#he’s just standing in the back looking confused 90% of the time
colossalarmin · 10 months
What’s his name cheated the system so Reiner would get the armored but who cheated for Bert? Dumbest bitch alive.
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yandere-wishes · 2 months
Alice in Marvel-land
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𐙚Yandere! Deadpool (Wade Wilson) x Reader x Yandere Wolverine (Logan Howlett)
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ In some worlds, you were Logan's little darling. In others, you were Wade's starry-eyed lover. But here in the void, there is only one of you and two of them.
⁀➷ GORE, yandere behavior, kidnapping, Deadpool being Deadpool.
⁺₊𝄞₊⁺ IDK, probs the Deadpool and Wolverine soundtrack
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Logan feels the world slipping away.
Piece by piece, atom by atom.
In a blink, he's falling down darkness.
An endless rabbit hole.
What was the name of that fairy tale you liked so much?
The one with the girl who gets lost in splendor?
The dust is kicking up, framing the sunset portrait along the horizon.
The envoys are nearly home, this time they've brought someone back. The cage balls chime along the unsteady road. If you squint just far enough you can almost make out vibrant specks of red and yellow.
Strange, the void tends to wash out bright colors. Well, it tends to wash out just about everything.
You scrape your nails along the skeleton's sockets. Leave crescents in the decaying cartilage. "They're almost here" you call out awaiting Cassandra's next move. You watch dolefully as she's transfixed on a portal. The sparky thing unfurled like a fresh wound, strewing salt on persistent lacerations. She watches her brother, or well some variation of her brother. Surrounded by his new family, surrounded by those he loves. He's forgotten her, or maybe never even knew her. You think that the latter would hurt the most.
"Cassandra" Your voice rises in octave, this time getting her attention. "They're here".
"Coming" She sings, voice so chip it almost sounds like unshed tears. You send a final glare at the portal before it collapses on itself.
If you tried hard enough, maybe you could bring yourself to understand her pain. Those pesky notions of desperation for someone to love. But it
doesn't matter now everyone you've ever loved is dead anyway. And unlike Cassandra, you've long since given up on the childish dreams of being rescued by someone who would offer up love so freely.
"Maybe shut up now"
Logan's nerves are frying. Thin strings snapping with every syllable that leaves the red merc's mouth. He's starting to appreciate Stryker in a way he didn't even know he could. The man was a psychotic sadist but at least he knew when to sew someone's mouth shut. Maybe he can convince this Cassadra chick to do the same.
Logan's eyes are almost at 90 degrees of a roll when they stop. He stops, frozen. In the gaping mouth of the rotting skull, something all too familiar stands.
Or rather someone.
Someone he knew.
Someone he loved.
Your name tastes bitter on his tongue. All death and whisky.
Maybe cause it's been so long since the attack. Since he walked off for the night and left his family to die. Cause the last time he saw you, you were a mangled corpse laying in an open grave. Deadweight as he cradled you in his arms.
You walk closer. Face painted in too many shades of confusion.
Curiouser and curiouser.
Damn, he's started quoting that stupid book again.
"How do you know my name" You ask. You look just as beautiful as he remembers. Spine carved straight in pride with perfect lips, perfect eyes. His talons itch to glide across your soft skin, to feel you so intimately once more.
"LOOOGAN did you see what the bald chick just- HEY!!"
It takes too much effort to pull his gaze away. To stare at red and black and be reminded of cruel realities. But Wade has a tendency to be a persistent ache, some unwelcomed anchor to every problem he's ever had.
Only this time when he actually looks at him. Looks at the jittery body that's stilled abruptly. He can't help but be glad that he did. A bitter laugh bubbles in his throat. Maybe Wade's shut up for good this time.
He always knew you were special but this is truly a miracle.
"IT'S YOU!!"
Nope, didn't work. He knew he couldn't be that lucky.
Wade whispers your name, a forgotten prayer. Logan didn't even know the loudmouth knew how to pray. But he seems to almost soften when he sees you. That feral, cheeky killer, looks so so soft when he stares into your doe-eyes. Reaching out zealously to twirl a lock of your hair around his blood-soaked finger.
He can almost feel Wade choking on your essence, heart erratic, like a child finding a lost toy. He's drowning in ecstasy, and Logan is almost tempted to join him. You're here, a breath away. So close it's taking every ounce of self-control not to pull you to his chest and keep you locked between his arms until he finally dies too.
"Penunt look that's my girl!!"
"Your girl!?"
He had taken you for granted as he tends to do with most peaceful things. The realization had occurred a little too late. Right as he had been emptying a round into the target of the week's head.
He lands.
Arms high like an Olympian pleasing the crowd.
He wonders if he can make you cheer for him.
Clap and shout his name as he twirls around the mess he's made.
He wants to feel loved, although he'll never say it out loud. He's only ever been good with words when they're laced with sarcasm and profanity.
And maybe 'I love you' is just about the most obscene thing he can ever say to someone as sweet as you.
Wade plays the white rabbit, fluffy coat stained red from every kill. Tricking poor Alice into following him down cruel rabbit holes. Making you chase him through labyrinths then leaving you at every turn. He leads you to every kill, makes you watch as he dances in slaughter. He can even feel your eyes right now. Starlight slicing him open to quench vulgar interests.  
Alice always follows the rabbit.
He stalks closer, white eyes fixated on your deliciously bewildered expression. Precious thing caught in a warzone. He can almost taste you on his tongue, the sharp tip of a star slivering the inside of his mouth, soft hands painting crescent moons along the back of his neck. He needs to carve his essence across your lips, to pour the after-kill adrenaline into your soul. He needs you.
Only this time...
This time he'd been too distracted. So caught up in claiming you as his victory prize that he didn't notice the grizzled man clinging to life...
And a pistole.
The bullet punctures his shoulder. An afterthought.
But the lead keeps going.
Penetrating the air until it lands bunglingly between your eyes.
You fall into his arms.
Did the white rabbit ever miss Alice?
Did he ever realize how truly special such a curious girl made him feel?
He doubts it.
Doubts that a stupid rodent would have better emotional stability than him.
He's been given a second chance. A whole plethora of them actually. He's been deemed holy, righteous. And aren't gifts of marvel bestowed upon the truly blessed? What better blessing than the sight of you standing amongst the sand and skulls?
Good to see your affinity for dainty dresses spans across all universes...
He lets the blood trickle down his claws.
What else is there to do but dream of you?
It's the fourth day of his massacre and he's lost count of how many humans he's killed. Maybe cause after the first hundred the faces tend to blur.
He leaves your pleasants in between the rotting carcasses and broken glass. Only taking the torturous parts of you. The things that can hurt him. The sharp edges that he can slit his pulse point on, the vague memory of your glare before you cried. The soft skin of your neck between his jagged teeth.
Enough to keep the hate burning.
He wonders if the creatures of Wonderland wept after Alice left. He wonders if Wonderland lost its wonder.
But now you're standing here.
And he wants so badly to remember the sweet taste of your lips. The soft push against his chapped lips as he swallows you whole. Even desperate rabbits can go a little feral. His eyes take in every breath, every scowl.
Good to see your affinity for dainty dresses spans across all universes...
Aliath skids forward, mystified in lightning and smoke. You feel your bones collapsing under the rugged man's, Logan's, vice grip. You thrash and scream trying to break free but he only barks out orders to his friend before they take off running.
"Your safe, don't worry we got you." There's a comedic cadence to every word Wade says. You can almost fool yourself into enjoying it if the two weren't actively attempting to defy Cassandra, to defy Aliath, to defy deities and absolutes. To ripe you away from the only semblance of opulence you've come to know.
"Let me go, you custome-wearing freaks." His gripe tenses. "Don't struggle so much, we said you're safe, now hold still" Logan's anger ripples through you. It's almost muscle memory to still, to obey.
Did you know him? Know them?
In some past life too out of reach?
The ground shutters to a jagged rhythm. You're flying up, escaping the misty horrors of the ground. Your head pounds with the force, air slapping across your body as you taste the cotton of the clouds between your teeth.
Is this how Alice felt as her head hit the roof?
Wade mutters about the stars and educated wishes. About people who live and matter. Logan slices through his thigh, the mercenary's optimism making his body ring with phantom pains.
No one matters.
And when they start to, they die.
There are cruel absolutes in this world. He's tasted them all. Let them slice his tongue and heart and danced to every tune they've sung. He rips his claws out and digs them into Wade's chest.
And again.  
Wade savors the salty tang of blood inside his mouth.
Licks his teeth and runs his tongue over the gaping holes.
He's sitting in the front seat head rolled back.
High off the blood and adrenaline and the thought of having you so close.
"I take it all back, the Honda odysseys fucks hard"
Bones crack, interrupted mid-heal as Logan turns his head to glare. "Shut up" he rasps and Wade almost, almost, hears approval.
There's a low moan reverberating across the broken car. Late night sleepy mumble that's half 'I love you' and half 'I need you'. Neither one has heard it in such a long time.
"Finally awake sleeping beauty? Kinda surprised you could sleep through all of that" Wade shimmies to the back, only to be greeted by your foot smashing into his face, cracking his nose open, and sending a fresh wave of blood into his mouth. He pins your knee to the seat and wiggles himself between you. caging you with his elbows as he stares down at your pretty face. "Miss me, angel baby?"
"Wrong fairy tale" Logan turns around in his seat, claws out running them across your cheek "Please stop, just let me go" you've never begged before, never fallen so low. But these two things, mutants, mutates, or whatever they are, scare you. Reckless, suicidal, dangerous. You feel so helpless in their presence. Never knowing you're to be kissed or killed.
"You're as lovely as I remember" The melancholy colors him in a monochrome of sympathy. Here is a man who's gone through every horror and still gets out of bed. Or maybe he has to, maybe he can't quite die and can't quite reach heaven. So he gulps down his immortality with black coffee to at least pretend he's being buried six feet deep. "Even after all this time I still love you" You almost melt in his brown eyes. So lonely, so desperate.
Kill or kiss
You want him to do both. Want to kiss extinction on his lips while being impaled by the claws. Kill or kiss.
Both, both, both.
"You know~" Wade pushes himself up, "I think your dress should be red...and black. To match your favorite man."
"Who the hell said you were the favorite?" Wade leans forward, in a blink he's gripped Logan's wrist and lunged the Wolvarine's claws into your abdomen.
You writhe, the bones and metal feel almost heavenly inside of you. When he retracts the claws you moan out, it's too saccharine to hold back. Everything feels so much lighter, colorful. You feel your essence slipping out, gushing over the back seat.
Red waterfall, so pretty.
Dress stained red.
"Told ya so!"
Wade pulls you roughly by the shoulders and smashes his lips against yours. He's so cute, fickle Cheshire cat, tongue dancing across your mouth, slitting itself on your peaked teeth, and filling your mouth with thick red caterpillar smoke. "What the hell is wrong with you? You really are God's perfect idiot" Logan's anger is tangible, sweet, and bitter like hatter tea at midnight.
"S'okay Logan, it feels nice" Your words slur, slipping gauche from your tongue as you giggle profusely. You feel like Alice cracking open Wonderland's ribs, crawling inside, and smearing the wonder across your face.
"When I used to read fairy tales, I fancied that kind of thing never happened, and now here I am in the middle of one" You've heard these words before, Alice's words. she's right. Your fairy tale is painted red with pretty, crazy, princes who think that slicing open a princess is easier than kissing her. You reach out for Logan, desperate for a kiss. "eat me" you mutter, and Logan's face morphs into pure terror "Wade what the hell have you done to her?".
"What? It's better this way trust me"
"I hate you"
Logan bends, meeting you halfway. He kisses you with all the wary of a dead man walking. All teeth and heart and bitter memories left to rot three lifetimes ago. He pushes himself between your bones, trying to carve out his ethos in your body. He'd burn the world so long as he gets to keep you.
You squeeze your thighs around Wade's muscular thighs and hips unlocking a gibby giggle from the man. His mask is half pulled up as he trails sloppy fervorous kisses across your neck and chest. The nostalgia slithering under your skin has you squirming, you've been through this all before. In a past life somewhere where storm monsters and voids don't exist. "Remember how good this feels?" Wade mumbles as his fingers dig into your puncture wounds, drawing slow, desperate moans from your puffy lips. You don't dare answer you don't know what would be worst admitting to liking the loudmouth ministrations or admitting there were other versions of you out there, other happy versions.
"Oh for hell's sake," Logan reclines the front seat and shuffles closer. Pulling down the back of your dress. His kisses are bite marks in disguise rabid and feral, the two things the man will never escape. His name rolls across your tongue, you let it slip in an airy moan. "No fair " Wade complains "I want you to say my name too." He pulls out his baby knife and etches the skin of your thighs. Scribbling doodles of stars and half hearts and the little symbol he wears on his belt. "W-wade" you gasp never knowing whether to scream in pain or giggle in bliss.
Logan laughs into your neck. You didn't even know he was capable of such a gentle thing. You bite his lip playfully. Dragging your fingers across his muscular arms. Your thumb pushes into the space between his knuckles asking for the claws. For the most macabre parts of him. You glide your tongue across the parish where flesh meets metal. Kissing the metal and bones and lapping at the blood. Watch curiously as he draws out a long airy sigh. "Good girl" he mumbles voice marred with ecstasy and you almost see the ghost of a smile smear across his pretty lips.
Wade's thumb gently rubs against your hips. Softly usering you into peace, tranquility. Your eyes get heavy, the car gets blurry. The grotesque realignment of their bones steering you into a deep, content sleep.
"Hey Peanut, you think Alice in Wonderland here would mind if we keep going? "  
"Shut it, moron "
"Oh, how I wish I could shut up like a telescope! I think I could, if only I knew how to begin.”
Deadpool: "Do you think the author's going to write about us again? Or is she planning to finally write that Dune fic she keeps talking about?
Wolverine: "I have no fucking idea what the hell you're even talking about.
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🪐@yandere-romanticaa @bad4amficideas @sugarplumz100 @oscarissac2099 @facelessfionna @siphite @tocotuesday69 @linoleunm @mei-simp @shamelessdarkprince @gabriqllas @lovely-liliacs @shiroi-asashin17 @failinguniversity
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msgexymunson · 10 months
Dr E. Munson, D.D.S
Description: praise from your dentist is the last thing you thought would stoke your passions. During another meeting, intoxicated after surgery, you accidently tell him how he makes you feel. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst and smut, my favourite trio. NSFW Minors DNI, reader mid 20s and Eddie mid to late 30s but not explicitly stated, no real time given implied 90s but written as open, reader is AFAB, no use of Y/N, tooth extraction (don’t worry it's not gory), little to no knowledge of the dental industry (please don't come for me I tried my best), fem oral receiving, overstimulation, massive praise kink, p in v protected sex.
A/N: Well, the tale of my praise kink being activated at the dentist appears to have struck a chord with you all, so as unbelievable as this is, just go with it. Eddie's a dentist. Not just a dentist, but a soft pleasure dom dentist ;) I tried to make it believable!! Also, I can't write short fics anymore. I gotta get elaborate before I get into the good ole porn. 
🖤 Comments and reblogs are my lifeblood, please reblog if you want me to keep writing, it really makes my day sweethearts. 🖤
8.8K words
Fidgeting restlessly with your rings, your leg shakes compulsively as you sit in the sterile waiting room. You really wish you didn't have to go through this alone, but your best friend Alex is working and you are far too old to be going to the dentist with your mom. 
Needs must, though. Yesterday, whilst you were eating one of your nieces candy suckers of all things, you bit down and shattered a wisdom tooth. Just thinking about it you can see Dr Burke's stern face, with his ridiculously bushy eyebrows and wrinkled frown, telling you off for eating too much sugar. 
When the perky receptionist calls your name and instructs you to go to room 2, you're a wobbling bubble of nerves. Walking over the cheap linoleum on click clack heels, you pause for a moment outside the door in confusion. 
The little plaque on the wooden door is different. It used to hold old Dr Burke's name on it, but it's changed. 
Dr E. Munson, D.D.S.
Swinging the door open, you see a much younger man sitting on a swivel stool looking over some notes. His hair is long and wavy, so long he's scraped it into a low ponytail, and there's a sprinkle of stubble over his face. As he looks up, you're met with the deepest, most soulful brown eyes you've ever seen. And is that, an eyebrow piercing? He flashes a grin, one filled with such mischief that for a second you forget why you're here. 
“Well hello! You must be my next patient. Take a seat right here.” 
He pats the treatment chair but you still stand gormlessly by the door. 
“You're not Dr Burke.”
Well done idiot, state the obvious.
“Seems your eyesights OK.” 
He shoots a wink at you which immediately turns your insides to jello. 
“Dr Burke retired actually. I'm Dr Munson, I just moved to the city. You can call me Eddie.” 
He extends a hand out to you. Shuffling forward in your pencil skirt you click your way over to him and take his hand. It's huge, enveloping your own, but he holds your hand with care and shakes it very gently. 
He lets go to wash his hands and put a pair of latex gloves on. 
“You know you don't have to dress up to go to the dentist, but it's appreciated.” 
Is he flirting with me? 
“I-I was at work this morning.” 
You perch on the seat and pull your legs up, sliding your handbag to the floor. 
“So, what seems to be the problem?” 
“I was, well…” 
“It's OK sweetheart, I ain't gonna tell you off.” 
Sweetheart? Oh Holy Shit. 
You found yourself clenching your toes in your heels. This guy is far too hot to be a dentist.
“I was eating a sucker and I, well, I bit down, broke my back right wisdom tooth. It shattered.”
He scoots his stool towards you and instructs you to open your mouth. As he examines you he hums, feeling inside your mouth with a gloved hand. 
“Yup, that's broken up alright. I'm sorry, that must be painful. Don't worry, I'll do my best to help. I'm gonna do an x-ray, that OK?” 
Pulling a little plastic T instrument from his desk, he wheels back over.
“Now, this is going to be uncomfortable, and I'm real sorry. Open your mouth and I'll slide it in gently.” 
Face flickering a violent shade of red, you nod. Surely he's aware of how this sounds?
“OK, open wide, that's it.” 
He puts the little contraption in your mouth.
“OK, now bite down. I know, it's uncomfortable. It'll just take a second. That's it, just breathe for me.” 
It's not intolerable but it's not exactly nice. A moment before it would have been too much he takes it out. 
“That's it, did so good for me. Well done sweetheart.” 
Now, this is not the fucking time to have these sorts of feelings. A heat had started  spreading between your legs that you haven't felt for quite some time. 
“Hmm,” Eddie said as he looked at the x-ray, “I definitely need to remove those pieces. I'm a bit concerned about the tooth above it. That's got a cavity, it'll need to be removed, but it'll need surgery I'm sorry to say.” 
“Surgery? Oh God.” 
“Hey, it'll be alright. I'd do it now but it's too risky. Never had to go into surgery before?” 
Laughing nervously, you fiddle with your fingers. 
“I've never had a tooth removed! I'm a tooth removal virgin.” 
The words just flew out and there was nothing you could do to pull them back. Eddie leaned in a little, a cheeky glint in his eye. 
“Well, then I'll be extra gentle.” 
A stare that's a fraction too long, and he scoots back over to his desk. Not long after he's got a needle in his hand.
“Now, I'm gonna need to numb the area, and this is going to be painful. But once this is done, that's the worst of it. If you need me to stop at any point, you just raise your hand. That OK?” 
“Sure, do what you need to.”
“Atta girl, so brave for me. Open your mouth wide.” 
My good God this man and his words; you can picture yourself on your knees in front of him as he says the same things.
Atta girl, take it a little deeper, that's it, so good for me… 
Squirming hotly in your seat, you do as instructed and his gloved fingers invade your mouth once more. 
“OK, you're gonna feel a sharp scratch, it'll go on for a few seconds, doing it now… good girl.” 
As he says ‘good girl’ two things happen. He injects your gum, and you flood your panties. The pain is inconsequential at this point, you just want him to keep talking to you like that.
“OK, one more sweetheart… that's it, so brave, look at you, taking it so well.” 
He stares at you with those soft brown eyes and once again you forget entirely why you're here. 
“Now, you should start to feel your lips tingle, it'll mean it's working.” 
Your dirty mind can't help but think; which lips? 
As a numbness invades your mouth, you let him know. 
“Yeah, it's definitely working.”
“Good stuff. Now, I'm gonna feel in your mouth again, OK?”
You nod, beyond words, and he puts his fingers in your mouth. 
“Now, if you need me to stop, what do you do?” 
Sheepishly you hold your hand up.
“That's it, atta girl. Such a good listener.” 
Nothing you can do but beam inwardly at the praise.
“Now, you can feel me right here, but there should be no pain, yeah?” 
Resisting the urge to moan around his fingers, you make a sound akin to a muffled ‘uhuh’.
“Awesome, now just hold still, you'll hear some crunching and feel pressure, and then it'll be done.” 
As he pulls a shiny implement from a tray and starts working the tooth shards from your mouth, you focus on his forehead, at the look of total concentration. How the lines on his forehead furrow. How his beautiful eyes harden slightly. How his perfect pink tongue dips out… 
“All done.” 
He laughs, a rich, bubbling thing, and nods.
“Yup. You're good. Need to make an appointment at the desk for the other tooth though.”
“Will you be doing that?” 
It rushes out in a blather which you can't control. 
“Sure thing sweetheart. Just ask at the desk for me.” 
“OK. Thanks.” 
“Not a problem. Got to be there for my favourite patient.” 
He flashes another wink at you which seems to rush straight to your knees as you get up and leave on newborn foal legs. Reaching the door, you hear his voice ring out behind you. 
“And what should we do with suckers next time?” 
Turning to face him, he raises an eyebrow, awaiting your response with the most serious expression he's given you so far. 
“I should… suck?” 
“Yeah you should.” 
A mind altering grin later and he's turning back to his desk. 
I should suck? What the hell is wrong with you! You need to get laid like, yesterday.
It's a couple of weeks later and you're laying in the most unflattering hospital gown known to man with your best friend Alex who is trying to distract you. 
“Honey, you'll be fine, they're putting you under! It's like, free drugs!” 
You laugh at his antics, smiling with nerves. 
“It's not the surgery, its-” 
You hear mumbling in the doorway, two nurses gossiping in what they must think is out of earshot. 
“Did you hear? Dr Munsons performing the surgery?” 
“Yeah, he's not even supposed to be here. I hear Dr Stevens is pissed.” 
As they walk away, continuing their whispering, you look over to Alex who is smirking at you. 
“Oh, so he's not even supposed to be here? Ooh he likes you!” 
You blush, thinking about the other day. 
“No! I… I asked for him, that's all. You know I don't like this sort of shit.”
“Ah, so you thought Dr Dreamy would make it bearable huh?” 
“Shut up!” 
Dr Munson walks in then, smiling that smile that held a firm grip on your panties. Alex's eyes widen as he mouths the word ‘hot’ to you. You subtly nod your agreement and then smile at Eddie.
“Well, fancy seeing you here.” 
“Couldn't stay away,” you respond, rolling your eyes. He chuckles back and looks you up and down. 
“I told you sweetheart, no need to get dressed up for me.” 
“What, this old thing?”
You share a laugh whilst Alex's eyebrows raise practically through the roof. This is clearly crossing some line, this banter between you, but he's the doctor and he started it. 
Soon, the procedure has been explained and they're wheeling you out of there and putting you under anaesthesia. 
“OK, good job, such a brave girl. Now, countdown from ten for me.”
“Ten, nine, eight…” 
Blinking bleary-eyed, you look around and catch the eye of your friend. 
“She's awake! You OK?” 
You are OK. In fact, you're fantastic. 
“I'm great! M'I goin’ in surgery now?” 
“You've been, it's done! It's all fine.”
A fantastically handsome man walks in, entirely distracting you. Long hair, sparkling eyes, a gorgeous smile, and a slender tall frame. He's so hot. Wait, you can just say he's hot, right? 
“Wow, wh'ryou? You're suuuper hot.” 
He laughs, looking a little embarrassed. 
“I'm Dr Munson, remember? Eddie. The er, drugs will wear off soon.” 
