#headcanon master list
cherryfinolahobbes · 2 years
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mallowsweetmiri · 1 month
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Hogwarts in Spring 🌷✨🌱📚
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cupcakeinat0r · 2 months
Your middle-aged, loser Genetics professor who has a dad bod <3
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
Head canons
Pt. 4
Pt. 5
Pt. 6
Pt.7 (dropping soon)
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cheezbites · 9 months
Dating Ghost
✎: I wrote this very late at night (4:38 am) or very early in the morning - when I was motivated by the sheer amount of notifications from my inbox, ty all sm for the love and support💕!!
♡Summary: Head cannons of dating Ghost <3
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Bf!Ghost has always been a black tea person, either he drank it alongside his breakfast or to calm him down on a rainy day. You were a coffee girl, you would go all out making them - milk, hazelnut syrups, whipped creams… You name it. And from this, another one of your childish inside jokes was born. You were conveniently in the kitchen at the same time as him, making your morning beverages.
“Hm,” you silently thought to yourself, contemplating if your idea was rational enough to act through with.
“Hmmmmm,” he jokingly imitated you, wondering what was on your mind.
You got a separate cup and mixed some of his tea with your coffee. You took the first sip and scorned your face at the unfamiliar yet vaguely distinguishable taste.
Soon he followed, not seeming to be too fond of it at first yet still drinking every last bit.
“Not too bad,” he silently muttered.
And every time you guys were in the kitchen making your daily beverages, the ‘CoTea’ (Coffee and Tea) inside joke was repeatedly brought up.
Bf!Ghost heard a sudden shriek from your bedroom, causing his heart to sink. His thoughts raced faster than the speed of how fast he was approaching your room, desperate to know what it was. What if it was an invader? He wouldn’t be able to live knowing that he wasn’t fast enough to save you from a serious threat, he’d hate himself and feel guilty every single day.
His breathing pattern returned to normal as he sighed in relief when he realised that it was just a spider on your bedroom wall.
“It’s going to kill me!” You sputtered inattentively as you backed away as far as possible from the ‘murderous pest.’
He stacked a mount of tissues in his hand and effortlessly scooped it up, crushed it into remains of spider limbs and a brown fluid before tossing it in the bin. Shooting you a look that you swore said: ‘Seriously? All that commotion over that?”
“My saviour,” you quipped as you ran up to him and braced him in a tight hug.
Bf!Ghost was used to receiving the “Your eyelashes are so long!” ‘compliment’ from people, mainly from you. It always confused him as to why you pointed it out - maybe it was just a ‘girl thing’ he didn’t understand.
Bf!Ghost was sleep-deprived, sick and unwillingly glued to his bed after days of working, so you took care of him. (At night, when he was complaining about being too cold, you snuggled up next to him and fell asleep in his arms. Maybe he was faking it as an excuse to cuddle you, maybe…) You knew he had an energy drink addiction and some bad eating habits. Since quality meals require time, you poured that time into cooking for him. His gratitude toward you was beyond words, appreciating the care and effort you put into taking care of him. Your cooking not only filled his stomach but also warmed his heart, making every bite a taste of your love.
Bf!Ghost worked out often; so did you. You enjoyed each other's company at the gym, immersing yourselves in the shared playlist and the post-workout rush. His concern for you couldn't be contained. During some weekly sessions, he taught you self-defence techniques, a thoughtful gesture for times he couldn't be by your side.
Bf!Ghost loved making you say ‘please’, even after the smallest of favours. You tried to open your water bottle, but the lid seemed super glued on, you tried repeatedly but your attempts were in vain. You asked him to help you, forgetting one thing:
“Want me to feed you the water as well?” He sarcastically quipped with a shit-eating grin.
“Oh come on babe,”
“And what’s the magic word?” He asked expectedly.
“Please,” you stretched out your ‘please’ jokingly for the sole purpose of teasing him.
He seamlessly removed the lid which astonished you before handing you your water bottle. After all that effort and failed attempts, he made it look so easy.
Bf!Ghost Loathed being away from you; and you felt the exact same way. When he needed to leave or when you were gone, he would try to do things that reminded him of you. When you were teaching him how to cook your signature meals in the kitchen, he was picking up rapidly, improving and learning - soon enough he surpassed you in culinary skills. He remade your recipes to remind himself of you when you weren’t there, and you ‘borrowed’ a few of his hoodies, which were pleasantly engulfed in his scent.
Bf!Ghost Noticed you fell asleep during the horror movie you watched, the last thing he wanted to do was startle you or wake you up. He turned off the TV before heading to your room and placing your favourite blanket over you. He kissed your cheek gently and muttered a silent, “I love you.” Before calling it a night.
Bf!Ghost left wholesome notes for you to discover around the house; the messages were cheesy in the cutest way possible. Either him making you food after a long day of work and leaving it for you in the fridge with a brief note next to it, or a corny compliment stuck on the bathroom mirror for only you to see. It would be something along the lines of:
“Start your day off with a smile love, like the one you never fail to give me♡” (And I feel like this dude would have very messy handwriting, but when writing these notes he tried his best).
Bf!Ghost made most of the decisions in the relationship, you were very indecisive. This is probably the only thing he mildly dislikes about you - you were going through the trials and tribulations of a lifetime over picking between KFC and McDonald’s, you were persistent about what to order too, so he recommended stuff to you or sometimes ordered for you.
(I just know if you both got drinks, he specifically requested only one straw so you guys could share it).
Bf!Ghost was the “‘Scuse me, she asked for no pickles,” boyfriend, who would secure you a refund and a newly made burger, (mainly due to how intimating he gets at times).
You thoroughly enjoyed him looking out for you, though, knowing that he cared that much about you made your heart flutter only from thinking about it.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥—————————
König Version
Price Version
Gaz Version
Soap Version
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sprout-fics · 10 months
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- Chaotic CoD Drunk Headcanons -
In which everyone gets a little too fucked up and goofy (TF141 + Los Vaqueros + Farah & Alex + Graves + König & Horangi) (Probably crack) (Please drink responsibly) Call of Duty Masterlist
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Soap drinks way too fast for his own good
When he's determined to get hammered he is truly unstoppable
The kind of guy where you turn to talk to a friend and turn back and he's got two more empty glasses on the bar and you're like ??? JOHNNY???
