#he's a great dad who adores his daughter and step-daughter
norrizzandpia · 7 months
Heyo! I’m totally obsessed with your writing at the moment, can’t put my phone down! Have you seen the video of Mila watching Lando on tv and calling him “lala”? Was wondering if you could write a fic with that in it?
I have had an idea for this specific video sitting in my head FOR AGES
Lala (LN4)
Summary: When Y/n meets Lando’s family for the first time, Lando warns her about his niece who glues to his side whenever he’s around. What she isn’t expecting, however, is the heart melting nicknames he has been given. It prompts some interesting confessions.
Warnings: none
“Baby, one more thing before we go in.” Lando murmured from beside his girlfriend. His hand in wrapped in hers and she fidgeted with his fingers, nervous for the moments that were about to ensue.
Her head tilted up to look at him, “Yeah?”
A small smile graced his face and his eyes softened as he began, “My niece, Mila, likes to stick by me whenever I’m around. I don’t know how much time we’ll get alone during the next few hours.”
Y/n giggled, “Lan, that’s fine. That’s sweet anyway, means you’re good with kids.”
She whispered the last part, eyeing him suspiciously before he whispered an i love you and kissed her temple. His hand knocked against the slab of wood in front of them, anxiety heightening as Y/n began to hear footsteps approaching.
Cisca appeared, bright face and warmness to her that made Y/n feel immediately welcomed.
“Oh, how nice it is to meet you! Lando never stops talking about you!” She yelled, throwing her arms around the girl and rubbing her back lovingly.
Lando blushed as Y/n laughed, “What? There’s a lot to brag about.”
Y/n leaned into him, hand wrapped around his arm as they stepped through the threshold, “That’s sweet, Lando.”
“You’re swee-” He began, but is interrupted by the rapid beatings of little footsteps. His brother and his sister-in-law followed close behind the little girl who rounded the corner with loud giggles.
“Lala!! Lalalala!!” She screeched, arms open as she made grabby hands at Lando from her stance in front of him. Y/n’s brain began catching up with the moment, the nickname sinking in and her heart warming at the sentiment.
Lando picked Mila up, kissing her cheeks and tickling her sides lightly as he laughed with her. The image is something Y/n never wants to forget, Lando in his true element with his favorite people.
Oliver and Savannah stop, looking lovingly at Lando and their daughter, before turning their attention to his girlfriend, “Hi, it’s so great to finally meet you!”
Y/n is still entranced by the feelings stirring in her tummy to genuinely put all her thoughts into a conversation between the couple, “It’s nice to meet you as well!”
A beat passes before Y/n asks, “Did she just call Lando Lala?”
Oliver chuckles, “Yeah. She can’t pronounce his name, so it’s always been Lala.”
Lando meets Y/n’s eye, a twinkle in them he had never seen before, “Cute, right?”
Y/n’s jaw drops, “Cute? Oh my god, it’s adorable!”
The four laugh together before Savannah steals Mila away, whines emitting from the little girl in the wake of being removed from Lando’s arms. Alone in the foyer, Lando turns to Y/n, “She made me realize I think I could do the whole dad thing.”
Y/n grins, “At this point, after witnessing that, I’m going to need you to do the whole dad thing.”
Lando throws his head back as he laughs. Pulling her into him by the waist and kissing her forehead, “Yeah? Kids? A year into our relationship?”
She smacks his chest, “Not now, love. But… in a few years…” She fixes the buttons on his shirt, “Probably.”
His hand over one side of her face, Lando kisses her hair forcefully, “Good. I love you too much not to experience that with you.”
Infamous giggling returns and Savannah yelling for Mila creates new chaos as the girl rounds the same corner once more, waddling quickly to her favorite uncle. When she gets to him, Lando is already waiting, knelt down, for her with his arms outstretched.
“Lala!” She screams again and Y/n is almost ready to tell Lando she wants one now.
Lando’s arms smother Mila as he kisses her head, shaking his head at Savannah when she tries to take her child.
“I got her, it’s fine.” He says, standing up once more.
Savannah tilts her head, “You sure?”
Lando nods softly with a smile, feeling Mila rest her head on his shoulder, “Yeah, I only get to see her so often anyway.”
Savannah shrugs, leaving the room. Lando moves to get to the living room where the rest of his family is, but Y/n stops him for a moment.
Mila’s eyes are closing, Y/n can see, so she speaks in a whisper, “Thank you for letting me meet your family. I love seeing you like this, Lan.”
His eyebrows furrow, “Seeing me like what?”
She kisses the side of his mouth, careful of the sleeping girl in his arms, “Just seeing you right where you belong. Where you’re most comfortable. This is your home, I’m just happy you’re letting me into it.”
Lando coos, “Baby, you are very quickly becoming my home.”
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eternally-racing · 7 months
baby steps | lando norris
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pairing: lando norris x wife!reader (plus their adorable lil kiddo) 
genre: fluff
warnings: none 
word count: 2.5k
summary: Lando needs a little bit of encouragement to head off to his first race after the birth of your daughter, so what better thing to do than surprise him on race day?
note: this fic can be read as a stand alone or as part of the racer girl series !
When you first showed Lando the two lines on your positive pregnancy test, your entire world had changed. It felt like such a whirlwind of excitement, and before you knew it you were 9 months pregnant watching Lando’s races on television. It was pure luck that your water only broke the day after the season ended, which meant that Lando had a cherished couple of months with your baby girl, Piper, before heading back to racing. 
The two of them had become quite the dynamic duo in your household. From the moment that Lando first looked at your daughter, he knew that he was in love. He was an amazing father and you told him exactly that at every moment you could. It was one of the biggest fears that Lando had, being an absent father or not knowing what to do. Before you met Lando he was fully in his bachelor lifestyle, not once even thinking of kids, but now he was the biggest girl dad you’ve ever seen, giving into your daughter’s every whim. It’s exactly why Lando says he wants to give up racing all together once he sees your daughter cry for the first time when he leaves to go to the MTC for the first time since she was born - he would do anything for Piper, he would give up everything he loved if it meant that his little girl would be happy. Luckily, he had you to keep him grounded, and after more than a couple of tearful conversations you had helped Lando make peace with continuing on with his career with you and your daughter there to support him in the background. This was the first week that this was truly going to be tested though, since it was finally time for him to fly to Bahrain. 
“Say goodbye to daddy!” you say as you pick up your daughter’s hand to make her wave. 
You can see the way the wheels are turning in Lando’s head as he stays frozen in the entryway. He’s not forgetting anything, there’s no way he could with your packing lists that he’s used for every single race since you started dating. Even if he did forget something, he knows he could easily get someone from the team to either shop for him or send it over.
“Y/N I - , I don’t know anymore about this,” Lando mutters with his grip on the door handle loosening. 
“Lan, cmon now, I can’t have two babies in this house at once.” you joke as you pinch his cheek. “But seriously, you’re gonna be okay? Just do your best out there. I’m only a phone call away all the time if you need me. You’re going to be great and we’re cheering you on from here. I’ll send you all the pictures and videos and everything so it’ll feel like you’re still with us.”
While Piper can’t talk yet, she still reaches out to Lando to gently pat his shoulder - which only brings more tears to the forefront of Lando’s eyes. He always said his daughter was smart beyond her years, able to sense things even some adults don’t notice. 
“What if Piper can’t fall asleep without me reading her story? What if she learns how to walk before I’m gone? Or what if she forgets that I even exist?” 
“First off, I have memorized “the Rainbow Fish” perfectly from the 7 different times you taught me it. She’s not going to walk because she’s barely 8 months old. And lastly, she’s not going to forget you Lando, I promise you that. Do you trust me?” 
Lando doesn’t miss a beat when he says “always.” 
You hand your daughter off to Lando’s arms in exchange for the carry on that’s currently in his hands. You know that all he needs to do is hold her, to remember that feeling of being with her so he can keep that memory with him for the week ahead. You’re not the only one who’s noticed the way that Piper always immediately seems to calm down whenever she’s in her dad’s arms. There was something special between the two of them, something so unbreakable - which is exactly what you tell Lando. 
“Plus I think she’s in that phase where she’s starting to like you better, so I could use some alone time with our little bug” you tease as you squish your daughter’s cheeks. When Lando sees you cracking jokes it makes him feel a little more at ease - if you were so comfortable with this then why shouldn’t he be too? With one last hug and kiss, Lando finally walks out the door with a promise to facetime you once he gets to the airport. 
Piper starts crying the second she realizes that her dad is really gone, and honestly you shed a few tears too.
 “Don’t worry Pipes, we’re going to see daddy sooner than you think,” you whisper to your daughter as you try to soothe her. Little did Lando know that you had a bag packed in your bedroom for you and your daughter to surprise him at the paddock on race day.
The expectations were low for Lando in Bahrain, both from the media and from himself. He had been very upfront about having different priorities this summer than just racing, so he had been a write-off in so many people’s minds. That’s what made it even sweeter when Lando saw the checkered flag first in Bahrain, marking the very first time he had ever won at the circuit. It’s no secret that Lando had become more sensitive since he had become a dad, but when he says “This one is for my girls, I love you Y/N and Piper” over the radio, it brings tears to everyone’s eyes. 
Lando is already over the moon. He gives a big cheer to the roaring crowd before going to hug the rest of the team. It’s absolutely electric and it really seems like everyone, regardless of whether they are a McLaren fan or not, could appreciate how much this win meant to him. 
But the sweetest moment is when he spots you. You’re a little bit off to the side, a couple of security guards standing around you to make sure that nobody would try and trample over you and Piper. Little Piper is wearing a pair of noise canceling McLaren branded headphones on her ears as she hangs out happily in your arms. It’s like she spots her dad at the same time too, since she starts waving her arms in Lando’s direction. Lando immediately stops everything he’s doing to run over to you two. You have a knowing look in your eye, like you were just waiting for him to finally spot you both. 
“Oh my god, you’re here.”  Lando lets out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding. Having you both here makes him finally feel complete, like his heart was finally whole again. 
“There’s no way we were going to miss daddy’s first race of the season. Congratulations, babe” 
Lando has questions of course - how you managed to pull this off without him noticing, whether Piper gave you trouble on the plane, and so much more. For now, though, he just wants to spend time with you two. He almost forgets that he’s at the race entirely, let alone that he won it until a team member comes up behind him to ask him if he’s ready to do his interview 5 minutes from now. 
When Piper reaches over with her little grabby hands for Lando, you of course give into her whims as you pass her over to the sweaty driver. It also gives you a second to pull out your phone and capture the moment for yourself. Piper is playing with the visor on Lando’s helmet, learning a new form of peek a boo that you know that she’s going to want to keep playing when you get home. You’re the one who helps keep Lando on track, giving him one last kiss on his helmet before you tell him to head off towards the hoard of media personnel eagerly awaiting his appearance. When you go to take Piper back from him she refuses to budge, and with both Piper and Lando giving you their classic puppy dog eyes, you know you’re outnumbered. 
“Keep her safe, Lan, okay?” It’s a rhetorical question. You know that Lando wouldn’t let anything happen to her - but it’s still a big crowd, the biggest you’ve ever been since you gave birth, and it’s a little scary to not hold onto her here. 
You don’t think anyone has ever seen Will Buxton this happy as he pulls Lando aside for his post-race interview. 
“I have to say, congratulations on an absolutely brilliant drive from you today, Lando - and would you like to introduce the special guest you’ve brought with you?” Will asks with a grin. 
Lando can’t help the similar smile that is etched on his face as he looks at his little girl. “This is my daughter Piper, and she’s just the best thing that has ever happened to me. And I can’t share enough praise for my beautiful wife Y/N too - words can’t describe how much she means to me.I really wouldn’t be standing here in front of you today without her support.”  Lando looks back at you with a smile and kisses Piper on the cheek to end off his sentence, but Piper seems to be more interested in the texture of the mic than her dad at the moment. 
“What does it mean to you to have this be your first win as a father, Lando?” 
“Oh man, this little girl is everything to me - I just want to do my best on the track so that Piper can look back and always be proud to have me as her dad.” 
The moment is made extra sweet as Piper tosses and turns in Lando’s hold so that she can cling to him like a koala bear, pulling herself further into Lando’s chest. She is starting to like the microphone just as much as Lando, so she pulls her face right onto it before she says her very first word - “dada”.
At first Lando thinks he’s hallucinating - there’s so many people around and there’s so much noise that he can barely hear himself think. But then Piper says it again and he can’t help but start to cry.
“She -, she- called me dada, oh my god I can’t believe it,” Lando’s in pure disbelief as he stares in awe at his little girl and looks back at you watching in the crowd. For a minute he forgets that there’s a full corral of people watching him until he hears a collective “awww” from the crowd.  “Sorry it’s just -, wow, she’s never done that before.” he says sincerely as he wipes the tears from his cheeks.
It’s now Piper’s turn to cry as she gets overwhelmed with all the eyes that are staring at her, pushing the microphone away from her as she buries her head into Lando’s shoulder. She is just a little kid, after all. Lando wraps up the interview as fast as he can, apologizing as he whisks Piper away to try and lift her spirits. 
Luckily it’s time to head into the cooldown room, which proves to be the perfect place for Piper to calm down from her outburst. The antics continue there as Lando bounces Piper on her lap, pointing to the TV screen to show her all the highlights. 
“Look at daddy about to overtake uncle Charles! And there’s uncle Alex, and uncle George...” Lando continues to retell the story of the last two hours as the other two podium sitters, Max and Oscar, chime in intermittently. Sometimes Piper’s gaze falls to Lando’s new hat instead of the screen, but he’s happy to have her in the room with him to share this moment. 
You have to really bargain with Lando to get him to hand Piper back to you so he can head to the podium by himself - it’s only at the rational explanation of not wanting your baby covered in champagne that he finally gives in to reason. Piper loves seeing the celebrations on the podium, adding in some cheers of her own when she sees her dad jumping up and down with joy on the podium. The little girl is addicted to the shine of the Bahrain trophy in the sun and you and Lando both later joke that she likes the piece of metal better than the both of you combined. 
It’s no surprise that Piper falls asleep on the car ride home - you do the same next to her as the jet lag catches up to you both. Piper still keeps one hand firmly on the trophy, having barely let it out of her sight since Lando brought it to her. Lando can’t help but feel so lucky as he looks through the rearview mirror at the both of you. 
It never gets any easier - leaving. The next weekend Lando heads to the United States and Piper cries the whole day once she notices that he’s packing a suitcase. You’re honest with Lando when you tell him that you’ll see him once he gets back, there’s no way you and Piper would be able to handle all the time changes and long haul flights that would come with going to every race.
You still watch every race though, throwing sleep training to the wind as Piper often stays up at all odd hours to watch with you. There are so many moments where you wish that you could be there with Lando, especially with the season he’s having. As the journalists would say, Lando’s “dad powers” have brought him his best ever start to a Formula 1 season, as he has yet to finish outside the top 3 so far. 
