#he’s injured and harmless
amoritasart · 1 year
If this homeless man asked you for a favor would you do it for him?
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ask-dametagala · 2 years
13. What would they do if the other got seriously injured?
Dark Meta Knight:
First, he'd be extremely cautious. There wasn't any time to start feeling emotional now, because out of all people who could've been injured so badly, it was Galacta Knight. Dmk would focus on the situation at hand and try to treat Galacta's wounds in the process. Once he locates the reason why, now was the time for emotion. If it was because of someone, he'd immediately be consumed in a violent, bloody rage and would do anything to make that person suffer. Despite all that, Dark would still keep a part of him rational and be more careful around the person who harmed Gala. Mainly because Galacta Knight still had enough strength to slap him out of his bloodthirsty daze and call him a moron for loosing himself.
Galacta Knight:
First, we gotta dive into how mirror reflections suffer from injuries. With minor wounds, they'd act the same as their real world counterpart (like grazes on the skin). But with serious, deep wounds, they'd start to crack and show signs of shattering. Their bodies would become like brittle crystals despite the original physical properties they had earlier.
If Dark ever got badly injured, there'd most likely be a good chunk of him everywhere with shards scattered all over the place. The more he breaks, the weaker he gets. Soon he'd be too weak to even move or talk, but still alive. In a situation where this happens and Galacta Knight arrived too late, he'd enter the scene and use his lance to create a strong gust of wing to knockback anyone near. Which is pretty stupid since it could cause the shards to fly away, but he's too emotional to think straight. Then he'd use magic to gather all the shards in one place and start counting them. Depending on the number of pieces and shards broken, he'd make all the guilty suffer the same amount of times. Probably by nearly killing them and healing them over and over again. The shards are placed nearby Dmk, so once he regained a bit of strength, he could slowly piece himself back to together, just enough to sit up and watch as Galacta Knight torture the people he'd been fighting.
These were all situations where they got harmed by other people. I chose this because I had the most to say about it lol.
Afterwards, they'd go home and start treating the other's wounds! Galacta Knight would totally revert back to being the carefree idiot Dark always knew and would do anything just to make him feel better. That includes changing the temperature to his liking by any means possible (he'd try to cool down the sun if Dark complained about the heat. If dmk complained about the cold, he'd try drag the sun to be closer.) , getting all the maxim tomatoes he could find to make his favorite soup (it always ends up being too much and somehow REALLY spicy), etc.....
While on the opposite side, Dark would be much more calm about nursing Gala back to full health, but extra protective since he's more worried about the person who harmed GK coming back. His guard would be fully up and would literally try to kill anyone who got to close to Galacta Knight's house. But he doesn't tell him this, not wanting Galacta Knight to be distracted from healing. Besides all that, Dameta would become unusually soft and less flustered when Galacta smothers him with love. He'd be more receptive and even try to reciprocate (E.g actual real kisses and not cheek bites, saying "I love you, too" back). But eventually, he reverts back immediately once GK's better lol.
[Live Meta Knight reaction throughout the entire thing.]
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gremlingottoosilly · 5 months
Kidnapper!König coming home to an empty house and finding airhead!reader on the side of the road for some reason
(she was trying to go to the store to get crafting supplies to make könig something )
Me presenting this to you;
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Now, Konig didn't want to call you stupid. Just a little airy, spacey, not a thought behind those pretty eyes of yours. Enough to love this vacant expression on your face, how adorable your features get when you don't get something. You're going to be the death of him with how often you stumble upon his traps and get injured and how often you forget your place in this house and run towards him when he is too busy handling the victims. You kiss him on the cheek while his butcher apron is stained with blood and guts, and you ignore the moans and sobs of his victims. You learned to live with your favorite killer. Learned how to get him as distracted as you are. Just lifting the skirt of that long dress he adores, lace already soaked in blood. Propping your hips on some dusty woodboard as you buckle your ass closer to his hands. Allowing him to fuck you right in the basement, forgetting about the victims who were watching you. Maybe, it was a good fear instillment tactic - what they can turn into given enough time. Konig forgot how arrogant you became with his affection. You forgot where the boundaries are, that you're still his victim, his little captive pet. An honorary housewife only because he proclaimed you harmless enough to wander on your own. You forgot your place - and now you're wandering across the forest, desperately trying to get your empty head to remember about the road. Not because you wanted to escape - god forbid - but because you needed some supplies. Konig didn't go to town as often as he did before, wanting to chill with more and more tourists coming to the area for a high season, and when he did come out for supplies, he'd forget about your requests. It's alright, you had money and the idea for a gift. Konig is so relieved to see your face, he forgot to choke you for being such a fucking brat and running away. You immediately turn to cry as soon as you see his anger, however - you say you didn't want to escape, just needed something to buy him. As a gift, you say. Christmas or maybe a birthday - anything. He can't stay mad at you for having this reaction. Wants to just squeeze your ass and get on with allowing you go to town with him. However, it would damage your training, would ruin your inner inhibitors. Konig drags you to the cabin by the collar on your neck, dropping you to the basement. Lets you hang out with a dying tourist until the next day, too soft-hearted to let you rot in here for longer. Buys you that bloody craft supplies you wanted. Gets to fuck you while you try origami for the first time, making a collection of paper cranes on his shelves.
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hana-no-seiiki · 7 months
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pairings: yandere! batfam x cat villain! reader.
just a little snippet im too lazy for more huhu
the real reason why some of the boys coveted the robin position so much wasn’t cause it gave them batman’s attention
no no no
it was because it meant that you would be inevitably be their rival and, if they’re charming enough, your friend.
you were harmless in the grand scheme of things, helpful in some cases. very much like your mentor, catwoman. only with a much more heavy appetite for chaos and being slutty around the robins and the robins alone
you didn’t care who it was under the mask, if they did not don it anymore you wouldn’t care less about them.
which brings us to our current situation
damian wayne was your latest victim. so far your favorite prey of all those that previously had his spot.
he was everything you liked about the domino masked hero: sassy, controlling, and ever so quick to take the bait that is your teasing.
but a small, itsy bitsy mistake on your part caused him to get horridly injured.
as such you took it upon yourself to take care of him that night.
he kept rattling on about “not needing your pity.” or how “a heinous criminal like you shouldn’t be even touching him” as if you two didn’t wrestle in more ways than one on the regular.
of course you ignored his pleas like always and healed him up
“why are you doing this? if not pity then—“ damian cursed as pain shot through his entire body. every time he was getting on your nerves by speaking too much you’d often dig into him harshly with your gauze.
