#her and. totter.
arkiwii · 1 year
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I can't believe all it took was to complain on Tumblr
Here she is. After 133 pulls.
laughing and crying at the same time rn i can finally be at peace with myself. that's it i got all the birds they're all home
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dve · 6 months
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Harrow the Ninth, p. 425 / Harrow the Ninth, p. 475
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dreadark · 2 years
arknights names are funny because you have people named bagpipe and asbestos walking around, but then you realize most of them are codenames so it’s not that weird, but then you find out earthspirit’s real name is Glacier so actually who knows
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slashingdisneypasta · 10 months
Incorrect Quote
Y/N, arms tied behind her back in the back of the dodge panel truck: Ooh, can someone please stamp my frequent kidnapping card??
Greasy: You of all people know we discontinued that promotion.
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whispeyrains · 3 months
New summer skins means more staring at Typhon and Reed's tails wondering how exactly those fit while they're in their swimsuits 🤔
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poughkeepsies · 1 month
one thing about me is you put me in a room with a bunch of queer kids and I will become their overlord in five minutes flat
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grison-in-space · 2 years
I am at the emergency vet with Tribble waiting to hear what in god's name is wrong with her GI tract so asks are welcome as a form of distraction
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
Watching the Terror and rewatching it fills me with so many conflicting emotions bc on one hand ‘Crozier !!! Ilyyyy 😚 ur so handsome :3’ but also god I do not wish to see these men carry on any longer bc I know what’s coming for them and no matter how many times I come back to it I still find myself wishing that things could have been different. Not to mention the starting scene already informs you that not a single one of these dudes makes it out which on ur initial watch is still gut wrenching bc u spend sm time with them over the span of the season :’)
God I could talk about it forever but this message is already long enough lolol
god my freind don't even WORRY about it but BIG FUCKIN MOOD!!! back when it was on hulu and I could stream it whenever I goddamn liked (may she rest forever in fucking peace and may the studio execs who made that decision forever sleep with one eye fucking open) I could usually make it to about ep 8 in a night before I'm like "ok enough of that now :)". the rest is just. too painful. but also huge mood because the croze is just so insanely handsome the entire time. I can't look away. not when he's out here looking like this:
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but on the rare occasion when I DO watch the ending god... I mean it always strikes me how much my mind always goes over the 'what if's and how so much of what happened could have been prevented if only they did x y and z but... I always wonder could it REALLY have changed anything? considering the absolute dire straits they were in like??? how much really could even the small actions have changed? or even large ones? like sure. hickey not being in the picture (which honestly I feel is one of the biggest hinging factors- I mean without hickey irving maybe makes it back with life saving seal meat- help from the netsilik folks) which could have solved a lot of problems but even then if not him who's to say someone else wouldn't have been just as monsterous? there certainly were plenty of men capable of that. And idk. I feel like at least for me also that's what makes the lady terror fic worth writing and mulling over. like how much could just a few small or big differences really change? Would it matter? it's a hell of a thing to think about...
... but then again yeah god crozier hot. crozier so so so SO hot. too busy thinking about that now. yes lets go back to the beginning and watch him be hot and sexy and correct.
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safespaceshapes · 1 year
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I'm leaning heavily into 2 rn, but other than THAT--
Im so so SO excited for this design. I'll never draw it again. Feast your eyes upon it.
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pulchramsolis · 2 years
continued from here @fyredreamt
For as loving as Abby can be, it is rare that she fully admits to anything about how she's feeling. Appropriate emotions like gratefulness, gratitude, joy, pleasure - those are all fine. The storm raging within her, ugly with misery and confusion and fear, is not appropriate. It isn't part of the person she wants to be for those around her. Oh, Abby could be moody, but she recalls her mother's serene face, and calm voice, and tells herself that is how she must be at all times.
It feels indescribably selfish to lament and complain to Helaena, when she will be queen, when she's in a loveless marriage with her brother, with children who will never be able to acknowledge their true father. Yet, she has come this far, and in the gentle gaze of her sister's eyes, she knows she can not just throw this back at her, and say that she's fine, that she will want what they've chose.
I'm sorry, dear Helaena says. Abby thinks it's not just for this, but for everything. Everything that was not Helaena's choice, that she never held against her, and yet there is the envy that curls inside of her chest that she knows is a twin flame in the princess.
Too young. They were all too young to stop the wheel from rolling down the hill. Now all they can do is keep it on course - their course, and hope for the best.
She lifts Helaena's hands and presses another kiss to her knuckles, squeezing in reassurance and telling herself - allowing herself to be open and accept this.
"I want my parents," she whispers fervently with a child's wish and long spun grief. If her father had not died, would any of this had happened? The world would have been perfect, she likes to think, had Lyonel Strong not perished so.
Another deep breath and she blinks. The tears are there, but they do not fall, only linger on her lashes and she meets Helaena's violet eyes with her own bluebell gaze. "I want Aegon," she says with a woman's want, of a heart craving what it has been denied. There is longing there, and tears, and it's the first time she ever truly admitted her desire. "I don't want to leave any of you. This is my home, you are all my family. To be torn away from you, I think it might be what ends up killing me." It might be dramatic but it is how painfully her heart aches. "I love Aemond as dearly as I loved my own brother, and this is not so terrible, truly. We have love and friendship, and that is far luckier than many others have." For even if Helaena and Aegon's marriage was not as good, there was still love there, of siblings stuck in this together.