Goes from being a talkative outgoing drunk to being a chaotic drunk
When you're visiting Los Vaqueros Soap vanishes at one point, and as you frantically try to find him you discover a crowd forming around the mechanical bull and Soap laughing maninaclly
There's a certain point of drunkness Soap gets to (Shortly before getting sick) where his accent gets so thick you can't understand him
Gaz has way too many pictures of Soap doing stupid shit while drunk, like pissing on a sign that says 'No public urination' while hardly upright
Also can be a fairly flirty drunk, but get distracted easily so you get about two seconds of 'Ye have bootiful eyes' before he's stumbling off
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Never gets drunk
Doesn't enjoy being impaired that way, but besides that he has a scary high tolerance
Has drunk recruits under the table. Has drunk Soap under the table (Soap was so sick the morning after he never challenged Ghost to a drink off ever again)
Designated babysitter when the rest of the taskforce gets unmanageble
But he abuses his power
He manages to come pick up Soap and Gaz after a much too rowdy evening, gets them back to the barracks and into their rooms
and promptly duct tapes them to the bed so they can't move in the morning
Is there standing over them with his arms crossed when they wake up yelling, makes them promise up and down they'll be more responsible (Soap needs to piss so bad he starts swearing and nearly starts crying) until they agree
He does the same for Price, and Price wakes up mummy-style pose with a life alert in his hands
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Emotional drunk all the way
Boyo is a giggly drunk until he gets to the point where he's a little clingy and emotional
Grabs Soap by the shoulders and stares into his eyes and very choked up tells him he's his best friend. His eyes well up and Soap starts trying to reply in deeply accented Scots, Gaz gets upset when he can't understand him
When Price falls asleep on drinking night and won't wake up he phones Laswell
"Have you tried slapping him?"
Gaz is also the photographer, and owner of all the blackmail material. There's only a fraction that is sent to the groupchat. The rest is saved for confidential purposes
Will sometimes wake up the morning after with photos he doesn't remember taking
One of which includes Soap pulling back his pants to take a picture of his dick
That one gets sent to the groupchat immediately
Several rooms away, Soap screams
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Scary good tolerance
Soap and Gaz know better than to challenge him to a drinking game. They've never tries. They know they won't survive.
Price is usually the one to keep the sergeants in line, or will hang out with Ghost while the have fun, and goes to collect them later
He will on a rare ocassion let loose
He goes from a mostly sober drunk to a sleepy uncle drunk in the blink of an eye
You turn to hear something Soap muttered and you turn back, the captain is sitting in a chair, legs propped up, hat tucked over his face, snoring
Gaz has a number of pictures of Price sleeping while the coffee table is littered with bottles and glasses
Soap has the brilliant idea to pull a prank, and Gaz records as Soap carefully shaves a little indent in Price's beard
Price wakes up the morning after and swears to all that is good that he's never getting that drunk again
He then goes to the mirror in the bathroom and sends a single message to Soap
"You're a dead man."
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Outgoing drunk much like Soap, but does not get sloppy the way Soap does. More like a loud drunk than anything, but a very fun one
The first time he and Soap get absolutely sloshed together, Soap starts speaking in heavily accented Scots, Ale starts speaking in Spanish, and Ghost watches in utter amazement and bafflement as the two of them manage to invent their own language to communicate
Ale also is a dancing drunk, and is a very good dancer even while properly inebriated
Man has hips that are made for sin
Ale can be very flirty while drunk, so you better watch out because this man will leave you thinking about him for days
You always thought pickup lines were cheesy until you encountered Ale while he was drunk
Rudy is often his babysitter, and hauls him back by his collar, but they take turns with each other
Ale is an emotional drunk with one man and one man only, gets choked up when telling Rudy how much he means to him, even as Rudy nods and is trying to get him into his bed with a "Si, colonel, si."
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Smiley friendly drunk
Will sit there most of the evening just :) in his little corner enjoying himself
A little giggly, but overall just very sweet and not unmanageable
Talkative though. Will chat your ear off given the chance, and will resort to Spanish to speak faster. If you don't know Spanish the only thing you can do is smile and nod. You don't need to say anything back, Rudy will do it for you
Not a very emotional drunk, just energetic and outgoing, almost hyper but without the moving around and pacing
The thing about Rudy is that he rarely gets a hangover
It's a miracle. TF141 and Los Vaqueros will have a very rowdy evening where Rudy gets drunk too, and they wake up to him organizing breakfast- how??
They don't know his secret, and even when they ask Rudy just smiles and shrugs
He's just built like that
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Literally the sloppiest drunk you'll ever meet
He has to work to get there, but when he does- oh god
Slurs his words, leaning on the walls
Very freshman frat boy getting hammered for the first time, completely plastered and trying to stay upright
Still thinks he has rizz even when he's drunk nearly to the point of passing out
"Darrlin' are you frm' Tennessee, because ten I see-- yeah."
Falls down about three seconds later
Doesn't get up, just reaches for his beer and rolls over onto his back so he can drink it
Very grouchy when he's hung over, will snap at you at the slightest inconvenience, the shadows give him a wide berth
Coffee, Advil, and sunglasses are his best friend the morning after
It's so so obvious he's hungover but nobody says anything about it for fear of getting snapped at
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Handles his alcohol pretty well, doesn't drink to get drunk, knows his limits
But sometimes, usually with company, he'll slip and become the clingy, affectionate, flirty drunk
Turns the southern charm up to about 100, leaves Soap and Gaz utterly bewildered at him being very touchy and flirty
"Anyone ever told you how handsome you are, Garrick? Just thought you should know."
(Gaz: Tails meme)
Big hugger if given the chance
Farah forbids him from getting that drunk because he's too flirty with her
There's very little that flusters her, but charming affectionate Alex makes her face warm and her heart stutter
Gets a bit of a headache the next day, wants to stay in bed, but fortunately does not get a horrific hangover
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The only other one who doesn't get drunk besides Ghost
She's too responsible for that, and also doesn't like the feeling of being intoxicated
However she does enjoy watching the antics of everyone, enjoys chatting and talking
Eventually things get a little chaotic and she starts getting a headache instead
Calls Laswell to commiserate over dealing with the other men
Unlike Ghost she doesn't pull pranks, simply lets the men reaps the consequences of their actions
(Doesn't stop Ghost from pulling pranks though, watches smugly from afar)
Is Alex's handler when he gets too tipsy, and allows him some small bits of affection like laying with his head in her lap and a cold compress to his eyes while he waxes poetic to her
He can be a pain in the ass, but he's her pain in the ass
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Weepy drunk
That being said, it takes a lot of alcohol to get König drunk. We're talking like a keg. Man is very large, has a high metabolism, and does not get drunk very easily.
You sometimes wonder if Price, Ghost, and König had a drink off, who would win. You'll never find out
König is not emotional so much as a little sad and teary eyed. It is rare to see him like this
He'll be very clingy, very needy, often finds someone to latch onto for the evening
If it's you, he will complain if you leave him for too long and will come searching for you if you're busy, hiccupping the entire time
Hugs you, doesn't let go, whines into your hair and mumbles in German. If you don't know what he's saying you have to remind him, and he only nuzzles into you and goes "I missed you 🥺"
Refuses to sleep off his drunkenness unless you're cozied up with him, and it's hard to sleep because he won't let you turn and he runs way, way too hot. It's like trying to break out of a sweltering jail cell, one that murmurs nonsense in German while he sleeps and hugs you closer.
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Silent, stoic drunk
The kind of drunk you don't realize is hammered until it's far too late
He sits in a corner during gatherings rather quietly, and you keep bringing him drinks and he's fine, doesn't look tipsy at all. You think he handles himself very well
Next time you turn around, he's on the floor
Face down, arms at his sides, looking like he's given up on life
He only responds in monosyllabic words, makes grunts and moans when he shakes his head
Doesn't complain at all, but allows you to drag him back to his bunk and endures you mothering him by making him eat a snack and drink water
You also can't tell when he's hungover. He's always wearing his sunglasses, and it's only when you bump him a little too hard, trying to be playful, and watch him stumble that you're like oh.
