you. Dad didn’t want them to make you a weapon the same way they made one of James. But honey,” she took my hand, “He believed you could do great things, truly. One of the last things he said to me was that our family was the one good thing he’d done in life.”
Everything that I’d thought and everything I’d never thought had been revealed to me. My father’s crimes could never be erased, but some part of me felt satisfied knowing that he knew what he did was wrong. He’d been haunted day and night by Bucky, the man who I was completely head over heels for. In some way, it felt poetic that Bucky and I had ended up together. I couldn’t magically heal his trauma, but for every bit of torture my dad and countless others inflicted upon him, I was now there to shower him in the love and safety he deserved.
“Have you…forgiven him for what he did?” I hesitantly asked.
“You know, after all these years, I’m still not sure what forgiveness looks like in a situation like this,” she admitted with a small shrug, “We weren’t affected, yet his past put us in danger, especially you. And now, seeing the man that he was paid to hurt and how much joy he brings you, it’s bringing up a lot of emotions I thought I’d buried. I know he regretted what he’d done with his whole being and I believe that, but I still question why he didn’t leave sooner. I wish I could give you a better answer but-“ “Mama,” I squeezed her hand and pushed back my tears to help her, “I’ve had this information for a week and I’m still spinning, I can’t imagine what it’s like to sit on it silently for this long. I was hellbent on keeping this from you but I’m actually relieved that I don’t have to hide it…” I took a trembling breath, “Dad did a lot of things wrong in his life, but I have a chance to do a lot of good. I’ve talked to Sam and I’m going to keep working with him, I’m done living with my hands tucked under my legs. I want to make the difference in the world that Dad thought he was making.” “I think you’re off to a pretty good start,” my mother replied, “I was terrified watching you fly around New York, but I’d also never been prouder of you.” A knock on the door followed by Bucky sticking his head through it broke us from the topic. “Am I interrupting?” he asked, his eyes widened slightly as he worried. “Not at all,” my mom said cheerily as she slowly rose from her seat, “I don’t want to keep you two any longer when you’ve got somewhere to be.”
I tightly embraced her and placed a kiss on her cheek, “Love you,” I whispered.
“Love you too, sweetheart,” she replied, gesturing afterwards to Bucky who made his way over to her and allowed himself to be hugged by her, “Take care of my girl, James.” “I will,” Bucky promised, pulling back to give a nod full of conviction.
Once the two of us had shut my mom’s door and were back out in the hallway of the nursing home, Bucky noticed the slight puffiness of my eyes. “Happy tears or sad tears?” he asked as we walked down the hall.
“‘I don’t know’ tears,” I replied with a small smile, weaving my fingers between his gloved metal ones. “But well done, Sergeant. I’d consider that a successful mission,” I finished, receiving the laugh I loved so much and a kiss to the side of my head. I pressed my lips to the place on his shoulder where I knew underneath his layers Vibranium met his skin, one of his favorite places to be kissed. My phone went off then, alerting me to a text, I pulled it out of the pocket. “Bucky…” I muttered, stopping in the middle of the hall. “What is it?” he asked as he stepped back to join me, I held my phone out for both of us to read the ominous words displayed.
The world’s seen what you can do, come to Madripoor when you decide to use those hands for something worthwhile.
- The Power Broker
“How did they get my number?” I asked in surprise, letting Bucky take my phone to examine it closer as if he could find something I couldn’t. “I don’t know,” he answered, handing the device back to me, “But we’re changing it immediately, you need to show this to Sam soon as we get to the house.” “They’re not actually threatening me, seems more like a job offer than anything else that’s only going to be declined. Plus, they’re all the way in Madripoor,” I stuck the phone back in my pocket, “I’m not going to let this ruin our day.” Bucky frowned down at me as I took his arm once again, “You’re a little too relaxed about this.” “I’m a mutant who can make things move with her mind with Captain America for a brother and a Super Soldier for a boyfriend, I’d love to see the Power Broker try to mess with that.”
The dock was exactly how I loved to see it, packed and filled with joy.
Sam and Sarah had invited the whole town to the celebratory cookout, people of all ages flooding our corner of the bayou as Bucky and I pulled up. Sam had loaned us his truck for the duration of our stay and I was having the time of my life showing Bucky around Louisiana and there was nothing more Louisiana than a cookout with the entire community.
Bucky parked near the end of the dock and hopped out, carrying the ice cream cake that we’d picked up on our way. He crossed around the front of the truck to open the door for me, taking one of my hands and helping me hop out of the passenger side. After a dozen more reassurances during the drive that the text I’d received wasn’t worth freaking out about, he’d begun to relax. For once, he wasn’t trying to hide his emotions. I could see it plain as day on his face, he was genuinely excited to be back in Delacroix and even more excited when the familiar sounds of AJ and Cass hit our ears.
“Oh! There he is!” Bucky greeted as the boys ran up to us and began throwing fake punches at my boyfriend who willingly played along, dramatically dodging their imaginary hits. He raised up the hand that held the cake over Cass’ head and yelled to which I quickly threw an energy shield underneath his arm to protect the overly expensive dessert.
“Aunt Y/n! Can you make us fly?” AJ came up to my side and begged.
Cass backed his brother up, “Yeah, can we? Please?” “No,” I replied, retaking Bucky’s hand and letting him lead us through the crowd, “But you can follow us with your two perfectly functional legs.” My nephews both groaned and laughed as they fell in step behind Bucky and I. “Where is everybody?” he asked as he set the cake down on one of the picnic tables set out and removed his sunglasses.
“Uncle Sam’s taking pictures with people, Mom’s cooking and Aunt Mel’s at one of the tables,” Cass answered, his face lighting up as he got a good luck at the dessert.
“After dinner,” I said, quickly having switched back into aunt mode, “Now lead the way.”
I extended my hand toward the boys and raised them up a few inches above the ground, receiving laughter and praises in return as I moved them ahead of us and through the crowd. Along the way people kept patting me on the back or sneaking in quick hugs, they shook Bucky’s hand and thanked us both for what we’d done in New York. The only thing that confused me was how people weren’t calling me by name. By the time we made it to Sarah, I had questions.
“There they are, America’s Power Couple,” she announced, coming out from behind the booth where she’d been chopping to hug us both. I pulled back to lower the boys back to the ground, “Do you know why people I’ve known almost all my life are suddenly calling me ‘Sapphire?’”
“Did you not check the internet at all when you were in Brooklyn?” she raised an eyebrow before pulling out her phone from her back pocket and pulling up Instagram, “Ever since the night of the fight, people have been referring to you as Sapphire. People are posting pictures of you, trying to get interviews with you, kids are even dressing up like you!” “Oh my gosh,” I mumbled as I scrolled through the hashtag containing the name, seeing all the proof of Sarah’s words before my eyes. Dozens and dozens of various types of photos displayed my signature shade of blue, “Bucky, look!” He took the phone out of my hand, a smile spreading across his face soon after. “That’s my girl,” he said proudly, handing the phone back to Sarah.
“You wanted the superhero life, you got it,” my sister laughed before returning to what she was doing, “Sam’s doing pictures and there’s already been people asking if you were gonna be here so I imagine they’re gonna want some with you.”
Bucky grabbed my hand and led me around to where a line had formed, spotting Sam as the destination. As soon as he caught a glimpse of us, he held up a finger to the crowd and broke away from them. The three of us exchanged hugs, me internally laughing to myself at the fact that two weeks after saying they never wanted to see one another again, they were now brothers in arms. Sam took my hand and tugged me towards where everyone was gathered, “Lotta people have been waiting for you, Sapphire,” he smirked.
As the day went on, the three of us did meet and greets with nearly everybody. At one point I found Bucky casually talking to Sarah with AJ, Cass and other neighborhood kids hanging off his vibranium arm. People had gathered around me as well asking to levitate them, something that provided entertainment for everyone. We ate, we laughed, at one point I caught Sam and Bucky watching the sun set over the Louisiana waters. I couldn’t resist the temptation to sneak in between the two and was received with an arm around each of my sides. We’d fought a shared battle along with our own separate three and now that they’d all been put to rest, we could take a minute to enjoy the freedom we’d worked so hard for. The future was unknown, but I knew that if we’d made it through the mess of a week we’d had together, there wasn’t a whole lot that we couldn’t make it through.
When the sky darkened, the dock lights went on and the party kept going. Someone had brought out a Bluetooth speaker and there was now a section of the dock that acted as a makeshift dance floor. I was seated at a table with Melanie watching the show, baby Alexandria fast asleep in her arms. “So…Bucky,” my sister said teasingly teased.
I let out a loud sigh, “Bucky.” “He’s perfect for you,” she smiled, “I’m glad you brought him home.” “Me too,” I scanned the dock until I spotted my boyfriend, engrossed in a conversation with Sam, “He fits right into the family.” “I’ll say, the kids love him. Max and Sophia have been following him around all day, I’ve never been able to get the baby to sleep as fast as when he held her…” I chuckled, “Yeah, just when I thought he couldn’t get any more attractive, you stuck a baby in his arms.” Mel snickered at my reaction, “Yeah, pretty sure every woman on the dock snapped a picture of that.” The two of us burst into laughter before hushing ourselves as to not wake the sleeping infant. “Hey, Sapphire,” she nudged my shin with her foot, “I’m proud of you.” “Well, that’s a far cry from how you felt last week,” I commented, remembering the fear in my sister’s voice from our phone calls in Riga.
“I’m always going to worry about you, but once I actually saw you do your thing,” she breathed, “I was just in awe of how you would risk your life to save all those people. It would be a waste to not put your gift to good use.” I leaned my head against hers and brushed a finger over Alexandria’s thinly haired head, appreciating the sweetness of the moment. Once a slow song came on the speakers, I watched as Bucky stepped away from Sam and made his way over to our table. “Can I steal your sister away for a dance?” he asked Mel. “Steal? You can keep her,” I shot my sister a faux smile while she watched on with a grin as I took Bucky’s outstretched hand and let him lead me away. “Gonna show me some more Madripoor moves?” I jested as we walked across the dock. “That was not dancing, although I did enjoy it,” Bucky replied, giving me a wink that could have melted me into a puddle, “I’ll show you what real dancing is.” I recognized the song as a version of ‘The Way You Look Tonight’ and realized Bucky waited until now to show off any moves in his arsenal because it was probably the first song he recognized on the playlist. He encircled my waist with his flesh arm and took my hand in his Vibranium one, pulling me so close that there wasn’t any space left between us. He began to sway us slowly to the beat of the song. I rested my cheek against his, breathing in the scent of him mixed with the bayou evening air. As far as I was concerned, dancing in the arms of the man I was somehow lucky enough to call my own in the place I loved most in the world was the perfect end to a perfect day.
“Alright, I give…” I relented softly, close enough to his ear that I barley had to speak louder than a whisper for him to hear me, “Your version of dancing is better.” He gave a gentle laugh, the sweetest sound, and rubbed at my waist, “It’s more about the partner than it is the actual dance, think I’ve got the best one.”
“You certainly know how to make a girl blush, Sergeant Barnes,” I replied just before he spun me out of his arms and back into his body, “When’s your flight back to Brooklyn?” Bucky cocked an eyebrow, “Already tired of me?”
“Never,” I shook my head with a genuine smile, “Just trying to soak in all the time I can with you before you go back.” “About that…” he trailed off, turning his gaze to the various other couples dancing around us, “I was thinking of maybe extending my stay. I mean the scenery’s nice, good food,” he looked back to me, “Decent people.” The grin that I was fighting was starting to make itself very apparent, “What are you saying?” “Well,” Bucky shrugged and looked away again, “I mean, I’d need to find a place, hopefully nothing too expensive or else I’d have to find a roommate and even then, it’d be hard to find someone I like enough to live with…”
“Bucky…” I’d ceased our movements to show just how serious I was, searching his face to try and tell if he was joking or not. “What do you say, doll? You think you can put up with me a little while longer?” he asked with a smirk. I exhaled happily and pulled him down to my lips, kissing him with all the excitement that filled my veins at the prospect of him staying. When we finally pulled away, I cradled his cheek in my hand. “I will put up with you for as long as you want,” I beamed, pecking his lips once more. “I’m glad,” Bucky kissed my temple, “It was either telling you this or the other thing…” “What’s the other thing?” I asked, thinning my eyes at him in expectancy of another surprise.
Bucky drew a breath, taking a few seconds to steady himself for whatever he was planning to say. “Well, I was going to tell you that I love you but,” he clicked his teeth, “Now that I think about it, it’s probably better saved for another time,” The earth ceased to move and spin at a dizzying pace all at once, his blue eyes never more truthful than they were in that moment. “I think you’re right,” I said over the lump in my throat, holding back the tears that had come all to quickly, “Best to save that for another day, wouldn’t want to make a hasty declaration or anything...” “That’s what I was thinking,” Bucky replied plainly, continuing our charade. I gave him a watery smile, bringing one of my hands up to run through the hairs at the base of his neck. “I love you too,” I whispered.
Both of Bucky’s arms wrapped around my waist, clutching me as tight as he could without actually injuring me as our lips met. I encircled his neck and relaxed into him completely, feeing aglow with the love that I could finally admit to feeling. Both of us smiled into the kiss, feeding off of the mutual joy of what was unfolding before us. Was it crazy to commit in the ways I was committing to a man I’d known for only two weeks? To some, yes. But ‘some’ hadn’t formed the bond that Bucky and I had over the short span of time it had taken for me to fall in love with him. We had seen the best and the worst of each other, rising and falling with one another’s waves and learning what made the other tick. I wanted every part of him, the good, the bad, the traumatic and the pure. The quick decisions that would raise eyebrows made sense to us, and that was more than enough reason for me to see each one through.
“Thanks for not giving up on me,” Bucky said softly after we’d parted, pulling back to admire me. “Thanks for not letting me give you up,” I returned, staring up into the eyes that had first captured me. The eyes that I’d get to stare into each and every day.
Since the night we’d connected on the jet ride to Berlin, there was some way Bucky had made me feel that I couldn’t put a name to. Something I couldn’t understand at the time but I was fully aware of now. Bucky felt like home. And with our bright future ahead of us, wrapped in his arms dancing underneath the Louisiana stars, I’d never felt more at home.
A/N: I'm not crying, you're crying. GUYS. IT'S OVER. WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH MY TIME NOW? I want to thank every single person who liked, commented, reblogged, sent messages and asks and supported this silly little fic I thought up one day after watching TFATWS. As someone who is super insecure about their writing, seeing it well received was a boost to my confidence to keep running with this. I've loved getting to write this and give it to you all and can't wait to write more for you. I'm adding my new taglist link for anyone who would like to be added, it's separated by the characters I write for and you can choose which ones you'd like to follow. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES AGAIN. I LOVE YOU ALL 3000!!
Safe Haven taglist: @tanyaherondale @wanniiieeee @asoftie4bucky @edencherries @i-reblog-fics-i-like @ttalisa @gcfty @withyoutilltheendofthismess @rinaispunk @weirdowithnobeardo @felicityofbakerstreet @godlyhufflepuff @eternalharry @voguesir @mizz-kraziii @okayline @smellmymisunderstoodfluff @wanderin-stories @nicklet94 @intricate-melody @aesthethickks @stumbleonmywords @simplybarnes @21bruhs @lostinwonderland314 @superbookishhufflepuff @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @zozebo @fandomxreaders @kittengirl998 @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @i-know-i-can @x-judyjude-x @thebi-valkyrieofvalhalla @buckverse @living-that-best-life @haphazardhufflepuff @citlalireedus @lindseyrae20 @missstef23 @qhbr2013 @sebby-stann @bluemoon-icecream @iixbella @lets-love-little-me @abitofeverythinggg @itsnottilly @sltwins @mads-weasley @hart-failure @natdrunk @nctma15 @obsessedwithjustaboutanything @patdsinner33 @rosebucketbarnes @tylard-blog1
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binniesthighs · 4 years
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a/n: and we’ve got another lil valentines day drabble eeee hope you all are staying cuddly and fuzzy! 
sweet like strawberry | reader x felix
Paring: self insert, gender neutral reader x lee felix 
Genre: fluffy fluff hehe 
Tags: valentines day special, coworkers au, friends to lovers, cafe au, two cuties in love, stuck with you au, wintertime au, teeeny bits of magical vibes, mentions of food, teensy bit of food play (sfw but like a leeetle suggestive), that good good makin’ out hehe 
Word count: 4.7k 
Tagging: @stayhavens​ thank you for letting me join for Felix as well ❤️
“Oh! And one more thing, for some reason, the security system keeps acting up. If the doors don’t lock up the first time around, just try it a couple more times and I think that it should work...I kind of just try it enough times until it works.” 
Felix nervously adjusted his cap with the little embroidered yellow chick. 
“Okay. Sounds good to me.” 
Your boss tucked his neck deep into his cable scarf, then tipped both you and your coworker a little salute. 
“Thank you both for being here on Valentines Day. Just a couple more hours! You can do it!” 
The back door to the café slammed shut from the blustering winter wind behind your boss’ coattails. 
“It’s really coming down out there isn’t it?” Your friend, and coworker-in-suffering Felix, shifted from foot to foot. 
Outside of the shop windows, the howling of wind shook at the shutters of the the display case filled with little mock-up cakes and pastries. The snow storm had been unexpected, but it hadn’t seemed to dampen anyone’s spirits on the holiday. Since the snow had picked up in the afternoon, customers still came rolling into the cafe with flakes all caught up in their hair, scarves and hats. On this day in particular, you had seen dozens of school girls and boys come in carrying their stash of valentines letters, bouquets of flowers and all kinds of candies. Little groups of friends would share slices of your special Valentines Day cake and smear cream over each other’s noses in a tizzy of laughter. 
You didn’t mind Valentines Day; there was something extra heartwarming and universal about it all. One day, out of all the days of the year, everyone stopped for just a few moments to say “I love you” or give out an extra hug or kiss on the cheek. How could you not feel all lovey and gushy from it all? Maybe you were a romantic, or maybe you really had just watched one too many dramas to make you feel this way. 
Earlier, you had been making a couple lattes, and a couple sitting by the window had arranged to meet right at the loveseat by the door to exchange gifts. One of them had given the other a couple books and a journal, and the other gave them what looked like hand-knitted mittens. They held the frayed fabric in their hands while the watched how their partner reacted. Of course, they accepted the mittens with a wide smile then pulled their love in to give them a giant hug. 
I love them. So much. Thank you. 
You thought that was what they had said from as far away as you were. 
This kind of love, was your favorite kind. The kid of love that was unconditional, that was given no matter what time of day, no matter what it looked like or how it was expressed, it simply was. 
You had always hoped, this was the love that you would have some day. But, you hadn’t found it yet. Not in all your years of crushes from afar, or love letters written in the night when you should have ben doing work. You had wondered, what was it really like to have someone love you like that: a love that existed in the early mornings, and dead of the night; the kind of love that looked over at you for no reason, and smiled at you just because. 