“What do you think is going to happen when I don’t come home from a trip with one of those?” Lando jokes as he sees your daughter absolutely enamored with the newest addition to her trophy collection. It’s the Australian GP trophy, which proves to be the perfect vessel for Piper to put her cereal pieces into. The little girl has taken to yelling as her new favorite hobby, and she shows it off every time she squeals with joy when Lando walks through the door after a race.
“I don’t want to find out, so you’ll just have to keep getting podiums, Lan” you joke back as you lean your head onto his shoulder. 
author's note: oh man, this has been sitting in my drafts FOREVER as i tried to perfect it but i really wanted to share it with you all. Thanks for all the love - asks are open if you want to say hello or make a request! Until next time! - Em 🤍
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
The One That (Almost) Got Away
Natasha Romanoff (Intersex) x ChubbyMilf!R
GN!OC (Ryan) x Fem!R (Freshly divorced)
Natasha’s not the step-dad, she’s merely the dad that stepped up | WC: 9,218
Warnings: Ryan is dickhead coded | R Ghosted Nat so she is too | Confusing Feelings | Insecurities all Around (Body / Worth) | Everyone’s Horny | Happiest of Endings Though 🥰
Smut: Natasha has a penis | Oral - Both | Multiple Positions (Wall / Doggy / Guided Dick-Riding) | Praising / Degrading | Dirty Talk | Face Slap (R) | Heavy on Breeding | KO (R) | Needy R -> Cockwarming | Switch Energy but R basically Bottoms
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Natasha watched you intently, just like she always did, and just like every time before now she wasn't left disappointed. Well, besides that time when you married Ryan, you looked gorgeous stood up at that altar, but you were painfully mismatched. They were the first person you had ever dated, but you never truly loved them. You loved Natasha though, she knew that deep within her yearning soul, felt it deep in her bones, but alas you chose the stable familiarity over love.
Natasha told you every time you two had made love that she wanted the whole thing, but you were in a committed (open) relationship. You had a child with another, and you decided she (deserved better) wasn't ready for that sort of responsibility. So, for the both of your sakes you had stopped coming over a year ago, without a word of goodbye—like a coward.
It broke you just the same, but at least you had a distraction with your infant around. All Natasha had was the haunting memories of a genuine love and, dangerous missions, a nearly lethal combination. It was only last month that the redhead stopped being reckless, which coincidentally, is exactly when she had heard of your unexpected divorce proceedings.
Tony had very loudly, intent obvious, offered a sobbing you a spacious, well-equipped place to stay since Ryan decided to kick you out, of your house. He also got you a better divorce lawyer. When she pestered him for a why though he had refused, stating 'you'll know soon enough' in the most ominous, almost threatening, way.
The reactions to your tumultuous entanglement around the compound were mixed. Most thought you two were a great match, those who met Ryan felt this way, others felt Natasha could do better than the girl who left her hanging. Then there was Tony, who alone believed the both of you to be aloof little cowards.
Ergo his childish response. Yet here you were, at the compound she still lived in, and she still hadn't been informed... It was driving her crazy, but she kept her cool, or at least she tried to, but you made it hard.
So damn hard not to run over and yell at you, just to then kiss you breathless, then she figured she would yell at you some more; but with less clothes, and in a passionate reunification of two desperate souls.
But she stood stuck to her spot, wishing desperately that she had Wanda's handy ability to read minds...
You stood across the field in a moment of uneasy silence. Pepper had to leave in a hurry, Tony excused himself with a promise to return. So now, without distraction, you were left lost in tumultuous thought.
Ryan and you had called it quits just six months ago after you gave birth to your sweet little girl, Delilah. To the outside world they looked like a bad guy, but with one peak into the carseat hood that currently shielded your daughter from the sun, everyone would know.
Know that maybe everyone was a bit wrong here...
There was only one rule the both of you set, don't let anyone else create life with you, and with Natasha's enigmatic charm you broke it easily. Ryan was still somewhat involved with Carter, but they denounced you and Delilah instantaneously. You knew better to expect anything else, but you were too petrified of being alone with two littles to see it all clearly.
Fortunately though, Tony adored you and had set the three of you up in a cushy upscale home just outside of the bustling city. There was a park on the corner, it was your only safe haven as you waited for the divorce to finalize, it was where you processed your grief over the entire situation, and realized this was always the way life would work out. One day the redhead would be there with you, scooting down the wide, curvy red slide with Carter, and Delilah giggling in her lap.
It was an inevitability of the rawest proportions.
You couldn't stop loving Natasha if you tried, which you halfheartedly did, and she loved you without the intent to stop—fate finally felt the need to intervene.
You felt her burdened gaze the moment you entered the party, and you were burning under the weight of it. There was a blip of fear that she would never forgive you for keeping her daughter from her, but you also figured she'd understand. If you were going to work as a couple, it had to be without Ryan's interference, and they were hellbent on making sure you weren't happy even though they were with Rochelle, the supermodel.
If you so much as contacted Natasha they were ready to claim this was always your plan. Not that they'd have much of a leg to stand on, but you weren't risking them winning so much as partial custody, simply because it was just to spite you. Ryan never wanted to be hands on, it seemed they more so liked the title of being a parent and spouse, but never the actual role. If they had won you know your son would only suffer.
Disappointed was an understatement, but you didn't hold pity for yourself because everyone warned you of their immaturity from the jump. Natasha warned you everyday leading up to the wedding, she pleaded with a hurt that broke your heart wide open, yet you were stubborn, and now you are right where you deserve.
The fear of a harsh reaction held you back from approaching her, hearing an 'I told you so' or a 'what did you expect to happen?' wasn't exactly something you could handle. Even if it was what you deserved, so, you decided to leave it to her. You wanted to give her the chance to take the first step in case she was only seeking to scream at you for breaking her heart and never returning any of her calls or texts, and oh yeah, for the icing on the fucked up cake you'd baked you would have to add keeping her child from her.
Natasha couldn't focus on anything but you since you had arrived though, she actively willed you to look up at her, but she soon realized you were purposefully ignoring meeting her gaze. The ill advised thought that even when single that you wouldn't want her around broke her spirit down into nothingness.
Was she really not good enough for you?
Who was she kidding? Of course she wasn't... You were clean of a harsh origin, with a compassionate aura that bled right into your ability to be an amazing mother. Natasha wanted kids, yours specifically, but with her cold upbringing she feared she would never be what they would need, and in turn she would let you down.
Natasha didn't get to linger in her sadness for long before Maria was nudging her shoulder. "For fucks sake Romanoff, could you at least pretend to be interested in my plights?" She was reminded of the riveting conversation she'd been engaged in moments prior with a raging Maria and an instigating Wanda. Her silly relationship problems with Danvers no longer interested her when she was faced with her very own problems rooted in an extended period of longing.
Natasha rolled her eyes, and adjusted her pants to better conceal the hard on she was suddenly sporting. You just looked too good, motherhood had only ever enhanced your beauty, her purest desires for you only surplussed after your son's birth. It pained her so that you'd lived like your beauty was lost due to a miracle, and it was that night that she showed you otherwise.
The night she gave actual life to her love...
Ryan had made the first distasteful comment, it was why you were at the compound that day after all. Using the free gym six months out from your son's birth, which was fine, but you were indeed overdoing it since you had a bad back, and it was Nat who stopped you.
"Y/N, you need to take it easy, you like just had a baby," she'd tried to help, but you glared at her with angry tears in your eyes. "It's fine Nat, I need to do this. I am literally in terrible shape, I am so ug—," you'd muttered in obvious frustration, but she didn't dare let you finish your sentence. She took you right there on the mat, then again in the showers, and finally she took you to her bed and gave you all of her love.
That wasn't the start of your sinful relations, but it was the beginning of the deep lines officially blurring. Where the love the two of you felt for the other was finally released through breathy moans, soft kisses and the heat of the moment filling of your barren womb.
Every time you didn't see the beauty in your body she did, and she reminded you so well... It was not a shock to you when you saw the test; more like a total relief.
Natasha obviously knew something happened, it changed everything for her, because you and her best friend, Carter, were no longer coming around. The redhead actually sobbed on his first birthday, and she still has all the gifts she bought for him in her closet.
Wanda followed her best friend's gaze to you, and she smiled sadly. The witch was the first person you came crying to over the news, and it hurt her heart to keep this secret from Nat, but she knew that today was the day it all changed. You were going to make it all right.
Your divorce was finalized after Tony's lawyer put Ryan in their place. The open marriage was their choice, you had proof that they pushed you into agreeing, so the judge deemed your daughter's paternity a natural consequence. Now that they lost, they moved outside of city limits with their younger lover, and you contently remained in the upper-scale house, the one that didn't burden you with memories.
"Go talk to her Nat," Wanda encouraged, "Take the chance, I promise you it'll at least be cathartic."
Natasha sighed, "She's better off without me."
The redhead kicked up a cloud of dust as she sent one last longing glance your way. Her heart stuttered at the sight. You'd moved, this time her eyes found you leaning back against a table. A soft look in your eye as you watched your giggling son, Carter, clumsily chase Morgan around the field. It'd been awhile since you've been back here so you were involved in a conversation.
The grey sundress you wore was perfectly hugging your curves, and the skirt of it was flowing with the light breeze, giving her a glimpse of the silky skin of your legs beneath. It was tastefully cut, but it still allowed her to see the curve of your swollen, sagging breasts.
Natasha's eyes were focused in on the way you sucked on your popsicle though. Her cock twitched in her boxers as she saw you hollow out your cheeks, her dick longing for the oh so familiar feeling of the gesture. You mindlessly wiped away the sticky mess of artificial juices with your fingers, and her eyes were locked on them, you lifted them to your lips to suck off the sticky mess and it reminded her of that time she'd shoved hers, covered in your shared arousals, down your throat. It was the most intimate moment she'd ever shared with another, and that made her resolve fall.
The redhead couldn't stand any of it anymore, not the ache in her chest, nor her boxers, so she rushed inside the compound, ignoring the awkward stares. The door that slammed afterwards caught your attention.
Tony shoved your arm. "Go after her Y/N!"
You stared down at the stroller, admiring the peace your daughters sleeping face brought as your nervous fingers fidgeted with the strap of the diaper bag. You felt nothing but guilt after a moment though when her little eyes fluttered open to reveal a sea of familiar green. You began to wonder if Natasha would be better off without you since all you seem capable of is hurting her. All she's ever done is pour her love into you, and you actually ghosted her—the perfect woman. The longer you thought it over, the sillier your reasons felt.
Tony invited you over for this barbecue to celebrate his retirement, but you weren't dumb enough to not know why he wanted you to come. Steve, and Natasha were also retiring, the notion that the redhead was giving up this life regardless of you made your skin crawl.
Was she retiring for you? Did she know you are divorced? You knew Tony blabbed a lot, so it wouldn't surprise you if that's how she had found out.
Or was it for herself? She'd earned the right and it was a bit narcissistic to think you played any part here.
Did she have plans to find the life she wanted with someone else since you were a coward? It would only serve you right, you knew you didn't deserve her.
Tony saw the turmoil in your eyes as you picked at the foam, he gently pulled your hands from the stroller, and nodded to the door with a stern expression. "No..."
"Y/N," he sighed, ready to fight you for being a coward, but then his face fell in offense as you spoke, "You are not exactly baby proof Stark." The man scoffed, "You can't be serious, I am a perfectly functional dad!"
You deadpanned, "You are the fun dad to Pep's productive. You have her while Pepper is at a meeting and Morgan's shirt is now on inside out, she's ate off everyone's plate and if my eyes aren't deceiving me, she has a contraption from your lab. My son better..."
Tony immediately took off and you giggled, enjoying the moment of peace just before your daughter began to cry. If only Nat would have waited a minute she'd have seen you pull the tiny redhead from the stroller. It was uncanny how similar to Natasha she was.
Infuriating was more like it really, you carried her for ten excruciatingly long months, and all she got was your hair texture, lip shape, and unfortunately—temper. Everything else was Nat, aside from the blend of her skin tone, it was a beautiful mix of you both.
"What's the matter lyubov'?" You coo'd and pulled the sniffling baby girl to your chest. Unaware of the presence of your former teammates behind you. Wanda beamed at the knowledge of you learning Russian for your daughters sake, she knew Nat would likely cry at the notion too, but Maria merely gasped.
"Oh my gosh, is that Romanoff's?!" Wanda elbowed the nosy woman, at this point she wondered if Maria being the second in command for Shield was a good idea with the way she loved to gossip and tease. "Mhm..."
Wanda's hand fell on your shoulder, you were never much for staying silent, so you simply humming gave way to your obvious anxiety. "She's only crying my dear, because she knows you have unfinished business to tend to." You turned to her with a teary gaze of your own and she used the pad of her thumb to wipe them away in comforting strokes. "Hand me my niece, and go fix things with Natasha dorogoy, it'll be okay."
Delilah instantly stopped crying, her wobbly head turned slightly as she recognized Wanda's voice. The two shared excited smiles, one adorable and gummy, and the other accompanied by the faintest of wrinkles to show a long life lived. Wanda's nose was scrunched as she regarded your daughter with pure elation, and you had no qualms leaving her behind with Wanda.
"I'm sorry," you whispered as you passed her off, and Wanda wrapped her arm around your waist to offer you a comforting embrace. "All is forgiven as long as you don't fumble this time. Tell her how you feel, and let her feel it all too, she'll understand and forgive."
You nodded, offering a nervous smile then left in a hurry to get to the woman you wanted to be with for an eternity, hopeful that she still wanted the same as you.
The way to Natasha's room was quick, your muscles remembering the route without any need for a refresher. The path now forever engrained into your heart as the safest one. You pondered knocking, but then you heard the most gut wrenching sobs and felt the urgent need to push the door right open. As you opened the door though you were met with a far different sight than you had anticipated.
The sobs were ones of pure sexual frustration.
"Oh fuck!" You'd gasped at the sound of her raspy voice, the gorgeous redhead was leaning her head against the glass of her vanity as she jerked herself off with a pair of red lace panties that you'd left behind.
Natasha watched you in terror, her stomach tied in a more dreadful knot now that overpowered the arousal she needed to release. Once the shock wore off you stepped in, expression neutral as you shut her door with your foot, then used your powers to lock it.
"Y-Y/N, I can explain," she stuttered as you were silently approaching her. "How about you just let me take over instead, yeah?" Natasha nodded, her mind in a trance of sorts as she allowed you to remove her hand and use your own. The strokes you gave were feather light, but just because it was you she was on edge.
Pre-cum dribbled onto your thumb, and you used it to lube up her cock, and make your hand have a slicker surface to increase speed. You felt your panties dampen the longer you stroked her pulsing shaft, eyes locked in on the way her mouth was hung open, and her moans were raspy, melodious gifts for your ears.
"Y/N," she gritted out your name as her cock twitched with an increased warning, but you abruptly let her shaft go instead, and she sobbed without shame.
