#he'll ask for a rematch over and over until he wins
kitwasheree · 10 months
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my comfort characters...
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fairyhaos · 1 year
how seventeen let their s/o win a game
requested by anon: omg i loved the scenario of letting svt win at a game!!! it made my day - and your blog overall gives off warm and cozy vibes :)! if you don’t mind, what would be the ways you think svt would let their s/o win at a game/succeed at something they (y/n) are normally not good at?
notes: counterpart to this post
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he's not letting you win under any circumstances. you've been losing to him less terribly these days, anyway, and during the last air hockey match you played he only won by five points. he's 100% certain that you will eventually be able to win against him, and he wants that to happen on its own, because of your own merit, rather than because he went easy on you and let you have a victory. 
so, so weak for you. literally he could be a master at that game but when you tell him you've never won before, he's immediately toning down his play and letting you win. honestly he never really gets competitive against you because he gets the most joy out of seeing you happy after a victory
do aegyo for him and then he promises that he will let you win. no no no, you can't say no, you have to do the aegyo and then he'll consider what to do. makes you do three cute poses, one song, one dance, before eventually laughing and kissing your head and saying yeah okay he'll let you win rock paper scissors for doing the dishes
you wanna win??? ofc!! you gotta still work for it tho, he's not gonna let you win immediately. ends up playing with you for ages, partly because he really does enjoy playing games and partly because he likes seeing you whine when you struggle. still lets you win in the end tho, asks if you're up for a rematch and pouts when you say no
teases you endlessly about how terrible you are at playing this one card game against him. he's teasing you so much that you don't even realise you're winning until the game is over and he's grinning cheekily and wiggling his eyebrows before he laughs as you throw yourself into his arm in thanks because this is the first time ever that you've managed to win against him
goes "oh no, i lost" in a completely flat voice as he smiles at you. made an effort to not make it ridiculously easy while you're playing, but at the last moment he backed down a little to let you take the victory, and honestly even though he might have been able to make a new record if he didn't back down, seeing you whoop and kiss his cheek happily makes him the happiest
no, you're not winning against him. he's good at ball games like this, okay, and if you wanna be good too then you gotta play properly, baby. coaches you through it while you play, and even though you don't manage to win you still manage to play better than before, and he grins and asks if you wanna play again
thinks that you're honestly rather adorable when you pout and sulk over having lost to him in a game but, one day, he decides to take pity on you and lets you win instead, and the radiant smile that lights up your face has him wondering why he didn't let you have an easy win way, way sooner
i dunno, i think that if you're bad at this game then he's probably bad at it too, so there's always a 50/50 chance that either of you win. even if he intentionally goes easy on you, it's not gonna help that much bc you're both so terrible at playing that the game still ends up going on for another hour before someone emerges the winner
is terrible at feigning innocence, makes it incredibly obvious that he's letting you win. still stubbornly keeps up the act, even when you tell him that you know what he's doing. acts the most surprised when you win, making you laugh because he's just so insistent that you won entirely by yourself
you're gonna have to beg this man to let you win because he's not doing it himself. what can he say, he has a competitive streak, but if you ask him enough times then his resolve will eventually crumble. didn't make the rest of the game easy for you tho, because an easy victory is the same as a loss in his books
this man is always letting you win against him, no matter what game you're playing. he'll put in the effort, definitely, but especially when it comes to games that you're not particularly good at, then he's coaching you during the game play or making moves that put him at a disadvantage because he really adores seeing you happy when you win
tells you he's gonna go so hard on you and make it impossible for you to win, and then he ends up doing the exact opposite. his grin gradually gets wider as you gain the upper hand, and by the end of the game he looks even happier than you by the fact that you've managed to beat him
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reactions tags: @jeonginssa @magicaltonaru @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @turningcarat @zarara @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @iheartyujin @summery-bat @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @ejspencer14 @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @saythename-chess @yonabutnotyuna @youthoughtiwasfeelingyou @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @sunshinekyeom-sang @ocyeanicc @zozojella @thesmellofcoffeeandrain @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @nananacomeonnnn @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @hansolaria @gam3bo1z @marisblogg @evasaysstuff @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt
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iskratempestmadness · 9 months
Do you do requests? If so can you do headcannons with the baki boys with a s/o who gets into fights and be beating they asses up to the point they getting stomped on😭💗
Oh, of course, I hope I understand you correctly
•Haaaaa?!?! No, it's just... what?????
• Naturally he will be shocked... It's natural
But the next thing he feels is a mixture of emotions. Of course it will hurt his pride, but he will also be glad that you are like this
• regarding the fact that you get into fights, he will be absolutely calm. He'll probably pull you away from the poor people you're fighting with (if you get carried away too much)
• you'll probably become his idol
• Now you will have joint training sessions
• Bucky will ask you for revenge until he wins (it's for a long time)
• his shock is different from Baki's and it's like, "Wow, that was unexpected" It's a pleasant surprise
• But his pride as a fighter is still hurt, so he will definitely want a rematch (and it's a long story again)
• he will also admire you, not looking at the loss
•Regarding fights, he is interested, he would love to see a couple of them (all of them)
• No, he won't protect other people from you, Hana won't stop you from having fun☺
He's kind of proud of you. YOU WERE ABLE TO BEAT HIM, shouldn't he be proud of you. Like strength doesn't come from nowhere, you need to train long and hard and Hana is glad that your efforts have paid off
• He wouldn't take a fight with you seriously, he thought he would give in to you, but after losing...
