#hello welcome to izzy does what izzy wants
lastavenged · 9 months
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Reminders about my Tigra
Since I'm pretty familair with most of Greer's canon from her creation in 1972 with The Cat to her current appearance in Moon Knight, she's gone pretty headcanon based.
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She's pretty beefed up with her own plot lines I wanna write for her and my ideas for a comic run to go in line with things like Scarlet Witch, Angela of Asgard, Nico Minoru, and other mystic/magic based marvel characters (after all in New Avengers it is shown that she was a potential candidate for being sorcerer supreme [2005] and in Misty Knight and Valkyrie's Fearless Defenders run [2014?] she is shown as one of the worthy to be shieldmaidens to Valkyrie) I have beefed her way the hell up
She's a mystic based character in the Marvel universe; now most of the mystic characters will definitely still be able to beat her in a magic fight but she has her tricks (given she has the ability to summon balkathar from the land within and can access the land within) and other things.
I've added back in some of the monstrous/werecat origins of her character; see West Coast Avengers (her struggle with having two souls), she is still incline to "Going Feral" and having to balance between the warrior Tigra and the human Greer, so she still worries about losing herself to "The Hunt/Tiger/Warrior" (not quite like hulk rage or werewolf by night but hey she can relate and has her own worries but typically always in control)
She's a tracker and a hunter first and foremost. This extends to being able to pick up and scent out magic as well. Physically I have made him her buffer, she's taller standing at 6'4" because let me have big tiger woman
Her individual plot is actually calling back to the glimpse of Tigra's apartment she had in 2005 New Avengers before her assault by The Hood (Parker Robbins) which when you look at her apartment it looks like it has a bunch of artifacts which we can assume are relics of the Cat People, which we know in canon is dwindling numbers on Earth 616. So Greer's mission is recover all the items and keep them safe.
The Midnight Mission is one of her top "things" she is up to in current canon. Speaking on the MM, the physical building which is the House of Shadows, her and the HOS have an understanding, she communicates with it and it's where she is keeping all the Cat People artifacts that she recovers and restores (given since some of these items are mystical, dangerous, and some are technically from a hell realm; they are safest in the HOS)
So the main things Greer does nowadays is raise her son William (homeschool, supplemented with superhero babysitters giving him lessons as well as he's part of a creche with the cat people in the land within that he visits when she needs to keep him safe as well as provide him a connection with their people), assist with all work coming through the Midnight Mission, some freelance work of her own (she's a hunter/tracker), and recovery of magical tools and artifacts
When I said that Greer was HC based, I mean this. Everything that has happened to her in comic canon reminds, but I've added more to that and beefed her up a lot (mostly to make sense of her being a candidate for sorcerer supreme and an asgardian shieldmaiden)
Also cause it's fun, she can probably dimension hop; just so I can 616 greer meets mcu folks and not have to fuss about my lack of mcu knowledge and the same can go for the mcu folks (considering she can access the land within which exists in the underworld/hades dimension)
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gardensgatekeeper · 1 year
Watching Over - Part 2
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Word Count: 1.9k
Notes: 18+ minors DNI! Swearing, mentions of nausea/sickness, anger/angst, mentions of cheating, mentions of death (non-graphic), fluff. Let me know if I missed any!
“You haven’t heard yet? Jenny Evans was found dead by the Kokosing River lookout point this morning.”
The world felt like it immediately stopped. My knees buckled as my body felt like it suddenly weighed three tons and I subconsciously clutched the counter to hold myself up.
Jenny’s dead?
This had to be some sort of sick, morbid prank. Maybe someone thought it looked like Jenny?
The visual of Danny leaving the house last night to go talk to her made my mind race. My stomach churned at the thought that he might have been one of the last people to see her alive. I tried not to entertain the thought that he could have had something to do with it, but I just couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling. 
Where is he? Does he know?
I quickly grabbed my things and told my coworker I needed to head out early, promising I’d cover for her later. The drive home felt like it took ages but I eventually found myself turning onto our street. I must have been too tired to remember not seeing his Jeep this morning, only recalling the memory as I pulled into the still empty driveway.
Racing inside, I dropped my bag and keys by the door and called out, hoping that maybe he was there. “Danny?” My voice wavered in an unfamiliar tone. My legs carried me to his room, only to find it unoccupied and untouched. Every other empty room I searched only made the dreadful feeling sink in that he wasn’t here. As much as I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt that maybe he’d been home while I was asleep or at work, it looked like he hadn’t come home at all last night.
The house that previously radiated a warm, welcoming presence suddenly felt cold and eerie. I paced around the living room, racking my brain for any logical reason that would explain Danny’s absence and this entire situation altogether. He wasn’t the type to just leave or disappear without letting someone know where he was.
I retraced my steps just in case I overlooked a note or anything that would explain where he could be. Something to rid the “What if?” thought in my brain.
Was he hurt, or worse, dead too?
I literally shook my head, trying not to jump to conclusions. Sitting in the chair adjacent to the front door, I stared blankly for what felt like hours, half expecting Danny to walk in at any moment and tell me what I needed to hear. The other half of me was still thinking this was just some nightmare that I would wake up from any minute. It wasn’t until the phone rang that I was quite literally scared out of my intense trance. Hopping up quickly, I picked the phone up off the receiver and answered.
“H-Hello?” I stuttered out.
“Hi, I’m looking for Isabella Rotterdam.” An unfamiliar man’s voice spoke through the receiver.
“Uh, this is she.” I replied back.
“Hello Miss Rotterdam, this is Sheriff Alan King with the Chesterville County Police Department. I’m sure you’ve probably heard by now about the tragic passing of Miss Jenny Evans. I was wondering if you could come down to the station for a bit and answer a few questions for us. You’re not in any trouble, we’re just trying to figure out what happened.”
My heart dropped to my stomach, the gravity and seriousness of the situation really sinking in now. I told him I’d be down as soon as possible before hanging up. Normally, Danny was my go-to person for any and everything. I wanted nothing more than to be able to confide in my best friend but that didn’t really seem to be an option at the moment, so I picked the phone back up and called the next best person.
“Hi sweetie! How was wo-” The cheerful voice sounded through the line.
“Mom.” She must have sensed my serious tone as she almost immediately was asking what was wrong. Surprised that she clearly hadn’t heard the news, I quickly filled her in.
“I don’t know where Danny is, and I don’t feel comfortable staying here alone tonight. Or at least for a few days, I just...I don’t know.” I sighed.
“Honey, you know you’re always welcome back home. You can stay with us as long as it takes to figure things out.” She reassured me.
“Thanks mom, really. I should probably go, They need me to answer a few questions down at the station. I’ll see you later.”
As I walked into the gloomy looking building, I was instructed by the receptionist to take a seat and the Sheriff would be out soon. The seating area was fairly small. Five chairs were centered around a beat up coffee table that had several random nature magazines strewn about. The faint radio chatter sounded eerie as I remembered why I was here in the first place. A chill ran through my body and I wasn’t sure if it was from the thought of Jenny being dead, Danny possibly being guilty, or the AC that was on full blast. Probably all three.
“Miss Rotterdam?” The familiar voice gained my attention. I stood up as he formally introduced himself. “I’m Sheriff King, we spoke on the phone earlier. Thank you for coming in, you can follow me this way.” He said as he led me down a small corridor with a bunch of doors that I assumed were offices of some sort.
One of the doors suddenly opened and the breath in my throat hitched as my blood ran cold at the sight. Accompanied by another officer, Danny stepped out into the hallway, his arms bound behind his back in handcuffs. Just as he was being led away, Danny turned his head and his eyes met mine. As cliché as it sounds, it felt just like in the movies where everything is in slow motion. He didn’t say anything and the expression on his face was completely unreadable; a look that I had never seen before. That terrified me.
Did he do it?
I felt the bile creep up my throat but quickly swallowed it down, shuddering at the utter disgust and discomfort at the thought that he could be capable of such a thing. It was impossible.
It wasn’t until Sheriff King cleared his throat that I turned my attention back to him and followed him again. Just before I entered the small room, I turned my head once more to see if I could catch a glimpse of Danny, but he was gone.
I sat in one of the two chairs positioned across from one another, a wooden table in between. As the Sheriff retrieved a small notepad and pen from the front pocket of his uniform, he offered me water and I gratefully accepted, thankful to wash away the taste of vomit lingering in the back of my throat.
After a brief moment of silence, he finally began with his questioning, starting by just confirming basic information like my name, occupation, and home address before moving on to more open ended questions.
“Can you walk me through your day yesterday?”
“Sure. Uh, I worked from 7-2 then me and Danny went over to my parents for dinner. We got back a little before 9 I think and Jenny called. I don’t know what she said but Danny left to go meet her. I pretty much went straight to bed after that since I had to work early again this morning.”
“Was that the last time you saw Mr. Wagner?”
“Danny. You don’t have to refer to him as Mr. Wagner.” I quietly offered. Hearing him referred to in such a formal manner felt so foreign. “But yeah. I’m not sure if he came back home while I was asleep. His car wasn’t in the driveway when I left for work this morning either.”
He nodded in response before continuing. “I assume that since you and Danny live together, you two are pretty close?”
“Yeah, he grew up a few houses down from my parents and we’ve been friends as long as I can remember. He’s practically my brother.”
“Right. Had he shared any information regarding his relationship with Miss Evans? Any recent disagreements?”
As much as I didn’t want to share the information I had, I couldn’t lie to the police, even if it didn’t help his case. I told him everything. He was still scribbling down notes and I couldn’t stop the words coming out of my mouth.
“Do you think he did it?”
He cleared his throat, sounding a bit caught off guard by my blatant question. “I do apologize Miss Rotterdam, but as the investigation is still ongoing, I’m not at liberty to discuss any details of the case.”
I hummed in response, wishing I paid more attention in Psychology in high school as if I would somehow be able to read his body language for an answer.
Soon enough, the interrogation came to an end. “Alright, I believe that’s all I have for you for now.” He retrieved a small card from his front pocket before handing it to me. “I’m sure this is a difficult time, but if you think of anything else, please don’t hesitate to give me a call. We’re here to help.” He offered, getting up to walk me out.
As soon as I exited the building, I found the nearest bush and emptied the contents of my stomach. I quickly composed myself before anyone saw me and returned to my car, immediately breaking down and crying, not knowing what to think anymore. This whole situation was so fucked. As much as I wanted to believe Danny wasn’t capable of such an act of violence, it didn’t help that he was with her last night. It just didn’t look good.
I gave myself a few minutes to pull myself back together again and drove back to the house to grab a few things while I stayed with my parents. I pulled onto our street and felt nauseous again when I saw two police cars parked out front. As I walked up the driveway, an officer walking out of the house saw me.
“I’m sorry ma’am, but this is part of an active investigation, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
“I live here. I’m staying with my parents and just needed to grab a few things.”
The officer hesitated for a moment but soon nodded and told me to make it quick. So much for being sympathetic. I was in and out in five minutes, not wanting to stay in that house longer than I needed. Soon enough, I was pulling in the driveway at my parents. My mom immediately embraced me in a tight hug when she opened the front door. My dad soon followed, taking my things up to my old bedroom.
“Oh honey, I’m so sorry this is happening. How are you feeling? Are you okay?” She pressed.
“Danny was there, at the station. They had him in handcuffs mom.”
Her expression changed to a look of shock mixed with sadness. She wrapped her arms around me once again in a comforting embrace. “We’ll figure this out.” She whispered.
“I’m scared.” I said quietly, trying my best to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall.
“I know, but you’re safe here with us. Your father and I won’t let anything happen to you.” She offered.
“Thank you mom. I think I’m just gonna go lay down, I’m pretty exhausted.” She nodded and I headed upstairs, taking a quick shower, trying to scrub away the memories of today until my skin was red. As I laid down and waited for sleep to take over, I only had one thought running through my brain.
Did Danny kill Jenny?
✶ ✶ ✶
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dragonmuse · 2 years
Can we get Pete visiting Callahan investigations and just seeing more of Izzy, how he works with other people, besides Lucius?
(we can!)
"Got stuck on security footage," Izzy said in lieu of hello as he opened the door. "We've got at least a half-hour more ahead of us. Didn't you get my text?"
"Must've come through when I was underground," Pete shrugged. "It's fine, left plenty of time to get there. I can hang. Hi Jim, Hi Read."
"Pete save us," Read groaned and dropped her head into her arms. "My eyes are going cross."
"You've only been here since noon," Jim grumped. "I've been here all day."
"Who could imagine that you'd have to ever work at work?" Izzy rolled his eyes at both of them and sat back down at his desk.
"I could help?" Pete offered. "Depending on what you're doing."
"Just looking for a guy who may or may not have showed up at this place over the course of twelve hours on six cameras," Read said, head still down, so it came out a little muffled. "You are welcome to it.
"He was there," Izzy's eyes were flickering over the cameras. "Leave Pete alone, this is a paying gig, not a volunteer operation."
"I really don't mind, not like I'm doing anything," Pete glanced between them.
"No," Read sat up and sighed. "He's right, I am actually earning money. Blech. Death to capitalism."
"I like money," Jim muttered and clicked at something a little viciously on their screen.
"I could...get coffee?" Pete offered. "Maybe some muffins or something?"
Three people went very very quiet.
"Oh fuck, please," Read squeaked out.
"Croissant," Jim said longingly.
Izzy sighed, "Yeah, coffee would be a damn mission of mercy."
So Pete got their orders and then the very specific request to get it from the place a block away and not the one across the street which was apparently 'overpriced dishwater' according to Izzy and 'kind of burnt' according to Read. Jim did not weigh in, watching the footage with renewed intensity.
The place a block away was ordinary enough, smelled good though. Pete put in the order, adding a coffee and scone on for himself.
Izzy: bring me back the receipt, I'll pay you back
Pete: don't care. barely anything
Izzy: tax write off for me. anyway it's not nothing.
Pete: ok. they've got pre-packaged stuff here, sure you don't want anything to eat?
Izzy: no
Izzy: thanks
His return was greeted by a cheer from Read and Jim's grunt of thanks upon receiving their desired pastry. Izzy took his paper cup and promptly pressed it to his forehead.
"Don't think that's how you get it into your bloodstream," Pete offered, resettling with his own purchases.
"Keeps the brain loose," Izzy muttered, but he did bring it down to his mouth for an actual sip.
"Boss?" Jim asked after another few minutes during which Pete had decimated half his croissant.
"Yeah?" Izzy didn't look away from his screen.
"Camera 5 glitches out at 2 AM, gone for...fifteen minutes."
"Shit," Izzy tapped at his computer then hissed. "Read, does 8 cover any of 5?"
"Some, it doesn't get the door, but you can see most of the hallway. I'll scan back, give me a sec."
"I'm going to track back 3," he decided. "Jim, try to see if anything happens on either side of the glitch. Any movement at all."
Pete ate a bite of his scone and sipped his coffee very quietly. The tension had ratcheted up.
"Nothing before," Jim let him know, "Tracking to the end now."
"There's movement on 8!" Read called out. "It's not a person though, looks like...huh. Squirrel."
"Fuck," Jim and Izzy chorused.
Silence resumed. Pete leaned back in the chair. The view behind Izzy was decent, mostly filled with the building across the street, but there was some skyline visible on the edges. The big plant in the corner had a single ornament hanging from it. A glass ball with a duck sitting inside.
"Hear me out," Read said into the crackling quiet. "What if we just lied to the client. Say he never showed. They can't prove otherwise."
Pete winced, prepared for Izzy to chew them out, but the man sighed, "Don't tempt me."
"C'mon boss," Jim got in on it. "What the fuck do we care?"
Izzy wavered, then shook his head. "It's just the last few minutes, we can nail it out. Buckle down."
"Fiiiine," Read huffed.
Pete hid a smile in his cup of coffee. Apparently long term exposure to Read and Jim had worn some of the edges off the man. Kind of cute, if you weren't dumb enough to say so out loud.
"Wait!" Read got to her feet and went over to Izzy. "Boss, check 3, timestamp is 3:38am."
Izzy clicked rapidly and then sucked in a breath, "When did that car show?"
"Not sure, but I caught a flash of jacket. Jim?"
"Yeah, yeah, I've got it up....yeah, that's him! He's not going in though, just standing around.....and then goes back to the car. That's why he didn't show on the security feed, he never went inside."
"He drop anything?" Then Read and Izzy were both on their feet, circling around to Jim.
Pete turned in his chair. This was better than Law and Order.
"Hold on," Jim pressed something. "There."
"That's it," Izzy was grinning and he reached over to slap Read on the back. "Good job. Get the hell out of here. Jim, screenshot and send, then you're free too."
"Yes!" Read didn't need to be told twice, racing back to her desk, grabbing up her coat and phone. "You want me to feed Sweeney tonight, right?"
"Yeah," Izzy confirmed.
"Can I give him treats?"
"Not sure how I can stop you," he grumbled.
"Where are we meeting in the morning?" asked Jim.
"I'll text you the address. It's a meet and greet, want to go fly solo?"
They considered and then to Pete's surprise, shook their head. "Ewan sent them our way, right?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Probably closer to your age. They'll take you more seriously than me."
Izzy weighed that, then nodded, "Probably. All right, I'll do the intros then you can lead it."
Within five minutes, it was just Pete and Izzy left. Izzy heaved a sigh as he shut off his computer.
"We can skip it," Pete offered.
"Nah, just need to look away from the screen for a bit."
"Kind of surprised you wanted to go in the first place," Pete admitted.
Which was a good question and Pete considered his answer until they were out in the hall.
"You don't usually go in for light-hearted stuff. When we first met, I kind of thought you were against fun on principle."
"Turns out that's called clinical depression," Izzy shrugged. "Anyway, I always liked cars and chaos."
When Pete had been bequeathed the tickets from John, he'd told Lucius about them without much hope and had been summarily rejected. Then told Maybe ask, Iz. He might go for it. Pete had texted him, preparing for the curt no that met many suggestions aimed in that direction.
It had not been forthcoming. Instead he got a what time?
So here they were.
Off to a Monster Truck Jam. Life was certainly long and strange.
Izzy was, unsurprisingly, a loud viewer which made Pete want to yell too, so by the time Lucius texted demanding a selfie, they were both flushed and sweating.
Lucius: nice. maybe I should come next time.
Pete considered that, watching Izzy chew on a straw with extreme prejudice then jump to his feet as Gravedigger crushed a car.
"Fuck 'em up!" He shouted.
Pete: love you, babe. you're not invited.
Lucius: Love you too! Glad you guys are having fun.
"Bet you Wonder Woman scores higher."
"How much?" Izzy cut a glance over at him.
"Next round of beers."
"You're on."
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
♡ Welcome to my blog ♡
Enjoy your stay, and while you're scrolling
Take a look at this
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☆About me☆
Behold, the unhinged raccoon is here. Name's Izzy, I'm 22 and my pronouns are they/them. Just intj himbo doing silly little stuff
If you're here then you are now my gremlin and I'm your new dad, it's the law so don't fight it.
Having the embarrassing life purpose of obsessing over pretty men, even prettier women and everything that my little stinky funky brain finds neat.
Hey! I draw too sometimes. Not the best but I try
I'm like really socially awkward but I make up for it by USING ALWAYS ALL CAPS TO SCREAM AND ASSERT DOMINANCE
I speak Italian, English and Spanish. And by speak I mean I commit grammatical crimes with all three of them.
I sometimes put song recommendations in my posts cause I think my music taste is pretty lit.
Giving the most atrocious and shitty takes is my passion not my purpose
I have, ironically, a passion for writing and reading but the attention span of a 3 year old i have been cursed with does not give zero fucks. My two braincells are fighting for their life to work with my hobbies
asks about the admi
About request and what I will and will not write:
pedophilia, zoophilia, incest, r4pe descriptions ecc.
Please don't request extreme kinks like feet, scat ecc.
I don't write smut bros im sorry, I've tried but its not my thing. I can do light NSFW things tho
Please don't request real life people such celebrities, serial killers ecc
if you want things such gore scenes, torture ecc. Being this a blog part of many dark themed fandoms I don't have a problem writing those type of things.
You can request ships too as long as they respect the guidelines
I will always try to have the reader depiction neutral in any aspect such gender, religion, sexuality, race ecc but if you want something specific just ask!
I take like a long ass time doing requests so just hang on and sooner or later I'll do yours dw. If I haven't done it it's because I just need to tune my funky brain into writing or because I'm just obsessing over other fandoms.
Everything will always have a tw if needed so read them carefully, they're there for a reason.
One shots
Multiple parts fanfic
I'll now start with the whole character sending letters thing
Prompts ask
About what characters/fandoms i write for:
The walking dead au
Asa emory Au
Any version of Michael Myers
Brahms Heelshire
Asa Emory (the collector)
Jesse Cromeans (laid to rest)
Jason Voorhees
Thomas Hewitt
Bubba Sawyer
The Sinclair Twins (house of wax)
Pyramid head
Corey cunningham (Halloween ends)
Tate Langdon
Kit Walker
Kyle Spencer
Jimmy Darling
James Patrick March
Oliver Thredson
Ezio Auditore
Desmond Miles
Yusuf Tazim
Clay kaczmarek
Arno Dorian
Milton Mamet
Negan Smith
Cardinal Copia
Elijah kamski
Gavin reed
Rk900 connor aka nines
Rk600 connor aka cyberlife tower connor
Call of duty modern warfare 2
Simon "ghost" riley
John "soap" mactavish
Hocus pocus
Billy butcherson
JoJo's bizarre adventure:
Jonathan joestar
Dio brando
Caesar Zeppeli
Phantom of the opera
The phantom aka Eric
The last of us
Tommy Miller
Joel Miller
Ellie Williams
Spider-Man into and across the spiderverse
Miguel O'Hara
The Spot
Peter B Parker
Peter Parker (Miles's universe)
Overall just tell me what you want, follow these guidelines, be nice and I'll be more than happy to take your request!
