#he'll just collect them like pokemon
A Home Below Pt. 2: Welcome
[Mountain and Swiss meet the new neighbors, and get some unexpected insight from Dew. Primarily from Swiss' POV. Mentions of implied past nonconsensual body modification.] Below the cut.
"Who's that?" a tiny voice asks as Swiss rounds the corner into the main part of the basement with Mountain, making both ghouls pause.
Turning to follow the voice, Swiss furrows his brow as he catches sight of two figures standing in the adjacent hallway; A man about his height with dyed blue hair and mismatched eyes -he recognizes him, he's one of the custodians, but he can't recall his name- and a small child he's never seen before, with strawberry blond curls and bright blue eyes.
Mountain pokes his head out curiously to see what the hold up is before reeling backwards, startled.
It's only then that Swiss recalls that neither of them are glamoured.
Not that the custodians haven't seen them like this before, they do clean the den for them after all, but he highly doubts the kid has ever seen a ghoul before.
And, honestly, that's probably the most unsettling part of this sudden encounter.
The kid.
Why is there a kid??
Said child waves, which seems to set the adult with them further on edge to the extent that Swiss can smell the anxiety rolling off of him.
It's a subtle, sweet smell... and something about it triggers something in Swiss' memories about this custodian in particular.
Swiss calms himself with a deep breath and offers a small wave, elbowing Mountain to come out and do the same, giving the earth giant a look that he hopes reads as "It's chill".
Mountain pops back into view and gives a nod in the pair's direction.
The kid's eyes go wide.
"You're so tall!"
Mountain beams, giving a small grin, "I am."
"Bug, it's not polite to talk about strangers' appearances like that..." the man lightly scolds, then looks to them, and this time Mountain gets a whiff of his scent as well.
Not a threat.
Just nervous.
Maybe a little scared even.
Mountain puts a slouch in his back to avoid making himself too big, and Swiss snorts.
"You're... uh, you're one of the custodians, yeah?" Swiss asks a touch awkward, unable to remember the man's name, "Jay...?"
"Jeremy Durand." he replies, taking the child's hand into his own, "...and this is Whitney, my son."
Looking at the kid again, it's... Swiss would like to say it should be obvious that the boy is his, but, really, the only thing about Whitney that seems to even remotely resemble his father is his nose.
"He looks like his grandma." Jeremy says, as if seeing Swiss' confusion, but before the ghoul can apologize for being rude, Whitney, bless him, saves his hide.
"It's true! I look like Granny!" he chirps happily, "She says it's 'cause Dad got all of Grandpa's pants and I got hers... but Granny's pants are too big for me to wear, so I dunno..."
"Not jeans like the pants, Bug, genes like..." Jeremy sighs, "I'll explain later."
"So-" Swiss chuckles, then asks, curious, "Is it bring your kid to work day?"
"Ah... well, I..." Jeremy runs his hand over his neck, "...I thought Elijah explained... It's complicated, but Whitney and I will be... will be staying here."
Swiss blinks.
Jeremy nods.
"Well, that means we're neighbors then!" Swiss smiles, "Welcome!"
"...T-Thank you." Jeremy mumbles, clearly uncomfortable with... something, and then Swiss remembers.
"Oh, sh-" he glances at Whitney, covering his mouth, "Sugar Snaps, right my teeth, sorry."
"'s okay..."
Whitney looks up at his father, squeezing his hand, and in the smallest voice says something barely audible to human ears, but that the ghouls can hear loud and clear...
"It's okay, Dad. It's okay..."
Swiss tries not to show it on his face, but there's something about such a small child trying to comfort their parent because they're scared -because they're scared of THEM, him and Mounty- that makes him feel a bit like a dick, even if he hasn't done anything wrong... yet.
In so far as he knows at least.
Jeremy's hand visibly shakes in the child's grip, but Swiss pretends not to see it, and instead turns to Mountain, bidding the pair goodbye and dragging his friend down the hallway, hopefully in the opposite direction of where the family needs to go.
Once they're out of sight, Swiss lets go of Mountain's arm and breathes a sigh of relief.
"Neighbors, huh?" Mountain drawls, "...Somehow I don't think Mr. Durand is particularly... pleased with the idea."
Swiss bites his lip and then releases it with a tsk.
"Guess we'll have to do something about that then."
"Nothing bad!" Swiss interjects quickly, "...Something to make them feel more at home? Although, I don't think our usual methods for welcoming new ghouls is gonna work here."
"Ghouls?" Mountain questions, looking back down the hallway.
"I could be wrong, but... that guy, you could smell him, right?" Swiss whispers, "...He doesn't smell like a human, and the kid... I dunno, they just smell like us, kind of, ya know? And I kind of vaguely remember hearing something about him... but I don't remember exactly what it was."
"I did smell... something." Mountain admits, "That would explain why they're letting them live down here... I mean, there is the upstairs dorms for the human clergy and the ghouls, but if he has a kit, he probably doesn't want him mixed in with the other adult ghouls right from the get-go, it's safer down here, less people."
Swiss nods.
"Gotta give the folks upstairs some credit, they at least thought this through to some extent... Still though, they're being pretty accommodating all things considered, more than you'd expect them to be." he hums, "Even if the guy has a kit, there are ghouls AND clergy members raising children upstairs. There's gotta be more to the reason why he's getting a room down here..."
"It could have something to do with who his kit's other parent is? Or perhaps he has some connections with the higherups? He did say 'Elijah' earlier, he could mean Brother Elijah, he is the supervisor..." Mountain muses, "Or it could be because the custodial office is down here, and none of the other staff members in that department live on the property."
"How do you know that?" Swiss asks.
"I often work with the other members of that department when it comes to the upkeep of the greenspaces around the abbey." Mountain says, "They keep things tidy and make sure the sheds are stocked."
"Huh, the more you know..." Swiss nods, "At any rate... We should probably hightail it to practice before Papa sends Dew down here to drag us upstairs by our napes."
Mountain raises his tail, "I hate when he does that, he always bites so hard..."
"Personally, I kinda like it-"
Swiss scratches at the bite mark on his neck, grumbling along with Mountain, who's sitting off to the side licking a matching one on his hand, "You don't have to draw blood, ya know, you could just give me a lil' nibble and I'll do whatever you want me to..."
"Only good boys who get to practice on time get 'lil nibbles'." Dew puffs a bit of steam out of his gills, "I dunno what you two were up to, but at least keep it in your pants until AFTER 5 o'clock, damn..."
"For you information, we were originally going to be on time, but we had to make a little detour to greet our new neighbors." Swiss sniffs.
"Tom-Tom and Aurora are already here, numb nuts, come up with a better excuse." Dew rolls his eyes.
"Not them, our new-new neighbors." Mountain chimes in, "A father and son."
"For real?"
Swiss nods.
"It's one of the newer custodians, Jeremy De... something..."
"Tell me it's not DeFroque..."
"Wait, not De, it was Du... I think it was Durand?" Swiss says, "Yeah, it was Durand. Nice enough guy, nervous as Hell though."
Dew raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms, "That name does sound weirdly familiar..."
"You've met him before?" Mountain asks.
"Not exactly, at least not recently..." Dew shakes his head, "I think I might've read the name off of a list at some point, but if it's the one I'm thinking of, then it makes sense why they'd send him downstairs."
"How so?"
Dew hesitates, his expression... conflicted.
"...Back when Ter-" he clears his throat, "When Papa's predecessor was still in charge, there was an incident involving a lesser branch of the church. They were... fanatical."
"I don't really know much about it myself, Omega only briefly mentioned the situation to me, because he had to go with... ya know... to handle things. When he got back, he wouldn't talk about what exactly happened, but there were these... I guess they were ghouls?"
"You guess?"
"It's hard to describe, they were... in a bad way." Dew settles on finally, "Like something had gone wrong in the ritual. I think there were eight...? Maybe nine? Of them in total... Anyway, this was sometime before you or even Mounty were summoned, so you might not know this, but all of the regular ghouls' dorms were downstairs at the time, and us band ghouls were upstairs."
"...That would explain why there were so many rooms to choose from when I was summoned." Swiss hums, "So these ghouls stayed in the den then?"
Dew nods.
"We, obviously, didn't interact with them much. Omega did, but he didn't talk about what was going on down there at the time." he explains, "One time, though, he was talking about this one ghoul in particular, and how they were sick, like really sick, but wouldn't let anyone near them in order to check on them, but one of the human clergymen was able to approach... Uhh, ya know, what's his face..."
"Brother Elijah?"
"That's the bitch!" Dew chirps, then clears his throat again, "But yeah, somehow he was able to get through to them. I guess it's because he used to be some kind of crisis worker or whatever they're called... Well, anyway, he managed to get a name out of them, and I'm pretty sure it was Durand, because they had, like, this list that Omega had to look through and try and find family members, or, like, co-workers, neighbors... people who knew them before, and that's where I saw it."
Swiss frowns, mulling over this new information, and then...
