#he'd probably confess when one of the other characters becomes his boyfriend but like..
masterjedilenawrites · 4 months
Gello! It's nice to meet you! Though i am dropping by to ask, what are your thoughts on Crosshair having like a long-term relationship? It's like a year plus some months.
Welcome, nice to meet you too! 🤗
I hope you were wanting a whole rambling post on this, because that's what I've got for ya. 😅 I have no self-control when it comes to imagining Crosshair in a relationship.
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Crosshair would have never planned to be in a relationship of any kind. It would've been something he just fell into, finding a person he was actually, genuinely comfortable with and not wanting to part from them. Sharing life with them quickly becomes the new norm, so when he's asked about the status of things, or about the future and what he wants... he's confused. Of course he's committed. Isn't that obvious? He's not interested in keeping his options open, not when he's found probably the one person in the whole galaxy that cares for him this much. And once Crosshair commits to something, he's not letting go.
Day to day, he doesn't change much. He still has his routines, his preferences and his annoyances, his skills and his shortcomings, all the things that make him him. But to the few who know him well, they see the difference a long, loving relationship has made in his spirit. He just seems lighter somehow. Less severe, more comfortable. Still grumpy at times, sure, but everyone knows his partner will help him come around when needed.
He's not a pushover, or wrapped around their finger in any way. But he does trust them. He listens to them. And they are the type of partner that would only try to change his mind when he was truly being unreasonable. They filter a lot of petty complaints out, things his brothers or the general public go to them with, and they only occasionally agree to the point of then giving Cross an earful. He takes what they say to heart and makes the correction, albeit still in his own stoic or sassy Crosshair way.
He finds it natural to make decisions in tandem. He's not one of those super protective boyfriends, so if his partner wanted to tag along on missions, he'd be cool with it. He keeps an eye on them same as the rest of the squad. But if they would rather settle down somewhere and keep different hobbies, he'll be supportive of that, too. Just so long as he's free to do his own thing as well. (Gun to his head, though, he'd confess he prefers doing things together.)
Communication is his weak point. Though he gets better over time, he still struggles to vocalize what he really feels. So he'd really only be with a patient and intuitive partner. Someone who can sense when he's holding back and knows how to gently coax it out of him. Anyone else would have left him early on, too frustrated or pushy to make a longterm relationship work.
Physical intimacy for him is a private affair. He hates the thought of having eyes on him in these moments. Even a "chaste" kiss makes him feel too vulnerable to be seen by anyone other than his partner. So how quickly they progress in this realm of their relationship will solely depend on how much privacy they're able to get.
All in all, he's a simple man in a relationship. He will give his partner anything with the expectation they return it in kind - trust, benefit of the doubt, attention, space, care.... Again, he never would have sought this sort of thing out, never thought it was possible to feel the way he does, to have even met someone like them... But now that he has, he can't imagine his life any other way. If anything were to happen to them, or if for some reason they had a change of heart and left (though let's be real, his perfect partner would never), he isn't going to be in a relationship ever again. It's them or no one. So really, a longterm relationship for Crosshair is more a lifelong relationship.
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sunsguilt · 1 year
hello lovely! since vil is your favorite character, can i request some vil hcs similar to the other ones? he's not really 'pathetic little man' material, but i wanna see what you do with him 00
have a nice day <3
SO IF YOU NEED A HERO... OR A BOYFRIEND...┊ft: vil schoenheit
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warnings: none! contains : gn! reader
notes: if vil showed up while i was literally at the altar abt to say my vows i would dip so fast its not what it looks like babe ur th only one 4 me it was never that serious (this took a while, sorry guys i went silly)
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everyone who says vil is pure evil and would treat u like shit, you are all lying to yourself. he is literally my babygirl. argue with the wall.
vil schoenheit would fall for someone, fall hard, then want to die because why did he have to fall in love with you? like international superstar vil falls head over heels for an absurdly average person who they see in classes occasionally??? he doesn't know either.
he is striving to become the most perfect version of himself, just to have your attention.
and you're. not perfect. nowhere near what vil initially assumed would be his standards for a partner before you. maybe you sleep in class and you're scraping by with a barely passing grade.
he's gonna make it his goal to "fix" you. you're not irredeemably evil but he'll make it his job anyway.
(not that you guys need fixing! failing your classes is a hot bitch move but he is doing this bc he wants the best for you!)
this is going to serve as an excuse to be closer to you and allow him to tutor you. he won't bullshit it either, he takes it seriously.
moving on to the topic of nicknames, he usually just says your name. when he first meets you, he'll call you spudling. calling someone a potato is cringe; it's his only flaw.
he'll say "my dear" just as a general affectionate term. when he's annoyed at something or someone, he'll be calling you "sweetheart". his tone gets sickly sweet and you know he's mad at something.
but honestly, flashy nicknames just aren't his style. it's more of a rook thing to be like "my darling, my love" etc etc. vil would be mortified if he had to call you that, even as a joke.
vil vague posts about you. it's probably the most human vil looks in front of his fans. even vil schoenheit has someone they pine over? incredible for the self-esteem.
he's posting a photodump with a caption like: "i never know what to think about. i think about you." or "with them today."
you're probably vaguely aware of vil's social media presence, not really paying it any mind. it's awkward to cyberstalk a classmate, much less a friend.
since he doesn't tag you, you never really know about the posts and the wreckage that comes after vil happens to post a random photo of him holding your hand across the desk in an insta story.
vil wants his confession with you to be perfect, like it has to be. he agonizes it for a long time, rook occasionally dropping huge hints to you, much to his dismay.
he really is just scared of rejection. you denying him would honestly shatter him into a million pieces.
he'll take it slow, he'd never try to rush it with you. with time, he'll tell you his carefully guarded feelings, and it will be perfect.
— ☆
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caffeinneislife · 7 months
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ִ ࣪𖤐 ʙsᴅ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴsʜɪᴘ ִ ࣪𖤐
ִ ࣪𖤐 ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴɴᴏɴs ִ ࣪𖤐
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「 ✦ Characters ✦ 」 Dazia Osamu, Kunikida Tetsou, Atsushi Nakajima
「 ✦ Warnings ✦ 」 None that I can see, please tell me if I should add something, mostly just fluff
「 ✦ A/N ✦ 」 First headcannons!! Hope you enjoy it!
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𝔻𝕒𝕫𝕚𝕒 𝕆𝕤𝕒𝕞𝕦:
Would show you off and brag about you to EVERYONE
“Hey Kunikida, I am taking a break to go see my amazing partner-oh wait you wouldn’t know how important that is because you don’t have one~”
He definitely got a beating for that one
He's also kinda clingy
Did I say kinda, I meant very clingy
"Y/nnnnnnnnn~~ Are you almost doneeee~~ I wanna cuddle!!"
After he started dating you he became less osessed with suicide
This was beacause he saw how much you lit up his world and he didn't want to lose that under any circumstances
Of course when you had only just started dating he did ask you for a double suicide ever once and a while
But Kunikida somehow always stopped him from finishing his sentence
He doesn't really use pet names
Will give you a cute nickname instead
He'll say 'sweetheart' every once and a while though
Will randomly attack you with affection
Basically drowning you in hugs and kisses
It doesn't matter if your at work or at home
If you try denying his affection (most likely out of embarrassment) he will immediately start whining, saying:
"You don't love my anymore!"
