#hello what's up my middle name is overshare
my-castles-crumbling · 6 months
For the word excerpt game I would like to ask for "happiness" and "blush"
OOO, okay!
From Three Hundred Takeout Coffees Later:
It was good the shop was empty besides the two of them, because Sirius burst out with, “Where were you?”
And Remus looked up from the machine he was leaning to disarm Sirius with a smile that left him weak in the knees. “Hello, Sirius. Unplanned vacation.”
Sirius then realized that it was not normal or polite to ask virtual strangers where they were at any point, let alone when they clearly had some sort of medical something happen. He blushed a bit. “Right. Erm…right,” he stuttered, nodding as Remus held up the cup for iced coffee with a questioning quirk of his eyebrows.
“Your friend seems nice,” Remus commented as he scooped ice into the cup. “Didn’t catch his name.”
“James,” Sirius said, still a bit abashed. He tried to collect himself. “He– he’s like my brother, really. I’ve known him since middle school. Live with him as a teenager. And I’m living with him now,” he trailed off, cursing himself for oversharing.
But Remus had stopped making the coffee and was looking at Sirius like he was really paying attention, like he cared. “Brothers,” he repeated with a smile. “That’s good.” He went back to making the coffee.
“Erm, yeah.”
From Clandestine:
“He’s not-” James started to say, but Sirius was not paying attention anymore.
In his head, he could hear it. The screams of his brother. The eerie silence of the house. What had happened? Regulus was gone.
Gone, gone, gone.
He’d failed to protect him. To give him the happiness that the children in the stories had. Instead, he'd left him.
His vision swam, and he felt himself sway as he trembled, gasping for air that never seemed to be enough to fill his lungs.
“He’s gone,” he mumbled, squeezing his eyes shut. “It’s my fault. I made him do this. And he’s gone!”
He felt a hand on his back, the clear voice of Euphemia Potter. “Breathe, Sirius. He’s not gone. It’s okay, darling.”
He gasped again, gripping at the hand he felt James offer him. “My fault…” he murmured again.
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polarmary · 8 months
Omg omg omg omg omg omg Mari's turn
Mari, you are someone really kind and sweet... You say you struggle with words, yet the way you express your kindness and concern through your actions is something I'll never get tired of thanking you for. You are truly sweet and kind, not forgetting your beautiful art that I'll also always be happy to compliment! Heh!! This song feels, like it's name says, a tiny bit of light, like a small candle in the middle of the cold, gently warming up your hands. You feel like that, so gently warm.... Oh! As I was looking which other song to give you, I saw this one and... My heart said I should give it to you, it's called Kokoronashi (video, it also has Portuguese subs <3)
As I was looking at the video, I noticed that I feel I know less about you than even the subtleties from Mg, and yet you are quite kind... This song is special, you know? The vibe, the strong and beautiful vocals... The feelings and the lyrics. This time more than instinct, it was my heart who chose to give you this one, I hope you enjoy it, I love you a lot. And your third one....
The Spotify one isn't the version I wanted tho. The song is Electric Angel (Rin & Len ver.), I SAW IT AND SAID OMG GIVE HER THIS ONE!! ITS SUCH A PRETTY AND ENERGETIC SONG!!! And look it can either be for you, for your pookie, for koto, you can adapt it to your needs, yes yes. ITS SO GOOD I LOVE THIS ONE!
I love you mari <3 sorry to keep you waiting heh I hope you enjoy them
Omg yay my turn arrived!!! Ty Seari &lt;;333 (and sorry for the delayed answer, I only saw it now T~T)
Alright, first of all, you just reminded me about Erased after so long and now i have the urge to rewatch it again LMAO......why do I want to make myself suffer again......Anyways- I never heard the eng version, it's pretty good!! It's a song that has somewhat of a hopefull feeling? idk how to describe it....but ty I love it!! I had completely forgotten about it.
The other two I actually have never heard before and dam the vocals on the second one- I could realy feel the emotion....I want to hug him too now and the lyrics omg. That song was so pretty, I think I'm going to snatch it to my spotify tbh. The last of the 3 is honestly adorable and groovy, it reminds me of something but I haven't figured out whatbut it did fill me with a happy vibe!! (and I see what you mean about how it can be for either, ty ty hehe)
About your words- I really don't know what to say. Honestly I never know what to say in response to kind words and compliments....but thank you, really 🥹 I love you too <333 I know I don't talk much...I'm kind of self conscious about what I say because I'm always paranoid of oversharing and ruining the mood or something of the sort- I'm sorry😭😭I'm always free to share stuff if people ask but I really avoid taking the iniciative... But anyways!! Thank you so much for the 3 songs, I loved all of them in their own way and thank you for taking the time to think what songs you'd assign me really T~T <33
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gooeyotter · 2 months
nova (7/27/2024)
Hello again, fellow earthling.
As promised, this is part two of my cosmic ramblings. If you’re expecting a deep dive into existential ponderings, you might want to skip this one, because this is all about me—unfiltered and raw. If it feels like oversharing, well… that's kinda the point.
Before you get to know anything else about me—even my name—the most crucial thing to grasp is that I’m not exactly a beacon of moral perfection. I wouldn’t call myself outright “bad,” but I’m definitely as flawed as any other. In essence, I’m just as human as the next stardust-covered soul.
So, here’s the rundown: I go by Nova. Yes, it’s a name I picked for myself, inspired by the explosive grandeur of a supernova, yet ironically, this stage of my life feels quite mundane—hence the name of my blog. As of this July 27th, 2024, I’m 25 years old, autistic, a college dropout, and non-binary (they/them pronouns). I also identify as non-monogamous and pansexual.
I was born to two dedicated U.S. Army folks in Heidelberg, Germany, but grew up in Buford, Georgia. In late 2019, I relocated to Tulsa, Oklahoma, to be with my boyfriend, whom I met in the furry community. We've been together for seven and a half years, and it’s been a whirlwind of love and growth.
Speaking of the furry community, I have been in the community since 2011 when I was in middle school. The community means a lot to me and I consider being a furry as a very important part of my identity. My fursona is a sea otter, as they are my favorite animal.
I’m also a staunch animal rights activist and environmentalist. I’m vegan, which means no animal products in my diet or wardrobe, and I’m passionate about protecting the Earth. (Okay, maybe I’m being a touch pretentious here, but I genuinely think humanity has a knack for messing up the planet's beauty.) I’m non-religious, so I don’t believe in an afterlife.
When it comes to politics, I’ve got plenty to say, but I’ll save the deep dives for later entries. For now, I’ll just say that, while political labels can be limiting to conversations, especially here in America, the best fit for me is leftist/socialist.
Music is my lifeline. It often feels like the only thing keeping me grounded. Expect a lot of blog entries about music, because I have a lot to say about artists, genres, and the magic of music itself. My current favorites include pop punk, punk rock, hyperpop, and… some viby electronica (I’m not quite sure what to call it). Artists like Linkin Park, Jane Remover, Abandoned Pools, Owl City, and Goldfinger are close to my heart.
Video games? Ah, now that’s a mixed bag. I used to be obsessed with them as a kid and teenager, but lately, I’ve drifted away, finding it hard to recapture the old thrill of getting immersed in a different world. I do still love playing locally with my boyfriend, especially Super Smash Bros Ultimate and Puyo Puyo Tetris. However, solo gaming often leaves me with a peculiar emptiness I’d love to unpack in a future post. Despite that, RPGs are my jam. Some of my favorites include Xenoblade Chronicles X, Final Fantasy 7, The World Ends With You, Persona 4, and Pokemon Black and White/Black and White 2. I could talk for ages about Pokemon and what it means to me, but I seriously need to wrap this up for now, so stay tuned for that.
Woof, didn’t mean for this to be the length of one of my fanfictions. But now you know a bit more about me and why I tick the way I do. This post might come in handy if you’re trying to make sense of my future entries.
Thanks for hanging out. Stop by again soon.
♡ Nova
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musicalbl00m · 8 months
Hello!! If you don't mind, may I send in a matchup for Into The Spiderverse, Brooklyn 99, and maaaybe Percy Jackson too? I noticed you said you know a little less about Percy Jackson so feel free to disregard that one if you'd like <3
Some things about me..! My name is Reis (Spelled Ra'ees by my family), I'm a trans man and I go by he/him pronouns- they/them are also okay, however! I'm Persian and Malaysian and currently trying to embrace more of my Persian heritage 🫶 I'm pansexual! I, personally don't view love based on gender, I just love whoever I love ^^
As for my personality; I'm generally very quiet and never speak unless spoken to. Not to say that I'm shy, though! Once we start talking I become a little more outgoing. Never loud or obnoxious because it freaks me out (and I don't have the energy for that 😭 I'm ALWAYS concerningly tired, like I will literally fall asleep in the middle of a nuclear war if given the chance.)
Unfortunately, though, I do have a bit of a temper. I usually appear calm until someone ticks me off and I go fucking ballistic. If people give me some space I'm pretty good at calming myself down and dealing with my anger healthily, though <3 I'd also like to say I'm good at calming other people down! As long as they don't get physically aggressive, I'm able to stay calm and put other's at ease ! (As long as I'm in an okay mood, that is)
As for my hobbies, I LOVE horror stuff. Often times you'll find me reading some psychological horror book, playing horror games, or watching videos/reading articles on horror video game or book analyses. Speaking of- not much of a hobby- but I have a strange habit of psychoanalyzing people when I first meet them. One of my biggest hyperfixations is psychology!
Extra information!! Despite me always being strangely tired and fatigued, I have these random manic episodes that make me super energetic, I'm basically vibrating with energy. Whenever I talk during one of these manic episodes it's almost impossible to interrupt me because I'm talking so damn fast.
I HOPE THIS WASN'T TOO MUCH INFORMATION?? I have a habit of oversharing pls forgive me 😭🙏
Hi lovely, thank you so much for the request! i did indeed leave out percy jackson, i made a short post about it here. i tried my best with the other two and i hope you like it <3
Spiderverse: I match you up with Miles Morales
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I feel like once you warm up to him a little more, your dynamic will be wonderfull and compliment eachother quite nicely. Miles knows all about having two different heritages, and i think he would love exploring your culture with you! i could see you guys having dates/hangouts were you're watching or reading horror stuff and Miles is sketching, maybe he'll even makes some drawings based on the characters in the horror games you like. I also think Miles would definetly not mind the random energetic manic episodes. sure, the boy will be completely lost on what to do, but i think he would still listen to you with all his attention and make sure to remember the things he deems important to remember.
Brooklyn 99: I match you up with Rosa Diaz
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If anyone knows how to deal with a temper, its Rosa. I feel like when there is something that is really messing with you and making you angry, she knows all the right ways to fuel that anger towards something else. Your love for horror stuff would also pair pretty well with Rosa. Eventhough we know she's a bit of a hidden softy inside, the girl is still full of spice and i think she would love horror books. I think Rosa would also like listening to you psychoanalyze people (especially if its Gina your psychoanalyzing). I think she would enjoy learning about some hidden things you notice in people, and she would most definetly ask for your help in the halloween heist.
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anthropwashere · 6 years
so how was your trip? I hope it went better than you were expecting
It did go better than I expected, actually! And thank you for providing me a springboard to hop off on, because I sort of wanted to organize my thoughts on the whole trip to reflect on everything.
(This got kind of long, oops, my b)
So, in case anyone else skims this, I haven’t been back to my home town in something like seven or eight years. I ran off to the Air Force right before Thanksgiving of ‘09, there was a brief visit the summer of ‘10, and I can’t recall when exactly, but the then-boyfriend and I made another brief visit six-ish months after that. I’d left on shaky terms with my aunt and uncle but stayed away because I have a, haha, all-around bad relationship with my mom. (The visit then-bf and I did left me with bruises on my arm, not because she hit me but because she wouldn’t let go.)
I was… nervous. Anxious as hell is probably a more accurate description, haha. But 95% of that anxiety was totally unfounded! I had a lovely time catching up with all my SoCal family (we’re Irish American, so I’ve got clusters of not-as-close relations spanning the entire country). The aunt and uncle who took me in my senior year of high school were an honest joy to catch up with, and it was really nice catching up with the other aunt and uncle out there too. Plus I got to hang out with all but one of my cousins, and she’s getting married next summer so I’ve got the best excuse in the world to catch up with everyone all over again in my favorite part of California! 
The best catching up was with two of my cousins, the one nearest my age and the youngest. I’d fallen out of touch with the nearest-in-age years back (we’re both equally crap at it, haha), but the three of us had dinner together twice and she and I fell right back into laughing ourselves stupid over everything like we’d only seen each other a few weeks back. And my youngest cousin is just as big a nerd as I am, so we spent like, hours, talking about writing and her RP stuff and world-building and dumb Tumblr jokes. It was great. :D Youngest cousin’s best friend since, like, kindergarten tried to go into the Air Force as well, but Basic uhhh, basically broke her from the knees down. So she got out before she really got in, but she’s doing really good and seems really happy even with the physio she still has to do. We laughed over all the bizarre/awful shit of Basic and did compare/contrasts of what it was like for when I went through versus her while the family stood back a few feet with vaguely concerned expressions. (Me: We had messenger bags when I went through, you? Her: Regular backpacks. Me: Oh okay, I heard trainees were hand-carrying stuff for awhile since the rumor mill said a trainee hung themselves with the bag strap. Her: Holy shit, yeah, I can see that. Everyone else: nervouslaughter.jpeg) She got a kitten while I was there and he is the sweetest boy and she’s gonna be such a good cat mom. :)
It was also wonderful to just drive around my home town and see what’s changed and what’s remained the same. Thanks to the absurd existence of the Santa Clarita Diet I’ve blabbed that’s where I’m from on here on several occasions, and it’s uncanny just how specific the natural light of SoCal is compared to other places I’ve lived. Also I did a walk-by of Yoki’s apartment from S1 because it’s an apartment I used to walk by all the time on my way to high school, and I was right! They did edit the front to look shittier! There’s still well-trimmed bushes and cherry trees and a nice fence like I remember!! Also, the couple jokes about how shitty Newhall is are much funnier now that I’ve seen the amount of gentrification they’re sinking into the downtown area. I mean, yeah, my street is just as ugly and old and not a place you’d want to walk ‘round at night as it was when I lived there, but downtown? Is adorable, what the hell.
AND MOUNTAINS. YOU GUYS. I missed mountains so goddamn much. I haven’t lived anywhere with mountains since ‘11 and I legit started crying on my drive back from the beach (the Pacific is so much more alive than the Atlantic, ah it was gorgeous!!!!) because there was a 40-mile stretch of farmlands and orange groves cradled in all these burnt-brown mountains. And even though my home town is in a valley it’s still full of all these steep hills and crazily curving roads and I really just enjoyed driving around grinning like a loon. I’ve got to get back on the West coast one day, oof.
I mean, it wasn’t all perfect of course. There was a strong undercurrent of worry for one of my uncles and their oldest son for personal stuff I’m not gonna splash out here. I was tempted to go track down a friend from high school who lived just up the street from the shitty apartment I grew up in, but I knew it would have been an awkward mess and I just… didn’t want to force that on her or her parents by surprise. And even though I’d flown out with the full intention of not seeing my mom, I did end up doing lunch with her one day. I literally only agreed to that because when I told one of my aunts that, she braced herself against the kitchen counter and said, “Fuck, you’re gonna leave me with that?” And like, yeah, 100% guilt trip, but also 100% a justified reaction.
And speaking of her, it was so gratifying to have the (awkward, kind of embarrassing) conversations about my mom with all the other family members. They’ve only had her side of things for years and she is very, very good at playing the victim. I laid out my side of things and every single member of my family was like, “Oh, okay, yeah, you did yourself a solid.” One of my cousins straight up said I was the smartest one of us for getting out of the worst situation any of us grew up in on my own steam. And it was gratifying yeah, but also kind of astonishing, to have this conversation with so many different people who have all kinds of different familial relationships with her, expecting that I’d have to die on the hill of “I literally don’t have the energy and I live 2,600 miles away from her,” but that… didn’t happen. Everyone agreed. Everyone had their own negative but justified opinions of her. Everyone felt like they had to deal with her instead of just have her around as part of the greater SoCal family.
So, yeah. The lunch was rough, but it would have been so much worse if my aunt and uncle hadn’t agreed to come with. Yeah, she sent me 50 texts after that lunch with only a handful of grudging (necessary) replies from me. But I got through it, I got the one box of stuff left of pre-military stuff in her storage (that I’ve been paying for for eight years since hey, steady income who?) out and packed up for my uncle to ship for me. I got a new number/phone yesterday so I finally, finally can wash my hands of her desperately wheedling texts from new pre-paid phones every couple of months. I found some cute things at an antique shop I used to go to all the time as a kid. I had the wackiest sleep schedule because insomnia and jet lag and OTC sleep aids are a hell of a combo. I read a whole book for the first time in like six months and got a bunch of writing done!
And I have to keep saying this: it was so gratifying to be proved right over all this mom shit. I don’t want a competition, I don’t want horrible things to her, I just don’t want her in my life without excluding the rest of the family, and I feel like I’ve finally made the first steps towards that.
Also, while I was waiting for my plane to begin boarding my aunt texted me to wish me a safe flight and to tell me that my uncle had said saying goodbye to me had been like saying goodbye to one of their own kids. I just about started crying right there in the terminal. :’)
I’m not gonna read through all this because I’m sure I’ll get embarrassed, but all in all? Excellent trip, glad it wasn’t on fire while I was there, looking forward to seeing everyone again next summer. :)
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Hi!! I was wondering if you could do another fic involving jules and coops together? Just like sweet moments between the three? I loved the baby sitting series you did and could not stop thinking about it❤️❤️ Thank you!!
Yeah, of course! I love writing my boy at any opportunity. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove, but the relatives are my ocs!
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Sirius asked under his breath as Remus finally—finally—appeared from the mass of people.
“It’s fine,” Remus said around a forced smile to a middle-aged man across the yard.
Sirius hid his mouth by pretending to look down at the nearest casserole dish. He didn’t even know what was in it; nobody had bothered with labels, and everyone’s dishes were the same basic florals in different colors. “I love you, Re, and I totally get the whole ‘meet the parents’ thing, but this is a bit much if I’m being honest.”
“Honey.” Remus’ shoulder pressed against his own. “I’m sorry you’re not having a good time, but my Aunt Jen would skin me alive if I didn’t bring the man I’m marrying to the family reunion. We can leave tomorrow if you really hate—oh, no.”
“Remus!” a shrill, excited voice called. Sirius felt his fiancé straighten up as a tall, redheaded woman in star-painted jeans hurried across the grass with three other women in tow. She reached up and gave Remus’ cheeks a squish, then leaned in a planted a lipstick-stamped kiss to his forehead. “How are you, my duckling? Was your flight alright? Make sure you stay away from the salt or else your feet will swell.”
“Hi, Aunt Jen,” Remus said, grimacing a little at her rib-crushing hug. “I’m doing well, and our flight was fine. How are you?”
“Peachy keen,” she assured him. Dark brown eyes lasered in on Sirius half a second later and he felt his fight or flight kick in. “And who are you?”
“Aunt Jen, this is—”
“It was rhetorical, honey,” Jen interrupted with a pat to Remus’ arm as she stepped closer to Sirius and immediately hauled him in for a hug. She was as tall as Remus, but broader in the shoulders and hips; he had never felt so engulfed by someone. It was a strangely enjoyable feeling.