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izzyspussy · 2 years
NO because Now i want Ed to bottle up all his shit until one night, he and Izzy are having their middle of the night bonding sessions and Ed just fucking Snaps about why Izzy refuses to tattoo a penis on his arm I can’t believe you’ve decided that the love is in the penis tattoo
it happens in canon hang on bear with me here
and izzy's brain entirely turns off because what. what the fuck. and so his dumbass mouth says, "what kind of dick."
and ed, excited because he's thinks they're getting somewhere, he thinks they're flirting, they're having a good old fashioned love confession, says, "your dick ;)"
and izzy, brain still off, says, "i'm not that good of an artist, boss."
and ofc ed thinks that means NO ed thinks that means I DON'T LOVE YOU ed thinks that means I HATE YOUR STUPID DICK(S) and gets real sad and goes crying into stede's arms and stede has no idea what the deal is but loyally gives izzy the ol stink eye
but actually izzy was just talking shit because he didn't know what was happening, but then LATER he's like you know what actually i was right. i can't tattoo my own dick on him. not with any accuracy. and ofc iz HAS to give ed EXACTLY what he asked for. that's literally his Whole Thing. so he alsjflkassss. he. he asks lucius to draw his dick on ed so that he can then tattoo over it.
and lucius does it because like. lmfao what is he gonna do say no?? to this freak ass bonkers ass shit??? hello???? so he does it. of course. and then he's like ok great good for you guys. don't ever include me in your shit ever again. you're welcome.
and then izzy tattoos over lucius's uncomfortably realistic drawing of his own dick and ed cries because he's so happy about it.
you. are welcome.
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
TO LOVE AND BE LOVED - Part Two (Harry Styles)
a/n: you guys thank you so much for all the love you’ve showed part one!! 🥺 im so happy you like the story! i wanted to post part two a little later, in the weekend but i got so happy for all the reactions that i decided to move it earlier so here it is! i’ll try to update soon, the longest it will take is one week probably. im working on my thesis and have a lot of school work so please be patient with me! feedback is very much welcomed, as always, your reactions and comments mean so much to me!!
pairing: CEO!Dad!Harry X Reader
warning: mentions of death, cheating and divorce
word count: 10.4k
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Pulling Izzy out of daycare dramatically lessened the amount of time she could spend with her friends, so the situation needs extra attention on her socializing. You’ve been trying to take her to the park as much as possible so she could meet with kids her age and Harry has been arranging a lot of playdates for her with her friends from daycare.
When you come back from meeting your brother for lunch on a Sunday, you are greeted with not two, but eight little feet running around the living room, many of Izzy’s toys have been brought downstairs and the coffee table is filled with fruits, snacks and drinks for the kids. You know the two little guests, it’s Yara and Zac, the three of them were like a little gang back when Izzy was attending daycare. Yara’s moms and Zac’s mom are sitting on the terrace, letting the kids roam around freely, Harry is in the kitchen preparing some sandwiches for the guests when you arrive back.
“Hi, do you need help with anything?” you ask, catching his attention.
“Oh, hi! No I’m fine, thank you. How was lunch with your brother?”
“Great,” you smile at him before leaving him to do whatever he has to do.
“Miss Y/N!” Yara greets you, waving in your way while munching on an apple slice.
“Hello Yara, Zac,” you smile at them before walking out to the terrace to greet the parents. “Hi! Ava, Saige, it’s nice to see you again. And Linda, hello!”
“Y/N, hi! Harry told us you might return soon, so good to see you!” Ava greets you as you join them at the table. They’ve been the nicest parents while you were working at the daycare, though you weren’t the only victim of the closed-minded cowards that got you fired. Ava and Saige have faced quite a lot of backlash for basically daring to be a same-sex couple out in the open. You’ve heard many complaints from other parents about how they don’t want them to pick up their daughter together. Apparently, it’s confusing for the kids to see two women to be the mothers of the same child. Ridiculous.
“I was out having lunch with my brother. How have you been?”
“Things are the same, you know,” Saige shrugs with a scowl. “But your firing has got us thinking about pulling Yara out as well.”
“Yeah, it’s starting to get really ridiculous. I mean it’s one thing that we get weird looks, but firing you was kind of the last straw,” Ava nods.
“And how have you been here, Y/N? How is working for Harry?” Linda asks.
“Oh, it’s amazing, really. I love taking care of Izzy, she is so easy to handle and I love seeing her learn and grow. And Harry is a great boss, I got really lucky.”
“Lucky indeed!” Ava smirks, making them all laugh as you feel yourself blushing. “Even I sometimes dream about the man,” she adds, keeping her tone down.
“How do you keep your cool?” Linda sighs. “If I had to live with this man, I would go nuts.”
“Well, Izzy keeps me pretty busy, and he is my boss, so…”
“It’s not like HR would be up your ass if you got involved,” Saige shrugs, taking a sip from her iced tea.
You don’t get to react, the kids run out, taking over the playground, Harry arriving right behind them with a plate filled with sandwiches for the guests.
“Ladies, sorry for the wait,” he smiles, placing the food to the table as he joins your little circle.
“Oh Harry, thank you so much!” Ava sighs, grabbing one already. “We were just talking to Y/N about how big of an upgrade it is for her to work here.”
“Is it?” he asks, slightly surprised as he glances over at you.
“I mean, the paycheck is better and it’s clearly a better environment,” you chuckle shrugging.
“I just don’t know why Claire lets those assholes control the place. She is the boss there, she should stand up against them,” Linda scowls.
“She is just trying to avoid confrontation.”
“No, she is afraid they would stop paying the daycare the money, so she is an ass-kisser,” Saige scoffs, making you laugh.
“Well, at least I have Y/N now to take good care of Izzy,” Harry smiles, his eyes meeting yours and you swear your heart skips a beat when he says that he has you.
“Lucky bastard!” Ava throws her hands into the air, making everyone laugh.
Enjoying the company, you stay outside instead of locking yourself up in your room. It’s nice to see the moms occasionally pick on Harry, they surely like to joke about him being a hot single dad, but he usually just blushes and smiles at the compliments. Linda and Zac leave first, then Ava, Saige and Yara head home as well when it’s nearing five in the afternoon. Though Harry tells you to just leave the cleanup for him, you insist on helping.
“Now I feel bad you are working on your day off,” he huffs as you help him around in the kitchen.
“It’s not working,” you roll your eyes. “I live here too, of course I’m gonna help keeping it clean.”
“You know, if your brother ever wants to come over, feel free to invite him.”
“Might take your word, because he is very curious about the place,” you chuckle. Harry smiles as he starts washing the dishes.
“He is welcomed anytime.”
“Thank you.” Putting away the snacks that was left you start drying the dishes while he is washing them, working next to each other in silence. Unlike his usual attire, he is now wearing just a plain white t-shirt with light-washed jeans. “You’re quite the moms’ favorite,” you tease him, earning a soft chuckle from him.
“Saige and Ava like to pull my leg, but I know they mean well.”
“They are great people, I always liked them,” you smile glancing at him.
“I remember when I first met them at a parents’ meeting, they spotted how lost I was among all the moms and asked if I wanted to sit with them. Then Izzy became friends with Yara so we met quite a few times.”
“I find it a little funny we never met while I was working at the daycare. Izzy was in my group for almost a year and we just never ran into each other.”
Harry licks his lips before turning his gaze to you, finishing up the dishes and turning the water off.
“I saw you.” Your eyebrows shoot up. How did you not see him?
“Yeah, just a few times. Mostly it was Ruth who picked up Izzy these past few months. I had a huge project that ended just before you started here, so I didn’t have the chance to pick her up that much. But I saw you a few times. You were just always busy with the kids, I guess… you didn’t notice me,” he shrugs, holding his arms on his chest as he leans against the counter.
“It could get pretty intense sometimes even though it was just a daycare,” you chuckle, remembering to all the tantrums and fussy dramas that happened between the kids. Sometimes it felt more like a high school than a daycare, especially when friends were taken and lovestories happened through lunchtimes.
“Daddy! What are we having for dinner?” Izzy runs into the kitchen, tippy-tapping her hands on the counter that she can barely reach.
“Macaroni and cheese.”
“Yes! Maccy cheese!” Izzy cheers throwing her hands into the air. Harry smiles down at her, ruffling her hair and you can’t push down a smile at what she just called mac and cheese.
Harry starts prepping for dinner, he puts on some music that Izzy dances to and though you try to leave them be and enjoy their alone time, Izzy insists you stay and help as well.
“Izzy, let Y/N do what she wants, this is her day off,” Harry warns her, making her pout her lips at you. Not that you would have said no to her, but now you definitely can’t leave.
“It’s alright. I’m happy to help.”
Izzy sits on the counter in a safe distance from the stove, her duty is to watch the pasta cook while Harry takes care of the sauce and you set the table, knowing it won’t take long for the food to be ready.
“Daddy?” Izzy speaks up, tilting her head to the side.
“Yes, baby?”
“I love Maccy cheese. Does mom like it too?”
Harry’s eyes flicker over to you, as if he is embarrassed you caught a moment that shouldn’t have been revealed and you can tell he is still kind of torn how to handle the mentioning of his late wife. You keep a straight face, making yourself busy with cleaning off the counter top. You wouldn’t want to make him think he can’t talk about Maggie in your presence.
“Um, yeah. Mommy loves mac and cheese,” he nods, giving her knees a little squeeze before moving her off the counter to take care of the pasta.
Your eyes meet Harry’s gaze when you bring some water to the table and you can tell he is still thinking about the slip you just heard, but you give him a soft smile, trying your best to assure him nothing bad happened.
Izzy babbles through dinner about everything she did with Yara and Zac today, excited to see them as soon as possible and Harry promises her to arrange a meeting for them in the park sometime next week. You try to help with cleaning up, but Harry doesn’t let you, so pouring yourself a nice glass of wine you sit in the living room to watch some TV before going to bed. After dinner, Harry takes Izzy upstairs to give her a bath and once that’s done she is allowed to play some more in her room.
Harry joins you soon on the couch with a glass of wine as well, seemingly tired from all the socializing he did. Peeking at him while the evening news is playing on the screen, you notice that he is not even paying attention, deep in his thoughts he is pulling on his bottom lip like he always does whenever he is deep in focus. You have a guess what he is thinking about, but you want to give him the time and space to figure out if he is ready to share or not.
“I, uhh—I never really told you why it’s just Izzy and I,” he speaks up and you turn to him with patience, knowing the importance of him bringing it up. “My wife… Maggie, she… We got married about six years ago and then two years later we had Izzy. She was six months old when Maggie…”
He is struggling to find the words, or to just even think about it and you don’t want him to feel like he has to tell you about any of it.
“Harry, you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
“No, I want to. I always feel bad that I don’t talk about her, makes it look like I’m trying to forget about her, but that’s not at all the case, it’s just… hard to think about how long it’s been and I still feel like it was just… last week.”
Harry sniffles and you’re not sure if it’s because he is getting emotional to the point where he is going to start crying or it’s nothing significant, but you feel the urge to assure him about your support. Reaching over you put your hand to his arm, giving it a gentle squeeze. His eyes first fall to your hand and then to you, a sense of softness shining back from his green irises as he lets out a shaky breath.
“It was a car accident. She was driving home late night from her sister’s and a drunk driver ran the red light, crashed right into her car. They both were rushed into hospital, but Maggie’s lungs collapsed and she… they couldn’t help her. The guy had surgery and though he broke quite a few bones and had a serious concussion, he survived.”
You have to bite into your bottom lip, already feeling the tears welling in your eyes, but you quickly blink them away. You can only imagine what it’s like to be called and find out your wife was killed because of the dumb mistake of someone else. And to think that Izzy was still so small, Harry was left with a baby and the immense grief so suddenly, it must have been the toughest time he had to go through.
“I’m really sorry, Harry,” you quietly tell him, his eyes flickering up to meet yours and they are glistening from the tears. He just nods, blinking a few times before drinking up his wine.
Before anything else could be said, you hear Izzy running down the stairs, soon throwing herself to the couch, cuddling to Harry’s side.
“Hey baby, want to go to sleep already?” he asks, softly brushing through her hair with his fingers. Izzy nods, blinking sleepily. Harry scoops her into his arms standing up from the couch and he is reaching for his empty glass, but you take it before he could.
“I’ll wash it, don’t worry about it,” you smile at him.
“Thank you,” he breathes out, holding Izzy tight before the two of them disappear upstairs.
You don’t stay out too long yourself either, washing the glasses you let a single tear run down your cheek before quickly wiping it away and heading up to your room.
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The past two years you’ve been taking gigs as a photographer more and more, going to weddings, birthday parties, baby showers or anniversaries to snap photos of others’ most precious moments. You are not a professional, nor do you treat yourself as one, but the more events you attended and the more work you put out, the more popular you started to get. Now you have about two bookings every month and you are able to ask for a quite impressive amount of money for a session that people are willing to pay for your pictures.
You’ve been putting off your gigs since you moved into the Styles mansion, wanting to focus on all the changes in your lives, but now that you’ve gotten quite used to your new life one month into it, you are getting back to your usual. This Saturday you’re doing a photoshoot of a soon-to-be-wedded pair who also booked you for their upcoming wedding in a few weeks. It’s kind of an engagement photoshoot since they couldn’t do one when they got engaged months ago, but they didn’t want to miss out on the chance to do one before they official tie the knot.
Harry and Izzy are planning to go to the zoo today, something she’s been begging to do for weeks now and Harry finally gave in, so all three of you are going to be quite busy today. The photoshoot takes place at this fancy, mid-century styled café the couple chose, so you decide to dress up yourself a little too. Putting on a maroon colored pencil skirt that hugs your hips and waist tight, you tuck into it a white silky blouse, making you appear like some kind of eyecandy assistant straight out of a Hollywood movie, especially with your low bun, which is less for the look but more for practicality, since you don’t like it when your hair gets caught in the straps of your camera.
Swinging your camera bag to one shoulder and your handbag to the other one, your camera hanging from your neck, you head downstairs, rushing a little because you’re short on time already. Izzy is sitting on one of the stools at the kitchen island while Harry is packing them some lunch and snacks for the day.
“Oh! Y/N, you look so pretty!” Izzy beams at you when you near the corner. She is dangling her legs playfully, her piggy tails curling adorably on each sides of her head. Harry’s head snaps up and his lips part upon spotting you.
“Thank you, Sunshine,” you smile at her, caressing her cheek, tickling her a little that makes her giggle.
“Where are you going?” she asks curiously.
“Izzy, don’t question her all the time, that’s not too nice,” Harry warns her, but you just shake your head.
“It’s alright. I have a photoshoot today. I have to take pictures of a couple that’s going to get married soon,” you explain to her and Harry’s ears perk up, eyeing the camera that’s hanging from your neck.
“I didn’t know you are a photographer,” Harry hums, closing the cooler.
“Well, I’m not a professional, but I’ve been doing photoshoots here and there.”
“That’s amazing!” he smiles warmly.
“Thanks. Well, I gotta go because I’m running a little late. Have fun at the zoo!” you smile, at them before walking out. You reach the front door but stop for a moment to read the text the bride has sent you letting you know they are running a little late as well. That’s when you hear the conversation between Harry and Izzy coming from the kitchen.
“She looked so pretty!” Izzy sighs. You expect Harry to just hum or ignore her words, but for your surprise, he answers her.
“Yeah, she really does.”
You blush like a teenage girl, feeling your heart fluttering in your chest as you smile, walking out of the house.
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The father-daughter duo is still out when you get home later. You make yourself a tea and sit out to the terrace with your computer, starting to edit the photos right away so you can send then over to the couple as soon as possible. They turned out pretty good, you love the colorful vibe the café had and it went well with the pair’s outfits.
You get so into editing that you don’t even notice Harry and Izzy arriving home, just when the sliding door opens and Izzy runs up to you, holding a stuffed animal that appears to be an otter.
“Y/N, look what daddy got me!” she cheers holding up the toy.
“Oh my god, it’s really cute!” You pull her to sit on your lap as she hugs the toy, clearly happy to have a new addition to her already existing army. Harry walks out with a bottle of water and a glass. Joining the two of you at the table, he pours some water for Izzy and makes her drink it.
“We spent an entire hour watching the otters,” he chuckles, brushing Izzy’s hair out of her face as she chugs the water down.
“Can’t blame you, they are really cute,” you chuckle. Izzy puts the empty glass down and hops off your lap before announcing that she is gonna show her new toy around in the backyard before running away from you.
“Are those… the pictures from today?” Harry shyly asks, eyeing your laptop’s screen.
“Oh, yeah. Wanted to get a headstart on editing,” you nod turning it so he can have a better look. “Want to see what I got so far?”
“Of course!” he nods smiling.
You click through the photos you’ve already edited, there are about ten in total and you’re quite satisfied with how they turned out to be.
“Wow, they look… really good, Y/N.”
“Thank you,” you smile blushing a little.
“What events do you usually do?”
“Mostly weddings and engagement shoots, birthdays, these kinds of stuff.”
“It’s really amazing,” he nods smiling.
“I… Hope you won’t be mad but I’ve shot a few pictures of Izzy too these past weeks,” you admit, hoping he won’t get upset for you, doing it without his permission. “I didn’t use them anywhere, I wasn’t planning to, I just thought they were nice moments.”
“Oh, can I see them?”
“Of course!”
Opening up the folder you put her pictures into, you start clicking through the few photos you took of her. There’s one of her during her swimming lesson, laughing happily as she holds onto the edge of the pool, her wet locks sticking to her head. Then there’s one when the two of you were baking cupcakes and she got icing all over her face and tried to lick it off, her tongue sticking out on the picture. There are some of her just roaming around the backyard, exploring the bugs hiding in the grass, some of her napping with her favorite stuffed animals on the couch and then the last one was taken when she was jumping in her bed, you caught her up in the air, the widest smile on her face as she was laughing straight into the camera.
“Y/N, these are… wow. They are all so good, I love them!”
“Really?” Your smile grows wide, happy that he likes them.
“Yeah! Do you think… do you think you can send them to me?”
“Of course! I can get them printed for you, if you’d like. There’s a place where I go to get my photos printed, they make them look like they were taken on an analog, old school camera, I love that little extra touch on the pictures.”
“That would be fantastic,” he smiles, clearly in awe of your work.
You spend the rest of the afternoon editing while Harry and Izzy take over the kitchen as usual. When you’re on your way up to your room with your laptop after you decided to call it a day, you catch them in there, Izzy making Harry dance around with her while they are chopping the veggies. Harry is swaying his lips to the rhythm, humming to the song as Izzy is jumping and twirling around, singing from the top of her lungs. Despite the terrible loss of her mother, there’s no doubt Izzy is having the best possible childhood, getting all the love she deserves from her dad and you feel happy you are here to witness them grow together.
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You did not see your parents’ divorce coming, probably because it’s been over six years since you’ve moved out and you only saw them every other week at best. You always tried to come around as often as possible, wanting to spend time with Trevor and of course, them as well, but you had to focus on building your own life. You had to worry about your work, your own living space and not much later you started dating Keith so you were pretty busy to say the least. You weren’t there when things started to go downhill, but Trevor was. He had to suffer through every fight and screaming match they had without any support and you’ve always felt guilty about it, but you couldn’t just move back home. However you’ve always tried to do everything you could to support him through these hard times. He knew he could call you anytime he had enough of the spiteful atmosphere at home and you were quick to come to his rescue.
You were mad at your parents, there’s no need to lie about it. But not because of getting a divorce, you knew better than to expect them to suffer in a marriage they weren’t happy in, but the way they handled has always been just… unacceptable. Especially because in the midst of their anger and hatred towards each other they started to forget that they still had a kid living home who had to listen to everything they threw at each other, things no son should ever hear about his parents, no matter if they were true or not.
Being a teenager in high school is stressful enough as it is, but having to deal with your parents’ nasty divorce is just something no teenager should have to go through. Trevor has been dealing with it for a while now and he is trying his best to just shut them out whenever they are going at it, but sometimes it’s not that easy. That’s when he seeks comfort at you.
It’s a Thursday evening when your parents decide to drive Trevor up the wall with their screaming and fighting again. You’re watching a movie with Izzy and Harry in the entertainment room, working on your laptop simultaneously, confirming some photoshoots for the upcoming weekends. Harry has let Izzy play with his hair while watching the movie, so now she is all over her daddy, decorating his hair with little hairclips and hair ties while the man is just sitting there without a complaint.
Your phone starts buzzing on the couch and Trevor’s photo is flashing on the screen. Putting the laptop aside, you grab your phone and walk out of the room not to disturb them with your call.