Her lower lip trembles and she catches it for a heartbeat, and lets herself calm and breathe. To just simply breathe. "Right now the world feels like it's ending again, but it will pass eventually. I..." Another shuddering breath. "I would not dishonor you without asking first. If I could... If I may tell Aegon and..." She's at a loss of words of how to say it. "If I may tell Aegon and perhaps find my own bright lining in this." For Aemond had Helaena, that was what would get him through this. It didn't make marrying someone else any easier and she knew that the other pair knew this.
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southislandwren · 1 year
Yeah I stayed up until 9 yeah I cried at work because I got hit in the face with a wet sloppy tail and I’m back in a funk despite literally skipping a shift this week BUT I made INSANNNEEEE progress on the Depths
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jasmines-library · 7 months
Hey! i just wanted to say that your work is phenomenal! You got me sobbing in bed at 3 in the morning. I was wondering if I could request a Batfam x child!Wayne!Reader (maybe 4/5 years old) and what they’re all like (individually) when picking her up from school? In her class, they were learning about the great Batman, and all the hard work he does for the city, keeping everybody safe and whatnot. And obviously, she’s too small to know Bruce is Batman.. how would they all react to little baby Wayne rambling about cool Batman who has his own car and sidekick? I’d imagine she’s a very talkative kid, very sweet and friendly, and a very big-Daddy’s girl, but it’s completely up to you.
Thanks for listening to my rambling.. and keep up your awesome work!
Baby Wayne
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Note: This is one of the most adorable requests ever anon! Thank you for requesting and thank you for your kind words. I hope I’ve done your request justice.
He could see the smile on your face from the doorway. Bright and beaming as you sat cross-legged on the floor, leaning forward to listen to your teacher. The second you saw him lingering in the doorframe however, the smile grew and you were up on your feet in seconds and tottering over to him.
Wrapping your arms around his legs you hugged him tightly and looked up at him with big eyes. Picking you up and resting you on his hip, Bruce pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Hey sweetheart. Good day?”
You nodded excitedly, clinging to your dad. “We learnt about Batman today!” You exclaimed.
Bruce couldn’t help the small smirk that crept onto his face. You were still too young to know about his identity and he did well to keep it from you. You were always exploring and wondering off in the manor. He was sure you would make a fine vigilante one day, but for now he was keep to keep you sheltered.
“Oh really?” He raised a brow.
“Yep!” You said, popping the ‘p’. “He’s awesome! He has a cool car and side kicks! And he keeps the city safe! He’s super cool.”
Bruce bounced you up in his arms, savouring the joy in your voice. “Is that so?”
“Uh-huh.” You nodded. “When I grow up I wanna be just like him Daddy!”
“I’m sure you will be kiddo.” Bruce smiled. “I’m sure you will.”
He was waiting by the school gates, leaning up against the metal framing when your class came piling out of the doors. Bruce was out on a meeting, so he was tasked with collecting you from school, which of course he had no problem doing.
When you saw him, he made his way over slowly, watching as your face lit up at the sight of him and you came running over him with your bag hanging halfway off one shoulder.
“Dick look!” You beamed crashing into him as you ran a little too fast. Moving away you pointed to the yellow and black sticker you had plastered to the hem of the coat.
Dick crouched down to your height. “What you got there, squirt?”
“It’s the bat signal.” You announced proudly. “We learnt about it in class today.”
“You learnt about Batman?” Dick asked. He had wondered how long it would be until you began to learn about what they did.
“Yes we learnt about all of the heroes. But Batman is my favourite because he saves the city and he has a sidekick!” You grinned “Robin! I like him too.”
Dick hid his little grin by tussling your hair. He couldn’t wait for you to learn more.
Seeing Jason picking you up was a nice surprise for you when you finished class. You were ecstatic to see him and ran up to him squealing.
“Jay!” You giggled and he picked up and spun you around in the air. “I missed you.”
He had been away on business. You had constantly been asking Bruce about when you would see him again. You had began to miss his face at home.
“Guess what we’ve been learning about!?”
“Hmm.” Jason bit his lip pretending to think “pirate ballerinas”
You placed a playful hit to his chest with a laugh. “No silly. Batman!”
A-ha. Jason thought. this would be interesting. He wondered how much you had been told, though he doubted no matter how much you had learnt, that you had managed to piece things together.
“Was it good?” He asked you.
“It was great! He saves all of the people and is a real hero!” You said waving your arms animatedly. “He’s so brave!”
“He is.” Jason agreed. “Just like you little Wayne”
Tim found you doodling at one of the tables in the library. You had an array of colours sprawled out in front of you as you scribbled on the pieces of paper infront of you.
He peered over your shoulder trying to catch a glimpse of your drawing. You had draw stick figures, which made it hard to go by but even with your messy doodles he could make out the distinctive domino masks of the Robin and the black of Batman’s suit and cowl. He knew them like the back of his hand, so it was no surprise.
“What you drawing, kiddo?” He asked you.
You gripped the drawing with your hands and held it up proudly to him. “Batman and Robin. We learnt about them in class so I wanted to draw them.”
“It’s very good kid.” Tim told you, handing you back the drawing of the lopsided people only for you to hand it back to him.
“Can we put it on the fridge?” You asked curiously “I want to show it to Dad. I bet he thinks Batman is awesome too!” You blabbed “do you think he will like it, Timmy?”
“I’m sure he will.”