"How... How old was the kid do you think?" he asks, looking to Mountain, whose face contorts as he realizes what the other ghoul is asking.
"I... I'm not sure... Maybe six or seven..."
"There weren't any children among the ghouls at the time, but it's possible they could have been born after the fact... Fuck." Dew rubs his chin, "Could've even been born here."
"Going with the nicer option of after... why come back here now? If this is the same Durand?" Mountain wonders, "You said it made sense, I'm still not quite following as to why..."
"Well, wouldn't you want to go somewhere familiar? Safe? With someone who you trust close by in case you need them? I don't know why they'd come back here otherwise, but, ya know, a lot of people come here because they have nowhere else to go..." Dew clicks his teeth, "I could also be talking out my ass on all of this, man, it has been YEARS since I thought about any of that..."
"But the name stuck out to you, so that has to mean something, right?" Swiss counters, "...What happened to the others?"
"Not sure..." Dew shrugs, "There's only one other ghoul from that incident that's still in residence here, but they live in the dorms with the human clergy, and they're honestly kind of weird."
"How so?"
"Walks on all fours all the time, glows in the dark like a radioactive sleep paralysis demon, dislikes other ghouls ...except for fucking Aeth for some reason..." Dew mutters.
"Why do you sound so bitter about that, hm~?" Swiss teases.
"...Get you instruments out, practice is starting soon. Count yourselves lucky that we're starting later than usual, because Cumulus called and said she'd be late because she's running errands."
Swiss gasps.
"If you knew practice would be starting late, why did you bite us then?!"
"...Maybe I just wanted to bite you, ever thought about that?"
So far, Whitney isn't sure if he likes their new house.
His dad seems sad, but also... hungry?
He's not sure how to explain a feeling like that, like hungry, but for happiness?
Like he's a little low on happy, yeah.
Chicken nuggets and Oreos make Whitney happy.
And Granny's bedtime stories, and Dad's hugs.
Looking around their new kitchen, Whitney can't find any Oreos or chicken nuggets, and Granny lives far, faaaar away now, so she can't tell him a story unless he uses Dad's phone so...
Whitney pads softly across the wood floor, Dad gave him his favorite slippers to wear, the ones that look like dinosaurs eating his feet, and nudges the door to the big bedroom -Dad's new room- open.
"Yeah, Bug?" his father looks up from sorting through some boxes, he's not shaking like he was earlier, but he still seems a bit sad.
Whitney holds his arms up.
His dad smiles, "Sure."
Dad's hugs never fail to make him feel better, so Whitney hopes his hugs can help him feel better, too.
"It's gonna be okay..." Whitney mumbles, squishing his face into his father's shoulder.
Granny always says stuff like that when Dad is sad, when Whitney knows he's supposed to be in bed, but can't sleep.
They talk about a lot of things he doesn't understand, but he knows sometimes it's about him, even if they switch to the fancy language Granny tried to teach him.
French fry or something like that.
"You really do take after your grandma, you know that?" His dad pats his back, "The good parts anyway."
"I got the good pants."
A laugh.
"Sure, Bug, sure you did."
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todostiddies · 5 months
Eren Boyfriend Headcanons pt 2
Modern Eren headcanons for GNreader, a continuation of pt 1
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Texts you goodnight and good morning without fail, but sometimes the good morning texts come at like 12am bruh
He will buckle your seat belt for you
He will open the door for you and if you forget to buckle right away he'll just tell you to scoot over and do it for you before buckling his own
Thinks it's funny to tighten your hood around your face randomly
Absent-mindingly tracing hearts and shapes on you while cuddling
Will call you brat, which he started as a joke to make fun of Levi and now it is unironically a part of his vocabulary much to his dismay
He thinks you being hangry is the adorable even if you're a total demon because of it, in fact, the meaner you get the cuter because he can just poke all the more fun at you when he buys you food and you immediately switch up all sheepishly (which he also loves)
An extra careful driver with you in the car which can then lead to some road rage towards others who aren't, but it never goes past a mean look, the bird, and a couple insults in the privacy of the car. He also deffo does that hot arm hold to you when he brakes too hard and he'll give a little cheeky smile and apology after
Will play Pokemon Go with you and go on Pokemon Go dates where you guys walk the routes and go on hikes or walks around the city to catch pokemon and he always buys you snacks and lunch/dinner during srry but im still in my pokemon go phase
His favorite pokemon is Psyduck
yknow that video where some womans boyfriend/husband was covering the sharp edge of a table while she was on the verge of bumping into it all distracted?? Yeah, that's him. He will cover corners for you and always makes sure you won't clumsily hurt yourself and will watch your step for you depending on how clumsy you are
but at the same time he is constantly trying to trip you and shoves into you with his whole body while walking and tries to push you into puddles like a child
He is fiercely loyal of all of his loved ones and has/will fight anyone on sight for them, as we all know, but he is also very protective of their dreams
He keeps tracks of all his friends and familys most treasured goals/dreams and behind the scenes he is also helping make them come true if he can and/or congratulating them on their progress that no one else may notice and he even will send related things to them like articles or posts
so naturally, things you're really passionate about he will look into and maybe even get into it too
I feel like his mom would have enrolled Eren and Mikasa as junior life guards, she did amazing and really liked it and Eren had fun and was good but didn't care to do it again. Armin went to the wave/beach every day just to hang out with them still, and sometimes Eren abandoned duty or snuck away during a lesson to pick seashells with him
Speaking of, Eren has a mini seashell collection from him and Armin picking them together. He dates each seashell and has given you a couple that he thought you'd like
Because of the whole lifeguard thing, he knows CPR and some basic first aid and the friend group always goes to him if they need extra medical help and he goes straight into his rare mom mode
Him and Mikasa kissed once in a 7 minutes of heaven game in freshmen year of high school, and afterwards decided they were better as friends and never even told Armin until a drunken night of confessions between the three senior year, the night before graduation
He will and has sacrificed himself in little ways for his friends and family, and would do so in bigger ways if the situation ever called for it
He LOVES kissing you
Kisses every morning, before leaving, coming home, when he's bored, when he's excited, when he's sad, all of it. He could be leaving from the dinner table to go to the bathroom and would still kiss you goodbye
He loves making out with you and puts on a romantic playlist he made when you guys hang out and make out in his car he's so cheesy but in a cool way
He thinks you don't realize it's the same playlist but it only has like six songs that just repeat and you have to wrestle him to make you a partner on the playlist so you could add more
When a song you added comes up he'll stop whatever yall are doing just to tell you it was a good choice lmao
He likes flavored Chapstick, but his favorite is vanilla
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!!
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scary-lasagna · 7 months
Hey I was wondering if you can do headcanons or a oneshot with Hoodie and Toby with a reader who has bad asthma? Like it dosnt really bother them but when they have a really bad asthma attack it is really bad like for me when I get a bad attack I get lightheaded, shaky, nauseated, and just generally cannot catch my breath to the point it's like I am not even breathing.
Hoodie & Toby
Toby had bad asthma growing up! He collected doctor referrals like pokemon cards, and usually if someone brings up some sort of sickness he has a story to tell about it.
While never having an asthma attack, Lyra had one while Toby was still a little tyke. And it's still scary as hell to think about.
If you start coughing, Toby will stop what he's doing and check on you, and rub your back.
After the discovery of your bad asthma, he researched how to help you in any way that he can.
Toby will lead you with breathing exercises, stretches to help open your airway, and buy you/pick up your medicine on his way home from work.
And while Toby doesn't know how to exactly administer medicine, he'll talk you through any bad episodes you'll have. And by helping you stay calm, you can persevere until the rescue inhaler kicks in to opening up your airway.
It's scary, but knowing that you have someone talking you through the process, and praising you for doing such a good job, it makes you just a little bit more at ease.
It would be so much scarier doing it alone, but Toby is a great cheerleader and will simultaneously give you space as well as hugging you and rub your back until you feel better,
While Toby is the emotional regulator, Hoodie is the prepared go-to for any mis-happenings.
He's a field medic for the manor and mainly the proxies, he can handle any emergency-type situations.
And he's usually the one to stay up late with you hold a nebulizer on your face so you can get a bit of peaceful sleep before your asthma starts to act up again.
But rest assured if anything goes south, Brian will know how to handle it properly.
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roseglazedlens · 9 months
Hi Rose 🤍 My baby fever is off the charts rn!!! So can I get a hc of any of the RE characters as a baby/toddler in a daycare pls?
Ps: Ik I said any but Chris fs was a FAT baby and Leon was a mama’s boy (thinking about that one audio rn and im sobbing 🥹)
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⦑ 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 ⦒
characters: leon s. kennedy, ashley graham, ethan winters, ada wong, chris redfield, claire redfield, carlos oliveira a/n: thank you maya for requesting bby!! my queen!!! also look at me getting too into this, i love these characters so so much! check out re character's reaction & their s/o's dog ! « masterlist┇reblogs appreciated! »
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You are right! He is a mama's boy!!
