#hehe! last chance to guess :3
literalnobody · 2 years
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Since there’s no episode this week, you can have the teaser for next week early ^_^
Read the comic so far here
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sturncrazy · 5 months
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Matt Sturniolo x y/n (fem)
warnings: SMUT nsfw 18+(um lang, y/n receiving, unprotected, cream pie —assume ur on bc—-semi public/sneaky, nothing too crazy)
authors note: AW ITS KINDA CUTE GUYS. here’s the other matty poo idea i had since y’all seem to eat him up always hehe.
summary: you join some of your friends on a trip to get over a breakup and end up having a heart to heart talk during a late night swim with matt….but talkings not all you end up doing…
word count: 3,431w
“hey y/n get your suit on! we’re gonna swim!” nick said, peering in through your half opened door.
“mkay” you nodded back, forcing a smile. it’d been a split second decision to force yourself to join your friends on this trip. Nick had suggested you come to try and get your mind off of things. you and your boyfriend had broken up only 2 weeks ago, after you found him cheating on you. it’d been a long time coming and had almost never been a good relationship, but a breakup is a breakup and you were still reeling from it. you pulled out a stringy bikini, then threw an oversized t shirt on top. the house you were staying at was large and out in the middle of nowhere. the pool was a significant distance behind the house which gave it a cool secluded feel during the day, but at night the walk alone was a little eerie. you fears washed away though as you got close enough to see your friends splashing around and their laughter became audible, only lit by the purple pools lights. it brought a smile to your face and you felt genuinely happy for the first time in a while. you and your friends hung around together for a couple hours, getting late into the night when chris decided he was hungry and needed a snack. the nearest convenience store was about 20 minutes away and would be closing soon so chris and the 3 of others decided to do a junk food run, leaving just you and matt. matt had been your friend since 7th grade, but the two of you hadn’t gotten to hang out as much in the last year cause he made your ex so nervous. he was always convinced you had feelings for matt. at one point he might’ve not been wrong, but you’d never tell a soul that.
“ok last chance guys! you want anything?” nick shouted as the others ran back towards the house.
“skittles!” said matt
“oo can you get me some twizzlers?”
“yup!” nick said running off
“think he listened?” matt said wading through the water to the edge where you were sitting, dangling your feet in.
“oh definitely not” you laughed
“you should come in the water! it’s really warm”
“but then when i get back out i’ll be cold” the outside air had dropped enough to feel the slightest of chill of fall.
“so? you can borrow my sweater if you want” said matt sweetly, always a gentleman
“come on! have some fun!” he teased splashing only enough to spray a few droplets on your thighs. you could never say no to him. you stood up and pulled your tshirt over your head. matt looked up at you, his mouth slightly ajar, before he quickly glanced away. you figured he’d zoned out. you cannonballed in, intentionally hitting matt with a wave of water.
“asshole” he laughed, splashing you as you came back up for air. you grinned at him and shook the wet hair out of your eyes and paddled to sit on the pools steps. matt joined and sat next to you. he leaned his arms against the the pools edge, the water only coming up to his mid stomach. you stole a glance at his toned torso and arms, tattoos glistening from the water. his eyes darted back to yours and he gave you a half smile.
“hey, you been okay? i didn’t wanna pry, but i head about the breakup” he said with concern
“oh…yeah. i’m okay i guess” you sighed
“he’s a real dick, y/n. i mean really. such an asshole. i wanted to kill him” you snorted
“you and me both” matt was on a roll in his rant and barely seemed to notice your comment
“i mean he has some fucking nerve treating you like that. you deserve like the best of the best and the fact that he didn’t didn’t see that—“
“aww matt” a warm fuzzy feeling spread over your skin at his words. he snapped back into remembering your presence and gave you a bashful look.
“i just think you deserve someone who treats you right. so good riddance to him” he said, splashing at an invisible presence off in the distance, trying to play cool. it was an adorably dorky move.
“thank you, matty” you said softly. he paused, and looked you intensely in the eyes.
“yeah always” he breathed out. the tension hung thickly in the night air. you turned your face away from his, hoping it would dissipate.
“and not that it matters, but i remember back in middle school when everyone was playing truth or dare, all the girls made fun of him for being a bad kisser” matt said, attempting to lighten the mood. it worked and you let out a laugh.
“yeah trust me, kissing wasn’t the only thing he was bad at”
“oooooo really” matt said grimacing. you nodded and dramatically shivered at the thought.
“yeah, honestly, don’t think there was a single time i wasn’t on top doing all the work. he’d sorta just lie there…like a corpse. and y’know…second he was done that was that. maybe 2 minutes each time.” matt’s jaw dropped
“whaaaat” you laughed as you glanced at your hands under the water, feeling nervous about talking about this with matt.
“that’s crazy. half the fun of sex watching the other person enjoy it” you felt your face flush as you raised your eyebrows at him
“what?” he chuckled back at your surprise
“nothing, i’ve just never heard you talk like that before” matt rolled his eyes playfully
“yeah well much to your surprise i have had sex before, y/n”
“well i know that…”
“just didn’t think i’d be good at it” he cut you off, teasingly. your face turned from flush to beat red, making you thankful for the dim lighting.
“hey, i wouldn’t be one to judge” you shrugged out, suddenly feeling painfully aware of your lack in experience.
“what do you mean?” matt questioned
“just…he was the only person i ever…y’know” you sheepishly avoided the words.
“had sex with?” matt filled in for you. you nodded and scrunched your face. he studied you for a minute.
“so you’ve never had good sex?” he asked, quietly. you felt so exposed you might as well have been naked.
“‘guess not” you mumbled avoiding is unwavering gaze.
“have to wait around for the next boy” you snickered to yourself
“isn’t that a bit of a gamble?”
“well what are my other options i mean youre the only guy i know who probably any good at sex—“ matt’s eyes widened. you slapped your hand over your mouth, panic beginning to settle in.
“oh my god—sorry—i—that came out wrong—i didn’t mean like you and me—like you need to show me—shit” matt just continued to look at you, his eyes burning holes into your skull. you buried your face in your pruning hands.
“well, why not” matt rasped out. you peaked through your fingers at him, his expression looked blank, but his chest rose rapidly, nervously. you dropped you hands.
“what” you almost whispered. he took a steadying breath.
“i said why not.” you tried to breath, but no air seemed to be available.
“what do you mean” matt gnawed at his lip before speaking again.
“i mean that you deserve to only feel amazing and i don’t want you to go around experimenting with more assholes and—“
“matt, i’m not gonna let you have pity sex with me” you scoffed out, embarrassment itching your whole body.
“that’s not what i meant y/n” he said in a hushed voice. you continued to babble over him.
“i mean i know you’re the nicest guy ever, but come on even you have to know you don’t have to fuck me to protect me from other bad guys—“
“i dont want you to fuck other guys at all” he sounded exasperated. you gave him a lost look. he exhaled, looking up at the sky for invisible answers.
“you don’t?” he looked back into your eyes, you felt like your heart could melt.
“of course not, y/n” your heart raced.
“okay” he furrowed his brow
“okay what?”
“okay yeah— i mean let’s—“ you inhaled, pulling yourself together and met his gazed
“i want you to show me” his chest rattled again.
“yeah?” he breathed out. you nodded, rapidly. he moved closer to you, your faces now inches apart. his eyes darted down to your lips. he smiled, and looked back up into yours, as one hand gently wrapped around your waist.
“okay” he rasped out as he brushed his nose against yours. he seemed to revel in the tension between you, before bringing his soft warm lips against yours. the kiss was passionate, but still delicate. it sent electricity through your chest and down to your fingertips. he brought his other hand up to your check and jaw, molding your faces together even more. matt pulledl his lips away from yours momentarily to whisper out
“you can touch me, y/n” you only then realized your arms had been cluelessly frozen by your sides. you eagerly brought them up around matt’s neck, immediately changing the tone of the kissing to something much more heated. he let out a sharp breath into your mouth before moving to come between your legs, both hands now grasping your waist. he pulled you closer and you wrapped your legs around his body, gripping into his hair. he let out a small groan against your lips and squeezed at your flesh in his hands. you sighed out at the feeling, opening your mouth against his which he took as an opportunity to slip his tongue against yours. your mouths locked together perfectly, as your hands begin to move from his hair to explore his chest, your fingertips roaming the skin of his body you’d only ever dreamed of getting to touch. you lowered your nails to just beneath his bellybutton, which elicited a genuine moan from him. you smiled against his mouth
“where did you learn that” he grumbled
“i have have a couple tricks” you said coly
“oh yeah?” he said between soft quick kisses
“so do i” he bit down lightly on your bottom lip, pulling with his teeth as he brought your hips up against his. you whined feeling him press against your bikini bottoms. he chuckled at your pathetic reaction and pushed your hair back from your neck. he lowered his lips down to the sensitive newly exposed skin and began to sloppily kiss a trail from your jaw to your collarbone, then began sucking and biting at your flesh.
“fuck” you moaned out, your eyes rolling back. you grasped at his taught upper arms.
“you like that?” he groaned against your skin, setting it ablaze with vibrations.
“yes” you sighed out, bucking your hips slightly against his, desperate for more than just the grazing pressure of him standing against you. he seemed to understand your every need and hooked his fingers through the flimsy ties of your bikini and pulled you harshly against him. you felt a hardness in his shorts pressing against your core and your mouth practically watered. his hands trailed back up your body and to your back where your top tied together.
“this okay” you nodded and pulled him back in against your mouth, not wanting to waste a moment for words away from his lips. he expertly untied the knots and slipped the clinging wet fabric of your chest, leaving your boobs exposed to the outside air. he tossed the fabric on the ground behind you as he looked down at your heaving chest.
“god” he groaned out, his eyes widening as he brought his hands to your boobs and pawed at the the soft flesh. he ran his thumbs delicately across your nipples watching you, as you tossed your head back in a moan. he slipped his hands behind your back again, bringing your bare skin flush against his
“you’re so beautiful” he huffed against your lips. you began to rock yourself back and forth against his blatantly obvious hard on, desperate to build some friction. he wrapped one arm around your thigh and lifted you up to the top dry step of the pool, completely taking you out of the water except for your calves. matt lowered himself down to his knees a few steps bellow you, and began to kiss your knees and inner thighs. your legs quivered, as your core ached for attention. his wide blue eyes looked up at you, his mouth only inches away from where you needed him most, as his fingers hooked to the sides of your swimsuit.
“can i?” he mumbled against your skin.
“please” you whined out. he pulled at the loose bows, undoing the flimsy cover easily. you lifted your hips for him to slide the fabric from between your legs. he parted your legs with his hands, his pupils dilating to blackness as he took in the sight of you entirely exposed.
“so perfect” he sighed almost in a trance
“matt—“ you whined desperate and impatient. he looked back up at you with a half smile
“don’t worry baby, i’m gonna make you feel so good” his words alone could’ve made you come undone. he wrapped his arms around your thighs, holding you in place as he brought his warm wet mouth against your aching clit. he gently kissed at the bundle of nerves, making you thrust your hips up against his face hungry for more. he responded by beginning to drag his tongue in painfully slow circles around your clit.
“oh god—matt-“ you cried out, your fingers latching into his hair for support. he groaned against your sensitive bud.
“y’taste so good” your thighs squeezed his face as he began to move his tongue faster, flicking it it circles around your clit.
“oh fuck— that feels so good—“ you exhaled. one of his arms loosed it’s grip
as he brought his fingertips down to meet your folds. he broke his tongue away from your clit and rested his scruffy cheek against your inner thigh as his watched his own fingers drag up and down your dripping folds. you whined in torture and he brought his pointer and middle finger to your entrance pressing small torturous pulses against it, but not entering or giving you the fullness you needed. you were a mess at his touch, whining, moaning, and thrashing around, but he seemed to savor every minute of watching you. finally, he slipped his finger into your core and you cried out at the feeling.
“so pretty” he whispered again before starting to pump his digits in and out of you over and over, his fingers curving up expertly. the tension in your stomach began to form almost immediately. matt needed no clues in knowing what you needed and lowered his tongue back to your clit. your walls began to pulse around his fingers. you knew you were close.
“oh god—matt-i—“ you began to stutter out
“good girl. cum for me” he cooed. you fell apart with his permission and came undone. your legs stuttered as your high began to end and matt slipped his fingers out of you. he lifted himself back up to your level, leaning against the ledge behind you and kissing you again.
“see how good you taste” he said against your lips
“matt” you giggled slightly shocked against him, starting to close your legs. his grip latched back down on your thighs, stopping you.
“oh i’m not done with you yet” he growled through a slight smile, as he hoisted you up into the air. your wrapped your legs around him, as he carried you away from the pool to a nearby lounge chair. he laid you down on your back and climbed on top of you, between your legs. he pressed his still covered crotch against your exposed vulnerable entrance. you hissed, still sensitive from your recent orgasm. he stopped and pulled back from you
“you okay?”
“yes just sensitive” you let out a breathy laugh
“do you want to stop” the overwhelming look of concern in his eyes was adorable
“are you kidding me?” you said, wrapping your legs around him tightly, bringing him back down on top of you.
“thank god” he exhaled. you laughed as you began to kiss him again, rolling your hips up against him. he whimpered. you dragged your fingernails up his back and dug in slightly at his shoulders. he groaned again. the sound of him wanting you was enough to make you desperate all over. you continued to run your fingernails down his chest and to his waistband, snapping the elastic against his skin slightly. his stomach tensing at the feeling.
“take these off, matty” you whined.
“whatever you want” he pulled off from you and stood to the side, sliding off the shorts.
his rock hard dick sprung out free from the fabric and slapped against his stomach. your jaw opened slightly as your eyes took in the impressive size of him in front of you.
“what?” he chuckled
“youre so big” you said in genuine awe
“fuck you don’t know what you’re doing to me” he said, climbing back on top of you and needily yanking your legs up around him. the tip of his hard member rubbed against your clit as he continued to grind his hips against yours through your makeout.
“matt—“ you whined again, needing more.
“you sure you want to do this?” he asked looking into your eyes.
“yes matt—i want you so bad” you moaned to him
“fuck i’m all yours, baby” he said kissing you again, as he began to align himself with your entrance. he pushed himself inside you slowly and shuddered against you once he was all the way deep into your core. he paused for a moment, letting you adjust to the extreme stretch before beginning to slowly thrust in and out and in and out of your pussy. the stretch and fullness of him made you cry out sounds like you’d never made before.