He is the best when it comes to taking care of you while you're drunk/hungover. Holds your hair back, makes you drink water, tucks you into bed, hands you some strange beverage in the morning he swears will make it better, is very sweet and attentive, even if he's still rather quiet throughout
The only indication you get from him about his intentions is a hand smoothing across your back, a little gesture that makes you blink and go
Hope you enjoyed!
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aristia-pjoheadcanons · 5 months
author's note: a list of all of my headcanons
PJO related:
HOO crew HCS
Percy Jackson:
Poseidons children, blood bending
Percy + dehydration, thoughts
Percy x Jason x female!reader dislikes blowjobs + small boobs hc
Missing Reader x Platonic Percy
Percy NSFW x virgin reader
Percy Jackson NSFW P1
Percy Jackson NSFW P2
Percy x gn!reader taking a hit for him and almost dying
Percy kissing HCS
Hot things Percy Jackson does
Endearing things Percy does
Percy Jackson Icks
Percy Jackson x Child of Hades (SFW + NSFW)
poly!relationship percy and jason with you
Dating the daughter of hades
Dating a daughter of Apollo
Percy Jackson is very alluring
Percy Jackson makes his crush laugh
Percy Jackson is the type of guy…
What Percy would be like in bed
polluted water in NYC and Percy
dark! percy analysis + headcanons
Percy giggles
Jason Grace:
Jason coming home from quest (HOO) x jealous female!reader
Percy x Jason x female!reader dislikes blowjobs + small boobs hc
Jason NSFW thoughts
Jason Grace x general dating hcs
poly!relationsip percy and jason with you
Dating child of hecate
Jason eats raw meat
Thanatos x Daughter of Hades
Teen Ares thoughts hc
children of poseidon can control blood if their parents suffer from blood disease
ares gets emotional after wars
trials of apollo, GodTube
ares and athena contrasts
ares headcanons
children of ares are mature with handling conflicts
children of mars and ares
frank zhang and ares/mars arguing in his head
underestimating children of ares
thoughts ares with his fire eyes
ares headcanons
Luke Castellan as your boyfriend
Nico di Angelo flinches when he hears sirens
percy has a staring problem
cabin 5 headcanons
percy is pretty scary when he's angry
percy in love
percy jackson dehydration
ares kids hit themselves with a brush
children of ares, poseidon and aphrodite appearances hc
avatar zuko + hes a child of ares
harrypotter and pjo crossover
children of ares hcs
when a child of ares speaks, everyone will hear them
underestimating children of ares (yes, i know i put it twice)
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devilevlls · 1 month
The following content is an AU, that is, the facts/personalities were changed according to the context of the narrative. The following characters do not belong to me, this is a work of fiction. Sensitive topics can be mentioned in the writings, such as: abusive behavior, murder, harassment, violent language, sexual acts, demonic possessions, corpses, among others. Proceed with caution.
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Special Scenarios: Creepy Obey me! AU.
Work list: ⤷ General thoughts: The eternal night in devildom The mirror demon My dear demon About pacts Solomon’s pacts MC's revenge “Echoes of laughter in empty halls.” "In the mirror's reflection, they glimpsed their true selves."
⤷ Lucifer, the avatar of pride: Creepy Lucifer Since there were lots of people complaining in my asks, I won't be doing the creepy AU anymore.
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lily-fics-11 · 3 months
The Girl Next Door (Hazel Callahan, Bottoms)
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You hadn't been close with your neighbor Hazel for a few years. But you find her beat up in the locker room after fight club and all of changes.
Chapter 1: You reunite with Hazel and clean her up after fight club.
Chapter 2: Car rides with Hazel have you falling for her harder than ever.
Chapter 3: You attend your first fight club meeting, and it causes things to go awry with Hazel.
Chapter 4: After getting cleaned up by Hazel and clearing the air, things are beginning to feel the way that they used to. Aside from the romantic tension, of course.
Chapter 5: Now that you are an official member of the fight club Hazel is ready to teach you everything she knows.
Chapter 6: Isabel and Brittany question you about Hazel. Your best friends can’t help but try and push you and Hazel together, and it seems to be getting to your head. It almost seems like Hazel is treating you like more than a friend?
Chapter 7: You have some intimate moments with Hazel when you do her makeup, and even go on your first date.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
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cherryqueen28 · 7 months
~Bucky Barnes Master List~
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click here for Main Master List
~Bucky Barnes Tumblr~
✨Bucky Barnes SFW Headcanons  @ohbuckysmetalarm
✨Feel Again doctor!Bucky x Reader @wkemeup
Silent Girl + The Winter Soldier Bucky x Reader @kinanabinks
You're My Heaven Bucky x Reader @angrythingstarlight
Midnight Promises Bucky x Reader @fineprintedsunsets
✨here (doesn't have a title) Bucky x Shy!Reader @buckyalpine
✨Stealing Hearts Mob!Bucky x Thief!Reader @sinner-as-saint
Abandoned Bucky x Reader  @queen-of-the-avengers
✨here (doesn't have a title) Bucky x Reader @buckyalpine
✨Safe and Sound Bucky x Librarian!Reader @sinner-as-saint
✨On his knees Hades!Bucky x Mortal!Reader @sweetsweetnuit
here (doesn't have a title) CEO!Bucky x Secretary!Reader @buckyalpine
here (doesn't have a title) Bucky x Reader @buckyalpine
Safe Haven Bucky x Reader @sinner-as-saint
Rescue Me Bucky x Reader @sinner-as-saint
Santa and Sunshine Bucky x Reader @sinner-as-saint
here (doesn't have a title) Biker!Bucky x Reader @sinner-as-saint
The Unseen Hades!Bucky x Reader @sinner-as-saint
Capital Letter Bucky x Reader @sinner-as-saint
Bad Guy Mafia!Bucky x Reader @sinner-as-saint
✨I can save you this time Bucky x Reader @pellucid-constellations
✨I Meant You Bucky x Reader @magicalqueennightmare
✨Faking it Bucky x Reader @pellucid-constellations
✨Step Foot Bucky Barnes x Reader @basicallybarnes
✨Battle Scars Bucky x Reader @time-for-a-lullaby
✨Happy Little Acidents Bucky x Female!Art Teacher!Reader @espinosaurusrexex
✨Firewood Lumberjack!Bucky x reader @mrsbarnesblog
✨Morning Delight Bucky x Reader @mrsbuckybarnes1917
✨No Day but Today Bucky Barnes x artist!female reader @buckysfaveplum
✨Sun Rise Veteran!Bucky x Librarian!Reader @wkemeup
✨Fight for me Beefy!Bucky x Reader @littleseasiren
✨Trying Bucky Barnes x Reader @moonlight-prose
✨Blink Twice Bucky Barnes x Reader @simmerandwrite
✨Missing Piece Bucky x Reader @likeahorribledream
✨Safe with me Bucky x Reader @bitsandbobsandstuff
✨Undisclosed beefy!Bucky x Reader @pellucid-constellations
✨Pretty Women, this is me trying Bucky x Female Sexworker!Reader @captainsimagines
