#heehee. guess who also wants to do a backing
krembearry · 1 year
I have been quilting so much my thumb is forming a dent from pushing the needle
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thattimdrakeguy · 4 months
I'm reading the Batman Zdarsky run in reverse. That way if I see any bull I can back out at anytime: and to be honest--besides a few things. I really enjoy it
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LIKE YO, THAT IS JUST STRAIGHT UP TIM DRAKE RIGHT THERE. It knows who he is as a character. his motives, it's great.
Screw the people complaining "oh why is tim still robin :((", THIS IS WHY HE IS STILL ROBIN. Because this is when he's at his BEST. When he gets to hit his character purpose, WHEN HE GETS TO BE HIM AT HIS MOST HIM. It's FANTASTIC.
Reading in reverse because I know I hated the first story, it was so contrived and ridiculous.
But this--this is some good shit.
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Tim being an underdog fighter, having to use his wits to win the fight? MY DAWG, MY DUDE, MY GUYS, MY GALS, MY THEMS, MY THEYS, THIS IS SO TIMMY DRAKE. This is so damn Tim Drake, guys. Oh, my gosh, I am loving this so far.
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Dick has his temper back? And trust me, he isn't normally like this. But he's hitting a limit AND IT'S SOMETHING NEW, NOT JUST A REFERENCE. HE'S ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING HE'D DO, 'CAUSE HE'S AT HIS LIMIT. That's wonderful, man. That is so wonderful.
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Plus Tim is the heart of the Bat-Family again? This feels like someone actually went back to read these characters before writing it. I'm not saying everything is perfect of course, but these high marks are exceeding all my expectations. And I STOPPED reading comics because of how the beginning of this run destroyed any hope I had.
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You guys have no idea how much I'm enjoying the few issues I've read. Besides the cussing (I remember after a bit they decided Tim was someone who used funny words instead of proper cusses), this feels like the Tim I know and love during the era I especially loved him.
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Tim comparing himself to his predecessors? Tim not being a natural? A WRITER REMEMBERING THAT?? It's been so long since I've seen that! Most writers treat him like he was another prodigy when he wasn't. AND THIS GUY REMEMBERED THAT!
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I shouldn't be so happy at just seeing Tim do Tim things, and serving his character purpose. BUT YOU GUYS HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG IT'S BEEN SINCE A WRITER KNEW WHAT TIM WAS SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE.
Only complaints I have is that Jason feels like a typical Bat-Family member, and not the sketchy outsider that he is. Making him so close makes his character more bland in my opinion. And Steph is--also generic af unless she's wacky quirky...which is a characterization I hate for her, because she started off so damn interesting, but they made her a freaking trope instead, which is such a disservice to her, but she barely does anything so far, so whatever I guess. Doesn't mean much.
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This is the first honest thing I've seen that I hated.
Not this
This isn't the Bat-Family
This is a sitcom world the fandom wants to be the Bat-Family and some comply with
They're not a sitcom. The conflicts, and uniqueness of the characters is what makes things feel alive and well.
This stuff is cheap fanservice for the fanon demographic that doesn't buy comics to begin with.
Fanon doesn't belong in canon.
I mean sure Tim could be drawn smaller, the gag of him looking 12 when he's nearly 18 doesn't work when he's bigger than Damian who is 15 (and contrary to some bullshit comics isn't meant to be small. that was a random thing added for writers who aren't clever to write better humor. it actually contradicts things that were already established).
Don't see the big deal though for most of this.
Can't wait to find it, though. Oh boy.
This whole obsession with Zur Batman, is way over done though. So--I wouldn't be shocked if that was the problem, because my golly does that plot point not seem to be stopping--and it was there from the start and part of the reason why I didn't read it 'til now.
Good Tim tho, at least. So heehee, yey for that--I think--I guess.
Oh, well.
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It let me peak at a pseudo-version of an AU I made up years ago. So that's pretty freaking cool.
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Always a plus.
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And redoing Red Robin story beats but better? Normally I'd hate references to Red Robin, 'cause that changed the perception of so many characters for the worst, but ayy, a bit of redemption isn't bad.
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Man, just seeing simple stuff like Tim and Bruce being good ol' classic Batman and Robin warms my heart. It's been so long since Batman and Robin has acted like a proper classic Batman and Robin. It's dynamic that's been sorely missed by many.
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Like, DUDE, this is such a Tim thing for him to do!!
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And he's showing emotion?? He's crying like how he does?? Because he's not a typical Bat-Family member who just angsts his way through?? THEY'RE MAKING HIM STAND-OUT AGAIN BY MAKING HIM, HIM??
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Like this part is why I originally stopped reading, not because Bruce should think Tim is his soldier, and not his son, THE FREAKING OPPOSITE.
But because the original story has Bruce acting weird when unneeded, just to say this was so unneeded, and adding in all these stupid corny Bat-Family moments was so groan worthy.
This run started off with a story that was a total turn off for me.
To end up being a run that could've kept me enjoying DC, rather than running away from it from as far as I have.
Chip Zdarsky started off awful, but really, he ended up great.
And I've seen people complain about his run, and TRUST ME, there's stuff to complain about. But I have only ever seen the stuff worth complaining about, or stuff I WOULD complain about.
At least when Tim is around.
Go figure.
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Maybe I should've paid sole attention to how he wrote Tim and nothing else at the very least for that first story.
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'Cause even in the first story, Tim was well-written--it's how cheap the rest of the story telling was in that first story that turned me off--and the weird knew about the movie plans that I am still fully judging harshly. (Love the new Superman film suit, though)
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codename-adler · 2 months
i neeeeeeeeed to know more abt your trojan ocs anytime you wanna share
heehee i got a special pookie for ya jo 🫶 (trojans ocs roster here)
06: Mateo Solano (22) USC Trojans Goalkeeper
here comes theeeeee... Bitch™
don't got a gif for him sorry
i also now realize i accidently gave him Seth's number... wow. but believe me, Mateo's sm worse. i love mi princesita Seth. i don't even like Mateo. (jk. but like, he sucks a whole lot before he gets his redemption arc. interpret that however you want.)
he's one of the seniors of the team, he's 5'9 and fucking bitter about it, he studies Spanish because he is a lazy mf who has no plan but to go Pro (fortunately he will)
106% fuckboi energy fr he's insufferable
at the start of the new season (when Jean joins) he is still crabby about Laila having rejected him when he asked her out after their loss to the Foxes (in my universe/wip, Lailalvarez are not together yet bc i want to explore their relationship from the beginnings :) )
Mateo isn't really interested in Laila anyway, though, and he doesn't know why 1) it still stings and 2) he even asked in the first place (perhaps because they are the golden goalie duo of USC, perhaps because she is better than him and has broken records, perhaps because of something else...)
he's also such a bitchy asshole to Jean, because Jean is a beast on the court and Mateo is jealous
he's single and a v because he is waiting for marriage and the right girl (siiiiiiiiike!) (still fuckboi aura tho he's that extra)
comes from a very religious household and he is a practicing believer
he doesn't really have any friends on the team (sad) because he is so prickly and bitchy, but everyone is still kind and open to him because he is very reliable on the court, in the goal, and he does not second-guess or question authority, he's very good at following orders and instructions, always aiming for the best
and though it's good for everyone that he stays in goal because of his problematic attitude that would get the Trojans carded if their opponents heard him talk, the power of bitch he possesses is also a great asset, as he easily makes any enemy player lose their temper with his saccharine remarks paired with a Colgate smile
now! the plot twist!
