#helps remind me that my fears aren't always correct
tinyorcenthusiast · 2 years
Chapters: 9/? Fandom: Original Work Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Arria the Pyromancer, Captain Titus Additional Tags: Orignal Content - Freeform, Minor Violence, Mention of Death, Fantasy, Adventure, idk how many parts I might make, Arria the Pyromancer - Freeform, Magic, cursing, Foul Language Summary:
An experienced and somewhat cynical Pyromancer is forced to go on a journey that may or may not teach her the value of not burning everything around her.
It’s a double whammy this time, folks! Had some time to breath from finals week and got through clearing the backlog I have for Arria’s story.
Chapters 8 & 9 are live right now! Continuing my little story of my sassy psychotic pyromancer as she is forced to work in the Imperial army. Continuity is hard and I’m trying my best :D
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seramilla · 4 months
Well if we want to add angst to it Emily wants to call Sera mom after Sera has been a mother to her for all her life and she wants to call Sera mom and have Sera call her a daughter even just in private. Sera is terrified of the elders learning the truth about Emily and taking away the only thing she has left refuses determined to ensure no one discovers the truth including Emily so she always corrects Emily strongly if she calls her mom even in private to try and keep anyone from learning. She can't lose anyone again she couldn't take it.
Emily is familiar with the concept of parentage. Many of the mortals entering Heaven have these big, emotional reunions with their parents once they've passed through the pearly gates. The ones who aren't reunited in the end, whether because their loved ones went to Hell or were stuck in limbo for a time, still talk about their children and parents. Emily has heard so many stories, she lives vicariously through her subjects.
They talk about "Little Timmy had my eyes and nose" or "Little Gracie was the splitting image of her father in life." Stories like that cut her right where her non-existent heart beats - or where it would beat, if she had one in her chest. Emily asks Sera if they have any parents. Sera always fumbles for an answer when she asks this question. She'll go silent, or make something up. Emily can tell when Sera lies to her, even if she won't admit it.
Emily can't help but notice the similarities between her and Sera. How could she not? The High Seraphim and her protégé look exactly like they were cut from the same cloth -- the older Emily gets, the more Sera reminds her of...well, herself. They are sisters, but they look almost too similar, in her opinion. She wonders if Sera had ever wanted children -- raising her little sister isn't exactly the same thing. So one day she performs an experiment, to try and find the answer to her querie.
She calls Sera "Mom" -- it's not a fumble, an accident, or a slip of the tongue. She says it full of intent. Sera is passing her breakfast to her at the table, and when Emily lets it loose from her mouth, Sera's eyes go wide, and the older woman almost drops the plate on the floor.
"What?" Sera asks, hands trembling. "What--what did you say?"
"I said...thank you, Mom," Emily says quietly, almost a whisper.
"Why would you call me that?" Sera asks, more stern this time. She's still shaking, but there's almost a tinge of...anger in her voice? Fear? Is that what that sounds like? Sera has never been angry with her before. Or fearful.
"Who told you that?"
"Who told me what?"
Sera shakes her head, like she's trying to break free from a spell someone put on her. "Noth-nothing! Nevermind! Please...don't call me that again."
"Why not? I want to call you Mom. You take such good care of me."
"Because I said so. Now drop it, all right?!" Sera is starting to raise her voice now. She slaps the table in front of her, shaking it, and Emily winces. The smaller angel pulls herself back into her chair, almost sinking into it, trying to make herself as small as she can.
"Okay--okay, Sera."
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modelbus · 11 months
number 27 for Tommyinnit x reader? I feel like it’d be cute and uncoordinated and a lot of bumping into each other idk I love it tho ☺️
I couldn’t suffer the second hand embarrassment of normal dancing so I wrote it as slow dancing…
Pairing: Cc!Tommyinnit x Gn!Reader
Flufftober 27 - Follow The Rhythm
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"I think we should dance." You say, tilting your head to look at your boyfriend. Tommy sighs in response, not giving you an answer.
Weddings always make you a romantic. Something about seeing people you cared about so happy, so in love, just lit you up. It certainly helped that Tommy was in a suit that made it so you couldn't take your eyes off him. In your defense, he hadn't taken his eyes or hands off you either.
Innocent touches, like his hand around yours, fingers intertwined. Or the way it is right now with his arm around your waist. You had to tell him off for nearly messing up your hair already, taking one of his favorites off the table.
"Look at how cute it is." You insist again.
"We wouldn't be that coordinated," Tommy informs you, grinning. "We'd probably kill each other on accident."
"True. But it'd be funny."
"Is it worth it though?"
"And it'd make me happy." You add on.
His arm slips from around your waist, standing up. He doesn't offer you his hand so much as takes your hand without waiting, tugging you to the back edge of the dance floor. "You owe me. I'm picking the movie for the next four nights."
"As long as it isn't the same movie all four nights." You raise your eyebrows, knowing him and his tricks.
"Deal. Now what?"
"Now we dance, dumbass." You laugh, looping your arms around his neck. He stands there awkwardly for a moment, glancing around, before putting his hands gently on your waist. "Sway." You instruct.
"I'm swaying, I'm swaying!"
It's a simple side-to-side motion, yet somehow he still manages to bump his shoulder into yours. And you somehow manage to step on his foot despite barely moving your feet. It's a mess, and you're smiling so brightly that it hurts.
"Are we meant to be, like, moving and shit?" He asks, studying the closest people.
"Tom, do you honestly think we can handle taking steps?"
"...on second thought, swaying is great. I love swaying. Going to marry swaying."
"You can't, you're already married to the grind." You remind him. He rewards you with a laugh.
"How can I forget my one true love? You're second, don't worry."
"Oh, I was very worried, but now all my fears are gone."
After a moment, Tommy looks down at you. "Can I spin you? Like those people in the cheesy stupid movies?"
"I'd love that."
You take one of his hands, and he lifts it up, slowly helping you spin. It's more of you awkwardly shuffling in a circle (narrowly avoiding stepping on him again, might you add) before returning to swaying, but he smiles like he just won a million dollars from Mr. Beast.
At first, you sway in opposite directions, then you both correct and still sway oppositely, and finally you sigh and let him tug you along with his movements. Dancing definitely isn't for you two, at least not without some practice.
And yet, you couldn't help but feel warm inside as you stared up at him.
"See, it's not too bad." You can't help but say, fixing the collar of his shirt.
"And thank fuck we aren't doing more than swaying."
He leans down, kissing you quickly, then pulls away as the song ends. "Let's go eat their cupcakes."
"Cupcakes it is." You laugh.
Eating cupcakes is definitely more within your guys' comfort zone.
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Another Baldur's Gate - Part 1: The Crew Visits the Smash Mansion
*due to Shenanigans the BG3 crew have arrived in the Smash Mansion and until they can find a way to get home they're making the best of it*
Shadowheart: I thank you for accommodating us. I- I understand these are not the most ideal circumstances.
Zelda: Believe me dear, this isn't even in the top ten for weirdest things to happen to us.
Peach, pouring tea: Oh yes. Remind me to tell you about the time we all got replaced by depressed clones of ourselves.
Shadowheart: Ah... well, no need for replacing us, I fear we're all already depressed!
*they all laugh, but Peach and Zelda glance at each other worriedly*
Zelda: Well, tell us about yourself! You're a cleric, correct?
Shadowheart: To Shar, Lady of Loss, yes!
Peach: Ah, so, like, helping people mourn and move on, correct?
Shadowheart: No, more like "life is pain and we must always be ready to lose everything so we must never love anything". Like that!
*Shadowheart smiles but Peach and Zelda glance at each other even more worriedly*
Peach: W-well, to each their own. How long have you been a cleric, then?
Shadowheart: Oh, I can't remember. I willingly gave up my memories.
Zelda: ...you're sure about that?
Shadowheart: Of course! Mother Superior, the one who took them, told me so!
Zelda: ...
Peach: ...
Shadowheart: =)
Peach: Oh dear.
*In Dr. Mario's infirmary*
*Karlach lies on a reinforced cot with Tav sitting next to her, holding her hand. Dr. Mario bends over her chest with Professor E. Gadd, examining the Infernal Engine in her chest*
Karlach: So, what's the word? Think you can stabilize it for good?
Dr. Mario: Hmm, well, while the operations of the device are complex, but its principles aren't. It runs on Demonic Energy and while in Avernus it simply absorbed the ambient energy around you Up here, it's being starved.
*Dr. Mario pulls up a chart*
Dr. Mario: I think our best bet would be a transplant. Remove the engine and replace it with something that CAN exist in this plane.
Tav: What COULD replace it? And... what are her chances?
Karlach squeezes Tav's hand comfortingly and they smile at each other*
E. Gadd: Ah, well, I would not worry about her chances! Miss Karlach is in good hands. Dr. Mario is the best there is!
Karlach: Good to know!
E. Gadd: As for WHAT we could replace it with (Gadd pulls out a catalogue) you have many options! Feel free to pick which one best suits your needs!
*Tav and Karlach look through the catalogue*
Karlach: Cy-ber-net-ic heart? Like a Warforged?
Tav: What the hell is Chaos Emerald?
Dr. Mario: *snatches the catalogue away* We're not putting a Chaos Emerald in this woman's chest.
Dr. Mario: *sigh* You don't have to worry ma'am. we'll have a PROPER replacement lined up soon. In the meantime, enjoy yourself in the Mansion.
Karlach: Oh you bet I will! *she stands up and scoops Tav up, bridal style* Now, where'd you say our rooms are?
Dr. Mario: *chuckles as Karlach carries Tav off*
E. Gadd: Come on, one little nuclear reactor!
Dr. Mario: No! We're using a Rathlos Heart and that's final!
E. Gadd: Party pooper.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Ignore this if you feel uncomfortable with this!
Hey, so like, may I ask if you could do like a reader with inverted n!pples dating larissa ands it's their first time having sex and r is rlly nervous bc of their breasts ? thanks in advance!
Not odd but unique 18+
*Authors note~ I had to do some research into this so please correct me if I'm wrong with any parts of this. Please remember all bodies are different and unique and that's what makes them beautiful*
Trigger warnings~ inverted nipples, first time (virgin r) corruption kink, mommy kink, worship kink oral fingering
Prompt~ see ask ^^^^
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For you, accepting yourself had always been difficult, you knew you were different. There was only about ten to twenty percent of women in the world like you. That statistic alone showing just how rare it was and unheard of it was for anyone who didn't live with them. It also made you so self conscious, you were so careful with any clothing you wore and made sure no one would ever see, afraid of the comments that would undoubtedly voice your own negative thoughts.
When Larissa asked you to be her girlfriend you felt like the most beautiful woman in the world, until you remembered that in a relationship sex would be important, not the most important thing but still important. Larissa knew you had no experience in the subject and she was more than happy to wait as long as you needed until you felt comfortable, she reminded you of that fact all the time and made sure to tell you daily how beautiful you are.
You let months pass without any thought of the act, until you realised you were more than ready to let Larissa have her way with you, if only you could let go of the fear. For the next few months anytime you spent alone you tried to give yourself positive affirmations. Anything that would help you love your body for you. Truly, you knew Larissa wasn't superficial and you knew she loved you for your heart so you had absolutely nothing to worry about. That's why after a year and six months of nothing you decided tonight would be the night. You'd brave it.
Your night started the same, you lay on her sofa with a glass of wine and a book in front of the burning fire while she sat, your legs on her lap finishing last minute emails and basking in the togetherness. Only when she was done for the night did you mark your place in your book and sitting up looking at your girlfriend. She was truly beautiful and you knew how insecure she could be so you wanted to explain before attempting what you'd planned.
"Rissa?" You murmured as your eyes scanned er features before settling on starring into those deep blue eyes, "I think I'm ready. I just need to explain something to you before if that's okay?" Your last bit came off as nothing more than a whisper soaked in vulnerability. She reached to gather your hands in hers, thumbs stroking soothing circles on your hands. "Anything darling. I'm all ears."