Natasha was frustrated with you on so many levels, but this had her feeling embarrassed. The way that she hasn't been able to get off without a piece of you in over a year shameful. Then when she was finally about to climax, with the real thing, you took it from her...
Again—you just kept taking, and taking from her, and now she was unsure if she had anything left to give.
"We need to talk," she rasped angrily and you nodded, but then you dropped to your knees with a wink. "We do need to talk Natasha," you purred her sentiments against the sticky red tip of her cock, reworking her mind into a haze as you prepared to give her head.
"Shall we do it now then?" You asked teasingly, but with your mouth inches from her throbbing member she could only frantically shake her head. "Later," you hotly voiced for her, you kissed her tip then licked her essence up with a soft flick through the sensitive slit.
All Natasha offered was a delayed, husky, "Mmm," too engrossed by the exhilarating sensation of your warm tongue swirling around her shaft as you slowly lowered your head until the tip of your nose brushed against her fuzzy abdomen to say much of anything else.
This was exactly what she needed. You knew it was only a matter of time before you two would have to face the reality. But, for this brief moment in time, you wanted to use your mouth to pleasure her, to soften the blow if you will, as you gave a physical apology.
After proving to yourself that you could still take all of her you pulled back and let her slick dick go with a pop so that you could admire it. While keeping your eyes locked on hers you lowered so you could lick a slow stripe up from her balls, over the underside of her shaft, flicking over the pulsing veins; building her excitement way up until your lips finally wrapped back around her head to give her some overdo pleasure.
"Oh fuck, I've missed your perfect mouth," she cried out, her hand suddenly fell atop of your head and she used all of her strength to still your bobbing so that she could fuck her cock deep down your throat instead. It was never not uncomfortable to be gagged for you, but your dampening panties gave way to the enjoyment.
Natasha felt even hotter as your excess drool pooled at the base of her shaft and slowly dribbled onto her balls. It was like every one of her senses was heightening as she felt as her auburn pubes became matted and clung to her balls. You felt it too, as they swung with each deep thrust and slapped into your sweaty skin.
There was no way the moment could improve, or so she thought, because with a firm tug on her sack, and the hollowing of your cheeks as your throat contracted around her tip she was no longer in control, her release torn from her with a throaty scream that made your arousal increase tenfold, and stain the black carpet.
The familiar taste of her was enough to bring you to the edge of glory, coupled with the way she continued to fuck your throat without so much as a thought to your needs arousing and you found yourself painfully ready to bust. Her cum was inched down your throat with every continued thrust, and you moaned along happily as you continued to suck her dry, all the way up until her member fell flaccid in your mouth.
You were nearly there, your thighs rubbed together just right, but the redhead would be damned if you were to waste your cum on her carpet instead of her readied tongue. "There's no going back after this Y/N," she rasped against the shell of your ear as she pulled you to your feet while tucking her cock back into her briefs. "If I kiss you now, then you are mine for the claiming. Understood?" You hated so much that her glossed eyes shone with immense fear and hurt.
"Do it," you pleaded, a part of you hoping that what you are going to say later doesn't change her promise; you desperately wanted to be hers for good. "Please!"
Natasha gripped you by your hips and pushed you back onto the bed as her lips met yours. Her skilled hands unclasped your bra while her tongue slowly swirled around yours, tasting herself and silently vowing to never let you go a day without being filled by her in someway. All she wanted was to be yours, and make you hers in every sense, and that included breeding you, but not before she gave you the sloppiest head.
"God, you're so hot Y/N!" She practically screamed, the need for emphasis obvious. The way she stared down at your forever changed body with admiration made you want to cry. You gulped as her eyes trailed up to yours, she offered you a loving smile but her heart broke at the sight of your petrification. "Don't lie..."
Natasha was going to kill your ex. One final mark...
"Oh my beautiful girl," she sighed, her hot breath brushed over your slick mound and she admired how your body twitched and arched at the pleasure just a breeze gives to your cunt. She placed a gentle kiss to your clit, but kept moving up instead so she could kiss the stripes that adorned the plush skin of your belly.
"You are the hottest woman around detka," she admitted without any waver in her voice, her nose nudged against the soft skin of your stomach as she wordlessly continued to admire your body and the sacrifice you have made twice now. "I can't wait to etch more of these lines, to stake my claim to your womb."
You whimpered, but something about the sound wasn't rooted in pleasure, so she came back up to hover your face. "What's wrong detka, am I moving too fast?"
You smiled sadly, and shook your head, "No, it's just.. I-I," you couldn't help but to stutter now, "The claim is already yours Natasha, and it always should've been."
You don't regret Carter, how could you? In spite of all the turmoil surrounding him, he was a lovely toddler. With a natural curiosity to keep him fun, but a cautious approach that kept him safe from the lingering dangers of the world. Your son was the definition of perfect, and was never regretted, you merely rebuke Ryan.
"How so?" Natasha challenged, and you gulped, "We divorced because Delilah is yours Nat, our daughter."
"Yeah," she sighed with a sad smile, "But this time I'll be around to help as your body changes, to take care of you as you deserve while carrying my love around."
It stunned you to see nothing but love and solace behind her eyes, she wasn't angry, she was visibly relieved. Which meant this wasn't exactly news to her.
"You knew?" She nodded, and you felt your throat go dry; of course she did, Natasha wasn't regarded as a top tier spy for nothing. You frantically moved to defend your decisions, "I-I wanted to tell you Natty, but I was so scared." Natasha kissed your trembling lips tenderly in an attempt to cut off your anxiety, and for a perfect moment there was nothing but peace.
"I understand," she eventually whispered as she parted from the kiss, "You couldn't be sure of your feelings, you were only six months postpartum when we made her." Her, Delilah, Natasha's precious mini me that she'd yet to meet and the product of a destined love.
"No," you insisted, "Please do understand that I was never confused about my love for you. Every time we made love that ring would burn on my finger like the devil himself possessed it, because the greatest sin I've ever lived was pretending not to be in love with you."
You watched her eyes narrow in confusion and sighed resignedly. "You deserved someone better, I knew I wasn't enough for you. You're a model with a heart of gold, and I'm just a—." You were both momentarily stunned as her hand made contact with your cheek. The both of you blinked back your shock, and after she saw you were okay her eyes completely darkened. "I'm going to kill them Y/N, they deserve despair for ever making you question even an ounce of your beauty."
"Natty no," you pleaded for Carter's sake, "I mean yeah, Ryan wasn't good, but they were a bad I deserved," you saw the way her eyes narrowed and your speech flinched, "I-I am trying to say that you were too good."
"Me?" She scoffed with a twist of pure disgust, "How could I ever be too good for you?! Y/N, you are —."
"You're so beautiful Natasha," you sighed, cutting her off, "I don't even mean your looks, I am appreciative for them, sure, but it's your heart that I adore."
You couldn't fight the smile that took over your face, the veins of her cock pulsed through the thin material of her boxers, felt pulsing against your thigh along to the beat of her racing heart and you knew you'd said the right thing. Natasha's eyes were welling with tears as she leaned in to kiss you, it was tender and not at all foreign, but it was a feeling you'd nonetheless missed.
She always regarded your body with love, even in the more rougher moments, when she'd abuse your body like you'd beg her to, she would whisper her hearts reassuring thoughts. Deep down she always knew you asked for what you thought you deserved, so she gave you it, but not without what she knew you needed too.
"You're so good Y/N," she practically pleaded, her eyes shed hopeful tears that dripped down your temples, "I'm blessed to be in this position with you right now, the mother of my kids," she proudly said, her subtle claim to your son made you sniffle. "You deserve to be loved just like you love everyone else; without limit."
"Natasha," you whimpered, and she pecked your lips. "You're my wildest dream come true; a sight for sore eyes, an absolutely amazing mother, with the physique of a goddess. You are a blessing worthy of worshipping, I can swear to you that there's no one more perfect for me than you detka, you are the love of my life."
"Fuck," you scoffed over a sob, "So damn cheesy..."
Natasha hummed softly, "Can you feel it?" and offered you an amused smile. You blinked up in a daze as she brushed your knuckles over her lips, and you felt her dick twitch against your skin as she husked, "My love."
Your body took her words as a sign to start working towards pleasing her, you were desperate to feel it wholly. Natasha threw an arm around your waist as her back arched, securing you to her as she thrusted up involuntarily and reached a prime point of pleasure that made you both scream, yours shrill and hers a rasp. The way her throbbing tip was rubbed raw as her briefs smeared your arousal around your clit had you both already breathless, it took everything in her not to enter you then. If not for her desperation to taste what she'd been missing she would've given in instantly.
"Natty please," you tried, but ultimately failed, her raspy voice denied your pleasure, "Not yet, I need to return the favor first, I miss having your taste on my tongue and smelling you on my lips hours later."
It infuriated your cunt, who's hollowed walls clenched with need, but in the same breath her tone turned you on beyond belief, to not only feel, but to hear just how affected she was by her lusty desires centered around eating you out alone had your legs naturally spreading.
"There's my good girl," she praised against the plushness of your thigh, her tongue laid flat as she slowly licked up the essence coating your skin on a scandalous route to the grand prize, your oozing core.
Or better known to her as paradise.
After teasing you enough, with abrasive nibbles and her tongues follow up soothing caresses she felt it was about time to give you exactly what you both needed. Her lips twitched as she purposefully breathed your arousal in, and you choked in contrast when she lunged forward and began to eat your puffy pussy out.
There was no more gentle, loving Natasha; her eyes blackened, the carnality shown she was nothing short of feral, the filthy moans vibrating you into an orgasm as her tongue lapped at your core proof enough. But, for the sake of imagination, picture as if she was actually outside right now. Forced to participate in the watermelon eating contest, her hands tied behind her back and her face hovered over the three thick pieces on her plate; she'd beat both Sam and Bucky in record time, twelve seconds—four per slice, and still have enough time to make you scream around the corner, pinned to a wall while the boys struggled to focus.
The Falcon's wings would dip when informed it took him thirty seconds, but not as disappointed as The Winter Soldier who took thirty five. Fortunately for the boys, Natasha was buried in a more fitting place, winning at life as the soldiers tied, but lost to Thor who did it in ten, followed by a burp and plea for more.
You also endlessly pleaded for more, then rather suddenly for less, but inevitably you went unheard as your thighs deprived Natasha of both air and the ability to hear. Yet she kept going, making you scream out her name seconds later, and cream on her tongue.
Natasha felt your thighs relax, and with a firm grip she separated them, digging her nails into the skin as she took in an exaggerated gulp of air. You mewled and threw your head back to avoid her scarily arousing gaze. The both of you knew she was trained to hold her breath for extended periods of time, but it was hot nonetheless for you to witness, and her to pretend.
Truthfully, you internally, always made her breathless, so she was simply emoting. After a moment of you both coming back to your senses Natasha groaned, her red tip brushed against the sticky fabric of her boxers and she was disappointed she came outside of you.
"You always do this Y/N," she groaned, "I can't even help but to fuck the air to the sounds of your cries."
"Sorry," you whimpered, Natasha watched with a smirk as your entire body shivered. Then her face dropped as she realized something, "It just wasted our greatest chance at making a baby Y/N! The first round is the most potent, so now I'll have to fill you twice."
"Delilah is only six months," you panted, your words of concern not matching the clear state of your arousal. "Yeah detka; that means we are, quite frankly, behind."
"Behind?" Natasha nodded as she avoided your gaze to focus down on the mess of her boxers as she took them off and flipped them inside out. "Detka, we don't waste, so finish your treat before you get answers." There was no hesitation as you sucked the cotton fabric clean of her, moaning and soaking through the pair.
"You want this, don't you?" Natasha asked, her confidence dimmed as the fear of rejection emerged. You spit out her boxers and shrieked, "of course I do!"
Natasha hummed, "Then yes my love," as she gently stroked your cheek before pecking it. "We're gravely behind, so let's just call this an efficient way to catch up. I'll overload you on my love, and swimmers."
"Okay," your voice absolutely breathless as you allowed her to pull you up off the bed, having accepted the hand she'd extended out just so she could pull you close and kiss you until your were both breathless.
When you were distracted enough she spun you around and pressed you into the tacky wall with her muscular frame, her hot breaths fanned across your skin and your clit pulsed. She drove you wild, evidence of that being the way that your slick dribbled down the sides of her length that curved beneath your cunt.
"Are you ready to be bred?" Her fingers fondly traced over the marks on your hips. "To be full of my pulsing cock as it busts? I promise I'll leave you beyond full."
"Mommy please," you whined and pushed back with all your might to curve her dick up and into you. "Oh, you know what that does to me detka; you're in for it now."
Natasha pressed her body up, and rocked her hips until she'd smeared enough of your slick onto her length. It was a precautionary measure to ensure you minimal pain as she never failed to stretch you to your limits.
"Fuck mommy, you're so big," you mewled as her tip barely pressed into you, the redhead chuckled and slammed her hips forward, swiftly bottoming out and causing your body to lurch painfully into the wall. "Mmm, mommy loves the way you feel wrapped so tightly around me detka, suffocating my dick like the filthy whore that you are." She sloppily pecked your cheek. "This is right where you belong."
"Wanna stay like this forever," you sighed contentedly as your heated cheek brushed against the chilled wall with each shallow thrust she rewarded you with.
"That can be arranged," she rasped into your ear as her hips began to move a bit more. "Nobody else will ever get to see you like this again," she added, her growl and grip possessive as she picked up a pace you never could keep up with. Enhanced as you were with powers, the strength and stamina were all more Natasha's forte; fucking you limp a cherished specialty of hers.
"Nobody has seen me since you," you cleared the air in a dizzy slur, and felt as she prematurely shot into you, but Natasha recovered her composure fast and continued to fuck you while holding back her orgasm.
"Because this pussy is mine," she grunted, her hips now swirled with each thrust as she sought out your sole pleasure. Hearing that you were celibate in her absence a major ego boost as she rammed her fat cock into your spongey sensitivity with each precise jolt of her body into yours and pulled out those glorious supporting moans of a job well done. "Say it!"
"All yours mommy," you cried out sharply as her finger rapidly swirled against your swollen bud. "Damn straight," she groaned as she twitched and spasmed against your quivering walls. "Fucking hell, I'm going to fill you to the brim," she groaned against the base of your neck as she hastily pounded your body up against the wall.
Her hands gripped the fluff of your hips and fully drove her pelvis into your backside so that she could push you over the edge. "I'm so close mommy, please." Natasha obliged your pleas with a swift plan, her tongue teasingly licked the shell of your right ear, "Go on then sweetheart," her free hand moved to grope your breasts that leaked nonstop with warm milk while the other hand continued to stimulate your needy clit. "Let go and drench my cock; make a mess of me."
"Oh, oh, oh shit," you shrieked as you felt the coil within you snap into jagged pieces of pleasure. Nicking every inch of your body—setting your nerves ablaze. Pins and needles lasted for a perceivable eternity as you swore and soon enough you moaned a chorus as she fucked you through the toe curling orgasm.