Perhaps you would spend your whole life looking: and while it saddened you, in a few ways, you had come to terms with it. If you had to wait, that just meant that you were waiting for something really great...right? 
You wondered what kind of love Felix wanted. The thought had crossed your mind time and again. You figured, he was the kind to fall in love fast and all the time. He would even get crushes on people who would come to the register to pay for their coffee and custard tart. It was supremely adorable. He’d stammer over his words with hands trembling at the keys of the register, and the tips of his ears would turn rosy pink. 
“U-ummm here-here’s your receipt....” 
A tiny smile would spread across his freckled face after they would leave, then he would rake his cute little hands though his hair, stammering even more about what a fool he had made of himself. 
“Well, when you think about it, you might never see them again?” You’d joke to him with a playful jab to his side. 
“But what if I doooooo??” 
Maybe Felix was the kind of person who wanted a love that would last forever, or the kind of love that he could daydream about. You thought that this might’ve suited him. It seemed as if that boy was often in a faraway place. There had been a couple times when he would stare out the shop windows wistfully with his mop in hand, or would giggle a little when he made designs into the lattes and mochas. He was just so happy all the time, but for what, you had no idea. 
Maybe Felix already had a love. You wouldn’t put it past him seeing how dreamy he was often. Felix deserved love more than anyone in the world you had decided. He deserved some to love him so hard and all the time. Admittedly, it made your heart ache a little thinking about how badly he deserved it. He deserved someone to kiss away on all those freckles on his cheeks on his cute little wrists. He deserved someone to shower all their love into his strawberry pink lips, and ruffle up his golden hair just to make him laugh. 
Maybe...you wished that you could’ve been the person to do so. 
“Do you think that we’ll get any more customers?” 
Felix had squatted down on the floor behind the counter into a pseudo-sitting position. His tan apron crinkled on the ground. 
“Don’t you think that everyone’s gone out by now? And the snow is picking up?” 
You squatted down next to him. “I don’t think we’ll be seeing anyone else. There’s only one more hour left anyway.” 
A sly smirk started to sprout on his lips, “What if we left a little early? No one is coming so...” 
“Have somewhere that you need to be?” You patted his head. 
“...No, unless spending the night with my cats counts as “plans.”” 
“Date?” He scoffed, “Me? Nooooo.” He paused, and with a tentative air, met your eyes. “Do...you have plans tonight?” 
Felix sucked in a tight inhale, as if he was mustering his courage. 
“Well, m-maybe, after we leave, --only if you want--we could--” 
The bells over the café door tinkled, sweeping in snowy and white air in with it. 
“I’m sorry, are you still open?” 
The old woman carefully closed the door behind her and clung tightly to her shawl that was wrapped around her shoulders. Only dressed in the thin fabric, you figured that she must’ve been freezing. Both you and your coworker sprung to your feet to attend to her. 
“Yes! How can we help you?” 
She was an odd woman, the kind that you could only really describe to look witch-like. While she had warm features, her aged skin had grown stretched with little marks and veins feebly showing. Bags under her eyes were deep, but they didn’t look tired, but like they held many years of wisdom, like he had witnessed much, and knew much. 
“A-aren’t you cold?” Felix rushed to the other side of the corner to help her to a chair. “It’s so freezing outside, and you’ve barely got on a hat.” 
His tone was gentle, like the one that you guessed he would speak to his cats with. 
“I’m fine. Nights like these, I’ve lived through many of them. They don’t phase me any more. I just thought that I could come inside for a moment to have a slice of that strawberry cake that you have in the window. It looks very delicious.” 
You nodded quickly then plated the second to last slice for her. You brought the dish over quickly with a little fork. “Anything else that we can get for you?” 
The woman shook her head politely, then took up the fork in her shaking hands. She ate quietly, merely making little “mm’s” as she licked the cream away. You and your coworker didn’t really know what to do, seeing as she hadn’t paid, and wasn't shivering from the cold at all. Felix shot you a confused glance, then rushed to the back of the café and to his locker. You heard the usual metallic clang, and he came jogging back with his own scarf that he had worn that day. 
“H-here. Please put this on.” He offered her the periwinkle blue fabric. 
“Oh. Dear, you are so kind. I just knew that you would be such a sweet soul. I could sense it.” 
The woman dabbed her mouth with the napkin that you had placed under her plate. 
“That was wonderful, I could really taste the love that had been baked into that cake. It’s always refreshing to feel that.” 
You and Felix nodded, still unsure of the situation, but smiled as politely as you could. She then swaddled her neck in the scarf, and sighed in her contempt. 
“No one has ever offered me something like this before. You are quite special young man.” 
She had voiced the comment about Felix, but she had held your eyes as she said it. Her eyes were a bit hazy, some kind of color that must’ve been blue at some point, but here now a type of soft grey-lavender. They were enchanting, and mysterious, but you had felt that you had known them somehow. 
The old woman rummaged around in her pockets, the pulled out two gold coins that were hefty in size, and thick like the kind of candy ones. You had never seen anything like them before, and they were a bit comical to look at, but still shone like the golden sun. On both sides of the coin, there was no writing, but merely an insignia of two arrows crossed over eachother. 
“I think that should suffice.” Her chair creaked under her as she rose, and placed one in your hand and the other in Felix’s. “Thank you so much for taking care of me. Both of you deserve all the love that’s coming to you. I hope that you remember this.” 
Felix muttered and turned over his coin in his hand. “T-thank you.” 
You shot Felix a glare. You had not the slightest idea how you could have accepted this as payment, but Felix seemed completely fine with it. 
The woman’s crinkled hand wrapped around the door handle, and she pulled her shawl around her once again, then buried her neck back into Felix’s scarf. 
“Happy Valentines Day!” She waved to you both, and you found yourself waving back. 
The door slammed, and you felt as if you had been snapped out of some kind of hypnosis. 
“Wow.” Felix whispered with a little smile. 
“What. The heck. Was that?” Your body trembled in the way that you would’ve have as if you had plunged right out of cold water. 
Felix stood smiling and gazing out, not even paying attention to your remark. 
“Felix? ...Felix?” 
“Hmm?” He turned nonchalant. 
“Did you hear me?” 
You reached your hand down the pocket of your apron to study that strange coin only to find that you couldn’t feel the cold metal. 
“...What?” You rummaged around even further. “I could’ve sworn...” 
In Felix’s hands which he had left cupped in front of him, his gold coin had vanished too, and he hadn’t even noticed. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“I hope that this works.” 
Felix’s mittened hands tapped over the keys of the security system keypad and he mouthed the numbers as he did so. The pad illuminated with a green light and made little beeping sounds with each number. Once he finished the sequence, it flashed with a red light. 
“...Does that mean that it didn’t work?” 
“I think so?” 
The two of you had shoved your bodies together in the little corner nearest the back exit of the café. 
“I should try it again?” 
“Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do?” 
Felix gave a determined nod, then did the passcode, only for it to flash red again. 
“Oh my god, what if we mess this all up and then someone breaks into the café and then we get fired--I mean--I get fired because it would be all my fault--” 
You snarked out a laugh and pushed him lightly aside, “Here, let me try. No one’s getting in trouble.” 
You pressed in the same code, getting red once more. 
“What do we do????” 
As if it was his security blanket, Felix tucked his neck into his coat collar. 
“One more time, alright? Maybe there’s a manual in the office or something. We can try that.” 
An ahhh circled Felix’s mouth and he let out a relieved exhale. “Right. Right. That’s a good idea.” 
This time, you pressed the numbers in hard, as if that would make any difference, but you thought it best to try. But, red again. 
“I’ll go check the office,” Felix announced, and shuffled closer to the manager’s office near the back door. He wiggled the doorknob, finding it locked as well. “We’re doooooommed.” 
“No, we’re not. I’m not giving up.” 
In your head, you cursed out the damned security system up and down. If it wasn’t going to work, you would make it work. 
“5. 9. 2. 5. 0. 8.” 
beep beep beEP! 
“Oh my god!!! It worked!!” Your friend jumped up and down in his excitement. 
“Thank God.” 
Felix hiked up his backpack on his shoulders, grabbing the door handle at first, but then stopped. 
“Wait.” He licked his lips, “Before we go out there, I...I wanted to ask you, since it seems like we’re both not doing anything tonight, would you like to maybe...do something...with me?” 
His anxious eyes widened, and you could see his breaths quicken under his wool coat. For a moment, you couldn’t even believe that he had said such a thing. Normally a timid boy, his strike of courage was something that was astonishing to you, but it also made your heart beat just a bit louder in your ears. 
“You want to do something...with me?” 
He giggled lightly. “I just said you.” 
“On Valentines Day?” 
“I-is that weird? I-I’m sorry if I’m weirding you out, I didn’t mean to. I know that we’re friends a-and I think that you’re really cool--I’ve always thought that--but, I never really had the guts to say so, and honestly I don’t know how I’m getting it out now but, I just don’t like the thought of being alone right now, or you being alone. So--” 
“--Felix! Felix, calm down...” Even though your chest was thumping, your sweating hands squeezed your palms to calm yourself down. 
“Sorry...I ramble when I get kind of nervous.” 
His hands nervously fidgeted at his sides, and under the light of the emergency exit sign, a glimmer of gold winked between his fingers. 
Felix asked his question with glimmering eyes. “Would you like to?” 
“Yes. Yes. I would really really like to.” 
“Really?” His smile was filled with the very sunshine that he seemed to carry with him every day. 
“Okay.” He reached for the handle once more, yanking it down, but instead of it swinging from it’s hinges, it clanked, glued to the wall. 
“What?” Felix shook at the handle once more. “It’s not...budging.” 
“Let me try.” You mirrored his action, and sure enough, the door had locked itself in place. “Wait. I thought that it wasn’t supposed to lock after we exited?” 
“I...thought the same.” 
Once giddy, Felix turned solemn and worry chased across his brows. 
“No. Nononono. This can’t be happening.” 
“It’s okay. We’ll just unlock it again.” 
You went back to your mortal enemy, the keypad, and pushed in the buttons, but no green light came from the action. 
“Is it on? Is that supposed to happen?” Felix’s tone edged with anxiety. 
The display screen on the interface had turned blank too. You had seen in movies that if you slapped the thing, maybe it would turn on, but after you had tried, nothing happened. 
“I’ll try the other door.” Felix scuffled over the the front of the café, and you could hear the answer loud and clear even from the back. The other door also had locked and it’s metallic clang resonated through the empty tables and chairs. 
“What do we do?” He asked once he returned to you in the back. 
Even though your heart was racing its way up your throat, you remained as calm as you could. “We call for help. It’ll be okay. Look, there's a phone number here on the panel to call the service company.” 
You drew your phone from your pocket, and it added yet one more object to your list of worries. “I-I don’t have service?? What the hell?” 
Felix opened his phone screen too, and showed you his non-existent bars. “Me too. It’s gotta be the storm right?” 
Your coworker’s eyes flicked back and forth in the darkened hallway, and you could hear his breaths start to quicken one after the other. 
“Hey, hey, it’ll be okay.” You fluffed his hair like you had down a few times before, an action that never failed to make him giggle, so you hoped it helped put him at ease. He keened his hand into your hand a bit like a cat would, and it was just too frickin’ cute, even in a situation just as this. 
“So we’re just gonna wait? Wait until our service comes back?” 
“I guess so.” 
Felix started with taking his coat off, and hung it back up in his locker. “Who knows how long that we’ll be here?” 
You did the same, but left your hat on, merely liking the way that it warmed up your head. “Maybe we can make ourselves something to drink? How about, I make something for you, and you make something for me? Sounds kinda fun?” 
“Sure.” Felix responded with a faint smile. 
In the dim lighting of that hallway, you reached for his small hand at his side. 
“Um, looks like we’re still getting to spend tonight together. I wish that it wasn’t like this, but, it’s something, right?” 
He was startled by your action, but let your fingers lace between his. The small connection was the one that had made you feel butterflies just thinking about, and now it really was happening. 
“Felix...I’ve thought before, I think that you’re really cool too.” 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You knew that using the ingredients for your own experimentation was against the rules, but you had hoped that your boss would’ve understood considering the situation. The rule had been written on the little spreadsheet that he kept taped to the side of the syrup holder, but that wasn’t going to stop you. 
“No peeking.” Felix giggled as he shook something together in one of the hand-held mixers. 
“No peeking to you either.” You said, scooping some macerated strawberries into the bottom of a cup. 
For a boy as sweet as him, you knew exactly what you wanted to make: it was your own version of the strawberry milk that you had made in the café, but it had chocolate dripping down the sides of the glass and it was topped with chocolate shavings and a lovely amount of whipped cream. 
“You done yet?” You asked while adding your finishing touches. 
“Juuust about.” He rummaged around the little array of fresh prepared herbs that you kept in the minifridge under the counter. “Oookay! Now I am!” 
In the corner of your eye, that last slice of strawberry cake called your name. You thought to yourself, I could always make more. It was the last slice anyway. 
The two of you made a little set up at one of the tables and Felix even thought to turn off a few of the light fixtures, and brought out a couple of those birthday candles that you would use on customers, and arranged them in a cup to burn. 
Happy Birthday! 
You Are Special! 
“Aw, cute.” You slid your drink for him closer, and admired the way that the yellow glow of the candles flickered in his soft brown eyes. 
“I-I thought that it would make it more special, considering that where we are isn’t like, the most special place. Especially for tonight.” 
“I think that it’s special. Or, who you’re with is what makes it special.” 
Your coworker smiled coyly, then took a sip of your strawberry milk. 
“Try yours!” He pushed the iced drink in front of you. It looked a bit like lemonade, but not exactly. Swirls of purple juice danced along with the pulp of the lemons. He had garnished it with a sprig of mint. “It’s blackberry lemonade. I’m sorry if it’s kind of tart. It was my first time making it, but I thought that you would like it.” 
You took a sip, and the second that the concoction touched your lips, it was heavenly. While it was a little tart, the juice of the lemon bit wonderfully on your taste buds, and was complimented well with the sweetness from the ripe berries. 
“Really good. Thank you.” 
He sighed a sigh of relief, then passed you a fork. 
“Maybe this isn’t so bad after all.” 
“You thought that being trapped with me would be a bad thing?” You teased. 
Felix’s eyes adorably widened, looking as if he had spilled his strawberry milk all over the table. “N-no, I didn’t mean that, I just thought that being locked up would feel--” 
“--I’m kidding! Kidding, okay?” 
A tiny oh formed on his mouth, so he took another sip to fill the gap of silence between you. “Your drink is really good too. How did you know that I liked strawberries so much?” 
“Hm, it was a hunch.” 
Actually, he had said it a dozen times or more, but, it was much cuter letting him think that he hadn’t said it before. 
With the light of the candles now dripping a bit of wax onto the table, all of his features seemed so much softer: he was like some kind of dream, almost like a mythical being that you must’ve imagined. 
You wondered, maybe this was the kind of love that he wanted: the kind of love that was sharing something that you had made, something special to you in a simple place, a place that was not much else other than the people who made it. Or, maybe this was the kind of love that you wanted. 
Your pants pocket felt a little heaver, and you snuck your fingers in. The touch of your fingertips felt the cold and smooth metal first, then they ran over the outline of the arrow shapes on the flat side. 
“Mmm. You made this cake so well!!” Felix did a little dance while popping in a bite. 
“Felix?” You ran your finger over the golden piece. “I’m glad that we’re stuck here together.” 
“Me...too.” He shied. 
Carefully, you took your fingers to trace the yellow strands of his hair dipping over his forehead, taking in the way that they tickled your skin. In his nervousness, he took another sip, gulping loudly with eyes fluttering. On his lower lip, a bit of the cream streaked, and all you could do was wonder how it might’ve tasted there on his strawberry pink lips. 
“Can I...kiss you?” 
You could nearly see the way that his heart was beating as fast as a hummingbird in the way that his shoulders rose and fell with his anticipatory breaths. 
“Yes.” He whispered. 
You leaned forward slowly as to not scare him, tilting your head to the side as you pressed your lips against his. You had thought right: there really was nothing sweeter. His shaking breaths quivered over your lips while he tentatively kissed back, and it made your chest ache thinking about how nervous he must’ve been. You didn’t want to startle him, bur rather gently kissed him slow, carefully and respectfully. He shivered at the feeling, and his hand crinkled the napkin in his hand. The other, he had drawn out to rest on your leg, and rubbed his thumb into your jeans. The sweetness of the cream on his lips caught on yours, and it was unlike any kind of flavor you could have ever imagined. 
After a moment, you drew back, and Felix appeared like he was about to burst with giggles but held himself back. 
“I-I really liked that.” He tried his best to keep his composure. 
“Me too.” Turns out, you really didn’t know what to do with yourself either. Instead, Felix made the decision for you. In seconds, he had launched his small body into your arms and wrapped himself around you in a hug so tight that it was nearly suffocating. 
“I always kinda wondered what that would be like...with you.” He squeezed you tighter. “I can’t believe that just happened.” His smile cracked though his words. 
You wrapped your arms back around him and you could have sworn that you could feel his fluttering heart against your own. 
“Me too Felix.” You breathed in his scent which was that of daisies and candy floss. 
“Can we...do it again maybe?” He leaned back with arms slung around your shoulders and pleading eyes. 
“Of course.” You wove your hands into his puff-ball hair. “Can I try something?” 
An even more sickly sweet idea crept into your brain. 
“What’s that?” 
You took your thumb to scoop up just a little bit more of the cream bubbling on his drink, then carefully wiped it over his bottom lip, just as if you had been coloring him like a finger painting. You sucked off the excess, and he watched as you did so with wonder. 
“You’re just so sweet, I can’t get enough of you.” You hushed into him, leaning closer once more. 
His eyes fluttered closed, and with his quivering breath, he waited for you to kiss away the taste there, sucking the flavor into your mouth, then going to kiss over his parted mouth. A rather awkward creaking of chairs echoed, and he pulled his body closer to yours, and let you fill him to the brim with kisses in all of the places that you desired. A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth and he even giggled into some of your kisses too. His hands found the sides of your face where he held you there gently. Once he was comfortable, the warm feeling of your tongues met, and he nearly melted from the sensation. Your hands crept around his tiny waist, and you never let go. 
It felt like the moment that you had been waiting for. 
Your lips broke, and Felix threw his arms over your shoulders again, dipping his head into the crook of your neck where he stayed for a while as you ran your fingers up and down his back. 
Outside it was a much colder and harsher world, but here, it was your own kind of paradise, and it was sweet like strawberry. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
At some point, you had fallen asleep together on one of the loveseats: a pile of legs and arms all tangled up together. When the morning came, the snow had subsided, but rather was caught up everywhere in the streets and sidewalks, and sparkled like diamonds. 
It was your manager that had woken you up, and of course you had gotten in trouble, not at first for sleeping in the café, but for leaving the all the doors unlocked. 
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bumblebet-20 · 3 years
Let Me Show You
A/N: not feeling my body at the moment so here's Sebastian loving every inch of you:)
Sebastian x reader
18+, Sebastian being soft AF
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 “Oh my- stop” I grumpily tell the alarm, slamming my hand down to turn it off and stretching away some of the sleepiness.