With a deep breath you started not realising just how hard this would be, "you're beautiful Ris. I want you to remember that and it's not you, I mean I um I'm not what's considered normal and I didn't want to repulse you" you whimpered at the end, truly you didn't want to make her disgusted by your body. "Darling, you could never repulse me, you're beautiful too my love" she words soaked in love and reassurance caused tears to fall from your eyes, "oh baby don't cry! You aren't meant to cry my love" she rushed coming to wipe your tears away before placing a sweet kiss on your lips. "I'm ready Rissa please" you whimpered against her lips before claiming them again.
The pair of you stumbled into her bedroom, lips never leaving each others. Only when oxygen became a must die you pull apart foreheads resting against one an other, "darling, you're sure? You know you don't have too?" Larissa murmured to you wanting to know you knew that you had a choice. For you, here and now you didn't care that you were different all you wanted was to be hers. Completely hers. "Ris, please I want you to be my first" you confirmed and that was all it took for her lips to kiss down your neck before finding your pulse point. The little whines of need you were letting out was driving the older women wild, you soon found your way to her bed, flat on your back as she hoovered above you. Truly there was no better sight to see.
You could feel your body tense as she took your top from your body, now being left in just a bra the panic swarming behind your eyes was obvious. "Darling? Are you okay?" She murmured not wanting you to be uncomfortable in any way shape or form. Instead of verbally responding you sat up slightly, unclipped your bra with your eyes screwed shut and laid back against the bed. You heard a gasp and immediately feared the worst, hands coming up to cover your breasts as you mumbled out apologies, "I'm sorry I know I'm odd, disgusting repulsing I'm sorry!" You all but cried out only to be met with her gently hushing you and prying your hands from your chest.
"Open your eyes baby" she gently demanded and the submissive streak in you responded instantly, eyes popping open to see her lustful one's. "You're not odd darling, just unique. Is this why you've been so worried?" You nodded your words getting stuck in your throat, not odd? That didn't make sense. Larissa dropped her head to shower your left breast with all the love and attention it truly deserves, moaning against your skin as you whined at the attention. It truly felt amazing, something you'd never thought you'd ever experience. Larissa made sure she'd kissed every inch of skin before moving on to the right breast and repeating her process. Only when she was fully satisfied she'd kissed every inch did she sit back up bringing both hands to a breast and cupping them. "You darling, are stunning and I'd very much like to continue showing you that mommy adores your perfect body" she murmured watching your eyes darken in need at the name, "can you be a good girl for mommy baby?" She purred and you nodded tugging at her dress in a silent reminder she had too many clothes on.
From that moment on clothes were torn from bodies in a hurry, kisses and hands roaming the newly exposed skin until you both lay bare. Larissa then kissed her way down to your freshly shaved core, kissing over your thighs avoiding where she knew you wanted her. You buck your hips upward in an attempt to get more, anything just something causing her to chuckle before coming to take a swipe of your soaked cunt. Only then did you fall flat back on the bed and mumble, "oh fuck me more" which Larissa was more than happy to give you.
She gently brought you over the edge and back down again whispering words of love and reassurance before offering you more, you blindly agreed when you felt her finger tips dancing over your slit. "Darling? Look at mommy, I want to see your eyes as I make you mine, that's it good girl keep them open my love" she purred before sinking her middle finger into your needy cunt. You couldn't help but cry out at the feeling and attempt to follow her demand, only when her finger was as deep as it could go did she purr, "you're mine now baby, all mine!" Loving how you fight you were wrapped around her she curled her finger slightly watching as pleasure flashed over your facial features once more.
After finding that steady rhythm, Larissa brought you over the edge and even managed to add a second finger, your body exploding with pleasure like nothing you'd ever experienced before. "Ris ris fuck please Ris" you whined over and over again. Where you begging for more or for her to stop? You weren't even sure as you flew over that edge, white hot pleasure tearing its way though your body as she fucked you through it. "That's it good girl, so good for me darling, you're so beautiful" she murmured kissing your stomach until she slipped her fingers from your core, a little hiss of pain left you at the sting she left, not quite unpleasant but not something you were use to. "Okay baby, no more you did so good, no more tonight okay? Mommy needs to clean you up thought gorgeous girl can I?"
With you all cleaned up from the mess you'd made and Larissa holding your naked body to her own as your mind came back from the world of pleasure you whined, "Rissa I didn't touch you!" You attempted to move only for her to hold you still, "there's plenty of time for that darling but I wanted you to feel special. Me being your first was special enough and just wait till I get you bouncing those beautiful tits in my face as you ride me"  her words were enough to have a heat spreading over your cheeks, this women would certainly be the death of you, you never thought someone could love you for what you considered odd, but it's true what they say, "beauty is different in every eye of the beholder." You mumbled happily snuggling into your girlfriend. "Tonight was perfect, love you Ris so much" you whispered before falling asleep pressed into her side.
Word count ~ 1642
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celestialanon · 1 year
Brothers With a Trans Male Lover
Hello dear readers! So for this post, it’s obviously aimed for a specific audience! It was definitely self indulgent, and I hope I can provide something nice and some comfort to my fellow trans male readers! Please do enjoy this set <3
When he had first met you, he misgendered you on accident. You had politely explained to him that you were a male, and he honestly didn't question it, immediately apologizing to you and fixing his words. It wasn't until you both had gotten closer that you felt the need to explain when he found a binder of yours laying on your bed after laundry day.
He wasn't too surprised. Not that he fully understood what being trans meant, but he had seen a few demons express themselves in such a way that went against the gender norms, and he wondered briefly if maybe they were trans as well without knowing it. While he had many questions, he decided to leave them for another time in favor of telling you that he sees no problem with it and that he has looked at you as the man you were since the day you corrected him.
He often offers to help clean your binders by hand so they don't get ruined otherwise, as well as reminds you when to take it off if it's gotten too late. He wants to make sure you aren't harming yourself any. He always encouraged you to at least give yourself a breather when you were in his room, as he would not see you any differently with or without your binder on.
There was one memorable day you shared, you had overheard a few nosy demons murmuring about you in the hall. Harsh words that you've heard before, but words that stung just a bit more when Lucifer's name got thrown in the conversation. A new fear came along with the already existing dread of your identity: what did it look like to stand beside Lucifer like this?
He had noticed you unfocused at his desk, staring at your assignment and mindlessly messing with the pen in your hand. He went over and placed a hand at your shoulder, watching your face twist in discomfort. Your words fell out of your mouth before you could stop them.
"Aren't you embarrassed being with someone like me?" Lucifer had froze above you, looking down at you with shock.
"Wouldn't it be better for you to be with a real man, or woman. I-I'm not not ruining your image, am I?" Your voice had become small, and he could hear the strain in it as you clearly forced yourself to stay composed. He merely shook his head, getting to your level before pulling you in a tight hug against his chest.
"You are a real man, my dear. I feel nothing but pride when having you by my side." He brushed the short strands of hair at your ear, leaning in close so you could hear him better.
"Never doubt yourself over such thoughts again, I've never wanted anyone as I've wanted you."
At first, he honestly thought you were into cross dressing. Not that he really cared, he's seen his brother do it before, so it wasn't a big deal if that was the case. And you pulled it off quite well! But he soon realized he was wrong when you gave him a glare at his accusations, explaining that you were actually transgender. The poor guy, had absolutely no idea what you meant. He was given a detailed explanation by Lucifer, and was instructed to apologize to you immediately.
He found you sitting alone, gathering your things while awkwardly coming to greet you. Being the mess that he was, his apology was all over the place, but you couldn't help but smile at his words. A jumbled mess of "I-I didn't know you were a dude, my bad!" Leading to "I don't care what ya are, why do I gotta babysit?!" You fell into place beside him quickly after, forgetting your initial annoyance with him.
Now, he got defensive whenever someone threw out the wrong word. You'd be the one to tell him it wasn't a big deal, but he'll never forget the look you gave him when he got it wrong. Although he can't relate to you, he's not stupid enough to not notice how much it affects you. How could he not notice? The way you stare at your body in every passing mirror, the way your voice flattens when it sounds a bit high compared to everyone else, even the way he caught you once on your bedroom floor, sorting your clothes as tears stained your sad red eyes.
He quickly made his way to you, shutting your bedroom door behind him and crouching on the floor to meet your face. Your eyes flickered up to his, before turning back down as you quickly wiped at your nose. You couldn't possibly feign this while he was sat right in front of you. You had the urge to bury your face into shirt you were currently folding.
"Why? What happened?" He asked, and when you ignored his question, he released your grip from the shirt and peered closer at you.
"I said, what happened. Don't ignore me." The stern tone in his voice was not one you heard often. It caused more tears to fall down your cheeks.
"N-None of this looks good on me... I'm t-tired of looking this way..." You wiped at your eyes, trying to ignore the way your voice broke and how high it was. Mammon wasn't the best at comforting, but if there was one thing he hated, it was seeing you cry. Absolutely soul crushing. He pat his hands onto his knees, beginning to pull you up with him by your arms.
"Alright, I got the problem. New clothes, right?" When you stared at him with bewilderment, he just smiled. He used the bare skin of the back of his hand to wipe under eyes, pinching your cheeks to stop your frown.
"What? If you don't like any of my clothes I'll buy ya some new stuff. So stop cryin' already, babe. Please..." He made sure the tears stopped before your shopping date.
Levi knew the minute you told him that you were trans. He has heard the term before somewhere on the internet, and immediately accepted you and treated you respectfully. He even asked you to be his "Henry", and started comparing you to more male characters that reminded him of you to see you smile. If you were having a bad dysphoria day, it was cuddles on the beanbag all day wrapped up in one of his large Ruri hoodies.
Levi was someone who seemed to be very comfortable with his masculinity, and you noticed this through his cosplays and behavior at times. If you expressed how much you wanted to be comfortable with yourself in the same way, he would help you by taking it slow. He invites you to get your nails painted with Asmo, to cosplay a female with him (mainly Ruri), or even shows you how to main females in the various games he plays. He never forgets to remind you that he never sees you as less of a man when you do so.
On a particularly bad day, you stood right in front of his bathroom mirror, eyeing the curves on your body as you covered your chest with a towel. You couldn't hide the sadness in your frown, just looking at your body sometimes made you feel sick. There was a light knock at the door, and you invited Levi to join you inside. He went red at first glance, but his surprise faltered when he noticed the look on your face.
"M-Mc? What's wrong?" He stood a small distance from you, not wanting to invade your privacy. You shrugged your shoulders, looking down at the binding tape on the counter and clutching the towel more tightly.
"Just stared at my chest too long again, no biggie...." There was a small silence, but you soon felt a nervous pair of arms embrace you from behind, pulling you flush against Levi's chest. In moments like these, where you felt the worst about yourself, he managed to find ways to make you feel otherwise.
"I can help... with the tape." He started, his chin resting atop your head. You could see the unwavering blush on his cheeks as he looked back at you in the mirror.
"O-Only if you want me too! I can leave if not." The tight hold at your waist told you he really didn't want to leave, nor did you mind. In fact, you felt it was a rather sweet gesture. And you trusted Levi more than anyone.
"Yeah, I want you to." So he did just that, listening to your instructions on how to properly wrap your chest, his gaze avoiding yours as much as it could. You wanted to laugh, he was clearly a bit embarrassed, but he was trying his best. When he was done, he asked if it was too tight for you, but he actually managed to wrap it quite snug.
"Thanks, sweetheart." You gave him a kiss in thanks on the lips, and that stupid smile of his that made your heart flutter appeared. It's hard to feel so bad about yourself when he looks at you that way, so full of love.
Satan had actually learned the term in a book he read. He was quite fascinated with the character and learning their internal struggles, so the first thing he felt for you when you told him was concern. He often asked what made you comfortable and what didn't, and adjusted himself so. He made sure everyone else did the same, at least among his brothers, and payed close attention to any other demons surrounding you. He was the first to correct anyone to misgender you and always apologized on everyone else's behalf.