Dami was reading in the library when you plonked yourself beside him. Well…kind of. You struggled up onto the couch first.
“What are you doing?” You frowned, trying to read see over his shoulder.
He was reading up on one of Gotham’s villains that was causing havoc in the city. His first instinct was to shut it so you couldn’t read any of it…but then he remembered that you were still only learning to read.
“I’m reading a book on Batman.” He half-lied, setting the book to one side so you could clamber into his lap.
“Ooh I like Batman too.” You nodded.
Damian frowned. You weren’t supposed to know about that yet. “Where did you learn about him?”
“At school.”
Damian relaxed a little.
“He has a super cool cape! And a big car that he drives really fast around the city to stop the bad guys!”
“Sounds dangerous.” Damian smirked.
“Yes…” you trailed off. “But he is allowed to do it because he is Batman.” You decided.
“Is that right? He teased.
I hope that was okay! I hope you don’t mind that I changed it a little at the end: I didn’t want it to get too repetitive.
@aestheticdaisies @hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx @mamapucket @hell-o-kittys @harleycao
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frogstappen · 5 days
𝐳𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐯𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐭, 𝐧𝐥
best friend!max verstappen x reader / 3k
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you watch max's home race from the red bull garage.
⚠️: description of major crash, some mentions of injury. sickly sweet friendship with a hint of something more. jealous!max, soft!max, cheeky!max.
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“I got some snacks for you. Where are the –?”
The bag rustles as you lift it. “Pretzels. Got them.”
“And you know where the bathroom is? Out that door, down the corridor –”
“Max,” you push his arm down, “You know who we sound like right now?”
His eyebrows lift. “Who?”
You giggle. “You and GP. Radio, check. Headset, check. Bathroom, check.”
Max sighs, propping a hand on his hip. He pinches the bridge of his nose. “Just – listen to me, please, okay?”
“I’m going to be fine,” you assure him. “I’ve watched you from the garage a thousand times before.”
“Yeah, well, you haven’t been down here in a while. I’m just making sure.”
The track is already deafening. The roar of tens of thousands of bloodthirsty Formula One fans isn’t quite as earthshaking as that of twenty racecars – but Jesus, there’s not much in it.
The attendance in Zandvoort this weekend has reached well over three hundred thousand. Earlier, you stood out front to watch the drivers’ parade with some of the team.
Max lifted his head as the bus turned the last corner and trundled down the main straight. The crowd thundered all around. He caught your eye and, with a smirk, lifted a waggling hand – and you felt your bones vibrating with the cheering.
An orange sea parted by a strip of black asphalt; they twirl flags between thick clouds of tangerine smoke. They paint their faces and wave their banners, topple their drinks with the thrill that just a half-second glimpse at their Dutch Lion ignites.
Formula One fans go hard. Max Verstappen fans go harder.
An assistant taps Max’s shoulder. She flicks up the mic on her headset as he turns. “Three minutes to anthem.”
He nods, and she totters off.
“Promise me,” he takes hold of your elbows, “that you’ll stay right here. I’ll find you after, okay? One of the guys will bring you to the podium.”
“Confident,” you snort, though his expression tightens.
Your phone buzzes on the desk. You flip it over and the screen lights a name adorned with a heart emoji. Beneath, a picture of the classic overhead of the grid, stretched across a flatscreen TV.
Bet your view is better than mine! Miss you. X
Max grumbles, grabbing his balaclava. “I should go.”
“Hey, wait.” You tug on the sleeve of his suit, dangling from his waist.
He sways back into your side, the weight of him familiar and gentle. “Mhm?”
“Have a good one, okay? Be safe.”
“Safe?” He smirks, toying with the cord of your headset. “That’s no fun.”
“I’m serious, Max. Don’t be a dick.”
Okay, he mouths, patting your head. “Speaking of dicks,” he taps your phone, “Better reply.”
His head tilts back in laughter when you shove him off, and he swaggers out of the garage. An assistant hoists a parasol in the air and scurries down the pit lane at his side.
He’s so calm, you think, that he may as well be out for a Sunday drive. It comes naturally enough to him.
He’s on pole today. The car has been good, Max’s form even better. The sky is clear (save for the fans’ fluorescent flares), and there’s no chance of rain – though, sometimes, you find yourself praying for it.
He’s Dutch, okay? The rain is always on his side.
It’s been a decent weekend, for once. No hiccups, no setbacks. He’s soared his way around the track, producing lap after perfect lap. The way he always does, when he knows you’re somewhere nearby.
His lucky charm, since his first go around a karting track. So Max says, anyway.
He’ll say it with humor; that wit of his that you’ve learned like a second language. Still – sometimes, after his hardest races, his toughest battles, he wraps his arms around you tight enough to convince you that he might just be telling the truth.
Just for a moment.
You’ve been best friends for as long as you can remember. Never one without the other; always whispering into each other’s ears or otherwise communicating through flashes of eye contact, kicks under the table.
Wherever he goes, you go. You bicker like a married couple, and trust each other much the same. From the school playground to the Circuit de Monaco – and everywhere in between.
The orchestra swings to life, sending the sound of Wilhelmus skyward. Onscreen in the garage, the camera focuses in on Max: calm, composed, staring off down to the first corner like it’s his next meal.
Nothing has ever happened between you. Not really. No secret rendezvous nor dear diary crushes. Once, and only once, a chaste kiss during a high school game of spin the bottle.
