#he literally QUIT his job because he fell in love and he tells Nobody when he goes on vacation so he can actually enjoy himself
imperaptorfuriosa · 1 year
ethan post of the night: i love love love that he's this spy-movie leading man and he just. trusts people. he'll meet someone and within 5 minutes he's like "this is my bestie, id die for them." he's full of HOPE and JOY, and when things get bleak he never gives up Trying because he believes theres always a possibility of good overcoming. benji sees him as invincible and able to do anything, but ethan never sees himself as anything other than the person still willing to TRY. he's smart and good on his feet and an expert at reading people, but he also refuses to see anything other than the possibility of greatness in everyone. hes NICE and not in a slick, womanizer way. he's just nice. and antagonists REPEATEDLY use that against him. in 1 and 3 especially, we see his trust get used and abused. but he still sticks by ilsa all through rouge nation!!! blockbuster action guys dont anways get to be like that, but he's been like that for 20 years!!!!!!!!!!!!
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
Hi! Looong time lurker, first time asker <3! Want to tell you that I love your blog and how awesome concepts are born here, so I thought that I might try and share my own idea with you
Omegaverse Dreamling!
Hob is an alpha who has a successful career in academic and of course owns New Inn pub so he cannot complain, really. He feels a little bit lonely, but he doesn't specifically look for a mate. All his relationships kinda ended, it wasn't it. Hob have been going into his ruts alone for some time but he is fed up with it already. So he decides to go to a brothel and hire some omega prostitute to spend his rut with. He chooses kinda luxury Burgess' brothel.
Enter Omega!Dream. He hates his job and especially dealing with alphas' ruts so it's obvious that this bastard Burgess chose him to "assist" this new and green alpha in his first rut in a brothel. Dream is famous among the clients for his ethereal beauty but also for his snarky comments. That is why most alphas enjoy "taming" him. Dream supposes this one is not gonna be different. He couldn't be more wrong! Burgess warns him that he can't afford to lose this client, he seems rich and gullible, so Dream must behave because otherwise he is going to regret this! Dream doesn't need to be told twice, he knows very well that Burgess has a heavy hand.
When Hob enters the brothel he feels the first symptoms of a rut but when he is introduced to Dream he might as well go into full rut right now and then. What a beauty! Slender, dark-haired, with unblemished and pale skin and the most blue eyes Hob ever seen. Dream is used to being ogled but no one ever looked at him as if he hung the stars himself. He must admit the this Robert "call me Hob, please, nobody calls me Robert" isn't ugly. Quite otherwise if Dream may say so himself. And he smells so nice, even so close to his rut. He hopes that he isn't a demon in bed because he really isn't into rough sex tonight.
They go into the room, Hob is obviously the perfect gentleman and isn't treating Dream as a common whore so he is already alerted. Behind a closed doors Hob is still very polite and pleasent. He asks Dream if it is okay, if he really wants to do this, did he eat anything? maybe he would like to drink something or to talk? Dream is quite overwhelmed, nobody treated him like this ever.But he says he is okay, Hob goes to take a shower and they go into it. And...
Dream has never had since he had started working as a prostitute such pleasurable and overall good sex. Hob is gentle and caring and is treating Dream as if he was his longtime partner. Despite his rut Hob is controlling himself and is always careful to not hurt Dream. Dream might have orgasmed a few times... Fine, he orgasmed a lot, ok? But it isn't his fault Hob is so nice and skilled and has a such wonderful cock! While Hob knot goes down they cuddle and talk. Well, it is Hob mostly talking, because Dream is always withdrawn with his past, but for the first time that doesn't bothers Dream at all. Hob has such a nice voice, he could be listening to him for hours! Well, Dream is very fucked, literally and figuratively. People always told him that he falls fast and deep and this might have happened here. When Hob falls asleep he might even cry a little over himself, because there is no way that Hob would want to ever be with such an omega whore who smells of other alphas. Dream is gonna stay in that brothel as long as he is pretty and then... He fears to think, but it isn't a bright future.
Meanwhile Hob is freaking out because of course he fell head over heels in love with this gorgeous omega! Dream is perfect, in looks and in character and Hob will fight everyone who thinks otherwise.
Hob's rut ended and he went home heartbroken but he gave Dream goodbye kiss on cheek and asked if he would him to come here for his next rut. Dream of course said yes, not because Burgess was behind his back and he expected Dream to agree but because he came up with a plan! He is going to baby-trap Hob! He is now knowing when Hob's rut is going to come and he can stop taking his suppressants. It's a perfect plan!
So few months go by and when Dream sees Hob enter the brothel he immediately goes into heat. Fortunately, nobody notices and they share again a few wonderful days with Hob and surprise, Dream fallen even harder. When Hob again leaves him he only hopes that he knocked him up good. Of course it happens. But what Dream didn't expect is that he was gonna start showing so early. He hoped that he could keep it a secret till Hob will again visit him. Burgess is furious at first but then he starts selling Dream to the clients so they could imagine they knocked him up. Dream obviously said that he has no idea who knocked him up so he gained even worse reputation.
Time passes and Hob again goes into rut and to see Dream. Once inside he learns from Burgess that Dream is pregnant and if he still wants him. Hob cannot imagine his rut without Dream now, but he wanted to refuse, because he didn't want him to tire to much. But something irked him in a wrong way in this Burgess fella, maybe because he was talking shit about his Dream ( jesus, Gadling, pull yourself together) so he agreed to take Dream to the room. He wasn't planning anything sexual, he simply wanted to talk to Dream.
When they get into the room Hob starts telling Dream that he is happy for him and that he just wanted to spend some tome with him and they don't need to do anything sexual if Dream doesn't want to. And this is too much for hormone-ridden Dream. He burst into tears and starts wailing, because alpha of his pup is here and those few months were terrible, he was so sick all the time and he feels sore all over and lonely and overall terrible. But first and foremost he isn't whore! It's Hob's pup and he needs to believe him, he is sorry that he tried to baby-trap him but he loves him and Hob must now hate him, because he is a whore and he woulnd't want to be with someone so terrible like Dream!
Hob is quite light-headed after receiving such info-dumb but the most important news is still banging around in his head: he is a father! Of Dream's pup! Of course he believes Dream, he wouldn't lie to him, not while crying his eyes out, he knows that Dream is to prideful for that. So he kisses Dream partially to shut him up and partially because he loves him and he is so happy.
Dream can't believe what is happening but he isn't gonna complain! When they stop kissing Hob explains to Dream how happy he is and how much he loves him and please please please be his mate. Dream is in deep shock, but agrees, of course he agrees! So Hob takes Dream hand and commanders that they leave in this second. While leaving for good Hob punches Burgess in the face for trying to stop them.
Some time later Dream receives his so anticipated bitemark on the neck and the both of them couldn't be more happy!
Well, of course untill they go for Dream's check-up and learn he is pregnant with twins. Hob and Dream are both over the moon.
Ooops, it came out very long so so sorry for that and for any mistakes! Cheers
Hello new friend!!! Thank you for sending this, it's so good and I love that it's a nice long one. Gosh, I feel for Dream so much!!!! The part about Burgess hiring him out to even more alphas while he's pregnant so they can fantasise about being the one who knocked him up gave me SO many ideas. Maybe one of the other alphas goes so far as to claim that the pup is actually theirs (either because they want Dream or because they just want to torture him) and Dream has to try and get out of that situation and explain how he knows that that isn't the right alpha, yes he's sure, he's not sure how he's sure he just is!! Anyhow, thank goodness Hob shows up when he does and rescues Dream from that terrible situation.
When Hob takes Dream home he puts him straight on bed-rest (after a nice long bath of course) and makes Dream promise to rest and recover. Hob will do EVERYTHING for him. Cooking, cleaning, bathing, he'll take care of his omega as much as possible. Its important for the twins but it's mostly important for Dream - he's been worked too hard and he still has so much to go through with pregnancy, labour, nursing. Hob wants to pamper him until he's at the peak of health. Dream has never been treated like this before. He keeps trying to sneak out of bed to help, and then Hob has to carry him back and cuddle him until he dozes off. Eventually Dream begins to get used to being spoiled. And resting is nice when his belly gets so big.
All in all Dream becomes a very happy omega, and his and Hob’s pups are the most loved and cherished in the whole world. Dream is so glad that he baby-trapper his alpha. And Hob is, too!
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Gold Rush (Sebastian Stan x Reader)
Gold Rush [1] / You’re Not Sorry [2] / This Is Me Trying [3] / [4] (soon)
Summary: Your career was blossoming, especially with your new role in “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier”. Working on set was a dream come true. It was never your intention to fall for one of your coworkers. Not when you knew that he would never look at you that way.
Words: 2,637
Warnings: language, it’s Anthony Mackie’s world & we’re just living in it, angst, feeeeeels, maybe I cried, maybe I didn’t, we’ll never know, REQUESTS ARE OPEN!
Inspired by: “gold rush” by Taylor Swift
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
Gleaming, twinkling
Eyes like sinking ships on waters
So inviting, I almost jump in
You scored big time when you were casted in the upcoming Marvel series “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier”. Working alongside Anthony Mackie & Sebastian Stan had been more than you had ever wished for. The atmosphere on set was harmonious. Everything would have been fine if it were not for your stupid crush on your fellow castmate. Mackie picked up on the fact that you liked Sebastian almost immediately & he teased you about it one too many times. No matter how obvious his teasing, it seemed like Sebastian was completely oblivious to it. Or he acted as if he had no clue. You were not quite sure about that.
The press tour was going strong, which meant that Seb, Mackie & you were teamed up for every interview. Now, that was not something that bothered you too much. After all, you were more than comfortable around them. But when some interviewers did not know where the line was, you got frustrated. Like, okay, we got it. Everyone with eyes knew Seb was hot. But as an interviewer, you should know when to stop. Shamelessly flirting in front of the camera with basically a stranger? Sorry, but you had no explanation for such a behavior. Yes, some interviewers flirted with you, too. But you were great when it came to brushing them off while staying polite. Of course, Mackie’s teasing did not make this any easier for you. Every now & then, he would bring up the chemistry you & Seb shared on screen. And off screen. Like usual, you laughed at him & so did Seb. During interviews, you teased each other a lot, it was a playful manner you all enjoyed. And the audience loved the three of you for it.
Sometimes, when Seb answered a question that had him explain scenes with you or something similar, you hated the butterflies you felt inside. You hated how your cheeks warmed up. You hated that he had such an effect on you. You hated Seb. You hated him for being so perfect. You hated him for being a literal God. You hated him for ruining every other man for you. Because nobody could ever compare to him. And you said that even though you were not even in a relationship. Hell, you were not the only person who looked at him that way. If the interviews were not proof enough, a look at social media did the job, too.
But I don't like a gold rush, gold rush
I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush
I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch
Everybody wants you
Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you
Walk past, quick brush
I don't like slow motion double vision in rose blush
I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush
Everybody wants you
But I don't like a gold rush
“So (Y/N)…” the man sitting opposite of you started. It was not a lot of times that questions were directed at you. Usually, people were more excited to talk to the guys. No offense taken. “The chemistry between Sebastian & you can be felt even after such a short trailer. My question is…are you two, like, a thing?” of course. If you got a question, it was about your love life or about how great you looked in your suit. The others got complex & well thought through questions & you got this shit. Internally rolling your eyes, you stayed professional & answered casually.
“Sebby & I are friends. We work well together. We know each other well enough to communicate with our eyes, body language & so on. Some people mistake that for dating, apparently.” finishing off with a sarcastic chuckle, you had to hide the fact that you wished that there was more between you two.
“I gotta say. Even I think they’re dating sometimes.” Mackie smirked when he spoke up which earned him a light slap from you. Seb only hid his face behind his hand & laughed quietly. It was nothing new. You were used to his teasing by now. Looking over at Seb, you could not help but admire him. Even when he was embarrassed, to you, he was the most beautiful person on this planet. Not a single flaw. Just…perfect. If only you had enough courage to do something about your damn feelings.
What must it be like to grow up that beautiful?
With your hair falling into place like dominoes
I see me padding across your wooden floors
With my Eagles t-shirt hanging from the door
“Stop that.” Mackie walked over to where you were sitting. Finally, you had a break after hours of giving interview after interview. Looking up, your face turned into one of pure confusion.
“Stop what?” he exaggeratedly rolled his eyes at your question.
“The daydreaming.” it was a simple statement. But why would he tell you to stop that?
“What? Is it forbidden to daydream now?” chuckling at him, you offered him one of your coffee cups. Your handler brought you two because you had not slept much that night. But Mackie needed one just as much & he gladly accepted it. Still, he could tell that you were trying to change the topic. Not with him, though. Sitting beside you, he sighed loudly.
“Why don’t you just tell him?” he looked straight forward when he asked that question. Your face fell at his words but maybe, maybe, if you played dumb, you could get out of this conversation without any awkwardness.
“Tell who what?” your innocent eyes bore into his side profile & you saw him shaking his head slightly. A low chuckle escaped him.
“Tell Seb you like him or I will.” he stated & your eyes widened in fear.
“You wouldn’t dream of it.” exclaiming frantically, you grew more nervous at the thought.
“I wouldn’t trust that thought.” & after a few seconds of silence, you breathed out loudly.
“Yeah, sure. And I’d risk our friendship for that? Forget it.”
“He likes you, too, you know?” he casually stated. Your face changed, but only for a second. He was wrong. Someone like Seb could never like you back.
“Stop, Mackie. Don’t just run around assuming shit.” you pushed his shoulder playfully but it did not do too much. What a surprise.
“My running around assuming shit isn’t assuming. It’s facts. You guys are awful, by the way. It’s exhausting, watching you two trying to dodge your feelings. Why can’t you just, I don’t know, get everything sorted out & be happy together? If someone deserves that, it’s you.” yes, Mackie could be sarcastic but when push came to shove, he could be serious, too. And that last part, he meant by heart. Was it true? Did Seb like you? More than a friend? Maybe you should just tell him. Life was too short to be filled with what if’s. It was now or never, right?
At dinner parties, I call you out on your contrarian shit
And the coastal town we wandered 'round had never seen a love as pure as it
And then it fades into the gray of my day-old tea
'Cause it could never be
Wrapping up for today, the three of you decided to grab some take-out & eat it back inside your hotel. After quickly showering & dressing more comfortably, you made your way over to Seb’s room. Mackie was already there, he texted you at least ten times to hurry up because they were starving to death. Dramatic diva. Knocking softly, a smile spread across your face when Seb opened the door. Stepping aside to let you in, you greeted Mackie briefly. He was already eating so why the hell was he rushing you earlier? He could be such a child. Seb handed you your food & motioned for you to take a seat on the bed. Take-out in a hotel bed? It should be illegal. Usually, you were not one for eating in bed but whenever you where staying at a hotel, it became some sort of a routine for you. Same for the guys. For a while, the three of you just talked & ate your food. Conversation always flowed easily with them. You knew all of their secrets & they knew all of yours. Well, except for Seb having no clue about your silly crush on him. When he & Mackie discussed a topic you did not know too much about to actually engage in their conversation, you found yourself stealing glances at Seb. If it were not enough for him to be so gorgeous, of course he had the best personality to match that. God really took his time with him. And the weirdest thing of it all was that Seb never let that thought get the best of him. He was aware of people admiring him but that never changed him.
'Cause I don't like a gold rush, gold rush
I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush
I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch
Everybody wants you
Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you
Walk past, quick brush
I don't like slow motion double vision in rose blush
I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush
Everybody wants you
But I don't like a gold rush
Mackie got a phone call & said goodbye to you before leaving the room. Which meant that Seb & you were alone. It was nothing special, the two of you spent a lot of time together. This time, though, you wanted to confess to him. Finally, you wanted to tell him how you felt. Could you live with the rejection? Well, if things turned in that direction, you had no choice but to. Seb’s lips moved but no sound came out. You zoned out & simply stared at him. Your thoughts were running wild. The sun had already started setting & the golden light illuminated his features in such a beautiful way. It almost looked like a movie scene. He was the masterpiece others could not keep their eyes from. You were this close to speaking up, taking a deep breath for preparation. This could change your bond with him forever.
What must it be like to grow up that beautiful?
With your hair falling into place like dominoes
My mind turns your life into folklore
I can't dare to dream about you anymore
A phone ringing interrupted you. It was not yours. But Seb pulled his phone out of his pocket. The moment he saw the notification, he started smiling so brightly. The smile you had grown to love so much. It brought a grin to your face, too. The things this man could do to you, completely unaware of the effect he had on you.
“What?” you asked when he could not stop staring at his phone. Had Mackie sent him a message?
“Nothing, it’s just…” he stopped before saying too much but you were having none of it.
“Aw, come on, Sebby. You can tell me anything.” encouraging him, your hand found its way on his shoulder, squeezing lightly. Seb seemed almost shy right now. And this was weird because he usually was everything but shy when he talked to you.
“There’s this girl & she’s just…amazing.” your face fell the moment he started talking. No. “I asked her for dinner but when she hadn’t replied after hours, I started losing hope. She just messaged me back.” his smile was sheepish & you hated that you had to admit that he looked happy right now. Genuinely happy. But you were not the reason of his happiness. Another girl was.
“And? What did she say?” deep down, you knew the answer & you actually did not want him to say it out loud. But you were best friends, after all, it was kind of your duty.
“I got myself a date. I’m going on a date with her, (Y/N)!” he beamed & pulled you into a big hug. One, that made the butterflies act out. Fuck, that hurt.
“That’s great, Sebby. I’m happy for you! You deserve it.” your excitement for him was fake but the sincerity behind your last words were not. If one person on this planet deserved endless love & happiness, it was him. Mackie was wrong. Seb had never liked you. Not in that way, at least. And his date saved you from embarrassing yourself & ruining your friendship. That did not change the fact that you felt like crying right now. You could not shed tears in front of him, could not show how much it actually affected you. No. You had to fake a smile. And that shit hurt like a bitch.
At dinner parties I won't call you out on your contrarian shit
And the coastal town we never found will never see a love as pure as it
'Cause it fades into the gray of my day-old tea
'Cause it will never be
“Something’s wrong with you.” Mackie stated at breakfast. No shit, Sherlock.
“What makes you think that?” feigning innocence, you rolled your eyes when you saw the look he was giving you.
“Clearly, you’re upset. Did something happen after I left you with Seb yesterday?” he hit the nail on the head with his assumption.
“Yeah.” was all you answered. His eyebrows raised, he waited for you to continue. But when he noticed that you were not planning on engaging in any more conversation with him, he pressed further.
“Did you tell him? Did he mess up?” if Seb messed up, he would kill him. There was no other person who was better for him than you. The two of you deserved each other. And everyone seemed to realize that but you.
“I wanted to tell him.” admitting quietly.
“He got a notification.” your short answers made Mackie freak out. He grew frustrated with you when you dragged out this entire conversation.
“(Y/N), come on.” he urged.
“Sebby has a date.”
“With you? But that’s great.” his smile was small but present. Did you finally realize that you were feeling so much more for each other?
“With another girl.” then you looked up at his face, your eyes glossy. Clearly, you were trying to keep it together but he could tell that you had a hard time doing so. Yes, Mackie would kill Seb. He could have sworn that Seb only had eyes for you. The stolen glances, the efforts to make time to spend more with you. What the fuck was going on? When he saw your first tear falling, he wasted no time in pulling you in for a hug. You were broken, all because of one man. But the thing was that he was not just any man. He was Seb. Your best friend. Your everything. But he would never be yours. Not in a million years. Because he only saw you as a friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
It was not like you did not have options. Hell, you declined so many people over the time. All because of him. And you were afraid that this would not change anytime soon. Because you did not think you would ever get over him. Your heart was ripped into a million pieces & the only person who could help you fix it was getting excited over his upcoming date. Whatever you thought could be between you guys, it was nothing but a dream. Something that could never be.
Gleaming, twinkling
Eyes like sinking ships on waters
So inviting, I almost jump in
Gold Rush [1] / You’re Not Sorry [2] / This Is Me Trying [3] / [4] (soon)
Published (04/22/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @buckysleftarm420 (thanks for your support <3)
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formenis · 4 years
Anon asked: “ Can you do a scenario where L hasn't sleep in a while and it got to the point where even the Task Force is worried about him so Watari calls L's secret S/O and she comes barging into HQ and starts yelling at L that he is getting sleep or she is drugging him so he will sleep and L just follows behind her like a love-sick puppy“
A/N: please everyone, let’s give L so much love! Our best detective needs some rest sometimes.