Mateo is what you would get if internalized homophobia + comphet had two legs and an attitude problem
he is as homophobic as Seth and Aaron were, and even more if I dare say, and though he's never outwardly a hater and never uses slurs (at least he holds back on that for Jesus), he's such a bitch about homosexuality... it makes him so angry and queasy, he'll be rude af to you, he'll leave the room fuming, not participate in conversations, that kind of thing. he tries very hard to forget about Jeremy, to overlook it, and he's not like Lucas, questioning Jeremy's decision because of his sexuality, but it's so much better when Jeremy is single... (ik how this sounds, but believe me when i say he does not have a repressed crush on Jeremy, or Jean. that's just his Exy inferiority complex.)
thing is, it becomes incredibly difficult for him to ignore all of that gayness when Laila and Alvarez get together (oh), when Levi suddenly drops Angie to get closer with their assistant coach, when Jeremy clearly has a huge thing for Jean, the Drivers come out with their own gay thang, when Coach Rhemann himself gets his shit together with his long-lost broody ex... Mateo is literally surrounded by homos.
and sure, the wlw stuff never really bothered him, didn't get the appeal (and why do you think Mateo!!!), but with almost all of his authority figures dabbling in the gay, Mateo is kind of a caged animal, and he's bound to lose control and do some very stupid things, like start fights, get benched, punch a wall or 2...
oh, and there's Yanko too.
infuriating ginger man that won't leave him the fuck alone. mountain man of steal who is somehow always right, and chill. the designated Mateo-handler, apparently, because Jeremy had to delegate that hot potato to someone with less... undesirable traits to Mateo (i'm not sure yet how the rest of the team handles his outbursts bc he's not open about why he has them, not very vocal, but there's definitely a specific thing wrong at play here whenever they happen, and maybe Jeremy has an inkling, idk, tbd)
so it really comes out of NOWHERE. nobody, NOBODY has a fucking clue. least of all Mateo. then suddenly Yanko has had enough and pushes Mateo into a wall, and kisses him, very publicly, and Mateo kisses back.
there's a whole lot that goes on behind the scenes before that first fiery PDA, and after that it all goes downhill for a while before balance is found again. anyhoo. enemies-to-lovers ftw ✊
Mateo's family is very loving and supporting of him btw <3
and that's all for now for the resident pendejo of the Trojans, Mateo Solano 👿
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oogaboogaspookyman · 2 months
Soooo a reply in the most recent Oil Is Thicker Than Blood release (by @dronebiscuitbat ) gave me an idea! And threw my impulse control out of my window!
BE WARNED: this contains a more than implied spicy Nuzi scene, which is canon in the universe of Oil Is Thicker Than Blood. I also tried my best to finish this so be also warned for potentially sucky writing lmao
That red eyed freak... She's gonna pay.
Crawling in the vents. She always loved crawling around, whether it's the roof, the walls, or the ventilation systems, it always felt so good and satisfying.
This time didn't feel good the usual way now. It felt good like a revenge. Fitting.
While she's doing that, she found a few trinkets along the way! Neat! Things to look at instead of her glasses! She always disliked looking at her own glasses out of boredom, it brings memories she doesn't have consent for... Y'know what else she didn't consent to?
Let's not joke about that time, V...
Anyway! Back to searching through the vents! And sending those updates on the red thing stuff too!
"robo-god i fucking love crawling it's satisfying like-..." She stops for a moment... Then sighs... "Let's not ramble about these things alone V, you'll seem crazier than you already are..."
After long minutes of crawling around in the vents and sending updates on the search, she started to hear something...
There's people talking...
There's people talking.
"Look, i'm just sayin', we can't have these Murder Drones in 'ere at all, ya know their body count? As someone who like- counts the deaths and missing drone cases, i say they're up to like- the THOUSANDS!"
"You know Khan's orders and announcement, they're living with us now, end of. We cannot keep having this conversation, Sean..."
"Susan please just- just understand what i'm trying to say here!"
"We can't keep up a relationship if all you're gonna ramble about is the Murder Drones wanting to make amends."
A Worker with an irish accent... Rambling to another, 50% masculine 50% feminine and 100% tired sounding, about the fact that she and N are living in the bunker with them and how he's against it. Of course. If she could drop down right then and there... She would. But she can't, she made a promise... Stupid promise but hey, she cares about that idiot.
Stupid feelings, stupid concept of caring, stupid core, now she feels all mushy and gross...
Ughh, get back to work you trauma bag!
Beep. Update sent. And as she crawls around the vents, a message for Lizzy. Heehee Lizzy she cute- SHUT UP BRAIN.
SD-V: yo liz i caught two people talking while i crawled in the vents, wanna hear?
A few seconds later...
Lizthequeen: OMG yes!!! drop the gossip gurl!!!
SD-V: so theres these two workers talkin shit about me and n for obvious reasons and apparantly these two workers are also a dumb lovey dovey couple
Lizthequeen: oh shiz you talking about sean and susan??? oh theyre having constant problems with their relationship i heard!!
SD-V: thats what im saying. theyre in constant problems with their relationship yeah
Lizthequeen: they are fr?? daaayyuummm gurl...... are they breaking up now???
V stopped to look back and crawl a little backwards to hear...
"... Susan- Susan please don't do this to me-"
"No no no no you know what? You know what? We're done here, all you ramble about is your racism, fuck you and fuck off"
"Susan please!"
Then a slam... Then a sigh...
She began crawling forward again... God damn.
SD-V: yup
Lizthequeen: RN????? HOLY SHIT?????
SD-V: yup
Lizthequeen: they finally broke up........ thank you for sharing the info bestie i owe u so much
SD-V: yeah you owe me a good hanging out
V immediately stopped messaging in flustered frustration, yellow filling her visor and embarrassment filling her... Everything. Fuck's sake.
Lizthequeen: what do u mean by that ;3c
SD-V: nothing shut up buzz off im busy anyway BYE
Then to the right goes the program...
That was stupid.
Okay that's processed.
As she crawled by, she began to hear more chatter... Right, people exist.
"Guy imma need to talk to ya"
"Oh no. My name in b flat. I'm in trouble"
"More like i wanna discuss something with you regarding the whole Khan's daughter and N thing..."
"... Am i in trouble?"
"Stop saying you're in trouble, i just wanna talk"
"“Stop saying you're in trouble” yeah shut up before you get in trouble hehehehehe-"
"What the HELL was that?!"
V squeaked in surprise, then yelled back, attempting to threaten the two into submission.
"Okay, no need to yell lass, we would've listened anyway"
"Yeah what Han said"
V sighed in relief and kept crawling and sending updates. Situation avoided.
Crawling by crawling by, crawling by for the sake of your life~
This is getting really boring, i fucking hate this now i wanna go home~
She sang as she crawled in the vents, sending updates every few as she found new things and new gossip, making herself laugh a little as she crawled... She needed those laughs and those moments. She needed a break from the tension and the fear. The dread. That red eyed freak...
That red eyed freak.
"You want me to lead?" She heard, faintly, as she crawled about...
What in the god damn?? Uzi??
"Lay down then"
She crawled forward and stopped to hear the possible new gossip...
What the fuck are they doing down there.
"Relax, okay?"
Uzi?? N?? What are they...
Oh they can't be.
"I-i'm not t-that insteresting"
"You're gorgeous, actually"
"Shouldn't i be saying that to y-you?"
Nuh uh they're not i don't believe... N would be a bottom though.
A little more of hearing from inside the vents, it becomes clearer as every second passes. She can't move.
She jerks a leg forward, yet it's stiff. She can't move.
She tries the same with one arm, it's stiff too. She can't move.
She tries to at least launch herself forward, but her whole body is stiff. She can't move.
She sighs... I can't move... I can't stop hearing...
"Ngh... Uzi..."
She jerks an arm, trying to continue crawling.
And again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
She manages to continue crawling by...
After ceaseless crawling, ending up finding nothing, and having heard quite the event... You think she'll have a word or two for them about it?
She's laid down across the ground, alone in her nest in the spire, seemingly dissociating after the events that transpired...
"Well... Damn." Her last words said in surprise.
We never got to go far in our relationship.
She swapped her hand up with the submachine gun and aimlessly let loose a barrage of bullets, drowning her thoughts in noise. Drowning her sorrows in noise.
Heavy breathing, panting.
"Let's not think of that, V..."
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jades-typurriter · 5 months
Wife Swap
This was a bit of a chain of inspiration; me and Bowsiosaurus, who have crushes Vanilla and Toriel respectively, joked about switching girlfriends, and then vee drew this rather out of the blue to follow up on it. Vee THEN wanted to pay me to write a story to go with it, but I was feeling motivated anyway after seeing how this came out, so I asked ver to help me design Posie instead. Anyway, this is RIDICULOUSLY self-indulgent. Please enjoy the boundary between realities passing over the two of us at a party!
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Jade and Bowsie stood in the living room of a mutual friend, holding plastic cups of fruit punch and catching up about their new relationships. It was a casual affair: a few friends who all happened to be in town at the same time, some movies, bags of popato chisps—chips? no, no, chisps, it was hard to tell for a second—lining the countertop along the side of the room.
“We met when she moved into the apartment next to mine,” the serpent explained as Jade stretched, letting out an appropriately catlike yawn. “A lot of the time we were getting to know each other was me making excuses to help her with things, if I’m being honest.”