“i wouldn’t want our chase to be over before you catch me.” you breathed out, wincing at all the blood before you.
heroes and vigilantes alike often dehumanized you. would say that you were some heartless, ruthless criminal with no regard nor compassion for anybody but yourself. but you could never get used to the blood and violence it took for you to get what you want — what you needed.
selina said that was your best trait
“after all, don’t you enjoy proving those stupid do gooders wrong?”
she’d say
you smile as you remembered the times you’d tease his predecessors. how you’d shower them with love, how you’d endear yourself to them. your little birdies til they weren’t. it’s amazing how blinded by love they were. they never even began to think that your flighty nature was the one at fault and not theirs for failing to keep their occupation.
perhaps you should thank bruce for his shitty parenting techniques.
damian never really thought much of you. he knew of tim’s little stalking hobby, of jason’s bloody shows of affection, of dick’s reckless attitude whenever you two fought. he just saw those as proof of his triumph, his superiority. if you acknowledged him then he succeeded. if you pitied him then you saw him as a failure.
then he realized he never truly understood them until this moment
but now that he knew just how much he has, that his brothers don’t. something that they would no doubt kill to have again…
he’ll make sure they never get you even over his dead body.
check reblogs for more cause ill be adding there for the uh 12-24 hours
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bamsara · 9 months
what are your most favorite tropes? :3c
Near death experiences
Emotional revelations due to said near death experiences
Enemies to Friends to Lovers
Mutual Pining but they believe its unrequieted
"you're my worst enemy but you're so important to me"
Drunk chapter where at least One fist fight happens
Bridal carry after someone gets injured
Slow Burn...of course
"i got you this gift because it benefits me and im not telling you how" (the benefit is seeing the other person enjoy the gift)
Force Alliances or Temporary Truces
"I don't like killing but I'll do it for you"
"I prefer to kill my problems but I won't, for you."
Or: "This person has no idea how many people I've killed in order to protect or provide for them and I'm going to keep it that way."
Mean or Villian Character is actaully a really good Sibling/Parent/Child,ect and has someone they care about
Or better, Villian character adopts child AND is a good parent
Everyone knows the pairing likes each other except for the pairing
Temporary (or non-temp)Amnesia
"I learn your favorite things because I plan to use them against you one day" (proceeds to not do that) (proceeds to get them food or items that persons likes just because they like them)
Breaking and Entering. Literally.
Person A is in love, Person B says they're not but they're 10x times worse actaully
Slip-of-the-tongue/Accidental confessions. Doesn't have to be love confessions but just "whoops i was not supposed to say that"
Biting as a love language
One is feral and bloodthirsty but is put in the position of 'protecting an idiot' because the other is also feral and has no self-preservation. Both characters must be badass, just equally stupid
Kiss on the head/cheek while the other person is sleeping
Bloodstained kiss
Heat-of-battle confession about something
Protagonist refusing to become villian or repeat villian mistakes, not in a 'owo i cant do that its bad' and more like 'fuck you you dont get to see what you wanted to make of me'
Signifier of 'this is my friend/family/lover'. Could anything between a ring, a jacket over someone's shoudlers or scent marking, anything
"if im immortal, then you gotta be too or we both dyin"
Knight x Their Charge
Human x Non-Human
Sunshine x Grump
Character that looks sooooo cute. Oh he's a little fucked up actaully
"ahhaha he's such a freak haha. i need him carnally."
They are mortal enemies. They are also best friends.
Hostage / Rescued trope plus Hostage / Doesn't get to rescue because the hostage killed everyone already
Plot info that's missing that's vital to the story and it's revealed that One of the pairing or someone in the group knew the info the entire time
"I said mean things to you because I hate you, so why am I feeling guilty now"
There was only One Bed
Really competent and scary character is really GOOD at a harmless and charming small hobby completely uncharacteristic to their public persona
Nightmares. And then sleeping in the same bed because of nightmares
Cultural differences / Language Barrier
Character gets so surprised flustered they trip over something or break something and it topples and it starts a chain reaction like a cartoon
There are more but these are some of which I can remember off the top of my head. I've written many of these myself in several of my stories and will continue to do so until the end of time, esp my faves
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generalsmemories · 8 months
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Unwanted reunion
✧ jing yuan x gn!reader
✧ prompts: “catching the other one crying shortly after an argument and immediately feeling an overwhelming wave of guilt crash onto you.” + "it's okay, we can fix this..." + “playing with their hair until they fall asleep”|| 1k event
✧ contents: hurt/comfort, angst, established relationship, implied character death
✧ a/n: if u wonder how in the world i came up with the scenario below. i genuinely don't know either it's a mystery to even me. CREATIVE LIBERTY WINS AGAIN THE PROMPTS WERE LITERALLY INSPO AND NOT WRITTEN DIRECTLY INTO THE SCENARIO. also implied that this took place after the battle with phantylia so keep that in mind.
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Jing Yuan's can feel a familiar heaviness weigh on his body as well as the feeling of someone wrapping a roll of gauze on his arm. However opening his eyes proved to be a challenge in itself and it's only with great struggle that he can manage to force them slightly open to the bright light.
The first thing he notices is the familiar ceiling of your shared home. A bit weird since whenever he did get injured he would immediately be rushed towards a private room by the Seat of Divine Foresight - which was the safest place for him to stay. Perhaps you had gotten your will again to take care of him - seeing as you're a high ranking healer yourself and quite a stubborn soul.
But his eyes still widen a tiny bit when he sees you sitting by the edge of the bed, one hand gripping his gauzed wound while your other hand is busy trying to find something to keep your hard work in place. You're humming a soft tune again, he never knows what sort of melody you're humming, only that it had become a habit for you after the amount of years you had spent by his side bandaging his battle wounds. Something about helping your mood and staying positive.
"Your recklessness knows no bounds, Jing Yuan." the sternness of your voice snaps him out of the daze he's in, immediately rising up from the bed only to groan in pain when the wounds that you had just wrapped up react to his body folding, "... And still don't know when to rest - even when I'm in the middle of treating you."
"...How much time has passed?" he asks, voice hoarse after having slept for who knows how long. You only hum, setting the bandages aside - the gesture causing Jing Yuan to follow your hand movements which makes him notice the bloodied bandages inside the trash by your legs.
"A couple of days, I was just finishing changing your bandages when you finally woke up. Here, some water." you inform, raising a glass towards his lips, patiently waiting for him to move closer.
You only start to speak again after he's taken several gulps, placing the cup of water back on the nightstand beside his bed. "Why are you so willing to throw your life away?" you ask after a moment of silence, helping Jing Yuan rest against the headboard, eyes never leaving his own that don't dare to even look into your own.
"It's my duty-"
"Your duty is to make sure as many of the Cloud Knights survive a battle. Not gamble your life on a piece that you weren't sure had the capabilities to help."
Jing Yuan bites his tongue at your immediate rebuttal, you were right after all. "The Master Diviner was right there by you. A troop was enough to guard the entrance, you didn't need to leave the master diviner with them to go on this-"
"... Can't you be happy for once whenever we meet like this?" he asks quietly, effectively stopped you from saying anything more. His gaze is cast downwards whenever he mutters the same question to you whilst shrinking a bit after asking. There's no sign of the proud general in your presence - in front of you is just Jing Yuan asking a supposedly harmless question.
Perhaps that's the reason why you can never shove him away immediately.
"... You know what my answer is."
Jing Yuan was no crier. In fact, you think he stopped crying or showing any visible sign of discomfort or uneasiness the day he got the title as General. You're pretty sure you can count the amount of times you've seen Jing Yuan cry on one hand.
Perhaps his ability to hide his own needs and wants so often day by day for the past centuries makes your dismissal of his simple wishes that more gut-wrenching for you. You try to ignore the overwhelming guilt that washes over you every time you have to say the same thing to him.
"... You have a lot of things that you want to get done on the Luofu, Jing Yuan." you murmur softly, extending a hand to run your fingers through his locks, breaking apart any knots that may have formed in his sleep.