Natasha shifted your bodies with ease, her cock still driving into your needy hole as she carried you over to lay your front down on the bed, she kept shallowly thrusting, but her strained cock managed to hold out. Even though she wanted to stay true to her words, she continued to hold back her own release for you.
"Your moans are my favorite," she whispered amusedly against the skin of your shoulder before placing a gentle kiss there, and thrusting in deep, pulling sultry cries from the depths of your needy soul. Only to then suddenly pull out so that she could admire your bare backside while calming her need to breed you.
Her hands groped the skin of your sore ass, you whined as her cold fingers trailed over the already bruising skin, tempering the sting from her hips prior assaults. "Daddy please," you whimpered, and she dug her nails into the skin. "Stop being so impatient detka, we're making up for lost time here—be a good girl, and don't rush the process."
"Sorry mommy," you whimpered, and though she couldn't see you she smiled at the remembrance of your usual pout. "There you go," she praised, "Always so good for me baby, I promise that I will never tire of having you like this," she paused, lining her tip back up with your dripping entrance, "Spread wide open as your pretty, puffy cunt devours my shaft."
That was the only warning you had before she slid her thickness back inside of you and began to give you the type of strokes that made your spine shiver; slow, and deep enough that you could feel your guts shifting.
You whimpered softly, "Fuck, I'm already so close again..." Natasha chuckled, "I know, I can feel you trembling detka, fuck, your walls are squeezing me so tight." The redhead stilled for just a second, much to your bodies dismay too, you pressed your ass back and your cunt somehow sucked her in even deeper. It took everything in her not to bust, but she wanted to be truly levelheaded about this before she lost control.
Two kids under two was no easy feat, to be ready for a third required a sure mentality. It was your body after all, talk all she wanted of her possession of your body, that was only in part true. You were in charge of what she did next, whether that be to cum inside you, or to release her potent load onto your back. Either way she'd be satisfied, and all she really wanted was you to be happy with the overall outcome too.
"Want to carry my baby again detka?" Her lips gently pressed into the skin of your shoulder, the moment was far less sexually charged, she gently marked your surrounding skin up while patiently waiting for your eventual, labored response. "Please..."
"Are you sure?" Natasha doubled down, her cock twitched in anticipation for your final reply. "Yes," you were breathless, "Please, just breed me already! Wanna be full of you." Natasha hummed, then picked her pace up, she still reached your greatest depths, but this time she went much faster—leaving you to moan nonstop.
"Gonna fill you until I'm sure I've succeeded," she rasped confidently after a moment of nothing other than listening to skin slapping, and juices sloshing. "Then I'll fuck you from the back every month and feel the way your body changes for our fetus," she placed a sloppy wet kiss behind the shell of your ear and your body shuddered as your walls clamped down on her thick shaft. "Fuck, I heard that pregnancy makes you even hornier detka. Maybe I'll hit it every night. I'll destroy this pussy before the birth ever could."
"Fucking hell Natasha," you shrieked, but it faded into a low pitched moan as the tip of her spurting cock hit that glorious spot deep within that blurred your vision. It happened just as she pressed her wandering hand against the bulge pushing your stretched skin back out.
Your vision blacked out, your cheek pressed into the sheets harshly as the redhead continued to thrust against your pussy's tight resistance to prolong your orgasms and to also allow your walls to effectively milk her cock, ensuring maximum breeding efficiency.
When even she couldn't take anymore she fell into your backside a panting mess. "You did so good," she reassured you, her hands tight grip on your hips loosened so she could stroke your sides instead as you both took a moment to regulated your systems.
After a few moments Natasha became restless, her stamina bouncing back fast as she rose up and slid out of you, leaving behind a sticky mess of your arousals as she did; her clean sheets never stood a chance. It was a moment of total joy for her to watch as your pussy contracted, sensitive walls pushing the excess of her cum from you a sight worthy of marveling. The way it bubbled and popped was absolutely mesmerizing...
There was hardly a lull in her cocks erectness, she stood there still slightly out of breath, with her sticky member inches away from her rock-hard abs in a sweaty glow. Tension held her body captive as she picked her next move. "I want you to ride me detka, bounce on mommy's cock for a bit, suck me dry."
"Mommy, I..." you sighed, "I'm tired."
"I know honey," she coo'd as she sat down on the edge of the mattress, her nimble fingers wrapped around your thigh and teasingly squeezed. "I'll do all the work." With the promise of the needed assistance you slowly shuffled over to her, and threw your leg over her spread set, opening your slick lips back up and allowing her to slip herself back in. You moaned into her shoulder as you felt your mixed slicks gush as your core met the base of her cock at a new, delightful angle.
"Mommy," you called shyly, as if you weren't already in the midst of a raw fucking, your glossy eyes fell to her lips, and she shook her head in amusement as she chuckled, "Come on detka, take what you need."
The way you kissed her every single time was how she knew your feelings for her went beyond that of lust. It was always soft, and sensual with a sense of urgency. Sometimes she felt like you were out to devour her entirely, and if you were, she wouldn't even mind. To be taken out by your lips on hers sounds heavenly.
"Oh god," you whimpered, overrun by a pleasure only she could offer you, her hands on your hips guided you, but she let you control the kiss. "I need you all the time Natty," you panted harshly against her lips as you only briefly disconnected them. "I can't get off without you. Not even listening to your old voicemails work."
"You'll never need to again detka," she growled, hands possessive as they pulled your body back down by your hips to meet her desperate thrusts, "I'll fill you up every day if that's what you need—mhm, yeah; this pussy of mine will never have time to miss me."
"Please..." you begged as your lips left hers so your head could fly back in pleasure, and your hands clawed at her neck, leaving behind angry red lines. Natasha's breath stalled, the grip she had on your hips tightened, then she dropped you mid lift because of how dizzy she felt with the way that your walls squeezed her shaft every damn time it left your warmth. Your face fell to her neck, lips latching onto her pulse point, and with you working to claim her too she busted. The warmth of her seed splattered against your walls, again, the stream nudged your g-spot with a firm flow, joined by the harsh slam of her tip; it was all too much, and in some strange way it never felt like it was enough.
Arousal gushed all over the redheads skin, and slowly dripped down the oak bed frame, polishing it anew.
The way your combined releases ran down from her abdomen and saturated the skin of her balls made her body tense as she produced even more of her seed. Natasha hadn't stopped thrusting, in fact she flipped your body onto the bed, and sent you into another wave of pleasure, and your mind to another dimension.
It had been exactly fourteen months, and ten days since she last felt as her cock rearranged your insides so she wasn't ready to stop. Natasha panted against your neck as she kept fucking your unconscious body.
Eventually she fell semi-flaccid, and her breath was so erratic she had to stop her body from continuing to ram into you. Even if the urge persisted, you were more than fucked out, so she was mostly satisfied. There's no way her diet super soldier swimmers weren't going to fulfill their duty. If the redhead is lucky she'll get a two for one reward. She can't wait to be waiting on you hand and foot. There'd never be a night you went to bed hungry, or uncomfortable.
You'll carry her kids, and she'll carry the rest of the burdens that come with life. The redhead admired your still face, your eyes tracked behind your lids, and your even, cool breaths fanned across her warm face. This was what she believed bliss to be at its core.
Natasha gently slid right on out of you, but it didn't last long before she was sheathed within your velvety warmth again. After you awoke she'd kissed you tenderly, and as her tongue explored your mouth you reached down to pump your hand up and down her cock, it was loud and wet, your hand growing sticky with your mixed arousals and her body shuddered.
"Inside," you breathed in a fit against her lips, she chuckled in disbelief at your needy behavior, and happily guided her cock to your entrance and watched as your walls sucked her in and your wetness gushed all over. "Oh fucking hell detka," Natasha groaned as her fingers flexed against your hips, "Eto ray."
(this is heaven)
"Mhm," you softly hummed your agreement, your hazy eyes fluttered open a moment later as you cheekily smirked up at her. "That dick game is god tier Natty."
Natasha rolled her eyes, then chuckled against your skin as she happily burrowed her face into your neck. All of the lust had faded, for now, and all that was left was to soak in the fact that this was finally happening.
Nothing could ruin the moment, well, almost nothing.
Your phone dinged about half an hour later, and if not for being a mom you'd have ignored it. You lazily lifted it from her nightstand. A soft giggle left you as Natasha grumbled in annoyance at the shift of her cock that was still inside of you. The woman turned her head on your chest and peered at your phone suspiciously only to see that it was lit up with an innocent text from Wanda.
Shall I take the kids back to mine ? 👀♥️
"Tell her to wait," Natasha pleaded, then in a rush she jumped up, leaving you hollow and raced into the shower. You did as told, then followed behind, and the two of you tenderly, yet speedily cleaned the other off.
Wanda sat in the living area with Carter asleep on her bump, and with Delilah laying on the play mat below her, happily kicking her feet. You quietly moved to sit beside your best friend, and watched with a smile as the love of your life cautiously approached your child.
"Hello there moya malen'kaya lyubov'," she was so soft spoken as she spoke to Delilah that you almost didn't recognize her voice. Tears brimmed your lids as you watched the way that your daughter lit up at hearing the spoken Russian, of course Natasha noticed too.
(My littlest love)
"Detka," she whimpered, and looked up into your eyes "Do you speak to her in Russian?" You nodded and sent her a playful wink to cover your emotional gaze. Natasha however turned stone cold serious as she said: "YA sobirayus' sdelat' tebya svoyey zhenoy."
(I'm going to make you my wife)
Wanda giggled from beside you when you frowned and looked to your love with a pout. Natasha smirked this time and winked back, "We'll work on your Russian, then we'll return to that phrase when you understand."
"Oh," you chuckled softly, "I understood, I just expected a first date, then the fat diamond ring."
You turned away from your blushing lover, and scooped your son off of Wanda. "Thank you for the offer, but I'm not leaving you with my two gremlins when you already have two growing inside of you." Wanda went to protest but you leaned into her ear to whisper: "The walls at my place are soundproof..."
You walked away with a proud smirk as the women sat there with collective reddened cheeks. Wanda left a moment later with a kiss left on your daughter's cheek, and a rush in her wobble. Natasha shook her head and chuckled softly at your daughter, "Tvoyu mat' ne zrya prozvali 'Ubiytsey'" Delilah tilted her head, and Natasha was perturbed by Wanda's obvious influence.
(Your mother wasn't nicknamed "Killer" for nothing)
"Detka, where are we going?" She asked as she trailed behind you with a curious infant sat atop of her hip. "Home," you replied flatly then turned around with a contradicting grin. "You ready to shack up darling?"
"I don't know," Natasha teased, "that's a lot of responsibility to place upon a free flyer like me."
"Then I guess," you were cut off by a kiss that left you speechless, yet slightly humming as you grinned against her plush lips. "You've been tamed by a," she cut you off again with a peck and answer: "Beautiful, perfect in all of the ways that count, sexy ass milf."
"You're such a hopeless romantic," you teased, and she matched your grin with a suave lift of the mood. "I'm never hopeless with you Y/N, just soft, and absolutely, undeniably in love with you."
"Jeez Nat, keeping charming my pants off and we'll literally end up with a baseball team." The redhead chuckled, "A team of tiny assassins and witches," then sidled up to you, and slid her free hand into yours in perfect rhythm. "You're insane." Natasha swung your connected hands and grinned up like a devil. "I sure am crazy for you, so yeah, I'll claim it." She winked slowly and snorted when you glared, it was entirely heatless and she knew it.
Then to make the moment all the more special she leaned forward and smiled at your son. "Hi there sweet boy, I'm," she went to introduce herself but the nearly two year old interrupted her excitedly, "Mama!" Natasha was stunned and you elated to see it was a good thing, her eyes lit up with so much love, and she dropped your hand so that she could snatch Carter right from you. "Hey! You already have a baby!"
"You hush," she hissed playfully, then you saw her eyes glisten as he nuzzled right into her neck like she was safe and she emotionally whispered to him in Russian: "Moy ideal'nyy syn, ya budu lyubit' tebya bez ogranicheniy."
(My perfect son, I will love you without limits)
"Moya dragotsennaya Dalila, ya nauchu tebya vsem svoim znamenitym dvizheniyam," she placed a gentle kiss to her face. Then her gaze turned to you as you scoffed, "Not happening if she takes after me for once."
(my precious delilah, I will teach you all my famous moves)
"Don't worry, I didn't forget about you," she turned around and came to a sudden stop. Forcing you to nearly bump into her, but she took a smooth step back with a stupidly hot smirk on her face. "I could never." Natasha leaned in and kissed your lips with a precise tenderness. "I love you, and I plan to for the rest of my life," you blurted, stealing her thunder but she loved the sudden declaration of yours more than her own repeated ones. "I'm so glad you're the one who almost got away, because I'd forever be lost without you."
"My rodstvennyye dushi," she whispered as she pecked your tear tracked cheeks, "Ty byl moyey sud'boy," this time she was pressed against your lips. Then she pulled back with a smile as she continued to speak as her lips met her sleeping babies faces. "Oni nashe naslediye." Then she perfectly crouched without jostling the kids to kiss the skin of your tummy. "For good luck."
(We are soulmates / You were my destiny / Them our legacy)
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scarletwinterxx · 5 months
jaemin dad scenario #2
hellooooooo ~ not sure if y'all are familiar with this audio but I saw a cute tiktok vid earlier with this audio and I wanted to write one about it. plus I've been wanting to write another dad jaemin scenario so here we are😅 hope you like it!!!
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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Jaemin hears the voices from downstairs, waiting for his wife and daughter to walk in the kitchen where he's currently baking cupcakes for Heejin's school day.
"Daddy, we're home"
He turns around to face the two of you, his two girls smiling widely at him. Heejin reaches out for him, immediately getting Heejin from you to give him her after daycare cuddles and kisses
"There's my baby princess, how was daycare today? Did you have so much fun? You didn't cry?" he ask in between kisses on her face. Meanwhile you watch the adorable scene between your husband and his mini me.
"She didn't cry, her teacher told me and she got a star"
"Wah you did? Can appa see it?" he asks the little girl in his arms, Heejin holds out her hand to show the star sticker on the back of her hand
"Wow, that's great! I'll give you a cupcake since you're very good" he promises Heejin, you give him a strict look but you let it slide.
You and Jaemin are on the same page when it comes to raising your daughter. You rarely have any arguments, but there are times Jaemin folds whenever Heejin wants something. Like giving her sweets, or letting her stay up past her bedtime.
You really can't beat the dad-daughter duo, they both know how to make you say yes. One look at you with their round eyes, you're nodding your head to whatever wish they have.
"Also Heejin got something to say" you tell Jaemin, walking towards the fridge to get a drink while Jaemin sets Heejin on the counter
"What is it, baby?"
"I got a boyfwiend" her little baby voice says happily.
Immediately Jaemin's smile changes while you try to hold in the laughter. He looks over at you then back at Heejin
"You don't have a boyfriend"
The little girl frowns at her dad, "I do have my boyfwiend" she says a bit louder this time
You can't help but laugh, Jaemin looks over at you with a glare clearly not amazed with the situation but to you it's very hilarious.