On his first few weeks of daycare, Leon would cry the longest every time he's been dropped off.
Has a hard time adjusting to daycare, but gets used to it after making a few friends (notably chris & luis)!
He is always telling his friends and teachers in daycare about how his mama did this... mama did that... Leon is super proud of her.
Also Leon's the kind of kid who plays with cars, crashes them together and starts clapping (Not much different from the present)
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Teacher's pet just because she's always respectful, and sharing toys with her classmates.
Oftentimes, kids take advantage of that and take her toys.
Because of that, I think she's often neglected by her teachers since the other troublemaker kids need more attention, so to speak.
She would be friends with Claire as Claire would not hesitate to snitch on other kid's bad behaviour to the teacher.
Ashley loves little Sylvanian Families and play-doh - I see this developing into a slime making hobby as an adult!
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I'm getting the quiet, nerdy kid vibe for Ethan.
Toddler Ethan loves to collect trading cards, he doesn't necessarily know how to play the game, he just likes the glossy look of them.
I feel like he'll have trouble making friends in class because they don't understand what the cards mean to him.
Poor kid just wants someone to talk about Pokemon with.
Gets very excited about dinosaurs and will play the game "Who can name the most dinosaurs?" knowing he'll always win.
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Don't mess with Ada, or she'll have you regret it.
Even as a toddler, she would always get her way. Always be the first on swings.
Ada, even as a kid, enjoys her solitude and hates for that to be broken. She enjoys playing LEGO uninterrupted.
I can see her hating loud kids like Chris (And that's totally not because Chris trampled her LEGO town one time and she'd held that grudge for life)
Younger Ada teaches the other kids bad words, but somehow she is never caught, and never gotten in trouble.
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Fat baby (he's just built this way)
'Accidentally' steals Claire's NERF guns, and feigns ignorance when he's confronted.
Big troublemaker at daycare. Teachers are always chasing him down but toddler Chris runs really fast.
100% Captain America enthusiast. He admires the act of serving his country, and that lead him to choose a career in military.
NERFs guns for life - I see him messing around and shooting the dart at other kids (especially Claire, usually to get back at her for snitching on him to mum)
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Younger Claire, who also inherited the Redfield attitude, takes no shit from anyone.
If Chris shoves her, Claire would shove back. And that may have resulted in a lot of sibling fights.
Strong believer of justice - Will pick fights with anyone, even big kids and adults, if she sees injustice.
Brutally honest kid - when someone asks for a compliment, she would say "That shirt makes you look fat" without batting an eye.
Alike Chris, she loves NERF guns (they often like the same guns, so it almost always turns into a brawl at the toy section)
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Carlos, is the number one reason of all teacher's migraines in his daycare.
He is the class clown, so anything he says gets a reaction from the other kids in class (often disrupting them)
So the moment Carlos speaks (he is still focusing on whatever he's doing), the class erupts in laughter.
Toddler Carlos is the kid who mashes the music button on a toy repeatedly. A cheeky smile on his face, very entertained by it.
Also I see toddler Carlos on the trampoline a lot, often trying to jump as high as he can. Even though he is most definitely too young to be on the trampoline.
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thanks for reading! come check out my other works. —yours truly, rose. tags: @valsthea @sporeghost @httpsuguru @emilzke @daydreamrot @navstuffs @custard0nut @ovaryacted © roseglazedlens — please do not repost, plagiarise, or feed to ai.
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crypticcowboys · 7 months
hi there, i absolutely love your writing! please may i request some general headcanons for mike x gn!reader where both he and the reader are autistic? i’m glad to see that someone else headcanons him as such :D i hope that’s not too vague!!
a/n: thank you for being my first ask :3! and ofc it's not too vague! this is going to be focused more on mike's traits and basically his interactions with you. this was also lowkey self indulgent. i actually really enjoyed writing this so i think i might make another one of these focusing just on him@))@ pairing: autistic/audhd!mike schmidt x autistic!gn!reader headcanons, also autistic abby (the entire family is autistic) warnings: brief mention of autistic meltdown, otherwise fluff. wc: 836 (i ran out of ideas.)
not proofread i wrote this while high
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mike schmidt didn't find out that he was autistic until a lot later into his adult life-- only knowing that he had adhd. he always knew that abby was autistic, she had been diagnosed earlier into her life. but him? he never gave second thought to it. of course, he felt disconnected in a sense to the rest of the world. he was there, but he felt like nobody truly clicked nor resonated with him besides abby. of course, until he met you.
to say that mike was truly comfortable with you was an understatement. he didn't feel forced to make eye contact with you, and of course, ended up feeling comfortable enough with you to make full-on eye-contact... each and every time.
i feel like mike's love languages are definitely quality time and physical contact. he enjoys sitting in a room with you as a sort-of body double-- you two don't have to talk at all for him to have a good time with you. he enjoys being close to you, or being in a room with you, the both of you engaging in anything that you'd like. as for the physical touch part, he always needs to be connected with you in some way. in public, he's behind you, interlinking your arms or your hands together and giving you a soft squeeze. or when you're both in bed, and you two can actually fully hold eachother, this man needs pressure. he needs to feel like he's being pressed by a hydraulic press. either lay on-top of him or squeeze him from behind whilst he's the little spoon-he's in heaven.
mike definitely loves the sound of your voice. when you're talking he's pretty much giving you his full attention, even if he's not looking directly at you, or doing something else. he won't mind if you ramble about your special interest or your hyperfixation, he'll listen and ask you as many questions that pop into his mind. he's genuinely curious about what you're into!
as for mike's sPin/hyperfixations, i feel like one of the biggest hyperfixations he ever had as a child was pokemon. it's basic and mainstream, i know, but i feel like he especially took interest in card-collecting. i feel like he's a big collector in general-- he likes seeing physical groups of things that he either picks up or buys himself. he doesn't have much money to expand his collections now, but every once in a while he'll save up to expand them. i feel like he really enjoys miniature things-- like tiny things he can build. this may seem a bit childish to him and he'd never admit it-- but he likes calico critters because of the small objects. he can just never afford the sets. i feel like he also watches tiny cooking videos on his phone when he can't sleep.
mike's also a really big music enjoyer. i feel like he's always got his walkman on him-- several tapes. this man is a sade and jeff buckley enjoyer and you can't tell me any different.
despite the fact that he needs a job to support himself and abby-- mike is quick to burn out with work. he'll start off strong at first, and then later, everything down to the very air he could breathe in the place could just irritate him. besides all the stuff that happened at freddy's, it was... sort of a fresh breath of air, being his 'own boss.' no coworkers that couldn't understand the meaning of taking a break due to overstimulation to nag in his ear during rushes. not that rushes even really existed in the first place at freddy's. but for all his other jobs, he either got fired or outright quit less than 6 months of work because of his dull-minded managers. fast food was the worst-- he'd always encounter rude customers. he got a drink thrown at him, once, and he swore to never work fast food again. he does not back down on promises.
but whenever he does have burnout, or have a meltdown, mike instantly seeks you out first. he's clinging to you like a lifeline, feeling tears springing to his eyes whenever he's thinking about the amount of bills and fees he has to pay, or the chores he needs to do. he needs you to distract him from it all, he needs you to hold him tight and just distract him from everything. the burnout takes weeks to go away, but you and abby just make the experience so much smoother for him.
i feel like mike really enjoys going on road trips and long drives. no destination, just driving around with you and abby, making up dumb stories or you giving storytimes from your job that abby probably shouldn't be hearing, incase she starts picking up words like 'shit.' but she's already picked them up, honestly.
both you and abby are his lifelines. and the world wouldn't quite click if it weren't for you, especially.
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fbfh · 2 months
okay, pretty odd request and i completely understand if you do not feel comfortable writing it; you can totally scrap it! so i just got my wisdom teeth removed and i am pretty miserable about it. i was kind of wondering how our favourite boy leo might react. i feel like, as repair boy, he would be pretty bummed to not be able to just fix it right away, y’know? thank you so much, whether you feel comfortable writing for this prompt or not, i love your work and you are literally my favourite writer for leo💋
awww babes!!!!!!! I got my wisdom teeth out like maybe a year ago???? ish???? while it did suck it wasn't quite as bad as I thought it would be so I TOTALLY understand both how much it sucks and the i feel like shit Leo cravings.
