#he just came over to give him some files he didn't deserve that
dullahen · 7 months
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Forehead jumpscare....💀
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lovebugism · 1 month
oh my god absolutely feral for the cynical prompt list PLEASE!!! maybe like bad at feelings/grumpy!r x steve with these vibes?:
• "you.. LIKE ME???" "i'm a little wary but so far, yes."
• "you're my favorite person. i didn't know you could have those."
• i love the idea that although they're cynical they would simultaneously not care to admit it ^ like "okay, yeah, i fell in love. so what???? people fall in puddles, and pools, and you know, other things!!! don't hold this against me!"
or literally anything from that list like i just know you’d eat
hope you like it angel xoxo — you tell steve you love him for the first time in front of all your friends who didn't even know you were dating (grumpy!r, fluff, 1.3k)
Eddie drops off a few Hellfire stragglers at Family Video after a lengthy campaign, you among them. Robin watches you file in with a freckled chin nestled in her palm. “Stevie! Your children are here!” she singsongs in the otherwise empty store, flipping unenthusiastically through an old magazine.
Dustin and Lucas grumble under their breaths about being called children, though you think they’re still very much deserving of the term. Eddie, meanwhile, crosses his leather-clad arms over his chest. “You know I’m older than him, right?” he monotones with squinted eyes. “So that’s, like, scientifically impossible.”
You deadpan from beside him, somehow more stoic than the raucously dressed metalhead. “And also, I’m dating him,” you frown. “So that’d be, like, extra weird.”
Everyone looks at you like you’ve grown two heads, then. Like you’ve just said something awful. 
Steve’s presence saves you, but only for a moment. He comes out from the back wearing a stupid grin on his scruffy face. “Hey, babe,” he greets you first, with a wide hand spread warmly over your back. 
When he ducks down for a fleeting kiss, you can taste the Cheetos he’d been snacking on and the wintergreen gum he’d just plucked into his mouth. The concoction is strange. Maddening, still.
All of your friends leer at you for several long moments. They gape at the two of you in horror, as though there was some kind of truth in what Robin had just announced moments ago — as though you and Steve shouldn’t be kissing at all.
“Wait,” Lucas mumbles, filling the heavy silence. His face twists in confusion a second later. “What?”
Eddie’s pale face contorts in something short offense, like you’ve betrayed him somehow. You sort of did, in a way. You’re Hellfire’s prettiest, grumpiest, weirdest member — you’re not supposed to be dating Steve The Hair Harrington. It goes against, like, every unwritten rule in the handbook. 
“Is this why you wanted me to drop you off here?” he questions, palpably heartbroken. “So you two could— suck face?”
You shrug, emotionless. “Sorta.”
“We have a date tonight,” Steve announces with a proud smile. He squeezes gently at your shoulder, then cowers at the glare you give him. He clears his throat and corrects himself. “Not date.”
You’ve noticed his very strange tendency to call any time you spend together a date. You don’t like that. It makes you feel it’s some kind of appointment you have to book with him — an engagement you have to put too much effort into. Sometimes, you don’t want to go on a date. You just want to sleep over at his place, steal one of his shirts, and raid his kitchen in your underwear. 
Eddie does everything but pout. “But I thought… I thought we came here to bother Steve until he let us take something home for free?” he confesses in a quiet voice.
“We can still do that if you want.”
“Yeah, but it’s not the same,” he frowns.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Robin shouts, abandoning her magazine and waving her hands in front of her face. “How did I not know about this?”
Steve bounces his shoulder, jostling the nametag pinned to his chest. “You don’t know everything about me, Buckley,” he sasses.
“So… you like him?” she presses, pointing to you and then the boy beside you. “You like Steve? Steve Harrington?”
You swallow hard and hope you don’t look as anxious as you feel. You shrug to feign an air of nonchalance. “I’m still a little wary about it, but, yeah… So far, anyway.”
Dustin’s senses return to him, then. He shakes his curly head in disbelief. “That is just… confounding,” he mumbles to himself.
“And how long has this been going on, exactly?” Robin squints.
“Couple months, I guess,” you monotone.
Steve has a much different, much more enthusiastic answer. 
“Well, if we’re going by the first time I knew she liked me, it’s been five months. But if we’re going by the first time we kissed, it’s been four,” he rambles with his honey eyes flitted to the ceiling. “But if we’re going by the first time she actually admitted she liked me, it’s been… A wonderful six days.”
He flashes you a grin, which you meet with a hardened scowl. “Shut up…” you grumble, but don’t push him away when he cuddles you closer to his side.
“You? And Steve Harrington?” Eddie gapes. “You’re kissing?”
Steve scoffs. “Well, we’re dating Munson. So obviously we’re kissing. Among other things…”
You dig an elbow into his ribs to shove him away. “Do you have a death wish?” you spit, eyes narrowed and bitter, while the boy just chuckles to himself.
“It’s just… weird,” Dustin remarks.
“But, like, a good weird,” Lucas nods. “Like a solar eclipse, sort of weird.”
“Or, like, that one in a billion chance of atoms aligning and your hand going directly through a solid object, sort of weird,” the curly-haired boy adds, punctuating his sentence by slapping the front counter. His palm collides with the hard surface with a resounding thud.
“What did you think was gonna happen?” Steve monotones when Dustin winces.
“Well, impossible things happen all the time, Steve. Including now.”
You start to choke on the attention. The stares are borderline suffocating. A bunch of wide-eyed gazes holding yours until you feel like you can hardly breathe. 
“What’s the big deal?” you blurt before you mean to. “We fell in love. Who cares? Dustin fell into a puddle earlier today— how’s that any different? People fall all the time.”
Dustin’s eyes narrow. “I thought we agreed not to bring that up.”
“Wait…” Steve mumbles, pink lips quirked in a crooked smile. His chocolate gaze glimmers with hope and confusion, eyes darting back and forth between yours. “You’re… You’re in love with me?”
“Yeah?” you shrug, trying not to cower at the way he looks at you. “So what?”
His grin widens. It takes everything in him not to kiss the life out of you then. He settles for a warm squeeze at your shoulder for now. “Nothing. Nothing, I just— I love you back. That’s all.”
The honeyed moment is ended bitterly by the sound of Eddie’s fake gagging. Robin gripes beneath the horrid noise, “You guys are gross…”
Lucas smiles. “I think it’s sweet.”
“Only ‘cause you’re more lovesick than these two idiots,” Eddie scoffs. He saunters away from you and takes the two Hellfire boys by the shoulder, leading them inevitably to the Sci-Fi section. Robin has no choice but to fix her frowning face and smile when a customer walks in.
With the crowd freshly dispersed, and the attention no longer on the two of you, you look up at Steve with a softer look than you’re used to. “Why did you look so shocked?” you murmur, eyes all squishy around the edges. “When I told you that I— that I loved you or whatever.”
“I wasn’t shocked,” Steve laughs and turns to face you fully. “I just… wasn’t expecting it, that’s all.”
You squint. “So you were shocked?”
“…I guess so. Yeah.”
“Well— you’re like— my favorite person or whatever,” you stumble over your words, finding it suddenly very difficult to meet his gaze. You gesture wildly with anxious hands. “And I didn’t even know you could have one of those, so… By that logic, I figured I must be in love with you.”
Steve grins, maybe bigger than he realizes. It’s all plush and pink and petaled, dripping with an adoration you’re not sure you deserve. “Well, by that logic, I must be in love with you, too, then, huh?”
“Guess so…” you grumble under your breath.
Steve smiles at the distant look of disgust scrunching your pretty face. “You’re so cute…” he mumbles under his breath, pressing a kiss to your pout before you can blink.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Mei!! You’re one of my fav writers!
Can you do a fratboy!Hotch x reader with the typical date to bet trope but then he sees reader on a case with the BAU years later and tries to get reader back??
thank you so much!!! i liked this request sm actually this was so neat <3
"Excuse me," A voice calls from behind you, deep and stern, "Are you Y/N Y/L/N?"
You turn at the counter, meeting the eyes of a man that looks eerily familiar. His dark hair matches his eyes, equally inky black. His nose is sharp, his brows set in a perpetual frown- that wasn't there 20 years ago. All at once his younger self floods back to you in memories you'd rather forget, and your chest tightens at the sight of Aaron Hotchner standing in front of you.
"I am," You nod once, "How may I help you?"
He seems just as floored by the sight of you as you are of him. Evidently, he hadn't remembered your name, not that you're surprised. He falls silent, eyes flooded with nostalgia, and his partner, a broad-shouldered man steps in when he doesn't.
"Uh, I'm Agent Derek Morgan with the FBI, and this is Agent Hotchner. we're looking for this man." He slides a photo over the counter of your cafe, a man you recognize having spoken to only hours prior, "Have you seen him?"
"I have," You nod, keeping your eyes firmly and pointedly off of Aaron, "He came in a few hours ago. He was- weird. He kept asking if he could make his own coffee. Like- come behind the counter and do it himself. He said no one else could make it right."
"What did he do when you refused?" Aaron pipes back up, and you study the picture instead of meeting his eyes.
"He knocked that table over," You point to the now right-side-up table, "It had some woman's drink on it, and a baby's bottle. And of course he didn't offer to mop up the spills. He just stormed out."
Agent Morgan nods, solemnity written on his face, "Alright, thank you for the information. Is there any chance we could get a look at your security cameras?"
"Of course," You step aside to let them pass, something you'd been asked to do twice in one day, and they file behind the counter towards the kitchen.
"They're behind the stoves," You call as Agent Morgan parts the curtain, "And one door past the bathroom!"
"Thank you," Agent Morgan calls, already headed for the room. Agent Hotchner lingers, and your stomach drops.
"Y/N," He calls cautiously, "Do you recognize me? We've met before."
"We've more than met," You scoff, "I don't think I could forget you if I tried, Aaron."
He tries taking it as a joke, rolling with the gut punch you've given him, "I wasn't sure. I've aged poorly, at least since we've last seen each other."
"You'd think I'd be the one stuck with frown lines," You grumble, flicking a crumb of what was probably a blueberry muffin off of the counter while avoiding his eyes.
"I'm glad you're not." Aaron murmurs, speaking to your back, "Y/N, I'm sorry for the way I treated you back then. I'm- a different person now. I was irresponsible and self-centered in college, and I'm sorry that you fell victim to that."
"I'm sure you wouldn't make the same mistake twice," You hum, noting that the pressed suits and neat hair are far different from the man you'd known in your Youth, "But I don't think I'd give you the chance to this time around."
He pauses, and you hear Agent Morgan in the back room, fiddling with your camera system. Finally he nods, you see it in your peripheral vision, "I understand. Um- thank you, for your help on this case. We're a lot closer to catching him with the footage I'm sure your cameras caught."
"I'm glad," You nod, "He was an asshole. Trust me, I've met a few before."
The comment stings like a whip, burning his cheeks and stabbing at his chest. He deserves it, or maybe past Aaron deserves it, but he wasn't lying. He's different now.
"You have. And I'm sorry. Really, I- I wish I could go back in time. And not take that money. And not make that bet. You were worth far more than money, and you still are."
"I appreciate your apology," You admit, finally glancing him in the eye. It's only for a split second, then Agent Morgan re-emerges, "I never thought I'd get one."
"Me either," Aaron breathes, and you watch Agent Morgan's eyes flicker between the two of you, "Well, um, thank you. For your help. It was nice to see you again, Y/N."
"I was happy to help. It was... nice. To see you too, Aaron. Agent Morgan," You nod at the man, who's studying you like a textbook, "I hope you can use the footage."
"It's perfect," He smiles, digging through his pocket and dropping a rumpled $20 into your tip jar, "Excellent service."
"Ah, thank you," You laugh, leaning against the counter as they make their way out towards the door, "FBI Agents eat free, if you find this guy anytime soon."
"Much appreciated," Agent Morgan grins, waving goodbye as Aaron smiles. It's real, genuine, and something you thought you'd never see again, if the ones you'd seen in your youth even were real or genuine.
"So," Morgan drawls as soon as the doors to the coffee shop shut, "You two know each other?"
"We met in law school." Aaron hums, tone clipped. When Morgan doesn't respond, Aaron admits gruffly, "We went out on a few dates."
"No way!" Morgan whoops, clapping Hotch on the back, "An old flame! Hey, Hotch, you gotta get her back! She said we eat free, head over tomorrow for breakfast."
"She's not interested," Hotch shakes his head, "She wouldn't be. Things ended... poorly."
"Aw, it's nothing you can't fix," Derek reasons, "Twenty years later? Hotch, I'm telling you, you gotta go see her. I'll bet you twenty bucks you can get a date with her first try."
Aaron tastes the bitter, metallic blood that coats his tongue from the puncture in his cheek. He stops dead in his tracks, hearing the ghost of his frat brothers in Derek's ill-timed statement.
"Hotch?" Morgan realizes he's stopped walking, glancing back at his Unit Chief with a frown, "You okay?"
Aaron takes one, two, three deep breaths, then buries his self-loathing deep inside, where it's lived for years and only recently bubbled back up to the surface.
"Don't say that." He orders, tone sharp and leaving no room for argument, "Stop. I don't want to talk about it anymore."
This time it's Morgan that stands frozen, dumbfounded, while Hotch powers on down the sidewalk. He reaches the SUV, storming to the driver's side door and slamming it behind him so hard that the car rocks.
"Jesus," Derek mumbles below his breath, "Garcia, you're gonna have a lot of digging on your plate to figure this one out."
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storiesforallfandoms · 6 months
alone on christmas ~ billy butcher;the boys
word count: 2253
request?: no
description: in which the two members of the team who are alone on christmas eve decide to spend the night together
pairing: billy butcher x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two, three)
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The elevator dinged, signaling that you had arrived on the floor of your office. Well, "office" was a generous word. It was a small, open space in a super old building (MM claimed it was "historic") with a couple of desks that were rarely used. The room was dimly lit by the multi-colored Christmas lights strung around the room, as well as from the small tree in the corner of the room. Kimiko had gotten the idea to decorate the office and everyone else was on board, even grumpy Billy Butcher.