It was about as awkward as it should’ve been. This quick, electric shock of a kiss. Over all too soon and not soon enough. He tasted like the lager he’d been drinking. He steadied himself with a hand on your thigh.
You sat back on your heels, wiped your lips with the sleeve of your sweater, and aped Max’s look of disgust. You snickered with your girlfriends as the circle moved on – but anytime you snuck a glance at him, he was already looking straight back.
He never brought it up again, though – and so neither did you. As far as either of you were concerned, it never happened. You’re just friends.
Best, best friends.
This new guy you’ve been seeing – you met him in a bar in London. He said he liked your dress, said he liked your smile, then offered to buy you a drink. It’s been no more than six weeks, but Max had already quietly decided his thoughts over summer break.
He’s a nice guy, he said, deliberately bumping his rubber ring into yours.
You pushed away from him, floating across the pool. Nice? That’s all you got?
What do you want me to say? I’m not the one dating him.
I just don’t believe that nice is all you have to say. You’re not that good at pretending. I know you too well, Verstappen.
Okay, fine. Too much styling of the hair.
Too much…What?
Yeah. And he wears weird shoes.
Well, he likes F1. Said he’s a fan of yours.
Ha, Max clicked his fingers, That’s the biggest red flag of them all.
Your phone buzzes again. You turn it facedown without looking, and pull your headset on.
The circuit shudders as the anthem comes to an end. The drivers split up, pulling off ice vests and zipping up their suits. The mechanics prop chairs in front of the screen, thumping their helmets over their heads.
Almost ten years in, the anxiety still hangs heavy in your stomach. The rumble of the engines, the babble from the loudspeakers. The rapid-fire orders shot over your head in the garage.
It comes naturally to Max, sure – that doesn’t mean it’s easy for you.
You watch him as he lowers into his car. Eyes narrow and focused, blurring everything but that first bend from his vision. All good humor shaken off, replaced by a vicious hunger to hit the end of the straight first, to be a speck on the horizon before the first lap is through.
Your thumb picks at the 33 sticker on the side of your headset. You burst open the bag of pretzels.
Max checks the radio and GP replies: “Loud and clear.”
“Beautiful day,” the driver says, weaving through the formation lap. “Simply lovely.”
You smile, suckling on the salty snack. As nervous as you may feel, at least he’s having fun.
He brings the car to a soft stop on his line and waits as the others follow suit. The lights flick on one by one, a painful pause between each. One sharp breath, held at the bottom of your throat, – and the red dissolves.
The Red Bull fires down the track.
Your lungs fill with a gulp of fuel-fumed air. Veins flood with warmth – the ice-cold grip around each nerve thawed as soon as Max begins to lead the flock.
He fights off contenders for first all the way to turn four – snuffing the flame of a Ferrari here, squeezing the papaya of a McLaren there. He catapults ahead just past Hunserug, and the garage springs to cheerful life.
In your headset, the pit wall is serious, fixed on the race. They murmur over wavelengths, static fizzling between words. Voices flat and emotionless; statistics on top of statistics, strategies on top of strategies.
You crush more pretzels between your molars, watching, unblinking. You twist the cord around your index finger, draining the tip of blood, then loosen again as Max puts more than a second between his car and the next.
He’s doing good. He always does good, as far as you’re concerned.
He’s doing what he always says he was made to do. He was raised this way, weathered into shape by each storm he powered his way through. Not born, not destined – Max doesn’t believe in any of that shit.
God doesn’t drive F1 cars, he’ll say. I do.
A couple tense laps pass. The Red Bull is still up front, though he’s tussling with the Ferrari now hot on his tail. Each chance his pursuer takes, each split-second jab at his lead, Max has already squashed before it materializes.
He rips around turn fourteen, following the track through its widest bend down to fifteen, and hits the main straight to thunderous applause. The cars scream past the pits, a roar sliced in two as they barrel straight for Tarzan.
The gap is barely two tenths. The mechanics clutch their helmets. Max taunts the corner on the outside of the track, eyeing his target.
“Defend,” one of the mechanics growls. “Hold him, Max.”
The Ferrari tucks behind, its front wing edging closer and closer.
You blink.
The red car swings out, shuddering with the force of the maneuver. He steadies himself and floors it, each closing centimeter perilous.
Blink again.
They’re side by side. Almost wheel to wheel. There’s no way Max can’t see that scarlet smirk from the corner of his eye. The apex is right there, though, it’s right fucking there.
Another blink, and –
He’s gone.
He’s gone. He’s –
Hurtling off the track. At almost two hundred miles per hour. The gravel spits at him as he spins; smoke and dust billow from beneath. He slams straight into the barrier, and, finally, the moment ends.
Your chest shrinks; a weak wheeze passes your lips. “Oh, my God.”
The mechanics leap to their feet. They bark amongst themselves like a pack of angry dogs, though you can’t make out a word.
Your hearing is shot. Every sound bleeds into the next; one long, high-pitched scream. You move without thinking, without feeling; slip off the stool and tug your headset. It hits the desk with a distant clatter, though you’re already wandering away.
The sound of the crowd rattles against your skull. Numb, muted. An awful groaning sound as the cloud lifts, revealing the chewed-up car.
It’s bad. It’s the worst one in a long time. He must’ve hit that barrier at near-enough full speed. The dread fills your lungs like torrents of heavy, black water. Sickly salt, suffocating sea. Oh, God.