okay okay so first of all Leo would not leave your side for a minute. he is so sweet and attentive and gentle with you while your coming back from anesthesia like a motherfucking walking lime green flag. like this. if he's still in college at MIT or wherever he's collecting diplomas like pokemon he will not HESITATE to ditch all classes that day to take care of you with or without his school's permission. if you cry on anesthesia like I do he will be SO FUCKING TENDER with you. he gets every possible caring for someone hack from his mom and from the internet and every resource possible to make sure you're happy and pain free and comfy. He brings you ice packs for your cheeks with tongs so he doesn't accidentally melt them with his hands (it did happen once. you both laughed so hard.) and he always makes sure you eat enough yogurt so your antibiotics don't mess up your stomach. he stays close to you, helps take care of your hair and skin, watches cartoons and movies with you. if you like having your nails done, he will SO give you mani pedis. even if you normally get acrylics or gel or whatever, seeing the slightly messy, sparkly matching nail polish in your favorite colors Leo tenderly and carefully put on your nails and toes makes you so happy every time you see it. he pets your head and peppers you with kisses and tells you how brave you were in a soft voice. he gets you a "conradulations on letting them steal your teeth" basket full of plushies and juice and intricate little coloring pages and crossword puzzles and stuff to keep you busy. He plays cozy video games with you and builds the most insane shit for you in animal crossing. you post it online and some people speculate that he hacked or modded the game to do that but nope. Leo simply loves you to the point of invention. If your swelling or pain is real bad and you're also a demigod he'll check with Will (aka the entire demisquad's informal PCP) how much ambrosia or nectar to give you to help you heal quickly and take the edge off. He holds your hands while you take little walks around your house or apartment a few times a day, like your recovery instructions say to. he makes you what he affectionatley referres to as "gourmet baby food", aka soups and soft pates and purees that taste better than most solid food. he relays all get well soon messages from your friends, including how percy joked that getting your wisdom teeth out means annabeth has less competition for the title of group brain cell wielder. your kitty Jackjack curls up on your lap as soon as Leo initially brings you back from the dentist and doesn't leave your side for a minute. every selfie you and Leo send the group chat has Jackjack curled up on your chest, purring and drooling contently. You have no idea how Leo makes something like pulling teeth feel like a spa vacation, but he makes everything into such a warm, cozy, happy experience. but you guess that when you love someone as much as you and Leo love each other, it's not too surprising.
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c0la-queen · 4 months
Tom Headcanons | The Tired Friend
Tom's skin is fairly tan. His hair is a light brown color and he keeps his facial hair at a chin scruff.
He is the shortest of the boys, standing 5'11 tall. The teasing he experiences from the boys due to this makes him grumpy and he is not afraid to punch them in the gut over it.
While he is slightly lanky (not to the same level as Matt, but not as bulky as Tord or Edd) he does have a healthy bit of chub to him.
It's unknown exactly how many tattoos Tom has, or if he even has any at all. He refuses to answer the question. If Reader asks, he'll just ominously say "you'll find out" then change the subject. As for piercings, he has an eyebrow piercing and multiple ear piercings.
Family Life:
Tom is the most tragic of the group in this aspect.
When he was young, his parents passed away in an accident. Since he was a child, his brain blocked out the entire experience, so he can't remember exactly what the accident was- nor does he really want to remember.
He and his brother went and lived with an aunt after this happened- they were still in town, so his friends didn't change.
He was never particularly close with that aunt so he fell out of touch with her after a while.
As for his brother, who is a year younger than him, he talks to him occasionally but not often.
So, overall, doesn't have the best relationship with his biological family- but that's okay, because the roommates are his family now.
Seems kind of cold, but he's actually pretty friendly.
He's just tired all the time.
His sense of humor is broken. He would find fail videos the funniest shit. Probably loves the Everlong trend on Tik Tok.
A huge music nerd, but keeps it lowkey because he thinks its embarrassing. He knows all kinds of music, and can probably name a shit ton of songs that play on the radio off the top of his head. Definitely has a whole self full of vinyl records that he's collected.
I like to dip more into his bass playing than a lot of people I've seen ever do. He usually waits until he's home alone or only one other person is in the house to play, just because he doesn't wanna bother the others. Has learned how to play a good handful of songs on his bass. Follows those accounts on Tik Tok that do bass and electric guitar covers of songs.
He's pretty decent at singing, but never sings around others because it makes him flustered. Will occasionally sing lullabies to Reader when she can't sleep or had a nightmare. But she's the only one he'll sing for.
Although he acts like he hates all of them, he cares a lot about the others. He doesn't acknowledge it or admit it, but he does take care of his roommates here and there. Yes, even Tord.
On the flip side, he's shit at taking care of himself. it's honestly a miracle that he's as healthy as he is. Probably ends up falling asleep in random areas of the house the most, leaving the others to sigh and lay a blanket on top of him when they find him.
"Cry about it." "Sucks to suck."
He likes playing Minecraft. Finds it so peaceful, definitely a welcome break from the chaotic household. He'll let Reader lay between his legs while they lay in bed with him and he plays. Learned how to play his favorite Minecraft songs on his bass.
Chronic sloucher. The man has Certified shrimp posture. Help his poor spine.
Tom is a professional photographer! He's very good at what he does and has quite the schedule booked. Makes sure its very clear to his clients that he is not available for bookings on the weekends - those are reserved for his family roommates.
He loves Ghost-type Pokemon. I have no reasoning behind this one, honestly. Just vibes. He's got a Gengar Squishmallow on his bed that he treats like his own son.
A very simple man. Likes the simple and peaceful things in life. Too bad he got his ass irreparably bonded with three (four counting Reader) of the most unhinged, chaotic people in existence.
Yes. Several of his accessories are black and white checkered. Sue him, but he's consistent. Main things to note of this theme are his phone case, a pair of slip-on Vans, and the old skateboard in his closet that he hasn't used since secondary school.
Like Tord, he's got a smoking habit that he's trying to combat with vaping. Still uses cigarettes on particularly stressful or frustrating nights.
Likes drinking Java Monster Energy.
Very proud vinyl record collector. Not picky about what kind of records he gets, though he tends to prefer ska and classic rock (dad rock). One of the best things to get him as a present, he'll love it dearly.
Has so many playlists. Making them is therapeutic for him. It's one of his love languages, a way that he expresses his feelings. Also has playlists for his emotions, and for all kinds of different situations like rainy days or beach trips. Showing Reader his playlists would be him opening up to them in a huge way.
Playlist (From My Spotify Playlist For Him):
Arctic Monkeys
Tame Impala
Fall Out Boy
Green Day
The All-American Rejects
Anthony Amorim
Cigarettes After Sex
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sunseed-leaf · 28 days
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art dump timeee
lots of pokemon stuff i hope you like it :) this is a looooooooooong post
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Originally these were just design mashups, at least, that was the plan for my "redesigns"... but it really made me realize how little they change Red throughout the generations. hence why he looks VERY similar to his canon design, i just added some things i guess. for Blue i could go absolutely ham with things i wanted in his design since there's so much to choose from. the fang idea comes from my friend. also, these are pretty much used for an AU based off of the RG project romhack by @shima-draws (i hope tagging is okay aaa) bc i played it with my friend and we really liked it and it converted him into a pokemon fan and namelessshipper :) In the end we made our own AU based off of it because other characters got thrown into it. we're continuing the timeline in soul silver :p
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Here's a design for Leaf, she's Red's sister in my headcanon, i again went for the design mashup thing so that's why she looks like a mashup of Green and Leaf. i don't have much to say here....
Then there's some designs i can't show but it's for the reason that they are just human + trainer versions of sonic exes (not joking, i wish i was. my friend dragged them into our mini-roleplays, only two and they were Red's traveling companions and later Kris's too.)
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Then here's a redesign inspired by other Daisy designs. dunno why but i just wanted her to be pink....
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even more eepies....
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then i made some silly redesigns/design mashups for Ash and Gary
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And drew Red and Blue in alola. married dudes -w- Just in general my headcanon is that Red collects keychains, he probably has boxes worth of keychains and puts different ones on his bag every day, he even did this as a child he just didn't stop even into adulthood. Still a kid at heart with his silly keychains more headcanon rambles: Blue hates the cold but loves the warmth and Red loves the cold and hates the warmth. please put him into a freezer he can't handle the heat of alola- also yeah i know i messed up the number on Red's shirt, i learned how to draw 96 after this, i promise
And now we get to Pokemon Soul Crystal,,, which is just pokemon soul silver but with a patch that makes Lyra into Kris lol
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Here she is!! i tried incorporating some bits from Lyra and her comfy outfit is based off of Gold i swear i love Kris's design in canon, the hair is a lil funky tho so i made the pigtails a bit shorter and poofier
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then we got Silver here... again not much change, i love his design, i just wanted to add some moon details bc why not
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I'll batch these together! here's some redesigns for the OG trio for Soul Crystal
Blue is supposed to look like he's been crying (sorry Blue :C) Red just makes me think of pokepastas im sorry, once he gets off mt. silver he'll get a haircut. Leaf is just. i dunno, i don't really know how to characterize her... she cares a lot about people but she's kinda bitchy about it. tough love i guess.. I think after soul crystal is over i'll get working on an continuation of that that isn't tied to a game where she gets more of an important role so i can work on her character. Blue is wearing lots of reds/warmer tones cause why not and Red is supposed to wear lots of blues/colder tones to give a little bit of a connection i guess.