"You don't have a boyfriend" he sternly says, Heejin then sobs then reaches out for you.
You step closer to give her some comfort while Jaemin stands beside you, still not done with his argument with his 4 year old daughter.
"Aw love, what's wrong? who made you cry?" you ask her, patting her hair. The Little Na looking up at you with teary eyes
"Daddy says.. daddy says i don't have boyfwiend" she says in between sobs. At this point you can't help the big smile on your face, your daughter is being so adorable right now.
"But you do have a boyfriend?" you ask her, giggling.
Jaemin playfully pinches your waist, you brush him off while you watch Heejin nod her head "You do? What's his name?"
"Ji-hun" she says with her lips cutely pouting
You laugh again, enveloping her with a hug and kissing her head. Looking over at your husband to see him with an opposite expression on his face, "Yah, they're kids. Just go with it" you whisper
"She's four, she's my babygirl" he grumbles, taking Heejin from you to hold her again
"You're not allowed to have a boyfriend until you're 50" he tells her seriously. To little Heejin, it doesn't really make any sense apart from meaning she doesn't get to be right this time which she doesn't like.
This makes her cry again but doesn't move from her father's embrace
"Boys will make you cry then I have to beat them up then dad will have boo boo's. Do you want dad to have boo boo's?"
"No" she answers, hugging Jaemin quickly. She's always been a worried baby, if she feels like either of you are in danger she gets very anxious and starts to cry. When she was a baby, she hated seeing Jaemin on his bike. She thought he was going to fall.
"Okay then don't get a boyfriend okay? Pinky promise" he holds out his pinky towards Heejin, the little girl sealing the promise
"I can't even imagine how you would be when she actually starts dating" you tease him
"Don't start with me. I'll actually fight them"
You laugh, joining in their hug. Jaemin wraps one arm around you while the other holds Heejin, both of his girls in his arms.
"And I love you for that, but one day she's going be a big girl and would fall in love just like I did. With you" you tell him, giving him a kiss on the cheek
He looks at you, his eyes full of love and adoration like they always have ever since you met. "Well then as long as she falls in love with someone who loves her the way I love you, then I guess I'll be okay. That's still a maybe though, no one deserve our baby girl"
You smile at him, kissing him again this time on the lips then giving Heejin a kiss also on her chubby cheeks "I love you more, both of you. How about we finish baking these then let's have a cuddle night the three of us?"
"Sounds like heaven to me" He agrees, kissing both you and Heejin on the head before he sets Heejin down. The little one getting her standing stool ready to help with decorating the cupcakes but you both know she's after the sprinklers
"After I put her to bed, you and I are going to have a talk" he whispers
"What did I do" you laugh "Mhm, you can laugh now. Just wait until later"
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scryarchives · 6 months
OMG i just taught of this in my head its alright if ya dont wanna write it but NANAMI AS A FATHER HEADCANON cuz like man will be dedicsted to making sure his child has a goos life (and not be like gojo)
my masterlist !
✭ pairings: platonic - dad!nanami x daughter!reader
✭ warning: nanami's probably out of character, pure fluff, fem!reader
✭ word count: 1.2k words
HII OH MY GOSH, thank you for the ask!! okay so this is my first ever hc request and I ABSOLUTELY ADORE the idea of this!! I hardly ever write 'x reader' content, but I really might just start doing it for the platonic reqs! I really do think Nanamin would be the best dad ever, but Gojo would definitely be a great parent too considering that he does believe that children should be allowed to be happy without having their childhood taken away! Anyway, I've yapped enough, here are the Dad!Nanami Headcanons! Enjoy!
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𝐝𝐚𝐝!𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢 | 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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Dad!Nanami who:
✧ Raised the baby left on his doorstep, crying and swaddled in cloth with her heartbreaking screams of hunger and lack of love filled his ears. ✧ Instantly checked on her condition, considering the baby’s cries, he couldn’t tell if perhaps she was injured.  ✧ Once he figured out she was fine, he instantly rushed to the store with the baby in his arms, rushing through each aisle to hunt for baby food. ✧ Bought the food the moment he spotted it, adjusting her in his hold as he quickly paid for it, sitting on the ground outside to open the food and feed the starving child. ✧ Softens the moment he hears her cries stop, her big eyes staring up at him intently with her remaining tears gathered in the corners of her eyes.  ✧ Smiles a little the moment he sees how quickly she devours the baby food, showing how hungry she really is. ✧ Thought maybe parenthood isn’t as bad as it seems.
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✧ Feels pride bubble up in his chest the moment she begins to walk, her smile wide as she wobbles towards him, his arms wide open as he speaks to her with soft encouragement, “That’s it, step by step.” ✧ Scoops her up into a big hug the moment she’s a few inches away from her, her little giggles of amusement bringing her so much joy. ✧ Doesn’t mind doodling silly little things with her, scribbling down on a paper whatever she asks, as long as it’s after work hours, despite his urge to bend the rules for his little girl. ✧ Brings her to work as long as he’s not on a mission (because really, who in the right mind would put such a precious being in harm’s way?), just to make sure that she’s safe and sound. At least she’s with him, and he can keep an eye on her. ✧ Knows he can trust his baby girl with Gojo’s students when he needs to go on a mission, and never Gojo, even if Fushiguro did turn out the way he did under Gojo’s care. ✧ Would make the three teens promise not to let Gojo within a five-foot radius of his little daughter because he knows it would mean nothing but trouble (who knows what really goes on behind those blindfolded, blank eyes.) ✧ Is nothing but touched to see how the three students cared for his little girl so carefully, seeing her resting on Itadori’s chest as they sleep on the couch with the hushed noises of children’s cartoons in the background from the TV. ✧ Tucks her away before gently placing a warm blanket over the three students who he clearly cared for (he’s never explicitly said so, but they all know it). He’s nothing short of grateful for their help babysitting the precious little girl in his life, and he sees her as his own, not caring for the fact that she was just left on his doorstep. He can’t wait to see her grow.
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✧ Tears up a little behind his glasses as he drops her off for her first day at preschool, his face stoic as ever as he wonders where all the time went as he watches her skip off to class, waving goodbye to him. ✧ Wishes that time would slow down just for a while so he could read her bedtime stories and notice the tiny things she does to try and make his day easier. Always his little helper, she was. ✧ Can’t wait to pick her up, packing up fifteen minutes earlier from work just to collect her on time, turning to Gojo with a glare as the white-haired man smirks, entertained to see his junior so caring and paternal. ✧ Arrives at her preschool just a minute early, waiting at the school’s gates as he hears the bell ring, the cheers of other kids rushing out like water from a broken dam. His eyes immediately rush to find her tiny figure, and he bends down, recognising the top of her head through the sea of children. ✧ Listens to every little thing she tells him, from what she saw in the class to the friends she made – even the tiny ants she saw at the playground during recess. ✧ Smiles the moment he sees the drawing she did in class of a poorly-drawn him and herself (he doesn’t mind it one bit), just proud to have been involved in her growth. ✧ Frames the drawing instantly, and though it’s a little big, it sits on his bedside table, right next to his wristwatch and glasses. ✧ Has no hesitation to put aside whatever housework the moment she asks for help with homework – math specifically. ✧ Is as patient as he can be, explaining the basics clearer for his precious daughter to understand, helping her with the first bit before letting her try it out on her own. He’s positively glowing with pride when he checks through her homework, finding it all done correctly. ✧ Ruffles her hair as she grins with a laugh as he gives her his rare words of encouragement, “Great work, kiddo.” ✧ Sees her with a gold star sticker her homework the next day as she runs to him after school, her maths worksheet waving in the air as she jumps into his arms. ✧ Is nothing but satisfied to see her beaming with pride at her efforts, and relieved to know that he’s doing a good job so far.
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✧ Finds himself stuck, struggling to explain where her mother is as she peers curiously up at him, his daughter now up to his hip. ✧ She’s grown again, and her increased height followed her curiosity as she asked more questions, and noticed more things – well in this case, the lack thereof. ✧ He simply replied with a, “It’s always been you and I.” Relief fills him the moment he sees a nod in understanding, but the thought keeps him awake at night. Eventually, he’ll have to explain, it’s always the hardest thing to find out how to do it. ✧ Finds out why she asked as he spots a little worksheet on her desk, his brown eyes widening as he recognises it as a family tree. ✧ Two of the slots are filled, but the rest remain blank, and he feels nothing but pity, a sigh escaping him as he picks up the sheet of paper. ✧ Plans to tell his daughter everything that night, preparing her favourite dishes and desserts, but his nerves are getting to him, resulting in a tense silence as he sits at the dining table, waiting for her to finish her shower. ✧ Notices the moment passes as she sits down, digging into her meal as he clears his throat, finally finding it in him to speak. ✧ Watches every twitch of her eyelid as she blinks, waiting for some sort of reaction from her, hoping that she’d take it well. He’s not sure of what he’d do if it all went south. ✧ Is silent by the end of the explanation, waiting, gauging for her voice to say something, but all he can see are her big eyes staring at him. ✧ Is caught off guard when she says, “I don’t need any other family, because I have you, Dad. I don’t care if I’m adopted or not, you’ll always be my dad.” ✧ Feels his eyes water, his arms spreading open to pull her into a hug. It’s uncharacteristic of him, but for her, he wouldn’t care. She’s his daughter, his little girl, not bound by blood but by bond. ✧ Would want nothing more than to hold her in his arms, wishing to protect her from every little bit of harm because that’s what you do with things you adore, with the things you treasure – and she’s everything to him, his baby girl.
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taglist: @mooncleaver @underwateredwrld @mcmisbehaving @neteyamrealgf @khany2026 @tinkerbelle05 @iheartamajiki @sad-darksoul @yunymphs @cindol @rrairey @cheriiyaya @yurislotusgarden @kesshavx
< comment/dm me if you’d like to be on the taglist! >
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damiansgoodgirll · 1 year
can you make hc for the judgment day being super protective over the reader, like she is the baby of the group being younger and everyone is super protective of her
the judgment day x reader (platonic)
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the baby of the group
the judgment day knew how to scare people around them but when you joined the group, they all felt a sense of urgency in order to protect you and make you feel safe. as you joined the group you were only nineteen, the youngest of them all and they all wanted to show people around that no one had to mess with you, otherwise they would make people’s lives a living nightmare.
rhea ripley
rhea saw you as a little sister, as you reminded her of her younger sister due to your young age. she loved your bubbly personality, it brought a new vibe to the group that she was loving. she acted more like a big sister kind of protector, always checking on you if you were going out at night, offering to pick you up in case you decided to drink and you couldn’t drive, making sure the clubs or bar you went to were safe and not full of drunk people and always telling you to call her if you found yourself in trouble. she promised herself that she was always going to keep you safe and she wasn’t going to break that promise anytime soon.
finn balor
finn adored you. he adored you from the second you stepped into the judgment day. he was like a mentor to you, always helping you train and teaching you new moves and tricks. he loved spending time with you, due to the huge age difference between the two of you, he loved how you taught him how to use new apps, how you showed him everything that kids your age liked nowadays, new slangs and way of speaking and everytime he tried to speak like you did, he sounded like the cool dad who tried to make a good impression on his daughter’s friends. he saw you like a daughter in some way. he felt the urge to protect you from the world outside sometimes, because to him, you were only a teenage girl who was still learning about the world and he knew how sometimes the world could be cruel with people and he didn’t want you to face the reality, not yet at least. he was a shoulder you could cry on if you needed, he would listen without judging you and that’s why you loved him so much, he showed you a vulnerable side that he wouldn’t show to the other members of the group and you were so grateful you had found someone like finn.
damian priest
damian was your guardian angel. he was the one to make you laugh and smile in case you were sad. he was the one to take you shopping if your friends were busy. he was the one who would stay up all night with you just gossiping about other wrestlers but he also was the one who would kick boys asses in case they would make you cry. he was like rhea, always checking on you if you wanted to stay out late but he had like a sixth sense sometimes and he couldn’t help to “spy” on you. he trusted you, he didn’t trust the boys around you. you caught him in the same bar as you a few times but instead of being mad, you were thankful that someone cared so much about you that would even start spying you. a few guys tried to hit you up and when you politely declined them, they wouldn’t back away and so damian had to intervene. he made sure that those boys would never hit on you ever again. sometimes he even helped you through your hungover, he would let you stay at his place because he didn’t want you to stay alone in case you felt sick. he always made sure you were safe and comfortable and you always reminded him how thankful you were to have him in your life.
dominik mysterio
dom was like the “best friend protective mode” guy. you were at the same age of his sister so he knew how to deal with you. you two went along immediately. you two had a lot in commons and it made it easier to connect with each other. he was funny and he always made you laugh but at the same time he was a great friend, always being there for you if you needed him and you were the first person he told that he was going to propose to his girlfriend. you were there for him the same way he was there for you, always having each other’s back.
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victoryverse · 7 months
i don’t know if you already did something like that but could you write about single dad simon with a daughter (around 4-5 years) introducing reader as simon’s new girlfriend and reader and simon’s daughter bond directly?🤍
sorry if my english is not that good, it’s not my native language🥲thank you
You are nervously standing at the front door of Simon Riley's house, dressed in your best outfit. You take a deep breath and knock on the door, your heart pounding in your chest. You have been dating Simon for a few months now and things have been going really well. But today is a big day - you are finally going to meet his daughter.
The door opens and Simon greets you with a warm smile. 'Hey, you made it,' he says, stepping aside to let you in.
You take a moment to compose yourself before stepping into the house. You are immediately greeted by the sound of laughter and giggles coming from the living room. Your heart melts at the sound, knowing that it's coming from Simon's daughter.
'Come on, I'll introduce you,' Simon says, leading you into the living room.
As you enter the room, your eyes immediately land on the most adorable little girl you have ever seen. She has long curly hair and bright eyes, just like her father. She is playing with some toys on the floor, but as soon as she sees Simon, she jumps up and runs over to him.
'Daddy!' she exclaims, wrapping her small arms around his legs.
'Hey, sweetie,' Simon says, bending down to hug her back. 'I want you to meet someone. This is Y/N, my girlfriend.'
The little girl looks up at you with curiosity in her eyes, and you can't help but smile at her. 'Hi, I'm Y/N,' you say, kneeling down to her level.
She looks at you for a moment before a smile spreads across her face. 'Hi, Y/N! I'm Lily,' she says, holding out her hand for you to shake.
You are taken aback by her manners and you can already tell that you are going to get along with her just fine. You shake her hand and she giggles, making your heart swell with happiness.
'Would you like to play with us, Y/N?' Lily asks, tugging on your hand.
You look up at Simon, who nods with a smile. 'Of course she can,' he says.
And just like that, you are welcomed into their little world. You spend the afternoon playing with Lily, building forts, and having a tea party with her stuffed animals. You can't help but notice how much she looks like Simon, not just in appearance but in her mannerisms as well. You can see why Simon is so proud of her.