“Well, hey! You don’t have to be a man to get to a girl’s heart by being gentlemanly.”
“She does like to call me that…”
“Tori’s little helper, huh?” she teased.
“Heehehehehee! Okay, okay. What sort of stuff does a lady like Toriel even need help with? She seems pretty capable.”
“Well, um! I really like helping her in the kitchen. I’ve learned a lot about baking from her! She also does a lot of community service type things. Did you know she used to be a teacher?”
“Oh? For what grades?”
“Little, little kids, uh, kindergarten and stuff.”
“Oh, wrow,” Jade mrowed, “that’s a fun coincidence! Vanilla has a daughter right about that age.”
“You and moms, huh.”
“Oh, shush,” she snickered.
“It’s true!”
“It is!! It is.”
“So, has dating someone with a kid been complicated?”
“Oh, not at all! Cream and I get along really well, actually. I sit down with her and, like, have tea parties with her little chao. She’s such a sweetheart. She made some cookies for me last week!”
“Uwa!! Well, if you’re getting along well with her, that must be a good sign for Vanilla.”
“I’d like to think so, yeah! If the family likes you, you’re so in.”
“Mhm, mhm.”
There was a lull in the conversation for a few moments. Bowsie looked absentmindedly over ver shoulder at someone messing around at the snacks table. It looked like they were trying to pick something up with a fork instead of just grabbing it with their hand, which was odd—it was all finger food! Or, wait, did the host spring for a chocolate fountain? Had that been there the whole time?? Jade took a sip of her punch, and Bowsie turned back around when she leaned in conspiratorially:
“Alright, so, apart from the obvious—what do you like about her?”
“Like!! Any little habits, cute things you’ve noticed. I know she’s an older woman and I know she’s twice your size, like, believe me. I’m shaking your flipper about it. But like other than that.”
“Um… okay, h-her, her ears are really nice…”
“I suppose I’m obligated to shake paws with you on that too.”
“Heehee, yeah, I guess so!”
“So, do we just both have a thing for big floppy ears and we didn’t know it?”
“No, no, it’s more like! Well, her fur is soft all over, but it’s really nice to just touch her ears, y’know?”
“Ohhhhh, yeah yeah yeah. Petting girls is just like a blessed experience.”
“Yeah… It’s like…”
As vee continued the thought, something began to change in the back of ver mind. Literally. Whatever was going on crept over the room from behind them, continuing from the snack table. Ver long, fishy tail began to shorten, fluff sprouting along its length as it seemed to roll itself up like a snowball—and like a snowball it sat, puffy and cute, at the small of ver back. The fins on ver head lost their perkiness, flopping down the sides of ver face, which was also pulling back into itself, snout disappearing in favor of a pink, Y-shaped nose.
The fins lengthened, and more fur began to grow in place of the scales there; soon enough, they stretched all the way down to ver butt, nicely framing the new tail. The tie around ver neck stretched in odd ways: the ribbons at the sides reached around ver neck, pinching itself into the links of a necklace, for which the knot of the tie became a big, bejeweled pendant. From ver tummy sprouted something a lot like the fur cropping up elsewhere, but much tidier—a dress, appearing seemingly from nowhere, sporting cuts at the hips and a hem in the front that matched ver (previous) underbelly pattern. Between the neckline and the pendant was, suddenly, some notable cleavage, and a feather boa cascaded over ver shoulders, seemingly from nowhere.
“She’s just such a cute little thing,” Vanilla continued, swirling the red wine she now held in her paw. “She really thrives on affection! Rubbing her ears is one of the easier ways to do it… she can’t get enough of laying her head in my lap and letting me scratch right between them.”
As the serpent spoke, Jade distantly realized that it was getting harder and harder to tell what vee was saying. It was getting harder and harder to see ver. Maybe the punch had more alcohol in it than she'd realized? She struggled to listen more closely; her ears burned, as if in embarrassment, though she still couldn’t make out any specific words. She felt like she should be flustered by what her friend was saying, but she wasn’t sure why… Slowly, the sensation came into sharper focus, drifting away from feeling exposed and closer toward a sense of scandal, like she was more shocked that this was the subject of public conversation than the subject matter itself. Nervously, she attempted to change the subject:
“Yeah, yeah, totally!” She began, taking the tried-and-true “smile and nod” approach for when you can’t hear someone in a crowd. “So, you were saying earlier about how you help Toriel around the house, right? Do you ever have to help her deal with computer stuff?”
“Oh, dear, you know I’m no good with computers.”
“Well, you know you can ask Annie for help any time you need!” Jade continued, seemingly unable to reconcile the sudden difference in tone. “She’s taught Vanilla a few things before. That’s one thing that’s sorta weird about the relationship, is just, the total difference in skills 'cause of how far apart we are in terms of age…”
She was interrupted by the lengthening of her own snout. The changes approached her from the front—she had been facing the opposite way as Bowsie, after all. Her kitty nose flattened, vanishing beneath the fur of her face and becoming two simple slits; her canine teeth became more pronounced, sticking out from under her upper lip. Her fur began to turn white, spreading from her nose over her face and down along her neck, and the hair that framed either side of her face became less and less fluffy, more and more orderly, until it was two solid masses of fluff: floppy, lop-goat ears that now grazed her shoulders.
Her loose top, once propped up by a single shoulder and a chest full of fluff, became a sleeveless gown, held in place by a chest full of… well, chest. A very full chest, as a matter of fact. Her hips widened, and she grew a head or two taller—she would have towered over Bowsie like this, but Vanilla was actually a fairly tall woman. Her paws grew to match the scale of the rest of her body, and the fluff around her neck receded to reveal a luxurious string of pearls. At her hip, Anodyne—hitching a ride in the phone in her pocket—slowly morphed from silicone transistors and diodes to brass gears and springs, taking the shape of her beloved heart-shaped locket.
Toriel and Vanilla stood in a reputed ballroom, sipping from crystal wine glasses and gossiping about their adorable new partners. It was a rather big-name event: Mobians and monsters who had made reservations months in advance, live music, hors d'oeuvres lining the pristine tablecloths of the refreshments along the side of the room.
“Sorry,” Toriel said, blinking hard over her bifocals, eyes refocusing on her gal pal at the end of her snout. “Where was I a moment ago?”
“You were talking about the age difference between you and Bowties, Tori,” Vanilla chirped.
“Oh! Yes, that is right,” she said, the conspiratorial smile returning to her face. “Now, I am only saying this because you were talking about pressing your partner’s buttons—how naughty, by the way! One of the cutest things about Bowsie, though, is the way that he falls all over himself at the slightest advance.”
“Oooh,” the rabbit tittered, “Not just younger, but less experienced?”
“That is understating it!”
“How flattering, though!”
“Well, sometimes I wish it were less of a momentous occasion when I change my clothes. It can be frustrating when your partner needs to stop and collect himself when you wish you could simply get into things. But, yes, I suppose all the attention is nice… It makes me feel pretty to be able to knock someone flat like that again!”
“Oh, hush, Tori. You look as good as ever! You haven’t aged a day as long as I’ve known you.”
“And neither has our taste in partners, hmm?”
“It is true!”
“It is!” Vanilla giggled. “It is.”
Thank you for reading! If you'd like to see more of my writing, feel free to take a look here and here.
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lynn-tged-posting · 12 days
tged webtoon ep 158 spoilers and thoughts but mostly it's just me laughing my ass off and also speculating on what happens, im still working on the novel but ill finish it soon trust <- has like ten billion different things she wants to do at the same time
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javier you absolute fiend you ,,, you've learned so much,,, /aff
i figured that javier would tell them at least a semi-truth, or something like that to tide over the count/countess,,, their expressions here made me so worried for a moment,,,
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LIKE THESE UUAGHGHHGHGHHHH that kind of anticipation is terrifying tbh like "has our son been dead this whole time, have we been living w someone else??" and the imminent grief looming over that thought i think got translated really well here the blank irises and the shadowed face im so ,,,, ueueueueueue
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insane genuinely fucking insane i couldn't stop laughing HAHAHAHAA like this is completely absurd but the fact that it's coming from javier, someone who the count and countess completely trust at the moment, someone who's been by lloyd's side this whole time,,, PELASE HAHAHFHADHFDHSHAHA
the count and countess reacting too got me giggling a storm HAHA
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also also early webtoon lloyd makes an appearance again i think it's really fun that the artist gives him the hairstyle from back then, before they changed his hairstyle heehee
oh his undershirt is also missing that X that's usually there in the current tged style too i didnt notice that at first but another little callback!!!