Now, here's the final drawing before i show shitpost stuff, this was drawn with a drawing tablet rather than a mouse like usual
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lines are a little funky but i like how this looks, i just need a bit more practice, i'm rusty on drawing with a pen
and now, shitpost:
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i love Cinder the Typhlosion,,,, he's so cute
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i know this is at the top of the post but i wanna put this here again and credit the idea for this: here.
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that's all, goob bye i'll go back into hibernation
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r0-boat · 7 months
Random Emmet hcs
Just a collection of random thoughts I had about him every once when I had various thoughts about him. Or things I've changed my mind about when I made posts like this similar in the past. Anyways enjoy! ( I miss writing Submas :( )
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Sfw below cut for length
Follow me on this blog for multifandom writing content (mostly Pokemon)
He's very competitive when it comes to anything with competition although he's very good at Pokemon battles, because to him winning a battle not only means better in skill and raising your Pokemon but also a bigger Bond with trainer and companion he is actually happy when he loses because it still means he has a lot to learn and grow which he is always happy to know more, and he gets to see a happy trainer and happy Pokemon celebrate their victory is there a greater reward than that? But for some reason video games he becomes a sore loser no yelling no Tantrums just silent anger stowing in his Petty thoughts he'll never act out.
He was lying on his living room floor with a blanket topped over him in a T-shirt and sweatpants when he was sick because, for some reason, the floor felt better than his own bed.
Hangs up memes around the office or sends his friends semi cursed images / memes for no reason with little too no explanation. And has a whole folder in his phone just for joltik/other bug pokemon image memes, just in case he needs to react to anything he can't put into words.
I still think he likes to play scary games but his favorite ones are the ones he gets to play with his friends and laugh at their deaths. Skyla and Emmet give each other Petty nicknames and fight with each other on the regular especially over text online and in games. They fight like siblings which is funny because image is actually really close with his brother and doesn't understand why a lot of people aren't packed with their siblings. Sometimes, your sibling's actions can get on your nerves, but their family are sometimes the only ones who can understand you.
He takes self degradation even if they're jokes very seriously.
If Emmet could he would be a full-time joltik breeder I mean don't get me wrong he probably has dozens of them but I mean those breeders that have cool morphs of like certain lizards, snake and insects. Because I refuse to believe in the world of Pokémon that they are no Pokemon that are the same species but with different patterns/ fur or scale color/ breeds etc. He tried to do it himself, but he was stopped by a certain someone
Emmet cannot have TikTok downloaded as much as he loves the app; he will spend hours and hours on it and flood his poor brother and Friends with 99+ notifications. One of the depot agent managers runs the official TikTok account, and before they post anything, both brothers have to check for inappropriate content.
Emmet is either very photogenic or takes very cursed blurry photos there is no between. They'll either be a photo that looks almost professionally done with perfect lighting with his loose tie and shirt half buttoned while another one will have the lighting making it look like his eyes are glowing while the entire photo is dark with his hand coming down on the camera with a caption that says "POV: you're a bug Pokemon"
Still trying to win Nimbasa's hottest Bachelor after his brother who had one the last 3 years in a row😔
Genshin player/bias
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riddlerosehearts · 9 months
headcanons for idia/vil, my most beloved underrated ship 💙💜
after the STYX incident idia wants to thank vil for saving him from falling into the underworld, but gets too nervous to say anything every time he tries to bring it up. he's terrified of saying or doing something wrong, since if he embarrasses himself he won't be able to just reset like in a video game
he realizes during a gaming session with yuu and some of their other friends at ramshackle dorm that part of why he gets so nervous is because he's had a crush on vil ever since the day vil saved him
he decides that he is not ever going to confess this to vil, because obviously vil would never date an F-tier guy like him when he could get with practically anyone he wanted, but he'll still have to thank him for saving his life
and then when he finally gets up the courage to do so... it ends with vil confessing to idia and idia is half-convinced he's been teleported into some kind of strange dating sim based on a movie vil starred in, with himself as a romanceable NPC, without him realizing it
but nope, he's still in the real world and vil just?? genuinely likes him?? vil's confession gives idia the courage to tell him he likes him back, and they start dating.
vil is just as happy as idia is to stay in and not do anything fancy for dates. he's often incredibly busy and constantly in the public eye, after all, so he cherishes getting to just have nice, simple movie nights with his boyfriend beside him
sometimes vil will come over while idia is gaming and not even say anything, he'll just cuddle up beside him or sit right in his lap. of course, he tries to take a peek at what game idia is playing first, because you do not mess him up in one of his online multiplayer games. but 9 times out of 10 idia loves this and will gladly let vil tell him about his day before launching into an explanation of what he's been doing in the game.
vil obviously inspires idia to take better care of himself, and helps him feel less anxious and self-concious, but idia does a lot for vil too! idia helps vil relax and unwind and get to just be a normal teenager sometimes, instead of always having to be the vil schoenheit, world famous celebrity
idia admires how hardworking, talented, and intelligent vil is and vil absolutely loves how passionate and perceptive idia is, and how driven he can be when he really puts his mind to something.
vil thinks idia's hair is beautiful, and loves to play with it or style it while idia talks. he's a bit nervous to do so at first, but idia assures him that the flames won't hurt him
vil also loves being flirty and complimenting/teasing idia just to see if he can get his hair to turn pink. he succeeds nearly every time.
sometimes when idia is playing games that don't have voice acting (like pokemon for example), he and vil will have fun together by doing their own voice acting. if they're hanging out at ramshackle, yuu and grim and their other friends join the cast! but idia always makes sure vil gets to voice protagonists or other heroic characters
almost anytime these two have a movie night or a gaming session it ends with them having long, spirited discussions and debates about the media. they'll talk about the techniques and inspirations that went into creating it (and you just know idia knows so. much. trivia. he probably collects all of the art/making of books for his favorite media), about theories and headcanons, what they like and dislike about it, just... anything
vil loves talking with idia about costume design and analyzing the fashion styles of fictional worlds. he is gravely offended by many of the fashion choices in the RPGs idia plays
idia often catches himself infodumping to vil about his favorite anime, games, and other media and gets embarrassed and suddenly just stops. vil pretty much always says something like "why did you stop there? it was just getting interesting" or tells him to keep going. sometimes he'll even give idia a kiss on the cheek to encourage him. he doesn't always understand what idia is talking about, but he genuinely enjoys hearing him talk about the things he loves.
this is basically canon already, but vil absolutely loves ortho. which is good, because ortho loves him right back and idia would never date someone who didn't have his little brother's stamp of approval.
idia often thinks it's almost unbelievable that he even gets to have vil in his life, like they're in some kind of fairytale-inspired shoujo anime. vil thinks idia needs to wake up and realize that he's not the only one who feels so lucky.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 10 months
shiratorizawa/inarizaki headcanons bc i miss them and i love them and i crave yamagata and reon content so i have to be the change i want to see in the world. so let's go!!
reon, the love of my life
i actually think he really likes comforting cozy slice-of-life sim games, like stardew valley and animal crossing and such
okay this is the part where i retcon the entire haikyuu timeline bc i really like the idea of everyone piling into reon's and tendou's dorm and watching reon game on a switch
or just like. gathering in the common area and squishing onto the couch or whatever while reon roams his island collecting fruits and bugs or whatever
(these games are the only sense of peace and stability reon gets at this goddamn school)
anyways it's funny bc tendou screams every time reon runs into a wasp's nest and yells "RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN" until reon either gets stung or successfully evades them
admittedly i do think the ds and gameboy are sacred and, for the sake of nostalgia, are definitely used to play pokemon (of which everyone has a favorite gen and get into endless arguments about it)
tendou DOES teach goshiki how to pirate shit and get ROM hacks and emulators and such tho
reon and semi are the most popular members out of the third years btw
they're both polite and calm and generally nice and don't have an RBF that makes people nervous
too many people keep trying to fight yamagata just bc they think he's glaring at them and he is SO tired
yamagata (slightly inspired by my own recent purchase) decides to get a phone charm to see if it'll help him keep track of his phone btw
he mentions this idea to semi who mentions it to reon who mentions it to tendou who blabs to the whole team. and guess what? everyone gets the absolutely brilliant idea of gifting yamagata a phone charm!!!
so now he has like a dozen different ones. and he's STILL losing his goddamn phone, so now his convos are like "have you seen my phone? yeah right now it's got a little phone charm hanging off of it, so just keep an eye out for that. what does the charm look like? oh i meant it's a charm that is literally a phone. of course it was tendou, who else do you think it was"
tendou has also taken to putting stickers on yamagata in an attempt to make him "less scary". sometimes yamagata knows about it. sometimes he doesn't.
kawanishi: "yamagata-san, pardon me for asking, but why do you have one-punch man on your butt" yamagata: "i have what now"
tendou meets someone he can talk to manga about online in some fandom/community forum or whatever and he is absolutely BETRAYED to find out that it's akagi michinari of inarizaki
okay not really but he is SUPER dramatic about it and keeps going on and on to akagi about how he can't be caught fraternizing with the enemy
akagi is just like "yeah yeah now are we going to talk about the complexities of yoru being both a victim and a perpetrator and his inevitable redemption arc or what"
aran is still scared of tendou btw. like he won't outright admit it but he's still not over the time tendou yelled that he was going to piss in his pants from all the way across the court.