• oh my God
• It's a volcano of emotions
On the one hand, it HURT his PRIDE, his self-esteem dropped instantly. He was definitely shocked by this and angry at himself for losing
On the other hand, he was almost fatherly proud of you. He was really glad
• Katsumi became more serious
• He trains harder, and about once every six months he had a rematch
• Katsumi, like Baki, will pull you away from the poor devils who decided to fight with you
• But he will do it with a face full of happiness and pride
• wait, it's loading
• Shock. Devastation. Anger. An immediate demand for a rematch.
• Even if he didn't take the first fight seriously, he was completely serious during the second one
• and losing again
• a lot of revenge... Okay, it's better this way... THERE ARE A LOT OF REMANCHES
• Oh, he needs to be calmed down, but don't worry, he'll come to his senses (Someday)
• A lot of joint training
• regarding fights... He'll probably throw you over his shoulder and carry you away from there... Sometimes it might not work and then he'll just be watching you.
• Somewhere very deep in his soul, he is proud of you, just know it
• How did you make him?
• I am completely sure that he will not fight with you even as a joke (maybe he will just defend himself, but no more)
• if it did happen...
• look at him, he's completely out of his depth
• his self-esteem has dropped quite low, but not like Katsumi's
• but he will also be even more interested in you for this...
• he will try in every possible way to protect you from fights, he will stand up for you, try to solve it peacefully, but even he is sometimes powerless
• will take it calmly
• there are many people who are stronger than him, this is normal
• but he will joke about it
• however, this does not cancel the rematch
• We all know its outcome
• but he doesn't hide the fact that he's proud of you
• he will also become more interested in you
• Joint training sessions? Of course
• regarding fights... That's a different story... Maybe he'll join you. He thinks you made a great duo, even better than Bucky.
• Even if he doesn't participate in the fight, he will support you.
• he will definitely tease your opponents
• also very calm
• but still he is insulted
• Instant demand for revenge
• and yet he is delighted
• now you have a lot of sparring
• Doppo will brag about you and your strength.
• Regarding fights... he treats it positively. He thinks it's funny to watch
• often inserts phrases during a fight like "Hey, she kicked the asses of all the guys who agreed to fight with her, do you think you'll be an exception? "
• there are no exceptions
• I am also very proud of you
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Hello love 🖤
Can I request Pietro playing a game with tangerine and lemon? Maybe truth or dare, or cards and tangerine is losing his shit 🍊
Love you 💕
hehhe I love this sm!! I did this as my thoughts, just as I couldn’t figure out how I would write it. also I put your other ask on this post too, it’s at the bottom. love you!! 💌
also im sorry idk how I only just saw that it said pietro ?!? I wrote this a few days ago, and I quickly read this over before posting and did not see pietro until just now 😶 my bad, ive been a scatterbrain lately
monopoly has been tearing families apart for decades !! so it will definitely be the same when you play with the twins
im thinking that you like to have game nights when you all have time to spare, maybe on weekends and you'd all be sat at the dining table. def having a couple beers with crisps, pretzels, nuts
you're all really competitive and are ruthless when it comes to games, especially monopoly!!! lem always seems to do really well, landing on all the good properties and snatching them right up. definitely cackles when he counts his cash and looks over his cards
tan would be such a sore loser, and gets really pissy bc he always lands on the shit places and/ or on lem's houses and hotels. he'd throw the money, maybe make a point about how he has none left, "fuckin' hell man, ya robbin' me,"
maybe you gave up playing properly hours ago, sipping on your drink, far too entertained watching them bicker. maybe you roll casually and the number would be on the last card tan needs to complete his set. he'd ask you not to buy it, saying he'll give you all his other cards AND money, "I will give you my strand and my last 50 quid, just please don't buy it,"
you'll be nice and leave it until lem comes around and snatches it up, snickering as he sets his cash down to pay. he'll be like, "come on mate, it's just a game," only he's winning and dominating the board
it would end with you playing on your phone, tapped out the game as they continue fighting. new rules would be added after every turn and tan would be in heaps of debt - constantly borrowing money from the bank to give to lem when he lands on his properties
tan would still be convinced he can win, and lem would just be entertaining it.. until hours go by, and lem decides to call a truce, offering a rematch next week
maybe it ends in a game of uno at the coffee table to rewind - only it's the same story again, ruthlessly slapping +4 on top of +4. he'd end up with half the deck of cards. BUT he'd give you all a run for your money for casino games though
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I think he'd be a great uncle while simultaneously being an awful brother !! he'd let his niece do things she wanted, knowing that lem wouldn't be happy. she wants to eat ice cream before dinner? two scoops won't hurt. she wants to go to the toy shop and get even more toys? no problem, uncle tan has his cards at the ready. she wants to watch tv before bed? one episode is okay surely
tho he won't always go over his brother's head, bc he respects him - but sometimes he just can't help it, he loves to spoil
he'd begrudgingly let her do his makeup. she'd be bossy, making him sit and be quiet as she brushes on purple eye shadow and crazy amounts of blush. she'd also want him to join in with her tea party, or play make-believe/ princesses with her, he'd have no choice but to play along and smile while wearing the tiara
like lem, I feel like she'd be very loud and quite full-on, so when there's finally a moment of silence, he savours it. she'd probably knock herself out from all playing and would just curl up at his side
towards the end of babysitting, tan would probs make her super hyper just to annoy lem tehe. maybe pump her full of sugar or spin her around for ages
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echantedtoon · 10 months
Dragon's Treasure Ch9 Hammerlocke Home
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You were gone the next day. 