"You know we can meet again, but now is not the time - especially now," you gently remind with a sombre smile, your hand moving from his hair to rest against his chin to make him face you.
"It's gonna be alright, okay?" he scoffs at your reassurance, finally coming to terms with your conditions once again like always, wrapping his arms around your waist to fall down back on the bed with you on top.
"Remember the last time you said those words to me?" he says, almost sounding offended at your choice of words to which you only smile against his skin in guilt.
"It was the first time I saw you cry so hard," you try to joke, pressing your hands against the mattress to push yourself off of Jing Yuan, choosing to hover above him instead.
"... I'm sorry," you decide to say in the end after a moment of silence, once again threading your fingers through his hair - an act you knew used to calm him before. At this moment though, you're not so sure.
"Why? Shouldn't I be sorry?" he asks in return, a small yawn leaving his lips as his eyes struggle to stay open. You smile bitterly as you shake your head, still threading your fingers through his hair.
"No, none of it was your fault - what happened back then was out of your control. But this time it isn't. I can wait for a long time, Jing Yuan. I know you're aware of that so don't try to rush anything to meet me again." you tell him, leaning down to press your lips against his forehead.
"So it's time to wake up, dear. Luofu is waiting for you."
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rogueddie · 1 year
Eddie coming back as an injured bat and Steve taking care of him? Cute. Sweet. Lovely. Amazing. True art.
But also; Eddie coming back as a bat, not injured, and using the fact that he's stuck to constantly bother Steve. He sits in his hair all the time and accidentally pulls it when he's trying to hold on. Coming back in from the cold and immediatly diving down the back of Steves tops. Biting his fingers when Steve tries to feed him.
Somehow Steve still growing very fond of him and his little bat antics. Nicknaming him "Gizmo" and repeatedly telling Dustin that he's pretty sure the bat is Eddie, he doesn't know anyone else who'd want to iritate him in such harmless ways. General fun and mischief.
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whereireid · 2 years
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐣𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐱 𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐲𝐚 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
SUMMARY: How can Jake Sully leave a sweet girl like you to suffer in heat? ━ warnings: 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘀 & 𝗿𝘂𝘁𝘀 - i𝗺𝗯𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿, 𝗽 𝗶𝗻 𝘃, 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘂𝗸 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝘁𝗼 𝗷𝗮𝗸𝗲 - navi women have reg female anatomy bc i didnt wanna spend hours researching, unedited
𝗣𝗦𝗔: 𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗔𝗥𝗘 𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗣𝗢𝗡𝗦𝗜𝗕𝗟𝗘 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗥 𝗢𝗪𝗡 𝗠𝗘𝗗𝗜𝗔 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗣𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡. 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗦 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗧 𝗜𝗦 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗦𝗜𝗗𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗗 𝗠𝗔𝗧𝗨𝗥𝗘. 𝟭𝟴+ !𝗜𝗳 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝗽𝗶𝗰𝘀 𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂, 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗶𝗻𝗱𝘂𝗹𝗴𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁! 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝗮 𝗗𝗔𝗥𝗞!𝗙𝗜𝗖, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝗰𝗿𝗼𝘀𝘀 𝗮𝘀 𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗵. 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗼𝗿𝘀, 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗻𝗶 - 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝟭𝟴+ 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝘀 𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗺𝘆 #𝗪𝗢𝗠𝗡𝗦𝗙𝗪 𝘁𝗮𝗴.
Perhaps it was by the fate of Ewya that you found yourself in the Na'vi forest, sweaty and on the verge of heat, with none other than Jake Sully.
As you sit on the forest floor, stretching your legs out uncomfortably, you hiss, for what seems like the hundredth time. You don't miss the harsh glare that comes from your soon-to-be clan leader, Toruk Makto, nor the warmth that succumbs to your belly when his tongue flicks out to wet his lips, his teeth digging into some fruit he had found on the forest floor.
It is incredulous how difficult it is to drag your eyes away from the warrior when the juice squirts onto his face and his lips paint into a smirk.
"Why are you in pain, sweet girl?" Jake questions, his eyes heavy on you. When you do not answer, instead opting to soothe the muscles in your calf by rubbing your leg in soft, circular motions, his hands wrap around the base of your ankle. "I will ask again. Why are you in so much pain?"
"I injured myself by the river, days ago. Hunting fish. Slipped - 't was an easy enough mistake."
"Did you get the fish in the end?" Jake's fingers dart across your ankle, the feeling of his touch supposedly soothing, but it burns a fire on your skin, and it only makes you hiss more.
The gesture in itself is harmless - you're sure there's no ill intent meant behind it, but the feeling of his skin brushing against yours makes your gut churn with lust, because you're in heat. It is impossible to ignore such a Na'vi during heat, and your eyes rise to gaze at Jake but you're impossibly distracted by the flexing of his muscles. "No," you admit, bowing your head in disappointment. Your ears cast downwards as you feel his eyes bore into you, an almost amused smirk painting his lips. It is shameful to admit such a mistake in front of Toruk Makto, and your lips purse as your eyes flicker back up to look at the great warrior. "And this is another failed hunt."
"Mmm, 'ts not yet failed. After all, you didn't know what I was hunting for." His fingers pinch at your ankle, and your body drowns in warmth. "You're panting and you're so warm... is something wrong, other than that leg of yours, sweet girl? You haven't been the same since I've gotten you in this forest."
"I am fine." Your eyes flutter shut as Jake's fingers trickle upwards, climbing your leg, and he stares at you intensely, the fruit abandoned to the forest floor.
"You're burning a fever and you smell different. Something is very clearly wrong."
Jake tugs at your legs - his grip tight enough for you to slip downwards, closer to your lap, but not tight enough to hurt. It's painful - his thighs brush against your crotch as he lifts you up, carefully inspecting your warm forehead. He is so close to you it sets your skin alight, and you let out an unwanted mewl as his lips accidentally brush against the skin of your cheek as he continues to check your temperature.
"Jake," you whimper softly as he stills below you, his head still uncomfortably close to yours.
It hurts. It really, really hurts, and everything inside of you is screaming to get away from him, because he is Jake Sully - Toruk Makto - and what are you? He is a savior, a hero, a legend, and you are just a girl.
"My sweet girl, you're in heat," Jake's voice is soft, and soothing, lulling over you like an all-loving wave, and your thighs shake softly as his fingers dart up the skin of your legs. "Why did you not mention this to me?"
"What good would it do?" Your voice wavers as his fingers trail towards your inner thighs, your hands clutching on his shoulders unsteadily. "We are not mated. You cannot help me."
Jake tuts, his big, yellow eyes staring into you. "Of course, I can help you." It feels like someone has just set you ablaze when Jake's fingers press against the warmth of your cunt, the sudden intrusion of his fingers darting against your clit sending shockwaves down your spine. "I'm unmated, sweetheart. There are no problems on my end. Absolutely none."
Goosebumps trickle up your arms when Jake's teeth graze against the skin of your neck, a gentle gasp slipping past your lips. "Jake, I can't,"
"Really? It seems like you can." Skillful fingers roll gentle circles against your clit. You know Jake Sully is not true Na'vi - know of his past as human, know he has taken many women beforehand. The pleasure shocks through you as he carefully stimulates your clit is proof of that - how can a man who has never touched a woman know how to treat one so well? "Does that feel good, sweet girl? Your body's telling me it does. So fuckin' wet down here."