when akagi tells him they've become friends aran is like "are you SURE about that"
also i know tendou gets pissed off at suna. but i think it'd be REALLY funny if suna got pissed off at kawanishi
something something "he should be more sure of himself, he'll never stop aran-san like that" something something "and i thought i was a sarcastic little bitch" something something "no i DON'T think he's cute what the fuck are you on about"
(i didn't mean for it to go that way when i started typing it but i DO think it'd be an absolutely hilarious development)
i htink kawanishi and shirabu go on a lot of study dates, holing up at coffeeshops and boba cafes with their backpacks and notebooks and spending hours on homework and studying
shirabu worked his ass off to get into shiratorizawa and he intends to keep it that way!! he's a model student. probably even the top of their year. everyone knows him as the high-achiever.
kawanishi is there to make sure shirabu doesn't get lost inside his head and gets him take breaks and makes sure he doesn't get sucked into the endless soulless spiral of academic rigor at an elite private high school
basically: shirabu's consistently on the path to burnout and kawanishi is there to keep the flames alive
(hey that would be a good fic summary)
maybe that's another thing, then, that helps kawanishi and suna become friends. because suna's been there. suna knows, sometimes, that feeling of imposter syndrome. feeling like you don't belong. feeling like you have to prove your worth, your entire existence, just to be able to stay in a place you love, even if that place might not love you back.
and kawanishi knows shirabu would rather shove a volleyball down his throat than open up about the bad days and the bad feelings, so he picks suna's brain instead to find out how he can help. what he can do. what shirabu might be thinking and how kawanishi can fix it
you can't, suna tells him, you can't fix something like this. he has to learn to live with it. to grow around it. to believe in something better until it's the only thing he believes in. but having people you care about care about you helps. it did for me.
and so kawanishi is there to draw the blanket around shirabu's shoulders, and he's there to put snacks on shirabu's desk, and he's there to flip shirabu's textbook close when the clock hits eleven they need to sleep, and he cares for shirabu in all the ways shirabu can't care for himself and hopes that it's enough
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nogenderbee · 8 months
Oh, sorry! I didn't know! My memories of Pokemon are a little fuzzy so I'll try my best to explain.
So, Kyogre is a whale-like Legendary water-type Pokemon that possesses the ability to expand the oceans and create storms. It battled with it's rival Groudon (another legendary Pokemon that has the ability to expand continents). It is believed to be the personification of the sea itself and is also described as the creator of the ocean in mythology. A powerful Pokemon, it has control over the water and rain. It is hailed as a savior for quenching areas of the world plagued with drought. Kyogre is able to fly and generally lives deep in the ocean, resting in a deep trench.
Kyogre is normally very calm and peaceful until it meets it's rival, Groudon.
I hope this helps!
Thank you for explaining and absolutely! I hope I got it correctly and that you like it!
And just for curious people and me... here's link to original request!
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕂𝕪𝕠𝕘𝕣𝕖 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Zhongli, Gorou, Itto, Tighnari with Kyogre alike!reader
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @bleachtheidiot
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✧ Zhongli had a small feeling about you being a but different form normal humans since beginning
✧ he noticed how you have strong bond with water and how you seem to have some sort of control over the water anytime you're around and he'd lie if he said his curiosity wasn't picked
✧ he knew you were a human and never doubted it but he was really curious where you got that sort of power from
✧ he won't actually ask you about it at first, instead he'll recall every single meeting with water species and try to associate some with you! But as could be expected, none actually fit it...
✧ but once he discovers the truth either through you or through other ways of gaining knowledge (or by him remembering something), he won't really make a fuss about it and will observe in silence, after all he doesn't want to scare you away
✧ he'll patiently wait for you to reveal all of your powers to him, he wants you to do it out od your own will and trust, and he has all time in the world!
"Oh that's interesting. So you just happen to find sea calming? Would you mind telling me more about it? I'm genuinely curious about the reason."
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✧ Gorou noticed your skills almost immidietly and you could feel it by the way he stares at you with curiosity in his eyes! But he pretends to look at something else once you catch him
✧ he doesn't like being remembered about his dog-like appearance so he doesn't mention it to you either, especially since it'd mean admiring he's been admiring your powers
✧ but one time you played with water close to him and he got distracted, his tail immidiely wagging, you couldn't help but state with a smile but that ended with him being flustered a bit
✧ in the end he admits he was paying special attention to you and that's when he finally knows everything from you! But it ended on that, he trusted you were a human and never even dared think otherwise
✧ of course he heard about your rival and saw how troubled you got by it, he definitely was interested but also a bit startled by your sudden change... after all you were always so calm and collected
"Huh!? No, I wasn't staring... I was just... I thought I saw Lady Kokomi pass in the distance, that's all."
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✧ I feel like Itto wouldn't assume you for having some special powers even if he saw your tricks with water, he'd just find it impressing but that's all!
✧ he'd actually get more interested in it if he hears fairytale or so about some water creature, that'd when he starts seeing similiarity between you and them
✧ he's not secret about it tho, you can do anything and he'll casually mention your similiarity
✧ but when he discovers fully about your powers and despite everyone telling him it's not something normal humans do, he won't question anything and will be the biggest supporter in return
✧ most likely asks you to perform your skills when he's bored or when he needs a distraction so be prepared to be associated with his troubles if you agree
✧ but don't worry because this man will do his best to defend you with his life!! It just doesn't usually works...
✧ but going onto next trait of yours, he's surprised how calm you are and tried making you a bit less official and have some fun, at least when you're around him
"Just imagine how much fun everyone would have if you did a water slide! At least a small one! ... Please?"
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✧ Tighnari is rather observant so all it took was one trick with water when he was on patrol, and he started being more interested in all the why's
✧ he can't count how much books about animals and even mythical species he read for the last few days with hope that at least one would lead him closer to discovering
✧ in the end, he figures out it's the best to ask you himself. As much as he'd like to discover it all himself, it seems he has ko choice if he wants to know the truth
✧ and when he does discover it, he won't hesitate to ask you for a small showcase of your abilities. And he'll make sure to note them all!
✧ he's DEFINITELY not believing you're fully a human after all of that tho, he's sure you must have at least a bit of other genes in you
✧ he associated your calmness with water ever after discovering your association with it, but then he realized that even the calmest sea can be chaotic...
✧ that's why he expected you to burst sooner or later so when you met your rival, he was already prepared and quickly dragged you away as he offered you your comfort food or some plushy to calm down
"I expected situation like this may occur so I brought your favorite sweet with me. Here you go."
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sweetbabymantykes · 5 months
Allo! 've recently hatched a tynamo and was wondering if you had any advice for caring for one? Or just general tyanmo tips would be cool too
His name is Ness btw and he is super cute.
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Oooh, just a little guy...
Tynamo are very social pokemon, in the wild you'll generally see them schooled up, which also amplifies their electric charge. For your purposes it's probably better that you don't have a school, they've been known to have collective outputs comparable to a lightning strike. Not that they discharge a ton of electricity unless they feel stressed, but 'stressed' sometimes just means 'I'm alone and I don't know where anybody is'. It'll still try to buddy up with your other pokemon, and especially other electric types. I suspect that Ness here is gonna be inseparable from your Dedenne, or at least he'll try to be.
Being a non-water type aquatic pokemon, they do much better on land for extended periods of time than most other aquatics, but will still want some regular access to water. It seems like you've already got a tank set up, which is good! They're fine in freshwater but really thrive in saltwater conditions, which can be harder to maintain than freshwater tanks but their amphibious nature means they're much less picky about salinity than most oceanic water types. Being a baby, he's gonna have a lot of energy, get him some good hides, toys, and seaweed patches (artificial is fine, but switch it out for real stuff if he starts chewing on it) so he has stuff to get his energy out without harassing or shocking you or your other pokemon. EXTREMELY cute little guy, send more pics when you get the chance!
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commander-wame · 3 months
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☼ - Wame
☾ - Eldrid
☆ - Gixi
years after dreaming up a timeline for the main three i finally made one 👍
+ more context under the cut! anything commander-y in story not mentioned is glued onto Wame
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Wame doesn't act on his Slaying a Dragon destiny for a long time. He needs a lot more guidance regaining his strength and working on his social skills than most other saplings before he can leave the Grove. Pale Tree's and Caithe's insistence just leave him feeling more pessimistic about the whole ordeal, he leaves to live in Cathal finding his calling as a ranger training Fern Hounds. His older brother Fehine is teach him in Mender skills.
Pre Personal Story
Wame and Eldrid awoke the same day. Wame first during noon, but his pod was so high up that his first meeting with the ground would've been his last if El hadn't found him slowly bleeding out 12 hours later when she awoke during night. They dreamt of each other, they recognise each other. Wame dreamt of slaying a dragon and saw Eldrid die a firey death. Due to his injuries to his spine and head he ended up Soundless against his will. Eldrid barely remembers anything save for a few glimpses, including Wame's face.