Which he shouldn't have been surprised or upset over. After all you did agree to only stay until the rain stopped and it had stopped early the very next morning. He had lent you the spare guestroom to use that night and woke up the very next day pretty..Happy! Despite the rollar coaster of what he was feeling and had to go through yesterday, he thought he nailed that pretty well. Or at least decent enough to where you didn't hate it. Which was a win! He had felt pretty good waking up that morning and excited to see you again, making he'd be able to take you out for breakfast! But was instead met with you having already left without even saying good bye. He had felt...saddened but he had no right to be. After all the rain had stopped and it would be a good time to leave. So..he'll just have to live with it. 
He had things he could do to occupy himself anyways. It was easy to turn his mind to else where for the next few weeks or so. His gym's roof was finally finished and his gym back to it's old normal self again which was a relief! He hosted an exhibition match against Gordie to celebrate it's grand reopening! The whole town and then some seemed to go flocking into the stadiums' seats in order to see the grand battle between these two legendary trainers in action! His first plan was to just invite Leon but from what he's been told Lee was a little busy with the new Chairwoman still cleaning up Mr. Rose's destruction and helping to sort out the new positions his brother and his mates found themselves with. Oh! Sonia showed up sometime later as well with a police officer, had the idea to limit access to the powerplant until further notice which he thought was a good idea. She imprinted a new complex password to the system that only herself, the Chairwoman, and a select few knew. But...that really was the only exciting thing that really happened thus far. His routine quickly fell back into the one he's always had for years. Going out and training hard for his next rematch with Leon. Improving himself physically and mentally. Helping his trainers with their daily battles and homework. And of course catering to his many adoring fans. Everyday there would be a new picture or two whether it be of himself training, cooking, or even just clothes shopping which his fans seemed to eat up anyways. And then there was the meet and greets he'd give his many, many....MANY thousands of fans around. You'd be surprised how many people in Hammerlocke just moved there to see him or came to visit just in hopes of having a word with him. It was all polite smiles and hellos usually, but if he did happen to catch interest in one of the lovely ladies who would fawn over him, that person would be lucky enough to be treated to a date by him. The dates ranged from a small coffee grab to good ol' clubbing in Wyndon! He couldn't say he didn't have a fun night on that date-...If he wasn't stuck with a massive $500 plus bill wracked up by her expecting him to be a 'gentleman' and pay for it all, which he was forced too since she 'forgot her wallet'. Note to self. Never do that extravagant of a date again. 
Speaking of which he wasn't finding himself finding anyone else.... appealing. I mean-..He did find the ladies he spoke too lovely. But...he started to notice things. The model friend of Nessa's was absolutely stunning! Totally someone he would've asked out in an instant once upon a time but she seemed to be stuck up. If you were here he could just imagine your frown of annoyance at her stuck up nature. And the sweet librarian was so cute and shy and stuttered when asking him for an autograph, eyes full of adoration. It was adorable! But he couldn't help but think of how you'd never be so scared to speak your mind to him about anything. Now the traveler who stopped by was a real winner. Nice to talk too. Really smart. Seriously knew her pokemon advantages in battles, and praised his unique battle skills...Like. A LOT. Which normally he might've just politely smiled and steered the convo a different direction, but he couldn't help but think of you who'd talk to him as more of an equal. And then that's when it had hit him. HARD.
You really had gone and stolen his heart hadn't you? Well...crap. You were quite the thief weren't you? Made that sinking, lonely feeling in his guts run deeper knowing you were probably long gone by now having fulfilled your side of the deal. Which was fine, you didn't owe him anything and he could take a hint. He'd accept you didn't think about him all that much.
He couldn't help but think a lot about you and your everything. Your laugh. The way you so caringly played with your pokemon. The way you smiled at him and spoke so casually about things. The way you'd have that happy look in your eyes whenever his small antics made you laughed. When you wouldn't accept him apologizing to you or let him spiral into guilt despite you didn't have to do anything. Showing him kindness when others never did or never noticed he could use kindness in those instances. It felt...nice. Good even to be reassured by someone for once and have someone tell you that it's going to be ok. That it's not your fault. That you were doing a good job. It felt nice having you hold his hands in yours even if it was just to comfort him. Seeing you so genuine with him was- ...It was...