“fuck you feel so good. such a perfect tight little pussy” he huffed out between his calculated thrusts.
“oh god matt”
“taking me so well baby” he cooed
“shitt-feel so good inside me, matty”
“yeah? you like when i fuck you like this, huh baby?” he breathed against your ear, burying his head into your neck.
“so fucking much—oh god yes—faster”
“okay beautiful” he began to pick up the pace of his steady thrusts and you thought you’d see stars. each thrust of his dick equally hard and timed out as he slammed against your g spot. you clawed at his back desperately, which only seemed to encourage him to pick up his pace to an impossibly faster speed. you slurred out curses in between pornographic moans as your mind became a total blur. you could feel your second orgasm approaching.
“fuck you sound so good moaning my name like that y/n”
“you gonna cum for me again, baby?”
“be a good girl and cum all over my dick” your eyes blurred with tears of pleasure as your ears buzzed and your second orgasm took control of your body. matt let out an uneven moan as your walls rapidly pulsed around his cock.
“fuck—squeezing me so good—shit—i’m close—“
“mmmm” was all you managed to moan in response as he began to trust into you wildly and unsteadyily
“oh my fuck baby i’m gonna cum”
“cum matt—i wanna feel you cum” you panted
“OHH MY OH FUCK FUCK IM GONNA CUM NGHH IM CUMMING” the groaned out as he halted his thrusts deep inside you, shooting hot white ropes of his release into your throbbing core. he collapsed breathless on top of you. after a moment matt pulled himself off your chest and propped himself up by his forearms.
“have any fun?” he asked sheepishly
“are you KIDDING ME? holy SHIT” you said in total honestly
“not half bad right?” he laughed, reaching for his shorts.
“unreal” he handed you his sweater and leaned back down to kiss you again, but pulled away abruptly
“sorry—was that weird? i don’t wanna make you feel pressured—“ you wrapped your arms around his neck shutting him up with another kiss
“good luck if you think your getting away from me now”
“i wouldn’t dream of it”
—————————————————————————live for sweet matt smut always 🫶
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ressonancee · 10 months
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I love the beginnin', the moonlight is callin' I know we'll go up, but we'll end up freefallin' You mind if I need to come kamikaze, crash into your way?
✷ wordcount: 7.734 ✷ genre: angst, break-up, smut
✷ This work is a part of "The Loviest Time Universe" - A collection of stories inspired by Carly Rae Jepsen's album
✷ Thea's note: hi everyone this is finally out - the first installment of the loveliest time, hehe. But first let me say a few thank yous. To @ssinboo for giving this a read since the first draft and enduring my thoughts on Discord 24/7. A thank you to @dalamjisung for reading this when i thought this was too sad and nobody would read this. And a special thanks to @toruro mika you are the kindest, thank you for reassuring me when I thought this sucked and was too depressing <3 , and for beta-reading ♥ I hope you all enjoy this (even if it hurts) also seungcheol-enjoyers i am very very sorry. Kkuma 2nd appearance.
I saw you in the deep end A shipwreck underwater And I know I shouldn't want that
Loving Seungcheol was not an easy task, and you learned it in the hardest way possible. 
Loving Seungcheol seemed easy. He crashed into your life - loudly, fast. Often, you thought about it like a car crash in a movie scene - the part when everything gets upside down, and even the glass pieces flying around look kinda magical.
But you guess, after a while, the movie scene was just a little bit too loud and possibly a security hazard for everyone involved. 
A part of you really wanted to give your all, to sacrifice, to just give a little bit more of yourself to make it work, but lately, you have been so fucking tired and so alone that you don’t even have the strength to try anymore.
You loved everything about Seungcheol, you loved his laugh, you loved the way that Seungcheol made everyone feel cared for, you loved how he treated you and you loved how he loved you, and knowing all that made everything worse.
But Seungcheol had that power - he made sure to make you fall in love all over again every time he had a chance. And everything would be okay after a few hours in the same space as him, you would feel loved, he would smile, he would embrace you and everything would just feel right.
The problem was that lately, Seungcheol didn't have the time to make you fall in love with him.
If you thought about it, you couldn't even pinpoint the last time you saw Seungcheol. You know he dropped by before going overseas for his tour - four months long tour, for a quick fuck but before that you can't really remember because he was already busy with a comeback and rehearsal. 
And you tried your best to keep it cool, and you tried your best to deal with it on your own - Seungcheol was a constant topic in your therapy, and you tried to understand - of course his life is more glamorous than yours, of course he has the chance to go to all those beautiful places you can only see in pictures, of course it was work.
And you tried to bite your tongue and think how much of his life he had to give up in order to be where he is now. And it is his dream, his youth, his life really - so you can't make Seungcheol choose.
You know all that. 
And you try to use your brain instead of your heart. But when Seungcheol is in the same country as you, in the same time zone, and still has a problem reaching up, it still has a problem finding more than a 30-minute time slot, you know what you need to do.
You need to let him go.
It is a Monday when Cheol arrives on your doorstep, you let him in and everything seems so normal - the majority of times you two hang out was in your house, not a lot of dating outside, not a lot of going out with your boyfriend enjoying the city. 
You tried to brush it off and pretend you didn't care Seungcheol didn't have a normal life, so you two could have brunch on a sunday or a stroll in the nearest mall. 
"Hey baby I was thinking of ordering from that chinese restaurant god I am craving the food," Seungcheol says, crashing on your sofa like it is his own house, and it settles on you that it is almost like his second house, a hideaway, every time he had a problem he would just crash on your place. He had the keys, why didn't he open the door? Why were you always doing the job? Letting him in, let him crash into your life? Why couldn't you crash into his and set things on fire? "Baby? Are you listening?" Seungcheol calls, but you know he doesn't really care because his eyes are glued to his phone.
"Cheol I need your attention for a minute," you say, looking at him, trying your best to keep it straight, to not fall on the ground and cry.
"Okay okay just let me answer a few more texts. We are scheduling the next varieties right now so everything is a bit crazy," your boyfriend says, still not paying attention. And you ask yourself - has it always been like that? 
Did Seungcheol always come into your life, create havoc, crush everything on his point of view, take everything he could get his hands on and everything you could give him to not give five minutes of his time in return? 
"Seungcheol I really need you to put your phone down," you say again and you are so pathetic that you feel the tears rolling down your cheeks, your voice cracking up - and that's what calls Seungcheol's attention, eyes big on surprise.
"Love, are you okay? What happened?" he asks and now that you have his attention, his phone is screen down on your sofa, his eyes on you, you feel all certainty leaving your body because you miss him so much and he looks so tired your heart almost breaks because you feel like to Seungcheol you are just another thing he needs to take care of, to handle, to adjust in his crazy hours.
You feel like you are a plate spinning in the little stick, and you are about to fall down because Seungcheol forgot that he needs to spin you around.
"I'm really sorry, I-" you hiccup, and god you feel so fucking silly. 
"Baby what is going on?" Seungcheol's voice is low when he tries to wrap his arms around you, scared when you don't let him do it. "Baby you are worrying me," he says again when he watches you take steps away from him.
"You don't need to worry, everything is fine."
"Clearly everything is not fine, I am back after ages, and my girlfriend is crying in the living room," he says god you wish you could get angry and pick a fight with Seungcheol but you feel so tired, you feel so exhausted.
"I-" you try to start, but you feel your legs buckle and your heartbreak. "I think we should break up."
"What?" Seungcheol because that is the only thing he can say. Seungcheol feels like he is inside a car crash like he is the one getting upside down. He feels so blindsided by your decision, did... Did you find someone when he was away, or did you just fall out of love?
"I think we should break up," you say it again, more to yourself than to him, like you are making up your own mind.
"Can-" Seungcheol paces around, he actually feels his throat close and his tongue feels like sandpaper around the roof of his mouth, he can't even bring himself to actually look at you. But he finally does, seeing you sitting on the floor, back against a wall, hands holding your own hand, elbows on your knee, and you just feel so different. Seungcheol can't actually pinpoint what seems different, but you are, and you look so tired, what the fuck happened, how could he not see this coming? "Can I ask why?"
And you scoff, Seungcheol can see your whole body moving. Everything is so clear to you and so hazed to Seungcheol is like you two are in different directions speaking through a tin can telephone.
"I don't think this is working for me I-" you try to start, trying to dry your tears with the sleeve of your shirt.
"Did you find someone else?" Seungcheol blurts out.
"What?" You ask in actual disbelief, did he-
"Are you in love with someone else?" He says it again and you can wrap your mind around it, what he wants to mean with those silly accusations.
"That's ok, I can take it, you can be honest with me," Seungcheol says again, trying to brace himself for the impact, preparing himself to hear the eyes falling out of your lips.
"You know what's funny?" You say without a hint of humor in your voice, "You actually prefer that wouldn't you? You would actually prefer the idea of being cheated on, of me being guilty of falling in love with someone else than to acknowledge that may be-" you hiccup, and try to breathe even though you can't do it through your nose, "that may be I am ending things with you because i can't deal with the shit show that is your life anymore, that I can't take being a second option anymore because your life is so fucking good that only someone crazy wouldn't want to share it with you." You pick yourself up, and you feel so angry, you feel so disrespected. You look at him, and god, even though you love him you know Seungcheol can't give you what you want, he can't give you coffee dates, he can't give you holidays, he can't give you the certainty of Valentine's days and birthdays. And even though you love him, even though you gave everything you could, even though you spent months and months on videocalls or just texts, even though you felt so fucking happy when he was by your side even though it meant a delivery and a night in, he is implying that you could cheat on him, like you could find someone like you are not broken enough to think that you could never love someone again like you love him. "Guess what Cheol, you don't share anything. You just take and take until the person doesn't have any more to give you"
And he stays silent like he doesn't have anything to say. Like he is trying to understand the situation, those hazy moments after the crash when you try to make yourself come back to reality.
"I am sorry I am really tired if you could-" you start, walking to your door.
"Do you-" Seungcheol starts and when he looks at you can see the tears around his eyes and you want to take everything back, you want to say you are sorry, you want to say it was just you're feeling lonely but now he is back, now everything is okay, you can deal with going to every working related dinner or party alone and lie when people ask why your boyfriend never comes. "Do you think I could do something different?"
"No," you say voice small, looking everywhere just so you can avoid Cheol's eyes. "I really love you, I love you so fucking much, I just can't deal with your life, I just can't deal with the loneliness that comes when you go MIA between shows because you are tired, I just can't deal with whole weeks gone just because you guys are working on a new album, and I can't deal having a boyfriend only inside the walls of my apartment, it hurts so fucking much Cheol and I just have nothing else to give you." you catch your breath, and you smell his perfume, and everything looks so out of place, how can a heartbreak make you nauseated, make you feel physically ill? "And even though I love you, I wish I could bring myself to ask for it, to make you give me what I want, but I know you and I know I can't ask you for that, and I know you enough to know that if I ask for it maybe I won't get what I want in return because you can't give what I want.
When Seungcheol leaves the only thing you do is cry. Like a child, on your bed, in a fetal position, hiccuping every few minutes. You cry so much that you fall asleep while doing it. In the morning when your alarm goes off, you can feel a headache. You think you will need a lot more than a painkiller. But you pick yourself up, and go to work and you regret it. You regret it when you see a fucking bus with Seungcheol's face plastered on it - his birthday is in three weeks. You regret it when you see it again on the subway, and when you open social media the news around his new album is across it - you think you need to delete every account Seungcheol related. 
You also regret when you see Mingyu's name on your phone screen. But when Mingyu calls you for the third time you know something must be wrong.
"Hey can you- ok guys shut up, hi hmm” He says in a lower voice, “can you tell Seungcheol to hurry up he is a bit late we have scheduled in like 30-ish," He says across the line.
"Hm, Mingyu I really can't do that." You say almost laughing because his friends don’t call you ever, you have Mingyu’s number registered because once Seungcheol had a dead phone and he asked Mingyu to tell you he was arriving late - that’s when Seungcheol still cared you think, after that he just arrived late without telling you his schedule was running late.
"No really like it is a really important schedule."
"Mingyu Seungcheol is not with me right now you should call him-"
"Is he not? I mean he slept with you, right? Did he leave your house already?"
"No, he didn't sleep at my place last night-"
"No?" Mingyu asks and the line is dead silent before you pick yourself up and have the courage to tell you.
"Mingyu we broke up yesterday," You say in the lowest register ever, the last thing you wanted was Karen from the sales department eavesdropping on your conversation and asking if you needed a girl time.
"Why did you break up with him?" He asks and that makes your head spin a little, how did he know?
"Mingyu that's-" you breathe loudly, you want to smash the phone against the nearest surface, but you need patience, and to be honest Mingyu didn’t do anything for you to be rude, yes, you are angry but it is not Mingyu’s fault,  "That's really personal I'm sorry"
"Ok, sorry, yeah I overstepped for sure," you can hear the faint voices in the background, "Do you think you know a place he could've gone to?"
"No, I really don't, I am sorry, just" your bite your tongue because you think that’s overstepping too, but you say nonetheless,  "Just give me a heads up if you guys find him or if I need to worry ok?"
"Yeah, yeah."
And against everything - your rational mind and your broken heart, you call Seungcheol, because he still comes first, his well-being and state. Even if he is not picking Mingyu's call that stills a part of you that says that you are special enough to him that he may answer your calls. He doesn't. But you don't even have time to worry because Mingyu sends you a message saying that Seungcheol just showed up and he is fine.
And the reality of it crushes you. You are not the person that Seungcheol will pick up when everyone calls him, you are not the exception anymore.
What really hurts is when you think that maybe you never were. 
And the feeling makes you so physically ill that when you knock on your chief's door to say you are going back home because you feel unwell and gonna try to work remotely he just says you can take a day off because you are clearly looking like a fucking truck hit you.
The first few days make you wish Seungcheol was right. You cry so much you feel dehydrated and have a non-stop headache. So you wish he was right, you wish you did cheat on him, you wish you ended things because you fell. in love with somebody else. 
You don't delete his messages but you do archive the conversation because every time you open the app it is just there and the want to hover it, to go back, to look at it, to have Seungcheol back in your life is so big you ask yourself how can you carry such a burden.
When you reach the 7 days you feel like somehow you can breathe again, now crying only 25% of the time. It's painful how you get back into your routine very quickly, it makes you feel that Seungcheol was not a big part of it. The main thing you do is to just keep your phone away, check less social media - the last time his face popped up and you almost yetted the phone. 