I glance down at my exposed stomach, the familiar feeling of disgust bubbling up inside. Seb’s shirt having ridden up doing the night. So that’s how today’s gonna go. 
“Good morning” I twist around, facing a half asleep Sebastian, rubbing his eyes in an effort to wake up. My thoughts come to a halt, watching his shirtless torso move with each breath. How can someone look this good after just waking up?
“Morning” He lazily flops his arm over me, shifting to lay on my pillow.
“Thought it was a home day today?” He questions, noticing the date and that it most definitely was lazy day.
“It is. Shouldn’t sleep the day away” 
“Kinda defeats the purpose of a ‘home day’ if you can’t lay around all day” He mumbles,  absentmindedly playing with my hair, humming to himself.
“I need to shower” His eyes crack open, adjusting the lay on his side to see me better.
“I can join, preserve water” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.
Anxiety rises in my chest “I better do this alone” His face drops, curiosity and sadness fills his eyes.
“Oh okay. I’ll make coffee” my eyes drop from his, turning to stand up and walk to the bathroom. Once the door is completely closed, I feel safe enough to remove my clothing, refusing to look at myself and walking into the shower. The hot water does little to distract my mind from drifting back to earlier. The way my stomach looked made my skin crawl, making me grab a loofah to hopefully scrub away the thoughts.
Steam fogs the mirror but I make no move to remove it. Instead, I pull on the little satin robe Sebastian got me. I take a deep breathe before opening the door, the cool air causing small goosebumps to arise on my legs.
I stop in front of the mirror, taking notice of how the material hugs my body. Every inch of my body causes a frown the form on my face, pinching and poking at the skin.
“Alright. Coffee is here and for breakfast I figured me could-” He trails off, taking in what I’m doing “Babe?” He frowns before slowly approaching, watching my eyes comb my body over and over."Hey gorgeous" his lips hold against my forehead a few moments longer than usual "You ok?" Our eyes meet in the mirror, his features softening even more at my expression.
"Y-yeah I'm alright"
"You're a horrible liar" his hands start to wrap around my waist but I hastily move them away "Talk to me baby" a large sigh is my response, fingers beginning to fidget nervously together "Please"
"I just- I don't look.. good" my words struggle to form but once they make it out, his eyes immediately sadden.
"You're beautiful"He spins me around to face him  "I'll do anything to make you believe it" His hands cup my face, thumbs softy rubbing my cheeks.
“You don’t have-” Sebastian’s soft lips against mine halts my words.
“I want to”His hands move to hold both of mine “Let me show you how much I love you” I silently nod and allow him to lead me to the bed.
Our lips connect, love and passion pouring out of both of us “Lay down” He whispers against my lips, gently pushing me against the bed. I hesitantly lower myself down, falling onto the soft comforter.
His body hovers over mine, eyes focused on mine. Both our heads move to meet in the middle,lips colliding gently. His tongue slowly enters my mouth, exploring around. 
I’m brought back to reality when his hands begin working at the tie in front of my rope “Stop” I say against his lips, my hand stopping him from opening the robe.
“It’s alright babe. Just wanna make you feel good” He pulls back from my face, sitting to lightly straddle my legs.
“O-Okay” the familiar knot forms in my stomach, preparing the robe to come off.
He delicately slides the material off, lightly lifting my butt to completely take it away “Wow” My hands go to block my stomach. He holds them in one of his hands, softly kissing them “So beautiful” His spare hand gently run along my body, starting at my chest and trailing off by my thighs “every time I see this body, it feels like the first time all over again” He places my hands on either side of me, pushing down slightly as a silent ‘stay’.
 His eyes meet my worried ones “May I?” I silently nod, giving him permission to continue. My eyes flutter shut when his lips kiss my nose, moving to my cheeks before finally connecting with mine again “Won’t stand for my best girl doubting her own beauty” He leaves a delicate kiss on my jawline, lightly sucking before moving behind my ear “I want to praise every inch of this body”.
He leaves soft, sloppy kisses along my neck, kissing above both breasts before taking in left one in his mouth, his hand moves to lightly pinch the other. A quiet moan leaves my lips, his tongue playing with the sensitive bud “Gonna make you feel so good. You’ll never doubt your beauty ever again”. His teeth carefully bite down before moving down to my stomach, leaving a faint mark behind.
Both hands begin exploring my body again, skin feeling hot where ever his hands roam. “Feel good?” He asks, marking up both thighs, looking right at me for an answer. 
“Mmm yes Seb, it does”. He smiles, pressing a kiss to one of his marks, spreading my thighs apart, fitting perfectly in between. One arm hooks under a thigh, snaking his hand around the spread my folds open. 
He presses a soft kiss on my mound before sliding his tongue in between my folds. His technique is slow but precise, finding all the spots that make my toes curl and incoherent mumbles leave my mouth. His lips slowly working my wet cunt, his thumb beginning to work at my clit, the combination driving me nuts“I- i”m so close” my fingers tangle in his hair, pulling at the thick locks. 
“Come for me” He continues to work me through my high, lapping up my release, tongue diving in deep, curling up to get every last drop. he places a soft kiss against my sensitive clit before sliding back up to my face, kissing me with more passion than he’s even shown me before. “How you feel now?” My hooded eyes follow his movements as he lays next to me.
“You sure know how to make a girl feel special” We both giggle, our hands intertwinning against the bed.
“Not just any girl. MY girl” I smile at his statement, kissing his hand gingerly. The sweet moment is ruined when my stomach grumbles loudly. He chuckles before standing up, pulling me along gently, helping me get my robe back on “Let’s get some food in you. I already ate” He winks, laughing when I shove him slightly” Best breakfast ever” He cheekily says, pulling me along to the kitchen.
“I love you Seb. thank you for helping today” He kisses my forehead, a huge grin on display. 
“Love you more Doll”
Thanks for reading! First time doing smut so be nice 😅
Wanna request? Ask in the comments, message or asks!
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anxious-allie-ren · 3 years
A Stroll.
Hello everyone! Sorry this took a little bit. It was an insanely busy week for me. But were here! Sorry this one is a bit short as well. I'd like to think it's short and sweet!
You had been waiting for a gentleman caller all week. It came as no surprise that none had shown up. You hadn’t been able to speak to anyone but Lord Hux all evening. The rest of your first ball was spent dancing with him and following your father around to meet some of his other friends. You had hoped that the curly haired man would show. Introductions hadn’t been made, but he certainly made an impression on you from across the ballroom. It seems it wasn’t the same for him.
The mysterious raven haired man never came by either. You weren’t sure if you were upset or thankful for that. His intense stare was intriguing, but scared you. The man was attractive, sure. But many vile men were, so you could not be sure he was good without proper conversation. Of course vile men were unattractive as well. Crooked, rancid, and narcissistic.
A good example of such a man would be Lord Hux. You had been summoned to the sitting room to meet with him by your butler, Peter. It seems you did have at least one caller this week. Sadly, it was the one man you did not want to show.
You made your way into the room quietly. The dress you’re wearing is quite plain in comparison to the ball. Just a simple light blue dress and flats that are easy to move in. You had planned to work in the gardens today, but clearly those plans would have to be pushed back. Your hair and makeup are both undone. You look natural, like yourself.
Lord Hux turns away from the fireplace to face you, a lewd smirk spreading across his face. He walks across the room towards you slowly, failing to hide the way his eyes trail up and down your figure. Your face remains neutral as he approaches you. Lord Hux holds out his hand for yours, giving you a slight bow as he kisses your knuckles. You hold back a shudder and take your hand back as he stands back up.
Hux clears his throat and clasps his hands behind his back, attempting to stand like the gentleman you know he isn’t.
“My lady, I came here today to call upon you. I want to make my intentions with you clear.”
It shouldn’t have shocked you. A man looking to call upon you would come to your home about this time of day. Your father introduced you both, so it's safe to assume this man had intentions from the first interaction.
“Oh, alright then Lord Hux. What exactly would they be?”
Lord Hux chuckles and runs a hand over his jacket, smoothing out the creases.
“To marry you, of course. Before the end of this season I will ask for your hand and we will be wed before the leaves fall.”
He’s sheer confidence shocks you. He is so certain that you’ll not only accept this ridiculous proposal but actually go through with a wedding. You bit your tongue from outwardly chastising him for such arrogance. Instead, you simply nod.
“I can’t say that I will still be available at the end of this season, Lord Hux.”
“We shall see about that, my lady.”
The ton had their next outing in the park a few days later. It was a beautiful day, perfect for a stroll. The flowers are in full bloom, the temperature is warm, and the sky is a pastel blue. You’re once again accompanied on this trip by your father. You were hoping after the last event he’d lose interest and send Jillian along with you. But clearly you couldn’t be so lucky.
You were walking along the path by the lake when you spotted the curly haired man from the ball. He was standing with the same man from the ball. But rather than being in deep conversation, they were laughing. His smile spreads across his face just as the flowers by your side spread from their seeds in the dirt. In that moment, a seed is planted within you. You can’t help the faint smile from gracing your face at the sight.
As you and your father come closer, the men pause their conversation to look up. The moment the curly haired man meets eyes with you heat singes your skin. You suddenly feel too warm in your attire. His gaze never leaves you as he excuses himself from his friend and approaches you.
“Hello miss, allow me to introduce myself. I am Lord Poe Dameron.”
His introduction makes you smile. You start to introduce yourself when your father steps in front of you, interrupting the beginnings of a lovely conversation.
“What is your status, young man?”
Lord Poe looks between the to of you, seemingly flustered. He completely forgot to state his status in society during his introduction. Of course, this a large slip up that can cause his value in the ton to plummet. But to you, its endearing. You could tell his place in society was not something he cared about greatly.
Lord Poe pulls himself together and stands just a bit taller, trying to present himself better.
“I am Viscount of Wetyin, your grace,”
You hear the loud sigh your father releases at his response. Of course that wouldn’t be enough for him. You decide to try and take the reins back on the conversation without seeming rude. You step around your father and give Lord Poe a polite smile.
“Hello, Lord Poe. I am Miss Y/F/N, the daughter of the Duke of Selonia.”
Your father takes a step behind you, visibly angry with your interference. If he had it his way, he’d have sent the man running. But you were interested. You’ll be damned if your father runs everything this season. He hasn’t even run his own dukedom for years. The last thing you’ll stand for is him ruining your chances of love for his own selfish needs. Lord Poe smiles down at you, clearly enjoying your defiance. Many other men would take this as a sign of a distasteful woman and leave. But not him. Lord Poe was deeply intrigued and wanted to learn as much as he could about you. He presents his arm to you and moves to stand beside you.
“Would you do me the honor of walking through the park?”
You take his arm, placing your hand between the crease.
“I would love to, Lord Poe.”
“Please, just call me Poe.”
Lord Poe Dameron was born on Yavin to the Viscount and Viscountess of Wetyin. As a child, he explored his lands with his father, learning all about the terrain and plant life that grew there. His mother took control of his education, personally teaching him and ensuring he was doing well in his studies. As he grew, so did the tentions between Yavin and Moraband. Disputes about trade and exports were causing problems between the two countries. These tensions finally snapped after a duke from Yavin was kidnapped and held for ransom. The countries went into a bloody war that lasted for many years. Thousands died in battle. One of those soldiers being the viscount, Poe’s father.
Poe was at the age of seventeen when he died. He was no longer a boy, and was more than ready to take on responsibilities and take his father position. He had served as the viscount for a few years now, too focused on his duties and grief to do much else. It was his mother who finally pushed him to join the ton this season. So, at her request he did so in hopes of finding a wife and settling down. He hoped for happiness and love, like his parents had once had.
You learned much of this as you and Poe strolled up and down the paths in the park. You could relate to him in many ways. Your commonalities bring you comfort. You have really enjoyed his company thus far. He was kind and respectful. Poe always allowed you to speak and listened to your stories so thoroughly. You felt as though he really had interest in your words.
Poe told you about some of his hobbies and you shared yours. He was fascinated by your love of gardening and baking. In his home, those things were done by attendants. He didn’t look down at you for this, rather he found it endearing.
You both spent the whole afternoon together, talking and sharing laughs. A spark had been lit in this interaction. Having to go opposite ways as evening drew near saddened you. But knowing you would see him again at the next even excited you. You went home with a newfound hope for this season.
After the ball, Kylo had arranged for an estate to be prepared in Corellia for him. Since deciding to join the ton this season, he felt it would be better to stay close by rather than traveling constantly. He hated traveling as it is.
This evening, he was sitting at his desk and looking out at the gardens. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking of you since he laid eyes on you. You infiltrator his thoughts. He was enraged by your ability to cloud his mind without even knowing his name.
Kylo had attempted to get some of his duties done since settling at his estate. You had made it nearly impossible for him. This new experience baffled him. He had never been this captivated by another person before. Defeated, Kylo threw down his quill and stood from his desk, walking over to the large windows. He looked out at the different flowers and admired their beauty. They didn’t hold a flame to you, of course. Kylo found himself wondering if you’d like them or not. Which flower may be your favorite. He had so many questions he needed answered.
Kylo planned to go to the next event in hopes of meeting you. He needed to introduce himself. He needed to spend time with you. He needed to know you. This way, he could end this infatuation and get back to what was important.
There we go! Hope that was good and set us up for what's to come next. Any guesses?
Love, Allie
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yannowhatigiveup · 3 years
My One And Only - Chapter 14
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This chapter is the longest one yet with 3000 words so I hope you enjoy reading. Also thank you so much for all the notes and reblogs! I just realised that I’m not far from 100 followers and can’t thank you all enough!
TW: Injuries at the end
The cat-themed hero sat on the floor, Ladybug sat in front of him and after a big breath, he spoke. "Ladybug, I- I don't think I'm the true holder of the Black Cat miraculous"
Ladybug looked at her partner wide-eyed. "Wh-what?"
Chat Noir sighed. "Plagg told me that true holders gain side effects. He said that you already have yours"
The spotted heroine nodded slowly.
"From what he said, true holders get the side effects around the same time, when they acknowledge each other in a way. Plagg also said that if you weren't a true holder, using the Ladybug miraculous or the Black Cat miraculous would be...dangerous and would do more harm than good to the user" The cat-themed hero scratched the back of his neck nervously, trying to avoid eye contact with his partner.
"Okay...what does the 'more harm than good to the user' part mean?" She asked, her voice faulty in worry for her friend. Then Chat Noir looked at her in the eye, he seemed saddened and disappointed in himself.
"I... I haven't been myself. I've been treating people who are close to me as if they were...objects. Options. As if they weren't their person. And I feel horrible because of it." Ladybug reached her arm out to hold Chat Noir's shoulder, showing that she didn't judge him for it. "Plagg says it's the destruction from the miraculous, it's not natural for me"
"So you came to tell me" she concluded and the blonde hero nodded.
"I don't want my emotions to spiral out of control, I-I don't want to hurt you because of it so..." his voice trailed off. Ladybug tensed to hear what he had to say next. "I came to renounce the Black Cat miraculous"
Her eyes glinted in realisation "Y-you're sure?"
He nodded solemnly. "I don't want to risk hurting you or anyone else"
She sighed while nodding in understanding, she got up and motioned for Chat Noir to do the same.
"Plagg...claws in" Chat Noir mumbled with a heavy heart, it would be the last time he was ever going to say those words. As soon as he did, his transformation dropped gloomily, almost slower than usual. There stood Adrien Agreste, one of her best friends. He looked dejected and worried, looking at Ladybug for her approval. "Hey....bugaboo"
"Wow...you acted much more...freely as Chat, Adrien" The blonde let out a sigh of relief after seeing Ladybug's approving smile before noticing her face turned solemn in understanding once again. "I'm guessing you two want a moment to say goodbye" she glanced at Adrien and the kwami while stepping back to make space for the two.
"I guess this is goodbye, Kid" Plagg floated in front of Adrien's face, looking sadder than the blonde has seen in his entire time being with him. The kwami floated closer to hug Adrien's cheek.
"Thank you Plagg, for being my friend all this time" The blonde choked out.
"No, thank you, kid. You were one of the best Chat Noirs I've ever met" he hovered back in front of Adrien's face. "You're a good kid, Adrien. Don't forget that"
He took a shaky breath. "I won't...goodbye, Plagg"
"Let's get this over with now, or we'll make it rain" the kwami blurted out, but his voice was heavy with sadness. Slowly, Adrien pulled off the ring on his finger, watching as it turned black when Plagg got sucked in. He then handed the ring to the spotted heroine, surprisingly she took it hesitantly. She brought out her yo-yo, opened it and put the ring inside. She then looked back up to Adrien.
"Thank you" her voice was mournful. "For all, you have done as Chat Noir, all of Paris will grieve over your...retirement" She then took a deep breath trying to lighten the mood. "We need to think of a cover story that will be able to convince the Parisians as well as Hawkmoth"
The blonde put a finger on his chin. "Why don't we say that I got injured in the most recent akuma attack?"
The spotted heroine shook her head. "Hawkmoth would know that's a lie" Ladybug hummed while thinking for a valid reason which even Hawkmoth would fall for. 'Dami has good ideas, but he isn't here right now...what would he suggest?' She snapped her fingers. "I think I got it!"
"Well, what is it?"
"Let's say that as the akuma in the most recent attack had used his power to cause a defect with the Cataclysm, it was Sandboy, so that makes sense. The defect caused some damage with the Black Cat miraculous that wasn't fixable with the Miraculous Cure thus causing Chat Noir's miraculous to malfunction. This malfunction caused some physical damage to you and made you no longer compatible to use the miraculous without causing further damage, henceforth refraining you to be Chat Noir any more and forcing you into early retirement" 'If that isn't a good idea then I don't know what is' she took a deep breath. "What do you think?"
Adrien blinked once, twice before answering. "Sounds perfect M'lady". It wasn't said in a flirtatious manner he would normally use. 'No, Chat Noir used it in that way. Adrien doesn't need to any more, well at least not to me any more. Kagami probably'
"Well" Ladybug breathed in. "I'll drop you at your mansion then? I won't let my former partner walk all that way when I can easily help you get there"
Adrien flashed a friendly smile. "Yeah... I'd like that, thank you Ladybug"
A few swings later, Ladybug and Adrien arrived in front of Agreste Mansion, she settled the boy down gently on the ground.
"This is where we must depart, can't thank you enough for all that you've done. For all that you've done for Paris and for all that you've done to help me" Ladybug pulled the blonde in for a cordial hug before pulling away and looking at him in the eyes. "Just because you can no longer be Chat Noir, doesn't mean that you'll be excused from this battle permanently. If you want to, tell me now"
Adrien didn't hesitate to answer. "No, I joined the fight wanting to unmask Hawkmoth. I won't stop now just because I'm not paired with the right miraculous"
The spotted heroine smiled at the determination in her friend's voice. "Well, you can help behind the scenes. You can help the citizens out of the way of the akuma, that's all I ask of you for now. But that doesn't mean that I won't give you a miraculous if things get too out of hand. Right now it's best to focus on channelling out the destructive magic in you. Take a break from all of this" She used her arms to gesture fighting akumas and Adrien laughed.