You scan the garage for any of his mechanics. Matt. Ole. Chris. Fucking – any of them. Who did he say would bring you to him when this was over? He said he’d meet you at the podium. He said he’d find you –
A rough hand grabs your elbow.
Max’s face flickers across your vision. Blue steel gaze, freckle above his lip. The dust pulls him away from your grasp. He hits the barrier again and again and again.
“Max –”
The voice is calm – too fucking calm, you think, when it tells you, “He’s talking. They’ve got him talking.”
“Talking,” you echo, begging it to solidify in your brain. “Can you put me on to him?”
The engineer pulls you over to the exit. He plucks at his mic, murmurs some response down the line to the team. He takes your wrist and leads you out, muttering, “C’mon.”
“Hey,” you tug on his arm, “Please let me speak to him.”
“You will,” he replies, snaking through the tight corridor. “Once he’s out, they’ll check him over. He’ll be taken in for evaluation, hitting the wall at that speed. Force must be bloody nuts.”
The thought sends another bitter stream of panic through your blood. “Can he move? Is he –? Can he get out of the car?”
He gives one quick nod. “Medics are there. They’re helping him out.”
Sunlight floods overhead, dazzling as you follow him out front and towards a sleek car. An attendant opens the door for you, and you slide into the backseat.
The engineer gives your shoulder a friendly shake. “He’ll be fine,” he says. “He’s done worse.”
The door falls closed and the car moves off, purring through the paddock towards the medical center.
You slump into your seat and press your fingers into your eyes; a headache already blooming between your temples.
He’s moving. He’s moving and he’s responding. They’re helping him up out of the car. He’s probably already being checked over.
He’s probably already asking for you.
“Jesus Christ,” you groan, fingers dragging down your cheeks.
The center is a polite little hut inside the circuit. By the time you pull up, the race has already resumed. The remaining cars whizz by as you jog over, slipping inside behind a couple guys from Max’s team.
He’s had his fair share of scraps on the track. You don’t make it to the top without a sincere sense of dare, and an even sincerer lack of fear. Some call it idiocy. You’re often one of them.
Sitting on the other side of the clinic door, though – knee jerking, nails picking at the skin on your fingers – you’d be thrilled to never see these four walls ever again. Idiot or not, you care about him.
More than anyone else in your life? Jesus. Probably.
The door clicks open, and your blood jumps.
A pale woman in a pale coat steps out. She peers over her glasses, eyes you from the sneakers on your feet to the worry on your face – and says your name.
You push yourself up, squeezing past her into the room.
Max is perched on the edge of the bed, still in his fireproofs. Hair disheveled, face flushed and exhausted. Translucent with shock or concussion or worse, he lifts his head and flashes a lopsided smile.
It’s weak, barely there – but it’s him.
You care about him more than anyone else in your life. Definitely.
He opens his arms, fingers beckoning you in. “C’mere.”
“Oh, my God,” you sweep over, already in tears by the time you meet his body, “Oh, my God – you fucking idiot.”
His shoulders shudder with a bottled laugh. He wraps his arms around your waist, turning his head against your chest. “How was I supposed to know he was going to turn into me, huh? I had the line, I was –”
“Max,” you pull back, staring into his bleary eyes, “I don’t care. Just – don’t do that ever again.”
“I didn’t do anything,” he whispers, corners of his mouth twitching.
You sigh, collapsing onto the bed at his side. You lean against him and he winces a little, before pressing his lips to the crown of your head.
“You really scared me,” you admit, turning in to his chest.
Max slings an arm around your shoulders, holding you tight. “I’m fine, no? I mean, everything’s blurry and I can’t really hear much, but – it could have been worse.”
He props the pillows against the wall and pushes himself back gingerly, reaching past you for a paper cup of water at his bedside.
You move slowly, carefully, waiting for him to get comfortable before settling back, too – leaving a safe gap between his battered body and yours. Your cheek rests on the curve of his shoulder; fingers trace the logos on his sleeves.
Max breathes in the scent of your hair. He turns his hand and watches as your fingers trail down his wrist, circling his palm. He sucks in a deep breath, sighing to the ceiling.
“Your heart’s beating really fast,” you whisper, and he hums.
“Nerves,” he mutters.
“From the race?” You lift your head. “You don’t get nervous.”
He takes another breath and turns to you. He’s blushing, and doing a shitty job at hiding it. “No,” he says. “Not from the race.”
You gulp. “Are you sore?”
“Yeah. My back, my ribs.”
“Do you want me to get up?”
“No. Stay.”
He wears the same expression he did all those years ago, sat too many people apart from one another in that drunken circle. The same expression you only allowed yourself fleeting glances at: bashful, a little awkward – all the more endearing for it.
Maybe he actually doesn’t remember that night. Maybe he was just too tipsy – alcohol gone straight to his teenage head. And maybe he won’t even remember this, what with the concussion and all.
It’d make things a hell of a lot easier, that’s for sure. You could go back to your old ways: arguing over the best flavor of chips, screaming while playing video games. No second-guessing, no jumping to conclusions. Hell, maybe you hope he doesn’t remember any of it at all.
Somewhere, though, deep down – you know that’s not true.
“How’s, uh…whatshisface?” Max asks, nudging you with his elbow. He takes a feeble sip of his water and offers you the cup.
“Oh,” you shrug, “No idea. I left my phone in the garage.”
He scoffs, staring at your lips as you take a drink. He takes the cup from your hands once you’re done. “I don’t mean to give him shit, you know. If you like him, I like him.”