“Hey!” you greet him happily, but your stomach immediately drops when you hear him draw a shaky breath on the other end of the line. “Trev? What’s wrong?”
“Can I please spend the night at yours?” he pleads weakly.
“What happened, are you alright?” you perk up right away.
“It’s just… dad came over this afternoon and they went at it again and now they are doing it over the phone, mom is like really out of her mind right now. I have a math test tomorrow and I don’t think I can sleep here like this. She is still screaming at him over the phone.”
“I’m leaving right now, pack a bag, alright?”
“Thanks,” he breathes out and ends the call. Rushing back into the entertainment room Harry turns to you while Izzy is still busy with his hair.
“Uh, I know it’s really sudden and all, but my brother just called, would it be fine if he spent the night over here?” Even though Harry himself told you it’s fine to have people over, you still feel like you need to ask for his permission, especially if your guest is planning to stay the night.
“Is he alright? Of course he can come over.” Sitting straight up he asks Izzy to sit down a little which she gladly does, turning her attention towards the movie.
“It’s just, um, our parents are having another scream match. They are… They are in the middle of getting a divorce and they are not handling it right,” you let out a bitter chuckle.
“Oh, I’m sorry about that. Do you need me to come with you? You seem very upset, you sure you can drive?”
“No, it’s alright, but thanks. I’m fine. I’ll be back soon with him and thank you so much for letting him stay,” you breathe out. He just nods with a sympathetic smile before you turn around and leave.
Through the drive over to the house where you grew up your anger just grows with each turn you take. You love your parents to death, they raised you in a quite unusual and hard situation, they had to grow up with you when they had you so young, but they always made sure to give you everything you needed. And you know they have the same kind of love towards Trevor, but their hatred for each other is blinding them and they probably don’t even realize how much it affects him, but you are not letting them ruin everything because they fell out of love. Trevor deserves the same kind of supportive and loving environment to grow up in just like the one you had and there’s nothing that could change that.
Pulling up to the driveway you take a deep breath as you march up to the front porch and use your keys to let yourself in. The shouting hits your ears right away, it’s coming from the kitchen, but Trevor is the first one you spot on the top of the stairs. His hood is on and he has a backpack in his hands as he comes down the stairs with a pained and tired face.
“Hey! Left the car open, go get in there, I’ll be out in a minute,” you softly tell him as you give him a quick hug.
“Thanks,” he mumbles before walking out.
Following your mother’s voice to the kitchen you find her with a half empty bottle of wine, cussing your father out through the phone.
“Go and fuck that bitch you went out to have dinner with last weekend! Yes I know about that!” she spats and you wince at her words.
“Mom!” you call out, but she doesn’t even register your voice.
“Fuck you, Fred! Fuck you!” she continues, so you raise your voice a little more.
“Mom!” This time she finally hears it and turning around she looks at you with wide eyes.
“Y/N! What are you doing here? You didn’t say you were coming,” she adds, her voice soft and weak this time, the anger long gone from it.
“I’m here to pick Trevor up. Put dad on speaker, I want to have a word with you two,” you tell her firmly and she gulps hard, nodding as she sets the phone to the counter, putting your dad on speaker.
“Y/N? What’s going on?” you hear him question from the other end of the line.
“I could ask the same thing!” you snap back, fed up with the way they have been acting. They might have lost a good chunk of their youth because they were busy taking care of you after having at just nineteen, but that doesn’t give them the right to act like literal cavemen in front of your brother.
“Trevor called me all upset, begging me to come and get him. What is wrong with you two? You have been at each other’s throats all the damn time, it is not healthy not just for Trevor but to either of you!”
“Y/N, sweetie, there’s just a lot going on—“ your mother tries to explain, but you cut her off.
“I don’t fucking care! Whatever is going on between the two of you, Trevor should be first! No matter what! He needs you both, he needs the support and love, but he is only getting the screaming and fighting. This is not right!”
“It’s a hard situation, you have to be patient with us, Y/N,” your father sighs over the phone and you can’t hold your ironic laughter back.
“Patient? I’ve been patient with you these past about five months since you’ve been literally tearing each other to pieces. Do yourselves and everyone else a favor and just get it over with. Dad, pick up all your stuff and don’t come here for mom’s sake. Mom, don’t snoop around dad’s life, because it’s not your business anymore. Stop being ignorant and maybe start to think about the kid you still have living near you.”
Your words might have been harsh, but it needed to be said. You can tell by your mother’s shocked expression and from the way your dad is dead silent in the call that your message finally hit them in the head and you hope they are willing to get their shit together so Trevor doesn’t lose his mind.
“Trevor is staying with me tonight, we’ll see when he wants to come back, but you better think about what I just told you,” you warn them before walking out and leaving them to think about their actions finally.
Trevor stays silent on the road back to Harry’s and you don’t try to force him to talk, it’s clear he has had enough for today. Arriving back home you park your car next to Harry’s Range Rover and the two of you walk inside in silence.
It’s past Izzy’s bedtime so you’re not surprised to find only Harry in the kitchen when you walk into the house. Harry seems cautious, almost worried as he spots you and Trevor in the hallway.
“Trevor, this is my boss, Harry. Harry, this is my brother, Trevor,” you introduce them to each other quickly. They shake hands with a manly nod.
“Thanks for letting me stay here tonight,” Trevor clears his throat, feeling a little out of place.
“No worries. Feel free to use any of the guest bedrooms,” Harry smiles softly.
“Oh, we’ll be fine sleeping in my room,” you assure him but Harry shakes his head at your words.
“We have plenty of space. Please, use them!”
“Thank you,” Trevor mumbles and you shoot Harry a thankful look before walking your brother upstairs.
You opt for the room next to yours, Help Trevor get comfortable, making sure he has everything he needs for the night.
“Did you get into a fight with mom and dad?” he asks, when you are sitting on the edge of his bed, about to leave him alone.
“I just told them to get their shit together,” you chuckle, giving his leg a squeeze under the covers. He cracks a smile at you, but it’s not as genuine as it should be. “I’ll drive you to school in the morning. My room is right next to this one, come over if you need anything, alright?”
“Thanks,” he mumbles, pulling the covers up to his chin.
“Good night, Trev,”you tell him switching the lights off and walking towards the door.
“Good night, Y/N,” he calls after you before you close the door, letting out a long breath.
As you make your way down to the kitchen you see that Harry is still there, his eyes snap up to you, filled with concern and worry.
“Everything alright?” he asks as you make yourself a tea.
“Yeah, he was just fed up with the constant screaming. I can’t blame him, my mother didn’t even realize I was there until I raised my voice at her.”
“I’m sorry about that. Must be hard dealing with high school and a nasty divorce.”
“It is,” you sigh. “But thank you for letting him stay, really.” “I meant it when I said it’s just as much your home as it is ours. He can come over anytime, don’t worry about that,” he shrugs.
“Thank you. I’ll drive him to school in the morning, but I’ll be back by the time you leave, is that alright?”
“Of course,” he smiles warmly. “You two look a lot alike.”
“We get that a lot,” you chuckle. “It’s the eyes and nose shape, I think. We got those from our mother.”
“People say I look like my sister too, but I don’t really see it, if I’m being honest,” he chuckles lightly.
“Yeah? Why?”
“No idea,” he shakes his head laughing. “I just don’t see it, but I couldn’t tell you really.”
Sipping on your tea you stay in the kitchen with Harry, the light conversation about his sister and eventually his mother eases the stress that has been gripping on your chest from the encounter you had with your parents earlier. You’re not sure if he tried to talk you through it because he saw how much you needed the distraction or if it’s just how he is, but either way, he really helped you to relax.
Cleaning after yourself the two of you head to bed, saying good night to each other before disappearing in your rooms.
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“This place is like… really huge,” Trevor sighs in awe when the two of you are eating breakfast together the next morning.
“I told you, it’s a mansion,” you chuckle, digging into your oatmeal. “I’ll show you around next time you’re here.”
“T’was nice of Harry to let me stay,” he hums.
“Mhm, he is a cool boss,” you smile at him.
“And kinda handsome…” Glancing at Trevor you see the sly smirk on his lips and you give him a stern look.
“Stop right there, alright? No funny thoughts!”
“Funny thoughts?” he laughs leaning back in his seat. “I just made a statement that he is a nice looking man, that’s it. Do you not agree?”
“I’m not commenting on the topic,” you diplomatically answer.
“On what topic?” Harry appears from the stairs, making you both turn his way. “Good morning,” he smiles warmly.
“Morning!” Trevor nods his way before he turns back to you, still smirking. You narrow your eyes at him before answering Harry.
“The topic doesn’t matter. Morning, Harry!”
He pours himself some coffee that you brew earlier before joining the two of you at the dining table. He strikes up a conversation with Trevor, asking him about school and his future plans once he graduates and luckily, Trevor is on his best behavior despite the comment he made earlier, he is not trying to put you into an uncomfortable situation. He knows better, because if he upsets you now, he will not be returning to the mansion, that’s for sure.
“Alright, get your stuff, we are leaving in five,” you tell him when both of you are done eating. Nodding he disappears upstairs as you take care of the dishes quickly.
“Is he staying tonight as well?” Harry asks, following you into the kitchen.
“Oh, no. I’m sure mom wants to talk to him after last night, so it’s better if he goes home.”
“Hope things will get easier for him,” he smiles and you return it, thankful that he let him stay here when he really needed a place for himself.
“Thanks for everything, Harry” Trevor smiles at him when he arrives with his backpack.
“Of course, come back soon, but under more peaceful conditions,” he chuckles nodding in his way.
“I’ll be back soon!” you call out before walking out of the house with your brother.
“So how long have you been crushing on your boss?” Trevor asks in the car and your eyes widen as you try to keep the car straight in the lane.
“Excuse you?”
“Come on, Y/N. It’s kinda obvious, you swoon at everything the man says, haven’t seen you this soft since your high school graduation,” he chuckles, finding your reaction quite entertaining, but you’re not enjoying the situation that much.
“I do not have a crush on Harry,” you shake your head laughing, but you can’t ignore the knot in your stomach at your own words. Was this that big of a lie?
“That’s too bad because I think he has a thing for you too,” he shrugs, carelessly staring out the window, like it’s that casual to discuss you and your boss having possible feelings for each other.
“When did you become an expert on these stuff?” you huff, glancing at him shortly before turning back to face the road.
“I’m not an expert, but I’m not blind either. And I saw the way he looked at you.”
“What way?” you scoff.
“Like he is thankful you are walking this Earth.”
“Did you take this from a rom-com on Netflix?” you tease him, but he just shrugs. “Of course he is thankful, I’m helping him with his daughter. It’s not easy being a single parent and I’m helping him immensely. But there’s nothing else behind that.”
“Sure, good luck convincing yourself,” he sighs when you park the car down at his school. “Thanks for the ride and the night too. I’ll call you later.”
Leaning over the console he gives you a quick hug before hopping out of the car and walking towards the main building.
Arriving back home you find Izzy sitting on the couch with a bowl of cereal on her lap, watching her favorite morning cartoon, but no sign of Harry and for a moment you get scared you got back too late, but then you realize he wouldn’t leave Izzy home alone.
“Hey Sunshine, did you sleep well?” you ask, caressing her rosy cheek as you join her on the couch.
“Mhm, what are we doing today?” she asks, showing a spoonful of cereal into her mouth.
“You have French class today with Lyon and in the afternoon I thought we could learn about otters. You seemed to like them a lot at the zoo.”
“Yes! They are so cute!” she cheers happily just when you hear footsteps coming from the stairs. Turning around you spot Harry walking towards the living room, but your lips part immediately when you see that he is putting on another shirt, his naked chest on display since he hasn’t buttoned it fully. What you saw not long ago from your balcony is now so much closer, the swallows peeking out from under the shirt and you see the little cross pendant hanging between his pecs, something you’ve only seen if he pulled it out of his shirts which didn’t happen that often.
Harry stops in his tracks when he sees you on the couch with Izzy and a blush paints his cheeks.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Didn’t know you were back,” he breathes out, his fingers working fast on the buttons to get himself presentable again though you wish he would just get rid of the whole thing… “Izzy spilled some juice on me so I had to change quickly,” he explains, finishing with the buttons and he quickly fixes it so he looks just as spotless as always.
“You poured too much into my cup!” Izzy defends herself furrowing her eyebrows at her dad.
“Of course it was my fault, who else’s would have it been?” Harry huffs as he presses a kiss to the top of her head. “Y/N, I have something to ask you.”
“Go ahead.”
“I know it’s pretty sudden and on a very short notice but could you maybe look after Izzy tonight? Niall called me and begged to meet up with him for a few drinks. I would call Ruth, but she is out of town this week.”
“Oh sure! No problem,” you smile at him.
“Are you sure you don’t have anything to do? Don’t feel pressured to say yes, I should have asked in advance, it’s just—“ “Harry, it’s fine. I’m okay looking after her tonight,” you assure him before he talks himself down from letting you do it. “Go have fun, you barely get out of the house without Izzy.” If you’re being honest the only place he goes to without his daughter is work and it’s a little saddening, he deserves some time out from his daddy duties.
“Thank you,” he smiles at you with gratitude. “I won’t be out too long, I promise.”
“No worries, have fun with Niall,” you wave in dismiss.
“Thanks. Have a great day. Be good, baby. I’ll see you in the afternoon.” Harry kisses Izzy’s forehead before grabbing his suit jacket, wallet, keys and phone and heads out to start his day.
“Alright, daddy is off to work and we also have a day ahead of us. Come on, let’s get started,” you smile at Izzy who nods in agreement.
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Harry swears he didn’t come home earlier than his usual because he feels bad for asking you to cover the evening, but you know that’s a blatant lie. He is home by three and frees you for the rest of the afternoon, leaving you with about two extra hours. He informs you that he would be leaving around seven, so dinner time will still be his duty, but you’ll have to put Izzy to bed at her usual time, which works perfectly for you.
A little before seven Harry disappears to take a quick shower and get changed before heading out, while you sit out in the living room with Izzy, reading her from a book she chose after dinner.
When Harry returns, he is dressed more casually than he usually does for work, wearing a pair of beige slacks and a black shirt tucked into it, the first three buttons left undone, showing just a hint of his tattooed chest for the viewers.
“Okay, I just called a car, it’ll be here any minute. Please call me if anything happens, I could come home anytime.”
“Harry, I take care of her all day, I’m sure we’ll be fine for one evening as well,” you chuckle, trying to ease his nervousness about leaving his daughter home at a time he is not used to.
“Right,” he lets out a soft chuckle. “Thank you again. And Izzy, be good. Y/N will put you to bed tonight, but I’ll be here in the morning, okay?”
“Okay!” she sings, completely fine with the new arrangement.
“Alright, see you soon, good night!” he calls out on his way out of the house.
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Sitting at the rooftop bar, Harry and Niall take up a small table for two near the railing so they have a nice view of the city below them. The waitress brings their order, tequila on the rocks for Harry and a good pint for Niall, and the latter man can’t ignore the fact how pretty she is in her tight white shirt and short black skirt, smiling coyly at the men as she asks if they want anything else.
“We’re good for now, Darling. Thank yeh,” Niall smirks and even winks at the woman, who is seemingly enjoying the attention from him, but deep down she would be happier if it was Harry who was trying to flirt with him. However he is busy on his phone, typing out an email even at this ungodly hour, which pisses his friend off.
“Would you stop being a workaholic prick and maybe glance at the woman that wants to fuck the shit out of you?” Niall snaps at him, grabbing his attention, but he just rolls his eyes.
“That would require my interest as well, which is not there.”
“That’s fucking sad. Really, mate. How long are you going to act like a crybaby? I’m getting tired of your long face. I get it, shit happened, but you eventually have to move on.”
Harry tries to ignore his words, eyes glued to the screen of his phone hoping his friend would just drop it, but that’s not what Niall is like. So instead of leaving him to be, he grabs his phone, snaps it right out of his hands and then shoves it into his pocket.
“Hey! What the fuck?!” he growls at his friend who just gives him a hard look.
“Harry, I’m worried about you. You do nothing, just work and be with Izzy.”
“So you’re saying I shouldn’t spend time with my daughter?” he asks twisting his words.
“You know that’s not what I mean. Spend as much time with her as possible, but don’t forget to take care of yourself.”
“I’m taking care of myself. I sleep and eat well and I workout regularly. I don’t see what else I might need.” “Fuck. You need to fuck,” he points out, making Harry roll his eyes again.
“You know, sometimes I question why we are even friends…” Harry grumbles under his breath as he takes a sip from his drink, feeling like he definitely needs the alcohol if Niall is gonna pick on him all night.
“Because I’m the one who pushes you out of your pit of sorrow, m’friend. And right now I feel like I need to step in, because you are turning into a bitter old man.”
“I’m not bitter,” Harry narrows his eyes at him.
“And neither are you old, so why are you acting like you are?”
“Look, I know that you are a fan of the bachelor life, going to parties, sleeping around with any woman you can get, but that’s just not for me, it never was, not even a long time ago.”
“I’m not trying to get you to act like a frat boy, Har. I know you are too soft for that, but I think it might be time for you to, I don’t know, open up a bit.”
“Open up?”
“Yeah! Go out, meet new people, preferably women,” he adds with a knowing look. “It’s been more than three years, Harry. You can’t stay at home and mope around forever.”
“I really don’t think we should be having this conversation right now.”
“If not now, then when? I tried to talk to you about it many times, but you always just dodged it, so I gave you more time to adjust to the situation, but I think we are over that,” Niall sighs, leaning onto the table. “We both know time flies by. Soon Izzy will go to school, she’ll have her own little life and before you could even blink twice, she is gonna be a teenager, barely talking to you, only caring about some boyband, her friends and shows. The time will come when you’ll have to step back a little and I don’t want you to stay alone.”
“First of all, Izzy is 4 and she won’t be allowed to even think about being independent until she is twenty,” Harry starts off as Niall rolls his eyes at him.
“Yeah, sure. You’ll have an amazing time when she becomes a teenager.”
“Don’t even talk about her being a teenager.”
“It’s going to happen!” Niall snaps and Harry narrows his eyes at him. “Okay, let’s just calm down.” He takes a deep breath even though he is the only one getting mad right now. Harry might feel uncomfortable, but he is not one to lose his temper that easily. Niall on the other hand is known to be a little too passionate at times.
“Alright. Please know that I’m just trying to be a good friend. What happened is tragic and I can’t even imagine what you went through, though I was here all along so I have a slight guess. I’m happy that you are doing vehemently better now, it’s amazing, but I know that you’ll be miserable if you stay single forever.”
“I’m not gonna start dating, Niall. It’s just… too soon. I can’t get into a relationship now.” Harry shakes his head, gulping from his drink again, the alcohol burns down his throat as he grimaces shortly.
“I get it that you don’t want a relationship, but dating might not be that bad. I’m pretty sure there are some hot single moms you know who would love to go out with you for dinner or some shit.”
“I’m not interested in any of them,” he shrugs.
“Then what about Y/N?” Harry’s eyes snap up at his friend, flexing his jaw out of instinct.
“What about her?”
“She is pretty, nice and funny, completely your type. Why don’t you try it with her?”
“She works for me,” Harry replies right away.
“No one fucking cares,” Niall scoffs. “And because you didn’t say that you don’t like her, I assume you are into her.”
Harry lets out a heavy sighs shaking his head. You’ve not been the only one who’s been noticing the other. Ever since he has caught you watching him while doing his morning yoga, he couldn’t shake the thought of you and he took a special notice about a lot of things about you. Like the way you scrunch your nose every time you smile when Izzy says a word wrong, or the way you like to put up your hair into a ponytail when you’re playing with her in the backyard and there’s always a tiny strand that hangs lose at the back of your neck because it’s too short to reach up to the ponytail, but his favorite thing is how your voice is a little hoarse in the morning when you come down for the first time from upstairs. The thought that he is always the first person you talk to in the morning just brings this pleasant feeling into the pit of his stomach, something he hasn’t felt in a long time.
He can’t deny that he finds you beautiful either, how could he not? You’re just a wonderful person inside and out and he is thankful his daughter is in such good hands when he is away at work. But he hasn’t dared to think further than this, his mind just doesn’t let him, however Niall’s words are now poking at the sleeping giant.
“Stop assuming things,” Harry mumbles, looking away from his friend, feeling like he is being grilled.
“Stop denying things,” Niall retorts, earning a huff from Harry. “Okay, don’t ask her out just yet, but try to get closer to her. Become friends, try to open up and get to know her a little more!”
“I don’t want to get closer to her!” he replies, but he can easily point out how big of a lie that is, even though he is trying his best to make himself believe that it’s not.
“So you don’t have a crush on her?” Niall raises his eyebrows at him.
“Where are we, in middle school? I’m 31, I don’t have crushes,” Harry scoffs.
“Okay so then you don’t mind it if I ask her out?”
“You are not asking her out, Niall,” he sternly replies, reaching for his drink once again, that’s nearing its end very closely. He needs to order another one if Niall decides to be an asshole all night.
“Why not? He seemed to like me when we met, I think we both would have a nice evening, might even take her home—“
“Shut up, Niall. You are not going out with her!”