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I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY TO THIS LIKE HE DIDNT HAVE TO but i guess it did kind of knock the count/countess out of their stupor bc by seeing something so insane from javier they think javier rlly regrets giving lloyd BRAIN DAMAGE LAKJDFSHDF FUCKING BRAIN DAMAGE
i did see some ppl say that its kind of odd that they thank javier for this and thats fair yeah i dont think id be ok w finding out "oh one of my loved ones gave another one of my loved ones MEMORY LOSS"
but i think it could be that they're relieved to find out (or are inclined to believe) that their lloyd is "still alive" - he's just changed, not dead (except he is dead, so javier succeeded in fooling them without telling very severe lies)
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honestly with how their expressions were they were probably expecting the worst, esp w all the evidence stacked against lloyd. can u imagine that despair, realizing that the person you've finally come to love is not the person you thought they were?? that the person you thought you had a second chance with, wasn't that person at all? i bet all those regrets were washing over the count and countess all at once,,, and then the relief that comes when it's revealed (when they're lead to believe) that no, it's the same person. this second chance was with the same lloyd, not someone else. that's still their son. oooooh imagine the relief, the realization that you don't have to mourn, you don't have to grieve for a death that happened under your nose
i think that's why they reacted this way, instead of worrying over javier wacking lloyd upside the head; like, what matters now is that lloyd frontera is alive (to them) and that both lloyd and javier have grown and changed themselves and the estate for the better. that the child and the knight they raised have a bright future and isn't that what any parent wants?
tho ofc they dont realize that their assumption is not the truth, but well they dont need to know that,,, for everyones sakes,,, nice play javier
when lloyd shows up and we saw this panel i thought we were gonna have a nice moment between the two of them where lloyd thanks javier for covering for him and hiding the truth but then-
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and then lloyds conversation with the count/countess after PLEASE
yknow this is kind of like that bargaining strategy where you propose something completely absurd and crazy so that the other party says no, but then you offer your real request that is objectively tasking but the other party thinks of it as lesser than the former request so they'll grant it . whatever the heck that strat is called thats what this feels like HAHAHAHA
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lloyd says "all i need is for you to stay healthy" and god that fucking. hurts ouw ouuuhhh owiee oww BUDDY U CAN HAVE BOTH U CAN PROTECT UR FAMILY WHILE ALSO RELYING ON THEM!!! LLOYD!!! LLLOOOYYYDDD
and yet of course this is smth that suho!lloyd would say ,,, he wasnt able to help his parents w their struggles back then but now he can and now it's all he wants to do ,,, i cant even explain how emo this exchange makes me i can't quite put it into words even after a whole day of sitting on this,,, especially after the events of 157 like lloyd im worried abt u!! he doesnt even realize he doesnt even realize the overwork the possible spiral that can come from trying to preserve this aghhh AAGGHHH
sorry for losing it anyways moving on, the title effects linking yippie!!! it was super fun seeing all the teams and all the people he's brought together,,, truly this was our greatest estate development /j
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AND THEN AND THEN the last reveal of this episode THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN HELLO!@?!?!??!@?!?@?!@! OH MY GOD
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raphael looks a litte different here i could've sworn he was a turtle /j
BUT YEAH HOLY SHIT WOW i mean it makes sense, if theres a hell theres probably a heaven, and there was that line that javier said where he was like "alicia liking lloyd is more ridiculous than suho actually being an archangel" MAN I SHOULDA SEEN THIS COMING LMAO but im still excited to see where this goes
like the jewel of truth construction being ILLEGAL? what r they gonna do??? like,,, take the parts away?!?! how will lloyd avoid their like, divine punishment or whatever?? is it considered a crime to start mythical construction??? i wonder what their ruling will be
also the exiled student guy (forgot his name) and lupellan what r they up to will this interfere w them?? or with lloyd? a lot of stuff lined up oh GOD lmao
anyways thats all for right now, as always i yap more on my twitter if youd like to see more shenanigans from me, see yall next week!! !!!!
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sapphickocho · 1 year
hihi bestie heehee i am here to drop shit abt ur au now cuz u did to mine so YES. (it's abt the tokito traitor au btw <3)
1. yui would take so many habits from koku just because (ex. like talking so slow, staring off to the distance, death stare, etc.) he would most prob remind lower rank demon slayers to respect the heirarchy
2. mui would ramble so much shit to koku that sometimes koku can't keep up (ex. what happened during his missions, what he did today like what he ate, etc.)
3. mui is known to sleep heavily even to loud noises, so who knows yui would do the same, before they were demon slayers koku has to protect their asses from other demons attacking them.
4. there would be one game they would play with koku is try to guess which tokito twin is which, they have to look exactly like eachother and koku has to guess (for mui's left arm he would hide it in a long baggy sleeve), but koku would always guess correctly cuz of the see through world lmao
5. yui would mostly remind him of himself cause of how similar they are in some ways, thanks to that koku is much more harsher on yui when training (he doesn't know why but he guesses cause he only has one arm hehe)
6. koku is more softer w mui at times cuz of how he reminds him of yoriichi he would do things that would make him seem out of character with mui, like... a protective older brother 👀, koku doesn't really like how similar mui is to yoriichi but he keeps it to himself, also there might be times were koku freezes up over something mui said that really reminded of yoriichi 🥺
also sorry ramble hehe, it was my turn HEHEHHEEHE enjoy these, hcs/ideas? eh- anyways love ya! can't wait to see for whats to come!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I have so many thoughts about this !!
First of all for context, this is a refence to this post here.
So for the first one, yuichiro would TOTALLY do that. All of the lowermoons are absolutely terrified of him because he is like a mini version of koku and if any of them act up he doesn't need all six eyes to death stare them. It shuts them up easily. I feel like he would also talk in fancy traditional words that confuse tf out of the hashiras + the kamaboko squad since koku talks like the sengoku period and well, yuichiro idolizes him.
2. This reminds me of the fact that muichiro would totally talk shit about people behind there back. And you know who hes telling it too? Our one and only number 1 dad! Kokushibo is just tired of hearing demonslayer corps gossip because he cant follow along.
3. Oh for sure. I bet he was also especially nervous when they went through final selection and he couldnt protect them. especially since they had to sleep during those seven days.
4. He would totally play along tho, so he would be like "hmmmm this is so difficult.....Yuichiro is on the left."
5. poor yuichiro but YES this exactly!! Koku would often be like "Your not strong enough to protect your bother" and "Your worthless if you let him die" to motivate him but also because it feels like he is talking to the child version of himself, and all the stuff he wants to say so things can turn out diffrently.
6.🥺 stoppp thats so cute. and its so true. muichiro would look at him with his big eyes that have the same look as yoriichri's and kokushibo would have to look away. Its just. too cute.
what if kokushibo gives him a gift and muichiro says "I'll cherish it, like it was you" and suddenly koku is getting whiplash to how similar the words were to when his brother said it all those years ago.
Thank you so much!! Feel free to drop your ideas in my inbox anytime ♥♥♥♥
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desceros · 10 months
hi, just gonna start this off by saying I'm in love with your stories!! Like Dood, I've read your stuff an unhealthy amount of times. I was just wonderin'... *twiddles fingers* if you ever get time, could you drop some tips on how you write your stories? And what I mean by that is, like how you develop your main character and their relationship with the turts, then how you plan your story without getting stuck? Because your stories are flawless and I always have trouble getting past plot holes! (btw, sorry if this was a lot! I completely understand if you don't have time to answer this!)
uwahh, thank you so much!! i love hearing that people enjoy my writing, heehee = v= and i'm also a sucker for this kind of question so thanks for giving me an excuse to talk about it :D
sooo usually i start with a plot nugget (e.g. "a meet cute at the aquarium where you see someone cute through the tank but don't catch their name"). then i think ok, who does that mesh with, pairing wise? for that fic, euclidean line, i wanted to write rise donnie and he fit the prompt very well, so that settles that. sometimes it's 'oh this prompt begs for this character, so i'm going to be writing him now i guess.' just depends.