And consider English is not my first language so I’m sorry about all the mistakes you’ll find. I’m trying to improve.
pairing: L x fem!reader
warning: nope
requested: yes
Y/A = your alias
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Once Watari said: «L has no internal clockwork or any concept of time. After 102 hours of staying awake, he slept for almost 17 hours» and for him it was not enough.
If you think it's strange, well you don't know L. He goes to the toilette by himself with open doors and slightly changed sitting position. Since he likes clearness, he bathes frequently. But he never washes himself; he just sits in Watari's special "human washer" which includes drying functions.
L is rather picky with regards to clothing, there are always ten or so identical sets of clothes prepared for him. But he cannot put them on by himself…no, rather, he never feels like doing it (Watari has to say something like "banzai" to tell L to lift his arms). Most of the time, he is in his room, sitting motionlessly in that position.
But Y/N L/N knows it very well. She is L's girlfriend for a long time and she is used to L's particular (and almost non-existent) routine. That's her patience and kind personality that caught L's attention. It all started when Y/N went at the Wammy's House for a job interview. They were searching for a new teacher and Y/N satisfied all the prerequisites. During her probationary period all children fell in love with their new teacher, so patient and gentle even with the most spiteful kid.
When Roger Ruvie, the Wammy's House manager when Watari was not there, sent his observations about this new candidate, L agreed in hiring her. And when he met her in person he was hypnotised by her. The children were right, she was special: Y/N became the mother, the sister, the aunt and the friend those children didn’t have. This captured the attention and the interest of the greatest detective in the world.
It didn’t take long for both Y/N and L to fall for each other: the young teacher was attracted by his intellect and by his gaze, so deep and mysterious; on the other hand, L was mesmerized by her personality and by her smirk she had whenever she was right about something. But the thing that convinced L that Y/N was the right one for him was when she beat him at chess.
At first, L didn’t pay attention to what she said but when he observed the chessboard he couldn’t hide his surprise. «Miss L/N…you won»  
«That's what I said»
But back to the present. Y/N was at the Wammy's House checking the homework of her little students when Roger entered her classroom.
«Miss L/N, there's a call for you»
«Ah yes, thank you Roger» Y/N answers at the phone placed on her desk. «Hello?»
«Miss L/N, it's Watari» the old and warm voice of Quillsh Wammy (as known as Watari) echoed through the receiver.
«Good afternoon Watari, I was correcting some homework. Do you need something?»
«It's about L»
Since the beginning of the Kira case, L moved to Japan. He changed hotel every week until Watari finished the new HQ and for the task-force was compulsory not to use any electronic devices when they were with him. This meant L couldn’t call his beloved Y/N that often and he started to miss her.
In order to solve as fast as he could the Kira case, he dived in the work for entire days and nights. Sugar cubes and coffee were his meals and he almost refused to sleep. He focused his mind and all his being to the case.
At first, the task-force wasn’t that concerned since they realised L had particular habits. But week after week, month after month, the situation got worse. His eyebags became darker and heavier, his skin became more white than his shirt and in general he looked really sickly.
«Uhm Ryuzaki? Did you sleep last night?» Soichiro Yagami asked him, there was worry on his face.
«When the Kira case will be solved I'll sleep» L replied rather tiredly despite his monotone voice didn’t express it. But Watari, who was with them serving ice-cream to everyone, noticed it immediately. He couldn’t bear such sight, he had to do something so he made a decision: if nobody could convince L to rest, then Miss Y/N L/N will.
«That's why I need you here, Miss L/N»
«He didn’t sleep for how much, Watari?! Are you serious?»
«Unfortunately yes. He dedicated every part of his being to the case. And by "every part" I mean literally every part of him»
«I can't believe it. I'm coming there, Watari»
«Very well, Miss L/N»
When Y/N arrives in Japan she was truly amazes by that country, so full of life, lights and culture. She can't believe it's the same country where Kira is killing. However, at the moment she can only think about L. She is so worried about him and about his well-being: he can be so odious and stubborn about his work that he would gladly renounce to his health if it meant to solve a case.
Y/N is boiling from rage, L went too far. If he falls ill how can he solve the case? Despite the anger she feels, she is excited too: it's been months since she saw or heard L. She misses him so much…but at the same time she wants to scold him.
«He is more hard-headed than the children at the Wammy's!» Y/N mutters at Watari, who is driving the car. With an excuse, he left the HQ to go at the airport to pick Y/N up and now they were coming back.
«Yes, I know.  It's the reason I called you…you are the only one who can convince Ryuzaki»
During the way towards the HQ, Watari informs her about the Kira case, the task-force and all L's suspects. At the same time Y/N warns him about all the new prodigies at the orphanage. The old man smiles kindly when he sees, through rear-view mirror, how Y/N's eyes shine when she started to talk about her students.
After an hour, the two of them arrives at this famous HQ: twenty-three floors aboveground and two floors belowground; Watari said there is a helipad on the roof of the building but the structure is designed so that the helipad and the two helicopters on it cannot be seen by those looking at the building from the exterior.
«Miss L/N, please use the back stairs. I deactivated the cameras so you can reach the monitoring room without being watched by Ryuzaki»
«Alright Watari, thanks»
Y/N did as instruct by him and takes the back stairs in order to reach the elevator. In her mind, Y/N is preparing the discourse to do at L: it doesn't matter if his colleagues are with him, he has to come to terms with her and starting to have a regular and healthy routine.
In the monitoring room nobody has any idea that the greatest detective's girlfriend is there in the same building as them. Actually they don’t know that L has a girlfriend either. So when the task-force see a young woman spread open the main door of the monitoring room they are quite shocked.
«Who is she?» Matsuda looked up from the papers in his hands. Shortly after that, all the other men looked up as well.
That voice distracted L from his dossiers and through the reflection on his laptop he recognises Y/N. His lips become a thin line, a sudden rush of thoughts and emotions hits L at the same time. Why is she there? Something bad happened at the Wammy's House? Is it because he cuts ties with everyone during the investigations? Confusion, concern, worry, alarm…fear yet happiness, because he can see her after long time. L is overwhelmed.
«Everyone, please meet Miss Y/A, Ryuzaki's significant other» Watari introduces her at the task-force and each member gasped in shock.
«L! Watari told me you refused to eat properly, to sleep properly…to live properly!»
Ryuzaki spins his swivel chair towards her so Y/N has the chance to look better at him: hollow face, paler skin colour, dark and heavy eyebags. «Y/A, please, I'm not one of your student»
L is somehow relieved that Y/N was there because of him and not because something terrible happened to her or to the children at the orphanage. So he half-sighs in relief when she started to complain about is health.
«Well, you seem like one in this moment! I cannot bear seeing you like this, you know how much important health is for everyone. The lack of sleep or an unregulated diet will affect your mind and your efficiency will decrease! And how can you catch Kira if you're tired?»
Ah, how much L misses those cute "telling-offs". It is clearly Y/N's professional deformation: she worries about people and strangers as much as she does with the children at the Wammy's. So when she finishes her discourse, L couldn’t hide a wide smile.
«I guess you're right, Y/A» L pretended to be sorry but the truth is that he loves seeing that part of Y/N's personality.
«Of course I am! Now let's start from the sleeping part!» she walks closer to him and grabs the wrist. Then she drags him out of the monitoring room leading towards the bedroom. In L's eyes, admiration and love can be seen while Y/N continues with her discourse about a new healthy routine he has to start.
Right before entering the bedroom L stops and hugs Y/N from behind, his arms are around her chest now. «Y/N…you have no idea how much I missed you»
She smiles, removing her teacher mask for a moment, and looks at him. «I missed you too, cutie pie»
L rubs slightly his cheeks against hers in a cute act of affection. Having her in his arm is such a relief for him, L can sense a strong wave of tiredness on his shoulders. «Will you rest with me?»
«Of course~» Y/N caresses his dark hair, something she really misses doing. «I'll stay with you from now on»
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justanisabelakinnie · 2 years
AITA for going to my brother’s room for comfort?
posted by r/ICanHearYourFear
I know the title sounds simple, but really it is much worse than that. Please help me, my fingers are literally trembling as I type this.
I(21F) have a younger brother(15M) and an older cousin(21F), aka my prima-hermana. She and I are as close as sisters can be and she has always been right by my side. Recently, I fell in love with a gorgeous man(21M), of whom my sister and cousins were endlessly supportive, particularly the youngest one(15F), and although my youngest brother wasn’t always happy for me, he eventually came around. That is until last night.
Over the past few months, my Abuela got the bright idea to arrange an engagement between my prima-hermana and the love of my life! Neither of them consented to the relationship but what were they or anybody else going to do about it, my Abuela de-facto rules the town. I was so heartbroken about it that I wound up having a panic attack! Of course, I don’t blame my sister, since she doesn’t want to marry the guy but has no choice because her job is to be perfect, but it doesn’t erase the sadness I feel as a result of my unrequited love. Even worse, my Abuela merely told me to get over it and find someone else! I was pretty traumatized by the whole thing especially since it dug up bad memories that I would rather not elaborate on. What matters is that my baby cousin and baby brother were both very sad for me when they heard the news, and my brother even asked me if I wanted to come to his room to talk at night. Which I did. And…I ended up crying. I basically just poured all of my angst and heartbreak over my love for this man onto my brother. And throughout it all, he listened to me, comforted me with hugs and assurance that I was beautiful and wonderful and would end up with someone eventually.
Until one day he had enough. When I tried going into his room again one night, he yelled at me about how I was a crybaby, weak, selfish, piling my problems onto other people when nobody actually cared, and that the man of my dreams would never love me because I was stupid and ugly and annoying, and how our cousin was better than me in every single possible way. Then he shoved me out of my room and I hit the floor. My face ended up bleeding quite a lot but thankfully my uncle(50M) took care of me while nobody was around and I am somewhat healed…not completely though. As you can imagine I was pretty shaken up by what he said and did to me but then again…maybe I really was being a selfish baby. I probably shouldn’t have gone to him with my problems…I am an adult and he is a teenager…but I also didn’t have anyone else to go to.
So tell me, am I the asshole?
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futurewriter2000 · 3 years
If I can't have you, nobody can - pt. 7
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A/N: Bruh... I have such a headache but this is coming out quite well. I think a part or two and I'm done with this serie. Enjoy <3
You had been stuck behind a book that you didn't much enjoy but still wanted to finish. It wasn't easy since it had too many uneccessary details that only dragged on through the page. You tried to follow it but your mind kept wandering off.
You could finish this book in a day. You knew that but it was so dull that was why it took you so long to finish it in the first place.
But as you were finally getting into it something flew on your desk.
A letter.
From James.
You felt your heart cut itself into two, three, billion of pieces as you stared at the envelope. Taking it in your hands, you wanted to rip it open but at the same time, you were terrified to see what was written inside.
Since your little encounter with James, the little sleepover you had, you had started to experience an odd feeling in your heart and stomach. Some minutes you thought of him, found yourself seeing his face, his hazel eyes watching you from the balcony. How he wrapped you in a blanket and how he took care of you like a true gentleman.
It made you smile and blush in the moment.
But he was a taken man. He was in love with Lily Evans and you had not spoken to any of them, besides James that night, in almost a year.
You let the envelope stay on the desk.
"I'll see what I want to do with it."
You've walked about hundred of steps down the kitchen floor. Pacing... contemplating and watching it as if it was watching you back.
You hadn't got a single clue why you were being so dramatic about it. It wasn't an acceptance letter, or a description of your death. It was a letter.
Nevertheless, you threw yourself at it and grabbed it. You opened it gently and you could feel your heart beating through your entire body.
"I'll pick you up at three." said the voice behind you, causing you to jump from your seat and point your wand at him. "Woah, woah, woah!" he lifted his hands above his shoulders and started to laugh.
"JAMES YOU- YOU FUCKING FUCK FUCK!" you bent over to catch a breath. "You can't just apparate into my home like that."
"It's a fancy one." he laughed, walking around the kitchen and looking around. "You have zero photos of you or your family. " he mentioned as he kept looking around.
"Yeah... well... we're not your ordinary family." you pulled yourself together and leaned back on the counter. "What-"
"Have you opened my letter just now?" he cut you off and narrowed his eyes at you. "I've sent it around 10am."
"I wasn't planning on opening it, to be honest." you spoke sincerely.
"Ouch." he placed his hand on his heart. "It wouldn't have mattered anyway. I'm here and we're going out."
"We're not going anywhere." you said, grabbing the letter and throwing it in a trash can.
"Oh, come on. We always used to sneak out-"
"No, James. You don't understand." you shot your head at him, furrowing your eyebrows. "You can't just come in here and pretend that we're those kids again- those stupid kids from Hogwarts who didn't spend a day apart. Maybe that kid would go with you right now but this-" you gestured to yourself. "That kid grew up into this. Into an adult, who has responsibilities to take care of."
"All of us have responsibilities." James said more seriously. "I just want us to reconnect again. I want to-" he stopped himself. Something stopped him but you hadn't take notice to it.
"You have Lily to go back to, James." you said out of the blue, almost broken as you did and he took notice of that. He spent years loving every single part of you. Don't you think he hasn't noticed whenever something wasn't right with you. He has. Even when you stopped talking to each other back in Hogwarts.
"You want me to leave and never return?" he asked and you looked at him with a bit of surprise. "Okay." he said and he could see your eyes pleading otherwise. "I'll go and never return. I'll go back to my job and work hard until I can afford a ring so I can propose to Lily. We'll have a big wedding and have a family, loads of them children..." he started to glare at you. "That's what you want."
"Yes." you spoke more of envy than truth.
"Fine but since we won't ever talk or see each other again because you have responsibilities, I might as well tell you."
"Tell me what?"
He stormed towards you until the two of you were inches apart. Before you could say anything, he spoke first. "I fell in love with you when we were both 14 years old and I was mad furious when I saw that you didn't give me a span of a second to notice it. And for those four years I had tried to catch your attention but your attention was always on somebody else. I was jealous, immensely and we stopped talking to you because I was in love with you and you were in love with somebody else. "
"No." you shook your head and took a step back because everything that he was doing sent the wrong chemicals to your brain. You couldn't think straight when he was so close, that the heat from his chest literally radiated onto yours and the breathing of his, furious and attractive, was the only thing you could hear. "I thought I was in love with him. I truly did and when a person gets attached to somebody the line between love and attachment is very blurred." you pushed him away. "I was in love with you." you shoved him again and he felt all of his power waver, his dominance fade and his eyes bulk out from surprise.
"Surprised?" you scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest and smiling. "I was too when all I kept wanting was for you to look at me back in school. But you didn't. Because with Sirius it was fun and games and goofing around but with you shit was real. There weren't only butterflies and happiness, there were all sorts of emotions that I was so afraid of but then imagine you going for the red-head, a Gryffindor, of course. And I was furious and jealous and sad but I made it through and when you were not talking, Sirius still did. Sirius would look at me and he would still let me know I exist."
"BECAUSE I THOUGHT YOU LOVED HIM MORE THAN ME! AND IF I COULDN'T HAVE YOU, NOBODY COULD!" he started to cry, breathing out a suffocating sob as if he had held it for years and years on. "I've been watching you love him for years. And as a kid, you don't process emotions as you do when you're older but it's coming after me." he continued to look at you as you stood there, speechless. "When you and Sirius talk about this stupid bond the two of you have, it pisses me off and then you tell me that you love me and all I am is confused. It makes me feel left out. It makes me feel like I'm not good enough and you're putting all your feelings and emotions of what that kid did to you. That kid didn't know any better and I can't go back and tell him to not fuck this up. He already fucked it up and I feel that no matter how much I apologised, you wouldn't forgive me. Don't you think I don't know that I hurt you? I am well aware of that and it tears me up inside but I'm trying to fix it and that has to count for something, (y/n). I'm trying but you're not letting me."
You stood there watching him sit down on the chair and take deep, calm breaths in.
"Alright." you said at last and he looked up at you confused. "I'll just get dressed and we'll leave."
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Would love to see a wired autocomplete interview with coops! 🥰
Anon, did you read my mind? These two have such chaotic energy when they’re given an outlet and it was a true pleasure to write it. Dorcas is exhausted. Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
“Wait, I want to pull the tab,” Remus said, tugging on the edge of the cardboard lightly as Sirius tried to hold it out of his reach without falling off his chair.
“I get to read it out loud for you and then we switch!” Sirius protested, smacking him gently on the head with it. The resulting bonk noise made them both break down laughing.
“You guys know we’re rolling, right?” Dorcas asked as she gathered a stack of cards in her lap, looking highly amused.
“Yeah.” She turned to the camera with a bright smile. “Welcome back to Lion Pride, hockey fans! I’m Dorcas Meadowes and I’m here today with Sirius Black and Remus Lupin to answer some of the internet’s most pressing questions. How are you two feeling?”
“Terrified,” Sirius said.
“The internet is like the Twilight Zone,” Remus agreed. “Who goes first?”
“Sirius, you’ve got a card already. Take it away.”
He cleared his throat and grabbed the edge of the first pull tab, ripping it off slowly. “That is so satisfying, woah. How tall is Remus Lupin?”
“I am five foot eleven and a half.”
“That half inch comes from your sneakers and you know it.”
“It does not!”
Sirius just smiled and removed the next paper slip. “What language does Remus Lupin speak?”
“I speak English and a little bit of French. Tried to learn Spanish in high school, but failed miserably.”
“I love the wording on this one,” Sirius said as he turned the board toward the camera. “Remus Lupin Green Bay Packers.”
“Dammit, now everyone knows my full name,” Remus sighed. “Uh, the Packers are cool.”
“I think people were wondering if you ever played on the team,” Dorcas said.
Remus raised an eyebrow. “Do I look like a football player to you?”
“Next question!” Sirius ripped the tab off and took a good section of the paper above with it. There was a beat of stunned silence. “I am…so sorry.”
Behind the camera, Marlene burst out laughing, along with most of the camera crew. “It’s fine, keep reading.”
“Okay, um…” Sirius squinted at the partially torn-off question. “Remus Lupin name meaning.”
Remus groaned. “I hate this question. Yes, it does mean Wolf Wolf. Yes, my dad’s name also means Wolf Wolf. Yes, my mother’s maiden name is Howell. I’m aware of the endless puns.”
“Don’t you mean a-were?” Sirius asked as a slow grin spread across his face. Remus grabbed the card and bonked him over the head with it.
“Remus, your turn.” Dorcas handed him a poster board and took the blank one.
“I’m going to be careful with this one, unlike somebody,” he teased, kissing Sirius on the cheek. “Is Sirius Black…related to Pascal Dumais?”
“In all the ways that matter, yes.”
Remus grinned when he read the next one. “Is Sirius Black missing a tooth?”
“No!” Sirius gave the camera an offended look. “I have all my teeth, thank you very much.”
“Is Sirius Black mean?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Reporters don’t like you very much.”
“The feeling is mutual. I love the fans though, most of them are so sweet.”
“Oh, I like this one. Is Sirius Black married?” Remus rested his chin on the top of the card and batted his eyelashes, making Sirius laugh.
“Almost! Ask me again in July.” Remus set the card on the floor and Dorcas passed Sirius a new one. “Does Remus Lupin wear glasses?”
“Does Remus Lupin—I have never said your name so many times in one sitting, my god—does Remus Lupin have siblings?”
“Does Remus Lupin—”
“Can you elaborate?” Dorcas asked with a laugh. “How many siblings? Names? Ages?”
Remus turned to the camera. “I have one brother named Julian and he’s ten years old. He likes piggyback rides, ice cream, and hockey.”
“Much better. Take it away, Cap.”
“Does Remus Lupin have allergies?”
Remus frowned in confusion. “Why do people want to know that? Uh, yeah, I’m allergic to some pollens. Spring is hell.”
“How many of these do we have?” Sirius asked as he tossed the board over his shoulder and crossed his legs.
“Quite a few! Loops, you’re up.”
“Where is Sirius Black from?”
“Where does Sirius Black live?”
“The Lions ice rink. I set up a tent in the middle of the goal posts every night so that I’m never late to practice.”
“Sirius Black gay.”
Sirius paused. “I think we’re missing a couple words in there.”
“That’s literally all it says,” Remus laughed, moving it to show him. “Sirius Black gay. I don’t know, honey, Sirius Black gay?”