"Don't worry I will just-" he paused. "Don't hesitate to find me if you need help, kay?"
Ladybug smiled and nodded while reaching for her yo-yo that was wrapped around her waist. She launched it at a nearby building and rugged on the rope before turning to Adrien and saying "Goodbye, Chaton"
Alya briskly walked the streets of Paris, her fingers fiddling with her phone as she was itching to talk to Ladybug. During the most recent akuma attack, while hiding from Sandboy, Alya noticed that Chat Noir seemed...unlike himself. He wasn't goofy or flirty and he wasn't cracking any puns like he usually did. The black cat-themed hero seemed worried and on edge, the aspiring reporter desperately wanted to find the spotted heroine to ask about this. As if by luck, Alya noticed a familiar figure swinging from rooftop to rooftop.
"Ladybug!" Alya called out, reaching to press the record button on her phone. "Can I ask you a question for the Ladyblog?"
Ladybug's yo-yo wrapped around a pole near the reporter which helped her gracefully land in front of the girl. "Sure, I've got time"
Alya hit the record button. "Ladybug I couldn't help but notice that Chat Noir wasn't himself during and after the latest akuma attack, is this something to be worried of or am I just overreacting?"
'I knew I had to talk about this eventually, I just didn't expect to talk about this soon. Alya would be able to spread the message clearly though' The spotted heroine took a deep breath. "During the most recent attack, something unforeseen and irreversible happened"
Alya, noticing the extra seriousness in the heroine's voice, straightened and projected the same seriousness in her own eyes.
"When Chat Noir called on his cataclysm, he was hit by one of the akuma's attacks. He and his miraculous were damaged in the process. Though I managed to fix the miraculous, Chat Noir wan't healed, even with my cure. He is currently recovering and he will no longer join me in battle. For how stable he is currently I... cannot say. I hope you understand that Chat Noir did not want to give up fighting Hawkmoth. Please do not be saddened by this as he is still helping me from behind the scenes. I hope this answers your question."
"Yes... it does. Thank you for spending your time with me today. Please send my regards to Chat"
"I will" she smiled solemnly as Alya pressed the stop record button before it morphed into a more cheerful one. "I hope you don't mind if I ever have to call you to help in an akuma attack, with Chat not being able to physically it'll be more... difficult to say the least"
"I'll always be here to help you out Ladybug!" Alya smiled proudly at the trust that Ladybug was showing her, she was one of, if not, the first to join after the original duo.
"Well I'm glad to have you as my personal reporter. Bug out!" The spotted heroine used her yo-yo as a grappling hook, leaving the stunned reporter.
'Oh my god..she called me her personal reporter! Ohmygodohmygodohmygod-'
Gabriel had a hand on his chin, smiling maliciously as the video ended. Mademoiselle Césaire has been known as Ladybug's go-to reporter, this video just proved it. Though that wasn't what the fashion designer was thinking. 'With Chat Noir out of my way, we can finally begin this experiment' The video had worked too well, Gabriel truly believed it enough to start trying a power up his miraculous had. He managed to translate a page the grimoire, and he was ready to test it out. 'Now would be the best time, Ladybug is at her most vulnerable'.
He saved the project he was working on previously before calling for his assistant. "Nathalie"
"Sir?" She entered the room immediately, expecting something to happen considering she just finished watching Alya's video which was currently the number one video trending in Paris.
"I believe it's time to move onto phase two" he answered with a smirk as he turned towards the painting of his wife.
"I shall make sure Adrien is safe in his room" Nathalie concluded before turning to leave.
Gabriel's hand brushed the portrait, reaching the familiar buttons that would lead him to his lair. 'Today will mark the beginning of your doom, Ladybug'
Marinette was sitting on the sofa in Jagged's hotel room. She had just been briefly told how Bob Roth was no longer Jagged Stone's manager and how Penny was now assuming the role. He was caught stealing from Kitty Section and was now working with XY, truthfully, Marinette was glad he was gone. Currently, she was discussing titles for all the songs that were in Jagged's up coming album, including the one she would be in.
"Marinette, have you got any ideas for your song yet?" Penny asked while setting down her clipboard. She had actually already had an idea thanks to Damian.
Marinette sang a bit of the song she wrote unknowingly. She asked Damian to skim through the lyrics sometime they went to bed and somehow she was singing the chorus. She only realised what she was doing when she felt arms wrap around her waist from behind and a husky voice whisper in her ear.
"You sing angelically, mon amour" Damian pressed his face in the space of her neck.
"You really think so?" She asked, she wasn't as tired as Damian was at that moment so she made sure to talk in a way that would soothe him to sleep.
He hummed. "I have a suggestion for a title" he murmured into her neck. "Dernière Danse"
Marinette blinked, slightly unfocused considering the fact that she could feel her boyfriend's breath on her neck, she liked the feeling. "Yeah... I like that"
She hummed and turned to face the sheets of lyrics in front of her, all of which still needed names. "Dernière Danse, Damian helped me decide last night"
"That's rock'n'roll Nettie but-" he had a knowing smirk on his face. "Who's Damian?"
'Damn, nothing gets past him' "Is he your boyfriend?" Penny asked, fond of her honorary niece. The two adults looked smugly at each other after being met with silence, practically confirming Penny question. "What's his name?"
"The sooner I find that out the sooner I can threaten that boy with Fang-" A look from Penny shut the rockstar up.
"You're not gonna threaten him anytime soon" the bluenette only continued after hearing a huffed 'fine' from Jagged. "And his name is Damian... Wayne" her voice veered of at the end and she looked to anywhere but the two adults.
"Wait Wayne? As in Brucie's youngest?!" Jagged exclaimed.
"You know his father?" Marinette tilted her head in curiosity, her honorary uncle had never mentioned him before.
"Yeah we were good friends back in the day, been a while since I've seen him actually" he smiled wistfully.
Marinette looked at the time. "Well I better get going. Bye Uncle Jagged! Bye Auntie Penny!" She turned to leave and reached the door but before she turned the handle, she turned to face Jagged and Penny, well, Jagged specifically. "Please don't tell anyone yet, Damian and I only recently got together. And no threatening him"
"I won't tell anyone" he crossed his heart with her fingers but he didn't confirm whether or not he would threaten the boy.
Marinette glared at her honorary uncle until Penny spoke up. "I'll make sure he won't do anything"
The bluenette smiled as she waved goodbye and left the room. She sent a quick text to Damian before she got on the lift and when she did, she pulled the silver ring out of her purse. It laid in the palm of her hand, Marinette glanced at it with a quizzing look on her face.
Tikki then made her presence known. "You have to find someone to use the miraculous soon Marinette" she flew in front of her holders face. "You can go without it for a few battles but then a new user has to be found, you can't fight alone"
She sighed and looked at the kwami. "I know Tikki, I'll ask Plagg if he can sense for any chosen users later"
She soon reached the floor and knocked on her boyfriend's door. He opened up immediately, the bluenette went inside and sat on the sofa. He sat next to her, wrapped his arm around her waist and gave a tender kiss on her temple.
"What happened? With Chat Noir I mean" Tikki then flew out of her owner's purse with the ring in her hands.
"Chat Noir was never destined to use the Black Cat miraculous" Tikki stated matter-of-factly "Luckily he was able to renounce Plagg before the magic corrupted him entirely"
Damian nodded slowly he opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a loud crash in the distance. On instinct, they both rushed to the balcony to see what was going on. Channeling her energy, Marinette recognised the aura of an akuma. She ran back inside and Tikki placed the ring on the coffee table before joining her holder.
"Tikki, Spots On!" The bluenette was then engulfed by a bright light and when it subsided, there stood the spotted heroine. She walked back onto the balcony and before she used her yo-yo, she turned to her lover and spoke in a teasing manner. "Don't lose the ring"
He nodded. "I won't and-" he stared at her in the eyes. "Go show Hawkmoth whose superior"
She smiled and and yo-yo'd away. Damian sighed and went back inside, closing the balcony door behind him. He still hadn't updated the file he was working on, he knew his father and his imbecilic brothers would be on his back so he decided to do just that. He sent a quick text to the group chat he was in to buy him some time. It didn't take long for him to finish and he decided to watch the battle between Ladybug and the Akuma, he had the LadyBlog up on the flatscreen as Alya was streaming the fight. Luckily from a safe distance. Damian didn't doubt Ladybug's ability to fight, in fact, he was impressed. He just wanted to watch his girlfriend take the villain down.
As he turned the television on, he observed as Ladybug and the Akuma, who called itself 'Guerrier', fought. He noticed how incredibly aware the spotted heroine was of her surroundings. She was great at multitasking as well whenever a civilian was in danger. And how she would easily switch from offensive to defensive. It appeared that she had the upper hand. Unfortunately for him though, that would soon change.
Jason felt very tempted to switch Tim's cup of coffee with the cup of decaf that he had. He was about to do just that when his phone dinged, Tim noticed it too. Huffing at the lost opportunity, he picked his phone up. "It's the demon brat" he scoffed.
"What he say?" Dick asked.
"That there's currently an attack and we can watch it if we wanna, Dickhead" he retorted.
"Tim?" Dick ignored Jason's comment and turned to where Tim was a few seconds ago, though there was only an empty seat.
"Done" Tim's voice came from the living room. 'Where the fuck did he get that energy from-'
The two eldest sons went to the living room and found Tim sitting in front of the television with a live feed from Paris displayed on the screen. There were two figures that stood out. One was in a matte black fencing suit with a long black blade. The other was a red and black spotted heroine which all in the room presumed to be the hero. They watched as the heroine, now identified as 'Ladybug', fought the villain. She was graceful, skilled and tactical. As the battle got slightly closer to the camera, Dick noticed something.
"She looks so young!" He exclaimed. "Like fifteen!"
"She got mad skill for a fifteen year old" Jason commented, slightly unnerved at the realisation of how young she was. After those words were said, the spotted heroine back flipped over the villain to avoid the blade. Ladybug gracefully landed behind him and gave a powerful kick from behind, launching the villain forward and onto the ground. Jason whistled.
The spotted heroine seemed to be in control of the whole situation, it also seemed that way to the men until the villain did something completely unexpected. His body twisted in an inhuman way to get out of Ladybug's grip. Taking advantage of the situation, the villain used his sword to impale the young heroine. The sword went deep into her chest, the handle nearly reached her back. It stabbed through her body with a horrifying and repulsive sound. The three men in the room flinches at the image, they've seen more revolting images than this but this seemed much more different. The sound the blade made, the way the heroine's body was twisted, the fact that she was so young and this was happening and all the screams and shouts in French adding to the atmosphere.They notice her face twist in surprise, pain and pure determination.
The situation in Paris was much, much more serious than they assumed.
Taglist: @little-bluestar, @miracleofadisaster, @frieddonutsweets, @jjmjjktth, @genderfluidmoma, @starlit-dreaming, @icerosecrystal, @lolieg, @kashlyn, @mochegato, @eggadoodle, @walkingthroughonautopilot, @toodaloo-kangaroo
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the-wayward-arc · 3 years
Magnus: What, are we gonna have a father to Son talk? Shall I get the tissues?
Magnus: *Surprised* What are you trying to get at here father?
Magnus: What!?! How did you know that?? Did you invade my mind with your damn deity powers?
Magnus: *silence as he looks down* Yes, she is.
Magnus: No she isn't. I sent her there long ago. To protect her...
-long long ago-
Magnus: my daughter was the result of an experiment of mine, a ritual that at the time I thought was a failure, turned out to be the greatest success I've ever done.
Magnus looks down at a small infant, at first there was a scowl on his face to see that it was a child and not a fully grown vessel like he had hoped. He motioned for his servants to take the child away and as she they did, she looked up at him, a small smile spreading on her face as she laid eyes on her the crimson king. A strange feeling creeping onto him as the child began to cry as he started to fade from her view.
Magnus: I didn't want anything to do with child at first, I was just gonna let the people of my planet take care of her but when I went to see her one last time, she looked at me and smiled. She was happy to see me. When I gazed upon her, I wondered if this what you saw when you looked upon us.
Magnus: Much like what transpired in that laboratory when we were all whisked away from you, the same thing was gonna happen to this child. Except it wasn't some damn gods asshats but rather me, a voluntary choice of sending her away just because I perceived her creation as a failure. I didn't want that, I felt a bond with her that was like the bond I felt towars you father when we were reunited.
Magnus: Yes, she was my daughter. Born of my blood and actions. I named her Salem, after an old friend from Prospero.
Magnus held Salem within the palm of his hand, the child trying to grab onto his large red finger as she laughed.
Magnus: As she grew, I taught her all that I knew. Her powers were great, not surprising considering who her father was.
Magnus stood in front of a child Salem, wearing acolyte Robes in the same color as her father's legion, her platinum blond hair tied into pony tail as ran towards her father. Flames of Warp fire erupted from her hands as it raced towards Magnus, only to be deflected by his own powers. Salem retreated slightly before summoning a lesser demon that she commanded to attack her father. Magnus was impressed but the small demon was no match for the red giant as he squashed with ease, just as he was about to speak a ball of fire blasted into his face. He stumbled backwards falling to one knee with a loud thud. He looked to see Salem standing away from a fading visage of herself, a smile on her face. Magnus laughed a bit, Impressed by how far she was coming.
Magnus: You caught me my child! *laughs* You are getting better and better! *bends to one knee, patting Salem's head gently*
Salem: Thank you Father, I do have the best teacher after all!
Magnus: Yes, again given her family it came at no surprise...but I knew I wasn't the only one noticing.
A teen Salem stood in front of two Rubric marines, ordering them ease while also summoning more lesser daemons though she was staring to put slight stronger demons under her thrall. Magnus watched above as Salem was practicing with her powers, doing his best to ensure a ritual was holding to keep a certain god from detecting her growing powers.
Magnus: Her powers were getting closer to my own, her control over the Rubrics and the daemons my Legion had enslaved were proof enough that she would reach my level soon. I was afraid. Afraid of what Tzeentch would do if he discovered her, discovered that I was hiding her with a ritual. I was terrified of him taking her and her becoming like me...so I had to make a decision.
Magnus: Yes. I summoned Ahriman back to the planet of sorcerers, despite our history he hated Tzeentch and I knew he was still loyal to my Legion. We scoured a place untouched by both the Imperium and Chaos, which we discovered Remnant. It had a unique relationship to the warp that basically hid it from the chaos gods. Souls there rarely entered the warp, rather they became part of the planet unless they were immensely powerful. So, I sent her there...I gave her false memories of this placing being her home. I alerted the memories of an ancient ruler so that he would protect my daughter and think of her as his own.
Magnus looked upon the sleeping form of Salem, a tear running down his face as he opened a portal to Remnant and to the kingdom she would placed in, no words were said as he took her through the portal, laying her down onto the bed. He gave one her one last look before going back, the portal closing behind him as Ahriman stood close by. To protect his daughter from Tzeentch, sacrifices must be made.
Magnus: I watched her grow, becoming a strong and capable leader. Only to see that bastard lock her away, but to interfere would mean Tzeentch might notice as well as the others. I couldn't risk that chance, so I had to watch my child be locked away for powers that exceeded all those around her. Then I watched as Events unfolded I could never predict and wish I would have to save her the pain.
Magnus watched through a small tear, a small window as his daughter was saved from the tower. Finding freedom and love with a young man, she watched their adventures as his daughter grew more accustomed to her powers, he saw her happiness and had hoped this meant he had been right about this place despite what had happened to her. But over the years, he watched more and more how things began to turn away from her; losing her husband, trying to revive him only to be stopped by those twin bastards, watching as they tried to tell her about balance only to disrupt the balance themselves by killing all the humans on Remnant and casting the blame onto her.
Magnus: She went through pain. Guilt, thinking she was to blame for the deaths of untold billions. When it was those two bastards throwing a tantrum for the actions of a few.
Magnus: I don't know but I have my sorcerers to this day looking for them, so I can kill them both personally.
Magnus: *Chuckles* Yeah, that'd be fun father.
Magnus: She wandered for a long time, as humanity grew back and rebuilt. She assumed she was cursed with immortality but it wasn't a curse that those two claim to have given her, it was a gift from me. So that one day we could meet and she could see the galaxy and all the secrets that it holds. I wanted to protect my daughter, I did so much to make her both Immortal and invulnerable. But she saw it as a curse when she tried to take her own life. But she found her love once more, reborn by those two bastards. She had a family but that didn't last either...
Magnus: An argument between her and her husband about the fate of their world escalated when he tried to take away their children, my granddaughters. They too were growing powerful with their newfound powers or magic as they called it. But they were caught in the crossfire and were slain.
Magnus: I would never allow such a thing to happen! No, I intervened and saved their souls, *produces an orb, The Emperor has the orb floated towards him and he can hear children laughing* Their souls are in there, safe. To them, that was all a bad dream and they are just living their lives as children again. I would never allow harm to befall them, they are my grandchildren and they will always be safe no matter what.
Magnus: *looking at the Orb, hearing the children play* A few times, but I never truly interacted with out of fear that Tzeentch would find it.
Magnus: She is angry and saddened, now that the have been to that planet and that you have ensured the Imperium cannot touch it, I wish to see her soon. To be her father once more.
Magnus: T-Thank you Father, *holds orb Close*
-Remnant, Land of Darkness-
Salem tosses and turns, nightmares that have plagued her for centuries, she awoke suddenly surrounded only by nothing the nothing suddenly being replaced with a room, one that looked familiar to her. Books stacked high with various scrolls strung about, she picked up one to see it was her hand writing! But what her caught her more by surprise was her skin, it was back to normal. Back to human! So was her other arm! She immediately ran to a nearby mirror to see she had regained her humanity, no longer looking like a Grimm personified. She heard the small pitter patter of feet, turning around quickly, she was greeted by the sight of her 4 daughters running up to her. She took a step back in shock as they hugged her, smiling.
Celeste: Mommy! Mommy! There you are!
Faye: We were wondering where you were!
Salem was still shocked, this couldnt be real! No! This was a nightmare, the moment she touched, they'll be ripped away from her! But she slowly raised her hand to her oldest daughters head, nothing happened save for the feeling of her hair and Celeste laughing. She hugged her daughters, nothing happened save for them hugging her back! This wasn't a dream and even if it was, she didn't want to end. She cried as she held them close, hugging them tightly.
Amber: Grandpa said you would cry, but its okay Momma!
Salem: I know, I just...missed you all *hiccup* so much! Wait, what do you mean grandpa? *she looked at them all, each one smiling as they looked back*
Magnus approached, the giant of a man looked at Salem and her daughters. A warm expression on her face, even as Salem got protectively in front of her daughters.
Magnus: Hello Salem, it has been too long.