with the plot nugget usually comes a vibe, and that vibe kind of dictates the mood of the fic. sometimes my fics are humorous (think goldilocks), and sometimes they're more somber (think EL). with that vibe comes the, uh, "mood" of the reader insert character. since i knew EL was going to be a study of donnie's emotional fallout with krang, i wanted to have a reader who was good at dealing with emotions to be a kind of guiding light for him. goldilocks has a chaotic reader to match the chaotic feel of that fic. etc. that gives me a feel for what the reader's personality is going to be, and from there, i can construct other pieces of things like how they react with the other turtles. leonardo is going to react differently to a sassy reader dating raph than he is to an emotionally-sensitive reader dating donnie, after all, so their relationships kind of fall into place once i know who the reader is.
i like to have a "best friend" character for the reader outside of the romantic relationship. it helps the reader feels like a person with a life outside of the romantic relationship, and it also gives them a chance to have conversations that drive a plot beyond just "when are the main characters gonna smooch". not that that kind of thing isn't interesting (i'm a romance writer for god's sake!), it's just not the only thing i like to have going on. so sometimes i pick the best friend at random (e.g. in amaranthine, i wanted to practice writing raph so i made him the best friend character), and sometimes it's pretty important to the plot (e.g. in the tea fic where splinter being the bestie is actually pretty important to the emotional core of the fic). i match the reader's personality to the best friend character as well, and this helps me create a multi-dimensional person. like... what kind of person would leo pine after, but who is also drinking tea all the time with splinter? what kind of person would donnie want to explore pain kink with, but is also best friends with raph? that kind of thing.
as for the plot and how to avoid plot holes, what i like to do is have a connecting thread that weaves through the entire fic. going back to euclidean line, that fic was all about the jellyfish. you and donnie meet at the jellyfish tank because the two of you are drawn to them, comforted by your different traumas by the idea of existing in the life of a jellyfish. so then you take all of the events of the fic and you pin them to that thread. so little things like... meeting at the jellyfish tank. the smut making them feel like they're floating like a jellyfish. painting a jellyfish for his lab. it gives your fic a sense of continuity that ties everything together, and also gives you an emotionally cathartic line to end on. euclidean line ends with the two of you feeling like jellyfish together. the tea fic ends with leo saying your tea is better than splinter's. the bruise fic ends with the same 'donnie thinks about it a lot' line from the opening. it's a kind of... cheat sheet for satisfying bookends.
from there you just expand out and add plot lines one by one. euclidean line had the romance plot line, but also the meeting the hamato clan plot line. it's the same idea with that one with the tension of you the reader knowing that these are donnie's family, but the insert-chan not knowing. they all build on the same idea, creating continuity through the fic.
then, at the end when you finish your first draft, you go through and you just make sure all the little loops are closed. sometimes i'll catch things that i included at the beginning and either take them out because they didn't go anywhere, or i expand on them a little so that they end in a nice bowtie with everything else. eventually you get to where you just kind of... keep all of them juggling in your head and weave them in organically (which is how you end up chronically writing 30k one shots, oops).
WOW that got super long, but i hope i answered your question?? if not you can ask something more specific and i'll try to dig in but this is probably a pretty good overview, heehee. the best advice i can give to you is just never to give up and always keep writing what YOU want to read, because the love of what you're making is really the thing that'll keep you passionate and excited to go forward. good luck, and i hope this helps you a little! :D
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eartheats · 4 months
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phew! hiya guys! hopefully y'all haven't missed me too much!
given that i've been home for a week now and i kinda forgot rotomblr was a thing from bein' on the grindstone, though, i can't say i'd blame y'all if ya did. ^^;; oopsies! only one i've really been talkin' to as of late is family and miss amarys, outside'a workin' stuff
but i wanted to let y'all know i got home nice and safe!!! if i didn't, i'm pretty sure my friends would'a seen to it for sure!!!
but wow. i gotta admit, after not bein' home for so long, i really have missed it here! blueberry and hoenn have been nice, but y'all gotta see the work that mads and jacques did while i was gone!!!
[pictures: there are a few of them so let's go one by one!
first: a picture of the interior of ren's house, which is pretty small, all things considered. there seems to be a place for bouton and coriander to root themselves in and it's well maintained, and it looks like it got a little touch up with some decorative flourishes.
second: a picture of ren's TV, sitting atop a dresser. a playstation one can be seen on the floor, and there's a small bit of shelving showing a few different games. eagle eyed viewers can see atelier marie: the alchemist of salburg, barbie: race and ride, and every need for speed game released on the console pretty close up, and they're well worn like they've been played often.
third: what seems to be a brand new couch and chair. the chair sits normally, but the couch sits rather low to the floor; lulu can be seen placing half of himself onto it, eyes closed in what seems to be bliss. the chair appears to have a pillow on it with an arbok pattern, along with a pastel pink orthworm plush draped over it.
fourth...strangely enough looks like a bedroom, but it seems to have been stripped of any personal belongings. there seem to be a few boxes to the side of a surprisingly large bed, where it seems that a recognizable metagross, linux, has taken over rather gladly. the bed frame itself seems to have, uh, not been ready for this, but if the metagross cares (if they didn't do it themself), it's not apparent, at least. if one looks closely, they can see some patched up holes in the walls...]
haaaaaa...i won't lie, steppin' into my old parents room was. kinda panic inducin' at first. it still feels like a space that ain't ever gonna be mine, and...i think i'm makin' my peace with this becomin' a guest room instead'a ever gettin' one of my own. but as ya can see, i'm treatin' the first guest like a king!!! 😌 the bed was gonna need to be replaced anyway, but i guess i see where mom was funnellin' money into. that bed's apparently some bougie ass shit, but i'm gonna replace it once i go back to blueberry for sure.
[picture: a young man with an impressively custom tailored pink suit has a florges beside him, who seems to giggle at the camera. to his side, a pink haired woman with her hair tied up in standard paldean pokemon nurse style in what can only be described as a grandma dress with a cardigan over the top of it, with a Flareon nestled by her legs.]
also!!! jacques and mads went off to sinnoh just a few days ago for the start of contest season!!! i heard he won the jubilife ribbon with ease, and he and mads are makin' their way to floaroma right now to take part in the next qualifier. they're keepin' me updated and it seems like they're takin' the world by storm! apparently he stopped off along the way and picked up an old partner of his from his parents too, so minerva ain't a one woman show!
but yeah! uh. between work and stuff i'll still be a lil busy, but i wanted to let y'all know i'm okay! and to expect some nice pictures soon, heehee!
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ace-angelprincess · 2 months
For FE3H's 5-year anniversary, I wanted to do a quick 5-Year TimeSkip of myself. Idea inspired by @sevarix-blogs
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I wear glasses, but I only wear them outside (or Blueshield glasses for gaming, heehee).
My physical appearance has pretty much stayed the same. I used to wear my ponytail low back then (cuz it was easier), compared to having it higher up now (to match my OC more).
The biggest difference was my mental state. In 2019, I was still hurt by a big relationship breakup. I was so scared to even try dating because of rejection again - and being asexual would deter a lot of potential partners.
Now in 2024, I've gotten help with a psychiatrist and I feel I recovered enough to move forward. I also found someone who loves me for me; we've been together for more than two and a half years now. ☺️ (I guess my TimeSkip is similar to Marianne, now that I think about it.)
Bonus: My OC 5-year TimeSkip, haha.
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2019: My OC Joslyn with her three (adopted) kids (Inkling Boy, Flavio, Inkling Girl), and her husband Ivan.
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2024: My OC now has five (adopted) kids - with the addition of Ashe and Karis.
Sevarix-blog's idea post:
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cloudcountry · 1 year
like he's so gentle and really really nice towards the MC!! he's so caring bc you never know why he's annoying the heck out of you until you realize later on that he was distracting you from your dark thoughts...I LOVE HIM
i'm so tempted to write for ikevamp rn but idk about the rest of the characters and i'm scared it'll just turn out to be their stereotypical personality and not who they TRULY are
can you pls give him a brief description of each? like their traits and things?
love your new theme also!!