Eldrid is more adventurous and has slowly built a party of friends. Like lots of sylvari, she's obsessed with knighthood and wants to be one herself. She always visits Wame before and after an adventure. She wants a Wyld Hunt of her own, but never gets one. Neither of them admit to romantic feelings, being unable to feel each others emotions due to Wame' soundlessness.
Gixi is having a horrible teenage / young adulthood. School was a terribly rough time and the one college that accepted her booted her out after a few weeks due to 'incompetence'. Slowly cultivating mesmer skills in her spare time, but really wants to be academically succesful like an asura is 'supposed' to be.
Weeks go by and Wame is worried, and finally starts following his Hunt, but only really in hopes of finding El. During his travels he starts appreciating and caring for Tyria more. He's still pretty sure he'll be dead before reaching Zhaitan though. He joins Whispers, thinking their tracking skills and hidden knowledge might help him find El.
Personal Story + Lws1 + Lws2
Eldrid left one day and didn't come back. Unbeknowst to everyone else, her entire party was killed fighting creatures from the Mists. She was sucked into the portal the creatures came from.
Gixi turns out a pretty talented mesmer but still feels useless. Whispers ends up recruiting her, after Tibalts death she ends up becoming Wame's newbie partner. She has 0 confidence in herself. Wame and Gixi become good friends, Gixi gains Some confidence (but not a lot).
With Zhaitan dead, Wame is now fully invested in his, Trahearne's and Caithe's cause. Hasn't lost hope of finding Eldrid yet, but chances of her being alive start feeling more slim.
Gixi is now a very active Whispers agent. Wame is collecting friends (future Dragon's Watch) like pokemon. He doesn't tell them about Eldrid. The lead-up to HoT and its implications has him worrying that Eldrid ended up in the wrong part of the jungle.
Eldrid is ???.
Wame was captured and Mordrem Podded in Tangled Depths. Managed to resist and escape just about, but physically altered halfway through his Mordremisation. Finds his first pet Honeybee (fern hound) dead. Has a terribly hard time convincing Pact members and friends not to kill him on sight.
Very painful no good time. Gixi was on a crashed airship but survived. Mostly stayed in Verdant Brink scouting out survivors and getting them to camps unnoticed.
Finds a juvenile Smokescale, names her Sparkfly.
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Eir's dead. Had to kill Trahearne. Life sucks but we keep trucking for Tyria's sake.
Eldrid meanwhile popped back into Tyria, extremely confused with no memories of what happened in the Mists. All she knows is that she feels angrier than ever and there's creepy voices in her head. It concerns her greatly that they sound like her dead friends, writes this off as grief. She hears about a commander with her dear friend's name, desperately wants to see him again. Follows rumours and murmurs of his presence best she can, but with no way to contact him ends up far behind.
Lws3 + PoF before the Departing
After the events of HoT, Wame 100% thinks Eldrid is long dead. Finds solace in taking care of Aurene's egg and eventually Aurene herself, being the only creature nearby who doesn't have a reference of what he looked like before the jungle, simply looking at him with love and happiness.
Whispers remember El from Wame's description of her. They don't trust her casually popping back into existence just like that and think something's up. Gixi is tasked with tracking and observing her, and if need be to keep her away from Wame if she gets too close. Gixi knows abt Wame's desire to find Eldrid and feels incredibly guilty, but ultimately doesn't fully trust her either.
Eldrid gains a reputation as the Rosewood Knight on her travels. Noble and kind with devastatingly high skill in combat and helping those in need, fighting with a rage and strange new magic people don't want see up close.
While following Eldrid still, Gixi was killed in the desert and promptly got Awakened by Joko's forces. On the grounds of her being asura, she's sent to Rata Primus. She... actually isn't too mad about this. Someone finally thinks she's useful for traditional asura stuff, like portals. It's nice to feel appreciated in the way you've always dreamed of even though you're dead?
PoF after the Departing
Eldrid followed Wame into the desert, FINALLY catches up with him just as he's about to be barbequed by the God of War himself. Heroically gets herself barbequed instead. Wame is now tripple traumatised (Aurene kidnapped + someone he loves who he thought died, now actually dying right in front of him + being horribly burned himself). Oh wow Eldrid dying a firey death in his dream was a prophecy. That Sucks.
Wame wakes up to horrible pain, burn marks, and Eldrid rising from the dead. 1 Tender mutual confession later and they're now dearhearts. Turns out she's still too angry about dying right before properly seeing Wame again and couldn't let that go. Kills God about it (mostly to save people but also out of spite). Wame is stressed about being unable help out, but has to recover manually instead of death-resurrection instantly.
Rytlock keeps his mouth shut about having seen Eldrid in the Mists. He didn't think the rampaging incoherent entity was a person. He awkwardly tries to help her with her new revenant powers she also got in the Mists.
Gixi, after Joko's death, now a free awakened, has a personality freeing and changing breakdown. Fully a mesmer master now that she knows her full abilities and can't get tired because she's a walking corpse. Glamours herself up to look alive. Isn't sure whether she feels happier or acts it.
Wame is back on his feet. Eldrid is learning to control her rage and her powers. No time for dates all time for kicking Joko where it hurts.
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Bangar shot Wame in the face. Wame lost his eye about, seeing as it was a Dragon Killing Bow and Dragon Killing Arrow. Eldrid, being the only sylvari nearby, tried her best to fix his face while he was recovering. She wasn't very good at it. Wame loses the eye but doesn't mind, just mad at Bangar.
Wame and Eldrid were having a decently relaxed time getting to know each other again and recovering from the trauma that was. Everything. Before charr civil war broke out. No time for dates again.
Gixi joins everyone in EotN and mostly stays there to help out, fascinated by Aurene and keeping Taimi and Gorrik company. Gixi still glamours herself but finally fully knows who she is. She likes being loud and happy and pranking people where possible. Having lived all her life in anxiety, she now wants to not care about what others think at ALL.
Killing Soo-Won luckily set Eldrid free without needing to kill her, but it nearly got to that point.
Turns out the voices in Eldrid's head weren't JUST her dead friends and restless spirits. Also the Void! Yippee! She turns into an incoherent powerful corrupted mess (again. but she doesn't remember the Mists). Wame and Gixi are having a no good time trying to not kill Eldrid (who seems the most powerful and clever of those corrupted). She always wanted a powerful destiny, but this isn't what she meant.
After that ordeal it's FINALLY time for some dates.
Eldrid having been the one who died and got better, received the honour of having Peitha in her head. Sometimes Peitha will slip into Wame's mind just to mess with him a bit and freak him out. Eldrid trusts Peitha and they both might feel wlw about it.
Wame would've liked some more chill time together but they all felt the itch of wanting to do Something. Rumours of strange people and portals sounded like a nice getaway. Ah crap.
Gixi wants IN on being part of a secret wizard society. WHY wasn't she invited. She bonds with Zojja.
[more tba when the story progresses]
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xerith-42 · 6 months
Minecraft Diaries Stoner Headcanons
Part 2 in the Aphverse Stoner Series!
Disclaimer: I haven't watched Season 3! I mean, I have, but I don't remember any of it other than that Blaze was in it-- And I just checked the wiki and he's a villain? Uhm. No, he isn't. Hatsune help me I'm going to have to make a whole post about that now... anyways, pretend Blaze is just like another guard Irena gathered because she just collects them like they're pokemon.
Blaze our beloved to start us off. Uh, pipe weed is really common in Ru'aun, it's actually a primary export. And well, Blaze is a pretty big fan of it. Once when he's smoking weed with his friend, he comes to a realization.
"Listen, listen. We use earth with the plant, fire by lighting it, and air to inhale it. What we're missing is water." I am saying that Blaze made the first bong in the MCD universe. Or that he at least came up with it and was credited for the original idea. These two are very proud of their idea and want to spread it everywhere.
Pipe weed is not allowed at the guard academy, and guards are expected to remain sober, even though alcohol is okay?? Doesn't really make sense to a lot of new cadets, including Laurance, who's able to smuggle it in, and hide it from Garroth.
Vylad does actually smoke pipe weed, particularly while on his own during those 15 years. It helps relax their muscles, and causes a sort of numbness that helps keep the calling quiet.
When he tells Laurance of this, both of them share it together at some point.
Dante used to smoke weed with Laurance on slow nights in Phoenix Drop, and even smoked it with Nicole a few times. He quit when he found out Nana was pregnant.
The number one smoker is Travis. His mom had a stock pile of it he found, enough to last years, and it's one of the main things he brings with him to Ru'aun.
When Travis and Blaze meet, they are instant friends. I don't know what happens in Season 3, but this is all that matters to me. They would be BESTIES!!
Despite being banned by the church, Zane is in a position of power so the rules don't apply to him. He never does it when he has something serious going on, but when Zane has some downtime, he'll light up a bowl to take the strain out of his shoulders.