You sit up immediately, despite the hands that shoot out to keep you still. 
“Now, take it easy, the ketamine makes people act a little funny. How are you feeling?”
“M’great! All… floaty like. S’good shit.” 
Eddie laughs as Alex holds his head in his hands. 
“Good to hear. It'll wear off soon, I'm sure your boyfriend will take good care of you.” 
“Nooo he's n’my’boyfrien’. He's suuuper gay. Ya’single? I no’had- not had any for nine months!” 
Alex pipes up. 
“Honey, you know I love you, so much, but you need to shut your mouth.” 
Eddie laughs, flashing his perfect teeth. 
“He's got a point. Glad you're doing good, the surgery went smoothly, so you'll be good to go in a few minutes.”
“Thank's'much Eddie. God, you're s’gorgeous. Did I do good?” 
Eddie looks like he wants to be anywhere but here. 
“Course you did. The best. That's why you're my favourite patient.”
Holding your hand up to your mouth and doing the worst stage whisper known to man, you look at Alex. 
“See? Tol’ ya, his wors’ make me wet.” 
“...aaaand that's the line. Thanks for taking care of her Dr Munson, I'll get her home safe.” 
With protests from you, Eddie shuffles awkwardly out of the room. After a little while you're discharged, with Alex promising to look after you until you're back to normal.
The strong coffee aroma assaults your nostrils; you take a massive inhale of your cup as if the caffeine could be absorbed by smell alone. The coffee shop was busy this Saturday morning but you'd managed to carve out your little comfy seat and tiny table so you can work on your writing. It was a relief after the busy week you've had to actually focus on something you love. 
The noises and chatter of the place wash over you as you zone out, thinking of how to handle the plot twist coming up. It needed to be thoughtful, but unforced, as if the characters… 
“Well, if it isn't my favourite patient.” 
You look up and see a very familiar pair of eyes. Eddie. The rest of him however, looks very different. 
Eddie's in an old Iron Maiden t-shirt, worn with age, and tight black jeans. A chain hangs low at his hip, and his large hands are adorned with silver rings. His hair is loose and unkept around his shoulders, but his signature smile still beams at you. His forearms are on display, covered in tattoos. It's certainly not what you were expecting. How did he just get even hotter? 
Remembering what Alex told you about how you made an utter fool of yourself brings you out of your revelry. The stuff you said to him after surgery makes you visibly cringe. You were torn between wanting to ask him out and wanting the ground to swallow you whole. 
Cheeks blazing with heat, you find your voice.
“Eddie! Er, hi.” 
“You mind if I sit here? It's pretty packed.”
Gesturing at him to make himself comfortable, he swings his leg over the stool opposite and sits down, mug of steaming coffee in his hands. 
“What brings you here?” 
“Well, I write. As a hobby, you know? Needed to get out of the house and get some done. And you?” 
He points a thick finger across the street and you gulp in your throat, remembering the feel of those fingers in your mouth. 
“There's a record store across the way, I was scouting for anything I've missed. Unlucky today it seems.” 
It was weird seeing him here. Like when you see a teacher in the wild. Except you're not a kid, and the teacher is fucking fine. 
You nod and share a very uncomfortable silence. 
“Listen, I'm sorry for anything I said-” 
“Hey, don't worry about it sweetheart, it was the drugs. Trust me I've heard some weird shit!”
He seems to shrug it off and you breathe a sigh of relief. The last few weeks all you've managed to think about is how much of a fool you've made of yourself. Hopefully he's chalked it all up to the drugs. No need for him to know you were speaking the truth.
“I gotta say, you don't look like a dentist.” 
Eddie laughs, a perfect deep laugh that has you squirming in your seat. 
“Yeah, I get that alot. I er, used to get beat up when I was a kid. I got punched real hard once, broke my jaw. It was wired shut for like six weeks. After that, well, you find some respect for dentistry. Thought I'd give it a shot, went to school. Seems I have a knack for it. I have an impeccable bedside manner, apparently. Or so I'm told.” 
I'll say. 
“I can- I can see that.” 
He blazes a grin at you that damn near combusts your insides. And that's what you blame for the thing that's about to fall out of your big mouth.
“Listen, I know this is crazy but can I have your number?” 
What the fuck are you doing?? Hitting on your dentist?
It seems your word vomit was indeed something that happened in real life and not just in your head. Eddie looks pained as he warms his hands on his coffee mug. 
“Listen, sweetheart, you're a very pretty girl but… I can't. It'd be wrong of me, you're my patient and-” 
“No, I get it, it was dumb, ignore me.” 
You grab your belongings at the speed of lightning and stuff everything into your bag. 
“Hey, sweetheart, wait, I literally ca-” 
Hell no. 
You've made more of an idiot of yourself than you're prepared to be comfortable with. Now, cheeks burning hotly you shoulder your heavy bag and bustle out of the store, leaving an open mouthed Eddie sitting there with his arm outstretched.
Today was the cherry on top of the icing on top of the cake of embarrassment. You've never asked a guy for his number before and the first time you do you're shot down? Confidence well and truly knocked, you called around and found a new dentist, and then called your old dentist's office to let them know. There was no way you could face Eddie again after you'd made a fool of yourself three times. 
In an effort to cheer yourself up after that disastrous rendezvous, you'd dressed up, put on your highest heels paired with your shortest skirt and a red silk blouse, and went out for a night on the town. 
Now, you don't make a habit of sitting at the bar on your own. You've dealt with enough creeps in your time to know that it was a bad idea. However, when it comes to your friends, you can give a little leeway. 
Hence why you sat in your very short black skirt, heels tapping on the little rail on the bottom of the bar as you sip your Manhattan, watching your friend Alex out the corner of your eye have a make-out session with his new boyfriend. They were sitting at a table just to the right; you were on a barstool giving them a couple feet of privacy. 
It was getting a little old though. In the past half an hour three men had approached you. You can't lie to yourself, it was the reason you'd agreed to be a third wheel in the first place. Trying to manifest the right kind of man clearly wasn't working however. 
The first guy looked around twelve, with the wispiest facial hair you've ever seen. As he'd nervously bumbled a line at you, you told him you've never seen a theoretical moustache before. That saw the back of him. Contestant number two was the sleaziest douchebag in the whole bar, perhaps the entire city. He was the hardest to deal with; you'd ended up just turning away and ignoring him until he'd left. Number three was some balding, middle aged man with a pot belly and a stained tie. Exhausted by the previous two, you interrupted his practised line with one clear and concise ‘No’.
Almost certain that your date tonight would involve you with your vibrator, you order another cocktail. On your left directly next to you a guy starts leaning on the bar and calls to the bartender. 
“Hey Jack, can I get a beer please, and whatever this lovely girl is drinking.” 
Rolling your eyes and turning to look at contestant number four, ready to tell them to fuck right off, you realise its Eddie. Of course it fucking is. The universe seems to have a horrible sense of humour today. He's still in his jeans and boots, but now sporting a burgundy shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Stupid dentist and his stupid hot tattooed forearms. 
“Are you following me? I don't need a pity drink thanks, I'm good.” 
You reach into your purse to pay for the drink you ordered but Eddie already has cash in his hand. He pays for it anyway and leans on the bar facing you. 
“It's not pity, it's an apology for earlier. And I think you're the one following me, I live two floors up.” 
Lips pressed into a firm line, you stir your drink with its cocktail stick and pretend that dentists don't exist.
“You can't just ignore me, you know.” 
Taking a sip of your drink you continue to stare resolutely forward. 
“OK, you can just ignore me, but I'd like it if you didn't.” 
Another sip, and you pull the little cherry off its stick and chew it. 
“So, you got a thing for dentists or is it just me, sweetheart?” 
That's it, you turn angrily to face him and scowl. 
“That's totally unfair you can't just-”
“Ha, got ya talking.” 
He's grinning at his little victory, laughter lines creasing near his eyes. If your eyes could shoot daggers you're sure he would have died from blood loss at this point. 
“Listen, I'm sorry, OK? I would have said yes in a fucking heartbeat, but I could lose my license.” 
Your eyes soften; he's clearly telling the truth and it does make sense. His licence hadn't even entered your mind. 
“I understand. Sorry for being rough on you.” 
“Don't worry about it. I just thought I better clear the air if I'm gonna be your dentist.” 
“Oh, don't worry about it. You're not.” 
Looking down at the bar and drawing circles in the condensation from your drink with a finger, you explain. 
“I couldn't face seeing you again, so I, ha, ran off to a different dentist. It's a half hour out of my way, but never mind.” 
Eddie's posture changes immediately, standing fully to attention. 
“You're not my patient anymore?” 
“Nope,” you reply, and knock back the last of your drink, “I'm not.” 
“You're not my patient anymore.” 
You risk looking back at him; he's wide eyed, nodding in your direction, as if he's just told a joke that you didn't get. Face scrunched with confusion, you blink it away as a light bulb pings on inside your head. 
“Oh. I'm not your patient anymore.” 
The grin that slowly unfolds across Eddie's face is damn right sinful. 
“You wanna come upstairs?” 
“Hell yes.” 
Leaping lightly off of the bar stool, you turn to dislodge your coat from the back of Alex's chair and wave at him frantically to tell him you're leaving. He turns to you, then Eddie, then back to you with what can only be described as A Look. If you weren't so excited you would have admonished him, but who the fuck cares. 
Eddie grabs your hand firmly and pushes through the thronging crowd with you in tow. The cold night air hits you like a blow to the chest when you escape, as does your rash decision. 
Eddie seems to sense your hesitation. Pulling you into a doorway he grabs your other hand and looks at you. 
“Sweetheart, you know you don't have to do anything you don't want to. We can just go upstairs, have a drink, or not, and chat. Really.” 
“Really?” You cock your head with the question as he licks his bottom lip with a pink tongue, dragging it to his perfect teeth to bite. He looks nervous, and for some reason, that is doing it for you right now. 
“Really. I'm just saying we don't have to rush-” 
The rest of his sentence is swallowed whole by your kiss as you tip your head up and push your lips against his firmly. Eddie grabs your waist with one hand, the other snaking into your hair to cradle your head. 
For a moment you forget about the cold, about the fact that anyone can see you like this right now. All that matters is the pounding heat of his body smashing against yours and the passion pouring from his tongue as it swipes and rolls and fills your mouth with unexpected moans.
Nails digging into his back, as if attempting to claw under his clothes, you force his body against the wall in the wanton desire to be closer. His hand massages the silk of your blouse at your waist, warmth spreading from his palm into your very flesh and seeping down between your legs. 
You'd have him, right here, against this wall, right now, if he hadn't pulled your head back softly to break the kiss. The tips of your noses rub together as you both gasp for the same air. He's smiling and biting his lip again, but this time it looks like a distraction to stop himself from devouring you. Eddie breaks the feral spell first.
“So, just a chat, yeah?” 
You both laugh, a giddy silly thing reserved for the two of you. 
“Yeah, you're probably right. Don't want to rush these things.” 
Nodding sagely, you take his proffered hand and let him lead you inside and up the stairs. 
You're not sure what you expect his place to look like, but you're pleasantly surprised at how open and spacious it is. Hardwood floors, big windows, a big black sofa, and an open kitchen area with a little breakfast bar. There's a wall of shelves with what must be hundreds of records, CDs and tapes on it, all neatly organised and displayed, and an expensive looking sound system. Two guitars sit by the couch as if they'd been played recently, along with an amp that seems to be doubling as a side table. There's a small pile of boxes over by one wall that have yet to be unpacked. And that's it.
No wonder it looks so spacious, there's nothing in it. 
“Eddie, it's a great place, but er, where's all your stuff?” 
He looks a little sheepish as he flicks a standing lamp on and shuts the curtains. 
“Yeah. Got the basics sorted; kitchen, bedroom, music. Honestly, never lived anywhere this big before, and my last place came furnished.” 
He gestures widely at the sofa with a swing of his arm and you perch on it, ankles crossed, fully aware of how short your skirt is. 
“So, you wanna drink? Unfortunately I can't make a Manhattan but I’ve got rum, some vodka, sodas, maybe a beer?” 
“What do you mean you can't make a Manhattan? What sort of establishment is this?” 
You huff dramatically, folding your arms. 
“I'm terribly sorry Ma’am, I shall have a word with the management.” 
Eddie falls to one knee in a low bow, a mock plea for your forgiveness and the sheer goofiness makes your heart do a little hop inside your chest. 
���What can I possibly do to make it up to you?” 
His eyes are open, honest and sincere. But the grin fighting to crawl over his face is naughtiness personified.
“Well I shall have a beer now, and maybe you can make it up to me later?” 
Smirking, he presses a soft kiss to your knee, then another, to the side of it. Letting his teeth drag further he playfully nips at the outside of your thigh and smooths the area with a lick. 
Breathe. Remember, you need oxygen to live. 
You take a harsh, ragged breath in as if inhaling for the first time and try to concentrate on slowing your heart rate. This is madness, you feel wrecked from a sprinkling of kisses. 
Feeling Eddie's soft chuckle as the air from it dances on your thigh, he gets back up looking far too pleased with himself. 
“You know, you shouldn't be that forward with a lady.” 
Throwing his head back and laughing loudly he walks around the back of the couch. Directly behind you, he begins talking again. 
“I don't see a lady here.” 
Whipping your head around to reprimand him, he bends to your level and whispers in your exposed ear. 
“I see a very good girl.” 
Words die in your throat having never reached your tongue. There's no witty repartee, just an odd noise that blurts out of you, halfway between a whimper and a squeak. 
Eddie walks away towards the fridge to grab your drink, no doubt with a very smug look on his face. In his absence you fan yourself to try to quench some of the raging heat within, but at this point it's like throwing a water bomb at a house fire. Undoing one button on your blouse, you let the girls have a little air at least. 
He returns, drinks in hand, and offers one to you with a bow of his head. 
You take it and sip as Eddie sits next to you. 
“I thought I wasn't a lady?”
“You are right, absolutely right,” he responds, shuffling closer to put an arm around you, and nuzzles your neck teasingly, “and I am not a gentleman.” 
You reach out to the side, and realise there's nowhere to put your beer. 
“Eddie, you need a coffee table or something.” 
“Just, put it on the floor.” 
Placing it gently on the floor, wincing as you do so, you mumble half to yourself, “if my mother could see me now…” 
“I'm sure she'd have more important things to say than about the lack of coasters, sweetheart.” 
“You have a very good point.” 
Eddie holds your jaw, softly turning your face to his own, and presses a kiss to your cheek, then your jaw, and finally to your lips. It's more gentle than the searing heat of the last one; a languid spell of tongues finding their way against each other. 
As you both break away, Eddie strokes your bare thigh, whispering in your ear as he does so. 
“God, when you walked in my office, I thought I might have to switch professions. I just wanted to hike that tight skirt up and bury my face right here.” 
His hand moves up your leg, a finger ghosting over the top of your panties that makes a shiver work all its way to the tips of your toes. It's a bold move, and one you wouldn't stand for usually, but this is Eddie. You've been fantasising about this for the last two months. Hell, this scene has played in your brain so long it was almost like it didn't feel like the first time.
So, if he's going to be that bold, then bold it is.
“Well, I gotta confess, it took a lot for me to not moan around your fingers in my mouth.” 
Eddie groans loud, throwing his head against the back of the couch. 
“Fuck that's so hot. C'mere.” 
He's coaxing you into his lap and you follow his lead, swinging your leg across him and most likely giving him a choice view of your lacy underwear. His large hands wander over your frame, mapping out your curves with his eyes as well as his fingers. 
You breathe it out, your hands resting on his shoulders. He's getting hard beneath you, you can feel it as your hips start to move back and forth of their own accord. 
He doesn't look up, busy stroking your sides, thumb brushing your breasts with each pass. Every nerve feels like a live wire, feeling more needy than you think you've ever been. 
“Eddie, please, just kiss me.” 
He does look at you then, giving you a cheeky smile.
“I think I've got the hottest girl in the city on my lap right now, let me savour it a little.” 
Rolling your eyes, you reach to the front of your blouse and start unbuttoning it slowly, letting the silky fabric fall off your shoulders and away. The fates seem to be in your favour for once; this is your best bra, adorned in satin and black lace.
“Well, someone's eager. Were you looking to get lucky tonight?” 
Eddie says as he smirks at you, a hand stroking up, over your laced covered chest, coming to rest on the side of your throat. 
“It's been a while Eddie, forgive me for being keen.” 
“Oh yeah, what was it? Nine months, right?” 
Cringing at his words whilst he chuckles, you rest your forehead on his shoulder to hide your face. 
“Technically no.” It's muffled into the fabric of his shirt.
Still unwilling to look at him, you reply, “that was a few weeks ago. It's ten now.” 
Pulling you upright again, he playfully pouts, a little mocking face that's making your insides pulse. 
“Aw, poor, poor baby. Guess I shouldn't tease so much. Why don't you take this ridiculous skirt off and sit for me sweetheart.” 
It's comical how quickly you follow his directions, shuffling your skirt off and laying back on the sofa, ass near the edge, as he drops to his knees on the floor in front of you. 
“That's it, right there. Such a good listener.”
As he runs his hands up the inside of your thighs, you spread your legs to make room for him, breath quickening in anticipation. 
“I suppose I better check,” he says as he looks up at you with a serious expression, pierced eyebrow arching. 
“Check what?” 
“How wet my words made you.” 
‘Oh God!” you squeak, hiding in your hands, “I can't believe you remembered that!” 
“Remembered it? I can't think of anything else.” 
His thick rough fingertips reach higher and higher; he slips two under your panties, hooking them to one side as his digits glide through your wetness. 
“Oh sweetheart, you're soaked. That must be uncomfortable. Don't worry I'm gonna do something about that.” 
You're thinking of something clever to say back but your mind empties entirely as his touch moves to your clit and rubs slow, deliberate circles. 
The relief of him finally stroking just where you need it has you near tears, breathy gasps pulling from your chest and rushing out your mouth. 
His fingers leave you suddenly and you resist the urge to stamp your foot like an impatient toddler, fists tight at your sides. Eddie raises up on his knees, leaning toward your chest. 
“I'm gonna take this off first, that OK sweetheart?” 
He runs a finger between the valley of your breasts as he speaks, making your back arch into the hint of a touch. 
“Atta girl.” 
He reaches behind you and flicks your bra clasp, opening it with such ease that it makes you question internally how many times he's done that before. Then, he pulls the straps down slowly and with such reverence that you forget your thoughts. 
“Jesus Christ, you are just perfect aren't you.” 
Solid knuckles rub gently over a pebbled nipple making you whimper and bite your lip. Leaning in, his mouth is wet and warm, almost leisurely massaging your nipple, then giving the same amount of care and attention to the other. 
When his teeth graze you an unfiltered moan shoots out from you, entirely unbidden. 
“Wow, you're really sensitive,” he says when he unlatches his mouth. He pinches one abruptly and you cry out, hand grasping at his bicep in pleasurable shock. Licking his lips, he grins at you. 
“Oh we are gonna have a lot of fun sweetheart.” 
Running a finger just under the hem of your panties, he pulls them down as you assist him, lifting your ass to give him room. He shakes his head, biting his lip as he takes all of you in with his eyes now that you're entirely exposed, as if he can’t believe his luck. 
Kissing down your quivering form, he finally slips that overbold tongue of his between your folds, running it back and forth over your sensitive nub. His tongue searches you, taking care to leave no spot untouched. It's deliberate; a slow and intense exploration of your sex, as if mapping out every sweet spot, spurred on by the moans spilling from your lips with ever increasing frequency. 
Each sound you make is echoed, mirrored by Eddie, as if he was taking as much enjoyment in eating you out as you were in receiving it. The build up is as slow as his movements, but that certainly isn't a bad thing. Far from it. The feeling fizzing in your very blood is deep and profound, and it keeps building. 
Until Eddie does this twirling thing with his tongue that makes your eyes cross, that sets each one of your nerves on fire, fingers desperately grasping at his soft waves as you moan even louder. 
“Fuck, Eddie! Right there!” 
His words are muffled, a hint of amusement in them, but you're sure he says “yes ma'am.”
Then he does it again, and again, tongue twisting like it's independent from his body, swirling you into a deep pool of overwashing ecstasy. Back leaving the soft confines of the couch you clutch at his hair as your hoarse moans pound out of you, until you flop back down, a glistening panting mess. 
Eddie's still kissing your delicate parts, leaving soft, almost innocent kisses. He presses his lips to your clit again and you squirm, trying to get out of his gentle, grasping hands. It's a soft touch, but his hands are immovable, like velvet wrapped around a steel bar. 
“Eddie, fuck, I-I'm really sensitive-” 
“Oh I know sweetheart,” he says, pressing his mouth against you over and over, “but we're not done.” 
Staring at him wide eyed, he lifts one hand, ring and middle finger outstretched, and brushes the tips of them to your kiss bitten bottom lip. 
“Can you get these nice and wet for me sweetheart?”
Parting your lips slightly, he slips the fingers inside and you do as instructed, licking and suckling on them, surprised by how fiercely you wanted to. They felt rough and heavy on your tongue. Eddie's staring at you with a burning admiration in his eyes, still pushing his lips to you. He suckles softly at your clit making you writhe and moan around him. As he pulls his fingers out you call to him. 
“Eddie, I can't it's too much-” 
“Shhh, princess, do you really want me to stop?” 
A little drop of shame trickles down your throat at the thought. 
“No,” you whisper. 
“That's what I thought,” he says as his fingers circle your silken entrance, “be good for me sweetheart, good girls come twice.” 
You're not sure if the heady moan that you release is due to his fingers slipping inside you, or his words. It could be a combination of both. Stroking at you incessantly, his fingers drive into you, perpetually caressing that soft spot inside that makes your toes curl. 
Your release creeps up unsurprisingly fast. It's all force and pressure, a tightening, full feeling that's gripping your insides in its strong claws. One minute you're holding on to reality and the next, you're gone, floating away as the pressure melts and cascades from you like stardust. 
Your vision unblurring, you realise what's happened when the sound of it reaches your ears. That squelching, soaking noise of Eddie's fingers working you through the last throes of your pleasure. 
As you look down Eddie's staring at your dripping pussy with awe, having to pull his fingers out of you with a bit of force since you don't seem to want to let go. He sits back on his heels with a smile that could rival the Cheshire cats, absolutely coated in your juices. It's covering his face, his hand, and it's even darkened the front and sleeve of his shirt. 
An apology nestles on the tip of your tongue, but it stays there when Eddie speaks. 
“Atta girl, did so good for me. Fuck, I kinda want to see if you can do that again.” 
Opening your mouth for a witty remark, it escapes you. Your usually sharp mind is now the consistency of spray cheese. All that comes out is a soft little noise, a cross between a hum and a thank you. 
“Stay right there, I'll be back.” 
You giggle a little as he runs off. Where on earth does he think you'll go? And more importantly, how? 
When he returns his face and hands are clean, and crucially, he's shirtless. Lean muscle gleams in the low light, decorated with a dozen or so tattoos. He's got a cloth in one hand, and a glass of water in the other. 
“Here, drink up sweetheart, you need it.” 
You search for a hint of playfulness or smugness in his face and come up empty. In fact, he's staring, waiting for you to take a sip. When you do, he smiles, and goes about wiping the tops of your thighs. The cloth is even warm. You've never been given a warm cloth before, the closest being a handful of scrunched up tissues. 
“Eddie, where have you been all my life?” 
Laughing loudly, he sits next to you, stealing a sip of your water. 
“I came as quickly as I could.” 
It was a cheesy line, but you're beyond caring, a goofy grin smeared all over your face. 
“Can I take you to the bedroom?” 
You nod and before you can get up he's scooping you into his arms. 
“Eddie, I can walk you know,” you say as you drape your arms around his neck. 
“Oh I know, I just want to take care of you.” 
Fuck. You could move in tomorrow. 
The only things you notice about the bedroom are the soft blue of the duvet as he places you gently on top of it and the bedside lamps he flicks on that bathe the room in a warm glow. The rest doesn't matter, not right now. Your eyes are on him as he stands at the edge of the bed, looking at you as if you were a beautiful sculpture carved from the finest marble. 