As the evening approaches, Simon brings out some snacks and you all sit together on the couch, watching a movie. Lily snuggles up between the two of you, her head resting on your chest. You wrap your arm around her, feeling a sense of warmth and love that you have never experienced before.
'Y/N, can you come over again tomorrow?' Lily asks, looking up at you with pleading eyes.
You can't help but laugh at her eagerness. 'Of course, sweetie. I would love to come over again,' you say, giving her a gentle squeeze.
Lily's face lights up with joy and she cuddles closer to you. You can feel Simon's eyes on you and you look over at him, seeing the love and adoration in his gaze. You know in that moment that you are exactly where you are meant to be - in the arms of the man you love, with his beautiful daughter by your side.
As the night goes on, you and Lily bond even more, sharing stories and playing games together. When it's time for you to leave, Lily gives you a big hug, telling you that she can't wait to see you again. You promise her that you will be back soon and she gives you a big smile before running off to bed.
As you say goodbye to Simon, he pulls you in for a kiss and whispers, 'Thank you for being so amazing with Lily. I can see that you two are going to be great friends.'
You smile up at him, feeling grateful for this perfect little family that you have become a part of. And as you drive home, you can't help but think about all the future playdates, family dinners, and memories that you will make with Simon and Lily.
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heyhihellosworld · 2 years
𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀
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Mason Mount x reader
Word count: 1k
Summary: Mason wants to introduce your daughter to the squad
Warnings: Fluff fluff and more fluff, dad Mason
Notes: Planned on writing this for another player but just felt soft for Mason and also this picture, like what? 🥵 Also this is really short and not the best
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"Please y/n" Mason asked, his eyes begging you and his mouth in a pout. "Mason" you laughed, raking your fingers through his hair which made him whine in need to get an answer.
"You know it's not up to me" you defended giggling at his childish behavior as he slumped down into the couch with a groan. "I know" he sighed, pulling your arm gently to get you to sit down in his lap.
You smiled as you leaned your head back against his shoulder, his face nuzzling in your neck. You where soft for him, sighing before meeting his eyes.
"What if I drive up to you after training? That way they can meet her but it wont be on training time" you suggested, your heart fluttering as his face lit up with a splitting smile. "You would do that?"
"Of course" you hummed, raking your fingers through his hair again but this time he met it with a hum of satisfaction instead, leaning his head on your chest. "I know how important it is for you" you hummed.
You had welcomed you daughter Lyra about a year ago, Mason immediately stepping up as an great father and doing everything he could to balance his career and family life, just as you but it hadn't been too much struggle. She just fit right in your routine.
Mason had wanted to take her to training for a long time now, he had already taken her to meet the Chelsea squad a couple of months ago but he wanted her to meet the England lads as well but it was a bit trickier considering it was pretty far to the training ground.
"What time does your training end?" you hummed "Three" he answered sleepily "Okay"
It had been an easy and slow morning for you. Lyra had been sleeping long and was now laying in her baby-seat quietly in the car. She looked at you and said a few words every now and then but she was in a good mood. The drive was easy and you arrived at 15:07, perfect time and you grinned at yourself, high-fiving your skills.
You packed Lyra out of the car and walked towards the training pitch where they were still kicking balls around, just playing.
Mason perked up at the sound of your shoes against the gravel, his smile lightning up as he saw the two of you, immediately jogging over to meet you. "Hi princess" he cooed, making the little girl giggle as she kissed his cheek. "Hi to you to" he smiled, kissing your lips gently before turning back to the squealing girl, taking her out of your hands.
You walked with him to the middle of the pitch to greet the boys, hugging each of them and exchanging some words with them as Mason stood with Declan. "Oi! I want to meet her!" Jack exclaimed, pushing Declan away as he took the little girl, lifting her straight up like he wanted to inspect her.
You stepped back a few steps and sat down in the grass, leaning against your palms to watch the scene in front of you, a smile on your face as you watched them interact with Lyra.
"Oh my gosh she is adorable" Marcus squeled, scooping her up from Jack's arms who whined at his friend.
"She is, it's all thanks to me" Mason huffed cockily making you scoff.
"Oh come on man, she is maybe 80% y/n" Phil laughed agreeing with you and shoving Mason on the shoulder. "Ouch!" he whined, taking Lyra back into his arms. "She is my twin" he argued. The boys giggled at him
"Nah man, she is y/n's copy, that's probably why she is so cute" Declan cooed at the baby, making her laugh. Mason on the other hand gasped dramatically "Oi! first you say my daughter looks nothing like me and then you hit on my wife?"
Declan laughed giving you a wink as Mason gasped again not loving the joke but you could only laugh and wink back at Declan.
"No no no" Mason huffed, narrowing his eyes at your teasing grin but he couldn't help but let the smile take over his face.
You spent around an hour on the pitch before you had to let Lyra rest, her smile never intact but her eyes began to droop closed as she sat in Kyle's lap on the grass, Raheem sitting next and talking with the little girl who was spent to the limit after having stumbled around the grass with the boys who wanted to see if she could kick the ball. Mason had already announced she would be a football-star after she had kicked it very slowly into the goal on the side of Trent who had pretended to be a keeper. She had squealed of happiness, probably not because of the goal but because of the boys excitement and reactions, having caused her to tumble around in a fit of giggles.
"Can I keep her?" Raheem pouted as he held the now asleep girl in his arms, not wanting to let her go. Saka stood next to him, also pouting at the sleeping girl. "She is literally too adorable" he gushed making you grin.
"Okay okay, give me my princess now" Mason huffed, smiling as Raheem reluctantly passed her over.
"Okay, we will go now, see you tomorrow lads" Mason greeted goodbye before you both started to move back to the car. "If you don't bring her don't come!" Jack shouted after you which made you both laugh, Mason giving him the finger behind his back.
You sighed, leaning your head against his shoulder with a content smile on your face, feeling relaxed and happy. "Thank you" Mason mumbled in your ear, wrapping his free arm around your waist. "Love you" he mumbled
"Love you Mase"
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crusty-chronicles · 9 months
Kite As A Dad Headcannons
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An: You can't make me shut up about this man 😤😤. He deserves so much love and I'm not ready for Ch 16 of Moon and Sun. Fluff, lots of fluff.
Kite, to put it quite simply, is a great father.
He never thought he'd ever have kids of his own. He always felt he was too busy, and relationships never tended to last with his line of work. But his perspective began to change when he met you.
He was content having you in his life. One of the only constants. He was content having the boys stop by occasionally. Already treating them like his own. And a part of him thought that was the closest the two of you would ever get to having kids.
So imagine his shock when you told him you were pregnant. 
The surprise when he could see two little blimps of life inside you instead of one.
He's the type of father that when his little girl is older, doesn't mind her giving him ‘makeovers’. Who doesn't bat an eye when she starts applying splotchy eyeshadow to ‘make him pretty.’ Who lets her braid his hair and put all of her glittery clips in. Who makes sure to sit in on every tea party, tiara and all, just to see her smile.
He's the type of father who can never say no when his son asks to go on a fishing trip. Who teaches him all his favorite tricks for the perfect catch. Who listens to him rant excitedly about the trout he caught, listing off each and every fact from the top of his head. Who is more than supportive when he decides to be a hunter just like his father.
But even in the early stages he seemed to excel.
Kite is the type of dad to listen and nod his head when his two infants start babbling. Cooing a ‘mhmm’ and a ‘your’re absolutely right.’ Acting as if he really understands what they're saying. Who, when they make little grabby gestures, always seems to know what they want. Whether they just want to be held or fed, he just knows.
Who, instead of being grossed out when there's a bit of spittle on his shoulder, laughs it off instead. He'll set his little girl down to clean it off, only for his boy to drool on his boot next. Who'd rather it be that then the throw-up currently on the front of your shirt. And who, when you eye him with a mischievous smirk asking for a hug, flees while the twins giggle and laugh at the sight.
He's the type of father to beam with pride when his kids start speaking. Who, after being gone for a few weeks on an expedition, returns home to hear his two toddlers arguing in their playpen. ‘Gib me!’ from his son trying to pull the pacifier from his sister's mouth. A ‘No! Maaaa!’ from his daughter. And he's definitely the type who's heart melts when they turn around and coo ‘Dada’ at him for the first time.
He's the type of dad who absolutely adores the fact that both of his children look exactly like you. From your hair to your eyes, they were both mini copies of you. Who loves you with his whole heart, and in turn loves his kids just as much, if not more. 
He's the type of father Who tries to be around more for you and them. Who makes sure he's not gone for more than a few weeks at a time so he doesn't miss any major milestones. Who immediately steps up to help you with the twins, and who tells you to rest so you don't overwork yourself. 
Who wants to be able to give his kids everything he never had as a child. Including a home filled with warmth and love. 
Who likes to tease you after a night of intimacy by placing a hand on your tummy and whispering, “Maybe we should have just one more. But knowing our luck,we'd end up with two again.”
This is how I cope!!!! I'm still not over MatPat 😞
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shitsndgiggs · 2 months
Hey dear... I hope that you're feeling better.... when you get better will you consider writing something about kenan where he meets reader's parents for the first time and her being an only child her parents have..thank you
Kenan meets your protective parents
Kenan Yildiz only child! reader
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Meeting the parents was a big step, and as we drove to my childhood home, I could sense Kenan's nervousness.
I glanced over at him, his usual confident demeanor replaced with a rare look of apprehension.
“Hey, don’t worry,” I said, trying to soothe him with a smile. “They’re going to love you. Just be yourself.”
Kenan nodded, taking a deep breath. “I just want them to see how much I care about you.”
“They will,” I assured him, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. “Let’s go.”
The drive felt longer than usual, my anticipation building with each passing mile. When we finally arrived, my mom opened the door with a warm smile, though I could see the curiosity and caution in her eyes.
My dad stood behind her, his expression neutral but assessing.
“Mom, Dad, this is Kenan,” I introduced, my voice filled with pride.
Kenan stepped forward, extending his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N.”
My dad shook his hand firmly, his protective nature clear in his scrutinizing gaze. “Nice to meet you, Kenan. Come on in.”
Inside, the atmosphere was a mix of warmth and tension. My mom offered tea and cookies, making small talk while my dad watched Kenan closely.
Kenan answered their questions politely, sharing stories about his upbringing, career, and how much he adored me.
“So, Kenan,” my dad began, his tone serious, “how did you two meet?”
Kenan glanced at me, smiling. “We met through mutual friends at a party. I was immediately drawn to Y/N’s kindness and intelligence. She’s truly special.”
My mom smiled softly at that, but my dad’s expression remained thoughtful. “What are your intentions with our daughter?”
I squeezed Kenan’s hand under the table, giving him silent encouragement. “My intentions are to support and love Y/N. I’m committed to her and our future together. I understand she’s your only child, and I want you to know that I will always treat her with the utmost respect and care.”
There was a pause, and then my dad’s stern expression softened just a bit. “That’s all we want for her,” he said quietly. “Her happiness and well-being mean everything to us.”
Kenan nodded earnestly. “I promise to do my best to ensure that.”
Dinner progressed more smoothly after that. My parents started to warm up to Kenan, appreciating his sincerity and the way he treated me.
My mom shared embarrassing childhood stories about me, and my dad even cracked a few jokes, easing the tension.
Later, as we all sat in the living room, my mom turned to Kenan with a gentle smile. “You know, Y/N is our world. We’ve always been protective of her, maybe a bit too much sometimes. But seeing how happy she is with you... it means a lot.”
Kenan smiled, looking at me with love in his eyes. “She’s my world too.”
When it was time to leave, my parents walked us to the door. My dad shook Kenan’s hand again, this time with genuine warmth. “Take care of her, Kenan.”
“I will, sir,” Kenan replied earnestly.
In the car, I looked at Kenan, my eyes shining with gratitude and love. “You did great,” I said softly. “They really like you.”
Kenan sighed in relief, a smile spreading across his face. “I’m glad. I just want them to know how much you mean to me.”
“They do,” I assured him, leaning over to kiss him. “And so do I.”
As we drove away, I felt a sense of peace. The evening had gone better than I had hoped, and I knew my parents had seen the same thing I saw in Kenan: a loving, dedicated partner who would always be there for me.
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procyonloser · 4 months
Mini au fic IDK. Pre adamsapple. Divorced Dad Adam. Modern/Human Au
Old man yaoi
Adam picked up Abel, who was still sniffing even as he latched onto Adam's leg. Cain, on the other hand, was glowering up at his brother, still holding onto his backpack and clearly not wanting to go. Admittedly, Adam wasn't happy about being here at fucking 2 in the goddamn morning either.
"Sorry," Charlie said, lisping a bit since she'd gotten braces. She might have tried to look goth, but she was still a theater kid at heart. "In school, everyone was talking about this new movie...I mentioned it to the twins, it sounded like they wanted to see it."
"I did want to see it." Cain complained, siding with his step sister and looking put out.
"Yeah, well, Abel pissed himself in fear, so maybe no fucking slasher movies for kids under 10?" Adam huffed, readjusting Abel on his hip so the kid wasn't strangling him. "Where's your mom?"
"On a date, in the city. They were dressed all fancy and left in a really cool car." Cain said glumly.
"Wouldn't take us with."
Yeah, no shit, Adam thought to himself. He couldn't imagine a worse hell than a romantic date with two 7 year olds tagging along the entire time.
"Why don't you have any cars like that?" Cain asked him.
"Because your mom took all my shit in the divorce, and then married a rich fuck." Adam said in feigned sweetness. Charlie looked upset, eyebrows fitting together, but she was all of 13, and she knew just as well as he did that her mom Lilith was Adam's other ex wife. So, he had reason to be annoyed. "Now get your shit and get in the car, we're going home. It's too late at night for this and your brother is going to need therapy."
"The monster that lived under his bed ate out the man's eyeballs." Abel mumbled into his shoulder. Great, Adam wasn't going to sleep alone for a year.
"You suck, I wish Lucifer was my dad..." Cain stomped down the front steps with as much force as a 7 year old could muster. Adam rolled his eyes, but before he could open his mouth again, a candyapple red car came screaming up the very long driveway.
"Fuck," Adam whispered under his breath. "Here we go again."
Lucifer practically jumped out of the front seat, running up the sidewalk looking concerned, but his tie was noticeably loose, and the buttons on his shirt weren't in the right spot. There was what a bit on lipstick on his neck.
"I got your message, Charlie, is everything alright?" Lucifer asked, looking at his daughter in worry. "No one is hurt, are they?"
"Everything is fine," Adam cut her off, glaring down at the older man. "Abel got scared, I'm taking the boys home."
Lucifer looked between him and the boys, frown curling his expression downwards. "Oh no, that's too bad. I'm so sorry to hear that, I was really looking forward to the weekends they were here..."
Not enough to stop you from going out and plowing Eve on a Friday night, Adam thought in smoldering anger. He'd had to drive all the way across town to drop them off, only to come back in the middle of the fucking night for them.