“Sirius Black very gay,” he confirmed. “Sirius Black thinks people need to have better grammar.”
“Is Sirius Black’s hair naturally curly?”
“No, I use a curling iron every morning to do each individual curl,” he said. “It takes me seven hours and thirteen minutes, and I use a full can of hairspray.”
Remus scooted over so Dorcas could hand him a new card. “He keeps a stopwatch and tries to beat his personal record every time.”
Sirius pulled the first tab away and immediately started laughing too hard to speak.
“What does it say? You can’t just leave me hanging!” Sirius turned the board around and Remus leaned down to read it. “Is Remus Lupin hockey? Yes. I am the entire sport of hockey condensed into one being. I’m coming for basketball next. Thanks for asking!”
It took a few seconds for Sirius to get his breath back. “What is Remus Lupin—”
“I thought we just answered that.”
“—what is Remus Lupin zodiac sign?”
Remus paused. “Is that the thing Pots was talking about the other day? With the quiz?”
“That was love languages.”
“Your zodiac sign depends on your birthday,” Marlene called. “When were you born?”
“March 10th.”
“You’re a Pisces.”
“I’m a Pisces!” he said brightly to the camera. “No idea what that means, but it sounds cool.”
“It means you’re two fish.” She laughed as Remus sucked his cheeks in for a fish face. “Very nice.”
“Thank you.”
Sirius was especially careful as he pulled the paper slip off the next question. “What is Remus Lupin first job?”
“The grammar of these questions is killing me. Um, I worked in the university bookstore during college.”
“On the list of ‘things that don’t surprise anyone’,” Dorcas joked.
“Did Remus Lupin go to college?”
Remus gave the camera a look. “First of all, I have a medical degree. Second of all, did people completely forget about the whole ‘about to be drafted right out of college’ thing? It was a grand total of four years ago! Google it!”
“That’s what they did,” Sirius pointed out, gesturing to the board.
“Last one for this card: how old is Remus Lupin?”
Remus thought for a moment. “Y’know, I kind of lost track after the first few centuries. My turn…what is Sirius Black real name?”
Sirius glanced at the camera. “It’s Sirius Black? Is this a trick question?”
“There are people out there who think that’s a fake name,” Dorcas said.
“Um, okay. Yeah, my real name is Sirius Black, my brother is Regulus, my dad is Orion, and I have cousins named Andromeda and Bellatrix.”
“What’s your uncle’s name again?” Remus asked.
“Which one? Cygnus? Phineas Nigellus? Arcturus?” At Dorcas’ surprised look, he laughed. “Oh, I could go all day long with this. That’s the tea on old French families with weird-ass naming traditions.”
“This next one is similar: Sirius Black middle name?”
“Fun fact: the first time I saw your full name, Moody had written it and I thought it said ‘onion’.” Remus laughed as Sirius’ jaw fell open. “Those three seconds were a highlight of my life. Alright, what’s next…what color are Sirius Black’s eyes?”
Remus shook his head. “They’re gray, almost silver.”
“Basically blue.”
“There’s nothing basic about you, babe.” Remus slid the board onto the floor and passed Sirius a new one. “Hit me with your best shot.”
“Is Remus Lupin Canadian?”
“I wish.”
“Is Remus Lupin left-handed?”
“No, but a lot of people seem to think that I am.”
“Is—” Sirius cut off with a snort. “Is Remus Lupin scrappy?”
“Are you fucking with me?” Remus asked, leaning over. “Is that actually what it says?”
“Scrappy? Really?” He shook his head, lost for words. “I mean, I guess. Nobody’s ever called me scrappy before.”
“I don’t like this last one. How much is Remus Lupin worth?” Sirius wrapped an arm around his shoulders and kissed his temple. “You’re priceless.”
“I’m worth at least half a PB & J, but only if you use the good peanut butter. If you use the shitty Skippy stuff, hand over the whole sandwich. My turn! Does Sirius Black have piercings?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“Does Sirius Black have an Instagram?”
“I do. Sblack12, if you want to see pictures of my friends’ kids and this cutie.”
“Is Sirius Black Australian?”
“Fuck off. I’m French Canadian, how the hell did anyone think I was Australian?”
“Sirius Black birthday.”
“I have one.”
“What is it?” Marlene asked. “I’ll tell you your zodiac sign.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “November 3rd.”
“Scorpio bitch.”
“On the bright side, Scorpios and Pisces are super compatible.”
“What a relief, I was really banking on our astrology compatibility,” Remus said drily.
Dorcas handed Sirius a fresh board. “First up: can Remus Lupin sing?”
“The correct answer is yes. What is Remus Lupin like in real life?”
“I’m horrible. I kick every puppy I see and carry one of those sticky hands from arcades to steal candy from children.” A smile twitched at the edges of his mouth and Sirius’ cheeks turned pink from suppressing his laughter. “Like Spiderman, but evil.”
“What happened to Remus Lupin after college?”
“What didn’t happen to Remus Lupin after college?” he laughed, leaning back in his seat. “These past couple years have been bonkers fucking yonkers. I became a PT, got a secret boyfriend, and now I’m engaged and an NHL player. There were, like, three seasons of character development squished into eighteen months.”
“Alright, last one. Why Remus Lupin kissed Sirius Black?”
“Because he’s hot and nice. Also, because he’s my fiancé.”
“Is that the criteria for kisses?” Sirius asked. “I just have to be hot and nice?”
“Pretty much. You’ve got both boxes permanently checked.”
“Final card,” Dorcas warned as she handed it to him. “Make it count.”
Remus cleared his throat. “How does Sirius Black work out?”
“I rollerskate and hula hoop for six hours a day simultaneously.”
“How old is Sirius Black?”
“How did Sirius Black meet Remus Lupin?”
“Fun story, actually. You know the movie Ocean’s Eleven?”
“Are Sirius Black and James Potter—”
“—still friends.”
“Damn, I thought I had that one.” He did a double take. “Still friends? What happened? I saw him an hour ago, tops.”
“You might have to google it,” Remus suggested as he slid the board across the floor. “That’s it!”
“Way to go, guys,” Dorcas laughed. “I know literally nothing new about you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sirius said as the two high-fived. “We were completely honest the whole time.”
She faced the camera with a poorly-hidden smile. “Thanks for joining us today, Lions, and remember to like and subscribe for more content!”
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dreaminpetals · 4 years
hope this isn't too specific but if possible can you do ronald of ness norton sfw/nsfw hcs? ♥︎
🎩 ronald of ness ー sfw & nsfw hcs
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SFW ;;
♡ going off the atropos ropes event, ronald of ness has the personality of a commoner but lives his life disguised as a snobby noble. he hates how high and mighty nobles act and only makes pleasantries with those fools for the money and connections.
♡ from the way he holds his teacups to his posh vocabulary, everyone would assume he was a noble born and bred. yet when ronald is alone he's like a mole who lives in the dirt. all about vulgar speech and being unkempt; feral.
♡ he values wealth and status above all, likely because he grew up poor. so he's going to want to spend his life with someone from a good family that has their pockets lined with gold.
♡ his ideal s/o is a noble who doesn't act like a noble, so he has little to no experience in romance. nobody meets his extraordinary standards for a lover. he isn't one for flings and flirty interactions with strangers, he wants to settle down with someone who accepts him for who he is and can give him a comfortable life. he views his inner circle as shallow snobs who aren't worth his time so i doubt he'd be interested in dating someone from there.
♡ he's a hopeless romantic until he meets you.
♡ his first time meeting you was during one of his performances and you nearly stole the breath from his lungs as he belted out his lines.
♡ he's all about appearances. spotting you in the front row lead to him falling for you on the spot. your shimmering jewellery combined with your formal attire and extravagant hair had this man imagining a married life with you before you spoke your first words together.
♡ as if your looks weren't enough, he saw you guide a lost child back to their parents and didn't let them pay you when you returned their kid. you didn't care about the money, just the safety of others. he likes a selfless person to compliment how greedy he can be sometimes.
♡ ronald is a smooth talker. once the curtains fall he'll kiss your hand as you're gathering your bags and invite you backstage, eager to show you all the trophies that line the shelves of his dressing room. if you listen to him boast about his accomplishments then he'll never let you go.
♡ he finds you as radiant as the sun, you're a noble who's bent on supporting others financially but doesn't brag about it. it's just second nature to you. you handed him a tip worth a couple thousand dollars because of how enjoyable his performance was, which he used to reserve an elegant dinner date for you two.
♡ he feels so stiff around you at first because he fell in love with you before getting to know you. on your first date however, he learns about how you grew up poor just like him and sees you're more similar than he initially thought.
♡ although you know table manners, the way you eat in front of ronald is the same way you'd eat while having dinner at home. every laidback ministration of yours goes straight to his ice cold heart, the glaciers melting as he falls for you harder and harder.
♡ as a boyfriend, ronald of ness is... extreme. he burns thousands of dollars on you everyday. he never simmers down about how you're his entire world, he kisses you with vigor every time you enter or exit a room he's in. he's an arrogant romantic who's constantly spoiling you.
♡ he'll buy you the entire galaxy if you ask. lavish jewellery, a swim with dolphins, a yacht, backstage tickets to all of his shows. anything you wish for, he's delivering it wrapped in gold ribbons.
♡ the house you live together in? that's a castle.
♡ the bed he bought you was made for affectionate nights. his idea of a perfect cuddling session is you reading separate books snuggled up to one another. dozens of pillows and warm blankets keep you company when ronald is away, his scent still lingering on the fabric.
♡ ronald is a storyteller, so he'd love to read to you as you snuggle. he can do super convincing accents that always draw out giggles from you.
♡ he can be a bit hotheaded and jump to conclusions. if you aren't thrilled about a gift he buys you, he might take it personally and it'll wound his pride. if you're unhappy with one aspect of him the walls come tumbling down and he thinks you won't love him anymore.
♡ words of reaffirmation are how you can most effectively communicate your love to him. praise him and be there for him when he has episodes of extreme rage or sorrow.
♡ act casual with him. he'll know you love him if you plop your feet up on a nearby table or burp or something. hearing you make risqué jokes or swear when you stub your toe grounds him in reality.
♡ he doesn't like enclosed spaces or indoor areas much (ronald was never a miner so there's no accident, but norton's claustrophobia does carry over to all his skins.. a universal constant) so his favourite dates are exotic beaches or sprawling fields of flowers. he'll take you to a five star resort and give a toast to your eternal love as you clink your glasses together.
♡ this man is the most reckless spender to ever exist, so he's probably blown thousands on love hotel rooms, toys, and lingerie for both of you.
♡ he wants to be praised. no, needs to be praised. as an actor, ronald of ness' ego is maintained by critics worshipping him and his fans obsessing over his every move. when he isn't being showered in compliments his insecurities kick in and he starts to feel washed up, so he's developed quite the praise kink.
♡ tell him he's the sexiest man you've ever laid eyes on, that he makes you horny, and that nobody can fuck you like he can. every word you sing goes straight to his dick, especially since he knows you're being sincere and aren't acting.
♡ if you tell him that you've masturbated to one his performances before, his cock would ache from how badly he needed you. the idea of his love watching him perform and needing to touch themselves to his work drives him absolutely mad with lust. it doesn't just turn him on, it makes him feel a bit soft that you enjoy his acting and watch it in your free time too.
♡ he'll take you backstage in his dressing room every time you watch him perform. after a successful performance, there's no better way to reward him than deepthroating him in front of his vanity.
♡ huge voyeurism kink!!! let him jerk off for you. please. he does such a good job of exaggerating his moans and bucking his dripping cock into his hand, his hips shaking below him as he strokes himself. when he feels your eyes burning into his skin he couldn't stifle his whimpers even if he wanted to.
♡ loves being the center of attention. when he gives you oral, he demands for you to look at him as his nails dig into your thighs and his tongue licks you to euphoria. say his name if you want to feel him gasp with you in his mouth, he loves hearing his name drip from your lips like honey.
♡ he has a heavy oral fixation in general. when you're sucking his dick it feels like the spotlight is on him and he eats it up, not even trying to muffle his moans and grunts. the most vocal partner you could ask for, he can't help but hang his head back and let loose as you work your magic on him.
♡ swears like a sailor. the string of curses that you pull from ronald in his husky voice never fail to send you into a daze. if only the cameramen and supporting actors could see just how vulgar ronald is when he comes undone! they would chalk it up to a stunt double. "fuck, you take me so fucking well," being hissed into his lover's ear is the last thing they'd expect to hear from him.
♡ such a heavy breather. the way his chest rises and falls erratically with every pant makes waves of electricity pool in your lower stomach. when he tries to hiss out your name but can't catch his breath because he's so overwhelmed... goosebumps.
♡ ronald can afford to make a mess. literally. he's willing to break furniture as he rams into you, it's happened before. he can be very, uh, passionate.
♡ expect lots of roleplaying scenarios from him. ronald has starred in plenty of romantic productions, and he'd be lying if he wasn't turned on by some of the scenes he's filmed. two detectives getting dirty on a desk? you've done that. two soulmates reuniting on the train and not being able to wait to make love? yep, that too. he wants to share his wildest fantasies with you, and is open to trying anything you want.
♡ comment on how you like certain outfits or professions and when you come home after a long day you'll receive a surprise. ronald will be dressed in a uniform you fawned over, acting perfectly in character and ready to please you for the rest of the night.
♡ he'll take on any role you like, whether it's a bottom or a top. just ask. ronald leans towards a top but if you want to penetrate him or take the reins, he's excited to sit back and let you claim him.
♡ loves sex the morning after too. when you wake up with a bedhead and your skin is covered with nothing but blankets. he'd love to have a super tender session in the morning when you're both at your most vulnerable. the smiles he leaves on your skin whenever you yawn or stretch are contagious.
♡ ronald can thrive with elaborate, planned sex or just you two kissing in bed and things escalating from there. he loves the tenderness, and he loves having a muse to reenact his dreams and fantasies with.
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seokiie · 4 years
𝙱𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚝𝚊𝚗'𝚜 𝚂𝚊𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚅𝚊𝚗 (𝙼)
+ 𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: 𝘈𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘺 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘶𝘱, 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘳𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘉𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘢𝘯. 𝘐𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘩 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦. 
𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦'𝘴 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘵 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘺𝘦. 
+ 𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 3.5𝘬
+ 𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: 𝘉𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘢𝘯/𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳, 𝘏𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘰𝘬/𝘑𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘯, 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘨/𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬, 𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬/𝘠𝘰𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘪
+ 𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 𝘦𝘹𝘩𝘪𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘮, 𝘷𝘰𝘺𝘦𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘮, 𝘤𝘢𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘹, 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘪-𝘱𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘤 𝘴𝘦𝘹??, 𝘥𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘑𝘪𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧𝘧 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘭 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘤𝘦𝘧𝘶𝘭 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘦
On AO3
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"How long till we get back?" Jungkook groans from where he's sat. Namjoon unlocks his phone and looks at the time. It's already past 12.
"I don't know, maybe another hour." Jungkook lets out another long dramatic groan before slumping back in his seat, mumbled curses slipping past his lips.
It was a particularly long shoot today and everyone was frustrated, to say the least. They couldn't quite capture the concept they were going for and it ended up with them staying later than they needed. On top of that, there was a problem with the car situation, and the person who was supposed to take you back to the agency couldn't show up. One of the managers insisted you squeeze yourself into BTS' van considering you were all going to the same place. They had to go back to the dorms, and you had to upload today's footage to your work computer.
You didn't know how to feel about this. BTS' van was... well, it was made for BTS. It had exactly seven seats. Seven. There was simply no room for you. Not to mention, your job was to record the boys, make sure there was content for their youtube channel. You're not supposed to actually interact with them. That just made this whole car situation even weirder. A little awkward, too.
You tried to decline the manager's proposition as respectfully as you could to a higher-up, but that didn't work. Taehyung walked over, his bag in his hand and his coat thrown over his shoulder.
"What's going on?" You looked up at the tall man. Even after following the boys for so long, you still couldn't tell the difference between Taehyung's resting face and his annoyed face. Either way, you felt bad for wasting everyone's time.
"The car that was supposed to pick up y/n here isn't showing up anytime soon. There was a crash on the highway and the traffic isn't moving at all." The manager turns his attention to the taller man and Taehyung crosses his arms and nods his head, showing he was listening.
"I'm telling her to get in your van since you're both heading to the same place, but she keeps refusing. Perhaps she's embarrassed?" The manager teases and you feel your body heat up. Riding in a van with seven other guys seems like a plot straight out of a porno. You shake that thought out of your head before you can delve deeper into it.
"It's not like we don't know her, she's been recording for us for a while. Don't be embarrassed, you can ride with us!" Taehyung pats the top of your head and smiles down at you. You let out a small laugh and nod okay. If Taehyung said so, there's no way you could refuse. You mentally facepalm at your inability to say no to hot people.
When Taehyung slides open the van door, all the members were already inside.
"Aish, Taehyung-ah, finally. We can finally go... home..." Seokjin's words falter when he notices the person standing beside him. You.
"Why's our camera lady here?" The confusion in Seokjins voice practically alerts everyone else in the van who wasn't paying attention. They all turn to you and Taehyung and god, are you embarrassed. You shift awkwardly on your feet.
"She has a name, numbnuts. Y/n over here doesn't have a car so she'll be riding with us." Taehyung wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you into his side. It reminds you of a protective brother. Brother. Just a brother, nothing else.
"Uh, yeah, that sounds great except we literally don't have room for another person." Hoseok takes out one of his AirPods and for a brief second, you two make eye contact before you look away, flustered. You're sure his words sound meaner in your head than they actually were.
"Jimin-ah, can you sit on Hoseokie-hyungs lap so y/n can have a seat?" Jimin looks over at Taehyung like he just kicked his dog. There's a brief silence before Taehyung speaks up again.
"Please? For me?" Taehyung pouts and makes little whining sounds. Honestly, his puppy dog face was extremely effective and you had to stop yourself from cooing at the older man.
"Ugh, I hate you. Fine. You owe me." Jimin hisses before unbuckling his seatbelt and sliding into Hoseok's lap. Hoseok's hands come to rest on the youngers waist almost too easily.
Taehyung nudges you lightly, silently ordering you to take the free seat that Jimin just gave up. You get in and Taehyung follows, closing the sliding door behind him.
Taehyung, you, Seokjin, Hoseok, and Jimin were the only ones in the back. Everyone else was in the row right before you and in front of them, there was a dark screen that prevented you from seeing the driver. So this is what fancy seven-seat idol cars look like. Everything was so sleek and leathery and black. You'd probably feel like a famous person if you weren't squished between Taehyung, who was violently manspreading, and Seokjin, who had extremely wide shoulders.
"How long till we get back?" Jungkook groans from where he's sat. Namjoon unlocks his phone and looks at the time.
"We probably won't get back to the dorm for another hour. Traffic is shit right now." Namjoon sighs and leans his head back against the headrest. You watch as he runs a hand through his mint hair, only managing to mess it up even further. A few strands fell back on his forehead and you find yourself admiring the way the blueish-green locks look on top of his slightly sweaty, tan skin.
"You must like Namjoon's hair, huh?" You can feel the ghost of Taehyung's arm as he puts it behind your seat.
"Huh? What?" You jump a bit at how loud Taehyung's voice is in the mostly silent car. He basically just outed that you were ogling Namjon's hair.
"I said, you must like Namjoon's hair. You were staring at it." Taehyung repeats himself louder, a smirk gracing his lips when you look up at him with wide eyes. Taehyung loved people like you. So nervous and easily embarrassed. It was that type of innocence that got Taehyung going. He can't help thinking you'd be a fun little plaything.
"It's okay to admit it. I think it looks good on him, too." Taehyung pats your head before letting it rest on the back of your seat again. "It makes him look so sexy, don't you think?"
At that, you literally choke on your spit, coughing loudly as Taehyung laughed beside you. Namjoon laughs a little, too.
"Ah, cmon, Taehyung. We're gonna be in this car for an hour can you at least try not to scare the girl?" Yoongi turns around to roll his eyes at the younger. Taehyung lets out a few more giggles before nodding and apologizing.
After that, the ride continues on rather quietly. Jungkook is trying to take a nap, so is Seokjin. Namjoon and Yoongi are sharing headphones and listening to a track Yoongi is working on. Next to a sleeping Seokjinnie, Hoseok and Jimin are... whispering into each other's ears?
Okay, no one can blame you for eavesdropping. It was almost impossible not to when the two men were literally inches away from you.