“Aren’t you a handsome one?” the shortest of the group cooed, as if she was talking to a particularly small dog in a purse. “Our Remus always knew how to pick them.”
Remus furrowed his brows. “Aunt Lisa, this is the first boyfriend I’ve—”
“But he’s not just a boyfriend!” Jen trilled, giving Sirius’ cheek a pat. “He’s a fiancé, something I learned from your mother. Not from your father—oh, I gave him a talking-to about that—and not from you, duck.”
Sirius bit back a laugh at the nickname and spared a glance to his left, where Remus had gone pink all the way to his ears. “Sorry.”
“Introduce us!” the shortest insisted, taking the other two by the hands as pulling them forward with an eager smile.
“Everyone, this is Sirius Black, my fiancé.” Remus gestured between them, and the four women beamed at him. “Sirius, this is Aunt Jen, Aunt Lisa, Aunt Allison, and Aunt Mary, my dad’s sisters.”
“It’s lovely to meet you,” Sirius said, holding a hand out.
“No need to be so formal,” the brunette grumbled with a teasing grin. “We have heard so much about you from Lyall. After those damned pictures—”
“Allison,” Jen hissed.
“—after the damned pictures,” Allison repeated with a pointed look. “I was about ready to drive up to Gryffindor myself and give that lousy son of a bitch a piece of my mind—”
“—but Lyall talked me down and I have been waiting to meet you ever since.” She finished with a soft huff and gave his arm a quick squeeze. “Remus is a lucky boy to have you. It’s very exciting to see you in person at last.”
Sirius’ heart gave a happy little ka-thump and he smiled. “I’m glad to be here. Thank you for having me.”
“He is so polite,” Lisa said to Remus out of the corner of her mouth with a wink and a thumbs-up. “Good choice.”
“You know what I just realized? We haven’t said hello to Jules yet. We’ll see you in a few, yeah?” Without waiting for an official answer, Remus wrapped an arm around Sirius’ waist and practically carried him away from the table. Once they were out of earshot—and the aunts had busied themselves with one of the younger Lupins—Remus relaxed with a slow exhale. “I am…so sorry.”
“For what?”
“I had no idea they were going to corner you like that. I mean, I did, but I was hoping it wouldn’t be for another few hours. They tend to move in a pack at reunions, like sharks. Or wolves.”
“They’re really sweet.”
“They are,” Remus said grudgingly, though Sirius could read the affection dripping off him like his favorite book. “My dad’s the youngest of five, and I was the first nephew. You can imagine how that went.”
“Baby of the baby?”
“Can I ask one thing?” Remus nodded, visibly confused, and Sirius found he couldn’t keep his grin down any longer. “Duckling?”
“I hoped you didn’t hear that,” he groaned as they headed toward the kids’ play area beneath a large oak. “Long story short, it involved five-year-old me, a pond, and a sinus infection that made me sound like a duck when I sneezed.”
“Oh my god,” Sirius laughed, earning himself a light elbow to the ribs. “And the name stuck?”
“Considering she was the one that had to stay with me while my folks were working, she could call me whatever the hell she wanted. Please don’t ask her about it unless you want a thirty-minute TED talk about the ins and outs of my sinuses.”
“She’s a doctor?”
“No, she just overshares.”
Sirius looked up and saw a herd of small children racing toward them, led by his favorite person under the age of eighteen; Jules crashed into his legs and squeezed him tight around the waist. “Hey, I missed you!”
Jules propped his chin below Sirius’ sternum and stared up at him with the classic hazel-gold eyes that were far more common than Sirius believed before they arrived in the Lupins’ backyard. “I missed you, too! How’s the team? How’s Harry? Is he still super small or did he do that weird thing that babies do where their legs grow and the rest of them still looks normal? How was your flight? Did you have turbulence?”
Sirius thought for a moment. “Good, also good, growing normally, and yes.”
“Sweet! Come play cornhole with us!” Jules grabbed his hand and dragged him along the grass at the closest thing he could manage to a sprint with Sirius’ added weight—the pre-teen years had lent him gangly legs, though he didn’t seem quite sure how to use them yet. He looked more like a foal than a sixth-grader.
“What the hell is cornhole?” Sirius muttered as the flock of kids ran ahead to grab armfuls of beanbags.
Remus grinned. “Something I’m about to kick your ass at.”
By the time the sun set, Sirius was exhausted. He had been introduced to dozens of people who looked just enough like Remus to be eerie, as well as plenty who seemed to have been acquired by one Lupin or another over the course of their life. Jules fluctuated between laminating himself to Sirius’ side and disappearing for an hour at a time, only to return more grass-stained and rumpled than ever as he begged Remus to swing him around by the ankles again. His ass had been thoroughly kicked at cornhole and freeze tag; it was a true miracle he hadn’t already passed out into a food coma. For all of his earlier griping, Sirius couldn’t think of a time in recent months when he had been more content.
“You’re a brave soul,” Remus remarked as they sat in the grass together and watched the fireflies wake. Though it was a warm night, it seemed the citronella candles littering the tables were doing their job of chasing off mosquitoes.
Sirius leaned his head on Remus’ shoulder. He smelled like grass and summertime and sunbaked warmth. “Am I?”
“Mhmm. I’m sure most people would have run screaming by now.”
“I like your family.”
A beat of silence passed; Remus rested his temple against the top of Sirius’ head. “I’m really glad to hear that. They’re weird and loud, but I love them.”
“And I love you.”
“Are you saying I’m weird and loud?”
“On occasion.”
“Asshole,” Remus laughed, giving him a nudge that hardly qualified as more than a gentle sway.
“Language, there are eight million kids around.”
“They’re busy.”
Sirius watched as small group run by in a wave of giggles, all clutching mason jars of fireflies with their names written on masking tape. “Thank you again for asking me to come with you.”
“Like I said, Aunt Jen would—”
“Remus.” He fell quiet. Sirius didn’t remember the last time he said Remus’ full name aloud. “Your family loves you so much. They’re everything I ever wanted growing up, and it means the world that you wanted to share them with me. All they want is to see you happy. It was amazing to finally meet them.”
“They really, really love you,” Remus said softly, his voice a little thick. “I had about twenty people tell me how wonderful you are. They all thanked me for bringing you, and not a single one mentioned the celebrity thing. Even my Uncle Jay didn’t say a word about hockey.”
“He was the one in the jersey?”
“I’ve known him for my entire life and I’ve never seen him without one.”
“Huh.” Sirius tucked his face closer to Remus’ neck and let the sound of the bullfrogs in a distant marsh lull him. “What time is it?”
“Almost eleven. The adults will be up for a while, but the kids will start crashing soon.”
Footsteps on the cool grass rustled to their right and Sirius looked up. “Who wants pie?” Aunt Allison singsonged, breaking their quiet bubble with paper plates and utensils. “This one is blackberry, but we have peach, pumpkin, and a few others on the table if you’re still hungry.”
“Just a small piece, please,” Sirius said.
Allison paused and cocked her head, then burst out laughing. “Oh, you’re funny!”
“I am?”
“Don’t fight it,” Remus whispered.
“You are a growing boy,” Allison said as she cut a thick slice and plonked it onto his plate. “And there’s no such thing as too much pie.”
I’m 26, Sirius wanted to say, though he held it in. “Just a small one for me, as well,” Remus said.
“Ha!” Allison snorted. “You’re already too skinny. Eat your pie or you’ll end up a string bean like your father. The NHL might have given you muscle, but it’s useless if you don’t enjoy some of your favorite aunt’s—”
“—woah, hey now—”
“—pie once in a while.” Allison kissed the tops of their heads once both plates were secure and bowing in the middle. “I’m going to make sure the kids aren’t poking around in the river again. Sleep well, you two.”
Sirius stared down at his plate as she wandered away. “I’m honestly going to die if I eat this.”
“Yeah, please don’t make yourself sick on pie. You really don’t have to eat all of that. The aunts and uncles are convinced that none of us are eating properly once we turn eighteen.”
“I wish I was kidding. You’re going to sleep so well tonight, though.”
As if on cue, Sirius stifled a yawn with the back of his hand and cuddled under Remus’ arm again. A familiar shadow bounded over not two seconds later and he barely held down a groan. “Hey, can I join you?”
Remus shrugged. “ ‘course.”
“Sweet.” Jules settled himself across their laps, staring at the sky with his head pillowed on Sirius’ thigh. “Did you have fun? I’m really glad you could come.”
“I had a great time,” Sirius answered honestly. Now please move on so I can take a nap.
“Mom and dad and me got here yesterday, and Aunt Jen kept checking the door for you guys even though she knew you weren’t coming until today. She was worried you wouldn’t like us, I think.”
“That was never an option, Jules.”
“Yeah, I know.” A devilish grin flickered over his face. “Remus is the weirdest of all of us, and if you want to marry him—”
“Get off,” Remus grumbled, shoving Jules’ legs onto the picnic blanket. “You know, you were a lot nicer before you turned eleven. Can I return you and get a new one? I have the receipt somewhere.”
“That’s all a birth certificate is, right?” Sirius raised his eyebrows. “If you bring it back in good condition, I hear they give you a ten percent discount.”
Jules scowled. “That’s so not true.”
“How do you think I got Regulus?”
“Isn’t it past your bedtime?” Remus asked with a pointed look. “Run along, problem child.”
“Of the two of us, I’m the least problematic.” Despite his words, Jules clambered to his feet and dusted his hands off over Remus’ head. “I’m not the one that got a secret boyfriend and got engaged in a year. I’m so easy. Mom and dad want two of me.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” Remus sighed as he stretched out on the blanket. “They had a second kid because they wanted two of me.”
“You’re adopted.”
Remus cracked one eye open in disbelief. “No, I’m not.”
“How do you know?”
“Because—y’know what, go to bed. Or go find the stampede, I think they’re by the river.”
Sirius whistled lowly as Jules scampered off again. “That was impressive. Isn’t your aunt over there?”
Realization clicked into place. “She’s going to make him go to bed.”
“You’re brilliant.”
Remus smiled without opening his eyes, and tugged Sirius down by the sleeve to lay next to him. “You’re just figuring that out now?”
The stars were brighter than anywhere Sirius had ever seen; for a moment, he was struck speechless by the endless rivers of sparkling white overhead. He stared until his eyes burned from dryness, then put his head on Remus’ chest and kept on looking. There was no way he could tear his gaze from it. A few shooting stars streaked across the clear sky and he felt his heart skip a beat in pure amazement when he realized there was nothing else he would wish for in that moment. He could listen to Remus’ heartbeat and the sound of his new family talking against a backdrop of the night, relishing in a full belly and cool wind, and simply stay there for as long as he liked.
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sylvie-writes · 3 years
Fighting For You
word count: 1530
request: Hi! Hello! Hey! I saw part of your conversation with the girl that is dating a cop and I was wondering if she’s okay with it of course, if you could use the “I’m fighting to come home to you” thing in a Steve x Reader thing?
a/n: this is part 1 of (undetermined) of me trying to finish requests that have been sent in ages ago. IM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT AND THE QUALITY. it’s been hard to write but hopefully these will do. this was originally at 100 words, so i added some random subplot to bring up the count and I tried to make it relevant to the story. anyways, this isn’t proofread much so please excuse any mistakes.
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It had been weeks of radio silence that often left your mind pacing while you tried to go through the day. Everything was gonna be fine.
Those five words became a mantra for the time being since Steve left and while he had warned you that no communication was a possibility on this mission, you still couldn’t help but feel anxious that something had gone wrong. Steve was never one to give up. 
It was a solo mission meaning Natasha, who you trusted to babysit Steve, was currently not with him. Instead she was playing babysitter for you and had now lured you into a personal “mission” at the orphanage. The redhead had recently divulged the secret that every Thursday afternoon when she disappeared for hours on end that she wasn’t out for a workout regime, but instead visiting the angels who so badly needed some adoration.
That night Steve left for his mission, Natasha had taken you out to dinner and a few drinks led to cries of sorrow and laughter. Tears pricked at her eyes and your own, when Natasha revealed that she didn’t want these kids to have an experience such as her years as an orphan. Somehow your conversation of the awful nachos on the bar counter had transferred into what your friend did when she disappeared midweek. When the words spilled from her mouth and she immediately apologized for oversharing, you were quick to reassure her with a fast and unexpected hug that almost knocked over the unsuspecting coffee mugs that had been sitting between you both. The mugs were empty from trying to sober you both up but they seemed to be doing nothing but getting in the way. Natasha never really opened up to you about her past despite almost knowing her longer than Steve, so this little exchange was a milestone in your friendship. 
Since that crazy dinner, you have been spending your Thursdays with the kids and Nat, putting on a fake smile that would turn genuine just at the sight of the children getting excited to see you. It took your mind off Steve, albeit for a few hours, but that was better than none. The kids always seemed to know what to say to cheer you up and you did the same for them. 
Last visit, you and Nat were given the privilege of speaking with the teens and this week you were given the opportunity to visit the little ones. More specifically, it was arts and crafts day and only seconds after walking in the door were you elbow deep in macaroni noodles and colorful string. 
About ten kids clobbered to sit around Nat as she demonstrated the making of macaroni noodles when you noticed a young girl in the corner and a social worker crouched on the ground with her, a lollipop in hand to coax the child. You could see the fear in the young girl's eyes as she clutched the tattered blanket to her chest. Those sweet brown eyes were so sparkly you were sure you would’ve remembered her which drew you to the conclusion that she was new. 
You directed two other children to Nat who was currently playing art teacher as you slowly approached the scene in the corner. The social worker looked up at you with a hopeful smile and held out his arms as if saying “all yours.” He handed you the lollipop and quickly explained that she was new before dashing off to help another worker. 
“Hey girly, what’s your name?”
You opted to sit criss cross on the floor, showing the girl that you planned on staying. She didn’t speak but instead turned to the wall. Silence filled the corner and you decided to speak up once more. 
“My name is (y/n), and I come here with my friend Nat. Today we were invited to make macaroni necklaces with you! Do you like crafts?” 
Some progress was made when you said Nat’s name and pointed her out to the child who had now turned to see what you were talking about. She softly shook her head when asked about arts and crafts and you gave a soft smile. Her hand quickly reached up to brush back a strand of short, black hair and you noticed the bracelet on her hand. It was a simple multi colored beaded bracelet that spelt out “VERA✿”
You reached out to grab her wrist and she complied, placing his arm in your hand. 
“Wow, this is so pretty! Did you make this, Vera?” She nodded her head and quietly began to speak. At this you internally jumped around with joy at such progress. 
“I like to make bracelets. My mommy used to make them with me, but then she left. Now I’m all alone.”
Her happy tone had turned dismal and a few tears crawled out of her eyes. Words never seemed to mean much to you, but her story made you choke back a sob. It seemed that the young girl hadn’t intended to spill the information, but she did, and now she was vulnerable. 
“Oh Vera, I understand it’s no fun to be alone,” You squeezed her hand lovingly and offered a comforting smile, “My friend, Steve, he had to leave a few weeks ago and I feel lonely, just like you, but you know what?”
She cocked her head at your question.
“I have other friends who take care of me and don’t make me feel lonely. So Vera, why don’t we go out and make necklaces. We can go make some friends who will always be for you, hon!”
She was apprehensive to agree but slowly stood and dragged behind you. Nat saw you come over and waved you and Vera to come join the little boy beside her who looked in need of a friend.
Macaroni necklaces were a success and so was getting Vera to socialize. She made friends with the little boy, Liam, and the two were the chattiest out of the whole bunch. In fact, they both talked so much they tuckered themselves out that you and Nat brought them back to their sleeping quarters with the rest of the children. Natasha stood in the hallway as Vera led you to her cot and proudly showed off her teddy bear that sat in the middle. From a distance Nat could see Vera placing her macaroni necklace around your neck as you crouched down. Vera stood back and proudly eyed her creation before giving you a tight hug.
“Don’t worry, your friend will come back.” This statement caused you to be taken aback and luckily Vera was too busy climbing into bed to notice your shocked expression.  “You told me you will come back and you are my friend, so I think he will too.”  Vera continued as she pulled her teddy bear close and you covered her scrawny shoulders with the same fleece blanket that was once used as a makeshift shield. Walking out the darkened room, Vera’s words left you wondering if Steve would ever really come back. 
As you and Nat drove home, all thoughts of Steve had momentarily dissipated leaving you with a second of bliss. 
Not even a moment after your laughter ceased at Nat’s story of Liam trying to eat raw noodles, the ringer designated for Steve rang and your shaky hand voluntarily went to answer.
“Hey, love,” Steve’s voice came out in a hushed whisper but a rough chuckle tumbled out with it, “You sound surprised to be hearing from me?”
“I thought something had happened to you. I-”
You were at a loss of words and Steve seemed to know this. 
“(y/n), I’m fighting to come home for you. Never doubt that.”
His words seemed so sweet yet cringe so you could help but make a joke, “Wow, I didn’t know you were a motivational speaker on the side.”
Steve’s familiar laugh came through the receiver, “See, that is another reason I want to come home, so I can listen to your terrible jokes!”
Playfully offended you added, “Hey! They aren’t as bad as yours. I mean dad jokes, c’mon you can do better than that Rogers.”
“Yeah, yeah. We can settle this debate when I see you tonight.” You could practically hear the smirk in Steve’s voice because he knew darn well that he had just shocked you with this revelation of information. Your silence confirmed this for Captain and he proudly continued on.
“Well, I gotta finish cleaning up here, so I’ll see you for dinner, doll. Love you!”
All you could do was return the affection before hanging up and allowing the enormous smile to finally take over your face as it had been waiting to do so for so long. 
“So, what should I wear?” Natasha took her eyes off the road and looked at you with a cheesy grin of her own. For a majority of the ride home, the two of you babbled about Steve like middle school girls on a first date.
Steve never failed to keep a promise to you and he wasn’t planning to do so now.
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h0esvck · 4 years
I want to request a scenario were a bts members talks to the other boys about his and his so’s sex life ~thx btw, love your account!
Thank you 💜 (please remember my reactions are geared towards female readers! So please don't be offended when I use she/her pronouns with (Y/N). Also it's been so long 😭)
Namjoon was in the studio with Yoongi and Hoseok going over the last listen to a song before deciding that it would be the finished product. But it was such a rough, sensual song, he couldn't help but think of (Y/N). And it was obvious because of the stupid smile on his face. "What are you thinking about?" Yoongi asked and Namjoon looked up from the floor to Yoongi. "Ah, just (Y/N)... This song reminds me of when we're intimate...." He admitted without much persuasion. "Oh?" Hoseok asked, sitting down to listen seeing as Namjoon was in a sharing mood. "It's such an intense song though.." He said and Namjoon chuckled with a smile, "yeah, sex with her is so.. It's so amazing, we don't do it every day, but every time we do it's just... God, it's the most perfect thing. " he said and Yoongi smiled seeing how fond Namjoon was of his girlfriend. "And good god she knows her way around my cock," he chuckled and the other boys blushed deeply. "She's really wild," Namjoon said not even realizing what he was starting to say. "The other night she rode me for so long even after I had cum, she couldn't get enough, she was soaking wet" Hoseok choked on his own spit and Yoongi was blushing deeply. Namjoon wasn't one to share such private stuff like this so randomly...