"Yeah, I had the rest of the weekend planned. Homemade pancakes and waffles with whipped cream and fruit, then I was going to take them to LuLuWorld, and then I was going to let them pick out any toy set they wanted." Lucifer listed off, seemingly legitimately upset by the news. Abel's head picked up off of Adam, and he looked at his step father in sudden fixation.
Eve got out of the car, glare fixed on Adam before rounding it to wrap her arm through Lucifer's. She sure as fuck never wore any dresses like that when he'd been married to her.
"Well, if the boys want to stay with Adam, that's fine. Nothing wrong with that, Charlie likes to stay at her mother's some days too." Eve practically purred, running a finger along Lucifer's jaw. Lucifer looked up at her with adoration that made Adam's stomach turn. How long had it been since he and Lucifer had been friends?
"I think I'm okay now," Abel said, pushing to get down on the ground. Adam let him go, and Abel ran over to his step sister's side, which caused Cain to do the same. "Yeah, I'm totally okay now. Thanks Dad, see you again Monday!"
"Or never, we could just stay here," Cain said under his breath, but Adam heard it anyway.
"Oh good!" Lucifer said, turning to smile at Adam, like he was doing him some kind of favor. "I'm sure you're happy to get your weekends back! I'm sure you're busy."
Eve scoffed, and Adam boiled below the surface.
"Fucking whatever man." Adam turned to walk towards his car, but Eve stopped him with a small smile on her painted lips. Lucifer was already leading the kids back into the house, promising them popcorn and a happier movie to watch.
"Maybe we should rethink custody arrangements?" Eve raised her eyebrow at him, a sly smile darkening her features. "The twins seem much happier here."
Adam fumed, marching up to get in her face, not afraid of how it looked. "Fuck. You. You didn't even want them. I had to fucking beg you to take them on the weekends because they wanted their mom. You're not taking them from me."
Eve didn't seem bothered by his response. "Looks like I already have." She flipped her hair over her shoulder and sauntered back into the house, only sending one last parting message to him. "By the way, Adam? He's bigger."
The door shut behind her, and Adam was left outside, cold, in the dark, and pondering arsony.
"Maybe I'll fucking steal him from you, see how you like it!" Adam shouted at the front door, hands balled up into fists at his sides. "I can't fucking wait until you're miserable and I'm the one sucking his fucking soul out through his co-"
The door creaked back open, and Lucifer looked out of it, brows furrowed. "...Uh...the kids can hear you."
Adam turned bright red from embarrassment. "Fucking good! I'm glad!"
Lucifer stared at him. "... Right, goodnight, Adam."
With that the door shut, and Adam got back into his car, slamming the door closed, and then hitting his head against the steering wheel about fifty times.
First loves sucked. Second loves sucked more. Third loves sucked hardest.
He hoped his ramen in the microwave hadn't gotten mushy.
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pearlywritings · 1 year
His little hero
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synopsis: it was you who always saved him from nightmares, but it seems that another precious girl decided to take that role upon herself.
pairing and characters: (implied) Kaveh x fem!reader, your daughter
tw: established relationship, hurt/comfort, girldad!Kaveh, domestic moment
word count: 1.2k+ words
a/n: I am slowly coming back, and let’s say this small fic is the first step of me returning on my way of writing
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Kaveh jolts upright with a startled gasp, pink padparadscha eyes wide and chest heaving. Blood is thumping in his veins, in his head, in his throat, in his everywhere, turning the whole world in the sounds of his widely beating heart. He doesn't register how sweaty he is or how his frame is trembling - the veil of sleep is too thick to shake it off of his conscience.
Oh, but he has to, he needs to fight it and get a hold on reality. Shaking his head and making the hair messier than before, the man in his late thirties turns to look to his side, only to be met with the same soft gem-like eyes, reflecting the light of a nightstand lamp. Wait, the lamp has been turned on? Or did he forget to switch it off in the evening, after he told his daughter, who sneaked into her parents' room and wormed her way to her father's side, many stories to lull her to sleep? And why is there such immeasurable worry on the surface of these pinkish pools, staring at him without blinking?
He wants to lift his hand to rub at his eyes, but realizes that two small hands of a five-years old have an almost death grip on his long fingers. What has frightened her so much? He is sure he didn't tell her any horror stories - he probably wouldn't have been able to fall asleep himself. Then what is it-
"Dad, what's wrong..?” It twists his heart, how sad and small she sounds. “I am scared… are you okay?"
She is scared..? Of him? Or…for him?
"I'm fine," Archons, this tired and hoarse voice is so strange, yet painfully familiar to him. Kaveh turns to face her properly and reaches the free hand to gently cup her little cheek, fore and middle fingers smoothing her locks behind her ear. “I really am,” he tries to sound softer, leaning down and placing a kiss to her forehead, pushing his fears behind to comfort his sweet girl. “Shh, it’s okay, baby, don’t look so sad.”
“But…but you were crying…” her lower lip trembles and the man immediately brings her close to his chest, folding legs and settling her against them. Artistic fingers carefully adjust her cute flower-patterned pajama, smoothing the fabric and rubbing at her back intact with the rocking of the architect’s body. Lips press to the top of her head, sweetly murmuring words of reassurance and promises that he really is fine.
He wants to believe he is. After all, Kaveh has an amazing wife, a child - the most wonderful girl in the whole world, he has a stable well-paying job, a nice house he built for his little family, great friends (maybe just a little bit annoying at times), and everyone around him is happy. He is happy.
But sometimes… Sometimes he is so-so scared of losing it all. To not hear the laughter in tavern at the table his pals reserved, to not have a home to come back to, to once again struggle with providing for his loved ones, to not have this bundle of sunshine in his arms, calling him ‘dad’ and expressing her happiness through the brightest smile on her adorable face, to not kiss you good morning and good night while holding your hand and smoothing his thumb over the metal of a band wrapped around your finger.
He knows how easy it is to lose everything - it happened to him way too many times he’d like to admit. And now, when he has so many wonderful things all at once? He cannot stop thinking about it occasionally. The nightmare of such a kind shouldn’t be surprising, but must've it really come to him, when his daughter sought her dad's cuddles on a night when you went for a sleepover to your friend’s?
Kaveh sighs heavily, running a palm down his face, as if wiping the remnants of sleep and clinging worries, refocusing his gaze on a child in his lap. She sniffles a couple of times quietly, but doesn’t look like she is about to cry, though the man is fully prepared to comfort her. Instead, she bumps her forehead against his ribs, butting them.
“Do you miss mom?” He has to strain his ears to hear that, but he does. Running his digits through her silky locks, the architect hums, glancing at the photo of you three on his nightstand - it depicted the moment right after he sneaked behind you, lifting you bridal style, while your girl was in your arms. Ah, her and your smiles are the sunniest, and he knows you’d say that his is just as beaming.
“Of course I miss mom, baby.”
“Were you crying because of it?”
Ah… Of course she is still worried for him. It kind of reminds Kaveh of himself - though he was older and it was to his mom.
The sudden comparison makes him shudder.
May his daughter never experience the same thing.
“I don’t know, love. I had a nightmare, but I don’t remember much,” half-truth and half-lie. He might not remember the details, but he knows what caused it. “You saved me from it though. You know what it makes you?”
“I saved you?” She lifts her head and his heart melts at the sight of her eyes, widened in astonishment. “I really did?”
“Mhm, you did.”
“Am I… a hero?”
She is. Just like her mother.
“You are, little feather. The greatest hero, the conqueror of nightmares, the savior of dads!”
She giggles, hiding her face in his chest, turning bashful. He kisses the top of her head again, cuddling her small body into his, sensing how with every second spent in his daughter’s dazzling presence less and less fears remain in his heart and brain. She truly is a wonder. His and your wonder.
“I am like mom!” Oh, many would beg to differ, considering the stark resemblance the girl holds to her father, but Kaveh knows what she means. “You say mom saves you every day.”
“She does,” an almost dreamy sigh escapes him, “she really does. But even heroes sometimes get tired and have to restore their power. That is why mom is out today having fun with her friends, whom she hasn’t seen for a long time. As for the little heroes, they should sleep at night to grow into even mightier heroes. So why don’t we-”
“For how long?” The girl cuts him off, lifting her head again and glancing at the man with curiosity. “A day?”
“No,” he chuckles, realizing that’s going to take a while now to get her to sleep, “longer than that.”
“Hm… Two days?”
“No, it’s not like the weekend at school.”
“Three days!?”
This time he shakes his head, listening with a smile to how the number of days keeps growing along with the size of her eyes and opening mouth. It never seizes to amaze him how a simple conversation with her makes everything so much better. There is a slither of guilt about waking her up and worrying her so much with his state, but watching her play the guessing game eagerly only five minutes after she was ready to cry for him - soothes Kaveh.
Moving closer to the headboard and settling against it, the blond decides to entertain her more, until she is sleepy enough to get back to the dreamland. After all, even the little heroes need rest, and that’s the least he can do for his.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Babysitting and Training
➥ summary: Peter asks Miguel and (Y/n) to watch Mayday for him
➥ Miguel O’Hara x Reader
➥ a/n: This is so random, lol this just came to me honestly :) also mayday is aged up by a few years I’ll say the oldest being 3 or 4
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Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, was facing a predicament. He needed someone to watch over his daughter, Mayday, while he attended to some pressing superhero duties. He turned to his friends Miguel O'Hara (Spider-Man 2099) and (Y/n) Williams, also known as Spider Lily, for help.
"Guys, I really need a favor," Peter said, a touch of desperation in his voice. "MJ doesn't want Mayday going out on missions yet, and I can't take her with me. Can one of you watch her for a few hours?"
Miguel, who was in the middle of analyzing a complex algorithm on his holographic screen, looked up with a sigh. "Sorry, Peter, but I'm swamped with work here. I can't take time off right now."
(Y/n), however, gave Miguel a playful nudge, offering a reassuring smile to Peter. "Don't worry, Peter. We'll definitely watch Mayday. We can take a few hours off from our superhero duties."
Miguel raised an eyebrow, turning to (Y/n) with skepticism. "Are you sure about this? We can't just drop everything for babysitting duty."
(Y/n) closed her eyes momentarily, her aura exuding a sense of danger that made Miguel flinch. Despite her sweet smile, there was an unmistakable warning in her voice when she spoke. "Yes, we will, won't we, Miguel?"
The hint of danger in her voice left no room for argument, and Miguel quickly nodded, feeling a little uneasy but not wanting to provoke (Y/n) further. "Right, of course. We'll watch Mayday."
Peter breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for their help. "Thank you both so much. I'll drop her off at your place in a few minutes."
(Y/n) chuckled, her demeanor returning to its usual lighthearted self. "No problem, Peter. We'll make sure she's in safe hands."
As Peter left to prepare Mayday for her time with (Y/n) and Miguel, the two superheroes shared a glance. Miguel couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and apprehension towards (Y/n). Her powers as Spider Lily were fascinating, but he knew firsthand that she had a formidable and dangerous side when provoked.
(Y/n), on the other hand, turned to Miguel with a teasing grin. "Come on, Miguel. Babysitting can't be that bad. Plus, Mayday is adorable!"
Miguel chuckled, appreciating her positivity. "You're right. And we've handled worse threats before, so babysitting should be a piece of cake."
As Mayday arrived, Peter thanked them again and assured them that he wouldn't be long. (Y/n) and Miguel waved him off, both feeling a mix of excitement and responsibility. It wasn't often they got to spend time with a young superhero in training.
As Peter brought Mayday to Miguel and (Y/n), the young girl clung tightly to her father, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Daddy, I don't want to stay here. I want to be with you!"
Peter crouched down to Mayday's level, trying to comfort her. "I know, sweetie, but I need to go on a mission to protect the city. I promise I'll be back later to pick you up."
Mayday's cries persisted, and (Y/n) stepped forward, offering a reassuring smile. "Hey, Mayday, don't worry. We'll have so much fun together. I'll make sure you have a great time while your dad is away."
Still teary-eyed, Mayday glanced at (Y/n), her lip quivering. (Y/n) noticed the sadness in the young girl's eyes and knew she needed to distract her. In a playful and enchanting voice, she started to sing:
"Come little children, I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment
Come little children, the time's come to play
Here in my garden of shadows"
As (Y/n) sang, she began to dance gracefully on a spider web, her movements mesmerizing and filled with the magic of her powers. Mayday's sobs subsided, replaced by curiosity and wonder. Her eyes were drawn to (Y/n)'s dancing, and she started to sway along, captivated by the melody and the magical atmosphere.
(Y/n) continued to sing:
"Follow sweet children, I'll show thee the way
Through all the pain and the sorrows
Weep not poor children, for life is this way
Murd'rous but just in its way"
The enchanting melody and (Y/n)'s gentle presence began to soothe Mayday's fears. She reached out and touched the shimmering spider web, smiling through her tears.
"Come little children, I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment
Come little children, the time's come to play
Here in my garden of shadows"
As (Y/n) finished the song, she knelt down next to Mayday, brushing away the last traces of tears. "You see, Mayday, we can have fun together while your dad is away. We'll go on little adventures and have the best time ever."
Mayday sniffled, still unsure, but the combination of (Y/n)'s caring presence and the magical display had lifted her spirits. "Okay... maybe just for a little while."
(Y/n) beamed, giving Mayday a gentle hug. "That's the spirit! You'll have a blast, I promise."
Peter, witnessing the heartwarming scene, felt a surge of gratitude towards (Y/n) for her ability to comfort his daughter. He gave her a grateful nod before quickly hurrying off to attend to his superhero duties.
As Mayday and (Y/n) played around, their laughter echoed through the room. They spun imaginary webs, practiced swinging, and shared stories of their heroic adventures. But soon, Mayday's excitement waned, and her eyes grew teary again as she thought of her dad.
(Y/n) noticed the change in Mayday's demeanor and exchanged a knowing glance with Miguel. Determined to distract the young girl, Miguel stepped forward and gently took her hand.
"Hey, Mayday, how about we do something really cool? Your dad is an amazing superhero, and I can train you to become a future superhero too!"
Mayday's eyes widened, her tears momentarily forgotten. "Really? You'll train me?"
Miguel nodded with a reassuring smile. "Yup. Just because you can't go on missions with your dad right now doesn't mean you can't start training to be an incredible spider woman."
(Y/n) chimed in, her enthusiasm matching Miguel's. "He's right! We can have our own little training sessions right here, and you'll be ready for action when the time comes."
Mayday's eyes sparkled with newfound excitement, and her tears dried up completely. "I want to learn, just like my dad!"
Miguel and (Y/n) laughed, delighted by Mayday's enthusiasm. They started a makeshift training session, teaching her basic moves and techniques. Mayday followed their instructions eagerly, her determination shining through.
As the training continued, Mayday's confidence grew. She tried out new moves, mimicking her dad's web-swinging and (Y/n)'s graceful acrobatics. Her laughter filled the room again, replaced by excitement and a newfound sense of purpose.