Before hiding in the corner and pouting until you finally gave in and gave him a kiss on the head/hug, telling him that of course you still love him, and you would never stop loving him
this, of course, let to another attack of affection
𝕂𝕦𝕟𝕚𝕜𝕚𝕕𝕒 𝔻𝕠𝕡𝕡𝕠:
You better get used to seeing Dazia
Also yelling
Kunikida doesn't usually yell at you (unless you really piss him off, but even then its nothing compared to what Dazia suffers) but you might have to calm him down if things start getting too intense
You're the only one who can properly calm him down the fastest
You don't even need to do anything, just walk into his line of sight and he is already 20 times calmer
Would call you something like 'My love' or 'Darling'
You become the mom/second father/other parent of the group
Together you guys are the parents
The responsible ones
Though you may push the boundaries on what is actually considered 'responsible'
His agenda does become a little more lenient, but only for you, if anybody else messes up his daily plan they can count themselves dead by morning
If your more on the energetic/cheeky side it'll take a while for him to actually start liking you
But don't worry you'll grow on him eventually
If you try some stupid pick-up line on him he will pretend to be annoyed at you, but don't be fooled, because on the inside he is a blushing mess, and he'll be thinking about it all day
He loves you very much, even if the only times that he will fully express it is late at night when you guys are wrapped up in each other, half asleep
𝔸𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕤𝕙𝕚 ℕ𝕒𝕜𝕒𝕛𝕚𝕞𝕒:
I feel like he would be the type of boyfriend to ask those weird questions that the girlfriends usually ask
"Hey Y/n, would you still love me if i was a worm?"
Cuddles! Cuddles! And more Cuddles!!
Please give this touch-starved boy some hugs and kisses
Might be a little to insecure to give you a pet name
Would substitute with a nickname
Or if your name can't have a nickname, which I highly doubt is even possible, he'd probably call you something like 'cupcake' 'sweetie' or 'sweetheart'
He LOVES holding your hand
but he is WAY too scared to ask you, thinking that he rushing into the relationship
He probably didn't confess to you in fear of 'ruining your friendship' unless you even more shy than him, in which case Dazia probably forced helped him to confess his love to you
If your guys are both shy and awkward it probably took forever for y'all to get together
To the point where basically the everyone knew except for you two
Because everyone knew you guys were send on A LOT of missions together
and I mean a lot a lot
like basically every mission
Because of this you became very close
To the point where you were basically already dating eachother
But eventually one of you works up the courage to ask the other and you start officially dating
ʙsᴅ ᴍᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
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tumblunni · 7 years
And now onward to my dumb headcanons about dadtagonist Iggy!
The official ingame term for the character creator is ‘dadsona’ (lol) but I dunno, I’m just used to something-sona being literally drawing yourself in the style of the game. I did take some screenshots back at the beginning of making myself in the character creator, but I’m asexual so i kinda feel uncomfortable playing dating sims as myself. like.. I don’t like romance stuff for the same reasons, yknow? I like reading about other people’s love, it doesn’t mean I want it to happen to me. Its why i still really love Fire Emblem Awakening even though that game has a load of plot problems and some rather offensive anti-LGBT stuff. (And somehow even more in the sequel that added gay marriage?? HOW DID YOU MANAGE THAT) That game was like the only thing ever where you can pair up your party members with each other instead of just with the protagonist. I really liked that cos like.. they actually had more personality and it wasn’t just seeing one side of the romance with the protag being a blank slate and all. Tho it seems the dadsona in DD is less of a blank slate actually, which can be kind of a problem sometimes cos there’s stuff that’s canon that I’m just gonna have to ignore for Iggy. Like, for example, I didn’t realise that one line later on would say that the portagonist is bad with computers, I decided that Iggy’s career was in electronics.
So yeah, randomly I decided Iggy is a tech genius and computer repairman! I mean, the protagonist doesn’t seem to have a job or anything so I wanted to think of one. Also all the romance options had a slogan during prerelease materials, like ‘coffee dad’ and ‘sports dad’ and ‘bad dad’ (who was really more specifically ‘cryptid-hunting private detective with a funky leather jacket’ but I guess that didnt fit in a tagline XD) So I figured I needed to think up a ‘dad theme’ for my protagonist too?? But like.. he doesn’t have a particularly unusual personality or any hobbies or anything? He can’t be ‘shy dad’ because like half of all the romance options have some form of adorable shyness, even the bad dad!
Oh, and PERSONALITY! I probably should have talked about that first! Iggy is super shy and has self-confidence issues. He’s a big cuddly pushover! There’s actually quite a few dialogue options for the protagonist that let you roleplay this way, there’s some super funny and relateable social anxiety moments. Like one I saw during the intro was a big ‘ol hilarious rant about the complex process of visiting a fancy coffee shop and not knowing the Unspoken Social Rules of how to order something. Definately gonna screenshot that when I get to it in my own playthrough! But also its kinda unavoidable to get loads of sassy funny dialogue, its like the protagonist’s default setting in conversations that don’t have choices. So I liked imagining that as a neat kind of personality, actually! Someone who’s very witty and outspoken when he’s comfortable around people, but his anxiety keeps him from showing this side of himself all the time. Like a blossoming social flower! So mr shyman Iggy still has a super sarcastic internal narrator voice, and goofs around a lot with his daughter. Who will be the lucky man who loves him enough to also receive his amazing comedy? But I’m not gonna be picking any of the more reckless and outgoing dialogue options, canon dadtagonist is a bit of a rebel lol. A very complicated guy who can have all these personality traits at once, PLUS whatever ones you decide with your choices! O_O
Oh and also I ended up deciding his dad theme is Vampire Dad because.. well, why not? Who cares that I’m throwing random fantasy into this game, its not like its exactly down-to-earth and super serious. Plus seriously there’s just SO MUCH comedic potential! I’m thinking he’s just like.. super casual about it. Completely normal dad. Just happens to be slightly undead. Absolutely no angst plots or anything, it’s just like a disability he deals with. “hey old man don’t forget to drink your blood and take your pills” I can’t even think of a deep backstory about it, really?? If it’s going on the classic movie vampire rules of passing on via bite, then he probably just woke up with a hangover one morning and was like ‘hey these fangs are new, I guess that guy at the bar was a vampire’ *carries on life as usual* Or like if it’s on old myth rules of vampires coming from any improper burial or sinful corpse or whatever, then I think maybe the ‘grudge’ that brought him back from the dead was just determination to look after his daughter. Like “god dammit you already lost one parent, I won’t make you cry a second time!” *forces himself back into life through sheer willpower* Even though he’s normally cowardly, he can summon the courage to do anything if his baby girl needs him! Anyway, he just diddly deals wit it. Buys animal blood from the butcher, works night shifts. No biggie. And besides, turning into a bat is cool! (imagine him doing it to cheer up lil toddler amanda :3)
Tho lol obviously all the events of the game don’t take place at night. So like, either I switch the order of stuff around in my headcanons or I just say that that’s a weakness that doesn’t apply to vampires in this story. I mean, they’re like one of the least consistant myths across fiction, lol. If I recall correctly, wasn’t it like that in dracula, actually? Like he just lost his magic in sunlight, he didn’t die instantly. Ehh lets just say maybe Iggy’s on a nocturnal sleeping schedule now and sunlight mildly saps his energy. He doesn’t really have any magic to disable in the first place, aside from the bat thing. He’s like the most boring down-to-earth vampire. Also actually I think Craig’s route would be even cuter if Iggy’s going to even more trouble to do gym stuff with him. He’s not only not really interested in exercise, but also waking up at the equivelant of 2am and dragging his tired ass out in the sunlight where he doesn’t even have any superstrength anymore. Don’t want to dissappoint the bae! And lol from what spoiler stuff I saw about Hugo’s route, there’s a bit that would violate the whole ‘vampires can’t enter a home uninvited’ rule. I think it would be funnier if Iggy has like zero vampire benefits and all of the most obscure ridiculous vampire weaknesses! And that whole scene would play out even funnier if it was with him standing 20 feet behind everyone and yelling through a window XD ...though I’m imagining he’d be positively mournful if he couldn’t eat garlic bread, so lets swap that out for ‘can’t cross running water’. Iggy spills a glass of orange juice in the kitchen and traps himself in the corner til his daughter comes home and saves him. Probably does the same thing with a salt circle the next day. Yes, this is prime cuteness. All of the cutest vampire features!