On week two you do all the things that you wanted to do with Seungcheol, alone or with other people. You go to the new corner cafe with a book and order a lot of sweet treats. You go to the movies after a day of work because why not. You drive yourself to the beach, and even though it’s not really summer, the weather is nice enough. In a way you think you are a masochist, experiencing all of those things and reminiscing of what could be if Seungcheol was by your side. But every time you come home and your empty place greets you with the memory of Seungcheol and his belongings you think that masochism would be locking yourself up in a place where Seungcheol was most present in your life.
Week three is a living hell. It's Seungcheol's birthday and you catch yourself entering a store just because something nice enough to be his present caught your attention. When you pick up your phone to ask him if he prefers leather or wool the reality crashes into you. It makes your world spin a little, and everything is in slow motion when you go back home. 
It doesn't help that you still have a pair of shoes, some shirts, a few pieces of jewelry, and even toiletries that don't belong to you in your own house. You feel stupid when you cry, but you pick everything up and put everything in a box - but you still don't have the strength to contact Seungcheol and say that he needs to pick up his things in order to move on.
I'm just here for the weekend A wordless kind of offer And I'm hoping that you saw that
After a month you stop crying.
Even though you don't keep tabs in a tracker you know every month that passes by, and Seungcheol's box turns into a decorative item by your door. 
In a way, everything you know about Seungcheol is stored in the back of your mind, and sometimes it comes back to your conscious mind like an intrusive thought.
To be honest, Seungcheol still pops up daily in your life, his voice plays in the nice book store, his face shows up in the make-up store and now he is the face of your favorite lip balm, he shows up in the tv and again in the subway, he shows up in the news and in your favorite variety show - the first time you don't actually binge watch. You know when Seungcheol is blond and when he is not, you know when his hair is long or shorter. And even if you don't want to, you keep tabs on him.
But in reality, you can deal with it, you can deal with Seungcheol's absence when he doesn't come back to make you fall in love with him. 
And it gets easier. 
Or you get used to not having Seungcheol in your life, seeing him from afar, or not seeing him at all. After 3 months you think to yourself that for the first time, you feel like a human again. Like your feet are back on the ground. You can walk without crunches for the first time after breaking both legs. 
When it hits the six-month mark you think it is okay to remember, it is okay to think about it, it was a milestone after all. When you think about buying a cake for the one-year mark you think that maybe that's not normal. 
But maybe that’s the path of healing, the ups, and downs of it, healing is not linear - you think that you saw an Instagram post about it. And you just accept it, you don’t fight anymore about how you remember Seungcheol in the silliest things, when you look at something on the street, or when you start binge-watching a new tv show. But sometimes you also don’t remember him, sometimes you can go a few days without conjuring him in your mind - but you always end up losing the game when you think to yourself how you did not think about him.
'Cause I see you I fall back into the feeling like we've just begun Tell me, ooh Are you tired of being alone? You're not the only one
When you see Seungcheol, two years later, you just laugh and take a sip of your drink. It is really crazy how Seungcheol's absence makes you forget that one of your closest friends knew Seungcheol - he was the reason why you two met in the first place.
And yet you feel surprised to see Seungcheol in the same space as you after a while. And god why do your legs buckle and why is he so good-looking?
At the same time you want to turn and run, you are so freaking obsessed with seeing Seungcheol with your own two eyes after such a long time. God. You need a drink, you need a glass of the most powerful poison, you need courage and you need strength. 
But before you can turn Seungcheol has his eye on you.
And you want to run and scream when you see him walking into you. 
"Hey," Seungcheol says and he too looks like he is fine with everything, and you think if it has always been like that if Seungcheol almost didn’t get a scratch when you always left with a broken heart and broken bones   "I-" Seungcheol laughs. "This is weird."
"Yeah," you say drinking the rest of your drink in one gulp "They didn't tell me you were coming so-"
"Do we need to continue doing that?" Seungcheol asks and you can feel your head tilting like a damn dog, and Seungcheol's tint smile across his face confirms your suspicion- he always thought it was endearing. "Avoid each other I mean," he clarifies. 
And you want to say yes because you feel so weak on your knees. You feel like you are getting pulled - physical traction makes you throw away all that you learned in the past year, making you forget how difficult it was, how painful.
"I don't know, it is not the ideal but what is the other option?" You ask and don't even wait for Seungcheol to answer you when you look around - you need another drink, you are not doing this sober, you feel yourself close to tears and you can't cry sober - drunk you at least have an excuse to bawl everything out.
"Not hating each other?" Seungcheol scoffs, and you do the same.
"Sometimes I think about how we spent four years together," you say, going to the bar with Seungcheol by your side, you order a mojito while Seungcheol just brushes the guy off. Seungcheol is so close that you can feel your brain start malfunctioning. 
"Come on, I swear I didn't try to pick a fight if you want I can go I already said my wishes to the host so-" 
"Is not that," You feel so fucking frustrated, you can feel your heart in your throat. "I just-" You breathe loudly, maybe you should let him enjoy the party and go - he was the one that didn't show up in two consecutive years. "Look this is not the time or the place for us to have this conversation but the point is I never hated you - I never could, and to be honest never wanted."
Seungcheol just looks at you, his eyes big and mouth agape. 
And you wish you could hate him because it would be easier. And because if you hated him you wouldn't question yourself if it was the right decision, if you hated him you wouldn't be thinking about letting Seungcheol back in your life.
"Hey, hey-" you hear Seungcheol's voice behind you. 
Fuck you forgot the uber, so you do your best to ignore Seungcheol and pick up your cell phone, trying to open the app fast enough just so a car teleports in the street.
"Come on I can take you home," He says and you want to laugh really, what the fuck is on his mind.
"And would I say yes to that?"
"Look," Seungcheol’s hand goes through his hair and you know he is frustrated, and a part of you relishes that, in the way that you still know him even after more than 24 months apart, "I don't know how you are doing, and this can be me being fucking egotistical, but I have been thinking you hate me for two years, so if here is not the place then we can find a place, I would say my place but that would make me sound like a jerk so-"
"Cheol," you almost beg.
"I really just want to understand what happened, fuck-" And when you look again you see Seungcheol in such a different light, he is so tired, he looks so exhausted, he looks older, but not just older he looks jaded,  "It is been plaguing my mind since we broke up I can't fuck wrap my head around-" 
"Your house then."
"Ok, ok. Just so you know I have a dog." Seungcheol says while guiding you to his car and you just feel a pang in your chest because you know how he went on and on about how he wanted a dog, how you two could get a dog, how if he wasn't so busy, and far away half of the time you two should get a dog.
And God you feel so sad, you can actually feel everything building up inside your body, you can feel it in your throat. 
You heard and heard about the dog and you were not there, and that’s all you can think about the entire trip to Seungcheol’s house.
"This is Kkuma," Seungcheol says holding the dog up, when he sees that you are not in the mood to greet the cute creature he gives up. "Is this a mistake?"
"Probably," you say, looking at his living room - god when you two dated he didn’t have his own house. How much did you miss? How many milestones in his life were you not a part of? 
"I-" Seungcheol starts, making you look at him, "I just thought we could go back to good terms you know, I've been keeping tabs on you," and you don’t know why but you feel so angry, you feel like there is something growing under your skin you can’t quite name it. "Don't look at me like that, I wanted to know how you were, how you've been doing, and when I asked about you this last time he said I could show up so I thought you knew"
"I didn't"
"Yeah, I'm sorry," he says, rubbing his palm against his pants in an attempt to dry it. "I mean for today and for everything I guess, I wasn't the best back then. I just thought-"
"What do you want from me Cheol?" You ask for the first time looking at Cheol's eyes, looking for the truth in it, searching for every little detail you can catch to make it make sense, but that just makes you crumble like a sandcastle against a wave, "I've been trying so hard- god"
"Hey, hey-" Seungcheol's hand close around your wrist, his fingers in contrast with your skin. "Don't cry please, don't cry, I always hated when you cried, hated every time I saw you in tears because of me." He says while getting closer to you, which just makes you cry a little bit more.
"I am so sorry, this was a bad idea, I can take you home if you want to," Seungcheol says with his arms around you - and god, you should've braced yourself from the impact, but you didn't and Seungcheol was just crashing into your life again.
"Yeah, and I was crazy enough to say yes to you," you say against Seungcheol's embrace and you are surprised when he picks up your muffled sounds.
"Why did you, say yes I mean" Seungcheol making space to look down at you.
"You know why Cheol," you say rolling your eyes at him.
"It's the same for me too, I guess," Seungcheol says tucking your hair behind your ears, "Maybe that's why I went after you today, fuck, that's why I talked to you really-" his lips find your forehead, and you can feel your heart in throat. You feel like your lungs are about to collapse, you can't breathe, "when I saw you I just-" He smells your hair like he used to do, his hand on your neck, his thumb caressing your jaw. "it just felt like nothing had changed"
I know it sounds fatal, I know we made fires The ending's real clear and it won't take us higher Tonight, I might need to come kamikaze Crash into your way (Kamikaze, kamikaze)
You know Seungcheol, you can tell, you can anticipate every step. With Seungcheol it is like you have the ability to see the future in your lids. With Seungcheol even when he crashes and burns makes you think to yourself that you can take the fire against your skin.
And you miss the feeling - to be understood even when you don't have words, when the silence speaks for you when Seungcheol just knows what you need before you ask for it. That's why you broke things up, you think, maybe you felt the most loved when Seungcheol would anticipate every and each one of your needs, and the moment he stopped you felt so unseen.
When Seungcheol's lips find your cheeks, just below your eyes, you can hear the sound of your heart-shattering. Your hands tighten against his sides. 
"I missed you," Seungcheol says, his forehead resting against yours. "I missed this, missed us."
"Cheol," you beg because it is the only thing you can do, the only thing you can master.
"Let me take care of you," You can feel the way his hand goes to your nape, making you shiver, "Let me make you happy."
You just nod, because that's what you want. You want it so much that you could change the earth's axis, you could change the future and the past for it. And when you feel Seungcheol's lips against yours you think that ending the world would seem like an easy task if it was to achieve Seungcheol's love, to have his touch against your skin every day.
When you wrap your arms around Seungcheol's neck you know you are done for - you know you fell in love all over again.
And you do it because it is him, because it is Seungcheol, and he is the only one who could break your heart.
"You will, won't you?" Seungcheol says mouth against your jaw, hand still against your nape holding you in place, "Let me love you?"
"Don't say things like that," you whisper, tugging on Seungcheol's shirt. 
"Why baby?" He says kissing your jaw, his hand caressing your cheek, "god, I missed this," Seungcheol says when his breath in on your neck, rubbing his nose on it. "missed how you smell," his hand holds your waist and you feel so glad because you almost melting, "missing the way you taste," he says when his tongue laps at your skin, giving you a small kiss on the kneck.
The only thing you can do is try to anchor yourself, one hand splayed against Seungcheol's back and another one tugging at his hair. Seungcheol's hand goes around you, caging you against his body, his hands finding the hem of your shirt and putting it under your shirt.
And it is just so much, the way his hands feel hot against your back, keeping you upright. The way his lips feel against your skin, wet, across your cleavage. The way that his body feels hard against yours. 
It's just so much. To have all that again, you almost forget how to breathe.
Seungcheol is so big - physically yes, but his whole existence is so big, it makes you feel suffocated. Seungcheol is so big that you question yourself how you used to fit him in your heart.
But you choose not to think about it, not know. You call his name while tugging his hair, blindly searching his mouth. And you focus on Seungcheol, the way that his tongue feels against yours, the way that he holds you, the way that you feel how hard he is against your hips.
"Let me," Seungcheol whisper against your mouth before his hand found the back of your thighs and picks your up - and you do the only thing you can do, letting out a surprised noise and hugging Seungcheol. And you can feel how Seungcheol's smiles spread against the skin of your chest.
"Don't laugh," you try to scold him, hand tugging his hair again - when he let his hair gets so long? It was a newfound joy for you.
"-m not laughing," you hear Seungcheol say against your skin, his fingers dipping in the skin of your ass. 
When your back hits the mattress, you feel like you can breathe again for the first time, Seungcheol's body away from yours. Until his hand is back on your hips, making your heart skip a beat and your lungs collapse.
"You are so pretty," he says when his hands travel up against your body, lifting your shirt, Seungcheol's lips find the skin of your stomach, his hand pressing on your ribcage. Seungcheol looks at you, his tongue on your skin, linking a strip of it. 
The thing about Seungcheol is that he still remembers. He still knows what makes you melt, makes you hot, makes you whimper. And he does it so right that makes your head spin.
Seungcheol lifts your shirt up, pooling it against your neck. "Fuck-" Seungcheol starts again and you ask yourself how he doesn't feel tongue-tied like you, "so pretty like this," his digits touch your chest when the lace of your bra ends, and it is just so faint, you lift your chest searching for his touch.
"Can I?" Seungcheol asks and you don't even know what he wants but you are nodding. He tugs on your bra, letting your boobs free. His forefinger and his middle finger find your nipple, tugging at it lightly, making you whimper. "Always loved how you are so fucking sensitive," he coos.
Seungcheol's lips find your skin again, and the way he kisses the underside of your boob is so soft and so tender that makes your head spin a little. Seungcheol lowers his body against yours, making you open your legs a little to make space for him between them. 
Seungcheol kisses your sternum at the same time that his hands wrapped around your throat, he doesn't put pressure on it. But the mere fact that his hand is splayed on your windpipe makes you lose it, make you whimper. "God, missed this too, the way you sound" 
"Cheol," you want to complain but you can't because Seungcheol just licks one of your nipples, his free hand holding you in place for him to latch on it. You don't even know what to do - it is just too much, the feel of Seungcheol's hands on your body, of his mouth against your skin. 
When his mouth leaves your nipple with a low pop, his mouth doesn't leave your skin. "Don't worry babe gonna give it to you," you hear his voice low and muffled, "Gonna give you everything."
"Want you-" you say tugging at his shirt. And you feel so hot all over, you ask yourself how did you survive without his touch for so long, how did you survive with your skin against yours.
"I know, I know” Seungcheol coos and you just melt against the hand he places against your face, when he kisses you again you know you are doomed. “Just let me eat you first," he says putting his lips just below your ear, his body heavy and hot against you, "Missed your pussy too, missed everything."
"Don't talk like that," you beg and you don't hear it, but you feel the way that Seungcheol's body reverberates with a chuckle - and you take the opportunity to tug at your own shirt and bra.
"I know you like it," Seungcheol says opening the button of your pants and tugging at each leg.