Nothing awkward or nerve wracking or fake. Just natural. Like it was something engraved into you, the kindness shared with him. It was what attracted him to you more. He was just curious and guilty at first but those moments with you sealed the deal in his heart. You made his heart beat like a drum against his ribcage like the stampeding of mudsdales. His mind raced with the happy memories of your smile like a rewind button was switched. His face red as the first rose blooming in spring. And it was all thanks to you. But...would you ever really feel the same way? That was his fear. You'd never be able to look at him the same way he looked at you. Feel the same way he felt for you. He..accepted what you would decide either way, but that didn't mean he didn't feel the sting in his heart. But with all this happy revelation also came the realization of that he-..He never might have you feel the same way for him. You were a different person with different feelings, a different mind with different choices to his, and a heart with different emotions than his. If fate deemed so, then you would fall for someone else. Who?..He had no idea. You and Piers seemed to become good friends and he wouldn't blame you if you fell for him. Piers was responsible, creative, and despite how he looks and acts, cares for those he holds close. Plus he could cook a really good curry, better than him. Who wouldn't like a man that cooked? Or maybe you'd come to become closer to Leon. After all you must've cared for him a lot if you'd risk getting pummeled by a giant roof tile for him, not that he blamed you either. He'd admit his rival was impressive. C'mon. This was THE Champion Leon he was talking about. What wasn't there to like about his Rival? Besides being THE very best trainer in Galar, he was also a very positive person with a comforting presence, and was great with kids! Who wouldn't be happy with a guy like that? Or what about Gordie? Gordie's a pretty chill guy. And from what he's heard about you from him, you've helped him quite a lot. He remembered their discussion after the exhibition match during the celebration of his gym reopening-
The roar of the crowds could still be heard from even inside the heavily cemented concrete walls that made up most of the gym. Even with the thick steel door that made a loud metallic noise when strong hands opened the entrance way into the locker rooms and two tall figures entered covered in dirt and sweat from his weather attacks and a difficult battle inquiring much energy. The footsteps echoed throughout the room as they both entered. Lockers lined all along the right wall with showers and a few bathroom stalls and sinks towards the back and left walls, and a few benches were placed in the middle. Thank goodness that the atmosphere in here was. cooler. It helped to cool the two of them off from the work out that was the show they put on. The first thing Gordie did once in there was make a beeline for the nearest bench and tiredly plop himself down on it with a relieved sigh.
"Hhhhhaaaa. Man." Two hands reached up and removed the signature sunglasses from his face while his other pushed itself through his blonde locks. A few grands of sand falling from them courtesy of Raihan's flygon's sandstorm attack. "Been a while since I had a battle that intense."
His answer was to sigh back and reached his own hand up to remove the orange bandanna from his forehead. Allowing his head to feel some relief from it's fabric. "Yeah. Good battle though. You really had be in the last round not gonna lie."
The other gym leader let out a small dry chuckle his way before gazing his eyes towards him. "Yeah but we both knew you were going to win from the start, Raihan. Don't kid yourself." His gaze once again looked back down towards his hand and then grimaced when he spotted the specks of dirt all over the shades' lenses. "I might've as well have just forfeited before I even got here. No one can top the top leader."
"Hmm. True, but then again we both know you won't back down from a chance to make yourself look great in front of all those adoring fans of yours. Seriously, I think the stadium's packed with more of your fans than mine. Did you see how many people were lined outside begging at your feet for just a picture?"
"Tch." A small smile appeared on Gordie's face as he attempted to clean the shades on the fabric of his jacket. "You're just jealous because I can wear dirt and still come out with great hair!" 
That made Raihan laugh a little bit back. "Grains of sand is just filed down rock, and who else could look better in it than the Rock Type Gym Leader himself?"
"But of course! But since we're on the topic of fans, I think that crazy group of women were throwing themselves at your feet not mine. Still a ladies' man huh?" Despite Gordie asking that in a joking way his words made Raihan pause and his friend quickly picked up on his lack of movement, looking up at him. "....Hey, Dude. You ok there?"
"Hm?" Raihan blinked at him before holding up a free hand. "Oh yeah. I've been good. Just-...A-A lot's been on my mind lately considering. Y'know?"
With a hum Gordie nodded. "Yeah man. I feel you. I bet things have been stressful. You sure you're not over pushing yourself?"
"No. I'm fine in that department," he assured Gordie with a small smile. "Guess it's just the feeling of all the stress winding down. But how's your family?" He asked changing the subject. "I think Nessa told me your little sister was being trained to take over your mom's gym."
"Huh? O-Oh yeah. Thing's are a bit...awkward sometimes but-" Gordie paused for a moment rolling his wrist. "It's...good. Things are good. A lot better than they were. I have that Y/n chick to thank for that."
"Oh yeah. ...I heard about that from Piers," Raihan mumbled rubbing his neck. He...had mixed feelings when Gordie had told some of them about the girl who verbally slapped common sense into and then Piers had casually told him that chick just happened to be YOU in passing. Gordie seemed to express some genuine interest in you or maybe that's just him being grateful for you helping him out? Either way it made him feel....Jealo- Envious. "She's...really nice, ain't she?"