Salem: w-Who are you!? *warp fire appeared in her hand, she would not let this giant harm her daughters!*
Magnus: *chuckles* Seems I need to get rid of that memory altering *he waves his hand as a mist quickly envelops Salem before quickly dissipating*
Salem: *Looks at Magnus, anger raising but slowly new memories began to surface, memories of this room. Training, reading, laughing, smiling. Memories of him* F-Father? *she falls to her knees, her daughters around her concerned as more tears steamed down her face as Magnus dropped to one knee*
Magnus: There is much to talk about my little book worm.
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wroteclassicaly · 3 years
If you want to or feel inspired how about “35. “You could’ve left! You could’ve run away with me!” And/or “78. “Seven billion people in the world and I got put in a room with you. Either I’m cursed or God likes playing house with us.” For Andy from the angst prompts! If you like. No pressure though!!
First off, thanks so much for sending this in! I definitely needed this to work on, and I miss my favorite dramatic daddy! ^_^ I hope you like what I’ve created here? I combined each number!❤️
I think this became more than a prompt, lol... Also, Andy is a total dick in this!
35. “You could’ve left! You could’ve run away with me!”
78. “Seven billion people in the world and I got put in a room with you. Either I’m cursed or God likes playing house with us.”
The scenery looks ever persistent in its unchanging beauty, you note, manicured nails tapping the glass as you pass by your favorite row of cherry blossom trees.
We must be getting close to home...
That sickening sucker punching dread drowns your insides, liquefying your bones. It’s enough to have you rolling down the window to outstretch your hand and wave your fingers through the whipping, crisp air. Your hair fans out with each rough breeze, creating a spread blanket to shield your left side view. And that is good enough for you right now. You attempt to ignore his rejected sigh.
Your right hand joins your left inside the car, thumb pad attempting to swipe the absent ring where your wedding band used to be out of a nervous habit.
“You gonna do that pitiful ex - wife act all the way to the house, Y/N? We both know I’m the actor in this relationship.” His deep voice, once comforting, is now snide and cruel, a speciality he has taken to reserving for you.
You don’t fight your instincts anymore, knowing you have no need. It’s over anyways, why try to tip toe around your ex - husband that chose everything besides you? When your head falls back against the seat you are wearing a saddened smile, eyes warm and threatening tears, yet they never fall. He looks briefly caught off guard that you aren’t taking your normal “bitch of a high road” and ignoring him.
“You’re exactly right, Andy. You are the one who’s been acting in our marriage.” It’s not a question, but a stating fact that you leave yourself on, batting at his cigarette smoke that he blows in your direction.
You don’t see the tremble his lower lip can’t control, you don’t feel the way his guts swoop into a massive tangle, heart ramming his rib cage with the lashes your words cause. He does what he can do best, one of the deciding behavioral factors that helped destroy your union. He becomes a total asshole.
“Your useless cunt used to get soaked just watching me smoke one of these. When did you get to be such an uptight bitch?” You hear his fingers snap together when he flicks the butt out and closes his side of the window.
You close your eyes and manage your therapeutic breathing ritual before you speak. Though you can’t close off the jagged way your air comes to the surface.
“The night that you left, dumb ass.” You’re not shy with the bitter concert your tone is doling out.
And Andy explodes. You hear him slam his duffel that separates you two in the backseat - onto the floor, his body shifting towards your sought solitude
“You could’ve left! You could’ve run away with me!”
You let him get it out, squeezing white - knuckled around the seatbelt across your chest. Andy slides so fast across the leather and grips a few inches of the belt below where your hand is, reminding you so much of a predator caging its prey. You know he won’t hit you, but that doesn’t mean you’re ready to be this close to him again, not when you know you’re hours away from losing him forever. Gone is the last name Dolan, replaced with who you were before this man came into your life and changed things permanently. Andy noses your jaw until he gets your neck to incline towards him, his nose smashing atop your own.
He’s like a snarling beast. When you attempt to raise your other hand, he tries catch it with his fingers, apparently unprepared for your biting hit across his cheek. You shove him away from you so hard that he falls back into his seat.
Fuck, I could just straddle him and ride him into the seat right now...
The car comes to a stop and prevents your soon to be ex - husband from further acting out his emotions. You gather your handbag and suitcase, heading into the house and meeting the lawyer and former staff at the front doors. You don’t want to see their faux sadness. You give them your bags, moving into what used to be the dining room, now set up into a makeshift lawyer’s quarters. You grip the curved doorknob behind you, jiggling its non-working inadequacies, another habit you’ll never get used to not doing any longer.
Along the fancy marble table, you see places set for a sadness that has your jaw twitching to keep yourself in check. Folders and pens are stacked and ready to go in front of the seats where you and Andy used to set. You have to move your shoulders against the onslaught of memories this room holds. Hell, even the furniture. Fitting that he ate your pussy out and then dropped to one knee with a diamond ring, but an even bigger, priceless sparkle in his eyes when he asked you to marry him.
You’d kissed his slick cum - covered lips and accepted. Then you saw more of him and less of this distant darkness that welcomes in. The very same table you’d became engaged at is the one where you’ll sign off on the ending that is your marriage, your life, and your ties to Andy Dolan. You’re broken from your grieving reverie, Andy striding in behind you and slamming the door closed. You wipe a hand across your mouth and move to a safe distance as to not let him read you. He’s pretty damned good at that.
“Motherfuckers all headed back into town. They forgot some of the files. Did you mail in all the shit that my lawyers discussed on the phone with you?” He’s accusatory, perturbed, seeming as if he’s having to bother with just being here with you.
“Yes, Andy. Unlike you, I’m not high 24/7, and can remember how to converse like a decent human being.” The hell if he’s going to place blame on you.
He snorts and runs a hand through his unkept brown curls, then paths it with a follow through across his delicious bearded stubble.
One last time I could feel that on my thighs if I just sit down in that seat...
“Then I’m not staying in here with you.” You realize, unsure why he even bothered if no one will be back for the hour.
The second your hand hits the door handle and twists you know you’re fucked. You’d forgotten this was one of the many things that never got fixed. And like a fucking cliche, you’re locked in your old dining room with your ex. You rest your head against the door and begin to laugh, your legs shaking uncontrollably as you fold into your old seat anyways, those tears disguised as pain and anguish in one with the humor. Andy is oblivious to your comedy, trying the door himself and taking a second to follow you.
“MOTHERFUCKER! This has got to be some kind of attempt to —“ Andy starts.
“If you accuse me of being the delusional ex - wife, so fucking help me...“ You trail off, warning him.
“Seven billion people in the world and I got put in a room with you. Either I’m cursed or God likes playing house with us.”
“Or you just fucking forgot that this door doesn’t work, a lot like you’ve forgotten every other damn thing that I tell you. Fucking bitch!” You say acidly in his direct direction.
“Oh? Oh, I’m the bitch? That’s so fucking rich, Y/N. Real comedy right there! My hat is off to you!”
He doesn’t jerk on the door, doesn’t attempt to maneuver it. He knows there’s no point from your prior shared experiences locked in here when the staff is in bed, and you two were kept inside for a late night snack or work. It always resulted in you both fucking each other on the floor, Andy pounding you into the door, or bending you over the table until you collapsed in a naked heap, waiting for daylight to be discovered and let out. Andy stands over you, that cocky walk up making you feel the familiar drenching ache. Great...
Angst Prompts
Andy babes tag list : @dark-mei-rose @sojournmichael @fckinsupreme @littledemondani @xavierplympton @xavier-plymptons @codyfernuk @jimmason @infernwetrust @ferndolan @plymptxn-reborn @9layerdevilfoodcake @instinctsxbaby @icylangdon @lovelylangdonx @langdxn @bloodcoatedeclipse @celestialrequiem @ritualmichael
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ymiwritesstuff · 4 years
yes!!! i’m glad your requests are open!!! could i please get a revali x reader (fem preferred but idc ig) thats kinda angsty as revali has a rito gf but can tell he’s falling for the reader as she falls for him ?
Heyy thanks for the request, I’m incredibly sorry that you had to wait. I also hope that this didn’t get confusing as I worked on this on and off for a long period of time and as you can see, it got quite long. Still, I hope you enjoy.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild
Revali x Reader
Summary: A new discovery about Revali leaves you distraught and confused, your feelings toying with you and influencing your behavior in the worst ways.
Notes: Angst
The day was as good as it could be. The sky was clear, the air was just the right temperature and the pleasant aroma of the spruces surrounding the village pleasantly tingled in your nostrils as you made your way up the wooden stairs. The princess had kindly asked you to visit the village, wanting to make sure each Divine Beast was functioning properly and you accepted her request, though a bit reluctantly.
The village itself was among the most stunning places in the Kingdom, that wasn’t the issue. Rather, a certain someone had always stuck out to you in a troublesome way. Those emerald eyes mockingly staring at you, those wings that so gracefully carried him through the air, and that irritating and condescending tone in his voice, all that annoyed you to no end, yet you found yourself at the village time and time again and the more time you spent in his line of vision, the less irritating he seemed to become.
At first, you couldn’t stand him and his arrogance. No matter what he did or said he managed to somehow anger you, but over time, you learned to filter his words, and more recently, you found yourself rolling your eyes at him, unbothered by his constant ramblings about himself. And you didn’t know why. Perhaps you had simply gotten used to his demeanor, but there had to be something more as every time your gaze fell upon him, you felt strange, nervous even.
You went through these thoughts as you made your way to his landing, expecting to see him there as the day would soon turn to the night and despite his passion for archery, even he knew when to rest. You caught a glimpse of those navy feathers and lifted your gaze towards him, witnessing his landing, graceful as ever. The previous thoughts faded away and a small smile crept onto your face as you picked up your pace, Revali quickly noticing your presence.
“Here once again? Let me guess, the Princess sent you,” He said, that familiar tone present in his voice, though it hadn’t vexed you in a long time. You briefly laughed at his guess that had hit the bullseye and rolled your eyes playfully.
“Yep.” You stopped in front of him. “So, anything to report?” These visits had become quite frequent over the past few weeks due to Zelda’s understandable paranoia towards the Calamity, and though you despised them initially, you soon found out that they weren’t as burdensome and tiring as you thought.
Revali brought his wing to his chin and appeared to be in thought, though you both already knew the answer. The Rito was skilled and had no doubt forged a strong bond with his Divine Beast so he facing any issues with it was very unlikely. His eyes then locked onto you, the tiniest smirk tugging one side of his beak.
“Everything is in working order. You and the Princess have absolutely nothing to worry about.” His answer didn’t surprise you in the slightest and upon hearing it, you merely sighed lightly.
“That’s good. I’ll let her know that there are no abnormalities regarding Medoh.”
You immediately glance at the beast that still roamed around the sky thanks to the impressive technology it was fueled by. It never ceased to amaze you. Your (E/C) eyes then moved to him, the mere sight of him making you experience that bizarre feeling you couldn’t describe once again. Despite his ego that was bigger than the entirety of the kingdom itself, he had worked incredibly hard for his achievements and if you were truly honest with yourself, he had every right to be as cocky as he was.
“I’ll do that. Now the-”
“And what of you? The Princess also wishes to know of everyone’s condition. Just in case.”
It was a lie. However, you couldn’t bring yourself to ask about his well-being on your own. He’d never stop taunting you about it. Revali raised his brow slightly and crossed his wings, that prideful aura still emitting from him.
“You can let her know that I am indeed in fine condition.” You lightly smiled at that, delighted to hear that he at least externally was doing fine.
Both of you turned towards the unknown voice and you saw an unknown female Rito approaching you, her gaze firmly glued on Revali. Your brows frowned in confusion at the sight of the teal-colored Rito who got closer, her amber eyes glowing in excitement.
You were about to say something but when the girl threw her wings around Revali’s torso catching you and him both completely off guard, a wave of shock and confusion hit you like a bomb arrow.
“Nika! What do you think you’re doing?!” Revali asked, completely surprised at the female’s action, a rare expression of embarrassment plastered across his face as she hugged him. The only thing you could do was stare at them, completely and utterly speechless at the sight.
Who was she?!
“Oh, sorry!” She quickly pulled away, allowing the flustered navy blue Rito to take a deep breath and internally deal with the heavy blow to his ego.
“I forgot that you don’t like it when I hug you like that in public.” Nika giggled slightly, the sight of Revali’s feathers puffed up greatly amusing her but only filling you with more bafflement. Nika quickly turned her eyes towards you.
“Oh, who’s this?” She asked, more so from Revali than you. After regaining his composure that was so easily broken, Revali turned to look at you once more.
“Oh, I see!” She stepped forward and extended her wing, which you slowly shook, dying to hear her introduction but also dreading it.
“This is (Name). An acquaintance of mine.” The word he used, ‘acquaintance’, it didn’t feel right.
“She’s an accomplished researcher, the Princess sent her to assess the condition of the Divine Beast.” You had never heard him speak so highly of you before and as much as it would have delighted you, you couldn’t feel even an ounce of joy at that moment. You were more focused on trying to figure out the identity of this female Rito who stayed close to him as he spoke.
“It’s nice to meet you, (Name). I’m Nika, Revali’s beloved.”
Nika smiled and let go of your hand that had gotten cold due to... something. What was this? Your eyes fell on the wooden surface of the landing, this unexplainable sensation spreading throughout your entire being like Malice.
As soon as those words left her beak, you instantly felt something. Something... Painful. As if you were pierced with a Royal Halberd after a bombardment of arrows. You swallowed, unsure how to react.
“Oh... It’s nice to meet you too.” That was all you could say as her sudden words hitting you a lot more harshly than you thought.
“It’s getting dark,” you heard Revali say, his gaze landing on the horizon behind which the sun was setting. “It’d be best if we settled in for the night,” he stated, to which the Rito next to him nodded and began walking, most likely towards their shared hut.
You finally looked up at Revali. “It’s unfortunate you had to meet her like that, I didn’t expect her to cling onto me so... enthusiastically.”
His words didn’t exactly make you feel any better, but you tried your best to stay calm regardless.
And that’s how you met her. The one Revali called his one and only. You couldn’t understand why it had shocked you so. Why were you so bothered by all this? The strange feeling of sadness you couldn’t comprehend followed you like a Hylian Retriever clinging to its owner. It was unbearable. The way he looked at her, the way he spoke to her, it was unlike you had ever heard or seen and the more of that you experienced, the more it saddened you. It took you some time, but you eventually understood the reason for this arduous feeling. Those actions of love weren’t directed at you.
“It’s... It’s fine. I’ll probably go now. It’s been a rough day.” Your voice had gotten significantly quieter and you could only hope Revali didn’t notice it. Fortunately, he nodded at your statement.
He turned away from you, ready to join his beloved. “I expect you to return soon, knowing the Princess, she most likely won’t stop fussing about the Divine Beasts until Calamity Ganon is defeated.” He glanced at you.
“So, until then, I’m afraid you’ll have to enjoy my presence a bit longer.” And with that, he left, not that you were surprised, he did so often. This time, however, you felt lonely as your eyes lingered on him for as long as they could before he disappeared into his hut, through which you could have sworn you saw him embrace his... Beloved.
It was impossible to look forward to the trips to Rito Village because you knew you’d see them together for even a brief moment. It was not Nika’s fault, no. She was a kind Rito and you didn’t need to wonder for too long why Revali was so fond of her. You were the one to blame. For allowing yourself to develop such feelings for him. If you had realized them sooner, perhaps it wouldn’t have hurt so much. All you wanted, was to feel his wings around you just like she did, to see those stunning emerald eyes look at you with affection, just like they looked at her. It was impossible, you knew this, yet you allowed the feelings to linger within you, only for them to hurt you even more.
You flop onto the ground with a heavy sigh after defeating a group of Lizalfos that were threatening Zora’s Domain. Breathing heavily, you wipe the sweat off your forehead with your sleeve and catch your breath, the Zora Champion slowly approaching you.
“Is something the matter?” The Princess asks, her soft voice and oddly specific question making you look at her.
“No... I’m alright,” you say, still catching your breath. Mipha kneels down beside you, checking for any possible wounds you may have suffered as she does.
“Usually something heavy weighs down on someone when they fight this ruthlessly,” she says, glancing at the rather brutally defeated monsters that she herself didn’t even get to fight.
She had noticed your merciless attacks and the way you flung your weapon. The Princess had never seen someone defeat their foe in such a ferocious way. In truth, you took your anger out on just about anything that wasn’t a Hyrulean. You kept the feelings bottled up and it was only a matter of time till someone noticed your distress. And the Zora beside you did.
“I’m not asking you to tell me what’s bothering you. But... I’m here. If you need someone to talk to.”
You glance at Mipha, her eyes shining with the most genuine form of kindness you had ever seen. She had her own share of worries, yet she was ready to put them aside and help. Her soft voice filled you with a temporary calm you hadn’t felt in weeks. Her mere presence was already helping.
You briefly look down, going over your situation. Keeping everything inside was already killing you, and with Mipha’s calming presence next to you, the words just come out of your mouth:
“I... I’m in love with someone. But... They already have someone to call their... beloved."
The word had stuck to you, and digging into your being like a sword, yet you let it slip from your lips. Mipha listens carefully, your words hitting her quite significantly. You didn’t know this, but the Zora Princess understands your predicament well.
“How do you possibly cope with that, Mipha? Every time I see them, I can’t help but feel hurt. I can’t get over him...”
“We all have our roles to fulfill, (Name).” She places her trident down and you feel her hand land on your shoulder. Her touch is gentle, much like the healing power she possessed.
“Sometimes... We have to accept the truth. No matter how much it hurts.” You feel like crying. Her words are sincere and you know them to be true, but you can’t bring yourself to accept them.
Your (E/C) eyes fall to the ground below you.
“But how? How can I possibly come to terms with it?” You look at her again, your eyes filled with desperation. You wanted to overcome this, you really did, but it was far easier said than done.
“The only one who’s in your way is you (Name). If you can’t conquer yourself, you will have no hope of accepting the truth. It is difficult to look at someone you love to be so close to someone else, but if you cannot put that behind for the sake of your own well-being, the pain will only increase.”
Mipha’s own eyes glance at the ground, her own pain with the similar situation weighing on her heart.
“Trust me... I know.”
Her words stick to you, slowly replacing the unpleasant thoughts that had roamed within you for so long. You turn to her, an empathetic glow apparent in your eyes.
“Thank you, Mipha. Guess your words also have healing properties.”
“However, there’s always hope. And you should never give up on it.”
A smile tugged the ends of her lips as she spoke, her expression reflecting her words perfectly. The soothing words that left her mouth gave you hope that you thought you had lost and that unbearable sadness turned into something else. You couldn’t help but smile at the Princess.
She lightly giggled at that as you both began making your way back to the Domain.
An exhale that appeared in the cold air as a faint cloud left your mouth as you let go of the arrow, aiming at one of the targets of the Flight Range. You lowered your bow to witness where the arrow would hit, hoping it would land on the center of the wooden target. But alas, it missed the middle by a tiny bit, causing you to let out a sigh of disappointment and frustration, though it was fortunate you managed to hit the target at all since the powerful winds often messed with the flight of any arrow. Still, your ambitious side wanted to hit the bullseye more than anything, so you grabbed another arrow, ready to try again.