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"Come on hyunggg, I have a date tonight and if it goes well I need pointers!!!" Jungkook begged desperately. He had had sex before but not enough to have a 100% foolproof system to get the girl off. He knew how to get boys off plenty fine but women were different. "Fine, fine!!" He groaned in annoyance. "Sit down," he said and Jungkook sat down. Taehyung and Jimin were also in the room on their phones while they waited for a stylist to come in and fix up their hair and makeup. "Okay, penetration feels good to the girl, but it's not what makes them cum, so if you want a certainty you can get your girl partner off you need to pay attention to their clit." He blinked once, thinking about how sex with (Y/N) was, and some of the things he found that she liked and most women liked that he had slept with. "Slow circles around their clit, but if she says she doesn't like it don't do that. Just, don't be too rough, if you can, use your tongue they like that a lot... Makes them squirm... Buck their hips... Makes her very wet..." Without realizing it he started talking about his girlfriend. "She likes when you suck her clit and finger her, she gets so loud and she'll cum really fast if you stay like that. But she gets even louder when I start to fuck her... I've gotta roll your hips in slow at first because it's so sensitive but after she gets used to it I can really fuck her however I want..." He swallowed hard, the three boys eagerly listening as Seokjin went off, his mind so so focused on his sex was with his pretty lady. "Gotta rub her clit while I fuck her and she cums so pretty, gets me so wet she's so turned on," he said and Jimin blinked several times before chuckling. "Alright hyung, I think Jungkookie's heard enough of your sex life," he pat Seokjin's shoulder and Jin's eyes widened realizing what he said "shit!" He covered his mouth with a deep blush Jungkook was blushing terribly as well. Jimin and Taehyung just laughed at how shy the two of them could get.
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Yoongi was tired of everyone asking about his secret girlfriend. They wanted to know who she was but they'd settle for their sex life. He knew they would... And she wouldn't care... She was a bit of a slut for Yoongi, so she certainly wouldn't care, especially since she had suggested public sex at one point... Yeah this was fine..
But also... She had told him to tell them so they'd be jealous... Yoongi was actually the once hesitating in saying.
So everyone was enjoying drinks "okay, I can't tell you her name or show you anything important like what she looks like but...." He chuckled. "She wanted me to tell you how good I'm getting it with her and how fucking much she loves my tongue," he grinned as the other members were astonished at what he was saying so bluntly. "She wanted me to tell you how much great sex we have you and don't, I don't know, something about bragging  because I'm getting good wet pussy and none of the rest of you are," he grinned and Seokjin rolled his eyes. hoseok laughing nervously. Only the maknae line really expressed their frustration. Namjoon just seemed to quietly be jealous. "Oh and she wanted me to say hello, now I gotta go, she's probably waiting for her seat," he pat his lap before getting up and leaving to go see his girlfriend.
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Hoseok was with Jimin and Yoongi and Jungkook when they were all a little drunk talking about random shit, some inappropriate as well. "Ah well, me and (Y/N) get it on, sex every other day when I have time, we really love to fuck like animals," he laughed and took another swig of his soju as the others listened. "Oh yeah? Fuck like animals?" Jimin raised his brow and Yoongi was silently thankful Hoseok had moved out of the dorm when he started getting serious with (Y/N).  "Yeah, she's so loud right in my ear, I've had noise complaints because of our fucking," he blushed. "It's embarrassing but it... It makes me proud to know I'm making her feel so good," he chuckled with a fond look on his face before looking up and seeing Jungkook was suddenly falling asleep from drinking too much, but his cheeks were rosy red. "Did I overshare?" Hoseok asked and Jimin and Yoongi both nodded.
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Jimin didn't even ask, he sat down and started explaining the situation. "Taehyung said I couldn't properly fuck my girl but I'm here to tell all of you before the rest of you come at me, that we fuck every single night, and yeah we have great rhythm, we cum at nearly the same exact time." Jimin said and Jin blushed deeply as Hoseok and Taehyung giggled and snickered together. Yoongi and Namjoon were just disappointed that they had to listen to this. Jungkook was red, so fucking red. "I bet you're wondering why you dont hear us every night? Well that's because we use a gag so we don't wake all you motherfuckers in the middle of the night," he inhaled a deep breath as if he had just done a very hard thing "there, now I can go to bed, goodnight," he winked before walking out of the living room and going to hsi room to no doubt fuck his girlfriend (Y/N).
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It was a bet by Jimin, tell the hyungs all the dirty things he had been doing in secret with (Y/N) and Jimin would, as her best friend, convince her to let Taehyung fuck her on the balcony. So here Taehyung was, Jimin behind him to make sure he did it. All hyungs were present when Taehyung spoke up. "hyung's I need to confess to you..." He swallowed hard, hesitating a moment. "Go on then," Seokjin encouraged and Jimin grinned before biting his bottom lip. "I-I've been sneaking a girl into the dorm every night to fuck..." He said and they all looked at him with wide eyes. "A-and every night it's kinky and she wears pretty red lipstick and I chain her wrists to the headboard that's why there's marks on the wood and we fuck until 2 am every night before going to sleep then I sneak her out in the morning before everyone wakes up," he managed to get out in one breath. And by the end of it Jimin was holding in his laughter as much as he could.
Namjoon was the first to speak up. "Taehyung..." He started and Tae looked at him. "You know we know your girlfriend is Jimin's best friend right?" And Taehyung's eyes widened that he had let everyone know how kinky you both were. "Uh- oh, ahah I didn't realize uhm." He blushed terribly and Jimin laughed so fucking hard until Taehyung smacked his arm as Yoongi and Hoseok watched, chuckling at them.
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All of Jungkook's hyungs were teasing him, making fun of Jungkook but not in a hurtful way. But they did it every day, teasing Jungkook about being a baby and being a virgin and what not. And Jungkook was at his limit, tonight at dinner introducing his girlfriend to his band family and they say all this. Jungkook is upset and you noticed right away, but it was too late to do anything because he was already speaking.
"Hyungs can you stop that?" He asked before looking up at all of them "i invite you all to dinner, which I'm paying for,  to meet my girlfriend, and you all start to make fun of me like I'm a child." He looked determined and confident as hell. "I'll have you know, I'm not a child and I'm not a virgin. I'm anything but a virgin, in fact, we've had so much sex in the past week it could be spanned out to three weeks once every day," your eyes widened and you blushed deeply, everyone at the table suddenly quiet and looking at the two of you. " I've become so good, she begs me at least once a day to fuck her until she's cum so much she can't wak properly anymore." Your cheeks burst aflame. "Jungkook!" You said signalling that that was enough. That was way too much informatioknto share in the first place but.... The reactions off his hyung's faces definitely made it worth it to Jungkook. "I'm sorry, I didnt know the joking offended you Jungkook," Namjoon was the first to apologize, glancing at you, no doubt visualizing you in such a way for Jungkook... You were sure all the members did because... That's just what boys do when they're presented with a sexual thought. The rest of the members apologized to Jungkook as well, and that made Jungkook smile and contonue eating happily again. Now he was a big boy... A man in his hyung's eyes. He made himself proud. He made his hyungs proud.
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Masterlist ⛥彡
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janiedean · 3 years
crack prompt inspired by all the tvd talk on your blog: damon, jaime, tony stark all walk into a bar alone and end up drunk oversharing ~~
(if you wanna include ships in it anything with delena/dalaric/bamon; brienne; pepper/bruce/strange/rhodey is okay lmfao so pretty much anything goes, i just want them being each other's therapist because the timeline collapsed for some time and their universes interacted somehow lmfao)
*spins the wheel* AAAND hello anon we can absolutely try that u__u
ten years on tumblr anniversary prompt post | buy me a coffee | commissions open
Well, now I really did bite off more than I could chew, Tony thinks as he shakes his head and hopes that he and Bruce didn't fuck up the entire fabric of reality.
He's not in New York and he wasn't in the span of five seconds since they got the machine turned on, but - but well. Bruce isn't here, so hopefully he'll figure out where the fuck he ended up. Maybe we should have been sober when trying to work out that whole different timelines and multiverses thing.
Now, damage control. He should probably try to not go anywhere, but in case he actually just... teleported somewhere, maybe he should just ask where he is. He glances at his back. He's in front of a bar named Mystic Grill, which... okay, shitty name, but he could be anywhere in fuck-all-middle-of-nowhere Idaho for all he knows. He takes out his cellphone, and there is zero reception.
Bad news.
He sees a blonde kid with a police badge coming up the road, so he clears his throat and stops him.
"Uh, officer?"
"Hello," the kid says, "I don't remember seeing you around here."
Yeah, because I'm not from this world, most likely. "Eh," Tony lies, "I was driving my car but it broke down outside town and the way I got in, there wasn't a sign. Would you mind telling me where exactly I ended up?"
"Mystic Falls," the guy says, "I didn't know the damned State of Virginia now took us off the maps, too." That was sarcastic, Tony can hear it, but.
He's sure that there is no such place where he comes from.
"Right," Tony says, "I'll, uh, be out to find a mechanic then."
The kid gives him instructions to reach one, Tony thanks him and lets him go. Well, he can't certainly go anywhere now, but at least it seems like they fucked up just his -
"What the fuck," he hears from his left side -
Just in time to see a blonde guy wearing a white armor and a white cloak fall through a portal just the same as his own, that disappears a moment later. The blonde guy has green eyes, Tony notices, is lacking a right hand because he has a rather heavy golden prothesis on it that looks tacky also for his own tastes and looks completely out of his depth as he moves to his feet.
"Uh," Tony says, "I imagine you aren't from... here."
"Certainly not," the guy says, sounding... near hysterical, as he takes the surroundings. "What - what are those things anyway?" Cars. Oh fuck, he's looking at cars. "How are you dressed? What - what are these houses?"
"Er," Tony says, "humor me a moment. What's your name and where do you come from?"
The guy rolls his eyes. "Jaime Lannister, and I come from Westeros, thank you very much, now where the hell am I?"
... Great, Tony thinks, now it's not even someplace where the USA exist. "Er," Tony says, "in another world. Listen, it's my fault, I, uh, sort of caused it, and my colleague will most likely fix it, but it's really better we don't go anywhere so he can locate us more easily. Tell you what, can I buy you a drink while we wait?"
"Another world?" The guy blurts, and then - then he stares at Tony, then at his surroundings, then rolls his eyes again.
"You know what," he says, "I've had a shit long day. What can this be on top of fucking undead Catelyn Stark? Buy me the fucking drink."
I'm not doing drunk science anymore, Tony vows to himself as they walk inside the place, and he really hopes he can spin some story as to why the guy with him is wearing bonafide armor -
"And who the fuck are the two of you now?"
So: Tony had not taken into account that there would be just one person in the bar and that this person would be of course not human because no one human could pin the two of them to the wall in a split second and hold them there with such strength, and that's how he finds out that pretty guy with blue eyes, dark hair, pale skin and homicidal face is a damned vampire.
Except that the moment Tony explains it - Jaime or whoever he is is just keeping his mouth shut, wisely - the guy stares at them, and then more, and then -
"With everything I've seen in the last years," he says, "honestly, that's not even the most fucking stupid. So, you just want to lounge around until your friend shows up to fix whatever the fuck you did?"
"Er, yes?"
"Whatever. I'm Damon. I can cover your drinks and compel the bartender to forget your face. I sorely fucking need some myself."
He lets them go, but then - "Get that armor off," he tells Jaime, "this isn't New York City."
"I can't just leave my armor around!"
"Just leave it in the bathroom and take it back later," Damon shrugs, and then nods towards what's most likely the bathroom.
Jaime shrugs and goes, muttering something about maybe having drank too much milk of the poppy, and Tony doesn't want to know whatever the hell that is.
"Listen," Jaime says later, wearing an attire that's still obviously Middle-Ages-like but at least doesn't stand out too much, sipping at the bourbon Damon shoved at them, "I'm choosing to think I'm making this all up, but if I'm not, how long will it be before I can go back where I come from? Because you dragged me away from a rather fucking delicate situation."
"No idea," Tony shrugs, "but he's good at his job. And he was less drunk than me. We might get you back at the point you left."
"And what would that delicate situation be?" Damon asks. "Entertain me."
"And why should I tell you?"
"First, I bought you that alcohol and you're definitely enjoying it. Second, this is my town and I could tear your throat open if I wanted to." Fuck. He just showed fangs at the both of them. What the fuck. "Also, my murderous former girlfriend who is the cause of all my problems just finally fucked off this planet for good after possessing my current girlfriend who looks like her but really is the whole contrary and my best friend just came back to life after being dead for a whole lot of time and it's a complicated situation and I need a distraction or ten."
"That... sounds like something," Tony mutters, sipping at his alcohol. It's good, at least.
"Believe me, it is. So, what's the poison from Middle Ages here?"
"Ah, fuck that," Jaime says, takes a drink, and starts talking.
Half an hour later, Tony thinks that he and Damon are equally staring at the guy with the same disbelieving face.
"... Was that the undead woman that got you like this?" Jaime asks, blinking. "Considering that he seems like he's some kind of living dead, that's a tad hypocritical."
"No," Damon says, "that's the least of my problems. How haven't you frenched this Brienne person already?"
"I frenched?"
"Dude, he's from the Middle Ages," Tony takes pity on him. "He means put your tongue in her mouth."
"I - what - she's not - I'm not -"
"Listen," Damon cuts him, "I've been there. I mean, thinking I couldn't live without an arse who didn't give a fuck about me, which you admitted. But you do realize you spent at least five minutes of your charming tale describing us exactly how this Brienne of yours is ripped and has pretty eyes and was about to die for you?"
"Yeah, uh," Tony says, "let it come from someone who had the right people in front of him for ages and didn't let himself go for it, you really don't wanna drag it any longer."
"That's - she's a knight, that's not -"
"Oh, sure, all knights are shit where you come from, you said that, but suddenly someone would rather hang than kill you and you're here jittering because you got sucked here while she's dealing with a zombie that wanted you dead but I have to think you don't wanna french her?" Damon rolls his eyes again, pours himself another drink and honestly, Tony has cut down on the alcohol lately but he's gonna just make a damned exception. "Please."
"He's right," Tony says, "and also, let it come from someone whose dad was loaded on money and fairly shitty and still way better than yours, whatever he said about you is wrong."
"How do you know -" Jaime starts, half-blanching.
"Told you," Tony shrugs, "loaded on money, shitty father, at least I missed out on the shit sister. Honestly, man, just fucking drop her like hot coal and follow your gut. And let it come from someone who's fucked around a lot to get distracted, if you wanted to bone her in that bath then you're into her."
"I -" Jaime goes red in the face, finishes the drink, "it's not like it ever happened with anyone else before, it was a mistake, most likely -"
Damon gives him a look that looks halfway worried.
Tony thinks he just matched it, except even more worried.
"My vampire friend," he says, "are you thinking what I am thinking?"
"I'm afraid so," Damon says, and then looks back at Jaime. "Newsflash," he goes on, "if you get hard looking at a naked woman most likely you find her attractive. Also, you can find more than one person attractive in your life. And let it come from someone who's been there in the sense that I thought I could only love fucking Katherine, you really don't want to keep on doing it."
"I didn't say I wasn't done with Cersei," Jaime replies, somewhat weakly.
"Good," the two of them reply at the same time, and Tony has to snort.
"Look at that," he says, "for once I'm the one with the healthiest relationship history sitting at a table. Who'd have thought?"
"Fuck this," Damon says, "I'm getting more bourbon."
"Please," Jaime says, and - well. Seems like when Bruce comes to collect him, Tony won't be sober.
"Wait," Jaime says, "wait, wait, wait, she possessed your girlfriend?"
"Yeah, well, as if," Damon shrugs, "honestly, sometimes I think I should have just run away to New York after deserting."
"You deserted what?" Tony asks.
"The fucking confederacy," Damon shrugs. "Well, what are you staring about? I'm a vampire, I've been around ages, I'm from fucking middleofnowhere Virginia, you think I got drafted with the unionists? But I disagreed and I hated it and I never wanted to go, so I fucking deserted. I hope you aren't here judging me, or -"
"Please, I used to build weapons for the army and stopped when I realized it wasn't what I wanted to be, and honestly, that just means you have a conscience, so -"
"Wait, you did what," Jaime says.
"Deserted. An army. Back in the day. Risked my neck for it, and I came back and met Katherine and honestly I should have just gone North, but -"
"Hm," Jaime says, drinking, and then - "you don't regret it?"
"No," Damon says at once, "best decision I ever took. Why, you want to do that, too?"
"Sure he wants to," Tony says when Jaime doesn't immediately reply. "Let me guess, not just your army. You want to desert the whole shebang, don't you?"
"I don't know what a fucking shebang is, but yes. So what?"
"Well, if you want my been there done that advice, do that," Damon shrugs. "From what it sounds like, your entire world is collapsing because of zombies anyway, what do you have to lose? Your sister? You're better fucking off without."
Jaime stares down at the glass, then knocks it down. "Can I have another?"
"Sure," Damon says, and generously tips it.
"So what," Tony says, "now that your best friend you had a thing with while your girlfriend was with your brother is back to life you're having trouble adjusting?"
"She also hadn't been possessed by my murderous ex until then," Damon shrugs.
Jaime just looks at them, then drinks some more. "Who am I to judge on that anyway," he says, "but that sounds like a lot of work."
"You wouldn't believe," Damon shrugs, knocking down some more of his bourbon. "Never mind that Stefan won't get over brooding instead of fessing up to the girl he is in love with now, but it's not like I hadn't expected it."
"Tell him to," Jaime says at once. "I let my father fuck things up for my brother once and I hate that I ever did, just - don't."
"This is getting fucking eerie," Damon says.
Tony, who is currently feeling very thankful he doesn't have siblings, takes another sip. Then -
"Man, if it's complicated just date the both of them. If they both like you and aren't the kind of super monogamous people that can't handle a threesome once in a while, they won't have a problem."
"... And what do you know?"
He shrug. "Well," he says, "my steady girlfriend was in front of my eyes for years. Took us a while to get over ourselves. The guy I was doing drunk science with, well. Was an instant hit and I didn't let myself drag it in the centuries and guess what, we have a nice lovely arrangement where I'm with both of them, they commiserate about how much of an idiot I can be and sometimes we all occasionally have sex. It's grand. You should try it."
And I really hope Bruce shows up soon.
"Huh," Damon says, "maybe it has merit. For me. Not for you."
Jaime sputters. "I said nothing!"
"You shouldn't even think about threesomes. I can see it in your face you're not the type. And certainly not including your sister."
"Fuck you," Jaime replies without meaning it, "I was not considering that." Huh. Now he sounds offended Damon implied it. Maybe he really will fess up to the other one when he's back.
"Then it means this enlightening talk has enlightened you," Tony grins. "Mind telling us more about that hand?"
"And why?"
Tony shrugs. It's not like he doesn't have time to waste. "What if I could help you with that thing?" He says, nodding towards Jaime's stump, and then - well. Time to test if he can summon the armor here, too.
"God," Damon says a while later, "I'll have to compel that poor bartender so hard, but fuck this is something."
Sure it is, Tony grins. "Hey, I managed to fuck with quantum reality, I'm not the first idiot that passes by."
"Seven Hells," Jaime says, "I have no idea what it is you're putting on me but if it works half as well as that thing you have, I'm going to show back up in King's Landing just to show my sister who has the useless hand now. If she didn't get herself killed."