You watch from the corner of your eyes as Hoseok whispers something straight into the shell the Jimin's ear, his hand slipping into his shirt nonchalantly. Jimin would've been doing a great job at keeping a straight face if he wasn't struggling to keep his eyes open. Does Seokjin not see this?
You try to divert your attention elsewhere and it actually works for a bit until Jimin starts literally panting.
This time, you turn your head fully to look at them. Jimin's head was thrown back on Hoseok's shoulder as the older boy kissed his shoulder, teasing nips that slowly led up to his neck. You could see the way Hoseok was playing with the boy's nipples through his shirt. You look around the car, wondering if you're the only one seeing this, hearing this. They really weren't trying to be discreet at all.
When you look over again, Jimin is pushing his hips back against Hoseok's. He audibly moans into his dongsaeng's neck and you have to press your thighs together because holy shit, that was hot.
They were getting louder and nobody was saying anything. It was as if the two dancers weren't practically fucking each other with their clothes on. You swallow lightly and try to ignore what's going on next to you like everyone else is. Even if you can feel your hands get sweaty, even if you feel that familiar hint of arousal deep in your belly.
As you're working hard to maintain a normal breathing pattern, Taehyung places a warm hand on your thigh. It sends sparks through your body and his eyes drop to your lips when your breath hitches.
"Are they turning you on?" This time, Taehyung isn't speaking loudly. His tone is low and there's not one hint of a joke in his voice. You swallow hard and nod softly.
"Good, because it turns me on, too." Taehyung exhales as his eyes flicker between you and the men making out beside you.
"They do this all the time and no matter what, it always gets me so hard." Taehyung's hand slides higher up, towards your inner thigh.
"Is... is this okay?"
"Y-yeah... keep- keep going." You whisper loud enough for only Taehyung to hear. He pulls you closer to him by your thigh before letting his fingers slip past the waistband of the shorts you'd worn today. You bite back a moan when you feel two digits rub against your clit. His fingers were so perfect and long and they knew exactly where to go. You can't remember the last time you were with a guy who knew where your clit was.
"God, I've been thinking about this for so long - every time I see you walk over with that camera of yours... You're such a cute little thing, I bet you'd look great coming all over my fingers." Taehyung licks his lips as his hand travels farther, down to your folds that were already dripping wet from the display of affection going on on your left.
You're a little bewildered at Taehyungs confessions. You've been working as Bangtan's camerawoman for so long that it's hard to tell when he started seeing you as more than just a low paid staff member. Regardless, the fact that he admitted to having such dirty thoughts about you has your body reeling.
Somewhere between Jimin's high pitched moans and Taehyung's fingers slipping inside you, you forgot that a world outside of... this existed, that there were other people in the car.
"Ah, you're kidding me right now." Seokjin groans when he turns to look at you. He must've woken up. "I can understand those two but seriously Taehyung? You can't even take her home first?"
You should be embarrassed. You should be humiliated because Taehyung was knuckles deep inside you and Seokjin was looking straight into your eyes. But for some reason, you didn't want to stop, you couldn't stop. You part your lips and let your eyes flutter close as Taehyung curls his fingers into that beautifully sweet spot deep inside you, a moan that might've been a little more obscene than it needed to be slips past your lips. Seokjin watches intently as it all happens.
"You're practically undressing her with your eyes, hyung. If you want her so bad why don't you join us?" It's more of a tease than a proposition but Jin looks like he genuinely thinks about it.
"How cute. My dongsaeng wants to share something so precious with me. Wouldn't it be rude to decline?" Seokin grabs your chin, his fingers digging into your cheeks in a deliciously possessive way. You look up at him with lidded eyes.
"Ah, you were right, Taehyung-ah. What a pretty face. I just know she'd look amazing with her mouth around some dick." Seokjin smiles down at you and Taehyung groans when you clench around his fingers. You'd never expect such dirty words to leave Seokjin's sweet mouth but you can't say you hate it.
"Say, y/n-ah..." He pauses as if he has to think about what he's about to ask. "How many cocks do you think you can take at once?"
You let out a quiet gasp at the sheer thought of being used by all the members. Them treating you like you were their personal toy, their own little plaything.
It didn't take eyes to know you'd drawn the attention of the three guys in the second row. Jungkook was wide awake and Yoongi's new track was long forgotten.
"Hyung, can you take off her shorts?" Jungkook was leaning over his seat to get a better view.
Taehyung pulls two slicked up fingers out from inside you, keening at how wet you were already. They were barely getting started.
"Suck." Taehyung held his soaked fingers out to the maknae who eagerly wrapped his lips around them. You didn't know how else to describe the tension that hung in the air as Jungkook stared up at Taehyung through his eyelashes, greedily lapping up the crystalline liquid on his fingers.
"Fuck, Jungkookie..." Taehyung practically moans before taking the digits out his mouth and pulling the maknae in for a heated kiss. Is this what bts did behind closed doors? Because honestly, you could seriously get used to this.
"Be a good girl and take off your shorts for me," Seokjin instructs and you eagerly follow the order. You lift your hips up and slide your shorts down your thighs along with your panties. Jin basks in how keen and submissive you are. The perfect toy for him and his members.
"What're you gonna do with her?" Yoongi was also peaking over the seat, clearly interested in what was going on if the slight flush to his cheeks was anything to go by.
"She's gonna ride me and if she allows us, we're gonna take her back to the dorm and have our fun." Your eyes follow Jin's movements as he unzips his jeans and pulls his boxers down, just enough for his cock to spring free. It was big. What he didn't have in length he made up in width.
"I bet she'd look so good bouncing on your cock, hyung." Yoongi's tongue darts out to wet his lips as he watched you climb into Seokjin's lap. When you turn your head to the left, you notice you're mirroring the position Hoseok and Jimin are in. The only difference is they've gotten a lot farther than you and Jin.
"She's so wet, too. Ah, I'm not even in her yet and I know she's gonna feel amazing. Joonie, are you looking? I want you to see this." Namjoon hums, telling his hyung that he was watching. The mint haired man slips a hand past the waistband of his sweatpants and palms at the semi he was sporting thanks to Hoseok and Jimin's little show earlier.
Without much warning, Seokjin is lifting you up by your waist and angling his length straight for your weeping hole. It was practically begging to be filled and who was Jin to decline?
Despite how wet you are, Seokjin was still thick as hell and the tip of his cock was painfully stretching you open as he slowly lowered you down on top of him. A loud whine slips past your lips as your fingers dig into his thighs. He was literally splitting you open, there's no other way you could describe the sensation.
Seokjin's breath fans across your cheek as your hips finally connect with his. It was taking every ounce of self-control left in him not to buck into your tight heat. You wrapped around him so perfectly. It takes you a few seconds, but when you finally adjust to the man inside you, the pain slowly dissipates and turns into pleasure.
"Seokjinnie, fuck me." You enunciate the last word by pushing your hips back against him and he bites back a groan. His hands glide down from your waist to your hips, gripping you hard enough that you can't roll them back anymore.
"So needy, huh? Should I give her what she wants, Jungkookie?" You're once again reminded that there were six other guys in the car. Hoseok and Jimin were essentially morphing into one being, Taehyung and Namjoon already had their hands down their pants, and Jungkook and Yoongi seemed far too interested to look away. It was all a mess. A terribly sinful, hot mess that you simply could not get enough of.
"Fuck, yes, hyung. Fuck her hard. I wanna see your dick sliding in and out of her." Jungkook's voice got breathier the more he spoke. Somehow he managed to turn himself on with his own filthy words. Yoongi's hand slides down to palm at the noticeable bulge in Jungkook's pants. The maknae's face twists into one of pleasure and he has to hold onto Yoongi's shoulder so he doesn't fall over.
Seokjin finally starts you bounce you up and down on his cock. He tries to start off slow for your sake, but his resolve quickly evaporates as you rolled your hips down against him, trying to get him to hit that beautiful bundle of nerves inside you. When your eyes flicker up to see Jungkook's face, utterly fucked out and needy, something snaps inside you, something carnal.
Yoongi wrapped his hand around the maknae's cock and started jerking him off. As he did so, you pull Jungkook in by his chin. There's a surprised expression on his face at first before his eyes drop down to your lips and for what feels like a century you're devouring each other with your eyes. Jungkook is the first to break the weird limbo between you two and press his lips against yours. The kiss is sloppy and wet and every time Seokjin fucks into you, your lips slide up against Jungkook's. The maknae pants into your mouth as Yoongi moves his fists faster around his leaking cock.
"Fuck, look at you. I'd never expect our quiet, considerate camerawoman to be such a slut. Mmh." Jin growls before biting the shell of your ear. You clench hard around him and shift your hips back just right so he's fucking into your sweet spot every time he pulls you down on his cock.
"Hyung! Hyung, 'm close. Gonna cum." Jungkook's lips finally separate from yours as he opens his mouth to let out a loud moan.
"Gonna cum all over hyungs hand? Do it, Jungkookie." Yoongi breathes into Jungkook's ear and Jungkook's head immediately falls back, his body writhing in pleasure as he releases into Yoongi's hand. Some of it lands on the white shirt he was wearing and the expensive leather of the car seat.
The way Seokjin's mumbling dirty things into your ear and pounding into that bundle of nerves inside you has you reeling towards your orgasm. Watching Jungkooks eyes flutter close and his mouth falls open in a subtle 'o' only pushes you further.
"Fuck, Jin!" You say through gritted teeth as he fucks you through your orgasm. Your walls tightening around him only pushes him closer and his thrusts start to get sloppier the more he fucks into you.
"So fucking tight, holy shit..." Jin's nails dig into your side as he brings you down around him one more time before pumping you full of his cum.
"Y/n-ah, you felt so good. You wouldn't mind if I took you back to the dorm and let my dongsaengs try you, right?" Seokjin says through labored breaths. You could already feel him starting to soften inside you and you knew as soon as he pulled out, his cum would be leaking out of you like a broken faucet.
Jin rubs his fingers gently over the marks forming on your waist and hips where he gripped a little too hard. Those bruises would definitely stick around for a few days but you were not complaining. It was almost like a friendly reminder of this moment, not that you'd ever forget.
You bask in post-orgasm bliss as Jin finally pulls out of you. You slide off of his lap and as soon as you're in your seat, Taehyung is pulling you into him and leaning your head on his shoulder. You breathe him in, a light mix of perfume and something perfectly Taehyung filling your senses.
"I have to return the footage of today's shooting to BigHit offices but I'm sure that can wait till the morning." A sleepy smile graces your lips and Jin makes a sound of approval.
It simply wasn't fair if Seokjin had all the fun. He just had to share you with the rest of the boys. He was completely content just watching as he let his dongsaengs absolutely ravish you. The thought in general sent a familiar spark of arousal to his groin.
This wasn't how he expected to spend a Thursday night but he definitely wasn't complaining.
[© seokiie]
[I do not allow any translating, editing, reposting, or use of any my work!!]
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glorytoukraine2022 · 3 years
Hey everyone! I’m back with another analysis! This time I’m going to do a comparison of reformed villains from Elena of Avalor and Tangled the Series. The main reformed villains I will be comparing is Cassandra, to four reformed villains from the two aforementioned shows. If you’re a fan of both shows, you probably might know who they are.
First up, will be Cassandra vs Varian. I know this is an obvious choice I’m starting off with, but given that these two are from the same show, they’re the easiest to analyze. TTS does everything it can to push comparisons between Varian and Cassandra and make them seem like parallels. However, these two couldn’t be more different.
Varian didn’t want to turn to crime. He only became a criminal because he was pushed to it. When Varian lost his dad, he asked for help not only from Rapunzel, but the entire kingdom as a whole. But because of a false rumor going around the kingdom claiming that Varian had attacked Rapunzel. Rapunzel never cleared the rumor, nor did she follow up on Varian’s request for help. The King sent guards to chase Varian out of his home in order to cover up the destruction of the rocks, isolating Varian from society and any possible aid. Varian was still wron, but he literally had no other options left.
Cassandra, however? She was faced with no such situation. Her life was pretty stable when she stole the moonstone. Was it perfect? No, but if she was so unhappy, than she could have left anytime. She was even offered an opportunity to become a warrior of the kingdom of Ingvarr, but chose to stay because of her friendship with Rapunzel.
Like Varian, Cassandra too was mistreated by Rapunzel. I don’t blame either of them for wanting to leave her. Yet the show didn’t use any of these valid reasons as her motive for Cassandra stealing the moonstone. Instead, they decided to have Cassandra victim-blame Rapunzel for her own kidnaping.
The entirety of season 3, we see Cassandra gaslighting an abuse victim. Gothel didn’t kidnap Rapunze because she loved her more than Cassandra. She only cared about her magic hair.
Varian realized his actions were wrong long before the events of season 3, but nobody in Corona gave him a chance, leading to him turning to a Terrorist Leader. But when the Saporians revealed that they were going to destroy Completely using Varian’s chemicals, Varian turned against the Saporians to save Corona and it’s citizens, despite how the kingdom mistreated him, because it was the right thing to do. Cassandr, on the other hand, was about to rip the Sundrop straight from Rapunzel, despite her clearly being in pain.
For my next comparison, it will be Cassandra vs. Victor and Carla Delgado. One could argue that Cassandra saw the power of the moonstone as a power conduit and a means of respect, similarly to how Victor and Carla saw being Malvagos. However, given that TTS does seem to give a clear or specific reason for Cassandra’s theft of the stone, it’s honestly hard to say if power, respect or anything, for that matter, is Cassandra’s motive. “Destiny“, is also given as a motivation, but it’s hard to tell. Whereas Victor and Carla’s motivations for becoming Malvagos is clearly stated that they saw it as a means to gain power, in order to gain respect, which, quite frankly, makes more sense than anything that came out of Cassandra’s mouth throughout her entire villain arc.
Yes, Cassandra and Carla were both abandoned by their naristsstic, power-hungry mothers, but the way each of them reacted to it couldn’t have been more different. When Ash betrayed Victor and Carla by turning Victor to stone, Carla was devastated, and who wouldn’t be? Yet in that moment she saw her mother for who she truly was and turned against her, standing by her father when he needed her.
Now Cassandra? Let’s see, she went on a rampage to hurt her friends and others innocent people and ATTACKED her father. See the difference? One could argue that Cassandra was four when Gothel abandoned her whereas Carla was 19, but Cassandr’s memory of Gothel’s abandonment was repressed until Zhan Tiri showed it to her in The House of Yesterday’s Tomorow. Even though it happened when Cassandra was at a young age, when she remembered it, she was a 24 year old woma, and should have handled it with the maturity of a young adult.
Nobody is saying that Cassandra isn’t allowed to feel hurt. Nobody is saying she isn’t allowed to react badly. That she isn’t allowed to confront her father on the truth if she feels that he kept it from her. But you’d think she’d react in a mature manner. That she’d be willing to hear her father out and talk to him about it rather than straight out attack him!
Carla clearly wanted her mother in her life. She wanted a relationship with her. Cassandra also clearly wanted to be raised by her birth mother, but their mothers made their own choices. Ash and Gothel chose to abandon their daughters for selfish purposes. They can’t change who their mothers are, as much as they might want to. The difference is, only Carla has the maturity to realize that. She also realizes that she has her father, who loves and cares about her more than anything in the whole wide world. Cassandra disregards all of this.
From what we know about Victor and Carla’s childhoods’ Victor had fun days at the palace racing Esteban down the halls, playing hide and seek and cooking with him and Elena. Carla had fun cooking with her father as a child. But some of their lines from “Don’t Look Now”, tell us that their childhoods weren’t exactly peachy. According to Victor, if you had seen him as a child, he would have “always had a frown” because he was put down by others and was “treated like a clown” whenever he tried to stand up. And let’s not forget that him and his family were banished by Shuriki while Victor was still in his teens.
According to Carla, she and Victor were “always on the move“ and that the only thing that never changed was that she would “always feel alone.” The reasons she and Victor could never settle down was probably because they survived as theives and con-artists. If they were alwlays on the move, than Carla probably nevertheless had the chance to make friends growing up. And we’re suppoesd to feel sorry for CASSANDRA?!
While it’s possible she might have felt looked down upon like Victor, Cassandra had a pretty stable life growing up. Growing up inside a CASTLE! She was even allowed to train for the Royal Guard at age six! Victor and Carla had to resort to becoming con artists for a living, and Cassandra is pouting just because she didn’t get the job she wanted?!
When Carla nearly fell to her death after she was knocked over a ledge, Victor was terrified that he was going to lose Carla right then and there, causing him to realize that power wasn’t worth the price of losing his daughter. This gave him the incentive and courage to stand up to Ash for Carla’s safety, and end dark pursuits right then and there. Ash responded to this by turning him into stone. Heartbroken and angered by Ash’s betrayal, and realizing her mother’s true nature, Carla stands against Ash and reforms as well.
Victor and Carla may have once believed that power would gain them the respect they’ve always wanted, but in the end, realized that they never needed power. All they ever truly needed to be happy was love and family. Each other. That’s what I call a true, remarkable redemption. Cassandra didn’t seem to learn or realize anything based on her experience. To this day, I still don’t understand just what new insights and changes resulted from Cassandra’s “redemption.” All Zhan Tiri did was take the moonstone from her. There should have been more than that to her redemption.
Now, last, but not least, Cassandra vs Esteban. Now, I saved this one for last, because Esteban is the one I’ve heard people compare Cassandra to, and while I understand where they are coming from, I still have my objections. I’ve heard people compare Esteban to Cassandra based on the fact that they both had a desire to be noticed. While I understand this comparison, I still feel like Esteban is the more sympathetic of the two.
As much as Esteban wanted to be listened to, he always loved his family deeply. But he always made the mistake of trusting the wrong people, first Shuriki, then Ash, and then the Four Shades. He trusted them, only for them to go after the people he loved and wanted to listen to him in the first place. Cassandra wanted to be listen to, but she didn’t care if it cost her everyone that had ever cared about her. We see this early on in season 1, during “Challenge of the Brave”, when she tries to sabotage Rapunzel’s chances in “Challenge of the Brave” by stealing her weapon of choice, and in “Great Expotations“, when she breaks her promise to Varian that she would be his assistant at the Science Expo if he completed her Handmaiden duties for her, just so she could be on guard duty.
Both Cassandra and Esteban are ambitius and have sought to undermine their family/friends if given the oppourtunity, but I felt that Esteban was always more misunderstood whereas Cassandra was just willing to screw over anybody in her way. Think about it, even after Esteban joined up with Ash, he NEVER EVER wanted to hurt his family, and was always going out of his way to protect them and migiate harm. Cassandra, on the other hand? Went on a killing spree to murder her friends and cause as much destruction as possible.
I have also heard people comparing their redemptions and complaining about how they were both “last minute.” While I would agree in regards to Cassandra, I would NOT say the same about Esteban. As I pointed out in previous paragraph, Cassandra was still hell bent on hurting Rapunzel before Zhan Tiri grabbed the moonstone. Just before that scene, Esteban had just sung a duet with Elsa about how remorseful he feels for everything he’s done and all the people he’s hurt.
Iv’e also heard people comparing their “deaths”, claiming that Cassandra dying was a self sacrifice. NO. I REPEAT. Cassandra’s death in the TTS finale was NOT a self sacrifice! A self sacrifice is when you knowingly put yourself in harm’s way for someone or something else, knowing that you’ll be killed, or seriously injured in the process. Esteban teleporting in front of Elena to take Cahu’s time grain, was a self sacrific. Anna choosing to save Elsa from Hans in Frozen was a self sacrifice. Cassandr’s death was NOT self sacrifice. Cassandra and Rapunzel didn’t believe they were going to die or suffer any consequences by uniting the stones. The only person who they bellived would die was the person who United the stones, that person being Zhan Tiri. Cassandra’s actions were not self sacrificial, in any way, shape or form. What Esteban did for Elena in that moment was more powerful than anything Cassandra did in the finale.
All of these people I talked about above were better villains than Cassandr, with much better motivations, and are More worthy of redemption as have becom better people than she ever will be. If Cassandra ever grows in the futur, sh’ll be lucky if she ever gets at least half to where all these wonderful people are today.
I’m sorry if this analysis isn’t as good as my others so far. I stayed up until 3:40 AM writing this, so I apologize for any sloppiness or spelling mistakes you might see. I still hope you enjoyed my thoughts!