"I can't - I can't mate with you. It is not just. Ewya-"
"Ewya chose me. I am Na'vi." Jake's lips pepper against the skin of your neck, and your head fogs over with lust as he brings you so close to a high you've never experienced. "And I choose you, sweet girl."
It feels foreign as his finger pushes into your cunt, his thumb now rolling against your clit, one of his fingers darting in and out of you slowly. And it feels good - so, so, so good, and Jake smells so good, as well! Good enough to mate, in fact - and isn't he just the most perfect Na'vi? Not too big, but strong and hearty nonetheless? The perfect size, not overbearing, but somehow able to crowd your senses all in one?
"Do you want me? Say the words and I'm yours. Forever."
He hums lowly, his eyelids fluttering shut as he listens to the beating of your heart. "I have wanted you since I've come here, sweet girl. If you choose me you're not goin' to regret it."
"Ma Jake - I, oh Ewya - I choose you, Jake!"
Just as the words finish tumbling out of your mouth, your orgasm crashes over you wildly. It is a feeling of ecstasy - your body shakes and trembles against his own, his fingers not stopping - the feeling of your stimulated clit beginning to grow dull and sharp, pulsing through the motions painfully. The sensation is strange, so peculiar that you try to fight back the warmth that floods your belly, but your coil has snapped, so there's no use. Your orgasm is here, and you try to hold back the urge to let the warmth bleed out but you can't. As you cum against him, you cry out - mewl out, sobbing to Ewya and everything else that "it feels too good, oh Ewya! What is this, Jake? What - what is this?"
When your high finishes - when Jake finally stops toying with your cunt, he pulls his hand away, admiring the fruits of his labour. His fingers and palm are wet - glistening with your cum, and though your ears tuck backward in shame, your eyes growing wide with worry, Jake smirks. You frown in response - reaching up to stop him as his fingers dart towards his lips, but unable to before his tongue begins to lap up your cum.
"You're a squirter, huh?" Jake hums, basking in the wet that's also splashed on his thighs from where you'd come hard and heavy. "You've made me all wet."
"I-I'm sorry," you murmur, your big eyes squeezing shut in fear, but Jake coos softly, his palm brushing against your back soothingly.
"There's nothing to apologize for, sweet girl. In fact, I want you to do it again."
To that, your eyes snap open. "Again?"
"Mmm." You don't realise what Jake's doing - don't notice how his cock is pressed against your cunt, how his hands are busy parting your thighs and making sure you're as relaxed as possible. You don't realise until he asks, again, "you choose me?"
"I - I choose you, Jake," you blink in confusion, but your naivety washes away when you feel the tip of his cock press against your cunt carefully.
It doesn't take long for you to be whining against him - your walls are like velvet, squeezing him perfectly, basically milking his cock. He has claimed you, your Na'vi queues clasped together, your bodies shuffling in sync, all on the forest floor. Your walls sheath him - so tight and wet, and Jake lets out disgruntled grunts against your neck.
Despite Jack not being true Na'vi, he is huge. Perhaps he kept some of his human qualities - the knowing, smooth thrust of his hips tells you that he has. He nibbles on your ear lovingly, basking in the moan that slips past your lips, and your coil begins to tighten.
It is a wonderful feeling, being taken like this, so vulnerable. You are not too far from home - if anyone in your clan grew curious about your whereabouts they could easily find you, pressed below Jake, his hands around your neck, his cock buried in your cunt.
"Oh my sweet girl, why are you crying? Does it just feel that good?" A mocking chuckle shakes Jake, who rides into you slowly, grinding his teeth as you tighten against him again.
You cry beneath him. It feels so good - so perfect, his scent filling your nose as your legs begin to shake, your body beginning to convulse beneath him. And then you feel this urge - this overwhelming, drowning urge to pull him into you so you do, mumbling, "please, ma Jake, fill me with you," and you whisper it so sweetly, so honestly, that Jake would be a nasty man to deny you of such pleasure.
It isn't long until you're orgasming. "My sweet girl," Jake murmurs as his cock ruts against the sweet spot inside of you, his fingers sliding in your mouth, and he groans when you instinctively, "you want me, sweet girl?"
You can do nothing but hum and whine beneath him, your eyes pricking with tears, your walls tightly milking his cock. Jake can't hold back anymore. He cums - cock twitching inside of you, his rutting hips thrusting desperately, holding you as you mewl and sob against him.
The next moments feel like ecstasy. You can hear his heartbeat, but not through his chest - you hear it as though it is your own. His pants are heavy and hot against you.
It feels strange, to be laying with Jake Sully. To be laying with Toruk Makto, wrapped in his arms as though he is not a great warrior, but rather your great mate.
Perhaps now he is.
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princeoftheeternalbog · 6 months
Would op boys catch you if you fell? Lets find out next time on dragonball- no sorry it just reminded me of that narrator ANYWAYS.
I only did boys because i didnt have much inspi for Nami and Robin so i decided to wait until i do cos I don't wanna half arse stuff.
So anyways I feel like I saw someone do this idea already but it might've been just one character like a law x reader? I'm not sure but I would love to tag them so if you know please tell me ! I will also try to make sure mine is different :p.
Depends. Like if he's fighting or eating then probably not but if he thinks you might get hurt then he will 100% attempt to catch you. Key word being attempt. Poor boy probably makes the fall 10x worse, like if you trip on one step you're suddenly falling down the entire flight of stairs with a weight on top of you. He will apologise though so at least there's that.
He always catches you. Or prevents the fall in the first place. He tells himself it's so you're not unnecessarily out of commission for a fight but really he's a huge softie. Though he always catches you really ungracefully, llike there’s no princess carrying here, he's holding you upside down by the ankle with one hand fr. He scolds you every time too like- "Why do you never watch where you're going" or "Tie your shoes next time idiot", which you should hear as "I can't stand watching you get hurt". Cutie:(
Oh you know he does. He lives for romance and what's more romantic than saving your beloved from certain doom (tripping on a rock). Oh he also does it in the most dramatic way possible, he'd rather throw himself to the ground underneath you then let you hit the floor, he's doing twirls, picking you up with one arm, occasionally will throw you in the air first so he can rearrange what he's holding. Menace tbh, like he's just obsessed with teasing you in any way possible.
Another one who tries his best…tries🙁. He's always so dramatic about it too, he literally screams your name like you're in a horror movie and everyone is always like "WHAT'S WRONG?!" and Usopps just "Oh they tripped on a step". He either injures one of you in his attempt to catch you OR you both end up in the most compromising positions just as someone walks past . He goes so red trying to explain the situation while also trying to check if youre okay😭.
Oh every time and it’s smooth as hell every single time. Says super cheesy lines every time like “OWWWW GUESS YOU FELL FOR ME BABE”, and he gets sparkly eyed every time, he loves romance as a genre and finds it superrrrrrrr(😚) cute when something happens that matches a trope he's read. If he didn't catch you he'd probably panic and constantly apologise but just give him a kiss and he'll forget about it soon enough.