"Well, now that is one reason I could approve of," Tony laughs, "and don't fucking move."
Sure, building a prothesis from the rests of whatever nonfunctioning electronics the bartender had lying around is... somewhat a challenge, but as stated, he has time to waste and it's not like he's wanted anywhere soon.
"By the way," Damon says as he watches him tinker around with the toolkit he found him in the backroom, "do you need advice in the whole I fucked up and want my brother to forgive me department?"
"What if I do?" Jaime replies through his teeth. "Because now that would distract me from how much this entire thing is fucking hurting."
The more they talk while he tinkers, the more Tony decides he's absolutely glad he was an only child and that his father only fucked one son up.
"You're doing this while not even being fucking sober?" Damon knocks back more bourbon. "You sure you don't wanna stay here and turn into an immortal? You'd be useful."
"Thanks but I like my life as it is," Tony snorts. "But if you need tech tinkered with, you can ask while I'm here."
Jaime is just staring at the steel-colored hand coming to life while Tony puts piece after piece together, his throat working up and down.
He drinks some more. "Fuck, if only I had such a thing when I realized what the fuck Aerys had turned into."
"Wait, who's Aerys now?" Damon asks.
He hadn't told them that part in detail.
When he's done and Tony is at the fourth finger, he kind of wants to hurl, but mostly -
"Do we really have to stay here," Damon says, "or you think we could sneak him to a VA? I can compel them to just hear that he's talking about Vietnam or something."
"He's not old enough for Vietnam, but you know what, I think we could risk that."
"What in the Seven Hells is a VA?"
"Someone I really could have used in the nineteenth century," Damon sighs, and then just as Tony moves to the last finger -
"Tony, what the hell is this?"
Turns out, where Bruce comes from it took him two days to figure this out. He also immediately spots three different improvements Tony could do to that hand, and when he hears the entire shebang he raises his hands and says that he can send Jaime right back when he left at any point and he and Tony, too, but he supposes that if they want to compel the VA before they leave it's not like he's in a hurry, and wait, vampires?
Damon ends up asking him if the threesome thing is really working out as well as Tony says.
While he does, Tony manages the finishing touches on the sort-of-steel-and-iron-hand he cobbled up together, and thank fuck Bruce showed up because he had been the one studying how Barnes's arm worked, back in the day, and gave Tony the pointer he needed to make sure the entire thing was... well, connected to the nervous system without needing to rip Jaime's wrist open.
"Right," he says, "try to move the fingers."
Jaime holds them in a fist.
It works.
"Seven fucking hells -"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm a genius. Just keep it out of too many lines of fire, but if you're from the middle ages it should withstand most stuff. You're welcome. And go french that knight of yours instead of waiting, really."
"I think in between him and you, you've made a case. Uh, thank you, I -"
"Nonsense, I was the reason you're here, I might as well have helped out. Hey," he says, "so, what about a last round before we drag him to the VA and Bruce here settles everything?"
"I'm so down for it," Damon says.
"Do I even have a choice," Bruce groans, but then he does sit down at the same table and lets Tony fill his glass.
"Oh, don't look like that," Tony says, "after all I didn't destroy the universe and made some friends, it could have gone worse."
"Wouldn't know about that, but I could have done worse, too," Damon says, and orders more bourbon.
"I sure as the fucking Seven Hells will never manage to explain this to anyone," Jaime says, "but I guess I'm not too disappointed, either."
"Tony," Bruce groans, "did you manage to somehow end up with two people with - never mind. Of course you did. We're never doing drunk science again, hear me?"
"Maybe so," Tony agrees, though... well.
Maybe he will want to check on them, once in a while.
But he can think about how to convince Bruce to make sure they can later.
For now, he'll enjoy his last round.
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ccelinewritess · 4 years
the distance between us
pairing- draco malfoy x reader
word count- 9.7k
summary- the first time draco uses the muggle post system, it goes so terribly wrong, and a letter falls into the hands of a girl who was never supposed to see it, a muggle at that.
warnings- curse words, ptsd, anxiety/ panic attacks, depression mention of death, murder, blood and burns aswell as insomia, seperation anxiety (?) and my grammar.if these may trigger you, i suggested not reading.
a/n- this took me a while to get out, sry abt that. the reader was set to live in a canadian town called kelowna, british columbia. it takes place in readers grade 11/12 and dracos 6/7 year. i hope it’s not to self inserted, and you guys can enjoy and relate to it. big thank you to @dracodear for the help on this, love you! also thanks to everyone who left owl name suggestions, all were awesome and i ended up going with @winnsmills suggestion ‘noctua’ ! tumblrs been acting weird, so i hope it lets me post the whole thing. letters are in italics. also please note, this is off the movies timeline! i tried to fit in as many details as possible but some didn’t make it.
the town was widespread. wineries and mountains everywhere, the okanagan lake splitting it down the middle, reconnecting the cities halves by a bridge. little snow and tons of rain. jeep wranglers in every colour roaring around into unholy hours of the night, bustling with life yet all to lonely at times. but hey, that’s kelowna for you.
rain was running down the windows of y/ns most boring class, last period biology. she knew she should be paying attention. she had a high gpa to maintain, and couldn’t afford to fail another class besides french. the last five minutes of blabbering ended after what felt like a year.
‘you are dismissed, ill see you all monday, have a good weekend’ and with that everyone rose, heading to the parking lot as fast as possible in an attemp to dodge traffic. despite pouring rain, the air was hot, and on the ride home y/ns mind raced over every single assignment she had to complete over the next two days, while her hands tapped the steering wheel.
‘english essay, math review, history paper, business management graph’ she muttered under her breath. the town was busy, many students often blew off class to go shopping, or hit a movie, or smoke weed, the possibilities were endless. her house was cool compared to outside, and empty. no one was home, not that it was a surprise to the girl, people weren’t usually home, siblings gone to university, and parents working absurd amounts.
something caught her eye on the counter, an envelope, an ordinary seeming one, but absolutely covered in small pictured stamps with ‘england’ underneath each one. eighteen of them, all different. she knew shouldn’t open it, so she didn’t. at first. but it was irresistible. there was a return address written in the smallest writing she’d ever seen. wogshell, no, wiltshire? she took it to her room, and locked the door before ripping it open. she didn’t want the one time she had something intresting going on to be interrupted by whoever might show up.
her mouth fell open at every line of the same scroll. who was snape? why was this draco boy sending him a letter? he didn’t need his help to kill who? what the fuck was an unbreakable vow and why shouldn’t snape sign it? why was his mum going to see snape? who was the dark lord and why did he pick draco for a task? what kind of name is dumbledore?
what she already knew was confirmed- this letter was most definetly not for her. but newly- she opened a letter from a potential murderer or maybe it was a prank, a sick prank if it was one.
so instead she crafted up quite the response, whoever wrote this was either hysterical or in distress, and needed some sort of company- she thought, atleast.
it had been thirteen days, why wasn’t the letter back yet? the owl still couldn’t fly even about the house without damaging itself further. maybe using the muggle post system was a mistake. but better have it land into the hands of a muggle, who would likely throw it out, than a wizard who would know a death eater would soon be wondering around hogwarts.
as if on que, the door bell rang and echoed through the empty manor. on the porch sat an envelope, with only one stamp, his name in the middle and another he didn’t recognize in the corner. shit, this couldn’t be good. his eye caught the stamp. canada? fuck, this was supposed to go to cokeworth not bloody canada. no one was home so he opened it right there in the foyer.
hello, draco.
i am not snape- nor do i know who snape is. i am also very unfimilar with some of the vocabulary you used. dark lord? unbreakable vow? you seem to have quite the situation going on, if i read correctly. im not exactly stupid, but i do know that this letter was most definitely not supposed to be in my possession. i didn’t know who to send it to, id send it back to you, but you probably don’t want a copy of your own letter. i also know you likely have enough on your plate, but if you’d like someone to talk to im only half a world away, have no sort of schedule and am a good listener, well reader in this case. good luck with whatever task you’ve mentioned. p.s. you had about seventeen stamps to many, first time sending a letter? unfortunate fate, huh ? what kind of name is snape and what the heck is a dumbledore? i suppose it’s none of my business, knowing you likely won’t respond, but if you do i wrote my address on the front. have a good day/ night/ whatever time it is wherever you are.
y/n l/n
tears were welling in dracos eyes, he was floored, in a good and bad way. his task was already going downhill. the letter he sent snape had fallen into the hands of a muggle, who did not throw the letter away, but responded. and snape was likely going to bine himself into the task through the unbreakable vow, which draco was more than able to complete. he wouldn’t have been chosen if he wasn’t, right?
not only had she responded, she offered him help, well distant company, to a stranger who obviously had quite a few problems and she clearly had no regard for her own safety. he couldn’t tell her about the wizarding world. not that he could tell her about anything, she could be lying. he had a task to focus on, he couldn’t write her back.
and that was true- at the time. he had no intent of writing the girl back. and yet he found himself reading the 201 words over and over, running his hands across the paper, expecting them to fade away as he wiped. counting and recounting. he surely couldn’t talk to any of the twats at hogwarts, maybe a stranger could help numb the pain. and as long as he didn’t tell anyone- she couldn’t get hurt, she was to far.
draco was packed for hogwarts, the response at the bottom of the trunk, underneath his clothes. he’d just have to get to the damn school, then he could write all he wanted- without his parents knowledge or ridicule. his mind jumbled together what he was going to say while his friends rambled on. the train pulled up to the castle after dreadful hours and he could barely sit still during the opening feast. his thoughts did falter though, when dumbledore gave his speech, he felt guilty- the shame of his family weighing on his shoulders. he looked around, all his classmates staring in adoration at a man who would be dead ten months from now, and they were sitting in the same room as his killer.
the singular room was nice, he knew it wasn’t for lounge, but for plots of death.
before he began he started making promises to himself. if i get behind on the plan ill won’t write, if snape notices anything about it, ill stop. the list went on and on.
he couldn’t put his pen down, the words continued to fly out the end, was he oversharing?
dear y/n
my deepest apologies that my last letter found it’s way to you. im sure you didn’t expect whatever you may have perceived from it. honestly, i don’t know how it arrived all the way over there. im almost positive you have better things to do than listen to my problems, and i know you had no control over the fact it arrived, but i ask you to please not share this information with anyone. i am unsure if i will take up your offer of amity, if you were serious that is. im at school now, so if you’d like to respond, not that you have to- you can send letters back with my owl, it’ll be faster (and i won’t have to worry about stamps- thanks for the tip by the way)
draco malfoy 
and with that noctua was off into the night, and he could only hope that it would make it to her.
droll was running down y/ns chin and she was caught in a dream. suddenly a vigorous tapping on the window pulled her into consciousness, the sight of owl knocking her backwards in a scare. a crash sounded, if the tapping didn’t wake anyone up, that surely did. she almost considered just trying to ignore it, until she noticed a letter tied to its neck and reluctantly opened the window. she’d never seen an owl in real life before, but was aware from school that they weren’t exactly the kindest of creatures. this one just perched on the window while she removed the new enevelope, no stamps in sight. just a neatly printed address, and his in the corner.
from the new letter she learned even more- this wasn’t a prank, draco was a real person, was still in school, and whatever the first misplaced letter contained was true. he had some sort of task and didnt want help, but that was all. so with what she could, she wrote another response. it took an hour and she wasn’t exactly sure what she had written by mid morning.
you’d be quite suprised actually, it gets lonely over here. i still haven’t exactly deciphered your original note, so if you would like to help me understand i think i’d be ready. and no worries about me, my lips are sealed. what is an unbreakable vow, im curious? you go to boarding school? and owls, really? what the hell is up with that? im pretty sure it’s illegal to own one here, but we are countries away, so perhaps it’s different all the way over there. send whatever you want. i do not- by the way- have anything better to do in the slightest.
he continued to write throughout the month of september, which bled into october before he knew it. he was avoiding questions about the task, just wanting someone to talk to. it wasn’t easy, she was curious, which draco couldn’t exactly be mad at her for that since he continued to write her, accepting the distant friendship that was forming.
he was learning a lot about her aswell. besides french, which he informed her he spoke fluently numerous times, she was a very good student. she was single, he didn’t remember how that came up but made a note in his mind- he couldn’t date her, nor did he know enough about her to be properly involved.
she read a lot of books, sappy romances mostly, couldn’t cook anything deemed edible by anyone, and her favourite colour was green, he smirked when reading that for the first time. she didn’t know what she wanted to do with her future, just not a doctor like her parents wanted.
y/n was sitting in english as her teacher reviewed about univeristy application requirements. only next year they would be getting accepted and denied from their dream schools. she’d spent years dreaming of it, university, and yet somehow a boy half way around the was racing through her mind. she felt horrible about it, the small crush. it was incredibly selfish, falling for a boy with so much going on, he certainly didn’t need her as anything more than a friend to talk to, but he was good with his words, and making her feel important too. her dismissal came and so did a classmate, approaching confident and cocky.
‘hey, l/n’ he said, a smirk on his face
‘oh, uh hey, will’
‘what are doing tonight?’ her mind went blank, any excuse, come on, say something
‘i have plans’ wow real specific, great job, y/n
‘like what’
‘fish funeral, real important stuff, my family is just devastated’ her voice was clearly sarcastic and that was all before she walked right out. no she didn’t exactly have plans, but waiting for dracos owl provided much more company than any date could have. the sight of dracos owl flying towards the pre-opened window was somewhat relieving, she didn’t know why, just the fact that he had not failed yet, and was still out there was nice. she hadn’t had this much company. since last year at least, when her supposed best friend started ghosting her because of some petty shit.
thankfully noctua ad gotten quite good at being discreet when delivering the letters. of all the things on y/ns junior year bucket list, explaining to her parents that she had befriended a british boy with an owl who flyed into her room while her neighbours had a clear view, wasn’t one. she also began keeping a bowl of water under her bed for the owl to drink when it arrived, knowing it couldn’t have been easy travelling back and forth.
im not fully sure you want to know the depth, yet you seem to want me to corrupt you with my villain with a task baggage. i suppose it couldn’t hurt if i told you about the unbreakable vow. it’s like a promise or a bond, but if you break it then you die. if you can stomach that i may be able to tell you more. how far away do you reckon we are?
draco wasn’t falling behind too far, but his first attemp had failed, and panic attacks were taking up most his time. he never had any, at least not this bad until this year. at least once a day he would start sweating, no matter how cold he was, unable to control his breathing or tears, feeling like the walls were caving in upon him.
that is, besides writing y/n as much as he could. apparently she was being honest, she had no schedule of any sort besides going to school. he hated to say, but he was becoming attached, he didn’t exactly know how either, but everytime he recieved a letter a small weight was lifted from his shoulders, even just when he read it.
noctua was doing the weekly, almost daily round at breakfast with the other owls and draco watched with anticipation as a letter dropped on his lap and owl on his shoulder. he tried to conceal the letter into his robes but pansy had taken matters into her own hands. likely jealous that she’d spent collectively around six hours with him the whole year, and he never talked to her like he used to.
‘ou draco whats this’ twirling the envelope between her hands. the letter had no name, no stamp, only a small heart drawing in the corner.
‘hands off parkinson’ he said while taking the letter back. ‘a letter from my mother, if you must know’ he said knowing that neither his mother or father had written him anything, despite having all the time to do so.
he got up and left the second he was done, not wanting to draw snapes suspicion about who could possibly be more important than working on this task.
he rushed to his room, desperate for more of her words. he tried to picture her voice in his head, but had to remind himself she wasn’t british nor was she from southern america.
so you just die if you break the promise? intresting. it’s not as hard to stomach as you seem to think, very unique tradition i suppose. you are not a villain draco, you haven’t told me much about it but your to good of a person to have picked any of this for yourself. i calculated when we you were home, seven thousand three hundred something, i don’t know where your fancy boarding school where you have owls for pets is, so it may be further. im ready whenever you are.
her letter was relieving for him aswell, even in the slightest it helped, but she deserved some sort of answer for helping him take his mind off the task for a couple minutes. he could tell if she wasn’t scared off already, this would do it.
if you are sure, here it is. dumbledore is my headmaster, the dark lord is a very powerful wizard, and snape is my professor. if i don’t kill dumbledore before july, he will kill me and my family, if i can’t complete the task, snape will kill him under terms of an unbreakable vow. im not a very good villain that’s for sure, my first attemp failed, and my classmate is out cold. i understand if you dont want to write to me anymore, just don’t tell anyone about this, please.
the only words to describe the feeling that overwhelmed her senses as she read were devastation and shock. tears pooled in her eyes as she tried to imagine herself with that much responsibility to wildhold until july. another detail that caught her eye, wizard? what did he mean by wizard? is that the word for dictator in england? certainly he wasn’t talking about the wizards she read about in storybooks as a child. her hand shook slightly and she debated mentioning it.
you’re silly if you think i’d stop writing you. you need company now more than ever. please don’t hold things back from your letters, you deserve someone to talk to. that is quite the situation, im sorry if i pushed you, you do have enough on your shoulders and i want to help you as much as i can. i hate to ask, but you mentioned ‘wizards’ and i am a bit confused.
all my love
initially, draco went into shock. he knew he was probably oversharing, but didn’t expect to slip up in that way. he begrudgingly admitted; knowing that if this went badly he would likely be banished from the wizarding world, which didn’t seem like such a horrible punishment to him anymore. and yet she was fascinated, by the coins he sent her, the subjects he learned- which she compared to her own much less exciting ones, and everything he told her about it. he could now talk to her about much more, since both his secrets were now out in the open to her. he told her about the about the houses, and they both agreed she would probably be in hufflepuff, well he thought so, her kind and accepting nature, and she didn’t know enough to disagree. and for the first time in the long time he was seeing things differently, completely diminishing the rude behaviour he often displayed towards the house.
she even sent him a picture, the first time he ever saw her face. a large smile spread across her beautiful features, she seemed to be laughing. eyes glistening in the sun even prettier than he could have imagined. he slept with it under his pillow, and could stare at the still image for hours. no it didn’t move around, but he couldnt care less. he only had one picture of himself in his possession and he was young, about four. she was facinated by the moving image, his blonde hair and attitude shining right through. he would owl his mother for a more recent one, but didn’t want to explain why.
the letters were helping him, but the task wasn’t advancing. his second attempt had failed, he was caught sneaking into slughorns party, and harry was onto him. they were also causing him doubt. say they did get the cabinet fixed, he couldn’t see himself killing dumbledore anymore, the more he talked to her he realized he couldn’t be a killer, as cold as he was to some people, but he had to, didnt he?
most importantly every letter she sent gave him a sense of hope. that the second this is over he could move. away from voldemort, and potter, his parents even, england in whole. perhaps not to canada, but it could be a change, half way across the world with the girl who was helping him stay alive through his letters. he just needed to stay alive long enough too see her.
the seasons changed around draco, but his room stayed the same. hot from mysterious potions, for himself and some for dumbledore, he had not had much hope after the wine, though. it was lonely, not that he’d like y/n here, he’d much rather be there, all the way across the world.
may came in a blur, and finals were creeping up. one week y/n sat at her desk, every night, waiting for a letter that didn’t come. on the fifth letterless day she cried. not exactly knowing why, it wasn’t her that had much of a reason to cry, but dracos company had filled her lonely life up with light of its own, leaving it darker than it was before she saw the first letter. she was silly to be so attached and silly to expect him to reciprocate the feelings she had proclaimed in the last one she sent, and should have expected him to stop eventually. so she continued on with school, finding it a bit easier to concentrate now that a draco sized whole was missing from her brain, and her heart aswell.
the next week, though, a letter came, very appreciated by y/n as the whole other universe, british boy forgetting thing wasn’t as easy as it seemed.
im sorry for not writing, the classmate i mentioned all those months ago woke from the curse, and the potter twat hexed me with a spell id never heard of before. i would have tried to contact with you but i couldn’t exactly trust what my brain was planning on writing, and the cuts are still a bit sore. the cabinets fixed, but even if everything works out okay i won���t be writing very much at all. i’ll be home in july, but the manor will be infested with death eaters and i can’t let you get hurt. thank you for everything l/n.
it stung a little, knowing that the empty feeling the girl just experienced would be more frequent, he didn’t mention anything about what she had said, and that this could be the last time she ever heard from him if he didn’t kill dumbledore. in hindsight, practically telling her she loved him in a letter wasn’t what he needed, she knew that.
he left out the fact that he the spell put a him in a huge emotinal draught. he was exhausted constantly, crying even more than before. the cuts were sore, so he wasn’t holding everything back.
the last month of school came and went all to fast for dracos liking, and death eaters now roamed around the castle, causing havoc where ever they could. his trunk had been shurken so small it looked like a small muggle toy he put into his pocket easily. the dark mark that was stretched across his left arm was now hanging in the gray sky, and the headmaster was no where to be seen. he paced anxiously around a vacant corridor until he heard a pop in the astronomy tower. he didn’t think people could apparate into hogwarts, it would have made his job much easier.