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lassieposting · 3 years
I'm mad at myself for asking this but 💘 skug/alt!Serpine
send me 💘 + A SHIP and i’ll tell you—
where they first met and how
Then, after Skug refuses to kill Serpine at the end of SOW, China spitefully makes him responsible for Serpine's behaviour while he's living in Roarhaven. "Parole officer" isn't part of Skug's job description but honestly he doesn't trust anyone else to make sure Serpine doesn't slip the leash, so
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved
I mean, Serpine literally gets his dick out in their very first scene together, and he throws his towel over Val's head so it clearly wasn't for her benefit.
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My headcanon is that he did have the hots for his own dimension's Skulduggery before he died. But Serpine has a very warped experience of emotions - he's not insane, and he's not a complete psychopath, but he has very low empathy, an obsessive personality, a considerable sadistic streak and a tendency to be jealous, narcissistic and manipulative. So his crush on Skug was more like an unhealthy fixation - hatred and lust and humiliation and the need to control, all tangled together.
On Skug's side...he has a few lines that read as flirty, in a D/S kind of way. But honestly I don't think this was deliberate. I get the impression he's actually imitating how Serpine spoke to him when he was the prisoner. Serpine's entire arc in SOW can be condensed down to "microdosing on what he put Skug through before killing him". He's surrounded by enemies who want him dead, he loses a body part, he's beaten up, he's humiliated, he's cut off from his magic - and he hates it. I get the vibe that this isn't lost on Skug, and he's repeating things Serpine once mockingly said to him just to rub it in.
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who fell for who first ( if applicable )
I have him converting to the Church of the Faceless as a teenager, so he's spent his entire adult life surrounded by other selfish, scheming social climbers who'd sell him to Satan for a corn chip. His relationship history is chock full of psychopaths. He's used to betrayal and being used by his partners - such is life, as a bad guy.
So Skug protecting him during the Leibniz mission makes quite an impact. He even says himself that Skug has every reason to hate him and want to make him suffer - which is an attempt at empathy considerably deeper than anything we've seen from him before - but he's still shocked and devastated when Skug cuts his hand off. He genuinely expected Skug to decide to fight their way out rather than harm him. To me, that says he's come to rely on having Skug in his corner, which is a security net he is decidedly not used to having.
He doesn't necessarily express it very well? His feelings are complicated, and he doesn't understand most of them. A good part of him still hates Skug, just as a good part of Skug will always hate him. But his fixation on Skug shifts a bit - rather than obsessing over him as an enemy, he obsesses over him as an ally. He starts wanting Skug's approval and digging for praise, he gets sulky and jealous if Skug implies he doesn't trust him or goes to someone else for help or information instead, and he starts trying to insert himself into Skug's life.
Basically, he's gotten over that he spent the past 300 years as Skug's enemy, so Skug needs to be over it too. Right now. And it's unreasonable and unfair that he isn't over it.
where their first date was and what it was like
Skug is willing to acknowledge that if they were a couple, which they're not, because they're arch enemies, then maybe, if you really had to look at anything they do as "a date" then...perhaps the first time they went to the opera could in some way be considered their first date. But it wasn't. Because they're not together. He doesn't even like Serpine. Valkyrie just doesn't appreciate "yowling" and he had nobody else to go with because all his friends are dead.
Serpine will agree with this - but only because he knows that announcing that he lowkey considers their three day torture extravaganza to be their first date would go down like a lead balloon.
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? )
They never have a "going steady" discussion. It's just
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if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away
They're adamant that there's nothing to let anyone know about. They spend a lot of time together, and sometimes Serpine helps with cases, and they angry fuck sometimes, and Skug keeps a few shirts and a toothbrush at Serpine's apartment, but they're not a couple.
who’s more dominant
Skug. Serpine will die mad about it. He complains constantly about how much he gets manhandled during the Leibniz mission, how undignified it is to be cut off from his magic, how everyone tells him to shut up every time he tries to join in a conversation, he hates you all, remember that time he killed people you all cared about?
Unfortunately, Serpine is a massively subby bottom, so dom!Skug makes him deeply horny and even more angry about it. He's the epitome of "Stop looking at my fucking boner when we fight."
where their first kiss was and what it was like
It's New Year's. Serpine is out at a bar with some of his student neighbours because, why not. Skug is at the same bar, questioning the staff about a grizzly murder. The usual. Serpine goes over to say hello and make fun of him for Always Working and tell him he should chill out on occasion because isn't it your fucking birthday and you're still at work??? They're still talking when the countdown finishes and everyone around them starts kissing, which is a completely new concept to Serpine because that tradition wasn't part of the Leibniz dimension's New Year's festivities, so he just sort of panics because everyone else is doing it, grabs Skug by the front of his coat and goes for it.
Skug freezes, because who would know how to react when the man who killed you once tries to go to town on your fake face, and then gets his shit together and promptly arrests Serpine for assaulting a Sanctuary official, because he's petty and he can and Nef needs to learn some fucking boundaries.
They end up lowkey working on the case together through the bars of the temporary holding cell, and although neither of them would admit it, they actually have a good time. At the end of the night Skug relents, lets him out for "good behaviour" and gives him a lift home.
how into pda they are
Serpine is hugely into PDA. He likes a possessive, jealous partner, he's got a bit of an exhibitionistic streak, and ultimately he wants to be wanted enough to be fought over.
Unfortunately for him, Skug is not a PDA fan in the slightest. Serpine finds this bitterly disappointing.
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable )
A Roarhaven restaurant with a live jazz band. Serpine likes the food, Skug likes the music, and it's public - so neither of them feels wrongfooted and vulnerable in the other one's territory. Although, as Serpine likes to point out, it would be a bit difficult to torture and dismember a man in his student accommodation apartment. If he can hear Maddie-across-the-hall having muffled sex with her latest beau from the far side of his flat , he's pretty sure the entire building would hear Skug fighting his way out of whatever diabolical trap he seems to think has been set for him every time he comes over.
who’s more protective
Skug is more obviously protective - he protects Serpine almost the entire time in Leibniz, rows with China in defence of his freedom, and (however reluctantly) steps up to help him settle in Roarhaven. But Serpine is territorial, and he can be surprisingly proactive about it. If Skug comes home injured, he can always tell - no matter how much he tries to hide it - because he's seen Skug at his very worst, he knows what 'trying to mask pain' looks like in the set of that jaw and the grit in that voice. He doesn't like anyone else playing with his toys, so sometimes he'll get very angry and lash out at whoever damaged Skug in the first place.
(He also tends to hover at the clinic like a particularly irritating bad smell. He insists it's because he just finds Skug's pain amusing. He's not concerned. Not in the slightest. He doesn't care at all. No, he will not go home.)
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ )
They first hook up a few months after returning from Leibniz, but it's a half-dressed up-against-a-wall sort of thing and neither of them sticks around for pillow talk. They don't actually share a bed - as in, fall asleep together - until at least a year later. Technically, the first time they fall asleep together, they're on a stakeout and Serpine dozes off on Skug's shoulder, then wakes up with a cricked neck.
if they argue about anything
Literally everything, 90% of their interactions are arguing. Bickering and snark is the only way they know how to communicate.
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. )
Serpine loves leaving marks and doesn't mind getting them, either. He's territorial and has an exhibitionist streak, so he likes everyone knowing who he belongs to, and he's deeply thirsty over the idea of everyone knowing Skug belongs to him.
Unfortunately, Skug is not easy to leave marks on. Any hickies he gives the facade will disappear as soon as Skug turns it off. Some of his scars still show, though - the ones that scored his bones - so at least there's that.
who steals whose clothes and how often
They're not too different in size, so they could probably both get away with it, but everything Skug owns was tailored for him and Nef is narrower in the shoulders, so Skug's shirts don't look quite right on him. That doesn't stop him borrowing a couple to wear around the house, though. He has no stored wealth in this dimension, so he's wearing off the rack until he can get his feet under him again, and Skug's shirts are all obnoxiously fine fabric. It would be silly not to steal a few.
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? )
They're not that cuddly. They do have occasional moments of softness, but it's more likely to be, like. A shoulder bump. Fixing each other's shirt collar. Tending an injury with a minimum of mockery. They do a fair bit of this when no one's watching, though.
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what their favourite nonsexual activity is
They also both like working cases. The Sanctuary won't officially hire Serpine because he is who he is, but when Skug hits a dead end in a case or has something that's really frustrating him, they'll go over it together. 400 years of enmity aside, their minds work in similar ways, and they're both very good at that sort of thing - if they hadn't met on opposite sides of the battlefield, they probably would have gotten along very well.
how long they stay mad at each other
They've never actually not been mad at each other. They're just all each other has left because all their friends are dead.
what their usual coffee / tea orders are
Initially, both black - maximum stimulants for Skug, maximum edginess for Serpine. But then he discovers Starbucks, and all the fancy things mortals are doing with coffee these days, and starts branching out into what Skug calls "frilly froufrou nonsense". After that his drinks are like 95% sugar and syrup.
if they ever split up and / or get back together
They never officially split up. This is mostly because neither of them will admit being together in the first place. They absolutely go through phases of being far more enemies than fuckbuddies, and they know how to push each other's buttons and hurt each other like no one else. This ship is comedic and incredibly toxic in turns.
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? )
They don't live together. Serpine has no idea where Skug lives, and Skug wants to keep it that way. Serpine's flat is technically student accommodation - he just needed somewhere the landlord was too young to remember him from the war - so when Skug crashes there it's usually cramped and noisy and there's a revolving door of neighbours knocking on to ask to borrow some milk/loo roll/"hey, you're old, help me with my history thesis?"/"Are you coming out tonight?"
All Serpine's neighbours think he's a sex worker - to them, he seems to have a different well-dressed sugar daddy staying over every week. They keep trying to set him up an OnlyFans. Skug finds all this very amusing.
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like
Christmas was banned in Leibniz (as a religious holiday of a banned religion) so Nef hasn't celebrated since he converted in his teens, but he gets into it, because it's an excuse for a party and nobody is policing him. Skug is his usual grinchy grouchy self. Nef also celebrates several holidays that Skug isn't familiar with that were commonplace in Leibniz, but are only observed by strict Faceless worshippers in Roarhaven.
what their names are in each other’s phones
Skug is an old man about his contacts, so Nef is just "Nefarian Serpine".
Serpine, on the other hand, has recently discovered emojis, so Skug is "💀🍆".
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first
Who falls asleep first varies; Serpine is a night owl and likes to go to bed in the early hours of the morning, but Skug has some really fucked up working hours, so a lot of the time he's awake long after even the night owls have gone to bed. But it's always Skug who wakes up first - Serpine is Absolutely Not a morning person. He fits right in with the students in his building who have to be coaxed from under the quilt by the smell of frying bacon.
Skug, because he enjoys the odd opportunity to be an asshole, will sometimes wake him with a cup of coffee, and sometimes by holding a flame up to the fire alarm. Variety is the spice of life, Nefarian, didn't anyone ever tell you that?
who’s the big spoon / little spoon
Cuddling is fairly new to Serpine. He's always enjoyed sex, but he has a solid tendency to jump into bed with the enemy - as shown by his laundry list of Resistance conquests - so he's never really gone for relationships where cuddling is a thing. He's more into the "forbidden passion" sort of dynamic.
Skug is a cuddler, but not so much in this particular relationship, for obvious and understandable reasons. Serpine does figure out though that he can burrow under Skug's arm while he's half-asleep or in a postcoital fugue state and Skug will just sort of let him, so he's probably the little spoon.
who hogs the bathroom
Both of them.
Serpine lives in a tiny one bed flat in a student building. His bathroom is miniscule. And when Skug stays over, they're both crammed in there first thing, Serpine trying to shave and do his hair and Skug elbowing him out of the way to cycle through facades until he finds one that's handsome enough to leave the house in. They bicker horrendously the entire time. It's a logistical nightmare.
who kills the spiders / takes them outside
Nef kills them. Not because he knows Skug's not a fan, but because he's not allowed to torment humans anymore, so. Last time he checked, killing spiders wasn't an arrestable offence, Skulduggery, stop looking at him like that.
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Speak Of The Devil (Malcolm Bright x Winchester!Reader) | Prodigal Son/Supernatural Crossover
[Prodigal Son-Masterlist], [Supernatural-Masterlist]
Summary: What started as a normal case for the NYPD ended in you needing help from your family. Malcolm had never met your brothers & they had no idea you were dating. Things were bound to get complicated, it was inevitable. Still, you had to focus on this case before another person got killed.
Words: 5,557
Warnings: spoilers for 2x02 (doesn’t follow the actual plot obviously), murder, demons, language, confused Malcolm, lil hint at Destiel (barely there, could be missed if you don’t pay attention - sorry, I couldn’t help myself), I don’t think I’ve ever had this much fun while writing something
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
The NYPD was assigned to solve a “creepy ass case”, as JT so lovingly put it. As Malcolm & you got to the crime scene, you understood what your fellow coworker had warned you about. Ugh, you hated churches with your guts. Well, that was not entirely true. But whenever a murder happened on a holy ground, nothing good ever came out of it. That was what you experienced before you started working for the police. Before that…you also worked for the police somehow? Just, they were not aware of that & you might have done some criminal things. For the greater good, though! Your brothers & you had saved thousands of people. They still did. You just needed to get out of this life & see if there was more for you to achieve. And there was. Not only did you find a great family who was also your team, at the same time you found Malcolm, your boyfriend.
Back to the case. Walking into a crime scene had always been bizarre to you. It showed you how close you still were to murder, even though you promised your brothers to distance yourself from it entirely. Technically, you did. This was different, though. At least you told yourself so. Gil, JT, Dani & Edrisa were already inspecting the scene when you two walked in. Oh no. This could not be good. The image in front of you seemed familiar & if it were not inappropriate to roll your eyes at a dead person, you would do it. Gil briefly explained the situation to you. Apparently the victim had been a member of the church for 30 years. The Lieutenant & Malcolm interrogated Sister Agnes. She was the one who found the body. There was another thing bothering you, so you did not really pay attention to whatever she was saying. Your focus was solely on JT, who had been through way too much to stand here & act as if everything was fine. A slight touch on his shoulder made him turn his head in your direction.
“Hey, you okay?” of course you were concerned about him. He was family, after all.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” he brushed you off as if he did not know what point you were trying to get across.
“Really? Because usually when Malcolm says he’s fine…well, he’s everything but.” a chuckle lightened the mood a little. You had to keep a closer eye on JT for the time being. Just in case.
“Our victim here performed an exorcism.” Malcolm’s statement let your eyes snap back to where he was standing. Edrisa smiled excitedly at him. This woman…She was the sweetest soul. Could be annoying, too. But in a sweet & loving way. Maybe she should turn down her excitement for murder. Who were you kidding? Your boyfriend was probably worse when it came to that. Wanting to have a closer look at the book Malcolm was referring to, you put your gloves on & carefully walked over to him. Trying not to mess up any possible clues left behind by the killer.
“Can I have a look?” you gestured to the small book & Malcolm handed it over to you. Shit. If you remembered correctly, there was a similar one back at the bunker. A look inside the pages confirmed your assumption. No need to freak out right away. There were tons of crazy people out there. Just because of this murder in this church & this book did not mean that there was anything supernatural involved. You just hoped it would stay that way. For everyone’s sake.
Your face fell when Edrisa said that there was a note left behind, written in blood. To the others, it looked like a sign without meaning. It looked familiar to you but you could not quite pinpoint where you remembered it from. Sister Agnes’ words made you stop in your tracks.
“Abaddon.” she breathed out. Sure, why the hell not? Okay, maybe this case was something for your brothers. But wait a damn minute…last time you checked, Abaddon was stabbed with the First Blade. She could not possibly be back, could she?
“Now we know our killer’s name.” Malcolm’s words gained the attention of the entire team. There was no way he had everything figured out already. You knew he was a great profiler but even that would have been too fast for him.
“Oh? Who is it?” Gil asked intrigued.
“You know.” Malcolm paused for a few moments. Probably for dramatic effect but what did you know? “The devil.” you could not help but laugh at his words. Great, now everyone was looking at you weirdly. Oh, he made a joke. Of course he did. Sometimes you forgot that you were not an active part of the hunting life anymore. A few coughs from you stopped the awkward tension in the room. At least a bit.
In no way did you want to defend Lucifer. He had made your life literal hell one too many times. But even he would not go as far & do something as cruel as this. Again, last time you checked, he was dead. But death did not agree with Lucifer. How many times had he died? You probably should not be the one to judge. You were not better by any means.
Excusing yourself to get some fresh air, you grabbed your phone out of your pocket. Hopefully he would pick up. It had been a while since you last talked. The phone rang & rang & slowly you lost hope. Maybe he really was mad at you for being radio silent for so long.
“(Y/N)?” his voice startled you slightly.
“Sam! Uh, hi.” suddenly you turned shy.
“It’s so good to hear from you! How are you?” he was happy that you decided to call after so long.
“I’m good, thanks. Actually, I need to ask you for a favor…” you started.
“What is it? Everything alright?” Sam was growing concerned. Back then, you hated relying on another person, too stubborn to ask for help, because you wanted to do everything on your own.
“There’s a case here in New York…I believe it’s your kind. And I genuinely don’t think I can deal with this on my own.”
“But you’re safe, right?”
“I am, as safe as one can be.” you chuckled. Working for the police & all that. Not that you would tell Sam on the phone. If they were to come by, he would find out sooner or later. “I’ll send you the details, alright? Be here as fast as you can.”
“Okay, no problem. Take care, okay?”
“You too. See you soon.” wow, you were about to see your brothers again. Hopefully everything would be fine & nobody would rip your head off.
“See you, (Y/N).” Sam ended the call & you let out a breath you did not know you were holding.
The phone call should stay a secret for the time being. People breaking out in panic was everything but convenient. Besides, you did not need your team looking at you like you were a lunatic. Malcolm explained possession trance disorder when you joined everyone again. How could one human being know so much about so many unimportant things? Like, this man was a human dictionary. Looking over at Gil, you had to grin by how hard he was trying to make sense of what Malcolm was saying. Gil noticed you staring at him & gave you a look. The one that made you not want to mess with him. Still, you laughed shortly, you could not keep it in any longer. Malcolm gave you a questioning look but you simply shrugged him off by a wave of your hand.
The last interrogation of the day was with the guy who was currently doing the painting job inside the church. Unfortunately, you did not get any more information. Everything he told you, you had already heard from the others. Basically, after interrogating everyone, you were certain that this was not a common case for the NYPD. And you were more than happy that your brothers were on their way to come over. How would you explain any of this to Malcolm? He knew you had two brothers but you had also told him that you were not necessarily talking, only when it came to emergencies. Great, Malcolm would freak out. Even more so than normal, probably.
“Why do we have to visit your father again?” you shot the question at Malcolm as you were walking over the psychiatric yard, looking for Martin. He rolled his eyes at you, exhausted by your constant questioning.
“I’ve explained it a thousand times, (Y/N).”
“Well, I don’t see how any of this is connected to him.” you argued. Whenever Malcolm had the great idea to visit his father, you tagged along. Simply because you knew it was always hard for him & you wanted to support him wherever you could. Right now, though, you were losing your patience. After all, you knew the cause of this case. But your brothers had yet to arrive so you should play along for now.
“Malcolm, my boy. (Y/N)! Always nice to see you.” Martin started, excited to see his son accompanied by you. The first time you visited Martin, he took an immediate liking to you. Probably because he could see that you were good for Malcolm & his son meant the world to him. Still, he was a narcissistic psychopath. Remembering clearly how he had told you that everyone had flaws during your first meeting. Ah, good times.
“I wish I could say the same, Dr. Whitly.” a sarcastic smile plastered on your face. From then on, you let Malcolm do the talking, not really paying attention to what he was saying. Your thoughts were with your brothers, hoping they would get their asses here quickly before you had to endure more of this bullshit. It was frustrating when you knew how to solve this case but there was nobody you could talk to, not about this. Malcolm desperately tried searching for a non-supernatural explanation. Of course he did. And you just stood by, not being helpful at all. Malcolm did notice your quietness but did not comment on it. Not when you were with his father. He would ask you later today, when you were back at home.
Sam sent you a message earlier today, asking for your address to meet up. This meant that they would not take much longer. The knock on the door was confirmation enough. Malcolm walked over, ready to open it & you did not have enough time to warn him. Oh, this was bound to be fun.
“Uh…Hello?” Malcolm, everyone. Great first impression.