~ siren
i actually took notes about what i think about the characters but i have to warn you i know nothing about leonardo, jean, vlad, and faust so i wont be able to provide a decent description ^^ IF ANYONE LIKES THOSE CHARACTERS (manifesting henry for faust) and wants to add to this please!! do so!!!
napoleon - kind, good head on his shoulders, mature, very wise; gives sound advice, very safe presence.
mozart - prickly at first but turns soft, very talented, protective,m very respectful of boundaries.
arthur (aka doyle which is a nickname me nd dove call him bc he annoys us AHSGDF) - can be very sweet but usually plays it off with weird flirts? dont,,, know what consent is from what i can tell. hes a good speaker but im guessing he has a lot fo emotional vulnerability problems.
vincent - AN ANGEL. HES SO PRECIOUS/. hes very sweet, kind, very warm presence, gentle, considerate, friendly, hes literallys o gorgeous i wnat to hold his face and cherish every skin cell on his body. its insane. hes ethereal.
theo - he calls the mc a dog a lot,,, i think its teasing but its,,,,, very weird,,,,,,, anyways!! he seems liek a very hard worker and he cares a lot for his brother vincent ^^
isaac - IF VINCENT IS PERFECT HES PERFECT X2 but thats. very baised of me. ANYWAYS. hes a little awjward and standoffish at firstm but when you get him to open up he tries to protect your with his LIFE. hes very kind, very sweet, great with children, a bit hesitant when initiating any form of affection, he just wants the best for the mc and will sacrafice his own happiness to make sure she gets it.
dazai - i mean yorue already playing dazai's route but from what ive seen he looks out for people a lot and is very emotionally aware of the people he surrounds himself with.
shakespeare - hes kinda sketchy but i believe in him. very poetic,, he talks like the actual shakespeare wrote if that makes sense. he seems kind and reliable but im at. a very shakey (heehee) part in his route rn so i'll get back to you on that LMAO
comte - HES SO KIND,.,.,. he likes to spoil the mc which is both very sweet and very sad at the same time :C he has a very soothing presence imo and knows how to lead people.
sebastian - stoic my ASS hes literally SO dramatic. hes a bit of a history freak. i think that regardless of whose route you take, he grows to care a lot for you and will throw a FIT if you think about leaving the mansion. hes calm,,, collected,,,,, yk classic butler type
charles - hes a babygirl character. he craves love so much he would hurt himself for it and i think he kind of,,, i know how to put this into words but he gives a LOT to other people without really getting anything back?? except for like, physical touch???? he works very hard for the people he loves and is touch starved but yk precious!!
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444m777 · 3 months
I received Dancing The Dream in the mail today and I’m halfway through reading it… man, I feel so privileged to be reading his thoughts and poetries like this. I remember only knowing about his biography book Moonwalk but they rarely mention Dancing The Dream. I wonder why? It was published the year I was born so it feels like a little gift😌
I love his thoughts on spirituality and magic. I wish we could’ve learned more from him on his thoughts on numerology and astrology as well (two of my favorite subjects). Like, why hasn’t anyone interviewed him about stuff like this? Or am I not looking hard enough🤔 He was very particular about symbology and (deeper) meanings in his art but he also applied it to himself for personal development and you only catch a glimpse of that here and there in books/interviews/his writings but then the focus goes right back to “who are you sleeping with?” or “how do you write a song?” Mind you, I’m satisfied with the answer he gave on the latter (and the former lol 🤪 I don’t need to know his business like that haha). I just find it strange how people constantly wanted him to say more. It wasn’t enough. Like, the man said it came from God, (his) children being his muses, magic, wonder etc. NEXT QUESTION! Gosh! Can we ask some deep thought provoking questions instead? I mean no one bothered to ask WHY he felt it came from them. They just wanted something more tangible or something they could “sell”. I guess you can’t really sell God and spirituality when the artist in question had ‘secular’ music and grabbed his crotch lmao. But the press/people wanted “secular” answers but put some respect on my man’s name and LET IT GO as he did when he talked about his formula for writing songs.
Yes, I know he was very religious growing up but in Shmuley’s book Michael revealed he always questioned the church, religion in general… and he was just a very deep spiritual person from the jump, adopting (spiritual) teachings and using his own inner knowing to create a spiritually rich life (especially after having left Jehovah’s Witness church much against his wishes as he truly enjoyed connecting with and to a higher power—in community with others as the church fostered fellowship in a time where it was hard(er) to make friends and have genuine relationships of any kind). So, I feel we can’t use the “excuse” of him being Jehovah’s Witness when he wasn’t anymore for a very long time and considered himself to be more spiritual. I feel he would’ve been more open to talking about astrology etc. regardless if he read up on it or practiced it (astrology isn’t something you believe in… it’s more of a tool/language. I giggle when people say they don’t believe in it—which is fine btw but it’s not really a belief system but I digress…). He was a great conversationalist so I know he’d have some interesting thoughts to share. Who knows… more and more people are speaking out because of the biopic coming out next year. Maybe we’ll hear something in regards to that😊
I’ve looked into his natal, numerology and human design chart and it’s really fascinating. I truly feel I learn something new about him every time. In a way it feels like little Easter eggs😋 left behind for me (and others) because I’m passionate about personal development, human psyche, spirituality (and woo-woo) stuff too. There’s a reason for my blog name it has to do with numerology and his usage of the numbers 777 in his art/clothing. I’ll make another post about it with more detail soon.
Hugs and Heehees💫
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thechaoscryptid · 8 months
👀👀 hello! Here to ask about Wake the White Wolf for the WIP name game 👀👀 is this about Kakashi?? Or Sakumo??? TELL ME MORE PLEASE 🥹
(curious about my WIPs?)
Also tagging in @mrssakurahatake, who also asked about WWW 🥹🥰
It is indeed about Kakashi! And, by subplot extension, Sakumo lmao. So Wake the White Wolf was a project I embarked on in late 2018 into early 2019, back in my KakaIru days. It's the longest fic I've ever written, even though it's nowhere near finished - I did 120k in a little over 8 months, and I've never come close to anything like that before.
It was, however, an idea that was too advanced for my skill level at the time, I think. I had a lot of ideas (good ones!) but not the skill to do them justice, which is part of why it's sat in WIP purgatory for the last several years 😭 I've been so busy actually leveling up as a writer and exploring different fandoms that the work it's going to take to breathe new life into the fic was just too much.
Now, however, my Wake the White Wolf document is a beautiful blank page, and also going to be part of my novel-plotting process! I've got a few different plotting methods I'd like to try before I sit down and try to actually puzzle out my novel's plot, and because I know how WWW was supposed to go, I want to do a test run with that story (and then, of course, rewrite it).
There are things I plan to do a little differently this time around, aspects I'd like to flesh out and nail down, but it's been ages since I've really sat down with a Naruto fic and I'm just. Kinda. Giving myself space to feel all right in the fandom again as I work the story out.
I'm JAZZED AS HELL to really develop the secondary relationships in the fic more. There's a lot of healing to do between Kakashi and Iruka before they really can start to be together (forced marriage trope heehee), and I want both of them to be a little more mature before the turning points really start to hit. I'm especially excited about the IruAnko besties-with-benefits and GenRai "oh, so these relationships CAN work" vision
There's also a great B-plot about Kakashi that has to do with the fic's OC, Sera, and Orochimaru, which was like really vaguely alluded to in what's posted but I'm feral about actually working into the fic.
I wrote this at a time I was really just starting to question my gender and long before I came out as trans, and I think writing the fic (which, looking back, is an exploration of that gender angst) through the lens of a better-adjusted person is going to be a great experience and make for a more coherent, cohesive narrative.
I guess like LONG long story short this is a fic that's haunted me for ages because I really appreciate every single person who's read it but there's also that "fuck, I'm so much better than this" that I just have to GET OVER and rewrite the thing so people can see!!!
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One of Us is a Killer (part 2)
Continuation of: https://www.tumblr.com/residents-of-the-darkforest/738940160410058752/one-of-us-is-a-killer?source=share
Going solely on what kin say in Lifegen every six moons, we build a story, and, more importantly, a resident
Please feel free to comment your interpretations of what is happening or your thoughts on the characters!
Who are your suspects so far?
Main character: Burnetshriek -- Lonesome
Mother: Wetfish (deceased) -- Wise
Mom: Beaverspeckle -- Adventurous
Sister: Midgefreckle -- Calm
Brother: Yewstripe -- Strict
Brother: Privetdusk (deceased) -- Ambitious
Mate: Heathertree -- Loving
Daughter: Batkit -- Noisy -> Sneaky
Son: Yarrowkit -- Attention-seeker
Son: Rubblekit -- Troublesome
Son: Jaggedkit -- Honest -> Righteous
Side note: [....] in speech indicates that Burnetshriek has said something.
Bonus side note: orange highlights previously indicated that something was not directed at Burnetshriek or didn't have to do with her. Now, it's for text that is a repeated conversation.