When you two had gotten much closer, you sat him down and explained that it was okay for him to be less serious on the subject. That you were able to handle yourself against the words of lesser demons. You considered yourself to be quite confident, and he truly admired you for such. So he did as you asked, giving you some air and watching as you held your own against any gossip or awkward stares. It was child's play to you, you didn't care how anyone saw you, as long as you knew who you were yourself.
Like his brother, he would compare you to male characters he really likes. You two often make small jokes with each other, like saying "I guess that makes you gay now." It was an automatic joke, and you shut your mouth after saying it in fear that it would rub him the wrong way. To your surprise though, he just laughed. His smile was wide as he turned the next page of his current book, his light chuckles fading.
"Yeah, I suppose it does, doesn't it?" That's weird. You had previously very rarely ever felt self conscious beside Satan, but for some reason, that joke had you freeze up in your spot. You felt yourself become nervous, rubbing your palms onto your pants to wipe away oncoming sweat. Your eyes met Satan's, worry flashing as you gave him a small smile.
"S-Sorry! I was kidding, just a stupid joke...." To save from humiliation, you picked up a nearby book, trying to forget what had just happened. Why did you feel that way? Was there secretly a part of you that believed Satan didn't love you as much as he said he did? Because you were a trans man? Was that the problem? Girls were never a problem before, but would he have preferred one? How could you just say he was gay now, even if you were joking? Well, there goes your mind again, thinking a mile per minute.
Satan had long already set down his book, turning to you as you personally crushed your spirit into pieces. You were clearly paying no attention to the book in your hands. He tried calling your name a few times, and when that didn't work, he pulled the book out of your hands, finally gaining your attention.
"Love? Why the sudden look? Did I say something wrong?" Your heart sank at his worried expression. You told him not worry himself over you numerous times, but he still did...
"N-No, I'm sorry. I'm the one who said something wrong, I shouldn't have joked like that. You probably felt uncomfortable." Word vomit, multiple apologies, and Satan was trying to wrap his head around what you had said. That uncertain look in your eyes was not one he'd seen often. He carefully grabbed your hands with both of his, giving you all of his attention.
"Mc, I don't feel any discomfort from your joke. Rather, I thought it was fairly accurate..." When you didn't respond to him, a few things began to click into place. He couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, caressing his thumb into the knuckles of your fingers.
"You're a very handsome man Mc, and I feel lucky to be the one you want by your side. I believe that since we are both males, that constitutes for a homosexual relationship, does it not?" There he goes again, pulling out the specifics. You couldn't help but laugh at his serious demeanor. How could you worry yourself so much over a joke like this?
"Yeah, I guess that does make you pretty gay."
Not only has Asmo learned what being trans meant from Solomon, but he had met many demons that expressed themselves as such as well. It was simple knowledge to him, so he didn't bat an eye when you explained yourself to him. He apologized swiftly before correcting himself and changing absolutely nothing with his advances towards you.
Getting close to Asmo was rather easy, and before long you two had become an item. And truly, it was hard to be insecure about yourself around Asmo. He praised your body like it was a well built sculpture, said your voice was close to heavenly and reminded him of the angels that used to sing to him. Your skin was as smooth as silk sheets and he just wants to sink into it until- well, you get the idea. The compliments were never on hold.
But you did manage to get a bit in the dumps when his small groups of fans came into the picture. They were primarily made up of women, unsurprisingly. That may have been what stung you the most. Deep down you knew Asmo probably didn't have a solid preference, but you wondered if he'd rather have imagined himself with a woman.
You were checking yourself in the mirror, you had slipped on something a little more on the feminine side. It was something from Asmo's closet, and you couldn't help but cringe. You wanted so badly to like it, maybe he would like it too. But instead you just felt miserable.
Asmo had entered the room with his loud greeting, quickly spotting you in the corner as you went stiff in your spot. He eyes you up and down, gasping in small surprise. Your shoulders hung low, and you could feel yourself getting smaller.
"I-Is it weird?" The look on your face showed that you didn't like it, and Asmo immediately caught on to the fact. He went in front of you to place his fingers at your chin, frowning at your frustration.
"Hon, if you don't like it that much, why did you put it on?" You couldn't look away, as he sternly kept you in place, looking at him. When you sighed in defeat, you began moving to undress.
"I don't know. I thought you would probably like this look on me more...."
"Oh no- Mc why would you think that?" He helped you remove your arms through the sleeves, setting the top aside before turning his attention back to you.
"I'm a little afraid.... That you might not like me because of who I am?" You spoke quietly, and he studied your features for a minute.
"Because you're not a girl?" You nodded stiffly, he placed a kiss between the furrow of your brows, pulling back with a small smile.
"I don't care what you are hon, I love you dearly." He gave you another kiss, on the lips this time.
"But please, you are much more sexy in your own clothes rather than mine." At this point, you should have known how head over heels he was for your masculine look. Maybe someday you'd get it.
Beel had actually believed you were cis from the beginning. Sure, maybe your voice was a bit higher, your height much smaller than the rest of them, and your build not as big. But you passed very well, and he didn't think anything of it, because some guys were just built like that. So he was rather surprised when you explained that you were trans.
He was definitely confused, and had many questions on the matter. He asked why it had to be that way? Why weren't you able to change to the gender you wanted to be? And why did people make such a big deal out of it? At the end of the day, he reminded you that he saw you for what you were, another man surrounded by demon men. Lucky you.
He was extremely supportive when you needed him to be, offering snacks to cheer you up on the bad days, bringing you to his workout sessions if you wanted to gain some muscle. You had excitedly run up to him one day, exclaiming how happy you were to be able to get testosterone.
Of course, you had to explain what that was too. But when he saw the big smile on your face, he couldn't help but cheer along with you. You had asked him in private if he would be willing to help you with your shots, to which he immediately agreed to. But when it came down to it, he was awfully nervous of hurting you. You watched as he shakily brought the needle up to your skin.
"It won't hurt you too bad, right?" He asked, hesitant to make another move. You laughed, giving him a reassuring nod.
"It won't hurt, and it will make me happy when I'm done." You patted your thigh in urgency, and his face cringed. He carefully injected the needle into your thigh, making sure to give it a wipe when he was finished. He looked up at you hurriedly in case of any discomfort. He was relieved to find you completely fine.
"Mc... Don't you get tired of having to do all these things?" He's seen it all with you. The mornings you struggled to slip on your binder, the days you had to correct someone for addressing you the wrong way, he even accompanied you to get your hair cut when it grew too long for your liking.
He truly wondered why you had to try so hard to be yourself, and he felt sad for you. He had rested his hands over your thighs, a defeated look on his features as he thought more about it. You shook your head, cupping his face and getting him to look back up at you.
"I do, but I have to do these things to be comfortable in my own skin." He leaned into your touch, almost placing a kiss at your hand.
"You know you never have to feel uncomfortable around me, right?" Oh, how kind he was...
"Of course I know that."
When he first met you, he was just as clueless as his twin. Except he ended up misgendering you, but offered a simple apology when you corrected him. Maybe you just appeared more on the feminine side, that’s his bad. But then you started explaining all these things about being trans, and he apologized saying he didn’t quite understand.
Not that he didn’t accept you or anything, he just didn’t understand the feeling of not feeling at home in your own skin. He didn’t really get it for a minute, but then he noticed how much you look at yourself. How hard you try to present yourself confidently when you were next to them. How much you had to correct people when they misgendered you.
It started to become frustrating to him. Why did you always have to explain yourself? Couldn’t they see you were just another guy? Was it really that hard to tell? In his eyes you weren’t any different from the rest of them, maybe just a little shorter though…
When he noticed you explaining to another demon classmate of yours, he hurried to your side and started dragging you away by the hand. Your complaints fell on deaf ears, his face twisted in annoyance as he looked back at the demon.
“Belphie? What’s gotten into you?” You managed to tug free before you reached his bedroom door, he turned to you with pouting mug.
“Aren’t you mad?” You looked at him dumbfounded, unsure of how to respond.
“They ask you the same questions everyday. It’s annoying, right? You can get mad.” He crossed his arms at you, waiting for a response. You nervously held onto your arm, surprised at his small outburst. You gave him a smile that you were sure wasn’t all too convincing.
“I-I’m not that mad. I can’t blame others for not understanding, right?” He deadpanned at you, grabbing onto your wrist again and pulling you inside his room. He shut the door with a slam.
“You’re too nice, Mc.” You shrugged at his words, because maybe he was right about that. You could admit to yourself you were a bit annoyed, but there was a good handful of people who understood you too. It wasn’t all bad.
“Just so you know, you can always tell me if you do get mad, or something….” You smiled, letting him lead you to his bed.
“…And you’ll never have to explain stuff like that to me either….”
“….Yeah.” Belphie was not the best with words, but you still cherished what he said. You pulled him into a tight hug, whispering a small thanks into his shoulder.
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lenteur · 11 months
random thoughts about castaway diva, episode one
(read more because i always get carried away lol and this post might contain spoilers)
/!\ warning: this episode contains several scenes of physical ab*se so please proceed with precaution /!\
i like that they went for animation instead of showing the actors for the opening credits
looks like they’re explaining right off the bat how the main role has ended up in an island. I like that. No guessing or explaining it further down the line.
The nostalgia hit when i saw the folding phone. I was about to call it clip clap phone so be happy that i actually found an okay-ish adjective lol
This is so nice to start the drama with a throwback and get to know the characters and where they're from, instead of the other way around. It's just a matter of preference, i know.
Wow. I didn't expect the two leads to have an ab*sive father in common. Both of their lives shattered because of the violence. Both too scared to do anything about it. They're trying to hide it from the world.
It's interesting how both choose to hide that aspect of their lives in two completely different ways. Ki ho is acting cold and indifferent, while Mok ha is always smiling and confident. I'm curious if they'll ever admit that to the other, and how they will get out of this situation. Hopefully they'll get the support they both deserve.
Mok ha finally had the courage to call the police on her dad. Good for her!!!
The most disturbing part of this though is that one of the police officers is none other than ki ho's dad. An ab*sive father himself.
I see that ki ho's father is extremely manipulative and is calling mok ha calling the police on her dad the "eighth grader" syndrome, saying it'll pass soon and trying to make everyone watching from the window think there was a "happy ending" (for lack of a better word). Just like everyone thinks he and his son (ki ho) are a great pair. This is absolutely vile and making my blood boil.
We're only in episode one and we already have so much content regarding mok ha and ki ho's relationship.
The roles suddenly got reversed. Ki ho was fighting for mok ha's dream while mok ha just abandoned all hope "thanks" to the police visiting her after her call. It's heartbreaking to see how children's hopes and dreams can be broken just like that.
Ki ho is twice as disappointed because he witnessed his father breaking another child's life. He didn't dare do anything when he saw his father with mok ha. And now he's seeing the consequences right in front of him. The burden of it all. It must be heavy on his heart.
I'm sorry but i have to pause every five minutes because this episode has given me too many emotions and I can't handle all of them at once.
Correction: I have to pause every five seconds is more like it.
The scene where she's breaking down because her classmates aren't listening to her is impactful. It's all the stress, fear and hurt talking. Reminds her how the police didn't believe her and pretended this was "just a little accident" and let it go. And now, her classmates are doing their own thing and ignoring her. That is until she literally shouts at them. Mok ha has been silenced too many times, with no one to talk to. She needs help but every time she tries to make the first time, she's shut down almost immediately.
"Do I sound like a joke to you?" - Mok Ha. The trauma of the police intervention that didn't solve the problem. She feels like she's a joke and no one will ever take her seriously, no matter how hard she tries to tell her own story.
And on top of that, she just abandoned her life long dream of becoming a singer. The only way she could show her real voice.
Poor Mok ha and poor Ki ho
It's crazy how they seemed like polar opposites at first, but then you see them being so deeply connected. Ki ho literally cries with her.
At last, ki ho is finally making the first step to help mok ha. He'll help her leave the place where they leave. It's crazy to think that the only person willing to help mok ha is a child. No adult has ever helped her, even the adults that are supposedly competent. The only person taking her seriously is ki ho, because he's also a victim of ab*se.