“Really? What’s stopping me?” he smirks, knowing well what he is doing and where this is heading. Harry opens his mouth, but then no words come out, because he realizes what he wanted to say should not be said out loud.
Because I like her, a tiny voice tells him in his mind. Niall’s smirk grows even bigger, because even though Harry didn’t answer, his face tells it all, confirming what he has been trying to force out of him all evening.
“Yeah, just as I thought,” he laughs, taking a few gulps from his beer. “I’m not telling you to fuck her brains out immediately, but it might be nice if you just got to know her a bit more. And if things seem to take, like… a turn, if you know what I mean, don’t chicken out, just go with it.”
“You know, Niall, you should worry about your own love life the way you worry about mine.”
“There’s nothing to worry about!” He beams, clearly without a worry. “I’m too good of a catch to be tied down, so I’m enjoying life to the fullest right now.”
“Aren’t you tired of waking up next to a different woman every morning?” Harry sighs, feeling exhausted just to think about the way his friend lives.
“Don’t judge for something you never tried. I like it, it fulfills all my needs, why should I change?”
“Because you worry about me ending up alone when it’s most likely gonna be you.” Harry gives him a look, but it doesn’t seem to affect him. He shrugs it off easily.
“Difference is that I like being alone, but you don’t. You are wired to have a partner in the long run while I’m perfectly fine with my adventures. So do me a favor, and be less of a little hermit. You’ll thank me later.”
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Niall’s words stick to Harry’s head more than he would have liked it. The two friends stay at the bar until about midnight and while Harry leaves to go straight home, Niall heads to another direction with the pretty waitress on his arm, who served their drinks relentlessly all night.
Arriving back home Harry tips the driver generously before heading inside, seeing that you’re still up, the lights in the living room and the TV illuminating the area. Walking further inside he spots you cozied up on the couch, a thick blanket thrown over yourself as you watch some kind of detective documentary, chewing on your bottom lip in focus. He can’t help the smile that tugs on his lips at the sight of you, taking just a split second to savor the moment and wrap it up in his mind.
“Hey, why are you still up?” he questions walking inside. Your eyes tear away from the screen, blinking up at him as you smile slightly, pushing yourself up into a sitting position. Rounding the couch Harry joins you, sitting down as he runs a hand through his hair.
“Got caught up a little,” you chuckle, nodding your head towards the TV. “Did you have a good time?”
“As much as it’s possible to have a good time with Niall around,” he chuckles, making you smile.
“He is not that bad, is he?”
“He can be a little asshole sometimes,” he admits. “But it was fine, we had a nice… talk.”
“I’m glad,” you smile sheepishly, before turning back to the TV.
Harry’s eyes snap to the screen as well, but he is not following the case at all, his mind is busy thinking about everything Niall has told him.
It really has been three long and torturous years without his beloved wife and just as Niall said, the beginning of this time was almost lethal. He never thought there would be a day when he would wake up and not feel like curling up into a ball and just cry all day. Those times are now gone, because with a lot of help from his friends, family and even a therapist, he was able to find his purpose in life again: his daughter.
Harry knows that his friend is right, he can’t live his life on his own, that’s just not how he is built, but it’s not as easy as it seems. Especially with the haunting thoughts he has been harboring, kept away from everyone in his life, because he has always been too afraid to say them out loud. That would make them become even realer than they already feel to him.
Sitting on the couch next to Harry you glance at him for a second and can almost see the gears turning in his head.
“Everything alright?” you softly ask. His green eyes flicker over to you, as if he is debating whether he should talk or not.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course,” you nod.
“But it’s kind of personal.”
“Okay, then ask and I’ll decide if I want to answer or not,” you chuckle softly, pushing yourself up a little so you can focus on him better.
“After things ended with your… ex, when you found out that he was cheating on you… How long did it take you to get back out to the field, if you know what I mean.”
His question surprises you, it really is a personal matter and you’re not sure why he felt the need to ask you about it especially now, but you have a guess why it’s relatable for him. You lost someone you loved and though the situation is a very different nature, somehow it’s still similar in a way.
“Well, I told you earlier that it was the kind of situation where I blamed myself for what he did,” you start off and Harry nods, patiently and curiously listening to what you are saying. “I was convinced that he cheated because I wasn’t enough, because I didn’t give him everything he wanted and that it was all my fault. It took me weeks to see clearly and realize that even if I wasn’t giving him everything, it wouldn’t have given him the right to cheat on me. Sometimes it’s really hard to lift the blame off yourself, especially when you were the one putting it there.”
Harry’s lips part at your words and because he is not speaking, you’re not sure if it’s the good or bad kind. You really wish you could just read his honest thoughts, but it seems like he is keeping them to himself so you continue.
“I think it took me a good, like… four months to actually move on. I went on a date for the first time about six months after Keith and I broke up. I’m not saying I’m over the fact that I was cheated on, but it’s not stopping me anymore to live my life. I had to accept that just because of what happened, I still deserve happiness and to be loved.”
Love is a beautiful thing, but it’s very powerful and you learned it the hard way. To love and be loved is essential, love makes life so much better and more special, but it can also scar you terribly and leave you dried out and in pain. You have to learn to accept the love you get and remember it whenever you are not getting enough. It’s a rollercoaster, but the highs make the whole ride worth it.
Harry stays silent as you turn your attention back at the TV, seeing that he is busy chewing on your words. Whatever his reason was to ask you, he is clearly processing the answer he got, making his own conclusions and you wouldn’t want to bother him while he does that.
The documentary soon ends and you realize how late it really is. Saturday is your day off, but you don’t want to sleep through the whole thing, you have a few errands to run. So switching the TV off you fold the blanket and drop it into the basket next to the couch. Harry snaps out of his thoughts when you stand up from the couch, realizing that you’ve shut the TV off already.
“I’m going to bed, you should too,” you smile at him softly as he nods, standing up as well.
You’re already on the stairs when Harry calls out after you. Turning around you keep one foot on the next step, glancing over at him, still standing by the couch.
“I’m… I’m really sorry he couldn’t appreciate you.”
You smile at him warmly, because it says so much about him as a person. Apologizing for something he had absolutely no control over, something someone else did, someone he doesn’t even know. Yet he still felt the need to say sorry.
“It’s alright. I’ll find the person who’ll give me the love I deserve,” you tell him before turning back around and walking away.
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Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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xoxotommyxoxo · 3 years
Episode 1
Intro: Me(izzy): Hello everyone! And welcome to the first episode of The Glader Show! Today I have three of our three favorite people. Mr Thomas, Minho and Newt. How are you three? Minho: Amazing as always *winks* Me: Figured, how about you Thomas? Thomas: Happy, I get a day off running in the maze *elbows thomas in the stomach*Minho: Which means we go earlier tomorrow you shank, Me: I love you two so much you don't even know. *looks at newt and thomas* Minho: She's talking about me specifically *sarcastically* Me: Totally *rolls eyes* Me: Mr newt, How is my favorite boy? Newt: Fine, how about you? *batting eyes, puts hand on chest.* Me: amazing, thankyou for asking. Me: Okay! Intro done let's get one with the show, shall we? _______________________________________________ Me: I’m going to say one word and tell me what you think it means or is? *they nod* Me: Newtmas. *They take time to think.* *Minho then raises his eyebrows and looks at Newt and Thomas, both ignoring him to busy thinking deeply. Minho snickers.* Me: Minho, care to share? *laughing*Minho: No, I want to hear them first. *both thomas and newt still deep thinking* *newt doing is signature deep thinking look* Me: Newt, what do you think? Newt: A fruit, is it a fruit? *Minho trying to hold in his laugh in his chair bitting his lip.* *Newt Glares at him.* Newt: I swear I’ll bloody slap you. *minho trys to stop.* Me: A fruit? Newt: yeah is it one of those? *chuckling* Me: No sorry. Me: Tom, how about you? Thomas: Guessing by the name- Minho: That's what we're doing you slinthead, guessing what it shucking means by the name. *ignoring minho* Thomas: Guessing by the name, is christmas but only for newt. *newt startled by the guess looks at thomas* *minho falls off his chair laughing.* Newt: Minho’s buggin turn, tell us smart shank, what does it mean? *minho gets back in his chair then clears his throat.* Minho: Its one of those shuck ship names for you and thomas. Newtmas, Newt then mas for thomas. Obviously. *thomas and newt look at each other awkwardly.* *smirking* Thomas: Is this a friendship or… Newt: Dont bloody ask that, dont you dare. Me: From what i see, its a sexship *newt and thomas blush* *minho laughing hard again* *akward silence but minho still quietly laughing in the corner* Me: OKAY! IM GONNA END IT OFF THERE! THANK YOU BOYS AND ILL SEE YOU NEXT TIME! Minho: This was too fun, please do more. *newt still trying to process newtmas* *thomas daydreaming about newtmas* Me: Viewers! Dont forget to send in those questions for the galders! Ill put some in the next episode! Thank you! Love you!
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Day 28: I Turn the Page- Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales
Day 28: I Turn the Page - Frankie 'Catfish' Morales 
Pairing: Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales x reader  
A/N: I had to do Frankie at least once for the November writing challenge and this is it. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for reblogging, commenting, and liking. I really appreciate it! 
My Masterlist 
Taglist: @oldstuffnewstuff​ @yespolkadotkitty​ @heythere-mel​ @josepedropascal​
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Frankie stands in line at the Barnes and Nobles on 24th street. The local coffee shop by his house closed the week before and while he wasn’t into fancy coffee every once in a while it was nice to get something different. Isabella wiggles in his arms itching to get down and look at all the books. 
The barista motions him forward and he orders a caramel latte and a chocolate milk for Izzy. Paying and leaving a tip for her before moving to the pick-up counter. 
“Are you here for the story time?” she asks him as she places the coffee cup in front of him. 
“Story time?” 
“Yeah in the kids section in the back every Saturday at ten they read books to the kids. I’m sure your little one would love it!” she looks at the clock on the wall, “it starts in five minutes, you could try it today.” 
He smiles and nods before she turns away. “What do you think mija? Do you want to go listen to story time?” Isabella smiles at him and nods before reaching for the chocolate milk. 
Frankie sighs and carries the squirming toddler to the back of the store. The children’s section is filled with colorful shelves lower to the ground, cutouts of favorite childhood characters and a small stage erected in one corner sits a stool and a gaggle of children eagerly awaiting the presenter. Frankie puts his daughter down and she runs towards the other children. 
Frankie finds an empty spot off to the right and Isabella plops herself down into his lap. Taking a large sip of her drink. There’s about five other families present. 
Frankie’s attention is suddenly drawn to the staff only door as it opens. You come out dressed in jeans, black converse and an orange floral top. Your name tag swinging from a Hunger Games themed lanyard around your neck. 
Frankie watches you as you make your way smiling over to the small stool on the stage and some of the children begin clapping and chanting. “Story time! Story time! Story time!” 
“Hello friends,” your voice is melodic and he finds himself mesmerized, “it looks like we have some new friends today, who are you?” you gesture to them. 
“Isabella!” his daughter shouts snapping him out of his thoughts. 
“Oh uhm Frankie and Isabella,” he introduces them.
“Well welcome to story time, I’m really excited to meet you!” You smile at them and he feels his heart beat a little faster. 
You read a few books to the kids and none of them are more entranced than Frankie. He laughs as you do voices for the different characters, and smiles as you interact with the kids. You're a natural with the children, and he yearns to know you better. 
When the story time is over the rest of the parents pack up but Frankie idles trying to think up some excuse to talk to you. What he doesn’t know is that you feel the same. 
You had spent most of the story time gazing over the newest addition. He was so handsome with his plaid coat over a brown t-shirt and his brown curls escaping over the edge of his cap. You knew it was wrong, he probably was married or had a partner but you couldn’t stop looking. 
“Hey uhm…” he raises his arm and rubs the back of his neck distracting you from your thoughts to look at his strong arms, “that was wonderful, Isabella really loved listening to you read. Do you do this every weekend?” 
You smile brightly before nodding, “Yes, every Saturday morning at ten we do story time here in the kids corner,” you blush bright red, “I would really like for you and your partner to come back next time.” 
“Oh...I’m actually a single father. No wife or girlfriend,” he blushes right back at you.  
Isabella toddles over to the two of you and holds out her arms for Frankie to pick her up. He lifts her with a small groan and she shyly smiles at you from the crook of his neck. You smile at her and wave and she graces you with a large one in return. 
“I was actually wondering if maybe...you would like to get some dinner sometime...Or you probably have a boyfriend…” he stammers over his words and you giggle. 
“I don’t.” 
“What?” he questions. 
“I don’t have a boyfriend. I would love to get dinner with you sometime, let me see your phone,” you hold out your hand for him to give you and he does so quickly it almost slips out of his hand. You type your number and name into his phone with a little book emoji next to it. Handing him back the phone he looks at the new addition and smiles saying your name quietly to himself before smiling. 
Your manager’s voice rings out and you smile with a small wave before returning to work. You can’t help but turn and watch him as he and Isabella leave the bookstore. You work the rest of your shift and go to clock out. Walking out to your car you check your phone and see a message from Frankie. 
Hey it’s Frankie from story time. Would it be to forward for me to ask you to dinner tonight? Isabella’s godfather and I were talking and he offered to watch her tonight. 
You smile when you realize that Frankie must have been talking about you to Isabella’s godfather and you text him back. 
I would love to go to dinner tonight. I have been thinking about you all day and would love to see you again so soon. 
The reply is almost instantaneous. 
I haven’t stopped thinking about you either. Can I pick you up at 6? Text me your address. 
You shoot him back a quick response and your address before backing out of the spot and going home to get dressed for your date. Just like the story books you read to the children, you're ready to turn the page onto this new chapter with Frankie. 
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Don’t Make Me Play Pretend. Chapter 3
This is set around a month after the last chapter. It is the beginning of their fake-relationship and starts with them actually driving to where the reunion is taking place. It really is just them gushing over each other because we haven’t had enough that apparently.
Warning: swearing, angst, fluff, fake dating, my shitty humor, horny Alec, horny Magnus
A/N: I DIDN’T FORGET THIS FIC I PROMISE. I am so sorry for not updating in a while. I had finals and all my energy went into that. Alec’s internal horniness is my perpetual state of being so I hope you like it. Thank you for your patience. AO3: malecplusotherthings (let me know if you wanna be tagged in this).
Road trips had never been easy for Alec. This was different though. He wasn’t cramped in the backseat of his mother’s car, forced to listen to Izzy’s unnecessary chatter. Instead, he was sitting in the front seat of Magnus’ baby blue Mustang. Alec looked over to the driver’s seat and smiled at how the wind blew through Magnus’ hair. It was amusing to see his usually immaculate hair all messed up. How does it look better? The sun shined straight at them and Alec swore Magnus’ eyes looked like pools of liquid gold.
“You’re staring, Alexander.” Magnus’ words caused Alec to slowly avert his eyes as a soft blush crept onto his face.
“Sorry,” Alec mumbled, as Magnus swerved the car into an exit. “Are we there already?”
“Just had to make a stop.” Parking the car next to the gas station, Magnus got out and stretched his arms toward the sky. His lilac shirt rose slightly, exposing his perfectly crafted midriff. Alec’s eyes fixed themselves on Magnus’ abs. For a second, he seemed to have lost his ability to breathe. “I’m going to go grab some snacks for the way. Do you want something?”
“No, I’m good. Thanks.” As Magnus walked towards the store, Alec allowed his gaze to linger around for a few extra moments. Stop checking out his ass, dammit. The loud ringing of his phone seemed to distract Alec from the thoughts that occupied his brain.
“Hello,” Alec said, as he placed the phone by his ear.
“Hello, big brother. How is your date going?” Alec simply sighed in response to Isabelle’s question. “That bad, huh?”
“I don’t know what I was expecting, Iz. This is what I signed up for.”
“That doesn’t mean you have to like it. I warned you to be careful about this.”
“I know. And I am, I promise.” Alec saw Magnus walking toward him, a bag of snacks in hand. “Iz, I’ll call you back in a few hours, okay? I love you.”
Magnus smiled at Alec, and Alec felt a small smile creep onto his own face. Magnus pulled out a bag of chips from his reserve of food. “I know you said that you didn’t want any snacks, but nobody refuses Doritos.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to drive, Magnus?” Alec asked as he opened the bag of Doritos. “You might wanna rest a bit.”
“Don’t be silly, my dearest Alexander, I know you hate driving.”
“And what about you, Magnus? What do you hate? Or like? If I’m going to pretend to be your boyfriend, I should know that, shouldn’t I?”
“I love cats.” Magnus turned on to the highway again. “And hard liquor. I can speak fluent Indonesian. And I have a thing for pretty boys with dark hair and blue eyes.”
Alec smiled at his pretend boyfriend. He wasn’t quite sure what it was, but talking to Magnus even about the simplest of things was relaxing. He just wanted to sit there and look at the man in front of him. Despite being nothing more than a facade, everything that happened between him and Magnus felt very real. Alec didn’t even realise how long they had been talking for until Magnus took a sharp turn onto a narrow street.
“We’re here, Alexander.” Alec felt Magnus’ hand slide into his own and a wave of electricity coursed through his body. “Ready?”
Alec smiled and nodded. As the two boys walked over to the concierge to get themselves checked in for the week, a woman approached them. She had dark glossy hair down to her waist. Her red dress flattered her curves. She put her arms around Magnus and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. Alec felt a strange pang of jealousy but tried his best to hide it.
“Welcome back, Magnus. You look....well.”
Alec felt Magnus’ grip on his hand tighten slightly. “Good to see you too, Camille.”
Magnus had always loved road trips. Driving down empty roads always helped him calm down. The wind blowing through his hair cleared his mind. However, with Alexander Lightwood sitting beside him, focusing on the road ahead became difficult for Magnus. Every time Alec turned to look at him with those bright blue eyes of his, Magnus could feel his heart hammering against his chest.
“You’re staring, Alexander.” Magnus flirted, in an attempt to mask his true feelings. He felt Alec’s eyes slowly pulling away from his face.
“Sorry,” Alec said, as Magnus took an exit in a gas station. Snacks were the only thing that could help his situation. “Are we there already?”
“Just had to make a stop.” Magnus got out of the car and stretched. He noticed Alec staring at his exposed midriff and smirked a little to himself. Like what you see, Alexander? “I’m going to go grab some snacks for the way. Do you want something?”
“No, I’m good. Thanks.” Magnus nodded and headed inside the store. He picked up a couple of chocolate bars and a giant bag of Doritos. Everyone loves Doritos. With a couple more snacks thrown into his cart, Magnus headed over to the cashier. As he waited in the long checkout line, Magnus noticed a packet of condoms sitting on the shelf. He wasn’t planning to have sex with Alexander during this trip but it couldn’t hurt to have them on hand. Magnus picked up the packet and tossed it into the shopping cart. Just in case.
As he got back to his car, he smiled at Alexander and tossed him the bag of Doritos. I know you said that you didn’t want any snacks, but nobody refuses Doritos.”
Alec smiled back and opened the bag of Doritos. “Are you sure you don’t want me to drive, Magnus? You might wanna rest a bit.”
“Don’t be silly, my dearest Alexander, I know you hate driving.”
“And what about you, Magnus? What do you hate? Or like? If I’m going to pretend to be your boyfriend, I should know that, shouldn’t I?”
Magnus smiled to himself a little. Nobody had really asked him that before. “I love cats. And hard liquor. I can speak fluent Indonesian. And I have a thing for pretty boys with dark hair and blue eyes.”
Alec smiled and Magnus felt his heart flutter inside his chest. Conversation flowed so naturally with him that for a few moments Magnus forgot they weren’t really together. He just wanted to reach out, grab Alec’s face and kiss him straight on the mouth. Maybe someday.
Magnus swerved into a lane and grabbed Alec’s hand as he parked his Mustang. “We’re here, Alexander. Ready?”
Alec nodded and the two boys headed to the reception to get themselves settled in. Magnus stopped in his tracks when he saw her. She was walking straight toward them. She smiled, although it looked more like a smirk. She slowly pulled Magnus in for a hug and laid a kiss on his cheek.
“Welcome back, Magnus. You look....well.”
Instinctively, he squeezed Alec’s hand for reassurance. “Good to see you too, Camille.”
Taglist: @quickbright @addisonsintern @dreamerthinker @just--another--bean @tolkienlockian @textrovert-01 @amy-herondale-chase @writeforjordelia @literally-magnus-bane
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TSC but it's incorrect quotes.
Jem: Hey, Will, what's up?
Will: Well, I'm sitting in a pool of my own blood.
Jem: Is it... your own?
Will: Oh, yeah, probably.
Jem: Where is it coming from?
Will: Probably the stab wound.
Will: Oh, yeah definitely.
Kit: I wrote a song called I'm Late For My Final Exam and it's just three minutes of me screaming.
Emma: Look upon the filed which I grow my fucks. Lay thine eyes upon it and see that it is barren.
Will: Do you ever wonder how an author would describe you in a novel? Like, not only your appearance, but also your little habits and stuff. I wanna know how I'd be described.
Gabriel: Bet it would be something like "so here's this asshole."
Will: Honestly, fuck you, Gabriel.