“Don’t even try it. You won’t even come close to hitting that target,” Revali said behind you. For a moment, in the midst of intense focus, you had completely forgotten his presence.
After the conversation with Mipha, approaching Revali had become slightly easier. You could talk to him without the constant feeling of envy or sadness, though it did partially enter your being every time your eyes caught a glimpse of teal-colored feathers. You couldn’t be mad at Nika, she hadn’t done anything wrong, so you tried your best to remain calm and friendly whenever she was around, but oh boy, was it difficult.
You lowered your bow and looked at him after rolling your eyes.
“Thanks for the encouragement.”
Turning away from him and facing the target once again, you were about to continue your attempt. Only to get interrupted once again.
“Well if you insist on shooting with an incorrect stance, don’t let me stop you.” In the middle of his sentence, you fired again, but this time didn’t look at where the arrow landed and instead turned towards him again, his words catching you off guard.
“Stance? What do you mean?”
Your brows frown at him, confusion painting itself on a canvas that was your face. He lets out a sigh and walks beside you, taking out his infamous Great Eagle Bow and drawing it.
One of your frowning brows raises up as you watch him, noting how inhumanly steady his grip was as he releases an arrow, which lands on the center of the target you had been attempting to conquer. He smirks at his small achievement and turns to you. How typical of him.
His words puzzled you. Despite the fact that they were coated in his usual sarcasm and arrogance, he had never sincerely given you such words of advice. Sure, he liked to bathe in the statements of fame he dedicated to himself, but hearing him actually providing his guidance was extremely peculiar. Strangely, it made you smile.
“The way you hold your bow is rather... Amateurish, to say the least.”
He placed his wings behind his back and kept his emerald eyes on you. His words had little effect on you and you found yourself lightly rolling your eyes at them as he continued:
“The reason as to why you keep missing is simply because your grip on your bow is unstable.” You glance at your hand that was still holding your weapon, the cold sensation caused by the low temperature tingling on your fingertips quite uncomfortably.
“Thank you for the advice, Revali,” you say as you draw your bow again, paying close attention to your grasp on the wooden material, making sure to keep your previously shaky hand under control. Your hand stays relatively steady and your confidence begins to bloom even under a sharp pair of emerald eyes.
Revali steps away from you, allowing you to finally release the arrow after taking a deep breath. It flies through the cold air and your eyes follow it anxiously, hoping that it would finally hit the center of the target that had been cleverly avoiding you for the past few hours. Your (E/C) eyes widen when the arrow hits the target, and this time, it had hit the place you had wanted. Immediately a smile creeps onto your face.
“Relax your shoulders,” you hear him say, just as you are about to release the arrow. You throw a brief glance at him before allowing your shoulders to relax slightly. This apparently isn’t enough for the Champion, however, as he approaches you, placing a single wing on one of your shoulders, immediately making your eyes widen a bit.
“The key to a successful shot with a bow is the right stance, which is not as simple as someone like you would think.”
His wing pushes your shoulder down slightly, which allows you to relax the muscles, and suddenly, the likelihood of you hitting the bullseye is increased.
Upon turning towards the navy blue Rito once more, your eyes catch an expression that seems to be a mixture of surprise and rare awe. A small smirk makes its way on your features as you look at him.
“Well? How do you like that?”
Your head tilts in the direction of the target that now had two arrows in the middle. Revali lets out a scoff and a laugh.
“I am mildly impressed. Hitting a still target on the ground is in no way a difficult task.”
You find yourself once again rolling your eyes at him as you know that what he says hides what he truly means. That’s the most important lesson you had learned when in his company.
He takes a few steps towards you, his wings once more crossed behind his back. “You somehow managed to do it with that.”
His wing points at your bow, which immediately causes you to look at it, only to notice a crack on the wooden surface. “It’s... Broken?”
“Don’t tell me you expect me to oversee everything you do with a bow. If only your eyes were more perceptive, you may have been able to noti-”
“Indeed. I noticed from the moment you first attempted to shoot with it."
You lift your gaze to him.
“You knew it was broken from the start? Why didn’t you say anything?”
Confusion mixed with slight irritation coats your voice as you look at him, noticing him smirking once more as he turns his back to you, increasing the distance between you two as his talons sink into the shallow coat of snow.
His words that were coated in a condescending tone come to a halt when he feels something hitting his back rather harshly. A noise left his beak and he turns around, only to see you with your arms crossed, a mischievous grin stretching your lips, and a small area of snow that looked as if it was missing a piece. Revali’s eyebrows frowned as he swiped the remaining snow off his back, a slight wave of annoyance at the unexpected snowball flowing through him.
“I didn’t expect someone like you to act so utterly childishly.”
Your rolled your eyes, unwilling to let his words affect you, though they already had.
“Well, it was your childish blabbering that caused this in the first place. So technically, this is your own fault.”
Your smirk remains on your face as you purposely, and admittedly childishly, fire back at him.
“I was merely having fun.” You look at him and notice his expression change. It’s a change so microscopic you almost miss it, but something in his eyes indicate that the tone of the conversation was changing.
“At least I know how to have fun.” 
“What a ridiculous way to have fun.”
Revali walked past you, his wings once again behind his back. This time, his voice sounded different, a strange spike of anger in it that didn’t go unnoticed and certainly didn’t help the situation or ease your own growing pique.
“And you are saying I don’t?”
You crossed your arms. “Clearly not. Judging by your attitude.”
He scoffed mockingly. “I’ll have you know, I have plenty of ways to spend my time in a meaningful way, that do not involve childish games.”
“Oh, I’m sure you do! When you have someone like her in your life!”
The words that shot out of your mouth almost accidentally linger in the air and echo around the Flight Range, the harsh meaning behind them making Revali look at you, utter confusion and surprise twisting his feathery features. You blink a couple of times, your mind realizing what you had allowed to slip from your lips, and for a moment, you hope that he somehow hadn’t heard your words.
Revali looks at you, then at the ground, processing what he heard. It was true that he had noticed shifts and changed in his feelings the more time he spent with you. The times he would steal a glance at you, knowing it was in a way forbidden due to Nika. You were right, he did have a meaningful life with her, and that seemed to pain him the most. Revali noticed your expression and immediately understood that what you had said had plagued you and weighed on your being for a long time. Still, your words pierced him like a poisoned arrow. He loved Nika, but at the same time, his heart seemed to feel complete when he was in your presence.
“Revali... I...” The words of vindication and apology get stuck in your throat, unwilling to come out as if they know that there is no way to explain your sudden burst of emotion. You wanted to say you didn’t mean it, but that would have been a lie. Jealousy had twisted your mind little by little and you failed to push your feelings aside. You hung your head in defeat, understanding that there was little to do to save the situation. Your feelings were exposed and what would happen next was out of your hands.
After a grueling silence, the Rito finally spoke, his eyes holding a glow of sorrow and disappointment: “I’d better get going back. Back to-”
“Your beloved.” You finished his sentence as a heartbreaking indicator that you understood how much the teal-colored Rito meant to him. He glanced at you but quickly moved his emerald eyes away from your form as the mere sight of you was enough to claw at his insides. A nod was all he could offer as he prepared to leave. He crouched down and took off, leaving you in the midst of the snow that sprinkled around you.
Your eyes dampened with tears as the being you loved slipped away from reach, his saddened eyes not daring to look back as he flew towards the direction where the being he loved was, conflicted by his feelings he didn’t fully realize he had.
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
A Reason to Smile
Fred Weasley x Reader
This Story is inspired from a request of my Movie Lines Prompt List.
Prompts: 4, 10 & 16
"Let's put a smile on that face."/"Go ahead, make my day."/"Yippee ki yay, Motherfucker."
Warnings: Swearing. Umbridge.
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Y/n woke up in a foul mood. With less than 3 hours sleep after having spent the whole night in detention with Umbridge and just can't seem to find a reason to smile. Even the thought of spending the day with her best friends, Fred and George, fills her with somewhat dread.
She doesn't want to see anyone. Do anything. Or go anywhere. Which is totally unideal for a Saturday. If things were to go her way she'd just roll over and stay in bed.
But she's starving so there's just no avoiding the inevitable.
Begrudgingly she pulls herself from her bedsheets and readies for breakfast.
As she arrives in the Great Hall she keeps her eyes trained to the floor, bee-lining for a place far enough away from the other students in her House to simply eat in peace before disappearing back to her dorm for the day.
But of course, with Fred and George as your best friends, how could she have possibly expected that to go to plan?
"Hey, y/n/n!" One of the Twins shout as they made their way over to her House table for breakfast. Their typical peppy demeanour mocked her, as it seemed impossible to draw herself from her current bad mood. Unable to even muster a fake, courteous smile for the sake of conversation.
"What happened to you last night?" spoke George as they sat either side of their dishevelled appearing friend. "Popped out to hand in some homework and we never saw you again. What'd you get lost?" He teased, nudging her shoulder in the process while his brother chuckled at the remark.
"I'm sorry I disappeared but please guys not today. I'm not in the mood."
"Woah, what's with the tone, love? And not in the mood? Please! You're always in the mood for us" Fred goaded pulling y/n into his side by her waist. A guesture which would usually have her leaning into his touch but not today.
She shook herself from his hold with a huff, leaning onto the table she propped her head up by the palm of her hand.
Neither Twin knew how to react, she'd never been so put off by them before. "Y/n...are you okay?" Fred asked sincerely. Both boys were eyeing her concernedly.
Y/n avoided eye contact, staring fixedly at her, now cold, bowl of porridge as she stabbed at it with her spoon. That's when Fred noticed it. The pink discolouration on the back of her hand. His heart dropped at the sight. She'd obviously been with Umbridge last night.
"Y/n-" his voice was firm as he spoke, drawing her and Georges attention immediately, his eyes flicked briefly to hers before focusing solely on the forming scar. "Your hand."
"It's nothing." Y/n straightened herself tucking her hand into her lap with a slight wince as the fabric of her clothes caught the still tender surface of her wound. Her other hand came to grip at its forearm to distract herself from the dull throbbing pain which now coursed through her hand.
"It's not nothing!" Fred snapped harshly, but as a whisper so not to draw too much unwanted attention.
George delicately reached across her lap lifting her injured hand into the light, his own eyes near shaking as they searched desperately between hers and his brothers expressions before inspecting the words she'd been forced to carve into her own flesh all night.
"I will obey the rules" he read the words aloud, the very phrase causing a sick bile to rise in each boys throat.
"I was busted on my way back. She told me I need to 'be more aware of the company I keep' less something like this happen again" y/n mumbled with distaste, her eyes locked determinedly onto the tables edge.
There was a moments silence between the three, all seemingly afraid to speak, before George stood abruptly, storming from the hall. An action which caused y/n to close her eyes tightly, drawing a sharp breath in, attempting to distract from the tightness that'd formed in her chest in knowing the effect her words had on the pair.
She never intended on telling them about the detention. They'd surely blame themselves for her being out past curfew as it was their idea to meet up in the first place. But it's not like she didn't understand the risk of what she was doing when she did it.
They knew those few words all too well. Umbridge had spoken them to her before, countless times by this point.
The first time, the Twins had been pestering y/n in the courtyard when she approached. They were lounged about one of the concrete benches under the courtyards largest tree. Freds head was in Y/ns lap, as she read, poking her cheek in an attempt to gain her full attention whilst George sat on her otherside, all his weight pressing against her as he sighed boredly.
Umbridge had deemed their behaviour 'not school appropriate' and 'not in compliance' with Educational Decree Number 31; as Boys and Girls are not permitted to be within 8 inches of each other.
The Brothers had laughed at her, a poorly timed 'you're kidding' thrown her way as Fred swung his legs off the bench now sitting upright. A few more cheekily placed comments landed the pair in detention for the night.
She highly disapproved of y/ns relationship with the Twins and had no issue voicing the fact and so before parting she'd issued that very same warning to y/n, stating matter-of-factly; "You should be more cautious of the company which you keep. Such a promising young witch, it'd be a shame to see your talents go to waste or future be tarnished for that matter by the carelessness of others whom are less gifted." She'd uttered the words with sharp glares thrown down her nose to the two Weasleys.
From that moment it'd become somewhat of a catch phrase for her everytime the threesome caught her attention.
Y/ns head dropped, mumbling a soft "I'm sorry, Fred."
"You have nothing to be sorry for, love." He rubbed small comforting circles on the lower of her back before pulling her waist as he had done so earlier. Inching closer so their legs were pushed flush together as he rest his chin atop her shoulder nestling into her neck. A touch which, this time, she did not shy away from - rather craning her head back to rest against his.
"I just don't think I'm someone you'll want to be around today." She admitted sadly, "I can't bring myself to enjoy anything."
"Well that just won't do" Fred pulled his head back to look into her eyes with a cheeky knowing expression. But even that wasn't enough to bring a rise to her saddened features. "Come on," he nudged her shoulder, "let's put a smile on that face." He spoke with a smirk.
"Reckon you can?"
"Of course!" Fred nodded with a tone of absolutely certainty.
"Well go ahead, make my day." Y/n challenged, which brought an excited smile to Freds face. He jumped from his place at the table holding an expectant hand out for her to take which she accepted a little hesitantly.
"Should we go find George? See if he's okay?"
"Nah, he'll be fine. Besides, this way I get you all to myself." Fred squeezed her hand a little tighter as he all but dragged his friend from the Hall.
A few hours had past and Fred were still relentlessly determined to make today one of the best days possible for y/n. Surprisingly he'd started off small with a just few well timed jokes and casual strolls around the Castle simply trying to keep her occupied on anything other than those toxic thoughts that kept her from enjoying the day.
As lunch approached he'd upped his game. Grabbing a few snacks from the kitchens and taking her down to her favourite place by the Lake where they spent the time talking together; sharing various stories while Fred told countless jokes to make her laugh and spoke of their newest inventions for the joke shop.
Y/n was sure she hadn't stopped smiling since the moment they'd left the Hall. Fred just had that effect on her but with every small guesture and tender smile thrown her way there was just no stopping the butterflies that erupt in her chest or the warmth that spread to her cheeks from his flirty comments and kind words.
By this point she'd nearly forgotten the whole reason he were so determined to make today so memorable.
But Georges absence and the light stinging in her hand was a nagging little reminder at the back of her mind which stopped her from falling wholly into the moment.
"Alright, Miss." Fred shot up from his place on the grass, dusting his hands on his jeans as he did so. "Onto grander things!" He held his hands out for her to take, pulling her giggling figure from the ground. "What could you possibly have planned now?" "Oh just a little mischief." He grinned as his tongue grazed his bottom lip before threading itself between his teeth, eyeing her closely. Y/ns eyes narrowed at his words untrusting of whatever plan his brain had suddenly cooked up. There were no time to question however as she were promptly being pulled to the Castle as the Sun fell below the horizon.
"You dragged me back to the Castle like a man possessed for dinner!?" Y/n questioned as they entered the Great Hall alongside countless of the other Hogwarts residents.
"Well yes and no. Yes; because you need to have a proper meal today aside from a couple sad mouthfuls of porridge and a dozen sweets. No; because for my next trick we will in fact be needing our beloved Georgie." "Do you think he's okay?" "One way to find out isn't there? OI! George!" Fred pushed through the dawdling individuals in the aisles between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables, pulling y/n along behind him to where his Twin were currently seated for dinner.
"Hey Georgie" y/n began in a sad tone as she sat beside him. "Are you okay?" She stroked his arm reassuringly as she spoke. "Yeah I'm fine. Sorry I took off this morning I-" "ah-ah!" Fred piped from her otherside, "no morning talk. Look you're ruining all my good work!" He commented pointing to the concerned frown which were now upon y/ns features. "What?" "Dear Freddie here has been spending the day trying to get my mind off things." "Right right...Ginny mentioned something about Fred dragging you around the school all day." "Yes, and until now it'd been working so just...perk up. Which shouldn't be hard once I tell you my plan" Fred rubbed his hands together in anticipation.
"Plan?" "Know that thing we've been dying to try but haven't had the occasion?" he stated vaguely which had concern growing in the pit of y/ns stomach. Concern which only worsened as she watched how Georges features shifted swiftly from one of slight disinterest to immediate excitement. "Really? You wanna do that tonight?" His smile was wicked and a little frightening in y/ns opinion as he questioned his brother who merely hummed in response. "Reckon I can name a few select members of a certain 'club' who would make excellent guinea pigs." Continued George in a whisper over top of y/n "You've read my mind." Fred took a sip from a drink y/n had just poured, for herself mind you.
Y/ns focus was shifting worriedly between the two brothers who sat on her either side sharing an unspoken understanding.
"Stop doing that you're freaking me out!" She snapped which caused the boys to laugh, George mumbling a simple "You're in for a treat" as he turned his attention back to his dinner with a sly grin.
Y/n looked back to Fred hoping for some kind of hint or reassurance but he just smiled, wrapping his arm round her waist and pulling her into his side as he began to eat.
"You really think you're going to get away with this?" Y/ns voice rang throughout the empty corridor. "Only one way to find out" Fred wiggled his eyebrows at her.
The pair were currently hiding around the corner of the 7th floor main corridor. It were past curfew as the Twins plan fell into play.
"Explain to me again what exactly these things are?" Y/n asked as she fiddled with a small cylindrical canister. "Paint bombs." Fred answered excitedly. "Similar to Dungbombs just-" "with paint?" "Pretty much, yeah. You pull this little tab, then you have about 7 seconds before it goes off. This one in particular is my favourite so far." "And whys that?" "You'll see" Fred smiled brightly down at her before the sound of approaching footsteps put an end to their conversation.
George barrelled down the hallway, throwing himself into the pair very much out of breath but with a smile as wide as Fred's had been moments ago.
"All set?" "Yeah. They should be coming through any minute now." The three craned their necks around the walls edge, waiting for their unsuspecting victims. It didnt take long before the sound of several pairs of agitated feet came stomping through the corridor.
Filch followed by a handful of the Inquisitorial Squad were huddled together in shared annoyance by the antics of George which were leading them directly into their trap. Various curses and angry grumbles could only faintly be heard over the distance between them.
"Right" Fred whispered as the three ducked back behind the wall, he gave George and y/n a quick nod before tearing the small tab from it's place. "Yippe Ki Yay, Motherfucker." He spoke dramatically as he stepped out, throwing the Paint Bomb like a grenade towards the befuddled group of Slytherins and accompanying Caretaker.
Quickly shooting himself back behind the wall where all three waited with baited breaths and backs pressed flush to the cold stone wall.
"Not a day goes by that I don't regret showing you Die Hard." Y/n mumbled, a comment which brought a wide smile to Freds face as he looked down to her. A few more seconds past before a loud crack and angry shouts echoed through the Castle.