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catwolfsworld · 3 years
Albedo General Headcanons
Characters: Albedo x gn!reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: mentions of a slight argument
Word Count: 1300+
A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts for actually months, in honour of him coming home I finally got around to proofreading it
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it'll take some time to get him to warm up to you since he's not used to havig and keeping relationships, even platonically
He wants to know you as a friend first and falls in love with you later
when he falls in love, he ponders on what it is he's feeling first (for a long time)
he's an alchemist and hasn't spend much time in the company of others, so he doesn't understand feelings that well
would have no idea what's happening
doesn't know why he's feeling this awkward when he's around you
he has this desire to make everything right when you are there (he just wants to impress you)
Somebody else would probably have to tell him that these feelings are normal (and what they are) -it's Kaeya, who says in passing how obvious the alchemist's crush on you is and Albedo frantically looks around to check wether you've heard-
Suddenly, everything makes sense to him. How he always looks forward to seeing you, how he can't seem to concentrate or look away from you when you're there, how he worries when you're late more than he does with others
But now he has the problem of talking to you without immideatly telling you how he feels
He is scared that you'll reject him and will "test" some things (he'll try to fluster you and see if it works and wether it's because of him or the compliments). He will only try to confess when he is very sure you like him back
When he finally decides to do it, he plans his confession out and wants it to be perfect
he's still kind of scared that you'll reject him because he has no idea how romantic relationships work, even if he's sure you like him
he tries not to, but he will become quite distant mentally, (nothing very unusual, but now it's you on his mind instead of experiments (not that you know that)), even though the time he physically spends with you will be longer than before (slowly but surely, he doesn't want to rush you and make you question what he's doing)
For his confession, he plans. A lot.
he wants to make it special and wants you to remember it (to him, you only deserve the best)
he will probably plan some sort of picnic, either in Dragonspine (why? it's where he works, so he knows every spot there (also, he wants an excuse to give you his jacket when you're cold)) or near Mondstadt. He will have -a lot- some of his artificial flowers. Depending on how cold it is, he might modify them so that they emit some heat and they will be flying around and bringing you food
Now, as you're sitting there, he's hesitant, even though he knows you like him back
He's confused because the rational part of his mind knows this. But there's still something in him that is convinced you'll reject him for whatever reason.
In the end, when he does confess, you won't even know he'd been nervous
Overall the sweetest and kindest boyfriend in the world
If you like them and you told him this before, expect to be randomly lifted by his flowers, especially if he sees that you are trying to get something from high up and can't reach it
He doesn't understand the point of teasing soemone and he would prefer if you didn't tease him too much either
He would probably want to show you a lot of his experiments (as long as you don't mind, of course), but wants you to stay back far enough so you won't get hurt.
Let's you do little experiments yourself, although they are only ones he knows nothing CAN go wrong
He loves giving you things, his gifts usually consist of his experiemnts, he'd rather give you something he spent his time on than just buy you something
Will ramble on an on about something interesting he found while the two of you are cuddling.
Probably apologizes for this for the first few times, until you tell him you don't mind and that you like his voice
He will also always listen to you, he thinks it's only fair since you listen to him as well
Always invites you to join him with his experiments and expeditions on Dragonspine, but never pressures you
Asks you to take an experienced adventurer with you unless you are one yourself if you ever go up pr down the mountain without him
Prefers if you go up together, though (also because he -unconciously- tries to impress you with his knowledge)
You are the only person that can stop him from overworking by offering cuddles (please make use of this power, even if it's only for 10 minutes)
He spends a lot of time with his experiments and will not come down from Dragonspine for weeks at a time, which is why he takes you with him. You remind him that there are other things than experimenting and he doesn't have to miss you when you're with him
If you can ever not go with him, he will write you letters that he will let the expeditions that bring him new materials deliver to you
Probably has a big, heated tent or cave somewhere on Dragonspine where the two of you sleep
If you're a knight and have to do paperwork, you do it either in there or in his lab cave
If you're an adventurer, you go out to clear comissions in and around Dragonspine and then come back to him
You also remind him that he has to go back to the city one in a while
When he is in Modstadt and not working in the Headquarters, he loves to spend all of his time with you (it's still not that much in the beginning, but he learns and wants to spend more time with you and on the relationship)
You go on dates and, no matter where you go or for how long, most end with him painting or sketching you (don't blame him, he thinks you're beautiful and wants to preserve that beauty on paper)
I think Albedo is a morning person, he gets up early to start his experiments and tries his best not to wake you
He gives you a small peck on the forehead and then gets ready and leaves
He thinks you don't know, but sometimes him shuffling around wakes you up but, hey, it's not like you're complaining
Throughout the day, whenever he sees you, he will give you a short kiss or a peck on the cheek or he will hug for a short moment
Once he retires for the day (and if you're not already asleep) he will cuddle you and not let go
This is also when his kisses get longer and he holds you even closer
He won't let go of you for the whole night and if you have to stand up for whatever reason... good luck
He doesn't sleep that well without you anymore, which he sometimes sees as inconvenient but doesn't actually mind that much
Arguments between the two of you rarely happen and if they do, they're mostly about him overworking himself
Those usually get resolved just as quick since he doesn't like fighting with you and knows it will only steal time that can be spent on better things
He really really appreciates you being there for and with him every step of the way and if he falls in love with you, it's going to stay that way forever (pls don't leave him ever, he probably wouldn't be able to take it)
Both of you learn to communicate whenever you have a disagreement, and if it's not possible right away, you do so the next morning
I hope you like it! Comments and constructive criticism are appreciated
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b0rista · 3 years
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: only slightly suggestive, but mostly reader friendly. language!
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: literally, moblit needs more attention 🥺 i wish he had more of a character arc in the series, he really was interesting and likable like pls my CHILD
moblit berner x fem! reader.
❝︎ for all that you're yet to become, i love you. ❞︎
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of course, moblit is still hange's main assistant. he's her second in command/her messenger, as always. you're her assistant in a more scientific sense. you provide aide during experiments, providing useful input while also putting your intellect to the test.
hange adores you with every fiber of her being. not only does she have a science buddy, but somebody who genuinely understands her field and all of the seven hour long stories that come with it! certainly, you aren't as overzealous as her, but you're able to actually converse with her over your shared projects. there aren't a lot of scientists— they need you, you were handed your position fairly quickly.
moblit's crush on you began,, immediately. quietly, he was relieved that he no longer had to suffer hange's hopeless antics alone. sure, he felt baD for you, but yay, a friend! and a pretty one, too.
there was a single moment where it was your very first day underneath her command, and right as you walked in, hange was literally braiding strands of titan hair she'd pulled from an experiment. from across the room, moblit locked eyes with you, and just mouthed,, "run away."
the two of you didn't start dating until a long while; work was miserable, and it took up far too much brain power for either of you to even think about romance.
then again, there were those moments,, you were extra concentrated, and moblit was staring at you. even when you didn't try, you were absolutely stunning.
^ cue hange asking him what the hell he's staring at, causing him to fLincH and start sweating profusely.
now, two people are screaming at their relentless commander whenever she does something heinously moronic. the iconic "HANGE-SAN" is now doubled, and it's just as great, tysm.
sometimes, when hange is getting a little too rambunctious, you literally have to bury your face in moblit's shoulder to spare yourself from having to waTch that bullshit. it's funny, he has one arm shielding your face while the other one swings around in hand gestures of pure distress.
he claims that he stays late at the office because hange left him with extra work, but really, he just wants to be able to walk you home.
you arrived post sawney & bean, so he's the one that has to fill you in on that whole arc. it's,, funny.