Getting up on your knees, you smile cheekily up at him as you hook your fingers into the worn denim and pop the top button. 
“And what do you think you're doing?” He asks, hand moving up to cradle your face. 
“I was going to return the favour.” 
You unzip the fly and pull them down, eyes widening at the swollen bulge in his trunks. They're tight, leaving little room for the imagination, but anything you may have imagined couldn't possibly compare to the real thing. 
“Not tonight sweetheart. Like I said, I want to take care of you.” 
He turns to the nightstand and rummages around, pulling out a packet of condoms. It's new, you notice, as he unwraps the film and takes one out, placing it on the side whilst he rolls his underwear off.
As he's putting it on you gawp shamelessly, truly wondering if it's actually going to fit. No wonder he's so confident. 
“Did you actually just turn down a blow job?” 
He smiles, crawling between your legs and caging your head between his arms. 
“What can I say, I'm a giver.” 
He stops for a moment, knuckles stroking your cheek. 
“You sure you wanna do this?” 
Smiling gently, you reach down and grasp his solid member making him jolt, and rub the tip through your slick. 
You line him up and his smile turns into an open mouthed groan, eyebrows knitting together as he starts slipping inside of you. 
“Eddie, holy- fuck.” 
“You're OK sweetheart, doing such a good job for me.” 
He pushes in further and you realise why all the foreplay was necessary. Clearly, he enjoyed it too, but you're not sure you could have taken him without it. When he's finally sitting flush inside you wince a little, hands tight on his shoulders. 
“You feel incredible, so tight for me.” 
Whimpering, you can feel your cheeks heat with the praise. 
“God you really do like my words don't you?” 
Grinning mischievously, he plants a soft kiss to your lips. It weirdly feels more intimate than him being inside you. 
“Y-yeah, it's really sexy Eddie.” 
His cock kicks up inside you, making you gasp a little. 
“You're really sexy. The little sounds you make, your moans.”
As if demonstrating that, he pulls out a little and thrusts in gently, forcing a quivering sigh from you. 
“See? Fucking perfect sweetheart.” 
He begins rolling his hips into you, never pulling out too much, as if he couldn't stand to be any further apart. 
One of his sinewy arms snakes its way underneath you, holding you close as he playfully nips your earlobe and breathing whispers into your ear. 
“How many times?” 
“Huh?” You respond, utterly lost in the feel of him dragging against your gripping walls. 
“How many times do you want to come?” 
You giggle, despite the situation, or maybe because of it.
“I don't usually, oh, get t-to choose, is there a- oh fuck- there a menu or something?” 
He chuckles and slows down just slightly, pushing into you devastatingly deep. 
“What's the most you've managed?” 
He's so thick, and the feel of him is otherworldly; it had you wondering how it'd feel without the layer of latex between you. 
“I can't- fuck- I can't think- like two?”
He stops, looking at you incredulously  with a furrowed brow.
“Two? We can do better than that.” 
He speeds up, leaning on one arm as his other hand finds its way down your torso and begins to rub your clit. That pulse inside you is sent into overdrive, mouth open and panting as you cling to his back, nails digging into his skin. 
Your release swells inside, growing, and intensifying, until it suddenly pops, showering you in pleasure. Tears spring in the corners of your eyes as you moan out your release an inch from his face.
“Atta girl,” Eddie says as he nudges you with his nose, “do that again.” 
Your clit feels a little sore, swollen and sensitive after so much pleasure. His touch is gentle, but it's still overwhelming. 
“Eddie, I-I can't, please-” 
“You want me to stop? I'll stop if you want that sweetheart.” 
The sharp feeling begins to dull, making way for another wave of euphoria that washes over your whole body. Legs twitching uncontrollably, you whine long and low, a flood of noises bursting from you that no damn could ever stop. 
“That a no, sweetheart?” 
“Don't stop don't stop don’t stop - oh!” 
You'd be embarrassed by the crazy noise you made as you come again, if you were even aware of it. A screeching loud moan, eyes scrunched as your body leaves the bed and your nails drag across his bare back. 
“That's it, knew you could, so good for me. Fuck, nearly lost it.” 
He does stop then, biting his lip to stop himself from unleashing his own orgasm as his breath comes in short huffs. 
“Eddie, you don't have to- ohmygod!”
The last of your sentence evaporates on your tongue as he hooks his arms under your legs and pushes your thighs flush to your chest. It seems even Eddie has lost the power of speech, dirty moans pouring from his mouth that rival your own. 
He's so deep, impossibly deep; as if he were in your guts at this point. You've never felt so full in all your life. Your third release is almost there, a tightening string wound around you, pulling and twisting and contorting your body into a writhing sweaty shambles. 
You're clenching and convulsing around his pumping length as he twitches inside you, his groans and grunts spurring you on. It's faster now, his thrusts becoming more erratic. Sweat clings to the very air, the heat in the room creating this cloying humidity that dampens each breath out, making hair stick to skin and creating loud slapping sounds of your conjunction. 
Eddie's face is red with effort, teeth gritted and lips tight. 
“Are you gonna come again? I can feel you. Please, sweetheart, please- fuck- I need it, I need it, come with me!” 
You let go. The tight string breaks and your orgasm spreads through your very soul; it's so profound and savage that tears spill out and down your cheeks with its intensity. Eddie joins you, coming as one with a drawn out groan that borders on feral. 
For a moment, you both revel in it, just panting, feeling sticky skin against skin, heartbeats slowing, muscles unwinding and relaxing. 
He finally unhooks his arms from your legs and you lay them shakily on the down as he clambers off, collapsing next to you on the bed. 
“You OK sweetheart?” 
It's all you can reply with, a little satisfied noise. Scooting closer to him, you place your hand hesitantly on his chest. 
“Hang on a sec.” 
He gets up and disposes of the condom, slowly padding out the room. Returning again with another glass of water for you, he hands it over with a raise of an eyebrow. This time you take it gratefully, chugging half of it before passing it back. 
A moment of panic grips your chest, followed by shame. You barely know him, yet you'd gone to his place with hardly any hesitation. 
As he lays back down next to you, scooping his arm around your back, you clear your throat. 
“I just, er, wanted you to know I don't usually do this.” 
“Hey, it's alright. Neither do I.”
Feeling slightly less trampy, you stroke his chest with delicate fingers, wishing for the moment to last but knowing it can't. 
“I don't think my legs work anymore, I think you'll have to call me a taxi.”
Eddie sits up suddenly, looking at you with anguish written all over his face. 
“You're not leaving, are you?” 
“Well, I don't fancy doing the walk of shame tomorrow in that outfit.” 
He pouts, looking much younger than he is. 
“Oh. Well, you can always borrow something to wear?” 
“That's even worse!” You laugh, hitting his chest softly. 
“Fine, then I'll go out in the morning and buy you something to wear.” 
Staring at him wide eyed, you realise he's not joking. 
“Sweetheart, I'd buy you a whole new wardrobe if it meant you’d stay.” 
Heart beating just that little bit faster in your chest, you fight the tears that want to build up. 
“I just thought, you know, well, we don't know each other that well and that you might think this was just, a thing.” 
“You mean a one night thing?”
You nod, not trusting your voice. 
Melting into his open arms, he kisses the top of your head.
“I want you to stay. I'll take you home Monday and-” 
“Eddie, tomorrow's Sunday.” 
“I know.” 
“Eddie, I have to work Monday. So do you!” 
You laugh, trying to break free of his arms but he doesn't let up. 
“Fine, I'll take you home tomorrow. Late. Then see you Monday night.” 
Face hurting from smiling, you settle into the cuddle, the swell of feeling in your chest almost too much for you right now. 
“Eddie I can't stay. I don't have a toothbrush.” 
You say it jokingly, and he squeezes you. 
“It's fine, I've got like 20 of them from work.” 
“I prefer to think of it as resourceful.” 
Suddenly he pulls you on top of him making you squeal. 
“So you gonna stay?” 
“Yeah, fine I'll stay.” You try to say it in a mocking manner but your silly grin belies your rolling eyes. 
Holding you close, Eddie breathes such a sigh of relief; a deep one, one that sounds like he's been holding in for some time. A sigh that makes you feel special. 
Permanent Taglist (couple of these are assumed, if you want off let me know! Same if you want to be added sweethearts)
@liminalpebble @eddies-puppet @rip-quizilla @micheledawn1975 @vanilla-demon @millercontracting @roanniom @josephquinnsfreckles @leelei1980 @mrsjellymunson @usedtobecooler @eddiesprincess86 @ali-r3n
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grabattheseballsss · 5 months
Ass or tits post but they barely answer the question
NSFW text !!!
Btw if yawll have any headcannon ideas do send them in pls !!! Smooches !!
John price
this is absurd, to think you would ask him such a disrespectful question, I mean if you weren’t dating this is a huge HR violation, plus he won’t just pick like you’re some object he gets to use to his pleasure (thighs and fupas)
Simon Riley
Ass…. No wait he likes tits
Actually he likes ass… but maybe more so the thighs… nah nah it’s just ass … actually here, go wear these outfits and come back to me, I need to make my mind up for sure, you know, for research purposes.
John McTavish
Couldn’t choose, had to go run a few laps to clear his brain
Came back and just held your shoulders and said
You’d be confused and ask him the question again and he’d just look at you with sad eyes and whimper out
“Please don’t make me chose”
Kyle Garrick
Tits, absolutely tits, this man has a thing for milfs, my darlings with big or small tits, if he sees you in a blouse or a tank top that shows your cleavage, he’s running the nearest bathroom to relieve himself.
You had to go undercover on a mission once, having to dress up as a server at a strip club, you needed to have ears on the inside, and he had to save all the footage he was watching… for safety purposes of course, what if he didn’t notice a very illegal bad thing happen to you on his 89th rewatch ?!
Rodolfo parra
Tits, but also into necks, he also loves your back, and the curve of your hips, and how your rolls show when he has you in a weird position, and he loves watching you change or slip into your everyday clothes, how some tights fabrics tug at your pretty plush skin, he loves it when you lay your feet on his lap, silently asking him to rub them for you, watching you stretch, watching you walk, how you interact with others …
Wait sorry what was the question ?
Alejandro Vargas
This whore…. Ass.
He’d slap your ass ever time you’re walking by, if you’re leaning on a counter, on your phone, he would stand behind you and slap your ass bongos, laughing and kissing your temple as you try to smack him.
If he sees you sleeping on your side he will crawl lower and cuddle your ass, it’s just such a nice cushion  :(
One time the team all went out for drinks after a successful mission, and you changed into a white tank top, low cut bell bottom jeans and Rudy handed you a cowboy hat as a joke, but all Alejandro could think about is which bathroom is the closest for him to take you.
Also steals your panties after every quickie
See….. here’s the thing, Valeria loves one thing, and that thing is seeing you all submissive and ready for her to take, she loves sitting in a meeting with some dealers, her legs spread, you by her feet, hugging onto the lower part of her legs, humping on her dirty boot, your tits pressed against her knee as your clothed pussy rubs in messy motions as you try to get some sort of release, she loves holding a gun to your head, asking you to only make eye contact with her, in a room filled with judging eyes.
She needs everyone to know what’s hers, and what would happen if they even dared to speak of what’s hers.
Listen, I see könig as a little weirdo, a lil freaky boy. When he’s infatuated with someone, he won’t be able to find a single flaw in them, seeing your skirt riding up at bit too high that shows your ass that’s covered in opaque stockings, and if there’s a little rip in those stockings, even if the rip is like, down near your ankle, he’s gonna pop a boner.
If you’re a fashion girly that likes to show their body off oh baby he’s buying you anything you want if you just give him a show, tops that barely hide your nipples, about 90% of your tits out on display, one slip and you’ll be flashing him.
Seeing you in his clothes, seeing his hoodie bunched up around around waist as you hold it up a bit, fixing your pants, oh he’s going to jump that hoodie later.
Tits, or so he thought, he’s always found your chest gorgeous, what he wouldn’t give to be able to suck on your nipples day and night, that is until you were sparring one time, you had him in a chokehold… with your thoughts pressed against his neck, his head resting on your lap as you look down at him, animalistic fire in them as you grin down at him, all he could think about was how your eyes gazed down on his, how the pressure of your thick thighs pressed against his neck felt like heaven, like the pain in his neck was cured (it wasn’t)
After the sparring match he just had to collect his thoughts, he needed you to be on top of him, preferably with your crotch right on top of his face with your soft sweaty thighs caging him in .
This lady……… she’s the hard dom price wishes he was.
She’s so calm and collected on the outside, at her work everyone sees her as this no nonsense lady who refuses to listen to some old fart tell her what she can and can’t do, she’ll always do what’s right
And so when her pretty girl, in a gorgeous dress she got for you, comes to her job, holding a tiny bag filled with her lunch, hair done, makeup looking flawless, and a bright smile that makes her coworkers envy her.
She loves her sweet girl that’s too innocent to notice how promiscuous she looks in that form fitting dress, how her tits press together when she hands her the bag, Kate would simply thank you, kissing you briefly before giving your bum a smack as she tells you to get back home and get ready for her tonight
What? The woman is stressed at work and her girl comes in looking like a goddess in a tight dress, plus it’s not like any of her coworkers blame her.
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ventique18 · 4 months
Shop owner 🌸 and 🐉 who comes by everyday to get something without fail. The first time you met was uneventful; just one normal customer amongst the many-- if a huge guy dressed in expensive-looking tailored outfits was the norm. You called him "sir" the first couple of times, but after a few pleasant conversations and comfortable laughter, you began to affectionately greet him with a "Hello, stranger." He flushed at that and immediately introduced himself because he always forgot to do so before. You laughed and proposed that "stranger" be your exclusive nickname for him, to which he reluctantly agreed. He eventually grew to like it.
If you sell flowers, he'll rotate between bouquets and mention that they're for his grandmother. If you're a pharmacist, he'll pick up vitamins and maintenance meds daily. You ask why he just doesn't get a bottle once a month, so he'll share that his father's a bit forgetful so he personally hands it to him daily. It doesn't really answer why he needs to buy exactly one tablet each, once a day-- but you're not one to press people.
If you sell...rice, he's basically providing 90% of your income by picking up several kilos every day. You ask if he's running an orphanage with how much he needs, but he just laughs and spills that he has growing brothers and they both eat like hungry crocodiles.
Honestly, you quickly catch on that he just likes talking to you. You don't really see him around outside of his appearances to buy something, so it must take a bit of effort to travel from wherever he comes from. So one day you jokingly mention, "You should just move next to me if my wares are that integral to your life. God knows we need more neighbors here besides retired old ladies and their noisy grandkids ringing my doorbell for shits and giggles."
"I wish you would move into my house."
"Sorry, what was that? The neighbor's music is a bit loud."
He smiles a polite "nothing" before bidding you farewell for the day. A week passes by and he doesn't come again. You wonder if what you said was off-putting to him, but you settle with the more positive thought that he must have a lot going on in his private life. You find yourself hoping he'd pass by again so you could apologize if your joke offended him in any way. Odd as your relationship is, you do think of him as a friend.
So when one day you're walking home from having visited the groceries, your surprise is immeasurable as you stroll by Ms. Betsy's house. Because instead of the cranky auntie who liked to yell at kids and hiss at visiting stray cats, there now stands a guy. A huge guy with equally huge shears shaping the bushes around shrubs of roses that you swear Ms. Betsy never had. A guy that you know very well.
You do remember that the auntie used to like droning about how she'd sell that house and fly to a different country as soon as the opportunity arises, but...
"Hello, stranger..?" You greet with an equal amount of hesitation, confusion, and relief.
He turns. You swear your stomach exploded into a fit of butterflies when a mischievous smile plays on his lips.
"Why, hello... neighbor. You were not joking when you mentioned the children who enjoy ringing doorbells."
You laugh, "Did I mention shopkeepers who ring their neighbor's doorbells yet?"
"That," he replies as he begins sauntering back to his house, "I do not mind." When his hand reaches the door knob, he looks back to you with a grin, "Would you like a cup of tea? You can tell me more about this mysterious shopkeeper over a tray of honey biscuits."
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heavenbarnes · 2 months
completely self indulgent thoughts about older!bf simon inspired by today's events at work. I work in tech/sales and a lot of my days are spent setting up new phones for people who are 35+, that for the life of them, can't figure out technology. just thinking about older!bf simon needing to get a new phone and asks reader for her thoughts, but when reader starts talking about storage size or sim cards he gets confused and just tells her "pick whatever love, I trust your judgement" not just because he does in fact, trust her judgement, but also because he can't he bothered trying to learn and understand.
have many thoughts about this.
friend, 90% of what i write is entirely self indulgent- we’ve got to do it 🫶🏼
it’s a miracle you convinced older bf!simon to finally get rid of that god forsaken flip phone and start working with an actual smartphone.
granted, it was like pulling teeth (yes the prospect of receiving nudes whilst he was deployed helped) but what mattered was he’d finally entered the 21st century.
and then he drops his cellphone on the drive and manages to boot it into the side of the neighbour’s garage. the thing was absolutely munted by the time it’d come off the end of simon’s steel cap.
which is why you’re standing in the middle of the electronics store looking at endless tables of cellphones and simon looks like he’s there at gunpoint.
“i ‘ave been held at gunpoint, was better than this”
so you lead him to the smartphones that are smart but not too smart, the ones that look hard to break or get wrong. they also look older than half the people working in the store, but that’s besides the point.
“can i help you both with anything?”
right on cue, a young but cheery guy appears across the table with a lanyard that tells you his name is hunter and he’s ready to help!
your elbow fits nicely under simon’s ribcage as you gear up to play hunter’s defence lawyer for however long this interaction is going to take.
“hi hunter, this one is looking for a new smartphone- what do you recommend?”
and while hunter does a standup job at explaining the benefits of a handful of phones he probably hasn’t sold to anyone under 75, simon is suddenly well engaged.
“and we’ve got a selection of cases, just regular ones or tough ones”
“need t’be tough, don’t want the fucker breakin’ when i’ve got someone in a headlock”
hunter pales and you veeeery slowly turn to simon with a look on your face that begs to know what the actual fuck is wrong with him.
“oh simon, you comic trailblazer- you know what, you’ve been so helpful hunter, thank you!”
you cut the kid loose as he tries to leave the table without taking his eyes off simon, who coincidentally is doing the exact same thing to him.
“would it kill you to let him help us?!”
“just about, didn’t like the way he looked at ‘ya”
the kid didn’t look a day out of school and naturally your better half has to pick a fight with any guy that so much as exists within your atmosphere.
he’s lucky he’s so handsome.
“ugh, which one do you prefer? 32GB? 64?”
“whaddyou’ reckon?”
and you’re about to let out the longest sigh known to man when you catch the look on his face.
that same look he gives you when he’s dressed up for dinner or just come back from a haircut, the look he gives you that tells you he’s looking for your opinion.
“32 would do you, i don’t think you need that much space”
he grunts before he pulls you into his side, taking you both to the counter so he can get you to say all that again to your helpful attendee.
“oi, hunter”
poor guy nearly jumps out of his skin but manages to settle when he realises he’s about to close the sale, even manages to upsell that tough case.
simon settles once he’s back in the car with you, eyes scanning the box his phone comes in and grumbling something under his breath.
when you ask him to speak up you immediately wish you hadn’t.
“lost all those videos ‘f yours, better be enough space f’the new ones”
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munsster · 2 months
rockstar standards
A/N: PLS PLS PLS DROP SUGGESTIONS FOR HOCKEY STEVE/EDDIE im having a total brainfart but i need to break into the hockey au game bc i love it 😻 (gif creds: @cuntyarmand)
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader, 90s AU
Summary: Corroded Coffin starts to gain some traction, and you can't help feeling stranded. 1.5k words
Warnings: minor angst/hurt comfort, fluff, pining, pet names (bug, sweetheart, sweets, baby), jealousy, undressed cuddling,
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You watch him parade around the stage every Friday night. Sometimes he's playing the home stage, other times he books random amphitheaters and dive bars. But today, he's drenched in purple light on the outskirts of Chicago. It's by far the biggest venue Corroded Coffin has played. You sit by the pop up bar, but bodies are packed like sardines in this place. It's hot and loud, but it's worth it to see him so elated.
Even through his streaky eyeliner, you can tell he's adoring the attention of the pit. You can see their red fingernails and shiny tank tops and free flowing hair. You never thought Eddie would be the kinda thing you were attracted to. You also know he's not the kinda guy to be attracted to something like you. You know guys like Eddie usually go for the Pam Andersons and Courtney Loves. The Party girls. Not the ones who have nothing better to do on a Saturday night than watch a romcom alone.
That Sunday, Eddie pulls onto your street. It's late and he has a ringing headache. He couldn't think of anything better to do after touching down in Hawkins again. You'd headed home the night before, and it made his gut wrench knowing he wouldn't get to see you the rest of the weekend.
Your door creaks open, and he's smiling on the other side. He's already leaning against your doorway with the bouquet he bought earlier from the woman selling them on the corner.
"Missed you, bug," he huffs, "Can I come in?"
You step aside without another word, and he hangs his leather jacket on the coat rack like always. Something feels off when he sits on the couch to find you're on the complete opposite side from him. Usually, you're not shy about cuddling up beside him to watch a movie or share snacks or just talk.
He frowns and scoots closer, leaning in to grab at your ankle playfully. You kick his hand away, brow set hard above your lethal glare.
"Sweetheart," he huffs, tilting his head in confusion, "What's going on? Where's my cuddlebug?"
"I dunno, somewhere in Hollywood?"
His eyes nearly pop out of his head at that. You're his favorite girl and you know that. So why're you grilling him now.
"Tell me what's goin' on. What did I miss?"
And you look serious, too. This isn't some running joke he missed out on while he was away. He's not sure who bruised your confidence, but he's sure he'd like to have a few words with them. He hates the way your lip wobbles and your eyes avoid him cause it gives you away. That's how he knows you're heartbroken.
"Eddie," you whine, swiping a hasty tear from your cheek. "I just don't know why you keep me around when you could have any of those girls at your bon vivant gigs."
"Fuck is that supposed to mean, bug?" He barks it out on accident, sitting back on his haunches with a scowl. "I'm sorry, but there's no way I'm gettin’ rid of you."
"Eddie, please... you're gonna make it big and get shipped off to Tinseltown, and I'll still be here, teddy. Probably being someone's lonely, suburban housewife. It's what I'm made for, and that's not what you want."
"You're wrong."
"And maybe you should go," you whisper, choking back a sob and standing from the couch.
"No, sweets, you're wrong," he says, standing and striding over to you, "You've got me wrong, and you've got you wrong."
You cross your arms over your chest and finally look him in the eye.
"'S that so?"
"Yeah," he tuts. And he has the most charming, most dastardly smile you've ever seen, flashing his canines like a gentle killer. "'Cause I'm gonna take you with me."
"Nope, I'm takin' you with me wherever I go, and there's nothin' you can say to change my mind. Even if you hate my music forever, fine, I'll fix you up in a nice five star anywhere we go. You can sit and watch all the movies you like. You'll be nobody's housewife, baby, 'cause I'm keepin' you."
You roll your eyes, batting away tears when he grabs your hand to pull you back to the couch.
"And what if I said that's not what I want?" you suggest, testing his rockstar resolve with your big, wet eyes and stubborn quips.
"Then I'll give you somethin' else. Anything else. But you're mine no matter what." If only you knew how proud it made him to call you his girl. To know you support him even if you don't love his genre.  "Now, would you come closer? You're killin' me."
You obey with a frigid pout, letting him drape your thighs over his and brush his ring clad paws over your cheeks, down your neck.
"But what about your groupies and the pretty girls at the bars or in the front row?"
"What about 'em?" he says, just barely shaking his head, "I'll have somethin' way better waiting for me."
You chuckle. "You're crazy."
He cocks a brow. "Old news."
When he notices how close you've gotten, he smiles. Your manicured nails graze over his chest with the only light washing over you from the dimly lit kitchen. He can't resist his palm curling behind your neck, pulling you close for a sweet kiss.