“Well, there’s liking someone,” you pout, “and then there’s willingly watching them crash full-speed in a racecar.”
Max smiles, lifting his cup.
“Whoever that is, sounds pretty cool to me.”
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celestialprincesse · 8 months
Simon and his civilian, girly, pink, hyperfem gf thots
He sees her sat at the bar of the 141s local, which admittedly is seedy and kind of gross. Not the place he's want his hypothetical sister, daughter or niece to be hanging out alone.
Based on that, he can only assume that she's waiting for someone, maybe a date considering how dolled up she is in her pretty blush pink dress, the satin ribbon holding the top parts of her hair out of her face.
When she blinks over at him with alluring doll eyes, the date idea goes out the window, and the guys are all egging him on to go buy her a drink, seeing as he almost never tries it on with girls.
When her straw reaches the bare bottom of her glass, he swallows his pride and makes his way over, his burly, black clad body so at odds with her own, practically doll like next to his.
The guys never expect them to go any further, but when he (weirdly) invites them for dinner at his flat and she's pottering happily around the kitchen cooking up a storm, Kyle has to smack Johnny upside the head before he can burst out laughing.
She's so utterly lovely to them all, taking them in like the stray cats she also frequently finds herself bringing back to she and Simons place 'just to take to the shelter'. They currently have four scrawny kittens who totter around her feet wherever she goes like her own little feline entourage.
Simon explains that she's some kind of ridiculously smart child psychotherapist or something along those lines, hence why she's so welcoming, bubbly and generally wonderful.
He knew he was whipped when she got him a really fancy pocket knife for Christmas, kitted out with all the things one could ever need. He didn't ask where she got it or how much she had to cough up for a knife of that quality. He just handed her a stack of presents bigger than her head, piled full of pretty floral lingerie, makeup and a teeny box on top containing a twinkly 'SR' pendant and a little diamond charm.
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princessbrunette · 2 months
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when spoiledexgf!reader ponders on her relationship with rafe, it always come down to one thing. how on earth did they end up together in the first place? her scowl upon thinking of this would often soften into a reminiscent smile in realisation. it was his attitude that drew her in.
you remember where you were— at the county club, shock horror, and you were all alone. you weren’t in the mood to socialise that day, after one hundred things had already pissed you off you were simply there to pick up some lunch and head on home.
you frequented there, so you knew all the faces. even guys like rafe cameron, who would always stare or have something to say like you didn’t know all his tricks already. yes he was fine, but he was going to have to work a lot harder if he wanted to actually stand out.
you totter through the club in glittery sandals headed straight through to the bar where you could order your food and drink to go. you do so, and stay there whilst you wait for the order to be prepared. you’re actually lost in thought, tapping your nails on the plastic menu on the counter before you feel a big looming presence at your side.
rafe cameron leans on the counter top, already that smug little smile on his face. the one that made him look all smarmy and expensive. he’s nursing a whiskey in his hand despite the time being only along the lines of 4PM — and you move along slightly, clearing your throat. now he’s just blatantly staring at you.
rolling your eyes, you feel your lashes kiss your brows as you turn to face him. “can i help you?”
his mouth turns down in amusement as he holds his hands up defensively. “nah, just here to talk. is that… is that not okay?” he plays it off like a nice guy, but you know how fucking crazy he is. you’ve heard the tales. the future version of yourself bangs on the glass wall of the memory, begging you to just walk away.
you say nothing, turning to face the front once more. this doesn’t deter rafe from making conversation.
“y’know i uh, couldn’t help but notice how good you look today… i mean you always look fine as hell but today… mhm.” he hums, taking a sip of his whiskey and you feel him lean back just a little so he can eye you.
“thanks.” you state blankly, trying to ignore the way his special attention warmed your stomach ever so slightly. you wanted to slap yourself for being so pathetic.
“yeah… for sure.” he licks his lips before moving up alongside you to stand closer. “look, lemme get to know you, alright? i’ll take you out.” he offers.
“i have a man.” you blurt out, and it’s instantly met with a scoff that melts into a strained chuckle as he runs a hand down his face, shaking his head. oh? you blink at him. it wasn’t technically a lie. you were seeing someone, whether or not you’d call him your man was unimportant. “what?”
“nah, nothing.” he smirks, still clearly amused as the aftershock of his laugh still bubbles past his lips. “you got a man, huh? then uh, why are you here… ordering n’payin’ for your own shit?” he reaches down and gently plucks your hand off the counter, observing it. “and uh, why are your nails not done? yeah i’m not sure this guy knows what he’s doing ‘cause uh—”
you snatch your hand away, feeling your face heat as you huff. “its not your business.” you stare up at him, probably thinking you look real intimidating but those doe eyes only made you reflect the appearance of an angry little kitty-cat. you’re distracted, so when the country club worker returns with your food in its to go box, rafe maintains the eye contact with a lazy smirk, leaning over you to tap his card on the reader, paying for it.
“you’re welcome.” he states, before sliding your phone off the counter where you’d rested it and holding it out for you to take. “guess you owe me now huh? why don’t you go ahead and unlock your phone so i can put my number in there n’i’ll go ahead n’call it even. alright?” he raises his eyebrows, and you couldn’t believe it — but something about the way he was handling you made you wanna back down. submit like prey. you swallow, feeling that attitude disappearing little by little as you silently unlock your phone and hand it to him on the contact page.
he smiles, satisfied and nods before typing it in and handing it back. “text me. i’ll get you right.” he lets his lips curl up a little again, all pleased with himself as he finally steps out of your space — instantly striding off without a glance over his shoulder as he heads towards one of his friends that had just entered.
you couldn’t help your intrigue. but as the famous saying goes, curiosity killed the cat.