"Yeah." A small silence fell between the two of them before Gordie looked back up towards Raihan again. "I uh...Heard you asked her out a few times." Raihan froze. "H-How-..How'd that go for you?"
".....It was....nice. Real nice if you don't take into account that it literally rained harder than a blastoise's water gun."
"Aw man. Bummer. Sorry to hear that dude."
Raihan shrugged. "It's all good. I-...I think it went well anyways. SO! What are you doing after this again? A lot of those fans are expecting an encore appearance from us!"
The subject was changed and dropped faster than Camilla drop kicking a soccer ball. And Gordie could probably sense he wasn't up for anymore discussion about that day.  But still..He wouldn't be surprised if you did express the same interest in Gordie if he expressed that kind of interest to you either. He was a hard working man who easily made anyone smile. But whatever. He shouldn't worry about the what ifs or what could've beens. He should focus on the present, which currently was him stopping by the cafe near Hammerlocke for some of their delicious doughnuts! They didn't taste like any other deserts he had anywhere else, or had such unique flavors and recipes. It's one of his guilty pleasures of course, and one of the many ways he liked to spoil his trainers. It was just a regular day. A regular morning routine of his. He just walked on over to the cafe with a small list in hand, stopping after being flagged down by a couple fans who just wanted a couple pictures before quickly continuing on his way, right into the cafe making the small bell ring above him as he entered and automatically walked up at the counter. Someone, a young lady, was crouched behind the counter most likely organizing the deserts displayed in the clear cased display counter or getting something. He didn't pay too much attention to her as he looked down to the small list of his with a few things scribbled down.
"Hey. Excuse me." Immediately the girl behind counter turned around to where she was directly facing him in surprise. But he only say that out of the corners of his eyes. "Can I get a couple dozen cheri jelly donuts and two mocha frappuccinos? Emphasize on the mocha in those things." He sighed and reached another hand up to rub his temple. "I really need that sugar boost lately."
"Are you sure that won't interfere with your three laps a day routine?" He froze at a small familiar snicker. "When did you get a sweet tooth?"
A glass breaking down went off in his brain as it bluescreened and his eyes widened to be mistaken for those silly googily eyes stickers. The expression made the woman before him giggle more and ever SO slowly he removed his head from his hand and looked up. Dark ocean blue eyes meeting amused f/c ones and what sounded like a deflating balloon combined with a choke escaped his lungs when he saw a face. The woman's face. HER face- YOUR FACE!! Staring at him with an amused smile and crossed arms staring at him wearing an apron with the cafe's logo on it. 
"Y-Y-Y/N!?," he choked out making you snicker again at his reaction the paper in his hand dropping from his hand and slowly fluttering to the floor as his hand grabbed his head. As if he wasn't believing what he was seeing. "I-...You-...I mean.." He looked you up and down. "W-W-What are you doing here?! I-I thought you went home!"
"I did," you answered back happily with a smile at him, "I just didn't want to leave anything unresolved with Mrs. L or anyone else before I moved out."
He blinked slowly processing what you had just said. "Moved...Out??"
You nodded. "As nice as it was living with them, I just wanted to live on my own y'know." You explained with a shrug. "I wanted my own space. It just felt...a bit cramped if I'm being honest. I needed some breathing room to myself. ...AAAnd if I'm honest it didn't have enough space or everything I was looking for."
"....Oh." He slowly blinked again. You..Moved out. Well he guessed that explained why you were here but he still was confused. He pointed at you. "Then why are you behind the counter here?"
"You just caught me on my first day on the job!"
"New job?"
You nodded again proudly displaying the apron on your shirt. "I-...Kinda always liked baking a bit back at home. I find it relaxing, and it doesn't seem too bad here. The cafe owner's pretty nice!"
"Oh, Y-Yeah! I-I bet you'd be good at it but..." he gestured to you mind still in shock over seeing you suddenly again. "WHY are you here?"
...Your brow raised at him. "Didn't you hear me? I just said I moved here, Raihan."
"Here?"...His eyes widened again and you nodded. Here. As in...RIGHT HERE?! In Hammerlocke!? "YOU DID!? H-H-HOW!? I mean-...Where-.."
"You remember that old cottage just behind Hammerlocke you showed me?" He slowly nodded and you smiled proudly. "You are now looking at the proud owner of that small piece of land!"
"Yeah! ...Or at least once I pay it off. I'm on a paid plan sorta thing with the realter so I have to work in order to pay for it. But hopefully I can get it all paid off by next year! The place is too good to pass up!"
"That close!? You-..." His heartbeat picked up and a smile perched itself upon his face. "Wow. S-So..We're gonna be neighbors!"