"I don't anymore," you say just because you feel like you need to pick a fight really. To look like it is harder to rip you apart at the seams, to make Seungcheol think it is not that easy to wreck you. 
To make Seungcheol think it's harder to have you again.
"I know you do," Seungcheol says lifting your leg and kissing your ankle, and you feel if it's not normal to feel so much. "I can see you do still like it." Seungcheol's voice drops and you can see his eyes on your pussy, his knuckle pressing on it over your panties, you can see how wet it feels, and god you feel so ashamed because you want it so much, and because Seungcheol knows.
You can feel how red your skin is. Seungcheol lies between your legs. He rearranges your position, opening more your legs, putting one of your thighs on his shoulder. "Don't need to lie to me," He says before slowly biting on the meat of your thigh, his hands holding you in place when you buckle. 
Seungcheol kisses your pussy over your panties and you bite on your tongue, you hold yourself back. "God, I even miss the way you smell," Seungcheol says and you feel faint - and you tug at the sheet almost crying, almost begging.
But before you say anything you feel him tugging at your panties and you don't move, you just let Seungcheol move your body to his pleasure, taking your panties off but putting your legs the same way as before. 
You feel Seungcheol digits against your folds and you bite your tongue again - trying to hold back. But when his thumb presses on your clit you can't resist calling his name. "Shh, it's okay baby," Seungcheol says before his tongue is on you, making your head spin.
You ask yourself again how you survived without him. 
Because with Seungcheol was just so easy. 
Seungcheol doesn't ask what you like he already knows.
Seungcheol knows how to pin your hips down, with his hand splayed, because you like how strong he is. Seungcheol knows how to lick your folds, how to suck on your clit, how to tease you with his fingers. 
"Can you-" you try to ask for it, but when you look down between your legs you see Seungcheol looking at you, seeking your reactions, trying to catch every little detail, and before you can ask again Seungcheol is nodding against your pussy, mouth not leaving it for a second even thoughyou are bucking your hips.
And then you feel his fingers against your entrance. And it is Seungcheol he knows how you like it, but he knows too much, he teases you first, just the knuckle against your hole.
"Seungcheol, please," you ask again, accepting that you lost the war, accepting that you can't pretend anymore because you know Seungcheol will only give you when you ask for it.
But you asked for it so he gives to you. 
He starts fucking you slowly with his fingers, his tongue never leaving your clit. 
You feel like you are going insane, it's just too much - his hand’s strong grounding your hips, the way that his mouth closes against your clit, the way that his fingers enter you, the way his eyes never leave yours.
And before you can say anything you are cumming against his tongue, Seungcheol laps at it like he wants to feel your taste on his tongue, like he wants every drop of it.
"Always loved your mouth." You say before Seungcheol kisses you and you can taste yourself on his tongue.
Seungcheol lifts his body, kneeling on the mattress, and finally takes his shirt off, "wait," you call for him, and you look at him. And god he is so fucking pretty all over. He always has been. You touch him, hands against his stomach, and you wish you can make him feel like he does to you. 
You sit on the bed, Seungcheol's position making him taller than you, but it is not a problem when the difference makes it easier to kiss his pecs. And Seungcheol holds the back of your neck, his eyes again, never leaving you, making sure he sees every tiny fraction of every little touch. 
You don't know if you actually forgot, or, if you just locked the memories away in a tiny part of your brain, but when you see Seungcheol so pilant against your touch - against one of your hands on his stomach, the other touching his pecs and mouth sucking at his skins it is like it's unlock something on you.
"Did you miss it?" You ask hand working on Cheol's pants, palming him in the process.
"Hun?" He asks voice low, like he didn't catch the meaning behind the question.
"The way I make you feel," you answer, hand underneath his underwear, touching his hard dick. "Did you miss it?" You ask again, looking Seungcheol in the eyes.
"So fucking much," he answers and you can see how his body reacts to every single touch you give him, you lower Seungcheol's underwear, just enough so his cock springs free - red and leaking, and God you wish you could forget how many time Seungcheol split you open with his dick, but you can't, you think you remember each and every time, "Thought about it every day."
"Can you fuck me?" You ask Seungcheol, fingers wrapped around his dick, pumping him slowly, thumb rubbing against his tip, and you can see his body twitch, but Seungcheol just lets you do whatever you want with him.
"How do you want me?" he asks.
"You know how," you say it because it is true. Seungcheol knows how to eat you, how to fuck you, how to split you open, he knows how to make you feel good, and how to make you cry. 
"Come on," He says hand on your shoulder making you lay down again, and you whine because the action made you set his dick free "You asked me to fuck you" his hands wrap around your leg and make your body turn to the side. 
And it is just so hot, how Seungcheol can manhandle you, can make you turn and move, but still cave into every and each one of your whims. You ask and he answers it. You ask him to jump and he asks how high. 
Seungcheol lays on the bed, his front pressed against your back, his strong arms around you, his lips against your neck, his dick against your ass. 
Your mind goes back to how big Seungcheol is, how he doesn't let space for anyone else.
But you come back to reality when you feel Seungcheol's dick going against your pussy. Seungcheol mumbles against the skin of your shoulder, but you are so gone that you don't actually pay attention to it. 
When Seungcheol starts fucking you you are halfway there. You hold Seungcheol's arms, your nails marking his skin. "You take me so fucking well," Seungcheol says before his teeth find the flesh of your shoulder. "Do you need-" You don't let him finish, tugging at his hair, searching for his mouth - and the kiss is messy and sloppy, and when Seungcheol's fingers find your pussy again you just moan on his mouth.
"Are you-" Seungcheol asks, and you know what he wants to say in the way his hips fall in rhythm the way his other hand tightens against your ass, the way with every stroke he goes deeper and deeper. And you nod because it is the truth, you are so close to it that you feel like your bones are melting.
And you just let it hit you, let the wave of the orgasm wash over your body. And you know Seungcheol is close by the way he pants against your neck, by the way, his strong hands hold your thigh - until you feel him cum on you.
You can feel your heart beating against your chest. You can feel the way Seungcheol's dick slips off you, and the way your back feels sweaty against his chest. You squirm a little trying to put some distance between your bodies.
"Stay," Seungcheol murmurs against your shoulder while enveloping you in his embrace, tugging you closer and you do. You stay because Seungcheol still makes you fall in love with him every single chance he gets, but your mind is still wrapped around the feeling that maybe, you two, are not meant to be, one of the lovers that could be so fucking beautiful and that marked your life, that is a before Seungcheol and after Seungcheol in your life.
But, deep down you know, that you just got tired of asking for more.
Now you don't want a lover that you need to ask for it - even though you know Seungcheol would never say no to you, but for once, you think that you want someone who gives to you without being asked for.
I love the beginning, the moonlight is calling I know we'll go up but we'll end up freefalling
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bowandcurtsey · 6 months
Hi! Just saw your requests open post and squealed. Could I please get headcanons of Fuegoleon falling in love with an extremely beautiful woman and how he goes about courting her?
Hi sweetie!! Thank you for waiting so long (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
I hope you're still here and get to read this request! Hope 2024 would be filled with nothing but amazing things <3
My last piece of work in 2023 hehe! Here's some gentleman Fue for you Anony!
Characters: Furgoleon Vermillion x f! reader tw: unchecked works
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When he first saw you, he was so mesmerised by your beauty that he started blushing.
Fuegoleon, the captain of the crimson lion was usually an eloquent man. But he started to stutter around you and found himself not being sure of what to say.
He actually thought of many ways to talk to you a little more but he couldn't think right at that moment.
When you both parted way, Fue found himself thinking about you all the time. He just couldn't shake you out of his head. He was mentally slapping himself so many times in the day everytime he thought about how awkward he was when he first met you.
He had to come up with an excuse to meet you again. He just had to.
And guess what? he organised an entire event for the village you stayed in, just so that he could see you again.
Did he have any plans when he met you again? no.
So he arranged a charity event in your village (and a few other villages as well for cover up of course), and he was there in person every single day.
And when he met you again, he goes tripping over his tongue again. It's like you're his kryptonite and his brain malfunctions when you meet.
Thank the heavens you spoke to him a little, else he'd won't get over himself again that night. You volunteered to help out at the charity event and of course he agreed without any hesitation.
In the next few days, he would bring you breakfast or some snacks, or water - anything that could increase his chance of coming to interact with you.
Slowly he would start to make more casual small talks and ask a little more personal questions.
As he interacted with you, he fell harder in love, not only because of your physical features, but also your inner beauty. Every time you laughed, he found himself smiling as well.
On the fifth and last day of the village charity event, fue found himself in low spirits. He thought about extending the event, but as a magic knight, he knew that there were other villages waiting on the help too. He had to move on to the next village tomorrow.
He brought you a small little bouquet of flowers. "as thanks to helping us out" he spoke in a low and quiet voice, but internally he was freaking out.
The smile on your face was everything to him. He would never forget the sparkle in your eyes and the rosy tint on your cheeks. But what you said next was even more unforgettable.
Because it would be the start of everything you had with Fue.
"would you guys need an extra helping hand in the other villages? I would love to volunteer"
it is safe to say he almost jumped in joy at that moment. But he had to maintain his composure else he'd risk looking like a total dork in front of you.
Now he would find himself having lunch with you daily. Bringing you water, breakfast and snacks are just the norm now.
Some days he'd even ferry you to and fro the village so you wouldn't even need to travel yourself. Because it's "the least I should do!"
Every week when you ended the charity event with a village, he brings you a brand new bouquet of flowers "as thanks" and they get bigger and bigger in size.
You guys chat about more personal things and share more stories now. He's starting to get comfy with you.
By now, the entire Crimson Lion knows that Fue is trying to court you. The dissing he gets from Leo and Mereo is UNIMAGINABLE. Soon, mimosa and kirsch knows about it too and they tease him about it as well. Poor Fue.
But nothing is going to stop his determination of courting you.
How could you resist a fine, charming man like Fue anyway? You knew you were starting to catch feelings as well.
Fue is not the time to spend lavish amount of money on you during the courting stage. He believes the best way to show his sincerity is through his actions.
Chivalry is Fue's middle name, so do expect a lot of opening doors, pulling out chairs, lending you a hand on simple tasks, helping you hold your dresses, etc.
After ALL the charity event at the different village (which spread across 6 weeks in total), Fue finally mustered up the courage to ask you out for dinner. The rest was history.
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sunandmhoon · 10 months
Your lips my lips...
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Genre: Comfort/Fluff/Mild-angst Pairing: Ni-Ki X Reader Summary: “You know what else I regret?” he finally spoke up. His eyes darting quickly to the countdown. 1 minute, It was now or never, he thought. w/c: 1473 MASTERLIST; OTHER WORKS A/N: hehe second story of the day!! I hope you like it ^^ -mari
In another world you would be happy. Maybe in that world you would be stood amongst the crowd in the Big Apple, adorning warm clothes, a scarf wrapped carefully around your neck–courtesy of your boyfriend, who just can’t help but bundle you up. Maybe in that world the count down would be for a new year. A new hopeful year full of new experiences, new beginnings, new worlds.
But you don’t live in that world.
In fact, the world you’re living in currently may not even be a world anymore after five minutes. The clothes that you’re adorning were not soft, nor comfortable. They were rough and heavy, but you had to wear them to survive. The scarf around your neck, covering your mouth was replaced with a mask to keep the smoke out. The countdown on the big building was not counting down to a new year, a new hope, a new beginning. It was counting down to an end.
In all your seventeen years on this earth, you never had a boyfriend. You never had the time to confess your love to the one you wanted, the one you trusted, your soulmate; Riki. Every moment spent felt like a race against time, cautiously hiding from any predators, always sleeping with one eye open.
Maybe the end of the world was more of a blessing than a curse. At least you won't be dealing with life like that right? It just all seemed unfair.
04:00 [1 minute down]
“What are you thinking about?” a voice interrupts your inner monologue. His eyes looked worried. It makes sense though, you thought, the world is ending.
“What is there to think about,” you laughed dryly. It was true, nothing can change in only five minutes. “We’re all gonna die. I think I’m just accepting it.” your eyes not moving from the countdown.
“That’s kind of depressing,” he chuckled lightly. That always amazed you about him, the way he made any situation brighter by simply being there. “I guess it’s true,” he adds, “But do you ever think that maybe, even if it's such a small chance, that maybe something or someone will save us?”
The hopeful tone in his voice almost made you believe him. But you’re past that. Believing.
“Nah, I don’t think so,” you shook your head, “that would be a miracle, and I don’t believe in those anymore.”
“Why not?” Oh Riki and your curious mind.
“Because,” you start, “Look at the situation we’re in right now. Even if the miracle happened, it won’t change the world.” you sighed. “Say, we got more time on this earth, we would still suffer either way.”
“I guess you’re right,” he nods. A part of your heart breaks at the sound of his voice losing its brightness, “I just wish I could have more time to do the things I’ve always wanted to do.”
“What are your regrets?” you asked, focusing your attention on him this time. You only had 3 minutes left on this earth so why not spend those last times admiring what could have been?
His jet black hair, overgrown and framing his face. Stray bangs are always moving untamed despite how many times he combs his hair back. The moles on his face, decorating it as if little chocolate chips on a cookie. His eyes, sharp and intimidating yet somehow always full of love and care. His lips….
“Well, that’s a loaded question,” this time he’s the one looking at the countdown. “Well, I wish I spent more time with my parents, maybe my siblings too. I wish I wasn’t such a bitch, you know,” he laughs. He looked at you, eyes focusing on yours. In his pupils, the image of regret, heartbreak and desperation.
“What else?”
“I also regret not being brave enough.” his eyes never left yours. Scanning and taking in your face as if he was carving it in his mind. “I regret being a coward. Not speaking up when I wanted to.”
“You’re not a coward, Riki,” you smiled softly, “you’re one of the bravest souls I’ve ever met. Look, we’re alive right now because of you.” you reached out for his hand. His soft, comforting hand. The hand that had held you on cold nights, fed you when you were sick, lifted you up when you fell, wiped your tears, tended to your injuries. His hand.
“No Y/N, I was a coward.” his eyebrows creased, guilt seeping through his veins, “you always stood up for me at school everytime someone said anything bad about me. Yet I never had the balls to stand up to those who talk shit about you.” his eyes looked so guilty and angry that you feared he was nearing tears, “I was so selfish that I put my popularity over you–my Best friend. And where’s that popularity now? In the fucking trash.”