“You’re not (Y/N).” you could make out Dean’s voice. Walking up to where Malcolm was standing in the doorway, you looked over his shoulder & smiled at your brothers. They really were here, it had been too long. Softly pushing Malcolm out of the way, you pulled both of them in a long overdue hug. It was only then when you realized how much you had missed them. Malcolm observed the interaction from afar, confusion obviously shown on his face. Right now, you could only focus on the men in front of you, though.
“It’s good to see you guys again.” smiling widely at them. Sam nodded at you & even Dean could not hide the small smile that was forming on his face.
“I’m sorry…Can I help you guys?” Malcolm spoke up, waiting for answers from either you or the strangers that now entered his apartment.
“No, but we’ll help you.” Dean walked over to Malcolm & patted his shoulder.
“Sam, Dean. This is Malcolm. Malcolm. These are my brothers.” you awkwardly introduced them to each other. Malcolm’s mouth hang open & he could not form a coherent sentence.
“Nice to meet you.” Sam held out his hand & it took Malcolm a second to shake it.
“Your brothers?” Malcolm whisper-yelled.
“And what are they doing here?” it was not his intention to sound rude, you knew that. Yet, he seemed rather frustrated because you clearly knew they were coming over but decided against telling your boyfriend.
“Remember when I told you that they had a similar job to ours?” Malcolm nodded at you. “This case we’re working on…that’s one of their kind. We wouldn’t be able to solve it without their help.” you tried explaining.
“We have the best working team out there! Of course we could’ve solved it alone!” but you simply shook your head at him. He would understand sooner or later.
Sam & Dean sat down on the expensive couch, Dean putting his feet on the coffee table. Good thing Malcolm did not care too much about his furniture. Malcolm & you brought drinks from the kitchen & sat across from them. Dean only eyed Malcolm, though. The inevitable was about to happen, you just hoped Malcolm would deliver accordingly.
“Who the hell are you?” he was judging Malcolm & neither Sam’s elbow nudging him nor your dirty look changed the way he looked at him. What could you say? Dean was very protective of you, even after ages of not talking.
“Malcolm Bright, profiler for the NYPD.” that made the brothers’ eyebrows raise. Thank God he did not let slip that he was the son of a serial killer.
“You’re working for the police?” Sam eyed Malcolm, now being confused as to why you would get them involved with the police even though you were aware of what they had been through.
“Well, yeah. I mean, (Y/N) & I met there.” Malcolm reasoned. Great, the cat was out of the bag now.
“Seriously (Y/N)?” Dean looked…disappointed?
“Okay, wait a minute. Let me explain!” Sam & Dean nodded at you to continue. “When I left you guys, I really tried to leave this life behind. I did. But I still wanted to help people. So…one thing came to another & then I was part of the NYPD &-“ you were interrupted by Dean, of course.
“And slept around with this guy?” Dean looked Malcolm over & you rolled your eyes at him. Malcolm looked offended but stayed silent.
“This guy is my boyfriend. And his name is Malcolm.” you defended him. “And I asked you to help me with this case, not with my dating life.” looking at Dean sternly, he nodded at you & apologized. He could get caught up in the heat of the moment but you had more important things to focus on.
Throughout your talk, Malcolm sent you questioning looks every now & then. You brushed him off, telling him you would explain it later. Sam & Dean got the message & tried keeping the talk casual. Clearly, your boyfriend did not know about the supernatural & it would be better if it stayed that way.
“Okay, so tomorrow, we’ll talk to Norman & see what we can find out.” Malcolm concluded after some long confusing hours.
“Sammy & I need some sleep after that long ass drive anyway. We’ll be meeting at his house first thing in the morning. Don’t be late.” when he said that, he stared at Malcolm. Rolling your eyes at his childish antics, you slapped him lightly on the chest.
“Do you wanna stay here for the night?” you asked when they were walking to the front door.
“Um, no. We’re checked in at the motel a few blocks down. Besides…” Dean gestured wildly with his hands. “This entire apartment looks too luxurious for us. How did you get so much money anyway?” Dean asked, again motioning at the expensive looking apartment.
“It’s actually Malcolm’s…I moved in not too long ago.” explaining to both of them. Sam nodded, looking satisfied with your current living situation. Dean, of course, had another thing to comment on.
“Oh wow, (Y/N)…Good catch.” winking at you, you shoved him out of the apartment, shaking your head.
“Good night!” you said before closing the door behind them, letting out a long sigh.
“Your brothers are…nice.” Malcolm started. You winced at his choice of words. In your head, it all worked out way better.
“I’m sorry, Mal…They can be quite protective.”
“No, it’s fine, I get it. They’re, uh, very into this religious thing, huh?”
“Oh, you have noooo idea.” you chuckled.
“Why didn’t you tell me they were coming by?”
“I don’t know…I guess I didn’t want you to think that you’re not good enough for this case.”
“But I need you to trust me when I tell you that Sam & Dean are the ones who should handle this one.”
“I trust you, you know that, (Y/N). But you have to give me permission to say “I told you so.” when we solve this case without their help.” Malcolm held out his hand for you to shake.
“Deal.” you smiled at him. Your brothers & boyfriend might not become best friends but you did not expect them to. All you wanted was to get rid of whatever killed that priest. And you knew that the supernatural feared Sam & Dean. This would be over soon.
“You sure these are the same guys who were at our apartment yesterday?” Malcolm whispered to you when you were approaching two men in suits. Not their usual flannel attire, they were working a job after all.
“Just play along, alright?” Malcolm nodded at you. He promised to trust you on this & you seemed like you knew what you were doing.
“Detectives.” Dean greeted you.
“Shut up.” you threw back almost immediately. Sam & Dean laughed at your comment.
“I missed you, lil sis.” Dean said with a genuine tone, one that made you smile wildly.
“Alright, let’s do this.” Sam knocked on the door, waiting for it to open. They introduced themselves as FBI & showed the woman in the doorway their badges. Shooting Malcolm a look as if to say “Don’t ask.” & he just acted as if he had not seen this. The woman led you upstairs to a room. She warned you to not cross the salt lines. All of you nodded. Well, all but Malcolm. The poor man could not understand a thing. Sometimes you wished you were this innocent when it came to cases like this. If it were not for Malcolm, this would have felt like the good old days when you spent your time solving case after case with your brothers. Yeah, it had been dangerous & exhausting but you still liked being a hunter. Also, the three of you were one hell of a team.
The door opened & you were met with countless geometrical lines made out of salt. Because a simple circle would not do the job or what? Fucking show-off. Careful not to mess with the salt, the four of you stepped inside the dark room. Norman’s back was facing you. While Sam & Dean simply took in the room to check for any indicators of anything supernatural, Malcolm started interrogating Norman. You signaled the boys to let him do his job.
“The salt keeps him out.” suddenly, Norman’s voice was way deeper than when he first started talking. Weird guy. Still, you did not think it was him.
“Who?” Malcolm asked in a calm voice. He was good at this. Even though he almost always got himself killed.
“The demon.” Norman said. What the hell was wrong with him? Malcolm turned around to you & found the three of you rolling your eyes. Really desperate if a person wanted to be a demon.
“He’s clearly mentally ill.” Malcolm stated quietly.
“Oh, really?” you sarcastically shot back. Who would have thought? Malcolm started lifting one of his foot, meaning to cross the line.
“Mal, wait. Don’t.” you warned him but when did Malcolm ever listen? You were not sure how Norman even noticed Malcolm crossing the line, his back was still facing you after all, but all of a sudden things escalated. Apparently, Norman thought Malcolm was a demon. He was everything but, really. He just had some demons to fight but he was not one. Norman was grabbing a lamp, wanting to attack Malcolm with it but you got everything sorted before anything bad could happen. Norman was on his way in the hospital & you were just glad that everyone was fine.
When all of you were outside the house again, Sam & Dean looked annoyed.
“Dude, we wasted time with this madman.” Dean started. “That’s bullshit.”
“Dean, stop.” you cut him off before the situation got too intense. “He was the only suspect we had. We couldn’t have known he was mentally ill.”
“We should check out the church tonight.” Sam suggested.
“Why at night?” Malcolm asked curiously.
“Oh, look how precious he is.” Dean mocked. If he kept acting that way you might as well salt & burn his bones next. Turning to Malcolm, you tried reasoning with him.
“Because we can’t risk people watching us. Not when we’re doing this.” Malcolm understood but he also planned a lot of questions for when you were back home.
“Alright, we’ll meet there later. Dean & I will take care of everything we might need.” Sam said before walking off to Baby.
“I see you took great care of her.” nudging Dean, motioning at the beautiful ’67 Chevy Impala. Another thing you had missed dearly. Countless nights had been spent in the backseat, you associated this car with a lot of happy memories.
“Always.” Dean smiled at you. “Baby misses you, too, you know?”
“I’m sure she does. After all, I had the brains. Of course she misses my smartness.” Dean shook his head at you, rolling his eyes at the same time. Saying goodbye & turning around, Malcolm gave you a look.
“Baby? Her? You sure you were talking about the car?” oh, that was bothering him. Now you understood.
“It’s a long story.” you laughed & gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking past him. He let out a short laugh & smiled at your actions.
“(Y/N)? I think we should talk.” Malcolm started shortly after you entered your shared apartment.
“Oh no…that’s never a good sign.”
“What’s going on here?” you could tell he was serious. Fuck, you hated lying to him. One of the reasons why you had barely mentioned your brothers was to avoid questions you did not want to answer. It was now or never. Telling Malcolm to sit down, you were about to start at the very beginning. There were still a few hours left before you had to be at the church, might as well use it appropriately. Hopefully, Malcolm did not decide to leave you after opening up to him.
“So…you’re telling me that monsters are real, your brothers hunt them down & you used to help them before you left.” you nodded when Malcolm tried processing what you had just told him. “And my girlfriend saved the world more than once.” he concluded.
“Pretty much, yeah.” he was silent for a few seconds. That would be the moment he would ask you to leave.
“My girlfriend is a badass.” Malcolm mumbled & started laughing then. You joined in.
“Really? That’s all you have to say?” you questioned, not really believing that he dealt with it so casually.
“Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’m freaking out.” he confessed. “You know, makes me think of all the cases we couldn’t solve. Maybe we weren’t successful because of…supernatural beings playing a part. But honestly, it’s just another thing that got added to my plate. Nothing I can’t handle.”
“No, really. I mean it. Besides, now I know that if I ever meet a monster, you’re here to fight it off. Or your brothers. If I were a monster, I’d be scared as shit of them.” Malcolm finished & you laughed, throwing your entire body back on the couch. That actually went quite well? At least something positive.
Churches were creepy in general. But churches at night? That was a whole other level of madness. You met Sam & Dean at the Impala, Dean’s face buried in the trunk, looking for suitable weapons. Malcolm had promised not to question your actions & you were thankful for it. Because you had other things to focus on. Dean handed out weapons which you gladly accepted.
“Mal? You gotta promise me to stay behind.” concerning eyes met his & he knew better than to argue with you. Malcolm gulped but nodded anyway.
“You ready to do this?” Sam asked.
“I am but I think (Y/N)’s a little rusty.” Dean commented.
“Just...let’s get this over with…” rolling your eyes at Dean, you hated to admit that he was most likely right. You had not been on a hunt in a very long time but you knew you could fight when push came to shove.
The four of you entered the church silently, weapons at ready. After walking around for a while, Dean lifted his hand to stop you all. Trying to get a better look at what made him freeze, you were shocked when you saw Jonah, the painter, pacing these holy grounds. Why did you not think of him? It was quite obvious, really. Maybe you were getting rusty.
“Well, he is a demon, no doubts, but he isn’t Abaddon.” Dean spoke, quietly enough as to not get caught. “So if you guys distract this son of a bitch, I can catch him off guard from behind & stab him.”
“No, wait. You can’t kill him, Dean.” you argued. There was still a possibility of a human being somewhere inside.
“What? Why?” Dean turned towards you & tilted his head in confusion. Sighing out, you tried to talk some sense into him.
“Let Sam do an exorcism. We don’t know if Jonah’s still in there.” Dean thought about this for a few seconds but nodded afterwards. Sam grabbed an old lore book with the exorcism inside. He remembered the words by heart but better safe than sorry, right? Your plan was to stay hidden, the church was dark enough to do that without getting caught.
The demon was confused when he heard the first words of the exorcism, already struggling to stay inside Jonah. Good, he was not a strong one. Malcolm stayed close with you. Sam & Dean each took one side of the church, just in case something went wrong. Sam continued with the latin words & the demon was unable to move anymore. He was trapped in one place. That was when all of you made yourself shown to him. Hopefully, Jonah was still alive in there. If not, you had a lot of explaining to do. You already had but another dead person would make everything even more complicated.
“I AM ABADDON!” the demon screamed & you noticed that he barely had enough strength to stay in Jonah’s body anymore. Malcolm stayed in the background, simply observing & letting you do your job.
“I’m sure you wanna be, pal.” Dean got closer to the demon but not too close for it to be dangerous. “But we got rid of her a long time ago.” and it was true. Abaddon’s death was years ago. Why this demon thought to be her? You were not sure. But you also did not care. You just wanted this to be over. Sam finished the ritual & black smoke came out of Jonah’s mouth. After that, he fell to the floor & all of you ran over to him. Malcolm checked for a pulse & nodded when he felt it. Letting out a breath, you were glad that you could save him. Grabbing your phone out of your pocket, you dialed 911 & called Gil right after.
In no time, cars were surrounding the church. Sam, Dean, Malcom & you were standing in a small circle outside. Gil approached you.
“What the hell happened? And who the hell are you guys?” the second question was directed at your brothers who coughed a little, not knowing how to answer. Time to sell a little fake story.
“Gil, these are Sam & Dean, my brothers.” Gil shook both men’s hands.
“Didn’t know you had brothers.” he noted.
“Long story…Anyway, they came to visit & stayed at our apartment. They kinda overheard Malcolm & I talking about the case. Sam, here, has the brains-“
“Hey!” Dean feigned hurt at your words.
“And he pieced everything together. We didn’t wanna waste time & before I even had the chance to call you, we had already caught him.” as soon as you finished, Malcolm joined in to help with your little white lie.
“Jonah was poisoned by the lead in the paint he was using. It can cause dissociative behavior that can be mistaken for possession.” thank God for Malcolm “Human Dictionary” Bright. Gil could not argue with this so he simply went back over to the rest of the team. Nice job.
“Thanks guys.” addressing Sam & Dean.
“So that’s it, huh?” Sam asked, sad that he knew he had to let you go again. Yet, he supported your decision.
“Hey, Malcolm?” Dean looked at him. “I wanna show you something, come on.” Malcolm followed Dean to the black car which left you alone with Sam.
“He’s gonna kill him, isn’t he?” Sam laughed at your words.
“Possibly.” then he turned serious again. “I miss you.” Sam confessed, his jaw clenching.
“I miss you, too, Sammy.” looking up at him, you continued. “And I’m sorry for disappearing off the radar. It’s just…when I left, this entire starting new thing took more time than I thought it would.”
“I get it & I’m not asking you to come back with us. I can see that you like it here. You’ve finally found your happiness & by the way Malcolm looks at you? He’s utterly in love with you, (Y/N). Take care of yourself, okay?”
“I will, I promise. You, too. Call me when you’re starting the next apocalypse.” you joked with him. He then pulled you into a big hug, one that you had missed so much. Sam always gave the best hugs.
“What is it?” Malcolm asked Dean, nervous as to why he wanted to talk to him alone.
“Look, man, (Y/N)’s my little sister & I’d do anything for her. So if you ever hurt her…know that I’ll beat the crap outta you.” Malcolm gulped but found enough courage to answer him.
“I love (Y/N). I’d never to do anything to hurt her. I get why you worry, I do. But she’s safe here. I promise.”
“Hey Dean, go easy on him.” their heads snapped in the direction your voice was coming from. By the smile on your face, he knew you were joking. Sam & you reached the car.
“I’ll miss you.” approaching Dean, you were more than satisfied when he opened his arms for you to pull you into a hug. He pressed a soft kiss on top of your head before releasing you again.
“Malcolm promised me to keep you safe.”
“Did he now?” turning around, eyeing your boyfriend with a smirk.
“Check in with us, okay?” Dean grew serious.
“I will, I promise. You guys take care of yourselves, okay?” both men nodded. “Tell Cas I said hi. How are you two doing anyway?” you stopped briefly to wink at him which made Sam chuckle quietly. “And bring him next time.”
“Alright, goodbye.” Dean said, laughing at you, Sam joining him.
“Bye, guys.” you waved at them when they got into the car.
Leaning into Malcolm’s side, you could feel his arm sneaking around your waist to keep your close. For a few moments, you stood there in silence, watching the Impala slowly disappear out of your view.
“Do I need to be jealous of this Cas guy?” Malcolm asked all of a sudden & you broke out into laughter. His confused face was hilarious.
“Trust me, Mal. If you meet him, you’ll know that there’s no need to be jealous.” tears were threatening to escape your eyes. The simple image of you & Cas together made you laugh out loud.
“I guess I need to trust you on that.”
“Hey, remember what you said when you thought we wouldn’t need help solving this case?” you asked him, changing the topic entirely. His face showed you that he did, in fact, not remember.
“I told you so.” you smirked at him, enjoying how his smile slowly faltered. Rolling his eyes at you, he wanted to say a witty remark. You knew what he was trying to do but before he had the chance, you silenced him with a long, soft kiss. That always managed to do the job. Pulling away after a few seconds, you lovingly stared into his eyes. This moment could have been overly romantic. If it were not for you putting salt into his wound.
“I told you so.” repeating your previous words, you walked away from him, sarcastically smiling as you did so. You were right about this & Malcolm prepared himself to hear the same words over & over from now on.
Published (04/15/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @thefictionalgemini, @prodigalsonlovingbisexual, @octopus5555, @claudiaparker30, @the-unknown-fan-girl, @popcornanon, @jasminetea-andpaisho, @anatanotegami, @blackandwhitejoker (thanks for your support <3)
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krreader · 4 years
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pairing: gryffindor!kim namjoon x slytherin!reader fandom: bts ; harry potter warnings: non idol!au ; hogwarts!au ; mentions of sex  genre: crack ; fluff ; smut word count: 2.1k+
summary: after the battle of hogwarts, the school decided to bring the rivalry houses closer together. every year, you would get a partner from your rival house and this year, you really hit the jackpot.
a/n: hiiii @namucries​, idk how this idea formed, I literally just started writing and I am so happy with it. like I actually really love the plot? lol. anyways, I hope you enjoy it bb!!!
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After the battle of Hogwarts, the school decided that they needed to make some changes. Not just in regards to fortification and the likes, but to how they ran the school.
This ever growing rivalry between Slytherin and Gryffindor couldn’t continue any longer. If it hadn’t been like this from the beginning, then maybe this whole Draco and Harry situation could have been avoided and then maybe things would have been different. 
And so the professors had decided that each year, you’d be assigned a partner from a “rivalry” house. That was true for Slytherin and Gryffindor, but not so much for Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. They didn’t mind this nearly as much as you and your peers.
It was a huge deal every year. Who would be your rival partner that you were stuck with for the rest of the year? Would you be lucky and at least score some eye candy or would you be stuck with a wizard or witch that could barely hold their wand up straight? It was a surprise every year.
“I can’t believe this,” your best friend shook her head as she walked out of McGonagall’s office, “This is the fourth year in a row they’ve assigned another girl to me. I thought that now that I’m finally old enough..-“
You let out a snort, “You do know that there’s plenty of fish to catch in our own house, right?”
“Yeah, but where’s the thrill in that?” she let out a sigh and leaned against the wall, nudging her head to the door, “Fingers crossed you’re luckier than me.”
You didn’t care much about your partners. You’ve managed to avoid all previous ones on most occasions with lame excuses such as: “I’m sorry, I feel really bad today” or, “I’m so busy today, let’s study together some other time.” Most of them cared as little for you as you did for them, so it never caused an issue. Except for last year, when the guy that you were assigned to developed a crush on you and found out that you were spending your time with other Slytherin boys, rather than with him. He told on you, told the professors how you had been doing this for years - basically going against the rules - and so this year, you fully expected them to get back at you for that and assign you a partner that you’d suffer with for a year.
But the moment you entered the headmaster’s office and your eyes fell on the guy that was - apparently - your partner, you stopped walking.
“Hello there,” after a moment of staring, your confidence came back and you now smirked, “Did I just hit the jackpot?”