You nodded again despite yourself. It has been a while since you've seen. After all you had to go all the way back to Postwick after just leaving for that date and having to explain to them after a few days rest from traveling that you were moving out and not to worry because you had a place in mind where you would be saying. Which wasn't a hard choice to make. You've been thinking about moving out for a while now for multiple reasons but couldn't find anyplace, that was until Raihan accidentally dropped the place right into your lap. It was PERFECT!! Everything you could want in a property! Luckily everyone was very understanding and you left shortly after saying good bye. Imagine the surprise on the realtor's face when you walked right into the office and asked to buy THAT property no one else wanted. He seemed pretty enthusiastic to be getting it finally sold away though, however there was the problem with payment so it was decided you'd pay a lump sum a month to him until you'd be able to pay it off which should be sometime next year if you were lucky! The only thing that was really missing was getting a job. You considered briefly asking Raihan for help but decided against it considering the guy must've already had a lot on his plate and didn't need this added to it. So instead you went job hunting. Turned out the cafe here was in need of another waitress on staff and were glad to hire you. You were expecting Raihan to show up sometime but hadn't expected him to show up literally on your first day on the job, but you couldn't say it wasn't a pleasant sight. Especially with his cute reaction-
You paused blinking for a moment. Did-...Did you just think of Raihan as cute-
"Hey! This is great!" His genuine smile and happy tone made you look back at him. "Guess this means I'll be able to see a lot more of you around!..Uh." He coughed and cleared his throat face going a little pink despite his still happy smile. " *ahem* Y'know. A f-familiar friendly face and all that's really nice. Someone I can talk too."
"Um." Your face also turned a little pink at the thought of him wanting to see you more. "Yeah! It's gonna be nice to h-have someone as a friend here. D-Do you still wanna order that stuff?"
"Hm? Oh. Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna need those actually....Speaking of food. Y-Y'know." You blinked as he nervously put his hands behind his head and looked off too the side. "Technically because o-of the rain I never actually really g-got to take you OUT-out to dinner. So by default I-I still owe you that. ...I d-don't suppose you'd wanna cash in on that promise? O-Only to talk and catch up with each other of course! H-Haha nothing ro-ro-rom-m-manti-"
"I get off at five thirty," you interrupted him making him pause wide eyed and jaw slightly opened especially when you gave a bashful look of your own to the side. "I'm looking f-forward to our second date."
"......Se-Second d-d-date?" You nodded with a small smile as his stomach dropped more. Second date...As in-...Another date!? WITH HIM!? TODAY!? AT FIVE THIRTY!? "SECOND DATE!?" His loud tone made you jump and blink at him as he looked on in a panic hands grabbing his head now. "I-I-...T-T-That's so soon! I-I haven't planned or talked to the triplets or checked the weather! CRAP!! I haven't gotten to clear my schedule either!" He held his hands to you as he slowly backed up. "D-D-Don't worry! I got everything under control- AH!!" You held up your hands as he tripped over a chair, not looking where he was going, but luckily didn't trip over giving you a nervous thumbs up! "Don't worry! All part of my plan! I-I-I'll see you later tonight! I promise!"
"W-Wait! Aren't you forgetting your order!?"
Your question fell on deaf ears as the excited and panicked gym leader half ran half tripped over himself out the front door. Leaving only the chiming of the bell answering for him.
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aslitheryprinx · 3 years
Fake Titles if they are still open: "Where do you think your going?" "Tommy.... Whats in your mouth?" Timeout(vore) The Gamblers Special(vore) Midnight barber
Oooh these are interesting!
CW: safe, platonic vore. mild fearplay.
"Where do you think you're going?"
When Dream finds Sam in the prison, after laughing at him, he decides to have some fun with him.
Dream uses a potion to shrink him, then shoves him into his pocket, bringing him to the base he and Punz used all those months ago.
He dumps Sam out on the table, watching the shrunken ex-warden.
Sam tries to run, but a hand slams down in front of him.
"Where do you think you're going?" Dream asks with a terrifying smile.
Sam gulps, and he secretly wonders if he might have been better off in the prison.
"Tommy... What's in your mouth?"
Tubbo thinks that having a giant friend must be a lot like having an excitable puppy, or maybe a cat.
It seems like every time he turns his back, Tommy is getting into more trouble.
Wilbur's no help; he just encourages the giant's antics.
Tubbo is at his breaking point when he sees Tommy carrying something around in his mouth.
"Tommy... What's in your mouth?" He asks, exasperated.
The giant turns sheepishly to show him, and Tubbo wants to scream.
In Tommy's mouth is an entire fucking tree.
The Gambler's Special
Wilbur loves his little brother, he really does. But if he has to hear Tommy screaming in his ear about pogchamp or women one more time, he's going to lose it.
He knows Tommy is doing this on purpose too. He's not usually this annoying... Only when Wilbur is actually trying to do something.
Again, Wilbur begs Tommy to be quiet so he can just write this damn song already.
Tommy listens for about thirty seconds before he screeches like a banshee directly into Wilbur's ear.
That's it. Wilbur snaps, and grabs the tiny off his shoulder and shoves him into his mouth.
He swallows, sending Tommy to his storage stomach. Tommy protests, but Wilbur tells him smugly that he's in timeout.