This episode should be called EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!!!
the way ki ho is sacrificing himself for mok ha. If both can't escape from their ab*sive fathers, he's willing to stay in cheonsam for mok ha. He wants her to pursue her dream career. If she succeeds, he'll vicariously live through her. He'd be proud of himself for helping her escape.
I was rooting for mok ha to finally be free from her father, only for him to follow her on the boat.
Seeing ki ho being completely devastated because he couldn't help mok ha no matter how hard he tried has made me cry as well.
Tin cans? In a deserted island? Really?
I was skeptical about the whole surviving alone in a deserted island because how can a literal child survive in such an isolate land with basically no knowledge? I'm a bit thrown off. I would have understood better if she met people in the island. They better show how she survived because this is making absolutely no sense.
I really hope they show us more of mok ha's "surviving alone in a deserted island" life because i'd be disappointed otherwise. I don't expect a whole episode dedicated to it but a bit more explanation would be appreciated.
The actors that played mok ha and ki ho as children deserve an oscar. Give it to them. RIGHT NOW
I'm giving this a solid 9.5/10
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polychaeteworm · 10 months
Feel free to delete this if you'd like, but your post about endo systems reminded me of a conversation I had with my therapist years ago. I have diagnosed DID from trauma and I told her I often fear that maybe I'm just making it up. We talked about how DID is a response/coping thing and how, regardless of if I "actually" had it or not, it helped my mind through a lot of hard shit. So in the end she asked me if it truly made a difference, I said no.
I'm almost 28 now and frankly have seen plenty of life experiences that are so different from mine, so how could I ever know to tell someone if their experiences are valid or not, ya know? So basically thank you for that post because it made me really think.
No problem! You're very welcome. I write these posts to make people think and to kind of inject nuance even if my nuance isn't always effectivly communicated lol. I appreciate asks like this because they give me an excuse to info dump, so here I goooo..
I unfortunately have a lot of experience with running away from my DID label and needing to frame my system in a way that doesn't cause some alters distress while still healing and being in touch with reality enough to be functional because a lot of my coping mechanisms are tangled inseparably from maladaptive daydreaming.
This would (and still does) have me defining and presenting myself in ways that would make my system look fake. I was the "in denial trauma system" these people say endos turn into and frankly this doesn't make me doubt the validity of endos any less. If they are in denial traumagenic systems, that is sooooo personal! You are absolutely correct about the variability of the human condition and how much it really doesn't make a difference how it all looks in the end as long as someone is coping and healing!
To me, the structure, presentation, and way a system forms is such a sacred and sensitive thing that is so different from person to person that it really can't be picked apart and fully understood by strangers in the way people seem to want to do with Syscourse on Tumblr.
I spent most my life (literally childhood on into college) telling people very non ironically that I am an alien. Because I am autistic I was just traumatized by existing in the world, I was born traumatized, and my autism was received as a supernatural occurrence by my abusive mother (a fun story for another day), so I truly have zero memory of ever being a singlet, or even feeling like a human. Therapists and authority figures outright refusing to engage with this aspect of my condition is what actually did me harm.
I didn't actually heal until I found the therapist who approached me with "ah, ok you're several aliens, how interesting! So let's make sure you can human as best as you can while you're here on earth." Instead of "you aren't an alien, and you are one person, grow out of this." And I've tried! I TRIED SO HARD to be a single human and failed, all I have left of that struggle is a nice mask and invader zim-esque "the humans are onto me!" levels of imposter syndrome.
Why would we, after all these years ever tell someone that they should "just stop pretending" because we don't agree with the way their disorder presents? I'd rather just say something like "hey -specific toxic behavior- is causing me distress, if you don't stop I gotta stop interacting with you" and not attack the basis of their entire mental health journey. It took me a while to learn that one so that's why I'm like "young adults please wait till your brain is done cooking before attacking people".
Deep down though I think my opinion on Syscourse and why I spend so much time writing about this comes from the fact that a core component of my systems trauma is being told that I don't really know my(our)self. And to be seeing takes that endos are "lying" by tons of people who are so much younger than I and the people they fake claim is... honestly unsettling to my system for a number of reasons.
And it's not that I ever think of these people as "stupid kids" it's that I think a lot of younger folks with an anti endo stance have yet to develop an understanding that their experience with mental health isn't universal and that life is not black and white. That latter realization being a hard won understanding, especially if you have mental illness of any kind. I just feel so crazy when people on Tungle hell site think their opinion of someones mental health is more important than what that persons therapist says. Like why. Your disordered need to express pain through negativity because you were hurt badly is showing fam.
But yeah in closing, I had a similar conversation with my own therapist about faking and he had a similar "does it matter" take. He also has been very straightforward with how he believes that if there is something someone is doing as a coping mechanism that psychology hasn't explained yet, and that mechanism is working as intended while conflicting with the DSM, there is just more research to be done.
Im reminded of a Ted talk where a linguist basically explained that a word not being in the dictionary, doesn't make it not a word, it just makes the dictionary incomplete. What makes a word a word is it serving a function in language. Humans police the dictionary, not the other way around. My therapist agrees that the DSM and mental health as it happens to people irl is in a similar situation. It's not a mental health Pokedex, it's so your health provider has a road map to go off of and can charge your insurance properly. It's the collection of what we know and we don't know everything.
I really just dream of the world where we don't have to introduce ourselves as systems with a performative defense of a lived fact.
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crazy56u · 1 year
Computer's finally up and running again, so now I get to spend half an hour translating my notes into what might wind up being two text posts due to Tumblr's character limit that I only just now learned was a thing!
In case you forgot, last week, Ziggy got outed as the antagonist, and Ben got knifed.
And already, we're on the Plane Ride from Hell.
Bold move talking about Evil Ziggy while inside the fucking Project.
The leap is going to rely on Google. Ben is fucked.
Not liking that ominous shot of Ian...
Fuck this Grenadine Fucker.
Ben, slap this child already.
Calling it now: Grandma Zelda dies on this flight.
I've never been in an upper floor plane before, but this First Class cabin checks out.
Hey, Ben, maybe don't remind Addison how you almost died last week?
If the handlink is on a "separate system", then Ziggy ain't offline...
Plot Twist: DB Cooper caused the plane crash somehow...
The fucking elevator music...
"Ben, stop being fucking snippy with my, we got a plane crash to stop."
"I hope you choke." If Addison just jinxed the pilot...
Yeah, fuck you, pilot, Ben has Future Google!
Plot twist: Ben has to land the plane.
"What do I do?" "Get back to work! (leaves)"
Oh God, not him again.
I hope Cory dies.
Yeah, I get the Surgeon General exists in the 1970s, but unfortunately, Joe Camel still has his stranglehold on America.
"Why didn't you ask [Leslie] for help?" "Well, I got knifed."
Who the fuck names their kid "Jim Gently"?
Reddit as a plot point, dear God.
Double murder? Definitely DB Cooper.
Like I always say: Coffee is poison.
I love how Addison is getting pissed over Ben refusing to make friends.
I will laugh if it turns out Holly is innocent.
Calling it: Cory is the hijacker.
Pills and burbon, he knows how to party.
Ian is going to go rogue at this rate.
"It's not just about Ziggy-" Correct, it's about averting a plane crash, chop chop.
Ben, punch Cory already.
Ah, Cory has no friends, and he finally has a purpose!
...okay, that made me laugh. Get fucked, everyone, Ben was in the right for not trusting Leslie!
Well, things has turned slightly...
So, Cory technically caused this.
Maybe they crashed the plane to kill Cory?
Ben has to "Air Force One" this shit.
Holly, now's not the time to be mad at Ben.
How is this working?
"I hope for the best for your granddaughter, ma'am. (stands) SHE HAS HEALTH ISSUES!"
"Here, have a gun."
"It's all because of me, isn't it?" Yes.
Oh, fuck, Cory was meant to be the Ben analogue this week.
And Bootleg Abe Vigoda to the rescue!
How did Abe Vigoda's clone not die from that?
Ben is becoming Walter White.
"Ben, fucking make friends already!"
You can tell Addison will never live down her misjuding Leslie as being a friend...
Ben's phoning this in, I see. (ba dum tish)
Night night!
"Cory, you can land this, right?" They are fucked.
"We got five minutes until this plane crashes!" Bet.
Cory, tick tock, choke down that fear of fucking up for once in your fucking life!
BTW, two minutes passed by my estimate.
And Ian finally gets to talk to Ben in the Imaging Chamber!
Ah, Ian patched the Imaging Chamber software, quick and easy handwave.
"Look, I know we have to land this plane, but let's rant about lore!"
My guess is that we aren't being shown Cory fix shit because he's violently crying all the while.
About as clean of a land as when the Foo Fighters did. 5/5
And right on cue, Sleepy Joe wakes up.
And Ben dips once more into the blue.
Lois gets to meet Nixon, oh dear God...
Way to kill the mood, Addison.
Oh, goody, we once again are flying blind.
And Ben is in... the future?
...wait, why is-
"Snowing in LA." ""Nuclear winter..."
...did Ziggy fucking nuke the Project?!
[Alrighty then, Addison got shot, that was my theory about why Ben had to save her, so, well, check that box off...]
Okay, next week is going to go hog-fucking-wild it seems. NBC, I know you already renewed the show, but announce Season 3 already.
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emilyrosediary · 2 years
Hi lovelies, my name is Emily Rose!! I’m starting this blog post on January 2, 2023. Why on a random Monday did I start a blog? Well, hello to anyone this post happens to reach. Butterfly thoughts is a place for my words. A place where I can share my mental health journey, my thoughts on life, and my journey as I exit my teenage years and venture into my twenties. A place I have to look back on and watch my growth. My digital diary. So thanks so much for stopping by, it's lovely to have you!!
Although this blog was started for me, it's for anyone reading this as well.  It's for those who feel completely lost, those who aren't sure how they'll ever recover, those who are content with where they are at, and those who want to grow out of their cocoon. It's truly a space of healing for me and hopefully for you too. 
Though I'd start by sharing my mental health journey in just 2022 (we'll peek back to years prior later on). I started January of 2022 home like every other college student. Spending time with my family, my friends, my church family, and fearing the upcoming semester. I had a picture perfect life from the outside. A seemingly good relationship, good friends who supported and missed me while I was away, an incredible family who loved and cheered me on. Yet, life isn't always as cookie cutter as the outside appearance makes it seem. Internally I was struggling a lot: I stopped taking my medication, I distracted myself to avoid how I was feeling, and I had been out of therapy for way too long. I often refer to this as my caterpillar stage, going through the motions of life without thinking anything else could change, this just is what life is. I returned to university a few weeks later to begin my spring semester. I would consider my load average for a student at my university but with a double major and a minor I felt the load on my plate. It became a lot for me to handle. I quickly began to neglect my friends, stopped eating almost entirely, and skipped class often. I ended up going through a long distance breakup valentines day of 2022. That was the last straw for me; unfortunately, the spiral continued to worsen. February 15th, 2022 was the first time I had held a razor to my skin in my dorm shower. Crying quietly almost the entire day everyday, pretty much never leaving my dorm room, and continuing to harm my body everyday. I had called my mom to tell her I wasn’t doing good and wanted to come home for a visit. She reminded me how strong I was and that I could handle this. About a week later I realized I had been suffering in silence and I wouldn’t survive this episode unless I got help.
So that day I called our college crisis center. It was terrifying. I have heard so many horror stories about horrible things happening in these kinds of offices. But it was a life or death situation. That day I was referred to the campus social worker who told me it would be best to take medical withdrawal from the university till I was better than I could return in the fall semester with a doctor's approval. I sat in her office bawling in disbelief. How did I become such a danger to myself? We are talking about the girl who had her head down grinding to have a PhD in exactly eight years. The one who had spent forever dreaming about college, poured her soul into choosing the correct university, and the girl who worked to give herself the best community while she was there. We called my dad, discussed the options, and then my mom was taking the hour and a half drive to come pick me up. I spent three hours in that tiny office waiting to collect the essentials and leave my college town for the semester. I had some of my friends come and pray over me while I was there and I am forever grateful for them prioritizing me when they had a million other things going on in their lives. I was texting my roomie/best friend the entire time, she was the most reassuring person through all of this and truly my biggest cheerleader.