It was Christmas Eve and everyone else was home with their families. Your families lived a state over, and normally you would've gone home for the holidays, but your parents had gone on a Christmas cruise and agreed to do your celebrations when they got home. Since you had no one else to celebrate Christmas with, you decided to pick up some paperwork you had at the office and work on it at home while some Christmas movie played in the background.
You approached your desk, unaware of anyone else in the room until a voice said, "Evening, love."
"Jesus!" you hissed as you jumped.
Butcher chuckled. "Nope, just me."
He was sat at his desk, mostly covered in darkness. You could only make out the outline of him through the Christmas lights.
"What the hell are you doing sitting here in the dark like a fucking creep?" you asked as you turned back to flick on the lights. The two of you winced as the dark room suddenly became very bright.
"I was just finishing up some work and liked the mood lighting better," he explained. "What are you doin' here on Christmas Eve?"
"I could ask you the same thing."
"I don't celebrate Christmas anymore. Not since..." He trailed off, his eyes dropping back to whatever he had been working on. "Just not in a long time."
He didn't have to specify. You knew exactlu what made him give up on Christmas.
"You didn't answer my question," he pointed out.
"My parents are gone on a cruise for Christmas, so I won't be going home till sometime around New Years. I came to get something I was working on to finish it at home."
"You're not celebrating with anyone else?"
"Who else would I celebrate with? My siblings have their own families, and the only friends I have are you cunts."
This earned a low chuckle from Butcher. You couldn't help but smile. You returned to your desk to collect the papers when a thought crossed your mind.
"Hey Butcher?" he looked up at you. "Do you want to come over? Maybe we could have our own Christmas Eve celebration."
He raised an eyebrow at you. "What did you have in mind?"
You shrugged. "I don't know. I could make us something to eat. Pour up a few drinks. Watch a cheesy Hallmark Christmas movie."
You weren't sure if he'd agree. It didn't seem like his scene. Butcher was probably the exact opposite of holiday cheer. Sitting in a dark office doing paperwork about taking down Supes was probably a much more appealing offer to him than Hallmark Christmas movies. But you wouldn't feel right if you didn't at least offer. Billy Butcher may have been a cynical prick that got on everyone's nerves, but no one deserved to spend Christmas alone.
To your surprise, he closed up the file he had been working on and stood. "Text me the address, I'll meet you there."
About ten minutes later, you were pulling into your driveway while Butcher was parking on the side of the road. He followed you up to your door and stepped inside as you opened it for him. He looked around, taking in your space as you kicked off your boots and hung up your coat.
"What are you feeling for drinks?" you asked.
"Do you have any bourbon?" he asked.
You opened your fridge and pulled out a full bottle of bourbon. "Want it straight or mixed with some eggnog?"
He made a face of disgust that made you laugh. You grabbed a glass and poured him a glass of straight bourbon, adding a few ice cubes before passing him the glass. You opted for the spiked eggnog approach for something a little more festive. You pulled a frozen pizza from the freezer and pre-heated the oven.
"Not exactly a Christmas feast," Butcher commented.
"If you're going to be ungrateful, you can go back to the office by yourself," you retorted. "Oh, since you're here, I do have a gift for you."
He watched as you walked to your living room where your tree was shining with yellow lights. The presents underneath were mainly for your family, but you had gotten a gift for each member of The Boys too, since they were like your second family.
"You didn't have to get me anything," he said.
"Shut the fuck up and take the gift," you teased, thrusting the gift bag into his hands.
He shook his head, playfully smiling. He sat down on the ouch and you sat next to him. He pulled the tissue paper from the bag and discarded it onto the floor. You would've been a little annoyed if you weren't waiting to see his reaction to the gift.
The first thing he pulled out was a Spice Girls CD. You couldn't hold back your giggles as he gave you a dirty look. "Your favorite band."
"This is the worst insult you could've ever given me," he said.
"There's something else in there that might make it up to you."
Butcher pulled out a bundle of white tissue paper. Wrapped in it was an ornament you had gotten custom made. It was a gingerbread wearing a black trench coat and black boots, and had a black beard on its face. He held it in his hand for a while. You studied his face, trying to gauge some reaction to the gift.
"You're kind of an enigma," you explained. "And I guess I understand why, but it makes it incredibly impossible to buy you a Christmas gift. So I went with the Spice Girls CD as a gag gift, and then I found this lady who makes custom made Christmas ornaments that are gingerbread men made to look like certain people. I thought it was better than nothing."
"You had this made for me?" he asked. "That must've cost ya a fortune."
"It doesn't matter what it cost."
He was still holding it, looking at it. When he looked up at you, you were captured by his eyes. There was something warm bubbling inside of you. You figured it was the eggnog, but a little voice in the back of your head whispered that it wasn't.
"It's very thoughtful," Butcher said. "Thank you."
"You're welcome. Merry Christmas, Butcher."
You were so close to him. You hadn't noticed just how close you were sitting. Your noses were inches away from touching.
And then the pre-heat on the oven went off.
You quickly got up to go put the pizza in the oven. You stood in the kitchen afterwards, trying to talk yourself down from whatever just happened. You were sure it was just the alcohol mixed with the holiday feelings. There was no way you were getting all fuzzy and lightheaded for Billy Butcher of all people. Not that you had any ill feelings towards Butcher. He could be an annoying asshole that pushed your patience levels, but you didn't hate him by any means. On the other hand, you didn't think you could've had those kind of feelings for him. He was your team leader and that was it.
But he was also very handsome. In a rugged type of way anyways. You couldn't deny that.
You shook your head, trying to get rid of all those thoughts. You went to the fridge to pour up another drink.
Once the pizza was ready, you brought the pan to your living room and placed it on the coffee table with a dish towel under it, and two plates along the side for both of you. You topped up Butcher's drink before sitting next to him.
"Let me guess, your favorite Christmas movie is Die Hard?" you asked.
He chuckled. "And you said I'm an enigma."
"Not so much so that I'd think you would want to watch cheesy Christmas movies."
"Eh, don't write me off from all Christmas movies. I would love watching National Lampoons Christmas Vacation every year."
"Okay, we're starting with that one then. That is a classic."
You turned on the movie and settled into the couch. You pulled a fuzzy blanket over your lap and started eating away at the pizza. You initially started on separate ends of the couch, but you found yourself inching closer to Butcher. First it was offering him some of the blanket. He agreed and you shuffled close enough that he could throw a corner of it over his lap. Then it was him reaching for a slice of pizza, scooting a little closer because he "couldn't reach the food" (his words). At one point, you both just shifted closer for no reason at all. When Butcher put his arm along the back of the couch, you leaned into him.
It almost felt normal; cuddled up on the couch, laughing at the hijinks of the Griswold family during Christmas, the only thing lighting the room being the Christmas tree. This is what you imagined Christmas would be like if you were actually in a relationship, not just tipsy and getting a little too close to your team leader.
"See, this movie just cements why I am okay with not celebrating Christmas," Butcher commented. "All the bullshit with family stressing you out and annoying the living shit out of ya. I don't know why anyone ever puts up with it."
"Because despite the chaos, it's time together with family," you said. "Most people love time together with family, even if sometimes family members know how to get on your last nerve."
Butcher shook his head. "Not me. Even when Becca was around, her family..."
He trailed off. You lifted your head to look at him. You couldn't read the expression on his face, so you couldn't tell if mentioning Becca had hit a nerve for him, or if he regretted bringing her up given your current...closeness.
"You can talk about her you know," you told him. "If you feel up to it, I mean. I know it's hard."
"It's easier now that I finally have a definitive answer," he said. "I went years not knowing if I should believe that she was alive or dead. It's fucked up to say, but knowing now that she's gone is a bit of closure for me at least."
"And you still have Ryan," you added. "Even if he's the spawn of Supe Satan himself, that kid is still a part of Becca."
"Thank God he's more like his mother than his father."
"You have us too," you said, playfully nudging his shoulder to try and lighten the mood. "The Boys, I mean. We're like a family now."
He chuckled. "That doesn't exactly help with your point. You lot annoy the fuck out of me too."
"And you annoy the fuck out of us, so we're all even then."
He turned to look at you, finally smiling again. You smiled back at him. There was a brief pause before suddenly he was leaning forward to press his lips against yours. It took you by surprise, but it didn't take long for your muddled brain to have you moving in response, kissing him back.
He pulled away just as quickly as he had moved in. "Sorry. That was, uh...I shouldn't have done that."
Instead of saying anything, you leaned in to kiss him again. He was receptive, which told you he didn't actually regret kissing you first. He gently cupped your face while you wrapped your arms around his neck. The blanket fell to the floor as you sat up on your knees to try and deepen the kiss.
"Whoa, slow down," Butcher said, pulling away slightly but still resting his head against yours. "You've had a few drinks."
"I'm fine," you responded, although you were now more aware of the fact that the lightheadedness you were feeling was from more than just the kiss.
"Either way, I'm not pushing things further when you're not sober," he said.
"Will you stay the night?" you asked him. "I have a guest bedroom...or you can stay in my bed."
He chuckled and kissed your forehead, pulling you in so you were cuddled up against his side again. "I have a feeling if I sleep in your bed I will have a harder time restraining myself."
"Maybe that's my plan."
He shook his head, a smile on his face. "I'll stay the night. If this is how you're feeling in the morning, we can try again then."
Your whole body felt like it was on fire just from his words. You weren't sure how you were going to be able to wait another 12 hours for him to make good on his promise. You appreciated him respecting you enough to wait till you were sober, but also you wished he wouldn't be so respectful.
"Merry Christmas, Billy," you said.
He kissed you on top of your head and said, "Merry Christmas, love."
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agirlcandream84 · 5 days
Submitting for angsty Frankie thoughts!
We usually see Frank being very self-deprecating, thinking he's a bad person or doesn't deserve anything good, but what if it was the other way around... Maybe she's early on in a relationship with Frank, but she deals with depression/anxiety, or trust issues, or she's just never had someone love her like that, and has a hard time believing or accepting that she's good enough/pretty enough for someone like Frank Castle... 🥺 She brushes off his compliments, or thinks that he wouldn't want to "put up with" her for long (Meanwhile she's doing nothing wrong). But as usual, he is ever observant and understanding, and gently persistent in proving her wrong 😩
(I know it seems like this is a common theme, many of us here feel that way or have felt something similar at one point or another. I just really love that through writing/reading fics like these, it has actually helped some people feel better or realize they deserve good things and happiness too.) 🖤
Eeeeeepp this gets me in the heart because soooooo many women can relate. Sweet Frankie would handle it so gently 😩
Frank Castle x Emotionally Insecure Reader
It was so silly, really. It was just your little tinkering hobby and it was just the local library. Yes, they agreed to display your "abandoned miniatures" in the glass case on the main floor but that was only because you sheepishly asked if they'd be interested, having seen other local art in the case. They were so kind to agree and that was validation enough-- you couldn't fathom telling anyone, let alone Frank, that they would be there. This would be your small personal moment of pride and not a burden for others-- everyone had busy lives.
Except Frank was already quite friendly with the librarians, being an avid reader himself. It was one of the few places Frank even got "chatty" in his life, with the local librarians who were all too delighted to have big scary Frank share his thoughts on some of the great classics. He'd grown a bit of camaraderie with them and decided he was going to make a plea to get the new book by your favorite author into the library's circulation.
He stepped up to the desk in the middle of the day on Thursday looking for an update on the book, hoping to surprise you with it for the weekend and they'd proudly handed it over, adding "Oh and tell your girlfriend we're so excited for her display! I love miniatures. Remind her to bring a printed photograph of herself too." The librarian was met with a blank stare as Frank scratched the back of his head in confusion.
"Display?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.
"Yeah, the display. Of her art? The case is all ready, just cleaned it out this morning" the librarian responded, pointing to the empty case. Frank played along, determined to extract the details he needed.
"Ah yeah, yeah. Right, the display. Remind me, when is she settin' that up again?" he asks.
"Saturday at 10am I think," the librarian responds.
"Yeah that's right. Saturday. Alright, thanks again," Frank adds before heading out with the book in hand.
Later that evening Frank was itching to give you the new book and attempt to understand why you hadn't told him about your art display.
"I said close 'em doll. Come on," he urged, making you sit on the couch and close your eyes.
"Frank I hope you didn't go out of your way for something. It's not my birthday or anything," you reply, sitting reluctantly on the couch. it's not that you hated surprises you just never felt all that worthy of a grand gesture.
"It ain't gotta be your birthday for me to treat you nice sweetheart," Frank replies, filing away for later that he needed to unpack where this desire to not be a burden came from in the first place.
Frank gingerly places the fresh, crisp book in your hands and murmurs, "alright open 'em honey."
Your eyes land on the book in your hands and you feel speechless for a moment. How had he remembered this was your favorite author? And how did he manage to get the first copy from the library? It was on waitlists across the city for weeks. You were tearful at the gesture.
"Frank.... how... how did you--" you start, looking up to meet his eyes, creased in the corners from the faint smile on his face.
"Eh, those librarians like me. Got 'em to give me a couple favors," he explains.
"But.... it's just, I mentioned this author maybe once, before we even started dating. How did you know?" you ask, incredulously.
Frank's face screws up a moment, making sense of a question he thought had an obvious answer. "Sweetheart, you've got about eight dog-eared copies of the other books in your apartment and I remembered the way you talked about them like they were magic or somethin' that night on the porch," he answers.
"Oh...I didn't think you'd remember" you answer sort of incredulously, shocked by his consideration. "Why'd you go through so much trouble Frank? I feel so bad if it was a bother," you add, the guilt of being accommodated already settling in.
There was that look again. Frank furrowed his brows, considering how much effort it would take to knock the teeth out of whoever made you think you weren't worth an effort.
"I did it because you're worth doin' it for sweetheart," Frank responds gently, almost like reminding you of a long-forgotten truth. "And I like seein' you happy and bein' the one to do it," he adds, reaching his hand to cup you jaw and stroke it with his thumb. He takes the moment to inspect your face, hoping his stare could bore right into your brain and fix whatever felt broken.
"Hey listen, let's find a good coffee shop this weekend-- we'll read for hours yeah?" he asks, tugging you back from wherever your thoughts were pulling you away.
"Yeah, I'd really love that Frankie. Maybe sometime after Saturday morning?" you ask, remembering your plans to construct the display case.