Catches you every time, really gently and really romantically. Instead of just full on catching you, he'll purposefully slow your momentum to minimise injuries in case his attempt at grabbing you fails because then you'd both fall and he'd rather not. Like if you trip into him then he'll pull you both into a delicate spin type of dancing and you're like huh??? He thinks its a really cute trait to be honest but it also makes him really worried about your safety so he likes to keep one hand on you at all times.
Catches you as often as he can, like he won't sprint across the ship to stop you from falling but as long as you're in his reach you will never hit the ground. And he always catches you really gently like you barely feel the impact so sometimes you won't even notice you've tripped until later when you see the scuff on your shoe or something. He really likes holding your hand to make sure you ‘keep your balance’.
He doesn't want to look soft so he tries to force himself not to catch you for just harmless falls...yeah no that doesn't work. As soon as he sees you losing balance you hear that ever familiar room, shambles and then you're in his arms. If it's later in your relationship then he's a menace, he will use this to tease you, like "Oh. Looks like an angel fell into my arms" with this stupid ass smug smirk. He's just really obsessed with you.
Catches you most of the time unless it's gonna be really funny. Also he catches you super awkwardly, like he's so obsessed with you but he never knows where to put his hands because hes not used to giving affection so it's like just in the most ungraceful ways. You are literally being held up by his arm around your thigh or something and you're like what the fuck and he's just stood there 🧍🏻‍♀️.
Prevents the tripping and catches you if necessary. But if you're too clumsy then he just starts getting huffy and hauls you up into his arms so there's no risk of you falling whatsover...and then you bang your head against the ceiling- He probably feels so bad if you get hurt because of him to be honest, he tries so hard to make you happy yk. Anyways at some point he just starts adding cushion to all the potentially harmful areas on the ship so even if you do fall it doesn't hurt.
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mywifealhaitham · 6 months
I saw Boothill and as a lover of fictional cowboys, I immediately started planning how to save up to pull him. Now, since he's a cyborg, please imagine this for me: making him flustered or doing something unexpected and cute (like kissing his cheek), and his body makes a sound like a revving engine in response.
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this is one of the cutest ideas anon your a genius bc I can absolutely see this happening and you would take advantage of it so badly...
the first time you figured this quirk of his out was after a tough battle. you both we're injured and with all the energy you had left you sprited over to him and tackled him into a hug leaving a big kiss on his cheek. normally boothill is cheeky and would call you cute and clingy for this but not this time. he froze up and actually short circuited a bit. small harmless sparks sizzled out of a damaged part of his arm as some of his engines overheated a bit causing the sound. you let out the most shit eating grin because not only was your boothill alive, you find a weakness of his.
as embarrassing as it could be sometimes he doesn't really mind if you pull stunts like that in public and infact he let's his guard truly down when he's around you in hopes to get a cheek kiss from you. it's a win win situation, he gets his affection and you get to see him flustered. when you surprise him pretty much most of the time he freezes up and the familiar engine sound can be heard near his chest, directly were a heart should be. you find this cute and of course you express it, leading to your poor boyfriend to be more flustered. he most likely cannot blush but still to save some dignity he covers his face with his hat to avoid giving you the satisfaction of his growing grin.
be careful about how much you flustered him though because he's a man who fights for justice and sometimes that justice calls for revenge. he's pretty sneaky so there's almost no avoiding being his prey, stealthily feet running towards you and before you know it you're being embraced in a hug as he spins you around and just when you think your free from his grasp he leaves tons of kisses in his wake. and yes this could happen anywhere at anytime because like how you adore his flustered reving he adores you're blushy and shy face.
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meowmeowriley · 20 days
Unhinged and unnecessary HC to rationalize the punk Ghost skin incoming!
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It's not Ghost. Ta da! Listen. Listen. I understand. Ghost, being someone devoted to the crown, wouldn't wear the anarchy symbol. And if given the comic backstory (as I always will) Ghost most likely would hate punk music because of his father.
So why punk Ghost? It's not Ghost. It's his son. His and Johnny's. Maybe he's blood, maybe not. Doesn't really matter. They raised the boy. He's theirs. And he resents the crown and the military for how it broke his fathers. Maybe he lost them both, either together or at different times. Maybe they died in the field, or in the hospital due to complications from an injury they got on the job. Maybe they didn't even die, they were injured and dismissed and tossed aside like trash. Whatever the reason, he's angry.
So he joins up with some men who stand for everything his fathers didn't. Fuck their militaristic peace bullshit. It starts small, protests and parties mostly. But then as he finds himself getting closer with the others, he's asked to take part in some extracurriculars. Raids on police and military caravans. Harmless, he tells himself. Good even, they're preventing those in power from enforcing their tyranny, he rationalizes. Things get more radical the longer he's in. Things escalate. He's in too deep. They're a resistance group. They fight back. He looks back on the combat training his fathers pushed on him at a young age more fondly now, as it served him and his purposes well.
He doesn't see how he's exactly like his fathers, won't let himself. But he is. Just a man who follows orders and fights tooth and nail. But he does love his fathers. He misses them. He takes up Simon's mask and Johnny's hairstyle, incorporates them into his look. Makes them his own. An attempt to honor them, despite their different stances on how to do good.
A mission, he's stopped hating when they're referred to as missions a while ago, has himself and his team breaking into a military research facility to investigate and destroy what they found. A new weapon to hurt innocent people, he was sure. Except it wasn't, exactly.
Teleportation? Couldn't be real. He read the files with an air of disbelief. He was distracted, rookie mistake, a scientist gave him a shove, he fell into the teleporter. The man shouted something about finally having a human test subject and slapped his hand down on a button. A flash of blinding light enveloped him, and suddenly he found himself in a hallway. Disoriented, he walked about, trying to figure out where he was.
A man in a bucket hat rounded the corner ahead of him and stopped, looking him up and down with an exasperated sigh. "Ghost what the fuck are you wearing this time?" Ghost. His dad's callsign. This man thought he was his dad. What would his dad do in this situation.
He narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. That should do it. Thankfully his sleeves were down covering his tattoos. They were different from Simon's and could've given him away.
"Whatever. Come on then." The man kept walking and he did his best to imitate Simon's walk. His mind raced, an obvious military man thought he was his own dad was worrisome, as the old man was gone, and he needed to get away without arousing suspicion. He'd have to play along then.
That plan went tits up the second he followed the bucket hat man into a room and found himself face to face with his fathers. His fathers who were able bodied and young, same age as himself.
The teleporter hadn't just sent him somewhere else, but had sent him back in time as well.
Johnny roughly ripped off his mask and slammed him against the wall. "Who the FUCK are you?!" Simon menacingly slid a knife out of his sleeve and deftly twirled it around his fingers. Right. They weren't his dads yet, just the crowns attack dogs.
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callsigns-haze · 2 months
The Twisters Masterlist
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- WARNING - please understand that some of my stories contain, gore, smut and other adult topic.
Tyler Owens
Lean On
Summary: Tyler Owens, an avid storm chaser, takes his friends Javi and Kate to meet his estranged wife YN and their son Noah, rekindling old tensions. During a fierce tornado, they seek refuge in a cinema, where Tyler and YN rediscover their love amidst the chaos. YN begs Tyler to never leave again, and he promises to stay, solidifying their connection he broke all those years back.