Kit: I mixed up Donkey Kong with King Kong and accidentally said Kinky Kong to my parents.
Izzy: Who is that weirdo on TV? He's running downtown with eight dogs.
Sebastian: Be warned, I can kill you.
Jace: Be warned, I can die.
Jace: Excuse me, who made Alec the boss of the group.
Clary: You did.
Simon: You said, "Alec should be the boss."
Izzy: And then you said, "lets vote," and it was unanimous.
Magnus: And then you made him this plaque that says, "Boss of us."
Magnus: And put little sparkles all over it.
Jace:... all valid points.
Simon: What are you guys talking about? I'm like the backbone of this family.
Jace: You're more like the appendix of this family, no one knows what you're here for.
Alec: Also prone to explode at any given moment.
Jace: And a real pain to remove.
Simon: Fuck you guys.
Emma: What's your problem?
Cristina: He keeps using common phrases incorrectly.
Kieran: Oh, cry me a table, Cristina.
Cecily: If a guy calls you "princess" in a condescending manner, assert your newly appointed royal status and have him beheaded.
Will: I could get killed.
Will: Or even worse. Jem could give me a lecture on responsibility again.
Dru: What color are Emma's eyes?
Julian: The warm chestnut of well-worn leather when the sun comes out after days of rain.
Dru: What?
Julian: I said brown.
Gabriel: Hello, Will, make anyone cry today?
Will: Sadly, no, but it's only 4:30.
Will: Rubbing alcohol is for outside wounds. Drinking alcohol is for inside wounds.
Matthew: Cheers! I'll drink to that.
James: What are you going to bring to dinner?
Matthew: My negative attitude and sparkling personality.
Tessa: You're late.
Kit: Listen, I just spent twenty minutes in a standoff with the biggest cockroach I have ever seen, so that's where I'm at... mentally.
Julian: I told you to stop doing that with the knives.
Dru, with knives taped to her hands: But Wolverine has-
Julian: I said stop.
Aline: The only thing that seems to motivate you guys is pancakes.
Tavvy: Pancakes?
Ty: I love pancakes!
Dru: Do we have maple syrup?
Julian: I'll go buy some.
Emma: Where are they?
Jace: And once again, Jace and Magnus save the day!
Alec: You didn't do anything.
Alec: It was all Magnus.
Jace: We're a package deal. Everyone knows that.
Tessa: How can one man have so many enemies?
Will: I'm a people person who talks shit and drinks.
Matthew: You're my best friend, but I'd fuck you if you asked.
James: What?
Matthew: What?
Lucie, from across the room: HE SAID HE'D FUCK YOU IF YOU ASKED!
Matthew: What if we kidnap-
James: No.
Matthew: Steal-
James: No.
Matthew: Blow up-
James: Not even a little.
Matthew: You're no fun.
Julian: We need to distract the enemies.
Emma: Right, I can do that.
Julian: What are you going to do?
Emma: I'm gonna kill them all.
Emma: That ought to distract them.
Mark: I have a sword!
*two minutes later*
Mark: I have lost the sword.
Kit: My friendship with Dru is over.
Ty: What?
Kit: She stole my fries.
Kit: Baking yeast has alcohol in it, but you can't get drunk off eating bread.
Kit: Trust me, I've tried.
Kit: I know you think my judgment is clouded because I like Ty a little bit-
Jem: You doodled your wedding invitation.
Kit: That was our joint tombstone.
Jem: My mistake.
Clary, through the door: Are you decent?
Jace: Not morally, but I'm wearing pants if that's what you're asking.
Kit: Ty, let's play 20 questions!
Ty: Okay, what's your favorite color.
Kit: Aces. My turn, do you like boys?
Julian, coming to bail the group out of jail: I hate you sometimes, you know.
Emma: Welcome to the club! You are one of 53 members. We make t-shirts and have meetings every Wednesday at 4.
Julian: What?
Mark: We would meet earlier, but Kit gets out of school at 3.
Jace, to Izzy and Simon at their wedding party: Alright, everyone, Saturday is the big day! A lot of us thought this day would never come. I may have been one of those people.
Izzy: I may have also been one of those people.
Simon: Wait, are we talking about our wedding?
Izzy: Yes.
Simon: Oh, yes, I was also one of those people.
Emma: Julian and I slept together.
Cristina: And?
Emma: ... I thought you would be a little more surprised.
Cristina: Oh, sorry.
Cristina, in a shocked voice: AND?!
Ty: The dishes aren't in alphabetical order!!!!
Kit: Excuse my language, but what the F U C K does that mean?
Lucie: We shouldn't complain.
Matthew: I'm gonna complain anyways.
Dru: Kit? Are you alive? Knock once for yes, twice for no.
Kit: *pauses, then knocks twice*
Dru: What do we do? Kit's dead!
Will: Do you know....? Do you KNOW what it's like to be AFRAID of YOURSELF?!
Tessa, thinking of all the money she blew on a scam: Geez, man, I sure do-
Clary: Simon, you've got a lot to offer Izzy. You're funny, you're smart-
Magnus: You're creative, you've got style...
Jace: Oh, did you want me to say something?
Jace: You have brown hair, your name is Simon.
Simon: Thanks, Jace.
Will: I've done a lot of dumb shit.
Tessa: I witnessed the dumb shit.
Cecily: I remember the dumb shit.
Magnus: I joined you in the dumb shit.
Jem: I tried to stop you from doing the dumb shit!
Jace: Okay, so-
Alec: No. Don't you dare! Stop. Stop. I don't wanna hear it. I have been cleaning up your messes for way too long and now I'm aging prematurely. You are driving me steadily insane. So I don't wanna hear it. Go away. I'll be dead next month at this rate. Leave me alone.
Jace: I was just gonna ask you if you wanted toast...
Alec: Oh, well. No thank you.
Jace: Good, because I blew up the toaster and now one of the plants is on fire.
Kit: If you are about to be stabbed, just say, "I have too much swagger for the dagger," and they will leave you alone.
Dru: Or stab you a hundred more times.
Jem: I did.
Will:-ss you and buy you more. You haven't been eating enough.
James: A waiter could literally murder me and I'd still tip 20%
Matthew: I would actually tip more if they murdered me, that's great customer service.
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cosplaydude637 · 3 years
Chapter 10: Knowledge and new friends
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Hours later the group of Parabatai returned to the institute, their heads hanging low. Izzy was running up to them as they walked in but draw up short as she sees them. Running up next to her came Xander and Ruthie. Seeing their face they all went ghost white.
“What happened?” Ruthie asked?
“We failed…” Angelique sighs. Jace and Mekyle punch the wall they were each standing next to. This made Clary jump a little. Alec walked over and placed his hand on Jace’s shoulder.
“Hurting yourself is not going to do us any good. We need to find the Prince of hell and send him back,” Alec says.
“Or kill him!” Simon snaps
“We will make this right. We are Shadowhunters,” Izzy says, offering them all a warm smile.
“Plus we got a leg up on Sinara now,” Ruthie says with a bright smile.
Jace worlds around and glares at her. This makes Ruthie cringe back, losing her smiles. “A leg up! A leg up! How the hell is letting a prince of hell free into our world a Damn leg up newbie!”
Xander steps in front of Ruthie and right into Jace’s face. “I respect that you're our institute head and I know you could most likely kill me six ways from Sunday but I won’t let any member of my squad be talked to like that!”
Jace’s face goes red and he balls up his fist and starts to swing at the young Shadowhunter when faster than anyone could blink Alec has grabbed Jace by the arms and was halling him back. Jace was fighting Alec the whole way. Xander however did not move from in front of his teammate.
Clary quickly got into Jace’s face and glared at him. “Jace knock it off. They were not there they don’t know what happened plus let’s see what this leg up Ruthie is talking about really is.”
Jace goes limp in Alec’s arms, his face Softening. Clary turns and looks at Xander and Ruthie. “Ok guys, what is this leg up you are talking about?”
Ruthie gives out a little squeak and steps out from behind Xander. “Is he going to yell at me again?”
“No honey it’s ok now,” Clary says with a soft voice.
“We have one of the gatekeeper here.” Ruthie slowly replied.
“What?” Simon spoke up and moved in front of Jace, Alec, and Clary.
“We made a trip to the Shadow Market and Learned. That an old friend of mine is one of the gatekeepers.” Izzy explained.
“You know a really old Shadowhunter?” Mekyle asks, raising an eyebrow.
“No, she is a downworlder.” She replays
“Huh,” the group of Parabatai all looked very dumbfounded.
Izzy leads them to the infirmary with Xander and Ruthie at each side of her. Cassandra was laying in one of the beds, her right arm was wrapped in bandages. She slowly set up her eyes flicking yellow like a dog.
“Guys this is Cassandra Willows she is a warlock,” Izzy says and points to Cass.
“Sup guys great place you got here,” Cass says with a cheerful voice. Ruthie walks over and looks at the bandages and shakes her head and starts unwrapping the bandages and points to Xander then to the cabinet that has the clean new bandages. “Sorry, Doc the wound started itching.”
“You're healing fast and all but I want you to keep this clean and wrapped,” Ruthie orders her as Xander hands her the new bandages. Ruthie starts wrapping Cass’s arm again.
“Push little thing ant she?” Cass says with a giggle.
“You have no idea.” Xander, Mekyle and Angelique say in unison.
Alec walks over to Cass and puts his hand out. “Hello, Cassandra, I am Alec Bane-Lightwood, Console of the Clave.” Cass blinked and shocked his hand with a look of duda I know who you are. “We understand you are one of the Gatekeepers. What gate do you look over and where is it?”
This made Cass go white and her eyes darted around the room mental mapping a way out of the room. Right as she was about to throw the blanket off and head for the exit. Xander lad a hand on her shoulder and smiles at her.
“Trust us Cass, we want to keep all the Gates safe.” He says and ameetly Cass softens and looks back at Alec.
“I guard over the gate of Gluttony.” Cass answers but was cut off by Simon before she could finish
“The Gate of what?” Simon asks
“The Gate of Gluttony you know like the sin,” Cass states coldly looking at Simon. “You do know what the 9 circles of hell are, don’t you?” Everyone turns to Simon and he just stands there looking confused.
“You mean like the Anime?” He asks.
“No you nerd the Book!” Jace snaps.
“It’s the same thing,” Simon mutters.
“The gate here in New York is Limbo. Seeing as New York was the place where other countries came to the U.S. Hersheypark of Pennsylvania sits the Gate of Gluttony.” Cass says, laying one of her hands on top of Xander’s.
“Why there?” Angelique asks
“Most sites of the gates have some ties to what gate is belt there. Gluttony is simple with a theme park.” Cass answers, trying to sit up on the side of the bad. Xander held his hand out to her and she smiled and blushed, taking his hand. “I will take you to the gate. If this Sinara wants to open my gate she has got one hell of a fight on her hands.”
“We can’t all go,” Alec says
“And why not?” Izzy asks.
“We need to keep A group of Shadowhunters here so that New York stays safe” Alec explains
“He is right, we can’t leave New York unprotected,” Clary adds.
As the group tried to decide who was going and who was staying. A ring from the Institute doorbell came. Jace, Alec, Clary, and Angelique break away to go answer the door. Standing at the door when Jace opened it was Bat the local werewolf clans secant in command. Alec gave him a very odd look. “Bat what are you doing here?”
“Is Maia here?” He barks out.
“Huh?” Jace says
“Are all you Shadowhunter stuped or death? Where is Maia” Bat snaps out his eyes glowing yellow.
“Stand down Lykin. Don’t make me put you down!” Jace yells out moving into Bat’s personal space.
“Like to see you try. No one to stop me this time blondy.” Bat growls low in his through.
Before Alec could move in between the two men Angelique was already there pushing them apart. In a very Com and even voice, she speaks to them “ok guys this is not the time and remember we are at peace here. Bat, Maia is not here, she has not been here. Jace, he is only worried about this alpha.”
Bat looks down at the small hand that was on his chest pushing him away from Jace and he starts to chuckle. “Your one brave little girl.”
“She is right though. Bat you have not heard from Maia?” Alec asks.
Bat steps away and ruffles Angelique’s hair. “No she was sent to meet with you and the other members of the Alliance and she never came back.”
“That was weeks ago,” Alec says in shock and a tinge of panic in his voice.
“I know after a few days I thought it was odd but it’s Maia and she does as she wants. After all, she is the Alpha. But after a week it’s not normal.” Bat explains.
“We need to look into this.” Angelique states.
“Ok, I want you to put together a team and look into this Angelique.” Alec orders.
“Me?!?!?” Angelique shouts.
“Yes you, I need to stay here and deal with clave business and the rest will be going with Cass,” Alec says.
“Xander should lead then,” Angelique says.
“There is no way he is not going to go with Cass,” Clay says.
“Oh, you got that too.” Jace chimes in clary smiles and nods.
“This is your mission Angelique as order by your Console.” Alec orders again. This time Angelique just nods. Bat looks at Alec and Angelique. “Bat return to the pack and Angelique will come to you with her team,” Alec adds.
“Ok see you soon Shadowhunter,” Bat says and bonds down the steers.
All the Shadowhunters and Magnus, who had portaled to the institute a few minutes ago now sit around a huge round table in the war room. Alec leads the meeting deciding who is going on what mission and agreeing with the Shadowhunters Angelique picked to take on hers.
Angelique chose Mekyle and Ruthie for her mission Simon and Izzy were picked by Alec to back them up. This leaves Jace, Clary, Xander, and Cass going to the gate.
“We have one more idam we need to deal with,” Alec announces.
“We do?” Simon asks puzzled.
“Yes the names of are Young Shadowhunters,”
“Oh yes, the last name ceremony.” Magnus snickers. Alec shouts him a living eye roll.
“Anyway Xander, Angelique and Mekyle have you chosen your Shadowhunter name?”
Xander stands up. “I have out of respect and honor for my Headmaster and her amazing Daughter. I like to become a Fairchild.” He looks over at Clary and she gives him a small nod.
Alec smiles seeing this. “So be it, welcome Xander Fairchild.” Xander smiles and sits back down. “Angelique, Mekyle, have you?”
“Yes I would like Waterheart.” Angelique says standing up. Mekyle jumps up next to her.
“This was not an easy choice for me but if you would allow. I like to be Mekyle WolfScar.”
Alec gives them a soft smile. “Welcome Angelique WaterHeart and Mekyle WolfScar.”
With the teams assigned they split up and head off to get what gear that they would need and even a little sleep if they could before heading off. This gave the couples some time to be alone leaving the Newbies and Cass to find something to pass their time with if they don’t want to sleep.
Angelique and Ruthie decided they would sleep in the same room for the night so they could talk about the mission and some boys they liked back at the academy. Mekyle was not going to sleep at all so he headed up to the Training Room to punch the bag a little and work on his dagger throws. This left Xander alone with Cass.
Xander leads Cass to the common room where the TV was playing Ghosthunters on the Discovery channel. “I know now that I am a Shadowhunter. I have been rewatching them and the Taps crow came really close a few times to finding a real ghost. I wonder if one of them is related to the Herondales?” Xander says.
“I am a bit shocked to see a TV at all in an Institute,” Cass replies.
“Ya most are still old-fashioned but Clary and Simon need their Anime, is what i got told,” Xander explained.
“Oh man, I love me some Death Note.” Cass giggled.
“You have the cutest laugh, Hold on did you say you like Death Note,” Xander says looking a little flushed. Cass just smiles and winks at him as Xander turns a bright red.
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justimagineitblog · 4 years
“You Used To Love Me” Michael Gray Fan Fiction - Chapter 8
INTRODUCING: Charlie Hunnam - he fit the idea for this character perfectly so I decided to use his face and name for this new character x
Also lotsss of jealous Michael !!!!!!!!! I loved writing this chapter, it was so entertaining to bring in a new character and throw a spanner in the works. I hope you enjoy it xxx
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“We’re going to a benefit event this weekend, for networking. They haven’t seen us show our faces for a long time, and I think it’s about time we do”
That’s what Tommy had announced yesterday at the meeting. Gina had clapped excitedly, exclaiming to Michael how she’d never been to an English ball before.
I, however, could not have been less enthusiastic. Up until now I have not had to deal much with Gina and Michael as a pair. Michael alone is already way to much for me to handle emotionally. Moments I’m around him are spent with a racing mind and heart as I try and figure out what he is thinking. And even in moments where we’re not around each other, my every thought is consumed by him. It has been two days since Michael and I shared that moment in the office, and I’m still recovering. I can still physically feel the pit in my stomach, and the way my stomach dropped when I saw the tears on Michael’s face. I replay it on a continuous loop. And the last thing he said to me has had me completely torn up in an internal battle. He had said he wanted this. And I can’t stop obsessing over whether the use of past tense means that this is not what Michael wants anymore. That he wanted Gina. He wanted to marry her. He wanted me to keep away from him. But maybe he isn’t so sure anymore?
But hey, it’s not like I’m ever going to ask him what the hell he is thinking. What he is doing. What happened. Does he regret it? I could never ask him. Because maybe Michael will never wake up to himself. And there is no way in hell I’m letting my heart get broken twice.  As for Michael, he has barely even looked at me since. Talk about whose avoiding who now. Michael is pretty much doing my job for me. Dipping out of every room quickly when I walk in. Looking at the floor or practically anywhere but at me when we have to be around each other.
Right now I’m stood here trying on 6 different dresses to wear to the races today, growing even more frustrated at how none of them are just right.
I haven’t dressed up in a long time. I was even slightly excited at the idea. But now I just feel defeated. I used to love putting on my best dress and watching Michael melt. The look on his face when he would see me. The way he would whisper to me, letting me know I wouldn’t have the dress on for much longer once we got home.
But no one is looking now.
Sighing, I settle on a floor length, yellow gown. I haven’t worn it yet. I slip into it, feeling out of place and worthless. Funny how everything looked better when it was under Michael’s gaze.
Now I’m just a girl in a yellow dress.
I rush through the rest of my makeup and hair, hurrying out of my apartment just in time for the car that the Shelby’s organised for me. The whole car ride I clutch my purse nervously. I can only imagine Gina will look stunning. And I will have to watch Michael look at her the way he used to look at me. As I see the event grow closer in the horizon, I want to hijack the vehicle and go home. Desperately. But at least Polly, Tommy and Arthur will be there. I can’t let them down. This is important for my job. I need to make moves and network with people.
That’s all I have to do. Just keep my head down and do my job.
I feel completely out of my body as I slide out of the car, expecting my legs to give way underneath me. I head up the steps to the entrance where they will ask for my name and who I’m with. Normally I would show up with Michael and no questions would be asked. We would get a respectful nod from the doorman and be let in without questions asked. I almost wish that I might just fall down the steps and straight into a black hole where I don’t have to go ahead with this. But now it’s too late. I’m greeted at the door by tall men who could do a lot of damage and a woman with a clipboard.
“Isabelle. I’m on the Shelby Limited table” I say abruptly, completely ignoring her warm welcome. I don’t mean to, but my mind is completely in a foggy haze. As she runs her finger down the paper to check I’m on list, I search the room full of people behind the security guards. No signs of Michael or Gina. Yet.
“Not a problem, go ahead ma’am” she nods as the security guards separate for me to walk through. I stare at the busy room ahead like a deer in headlights, composing myself before I set foot inside. Wearing my best fake smile I begin weaving my way through the crowd. I search desperately for the Shelby’s in every face I see with no luck. Knowing my fortune, I’ll probably run straight into Michael and Gina.
But maybe tonight the lucky stars are on my side. As I reach the top of the stair well that will lead into the heart of the party, I scan the room once more. This time, my eyes land on Tommy, Polly and Arthur. With a sigh of relief, I practically fly down the stairs. Not even caring if I trip and fall. I just need to get to my people. Where I feel safe. Tommy spots me, and soon after Polly and Arthur do too.
As I finally reach them I pull her into my arms for a much needed hug. I’m already on edge and I’ve only just arrived. Tonight is going to be fun… When we let go, she holds me out in front of her, looking me up and down.
“Good god girl” she exclaims, shaking her head.
“Do I look okay?”
“Are you fucking joking, you look stunning”
Her compliment steady’s my nerves a little, and before I know it Tommy is reaching out to me. I take his hand and he pulls me in, placing a gentle kiss on my cheek.
“You look beautiful Izzy” he coos, his eyes are warm and genuine “And don’t forget to breathe, eh” He chuckles as he notices my energy. I’m nervous wreck and just about anyone could tell. Right now I feel like a slight breeze could knock me off my feet.
I exhale slowly, nodding at him. No one calms me like Tommy can. He is always so strong. Calm. Steady. Sure of himself. And that rubs of on me every time.
He gives me a quick reassuring wink like he always does, as Arthur butts into the conversation.
“Fucking hell eh,” his rough voice booms as pulls me in for a hug like Arthur always does “Wait till Michael gets a load of this-“
Polly swats at him immediately, hitting his arm with her hang bag.
“Well we won’t have to wait long for that now will we-“ Tommy retorts in a hushed voice as his eyes lock on someone in the distance.
Simultaneously, we all look over our shoulders to see Michael and Gina headed our way. A giant pit begins to hollow out in my stomach immediately at the sight of them. They haven’t noticed us yet as they walk with their arms linked, laughing and talking with each other.