Tommy keeps shrieking at him, but it's a whole lot more manageable when his shrieking is muffled. Eventually the tiny tires himself out, and takes a nap in Wilbur's storage.
Midnight Barber
Wilbur is fuming.
Quackity challenged him to a game of cards and he's lost every. Single. One.
"Rematch!" He growls for the tenth time, slamming his hand on the table.
Quackity raises an eyebrow, and asks if he even has anything left to bet. He doesn't.
Still, Wilbur is desperate for a rematch. He was so close last time, if he could just play one more game...
Quackity offers him a deal. Wilbur doesn't have anything to bet... So if he loses he gets a punishment instead.
Quackity slams a small vial- a potion- down on the table.
He calls it the gambler's special; whoever loses has to drink the potion and receive the penalty.
Wilbur hesitates, but accepts. He's determined to win... But his hand is terrible, once again.
He loses, and angrily grabs the bottle. He downs it in one gulp, and feels a strange tingling all over.
He shrinks, ending up barely a couple of inches tall. Quackity laughs and plucks him off the table.
"And now for the penalty," he says before popping Wilbur into his mouth. He swallows his rival, waiting until Wilbur is angrily kicking at him to tell him that his stomach is safe.
Wilbur settles down, still fuming. Quackity says he'll let Wilbur out tomorrow... if he plays nice, that is.
Skeppy is not the smartest borrower... Or rather, he's pretty clever, but he's lacking in the common sense department.
After being kicked out of his colony for having the audacity to try and prank the humans, he sets out on his own.
He ends up in the house of a particularly oblivious human. And one that's really hard to prank...
It seems like no matter what he does, the human takes it in stride.
So Skeppy plans a prank that's sure to get a reaction...
In the middle of the night, he sneaks up onto the humans bed, lugging a razor he'd barely managed to carry from the human's bathroom.
He hopes the human likes their new haircut...
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msookyspooky · 3 years
Hey! If you're taking requests I wanted to ask if you could write something for Severen with a S/O who's amazing at gambling and betting and always takes him and the rest of the hooked clan to the cleaners. I feel like he'd get a kick out if it. Thank you!!!
Severen with a S/O that Gambles
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Severen is great at hustling people. He's a risk taker, good pokerface, and has been placing bets and raising stakes for over 100 years. Even if he's losing; he'll just cheat. Anything to win (I HC him as playfully competitive.)
He made the mistake of going easy on you thinking you're a beginner at the poker game he and the clan were playing. (You may have swindled them and fibbed.) You purposely lost the first few games before placing bets with the entire family.
"Aw, now darlin that doesn't seem far. I'd hate to take your bets when you're jus a beginner." He plans on going easy on you.
The look on everyone's face was priceless when you won out the entire table. Jesse realized you were faking half way through and smirked as he folded...He felt Severen needed a taste of his own medicine for once and acted like he was uninterested in 'taking your bets' even though he knew damn well you were going to wipe the floor with them.
"....ARE YOU SHITTIN' ME?" The roughnecked cowboy vampire would be floored once you winked at him after taking all his money in a game. Especially after he thought he'd go easy on you. Be prepared for him to demand rematch after rematch till he realizes you're better than what you claimed and it wasn't just beginners luck.
You're as good as him but it's hard to tell if you're better than him or not with hiw he cheats.
He definitely suggest strip poker if you're alone and you both wager sex bets constantly while playing cards
Against each other you're both just going back and forth for hours until one of you quits or you catch onto Severen's cheating and dissolve the game.
Together? You're both a terror to whoever you're playing against. You both work together well when it comes to winning and swindling.
Severen always gets a shit eating grin on his face when he sees you acting like you don't know the rules of the game and lose on purpose .
He insists on you playing when he does. Even if its a rowdy bar of men; he demands they let his S/O play. "Go easy on em. Hate to see em cry bout it." They think he's talking to them but little did they know when you get a flirty wink your way.
Definitely is elated after you took a group of guys under the cleaners before they were drained. You all technically could have just raided their wallets after they were dead but what's the fun in that?
He's super proud of you. He's competitive and a cheat but he knows when he's been beat and he just grins at you and teases you in one way or another.
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sinfulwrites · 2 years
I came to add to the uno asks ahsjsks
I can completely see Lester stabbing his knife into the table or smth if he catches one of the twins trying to peak over at his cards or just wildly swinging it around lmaooo (everyone's probably going to be 4 feet away from each other by the end of the game tbh)
Bo never accepts a loss; he ALWAYS has to keep going until he wins the last round everyone plays together to be smug as shit about it & then he's 'too tired' to keep going or 'has something to do now'
Vincent is definitely winning 80% of the time and should not be trusted even if you're dating; he'll totally lean over to 'innocently' give you affection while he peeks at your cards so many times before you finally catch on and get after him lmao (you thought he was just being extra sweet 😔😤)
All of the boys really get into it when you become as competitive and unhinged with them (Bo probably starts some shit where the winner gets something of their choice or the biggest loser at the end has to do smth embarrassing lol)
Game night in the Sinclair house is an experience.