Lean off
Summary: Tyler returns to visit YN and their son, Noah, after a year. Upon arriving at YN's small apartment, Tyler immediately senses tension between them. YN is cold and distant, and Tyler soon discovers the reason—she had seen him on a recent livestream, where he had flirted with his crew member, Kate, and kissed her forehead. Although Tyler insists that it was harmless, YN's hurt is evident, as it reminds her of all the times he put his storm-chasing career above their family.
Aim to please
Summary: Tyler Owens discovers Y/N, a girl who dances for him, and they engage in a passionate, intimate private dance. Despite lacking protection, Y/N reassures Tyler, leading to a deep bond. Tyler uses a roll of dollars to tease and reward her, solidifying their bond and hinting at future shared moments.
A Love in the Eye of the Storm
Summary: Y/N tends to Tyler's injuries after he returns from a dangerous tornado chase, and their emotional reunion culminates in a passionate embrace, reaffirming their deep love and commitment to each other.
The Chase
Summary: Y/N and Tyler's storm-chasing adventure takes an intimate turn as Y/N teases and overstimulates him during a high-stakes tornado chase, creating an intense moment of passion and connection amidst the chaos.
Little chaser
Summary: Tyler and Y/n Owens enjoy a cozy movie night, only to be interrupted by their storm-chasing squad, who are shocked to discover Y/n's pregnancy
Little baby entrance chase
Summary: Tyler and Y/n welcome their newborn daughter, Hazel Grace, into the world, embracing the overwhelming love and joy of becoming parents as they begin their new journey as a family.
Promises in the Quiet
Summary: Tyler Owens bonds with his newborn daughter, Hazel, promising to protect and love her unconditionally while overwhelmed with emotion during their first moments together.
Not so past
Summary: Tyler and Y/N reunite in a heated, emotional encounter, reigniting their past passion and unresolved feelings during a late-night moment by his truck.
The Weight of a Word
He always introduces her to people as “my wife”? Like they’re newlyweds and he just loves slipping in “wife” whenever he can
Before the Storm
Chapter Summary: Tyler Owens faces a life-altering decision when a tornado strikes his hometown, forcing him to choose between his passion for storm chasing and his newfound responsibilities as a husband and soon-to-be father.
Here Comes Kaboom
Summary: Tyler shares his love for storms with his three-year-old daughter Hazel, who joyfully believes she can summon thunder from the safety of his lap.
Winds of Forever
Chapter Summary: Tyler and Y/N embrace the unpredictability of their love by exchanging vows in the heart of a storm, beginning their married life with nature's raw power as their witness.
Not so cruising
Summary: During a storm chase, Y/N and Lilly are caught in a tornado after a last-minute seat swap, leading to a harrowing rescue by Tyler and the team, with Y/N injured but eventually safe.
Requests for Tyler are open be free to send in as much as you wish!
tagging some:
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
Oooh what if wild Toothless who never got shot down by hiccup , toothless who can still fly , toothless who got attached very quickly to a injured human who stuck in his cove/nest❄️anon (yandere pet like concept/hcs/thoughts pretty please ) 
Yesss, here's what I got!
Yandere! Feral/Wild! Toothless Concept
Pairing: Animal/Pet-Like
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Kidnapping, Violence, Blood, Dragons killing dragons, Forced/Dubious companionship.
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I really like the idea of the roles being switched!
Instead of an injured dragon befriending a human, an injured human befriends a dragon.
This no doubt takes place during the times where humans and dragons are still fighting.
Toothless is still the last of his kind, an elusive species.
You've heard of dragons, you've seen what they can do.
Many vikings tell you to fear them.
You didn't believe them until you were attacked.
You met Toothless as you were hiding from dragons who attacked you.
The Night Fury no doubt smelled your blood from your wounds.
You aren't injured too bad but certainly can't make it back home.
Not with the dragons in the area.
You aren't sure what to think when you see a Night Fury attack the dragons around you.
Toothless sustains some injuries but for the most part is fine.
You fear for your life when the Night Fury approaches you.
Both of you are covered in blood, the attackers are gone.
His eyes are in slits for a moment but he notices you're harmless.
Weak, even.
You could be easy prey.
Instead, the Night Fury doesn't kill you.
Instead he nudges you softly, maybe even tries to clean your wounds.
This Night Fury would be more scared of you than you are of him.
He isn't hungry, he isn't scared, he just seems curious... concerned.
You keep staying still, even as the dragon lays beside you to watch you.
Since Hiccup didn't find Toothless in this you would be the one to give him such a name.
Maybe as you heal more you fed him, allowing Toothless to show his retractable teeth.
The cool thing about this version of Toothless is definitely his flight.
He doesn't need anyone to fly, he's a regular Night Fury.
Yet despite this the dragon befriends you, an injured human.
He doesn't eat humans, it's actually not in the Night Fury diet (Look at the Night Fury article on the wiki)
So he isn't interested in eating you.
This would explain why he chooses to protect you instead.
The fact you're both "harmless" is what makes you able to relax.
That is until Toothless decides to take you away.
After all, you can't be safe here.
Toothless means well when he tosses you onto his back and flies to the cave he usually resides in.
The dragon hates that you give him the cold shoulder afterwards.
He brings you back all sorts of food to care for you.
He wants his human friend to heal.
He feels you're being hunted just as much as him.
You don't harm him because of a few reasons.
You wouldn't be able to go home... and you are admittedly attached to this dragon as your only friend and savior.
This is what makes you accept the supplies you're given.
You even allow Toothless to cuddle around you.
The issue is the dragon never lets you leave.
Nothing gets in the den, nothing gets out.
Toothless has taken the role of your protector.
Your family may think you've been killed.
You haven't.
In fact, you're really safe.
Toothless, as a Night Fury, is intelligent and powerful.
He understands your social queues and gets you what you need.
If you tried to leave then the dragon forces you back in the den.
If he lets you go... you'll die.
Dragons who try to sneak up on you are quickly attacked by Toothless.
Night Furies don't eat other dragons, but that doesn't stop Toothless from tearing into them.
Toothless washes off the blood of his kills before bounding to you.
Yet you know what he's done as you can smell the metallic smell on his scales and breath.
Toothless is loyal and will protect you no matter what it takes.
Why should you even go home? Home won't accept you anymore for having a dragon...
It's just you and Toothless now.
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he-calls-me-kitten · 8 months
GN!MC x Yandere Ex! Solomon
TW: Dub-con, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Manipulation, Bondage
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You always knew he had an mean streak - especially when it came to anyone who threatened your safety. He only let you around the brothers because they seemed to make you happy.
But the day you came home with an injured arm and an apologetic pair of twins - he was internally livid. With a mysterious turn of events the same two brothers fell in a freak accident and fractured the same arm as yours. And of course you weren't allowed to tend to them, not while you were still hurt.
Lucifer screamed at you for wanting to go home early, and ended up with a cursed bottle of demonus that rendered him mute for a week. When they made you overwork, Diavolo got swamped with literally endless paperwork and Barbatos ended up with rats in his room. Harmless jokes that turned extreme soon enough.
He was usually soft and slow in bed - teasing and smirking and chuckling through it all. You loved that about him. But tonight there was a meaness and urgency about it - the way he made you beg for him and the way his desperation for your validation seeped through the cracks.
"Ah MC, you're this turned on already...have I been teasing you too much?"
"Sol-Solomon please...please need you...inside me..." You panted into his shoulder and he listened.
