#he's like WHERES PETER
expelliarmus · 6 months
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bathroomtrapped · 8 months
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my sister told me to caption this 'two lovely men' without any context so heres two lovely christian saw men 👍🏻
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meirimerens · 2 months
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les voix de bohème, la descente, la chute.
color variant
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whaliiwatching · 4 months
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gay people judging you
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dcartcorner · 2 months
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gone and forgotten
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Batman "I don't like working with others, I don't trust them, and I won't sacrifice Gotham to help out unless it's absolutely dire."
*Has an extensive network of vigilantes in Gotham and elsewhere, is on 85 different Justice League Rosters, would die for half of them*
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man *fighting every hero he ever meets*
"Weird that no-one likes me, don't know what their fucking problem is, I should fight them"
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plantboiart · 5 months
Today i learnt that apparently all of charlie slimecicle’s pcs from all campaigns he’s played in have been canonically queer. Cant believe slimecicle invented gay people
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foolsocracy · 2 months
I can't help but notice you haven't posted any angst in a while and I'm suspicious
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whipped this one up just for u anon
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moreaugriffins · 3 months
IDK who needs to hear this, but Egon and Ray aren't the only autistic og ghostbusters
Peter is too
Your telling me this man with two PhDs related to psychology, who always has the exact right thing to say to manipulate a situation to his favour (when it's a planned/known situation), but cocks up massively when it's an unknown situation, who has a massive reaction to getting slimed (more so than the others), who would rather joke all the time than take a situation seriously because wtf should he say
you're telling me this man is neurotypical?
Winston's the only NT in this group (idk how he deals with these weirdos (affectionate))
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sciderman · 3 months
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pineappical · 1 year
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very good friends
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mikakuna · 5 months
red hood, who never doubts himself when he kills vile criminals because he knows people, victims, will feel safer. he's okay with getting rid of monsters if it makes the world a better place for the children, the women, and the innocents.
jason todd, who knows he's doing the right thing for gotham's children and women, for the people that batman and the GCPD tend to overlook. he knows that he has to take such measures to ensure another person or child doesn't fall into the world of drugs like his mama did.
but jay? jay, who just wants his dad to stop looking at him like he's the most disappointing failure in the world. jay, who wants his dad to love him again the way he loves his other children with all their faults. jay, who will happily chase after his dad, no matter how many times the man hurts him, like a kicked dog who will always stick by their owner's side.
jay, who sometimes wishes he can turn back time to when bruce still loved him.
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thekingofspin · 2 months
When the found family is 2 psychopaths who are actually one psychopath and their tragic lover who is also their enemy and his grandchild who is also his student and the babysitter who trys to stop them from getting into trouble but sucks at his job.
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marlenacantswim · 4 months
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David Tennant Smoking in Fright Night (2011)
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get it bc he's smoking hahahaaahaha
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drizztdohurtin · 3 months
Rolan's First Day As a Father
pairing: Rolan x afab!reader ("she", "her", "wife" used)
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Okay, I wrote this in the "Rolan: fatherhood" headcanons but erm.... it got really long and turned into a blurb, so I'm releasing it separately so that I can add more actual headcanons to the post (I love when my own thoughts make my stomach hurt)
Warnings: this is hella angst, and a little comfort, please buckle in
would recommend reading my 'deciding to start a family, and conceiving' post before continuing
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His attention had been only on you, a never-ending string of loving encouragement falling from his lips as you labored to deliver your baby; your strength and persistence only fueling his own, not allowing the anguish he felt from seeing you in so much pain to get the better of him.
The second he hears those first big cries when your baby is finally born, every single cell in his body is flooded with the parental bond he had been so utterly desperate to feel while you were pregnant. He focuses his attention on helping you get a little more comfortable now that the hardest part is over, praising you for how incredible you did as the doctor and cleric checked over you and your baby.
Rolan looks up with wide eyes to see the cleric carefully handing the newborn to you; a weary but thrilled laugh leaving your mouth upon seeing his beautiful red skin and adorable little tail for the first time.
Rolan goes motionless, staring at you cradling your newborn through the tears beginning to trickle into his vision. Time slowed as the overwhelming waves of love crashed into him - every single fear that he had while you were pregnant going out of the window, never to return again. He hadn't even held his baby and yet he already knew that if he had to take an ice knife to the chest every second of every day until his last day to protect him, he would in a heartbeat.