"Yeah honey," Frank replies, waiting to see if you intended to mention the case, "that'll work fine. You got something you're doing Saturday mornin'?"
"Yeah it's nothing. It's just this thing at --- eh, forget it. Just a thing I have to finish," you reply, halting at inviting Frank. He had already seen your miniatures, he didn't need to see them in the case too. He'd already done so much, you felt so silly asking for more from him.
He nods and you think you notice sadness dance on his face for a moment but it's gone as fast as it came. "Alright honey, Saturday afternoon it is."
You were putting the finishes touches on the case, adjusting the accessories to a few pieces that got dislodged in travel. One of the librarians hovered nearby, nearly squealing at your work.
"Oh my god, it looks so cool. How'd you learn all this stuff??" she asks as her eyes wander over every piece.
Your cheeks burn beet red at the compliment. "Oh geez, thank you. It was a lot of trial and error. And a lot of YouTube," you add with a shrug.
"Well I love it," she says, turning back to the circulation desk. "Oh hey Frank," she adds with a wave.
You go stock still at her greeting. Had she said Frank? Your Frank? You gently place down the tweezers you held and turn slowly toward the desk, Frank's familiar silhouette only three yards away.
"Hi beautiful," he murmurs, that face-lighting grin on his face. He's holding the single largest bouquet of flowers you'd ever seen and he's stepping towards you with his eyes locked on yours.
"Frank- I'm so sorr--" you start but he's shaking his head no.
"Don't you dare apologize doll," he says with a smile, stepping in front of you and guiding your face to his with his free hand to kiss you.
"I should have told you. I just didn't think it was worth your time," you admit, "It's not like it's The Met," you joke with a timid laugh.
He only grins a moment before he's back to attempting to read your mind with his eyes alone. He pulls you a fraction closer, your front pushed against the sturdy wall of his chest, held in place by the arm anchored around your lower back. "You gotta let me in a little bit," he murmurs, bending to say it directly in your ear.
You feel the heat rise to your cheeks, Frank reading you like a book. You're conflicted at the overwhelming desire to let Frank love you the way you dreamed of being loved and the ever-present voice in your head that told you that you weren't worthy of that love.
You make the choice then and there to be vulnerable.
"But what if I let you in and you find there's nothing to love there," you answer him, a whisper in the quiet library, not even able to meet Frank's eye as you said it.
"Hey," Frank says, concern crossing his features, "hey look at me sweetheart" and you reluctantly comply, casting your eyes up while your head remains lowered. "It's not possible. Every ounce you're willin' to give me makes me love you more and more. I feel like I'm drunk on it half the time," he adds with a chuckle and you crack a smile.
"That's my girl," he adds, brushing a thumb along your jaw. "You don't have to believe it yet, but just lemme keep provin' it to ya, yeah?" he asks, requesting your permission to let him love you. You nod, scared as hell but safe in his arms.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
them with an mc who grew up with a bad father
-> lucifer, mammon and asmo x mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: unhealthy relationship with a father, suggestive content (mc sexualizes themself and tries to run off with an old dude in mammon's part), people pleasing, avoidance, crying
there were days where you would be (overly) affectionate with him, and days where you were avoiding him
like one day you could be in his arms the whole time, and the next you're arriving late at breakfast so you don't have to see him
lucifer figured out you might be afraid of something, so he goes to talk to you about it
eventually you admitted you were afraid to be hurt by him while you would think he loved you and would never harm you
your files mentioned you had a bad relationship with your father, could this be a consequence of that?
lucifer knows this confrontation might have been pretty unpleasant for you, he lowkey feels bad for bringing it up
if you want, he'll bring you to a quiet place, hold you and let you vent whatever you want, but he understands if you don't feel ready
he will let you know he will never hurt you and help you calm down with some tea, soft blankets and your favorite music
he is your first man, so he is supposed to protect you!
the amount of times you texted him at midnight, saying you were at the fall which resulted in mammon suddenly getting a bad feeling so he came to pick you up only to find out he was right
you, were about to leave the club with some dude who looked even older than lucifer, honestly you knew it was a bad idea
one time mammon just straight up asked you why you'd try to run off with these dudes when you knew it would be a mistake
he regrets everything when you tell him it might be some unhealed wound your dad left you with
from then on mammon tries his very best every day to make you realise you are deserving of worth and respect
sometimes it might get too much and you pull away from him a little
you and asmo were in the middle of a crisis: you need to go to a music concert but a whopping total of 0 bands is giving them right now
so naturally you instantly booked tickets when you saw one of your favorite bands is performing soon
at the concert, there was a guy who had brought his child, and at first you thought it might not be the best idea to bring a little kid to a loud concert but soon something else was bothering you
he was so nice to the child, it was clear he would do anything to protect and ensure happiness for his kid
it hurt a little too much, you went to the bathroom to cry but asmo knew you too well
he followed you there, asmo was worried about the sudden change in your mood
honestly, it felt stupid to get upset over a healthy parent-child relationship, but asmo didn't judge
he just hugged you in the middle of a concert hall bathroom until you relaxed
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ggomos-maribat · 9 months
2 | a girl named Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Part 2 of Marinette Dupain-Cheng is Dead | Masterlist
Tim came rushing into the Batcave with an armful of papers which he dumped by the computer in front of Jason. "I remember now. Why her name was so familiar."
"Lila Rossi's?" Jason looked up at him. Ever since the news blew up, Tim had been visibly restless, like the whole ordeal was a mind-boggling case. Though Jason, too, couldn't quell his own curiosity.
"No, that girl she supposedly killed. Marinette Dupain-Cheng." Tim pulled out a folder from the bottom of the pile and slapped it on top. Jason caught the same name on the case's title. "Her death two years ago was a cold case I found. Damn it, why didn't Damian tell me?"
"And you solved it?"
Tim huffed out. "No, I didn't have the time to go back to cold cases again and it kind of got buried with the other ones."
Jason opened up the folder with one hand and skimmed the content. Both Lila and the 'Marinette' girl were from Paris—he remembered how the media was raving on about the death being a mystery, and Lila, Lilia Ross, must've been involved in it. Of course, there wasn't definite proof as all rumors went.
On the corner of the paper, there was a stapled photo: a girl of East Asian descent, with dark hair and blue eyes. She wore a knit sweater, beaming at the camera with her hands clasped on the strap of her bag.
Just then, Jason heard a ping, followed by a curse from Tim.
"Lilia Ross just posted a video." In an instant, he was right by Jason's side so he could see it too. "Looks like she's addressing the accusations."
"Why would she do that?" Jason knew Bruce got all sorts of backlash too, but not once did he ever seriously address all the rumors since that would be equivalent to admitting they were true.
"Honestly this isn't something she can actually ignore. It blew up pretty badly and the online market is important for her business."
Jason looked at the video in scrutiny. Lilia Ross' setup was simple but still put together: there were brand products displayed in her background along with trinkets on the shelves reminiscent of Paris. The brunette's face seemed solemn, but he couldn't get a read if it was forced or not. The title of the video was short, all caps, bordering on being click-baity—'MY MESSAGE TO EVERYONE...'
"Hi everyone," Lilia managed a small smile. "Recently it has come to my attention that an anonymous poster broadcasted that I'm a suspect for murder. I didn't want to talk about it at first, but I decided to tell everyone the truth not for my sake but for the sake of everyone who was affected by that incident."
"Her name is. . ." She paused as if choked up suddenly. "Her name was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She was my friend and classmate in collége and lycée back in Paris. Two years ago, she . . . she passed away—they found her near Pont des Arts. We were told it was suicide."
Lilia took a deep breath and her eyes glazed over. Jason wanted to think that she actually looked remorseful. "Well, I should say her parents didn't say anything else other than that so we were kind of left in the dark about the details. But all of us—our class was really close—we're still grieving. If I knew she was hurting that badly, I . . . I would've done something before it was too late. Marinette was a kindhearted girl and we all loved—love—her. She was taken away from us too early."
Her expression shifted from sad to silent rage. "That's why I can't stand people using her name for this useless sensationalism. This is hurting her close friends, her family, everyone who knew her. Please don't bring her up again; give her some peace. She doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. And please think twice before spreading awful rumors about something so serious."
Jason tore his attention away from the video to look at Tim, who had his lips pursed, thinking deeply. Tim set down his phone. "The facts add up with Marinette's case file, but she's lying."
Tim opened up the folder again. "It's true that the police ruled it out as a suicide and there's still a lot of mystery surrounding her death. But based on what I've gathered, Lilia—er, Lila—and Marinette weren't friends."
"What do you mean?"
Tim picked up another folder, showing Marinette's school record. "According to this file, there were some reports of Marinette bullying her classmates, some issues of theft, blackmail, cheating . . . Lila made it seem like she was likable to everyone, which doesn't seem to be the case."
"But if Lila's intention of making the video was to partly clear her own name, obviously she won't badmouth Marinette." Jason frowned.
His brother shrugged. "Yeah, I thought that too. I'm not pointing at Lila as a likely suspect in this, actually. This case is so confusing that if there was actually an answer to it that makes sense, I doubt a then nineteen-year-old girl would've pulled it off by herself."
He sighed exasperatedly. "But then again, anyone could've been the culprit, and that includes Lila."
"Wait, so you're sure it's not suicide then?"
Another presence suddenly entered the cave. Judging by the soft humming, Jason figured that Dick was home from Bludhaven.
The eldest strolled into the room, hands casually in his pockets. "Hey, Alfie told me you guys were down here!" He greeted. "Did you guys see that accusation on Lilia Ross? That was crazy."
Jason stared at him. "You follow Lilia Ross?"
"I see her stuff here and there—I'm not a boomer, you know."
"So you know about everything then." Tim turned to the computer next. "We're investigating the case."
"What case?"
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng's death," Jason replied. "It's one of Replacement's cold cases and Lilia Ross is tied to it."
"So it wasn't suicide?" Dick walked towards the table, eyeing the papers scattered around. "Hold on, tell us everything. From the beginning."
Like the cop he was, Jason could tell that Dick was showing interest in the case as well. If it wasn't something Tim could crack right off the bat, it must be that difficult. Tim began typing things into the large computer, pulling out the case files in digital form to show the two of them.
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, only child and daughter to Thomas Dupain and Sabine Cheng, who own a bakery in Paris. She died when she was just eighteen years old." Tim presented a few pictures. "Attended Francois Dupont in collége and lycée, the same one Lilia Ross went to . . . they were also classmates with a few other notable people: model Juleka Couffaine, physicist Max Kante, the current director of the Louvre, Alix Kubdel, and others. She had a perfect record up until the end of collége when she started getting tardies and absences, then she had three cases of theft, two of cheating and a few reports of bullying and harassment in lycée. She got suspended twice because of that."
He switched to another file. "And then . . . her death. April sixteenth of their last year in school. Locals found her body in Pont des Arts, near the foot of the bridge. The investigation only lasted about three days, but the police declared it a suicide despite the fact that there was no note found, no signs of tendencies before that day. I don't know if it was her parents' decision, but they didn't investigate any further."
Jason shifted on his seat. There was no clear picture of the body, only a blurry photo taken from far away, showing a motionless figure lying on the bridge, with police tape serving as its barrier. She was still young .  . .
Tim's expression turned grim. "Apart from that, here's where it gets weird. Her parents consented for an autopsy and I dug around for the file. They found nothing significant."
"Nothing significant?" Dick echoed.
"As in nothing. No marks on her skin, no sign of injury, no organ failure, no traces of drugs or poison anywhere, no fingerprints, no DNA other than hers." Tim clenched his jaw. "Nothing. Which means . . ."
"They didn't know the cause of death," Jason continued for him.
"Yes, but she was deceased. Only they didn't find out how and they couldn't even estimate the time of death."
"Maybe the coroner faked the report?" Dick suggested.
Jason crossed his arms. "Yeah, but if they wanted to cover up something, then they would've written a fake cause of death, right?"
"Exactly," Tim agreed. "Literally all it says on paper is 'no significant findings. Cause of death unknown'. That's all!"
"So if they don't know the cause of death and there was no note . . . they can't just say it was suicide," Dick concluded.
"Could they just have missed something?" Jason asked Tim.
"That's a possibility, but I'm not convinced it's a suicide with so many things unaccounted for. An accident or suicide would've left some kind of clue, which this case lacks. With evidence this meticulously covered up, it must be predetermined. Homicide."
"Is that why Lilia Ross was accused?" Dick wondered out loud.
"According to the anonymous post, she allegedly tormented Marinette which makes her a suspect in her death," Tim explained. "There's no evidence pointing to her though. Like I said, there's no evidence at all. Since the investigation period was so short, the police never questioned anyone other than her parents so even if her classmates had something to say about it, there was never a record."
"What about the cameras?" Dick said.
Tim looked a tad bit insulted. "You think I didn't check?"
He quickly opened up more files, video feeds of the day of the incident. The cameras didn't quite give a clear view of the bridge itself, only the roads on either side of it. "No sightings of Marinette or anything weird. Before, during and after the body was found . . . just a small crowd from the commotion. Marinette was last seen alive the morning before, but the cameras caught her going home but not going out after."
Jason searched the feed for anything out of the ordinary but unsurprisingly, nothing stood out for him. "What about her parents? What did they say?"
"They . . . they said Marinette was always stressed out and busy but they never thought she'd resort to suicide. She seemed normal the day before," Tim answered solemnly. "They saw her coming back home but didn't catch her leaving, but apparently she had a habit of sneaking out sometimes."
They all fell silent, seemingly at a loss on how to resolve all their questions. Jason couldn't wrap his head around the whole thing because it all appeared like the impossible did in fact happen. How did she get to the bridge? How did she even die? If there was a killer then why would they . . .?
Then Jason noticed Tim looking at him.
"Bruce only asked me to look into this. Why are you so invested?" Tim leaned against the table.
"Why does the reason matter?"
"Like . . . I'd expect you to say something like 'leave the dead to rest in peace' or something like that."
Jason snorted. "First of all, as the spokesperson of the dead, I wouldn't say something like that. More like 'the dead need the living to bring justice for them.'" He averted his gaze. "And secondly, I want to know more. No, I want the truth because . . . because I think I've seen Marinette before."