"Where d'you keep your vases?" he mumbles, remembering the tulips resting on the little table.
"Kitchen. Above the fridge," you say with your fingers already slotting between his to pull him towards the warm light. He loves you like this: sickly sweet and tender, holding him all gentle in your hot pulse. You go to reach for a painted ceramic vase, but he wraps his arm around you and turns you away.
"Ah ah ah, drop it, sweetheart. That’s my job," he says against your temple, holding the lip of the vase and patting your ass. He takes the bouquet from your grasp and sets both on the counter by the sink. You hand him a pair of scissors and he carefully snips the stems jagged, filling the vase with water.
His stomach flips when you wrap your arms around his waist and clasp your hands at his belt. He sets the prepared arrangement aside and turns in your embrace.
"All done," he says wickedly, palming your face with his wet hands. You jump back with a squeal, pelting a dish rag at this chest.
"Use a towel, you slob!"
He chuckles and wipes his hands on his shirt, tossing the towel over his shoulder and leering at you like he's starved.
"Come here," he mumbles. You go a little shy under his gaze, dropping your head and shuffling towards his presence. He catches you by the hips, dipping down to catch your mouth in a prying kiss. You grin against him and he groans, tugging you tight against his body.
"Always love how soft you are, baby. Surprises me every time." He shakes his wild mane and purses his lips for you to kiss this time.
"Where d'you want the flowers?" he says.
His eyes light up involuntarily, and he grabs the vase, bounding off towards your room gleefully. You jog to catch up with him, and when you enter the threshold, he's expertly positioning the vase next to a stack of books on your dresser.
"Much cleaner than mine," he says, gesturing around the room, "You keep it nice in here."
You shrug. "Could be cleaner."
"You can never see mine," he teases, knowing full well you already have. He slings his arms low on your hips, adoring you in the blue light of dusk. "Can I undress you?"
You bow your head and whisper, "teddy..."
"Not like that. Just wanna hold you."
You kiss his slanted mouth sweetly, nodding.
He reaches for the edge of your soft cotton dress, pulling it up and over your head. He whistles low upon seeing your undergarments, whipping his shirt off and onto the floor somwhere. You giggle, helping him with his belt buckle. He traces your temple with his lips leaving kisses along the way. He steps out of his jeans and lets you lead him around the bed.
His curls sprawl out against your pillows, and he welcomes you into his side with a lazy smile. Your reach to touch his waist and softly feel over the scar below his ribs.
"Little tender, bug," he hisses. You bat your eyes up at him scared, pulling your hand away.
"I'm sorry."
He shakes his head. "No, please," he whispers, cradling your wrist, his eyes locked with yours. He draws the hair away from your neck, replacing it with his fingers to dance down along your spine. You’re warmer than he’s ever felt before and thankful for it. His hands are cold, but he doesn’t have to worry about it for very long when you bring each fingertip to your lips for a kiss.
“You’re my girl, alright? Always,” he whispers and you nod, “always.”
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atsumutu · 2 years
“Hajime, are you bored?”
The raven haired man peers up from his phone, instantly locking the device and pocketing it when he sees the concern etched across your face.
Shaking his head, Iwaizumi gives you a gentle smile. It only takes him a few steps to reach you. “No, just checking my emails.”
Unconvinced, you rest a palm on his chest. It wasn’t like you had forced the man to come out with you. Ever the attentive boyfriend, Iwaizumi had made it his mission to spend some time with you after a hectic few weeks of work - even if that meant spending the day following you into countless stores.
“Are you sure? I know this isn’t really your thing.” you mumble, gesturing lamely at the store.
“Baby, no.” he plants a soft kiss on your temple. “I love spending time with you. Even if it means becoming your personal bag holder.” Iwaizumi lifts an arm, biceps curling underneath his t shirt as he lifts a plethora of shopping bags with ease, 90% of the contents belonging to you.
He watches the way your eyes draw towards his muscle and with the tiniest lift of his lips, he whispers. “I’m starting to think you only bring me along so you can have me carry your bags and ogle me.”
Rolling your eyes, you lightly slap his chest. “You’re the one who always insists on coming with me and carrying all my bags.”
Iwaizumi raises an eyebrow as if to ask are you sure?
Scoffing, you offer no solid denial, only a light push that does nothing to move the brute standing before you. Iwaizumi smiles down at you, endeared by the attempt.
“Seriously though, Hajime, I can go around by myself. Why don’t you go home and rest?”
Now he’s confused. It’s the second time you’ve tried to send him home and he’s racking his brain to see if he may have upset you somehow but he keeps coming up blank. Finally giving up, he decides to ask you.
“Why?” he squints his eyes playfully, “You got another man around to carry your stuff for you?” When you don’t respond to his joke, the raven furrows his brows. Calloused palms come to rest on your cheek. “I’m fine, love.”
And sure he looked fine, Iwaizumi was as tough as nails. But not even he could handle the crazy hours he had been working the last couple of weeks and you could tell he was close to running on fumes.
“Ha ha, very funny.” taking a hold of his wrist, you peer up at the man. “Let’s just go home. I think i’ve bought enough-“
“No.” He’s curt and the unexpected sharpness in his tone cuts you a lot deeper than he would have ever intended. You blink at his words, guilt, concern and a flash of hurt painting across your features. Sighing, Iwaizumi rests his forehead on your shoulder, groaning in what you guess is regret.
Your first instinct is to comfort him, so you do. Weaving your fingers through his dark tresses, you let him soak in your warmth.
“I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to snap at you.”
“I know, Haji.”
With a final sigh, he slumps back a step. “Shit, maybe I do need to get my ass home.” he chuckles half heartedly.
Humming, you take a step forward to reach him, mischief brimming in your tone. “Well if you’d just listened to me the first time I wouldn’t be here trying to calm down Mr Grumpy Pants himself.”
“Watch it.” he snipes, no real bite behind his words.
And in all your childish glory, you stick your tongue out at him.
Iwaizumi looks wholly amused. When was the last time someone stuck their tongue out at him? Then, he remembers who his best friend is and any trace of amusement is gone. “That Oikawa is a shitty influence on you.” he grumbles.
“Come on, let’s go.” you giggle, reaching for his free hand to lead him towards the exit.
“Hey,” he calls, softly tugging at your hands to halt your steps, “I love you.”
Despite the gruff texture of his voice, you would never tire of how softly those words would fall from his lips.
“I love you too.” lifting your entwined fingers up, you seal your words with a quick kiss to the back of his hand. “Now, can we finally go home?”
Iwaizumi smiles, fond. “Let's go home.”
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fartfather · 6 months
Audience of One pt.2
Satoru x fem!reader x Suguru
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Word count: 6.1k
Series Summary: When Suguru first walked in on you and Satoru having sex, it was an accident. But he couldn't say the same about every time after that. He's under the impression that this habit of his is a secret. But you and Satoru have known this whole time and didn't plan on letting Suguru know anytime soon.
pt.2 Info: MDNI 18+, fem!reader, PiV sex, unprotected sex, voyeurism, threesome, hair pulling, choking, reader receiving oral, Male receiving oral, praise/degradation kink, spanking, begging, pet names (princess, baby, love, etc), established relationship w Gojo, aftercare, basically 90% porn 10% fluff, Gojo teaching Geto how to fuck you, Geto is a lil shy at first
pt.1 pt.3 pt.4
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"Ah, fuck," Gojo moaned out, throwing his head back.
"Shhh," you shushed with a teasing giggle, "We wouldn't want anyone to hear us, would we?"
You were sat on Gojo's cock, hands pressed into his chest and knees bent on either side.
Geto’s breath hitched and eyes widened from your words. We wouldn't want anyone to hear us?
You're not serious... right?
Gojo looked up at you and bit his bottom lip, trying to stifle a laugh.
You both had already noticed Geto watching you.
This was becoming a little game for you two. Trying to see how long you two could keep the innocent act together, all while waiting to see how long it would take until Geto caved and admitted. Which would come first?
"Mm," you hummed as you lifted your hips, letting Gojo's cock nearly slip out, before pushing back down and taking him fully.
Geto watched, unable to peel his eyes away. He wanted so badly to join. He was tired of having to stand on the sidelines. But at the same time he would never admit his wrongdoings.
No, instead he was forced to watch in silence and suffer from his own denial and stubbornness.
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁��⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
Days passed and Geto quietly watched your lewd acts a few more times, until it was Gojo who finally caved in.
It was late at night and Gojo had just come back home from exorcising a particularly dangerous cursed spirit. You wanted to help him unwind and he wanted to spice things up.
So there you two were, sitting on the bed, kissing passionately.
Your legs were wrapped around Gojo while his arms were wrapped tightly around your waist, keeping both of you upright as he sat at the edge of the bed.
When Gojo broke the kiss, his eyes were dark and hungry. You looked up at him, breathing heavily, and bit your lip.
"What is it, baby?" You asked in a seductive tone, running a hand through his hair.
He stared into your eyes, thinking. He was tired of this charade. Tired of the act.
He grabbed your hand from his hair and kissed the palm of it,
"I think," he paused and kissed your wrist, "it's about time," then kissed the crook of your elbow, "we end this little game," his lips moved to your shoulder.
"What do you mean?" You asked him with a confused expression.
Gojo moved his mouth down your other arm, leaving kisses and hickeys, and didn't answer.
When he reached your wrist, he lifted his head and smirked. "Don't worry," he kissed the back of your hand, "you'll see."
Before you could ask anymore questions, Gojo moved to your neck.
He kissed the base and then licked his way up the side. When his lips reached your ear, he kissed the shell and whispered, "Just relax and let us take care of you."
Us? Did he mean…?
Realization flashed across your face and you bit your lip to hide your embarrassed smile.
"Oh, so we're finally letting him in?" You asked, turning your head slightly.
"I'm tired of seeing him look so pathetic," he chuckled, "he needs this as much as we do."
Geto’s eyes squinted from outside the bedroom. He tried to listen in to what you and Gojo were saying, but your voices were too low.
"And what if I don't want him to join?" You teased, both of you knowing full well that was a lie.
Gojo smirked and tilted his head, "Oh yeah? Then why is our bedroom door unlocked and cracked open? I should go close it then, shouldn’t I?”
"Maybe I just didn't want to get up," you replied nonchalantly, shrugging your shoulders.
"Sure," he laughed and rolled his eyes, "I bet you're soaking wet, aren't you?”
You brought your finger up to your lip and tapped it, pretending to be in deep thought. “You wanna check?” You asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I’d love to,” he replied with a smirk and grazed his fingers just barely under the hem of your pants.
“But I bet Suguru would be more than willing to check as well,” he whispered in your ear. Your eyes fluttered closed and you let out a breathy sigh, enjoying his touch.
A shiver went down your spine as his breath hit your neck and you opened your eyes again, looking back up at him.
Nodding your head, you gave Gojo permission to finally invite his friend in.
Gojo smiled and turned his head towards the door.
"Suguru," he called out in a lilted tone, "get in here."
Geto's eyes widened and he felt a rush of emotions.
How did Gojo know he was there?
And why was he calling him inside?
Geto didn't move. He stayed frozen where he was.
"Geto," Gojo said once more.
Still no response.
"Come on, you don’t want to leave the lady waiting, do you?” Gojo was growing impatient.
Finally, Geto pushed the door open.
"How did you-"
"Know you were here?" Gojo finished his question, "Because I know my best friend. Plus you did a shitty job at hiding it- we knew this whole time.”
Geto's face turned red and he looked down. He felt so embarrassed.
"I'm sorry," was all he could muster up, looking at his feet.
"For what?" Gojo asked, cocking his head to the side.
Geto looked at you, still clung to Gojo and sat on his lap. You bit your lip when your eyes met and attempted to hold back a giggle.
"For, um..." Geto cleared his throat, "for watching."
"Watching what?" You asked, feigning ignorance, with a faux confused expression.
Gojo snorted, amused, and shook his head.
"Okay, that’s enough messing with him, I want him to be able to enjoy this," Gojo said and looked back to Geto.
You turned to Gojo and pouted while looking up at him, “No fun,” you mumbled and rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t contain the smirk that began to shape your lips.
Geto felt his pants grow tighter and he gulped.
You and Gojo had been teasing him for weeks. Was he finally about to get what he wanted?
"Well," Gojo continued, drawing out the word, "if you're so sorry, then why don’t you show us? Actions speak louder than words, right?”
You turned your attention to Geto, curious to see how he'd react.
"You mean...?" He asked, eyes wide and pupils dilated.
"Yes, Geto," Gojo answered, “Unless you don’t want to?” He questioned, knowing fully well how desperately Geto wanted his turn.
"No! I mean, yes, I want to," he blurted out.
"Perfect," Gojo said, smirking. "Then go ahead. Don’t be shy.”
Gojo then lifted you from your ass and positioned you to sit on the bed, you legs dangling off the edge.
Geto approached the two of you. He stopped a few steps away and looked at Gojo, unsure.
"W-what should I do?” Geto asked.
"I think you know what," Gojo replied with a chuckle.
"Y-yeah, I know, but," Geto was so nervous. Despite the amount of times he’d imagined this scenario, he never actually thought it would happen! And now that it was happening- he was at a loss.
You observed Geto, watching the gears spin behind his eyes as he wracked his brain for answers. You almost couldn’t help but laugh, taking pleasure in his embarrassment.
But you decided to remain gentle and take some pity on him. You had been torturing him for weeks after all.
With an outstretched hand you motioned forward and and said, "Come here."
Geto took a deep breath, glanced at you, and then back at Gojo. Gojo nodded, indicating to his friend to follow your instruction.
He hesitantly stepped forward and stood between your legs. He reached his hand out and brushed a piece of hair behind your ear.
You closed your eyes and leaned into his touch.
He smiled at the gesture, enjoying how soft and delicate you were.
“She’s very responsive,” Gojo told Geto, “Every little touch affects her more than you think.” He chuckled and laid back onto the bed, propping himself up with his elbows to watch the show.
Geto nodded and looked back at you, studying your features.
God, you were so beautiful.
He didn't want to rush anything. No, he wanted to savor this moment.
So, Geto continued to study you. His thumb traced the shape of your cheek bone and jawline, moving down to your chin.
You kept your eyes closed and enjoyed the attention, humming softly.
“Are you getting hard just from looking at her?!” Gojo blurted out, interrupting Geto’s focus.
You couldn't hold back the giggle that escaped your lips.
Geto turned red and his fingers grasped your chin harder than intended.
"Fuck, sorry," he said, loosening his grip.
"Don't worry, Suguru, she likes it rough too." he assured his friend, "Right, princess?"
You hummed in response, smirking with your eyes still closed.
“Although, I suppose you would know that, wouldn’t you?” He said, cocking his head to the side, his blue eyes piercing into Geto.
Geto swallowed hard.
“Don’t feel bad,” you opened your eyes and looked up at him, “I’ll tell you a secret,” you motioned for him to come closer.
He dipped his head while you also met him halfway, moving into the crook of his neck and whispered against his ear, “We liked it.”
You felt the shiver go down his spine and smiled.
Gojo sat up and looked at the both of you,
"As much as I'd love to continue teasing him," Gojo paused and looked at you with a devilish grin, "I want him to see how pretty you look when you cum. How much better the view is up close.”
Geto couldn’t help but moan at Gojo's words. He was so desperate. So turned on.
He pulled away from your embrace and looked down, admiring the sight of you.
The way you looked up at him, waiting patiently for him to make his move. The way your shirt was bunched up just enough to reveal the skin above your waistline. And the way your pants sat on your hips, taunting him, begging him to take them off.
"Please," he whispered, looking into your sparkling eyes, "can I take these off?" He asked, tugging on the hem of your pants.
You tilted your head and gave him a small pout, “Just those?” You asked, a twinkle of mischief in your eyes.
Geto let out a small groan and his cock twitched.
"Can I take everything off?" He asked.
You giggled, loving the way his desperation was beginning to show. "Please do," you smiled sweetly at him.
Geto waisted no time, his hands quickly beginning to tug the bottom of your shirt over your head.
“Fuck- thank you,” he moaned once he took in the sight of your topless figure.
Your tits were the perfect size. And god, the way they were framed by the thin bra you were wearing. It was almost too much for him.
Geto grabbed your chest and pushed them together.
"Fuck," he whispered and leaned his head forward, his lips attaching to the top of one of your breasts. "Mmm," you hummed as Geto licked and sucked the area around your nipple, "I thought you were going to take my clothes off, Sugu," you whined.
“Got distracted,” he mumbled against your skin, his gaze never leaving your body in front of him, even as he unclasped your bra and let it fall on the bed.
Gojo snickered at his comment and watched in amusement. He could tell his friend was struggling.
It was obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes, really.
But Geto just couldn’t decide which part of you he wanted to give his attention to first.
He kissed and sucked every inch of skin he could get his mouth on. His hands were everywhere- running through your hair, groping your chest, squeezing your waist, and grabbing your ass.
His hands were practically shaking as they moved down your hips.
Geto tugged the belt loops of your pants, pulling them down to the floor, and revealing the matching panties that covered your cunt.
He bit his lip and stared, completely transfixed. Your pussy was dripping wet, a stain of your arousal already formed on the fabric.
He couldn’t resist- but at the same time, he didn’t want this to end.
Gojo interrupted his trance, "Touch her. Please, I can't stand seeing her suffer." And with that encouragement, Geto didn't need to be told twice.
He ran a finger up the center of your panties and pressed his thumb into the spot above your clit.
You let out a gasp, surprised at his sudden boldness, and closed your eyes.
Geto looked up at your face, studying your reactions.
Your lips were parted slightly, letting the heavy breaths that escaped them fill the room.
Then he quickly stood up and looked down at you with determination in his eyes, “Sit on my face,” he demanded, his voice low and desperate, “please, I need you to.” he added softly, and averted eye contact, unsure if his previous tone had been too harsh.
You looked at him, taken aback, and bit your lip.
"Ooh, someone's getting bold," Gojo said as he leaned forward and sat with his legs crossed. His elbows rested on his knees while he held his head in his palms, observing you and Geto with a newfound fascination.
Nodding, you smirked and stood up from the bed.
Both Gojo and Geto watched with hungry eyes as you pulled off the remaining piece of clothing, revealing the dripping wet mess that had been building this whole time.
"Lie down," you motioned for Geto to get onto the bed. He quickly obliged and lay flat on his back.
Gojo scooted over, making room for you and assisting you into position.
Geto's hands rested on your thighs, guiding you closer to his face.
His breathing became heavy as his nose was engulfed in the scent of your arousal.
He didn't even notice Gojo's hand sneak up the back of your head.
But he did notice the way you whimpered when Gojo pulled your hair, involuntarily making your back to arch and muscles to relax- forcing you to fully sit on Suguru's face.
"Oh," was the only word that could escape your mouth in a soft moan.
Geto was in heaven.
He licked and sucked on your folds, savoring the taste.
His fingers dug into your skin, pulling you closer and keeping you in place as you attempted to ride him, hoping that would give him some air. But he wasn't having it. He wanted you to suffocate him.
You looked over at Gojo, his expression full of hunger, and you couldn't help but lean over and kiss him. His grip tightened on your hair and you gasped into his mouth.
Geto was so hard.
Your gasps and whimpers, the taste of your cunt, the scent of your arousal, and the feeling of your soft skin were driving him crazy.
"Look at you," Gojo cooed as he pulled you back, using his grip on your hair. "All flushed and wet. God, you're such a pretty little slut."
He was right.
You were a mess.
A pretty, blushing, panting mess.
"And what a lucky man, Suguru is," he smirked, looking down at his friend, "having you sitting on his face. The perfect throne for the perfect princess."
Your eyes fluttered closed, his words and Suguru's tongue bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
Geto was moaning against your pussy, the vibrations sending shock waves through your body.
"I'm... close," you managed to pant out with your eyes rolled back and brows knitted together.
"Already?" Gojo teased, "Suguru, slow down. We don't want our girl cumming too fast."
"But..." you whimpered and opened your eyes to glare at him.
"Shh," Gojo hushed you patronizingly, "you wouldn't want to be rude to our guest, would you? Be a good girl and hold out for a little longer- for his sake." He released your hair and gave you a look that made it clear you didn't have a choice.
You whined and pouted, but did as you were told.
Geto's pace turned agonizingly slow. He had switched to long, languid strokes, focusing on collecting as much of your juices as possible.
He was determined to savor this moment.
Gojo admired the view. The way your back was arched and muscles tensed, trying desperately to hold off your orgasm.
Your chest heaved and you were letting out small whimpers, unable to control yourself.
The heat in your abdomen grew more and more. "Fuck!" you cried out, nearing dangerously close.
Your hands found their way into Geto's hair, holding on tightly as a means to keep you grounded.
Gojo smirked. He was thoroughly enjoying the way your composure was slowly slipping. "What's wrong, Princess?" he asked in a sickeningly sweet voice, "Feeling a little overwhelmed?"
You couldn't answer him. Instead, you threw your head back and let out a drawn out moan.
"I don't know… how much longer I can wait," you cried, voice trembling.
"Shh," Gojo soothed, and patted your head, "don't worry, baby. We won't make you wait much longer. Right, Suguru?" He asked his friend.
"Mhm," was his reply, a hum of confirmation.
Gojo nodded and grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. Your eyes were half lidded and glassy as you stared back at him.
"Just a little longer, okay?" he whispered, kissing your forehead.
You nodded, barely registering his words.
Geto continued his ministrations, slowly pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
Gojo watched you closely, recognizing all the signs of your nearing orgasm.
Your walls fluttered and you let out a high pitched whine. With each new flick of his tongue your hips began rocking and your moans grew louder.
"There's a good girl," Gojo praised, "you've been so patient for us, haven't you?" You nodded again, biting your lip.
"Okay," Gojo said, "go ahead, Princess. Let go. Cum for us."
At his command, Geto's hands gripped your thighs even harder, holding you flush against his face.
He swirled his tongue around your clit, eliciting the most sinful sounds from your lips.
The heat that had been pooling in your stomach finally overflowed and waves of pleasure washed over you.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck- Yes!" you cried out.
Geto groaned into you, eagerly lapping up all of your juices.
You tasted sweeter than he ever could have imagined.
His head was swimming, unable to process anything except for the pleasurable sensation of his tongue pressed against your clit.
And you were just as lost in your own pleasure.
You continued grinding against him as your orgasm washed over you.
Your head was thrown back and mouth fell open, letting moans spill past your lips.
Gojo saw this as the perfect opportunity to bury himself in your neck. He kissed and nibbled while whispering into your skin.
"That's it, just like that. God, you're so beautiful when you cum," he moaned, his cock straining painfully against his pants. "You've made Suguru a very happy man, princess," he added.
"Mhm" Geto hummed in agreeance into your cunt, the vibrations mixed with his tongue still lapping overstimulated you, causing your legs to shake and squeeze.
"Ah!" you whimpered as your muscles involuntarily contracted, pulling Geto impossibly closer when your thighs squeezed him.
Gojo laughed and looked at Geto, "Looks like she's holding you captive."
"Not that I mind," he smirked against your pussy, "I could die here and be completely happy."
Geto's words sent a shiver down your spine and you moaned, releasing him from the grip of your thighs.
With one final lick of a stripe up your cunt, you collapsed into the bed, panting heavily on your back.
Gojo smiled and brushed the hair that had stuck to your forehead away. "Such a good girl," he praised.
asking in the afterglow of your orgasm, you closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths.
"Now," Gojo looked over to his friend and nodded in your direction, "Tell her nice things and touch her gently. Let her know how much you enjoyed that. She loves the attention, especially after she's been fucked out of her mind."
Geto followed his friends advice.
"God, you're so beautiful," he murmured, moving closer to you. "Your taste," he kissed your jaw, "your smell," he kissed your neck, "the sound of your moans," he kissed your collarbone. "You're absolutely perfect."
"Mmm," you hummed, enjoying his words full of genuine emotion.
Geto moved even closer, hovering over your body. His lips ghosted over your skin as he spoke,
"Thank you," he whispered, "that was everything I ever dreamed of and more."
His words sent a wave of pride over you and you smiled, "You're welcome."