"wait, wait. she cried whenever she had to preform physical experiments on them?"
thank you, y/n, for being sane. ❤️
as always, i'll leave the how you got together part up to you, because this post is meant to be centering more towards the relationship itself, but i imagine that it was both simple & really cute! moblit's a cutie, it was probably along the lines of an accidental confession.
the two of you tried keeping your relationship secret, for obvious reasons. it was a joint decision, settled for the sake of your safety. your boss is scary, mmk.
that being said, sneaking around is inevitable. i don't see moblit flat out enjoying having to sneak around, but it's definitely a little exciting, and it makes working at the office a bit more fun than he'd ever imagine.
when you're alone, and working, he likes to wrap his arms around you from behind, burying his face into the crook of your neck while you concentrate on whatever it is you're working on.
"as important as i'm sure this work is, maybe we should-"
"sorry, love. i can't leave until i'm finished."
cue a small nuzzle into your neck, "understood."
one night, you had to pull an all nighter at the workplace. despite you giving him the okay to head on home, moblit stayed with you, and the two of you crashed on the sofa. the following morning, hange practically fAinted at the sight of you, passed out on moblit's chest while his hand lay comfortably beneath your shirt, resting on the bare small of your back.
she screamed, which led to you screaming, which led to moblit bursting up, which led to the two of you bonking heads.
yeah, she hounded y'all for days.
"how long has this been a thing?"
"why didn't you TELL me?"
"do you not trust me?"
"if anything happened on that couch, i suggest you clean it up before levi arrives-"
"h A Ng E - sA N"
one time, the two of you had gotten a tad bit distracted and started making out on your desk. hange walked in, said something stuPid, and you literally biT your poor boyfriend's bottom lip. you felt awfuL, and promised to make it up to him later 😉
because you're only a scientist, it isn't often that you're out in the field. however, because there are times where you're needed outside of the walls, you're an occasional guest during missions/expeditions.
the first time you were requested somewhere while moblit and hange were sent elsewhere, he didn't like it at all.
had you held combative experience, he wouldn't be so worried. but, in all honesty, there aren't many people in the world that he genuinely trusts to keep you safe.
when you came back in one piece, he bombarded you with questions. did you get hurt? were you scared, did they keep you safe? were you ever, ever placed in harm's way?
mans was worried 🥺
whenever you join hange during live titan experiments, it's literally funny.
"be caRefuL-"
one time, you shot him a glare so devilishly stern, he fucking guLped. srry babe, do ur thing. you look sexy standing ontop of that titan's abdomen!
whenever you're angry, even when it isn't at him, he's literally so fucking terrified. like, he's scared.
however!! it became a thing where whenever you're frustrated, he knows to sit you down and tend to your joints. if your hair is up, he'll take it down, letting your scalp breathe. he'll rub your shoulders, all while quietly reassuring you. it's simple, but effective, and incredibly intimate.
he's already decided on the names of your future children. do you know this? fuck no, and you never will.
you move in together fairly quickly! because you want time together away from work, it was decided that you would move into moblit's place. not only do the two of you get ready together in the mornings, but you unwind together after hours. the two of you sleep on the sofa more than you do the bed— you're exhausted, and just fucking flop onto one another the moment you get home.
he's an amazing boyfriend, and your relationship is fun. 🥺
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Bisexual Harry (MILD SMUT w/ MOSTLY FLUFF)
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Harry told me early on into our relationship that he was bisexual. He was so nervous that I would leave him, but it just made me fall more in love with him. He told me late one night about 6 months into dating, on his couch. The second he told me, Harry broke down into real raw tears. The first time I'd seen Harry actually cry. Yeah I'd seen him cry during sappy movies but this was so much more than that. These tears had fear in them. Fear that I would leave him. They had vulnerability in them for being so open. But also a weight was lifted off his chest, just happy to tell me. I held Harry in my arms and cried with him, telling him how much I loved him and that this doesn't change anything. That I loved him just as much.
Only a few people in Harrys life knew he was bisexual. His close family. His close friends. That was it. If it got out in the media, the internet would have gone wild. Of course there were many rumors about his sexuality. Most of them being that he's gay. For the longest time he actually thought he might be gay. He had a lot of 'gay tendencies': painted nails, feminine clothes, pearl necklaces. But he also had very 'mainly tendencies' like watching football and drinking beer with the lads. Harry was just so conflicted all his life. Not knowing what he was. That's until the age of 18. One of his school friends came out as bisexual and that's when it clicked for him. He liked both male and females and he was okay with that. He excepted that part of him. He was more worried about what others would say or think. His family was very supportive. His friends were too. They never treated Harry differently knowing that they were straight and he was sexually attracted to them. Well not so much them specifically because they were more like brothers, but the male species as a whole.
Being in sexual relationships were on a new level of fear for Harry. Fear that when he was having sex with a guy, that the guy would try and convince him he's actually just gay. Or the fear that any women he had sex with would say he wasn't manly enough for them. Needless to say, Harry kept his sexuality a secret from most of his one night stands or short term relationships. He just didn't feel the need to tell them unless they asked specifically if he was bi or not.
Me and Harry meet at a local club in London a few years back. He was with his bandmates at the time. I was by myself because my boyfriend of 2 years just broke up with me. I was devastated and needed to escape reality. That meant drink until my body went numb. Unfortunately for me though, I wasn't that much of a drinker so my body rejected the alcohol pretty fast. I stumbled onto the London streets trying to get fresh air but ended up puking my guts out in a near by bin. Harry just so happened to be outside at that moment and saw the whole thing before his eyes. He rushed over to me and pulled my hair back to prevent more vomit from getting in it. Then he asked if I was alright and who I was with. I told him I came there alone so he insisted I come back to his place. Because my brain was fuzzy from the alcohol, I didn't hesitate one bit. Harry set up his guest room for me and helped me to bed that night. Something I'm forever grateful for. If it wasn't for him, I could've been kidnapped and raped by a stranger on the streets. When I woke up the next day, I realized who's house I was in. All of the music awards on the shelf in the room I stayed in gave it away. I was never a big fan of One Direction, no reason in particular, so I didn't act like a fangirl would have. Before I left his house, he gave me his number to call if I ever needed someone to talk to. Considering he was an international popstar and all, he sure was the most genuine person I'd ever meet. Taking care of a complete stranger and even giving them his phone number. I never thought I'd actually call him though. Or even see him again, but about a week later, I ran into him at a local coffee shop and we started talking form there. The rest was history.
We hung out all the time. He invited me to a few One Direction concerts. Even had sex a few times. Amazing sex I might add. It truly was great. Even though at the time, I had to remain secret from the public. More so said by Harry then his management. Mainly to keep me safe and out of the media knowing how private I liked to be. Three months of seeing each other and he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was thrilled. Then six months into our relationship, Harry realized how serious our relationship was becoming. That we both had strong feeling for each other. So that's when Harry decided to tell me he was bisexual. On his couch. Late one night. He wanted to get it out of the way so he didn't have to hide that part of himself with me. So he could be himself around me. If I excepted him that was and of course I did.
Approximately two years after dating, Harry purposed. He was basically shitting bricks the whole time, but he did it. I didn't hesitate one second before I said yes. We were in love. At this point, the media had found me and Harry out. Most of his fans adored me. Some said our relationship was fake. And others just flat out said I was keeping Harry closeted, not allowing him to be gay. But I knew the truth. I knew he was bisexual, not gay. I never doubted his sexuality one bit. Especially how he devoured my body when we made love. Any gay person would probably gag at the sight of a women's pussy. Not Harry. It was his favorite part of my body. A year after Harry filmed the movie Dunkirk (2017), we got married. It was a small wedding. Just close family and friends invited. It was perfect.
Now here we are in the current year of 2021 and we're still going strong. A few fights here and there, but because both Harry and I have too big of hearts, we always feel bad after fighting and immediately apologize to one another. The media had tried to split us up multiple times but it's never been successful. Our love for each other is too strong and everlasting.