"I'm so sorry, MC...could you tell me a little more clearly?" He said hugging you tighter. You whined and pleaded.
"Please fuck me, Solomon...Need you so bad...."
He kissed you deeply, slowly starting to thrust into you. But in that brief moment of calm, you were sure you heard muffled noises in the room. Like someone else screaming, calling your name. You looked around you in panic.
"Solomon... what's that noise?"
Something sinister ghosted over his eyes. "What noise, my love? All I hear is you and me." His thrusts gained speed. Now you could hear nothing over your bodies colliding, his hot and needy groans and praises against your ear.
He fucked you till you could no longer think straight. But he was sure to make you so comfortable and cozy in his arms that you promptly fell asleep, wrapped up in his bedsheets.
"Hush now. Don't you dare disturb my dear apprentice with your ruckus."
"I said...QUIET. Honestly even after I let you see it for yourselves... exactly who MC really belongs to."
"Mmmmhhccc... *sobs*"
"Ugh. What a miserable bunch. This is simply your punishment for trying to sneak into MC's room...and you want more?"
You thought you were dreaming - none of it made sense afterall. Well nothing except Solomon's voice. You rubbed your eyes, forcing yourself awake.
What you saw through the moonlit darkness was nothing less than horrifying. Mammon, Levi and Asmo slumped over halfway between the closet and floor, gagged and bound tightly by glowing purple chains.
And in front of them, Solomon stood menancingly. You could feel his rage even with his back turned towards you, several of his pact marks glowing in the dark. You gathered the sheets together, hiding your bare body.
He looked back with eyes widened in shock. The three demon brothers started screaming your name through the gags again.
"MC... you're awake." He sighed and muttered under his breath. "I knew I should have just cast a sleep spell..."
"What are you doing to them? What's going on...?"
Solomon let out a loud laugh, almost sinister and he looked around as if suprised. "Oh MC, you sure have the wildest dreams don't you?"
"...a dream?" Your mind was still buzzing, half-asleep and tired. "You're in my dream?"
"Yes, my little apprentice." He walked over to you, his bare body glimmering in the moonlight. "I didn't know you were secretly so kinky...you wanted me to claim you in front of them?"
With blurry eyes you watched the three brothers shake their heads and let out more muffled screams. But all you could register was his warm hand sliding between your thighs again, his lips ghosting over your neck as he made you lie down again.
"Mhhmm Solomon..." You were still so sensitive, even the lightest touch was driving you crazy. He repositioned you so your head was towards the brothers and your hips were connected with his.
"You are so irresistible when you call my name like that..." He kissed you deeply, tongue lashing inside. "Won't you say it again?"
You were always weak to his praises. Giggling slightly into the kiss, you called his name over and over again. "Solomon...that tickles ahah...ahh not there Solomon!"
He was so overwhelmed with joy and so ready for you, his length pulsing against your already abused hole. "Shh shh, it's okay, MC. Look how good you're making me feel...in fact, them too..."
Solomon hoisted you onto his lap, piercing you with his length as you watched the brothers while holding onto his shoulders. In the dim light, you could still see their faces bright red, pained and arousals restrained in their pants.
"How pretty you are, making everyone around wild with desire. Especially your own master. My perfect little apprentice." He kissed and nibbled on your eyes, gripping your hips and bouncing you on himself.
"Come to your senses, MC! This ain't a fucking dream!" Mammon's voice was sharp like static. He seemed to have bitten through the gag.
"Wha...what?" You barely register his words.
"You came here to break up with him-- he's tricking you again-- it's a bonding curse--"
"Everytime he fucks you-- he's spilling his essence into you--- the curse gets stronger--" Asmo whined in sobs.
"You keep forgetting-- he's done this so many times before--" Levi's gargled voice followed.
"What noisy demons. MC, let's practice some spell-casting shall we?" Only Solomon's voice was clear enough to comprehend. So that's the only one you followed.
"What... ahhh...spell.... mhhmm" He had increased his pace again, you were so close. He smirked into your shoulder.
"Make them leave. All three at once. And then we both can finish." He slowed down almost to a halt. Your body ached for release - tears welling in your eyes.
"But I can't...can't focus like this..."
"Of course you can. You're my talented little apprentice, you can anything." He kissed your chest, right on top of your beating heart. He always knew just what to say.
"Denizens of darkness, hear me, I, the Sorceror, MC call upon the demons..." You cast your spell as carefully as you could with his length still throbbing inside you. But thankfully it worked. "They're gone now, Master..." You flirted back.
He pushed you down and thrust into like an animal in heat. He came inside you again, flooding you with warmth and a sleepy feeling. "You're simply too perfect, MC...how could I ever let you go?"
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yinyuedijun · 29 days
kitsune!suo x fem reader | feudal japan au
→ notes for an au set in feudal japan, featuring supernatural creatures and spirits (e.g., youkai). suo is a kitsune, sakura is a nekomata, and nirei is an onmyouji. → see this post for backstory on the bofurin trio (recommended background reading)
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note: most information on kitsune-mochi were sourced from folkorist lafcadio hearn's accounts of traveling in japan (c.1901). I did, of course, also take creative license with some of the lore.
reader | kitsune-mochi (fox-employing witch)
→ as a kitsune-mochi, you are a human who has entered a contract with a fox spirit to care for it in exchange for having it lend you its power and carry out your requests. → in your case, your familiar is suo, a nine-tailed kitsune that lost his hoshi no tama. → most witches employ kitsune for the purpose of carrying out malicious acts, like having the fox spirit possess their enemies, steal the wealth of other people, etc. you, however, rely on suo and his power in order to perform exorcisms and exterminate demons—something that you cannot do on your own because you have no innate spiritual talents yourself.
→ although a convenient source of power, these deals are typically risky for the contract holder. you are expected to care for suo for the rest of your life, and any descendants you might have would be cursed to serve him as well. kitsune-mochi are heavily ostracized by human society as well, so if this relationship of yours were to be discovered, then your entire bloodline would suffer. → additionally, these contracts typically favour the kitsune, as they are the ones who define what it means to be "cared for", and may request dangerous or unreasonable tasks. → fortunately for you, suo is not a very demanding familiar! the most basic act of caring for a fox spirit is feeding it, and he's more or less happy with anything you make, though he especially likes tea, wagashi, or dishes with aburaage. this is more or less all he asks of you! → suo's disposition is generally so patient and gentle that you nearly disbelieved that he was a youkai. you were convinced for a while that he was actually a messenger of god who was lying to you about his identity for some reason. (at the very least, you'd noticed that he had a habit of lying to people generally, though this was an unsurprising trait for a fox and it was usually harmless fun.) → this perception of him was shattered when you saw him fight a youkai that seriously injured you. he spent an uncomfortable amount of time toying with it in a distinctly humiliating fashion before finally putting it out of its misery. it was only in that moment that you realised that you'd signed yourself and all of your descendants up for serving a literal demon 👍
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→ warning: immortal/human relationship, immortal deity meets reader as a child but doesn't get to know or grow close to them until they're an adult
your backstory with suo
→ at a very young age, you were adopted and raised by a priestess of an inari shrine belonging to a small mountain village. consequently, you developed a deep respect for the kami and affection for foxes. → as a child, you once found a one-eyed, wild fox in a near-death state. this was suo after he lost his hoshi no tama in a battle with a demon—but to you, he just looked like a regular animal. most people would have let this creature die peacefully, but you were adamant on nursing it back to health. while caring for him, you named him mr. adzuki because of the colour of his fur, which suo finds incredibly funny to this day. → suo disappeared after recovering, never making his true identity known. however, out of gratitude toward you and the priestesses for allowing him refuge, he decided to act as the guardian spirit of the village, protecting it until the end of your life. → conveniently, this meant that suo got to eat all the offerings given to inari's messengers at your shrine, as well as allowing him to gain power from the prayers directed toward him. (inari himself seemed not to mind, as no actual fox messengers showed up to throw hands with suo.)