A downside of being a Shadow Knight is that your lungs are much more used to inhaling smoke and dealing with heat thanks to the Nether, so they have some insane tolerance. Like, Vylad was smoking so much, and Laurance is never not frustrated at how much he has to go through in a single sitting just to feel something.
And Aaron? When he was a father? And a Lord?? Of course he was smoking. He was very careful about it, and kept it away from Jacob. And as he traveled with the rest of the cast, he was always careful to hide it from the kids. He didn't quite mind if anyone else saw, as long as they were smart enough not to ask for it.
Travis is not smart enough.
Also Aaron likes wearing the bandana when he accidentally gets a little too high so no one can see how bloodshot his eyes are. Irena can tell by the way he stumbles a little more than usual.
Zoey? Pot head. She's literally an immortal elf, she has tried every drug Ru'aun has ever had and then some. She stops smoking it as much when she's taking care of the kids, but after the group is gone for a few years and she spends more nights searching for a way to bring them back, she picks it back up to try and seem less stressed when people talk to her.
I feel like all Lords smoke just a little. Like, it's such a stressful job. You're constantly having to care for so many people, be a master of subjects you might not have studied, and who knows when one day you wake up to the news that you have to ready yourself for war. People need a way to relieve the stress.
Except Irena. She tried it once when she caught Aaron smoking and it tasted so bad and she did not enjoy the feeling at all. When she becomes friends with Blaze he tries to coax her into it, but she never caves, and he backs off.
LUCINDA on the other hand!! She's a witch! She's a bit of an herbalist! Does she know the perfect growing conditions for the plant of origin and how to cultivate it's harvest for maximum output?? You bet your ass she does!
Blaze x Lucinda x Travis polycule when?
The first time Lucinda and Blaze meet each other he tells her about his innovation of using glass devices to create water vapor that you can smoke, and Lucinda very eagerly drags him into her brewing room and just proudly goes "I have a cauldron!! >:)" And Blaze gets so excited!! He's already trying to figure out what he would have to custom order to work with this, but he needs to try it.
Wait why is that adorable I need to write that now.
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Really didn’t know how down bad I was for humans eating Pokemon- looked at a few sprites and the hoenn hiker and Pokemon collector are stuck in my head, maybe the fisher or sailor as well- Could see a couple kinds of vore, probably some weight gain, and with or without pokeballs? Sorry if this is a lot to ask-!
It’s fine. These are all good trainer classes so I can write something for them!
The hiker has to take a break to catch his breath. Trekking through the mountains can be a difficult climb, but it definitely gets more intense when that mountain is a volcano! Even so, it hasn't done anything to stop him. All he needed to do was prepare some food for the walk and he'd be fine! Speaking of which, his bubbling gut seems to have polished off that last snack on the way here, and he's starting to feel the heat again. Might as well get the next one down while he's on his break! Getting into his bag, the hiker pulls out a P.okeball and casually tosses it into his jaws. One gulp sends it down, letting the sphere disappear into his already round tank. A few pats to his gut gets it to pop open, and his stomach surges forward with an entire B.eartic suddenly filling it out. A frosty belch escapes the man and he can't help but let out a chuckle and rub his stomach. Hikers like him always have to find some way to keep cool while climbing up H.oenn's volcano, and his trick? Pack plenty of I.ce-types to snack on! Meals like that will keep a man cool even through the boiling heat of the volcano. The bear inside lets out a muffled roar, trying and failing to move around in the cramped space. The hiker belches again and rubs his stomach. Between the active heat of his stomach and the radient warmth of the volcano's cave, even a might B.eartic should be drained of its energy in just a minute or two. Once it's settled in, the hiker can continue his walk, now with the ambiance of a bouncing and sloshing gut to join him once again. The W.eavile he had before had definitely been a bit too small but this should last him for the rest of the hike through the caves! Though, with how intense the heat is, the B.eartic would begin melting down in record time. Its strong body is left weak in the sweltering heat and the hiker's stomach is shrinking down in size before he's even halfway through the cave! he has no choice but to send another P.okeball down the hatch, releasing an A.bomasnow into the boiling B.eartic chyme filling his furry gut. It falls apart even faster than the bear did, barely getting out a couple angry roars before it's turning into gut slop. Thankfully, though, the hiker is able to get through the cave just fine and now with a minty smell to his belches. He pats his exposed gut a few times, smiling as it sloshes around with the thick muck of those melted I.ce-types inside. Maybe he'll take the lift the rest of the way up, though. He needs to let these two process better! Sure, they'll make him even fatter than before--probably too fat to close his coat over his gut again--but he can work that off on his way down the mountain, surely. After all, that's what he packed some hardy F.ighting-types for! Perfect for an energy boost to help him shed the pounds. The hiker licks and lips and drums his hands on his stomach as he heads to the lift carriage, not even realizing he'll be heavier when he finally gets off the mountain than when he got on.
The collector grins wide, his glasses shining brightly as he looks down upon the trainer he just defeated. "Now that I've won...I get to add that to my collection, don't I?" He points a finger at the S.ceptile next to the trainer, worn down and out of energy. The collector hasn't had a chance to get hs hands on the fully evolved form of H.oenn's grass starter, and he's excited to finally achieve that. When the trianer nods meekly, the collector slurps over his drooling lips and give his gurgling gut a few pats. "Excellent..." Stepping past the trainer, the collect pulls the S.ceptile in close. "I've tasted plenty of T.reecko and G.rovyle in my time...and I'm thrilled to experience my first S.ceptile. It'll make a fine addition to my collection." The collector's big grin splits open as his drooling jaws widen. In a flash, he's engulfed the lizard's head, and he begins to take thick, wet gulps to devour the starter. It does little more than twitch in resistance, too worn out to even attempt a fight against the hungry gullet sucking it deeper. S.ceptile certainly makes for a much bigger meal than either of its pre-evolutions, and its flavor is much richer as well. The collector groans happily as he slurps over the lizard's soft stomach nd thick thighs. With a final slurp, he sucks down the tail, and his white dress shirt pops open as his engorged gut spills out in front of him. The collector belches thickly into the air, giving his stomach a few slow pats as he feels the S.ceptile settle down in his stomach. "Aaaah...it was everything I hoped it would be..." The collector turns to face the trainer, slurping over his lips again as his gut sloshes and gurgles. "Your starter will definitely find his place in my collection soon. At least an inch or two for sure." He rubs over his gurgling gut, his prized 'collection' of P.okemon working on adding yet another to its ranks. "Come challenge me again any time, please. I saw that L.uxray on your team...and I'd love a taste." The collector is already drooling at the thought of sending that lion down the hatch. His gut rumbles heavily, already melting the weakened starter down and pumping it away bit by bit. He waves to the trainer as he watches them scamper off with the rest of their team. He knows that kid will be back. Most do return in some vain attempt to avenge their lost P.okemon. It always gives this collector plenty of chances to add to his ever-growing collection.
"Oooouurrrp!" Another belch rumbles out of the green-in-the-face sailor. He'd been like that ever since he stumbled off of the boat. He'd hoped that resting on the beach would help settle hi nasty indigestion but--"Bwwwooooourp!"--no such luck. He's never been one to get seasick, but it seems that it's bound to happen to everyone eventually. Worse yet is that it had to happen on a full stomach, and now his poor guts are struggling to chug along with its meal. He can still make out the shape of the M.achoke curled up in his tank, no longer moving but still not digesting. The sailor groans and rubs over his stomach, trying desperately to soothe it as it gurgles harshly at him. This isn't the first time he's snacked on a P.okemon while seabound--in fact, P.okemon have always been an important part of his diet! But he'd run out during today's sailing and none of the other sailors had anything to give him, either. So he'd turned on one of the ship's M.achoke. It's plenty easy to get more of them, and he'd made sure to devour one that was on break anyway! But such a big meal on such an empty stomach, with the way it had squirmed and thrashed...that had finally done the sailor in and he'd forced an emergency landing at the nearest town so he could settle his gut. "Oooooooouurrrp!" And it's not going well. He groans as he desperately kneads and massages his gut, doing everything he can to help it process the M.achoke inside. It had stopped fighting not long ago, and the sailor had thought that would be that, but his stomach is still struggling with this one. he'd be stuck on the beach all day, belching and groaning to himself as his body angrily chugs along at the hunk of meat it doesn't want. On the bright side, being stranded on the beach all day let the seasick sailor get in a few battles on lesser trainers. Even with his angry gut, he wiped the floor with most of those punks and got to keep their team in the process. A nice stock of snacks to enjoy once he gets back on the boat...whenever that is. He'll definitely be sporting a ball gut the next time he faces his crew, and he won't hear the end of it when they tease him over his newfound weight. But he doesn't care. So long as the bellyache stops, he'll do anything. Another wet belch echos over the beach, late into the night, as the sailor rubs over a soft belly that rumbles with intensity. No more M.achoke...they're definitely not worth the trouble.
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