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littlesparklight · 2 months
Pissed off I had to get an idea and had to write it down. Anyway, something something about Odysseus, the Hesiodic children by Kalypso, and what he might be pushed to contemplate in the direst of straits.
He was content to merely recover, at first.
Seventeen days tossed at sea, starving and thirsting, had been hard, and Kalypso's cave was well-appointed, the goddess-nymph herself welcoming and soft. A respite after such despair. A soothing of both mind and body, in food, in sleep, in her soft arms.
But a year passed, and unlike with Kirke, he didn't need Polites to urge him to ask Kirke to aid them in leaving. Kalypso, however, ignored him. She might well have missed his musing at first, spoken in half-sleep desire against her breast one night; he had been distracted, and so, perhaps, had she. But when he presented the request days later at breakfast, she blinked, staring at him with large, luminous eyes, blue-gray like the storming sea, and then put a cup of wine in his hands.
A full year later many more requests voiced, her stomach was curving under his hand.
He left her cave for the day for the first time, refusing intending to stay away.
But while her island was a gentle respite, and he had seen many bushes and nut-bearing trees, and a fair few rabbits earlier (they were providing the meat she served at meals; there were no other animals aside from birds and fish in the shoals around the shores), when he went looking to make himself a meal near sunset, he could find nothing. The next morning, nothing, either.
The third day, he went back to Kalypso, and she welcomed him like he hadn't been gone.
He left the next morning, but unwilling to suffer an empty stomach and carving away at his strength, he comes back at night. To her table, and, even though he doesn't want to any longer, her bed.
There was a winter storm tearing at the cold, gray sea, not yet into the third year, when Kalypso gave birth.
"Your son, my Odysseus," she proclaimed as she came into the main room of the cave, tired but practically singing, a glow about her as she handed a swaddled bundle over. "Nausinous."
The infant was an infant, small in his arms. He didn't look like Telemachos, Odysseus was sure, but memory was a little fuzzy on the matter. He sat there, staring down at the sleeping boy, until dark lashes fluttered open. Huge, luminous blue-gray eyes meet his with the unfocused wont of babies, and Odysseus was relieved. The boy really didn't look like Telemachos.
That was what he told himself, anyway, as the months passed.
As he saw - though he tried to ignore him and Kalypso, but he had to go back in the evenings after the weather and season turned and he could flee for the day outside once more - the infant grow, past the age he'd last seen Telemachos. Those luminous eyes remained, declaring firmly who the child's mother was, and that made it - easier. But Nausinous had thick, curling dark hair and chubby cheeks and---
The delighted cry cut through the air, and Odysseus stormed out of the cave to avoid his tottering infant son attempting to walk to him.
He had never gotten to see Telemachos try to walk. He'd just about begun to crawl when the second muster was called.
Hunger and a comfortable place to sleep ever drew him back to Kalypso's cave, no matter his attempts at avoiding the cave's inhabitants. He could not avoid the child in truth, and it was hard to ignore him, to harden his heart against those huge eyes and chubby little fingers whenever they shared a table. Nausinous was quickly put in his own chair in preference of his mother's lap (he'd made it himself, Kalypso seemingly not realizing the boy couldn't sit in a regular chair just yet and growing impatient with the boy), and he was the one to dry off child-sticky chins and cheeks, he was the one to have to put the boy to bed. Odysseus knew Kalypso was partially forcing him into doing this by ignoring the child intentionally - he knew she wanted him to spend time with their son - but she also seemed to have lost interest quite quickly, as Nausinous grew out of his first few months and into his first year.
He could not imagine that happening with Penelope, and after that there would also be Eurykleia. But here there was only he and Kalypso, and Nausinous couldn't take care of himself.
Odysseus choked on a wet, half-groaning sob, dragging a hand down his face. Nausinous plopped himself down on the sand beside him, chubby, not-yet-five year old legs stretched out in front of him. He hadn't expected the boy to come all the way over here, but he was a stubborn child. And maybe he was realizing his mother didn't have much patience for him; those huge eyes seemed to be everywhere, Nausinous more quiet than he talked, watching. Odysseus didn't want to think it, but it reminded him of how both Eurykleia and his mother had described him as a child.
Had Telemachos been like that at Nausinous' age? Was he still so? Was his nature something else entirely?
"You should go back," he managed, sucked in a breath through his nose. It pushed back the tears. Kalypso was pregnant again. She'd told him this very morning. He couldn't deal with this right now.
"Papa's here," the little boy said, patting the sand into a vague tower, but they were too far up on the beach for it to hold shape. "Why?"
"… I'm missing home."
"Home?" Nausinous looked up, those huge, luminous eyes impossibly piercing for a child not quite yet five, and this was an infant, a child, yet Odysseus' heart quavered under the stare, reminding far too much of his mother.
"I came from elsewhere, before you were born," he said shortly, because he wasn't going to sit here and talk to a little child about what he missed, of Ithaka, Penelope and his son; what he was missing as the years passed - Nausinous' growing an aching reminder of that fact, and Kalypso's not-yet showing second pregnancy.
Kalypso named their second son Nausithous.