Gojo chuckled and shook his head, "Don't get her ego too inflated now," he joked, "she's already too much."
You giggled and turned to look at Gojo, "Like you're one to talk."
"Guilty," he smirked, then looked over to his friend, "but we do have a problem."
Geto looked at him with a confused expression.
"Our princess has had an orgasm," he stated.
Geto nodded.
"And you haven't."
Geto's eyes widened, the realization of Gojo's intentions finally hitting him. He was going to let his friend get pleasured by his girlfriend.
"Let me take care of you both," You looked between Gojo and Geto with a smile and reached out to pull Gojo closer.
Once he was within arms reach you began to undress him, starting with his shirt. He let out a sigh, enjoying the feeling of your hands roaming his chest.
"You're such a tease," he moaned, his eyes fluttering closed.
"You love it," you whispered into his ear while palming his cock over his jeans. And once Gojo let out a strangled groan you pulled away with a giggle and turned to focus your attention on undressing Geto.
You started by pulling his shirt over his head.
As soon as the fabric hit the floor, Gojo leaned in and pressed his chest into your back, "Why did I ever let you get so fucking smug?" he asked while running his fingers through your hair.
You looked over your shoulder and smirked, "You love me."
"Hm, I do," he whispered against your ear and pressed his lips to the back of your neck, causing a shiver to run down your spine.
Meanwhile, Geto was watching the two of you with wide eyes and a growing blush.
The way you and Gojo moved around each other, teasing and flirting- it was mesmerizing.
And when Gojo began sucking hickeys into the side of your neck, Geto couldn't help but groan.
Your hand moved up his chest and stopped at his lips. "Shh, patience," you smiled, "we haven't forgotten about you."
"You haven't, maybe," Gojo mumbled into your neck.
"Don't listen to him," you said, looking at Geto and giving him a playful smile, "he's just jealous I haven't been tending to him."
"Hey!" Gojo protested and bit your neck in retaliation, which caused a squeal to slip past your lips.
Gojo took undressing himself into his own hands as you continued assisting Geto.
He quickly unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down his thighs, his boxers following right after.
Once the three of you were fully naked, Geto looked between the two of you with a questioning gaze.
"Um, how should I... position myself?" he asked hesitantly, unsure of where he would be allowed to touch and what his role would be.
"You're our guest tonight, Suguru," Gojo said, "I'll let you decide."
"Really?!" He looked at Gojo, surprised by the freedom he was given.
"Mhm," Gojo hummed and nodded.
"Thank you," he replied.
Geto took a few moments to think.
He knew he wanted to watch your face, see every emotion and expression you made.
If he and Gojo were going to have you at the same time then that meant he would have you blow him while Gojo takes you from the back, then he could see the expressions from both of the cocks in you. It’s a win/win/win.
"I want to lay down," Geto stated, "and I want to be able to see her face," he added, nodding in your direction.
"How should I-" you began asking, but Gojo cut you off.
“You’re going to lay on your stomach and I’m going to lift your pretty ass in the air. And while I’m fucking you, instead of pushing your face into the mattress I’ll be shoving your mouth on Suguru’s cock. Sound good?” He smirked, waiting for a reaction.
Your eyes widened and your cunt throbbed.
He wasn’t asking, he was telling.
And his tone of voice sent a shockwave through your body, making your pussy clench around nothing.
You gulped and nodded your head, your arousal already building from the mental image your boyfriend painted.
Geto sat back against the headboard, legs stretched out in front of him, and waited patiently. You lay on the bed on your stomach, legs bent with your ass sticking up.
Gojo positioned himself behind you and held his cock in his hand.
Once you positioned yourself properly between them you looked forward. You saw Geto slowly pumping his cock in his fist, eyes half closed as he gazed across your body.
A low moan escaped his lips as his thumb pressed into the tip, spreading the precum that had gathered there.
"Mmm," he groaned and closed his eyes.
You licked your lips, already eagerly anticipating what was to come.
Gojo rubbed his tip against your entrance, letting out a groan as he felt your slickness. "She's so fucking wet," he moaned, "it's all because of you, Suguru."
Geto opened his eyes and looked at you.
Your head was now resting on his thigh, lips parted and pupils dilated.
He watched as Gojo's cock slowly entered you and the way your eyes rolled back and a long, drawn out moan spilled past your lips.
Geto couldn't take it anymore.
He needed to feel your mouth on his cock.
He grabbed the base of his shaft and held his tip to your lips. "Open," he commanded, his tone low and firm.
His commanding voice instantly made your pussy clench and you followed instructions, parting your lips while holding his intense gaze.
Geto let out a satisfied moan once he felt the warmth of your mouth envelope his cock.
"Fuck, yes," he said through gritted teeth, "so good."
"She is, isn't she?" Gojo praised as he began to pick up his pace. "Fuck, so tight too," he moaned, his hand reaching for your hair, grabbing a fistful and forcing your mouth down onto Geto's cock.
"Fuck!" Geto shouted as the head of his cock hit the back of your throat.
Your eyes watered and a gurgled moan tried to escape your throat, but it was stifled from Geto’s cock that was buried in your mouth.
"Good girl," Gojo groaned, his hand moving to the base of your neck, "taking my cock and sucking off Suguru like the good little slut you are."
Geto and Gojo were in heaven. And so were you.
Both of their cocks filling you from either end, their praises filling your ears and the feeling of their bodies pressed against yours.
This was surly heaven.
With each new thrust from Gojo’s end your body lurched forward, making Geto's cock hit the back of your throat.
The sensation caused you to gag and tears to spill from your eyes, leaving a wet trail down your cheeks.
"Fuck," Geto moaned and gripped the sheets, struggling to keep his eyes from rolling back. He was desperate to take in your every expression.
"Mmm," you hummed, the vibrations sending waves of pleasure through his body.
"You like having your holes fucked at the same time, don't you?" Geto asked, his voice low and raspy. He was quickly becoming more comfortable and confident with his role in your new arrangement.
Your eyes fluttered closed as you gave a small nod, humming again in agreeance.
"Such a slutty girl," Gojo said, picking up his pace.
You whined around Geto's cock, the praise causing a new rush of heat to form in your stomach.
Gojo continued his praises, knowing how much they affected you, “Our perfect, little, slutty girl, aren’t you? Just a desperate, needy, little, slut who loves having her holes stuffed full at the same time. You love being used like a little fuck toy, don't you?”
His words went straight to your cunt and your walls began fluttering.
Your muffled moans were constant as your orgasm quickly approached. One of Gojo’s hands moved to rub circles on your clit, pushing you closer and closer with every passing second.
"Are you close, Princess?" he asked, knowing fully well that you were.
"Mmm!" you whined, choking on Geto’s cock while trying to push back onto Gojo’s.
"Oh, so desperate," he smirked and leaned forward, "I should make you beg for it, like the little slut you are," he whispered into your ear.
You tried to protest, shaking your head and moaning into Geto's dick.
Gojo chuckled and looked at Geto. "What do you think?"
Geto hummed and considered his options.
He was already so close, and judging from the way your moans and breathing were increasing, you were as well.
But the idea of getting to hear your desperate, breathless, pleas, was too much to pass up.
"Make her beg," he said, smirking.
"Mm-mm!" You whined, desperately trying to communicate with them.
"Oh?” Gojo looked down at you, “You heard the man- beg, princess.”
“Mmph!” You’re begs fell flat into muffled whimpers and the only thing you could do was look up at Geto with tears in your eyes and a pleading expression.
Geto couldn’t help the groan that slipped past his lips. Seeing you so helpless, completely at his and Gojo's mercy, was exhilarating.
"I can't hear you," Gojo teased, slowing down his pace.
You whined and attempted to meet his thrusts halfway by pushing you ass onto him. But Gojo quickly caught on and gave you a quick smack on your ass.
"No," he growled, "you’ve been such a good girl tonight, don’t make that change."
You let out a frustrated sob, the feeling of desperation and the ache between your legs overwhelming. "Plmm," you begged, your words barely audible against the bobbing of Geto’s cock, "plmm, plmm, plmm," you continued, your voice growing more whimpered.
"What was that?" Geto asked, grabbing a fistful of your hair and prompting your head off his cock, allowing the desperate whines and sobs to slip past your lips.
"P-please," you managed to say, looking up at him with desperation in your eyes.
"Please what?" Gojo asked, slowing down his thrusts and giving your ass another hard smack.
"Fuck!" You cried, tears streaming down your cheeks, "please, please, please, I'm begging you," you pleaded looking between the two men, "please let me cum!” Your legs trembled and your body tensed as you fought against every cell in your being that called for release.
Geto let go of your hair and shoved his cock back into your mouth.
"Well, since you begged so nicely," he smirked, and Gojo began his relentless assault on your pussy.
You let out a loud, muffled moan as both of their cocks filled you.
Your mind was completely blank. All you could do was focus on the intense waves of pleasure that crashed through your body, spiraling you into the depths of your orgasm.
"Fuck!" Gojo groaned, the way your cunt pulsed and squeezed his cock sending him over the edge, his hot load painting the inside of your walls.
Geto was next. He threw his head back and gripped your hair tightly in place as his seed spilled into your mouth.
"Fuck, take it, just like that," he moaned.
His praise mixed with Gojo's continued thrusts, and the taste of his cum coating your tongue, sent another shock wave of pleasure through you.
"Mmmm!" you screamed, or at least you would have if your mouth wasn't currently occupied.
Geto looked down at you and his heart skipped a beat.
The way you looked up at him with a hazy, blissful expression, tears in your eyes and cheeks red. You looked absolutely radiant.
"Fuck, so good," Gojo moaned, slowing down his thrusts.
Once the three of you were completely spent, Geto pulled his cock from your mouth and collapsed back onto the bed.
A deep breath released from your lips once your mouth was free. You found your self slumped against Geto’s thigh, eyes shut and in your own world.
"She's perfect," Geto sighed, staring at the ceiling.
"She is," Gojo agreed, slowly pulling his softening cock out of you.
You felt his warmth leave and let out a small whine, suddenly feeling very empty. It was a harsh difference from the complete fullness you felt just moments before.
"Shh," Gojo reassured you, running a hand up and down your back, "just wait a minute. I'm going to get something to clean us up, okay?"
You nodded and managed a small, “Mhm,”
"Come here, sweet girl," Geto coaxed and pulled your head onto his chest.
You gladly took his invitation and let him hold you while Gojo went and grabbed some water and warm towels.
Geto ran his fingers through your hair and planted small kisses on the top of your head, "You were absolutely perfect," he praised.
You smiled and looked up at him.
He was completely flushed and sweaty, but still looked just as beautiful as always. "Thank you," you smiled and kissed him.
The two of you lay there, kissing lazily and whispering praises, until Gojo came back. He walked into the room and smiled, seeing you curled up on Geto's chest.
"Here," he said, handing Geto a glass of water, "let's get her sitting up."
Geto nodded and helped you sit up, propping you against his chest. He held the glass to your lips and you met him half way, bringing yourself up to drink.
"Slow sips, sweet girl," he coaxed and you complied, taking small sips.
"That's it, so good," he praised, making your heart flutter.
"Yes, you did such a good job, baby." Gojo said, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, "You were so pretty for us, and we're so proud."
He was right, you did a great job.
They were both very happy and pleased with you, and you loved it.
"I'll take care of you, just sit back and let us do everything." Gojo reassured you, taking the glass and setting it on the nightstand.
He handed Geto a towel, then cleaned you off with the other.
"Thank you," Geto said, "for inviting, I mean."
"You're welcome," Gojo replied, "you're always invited. Right, princess?"
You hummed, unable to form proper words, and snuggled back into Geto's chest.
Gojo chuckled and shook his head. He brought another clean towel up to your face and gently wiped away the dried tears and drool. When he was satisfied with his work he placed a soft kiss on your forehead and whispered in your ear, “Go to sleep now, love,”
You smiled and closed your eyes, allowing yourself to drift off into a peaceful slumber.
Geto held you close, stroking your hair, while Gojo crawled into the bed and wrapped his arms around your waist, his chest pressed into your back and his legs tangled with yours.
Geto was laying beside you, still holding your head on his chest and rubbing gentle circles into your hip.
With the two men holding you so tightly and protectively, it didn't take long for sleep to fully overcome you.
Gojo and Geto followed shortly after.
The three of you spent the night in each other's arms, peacefully sleeping.
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nnephthyss · 23 days
“what??? you don’t like me?” - megumi x reader - part 2
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∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎∞︎︎ plot: megumi and you get placed in a room together on a mission. the only problem was that there was only one bed.
warnings: fem! reader, virgin megumi, virgin reader, angst, grinding, public intimacy, megumi almost nuts his pants (hehe), palming, getting off in public, making out, cock sucking, inexperienced reader and megumi
wc: 1.7k
authors note: almost 90 followers and 300 notes on one of my fics is insane!! love you guys ♡ also please let me know if you want a part 3! i’ll gladly write it ッ
after that night things were strange between the two of you. you both didn’t speak to each other until you were made to. megumi wouldn’t speak a word to you, not a fucking syllable. it ate you alive because that was your first time getting intimate with a guy and yeah it was your idea but still. it felt like being ghosted. you weren’t for sure if you did good or whether he felt good because straight after you went to sleep on the couch and he turned over and ignored you for the rest of the night.
he was avoiding you like the fucking plague. the next morning, the events of last night spiraled through your head. fresh memories of how his cock felt against you made the place between your thighs tingle. you just wished there wasn’t a piece of fabric that kept you away from it and that little thought made you want to kick yourself. it wasn’t like there were any feelings going on between the two of you, it was just a one night thing.
waking up felt like a hangover even though you never experienced one before. your thighs ached, stomach muscles even did. groaning, you get up and see megumi immediately. he makes eye contact with you and instantly looks away. scoffing, you get up and make your way to the bathroom. he was already, in his navy uniform. for some reason he looks good. you would have never thought that if you didn’t almost fucked him last night.
“gojo says we need to be down stairs and in the car at 8.” you hear his deadpan tone and just sigh, brushing your hair. being signed on a mission together was gonna be hell now. only gojo to keep you separated was gonna be even worse. the car ride was awkward, gojo in the front seat with you both being in the back. the air was thick with tension as well as his nice smelling cologne that for some reason you only noticed till now.
his knee touched yours, eyes falling to his hands that are clasped together in his lap. megumi felt like he was gonna explode because of how hot it felt in this backseat. his stomach was bubbling with embarrassment and arousal form last night. the way you felt against him was incredible but it was so wrong. it felt wrong to get so intimate with your friend, classmate .
the car comes to a stop and gojo explains what the both of you are supposed to do. talk to a few of the sorcerers that are there, that was it. which was confusing because why the hell did it have to be you? you were the most awkward people that were there. why not nobara or yuji? sighing, you get out of the car, megumi following right behind you. you both walk into the big building that was displayed in front of you. it had to have at least 50 stories.
once you’re both in, a secretary comes by and leads you to a room a few stories up. megumi walks behind you, eyes drifting to your ass every few moments and he beats himself up for that. the way your ass looked so tight in that school uniform. knowing exactly what’s underneath makes his blood boil with arousal.
standing in a room full of chairs and desks, you both wait for a couple of the elders to arrive. megumi doesn't look at you once, his eyes staying either glued to the floor or his hands. he leans against one of the desks, as you lean against the wall in front of him. the tension could be cut with a knife and you were itching to say something even though you told him not to even bring it up again. “so.” a small words slips from your lips and he looks up at you,
his deep blue eyes meeting yours.
“don’t.” he instantly says and your words die off immediately, a glare coming to your face. “don’t what?” you scoff and step forward, stiffening as you get closer to him. he glares at you, hand grasping the edge of the desk behind him. .
stepping closer, until face to face, he takes a small breath. “look. we said we wouldn't talk about what happened.” he mutters, voice cold and almost nervous. “i know that.” you start, eyes traveling over his expression. “but i can’t stop thinking about it.” you finish your sentence. his eyes searching yours, the sound of your breathing filling the room around you as well as the growing silence.
megumi’s body was hot all over from your words and proximity, his hands tensing against the counter. “well try.” his cold words hit your ears and you step
back, giving him some space. a flash of hurt crosses your face and he sees this, feeling a little guilty for being so harsh about the situation. “right.” you repeat the words he said the night before.
the tension in the room increases, only making megumi more turned on by your presence. he couldn’t stop thinking about the way your slick felt against his fingers. the way you grindedyour tight pussy against his hand. it was all for him too and he couldn’t stand it. thoughts swirling in his head, he decides to make a decision.
“fuck.” he curses and takes a step forward, towards you. your eyebrows furrow when his hands suddenly come up, cupping your face and kissing you. having a late reaction with a gasp, your eyes fall shut, hands moving to his hips. the elders were just outside and you were now making out, pressing him against the desk behind him. he groans into your mouth, feeling your tongue connect with his. his hand slips into the back of your hair, tilting your head back as he dominates the kiss.
“megumi.” you moan and his cock twitches at his name slipping from your mouth. his backside hits the desk, pinning him there, you move a hand down between his thighs. to be both virgins, your sex drives were pretty fucking high.
core aching for any sort of friction, you cup his erection through his jeans and he practically whines against your mouth. grinning, you start sliding your hand up and down the length of him.
his hips buck against your grasp, reaching for an orgasm almost immediately. “f-fuck, m’ gonna cum.” he groans, stomach churning from pleasure. “already?” you ask, panting against his mouth, pulling away for a moment to see his face. “y-yeah.” he hisses, eyes squeezing shut.
all the pressure had been building up from the night before and it wasn’t gonna take long for megumi to come apart in your hands. “okay, okay.” nodding, you squeeze him, putting more pressure against his aching cock. “f-fuck, fuck fuck.” he whines, hands moving to the desk behind him. he holds on tight to it, he couldn’t cum in his pants, they had too much to do that day.
“c-can’t cum.” he says with a shaky breath and you knew what he meant so you drop to down in front of him, bare knees hitting the cold floor. his eyes widen. “n-no.” he says shaking his head, not having anyone suck his dick before he was nervous but so were you because you were also inexperienced. “just let me.” you try and convince him, not really sure what to do either. being in public was also a risky excuse.
nodding his head, you pull down his slacks and boxers in one go. the cool air hits his hardened cock and he gasps. titling your head to the side, your mind races with thoughts on what to do. he raises an eyebrow at you. “what’re you doing.?” he asks and you glance up at him “i really don’t know.” both being nervous, you just wrap your fist around his shaft, giving him a small squeeze. he moans at the small action, so you know you’re doing something right.
“don’t know what i’m doing, megumi.” you mutter, looking up at him before leaning forward and swiping your tongue along his leaky tip. whining, his hand shoots out, wrapping around your hair. his cockhead was tomato red, swollen and leaking precum. “i-it’s okay.” he reassures you, grip tightening in your hair as you give him little kitten licks to his aching tip.
holding onto his thighs, you try your best to remember what you’ve watched and read. eyes closing gently, you close your mouth around his tip, hot mouth engulfing his cock. “nghh- yes.” he moans, his own eyes falling shut at the pleasure running up his spine.
he had already been close to cumming, his back arches away from the desk and hips buck towards your mouth. “o-oh, oh f-fuckk. his body convulses as he feels that band snap in his stomach, thick white ropes of cum spilling onto your tongue and down your throat. you moan at the taste, bitter and sweet which made the place between your legs ache.
he slumps against the desk behind him, hand in your hair loosening and falling to his side. “did i do good?” you ask, eyes opening and titling your head to look up at him. his own eyes open and he looks down at you. “so good,” he praises in a breathy tone. smiling to him, you rise to your feet. his eyes follow you, half lidded and glazed over from his high.
you felt all giddy from doing good for your first time sucking him off even if you didn’t do too much to make him cum. remembering that you’re both in a public setting, megumi starts to pull his slacks up, eyes drifting away from you. “so.” you sigh and watch as he gets himself together. “maybe we should talk about this later.” he cuts you off with his usual deadpan tone.
but of course you nod your head and lick your lips, still having his taste on your tongue. “okay.” you agree and glance at the door, hearing the nob turn. “talk about this later.” repeating his words, his gaze shifts to you then to the elders walking in the tension filled room.
part 3? don’t want anyone hitting theirselves with pans hehe
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jjkilll · 3 months
—-------✫ THE RECIPE | JJK ✫-------—
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— pairing | dealer jk x rich girl y/n
— summary | Jungkook only loves the three W's, Women, Weed, and the Weather. Oh! and fucking you, maybe more than his ego will let him admit.
—  warning | eventual smut, drug use, and selling, angst, violence, crime
— word count | 2.5K
— song | The Recipe - Kendrick Lamar
Jungkook is a smart man, very powerful in his line of business. Being a drug lord that is. He fucked around and ended up being one of the most know dealers in the bay area. He ran a nightclub called the Cabaret. He didn't expect someone like you to be there. The club had half-naked girls, which usually brought in horny men, and girls so drunk they'd wake up the next morning promising they'd never have a night like that again.
So when you walked in, brown skin shimmering under the lights, he watched you closely. You didn't drink, you danced with your friends and politely declined all the sleazy men wanting to take you back to their apartments. Finally, you glanced in his direction scanning the booth of girls that surrounded him. Again, half-naked, covered in glitter, and high off whatever substance they'd been snorting. Putting the blunt between his lips Jungkook took a drag, tilting his head back and blowing the smoke into the air.
Your eyes finally land on him. His hair slicked back, smoke floating up from his lips. Though he wore a leather jacket, you could tell he was built. The way he sat, legs apart and back against the seat, his other hand resting on his lap.
"Who is that?" You lean over to your friend Marla at the bar. You and Marla go way back. You were in middle school together and both went to ASU for college, stayed friends ever since. Somewhere in the middle, you met Shannon.
"A whore, stay away from him." You laugh. "What? That's probably why keeps staring at me." She turns quickly to face you as Shannon, on the opposite side of you chimes in. "Look away that's how he gets you. That man is no good... Hot but dangerous, He lives life with the three W's." You furrow your brows in confusion. "Women, Weed, Weather." Marla says simply saving you from asking the question she knew would come.
Women. God Jungkook loved women. He never discriminated if you were a hot woman who piqued his interest, we wanted you. He was known to have quite the roster as well. Supermodels, actresses, singers, next he was hoping for you.
And Weed, Some would say he's addicted, He says he likes to have fun. He wouldn't be caught dead without weed on him. He could roll a blunt in the snap of a finger, and 90% of the time he's higher than a kite.
Weather. He loved California, the sun beamed like no other, He traveled a lot but California was his home. And quite frankly where the money was.
✫ -----------------------✫
It was getting late, so you, Marla, and Shannon decided to crash at your shared apartment not too far from the club. As you walk out trailing behind your friends, there he stands right at the door.
"You ladies leaving so soon? The party is just getting started." He flashes a smile sliver grills dripped in diamonds covering his bottom teeth. Fuck he was so hot, no wonder every girl in there was huddled around his section. "J-just a little laate," Shannon says slurring her words a bit. "You..." He takes a few steps closer to you. "New around here, huh?" He tilted his head taking a blunt and placing it between his lips. You nod as he lights it. "I'm JJ." He says. "Welcome to the Bay." He takes a hit from the blunt. Damn, a blunt sounds amazing right now you thought to yourself. You smile lightly take the blunt from his lips and put it between yours. You take a long drag blowing the smoke up into the air. "Y/n." You say a small smile on your face. He stares and watches as you take another hit from the blunt. You take the blunt between your fingers and place it back between his lips. You lightly blow the smoke in his face. "Thanks for the warm welcome. See you around." A smirk grows on his face as he watches you walk away. The way your hips sway has him in a trance.
"Y/n! What the hell? He's bad news, you can't fuck around with him." Marla says quickly. "I need to butter up my dealer somehow. He already thinks I'm hot. Think... free weed." You lookup. Shannon starts laughing, "Look just be careful, please. He's been to jail like four times." Marla says. "Mar, I'll be fine. I can handle myself. We're finally in the Bay, baby! It's time to have fun."