Taglist: @hammalammadamdam
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Who's rhe first to call Selina mom?
When she started dating Bruce Wayne, Selina was aware of the package he came with. The demons, the sleepless nights, the weight of the city—hell, sometimes the fate of the universe—on his shoulders. While she didn't set out to fix him, she was ready to take some of the burden.
She was also aware of the other components of the package. Once the initial surprise wore off, the sight of jackets and batarangs strewn about became something she expected. At any given moment, there was a quarrel to break up or a homework assignment to find five minutes before they were supposed to leave. If she had a balloon for every time Dick used up the fancy shampoo, she could finally fulfill her April Fool's dream of filling the entire Batcave.
Conceptually, she knew what she was getting herself into, but it didn't psych her up the way getting indicted to the Justice League did. It was a given. The sky was blue, Harley loved Ivy, and Bruce Wayne collected strays.
The M-word never crossed her mind. She wasn't one. She was just Selina. Selina, who tied Jason's tie the first time he went to a gala. Selina, who packed Cass's patrol snacks, helped Duke with his science project, and took Damian to buy new shoes. But those were simply tasks, like any others that Bruce or Alfred did. She didn't rescue them off the streets or give them any reason to trust her. She showed up, looked around, and decided that in a place like Gotham, this wasn't the worst room to be in.
After some trial and error, she found her place their routine. Which included nights like these, when the city was calmer and they only needed half capacity. Batman had taken Robin, Orphan, Hood, and Signal out with him. Dick was treating Barbara to a well-deserved date while Alfred manned the computers. Tim was working on either a case or office work—she wasn't sure—in his room (which, by the way, needed some serious vacuuming). And Selina, who had a sudden craving for breakfast, flipped an omelet over in a sizzling plan.
The fridge beside her opened. After rooting around for a minute, Tim emerged with the pickle jar under his arm. He nudged the door shut with his foot as he scrolled through his phone, music audible through his earbuds.
"Careful, you don't wanna lose your hearing," she said.
He turned it down. "Do we have any peanut butter?"
"Check the top right pantry."
"Cool." He sniffled.
She turned the stove down. "Something wrong?"
"Just a little under the weather," he said.
She touched her hand to his forehand. "No fever. That's good, at least. Remember to take breaks."
He hummed and went back upstairs.
Selina started the electric kettle, and while it boiled, she finished her food and loaded her few things into the dishwasher. Then, she grabbed one of her cat mugs, poured the water in, and steeped a chamomile tea bag for a few minutes before bringing it up.
She knocked softly. After getting the "come in," she carefully stepped over a box of case files.
"This should help," she said, setting the tea on his desk.
"Thanks Mom," he said, eyes glued to the screen.
She smiled. "Don't stay up too late." And gently closed the door behind her.
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mayakimayahai · 9 months
Kill lady
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An: as promised here it is, take it easy on me okay? This is just my way of giving him the kill lady he truly deserves (is that foreshadowing? Yes? No? Maybe..well okay only a little bit) hope you like it
Summary: after the meeting is over he realizes the quite innocent girl in the corner was a wolf in sheep's clothing, he doesn't really mind it tho
The sun was beginning to set letting the evening clouds take over, a breeze of cold air sent a shiver down her spine while she hid behind one of the pillars waiting for her opportunity
He finally walked out the room after finishing up some stuff after the meeting was over
He walked through the corridor with a frown on his face opening a few buttons to let some air in
The cold air was starting to get to her, maybe a saree wasn't the best choice, she shivered making her hair fall on her face frustrating her further
Making a make shift bun she put in on of her daggers to keep it still
Her eyes found him again, him walked along the open collider made it easy to monitor him
The others had left..well minus Kamal
His head was around somewhere
She was glad he killed him, wasn't exactly ethical to kill your own client
He saved her the trouble
Someone rushed after him with a file in hand but with a single flick of his wrist he dismissed him giving her the perfect opportunity
He was alone with no one to bother him for a while
She tucked the pallu of her saree in her waist, putting on the silencer on the gun while putting on her glasses again
Soft air touched her shoulder making her push her hair back
Holding her gun properly she slowly creeped up behind him
She quickly caught up to him, when looking Around she noticed they were the only two people on the floor
He held her wrist, her eyes widened but before she could withstand the shock he knocked the gun out of her hands
She looked at the gun on the ground cursing at herself for not being more vigilant "tum?" He looked at her amused making her face him
He was more amused than angry
You really shouldn't underestimate a pretty face but it doesn't always turn out too bad
She grunted launching at him but he dodged her easily, she shouldn't have underestimated him but she sure enjoyed a challenge
Pulling out of her daggers she got away when he tried to grab her
She winked pushing him against the wall with her knife at his throat
The smile she had on her face was shortlived as he hit her wrist knocking the knife out of her hand
He held her wrist turning them around so she was the one against the wall
His hot breath reached her face as he looked at her still not quite believing this, she huffed a smile pushing him back with a kick to his stomach
He stumbled backwards but that gorgeous smile never left his face
He truly was amushed holding his stomach he chuckled "aayela kill lady?"
She smirked liking this a little too much, he was different..she liked it
She lunged at him again but he held her arms pushing her more into the wall examining her eyes "apun ko maarne aayi hai?" He smiled
He had never seen someone like this and it truly showed in his eyes that he couldn't believe himself
And she was here for him? That did things to his heart
"Dikh nahi raha" she flashed him a smile with her lips pressed in a line as she punched his neck getting him to leave her alone
He stumbled backwards taking a minute to recover giving her the opportunity to grab her gun off the floor
Coming back up he smiled having the time of his life
He couldn't believe it forgetting everything except her
He was ready to die at her hands right here if she pleased
Her eyes shined as he stared at them slowly and sensually loosing his mind
He wasn't even mad about it
She came at him again, this time he didn't even stop her- but something did
A ring
Flashing of her earpiece
She cursed under her breath tapping twice to answer it while having him pinned against the wall with her forearm on his neck "kinda in the middle of something right now" she snarled
Her being distracted like this gave him the perfect opportunity to look at her all he wanted
Her jhumke chimed as she talked her way through
He was mesmerized
Her on the other hand she didn't know who she wanted to kill herself or peirce
She picked the worst times
And didn't even apologize for it
Ofcourse why would she, she was the boss after all
Maya couldn't wait to be rid of her
"Stop" the voice came through making her eyes widen while he looked at her dumbfounded
"wHat??" She took a step back not believing this, the nerve of this women
He didn't like the frown on her face and streched out his fingers to touch her forehead getting some hair out of her face
That made her jerk her head in his direction fuming with anger while he just smirked "I need you to leave NOW maya" the voice came through again making her mutter a few curses
"You want me to leave the mission" maya asked digging her gun into his chest making him wrap his fingers around her wrist
She couldn't quite make out the expression on his face
She was too busy reasoning with peirce to even think for a second what was going on inside his head
"Kill him isn't worth the price maya come back now" she said hanging up the phone leaving maya open mouthed
"Wha- did she just??" She closed her eyes running a hand over her face "that bitch" she muttered
She closed her eyed taking deep breaths
She had him
Just one click of his gun and his body would be on the floor right now bleeding out
But no THAT-
She took deep breaths trying to stay calm
She could just squeeze her tiny little neck watching as the air slowly left her body
She was almost done
The mission was over- but no she had to intrupt her like this
She backed up closing her eyes trying to keep herself calm
"Kismat achi hai tumhari" she let out a bitter chuckle taking her pallu out letting it fall and securing her gun in place
She turned away a gush of wind taking out her frustration
Before leaving she didn't know what got into her but she turned around to face him once again
He took in the sight infront of him
His face instantly relaxed
His heart on the other hand?
It appeared it had a different plan
Her brows knitted "main nahi toh koi aur" she looked at the floor "zinda rehna" she breathed "Reh sakte ho" she turned once again
But before she could leave his fingers curled around her wrist
Her head snapped back fury in her eyes "leaving sona?" He asked that smirk not leaving his face
"Itni jaldi" his fingers tightened while he pulled her towards him, her anklet chiming while her pallu collided with his face
His eyes met hers as he softly took the net off his face
He pulled her away from the stairs "tum!" She shrieked trying to pull her arm away but he just chuckled dragging her into the last room of the corridor
She couldn't kill him anymore
The consequences weren't worth his head
Oh but it would look so good as a decorative piece in her room
Such pretty eyes
Shining when the sun touches them
She struggled trying to pull herself away but he pulled her into the room with ease
His hand left hers making her stumble for a second before she caught herself
Her eyes scanned the room
There were a few people in there
Approximately 6 or 7 excluding them
"Mereko ko marne ki koshish karne ke baad aase toh nahi jaane de sakta" he gave her half a smile
She laughed at the absurdity "zinda chood diya khush raho" she turned Around but his goons surrounded her
Did he think she could not leave? Ha this guy
"Kisne bheja tujhe sona?" He leaned on his side letting his elbow sit on the armrest while he leaned on his fist
"Tumhe marne aakeli aae. yahan se bahar nahi nikal paungi?" she laughed looking at the guys who thought too highly of themselves
If she wanted to she could burn this place to the ground without even a flick of her wrist
But that would attract too much attention and she would be answerable to the old hag
"Kisne bheja tujhe sona" he asked again
She sighed not giving him the time of day and looking back at the two guys blocking the exit
Two guys? Easy
Collateral damage
Peirce couldn't really blame her for collateral damage now could she? Maya smirked
Finally a way to take out her frustration
She wasn't going to hurt him but that didn't mean she couldn't have some fun
She turned Around but his mean held her back while he sat on the chair all powerful watching the scene unfold
She chuckled making him frown
"Tumhe nahi mar sakti par.." she smiled
She turned to her left making the guy's hold tighten around her and his jaw clench at the sight
He was relived when she let out a low and small smile
She hit his shoulder but he didn't budge and she couldn't exactly get to her weapon being a little tied up at the moment
Looking up to meet his eyes she kicked on of them in the shin to make him fall to his knees
She dug her heel into his leg as her fist collided with his nose making him scream in agony as she crawled back holding his nose
This gave her the perfect opportunity to pull our her knife to stab the other one
Her knife entered his throat like hot knife on melted butter she truly loved the process
Sliding the knife down his throat making some of his blood splash onto her own neck she pulled out the knife
His hands made their way to this throat but he couldn't do anything except look helpless
The first one tried to get up but she just kicked his leg once more making him sit still in his place, she graced him with a knife right between his eyes
Once he fell to the ground as well she cracked her next
No one else dared to move from their place, his palm stopping them keeping them where they are
she took of her glasses inspecting them "tsk" she wiped the blood with the pallu of her saree
"So where were we" their eyes met
@vijayasena @meenammaisslay @mein-teri-mehbooba
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skunaskitten · 1 year
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The Affair ch7
AU: human ceo sukuna x female reader
Contains: wet dreams, angry sukuna, Sad sukuna, heart broken, depression, drinking, out at a club, bad strangers, sukuna beating up people, smut,
Summary: Sukuna and you both had to move on with life, but still the memories of each other still haunted the mind. You could not escape sukuna just like he could not escape you. People around him had started to noticed how different he is acting. What happens when you finally see sukuna after all this time? Will you give in or turn the other way?
Master list of other stories
chapter 6 ch7 chapter 8
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 The whole moment replayed in your head over and over. You didn't get any sleep that night. You cried for most of it. The heart ache drained you so much. The memories of sukuna ran through your mind and you started to cry out again. You haven't even gotten out of bed the whole time. Feeling like everything is over laying there feeling the depression start to rip you apart.
 In the morning sukuna didn't want to get up, his head hurt and eyes were still red. He looked through his phone laying in bed seeing the pictures he saved of you and put his face into his pillow. Everything was his fault, all he does is hurt people. From him firing his employees because they annoyed him to cheating on his wife and using you. He doesn't deserve anything in life, he doesn't deserve you, not even love. 
 But sukuna had to get up to do things. He still has his business to run and needs to file divorce. As he called a few people and filed a meeting for the divorce it was set in motion to do the paperwork, he had sent his wife an email of the time, place and date. He let out a sigh and got dressed in a simple dress shirt and pants then hid in his office not coming out. The office was still trashed so he took that time to clean up. His employees were starting to question where their boss was because he usually always came out to get coffee.
 You didn't want to eat feeling so heartbroken you didn't want to move but you also didn't want to be those women who cry over a man for months and think the world is over. But you were so in love with him that it hurts to even think that he did this. As you tried to eat cereal you  started to tear up and sat on the couch curling into yourself crying again. It was hard to just walk away from that life. He was everything to you.
 A week passed and sukuna was finally strong enough to come out of hiding but his employees all noticed his energy, the look of depression and the tired eyes. Some had asked if he was alright others moved out of his way. All he did was tell him that he is fine and just had bad sleep. That was the same answer he gave them everyday and they knew it was a lie.
 They all caught on when they didn't see Yami walking around and her office was closed off. Soon all the rumors started to spread like wildfire. Everything saying she left him, to an affair, to her being pregnant, and possibly him killing her because he is in the yukuza.
 All the rumors that annoyed sukuna to the bone and gave them threats if he ever heard anyone speak of them. Even if one is true he didn't want to hear it.
 Gojo started to hang out with him bringing sukuna food and just trying to cheer him up like old times, even inviting him to a club but that didn't work. 
 Sukuna never thought he would see himself signing divorce papers ever in his life but here he is finally going back to the single life. Now yami was finally free woman to do as she pleases.
 Being the good friend that satoru is, he did his own digging around and found out  yami was pregnant and it wasn't sukuna's. She did cheat on him with a man for a while then ended up getting pregnant by someone who wasn't rich but lived a normal life but he is just as bad as her. Since they both wanted to use sukuna as a cash grab. He didn't understand why she was so open with gojo to tell him everything. Could be because she was over the sneaking around since everything came out already.
 Sukuna sits at his desk running his hands over his face letting out a heavy sigh after hearing this from satoru. He really appreciates this man for the work he does to find every detail of something from someone. Now he just wanted to know how you are.
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 You had texted your friends what had happened between you and sukuna since you had been telling them you didn't want to hang out. An hour later you heard a knock at your door with femal voices calling out to you. You groaned and walked to the door opening to see your friends standing there smiling. "What are you guys doing here?"