You're my sunshine Grumpy!Bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x Sunshine!Fem!Reader (Mob!Au Bodyguard!Au) @theeleggymeggy
✨Our home to heal Bucky x Reader @subwaysurf45
✨Heart Lines Bucky x Reader @buckyskorpion
✨Broken TFWS!Bucky x Reader @soulgazingwithbucky
Drifting CW!Bucky x Reader @real-jane
Something Domestic ex military amputee!Bucky x Reader @fandoms-writings
✨Under Pastel Skies Bucky x Reader AU (also on AO3) @redgillan
Yours to Wield Mob!Bucky x Reader @sinner-as-saint
✨A Little Rusty Mechanic!Bucky x Reader @subwaysurf45
✨Double Agent Bucky x Reader @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
Pride and Privacy Bucky x Reader @adrinktostopyourthirst
✨ Guys My Age AU Divorced!DILF!Neighbor!Bucky x Reader @valleyfae
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~Bucky Barnes Wattpad~
✨Red-Bucky Barnes x OC author: leatherstuddedx
✨Safe with me author: bitsandbobsandstuff (this is also available to read on Tumblr-- can be found in my Tumblr Bucky Barnes list)
✨Rose author: cassidyhudspeth (couldn't link the story so I linked the authors account) 
✨Recollection author: primuskat
✨Daybreak author: Big_turd_blossom
✨Haven author: mxrvelous- (couldn't link the story so I linked the authors account) 
✨Hard to love author: Hoe4BuckyBarnes
✨HAPPY author: lilyroselilac24
✨missing pieces author: -BUCKYBXRNES
✨The ghost we hide author: galestxrm 
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~Bucky Barnes AO3~
✨The Hurt and The Healing by The_Grey_Lady_Weeps
✨What he did to me by opheliaapril
✨Moving forward by MadHatter2019
✨The Safety Deposit Box by tinytofuturle
✨The White Wolf by HumanDisorder
✨The Strong, Silent Type by Loloorenn
✨Coming in hot by adarasink
✨Good Heart (Faulty Machine of a Man) by lightninginmyeyes
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bahrtofane · 4 months
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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘˗ˏˋ ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ ˎˊ˗∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
request status -closed ❌ || schedule (needs updated so bad oop)
☪︎  ⵣ  bahr | 19 | she/her | worlds silliest student
¡hala madrid!
if you enjoy my works please consider supporting me on my kofi !
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
master list - footy
- ᡣ𐭩 。ꪆৎ ˚⋅Jude Bellingham
- .𖥔 ݁ ˖ִ ࣪⚝₊ ⊹˚ Trent Alexander-Arnold
- ₊✩‧˚౨ৎ˚⋅Kylian Mbappe
- 𝜗𝜚 ‧₊˚ ᡣ𐭩 João Félix
-ִ ࣪✮🕷✮⋆Aurélien Tchouaméni
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
© bahrtofane 2024. all works are my own and are not to be copied, redistributed, or translated. just plz dont steal and be nice ! it costs nothing ♡
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viennacherries · 3 months
Please note: Some of my work contains NSFW content. If you are a minor, do not interact with these works. Keep yourself safe online.
Find me on AO3: viennacherries
I take requests! Find my guidelines HERE
'Earl Grey and Chai': NSFW 4,720 words
'Kiss the Cook': NSFW 36,134 words
'Mending': SFW 2,182 words
'The Hard Way': NSFW 3,409 words
'Last Chance': NSFW 2,363 words
'Lost in Translation': SFW 1,966 words
'Infernal Musings': NSFW 3,063 words
'A Lesson in Listening': SFW 1,284 words
'A Firm Hand': NSFW 2,001 words
'Quoth the Raven': NSFW 16,178 words
'Longing': NSFW 4,318 words
'Conception': NSFW 2,898 words
'All's Well That Ends Well': SFW 1,311 words
'Venus': SFW 753 words
'A Moment of Magic': SFW 1,876 words
'The Cost of Ambition': NSFW 1,461 words
'Haarlep, Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor react to shy gn crush confessing their love' SFW
'Zevlor, Dammon, and Rolan having a M!Tav partner who’s big on acts of service and/or is a service top' NSFW
'Rolan, Zevlor, Dammon, and Gale with a partner who’s huge on giving them body worship' SFW
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turtleblogatlast · 10 months
There’s something so intensely funny to me about Donnie loving to dance…but being the absolute worst at it
Like just looking at their scores for the dancing game, Mikey clears everyone, Raph holds his own, and Leo tried just hard enough to beat Donnie, and I find this all so dang funny
This isn’t to say he’s bad at it, we know they all have at least some skill in that area, I just like the idea of characters enjoying something but not being super incredible at it just because they like it! It’s a humanizing trait that I don’t see often
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rikaspotting · 3 months
Rika Headcanons Master List:
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Rika goes by pretty much any pronoun doesn't mind if you call them a he/she/or they.
Rika has a green thumb and loves gardening.
Their favorite genre of music is ska or alternative but they don't mind listening to a little bit of everything.
Their first Pokemon was a Paldean Wooper which is now a Clodsire and her ace.
Very prone to displaying public displays of affectionate, either romantic or platonic.
Went to a tough school in a bad area growing up .
They put on a facade of being tough and smug to survive.
Rika dislikes makeup and prefers to show off their natural looks.
Their full name is Paprika, but much prefers to go by just Rika.
Rika is a massive foodie despite their lanky frame.
Enjoys making people laugh or relax.
Even the most shy people eventually feel comfortable talking with Rika.
Has a very earthy and motherly vibe to them. Despite her farcical nature, Rika is a lot more wise than she lets on.
Loves kids. She will happily babysit for anyone.
Rika loves ground types because they remind her to stay grounded and firm with their beliefs.
Her childhood was chaotic so the symbolism of ground types reminds her to take one day at a time.
Rika loves to tease and to push buttons, but never out of malice.
Rika is somewhat short, being about 5'6.
She knows it's horrible for her health, but she smokes.
Their voice is somewhat crass and loud with a slight southern twang.
A lot stronger than she looks. She can easily drag around Clodsire by his tail.
Rika is very clumsy and often trips over herself or bumps into things.
Her hands are usually always in her pockets.
Rika taps their feet when they are stressed or impatient.
She is really fond of her league-issued black gloves and is rarely seen without them, even when not working.
She's a sucker for puns and loves telling dad jokes.
They are highly protective of people they love or care for.
Rika is really bad at cooking. She tends to burn her food.
She can drive a motorcycle and thinks she's very badass when she does.
Rika would be the first person to stand up for someone who is getting harassed.
Despite their goofy nature, they have a strong sense of justice and will not hesitate to get physical to defend people they love.
Has a strong weakness for anything small and cute (Exhibit A: Poppy).