“Hey,” you took your free hand and cradled his face, “We’re just kids, what did we know, hm?” you graced a small smile on your face in hopes that it would calm him down. “Sure, there’s so many things we could’ve done but, it’s all in the past now. What we can at least do is to think about all the good times.”
Your words left a silence in the air, a silence filled with silent wishes, longing looks, sad smiles. He had put his hand over where yours were on his face. He squeezed it three times, looking at your eyes, then your lips, then your eyes again.
You felt flustered under his strong gaze.
“You know what else I regret?” he finally spoke up. His eyes darting quickly to the countdown. 1 minute, It was now or never, he thought.
“I was such a coward, I know I already said that,” he starts, “But It’s something I regret so deeply because it stopped me from telling the truth. Telling the people I love my true feelings. My mum, My dad, My sisters…” he took a deep breath. “You.”
Time stopped for you. The countdown was slowly ticking but for you it wasn't moving at all, the only thing in your mind right now was Riki, You and his words.
“Yeah,” he squeezed your hand softly again, bringing it down from his face to his lap. Playing with your fingers, afraid of your eyes. “I feel so bad for telling you now, I’m sorry if its bothering you, but I can’t handle keeping it to myself anymore.”
“It’s okay if you reject me,” he laughed dryly, “It’s not like anything will happen anyway. I just wanted to let you know.” his fingers worked softly against your hand as if it was a piece of glass. “I’ve loved you for the longest time. Everything you did, I always admired from the way you smile and even on your worst days. I don’t know how to sound poetic or deep around you because you make my mind go crazy, Y/N. It’s frustrating the way you make me feel, you know,” he smiled.
“Riki..” you took your hand from his fingers. This made him freeze. Had he crossed a line? Did you not like him back? His heart was already shattering in his chest when your fingers feathered his chin and lifted it up.
“I like you too,” you smiled, “for the longest time too.”
“We have such bad timing don’t we?” he smiled, the biggest grin you have ever seen. In the dark skies of the ending world, his eyes were the brightest thing to ever grace the planet. “We could have been a couple for all our life!” he whined playfully, hiding his face against your neck. “We could’ve,” you laughed back, “but let’s not waste our last time here, hm?” you took his head in your hands, bringing down his mask as he did yours.
“You’re so cute,” he pinched your cheek. You giggled as if the world was not ending. Because in your eyes, your world just started. It didn't matter that you were dying in a matter of seconds because at least you get to end it happily, in the arms of the one you love.
“Can i?” he looked at your lips, love flooding his eyes.
“Of course.”
10 9 8 7 6 5
In the other world, there would be fireworks as you kissed him. The clock would strike 12 and a new world would begin. In this world though, you don’t see anything but a bright light. Eyes closed, drunk in the feeling of his lips on yours. Lost in the feeling of his arms around you. The world may have just ended with you both with it.
You don't care though, you’re already in heaven in his arms.
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pandoa · 1 year
it's the little things: III
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the little things they do for you
~feat. heartslabyul~ ~twisted wonderland x gender neutral reader~
~headcanons~ part 1│part 2│part 3
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ace trappola saves you a seat wherever you two may go—though that doesn’t make him any less of a pain in the ass about it. in class, the cafeteria, library, or even your own dorm room, ace makes it his personal obligation to (1) save you a spot beside him, and (2) piss you off in the process. it's not like the seat wasn’t meant for you, but ace felt that he needed a much more entertaining way to save it for you. from draping a lazy leg over your seat just as your body finds its way into the chair to placing random—but overall harmless—items onto the cushions of your seat, he’ll do almost anything to mess with you. your reactions are just too priceless.
"Ah... class is finally over..."
"I thought Trein's lecture would never end! I am exhaus— Hm?"
"Oh, hey, (Y/n). What's up?"
"I... took your spot? Nah, I don't think I saw anyone sitting here before~ You're imagining it."
"Besides, my legs seem really comfortable here; I don't think I could move even if I wanted to."
"There's an open spot on the ground, though; you could sit there if you wa— Ouch! Okay, okay, I get it! I'll scooch over!"
"Just stop hitting me for Seven's sake!"
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deuce spade unconsciously picks up your mannerisms. whether it be the certain phrases you say or the carefree way your hands seem to wave at the sight of him, deuce begins to mimic it all. he doesn’t even notice it until ace irritatedly points it out after a sickeningly oblivious “study session” with you and the other first years as the majority of the time was spent watching the two of you—each both more dense than the next. it wasn’t too difficult to catch on, really, but some part of deuce hopes that you hadn’t caught on just yet. he wishes to face his feelings properly, so perhaps give him a little more time, yes?
"Wait, so... in the history of magic, the fae began to progress their own kingdom... when?"
"Uh... let's see. It should obviously be sometime before the war between the fae and humans, that's a given, but... Huh?"
"What's up? Is there something wrong, (Y/n)?"
"We're both just sitting the exact same way—? Oh... yeah, I guess we are."
Deuce looked down only to notice the similar way your hands would fidget in sync with his. Oh, great. Now we're both twirling our pens the same way; I need to stop before this starts getting a little weird for them—
"U-uh! It's probably just a coincidence! Yeah!"
"No deeper meaning to it... totally."
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cater diamond sets his phone aside when talking to you. he may be the type to practically be attached to his phone twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week; however, that doesn’t mean he lacks any self control when around you. even he knows that time is precious and that the memories he shares with you would come to be much more valuable than checking the likes of his latest magicam post. flipping over his screen to face the back of his phone, cater’s attention is entirely on you, and you alone. although, he might pull it out for a quick pic with you as you two are hanging out wherever you are. could you blame him, though? the view of you and him in the same camera frame was just too pretty for a sight to skip out on~
"(Y/n)! You made it~ I think you had something to tell me, right?"
"Nope, you weren't interrupting anything! Just posted a last-minute story on magicam—nothing too important."
"Just go on with whatever you wanted to tell me. I'm listening."
"Oh... my phone's ringing? They can wait, hehe."
"Keep going~ My full attention's only on you."
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trey clover never fails to give you a small treat—be it a homemade piece of candy or pocket-sized sweets—each day he sees you. at first, it starts as a matter of chance. one day he happened to have a petite sample of a new recipe he’d been experimenting with and saw you as the perfect taste-tester of the newest treat. but as one day turned into another, trey found that he never failed to keep a sugary dessert inside a pocket or two of his uniform, each one different every day. he just enjoys the way your face seems to light up at the sight of the sweets gently being placed into the palms of your hands.
"(Y/n), here's the book you left back at Heartslabyul yesterday. Make sure to remember it next time, haha."
"It's no problem. Oh, yes, and—"
"I baked these miniature pies yesterday after you and Grim came over for the Unbirthday. They're candied, too, so they might be to your liking."
"It's no trouble! I'm glad you seem to like the smaller things I bake."
"It's nice to see whenever you enjoy my cooking, in all honesty."
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riddle rosehearts is more lenient on you when regarding the dearest queen’s rules. he doesn’t seem to be doing it on purpose, though—no, no. all of his words and actions, to him, are all acts of respect and common courtesy for the dear prefect. you’ve encountered so much; the most he could do is show you respect as well, yes? like deuce, everyone but him tends to notice it and it truly messes with everyone’s minds. clearly an act of favoritism, all the students of heartslabyul grow envious of riddle’s much more lax treatment towards you. riddle may be fond of you, but why did they have to get the short end of the stick???
"And what do you all think you're doing eating a tart so guiltlessly?"
"Rule number 089: Never eat a tart without the Queen's permission. I do not remember giving any one of you permission to eat a tart today."
"Such violations will not go unpunished."
"Oh... the prefect is here, too? Well..."
"They are in no part of the Heartslabyul dorm and, in fact, lead their own dorm as well. We are—in some way—equals from differing dorms."
"No, I am not just conjuring excuses! Stop this nonsense, or off with your head!"
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a/n: ace was one of those kids who’d pull on another kid’s pigtails or ponytail back in elementary school i just know it
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crescencestudio · 4 months
๋࣭⭑ Devlog #38 | 2.27.24 ๋࣭⭑
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How is it already almost March omfg.
Anyways Happy Valentine's Day month!!! This year, I was swamped with work, so I didn't get a chance to make Valentine's Day art. I did make a Valentine's piece last year though.
BUT we did have beloved @magunalafay make these Valentine's Day cards this year for the community!!! <3 If you missed it, well Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!
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She made these as a gift, and I love her very much. Maguna u r so talented
This month was pretty busy for me, but I'm super happy with the progress made this month ^^ I feel like I've started the year off in a pretty good groove after it being all over the place for a hot second, yay!!!
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This past month, Etza and Druk's routes. With the revamped demo finishing its revisions, it left a lot more time for me to focus writing on full route development.
If you missed the announcement, I FINISHED Etza's first draft!!! YAAAYYY!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!
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That means 4/6 routes are finished in terms of the base writing, which is so exciting to MEEEEE. I've always seen Etza's draft as The Milestone because with their route finished, it would mean the four Central routes are done writing. And to me, while there's a good chuck of writing left, we are nearing the end of it.
There's only two routes left and that means it's about ~100k words which is CRAZY compared to when I had ~300k to write (:cries:). Even if that sounds like a lot, once I start chipping away at those routes, that 100k goes into the "double digits" aka 90k...80k... etc. and that makes me want to pee my pants
We also finished editing Druk's route, yay!!! So we reached a lot of milestones this month ^^
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We are nearing the end of the Vui background commissions. It's very bittersweet; I'm so used to mentioning him in my devlogs now </3 There's only like 3(?) more BGs left for him to make, and then all of the BGs for the game will be finished. Very Wild! I think Alaris will have 25ish BGs, and they are all Stunning.
It's been a while since I showed you all a BG, so I'll give you all a preview of one I just got in!
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Isn't it cozy? Guess whose house hehe
I personally have been doing a lot of sprite work this month to finish the final art assets for the demo. I added some expressions to Druk and Aisa that I'd been procrastinating (I don't even know why I was procrastinating them). And I finally finished Mom and Kimura's updated sprites! Patreon already saw them, but I'll show the new versions here too ^^
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Preview of Mom (left) and Kimura (right) updated sprites. Now everyone's sprite styles are cohesive YAY!!
Aside from sprite work, much of my "art" time has been on finishing up/putting together the last of the screens for the GUI. Specifically, I got THIS BABY up and running. She is my crowning glory.
Memory Screen to Replay Unlocked Free Time Dates
Oh my god.... You all have NO IDEA how much of a pain this was to code. There is a transparency gradient going on in the left and right B&W previews (courtesy of community programming angel feniks/shawna).
And then the effort to have the Titles and Descriptions of the Previewed Date change tilted me on Multiple Occasions. But we finally got it to work thanks to bestie @siyo-koy pointing out I just coded one stupid "if" statement wrong LJAFSLIEFJIEJ. But the effort was WORTH IT because I'm so proud of her!!! I hope you all like it too as a way to relive Free Time Dates. I had a lot of fun with the Titles and descriptions.
I also put together the Stats and Affection Screens
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Preview of Personality Stats & Affection Screens
So I coded both of them a bit differently from each other. The Personality Screen shows you a breakdown of your traits so far. Think of it like a pie graph! So in the preview picture, your choices indicate you are 33% Brave, 16% Charismatic, etc. I felt like this was a more natural way to portray personality rather than how many bravery points you've collected so far!
And then for Affection, it works in a more traditional way, where it counts it based on how many you've gotten out of the total amount you can get. This way, as the story progresses, how close you are to the person reflects how much your relationship as developed!
I've also added little descriptions underneath each that change depending on the percentage. So for example, if you have gotten 82% of the affection points for Kuna'a, the description of your relationship might change as well hehe
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Other than that, I've mainly focused on getting the demo together. We released the beta demo earlier this month (? LOL). And the feedback has been so kind!!
A lot of this month was spent polishing so that the demo can be ready for early access and eventually public release. I updated sprites, made sure music crossfades with each other so that transitions between soundtracks feel smoother, I added/polished all of the screens I needed to (e.g., Memory Room, Full Credits, Cleaning Music Room, Adding Stats Screens), and I FINALLY as of yesterday added the Voiced Lines!!
One thing I added in the Extended Demo that I'm really happy with is the use of Extended Pronouns (courtesy of Angel Feniks). Below is a preview of how it works now!
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Preview of Extended Pronouns Function. Credit to Feniks
Basically, you can choose multiple pronouns for yourself, including custom pronouns (e.g., xe/xem, fae/faer, etc.). On top of that, you can choose how often you'd like the pronouns to alternate (e.g., every line versus every scene) and what kind of terms you'd like to be used for you (e.g., neutral vs. masculine vs. feminine)!
Overall, the demo is getting closer and closer to release!!! Early Access will hopefully be ready by the end of this week or next, so if you all would like access to it, please feel free to subscribe to my Patreon for this upcoming month! Available to Wyvern tier ($5) and up.
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I didn't have any time to really play any games this month because I was drowning in work LMFAOSLJIEF. I did play the Threads of Bay demo by @lavendeerstudios and it was GORGEOUS! Very cute game with lovable characters and charming visuals. Andrew, I will have your number
Every other section was really long, so I'm going to throw it here even though it's not market research. But Intertwine recently hit 600 ratings, which is crazy. Thank you for still enjoying that game even if it's not one that is my main focus anymore. I'm really happy people still like it :on the verge of tears:
Anyways, this has been a long devlog. Here's to continuing to Ball in March. Hope you all have a great rest of your month, and I'll talk to you soon! <3
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osakiharu · 2 years
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3 
content : gender neutral reader, fluff, nothing else tbh… lmk if i miss anything hehe
characters : izana, wakasa, kakucho 
notes : i told myself i would keep this at 2 parts. but i love wakasa and izana so i had to do this one <3 but this is the last one, i didn’t expect so many people to enjoy these hcs so much so thankyou !!
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- definitely one of the bolder ones when it comes to his crush :0
- he doesn’t shy away from calling you little nicknames at every chance he gets
- “you okay, darling?” “how’s my angel, hm?” “c’mere, baby, sit down. my home is yours, you know that, don’t you?”
- he eats up every single reaction you give him with a wide grin on his face <3 his favourite is when you get shy or flustered he thinks it’s so cute <3
- he also purposefully thinks out loud and kinda speaks to you as if he’s already your boyfriend (if that makes sense ?) in a lot of situations :0 - like he’ll give you compliments that don’t necessarily sound like something that comes from your friend (but not in a creepy, gross, icky way don’t worry 🫶)
- for example, if you’re showing him an outfit you like or new clothes you bought, he’ll sit there and say something like “yeah, it suits you, i like it.” and that would be enough. but then he’ll go like, “you’re so pretty, you know that? prettiest thing i’ve ever seen… y’like a little angel, aren’t you?” 