My mom arrived and we headed down a few blocks to grab my things from the dorm I loved so much. My sweet sweet friends were all there to help me and to say goodbye. All I remember from that whirlwind of an hour was my roommate crying and hugging me as I promised to get better, knowing that girl was my best friend and my rock and we'd never not be friends even if I wasn’t 50 feet away. We began the drive home, except it wasn't home it was to a hospital so I could be admitted for mental health treatment. I cried most of the way there and assured my mom it was just suicidal ideations and i just needed some help. We arrived and got admitted which is where my mom found out I had been harming myself. I watched my parents' hearts break as I told them the whole truth for the first time. I was admitted to the inpatient mental health program at about midnight. I don’t remember a lot of treatment but it was the start of my cocoon stage. I had sheltered myself away as I realized there was more to life than going through the motions and I was meant for more. I spent roughly nine weeks in treatment. I learned a lot about myself (but i'll end up making an entire post strictly off what I learned in outpatient treatment).
I quickly began seeing a therapist and making sure to meet every other month with my psychiatrist to regulate my meds. By April 2022, I began a new job that I loved. I got back into the toxic relationship that I thankfully got out of a few months later for good. I had one friend at home but was good about keeping up with my very busy college friends. I was back to being super active in church and felt myself coming back to life. I felt the cocoon releasing me. In June I turned 19 and by August I had decided college wasn’t for me. After working at the salon for roughly five months, I decided I wanted to continue on a cosmetology career path. This shocked everyone in my life but it was truly one of the best decisions I could have made for myself. The cocoon had released me from its comforting hold and I began to grow into who I wanted to be. At the start of cosmetology school in September, I had no friends at home, I was single, I desperately missed my life at college (not my studies, just my friends and independence), and wasn't sure what was going to happen. At orientation I met the best girl who quickly became my best friend, she felt like someone I should've known my entire life. I began being fueled with so much passion at school and what I was working on and felt pure love from working on my hair all day to going to the salon to work at night. It is weeks full of busy days but I feel myself loving almost every second of it. That's not to say I didn't end 2022 with struggles but it ended with more good than bad. I truly felt myself GROW this year and it was incredible.
Ok so that was a really long explanation of how we got here: the second day of 2023. But I think it's important to see where you start. And that was my starting point. 
The main message I want to share is that you are loved beyond measure and more than is comprehensible. You are special, you matter, and that does not change. EVER! You have a beautiful life ahead of you. And to the person crying on their shower floor with a blade in your hand, don't. It does get better. I am living proof that we do change, we do grow, and we do become the best versions of ourselves. Sometimes the wings get heavy and I need to rest, but I don't stop. It's never too late to keep growing. I love you, and if you need a reason to stay today stay with me. You woke up this morning for a reason. Don't lose yourself, you beautiful beautiful butterfly. 
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maguro13-2 · 3 months
Legacy of Shinra Reboot ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Chapter 1 Remake Pt. 17 ~
Maka Albarn : *snoring*
??? : Maka...
Maka Albarn : Huh? Who's there
??? : It's me, Maka...
[Echo Night - Beyond/Nebula : Track 16]
Maka Albarn : Who...is that?
(An astral projection of Maka's Mother appears)
Maka's Mother : Maka...I've waited a long time.
"Maka's Mother : The Mysterious Woman"
Maka Albarn : O...Okasan?
Maka's Mother : I've waited for my return. I have been observing this planet for many years. You have grown stronger even if you live for the ones that you love you dearly.
Maka Albarn : You've been watching over me this whole time? But you left me with dad and me. I thought you divorced him after he was with any woman.
Maka's Mother : Not divided, I am with your other father, Phanto.
Maka Albarn : Phanto, my other father?
Maka's Mother : He was the one who gave you your powers and I witnessed the horrors of unleashing it. I took good care of you and had both equivalent exchanges to give half of my life to and they half of theirs to me. See this pendent that I gave it to from your father. It was a gift for when you became 13.
Maka Albarn : This pendent? I wonder what's inside of this thing.
Maka Albarn : *gasps in shock* Huh? Is this...this is a photo of me and who is that looks alike me, with the silver hair?
Maka's Mother : That is your sister, Moirai.
Maka Albarn : Moirai, My sister?
[Echo Night - Beyond/Nebula : Track 17]
Maka as an infant : (crying)
Young Moirai : Don't cry, your big sister is here for you! I will help you out. I'm always here and I will save you. Fear not as the great Moirai, will save you.
Maka as an infant : (stops crying, giggling)
Young Moirai : Just let me help and you will stay by my side. That's what sisters are for, Maka.
*flashback ends*
Maka Albarn : I remember, that was the day I was born outside of earth in the summer of 1991. Moirai was there for me and my family, both you, dad, and Phanto, they were all here by her side.
Maka's Mother : You have a good memory, the one that you can never truly forget your past. This is how you were sent on earth to protect those that needed this Planet's safety. But I'll be sure that I will meet you in my return.
Maka Albarn : Your return? How do you know that you're gonna return to meet me in all these years and how are you going to explain this?
Maka's Mother : There will be plenty of time before this planet will be in it's eternal fate when darkness will be unleashed. Farewell, Maka. We will meet again.
Maka Albarn : Okasan, don't go! Okasan!
(the projection vanish)
Maka Albarn : *waking up from dream* Okasan. I humbly owe your gratitude. So it's been like this for over a year since the day I was born from another planet. Jupiter, that's the name of the other planet. Even though, you are still alive. I can't wait to see your face again.
Moirai Albarn : Thanks for that, Maka-chan. You even remember her. Not even you can think about it, maybe it's just your luck.
Maka Albarn : Why thank you I--Oh hey, you are--(gets her head covered in a bag)
(scene changes)
Maka Albarn : Augh! *Coughs out* Where am I? What's going on here!? I don't remember where I am?
Moirai Albarn : Nothing's too much from me, just a one of a kind person.
Maka Albarn : Hold the phone, you are Moirai Albarn correct. The wielder of the scythe, right?
Moirai Albarn : And also Wielder of the blade.
Maka Albarn : You're one of Phanto's kin aren't you?
Moirai Albarn : Nice of you dropping the context to crack the case, Maka Holmes. Or should I say Sherlock sister?
Maka Albarn : *in realization* What the-?
*flashback showing a Young Morai and infant Maka*
Maka Albarn : I remember now, you are my sister!
Moirai Albarn : Checkmate.
Maka Albarn : What are you doing here at a place like this? Just a friendly reminder, how did you even know it was me?
Moirai Albarn : Because you are the one who always stay by my side, you, mom, and our two dad's. So it's been a while that I was able to meet you again.
[Echo Night - Beyond/Nebula : Track 13]
Maka Albarn : Our parents?
Moirai Albarn : You remember them. Mom and our two dads were always been together like this. But still, we are still together as twin sisters, you and I aren't so different after all. Possibly, everyone thinks that I am human, but I'm also Phantonian. Our other father is the ruler of the moon and Earth as well. The name's Phanto, the man who gave you your own blood magic powers.
Maka Albarn : Phanto? Wait, Phanto who?
Moirai Albarn : Don't remember, He came to this planet just to meet Mom and your dad, but he's also our father. We are sisters related by blood.
Maka Albarn : Nothing's too fragile is there, can't believe anything, it's warmth feeling bathes my heart in a crimson light. I feel no sympathy of whether was I drawn into the darkness. I got scared, I don't know who I was before. You simply got a good memory tho.
Moirai Albarn : True that. There's something that you should never tell. Are you really going back to be a hero of Soul Eater? The world of that story is just your imagination, a part of your dream, those don't exist in the real world. The boy who created Soul Eater was still alive and yet his story is still a dream. Heck! The entire Ohkuboverse was all a dream and even lord death himself, who appears to be a heartless,
Maka Albarn : A heartless?
*image shows a Darkside with Lord Death's face on torso*
Maka Albarn : So...Lord Death... isn't Lord Death? Who was he? Why was he here? Why would Shinra created him in the first place
Lord Phanto III : Because he was only an illusion, the Lord Death you know was just a Dokeshi pretending to be him. A charlatan in sheep's clothing or even a wolf can eventually do that.
[Dr Tenma's theme plays]
Maka Albarn : What? Who's there?
*Instant Transmission*
Maka Albarn : Lord Phanto!
Lord Phanto : Hello, Dear Maka. It's been ten years since you unleashed the powers of your blood magic. Capable of humanity's liability from Shinra Kusakabe, you even would be able to still be on your feet again.
Maka Albarn : On the contrary, I did apprehend my test of becoming something that is true. But what do you know about it? Did something happened to this world or is it something that knows about my ancestry.
Lord Phanto : I know, it's the power of our kin. Shattered Resonance, the power to unleash a deadly force that is deadly to all living things that live on earth. Soul Resonance was a liability in both dreams and in reality, Shattered Resonance is the real thing, but Soul Resonance was only a technique powered by Shinra Kusakabe's dream.
Moirai Albarn : Say no more, father. Soul Resonance was just a dumb technique. Powers like that don't exist.
Maka Albarn : Doesn't exist?
[Echo Night - Beyond/Nebula : Track 7]
*multiple images flashing rapidly*
Maka Albarn : Aaaah!
Moirai Albarn : Sister!
Maka Albarn : (holds head in pain) *THUD!* No! My story, my life, my courage...
*more images flashing rapidly*
Maka Albarn : Everything is a lie! *Energy charging*
Lord Phanto : Yes! Show your true power of what you really are. Your anger, your sadness, and your hatred. You are beginning to become even stronger!
Maka Albarn : Why...Why?!
Moirai Albarn : Sister!
*DBZ SFX : Energy flash+powering up*
Moirai Albarn : Sister! You...Your powers can you make that strong. I just got a lay a hand to it, sister. You might be so lucky after all. With that, you will become an unstoppable killing machine! What do you say about that?
Maka Albarn : Can't say for sure, this is the power of my full potential ain't it? Feels good on me, but I wonder if could use it wisely.
Moirai Albarn : You can. But after all of this is over, we will have treats to celebrate.
Maka Albarn : Why did you exist to be having this kind of power? How can you say that Shattered Resonance exist as a power system?
Moirai Albarn : It happened only to girls. You are the one ain't it? So what do you need is that this kind of power that allows you to kill people. Only Targeting on the hearts of others?
Maka Albarn : What? Anyone is either or insane, how can anyone use this stuff to destroy people?
Moirai Albarn : Smart thinking sis, but I best to let you know that people who wanted to hurt you so bad, because I wanted to keep you safe and Makoto was there for you, the boy who saved your life is alive.
Maka Albarn : Makoto is alive? But that amout of energy I killed everyone, but he saved me with the powers of the vibes. He helped me calm down and made my life easier, but the only thing is that my powers are deadly to humans, could that ring a bell?
Moirai Albarn : Could be. Sister, how about it? I challenge you to duel, this is only a test to figure the capabilities of your profound powers. I'm not gonna lay a finger on anyone else, so it'll do, but I might lay one on killing those who dare lay a hand on my sister. So that is why I am not going to kill you, I am really needed to be in top shape.
Maka Albarn : Don't need anything, but sure, I'll take whatever challenge that I got! And it's not gonna be that easy.
Moirai Albarn : Alright then, I'll be your opponent of today and tonight. No changes asked, yep. We are gonna party like it's 1994! *summons blade*
[Stand on the Edge by Mitsuharu Fukuyama & Jun Senoue]
Maka Albarn : Woah! Freaky! It's color matches as the Demon Scythe. That's called the Demon Blade right?
Moirai Albarn : It's a sword and it's our people's blade. The scythe you wield suits you well if you were sword wielder. The first one who will win this duel is the winner.