Almost as if it was perfect timing, a waiter greets us, offering glasses of wine. Without thinking I reaching for one, throwing it back faster than I probably should. I can feel Polly’s look of concern as she watches me skull the drink.
“Hello everyone” I hear Gina’s obnoxious accent greet us as her and Michael finally meet up with us.
Mustering up whatever small amount of liquid courage the wine gave me, I place my empty glass down on the table and turn to face them with tight lipped smile.
The second Gina’s eyes fall over me, she transforms from a smiling trophy wife to a stone cold statue. They lock onto me like lasers before raking up and down my body, the same way they did on the first day we met. When her eyes finally meet mine again, she looks absolutely livid. Fuming. I’ve seen that same look on her before.
Possessively, she tightens her grip on Michael’s arm. Michael. I hadn’t even dared to look at him yet. But just like always it doesn’t take long for our darting eyes to meet. When they do, I find that he looks speechless. Frozen. His lips are parted in what I can only assume is shock. As he stares at me, at my body, he looks… breathless. Which is probably exactly how I look right now. I feel wildly uncomfortable, my heart rate picking up it’s pace as he gazes at me without blinking.
Tommy, Arthur and Polly quickly begin talking to ease the tension. They begin complimenting Gina on how lovely she looks. She’s dressed in a tight, silver gown, with her signature fur shawl drapes over her shoulders.
“It’s vintage” Gina smiles proudly, before turning her attention back to Michael. But the smile from her ego being stroked is quickly slapped of her face when she she’s how Michael is staring at me. Her head snaps towards him, looking completely offended that he’s even looking at me. She stares at her husband in bewilderment, but then her head rotates towards me. She clears her throat, which startles Michael. His eyes quickly dart away from my body, his neck growing red under his collar.
“Yellow…” Gina begins raising her eyebrows at me “How sweet, you look… bright”
She knows exactly what she’s doing. Her voice is so condescending its basically dripping with it. And her sweet smile is anything but sweet. It’s vicious. Forced. Tight lipped.
I want to bite back. I want to tell her how much that fur shawl she thinks makes her look expensive actually just looks like something she killed and skinned herself.
But I don’t. This woman has taken everything from me. I won’t let her take my pride. My dignity.
I take slow, calming deep breath before responding to her attempt at offending me with a cool smile. Underneath my skin she might have me boiling with rage. But I would never show her that.
“You look stunning Gina”
Her brows furrow ever so slightly as she fights to control the shock on her face. I caught her off guard. She expected me to strike back. To make a fool of myself. But I won’t let her have that satisfaction.
Then without quite knowing why, I turn to Michael, who looks like he’s about to have a heart attack when I lock my eyes onto his. I can see his stomach doing back flips as he waits in anticipation for what I’m about to say.
“And you have a beautiful wife, you must be so lucky”
And with one last smile, I excuse myself from the group and walk away. I try to walk with a strong stride, as if I’m sure of where I’m going. But I’m not. I’m just walking in any direction that will take me away from them, weaving through strangers as the adrenaline leaves my body. I’m not trying to leave, but I need to catch my breath for a second.
I need fresh air… and another drink.
Somehow, I manage to find my way to a back court yard, full off people smoking to relieve their stress. I’m not a smoker, but it’s still fresh air. And hell, at least I’m not the only one trying to escape the party. I don’t know why they bother coming out here, people are lighting up cigarettes inside anyway.
I find an empty chair to sit in, and I’m relieved to be able to stop for a second and gather myself. I can’t believe Gina. That woman is vile. Vicious. Poisonous. A snake dressed up in vintage dresses. Michael staring at me like he’s just seen a ghost.
My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a mans voice, asking if he can take a seat. I look up in the direction of the voice and find myself stunned. He is tall, much taller than me even though I’m sitting I can still see that he towers over me. He greets my shock with a warm smile. He seem’s nice enough.
“Uh, yes, of course” I quickly reply, realising I’m just staring like a someone who doesn’t know how to act in social situations.
“Sorry, for frightening you” he smiles sheepishly as he takes a seat. God, am I that easy to read.
“No, it’s fine, honestly, I was just thinking” I shake my head
“Thinking is good” he smirks, then extends a slender hand towards me “I’m Charlie”
“Isabelle” I introduce myself, feeling oddly comfortable around this man. I take his hand in mine and shake it gently.
“I’ll let you continue thinking?” He asks, suddenly looking guilty for interrupting my solitude.
“No please,” I shake my head, urging him to continue talking “That’s the last thing I want to be doing”
“Noted” he grins back “What brings you here, Isabelle”
“To this court yard or to this ball?” I tease, surprised at my own playfulness.
“Let’s start with the ball first then”
“To the ball… Work”
“And to this luxurious court yard?” He jokes, gesturing to our slightly run down surroundings.
I pause for a moment. What do I say? That I just ran away from my ex partner and his new wife? That I’m hiding from them to avoid the suffocating tension between us? Because I think he still loves me but he won’t just admit it?
“The fresh air” I retort sarcastically.
He watches me closely, the glint of a smile in his eyes as the corners of his mouth curl up. He nods, accepting that he’s not going to get anymore out of me than that. But I feel bad. Normally I’m an open book. I love people. But my situation with Michael is far to complex even me to understand, let alone explain to a stranger. Feeling guilty for not giving him much of a decent conversation, I turn to face him directly.
“What about you, Charlie?”
He hums, looking up as he thinks “To the court yard or the ball?”
I can’t help but grin at his quick wit, as he gives me a dose of my own medicine. But clearly only jokingly teasing me, he continues to answer my question.
“Here to support my brother, he runs one of the charities being honoured tonight”
I smile. This man. Charlie. He is sweet.
“To the court yard, however, I have also come to get fresh air. These kinds of events aren’t really my thing”
“You and me both” I nod “Not that we’re getting much fresh air anyway”
He laughs softly, nodding along with me in agreement.
“Do you drink, Isabelle?” He questions
“Only on days that end with Y” I smirk, answering his question.
He beams back at me, seeming almost like he’s not used to this.
“You know I’m thinking a drink at the bar might do us better than this lovely fresh air”
I cock my head to the side, watching him closely. I don’t know this man. Not well, anyway. This isn’t the type of networking I was planning on doing. But when was the last time I did something for me? Michael does. Michael puts his needs first every day. And the longer I look at this man, the longer I realise how absolutely stunning he is. And yeah, maybe I want to have a goddamn drink with him. I stand up from my chair and he quickly follows my lead with a grin. Without a word, he extends his arm to me and I take it, defying every part of me that feels weird hiding any mans arm that isn’t Michael’s. I’m doing this for me.
What ensues is a half hour of drinking at the bar, where we learn more about each other. Every time he opens his mouth I’m taken aback by how funny, intelligent and sweet this man is. He meets every joke of mine with an even better one. His quick wit keeping up with mine like it’s nothing. He says the right thing. The nice thing. The funny thing. His laugh is divine, and I begin to notice his deeply set smile lines and subtle dimples. Everything about Charlie is new. Exciting. I’ve been so fixated, so used to Michael for so long that I find myself in awe of the man in front of me.
I almost forget we are even at an event until a voice booms into the air over a loud and screeching microphone. The voice asks us all to returns to our seats for dinner, before the event properly begins.
“What table are you at?”
“I’m not sure, actually” I reply as I quickly realise I’m not sure where the Shelby’s are seated. Suddenly I see Polly’s face appear in the crowd. She hasn’t spotted me yet, but I can tell she is looking for me. Shit. Panic sets in. I know Polly wouldn’t be mad at me for having drinks with another man. In fact I’m sure she’d encourage it. But I’m not ready. I’m not ready to have her see me with another man. Very quickly, I begin to feel horrible about this. Maybe I shouldn’t be getting drinks with another man. God what am I doing?
“You alright?” I hear Charlie ask and I look back at him nervously.
“Uh, yeah I, I just think I need to-“ my sentence is interrupted by panic as Polly is getting closer and closer.
“It’s alright, you should get back” He reassures me. I look up at him with furrowed brows and nods in understanding, but his smile looks sad. God I feel terrible. But I can’t stay.
“I’m sorry” I apologise in a rush as I hurry away from him, desperate to get back to the table without being seen by Polly.
To my relief, I manage to stalk my way around the crowd and avoid Polly. But once I feel like I breathe a sigh of relief, I’m smacked in the face with another wave of panic. Now I have to sit with Gina and Michael at dinner. I hurry up to our table once I spot it, and slide into my seat so quickly only Tommy notices me sit down. Noticing I’m out of breath he furrows his brows at me.
“Did you run here or something?” he laughs nudging me playfully with his shoulder. I scoff. I practically did, yeah.
“Oh, there you are!” Polly’s voice exclaims suddenly, drawing attention to me. Gina and Michael’s heads both shoot over my way, and it doesn’t take long to get served a disgusted look from Gina. But right now Gina and her bitch face is on the bottom of my worry list. I’m just relieved that I made it back to the table without Polly seeing me with Charlie. Oh god. I cringe remembering how I left him in the lurch at the bar. I all but ran away from the guy while he was half way through a sentence.
Suddenly waiters start appearing from the kitchen doors, serving the dinner to all the guests. Desperate to have something to distract me, I busy myself with the food and try to centre myself again. I let the chatter of the party fall into the background as I zone out, my mind travelling back to Charlie. I made a complete fool of myself. He was perfectly nice. More than nice. He was completely charming. Why did I just run away from him like that. At one point, I happen to catch eyes with Michael, who seems to already be looking at me. His eyes dart away from me quickly trying to pretend like I didn’t catch him looking. But I don’t even bother entertaining him for that right now. This awkward staring game he is playing is getting very old, very fast.
Does he expect me to read his goddamn mind?
Before I know it, dinner is over, and the afternoons festivities begin. The host drones on for many long, painful minutes, most of the time bragging about their generosity towards the charities here tonight. I try not to laugh. Doesn’t the boasting kind of defeat the purpose of the philanthropy? As he finally wraps up his self centred speech I assumed that might all just go back to mingling and forcing small talk with all these strangers, but no. As the band begins to play music once more, the host announces that the ball room floor has opened.
Gina exclaims excitedly at Michael as couples all over the room begin to stand and make their way to the dance floor in the middle of the room.
You’ve got to be kidding me. I look up at the ceiling and to the heavens above. Someone up there really has it out for me.
I watch as Michael forces a smile at Gina as she tugs on his coat, begging him to dance.
“Dance with me baby?” She pouts, sounding like a whining child. I bite the inside of my lip, trying not to scoff out loud. Michael hates being called baby. When we were together, he used to love the way I called him ‘my love’. He had insisted that he could never imagine being called by any other name. Joking that he would change his name legally so I couldn’t call him anything but ‘my love’.
Reluctantly, he places his napkin on the table and helps Gina up out of her chair.
“Excuse us, I have to dance with my husband” she says to the table as she hangs of Michael’s arm, but I know she’s directing that comment directly at me. Everyone nods, excusing them from the table. I try to wipe the look of hurt, jealousy and anger of my face as I watch them join the rest of the dancing couples.
“Thought you might need this” Arthur’s voice says in my ear as he sits down next to me, sliding a glass of wine in my direction.
“What would make you think that?” I reply sarcastically, but give him a grateful smile. For the next few songs I watch them pensively over the top of the rim of my glass. Gina is beaming up at Michael. Clutching onto him possessively every time another woman gets to close. Michael doesn’t look totally miserable either. He even looks like he’s enjoying himself for a few fleeting moments. Of course he is. He’s married. His wife is beautiful. She adores him. What more could he want, right?
After the 3rd song finishes they leave the dance floor and begin to return to the table. I force my eyes down to the ground, to make out like I haven’t just been staring at them for the past 15 minutes.
They only just reach the table, taking their seats, when a males voice says my name from beside us.
In shock at hearing my name, I look up in its direction. My eyes meet with a pair of familiar blue eyes and a gentle smile.
“Would you like to dance with me?” He proposes, extending his arm to me. When he see’s my hesitance he gives me a deep, knowing look. Like he’s been watching this all unfold and he has come to whisk me away. To save me. I should feel embarrassed. Awkward. Another man offering to dance with me when Michael is right there should feel weird. But instead I just feel… butterflies. The good kind. I want to let myself do this. Why not. I don’t have anyone to be loyal to. I have been loyal to Michael since day one. He hasn’t returned that. I don’t owe him a goddamn thing.
Without a word I take his hand, rising from my seat. His face lights up, and he gives me a smile that looks… proud. He squeezes my hand once, before linking my arm with his.
“Thank you” he nods at the Shelby’s respectfully with a small bow “I’ll have her back soon”
I glance over at all their faces as we walk away. Tommy and Arthur watch on like protective brothers, and Polly has a proud smile on her face. She loves her son, but I know she’s thinking how much he deserves to have this rubbed in his face. Speaking of Michael, the look on his face is priceless. He looks hot and angry, his face distorted and twisted half between fury and… hurt.
But I don’t have much time to look at Michael, not while Charlie is leading me through the dance floor until we find a clear spot to stand. He smirks as we face each other. He places one large, slender hand on my waist while the other interlocks with mine. I take a deep breath to steady myself. Another mans touch is so unfamiliar to me. He watches me carefully, reading me like a book. Sensing my nerves, he very slowly and gently pulls me closer to him. Not to fast. But not to slow. How the hell does he know how to do the right thing every time?
Feeling how calm and steady he is has the same effect on me, and I feel my rushing mind and racing heart begin to slow.
“Hi again” he coos softly, smiling down at me.
“Hi” I reply, unable to help the grin that is growing wider and wider on my own face. I follow his lead as we begin to sway along to the slow jazz music that is playing in the background. I frown slightly, still feeling guilty about leaving him.
“I’m so sorry about before” I apologise looking up at him sheepishly.
“Don’t be” He shakes his head, dismissing my concern “Just don’t run off from me while we’re in the middle of the dance floor yea, might not recover from that one” he teases. We both chuckle.
“I’m not going anywhere” I assure him
“That’s fine by me” he bites his lip as we find ourselves getting even closer to one another until we’re pressed right up against one another. As we share a moment just gazing at one another, I can’t help but wonder he came just at the right time. Who the hell sent this man?
Suddenly turns us around in a circle, holding me tight as we spin. Catching me off guard, he lowers me down into a dip. His strong hand supports my back, and my head falls back as I laugh gleefully. When he brings me back up, our faces are so close that our noses are touching. I half expect him to kiss me, to take advantage of this moment. But he doesn’t. He remains a perfect gentleman. I’m completely caught up in him, caught up in our own little bubble when it is burst by the sight of Michael over Charlie’s shoulder.
He is standing with the Shelby’s and Gina, as they’re mingling and chatting with another family. But he’s not paying attention to them. He is glaring at Charlie and I over the top of his drink. He throws it back angrily, before all but slamming it down on the table. I can see his chest rising and falling heavily from here. Michael isn’t even trying to hide his jealously. I can’t believe the audacity of Michael. It’s almost laughable.
“You good?” Charlie asks with concern, noticing that I’m distracted. He also notices Michael as he looks between us. I think for a moment, and funnily enough, I am good. I’m good. Right now, with Charlie, I feel untouchable.
“I’m wonderful” I nod and he smiles with relief.
“Yeah,” he breathes “You are”
As the next song picks up in pace, he dances me around the floor. He spins me, twirling me around, but catches me again every time. We laugh with each other, enjoying getting completely wrapped up in the moment. I completely forget about Michael. In fact, I completely forget anyone else is even in the room until the final song comes to an end.
We linger for a moment, still enamoured with each other while most people begin to leave the dance floor. I feel almost high of the chemistry between us. The host announces that the final song also marks the ending of the evening. He is the first to break our bubble as he begins to let go of me slowly, his hand lingering on my waist before he finally lets go.
“Alright, I think I’ve stolen you for long enough” he chuckles, breaking the tension between us “You can run now if you like”
“I might be to out of breath for that” I retort with a laugh “Where did you learn to dance like that?”
“I was just saving my best moves for you”
“Thank you, for…” I begin, but I can’t finish my sentence. Thank you for the dance, yes. But how do I thank him for saving my from a night of torture at the table with Michael and Gina.
“Trust me, the pleasure has been all mine”
“I haven’t had that much fun in a long time”
“Well that makes two of us”
Theres a long, long moment between us. I may not have done this in a while but I still know what happens next. That’s when my nerves begin to return slowly but surely. Can I do this? He is wonderful. Everything about him is wonderful. And the chemistry is palpable. But am I ready for this?
Sensing that I’m uncomfortable, he bows slightly. “I’ll let you get back. It’s been lovely meeting you, Isabelle” he smiles down at me.
I watch as he turns, almost about to walk away when something comes over me. I quickly reach for his coat pulling him back to me.
“Wait,” I say desperately as he steps closer to me “Come home with me”
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blackjack-15 · 4 years
Are You Poe-ndering What I’m Poe-ndering? — Thoughts on: Warnings at Waverly Academy (WAC)
Hello and welcome to a Nancy Drew meta series! 30 metas, 30 Nancy Drew Games that I’m comfortable with doing meta about. Hot takes, cold takes, and just Takes will abound, but one thing’s for sure: they’ll all be longer than I mean them to be.
Each meta will have different distinct sections: an Introduction, an exploration of the Title, an explanation of the Mystery, a run-through of the Suspects. Then, I’ll tackle some of my favorite and least favorite things about the game, and finish it off with ideas on how to improve it.
If any game requires an extra section or two, they’ll be listed in the paragraph above, along with links to previous metas (or not links, as tumblr is freaking out with links).
These metas are not spoiler free, though I’ll list any games/media that they might spoil here: WAC, mention of Sabrina the Teenage Witch (the OG live-action show not the horrible CW monstrosity); discussion of the Poe short stories “The Imp of the Perverse” and “The Black Cat”.
The Intro:
It’s time to go to school, y’all — and not just any school; a rich, elite, all-girls school. Welcome to the jungle.
Warnings at Waverly Academy is one of two games that I don’t sort into a category (like “Expanded” “Jetsetting” or “Odd”), the other being the game that follows it (TOT). There are a few reasons for this — the next category really doesn’t apply, but neither does the previous category, WAC and TOT both feature a gradual shift in tone and approach to the games, etc. If I really had to pick a designation, I’d say that these are the “Growing Pains” games, where the world gets a little bit more open — but not all at once, the characters get a little more fleshed out — but not by much, and a few new things are tried with our character rolls — to varying degrees of success.
On the whole, WAC tackles its efforts far better than TOT does, but it does make for a slightly less interesting meta if one was just to focus on what WAC does wrong and what it does right. Instead, we’re going to take a look at how brilliant WAC is tonally and thematically, and how its source material — not kept secret in the game — builds it up and makes it better and better upon replays.
Before I begin, it’s fair to warn you all that my thesis was done on Poe and adaptation theory (and its relevance towards detective novels but I won’t touch much on that part of it), so I might get a bit nerdy. Hopefully it’s still exciting and relatable enough to the game that it’ll make for interesting, rather than academic, reading.
WAC uses Poe’s stories — specifically “The Black Cat” (obviously) and “The Imp of the Perverse” (in my slightly expert opinion) — as thematic (what the game means) and tonal (how the game feels) touchstones, not to mention their inclusion for some of the events in the plot. A brief summary of both is probably important when looking at how they relate to WAC.
“The Imp of the Perverse” is an essay-like short story by Poe that basically states that inside of every person is the desire to do something wrong or incorrect simply because it is wrong or incorrect (not morally, but in terms of self-interest).
In the story, a man commits a clever murder and gets away with it, receiving the inheritance that he wanted from the dead man. The man cannot be caught — there is no evidence of any wrongdoing, let alone any that points to him — unless he confesses. The idea of confessing — not out of guilt, but just because it would be the wrong thing to do — plays on his mind until, driven half-mad with his preoccupation, he confesses and is imprisoned and executed. The titular “imp” is basically a devil on the shoulder who wants what would be worst for our own self-interest, simply because it is the worst.
“The Black Cat” on the other hand is pretty much a proto-“Tell-Tale Heart” — an alcoholic man becomes emotionally distant from his cat (a rare sentence, I know) because he things the cat is judging him for being a drunk; one night in a drunken rage, he cuts out its eye and kills it. A fire catches his home, leaving an imprint of the hanged cat upon the only standing wall.
The man and his wife move, and he, after a period of guilt, makes friends with another cat — a cat nigh-identical to the first one, even missing an eye. When he (drunk, as per usual) and his wife are walking down the cellar stairs, however, he nearly trips over the cat and becomes enraged, trying to kill the cat, only to be stopped by his wife. He instead kills his wife, burying her behind the wall of the cellar and bricking up the hole.
When the police come by they find nothing, and the cat has disappeared, so the man feels safe. The police come back to investigate the cellar, the man taps on the wall to boast of how well the house is made — only to have horrific screeching start up behind the wall. The police break the wall down and find not only his wife’s body, but the black cat sitting on it as well. The man breaks down, overwhelmed by his own guilt, and the story ends.
It’s pretty clear what influence “The Black Cat” had on WAC — not only does the villain name herself after the titular cat, but WAC is also a story of guilt, hidden crimes, and personal weaknesses that manifest in rage towards other innocents.