MOON 60 (kits are 5):
Mom: *Cough* *Wheeze* [Breathing is short and staggered]
Midgefreckle: *Sigh*..."Hi, Burnetshriek. [....] Hm? I just got back from a hunting patrol....I utterly embarrassed myself. I had a mouse literally walk into my paws and I still failed to grab it. [....] Hm. Yes, that's true. I'm not going to always succeed, the best thing I can do is get back up and get back to it. You're right, Burnetshriek. You're always right. Thank you."
Yewstripe: [Having an outburst with Leafpaw]. "Seriously? Thorns in my nest, again? I swear to StarClan, you must be the most irritating, empty-headed apprentice--Oh, Burnetshriek, it's you. What is it? Do you need anything? [....] I'll be right there, just let me finish this first. [Burnetshriek holds back a laugh at the apprentice's shock at the sudden switch-up].
Heathertree: "Whenever you're feeling overwhelmed, find me. We can sit under the stars and watch Silverpelt. [....] I always find it helps. It's calming, knowing all of our ancestors watching over us."
Bat: "Jawswipe just told me the funniest joke ever! It went like -- heehee -- how did the *snrk* - how did the - AHAHAHA!!!!"
Yarrow: "Burnetshriek...I'm so...sleepy *yawns* It's still early.....I said I was gonna play with Breezekit at sunhigh, but that's so far away, and if I go to sleep now, I won't be able to play with him...Oh Burnetshriek, what will I do?" [Burnet promises to wake them]. "You will? Oh Burnetshriek, thank you, thank you, thank you! This is why we're the bestest of friends! [Yarrow dramatically falls into the nest, and later trips over his paws when running to his friend].
Rubble: "Burnetshriek!!!!" [Rubble sprints across camp and tackles Burnet with a squeal, clambering all over her fur].
Jagged: [Burnet likes making a game of counting all of Jagged's toes while he sleeps. Burnet thinks that he is a perfect, darling kit].
Bonus: Wetfish wants to talk to a medicine cat. Maybe her mate?
MOON 66:
Burnet's apprentice is Storkpaw.
Mom: "I met some kittypets on patrol today. StarClan, I gave them a scare! One look at my 'mean' face and they went mewling back home to their Twolegs like little kits running into the nursery! Bahahahahaha!"
Bonus: apprentice is Sappaw.
Midgefreckle: "Hey, Burnetshriek. How are you? [....] I'm absolutely okay, I'm not up to much here, just catwatching, as usual. [....] Huh? You think I should get to know the other cats, instead of watching? Oh, I'm just fine here! I don't talk to the others, it's just how it is....! [....] You'd think I'd get on with Birdstar? You think? [....]...Hm. I suppose I'll have to go and talk to them, at some point. You've never guided me wrong."
Bonus: apprentice is Chivepaw.
Yewstripe: "What's that? You want to know how I'm...feeling? [...] Hmph. You should know by now that I don't do the whole 'feeings' thing. But, if you want to know so badly, I guess I'm feeling...Worried. And tired. But also on edge. And hungry. But, I'm sort of full, too...hm...See, this is why I don't talk about my feelings. I'm not good at it."
Bonus: previously mentored Maplefern.
Heathertree: "Oh, hey, Burnetshriek, can I talk to you about something? [...] I saw a rogue out on patrol today. I managed to chase him off the territory, but then I got carried away, and...well, I kept following him. I don't know what I was trying to do. He just kept making me so angry! Calling me weak...calling me a failure...saying I was a disappointment to my Clan. Eventually, I realized what I was doing, and I let him go. But I couldn't stop thinking about those things he said...Sorry. What am I doing? I'm being such a downer today...Thanks for being here for me, Burnetshriek." [Heather presses their head into Burnet's shoulder and sighs into their fur].
Bat: [Accidently slips while walking across camp. Without missing a beat, Bat catches herself, spins on her paws, and continues walking with a flick of her tail. How does she manage to make falling look cool?]
Bonus: mentor is Hillstep.
Yarrow: Previously killed by a fox at 7 moons old.
Rubble: [Jagged and Rubble laugh together, talking about stories Burnetshriek used to tell them in the nursery. Burnet considers telling them stories they missed, but decides not to ruin the moment].
Bonus: mentor is Heathertree.
Jagged: "Oh, uhm, hello... [...] Oh, you wish to talk to me? [...] Err...sure, can do, I suppose....The wind is lovely, it always waves through our coats when were wandering through the territory. Maybe that's StarClan's way of telling us we're doing a good job."
Bonus: Mentor is Birdstar.
MOON 72:
Mom: "Hey, Burnetshriek, dare me to jump off the warriors' den! [...] No? Why in StarClan's name not?! [...] Because I could hurt myself...? But that's what's fun about it!"
Midgefreckle: "Hey, Burnetshriek, can I have your opinion on something? [...] I was having an argument with Chivespeckle a couple of days ago. I was giving them some advice on something, and they told me I talk like I'm better than everyone. Do you think...? [...] No? That's good. That's absolutely not my intention. I want to help, but not be more important than any other cat. [...] Thank you, Burnetshriek. I know that no matter what, you'll always tell me what I need to hear."
Yewstripe: [Running around the clearing, disheveled as they try to complete many tasks at once]. Burnetshriek, what's up? Do you need something too? I'd be happy to do it for you! [....] Working too hard? I'm not working too hard, don't worry! In fact, helping around camp is how I relax. Yup, definitely relaxing. Definitely."
Permanent Condition: weak leg
Heathertree: "Mm, Oh, watch out, Burnetshriek! Don't come any closer!" [Looking at a bee]. "It must have stung something...I think it's dying. Poor little thing." [Burnet asks why he doesn't just squish it. Heather recoils]. "It's a living thing, just like you or me! What crime has this bee committed? The crime of being small? No, it deserves a death with dignity, just like the rest of us..." [The bee falls very still]. "Oh...I think it just went...Ah, I'm sorry little bug...I hope, wherever you are, you find plenty of flowers, and even more mercy." [Gently scoops it up and lays it on moss].
Battumble: [Burnet compliments her on a shiny object she's playing with]. "Hm? Oh, why thank you. Isn't it pretty? I nabbed it off these Twolegs who were passing through the territory. I knew it would make just the perfect addition to my nest." [Burnet asks if isn't that stealing?]. "Tch, relax. Just think of it as a 'finders keepers' type of thing. Besides, those Twolegs weren't using it for anything important anyways."
Rubblenettle: "Hey, Burnetshriek! Get a load of this one! What happens when a tree falls into the mud? [...] It leafs an impression! Hahaha!....Hey, where are you going?"
Jaggeddusk: "Hello, Burnetshriek. What do you think of the weather? [...] If you want my opinion, I think it's been enjoyable. It's pleasantly warm, but not so hot that it makes today's jobs an unpleasant business. Not to mention, I haven't noticed a hint of rain, so if you're going out, you shouldn't get wet. Well...unless you fall into a pond. But other than that, StarClan has been good to us today."
Coniferkit (son, 2 moons): "Burnetshriek! Burnetshriek! I had the mosr funnest day ever today! First, I played feather-catch. It's this really cool game where I throw a feather into the air and then try to catch it. Then, I runned around in circles! I went a-round and a-round and a-round, but then I got sick and had to stop. And then....[Conifer continues on]
Continued on next part!
As for now, who are your suspicions on, and why do you suspect them?
And who is your favourite?
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warriorsofsplatsville · 7 months
Mirage and crew trekked along the sidewalk. It had taken them a little bit to get to Greater Inkopolis, but thankfully the the train company was more than cooperative to give them a ride on the express railway.
"It's so....quiet." Sandy mumbled, looking around. "Where are all the people?"
"If we're nearing the Square, most likely asleep for whatever reason." Mirage replied. "Seems Tara might've used some kind of gas, or something, but she made this entire area go unconscious."
"That's...so weird. I mean, I guess she is a human, and Professor Vulture tries to keep his human identity limited to a handful of us, but if her goal is to take us down, then why bother hiding it?" Plat scratched his chin.
"My guess is that that isn't the deal. She isn't hiding her identity. She might have another reason for pulling them out of it." Minu said, blazing through the cephalopods to get ahead of them. "...Not that I can say for certain. Events in this era are so...fuzzy, and weird, for some reason."
"Minu, can you explain why you're acting so weird?! What do you mean 'era'? What are you talking about?! You've been making these comment since the Big Run in Undertow!" Sandy huffed.