- izana genuinely thinks you fell down from heaven. there’s no way you didn’t when you’re so perfect and beautiful <3 
- another situation he does that in is when another guy is involved 🧍‍♀️- once he’s successfully managed to scare off the poor guy that just wanted to get your number, he’ll stand there next to you saying stuff like “if he comes and speaks to you, you tell me, okay? can’t have anyone thinkin’ they can take you away from me, can i?” 
- idk if you already guessed but he’s very protective of you and he can get jealous pretty easily :0 -  if you bring up any other person in front of him and he thinks there’s a possibility that you have a crush on them, he’ll bring up every single negative thing he can think of to do with that person (even if it’s something silly and insignificant). bro is having none of it
- “c’mon, you can do better than them!” 
- so yeah he kinda just acts like he’s your boyfriend already (in his head you’re his so it’s not surprising)
- you can tell he has a soft spot for you - he can be perceived as quite intimidating, threatening, simply just scary by some people, but of course he has to be he has a gang to run !!
- not with you. he’s almost like a different person when he’s with you - izana is always so calm and gentle and patient with you <3 he doesn’t even think he really has it in him to be upset with you <3
- hehe izana likes to cuddle with you a lot :0 like when you come over to watch a movie or something he always has you tucked into his side, half asleep <3 - does he stare at you when you sleep? yeah… its because you’re so pretty don’t worry 🫶
- or he’s just trying to guess what dream you’re having idk 
- but you see. izana has his secret weapon. and that is his guitar 😼 - ooo he loves being able to bring out his guitar in the evening when you’re at his house and play your favourite songs <3
- he will literally ask you to give him songs to learn for you. it doesn’t matter how hard they are, even if he thinks it’ll take him years to learn, he’ll still do it for you <3
- and then he’ll play them all for you when you’re sat in his room at god knows what time of night, both of you smiling like idiots because it’s such a nice moment between you :((
- sometimes he likes to write little songs or tunes about you ! he’ll never show them to you but he does 
- i also think he would take you with him every time he goes to get a new fish for his tank hehe
- he lets you pick out the one you like the most and if you want, he lets you give it a name n everything - and because they’re tropical fish they’re all super pretty and colourful so you’re there trying to pick just one like 😮 and it makes him giggle 
- once you picked one out because you said it was the same colours as his earrings so it was “an izana fish” and now it’s his favourite <3
- he also has one that’s got your favourite colours on it and he named it after you <3 - if he ever sees those two fish swimming around with each other he’s sat there like “yeah see even the fish know we’re meant to be 🤷‍♀️”
- it doesn’t really take him long to tell you, he’s pretty straight forward with it too :0 - might not take the rejection too well but it’s fine because we love izana so we won’t reject him 😏
- he would find some random thing to blame it on anyways - even if you rejected him and smacked him in the face he still wouldn’t be mad at you 
- maybe…
- he definitely acts like he’s not interested in you in that way at all. no matter how much his friends want to tease him or suggest that he might have a little crush on you, he’ll never admit it 
-  lowkey because he thinks he’ll get over it in a few weeks so he’s like okay whatever (spoiler : he does not get over you and he’s actually in love with you 🤷‍♀️)
- shinichiro will be like “there’s no way you don’t wanna date them, stop lying” and suddenly wakasa’s pulling out every single rejection shin’s ever received telling him he’s not allowed to give him dating advice until he gets a girlfriend 🧍‍♀️
- so it takes him a while to start making moves on you :/
- at first he tries to give you the hint by doing the tiniest thing ever and expecting you to just be like “ohhh, he likes me, makes sense 😮”
- for example, he’ll sit and stare at you, not in a weird-staring-problem way, he’s just admiring you <3 - but if you turn to look in his direction he’ll hold eye contact with you for a second smirk and then look away or be like “what?” 
- and he thinks that’s all he has to do meanwhile you’re sat there like huh ?? 
- lazy wakasa >:(
- i think he could fit into the ‘ladies man’ category 🤨 i saw someone call him that once and agreed immediately. there’s no way he looks and acts like that and isn’t, you can’t tell me otherwise. 
- but he gets his friends not to tell you if you don’t know already :0 just because he doesn’t want you to think he’s just messing with you for no reason, he wants you to know that his feelings are genuine <3
- he likes to tease you and try to make you flustered n stuff <3 (obviously) - his little secret weapon is that he owns a gym so he can come up with some ass excuse to teach you self defence 
- “what if you get into trouble ‘n’ i’m not there to help you, angel? what then, hm? i gotta teach you how to stay safe don’t i?”
- yeah okay 😒
- at first he just teaches you fr because even though this was kinda just an excuse to see you more and flirt with you, he does genuinely want to make sure you can protect yourself if you ever need to - he won’t admit it but he does worry about you 🫶
- but then he really starts trying to fluster you n stuff <3 he does little things like leaning in closer to your face and looking at your lips, leaving lingering touches wherever he’s holding you, whispering in your ear how good you’re doing, stuff like that 
- points out that you’re getting flustered too which makes you want to punch him in the face 😐
- “your cheeks are red, sweets, you got somethin’ you wanna tell me?”
- but you both enjoy his gym sessions a lot because you always find something to giggle over until your stomach hurts 
- he likes to do those little flirty things outside the gym, too, especially if you’re with other people - attention whore wakasa confirmed 🫶 he doesn’t like being ignored by you at all 
- he’s always got his hands resting on your shoulders or he’ll put a hand on the small of your back to move past you - other times he’ll make sure you always stay sat down next to him with his arm around your shoulders 
- of course if it makes you uncomfortable he’ll stop ! he doesn’t want to upset you or weird you out or anything
- he likes to scare off other guys like he will straight up tell them you’re his. then he has to go and convince you that he was a shitty guy and that he was no good for you
- “don’t want any of those shitty guys going ‘n’ hurting you now, do i? ‘s best you stick with me, ‘kay?” boy. 
- he pats your head a lot. doesn’t know why but he likes to
- he also likes to get your to wear his massive jackets, he thinks you look so cute in them <3 
- he’s not the most romantic person ever so he never really tries to come up with cute little secret date ideas, even though senju throws the odd idea at him he’s always like “i’ll see them at the gym tomorrow though, it’s fine!” 
- lazy lazy wakasa 😒
- if you reject him he’ll probably be embarrassed - purely because then shinichiro would have something to make fun of him for in return 🤼
- but it’s fine because we won’t reject wakasa because… lord 🥰
- an angel. 
- i feel like he won’t ever expect you to like him back so he never really makes any proper moves on you :/
- he kinda just goes along pretending he doesn’t have a crush on you and just enjoys hanging out with you when he can :( - very much just admires you from afar type of crush 
- he does ask you to meet up a lot though ! like you’ll get home after meeting up with him and 5 minutes later you get a text saying something like - “when do you finish work tomorrow?” “are you free any other time this week? today was really fun!” 
- baby just wants to see you :(
- you also can’t meet up with him without getting a text on your way home saying something like “are you home yet?” “let me know when you get home it’s getting dark :)” “be careful, btw, next time i’ll give you a lift home!”
- he thinks he’d go crazy if anything bad happened to you :/ 
- it literally keeps him awake at night sometimes. ask izana, he’s had plenty of “do you think they’re home yet, they haven’t responded yet?” messages from a worried kakucho 😭
- which is one of the reasons why he doesn’t want to tell you about his involvement with gangs - the last thing he wants is to have you become involved in any way possible with something to do with his or any other gangs and to have you be put in danger because of him
- he also doesn’t want to scare you off :/ - him thinking you won’t ever reciprocate his feelings is enough, he doesn’t need you disliking him or being weirded out by him on top of it
- kakucho isn’t the most verbal person ever when it comes to affection - more because he gets nervous but he also just prefers good old physical affection <3
- he likes to cuddle with you. it doesn’t matter what you’ve planned on doing with him that day, he will always find a way to end up back at someone’s house so you can both cuddle <3
- he was nervous the first time he tried to initiate it because he didn’t want you to turn around and smack him in the middle of the movie you were watching 💀 - but it’s fine because you didn’t and now it feels like a little routine <3
- sometimes he even organises movie nights for the sole purpose of being able to watch the entire thing whilst lying on your chest 🫶 
- “y/n roll over- no, just onto your back, idiot!” 
- he also falls asleep on you a lot <3 - he feels very safe and comfortable around you and it’s one of the only times he feels truly relaxed so he comes out of his shell a lot more <3
- so sometimes when he’s feeling confident he’ll kiss your hand hehe - but then plays it off as a joke or tries to convince you that that’s just what friends do 
- he doesn’t really get jealous, more worried that you’ll find someone that you like more than him and you’ll eventually leave him :((
- he doesn’t say anything about it to you though he just sits and worries about it by himself 😭
- i think he likes listening to music with you <3 he likes to show you his record collection and gets you to show him songs that you like 
- he makes a playlist of songs you show him and puts it on in when he’s lying in bed thinking about you and smiling like an idiot <3
- he really wants you to like izana. you and izana are probably the most important people in his life so he really wants you to get along well 🫶
- he doesn’t think he’ll ever confess to you, he’s happy with what y’all have with each other atm 🤷‍♀️
- unless izana steps in and tries to convince him to do otherwise 😏
reblogs appreciated <3
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hrts4hanniehae · 6 months
Take a Chance with me || eleven
*there are written parts
remember to comment/reblog
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he was running. he had her tweet notifications on and the second he saw that, he had bolted out of his dorm.
"coups where are you going?"
"to her."
he ignored the cheers behind him as he scrambled for his keys. he begged that her address was still the same. he couldn't lose her again.
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she felt stupid for being so quick to jump to hatred. hatred was easy. love was hard. like him, she chose the "easy" way out. so she sent that tweet. if he really did still want her, he would come. her address hadn't changed. it was her painful memory of how she lost him.
the doorbell rang.
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they stood face to face. this was the first time they had been that close since their breakup 3 years ago.
he's here... she drew in a sharp breath.
she's so pretty... just like how i remember her. he let out a lovesick sigh.
i won't lose him/her again
before either of them knew it, they were kissing. she was almost crying and he was holding her as if she was his last breath of air. for the first time in 3 years, they felt like they were home.
"do you... want to stay over?"
"do you want me to?"
"okay then I will."
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her apartment looked the same and yet different. the photos were new. there were trophies. there were awards. and yet one photo frame made his head spin and heart swell. their 1st anniversary photo. they had made that photo frame together and had mingyu take their photo. she kept that photo frame on her bedside table.
"I didn't move out. I could have. I was asked to. But I didn't."
"I didn't want to lose my last traces of you."
"yn. yn I'm sorry."
"I know it wasn't your fault. but why didn't you... why didn't you come back to me, seungcheol?"
god he loved the way his name sounded from her lips.
"I thought. I thought you wouldn't want me back."
she laughed. god her laugh... he missed it so much.
"I guess we were both idiots, huh?"
"I guess so."
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they lay side by side (hehe minghao) on her bed. it was uncomfortable, given that it was a single bed.
"do you... do you maybe want to..."
"do you want me to hold you?"
she froze. the answer was yes but she couldn't force the word out. she wanted him to hold her. so so badly. but why couldn't she answer him?
"forget it. that was a we-"
"yes. please hold me, seungcheol"
and so he did.
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note to my taglist: please reblog and comment abt the chpt so i know that you're actually reading my stuff.
summary: 3 years after your breakup with seungcheol, you release an album to cope with your still-broken heart. you didn't expose his name but quickly, your fans and fans of svt begin to connect the dots to the past you wish you could relive. little did you know, the man you loved so desperately would begin to chase you back with the same desperation you so very much desired
inspired by: take a chance with me
pairing: idol!choi seungcheol × fem!idol!reader
genre: past relationship, fluff, angst, best friend!booseoksoon, smau, miscommunication, pining, 2nd chance
warnings: implied self harm/depression, hate comments, updates irregular but will finish because i cried when i thought abt this idea
started: 13.12.23
taglist: fill out the form in my pinned post to be added to the taglist (specify this smau in the pw section)
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tags! @fairyofhour @megseungmin @sun-daddy-yoriichi @woozixo @euphoric-univers @christinewithluv @haowonbins @ocyeanicc @asyre @cynthiaaax13 @superhoshisvt @bangantokchy @chimmy-bts @angelarin @daisawa @writingbarnes @jeonghansshitester @belladaises @wonwootakemyheart @wonwooz1 @luchiet @atinybitlonely @kookssecret @caratsland @peachescreamandcrumble @thepoopdokyeomtouched @isabellah29 @leah-rose03
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finnzhal · 1 year
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@psychicanais asked
hey i’m just asking maybe could you do dating head canons for crimson from helluva boss? nsfw or sfw i don’t mind <33
FINN's response
Hello ! I' m sorry if this headcanons can be a bit OOC , I tried making it realistic as much as possible . I' m a SFW blog but I felt a bit risky last night and mix some NSFW headcanons there hehe
NOTE : I don' t condone this behavior in real life . If you' re sensitive to heavy topics I suggest reading something else in my page !
I literally have to rewatch S2 EP 3 for this cause i don't give two shits about MOXXIE' s dad
If you guys are interested in requesting , my requests are open ! Just make sure to read my INFO's !!
Mentions : SPOILERS (?) , DARK Toxic relationship , Abusive , spoilers(?) , Sexism, lack knowledge of LGBTQ / homosexuality
How you guys met
[] To be honest , I don't really see Crimson getting into committed relationships . He would just do one night stands wether a woman or a man whenever he feels ykyk
[] Crimson probably met you in a bar or you were once his victim that seduced him while you're about to get killed ( I'm loosing creativity for this one- )
[] So Crimson made you as one of his toys whenever he wants to relieve himself , calling you and talking to you just because of that .
[] Slowly meeting more other than in bed , making you as an employer of his Mafia , making you live in his house , and now actually dating . In those correct orders .
[] Crimson asked you out after one of his successful kills
[] Crimson would spoil you with gifts , expensive ones and the most questionable yet disgusting ones too . He gifted you a skull once , the skull was from one of the people who mistreated you
[] Crimson would bite you at every part of your body whenever you guys are alone , He doesn't care if it's visible . He wants people to know you're his .