 Liz smiled and said "here to take you out and find a better man." Cerin pushed her a little saying "we are here to see our girl and make her happy with a girls night tonight." Jasmine held up a bottle and said "we got alcohol ".
 You smiled for the first time in a week and let them in. You brought out all your blankets and pillows to the living room helping the girls make a sleeping space in front of the tv after moving the table and couch. With a movie playing in the background, Liz brought some of your cups to start pouring drinks while Jasmine started to make dinner. You wanted to get up and help or clean up your home but they stopped you from doing anything. Cerin had brought out some of your stuffed animals and placed them next to you.
 With your friends around you, eating, talking and making you laugh again. You feel happy then look at them saying "guys you are the best friends I can ask for and I appreciate all of you for helping me." They saw the tears fill your eyes and immediately hugged you telling you not to cry trying to comfort you.
 As music was put on for background noise as you cuddled into your blanket with your friends and after the alcohol was being poured the talk about sukuna began.
 As you held your cup taking sips liz said "so when are we going to go kill him." Jasmine said "he is a jerk." Cerin giggled saying "he is still hot but all hot guys have a dark secret. What did he do when you found out and confronted him?"
 They looked at you and listened while you told them what happened in his office. Him pleading for you to stay. He didn't feel happy with his wife. All he wanted was to have a love life with someone who cares for him.
"Wow you had sex with him a lot too" Liz said as you blushed and looked away saying "yes." Jasmine softly smiled and said "did you really love him." You frowned and held a plush cat playing with its paws saying "I told him he is all I want in my life. I really loved him. I still love him. I am pissed off that he did this. When I yelled at him telling him to leave me alone he held my wrist forcing me to stay and I slapped him."
 They gasped and started throwing questions about sukuna. "I don't know what happened afterwards but he just stood there hurt and I ran off. I couldn't do it anymore with him. But deep down I miss him."
 Liz took a drink and said "what did his bitch say about this, how did you find out about this affair anyway?" You sighed, setting your drink down. "Surprisingly his wife showed up at my door and told me. She didn't sound mad or anything, she just smiled  telling me the truth and walked away."
 Cerin leaned forward looking at you. "Hey does not sound strange. Usually if a wife finds out about a affair she flips her shit and kicks the man out or leaves. But she comes to you calmly, tells you what happens and leaves. Do you guys think she knew?" Liz smirked saying "it's possible. I would have beat his ass and the woman if I was cheated on."
 You shrugged and said "I don't know but I don't want to see him." The girls respected your decisions and after having a little more to drink and gossip about other topics it was decided to go to sleep.
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 "Sukuna, someone is going to see us." "No they won't, it's just us here. Just me and my beautiful". As he looked in your eyes pulling your naked body against him feeling they way your hips rocked. The grassy field and cherry blossom trees around him and you. Deep moans left him feeling your rock harder on him hearing your soft pleasurable cry for him. "Ryomen my love. I love you." He thrusted harder about to release.
 Sukuna woke up in a gasp and opened his eyes to see satoru looking at him with a smirk on his face. "Was it a good dream? You are making a tent there and letting out groans." He sat up pushing gojo away and rubbed his face. "Get out of my face, creep. I bet you were enjoying it." 
 His friend laughed and turned away. "Or I bet you were dreaming of a certain woman. If you miss her that much then go and talk to her. Be the ryomen sukuna I know."
 Sukuna sighed and looked away saying "I can't, she told me not to see her again. She hates me and will never take me back." He got up from the couch covering his hard on with his shirt balled up and went into his room to take a shower. Sukuna stood in the shower, his swollen cock still not going down and let out a growl. He grabbed himself, squeezing and pumping with thoughts of you. He moaned out your name laying his head back releasing onto the shower wall. Feeling guilty for even you having thoughts of you like this he pressed his forehead to the wall and closed his eyes. He missed you so much. 
 After being with your friends again you felt better and started to lose the thoughts of sukuna. He never went away, you still held onto the good times you shared with him. You still enjoyed the collectors book he bought for you. It's the greatest gift you got from anyone and it held a special place in your heart. 
 On the other note you had more time to do things because you had been in a depressed state for the past week you didn't go into work or called so they had to let you go. It was understandable because of the circumstances but it still sucked, you really that book store.
 During the next two months you spent that time on unemployment money and searching for a new job. Your life was calm now but you still wondered if sukuna was alright. He didn't even bother to come see you but you did tell him to stay away.
 You looked through your phone seeing the folder of pictures you still had of him and even hovered over his number to ask if he was alright but you decided not to. It's in the past right?
 A secret you didn't tell your friends when your body betrayed you one day, feeling the arousal through your body after reading and all the thoughts. It was just another one of those times. You began to think of sukuna.
 You bit your lip laying down in bed stripping down your panties and started to play with yourself. You began to think of sukuna. Remembering the way his tongue or fingers were playing with your folds. The feeling of his thick cock inside you. You moaned and plunged your toy deeper inside of yourself then you looked at your phone seeing the pictures of ryomen giving the smirks. "Ah fuck ryomen." You were needy for him and just wanted to find your release. To finally feel relaxed after all this. You creamed around your toy thinking of him and moaned his name. Just wanting to feel his body pressed against you as you trail your fingers across his tattoos.
 During the aftermath of your blissful time you realized what you did and tossed the toy somewhere on the bed and hid your face under your blankets. Still looking at a picture of sukuna with a smile on his face and tears dare to form in your eyes. "Sukuna…I miss you so much"
 The girls had their own plan with you when they came over unannounced at your door and you were still in a big shirt you slept in. "Women get dressed in something sexy. We are going to a club and you are coming with us. You need to get out of this damn apartment." Liz said as she ran inside along with the others.
 You decided to go only because you want to spend time with them again but the only sexy looking dress you have is the one sukuna bought for you. Might as well not let it go to waste. You did like it very much. You put it on along with the leather sandals he bought with the dress. All those moments with him in this dress set in as you took a deep breath. When you walked out your friends stared at you with wide eyes and smiles hearing a whistle from them.
 Jasmine ran over to you looking at the dress saying "where did you get this from?" You put your head down playing with your fingers saying "sukuna bought for me when he took me out on a date because I told him I didn't have a dress he took me out to buy me one at those expensive places." Liz pouted saying " where can I find a man like that?" Cerin smiled and said "y/n you look beautiful come on let's go."
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 Seeing the club you saw the girls show you pictures before of the place but you never been to it. The huge bar was on one side of the building and on the other end was a dance floor. There was a section for tables and booths to sit at. You and the girls walked over taking a table as they started to scan the place for potential dates or people to dance with. 
 You wanted to get water and a small drink so you left them to walk over to the bar seeing a man with black hair tied up in a bun. Black ear piercing and dark eyes with a smile on his face. "Hello dear, what can i get for you." You smiled at him ordering your drinks and walked away telling him thank you. 
 Geto watched you walk away and smiled recognizing the dress he had seen in pictures from a certain someone he then walked over to a roped off section of the club. Satoru looked over to see geto coming over. 
 "Well look who stops by bringing me my drink honey." Sukuna groaned saying "you two are annoying." Geto chuckled then said "hey sukuna show me that picture of the girl you love so much."
 Sukuna threw up an eyebrow then pulled out his phone getting a picture of you to show and geto smiled wide. "Yep, that is her. She is here by the way, she just ordered drinks."
 Sukuna could feel his heart race and body jolt with excitement. He hadn't seen you in two months and you just so happened to come to the same club he needed to go see you. He was about to get up as gojo grabbed his arm. "Where are you going? I don't think it's wise to ruin her night out."
 He looked over to the other side scanning the tables then as if everything around him froze he saw you with your friends. Wearing that beautiful dress he bought for you, it warms his heart to know you still have it. "She looks beautiful."
 Geto chuckled while walking away saying "give her time sukuna." He sat back down with a huff and crossed his arms over the table. 
 "Does everyone know about me and her now?" Satoru laughed. "No just the people close to you but there was that big talk in the building not seeing yami around any more then seeing the boxes leave from the elevator and her office door being closed now. I think people are starting to assume things now. Also most of them saw y/n run out crying."
 Sukuna looked to the side away from gojo saying "don't remind me I still see her heart broken face all the time."
 Liz nudged your side and said "hey look to your right there is a good looking guy staring at you." You turned to look and saw a guy with black hair and bright blue eyes look at you with a smirk plastered on his face and gave you a wink. You blushed and looked away as the girls started to giggle. Cerin smiled and said "go talk to him, he is cute." "Yea one dance is not going to hurt " Jasmine said trying to push you out of the seat.
"Alright, I am going, calm down." 
 You got up and walked over to him as he set his glass down. "Well hello there. I guess you caught my staring." You nodded with a shy smile and said "my friends told me to come over here." He smirked and said "that dress looks sexy on you by the way. Want to come dance with me."
 You followed him to the dance floor not even knowing you walked through sukuna’s view as he watched you walk to dance with a stranger. Sukuna let out a growl while gojo told him to calm down but he knew what men are like in this club. 
 Hearing the beat of the music and feeling it through your body the man slid his hands across your hips pulling you to him while you danced with him. You smiled and turned around rolling your body against him as he did the same back to you. His hands roamed along your side as he chuckled against your ear. Feeling yourself get lost in the music while rubbing against a stranger you didn't even know. 
 After the dancing he took you back to his table as you waved at your friends seeing them smile at you. You sat at his table meeting his other friend hearing them talk as the other guy complimented you on your dress. You blushed, giving them a shy smile. But you had to excuse yourself to the bathroom to cool yourself down after the dancing. 
 Sukuna was watching you the whole time seeing the way the men stared at your ass when you walked away. He growled and got up casually and walked over as gojo watched him walk away knowing something was going to happen. The girls noticed sukuna started to nudge eachother and leaned in close talking amongst themselves wondering what he was doing here. 
 "Did you see the body on that thing?" The guy you were dancing with chuckled at his friend's comment and said "yea I know such a cute little thing but I want to see what she looks in bed."  His friend smirked saying "I bet you can make her scream like a bitch." He laughed then said "I wonder what her pussy tastes and feels like I am going to give it to her hard rather she likes it or not."
 Sukuna growled then placed a heavy hand onto his shoulder giving a hard squeeze. "I wouldn't talk about a lady like that." You friends leaned in closer to each other watching the scene in front of them.
 "Who the fuck are you. Look I am sorry I got to the bitch first but you can have her next when I am done with the whore." Sukuna gave him a sinister smirk and eyes growing darker. "Oh I don't think you will lay a hand on her. She is mine. And I don't like that way you talk about her." The guy stood up and said "what are you going to do about it bitch." "Watch you bleed out on the floor." 
 The guy looked away with a scoff seeing his friend stand up as well then out of nowhere he threw a fist against sukuna’s mouth. That was when you came back to see sukuna getting punched in the face by the man you were dancing with. "Sukuna?!"
 Sukuna didn't hear you as he growled with a wide smile with a look to kill the punch not phasing him. "I didn't like the way you touched my woman." He swung a fist back and slammed his knuckles into the guy's jaw knocking him over. The guy's friend was about to throw an attack but sukuna looked his way with a growl seeing the look in sukuna's red eyes then back away. 
 The security came and kicked them all out as he looked at sukuna walking him out saying "Mr sukuna get some rest go home we will see you later." Sukuna nodded, licking his busted lip then spit blood out, putting his head back with a sigh. All he could do is protect the woman who gave him so much in life. He wiped the remaining blood from his mouth and started to walk away going home.
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 He perked up his head stopping in his tracks then looked over to see you running to him. His heart thumped hard against his chest. "Y/n?" A whisper of your name fell from his lips. You ran to him and stopped in front of him not saying a word and neither did he. It was just the two of you staring at each other as if seeing a ghost. 
 You raised a hand to his cheek then wiped your thumb across the cut on his lip getting some of his blood on your thumb. He watched you about to wipe the blood on your dress but he caught your wrist.
 "Don't get your dress dirty. You love this dress." He pressed your hands to his chest, cleaning the blood off your thumb and onto his shirt.
"What were you doing here? Why did you get into a fight?"
 Sukuna squeezed your hand lightly and avoided your gaze. "I was already here. I didn't know you were even here. The bartender we know saw you and told us. When I saw you dancing with that stranger I was upset." You frowned and held his hand back and ran your thumb over his bruised knuckle saying "you were jealous."
 He looked at you saying "y/n i didn't like the way he was talking about you, calling you a bitch and being vulgar about your body." You sighed and said "well the night was ruined. I will probably just go home" He looked at you tilting his head saying "what about your friends won't they miss you?"
 You took out your phone from your small bag texting them that you were going home but you were alright. Sukuna spoke up saying "I can take you home.. I don't want you walking by yourself." You let out a sigh taking his offer and texted your friends that you are getting dropped by sukuna. The girls smiled and started to giggle hoping that this moment you two will hook up again.
 "I didn't drink tonight so I can drive you home. Don't want you walking looking like that." You smirked and scoffed saying "looking like a slut." He chuckled and held out his arm to you saying "no sexy and beautiful." A blush filled your cheeks still feeling warm from the alcohol you had tonight then you hooked your arm with his and walked with him to his car.
 The drive filled with awkward silence until he broke it by asking you questions. 
 "It has been a while, how have you been?" You sighed looking out the window saying "how do you think I have been?" He frowned and stayed silent.
 You glanced at him and talked. "I've been good recently. But I lost my job so now I am struggling with that. How is your marriage doing?"
 Sukuna looked over at you then back at the road. "Umm I am not married anymore. I filed for divorce the day after. I also found out from one of my people that she was pregnant from another man and they were both trying to use me for money." 
 "That is fucked up.  Kuna, I am sorry." He smiled slightly saying "don't be sorry you didn't cause anything." You grabbed his right hand as he raised an eyebrow wondering what you were doing. You looked at his knuckle seeing it red and bruised from punching the guy. "When I get to my place, come inside so I can fix this." Sukuna smiled as he drove to your building then parked the car. You sat there thinking if this was a good idea to even be around him but your heart says otherwise you just missed him so much.