"I suppose the rest of you deserve to know." She sighed, turning around. "I already told Mirage a while ago, during the first Alterna trip but I'm not from this time. Put simply. I'm a time traveler- I'm a squid one generation after following this one."
"Wha-?! So you're like, essentially a grandchild standing next to us?!"
"Correct. In fact, I am Emmy's granddaughter- Turf War Legend as well as Agent E of the New Squidbeak Splatoon."
"WHA-?! EMMY'S GRANDKID?!?!" Sandy shouted, and Mirage shushed her. "Yeah, it was a surprise to me too, but it explains why this tyke knows so much about what's to come."
"Don't call me a tyke!!" She huffed. "Anyway, I studied up on my history of Splatsville and the like before traveling back in time, but this event has always been...weird. There's no good documents on it, and it seems some people didn't even remember this occurring. It's why I can't predict what will happen. So keep on your toes, in other words."
"So...you knew? About...Alterna? And me? And Tara and Mirage...the kissing?" Cruesa whispered.
"Oh, I know a WHOLE lot more than just the kissing, fish sticks. I could tell you ALL about you and Mirage if you want-"
"Ah-ah-ah, shut up. No more." Mirage grumbled, face red and walking faster.
As they approached the Square, they saw a figure standing there, but it wasn't Tara in front of them. Instead, it was an Octarian with pink tentacles tied in a ponytail and wearing a black cape, emblazed with a massive '3' on it.
"Hm?" She turned to the group. "Oh! Those uniforms! You must be..."
"Huh? Who are you?"
"I suppose we haven't met properly. I'm Octa, otherwise known as Agent 8 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon- I was just informed I'd be seeing you guys soon."
"Ah- YOU'RE Octa?! The legendary Agent 8?! That clone girl of Octavio's?!" Sandy exclaimed.
"Am I...so famous? Heehee." She smiled awkwardly, scratching the back of her head. "Yes, that is me."
"That's how the captain describes you to us." Mirage said.
"O-Oh...does he? Heehee, Jesse..." She swayed shyly a little before regaining her composure. "But yes. We are to be exploring the square together. Please follow me, I know a shortcut."
The group followed the Octoling, who walked with a confident stride along the sidewalk. Minu seemed to be especially interested in her, her eyes almost shimmering while watching Octa.
"So...Octa, how long have you been apart of the Splatoon?" Plat asked.
"Quite a bit. About six years ago now, I had fallen down into a metro located deep under the sea, and I was forced to undergo several tests like a lab rat to escape. I was also suffering from amnesia. To try and sum up the tale, I was almost blended up into a smoothie with Captain Cuttlefish when Jesse heroically rescued me, and then we stopped an evil AI from using its giant human statue from destroying the world!"
The group blinked. Minu seemed to be entranced however.
"W-Well...Mr. Cuttlefish never told us about THAT story..." Sandy shuddered.
"Anyway, I've had a lot of free time after the fact, so I've been working hard at the Splatoon in Inkopolis, until Pearl and Marina invited me to join their world tour a little bit ago, and- oh, we're close."
Even though the area so far had been incredibly quiet, it seemed...to be eerily silent near the Square. And they saw the unconscious cephalopods. They were sitting, standing, crouching, but they were all in the same state: unconscious, unaware, unfeeling. Like they were there, but their souls weren't.
"How unnerving..."
"Are they...alive?" Sandy examined an inkling more closely.
"They're breathing! They just..." Cruesa waved a hand in front of her face. "It's like they're not even there."
They finally walked into the main Square. It felt the most quiet there, No movement. No birds, no talking, no hustle or bustle. It was...completely dead.
"OMC! Theo!!" Octa gasped, rushing ahead to the motionless Agent 4 lying on the ground. Kneeling down, she shook his shoulder. "Theo?! Please wake up! You must!!"
"That's Agent 4? He looks...pretty unassuming." Mirage scrunched their face.
"Oh, do not be fooled! He is one of the most capable people I know! Very strong! He was able to slam a Rainmaker into King Octavio's face so hard that he had a massive bruise for weeks on end!"
"That's, uh...an accomplishment, alright."
"He is alive, but unconscious as well. How very strange." She stood up, crossing her arms. "Hmm...I wonder..."
Suddenly, they heard a large clank from somewhere else, and then a constant whirring. And without warning, a blue energy began to emit all around them.
"What's going...on?! Why...am I becoming sleepy...?" Sandy yawned, falling to her knees.
"S-Sandy-! Are you alright?!" Plat kneeled beside her. His eyelids began to droop. "Oh...I'm...quite exhausted all of sudden, myself..."
"It's...!" Minu pointed up at a machine on top of Deca Tower. "She must've....known we were going to be here....! She set a trap! An automatic....device....."
"Oooh...." Cruesa rubbed her eyes. "What's happening to me...?"
"Ess...!" Mirage reached for her, but she had collapsed to the ground, going unconscious. They fell to the ground themself.
"Oh...no..." Octa whined, before she herself finally succumbed to the slumber alongside all of them.
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mistydeyes · 1 year
Hello! Hope your day is going good! I would like to request a mtchup for the CoD guys only if they’re still open :)
I am a tattoo artist with a big passion for art in general. I spend most of my time working but I like to craft and garden in my spare time.
One of my favourite things to do it go for long walks and look for cool things like bones and edible plants and herbs (I’m a bit of a hippy heehee).
In terms of personality I like to think I’m very laid back but I am stressed all the time, that being said I wouldn’t necessarily call myself high-strung. I try really hard to be kind and see the best even when it can be a struggle. I also am always joking around I LIVE to make people laugh and feel good :)
Despite my stress I’ve been described as a very calming and fun person to be around. I carry myself in a very professional and formal manner around those I don’t know, which can seem a little off putting at first. I am a big history buff with special interest in the Victorian era so it bled into my daily life and I literally walk around like a fancy Victorian lady with ‘Disney princess hands’.
Appearance isn’t very important but it is fun! I am just over average height and chubby, with olive skin and lots of tattoos. I have a more alternative look that’s been described as a kindergarten teacher at a school for forest witches, so I guess like a hippy goth haha!
Anyways, I appreciate your time, thank you! ❤️✨
John Price
How you met: Civilian John Price was never one for a tattoo but after the last few years, he decided on getting something more permanent to commemorate his time with his task force. He asked around for a good recommendation, ignoring Soap's friend who "does them for free" and going with Simon's tattoo artist who beautifully did his tattoo. "John Price," he spoke to the receptionist and she handed him a waiver to sign. As he sat on the velvet couch, he enjoyed marveling at the decorations of the shop. From the vintage frames with the artists' work to the posters depicting tattoo traditions from around the world, he wondered who decorated the place. Plus it was very clean, something he much appreciated. Eventually his artist emerged and he was taken aback by their beauty. Their dark floral skirt made it seem like they floated on the ground and their tattoos perfectly complimented their glowing, olive skin. "Hi John, I'll be your artist today. If you wouldn't mind, you can follow me" you beckoned and you took the waiver from him. You let him into your space and you saw his eyes flicker around as he looked at some of your previous work and Victorian botanical images you had on display. You motioned for him to sit as you grabbed your razor to shave his thigh. He looked nervous so you made light conversation. "First tattoo?" you asked as you applied the stencil. "I guess you can tell, must have been doing this for a while" he commented before you prepared your needle. "Trust me, once you get one tattoo you'll be coming back to me for more," you smiled. As Price looked at your radiant face, he knew there would be a few reasons to come back.
A peek into your relationship: "Love, can we please getting a wedding planner?" your fiancé, John, asked as you were painstakingly going over all the details of your nuptials. "John, I want it to be perfect and who better to plan this than myself?" you said before going back to typing on your laptop. Last week you drove him crazy with handwriting your invitations and sealing it with wax stamps, now you were trying to construct the perfect bouquet for yourself and your bridesmaid by researching the language of flowers. "That's enough for tonight," he said before hoisting you into his arms and carrying you off to bed. You tried to resist playfully but his strong arms kept you from leaving his grasp. Eventually you tired out and both lay in each others arms as you tried to fall asleep. "You do know that it is a little bit easier now," you whispered as John opened his eyes and faced you, "if we got married in the Victorian age then you would have to court me and pay a dowry." He pulled you gently into his side before he responded. "I would think my €636.42 tattoo would be payment enough," he laughed and kissed you gently. You fell asleep in his arms and Price secretly hoped that tomorrow he wouldn't wake up with thousands of bouquet designs in your shared apartment.
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