That night while you slept, he'd sit and rock his newborn, eyes full of adoration, tracing over every one of his features as he slept peacefully in his arms - trying to commit the image of his son to memory as if he'd never see him again.
He eventually works up the courage to gently graze the pad of his thumb over the baby's delicate features that mirrored his own: the light red skin, the bright yellow eyes, the black nails, the long pointed ears, and the tiny ridged tail that was barely the length of his own hand - wondering if his horns would be black like his, too.
If anyone had been watching Rolan at that moment, they'd see an expression of deep contentment and affection gracing his features as he traced his son's face - but then they'd see his smile fade, his eyes widen, and his lip begin to quiver as he fights back tears.
They'd watch as Rolan realized: this was the same sight his own parents had seen before they abandoned him.
When Rolan looked down at his baby boy, he saw the most perfect being in the world, the ultimate testament of your love, a blessing from the Gods that he did not believe he deserved.
And tears began to fall from his eyes as he tried to imagine it.
He tried to imagine watching the person he loved most in the world carry his child for months, laboring every day and night to create their son out of nothing.
He tried to imagine watching you go through hours of pain - pain that would bring even the strongest to their knees in surrender - to give birth to their son.
And then he tried to imagine looking down at his child and seeing anything but perfection.
He tried to feel hatred and disgust for the very being that he'd burn cities to the ground to protect
He tried to feel anything but unconditional love for the perfect angel that you had gone through so much pain to create.
And, obviously, he couldn't.
His head started spinning with emotions - the fire of his anger and pain being doused by the tranquility of his love and adoration for the tiny tiefling in his arms. He did his best to wipe his face without disturbing the sleeping boy in his arms, but it didn't work.
The bittersweet cries rang through his ears, momentarily erasing his own troubles, consumed by the singular desire to provide comfort - offering gentle kisses as he drew his son closer to his chest. He allowed himself to soak up the moment, gently leaning his cheek on his son's head as he rocked him back and forth - only realizing once his son's cries diminished that he had been purring.
Rolan had never been fond of that particular part of his lineage - though he had become less self-conscious about it when he had found out how much you loved it years ago. And now, witnessing how his body had instinctively reacted to calm his crying child, he had never been more thankful for it.
He softly pressed his nose and lips to the top of his son's head, giving him more gentle kisses and breathing in the heavenly newborn smell - before pulling away to look at his sweet face once again.
Rolan knew he'd always love him, that there was nothing his child could do that would make him stop loving him - and he promised this to his son in the gentlest whisper he could muster as tiny, bright yellow eyes peered back into his own.
He promised that he'd always keep him safe; that he'd always keep him fed, healthy, and warm.
He promised that he'd always take care of him and heal him when he was hurt.
He promised that he'd never leave him, that he'd never know the pain he felt growing up.
And Rolan took great solace in knowing his son would never feel the pain and abandonment that he felt as a child - in knowing that he would do everything for his son that his parents didn't do for him.
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starflungwaddledee · 4 months
I'm just sayin', Starstruck and Kirby would be adorable. But also Starstruck and Meta-Knight might be the funniest thing you could possibly do. :)
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hear me out: peter pan (2003) window scene
been staunchly avoiding typing too much on most of these but i have some thoughts about this one!
you know... i had actually never even considered kirby for the shipaganza. mostly because i think of him as holding such a strong and unique position in the hearts of everyone who knows him, in a way that is devout but also seems fairly romance-free. and i'm actually very interested in the complex relationships that he has with his friends! but i wonder if not considering him was maybe a disservice, because if anyone has an abundance of the capacity for love, it's him, right?
i think that kirby could eventually occupy a similar heart-space for starstruck as bandee, though it would take longer. i strongly suspect that bandee's love of kirby would rub off on her, if nothing else.
i'm not sure either of them... really understand the premise of romance or dating, so it might not be a typical sort of thing. but i think they could giggle and laugh together and shoot each other slightly smitten looks when the other one isn't paying attention, and be very invested in each others happiness.
he adds a pass by her window to his early morning flight, on the off chance she might be up to join him. she's always thinking of him when he's off saving the world, and distinguishes his star from all the others in the sky with ease. the irresistible allure of adventure vs someone who has never seen any of the wonders of your planet before. someone who finds as much unrestrained joy and delight in the mundane as you do. eating paper cups you find on the ground.
you know i could see it.
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