Rika loves simulation or farm raising video games.
Highly competitive when battling. Rika will become very pouty if she loses.
It's nearly impossible to lie to them due to their strong BS detector.
They are bisexual, but have a slight preference for women.
Kinda a hypocrite due to the fact they love to tease, but if someone teases them back, they become flustered.
She keeps emergency Clodsire plushies for kids who need some positive reinforcement during interviews.
Often uses Clodsire as somewhat of an emotional support pokemon for people who have anxiety due to his relaxed and dopey nature.
Rika can be a little bit too cocky sometimes, especially when battling
Butchers common sayings on purpose.
Used to explore caves when they were younger.
She is into body modification due to her piercings.
Prefers to dress masculine because it's more comfy to her.
If anyone she cares about is sick, she would rush over to check on time multiple times bringing soup and blankets. No questions asked.
Has a bad habit of swearing often.
They smell like the earth and the ground after it rains.
When in a relationship, they can be possessive and "claim" their lover by leaving marks from bites.
Rika prefers to be the dominant one in the bedroom, but doesn't mind switching occasionally.
Is an adult-child and has a horde of Wooper and Clodsire plushies at home.
Got into many fights as a teenager.
If anyone is crying, she would run up to them and offer them a hug without hesitation.
They find it hilarious that people think they're a guy at first glance.
They are proud of their androgynous appearance and aren't ashamed to break some already established norms.
Rika has a hard time thinking abstractly. She is definitely more of a practical thinker.
Loves to attend parties and entertain others.
Often walks barefoot to feel the ground beneath them.
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miya-rin · 1 year
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here are some small atsumu boyfriend headcanons
cant cook alone, he needs you there otherwise he refuses. its not even that hes bad at it he’s actually really good he just likes to have your company with him at all possible times
he buys you those matching blanket hoodies and will not take his off no matter what, its so cute to see this big buff volleyball player absolutely just drowning in a fluffy hoodie with avocados all over it
however, as cute as he may seem, hes still a little shit at heart. if you suggest a film for him to watch - with or without you - he will purposely not watch it until you either let it go or force him to, he has a whole list on his notes app titled “DO NOT ENGAGE!!!” just so he knows what ones to avoid the little fucker
he always has cold hands and feet and he puts them on you when you least expect it, mostly when you’re peacefully cuddling him
lovesss late night drives <333 every saturday night you both drive around the city listening to his specially curated playlist with a take away; its his favourite way to wind down after a stressful day
ass guy 100%, he cant keep his hands off of you for shit. he likes to hold both sides of your hips as he tries to squeeze past you just to get a feel (¬_¬)
like sakusa, i believe he also had braces growing up, when he was around 11-14 but it is a very sensitive subject for him as he used to get picked on for having them because osamu didnt :((
walks around the house in either a compression top (for obvious reasons) or grey joggers that rest justtt below his v-line (for obvious reasons)
he is always stocked up on toilet paper for some odd reason, like a weird amount of toilet paper and he wont tell you why??? he hardly even goes through it, its just there for months on end
he does that thing where he leans agains the door frame with his arm above his head instead of actually walking inside because he thinks it looks hot. which it does
has a collection of “really wacky and cool” socks (in his words) and every holiday you get him another pair to add to his collection
if you insult him for whatever reason or pull his hair please be prepared for him to moan, he literally thinks its the funniest shit ever
all my haikyuu boyfriend headcanons!
thankyou for reading! i hope you enjoyed it!<3
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emeritusemeritus · 7 months
Vulnera Sanentur [Weasley Twins x Reader]
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Part 5
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Title: Vulnera Sanentur
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley {established relationship}
Timeline: DH1&2- Initially set during the battle of the seven potters. Canon and certain plot points have been altered for the needs of the story.
Summary: The battle of the seven Potters throws your world into chaos when one of your boyfriend’s is cursed. As Snape’s ex-potions assistant and previous protégée, you recognise the inflicted curse immediately and demand answers from your mentor.
Warnings: Angst, mentions of war and Voldy, descriptions of injury and blood, descriptive smut, p in v sex, shower sex, tension. Outside sex. Semi public sex. None sexual nudity. Crying. Snape has a soft spot for reader. Arguments. Probably some cursing. Mentions of nightmares. Reader is part of the Order of the Phoenix. Mentions of death (Dumbledore). Mentions of Tonks’ pregnancy. On it got a angsty. So much angst I can’t tag it all. Not spellchecked nor beta read, we die like Madeye.
Clearly I’m in my angst era 🖤
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Three days had passed since George had lost his ear in the mission to get Harry back to the Burrow safely and each day George's wound seemed to improve dramatically; it was almost completely healed now, no longer leaking or swollen and only a little sore. His overall mood however, seemed to be deteriorating with each passing day as the reality sunk in, the insecurities and sensitivities bubbling up inside of him, despite your honest and repeated confirmation that he was still your George and still gorgeous. With each day he'd withdrawn a little more, showing less affection and had even taken to sleeping on his own in the single bed. Around the others, he laughed and joked just like normal but in private he was cold and distant with you. Fred had noticed and had pulled him up on it once or twice, delicately questioning what was going off with him, what you'd done wrong, but each time George would deflect the question and find a way to avoid answering entirely. You'd hardly interacted at all the previous day, finding it too hard to be rejected and denied by the man you loved and he had even gone as far as to get Molly to change his bandage so that he wouldn't have to be alone with you. You understood, to a point. You knew he'd be feeling insecure about it and he had a lot to process in terms of adjusting to his new normal, mourning his lost ear and no doubt processing the trauma from the attack, but you still couldn't help but feel devastated that he was outwardly rejecting you, pushing you away, especially after you'd tried everything to help him.
You'd thrown yourself into research, hiding away in Charlie's old, vacant bedroom which you were using as a makeshift work space for potion brewing and research. You'd brewed a myriad of helpful, healing potions, ensuring the order would always have a full supply of whatever they should need, as far as your abilities stretched at least. Text books and old potion books were littered around you as you frantically searched for any hope that you could regenerate or replace George's ear but so far there was nothing. Cursed limbs could not be replaced. You'd been taught that over and over by both Lupin and Snape in your school years but you couldn't stop yourself from trying anyway.
You were scribbling down notes from an old copy of Moste Potente Potions, having found an interesting article about Linfred of Stitchcombe and his medicinal advancements when a knock at the door shocked you. Before you'd even had the chance to call out, the door opened and Fred stuck his head in, his eyes flicking over the mess all around you.
"Mum says tea's nearly ready," he says, casting a sideways glance at you and then returning his gaze to the mess of books and parchment that seemed to consume you.
"Thanks but I need to finish this, can't step away from it yet," you said, gesturing towards the cauldron in the back of the room that was currently brewing calming draught, in the hopes that you could use it on George to rid his shock and trauma, at least temporarily. To accentuate your point, you lifted a finger and with a quick flick, the ladle inside the cauldron stirred the blue-hued liquid, the peppermint scent filling the room even more as it stirred and mixed together.
You heard Fred let out a sigh and you caught sight of him just in time to see his shoulders droop just a little in defeat.