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image: gashadokuro, a youkai made from the skulls of humans who died in battle.
→ although your village was peaceful throughout your childhood due to suo's protection, in your adult years, a violent conflict between humans and demons broke out in your mountain range. this resulted in the destruction of nearly all its towns and the brutal deaths of your fellow villagers. suo, not at full power, was unable to stop this, but made it his goal to save you from the carnage. → after allowing you time to grieve your loved ones, suo—still considering himself indebted to you—asked what you would like to do next. he offered you wealth, status, and other material things, but none of these appealed to you. → recognising that the mountains you grew up in would be plagued by malevolent spirits and demons for centuries after all the bloodshed that just occurred, you asked suo to teach you jujutsu. your goal was to exorcise all the vengeful spirits, exterminate the demons, and purify the mountain range so that its villages could peacefully rebuild. → given your lack of innate spiritual abilities, suo suggested that you make a pact with him and become a kitsune-mochi to acquire powers. not wanting to deceive you, however, he fully explained how dangerous it might be to enter such a relationship, and warned you not to trust fox youkai like himself.
→ nevertheless, you accepted his offer and became a witch.
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image: sakura irl
meeting sakura & nirei
→ you and suo thus embark on this crazy mission to purify the entire mountain range. while you are more than capable of exorcisms and exterminations, your spiritual abilities (one of a youkai) do not allow you to purify the land. → but that's okay, because nirei and sakura have been traversing these same mountains to exorcise and hunt demons! being an onmyouji, nirei can perform all kinds of purification rituals. when you inevitably run into the two of them, and suo suggests that you all work together. → nirei is more than happy to help you purify the mountain range (because he is a good-hearted person, and also because he usually gets assignments there anyway). he improves his jujutsu under suo's tutelage, and he gets insights on kitsune that he'd otherwise never learn (it's rare for an onmyouji to meet a kitsune-mochi unless it's to prosecute them for some kind of crime, and it's just plain hard to meet and talk with a nine-tailed fox spirit). → sakura is a harder sell. he doesn't trust suo at all at the start, and he trusts him even less when he finds out that he's a kitsune and has been lying egregiously to him. (sakura and nirei spent an entire month thinking that suo was a traveling tea merchant from china and being fed severe misinformation about the entire country.) → however, sakura is very curious about you, because you're the first human he's ever met who has a mutual and trusting relationship with a demon, which he didn't think was possible beyond weirdos like nirei. → you also aren't afraid of him at all even after seeing his nekomata form, which gives him complicated feelings. he reasons that this is because you've fought too many demons to be afraid of any of them, but the actual truth is just that you find suo incredibly scary, and sakura feels harmless and adorable in comparison </3 → sakura deeply enjoys the act of helping the mountain towns and being accepted by their communities, though he's very shy about admitting it! eventually, he does "resign" to joining you in a long-term arrangement, and the four of you take on the endless mission of exorcising and cleansing the mountain range together. it's a very "monster of the week" type of set-up hehe
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→ although the work of purifying the mountain range will likely take the rest of your life (and probably will require generations after you), suo often asks you what you would like to do after the work is complete—so that he can think of ways to grant your request. → you decide not to tell him this, but your wish would be to return to your old village grounds and rebuild the shrine that you grew up in. rather than just inari, you would also dedicate it to the worship of the one-eyed fox spirit that once protected your village.
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aphrogeneias · 3 months
please please can we get some rockstar!eddie fluff? (or smutty smut…smut is good!) they’re just my faves!
warnings: fluff that turns a little suggestive at the end. overthinker assistant!reader strikes again.
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“You can't keep being this reckless, Ed.”
Your hands still shook a little as you closed the lid of the first aid kit. Eddie laid in the bathtub with his eyes closed, head thrown back, while you stood with your arms crossed, leaning on the bathroom counter.
The guitarist said nothing, lying still, but slowly his lips stretched into a smile, and as if he couldn't help himself, his shoulders shook with weak laughter.
“What the hell are you laughing at?”
“You worry too much, sweetheart.” Eddie pointed out, eyes still closed. From your viewpoint, you could see the bruises forming on his right cheek, on his chest, and on his arm.
He'd thrown himself at the crowd during the last song of the set. They'd been especially inflammatory that evening, and Eddie, never one to back down, matched their energy. Throwing his guitar at one of the unsuspecting roadies at the side of the stage, he ran and dove in, being caught by the roaring fans that stood closest.
All you could do was watch, amused, but ultimately panicking as you saw him get dragged and pushed around until one of the security guys fished him out of there.
It was all harmless, and it wasn't the first time he'd done that. Your boyfriend's proclivity for chaos and havoc was well known throughout the scene — the playing with pyrotechnics, the stage diving, the crowd surfing. You expect it, but you still flinch at it, waiting for the worst to happen.
“Someone has to.” You busied yourself with taking the kit back into the bedroom, still talking to him as you did, “One of these days you're gonna get seriously injured, or you're gonna end up hurting someone and we're getting sued, and you're not the one who's gonna have to deal with all that paperwork, and the layers…”
He was looking at you as you reentered the bathroom, still holding back laughter, dimples in full display. It was almost hard to chastise him like that.
“Get in here, baby.”
Scratch that, it was hard.
Sighing, you held his gaze. “Are you even listening to what I'm saying?”
Still, you began undressing. Ungracefully, under the ever watchful eyes of your boyfriend, who simply replied, “Yes, I am, but I also know you're overthinking.”
Slowly, you lowered yourself into the tub, thankful that the water was still pleasantly warm. Eddie's hands reach out for you, helping you to sit in front of him, between his legs. You could tell he was sore due to his slowed movements, but forced yourself not to comment on it.
“It's not overthinking, it's… It just seems like I have to do all the worrying here. I wish you'd think a little before you did things.”
His arms wrapped themselves around you, pulling you to rest with your back to his chest. Eddie's lips found your cheek before he rested his chin on your shoulder, his long wet hair tickling your skin.
“Who says I don't? Have a little faith in me. I might not be as smart as you, but…”
“That's not what I said, Eddie.”
Calloused hands squeezed you under the water before he continued, “...but I've been doing this since I was a kid, I'm used to it. I know when to stop when I have to.”
It was your time to throw your head back and close your eyes. Leaning yourself fully on him as his hands started moving again, teasing, but never touching you where you'd begun to ache for him.”
“Fine. I won't talk anymore.”
Another kiss was left on your cheek, and you could tell he was smiling again, even if you couldn't see it. “Oh, you can keep talking. I'll just give you something else to talk about.”
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