‘harry, get snape, i need snape now’ he seemed exhausted, maybe this wouldn’t be as hard
‘sir im going to sit you down okay, and then ill go get madam pomf-‘
‘severus, harry, I need severus now, go get him and talk to no one else’ he said in a shallow yet somewhat urgent and angry tone.
draco waited for footsteps to disappear, before whipping the door open with his wand already ready.
‘oh hello, draco, nice to see you on this fine evening’ he said nonchalantly, leaning his weight against the wall.
‘EXPELLIARMUS’ draco boomed, successfully disarming the man without counter attempts before glancing around to see a second broom
‘who else is here?’ he said sounding confident but feeling the opposite
‘i could ask you the same question, acting alone are you? you don’t seem supported’
‘no, there are death eaters in your school tonight, and i got them here’ he snarked ‘they’ll be up, any minute now, their fighting down below. i’ve got a job to do’
‘well done boy, if you don’t mind me asking a few questions, before you get on with it, im very intrested’ was he kidding? he knew draco was about to kill him right? wanting to stall, and not fully wanting to kill him he nodded his head yes.
‘you seem scared to act until they join you
‘im not scared, you should be scared’ he snarled, unable to contain the fear in his voice any longer any longer
‘oh draco’ he sighed ‘while we wait for your friends arrive, care to explain how you smuggled them in here? i never imagined it possible, especially not by a student’
‘i had to mend the broken cabinet that no ones used for years, there’s another one in borgin and burkes. montague got stuck in told everyone stories about it, how he could sometimes hear what was going on in the shop and sometimes hear hogwarts like a passage, and i was the only one who discovered what it meant. not even borgin, not you either, i did it right under your nose, you didn’t realize anything’ he said
‘you are right, i didn’t know that. i do- on the other hand, know that you aren’t a killer’
he raised his wand a little higher, feeling wheezy and as though his legs would give in any second
‘how you know that, I’ve done despicable things, you wouldn’t even be able to fathom’
it was dumbledore’s time to pause, glancing up at the sky and looking around the room before continuing
‘draco i know you almost killed katie bell and ron weasley. you’ve been trying to kill me all year, forgive me for saying this, but they’ve been very feeble attempts. to be honest ive wondered wheather your heart has truly been in it’
‘it has, and if you knew why didnt you stop me’
‘snape has been watching over you on my orders’
‘ it’s not on your orders, he promised my mother-‘
‘ofcourse he would tell you that, but it happens to be that i trust professor snape’
‘your losing it then, he’s a double agent, he isn’t working for you- he’s been trying to get in on the action all year, helping me and all. doesn’t matter now- he probably doesn’t even know they are here yet, he will wake up tomorrow and no longer be the dark lords favourite, he will be nothing compare to me’ confidence was building within him
‘very gratifying, we all like being recognized for our hard work, but, draco?im standing here wandless and weak, unable to defend myself, and you have not made any move to kill me, dont blame me for believing you will not, but let’s discuss your options’
‘my options’ he laughed ‘im standing here with a wand, about to kill you’
‘oh dear boy, if you were going to kill me you would have when you disarmed me, not stayed for a little chat’
‘i haven’t got any options, don’t you understand, i have to kill you, or he will kill me’
‘okay, if you don’t want to join the order with your mother where we could protect you, i only have one more question’
‘better hurry, theyre on their way’ he almost laughed which was quickly replaced when Dumbledore said his next words.
‘who is y/n l/n’ at that a tear fell down dracos face, and he lowered his wand almost completely
‘i-i don’t know who that is, odd l-last words’ he stuttered
‘draco dont play dumb now, not after we discovered you are very intelligent. we left some of the security measures from last year that Umbridge enabled, and I couldn’t help but notice hundreds of letters flowing to and from her. i looked into student files, ilvermornies too, nothing, id never heard the name, a muggle i presumed. but of all the things, that had me the most confused. i couldn’t figure out why you would be contacting her, so i did some meddling’
‘fiesty all the sudden, are you? i felt bad after opening this, it seemed very personal, and i probably should given it too you sooner, but i was a bit preoccupied double checking my drinks and all’ dumbledore said handing him the letter.
how is the cabinet coming? it’s raining even more here than usual, all day and night. and don’t talk like that, saying you don’t have a future. you do draco, you deserve another chance and infinite amounts of them. you are just a kid, you shouldn’t be forced to be a hero. you are protecting so many people right now, but i don’t need any. you have given my life enough light in the last few months than i ever recall, and im so thankful that letter came to me. i wish you were here with me right now, but i know you can’t be, so just stay alive, okay?
more tears fell, he hated being so weak at the mention of her, crying before he completed the blessing his father and bellatrix considered the task to be.
‘she’s right, draco, you deserve another chance’
he was speechless, and could tell Dumbledore knew he found his weakness.
‘i always pictured you and pansy, never in a million years imagined you to be in a relationship with a muggle’
‘no matter who does it, your about to be killed, and im not here to discuss my love life am i?’
‘so you do love her?’ before draco could even think he heard a door open and raised his wand, hiding the letter faster than he had ever moved.
‘shut up, they will kill her’ he said quietly and desperately
in walked fenrir greyback, yaxley, and bellatrix. they made banter of their own, but her words replayed. he couldn’t do it.
‘go on draco’ his aunt whispered into his ear, making him shiver.
‘DO IT, DO IT BOY’ she yelled, in a high pitched and annoying voice
he felt a strong arm over his chest, pushing him aside, and he saw the whoosh of snapes robes and an already pleading dumbledore
‘severus, please’
‘AVADA KEDAVRA’ snape shouted, a green flash producing from the end of his wand, hitting the old man square in the chest. draco rushed over to the edge, watching him fall. it was a long way down.
the rain had sudsided, sunlight leaking into her room during the day. watching the sky at night, failing to find constellations he described many times to her. her wardrobe was mostly untouched, remaining in pyjamas most of the week. the odd time she did leave, she saw her old friends walking and laughing out her car window. eating and socializing felt like a chore, and she hadn’t communicated with the boy since may. he could be dead, she didn’t know. there was no death on the ‘muggle’ news, and draco wasn’t on the top wanted list, not that he likely would be on the television all the way over here. he could be fine, in wiltshire, going to dinner parties and holding balls. or maybe, he too, was sitting in his room staring at the ceiling for days on end. she had now hung the picture of a young draco by her desk, not needing to worry about anyone seeing. her siblings were once again home, but out living their lives so much that it still felt like they were gone. for the first time she noticed his scroll on the back.
‘i was four when this was taken i believe, my hair is very similar, i was quite sassy, im sure that shows without explanation.’ she blushed while reading, it was true. his hands were on his hips whipping his head around.
every day was a surprise around malfoy manor. not the kind of surprise draco liked. not the feeling of butterflies in his stomach when he read y/ns letters, those were replaced by a pit as they were summoned around the large table in the dining room. the first one he attended was horrible, watching his muggle studies teacher being hung above their heads, pleading for the help of severus as she died. he bit his tongue in an attempt to avoid raging about about every comment surrounding muggle culture. each one tore his heart, as he imagined the girl all those kilometres away, the girl he had no contact with, but he looked at her picture as much as possible, and hoped one day he could make her smile again like she did in the image.
senior year was here, and y/n schedule picked up once again. her timetable was full, maybe it was best, a distraction, after a whole summer of thinking alone in her room. draco was on her mind at night, no matter how hard she tried to forget. she’d made friends with her creative promotions partner, logan. he was certainly not intrested in her in anyway besides friends, but company after all this time was enjoyable, just in the hour of class
draco had little privacy, with death eaters in every hallway, conversing with eachother. wherever he went someone was there, until he finally got sick of it and began going to the garden bench. with a book, sometimes, giving some of the sappy love stories y/n mentioned a try or even the poetry books she sent with noctua awhile back, they were okay, but his heart hurt at the feeling of relation in every line. he could only read one or two poems at a time, without tears forming in his green orbs.
sometimes he went with a pen and a notebook. he wrote about everything. the smell of the plants around him, the feeling in his chest when the dark lord called for a meeting. most of the notebook, though, was filled with poems of his own. and letters he had no intention of sending for her own safety. she wasn’t in harms way, though, other followers were preoccupied with ruining weddings and other things they considered fun. he blabbered on for pages, about how he missed seeing noctua fluttering towards him at breakfast. how he rereads the letter that dumbledore gave him the night he died. how she listened to him rant on and on, giving her support no matter how evil he felt. how he found love where it wasn’t supposed to be.
snow was falling once again, he had to dress in layers, making it hard to write often, the plants started dying as cold settled over and his mother no longer babied him like she used to before the death eaters began inhabiting the mansion. he couldn’t keep himself company any longer and gave into the pressure he put on himself. as long as they were careful, she’d be in no destruction- he prayed as he wrote what seemed to be an appropriate response after all this time.
like it had been decades, she flinched at the noise of the owl on the window, carrying a much larger scroll that he’d ever sent before, some parts scratched out and written above. his writing was much less tidy than she remembered, like the letters on the page were anxious for her reaction.
after all this time, im sorry you are just now hearing from me. you have ever single right to be annoyed with me, after you listened to me for months, helping me emotionally in ways i never be able to repay you for. you do not need to forgive me, or write me back. i just wanted to keep you safe. but i needed to tell you everything before it might actually be to late. you’ve probably moved on and forgotten about me, like you should, but i guess im saying that i am alive. i didn’t kill him either. snape did. i thought i was going to be able to, but he started talking about you. he gave me a letter from you that he had already opened, the words repeated in my head over and over. you talked about how i deserved another chance, and how you wish I’d was there with you. right before he died he asked me if i loved you. i knew the answer but didn’t have time to say it. ive read your poetry books, they aren’t as bad as i once thought, i can’t read to many at once. i try to forget what dumbledore said that night, and that night altogether. but one day i read ‘that’s how you know you love someone, i guess. when you cant experience anything without wishing the other person was there to see it too.’ when i sit in the garden i imagine you smelling the flowers, myself picking one and putting it behind your ear. when i go on walks i imagine your hand in mine. youre in my dreams. my never ending thought. i remember the way i felt when we started talking a lot, and how I felt when we didn’t get a chance. you listened to me when no one else offered. not even my parents. i hope your doing okay, and smiling and laughing. i don’t care if we talk about absolutely nothing, i just want to talk to you. i know that’s unfair to you after all ive weighed on you. but i guess that’s all, i love you. draco ♡
well this certainly didn’t get him off her mind. she didn’t need to either. ofcourse she was going to write him back, but she needed time to think about her response. she missed the next day of school, and his owl was comfortably standing on her desk, nibbling away at the water and crumbs. she took an hour long shower, multiple naps, raided her fridge, and had to email the school pretending to be her mum, excusing her for the day. before she even knew what she was going to write, she began on a new piece of paper. she’d have thought longer, but was sure draco would be convinced she stole noctua out of anger.
wow. i don’t really know what to say. i knew you weren’t a killer, and i meant what i said about you deserving more chances. i will admit i was angry, and a bit confused. i sent that letter with high hopes. i don’t know what i was hoping for at the time, i was being incredibly selfish. but couldn’t help myself feel pained when you didn’t mention it in the next letter when you said harry hexed you. i know we can’t be together, especially not right now, but i love you too. i wish more than anything you were here with me right now, and it was you i’d be graduating with half a year from now. i wish you were in the passenger seat of my car while i drive through the city. i wish you could point out the constellations in the sky. i usually can’t read to many poems either, they get me thinking to much. im ready to write again if you are.
draco hadn’t felt more joy in a long time. around seven months. she loved him, and that was enough happiness for a life time. he just needed to stay alive.
they continued to stay in touch, almost as if they never stopped talking, entertaining eachother as much as possible, masking their separate misery and the distance between them. he could get time away from the reality that was his life for a while, he thought, until snatchers brought the trio he spent so long bickering with to the manor.
a very distorted looking harry fell before him, his hair tightly gripped by bellatrix.
‘well, is it him’ he knew it was harry. and yet a part of him couldn’t bring himself to letting the boy get killed.
‘i can’t be sure’ he lied
‘draco, look closely son’ lucius said loudly, getting a grip on the back of dracos neck before leaning in and whispering.
‘if we are the ones that hand potter to the dark lord, all will be f-forgiven. a-all will go back to how it was’
his father and the and a snatcher quickly got into an arguement. lucius was yelling something about the manor before narcissa calmed him with a hiss.
‘don’t be shy, sweetie come here take a closer look’
draco was know level with him. the scar was still visible on his forehead, and swollen eyes staring back at him, hopeless.
‘what’s wrong with his face’ draco said
‘yes what is wrong with the boys face’ a shrill voice repeated
‘he was like that when we got him, something he picked up in the forest i reckon’
bellatrix walked away, laughing away at something. the blonde boys eyes were still on harry, before he felt a tap on his shoulder. bellatrix began acting out, yelling about a sword, putting ropes around snatchers neck from the end of her wand. sword now in her hand she walked over to ronald weasley, grabbing his collar and demanding that the boys be put in the cellar.
a different draco would have gladly watched a mudblood be tortured by his aunt. but he flinched at every scream of hermione, unable to watch he went to the next room, resisting tears as he thought of the girl he fell for enduring the same. she had moved onto the goblin- ridiculing it about who got into her vault- and hermiones screams were now gone.
‘youre lucky, goblin, the same won’t go for this one’ he heard footsteps
‘like hell it wont’ he heard ron yell, followed by the expelliarmus and what must have been harry stupefying his father. draco rushed in, now dueling a more normal looking harry, until their attention caught on bellatrix, a knife to grangers throat. they dropped there wands, and he did as instructed, picking them up. lucius was summoning the dark lord when they heard a tittering on the ceiling, and the chandlier crashing. it all moved so fast and harry was now wrestling draco for his wand back. he tried, but harry had already pried it out of his cold and shaky hands.
‘dobby never meant to kill. dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure’ the house elf squeaked, and draco had never resisted a chuckle so hard.
‘dobby has no master, dobby is a free elf, and he has come to save Harry Potter and his friends.’ and with that they apparated out, not without bella throwing a knife into the mix.
meanwhile, y/n was receiving letters of her own. not from draco either. letters from the schools she applied to. so far everything was good, except for princeton, but she didn’t have the highest expectations. she was accepted to the university of british columbia, seattle university, even ucla. she only had one letter left, and the large stuffed yellow envelope sat in her hands. she wasn’t sure about it- would she even be able to go to the univeristy of london? it was far, but draco was there, well closer to there atleast. accepted- it read. it was an option, and she still had weeks to think about it.
draco was very hesitant to write after the incident at the manor, the screams of Hermione, and the terrifying looking potter still vivid in his brain and nightmares. he often woke from sleep in a sweat, yet freezing cold. whispers of the war around his house also haunted his mind and soul. he’d walk to the window and look up at the the stars, they were under the same sky, at least. eventually he had to write her, it had been half a month and he couldn’t leave her hanging alone again.
love, im sorry for being hesitant, but there is going to be a war. i hate to leave you contact-less, but i need you to be safe now more than ever. i couldn’t live with myself if you got hurt. potter and his friends were brought here to the manor, it didn’t last long- they escaped within the hour and a half. with that doped elf, and a goblin too. if you don’t hear from me again, remember i love you. and always will.
of all the letters y/n had recieved, from draco in all, that was probably the most displeasing. a war? like with tanks and bombs? tears were shedding down her face as she wrote the shortest response yet. knowing he most definitely didn’t have time to listen to her talk about schools, and how she got accepted to london, but her parents deemed it to far, ubc would have to do, she’d find her way to him eventually, if they were meant to be.
stay safe, i love you.
draco now stood at snapes new office, dozens of corpses on the floor, pooled in blood. the dark lord speaking parsel tounge to nagini. no one needed to speak it to know that the man was infuriated about something potter had done.
the information he left was lacking, was he serious? what did wizarding wars even look like? her graduation date was set, June 6th, but it all seemed irrelevant, suddenly picking out a dress didn’t seem as fun as she thought, same with getting portraits taken. should she have said more?
next thing he knew the protection spell was countered and he apparated in, grabbing zabani and goyle by the collar. rushing them into a corridor and waited for the door of the room of requirement to completely vanish before approaching himself. they successfully found harry, opening a box carefully before finally drawing attention to themselves.
‘well well, what brings you here, potter’ draco said, softly, much to his surprise as he meant it to sound snarky and rude
‘i could ask you the same’
‘i believe you have something of mine, and id like it back’ was he becoming… kind?
‘whats wrong with the one you have?’ harry replied
‘it’s my mothers, powerful but different, doesn’t fully understand me, im sure you know the feeling’
‘why didn’t you tell her. bellatrix? you knew it was me, and you didn’t tell her’ he wasn’t exactly sure what to say, nor did he know. harry really didn’t have anything to do with his feelings for y/n, maybe he should have just turned in him when he had the chance, it would all be over if he had.
‘don’t be a wuss draco, just do it now’ goyle whispered in his ear, making him chill the same way bellatrix did on the astronomy tower, almost a year ago.
‘expelliarmus’ hermione half shouted, causing narcissas want to fly out of dracos hands and run the other way.