"He'll come around you know," Fred says quietly after a few moments of silence which you'd worked through, flicking through pages of a book you'd searched over and over. You knew he was right, but you were a ball of frustration and pain, desperately trying to keep yourself together and keep yourself from hurting anyone else around you.
"I know," you replied, your tone even. You didn't want to think about it anymore, or keep talking about it and so you gestured for the cauldron to stir once again and went back to thumbing through the book you'd pulled.
When you heard the door shut, you immediately sank into yourself and cast the book aside aggressively, tears falling from your eyes before you could stop them. Only days ago you'd woken up in your bed beside the two men you loved most in the world, completely unaware of what would happen, though of course you knew it was dangerous. Even after, you'd woken up in George's arms and everything seemed manageable, like you could navigate through it together and be there for him, only he didn't want you to. He pulled away and you felt lost, robbed and guilty for pulling away from Fred to give George some space from you, hoping he'd come around soon.
You never made it to dinner that night, nor breakfast the next morning as you agonised over your notes, feeling like there was something missing. Neither George nor Fred had been up since then and you'd worked through the night, stopping only briefly for a few hours sleep as you crawled into the bed out of sheer exhaustion, your eyes not able to comprehensively read anything anymore.
You aggressively sighed when a knock at the door stopped your obsessive reading but when Hermione's voice called out from beyond the door, you put down your book and frowned, curious as to why she would need you. You called out for her to enter and tried to smooth back your hair, particularly the strands you'd pulled out of your haphazard braid in sheer frustration.
She stepped through the door holding a glass of pumpkin juice and a plate of toast, seemingly unfazed by your crazed lair of books.
"Molly sent this," she said, placing down the crockery on the table beside you before moving to sit down on the floor in front of you, crossing her legs.
"Thanks," you said in reply, looking at her with questioning eyes, waiting for the mini lecture to come.
"Have you had much luck?" She asks, gazing at your notes briefly, "Fred said you had been brewing non-stop. Calming Brew is notoriously difficult, I've never been able to."
"Hermione," you said firmly but gently, stopping her kind but unappreciated small talk. "Why are you really here?" You walked the line between firm and rude, hoping that you were falling somewhere on the lighter side but in your exhaustion and overstimulated state, it was hard to tell. Her hands fall to her lap as she plays with them, taking a deep breath as if she's gathering courage.
"Dumbledore gave Harry a task before he died, something which we're sure is crucial to defeating you-know-who, but it's hard to know where to even start, where we need to go and what we might need," she says, not making eye contact. Even in your sleep deprived state, you can tell she's holding back information but right now you were loathe to care. "I'm trying to be prepared for every eventuality, I've been gathering things for months, knowing we might need to leave at any time but there's so much more we might need."
"And you want me to brew some potions for you?" You said, filling in the blanks. Only then does she look up at you with a slight frown, considering her next words carefully.
"Actually, we want you to join us."
You instinctively frown at her in reply, all words falling flat on your tongue as you consider her words.
"Me, why? You finally manage to ask, astounded by her request.
"Y/n," she says, a small, polite smile tugging at her lips, "you're a brilliant witch, a master of potions and the magic you produced to heal George was something I've only ever read about in history books. We hadn't asked you before because we knew you'd never leave Fred and George but it seems the three of us won't be able to do it alone, we had to ask."
You sat in silence as you processed her words, conflict building inside you as you considered your options. Truthfully, your current emotions and circumstances were guiding your decisions but you couldn't deny it was an intriguing proposal. You knew Hermione was serious from the crease in her brow that had only seemed to get more prominent with each passing day.
"I assume there's no time frame?" You ask, feeling your frantic mindset fading from you, a calmness overtaking you instead. She shook her head and averted her eyes down to the book which was laid out in front of her.
"And I can't tell anyone?" You assumed.
"I wiped my parents memory, they don't know I exist anymore," she said in a small voice, wringing her hands harder now, the skin of her palms turning pure white, "it was safer for them, and for me. The order don't know but Ron is telling Molly tonight. You can tell F-"
"Better not to, at least right now," you interject quickly, shooting down that line of thought. She nods in understanding and you let out a deep breathe you'd not realised you'd been holding, breathing restricted by the tension within you.
"Can I think about it?"
"Of course," she says with a smile, moving to stand as she wipes off her hands on the front of her jeans. She gives you a little smile and walks out, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
You begin to clear up the books and notes, placing them in a mostly neat pile in the corner, focusing your attention on the batch of muffling draught, that had been requested by Madeye before he died for Order use.
You left it barely simmering and took a seat on the unmade bed you'd been sleeping in and let out a long and drawn out sigh. Thoughts were swirling in your brain of every possible option and path. Could you leave Fred and George? What if something happened whilst you were away? What if you never came back? Being away from them when they were transporting Harry was sheer torture, could you go through that again? Or rather, could you put them through that?
The possibility of helping bring down Voldemort was incredibly appealing, knowing that the cause and the Order was more important than personal lives now, the imminent threat of an outright war seeming more and more likely with each passing day. Harry was the best chance we had of defeating Voldemort and your role in the Order was to accomplish this by any means necessary, even if it meant great personal sacrifice.
You sat stewing on your thoughts for a while, making a virtual pros and cons list in your mind, trying to plan ahead but without knowing what needed to be done, it was impossible.
A movement from outside the house caught your eye and you moved over to the window to look out into the garden and surrounding fields, seeing the Weasley men outside erecting the large white marquee for the wedding tomorrow. Fred and George were off to one side whilst Ron and Arthur stood on the other, all of them brandishing their wands in an effort to raise and set up the large tent. Your gaze lingered on Fred before moving to George, who looked in good spirits as they joked between themselves. A flash of pain ran through you as you considered walking out and helping but realising that George would probably ignore you or make excuses to leave, rejecting you once again.
You were about to look away when you noticed a figure in the distance suddenly appear as if out of nowhere, walking stiffly with a large briefcase in his hand as he strode determinedly towards the Burrow. As he walked closer to the house, his facial features and appearance began to get clearer to you, his somewhat familiar, droopy face that seemed to be fixed into a neat permanent frown and shoulder length brown hair.
Rufus Scrimgeour. The new Minister for Magic.
You hurriedly ran down the staircase and rushed into Fred and George's room, quickly throwing a fresh shirt on and began walking out into the kitchen when you saw the minister walk into the house, guided by Arthur.
"I'll need Mr Potter, Mr Ronald Weasley, Miss Hermione Granger and Miss y/n y/l/n," he says after shooting down any small talk formalities. Almost immediately, you feel two sets of eyes land on you, both from the 6ft 3 redheads who were hovering around the door. "We'll need somewhere private," he says, looking around at the multiple sets of eyes who are all looking between themselves in suspicion.
"And to Miss y/n y/l/n, I leave my lebetum, in the fond hope that you will never need this.”
The minister then handed the black object to you, a curious looking thing, something you’d never seen nor heard of before. It was similar to the deluminator in ways, looking like the first of its kind. It was long and cylindrical, ornate in design with a fragment of misted glass embedded onto the front. You turned it over in your hand and frowned, looking down at the curious object.