✫ -----------------------✫
Weeks pass and you find yourself home alone. Marla is out with her boyfriend and Shannon is out at a spin class. There you are relaxing and listening to music with a candle going. Suddenly a knock at your door. You rise from the couch lazily and open the door.
Jungkook. He stood alone, which from your knowledge was unlike him. "Oh, Hey." You say. He holds up a bag of weed. "Welcome to the neighborhood. Thought I'd bring a gift." You both stand there the little silence sounding so loud. "Come in."
If Marla knew you let him in here, she'd flip her lid.
He steps inside removing his shoes at the door. Dressed in a black compression shirt and grey sweat, different from the first time you met. "So, you stalking me." He chuckled. "Not particularly no. Just didn't realize we were neighbors." He points out the window the the apartment across the way. "Saw you walked in and asked the guy at the desk where I could find you." He spoke. "And he just told you?" you asked a little concerned for your safety. "Something like that." He speaks. "I have my ways, mama." He smiles.
You almost blush at the nickname, and then you remember is a criminal. A hot criminal. "So Y/n, what brings you to the Bay? The Hills not good enough for you?" You scoff. He guessed you were from the Hills, weird how he knew but you are in a tweed Celine top.
"Got bored, I guess." He hums. "Well, with me you'll have some fun." You chuckle. "Something funny?" He asks. "Nothing it's just... You're nice and I appreciate the weed, seriously, but you don't have the best rep. I've heard about you." You say surely handing him a water bottle.
"Oh yeah? What have you heard about me?" He smirks sitting back on the couch, his arms resting at the top of the cushions. "I know you sell more than weed. Coke and Pills aren't my thing. "And?" He questions. "And, you get around. You're like druglord G-Eazy."
"Ouch, G-Eazy is fucking horrible." He says putting his hand over his chest. "I'm not like that. I get a lot of women, yes, But I think you and I both know that I'm a nice guy."
"How'd you get the man at the front desk to tell you where I lived?" You smirked.
"Fine, I'm a nice guy most of the time. I like to get what I want. I'll do whatever it takes to get it." You nod and hum. "You're such a pretty girl, you know that?" He says randomly. "Thank you," you reply simply. "You should come to my party tomorrow night. Bring your friends." He says. "Maybe." You say. He stands walking over to you. You don't make eye contact as he steps closer. His hand lifts your chin so your eyes are now locked into his. He hums. "I like you, Y/n. You're a good girl. See you tomorrow." He says as you watch him as he walks to the door. "Maybe." You say. He chuckles, "See you tomorrow, baby. Welcome to the bay."
✫ -----------------------✫
"YOU WHAT?!" Marla screams. "Jesus Mar calm down, I didn't tell him where we lived he just showed up." You say following behind her to her bedroom. "That's even worse. He's stalking you. We could die." You roll your eyes. Shannon sighs, "Honestly, It's not that big a deal. I mean, she's alive. Our home is intact. I don't see the problem here."
"We're not going to die, Marla. He's a drug dealer, not a murderer."
"Close enough. I mean he's like druglord G-Eazy." She says plopping down on her bed. "I know I told him."
"Nice" Shannon high-fives you. "Look he's having a party tonight, I'm going. I could probably meet a hot guy and fuck around a bit. I don't know, I have a brand new Frolov dress in my closet calling my name."
"Shannon you're not gonna stop her? I mean he's a drug dealer." Marla protests as you leave the room. "She's grown as hell, plus it's not like she's going to fuck him." Marla sighs. "Plus, I'm going... Just to make sure she doesn't fuck him." Marla groans. "Now I have to go."
"What? No, you don't." Shannon says looking up from her phone. "Shan, if you're drunk and leave with someone's sister before Y/n even gets a drink in her system." She shrugs.
"Whatever let's get ready."
✫ -----------------------✫
You walk into the party, music blasting through the speakers. Weed smoke lingers in the room from the others taking puffs of their blunts. "Okay meet me by the pool in 20 minutes." You say to the girls, they nod and you break away.
The address that Jungkook gave was to a huge house not too far from the beach. Decorated with torches and little colorful leis around the rooms.
You and the girls always did a search of your own to check out the vibes of the party, usually to make sure there's no crazy shit going down, but for you somehow you'd hope to fun into Jungkook.
You step into the backyard scanning the area. There are people playing chicken in the pool, splashing playfully. People smoking by the fire and there he sat on the edge of the diving board. He stared into the water, seemingly looking at his reflection in the constantly rippling waves. You've only seen him twice before and somehow this is the saddest you've seen him look.
You walk on the back quietly sitting next to him. "Found you." You say quietly not wanting to startle him. "You were looking for me? Cute." He says looking at you. The reflection of water sparkled against your skin. "I'm glad you made baby." He says with a smile. He was one charming fucker. "Let me show you around, huh?" You nod. "You go first." You stand walking off the board and he follows.
"This is the living and dining room." He says a little louder than he heard over the music. He walks away and you get separated due to the large crowd. "Oh excuse me." You say but the drunken men still push you around. "HEY!" Jungkook shouts. "Watch out! You fucking blind or what? You don’t see her?" The boys move out of the way letting you by. 
He takes your hand guiding you to the kitchen. "Kitchen. I don’t cook here." He says simply. "Wanna see my room?" You nod hesitantly. He looks at you and smiles. Jesus H. Christ, what is up with his man? 
You make it to his door and he opens it swiftly. It’s cold and lacks personality. No posters or pictures of family, nothing but a bed, and two nightstands with two tall lamps on either side. 
"I thought you lived across the street from me." You state. "I do, I just own this house. Mainly use it for parties though. I don’t like people in my apartment." 
"This is the best part, baby. Look at this" He says pulling back the curtains that covered the left wall. It revealed a door to the balcony that looked out the front of the house. There was on chair and table and an ashtray. 
"Wanna smoke?" He asks holding a blunt between his fingers. "Always." You say, earning a chuckle from him. He reaches into his pocket grabs a lighter and lit the end of the blunt
You didn’t really understand, he didn’t seem as bad as Marla and Shannon made him out to be. He’s… Regular. Despite being a drug dealer, he was normal. 
He motions you over to the balcony before stepping out. You follow behind.  It stands near the rail allowing you to take a seat. The silence between you is thick, both of you wanting to speak but holding back. He looks up at the moon. "You okay?" You ask him. His eyes dart to yours. "I’m fine." He says.    You hum. He’s still looking at you. No… No, staring at you. Like he’s examining you. "What?" He asks. You shake your head tucking your bottom lip between your teeth. "You hummed." He states. "You don’t want to say anything?" He asks. 
"It’s just… I don’t know you, seriously. I don’t even know what either of the J’s in JJ even stands for but you seem… distracted."
"Jungkook Jeon." He mumbles. "What?" You questioned as he passed the blunt to you. "My name is Jungkook." He looks away from you almost as if he’s embarrassed. You stand, walking over to him. "Jungkook." You call him. "What?" He says coldly. "Look at me." He looks at you and his features soften as he gazes at you. You peck his lips softly. His phone rings and his eyes linger on you as he hears the phone continue its tune. "You’re uh…" you remind him.
"Oh." He grabs his phone out of his pocket and answers it. "What the fuck?" He responds to whatever news he is just given. He ends the call. "Someone just threw up in my sink, I’ll be back."
"Shit! Shannon." You say remembering you were supposed to meet the girls. "What?" Jungkook asks as you follow him out of the room. "It’s probably my friend. She loves getting drunk but it is like an ultralight weight." He hums. You find Marla in the kitchen. 
"Hey, why were you with him?" He asks snarling at Jungkook. "Calm your tits, he was just showing me around." She hums lightly. "Okay, whatever we have to go. Shannon threw up in the sink." You sigh. "I knew it." 
"Okay get in the car. I’ll be out soon." She leaves quickly going to collect Shannon who you could see sitting on the curb. You grab a marker from the counter and walk over to jungkook. You grab his hand and he looks over at you. You scribble your number down on his palm. "Call me?" You look up at him. "Yeah. I will." He smiles lightly. "I’m sorry about your sink." He chuckles, "You’re fine baby. Get home safe." You nod and walk away. 
You get in the car and let out a deep sigh. "Don’t fuck him, Y/n." Shannon slurs. "Yeah." You say lightly. In all honesty, you just want to get to know him. Tonight he was someone different. You wanted to know why. You were determined to know why. 
✫ -----------------------✫
You never waited on a man you weren’t dating, But you waited on Jungkook. 
You sat up in your bed phone’s brightness illuminating your face. You were waiting for him to text you. You were hoping he’d text you. Maybe kissing him was too much. 
It just got later and later. No text. Not a peep. Maybe he wasn’t feeling you how you thought. Maybe this is what Marla and Shannon were talking about. 
You clicked your phone off and turned it over. You laid down in your bed finally drifting off to sleep. 
✫ -----------------------✫
a/n: Finally back to writing some... this is part one of a little three-parter i have for you. Please enjoy, liking, reposting and requests are so very greatly appreciated.
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hotjaneaustenmenpoll · 6 months
Semi-Final One
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Colonel Brandon (1995):
Alan Rickman has the sexiest voice. Just listen to him reading poetry to Marianne at the end to witness how hot he is.
Alan Rickman simply embodies the truth of Col. Brandon in a way that no one else every could. It's the perfect merging of actor and role. He brings the perfect combination of honor, decency, sensitivity and passion. He is the ultimate mensch.
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Brandon propaganda in which even the film's director agrees that Brandon is sexy.
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More Brandon propaganda! This photo could only be published in black and white because it would have been too powerful in color (the original color version is currently being used to provide electricity for a medium sized town in Devon. It's THAT powerful).
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The brim of the hat falling over his eye. The casual lean. The hunting rifle slung across his leg. The puppy bestie. The fact you know he could row that boat while you watch and wish you were the boat.
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From Emma Thompson's diaries which she kept while they were shooting Sense & Sensibility. Emma Thompson said vote Colonel Brandon.
Mr Darcy (1995):
Colin Firth (1995) is book Darcy brought to life. He uses tiny gestures and looks to communicate with us and Elizabeth… his struggle is so subtle but so palpable. A beautiful asshole with a creamy nougat center. Just perfect.
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GIF by sunsetboulevards
Those heart-eyes right up above☝️? Hot!
Passive-agressively drinking tea? Hot!
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GIF by jaeausten
The way he rushes over to see Elizabeth at Pemberley on those delicious long legs of his with that slutty wet curl hanging over his forehead? Hot!
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GIF by didanagy
Fencing? Hot!
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GIF by greengableslover
The way he is so concerned about Elizabeth crying and takes her hand even though he shouldn't? Hot!
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GIF by greengableslover
This dimple-y smile of pure joy because he knows he's married to Elizabeth freaking Bennet? Hot!
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GIF by didana
Colin Firth Darcy is simultaneously immaculately put together and entirely falling apart internally. The wet shirt scene is so iconic not (only) because ‘oooh almost-shirtless sexy man’, but because it’s a metaphor for how he’s absolutely falling apart!!! This is a private moment, when he doesn’t think anyone can see him. And then he bumps. into. Lizzie. At his house!! And the entire sequence that follows with him rushing out still doing his jacket up to catch her before he leaves. They are both on the back foot and it’s THAT moment of confusion that opens a more honest dialogue between them.
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Without Firth in a lake you wouldn’t get Macfadyen in a downpour!
There's a reason why Colin Firth is forever known as Mr. Darcy above all other roles he's had and will have! Even ignoring the wet white shirt, which has become A Thing now, he is so hot with his curly hair and his little half smiles and his intense looks of longing and his legs that go on for milessss.
This cannot be real. My fellow Jane Austen people. Without Colin Firth’s Darcy we wouldn’t have 90% of modern JA content. He opened a door and there was no turning back for modern culture. There would be no MacFadyen standing half undressed in a field at dawn without Firth jumping into a lake first. There would be no hand flex if there hadn’t been Firth doing his best impression of a man undressing Elizabeth Bennet with his eyes and hating himself for liking it. There would be no Bridgerton without Bridget Jones. Let’s face it people. We wouldn’t be here having these arguments if Colin Firth had not been Mr Darcy.
Colin Firth understood Mr. Darcy in a way no other actor ever has. He is awkward as fuck in a way that comes across as snooty and judgmental on a first watch-through, then can be read as awkward and longing on a second time. His performance had such depth while looking extremely shallow at first glance. This man WAS Mr. Darcy. (I love 2005, as well, and I love Matthew McFayden, but he was awkward for awkward sake.) Colin Firth made Darcy's awkward look snooty and aloof.
THE socially awkward Darcy is the 1995 Darcy - look at him coming and sitting in awkward silence with Elizabeth pointedly asking her if she wants to live a long way from her family (to obvious relief) and then abruptly leaving - vote for him please 😭😭😭😭
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GIF by my-little-random-world
Colin Firth served so much as Darcy that when they did Bridget Jone's diary, they brought him back.... AS DARCY. The smoulder. The angst. The man is the quintessential Darcy.
“Firthing” is an actual term that is used now to describe someone yearning intensely. It is named after Colin Firth’s Mr Darcy performance.
Colin Firth all the way. He's known in our household as Owl Eyes because in every frame he's mooning over Elizabeth Bennet. Unsurpassable, unmatched, golden television (and some of the worst dancing you've ever seen).
Colin has beautiful, touchable curls.
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My high school English teacher was very into using movies to teach alongside literature, which was a great teaching tool. When we read Pride and Prejudice, he used both 2005 and 1995 for various scenes. What stands out to me all these years later was when it got to the part when Lizzy went to help Georgiana after Caroline dropped Mr. Wickham's name and Darcy gives Lizzy this look:
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My teacher stopped the film and pointed at Darcy's face and said, "See that? That is THE look. If someone ever looks at you like that, you know they're in love." And what is hotter than that?
Also this teacher had two cats named Lizzy and Darcy. Not relevant to the poll but I wanted you all to know about them.
Colin Firth dazzles and amazes in the nuanced performance that just blows all other attempts away.
The best thing about the Colin Firth wet shirt scene is actually the scene that follows where him and Lizzie are both just dyinggg of embarrassment but Darcy pulls himself together refuses to lose his advantage and runs to get dressed and chase her down before she leaves - just the mix of cringe and hopefulness at seeing her again is so well done and so attractive!!! (this is just the bit where he's running after her but I love it all!)
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disneyprincemuke · 9 months
the living situation * fem!driver
living with the opposite gender should be more complicated than it is, but when you've been best friends your entire life, it isn't even that weird. right?
pairings: logan sargeant x fem!driver
notes: um, we move forward with the logan x femdriver storyline in the og universe HELL YEAH anyway this is all still in 2023 ok! have a good day everybody!
(series masterlist) | (📂 the rookie season)
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she presses her lips together, stumbling slightly as she tries to peel the heels off her legs. she tilts her head to try and get a look inside her apartment to assess if logan is still awake.
when she's sure that the living room is completely empty, she puts her shoes on the shoe rack and starts walking in. she's looking down at her phone, sending lily a quick text about how another one of her dates simply blew.
she sighs when she enters the living room. she drops herself on the couch and throws her phone next to her when she sends the text message. she throws her head back on the backrest and looks up at the ceiling.
"stupid," she mutters to herself, shaking her head. "what makes you think you'd ever be able to date anybody normally?"
she flinches when she hears a door open, jumping up when it opens and logan walks out. "oh." he raises his eyebrows at the sight of her, standing still where he is with a mug in his hand. "home so soon? i wasn't expecting you until midnight at best."
"yeah, i cut the date short," she smiles tiredly. she moves to the side when logan approaches her and occupies the empty spot. "he had too much to say about my participation in f1."
"he's a dick. i'm sorry," logan says. "are you okay?"
she shrugs. "maybe i'm just not supposed to date anybody at all. maybe i should just be alone."
"don't say that," logan laughs, poking her shoulder. "90 per cent of guys are weird. trust that you'll find the right guy for you."
she shrugs again. she turns to him, barely being able to make out his features in the darkness of their apartment. she could some how imagine the small smile he's giving her and the way his green eyes are empathetically looking at her. "i don't know. i think i'll just be a cat lady."
"i'll go and fetch the moët," logan giggles, somehow finding her knee to pat. his touch lingers a second longer than she expects, her heart suddenly skipping a quick beat in her chest, and he pushes himself up and walks to the kitchen.
she shakes her head as she pulls her jacket off her shoulders. this tingling that she feels in her chest at his touch is just a result of another failed date. there is nothing more to it.
and, if you spend this much time around your best friend and roommate, it's probably normal to fantasize about dating them sometimes, right? right?
or, at least that's what she tells herself when she finds herself laying in her bed alone during nights she can't seem to get some sleep. sometimes she thinks about grabbing her stuffed animal and knocking on logan's bedroom door to find some solace.
but would it even be worth it?
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logan opens the door quietly, glancing over his shoulder to smile at the girl out in the hallway. he holds the door with his body and moves aside to let her in.
"um, just," he whispers, staring at the ground, "take off your shoes here. my roommate's very particular about shoes inside the apartment."
he tilts his head and tries to look further into the apartment, unsure if it's a good time to even be bringing his date back home. surely, she would be asleep, right? it's 3 in the morning.
he keeps his hand on his date's shoulder as he navigates further into the apartment. he quickly scoops stubby into his arms when he approaches, not wanting to draw attention to himself. and knowing her, she would try to make a friend out of his date and he would objectively lose another date to her.
but he is mildly confused when he approaches the living room, slightly illuminated by the tv. he moves his attention to the couch and sighs when she's curled up into a ball, a blanket loosely hanging over her feet and a stuffed animal in her arms.
"this one's my room," he whispers, opening the door to his bedroom. "do you want a glass of water? any snacks?"
the girl smiles, shaking her jacket off. he switches on the lights. "maybe a glass of water, please. thank you."
"alright, i'll be back. this is stubby." he bends down and puts the corgi on the ground, smiling when he accompanies the girl who is walking over to his bed. "give me a minute, okay?"
she smiles at him as he closes the door, briefly watching her interact with stubby. he turns back to the tv and sighs softly, quietly padding around the living room to get to her on the couch. he drops himself into a kneel and grabs her shoulder, shaking her as gently as possible so as not to startle her.
"yeah, i'm watching bluey, but it's not weird," she says under her breath, sitting up quickly. she tilts her head. "oh, you're home. how was your date?"
"she's in my bedroom. are you okay? you fell asleep on the couch," logan smiles, moving back slightly. "and bluey? seriously?"
"i'm educating myself on how to be the parent i'll never be," she shrugs, gesturing towards the tv. "why are you here with me when your date's inside the room?"
"you should get some rest where it's comfortable," he sighs, pushing himself up to stand. "the couch isn't good for your back. or your neck. or your arms, with the way you were positioned earlier."
"wow, who crowned you ruler of the couch surfers?" she jokes, standing up and gathering her items from the couch. she smiles as logan leaves her to walk into the kitchen. folding her blankets over her chest and grabbing her stuffed toy from the couch, she then walks to her bedroom door as logan approaches his. "do you need me to take stubby?"
"no, uh," logan presses his lips together, "i'm not sleeping with her. she's really great. i think i'll take it slow."
a small smile spreads her lips. she releases a heavy breath and takes a step away from logan. admittedly, it does slightly sting that he's suddenly connecting emotionally with someone who's not her. but they're just friends, after all.
"oh, that's great," she whispers. "i'll make pancakes for breakfast - if she's still around."
"goodnight," logan smiles before disappearing into his bedroom. "rest well, dude."
she stares at logan's bedroom door for a moment. perhaps the crush she thought she got over three years ago never went away, because why did her chest feel fuzzy at the thought of logan getting serious with someone else?
she pushes her hair behind her ear and she opens her bedroom door. she wouldn't get sleep that night, completely distracted by the conversation and giggles that would occasionally get too loud in the bedroom next to her.
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"come off it," is the first thing that logan hears when he wakes up from his nap. at the foot of his bed, stubby is curled up and staring at him with wide eyes.
"is that (y/n)?" he asks the corgi, but giggles to himself when he realises that he's speaking to a dog. although, he would definitely start freaking out if stubby were to answer him. "who is she fighting with?"
he looks at the cat resting his head on the corgi's body. "do you know who she's fighting with?"
the cat simply meows at it before his eyes flutter closed, nuzzling his cheeks into stubby's body. logan nods to himself as he slowly climbs out of bed and creaks the door open to get a glance at the girl in the living room.
"seriously, you should just go," he sees her throwing her arms into the air and walking towards the entryway of their apartment. "i can't believe you thought i was going to sleep with you!"
"you invited me up for coffee. it's 11 in the evening!" he hears a deeper voice answer her. he raises an eyebrow, opening the door slightly wider to get a look at the person in his living room.
he didn't even know that she left for a date, much less leave the apartment in the first place.
"tea! i invited you up for a cup of tea!" she shrieks. he watches with a small smile when she comes back into his view and starts to yank the unnamed man towards their door. "just go! you're disgusting!"
"how, exactly?"
"like i prepared a cup of tea and i came back to you naked in my living room," she mutters.
with the revelation, logan could no longer contain his shock. he audibly gasps, followed by a giggle that he couldn't hold back. her head snaps over to where he is and he takes it upon himself to open the door to show himself to them.
"mate, you should listen to the lady and go," logan mutters, gesturing towards the door. he giggles as he clasps his hands together. "because if she doesn't beat you up, i will."
"piss off. this has nothing to do with you."
she raises an eyebrow and tilts her head. "you don't think i could beat you? want me to show you out in the hall?" she scoffs, shoving the man towards the door again. "just go! make this as least painful as you can for the betterment of your health."
it takes a while for her to get him out of their apartment, but when she does, logan steps out of his room with a loud laugh. "mate, do you have the magnetic force to attract all the weirdos of the earth?"
"shut up, logan," she scoffs, rolling her eyes. she closes the front door behind her and pulls her hair back. she's still in what she'd worn out: the floral d&g dress that she's decided to make her signature outfit and a fluffy white jacket to keep her from the cold. "seriously, i'm going to be single for the rest of my life! it's not funny!"
"you're only 21, calm down," logan laughs and walks into the kitchen. he sighs when he opens the fridge, and then the freezer to be greeted with empty and unstocked shelves. "wanna head to oscar and lily's? i'm sure they have dinner."
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"hey, what's wrong?" she asks, walking into the living room. she is greeted by the sight of logan drinking wine straight from the bottle with stubby in his lap. "are you alright?"
"i got dumped," logan mutters, taking another swig of the wine. he looks down at his phone and doesn't spare her another stare. "not really. it's just easier to say it like that."
"oh, i'm so sorry," she mutters. but she doesn't approach him. she turns on her heel and heads right into the kitchen, making logan throw his head back and a hand into the air to question the way she is handling the situation.
she comes back out with a wine bottle in her hand, already opening the bottle halfway. "i don't know how to make you feel better. and i know you won't talk about it until you're ready," she smiles. she takes the empty spot next to logan and folds her legs under her body. "so i'll just drink with you."
"how do you know that? i could tell you about it right now and you'd be too wasted to give me advice," logan mutters, dropping his phone.
she scowls. "i've lived with you half my life. you think i don't know what you're like after a breakup?" she laughs and throws the cork on their coffee table. "that's funny."
"which one are you drinking?" logan mutters, reaching over to take a look at her bottle. "oh, rosé. fancy."
"just drink," she mutters. she holds the bottle up towards logan. to which, he clinks his own bottle with hers as they individually sip their wine in silence.
they drink objectively quick at first: talking about the year they just had with every chug of their wine in their hands. eventually, she wound up with her feet in logan's lap. stubby has run off to drink some water from his bowl and never left the designated feeding area in their apartment.
suddenly they've halved their wine. both bottles are on the coffee table as she lies back on the couch, giggling when logan grabs her calf. "i just think the male population should be taxed whenever they want to speak," she slurs, lifting her head slightly to look at logan. "thoughts?"
"agree. i wish people would stop asking me questions," logan shakes his head. "i just want to be by myself."
and when there's merely a couple of sips left in their wine, they're now on the floor. their feet are up on the couch and their backs are against the cold material of the floor. her hair is sprawled on the floor with her hands over her stomach.
there's a redness that peeks through her cheeks and neck as she feels herself grow more intoxicated through the night. meanwhile, logan is next to her completely red with a coy smile on his face.