[] Crimson will and would show you off to his gangsters and to everyone
[] Crimson will call you " His treasure " or " His bait " . . If you guys are alone he'll call you " Darling " or " Dear / Dearest "
[] Crimson will literally flirt with you at any given time just to see your flustered reaction . If you do flirt back , you know what will happened next
[] Crimson will make you as bait to get his victims , if his victims gets closer to you or touch you . You'll see the victim's skull on the wall
[] Crimson would get very possessive over you
[] Crimson would get an obsession over you , He doesn't want anyone to be closer to you or take you away from him .
[] Crimson would be controlling of you , guilt tripping, and manipulating you at every chance he gets and maybe even isolating you
[] Crimson will get his gangsters to monitor you everywhere you go . He's not gonna let you try and do anything funny .
[] If you' re a man , he would choose being the top everytime you guys sleep together . It' s less gay , he said . .
[] If you're a woman , he would talk shit about your behavior for not being a "woman" enough .
[] Crimson will punish you for disobeying him . To talking back to him , doing something or going somewhere without his permission , and more
[] Crimson will do quickies with you in risky places , it gets him riled up and will be extra harsh on you
[] Crimson will degrade and praise you outside and inside of the bedroom , there' s no in between
[] There' s times that Crimson is uncharacteristically clingy and sweet . He'll purr like a cat if you pet him after a long day , wrapping his tail around you for more
I guess that's all for him . . I couldn't think of anything else and since this isn't my cup of tea . I tried my best , I hope you like it !
If there's any grammar / spelling mistakes , please let me know !
© Do not steal. Please. FINN's fragile
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sunshinesteviee · 1 year
hi!! from the meet cute list, can I request sitting next to each other on a long bus/train ride with steve? thank you!!
hehe i loved this one! hope you like it too <3 fem!reader, wc: 950ish
Steve hates the bus. It’s usually too crowded, and is almost never as quiet as he wishes it was. Plus, he’s always bored out of his mind. He already struggles to focus reading books normally, but it becomes exponentially harder on a bumpy, loud bus. But money has been tight since moving to Chicago for college, and taking the bus back home to Hawkins is cheaper than driving.
Of course, Steve was running late, and by the time he boards the bus, there are only a few seats left. He doesn’t particularly like most of his options — an older woman who will totally talk his ear off the entire time is a definite no, and so is the middle aged man who reminds him a bit too much of his dad, though he can’t imagine his dad ever taking the bus. The last option seems most promising — a girl who looks about his age with her nose buried in a book. He doesn’t want to bother her, but he also doesn’t want to take his chances.
He stops in the aisle and clears his throat, grabbing at the straps of his backpack, “Hey, uh, sorry to bother you…”
You’d been too engrossed in your book to notice him, and his voice scares you, breaking your concentration. Your head snaps up, eyes wide, and fuck Steve thinks, you’re so pretty. You don’t say anything, though, and Steve realizes you’re waiting for him to continue. He shakes his head to clear it and finally asks, “Sorry, um, is it okay if I sit here?”
“Oh,” some of the concern on your face melts, and you nod, moving your stuff even closer to you, “Yeah, that’s fine.”
Shit. Even your voice is pretty.
“Thanks so much,” Steve smiles, dropping his bag onto the floor as he falls into the seat next to you. You’ve picked up your book again and are about to start reading when Steve begins rambling, “I was going to be early for once, but then my best friend asked for help with the girl she likes, and I didn’t think it would take very long, but I should’ve known. I love Robin, but holy shit she does not know when to stop talking—“
The amused look on your face stops Steve in his tracks, and he realizes the irony of what he’s saying. His face flushes a dark pink and he lifts one hand to scratch at the back of his neck, “Kinda like what I’m doing right now… Shit, I’m sorry. I’ll shut up so you can read.”
Your giggle, while slightly humiliating for Steve, sends his heart racing. He knows he needs to make you laugh again, whatever it takes. That is, if you’re even willing to talk to him again. Luckily for him, you close your fingers in your book to save your place and turn towards him slightly, “It’s okay, I don’t mind. Where are you going?”
“Hawkins. It’s my brother’s birthday, so I’m heading home for the weekend to celebrate with him.”
“That’s so sweet. I’m headed there, too. Visiting family for the weekend.”
Steve is absolutely positive that he’d remember you if you’d gone to high school together, but then again, he was a different person back then. Still, he feels bad as he asks, “Are you from Hawkins? I don’t recognize you…”
You shake your head immediately, “Oh, no — my parents moved there after I left for college. Haven’t been there much, but it’s home now, I guess.”
“Oh thank god,” Steve huffs, “I was worried I’d be an asshole for not remembering you, but I’m not really sure I could forget your face.”
“Yeah?” you ask, a bashful smile tugging at your lips at his implication.
There’s an air of confidence about him— despite the blush once again blooming on his cheeks — that you find insanely attractive as he nods in response, “Yeah, definitely. It’d be hard to forget such a pretty face.” Another laugh from you makes Steve grin, and even though he knows he should let you get back to reading, he asks another question, something about school; anything to keep you talking to him.
By the time the bus pulls into Hawkins, you’ve been talking on and off — mostly on — for most of the trip, and if Steve wasn’t smitten with you before, he definitely is now. Not only are you pretty, but you’re smart and funny, and you’re attending the same school as him. As Steve stands and collects his things to get off the bus, he grows nervous again and gives you a tentative smile, “So, is there any chance I’ll see you again?”
After collecting your own things, you follow Steve down the aisle of the bus, pretending to mull over your answer, “Hmm…” The nervous look on Steve’s face cuts your teasing short, though, and you grin at him, “I’d like that, Steve. I’m guessing we’ll be on the same bus back, but I’ll give you my number, just in case.”
“Okay, great! Hold on, I see my brother’s car, I’ll see if he has a pen,” Steve replies, jogging over to Dustin’s car, hoping desperately that Dustin does, in fact, have something to write with.
And when Steve finally jumps in Dustin’s car with a phone number scribbled on his hand and a grin on his face, Dustin is slightly baffled, “No way you got a number on the bus ride here.”
Steve laughs, shrugging nonchalantly as he punches Dustin’s shoulder gently, “So glad I came home for your birthday, dude.”
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thebest-medicine · 1 year
Close to You
The Owl House, Hunter/Willow, post-season 3
Summary: Willow accidentally finds out Hunter is ticklish, and that she isn’t the first to do so!
Words: 1,210
[AO3 link]
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Hunter loved being close to Willow. They often found themselves reaching out for the other when they were in each other’s proximity- holding hands, giving an encouraging squeeze on the shoulder, lounging around together, legs intertwined. For both he and Willow, it seemed, physical touch was just another way to show how much they cared about each other.
That was why, when Willow brushed a hair away from his face and behind his ear, it startled them both that he flinched away from her touch.
They both froze for a moment. “Sorry, did I-“
She looked at his face, a grin creeping up, a slight flush on his cheeks.
“Wait, Hunter..” She smiled back at him. “Are you ticklish?”
Hunter stared back at her blankly- of course he didn’t know what tickling was, she thought.
Both of her hands reached out toward his ears again; he closed his eyes. Hunter didn’t flinch away until after she started tickling again. His ears wiggling as fluttering sensations buzzed on either side of his head. He started giggling and squirming away from her, exactly the opposite way he normally wanted to go.
When she stopped, Hunter opened his eyes, but he couldn’t quite meet Willow’s gaze. A huge grin was still plastered on his face as his giggles faded. He tilted his head up to the sky. “Flapjack used to do that…” The tips of his ears turned pink as his breathing settled. He chanced a glance at Willow, but averted his eyes at the last second. “To, uh, make me feel better..”
Willow’s face softened as she watched him with a smile. She giggled when his leftover wisps of laughter finally subsided. “Well, does it work?” She asked, brushing a hair out of his face.
“Does what work?” Hunter finally looked her in the eyes questioningly.
“Does doing this…” She drawled out, starting to tease as she moved further into his space. She formed one hand into a claw, which Hunter’s eyes couldn’t help but focus on. Wiggling fingers began moving toward him, he couldn’t help the grin on his face as he shifted his weight away from the menacing hand. “…Make you feel better?”
Hunter’s eyes snapped to hers as his blush spread. “I- Uh..” A nervous laugh made its way out of his throat. He swallowed and wrung his hands, tried to calm his heart rate in such close proximity to Willow as she inched closer, teasing. “Um.. Sure- I guess, it- EEE wahahait!” Two fingers pinched lightly against his side.
“Aww Hunter-“ Another poke to his other side. “That is just the cutest- you are just! So!” Willow was smiling about as big as he was, a few more wiggles of her fingers here and there to coax out more sweet sounds of laughter from him.
Hunter squirmed as Willow moved more into his space, guiding him back a bit with more pokes and prods and squeezes... He couldn’t stop himself from stumbling backwards, away from the buzzing, tingly sensations of Willow’s fingertips. She followed as he crumpled down to the ground. Next thing he knew, the tickling stopped, and she was tugging on him gently to lay, still trembling and laughing, across her lap.
He brought one hand up to cover his face, pink and flushed. “He-hehee are- are you done?” He squeaked out.
Willow’s hand came down onto his, guiding it slightly lower on his face so he could see her. She smirked, there was a sweetness in her eyes as she asked. “Do you want me to be done?”
Hunter’s eyes went wide, his face darkening from pink to red all the way up to his ears. He scrambled his hand back up to cover his eyes, his other arm wrapping itself defensively around his midsection.
“Well…?” She asked, running her thumb over the back of his wrist.
He sucked in a breath, then opened his mouth as though he was going to say something. Instead, all that came out was a bit of a whimper. He brought the hand on his middle up to join the other covering his face. A few giggles started to slip out, even though she wasn’t tickling, yet. Hunter tried again, “I- ehehe you should do- ahaha heh, whatever you wahahant.”
“Whatever I want?!” Willow’s fingers returned to his stomach at his flustered invitation.
“AHH- heh haha haAHAHHA-“ He couldn’t help it, his hands shot down to hers within a few seconds. He hadn’t been tickled like this… well, ever.
“What I want… I want to hear your cute laugh! I want to find out all the spots that you’re ticklish!” Willow moved her hands quickly, poking and wiggling into various spots she could reach around his ribs, stomach, sides, and neck. “And I reaaaally want to see your cute smile!”
Hunter made a noise into his hands through his steady laughter.
Willow pinched his ribs on both sides and Hunter kicked. “Hmm. Well if you don’t wanna do that last one, I guess we can go back to the second thing I want to do-“
A hand closed around his ankle. Flapjack had tickled his neck and ears plenty of times. He had also tickled Hunter’s midsection a few times, but nothing as intense, nothing as tingly and sparkling and overwhelming as what Willow was doing now. Flapjack had never tried tickling his feet before.
Hunter tried to wiggle his foot away on instinct, but he couldn’t deny he was curious. As much as this was overwhelming, it was exhilarating, informative- fun.
When two fingers traced along the bottom of his foot with trepidation, Hunter sucked in a huge breath.
Willow chanced a wiggle of her whole hand against the ball of his foot and Hunter let out something of a squeal before bursting into laughter once again. “Oh- Titan- wahahahait- ahaha-“
Willow pulled her fingers away for now, setting his ankle back down on the ground gently and shuffling him a bit closer into her lap.
“Thanks-“ It came out without him thinking, and Willow was getting really good at determining the various shades of his blush.
Hunter kept his hands up over his face, avoiding eye contact.
“Does anyone else know you’re ticklish?”
“I don’t-“ He took a deep breath, his body finally relaxing where he was splayed. “I don’t think so.”
Willow’s grin widened. “I’m telling Dariu-“
“D- DO NOT TELL DARIUS!” Hunter whined loudly, through his hands. It would have sounded more serious, she was sure, had his voice not been tainted with bubbly laughter. Willow appreciated that he couldn’t fully cover the blush that spread across his ears.
They sat for a few moments, Willow running a soft hand through his hair while he tried to regain a normal breathing pattern.
“Fine, but… this is VITAL information for Luz.” Willow winked.
Hunter couldn’t help but let out a nervous laugh. “Not today.”
“Not today.” Willow confirmed as Hunter moved his hands down from his bright face.
Hunter reached for Willow’s hands, relaxing his head and shoulders into her lap. He clasped her hands in his and held them close to his chest. They could both feel his heart pounding. They took a few slow, deep breaths together, a smile never leaving either of their faces.
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tarjapearce · 11 months
Oh god hi i am new here and love your little soccer Family tales ❤️ they make my day and i am so hooked on the mermaid au. Keep checking for updates because i am so impatient sorry 😅
but seriously all i can think of now,
Apart from MERMAID READER AND CAPTAIN MIGUEL is: UNCLE PETER and Gabi teaming up against Miguel :3 ❤️nothing bad just some good old dark garfield teasing.
That’s enough now ;) thanks for the wonderful stories!
Hello cariño ❤️. So glad you're enjoying your stay so far and that you love the pirate and mermaid au fic 🥹❤️.
Don't worry hehe, I'll try to upload a bit more often since I don't wanna leave out any fic behind. (I should organize myself a bit more lol) Just lemme finish some more request lined up and I will cook a new chapter for it ❤️.
"Guess whose coming over and taking your kids to get ice cream?"
"Uncle Peter!" Gabi ran to hug him and he caught her in the air, giving a heart warming hug. Miguel sighed and greeted Peter.
"When did you get here?"
"Just a couple of days ago, but had to visit my favorite little soccer star." His attention was now on Gabi.
"My god, stop growing kid. Heard you lost the-"
Miguel cleared his throat and shook his head softly, as if telling him "We don't talk about it."
"Heard that you lost the chance to try this new cheesecake bar in town. Wanna go?"
"Can I go, Papa?"
"You still have some homework to do, mi sol. You can go later."
"Ah c'mon! It's gonna be a quick trip! Let the kid rest for a bit. You're tired, right Gabi Wabbi?" A nickname that Peter had come up after she was born.
Gabi faked a yawn and then giggled
"See?! Let the kid have some fun!"
"She has school-"
"Cheesecake bar!"
"Dios mío, you're another kid." Miguel rolled his eyes at him.
"Please, Papa? I'll be back soon! "
Miguel sighed and pinched his nose bridge
"As soon as you're done you'll finish homework, okay?" He spoke in his Miguel™ pose.
Gabi beamed and squealed with Peter. They went out the door chanting "Cheesecake bar" As Gabi was on Peter's shoulders. The little trip lasted a couple of hours.
