#help with credit
nosmile123 · 4 months
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U see it,it ain't no scam that's my credit score which was 480 last year,I've done others so if u need a boost hurry up and buy
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debthelperdotcom · 7 months
Tah's Debthelper Success Story
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As someone whose job basically boils down to getting unglamorous but necessary things done behind the scenes, I’d love for us to spare a moment of appreciation for some truly unsung heroes of LOTR: the folks who supplied and supported a whole damn army on the move with only a few day’s notice.
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The people who stocked and raised all the tents. Whoever was keeping soldiers in dry socks and sharpened swords. The folks (not Éowyn) who cooked the stews each night and cleaned up all the food. The person who had to make all the arrangements for thousands of horses to be kept in any kind of organized fashion with no barn or stable. The unhappy soul who had to dig and maintain the latrines anywhere the army was camped.
Logistics aren’t sexy, but damn are they important. Without them, half your army has dysentery and the other half is contemplating desertion. So good on these people—the victory over Sauron belongs to them, too.
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earth-orbit · 11 months
vessel be like "you got me in a chokehold". yeah, no shit bro. you got the most prettiest throat ever
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snoozefm · 5 months
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steddielations · 1 year
Eddie finally lets Jeff talk him into going on this blind date. It's not like he's against dating, he just doesn't expect fireworks from an hour of small talk over an overpriced dinner, y'know? Jeff swore by this guy, though, assuring Eddie that they would hit it off, but Eddie will never know because the guy doesn't show.
That's right, he gets stood up, Jeff texts him a string of apologies saying the guy chickened out. So Eddie’s just sitting there alone, trying not to sulk when the waitress asks if he's still waiting to order. Fuck it, he refuses to be the most miserable person in the restaurant, looking around to find someone equally as pathetic, and lo and behold:
Three tables away, there's a guy getting dumped.
Eddie eavesdrops because he has nothing better to do. It’s a pretty standard breakup. Sounds like they haven't been together long and things fizzled out. Neither of them seem to be invested enough to try and salvage it.
"Aren't you gonna say anything, Steve?"
No, Steve isn't. He just sits there while his former boyfriend leaves, doesn't try to stop him at all. Not in a hardened douchebag way, but in a dejected 'why do I even bother' way that Eddie knows all about.
And well, Eddie might be a cynic but his curiosity isn't dead. This Steve is far too pretty to be getting dumped in a seafood place and Eddie has to know what the deal is. It leads him right over to Steve's table. He looks up at Eddie, not quite dead behind the eyes yet, but maybe a little lonely. Just needs a spark.
"Alright well, something tells me that a stranger bugging you won't be the worst thing to happen to you tonight, so I'm just gonna take this empty seat and maybe we can help each other figure out why we're both alone on a Friday night. What do you say?"
Steve blinks, a little taken back at first, then he matches the nonchalance that Eddie's so good at faking with a smirk and a shrug, "Depends. Do you have all night?"
Turns out, Jeff was right about one thing, Eddie does hit it off with someone and it doesn't take all night. They leave the restaurant together, spend hours just walking the town and even breaking into a park after hours. It's the most fun Eddie's had in a while, and even though he doesn't get a goodnight kiss just yet, he gets a second date, which is even better.
He walks home with a skip in his step and a fire in his belly that he hasn't felt in years. He never thought he'd be so glad to get stood up before.
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suncaptor · 3 months
Been trying to not bother anyone, but I am wondering if anyone could send donations. I can't pay rent today (even if I pay the half I will on credit) and more fees are adding on, and outside of some help I've barely been eating for a long time here. I'm just struggling to afford rising costs of living with constant new crises happening, and I haven't been able to get someone to take over my lease, so I can't just couchsurf. Not at all asking anyone to over extend or send me more if they've had, but if anyone could help I'd appreciate it.
(I have seen as many case managers and financial aid advisors as I can and am using every resource I can too! There's just not much where I am now.)
Paypal suncaptor
Revolut remsun
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day-dream-fever · 2 months
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traumasurvivors · 1 year
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“It’s okay if you thought you were over it but it hits you all over again.
It’s okay to fall apart even after you had it under control.
You are not weak. Healing is messy. And there is no timeline for healing.”
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boltsinmycereal · 4 months
Oscar denying the McLaren Cloning Rumors then immediately talking about/demonstrating mannerisms he’s picked up from Lando 🥺
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ooctlt · 3 months
What kind of music they like? Which one of them wears headphones all the time? Which one of them should be use headphones?
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gideon: roxanne, heat of the moment, fortunate son, black hole sun, joan jett etc. she does listen to danger days but she will not say she likes mcr because people start making assumptions about her. she mainly likes that album and occasionally listens to save yourself, ill hold them back a concerning amount of times in a row
pal: classical when hes studying, ska for the hype
cam: house music, brass/horns heavy stuff. also likes ska and guitar-heavy songs
dulcinea: 2000s party music, R&B and jazz
harrow: cathedral nuns singing (9 hours), muttering radio channel (20 hours)
PSA: please do not send asks asking characters their opinions on singular songs/song genres/tv shows/movies. they are too specific to spend time listening, thinking, and drawing an answer to and they will be ignored
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debthelperdotcom · 7 months
Cathie's Debthelper Success Story #debtrelief #debtmanagement #pif #geto...
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frogwithastrawberry · 11 months
Okay hear me out:
Danny ending up with the Wayne family somehow, but when he came to them he was in his human form and the Fenton Thermos was clipped to his bag. It falls off, and Tim picks it up.
Danny tries to warn him not to open it but Tim is sleep deprived and doesn't hear/doesn't care and instead they all watch this Prime Adoption Bait kid get sucked into a thermos.
And that's how Phantom's identity is revealed.
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brsb4hls · 11 months
Ok, but if you wanna circle that Siken quote around, maybe post the whole thing?
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The second part is the important one.
Also, for those who still can't seperate fiction from reality and are obvi already pestering him, because he dared to name that ship:
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bixels · 4 months
WIP I whipped up in class yesterday. We'll see how far Tulli and I get on this.
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breadbox-draws · 1 year
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he’s probably said this at one point in the game
based on that one vine!
Edit: added a description thanks to @anistarrose!
[Image description: a two-panel comic of Yomiel from Ghost Trick sliding down the railing of an escalator. He says "You're all going to hell," then grins deviously and waves as he slides almost out of view, adding: "Goodbye!" End ID.]
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