Just because Harry is in a happy, loving heterosexual relationship, doesn't mean he feels completely secure about his sexuality all the time. In the beginning of our relationship, Harry tried to completely throw away any 'bisexual' tendencies he had even though he knew I supported him. For instance, there was many times Harry wanted to paint his nails but didn't. Or would refrain from gushing over sexy guys in movies we watched together. That's when I noticed he was becoming depressed. He stopped writing music. He would disengage in activities we tried to do together. Even pushed me away when I tried to have sex with him. I felt hopeless. Until one morning I asked him what was wrong, and he spilled everything. How he tries so hard to suppress the bisexual side of his character for me. For our relationship. Harry explained that he had the desire to paint his nails vibrant colors and wanted to wear feminine clothes sometimes. Something that was particularly hard for Harry to confess to me was how he even wanted to try anal. On me or me with a strap on fucking him. Right away I made us an appointment to get our nails done at a salon. Then I told him he could wear a trash bag and he'd still be the most beautiful mainly man I'd ever seen. Lastly, I grabbed my laptop and went online shopping for female strap ons, letting Harry pick the girth and size he wanted. Yes I was a little nervous to actually fuck him, but he assured me he would help me out every step of the way. As for anal on me, I mentioned how I would be nervous but how I also trusted him. Trusted him enough to penetrate me anally. That I knew he would be extra careful with me.
Needless to say, I made Harry more confident. Confident in his sexuality. I got him to come out as bisexual to the public. I let him explore his bisexuality in the bedroom. Though of course he still worshiped my pussy. We had weekly appointments to get our nails painted. Harry even wore a dress out to a date night one night. He was super scared and on edge the whole night but I kept whispering in his ear how I couldn't wait to rip that dress off of him and fuck him in the ass until he cried out of pleasure.
I honestly loved that Harry was bisexual. It was almost like a turn on for me. He was both a gym buff and my little princess. He had thick arm muscles and toned abs, as well as pink nails and pearl necklaces. Anytime he mentioned how hot a guy on tv was, we could gush over him together. Or how sensitive and vulnerable he was at times. A lot of guys hold in their emotions, thinking men can't express their feelings, but not Harry. If he felt the need to cry, he would. Right in front of me. It could be triggered by a sad movie or a animal abuse commercial. Also, on the rare occasions he asks for it, I would fuck him with the strap on in his mouth. Though a rubber penis didn't quite taste like the real thing, salty mixed with sweat, he loved to deepthroat it anyways. Watching him choke and gag around the fake penis made my pussy drip. We even bought a strap on dildo that had a vibrator on the back side of it. That way every time the fake cock would enter his mouth, the vibrator would stimulate me clit, giving me pleasure as well.
No matter how much the media tried to convince Harry he was in fact gay and didn't actually like women, he would ignore the rude comments and prove to me everyday that he in fact loved me. Me as a women. Loved my smile. Loved me eyes. Loved the way my boobs bounced while having sex. Often grabbing them in his hands and stimulating my nipples. Loved the way my tight pussy felt around his dick. Or the way my sweet juices tasted on his tongue when he ate me out. Yes he loved dick. Yes he loved balls. Yes he loved being railed to death from behind. But he also liked vagina and he loved boobs. Harry wanted to make love to me and get me pregnant. Watch my stomach grow. Be there to hold my hand when I deliver the baby. Help change diapers at 3 am when I'm to tired to do so. Teach our kids to love and respect everyone and be themselves. Be open to our kids about his sexuality. Give them knowledge on bisexuality and educate them on the matter. Instead of assuming they are straight by asking his future son if he has a girlfriend yet or asking his daughter if she has a boyfriend, Harry will ask if the have a partner or fancy anyone in particular. Love his children for who they are or who they want to become. Be a role model for them. And live happily ever after with me, his supportive wife, by his side.
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ya-girl-mc · 3 years
Character: Tsukishima Kei × Fem Reader
Concept: Y/N joins Tsukishima and his colleagues for a night of drinking, but ends up embarrassing him as she gets wasted
A/N: Cause I miss getting drunk and doing stupid shit, hence this fic feat. our salty boi ✌ it was rly fun to write this so,, hope u enjoy it too!!
☆☆ A Haikyuu!! Fanfiction ☆☆
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Light filtered through the window blinds, rousing Y/N from her slumber as she pried her eyes open, cursing to herself as she felt a stinging pain in her temples. She was hungover, pretty badly at that, and as much as she wracked her brain to try and recall the events that transpired the night before, it only made her headache much worse.
Shit...I don't feel so good.
As her eyes darted around, she was immediately relieved knowing that she was lying down on the couch in her and Tsukishima's living room, managing to deduce - despite her muddled state-of-mind - that someone must have taken care of her in her drunken stupor.
Gritting her teeth, Y/N tried to sit up slowly, wincing as her temples prickled with pain with every movement. In her peripheral vision, however, was her livid-looking boyfriend with probably the deepest scowl she's ever seen as he stared her down from where he sat.
"Did you sleep well?" While the inquiry was meant to be out of concern, Tsukishima delivered it in a monotonous, yet utterly chilling manner which only meant one thing: he was pissed.
"What happened? And what's got you frowning so early in the morning?" She carefully questioned, eager yet dreading to find out how she must have royally screwed up the night before to get him this upset. Her curiosity only infuriated Tsukishima more and Y/N could have almost sworn seeing a blackish aura swirl around him.
"You...you really don't remember a damn thing, do you?"
Fridays were usually the most anticipated day of the week for most members of the working class; however, in Tsukishima's case, he was dreading this Friday in particular.
After a strenuous week at the office, his boss suggested the entire team go drinking to reward themselves for their hard work and as a means to de-stress. But, Tsukishima wasn't keen on partaking in such nights of revelry especially after a long week at work as he'd rather spend his Friday nights and weekends relaxing at home with Y/N. The only reason that he decided to tag along is due to her persistence for him to do so.
Sighing deeply to himself, Tsukishima followed his colleagues as they entered the izakaya, chattering excitedly as they settled in at a long table at the far back. Amongst the clientele for that night, one of them in particular caught his attention, his eyes widening in surprise.
She was sat on one of the stools overlooking the kitchen. At the sound of her name, she turned towards its source and grinned widely. "Kei! Fancy running into you here and I see that you're also with your team. Good boy!"
He subtly rolled his eyes and sat down on the stool next to hers, unable to fight off a smile that made its way to his face. "Yeah yeah, if I didn't join them I'd never hear the end of it from you. Anyway, are you here alone?"
"Yeah, just stopped by on the way home from work to pick up some gyoza and katsudon for dinner. But wait, maybe I should have gotten takoyaki, too? Or maybe another serving of gyoza-" Y/N rambled as she grabbed the menu, her eyes scanning rapidly over the items.
He just gazed at her in amusement, completely oblivious to the inquisitive stares his co-workers shot their way. Tsukishima in the workplace was usually placid, reserved, and mostly impassive; seeing his relaxed and pleasant demeanor as he interacted with Y/N was especially intriguing to them, wondering amongst themselves just who that woman was in Tsukishima's life.
Keen on finding out the answer, one of his senpais called him over to their table. It suddenly dawned on him that there was no other choice than to formally introduce Y/N to them. And, he definitely was not looking forward to it as he'd never hear the end of their relentless teasing. "Y/N, would you mind coming along with me for a bit?"
Discreetly straightening her clothes and smoothening her hair, Y/N nodded and followed him to where his co-workers sat, anxious to make a good first impression. At their arrival, they immediately trained their gazes on her, just as eager to find out who she was. "Everyone, this is Y/N, my girlfriend. We live together," Tsukishima stated nonchalantly.