It’s actually really interesting that Corine takes the mantle of “The Black Cat” up when she begins targeting other valedictorian candidates; the black cat in the story is sort of a symbol of the man’s sin — a reaction to his sins and misdeeds, and sort of a catalyst of justice. This ties into how Corine sees herself — someone rejected and mistreated by those who are “filthy” themselves, and who must then show others the things they hate about themselves.
It’s Corine’s self-identification as a victim that starts all this, and it causes her to victimize others in potentially fatal ways. The black cat stands for guilt, for the sins of others, and yet it leads Corine further and further away from any justness herself.
The story of “The Imp of the Perverse” has a little bit of a more subtle tie-in to the game; in a way, each suspect does exactly what they know they shouldn’t.
Rachel and Kim are obvious — they really shouldn’t switch back and forth so regularly, nor should they be so sloppy at informing the other as to what they did and who they met that day. Leela, who should be studying if she wants to keep her spot in the race, instead passes the time by playing sports. Mel knows that the cloak-and-dagger meetings are to be an absolute secret, yet wears hair bows that she constantly loses to one. Izzy has her future meticulously planned out, yet refuses to back up an incredibly important paper (and also relies on being popular, yet pursues other girls’ boyfriends).
Even Corine falls under this; by targeting Nancy, she’s ensuring that suspicion will fall on her, as 2/3rds of the victims would then be her roommates. She’s also cutting her chances of being valedictorian by not working hard for it and instead relying on other, riskier methods. Every move she makes leads to it being more and more obvious that she’s behind them — and yet, she continues anyway, just like the man in “The Imp of the Perverse” — leading from a few small incidents to attempted murder.
Ignoring WAC’s ties to Poe renders it as a good, solid mystery without anything remarkable about it (other than the pendulum, of course). Exploring its ties to Poe not only helps set up exactly who the villain is, but also sets the tone for the mystery. This isn’t a mystery of Nancy foiling a villain through her smarts; instead, it’s a story about how guilt and a perverse desire for self-destruction leads a once-promising valedictorian candidate to more and more severe crimes, culminating in the exact opposite of what she was working for.
The Title:
It’s pretty awesome, full stop.
Warnings at Waverly Academy is honestly a great title for a Nancy Drew mystery; it gives us location, a sense of the world we’re in (scholastic), and a vague yet not too vague sense of what’s going on. The alliteration is good, the abbreviation amuses me — it’s just solid all the way around.
There’s not much else to say; sure, you could strengthen it by finding a punchier “w” word to begin with, but that’s just quibbling. It’s great, I love it, let’s move on to the Happenings at Waverly Academy (which, by the way, would have been a terrible name for the game).
The Mystery:
Called in as a professional undercover detective, Nancy’s just young enough to hide in plain sight at Waverly Academy, an upper-crust private school for those girls fortunate enough to be both rich and smart (aside from a few scholarship students, who are simply smart). Nancy’s called in due to a few near-death experiences by students, punctuated always by notes simply signed “The Black Cat”. It’s only a few days until break ends, so Nancy must work quickly to stop the sabotage, find the Black Cat, and solve the mystery before anyone dies.
Nancy, as always, finds quickly that not everything is so cut-and-dried. Each valedictorian candidate has the motive, means, and opportunity to get the other girls out of their way, and all have something to lose. Add in a secret society, the threat of demerits from an overly zealous RA, and the sneaking feeling that there might be a greater mystery behind all of these incidents, and you get a case mostly unlike any that Nancy’s had to crack before.
Oh, and Ned is on the phone, serving the player up with the single punch of testosterone in the game (aside from the hunky Mr. Harris, of course).
As a mystery, WAC is honestly super solid. Lots of characters, lots of clues, lots of red herrings, lots of mini-mysteries going on inside of the larger mystery…it’s everything you want from a Nancy Drew game, and it doesn’t really drop any of the balls it juggles. Sure, the pendulum might be a bit much for you if you’re not up on your Poe, but I think it’s a lot of fun, and for sure a very different type of ending puzzle — not drowning or running out of air or any other ending that Nancy Drew games likes to do.
Let’s go to the movers and shakers behind this mystery, then, shall we?
The Suspects:
Mel Corbalis is the fan-favorite character, so let’s start with her in this huge, estrogen-laden cast. Distinctly of the goth persuasion, Mel is a fantastically talented cello player and a Waverly Legacy, despite the fact that no one at school wants to be caught dead near her. She’s not an outcast the way that Corine is, however, because of her simple insistence on being exactly who she is, and not trying to hide or apologize for it.
Go Mel.
As a suspect, Mel is slightly more suspicious than most other girls, on account of Megan being her roommate, but otherwise sits on fairly equal standing with them all. She’s by far the most outwardly aggressive, but also comes across as simply no-nonsense (a welcome thing in any girl’s academy, believe me). She also has the least of Poe about her, despite her taste in fashion, and is in general a breath of fresh wind.
Next up is Leela Yadav, athlete extraordinaire. She sure can bounce that ball, at least. Izzy’s roommate and just as much a social climber (though in less in-your-face ways), Leela wants it all — popular, athletic, and valedictorian. It’s a lot for any girl to handle, much less one who can’t seem to keep it all together.
As a suspect, Leela’s not bad — she’s as even as (most) anyone else throughout the first half of the game, but falls off a bit when Izzy isn’t specifically targeted by the Black Cat (as most of her gripes are against Izzy, particularly). Leela’s more there to increase the number of students and throw suspicion around, but she does a darn fine job of it, and is well-rounded enough to be genuinely enjoyable.
We’d be remiss not to mention the queen bee (and my personal favorite suspect) at Waverly Academy, Izzy Romero. Snobbish, arrogant, and with apparently the smarts and people skills to back it up, Izzy is the first Waverly girl that Nancy (as Becca) meets, and boy does she set the player up for what Waverly is really like. Izzy’s smart enough to know when she should put in the effort and clever enough to delegate it when she can, and that alone endears her to me, even leaving aside her hilarious dialogue and general vibes.
As a suspect, Izzy is the sole girl who really isn’t set up to be much other than what she is — a girl with more than enough smarts to get power, and enough power to pretty much do what she wants to do. Sure, Nancy can catch Izzy doing stuff she shouldn’t do, but she’s never really a heavy-hitter when it comes to the Black Cat stuff. I love her for that, too. She’s a lot like Libby from the original Sabrina the Teenage Witch show; a bit nasty, but hilarious and effectively harmless — and I’ve always liked Libby-style characters.
And her stint in the Blackwood Society is aces too. Man, this girl does not quit.
Rachel Hubbard, is, of course, actually Rachel and Kim Hubbard, and they are the plot point that WAC is most known for. They actually have marginally separate personalities too, with one being far snappier than the other, and having strengths in different subjects.
Part of the reason I love the Hubbard twins so much is that their presence is so...Poeian. Poe was all about duplicity and mirrors, and the Hubbard twins show off both themes. It’s just a wonderful little bit of a nod to the source material (thematically speaking) of the game, and I adore it.
As suspects, the Hubbards aren’t bad at all; they’re lying, sneaking around, and blatantly “forget” what they’ve said to people, all of which adds up to be very untrustworthy. Were it not for Nancy (and Corine) sneaking around, they might have gotten through their Waverly experience without anyone figuring it out — and that’s something to respect, even if it does make them prime targets for blackmail. And speaking of blackmail…
Corine Meyers is both Nancy’s roommate and 100% our villain this time around. Obsessed with becoming valedictorian and knowing she probably won’t get it, Corine basically puts out self-assigned hits on each of her fellow candidates, attempting to get the title by violence rather than by being worthy. She’s even cunning enough to blackmail the Hubbard twins into doing some of her dirty work, throwing people off her scent. Sure, Corine is a rather pathetic (in the non-sympathetic sense) person who I have little respect for, but she does make a good villain in a Poe-ish story.
As a suspect, the game actually makes a pretty good go at not assigning the blame too quickly to anyone, so Corine does manage to hide out in the shadows. Sure, one of the girls who went home was her roommate, but the other was Mel’s, so suspicion isn’t centered right on her. I also love that she’s actually punished for what she does — no amount of sad pictures at the end of the game changes that. Corine actually has the cleverness that CUR tries (but doesn’t succeed) to give Jane, and I think it’s wonderful.
I’m not going to give Megan Vargas or Danielle Hayes their individual chunks, but they are present here as well, standing in as victims so we know that this teenaged effery very nearly had a body count. They really help to give a sense of…well, purposeful disconnection to the game, where the setting and the snow and the fact that these are high school girls doesn’t stop the crimes from being deadly.
The Favorite:
The first thing that I have to say is that I love how the tone and crimes of this game contrast so well with a lot of the games (especially, sorry, CUR). This takes place at a school, your suspects are all teenaged girls…and yet the game doesn’t shy away from how horrific things really are to get Nancy called in. Two girls have nearly died in quick succession from one another, and the girls are going on chasing acclaim. It’s a messed up situation, and the game doesn’t shy away from pointing that out.
These crimes are treated with severity, and the culprit, despite things that might have softened her ending under lesser writers, is punished with total removal. WAC in some ways is a spiritual successor to SCK, in that it takes place at a school, lives are endangered, Nancy is (mostly) undercover, and the culprit is not above killing Nancy messily solely for personal gain. The difference, of course, is that SCK is not done well, and WAC, on the whole, is.
As mentioned above, I have a soft spot for Poeian detective stories, and so I enjoy WAC probably more than I would had they modeled it after, say, Holmesian detective stories instead. The ideas of duplicity, mirrors, guilt, the Imp of the Perverse — the self-destructive tendency to do what we should not simply because we should not do it — these are all present and accounted for in WAC from different girls and facets of the plot (Corine and the secret society both represent duplicity, the Hubbard girls are mirrors, Waverly’s own guilt towards the students it failed, etc.).
My favorite puzzle has to be WAC’s resident cooking minigame, where Nancy prepares hot lettuce sandwiches and definitely underdone cookies to the delight of the gossiping horde. It’s like TRN’s cheeseburger minigame writ large, and every second of it is wonderful — the gossip, the food-making, the unexpected panic of a teacher order — everything. It also helps Nancy keep her head above water, should she be caught sneaking around after hours, and I think that’s great as well.
My favorite moment of the game is when Nancy comes out of the wall in Mel’s room and Mel isn’t having even one iota of her excuses to cut and run. It’s not often that a non-villain will press Nancy so intently when Nancy does something Inherently Untrustworthy, and I think it’s great that a 17 year old girl behaves exactly as one would, demanding an explanation and not letting Nancy wiggle her way out of it. Sheer perfection and the moment, I would guess, that Mel became a lot of people’s favorite WAC character.
I also love everything to do with the Blackwood Society. Nancy goes so…metal there and we really don’t get enough of Metal Nancy. It features one of the few moments of absolutely, unequivocally brilliant voice acting that Lani stumbles upon (the conversation about the bow), and it’s a wonder to behold.
The Un-Favorite:
While WAC certainly has great things about it, it’s not by any means a perfect game. It wouldn’t sit in my top 10, and possibly not even in my top 15, though it would depend on the day. The reasons for this?
A big one is my least favorite puzzle: taking the pictures. It’s a good idea — a gofer quest to help Nancy get to meet each student, talk to them, etc. and make sure no one gets lost in the shuffle (like with what usually happens with Guadalupe in ICE, for example) — and is also great for acquainting Nancy with the Hubbard(s). However, in practice, the interface makes it incredibly obnoxious to do, what with having to retake pictures because the pan or zoom is slightly off, and having to jump around from place to place. It’s a good idea, but could have been implemented far, far more smoothly than it actually was.
My least favorite moment in the game is actually the whole deal with Izzy’s paper being deleted. It’s a dick move — and I have no problem with that, honestly, but the fact that she has no backup is just like…girl, what on earth are you doing where you don’t back up your work.
Adding to that is the fact that even in the far-off yesteryear of 2009, Word autosaves (as did many, if not all, word processors) and a copy definitely would have still been retrievable on her computer, and that the teacher would almost definitely have a previous rough draft or at least outline…it’s a pretty shaky thing to have happen (the not-having, not the deleting), and it does break the game down a bit. I know it’s not that big a deal to most people, but it seriously hampers my ability to stay within the world of WAC and to take the mystery seriously.
The Fix:
So how would I fix Warnings at Waverly Academy?
There’s honestly not too much to do; while not a perfect game, WAC is perfectly solid, accomplishing what it needs to do properly and well, without too many little flaws to mar its reputation.
In other words, it’s a bit like an unsuccessful valedictorian candidate; well-rounded, but not a standout when compared to others that burn a little brighter.
I would, however, re-work the picture task; I’m not sure how you could make it less clunky, mechanically speaking, but it definitely needs it, along with a way to know if it’s a good picture or not before you go through all the effort of going to the library and plugging in the camera. I love the idea — just make the idea work better.
I’d also change the “deleted paper” storyline and go a little more destructive — give the computer an awful virus instead. Sure, her paper is backed up (in 2009, probably on a USB drive, or saved to her email or something), and she has her stuff, but that locks away all personalized notes, study sheets, etc. It’s something that would be pretty damning for a Valedictorian candidate, while also still being firmly in the realm of believability.
And on a smaller note, remove the ability to call Bess in this game. It always goes to voicemail and serves no purpose. Why even include it?
Where WAC really shines is its individualistic approach to each girl and in its permeation of Poeian themes; that’s what makes it special as a game, rather than any of its individual parts. Sometimes, you need to take a break from haunted mansions and carousels and museum thefts and marriage troubles and friends who are always in need of help – and you just need to play a game with gossip galore, hot lettuce bagels, and an actual death-bringing pendulum to round it out.
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doc-pickles · 4 years
make my wish come true
Hello! And welcome to your weekly edition of “Tis the Damn Season for Two Dumb Bitches” (thank you taylor swift for our new title) I’m super excited about this post because my brain power is coming back and this is like the first real thing I’ve written in awhile. Enjoy! 
PS: @odd-birds-and-booksellers hurry up the people are waiting
“I’m sorry babe, there’s a storm and there’s no flights going to Seattle at least until the 27th.” 
“You were supposed to be home two days ago Alex,” Jo tried to contain her frustration as she settled onto the couch in the empty living room. She stares at the Christmas tree in the corner, the boxes of lights and ornaments spread out on the floor around it.  “The house isn’t even decorated and now I’m going to have to spend Christmas alone.”
“You can go to Meredith’s, I’m sure the kids would love to see you. I’m sorry, you know I'd be home if I could.”
“That doesn’t change the fact that you’re not here! I’m just… this is exhausting. I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up,” Jo swiped at her eyes as tears began to well up in them. “Just text me when you have a flight.”
“Jo, I-”
“I have to go,” Jo let a shaky breath out, running one hand through her hair. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Ending the call, Jo threw her phone onto the cushion next to her as she let her tears freely fall. It had been six months since Alex had come home from Kansas for the first time, sitting across from her and telling her about Izzie and their kids and everything that had happened in the two weeks he had been gone. There had been screaming and crying and a lot of fighting, but they had both decided that their marriage was worth saving. Alex had been splitting his time between Kansas and Seattle as much as he could which unfortunately left Jo alone more than she would care for. She loved that Alex had stepped up to his new role as a father, she even loved Eli and Alexis like they were her own, but recently her and Alex’s relationship had been strained. 
Alex's absence from Seattle wouldn’t be an issue if he and Jo hadn’t just moved into a new home. The two story home was supposed to house the twins on their visits to Seattle as well as any other tiny Karev’s that might come along. The thought made Jo laugh now, she’d spent more nights alone in their new bedroom then she had with Alex despite the fact that she’d gone off her birth control two months ago. 
They’d decided that they wanted kids of their own, that they were ready to start their family. Jo was regretting that decision now, she barely saw Alex and when she did their time was split between work and arguing. The only times they’d even had sex since deciding to try had been out of anger and frustration, meeting in on call rooms late at night and muttering curses as they set a quick and desperate pace while they both had a moment to spare. Between on call rooms and the one time in their new bedroom that Alex had lavished her body for hours on end, there hadn’t even been a chance to try for a baby.
Somewhere deep down, Jo was grateful for that. It wasn’t that she didn’t want a baby with Alex, she really did, but she didn’t think that their practically long distance marriage wouldn’t handle the stresses of a pregnancy and a baby, the thought nauseating her as she sat with the thought. The sudden wave of nausea got her brain turning, calculating how long it had been since she’d been to the store for tampons…. 
Cursing under her breath Jo ran upstairs and began to dig under the bathroom sink for the pregnancy tests she kept stashed there. Leave it to Alex to get her pregnant when they were barely having sex. She missed him, she wished so badly that he was sitting on the other side of the bathroom door making fun of her as she peed on the four pregnancy tests. As she sat on the closed lid of the toilet waiting for an answer to appear on the four pieces of plastic, her phone lit up with a text. 
I’m sorry I can’t be there tomorrow. I promise your Christmas gift will more than make up for it. I love you so much Jo. 
Before she typed out a response, her eyes flitted to the tests waiting for her, all of them reading the same exact thing. A heavy sigh left her then, eyes closing for a moment as she took a steadying breath. 
Love you too. See you soon.
Jo barely sleeps that night, in fact when she does fall asleep it’s on the floor of the bathroom because she can’t seem to keep her dinner down. She’s hurt and upset and kinda pissed that her morning sickness seems to have cropped up late at night. She almost calls Alex, when she’s half asleep and crying on the bathroom floor she almost reaches for her phone and dials his number because she misses him so much. But she knows in the end it’ll only make her feel worse because he can’t be there.
When she wakes the next morning her back is aching and her face is cold from the tile of the bathroom, but her stomach turns uncomfortably and sends her back to the toilet bowl. She’s shocked that there’s anything left for her to throw up, but she’s heaving and gasping for air just like she’d done all night. The twisting feeling in her stomach intensifies when she realizes that she’s home alone in a huge house on Christmas and will probably spend her whole day in the bathroom. A round of sobs accompanies her next bout of nausea, hot tears streaming down her face as a feeling of loneliness encompasses her, reminding her of her solitary days spent in her car.
Jo looks up in surprise at the voice sounding from the doorway, her eyes meeting her husbands for just a moment before the urge to vomit overwhelms her exhausted body once more. This time Alex’s hands are on her back rubbing circles as she continues to cry between heaves. She’s barely registered her shock at his presence, just grateful to have him close to her. 
“Geez, you look awful,” Alex’s remark barely phases Jo as she flushes the toilet and leans heavily against him. His fingers find their way to her forehead, feeling for any sign of a fever even though she knows he won’t find one. “You probably just have a bug, why don’t you go lay in bed?” She doesn’t have time to ask how he’s home, her body barely makes it to their bed where she promptly tucks herself under the covers. She thinks Alex says something to her, but she’s asleep before she can register it. Her mind drifts off more peacefully than it had the night before knowing Alex is here now. Even if she has a million questions, she’s just glad she doesn’t have to spend the holiday alone. 
When she wakes up again, the sun is filtering through the curtains brightly and the other side of the bed is occupied. Jo turns around to look at Alex, who’s sitting against the headboard looking down at her, “You know staring at people is creepy. And rude.”
“I think I get an exception since you’re my wife,” Alex smirked, running one hand through Jo’s hair as she snuggled back into her pillow. “You feeling better?”
“A little bit now that I’ve gotten some sleep,” Jo paused before moving her gaze away from Alex. “What’re you doing here? You said you wouldn’t be home.”
“I had to fib a little bit, I wanted to surprise you. I didn’t think you’d be lying in the bathroom throwing up when I got home, but now I’m glad I’m back because I’m not leaving this time.” 
Jo’s brows furrowed as she tried to make sense of Alex’s words. Of course he was going to leave again, his kids lived in another state, “You're going back after the new year Alex, you already booked your flight.”
“No I’m staying here and so are the kids.”
She took a moment to soak in Alex’s words, head spinning as she tried to wrap her mind around it. Finally she sat up, propping her head on her hand as she stared at her husband in confusion. Alex wore a smirk as he watched her slowly put together what he was saying, “Alex Karev what the hell did you do?” “I didn’t do anything, Izzie decided to move back to Washington for her mom and that means the kids are 30 minutes away instead of almost halfway across the country,” Alex shrugged as Jo gawked at him, her shock clearly evident on her face. “That’s why I’ve been out there so much, because I’ve been helping Iz pack up her house and get the kids ready.” Jo’s eyes are wide as she registers everything that Alex is saying to her. She almost doesn’t believe him, but his behavior the past few weeks all makes sense now. She wants to cry in relief, for her marriage and her exhausted husband and their new baby. In fact she almost does as she meets his eyes again, realizing that he probably feels just the same as she does.
“I’m sorry about that, being gone so much and leaving you here, but I promise that I’m not gonna be gone from here on out,” Alex lets his hand trail down to Jo’s stomach, a smirk on his face as he does so. “I wouldn’t want to anyways, someone’s gonna have to hold your hair back if you’re gonna be puking for the next few weeks.”
The satisfied look on Alex’s face tells Jo that somehow her husband has figured out she’s pregnant without her telling him. A small grin lights up her face as she blushes, “I just figured it out myself but I’m sure the constant vomiting would’ve given it away sooner or later.” “Yeah and the tests you left on the bathroom counter were also a pretty big indicator,” Alex let out a laugh as he leaned down and kissed Jo sweetly. “Merry Christmas.”