I agree, Lester definitely swings his knife around and makes threats, but they're goofy threats that hold no weight. Unless he's getting actually heated, most likely because of Bo. He and Bo are going to be wrestling at some point in the night, it's inevitable.
Bo is the BIGGEST sore loser on the planet, you're right, he'll just refuse to lose. He doesn't care if it's 3 am, he needs a rematch. The only reason the game will end is if you just let him win cause he can do this all night.
Do not trust Vincent. He knows how to use that kindness of his to his advantage, game night shows you he's just as cunning as his brothers. He would apologize later on for using his affection against you like that, but he'll still brag about his win if you pout at him about it.
"Sorry Y/N, I still won."
Oh yeah, Bo practically makes everyone put their souls in the betting pool before every game. But god forbid he loses, "this is bull shit, I ain't doing anythin!"
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sunwukongssuccessor · 3 years
☆ ♡ ♥ for MK? also your headcannons are very good! <3
☆ - happy headcanon
MK and Mei met when they were in their late teens at the arcade, MK was amazingly winning in every round of Monkey Mech against random people. Mei came in and kicked his butt and was honestly about to walk away after a win, but MK wanted a rematch and kept for asking another after another. They kept playing until the arcade closed and MK even forgot about trying to beat Mei and just enjoyed someone was this into the game and chatting it up with him during the whole thing.
♡ - romantic headcanon
When he tries to be romantic, it's a bit embarrassing but still very endearing. He'll try to be cool and suave then soon trip over himself when he sees whoever he's trying to impress stifle a giggle from it. He gets back up from it by finding an activity that both him and his date can enjoy with no stress.
♥ - family headcanon
MK slipped in calling Pigsy "Dadsy" a bit after the first year of working for him, MK immediately backtracked on it and gave an excuse that he misspoke. Pigsy figured MK wasn't ready/confident in admitting that so he played it off like he didn't hear him at all.
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kyukiss · 4 years
A day in: Heartslabyul
Hi hi I thought I'd write something called "a day in:" series, it's just gonna be several activies with said dorm. Reader is gonna be g/n!
Apologies if I had a misspelled words, grammar errors and if the characters were OOC.
Hope you enjoy~!
Relationship status with reader: crushing / platonic
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Taking care of the hedgehogs with the dorm leader is no simple task. There are a couple of rules regarding to it after all.
Riddle would make sure they're all aligned, following the rules and routine per usual.
Though don't get me wrong he would let you play with them 👀
But possibly after the routine?
Either way he secretly finds it adorable when you held the hedgehog on your palms patting it while cooing gently.
Oh god even the thought of it makes his cheeks turned pink-
If you do take notice of it, and point it out it'll embarrass him even more!
Even if you did break a rule or two, he'd try his best not to snap. Riddle would rethinking it all over again:
You wouldn't break the rules if you knew them right?
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Baking with Trey is nothing but sweet. One day you asked if you could help, he'd be more than happy to get some.
Definitely would teach you the basics if you're clueless on how to bake.
Honestly since you two were baking cookies and tarts, he'd let you taste some raw cookie dough.
He'd emphasize that the secret of a good tart is oyster sauce.
Poor you almost believed him for a second.
Trey would try to hold in his laughs when you get flour on your face or cream on your nose.
He would really thought it was adorable and tries to find ways to tease you until you're flustered.
It'll end up with you getting revenge and threw some flour on him, resulting in a small food fight that Riddle better not find out.
When you two finished baking he'll let you steal one of the treat or two 👀
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Taking photos for magicam with Cater would supposedly be a leisure activity between you two.
Cater is naturally photogenic and would pick the best spots, but a lot of things could go wrong.
The strong winds would probably be your worse enemy-
Sometimes you two could be in one spot for at least 15-30 minutes.
But it sometimes became your best friend.
It really made the best photo shots, how both of your hairs were gently blew.
After some great photos usually taken from the Heartslabyul gardens you two would definitely head over to a cafe that's nearby.
But it might as well be a photo session part 2 inside the cafe featuring the food.
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Playing card games with Ace Trappola is quite chaotic to say the least.
Please this guy is a huge tease, with a large ego. So prepare for brags and comments if he wins.
His skills made up for his attitude though don't get me wrong.
Ace is pretty competitive in general so he'll not take it easy with you even if you are his crush.
If he did lost against you, his eyes wouldn't believe it for a second.
Leaving you to just chuckle in amusement seeing him in disbelief.
Definitely would prod you into a rematch afterwards and will not stop until he gets his win.
Even if he did win after the rematch he would keep asking you to play with him until an hour or two.
Since he doesn't admit it, but he definitely enjoys the time spent together the whole time.
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Tutoring Deuce would require a lot of time from the both of you!
Deuce may not absorb the knowledge as fast as a regular student but his determination is off the charts.
He's always listening to your explanations and would be a little hesitant when he wanted to ask questions at first.
You'd have to reassure him it's alright to as it is part of the learning process after all.
Then that's when he'd started asking a lot of questions.
When you give him a question or an exercise to do, please be patient when guiding him, he's really trying his best!
After the tutoring session he did learnt quite a lot and will definitely thank you for it!
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