 You ignored all the feelings except for one which was the want of needing him. He walked you to your door watching you unlock it then stepped to the side to let him in. Sukuna stayed quiet as you did the same and brought him into your room to clean up his knuckle. He watched you bring out a cloth then sat next to him taking his hand to clean off the little bit of blood that was there. Sukuna kept his eyes on you while you cleaned him, he didn't make a move but he wanted to.
 You put the stuff onto the table and looked at him seeing him give you soft eyes. His once crimson eyes that were filled with so much passion for you were now filled with sorrow and guilt. You missed everything from him, his warmth, his smile, the passion. Maybe you can just have it one time.
 You reached up your hand to caress his cheek as he stared at you and nuzzled against your palm. Sukuna watched you move from your spot then got into his lap wrapping your arms around his neck. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around your torso holding you close while his face hid in the crook of your neck. He missed your touch, the smell of your skin and your warmth. The feeling of you pressed against him, he felt like home again.
 "I am sorry. For all I did to you. I don't deserve to have you in my life. You should stay away from me. I am a selfish man and look what I did to you. Someone as beautiful as you does not deserve the pain that I have caused you. But it's hard to let you go. I still love you and I can not let you go."
 You pulled away from him slightly looking into his tear filled eyes. 
Fuck it.
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 You leaned forward smashing your lips against his. He didn't hesitate and pressed into your kiss pulling you closer to him. Sukuna is the only thing you want and the only thing you need. 
This kiss between the two of you turned into a heated makeout. Tongues battling for dominance but he clearly wins. Tasting him and feeling his hands roam your body putting into a lustful heat. Your hands raked through his hair when he pulled away and placed his lips to your neck giving light peaks to your skin. 
"Ryomen..I missed you a lot. I still love you, I never stopped." 
 His tongue slipped from his mouth licking a strip up your neck hearing a moan escape from you. "Hmm baby I missed hearing those sounds from you. I never stopped loving you and I never will." His hands trailed across your thighs and up under your dress to squeeze at your hips. 
 You moved away and grabbed the bottom of your dress taking it off leaving only your laces red panties on. Sukuna ran his eyes over your body then pressed you against him as he moved to lay you on the bed and roamed his hands up your body and cupped your breast. You moaned then pulled his face down to you kissing him lovingly. He gave you a quick kiss then trailing loving kisses down your neck over your collar and to your breast giving them a swirl of his tongue around your nipples. 
 Your back arched pressing yourself against him feeling his tongue on your breast while his hands slid down your body and hooked his fingers into your panties. He began to slide them down as you lifted your hips to make it easier for him to pull them off. Sukuna pulled away from you taking off his clothing letting you see his glory. The body you missed so much and missed having it mold against yours.
 All you could do was keep your eyes locked onto his lustful red ones that were slowly coming back to life. Sukuna leaned over on top of you and slipped his hips between your legs as you opened yourself to him.
 Everything in your mind was lost except for him. When you felt his cock push inside you let out a moan feeling him fill you up. The stuffed feeling inside you made you whimper and heart swell for how much you missed this with him.
  Within a few minutes his hips pounded into you at a continuous rhythm. 
 The bed creaking and moans filled up your room. Your arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer to you. "Sukuna..I missed this." He nuzzled his face into your neck feeling you squeeze around his cock as he moaned into your neck. "I love you. I missed your body around me." 
 Feeling his cock slide across every part of you inside, pressing against that good spot over and over you started to chant his name. After a few more thrust sukuna groaned and started to ram inside you feeling your release as you threw back your head yelling his name. Sukuna held himself up and gave a last few hard thrust then painted your walls white with his warm seed. 
 Sukuna breathed heavily keeping himself from landing on top of you but you pulled him down feeling his body press down on top of you. To be in his arms and warmth again you teared up and started to cry. He looked at you pulling out and rolled onto his side pulling you to him. 
"Sweetheart please don't cry." 
"Ryomen. Why did you do any of this? Why did you lie to me? You knew how much I love you so why did you hurt me?"
 Sukuna gulped and squeezed your body feeling his guilt after the sex high had subsided. "I didn't mean for you to get hurt. I didn't want to hurt you. I was lost in my own world. I want to have you in my life. I am sorry, please forgive me. Loving you was never a lie."
 You cried into his neck holding onto him as he held you close and said "do you want me to leave?" You gave him a shake of your head, "I never want you to leave. You should know that."
 Sukuna nuzzled into your pillow and grabbed a nearby blanket putting it over the two of you letting you cry your heart out. He could feel the warm tears on his chest.
 He stayed awake a bit longer just staring at you running his fingers through your hair fixing it. Hearing you slowly calm down then fall asleep.
"I will be a better man just for you, beautiful. I promise with all my heart."
 He put his arm around your hip and closed his eyes, feeling himself relax and his worries go away for the moment. Just happy to be in your arms again to lay in your bed beside you. He hates everything he has done and feels like he is not worthy of you. But the hopes he has of you still wanting him in the morning.
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shortpplfedup · 9 months
Only Friends Character Rankings Episode 6
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Another outstanding episode as chickens start coming home to roost and Sand sets a ball a-rollin' that is gonna roll right over him in the end. In a surprise upset, Sand's mom won the audience vote last week, with Top and Boston tied for second place. You really never know who the Tumblrinas are going to favour from week to week, keeps us all on our toes! Here are this week's highly scientific rankings.
🔺1. Ray (4)
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Let me talk to my friends. It’s his birthday. I’d like to say something.
Ray said NO SURVIVORS and sprayed the entire room at Mew's birthday party, and honestly? Kinda deserved. From calling Sand a whore (OUCH) to reading Cheum for filth for her shitty little backhanded comments, to almost letting the cat out of the Top/Boston bag in front of everybody, our resident mess came for every neck in the building. Boston primed him, Sand aimed him and Cheum lit the match, and it's no coincidence those three got hit with the blowback of his explosion at Top. A seething ball of pain and resentment fueled by alcohol and god-knows-what-else was never gonna fire a clean shot.
🔺2. Sand (5)
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Stop thinking about Mew and focus on me for once. Can’t you really see that I care about you?
Well now we know why Sand didn't blink an eye at Nick bugging Boston's car; he's just as fucking unhinged. Sand, a poor, breaking his own phone just to get his hands on Nick's and that recording (which, by the way, calling the file 'That Car' is really too much Nicholas PLEASE 🤣)...WILD. We've all had Nick pegged as the bunny boiler but Sand might be worse and I can't WAIT because I still believe in that baseball bat. But him begging Ray to give a single solitary shit about him even AFTER Ray calls him a whore in front of a bar full of people...I remain embarrassed on his behalf.
🔺3. Mew (6)
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Cocky much? I don’t even know if we’re gonna last that long.
Ok, when Mew said 'I love the sound you make when having sex' I literally screamed out OH FUCK HE KNOWS and listen, I have been WAITING for this moment. That was a baller fucking moment. You just KNOW Top's blood ran cold. Of course these two aren't breaking up, because couples like this NEVER break up. Game always recognises game. This is gonna be the first confrontation of many. But I'm pretty sure this is the last time Mew is gonna cry about it. Top might have just picked the wrong one. Mew has two moms, pretty sure he knows how to destroy a man.
🔻4. Nick (2)
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I don’t give a shit about what number I am. Screw it. I’m not that into you.
At some point Nick is gonna have to stop threatening to walk and actually fucking walk, but it's clearly continuing to work for him as he and Boston are clearly the boyfriends Boston insists they're not. Dates, couple photos, meeting the dad, tender lovemaking, Boston's deep, dark secrets: Nick's getting it all...except the label he wants so very badly. And now he's shook because he knows Sand stole that recording, and he knows if Boston finds out about it it's all coming crashing down.
🔺5. Cheum (8)
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I’m so happy everyone has a lover. Even a heartless slut like Boston has one.
Girl, you absolutely earned that smoke Ray blew at you. Sly Comment Susie got a minor taste of her own medicine and didn't like that shit one bit. It's all fun and games until it's your dirt under the microscope. Maybe Cheum just learned a lesson about minding her own business a little more, or at the very least keeping some of her thoughts to herself.
🔻6. Boston (3)
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If I was a nice guy, you wouldn’t like me.
A surprisingly quiet week for Ton as everybody else gets so messy he looks relatively drama-free. But under the surface he's still paddling like mad: screwing Nick like a lover rather than just a fuckbuddy to keep him from leaving, clearly not out to his dad but bringing Nick round to meet him (once again using him for free work), pinning Ray so decisively that he causes a full-on meltdown. Though, 'I don't hate Mew'...well that might actually be true, because he's giving more fear than hatred.
🔻7. Top (1)
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I get anyone I want. What about you? Who do you get?
Oh how the mighty have fallen. Top spent the episode feeling totally smug as he finally won the game and is basking in his spoils, swinging his dick around, feeling like King Shit. And then Mew played that recording and LOSER TIME. I have the distinct impression that Top hates to lose...
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messysketchyobeyme · 1 year
A Quiet Evening
Asmodeus & Lucifer
How could anyone want to celebrate their birthday when you weren't there?
Word Count: 1,167
Asmodeus cracked open the door leading to Lucifer's office and poked his head through the doorframe. Lucifer's head bowed down over his paperwork. His pen slowly scribbled along the never-ending sheets of paper. His entire figure was shrouded in the faint, orange glow of the fireplace.
"Excuse me, Lucifer?" Asmodeus called out, pouting when he barely even glanced up in his direction, "May I come in? It's time to repaint your nails." He held up a vial of red nail polish and waggled it in the air. 
Lucifer sighed. A long one. "If you must," he said.
Asmodeus clicked his tongue, and quietly entered Lucifer's office, closing the door behind him. He shuffled over to the chair in front of Lucifer's desk. Without further prompting, Lucifer held his left hand out. His eyes were still glued to the files in front of him, but Asmodeus paid that no mind as he unscrewed the cap on the nail polish. 
Asmodeus held Lucifer's hand and scrutinized his nails. In all honesty, they looked fine. At most, they were slightly chipped at the edges but nothing particularly noticeable. Still, Asmodeus got to work, going over his nails with a fresh coat. 
"So," Asmodeus said, "Any plans for your birthday?" 
"Not anything in particular." Lucifer signed a random contract and placed it in a pile situated at the corner of his desk. 
Asmodeus stopped in his tracks, looking up at Lucifer with a pointed frown. "What? It's your birthday, Lucifer! You can't just not do anything." 
"I haven't celebrated my birthday in a millennia. Today is nothing different." Asmodeus could tell that Lucifer was trying to sound neutral, but there was a certain coldness that seeped into his tone. 
"But, these past few years–"
"They were here these past few years, and now, they're not." Lucifer slammed a stack of pages on his desk. It made Asmodeus jump. Lucifer's lips thinned, his voice softening. "There's nothing worth celebrating."
Asmodeus closed his eyes for a second to gather his wits. It's only been a few months since you disappeared, but your absence was like a hole that tore through his and his brothers' hearts. The House of Lamentation has been so empty and dreary without you. 
Although he knew you were safe with Solomon, it still hurt knowing that it may be a long, long time before he got to feel your embrace in his, hear your voice, or see your face, again. He would give anything just for the chance to hug you and apologize for…for…for not doing enough. For not checking up on you the night you disappeared. For not making sure you were okay. Asmodeus knew that nobody could have known this would have happened to you, but it still hurt. 
Asmodeus took in a deep breath before resuming his work on Lucifer's nails. "I know how it feels for them to not be here on your birthday, but you can't just hide away in your office all day. It's not healthy." 
"What did you do on your birthday, Asmo?"
For once in probably his entire lifetime, Asmodeus was rendered speechless. "I–" It took him a moment to gather his thoughts. "Well, I spent some time in my room."
"You hid away in your room," Lucifer corrected, "You didn't come out until we forced you. You didn't throw yourself a giant party like you usually did, nor did you go to any." Lucifer picked up his cup of coffee and took a long sip. 
"Yeah, but I've had thousands of celebrations. I was all partied out last time, but you–" Asmodeus stumbled over his words, again, when he saw the way Lucifer was shooting daggers at him. "You never really celebrated your birthday until they came along. You deserve time to let your hair down."
When Asmodeus finished doing Lucifer's nails on his left hand, he gestured for Lucifer's other one. He gave it to Asmodeus and moved to pick up his pen with his now free hand. Asmodeus tutted. "It's still wet," he scolded.
Lucifer rolled his eyes, letting out another sigh. He resigned himself to the fact that he wasn't going to get any more work done this evening. "How can I 'let my hair down' when I've been so worried about them?" Lucifer asked quietly. "No matter what I do, their face always pops into my mind, and I can't help but wonder…" He trailed off, not even daring to finish that thought.
"I understand how you feel," Asmodeus said, "I miss them, too. We all do, but do you really think that they'd want you spending your birthday like this?" He finished painting Lucifer's nails and screwed the cap back into place. "They were the one that made us start celebrating our birthdays together. We became closer as a family because of them, and I think they'd want us to continue that tradition."
Lucifer's fingers twitched. He probably wanted to massage his temples or pinch the bridge of his nose but was refraining to not mess up the polish. "I suppose you're right."
Asmodeus put his hand down next to Lucifer's. He chose to have his nails painted that same plain shade of red so often that Asmodeus had stopped asking him if he’d ever switch it up. However, Lucifer never refused to have his nails done whenever Asmodeus asked. None of his brothers did. (Except for Satan, at first, but he came around eventually.) It was…nice to have their bond as brothers broadcasted to the world like that. No matter what, they'd always be family, and that included you, too.
"You know, we've set up a small party for you in the kitchen like you did with me." Asmodeus continued to explain when Lucifer raised one eyebrow. "It's not like the ones I usually throw. There's a cake and a couple of presents, but only our brothers will be there. Nobody else." Asmodeus tapped the edge of his desk. "We would like it if you’d come."
For the first time since you'd been gone, Lucifer smiled. It was a tired one that was punctuated with prominent eye bags and a couple of new wrinkles, but it was a smile nonetheless. "Alright," Lucifer said with a chuckle, "I'll come."
Asmodeus shot up and clasped his hands together. "Yay! I'm so glad!" He started walking backward toward the door, almost tripping over his chair in the process. "Levi is still working on the decorations, so be ready in like…five minutes?" Asmodeus fluttered his fingers in the air. "I'll come get you when we're done. Toodles!"