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Hii! So I saw that your requests were open and thought I might drop something here hehe
So can I request Mammon, Levi, Satan and Barbatos (you can add or remove some characters if you want) with MC who falled asleep close to them and just happened to grab onto their hand, and now they're cuddling it like their life depends on it while still being deep asleep?
Like... maybe it can even be that one of the boys just wanted to rub their head or plant a kiss and had hand on their shoulder while doing so and MC grabbed their hand in their sleep...
I really hope you get it and sorry for rambling so much!
Also it's alright if you don't want to do it! Don't overwork yourself <3
don´t worry you weren´t rambling at all, also sorry it took so long wasn´t really sure how I would write it best kinda turned into short little drabbles, hope you like it because I can´t write without including jokes
Mammon was turning in his sleep when he not only felt something holding his hand but also the feeling of someone kicking him, he wanted to immediately jump up and give the person attacking him in his sleep a piece of his mind but then he remembered who he fell asleep with…
“MC!? what the hell do ya think ya are doing!?“ he should have noticed it was them, they always kick him in the back when they fall asleep! if they weren´t so cute he would never allow them to stay with him, this is a lie he would always take the chance to cuddle with Mc actually now that he thinks about it maybe he doesn´t need his hand for a couple of hours… or maybe a couple of days or for how ever long Mc wants to hold his hand
he took a look at his D.D.D and saw that the time was only 3AM, he was slowly inching towards his bed again while trying his best to stay quiet so Mc won´t wake up, he can never guess when Mc hears something or not
he was taking a look at the sleeping Human who was holding his hand like their life depends on it, he doesn´t think he could get his hand even if he wanted to and despite him never daring to admit it he loves when they look as peaceful as they do now
but as much as he loves them, he would really appreciate it if they would turn around again, they are twisting his arm in their sleep and it´s starting to hurt T-T
they can be lucky the Great Mammon didn´t wake them up and that he gave them a second good night kiss
Levi was about to jump out of his bathtub bed when he felt movement, but he calmed down when he noticed that it was just Mc who fell asleep on top of him…
and than he was ready to jump again because, Mc is sleeping on top of him!? in what kind of world does he life in!? is he having an incredibly realistic dream right now? if yes than he never wants to wake up again!
in his happiness he didn´t even notice the best part, that Mc was holding and cuddling his hand while they were sleeping, he didn´t even think anything could be better than this exact moment! but he was able to hold himself back with the squealing, he can´t wake Mc not only would it ruin their moment but he also knows how Mc get´s when they don´t get enough sleep, he´s shuddering just remembering the last time someone woke Mc up and they didn´t get enough sleep
he was even think of taking a picture of them sleeping but he can´t even imagine what his brother´s would say when they would see and he placed it to far away there is no way he could get his phone without waking Mc, it´s eerie how quick they wake up sometimes
it´s also bad because Mc fell asleep on him and his limbs are starting to fall asleep, there is no way he can stop this uncomfortable feeling without waking up Mc and ruining their perfect moment
he just decided to collect all of his courage to give Mc a little kiss and tried his best to fall asleep again
when Satan wanted to close his book he noticed that he couldn´t move one of his arms and saw that Mc fell asleep besides him and started hugging his arm in their sleep
he was so engrossed in his book that he completely forget Mc was also there, he took a look at their sleeping face and as much as he knows it makes him sound like some kind of creep, he loves nothing more than seeing their sleeping face Satan rarely sees them look as relaxed as they are now and when he sees the peaceful look they have he can just feel his anger leave his body and be replaced with the love he has for Mc
he noticed that some of their hair fell into their face and moved it away he used this moment to take a closer look at Mc and noticed the book they read which was still in their hands and to his surprise it was his favorite book about cats
he felt himself smile when he saw it, Satan knows that just like with the majority of his book they read it so he has someone really close to him that he can talk about them
Satan kissed their forehead, took them into his arms and fell asleep
Barbatos went to his room after he finished the last of his tasks, but he does feel bad about Mc who wanted to to spend time with him and was to stubborn to leave when he told them that he won´t have time for them
of course the stubborn Human decided to stay no matter how long it would take him and as much as he sometimes dislikes this trait of them, seeing them sleeping on his bed does make him glad that they are such an infuriatingly stubborn creature other wise he would have never seen the peaceful look they have now
he wanted to move some of their away from their face when Mc decided to move in their sleep and of course they unconsciously decided to trap his arm with no way for Barbatos to get it back, unless he would want to wake them up that is
Barbatos decided to do the best about the situation and decided to take a look around his room, he saw a small box from Madam Scream´s which were filled with his favorite Macaroons but also a Tea set he saw when he went out with Mc and Tea leaves not only from the Human World but also the Devildom and the Celestial Realm
Barbatos couldn´t help but smile at Mc´s gift, he moved into his bed alongside Mc and decided to take them into his arms, he gave them a kiss on the forehead and decided to lay with them until they wake up
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chiyuumiii · 11 months
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Earth-42 Miles Morales/F!Reader
[TAGS: Prowler Miles Morales, Miles Morales, Miles G. Morales, Female Reader, Fluff, Just Pure Fluff, Cuddles and Love, Morning Kisses, Sleepy Kisses, Forehead Kisses, Prowler Miles sneaks in through your bedroom window and cuddles with you hehe, Vigilante, Miles saves you from a bunch of ew creepy men, Secret Relationship, Secret Love]
Note: TW: Mentions of harassment, slight drugs, Google Translated Spanish, Bad/Decent Writing, Typos, Grammatical Errors!
Point it out if I missed something <3 Thank you!
This is part 2 of a fic! Check my blog to read the first part if you haven't &lt;3
He begrudgingly climbed up on your roof, lifting himself up by your windowsill. Though, it was difficult to see you from the moist coating of the panes. He sighed softly, he held onto the heel of the roof and sat, glancing over at the sky as he took sight of its beautiful dark hues. He silently took a break from his vigilante duties, with only the wind howling in his ears soothing all his injuries.
He left after a short while as he noticed the sky getting brighter by the minute, returning back to his own room, slipping through the window and putting his gear back in secure places.
You were completely oblivious of his visit to your place.
Honestly, he just wanted to make sure you got home safe and sound. But it might've been more than that, y'know?
The Prowler has a heart, too.
You yawned sleepily, rubbing your eyes and blinking rapidly, glancing over at your plugged phone, only to realize, the cord came off, yay!
“I'm such a fucking dumbass..” You groaned, you checked its battery percentage, 42 percent.
“That can do, I guess.” You sighed, sitting on the edge of your bed and scrolling through your phone like you always do. 
You noticed a news article on a website, discussing The Prowler, the image on the thumbnail showed the vigilante that rescued you the night before. You never knew that was his alias, since he didn't bother to tell you last night.
You clicked on the link, intrigued by it. Scrolling through, you found out more about him, I guess he wasn't much of a vigilante, seeing as his criminal records involved…some things. But he still cares about citizen safety. Looks like his mom raised him well.
You plugged your phone, getting up and walking over to the bathroom to wash your face, gently applying some skincare products on it and rinsing it, then wiping your face.
“Hey.” A voice rumbled behind you, you flinched, looking at the mirror and turning around, it was The Prowler.
“What- How did you get in?! HOW DID YOU EVEN FIND MY HOUSE?!” You leaned up against your sink, a little frightened. You were befuddled by him.
“You don’t need to know,” He sighed, trying to sound heedless. “I just wanted to say I’m glad you got home safely last night.” He uttered inside of his mask, arms crossed over his chest.
“Yeah- Thanks…” You smiled sheepishly, though still in confusion and curiosity. “So…Are you gonna do anything else besides just stand there menacingly?” You chuckled nervously, raising your head slightly upward to see his mask.
You heard a soft sigh escape his lips, shaking his head before turning back to you. “I’ll leave now.” He exited your bathroom, slipping out through the window.
You watched him leave, curious about his identity and his true behaviour, walking over to the bed and sitting on the edge of it, staring at the window he left through.
You walked over to that window, gazing over at the morning sky above.
“That was…something.” You felt a smile paint onto your face involuntarily, a soft hue of pink visible on your cheeks. You then mentally shook it off and closed the window, locking it up securely and proceeding with your morning routine.
After that incident last night, you had to stay home. You couldn't bear going through that again, even if Prowler will be there, there's also a high chance he wouldn't.
You crawled up to your bed, scrolling at endless, repetitive posts on social media, it was boring…You had wished that vigilante would've stayed here much longer…
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
hey long anon back (another anon said they agreed w the “long anon” and that actually made me smile) here to apologize again out of courtesy of this long message even if you’ve said not to hehe (sorry for not listening to u)
WHAT THE HELL!!?!1!3?2?32 oh my lord. that ending is such a great way to leeway into what i assume will be the break point between jenni and alexia’s endings. thanks for already breaking my heart… again.
i was just wondering throughout this part if bambi was going to be considered for her own input on this decision. she’s obviously young but she’s ultimately going to be the one most affected by these decisions… but upon reflection i guess it would be hard to conduct that sort of conversation. maybe we can put bambi in an interrogation room and just straight up ask her who she prefers and connect her to a lie detector test (what’s another round of trauma going to do to her at this point? kidding. love u bambi i’m here for u and u only now) but seriously i feel like bambi’s rationale or input on how she’s feeling about either jenni or alexia is sort of needed… idk. maybe it’s just me?
eli telling alexia to think with her head and not her heart is so so real. both jenni and alexia definitely have their own opinions but i still do think jenni’s being more rational about everything—(hear me out alexia agenda) jenni has always wanted bambi and even if she’s expressed jealousy that she was alexia’s and not jenni’s… jenni ultimately has always thought about what was best FOR bambi. the argument that bambi is biologically alexia’s and thus should stay with her isn’t my cup of tea because it isn’t a matter of who claims the child… it’s a matter of who is the better caretaker. jenni’s proven to be just that. she’s had her pitfalls: not immediately realizing the signs of meningitis (even if it DID seem like she clocked symptoms but not what was happening… if that makes sense), inadvertently frightening bambi in the hospital. but what she does is always FOR bambi, and that manifests itself in her mindset and actions.
for alexia things seem unnatural. a lot in terms of bambi was sort of done for alexia and her own feelings/gain. injured i, for example—i sort of got the feeling alexia snapped at eli so she could hold bambi to regulate her feelings, to try and make herself feel better now that she’s lost her chances at playing in the euros. she comments that she’ll be able to spend more time now with bambi but that feels so bitter to me. putting bambi in football even if there were no results and then being disappointed was for herself too—it shows especially in her pride of jaume being a footballer later on. eli’s the one to suggest ballet and then alexia feels proud because bambi’s got alexia’s determination and drive. and it sucks she only truly sees this drive because she never used to spend time at the studio anyway. at the price of bambi’s happiness (to see her mother watching her at something she loves to do) alexia chooses to routinely run errands instead. buying her trains was probably the only thing done FOR bambi to flourish her interests and it makes me so upset bc even after all that i still feel bad for alexia 😭
again jenni is rational and knows her place. bambi is biologically alexia’s, and alexia has the last say. she’s respectful and won’t admit her deeper, darker feelings towards alexia’s now-tainted relationship with bambi. i like that her sole focus is bambi (the fact she’s thought through the ballet studio near her apartment and the fact that her club is good for childcare too has me so soft.) and while alexia’s made THE bad™️ mistake, and she IS trying to make things right… her rationale is to keep bambi for herself. to fulfill the perfect family picture she’s painted in her mind. there are instances where she admits jenni’s probably better (because she is) and so i’m lost again truly trying to imagine what it’d be like in alexia’s ending over jenni’s. would jenni still be present in bambi’s life in alexia’s version? can jenni move back to spain in either outcome? that way (again) bambi’s not uprooted from her entire family in spain and so jenni can ultimately be bambi’s primary caretaker and easily facilitate bambi seeing eli and alba <3
alright idk if i’ve made any sense… sorry if i didn’t 🫣 ps. thank you for treat you better iii <3 codi’s my most favourite person ever tbh. flowers for you and for codi! 💐 what’s your fav flower?
Bambi didn't get any input at all. It was completely out of her hands, mainly because she doesn't fully understand the situation she is in despite it all revolving around her. She doesn't understand the intricacies and just how close she was to having it affect her in a much more severe way. There's a chance that if they ask her then she'll choose whoever is her current favourite. She can't think about the long-term effects of her decision. But she should have gotten some input but Eli's right. Alexia (at the moment) has all the rights to Bambi so if she doesn't want to do something then nobody can force her to.
Jenni has always been in Bambi's corner from the very beginning but she definitely does have her pitfalls and the longer the situation goes on the more jealous and spiteful she gets. She's been caring for Bambi for at least a month now and Bambi's at that age where she mimics what she sees and all Alexia can see in Bambi now is Jenni. The only thing she has to grab onto (proof that Bambi is still her daughter) is that they're biologically related. That and Bambi having Alexia's drive is the only thing Alexia can think of that still gives her a connection to Bambi.
My favourite thing is when you guys pull in the wider context of the previous parts and the little things in the future too. Alexia in Injured is inherently selfish in her parenting style sometimes (it's something she works on in the future though). She is successful in football and she wants the other aspects of her life to be successful too and sometimes she's a bit blinded in her chase for her idea of a perfect family which is slightly what happened with Bambi. She was too busy showing off her perfect new child that she forgot about her other perfect child.
I mentioned it before but being a mother (at least to Bambi at first) didn't come easy to Alexia. She suffered severely from PPD after Bambi's birth and even when she recovered, those feelings (and guilt) were still there implicitly and they definitely come out sometimes when interacting with Bambi. Again, it's something she works on in the future because no matter what Alexia feels that she just can't be a good mother to Bambi sometimes (which is where she admits that Jenni definitely just does it better than her) but on the other hand, she knows she can be a good mother. Alexia wants to be selfish because she knows she can be the mother Bambi deserves but she also knows that she can't be too selfish because Bambi deserves the best chance at life too and that might not be with her.
Jenni would definitely be in some aspects of Bambi's life in Alexia's Version but to a much lesser degree. Her friendship with Alexia in that version never quite heals because she will never get over Alexia not letting her keep Bambi.
At some point in Jenni's Version, they move back to Spain but not immediately. Jenni still has commitments in Mexico and the distance from Spain and Alexia is probably good for Bambi at the moment.
Codi is my underrated fav. Her little badge tap when she lifted the trophy was so sweet. She's such a cutie. Jonas needs to play her more.
My favourites are tulips 💐
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