Maka Albarn : I hope you're ready for it, sister. Cause it's your goal, that's your will of accepting my fate to Soul Eater, so If I'm ready to beat this challenge then you gotta prove it to me. I hope this fight is worthy enough to challenge my own sister. I would be honored to bestow this day of night and our night shall be ours.
Moirai Albarn : The honors is all mine, Sister. Now then...Time to get settled! I won't be holding be back. It's do or die, Maka Albarn!
Moirai Albarn : Just say when, Moirai. You're going down! Here goes nothing! *pulls out her demon scythe* This is a job for scythe wielder Maka Albarn! And I'll prove it to you that I am the best there is!
"A duel between two sisters has finally met their fates."
"Only comprehends to the powers of Heart and Soul."
"And retaliate with the kindled light."
"Two souls destined to meet at once."
"This is the duel between a sword and a scythe".
~ Scene 16 : Sisters Between Bonds ~
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doyelikehaggis · 2 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Mal Bertha x Jay (Descendants)
Requested by anonymous
"Do you remember..." Jay begins to ask, then stops himself with a chuckle, and shakes his head, looking away like it's not worth it.
Furrowing her eyebrows, Mal jabs him in the arm with her elbow. It meets soft muscle, not really hurting him despite other people telling her she has skin like thorns and bones like horns. Whatever that means. Probably just some little scaredy cats, so unimaginative that they always have to find some way to compare her to her mother.
Jay lifts his eyes back to her and she nods encouragingly.
"Okay. It's nothing! Just, you know, standing out here on this balcony, it kinda reminded me of when we would sit on your balcony back on the Isle," Jay says, finishing with a shrug and a look as if to say I told you it wasn't worth it.
But Mal's relieved that he did. She had been thinking the same thing, only she didn't want to say it for fear that she'd come off sentimental and soft. People have been saying that a lot lately, just because she decided that maybe this place isn't so bad. Just because she actually likes learning real things and eating fresh food that doesn't have a week's worth of rot on it, and clothes and beds that aren't dirty and itchy and don't smell like they've been used to stir Goblin stew.
If that makes her soft, then maybe she doesn't mind being a little soft. How does wanting a little bit of comfort and luxury in her life make her any less tough? It's what a lot of the Villains wanted, wasn't it?
Remembering Jay, she casts him a fleeting glance, and catches sight of his disappointment at her silence. She takes a peek back into the room and finds it as empty as it was before; Evie is still getting ready in their room, and Carlos is in the bathroom down the hall trying not to throw up from nerves.
It's just the two of them. Just like back on the Isle.
"Yeah, I remember," she eventually manages to say. She doesn't quite look at him, letting her gaze wander over the horizon instead. There's so much to take in, so many castles and towers and stars. "I was thinking about it as well."
"Hm." Jay's quiet for another moment, and Mal thinks that might be the end of their conversation. Only briefly, knowing him better than that, and being proven correct. "It's weird here, isn't it? All of the people. We actually... fit in. People like us. They genuinely like us, not just because they're scared of us or respect us, but because they want to be our... friends."
The word sounds foreign to both of them.
"Kind of makes me miss it," Mal admits without thinking. She keeps her eyes straight ahead, but she can't help finishing the thought. "Those times on my balcony. It was just us two. We didn't have friends. It was nice. Simple."
Jay laughs, and Mal gives him a strange look. "You know, I've heard that having friends is a good thing," he says, but his features soften out and he rolls his eyes a bit as he adds, "but I can't say I don't agree. We weren't... friends, I guess, but I liked knowing I was the only one you would get into fights for even if you didn't want to."
"And the only one allowed in my tower," she says with a slight smile, recalling only a few of his visits. "Remember when I dared you to spin in a hundred circles then run all the way down the stairs?"
"No," Jay says, his face splitting into a soft grin, "but I do remember the time fell asleep on your floor. You kicked me and told me to go home if I was gonna be such a boring guest."
Mal snorts and turns back to the horizon, watching a lantern float up into the sky, followed steadily by at least a hundred more. She had always wondered what they meant when she saw them lighting up the distant sky from the Isle. She still doesn't know; she hasn't had much of a chance to ask and they haven't gotten to it yet in history or traditions.
"I'd do it again," she says flippantly.
"Do you remember what happened after that?" Jay asks lightly.
She taps the stone railing she's leaning on and hums, sticking her tongue in her cheek as though having to think hard. Her eyes fall to the trees instead as she tries to calm her racing heart.
"Uh, nope," she lies. "Don't think so." Take a leap. "Remind me?"
"I told you I didn't want to go home," Jay says quietly, making her strain to hear him. "I thought you were going to throw me off the balcony or just kick me down the stairs until I rolled right out of the tower."
"Did I?" Mal asks dryly, already knowing the answer.
She accidentally looks at Jay. Auradon suits him better than she ever thought it could, but she can still remnants of the thief from the Isle under the shiny red coat and pristine white button-up shirt, formal black trousers that aren't too short or too long on either leg, and the elegant yet simply bun his hair is tied up in. Fit for a cotillion of his own, she thinks. Maybe he could be granted some kind of title over in Agrabah if he talks with the Sultan, seeing as how his dad kind of had some royal stance for a while, even if it was technically fake.
It takes far too long for either of them to notice that they're simply gazing at each other, and Mal realizes with a slight start that he must have been admiring her in the same way she was admiring him. She flushes hot and suddenly feels too bare in the fancy, flouncy purple dress, with her shoulders and arms out, no gloves to clench for that satisfying crinkle of leather.
"Nah," Jay finally says, his smile growing out of the corner of her eye as he shakes his head. "You kicked me again, told me to get up, so I did, ready to leave. Figured I'd outstayed my welcome."
"Like always," she interjects to cover up the growing flutter in her stomach.
"You told me to get in your bed. Pushed me into it, really, and told me that I was to stick to my side and if I stole all of the blankets, I'd get more than a kick in the leg."
Mal presses her smile into her shoulder and finds herself grateful for the bareness now as the cold skin of it cools her warm cheek.
"You know, I overheard you. When that stupid bird flew in and said he was going to go off and tell your mother that you had let me spend the night. That he was going to tell her you were too soft because you cared about me. And you just told him to go choke on a wrapper."
Mal laughs. "Oh, man, I do not miss Diablo one bit. I hope he is utterly miserable. And that he has choked on a wrapper."
"He could've done it. But you still let me stay, knowing that your mom could have found out," Jay continues, not swayed by her attempt to sidetrack him.
She shrugs again. "I didn't do it for you. I just hated that stupid bird."
Then she catches the look on Jay's face. She sighs.
"And because... I wanted you to have at least one good night's sleep." Jay's face lights up at the confession, his eyes literally sparking like a flame on a dark night and his mouth twitching at the corner. "I originally was just going to leave you asleep on the floor, but I figured you spent enough nights on a floor in your dad's shop."
She rolls her eyes and hastily straightens up.
"Suppose you're going to call me soft? Say I'm stupid and weak for caring? It was stupid," she hurries to say before he can get a word out. "It's not like you cared where you slept, so I definitely shouldn't have."
Jay shakes his head. She worries that if he keeps doing that, he's going to dislodge some hair from the bun and mess the whole thing up. Though, he might look even better like that. Less polished prince and more street rogue, like she's used to.
Even more reason why he shouldn't keep doing it.
"I would never dream of calling you soft," Jay says with a chuckle, making her smile. That seems to have been his goal. "You're none of those things. Truthfully, that night was the best of my life. Every moment that I spent with you was way better than even a second that I spent in my dad's shop, no matter what we were doing."
Mal blinks. While they've always been closer to each other than anyone else in their lives, they've never really been the kind to be so open. They just kind of got each other, understood without saying, and anything they didn't understand, they left unspoken as it wasn't worth saying.
That's how things worked on the Isle. But this is Auradon. Where people talk to each other (sometimes), and they have friends, and boyfriends and girlfriends, and husbands and wives, and they openly care about each other enough to be honest with them to their face about good things, not just the bad.
"I..." She hesitates, unsure of how to proceed into such unfamiliar territory. "Me too."
Jay isn't disappointed by the rather lacklustre response, because he understands all of the unspoken words. He understands that those two words mean everything.
He takes a deep breath in and nods slowly, a beautiful smile taking up half of his face. Mal can't stop looking at him -- she wishes she could, because it's frankly embarrassing to be so openly fond of anyone, but she just can't bring herself to try very hard.
"In that case, I need to ask you something." Jay clears his throat awkwardly. "It's... about Ben. It's just that... you know, the two of you... you're close. Kind of like we were. Before."
Mal frowns, but her lips twitch. "Huh. I guess it is kind of the same."
Jay nods slowly. The spark is dying right in front of her eyes.
"Except, with Ben, I've been acting."
She looks at him properly. His head lifts, a little slow to what she's getting at, but the realization is rising like the sun on the horizon, casting a beautiful light over the shadows. When he's right at the edge, she tilts her head to catch his eyes.
"I was never acting with you," she tells him. Raising a shoulder to her cheek in another half-shrug, she sighs. "With you, it's always felt... right. The way we were -- are. And if the way we are when we're together is how all these couples are together, then... I don't really know what that means, but I think it means something."
Jay's voice seems to have left him as it goes all breathy when he says, "Me too." He mirrors her, leaning his arms on the stone, hands clasped over the edge as they look out at the sky still tinted orange from the lanterns now high enough to touch the stars.
They stay that way, not saying anything, until Evie comes bursting into the room telling them to hurry up or they're going to be late for Ben's coronation. Not that either of them really cares much about it, especially not now that they've all agreed to drop the plan of stealing Fairy Godmother's wand.
Even so, they turn to follow her out as she goes looking for Carlos. Jay stops Mal, then shocks her with a bow so formal that she once again thinks of how well he'd do as a prince, and holds a hand out to her.
"Lady Mal of the Isle," he begins in a fake fancy accent, making her snort a laugh and cover her mouth at the ridiculousness of it, "would you do me the honour of accompanying me to the ball?"
"You're kidding, right?" she asks, but he raises his eyebrows at her and she hastily rearranges her features into a more serious expression of girlish delight. It surprisingly isn't too difficult. "Oh, Lord Jay of the Isle! What a request! How could I ever refuse?"
"You couldn't," Jay says with a cheeky wink.
Mal's tempted to swat his hand away just for the sake of it. But there's another part of her, the one that wins out, that wants to feel what it's like to have his hand in her own. So, she takes it.
"In that case," she says dryly, "I would be honoured."
There's a shout from Evie from somewhere down the hall, accompanied by some rather stubborn protests from Carlos. Mal and Jay exchange an amused glance and hurry out of the room to join them.
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papergirllife · 3 years
Lee Jeno
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'You ease Jeno's frustrations during a late night recording session."
Warnings : unprotected sex, cockwarming, generally quite fluffy.
Word count : 1.8k
You were in your pajamas at 1 a.m. in the morning, still in the company because your boyfriend is trying to record the best version of his verse in the recording booth a few feet away, his black denim jacket draped across your chest to shield you from the cold.
You were going through your own lyrics, making a few changes here and there to make sure the flow of the song suits you, working in a low volume to avoid disturbing Jeno, who was already getting antsy from this certain verse.
When you were done, you placed the pencil on the desk and got up from your seat, walking to the booth where Jeno had his handsome face in a frown.
“You okay, Jeno? Aren’t you cold in here?” you asked as you took his jacket off of you, draping it back onto his broad shoulders.
“I'm feeling fine, you should use it,” Jeno said shortly before he takes it off, putting it onto you again.
“But you're just in a tank, and you have to perform on stages very soon, you can't catch a cold,” you argued before trying to take it off once more, only to be stopped by Jeno’s hands.
“I'm fine, you're the one who's sensitive to the cold, I don't want you to get sick because of me, I didn't ask for you to be here with me, and still you showered and came back here to be with me, I'm sorry for eating up our time, I know I promised to have a night in with you,” Jeno said with a sad tinge to his usually cheerful eyes before reaching out for you, embracing you into his warmth.