With that, Asmodeus bounced out of Lucifer's office. He wasn't expecting his brother to agree, but he guessed it was your influence that melted his previously stone exterior. It might be a long time before Asmodeus and the rest of his brothers will get to see you again, but, until then, he and everyone else will just have to go through everything one step at a time.
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asingleietsist · 8 months
"A Green Queen" AU
Chapter X
The large silver spiked double doors intimidated the small plumber. Despite saying he'd see him, Luigi had taken his days looking into Bowser's health and doing his best to tighten up his army along the borders of the Darklands.
Every waking hour a new problem would arise.
Whether it was allies having scheduled meetings with Bowser that he'd have to postpone or spending hours in the ship's study looking for any knowledge on Bowser's current state.
He hadn't been able to sleep well and when he did he'd be woken up from dozing off at the desk Kamek had crafted for him.
Yet here he was now, at the infirmary, ready to speak with his brother again after.... everything that happened at the palace. A koopa troopa informed him that he'd "woken up" from whatever spell he was under and Luigi ordered that they didn't say anything about what happened to him at the palace.
He took a deep breath, shook his fists in preparation and with a slight nod, the guards pulled the door open.
Luigi walked in, his fists still clenched close to his body, and his face filled with anxiety. A few goombas were tending to a sluggish Mario, whose hands were shaking as he lifted the cup up to his lips. He shakily moved it away once his brother entered the room.
"L-Lu", he croaked. "Whe..."
Luigi restrained himself from running over, his eyes filled with tears as he got closer. "I'm sorry.."
"Lu..", Mario repeated. He tried to reach out to invite him in for a hug, but stumbled in the bed.
"I should've visited you once you woke up, but Bowser is-! A-And I'm all they have left- and I'm trying so hard not to hurt anyone else!"
Mario sighed and pulled his brother over weakly, "H..Hey, o-one at a time.."
Luigi sank into his brother's arms and they stayed in that position for a few minutes before pulling away. Mario scooted over in the sheets and patted the empty space beside him for Luigi to get in.
The goomba and nurse koopa in the room glanced in silence as their queen got into the bed, sniffling.
"N-Now.. what's wrong?", Mario coughed.
Luigi gave him a worried look, he bit his lip and started to dig into his scar concealed by his sleeve. Mario took his hands, shaking, and gave them a light squeeze as he looked Luigi in the eyes.
His brother took a deep breath then turned towards the others in the room, "Could you leave us in here for a moment? I'll call you back once we're done.. You all deserve a break anyways.."
The others nodded, slightly confused, but filed out and closed the door.
Luigi looked at his side before gazing up at his brother, "A.. Um... Hehe, I didn't think it would be so hard to talk about this."
Mario looked a bit confused but kept their hands rested on his knees.
"It hasn't even been a full month yet, and I've already caused several...", Luigi started. He tried to gather his thoughts, but every time he started one, something else came to mind.
"H-How about we star-t with your outfit?"
"You, in a spiked c-collar? Definitely not your style-"
"Yeah, it is a bit much, b-but Kamek thought it would give me some edge.", he shrugged. "He's truly been helpful when it comes to this royal stuff..."
"That too."
"What do you mean?"
"You're speaking like royalty, m-y little brother's getting blue-eblood!", Mario chuckled. Luigi rolled his eyes and pushed his shoulder a bit.
"Yeah yeah! Such nobility~", Luigi snorted. He puffed up his chest a bit as he spoke.
The two gave a glance to one another before laughing. It provided the light air the little royal needed as the tension died down.
"It hasn't been easy though, we're almost to the Darklands and I have no idea what to tell his citizens..."
"What are you talking a-about?"
"Bowser is.... unconscious..? Dead?", Luigi combed a hand through his hair as he searched for an answer. "Kamek is still trying to figure it out, but-"
"If he's gone.. w-we can leave!"
Luigi looked up from their hands and at his brother, "We can't just-"
"Yes we can! I-If he's dead then the agreement is voi-d, y-you can just, we can go! You don't have to worry about this, any of this!", Mario smiled. His grip tightened around Luigi's hand as he spoke more on how to escape.
The thought of him leaving all of the pain behind, all of the worries, just to return back to the adventure filled life in the Mushroom kingdom made his heart jump.
He desperately wanted to run, to take his brother's hand and lead him to the port where they could escape home. Where they would flee to the princess to tell her that this might be the fall of Bowser's reign and she can finally be at ease.
No dangers, no hurt.
Yet a flash of Bowser looking at the stars so blissfully, the way he told him about his children so fondly, and his small acts of kindness. He couldn't help but at least feel proud of his small effort to comfort him.
"Luigi, we should go-"
Mario's eyes winced with hurt, but he tried to conceal the shaking in his hands. "Lu, I know that.... tortuga, has been hospi-itable, but you don't have to clean up his me-ss! W-We can talk about the deta-ils later jus-"
"I said no!", Luigi repeated. He tightened his hands around from his brother's, leaving Mario stunned. "He has kids a-and as much as he's shitty, as much as every bone in my body..my soul, my mind is telling me to take us out of here... I can't."
"I-I don't understand, we can leave! Luigi, we can sprint thro-ugh those doors an-"
"No, you can barely walk and I am... I can't leave these citizens to-", Luigi took a deep breath. He could see Mario's eyes searching for answers through his own. "If the princess neede-"
"Don't you d-"
"No, listen. Would you abandon the mushroom kingdom if the princess no longer...lived?"
"Th-at's different! She's not a t-tyrant!"
"Would you?! Would you leave once everything burned after she passed?!"
Mario turned away as the two sat in silence. Luigi's anger became still, he could see his brother didn't want to respond or knew just how stubborn he got when he was wrong. He decided to move on to something he wanted definite answers for:
"Why were you in Sarasaland?"
Mario flinched and averted looking at Luigi, his body trembled a bit as he broke into a sweat, looking for a reasonable excuse.
The little royal blinked and asked again. "How did you end up-"
Luigi's eyes narrowed, "Mario..."
"I-I'm serious!", he coughed as he turned to him. It was the biggest mistake he made once he saw an unknown sterness in his brother's eyes.
He sighed as he gripped the sheets, "I heard that you.... he alwa-ys goes through scheduled meetings for his al-llies. I-I promise it was j-ust to check u-p on you! Y-You...I-I wasn't going to interfere. I couldn't if I wante-d to."
The last sentence worried him, "What.. happened?"
"A friend... few acquaintances of mine and I were entering. I-I wanted to s-ee if you we-re ok, but we were taken by some guards, then some...creature appeared? Its laugh... everything got blurry after we were attacked by lions?", Mario stuttered, he was desperately trying to recollect, but Luigi simply rested his hand on his shoulder.
"You went back on the agreement I made with Bowser, and furthermore you...betrayed my trust, bro.", Luigi slipped out of the bed. "However, that's why I can't leave. That 'creature', you might've met was Prince Khufo and he... he killed Bowser."
Mario's shaking stopped, "That...."
He couldn't understand it, someone so small, someone he could simply punch out, defeated him and Bowser so easily. He clenched his shirt as the realization kicked in.
'He could've killed...me, and what about Lu?! What is he getting himself into! We need to find a superstar quickly, if we get home and talk with the princess. Maybe she coul- Wait...Daisy..'
"W-Was it just me?! Was there anyone else in the rubble?!"
Luigi turned to him, "What do you mean? Oh, your acquaintances.. No, we were trying to get out of the palace as soon as possible, we didn't have time to check too much of the area."
"I'm going back- wa-it no, you need to come wit-h me! No..no, we need to-o warn the p-"
"Mario, you're barely in any shape to leave the bed and we're miles away from the empire.. "
"Lu, you don't und-erstand how much this co-ould hurt the pri-ncess, a-and the ki-ngdo-om "
"What do you mean I don't understand?"
"This is much bigger than what-"
"You don't think I know that?! Mario, I'm running an ENTIRE KINGDOM by myself in preparation for war! I witnessed the ONLY other being able to keep this army in line, get KILLED before my eyes while you laid there lifeless! Do you know how hopeless I felt having to watch them carry his mangled body, guts, and shell pieces away!? Do you know how hard it was to hear citizens, SOLDIERS that only know you for how much you've fought them chant your name in hopes you'll lead them to some sort of victory?! How can you possibly understand, the press-"
A loud knock came from the door.
"Your highness?", Kamek called.
Luigi turned to it then back at Mario, whose face softened a bit, not from pride but from sorrow.
"Mario, I'm sorr-"
"N-No, it's fine. I should probably finish th-he tea th-en rest some more. G-Go take care of your kingdom."
"I didn't mean to snap, I've been stressed and-"
Mario turned to pick up the cup shakily, "I may not run a k-kingdom.. b-but I kn-ow ho-w hard it is to h-have ey-es on you... pra-ying and hoping tha-t you'll save them. We both kn-ow that better than anyone."
Luigi opened his mouth to speak, but just turned towards the door. Kamek was about to knock again, but the door opened and creaked close as Luigi stepped out.
Mario lifted the tea to his lips again, "But you're jus-t as stubb-orn as I am and probably a stro-nger leader..."
The ship descended onto the lava port of the cobblestone castle. At the entrance of the large wooden doors were Junior and Ludwig, the smallest running inside to get the others.
Luigi frantically rubbed his hands as he and Kamek wait at the entrance. He flinched a bit as the mouth of the ship opened and shielded his eyes from the light. When he got a clear view, most of Bowser's children were running towards the ship in anticipation.
"Pap-...a?", Junior paused, his steps slowed once he saw the two standing there.
Morton still bolted forward and hugged Kamek, his excitement got the better of him and he already charged up too quick to stop.
"Hi hi!", he laughed.
Kamek gave a painful smile, he's forgotten how big the koopaling was. "Could you put me down?.. Please?"
Morton nodded as he rubbed his cheek against Kamek's once more before putting him down.
Ludwig stepped past the two adults with Wendy, they looked around, sniffing in intervals.
"Where's Papa?", Junior asked. He looked past Luigi to Wendy, who was shaking her head.
Luigi followed his gaze then turned to Junior, "I.. We need to explain-"
"Kamek, where's Papa?!", he yelled. His voice got shakier once he turned to the old koopa.
"We... Your father is, in need of special care, Junior. I can't explain everything, heck, I'm still trying to piece everything together myself. Rest assured, Luigi here is going to take care of you all and kingdom in his absence."
"You really expect us to listen to him?", Roy stepped forward. "He could barely handle an insult and isn't he our prisoner?!"
"W-Well given the circumstances he-"
"I second this.", Lemmy padded forward. "If Pa is hurt why don't you heal him? We can't rely on twiggy here. All offense!"
Luigi blinked, "None tak- wait.."
The kids began to pile in their own opinions,one talking over the other as they swarmed around Kamek. Luigi watched on the sidelines, a sweat broke from his forehead as he watched Kamek become overwhelmed.
What could he do? They wouldn't listen even if he tried, then it hit him.
"I did it?", He mumbled.
Ludwig stopped investigating and looked over at Luigi, but the others were still bickering.
They stopped. Wendy squinted her eyes as she waited for him to calm his breath.
Luigi gripped the fabric above his chest, "Y-Your Papa is hurt because he tried to save me... he can't just be healed and I... I caused it. B-But I want to make things right, he..."
The queen trailed off as he looked up at the conflicted faces. Kamek took that moment to step in front of Luigi, "What his highness is trying to say is the situation is dire. Your father is in a terrible state, something my magic and spells can't fix right now, but I promise you it wasn't entirely his fault. We'll try to explain this as soon as we can, but the wounds are fresh at the moment and we have bigger things to attend to. Despite the lack of... formalities, Luigi is in line to rule at the moment, we.. we need to prepare for the worst, so please for your father's sake. Let him help."
Luigi smiled a bit at Kamek's faith in him then turned his attention to the koopalings. Morton tried his best to grasp the situation, he glanced down at Iggy for support but was met with horror, so he tensed up.
"No.", Ludwig stated. "I refuse to listen to him. Right?". He turned to the others.
Wendy nodded, "He's barely been here for a month, if Pa is injured then we can wai-"
Luigi stiffened as he became impatient with their defiance. Something similar to his brother's denial, his eyes glared at her and Ludwig as he spoke clearly.
"He's dead."
The entrance was silent, Luigi snapped back once he realized what he said and looked at the horror on their faces and they quickly turned to anger.
Kamek winced as he acted quickly, he took his wand out and held Junior in place with his magic. Luigi tumbled back as the koopaling's claw was inches away from his chest.
"I-I didn't... I..", Luigi gripped his clothes tighter as he tried to catch his breath.
Kamek looked at Ludwig, "I know you're upset, but if we fight amongst ourselves, we'll only fall faster. We will explain everything later. At the moment, Luigi needs to attend to some matters and we need to get some documentation signed. Can you handle not trying to maul him for the night?"
Ludwig folded his arms and lifted his head, "Fine."
Kamek sighed, he kept Junior in place and turned to Luigi for instructions.
Luigi gulped but stood up and ordered that none of the children were allowed on the ship or allowed to see Bowser unless he or Kamek felt it was right to accompany them there. He would want them to see Bowser's state, especially with how grotesque and bloodied he was.
Kamek nodded, "You heard him, off to your rooms."
The group hesitated, Larry glanced around at his siblings only to see Ludwig and Wendy be the first to exit. As the two passed Luigi, each gave him a long stare, they eyed him up and down before giving disapproved snorts. The rest followed, they murmured and whispered to each other on their way back to the castle.
Luigi gave a sigh of relief and stood up as he looked at Junior's body. "You can let him go.."
"But your highness, he's still upset."
"I know.."
Kamek didn't understand but simply nodded and placed Junior down. Junior gasped but stood up slowly, keeping eye contact with Luigi.
The queen took a deep breath and reached out his hand to Junior. "I want to take you to him. I'll explain while we walk. If that's ok?"
Junior looked at his hand then up at him, "Ok, but I don't want to hold your hand."
Luigi retracted, "O-Oh, right..". He still smiled a bit seeing the young prince not completely be indifferent to him or at least not trying to kill him. He gave a bit of an excited smile to Kamek who simply nodded and followed Luigi on the other side.