‘avada kedavra’ goyle missed and weaslebee started chasing after them, yelling something about his girlfriend. turning back around after goyle unsuccessfully casted the fiendfyre curse.
fear was making his body almost rattle as he desperately climbed bookcases in an attemp to outrun the flames. he watched goyle fall, into the orange. yes, he was a complete and utter twat, but wasn’t a half bad friend during dracos bullying peek. his foot slipped, now just his hands were keeping him up, and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold on. in the distance he saw the three, zooming off to safety in the distance, leaving them their to die. not that he blamed them, after anything he did to them, he would have probably left himself there aswell.
but potter was flying towards him, arm out-stretched, grabbing onto his own and hoisting himself on the broom. had he already died? must not have, because the heat had finally caughten up. feeling as though he was going to pass out, he gripped tighter onto harry, maintaining his position on the broom. so much for staying safe. the second they made it out, they crashed onto the ground. he wanted to thank harry, but found himself running off instead.
explosions and hexes were being sent everywhere. people dying left and right. giants and trolls and spiders helping, he found himself in the slytherin common room. partially because he wanted to say goodbye, as he never wished to return to the building again once he had the choice. and partially as he was now aware of a large burn on his arm, and he felt a need to put off fighting until absolutely necessary. he entered through the portrait, for the last time. it felt like an aquarium, looking out upon the lake filled windows, merpeople and the giant squid often zooming by. he sat down upon the sofa, where he spent countless hours avoiding homework, plotting against potter and swimming in lust of his pure-blood status that now felt like a curse. he went up to his dorm, where he did very similar things. he wondered as to what he would be doing if he was a muggle right now. picking out a suit for graduation, buying a corsage for his date, but he wasn’t, so he best get going. running his hands along the furniture before leaving, not looking back.
the noise in the entrance courtyard had completely been diminished and draco found his way into the crowd of students pooling in. death eaters swarmed towards them at a painfully slow place, his mother and father near the head of the group. he noticed hagrid, towering above them, carrying what could only have been harrys corpse.
he watched carefully as they approached, trying to wedge himself inbetween and behind other students.
‘harry potter is dead’ voldemort paused ‘from now on, you put your faith in me’ silence fell over the hundreds of people who were know gathered. he swished his robes and turned backwards facing his followers
‘HARRY POTTER IS DEAD’ obnoxious and deafening cackles erupted
‘and now is the time to declare yourselves. come to our side, or die’ even more silence fell.
‘draco’ his father hissed before repeating ‘draco’
he felt eyes fall all over him, gazing expectantly. tears ran down his face.
don’t talk like that, saying you don’t have a future. you do draco, you deserve another chance and infinite amounts of them. was this what she meant? he’d been looking for another chance, maybe this was it.
he shook his head no, and noticed his father had fallen a shade of pale he didn’t know existed.
‘Draco, DRACO’ he yelled, clearly enranged, but before he could continue - a movement shifted in hagrids arms, and harry fell out. in a heartbeat draco threw his wand to the scar faced boy. he caught it, looking grateful as he could while casting some sort of spell at nagini. death eaters were disappearing into the air- including lucius, narcissa being dragged with him.
draco didn’t know what to do with himself, he was wandless and he couldn’t fight, unless he wanted to engage in an actual physical duel, which he didn’t. he found himself in the great hall, asking professor sprout if she needed help patching those up, she pulled him into a hug, unexpectantly. he never recalled such contact or connection with a professor. he spent the rest of the battle helping healing wounds with dittany, and caring for those left in the wake. it was a nice distraction from the fact he would most definitely be disowned, left a family-less orphan at 17.
y/n couldn’t blame him for not writing, he clearly stated that it might be the last time. but every night she cried until she couldn’t cry anymore, or until she fell asleep. how could she like him so much? they’d never even met. she didnt really need to see him to know him, his letters told him enough about him. and she could only hope- that if he managed through his six year without killing his headmaster, he could make it through the war.
he delayed going back to the manor for as long as possible, until he decided to apparate directly into his room. he considered packing his things up, but realized no one was home. he was thankful, he don’t think he would ever be able to fully confront his parents again. he fell asleep in his bed, and slept for 48 hours straight. he slept through very vivid dreams, ones of y/n being tortured the same way as Hermione, ones of the dark lord coming alive once again and killing his mother because of his choices. he couldn’t bring himself to sleep again purposefully, no matter how exhausted he was. the days weren’t much better, his mind raced at unbelievable paces. he saw the dead bodies laying around the great hall, the unrecoverable ones. maybe he should have just fallen into the fire, surely that would have been easier. he was slowly becoming thinner, and always needed multiple blankets to even stay at a somewhat warm temperature, his heart beat faster than normal. he often felt pains in his neck, and his eyes were almost always puffy from crying. he spent so much time in bed he almost didn’t hear his owl flutter onto his nightstand mid afternoon, a small package tied loosely around his neck.
he opened it to see a letter, muggle candies and a worn book. suddenly he felt more awake, and be shot up a little to fast then he should have, sitting on the edge of his bed.
i don’t know where you are, or if youre alive, if youre reading this now. i hope this doesn’t arrive at a bad time. but your 18 now, so happy birthday. if you are seeing this, i still love you. i think about you all the time. i hope you are okay, and safe. in case you don’t end up writing me back, i just thought I’d give you some random information to keep you company and away from your mind. i graduate tomorrow. i look at your picture everyday. I remember what you once told me about following my dreams, so instead of medicine, im going to study literature and business next year. im staying in kelowna aswell for now, hoping maybe you’ll be able to visit someday. im sure you’d like it. my favourite colour is still green. i don’t know what else to say.
always here to listen if you’d like to talk. yn.
was it actually his birthday? had it already been a month since the war? it felt like a year but the visions played over and over like it was yesterday. it took him awhile before it clicked. the war was over, Voldemort was dead and there was no one to stop him from seeing her. he completely disregarded the lightheaded feeling he got when he stood up to fast- and rushed to his wardrobe. it took him a bit longer than he thought to pack up all his clothes, including the thousands of letters he kept hidden in a large drawer. the trunk was a bit heavier than he may have thought, and he ended up needing to take a car, in fear that he may not be able to apparate successfully to the airport without injuring himself. he quickly found out that muggle travelling was harder than he thought, and security and customs were also apparently a thing that all people needed to get through.
he wrapped himself in his cloak and didn’t get a drop of sleep the whole plane ride. it was nighttime when they flew over montreal, and then toronto. the sun rose as they crossed through winnipeg, regina, and calgary. he didn’t know this himself ofcourse, but he aggressively hit the map on the screen in front of him, desperate to know where he was. he only got an hour of half decent sleep before he felt rattling of the plane landing, and he gripped tightly onto the arm rests. he struggled for half an hour before he even got sight of his luggage on the moving thing that went round and round. compared to London, kelownas airport was very small and easy to navigate. the air outside was hot, making draco feel even more self concious about his clothing choices.
y/n put her hair back into a twist with a clip taking a suprising amount of effort to make sure it looked okay. her makeup was natural looking, nothing crazy but she looked gorgeous none the less. she slipped into her black romper, some canadians didn’t wear their fancy dresses to convocation, only something simple to go with the cap and gown. she arrived at the ceremony, seeing everyone, with excited smiles and laughs, conversing amongst themselves. and every memory came rushing back. they sat in rows on a stage, listening to the heartfelt and extremely cheesy speech the staff made every single year. she’d never noticed how many kids were in her age group until they were being called up one by one.
‘alex can’
‘ruth lee’
and the list went on and on until finally
‘y/n l/n’ the moment had come, and she shook everyone’s hand, receiving her diploma and flipping her caps tassel to the left. ‘y/n is staying around next year, and attending the university of british columbia okanogan, good luck l/n’ her principal said and claps continued like they had and the rest of the list finished sooner, or seemed to go by faster, she wasn’t sure. 
draco had never had to find a taxi by himself, but once he did he gave the driver the only place he knew, the address he saw on the top corner of her first response almost two years ago.
y/n pulled away from the school grounds, watching them disappear in her rear view mirror. it was hot with a breeze, but she smiled the whole way home. she’d done it, made it through every assignment and class, dealt with attention hungry bitches, and crappy teachers. the next door was truly opening. pulling up to her house, and closing her car door as she hopped out, she watched her feet carry her up to the house. turning the corner, she saw him, sitting there on her steps, a present wrapped horribly in his hands, looking very out of place in his black cloak. she stopped in her own steps and he hesitantly stood up, before she launched herself into his arms breathing in his cologne, finally together after all this time.
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amynatural · 3 years
It's been almost a week, I know. I'm sorry for not updating. But, a lot happened.
First of all, I solved the case. Let me tell you, it was not easy.
After I've spoke with the parents and friends, I went to the graveyard myself. There was a few people, sheriff's men, and they let me examine the surrounding. Strange thing is, there was nothing that belonged to the suspect. Nothing. Not any hair, any touch prints, anything. They also informed me about something they've found after I left. They said that the hand prints on the bodies had no finger prints. Which is impossible. So I looked around, to see what was I missing. As I was walking among the graves, it caught my eye. The angel statue in the middle of the graveyard. It was a bit old, cracks all around it. And looks like it already lost a finger. Index finger.
I researched some more and learned that it is possible for a ghost to possess a statue and use it to kill people. However, to destroy it I have to find the ghost's remaining parts. Yes, there are remaining things of a person that can link them to this world. God, I sounded like a psychic.
Anyways, after that I went to the library and checked everything about the angel statue. Turns out it was made by a guy in his 40's, 20 or so years ago. I tried to find the guy but apparently he died a few years back. And he was buried to the same graveyard. That was my strongest lead so far, so I decided to visit his grave with some salt that night.
As I walked to the graveyard, the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. There was something unusual about the graveyard but I couldn't put my finger on it. It felt unwelcoming. But it was a graveyard after all.
Anyways, I hurried to find the grave, and it took me a while to actually open it. Just as I was reaching for my salt, I heard it. You know the sound stone makes when it touches to another stone? That frictional sound? That's what I heard, behind me. I quickly salted the remains but I didn't have time to fire it. An ice cold hand reached from behind and caught my arm mid-air. It's firm grip made me realize the missing finger. It was the angel. As it tightened it's grip, I tried to find my lighter in my jacket pocket. It's other hand reached for my hand that's been searching for the lighter, to stop me but I quickly shifted from it's reach and light the lighter I could finally get my hands on.
I threw the lighter to the open grave but nothing happened. As the bones burned, statue made another move to grab me with it's other hand. I shifted again. I was lucky it was just a statue. It was slow. But my arm it caught started to lose sense. I had to save my arm and get out! My mind was racing. I should've prepared more, I should've get more things to protect me, I should've parked my car closer.
My car. The idea practically formed itself, I had to run and get something, anything, from the car to help me. I just had to get my arm back. So I started to pull it as I hit it's hand with whatever I got on me. Nothing worked of course, it was a statue after all. Stone. Then I reached for my gun. This could hurt but it could also work. I pointed it to the hand on my arm and pulled the trigger. As my ears were ringing I happily realized that it lost another finger. Two actually. It only got ring finger and little finger, other than it's thumb. It's ring finger... I don't know how I could see it at that point but it was slightly bigger than the other fingers. I pulled the trigger once more, aiming for the ring finger and the little one. As pain hit me, so did the feeling of blood rushing through my arm once again. I managed to get away but bullet must've grazed my arm. It didn't matter at the time, though. My arm was finally free.  Before I decided to run to my car, I looked at the finger that just broke. Ring finger was crushed. Something else was glowing in the light of the flames from the grave. A ring.
I was thankful the statue was slow, when I reached for the ring. Looked like a wedding ring. I didn't think. I threw the ring to the flames. Statue stopped trying to walk. Stopped completely, actually. It was over.
I stared at the flames for a while, thinking. Why would he put his ring inside the statue? His wedding ring. "There must've been a sad story behind it", I thought as I started cleaning the place a bit.
It was late when I got back to the motel. I cleaned my arm from the blood and tried my best about the injuries and bruises. While doing all of that, I was thinking. All those people I've seen, grieving for their loved ones... What if the only family I got left dies without me calling them? What if they die without knowing about me? What if I die before I could reach them? So I did what I had to do weeks ago. I called Dean.
It went straight to voice-mail. I didn't think about it much. It was late. It was normal for him to not pick up, I guess. So I left a voice-mail.
"Hello. My name is Amy. I am sorry for calling this late but I thought you should know about me. I am John's daughter." I stopped, didn't know what else to say. I also didn't want to overshare in a voice-mail. So I finished the voice-mail with, "If you wanna know more, just give me a call."
It sounded stupid as I thought about it so I went straight to bed, trying not to think about how I sounded.
Next day I woke up with a text message. It was from Dean. There was just an address and a date, nothing else. The date was a week later. It was clever, he didn't know where I was so he gave me enough time to get to the meeting point.
There's just a few days left. I've been driving non-stop to get there as soon as possible. I'm... Excited and scared at the same time. If it was John who I was meeting, it would be easy I think. He knows about me after all. But Dean doesn't. So I might have to convince him. And something inside me says I'm definitely going to have to convince him.
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maple-writes · 4 years
WHG 14: Day 3 (Cirrus)
whg tag list: @ratracechronicler @concealeddarkness13 , @nightskywriter , @rhikasa , @the-moving-finger-writes , @aeslin-writes (Thanks for Vincent, he was fun to write with!) @knmartinshouldbewriting , @pen-of-roses @timefirewrites 
Never had I missed having curtains so much as when dawn came and it was too bright to go back to sleep too early in the morning. I grumbled to myself as I’d gotten up but quieted down when some of the others gave me a disapproving look. I might have already gotten on Zenith’s bad side yesterday and it might be a good idea to stop doing that if everything as going to go well. He and I hadn’t spoken much since we got here and while he seemed to trust Asher well enough I wasn’t so sure he felt the same way about me.
The cold air on my face made it easy enough to wake up a little more, the sunlight still morning weak and blue-toned. I yawned and stretched. Something down the mountain slope caught my eye and I paused. A thin ribbon of smoke and the faint orange flicker of a campfire. I squinted, but  couldn’t make out much more. Looked like I could make it there and back in a couple hours most though. Maybe I could get there and back before anyone noticed I was gone.
Carefully navigating the drops and crevices of the side of the mountain, I slowly made my way closer to where I’d seen the fire. A sharp wind brought chill and I swore under my breath. This better turn out to be worth it.
I slowed when I reached the trees and the fire appeared a little further into the forest. As I got closer, thankfully there only seemed to be one tribute seated next to the fire. If he turned out to be hostile I could probably get away from one person, but if there had been more… Probably should have thought about that before climbing down a mountain.
After making up my mind to talk to him, I stepped out from the trees. “Hello.” He tensed, looking me over cautiously, but seemed to relax at least a little when I held out empty hands. “I’m Cirrus. You?”
Awkward silence built as neither of us seemed to know what to say, filled with the sporadic crackle of Vincent’s fire. I really hadn’t thought this through, had I? At least he didn’t seem like he were about to stab me or anything. He’d probably have stood up by now if he wanted to hurt me.
I approached, as casually as I could make myself appear, and sat down beside Vincent’s fire. Not too far, but not to close to him either. He watched me, not quiet meeting my face and not quite seeming to know whether or not I was a threat.
“What,” Vincent frowned. “What are you doing?”
That was a very good question. This was harder than I’d thought.
I shrugged. “Warming up.” I held a hand out to the campfire’s heat. “You make this yourself?” I paused as he nodded. “It’s nice.”
More silence. I switched hands, turning it over in front of the low flames. The quiet didn’t feel as awkward this time, both of us more focused on the fire than each other. At least, pretending to be, stealing curious and wary glances at each other when we thought the other wasn’t looking. I frowned. Why was this so hard? How in the hell had Asher managed to make two separate allies in training? What did they even talk about?
“Hey,” I glanced towards him again. “How long you think it’ll be before they throw something fucked up at us?” Out loud that didn’t sound as nonthreatening a conversation starter as I’d hoped.
Vincent returned my look. “What do you mean?”
“You know,” I huffed. “It’s been quiet, nothing disastrous seems to have happened yet. No mass slaughter, nothing like that.” He still looked confused, eyebrows furrowing. “Have you been living under a rock or something?” My jaw tightened. I was supposed to be friendly damn it.
He didn’t answer right away, slowly focusing back on the fire. “No, I, I’m just not from around here.”
That would explain it. “Neither am I, really.” I frowned again. Maybe I was oversharing, but at least it would fill the quiet. “Though at this point its not likely I’ll be going back home any time soon.”
Curiosity started to replace the quiet caution on Vincent’s face. “Where’s that?”
“You wouldn’t believe me.” I half-smiled. No one seemed to believe me when I told them. “But I lived above the Pacific until my mother turned me into a human and put me here.”
Vincent didn’t seem at least immediately sceptical. “I ended up in district 4 by accident. Someone made a mistake, and me and a couple others were teleported over. We might not even be in the same world.” He grinned, glancing my way. “How’s that for unbelievable?”
Slowly, we started to talk more, sharing stories about our homes under the gentle creak of snow-laden branches. Eventually, there was a lull in the conversation, and this time the silence was almost comfortable. What time was it now? I yawned and my stomach growled. Probably should have eaten before I left, but I hadn’t expected to be gone so long.
Vincent reached into the bag by his side.
“Here,” he leaned over, holding out something carefully wrapped in clean cloth.
I got up and closed the distance between us, taking it as I sat back down. Pulling back the cloth, it was some kind of food, one I didn’t recognize but looked appetizing enough. This was a good sign, inviting me so close, giving me something like this, showing this kind of care. In a place like this, it was vulnerable move.
I smiled. “Thanks.” I started to eat, chewing thoughtfully. Seemed I could trust him after all. “Hey,” I looked up, catching his attention again and dropping to a whisper, hopefully soft enough not to be overheard by any nearby mics. “I’m not sure if you heard anything in training, but there’s a bunch of us planning a way to escape, alive. You want to join us?” I nodded towards the slopes. “We’re camped out on the mountain. I can bring you there. I figured even if the others couldn’t pull of the break out it’s at least warmer at night.”
“I, there’s someone else here that I want to find too. Unless she’s there already, Cass.”
I shook my head. “I don’t know that name, but I’m sure the other’s wouldn’t mind helping you find her.”
Vincent thought for a moment, glancing between me and the mountainside. “Okay. You may have sold me on the warmth.” He stood, dusting snow and foliage off his clothes. “Finish eating and I’ll pack up.”
If I had been paying more attention yesterday I might have remembered the nice route that Zenith took us on instead of the rocky, uneven path Vincent and I picked our way across. It wasn’t long before I’d given up trying to avoid complaining, grumbling and swearing every time a rock shifted or I slipped on a patch of ice. Vincent laughed, joking and teasing as we made the least graceful ascent.
The slope steepened and I went first, gripping onto whatever I could to try and clamber up the hill of rock and snow and ice. My grip slipped and I swore as I fell. Pain shot through my arm as it scraped against a sharp-edged rock. I landed at the bottom of the slope and hissed, clutching at the already-bleeding wound.
“What happened?” Vincent rushed over, staring at my arm with wide eyes. “You’re hurt, are you okay? That’s bleeding, we have to, to clean it or s-something.” He stiffened, like a deer caught in the middle of the road, or Asher when he was starting to slip. “If it get, gets infected th-then, it—”
“Hey, look at me,” I spoke loud enough to bring his attention back to me. “Slow down, one thing at a time, alright?” He nodded, and I pointed at his bag. “We can wrap in in something and someone can look at it later.”
I pulled my arm out of my jacket sleeve and pushed the shirt out of the way, wincing whenever I had to move the arm. It didn’t look too deep though, enough to bleed and maybe enough to need stiches at some point, but not as bad as it could be. Vincent returned with some bandaging, probably found from sometime after the bloodbath, and I held my arm as still as I could for him.