When the Minister left, you, Ron, Hermione and Harry sat in silence for a few moments, all of you processing what had just happened with Albus Dumbledore's will and the bequeathments. Why had Dumbledore chosen you? The golden trio made sense and you'd been close to Dumbledore of course but it was a big surprise to be included.
"It seems Dumbledore wants you onboard too," Harry says after a moment, taking your eyes flicker to his, the glare from his light reflecting glasses shielding his eyes from you.
"Yeah, have you thought about it?" Ron asks, his hand running along the seams of his corduroy trousers, a pair that you recognised Fred abs George to have worn a few years ago, a tiny splatter of ink still visible on the right knee.
You sighed, unsure.
"Still deciding, I want to but," you said, trailing off. You pulled the sleeves down over your hands, trying to give yourself a little regulatory comfort.
"You can't leave them behind," Hermione says softly, anticipating your answer. You nod gently, not meeting anyone's eyes as flashes of Fred and George play in your mind. The thought of leaving them makes your stomach turn uncomfortably, makes you want to sob at the very thought but there was a greater good that needed to be accomplished and you couldn't let fear nor personal feelings be the reason you rejected their proposal.
"But I can't be selfish, not now, if you need me then I'm with you," you say, looking up at Harry, "this task, will it work?"
"It's the best chance we have to defeat Voldemort."
"Then I'm in."
The minute Ron told Molly about their plans, you disappeared back upstairs, away from the conflict and back up to Charlie's old bedroom. Fleur's parents would be arriving this afternoon and you needed to clear away all your stuff from the bedroom to make room for more guests. You checked on your potion and were pleased with the result, bottling it up and cleaning the cauldron with a flourish of your wand. The books, quills and parchment you'd put to one side were all cleared up and collected off the floor as you cast a quick tidying spell, cleaning the sheets and resetting the room back to it's usual setting. You carried the huge and heavy pile of books down the staircase until you stood in front of Fred and George's closed bedroom door, feeling incredibly awkward as you considered knocking, feeling unwelcome for the first time in your relationship.
You didn't knock but instead grabbed the handle and stepped in, struggling under the weight of the books as you set out to find the bag your enchanted with an extension charm.
George was lay on the bed reading when you walked in and for a brief moment you thought that everything could be normal again as he looked up at you, thinking he would open his arms for you to cuddle into, just as you always had. But that was not the case today. Instead, he shifted slightly on the bed so that his body was almost facing away from you whilst still being able to read and a fresh pang of sadness washed over you all over again. You willed yourself not to cry, at least not until you'd left the room and located your bag, placing the notes and books into the bag before moving to your other belongings.
You rummaged through your things, trying to stay quiet as to not antagonise George further before stopping and cursing, not finding the cardigan that you were looking for. You sighed and stood, walking to the set of drawers near the window and pulled out the second drawer, seeing an array of matching wool jumpers. You pulled a burgundy one out from the pile and unfolded it, seeing that it was emblazoned with the letter 'G'. In a move that upset you greatly, you folded the jumper back up and placed it back into the drawer, reaching instead for it's matching counterpart with the 'F' pattern. You closed the drawer and threw on the jumper, wanting to get out of the room immediately as the tension was much too strong and uncomfortable.
You cast a glance to George as you walk out, seeing him sprawled on the bed reading had always been one of your favourite sights, but though he of course looked handsome in the moment, you just felt empty and sad. His eyes slowly drag up to your exiting form but he says nothing and looks back to his book only moments later, apparently not feeling the need to address you at all. Anger began to simmer in you at his outward dismissal and without thought you began speaking.
"Your bandage needs changing," you say in a shockingly cold tone which sounds odd even to your own ears.
"Mum'll do it," he mumbles, barely even sparing you any attention. His words and tone only infuriate you more and you have to bite your tongue, and physically bite the inside of your cheek, to keep your composure, wanting nothing more in that moment than to scream at him. You'd seen him laughing and joking with Fred earlier, why was it just you he was so cold with? Irritation and resentment bubbled up inside of you and you had to be incredibly selective of your next words.
"I'll have to apply some potion to it tomorrow morning, help the scars," you say blankly, leaving no room for his comments as you walked out of the door, the harsh exterior falling from you the second you shut the door behind you, perhaps a little too aggressively in hindsight.
When you reached the bottom of the stairs, Molly immediately recruited you to help out with wedding preparation, having you fluctuate between helping in the kitchen with her and setting up the table for the meal which would be eaten outside on account of the numerous guests staying.
After your chores were finished, you checked to see Fred and George still de-gnoming the garden with Harry and Ron, supposedly taking extra precautions to rid all of the pests from the lawn and surrounding area. Seeing that they were occupied, you took the opportunity to slip back upstairs and entered their room determinedly as you locked the door with a flick of your wand, sat at the desk and pulled out som parchment and ink.
You weren't sure what to write, not knowing the full extent of Dumbledore's task, but you knew it would be dangerous and potentially life threatening, meaning that this letter would be the last thing they had of you if you didn't make it back.
You began with Fred's letter, finding it much easier at present to tell him all the things you needed him to know. Tears slipped from your eyes a few times with the more emotional passages as you tried to explain why you'd gone and how much you loved him. You folded up the letter once you were happy with it and slipped it into a spare envelope that the twins kept in the desk drawer for their owl post orders.
You sat looking at the blank page for what seemed like hours, trying to think of what to say to George. It was hard because you were so hurt but you chose to push that aside, knowing that this might be the last time you'd ever write to him, plus you didn't know when you would be leaving and this may had all blown over by the time he reads this letter.
You placed George's into an envelope too and considered where you were going to store them until you needed them. You thought your bag at first or maybe under their pillows but both were too risky. Instead, you walked to the shelf in the nook of the room and pulled out a potions book that was left over from your teenage years in the room. In front of that was a pinned, magical photo of the three of you, no older than 15, making a snowman outside in the Hogwarts Courtyard, all with your arms around each other with goofy grins on your face. You slipped the letters into the book, not concealing them entirely but just enough, preparing your last clue that would lead them there if you left.
"Princess?" You heard from the other side of the door as someone, who you now knew to be Fred, jingled the door handle. You unlocked the door with your wand and Fred walked in with a concerned look on his face, moving to walk over to you.
"Why was the door locked? You okay?" He asks and you smile up at him, moving to stand in front of him before wrapping your arms around his waist. His arms immediately surround you as he pulls you in to his chest, cuddling you tightly.
"Better now," you mumble into his chest, feeling instantly comforted by his touch.
"Thought I'd lost you to your work," he says playfully and you pull away just a little to crane your neck upwards to look at him.
"Still here, still yours," you smile, reaching up onto your tiptoes for a kiss which he gives you without hesitation. It's short and sweet but meaningful as his left hand clutches your waist, seemingly needing this just as much as you. You smile at each other as you pull away, only to frown a moment later when George walks into the room calling out to Fred, stopping mid conversation as he realises you are there.