“I know how important this comeback is for you, I wanted to stay here with you because I'm stubborn and that's on me, not you,” you said before turning your body to tuck yourself closer into Jeno, giving his bicep a quick peck before burying your head into his neck, the familiar scent of cologne filling your lungs.
Jeno let's out a chuckle at this odd but familiar action, you started doing this since the day Jeno had started working out on his arms more, every little thing he does you’d always be proud of it, which is why you're so different from everyone else, Jeno feels safe with you, the fact that the both of you absolutely adore each other irks his members out, but he doesn’t care, not when he only has eyes for you.
“I love you,” Jeno said without hesitation, it's always been like this for the two of you, saying these three words whenever you felt like it, communication between the two of you has always been good, though it hasn't always been like this.
There was a time at the beginning of the relationship where Jeno only knew how to show his love through actions, fearing that it may seem too pushy if he constantly speaks up about his emotions, being a guy and all, but your reassurance of loving to hear everything he has to say, as well as those doe eyes of yours that always have a hundred percent focus on him, had given him a sense of comfort, and so he now speaks whatever that comes to mind when he's with you, most often 'I love yous', it could be in the morning when you wake up, or moments like this where there are uncertainties in his head, you’re his rock.
“I love you too, Jeno,” you said it back before pulling away slightly to kiss him, pulling him closer again by looping your hands around his nape, playing with the strands of hair there as you bit on his bottom lip gently before feeling a sudden grip on your hip, a gasp falling from your lips just to give Jeno the opportunity to dominate the kiss, getting you right where he wanted you to be, under his control.
Jeno tasted like the chocolate mint balls he was having just now, a mixture of sweet chocolate and invigorating mint clouding your senses, the taste so addictive that you licked at his tongue just to taste more, but soon Jeno pulled away, noticing that you were running out of breath, your forehead lolled against his, a sign that he was all too familiar with.
“Slow down, baby, what's got you so worked up?” Jeno asked as he peppers kisses down your neck sloppily, he knows he can't mark you without your manager lecturing you, so he'll just have to manoeuvre himself to the valley of your breasts, popping open the buttons of your pajamas to reveal that you've worn a set that had no padding, the tips of your nipples would've been obvious it weren't for how loose your shirt was.
“Remember the last time we fucked in here? You had a writer’s block for stronger and 119, I want to be your muse again, Jen,” you reminded him as you trailed your hand at the hem of his tank, palming his abs that you go crazy over, you must be the luckiest girl ever, to find a guy who’s as hot as he’s talented in his career, not to mention the sinful things he does with those dancer hips.
Jeno chuckled at that fond memory, recalling Jaemin’s horrid expression when he found the two of you in such a state.
“You do know that this is ANL right?” gesturing at the lyrics on the stand.
“Which is a highly suggestive yet quite a fluffy song, we have to set the mood in order for you to actually gain some inspiration, no?” you said before you pulled off his shirt, throwing it somewhere behind you.
“Greedy aren't you?” Jeno said as he tips your chin higher to get a good look at you in the dim lights, admiring your swollen lips and the lust in your eyes, all because of him.
“Well, you can't pen my name down for these songs, the least you can do is give me a good fuck to remember it by,” you said with those seductive eyes of yours looking into his hooded ones before reaching down his pants, a jolt from his cock at your freezing hands.
“Whatever my baby wants, whatever she gets am I right?” Jeno said before manoeuvring you to your back facing his, letting your ass feel his hard on.
You placed your hands on the stool that Jeno previously sat in, arching your back for him to easily access the situation.
Jeno pulls your sweats and panties down hanging them onto the stand, you purse your lips at the sight, hoping that none of your arousal gets onto the surface, but before you could make up your mind whether to tell Jeno to place your clothing somewhere else, Jeno had spread your folds with two fingers, a hand coming up to swipe at your slit teasingly before pinching your clit lightly in between his thumb and index finger, combing a moan out of you, legs jolting at the sudden pleasure, you were always sensitive there.
“Fuck, baby, I barely touched you and you’re dripping wet, didn't know you were this worked up,” Jeno said by your ear, his voice a few octaves lower.
Jeno enters two fingers in one go, making you buckle your knees at the sudden intrusion, not expecting it so soon, the feeling of his rough finger pads reaching deep into you, searching for that one spot, and when he found it, it felt like the first taste of heaven, a whimper falling from your lips as you held onto the stool harder, preparing for what's to come.
Jeno thrusted his fingers in a moderate pace before sliding in a third, making a scissoring motion to open you up for his large cock.
When he deemed that you were wet enough, Jeno shoved his pants and boxers down to his knees, impatient for the warmth in between your legs.
Jeno positioned himself at your entrance, pushing in an inch before slamming himself into you.
“Fuck, Jeno!” you could feel how full you were now, and how he fits perfectly inside you, his tip dangerously close to your sweet spot, you just need him to move.
“Jeno, you can move now, please,” you begged, breathless as your mind is still registering the feeling of this euphoria.
Jeno clenches his jaw in concentration before pulling out of your sweet pussy slightly, before thrusting back in, starting a quick and shallow pace, the way your warm walls were clenching onto him was making him lightheaded from the immense pleasure, but he knows he has to get his shit together if he wants to actually finish up recording tonight.
Jeno grips onto your hips as he builds up his pace, pistoning his dick inside of you hard and fast as he hears your screams of pleasure, the sound echoing in this small booth, encouraging him to go faster as he gets addicted to this sweet melody.
You held onto the stool for your dear life as you felt the knot in your abdomen slowly unwinding, a sign that you’re nearing your edge.
“I'm gonna cum, Jen, cum with me, please,” you said before purposely clenching onto his dick.
“Fuck, baby, I’m not gonna last any longer if you keep doing that,” Jeno said in one breath, before focusing back onto chasing both your highs, a hand moving to your breasts to pinch your nipples with the perfect amount of pain, he knows how much of a pain slut you are for him, and that was exactly what pushed you over the edge.
You felt your body convulsing as you orgasmed, the knot snapping free as the screams of Jeno’s name tumble from your lips as you let Jeno continue.
Jeno came only a few sloppy thrusts, after you, biting onto your shoulder as he came, giving a few hard thrusts to ride out both your highs, and just so he could bury his cum inside you, letting both your juices mix.
When both of you were done, Jeno moved your limp body expertly on top of his as he took a seat onto the stool, him still inside of you, your head tucked by his left shoulder, picking up where he had left off just now.
“You're right baby, you really are my muse,” Jeno said before humming a tune, then correcting some errors on the sheet.
“Well, good to know I was helpful, now if you'll excuse me, I need to clean up,” you said before trying to get up.
Jeno's left hand grips onto your hips, restricting you from leaving.
“Stay for a bit, I'm finishing up soon, then I'll clean you up, I'm sure you’re too tired to walk now, get some rest,” Jeno said as he pats your head gently, something he does that oddly lulls you to sleep.
“Okay, just don't overwork yourself,” you said before drifting off to sleep on your boyfriend’s shoulder, your very own human pillow.
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doberbutts · 2 years
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Context: my complaining that my have-always-been-loved dogs are complete weenies for nails STILL after two years of counter conditioning but the traumatized temporary terrier houseguest who started off by screaming like a banshee is now a perfect gentleman for nails under the same protocol of treats and love and cuddles for like a month and a half 🙄
But yes I think both thoughts are correct, honestly. Evander is made of stronger stuff than Sushi or the chihuahuas, but he has known trauma and deep mental scars that make him question whether he should be brave and confident in a situation. He's a terrier, he wants to be a terrier, he wants to be tough as nails and mostly is an ornery bastard. However if something reminds him of the trauma he went through he goes soft as melted butter with the appeasement signals and conflict avoidance. Now that he's not literally aggressively defending himself, the dog underneath all that bluster is truely just a dog that should be strong that had his spirit broken by too harsh a hand.
The girls, on the other hand, are much more delicate. They are confident in their everyday lives, but Sushi's constant state is soft as melted butter and the chihuahuas only get bits and pieces of that terrier butthead temperament. Sushi has no conflict avoidance because Sushi does not know what conflict is lmao she's a pushover and a bit of a doormat but she takes everything in stride and even when something challenges her confidence (scary doctor stabbed me with a needle 😩 the trash can has Moved from its spot and that's suspicious 😩 why does the little dog bark at me so 😩) she recovers quickly and returns to soliciting pets and melting.
So it stands to reason that the dog that actively wants to meet a challenge headon and grins at the oppurtunity to do so is capable of recognizing that the dremel means incoming treats and thus relaxes and curiously watches as I do his feet (helps that he has one less foot to trim than the others...) and meanwhile my dogs that don't really want to think within a conflict-based system feel the conflict of "unlimited yummy treats but also Sensory Bad on my feet" and really don't enjoy their time. They don't screech or thrash like Evander did initially, but they're stiff and leaning away and still sometimes try to pull their feet from my grip, which tells me they might tolerate it but they certainly aren't having fun.
On the other hand, there is also some truth to challenging dogs to make them stronger in their confidence, as that's at least 30% of protection training lmao. Not that I recommend traumatizing dogs in order to raise their confidence, just that IF you can get a dog over that hump often times you'll see the confidence skyrocket because they understand that things aren't as bad as That Bad Memory. I saw this all the time with my fearful clients, with dogs that hid under the chair/behind their owners the first class or two. By the end of the full 18 week schedule generally speaking that dog had switched gears and become a bully, and needed to be taught instead how to temper their newfound confidence so they didn't steamroll anyone else.
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lilacsandamethysts · 3 years
Salvation or Condemnation?
Pairing: Kazuha x fem!Reader (she/her pronouns)
Summary: He may have either doomed or saved her. Would she had been better off away from him, back home? Or would she hate him for leaving her behind?
Warnings: light SPOILERS FOR INAZUMA, second guessing your decisions, mentions of death, SPOILERS for Kazuha's story
A/n: Okay so I'm at this point in the archon quest where I can't beat the final boss and I just keep dying. My characters aren't on a high enough level and oiahoihia send reinforcements.
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“Paimon was wondering,” It was their second day on the ship, halfway across the ocean from Liyue to Inazuma. Both the Traveller and Paimon had been very talkative and friendly with the crew, joining in on their card games, watching the waves with captain Beidou and making conversation with a certain fugitive on board. And that’s where they find themselves; sitting alongside Kazuha on the edge of the quarterdeck who seemed to have become gloomy after they set off. “You must have left more people behind when you fled Inazuma. Aren’t you excited to see them?” The samurai’s eyes widened at the question, glistening over with memories of old for a moment before focusing back on the waves.
“No, not really.” He sighed, letting his eyelids fall shut as the breeze rustled his hair. “I had one person I cared for, very deeply. When time came for me to leave, against my better judgement, I took them with me.” He sighed again and turned his head towards the crew this time, eyes focusing on one individual in particular. “I am not certain I made the correct choice.”
“Oh! Are they here? Paimon wants to-” A hand came over the pixie’s mouth, shushing her immediately while the owner of said hand gave her a pointed look. Kazuha couldn’t help but laugh at their antics, admiring their relationship as it reminded him of his own back when things were less dangerous and more carefree.
“It’s quite alright my friend. You have met my companion dear Paimon, she beat you at poker on the first night.” A gasp escaped the pixie, brows furrowing as an unpleasant expression took hold of her features. She stomped her leg in the air three times before crossing her arms and looking away. Kazuha could have sworn he saw a stormcloud form over her head. “She has adapted quite well to this life, although to be honest she has always been versatile in these matters. As long as her loved ones are happy she is as well.” She is a kind soul and thankfully Inazuma’s cruelty has not damaged her pure nature. Kazuha has always held her in a special place in his heart, ever since she became his friend she made him lose himself. He remembers his friend talking to him about soulmates after their first encounter poking fun at the blush that still stained Kazuha’s cheeks hours later. He also remembers his friend’s sincere words about her: “She loves you, it’s evident from the way she looks at you. Protect her. Keep her safe. You wanted a goal in life, well, you’ve found it.” His heart clenched painfully at the memory inside his chest. So much has happened since that conversation; back then keeping that promise, keeping her safe, away from harm's way seemed as an easy task. Now? Now he fears he has only put her in more danger.