He took my arm and his face scrunched. “What’s this?”
“Huh?” I twisted my neck to try and see what he was looking at.
A small, shiny thing sat half-embedded in the tissue. Too smooth to be a rock, and too shiny and metallic to be a bone, or anything organic.
“I, I’m going to take it out.” Vincent looked up, waiting until I gave a nod. “I’ll try to be quick.”
He dug into the smaller pouch on what looked to be a first aid kit, producing a pair of tweezers. I watched as he got a grip on the object and gently pulled it out of the wound.
A cannon fired, echoing through the arena.
That wasn’t for me, was it? When I looked back at Vincent he seemed to be wondering the same thing.
“I’m going to keep this,” He said, tucking it away in a pocket. “It looks familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it.”
As soon as my arm was hastily bandaged, we found a better route and continued our way up the mountain. This time though, Vincent was quiet. He turned the little thing around in his hands, squinting it and holding it in different positions to get the best light. The sun was already overhead, at least noon.
Vincent gasped. “The trackers!”
I paused, turning to face him. “Trackers?”
He nodded, holding out the little object in his hand. “That’s what this is. It looks like some kind of chip, something to track location and vital signs.” He stared down at it, flat in his palm. “Maybe it lost signal when it dislodged.”
I blinked. “So it thinks I’m dead?”
“Maybe.” He pocketed the tracker again. “I can’t be sure though.”
“I mean, if my picture gets projected tonight that would be pretty damning.” I waited for him to catch up before starting to walk again. “We’ll have to tell the others, this could be something.”
After Asher and the others chew my head off for disappearing all morning anyway.
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writethehousedown · 4 years
And The Livin's Easy, Chapter Five (Multi) - Zyan
a/n: hello! we’re reaching the end, and as usual with me, the shit hits the fan with this chapter. i hope you enjoy! thanks to frey for aggressively cheerleading me and beta-ing this. sidebog is @chachkisalpaca !
The days go by in the blink of an eye.
Crystal texts Gigi every day, runs into her at the beaches more times that she could count, and her lips become sore from all the kissing and biting. She likes Gigi. She’s fun, laid back, and doesn’t tell Crystal her major in arts is useless, as she has no clue what she’s going to do with her fashion degree either.
Gigi tells her about her friends, how they tease her when she comes back home and how they’re dying to properly meet her. Maybe tomorrow, she always says. And Crystal tells her about her surfer friends —mostly Vanjie and April— but leaves Jaida out, because she’s a long story that she rather not unpack. Not with Gigi, at least.
Before they notice, it’s the night before the competition, and Monét and Monique organize a get together again — more chill, though. They decide to eat out at Sal’s Shack with the same people as previously, and for a moment it sounds like a good idea to Crystal.
Until she remembers the Brooke Lynn situation, and that Jaida will also be there. She prays to every God and every saint for the night to go smoothly, without any incidents.
Crystal puts on an orange dress that Vanessa deems hideous, but she likes it nonetheless. She likes to think she’s able to pull it off.
They have to join two tables and steal a few chairs to be able to fit in, but it’s still early and the place isn’t that crowded, so it doesn’t matter. Crystal sits next to Vanessa and April, and they quickly engage in a conversation in Spanish, mostly for April’s sake.
Brooke and Yvie are running late, because of course they are — they’ve never been early or on time for anything.
April makes a joke about this, with Plastique, who’s sitting in front of April, piping up and saying she sent her a text ten minutes ago that they were on their way. Crystal sighs under her breath when she sees Vanjie roll her eyes.
“I know, right?” Is all that she says, before going back to their previous topic. Crystal is surprised, but proud. It was about time.
Speaking of, Jaida is sitting in the row in front of her, talking with Monét and Monique, laughing and talking loudly to get a word in. Crystal feels the nostalgia hit her at moments, but then one of the girls tease her about Gigi and it goes away.
Though she’d known Gigi for a short time and were moving rather fast, Crystal didn’t mind. Gigi was the embodiment of a summer fling; fast, euphoric, ready to kiss her at any moment, and with endless smiles to give her. Part of Crystal hated that they lived in complete different sides of the country — she would’ve liked to take Gigi on a proper date.
Maybe next summer.
“Look who’s decided to appear,” Monique calls out when Brooke and Yvie approach their table.
Crystal glances at Vanessa out of the corner of her eye, but she doesn’t seem the least bit bothered by her.
“Don’t look at me. This one finally decided to make a move on the lifeguard right before we were supposed to leave,” Brooke says with an annoyed tone, pointing at Yvie with a cheeky grin.
The table soon erupts into a fit of giggles and exclamations, but Yvie doesn’t look the least bit bothered. If anything, she has a wide grin on her face as she sits next to Brooke.
“Hey! At least Scarlet gave me her number, and she’s coming to see me beat y’all’s asses tomorrow,” Yvie defends herself with a smile that’s giddy and cocky at the same time.
“You mean she’s coming to see your ass getting beat by me,” Plastique pipes up, sticking her tongue out to Yvie, who gasps in mock offense.
“Plastique, sit your ass down, you’re still a fetus, there’s no way you’re getting that first place above me,” Monét cuts in, causing a loud laugh from all the girls by the table, except Plastique, of course.
It doesn’t go unnoticed —for Crystal, at least— how Brooke bends over on the table to tell her something in a whisper that gets lost in the noise, and Plastique smiles, biting her lower lip.
If Vanessa noticed it, she doesn’t even flinch; instead, she joins the jokes and tells Monét she better kiss that prize goodbye, because she didn’t get endless sunburns throughout the summer to lose against her.
The table soon is a mess, with a hundred conversations going on at the same time and jokes being aimed at each other relentlessly. Crystal likes it. This is the sisterhood she knows and loves.
“I don’t know about y’all, but I have a lady to treat to dinner, and that’s enough reason to step up my game and get to that podium,” Crystal declares, slamming her hand on the table and causing many skeptical eyebrows to quirk her way.
“What kind of crazy bitch did you find to put up with your annoying ass during this summer?” Monique inquires in a playful tone. Jaida looks at her with a calm demeanour, but Crystal barely notices her. She grins at the opportunity of babbling about Gigi.
“Her name’s Gigi. I met her at this place last week, we’ve been going out after practices. And she’s cute. Ain’t she, Vanj?” Crystal says with a smile, and Vanessa rolls her eyes with a tiny smirk.
“It’s all this hoe talks about. I swear her cheesy ass makes me wanna vomit sometimes.”
“Hey! You talk about Kameron all day long and I say nothing.” She folds her arms with a childish pout, and it’s the first time in the night she sees Vanessa panic. Crystal is confused for a moment, until she realizes what she’s done.
Fuck, she wasn’t supposed to talk about Kameron in front of Brooke.
There’s silence for what feels like an eternity, until Brooke clears her throat to speak.
“You’re going out with Kameron?” She asks, her polite tone and piercing stare glued to Vanessa make Crystal’s stomach drop.
Vanessa inhales a sharp breath and finally pulls herself to meet Brooke’s eyes for the first time in a year. She’s flooded with memories of the good times, but the Brooke in her memories isn’t the one sitting across her — this Brooke doesn’t look at her with love in her eyes and a smile painted on her lips. This Brooke looks at her as if she’s trying her best not to pitch a screaming fight.
“Yeah, for about six months now,” Vanessa finally says, and Brooke cocks a sly brow.
“No wonder two months ago my dear cousin asked me if I was going to participate in the competition,” Brooke comments, her tone sharp and angry. Vanessa wants a hole to open up in the ground and swallow her whole. “Would y’all excuse me? I need a cigarette.” She pushes the chair back and gets up to leave, grabbing her pack of cigarettes and a lighter from her purse. Yvie follows her after a while and Plastique stays glued to her chair.
Vanessa rubs her temples, feeling as if she’s in a bubble of white noise, making her ears hurt, and a feeling she thought was a part of her past settles in her chest.
Crystal feels extra guilty. It’s her fault, after all; she should’ve just let Vanessa mock her, or maybe say something about her current girlfriend without mentioning her name. But no. She had fucked everything up, even when things were going smoothly.
There are two things she’s sure of; she should start thinking before speaking, and tomorrow is going to be a hell of a bloodbath.
In the middle of the awkwardness last night, Jaida couldn’t get to say she also wants to win to impress a girl.
She’s been talking to Jan sporadically — after that encounter in the bathroom, they exchanged Instagram handles and would reply to each other’s stories from time to time. Sometimes Jaida sends risky replies and Jan —seeming to be the shy type— replies with a plethora of purple emojis and trying her best to let her know they’re on the same page.
She’s so adorable. Jaida wonders if she has enough time to ask her out while they’re still in the city.
Jaida has posted about the competition on her Instagram Stories, and Jan replied wishing her good luck. When she asked her if she was coming, Jan just said it was a possibility, with two winking emojis.
She hopes to see her there, but it’s not as if she’ll lose sleep if she doesn’t come — in the grand scheme of things, Jaida is far more worried about the competition itself.
The beach is crowded, like it always is, but this time around there’s more people with surfboards walking around, taking photos and warming up. She tries to find a familiar face among the crowd, but someone finds her instead.
“Jaida! Hi!” She turns around to see Jan standing there in a purple bikini, her blonde hair tied in a high ponytail, and her face is red, but Jaida can’t tell if it’s from the blush or the sunburn she got a few days ago, trying to get a tan — she knows this because Jan likes to overshare in her Instagram Stories.
“Jan, you came,” she says with a grin. Jan nods enthusiastically, motioning behind her.
“My friend, uh, she dragged us here to see the girl she’s going out with. But I wanted to come anyway, to see you, I mean,” she stammers a little, and it only makes Jaida’s grin widen.
“Tell your friend I’m sorry, ‘cause I’m about to beat her girl.” Jaida winks at her, and Jan giggles, flustered. Jesus, she’s too easy to get her flustered. Jaida always thought California girls were bolder; Katy Perry had lied to her, apparently. Not that she’s complaining, though.
They chat for a bit before Jaida has to go warm up, and Jan promises her she’ll be cheering for her. She follows her with her gaze and frowns a little when she sees she’s heading towards Crystal, who at the same time is talking with a brunette. Jan tugs at the arm of the brunette, and she gives Crystal a quick kiss before following Jan, leaving her lipstick behind on Crystal’s lips.
It takes Jaida about a second to put two and two together; she and Crystal are chasing after two girls of the same group.
How utterly cliché. Is the island that small?
Jaida pulls her hair in a tight bun before starting her warm up, stealing one last glance of Crystal, who’s trying to wipe away the lipstick off her lips and talking to a very gloomy Vanessa.
Almost on autopilot, she searches for Brooke and finds her warming up next to Yvie, with Plastique nowhere to be found.
Jaida just hopes they’ll be able to pull themselves together before the competition starts; she knows she could have a clear advantage if they aren’t focused, but she wants to compete with the best of the best — and beat them, clearly, so that means she’s the best.
Jaida takes one last deep breath once they’re allowed to go into the water, her muscles clenching with the cold water splashing her, but her heart races so fast she thinks it’ll come out of her chest at some point.
Somehow, she’s sure she hears Jan scream her name as she drifts away from the shore.
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fandom-heaux · 5 years
Merry Pitchmas
@emilyjunk Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I present to you **drumroll**  your (slightly) fluffy Bemily Christmas oneshot! Hope you enjoy 💕
Dec. 5th
All Steamed Up was by far Beca’s favorite coffee shop. It was pretty much always vacant, save for the morning crowd. The staff was nice enough to treat her with respect, but not enough to talk her to death. And it had just the right amount of hipster energy, whatever that meant. Regardless, it was the perfect place for her to comfortably work on her music in peace. However, with the holidays fastly approaching, she was getting increasingly annoyed with how festive the place was becoming.
Beca looked up from her unofficial designated seat in the corner of the cafe at the line baristas behind the counter. They were all wearing some type of Christmas headdress, whether it be a sparkly santa hat or some glittery ass antlers. She thought they all looked fucking ridiculous, especially since she was not too fond of Christmas time.
Just then, an almost model-esque girl came dashing from the back room, still in the middle of tying her apron. If Beca could recall correctly, she started seeing this girl around the shop about a month ago. She wasn’t sure what it was about today, but she couldn’t help but notice a few things about her. She was incredibly tall, towering over a majority of her coworkers. She was absolutely stunning, her long brown hair flowing down her back as she worked meticulously. And, at the moment, there was no sign of Christmas anywhere on her tall frame. Could it be that she wasn’t all that much of a Christmas fan either? 
When the girl she had just been ogling called her name, Beca’s eyes widened, partly from embarrassment and partly from confusion. It took her a little too long to remember that she had ordered a drink and that the girl was just doing her job. Beca slipped the bulky headphones from around her neck, stood up and made her way to the front counter.
The tall girl sent a very charming smile down at Beca as she accepted her cup. “One vanilla chai latte for you, Beca. Enjoy!”
“Thanks uh…” Beca glanced at the girl’s shiny gold name tag, “Emily.”
Beca glanced back up at the girl and tilted her head to the side.
“How come you aren’t wearing any corny christmas headgear? Not a fan of the holidays either?” Beca wasn’t sure why she felt the need to ask. Part of the reason she didn’t mind coming all the way to this specific coffee shop was because no one bothered her. But maybe, just maybe, it was worth changing that little ideology. It couldn’t hurt to have an associate here, especially if they shared a dislike for this overly cheery holiday. It’d be one less thing she’d have to explain about herself.
However, Emily seemed slightly taken aback. She reached up to her bare head before nervously chuckling. “What? No I love Christmas! It’s actually a funny story. You see, I had to rush out of the house this morning cause my stupid alarm didn’t want to go off. And then I remembered that I had run out of cereal last night, so I had to stop for breakfast because hello, most important meal of the day. Anyways, long story short, I totally forgot to grab my elf ears amidst all the cha-”
Beca’s free hand was splayed out in front of the girl, gesturing for her to stop. And she couldn’t see her own face, but she already knew that her emotions were written all over it. She hadn’t exactly meant to be rude, she was just so over this story before it had really even began. She had misread the girl’s lack of Christmas attire as a lack of Christmas spirit, and it was her fault.
“A-alright, I get it. Thanks for the drink.” And with that, she was back off to her corner of solitude.
Dec. 8th
Emily was taking her time walking to work. She knew she ought to hurry up since she was almost late (again), but multitasking truly wasn’t her strong suit. So between rushing to work or sorting through what was on her mind, she chose the latter. 
Emily just couldn’t get that small grungy girl out of her head. “Not a fan of Christmas either?” Either? Did that mean the girl didn’t like Christmas? Who doesn’t like Christmas??
Emily couldn’t wrap her head around it. Christmas was the most wonderful time of the year. You had the chance to spend the day with family and friends, some of whom you haven't seen all year. The holidays encouraged happiness and true joy which was so important, especially since the winter season already provoked sadness. And of course she couldn’t forget about the presents.
So that girl, what was her name, Beca? She would have to be a real Scrooge to not like being apart of something like that.
Arriving at the coffee shop brought Emily out of her thoughts. She headed around back and slipped in through the back door, hoping no one would notice she was late (again). Finally making her way behind the counter, Emily looked over to the corner of the cafe where she normally saw Beca taking up residence. She smiled to herself when she saw the girl sitting there with huge headphones over her ears and a macbook parked on her lap. 
Emily had to admit, she liked seeing the girl around so often, but this not-liking-christmas-thing threw her for a complete loop.
During her break, Emily tentatively walked over to Beca’s table and took a seat across from her. She sighed before saying, “Why don’t you like Christmas? You look like such a nice girl and I can’t understand why you or anyone else wouldn’t find this time of year to be as magical as it is. It just doesn’t make sense to me. So can you, you know, help me understand?”
The entire time she spoke, she had been looking down at her hands and fiddling with the frayed end of her work apron. When she peered up at the girl who still had yet to say something, she noticed those headphones and mentally slapped herself. She couldn’t even hear her.
Emily lamely waved her hand at the girl, trying to her attention. When the girl in question slipped her headphones off her ears, she was all wide eyed and confused. Emily thought she looked cute.
“Hey uh, B-Beca? I just... wanted to ask you why you don’t like Christmas?” She finally asked her question, but felt a bit silly afterward. She didn’t know this girl from the next, and yet she felt so inclined to talk to her? Emily shrugged. How else does one make a new friend? 
“Uh… Capitalism?”
“Oh. Seriously?”
Beca laughed a little. “I mean, partly, yeah. Why does it matter to you anyway?” 
“Well, you’re the one who brought up this whole thing! I just want to understand.” 
“Alright alright, lighten up dude. I didn’t realize this was such a serious topic for you.”
Beca sat up a little straighter and looked upon Emily with weary eyes.
“I don't know dude, Christmas has pretty much always been a sore subject for me. As a kid I could sense the pressure that the holidays put on my parents. It made the actual holiday feel forced, you know? And then they split up and that just made Christmas lonely as hell. One year would be spent with my mom and her resentment. The next year I'd be sheltered up with my dad and his girlfriend that came from literally nowhere. But, even with all the crap that came with my mom, I still liked being around her more. And then she got sick and I could no longer visit her. And now she’s-” Beca suddenly stopped talking, her eyes cast towards the ground. 
Emily was hanging on the edge of her seat. How could she be so stupid. Of course someone would end up not liking Christmas if something tragic were to happen on that day or something. It hadn’t even occurred to her that some people probably didn’t have a family to celebrate with. That some people didn’t have anyone to love.
“Now she’s what?” Stupid question. Emily immediately regretted it, but she didn’t want this moment to end. Something told her that Beca wasn’t the type to overshare and that this moment was special.
Beca cleared her throat and hardened her face, the moment of vulnerability gone as soon as it came. 
“Nothing, it doesn't matter. Just, after all of that, I don’t feel the need to celebrate this stupid holiday.”
Beca calling Christmas stupid stung a little bit, but Emily could honestly say that she understood the girl a little more. 
Emily looked down at her watch and saw that It was almost time for her to head back to work. Her shoulders shrunk at having lost the opportunity to talk more with Beca. Before she got up to leave, she reached a tentative hand out to Beca’s, grasping her softly. 
“Thank you, Beca, for sharing that with me.” With one last smile, she got up and went back to work.
Dec. 19th
For the fourth time this week, Beca stepped into All Steamed Up, the overwhelming smell of coffee hitting her nose. 
On any regular day, she would beeline to her corner and set up shop, diving head first into her latest mix. And today was a regular day, truth be told. But for some reason, her pace wasn't as fast as usual. Her gaze wasn’t fixed on her spot. Instead, her eyes were scanning the cafe, subconsciously looking for that tall, annoyingly bubbly girl named Emily. 
Ever since that day when Beca had practically shared her life story with the girl, she found it easier and easier to talk to her. (Nothing nearly as serious though. Beca still wasn’t too keen on sharing those parts of herself). 
It honestly weirded her out how much she and Emily were starting to get along. When she thought about the personalities of the people she kept in her incredibly small circle, unbelievably silly and blatantly sexual held the top spots, courtesy of Fat Amy and Stacie. Super cheery and bubbly just had no room. (Well except for one Chloe B. But that's just how her best friend was. Huh. Maybe she wasn’t as non tolerant as she thought.)