The shock on their faces was borderline comical as they stared back at him, their jaws hanging open in disbelief. "Girlfriend?!"
He sighed, already dreading the uproar they're about to cause. Tsukishima was a private person and rarely talked about his personal life as he maintained a firm work-life boundary. It was not like he was embarrassed to introduce his girlfriend to them; he just perceived the entire ordeal to be troublesome as his colleagues would jump at any chance to find something to tease him about.
Y/N straightened herself and bowed. "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N. Thank you very much for taking care of Kei - I mean - Tsukishima all this time."
"I can't believe this!" One of his kouhais wailed. "To think that an office drone like Tsukishima-senpai has a girlfriend, and a very pretty one at that. So what the hell am I exactly doing wrong?"
"Believe me, I could tell you everything that you need to hear," Tsukishima retorted and shot his kouhai a dagger-like glare.
One of his senpais, a man who looked to be in his late 30's, leaned over and flicked his kouhai on the forehead as he winced in response. "Stop bad-mouthing Tsukishima when his girlfriend's literally standing in front of you. Anyway, nice to meet you, Y/N!"
They instantaneously began bombarding her with questions such as "how did you two meet", "how long have you been together", "what do you do for a living", and "of all men, why Tsukishima." Unable to keep up with what almost seemed like an interrogation by his colleagues, Y/N smiled sheepishly and shot Tsukishima a pleading look, silently begging him to bail her out.
"That's enough, all of you. You're creeping the poor lady out." Y/N turned to the man that sat at the head of the table; he exuded authority which practically gives himself away as the boss. Bringing up a cup of sake to his lips, he took a sip and eyed his subordinates sternly, yet the amusement in his gaze was palpable as he shifted his attention to Y/N. "Sorry about that, we just didn't expect our lone wolf Tsukishima to have a girlfriend, so we're all excited to meet you. If you don't mind, maybe you can join us, Y/N?"
"Sir-" Tsukishima began to protest as he felt the work-life boundary he stubbornly maintained begin to crumble; but to his surprise, Y/N seemed keen on accepting the invitation, a bashful smile on her face.
"I'd be happy to, but I wouldn't want to impose-"
"You won't, don't worry about it!" He assured dismissively and proceeded to order another round of drinks and accompanying snacks. "It's a pleasure of ours to get to know you and finally get a glimpse of Tsukishima's life outside of work."
Flattered and amused at how especially eager they seemed to know more about their enigmatic colleague and his girlfriend, Y/N gratefully accepted the invitation. "Alright, a few drinks wouldn't hurt."
"Okay, I remember that much...but it still doesn't explain why you're so pissed," Y/N mused, listening earnestly to Tsukishima as he filled her in on what seemed like a disastrous night of revelry caused by her drunken antics.
He sighed and took off his glasses to rub his temples, the events that transpired the night before seemingly traumatizing him. "That's because you got carried away, you idiot."
A couple of shots was all it needed for Y/N to become fully accustomed with Tsukishima's colleagues and pretty soon, they were chattering away like long-time friends while he fixated his gaze on her, his eyebrows furrowing in mild displeasure.
Aren't they becoming a little bit too friendly with her? And Y/N's just two shots in and she's already starting to get tipsy. Geez, this is so troublesome.
"Hey, one at a time please! I'll answer your questions one by one," Y/N instructed quite giddily, Tsukishima gazing at her in concern as she downed her third shot. He didn't want to be a buzzkill especially when she seemed to genuinely enjoy his colleagues' company and vice versa; however, her alcohol tolerance was remarkably low and it didn't take much for her to become fully inebriated. He decided to keep a watchful eye on her instead to prevent any incident from occurring due to her drunken antics.
"So, how and when did you two meet?"
"Kei and I go way back in high school," Y/N began as everyone at the table listened to her attentively. "He was part of our school's volleyball team and looked so cool as he played! That's when I started to have a crush on him, but it was one-sided though."
And there goes her filter, Tsukishima thought to himself, concealing his exasperation by downing his cup of sake, trying as best as he can to drown out the uproar his colleagues caused at her revelation.
"No way! Tsukishima-senpai was a volleyball player? I just can't imagine that!" One of his kouhais exclaimed, completely perplexed at the thought.
Tsukishima was about to reply with another snide remark, but Y/N was quick to interject. "Hell yeah he was, and he's such a great middle blocker to boot. He played so calmly as he read his opponent's moves...ahhh that composure of his is what makes him so cool!"
While he appreciated her attempt to defend his honor, it only increased everyone's amusement as she fawned over him, much to his chagrin. "So Y/N-" One of his senpais grinned sneakily, and Tsukishima pretty much figured out what the next inquiry will be about. "-who confessed to whom?"
"Oh, that takes me way back!" She mused, leaning against the man in question who sat right next to her. "I didn't have the courage to confess since he seemed so unapproachable and indifferent, so I thought about giving up on him. But as we became seniors, we ended up in the same class and became quite close. Eventually, during our graduation ceremony, Kei pulled me aside and confessed! I was so shocked that I started crying and...well, the rest is history."
"So it was Tsukishima here who confessed!" One of his senpais beamed and threw an arm around his shoulder, clinking his sake cup with his. "The revelations just keep on coming and coming."
"But that's amazing though," their boss remarked, completely engrossed in the conversation as much as his subordinates were. "You've been together for such a long time now. It's pretty rare for high school sweethearts to last that long."
Y/N nodded earnestly and downed her fourth shot before Tsukishima had the chance to snatch it away from her hands. "I agree, but Kei is such a caring and thoughtful boyfriend! He may seem like a sour puss on the outside but he's reaaaaaally sweet and very very clingy! But shhhhh...don't tell him I said that, though."
Ugh great, now she's done it. Tsukishima almost had to cover his ears as everyone at the table guffawed, unable to stomach the idea of their placid colleague and the clingy boyfriend Y/N described being the same person. He squeezed his eyes shut, hoping and praying for the evening to be over.
Y/N cringed as Tsukishima helped her recall the things she had blurted out amid her inebriated state, starting to slowly understand the reason why he was so livid in the first place. "Okay...first of all, I am so sorry - with every fiber of my being - for embarrassing you like that-"
"That's not all you did," Tsukishima interjected quite menacingly and pinched the bridge of his nose in an attempt to keep his temper in-check. "As if that wasn't humiliating enough, you managed to exceed my expectations."
A couple more shots later, Y/N was too far gone. She was completely wasted, and Tsukishima couldn't bear to look at his co-workers as they shot each other uneasy looks, the concern palpable in their wordless exchanges. He was utterly embarrassed yet frustrated at himself since she somehow managed to surpass her drinking limit despite being under his watchful eye.
"Heyyyyy, owner! Anotha' round of sake for this table right here, and put it on my tab!"
As Y/N made an attempt to leave the table, she accidentally knocked over a half-empty glass of water, the liquid spilling all over the table as a result. Giggling to herself while Tsukishima's colleagues scrambled to remove their belongings from the table, she attempted to grab a bottle of sake, but he swiftly withheld her attempt to do so, yanking it out of her reach.
"Okay, enough is enough," he reprimanded firmly, setting the bottle down on the table and bringing his face close in an attempt to get through to her. "Y/N, for the love of God, please get ahold of yourself."
"Tsukkiiii...you're hereee!" It was futile, Y/N's glassy eyes an indicator that she was in no condition to listen to reason. She smiled goofily and threw herself into his arms, the sheer force causing Tsukishima to stumble, his arm accidentally knocking over a glass to the floor as it completely shattered as a result.
"Shit! I'm so sorry, did anyone get hurt?" He exclaimed in a state of uncharacteristic panic, his arms struggling to support his drunken mess of a lover as she began mumbling unintelligibly to herself.
"We're good, Tsukishima. Don't worry about it," his boss assured. "But, I think it's best if you take her home, she doesn't look too good."