“She seems happy. Why would you question your decision?” Paimon asked. “Ah?! Did you kidnap her? Is that why you left Inazuma?” A belly laugh escaped his lips making him double over for a few seconds. Oh he is telling her about this later.
“She could easily disarm me, I wouldn’t want to get on her bad side.” He laughed lightly again, his eyes searching for her amongst the crew before finally settling on her form as she talked to Beifou on the other side of the ship. “Her home was a small encampment on Yashiori Island. She was so far away enough from the vision hunt, she could’ve easily run away if they ever came for her.” He sighed again this time pinching his nose as a headache started to form. “The logical solution would have been to leave her there with her people and pray she had a pleasant life. My judgment got clouded however. I stopped thinking clearly once my friend was killed and I saw with my own eyes what losing a vision could cause.” He took a long pause. Neither the Traveller nor Paimon could possibly understand the whole situation, how desperate he was to ensure she was okay. The first couple of days after his friend’s death he didn’t sleep, he didn’t stop moving until he reached the outskirts of her camp and there, once he saw her exit her tent, he collapsed. He woke up three days later with a damp cloth on his forehead and a hand gently clasping his. It took him another three days to convince both her and her people that he was healthy enough to travel; that he’ll be okay on his own while leaving Inazuma. Two months later he was back in Yashiori Island, sneaking her out and into Beidou’s ship, executing one of the most reckless plans he had ever come up with. “Did you know that electro visions have almost eclipsed? No one from the new generations has one, the Raiden Shogun has stopped blessing anyone with her vision.”
“But Paimon saw-”
“That she has an electro vision.” He sat slowing on the deck, his elbows resting on his knees and head leaning on the wood behind him. “I’m suspecting she is the last that was bestowed with it.” It was during the second time visiting when he found out she had finally gotten her vision. It was her 16th birthday and Kazuha had decided to pay her a birthday visit only to trigger her vision causing an explosion the moment she saw him. It was quite the spectacle; lightning erupted from the earth itself wrapping around her arms and legs as she moved. She was as beautiful as a goddess at that moment. “The Raiden Shogun knows who she blesses. She knows that my love was the one who took the last electro vision. Her arrest warrant was bound to happen. The night we fled together was the night before the Tenryou Commission would come to collect her. My mind could only come up with one solution back then.” It was a desperate move made by desperate folks. He wouldn’t allow her to suffer a vision loss and she wouldn’t allow him to leave on his own. They are both stubborn and the argument that erupted that night was unforeseeable. A hand was placed on his shoulder, giving him a gentle squeeze. The Traveller’s eyes were like burning embers and he felt them pierce his soul with one simple gaze.
“You did what you thought was right. You are both alive and well. Dwelling on possibilities that could have been will get you nowhere.” And with that they stood up and left, descending the stairs just as someone ascended. And soon enough he was accompanied by none other than the one he loves most. His kindled flame. She leaned her head on his shoulder letting the sun reflect on her skin warming her up from the chilly breeze of the sea.
“What did I miss?” Her voice was like honey to his ears, causing him to practically melt and lean his head on her own.
“Just that I love you.”
“It’s never ‘just’ with you!”
“You’re also my hostage, a damsel that caught my eye and is now held against her will on this pirate ship.”
She burst out laughing, tears forming at the corners of her eyes causing him to lose his self control and join her. Their laughs mixed with the sounds of the sea chasing all his worries away.
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beclynn-herondale · 3 years
Similarities that I see between Jace and Céline
(these are just my thoughts. Press read more to see them.)
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↑ this chaotic energy. You think he got it from Stephen? Nah.
Her anxiety reminds me of Jace's. And like their thought process was similar in ways.
They both struggled with belonging.
Céline corrected Robert when he said "Just like a warlock. Always for sale."
And Céline was like "Always on sale."
Again Jace energy.
Céline knew Amatis, Stephen's wife. At least, she knew enough. Amatis was sharp-tongued and stuck up. She was opinionated, argumentative, stubborn, and not even that pretty. There were also rumors that she still secretly associated with her werewolf brother. Céline didn't much care about that—she had nothing against Downworlders. But she had plenty against Amatis, who obviously didn't appreciate what she had. Stephen needed someone who would admire him, agree with him, support him. Someone like Céline. If only she could make him see that for himself.
Jace's smile was as bland as buttered toast. "Go on, go after him. Pat his head and tell him he's still your super special little guy. Isn't that what you want to do?"
But he couldn't look at Simon without wanting to kill someone.
“And even back then, in that stupid coffee shop. When I saw you sitting on the couch with Simon, even then that felt wrong to me—i should have been the one sitting with you. The one that made you laugh like that. I couldn't get rid of that feeling. That it should have been me.”
↑ Their bitterness, anger, jealousy, and envy towards the person who had the person they wanted and in general has the same energy in my opinion.
They both were angry and jealous of people who had it better or they considered to be good—Like, that was why Jace hated Simon so much at first, because Simon was everything Jace thought he'd never get to be, he just didn't realize it.—And Céline was angry of the kids in the academy who had loving parents and good childhoods, and weren't damaged like she was—they both were angry because somebody was someone or had something they thought they'd never get to be or have. (In Céline's case she never actually got it, not really.)
They both like to wander around when upset.
They both aren't too fond of the Silent Brothers. And I think that has to do with their head being full of certain things they don't want others to know, and the Silent Brothers speak in your mind, almost like they're reading your thoughts.
They're both observant, which could be from growing up in abusive and toxic environments but could also just be they're observant people.
They both can tell when someone is off. We see this when Céline sees through Valentine's mask. Jace often saw through the lies of people in TMI and still does.
And the both hate being pitied. Like it angers them when people pity them, we see that with Jace quite often in TMI, but we see it when Dominique says this: “Every Downworlder in Paris knows about poor Céline Montclaire, wandering the city like a murderous little Éponine. We all feel a little sorry for you.”
And then Céline thought this: Céline lived with a steady, secret simmer of rage, but now she felt it boiling over.
↑ Again, the above reminds me of Jace. He lived with anger that he kept under control but would boil over when triggered.
They're both sensitive. And get hurt easily.
“I wish I could be more like you,” she admitted.
In what sense?
“You know, just shut off my feelings? Feel nothing. For anybody.”
There was a long pause, and she wondered if she had offended him. Was that even possible? Finally, his cool, steady voice spoke.
This is a wish you should dispense with. Feeling is what makes us human. Even the most difficult feelings. Perhaps especially those. Love, loss, longing—this is what it means to truly be alive.
“I think—my father was sorry he had a parabatai,” he said. “Now I have to go live with a man my father was sorry about. I don't want to be weak, I don't want to be sorry. I want to be the best.”
If you pretend to feel nothing, the pretense may become true, said Jem. That would be a pity.
↑ They both wished to feel nothing, and had Jem tell them that wasn't as great as they thought. But they both still desperately wanted to not feel.
When she was a child, her parents had often refused her iratzes after training sessions, especially when her injuries were caused by her own mistakes. Let the pain remind you to do better next time, they told her. All these years later she was still making the same mistakes.
“No! it's better for your parents not to know it happened at all. It was just bad luck that one of them got me. I'm a good fighter,” Jonathan protested sharply.
“It's my fault I got hurt,” said Jonathan. “I know excuses are for incompetents. It won't happen again.”
↑ this bit on making mistakes, or when getting hurt.
Céline always carried a misericord blade.
↑ Reminds me of someone else who always carries blades.
They both were aware of the consequences of putting a rune on someone that they weren't 100% sure were Nephilim, and it was different circumstances but they did it anyway. Jace gave Clary her first rune and Céline gave Rosemary her first rune (I think).
More furious at her own instinct for mercy. After all, her parents had never shown any to her. Her parents had done their best to teach her that mercy was weakness, and cruelty was strength.
Jonathan said the word "weakness" with horror. Jem wondered what a man who had drilled a boy to fight like that might have considered weakness.
↑ Mercy, kindness, gentleness, etc. Was taught as weakness to them both growing up.
They both hate being predictable. Kinda like when Rosemary knew Céline would keep her secret. Céline hated that she knew that. Remember in CoA when everyone was guessing that Jace said no to Valentine, and he hated it.
They both never really felt like they were ever a kid. Because again, the environment they grew up in forced them to grow up faster than they should have. Which is why Jace didn't think of himself as one when he threw himself into battle.
like Jace I don't think Céline liked to upset the balance of things, meaning they don't pry and don't pressure. Which often gets them labeled as "not too bright" or "unobservant" they're both observant, they just don't say it out-loud. Jace is definitely like this, but I see Céline as this too. Stephen said she always needed to be told what to do, but I don't think it was that exactly, I think she just didn't like to upset things. Which growing up in an abusive and toxic environment does that. But I think it's also just part of who they are.
That sweet and obedient daughter of the provençal countryside. They knew how devoted she was to her parents. Such a dutiful daughter.
↑ Valentine often called Jace his obedient son. I see Jace in this part as well. Sebastian called him Valentine's "sweet boy."
She could close the door on the past, start again. She could choose a life without pain, without suffering or fear.
But who would she be without pain?
This also reminds me of Jace. Obviously he did end up choosing to walk away from Valentine. But there are times he doubted, because in reality he himself didn't know who he was without the pain he'd experienced, without his past with Valentine. And they both believed that the pain and suffering had made them stronger. Jace later knows that isn't true, but I see the similarity there.
They're both said to have vulnerability about them that made you wan to protect them. To keep them safe. Jocelyn said you couldn't really hate Céline, and I think it's kinda the same with Jace.
Both of them refused to ask for help. Thinking they could do it all on their own.
Céline could tell how much it hurt—and how determined the woman was to reveal no pain. She knelt by her side. Rosemary flinched away. “Let me see—I can help."
“Tell me what happened first.” She tried to yank her wrist back, but his grip was incredibly strong. “I can help you.” — this is in Clary's pov.
↑ Their willingness to help the pretty stranger they didn't know.
They both often felt they didn't have a choice in some things.
They both felt achingly alone at some point. And very much misunderstood.
The thought of losing the only family they ever had scared them, and they were willing to do anything to keep them. Even if in Céline's case hers wasn't that real.
They were both said to be beautiful, and breakable. Fragile almost. These were Jocelyn's words. That beautiful things were easily broken.
They both grew up denied of love and care.
Céline had low self esteem in a lot of areas. We often see Jace as the confident character who doesn't have insecurities or low self-esteem. but he does. Jace didn't like himself, his looks don't play a part here, he didn't like himself. He actually didn't feel good enough or worth much, that's why he made so many superiority jokes, because he truly didn't feel good enough but had to make everyone believe he did. Céline didn't feel good enough either, but she tried not to let it show.
Their childhood gave them bad coping mechanisms and suicidal tendencies. They both self harmed in ways, believing that pain made you stronger is one of them.
We often look over the fact that while some of Jace's mental struggles did come from the trauma of his childhood and growing up around war, that he was already at a high risk with a mother who experienced similar things. Because if you have a parent who has mental illness the offspring are at higher risk of developing one. And his childhood didn't help with that.
And we know what they both truly wanted was to be loved and safe. Really. Jace always thought he wanted to fight all the time, but by the end of tmi he realized he just truly wanted to be happy and left alone, he just wanted Clary and his family. Céline wanted that too, but she never got it.
You all realize they would understand each other, right? Like if Cassie ever did something where they somehow met, Céline would understand Jace and he would understand her.
Céline would have never raised Jace with anything but love and care. She would have made sure he never knew a childhood like hers. But he did. He ended up knowing what that was like. And it would have broken her even more to know that.
But she would probably stab Valentine in the face, which I'd like to see.
Friendly reminder that Jace looks like her around the eyes (no I won't shut up about this.)
There's probably more but until we learn more we won't know. Just remember he may be a Herondale but Céline is also there.
@khaleesiofalicante I tagged you 😎
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