Y/n looked in amazement to see the Hall covered in multicoloured, sparkling, paint as well as orange and gold confetti. There was something beautiful about it she thought. All the vibrant pinks, blues and purples caught the eye like a giant canvas painting. Aside from the ugly squabbling creature, that had once been the Inquisitorial Squad, at the pieces centre of course.
She was in tears from laughing at the sight when Fred leant down to speak in her ear "whataya think?" "I think it's brilliant!" She smiled up at him, "that's the messiest one we've got." He nodded in the direction of the chaos currently unfolding before them.
The group were slipping over themselves and wiping hands down their faces in disgust over the thick liquid which coated them all, as well as the ceiling and walls.
"It was also the only one." George scowled though clearly very amused. "Worth it though wouldn't you say?" "Absolutely."
Freds eyes turned back to y/n, admiring her laughing figure beside him.
"We'll count that one a success heya, Freddie?" George nudged but his brothers trance was not so easily broken. "Definitely" he smiled not turning away from her.
"Shit!" Y/n exclaimed suddenly. "Yeah, I'd say it's time to go." George stated as he watched the very colourful and very angry group now charging after them.
George took off in a sprint but it weren't till y/n began running, taking a hold of Freds hand as she did so that he fully registered what was going on and started to run too.
Fred and Y/n had ended up in her common room after losing George. Luckily it were late enough that not many people were still hanging about so the two pretty much had the place to themselves. Spending a few more moments just being together and reliving the day by the fire, it weren't till the clock struck 12am that Fred admit he should be getting back to his dormitory. Not that he wanted to but y/n needed to sleep after her restless night prior, he hadn't meant to keep her up this late to begin with.
Pulling her from the couch he walked her to the bottom of her dorm rooms staircase where she stood a couple stairs from the bottom to match his height.
It'd slipped the pairs notice that they were still holding one anothers hand until their joined laughter faltered and the warmth in their palms caused realisation to strike. Fred dropped the hold clearing his throat as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Thank you for today, Freddie." Y/n smiled warmly. "Pretty memorable, aye? Told you I'd get you smiling." He rocked confidently on the balls of his feet. Y/n shook her head slightly as she absent-mindedly stroked his arm. "Don't know what I'd do without you." "Probably nag George" he joked.
"As much as I love Georgie, it wouldn't be the same" Freds eyes studied her face the whole time she spoke. He could feel his heart begin to race inside his chest. If only she knew how much he wished he could hear her say she loved him.
"Goodnight, Freddie" y/n placed a light kiss to his cheek, grip tightening ever-so-slightly on his bicep before turning slowly to leave.
His heart was thundering now. Breaths rapid as his body urges him to speak. To tell her everything.
How he's in love with her and he's sure she feels the same way.
How she's the first thing on his mind of a morning and the last thing at night. How his whole family has been pushing him to just pluck up the courage and ask her out already. How nothing makes him happier than seeing her smile. How he never wanted to go to the Ball as 'just friends'. How he smells her perfume in Amortentia. That the sight of her at breakfast this morning, so down and distraught, broke his heart. How for the last few hours it's taken near all his strength to stop himself kissing her with as much love and passion as he can to show her how much she means to him.
But how do you convey all that to someone who has been your best friend for the past 5 years? No clue. But he has to try and he knows he'll never get this kind of opportunity again.
"Y/n, wait-" he grabs her arm, taking a step towards her he pulls her into his chest. Before he can process it his hand is cupping her cheek and he's kissing her with such intensity y/n can feel the air leave her lungs as she melts into him. Her arms snaking over his body. A hand running itself along his shoulder, fingers entangling themselves in the locks of hair at the base of his neck, whilst the other wraps tightly around his torso.
When they finally break apart Fred's on cloud nine. Nothing had ever felt so good or so right. But at the same time, he's panicking. God, he hopes she truly does feel the same way and he didn't just completely misread everything about their relationship. Their foreheads are pressed together as y/ns lips form a wide smile.
"If you wanted to give me a reason to smile today...you could have just started with that."
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
Hiiiii hope ur doing well❤. I was wondering if i could get Shanks with a female who he leave at the village the same day he leave luffy. And after a few year s/o was done waiting and decided to leave and become a pirate captain of a very dangerous crew with a very high bounty has all three Haki types [ A bout a Billion]. And s/o meets Shanks at the Marineford but s/o is all cold hearted and bitter. She still loves him but would never forgive for leaving her.
Have a good day/night❤❤❤
Shanks With An Old S/O From Years Ago
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A/N : Oi, I hope y’all aren’t expecting an angsty ending 😖 no way am I going to do that.
note : originally, I was going to make this two parters, or at least begin with reader and Shanks before he left, but then it’d take even longer and I still have tons of requests to do.. and this is pretty short.
I changed it a bit too—
warning : MARINEFORD SPOILER * also, this is pretty different from the actual scene, I wrote my own scene because I can’t remember nor did I want to search it up.. so it’s my own scene but still contains spoilers!
Summary : Once lovers, now strangers, Shanks meets his significant other once more in a unexpected time and feelings are returned from the past.
Why now?
The old sinking feeling of your heart dropping down to your stomach was enough to make your blood run cold.
The sight of one of the four powerful emperors made you frozen in the spot.
Eyes widened in shock with mixed feelings bubbling up inside you, lips parted but no words could even begin to form. Not with him around, no.
Thoughts were interrupted by a deep voice.
“I think we’ve shed enough blood. Why don’t we end this war?”
Saving the young and brave, pink-haired marine from a tragic death from Akainu, Emperor, Akagami no Shanks had his signature smile present, hand gripping his sword and successfully blocking Akainu’s fist.
“I-It’s Red-Haired Shanks!”
“What is another Emperor doing here?!”
“Emperor, Red Hair Shanks. This war has nothing to do with you. What is your reason for your arrival?” Akainu scowls, raising his fist that was currently boiling with magma.
Shanks takes a small look around to see the damage done from the war that has just occurred, and amidst his scan, his eyes fall onto you.
His eyes turn wide from shock, while yours quickly turned away from him, to avoid his lingering stare and attention from the others.
Before anyone could notice the sudden awkward silence in the air, you began to walk off, your crew following suit.
Clearing his throat, Shanks turns back away, recovering from the shock of seeing you at a place like this before speaking.
“I believe we have had enough of this war. Many lives have been lost. What do you say, Sengoku?” Shanks then pulls a smirk on his face as he pulls back his sword from Akainu and held it out suggestively.
“Unless, you truly would like to continue it?”
Behind Shanks was his entire crew, Beckman smoking, Lucky Rue eating meat, Yasopp with his gun rest on his shoulder, etc.
Sengoku closes his eyes and remained silent before turning away. “We shall call it an end.”
Shanks nods as he sheathes his sword. “Very well. At least allow his family to give him and his son a proper burial as well. It’s the least you could offer.”
Referring to Whitebeard and the fallen Ace, you pause in your tracks after hearing Shanks.
Sengoku ponders for a minute before sighing. “I’ll allow that. But nothing else. Now, leave. Before I find myself a reason to start attacking you now.” Sengoku commands.
With that, the marines began to gather the injured, with the command of Sengoku, whilst the Whitebeard Pirates started to retreat, a few lingering back to recover their fallen people and the now deceased.
“[Name]. What should we do? The war has ended, and Straw Hat Luffy has retreated and being saved by Worst Generation Pirate, Trafalgar Law.” Your first mate reports, walking up to your side.
You look around the navy headquarters, seeing the mass destruction that has been caused and the pained and tearful expressions of the Whitebeard Pirates.
Though relief filled you from the thought of Luffy being saved, the overbearing pain you felt from seeing someone was taking over.
“..We’re done here.. let’s get—“
That voice.
The familiar voice was nearly enough to make you stop, to think back on the many memories you had with him, to actually wait and see what the man wanted to say.
But you didn’t. You didn’t stop. You kept walking.
“[Name], wait. Can we please talk, for even just a minute?”
Reaching for your wrist, you instinctively tried pulling back but the Emperor’s grip was tight. But almost immediately, he let go and pulled his hands back to his sides.
You look at him, staring at his eyes that were filled with hurt and even the smallest hint of regret.
The sound of a blade un-sheathing from its scabbard interrupted your thoughts and you put a hand out, successfully stopping your first mate from harming the Red-Haired.
“Don’t. You’ll only cause unnecessary trouble.” You tell them, making them exhale and reluctantly turn away.
“What should we do, Cap?”
Exchanging glances with Benn and Yasopp, you receive a nod from the two of them and Benn faces the Red-Haired Pirates.
“Let’s head back to the ship.”
You turn to your own crew and directed your head in the direction of your own vessel. “We shall as well.”
Just as the others began walking, you stop, feeling Shank’s eyes lingering on you, waiting for your answer.
“.... Let’s talk then... we’ll talk on my ship and I’ll take you back to yours afterwards.”
Though you couldn’t see it, you could see the grateful smile that was forming on Shank’s lips as he nods at you. “Thank you.”
... Tension was eating away at the silence.
The two of you sat alone in the office. Your office. You stood behind your desk, next to your chair while Shanks stood in center of the room.
However, fortunately Shanks cut the silence by speaking.
“You’ve grown.”
“I have..”
Nodding once absentmindedly threw Shanks off for a second before he recovered.
“.. you’ve made quite a name for yourself. I’m surprised you became involved with this war though.” Shanks starts and you sigh, turning away.
“Someone had to watch over Luffy. Otherwise he would have gotten himself killed. God knows he needs someone to look after him after the person he idolized so much left him.”
You didn’t mean to start off so blunt and rude right off the bat, but it seemed to slip out.
However, Shanks wasn’t fazed but his expression merely softened and saddened at your words.
“Look..I didn’t have a choice, I-“
“Don’t give me that, you know damn well you perfectly had a choice.”
Shanks stammered for a second before letting out a heavy sigh. “[Name]. You have to understand..”
His gentle tone.
The way his body was striding over to you.
The way he slowly raised a hand to bring to your face.
And the way you just let him do as he pleased.
And you wish you didn’t feel it. But you did.
The same sparks.
You wanted to jump into his arms. Lean into his touch and let him hold you for all the years that went by.
But you couldn’t. You didn’t. You weren’t willing to make the same mistake twice.
You pulled away and pushing his hand aside, you walk around the desk and away from Shanks, arms at your side and practically hugging yourself.
Pain was evident in the two of you.
“Shanks, stop...”
Looking up at Shanks sorrowfully, you feel your chest ache and you knew Shanks did too. He felt the same sparks after all.
He knew he wasn’t the only one who was still having feelings.
“[Name]..” Shanks spoke in a hushed tone, carefully making his way around the desk to go back to you. This time, you didn’t stop him.
“Hey, look at me.. please.”
And you did.
“Believe me when I say this, I have never stopped loving you. You are the only one that has been on my mind all these years. I watched your bounties rise.. I checked in on the news on your growing fame and powerful crew by your side.. there has never been a time where I stopped thinking about you.”
Cupping your cheeks gently, caressing your skin with his thumbs, he leaned closer and closer until your noses touched together.
“I still love you, [Name]..”
He whispers out, staring into the abyss of your [ e/c ] just seconds before closing in on the space between you both.
Pressing his lips to yours, you felt the aching in your heart start to swell and fill it’s emptiness with the tiniest bit of warmth Shanks offered.
And you couldn’t help but kiss him back. Wrapping your arms around him, you let yourself just lean into his hold and all the pain you felt disappeared in seconds. You couldn’t even tell how much you longed to feel his lips against yours once more.
Eventually, you did pull away and look down, but felt Shanks press his forehead against yours and moved his hands down to intertwined them with your hands.
“You felt it too, right?..”
You couldn’t tell if you what you were feeling but regardless, you knew what he meant.
Nodding slowly, you breathe out softly and close your eyes.
“Still.. I can’t do this.. I’m afraid it’ll break again.”
“I promise I’ll fix it enough so it’s unbreakable. This time, I’ll make sure to stick around, and never leave your side again.... what do you say?”
Whether you were going to end up regretting it or not, you just couldn’t let this opportunity slip. Especially knowing Shanks was being genuine on his part.
“Fine.. Don’t ever leave me again.”
Feeling a uncontainable grin spreading across his face, he holds your hand tight and pulls them to his lips to kiss gently before smiling softly at you.
“I’m truly one lucky bastard, if I get another chance from you.”
A/N : hope you liked it and it was okay!! Thanks for requesting!
definitely rushed, I’m losing some motivation, and stressing from school ;-; soo, yeah. I’ll try to keeps these long but I’ll mainly be doing headcannons now ( sadly ) and they might be short.
Thank you for continuing to being supportive of me and I wish you all a great day / night! :)) 🤍
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lunarmessenger · 4 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could write some angst with happy ending one-shot about MC having baby with Saeyoung but he doesn’t know about her, because he pushed away MC after their “first time” in Rika’s apartment and told her that he don’t want to involve her into his live so when she finds out about her pregnancy she run away from Korea. 4 years later she’s coming back and Seven accidentally finds out about his little daughter.
I see that I have now become the one for ANGST and i love it  - luna xx
warnings: none?? at least i don’t think
word count: 3.9k
That was the first thing she noticed as her eyes slowly opened. She was groggy, her arms spreading out as she stretched across the queen sized bed. Her arm swept over to her left, cold and empty sheets returning her warm touch as she blinked for a moment. She noticed that the sheets felt a little too close to her body, brows furrowing as she slowly lifted the sheets and looked down. She was met with the site of her naked body, a blush washing across her face and neck as she hurriedly placed the sheets back down. She sat up, her lower back a little sore as she hissed and leaned against the many pillows surrounding her.
What had happened?
Her hair fell around her face, hands reaching up and pulling it back as she looked around. Her eyes caught onto her pajamas that were strewn about the floor, along with her underwear. Again she blushed, eyes still scanning the room until they fell on the familiar hoodie that lie crumpled on the floor beside her messy clothing. That’s when the memories hit her. His warm and soft touch across her body, the way his lips nipped and sucked at the most sensitive parts of her. His breathless moans, her soft whines as they intertwined together. It was passionate, it was sweet; she remembered what he said to her as they finished together.
I love you.
A small smile came to her face as she scooted away from the wall and towards the edge of the bed, using the sheets to cover her naked body. Her legs twitched as her toes touched the cold floor, going to stand until they shook and she lost her balance. She fell to the floor with a small thud, huffing in frustration and embarrassment as she tried to hoist herself up. The noise caught his attention, her eyes looking to the door as he ran into the room.
“Oh! Y/N, are you okay?” He didn’t wait for an answer; he made his way over and helped her up, the feel of his hands pressed against the small of her back and her shoulders enough to make her blush as she spoke up.
“Yeah...just a little sore.” She avoided his gaze, but she could see the small smile on his face as he placed her on the bed and walked toward his jacket. She gave a breathy sigh and then cleared her throat, watching him place his jacket back on and adjust his jeans.
“So, um...” She wanted to talk about what happened last night, but she didn’t know how to. What was she supposed to say anyway? I mean it was good; obviously it was very good. But what now? They admitted their feelings to each other...so did that mean that they would be together? Like she always hoped they would?
“We don’t, uh, have to talk about it.” He cut her off, sending her another small smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. His voice was calm, reassuring. But she could see in his eyes that there was a sadness in them, despite the fact that they had shared such a beautiful night together.
“I want to talk about it though. Last night was amazing, I—” She hesitated, seeing how he quickly went back to the door and put his sneakers on. “Seven...?” He stopped, his sneakers still untied as he looked at her. His golden eyes became even sadder, her heart growing heavy as he faced the door.
“Look, Y/N. My life is...complicated. I don’t want to involve you.” Her brows furrowed as he kept his back facing her, his hands clenched into fists as he took a deep breath.
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying...forget about last night. It’s better that way.” She felt like she’d taken a punch to the stomach, a lump forming in her throat as her heart completely sank. Forget? How was she supposed to forget something like that? Something that felt so real, so right?
“What if I don’t want to forget?” She’d meant for her voice to come out stronger, more sure of herself. Instead she sounded small, and shy, her fingers clutching the sheets for dear life as she looked down. Tears were already threatening to spill over, her bottom lip quivering as she shook her head.
“You want me to forget all of that? Forget the kisses we shared, the way I felt...you told me, Seven; you said to me—”
“It meant nothing.” A small gasp escaped her lips as she looked up at him, his head now turned towards her direction. His look was cold, empty as he repeated the words that stabbed her in the chest.
“It meant. Nothing.” She slowly sank back into the bed, turning so that her back was facing him, shock completely taking over her body. The tears were flowing freely now, wetting the pillow as she held it in. She could sense he was still there; he’d already seen a vulnerable side to her; he was not going to see her cry.
“Once I figure out the location of the hacker I’ll work with Jumin to get it taken care of. Once you’re safe; we don’t have to interact again unless it relates to the party.” His footsteps indicated he was leaving the room, and it was confirmed as she heard the door shut behind her. With that she let out a quiet, but painful sob, eyes clenched shut as she lie on the side of the bed that he’d left this morning.
It had been a couple of days since 707 and Jumin figured out where the hacker was stationed; found out about Mint Eye. They had the authorities swarming the building in minutes, and it seemed that now, the RFA was safe. During their hunt, 707 was confronted by his brother; one that he thought he had lost years ago. She could see the change in him; how he was angry and saddened by all the lies that V had told him. He was hurt by his betrayal, and she was still hurt from his sharp and piercing words; the last words that the two of them had spoken to each other.
A couple of weeks had passed since then, and today was the last day that they were going to be living in the same apartment. Though they lived together they stayed in separate rooms; she couldn’t stand to see him, and he was okay with that. More than okay; he knew that he had hurt her beyond repair, and he figured it was better this way. Especially now that everything came out with his brother; the hacker. He was distracted, typing away at his computer to see if he could find a trace of him, anywhere in Korea. She took that chance to slip out of the apartment, wallet in hand as she hurriedly rushed to the nearest market.
Though it’d been a couple of weeks and the tension was high, something else had her worried. She walked straight to the section that she knew it would be in, grabbing the most accurate one off the shelf and fast walking to the self checkout station. She had the box in her bag and carefully walked into the apartment complex, jumping when she saw that he was waiting for her.
“Where did you go?” His brows were furrowed, noticing that she was acting differently than usual. She was playing with her fingers and avoiding his gaze, leading her throat as she responded.
“I just wanted to go for a short walk. Not like you care anyway.” She pushed past him as he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before opening them again. It stung, badly but he couldn’t blame her at all. After what he said to her...she had every right to snap at him and avoid him. He sat back down at his laptop, hesitating slightly as he looked back towards her room. His heart ached; he wanted to go to her, tell her that he didn’t regret that night, that it meant everything to him. But the damage was done, and so he cracked his knuckles and rolled his shoulders, typing away to find his brother.
Meanwhile she was in the restroom, pacing back and forth in front of the sink as the little white stick took its time to process and think. She was pleading, hands clasped together in front of her mouth as she continued to pace. The timer on her phone went off and she dove for the stick, bringing it up to her eyes and reading the results. She sank down to her knees in shock, the two lines reading loud and clear on the positive test as her hands started to shake. She missed her period, but she thought it was related to all of the stress from dealing with the hacker. She never thought...