“I know you said your Christmas gift was good but I think mine is better,” Jo grinned up at Alex, a laugh escaping her as she sat up and straddled his lap. “Merry Christmas.”
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thejolexgroupchat · 4 years
the one where they met in med school - part 8
on-call rooms and sneaking around
if you haven’t read parts 1-7, go check out our Master List!
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(July 2007 cont.)
It had been about two weeks since Jo had started at Seattle Grace and she was loving it. Sure, she was drowning in scut because Alex was not going easy on her, but she was loving it. So far, Jo had scrubbed in on four surgeries and got to observe many more. Out of all the interns, Jo and Lexie had been the ones favored by the attendings. They requested the young interns on their service and gave them many opportunities to learn. As a result, Jo hadn’t really seen Alex at work during the past few weeks. They had been on conflicting schedules and only ever crossed paths briefly in the mornings during rounds. 
So, it wasn’t really a surprise when Jo found herself being pulled into an on-call room and pressed against the door. She gasped as Alex brought her into a breathtaking kiss, “Well, hello to you too.” 
“God, I’ve missed you,” Alex breathed out as his lips trailed down her neck. “Who knew that I’d talk to you less now than I did when you were living in Boston?”
They continued to kiss when Jo remembered something, “Wait. I thought we weren’t supposed to use on-call rooms to have sex. That was one of your rules, wasn’t it?” 
“Screw the rules,” Alex’s hands found their way under her scrub top. “I haven’t gotten to use these on-call rooms for sex, but now that you’re here…” 
“You’re a horrible influence,” Jo shivered as she allowed Alex to remove her top. “But lucky for you, I find it extremely sexy.” 
“You’re talking too much,” Alex’s words are muffled as his lips move from her neck down her chest. “Stop talking Jo.”
Jo thinks she does a good job of not talking as she and Alex quickly undress each other, falling onto the uncomfortable on-call room bed in a tangle of limbs. Their movements are desperate, both of them knowing that one of them would be paged for something soon and wanting to finish what they’d started. Try as she might though, Jo couldn’t keep her moans quiet.
“Mmm Alex,” Jo threw her head back as Alex picked up his pace above her, his teeth coming down to bite at her collar bone. “Oh god, don’t stop. Alex…” “Shhh you gotta keep it down,” Alex chuckled against her neck as she moaned his name again. “Jo I swear you’re gonna be the death of me.” A mischievous smirk appeared on Jo’s face as she used her body weight to flip Alex onto his back, her hips moving in a slow circle that brought out a low moan from Alex, “Who can’t keep quiet now?” “I don’t wanna hear anything from you unless it’s my name,” Alex’s voice was a deep growl as his hands slipped to Jo’s hips, a smirk playing onto his face as she did exactly what he’d asked of her.
Ten minutes later, Jo snuck out of the on call room. Or at least she attempted to… 
“You two are so freaking loud,” Lexie was leaning against the opposite wall, an unamused expression on her face as she looked up at Jo. “I heard you down the hall and I’ve been standing here since you disgusting humans started dirty talking to each other. You’re lucky that no one else has walked by, you’re welcome for that by the way.”
Alex peaked his head out of the on call room, smirking at Lexie as he spotted her, “Hey Lexipedia!” With a groan and an eye roll thrown in their direction, Lexie left the grinning couple and walked down the hall. Alex and Jo watched in amusement as their friend walked away. Jo looked over at Alex, “So, whose service are you on today?”
Alex let out a puff of laughter, “We just finished having sex and now you wanna make small talk about work?”
“Well, I have to distract myself because if not, I’d drag you back in there for more,” Jo’s eyes darkened. “There’s something about seeing you in scrubs that does wonders for me.”
“Oh, that’s right. I forgot about that scrubs kink of yours,” Alex leaned in as he whispered lowly. “I guess we’ll have to take advantage of that another day.”
Jo felt a shiver run down her spine. She was about to open her mouth in a flirty response when they were interrupted by a voice, “Alex!”
The pair jumped, putting some distance between themselves and turned to find a young blonde woman staring at them questioningly. She ran up and let out a breath as she faced Alex, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. We’ve got that surgery with Sloan and Shepherd in an hour.” 
“Iz! Yeah, I’m coming. I was… busy,” Alex explained.
“Uh huh,” Izzie looked back and forth between the two individuals in front of her. “Who’s this?”
“Jo Wilson,” Jo extended her hand. “I’m one of Dr. Karev’s interns.”
“Hmm, well, it’s nice to meet you Wilson,” Izzie shook Jo’s hand. She looked back at Alex. “We really gotta go. You coming?”
“Yeah. I’m right behind you,” Alex assured as he cast an apologetic glance toward Jo. He followed Izzie down the hallway and sighed, noticing her pursed lips. “Say what you want to say.”
“You make that face when you have an opinion on something and are trying hard not to say it. Just spit it out and say it,” Alex huffed as Izzie came to a halt in the middle of the hallway. 
“Is that a hickey on your neck?” Izzie placed both hands on her hips and stared him down. “And don’t even think about trying to lie to me.”
Alex brought his hand up to neck and shrugged nervously, “Yeah… I guess it is. My girlfriend is in town and we—ya know? You guys call her Dracula for a reason.” 
It wasn’t a lie, Jo was in town. He just hoped his excuse would be enough to get Izzie off his back. Izzie narrowed her eyes at him, still unconvinced, “I’m going to let this go… for now. But if I see you pulling anything shady, I will beat your ass.”
“You have to be more careful,” Alex’s voice was muffled by Jo’s lips as they stumbled from the doorway of the on call room towards one of the beds. “Izzie saw the hickey you gave me last week. I had to say my girlfriend was in town.”
Jo pulled back from Alex, whipping her scrub top off to reveal a lacy red bra that made Alex hold back a groan, “But your girlfriend is in town.”
“Jesus Christ, you’re the worst ya know,” Alex leaned back down to capture Jo’s lips, forgoing the bed so he could push her up against the wall. A heavy knock sounded on the door, neither Alex or Jo reacted to it. “Leave it be, they’ll take the hint.”
“Alex! Are you in there,” Cristina’s voice sounded from the other side of the door, making Alex stop what he was doing. “Hello? Evil Spawn?”
Alex sighed, calling out but not moving from his position against Jo, “What do you want Yang? I’m trying to sleep.”
“I need to talk to you,” Cristina sounded impatient, as if whatever she was going to say couldn’t wait. “Pleeeease?”
Alex fixed his shirt and opened the door a crack to look at Cristina. He scowled, "What?"
“Why are you so grumpy?” Cristina rolled her eyes. She tried looking past him into the room. “Can I come in?”
“No,” Alex grunted, making sure to block Jo from view. “I’m trying to sleep and you are disturbing me. Now either tell me what you want or I’m gonna close the door in your face.”
“Geez, Evil Spawn, calm down. If you aren’t going to let me in, then come outside,” Cristina stared Alex down until he conceded and finally exited the on-call room, closing the door behind him quickly. 
From her place inside, Jo pressed her ear up against the door to listen in on the conversation going on outside.
“Is there a point to all of this?” Alex raised his eyebrows, the frown on his face deepening. 
“I know that there’s a woman in the on-call room with you,” Cristina crossed her arms in front of her body. “I saw Three’s little friend walk in there about two minutes before you did.”
“Three? Mer’s little sister that came out of nowhere?” Cristina clarified. She narrowed her eyes. “She’s always hanging out with that hairball--I don’t remember her name right now. Anyway, I saw her walk into the on-call room. Then I saw you walk in. Which wouldn’t have been an issue, except imagine my surprise when five minutes went by and you still hadn’t walked out.”
“So, what? I can’t sleep in the same on-call room as some intern?” Alex shook his head. “What the hell is your problem?”
“Not when the intern you’re sharing an on-call room with is the same intern that Izzie told us you were flirting with last week.” 
“Oh my God, freaking Izzie,” Alex rubbed a hand over his face. “There’s nothing going on between me and my intern. I have a girlfriend that I love. She’s the only one I’d have sex with. Is that all?”
“Fine. I just wanted to remind you to think with your brain and not your dick. You can go back to sleep,” Cristina nodded curtly.
Jo--who’d been listening in on the conversation--giggled quietly on the other side of the door. She found it endearing that Alex’s friends were ready to keep him accountable. It was heart-warming to know that they took time out of their days to make sure that he wasn’t cheating on her despite never having met her. She jumped slightly when the door opened up again, revealing Alex’s exasperated face.
He shut the door behind him and locked it, “Where were we?”
“Mmm right about the part where you don’t sleep with your intern I think,” Alex let a low growl out as he wrapped his arms around Jo and pressed her against the wall, a giggle coming from her as his hands wandered down to tug at her scrub pants. “You know I wore a matching set just for you…” “You’re lucky we’re at work otherwise I’d make you scream.”
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Prompt: Set after 16x16 - Alex treats his child as a patient but doesn't initially know. Meredith or someone was looking after them but when Jo turns up and he realises.
Anything Like Me 
Alex sighed rushing along the hallway he was being paged in every other direction today. Honestly, he was too old to be rushing around like an intern but he knew the game, the new guy always got the runaround, it was their way of seeing what he was made of and Alex was made of tougher stuff than this, he could handle scut for a few days.
When Izzie had announced her plans to move her and the kids up to San Jose with her stupid podiatrist boyfriend just so he could work for some second rate football team Alex was less than pleased, he really didn't fancy up and moving again but there was no way in hell he was gonna stay in nowhere Kansas without his kids there, he'd even considered moving back to Seattle, at least there be people there he knew but ultimately he'd decided he would be too far away from the kids, he'd had to accept that it was a life he just didn't have the option to go back to anymore. Instead, he decided on San Franciso, he had actually been offered a pretty good job and it was a close drive to the kids without having to feel like he was a spare part in his own family. He'd tried dating again, he'd been single two years now and honestly, it just didn't seem to interest him, how many loves do you get in life, he was a pretty fortunate guy there was no way that kinda love was coming around again. It's not like he was bitter about it, no he was thankful for his time with Izzie, they had made two beautiful children that made his whole world spin, and he was so grateful to have a lifetime of memories to look back on with Jo, he was lucky to have those memories not everyone is so fortunate. 
Grabbing hold of the tablet he punched in his code to see his next patient. Kit Wilson, 5-year-old, male, open head wound. Wilson...it was a pretty common surname, one he’d come across time and time again but he couldn’t help the jolt of pain that ran through him each time he saw it. It’s not like she wasn’t in his thoughts every day because she was, but seeing her name there made his heart hurt just that little bit extra. 
Turning the corner Alex smiles finding his patient sat up in the bed, dish towel wrapped haphazardly around his head with a toy truck in hand, vooming over the bed while who Alex assumed was the mother sat by his side, texting anxiously away on her phone. Alex frowned slightly wondering what was more important than her son as she continued to pay closer attention to the phone the boy beside her. Over two decades as a doctor and still patients and their loved ones could surprise him.  “Hello, I’m Doctor Alex...and who do we have here?” 
“Oh,” The mother jumped up dropping her phone in her on to the bed as she stood. “This is Kit, he slipped over in the kitchen and hit his head on the open door...it’s my fault really I should’ve closed it but I was trying to get hot chocolate off the stove and…”
“Okay okay...” Alex shushes her gently, flashing his classic Alex Karev smile that always seemed to calm the mothers. “I’m sure it was just an accident, how about we take a look and see what we can do...how does that sound Kit?” Alex turns to find the little boy staring up at him intensely, his little nose scrunched up as he narrowed his eyes on Alex. 
It was kinda strange but honestly, Alex had had weirder experiences. “Okay...sound good to you Mom?” He asks turning back to young women. 
“Oh...me? I’m not mom...I’m the nanny...mom is on her way through, she works across town at another hospital actually but she’s on her way.” She nervously runs her hands through her hair barely pausing for breath as she looks between Alex and the phone in her hand. So that’s who she’d been texting so furiously. 
“Okay...well let’s take a look at this head wound huh?” Alex asks, moving around the table, he smiles brightly at the boy who seems to give Alex his complete focus as he slowly begins to pull back the makeshift bandage. “I’m gonna check out this cut on your head okay little dude? It might hurt a little bit okay?”
The little boy nods slowly as Alex examines the wound, it doesn’t look too deep, maybe a few stitches at most. “My mom calls me Kit Kat...” he whispers gently after a moment making Alex chuckle lightly, a kid named after candy...he liked it...it was unusual but he liked it. 
“Really? That sounds like a pretty cool nickname. You know that my favourite candy bar...” Alex grins, gently wiping away the dried blood so he could get a better look, hoping the conversation would be enough of distraction to keep the kid calm.  
“Yeah she told me that...” the little boy nods fervently, turning back to his toy trucks again. Alex shakes off the odd comment not giving it much thought, clearly, the boy meant his mom had told it was her favourite candy. Alex doesn't know what it is but he feels like he knows the boy, he'd only been working here two weeks there was no way he'd treated him and forgotten already, he wasn't that sleep-deprived was he?
“Okay well, it looks like we’re gonna need a few stitches here Kit Kat...erm nanny?”  Alex clears his throat, nodding to the woman who looked like she was now close to tears as she typed away on her phone. 
“Sophie...” she filled in looking up suddenly. “Are you sure just a few stitches...erm his moms a doctor and she said I should insist on a CT scan to be safe.” 
Alex grimaced, his lips set in a straight line as he tried no to groan out loud, there was nothing he hated more than absentee parents but absentee parents with demands really pissed him off, maybe she was a doctor but just because she could diagnose a cold or prescribe cream for a rash didn’t mean she could tell him what to do. “A CT could take a while and it’s only a shallow cut really...if he feels sick or any headaches then we could take some more tests but right now let’s get these stitches in."
The nanny nodded, slipping back down into her chair the girl looked so nervous Alex almost felt bad for her, she visibly shook when she'd handed over the boys medical forms.
“Hey...don’t worry about it okay..accidents happen, you should see the scars my kids have.” He gives her shoulder a reassuring squeeze watching her take a few deep breaths before turning back to Kit. “Okay Kit Kat...have you ever had an injection before?”
“Mhmm” The boy nods perking up a bit, “yeah and my mommy said I was weally brave and we got doughnuts after.” He grins licking his lips. “Do you have doughnuts?” 
Alex laughs, a full chuckle making the boy giggle too, he swears this kid was a boy after his own heart. “I don’t have doughnuts but I’m sure we could find you something nice after...maybe even a Kit Kat if that’s okay with Sophie here?” Alex whispers glancing at Sophie who smiles in agreement. “Okay so you’re gonna feel a tiny pinch from this injection and after that, you won’t feel anything at all...”
The boy's eyes widen dramatically, leaning up in the bed. “Not anything...at all?” he whispers. 
“Just around your cut, I mean" Alex clarifies, trying not to laugh again as Kit nods, letting out a shaky breath, his little hands squeezing onto the metal bar on the side of the bed as he squeezes his eyes shut.
“Nothing is as bad as broccoli...nothings as bad as broccoli...nothings as bad as broccoli.” The little boy begins to chant to himself over and over again making Alex stop in his tracks.
“Nothings as bad as broccoli.” Alex joins in making the boy peek one eye open. “You’re right dude nothing is bad as broccoli...ready?” 
Alex marvelled at how well the little one sat there, he was pretty brave kid Alex will give him that, he was pretty much still the entire time Alex was doing his stitches mumbling his little mantra over and over to himself the whole time, Alex had even joined in mumbling it along with him. When Alex was finally finished he stepped, letting the nanny pass him so she could examine Kit for herself.
“You were really brave there dude..” Alex smiles offering his hand out for a high five, “it wasn’t as bad as broccoli right?” Alex mumbles ruffling Kit's hair gently as he cleans up. 
“His mom just parked. I’m sure she’ll have some questions.” Kate mutters, peering over from behind Kit.
Alex nodded, from the sounds of it this mom wasn’t gonna be one he wanted to deal with, no doubt an overreacting parent who’d googled symptoms before arriving, maybe he could send someone else to explain the aftercare. “Okay well, I’ve got to go round on a few post-ops...I’m gonna send someone down to do your aftercare and explain any questions mom may have.” 
Sophie just nodded, turning back to Kit, she put on bright smile handing Kit a water bottle from her bag as she spoke: “What do you say Kit...say Thankyou.” Sophie encourages Kit, who’s eyes are still trained on Alex, narrowed little skits analysing his every move, it was a bit intense if you asked Alex but hey kids can be pretty weird.
“Thank you, Dr Alex” 
“You’re welcome Lil dude...try and avoid the corners of cupboard doors for a while okay.” 
“Hey Kit Kat” Jo rushed into the room having followed the directions from one of the nurses at the front desk, catching sight of her poor babysat up in a hospital bed made her stomach twist, just the thought of Kit being hurt in any way sent her heart racing. If Jo had things her way she'd still be carrying him around on her hip like he was a little baby, never leaving her sight. She’d been in constant contact with Sophie since she’d called to say Kit had been an accident, she almost crashed on the way over here trying to text her back.
“I got stitches mommy look..” Kit excitedly pointed towards the gash across his head which had been neatly stitched up. Jo relaxed instantly he seemed so calm and happy and here she’d been expecting hysterics. It might have been her mommy brain going into overdrive but when she’d heard Kit crying out through the phone her heart had stopped so it was surprising to see how calm he was now. 
“Oh, you did…” Jo mumbles flashing a smile his way, glancing briefly at Sophie who was sat in a chair on the other side of the bed, the young girl looked so nervous, she’d only been working for Jo for two months and clearly, the whole ordeal had shaken her. “Good stitches too...almost as good as mommy.” Jo mumbles, brushing back Kits unruly hair to get a good look at the work, it was excellent she couldn’t really fault it, she probably couldn't have done better herself. Sophie had taken Kit to the closet hospital to home but it wasn’t the hospital Jo worked at, and Jo wasn’t sure how equipt this hospital was, she was terrified they’d have sent some inadequate intern to scar her baby permanently. 
“I’m so sorry Jo it’s all my fault I turned away for a second and I…” Sophie looked like was about to burst into tears as she continued to speak so fast she almost made Jo's head spin. 
“Hey hey it’s okay,” Jo mumbles leaning over placing her hand on her shoulder. “Honestly this little monster keeps you on your toes...hmm hey buddy.” Jo grins brushing her hand along Kits cheeks, before turning back to Kate and giving her a reassuring smile. 
“Mommy?” Kit whispered as Jo shifted him along the bed so she could sit next to him, her hand still brushing softly across his cheeks as he laid against her side, his favourite truck clutched tightly in his hands. 
“Yes, baby?” 
“He's here.” The boy mumbles quietly running the wheels of the truck up Jo’s arm, squirming slightly as she pressed a row of kisses across his head.
“Who’s here?”
Kit looked up at her, god he looked so much like his dad it physically hurt to look at him sometimes, his little brown eyes and unruly hair, that stupid grin that melted every preschooler's heart, oh he was definitely his father's son. “The man from the pictures...you know before I was in your tummy…” He whispers, making Jo frown, looking back at Sophie who shrugged equally confused. 
“Hey Kit Kat...look what I” Looking up at the interruption all the colour drained from Jo’s face as she made eye contact with the one man she thought she’d never see again. Oh god, this is what Kit was talking about. There stood Alex Karev, six years older and a little greyer but still the same man. He was here now in San Francisco and he’d just called her son...their son by his nickname as if he knew him. 
Alex had been sending an intern down to talk to Kits mom when he’d remembered he'd promised Kit a sweet treat and usually he'd brush it off no doubt his parent would be fussing over him in no time but there was something about this kid that had a hold of Alex, he just couldn't seem to bear the idea of letting him down. He couldn’t quite explain why he had such a sweet spot for the kid, but he was pretty sure he had seen his eyes before, he’d seen so many people over the years maybe he’d treated him before hell he’d been doing this long he could’ve treated his parents before but he couldn't quite place what made Kit feel so familiar. 
“Dr Alex…” Kit cried reaching out for him, squirming out of Jo’s grip, reaching for the chocolate bar that slipped from Alex’s grip. 
It felt like being shot all over again, a piercing pain knocking the air from his lungs as Alex tried to work out the maths in his head...it didn’t matter though, the scared look on Jo’s face was all the confirmation he needed. That’s where he knew the eyes from, they weren’t Jo’s, no they were his own, he’d been trying to figure out who he knew that looked like Kit when all he’d needed to do was look in the mirror.
“Look mommy it’s the man from the pictures…” Kit grins looking between Jo and Alex completely unaware of the intense unspoken conversation going on between his parents.
Jo nods her eyes never leaving Alex’s, quirky setting in as she watched him tear his watery gaze down to Kit and back up to Jo. “Yeah, it is baby.” She whispers hitting her lip gently as she stroke Kits hair back, one arm wrapping protectively around him. 
Alex just stared at the two of them, all the puzzle piece fitting together making his head hurt as he tried to comprehend what was happening. Kit was his son. His son. His and Jo’s son. 
I tried you know...anyway I made this into two parts and part two is a whole lot more emotional so stay tuned.
Thankyou for reading it is as always so very much appreciated.
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