The guy furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the headmaster with raised eyebrows, “That’s her?!”
McGonagall let out a disapproving sigh and shook her head a little, looking at you over the rim over glasses, “Ms. (Y/L/N), do everyone in the room a favour and have a seat.”
“Don’t mind if I do,” you sat down right next to the guy and licked your lips, crossing one leg over the other while continuing to grin at him.
“This is Namjoon. Your designated partner for this year. And..-“ just as you wanted to say something, McGonagall quickly continued, “This is your punishment for this year. Namjoon has been assigned Gryffindor’s headboy and you will help him with anything that he needs and wants.”
This obviously meant errands and helping Gryffindor become a stronger house. That’s what everyone else would have heard in that sentence. But you took away only two things.
“Sure, anything he needs. I’m down for that punishment,” and when McGonagall got up with an annoyed huff, you whispered, “Quite literally.”
At this point, you would have assumed the guy to blush and become intimidated, but Namjoon just smiled at you, despite it not holding any humor to it: “Does that usually work on others of my gender?”
“Don’t worry, some men need a few hours to warm up to me. I’m sure you and I will get along well,” you got up and bounced on your heels, “Thanks for this, headmaster.”
“It’s not a..- just get out,” she had enough of you.
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“So.. where are we going first?” this was day one of you being Namjoon’s partner. Unfortunately, it didn’t start with a tumble in his bed, but the day was still young, “How about we go for a butter beer and get to know each other better?”
“I have friends for that,” Namjoon retorted making you stop in your tracks for a moment, but then catch up to him with a laugh.
“Oh, this is going to be so good. I love it when men aren’t shy. Makes them so much more attractive, you know?”
Namjoon let out a snort and shook his head, “Not sure you’ll think of me that way after today.”
Suddenly you came to a stop at a willow. Normally, that’d be a nice sight. Nature, grass, the sun.. But it was not like the paintings hanging in the castle that you often admired, it wasn’t a willow full of magical creatures that you could be amazed by.
It was..-
“Yep,” Namjoon grinned and pushed a bucket into your hands, “Someone needs to clean the willow, since Hagrid is away for the month. Nobody was willing to do so and since you and I got paired up, I figured I have the perfect candidate for the job.”
“What, someone to clean?!”
“Someone who is used to shit. After all, that’s all that comes out of your mouth, isn’t it?” Namjoon wiggled his eyebrows at you and put his hands in the pockets of his pants, “I’ll be over there reading up for my next class if you need me.”
“Wh..- You’re not even helping me?“ but you had no option, because he was walking away and the cows were already approaching you, curious about who this new person was that had entered their willow, “Hey, stop that,” you tried to scurry away from them when they started nibbling on your shirt.
This was so not what you had hoped today to look like. Cleaning cow shit.. was Hagrid seriously the only taking care of this? Poor guy..
Still, all the while you were cleaning, you kept muttering curse words directed at Namjoon, even if he couldn’t hear them. They made you feel better. 
How dare he be so rude with you? You didn’t just talk shit, you were a great girl. Smart and well-read and.. stupid.
You straightened your back and furrowed your eyebrows, “What the hell am I doing?” you whispered to yourself.
I’m a freaking member of goddamn Slytherin. Slytherin’s don’t just clean like that, they’re too smart for that. Use your magic, you moron!
Whatever Namjoon wanted you to do, you’d bend the rules to your will as much as you wanted. What was important was that it was clean, right?
So you pulled out your wand and cast the spell that you figured would help you out most here. And indeed, after casting it for a few times, the willow looked as good as new. And with a final spell for a nice smell, you walked back to Namjoon with a smirk on your face. As in: HA, didn’t expect that one, huh?
“I’m impressed,” he smiled up at you from the ground, then got up and brushed over his pants, before saying in all honesty: “I knew there was talent slumbering somewhere within you. You shouldn’t hide it under that ‘cool kid’ facade, you know?”
“What?” you snorted, “I don’t.”
“Yeah, you do. It’s painfully obvious,” he shrugged, “It’s fine, you do you and all. I just think it’s a shame that you try to hide how smart you are in fear of it ruining your reputation. Because see, McGonagall didn’t just choose me as your partner because she knew I had enough errands I’d need help on, but because she knows there’s more to you than what you want everyone to believe. She thought I might be able to help you with that.”
And for the first time in forever, you had no words to that. No witty comeback and no flirty remark that you could say to that. He had seen through you on your first day of you two being together. That hasn’t happened before… ever.
“Anyways, we should go to class,” and to make you even more speechless, Namjoon took off his robe and placed it over your shoulders, since you had forgotten yours - or more likely simply opted not to wear it because you didn’t want to.
You were… so confused.
What were those feelings you were feeling right now?!
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You had never cared about your rival partner in the years before, but that changed with you having been assigned to Namjoon. That first day on the willow spent together was the beginning of a, you dared to say, friendship.
He made you understand that being this sarcastic asshole wasn’t nearly as cool as you thought it was. He made you realise that you had a lot more talent than you even knew of yourself. He showed you that, even if you didn’t, he believed in you.
Your friends kept telling you how much you changed, and while some of them laughed about it at first, they all accepted you now. 
The real you that you’ve been trying to hide for so long. The girl that could be kind when need be and was incredibly smart on tests and in classes.. or in general.
But the sarcasm part? The flirty part? Your rival partner couldn’t quite get rid of that..
“Well, don’t you look dazzling,” you grinned as you spotted Namjoon at the Yule Ball. Both of you had come with different partners, but neither of these were anything more than friends.
“Right? The pants look great on me,” he complimented himself with a grin.
“True,” you pretended to think for a moment as you stared at them, then you looked at him from under your eyelashes, “But you’d look even better without them.”
Namjoon couldn’t help but let out a laugh. At this point, he had come to accept that this was just a part of you that he couldn’t change. And well.. maybe he didn’t even want it to.
“We’re here with other people, yet you’re flirting with me. Don’t you think that’s rude?”
“Not at all. And besides, I wanted you to ask me out, but you didn’t,” you pretended to be hurt by pouting your lips, “We could have had so much fun tonight.”
And see, the Namjoon that YOU knew - or at least thought you did-, would have laughed and turned around to walk away. But that man still surprised you every single day. He took a sip from his drink, then placed it on the table next to him and pushed his hands into the pockets of his dashing pants.
“We still could.”
Not the answer you had expected, same as that look that he threw you.
That look.
Before you could reply, he turned around and walked away. But instead of re-joining his date - that had since formed a little group of girlfriends around her, all laughing, thankfully - he left the ballroom.
And well… you couldn’t not follow, right?
He continued walking, even though you were sure that you knew you were only a few steps behind him, through several hallways and up several flights of stairs, until you were finally standing in front of the Gryffindor common room where he had waited for you.
“Hm.. I’m pretty sure I won’t be allowed in there,” you cocked your head to the side, “But whatever it is that you had in mind.. I’m sure it’s innocent enough for us to do right here?”
You licked your lips, then bit down on your lower lip with a grin.
Namjoon was leaning against the railing of the stairs, confidently so. He looked insanely good right there. So good that you wanted to jump on him this very moment. 
But he took the initiative.
He grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him, smashed his lips against yours and kissed you so deeply that he literally knocked the breath out of your lungs. It was a passionate kiss, tongues and teeth clashing against each other and hands already beginning to wander, despite the… not very private environment.
But this desperation only proved how much sexual attraction had been building between you two. Because as much as Namjoon had tried to hide it the first few months, he liked you as much as you liked him.. sexually at first, and then later, on a more deeper level. 
But that was another story. Right now, this was about what you needed in that moment.
“I want you,” Namjoon whispered against your lips.
“Then take me,” is what you whispered back without having to think twice about it.
And he would have. He would have pinned you against his mattress and would have pounded into you until you were screaming his name. And you would have let him. You would have begged him not to stop, because you were already sure that he was good. 
But goddamn it, the Fat Lady just had to ruin it, huh?
“Uhm, excuse me, young lads.. I tried to let you two enjoy yourselves for as long as I possibly could, but I just heard what you said and there is no way I can let you inside now.”
These stupid rules. What were the professors so scared about? Pregnancies? You were witches and wizards, you weren’t stupid enough not to know how to prevent that from happening.
You were almost certain that Namjoon would just call it a night with a heavy sigh and you’d be left horny for the rest of the night, but instead, he pushed himself off the railing and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, whispering: “Headboy’s have a lot of privileges these days, you know? The Prefects’ bathroom is open 24/7 for us to use. Us alone,” into your ear.
Well, well… there were so many things you did not know about this man and you couldn’t wait to find them all out.
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wangxiandecoded · 4 years
Episode 10
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(Spoilers for the whole show ahead!)
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Going to draw a heart over Wangxian to keep track of every time the camera shows someone third wheeling them from now on.
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Wei Ying uses his Binding/Bonding talisman on Xue Yang to show Lan Zhan it’s a dynamic tool that doesn’t deserve to be named “Boring”. Even though there’s a serial killer on the loose, Lan Zhan’s opinions on his inventions matter a lot to him. Standard Wei Ying stuff.
Wangxian’s Mirrors
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At this point of the show, I could not believe there was a couple who directly mirrored Wangxian. And surprise! They were two men who dressed in black and white and came together for their common vision exactly like Wangxian did. Wei Ying cannot help but connect the dots and Lan Zhan is already aware of their eminence.
Xue Yang Fancies The Yiling Laozu 
Xue Yang’s introduction makes the story take a darker turn but also a gayer one. The homoerotic subtext between him and Wei Ying literally jumps out of the screen.  
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(This episode had a lot of moments that were just begging for alternate dialogues to be written. I just wanted to have fun with the subtext that’s already present.)  
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Wei Ying doesn’t want Lan Zhan to waste his precious breath interrogating the bad guy. He protectively steps up (something he does quite a lot) and puts some distance between the both of them.
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But he wants Lan Zhan to hold his sword while he does that.. and if that act wasn’t necessarily considered to be intimate or romantic before, it just became that after Lan Zhan refused to do it in front of everyone.
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Wei Ying has uttered many conspicuously gay things on the show but most of them are with reference to Lan Zhan. Therefore, this is possibly the gayest dialogue he has ever said in a strictly non-Lan Zhan context.
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His tone is all, “Honey, you've been existing for 5 minutes, I'm the queerest person the cultivation world has seen in a millennium. You think frisking a guy is going to make me feel scandalized?” This is nuts to me because Xue Yang is arguably the most blatantly coded gay character on the show.. and here is Wei Ying all but saying he can outgay him. That he shouldn’t come after his job. And Lan Zhan just looks like..
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It is curious how Lan Zhan says no to something that would require Wei Ying to go near Xue Yang again.
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We get it, Lan Zhan. It was hard to see your guy giving attention to someone who wasn’t you.
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When Lan Zhan is unsure what's happening back home, the first person his eyes seek is Wei Ying, his source of strength and reassurance.
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SongXiao Help WangXian Fall Deeper In Love
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Wei Ying is euphoric to meet another pair of Soulmates™. (The same kind of glee that queer people feel when they meet a celebrity queer couple.) His relationship with Lan Zhan just gained supreme validation and a boost to the power of infinity!
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He sees everything he has with Lan Zhan reflected in SongXiao’s relationship. He admires them and is delighted that people like them who aren’t concerned with clan drama can walk the wider path of justice, and also lead successful, honourable lives. He looks to Lan Zhan for confirmation but Lan Zhan doesn’t seem too eager to publicize the super sweet promise they made at the lantern ceremony or the fact that he’s been secretly enjoying Wei Ying’s companionship on this expedition. And let’s be honest, it would’ve been more shocking if Lan Zhan did confirm any of that here.
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Cheer up, Wei Ying! Lan Zhan will get plenty more opportunities to prove his love for you and he'll ace every single one of them.
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No one asked for this but thank you NHS for declaring your ideal type is beautiful gentlemen who fight crime together and unapologetically go their own way.
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The parallels between the two pairs write themselves. More importantly, it is while watching SongXiao leave together that Lan Zhan stumbles onto an epiphany.
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This is such an underrated moment in the show. The sorrowful music and slow-motion shot of Lan Zhan looking at Wei Ying with vulnerability all over his face once again drives it home that Wei Ying is The One for him, and he is his. He was already getting tired of denying that Wei Ying is his soulmate in every sense there is, and he feels his pain and sadness in this moment. It is enough for Jiang Cheng to feel sorry for him and move on but not for Lan Zhan who feels all that his soulmate feels. 
It is overwhelming and brand new information to Lan Zhan himself that he can feel it because Wei Ying is not in impending danger right now, so this need he feels to protect him and be there for him can only mean that he loves him beyond the shadow of a doubt. Wei Ying seems upset thinking about his mother and Lan Zhan gets it, without Wei Ying having uttered a word the whole time. His face shows a kind of defeat in this scene; he surrenders to everything he has known and felt for some time now : He's in love with Wei Ying and would tear down the universe without a second thought if it means it would rid him of his unhappiness. And he isn't able to do that in this moment. But thanks to Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen, he’s found comfort in the truth they have each other at the end of the day, even if they have nothing left in this world. He cannot give back to Wei Ying what he has lost but he can accompany him in his sadness, and it will have to be enough. And it is, because Wei Ying can overcome just about everything as long as Lan Zhan walks by his side.
Wei Ying Says Lan Clan Deserves Rights
Wei Ying has many nice things to say about the Lan clan who he found exhausting a few months ago. Love brings about miraculous changes in a person, y’all.
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Wei Ying gravitates towards Lan Zhan as if it's second nature to him and it really is.
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Jiang Cheng spends a lot of time trying to get Wei Ying to spill the Top Secrets about the Yin Iron and Wei Ying is like, "Sorry, I’m bound by the Soulmate laws to tell you absolutely nothing."
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Wei Ying is already embracing the idea of controlling the Yin Iron and people are rightfully getting offended by his suggestion.
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What did you expect, Wei Ying? Not everyone is your lifetime confidant to give you the benefit of the doubt and reciprocate it with compassion, trust and open-mindedness.
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Wangxian’s Temporary Separation
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What was that, Wei Ying? Did we hear you admit that the Gusu Lan roof is softer than the one in Qinghe? Could this have anything to do with a certain law enforcer in Cloud Recesses you fell in love with at first sword fight? 
There is a delicate, bittersweet air to this separation, and even the casual watcher is going to be wondering, “When did I get so invested in Wangxian that WuJi makes me want to cry?”
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It's cute how Lan Zhan is like, “Okay, I’ve seen the love of my life for one last time, I’ll quietly take my leave so he doesn’t know I was waiting for him to come back.”
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Turns out, "I'll sleep on your roof tonight," is one of the most romantic things we could tell the person we love. Isn't it brilliant that just few seconds ago Wei Ying had said he will take whatever ground he finds as his home for the night, and how utterly beautiful is it to have followed it up with this dialogue? “Lan Zhan, I'll sleep on your roof tonight.” Because the world is big but my home is wherever you are. That’s where I’m happiest, I'll sleep on this rugged roof and walk through thorns if it means I get to be by your side. I won't mind it at all. And how unbelievably romantic is it that Wei Ying makes a philosophical statement about life, which ends up being about Lan Zhan?
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Lan Zhan hears the implications in his voice. And he openly yearns to stay behind a little longer and commit to his memory what Wei Ying looks like when he is drunkenly proclaiming his love for him under the moonlight. It is pleasantly surprising that Lan Zhan is willing to express his emotions when he knows he is safe from Wei Ying hearing them, that he doesn't mind telling him goodbye when he thinks Wei Ying won't remember it. 
But the audience can hear his voice and we are going to remember it. How, "Wei Ying, I have to go," is uttered in a cadence so sweet we did not know Lan Zhan was capable of before this. And the choice of words do not simply mean that he’s going to leave, but that he has to, and most certainly not because he wants to. And how it really means, “I’m worried about everything, but especially you, and I'm sorry I have to go. I have to trust that we'll both be okay on this path. Please know that I don't wish to leave you, and forgive me for it. Wei Ying, I love you."
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Even their temporary separation hurts so good. If they were meant to be best buddies, this scene wouldn't have been shot so poignantly. But we got used to seeing them together and every frame is designed to dig deeper into your heart and instil the fact that these soulmates are parting, and we don’t know when they’ll see each other again. This is the melancholy of a man who does not wish to be away from his lover but is forced to for the sake of the greater good. Anyone can see that.
The rooftop and moonlit night come as a callback to their first meeting, only Lan Zhan no longer wants to point the tip of his sword at Wei Ying, it gives him far greater satisfaction to place Wei Ying behind his sword.
I haven’t counted the number of times people acknowledge Wangxian’s relationship and/or know that they are inseparable, but it’s safe to say almost every character does that at some point. And some even know how to exploit their weakness, that in order to hurt one of them, the surefire way is to simply aim for the other like Wen Chao does here.
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To summarize, Episode 10 saw Lan Zhan showing us his true colors : When he isn’t occupied with being the esteemed, intimidating Lan Wangji, he’s busy being a regular, sweet, romantic guy in love. And Wei Ying did that. He single-handedly exposes the soft side of Lan Zhan that nobody sees to the audience now and the world later on. 
This episode also gave us this : Two soulmates chilling shoulder to shoulder zero feet apart because they’re falling in love.
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shadow and bone rewatch s1e6 while drinking mid-range scotch
I wish I have a face that is as unlined and pretty as Ben Barnes' when I'm 39
Arken you dirty dirty liar
the face Alek is making at his lies that he knows are lies firstly because he knows the art of lying so well and also because he can read people very well
okay Ivan is kind of a bad bitch with his smirk at Arken's lies
alek's eyes narrowing and his little smile when Arken says 'im an entertainer' bitch I love this show
*grabs hand, pulls up sleeve, and discovers Arken's hand is full of marks indicating successful passages through the fold* 'well, that is certainly entertaining' I love this man with all my heart
him screaming is so fucking hot, is that weird for me to say
Nina being the Darkling's spy is quite interesting
Ben giving the Darkling crazy eyes when Arken owns up to his guilt is so cool
also wtf is Arken a fool trying to negotiate with possibly the strongest man in the world
kind of loved the darkness literally eating him
also love Alina learning to use her powers better when she is alone than when she is with anyone else, wish we got to see the cut in this season as per the books, ah can't have everything I guess
the camera pan to Jesper's gun at his side, amazing
god Jessie is literally so beautiful I need to see her bring Alina to the peak of her power so bad
netflix you better renew this series to let the plot run to its completion
'And where is my Summoner?' my little Darklina heart ouchie I really wish you hadn't used and manipulated her like this Alek it was incredibly fucked up especially considering you actually caught feelings
'Ivan and I won't fail you' oh Fedyor my baby, my angel, you don't deserve what is coming
Helnik literally recreating Titanic lmao stop this is a joke
I too would jump off the raft if I came to consciousness to see a gorgeous woman with magical powers with her hand on my back
omg but why is ryevost so pretty though
'I know exactly how she felt. The King's soldiers treated me the same way... I'm not myself today.' why must you do this to me, why must you fuel my darklina soulmates agenda idiocy
I don't quite think I have a problem with the Zoya Darkling relationship as much as I have a problem with the line they chose to reveal it to use with.