"do you remember three years ago?" she mutters, eyelids fluttering close as her voice becomes softer with every word.
"a lot happened three years ago," logan giggles. "i had a crush on you three years ago."
"that's what i'm talking about."
she turns her head to look at him, a lump growing in her throat when logan is already looking at her. "i should have made a move," logan whispers to her with a small smile. "is that what you were getting at? that's why you brought it up?"
"should have?" she whispers, lifting an eyebrow at him.
"well, yeah," logan shrugs, tearing his eyes away from her to look up at the ceiling. "it's different now. it's complicated now, don't you think?"
"i guess," she whispers, letting her stare linger before looking back up at the ceiling. "are you going to remember any of this in the morning?"
"i don't think so. i can't feel my face."
"that's because you soloed the red wine."
"you soloed the rosé - you're not that much better than me."
she breathes out. "we're just as bad as each other, i guess."
she freezes when she feels logan patting around the ground, eventually finding her hand on her stomach. he tears her hands off one another, intertwining his fingers with hers and rests their hands between their bodies.
"you know we can't, right?" she whispers suddenly, squeezing his hand. "there's too much on the line. for you. for me."
"just give me this one," logan says, just barely above a whisper. he reciprocates the squeeze, pulling their hands closer to his body. "not like we'll remember it in the morning."
"yeah, okay."
but she wakes up that morning alone in her bed, with a glass of water and an advil pill on the bedside table. she sighs softly and lifts her hands to her sight. she can still vividly remember how logan's hands felt in hers.
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @vellicora @leilanixx @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @cashtons-wife @sadg3 @a10vely-yutazen @mellowarcadefun @glitterf1 @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @gentlyweeps-world @woozart @inejismywife @meadhgbcavanagh @2bormaybenot @love4lando
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sweetmariihs2 · 3 months
We need to talk about Judge Claude Frollo in the Disney Parks (DURING THE 90's) (he didn't wore a mascot head before then)—————— ⊹₊ ⋆. ♱ ₊˚ .⊹
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The fandom needs to know about this. Why is no one talking about it???
Recently I got hyperfocused on HOND and, after watching the movie multiple times, musicals, and tons of video analysis, I finally found the Disney Park content - and oh boy I got so lucky for finding it
I would like to say that, at first, my wish was that the content of this post was posted on tiktok in form of videos and small edits, and while I have a tiktok account, I only post my art and my family follows me there help (imagine what they would think if they saw me posting edits (simping for) of a guy in the disney parks dressed as the most horrific character from disney in the 90s). I also told a friend about this, who has a tiktok accont, wishing they would post something about it, but it didn't happened- So I decided to make a Tumblr post.
I'm not a Disney parks specialist, I don't know a lot about this topic in general, but if any of you are, please correct me if I'm wrong or give me info I didn't included because this would help a lot.
Going to the main topic, you guys probably know how Frollo looks like in the parks today. He barely appears, sure, but he wears a mascot head, and since his mouth is always shut, he's not able to talk, having to speak to people only through signs and body expressions. But during the 90s HE DIDN'T WORE A MASK. He was played by a face actor.
BACK THEN IN THE 90s, the movie of The Hunchback of Notre Dame was released (1996), and the parks started to include the characters in their attractions. As far as I know, we had three main attractions related to HOND back then:
The Hunchback of Notre Dame Topsy Turvy Cavalcade (it's a parade that happened at Disneyland and also Disneyland Paris in the 5th anniversary celebration of the park - overall based on the Festival of Fools scene);
The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Festival of Fools (Which I have NO IDEA of why it's described as similar to the musical adventure in that wiki, since the script, stage and everything is completely different from the musical adventure - The stage is WAY BIGGER and it's mainly focused on the Festival Of Fools, but the story cuts to the end a lot faster than in the movie)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame: A Musical Adventure (a musical theatre, stage show, that happened at Disney's Hollywood Studios, that tells us the whole story of the movie);
The parade has two versions, as I said. Since our main focus is Frollo in this post, in one of the versios Frollo is riding his horse, and in the other one he's standing over one of the floats. Most of the videos I found about it show us Frollo as a face character (no mask on), but somehow there are some videos dated as 1997 about the same parade with him wearing his mascot head, which is just very confusing to me.
I can't exactly explain why he stopped being a face character, I believe that it's related to what Disney did to Fairy Godmother (she's an elderly character, just like Frollo, the same happened to her: previously face character, eventually mask character. I heard a theory saying that Disney probably doesn't want to hire elders because of their physical limitations in having to stay standing in a costume during the whole day).
What confuses me is the fact that in some attractions (the parade at Paris) Frollo is already wearing a mask, but in others (Festival of Fools) he is not yet. You see, the parade ended in 1997, but the Festival ended in 1998, and there is a recording made of the last performance of the Festival on YouTube, and Frollo is still not wearing his mask.
That can be easily explained by them just taking the decision of making him wear the mask during the parade only and keep him as a face character during the Festival. But why? We also have to consider that these take place in different parks and different countries (France and USA).
Let's take a look at the dates:
Parade AT DISNEYLAND: started in 1996 and ended in 1997 - no mask
Parade AT PARIS: started in 1997 and ended in 1998 (in some the videos I found from there, Frollo IS wearing his mask)
but I am confused since I found a video where he wasn't wearing his mask at this same parade, at Disneyland, in front of a "It's a Small World" ride. English is not my main language so I am not sure if they're only speaking in english, because if it was in France (France also has a Disneyland and a It's a Small World) they would be talking in both languages: English and French. And I don't know if I'm crazy but I didn't heard any French there. Which means this is probably at USA. BUT WHY IS FROLLO NOT WEARING HIS MASK AT USA??? I don't know I'm just confused
Festival of Fools: started in June 21, 1996 and ended in April 18, 1998 - no mask (I would like to say that Hellfire is included in this one, it was cut in all the other attractions. Also, near the end, right before his death, Frollo seems to try to grab Esmeralda when Quasi attacks his back, which wasn't in the movie indeed.)
A Musical Adventure (theatre): started in june 21, 1996 and ended in september 28, 2002 - no mask (his actor got changed around 3 times as far as I know, based on the videos that I watched)
Also, between the USA and the France version of the parade, Frollo shows up in three different ways: riding his horse, standing on top of the Notre Dame float, or sitting at his chair at the festival (which appears to be like a mini float, and he wears his mask). They're mixed and it's confusing to me, I am not sure which is where. When I think I understood, I find new footage of these attractions where he appears on top of something else and I don't know what's happening anymore
I don't know guys, I am just really confused and I'll just keep enjoying all the videos I can find of him without his mask, because it's a rare thing to see Frollo showing his face, and now much rarer hearing him talk and express himself properly at the parks. I hate this damn mask. It's clear as the light of the day that it's the same costume from the 90s with no update, no better painting, or anything new for that matter. I don't HATE him, I'm happy that we have Frollo in the parks. It's just that it was better before... if they at least updated that mask and those pale hands...
Despite trying, I couldn't find any pictures from that face character Frollo. You know, pictures people take with the characters? None. All we have are low quality 90s videos on YouTube and that's it. Which makes me really upset, because those videos don't properly capture his costume and makeup, even though I'm really grateful to everyone who recorded them, it's very hard to see his face clearly. That gif at the start of the post is one of those rare moments someone showed us his face up close, and it's from a video recording "The Hunchback of Notre Dame Topsy Turvy Cavalcade" at Disneyland where Frollo rode his horse instead of just standing on top of the Notre Dame float. (It happens at 04:00 and I giggle every single time help)
I would like to make a mini list of all the videos I could find about this on the internet. It will be updated constantly, of course, and separated by topics (the attractions) and their names will be the names of the videos themselves. I would also like to say that the qualities of those videos aren't always the best, but we're lucky for at least having them in our hands in the first place. Sometimes I will point out when he appears, sometimes I won't because I'm lazy.
Edit: Turns out that there are millions of videos about them on YouTube and a lot of them are low quality, so I won't spend time adding *all of them*, just some of the best. If you find a interesting one that's not in the post, send me the link plz!
If any kind soul wants to make funny edits with compilations of best moments please send me the link, I appreciate it
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The video list : —————— ⊹₊ ⋆. ♱ ₊˚ .⊹
The Hunchback of Notre Dame Topsy Turvy Cavalcade:
"The Hunchback of Notre Dame Topsy Turvy Cavalcade - Disneyland 1996" (close up view of his face (the death look) at the minute 04:00) (*happy giggles* that's the gif used in the title of the post!) (I would probably pass out if I were this person)
"Disneyland California - The Hunchback of Notre Dame Parade 1998" (he can be seen since 02:10 (during Esmeralda's dance, which he claims "look at this disgusting display!" (also that dance is kinda "uuuhhhhh disneyyy this parade is for children"), and apparently she goes down on the pole looking at him) but he really appears properly at the minute 04:50 and doesn't look at the camera - at the minute 05:30 he's seen pretty close to Esmeralda's float, apparently watching her dance - right after this moment the video is cut and he appears again, this time walking to the opposite way. At the end of the video he's seen again from afar!)
"The Hunchback Parade at Disneyland (at Small World" (he's the first thing we see when we open the video)
"The Hunchback Parade at Disneyland (From The Plaza)" (he's seen at 1:30 standing on top of the Notre Dame float)
"Disneyland-Parade-Hunchback of Notre Dame. Oct 31. 1997." (Frollo can be seen by the first time at the minute 04:40, but he can be seen really closely at the minute 07:05. That happened during a halloween night at Disneyland!)
There is a video that I JUST CAN'T FIND about this same parade, and I remember Frollo riding his horse at the end of the video. It was day and I remember being possible to see him dissapearing behind a curve, still riding his horse. I CAN'T FIND IT, not even in my history. I'll just update this post when I finally find it (IF I find it)
Second edit: Guys I think I'm stupid. I was rewatching the end of THE FIRST VIDEO OF THE LIST and it was that one. I feel dumb now
The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Festival Of Fools:
"Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame - Festival of Fools, Disneyland in 1996 part 2" (a journalistic report about the attraction - the person who updated this didn't published the part 1! Ugh! We only have one half! It's a great video by the way, the quality and the shots are awesome) (Frollo only appears once at 1:30, but the whole video is great)
"The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Festival Of Fools - Disneyland 1996" (That's a part of the show. It has good camera angles but not a very good quality. Frollo appears at 02:10 and at 03:30-04:00 and at 08:05)
"【Old Disney】 The Hunchback of Notre Dame Musical Show!-1996 / ノートルダム の鐘ミュージカルショー" (Full show once again - There is a change in here! At the second 20:26, Clopin went up the stairs and Frollo casually gets the flag from his hand. The flag is a crucial part for the ending, it works like Frollo's sword for a long period of time, and he fights Esmeralda and Quasimodo using it. In other recordings you can see that Frollo gets his flag forcefully from one of the dancer's hands in the middle of the main stage, not from Clopin already up the stairs. At 19:55 we can see Frollo holding the flag, running with it, but when we see him again, the flag is in Clopin's hand instead of Frollo's, and Frollo takes it from him later. What a mess!)
"1996 Disneyland Hunchback of Notre Dame: Festival of Fools" (terrible quality but it adds ✨️flavor✨️)
"Hunchback of Notre Dame Play Disneyland 1996" (The quality is also bad, but we can see the lights and overall hear the music and the spectacle itself here. I wish I was there!)
"Hunchback of Notre Dame: Festival of Fools - Disneyland 1996" (Footage of the whole show, the quality is... average)
"Hunchback of Notre Dame Festival Of Fools--Disneyland History--1990's--TMS-561" (footage of the festival but overall the quality is terrible in this one)
"Hunchback of Notre Dame Festival Of Fools | Disneyland | 1996" (low quality footage of the show. Frollo can barely be seen :c )
""Festival Of Fools" at Disneyland, Presented by Get Away Today (Part 1)" (a TV channel recorded the performance profissionally, even though it's old it's also a good video)
""Festival Of Fools" at Disneyland, Presented by Get Away Today (Part 2)" (part 2 of that same video)
— The last show footage needs to be properly separated here. This makes me bittersweet:
"Festival of Fools - Last Show - Warm Up - Disneyland" (part 0)
"Festival of Fools - Last Show - Part 1 - Disneyland" (part 1)
"Festival of Fools - Last Show - Part 2 - Disneyland" (part 2)
"Festival of Fools - Last Show - Part 3 - Disneyland" (part 3) (Frollo shows up really closely in this one, this person did a wonderful job when recording - and him singing Hellfire!! Ahhhhh!!! He appears again at the end of the video when the characters are thanking the audience)
The Hunchback Of Notre Dame: A Musical Adventure:
"The Hunchback of Notre Dame : A Musical Adventure - Full Show, Disney-MGM Studios 1996 Disney World" (full show)
"Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney-MGM" (full show recorded, great image quality, the camera man gives us zoom and great shots - WE CAN SEE FROLLO'S FACE PROPERLY AT 03:10)
"The Hunchback of Notre Dame: A Musical Adventure" - Full show from 1999 at MGM Studios in WDW" (HIS ACTOR IS AMAZING HERE - We can see his face closely at 02:55, and at 03:33 THE EVIL SMILE IS SO SIMILAR, he even LOOKS LIKE FROLLO HIMSELF! At 11:15 there's the Esmeralda's tease scene which is *chef's kiss* (we can see it really closely) AND IT WAS ALSO DONE PERFECTLY! aaahahshwhwhehsg that's my favorite performance of this show idc, we can see him closely again at 23:20 aaand also at 09:55 - 10:30) [this is where that Frollo and Esmeralda gif I added came from]
"Hunchback Of Notre Dame (2002)" (full show again but this person zooms the characters sometimes, awesome video too)
"The Hunchback of Notre Dame: A Musical Adventure" - Full performance at MGM Studios in WDW - 2000" (We can see Frollo's face from up close at 14:00 - it seems to be a different actor :c )
"1996 Walt Disney World The Hunchback of Notre Dame: A Musical Adventure" (The quality is not the best but I think it's cute the way the person recorded the surroundings. Really looks like a good memory to have. So sweet)
"Walt Disney World spectacle THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME 06 02 1997" (the full show recorded - average quality)
"The Hunchback of Notre Dame: A Musical Adventure @ Disney-MGM Studios - August, 1997" (meh not really in a good quality but it's recorded so let's add it here)
""Hunchback of Notre Dame: A Musical Adventure" Photos and Video from 1996 at Disney-MGM Studios" (not a youtube video, this time it's a website filled with pics taken of the show)
Someone recorded 8 parts of the show, but I would like to add them since it's... you know, my fav Frollo actor until now:
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8
"Meeting Phoebus, from "The Hunchback of Notre Dame: A Musical Adventure" at MGM Studios in WDW" (this is so cute!)
"Festival Of Fools Construction at Disneyland" (the title speaks for itself)
"Disneyland Inside Out - "Festival Of Fools" (report about the attraction)
"Disneyland Paris * May 1997" (showing how the park looked like at that time- a lot of HOND stuff)
"DISNEYLAND: 50 Years of ImaginEARing CD 10-12 FESTIVAL OF FOOLS A Guy Like You" (I believe this is a remastered version of one of the songs that played during the parade. I wish I was there at that time)
"Hunchback of Notre Dame Carnival Disneyland Paris" (this is a video of the parade when Frollo was already wearing a mask, but look at how cute this is! It's a family memory)
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initialchains · 10 months
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10 things i hate about you | anthony lockwood.
pairing: anthony lockwood x fem!reader
summary: george karim falls in love with your sister, and the only thing standing between him and the love of his life is the fact that she isn’t allowed to date unless you do, too. luckily for him, anthony lockwood would do anything for a bit of publicity.
wc: 5.8k (part one)
a/n: hii i felt so bad for leaving you all hanging, but finals week left me extremely burnt out and tired. luckily, the lockwood brainrot is neverending, so as a way of saying sorry here’s the first part of this silly ol’ fic. (including the first five things to hate about lockwood.)  i’m also super sorry for the next part because it will be 90% angst lol ++ this is inspired by the movie but not completely based on it bc it’s my all time favorite film and i was scared of not doing it justice.
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Lucy swore she was going to quit the agency again if George didn’t stop pacing around the kitchen like an idiot. She kept thinking of things to say to get him to stop, but a part of her also wanted to see how long this pathetic situation in front of her would take, she knew it wouldn’t be long until their researcher got tired of walking back and forth. And that’s where she is now. Sitting in the kitchen, an empty mug staring back at her, while George kept pacing in front of her and Lockwood.
“Hey, George! I have an idea. Why don’t you sit down and tell us what’s going on like a normal person, instead of just muttering I’m so fucked over and over?” 
George finally stopped and looked up at her. He stood still for a few seconds before taking a seat next to Lockwood.
“Well, I’m fucked.”
“Yeah, I think we heard that part.”
“Luce, stop,” Lockwood said in the softest voice he could muster, before turning to George. “Do you want to talk about it? Maybe we can help.”
George took a deep breath before starting. “So, you know how I’ve been telling you both and Holly about that one girl from the archives?”
Lockwood smiled at that. The thought of George crushing on a girl after bonding with her about their love for research is still one of the cutest things he has ever heard.
“Oh, right. How are things going with her? Is everything alright?” 
“Well, sort of. I mean, everything is alright, but just when I thought of finally making a move on her, she kind of, um… dropped a bomb on me?” 
“A bomb? But you already knew she’s a Fittes agent, that’s not new.” Lucy stated. 
“Yes, I know. And trust me, there’s nothing wrong with that.” George continued, “She is the sweetest, most intelligent, beautiful human being to have ever lived. I mean it.” 
Lucy and Lockwood shared a knowing look. George was totally a goner for this girl.
“Then.. just ask her out?” Lockwood suggested, watching carefully as George fidgeted with the thinking cloth, now too shy to look at his friends.
“That’s the problem, I can’t,” George explained, before pulling his glasses away and rubbing his eyes. The stress of the situation clearly getting the best of him.
“Okay, this will probably be a stupid question, but.. why?” Lucy asked, genuinely confused by the problem her friend was going through. Sure, asking someone out is frightening, but it’s not like George was about to fight a type two without any kind of protection.
George took a deep breath before finally explaining. “She can’t go out with me unless her sister gets a date, too.” 
Lucy almost laughed at how stupid the so-called bomb was. “Well, ask one of her colleagues to woo her or something. She’s a Fittes agent too, right?” She suggested, remembering the only fact they knew about said sister. “She must know a bunch of people willing to date her.” 
George found the strength to look up, making eye contact with Lockwood and then turning to Lucy, before finally dropping the bomb on them. “I can’t, everyone at Fittes despises her.” 
Lockwood and Lucy didn’t even have to think twice about who the sister in question was. There’s only one person who is loathed by every single Fittes agent, and surprisingly it isn’t Quill Kipps. George was talking about Fittes’ very own heinous bitch. (Obviously, the nickname was granted by the one and only Bobby Vernon. But to be fair, it’s not like he is the most reliable of people. Lockwood took note of that.)
Portland Row was silent for a few moments until Lucy finally spoke up. “Well, George. The world is wide, there will always be other people for you to fall for.” 
“Luce.” Lockwood warned her. 
“I’m trying to help!” 
“I know you are, but George really likes this girl.” He explained
“I think I might be in love with her. No, scratch that. I am in love with her.” George confessed in a small whisper.
“Oh, fuck.”
“I told you we would try to help, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do. Right, Lucy?” Lockwood looked at her, an unspoken beg passing between them. 
“Fine, yeah, we will. What do you know about her sister? Maybe we can find someone with the same interests as her. Like umm.. Holly? or the guy who sweeps the floor at Arif’s?” Lucy almost winced at how stupid their repertoire of options was, the three of them were friends with a limited number of people, and by limited she meant Holly and a guy who always greets them when they get something from Arif’s
George thought for a few moments about everything he knew about her. “I know she’s a team leader–” He couldn’t even finish his list, let alone his sentence, because before he could even continue, Lockwood stood up. 
“I’ll do it.” He said with a small shrug, almost as if it was the most normal thing in the world. 
A chorus of “I’m sorry?” and “What the fuck?” were heard at the same time, but Lockwood couldn’t bring himself to care. He wanted to do this. 
“What? You said you wanted someone to woo her. Right, Luce?” He explained as he took Lucy’s empty mug away from her and moved to the sink. 
Lockwood’s back faced them while he washed their used dishes. “Yes, but.. why do you want to do it?”
“It’s a win-win situation. If I go out with her, George will get to date her sister, and we will get publicity.” The way Lockwood explained the situation with such ease had Lucy thinking he had planned this beforehand.
“Publicity?” George finally spoke up. 
“Yes. You said she’s a team leader, which means she is important, and we also know she’s disliked by every single one of her peers, which means the press will be surprised to see her hanging out with someone. So, if we get photographed together, everyone will want to know what’s so special about the agents of Lockwood and Co. Which means–” 
“More cases.” George finished the sentence for him.
“See? It’s easy.” Lockwood, finally done with the dishes, turned around.
“No, it’s not. I think it’s a stupid idea. You won’t be using someone to get this agency more clients, are you insane?” Lucy stated, indignation lacing her words. 
“Hey, George. You said you were taking her sister out for breakfast tomorrow, how about we make it a double date?” He said with a bright smile, ignoring Lucy’s words. 
“Oh, um.. Okay.”
George was right, Lucy thought. They are so fucked. 
1- I hate the way you talk to me and the way you cut your hair.
“George, calm down. Everything will be okay, I promise.” Lockwood said, sending an encouraging look to the boy next to him. George was sweating, he didn’t expect your sister to accept the double date. He didn’t expect you to accept the double date. 
“I know. I even practiced a speech and everything, it will be alright.”
“You practiced a what?”
George wasn’t able to answer his question because right when Lockwood asked him, they were able to see two silhouettes standing outside of the café they were walking to.
“Oh, they’re here,” Lockwood stated plainly before walking up to them, George looking nervous as fuck next to him. 
Sure, George was a sweaty mess, but he knew this would happen. He even expected you to look at him with disgust in your eyes and say something along the lines of “I was dragged here against my will. Fuck you, Karim. You will never date my sister.” 
What he didn’t expect to see was your face painted with confusion. George was about to greet you with the long speech he spent the entire night workshopping, but before he could even mutter a word, you let out an exasperated sigh and looked George in the eye before you gaze slipped to Lockwood and then back to him. 
“What is it, asshole day? Why are you two here?”
Lockwood was about to open his mouth and answer your question, but luckily your sister spoke up just in time.
“I invited my two friends to have breakfast with us!” She said with a bright, almost angelic smile. George felt like he was in heaven just by seeing her. 
“I know about Karim, but why are you friends with Anthony Lockwood?” 
“Oh, so you’ve heard of me? Only the good things, I hope.” Lockwood said, his charming smile making a way to his face.
“Yeah, like the houses you’ve burned down, and how stupidly reckless you are to the point that you even got shot.” You stated, repulse evident in your eyes as you looked at the man of the hour. 
“It’s adorable how much you know about me.”
“Have you ever been to a psych ward? I can get you an appointment set and ready by tonight.”
“You want to see me tonight?”
George feared you might slit Lockwood’s throat with the way you were looking at him. “We should, um, get inside.” He said, trying (and failing) to break the awkward tension, guiding the four of you into the café. 
George looked at your sister and whispered into her ear “It’s not my place to assume but.. you didn’t tell her we were coming, did you?”
She gave him a shy smile before answering. “I want her to make some friends, and I think someone like Lockwood might help her come out of her shell.”
She looked so innocent that George wanted to break down crying and tell her all about Lockwood’s dumb publicity plan. This was eating him alive. 
You took a seat next to your sister in the booth George had reserved for the four of you. Lockwood smiled when he saw your eyes widen at the sight of him sitting right in front of you. 
“Karim, can you switch places with your friend?” 
“Why? Are you embarrassed I’ll see you blush whenever you look into my eyes?” 
“Have you ever been told that your hairline will recede by the time you’re 30 years old if you keep cutting and styling your hair like that?”  