With shaking hands she hurriedly pulled up the RFA app, fingers miss typing so much that she almost laughed. Tears were falling down her face as she sniffed, the phone picking up on the 2nd ring.
“Jaehee; please. Help me.”
She waited until Seven had gone back to his place, the apartment empty of all the things that had belonged to him. Her own items were packed away in a suitcase, coat and scarf wrapped around her as she waited for Jaehee and Jumin. Her stare was blank as she focused on the wall in front of her, heart aching at the decision she had made. Did she want to go through this pregnancy alone? Of course not. But she couldn’t tell her family; at least, not yet. Not when she was only in her first term. She felt nauseated at the idea of telling him; telling him that he was going to be a father. She wanted to; he had every right to know that what they did that night; they were going to have a child.
But after everything came out with his brother? She couldn’t.
There was already so much on his plate, and she knew that if she added her pregnancy onto that he would completely shut down. After talking with Jaehee, who brought it up to Jumin she had decided; she couldn’t stay here in Korea. Knowing that he was so close to her, that any moment they could cross paths and he could see her growing stomach; her body that held their child. The thought of it made her sick; she just couldn’t do it. She’d thought about abortion, thinking that maybe that would be best. But she couldn’t help fantasizing about what their child would look like; would they have his hair? His eyes? His strange, but warm personality?
Those thoughts are what made her decide that abortion wasn’t the answer either; she would rather raise this child alone, than try to reason with Seven who had already made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with her. There was a soft knock on the door, and then it was pushed open, Jaehee and Jumin standing on the other side of it as her eyes slowly peeled away from the wall and looked in their direction. Held in her hands were plane tickets to Europe, Jumin being the first one to walk over to her. He knelt down in front of her, gray eyes strong but warm as he gently took her hands.
“Are you sure you want to do this? I have resources, Y/N, you don’t have to do this alone.” She looked into his eyes, knowing that he meant every single word he said as he patiently waited for her answer.
“I’m sure. You’ve done enough; I just want to disappear. I’ll send you both pictures I just...please. I don’t want the rest of them to know, and I especially don’t want him to know. It would kill him.” Jumin nodded and helped her stand up, taking her suitcase in his hand while Jaehee stepped forward and linked arms with her.
“You’ll always be a part of the RFA Y/N. Never forget that. We will welcome you back with open arms, should you decide that is what you want.” Her heart grew heavy once more as she leaned against Jaehee for support, the tears flowing as she walked out of the apartment, and didn’t look back.
Four years. It had been for years since he’d seen, or heard anything form her. He’d managed to find his brother; slowly make amends. It was hard, but he did it, and they were together again just like old times. But his heart was still empty, still missing as his mind occasionally went back to those moments with her. Moments where they joked in the chatroom, picking on Yoosung. When they’d share dinner together in Rika’s old apartment.
That night when they’d made love.
He refused to call it anything else; because that’s what it was. They’d poured their souls into each other, sharing pieces that nobody else would ever get the chance to see. He’d stupidly tossed it away, and now she was gone. Again he couldn’t be mad at her, couldn’t be upset; if anything, he hated himself. He hated how he was so focused on pushing others away, that he missed out on the most important thing in his life.
All these years that she was gone they could have grown together; maybe even started a family. Thoughts like that always depressed him, and he tried his best not to think about it. But it was so hard; he looked for her, everywhere and it was like she had never existed. He couldn’t find anything; and part of him knew that she didn’t do that alone. Jumin and Jaehee rarely talked about her, and when he asked them where she went he was met with vague answers; sometimes no response at all.
The thought of their secrets made his anger bubble up all over again; and he decided it was best to go for a drive. He grabbed his jacket and threw it on, soon heading out into town with one of his sports cars. He parked in a random spot and decided to just walk, not caring where he was going. Now that he’d found his brother he felt...lost. Like there was nothing else to search for. Obviously Y/N didn’t want to be found, so he respected that.
He bit his lip as he thought, throwing his hood up in frustration. He then stopped as he noticed a lone child, crying in front of one of the buildings. Her hair was long enough to catch his attention, yet everybody else seemed distracted, their own errands preoccupying their minds as they left the poor child to cry by herself. He hurriedly walked up, her wails piercing his heart with a strange but almost familiar feeling as he knelt down beside her.
“Hey, hey...are you okay?” She wiped at her eyes as she looked up at him, and immediately he felt his stomach drop. Her eyes were extremely similar, if not identical to his own when he was a child.
“I can’t find my mommy...” She sniffled, her cries building up again as she started to panic. Her Korean was good but she had a small accent; clearly she was not form here, nor raised here.
“That’s okay; I’ll stay beside you and we can wait here for your mommy. Do you remember where you last saw her?” 
“Darling!” His head popped up as she saw a woman a few feet away, searching frantically as she panicked. She had shopping bags on her arms, the bags swinging around as she desperately tried to find her child. She fully turned around towards them, her eyes growing wide as she immediately ran for the two of them. His heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest as she grew closer; it was her.
“Baby, oh darling what did I tell you? You cannot leave mommy’s side! Ever!”
“I’m sorry...” She hugged her, the relief prominent on her face as she kissed the top of her head. “This man helped me mommy.” The little girl clutched the bottom of her mother’s coat, pointing to Seven as he slowly stood form his kneeling position. The mother stared back at him, almost dropping her bags as she quickly but gently pulled her daughter behind her.
“Y/N...” She swallowed, though that didn’t make the lump in her throat any smaller as she looked down.
“Saeyoung.” He interrupted her, her eyes looking up towards him as he continued to stare at the child next to her.
“My real name is Saeyoung. I...is she...?” His hands were shaking as he pointed towards the child who peeked from behind her mother, eyes wide with curiosity as she watched the two adults talk. She hesitated; she didn’t want to tell him, at least, not this way, but she knew better than to lie to him. She gave a small nod, slowly bringing the child to the front of her as he knelt down again.
“Hi...” His voice was soft, holding his hand out to her as she hesitantly placed her small one inside his palm.
“What’s your name? What’s her name?” His eyes switched between the little girl’s and Y/N, a hand pressed against her chest as she tried to hold back tears.
“Angel.” It came out as a whisper, Saeyoung nodding as he cleared his throat to fight back the tears.
“It’s nice to meet you, Angel.” He tried to wipe away the tears that had formed and were threatening to spill, and in the process knocked his hood back. It revealed his bright red hair, and it was then that the little girl’s eyes brightened, her small hands pressing against his face as she cried out.
“Daddy!” Her high-pitched cry is what made the tears completely fall, a choked sob escaping his lips as she leapt into his arms. He looked up in surprise, lifting her up and carrying her on his hip; it was as natural to him as breathing.
“That night we didn’t use...this whole time were you—”
“I’d rather not explain this on the street; I was actually planning to come to your apartment. Maybe cook dinner?” Without hesitation he nodded as he noticed groceries inside the shopping bags, leading them to his car all while trying to keep his emotions under control.
“So...how long has she known about me?” Saeyoung watched her from the kitchen, his brother carrying her on his back and running around the living room as she squealed in delight.
“Since she found a picture of you in my dresser a few months ago. She wanted to get to know you and meet you, and I figured that she should have the chance to know who her father is.” She stirred the vegetables absentmindedly, the rice cooker going off just as she turned the heat off.
“You kept pictures of me?” He swallowed, biting his lip as she looked away. He pretended not to notice the flush in her cheeks as she nodded.
“Yeah, I missed you I just couldn’t forget that you existed.” She took a deep breath, placing the vegetables on a large serving platter and bringing ti to the table. Saeyoung was in shock; it’d been so long since he’d seen Y/N; and now she had a daughter. Well, they both had a daughter now. She looked so motherly; the way she wiped her hands on her apron and called for Angel.
“Dinner is ready! Come and eat you two.” She set the plates, and while Saeyoung offered to help she declined. He could tell it wasn’t out of spite; she just genuinely had become so independent. He felt a heavy sense of guilt; if he hadn’t pushed her away that night; what if he’d allowed her to get to know him? Every part of his past; who he was and who he wanted to be. His selfishness and stubbornness caused him to lose four years on a family that he’d had; and he would never forgive himself for that.
He watched fondly as Angel bounded in from the living room, her bubbly personality warming his heart as she sat next to him and eagerly waited to be served. Though dinner was nice there was a lot that needed to be said still, and he knew that as he caught Y/N looking at him often as she switched between feeding herself, and helping Angel eat her food.
Soon it was late, and Angel was fast asleep in the lap of Saeyoung’s brother, the man resting his head on his hand as he leaned his elbow against the arm of the couch. Saeyoung was helping with the dishes, the two of them standing in silence as they switched between handing off plates and placing them on the drying rack.
“I didn’t mean waht I said.” She furrowed her brows, tilting her head as she looked in his direction. He was looking out the window in front of the sink at the stars before turning his attention to her, eyes intense as she shook her head in confusion.
“That morning; after we’d had sex. I didn’t mean what I said. That night meant everything to me. I just...with the RFA being in danger, and Mint Eye threatening to take you and my brother I—”
“Saeyoung you don’t have to explain it. I knew that you loved me; I figured it out after I’d been in Europe for the first month of my pregnancy. I just...I couldn’t find the strength to come back and tell you about her. The longer I sat on it the more I tried to push it off. She was my strength. Angel was the courage and the push I needed to come back and see you.”
She hadn’t noticed but a couple of tears threatened to spill, her gaze switching from the dishes to him as she gave a weak sigh.
“I’ve just missed you so much.” Saeyoung dropped the dishes, dipping down and capturing her lips in a kiss. She was surprised, wide eyed as he kissed her hard. She too let the dishes fall back into the soapy water, wet hands grabbing his shirt as she kissed him right back. He pulled away first, golden eyes melting her just as they did four years ago as he spoke.
“I am never letting you run away from me again. Do you hear me?” She nodded, kissing him first as he reciprocated and lifted her up on the counter top.
“Saeyoung! Angel, Saeran; they’r right—mm!” He interrupted her again, tongue pushing past her lips as he deepened the kiss even more. She let out a soft squeak, giving in to the desire as she ran her now dry hands through his hair. She pulled away for air as he moved down to her neck, pressing light and soft kisses down them as she gave a pleasured sigh.
“Stay,” He pressed another kiss on her collar bone as he whispered, coming back up to make eye contact with her. “Stay with me.”
He pressed his forehead against hers, hands holding tightly to her waist; he felt that if he wasn’t holding on tight enough, she might just disappear all over again. She gave a deep breath, opening her eyes as she brought a hand up to his cheek. Her thumb ran across it, her touch soft as she decided.
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tiifalockhart · 4 years
Invisible Enemy
Anonymous asked: Hello, I want to request also a Prompto bc i love him 😍 like his insecurities kicking in and then his s/o will kiss them insecurities away, kissing his cute freckles and adoring his stretch marks (i have them too 🥺) just to get sunshine boi smile again, not too saucy, bye thank you *flies away*
Pairing: Prompto x Reader
Word Count: 2k
A/N: hello!! thank you so much for your request. I hope you enjoy it!! feedback is always appreciated
Ao3 || Masterlist
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Prompto could brave anything...
After building up enough confidence to do so, of course. He could fight off giant snake women in the deepest caves in all of Duscae, and only feel a bit of anxiety after the fight. His adrenaline would be pumping to the max and he’d actually look forward to the next battle. He’d been frozen, burned, petrified, and even turned into a frog, and yet he still was able to put on this magnificent brave front. 
...That is until the enemy he’s fighting is himself. 
The greatest curse to him was his insecurities. He hated them so much. His intrusive thoughts would pop into his mind and ruin his joyous mood. They sucked away so much of his life... It was almost devastating. No one knew why Prompto would randomly go silent during conversations in the car, or why he would sometimes distance himself in camp. It was saddening, watching the light leave his eyes sometimes. 
It wasn’t the same when he was fighting an invisible enemy. He’d do anything to distract himself. He’d play random games on his phone, maybe go out and practice shooting, sometimes he would even offer to go exploring at night to take his mind away from the berating verbal abuse his mind gave him. 
He’d think about the insecurities he’s carried with him since he was a child. Was his weight okay? Did he look okay? Maybe the others were friends with him out of pity. Was he really funny or were the guys just laughing to make him feel better? Maybe he should go on a jog in the morning. These constant thoughts plagued his mind and caused him to unendingly doubt himself until he was swallowed up by his insecure and depressed nature. He wish he could fix it within a snap, he wished that he could just make them go away, but he couldn’t. 
When the two of you first met, you seemed so... Confident. He watched the way you walked without a qualm in the world, how you smiled brightly and laughed happily and took everything with a grain of salt. You seemed to love life... It was admirable. Prompto wanted to be like that desperately, to be happy and carefree, but he was sad and cared too much. 
As the two of you got closer, he tried to follow your lead but it never worked. Eventually, his thoughts would come back just as he began to feel better. It was a sick circle of doubt. 
You began to notice it when he became distant and quiet, how he would stare out the window of the car silently or how he’d laugh hollowly. You would grow concerned and ask him about it, but ultimately receive no answer from him. Usually, he’d brush it off, typically saying something along the lines of “Sorry, I’m just tired” or “Sorry, I didn’t realize.” You understood how hard it was to talk about feelings, but you couldn’t bring yourself to be okay with those answers. 
It wasn’t until after the two of you began to date that he began to open up more about his insecurities. It would be random occurrences when he’d mention it. Sometimes it was at dinner, sometimes it was when the two of you were about to sleep, sometimes it was just out of the blue when you both were watching TV. He began to speak his mind more, which you appreciated greatly. It seemed to be healthy for him as well. 
That is until he completely broke down one day.
You’d never seen anything like it before, it was like he was a completely different person. He was so on edge and upset about seemingly nothing and refused to talk about it. He tried desperately to bottle it up and swallow it, anything so that he would stop his mind from racing. 
That night, you found him in your bed, curled up and crying. It was such a pitiful sight. You couldn’t find the right words to comfort him, you weren’t quite sure what was causing him so much pain. So, to attempt to comfort him, you simply laid next to him and hugged him. 
“Wanna talk about it?” You asked after several minutes passed. Prompto let out a shaky sigh as he slowly shook his head. 
“No... I don’t want to bother you with my issues.” He muttered, his voice rough. You gave him a sympathetic look before moving closer to him. After planting a very gentle kiss on his cheek, you cleaned away his tears with your hands. 
You sat up and carefully pulled him closer, holding him in your arms. “You won’t be bothering me. Tell me about it.” You whispered comfortingly, gently rubbing his arms and shoulders. 
He sighed and nodded somewhat reluctantly. “Sometimes... I feel like I’m not good enough, you know?” He murmured, tilting his head back to look up at you. “Like... I don’t look as good, I don’t fight as well, my personality isn’t that good. It scares me... Because sometimes I don’t know if those thoughts are true or not.”
You frowned at his confession, smiling weakly and leaning down. You placed a kiss on his most prominent freckle on his forehead. “I think you’re perfect.” You whispered, pressing another kiss on another freckle. “I also think you’re the funniest person I’ve ever met.” You reassured, pressing another kiss to another freckle. “You don’t have to be sad, because you’re more magnificent than you think.” You whispered, beginning to press more kisses to his freckles. Your lips traveled from his face and down to his sun-kissed shoulders. You massaged his shoulders afterward, a small smile gracing your lips. 
He relaxed under your touch, his eyes slowly falling shut. “You think so?” He whispered, a little too dazed to respond properly. You let out a soft laugh as you nodded.
“I know so.” You answered, running your fingers through his hair. “I think you’re lovely.” You continued, shrugging lightly.
“Even for who I was?” He asked, a shaky breath leaving his lips. You raised a brow in confusion. Was he referring to his teenage years..? You sighed softly and shifted so that you were hugging him around his waist from the side. 
“Your past defines who you are... But that doesn’t necessarily involve looks.” You murmured, looking up at him. “Experiences make up who you are, looks inevitably don’t matter, especially after the change you went through.”
“But... How do I know that it doesn’t?” He responded, shaking his head and letting his head fall back onto the pillow. You looked up at him, a glint of concern evident in your eyes. 
“Well... Because when we met, I knew nothing about your past until you showed me.” You pointed out logically, shrugging. You leaned down and pressed a kiss to one of the stretch marks left on his stomach, causing him to shudder. “Have you heard Noctis, Ignis, or Gladiolus mention it? What about Cindy or Iris?” 
He hesitated and nodded slowly. “No... They’ve never said anything about it.” Prompto replied, his brows furrowing. 
“That’s right, because no one is worried about it... They’re more worried about being your friend and taking care of you and making you happy. They don’t care what you looked like, they just want to make sure you’re okay.” You explained as you trailed kisses along his stretch marks. He nodded hesitantly as if he silently understood. 
“Can we cuddle?” He asked randomly, which caused you to smile. 
“Only if I get to be big spoon.” You answered, moving up and wrapping your arms around him from behind. He sighed in relief, his eyes falling shut as he leaned into your touch. 
“Thank you...” He sighed, before eventually drifting off to sleep. You admired his peaceful expression and simply held him. Hopefully this would have an impact on him... You hoped that he would be feeling better by the time you two woke up.
The next morning, you woke up to find yourself alone. A confused look formed on your features as you stared at the pillow in your arms. Quietly, you stood and wandered around the house in search of Prompto, until you came upon the kitchen. You raised a brow in confusion as you entered, noticing how Prompto was bent over the oven. “Prompto?” You called out, a confused look on your features.
“Oh-” He tried standing up, but ended up hitting his head on the counter. “Ow... Good morning.” He greeted, pulling out a pan of biscuits. “I decided to make breakfast, I feel really good after last night, you know? I was going to bring it to you in bed, but you ended up waking up. But it’s alright, we can just eat it here. Oh, what kind of jam do you like?” He rambled on, turning to take off the oven mitts and grab plates for the two of you. The confusion never left your features as you took a seat, watching him curiously. 
“How... How did you make that? I thought you were awful at cooking.” You began, eyeing the tray of biscuits. “And... I don’t have a preference of jam... Are you sure you’re okay?” You asked, narrowing your eyes at him. 
He grinned and laughed, placing some biscuits on your plate and handing it to you, before taking a seat next to you. “I feel a lot better after last night. You helped a lot, you know? Hey, we should go see Noct today!” He explained, spreading jam on the biscuit in his hand before eating it. He seemed to be much more energetic today... Scatterbrained as well. 
“Oh... Sure, we can. I’m glad you’re feeling better.” You responded, smiling at his eagerness and beginning to eat. Maybe things were going to be okay for him after all. 
After your meal, the two of you got dressed and headed out, meeting up with Noctis, Ignis and Gladio. They seemed to notice the change of attitude for Prompto as well, which made you feel slightly relieved. He was energetic and talkative, and even brought out his camera often, which you missed in the past few weeks. It seems that he’s returned to normal. You were thankful for it.
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