Yes, good call, that's one way to put it. Goddammit, this is too fucking embarrassing.
Pretty soon, the izakaya's owner approached the group amid the commotion, and with Tsukishima sincerely apologizing and swearing to pay for the damages, he also insisted on paying for the entire group's bill to compensate, but they turned down his offer, advising him and Y/N to get themselves home safely.
Tsukishima thought that the nightmare had ended; apparently, Y/N had more in store as she tapped his boss' shoulder, staring down at him in an attempt to look stern. "Hey sirrrr...can you lay off Tsukki sometimes? 'Cuzzzz...he comes home waaayyyy too late and we barely have enough time to get down and dir-"
"NOOO!" Tsukishima cried out in horror, completely and utterly humiliated as he scrambled to clamp his hand over Y/N's mouth in an attempt to salvage what's left of both of their dignities. However, the force caused her to stagger, her unruly arm knocking over a bottle of sake atop the table. Tsukishima was unable to do anything as he hopelessly watched it topple over, the liquid spilling and trickling down on his boss' lap as he felt every ounce of his life force drain out of his body.
God, if you're listening, then please...I don't care how you do it, but I beg of you...just kill me now.
"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Y/N wailed and buried her face in a pillow, unable to bring herself to look at Tsukishima as he unveiled the horrific experience he and his co-workers went through due to her drunken stupor. To say that she was embarrassed was a complete understatement; she was mortified, and it definitely was not an ideal first impression as she mourned for her long gone dignity. "Just kill me, please!"
Tsukishima was practically seething with rage at this point, wishing that the night before had just been a nightmare, yet it was nothing but a cruel reality. "You're embarrassed? How the hell do you think I feel? I lost count of the number of times I had to apologize before I hauled your drunken self home! You literally went crazy, Y/N! How careless, especially knowing that you can't handle alcohol well!"
She deserved to be scolded. Y/N lifted her head from the pillow and looked up at him, her eyes prickling with tears as she wallowed in her shame. "Kei...I'm so sorry. You're right, I was careless and I embarrassed you in front of your co-workers. I really didn't mean to! Oh my god...what if you got fired-" It must have been the after-effects of her hangover that made her an emotional mess as she felt tears running down her face, berating herself for acting in such a distasteful manner - in public and in front of his colleagues, at that.
Tsukishima deeply sighed to regain his composure. He settled down next to his lover on the couch, his hand rubbing across her back as he tried to calm her down. "Don't be ridiculous. I won't get fired over something like that, the boss isn't that shallow. He even called me up as soon as we got home to ask how you were doing."
At his gesture, Y/N bawled even harder, the tears streaming endlessly down her face. "I'm really sorry for ruining your night. I promise that I won't do it again."
"Y/N," Tsukishima began and tipped up her chin, locking his golden eyes with her puffy ones. "Look, I'm even more upset that you weren't being careful. I won't stop you from drinking, but you've got to be more aware of your own limitations. What if I wasn't there with you? What if you were alone and there was no one you trusted to take care of you?"
He's right, I'm such an idiot. I sure as hell won't be drinking anytime soon especially after last night's debacle!
She only managed a nod, sniffing profusely as she fished out her handkerchief to wipe her tear-stained face. "I'm so sorry, Kei. I swear that I'll be careful next time."
"You better be, you drunkard," he playfully retorted, the corners of his mouth subtly twitching upwards at how undeniably adorable she was being.
"So...you're not mad anymore?" Y/N inquired softly, looking up at Tsukishima with pleading eyes. While his earlier rage was now long gone, he did go through quite an ordeal, and he wasn't keen on letting her off the hook that easy as he wickedly grinned at her.
Oh, shit. I don't like that look.
"Sorry Y/N, but you're not getting off that easy. You did humiliate the both of us after all," he stated deviously, his smile widening at the uneasy expression on her face. "So for the next two weeks, you'll be doing all the household chores, and you're on bathroom cleaning duty for the entire month."
She sighed and nodded defeatedly. It was definitely a pain, but Y/N was resolute on serving her punishment to atone for what she did. However, she couldn't help but feel relieved since she had expected something way worse; doing all the household chores seemed quite tame in comparison to what she had imagined.
But then again, this was Tsukishima, and as he sensed her apparent relief, he laid out the pinnacle of her punishment, unable to fight off the sadistic grin on his face. "And, as soon as you're not hungover anymore, we'll be paying each of my colleagues a visit so you can sincerely apologize for what you did."
Y/N gawked at him, her heart dropping to her stomach. "C-come again?" He's not serious. He can't be...right? Right?!
"You heard me." Tsukishima was dead serious. She knew that something was amiss with his household chores punishment; he may be her boyfriend, but he definitely was a sadistic bastard if he needed to be.
"NOOO!" She wailed, completely mortified at the prospect as she began hitting him with the pillow, her hangover being the least of her concerns. "Please Kei, anything but that! I'd rather not meet them again for the rest of my living days, so please!"
Tsukishima chuckled and stilled her movements, staring her down to show just how serious he was. "Well, that just means that this punishment is befitting, right? At least now you'll think twice before letting yourself get wasted again. This will be a good learning experience for you."
Y/N knew that there was no other way to escape from her upcoming predicament. Completely at a loss, she only managed to shoot Tsukishima the harshest glare that she could muster. "Fine. If it will make you happy, you sadistic bastard."
Knowing that he had emerged victorious for this round, he let out a carefree laugh and planted an affectionate kiss atop her disheveled hair. "I appreciate it. Now, let's get that hangover treated real quick."
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Haikyuu!! Week 2020 | Day 6 』
· Sept. 30th → We Don’t Need Things Like Memories ·
Characters: female!reader, Sawamura Daichi, Sugawara Koushi, Kuroo Testurou, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Oikawa Tooru
Prompts: B. beginnings and endings
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), PG, fluff, some serious angst, beginnings and endings, headcanons, HaikyuuWeek2020
A/N: I thought I'd just go ahead and rip my own heart out by writing these headcanons about what some of the Haikyuu boys are like when the relationship starts out (beginnings) and what they're like when you break up (endings). I mean, why not? Fluff, angst, emotional pain and suffering? I may as well 🙃
All of my Haikyuu Week 2020 posts are SFW, but I write NSFW stuff on my blog too *wiggles eyebrows* Feel free to take a look! Thanks for reading 🙏 Please enjoy ♡
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Haikyuu × reader / beginnings and endings
☆ Sawamura Daichi ☆
You probably confess to him first
He's a bit dense when it comes to picking up on the signs. He tends to get his hopes up and then brush it off as friendliness
'She just likes you as a friend, Daichi. Stop reading into it' *entire theatre of people smack their foreheads in unison*
He's dumbfounded for a second or two, processing what you just told him
Then he asks you out. No hesitation, no shyness, no awkwardness. Just pure, confident Daichi
He's literally living on cloud nine for the next few weeks because, holy shit, he's dating you
Has the biggest smile on his face whenever you're out together
And he's very protective, but not in an overbearing way
Sometimes, he places his hand on your thigh while he's driving and slowly strokes this thumb over the soft skin
And he gets all adorably bashful when he has to keep introducing you to people as his girlfriend!!