my drink's over and I don't know if I should have another, considering that it's 7 am
the tenderness with which he looks at Zoya and takes her hand and then when he says 'I shall relax when I have Alina' makes me believe more that the man that is reduced to tears time and again in front of Alina could in fact be the master manipulator I know him to be
god I can't wait for Zoya's character arc
'I speak six languages, it's part of my job' why is Nina literally the fucking coolest
Alina blinding the oprichniki was so hot, I can't wait to see more of her power and her ruthlessness
I know I've said it before but good god is Jessie Mei Li gorgeous
I simply cannot get over Calahan's accent lmao it's really funny
'im not afraid of you' he says to the insanely gorgeous girl with magic
'You're just a man. Like all the others.' she says and then forgets her train of thought looking at him as he strips. god I love this
not sleeping all night and then scotch is not a good idea, I think
'I promise not to ravish you' 'I hate the way you talk' her hand on his chest, his hand gripping hers, my fucking heart feels like it's about to explode
good god these shooting locations and sets are so beautiful
Alina throwing the flask at Mal and Mal going 'OI!' I fucking can't, I guess I am a
simp for childhood friends to lovers, give me more of that banter and childhood friend energy, I am thriving
wow it literally seems like they took book! Mal sl*tshaming book! Alina and made show! Alina sl*tshame show! Mal, hmm, interesting
'They would have split us up!' MAL'S LITTLE SMILE AT THIS, and the 'You wrote me letters?' Mal's nod, the Malina yearning stare, the Malina hug, 'thank you for finding me' 'always. I'll always find you.' NO MALINA YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU HAVE MADE ME ABSOLUTELY FUCKING FERAL
I understand they had to split time between my ravkan babies and the crows and that is why there were several aspects that were sort of not reflected on enough but Alina's training at the Little Palace, Alina's cut, Mal's personality, a teensy bit of backstory for the crows, maybe one lockpicking scene from my boy Kaz
random note: we have far too many idols and paintings and pictures and whatnot of Hindu deities in our house apart from the specially designed temple (we are Hindus, so maybe it's not that weird but it's a little weird)
Kaz's cane is a literal star, it's so beautiful my heart wants to explode
'Why would Heleen get the Crow Club?' *literally fucking gets up and walks aways instead of answering the fucking question* I LITERALLY CAN'T BREATHE I'M LOSING MY MIND
'We won't starve' omg get you someone who packs food for you when you go on the run together hiding from your ex who wants to capture you and use your powers as a weapon against your consent
Mal looking surprised at her summoning sunlight, Alina looking cautiously at him waiting for him to disapprove or run for the hills in fear or smth like that, 'I'm sorry it took me this long to see you... But I see you now' my dumb little shipper trash heart ouch
they really said we're gonna feed you this part asian couple as the protagonists in this show in 2021 and guess what I'm eating it's really tasty I'm very satisfied as a south asian
'I can feel how much you hate sleeping next to me' 👀👀👀 BITCH SAID IMMA SPILL THE TEA AND THEN SHE DID
it's 8 am and guess what I'm getting another drink my parents have c*vid and are in govt qu*r*ntine centres there is nobody to supervise or stop me
I too say 'Why do you have to say things like that?' to my pretty crush when she flirts with me
Nina smiling at Matthias bragging about his conservative ways is my aesthetic
'No, it's not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall and yet, oh, there you stand.' MY FUCKING QUEEN
Matthias laughing uncontrollably at Nina saying something which isn't even that funny is a whole ass vibe
Kaz Brekker saying 'The Black General' ooh fuck yeah
isn't alcohol supposed to like kill germs? well, the amount in my system definitely will
I love my crows so much (always but this time particularly for setting that alarm in the stolen carriage)
ooh Polina recognising Inej by the knife yesss let's go writers
this Ivan Jesper showdown is all I needed from life and yet did not know about
Ivan taking off his cloak was, um, sexier than I wanted it to be
I just realised how thirsty I am going to sound in this post
'Has no one told you that keftas are Fabrikator-made and resistant to bullets, hmm?' 'Oh, I do love a challenge' LITERALLY EVERYTHING
im sorry to be pointing out flaws in a perfect show and adaptation but the line delivery on 'You robbed me of my brother, now I'll rob you of your life' from Polina was kind of weak
'You're a-' *gets knocked out with the back of a gun* LMAO we love the hints
got excited at the prospect of kaz v. zoya until I realised they will not be letting the opportunity of kaz v. darkling pass up
my goodness is Amita Suman a splendid actress
'Are you sure you added enough cloves?' literally warranting a wide ass smile from my queen Alina making my entire fucking day
for some reason, no matter how much I push it from my mind, Ben Barnes dressed up as the Darkling, dancing to 'push it' keeps coming to mind, it's absolutely ridiculous
I got somehow distracted with interviews but good things came out of that as it gave my body the time for the booze to kick in
and I would just like to say that I love Leigh for all she has given me
Alina is so fucking compassionate, I have no much love for her. I can feel her guilt and her sorrow as Mal talks of Mikhail and Dubrov
don't particularly like how the stag plotline is woven in, could have been executed better
'You're afraid you might start to like me?' *flaps furs like a bird's wings in frustration*
'I DO like you' my fucking heart you idiots
the sexual tension is so palpable and the moment is so intimate I simply cannot
that moment where you think he might let her fall despite having read the books and he doesn't and he tells her his name I- <3
people have talked about this endlessly but Freddie's little jaw tic after he says Inej because Inej is wounded and he can't physically bring himself to help her I fucking cannot
and now for one of my favorite scenes in television and cinematic history, David Kostyk throwing a book at Jesper Fahey without even knowing who he is merely because he opens the door of his carriage and says hello to him before getting knocked out by Kaz Brekker while trying to run away
Immediately followed by another, the scene with David Kostyk raising his finger to put forward his point in front of the Darkling and the Darkling trying to let him know he doesn't have to before obliging is one of my favourite scenes in the world
also sir please stop being devastatingly attractive in your glorious appearance with your face and your black kefta and cloak because all that comes to mind is Ayesha Erotica's Emo Boy and I'm afraid that is terribly inappropriate.
'No, you look great.' *literally looks down from embarrassment or blushing* MALINA RIGHTS?
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blackvelvetwriteson · 4 years
                                                      (  ~ Sero Hanta x Gender Neutral                                                              Reader Insert ~ )
FANDOM: Boku No Hero Academia (My Hero Academia)
TRIGGER WARNINGS: SMUT! Oral (Sero receiving; Reader-Chan giving), face fucking, mention of asphyxiation, dacryphilia, brief talks of bondage, humiliation, and slight voyeurism. 
SUMMARY: Sero Hanta is your CEO of Intelligence Distribution (pretty much) and Reader-Chan (you) are his secretary. He catches you lusting after him and decides he needs to punish you for it.
Author’s Note: HEY! I tried to implement the headcanon that Sero is hispanic because it’s a very common one and one of my FAVORITE HCs for our underrated baby Sero, so I added in some spanish as well. While I’m hispanic descent, I’m not fluent in spanish so I sort of went off of translations from friends and what I learned for myself from family. Also, my device is absolute shit at picking up accent marks so if there are some tildes on some n’s and not others, I REALLY apologize! Thank you!
(Headers are mine, but the art inside of them are not! Please don’t steal or repost without credit!)
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     He was fairly laid back as the CEO of Business and Intelligence. Since he didn’t necessarily have a quirk that anybody’d want in battle, he still took on hero work, but his main job was climbing the top of the food chain in Intel and informational trading and that’s exactly what he did. He was the biggest name of the company both for being fairly charismatic but also being a fair leader and his hero work on the field particularly in search and rescue missions. He had a bit of a twang when he got mad, but he rarely got mad so nobody ever really heard it. There was really no doubt about it that he was attractive; he was hella attractive at that. Especially in his trademark black suit with sleek shoes that was all brought together by the golden trimmings found throughout his outfit. He had a smile that could kill, very keen dark brown eyes, his soft hair often slicked back against his head— and word around the building was that he was considering an undercut style. He also had piercings, however he only wore his outer lobe bands when he wasn’t on duty, and he was complete with a tattoo of roses that rose up his neck just a little and was a sort of bicep sleeve. There was really no doubt that he was the best, and he knew it too even if he chose to stay humble.
And him being humble- paired with his amazing good looks- is exactly what you loved about him. He was literally perfect to you. There was only one issue; he hadn’t really noticed you until recent years.
Let’s take it back for a little, shall we? 
The two of you had been in the same class for awhile; since elementary school at least. You were always in his class and he watched him grow up right before your eyes. There wasn’t a time in your life that you hadn’t loved him in all honesty. The way that he was always so selfless, the way that he was intelligent, and quiet, and oh so handsome at all times. You’d been friends for a year and then you both fell off to acquaintances and then eventually your contact had diminished. You’d even went to UA together and that was the first time you’d been separated. While he got into Class 1A, you were stuck in General Studies and befriended by both Kaminari and Kirishima who often made their special appearances in the complex. It was through them that Sero rediscovered you and even when he asked for your name and it broke your heart, he bought a small bracelet the next day to sort of apologize. You often have lunch with him and the group, linger back after meetings, and even exchange short texts. You both worked on projects with each other all of the time and whenever business leave was scheduled, it was you who went with him.
That’s exactly how you worked your way into being Sero’s secretary. And you’d started to regret it.
Now, it wasn’t that he was bad to you or anything, actually it was quite the opposite. He was way too good to you, and sometimes you felt as if this was a joke or some sort of dream. You had to see that magnetic smile every single day directed at other people instead of you, you had to listen to him flirt sometimes to get his way, embracing others in those strong arms of his, sit in on presentations in which he makes eye contact with the others just a little longer than yours. You were jealous, and there’s really no denying it, and anybody that didn’t have smoke in their eyes could see it too. Even when he was just sitting there doing work you couldn’t help but to waste away your minutes, hours, days- any amount of time before you were caught- to just stare at him and muse over him. 
Of course today was no different, your thighs pressed together as you nibble on your lip, your face and the tips of your ears practically on fire as you let your mind wander. You wondered how it’d feel if you were his, his meaty fingers shoved in your mouth as he pulled you closer and made you his, or if you heard him say “I love you” in that smoky tone of his, or if you were allowed so close to him that the sweet scent of his cologne overwhelmed you. You thought about what’d it’d be like to tangle your fingers with his hair and straddle his lap, grinding on top of him in his office chair, or if you unbuttoned his shirt and got to marvel at that tattoo of his. You hadn’t caught yourself whimpering as you grinded into your seat, trying to squeeze your thighs together more to get more friction, your eyes glistening as you drooled and bit at the end of your pen. He was watching, and so was Kirishima and Kaminari. The two visitors looked at each other with wide eyes and Kaminari had tried to get your attention by snapping and whistling a little, waiting until Sero was looking away to toss a pen in your direction but it was no luck. Sero’s face carried a bit of a blush to it, Kirishima and Kaminari actually worried about you and how Sero would react. 
“Please touch me there,” you whisper out to your fantasy as you gripped the desk and rutted into your chair a little more, a soft squeak leaving you as you slap a hand over your mouth. Your whole body trembled as you practically came in your seat, one hand trailing over your sex from over the clothes, pressing and pulling, your eyes tearing up practically as your fantasy was about to come to a close. You whine softly and it happens finally. You cum and your back arches as you let out a soft moan into your hand, moaning out your boss’s name, setting your head down trying to bring yourself down from your high afterwards without noticing how much attraction you’d drawn to yourself as you quivered in your seat.
“Escucha, por favor,” Sero said quietly dismissing both Kirishima and Kaminari and they quickly left the area while Sero walked over to your desk and gently tapped it with his fingers. “Y/N. A word please,” he said in the most respectful of tones, his eyes though fiery were calm even despite you relieving yourself in front of guests. You look up and him and your mind’s haze instantly clear and within seconds you were on your feet, your cum running down your leg as you whine softly. His strong hand takes your wrist and he practically drags you into his office, closing the blinds and closing his door, pushing you flush into the door after it was closed. You heard his heart beating in his chest as his cool breath hit your ear, his hands on the door beside your waist as he reprimanded you, and of course you forgot entirely to tell him about Kaminari and Kirishima’s presentation that was supposed to happen in 10 odd minutes. You were too dazed to even think too hard about it as you felt Sero’s warmth against you. You looked down and then up again to meet his gaze, his stern gaze meeting your eyes, his eyebrows knit, his breath even and shallow. 
“You know you’re the top worker in this… Esteemed company, right, Y/N?” He spoke softly with a sharp edge to it as his eyes narrowed out a little. “The way that I’m berating you,” he said as he looked down at your legs pressing together trying to stand upright. “This isn’t a punishment for you, is it,” he said softly as he tilted your head up, biting his lip as he shook his head a little. “Since you like to be… Humiliated.. Talked down to like this… I’ll give you a treat then, hm?” He let go of your hand and he walked over to his chair, sitting in it with a soft groan, his eyes closing as he leaned back completely. He remained like this for a few minutes before he looked over at you.
“Is my schedule cleared for the day, carino,” he asked with a sweet smile, his voice husky and low as he looked you over. As you observed, you noticed his bulge growing against his tight slacks, but he still kept that sweet innocent smile as he looked you over with a pretty glint in those dark eyes of his.
“U-Um… W-Well Ei and K-Kaminari have a p-presentation for you in about… T-Ten or so minutes,” you stutter out as you play with the fabric of your pants. He raised his eyebrow and let out a soft groan before closing his eyes again, his hands folded neatly over his stomach as he shook his head slowly. 
“So you’ve known about this presentation… And you wait until 10 odd minutes beforehand to tell me about it? How unprofessional of my little secretary,” he said, a hint of mock disappointment in his voice. You looked at him wide-eyed and before you could even speak, he held his hand up and he smirked a little with a soft breathy condescending laugh. “Since you were so lusty for me at your desk just a few… Short moments ago, I reckon you won’t have an issue with praising me until your friends come in to give me their presentation,” he drawled out in that voice of his with a shudder running down his spine. As If you were in a trance, you walked over to him and were on your knees in less than a minute, his eyes opening halfway to lazily look down at you, a soft smirk carrying his lips as he gazed at you unbuckling his belt, just the sound of the metal clinking against each other making him harder. Then, your skilled fingers worked at his button and the zipper until you were gazing at your clothed prize. You watched his bulge twitch in his pants before you reached for his cock and he swiftly took your chin in his hands and looked up at you, zipping his pants up with his free hand.
“Ay corazón,” he said softly as he stroked your jawline with his thumb. “There’s no need to move so fast,” he whispered softly. “Don’t make me use my tape on you,” he said with another condescending chuckle melting in your ears. You whine quietly and nod as you gently kiss against his bulge with your hands behind your back, your teeth gently nipping at the cloth over the prize you wanted so badly. He leaned his head back and a soft moan left his lips as he spread his legs even more for you, his eyes rolling back lazily in his head. “Joder que se sienta tan bien (fuck, that feels so good),” he moaned out in a quiet whisper under his breath as he felt precum leaking from his tip as he whined quietly. “With your teeth,” he breathed out softly as his chest started to heave and fall, his eyes pressed closed. “U-Unzip my pants with your teeth,” he moaned out softly with a soft shuddery groan, one of his hands moving to your head, pressing your face against his bulge, his hips trembling as he fought back the urge not to buck his hips into your face. You continue to kiss and nibble against his bulge, practically drooling over his pants with a soft groan. 
You gently make it to the zipper of his pants and the sound of your teeth hitting the metal making him shudder in his seat. You try to pull the zipper down and it slides out of your mouth and then you try again, your face pressing into his bulge making him jolt and tilt his head back, you whining quietly as the zipper slipped out of your mouth again. 
“Está bien, mi amor. Lo estás haciendo muy bien (It's okay my love. You're doing just fine),” he breathed out shakily as he pet the back of your head and pulled you into him more. “Just try again,” he whispered softly. “You’re okay, there’s no rush,” he said quietly as you took the zipper in your mouth again and you wait for a moment with glassy eyes. “Wait,” he said softly. “Go slow,” he said softly as you slowly pulled the zipper down with your teeth. “That’s right, carino,” he whispered quietly as he felt his cock’s restraints loosening, one of his legs trembling a little as he ached his back some. “F-Fuck,” he whined softly as he closed his eyes and gently massaged the back of your head. “Baby,” he whined softly as you finally unzipped his pants all the way, his legs fighting being put together as he let out a low sharp breath. “No hands… Don’t use your hands,” he said softly as he moved his hand down in front of your face to pull his cock out of his slacks with a soft groan. “I gave you a little help,” he murmured quietly. “Now worship it,” he said softly as his tone grew more needy. 
You did as instructed, your eyes looking up at him as he tilted his head back, your tongue taking small laps at the base of his cock. He trembled as he gently ran his hand behind your head, his hips gyrating slowly as you whine and kissed his balls. He whined and he trembled as he ran one of his hands over his collarbone and he shook his head slowly. “T-This is a m-much better I-investment of c-company t-time, carino,” he said softly as a louder moan left him, his eyes peering down at you as you took his balls in his mouth and massaged them with your tongue, his eyes fluttering and fighting to stay open as he whimpered softly. He tried not to get too loud because of the other work and activity going on in the complex. 
“Oh, Dios mío (Oh my God),” he moaned out quietly as you licked and kissed your way to his tip glistening with precum, his eyes widening as you sucked his tip in your mouth, his legs trembling, his moan getting trapped in his throat as he pushed your head down on his cock. You started to gag a little and he felt your throat constricting around his cock again, his hand gripping at your hair as he forced his whole cock in your mouth, your eyes tearing up as you gagged, choked, and continued to moan around his cock, tears brimming your waterline though you tried to stop them from streaming down your cheeks. 
“¡Oh Dios mío, oh Dios mío, oh Dios mío, joder, joder, joder! Chúpalo así... Dios, se siente tan bien (Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, fuck, fuck, fuck! Suck it just like that- God it feels so good),” he moaned out loudly as he bucked his hips into your face trying to edge himself, but since it’d been so long since he was able to cum, he was already close, his body practically convulsing in his office chair as he moaned out and he lost control of his body and his volume, thrusting hard into your mouth as you whine out and rest your hands on his knees, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you whine out, not too choked to where you had to tap out, but choked enough to have you wheezing and sucking down his cock nicely, your fingers coming up to massage his balls as he tried not to cum, his hand still keeping you choked on his cock as the other scratched at his arm chair his moans and choked gasps filling the room louder. 
“C-Cum-“ he choked out as he shook his head. “C-Cumming! I-I’m c-cumming,” he whined out, his abs clenching as he dealt hard thrusts into your mouth, his eyes wide as tears brimmed his eyes, his cock practically balls deep in your mouth as the door swung open, Kirishima and Kaminari standing in the doorway as Sero filled your mouth with his sticky seed, his eyes finally letting those sweet tears escape as you whined around the base of his cock, gagging and choking, wheezing as he trembled in his seat, Spanish praises and curses mixing what the moans that spilled from his mouth.
“C-Chúpalo así. ¡Me estoy corriendo! ¡Me estás haciendo correrte tan jodidamente duro! ¡Oh, D-Dios mío, lo e-estás haciendo tan j-jodidamente b-bien! ¡Estoy sacudiendo el carino, c-cógeme, cógeme! E-Eres mío, toda mío… ¡Propiedad de la c-compañío! (Suck it down just like that. I'm cumming! You're making me cum so fucking hard! Oh my god you're doing so fucking good! I-I'm shaking baby fuck me, fuck me! You're mine, all mine... C-Company property!)” He whined out as your mouth was filled with his cum, his body tensing up before he let your head go and he leaned against the office chair trying to come down from his intense high, his cheeks reddened and dampened with his tears of satisfaction, some of his hair that was slicked back now in his face as it should be, his toes curled, his fingers buried into the arm of the chair, his legs trembling as he bit his lip. You slowly take his cock from your mouth and into your hands, your eyes glazed over as you stared up at your boss with absolute love and adoration in your eyes, how rough but caring he was with you, how beautiful he looked in this moment, that sexy voice of his, how pretty he looked with his cheeks tear stained just like yours. He looked down at you, his breaths hollow and shaky as he gently took your chin in his strong slender hand, his thumb stroking your cheek and jawline as he sniffed and flashed that pretty smile at you.
“Open wide,” he whispered softly as he tilted his head a little. “Let papi see how much he filled that sweet mouth of yours,” he said softly in that deep voice of his. You did as told and opened your mouth, his cum mixed with your saliva painted your mouth white, the thick serum spilling out of your mouth and down your chin. He gently stuck his fingers in your mouth, scooped out a little cum, and sucked his fingers clean with a soft hum. Your eyes widened as you watched him, Kirishima and Kaminari’s faces red, jaws dropped, and eyes bugged as they stared at the scene before them. Sero knew they were there but he didn’t care, and you tried your hardest not to look at the two to spare yourself a little bit of the humiliation that you were already feeling. 
“Good job,” Sero said with a sly smirk, not caring that cum was dripping down your face and into your lap, not caring that his cock was out for them to see, his eyes glistening with mischievous thoughts, his thumb gently smearing the cum and saliva over your lips. You whine softly and grab his wrist, then he lets out a small laugh as he blushes a little and licks his lip. “A promising future in the company you hold indeed,” he said before looking at your best friends and nodding at them. “Buenas tardes (good afternoon),” he said as he let your chin go as a devious smirk played at his lips. “I heard there was a presentation for me? Why don’t we get started, hm,” He said as he looked down at you and he furrowed his eyebrows a little. “As for you, cariño…. We aren’t done yet.”
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