Beca finally set her stuff down at her spot after not so subtly looking for Emily. She had almost given up her search when she finally spotted the girl in the far end of the room bussing tables. Relief washed over her frame as she watched the girl for a few minutes. She made no effort whatsoever to talk to the girl. It just kinda felt good to know that they were in the same room.
Dec. 24th
Emily didn’t mind working the closing shift. It wasn’t her usual time, but she was more than willing to relieve the night crew of their duties and let them have a little more time to enjoy the holidays. Besides, there hadn’t been anyone in the shop for a couple of hours. 
Emily was in the middle of busying herself (by counting how many coffee beans went into making an espresso) when the door opened for the first time in a while. She hurriedly brushed the coffee beans onto the floor and put on her best smile before looking up at the late night straggler. 
“Beca?” The girl in question stopped dead in her tracks at her name being called. From what Emily could see, the girls eyes were puffy as if she had been crying. She was clearly upset.
“Uh, Emily… what are you doing here?”
“I dunno if you noticed but, I work here.” The smirk on her face took away any venom that the comment may have possessed. She and Beca had developed a pretty healthy rapport, one that consisted of teasing and maybe a little flirting. But they hadn’t gotten to the stage where Emily felt comfortable asking the girl what was wrong. So she settled with her usual tease and hoped it would cheer the other girl up.
Beca gave a half hearted smile and walked up to the bar stools in front of the counter before taking a seat.
“So, what can I get for you. The usual?”
Beca shook her head slightly before answering, “Peppermint hot chocolate?”
Emily was surprised. That was the only thing Beca had ordered off of the holiday menu the entire month of December. “Finally feeling the Christmas spirit, huh?”
Beca looked up at her behind watery eyes. “Trying to.”
Emily noticed the the girl not making an effort to joke back and realized that this was serious. She hastily abandoned her post and made her way to the neighboring bar stool. After little thought, Emily placed a hand at the small of Beca’s back. If the girl chose to open up, Emily would be right there, listening all the while.
“It was her favorite thing to drink on Christmas eve.” 
A stray tear made its way down Beca’s cheek and Emily carefully wiped it away.
“Hey, your mom would be so proud of you for carrying on this tradition. For loving the holidays and spending time with people that care about you.”
Beca let out a self deprecating laugh. “Yeah. Yeah she would be proud.”
Emily snaked her arm around Beca’s waist and the two girls just sat there, comfortable in each other’s presence. It wasn’t until Emily looked up and giggled that the silence was broken.
“What’s so funny?”
“Look at what we’re sitting under.”
Beca looked up at the ceiling and rolled her eyes. “Who the fuck puts mistletoe right there.”
“The idea was to get complete strangers at least talking with one another.”
“You know that’s kinda stupid, right?”
“But it’s working, isn't it?”
“Yeah, I guess it is.”.
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messyscriptorium · 6 years
Honest mistake.
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Surprise! Happy Valentine’s Day @simplyyeol I really hope you enjoy this little thing. I got a little bit carried away and I hoped I could have written more of this Kyungsoo :(
This is a one shot written for the Secret Valentine event of EXO writers network.
Fandom: EXO
Type: Fluff. Comedy
Member: Do Kyungsoo (D.O).
Warnings: None
Word count: 1528
You hated blind dates with a burning passion. You didn’t need to go on a blind date to meet someone. In fact, your main problem was that you talked too much.
Your mum had warned you that men didn’t like that. But it wasn’t your fault! You just couldn’t stand awkward silence so you overshared. How was it your fault that male ego was so fragile that they couldn’t handle anything that wasn’t the sound of their own voice? You used to tell your mother that you wouldn’t want a man who couldn’t put up with your constant word vomit, either.
But at the age of 28, your determination was starting to falter and you found yourself agreeing to a blind date your mum had organised with the son of one of her co-workers. Which explained why you were sitting in a Starbucks, all by yourself, sipping on your latte while you eyed the door nervously. You only knew his name and a general physical description your mum had provided.
Your opinion on him was already biased, though. Who chooses to go to Starbucks for a first date? A moron, that’s who. But you promised your mother to keep an open mind and to “please, make it work, uh”. So you’ve dressed nicely and even arrived ten minutes earlier to cause a good impression.
He was fifteen minutes late.
That was not a good sign and you kind of hated unpunctuality. This dude just kept losing points with you. What if he didn’t show up? You would end up all dressed up at a Starbucks on a Thursday afternoon drinking coffee all by yourself. You didn’t even have your laptop with you so you could pass as some writer or college student taking advantage of the free Wi-Fi. You would just look like someone who just had been stood up.
Just as you were grabbing your things to leave, the door opened. A guy around your age entered the café and you studied him closely. Medium height, big eyes, thick eyebrows… he was handsome in a “your mum will love me” kind of way, his grave aura making him look really serious. That must be him, right?
He was looking at you, so you tried to disguise your previous impulse of leaving the place by plastering a smile to your face while you approached him. His eyes opened wider when he realised you were walking towards him and your smile turned from fake to pleased.
“Hello, I’m Kwon Bora’s daughter,” you greeted extending your hand for him to shake. “I’m sitting at that table, so when you’re done ordering, go there, okay?”
You pointed to the table where you had left your stuff while the man was still shaking your other hand with a confused look on his face.
“Oh, o-okay, sure.”
His voice was deep but it had a tinge of amusement you didn’t miss. Before you could start talking non-stop you forced yourself to turn around and waited patiently for him to join you. Five minutes later he was sitting across from you with a very hot mug of black tea between his hands. You looked at him and you felt it. Oh, no, here it came.
“So, tell me, what do you do for a living?” you asked but before he could open his mouth, another question was leaving yours. “I’m a teacher. Young kids, you know? Do you like kids? I love them but sometimes they make me crazy, I wish they had an on and off switch, don’t you think? But they also have given me the best moments of my life. They’re so sweet sometimes and they have the most bizarre occurrences to make you laugh. One day a kid told me in confidence that our librarian was leaving the school not because she was retiring but because she had read all the books in the school’s library. Do you like books?”
Oh, dear, you were doing it again. This dude was so handsome you were too nervous your brain was on autopilot. He seemed to take advantage of your need to breathe to answer you.
“I’m not a great reader myself, sorry.” He sounded entertained by your constant talk and that was actually the worst he could have done because it only encouraged you.
“That’s okay, not everybody has to like reading, but I always say it’s because they haven’t found the right book yet. Maybe we’ll have to find you a book. Tell me, what kind of genre do you like? Mystery, maybe? Fantasy? You don’t look like the type of person who would like that. I love hist–“
Your nonsense babbling was interrupted by the sound of your phone and you threw a quick glance at it. It was your mother. You looked at him and he smiled softly before pointing at your phone.
“You can take it. It’s okay, it could be important.”
He really was trying to compensate for his tardiness and the questionable location of this date with that sweet smile of his and his attentive listening.
“I am so sorry, my mother knows I’m with you.”
He raised one of his thick eyebrows at that statement but you couldn’t think much into it as you hurried outside to answer.
“Ah, honey, thank goodness,” you heard her say.
“Mum, why are you calling me? You know I’m in the middle of my date,” you said, turning around to take a look inside to see if he was still there. He was actually looking at you with an amused expression.
“Your date? Suhee asked me to tell you her son couldn’t make it today. He got caught up at work. Is he there, then?”
But you weren’t listening anymore. As your mother was talking, your face changed from confusion to mortification, to pure horror. He must have noticed something was wrong because he didn’t look amused anymore, he looked more concerned than anything.
“I’m sorry, mum, I have to go. Call you later.”
Without waiting for an answer you hang up your phone and walked inside, not breaking eye contact with him the whole time. He was not the man you were supposed to meet.
He stood up the second you reached the table.
“Is everything alright? Did something happen to your mother? You looked like you got some really bad n–”
“What’s your name?” You cut him.
“Ah, you could have started with that one,” he said and then he laughed. He laughed! And his laugh was really nice, it transformed his whole aura from grave to boyish, his face even looked younger than what he was. For that laugh, you would wait before jumping into conclusions.
“My name is Do Kyungsoo,” he stated. “I’m 26. I work as an intern in a bank. I like kids but I agree they should come with an on and off switch, sometimes.” He took a pause but you didn’t say anything. This must have been the first time in your life where you had been left speechless. The only thing you could do was look at him while he kept talking. Was this how your previous dates felt about you?
“Today,” Kyungsoo continued, “as I was about to order my tea, the prettiest woman I have ever seen approached me as if she knows who I am, and she wants to have a date with me? The way she demands stuff is part of the reason I end up sitting across from her. The other reason is that she’s outstanding. So,” he said looking straight into your eyes, “I kept quiet and let her talk because she has a nice way of speaking and because I wanted to enjoy her company a little longer.”
“But as it turned out, I’m not the guy she thinks I am so I should have said something sooner, right?” This time he was moving towards you, his hand stretched, the one you were shaking not so long ago. He looks at you full of hope, waiting for you to shake it.
You doubted. Why were you doubting, it was all just a misunderstanding and the dude –Kyungsoo– looks truthful. It really was your fault for not checking his identity before starting to speak like the parrot you were. And he liked to listen, damn it. He even enjoyed your word vomit. You knew why you were doubting, though. Mortification was eating you up alive and you couldn’t even look him in the eye without blushing, being very aware of the new level of stupidity you’d reached.
You shook his hand in an act of bravery just when he was about to withdraw it.
“You didn’t answer my last question,” you said, trying to keep it cool even though you only wanted to find a very deep hole to hide. “Genre?”
He seemed confused for a moment until his eyes lit up with the question.
“I really like the spy thriller type of movies, so I guess I’m gonna enjoy those books, too.”
You nodded at his choice but he spoke again.
“Does this mean I can ask about your name?”
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foxxygold-blog · 5 years
South Park High School Jokester
                                                       Chapter ~ 2
               Deciding to take up on the boys offer to show you around town, you sent a quick text to your mother saying you were going to be out later than planned. She sent you a quick text back, usual ‘k’ with a little heart emoji. Smiling softly, you left the message on read before hitting the power button to lock your phone before shoving it in your pocket and rejoining in the conversation and walk with the boys.
               “To be honest, most of the town is shit. However, the people in it make the place, a little less shitty? I don’t know how to explain that any better,” Stan muttered. He rubbed the back of his neck before giving a nervous chuckle.
               “Fuck the town, let’s talk about you. You just moved here the other day and scared the shit outta Butters and his parents and creeped us out today. Is that something you do often?” Kenny questioned, looking at you with what could only assume was some kind of smile underneath his winter clothes.
               “Well, here’s the thing. Warning, I’m probably about to overshare because I don’t know how to just stop talking about my personal life, ya know? Okay so like, I don’t know. My first thought was, let’s make a great first impression! And then my mind switched to, lets fuck with them if they like mom enough then surely they’d come back. I don’t know, it’s a thing my anxiety does is it’s like, don’t do this thing, they’ll hate you for it, but then my meds are like ‘who fucking cares do it anyway and make a GREAT TIME out of it’ because we only live once you know? Oh, I think I over shared again,” you paused. You could practically feel the cold sweat beginning to form on your back, what if they cared about you having anxiety and thought you were weird.
               “Oh okay, that’s cool. Well, if you need anyone to talk to you with your anxiety that is, Stan and I would probably be the best to come too,” Kyle smiled. You sighed, managing to relax and nodded your head, thankful they’d be willing to hear you out if you actually had a problem.
               “So yeah, I just thought, what could be the best way to scare the shit out of almost everyone, and by almost I mean Butters and his family for a fact, and my mother a little. She mostly gets mad. I was like yes, the squid hat for a fact, and my prop bongs. I’m not actually a drug user, you know, save form the average users over the counter prescription meds, but I don’t do heroin, meth, weed, or anything along those lines. I’m a good child of the lord,” you laughed, “so I set up my speakers as quick and started playing some anime opening that had become a meme in recent years and played the ear rape version, it felt like the whole house had an orgasm. You should know Kenny, the one that has people looking like they’re having a seizure.”
               Kenny sent you a finger gun with a nod of his head, indicating he knew exactly what you were talking about. As the entire group of you walked around the neighborhood and you were introduced to most of the boy’s families, it wasn’t long until a group of girls ran up to the group. You couldn’t help but feel nervous; wow all those girls were pretty. You watched them all talking to almost all the boys save for Cartman before the black haired girl in purple looked at your and smirked at Stan.
               “New lover already?” You felt confused, before laughing.
               “No, I mean. No offense Stan, good looking guy, sure anyone would suck your dick,” you patted his shoulder as his face turned red, “but I’m the new kid in town. I apparently scared the innocent boy named Butters when he and his family came over the other day and all these lovely people came over to see if he was lying. Jokes on them, he wasn’t. I’m kinda weird, just gonna say that now so you can bully me to my face, and not behind my back.”
               The girl looked confused before smiling nervously.
               “Dear, all of South Park is weird. You’re probably gonna fit in, and I doubt any of me or my girls will bully you. How come you didn’t tell me about the new kid? You’re practically smothering them, why not have girl time with us,” the black haired girl held out her hand.
               “Wendy, we invited and ran into them first.”
               “Yeah, but we got too them second, and second has always been the best since elementary school,” the blondie beside Wendy spoke up.
               “Fine, we’ll just do some introductions now and some later. Tomorrow is the last day of break, so Token is having a party at his place. Everyone who is here right now is me, Wendy Testaburger, the blonde girl next to me is Bebe Stevens, the brunette is Heide Turner, and there’s plenty of later we’ll introduce you too once school starts. Or,” she dragged on. She slowly turned to look at Stan before he cursed silently to himself.
               “Wendy, we got told we couldn’t come over due to what happened at last times party.”
               “Well, maybe new kid can be your way in,” Bebe questioned.
               “I have a name and it’s (y/n) thank you.” You interjected with a small raise of your hand, not exactly enjoying being called the new kid.
               “Shit, you may be onto something,” Cartman declared while smacking one fist into his other open palm.
               “What the hell are you talking about Fatass?” Kyle sighed, rubbing his forehead in irritation as if a headache was about to form.
               “We take (y/n) over to Tokens place; use them as our slave to get in. Make it a bargain. We’ll give you someone to help you do work tomorrow if you let us come party at your place.”
               “That seems a bit harsh to use (y/n) as a pawn in a skeem when they haven’t even been here for more than a week!”
               “Actually,” you spoke, kicking at the floor, “I wouldn’t mind, it means I don’t have to touch my room and I’ll get to see new people.”
               Everyone looked at you a bit surprised, Kyle almost looked at you with pleading eyes as if to say you shouldn’t even open your mouth and agreed to his stupid plan. Cartman shouted happily in joy and declared to the girls who had run into them that they’d all be at the party. You sent your mom a quick text, letting her know your plans for tomorrow. You explained to her in simple text format that you were going to help new friends set up a party, which wasn’t exactly a lie, or the total truth of your situation! So things should surely work out.
               The girls parted on their way only after making sure you would take part in the party yourself, have some drinks and dance with them and meet more of their gal pals. Butters, wanting no part in the current plan, though promised to be at the party, departed on his way home with the excuse of last-minute winter break homework. The other four pulled you off and dragged you toward Kyles house and into his large car. You screeched as you went running, crying “GUN” before running, causing some of the boys to freeze and even drop to the floor. You smirked as you easily hopped into the shotgun seat and stick out your tongue.
               “Shotgun that is,” you hummed. Stan, Kenny, and Cartman all glared at you while you just smiled happily like a little kid who had not done a single thing wrong. Kyle just chuckled to himself before hopping into the driver’s seat and starting up his car. Kenny and Stan decided to sit together in the back while allowing Cartman all the space in the middle by himself. After everyone was buckled in, Cartman got dangerously close as he leaned in glaring at the side of your face.
               “Alright listen here, new kid---.”
               “It’s (y/n), Cartman,”
               “Yeah, whatever new kid--.”  You groaned loudly before Cartman spoke up again.
               “We get to Tokens lavish house, and you’re going to play the broken and depressed damsel, or knight, your choice.”
               “Broken and depressed, got it, already got that down since I was born,” you joked.
               The boys looked at you worried save for Cartman before you panicked.
               “Kidding, I’M KIDDING!”
               “No matter what bargain he gives us, you counter back with, you won’t do anything unless he lets US in tomorrow night. Got it, new kid?”
               “(y/n),” you corrected.
               “GOT IT?!” Cartman yelled at you, causing you to flinch and Kyle to swerve a bit on the road as he was driving.
               “I fucking got it, jeez, you’re gonna make Kyle crash,” you cried. Cartman sat down with a smug smile on his face. You sighed softly rubbing your arm before trying to melt into the seat and disappear. You sat in silence for the rest of the ride, watching houses pass by in a colorful blur just outside of the window. The car was pretty clean saving for a wrapper from some fast food joint and some straw wrappers. You began to pick at your nails a bit while thinking before feeling the comforting vibration of the car stop beneath your body and you re-registered your eyes to notice the big, nicely gated house. Oh, so he was a rich boy. Maybe you could push some certain buttons if you needed too.
               “Alright, we’re here, let's hope we don’t get banned and put on restraining orders,” Kyle grumbled. Undoing your seatbelt, you carefully popped open the door and hopped out, taking in the fancy black gate and watching where it connected to a cement fence that couldn’t be too easily climbed. You followed the boys up to an intercom system that must connect to the house. Kenny quietly pressed the doorbell button twice and everyone stood to wait for an answer.
               “Hello, who is this?” Came the voice form the small speaker just beside the doorbell button.
               “Heyyy, Token,” Stan spoke nervously after pushing down the talk button.
               “You aren’t invited nor are you being let in tomorrow night! Not you Stan, and none of your other three friends,” Token barked loudly.
               You quietly shoved Stan aside softly and pushed down on the button that was titled speak just below it and felt nervousness creep up on you.
               “Um, h-hello?” Damn you, you stuttering devil!
               “Who is this..? You don’t sound like any of the others if this is you guys pulling a voice prank I’ll get you arrested!”
               “No! Oh, god no, none of them have the voices to even sound close to mine, I’m too flawless,” you joked nervously, “I’m (y/n), the new kid who just moved in. I don’t know these guys that well, but they seem like nice people, could you let them go to your party tomorrow?”
               “Oh, you don’t know the half of our history. Besides, the last party they trashed my house, I was grounded for weeks,” Token scoffed. You glared slightly at the boys who all looked guilty but Cartman.
               “Look, how about we break a deal between us. I’ll, I don’t know, run errands with or for you for your party and you let them come? I’ll pay for anything they break if you let them in too and I’ll take all the blame.”
               There was silence on the other end for a long time. You felt dread crawl across your skin, had you just ruined their chances? You let go of the speak button and felt sorry for the boys, about to turn and apologize till you finally got a response.
               “Fine, but anything they break tomorrow you pay what it cost and a tax my family deems appropriate, got it?”
               The boys cheered happily, all of them focusing on the fact that they were allowed into the party tomorrow night before you felt dead on the inside. If they broke anything expensive tomorrow night? You were honestly going to kill all of them. You reached out to the button with a smile, forcing yourself to sound happy for your new friends.
               “Deal, what time you want me over here tomorrow? Come over about two or three in the afternoon, the party is at seven. Oh, and it’s just you coming tomorrow, don’t bring any of those losers with you.”
               “Fair,” you stated. The boys yelled in anger and disagreement before you glared at them and put a finger to your mouth, signaling them to shut up.
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