There's literally nothing he wouldn't do for you, and that's coming from a cop
When you tell him you want to break up, he hears it over and over in his head like a broken record
He keeps asking himself how this happened, and he wants to beg you to change your mind
But he respects your decision. He won't keep an immature grudge or start yelling. He just regrets
With a small, fake smile, he says he's actually been thinking the same recently
l i a r
All because he doesn't want you to feel bad or awkward about leaving him behind
Daichi's civil when you come to collect your things from his place, and when he sees you out with some other guy, even though his heart is literally cracking inside his chest
He blames himself, of course. He should have done more to keep you. He should have made more time for you. He should have stayed as loving and attentive as he was at the beginning
But he got comfortable. Complacent. And he started taking you for granted
Oh, the stinging irony of hindsight
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☆ Sugawara Koushi ☆
He approached you at a café with a bashful smile and a hesitant hand behind his head, and asked you for your number
A few weeks of texting, sexting, and casual encounters later, you went official
He couldn't be a better boyfriend. He's always so kind, and attentive, and loving, and cute
He covers the bed in rose petals on special occasions like an absolute sweetheart
He loves buying couple's items: shirts, bracelets, mugs, necklaces – you name it. He's old-school cringy like that
He showers you with kisses, praises the hell out of you, and can't stop asking how he got so damn lucky to be with you
He gives the softest hugs, the most sensual kisses
When he snaps a new photo of you, he sets it to his lockscreen so he can stare at you even when you're not there
He innocently kisses your nose in public, only to grab a handful of your ass for a second or two, below the level of everyone's eyes
You always loved it when he did that
There's a pit in his stomach when the words pass your lips, and a voice in the back of his head telling him 'Oh. Right. Of course. You knew this would happen. You were never really good enough for her, anyway'
He has to fight back the tears because he refuses to cry in front of you
It's a painful, stinging acceptance that laces his mind and tongue. It never really would have worked. Would it?
When you leave, Suga attempts to go about his regualr routine. To be fine
But his hand is shaking uncontrollably and he drops the mug in his hand, and watches as it smashes into pieces on the kitchen floor
You bought him that mug. And that, of all things, is the one to break him
The tears come over him in weak, silent sobs as he doubles-over the sink, his throat too constricted to allow any sound to escape
He cries so hard that he throws up in the sink
The weeks pass, melt away into months, and he's doing better. Doing well
Until he comes across an old shirt you left behind and never came back for, and the memories all come flooding back
That night, he cries himself hoarse, until he can't feel his face
No matter how hard he tries, he can't forget you. Your nails are dug into him even now, holding him down in his misery
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☆ Kuroo Testurou ☆
He asked you out with some cheesy pickup line, something that made you groan and grin at the same time
He couldn't believe his luck when it worked
He tries to take things slowly, be reasonable. But all that caves in when you melt him with that smile of yours
You quickly become the centre of his world
He sends you flowers and chocolates to your work, just so you know he's thinking about you
He'll kiss your hands when you're cuddling together on the sofa, like an old married couple
He constantly texts you to make sure you're okay, sometimes sexting you to demonstrate just how much he's thinking about you
He takes his time and explains things about science that you don't get, just so you don't feel left out
When a guy's been looking at you too much, he grabs you by the waist and pulls you in for a messy kiss, his hands working their way down to your ass
For your sixth month anniversary, he surprises you with a cockapoo to raise together, and suggests the name Furby, for some reason it sticks
He somehow always makes time to walk through the park and look at the cherry blossoms with you, even though he's really busy
He dances with you down the vegetable aisle at the grocery store just because, and couldn't care less about the people watching
He's constantly trying to make you laugh with the dorkiest things, because he thinks that's when you're at your prettiest
He would do anything to keep seeing that smile every day
You tell him he's moving too fast
He's in denial. He tells you he understands, but he doesn't
You leave the dog with him. And he knows it's unfair, but Furby reminds him of you
But he's lucky he still has the dog, because it's the only thing that keeps him going normally
As the weeks pass, he tries to leave you be and give you your space like he promised, but he just can't. His heart won't let him
It's 11:00 pm and he's knocking on your door, begging for you to open up and talk to him. To give him a another chance. To reconsider
He can hear you quietly sobbing on the other side of the door, and he knows you're second-guessing your decision, maybe even regretting it
It gives him hope that, if he doesn't give up, you'll come back to him, because it hasn't been the same without you
He hears your favourite song on the radio and has to sit down on the floor of the vegetable aisle at the supermarket before his legs give out
He sees your favourite restaurant and he can't pass without ordering a meal and crying into his food
He goes looking for fights with assholes at the gas station so he can let off some steam, and doesn't care if he spends the night in a cell with a black eye and bleeding knuckles
He hasn't been thinking straight, he doesn't care what happens to him anymore
And the crazy thing is, he'd still do anything for you, because you're the first real love of his life, and he can't forget you
He won't give up on you. It isn't in his blood
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☆ Ushijima Wakatoshi ☆
Ushijima never really knew what to do when you expressed an interest in him
You only started going out because Tendou read between the lines and made things happen
So now that you're finally together, he never really does anything that differently
It's just business as usual...plus you
If you want something from him, you have to ask specifically, or he won't pick up on it, so you have to be proactive in the Netflix and chill department
He actually thinks you just want to watch TV and relax
He's painfully blunt, but without any hidden agenda or meanness about him
And he cannot deny the small, warm glow he feels when you're there for him at his games
But he does try to make you happy
He shares his food whenever you ask, he lets you wear his clothes and thinks it's adorable how they dwarf you, he pats your head when you've done well, and holds you when you're feeling sad
And slowly but surely, he gets accustomed to you being there for him at every turn
And you're happy together, as honest best friends and close lovers
At first, he doesn't feel anything. It's what you want, so it's fine, right?
He got on just fine before you came along, and he'll do just fine with you gone. And it isn't spiteful, he genuinely believes it
He goes about his regular business, and everything's okay, just the same as it was before you
But as the days pass, it creeps up on him. He doesn't even know what it is as first, this dull, painful ache settling in the middle of his chest
He even Googles the symptoms when the pain gets too strong
It takes seeing you laughing in the arms of another man for him to realise that it's heartache
Crippling, agonising heartache, because he misses you
For the first time in his life, his legs go so weak underneath him that he can barely stand. He has to leave. He can't watch any more
He sits alone in his room, staring at the wall opposite, trying to get his head around it. To try and understand
Because he doesn't. He was fine before you came along. So why now? What had changed?
Ushijima comes to the conclusion that he's changed. And that you changed him
You showed him something he never thought he'd understand, reconstructed the fibres of his nature, made it so he couldn't live without you
And now you're gone
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☆ Oikawa Tooru ☆
He was hesitant. He doesn't just let people in. But he can trust you, that's what he keeps telling himself
He hopes it doesn't feel condescending that he chose you over every other girl, and tries desperately to make it apparent just how much he loves you
He makes an effort to show that he cares. He prioritises you, over everyone and everything
Your wish is his command. He wants to be that Prince Charming. That knight in shining armour
He's softer, more fragile, on the inside than you thought he'd be
He needs a lot of reassurance, and loves it when you gently stroke his hair
You share your deepest, darkest secrets, and you realise what a broken, vulnerable boy is in front of you, offering you his heart
But he sure knows how to laugh. His dates are the best. He always knows just where to take you
Those nights when you end up tangled together on the sofa, just listening to each other's heartbeats, are like Elysium to you
He can't believe what he's hearing. You promised you'd never hurt him
Disbelief, doubt, realisation, confusion anger, sadness – he gets mental whiplash as it all washes over him in a matter of seconds
Tooru punches the wall, leaving a crumbling hole the shape of his fist in the drywall
"YOU PROMISED," he shouts, red hot tears threatening to spilling over his eyes and down his cheeks. "You...promised..." he repeats weakly, sinking to the floor
You go to touch his shoulder, but he shakes you off and tells you to get out
Once you're gone, he breaks down in a sobbing heap on the floor, angry at himself, angry at you, angry at world for making him think he actually had a chance at happiness
He burns whatever you left at his place. He can't stand the sight of it
He tries to get over you by going to party after party, downing bottle after bottle, hooking up with girl after girl – but it's hollow. Empty. Meaningless. Because none of them are you
He convinces himself that that's a good thing, as he stares at the hole in the wall that he refuses to fix
Because if they're not you, they can't hurt him
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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