Your face drops and the happiness you felt only a few seconds before slips away from you as George makes no move to join you, no joke or tease and certainly no move to steal you away from his brother as they so often did.
"I'll just... see if your mum needs any help," you mumble awkwardly, stepping out of Fred's hold and walking over to the door in defeat.
"You stupid git," you hear Fred say harshly to George just as you close the door. You desperately want to stay and listen to what they are going to say but you decide not to, knowing that it will only upset you further. You can hear the muffled sound of raised voices and a telltale humming noise that alerts you to the fact that they had used a specific silencing charm and your gut twists once again, feeling like the root of the problem. You'd only reached the fourth step down when Fred bursts through the door, shaking his head until he spots you and all the anger falls from his face. He takes your hand as soon as you'd both stepped off the stairs and he leads you to the empty lounge, sitting down first before pulling you down onto the sofa so that you fall into his lap. His arms lock tightly around you and for the first time in days you feel familiarity and comfort. So much so, that you don't even realise your eyes closing as sleep overtakes you, wrapped securely in Fred's arms.
You wake up comfy, cozy and a little confused, still cuddled into Fred though you are no longer alone. George is sat beside you both on the sofa, in touching distance and you fight against your tired eyes as they threaten to close.
"Hey sleeping beauty," Fred smirks down at you, clearly having felt you shift in his lap. You shush him and cuddle into his shoulder a little more, hesitantly flicking your eyes over to George who is, rather surprisingly, looking at you.
"Nice sleep?" He asks, his tone lighter than you'd heard in days when he'd been addressing you. You simply nod in reply, suddenly sheepish at the concept of chatting with him, expecting him to say something hurtful or pull away again if you opened your mouth. His lips turn up at the edges to give you a soft smile but you don't focus on it for long, turning instead to look around you, checking of anyone else was there. You were all alone and under regular circumstances you'd relish in the time together, knowing how rare it was when you were at the Burrow but right now it just felt awkward and weird.
"I'm gonna get a drink," you say quietly as you attempt to climb off of Fred, feeling painfully thirsty after your nap.
"I'll join you," George says as you walk away and you don't even reply, just continue walking around the corner into the kitchen. Any hope that George was going to explain himself fell flat the second you walked into the kitchen and saw Molly whizzing about like her head was on fire, a couple of her children following behind her as she prepares for Fleur's family to arrive. Dinner than night was hosted outside with gorgeous twinkling lights in the trees and a lavish spread that had taken Molly all day to prepare. You sat beside the twins and though George was a little more cordial than before, you still felt distanced from him and wished more than ever that things would just go back to normal.
Later that night you lay in bed with Fred's arm protectively draped across your waist, your body pressed tightly to his front as he spooned you from behind whilst George lay on the other side, not even remotely touching you. You'd had to push the beds together to make room for the extra cot in the room, where Ron lay sleeping just for tonight, having been evicted from his own room as Bill and Charlie took his, Arthur and Molly took Charlie's and Monsieur and Madame Delacour took Molly and Arthur's room. 
Having George this close to you only seemed to make him feel further away and you cried yourself to sleep that night, tears silently streaming down your face and soaking your pillow until you eventually fell into a restless sleep.
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chiquititaosita · 11 months
Maki Zenin x Latina fem reader 🫶🏼🌶️👹
¡! ❞ synopsis: maki x latina reader varying headcanons, with slight mentions of nsfw descriptions, and suggestive writing
osita note: yall im making more soon asap, writing is back in the groove more gay shit coming soon! hope y’all love it @kenruu @sanjisblackasswife @yourrfavzxri @chrollohearttags @chocolatetheoristcloud @sanjis-all-blue @euphofic @roronoaswifey @cookiepie111 @sierae @hqkalon
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maki being the girlfriend to write you notes on a sticky note in places you’ll be looking for stuff. “have a good day at work! fuck that bitch (coworkers name).”
Maki who spoils you by buying you food, and even cooking sometimes. She comes to terms with accepting the use of vicks vaporub and newspaper cones.
Maki Zenin being the girlfriend that literally checks you out unintentionally, and her sister calls her out.
“You’re checking her out aren’t you?”
“So she’s not your type.” “but that’s my girlfriend.”
“Hey she’s mine back off!” she gets jealous so fucking easily, and is kinda tóxica but we stan it.
You yelling at Maki and slapping her hand with a wooden spoon with a small hit. Then itadori with a PAM! because they attempted to eat your cooking that’s still raw and needs to be cooked thoroughly.
“Wash y’all’s damn hands!!” You’ll be yelling that in Spanish and putting your hands on your hips.
I mean if you you yell at Maki or anyone in español She’s gonna get her pushy wet, call it Niagara Falls up in this bitch.
“AYO THOSE ARE MY TITTIES!!” she’s gonna cover you up if you have a nip slip or a fashion mishap. Or get nobara to help you. She don’t mess with taken women, nobara goes after married men PURR
here y/n is just being fussy; and crying if she gets hurt, “who did this to you!?…” at first in her head she’ll be like oh shit.
“What happened…?” bitch will fight the whole jujitsu society and even risk her life as a sorcerer for you. BECAUSE SHE LOVES YOU SO DEARLY INTO HER HEART.
ms girl loves your cooking and your body with stretch marks and freckles. “And I thought you were my breakfast.”
FaceTimes you when you’re on break, ALWAYS COMES HOME TO YOUR COOKING AND CLEANING. Because she’s never been taken care off because her dads a bitch. she starts showing affection to you slowly.
“i know you’re homesick, so i brought you pan dulce from the panadería.”
“you want me to help you with anything?” she really doesn’t know how to ask you for help, but instead she takes over the whole task on doing it.
“you need to be careful, okay?” overprotective 11/10
cuddles are necessary with her always
she’s always gotta be touching you on your thighs your ass or your titties, even the small of your back
“My girlfriends coming! And she’s gonna kick your ass!” The minute she feels somethings not right! 🏎️ nyooom!! She’s gonna use her cursed objects to find you AND KILL THEM MFS
Maki to the rescue. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” She’s gonna kill these bitches with no mercy. Maki has already lost her mother and she can’t risk the chances of losing you.
She calls you mama, princess, baby, y/n love, love, love bug, sunshine.
Actually is learning Spanish for you. Even though it’s easy to understand by how you’re yelling at someone she’s just encouraging you with her hands up having a smirk on her face. “that’s my girl.”
especially for her voice being low and sounding like honey, when she calls you baby. she’s obsessed at how y’all dance together. Mai approves of you 9/10! only because maki didn’t tell her about you sooner.
if your cousins ask maki why her hair looks like mocos, she’ll just just not care. and whisper something super sinister in your cousins ears that’ll leave them terrified, and go back to eating.
kisses with maki are sweet and slow, even passionate at times, of course when it comes to pda she’ll show you off, but when y’all are alone and in private she’s mostly affectionate, and at her most vulnerable state
when you teach her how to flip a tortilla she instantly burns her finger, because the comal was hot. “fuck!” that leaves you to helping her with it. but you or maki wouldn’t change a thing
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