"You're doing great, Mayday!" (Y/n) encouraged, her eyes sparkling with pride. "You're a natural!"
Miguel nodded in agreement. "Keep it up, Mayday! You'll be a hero just like your dad in no time."
As the day went on, Mayday's training sessions with Miguel and (Y/n) became a regular occurrence. They turned each day into an adventure, honing Mayday's skills and inspiring her with stories of heroism and bravery.
With each passing day, Mayday's bond with Miguel and (Y/n) deepened. They became her mentors and confidantes, guiding her on her path to becoming the next generation's spider woman.
As Peter returned to pick up Mayday, he was surprised and touched to see the strong bond that had formed between his daughter and his friends. He watched as Mayday excitedly shared the new moves she had learned, her eyes shining with pride.
"Thank you both for taking care of her and training her," Peter said gratefully to Miguel and (Y/n).
"It's our pleasure," (Y/n) replied, beaming. "Mayday is a natural hero, just like her dad."
Miguel nodded, a sense of fulfillment in his heart. "She's in good hands, Peter. We'll make sure she's ready to take on the world."
With a heartfelt thank you, Peter left with Mayday, knowing that she was in capable hands with Miguel and (Y/n). As they waved him off, Miguel and (Y/n) exchanged a knowing glance. They had found a new purpose, not just as superheroes, but as mentors and protectors for the next generation of heroes.
With each day that passed, Mayday's training continued, and her bond with Miguel and (Y/n) deepened even further. They had become an inseparable team, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Together, they were shaping the future of heroism and ensuring that the legacy of Spider-Man would live on through the young and courageous Mayday Parker.
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wordstome · 10 months
i’m here to encourage you to please elaborate on singledad!könig
also, do any of their kids have any scuffles with each other? how do the parents and children deal with it?
This ask was sent 10 minutes after the dream daddy post went up. Anon, I adore you.
I was going to put single dad König in this same post, but then it started to go on and on, and I want to take my time with the second half of your ask as well, so all my König thoughts will go in a separate post. Thank you for enabling me :3
(also this is the post I lost 3 paragraphs worth of writing on. It was literally all of Price and Ghost's sections, so forgive me if they're not up to par).
Price: With three kids, there are bound to be spats. Brianna taking something of Alice's without asking, Clara ruining one of the older girls' possessions, etc. etc. People see Price with all girls and remark how peaceful his house must be, but Price (and anybody who has a sister) knows that is NOT true. The Price home is chaos interrupted by periods of peace. Luckily, their dad is a literal military captain, so he's able to whip them into shape. All manner of crying, yelling, and shrieking can be silenced with one singular "GIRLS!" from the man himself. Then after that comes the soothing and the stern talking-tos.
Ghost: I think Simon was great with kids pre-Roba, he had Tommy and then his nephew Joseph. But post-Roba and his work in the special forces, he's much more rough around the edges. Like I said in the main post, Caden is a pretty quiet kid, so I can't see him starting or getting into any trouble. But he is still a 10 year old, so I can see him throwing a fit when he's frustrated or uncomfortable. If this happens in public, Simon will pull him aside and talk to him quite sternly, especially if Caden is making a ruckus as an emotional outlet. In private, he gives Caden space to let it all out, and then talks to him afterwards. However, if Caden can articulate what's upsetting him, he's very gentle and understanding. One way or another, I can see Simon getting help with his PTSD, so he uses a lot of techniques that his therapist taught him with Caden.
Soap: I imagine Elodie as about 6-7 years older than Thomas, who is a literal baby, so I can't see that they get into any fights. Mostly Elodie getting cranky about Thomas getting all the attention, at which point Johnny has to reassure his daughter and give her some love as well. When they're older, Elodie is a classic older sister who fucks with her little brother. She's never truly malicious, but there are definitely times when Johnny's standing in front of them sighing and pinching his nose because Elodie's played a nasty prank on her brother. Johnny's a very picks-his-misbehaving-kid-up-like-a-doll-and-gives-them-a-noogie kind of parent. He's never raised his voice at his kids, but instead has an "if what I think is happening is happening, it better not be" tone that instantly strikes fear into his kids' hearts. I can hear it in my head. I know you guys can hear it in your head too. 'Nuff said.
Gaz: It's hard to say what it's like when Kyle's kids fight: I can see Violet being the sort of girl who is quite close with her younger brother, so I can't really imagine a lot of scenarios in which they would fight. But Elliott is a younger brother and Violet is a growing teenage girl, so there have probably been a few times when Violet got mad at Elliott and screamed at him or said something that she regretted. Kyle and Emily will both scold the kids when they step out of line, and they both do their part when it comes to discipline. Kyle in particular is a very "I'm not mad at you, I'm just disappointed" sort of parent. He expects a lot of Violet, but sometimes that pressure can get to her.
König: This man is overwhelmingly soft for his daughter. The calmest, most gentle giant. I think out of all the dads he's most susceptible to spoiling her, which obviously could become a problem. He's incredibly lucky though, because Ava is an angel. She is spoiled, being an only child on her daddy's colonel salary, but she gives more "kind rich girl" vibes than "inconsiderate little brat". I'm going to elaborate more on this in the upcoming König post, but he's got this deep sadness to him because he lost his wife. Ava is a pretty perceptive child, so she doesn't act out unless she's having a really hard time, in which case König is nothing but soothing and reassuring.
Horangi: If Ryujin (Hong-jin's daughter) has beef with you, he's kicking your ass right alongside her. When she was young, she was fully capable of both starting and finishing fights, and Hong-jin was an incorrigible enabler who was more likely to double over laughing than scold his daughter. Her mother usually had to be the disciplinarian. Hong-jin and Ryujin have a complicated relationship, but in adulthood, they're pretty even keel, and have grown even closer since the death of Ryujin's mom.
Keegan: Jason and Cecelia have been through a lot together, so they don't really fight. When they do though, it's nasty, and Keegan serves as more of a go-between than a disciplinarian role. Both of them will seek advice from him, but he understands that they know each other better than he does. Not for lack of trying, of course, but it's inevitable with older adoptions. His role comes from having more life experience, and he's got a kind of impenetrable chill that makes everybody a lot calmer.
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goingmerryfics · 5 months
hi again! :D I hope you're doing well! im back with the killer requests again- could i request killer as a girl dad?
Girl Dad w/ Killer, Ace, & Law
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Content: Obviously SFW & no reader mentioned, just characters and their little girls <3
Notes* YES and I added two more characters because I really wanted to do this prompt!!
He, also having long hair, LOVES to braid her and have his hair done/played with by her, too. It doesn’t matter how dumb he looks- with uneven ponytails, too many hairclips and bows everywhere -he loves the time spent together 
In fact, doing her hair in the morning is his favorite way of spending time with her. He loves getting a new request for a style every day, and it doesn’t matter how outrageous it sounds because it’s for his little princess
He would even ask around/read some books to teach him how to do hair like any mother would know how to do
He would also be so excited to teach his little girl how to cook! Not because of gender roles of course, but because it’s an activity that he loves to do and is a good life skill for anyone to have.
His lessons start with him holding her and letting her watch, then continue on into letting her add ingredients, and when she’s old enough and understands the dangers of using the stove/oven and knives and such, lets her stand beside him and make her own mini meal while he does the same, so she can watch his steps and perform them herself
It’s great, because she gets to have the freedom of adding whatever ingredients she likes to her food, while learning a life skill hands-on, and also getting to spend time with her dad
She adores her father, too
Only when they’re alone does he take off his mask and let her see him with no restrictions
And of course at one point, he had to explain why he looks the way he does. Maybe she was too young to understand it fully, but she loves him no matter what and that’s all that matters
And as she ages, she begins to look like him, too. At first it makes him uncomfortable- to have a little copy of his face, he wonders if she’ll face the same insecurities and hardships that he does when it comes to self-image. But that’s not the case at all- in fact, she adores that she looks like her daddy!
In a way, she teaches him how to love himself a little bit more.
He has no idea how to be a dad and he’s so confident in his ability to wing it until he actually comes face to face with the newborn baby girl. Then he panics
He doesn’t know how to parent! He’s hardly responsible for himself! 
Everything is a journey with him. Changing his first diaper, dealing with the constant crying, even making his first bottle is a disaster 
he lit it on fire trying to warm the milk with his devil fruit
And if you think for any moment that it would get easier as she grows, you’d be dead wrong.
She is just like him in terms of activity. She runs everywhere. Gets into everything she’s not supposed to, even at the age where she knows better. She just likes to watch her dad panic and run after her, it’s fun
She’s just as much of a hot-headed trouble maker, and at half his strength at Ace’s age, still just as daring
She’ll challenge anyone, which means Ace really has to keep a close eye on her when they’re in public. There are too many people out there that are happy to hit a kid if need be
But if anyone were to actually lay a finger on her, he would burn them from the inside out.
He calls his daughter his little firefly because of how she lit his life up after having her. For a self-deprecating man who believed himself unworthy of love to have someone in his arms who adored his every move, it only proved how needed he was by others. Not just her, but everyone in his life.
He loves to show her off to anyone that’ll listen, just like how he adores Luffy. Except he’ll hold her up like a trophy he’s won while he does it
While he has a hard time scolding his daughter, he does have his own way of parenting- it’s called distraction. Is she throwing a tantrum because she wants something she can’t have? He’ll start to tickle her, or pick her up by her ankle to hold her upside down, or do anything to make her laugh
He’s a work in progress dad, but he makes it work enough for the both of them. At least he’s proud that he can be a better father than his own was
Law would be strict father, but he would melt with his little girl, and it’s a struggle for him
He values education and knowledge, and would want to teach her everything he knows. But that gets boring for a child, and sometimes he forgets that his little sweetheart needs a brain break every now and then
It’s not that she dislikes hearing her dad talking about medicines and health conditions, but sometimes what he tries to teach her is a little outside of her level of understanding
It would take a little bit for them to get on the same level, with Law reading some parenting books on the matter, but eventually they get into a rhythm of holding a daddy-daughter study session
It’s great. It means they get time alone to spend with each other, and while she’s studying, he can catch up on his own work, stopping only occasionally if she has a question about the text she’s reading so Law can clarify what it means in words that she can understand.
Therefore, his little sweetheart becomes very smart very quickly, and even starts to spout facts that she finds interesting at other crewmembers on the ship. Law is so proud.
Speaking of the others, he’s so protective of his daughter that he even restricted Shachi and Penguin from spending too much time with her after they taught her their mischievous pranks
He doesn’t want her to think that doing things that could potentially be very mean to others is funny. That’s his precious little sweetheart there, he wants her heart to be pure forever
Unfortunately for him though, he often finds her with them, scheming things that no matter what he does, he just can’t stop them because he could never actually give her trouble for something so small. It just annoys the hell out of him
With his past, Law is very careful to watch her health and when she is sick, she’s treated like royalty. Law brings her anything she wants, carries her everywhere, and spends as much time as he can with her all the while blaming himself for her sickness, even if it’s something completely unavoidable
She’s a little bit spoiled since Law won’t really punish her too hard
(Once he put her in timeout and she cried for a little while, and Shachi and Penguin had to hold him back when he immediately tried to go back on it and run to hug her to tell her everything was fine)
But no matter what, they love each other and that’s all that matters
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steifel · 3 months
Ok so i've been thinking about the what ifs from the outsiders and the biggest one i've been thinking about (that i haven't seen very many people talk about) is what if the kid was Soda's?....
So anyways here are some head canons about that.
First off you cannot convince me this boy was not secretly a little stoked
I mean obviously he was scared since its quite literally the worst time possible, him and Sandy are only 16, him and Darry are already struggling to make ends meet, etc, etc, etc
However he wants like 12 kids so he is super excited
Soda is definitely terrified to tell Darry
He tries and falls to tell him multiple times
"Hay Darel can i talk to you for a second i got something i really need to tell you" Darry looks up "yeah im all ears go ahead" Soda runs away screaming "nevermind its not important" *insert Darry rolling his eyes and going back to whatever he was doing"
When he finally does get the balls to tell Darry he cant stand to look is brother in the eyes
"Sandy's pregnant" soda finally got the words out looking up at his big brother whos strong hands grabbed his shoulder. "Soda this isn't funny don't joke like that" a silent tear fell down Soda's face as he saw the look on Darry's "I an't joking Darry... Im being serious" more tears start coming from both of the boys as Darry pulls his brother into a tight hug "its gonna be ok Soda im still here it's gonna be ok"
Once they all got used to the idea the whole gang was super supportive
Two bit would be so stoked to be an uncle
"Wont it be great ill be uncle Keith" the whole gang stops and dally stairs into Twobits soul "fuck you mean uncle Keith? Your gonna be goddamn uncle Twobit"
The first thing Soda wants to do when he finds out is tell Ponyboy
This makes the week the boys were gone even harder
When he did finally get the chance to tell Ponyboy he was legitimately so excited
Like imagine them sitting in the hospital pony laying on Sodas lap
"Hay Pony i know you got a hell of a lot on your mind but i got something to tell you" "hmm" the younger boy hummed the only clue that he was still awake "your gonna be an uncle" Ponyboy shot up almost hitting Soda in the face "you mean..." Soda nodded "sandys pregnant im gonna be a dad" Ponyboy pulled Soda into an exited hug "can i name him?" Pony looked at his confused brother "its only fair seeing how you named me when you were 3 fucking years old" Darry started laughing louder than he had in weeks "come on Soda its only fair"
He never got the chance to tell Johnny and that fact will haunt him for the rest of his life
Once he finally feels like Pony is gonna be ok he spends every waking moment with Sandy
Hand on the belly 100% of the time
He is definitely the type of guy to talk to his kid in udero
Random shit too
"So anyway the wendsheald wiper was not coming off so Steve stepped on the hood of the car and put his whole weight into it and..." Sandy looked down at him smiling "you know most dads to be talk to their kids about how much they love them and your telling your future kid about some dumb shit you and Steve got up too" Soda scoffed faking offence " yeah its a funny story besides this kid needs to know what he's getting himself into being born into my gang"
He for sure tried to sneak a peak when Sandy was giving birth and he definitely passed out
Soda is CONVINCED its gonna be a boy
When the doctor announces"its a girl" he is legitimately confused
"What do you mean its a girl? Like he doesn't have a dick?"
Once he gets used to the fact that he has a daughter he is so Goddamn proud of her
He cries the first time he holds his daughter
Its literally adorable he'll be sitting there talking to her
"Hi little lady im your dad Sodapop and i love you so so so so much"
When he gets to show her off to the gang his smile is a mile wide
"Hi guys i want you to meet the newest member of the Curtis family" Soda said smiling as he showed his new daughter to all of his friends "she looks like a babydoll" Steve said softly as he reached for her little hand "hay thats a damn good name Babydoll" pony exclaims as he reaches out to hold his niece
AN: thanks for reading and allowing me to share some thoughts from the craziness that is my brain. As always i am so sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes i am just hella dislexic
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