Odysseus felt like he was drowning though he was breathing sweet, clear air, ever salty with the sting from the sea. He ended up shouting at Nausinous the once, to leave him alone; to get back home, and then he regretted it as he watched the child grow pale, his eyes even larger, and try to hold back swimming tears. Regretted it even as he resented not knowing if Telemachos had ever looked like that, resented it even as he caught up with the sobbing boy and lifted him up in his arms - he was getting heavy. Regretted it, because it's not Nausinous' fault he was here, that either of them were were. If anything, it was his fault the boy was here, caught between a father weeping on the beach and a divine mother growing ever more distant as she cooed over the babe-in-arms.
And then Kalypso said she was letting him go.
He didn't believe it at first. Made her swear an oath, but she swore it willingly and gave him everything he needed to build a raft and hope sung in his breast for the first time in years.
At least until Nausinous came to watch, standing there quietly for a long while, intently watching, before he spoke up.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm going home," Odysseus said, then regretted that too, watching the luminous eyes grow hooded in the edge of his vision. Of course Nausinous would understand what he was saying out of what he wasn't saying. But he couldn't take the boy with him. Kalypso's distant face as she watched Nausinous play with a toy horse he'd carved for their son intruded on his mind. Odysseus closed his eyes. "Do you want to help? I can tell you about Ithaka."
He wasn't sure what he was doing, but distracting Nausinous with tales of home got them through three days without tears, got them through his own indecision. It wasn't a good idea, not knowing what he'd do when - if - they both came to Ithaka unscated, but he couldn't imagine leaving Nausinous here. Kalypso could keep Nausithous - at a couple months, the infant barely knew more than his mother's breast, anyway.
And surely now that she'd had one child she might be more ready to deal with her second. Not that Odysseus had ever considered it possible a woman wouldn't want her own children, whether she had a nurse for them or not. But Kalypso was a goddess-nymph - what did he know of the workings of divine women?
The raft was packed, he was half a breath from stepping onto it, and turned around.
Kalypso caught her breath, her eyes shining, but Odysseus held a hand out to his five year old son.
"Do you want to come with me?"
The boy flew over, colliding with his legs and Odysseus could only hope this wasn't a mistake. Could only push down the sour resentment over never having had Telemachos do something like this to him, forcing him to try to catch his balance.
"Well," Kalypso said, her voice tight, a storm in her eyes. "If you're taking the one, you can take the other, too."
Odysseus didn't get a chance to say anything as she shoved their baby son at him, and the wind pushed him and Nausinous onto the raft, as well as the raft out into the water.
It went… fine, at first. Despite that he had an armful of baby and a five year old with him.
Then came the storm. Odysseus wasn't sure how he survived that, even less how he still had both children with him, Nausithous against his chest and Nausinous clinging to the mast with him. Especially when he'd had to tear both his and the boy's clothes off to ensure they weren't too heavy and got dragged down.
The problem, in the end, wasn't the storm or the rough sea; there was land so very close by. The problem was that the storm refused to abate, the sea refusing to calm, and he was only a single man with two arms. Nausinous eyes were so very huge, even larger in his tired, pale face. There was no way he'd be able to hold on, and the mast wasn't really large enough to support both of them easily. It kept dipping at the ends, in the middle, with each and every wave. If it sank, they were both lost. And the baby in his arms made it harder to both cling to the mast himself, as well as keep Nausinous from slipping off the mast and into the waters.
Odysseus stared at the distant, yet so very close shore. Stared at his sons, one beside him, one against his chest.
It'd be so much easier if he was alone.
It wouldn't guarantee he would survive, but it would be easier, and neither of these two children were Telemachos.
Nausinous cried out, choking on sea water, as a wave slammed over and into them. Odysseus, heart hammeing in his chest - guilt, anger, frustration - shoved his hand under the surface and caught his son by the hair, yanking him up and holding him there until he was clinging to the wet, water-swollen wood again.
It would've been so easy to not snatch him back.
It would have been so much simpler and easier to let Telemachos die to the plough, too; it would've kept him home for these decades, would've kept him away from the sea, away from all of this. That had been unthinkable then, and he still couldn't imagine doing that to Telemachos now. Odysseus glanced down once more, to the baby and the five year old beside him.
He was so tired.
He had done what he had to, with Iphigenia. And he had done what had seemed necessary, when it came to the son of Hektor; they were, after all, killing all the men of Troy, and letting the son of the man who'd been so troublesome, the heir to king Priam himself escape merely because some had sympathy to his wife, who undoubtedly was a worthy, stalwart woman and mother was foolish. Not safe. He would do what he had to, to ensure Troy could never retaliate.
Others' children, that.
And now, if he only had both arms, he could keep himself as well as Nausinous on the mast more easily. If there was only him, he wouldn't have to worry about the weight on the mast being too much. If he---
"Unhappy man!"
Odysseus almost drowned himself in his surprise when a goddess rose from the sea.
He did not need to follow his line of thought to the end, or his growing willingness to do so for his own sake. Not even when Poseidon sent yet more waves at them; the veil Leucothea gave him helped keep the boys safe and his strength sure enough, even when struggling until the nearby river god at his plea stilled the waters close to his outflow. And as he staggered onto the shore, both children still with him, Odysseus ignored the guilty weight in his heart with grim determination, for he needed to see both to himself and the boys, and could not linger on the revelation that in the end, it wasn't just other's children he might have been willing to sacrifice.
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