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imagine-silk · 8 months
Я увидел, что кто-то спросил о неприметном читателе-подростке и платоническом Яндере Мигеле/Питере Б, поэтому я спрашиваю, есть ли у вас какие-нибудь хедпушки по поводу их взаимодействия? Потому что я думаю, что это было бы интересно. В том посте вы также написали, что ребенок выглядит злым и мне это нравится. Я тоже достаточно замкнутая и иногда в голове возникают мысли о том, что было бы здорово, если бы кто-то из моих друзей сломал ногу или упал с лестницы и иногда меня даже пугают эти мысли
》I can't read or speak Russian and I couldn't find a reliable translator so some things are going to be lost in translation. Apologies.
Miguel O'Hara trying his luck w/ another family and teen!reader sniffing it out immediately
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You know what they say; if at first you don't succeed try again. The canon events were proven false and the first thing he did after was clean up the aftermath and look for happiness again. What happened in the past wasn't going to happen again.
Your father, Miguel O'Hara, was very absent. A workaholic and always tired, tired enough to not want to be bothered at home. Spending time with him was an impossible task so you stopped trying. Then suddenly he was the best dad ever. He was so happy when you got home, held you like you were dead and came back. This wasn't him and you knew it.
His thought process was simple. This version of him was an asshole who didn't deserve his family, so he would give you what you deserved. It wasn't like he would be missed so the blood washed off easy. He apologized to you and your mother, said he almost died and had a moment of realization about how much he was taking for granted.
Your mother fell for it. At first she gave him hell, not yelling but clearly seething. "Where was this man for the last ten years, huh?" If he changed on a dime to be good then he could turn back at any moment or he could have done it sooner. But he showered her in love and gifts. He spiked her drinks to 'reignite their passion', something long gone between her and her husband.
You almost gave in too. He was everything you wanted in your father, everything and more. But he wasn't right. He wanted to know things he should have already known and looked at you as not someone he recognized but someone who was different. He was bigger, broader, he hunched over a lot and mumbled, not opening his mouth too far. It was obvious to you he was looking at a stranger, so you knew you were too.
All of his attempts to win you over failed and he didn't know why. He had your files and looked them over, and he catered to you endlessly. Even your mother was prompting you to forgive him.
To be honest, your mother was not what he was hoping for. He loved her but the love of a spouse is replaceable, for better or for worse, the love of your child is everything. He was giving you what his counterpart would never but you were still resisting.
Getting out of the house was key to your sanity but detrimental to his. You got out of his suffocating love and recharged with your friends. In turn he had no idea what you were doing or what effect they had on you other than they pulled you away from him. So he made excuses to spend time as a family, effectively grounding you. He made you so confused; who the fuck was he?
You found just as many excuses to see your friends. The more they heard about the situation the more they were concerned and tried to cut him off as well. Sleepovers were commonplace.
Miguel was losing it. You wouldn't eat at home so he couldn't slip anything to make you too tired to leave. A tracker did no good if you were just at your friend's house. It wasn't like you were five, you were in high school and doing nothing wrong.
Unfortunately, your mother was caught in the crosshairs. She tried hard to get you to like him but after a while she started a different approach. Deescalation was her main goal. "Maybe we should back up a little bit, babe." A phrase he didn't like. However, your mother was no pushover, she told him to stand down and leave you alone until she could get everything sorted.
The worst thing was she couldn't convince you. In all her innocence she became a casualty. It was an accident.
When your mother went missing it set off all alarms for you and your friends. It wasn't supposed to happen but it turned out in his favor. You had to stay home, for you to grieve together. Not to mention it wasn't safe. It would have been so much more believable if he hid his excitement for time with you.
Not the best plan but in all fairness you were a bunch of teenagers. It was clear to you he was responsible for your mother so you were planning to run away. It was the only thing you could think of that would work. No one in their right mind would think he, dad of the year, killed your mom.
As soon as you were out the window he was out the door and met you around the house. Before you could even think about how to react two of your friends came at him with bats, metal bats. The rest of it was so quick. There was so much blood, it didn't stain as much as it soaked in the grass and your clothes. None of them survived. This man killed all of them with his bare hands, didn't even think about it. You started crying your eyes out and screaming. He kneeled in front of you, giving sweet comfort. But you made him stop. "You're not my father. I don't know who you are. Just leave me alone."
All of him attempts to comfort you didn't work, as usual. How would you know this was going to happen if you resisted. "Los siento, mijo/mija." You thought he was trying to hug you but when you pushed him away you saw his fangs. When you pushed harder he pushed your hands away and bit your neck. You couldn't move. You knew what was happening but you couldn't move. He washed you down quick before taking you across dimensions. Blood dripped down his teeth, his hands were damp from a hasty wash, and he had a limp, your friends broke his leg. And he walked away with you as a prize.
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mcflymemes · 11 months
PROMPTS FROM HITMAN: WORLD OF ASSASSINATION *  assorted dialogue from the video game, adjust as necessary
majestic, isn't it?
someone knows about us.
we received your message. loud and clear, might i add.
i dare say the possibilities are endless.
the situation... it's complicated.
this could be dangerous, and i thought you deserved to know. so... now you know.
in his own special way, he cares about you... and vice versa.
i didn't catch your name.
that's for you. keep it on you at all times.
i have seen the consequences. i have felt the cost. that's what defines me.
none of you are safe anymore.
someone's been meddling in our affairs.
that's why we're hiring you to take him down.
if it seems like a conspiracy, it probably isn't.
i hope you know what you just did.
does it matter? i was told there'd be no second chances.
anyone can kill.
get out of my sight.
they sent me here to spy on him.
don't believe everything you hear.
very well. it's your show.
look, i'm not an asshole. of course i'm concerned.
so what happens now?
you do catch on fast.
i want us to meet. your room.
all right. consider it done.
i think technology hates me.
you can't be trusted.
i have found that whoever wields the sword decides who holds the pen.
smile, [name]. your reputation is safe.
there are no second chances. not here.
maybe i'm not the only one being tested.
i read your case file. impressive work.
do you realize what kind of world you've been shaping?
i'm [name], i'll take you to your quarters.
someone likes to keep secrets.
they kept you alive because they needed you and now they don't.
that part is my job.
when we need you, we will contact you.
i don't care which of you does it. it's mandatory.
he did not, however, factor me into the equation.
you're not a superhero. they don't exist.
for sure. i'll keep an eye out.
you did well, [name], i'm proud of you.
i followed you from italy.
that... is your target.
powerful men have fallen by your hand. but by the same token, others have risen.
knowing your enemy is only half the victory.
secrets are our stock-in-trade.
shit. still no answer.
i think we could help each other.
i think i'm in. but i want to be clear on a few details.
from what i hear, you have a few of your own.
i'm not like you, in case you're wondering.
if they can bend the rules, then so can i.
that's not a name.
you know the expression "know your enemy?"
tell me. what did it feel like, taking lives?
is that why you came here? why you let us test you?
i should leave you to prepare.
are you sure about this?
i don't believe it. i took every precaution.
all agents have weak spots.
give me a chance, [name].
our team found no records of any kind. no name, nothing.
are you still determined?
may i inquire why?
at first glance, an impossible task. then again, i do know how you love a challenge.
we will be watching.
how is this our problem?
i wish i had been informed.
people die, [name]. it happens all the time, even to us.
there is no sign of forced entry. no alarms. nothing.
in the meantime, keep him under close watch.
perhaps i see possibility where others see limitation.
now you will do the same.
i play dirty. that's how you defeat a stronger opponent. you strike from behind.
well, this is just fabulous, isn't it?
good. i'll be upstairs.
this was no coincidence.
i should tell you, the trail went dead after romania.
you're making us look bad.
this is the universe's way of telling you to quit, to get out of the game while you still can.
can i offer you a drink?
i thought they were a myth.
someone's playing a game, [name]. the question is... against whom?
we can't allow ourselves to be manipulated.
so... what are we actually doing here?
i just pulled some strings.
i thought that was the point?
i will take full responsibility.
vary your strategy. improvise.
i can't believe we beat him at his own game.
his death will not be investigated.
i know you don't care about politics.
i guess when you're invisible, you stop looking over your shoulder.
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editorandchief · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could request a Black Noir x reader where the reader is apart of The Seven and the two are dating? The reader has been secretly helping The Boys and giving them the information to take down Vought and Homelander, and when Noir is fight Starlight, the reader comes in to try to stop him and for Starlight to flee. But like, he finds out what the reader has been doing and feels betrayed but doesn’t tell anyone. Then they make up at some point? Maybe when Soilder Boy comes back? Hope that makes sense!
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Warning: Violence
Requested: Yes
You don't know what is was or when it was. Your final straw. When you finally decided to cut the strings that Vought had been using to control you for three years.
Maybe it was Noir...Seeing his reaction after the news about Compound V came out and realizing that this wasn't just something that happened to you, not genetics, that someone injected babies without a care of who or what that child would grow up to be, of course not all Supes were psychotic maniacs, Nazis, rapists or just all around assholes but there were enough of them to outweigh any of the good that others were attempting to do.
After eavesdropping on Homelander telling Madilyn about 'The Boys' killing transparent, you realized that you didn't feel bad for him, you realized that it was about time that someone made him pay for all the shit that he had done. Did he deserve to die? Maybe not, but at least something was being done about it. 
Surprisingly it wasn't hard to find the leader, Butcher. Unsurprisingly he attempted to kill you promptly after meeting, luckily he calmed down a bit after you handed him one of the files on a B-lister Supe that had more that a few cases of 'collateral damage'. 
It was supposed to be a one time thing, that was until you got a call from Butcher weeks later 'asking' (demanding) more files on other supes, finding out he had received it from Hughie, who got it from Starlight. And it didn't stop there apparently considering you had just received a call from Frenchie, informing you that he and Kimiko were in desperate need of help.
Arriving in the Alley you see Noir walking menacingly towards Frenchie before he is slammed into the wall my Kimiko. Rushing over you pulled the super powered female behind you, pushing her towards Frenchie. 
"Get out of here." You instructed.
"What about yo-." 
"Now!" You snapped as you watched Noir pull himself from the ground before freezing up upon seeing you there. "Noir, I know your confused but, I can let you hurt them." 
Shaking his head at you, Noir attempted to pass you to go after the couple. Stepping in his path you place you hand on his chest. Noir slapped you hand off of him before you raised you other one and pushed him back causing him to stumble backwards. 
"Noir please listen to me, you know that I would never let anyone do anything that would ever hurt you bu-." You were cut off as Noir rushed at you out of instinct you swung only to have him grab your arm, twisting it behind your back before pushing you to the ground.
In terms of strength and durability you and Noir were pretty evenly matched though when you first joined Vought you depended mostly on you powers which is why Noir wanted to teach you hand to hand combat.
Stepping over you he once again tried to go after Frenchie and Kimiko, You rushed up grabbing his shoulder, turning him around and landed a punch on his face. 
Swinging again he dodges before pushing you back, going at him again he dodges all of your attacks pushing you once again. 
"Come on fight me, you think I betrayed you then fight me." You said approaching him again, as you get into arms reach Noir wrapped his hand around your neck pushing you against the wall. You felt your powers attempting to push forward to protect you, you pushed it back down. You would never use your powers against Noir.
"Because you know that I'm right, Vought needs to pay for all the shit that they have caused. They did this to us not for us. Homelander, The Deep, all those other fuckers that they need to be stopped, just like Soldier Boy needed to be stopped." You struggle out as his hand tightens at the mention of his ex-leader. "Noir please." You groaned out as you felt your powers once again reaching out. Suddenly he pulls his hand from your neck backing away as you slid to the ground. 
Looking down at you for a while you both knew it was too late for him to try to find Kimiko and Frenchie but her could definitely find them if he tried, though part of him didn't want to go after them.
You didn't know what would happen next, you were unsure is Noir ever wanted to see you again or if he would tell anyone more specifically Homelander what you had been doing. Your heart was beating out of your chest as you walked into 'The Seven' meeting room taking your usual seat next you Noir. 
"Lately some of you have been a little out of sorts," Homelander starts "Erratic, unreliable, down right sloppy. Not you Noir and Y/N you guys are doing great, though...Y/N I haven't seen you much not that that's a bad thing." 
"And usually I really wouldn't give a fuck but given recent events you will all be needing to tighten the fuck up." He stated clapping his hands together. "Now being the generous and considerate leader I will now give you the chance to come clean on any of your less than publicly acceptable behavior before to see it on the six o'clock news, so..." Looking around the table at the five of you. 
You kept you eyes locked with the table in front of you only occasionally glancing at Noir only to see his eyes glued to the side of your face. 
"No? Okay meeting over." The blonde male smiled. "You can all get the fuck out." 
No one wastes time vacating the room each going there separate ways as you followed closely behind Noir, once you far enough away from the meeting room(Homelander) you reached you hand to grab his shoulder causing him to halt in his step and turn to face you.
"So is this how it's going to be?" You asked. "I know your upset with way I did and I'm sorry about the fight but that's the only part I'm sorry for, they hurt people hell killed people and it wasn't right that they got away with it." You explained yourself only for him to continue staring at you. 
"Fine, then I'll go tell Homelander what I've been doing." You said turning and walking back to the meeting room only for Noir to reach out and grab your arm. "What that's what you want isn't it, you think what I'm doing is wrong but I don't and I'm not gonna sit around waiting to see if you sell me out to Homelander. If I have to die for what's right I will." 
Reaching behind him Noir pulls a notebook fro  m his pocket, write something and hands it to you. 
"Yeah, I know." You sighed. "But its even more dangerous for the humans going against people they could never hope to beat, I can't stop now."
"I can't lose you." 
Placing you hand on his arm you attempt to comfort him, after a few moments pulling him into your arms resting your head on his chest. 
"Your not gonna lose me Noir," You assured. "but these past few days have felt like I've already lost you and I just...I want it to be us against the world again, please." 
Slowly you feel his arms circle around you closer to him. You both just stood there in each others arms. 
"Okay, I love you both, but maybe take it to the room you guys." You hear Homelander's voice as he walks past the two of you, his cape drifting behind him.
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