“Have you ever been told that you’re incredibly beautiful?” 
Your sister had to place her hand over yours before you could reach for the knife placed in front of you by a waiter. Lockwood couldn’t contain his laughter at the look on your face.
“What’s so fucking funny, Lockwood?”
“Nothing. Don’t mind me, please continue with your insults. I relish being the reason behind your thoughts and words.” 
That was enough to shut you up. Your sister, George, and Lockwood shared jokes and stories while you looked down at your plate, the conversation flowing easily between them. Sometimes you’d look up to find Lockwood staring at you, he’d send you a small smile and try to include you in the conversation, but you didn't intend on giving him the satisfaction of getting you to speak, so you’d shut him down with an eye roll. 
The rest of the morning went by smoothly until your sister had the brilliant idea to tell you about her plans for the rest of the day. 
“You’re going to the archives with Karim.. alone? Just the two of you?” 
“Did you not hear her the first time, love?”
“Shut the fuck up, Lockwood.” You snapped at him, hoping your anger was enough to mask the blush rushing into your cheeks. 
It wasn’t. 
“Did I just make you blush?”
“You made me want to throw up.”
“Deny it all you want, but the pet name clearly had an effect on you.. love.”
“Ugh, whatever.” 
The four of you stood up and walked to the café’s exit, Lockwood opening the door for your sister and you. As soon as you got outside, your sister began to apologize for not telling you about her impromptu archives plan with George.
“It’s fine, I don’t mind. Just.. text me when you get there?” You said softly. Way too softly, Lockwood noticed. He had never seen you this vulnerable, maybe your sister was way more important to you than he expected. 
“I will. Promise.”
You said your goodbyes before turning around, planning on walking to your car, but the universe definitely wasn’t on your side today.
“Wait! I’ll go with you.” Lockwood said as he tried to catch up with you, matching the pace of your long strides. 
“I don’t know if you can tell, Lockwood, but I’m trying to get away from you.”
“What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t drive you home after our first date?”
“You’re not a gentleman, and that wasn’t a date.”
Lockwood pressed a hand to his heart, feigning hurt. “Ouch, not a gentleman? Thank god my mother isn’t here to hear those words.”
You finally stopped walking and turned around to face him. “What do you want?”
“To.. drive you home?”
“No, Lockwood. What do you want? You tried to include me in your stupid conversation earlier, then paid for my breakfast, opened the door for me, and now you want to drive me home. What the fuck do you want?”
Lockwood stayed silent for a while, just staring into your eyes. “I was trying to be nice to you, is that too hard to believe?” 
He took notice of how you looked away from his eyes and tried to keep your hands busy by playing with the hem of your shirt. 
You cleared your throat before saying, “Fine, but if you fuck my car up, I swear to god, Lockwood..” 
2- I hate the way you drive my car.
The car was silent the entire first half of the ride. Sometimes you’d catch Lockwood staring at you from the corner of your eye, but you never looked back, deciding that looking through the car window was a better sight. 
“You don’t talk much unless it is to deliver a well-crafted insult, huh?” Lockwood said, trying to break the silence. It wasn’t awkward, it was just.. tense. 
“Do you want me to talk to you?” You answered, slightly surprised by the fact that Anthony Lockwood of all people, wanted to have a conversation with you. 
“And what do you want me to say? It’s not like I know a single thing about you.” 
“You can say whatever you want, I don’t mind. I’ll accept it whether it is you cursing my entire bloodline, or you saying you’re deeply attracted to me.” 
The car came to a stop, a red light illuminating Lockwood’s sharp features. You hated to admit it, but fuck, Anthony Lockwood was attractive. 
“Me? Deeply attracted to you? Holy shit, did you fall and hit your head as a baby?”
“You so are.”
“Am I that transparent? Because you’re right. Oh, Lockwood, I am so attracted to you and your stupid fucking personality. I want you, I need you. Oh baby, oh baby.”
“You have such a beautiful way with words, love.”
That was enough to get a small laugh out of you. Lockwood kept surprising you, he didn’t back down after an insult or two, and he actually seemed to enjoy being indulged in them. 
He turned his head to look at you as soon as he heard you laugh, a smile adorning his face. A feeling of pride (and maybe something more) swelled in his chest.
“I can’t believe I just made you laugh for the first time and we’ve been on a date for about three hours now. God, I’m making such a bad first impression.” 
“You still won’t let the idea of this being a date go?” 
“Nope. I enjoy being on a date with you. You’re a nice person to hang out with.”
The corners of your lips curled up into a small smile. “You don’t mean that.”
“I do, I would rather take you out on a million dates than spend 30 minutes with any other person,” Lockwood confessed, and he meant it.
“Like you could find a person who would willingly spend 30 minutes with you.”
“Oh, see? That, there. Who needs affection when I have blind hatred?”
The two of you spent the rest of your ride home talking, the tension slowly evaporating, leaving room for the back-and-forth quips that Lockwood and you kept throwing each other. 
Lockwood stopped the car when he heard you say, “Alright, this is my house.” You were about to open the door, but before you could even extend your arm he said a quick, “Wait!” and got out of the car, rounding it to open your door.
“Anything and everything for you.”
Just as you were about to answer, a flash and the sound of a camera clicking disrupted the moment you were having. 
“You’re fucking with me”, you muttered under your breath. Lockwood looked surprised too, he had completely forgotten about his plan. 
Take her out for a few days. Get photographed together. Gain more clients.
His heart sank at the reminder of the reality of this situation. He had been so busy having fun with you, that his mind decided to blur out the reason why he was hanging out with Fittes’ most hated agent. 
“Alright. I should, um, go.”
“Do you want me to walk you to your door? Or is the first date too soon to meet your parents?”
“Fuck you, Lockwood,” You said with a smile.
“It doesn’t really seem like you want to.”
He found himself smiling, too. 
3- I hate it when you stare.
“What a fun coincidence to find you here, love.”
You rolled your eyes at Lockwood’s annoying voice. “Yeah, it’s such a fun coincidence that you almost burned this house down and my team had to come help your incompetent agency.” 
“Third time’s a charm.”
“There’s no way in hell you’ve been the cause of more than two fires.” 
“If you let me take you out on another date, maybe I’ll tell you more about them.” You almost stabbed him with your rapier. “Shut up, people might hear.” That brought a bright smile to his face and an incredulous look to his eyes.
“Oh, so you want to keep our relationship a secret? Fine, I’ll take it. I love a forbidden romance.” He whispered, the smell of lavender and lemon engulfing you as he kneeled a bit to whisper in your ear. 
“Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night. Anyway, I need to go check out the paperwork for the mess you made, can you keep an eye on my team?” You shyly asked, breaking the eye contact he was desperately trying to keep.
“You trust me with your team? I thought my agency was incompetent and I wasn’t good at anything.” 
“It’s just for a few minutes, don’t let this get to your head.” 
“Oh, it’s way over my head, love.” 
You showed him a very special finger, before walking away to talk to Barnes. You tried to remain professional and listen to what the inspector was saying, but you couldn’t shake the feeling of a pair of eyes looking at you. “Sorry for calling you again, you know how it gets whenever Lockwood and Co have a case,” Barnes said, breaking you out of the cage your mind had trapped you in. 
“Oh, it’s nothing. It’s my pleasure to help.” You tried to muster up a small smile for the man, you liked Barnes, he never treated you differently, not even when the way you acted and decided to express yourself wasn’t the most appropriate. 
“And I think it's their pleasure to be helped.”
“I’m sorry?”
You turned around, following Barnes’ line of sight, only for your eyes to meet Lockwood’s. He gave you a small smile but didn’t look away, it was almost as if he longed for your eyes to make contact. You sent him a small frown, wordlessly asking him what was wrong, he just shrugged and waved at the two of you. 
“He is so weird.” You said, turning to face the inspector. “Tell me about it. Well, we are all done here. Have a nice night, and make sure to get home safely.” He answered, eager to get away from the group of agents surrounding him, and walking away. 
Lockwood didn’t miss a beat before making his way to you. “So, I’m thinking we make the second date happen over some tea at Portland Row?”
“Not happening.”
“I’m not one to make a woman feel uncomfortable when she says no, but may I ask why?
“I’d rather spend my time hanging out with ten type threes, than with the group of miscreants you call friends. No offense to Lucy and Holly, though. I quite like them. I was talking about Karim, tell that thing to stay away from my sister.” You answered, finally finding the guts to maintain eye contact while you spoke. 
“You know Lucy and Holly?” He decided to ignore your entire statement, now only focused on the fact that you knew his friends. Anxiety making its way through his body at the thought of Lucy telling you about his plan. 
“Yeah, and they told me some really interesting things about you. I never took you as the type of person to do that type of stuff.”
Lockwood’s heart almost gave out. “What did they say?”
“That you wear pink socks.”
He felt his heart start beating again. Lockwood thought he was about to die in front of you, he made a mental note to thank Lucy for being nice enough to not tell you about his schemes. He found the strength to give you a charming smile. 
“That surprised you? Lord, do you think I’m the type of guy to have a fragile masculinity? My mother raised me better than that.” 
“You mention your mother a lot, are you close with her?
They should give out awards for Feeling your heart stop two times in the span of 3 minutes because Lockwood was sure he would get one delivered to Portland Row’s doorstep by tomorrow morning. 
“I.. um, yeah.” 
Fuck. You made it awkward. You almost dropped down to your knees and begged him for forgiveness. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude into your personal life, it’s not my place to ask and assume shit about your family. I’m so fucking sorry, Lockwood.” The light in your eyes dimmed, the sight of it made Lockwood want to tell you all about his past. He wanted to go back to ten minutes ago when your eyes were shining and looking into his. He internally swore to never let the light leave them again.
“You’re good, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” He reassured you in a small voice, clearly not fine. 
“No, I will worry–” You couldn’t finish your sentence because, once again, the light of a camera flash illuminated Lockwood and you, blinding you both for a split moment. 
“Of course they’re here. Jesus Christ, do they not have lives? A family?” 
“Maybe they just like taking pictures of your beautiful face.”
The light came back to your dim eyes at his statement. “There he is.” You said, noticing how his gaze slipped from your eyes to your lips, before going back to the eye contact you had.
“What can I say? I can’t stop myself from complimenting you when you’re around.”
4-  I hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind.
The streets of London were quiet while Lockwood took a small walk in the early morning. Lucy told him if he walked around the city for a few hours, he’d be able to break in the new pair of combat boots she got him as a present after he made it through 10 cases without almost dying.  
“It’s 8 am and you’re already up being pathetic. I should say I saw this coming, but I really didn’t. Holy shit.” A familiar voice snapped him out of the daze he was in. He was so busy going through a list in his head of all the things he had to do this week, that he didn’t notice you walking next to him. 
“How long have you been walking by my side?”
“Long enough to see you staring straight ahead and not noticing how incredibly pathetic you look. Your boots are hideous, by the way.” You answered, looking into his eyes and noticing how he smirked at your last remark.
“I don’t think Lucy will be happy about you calling her well-thought gift hideous.”
You let out a genuine laugh as soon as he said that. It was the type of laugh that bubbled up from your chest and had you throwing your head back. It made Lockwood feel as if all the morning clouds had disappeared and the sun shone only on the two of you. Sure, you had laughed at Lucy’s gift, but the sound was enough to let the sun shine its warm rays through Lockwood’s heart. An infinite sunbathe.
“Oh, so you find this funny? Hurting my best friend’s feelings?” He asked in a teasing tone, squinting slightly at you.
“So.. I take it she didn’t tell you?” You asked, a small giggle escaping your lips and going straight through Lockwood’s heart. 
“Tell me what?”
“That our plan was to get you the most ugly, repulsive looking, and incredibly stupid boots that we could find? I wasted my money on that, you’re welcome or whatever.” 
He should’ve been offended. Offended at how Lucy wanted him to humiliate himself by walking through the streets of London with a pair of bright neon green combat boots. Offended that she had asked for your help to choose the ugliest pair she could find. But he was too busy fighting the urge to press his lips against yours and to run his slender fingers through your hair. 
Did you not notice how you always bit your lip after laughing because you thought that would stop you from falling into another fit of laughter? 
“Yeah, yeah, you two are so funny,” He rolled his eyes with a smile. “Thank you, love.” He was about to nudge you with his shoulder, but as soon as he turned to look at you, he noticed you weren’t next to him anymore.
His heart stopped for a second until he finally looked back and caught you staring at two women through a café window, clearly on a date. One of them gave the other a bouquet of different types of flowers and brushed back a strand of her girlfriend’s bright red hair. That brought a smile to your face. 
“Hey, you okay?” He whispered as soon as he stood next to you, noticing the sad smile on your face. 
“Oh, yeah. I was just..” 
You didn’t have to say a word for him to be aware of what you wanted to mention. The look in your eyes, and the small smile on your face.. this was the look you always got whenever you saw your sister with George. 
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” Lockwood reassured you. Not wanting to scare you off after seeing the look on your face and the small voice you used to answer. 
“Do you think I’m holding my sister back?” You asked, turning around to look into his eyes, your hands trembling a bit.
He didn’t miss a beat before taking hold of your hand and lacing your fingers together, giving your gentle hand two squeezes. “I think.. you care a lot about her, and that’s completely fine. But it is not your job to dictate what she can or can not do. It’s okay to let her have her freedom and life, just like you deserve to have yours.” 
You took a deep breath before pulling Lockwood into a hug, your arms surrounding his neck. Lockwood was startled for a second but didn’t have to think about it twice before wrapping his arms around your waist, letting you take the lead in this display of affection. 
“I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry? You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I know, but.. um”
“You don’t have to say anything, come on,” He said, breaking the hug and taking your hand into his, pulling you forward to continue the walk you were on.
5- I hate you so much it makes me sick, it even makes me rhyme.
Lockwood looked down at your intertwined hands, thinking of things to say to get the fog of sadness blinding you out of the way. “So you’re a hopeless romantic, huh?
“What the fuck?”
Alright, so maybe this wasn’t his greatest icebreaker ever, but at least it was something. He chose to continue. 
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed how you always stare at every couple we walk past. It’s kind of adorable. Fittes’ heinous bitch being a hopeless romantic? Sign me the hell up.”
“You’re sick in the head, Anthony Lockwood.”
“I didn’t think of you as a hopeless romantic, like.. at all. But I assume this means you’re the type of person who wants flowers and love letters delivered to her doorstep. Right?”
“Sure, love. I’ll keep this in mind for future references.”
Lockwood made sure to walk you back to Fittes’ building after spending the rest of his morning with you, choosing to take the weird looks his boots got with pride and a bright smile. Whenever someone stopped him in the street he’d answer with a happy “my best friend and this beautiful lady next to me gave them to me as a gift”. 
You spent the rest of your day going back and forth through Fittes’ small yet numerous offices, talking to different people about your previous and next cases. Sometimes you’d stop to take a breather outside a door, but quickly remembered the importance of your role as a team leader, and snapped out of your seemingly neverending exhaustion. 
“Am I dreaming or is that my best friend in the whole world?” You turned your head to the right to find Bobby Vernon smirking at you, a dry chuckle leaving his lips.
“Fuck off, Vernon.”
“Woah, no need to get all pissy, love.” You clenched your shaking fists, trying to keep your anger in. You may have a short temper, but you would never let someone like him get the satisfaction of making you angry, or at least of noticing the effect his words have on you. 
The thought of someone other than Lockwood calling you by that pet name made you want to burst into tears. How dare they see you as someone who’s weak? After everything you’ve done and fought for to get the role you have as an agent? 
“I don’t have the time for your bullshit, so just spit it out and let me go home.” You said with an eye roll.
“Your sister wanted me to tell you that you got mail. Well, it’s more like a gift, I guess. I assume it’s from your parents because I can’t think of a single human being who genuinely likes you.” 
You knew better than to take his words to heart, but the venom he said them with stung. You knew you were unlikeable, probably even unloveable at this point, but he didn’t have any right to say those words to your face. It made you feel disgusting, you had to fight back the urge to throw up.
“Yeah, alright. Have a good day, Vernon.” You replied as you walked past him and out into the street, calling for a cab to take you home.
The ride back home was silent, and it surprisingly made you miss Lockwood. It made you miss his stupid jokes, his ugly haircut, and his reckless way of driving your car. You were sure the poor guy didn’t know what a stop sign meant. 
As soon as the cab driver got you home, you made sure to pay him and wish him a safe drive, after all, the curfew was 15 minutes away from starting. A sigh escaped your lips after opening your door and heading into your room. The day had left you completely worn out, and Bobby’s words didn’t help at all with the shit day you were having.
You quickly got changed and were about to head to bed when you noticed a package sitting in the corner of your room. A frown made its way to your face when your eyes caught the unfamiliar handwriting with your name on the box, curiosity taking the best of you as you opened the package with a delicate touch.
A gasp left your lips when you opened it and found the same bouquet of colorful flowers you saw the woman give to her partner at the café. A white envelope sat next to them.
With a small smile and shaking hands, you opened it and were greeted with Lockwood’s handwriting.
Hey, my love. 
I’ll be really honest and say that my mind is completely blank as I write this, but I just wanted to let you know that right after I dropped you off, I went to Arif’s with George and heard a love song playing — I couldn’t help but think of your hopeless romantic self as soon as I heard these lyrics: You’re just too good to be true, can’t take my eyes off of you. 
Jesus, I know you’re having a field day reading this. Me? Embarrassing myself and sending you a bouquet and a love letter? You’re right, I must be extremely sick in the head.
Anyway, I hope you have a good day. You deserve it.
With lots of love,
(PS: You don’t have to say it back! But I thought it felt right to say it since we’re kind of besties now.) 
The tears you spent the entire day holding back decided to come out right after you finished reading the letter. Sobs escaped your lips as you sat down in your bed, the flowers and letter still in your hand. A strange feeling bubbled up inside you, you didn’t quite know what it meant, but decided to guess it was that disgusting sickening feeling Bobby left you with. 
When you laid in bed and tried to go to sleep, you took notice of how different the feeling you were having right now was from the one you got with Bobby Vernon. Sure, this one made you want to throw up, too. But it also made you want to stare into Lockwood’s eyes again and to feel his arms wrapped around your waist for a few more seconds. You drifted to sleep with a craving of feeling Lockwood’s hand intertwined with yours for the rest of your life.  
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murdrdocs · 1 year
rocketeer | a. warlock
description. a peek into your budding relationship with adam warlock, soundtracked by the music that follows you through your life
includes. straight fluff that's it, some references to tunes
a/n: playing around with adam as a character .. reader implied to be from earth, also this was a blurb but its long enough to be a mini fic so ,,, that's what it is now. also title is a reference to rocket tehe
word count: 1.2k+
mild gotg3 spoilers!!!
you meet him when rocket's 2000s playlist is playing.
there a general joy spread all across knowhere, each and every being there filled with the adrenaline of the guardians surviving, and saving others along the way, once again. everyone's doing something; dancing, crying, rejoicing, picking up pieces. everyone except him.
he sits on a set of stairs that you know has been coated with bile too many times. he's alone, wrapped in an insulated blanket, and staring at everyone with a sense of longing. your rhythmic steps falter, as does your smile, and your head tilts.
your friend asks what's wrong, you point him out, and his mind is lightyears away because he doesn't notice the obvious gawking from three sets (the extra set your friend has will always be a little off putting for you) of curious eyes. he doesn't notice anything until you're standing above him.
"hi," your wave is just a flare of your hand, small, gentle, as is your smile. his eyes snap up to look at you, wide and yellow and intriguing. it takes him a second but he speaks, although it's quiet and a little hard to hear over florence and the machine.
the formality of it makes your smile widen. "d'you mind if i sit?" you point to the empty space next to him, his gaze following your gesture, and then he's looking back at you with furrowed eyebrows.
you shrug, suddenly feeling a little silly, but you suck the feeling down with a large gulp of air. "just cause you seemed a little lonely. loneliness isn't really a thing here on knowhere."
his yellow eyes seem to light up at that. "really?"
not exactly, but you still nod. "really."
he scoots over a smidge to make room for you, even though there's more than enough, and you sit beside him, choosing to ignore the lingering stench of alcohol-induced barf. it's silent for a second, dog days are over ends and seven nation army begins, and then he speaks again.
"i'm adam."
you introduce yourself, starting to notice the way his foot taps along to the bass line. you nod towards the small movement. "you like this sort of music?"
when he shrugs, you can feel the blanket move against your arm and you hadn't realized you two were sitting that close beforehand.
"i don't really know much about music."
"yeah, that'll change here on knowhere, too."
you get closer while rocket is in a 90s kick. there's destiny's child, red hot chili peppers, loads of nirvana, and blur to soundtrack the timidity in the beginning. small "hello"s shared in passing, glances that turn into staring whenever the other isn't looking. talks about meaningless things that are happening on knowhere, just as an excuse to talk to each other at all.
your relationship (lack thereof) with adam feels reminiscent on those movies you would watch back home, telling stories of a boy next door and a girl next door and a painfully slow romance filled with moments that you used to wish would just lead into the big thing.
before he leaves, quill gives you a final word of advice. "stop dancing around it. go for it."
you follow his eye line to adam, who's holding a very confusing looking conversation with one of the kids, and then you look at quill, who's staring down at you like an older, slightly wiser, brother.
"yeah. okay."
he opens up when his favorites are playing. you're teasing him, asking if he finally has artists, genres, songs, anything that he likes. he smiles brightly, like he's been waiting to share this information, and nods eagerly.
"let me show you." the ipod he'd acquired is thrust into your hands and then one end of the flimsy earphones after it. you slip the bud in, listening to the clicks of adam searching for what he wants to show you, and the it starts.
you vaguely recognize it as something that quill passed down to rocket, who tried to pass it down to you, but you don't know it well enough to predict the lyrics before they happen.
the other headphone is placed in one of adam's ears, and he hums to the song. you feel his gaze on yours, waiting for your reaction, and you look to him and smile.
"yeah?" he asks, clearly wanting to know what you thought about it.
"yeah. it's good!"
"right!" and he continues to hum along to the song, clearly wanting to sing it at the top of his lungs and dance around to the beat. the image of what that would look like, of how he would ask you to join in, takes over your mind and adam's voice breaks you from your thought.
"i have just one question though."
"what's disney world?"
and now it's time for your eyes to widen and for you to gasp. you launch into descriptions of 'the happiest place on earth', having to will yourself from telling the entire backstory of the creator and the mystery that exists from his extremely known life. adam seems confused, interested, and like he longs for something like that.
"d'you think we could visit disney world one day?" the odds aren't the best, but you shrug, nod, let the corner of your mouth turn down just a little.
"yeah, maybe."
another solo song by adrian belew starts and then adam tells you about his home, and the sovereign, and his mother. you listen, lowering the volume so you can hear him clearly, and you're there for when tears start to glide down his face.
things change whenever 80s pop is playing.
kraglin had taken over rocket's ipod for the day, resulting in almost every hit from the 80s to play during the entire day.
you'd sung along to most songs, wishing you'd seen adam to tell him about each artist that played. but he'd been gone, not seen by anyone, and you assumed that he'd gone on a mission or something of the sort.
it's late, you're snuggled in bed, the music outside has come to an end but you have your own headphones in to continue listening. wham! plays when there's a knock on your door and you pull down the headphones, lowering george's singing, to open it.
adam stands on the other side, dressed as casual as you've seen him, and his hair sticking up in different places as if he's been messing with it for a while. he looks distressed, and distracted, until you say his name.
"adam? what's wrong?"
and then his large hands are delicately holding your cheeks and his lips are pressed to yours. he freezes with the initial contact, most likely due to a mix of inexperience and shock, but then you start to slowly move your lips against his and he takes the hint to follow your lead. your hands pull at his shirt, urging him to come into your room, and he does as told, kicking the door closed behind him with his foot, giving you a surface that doesn't imply too much to push your back against.
that night, the entire first two albums from wham! play from your headphones while adam kisses you, leaving you to giddily listen to last christmas when you bid him goodbye, his lips a little swollen and a darker hue to his golden cheeks.
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